#etho and doc WILL make up. eventually.
shepscapades · 4 months
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dredgesnails · 5 months
stardew valley au where joel and skizz are new residents to pelican town (hermit town?). joel just inherited a large farm from his late grandfather and skizz is moving in with his old friend after reconnecting with him and wanting a fresh start. and the townspeople are like, kinda weird.
bdubs is fine enough - he’s a sweet man with a fun personality and he’s the local builder, but it’s almost frightening how fast he constructs new buildings when joel needs them. pearl, their resident postmaster, is also pretty normal other than the fact that skizz never seems to be awake early enough to catch her delivering mail. scar is lovely but he’s never available when joel wants another chicken. the mayor, xisuma, is pleasant too, if a little eccentric at times, but he doesn’t really seem to do much in town.
for the most part, skizz is settling in well. he’s moved in with impulse, who runs the local blacksmith in town, and he gets along well with most of the local townspeople. he’s started spending his evenings at the local saloon listening to ren regale the patrons with fantastical tales while he and stress serve up food and drinks, and he finds himself growing close with cleo, the local sculptor. he even gets a new wardrobe from hypno free of charge, and sometimes helps cub out with his totally scientific studies and creations.
skizz also joins forces with beef (who helps to supply the local general store that xb and keralis run) in terrorising the local manager of the corporate chain grocery store that no one likes. doc is a terrible manager but would make a fun supervillain (according to joe hills, the bookseller who appears once in a blue moon but seems to know doc more than anyone in town).
joel, on the other hand, seems to only be interacting with the strangest residents in town. he discovers the adventurer’s guild after only a couple weeks, and is only somewhat irritated by iskall’s refusal to pronounce his name correctly. false promises to give him prizes if he can kill enough monsters, which is not something joel had expected to be doing when he pictured farm life, but here he is. he stumbles upon a travelling cart one day, and the man inside insists he’s a knight from a faraway land, that he risked his life to make it all the way here to sell his wares. it’s all stuff joel can get cheaper elsewhere.
he’s pretty sure the local doctor has no real medical training, but then he passes out while fighting monsters and he wakes up completely fine, so zedaph probably knows what he’s doing. maybe. when joel isn’t passing out he sometimes makes trips to the library-slash-museum, which is probably almost completely empty because mumbo, who begs joel for anything to display, looks like he’s never fought a duggie in his life. eventually mumbo gives joel a key to the sewers, which are way cooler than they have any right to be, and that’s where he finds jevin’s secret sewer shop. jevin lives in town. he just also has a shop hidden underground. joel has stopped asking questions by now.
and then there are the three who live by the beach. etho spends most of his time tinkering around the fishing hut or hovering around bdubs, but sometimes he drives the bus to the desert. only sometimes. there might be something under his mask. no one knows for sure. gem runs the fish shop most days and she claims she’s a sailor, but joel has never seen a single working boat around despite all the ocean. she can also hold her breath underwater for an uncannily long amount of time, like, scarily so, and will sometimes disappear for a few days and return with an abundance of treasures. joel has never seen her leave by boat. grian fishes a lot and runs the shop when gem can’t, and he sometimes talks as though the sea can speak to him. skizz has caught him staring into space for extended periods of time. one time he waded into the water and just stood there, head down, muttering to himself.
apparently there used to be a lighthouse but “it’s gone now”. gem says if they ask bdubs nicely enough maybe they can build another one, but she and grian are banned from build requests after the last incident with their pet snails (joel has never seen the snails, but scar complains about them enough to convince him they’re real).
there also might be some kind of wizard who lives in the creepy tower in the woods. skizz has heard he’s the one who helps maintain the power in the valley, and joel’s convinced he hallucinated seeing him once until he recieves a letter from the wizard himself, and visits him only to find that the strange fire-creature he saw that one time was, in fact, tango, who is human for the most part, he just sets himself on fire sometimes.
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boatboysrowout · 2 months
please tell us more about the mall au, specifically etho and his pipe bomb, i need an entire thing of him running from the cops (i am your number one fan ignore that i only just found out about you that doesnt matter)
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hey guys. wanna hear about white castle pipe bomb c plot?
this may come as a surprise to some, but etho is a natural at customer service. he’s always been a pretty chill guy- it takes a lot to faze him, probably a consequence of his proclivity towards explosives in his early years. that calm exterior translates well to working the front desk of a local electronics repair store (not that he had needed a summer job, really, but doc and beef both went home for the summer, and someone kept leaving him visa-friendly job applications in every nook and cranny of his dorm- he found one in his cereal a few weeks before finals, and even that one had nothing on the one he found folded up in his toothpaste).
that being said, being good at customer service doesn’t mean that he’s completely immune to the agonies of said customer service. being good at customer service just means that after the eighteenth laptop he has to factory reset while a teenaged boy swears up and down he had not in fact clicked on a link for sexy singles in his area, etho’s able to wait until the boy leaves before attempting to gouge out his other eye.
he’s searching for a screwdriver when his phone buzzes with a text, and after a longing look at his toolbox etho flips his sign to closed and heads over to the white castle. he makes a quick stop at the arcade tango mans to set a new high score on the pinball machine, effectively guaranteeing tango will be glued to the pinball machine until he regains the top leaderboard spot, and then continues on his way to the white castle, spirits high. 
etho’s good mood abruptly vanishes after stepping into the white castle, as bdubs has apparently deemed etho’s delay in arrival unforgivable and is now withholding the free fries etho had been promised.
etho slumps himself over the front counter, not unlike a wet cat, and starts causing a scene, whining about his awful day full of idiot teens and potential self mutilation that can only be staved off with free food. bdubs staunchly ignores him and cleo threatens to pour hot oil on his head.
eventually actual paying customers come in and etho’s continued presence becomes a problem, so bdubs heaves a sigh and offers the fries to etho as long as he pays full price for them, to which etho, an extreme couponer, reacts appropriately.
etho’s eye narrows as he peels himself off of the front counter, demanding the fries free of charge. bdubs refuses. cleo smacks bdubs on the back of the head and tells him to just give etho the fries so he'll go away.
etho gives bdubs one last chance to give him the fries for free, and by the time bdubs physically removes him from the premises etho is already plotting his revenge and heading straight back to the art store to collect a favor.
(you see, somewhere between the fifth and eighth laptop etho had to factory reset, tango texted him that he managed to jailbreak the pinball machine to accept a quarter for unlimited plays, and etho abandoned his job immediately to take advantage of the incredible deal.  
that was his intention, anyway. but what happened is this: etho had never really shaken off the hold explosives have over him. after he’d been put on a five different government watchlists by the time he was seventeen he’d taken a step back and started focusing more on computing and getting into college and other projects that were less likely to necessitate seizure by the canadian government. he’s clean. he left that life behind him.
when the sound of an explosion comes from the cute little art shop as etho walks past, there’s not a second of hesitation before he swung the front doors open and entered the shop.
it hadn’t taken him long to locate the source of the explosion, following a trail of smoke down a half hidden flight of stairs to a door with a hastily scrawled sign on it reading 'SUPER TALL AND HANDSOME EMPLOYEES ONLY.’
etho opened the door, walking into what has to be the world’s most pathetic meth lab. in the corner there was a stack of cardboard boxes labeled NOT DRUGS/DEFINITELY LEGAL SUBSTANCES. beakers filled with unidentifiable substances were bubbling over onto the table. a laptop near etho’s foot displayed results for a google search of ‘how to tell if a cut needs stitches and also how long can you set yourself on fire without going to hospital.’
“THIS ISN’T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.” a man who etho vaguely recognized from grian's beginning of summer introductions had shouted, throwing his body over the contents of the table in a desperate attempt to hide the beakers from view. a few shattered under his weight and etho heard him stifle a whimper. “everything here is perfectly normal and also legal.”
breaking bad played quietly from a tv somewhere in the background.
etho raised an eyebrow.)
in the end, they manage to work out a deal: etho would not call the cops or tell anyone about joel's secret little operation and in return, joel owed etho a favor.
and now etho will cash that favor in.
(“so let me get this straight. you’re pissed your friend wouldn’t give you chips for free and your first instinct is to go to a meth lab and steal my meth supplies to get back at him.”
“failed meth lab. and yup.”
“there’s something wrong with you.”
“at least i know how to make meth.”
“wait, you what.”)
they start small. prank calls, anonymous yelp reviews calling the really loud cashier short, launching fireworks through the drive-thru window. it doesn’t take long for them to get bored with that though, which leads to bdubs walking into the white castle one morning to discover a horse standing in the middle of the lobby. 
the horse seems very at peace with the situation, wandering over to chew on bdub’s hair as he sputters and cleo ignores the situation entirely. bdubs is left with the task of removing the horse from the store, except the horse seems to be taller than the doorway and not particularly interested in leaving, so eventually bdubs is forced to give up. There’s just a horse in their lobby now. 
it doesn’t take bdubs very long to become attached to the horse, much to the detriment of cleo. she’s running the white castle single handedly by the end of the second day, serving customers and manning the kitchen while bdubs whispers sweet nothings to the horse in the makeshift horse stall he made in the women’s restroom. 
it’s pointless to try and reason with bdubs, so cleo makes her way over to the art store basement where joel and etho have set up their base of operations. ignoring the now functioning meth lab, she demands the horse be removed from the premises in exchange for a reasonable one free small fry per week. 
reasonable to cleo, and least. both jeol and etho scoff at her offer and demand at least one large fry per day each, to which cleo laughs in their faces. she doesn’t bother making a counter offer, simply turning on her heel and walking out of the basement. she pauses for a moment at the front of the shop to make sure she hadn’t been followed before grabbing her lighter from her pocket, casually flicking it on and taking a step towards the tissue paper.
by the time joel and etho notice something is amiss the fire department has arrived, and they’re barely able to hide the evidence of their operation before firefighters are breaking down the door, carrying them out through the art shop, entirely engulfed in flames. 
(“so in retrospect, ripping all the smoke detectors out of the ceiling probably wasn’t a great idea on your part.”
“how was i to know i was gonna get into a war with an arsonist, all i wanted to do was mind my own business and make meth!”
“fail at making meth.”
“shut up.”)
now relocated behind the counter at etho’s repair shop, joel and etho prepare their final attack.
the plan is simple: using supplies salvaged from the meth lab, etho will construct a smoke bomb and throw it through the white castle drive through window while joel takes advantage of the distraction and steals all the fries the white castle possesses.
making the smoke bomb is a piece of cake, and when joel isn't looking etho sneaks a few of his own more... volatile substances into his backpack. just in case.
joel enters the white castle and cleo immediately clocks him due to joel being the most suspicious person alive always, but she cannot be arsed to investigate. it’s been a long fucking week. joel knows what will happen if he messes with her.
bdubs, however, feels an impending sense of doom through his Etho Senses and rushes over to the drive-thru window and whips it open, immediately screaming at the sight of etho across the road winding up his arm with a smoke bomb in his hand.
and that’s when things really start to go wrong.
because here’s the thing: etho’s been missing an eye for most of his life. he knows his depth perception is shit. but he’s so caught up in the adrenaline of the moment, and bdubs screaming isn’t exactly helping him focus, and listen the baseball scene in canada isn’t exactly thriving-
all of this is to say that etho activates the smoke bomb, winds up, and promptly chucks it five feet to the left of the drive through window. it bounces off the side of the building and rolls to a stop against the tire of the car that had been pulling up to order.
several things happen in very quick succession:
1. the smoke bomb begins pouring out smoke, completely obscuring etho from view and flooding into the white castle
2. bdubs attempts to continue screaming but immediately regrets it as copious amounts of smoke invade his lungs
3. the car which had previously been pulling up to the drive through attempts to exit the scene as quickly as possible, but due to the aforementioned copious amounts of smoke misjudges where the road turns and makes a hard left directly into the wall of the white castle
the very same wall where bdubs had leashed his horse mere minutes before, and the very same wall joel had been creeping along.
the horse and joel are immediately flattened, and upon seeing this bdubs’ impassioned screaming reaches pitches previously unknown to man, and all hell breaks loose.
cleo starts cackling and arms herself with a makeshift flamethrower thrown together with hairspray and a personalized lighter. bdubs attempts to leap out of the drive-thu window but his foot gets stuck and he falls out of the building, crumpling to the ground in a still screaming heap before scrambling back up through the drive-thru window and into the fray. joel manages to claw his way out of the rubble, finds himself face to face with cleo and her flamethrower, and has half a second to regret the his and hers shrek mugs that trapped him in this stupid country before he’s running for his life. 
etho himself ends up sitting peacefully on the bench outside the white castle entrance, his mask helpfully filtering out most of the smoke. it’s lucky he grabbed some extra materials from joel’s lab really, he knew bdubs wouldn’t hand over the fries without a fight. 
he’s in the middle of assembling a device that’ll definitely get him put on the american government’s watchlist and ignoring the screams coming from inside when two men rush past him into the white castle, shouting something about justice and burgers. etho waits for a second, and almost immediately they come rushing back out. he waves at their retreating figures, one of whom he’s pretty sure is the theater kid that tried to put on a one man show of macbeth during welcome week.
etho wraps the fuse around his pipe bomb and stands up, brushing the debris off of his pants and strolling into the fray.
he finds bdubs almost immediately, the man standing on the counter and clearly audible even over the fire alarms and incessant swearing from joel and cleo, who now both have improvised flamethrowers and are duking it out in the kids play area. despite the smoke bduds and etho lock eyes instantly, bdubs paling a few shades when he sees what etho has in his hand.
bdubs jumps off the counter and attempts to run to etho, but is cut off by an entirely engulfed in flames joel. it seems that bdubs did not learn a single lesson about the flammability of his hair product from his run in with grian at the beginning of the summer, because his hair bursts into flames after the slightest brush from joel, and this time cleo isn’t standing nearby with a fire extinguisher.
it should be noted that most of the white castle is entirely engulfed in flames at this point. etho’s at the center of it all, cradling his pipe bomb like a baby and searching furiously for his promised free french fries. 
he’s stopped by cleo who meets his eyes, smiles wide, and lights the pipe bomb fuse. 
etho and cleo stare at the wreckage of the white castle. look at each other. look back at the rubble.
the sirens in the distance are distinctly closer now, and both etho and cleo abruptly realize how much evidence is contained on their person. 
“joel’s probably fine.” cleo says. “i saw him run into the walk in freezer after i burnt away the last of his clothes and hair.”
etho nods. “bdubs is too short to get crushed by rubble.”
cleo hums agreement. they stand side by side for a moment longer before cleo turns to etho.
“well, i won’t tell if you won’t.”
with that she turns on her heel and walks away. etho sticks around for a few more minutes, watching the flames die down and the last of the white castle crumble. he digs around in his pocket for a moment and pulls out a blackened handful of fries, yanking his mask down to shove them in his mouth as emergency services skid into the parking lot. 
sticking around turns out to be a mistake, etho quickly realizes, as his white hair reflects the light from the police cars and catches the attention of every officer there. he takes off at a sprint, pulling his mask back up and booking it straight into moving traffic, dodging cars and leaving the yells of the police officers and the rubble behind him.
and that’s the last anyone sees of etho that summer.
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chipperchemical · 3 months
it's time for my annual insanity arc, so here is every hermit/traffic ship that i actively enjoy and 1 headcanon for each one! (worth mentioning that i love most ships, these are just my favourites)
Grian x Mumbo (Grumbo) -> Grian is the only one who can bring Mumbo out of his redstone hyper-focus mode by cooking him unnecessarily gourmet meals and pretending to be sad when Mumbo doesn't instantly sit down to eat with him.
Grian x Scar (Scarian) -> When Scar's in his wheelchair, Grian will run around while pushing him and sing the Mario Kart star song at full volume.
Grian x Bdubs (Gridubs) -> They have a STRICT nighttime routine and if anyone interrupts then they will never hear the end of it.
Grian x Doc (Gridoc) -> Grian keeps bringing different animals home and Doc keeps trying to say no, but every single one grows on him eventually.
Grian x Mumbo x Scar (Mumscarian) -> Mumbo keeps trying to convince the other two to eat redstone, but he's only successfully convinced Scar.
Bdubs x Doc (Bdoc) -> The absolute embodiment of the sunshine/moon trope, but Doc is the sunshine and Bdubs is the moon.
Bdubs x Etho (Ethdubs) -> Etho likes trying on dresses and skirts and gives Bdubs little catwalk fashion shows.
Bdubs x Impulse (Impdubs) -> Extremely sweet to each other while destroying their enemies.
Bdubs x Keralis (Kerdubs) -> They spend every Sunday eating cereal and watching a movie in bed.
Bdubs x Mumbo (Bedstone) -> Mumbo's fast food order is always incorrect and Bdubs is the one who has to ask the worker to correct it.
Bdubs x Zedaph x Impulse x Tango x Skizz (BZITS) -> The ONLY thing that makes them all chill out after hard days is a massive cuddle pile in their nest of blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.
Cub x Scar (Cubscar) -> When they're close to each other, their eyes get slightly bluer and their prankster urges get stronger, like a physical biological change.
Cub x Doc (Docub) -> They constantly dress up as Dr Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Monster for Halloween, and they switch who is who every year.
Doc x Etho (Detho) -> Doc leaves little gifts and bouquets around Etho's base, but Etho either doesn't see them or has zero idea who they're from until Doc brings it up.
Doc x Ren (Rendoc) -> The fathers of the server.
Doc x Joel (Doel) -> They are the most stubborn and competitive couple to the point that the others can't tell if they're on the verge of breaking up or not -- they never are.
Doc x Zedaph x Impulse x Tango x Skizz (DZITS) -> They regularly smoke zaza together and bake brownies.
Etho x Joel (Smalletho) -> Their only petnames for each other are vicious insults.
Impulse x Skizz (Skizzpulse) -> Impulse doesn't typically like touch, but Skizz's hugs are so warm and comforting that he doesn't mind one bit.
Impulse x Zedaph x Tango (ZIT) -> Tango and Impulse have amazing body heat while Zedaph is always cold, so their cuddles are the perfect temperature.
Impulse x Zedaph x Tango x Skizz (ZITS) -> The other Hermits figured out that they were a polycule after extreme confusion over why they all kiss each other.
Impulse x Tango x Skizz (ITS) -> Impulse and Skizz both use Tango as a heat pack for their wings and chronic pains.
Tango x Jimmy (Ranchers) -> They're both the absolute best gift-givers and always give each other the perfect presents.
Skizz x Tango x Jimmy (Jizzango) -> Jimmy goes non-verbal sometimes so they all know sign language and are experts at Charades.
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kojitheopossum · 1 month
if its not too spoilery- can i ask what the other characters' general opinion on the weird thing eeltho and bdubs have going on ? even if they will never canonically have thoughts on it just.. conceptually
grian and cleo: they both find it really strange and disconcerting, but ultimately don’t try and stop him at all. They’re both of the mindset that he’s a freak but he’s also a grown ass man and can make his own really dumb decisions. Both of them will eventually share their thoughts
gem: i don’t think she would reallyy have an opinion she thinks they’ve just kinda bonded and is happy about it. It’s not that she’s bad at picking up what’s going on between them, it’s that she thinks there’s surely no way that can be right and she must be wrong.
pearl: she never gets to see their interactions, but she does feel a bit concerned for bdubs as he stays later and later. I’m sure grians complained about the pair to her, but i doubt she fully believed him.
doc: He is so tired . this is the third god damn employee he’s going to loose to the fish that he hates. He is fully convinced that bdubs has fallen for ethos tricks and that ethos just manipulating him for fun until he eventually kills him. However, like mentioned before, bdubs is a grown man and all doc can really do is just warn him. Doc and bdubs will sorta argue over his attachment to etho in the future.
scar: He never gets to witness them but from everything cleo and grian have told him separately it’s extremely funny and he will support bdubs whole heartedly because of that.
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
we're BACK!
the sun-burned beauty updates we've been waiting to read were... certainly NOT what we were expecting, but... i mean... i'm not complaining!
also DESERT DUO??? the desert duo content has finally arrived! and im already SO excited!!!
but now i'm home, and i can create all the fanart i want! ...hopefully. my motivation is as bad as ever.
for the rest of this ask, a bit random, but here are my silly thoughts about what would happen if the TTSBC pairings (and some extra friends) went kayaking together!
Desert Duo: Naturally, the obvious way would be for Scar to sit in the back. And at first, they tried that, but he kept getting distracted and losing rhythm over and over again. Eventually, Grian got mad and moved him to the front. Apart from that... hurdle, I think they would do really well at this type of exercise. Scar wouldn't have to use his braces, and both probably have great muscles and condition from their side hustle. That is, if they can stay awake from how little sleep they get.
Flower Husbands: Scott really didn't want Jimmy to do this with his back pain, but he insisted he would be fine, and Scott eventually relented. He still wouldn't let him sit in the back, though. I think they would be one of the most coordinated pairings in here - when Scott is not trying to splash Martyn, which he totally takes the chance at every time they get near.
Zedango: Tango SHOULD NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, be on a kayak. But it sounded so fun, and Zed really wanted to try kayaking for the first time, and if he stayed he would've drowned himself in work again, so they just wrapped him up in waterproof clothing and rowed very, VERY carefully. He ended up getting wet multiple times, underplaying the damage EVERY SINGLE TIME. They're dead last, and Tango's hands are water-burned all over by the time they get to the end, but they insist it was still a fun time. Zed's in the back - yes, it's his first time, but he quickly figured it out.
Treebark: Ren's got it. He totally can push the kayak on his own, Martyn doesn't have to do anything. But he still wanted to feel helpful, so he got an oar himself. It still got used mostly for the arbitrary splash war between him and Scott, and not for actual rowing.
Jizzie: Joel sits in the back, if only to satiate his own ego. Lizzie would probably be more competent than him, hunting clan and all. But they both are putting in the work, and enjoying the break from running a bakery as much as they can. Of course, Joel had to get some modifications made. The kayak is not butterfly friendly. 0/10.
Doctho: Unlike Martyn, Etho doesn't bother with false illusions of actually contributing anything. Doc's biotech can do it just fine, no sweat, so Etho's just going to enjoy the ride. They're closer to the back, keeping an eye on all of their 'little ones' - ESPECIALLY Tango.
Nature Wives: I like to think Katherine is the one who came up with the whole kayaking idea. She invited everyone, got the kayaks sorted, and found a suitable place (surely there are decent lakes in the under-city - Katherine herself fell in one). She's probably also sitting in the back and teaching Shelby how to row.
Gem & Pearl: My Shiny Duo heart wants to put them on a kayak so bad! They're not together, but would totally make short work of all these couples and their coordination. I can see them both in the back or front, but I'll put Pearl in the back just because as an avian, she definitely has a lot of back and arm strength. They're menaces, going in circles and splashing everyone. Nobody's safe from them! (Except Zedango)
Impulse: What's a kayaking trip without a nice lunch at the end? And for that to happen, someone has to give up one space on their kayak just for the supplies. I think Impulse would be great here. He's got the stamina needed to push a kayak on his own. As for the supplies... him, Gem and Pearl volunteered, so it may be just soup. (It totally is just soup.)
If someone wants to draw this, be my guest!
A bonus thought: isn't it wild how TTSBC!Scar would most likely be a Gryffindor, but TT!Scar a Slytherin?
I perhaps spent a little too long rolling around laughing about this 😆
Especially the image of Martyn getting paddled along faster than a speedboat because REN and meanwhile Zed and Tango are like going as slow as possible and Tango just keep going 'ouch! ow! ah!' because of the little droplets hitting him 😅 And Impulse just paddling along by himself with the big old picnic baskets stacked up in his boat, that's so cute! What a lovely outing for the group!
So glad you're back and enjoyed the end of Sun-Burned Beauty!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
okay i know solving counting sheep is an evo fic first and foremost but i'm super curious how the hermits end up dealing with three. it sounds like this is the kind of hermitcraft thats already a sanctuary for weirdos, but i feel like someone whos skin is feathers and wears a mask they can't see out of is a new level of strange. also, would pearl canonically still join the hermits after a few seasons in that universe? sorry to bombard you with questions when you already have a lot queued up LMAO
okay so this is like, a BIG QUESTION, and another one i've talked about with @strifetxt. we've noodled around a lot so off the top of my head, here's a few answers to "things we think three might do on hermitcraft"! (with the note: none of this is CANON. just because i'm saying it, word of god style, doesn't mean that's actually what HAPPENS, you can have your own story and headcanon for this in your head.)
three joins in season seven, not six, in my head. i'm not even going to try to pretend to guess what a season six without grian looks like just know that apparently happens.
three gets like, SUPER into the head games, because its a way to use its combat skills to HELP SOMEONE why wouldn't it get super into that? this is the first real introduction most of the hermits have to three. the hermits are like "okay mumbo where on earth did you find someone this good at murder". mumbo is like "who knows".
we were definitely joking that outside of hermits who know how to recognize a watcher (iskall, probably xisuma, i'd say also maybe like... doc or ren), the hermits just kind of assume three is autistic and roll with it from there because the idea the hermits, on being told three's actual circumstances, go "why would we guess that mumbo you said you met it hiding in a bar from overstimulation with you" is VERY FUNNY TO ME.
we were debating if election still happens; three is less likely to set up events on its own but IS likely to accidentally do something a little overboard.
our hack for if we wanted three to do the election is as follows: mumbo makes a joke with like, scar, about wanting to be mayor, three takes this completely literally, three and false end up in a cold war of "who is the scarier person NOT to vote for as mayor". meanwhile scar is vibing and a sith lord backing stress is very concerned.
grumbot does not happen. i don't think there's a world where three does grumbot.
three DOES befriend etho, at first to learn how to do interiors better, since etho is doing the all-interiors base, but later because etho's brand of tomfoolery actually works well with three. TWO weird dorks in masks now.
i think three would LOVE free glass. it and etho would make the world's Most pranks i think, all of which are technically what they were asked for. three helps work for shade-e-e's.
there's definitely more stuff we've talked about that i've missed and ALSO these aren't necessarily canon! you may have your own COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEA of what happens post-scs, which is fine! this was us waffling around about what would be fun to have happen, haha.
as for pearl... i like to think she does eventually still join hermitcraft, after a few years of texting back and forth with three and a bit more healing. she deserves it.
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hmshermitcraft · 9 months
I'm not the anon who sent the "grian and doc are brothers" ask, but your "those pining will have to get through some shovel talk" addition gave me this idea
Doc is not the brother to worry about! Scar and Mumbo were terrified to confess their feelings towards Grian because of what Doc would think of them sorta becoming a part of his family. Once they got over it and were happily snuggled up to each other in Grian's living room, Doc walked in and did a solid one-two double take at the scene. The three of them froze but Doc just told them not to eat his granola. That was it!! The same Doc that is known for breaking the very building blocks of reality over a minor inconvenience had nothing to say!
However, Grian....he sure is something!
Ren has no problem making his feelings known, and when he realized that his growing affection for Doc was indeed romantic, there was no hesitation in confessing. Luckily Doc was asleep when Grian saw them laying together on the couch so he didn't go full Watcher, "Be Not Afraid" on Ren, but it was a near thing. Ren has had a few partners before Doc, and he's had his fair share of shovel talk. Nothing quite compares to having a Watcher decide that You Are Now Listening to what they have to say. Luckily Ren and Doc would continue to love each other and Grian would eventually come around to Ren being a familiar, nonthreatening addition to the flock and not an intruder needing to be dealt with.
Funnily enough, since Grian didn't properly meet Etho until late into season 7, and Etho is one of Doc's bestest buds, Grian did try to intimidate him. Etho was generally unfazed, though he was surprised the first time they ran into each other by the time Grian rolled up to the monstrosity with a Look in his eye, Etho was ready and waiting. Etho is of the void, and even a Watcher can't gaze too deep without getting hurt.
The brothers are fiercely protective of each other, which is why they're on opposite sides so often. They can control the severity of the conflict, make sure they don't get hurt, that nothing goes too far, and in this case, Doc is the one to worry about. But otherwise, Grian is the loose canon to keep an eye on.
Nowadays it's not uncommon to see one or the other taking care of the significant others of their brother. Scar and Mumbo, though banned from the perimeter, are always welcome home on a technicality. Doc takes care of them like he takes care of Grian, which is tough love and lots of gifts. Ren keeps finding things he's lost, items just appear on his desk even though they've been lost for years. He thanks Grian by politely avoiding eye contact and getting at hard to reach pinfeathers behind Grian's ears.
Scar and Mumbo are very aware the situation may be different if they hurt Grian - something they never intend on doing. It's encouraged them to learn how to resolve conflicts in a healthy way, so they can thank Doc for that!
Doc has a lot of love for his growing family. The two spent so long on their own, Doc adores having people he knows randomly walk in and say hi. To find Mumbo or Scar passed out on his sofa, or cooking in the kitchen. Most of all, he likes seeing Grian happy. They're doing a good job of that.
Grian thinks the same. It's just also his given right to be a nuisance to people Doc cares about at any opportunity. If they can put up with him then they're good enough for Doc!
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days-until-burnout · 3 months
Day 2 -
Characters - Jimmy/Tango || Etho/Joel Words - 500 Time - 30 mins Content - fluff
When the first fireworks explode in the sky, the world lights up for a moment. A whistle, long and drawn, then the sky fills with sparks of color. The rest follow suit, whistles and explosions in the vastness of up there. Down here, where the people are, it’s filled with awe and cheers, bright and sparkling eyes. Smiles and grins; pink faces from running, from the cold; laughter loud and jolly. Arms around each other, holding each other tight as the night never ends. It feels like it won’t ever end, how many people wish it won’t ever end?
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Jimmy whispers into the crook of Tango’s neck, half of his face lit up with the light show. Tango’s hand falls on top of his, warm as he hugs him lightly. 
“It’s okay,” Tango whispers back, turns his head slightly, face pressed against Jimmy’s as his free hand raises to the back of Jimmy’s head, fingers on his hair. He smiles, Jimmy smiles twice as wide. “You’ve got an early morning tomorrow. I’ll drop by after. You can stay over then.”
Jimmy pouts, buries his face into Tango’s collar, squeezes him tighter. Tango laughs, joyous thing that makes feelings bubble in Jimmy’s stomach. Everything, so warm despite the slight chill, the wind, how it carries the sound of everyone around. How they fit together, how they all fit together yet there is separation, individual worlds—all united under one sky, sharing a moment of their lives to watch the fireworks. 
Tango runs his fingers through Jimmy’s hair, looks up to watch a shell explode, eyes glinting with the red and yellows like fire. So bright, so alive. He smiles, feels Jimmy’s smile press on his neck. His hand slides from his hair to his upper arm, staying there, holding him back. 
His eyes stray a moment, nearby, momentary worry soothed as he returns his attention to the stars—to Jimmy. 
“Room for another?” Joel asks as he sits down beside Etho, ignoring his eyes and quickly following the path of the shooting shells. He crosses his arms on his knees, allows the fireworks to light up his face, decides to ignore the worries and everything for one night. 
“Might be a tight squeeze,” Etho says eventually, softly, like he isn’t really sure he should speak. Joel gives him a glance, their eyes meet briefly, and it’s not a fight they should be having tonight. It can wait. 
Maybe something aches at the silence, at the distance, the sound deafened by the joy around. If it breaks, if it mends.
Joel isn’t sure, but Etho’s arm goes around his shoulders, pulls him in as their bodies press together. It’s cold, cool where they touch, but it’s alright. In time things heal, in time the ice melts. Tonight, though, they can enjoy things as they are; tomorrow is another day. 
He scoffs, smiles as he looks up again, “But you saved me a seat.”
hmmmmmm this is technically cheating because i wrote this a couple days ago. but it was cluttering my writing doc so off to tumblr it goes. also, i will figure out tagging on the weekend. who am i telling this? no one. i just like talking to myself
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cattimeswithjellie · 3 months
Liveblogging Scar Stream, 6/8/24, Part 1
I missed the first 15 minutes, I'll backfill it later.
16:00 Visit to the train, Scar explains the change in design of his train. His previous caboose idea wasn’t working, so he came up with the “villains” (hostile mobs) car. We get a look at Frank, who is having about as good a time as the hanging blue bird in the garden car. Scar says that the new design for the caboose will be with the caboose tethered to the train but floating in on balloons.
18:00 Scar finds Tango’s copper farm and “helps” with the redstone. He then goes to visit Tango at his factory. Tango admires the on/off light Scar has added, and they discuss The Emperor’s New Groove and the fact that Scar’s headphones are very broken.
22:00 Tango shows Scar how the drowned farm works, Scar is unable to escape the water current and dies in the farm while Tango watches in bemused disbelief from two blocks away. He respawns at his chest monster and returns to the farm. Chat asks whether he produced copper. Scar asks if that was on purpose and Tango said he assumed a human would simply walk out of the farm. Cub shows up and presents Scar with a water breathing potion. Tango retrieves and returns Scar’s things. Tango makes a joke about Scar’s ability to escape the water, Scar jokes that he must be losing the ability to walk in Minecraft as well. Tango has no response to that and Scar, triumphant, returns to his train.
26:30 Scar catches up with donos, a chatter makes a donation to “wheelchair fund” and Scar says he has so many wheelchair rants stored up that he is dangerously close to a mega-rant. He takes Chat to the villain car to get critique about whether the dragon actually looks like a dragon. Chat is generally encouraging. Tango (in game chat) says it looks like a dragon who went through a blender.
29:45 Scar wants to put a ravager in the villain car, but eventually turn the car into a mob farm. He says he has been relying on guilt-tripping the Maple Prince (Etho) into giving him gunpowder by sending him requests in the mail, but he can’t do that forever.
30:00 A chatter encourages Scar to leave Ore Mountain in place as a monument to Scar’s dedication. Scar still has not decided whether to keep it. He begins hunting for witches in the dark part of the train tunnel. A chatter suggests asking Doc to catch a dragon for the zoo, Scar is worried about the level of maintenance a captive dragon requires.
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mof17 · 5 months
please more apocalypse au please pretty please
(I almost fell out of my chair and broke my neck from how happy I got seeing this lol)
So so for the Aau, there’s a lot to explain. But I should get the ground rules of before the infection that spreads (this is technically an infection AU but eh, apocalypse seems more fitting)(this AU was in help with one of my friends in the beginning of it)
so- let me just dig deep into my Google doc real quick
Before the apocalypse starts, life is normal. There’s a small town, which has most of the characters mentioned in the entirety of the characters living in it.
scar lives with the clockers (minus etho, he left, BUT he will show up later…)(also his attire is his normal skin, BEFORE the apocalypse begins)
(I will be making a post as to why his outfit changes into what was seen in the drawing I made)
grian lives with Pearl (Who is a college student)
Pearl is very much into arts and crafts, so they tend to have very bizarre stuff around the apartment (like gas masks from when Pearl would spray paint things)
gem works at a diner, with Skizz being a cook and Tango being a waiter (alongside Gem)
the four of them don’t know each other EXCEPT Grian and Scar
(Scar, Grian, Pearl, and Gem are pretty much the main four, although more people join on in later)
who used to be in the same middle school and sat next to each other in math class. They would talk occasionally, mainly just Grian helping Scar read the problems and make sense of them or just lending a pencil to one or the other.
one day, Scar gets bullied heavily (it usually happens, but it’s more of a tease). Why does he usually get teased? Because he brings Jellie to school, who is licensed as his emotional support animal and the school just doesn’t care if Jellie is there or not.
but this time, someone took is too far. We’ll call this guy ‘bully’
bully gets a bit psychical taking a book binder from Scar’s bag and tracing it along his face, saying some things, the cut draws blood (and eventually turns into a scar later on in his life)
but out of nowhere, the bully get shoved into the ground, by who? None other than Grian! Grian is one of the only hybrids in the school, him being an Avian, or more specifically Macaw, he draws a lot of attention. see, the town isn’t exactly fond of Hybrids, it’s more discriminatory than most places. So the chances of the bully getting expelled is lower than Grian getting expelled
Grian continues to fight the bully, and the bully fights back
it’s eventually broken up by a teacher, and they’re sent to the office. Grian gets expelled, and is never seen again by Scar
that is until a faithful day in his senior year, where after school, he goes to Theatre, the only place he’s really accepted in. Ren is the teacher.
As Ren is teaching the Theatre club and gives them just a scenario to get a feel for the play they’ll be doing (a mock of third life)
the people in the theatre club include
Scar (18)
tango (19)
Mumbo (on sound)(18)
Katherine (yes, she’s here, it’s important I have to include Nature wives in here somehow, but that’s all of Empires that will be in this AU probably. Other than that, it’s a mix of the life series and Hermitcraft)(18)(set)
and more
They all take turns being the “lead” in this script, Joel voltuneers to go first
as they’re performing lines, Joel happened to forget a prop, so he calls out to someone who is sitting by the prop table that’s next to Ren’s desk.
that someone happens to be Grian, Grian panics as he didn’t expect to be called on or spoken to at all during this. He throws the prop (a wooden sword) and accidentally hits Scar in the head (Sound familiar? COUGH first death COUGH lol)
Scar passes out and luckily, he doesn’t get a concussion because author logic. While he passes out, there’s a flashback scene (AKA THE FIGHT FROM MIDDLE SCHOOL THAT WAS STATED EARLIER :D)
Scar wakes up and sees Grian, who is apologising but Scar’s ears are ringing, he points to Grian and just says “You look familiar…” and then closes his eyes again. When he wakes up, Theatre is about over and there’s an ice bag on his head and the mysterious “stranger” (grian) that he saw, is now gone. Scar goes up to Ren, and talks to him about him
Ren mentions that that was a brother of a friend from college (Pearl). He tells Scar that he doesn’t go to school and is technically homeschooled but borrows stuff from here. Ren also let’s Scar know that Grian feels like he owes Scar a favour or anything because he feels bad that he hit him in the head with a wooden sword.
Scar leaves the class with Jellie and his stuff and takes the bus home, on the way home he can’t help but think about what favour he would owe this guy, or if he’d ever see him again?
he goes home and Cleo asks him about his day, he brushes it off as a normal one, but it really wasn’t. Scar lays on his bed, too tired to change and ends up falling asleep.
(Then there’s a time skip, but that should be saved for a whole different post)
that’s basically like a prologue I guess? Idk, I can turn this into a proper Ao3 chapter, and maybe have a whole fic for this
this whole thing was taken out of my doc, from the section labeled “CHAPTER PLANS” lololol
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azurecake16 · 2 months
Home-1751 words
Grian opened his eyes carefully. Instead of his nook in the Hub, he was sitting in a small grassy meadow.
Written for @hermitcraftguesstheauthorevent ! Hope y’all had fun guessing!
If you want to know more about the whole process for this fic I’m putting under the cut 👍
The idea of having a fic told through a coding script has been floating around in my head for a few months now? Originally, the idea was to have the entire fic written in code, using things like loops and if-statements to tell a story, but i quickly ran into problems with the code not working.
So, I took my story concept (At the time vaugley about Grian’s relationship with the Watchers and Hermitcraft) and then decided to instead make it into a story told through Grian’s Com, with him trying to hack in (So just the lines of code and then the last scene with Doc and Etho). I ended up adding the written bits inbetween because I wanted to add more backstory!
(Side ramble: The end scene was inspired by a story i wrote a while back for with one of my Hermitcitizens! Uhh it changed a lot from the original scene but I do think the vibes are still there!)
Back on track and onto the actual coding part of the fic! The lines of code Grian uses to hack in where written in JavaScript, because Java wasn’t as easy to read/understand. The hacking code was also just what I learned from bitburner because I don’t know how to hack!
The rest of the code was just written in Java because it’s Minecraft commands, even if its not fully realistic.
For the actual whitelist, I used the list of server members at the time (including people who where whitelisted but not particularly) which was probably one of the more tedious parts of writing, especially trying to organize it in a way that made sense
And then the actual formatting I don’t know HTML code very well so I decided to find a skin to use instead of making one! I couldn’t find a single skin dedicated to code scripts, and I knew that I really wanted to add one, mainly because i wanted it to look nice, and look like it was actually lines of code. Eventually I found UltraViollett’s Minecraft Chat skin. So, I just edited it a bit, and then did all the formatting (which was a lot of going back and forth between drafts to make sure it looked good!
If y’all have anymore questions please send me an ask, I would love to answer and let you know!
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vivianquill · 9 months
It had been almost a full moon cycle, and there was no sign of Tango anywhere.
Etho wouldn't say it out loud, but he was starting to get really worried. He knew better than anyone just how dangerous ocean currents could get in a storm, and how unpredictable they could end up being. Etho himself had been thrown into a crevasse he'd never seen before, which was great luck.
It meant that there wasn't a chance of him getting beached again. Etho made a habit of knowing which direction the shore was at all times, because land meant humans, and humans meant nothing good.
It hadn't taken long for Etho to get back to the valley where Doc's pod was set up, and beyond some minor scrapes and bruising, he'd gotten out of the whole incident pretty well off. Bdubs showed up a few days after him, cut up and missing a few scales, but not much worse for wear either.
And then a quarter-moon went by without Tango showing up. There wer no signs of him, period. Because of their connections through Doc and a few of the other big pods in the area, it was hard for a mer as distinctive looking as Tango to drop completely out of the ocean.
The only way for that to happen was if he'd been hurt bad enough to where he couldn't swim, or he'd been trapped somewhere he couldn't get out of.
That, or he'd been beached.
After a half-moon, Etho suspected that Tango was dead. Or worse.
Hopefully he was dead.
The hivemind had been able to track the storm that had caught Etho's pod off guard.
As it turns out, a large stationary pod in a very distinct location was a very good rendezvous point. The hivemind eventually got their hands on every rumor and scrap of news that made it's way through this part of the ocean.
The storm had swept inland, through a section of sea that was little more than sandbank after sandbank before it ran straight into the shore. It was seeming more and more like Tango had been beached.
Bdubs was insisting that they go looking for him.
Etho couldn't help but be hesitant about what they might find.
In the end, Etho gave in to Bdubs' desires, and they gathered what they needed to go searching. Etho made sure to pack a wide variety of medicines, things to fight an infection, even materials to splint a broken bone. He didn't know how badly Tango might've been hurt-- but it wasn't any question that he was.
And with a series of directions from the hivemind, they were off.
It was a tense quarter-moon for Etho, that was for sure. He hated being this close to land. Etho insisted on giving the human settlements right on the water a wide berth, so it took even longer for them to make any ground.
Etho didn't know what to expect or if they would find any signs of Tango at all.
Bdubs seemed convinced that they would find something.
Etho couldn't decide if finding Tango's scales on that jetty was a good thing or a bad thing.
They'd sheltered in a cove for the day, wanting to get out from under the pounding waves. Bdubs had found a sheltered spot where the waves wouldn't push them right up onto the sand. It was a place that formed a little eddy, where the debris was built up. There was a lot of seaweed and driftwood and human trash caught there.
It had been a flash of sun off some of that human trash that made Etho look closer.
It wasn't human trash at all-- and there were broken scales caught up in the mess. That was mer gear-- pouches and belts made from woven kelp and grasses, even some tools made from shell and flint. After looking closer, Etho's heart dropped out of his chest.
This was Tango's gear, those were Tango's scales, and someone-- or something-- had cut them off. Etho had never heard Bdubs as quiet as he was while they were picking through the mess, and he would probably never hear Bdubs that quiet again.
But the thing that really signed Tango's death sentence was the shredded sections of fishing net tangled in with his gear. And with how clean those cuts were?
Etho dropped what he was holding like it had burnt him. He turned away, squeezing his eyes shut against the dawning horror.
Humans had gotten to Tango. A fate worse than death.
"Etho?" Bdubs drifted closer, "Etho, are you-- are you okay?"
Etho couldn't respond, focused as he was on the water pumping over his gills and the flexing of his spines. The last thing he needed was to stick Bdubs right now. The hivemind had helped him to mix an antidote of sorts for his venom, after he'd accidentally gotten Tango once, but it still wasn't fun to experience.
And this close to a human road? Where they could be spotted if they weren't careful? It would be a death sentence for both of them.
"Hey. Hey-- Etho look at me--" Bdubs took Etho's face carefully in his hands, tipping his face up so their gazes met, "Whatever happened to Tango, we'll find him, alright?"
Etho hugged himself tighter, pressing his spines flat, "The humans got him, Bdubs. That's-- the cuts in his gear? In the netting? It's too clean to be anything but humans. Or another mer, but mer wouldn't cut off another mer's gear and discard it like trash."
"We'll still find him, Etho. Right? We've got to."
Etho puffed out a mouthful of bubbles, trying not to show the despair coating his every thought, "Sure, Bdubs."
"We can comb this place for any clues, I'm sure the humans would have left something." Bdubs gently laced his fingers into Etho's, pulling him away from the rocks, "Let's find a spot to sleep, it's almost noon and we've been up all night. We can come back after dark, all the humans will be asleep and we'll be able to search everything in peace."
Etho nodded, letting Bdubs lead him away. There was nothing they could do. Not right now, when the threat of being seen by humans was so great.
So, they found a sheltered place to hide, and Bdubs left Etho there while he went on a quick hunt. They'd brought food with them, rations that would last for days yet, but they needed to save that for when they found Tango. And right now, Etho was in no state of mind to be hunting.
Bdubs returned maybe an hour later, bringing with him a couple fish and a bundle of edible seaweed, pulled straight from the silt.
Etho ate what he could stomach-- which wasn't much-- and then curled up with Bdubs to hopefully get some rest.
They went back to the beach in the evening.
The tide was low, leaving numerous tidepools along the edges of the jetty where they'd found Tango's gear. Etho and Bdubs combed the beach like a pair of basking sharks, looking for any more signs that Tango had been there. They only came up with more meaningless debris and a few more of Tango's scales.
It was a testament to how distracted Etho was, that the humans had managed to get so close without him noticing. They were practically right in top of him, out on the rocks of the jetty.
"Shhh-- Skizz, you gotta turn off the light or you're gonna scare it away--"
"Ugh, fine. But it's you're own fault if you trip and fall into the water and drown."
Ironically, it'd been the sound of their voices that had alerted Etho to the human's presence, not the dim light they were using to navigate. He immediately took advantage of the light clicking off to dart into the shadows of the rock, whistling a desperate warning to Bdubs.
Also ironically, Bdubs didn't take the warning as a sign to hide. In fact, he popped his head above the water to get a better look.
Etho made a split-second decision, tackling Bdubs back down into the shadows where they could both stay safe and hidden, but it was too late. They'd surely been seen. Both of them.
"Why did you do that? Those might be the humans that took Tango!" Bdubs protested, squirming against Etho's grip.
"That's exactly why, Bdubs." Etho hissed, his eyes peeled for any sort of movement from the humans, "They might try to take us too--"
"Alright, fine. But we should still see if they have anything of Tango's."
"We are not attacking a group of humans. There's only two of us."
"There's only two of them too! We could take them. Especially if I can get them into the water."
"They aren't going to be lured in like fish, Bdubs, and there might be more of them." Etho frowned, letting go of his pod-mate, "But I might be able to get them into the water. But you've gotta stay right here. And stay hidden. Got that?"
Bdubs nodded. Etho could tell he wanted to ask more questions, but as long as he would stay put, Etho would answer all of them. Later.
Etho carefully poked his head above the water to listen, trying to gather more information on what was going on.
"I wasn't seeing things, right? There's two merpeople down there."
"Yeah, I saw them too. They know we're here though. I didn't see where they went. Can you?"
"No dude, they've completely disappeared!"
Good. They were hidden well enough.
"I've got a recording of tango on my phone from before he started talking. Maybe we can get them to come up?"
"That might work. Just be careful."
Etho had been preparing to call back to the humans in their own language, hoping to mimic the sound of one in trouble to get them close enough to pull into the sea with them, when he heard it.
That was Tango's voice. Calling out for him and Bdubs.
Etho choked on air, unable to help his own answering cry before he bit down on his hand to stop himself. No. It was a trick. Etho knew what a recording was. He'd seen them before, heard them before.
The voice was slurred and in pain, and flat in a way that only recordings could be, but it was unmistakably Tango.
The humans were trying to catch him and Bdubs too. That was the only reason they'd do this.
And the worst part was, it might actually work.
Their reaction to his call was immediate, the scuffling of human feet on rock coming closer to them. Etho couldn't focus, not with Tango's voice in his ears. He couldn't bring himself to duck away, to avoid being seen.
Bdubs popped up beside him a moment later, his fellow mer scanning the rocks for any sign of their missing podmate, "Etho-- What? Do they have Tango with them? I can hear him--"
Etho shook his head, fangs still buried in his hand to prevent himself from calling Tango's name, paralyzed as the pair of humans slid down the rocks down to where the tidal pools were, mere feet away from him and Bdubs.
Etho couldn't do anything but watch as he brought a fate worse than death down on the head of his last remaining podmate.
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
I’m going to stop saying I have another question, because I just keep thinking of more (my brain has not had this much enrichment since Octonauts as a kid, my first special interest). This one might be a little spoiler-y, so feel free to tell me that you can’t answer.
If Etho and Doc bet on Jimmy and Grian bringing home their boyfriends, and Scar is largely wheelchair bound… what are the logistics of that? I can’t imagine Doc making a bet that he knew he would lose. But the under-city REALLY doesn’t seem all that accessible, even if you have legs that work correctly (wings are really the easiest way).
Did Doc not know? Is there another logistic that I’m not thinking of here? Would Scar wear his Hot Guy stuff under his clothes to be able to walk around? But then that means that Hot Guy identity would be a little easier to see through… especially because the other overcity people know about him being in a wheelchair. And different people interact with him both as Hot Guy and as Scar (secondary question, does Pearl and maybe Scott immediately recognize the voice?).
I’ve been trying to puzzle this one out for a bit now. Mainly the fact that Doc wouldn’t make a losing bet on purpose.
Oooooo, good one! I'm so glad you picked up on this!
It is a little spoilery, so I don't wanna give to much of an answer, not because I don't have one, because I DO but yeah, the topic of accessiblity in terms of Scar's eventual trip to the under-city is planned to be the focus of a piece later down the road!
What I will say is that you're very much correct. Doc is well-aware of Scar's mobility issues, and he most certainly would never take a bet he couldn't win.
Also side note: Pearl knows Scar is Hot Guy! It's never really explicitly told to her or Jimmy, but they puzzle it together after Grian kinda dances around the topic of how Scar figured out he was a hybrid, and it's pretty much just like an open secret at this point with the three of them and Scar. Scar is fine with it, he can see considering how the three of them are hybrids in the over-city that they know how to keep a secret! 😆 Scott doesn't know Scar yet, he's never met him in his civilian identity, but if he were to meet him, maybe he would recognize him by his voice? Only time will tell.
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 4 months
vagye plan for geminitay ace attorney
case 1: Fwhip is the victim, Joel is the suspect. Gem takes the case to find out who killed her brother. haven't decided who the killer is - the way things shake out with how i assign other characters it kind of has to be scar or mumbo but that doesnt feel very satisfying? idk. grian is the prosecutor.
case 2: Lizzie is the defendant. Ren and BigB are the witnesses, BigB is also the real killer. havent decided who the victim is yet. BigB killed them bc he found out they were planning to murder Lizzie and he wanted to defend her. Cleo is the prosecutor.
case 3: BDubs is the defendant, Etho is the murderer. Skizz and Tango are witnesses, and the murder took place in team BEST headquarters. havent worked out a motive, i think Doc or Beef makes sense as a victim. BDubs confesses in order to protect Etho when you get close to proving he did it; however this reminds Etho of his own loyalty to BDubs, and he confesses to the crime as well, leaving Gem and Impulse to... either prove which of the two did it or convince BDubs to recant his confession, im not sure which is more satisfying. Cleo prosecutes again.
case 4: Martyn, whos been one of the detectives through the game, is killed. Jimmy is the defendant, and Cleo is initially the prosecutor. however, Cleo is killed during a recess in the trial, and Jimmy is accused of this crime as well. Pearl becomes the prosecutor for the second half of the trial at Scott's urging, but Gem, Impulse, and eventually Pearl work together to prove Scott is the real killer. not sure how the case shakes out yet but i think it would be fun if as a last-ditch effort Scott claims Cleo was the killer and then committed suicide when she worried Gem would reveal their crimes. also, the case X years ago that this one must by obligation tie into involves Scott and Pearl covering up their own wrongdoing somehow, and its eventually revealed that Scott committed THIS pair of murders for Pearl's sake instead of his own
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Grian and Doc hate being roommates, eventually their next door neighbors Etho and Beef get fed up with the constant complaints and try to make the duo get along. -🐊
Honestly, this could all be solved a lot easier if one of them just moved out. But no, they're both too stubborn because to move out would be to 'lose'.
Neither Etho nor Beef know what they consider winning. And neither of them want to put up with this long enough to find out.
Which means, drastic action (for Etho, who hates interacting with new people.) They've got to find a way for these two to get along so they can actually get a good night sleep.
Except... It doesn't take long to realise that the pair may not just be harbouring hatred for each other. It's like pre-school all over again. But this time the 'bullying you because he likes you' is real.
It's time to change their gameplan.
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