#and I'm just so afraid that I'll mess stuff up
slytherindisaster · 2 years
I wanted to finish the song asks today to just chill but I am so anxious about my shift tomorrow that I can't focus on anything rn 🙃
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klara-rosa · 1 month
On wednesday I had my first therapy session in 3 weeks and it was such an emotional one that I really struggled to hold back tears (and I know it's normal to cry in therapy but in all my years of going I have only cried twice in therapy and one of those times was my LAST session with my previous therapist when I felt like the world's gonna end because AGAIN I lost someone important to me)
Anyway so I tried to be as honest and open as possible and it was so nice to just have someone acknowledge that you feel like shit, like my therapist said she thought about everything going on recently and she saw that I'm really struggling and that my level of mental/emotional pain is high
We talked about all kinds of things and she also said that she would like me to see a psychologist to have a diagnostic evaluation to see what's really going on diagnose wise because she thinks I might have PTSD and when I told her that I already did such an evaluation once fore BPD she became all ears and told me she thinks I might have BPD and she gave me a book to read up on it
So all of a sudden I might have 2 more mental illnesses 👍 but I'm actually pretty chill about it...like, okay. Just please help me get answers. Tell me what to do to become better. PLEASEEEE
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lactoseintolerentswag · 8 months
Rise Characterizations
Last month I did an in-depth re-watch of rottmnt s1 to take some notes on writing the characters of rise from their perspective and such. Figured I'd share what I found, but I'm also posting this bc my docs have a nasty habit of blipping out of existence.
We'll start with Raph bc he's the oldest of course, but I'll post the others sep. bc this is gonna get long!!
Raph Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Catchphrases: "like a boss", "smash"
Verbalizes his attacks such as "smash", "knuckle sandwich", "power smash jitsu", "tonfa power jitsu", "mystic punch jitsu"
Uses older song titles for surprised exclamations or in place of cursing, most notably "jumping jack flash!"
Uses aave/bae, For example: 'em instead of them, 'ey instead of they, 'cause instead of because, forgoes the g in ing words (going becomes goin')
Uses less and less grammar the more he's stressed, and his voice will come to a higher pitch
Will speak in a softer tone to his little brothers if he's concerned about hurting their feelings. Aka babying them
Mixes up both metaphors and idioms. Would be one to say how the turn tables unironically
Does say "hero" a lot, lost count, especially in phrases like "hero town"
Refers to his brothers as "boys" or "fellas"
Refers to Splinter as "pop(s)" most often
Refers to strangers he's directly talking to as "bubs" or "hoss"
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Protective of his family
Plays up the hero act/has a strong sense of duty and justice
Impatient, rushes in without a plan (pre-movie), doesn't finish books until the end, falls asleep during "boring movies"
Oblivious, doesn't read into things beyond surface level. Struggles with empathy when something is beyond his understanding, but is still very emotional
Center of responsibility for his brothers, but also has a reckless sense of fun. As long as it's him doing the stupid unsafe thing it's fine
Carries the weight, in a literal sense he piggy backs his brothers, but will also use his body as a shield from danger. Unfortunately this also means he takes his brothers a little less seriously (Mikey the most common victim), and will try and either protect them from everything or as an oldest sibling everything has go "his way"
Doesn't do well in solitude. Needs to be looking after people to feel functional, and needs to be around people to feel safe
Clumsy, "takes horrible pictures", isn't very good at hiding, he's a big guy so it probably took a lot of time to find balance
A sweet guy who still won't shy from making fun of his family. Leo tends to be the brunt of his teasing since he is the most annoying, but he will also poke Donnie on his dramatics
Likes cute things!!! Has a teddy bear collection and loves animals. It's so cool how this isn't played off as a joke and he's still just as masculine for liking pink and cutesy stuff
Likes fighting!!! Gets a lot of energy out defeating bad guys (where he directs his anger towards), the one who is shown to train the most, and also weight lifts in his spare time
Doesn't do well under pressure, here the anger comes out the most. He gets stressed when it's all on him, especially since he tends to mess up the most in these moments
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Second to unlock mystic powers
Nicknames/codenames: "raph-a-doodle" by leo, "red rover" by april, "red king" by donnie
Teddy bear names: Doctor Huggenstein, Captain Snuggles, Cheech
Stinks: fear stink, amazement stink, sneaking up on people stink, victory stink
Seems to be less afraid of rabbits and more afraid of puppets
Went on his first solo mission at 13
Cannot lift a bus, at age 15
Thought about discussing fighting style, but I'm not as familiar with that concept and I've seen a couple posts dissecting such topic. So we'll end here for now. Hope this was helpful!!! I'll post the rest of the boys later and link here
Leo is up!!
Donnie is up!!
Mikey is up!!
Splinter is up!!
April is up!!
Cassandra is up!!
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runicarbiter02 · 1 year
Helllooo! Request are open and I'm running over here. Can I request hdc for alejandro vargas and ghost, being jealous because there crush is a little bit touching with another men. Thank youu honey.
A/N: This is definitely an interesting one! I'd be happy to write these for you, since you specifically specified them, I'll just do them for this one. :) I hope you enjoy, darling! I'm still learning how to write for Ale, so I apologize if he's a bit OOC! Also, thank you all for over 1,000 notes on my first headcanon request! I am so, so happy you all are liking the post! ~ Hannah
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I imagine with Alejandro, this would be a slow burn friends to lovers sort of situation. You, Alejandro, and Rudy have all been friends since you all joined up together. Alejandro has always been on the flirtier side with most people, which is why whenever he flirts with you, you don't tend to think much of it. That's just who he is, right?
Los Vaqueros had just gotten a new member, a young, handsome man in his mid-twenties. He's conventionally attractive and funny, which some of the other women definitely admire, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Unfortunately - or fortunately, if you look at it a certain way - you were assigned to show him around the base and get him up to speed.
Cut to the both of you in the mess hall on base, chattering away. Alejandro sees the both of you, and his blood boils. Who does this hijo de puta think that he is?
What really pisses him off is when the young man leans in, saying something that makes you laugh and you playfully shove him away with a coy smile. Alejandro quickly storms out, furious with the young man, but furious with himself for getting so upset.
He doesn't realize you follow him out until he feels your hand on his shoulder.
"Ale? What's wrong, hermano?" If only you knew how much he hated that nickname coming from your lips.
When he turns, one look at how concerned you are, and all his frustrations come spilling from his lips. He's just about to brush it off as him being silly when you don't respond right away before a laugh is erupting from you.
"Ale, he's not into me. He's just friendly. I thought he was flirting with me earlier, but he let me know that he's no even interested in sexual stuff. He's ace," You reassure, and suddenly, Alejandro feels ridiculously stupid. But that falls aside when you stand on your toes and brush a kiss to his cheek. "Now come on, cariño, you need to eat." His eyes follow you as you return to the mess hall, and he's stunned into silence.
Maybe he feels a little less bad about getting jealous.
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This man hates his jealousy. Despises it.
But, it's a part of him nonetheless, and it's something he has to live with.
I imagine it as quiet, little things around base that really gets to him: you're a medic, a really good one at that, and the men absolutely love you for how kindly you treat them all. You have patience, but you aren't afraid to bark orders at them if they're acting out of place.
"MacTavish, if you rip your stitches one more time, I'll kick your ass into next fucking week." "Captain, I don't care if you have more paperwork to do, get your ass in bed before I drag you there myself." "Hold still or I will personally strap you to this cot myself, rookie."
Your feisty nature and take-no-shit attitude is absolutely what drew him to you initially. Cue almost a year of pining on his end, and on your end, but not to his knowledge.
The final straw that ultimately cracks his resolve is a young sergeant that is trying to flirt with you while you stitch up a bullet wound on his side. It's obvious you're just being polite as you accept his compliments and hum in response at his attempts at flirting, but it still rubs Simon the wrong way.
Simon's jealousy is quiet, boiling, settling in the center of his chest. Every touch of yours against the sergeant's skin merely stokes the flames, but he does nothing, continuing to brood in the corner. He waits until you're done, shooing the young man off with a half-assed threat of harm if he ruins his stitches. That's when you finally notice him.
"Ghost, what have I told you about lurking in my med bay?" You tease softly before taking note of the hard look in his eyes. Slowly, you put two and two together, chuckling softly. "Ah, I see. C'mere, big guy."
He isn't mad. Not at all. All he can think about is that young man, who has all he doesn't: charm, good looks, youth, and the blessing of a childhood unscarred by a demon of a father. Simon isn't so lucky.
He can't stop himself as he follows your instructions, stepping into your office and taking a seat at your desk as you close the door. You sit on top of your desk and smile down at him before you hold out your hand expectantly. He furrows his brows but gives you his hand anyway, grumbling something about how he "doesn't know where your filthy mitts have been."
As soft kisses are pressed to his knuckles, however, he goes quiet. "Silly, jealous man. Can't even see that I look at you the same way you look at me. Eyes of a hawk, my ass," You tease.
He turns every shade of red beneath his damn balaclava, and you're damn certain to tease him about it as he melts back into the seat.
Hijo de puta - Son of a bitch
Hermano - Brother
Cariño - Honey; dear
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shmolish · 8 days
Finished Beast Yeast ep 3 last night..... I was not happy with the results, so now I'm forming a picture in my head of y/n cookie running to Shadow Milk Cookie and hiding behind him, fearful of Mystic Flour Cookie, shaking like a chihuahua with tears in their eyes.
If it's possible, can you expand on this, please? If you can't, then it's fine 👍🏻😁
AN: Takes place before the beasts were sealed but after they became corrupted- Uh if you want one in the present I can make one of those as well..! Also, I usually try to avoid using Y/N in my stories, but it just felt natural here-
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Swears, not proof read
"And see? My little Y/N here is absolutely perfect in every single way." Shadow Milk was often one to brag about his significant other, the significant other in question being you, of course. It has long since become of a habit of his.
You've become somewhat used to it by this point. He bragged to anyone who would listen, so this happened quite a lot.
Though, something was different about this person.
Her apathetic presence, those uncaring eyes, the way she carried herself... it was all so nerve-wracking.
Shadow Milk had mentioned her a few times before. She was one of his friends. Mystic Flour.
She seemed uninterested in the conversation, yet listened anyway.
The very much one-sided conversation seemed to go on and on, and throughout it all, Mystic Flour continued to stare at you. Something about that gaze made you feel deeply uncomfortable, and you subconsciously held onto Shadow Milk's hand and shifted behind him.
He quickly noticed this and seemed to quiet down a bit. He saw how you began to shake a little, and how you tightend your grasp around his hand.
"Is something wrong?" He asked you, tilting his head to the side a bit.
You didn't want to say it out loud, for fear of potentially offending Mystic Flour.
It didn't take long for Shadow Milk to connect the dots. He covered his mouth with his hand, snickering a bit. "Doll, you're not afraid, are you?"
There was nothing you wanted more than to wipe that annoying grin off of his face. "Hey, fuck you!"
He sighed. "Oh come on. Are you seriously afraid of Mystic Flour?' The grin never left his face.
"I will be taking my leave now," Mystic Flour said before walking someplace else.
You crossed your arms and glared at Shadow Milk, obviously not amused.
He let out another sigh before placing a hand on your head, messying your hair up. "Doll, I assure you, there is nothing to be scared of. That emotionless dustball that somehow gets worshipped will never lay a finger on you because you're mine. And she's smart enough to not mess with my stuff, 'kay?"
You nodded your head and Shadow Milk whisked away a stray tear that you hadn't realized was forming.
He gave you a soft smile. "Next time I see her, I'll have to remind her to appear more friendly towards guests..."
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divijohm · 3 months
Headcanons for Toby, Jeff, Nina and slendy with a reader that lovesss animals? (and is good with them) :D like every time they return from a mission, reader has brought back a puppy or kitty? (bonus points if once she accidentally brought a wolf in the house mistaking it for a dog)
Pastas with a s/o that's good with animals!
Toby, Jeff, Nina and Slenderman
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A/n: I LOVE ANIMALS! ALL ARE SUPER CUTE but sadly I'm not very good with them lolol I have a cat and a dog though they're my babyss hope you enjoy!
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🐾 He does not get along well with animals, at all. He scares most them away just by standing there, problems of being a eldritch horror but once one warms up to him he actually is very gentle with them.
🐾 finds it cute and fascinating how well you can interact with the lil fellas, might even find a way to you to use them in missions. Not a fan of you bringing them to the mansion though, most pastas aren't a fan and may be allergic, and he does not enjoy when animals/wildlife are being mistreated so for everyone's sake, he'll ask you not to.
🐾 If you manage to convince him to have a pet, other than smile dog that is, he would like a cat, probably a black or tuxedo one, because it would be easier to hide the fur that will be all over his clothes
🐾 He's a tidy man, animals that make much mess are not his type, he also don't like the high maintenance ones (i.e hamsters) heck he barely takes care of his proxies, leaving most of them to survive on their own only giving the best ones a somewhat stable life. A high maintenance thing that's not even useful?? Hell no
🐾 Overall, he likes animals but he does not like to take care of them nor have them in his house, he doesn't need more little, bratty, short life-span beings to take care of, he already has the proxys
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🐾 Adores animals as long as they're far away from him, he's scared of most of them at first but find them cute
🐾 Have a strong cat allergy poor thing can't be near one without a mask and he's sneezing
🐾 Will help you take care of them despite his fear and allergies, mostly by being on your side handing you stuff but he'll hold the animal still if you need to apply a vaccine or something
🐾 Sometimes his tics will be saying an animal name, because he's spending so much time listening to you talk about them, you find it cute
🐾 He's besties with the mansion permanent pets and will let them stay in his room if needed
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🐾 BIG ANIMAL FAN, especially big ones
🐾 WILL pamper all the pets you bring home, to a point where you have to hide the treats from her otherwise she'll give them nonstop
🐾 Begs Slenderman to let you make a zoo with all the pets, he refuses of course but lets her keep a parrot
🐾 She named the parrot Willy, is a blue one and he's very talkative (much like his owner) surprisingly he can roam free and don't run away/get lost.
🐾Willy will attack on command, Nina did not teach him how to do that but one day she said to another proxy "I'll make willy take your eyes out!" And the birb was near and he just attacked going for the eyes. A moment of laughter and panic later, Willy was safe and the poor victim just had his eyelids slightly clawed, nothing major but Slenderman made Nina promise that she would never command willy to attack a proxy to a degree that can compromise their performance. So now she just makes him poop on people's foods and/or in them
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🐾 He only likes dogs, not much of a fan of any other species, he will tolerate birds and most of the wild life thought
🐾 He's afraid of cats, whenever you bring one to the house he'll try to act cool but the slightest movement towards him will make him flinch
🐾 Will act uninterested when you bring a dog but the moment you turn your back he WILL gush over them specially if they get along with Smiley
🐾 Fights everyone who criticizes your actions, because "at least animals are better than humans" bedsides you do all the work to care for them and keep the mansion permanent pets safe if they don't get along with the strays
🐾 will complain if you spend more time with the pets than with him, and will throw a tantrum if you tell him to wait because you have to take care of the lil ones before giving him attention
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russos-ventitre · 8 months
alessia russo x reader | lezioni di italiano I 🧸
✘ summary: jonas buys yet another midfielder after signing cooney-cross who apparently catches a certain blonde's eye
✘ warnings/tags: bit of swearing, bit of flirting, alessia is a gay mess, reader is mid-20s, AWFC!reader, arsenal!reader (previously InterMilan), ItalyWNT!reader
✘ words: 2234
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ part i ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ part ii
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ part iii
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ part iv
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ part v
a/n: translations provided as always!
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ uno
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It was your first day at Arsenal, having been transferred from Inter Milan and finding a new home in North London. It was your first time in England, not including the Euros, but that didn't scare you, you enjoyed adventures and stepping out of your comfort zone so when you got the call that Jonas was interested in you, you grabbed that opportunity with both hands and never looked back.
Unbeknownst to you, you were the topic of the day. Everyone's eyes were on you, not because you weren't from here but because Jonas finally had some sense knocked into him now that he was buying more midfielders. First Cooney-Cross, now you, so in some aspects both of you were on everyone's radars. Regardless, everyone staring at you and whispering about you didn't phase you, you just continued to do what you were here for, football. Even if it did mean you were a bit isolated at first, you were fine being in your own company, that's how it's been for years.
After training you made your way to the locker room, taking a quick shower and changing into fresh clothes. You hadn't noticed but you had an audience. Two blondes to be exact, both leaning up against the wall, watching in awe as you cleaned yourself up.
"Do you think she's single?" Leah whispered to Alessia, noticing how the younger girl was sending you heart eyes and her asking would only further wind her up.
"Oi!" Alessia elbowed her. "No flirting with the new kid-"
"Ti sento.." [I can hear you..] You muttered, looking over your shoulder at the two blondes staring back at you.
Alessia's face immediately went red, she turned on her heels trying to flee the scene before it became more awkward, only to feel Leah's hand grip the back of her collar and pull her back.
"Pardon?" The older blonde stood up from the wall, quirking a brow.
"I said, I can hear you.." You turned your face more towards them. "..you're talking about me."
"Yeah.. uhh.. we were just wondering if you were free this afternoon.." She nudged the younger girl, hoping she would join in on the lie.
"Y-Yeah.. maybe show you around the town.." Alessia continued, fidgeting with her hands.
"No sorry, I'm busy I'm afraid." You replied, folding up your clothes and packing them in your kit bag. "I've only just moved here.. so I'm still unpacking stuff in my flat. Spiacente, ragazze." [Sorry, girls.] You finished, shaking your head.
"M-Maybe.. another night..?" Alessia offered, feeling a bit braver.
You laughed lightly. "Yeah.. maybe.. I'll see you girls tomorrow, yeah?"
"Yeah, tomorrow at 7." Leah answered, giving you a soft smile as you walked towards the exit.
"Ciao, ci vediamo domani!" [Bye, see you tomorrow!]
You sprinted out of the building leaving the two blondes to themselves.
"Less.." Leah nudged the younger girl. "..Less you can stop staring now.."
"Huh? Wha- I wasn't staring.."
Leah grabbed the blonde's face, closing her jaw with her hand. "Tell that to your face."
"I wasn't staring!" She grumbled.
"Less you were literally watching her as she got changed.." The older woman ruffled Alessia's hair, causing her to groan, and shoot her a dirty look.
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The Next Day..
Training was the same as the previous days, running drills, partner work, and spending some time in the gym. It was only your second day at camp but you were slowly becoming used to where things were, even if you did take a few wrong turns.
"Hey.." You heard a familiar voice call from behind.
"Hmm?" You turned around, seeing the same blonde from yesterday, this time by herself.
"Oh hey.. uhhh.." Searching for her name, you looked up at her sheepishly, embarrassed you had already forgotten.
"Alessia.. Less is fine.." She responded.
"N-No, I like Alessia.. it's pretty, one of my favourites actually." You replied quietly, looking down at your kit bag.
"Really?" The blonde sighed.
"Yeah.. it's quite popular back home." You looked back up at her, seeing that her cheeks were flush.
"S-Scusa.. I'm [y/n] by the way.." [S-Sorry..] Having realised you never properly introduced yourself you reached your hand out to meet hers, shaking it gently. You awkwardly smiled back at her, realising that your strong front was suddenly cracking very easily in front of a blonde woman you've only met less than 48 hours ago.
"Nice to meet you [y/n].. could I maybe show you around sometime..? No pressure or anything.. I know you're busy with unpacking-"
"I'd like that." You answered before she could go off on a tangent.
"Great, maybe this weekend?"
"Sounds good." You smiled, making your way for the exit.
"Oh!" Alessia grabbed your wrist before you could make your escape. "I never got your number."
You turned around to see the blonde handing her phone over to you, watching as you put your name and number in, and handing it back over.
"Ci vediamo domani, stella." [See you tomorrow, star.] You gave her a soft smile before walking down the hallway to the parking lot.
When you realised you were no longer in her eye line, you cringed at your awkwardness of that exchange.
"Cazzo! Ma che promblema hai? Perché ti comporti così?" [Fuck! What is wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?]
You rushed out of the building, entering your car and driving off to your flat, replaying the entire interaction in your head the entire drive home. It even kept you up at night, just barely scraping by on 4 hours of sleep the next day.
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The Weekend Arrives..
alessia ⭐️ [11:39]: hey
alessia ⭐️ [11:39]: we're still meeting up today, yea? x
[y/n] 🦋 [11:42]: hey
[y/n] 🦋 [11:42]: yea ill be there :)))
You arrived at the place Alessia sent you to, a local coffee shop not too far from camp. She spotted you instantly, which wasn't hard since you walked around like you were clueless, which to be fair, you were in an unfamiliar country.
"[y/n]! Hey!" The blonde shouted, waving her hand so you'd find her.
You raised your arm back, waving lightly. "Ciao, stella!" [Hi, star!]
Alessia guided the two of you out of the coffee shop, showing you the surrounding buildings to visit. It was a nice section of North London, lots to do and lots to see and you were happy that she was your guide otherwise you'd probably be clueless.
"-and just over there is where me and a lot of the other girls get our hair and nails done." The blonde pointed out a two-story building with an awning just above the doorway.
"How often do you girls go?" You asked curiously, never really dedicating any time to pamper yourself before.
"Nails.. every few weeks.. hair.. once a month..? Depends."
The both of you continued your little journey around the town, allowing yourself to finally familiarise with your surroundings. The blonde's little tour ending back at the same coffee shop, this time you two actually ordering something. You both grabbed your drinks and sat down at a table.
"I was wondering.." The striker started, her fingers fidgeting with the rim of her cup, her eyes looking down at the woodwork. "..if maybe you could give me lessons?"
"Lessons?" You sipped your drink confused. "Alessia.. you're way better a football than I am, I don't think you need my-"
"N-No.. like Italian lessons.." She muttered to herself, her shoulders tensing.
"Oh." You raised your brows, now understanding what she meant. "I mean we can start tomorrow if you'd like." You offered.
"No no, you're probably really busy with unpacking.. it was a stupid ask." She shook her head, embarrassed.
"Alessia, sono serio. Come over mine tomorrow and I'll teach you." [I'm serious.] The words came out of your mouth before you could actually process what you were saying. Any other time someone asked for a favour like this you would've denied them swiftly, liking time to yourself and being alone. You're still not sure what possessed you to agree to a tour of the town with Alessia so the fact that you agreed to Italian lessons was just another added shock. Maybe you were softening, maybe you were suddenly realising that there were so many other opportunities out there when you open yourself up to things. Maybe you felt something for the- no.. no, don't be stupid, you've only just met..
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The Following Day..
You heard a knock on your door, just minutes after you finished making coffee. 'Finally', you thought, walking over to the door, mug in hand as you answered it.
"Alessia! Che bella!" [How beautiful!] You smiled, greeting the somewhat anxious-looking blonde.
"H-Hi." She gave you a small wave as she clutched her MacBook and notebook to her chest.
You moved aside so she could enter your flat, guiding her to a dimly lit table near your kitchen. "Caffè?" [Coffee?]
"Please." She sat herself down at the table, trying to make herself comfortable.
You padded back into the kitchen pouring her a cup. "Latte o zucchero?" [Milk or sugar?] You asked, your head peering around the cupboard, waiting for a response.
The blonde looked back at you, slightly grasping what you were saying but not fully. "U-Uh.. milk..? Please.."
You walked back over to her after you prepared her drink, handing it to her and sitting across from her.
"Cheers.." She mumbled, taking a small sip before she tucked her trembling hands under her thighs, her shoulders tense as ever.
"So.. what is it that you want to learn?" You asked, hoping the question wasn't too broad.
"Uh.. well.. I love my culture a great deal and would give anything to be able to speak the language.. I just barely have the time since I play for England and now I'm at Arsenal.. but it would be a dream if I was fluent.."
You took a sip of your drink, waiting in case she had more to add.
"Well, we can start off with basics and work from there if you'd like."
"Yeah.. that'd be great." She smiled shyly.
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"I think we should take a break." You stated, just having witnessed Alessia scribble down a bunch of notes as you taught her basic phrases and words and slipped in a bit of slang.
"No! I want to keep going.. I'm really enjoying this.." The striker admitted, not ready to call it quits only 2 and a half hours in.
You shook your head, grabbing both your mugs and taking them into the kitchen to clean them. You returned and saw that Alessia had her head buried in her notes, mouthing to herself the pronunciation and trying to retain their meanings. You quietly walked up behind her, nosying at her notes, noticing that her handwriting was gorgeous and everything was so neatly organised.
"Uh.. I think you misspelled 'ventitre'.." [twenty-three] You delicately pointed out, your arm coming to reach past her shoulder and point at her notes.
"Hmm? Oh! S-Sorry.. I got a bit carried away.."
"Do you want to learn numbers?"
"No- I mean.. I just wanted to know that one.. for now." She looked up at you, smiling awkwardly as she fidgeted with her pencil.
The blonde pursed her lips, her eyes meeting yours. "Could you maybe teach me football phrases?"
"Sì." [Yeah.] You replied, taking a seat next to her.
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"-so in the Euros.. against Sweden.." Alessia nodded as you spoke.
"..your backheel, that's 'colpo di tacco'."
"Wait.. you watched our game?"
"Yeah.. I was in the crowd.. we got knocked out by Belgium in the group stages.. not our best performance." You pinched the bridge of your nose, embarrassed at your team's performance.
"It was a great goal that, the colpo di tacco." She stated proudly.
"Alright Russo.. calm down." You replied with a laugh, giving her a light shove. The blonde blushing slightly at the way you pronounced her name in your thick Italian accent.
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The blonde began to pack her things away, clutching them to her chest just like she had done when she arrived, instead, a lot less tense than when she first got there.
"Same time tomorrow?" You asked, holding the door open for her.
"Yeah.. I'd like that." She smiled.
By habit you leaned close to her, giving her a hug and pressing a kiss to each of her cheeks, only realising what you had done when you pulled away.
"Merda! Sorry.. force of habit!" [Shit!] You uncomfortably rubbed the back of your neck, looking at the floor.
"..I now realise that's a European thing huh?" You continued to stare at the floor, not wanting to look her in the eyes.
Her hand came to rest on your shoulder, gaining your attention. "It's okay [y/n].. really." She gave you a polite smile, her cheeks a bit rosy.
"Ci vediamo domani?" [See you tomorrow?] The striker questioned, hoping she said it right.
"Sì! Domani!" [Yeah! Tomorrow!] You answered, with a bit more excitement in your tone then you would've hoped for.
"Ciao, [y/n]." [Bye.] She waved, walking over to her car.
"Ciao, stella!" [Bye, star!]
You shut the door when you knew she was safe, your back sliding down it until you were sat on the floor, head buried in your hands. It was going to be a long season.
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AITA for telling my Grandma I'm not going to have a specific conversation with her and just walking away?
So context, I (28) am currently between jobs because one of my ex-coworkers was the asshole who got me fired, and I haven't found anything new.
My mother (50) and I both live in my Grandma (80)'s house which is divided into an upstairs and a downstairs. Grandma lives in the downstairs. So do my mom and sister. I live alone in a two bedroom upstairs which belonged to my late aunt.
Right after my aunt died, I wanted to clean the apartment, organize, donate, toss, keep her stuff. To make sure everything gets where it'd ought best go, but my mother told me I had no right to go through my aunt's things alone and sort keepsake from takaway; if I was to do anything it was to be with her.
Well, three years of me trying to get my mom up here to sort through it with me because I want to respect her wishes, and my stuff accruing in a layer over top of my aunts stuff because I can't get rid of it, and the apartment is a lifetime and three years mess. My mom never made the time to do what she told me I wasn't allowed to do without her, me respecting these wishes which she probably doesn't even remember. I've been living up here too afraid of trespassing against my aunts memory to clean the cobwebs full of her red hair. Because my mother said, I had no right to do it.
And that cleaning anxiety is on top of executive dysfunction, depression, having too much shit, being a sprawler type adhd, and working a 40 h/week 'part-time' retail position. I didn't have it in me to clean by myself, and the mess kept getting worse and no one would substancially help me no matter how much I asked. Not my mom and not my sister (who gets a pass because she's got post-exertional malases from Long Covid).
Now fast foreward to two weeks ago. My mother final finds the motivation to clean the upstairs apartment because she's got a boyfriend now, and they wanna have sex upstairs where my grandma can't hear it. They didn't ask me if it was okay or anything: just decided that my space is now OUR space because it's convinent to her. I don't really care, and I'm annoyed, but finally someone to clean the fucking apartment with. She said, two weeks ago that he'd be coming around in about four months time. We spent the day getting a lot of cleaning done. Not anywhere near all of it, but a lot. And I've finally gotten what I see as permission to start sortitioning my aunts things. I'm pacing myself cleaning on that four month timetable.
And then today she bursts into the apartment to announce that BF will be here in a week, and she starts hauling major ass with my late aunt's heavy as shit sewing supplies. For my part, I vent the new timeline to my friends and then get to work cleaning my bedroom so I can move the stuff I have sprawled over the living room into my bedroom. Because my bedroom being messy is what's getting in my way the most.
When she's done hauling boxes, she goes to start cleaning the bathroom, and because she's in too much of a hurry on this new self-imposed and sprung upon me timeline, she hurts herself cleaning the toilet. Spasms her wrist, locks up her back. I help her downstairs but she's obviously done for the day, probably done for the week even. I get back to light cleaning with breaks, pacing myself to the new timeline I have to deal with. And I get a call from my grandma.
G: "Hey anon can you come down here." A: "I'll be down in a minute." I pull on pants and a shirt and head down.
And here we get to the key events all that context was building toward.
G: "What happened with your mom." A: "She hurt herself cleaning." G: "I know that, I mean why was she cleaning your apartment. You're an adult who's lived here for three years, and she's the only one working, and now she can't move. Why's the apartment you live in such a state that she needs to clean it for you."
Now, I know my grandma. A mule would be jealous of her stubborn demeanor. She's on an oxygen machine 24 hours a day and she still smokes two packs a week. You can't change her mind once she's made it up.
So I'm doing calculations in my head while she's laying into me, and I conclude she's made her mind up: She thinks I'm 100% in the wrong and nothing that came out my mouth would convince her that my mom is just as much an adult as I am who is responsible for her own decisions that got her to overworking when cleaning and hurting herself in the process, and also several inter-related key factors in why so much cleaning needs to be done on an 'oh fuck, immediately' timescale.
Doing the math makes me a bit angry, and I don't like the type of person I get to acting like when I'm angry, especially because anything I say will just make her more upset, so I say, "Grandma, I'm not going to have this conversation with you."
And I walk away. I leave while she yells at me to come back and let myself be yelled at. I'm angry, so I mindfully do not to slam her door on my way out and go back up stairs
After some scrumbling and a bit more light cleaning with breaks to pace myself, best I can, to this newly imposed and unreasonable timetable, my room is 90% clean and ready for me to put my stuff in it. And now that I'm not as angry anymore, I started to feel guilty that I didn't even try to explain anything to her. I just decided she'd made up her mind and made up mine to walk away without even trying. So, I typed this up to ask:
AITA for refusing to engage her in that conversation and just walking away?
What are these acronyms?
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mongeesemeese · 4 months
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I'm working on a much bigger project featuring this guy. I'll probably start sticking stuff for it in here as it comes so be expecting a lot more DC from me lol. Now, headcanon time!
Jason Todd is probably one of my favorite DC characters, but also one that I feel has been generally mishandled.
One of the biggest things I think people forget about Jason is that he is, in fact, an anti-hero.
He does messed up shit because he knows that it's arguably the only way to really make a difference. Batman's methods, while generally noble, are relatively ineffective in the grand scheme of things. Due to the corruption of Gotham's justice system and rehabilitation system for criminals, the Big Bads really don't get their just desserts, which only leads to more people getting hurt and continuing the cycle of violence that has existed for so long.
Let's be real - the Joker has probably single-handedly ruined more lives than Batman could ever hope to save. I know, I know - that's dark, but it's probably true.
Trying a more drastic approach to keeping criminals off the streets doesn't seem too insane when those criminals don't get a clue to maybe stop after being beaten to a pulp by Batman.
I guess a lot of them are into that sort of thing lol.
In any case, Jason kills the bad guys so the families in the city won't have to worry about losing a child to the Joker's insanity, so women won't feel afraid to walk 100 feet down the sidewalk without turning into another missing persons photo on the ever-growing list, so that children don't have to worry about losing their parents to a hostage situation gone wrong.
I would argue that Jason Todd is not a bad person. In fact, I would argue that he is a very good person who is willing to go further than anyone else to help others because he knows exactly what it is like to be lost the grief, pain, and rage that comes from not being helped.
Anyway, that's all I've got for know. I'll probably do more character study stuff for the Bat family soon. Should be fun.
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virginsexgod69 · 3 months
imagine shane somehow pulled it together and survived with the group until season 3, but lori still sadly dies giving birth to judith. while they’re out on a run, he and rick meet you. at first they’re just jacking you for your weapons, ammo, etc, since they’re gearing up to fight the governor but then shane realizes that he wants to take you home so you can take care of his baby and him too. rick’s along for the ride too
❝ Taking Care ❞
pairing Shane Walsh x f!Reader
cw guns, mild swearing, typical twd violence, injuries
2.5k words
note okay wow, writing shane was lowkey kinda difficult hahahaha, but i tried my best! although i'm not sure if i like this or not... either way, i really hope i fulfilled your request!!!!!
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“If this is someone’s stuff, we should at least leave them some.” 
“We need this more than they do. ‘M sure they don’t have a baby or are tryna gear up for a damn war.” The two men continued to ransack your sad excuse of a camp. Guns, knives, canned foods, all gone, shoved into their own bags. You watched them as they continued to rummage through your stuff. You knew you should confront them, but you’ve seen how scary people have become and didn’t want to leave the safety of the tree you were hiding behind. 
“Think there’s anythin’ good in that car?” 
“Maybe we should jus’ take the whole car.” 
You couldn’t just sit by and let them take everything you risked your life to accumulate. Even though your heart was beating a thousand miles a minute and your entire body shook with nerves, you removed the safety off your pistol and stepped out from behind the tree, pointing your weapon at the curly-haired man. 
“S-stop stealin’ my stuff!” You ordered, although it sounded more like you were begging. 
The men stopped and turned to look at you. They stood with confidence and clearly weren’t afraid of you. That made you even more nervous. The man you had your gun aimed at slowly put his backpack full of your stuff down before raising his arms up in surrender. His partner, however, reached for his own gun. 
"Don't!" you shouted, turning your gun on him instead. 
"We don't mean any harm, we just saw stuff, so we took stuff," the blue eyed man said. There was something about the way he spoke. Fearless, authoritative. It sent nervous chills down your spine. 
"Yeah, so why don't you put down the gun, darlin'," his partner said. His unflinching stance and muscular body gave you the impression that he wasn't one to mess with. 
"Tell your friend to put down my stuff and maybe I'll consider it," you bargained. 
The man smirked, clearly not taking you seriously. It pissed you off. 
"Do ya even know how to use that thing?" Now you were really pissed. You moved your finger to the trigger to fire a warning shot, but the man was on top of you instantly, tackling you to the ground. He grabbed the wrist of your hand containing the gun and slammed it against the ground until you dropped it, ignoring the way you screamed and writhed against him, trying to fight him off. With your gun now in his hold, he shoved it into your temple. 
"Shane, wai—" 
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't end your fucking life right now," he demanded, cutting his partner off. 
You sent a nasty glare his way, but when he didn't relent, you knew he was serious about killing you. You didn't want to show the men any fear, but you couldn't help the way your heart raced or how your eyes burned with tears. 
"You said," you swallowed nervously, "You said you have a baby, right? I-I can help! I was a nanny before the world fell. I know how to take care of babies and kids." 
He pondered over your words for a moment before clicking the safety back on and yanking you up from the ground.
"I think we should take her back, Rick," the man whose name you learned was Shane said. 
The other man, Rick put his hands on his hips before running a hand over his face in thought. 
"We already have people back at the prison who take care of Judith. If we take her that's just another mouth to feed," Rick argued. 
Prison? Did they have some sort of camp? Having a stable home sounded better than living out of your car and sleeping in a tent. 
"Do any of your people know baby first aid and CPR?" you asked. Now you wanted to convince them to bring you back with them. Anything seemed better than what you currently had going on. 
Rick and Shane stepped off to the side for a moment, talking in hushed whispers you could barely make out. 
"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asked as they two approached you again. 
"I dunno, a lot?" you replied, confused at the question. 
"How many people have you killed?" 
You sighed, getting tired of his silly interrogation. "Um, two." 
This man was really nosey. "Cause they were bit." That's all the detail you were willing to give the man, but he seemed to accept it anyway. 
"Fine. We can bring her back," Rick finally agreed. Shane grabbed your upper arm and leaned down to your ear. "If I even think you're gonna try some funny shit, I will kill you." You nodded nervously before snatching your arm from his grasp. 
 You helped the men load the rest of your stuff into their car -this time you were okay with them taking your stuff since you'd be going back with them- and got into the backseat of their green car. 
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When you arrived at the prison and saw that it was actually a prison, you were actually a bit shocked, but you didn't complain. Shelter was shelter and having it was better than not. You followed the men inside, curiously looking around as you did so. An elderly man and a young girl holding a baby sat at a table in the area before the cells. Their guards immediately went up when they saw you walk in behind Rick and Shane. 
"Who's this?" the man asked.
"This is...uh," Shane trailed off, not knowing your name, so you quickly told him. 
"We found her in the woods. Said she was a nanny, so we brought her back to help out with Judith," he explained as the girl handed him the baby. He smiled down at the baby girl in his arms before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. 
"Hello, nice to meet y'all," you greeted. They both seemed apprehensive, but returned your greeting nonetheless. 
"And nice to meet you!" you said in a quieter, higher pitched voice to the baby in Shane's arms. She couldn't have been more than a few months. It felt strange seeing a baby so young in the middle of the apocalypse. You assumed Shane was the father, considering how he was the one cradling the infant in his arms and not Rick. But who was the mother? You glanced up at the girl. She seemed way too young to be having a baby with Shane. 
Her blue eyes met yours. "Oh, um, I'm not her mother," she explained. You could tell by everybody's body language that you shouldn't ask who is, so you kept quiet. 
"Can I hold her?" you asked Shane. 
He looked at you for a moment, deciding if he wanted to trust you to hold her just yet. He gently placed Judith into your arms, his warm hands brushing yours in the process. 
"Hi, baby!" you cooed, overtaken by her cuteness "aren't you jus' the cutest lil' thing!" She just looked at you, not a thought behind her eyes. You couldn't help the way your face split into a gigantic smile. You glanced up at Shane, but he was already looking at you with a ghost of a smile on his face and eyes less cold than they were earlier. You handed him back the baby and he handed it back to the girl before motioning for you to follow him. 
 He led you through the prison, to a cell you'd be staying in. When the other members of his group saw you and demanded answers, with authority present in his tone, Shane told them you were here for his daughter and here to stay, leaving no room for questions. Even if they didn't seem to agree with his choice, they didn't say anything. You sat on your cot. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was heaven compared to the dirt. 
"Thanks for bringing me here," you said looking down at your shoes. 
"Better uphold your end of the deal or else I'll turn you loose and leave you for dead." 
What a warm welcome.
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 In the week or so that passed, everyone started to warm up to you, especially Shane. At first, you suspected he was hovering because he didn't fully trust you with Judith, but when he hung around you, even during the times you were without Judith, you started to suspect he liked being in your company. And his wasn’t that bad either. 
“Hey there,” you greeted as you approached him with baby Judith in your arms. He stood in the watchtower, having been in there keeping watch the night before. The bright, early morning sun shone on him, making his brown eyes glow. He smiled happily at his daughter before smiling at you too. 
“What’re y’all doin’ up so early?” He asked, taking Judith from you and cradling her in his arms. 
“The little one was hungry, had to get up and feed her.” 
“Have you eaten yet?” He asked you. You nodded your head. 
“Why don’t you go get yourself somethin’ to eat?” His voice was laced with genuine care, which shocked you. He hasn’t shown too much care for anyone in the short time you’ve been here. 
“What about you, you’ve been up here all nigh. Surely you’re hungry?” He handed you Judith and turned you around, gently nudging you toward the exit. 
“Mornin’, Beth,” you said cheerly as you helped yourself to a granola bar. You though about it for a second before grabbing one for Shane too. 
“Hey,” she replied. 
“Do you mind watching Judith for a bit? Gotta do somethin’ real quick?” She agreed and happily took the baby in her arms. 
You hurried back to the watch tower and thankfully, Shane was still in there. 
“What’re you doin’ back in here? Thought I told you to go eat?” 
“You’re not the boss of me,” you teased as you tossed him the granola bar. He smirked and caught the bar. You took a seat, leaning against the wall as you ate your breakfast. He looked at you as if to ask what you you were doing. 
“ ‘M keepin’ you company,” you stated matter of factly. He didn’t argue with you and instead sat down next to you. You wanted to remind him that he was to be keeping watch, but decided against it, afraid it might push him away. The two of you ate in silence for a bit, too hungry to avert attention from the food. 
“Judith seems to like you,” he commented. 
“Well, I’d hope so, since I’m her nanny,” you joked. He chucked before responding. “You take such good care of her.” 
You smiled at him. “Least I could do since y’all took me in… even though you tried to rob me and threaten my life.” Despite the truth to your words, there was a joking tone to your voice. He looked a bit guilty. 
“We were just,” he took a moment to gather his words, “I had to-”
“’S fine, I get it,” you said, slightly relieving him of his guilt. “I’ve had to do some things I didn’t wanna to survive.” 
“Haven’t we all.” You were grateful that he didn’t try to pry too much into your life, but you wouldn’t have minded sharing had he asked anyway. You rested your head on his shoulder -much like you did to your friends before the dead started rising- and he let you stay there. 
“I better get back to Judith,” you said after a few minutes. 
“And I gotta change shifts.” The two of you parted ways, but not before he thanked you for the granola bar. 
You found Beth again. She was in a cell with Maggie who was feeding Judith. She handed you the baby and her bottle so you could take over feeding her. The sisters said their goodbyes before leaving the cell, leaving you and Judith behind. She was almost done with the bottle before you heard the faint sound of gunshots. You tensed up, clutching Judith close to you.The gunshots picked up, making you wonder if you should go and see what’s going on. You looked down at the baby dozing off in your arms. You couldn’t just leave her in here alone. The prison was virtually empty with nobody else to watch her. You chose to stay, even though the guilt of doing nothing ate away at you. 
 After what felt like forever, the shooting finally stopped. You breathed a sigh of relief. Loud footsteps rapidly approached before Shane appeared in the doorway. He was sweaty, out of breath, and clutching his side. 
“Came to check on you two, everything alright?” He asked, worriedly. 
“Yeah, she’s fine, everything’s fine,” you replied, eager to ask what it was that happened. 
“Are you alright?” Concern flashed in his eyes. 
You nodded. “What happened out there? Is everyone okay?” 
“It was the Governor, killed one of the prisoners and tried to take out everyone else too.” 
You looked away from his eyes and down to the hand clutching his side. Blood was starting to leak between his fingers. Your heart dropped. 
“Shane, did you get shot?” You asked sternly, hoping he wouldn’t lie. 
“Just a graze, I’ll be fine.” You put a sleeping Judith in her crib before approaching the man. 
“Lemme patch you up.” 
“It’s just a graze,” he insisted. 
You sighed and looked up at him which forced him to look at you. “I know you just brought me here to take care of Judith, but I wanna take care of you too.” He let out a sigh and finally relented. You smiled up at him before scurrying off to fetch some medical supplies. 
When you came back, he was sitting on the cot, still clutching his wound with a pained look on his face. When he heard you come in, he sat up straighter and put that stoic look back on his face. 
“You don’t have to act all tough for me,” you teased. You doused a towel with some rubbing alcohol before kneeling in front of him. He couldn’t look you in the eyes as he lifted his shirt to give you access to the wound. It seemed to have stop bleeding, so you gently cleaned the wound before putting a bandage on it. 
“See, really wasn’t that big a deal,” he said with a teasing smirk on his face. 
“Still had me worried, though.” You stood up and tidied the mess of medical supplies. 
“Don’t gotta worry ‘bout me, I can handle it.” 
You knew he could, but the thought of losing him scared you. You leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. 
“Just don’t want Judith losin’ her daddy is all.” He sighed and looked up to the ceiling in thought. 
“Thank you,” he said. 
“No problem.” 
“No, not just for this. For taking care of Judith and for taking care of me.” You sat beside him and slipped your hand through his. 
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not quite proofread, proofskimmed maybe. i found some free time, so i'm gonna try and finish writing as many requests as i can yaaay!!! anyway, thanks for reading !! <3
oh btw, i learned what a taglist is and now i have one! if you'd like to be in it, let me know!
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strongheartneteyam · 10 months
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
Chapter 7
CW: a good amount of angst, reader finally is letting neteyam in and realizing how she does truly love him too, physical contact, neteyam suffering while holding back from mating w/ reader, mentions of sex, yearning, sexual language, reader and neteyam acting like a cute couple, playful flirting, reader is more vulnerable with neteyam, a lot of fluff, reader feels guilty about the way she's been treating neteyam. Tell me if I'm missing something important!
Sorry for taking long to update, my angels 🥺🤍 unfortunately I'm going through a tough path in my personal life rn and bc of that I fell on a horrible depressive episode that I'm still on. So, my motivation to do stuff is very low at the moment and as I have to deal with my adult responsibilities that I can't run from bc nobody can, rn the best I'm able to do is focus the tiny bit of energy I have onto getting them done. I won't be able to update my fanfics as fast as I used to for some time. Can't say how long, it's not under my control currently, sorry :( But I LOVE writing, it's a great escape for me, from life problems and stuff, so, I really do not plan on stop writing fanfiction. I promise! Don't worry too much. Some of the upcoming chapters of this fanfiction, for example, are already saved on my Google Docs. I'll take longer but I won't stop updating. Anyway, I'm a tiny bit (ok maybe much more than that lol) insecure about this chapter but I hope y'all like it. Seeing your comments about the fic would make me incredibly happy. I'm needing some serotonin right now 🥲 Thanks for reading my writings ♡
Not proofread. Sorry if some parts are a bit messed up. I'll proofread it as soon as I can <3
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Chapter 6
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowin' my pride
Standin' in front of you sayin' I'm sorry for that night
It turns out freedom ain't nothin' but missin' you
Back to December (Taylor Swift)
You inclined yourself slowly and sheepishly in Neteyam's direction, still feeling guilty for the way you had been treating him before. Neteyam sensed your self doubt and quickly swept you off your feet, taking you inside his arms, so he could finally get the hug he had been dying for, so he could finally feel your small body against his bigger one. His big hands were now under your thighs, securing you in place against his warm body. That closeness, his touch… it all felt incredibly good. You cursed yourself for pushing him away and postponing that moment. To think you could have felt that before and you didn't… "Stupid girl" you thought.
You were now really far from the ground but you felt safe. Now you knew Neteyam would always protect you. He would not let you fall and get hurt. He was not and had never been a threat to you. There was not and there never was any reason for you to be afraid of him.
"Oeyä yawne…" (my beloved) "You feel so soft and tiny… Eywa… Nga yawne lu oer" (I love you) His voice was choked with emotion as he held back tears of joy while he hugged you as tight as he was able to - without hurting you - and you rested your head upon his shoulder. Your nose was hovering over his neck and you sniffed his skin, smelling his natural, cozy scent. It was intoxicating, drawing you in, making you wanna stay like that forever. 
You breathed in deep and relaxed inside his huge arms that held you for the first time but still strangely felt like home, like you had felt them around you a thousand times already. If you believed in past lives - which you didn't - you'd explain this odd but amazing feeling as you having found your soulmate again, in this current life. There was no fear of Neteyam inside of you anymore. You only yearned for more and more of him, only a burning affection kept your whole being warm, just like his massive body did too.
"There's still something I need to ask of you, if this is gonna work out between us." You said, breaking the hug for a while to look him in the eye
"Say it, yawne."
Neteyam was still so utterly happy that he did not even seem to be shaken by that, which he could have been
"You know why I pushed you away. First of all, finding out an alien double your size has been stalking you is freaking unnerving." You still gazed into his eyes, wanting him to pay attention to your words "Second, you acted like a creep. At least compared to the way human guys act around girls they're interested in. I don't really have any experience dating na'vi boys, you know?" You choked a little as you were trying hard to hold back laughter
"Ouch…" Neteyam playfully pretended to be extremely hurt by your previous statements. He chuckled "In my defense, I'd say my instincts are to blame, not me, exactly." You gave him a death stare, but in a playful manner too "When I saw you, I knew you would be the perfect mate for me and I had to make you mine. Everything about you rubbed me just the right way."
You smiled. He was being silly and so sweet. You just could not resist it.
"By the way, when did you see me for the first time?" 
Neteyam seemed to get shy after that question. You wondered why.
"I fell in love with you while you were in your Avatar body, yawntu. That's when I first saw you." Neteyam looked up at you again, smiling but showing no teeth
"You what?" You questioned him, a bit shocked but you could not bring yourself to be mad at him, though. Imagining him hiding behind trees and up in branches to watch you silently seemed adorable in your eyes, now. 
And yes, you knew it sounded crazy, to find someone who used to literally stalk you adorable, but nobody said that anything that was happening to you right now made any sense. Not even you would try to.
"How did I never notice you were around?" You shook your head in disapproval of your distraction back in the forest.
What if it had been a na'vi who did not trust you a single bit to even let you Dreamwalk freely, without grabbing you by the arm and taking you to the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk? Some na'vi hated humans to that point. And, as you always said and always would say, you had a great empathy towards them and could imagine yourself feeling the same way if you were na'vi. You could never bring yourself to judge them as harshly as way too many humans did. You knew they were not the villains of the story. But still, what if that na'vi tried to hurt you? You felt tense at the thought.
Neteyam noticed your uneasiness and tried to calm you.
"Don't worry, yawne. I'm a great warrior. A big part of being a good warrior is being really focused on one's mission and knowing how to get by as unnoticed as possible. So many other humans in their Avatars and even many, many na'vi wouldn't notice me, either."
Neteyam still wanted to call those other humans "demons in false bodies" but he was not going to. He knew it would hurt you and make you feel like he was talking about you too. But he was not. Whenever he had called you "demon", it never meant the same thing as it would mean if he was talking about any other human. But he knew it would be hard for you to understand. So he promised himself that he would never call you "demon" again. After that eclipse night when the both of you were talking in front of your bedroom window, he realized how much it hurt you when he called you that. He hated himself for bringing you pain. And his heart hurt so badly when he thought about the possibility of you pushing him away again. It made him want to hold onto your small, frail body tightly and say "Please, don't leave me! I can't be without you again… Please…"
"If you say so… I still think I should've been more careful, though." You say, still feeling a little nervous and thinking that maybe you had not been the best student when attending to your classes about na'vi behavior and that maybe you didn't pay enough attention to warnings they may have given about being mindful of your surroundings when Dreamwalking 
"I promise it's okay. It was not your fault, yawntu. I'm just good at what I do." His smile clearly showed he was proud of being a good warrior
"Ok, then." You smiled back at him and the both of you laughed a bit.
Suddenly, he stopped smiling and his gaze dropped to your lips, that were not that far from his own lips, if it wasn't for that damn oxygen mask. You felt like he wanted to kiss you. The moment was awkward but in a good way. He could not kiss you with the mask on, so, instead, he smiled at you once again and looked down at the floor, bashful.
You touched his huge, gorgeous face and he looked up at you again "So, about what we were talking about before… Just try to be a little less… upfront about what you feel for me. I mean… sexually. I love that you want me this much because I want you too, Neteyam. A lot, actually. You're… really freaking hot." He smiled, blissful, and his cat-like eyes sparkled as he heard that, his ears perking up. "But you're a bit too much, at times. If you could just tone it down a bit…" Neteyam looked a little ashamed and insecure, so, you rubbed your thumb on his soft skin, to reassure him you still longed for him too "At least while I get used to your na'vi nature, it would be great. Please, try to understand me… It's a whole new world I'm just now discovering. But it doesn't mean I don't love you and don't want you and it doesn't mean you should feel insecure." You smiled gently, showing no teeth. 
Neteyam looked a bit sad again after you finished your sentence and you totally understood why. In his na'vi mind, you were practically rejecting him. That was who he truly was, animalistic and a bit too much to your human standards. He must feel like who he is was not enough or good in your eyes.
"Hey" You cupped his face again "I wanna do something. Just let me take this mask off, first." You wanted to reassure Neteyam of your feelings for him by giving him a kiss.
"Yawne, no! You can't breathe without it. You could die really fast! I'm not gonna let you do it."
"So you don't want a kiss, Neteyam Suli? I thought you'd want it, judging by the way you have been stalking me and by our interaction that night, outside my bedroom's window." You teased him and his face lit up
Neteyam gave you an excited smile. The way his full lips curled up as he quickly pondered about the pros and cons of your offer was so beautiful, almost hypnotizing.
God, you really were in love with that na'vi boy, weren't you? There's no going back now. He's holding your heart in his big, weird but cute, alien hands.
"I guess if we make it quick-"
"Shut up, Neteyam." You interrupted, chuckling playfully "I know you're dying to feel my lips on yours. Just help me take this mask off already." It was a bit hard for you to take the mask off while holding onto his shoulders. You knew he would not let you fall but still you wanted to still feel a bit of control and keep holding onto him too.
Neteyam got surprised by your boldness, since he did not see it coming, and he could only think about how freaking amazing it would feel to finally taste your lips, so, he did as you asked - leaving the mask hanging on your neck by the strap it had - and you rapidly held his big pretty, blue face, brought your lips to his and placed the most tender of kisses there, pressing your mouth against his mouth softly but with so much care, trying to let him feel how much you desired him too. His lips were velvety, warm and so incredibly good to kiss. God, you did not care that you were risking dying from lack of oxygen. You wanted that alien boy so badly.
Neteyam's still tense demeanor soon turned into a calmer one as he kissed you back. His hold on you got tighter as he felt your sweet soft lips on his. He felt so incredibly hungry for you. How could he not be? Your kiss was the most delicious thing he had ever felt in his whole life. You both shared saliva and wet each other's lips with each time your lips parted only slightly and came together again. Your soft skin made him want to squeeze you and never let you go again. Neteyam wanted to cuddle with you, wanted to wrap his tail around your small body in a possessive way to let you know you're his and that he would take care of you, hunt food to feed you and protect you from anything that could ever hurt you.
It was getting harder and harder for him not to lay you on the ground and press his body against your tiny one and make love to you right there but he knew that, thinking rationally, that was not a good idea at all, as the both of you were just outside a laboratory full of humans and you two could easily get caught and be in danger.
Even though Neteyam craved your body insanely, now even more than before, as he was finally feeling you close and tasting your lips, he was trying to take it as slow and gentle as he could because he wanted to respect your limits instead of scaring you away again. He understood you were human and your race acted in a very different way when it came to relationships. He still thought it to be a dumb way to lead things but it was you who was asking him to act differently and he loved you with his whole being. He could not bring himself to say "no" to that request. He knew it would be temporary and you soon would give into the na'vi that lives inside of you when it came to mating too. For you, Neteyam could wait. He knew things would soon change for the better. You were now in his arms, as the two of you kissed. You were no longer afraid of him. That was everything he needed at that moment. Things were already so much better.
Neteyam noticed you were having more and more trouble breathing, so he got worried and quickly put your oxygen mask back on.
You gasped for air and breathed in so much oxygen once you had your mask on that it might have been funny to watch, though Neteyam did not laugh. On the contrary, he seemed way too serious, way too worried about your safety. You wanted him to relax a bit.
"See how much I love you? I risked dying just to give you a kiss." You tried to speak normally but what came out of your mouth was a hoarse whisper instead, as your lungs were still in need of more air. A weak smile was adorning your lips as you struggled but still managed to let out a frail chuckle
"Don't say that, oeyä tawtute, please." Neteyam told you, trying to stay serious but still letting out a chuckle as well
"See the sacrifices I make for you, Neteyam?" You tried to seem mad at him at the beginning, only to start laughing shortly after, now that you finally had enough oxygen in your system to be able to let out an actual laugh, even if it still sounded weaker than your laughing would sound in another situation
He smiled big and teased you "Skxawng." (moron)
"But you love me." You closed your eyes while smiling, full of yourself
"I do." You opened your eyes to look at his face "More than you think, yawntu."
Your heartbeat accelerated intensely and you blushed. Neteyam found your blushed cheeks adorable. He looked at you so intensely, like he was holding the most precious thing in the world in his arms.
Neteyam knew he had just fallen even harder for you now that you both had kissed. He could not wait until he could be alone with you in a safe place and get to explore your body with his hands and kiss you all over. He almost got hard just thinking about that but he tried his hardest to whoosh that away. Neteyam was scared that feeling his bulge would be too much for you at that moment, specially since he knew he was much bigger than the human males you were used to. You might feel uncomfortable because of that difference and the sudden intimate feeling of his hard big cock against you and want to get out of his arms. Neteyam did not want that to happen. He needed you there a bit more, he was not ready to let you stand on your feet yet. And he was so afraid of you not wanting him close anymore, he was so afraid of perhaps ruining what you both had now. It was far too special for him. He could not let his sexual instincts ruin that. The time would come when you would let him in completely, when you would grant him permission to be inside of you and show you how much he craved your pussy, how much you messed with his head and awakened his most intense desires. Until then, he would wait and take baby steps. For you, he was capable of waiting for ages, though he hoped so strongly it would not take long.
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vergess · 1 month
A work friend of mine's daughter has recently developed (?) schizophrenia. He seems to like my advice in general, and in particular thinks I gave him helpful advice about handling traumatic experiences he's had, and so talks to me about this a lot. I've tried to give advice along the lines of prioritizing her comfort/well-being/calmness over her "connection to reality" (his words), like not picking arguments over things she says in pursuit of correcting her, similar to taking care of someone with dementia.
Do you have any points I can focus on or resources I can look up to support him and by extension his daughter better? I'm not very familiar with the subject but do know that in looking this up I'm wading through a lot of stuff that's not very supported or with the schizophrenic person's well being and agency in mind.
You're exactly right about the comparison to dementia. Although not nearly as severe an illness, schizophrenia is one of those "redirect not reinforce" conditions.
So, one of the big things you can suggest, especially while the person is in the early period of onset (which can happen over the course of a year at any age, but usually between 20 and 30), is try to help them make plans for the future. Which sounds big and scary, but it mostly consists of honestly going through with them to make lists of the things they enjoy, the things that stress them out, etc. Because there is going to come a time, and it's sooner than anyone wants, where remembering what she finds relaxing will become impossible on her own (at least, during periods of high stress; she may always be able to self regulate in normal conditions).
Schizophrenia often makes people feel deeply afraid and out of control of their own thoughts, which is really scary!!
But your friend's daughter is likely still able to remember what things she enjoyed before the onset of her illness. Whenever she gets too wound up in a fearful delusion, rather than trying to combat the delusion, I suggest redirecting her to one of the things she enjoys, whatever that may be. A hobby, a movie, etc.
It's important that the idea for the redirection initially come from the schizophrenic person themself. This way, you can honestly say, "hey, remember when you said you like X, why don't we try some X together," and it be something reaffirming to the person's sense of control rather than fighting it.
Of course, if the delusion isn't fearful/scary/stressful, the best thing to do is to accept that it is her genuine reality right now, and just work around that belief. No need to start a fight and make it stressful.
Another thing is, and this is MUCH more controversial in the west but I'll go ahead and say it. Another thing is, if the daughter's voices are friendly or kind, to support her engaging with them (if she so chooses). This way if/when her voices become mean she can choose to "disengage" with them as a conscious change. In practical terms, this means if his daughter is ever having conversations with her voices that seem to be in good spirits, to treat that more like she is talking on the phone with someone you don't know, than to treat it as a scary hallucination.
Then, if the voices ever get mean, she can "give them the silent treatment" to help establish a sense of control over them and help her feel like she doesn't have to listen to them.
In a way, it can be good to conceptualize her voices as "influential strangers" and just encourage her to listen to good influences and ignore bad ones.
Finally, depending on where the daughter lives and her support needs, it might be good to get her registered with the healthcare service in your area sooner than later. In the US, a young person with schizophrenia automatically qualifies for medicaid and can also qualify for disability. Both will need to be applied for, and the application process is a byzantine mess.
Especially regarding disability, it is best to hire a lawyer to make your application (they will be paid out of your benefits not your pocket).
As such, if your coworker's daughter is unlikely to be able to live entirely on her own, including job, hygiene, travel, etc it's a good idea to get there registrations started ASAP. That way if the coworker ever becomes sick or when he eventually dies, etc the daughter can be supported.
If the daughter has low support needs and is likely to be able to live on her own (which can and does happen sometimes!! Even with schizophrenia), one of the biggest challenges she's going to face in the long term is going to the doctor.
Not only are doctors deeply, deeply scary to the mentally ill in the west (for good reason!), which makes doctors a prime target for delusions of fear and abuse. But also delusional thinking can interfere with a person's ability to identify their own body sensations.
EG, it is very common for schizophrenics to "be really angry and not know why" and it turns out it's because they have a UTI but couldn't feel it due to delusions. In fact, it's so common that one of the first things we do at work when a client is very upset like that, is ask them if they have been peeing more often (the answer is usually 'yes').
A huge part of the reason people with schizophrenia die young is the inability to tell when they are sick, followed by feeling unsafe going to the doctor.
Ultimately, the biggest thing to remember is that no matter how stressed or scared you are as a carer, the person with the illness is just as of more stressed. They aren't fighting you, they're fighting terror. Remembering that can make the intense demands of caring for someone with higher support needs less draining.
The second biggest thing is to remember to take time for yourself, because if you burn out as a carer, then you've left your kid without support for potentially months or years, and that's pretty bad compared to having them go to a fun adult program like a summer camp every day for a month while you recover.
Finally: there are more programs for schizophrenia support than you think. Even in my rural bumfuck town of 3000, we have two (2) different programs, including a year round day program that operates 5 days a week and takes walk ins.
Your coworker does not have to take care of his daughter alone. Support exists.
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vulpixisananimal · 27 days
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(you leave for one loop. One day. And it becomes a blinding disaster. Oh yes, Stardust gets a loop where they can relax and don't need to worry about anything and look what happens.)
(Because of you.)
(I did not do anything.)
(Oh sure! Was I mistaken? Was I mistaken thinking that the one who's always causing trouble, always making things harder, was the one who messed everything up!?!)
(I had to do what I had to do. It's fixed now.)
(Fixed?!? Is that all you care about?!?)
(You grip the sides of the sink. You might be sick again at this rate. You couldn't tell if the nausea was from looping or from the mental argument you were having.)
(It's fine! Really, it's wonderful even! You could share what you learned now. And figure all this out. It's fine.)
(But first, cue Isabeau.)
"You alright, Sif?--" >> "--Just some loopy stuff, not that bad, I'll meet you for breakfast!"
(It's so easy to slip back into the old routine. It's comfortable. It's easy. You can just zone out and respond in exactly the right way. And yet, it made your skin crawl. After all you've been through you're still supposed to memorize a play? What a joke.)
(You go through the motions, get fully dressed, go downstairs, greet your party. Quesadillas again. They'd probably still be tasty, though you wont want them for a bit after these loops.)
"You sure you're alright??--" >> "--Do you think that's why you're sick again?"
(You were zoning out a lot. Change things up.)
"That would make sense, craft exhaustion, right?"
"Alright eat up then 'Frin, gotta get your energy back." (Nille gave you more food like last time.)
"At least let me finish first breakfast." (You say, smiling.) "I am hungry though."
(You still weren't sure if you felt better or worse after taking some time to relax. Although, that 'relaxing' time was cut short. You take a bite of the quesadilla.)
"Is Bonnie feeling okay?" (You ask.)
"They woke up with a headache, I think it's from that bonk from yesterday." (Nille looked worried at you bringing it up.) "Just, don't mention the burnt food."
(Odile spoke up from behind her book.) "It shouldn't be from that bang on the head. No concussion, any booboos they had Mirabelle healed up."
"Well what else would it be then."
(You quietly eat up the quesadilla. Just think for a second, Loop. It's probably nothing. Just focus on the task at hand.)
(You and I know that it's impossible for the past to change. If something did change, it would be us who did it.)
(So why does Bonnie have a headache?)
(. . .)
(You're still not giving me all the details~)
(It does not matter, it will distract you.)
(You're afraid arent you~ You're afraid that things are going to change~)
(As are you.)
(I'M at least trying to-)
(You bite your tongue.)
"Blinding-" (You exclaim.) "Ow."
"Everything alright, Siffrin?" (Odile asked.)
"Oh I just bit my tongue, eating too fast."
"Aw no!!" (Isa said, concerned.) Want me to check if it's ok??"
"So you can kiss it better?" (You reply, almost instinctually.)
"Get a ROOM you two!"
(Isabeaus face was getting off shade, it took you a second before you processed what you just said and what it meant.)
"OH. UH. I DIDNT??? MEAN, UH???"
(you hide yourself in your hat. That's??? So embarrassing?!?!? Oh stars you said that as a JOKE. "I banged my elbow kiss it better." Stupid, stupid Loop! You're making such a fool of yourself.) ". . . S-sorry."
"Noit'sokI'mokit'sfine." (And now Isa was covering his face.)
(. . .)
(Not a WORD from you.)
(There's a bit of an awkward pause before casual conversation starts again. You mostly just zone out untill Bonnie comes back.)
(They looked. . . Fine? It was hard to tell from last time, maybe a bit more tired looking? Nothing physicaly wrong, not that it looked like, they caught you staring at stuck out their tongue at you and make a "nyeeh" noise. You stick your tongue out back.)
"Quite done, you two?" (Odile said without looking up.)
"'Frin started it."
"Did not."
"Did too!"
"Alright maybe I did."
(Mirabelle gasped.) "Siffrin? Admiting to cheekyness??"
"Truly a dark day." (Odile commented.)
(You all chuckle.)
(Here again. Back at the explination table. You know you could keep the loops a secret this time, but no. You needed help, you did ask for it after all~)
(Might as well make it fun, though. You look around and see a few scraps of note paper, you grab one and quickly write something down. Next, who to pass it to. . .)
(Odile is still in her book, Mirabelle was checking on Bonnie, Isabeau. . . Passing a note to Isa right now's a bad look. Nille, then. You crumple the paper into a ball and gently throw it at her as she's about to take a bite of food. She pauses and looks at you. You hold up a finger and wink.)
(You lean back in your chair.) "Let's skip going to the defenders, when we head there later today it just becomes a whole mess."
"You looped again!?!?--" >> "--I'll look for one of those next time."
(You hear a stiffled laugh come from Nille, looking over, she had de-crumpled the note and looked at it. She gave you a look and held it up.)
"So do you just have the whole crabbing day memorized, Siffy?" (The note was that whole exchange written down. Nille passes the note to Mirabelle to look.)
(You stick out your tongue.) "Maybe~"
"What's our next line then, Siffrin." (Odile had closed her book, now quite curious.)
"Well, bonnies next line is 'that's crabbing stupid.'"
"No that comes after Bonnies line." (Ok this is kind of fun actually)
"Alright, but what's your next line." (Mirabelle says, curious.)
(You nod.) "That this will be try number four, or five, First was me and Odile at the library, rest of you to the Defenders place, Bonnie came running back to us because Mira was framed for kidnapping Bonnie."
"!?!?!?--" >> "--Language."
(There's a bit of a pause as everyone catches up to the exchange that just happened, and laughs.)
"Well, at least you're making light of it?"
"Tee hee, I try~" (Now, how to explain things quickly.) "Next loop we all went to the Defenders and bumped into an old friend of Isabeaus, going by Ramos now. We got split up, Ramos and Isa were acting suspicious, we confronted Ramos and they had a wishing star pendant like from yesterday. There was also a strong mint smell around. And then last loop Mira Isa and Odile went to figure out if mint was a sign of anything."
"That's, quite a lot to take in." (Said Odile.) "Well, did we find anything?"
(You nod) "Yep, a strong mint smell is assosiated with Mind Craft. It makes sense really, with how Isa and Stardust acted~"
". . . Stardust?"
(You wince. Stars! STARS! Oh great you were just TALKING and explaining things and DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Alright, fine, fine, you'd have to explain this anyways probably.)
(You could try again.)
"R-right, aha, well. . ." (You shook your head, lights, camera...) "Well it's a bit of a story, Mirabelle had the wonderful idea that we take a loop to rest up! Oh very, very thoughtful~"
"Uh, th-thank you?" (Mira looked confused, well, everyone did a little.) "Did, did it go alright?"
"Oh it did! For a bit. And then our good friend Ramos showed up. Stardust, Siffrin, thought it would be a wonderful idea to talk to them to figure out a few things. Buuuuuuuut then Ramos grabed their hand and he started acting ~very different~"
(You felt like you were going to have a heart attack. When was the last time you talked to your party? REALLY talked to them. It was on the final day, wasn't it? And even then you were all worried about Stardust. You just need to keep acting.)
"Let me guess. Siffrin was effected by mind craft in some way, but you weren't?" (Odile, like usual, was ahead of the curve.)
"Correct~ Hello by the way, your friendly neighborhood Loop here to help~"
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"Oh! Good to talk to you again then!" (Mirabelle said excitedly.)
"Yeah. Lot cooler than 'Frin." (Bonnie said all cheekily.)
"A devistating blow to someone not even here. Are they around at all, by the way?" (Odile asked.)
"Well. . ."
(We shouldn't bring him to front. They are likely still effected by mind craft.)
(And how would you know that?)
(I don't.)
(Exactly. You tap your chin.) "Well I could get them, but we're worried that mind craft is still effecting him."
"But, didn't you turn back time?!?"
"Yeah, it never happened then, right?"
(You shrug.) "Kinda. Memories stay. Our body keeps some of it's changes, scars and muscle growth, but not wounds. We keep our fighting experience too, naturally. And for some reason, equipment."
"Oh right... Like the bow my classmate got me." (Mirabelle touched their bow, the same one.) "That really hurt my head to think about."
(Nille rubbed her head.) "Well if you get them we can check easily. And if Siffy's still gotten mind crabbery we'll..."
"Then we make sure Loop doesn't get effected either!!" (Isabeau said confidently.)
"Or undo it. It should be easy enough, unless-" (Odile starts)
"-it was powered by a wish." (You finish with her.)
". . This is weird." (Nille says.)
"Give me a day and I could recite those two days in Dormont by heart~"
"Even the sleepover?"
"Especially the sleepover."
(You all chuckle a bit at that. It's. . . Kind of nice, being able to be open about this. Even if you wish it could be in better circumstances.)
"I've got two plans today." (You say, as you take another bite of food.) "First, we'll all check on Stardust and see how he's handling things~ "
"Rude to talk and eat, Loopert." (Nille sais smugly.)
(You choke on your food. Loopert?!?!)
"Hah! Loopert."
"Hehe. It's a cute nickname."
(You sink down in your cloak and quickly finish that bite of food.) "Any chance we could rethink the nickname?"
"No!!! You're Loopert now!!!"
(Well if we they wont remember at least.)
"Alright alright, well the other thing I want to do is try talking to Ramos agian."
"So daring..."
"Are you sure about that, Loop." (Mirabelle seemed worried.)
"Well, I'm curious how they'll react. The last two times we've bumped into eachother they've been. . . acting strange. Oh, and I would like to talk to them one on one if possible."
"You do realize if that mind craft stuck this could be increddibly risky." (Odile looked concerned. Understandibly so.)
"I'd like to be around in case they try anything. . ." (Said Isabeau.)
(You nod.) "Well, if you all could stay nearby in case something does happen, that would be great."
"Why do you need to talk to them alone anyways?" (Nille asked.)
"W-well. . ." (How to put this.) "I don't want to be rude, but you all are terrible actors."
"Ah. . ."
"Oh. . ."
"Ouch, but fair."
"Sorry." (You shrug.) "One of the best advantages of not talking about the loops was knowing exactly how things go. But we made a promise to not keep secrets soooo~"
"No no, I understand Loop." (Mirabelle looked a bit dejected.) "I don't know if I'd be able to keep a straight face."
"Heh, I could do it." (Bonnie said smugly.)
"Sure you could Boniface." (Nille replied.)
"Yeah!!! I could!!!"
"I'll go sign you up for theater classes then."
(Heh, that would be a sight to see.)
(At least we have a plan.)
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kilibaggins · 5 months
can i get ''I could keep you safe. They're all afraid of me.'' with Bucky too please?
My Knight | Bucky Barnes
Summary: Reader has some issues with her coworkers not doing their job how they should, and Bucky has a perfect plan that Reader... Doesn't agree with.
A/N: EEE thank you again fro the requests and again feel free to send as many as you'd like ! love writing these AHHH. anyway, i know i might have stretched the prompt a little bit since reader actually isn't in danger so bucky won't be "keeping them safe" but i used it loosely and imagines bucky is trying to exaggerate a little.
Words: 356
"You know," Bucky says conversationally after just witnessing you barge through the front door and into the apartment. You slam your stuff down onto the couch and look at him, calming down instantly in his presence. "I could keep you safe. They're all afraid of me."
"I don't need rescuing from my coworkers." You argue, opening your bag and pulling out your notebook and throwing it on the table in front of the couch. You sit down and stare at the empty page. You have to write a report for your boss and since your computer broke this is what you have to work with.
"I'm just saying, they're all scared. I could just… Waltz in there," Bucky starts, sitting next to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder, "And show them that nobody messes with my doll."
"Your doll, huh?" You ask, smirking. "I belong to you now, is that right?"
"Hmm.. Maybe a little," He jokes, lenaing forward and kisses him gently. He pulls back and looks at you seriously. "Actually, though. If you need me, I'm here. I can get them to stop screwing around and actually do their job so your boss stops throwing it all at you."
"I love you." You say. Bucky huffs and kisses the corner of your mouth.
"You gonna let me?"
"No." You say gently. He groans and leans back against the back of the couch.
"I hate seeing you upset." He admits. You frown and sigh.
"They're gonna be off the job soon, anyway. I promise, it's fine." You say, smiling gently. Bucky thinks for a minute his tongue slightly poking out of his lips and you smile at the sight.
"Fine. The offer is always up for grabs though. All I gotta do is pull this baby out," He says, patting his left arm, "And we're all set."
"My knight." You joke. He laughs and leans forward, kissing you again. "I gotta get this done."
"I'll make dinner." Bucky says, standing up. "But when it's done you have to stop working and eat with me!"
"Got it." You say, laughing. "Thank you."
"'Course, doll."
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
Falling Part Five | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Jae tells Lana about the party but you get nervous, not knowing what his intentions with her might be... Pairing: Guardian Angel f!reader x Fallen Angel Jungkook Word Count: 1.5k (sorry I know it's short and horribly edited) a/n: Hey guys so I know I haven't updated this story in months and a few of you have been asking for it so I'm sorry about that. I know this is short but I wanted to put something out for you guys. I'm still stuck on figuring out what's going to happen at the party so that's why this is still a little short but hopefully I'll figure it out and post it soon! Thanks for waiting 💜 Start from the beginning
"Jimin I don't know what to do" I whine, dragging out the last word, "I've been able to avoid the headache of her going to any high school parties but of course when this tall, mysterious, intelligent guy and his friends come around she suddenly decides to go" I complain to him. 
"I mean to be honest I don't blame her. They seem like they're fun and Jae is charming and to be honest out of the lot he's definitely a lot more her speed. I feel like that's why they work so well together" he responds, trying to get me to calm down a bit which helps but I still don't know how I'm going to help her. 
"Maybe you're right. He does seem like a really nice guy and he hasn't done anything wrong. I think just the fact that this is the first guy she's actually shown interest in is making me a bit more nervous" I admit, plopping down on Lana's bed while she continues to study. 
They've known each other for a few weeks and he hasn't shown any signs of really wanting to lead her astray so that's promising. At this point though I don't really know what he does when he's around Jungkook which stresses me out at the very least knowing that Jae has messed up enough to trade his guardian angel for a fallen one. 
"Just keep a close watch and maybe then he'll show his true colors. Lana sounds like a smart girl and you'll be materializing in a few weeks right?" Jimin reminds me. "That's only if she doesn't start to stray and I'm afraid that if she goes to this party that it'll be the beginning of the end for us" I voice, letting all of my worries and doubts out. 
"Just keep praying that she'll stay strong and that she'll focus on staying on the straight and narrow" he say, making it sound easy. "I wish it was that simple" I mumble, turning my head to look at her while she picks up her phone to no doubt, text Jae back from the looks of it. 
"You've been with her since she was conceived and you know her better than anyone. Just put your faith in her and I'm sure you'll make it to materialization. You've done a great job watching over her so, don't doubt yourself" he encourages. 
"I'm sorry but I have to get going now. Let me know how everything turns out alright?" he say before ending the call. "Yes don't worry I will" I reassure him and say our goodbye right as Lana's phone starts to ring.
"Hey!" she greets excitedly, instantly letting me know who it is without even trying, accompanied by the feeling of butterflies in her stomach. 
"I miss you" he says and I instantly gag while she has the polar opposite reaction watching as her cheeks start to warm up. "I miss you too" she says softly. "I wanted to tell you the details of the party tomorrow and also I just wanted to hear your voice" he admits.  
'Could he be any cheesier?' of course Lana is eating it up though. Chances are he's gonna be her first love so I guess I'll just have to get used to this lovey dovey behavior from them. I drown their conversation out, still listening in but only enough to sense if something bad will happen but it's pretty innocent at this point thank God. 
Thinking about all this love stuff is taking me back to when I was young and falling in love with Jungkook...
Eons ago...  
"Go talk to her" Jimin says, elbowing Jungkook in the side and he groans at the contact still with his eyes fully trained on me. 
"She's probably already with someone else" he says, making excuses and tries to walk away but his friend grabs him by his shoulders and turns him around, making him face me again
"She doesn't have a bracelet yet" he points out, looking at my wrists, neither of them adorned with and sort of jewelry. "Just go talk to her" Jimin repeats, pushing on his shoulder and making him stumble, grabbing my attention. 
Jungkook and I make eye contact for a second and he smiles bashfully and I return it before going back to my conversation with a few other female angels. 
"Look he's coming over here!" one of them says once I've turned back towards the group giving the handsome angle my back making me straighten out my wings from their slouched position into a more graceful one. 
"He's probably looking at one of you guys" I say in a hushed tone, all of them having clocked the way he was looking at me, leaving me feeling insecure and pushing away the thoughts that someone as handsome as him would be interested in a lowly angel like myself. 
I hear a man clear his throat behind me and my body goes rigid praying it's not who I think it is having truly thought my friends had been teasing me. 
They all make eyes at me, wordlessly telling me to turn around but when I don't he chances speaking to me to get my attention. 
"Hello" is all he says and the smooth baritone of his voice is more heavenly than any other melody I'd ever heard. "Hi, um we've actually gotta go" one of older angels says and pushes the other girls to the side, herding them over somewhere else and my protests die in my throat once he tries his luck again. 
"I haven't seen you around here before" he says and at that I turn around to face him. My breath is taken away from seeing him up close, his features working in perfect harmony. 
"Um yeah I'm one of the new borns, I guess" I say, still unsure of how everything works around here, referring to my recently aged up status. "Oh, well it's very nice to meet you..." he trails off waiting for me to fill in the blank. "Y/n!" I say quickly, embarrassed to have left a longer gap between his question and my answer. 
"That's a beautiful name" he says, testing how my name sounds on his lips. I swear I never want anyone to address me by my name ever again unless it's by him or God. "Oh and you are?" I question, forgetting to return his interest. 
"Jungkook" he says, a name that I had never heard before but pray would be one I would utter again and again. "It's nice to meet you Jungkook" and I can see how his eyes light up and his wings slightly raise behind him, obviously happy to have heard his name from my lips as well. 
And from that moment onwards we started falling. Madly, deeply and hopelessly in love. That is, until he fell...
"JK said the party starts around 8 so I can pick you up around that time if you'd like" I hear Jae's voice say through the speaker. "Oh okay, yeah that works!" Lana says but she sounds a bit wary. 
"What's wrong?" Jae asks, clocking her change in demeanor. "It's just that my curfew is 10 so I wont be able to stay for very long and because you're the one JK's throwing the party for I wouldn't want you to have to deal with leaving early to take me home or anything" she says and he nods his head, thinking for a second. 
"What about this. Why don't we just go and hang out there for like an hour and then we'll leave and spend the rest of that time together on our own before your curfew" he suggests and she lights up at the idea. "I'd like that" she smiles shyly, a fluttery feeling in her stomach again, no doubt from the thought of spending true alone time with him for the first time.
"You sure you want to miss out on the party?" Lana questions, starting to feel guilty about it all. "The party is gonna go on all night so if I feel up to it I can always go back later on. You're the only one I really want to spend time with" he admits and again I can't help but roll my eyes. 
At least he's honest though but I really hope this night ends with a simple goodnight kiss. 'Please Jae for the love of God don't pressure Lana into losing her innocence' I offer as a silent plea. 
Lana is someone I've been entrusted to and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she stays safe. One boy is not gonna ruin this for her, she's stronger than this and I know that. I just need to keep reminding myself and stop doubting her. 
I've gotta put my faith in her just like Jimin said, and pray to God Jae's intentions are pure. Please Jungkook, don't encourage him to do this, I know it's your sole purpose to lead him astray, but please, not Lana...
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socialfakes · 30 days
crossing enemy lines -connor bedard-
part 3: just a little longer
nhl players x platonic hughes sister
connor bedard x hughes sister
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Liked by jackhughes, mackinnon29, lhughes_06 and 296,009 others
y/nhughes | to my very pretty, dominant golden retriever boyfriend; i love you so much ❤
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jackhughes you're too young to have a boyfriend | y/nhughes you had a girlfriend at 16 years old. how is 21 too young? | jackhughes it just is 😏 | y/nhughes the double standard here is ridiculous
trevorzegras our very own baby hughes is dating someone? | y/nhughes yes sir 🤓 | jackhughes but she's too young. tell her she's too young | trevorzegras sorry dude. we have an understanding | y/nhughes trev is now my favorite
lhughes_06 he's such a golden retriever but he makes you happy so i'm okay with it | jackhughes who is he? | lhughes_06 🤐 | jackhughes 🙄
_quinnhughes how can my baby sister be talking about any guy being dominant? you're too young to be using this language | jackhughes exactly | lhughes_06 oh leave her alone. she's happy. we should be too | _quinnhughes i'd be happier if i knew who it was | y/nhughes in due time, good brother | y/nhughes on another note, i think luke is my favorite brother now
bboeser he better be good to you 👑
tdemko30 baby hughes has a boyfriend? congratulations 🥳
user8 love seeing my favorite hughes sibling happy 😃 | y/nhughes awe i love you
user17 this is giving me major cale vibes | jackhughes what you mean? 🤨 | user17 he's the prettiest boy & he's 100% a golden retriever who seems like he can be dominant when it's needed 😊 | y/nhughes 🤐🙊🤫 | calemakar_ 😋😊 | jackhughes i knew it!
calemakar_ am i really the prettiest boy you've ever seen? 😉 | y/nhughes duh of course 😉
user12 i think they're messing with us
user14 who is this about?
user5 i know who this is about | y/nhughes 👀 | user6 how did you figure it out? | user5 intense detective skills 😂
user9 really hoping this is about cale
elblue6 glad you're happy honey ❤
user19 if he's a golden retriever, he's automatically the best
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Liked by jackhughes, _connorbedard, calemakar_ and 319,408 others
y/nhughes | golden retriever ✨💕
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user3 cale's shadow
jackhughes is he the reason you haven't visited me in a while? | y/nhughes course not 😊 | _quinnhughes it's because you're annoying 😊 | y/nhughes quinn, that is not the reason. i've just been busy with work but i promise when i have free time, ill be there to see you jack ❤
user14 dying to know who this is | user5 it's cale | user9 definitely cale | trevorzegras actually it's not 😊 | jamie.drysdale it's me, of course | y/nhughes it's none of you 😂 fuck off
_quinnhughes whoever he is, i hope he treats my baby sister with love and respect because i'm not afraid of getting my hands a little dirty 😠 | y/nhughes oh quinny i love you ❤😂
user6 it's connor | y/nhughes what makes you say that? | user6 you live in chicago and once said you prefer "centers" so i did some digging & came up with a bunch of evidence & unless you're dating a blackhawks center who's a lot older than you, i'm 90% sure it's connor | y/nhughes impressive skills, but i never said i was 'dating' a center. just said i prefer them over any other position 😊 also never specified he played for the blackhawks | user6 touche
lhughes_06 he better be keeping his hands to himself | y/nhughes oops 🙊🙈
tdemko30 lovely couple actually | jackhughes how do you know who it is but i don't? i'm her brother | y/nhughes awe is jacky boy upset? | jackhughes obviously 🥺 | y/nhughes learn how to keep a secret & i'll tell you more stuff 😊
user12 can we get a hard launch soon? | y/nhughes of course 🥰
nhlblackhawks we love his increase in points as of late 😊
user7 is he a captain? | y/nhughes nope 😊 although captains are notoriously hot 😲🔥 | user7 so it could still be connor | user15 or now that i think about it, could be nico since she's pretty close to him 🤔 | y/nhughes 🤷🏻‍♀️
user9 ugh i just know he's incredibly cute 😭❤
trevorzegras oh whatcha watching? | y/nhughes no idea. he picked it 😂
lukasreichel44 hi 😊🌸 | y/nhughes hi hi 😊🌸 | lukasreichel44 i miss you 🥺 | y/nhughes i miss you more 🥰
rutgermcgroarty cute 😋 | y/nhughes you're cute 😋
mackinnon29 this has got to be cale. that looks exactly like his bedroom 😂
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @fearfam69691
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