#and I’m pro in it lol
jojendreams · 2 years
also I’m pretty sure that since eyk has the strongest connection with his daughter and since ada somehow could understand maura really well that means that eyk and maura are somehow connected in reality. what if this season’s plot was twisted version of reality? for example they actually are a family and lost their lovely little girl and he wasn’t home and she had gone a bit mad/obsessed with having this simulation, so he came back but she was already lost in this new simulated life with daniel (don’t ask me why lol). I can’t explain this properly i’m just having some vibes. I mean you don’t choose your leading actors with obvious chemistry and make them all touchy-touchy for nothing (though if this was to make me think daniel was the brother then it worked for really long time lol)
I just love being delusional for like at least a year
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
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Me reading this:
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dulcewrites · 1 month
I think the thing that shocks me the most about the discourse, if you can even call it that, around book Alicent vs show Alicent, is the idea that people think book Alicent had full autonomy over all her choices and she wasn’t a “victim” like show Alicent.
Now first, I put victim in quotations bc the way people who do not like her have almost bastardized that word. Alicent is a victim, and those things (rape, abuse, neglect) were done to her. That says everything about the men who did that do her and nothing about her. But people are hellbent on throwing Alicent, a woman in a violently patriarchal environment, being victimized back at people as if it is moral flaw of hers. Which is just terribly ironic bc the same folks who say Alicent “did it to herself” or “deserves what she is getting” also seem to think the crux of the story isn’t about generational trauma catching up with itself, how far people will go for power, or even how all girls and women are harmed - albeit to different degrees. But more the fact that Rhaenyra is the only woman to be harmed - and the only harm done is not getting the throne easily. Those same people wouldn’t be caught dead admitting that Rhaenyra is also a victim in the way they shit on Alicent for being. From the father who sets her up fail, to the baby daddy that’s been eyeing her since she was barely 18, to the uncle that grooms her. It takes away from the fantasy projected onto Rhaenyra if she too is surrounded by men that use her and she never escapes that.
Second, it’s funny how F&B gets heralded by some as this exploration of how history is skewed depending on who is telling it. But people can’t read between the lines (you honestly don’t even have to do that much work) with book Alicent. Showing 14 year old Alicent being preyed on, 16 year old Alicent being pregnant with her second child, and 18 year old Alicent being raped is somehow the show needlessly making Alicent a victim. But reading about a 13 year old bathing, dressing, and taking care of a king who mistakes her for the daughter he abused and neglected, and then that same girl, at 18, marrying another king that killed his previous child bride is just girl bossism on book Alicent’s part?
People hate conceptualizing the idea that (even book) Alicent is caught in patriarchal trappings bc to some that takes away from Rhaenyra’s plight…. Bc they can’t wrap their heads around several women *gasp* all going through hardships, and that ultimately people will respond to trauma differently depending on tools/knowledge they have at their disposal. Alicent neither being gleefully evil nor picking herself up by her bootstraps to somehow end years of patriarchal violence is not the neat box they want for her.
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daenerysies · 4 months
i think the biggest problem i have with the whole team discourse in f&b + hotd is that it isn’t just about which characters you like more/who you want to sit on the throne at that end; it’s that each side is fighting for completely different ideologies, regardless of one members personal beliefs. grrm could not have made it anymore clear.
team black isn’t just fighting for rhaenyra to be queen, they’re fighting for the monarch’s right to choose an heir, for the oaths they swore years before, for the complete opposite of precedent/tradition: the king’s word is law. team green isn’t just fighting for aegon to be king, they’re fighting for tradition, that no matter the words of a king being law sons will always come before daughters, that oaths are fickle and don’t matter. each side is in some way fighting back against what’s already been established for the kingdom, but the end goal is completely different.
we’re not given as much insight into why most of the houses initially sided with rhaenyra, but we do have an inkling into how the green council felt and acted, however. jaehaerys choosing baelon over rhaenys (against andal tradition, the king can choose his heir) is one point. the great council of 101 is another. alicent, despite being the leader of the council, is removed from the equation and shoved off to the side when it comes to swearing oaths of loyalty between the members on account of her womanhood. daemon being a second coming of ‘maegor’ (despite what we know would be a better suited title for aemond, but i digress) is also used. when discussing who would side with them the vale is automatically disqualified from the list, due to them presently being ruled by a woman, jeyne arryn. she doesn’t choose to fight for rhaenyra for the sole reason of them being kin, but because her own right to rule can and will be put into question if aegon steps over rhaenyra. because she is a woman. she does so in spite of her dislike for daemon (and his supposed maegor-ness) too.
even if one were to look at each characters personal feelings about the succession the fact of the matter is that rhaenyra is usurped because she is a woman. it’s stated almost blatantly multiple times before and during the war. the greens use scapegoats and smokescreens in attempts justify it (her ‘bastards’ chief among them, but legally her sons live and die as the trueborn children between her and laenor, with the reminder that septon eustace refutes this claim to begin with). even when she is killed grrm has her breast pricked to arouse a dragon that doesn’t want to kill her (and why is that?). aegon ‘wins’ against her and is king, but then why is jaehaera, as his last living remaining child not named his heir? why is aegon iii put ahead of her, despite being the enemies son? these are rhetorical questions. aegon had no plans to ever consider her his heir, he made it clear with how excited he was to marry cassandra baratheon and produce more ‘strong’ sons. his dragon (who had fought and bled for him the entire war) wasn’t mourned properly, he couldn’t wait to hatch a ‘new dragon, prouder and fiercer than the last.’ yet he wasn’t even capable of doing that in the six months before he too was killed.
it’s also safe to mention that grrm created an entire separate lore story, one that would seem to have no bearing on the original story unless you’re capable of understanding symbolism. the amethyst empress is usurped by her younger brother the bloodstone emperor, and the first long night ensues from this decision. rhaenyra (amethyst = arryn blue + targaryen red) is usurped by her younger brother aegon ii (bloodstone = hightower green + targaryen red) and the dying of the dragons, the very creatures needed to stop the next long night, are eradicated, along with the magic needed to hatch them and keep them alive (until). the war is the blacks (power, death, grief, rebellion, restraint) versus the greens (ambition, greed, jealousy, anger, wealth). the amethyst empress is important to the main story in the same way that rhaenyra is important, that snubbing the women (an integral aspect to the power the targaryens held) of house targaryen can lead only to disaster. daenerys is the key, the one to break the cycle and fix the wrongdoings caused by her ancestors obsession with power. mother of dragons, mhysa, breaker of chains, slayer of lies, daughter of death, the dragon queen, azor ahai come again, the prince that was promised will bring the dawn.
you can argue for technicalities sake all day, but there is a meaning to this story beyond the scope of rightful heirs. and it shouldn’t be shoved off to the side just so you can praise your favorites and hate those who go against them. it makes for a poor consuming of the actual story. fire and blood was created as a history book to expand on daenerys as a character. her family, what and where she’s come from, and how she relates to them. she’s the antithesis to every targaryen that’s come before her, a hero in her own right. the only targaryen’s we can say are radically important to dany’s story are the conquerors (aegon the conqueror with teats) and rhaenyra (the amethyst empress). i don’t know, just some food for thought.
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yaralulu · 15 days
Tamlin executing the sentries that were on guard when feyre left the spring court was the most out of character shit to ever happen I can’t believe that’s even canon.
Tamlin who refused to send his sentries over the wall even if it meant potentially saving his court? Tamlin who canonically does not enjoy violence and killing? Tamlin who rhys makes fun of for not being cruel enough? That tamlin killed his sentries just like that 😍?? That’s some bullshit and you know it sjm.
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
Every single concept with ProHero Dynamite having socials and showcasing his s/o to the world only to receive a crazy online following response and get amazing PR points. IS. SO. GOOD. 👏
Personally I like to imagine that Bakugou likes to do the occasional gym workout video. his socials include quite a lot of shirtless pics of him at the gym with kirishima anyway so he’s not opposed to having a gym livestream (he’s got a pretty solid following from his cooking videos!) And so Bakugou usually just sets up his phone or laptop on some shelf in the corner of the gym. The whole stream is just him going about his workout. In his tanned chiseled, glistening, and shirtless glory. The signature Dynamite scowl center frame! The videos are usually punctuated by him being greeted by various ProHeros floating around the gym. However, once again Red Riot is a frequent guest as he’s more often than not Bakugous spotter and gym buddy. - but there’s sometimes where you like to go to the gym with him. and despite the eccentric looking plethora of proheros his online followers seem to notice you whenever you do show up in the background. and it’s just little you tagging along, doing your own thing. usually you’re dressed up like you’re secretly supposed to be the star of this show. some cute little matching sports bra and bike shorts number, and a sporty updo, but you’re never actively interested in being on the stream. you’re understandably a little body self-consciousness in front of the camera, it’s completely normal, even tho ‘tsuki thinks you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. - you are damn gorgeous. yes, it’s a fact. and you actively try and take care of yourself
regardless Bakugou loves when you tag along. always moving things around in his duffel bag to accommodate your water bottle, wireless earbuds, and a spare towel. he knows you’ve gotta have these things. and he always has a spare hair tie on his wrist even tho his bag already has a healthy sprinkling of scrunches stuffed in the side pocket. ————
Katsuki’s checking his social media one week raising a brow as he sees your name popping up in all the comments from his last gym video
“the fuck’ what’s so crazy ‘bout what she’s doing in the background at 23:45??”
Bakugou curiously hovers his mouse over and finds that exact timestamp to see what these extras are all chatting about ??
and it’s just him doing some regular deadlift routine and he can’t figure out the hype until he starts to notice some movement behind him
“Huh?” and if he zooms in there’s a lil’ mini you on the screen absolutely lip-singing and strutting/ arm-dancing your little heart out over on the treadmill
and suddenly all those comments . . .
‘Y/N’s on fire 🔥’
‘does she have her earbuds in? WHAT is she listening to?? 🥹😂’
‘quick! someone tell @proherodynamite!’ . . . on his feed make perfect sense. and Katsuki just keeps replaying the little clip of you being in you own world. until he puts up one comment that blows up in response.
‘yes. she’s got her earbuds in you fuckin’ extras.’ —————
but you bet the next time you’re tagging along to the gym. the people are on a mission. On. A. Mission. and your bf Bakugou Katsuki, for that matter. so the next time you’re going he makes sure you have your “fuckin’ earbuds fully charged and all that shit’ “
and you just breeze past him in your neon pink outfit that reminds him too much of Pinky and press a chaste kiss to his cheek with a small “thanks” as his palm rests against the small of your back to steady yourself on your tiptoes in those chunky cushiony running shoes of yours
And he wanders off to set himself and the livestream fans up in a corner of the gym that’s got a good angle of you over at the treadmill area
And he can’t lie . . . he’s kinda invested. Bakugou is doing some mindless arm work so he can focus on the music playing in his earbuds from the Bluetooth pairing mode he has turned on so him and the fans are all watching as he grunts and walks over to grab another weight
“so far nothing yet” he mutters towards the laptop. It’s just your usual playlist that he recognizes filtering through his ear. All bubbly and pop. Just like you, he grins. catching a look over at your form walking it out; with that perfect posture you pride yourself on. your hair all done up in a bubble braid ponytail. - and yes he knows what that is he had to wait for you to do it before driving your ass over here. when suddenly your stride starts to change and Bakugous perceptive red eyes notice the way your face lights up and all of a sudden you’re glowing
like a queen caught up in your own world as the next song comes on
and it’s . . . BTS’s Dynamite . . ?!
that’s the one that’s got you strutting and dancing and lip singing all the way across the room?
And Katsukis back is to the livestream, facing you, as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Of course,” you went ga-ga dancing to the one KPop song with HIS hero name as the title. Katsuki then, expertly schools his face back into the scowl as he turns to type in the chat to the livestream:
‘Attention Extras’: the song Y/N is listening to is Dynamite. 💥’
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l3irdl3rain · 4 months
How is my best friend Arthur has he helped you baldur any gates
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He’s been good! My washing machine broke last week and I hauled it out the other day in preparation for the new one and he’s been loving his new Top Secret Hiding Spot.
We are taking a little bit of a Baldur’s Gate break right now just because I was getting burnt out. We’re slowly making our way through Mass Effect Andromeda for the second time. I’m very excited to get back to BG3 tho.
I left off right at the start of Act 2. I’m playing a Githyanki monk named Ez’rai and spent way too much time coming up with a backstory for them. I’m going to be romancing Wyll this time. I think Ez’rai growing up in such a harsh culture that didn’t have room for soft romance will go together in such a fun and cute way with Wyll. A noble’s son who is just so sweet and romantic and good.
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venusin-aries · 1 month
Anti’s : poor Elain, being forced out of the Night Court where she’s trying so hard to fit in, away from her sisters who have their own lives now, away from a place that doesn’t appreciate her skill set the way it should be, all because mean Elucien’s say so and the author hints heavily at her finding safety and comfort in the sun. 
Actually Elain, choosing to leave the Night Court herself, realizing she’s free of the constraints of the NC, no longer the center of her sisters unnecessary attention, no longer the go between for her sisters, free to make her own choices and friends that do not work for her family, finding a place she thrives in:
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spittyfishy · 11 months
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Bunch of frames from a Chloé animation I just got finished!
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artemisiatridentata · 10 months
due to circumstances (stuck in my house feeling like a caged animal bc of wildfire smoke) I have crocheted another fish! I stuffed this one with old clothes instead of polyester fiber filling like the previous ones I’ve made, and I actually like it way better bc the extra weight makes the fish so realistically floppy! and it’s perfect for whacking people with! >:)
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Alt text for video: Two short clips of my hand holding the crocheted fish and flopping it around to demonstrate how the weight makes it move realistically. In the first clip I’m holding the fish by the middle and flopping it up and down. In the second clip, I’m holding the fish by the tail and making it wiggle from side to side. In the background of both clips you can hear my brother practicing the mandalorian theme on the piano. End alt text.
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
“The riddles in books are always so easy to solve!”
Me (has never solved a riddle in my life):
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viridianevergarden · 2 months
I sincerely hope we will get flash backs into the moments of elriel that were mentioned by the others through Elain or Az’s eyes. I’m sure we will but…
I need to know what they were talking about, if they bantered and joked.
I need to know what they talked about until 3 in the morning aside from those gardening plans.
I need to know about those subtle brushes of fingers and more about those glances.
I need to know just how many times they may have met or stumbled upon one another outside of the prying eyes of the inner circle.
I need to know if Azriel selflessly and instinctually offered to help her even more than we’ve seen. Wordlessly, even.
They understand each other through their eyes alone. I want to see more of that.
They have so much potential to have the cutest, softest, and most precious love out of the 3:3 to me. Friends to lovers is a new approach in acotar.
Feysand has that unwavering, everlasting love.
Nessian has that powerful, passionate love.
Elriel has that quiet, precious love.
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happypanda101 · 4 months
Apologies for yet another Naruto rant, I’ve just been overthinking about things lately lol.
The fact that people continue to argue that Sasusaku got no development at all or came out of nowhere honestly boggles my mind? Granted, I know a lot of people watched the anime rather than read the manga. But looking at the manga, it’s made more obvious that Sasuke had a crush or at least had soft spot for Sakura in part 1. Things get more complicated in shippuden, but they are also able to have their moments too.
Now, am I saying it’s the best developed ship ever? Heck no. I, like a lot of people in the fandom, wish they could have gotten more development. Also maybe an explanation as to why they had feelings for each other. A lot of people like to say that Sakura’s love was shallow becasue she only liked him because of his looks, but when you actually look over everything, looks are never mentioned by Sakura at all. She’s either worried about her own or commenting on Sasuke’s skills.
Also, despite what some fans like to say, Sasuke never out right rejected Sakura’s feelings. When he knocks her out and plays the “I have no reason to love her or be loved by her” line, he’s talking to Kakashi. Sasuke is a very traumatized character, he’s not going to openly admit he loves someone.
However, what really has to irrates me is when people try to argue that NaruHina got more development, which like? Bro, a whole ass movie had to be made to get them together. And as much as a soft spot I have for the Last, it wasn’t even that good! They had to bring the space aliens in again! I like NaruHina, but it’s obvious that the simps over at SP had a role to play in why the ship actually became canon.
Anyway, you don’t have to like the pairing. I know I don’t like a few ships that ended up becoming canon. However, it would be nice that whenever a Sasusaku fan tries to explain why they ship them an anti doesn’t comment: “lol Sasuke never liked her he hated her she sucks.” The amount of times I’ve seen these fuckers on a good Sasusaku analysis is tiring.
Just leave people alone. The worlds not gonna end over people shipping a ship you don’t like.
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yaralulu · 3 months
Dare I say I hate the theory that elain and lucien will take over spring and become high lady and high lord.Mainly because it depends on tamlin dying and that is not happening on my watch 🙅.It baffles me that people think tamlin’s story should end with him sacrificing himself and dying.Like sure the super depressed guy’s story should end with him dying—I think the fuck not 🤨,and do we really think lucien’s closest friend dying would be part of his happy ending like?? Lucien going back to spring would also be doing his story and character a huge disservice,obviously he’ll always be connected to spring but him living there again would just be his character regressing in my opinion .Not to mention he’s literally heir to the day court and that doesn’t mean he’ll be high lord next book (helion better stay alive)but this man belongs in sunshine he’s never gonna be ruling spring 🗣️!!
A lot of people also wanna see elain and lucien fixing the SC but the only person who should be fixing the SC is tamlin.Lucien is not tamlin’s babysitter and he sure as hell shouldn't be fixing his court for him,and elain shouldn’t be dragged along. I definitely think we’ll see elucien at the spring court at some point but I don’t think that’s where their story will take place.
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Zelda actively fought against Ganon for a century and used the minimal energy she had to watch over Link
Like that girl is so dedicated and her unwavering faith in Link is just so so precious
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sunlit-elain · 5 months
Lately i’ve been thinking it’s also discrediting to sjm as a writer for anti elriels to disregard every elriel hint and foreshadowing that sjm has laid down. Like let’s not forget this is the same person who wrote throne of glass, a series that is SO well done in part because of sjm’s clever use of foreshadowing!! She has proven herself time and time again to be a master at it, like each plotline and reveal in that series is so satisfying BECAUSE of how she successfully dropped hints and clues building up to them.
So like it’s fair if people don’t ship elriel but don’t try and say there is no basis for them in the text because that’s just a lie at this point… everything sjm has included in acotar is for a reason and idk i feel like to doubt that is just kinda disrespectful to her as an author. Like you can disagree with it, sure, but don’t deny what’s literally IN the text and what she is purposefully laying down
(not to mention the iconic “i thought it was obvious” line from her when asked about who the next book is gonna be about like come ON people!!!!)
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