#//I just need to get my thoughts out before they consume me XD
happypanda101 · 4 months
Apologies for yet another Naruto rant, I’ve just been overthinking about things lately lol.
The fact that people continue to argue that Sasusaku got no development at all or came out of nowhere honestly boggles my mind? Granted, I know a lot of people watched the anime rather than read the manga. But looking at the manga, it’s made more obvious that Sasuke had a crush or at least had soft spot for Sakura in part 1. Things get more complicated in shippuden, but they are also able to have their moments too.
Now, am I saying it’s the best developed ship ever? Heck no. I, like a lot of people in the fandom, wish they could have gotten more development. Also maybe an explanation as to why they had feelings for each other. A lot of people like to say that Sakura’s love was shallow becasue she only liked him because of his looks, but when you actually look over everything, looks are never mentioned by Sakura at all. She’s either worried about her own or commenting on Sasuke’s skills.
Also, despite what some fans like to say, Sasuke never out right rejected Sakura’s feelings. When he knocks her out and plays the “I have no reason to love her or be loved by her” line, he’s talking to Kakashi. Sasuke is a very traumatized character, he’s not going to openly admit he loves someone.
However, what really has to irrates me is when people try to argue that NaruHina got more development, which like? Bro, a whole ass movie had to be made to get them together. And as much as a soft spot I have for the Last, it wasn’t even that good! They had to bring the space aliens in again! I like NaruHina, but it’s obvious that the simps over at SP had a role to play in why the ship actually became canon.
Anyway, you don’t have to like the pairing. I know I don’t like a few ships that ended up becoming canon. However, it would be nice that whenever a Sasusaku fan tries to explain why they ship them an anti doesn’t comment: “lol Sasuke never liked her he hated her she sucks.” The amount of times I’ve seen these fuckers on a good Sasusaku analysis is tiring.
Just leave people alone. The worlds not gonna end over people shipping a ship you don’t like.
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yanderecrazysie · 4 months
hey, no hate if you deny this request, but au soulmate bakugou? Yes pls.
I don’t think I could ever deny a soulmate au XD
Title: Soulmate Song
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, soulmate AU, spoiler for Bakugou’s hero name, swearing
Summary: Your soulmate is not exactly what you pictured.
“Soulmates come by surprise
Bell curve it seems extremes arise
And those who beat the odds will call it fate”
-From “Soulmate Song” by Carson James Argenna
You weren’t one to look at tabloids, but even you had heard the rumors of how abrasive and rude the hero Dynamight was. You’re also sure the magazines had covered his soulmate mark. You wish now that you’d read at least one article on it, because then you wouldn’t be as taken by surprise as you were now.
You sat there on the dusty floor, coughing from the smoke in the air. The store your family owns was destroyed. Hopefully the insurance would cover it. 
Despite all the rumors surrounding Dynamight, he was undeniably a superhero at this moment. He was panting, shoulders heaving a little with each breath. The villains, however, are much worse for wear, lying knocked out on overturned shelves.
Somehow, the villains are the least worrying thing on your mind. The forefront thought on your mind is the mark on Dynamight’s left shoulder blade. A grenade with three small sparks around the top… oh so fitting for him. You shouldn’t be as surprised as you were that he was your match.
That’s right. Your own back bore the same mark. Bakugou Katsuki was your soulmate.
You didn’t exactly look your best. Your hair was blown in every direction, your clothes were covered in dust and soot, and you were sure your face was just as dirtied. But this could be your only chance to approach Dynamight, considering he was a famous person.
You got to your feet, swaying unsteadily. Dynamight’s back was to you and you weren’t sure how to get his attention.
“Excuse me, Dynamight?” Your voice came out as a squeak. He didn’t turn around.
Your hand reached out hesitantly and rested on the soulmate mark. For a moment, you admired the way it looked on his light skin, the next moment, he was spinning around, asking, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
You curled your hand into your chest, heat rising to your cheeks.
“We’re soulmates,” you whispered.
“What was that?” Dynamight didn’t seem all that interested in what you had to say, but at least he was listening.
“We’re soulmates!” You said, a little louder than intended.
The blond hero stared at you for a moment before a derisive laugh left his lips, “Yeah, right, I’ve heard that line before.”
“No, I’m serious,” you protested, “I have a tank top underneath my shirt, I can show-”
“Listen,” Dynamight said, “My soulmate is not going to be a little wimp. If I have a soulmate, she’s going to be a strong hero who can stand by my side and fight. Not someone like you who cowers on the floor like a stupid little bug.”
It felt like the life had been sucked out of you. Your stomach plummeted and then rose with the fury consuming your body. 
“Fuck you,” you spat, “I’d rather have no soulmate than be with you.”
“See, that’s a little more fiery,” Dynamight snickered.
You spun on your heel and stormed through the employee’s only entrance. The backroom was spared from the damage the villains and explosive hero had caused. 
You held back tears. Like every little girl, you had dreamed you’d meet your soulmate and live happily ever after. Even as an adult, you’d held out hope. 
But this guy? You weren’t lying when you said you’d rather have no soulmate at all.
You’d cry later, you were sure of that. But for now, anger was your primary emotion.
How dare he be an asshole? How dare he crush your dreams of being happy?
Why had the universe paired you with someone like him? Had mother nature run out of pairs to match up?
Well, forget him. You didn’t need him. There were plenty of people who lost their soulmates, surely you’d meet one of them. Or maybe you’d meet a guy whose soulmate was a total bitch and you could bond over how much the universe sucked.
You’d be fine.
A month had passed since that day, and Bakugou hadn’t given it a second thought. Just another crazy fan trying to get him to date them. He didn’t even care about finding his soulmate.
At least, he didn’t think he did. Not until now.
You’re playing in the waves, splashing your friend on the mostly-empty beach. He recognizes you not just by your face, but by the symbol on your shoulder blade. 
You weren’t lying.
He approached you eagerly, feeling the pull of fate dragging him closer. Sure, you weren’t the strong pro hero he was expecting, but you were solely and uniquely his.
You gave him a dirty look upon seeing him and loudly suggested to your friend that the two of you head further down the beach.
The message was clear. He got it.
He started to walk away, then stopped. Looked back at you. Felt that surge of possessiveness shoot up his spine.
You were weak. And, for the first time, he wasn’t seeing that in disgust, but in worry. You were completely unprotected, defenseless…
You needed him. And who was he to protest?
The universe wanted you together, after all.
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
The pregnancy scenario is so gorgeous, I love!! And perfect timing, I literally had a dream the night before about having a kid with Leona and Idia (two different dream timelines of the same scenario converging later as a kind of after party). I thought you might get a kick out of my brain’s toy box nonsense :3
The Leona timeline was very sweet, him comforting me after someone attempted to kill me for imperfect human genetics, and then getting me pregnant to spite the killer. Idia was too nervous to kiss me to wake me up from a Maleficent curse sleep. He eventually woke me up and we then had a kid who I think was called Scoot? Started with an S and had a double O in the middle.
At the after party scene, both the kids looked like the Tsums of the father, since my brain struggles to render babies in sleep XD But the fathers were both thrilled and proceeded to show them off to everyone around them!
Honestly this is so cute anon!!! You're making me want to write more domestic scenarios with the boys,,,
Leona knocking you up in spite from the killer is so him lmao but ohhhhh think if the killer was hired by his parents to erase you out of his life. Just makes Leona more possessive of you, so when you finally grow a bump visible enough he'll be walking around with his hands always somewhere on your body, making sure to let everyone know you are his most perfect human mate (and he'll personally throw hands at anyone who even dares look at you with any hint of disgust or mockery). When the baby arrives, Leona is so lively - his lazy demeanor never truly leaves his soul, but at least now he has one motivation to get up from bed and slack off - especially if it's a girl! I can totally see him being such an endearing girldad, the type to make feminine voices when playing house and always getting so invested when throwing fake tea parties, also gets his daughter the biggest unicorn on the fair, no matter if he needs to go through some ridiculous game. Either be it a girl or a boy, Leona's favourite thing to do is go to small walks with his baby on his shoulders, squealing in excitement from all the stimuli around them, teaching them about everyday things like what is a butterfly, why birds chirp, and so on. You could say your child really did bring a light to Leona's life.
Idia... he wants to give the baby an unique name, or something regarding the online games or otaku media he consumes, but all you need to do is bat your eyelashes and hold his hand in a death gentle grip to sort his mind out of this idea. Idia's very nervous and overly cautious around the baby, always, and easily freaks out from the smallest ractions - when the baby sneezes, when they cough, even innocent, bright squeals sends him spiraling into an anxious coma. He's horrified of the idea of accidentally dropping his own child or just hurting them in some way, so he's always with a firm grip around the head and body, sustaining them even with trembling hands. He's very dedicated though, so Idia is always close to them, literally. He'll have the baby secured against his chest in a baby carrier while gaming, sometimes making effect sounds to amuse them; you know they truly are Idia's child from the way they look so enthralled to the screen, curious eyes scanning every move, every change of scenario like they're actually understanding something. He finds it annoying to go out in public with them though! His child is just so freaking cute with their cheeks so rosy and squeezable every stranger wants to talk and cuddle them, making Idia feel proud and at the same time mortified, fighting the urge to just turn heels and run back home as fast as possible. Idia doesn't care what gender his child is, but you can be sure he'll want to dress them in gamer onesies and clothing. 'Player three' and 'level 1 human' kinda shit, you know? But he will neeeeever admit he's doing it because he secretly finds it cute; god forbid Idia Shroud enjoying something so normie. Cringe.
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teacupcollector · 2 years
Playing With Soaps Hair
Modern Warfare II Masterlist
A/N: This was mentioned in 'The Art of Misdirection' Part 2 so I thought I would go into more detail.
A/N: I am in no way a hairstylist or cosmetologist (If that is even the right profession I have no idea xD) So my hair cut knowledge is limited lol Summary: You find out Soap likes his hair played with.
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You quickly found out that Soap likes his hair being played with after attempting to cut his hair. It was a Saturday morning so they weren't needed for training or anything else that day. You and Soap were in the Mess snacking on peanut butter that they managed to trade when Soap let out a sigh.
"What's up?" You ask as you take a sip of water trying to wash down the peanut butter you had just consumed.
"Nothin' really Misdi, I just need a haircut, but I don't like the barber at this particular base..." He says.
You chuckle. You had been sent on a mission with Gaz included to a Base in Germany. You have made a few friends while you have been here and have heard the rumors behind the heavy handed barber on base.
"I could do it for you if you'd like." You say with a smile.
"We can sneak in when the guy is on lunch or something." You say, your smile turning into a mischievous smirk. "I like the way you think Corporal." Soap says with an equally mischievous smirk while winking.
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You got the schedule from a big guy in a sniper hood. He seemed nice so you made sure to give him the rest of your peanut butter stash for when this job is done. You have Soap sit in the chair while you get the clippers ready. When they are ready you put a cape over the front of his body to prevent hair going all over him "Are you sure you don't want to let it grow out a bit?" You ask as you plug them in and turn on the power. "I'm sure. This mop isn't the best." He says with a sigh. You turn him toward the mirror and run your hand through his Mohawk. You sigh. "That's unfortunate... You should be known as 'conditioner' instead of 'Soap'" You say as you start with the sides. "You want a two right?" I say referencing to the clip size. "Mhm... And why 'Conditioner?'" John asks as he closes his eyes. “You have the softest hair that any women would want to grab.” You say as you move to the back of his head. He nearly moans in delight. You continue to run your hands through his hair to adjust his head on occasion. You just happened to look up to look at his face. You see him wiggle his eyebrows. "Are you saying you want to pull my hair? Kind of sensual don' ya think?" Your face goes bright red. "Misdi goin' all red on me? Do I need to talk to the higher ups?" He says in a teasing tone.
"S-Sorry Sargent I'll do pa-" "Calm down I am only joking... No paperwork needed." Soap continues to smirk. You grumble under your breath as you change the clipper size to a three. You begin to shave the top of his head and he hums in delight. You smile slightly and begin to hum to yourself. You see him looking at you through the mirror. "How do you know how to do hair?" He asks and you laugh nervously. "Big family... People need hair cuts." You say with a smile. You finish the top of his head and get the blow dryer to get all the loose hairs off. "There you go! All set!" You say with a smile before. "I would have rinsed your hair or something bu-" "Want to feel me up some more?" Soap asks with a smirk.
You scoff. "No... I wanted to water board you..." You say as you put the clippers back and wipe them down with some form of disinfectants. "Don't worry babydoll you can play with my hair all you like." He says as he stands up and removes the cape. You grab a broom and dust pan. As he is walking to the door you trip him causing him to face plant into the door. You burst out laughing. That is until you hear the sound of stomping footsteps coming within the building and heading toward your direction. "Shit lets go!" You say, but you make sure to trip him again which ultimately got him caught. That is when you run into Gaz. "Why are you all out of breath?" He asks. "N-No reason! I uh... I need to go see a guy about some peanut butter. His name is uh King I think." You quickly look behind you to see a not so happy Soap. "SEE YOU LATER!" You exclaim as you run toward your barracks to grab said peanut butter.
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snootlestheangel · 10 months
Just A Dude!Ghost Monster AU
Side note before this post gets rolling, I love that my post with the highest notes starts with "I don't know who else" and I think that's very reflective of what Tumblr is like XD
We're doing it! We are writing a Monster AU featuring Ghost as the only human despite what everyone else thinks! As far as I am concerned, mostly gonna post it here on Tumblr, since I don't really have much right now for it, mostly just little blurbs but if needed for readability, I'll put it on AO3 (under my profile FeelzMaster)
I'm gonna go ahead and give y'all the rundown of what species are featured, kinda what this world's like, the stuffs, ya know? TW: talks of death (just how they can die, relax)
To be 100% honest, I really wanted to do the whole werewolf!Soap thing cause it's just so perfect for him, but I thought back to a post I made about him being lightning and thought HUH WHAT IF?
So, partially inspired by @tactax-art and their depiction of Soap dealing with fire 'n shit, I have made Soap a unique type of "nymph". Technically, nymph isn't the right word, but neither is elemental, and the true name of these things is so old it's real translation has kinda lost meaning so they stick to describing themselves as "nymphs" or "elementals".
He is a Lightning Nymph, which is rare but that's apparently what happens when you cross an "atmospheric" air nymph (his mum) and a less traditional water nymph (his dad). He's often seeing consuming/messing with things that have electrical charge in order to keep up his own energy (Gaz once had to watch him literally lick an exposed outlet and maintain a straight face). Every time it storms, he's outside somewhere as high as he can get so he can soak up the natural static energy that comes with storms. He can and will shock people for the fun of it.
As for abilities, he's obviously highly conductive, can manipulate electrical energy but it's pretty exhausting so it's more of a life or death thing, he can glow in the dark if he wants to, and he's hyper aware of changes (due to ~energy~). His diet is batteries... Jk, but seriously he does not eat like a human would, he straight up eats things that will help with energy. Like I said earlier, he's licked an exposed outlet like it was an espresso shot. Downside is he can't see for shit in the dark so he's reliant on sensing energies, nightvision, or having one of his buddies that can see in the dark guide him. Can be killed if his brain stem is destroyed, but is also very weakened by the typical stuff (gunshots, stab wounds, severe bodily trauama, etc). but can be severely weakened by being trapped in insulated rooms/wrapped in insulators. If exposed to these things and not able to find a sustainable source of electrical energy, he will die. (rubber, steel, copper are some good insulators)
I don't know why but I'm gonna make him a Siren. For some reason Siren!Gaz just melts my heart and I wanna hold him. I don't care if he can lure me to my death with his voice, I wanna hear him sing :'(
He's typically pretty human appearing, it's a natural instinct for Sirens, but when he's tired or distracted (like working out/doing paperwork), you can start to see some very fish-like qualities. Mostly very gorgeous iridescent scales around his ears, eyes, neck, shoulders, knees, top of his feet, and back of his hands.
Can breathe underwater, has the best vision in the dark, eats like a typical person but with more sea food cravings or cravings for fatty foods (like human), when in full Siren form he doesn't have a "mermaid's" tail, it's much more shark-like so he can accelerate really fast. Generally just more shark-like, except his scales are fish-like. His nose, like sharks, is super sensitive to certain changes, so booping his nose always throws him off if it's surprise, but he will also bump his nose into people/things without realizing it to get a better sense of it. Can be killed by things humans can, susceptible to parasites.
Honestly, his has been the hardest but I'm gonna do changeling. I honestly don't know a lot about them, and quite frankly I've already got one homebrewed monster here, so why not another?
He's definitely the one everyone mistakes for being human cause he's so good at keeping up appearances. But there are always times where Price manipulates his appearance/body just enough that it's a little startling for those that believed him to be human to suddenly realize he's very much not.
He's got better eyesight in the dark than a human, but nowhere near close to what Gaz has. He's good at picking up on scents though, as his nose is a bit more attune to sniffing out humans than anything. He's not a bloodsucker, but changelings typically feed on weakened/ill/very old/very young humans, so he's able to tell when something is wrong with someone. Stifles the more violent urges of his species by eating a primarily meat heavy diet with a lot of raw veggies for the crunch. Most susceptible to things with iron or salt (obvi) but can still be fatally wounded by stab wounds/gunshots. Most other stuff won't kill him but it'll certainly hurt and he'll complain the entire time.
Alejandro and Rudy
These two are werewolves and Los Vaqueros is their pack :'). Most Vaqueros are also werewolves, but they do have a variety of other creatures commonly found in North America.
And finally, the whole point of this: we got our boy Ghost as a literal human being. Nothing more, just a dude. A dude with so much fucked up shit happening to him constantly it's just assumed he must be inhuman. NOPE! He's just a dude, a very very unlucky, and probably cursed, dude.
So yeah, that's what I have so far! Working title is "Cheers to the Unknown"
Taglist (if you want added let me know in the replies/reblogs): @tacticaltaxonomist @cthulhusstepmom
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aannonn · 5 months
voices headcanons!!
Been thinking this for a while now, and thought it would be cool, so now here we are! =D
Lil' note; I personally like to headcanon them all as stickfigures who have no voice, but silly lil' images and/or body languages to convey what exactly they are saying without having to speak, but I also like to imagine how it would be like if they had voices! Just a fun lil' thingy that I wanted to make. (*^▽^*)
aand because, in case i ever do another ava/avm fic which includes dialogue, I need some references from my own headcanons so I wouldn't forget. xD
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I like to imagine that if […] had a voice, it would be like…
彡- ,, The Second Coming | Orange
* ˚ Finn from Adventure Time voicelike ; Calm voice. Relaxing; Perhaps comforting? A little thinner.
✦ Orange prefers simpler, more basic things; Cozy, basically. So I feel like that their way of speaking would be neither so fast nor so slow; Fast enough to be firm and confident, and slow enough so people (sticks) don't get lost in the middle of its speech.
~ I feel like he would also use more basic, simpler-to-understand words, no matter how not-appropriate-for-simple-words the situation is. (lol)
彡- ,, yellowstickfigure | Yellow
* ˚ Varian from Tangled voicelike ; Calm, steady, confident voice, although with a lil' bit of a frantic, crazy tone when hyperfocused on his thoughts.
✦ Yellow is is one of the smartest in the group, always thinking before acting; I like to think he would use more complicated and difficult words to express his thoughts, perhaps making some references to games here and there. ~ He also strikes me as the type of person(stick) who would be a fast-talkative when expressing his thoughts out loud, but who would slow down his speech whenever talking to someone.
彡- ,, redstickfigure | Red
* ˚ Enthusiastic, thin and curious voice; A bit like a ChildLike voice. Although he can make his voice a little more comforting and soothing when talking to small/sensitive animals. (Or when comforting his friends!) ~ I also like to think that his voice is softer than it seems, he's just quite lively and curious, so much so that his voice conveys his emotions very well.
✦ Red is lively and curious, loving and affectionate and a little aggressive; Fast-talkative. He often expresses his thoughts in a curious way and as if he is rambling. His friends can understand him perfectly because they are used to his speech mode, although other sticks have a little more difficulty understanding him.
彡- ,, bluestickfigure | Blue
* ˚ Fluttershy (mad/confident) from My Little Pony voicelike ; Firm voice, yet soft and comforting. Although with a slight hint of dizziness due to his drug netherwart addiction and the fact that he sometimes consumes inedible things, which makes his voice sounds a lil' bit drunk.
✦ Blue is primarily a pacifist, more likely a peacemaker; His way of speaking would be neither so fast nor so slow, although it leans more towards slow in a way.
~ The types of words he would use would be basic, like Orange, although he sometimes uses more complicated words too, like Yellow.
lil' note; Since, out of everyone from the ColorGang who used images (or text) to convey their voices without actually speaking at some point, Blue is the only one in the group who haven't 'said' anything yet, so my headcanon about his voice + his way of speech may change in the future! teehee
彡- ,, greenstickfigure | Green
* ˚ Their voice is probably the softest of the group, although pretty firm and confident. Their calm and comforting and so, so soft voice is like music to the ears. He very often that not hums.
✦ Green is a perfectionist and likes extravagant things; Her way of speaking is similar to Rarity from My Little Pony.
~ She always greets his friends in an affectionate way (darling, love(platonic), dear, bro, dude), although instantly as if he were on autopilot.
~ Her way of speaking is fast, although not so fast to the point that people(sticks) cannot understand him; They can vary between speaking complicated, simple, basic or beautiful words.
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teehee- And that's the end!
I will probably make a second part, since I also have other voices headcanons for the other characters, so...
Next Part!
Welp! I think that's it..? xD
Cya ~ !
also- a lil' random thing;
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haha 69 funni number
(thank u btw!! <33)
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slashingdisneypasta · 7 months
Hatchetfield anon here, and good to know it's fine to gush about them. (Had to Switch off from anonymous to send images :p)
The first one (and possibly less spoiler heavy) would probably be the diva, the queen bee-atch herself: Linda Monroe.
She's from Black Friday and she just scratches that part of my brain that's attracted to dommy rich ladies. She's important, her children are better than everyone else's, and though she thinks her husband is a sniveling fool, she appreciates his loyalty at least. She has a whole song about how she'll make everyone love her ("Adore Me". Quote: "You'll kneel before me, Kiss my toe"), and honestly? She's not wrong. Lot of people fell for the cult "exciting new little religion" that she started (me included. Lauren Lopez just eats her roles right the fuck up).
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Then, of course, you have the cooky, reclusive, biology professor: Professor Hidgens.
Mad scientist mixed with theater kid vibes. Literally. He's as extra as you can imagine. And what I like best about him is that he's a "greater good" kind of villain. As soon as he realizes the alien hive mind that's turning the whole town into a musical (not the craziest part of this entire series, by far) could be humanity's last shot at world peace, he's all, "Okay. Yeah. Let's join the hive!", knocking out his allies, opening up the doors of his doomsday bunker, and attracting the hive zombies with his own, recently composed song, "Show Stopping Number" (quote: "it'll unify humanity, in a THUNDERING CHORUS! No exists from this Broadway venue~!"), which mixes in a except from the musical he wrote and was trying to get funding for called "Working Boys".
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And finally, we have the most recent ones: Max Jagerman, and Grace Chastity.
Where do I start with Grace... She's a repressed Christian girl who thinks having no sexual thoughts until marriage is supposed to be the norm. Then she starts getting dirty thoughts, kills a man, gets her hands on a book full of rituals powered by eldritch beings and decides, "yeah. This is what I want to do with my life. Seducing pervy dudes and then, if they don't pass the vibe check, consume their soul in order to make me stronger..." One good day away from murder, really, as evidenced by her leading the songs "Bury the Bully" and "Dirty Dudes Must Die". Never really expected a character who has the canonical line "[after character A asks why character B would be in hell] -She's bisexual and dead, where else would she be?" to grow on me so strongly, and yet-
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And finally we get to Max Jagerman. The unapologetically bastard of a jock with a God complex ("Don't need no one to tell me / High school will be my peak / So I'm willing to take advantage"). The way everyone paints him as this horrible monster in, well, "Literal Monster", and he doubles down on that when it becomes his turn to sing instead of the expected "I'm not *that* much of a monster, here's my redeeming qualities"... Even when his ghost is being sent to the shadow realm he reacts to it by literally saying "WORTH IT!". He's just hits all the right notes for me. The entirety of "Dirty Girl" was sung directly into my soul.
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And i think that's about it for my rambling. Now I leave you with the knowledge that Grace and Max's most popular ship name (that I've seen) is "Holy Ghost/Spirit". Sorry for rambling and have a nice day!
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THESE ALL SOUND SO GOOD! I definitely wanna watch these now, or at least just listen to the songs 😅😅😅
I don't even know where to start here! I cant even choose a favourite out of your descriptions!! Thank you so much!! Linda sounds completely like my type XD Oh- I have that same brain-part that makes you crave dommy rich ladies XD Especially if they're mean 😅 I'm happy to be a loyal spineless husband for a pretty woman with a sharp tongue XD Happy.
And Professor Hidgens looks promising too XD If you've been following my Callaghan meltdown you know I have a... Thing... for teachers ☠ And OH, just the way you've described him. 'knocking out his allies, opening up the doors of his doomsday bunker, and attracting the hive zombies with his own, recently composed song, "Show Stopping Number"'- Y E S. I'm all for this.
And- just- Grace and Max sound absolutely perfect XD She seems so gross and awful which I l o v e (When female villains get to be truly despicable and broken??? 👌👌👌), and him?? A villain being exactly (if not worse then) what everyone says??? Absolutely obsess-worthy.
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rottentiger-art · 10 months
Honestly, poor Quinn… she was just so overwhelmed with this whole thing. I don’t blame her for running off. 🥺 I love so much that Logan runs after her… my heart…
Everyone on that wedding owed my baby an apology. Ugh that whole scene destroyed me, only thing that made it better was that the let Logan say "fuck" lol, it was kinda funny how we were joking about it on discord and then it actually happened XD.
But yea, that scene was so sad 😭❤
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Yea, I ended up a bit glad for the angst. It got us a quogan romcom moment!
It's not clear if he bought it or they broke into private property lol. I hope he did buy it, imagine the possibilities 😍
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I actually liked that she dropped the monologue once she was offered more money. It was funny and broke the cliché ending these types of movies usually has. I took it as a way of saying "yea, don't take this movie too seriously" and I really appreciated it. Bc this is what this movie it's about, just fun moments and not great lesson to learn or anything, it's not a masterpiece, we're just here for the laughs and nostalgia. It set a realistic goal and it reached it.
I didn't expect to like Mark and Stacey so much on this movie and their relationship. If we get a series continuation, I'd like to see more of them too.
Their relationship is not very different from the relationship he had with Quinn. I think the problem all along wasn't how he was treated, just that he wasn't into Quinn. Can't relate but you do you, Mark.
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I neeeed more of her. I wish we had more scenes of her and Logan, we only got a bit of Lyric annoying him at the rehearsal and a brief cute moment at the end 😭❤
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Rewatching the movie, you can see how that would be possible hahaha, I think I pointed it out before but Todd wasn't as dumb as he let people believe. It would be fun to see more of this little plot. Someone said this movie would have worked better as a miniseries, and I agree.
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Nah, thanks to you!! I love answering asks, I apologize bc it takes me a while to do so, but it's a really fun thing to do in my spare time. Plus I love to hear about what people think about this movie.
And omg, I insist, we need a spin off/continuation/reboot/whatever, and we need more Quogan and more Lyric!! If Quogan have kids, I just know Lyric would be the coolest aunt ❤
Thoughts of early quogan and toddler Lyric consume my mind lately, is such a cute idea!!!
I watched the movie a few times already, when I get a little more time, I want to see it again, I loved it so much, hope you enjoy it again too!
Ugh, thank you again for the asks, it really was fun. If you're my mutual or a follower, fee free to dm me, and we can keep talking about the movie.
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orifumioshi · 8 months
Now that all my scheduled posts of my 02beginning countdown are well... posted, I can finally speak about a delusional silly but fun to think AU. This post is scheduled too tbh because I'm typing as I'm finishing scheduling my final piece with Ukkomon and Rui (ง ื▿ ื)ว but, let's pretend this is being posted in real time~
Ok so, my theme for the countdown was trying to do the 02 gang + Rui in the Digimon Survive character art coloring style because I'm still obsessed with it and hyped over the movie, that's when I thought, what if the 02 gang were to be in the same situation as the Survive gang? Come with me and let's explore this AU (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Beware of Digimon Survive Spoilers, I won't touch 02beginning spoilers (because I also don't know XD) and... long post so, gonna put this in read more~
Let's set the rules:
Daisuke and co. will have no idea what "Digimons" or "Kemonogami" are until they are in "the other world".
So, their first contact with their partners will be once they are in the other world.
No digivice like the Survive gang, just their bonds and souls uwu this means, no crest either and of course, no digimentals (BUT, for fun let's pretend that they can evolve in their digimental evos as alternative evoline)
So, not natural evolution will def happen, like how we have different options in Survive.
Daisuke will be friends (at the beginning) only with Hikari and Takeru for being in the same class; Miyako and Iori will be friends for living in the same departments and know Takeru's face for the very same reason. Ken will be the 'outsider' who doesn't know anyone BUT he's not in his Kaiser persona.
Let's include Wallace and Rui too just to have more 'cast' (ง ื▿ ื)ว but sorry, the international chosen would be a lot of people so, let's stick with these 8.
Aaand, to have "The professor", let me add Oikawa as the good person he was before dying in the 02 finale.
But worry not that everyone will be friends as they spend time in the camp and the other world.
Let's also put everyone in the "camp" to stick with the Survive script except for Rui.
They all get to keep their personalities so, no 'adaptations' to fit the Survive cast.
Jogress can happen because that was missing in Survive (ง ื▿ ื)ว (I know Omegamon is there but c'mon, we needed more xD)
Of course, same partners Digimons, even Wallace can keep both Terriermon and Lopmon.
Also, same enemies as Survive, sorry but we can't include Mummymon (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
People will die, sorry but we are going for the chaotic routes because, where is the fun in this if we know they all get out alive xD
I guess that's pretty much all. Now onto the story! Or at least, the "key events".
Rui and Ukkomon are the "tragic" duo, trapped in the other world like Miyuki and Renamon. Maybe even Ukkomon can disguise as human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Probably we will be putting Rui as a "priest" that the Master wants to consume.
We can consider that Oikawa indeed went to the other side before when he was a kid, but I'm afraid of giving him a connection with Rui or let Rui have the "song" to connect worlds so, let's just assume Oikawa got lucky and found a gate to come back before the Master consumes him but due the traumatic events, he won't be able to remember Pipimon or the whole experience.
I would love to say that Iori's dad, Hiroki was part of the "spirited away" kids with Oikawa and ultimately died at hands of the Kenzoku and the Master but... It's impossible for a kid to well, have kids and having him dead in the other world won't work if we want Iori to exist so instead, let's pretend they become friends later in their lives until Hiroki died like in canon 02.
The camp setting will be mostly all the kids in the camp so, no 'Miu' role to lead them to the sanctuary.
Wallace will be the "chaotic" one to suggest find another path and Miyako will def second that out of curiosity. Takeru will follow them because he's interested in the "nature" of the path and well, Hikari and Iori will follow because what else can they do if they tried to stop them but they didn't listen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Daisuke, he will agree with Hikari to be honest xD also I feel like Ken would be the "Shuuji" in this specific case, due his "smart brains" and being an honor student, the teachers trust him to be the "chaperone" so he has to go look for the "troublemakers" xD; let's say that Daisuke, Hikari and Iori took a second to think before following the others and that's when Ken finds them; just to have 2 teams.
The Gotsumon event might be pretty much the same: looking for each other, Gotsumon punching kids, the sanctuary getting destroyed, etc etc...
And yes, Oikawa will be researching the Kemonogami just like the professor so, he will pretty much be doing the same as Akiharu during the whole experience xD.
In canon Survive, we (as the protagonist) can only witness the first encounter with a partner Kemonogami through the eyes of Takuma, then let's say that Daisuke is the "player" (us) and we can only witness this encounter; I think he will be pretty chill with Chibimon despite getting beaten up by Gotsumon a few minutes ago and won't hesitate to help the little guy when Gotsumon attacks again and of course, V-mon saves the day~
The rest would pretty much be the same (events wise) so we just need to figure out the order of "found kids".
The group who will arrive at the school first would be Daisuke, Takeru, Miyako and Wallace, who will find Rui and Ukkomon (disguised?) living there and the ones to be kidnapped by Dokugumon will be Miyako and Wallace (because in my second play I got Aoi and Minoru trapped in the webs xD and idk what triggers Minoru getting trapped too).
Hikari, Ken, Iori and Oikawa will be the ones being chased by Fangmon, just to later get separated. We'll find only Ken and Oikawa at the dam who the later gets thrown to be considered dead like the professor.
Hikari and Iori will encounter Arukenimon in the forest (like Miu and Kaito), trusting her completely until we found them; Daisuke, Ken and Miyako are the ones who suspect of her but I can picture Miyako giving in trusting her at the end, leaving us with Daisuke and Ken to save the rest from Arukenimon.
The first one to die will be Ken, for not opening his heart to Wormmon and thinking he's a "useless worm" and definitely, he saw Osamu in the fog.
I don't really have an extra kid to be the "queen" of the little guys in the amusement park so, let's say they do want to investigate other places in order to find a way to go back to our world. Here an evolved Pipimon will be presented as [insert your fav possible Adult evo for Pipimon xD], who just as Garurumon, despites the Kemonogami with Human partners.
The second to die will be Takeru, for succumbing to the "darkness" Arukenimon pushed him to and let Patamon evolve into NeoDevimon/DoneDevimon, idk... Some Digi that can "eat" him (ง ื▿ ื)ว and Oikawa comes back~
The "Minoru" event will be in charge of Iori, for seeing how the Kemonogami can kill them whenever they want and with his "logical" thinking, he decided they are safer without the Kemonogami until Oikawa explains the whole "reflection of emotions" and "shared souls".
I don't want to touch Rui and Ukkomon much in this, mostly because I don't think Ukkomon will be as savage as Renamon but, we can still let Arukenimon to kidnap Rui.
In the Piemon fight; Daisuke, V-mon and Rui will go back to the human world and we let them bond just like how Takuma bonds with Miyuki.
Of course, Rui will be the one to lead the Kenzokus as the Master host and I... honestly don't know how to let Ukkomon handle this OTL
The next one to die (wrath route?) will be Hikari, for trying to save baby digis from the amusement park (who were actually Kenzokus), leading Miyako into the "Aoi villain arc" so, she will ultimately fuse with Hawkmon once Piemon almost kills them.
The alternative next death (harmony?) won't be human but instead, Wallace will lose Terriermon while trying to save the same babies and we won't get their Digitama back (for drama xD), leading Wallace to let Lopmon run rampage as Cherubimon; maybe we can pretend this dark evolution will be result of Wendimon eating the dying Piemon? Yeah, let's pretend that happens xD.
Well, that's the most I can think of right now on the spot. I would LOVE to explore the alternative evolution lines and as you can see, we can't get Jogress in our first play so, the "truthful" route would be the only way to get all the jogress. (In retrospective, I think only Silphymon can be obtained in the harmony route XDD)
Maybe someday with a little bit more of time I can think on the evolution lines, individualy and with jogress ooooor~ if you reached this part and got inspired by this, I would love to hear your opinions and "own" interpretations, also what kind of evil angsty Digimon might Miyako and Hawkmon evolve into?
I'll leave the rest for other day, hope you enjoyed this "quick" AU and hope we all can watch 02beginning in our closest cinema once it is available in your country ;w;
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hxhhasmysoul · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @cursedvibes
Thank you for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Hunter X Hunter - not actively at the moment, i needed a break
呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga) - kinda actively, though writing has been hard
 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù - one gift fic
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) The Only One - wins at kudos by a very high margin, compared to everything else, it’s an author pleaser, super indulgent SukuIta fic. Partially ooc for indulgence sake. A Royalty AU. Rating: E
2) Stellar Date - wins by a high margin with other KilluGon stuff. It’s a very fluffy one shot, the fluffiest I have on ao3. A college AU. Rating: T
3) Trapped - my darker SukuIta fic. I’d argue the better one because far less ooc. A let’s say Beauty and the Beast AU but not really. Rating: E
4) Why am I like this? - the ode to Killua’s fragile gay mind. A KilluGon high school AU. Rating: M
5) Knov's List - another high school AU, this time in equal parts KilluGon and AlluNary. Rating: M 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to always respond, but on multi chapter fic I feel I shouldn’t respond before publishing the next chapter… I know it’s weird XD
But I'm doing my best.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m honestly too soft and gooey inside for writing angst… whenever I write any, I take it very poorly. 
I’ve only once written a fic that didn’t have a happy ending and to this day I feel very guilty about it. 
All our Wards Went on Holiday - It’s a very strange AU for the 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù fandom, and a rare pair to boot (Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn/Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín). Rating: T
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Apart from the fic mentioned above, all my finished fics have happy endings or open endings. 
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nah, I got spam once. 
9. Do you write smut?
Yeah, 6 out of my 21 fics are rated E. It’s horrible and it takes 3 times as much time to write than regular stuff. 
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, I don’t see the appeal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don’t know about it. But I highly doubt that. 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. I don’t exactly understand why people do it, translation is so time consuming. Maybe as practice? 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I co-write my original stuff, fic is just for me.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I will not choose favourites between my children.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I want to finish all my wips. And I try not to be pessimistic about it. 
16. What are your writing strengths?
Commenters mention world building and characterisation most often, then the feels. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate every aspect of my writing. But what I dislike the most is my writing style. I’ve tried improving it but fuck me, I just can’t make it better. I find it extremely unpleasant to read. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Without a translation? Pretentious. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Hunter X Hunter - I’d never processed media through a fandom before HxH.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Lol, none, they are all kinda shit. I write to externalise my ADHD, otherwise it drives me crazy. I guess I have the most fondness for my first fics in fandoms, like you’d have for any first attempt at a craft, you tried so you get a cookie kinda thing. So Fairytale kingdom, nightmare castle for HxH, and Trapped for JJK, both rated E. 
20 fic writers is much more than I know XD And some that I know aren’t on Tumblr. Tagging but only if you feel like it: @subdee, @ishouldgetatumbler, @twila-star, @canzie-gumm, @yuujispinkhair, @voidcat-senket, @clood, @fireolin, @mysterypond, @dream-of-tanalorr
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starspray · 1 year
I'd love your director's cut on On Wings Of Storm- Esp Elwing's attack on Maedhros! She's so vibrant in your writing, and I love how you portray her desperation too XD
Ooh, my first TRSB fic! First of all, I'm so glad you liked it! Second of all, I had to go back and reread it because I couldn't remember anything about it except for the artwork and like, the logistics of slaying Ancalagon, rather than the scene itself. Good lord it's riddled with typoes I am so sorry I don't have any idea how those happened. I swear I usually proofread my work.
So fun fact: the art was not my first pick for that TRSB; I was in the car on the way to some family Memorial Day thing and the google form glitched and I had to fill it out twice. This art of Elwing was pretty far down the list because I loved it but I wasn't entirely confident I could write something 5000 words long about it.
Turns out I could write over 11k, and honestly if I were to write this fic now it would be a lot longer. As I was reading I kept finding places and characters that I would have loved to see more fleshed out, but when I was writing it, it was for the very first Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang before the "oh no my fic has grown wildly out of my control" culture was established, and I didn't want to end up with a monster fic (hilariously contrasted with '21 and '22 where both fics were around 20k, lol).
So I don't remember a whole lot of what I was thinking when I wrote this fic, but definitely a lot of it was me trying to figure out how Elwing would get to that scene in the art, standing on Vingilot in armor with a sword in her hand (God, it's such good art!). I don't usually write her as particularly war-like, and I guess she still isn't, here, but she also knows her way around a sword and she's not afraid to use it.
I'm also not sure that scene where she fights Maedhros is Maedhros, tbh; that might be Amrod or Amras (there's another version of Sirion I've written where it's one of them she encounters before reaching the cliff; I may have been thinking of that). But the Elwing of this fic is not an Elwing who is just going to run away and not put up any fight. She also uses the Silmaril to blind her attacker there which is fun because foreshadowing! The scene on the cliff is also one I had written before, so I was trying to make it different; Elwing's last words to Maedhros are a moment of foresight for her because I was really leaning into her as one of Melian's granddaughters which means she has powers. Also fire seems to be something of a motif, what with Doriath and Sirion burning and then the dragons with their fire--and ultimately the fire that consumed Maedhros himself, though Elwing does not witness that. The reader knows what happens.
Aiwendil gets a cameo because I am very attached to my headcanon of he and Elwing as BFFs.
Curumo also gets a cameo because I needed someone to make Elwing's armor, and I thought it would be neat to see Saruman long before he ever starts down the road to becoming Sharkey; ever since I've looked for opportunities to do that again, but I haven't found one yet. I feel like I probably tried to think of a way to work in Olorin, but that clearly didn't work out. Instead I put in the scene with Nienna, because I needed a starting point for Elwing to start processing her despair and anger and trauma, and that's Nienna's whole jam. The mirror is obviously a nod to Galadriel's later in LOTR, but Nienna has both more and a different kind of power so it doesn't function in exactly the same way.
And the refrain of "She jumped." was definitely purposeful. There's the first time where she jumps to what she believes will be her death, in anger and despair; there's the second time where she jumps into battle with still plenty of anger but not so much despair--and this time she can use that anger, because now she can fly at will--and the last time at the end she's happy, and jumping is just the first step to soaring.
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elwenyere · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you Chel and @adiduck for the asks!!! I am going to do this in the order that I wrote the fics, because my secret favorite children often earned that status for very different reasons (some of them by being little pests, honestly XD).
Three Little Words (MCU, Stony, M, 11.k)
“First of all,” Tony said, “and I need everyone to hear this on multiple levels: how dare you?”
In the branching timeline, Thor has to restart Tony's heart, and Steve hears that Bucky is alive. Some things go differently, and some things stay the same. For starters, Steve and Tony are still terrible at saying those three little words.
This was a very early fic for me, and the first one I wrote where I really felt like I could hear the characters - like they were starting to boss me around. It also has one of my favorites of my many melodramatic finishes.
Longing (MCU, Sambucky, M, 11.8k)
"Hours later, when everything was well and truly fucked, Bucky would recognize the exact moment when he should have benched himself. It had happened in the dazed split-second between Sam flashing him a smile as he swan-dived out of the plane and Bucky almost leaping right after him, his parachute lying forgotten on the floor."
Or, when Sam gets caught in a memory machine, Bucky goes in after him.
This fic ate my soul. I don't think I have eve gotten quite so deeply consumed in the process of writing a fic, and I feel happy to have gotten pretty close to the very hard thing I wanted to try to achieve.
Citation Needed (MCU, Stony, M, 30.5k) cowritten with @festiveferret
Historian Tony Stark has one year to get his book about WWII weapons technology under contract before he goes up for Full Professor at Stanley College. There's only one chapter left to finish, which is supposed to explain Peggy Carter's involvement with something called "Project Rebirth," but there are two problems: his trail of evidence goes cold every time he encounters references to an enigmatic soldier named Steven Rogers, and his stress levels shoot through the roof every time he runs into the endlessly frustrating new hire in Fine Arts, Dr. Grant.
This is the most extensively world-buildy AU I've ever written (including hilarious lines from Ferret and jokes from me that are punishingly niche...), and I also just had an absolute blast co-writing it: maybe the most fun I've had writing.
Good Soldiers (Star Wars, Codywan, M, 7.2k)
“Have I ever commended you on the vast array of sentiments you manage to convey with your ‘sirs’?” Obi-Wan asked wryly. “Someday I will persuade you to drop the appearance of formality - at least when you’re telling me I’m full of shit.”
“You’re welcome to keep believing that, sir,” Cody allowed. “Everyone needs something to look forward to.”
The rest of Obi-Wan’s smile faded, his expression growing thoughtful.
“Yes,” he murmured, “I suppose they do.”
Or, 5 Times Cody and Obi-Wan Followed Orders + 1 Time They Followed Each Other
My first Codywan fic and probably the fic that sits most wonderfully at the intersection of "I wrote this because its demon spirit possessed me" and "I had fun writing this." XD I started watching TCW, read some spectacular fic, and then speed-ran through this in fit of intense self-indulgence.
Recollection (Star Wars, Codywan, E, WIP 17.4k)
CC-2224 had been compromised.
That had been the assessment delivered by Lieutenant Piett, the Imperial officer who met the returning Purge Troopers in the landing bay, and CC-2224 had accepted the new parameters and applied them to his current situation. He had been compromised in the field, and that was why his heart rate was tachycardic, his vision was blurred, and he was currently being dragged down the hall by the armpits, his wrists cuffed behind his back so that every step wrenched against his shoulders.
Or, Eternal Sunshine of the Reconditioned Mind
It's often the case that my current fic is one of my favorite fics, but I think this karker will likely stay on the list, both because I have been really grabbed (throttled, frankly) by the premise and because I am trying so many things that scare the shit out of me (including my first smut scene...those other "Ms" are totally unearned, y'all, and when I post the final chapter of this I may expire due the mortifying ordeal of being perceived).
Thank you again to Chel and Adi for the asks!!!
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tiredassmage · 2 years
Oooh 27-30 for the AO3 wrapped if I can be greedy :3
Haha, of course! It seems only fitting, for how much I ramble in your answers anyway. xD
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Sometimes nothing because music can be just as inspiring as distracting. In the reverse though, I tend to write moments or scenes; I seem to have abandoned the planning and patience required for multi-chaptered works when I was younger and had less responsibility, lol. And also before I went through several years of forum-based rping and became very used to collaborative character development and short works.
I otherwise also have a habit of just looping one song for the entirety of a writing period. Ironically, I worked on this Ziost piece for Savosta and Rhystyl with a combination of Disturbia by Rhianna and Pump It by the Black Eyed Peas absolutely stuck in my head. NEITHER of which match the vibes of Ziost or that piece AT ALL, but I could NOT purge those songs and eventually I just caved. And also the doc in my GoogleDocs is literally titled "disturbia looping in my head" because this one was a gut-punch to write and a meme-y title was my coping mechanism, lmao.
My 3 most defined SWTOR characters (Tyr, of course; Savosta, my Chiss SW; and Lensan, my BH) also all have their own playlists, which is another thing I haven't successfully done in EONS, so I will sometimes shuffle their whole playlists while writing for them, or loop specific songs relevant to whatever piece I'm writing. (They also usually accompany me to work or campus because blorbo thoughts are always the answer.)
OH. ALSO. My obsession I need to beam into everyone’s head is the last like 24 hours of my life I have been CONSUMED by The Unforgiven by Metallica as an agent song. I am rotating Tyr so intently in my head. Will I manage to do anything about it? Stay tuned!
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
inflection point was my first foray into writing and publishing for SWTOR and it remains really close to my heart for... reasons I'm pretty certain I've already mentioned for it earlier in the year, but a quick recap: I do really enjoy how I established Tyr in this one. Most of his minor mannerisms that have become essential to my picture of him made it into this fic and I think this is maybe one of my best representations of his relationship with Theron in one piece. They banter here, but they also are bone-cuttingly honest with one another - something I think is still way more difficult for Tyr than he even realizes. I apparently still can't write in chronological order ever because it's the first piece I published and it's the most recent as far as chronological story events are concerned, but, hey, I wrote it semi-shortly after actually finishing all the story content with him, so... that's my defense, lol.
take me gets an honorable mention as the other one near and dear to my heart as another one of those wrenchingly honest and intimate moments they share. I really like the unscripted aspect of both this one and inflection point. A lot of my other works have been focused around certain game moments and it sometimes feels like a bit of a cheap slip to work that way, but I end up writing them anyway because it's what my characters saw in that moment, even if it's mostly familiar to reference in game - and they're often really important distinguishments to keep track of in my head, at least, and writing them out in full just hits way harder than adding another bullet point to the Lore Doc. xD
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Okay, I'm gonna be greedy and give you a few, I think. I'll put a cut here for them.
“Do you regret it, Tyr..?” he asked quietly.
The Commander and ex-Cipher was silent for another long moment. “No.” Tyr rolled his jaw before he finally looked back at his lover. “May I speak frankly with you, Major..?”
He’d lowered his voice, reverted once more to the comforting distance of professionalism afforded by their titles. It’d helped Quinn find his footing in the Alliance - something grounding and familiar and unchanging, unlike so much else in the last several years.
“Always, Commander.”
Tyr watched him a second longer, as if to consider whether or not he was truly prepared - or willing - to step off the ledge. “I’d burn the Empire down to the foundations, Quinn. All of it. Not for the Alliance, not for the Republic… Just… me.” He closed his eyes and released a breath measured and slow - not quite a sigh so much as… acceptance. Resignation, maybe.
Okay, so it's primarily the bold section that keeps me up at night, BUT. Uhhh, brief context, this is from a WIP that I... may or may not finish, I have two versions of this actually - one is this one, where I was exploring the idea of Tyr x Theron x Malavai that is... theoretically established after Iokath. In my head. I have barely written anything tangible about it, but I thought about it for like 3 months at one point before I finally got fed up enough with myself to write when the sirens call our names just to justify Tyr recruiting Quinn to the Alliance when he sided with the Republic on Iokath. Because it was one instance where "you should provide context" won out over the gremlin urge to write 3 pretty boys with complex loyalty issues kissing each other about it.
The other version I set him against Vector as his long-time confidant, but I have already derailed SO far, so, ANYWAY.
The reason this one hits me so hard is because Tyr carries this burn inside of him for years before he can do anything tangible about it. The constant mask of survival suffocates this from really bubbling up prior to the threat of the Eternal Empire. He doesn't see a tangible way out of the Empire when he is still Legate and the half-homeless Cipher Nine following the disbandment of Imperial Intelligence. He's drifting. He hates where he is, but he doesn't run. Where would he even go? What would he do?
I've developed bones to pick with myself for leaving him in command of something like the Alliance because it is against his every instinct to be that known, but it is where the game has him currently and it is the foundation upon which he found the personal agency to really let his dissent flourish and I can't really take that from him. To finally have the power to strike back against the people and the entity that spent years rigging him up like a marionette... He wants that, even though he knows - sort of subconsciously - that it's a path of self-destruction. It's my latest obsession with him, tbh. In between research assignments last week, the idea that he doesn't know how self-destructive he really is, but has these kind of ideas running silently through his head anyway hit me like a semi-truck and hasn't let me rest since.
“But you must see… Whatever resistance we hope to achieve, whatever war we hurtle towards… The galaxy needs you, Rhyst. This ship, this alliance are merely tools, but you were my example. My beacon.”
“If you cannot forgive me, I will understand,” he said. “But this war - Zakuul, Arcann, the Throne… Whatever lies Valkorian tries to weave for us, you must see it all for the mere crucible that it is! Promise me, Rhystyl! If you will allow me at your side to guard against his influence, I will not leave you. This, I swear to you on my life.”
Also this. Bc ngl, I started writing this whole thing specifically for this line. For this moment. (And also the crucible line came to me one night right before bed as I was playing the mental blorbo movies, as you do, and I just. I Needed It to happen.) Aafafuughghghghghg, this is the peak of the transformation from Savosta being distanced with Rhystyl and with everyone else - his transformation from the weapon he was made into as Baras's apprentice and Emperor's Wrath to actively fighting for himself and what he believes in. When I write one, the other is usually involved, and Rhystyl is sort of positioned to be the "main character" as far as the hero of the galaxy-centric thought might be, but I think what it really is, to me at least, is a series of how Savosta sees him. Ideally, I'll one day have a whole fic series chronicling their journey from tepid allies on Ilum to co-Commanders of the Alliance, but it'll still take me a boatload of time to write that much. So, it's really about Savosta, for me. I started him out to have a really DS Sith (and maybe for the DS 5 chievo, okay, I don't usually play such hardcore dark siders), but then... I got really attached. >.> And I decided I loved him and I was rooting for him to get better and actually break his chains.
He sees someone like Rhystyl - a hero of his people - struggle and still get back up on his feet. Rhyst doesn't always have the answers and, despite their initial misgivings with one another, Rhyst doesn't turn away his partnership, either. He largely accepts that Savosta operates differently, that there's a struggle they share that Savosta isn't ready to confront in himself until several years into the conflict. Rhyst is a mirror, in a way, that Savosta uses to reflect on the differences in their choices and their relationships. Rhyst leans on his connections to bolster his strength where Savosta has always felt incredibly isolated and mistrustful, even with his own crew. He never had that kind of trust with anyone. Rhystyl is really the first person that meets him where he is - and Savosta doesn't think he realizes it. This is the moment he decides he needs to know it. This is the moment he is determined to be there for the man that has unwittingly showed him how he can be better, how he can help himself. He needs to show the same support he feels he's gotten from Rhystyl. And this is the moment they really become inseparable friends.
I'm a little low-key obsessed with a Sith character having the crashing, brutal realization that their power struggles are not, in fact, breaking free of chains, as their code posits, but trading one master for another in an endless struggle for power to oppress the losers, alright?
30. Biggest surprise writing this year?
Honestly? Just having as much fun as I have. Writing as much as I have. Tyr is my absolute blorbo wrapped (I think that's... obvious, lol) and it's honestly just been incredible to be this into an OC again. It feels like it's been too long since I've been so in love and engaged in the development of one of my characters.
I have absolutely enjoyed other OCs I've had in recent years, but I was kinda going off to a friend the other night trying to explain just why SWTOR scratches my itch about story-based gameplay and I boiled it down there to being able to reflect so many of my perceptions about my character in-game. My semi-recent within the last maybe two or three years love for BioWare titles - beginning with Dragon Age: Inquisition, then Mass Effect, and, ofc, now we're on SWTOR - was absolutely in part because of the depth of character interaction. Given a character creator and an engaging dialogue system that affected my relationships with the pixel npc blorbos and I was absolutely hooked.
I really can't explain why he's my obsession that's held on for this long. He's my poor little Rubix Cube, I want to snap him like a glowstick and shake him up and also show him to all my friends. There's also just a charm to SWTOR about being able to explore the aspects of the SW universe that the movies don't focus on - which is how I think I've, ironically, fallen far harder for my Impside characters... against all my expectations and plans. But there's just SO MUCH to explore in them and their complex relationships with their loyalties - often shifting over time, that I just. It ENGAGES ME VERY MUCH. And I love them a lot. Kissing them all on the forehead. Even Len, that absolute jackass.
Anyway, tangent survived successfully if you've made it this far, lol. It's tldr been just. a LOT of fun. I missed it. And it's been liberating to just... actually post it. I'd struggled quite a bit to write and definitely post things within the last several years, even for things I really loved, so to just give myself over to the joy of the process and the indulgence of creating for my own little blorbo has been extremely liberating and enjoyable.
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yharnam · 2 years
akechi, fyodor, dazai, and izaya for the character meme. :)
so many... akechi
favorite thing about them: there's too many things but it's his tenacity and how he refuses to change himself for other people in the end (ie 3rd semester) for me babey!!
least favorite thing about them: fanon pancakes xD
favorite line: “I’m going to be entirely honest with you, I hate you.”
brOTP: makoto and akechi... i just think they'd have the stupidest intellectual conversations about morality and justice that i'd subscribe to
OTP: do i really gotta say it
nOTP: idk how people ship him and yoshizawa but absolutely no thanks
random headcanon: despite hating sweets, he perfectly curates his social media with date spot sweets and makes sure the other seat is always empty so that he can better appeal to his fanbase and look available as a celebrity. it's incredibly annoying for him to put in the effort, but he really is meticulous with it
unpopular opinion: akechi isn't a bad character, you all just hate the people with "scary" mental illnesses
song i associate with them: flight of the crows - jhariah
favorite picture of them: i can't find my favorite favorite but this is a runner-up by kaninn
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favorite thing about them: how incredibly intelligent he is.... look at that little guy go. look at the prison chapters where he's just talking with dazai in code that they both made up on the spot.
least favorite thing about them: i can't think of anything beyond the fact that his eng VA annoys me. that's how much i'm in love with this little rat man
favorite line: “I am crime. I am punishment. Crime and punishment are close friends. Borders vanish. Rooms awaken. The incarnation of death, the master of the ability-consuming fog… Eat, howl, and make violence as your instinct desires. This is neither a loss of control nor a singularity.”
brOTP: fyogolsig. we love two maniacs and a tired casino owner shenanigans
OTP: fyozai.... let me talk to you for the next twelve years why fyozai is the only perfect bsd shi
nOTP fyoran. don't see the fandom appeal
random headcanon: he has to get iron replacement injections for severe anemia or else he's just a useless little bag of bones in his bed for a long while. idiot. stupid.
unpopular opinion: i think fyodor is probably the most underrated villain of the series because people really sleep on him compared to how they treat members of the port mafia, or treat him like just an underling of fukuchi -__-
song i associate with them: l'inverno op. 8 no.4 in f minor 1. allegro - vivaldi
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favorite thing about them: he's such a fucking snake? like this man is on x games mode when it comes to his true agenda at all times. things just LINE UP to where they work out with the ADA for the most part, but he still has so many threads from his before life that he pulls whenever he needs to
least favorite thing about them: boiled down to either a part of a ship or teehee suicide joke by both canon and fanon ALL the time
favorite line: "If you place yourself somewhere close to raw emotions, where you’re exposed to violence and death, instinct and desire, you can brush against man’s true nature. I thought that way I could find a reason to live somehow."
brOTP: kunidazai... i just think they're funny little guys. :)
OTP: i can't say my true otp so i'll just say fyozai because i like them too!
nOTP: dazai and ranpo. i just cannot fucking stand it because of someone.
random headcanon: now that he has an actual apartment, dazai keeps an eclectic amount of collections from his interests. books, letter openers, handheld torture devices, little 100 yen gachapon figures. it's not to the level of hoarding, but it's much more than the normal level of collecting that your average person would have
unpopular opinion: dazai has a comorbid cluster b personality disorder but you're all too cowardly to admit that
song i associate with them: a mask of my own face - lemon demon
favorite picture of them: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/4657637
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favorite thing about them: i'm realizing i hate this question because there's never really just one thing. i love how he he tangents and how he loves to hear himself talk, and i love how he power trips without ever fully going to a place where he can't recover from a blunder
least favorite thing about them: his hairline... he's gonna be bald by 40
favorite line: listen... this isn't a direct quote from him but ABOUT him but it's my favorite thing that just explains him so well: “He may seem cold-blooded, but he is more human and his heart more brittle than anybody else’s, so much so that if you filled it with human love or betrayal, it would break easily, which is why, I think, he chose from the beginning to avoid it all, to love humanity, you understand? Not to accept, not to face it. To avoid it.”
brOTP: kadota and izaya!! i think they're pretty chill
OTP: shinzaya bc i can't say my other otp....
nOTP: there's only very certain instances i will even look at shizaya because of the fandom. and fanon shizaya ain't it.
random headcanon: izaya collects different scents of cologne that he gets as gifts from ~ certain ~ clientele, and will use it when he wants to impress. his favorite scents are usually ones with high fruit tones but nothing too aggressive that the subtlety can't speak for itself
unpopular opinion: i think people in the fandom are incapable of seeing izaya as either this troll character with very little substance besides being a nuisance or being a cocksleeve for shizuo when he's actually an integral pivot for most everyone's character development in the series because of his meddling and the SEVERAL strings that he has to pull at any given time.
song i associate with them: cotards solution - will wood and the tapeworms
favorite picture of them: unfortunate source but it's from the doujin ABBERANCE!!
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Okay, so sadly no art this time, but I have started a google document for the Double Training AU (or Double Trouble haha) Then I realised that Macaque might be ooc since I've never actually written for this fandom before, but I also realised this is an AU so that probably doesn't matter. My verse, my tune.
So what I have down so far!
The twins actually died in the calabash/vase respectively, the gods were going to give them back their immortal bodies to go work for Laozi again but they realised that because they were children when sent on this wack mission to challenge a party of three demons one of which can most likely total heaven (seriously Guanyin, why the furnace children??) they might be a tad attached to their dead demon mother who actually seemed to like them. So into the reincarnation cycle you go <3 (I mean Sandy was thrown down to the mortal coil just for breaking a plate so I judge the gods' morals very harshly :/)
Macaque on the otherhand didn't die! He sure was left to die but no one came for his soul considering I believe his name was one of the one's wiped from the record, basically no receipt no refund sorry.
This part I haven't fully fleshed out yet but I want Mac to meet the boys around the time DBK got imprisoned. I need to add this to the document after this but I'm thinking Red Son't ritual was actually performed around this time after his powers fully consumed him (so basically during the actual JTTW he only just manifested his powers for a while) and there was just a big accident where a lot of nearby demons and mortals alike perished. The Twin's mother being one of them, so the twins freshly out of the reincarnation pot is motherless once again. Macaque finds them in aftermath or smt, I'll get there.
Now how I want to characterize Macaque is probably ooc for the fandom's general consensus, so bear with me? I want him to take in the twins on sight, maybe not fully out of pity but I want his kryptonite to be a deep desire to be needed. And what craves attention more than two toddlers? So it's not entirely selfless for him, it's also not to say he doesn't have trust issues but like, it's two toddlers what are they going to do? Stab him?
His relationship with Wukong is basically, he doesn't necessarily hate the king, he hates how uncommitted to his home and family he was, he hates how he was so ready to kill him for the monk he was, but he doesn't hate him. Basically I made Macaque a self-deprecating bastard who outwardly antagonizes Monkey King because 1. If he's expected to play a villain he will and 2. Hating Monkey King is a safer option for him in a world where the reckless son of a gun has made a lot of enemies who are willing to exploit everything
Most of these thoughts need further ironing out but that's what I got for now.
(Heaven's work ethics are questionable at best)
Ah so it's a new flavor of trauma for Macaque, got it.
How funny would it be if one of the twins stab him by accident the first week? XD
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disneydreamlights · 2 years
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I posted 4,749 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but in the event that fanfiction is no longer around people should still have the ability to read and reread those fanfics available to the
My Top Posts in 2022:
So as it turns out we're not all actually Xehanort. We're just Xehanort's parent.
...I have a lot of thoughts. Dark Road made me have feelings and I'm just upset all over. We really had so much faith in such a good boy...
12 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
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Holy shit I love this man. I already liked Eraqus before but DR has just made me love him 2000 times more.
17 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Fallen Star: Chapter 1
[Previous Fic] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Summary: The Clone Wars have raged on for three years. With Dooku dead, the war's end is finally within reach, and peace may come to the galaxy.
For Jedi Knight Padmé Amidala, Senator Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the world seems to have too many other plans to let it.
[Or, a Revenge of the Sith Roleswap AU]
A/N: I explain a bit of why it took me so long in the author's note on AO3. I don't have an excuse. Next chapter drops Friday.
See the full post
18 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
Hey so just a reminder if you think death threats are okay in any way, shape, or form, for any reason please unfollow and if we’re muts soft (or hard) block.
I do not want to be associated with that behavior and I am not okay with that what the fuck is your damage if you think that’s okay???
36 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In regards to those two posts my problem isn’t that people shouldn’t be thinking critically about their media they consume. I think we should be doing so just like everybody else should. But letting somebody else tell you something is problematic and then letting that be your informed opinion is not critical consumption or critical thinking and we’ve let that be a substitute for it. If somebody says something is problematic, and you want to weigh in on that discussion, then you need to watch the media to have that conversation. Not just parrot somebody else who also probably has not consumed whatever it is themselves.
165 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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