#and I'm happy that this means we might see him more. I felt very uncomfortable (unsafe tbh) when she was around.
running-in-the-dark · 30 days
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So you want to write about a Jewish Ed Teach - a quick guide to writing a Jewish man of color, by a Jewish moc
Given Taika Waititi is Jewish, I am always so happy when I see fanfic authors writing about Ed being Jewish! We need more Jewish poc rep and I'm always happy to see it. That being said, I've also seen a lot of misunderstandings, so I wanted to to write up a few quick guidelines.
Disclaimer: I'm just one Jew with an opinion, and this is based on my own experiences! I'd love if other Jews, especially other Jews of color, in the fandom would like to chime in with their thoughts as well!
It is possible to be a Jewish athiest! Judaism is membership in a people, and belief in g-d is not required (and, in my community, it's even considered a very personal question!). Some of the most observant Jews I know are athiests; belief in g-d and level of Jewish observance are not directly correlated. Cannot overstate how common it is for Jews to not believe in g-d or go back and forth on the question.
On that note, there are different levels of Jewish observance. Every individual is different, but in general there's Orthodox (very strict), and then, way on the other side, there's Reform and Conservative (Conservative does not equal politically Conservative). Conservative and Reform are very similar, except the Conservative movement tends to be more observant of traditional Jewish law and uses a lot more Hebrew. If you live in an area without a lot of Jews (like where I live!), it's very common for Reform and Conservative movements to have a lot of overlap and collaborate on a lot of stuff together.
Not every Jew keeps Kosher, or keeps Kosher to the same level of strictness.
Synagogue services are not like Christian services, especially outside of holiday services. Ordinary Saturday morning services are often more like a group conversation as we try to work new meaning out of the Torah. The B'Nei Mitzvah, the big ceremony that marks a kid being old enough to participate fully in Jewish life, is more like "baby's first thesis defense" than anything else! There have literally been pauses in services I've attended before as someone ran to the temple library to check their sources.
Not all Jews speak Hebrew. Some Jews might not know any, some might be able to stumble through the more important prayers, some might be able to sight-read okay, some might only know religious words but not modern words, some might be fluent! Just about any level of proficiency is believable.
Ed's got a lot of tattoos! Tattoos are a big traditional Jewish no-no, but (again!) different movements and different Jews have their own opinions. I know a Conservative tattoo artist! It's not something that other Jews would comment on (unless they're just assholes) and it wouldn't make anyone kick him out of synagogue services (no joke, I read that in a fic once).
Hannukah is not the only (or even the most important) Jewish holiday; it's just the one most non-Jews know about. The two biggest holidays are Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. I think Ed's favorite holidays would be Purim (you get to wear costumes and put on plays!) and Passover (retelling of a story along with a big meal!).
Depending on the area and the Jewish demographic, Jews of color can sometimes feel uncomfortable in our own community, especially when other Jews automatically assume we must be converts. While this is a real issue, it is not something I want to read authors who aren't themselves Jews of color write about because it is a deeply inter-Jewish issue.
Depending on the community you grow up in, religious trauma isn't as common with queer Jews as it is with queer Christians. The Reform movement has been advocating for queer Jews since the 1960s (you read that right, yes). I'm not saying there are no queer Jews who have religious trauma, I'm just saing it's a lot less common, and I have always felt immediately accepted as queer in Jewish spaces.
The inverse is not true. Queer spaces are not always accepting of Jews (or of people of color, a double whammy!).
A few stereotypes to avoid: Jews are often stereotyped as being greedy and corrupt. Jewish kids are bullied by Christian kids because "we killed Jesus," when I was ten I had another kid ask to "see my horns." Always avoid comparing Ed directly to animals, especially rodents.
If you're a non-Jew looking to write about a Jewish Ed, I recommend doing some research. MyJewishLearning is a great website that's very accessible.
Every Jew interacts with our Judaism differently, so if you're writing a Jewish Ed, please take a moment to think about what it means for him! Membership in a community? Calming traditions that remind him of home, family, and community? A point of pride - we're a resilient lot! Even just a note in his background that he's not as connected to as he might like to be?
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dearasteria · 10 months
Major Gale romance SPOILERS below, so please DO NOT read and watch if you don't want to get spoiled.
I was REALLY worried about how romance with Gale would go, especially after talking to him right after he gets Karsas' book. My Tav wanted to believe and trust him, but something didn't feel right. At the end of Act II, when Tav tries to convince him not blow himself up for his ex's forgivness/to save Faerûn, it can be summed up with that one gif from Grey's Anatomy: "So pick me. Choose me. Love me" 🤡. Honestly, she asks not only to choose her, but also not to kill her and the rest of the team. Gale is so easily swayed and tells Tav that he loves her, even more than Mystra. Tav should be happy, right? But I'm like WAIT A DAMN MINUTE, it was faaar too easy, I mean, no protests from him, I didn't even have to use persuasion to convince him. At that point, after the trauma that Bioware had caused us with Anders and Solas, I'm getting paranoid. Gale doesn't love Tav, he's definitely hiding something. But I'm thinking to myself, "Okay, calm down, he just doesn't want to die, super understable. Maybe he really loves her and he needed to hear it? He needed reassurance that he has something to live for? Yes, it must be it". But then I go to the quest journal and see this:
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DAMMIT GALE, you snake 🐍 My poor baby Tav (especially since the romance scene in Waterdeep was so warm and tender). She's so in love in him. Now I'm convinced that he will definetly betrey us, stubs us right in the heart.
At the beginning of Act III, he becomes obsessed with a book called The Annals of Karsus that may help him learn more about the crown. He becomes obsessed with how powerful he can become. When Tav gives him the book and says, "We already know the crown's dangerougs. Wouldn't that make things worse?" he replies:
"Worse? It could be the best thing that ever happened to me. To us."
After all this, Gale tries to convince Tav to help him reconstruct the crown. We have this beautiful scene on the boat and when I tell you my jaw dropped. HE CHOOSES TAV, listens to her concerns and simply chooses her.
The way he says it, the way he corrects himself… damn. For Tav, it's like a bucket of cold water. And I'm like, "Here we go again" 🤡
Furthermore, when we visit the Stormshore Tabernacle in Baldur's Gate and interact with Mystra's statue, he seems to feel so uncomfortable, he doesn't want to be there. Tav starts to think he's definitely hiding something. She would like to hear Mystra's version of what happened between her and Gale (I hope we can talk to her at some point in the game, it would be very interesting).
My Tav, however, disagreed, and Gale replies, "I hope you're right. I truly do. Godly power, perhaps I can live without, but you? You're everything". Has the curse of dating mages that leave players heartbroken been broken?
But I have to admit, when he said: "With you, I forget my goddess. I love you. Tell me you feel the same way. Tell me you want what I want. Please" - OH GODS 😳. I was so close to agreeing to this madness. The VA did an amazing job (side note: so many talented VAs in this game, it's mind blowing), the writing is amazing, the music is incredible, I was blown away, really.
Next day, after the boat scene, he's so adorable and full of love for Tav. Then I remembered his gratest flaw (for me it's more like his biggest fear) from the scene with Zethino in the circus: "He thinks he, and the world, might be better off if he were dead". At the time I thought he was lying, manipulating Zethino and his answers. My distrust of mages in games… Yes, I have a problem 😅
I haven't finished the game, but I have high hopes for a happy ending. No spoilers please, thanks :)
What a rollecoster of emotions, I love it, I love Gale. It felt like I was playing Dragon Age: Origins for the first time, way back when I was a teenager. It's really insane how this game makes me feel, how much I care about its characters and story.
EDIT: Okay, so we have an audience with Mystra, I mean only Gale, but we see the whole conversation between them. My only complain is that Gale doesn't mention Tav when Mystra asks him why he defied her 💔 The outcomes are different depending on whether you do it before or after the boat scene. Personally, I think doing the boat scene before meeting Mystra is much better. I get the impression that Gale is abandoning the plan to reconstruct the crown solely for Tav and his love for her. And the drama 👌🏻 it gives me life.
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writer-loogi2 · 9 months
♡︎𝙶𝚢𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚒 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝙲𝚑𝚞𝚋𝚋𝚢!𝚂/𝙾 ( 𝙶𝙽 )♡︎
A/N: Hey y'all, sorry for not posting in so long- honestly I just haven't felt motivated enough to write anything ( plus college sucks ass ). That's why I decided to take a hiatus and stop posting here for a bit.
Anyway, I managed to whip up this post here. Hope you guys like it.
♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝: Gyomei Himejima with a chubby reader! ( gender neutral )
♡︎𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!! Fluff, Gyomei being a big softie..
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( ♡︎𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚞𝚝!♡︎ )
• Okay hear me out-
• I'm very aware that Gyomei is blind- and I know that he can't see.
• But, he can feel..
• It's pretty obvious that Gyomei doesn't have a preference, he loves you for your personality, and not your looks.
• So in a way, having Gyomei as a boyfriend is great because he will never judge your appearance, ( but will judge you based on the kind of person you are ).
• Gyomei is the kind of boyfriend that will always say nice things to you, even though he doesn't like to come off as too straight forward. He knows he can make you flustered, but he tries not to.
• Don't get me wrong though, he will compliment you and make sure you don't ever feel insecure about yourself! He really cares about you. ( he has a soft spot for you.. )
• He's really sweet and gentle with you.
• He'll always, and I mean ALWAYS ask for consent when he wants touch you. Keep in mind, he isn't trying to do anything sexual with you, he just wants to know how you feel.
• Honestly, can we all agree Gyomei is built like a fucking Mac Truck? 😭
• The size difference between you two is insane-
• He's got some really big hands, so imagine him putting them on your hips- or imagine him cupping your face in his hands-
• Imagine his grip on your thighs- 😳
• I like to think that he really likes to hug you or cuddle with you because you're so soft and warm..
• HE'S SO 🥺😭💚🤍✨
• Anyway- moving on..
• Gyomei's favorite thing to do is have you sit on his lap while he's meditating or praying. And you better not say that you're 'too heavy' because this man is pure muscle and he's like 10x your size, he can handle you.
• He really enjoys your company btw :(
• So much so, that he gets a little sad when you aren't around. Sometimes he might even cry.. MY HEART 💔
• ( He does get really happy when you quietly walk into the room and he can sense your presence.. )
• He often talks about you to the other Hashira! Obviously, everyone is happy for him because he's with someone who is so loving and caring towards him.
• Gyomei loves you so much, and he feels safe around you. And he wants you to feel the same way when you're with him. ( he feels insecure about how intimidating he looks, but deep down, you know he's a big softie.. )
• Sometimes he'll cry in front of you, but it's not necessary out of sadness, but more like he's so overwhelmed with his feelings for you. Think of it as happy tears!
• Gyomei loves to carry you! He will carry you in his arms or on his shoulders. Either way, it doesn't matter, as long as he gets to hold you close, he's happy with it.
• Another thing he likes to do is kiss you all over. He'll kiss your face, your hands, your stomach, your legs.. yeah you get the idea-
• He always make sure to not go too far. He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable.
• Gyomei is such a sweetie.. he loves his chubby cutie so much.. 😔💚
• He likes it when you kiss him though. He gets very flustered when you show any form of affection, such as kissing him or hugging him.
• Yeah his love language is physical contact, but you already knew that-
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A/N: Alright, that's all for today, hope you liked reading this post- I kinda gave up at the end sorry-,,
Well.. I'm going back to my hiatus. See you never!/hj 😃
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
I’m sorry Molly, I don’t know why I’m like this… but can we say this is Kate and and Anthony on her show and she is avoiding looking at his cute face, so she doesn’t mess up the interview.
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Anthony grinning as he sits in the makeup chair, waving at Kate who tries not to falter as she does a cooking segment, rushing over to him in the break, looking straight ahead at them resetting rather than make eye contact with him.
"You got the questions?"
Anthony nodded, "Very interesting question number 5."
"I didn't write that question." Kate murmured, "The whole world knows you flirted with me and they pretty much just want everyone to watch. When Sophie goes on holiday in three weeks they floated the idea of getting you to fill in."
Anthony grinned, "I'd be more than happy to, but it might get a little awkward when my contract stipulates we have to share a dressing room. I've got more than a few ways I could wake you up. You remember this morning I assume?"
"Down boy."
"Kate, we're back in twenty." Someone called out, beckoning her to sit back on the sofa, Anthony following, Sophie rolling her eyes as Anthony sat between them but scooted right over until the side of his body was flush with Kate's.
"Final looks."
"Anthony." Sophie said gently.
"Sophie," He replied tersely, "Break any hearts recently?"
"Can we just keep this professional please?" She sighed,
"Sure." Anthony smiled tightly, "I mean i'm not the one you ghosted so..."
"And back in 3...2...1"
"Hi!" Sophie said brightly, covering the frown that had been on her face seconds before with a bright smile "We're back with Anthony Bridgerton, recent Academy Award Winner for best actor. How's things Anthony?"
"Hi Sophie," Anthony said warmly. "Well, you know me, always an absolute... pleasure to see my friend Kate again. Orgasmic, some would say."
Kate felt her breath catch in her throat and her cheeks flush as she stared back at his eyes, shining with delight. "Ooo maybe let's not talk about orgasms on national TV. Kids watching and all that."
Anthony wiggled his eyebrows, checking his watch. "Eh, kids are almost off to school now. But you're right. Lets keep those between you and I, hey?"
Goddamn you
Kate shifted uncomfortably before she forced herself to look away, tapping her pen against her notes as Anthony leaned into her. "So, Anthony, you made nearly a complete sweep of awards seasons this year, must feel pretty good?"
Anthony's grin was straight from hell as his voice deepened, "Still asking me about feeling good, Kate Sharma, you have to buy me dinner first."
Keep it going, Kate, Don't pull away the producer whispered in her ear and she nearly rolled her eyes, as if she could stop herself.
"It's true." Anthony sighed sadly, "I failed to win a grammy. But who knows, maybe I'll make my own album... My sex/love sounds. What do you think, Kate?"
Kate swallowed, her chuckle coming out dry as his foot nudged hers. "I'm sure that'd be quite the album."
"Wouldn't it just." Anthony's voice was just a growl, their eyes caught together as his tongue darted out to wet his lower lip and Kate could fee herself leaning in towards him, being pulled and-
"Well, we're headed to break but we'll be back with Anthony in just a moment!"
Holy Shit the producer cackled, If he tries to mount you after the break just let him
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ninjakk · 1 year
Hi.Your meta make me so happy because your meta wrote to the point of how wangxian love is mutual and wei ying had feelings and loved lan zhan back in his past life also.
I would like to ask you something from the novel that I didn't catch the meaning and have been in my mind for a while. It is the scene I didn't remember the exact dialogue but before wei ying jump from the coffin, he touch lan zhan face with his hands which had his(wei ying) blood when drawing the array and the way dialogue said is wanted to point out something?
Thank you for your metas. Hope you have a nice day.
Hi Anon,
Thank you for your lovely comments about my meta 🥰 I'm glad you enjoy it.
Yes! WX were obsessed with each other and whoever says otherwise simply didn't read the novel very well 🤷🏼‍♀️
So I'm assuming the part you are referring to is this scene in Guanyin Temple:
He was much taller standing on the coffin. Lan WangJi put his guqin away and looked up at him with the pair of light eyes.
Wei WuXian looked down and couldn’t help but touch the fair face with his right hand, adding a few blood-red marks, by accident or on purpose. Lan WangJi didn’t worry too much about it, “Come down.”
Wei WuXian hopped down with a grin before he was caught right inside those arms.
Chapter 108 - ExR
It's funny, because I actually love this scene and it's one I want to write about at some point. I think it's just so cute how natural their rhythm is when working together. WX have had a natural synchronicity with each other for a long time, as we've seen when they work so seamlessly together many times now - even in WWXs first life. But because they are finally completely in tune with each other, body and soul - it's just even more beautiful.
I think the main point of this tiny scene is just to show how comfortable they are with each other now, especially WWX with LWJ. If you look back throughout some of their earlier interactions, WWX is very conscious about getting LWJ dirty, especially with his blood.
Wei WuXian could barely manage to stand, holding onto Lan WangJi’s arm. Seeing that the white clothes that Lan WangJi had just changed into were dyed red by his blood again, he couldn’t help but reached out to wipe them, worried in an ill-timed way, I made his clothes dirty again.
Chapter 88
WWX is about to lose consciousness, but he's still making a fuss over LWJ, which is adorable. He knows that LWJ always looks pristine and probably prefers to stay clean, so he's concerned about marking his clothes with blood.
A heavy scent of blood also felt stuffed in his chest. It was more than uncomfortable. He was worried that he might cough blood onto the clean-loving Lan WangJi again.
Chapter 90
Again, WWX has just regained consciousness and he's trying hard not to cover LWJ in his blood again.
So back to your question, about WWX possibly 'inadvertently' wiping blood on LWJ's cheek. I personally always felt this was a really sweet gesture in a way. Now he knows LWJ loves him unconditionally, that he will accept anything and everything he gives him, WWX is comfortable enough not to worry about getting him dirty anymore.
It could also be a way for WWX to tease LWJ a little, smearing him with a bit of his bodily fluid, making the usually pristine HanGuang-Jun less than presentable... Marking him with his blood. And we all know WWX loves to rile him up.
But overall, I think it's probably up to the reader's own interpretation 😊
Thanks again Anon! Hope you u have a lovely day as well 😘
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 9 months
hello! Sorry for barging in like this! (also sorry for my poor english too)
First I’d like to thank you for the recents posts bringing some very welcomed nuance to the character of Iklies I’m VADD. After the release of the new season cover, I felt like there was a significant wave of hate directed to the character - and, well, kinda for the wrong reasons? I mean, it’s absolutely understandable to not like him and call out the toxicity, but there were some readers who actively spread misinformation to get the character in a very bad light? And using some colonising rhetoric?? Guys??? This is not the take you might think this is???
I think I might’ve wanted to vent a bit with someone more open to a nuanced discussion, since I think the whole work is too well crafted to be reduced to a ‘black and white’ interpretation.
First what really caught my attention was using the description seen in the novel about how “Delman’s are savages” like?? 1. the poster themselves recognises that it’s a description used by Derrick (if I’m not mistaken), who is anything BUT a trustworthy source; 2. I bet the colonising, slaving country won’t have nice things to say about the people they just conquered? Not to mention is a description frequently used to even justify such actions, as it was in our own world (colonising nations having the “duty” to bring reason, advancement and enlightenment to such poor, barbaric people, who couldn’t know any better); 3. even if all of that was true, who is to say that every single countryman is like that? Are they not allowed to have their own individuality? Should we judge every Eorka citizen using Derrick as the standard then? Would that be fair?
Then what most caught my attention was the description that “He had a nice childhood, despite being a bastard (???), therefore he had it easy and by being such a violent man it only shows how much of a monster he’s always been”. I don’t even? Aside from the argument itself not making the slightest sense, from my reading of the novel the whole “bastard-lost prince” (a very beloved common trope for MLs in any other case, mind you) seemed pretty vague, and I thought it might’ve even been the result of Leila’s manipulation/mindcontrolling - since this way, with Iklies having some sort of “pedigree”, he would seem himself as “worthy” of Penelope, like Callisto (the Crown Prince) is. Was that part of his backstory truly confirmed? It could just be a wrong interpretation of mine, since it’s been some months since I’ve read it (thought, quite sincerely, I don’t think it being truth or not would change anything - the story starts with him being already a slave, being sold in an auction after fighting hungry dogs that would devour him to show his prowess for potential buyers, no amount of happy childhood will make this less f up).
Sorry for ranting so much! I was just really happy to see your posts and analysis!
Hope you have a nice day!
I remember that post! The pro slavery and colonising rhetoric was very uncomfortable to read and I think I blocked them after they tried to "educate" me in the comments of my posts and eventually used insults to force me to change my opinion.
I'm interested to see the passage that says Iklies allegiently had a good childhood when he was an illegitimate child of the King, because manhwas traditionally show the struggles and trauma of being a bastard. Princes often didn't have a good relationship with their half brothers. See the Ottoman Empire where they eventually legalized systematic fratricide. Furthermore if Delman is a warrior nation as implied and Iklies was really treated as a prince then wouldn't he have been expected to fight in the Livius war and gain combat experience? If he was then he's a child soldier and still didn't have a good childhood. If he was not then it's likely that he was just treated as a nobody. And no matter how good his childhood was it's not going to become an armor that can protect him against the trauma of having his rights stripped off him and treated like human garbage. What kind of logic is that anyway. Penelope didn't have a good childhood but Iklies had one that's why he deserves to suffer in the future, because he never had to suffer before?
"such a violent man it only shows how much of a monster he’s always been" I have huge issues when they call Iklies a psychopath or claim he was born evil. Together with them claiming that the people of Delman are thieving, murdering savages consumed by greed and violence. It doesn't only sound like stereotyping but also as if the root of the evil is in their genes. Which we know was historically used to justify ethnic clensing. They echo the words of Derrick who believes in the superiority of the Eorkan military power and the intrinsic evil of the Delman's that is defined by colonialism ideology. Why should we trust the words of someone who treated his own stepsister as a subhuman because she was of commoner blood? His family owns a diamond mine, he directly benefits from slavery. Of course he would defend it with every breath.
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Certain Callisto stans/Iklies antis say the Delman people had it better in slavery than in freedom. How can the country of Delman be poor and uncivilized when the Eorkan military suffered huge losses due to Delman's archery skills? For Delman to last for years in a war against an Empire, the country would had to have an organized and well trained army, a food supply and a functioning infrastructure. The farmers would have lived comfortably enough that they could work hard and keep sending their army supplies throughout the years. The war would have been won in a week if Delman was really just a bunch of unwashed savages who didn't know left from right. Moreover if Delman wasn't a wealthy country and rich in natural resources the Eorkan Empire never would have invaded it. I even question the claim that Delman had been plundering from smaller countries, because if they had an army that could damage the Eorkan Empire that much why did they never annex the smaller countries? The plundering at the borders might have been done by thieves that had nothing to do with the army of Delman. Or it might have been just invented and used as an excuse to conquer them. Either way even if it was true, as you said, does that justify what happened to the cripples, the wives and children at home? "Your father was killed, your mother raped by soldiers, your younger sibling tortured to death and you were sold into slavery but you should be thankful because now you get to live in a civilized society serving your family's murders until they decide to do the same to you."
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justplainwhump · 11 months
Bea comforts - and challenges - a hospitalised Adrian.
[pet safety masterlist]
Content: BBU, recovery, de-conditioning, caretaker and whumpee roles mixing up. No medical whump, despite the title. Just talking in a hospital room. A LOT of talking, and a lot left unsaid.
Bea's fingertips gently brushed along his neck, traced the lines of the bandage that covered the rows of deep puncture wounds.
Her smile was as soft as her touch.
"Oh, Master Adrian, you picked a much nicer collar for me than you did for yourself," she murmured.
Adrian scoffed, his half laugh turning into a pained wince as it tore at the wounds in his neck.
She pressed a kiss to his temple. "I don't want you to be in pain."
"It's okay." Adrian groaned. "It's better with you here, already."
A content hum rose from her, and she curled up closer at his side in the narrow hospital bed. "I've missed you, too. I waited so long."
Adrian frowned. He hadn't even thought about it, he realized. Just taken it for granted, that she showed up at his side, was here with him, when he needed her. "How…," he slowly began. "How did you get here?"
She shrugged and looked at the window. "Someone picked me up."
Bea tilted her head. "Someone," she repeated. "Who brought me to you. And now you and I are both happy."
Adrian looked her down. She was dressed in simple clothes, a pair of colorful shorts with a watermelon print, and a plain undershirt. Usually, she'd wear a T-shirt over that, with plenty of color too. She wasn't, now.
Bea shook her head, an angry crease between her brows.
"No, Adrian Delgado. No more questions. I wanted to be with you and now I am, and I am well, is that not enough?"
"Was it Grimm?"
She shot him an angry look. "I hid the yellow T-shirt," she said. "And I didn't talk back, nor did I talk about you. I was a good pet, and you want me to be a good pet to strangers, don't you?"
Adrian swallowed painfully. It was his turn to look away now. "I'm -"
"No," she said again. "See, Adrian Delgado, you want me to say no, when I want it, don't you? Shouldn't that mean that you listen?" She pushed herself into a seating position, back from him, and Adrian felt the absence of her warmth on his skin like another layer of pain. "I came here, because you are here. And not at home. So I think it's your turn. Why..." Her voice broke, and she swallowed before she continued. "Why are you hurt?"
"I was on a raid," he said. "Runaway pets. Illegal brothel. I... there was a Guard Dog, defending his loved one. He..." He pointed at his neck. "He lost control. He was grieving."
She looked at him. Her gaze was unreadable. "Did you... kill the other pet?"
"No. Grimm... My colleague did. Handler Grimm."
"I thought you helped pets," Bea said carefully. "Like you helped me."
"I try," Adrian didn't meet her gaze. "Sometimes I fail."
"I understand him." Bea's voice was quiet. "The Guard Dog. He must have loved the other very much, to run away with them."
Adrian cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I understand him, too."
"Mh," Bea murmured and fell silent, lost in thought for a while. "What happened to him?"
"They will make him forget the one he loved."
Adrian nodded.
Bea folded her hands and looked down on them. "The grief will stay. Maybe not for the other pet, that is forgotten. But for the memories of her, that are lost as well."
Him, Adrian wanted to correct, remembering the other pet huddled up in the corner.
But the sadness clinging to Bea's shoulders, made him swallow back the words before he could say them.
She wasn't talking about today any longer.
"Yes," he whispered instead. "There'll always be grief. But grief means that there was something good, before. And as long as we keep going, something good can come to us again."
Bea scoffed and turned around to face him. "What might be true for people isn't true for pets, Adrian Delgado. There is no us."
"You're a person, Bea." Adrian rested a hand against the bandage around his neck. "This doesn't change what you think of me, does it? Why should your collar or your injuries change who you are?"
Bea blinked. "You can't say that," she hissed. "That's... That's wrong. You're a person. I'm a pet. I signed up for this."
"I signed up with WRU, too." Adrian reminded her. "I refuse to let them define me. I refuse to let them define you. When you... when you were a good pet, for my colleague. Why did you hide the T-shirt?"
"I... I didn't want him to know." She bit her lip. "I didn't want him to know that..." She trailed off.
"That you're a person?"
She grimaced. "You're giving me a headache, Adrian Delgado."
He lifted a hand and reached out. Her gaze landed on it, then wandered up to his face.
"I would like to think there is an 'us'," he said quietly. "I'm glad that you're here."
"You..." Her lip curved the slightest bit. "I am glad, too." She clasped his hand. "I'm glad that I'm yours. Sir."
Adrian exhaled sharply, just as someone by the door chuckled.
"We don't usually allow pets in patient's rooms, but isn't this one just adorable? Anyways, pet, you don't look like a caregiver, so you might want to wait outside, while I'm going to clean up your owners wounds, right?"
Bea cast him a glance before she scurried back from the bed and knelt into position 2, right next to the bed. "Sir?"
She was perfect.
Adrian's jaw clenched so hard that it hurt.
No, Bea mouthed.
"I want her to stay," he said.
The nurse shrugged. "Your call. Just make sure she doesn't faint on us. Romantics can be so sensitive. Little princesses aren't made to stomach that kind of sights."
Bea's pliant position didn't waver.
"She'll be good," Adrian said.
"I always am," Bea added softly.
Her back still turned to the nurse, position perfectly straight, she winked at him.
His heart jumped.
For a long moment or two, he held her gaze. "Yeah," he whispered. "You are."
pet safety tag list: (let me know if you want to be added or removed!) @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue
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neuroticbookworm · 11 months
Step by Step: Good writing must not be this confusing
Disclaimer: I hated every frame of Step by Step Episode 11, so what follows is basically my stream of consciousness that is currently raging against this absolutely maddening piece of TV. I am truly happy for the people who are still enjoying the show, so if you don't want to read biting criticism about something you enjoy, do not click on "Keep reading". Have a nice day/night!
This show would've eaten my sanity away long ago if not for my conversations with @waitmyturtles and @lurkingshan, who help me make sense of my anger and frustrations towards this show and form them into coherent thoughts.
I'd pulled punches in my meta on last week's episode and only critiqued the way the writing was lacking and how a few additions could've elevated the show. And when I clicked play today, I was still a teensiest bit hopeful that the show might turn around and surprise me. Oh boy, was I mistaken.
Read more thoughts on this episode from @waitmyturtles here and @lurkingshan here.
At the risk of repeating my friends, I'm gonna keep my thoughts short and crisp. This show's pacing and cohesion have been suffering for a while now, but that was nothing compared to the mess we were subjected to in the form of Step by Step Episode 11. I am now fully convinced that the tail end of this show is so badly written that it is barely coherent. New plotlines were introduced and resolved in the same episode (this is not episodic writing, because the show does not call for it, this is just bad writing), any semblance of nuance in the PatPut narrative had been obliterated with plot developments that make no sense, and the episode was rife with comedic beats that felt so out of place that it felt like the episode was stuck mid-morph between comedy, drama, and romance.
I'm just going to leave you all with one scene from this episode that encapsulates this show pretty well, in my opinion. Pat called Put on the phone to ask for his help, while the marketing team and Jeng are huddled around him. Put pulls his usual bullshit and asks Pat not to kick him out of his life again.
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Pat agrees and asks Put to apologize to Jeng for fighting, and Put refuses and tells Pat that Jeng deserved it. The camera then focuses on Jeng's face for a second, and I sat up in my chair, thinking that we might finally be shown some emotional depth in this episode.
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Was Jeng feeling bad about putting Pat back in touch with Put, even for professional reasons? Does he think Put is right and feel insecure that he cannot protect Pat from all the vitriol? Is he worried that Put might still be trying to win Pat back? But before my mind can even finish following any of those thoughts, Pat abruptly cuts the call mid-conversation with Put. And just like that, that close-up on Jeng's expression and its potential meaning became null and void. Because Pat very clearly does not care what Put thinks anymore. And it completely invalidates all the reasons why Jeng might be feeling uncomfortable during this conversation.
This show very clearly wants to be cleverer than it is. It juggles multiple themes and drops all of them without a satisfying resolution. In this storytelling environment, the setups are meaningless, and the storylines have no satisfying ending. I will be watching next week to see how it all ends, but I will always mourn this show as one of the biggest could've-been-greats in Thai BL.
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daddyboyhalo · 3 months
Hey! I saw your post where you expressed how you were feeling these days, and I want to give you all my support. I agree that this is a very difficult time, being this involved in something and it being turn around in just a few days, changing everything about it... Personally I struggle a lot with the fact that the other streamers, and mostly communities, are kinda "allowed" in a sense to just continue as it was? It might not be very clear but in a lot of discord servers and all people are not AT ALL up to date to the admins stuff, and are just enjoying their daily qsmp stream. I'm not blaming anyone, every streamer takes the matter how he wished, and playing doesn't mean working on things, but I guess it feels a little unfair in a sense? like Phil saying Chay and Tallulah admins are well and waiting to come back stings a little after seeing pomme and dapper leave :( It's hard to feel happy for this when you have the short end of the stick I guess
And the French might be a little too forceful on the ccs ; they are obviously not ready to talk about it, and waiting to talk to Q, but bagh and antoine still said that they watched the awards. I am quite uncomfortable with everyone assuming they will just leave when most of them didn't even had time to look more into the matter, Antoine being on holidays, baghera on her dance show, and etoiles having health related issues... I'm just afraid that it will put pressure on them while the other ccs are kinda free to not talk about it you know?
But yes, I personally try to focus on my uni work, to go out a little, to watch other content. For me the hardest is definitely the fact that all of this happened while etoiles had to take a break. I'm very happy that he's doing it, since he needed it. But since he is my main streamer since a few years, going from having him in the background for hours and hours to nothing during now three weeks was hard, especially in a time when I wanted to change my mind. I kinda felt like an orphan lmao, and hearing that he a was going to the hospital every day, still made me sad despite it making me happy that he was getting treatment. He wanted to come back soon but a said he had a relapse in his health two days ago :( My only wish right now is to see him get better, and stream when he'll feel well ! But yes it's rubbing me the wrong way that ppl are assuming "etoiles will boycott, he'll do this, that" when the guy is really not well, the qsmp is not is priority at all these days...
Sorry for the long text, but your feelings spoke to me and I also felt the need to vent a little, sometimes it's better than just keeping things for yourself, you are free to ignore this!
Hope it'll get better for everyone <3
aw anon no worries, i’m glad you were able to vent here!! ; ; sorry for the late response, i’ve been incredibly busy, but: i agree, i really don’t like when people put expectations and pressure on a cc to take a specific action, ie boycott, especially when they’re going through it outside of the server. it might be that people just don’t realize, because i actually didn’t quite know how etoiles was feeling and struggling since i haven’t been keeping up with his streams for awhile and don’t really use twitter, so i wasn’t aware until i looked into it more. i really wish the best for etoiles and can imagine how that feels with him being your main streamer!! ; ; the person who’s comforted you so much without even realizing it is struggling, and that’s not a good feeling. but i’m glad you’ve been focusing on uni and getting out, focusing on other content, because those are all important coping mechanisms and can make it just a bit less painful! you have my full support too!
and yeah, it really does short when we get the short end of the stick here; i was both comforted that chayanne and tallulah’s admins are doing well and just… i’m not sure of the right word, but bitter knowing that some people were treated well and others weren’t? i also worry with that being the only perspective some people get that they’ll assume that must mean everything is fine when it’s not true. honestly, i wish i was just a casual viewer for example watching qsmp with no knowledge of what’s going on and that my enjoyment could just continue as normal, but instead the burden of knowledge and loss stings and aches so badly. it gets to be business as usual for some but for others it’s this horrible loss and grief, and it causes such a dissonance—“like, do you guys not see the dead and dying on the floor? am i going crazy? why are you walking straight through them?”. don’t mind my own rambling, but yeah anon, we’re in this together :(
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✿ Thad x Super Shy! Reader ✿
My 58 request! Hope you like!
━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━
You, someone who was extremely shy, and who somehow ended up dating Thad, a very kind and sweet male Drone Worker, who was always willing to help you in every situation, no matter what. You were lucky to have someone like him.
You were never very good with social interactions, on account of your shyness and all…but Thad.. he helped you, he never judged you or even pushed you into uncomfortable situations.. so it wasn't that hard to fall in love with he. Who wouldn't?
You were sitting at a desk next to Thad in the classroom, being joined by some of Thad's friends who were talking to him animatedly.
" I swear to you Thad! You had to see it! I made a double basket!" Thad's friend 1 exclaimed in a proud tone, which made the small group of friends chuckle, which you laughed softly in a low tone hiding your smile shyly.
" Don't believe him- He just did it because we agreed! " Thad's Friend 2 said, which made the group laugh even more, leaving Friend 1 with an offended face.
" Hey! That's not true!… Or is it? " Friend 1 spoke in an offended tone, soon changing to a low embarrassed tone, which made the group laugh a few more, in addition to some teasing and jokes for the Friend 1. The group fell into a small silence after a while, but it was soon broken by Chad, another friend of Thad's.
" Say (Y/n), why do you barely talk when you're around us? Do you think you're better than us? " Chad asks in a questioning tone, giving you a dry look that makes you jump slightly through the heightened focus… in you. The group seemed to freeze at this question, turning gazes to your now trembling figure.
" A-ah… w-well, Y-you see- " You tried to start to speak, but your voice came out in a low stutter, which was soon interrupted by Thad placing a hand on your waist, pulling you to him. You rest your head on his shoulder in silence.
" Dude, don't be rude! It's not my partner's fault for being so cute and shy! Or are you jealous? " Thad spoke with a teasing tone, looking at Chad who seemed to blush with embarrassment with that statement.
" Oooooh~ Chad is jealous! Chad is jealous! " The group of friends sang in defiance, causing Chad to shut up with blushing cheeks.
" Tsk.. w-whatever! Let's get back to the game chat! " Chad exclaimed wanting to change the subject, which the group did, but not before giving some more laughs and teasing to the embarrassed male drone.
You hid your embarrassed and shy face in Thad's neck, making the male drone chuckle softly at your cuteness and give you a small kiss on the head.
" Don't mind him (Y/n), he's just jealous that I'm paying more attention to you.. " Thad whispered in a soft and sweet tone just for you to hear, which you felt your cheeks flush more, holding Thad sweatshirt embarrassed.
" T-thanks for standing up for me, Thad… that means a lot.. " You whispered stuttering softly, finally giving Thad a grateful look, which he smiled with his characteristic smile.
" No problems dear " Thad speaks simply in a sweet tone, placing a kiss on your forehead, then starting to gently stroke your head, which you leaned into him once again, but this time with a happy smile.
You might not be able to fend for yourself at times, but Thad would always be there for you, a shoulder to lean on and an understanding boyfriend.
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ficreadergirl · 1 year
Dangerous Inquiries (ch.7)
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It was dinner time with Kory and Dick. You all were sitting at the table eating while chatting. You didn't say much but listened to them talking. About nothing but you didn't mind. They were both very good company. They made you feel at ease. You felt relaxed and happy. After dinner you all ate souffle Dick bought for you. It was pretty tasty.
"That's delicious!" Kory said. Dick smiled "My chef friend does great souffles."
"We should visit that restaurant all together!" Kory said looking at you. "It's amazing!"
"Yes. It was pretty good Dick. Thanks." you said with a slight smile. You hadn't talked much the entire dinner but you liked their company and the way they behaved. They were your family. Even when your father was still alive Dick and Kory were same with all of you. While you were thanking god you have them Dick asked you "You went to the class today?"
"Yes." you replied.
"I heard that you met Jason." Dick added. You froze a moment before speaking. "Yeah.." you avoided his gaze.
"So how did it go? Did he do something to you?" he asked anxiously. "No. Well…" you paused a bit.
"Sorta? I don't know. He came to my apartment to ask about my dad's murder case."
"Really? Did he threaten you or anything?"
"No. But he was… weird." you said quietly. The memory of him staring at you with those blue eyes flashed in front of your eyes. Your cheeks heated up. You shook your head to get yourself together.
"What do you mean?" Dick asked.
"Nothing. It was just weird."
"How weird?" he asked you. He sounded worried about you. "I don't know….he just kept asking about my father's murder." you replied.
"What kind of questions?" he asked. He seemed a bit angry now.
"He was just really persistent. Like I was being interrogated or something." you frowned. "Did he say anything else?" Dick asked with concern written all over his face.
"No..not really. But he said he wanted to know who killed my dad." you paused before continuing "He seemed really interested about him." After hearing your words Dick and Kory looked at each other. Both seemed uncomfortable. Neither one spoke for a few minutes. Finally, after a while Kory started "You better stay away from him."
"What do you mean?" you asked.
"Trust me Y/n you should stay far away from him. Something bad might happen." she said seriously. "But Kory…" you started saying "If you know something then tell me." Kory didn't reply. You looked at Dick. He didn't look at you.
After a while you said "Is there any chance you guys know white haired and eyepatched woman?" Dick and Kory looked surprised. "White hair and eyepatch?" Kory looked at you confused. "Where did you see this woman exactly Y/n?" she asked.
"A few days ago. At the library. But I haven't seen her since." you said. Dick and Kory looked at each other again. Both seemed worried. "Well we better talk." Dick said.
"Sure. Let's talk." you said. He was looking like he was deep in thought. While you were wondering what was going through his mind he said "I'll make sure they'll never bother you again."
"That's it? You're not gonna say who was she?" you asked suspiciously. "Not until I know more." he gave you a small smile which didn't reach his eyes. "Y/n. Just know that I'm trying to protect you." he added.
"You shouldn't worry about me Dick." you said. "Don't worry about you?" Dick looked offended. "Y/n! We care about you and don't want anything to hurt you."
"I know. And thank you Dick. I appreciate that." you assured him sincerely "But you don't need to worry about me. Nothing is gonna happen to me." you smiled reassuringly.
"Okay, then." Dick nodded reluctantly. You wanted to find your father's murderer. If it meant to meet shady people then so be it. Because even though you didn't understand how Jason Todd got involved with your father's murder that was your job finding out the truth. And you're more than willing to do it. After dinner you told the others goodbye and said goodbye them home.
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whisper-and-tangle · 1 year
The Best Sonic - Blazamy Fic
A fic inspired by the BestSonicShowdown polls!
A few days ago, Tangle, as what was supposed to be a joke, formed a tournament.
It was called the 'Best Sonic Showdown', and the idea was first created after Tails had discovered a phenomenon that allowed him to travel through dimensions- and bring a multitude of Sonics...Soni? With him.
Now, most of these Sonics shared the name-
But Tangle, for some fun, decided to start a tournament.
It was a series of polls- whoever won would get to be called Sonic, the others would have new names created for them.
The problem?
It got too popular.
Way too popular.
The Sonics were too interested in it- propaganda was made, and even competitors that weren't Sonic, like Metal or Shadow, joined in- out of spite, or to prove themselves better.
Eggman even tried hypnotizing everyone to vote for Metal-
Which failed, miserably.
What surprised Tails the most, though, was that Blaze even decided to humor Tangle's competition-
Amy, during one of Blaze's visits to Green Hills, managed to convince her to join in- Blaze agreeing on the terms that Amy joins with her.
The two sped through the competition, surprisingly-
Some merely thought Amy and Blaze were better than Sonic- others voted for them as a joke.
They even made it to the semifinals.
It was a tense moment- Tangle stood next to the poll boxes, about to reveal the winners of the semifinals.
Hundreds visited Spiral Hill village just for the tournament.
More than hundreds voted.
Tangle didn't nearly expect it to get this popular- she didn't expect it would become a full-on tournament, either,- she was going to make it a one-off joke.
But it was too late now.
It was time to unveil the winners-
And Amy rushed through the crowd, Blaze awkwardly following behind her-
"Blaze- Trust me, you've GOT to watch this! We could actually win this!" Amy said as she gestured for Blaze to follow her, running through the crowd.
Blaze shuffled through the crowd, eventually arriving near the front with Amy next to her.
"I'm unsure, though- Isn't this all...kind of ridiculous? I mean, we're not Soni-" Blaze said nervously, attempting to speak jokingly to distract herself from her nervousness.
She was cut off before she could finish her sentence, however-
For the votes were unveiled.
Both Amy and Blaze didn't make it through-
"Oh, c'mon!" Cried out Amy as she threw her hands in the air, dejected.
"Atleast we made it to the semifinals, huh?" Amy continued, lowering her arms as she turned to Blaze, who wasn't entirely upset by the endeavor-
Or upset at all, really.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't particularly...enjoy the competition. Marine should be happy I made it so far, though." She replied, sighing in relief- She hated charging through crowds just to see a vote, but was willing to do it for Am-
For a friend.
She was willing to do it for a very close friend.
"Yeah- sorry for dragging you here, Blaze. I was just kinda excited- You don't visit much, and it's...it's just...nice. Whenever you visit." Amy awkwardly spoke, turning away from Blaze.
Blaze looked at her, smiling slightly as Amy turned away.
"It's fine. I would've declined if I was exceptionally uncomfortable, anyway." Blaze spoke, hesitantly grabbing Amy's hand as she continued speaking,
"Would you..."
Amy turned back towards her- blushing slightly, and surprised.
Blaze immediately let go of her hand, embarrassed-
"Sorry- Would you like to go get a coffee? I just thought- that might cheer you up?" She continued nervously, waiting for a reply as she felt more and more anxious.
"Blaze." Amy replied, a blank expression on her face as she stared at Blaze-
Which only made Blaze more terrified- did she say something wrong? Should she not have grabbed her hand?- Did she completely mess up?
"I'd love that. Thanks." Amy continued, smiling sweetly as Blaze immediately felt relieved and reassured-
Much less anxious than before, Amy slowly took Blaze's hand as the two began to walk throughout Spiral Hill village.
"So, do you know where a coffee shop is?..." Amy said, laughing as they walked aimlessly through the village.
Blaze smiled-
"If I'm honest, then no, not quite." She replied, chuckling-
"I'm sure we'll find one on our way." Blaze continued, heading through the village.
As they wandered, Tangle jumped infront of them- tired, but happy nevertheless.
"BLAZE! AMY! HEY!- So happy to see you guys! Sorry about the whole semifinals thing- cool that you managed to reach the semifinals, though!" She said as she ran over to the two.
"Yeah, it's fine. Do you know where a coffee shop is, though? Me and Blaze were just gonna grab a coffee." Spoke Amy- Tangle thinking for a moment, before responding,
"Yep! Just down the road, actually!- Anyway, I've GOT to go! Can't be late- first date with Whisper!", quickly as she rushed away, a bouquet of flowers held by her tail.
"Bye!" Amy yelled to a far-off Tangle, who was already too far away to hear-
Blaze stared off with a confused expression on her face.
"They...weren't dating before? Did I miss something?" She asked as the two began to walk to the coffee shop.
"Pfff- Yeah, we both kinda had the same guess there. No, they just started dating recently- things are going well for them though. Happy for them." Amy replied, swinging open the door to the coffee shop as she walked in, Blaze following behind her.
Blaze took a seat next to Amy as they entered the shop, sitting at a table in the corner.
"Think I've been here before, actually." Amy said as she skimmed over the menu, placing it back onto the table as Blaze stared at the menu.
"Huh. That's interesti..." Blaze spoke, her sentence trailing off as she talked, distracted by Amy's eyes as she stared into them.
It was like a field of freshly blossomed flowers, with leaves flying through the wind,
the sky a bright, calm blue,
and the sun shining brighter than ever.
It felt safe, comfortable, and caring.
It felt perfect, despite not fitting the word-
Because the trees surrounding the field could cause splinters,
A misplaced step could crush a flower,
But it still felt perfect, to Blaze.
She loved it despite it's flaws.
Blaze didn't realize she completely froze up, staring at Amy-
until Amy asked her,
"So, what do you want to order?", Blaze snapping out of it as she shook her head, her face red as she mutters an apology for getting distracted.
"I- Uhm,- I'll- The same as you, please." Blaze spoke, desperately trying to think of an order, before ultimately deciding to give it up to chance.
Well, maybe chance wasn't the right word. She knew Amy loved soft-served ice-cream, and it was likely this shop sold it too.
"Right! I'll be back in a moment, then." Amy replied, getting up and walking over to order.
As Blaze was alone, she thought to herself;
Did she really think of Amy that way?
She'd never guess it, before.
She just thought they were very, very close-
But now?
It felt bittersweet.
She was, truthfully, in love with Amy-
But did Amy love her back?
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remedy-ships-it · 4 months
pre-relationship: 2, 4. general: 4, 7. love: 2, 3, 8. domestic life: 4, 10 ! :>
hii jerome!! thank you for sending an ask, i love seeing your ships :]
2 has been answered here.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
When we met it was a crush-turned-friendship kind of thing. Like we're shy around one another and find each other cute but then we become friends and the initial attraction kind of ebbs. But then months pass of us getting to know each other and I'm like dang he's kind of perfect actually I wanna kiss him oh no.
So yeah, me, most likely. It would take Spencer a bit longer to recognize those emotions and accept them, but I see us falling for one another at the same pace. It just takes us a while to do anything about it.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Spencer actually has a lot more experience than me in the romance department, believe it or not. In canon, he literally made out with an actress in a pool in season 1 lol so I definitely wasn't his first kiss. There's not much said about his romantic history pre-show, but I imagine he definitely dated around a little here and there but hadn't had a real long-term relationship before me. And, well, he wasn't my first relationship but he was my first kiss among other things to put it simply.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
We're both socially awkward, introverted nerds (he's an INTP, whereas I'm an INFP) so it honestly varies. Our job calls for us to start conversations whether they're uncomfortable or not, but if we're paired up in the field he'll usually take initiative at first but he lets me get a word in as well. But really, we function pretty fine in social situations, we can just be a little weird sometimes in ways others might not understand. We both won't hesitate to step in and stand up for each other if it comes to it, though.
However, I'm definitely the one to (maybe not confidently) go up to a server with him if they got his order wrong. If they got my order wrong, I wouldn't want to be a bother, and he's the same way. So we can overcome our social anxiety if it means doing something for the other, if I'm making any sense.
2. What are their primary love languages?
My personal love languages are gift giving (primarily) and physical touch, I think. I absolutely love buying or (especially) making things for my loved ones if I can't afford to spend money. Honestly if I was rich I'd be buying people stuff all the time, and it makes me so happy when people enjoy the thing I made them. I also love giving and receiving hugs, having my hand held, cuddles and the likes, but I can be touch averse at times depending on the person. Spencer is the same way.
I think Spencer's would be quality time (primarily) and physical touch as well. I've noticed through my binge of CM that he's often inviting his friends out to events and stuff. I believe conversations count as quality time, so he'd really appreciate someone who's willing to listen to him go on for as long as he wants and do the same in turn. And despite being a total germophobe, he loves receiving hugs and loving gestures from people he's close to. He's secretly very touch-starved.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
I do on occasion just because I love watching him try not to smile and roll his eyes at me. We'd probably make stupid Doctor Who references at each other ("Are you a weeping angel? 'Cause I could stare at you all day.")
But Spencer goes all out with his, and I could see him being especially corny on anniversaries or romantic holidays. He even flirts in other languages and leaves me to scramble to try and figure out what the heck he just said to me.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
I feel like we can both get kind of panicky and awkward when it comes to comforting people who are upset, but when it comes to it all we really need is someone to be there for us and listen if we need to vent or just hold us if we need to cry. So I don't think either of us would be "better" at it, you know? We just know what to do for each other.
4 & 10 have been answered ^^
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aao1024 · 2 years
Chapter 2
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Lee is never up this late unless he is stuck at the station with a stack of paperwork on his desk. Time seemed to go so slow yet fast as he lay in that bed. It wasn't comfortable, but it's a hospital, not a resort. Lee didn't have to wait long for y/n to return to his room. She had some papers in her hand and a slight smile. Lee could see the small bags under her eyes from her exhaustion. Even though she looked so tired, she still seemed to be so happy and content with her surroundings. Lee wished he could have as much energy and joy each day. Or at least had someone like that in his life to make him less of a grump on a daily basis. He needed a little more positivity in his life.
"How are you feeling Lee? Did you rest at all?"
"Not too bad. I think I might have slept for an hour, but nothing more than that."
"Well, let's get your x-ray done, and we can get you comfortable enough to sleep."
Lee gave her a small smile as she ensured the fluids she hung were secure before moving him. Y/n unlocked the brakes on the bed and began wheeling Lee down the hall to their destination. From there, they entered a relatively large room with a large machine in the middle of it. Y/n and the radiologist helped Lee slide onto the machine and quickly took the needed pictures. As Lee was settled back onto his bed, his pain worsened from all the movement. He didn't have to tell Y/n that he was in distress; his silence on the way back to his room told her that he wasn't feeling good. Once they were back in his room, Y/n prepared another dose of his pain medication and put it in his IV. Within ten to fifteen minutes, Lee was no longer in agony. She explained that they wouldn't have the results until the morning, so he had plenty of time to rest before seeing the doctor. 
"Are you sure you can't just stay here with me, darlin'?"
"As much as I'd love to Lee, I have other patients to see. But if you need me, just give me a shout. Try to get some rest, Lee. You need it."
And with that, Y/n walked out of his room with a small wave. He knew she couldn't stay with him, but it was worth a shot. With his new dose of pain meds, it did not take long for him to fall asleep. Lee woke up many hours later to see Y/n by his bedside checking his IV. 
"Good morning Lee; how are you feeling?"
"It could be worse, darlin'. I'm just a little nervous to talk to the doc."
"I'm sure what he says won't be too bad. He is only here to help you, Lee."
" I know; I never liked going to the doctors or being around them."
"Well, if I'm being honest with you, neither do I. '' She smiled at Lee as he gave her a very puzzled expression. "They tend to think that because I'm a nurse and a woman, I'm about as dumb as they can come." She says as she chuckles from how ridiculous it sounds out loud.
Lee didn't change his expression. He was confused as to why someone would think that Y/n is not intelligent and absolutely amazing at her job. He felt saddened that they were too blinded by their own egos to realize how much Y/n and the other nurses do. 
"Well, if they think that, darlin', they must not be very smart doctors. You seem to be a brilliant woman and have made my stay here better than I could have dreamed of." Lee was quite bothered that Y/n was not appreciated for something she is fantastic at doing. 
"Thank you, Lee; I'm glad to have helped as much as possible. I don't get too upset over it as much anymore. They will have their opinions of me, but as long as I do my job to the best of my ability, I'm happy." She gave him a small smile as she continued charting. " Lee, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, darlin', it's not like I'm going anywhere."
"Why have you been so sweet to me? I mean, you seem to be a very charismatic person, but you have given me more compliments in eight hours than I've gotten in years. I'm not saying that it makes me uncomfortable I'm just curious about-" Y/n realizes that she is rambling as Lee begins to chuckle. "-I'm going to stop talking now so you can actually answer my question." Y/n thought she had made a fool out of herself, but Lee felt quite the opposite. He found it cute that she was getting nervous and couldn't stop talking because of it.
"Darlin', I don't mind hearing you talk, and as for your question. I guess-" Lee was cut off as they heard a knock on the door and saw the doctor walk in.
"Good morning Mr. Bodecker; I'm Dr. Bradshaw. How are you feeling this morning?" He said as he walked over to shake Lee's hand.
"Good to meet you doc. I'm feeling pretty good, considering my circumstances. I have to give that credit to Y/n; she has been a big help." Lee made sure to mention her. She deserved to be acknowledged for her effort. 
"That's great. I looked at your x-rays, and I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your knee appears to have had a mild dislocation but has found its way back into place. However, you have sustained a large fracture to your femur. If it were smaller, we would throw you in a cast and send you home, but it is quite large and will require a small procedure. With surgery, we will make an incision from your hip to approximately mid-thigh, and from there, we will place a bracket and some screws to ensure that the bone grows back together correctly. Do you have any questions?"
"How long will I be down for? I don't exactly have the liberty of taking a vacation from work."
"Well, after surgery, you can go home the next day, but you will be under restrictions for four to six weeks. You will be on crutches for two or so weeks depending on how your recovery goes. After the six-week mark, you can return to work, but you need to be cautious of what you are doing to prevent the fracture from moving farther down the femur. It is in your best interest to have someone help you recover because of these restrictions."
Lee was overwhelmed. He didn't have anyone to help him and had no idea what he would do for six weeks. Lee is his job; he never really had any hobbies outside of that. He didn't go out with his coworkers and hadn't been on a proper date since he and Florence were married. He didn't have much choice, and it angered him that he had little control over the situation. Y/n could see that Lee was stressed. She figured by his lack of visitors that he didn't have many people to help him through this.
"I guess I don't have much of a choice. When can we do it?"
" I have some time this afternoon. I will inform the OR, and Y/n here will help get you prepped. I will see you in a little while." The doctor gave Lee a small wave before walking out the door.
"Are you okay Lee?"
"Uh, yeah, I'll be alright. Just nervous and overwhelmed. I have never had surgery before, and I don't know how I will be able to recover. I..uh, I don't really have anyone to help me. I have some friends, but I don't want to ask too much of them. It's just not the news I wanted to hear."
"I'm sorry Lee; hopefully, you are able to work something out. And as for the surgery, I will be with you along the way. I won't say that it will be painless, but I will try to make it a little less miserable." She rubbed the back of his hand as she promised to be there with him.
"Thank you darlin', I really appreciate it." He grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. He didn't know why she was being so good to him. She did not have to devote so much time to just one patient, but she did. 
Y/n made sure he was comfortable and went to take care of other patients. Lee was left to rest before his operation. It only increased his anxiety of what was to come after it. He whipped his head towards the door when he heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Sheriff, how are you feeling today?" It was his right-hand man and deputy Matthew Wilson. He had a small vase of flowers with a card attached.
"I'm doing alright; who are these for?"
"Oh yeah, these are for you. They are from everyone at the station.” Matt sat the vase by the window. “What's the plan?"
"Well, in a few hours, they are going to take me for an operation to fix my leg. I will be off work for six weeks. I don't know how I will do it, but I don't have much of an option."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lee. And listen, don't hesitate to call me or the wife if you need anything. Don't worry about work; we will be okay for a few weeks while you recover."
"Thank you Matt, it means a lot."
As Lee thanks the deputy, Y/n walks in with some towels and other supplies.
"Oh, I apologize for interrupting. Just wanted to bring this stuff in. We will have to clean you up before your procedure, but I will give you some time." She quickly placed the stuff down on a table and exited the room. And as she walked out, Lee couldn't help but stare with a grin on his face.
"You wanna tell me why you look like a little boy on Christmas Eve?"
"That's Y/n; she's my nurse. She's been a big help and has been so sweet to me. Plus, she's quite gorgeous." Lee had started to blush when he talked about her. 
"Are you going to ask her out?"
"No, I can't do that. I don't want to be one of those perverted patients that hit on their nurses. I don't think she'd want an old man like me anyways."
"Alright, no need to get so wound up over it." The deputy threw his hands up in defense. "You never know what could happen. Well, I will get out of your hair and get back to work; call if you need anything. Will you need a ride home tomorrow?”
“Yeah, can you also bring some other clothes? Y/n had to cut my pants off of me.” He had said the last part a little quieter. “Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime Sheriff, good luck. Don’t give her too much of a hard time.” The deputy chuckled as he left. 
Y/n came back into his room a few minutes later. Lee was even more anxious than before. He didn’t know why he was so nervous. It could’ve been that he had never had surgery before or that after he left the hospital, he was basically on his own to recover. Even though friends had told him to call if he needed anything, he was not going to burden anyone if he could help.
“Lee, is it alright if I start getting you ready?”
“Yeah, darlin’, there’s no point in me stalling.”
“What’s going on in that head of yours? What happened to the macho tough sheriff act?”
“I think I’m just nervous about having surgery. I know it’s just a simple operation, but anything could happen. If I do make it out, I don’t know how I will get through recovery by myself. I mean, everyone says to reach out if I need something, but I don’t want to make my stupidity someone else’s problem. I can barely cook and clean as it is. What am I going to do for the next six weeks?” Lee stopped after feeling like he had let too much fly out of his mouth. He was never one to express his feelings. “I’m sorry, Y/n, I don’t know why I blurted all of that out.” Lee ran his calloused hands over his face in shame. He felt embarrassed that he had unloaded his issues onto her.
“Lee, it’s okay to be a little scared, but I can promise you that you will be okay. And when not if, when you come out of surgery, I will be here when you wake up. You are not a burden on anyone. If you need help, then you need help. No one expects you to do it alone. Let’s just take this one step at a time, okay?” Lee nodded in agreeance, “okay, let’s just get you cleaned up.”
Lee felt terrible for putting that stress on her but was thankful for her effort to help him relax. Lee still had some dirt on him from the previous evening and overall felt gross. Y/n filled up a basin with warm water and laid out soap, washcloths, a razor, toothpaste and a toothbrush for him for Lee to use on his bedside table. She got him a second smaller cup to rinse his mouth after brushing his teeth. She set towels at the end of the bed for the time being. She stood by and watched as he took a soapy rag to wash his face and neck. She untied his gown so he could wash his chest and arms. Lee felt quite exposed in front of Y/n but tried to remember that this was her job.
“Do you want some help doing your hair?”
“Sure, thank you.”
Y/n brought the bedside table closer to him so he could lean over it. She wrapped a towel around his shoulders to prevent a mess. After placing a small glob of shampoo in her hand, she ran it through his hair and used her fingertips to apply some pressure. Lee had never had someone wash his hair before, making him forget what was happening. He didn’t want it to become awkward, but Y/n’s touch was almost euphoric to him. Y/n took handfuls of the water to rinse his hair and used the towel around his shoulders to dry his neck. She gave him the towel to finish drying himself off. Now he just needed help with his lower half. Lee was not excited about this part by any means.
Y/n got the cloth soapy and handed it to him. She turned around in an effort to give him privacy. Lee quickly cleaned, dried, and covered himself. Lee told her that she was okay to turn around. He had a bright red blush across his cheeks. Y/n was closest to his non-injured leg and decided to start there. Lee could not clean his legs because the movement required would cause more pain than it was worth. Starting at his foot, she worked her way up his leg and quickly finished at his thigh to keep the awkward tension to a minimum. As she got to his injured leg, she took her time to be careful because anything too aggressive would hurt him. As she got to his knee, she let him clean his thigh so he could use the appropriate amount of pressure. She helped him dry off and covered him up. Lee then brushed his teeth and applied soap to his face in order to shave. Y/n told him that as much as he would hate it, she had to shave his thigh to keep the surgical field sterile. She let him apply the soap and quickly but gently cleared the hair from his thigh. 
“I feel like a brand new man, darlin’.”
“I’m glad you are feeling better.” She giggled
She sat with him and talked about anything she could to distract him. They spoke of where they each grew up and their common interests. As she checked her watch, she knew that the doctor would be coming in soon to take Lee to surgery. She didn’t know why, but she felt nervous as well. She knew Lee would be fine, but she truly cared about what was happening to him. 
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rolling-restart · 1 year
seb/kimi with #11 from the prompt list!
Pairing: Seb/Kimi
Prompt: 11. things you said when you were drunk
Tags and content warnings: Implied/referenced alcoholism.
Why it's always the Germans who are sober?
Not beta-read.
"I was embarrassing, wasn't I?"
Seb stopped in his tracks to look at Kimi. He had been looking for their car keys for the past couple of minutes and it almost felt like his jacket was spawning new pockets the more he searched for them.
"I didn't mean to get that drunk, you know?"
Sebastian considered what to say for a second. This had been an eventful Gala for both of them and he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about the tabloids tomorrow. Kimi drank an amount that would most possibly kill a moderate-sized horse and committed a couple of shenanigans throughout the night.
It would be a fun opportunity if Kimi wasn't on track to almost complete sobriety for the past year. It would be an amusing story for most people, maybe they would have a laugh about how easy-going the Ice Man was or how they shared jokes over a glass of champagne. But not for Sebastian.
He knew Kimi had been trying so hard, not giving in to the stress and generally doing a good job regulating himself throughout the 2018 season. It wasn't easy for him to stay on track while also dealing with people and the press and Sebastian knew very well that he became overwhelmed easily.
That was the exact reason why Sebastian was dreading this night. Kimi didn't like interacting with many people at once in a crowded area and he tend to shut down after an hour or so. Therefore, he resorted to the only way he knew would relax him for sure, unlike certain other healthy but not-so-reliable coping mechanisms.
When Sebastian saw the first glass in his hand, he knew they lost the battle for the night and they needed to fall back to damage control. As they said, one was always too much and two was never enough.
"I know, Schatz, also no, you weren't embarrassing."
Kimi stumbled on his feet before leaning on the wall.
"But why people were smiling at me like that? People don't normally smile at me. My face makes them uncomfortable."
Sebastian reached to him and held him by his shoulders.
"Liebling, there is nothing wrong with your face. They were just happy to see you relaxed."
Sebastian knew it wasn't all true and some people indeed find Kimi's predicament amusing but he wasn't about to make his lover more anxious and uncomfortable with the fact.
"No, I might not be the best at understanding people but I know when someone makes fun of me. And they were making fun of me."
Sebastian sighed and gave his shoulders one more squeeze.
"If they were, that's their shame. It is not polite what they did."
Kimi squeezed his eyes shut.
"I shouldn't have given them any reason. I embarrassed myself, and I embarrassed you. I'm sorry, kulta."
Honestly, Sebastian couldn't care less about what other people thought of Kimi. Kimi was kind, wise, talented and amazing in his eyes. Anything else that goes along his name was due to people refusing to understand his preferred mannerism and his relationship with alcohol. He didn't care about what people thought but he cared about how it might affect his dear Kimi.
"No, you didn't, Kimi. You were just having fun and celebrating. Maybe you shouldn't have drunk but it is okay. A mistake doesn't erase all the progress. We will try again tomorrow."
Kimi's shoulders were slouched and his happy self Sebastian was enjoying until a couple minutes ago despite everything had disappeared. Sebastian hated seeing him disappointed in himself more than anything else.
"Hey, it's okay, it's all fine. You did well, despite the whole chaos of hundreds of people in the same room. You managed to stay calm and were a little silly at times maybe. But it was cute."
Kimi lifted his head to meet Sebastian's eyes.
"You thought I was cute? What am I? A puppy?"
Sebastian scoffed.
"Hmm, let me think. You were more like a wolf cub. Or like a husky puppy."
"Fuck off." Kimi was smiling.
"Do you remember what you said to Mick?"
Kimi immediately frowned again.
"Was I talking to Mick?"
Sebastian couldn't suppress his laugh.
"Oh, yes you were. You talked to him until the kid's ears gave out."
Sebastian knew Kimi was trying to remember with all his might.
"Oh yes, I was telling him about the prank we pulled on Jenson with his father. Do you remember?"
"Yes, I do."
Sebastian couldn't help but smile fondly at the guy he loved so dearly for so long. He was going to miss the luxury of spending all their time together once he left for Alpha Romeo.
"I will try harder, kulta, I will be better. I know how much you care. And I know how I look like I don't care, but know that I do."
"I know you do."
Sebastian didn't know if he preferred a sappy Kimi or a nonchalant Kimi but either of them was better than a guilty Kimi, deflated Kimi so he would take it.
"You know, you don't have to show anything in a way that people expect. I will always understand you. I will always see you."
Sebastian couldn't interpret Kimi's expression as a response to his words. He looked... thankful. And enamoured, maybe, if Sebastian wanted to push his luck.
"I don't deserve you."
Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"Yes you do, now let's go back to the hotel."
A sudden reminder of a comfortable bed and the chance to sleep the possible headache off made Kimi's eyes glow.
"So, can I drive?"
Sebastian shook the keys he finally found in his pockets in front of Kimi's face.
"Absolutely not."
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