#and NOW i'm annoyed at some people suddenly acting like it was bad simply because we're finally acknowledging it wasn't perfect
stairset · 1 year
Both kinda funny and kinda annoying to me how Andor was like, a show that had some flaws just as literally any show does but was overall really good and people were like “oh this show is FLAWLESS this is The Only Good Star Wars Content Ever Made and I’m gonna shit on the rest of the franchise to hype it up” and now it’s been a few months and the hype’s died down and some people are pointing out that maybe it wasn’t 100% perfect so now some people are suddenly turning against it. Something something classic Tumblr “put show on pedestal then shit on it later” pattern.
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sy-on-boy · 5 months
"Anya, are you... feeling okay?"
Anya stared at Becky with with big, blank, buggy eyes. "I don't understand," she said in a monotone.
Becky squinted at Anya. Anya was usually weird, but Becky knew her well enough to discern Anya's different types of weirdness. "Are you trying to be like Damian's creepy older brother?"
Ewen and Emile heard and quickly turned around to defend their best friend's brother. "Oy, don't insult Demetrius!" "He's not creepy, he's a genius! His mind operates at levels we cannot understand!"
"You guys are talking about my brother?" Damian's voice came. "What's all this fuss?"
Becky sighed, then deadpanned, "I think Anya's trying to be like your brother. For some reason."
Damian jumped and instantly scowled. Anya continued to silently stare at Damian with her buggy eyes. Damian backed away, weirded out (and oddly jealous) by Anya imitating his own brother. "Ugh, what's wrong with you, Forger?" he spluttered out, cheeks turning pink.
Upon seeing Damian's distaste, Anya blinked, dropped the act, and looked normal again. "Super Sy-on boy is a genius so I'm going to be like him until I become a genius. I wanna get stella stars like Super Sy-on boy."
"But Bossman also has stella stars," Ewen said innocently.
"But Super Sy-on boy has more stella stars," Anya interjected just as innocently. Damian's face instantly darkened.
Becky noticed and nudged Anya. "You didn't have to rub it in his face!" she hissed to Anya.
"Rub what in Sy-on boy's face?" Anya might not understand the saying, but now she knew she shouldn't had compared Damian with Demetrius even if it was unintentional. Anya gulped and nervously glanced at Damian, who was looking solemn and suddenly older than he was.
"Of course my brother is always better at everything. Even an idiot like her can see it. I don't like how she's imitating Demetrius (hah, a commoner like her would never come close to us Desmonds) but I see her point. Maybe I should be more like Demetrius too..."
Anya blinked. Becky's earlier words of "rub it in his face" came back to her. Face, face... Sy-on boy's face? In her mind, she superimposed Demetrius' buggy eyes and slicked back hair on top of Damian's. Hmph, a bit off-putting, but this was actually fine because Damian still looked stupid and snot-faced as he always did.
But then Anya imagined Demetrius' complete lack of expression on Damian— no more taunts, no more temper tantrums, no more of his silly red faces, but also no more smiles, no more tears, no more of that unadulterated fear she saw during the bus hyjacking, no more of that determined face of his when he shielded her from the dodgeball, no more of Damian being his annoying, crybaby, sometimes heroic self. A Damian with barely any thoughts. A Damian who didn't understand people and didn't bother with anything at all. No more Sy-on boy being Sy-on boy.
... And Anya didn't think she liked that.
"You don't have to be like Super Sy-on boy," Anya blurted out. She felt bad for making Damian feel down earlier, because she was supposed to be friends with him, and friends didn't make each other feel bad.
Damian looked at her, bewildered and somewhat taken aback. "Huh??"
What Anya thought was "your mom is weird and your brother is weird and your dad is an evil super boss. You're a jerk sometimes but you're not weird like they are, and I feel bad for you", but obviously she couldn't say that, so she simply said, "Sy-on boy is Sy-on boy. You're not Super Sy-on boy and you don't have to be like him (because I need to read your mind for the mission)."
Damian blinked, his heart warmed by Anya's unexpected sincerity. Anya wanted him to be himself? And not like his brother? She... didn't expect that from him?
Becky, intuitive as always, chimed in. "Damian, you're a bit of a brat, but don't turn into a creep like your brother."
Damian scowled. "My brother's not a creep!!"
"I'm just making a honest statement! It's for your own good!"
Anya stepped aside to let Becky and Damian bicker. Her eyes flitted over to Damian— Damian without those buggy eyes, Damian with long eyelashes, Damian with anger and scowls, Damian with thoughts and feelings and fears and likes and affection.
Then she thought of Damian's mother and brother with the odd, mysterious, and almost chilling darkness in their heads. In some way, Demetrius' apathy was easier to stomach than Melinda's tornado of chaotic and contradictory thoughts, but both of them threw her off. Damian, despite being Damian, despite being the son of the evil boss, was still... relatively normal. He smiled. He loved his dog. He was protective of his friends. He wanted stella stars. He threw temper tantrums. He wanted his family to love him. (He was scared of being abandoned.) Despite everything, Damian was still like Anya.
... Yeah. Anya hoped Sy-on boy would stay Sy-on boy for as long as he could.
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powerpuffobsession · 21 days
Am I the only one who feels that Hazbin Hotel's overall vibe is far too naive and upbeat for an adult cartoon about hell and redemption of sinners?
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I feel like before writing this cartoon, Vivzie and the other writers should have made a trip to unfortunate areas of the world and watch how the lifestyle there rolls. Because hell is said to be a place of misery, where there is no trust and a lot of hate, both internal and external... Adam is an object of pure unfiltered hartred (both from writers and fandom) because he dares to live in heaven, such a safe and friendly-natured place...
And yet the sinners who happen to be main characters act more like school kids on a field trip (even more carefree than those, lol) - their selfish and sinful motives are so artificial and are brought up only when these characters need to look like a victim, not like criminals who somehow deserved a place in hell
Obviously, it's a manipulative trope to put them in a better light than Heaven and Adam (who is forever silenced by the writers and not allowed to voice any thoughts and reflections other than "hurr durr murder I luuuv murdering and being evil because that's what I was since I was born, even though Lilith and Eve, born literally the same way as me, were innocent victims from the get go, and no logical explanation for that will be provided whatsoever - men bad, women good")
In the light of all that, the sinners are too eager to trust each other and form "da epic powar of friendship" mlp-sonic-style
In a society built on terror, anarchy and survival instincts, no one would ever bother wasting vital power on noticing someone's problems and helping them out. Everyone is focused on their own problems and desires, and that's what drives them to act. Well, the exception may be family members, and even that varies
That's why Husk's intent to comfort Angel after the later attacks him over nothing at the bar, looks really fake, considering the setting. At first I thought that "loser baby" where Husk insults Angel, was some sort of revenge and Husk laughing in the spider's face. But no, it actually turned out to be a comforting song that started their friendship. Husk literally had no motivation to want to help Angel, because he was annoyed by him all the time prior. If there was some kind of basis for their bonding, I would have believed it. But not like this.
And Angel had no reason to actually like that sort of comfort. I get it when your best friend or a family member cheers you up in a harsh way - you know them. And even when coming from people you trust that can hurt. Now imagine a complete stranger doing that to you. That's actually something that shouldn't be done - trying to playfully insult or jester a person you haven't communicated with for a long enough time to gain their trust. And to make this even more strange, Angel at first reacts negatively, but then suddenly snaps to liking that disrespectful way of comforting for no reason at all.
And why did Angel even vent his problems to Husk, a stranger bartender who he'd hurt before. Wasn't he actually afraid of being laughed at and of Husk using his trauma to spread gossip around or something?
Next, Sir Pentious. In the pilot (which is officially part of canon, mind you), he already felt like a joke sunday cartoon villain, but at least he had some edge to him that made him look like a sinner with some dark history. In the series however, he gets nerfed the very moment he steps into the hotel to the point where it's painful to look at
His tendency to abuse his henchmen, his physopathic demeanor, his hartred for Cherri (instead of embarrassing attempts to get blue balled by her), his sincere power hunger - where did all that go? Vanished in a blink of an eye. All that's left of a promising snake demon is a pile of fanservice. So morally unchallenging and harmless that a viewer theoretically simply cannot resist loving him
Well i'm kind disappointed. We don't even know in what way Sir Pentious had to improve, because the plot never focused on his past, his life goals, whatever made him want to lead turf wars and whatever awful things he did in life, what was the point where he started degrading... none of that. He just became a better person after one "sorry song" and acted perfectly innocent ever since and didnt put any effort into getting ready to sacrifice himself for other main characters
The sacrifice... to me it's baffling how fast the sinners, over the course of just 6 months, actually became Charlie's family figures and risked their lives for her hotel. Such pure child-cartoon-styled power of friendship, built in hell, with the aid of a princess who cant even think through her project of helping sinners without bringing them more trouble... realistically, Charlie would have had to fight angels alone (how convenient it is that no main characters died in that chaotic brawl, right?)
And Charlie herself is far too naiive and soft-natured for someone who is free to walk along the streets of hell looking at all the muder, rape and othe horrible stuff that's happening there. Given that she's 200, Charlie had more than enough time to built up her street smarts and guts and learn to be more practical and mindful, instead of staying with the mind of a 12 year old who needs other characters to do everything for her (Lucifer, Vaggie, Alastor) and then get praised for THEIR efforts. That's hell's royalty and our main character?
Aaand since sinners are portrayed as Charlie's "people" (as if they are a nationality), sweet babies who all deserve redemption and are called innocent by Emily (I can't believe how dumb the writers made angels be) - the true essence of exterminatons is never focused on. Adam and his exterminator army are seen in the wrong, like some kind of monsters who terrorize poor souls. However, think about this - child molesters, rapists, torturers, bullies, nazists, actual racists etc died in those exterminations. Doesnt that seem like something a lot of us would want? To have scum like this disappear as revenge for people they have hurt/driven to suicide?
Exterminations are not really an act of racism, bigotry or something like that. They are an excecution of criminals, which a lot of sinners are.
But the black and white writing is trying to conceal that rather prominent highlight of the rotten part of Charlie's plan (not all sinners deserve mercy or redemption). All that was needed was to make exterminators these icky "villains" who luuuv killing and are never willing to listen
All in all, a cartoon that has an ambitious premise that should be driven by psychological reasearch/analysis and dark serious themes... makes me roll my eyes with its cliche use of "power of friendship" and " strictly good main characters, strictly bad villains" tropes. Too bad such beautiful animation was wasted on such juvenile writing that never had any effort put into it
There shouldn't even be any villains or heroes in a setting like this. Allow the lead roles (sinners in hell) do something actually questionable and be unlikable, don't coddle the viewer in fear of making them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Allow those, who opposes sinmers, have personalities and reasons, not cliche sociopathy for sociopathy's sake to cause forced sympathy for the main characters
Pristine "safe" writing should not have a place in adult cartoons. Or else they will stay a product that'd rather be watched by 7-14 year olds instead of adults (I can't picture a single adult over 22 who would unironically call hazbin hotel a show that tackles realistic issues in an observant way)
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niallschesthair · 2 years
you know what annoys me of the taylor swift album release cycle? the incessant, unnecessary comments the general public and even some people in the fandom make about how taylor "always victimises herself for no reason", or how she "loves to play the victim when she's just a rich popstar without real problems", and more recently that she "shouldn't use words like intrusive thoughts, trauma, and emotional abuse to talk about what's happened to her or her experiences with anxiety because she doesn't know what that's like". it fucking infuriates me.
taylor swift acts and writes like a victim because, quite simply, she's been made one, point black, end of the sentence. she should be allowed to write about her experiences with abuse, any type of abuse from any source, without people deciding for her if it was actually abusive or traumatic, or policing her choice of coping mechanism.
people's unwillingness to accept and acknowledge much of what taylor has gone through during her career as abuse and trauma is baffling to me because i honestly can't think of a term that describes it better.
she has been made fun of and ridiculised by the media since she was a child for doing things children and teenagers do (be naive about love, write about boys, go on dates, dress age appropriate), she's been slut shamed by everyone on the internet for dating a less than average amount, she's gone through public humiliation on a mass scale twice now (the first one when she was just nineteen) by a much older, well respected, established male artist, she has been abused by men both professionally and emotionally, she was made an example of what girls ought not to do or be lest you end up just like her, she's been isolated since childhood because she never felt she fit in with the rest.
she's gone through all of those things while at the same time being gaslighted (and i'm using this word in its original clinical meaning and not the internet meme one) into thinking none of that was as bad as she's making it out to be and she ended up okay so it can't have caused her real trauma because nothing happened, it was all fine and a joke. these are things we recognise as hurtful, abusive, and traumatic in other people but as soon as they're experienced by someone who copes with it through writing music she then sells for a profit then suddenly it's not and she's exaggerating it for attention.
she talks about herself in the same hyper-aware, hyper-vigilant, anxious way victims of abuse and survivors of high stress situations do and that's why her music resonates with so many of us who have been abused in the past as well, because she's putting into words things we experience on the daily and i genuinely don't think it's because she wants to. no one wants to go through those things and then go through a new cycle of humiliation every time you talk about your experiences just to make a few dollars.
it's maddening that the attitude most people take when discussing her trauma is to minimise it or straight up deny it because she was able to transform some of that pain into a #1 single
i don't ask people to sympathise or feel bad about her but to accept that we have agreed that online bullying and dog piling on a mass scale is abusive and traumatic, that women being taken advantage of by the male superiors is traumatic, that women being slut shamed for enjoying their sexuality is abusive and traumatic, that being in relationships where your partner is volatile is traumatic, that being coerced and manipulated into relationships with older men is abusive, that being retaliated against in public after revealing you were sexually assaulted is traumatic; so why should none of that apply to her? why is she not allowed to be vocal about being in all those situations without someone telling her she's not gone through actual trauma? why does everyone gets to decide for her whether or not she's actually been abused and if she can or cannot claim victimhood?
accepting taylor's abuse and her victimhood does nothing to take away from yours or that of others. accepting that she's allowed and entitled to discuss her experiences doesn't silence you. you don't have to like her but to dismiss her is disrespectful because when you do that you're not only dismissing her own experiences with abuse and trauma, but that of people in similar situations who empathise and identify with her.
TL;DR: taylor doesn't write about being a victim nearly as much as the people trying to discredit her work say she does, but if she did she would be entirely justified in it because she has been in a lot of situations where she's been victimised and abused by people who knew what they were doing to her and you don't get to decide if she was sufficiently traumatised by them or not. recognising taylor's experience with abuse does nothing to minimise or invalidate yours, two people can be abused in two different ways and doesn't mean one is less entitled to compassion. it's not a competition.
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yuikomorii · 2 years
Ngl I have to agree with what @kirua9 said and that’s because she stated facts. Shu is the most boring character in Diabolik Lovers and I really tried to give him a chance but his routes bored me and made me feel uncomfortable. I should also mention that he pissed me off. Idc he’s “depressed”, so is everyone else and they’re not as annoying as him, neither do they degrade Yui as much as he does. Not even Laito is that shameless and that says a lot lol. I really don’t get why people like him so much, the only times he is alright is when he “takes responsibility and shows his king qualities😍😍” and that’s because the plot wants him to suddenly find the motivation to become a good king and the fact every character supports him makes it even more annoying to me. He isn’t perfect, he needed a 17 year old to wash and clean him, and he only treated her like a maid for 90% of his HDB route. His DF route is probably the least memorable one and his MB was pure trash in terms of the way he acted towards Yui. Maybe it’s the Reiji stan in me who simply can’t stand him but I really don’t get his popularity in the Japanese fandom; his looks ain’t even that good, I’d say everyone looks more interesting than him.
// You’re kinda right, Anon. I really like Shu as a character but only because I like the way he thinks sometimes or his dynamic with Yuma in general but when it comes to his relationship with Yui or his complexity? Heck no!
I understand why some people like him; perhaps they relate to him because they have lost someone close to them or because they are lazy as well but the thing is... Shu's laziness isn't amusing at all; it's more on the concerning side. Everyone prefers to relax in bed or listen to music at some point, but a lack of motivation to do basic stuff is already a major issue. I don't want to compare traumas, but his past is by far the least bad. His mother was strict, but she cared about and loved him, which is something other Diaboys didn’t experience. I understand that losing a friend can be devastating, but this gives you no right to become so sadistic.
I don't excuse them, but I understand why the triplets were mean to Yui; after all, the person who hurt them the most was a woman, and they developed the mentality "All women are the same," but I don't get why Shu slvt-shames and insults Yui's face and body so much. I understand you have high standards, but your past literally gives you no reason to treat women this way, and that is what I find disgusting ://
I also don’t like that he always complains about Yui’s immaturity for the sole reason that she gets easily embarrassed. Okay, he prefers mature women over girls, but how is she supposed to react when you kiss her in public out of nowhere??? And I met a lot of Shu stans who kept hating on Yui for "being mean" to him despite the fact that he deserved it. I recall a scene in which she refers to him as a good-for-nothing, and while it may appear rude, she got a point. That isn't even his route, but given that he uses her as his personal maid or slave in HDB, she wasn't entirely wrong.
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I used to like his HDB route, but now that I'm paying more attention to it, it's not as good as I remembered. But I really like his CL route; it's definitely his best one in my opinion. The only thing I liked about DF was that he let Yui keep Lily; I can't say no to kittens.
In terms of looks, I've never considered him stunning because I see guys who look like that all the time. He definitely doesn’t look bad but I agree that every other Sakamaki has prettier features.
Excuse my harsh tone; I'm just retaliating for how many times he complained about Yui's face. I would have ignored it if he was teasing her or just “joking” but he was serious all the time so… deserved?:>
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Ok I need to rant about breaking bad again
First of all, this fucking song...
This has to be one of the best songs I've heard all year. It's so fucking eerie and heart stopping and droning and terrifying
I firmly believe this is one of the greatest scenes in cinema history
It's this scene, at the precise moment where the music suddenly... stops
Something changes in walter....
(Spoilers ahead)
I'm not saying that annoying thing like "THIS IS WHERE WALT BECOMES HEISENBERG" cus i believe he always was Heisenberg. He was there from the start. I don't think Heisenberg is some "EVIL ALTER EGO 0000000 SPOOKY" type shit, although I will admit it makes for a hilarious meme. I think Heisenberg is simply a manifestation of walts inner insecurity, emmasculation, and self loathing. this moment isn't where "heisenberg takes over" or whatever, rather it's where Walt is so overwhelmed, so trapped, so helpless... he genuinely believes his family is going to be killed because of him, and there is nothing he can do to stop it. At this moment, all the stress and trauma and agony reaches its climax and he just... breaks
From this point there's a noticeable change in Walt's behavior. He's far more risk taking, more ballsy, more confident, more calculating. Taking this into account its understandable why people would immediately jump to saying he's been taken over by some alter ego because it certainly looks and feels like that at first glance. But I don't think it works that way. Psychology doesn't work that way and not even in the world of breaking bad does it work that way. Even after a major traumatic and mind altering event like this scene sure he'd definitely be different in a ton of ways but he's still the same guy.
I think from a psychological point of view this shift is a subconscious defense mechanism crafted by his brain in response to the overwhelming traumatic stimuli. Sure it may not be as cool as "HIS EVIL ALTER EGO IS TAKING OVER" but I feel like it is the most realistic and fitting for the story.
Now whenever anyone talks about this scene they understandably go straight to praising and dissecting the acting, cinematography and framework. This is all completely valid since there's so many incredible layers in this clip. But one piece I notice few have really delved into is the music.
The first minute or so is chaotic and rapid, a backdrop of deep scrambling beats with a subtle repetitive ringing over top which almost sounds like an alarm. The whole thing feels like a crowd of people scrambling in a panic.
And then as the background fades out and gives room to the main beat, another rough, fuzzy sound starts to drown the main beat out. Soon all of that fades to just a constant hazy drone accented with deep vworping sounds. Suddenly there's an upsweep and then-...
A very quiet, deep vworping starts playing, it's rhythm even like the beating of walts sinking heart. For a while that's all you hear, just that lone beat. In comparison to the absolute chaos you were hearing just moments ago, this near silence is jarring and eerie.
And then it changes...
I don't know about you but when I heard those louder deep droning beats for the very first time, I can only describe it as nothing short of haunting...
It sounds completely unnatural, unlike any instrument that exists. It sounds... metallic, as if you were hearing a giant sheet of metal being hit by strong gusts of wind. Or like the poor quality audio recording from a submarine of a glacier scraping against the sea floor. This droning gets louder and is soon accompanied by additional unnatural tones and screeches, all gradually getting louder and louder until some warbling, shrill whitenoise soon overpowers all of it.
The music gives you a glimpse into walts mind and body, what he's feeling and the tone of his thoughts. He starts panicked, desperately searching for the money. But as he learns what happened to it, he freezes... his racing mind and heart all come to an abrupt halt. He realizes he's helpless, and he finally snaps.
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goldie90 · 1 year
Looks like I'm a little behind on recent developments lol
You deleted all your imagines?
(It has been a little bit since I've seen one by you)
Are you getting out of the proship tag similar to when the antis harassed you and you left the selfship tag?
Are the proshippers harassing you too now?
(Sorry, I haven't been on in a couple days; I must've missed something)
Will people ever leave you alone?
At any rate good luck dealing with the broken tagging system; sometimes the archive view helps, but sometimes it doesn't 😕
Also honestly it's really refreshing that you're not an obsessive AO3 supporter like a lot of people seem to be.
Have a good night 😊
Hi anon.🙂
No no, it´s not like that. I mean, they surely love to talk about me & make up all kinds of crazy lies, but that´s not the reason. Or let´s say it´s only part of it. I haven´t created anything for the community in months (I think the last time was back in fall if I remember correctly) and I´m not planning to ever do so again. Especially not for a bunch of hypocrites who always preach that you should "let people enjoy what they want" but as soon as someone likes something they don´t like - like a book series or a certain author for example - they suddenly forget all about their ideals and start to act just like the people they claim to hate (antis).
Plus it is extremely annoying that if you use the proship tag, people will always assume that you ARE a proshipper, doesn´t matter how many times you point out that this isn´t the case. Like I probably told them a thousand times that I only use the tag due to my dislike of antis, yet they never seem to get it and still confuse me for one of them. I dunno... apparently people are not able to understand that some people simply don´t care about some silly discourse and always expect you to take a side (this is a problem on both sides by the way).
This together brought me to the decision to not use any specific tags anymore and because I have no use of the images I wrote, I deleted them. (I kept the ask games though, they are simply tagged with #ask game) and when it comes to my personal selfship stuff, I only use the tag I have for my darling, so that it´s only on my own blog, which if we´re gonna be honest is the only place it belongs anyway, since this stuff is personal and surely nothing other people want to see.
And hell no! I don´t read fanfiction anyways and I never had a high opinion of this site, not with all the bad things I heard about it and I think it´s actually pretty brazen that a site like this is begging for money every year (what do they even do with it? They´re surely not trying to take better care of the site and get rid of the disgusting stuff on there). Plus the fact that some people are so obsessed with it is just ridiculous in my opinion.
Anyway thanks for your message and I wish you a good night too.🙂
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whoaffle · 2 years
Rambling thoughts about Sensory Overload
When I get sensory overloads, what I usually do is trying to simply cope in silence and not show many signs of it, as I know it is usually rude and/or annoying to ask people to be silent. At least when you are in a group of friends, you don't usually go "can you all stop talking for a few minutes?" Because no matter how you say it, in our neurotypical-normative society, this is rude. Implying that other people are annoying you is unpleasant, and it often comes across as "I don't want your company / I'm not interested in what you're saying / I'm not having fun with you."
But the thing is, when I get sensory overloads, it's often with people I do like to spend time with, I'm often interested in what they have to say, and I'm very often having a good time (until SO starts hitting hard). Because that's very often when people start to get excited and speak louder and have more fun. And then of course I don't want to ruin everyone's fun, I don't want to come across as rude, I don't want to ruin the mood, I don't want to imply they Shouldn't be having fun - they have that right.
So I endure, the best I can, and most of the time, I can manage. It's bearable noise. I've become better at handling it, I've gotten more used to it.
The problem is, when I fail to manage it, the peak of the overload - when I can't endure it anymore and it starts to become apparent to others - seems sudden. It's not entirely sudden, I am well aware that I often start acting rude and impatient, and that I often start giving less attention to other people, when I'm getting closer to the "breaking point". But suddenly being like "ok seriously everyone, I need silence and space RIGHT NOW" is weird and unpleasant.
And most of the time, people I'm with are nice, they are friends, they wanna help and they ask about it. They gather up, they ask what's up, they ask if you're OK, they apologize, they ask if you need any help. And that's so nice of them, I really appreciate it, but not everyone knows that at that point I need to get in a sensory-isolating "bubble". And I dont want to come across as rude and go "I don't need help, I need you to not talk to me now", because this isn't something a lot of people understand, and also I don't want to imply I don't appreciate the concern and willingness to help (I seriously do). It's just that what I need at that point is to be left alone so that I can "cool down".
My SO's fortunately never get to the point where I'm unable to verbally communicate (I usually get to a point where my ability to process information is delayed, but I can always still talk normally), so I can tell people I'm fine and I just need some time, but I always feel bad about so quickly dismissing all those people who want to help.
I know i shouldn't feel bad for something that is beyond my control, and I hope none of my friends and classmates interprets my reactions when SOing as aggressiveness or anger... but I felt like I needed to vent a bit, because it's a bit inevitable to feel bad about it, at least a little. I don't want them to feel guilty for having fun and speaking louder at that time, it is not their fault, even it the SO was caused by them, because they never meant any harm and I know I'm the one who functions differently.
Just needed to register these thoughts, I'm still "cooling down" from tonight's SO and I wanted to write a bit while I wait for it to go away.
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beomglocks · 3 years
in the morning ; k.th
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summary : taehyun tries to keep you safe from the world’s wandering eyes.
pairing : yandere!taehyun x “captive” s/o!reader
warnings & other : angst (?), blood, there’s a dead person, yes the body is described (not in too much detail), enclosed spaces, dehumanization (?), honestly ignore the title i didnt know what to call this
w/c : 1.7k
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your bedroom door creaks open allowing a sliver of light to shine onto your bed and down on to your face. you scrunch your face in frustration but merely turn over to face the wall to continue your peaceful slumber.
a finger pokes at your face annoyingly and you swat at it to leave you alone. "my love, wake up," you hear someone whisper.
you groan but make no indications that you'll be listening to the annoying voice in your head. you feel something cold drift across your face and down your neck which makes you shiver. when you bring your hand up to your neck to pull it away, you flinch and sit up quickly.
"ow!" you inspect your hand which now has a large bleeding gash from gripping whatever was on your neck. now that you're semi fully awake, you look up to see taehyun. great, he's back from doing whatever it is he does at this godforsaken time. you wonder if it's a normal day when he's home but no- you know there's a reason why he's in your room right now.
"i wouldn't have gripped that like that if i were you," he snickers playfully. you look down at what he's holding and frown at him. "what...did you put a knife to my neck?" crazy bastard, you knew something would go wrong whenever he was within 10 centimeters of you.
"had to wake up the sleeping beauty somehow," he grins. his face immediately goes stony and he grabs your hand, looking at the aftermath of his actions. it scares you how quickly he could change his expression. sometimes you weren't sure how to act around him because you weren't sure how he would react.
"im sorry though, i'll clean it up right away." he quickly gets up and grabs some alcohol and tissues that are laying around, and rushes back to you.
"so no light today?" you ask quietly while he cleans the wound skillfully. he stays quiet for a moment and you're about to ask him the question again in case he didn't hear you but he soon speaks up.
"n-no not today.. i don't wanna be seen like this. it could scare you," he laughs dryly. he scrubs your hands with more haste now, afraid that you'll take initiative to turn on the lights.
you sigh. how considerate of him however it's not like you haven't seen him with blood splattered across his glass skin before. it wasn't out of the ordinary to see him like this after all. your room only has a tiny window above the bed and you couldn't even look out from it since it was too high. the only light that was available to you was the moonlight. unfortunely it didn't even reach far enough to shine down on taehyun to give you the luck of seeing him.
"when are you going to stop this?" you ask mostly to yourself. "i'll stop when it gets through people's heads that you're mine."
he grips your injured hand as the anger of what he had to witness today comes rushing back to his memories. "t-tae my hand," you wince.
he loosens his grip just a little bit, enough for you to not feel that much pain but obviously, it still hurts. god, you really wish he wasn't here right now.
"why...why did he- it's his fault you know. it's not like i wanted to kill him," he says. you can hear the anxiety in his voice and it makes you want to comfort him a little bit. only a small part of your brain feels bad for his current mental state but that's only because of how kind taehyun was to you way before well- this. somewhere in you, you hope that he will change but you know he's too far gone at this point.
"he had it coming though," taehyun smiles, looking down at your wound. "he should've known not to mess with other people's property." you clench your jaw at his words. it's unfortunate how taehyun doesn't see you as a human anymore, only an object for him to keep enclosed in a glass case, like some china doll.
"you're not entirely innocent y/n," he grits. he grips your hand purposely and you let a tear roll down your face now. "taehyun you're hurting me," you manage to choke out. he pouts mockingly at your plea.
"you hurt me and you hurt that guy i had to kill," he says in a matter of fact tone. "when he said hi you should've just kept your mouth shut but no you just had to make conversation and let him hug you like some-"
he cuts himself off before he can say something that he might have to force himself to apologize for later. you both sit in silence minus your ragged breaths mixed with his heavy ones.
"you killed him," he says simply. "what?" you breathe out. "you killed him y/n! if you had just focused on me like i focus on you then i wouldn't have been forced to kill him like i did."
"taehyun i-"
"go say sorry," he sighs. you look at him bewildered but it only takes you a moment to realize what he means. "taehyun," you sob. you don't want to say that you can't believe he brought a dead body home but the sad fact is that you can believe it. he mustve had no where to hide it once he was done. taehyun is not one to make empty threats. he chuckles, shaking his head, "go say sorry to your friend."
he tries to pull you from the bed but you cling onto the bedsheets, adamant about not moving. "what so now you don't want to give him the time of day? earlier you seemed just so over the damn moon speaking with him!" he shouts.
you shake your head frantically. you want to speak, to reason with him, but nothing comes out your mouth other than choked sobs. "don't be like that, it's for your own good. now let's go," he says.
this time he uses all his force to rip you from your hold on the bed. "my love...im gonna teach you something about respect," taehyun speaks lowly. his monotone voice sends chills throughout your frigid body. you kick and scream and punch his back, hoping that you can shake him enough to let you go but nothing you do phases him.
he walks through the house with you slung over his shoulder for about a minute before stopping in front of the jacket closet. he sets you down as gently as he can in front of it and you stare blankly at it, not ready to face whatever is inside.
"it goes both ways," he finishes. you hesitantly look up at him, finally seeing his face for the first time since earlier today. you flinch when you notice just how much blood is scattered over his face. the kill must've been brutal enough to send that many splatters of blood flying.
"don't look at me, look at him. don't be disrespectful," he says. when you turn back towards the closet you flinch harshly at the sight. the guy whom you spoke to earlier was now slumped over in your closet. you remember how lively he was when speaking to you but now his skin was completely drained of life and pale in color. his lips were dry, probably from trying to heave in air to try to live. you're afraid to further gaze at the body because the further down you go the worse it gets. so much so that it's practically dosed in blood.
"say it, say you're sorry!" he commands. you know that you're not really saying sorry to the dead man in your closet. taehyun wants you to say sorry to him. you know he couldn't care less about this man. he wants you to regret putting him in the position to kill another human being.
"i-im- im-" taehyun sucks teeth impatiently. "if you don't say it naturally i will lock you in here all night. i don't want to do that so you better do it right."
a noise leaves your throat when he shoves you closer to the body. you whine, trying your best to control your voice and tears. "i-" your voice gets weak but you use every bit of force in you to say it. you don't wanna risk having to stay in that closet all night.
"im sorry," you blurt. you hear taehyun chuckle behind you, satisfied for now. "was that so hard?"
"y/n you're mine and only mine. i feel so livid when others so much as look in your direction, do you understand?" he says calmly. you nod, already wanting to be back in your bed, under the covers, away from all of this.
you hear taehyun hum and suddenly you're shoved into the closet. it catches you so off guard that your body slams into the dead one. you yell in panic and scramble as far away from it as possible. "taehyun! w-what's going on?!" you call out.
the closet is so dark when it's closed that you can't even see anything. atleast you know you're not near the body. "y/n- i-i'm doing this because i love you ok?" he says uncertainly. "this way no one can look at you or talk to you and try to seduce you."
you bang on the door, your heart beating with each slam. "p-please let me out," you plead weakly. you already know that once taehyun has done something he doesn't change his mind so it's no use trying to reason. "i-im scared- please."
he stays silent for a moment and you're about to burst into tears again thinking that he's already left but he speaks up after a couple beats of contemplative silence.
"don't be scared ok y/n. you'll be fine. i'm going to come back for you in the morning." he goes silent again and all you can hear is your heavy breathing and wet sniffles. "please don't be too mad at me, i love you," you hear him whisper before you hear his footsteps retreat.
the night is spent without much sleep and your fist pounding at the closet door, hoping for an early release but it never comes.
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader (side pairings: Reader x roommate!Jimin | Taehyung x Yoongi)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none
Chapter’s OST: Talk by Kodaline
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"Where is he?" Yoongi didn't sound annoyed when he asked this. He knew he should be but then he realized he was more worried than angry.
"In my room," you responded. Yoongi gave you a quick nod before rushing inside your bedroom.
You were left standing in front of your apartment door, waiting for Jimin who you guessed was parking his car.
You wondered if your roommate was upset too. You couldn't blame him if it was the case. You knew it was cruel of you and Taehyung to bail on your double date with him and Yoongi tonight.
However, if you were given a chance to redo this night, you would probably still choose to go home with your brother.
Pretending was becoming taxing on your part. You were sure Taehyung felt the same way as well. He was done acting like he could walk inside a fine-dining restaurant and pay for his meal. Yoongi said Taehyung didn't need to worry about things like bills—that he got it, but your brother was too proud to allow that to happen.
Taehyung and Yoongi had been dating for almost two years now, yet the former still felt abashed when money was involved.
He was so opposed to the idea of Yoongi treating him well. Taehyung didn't like the idea of him leeching off of Yoongi for money. You, on the other hand, were done acting as though you weren't hurt every time you see your brother struggling because of this.
Taehyung burnt himself out by keeping his promise to pay back Taemin. As far as you knew, he still owed your father an estimate of eight hundred thousand dollars. Taehyung had no idea how to pay off his debt, considering that his bank account had zero balance now.
He couldn't even afford to pay rent that's why he usually stayed in your shared apartment with Jimin. Taehyung's excuse was that he didn't like staying alone in his place so he'd rather sleep on your couch.
Yoongi asked your brother to move in with him but the Taehyung refused, saying he wasn't ready to take their relationship into another level. You and Yoongi knew it was a lie. It broke your heart every time Taehyung made lame excuses like this.
You wanted him to be able to freely express his life struggles to you. You would never judge him. It was okay to admit that he turned down Yoongi's offer because he didn't want to be dependent on him, that he didn't want to feel like he was 'useless.'
There should be no shame in admitting that you were having a hard time. It was a normal thing. Many people experienced it, but even if only the minority experienced it, we should still be understanding since not everyone was privileged, some people were struggling just to survive—this was Taehyung's case as of the moment.
He was a freelance model and he's still working as a curator, not at his mother's company though. Taehyung hadn't spoken to his parents, not even to his siblings. You were the only family member he talked to.
Sometimes you felt guilty thinking that one of the reasons why Taehyung turned his back on the Kims was because he wanted to help you forget.
"Come to New York with me," your brother offered this to you a week after you broke up with Jungkook.
You were miserable. You were having a hard time pushing Jungkook away. He was so persistent, begging you to take him back, saying things like he would do whatever you asked him too.
But you couldn't. Everyone knew he and Soojin were getting married. You couldn't afford to shame and hurt your sister like that.
"I could hook you up with this company. They're looking for a graphic designer. You're perfect for the job..."
You had to admit that you were skeptical about Taehyung's preposition. Sure, you wanted to get away from Jungkook, but not to the point of leaving Seoul.
It felt too rushed. New York was a foreign place, you hadn't been there before. You didn't know if you could survive there.
"I don't know, oppa..." You expressed your doubt, fortunately Taehyung knew exactly what to say to successfully coax you.
He said you had nothing to worry about since he would be there for you. Taehyung also promised to introduce you to Park Jimin, his best friend since high school.
Apparently, Jimin was the sweetest person in the world and you needed someone like him in your life. Taehyung thought that the universe wanted you to be close to Jimin since it so happened that the latter was also looking for a roommate.
Originally, Taehyung planned to move in with his best friend to save more money, but he figured it would be best if you took the opportunity instead. As said, your brother wanted you to hit it off with Jimin. Apart from this, Taehyung believed he was better off alone.
He was wrong though. Few months after moving back to New York, Taehyung realized he couldn't handle his expenses.
He needed a roommate too. Sometimes he hated himself for turning down Yoongi's offer, considering that the sole reason why Yoongi decided to go to New York was to be with Taehyung.
Your brother wasn't stupid. He was certain Yoongi was in love with him. The long distance type of relationship wasn't working anymore. They both crave each other's touches and kisses.
A few months after you and your brother left Seoul, Yoongi called to say he had been offered a job in New York too. He said he accepted it despite Taehyung's opposition.
It wasn't like Taehyung didn't want to be with Yoongi. Your brother was just upset that his boyfriend was making all these sacrifices for him. Yoongi was a well-known fashion designer in Korea. Why would he want to be an assistant of a fashion designer here in the United States?
It was absurd. But Yoongi didn't complain. He never did. Many months later, his patience and hard-work paid off.
Yoongi was able to close deals with different clients using his own name. He wasn't hiding in the shadow of his boss. He wasn't an assistant anymore. This was also the reason why Yoongi wanted to go out on a double date with you, his boyfriend, and Jimin tonight.
He wanted to celebrate his success with the people he loved, but Taehyung's 'mood' ruined Yoongi's night.
"Hey," while you ruined Jimin's.
"Hey you." Your roommate's voice was laced with exhaustion upon seeing you waiting for him at the door.
Your heart recoiled at the sight of his tired face. You were aware that his job as a professor was exhausting, it didn't help that he and Yoongi waited for two hours in that restaurant only to end up leaving and not grabbing something to eat.
"I'm really sorry about tonight," you smiled apologetically. You hated disappointing him.
"At least I saved some money." He laughed and this was when you came to know that he was holding a box of pizza.
A smile bloomed on your face.
"Is that garlic and shrimp?" You couldn't contain your excitement. Jimin chuckled and nodded at you, pleased that you appreciated the food he brought.
"Yay!" You grabbed the pizza box, rushing towards the kitchen so you could open it.
Your stomach grumbled, your eyes turning into the shape of a heart as you grabbed a piece of pizza.
"So good!" You moaned, relishing the taste of your food for tonight. Jimin grinned, handing you a can of beer.
You gladly took it. Jimin knew you so well. Pizza and beer were your favorite food combination.
"Corndog’s sold out," your roommate mentioned as he grabbed a slice of pizza for himself.
Your smile faltered. Yeah, right. How could you say that pizza and beer were your favorite when nothing could ever top corndogs, your favorite brand of probiotic drink, some chocolate bars, and Jungkook's smile?
"Is everything alright?" Jimin asked softly when he noticed your frown.
Should he believe you?
"How's Tae?"
"Better, I guess? Yoongi's with him right now." You wanted to give them some slices of pizza. Taehyung's probably hungry, but then you didn't want to disturb him and Yoongi. Maybe they're still in the middle of a serious conversation.
Your brother's most likely explaining to his boyfriend why his mood suddenly turned sour. Yoongi asked you to tell him the truth, sadly you felt like you're not in the position to tell him anything.
You didn't even understand what's running inside your brother's head, and so you simply texted Yoongi and Jimin this: have to take a rain check for dinner tonight. sorry. Tae oppa's not feeling well.
"What about you?"
Your head snapped up to meet your roommate's thoughtful gaze. "What about me?"
"Are you okay?" Jimin sounded so sweet that your heart was filled up with so much warmth. Taehyung's right. You needed someone like Jimin in your life.
"I'm fine," you lied. You're not. Lately all you could think about was him and what could've been. "Wanna watch Breaking Bad and hate on Walter White?"
The worry painting his face vanished when you mentioned his favorite T.V series.
"I still don't get why you hate Mr. White when a whole Skyler White exists." He gasped dramatically, shaking his head before making his way to the living room.
You sighed, smiling albeit the pain in your chest. You couldn't help but compare the two men who had a huge impact in your life. The first one never forced you to share, he was very easy to reassure that you're okay, the other man, on the contrary, wouldn't stop until he's sure you're really feeling better. He liked prying into your personal life, acting like he could stop your despair.
Your chest ached because between the two men, you didn't know who you preferred.
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Yoongi and your brother couldn't be bothered and you were certain it was because they're busy fucking. It was Taehyung's way of making it up to his boyfriend.
"He's getting so worked up over a fly! Gosh, he's so annoying!" And your way to make it up to Jimin was trying to keep your dislike of Walter White to yourself. Keyword here? Try. It was so hard not to talk shit about Jimin's favorite fictional character.
You tried. But you couldn't anymore.
"oh gosh," you pouted when you noticed your roommate's being too quiet. "I'm not supposed to rant because I know you're mad at me."
That broke his silence.
"I'm mad at you?" He looked at you as if you're crazy. "Why would I be mad?"
"Uh..." You winced. "Because I bailed on our date?"
Jimin laughed. He actually laughed! The corner of his mouth twisting upwards.
"I guess I haven't made myself clear about that, huh," he rubbed his chin, realizing that he didn't explicitly tell you it was okay, that you didn't owe him anything.
"I like you..." He confessed, uttering your name. "You know that, right? I'm glad you even agreed to go on a date with me."
You bit your bottom lip.
"But liking me doesn't mean you're not allowed to get mad at me."
Jimin chuckled again, amusement was dancing in his eyes. He lowered the volume of television before turning to face you.
"But I'm not mad. I know what I was getting myself into when I told you how I feel about you. Liking someone means you should also accept the risk of getting hurt, you know?"
You shuddered, heart thumping. You felt like your head was spinning.
As usual, Jimin simply giggled at your reaction.
"You're acting as if liking someone is such a scary thing..."
"It is." You replied, voice still mixed with slight fear. "Love too. Imagine waking up one day only to realize that someone has the power to hurt you."
You made that mistake once. You're still paying for it now. Love...be it romantic familial, or platonic, it still hurt the same. You made sacrifices for them, making yourself your last priority when it should be the top one.
"Imagine waking up every day realizing you have the power to make someone's life a little bit better, and doing it." Jimin retorted and for the first time, you couldn't answer.
You simply rested your head on his shoulders, grabbing the remote to increase the volume of whatever episode of Breaking Bad you were watching.
At the end of the episode, you saw Walter White closing his eyes, finally dozing off, a yawn escaped from your lips and before you knew it, you fell asleep too.
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You jolted to consciousness when you heard your phone rang.
Grunting, you immediately answered the call even though an unknown number was ringing you. Jimin was sound asleep beside you. You couldn't risk waking him up.
"Hello?" You squinted, sleepiness still staining your eyes. "Who's this? Why're you calling me in the middle of the night?"
There was a pregnant pause on the other line, making you huff and yawn in annoyance. Was this a prank call?
"I'm gonna end this call if you don't speak." You yawned again when the caller still didn't say anything. "Goodnight—"
"Wait!" The stranger said before you could hang up.
Your heart suddenly skipped a beat. The voice of this caller sounded familiar—too familiar to the point that you could feel your stomach stirring.
"It's Jungkook," he mumbled. "Jeon Jungkook..."
He said his name as if you'd ever forget that. Your stomach continued to protest.
"I'm sorry for calling you so late..."
You were holding your breath, unable to speak.
"But it's an emergency."
"Emergency?" You startled, very awake now. Jimin stirred in his sleep because of your abrupt alerted movement. "Where are you right now, Kook? Are you okay? Did something happen?"
You stood up, pacing back and forth. Jungkook was silent once again. You felt tears filling your eyes. Why was he taking this slow when he said it was an emergency?
"Y-Yeah," his voice was shaky, as though he was having a hard time. Your heartbeat doubled as he said this:
"You and Taehyungie-hyung have to go back here in Seoul. The whole family needs you."
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whitestaghere · 3 years
War, peace and love - Edmund Pevensie x reader
Hey there~ it's been a while and decided I should write something new. So here it is! Thought I should try something new so, angst with a little bit of fluff at the end. Hope you all enjoy!! ❤️✌🏻
"You are such.. AN IDIOT," Edmund pushed my shoulder making me stumble backwards, widening my eyes in shock at what he just did. "DID YOU WANT TO DIE?!"
He pushed my limits this time. He was the cause of this heated argument, why everything had to go wrong for me.
>>> Flashback <<<
Everything was happening so fast.
Susan nearly falling to death, but thank God for Trumpkin being there. Lucy gone in search of Aslan. Edmund, Peter, Caspian and I, on the battle field alongside the narnians. It was a fight to death and victory against the Telmarines.
I reminded myself to thank Capsian, for always pushing me to work better with the sword. Hours and hours of training brought me some luck here. Apart from the fact that a Telmarine swordsman nearly took my head off. Only for Edmund to swing in just in time. He did that of course, not forgetting to glare at me and mumbling curse words under his breath.
Simply. He hated me, I hated him.
Edmund was completely against me coming on the battlefield. Saying I wouldn't be of any use and that I would run away pathetically. That making Caspian and Peter change their minds, being scared that they would put my life at risk. Then there's me, this was what I was training so hard for. I was not going to give in just like that! Not forgetting that, I wanted to prove Edmund otherwise.. and just to piss the boy off too, I managed to change the high king and prince's minds.
And where did this rivalry begin?
To be honest. I don't even know.
He just decided to pick on me, hate me. And I had enough of being weak. And in no time, I began to give him the cold shoulder too. Susan and Lucy saying it was just "a phase". I didn't care. I had enough of his attitude, looking down at me constantly and having to say something bad about everything I do.
Back to the battle.
Everything was happening so fast. Taking down one Telmarine just for another to, throws themselves at you. My legs were aching, heart beating rapidly, mind racing. Running across the field I blocked a sword swinging at Peter.
Peter signalling me to duck he blocked a swordsman, this time behind me.
Turning back to face me, he grinned, "thank you for that." The smile of his fading away just as more Telmarines headed towards us.
Nodding my head at him we continued fighting side by side. Suddenly I bumped into someone. The force pushing me off my feet. Stumbling backwards, I met the hard ground.
I whinced in pain and let out a yelp right after, feeling a much larger force on my body. Opening my eyes my heart began to speed at an inhuman pace.
Out of all the people it had to be him.
Eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed, he let out a groan. I widened my eyes in instant panic the second his eyes shot open, connecting his gaze with mine. If my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I saw a hint of red tint his cheeks. But before I had time to process the situation I could hear my name being called out.
"ED! N/N! WATCH OUT!" Capsian shouted, running towards us.
Looking behind Edmund's figure a Telmarine stood holding his sword mid air, prepared to get Edmund. Immediately, I pushed Edmund off me. Picking up my sword I blocked him just in time.
A piercing pain in my side, and I get kicked back down. Letting out a shriek in pain I held the place I got stabbed. Backing up, and facing the Telmarine behind me, I tried to retrieve my discarded sword.
It was out of my reach and everything was just getting way too blurry.
"Y/N!" I could make out Edmund's figure fighting off the swordsman in front of me.
I could hear voices calling out my name, but couldn't seem to focus. But no, I couldn't give up just like this. I had to get up. Using all the energy left in my body, I grabbed my sword and continued fighting. The rest of it all going in blur, maybe it was just the pain, or for the fact that Caspian and Peter kept trying to cover for me.
But when the Telmarines began to flee and Lucy had come along with Aslan just in time to block them, exhaustion and pain decided to take over.
And the last thing I heard was someone calling my name and my vision went black.
>>> end of flashback <<<
Lucy had rushed in to the scene, acting fast with her healing cordial. The others relieved that I was fine, but all except for one. And that was Edmund.
That leaves us here. In this heated argument.
Letting out a fake laugh, I rolled my eyes at him. I can't believe him, he's still so full of himself.
"That's all you care about huh? Yourself. I'm beginning to see why I hate you so much!"
At this, his eyes were filled with anger. The expression on his face, nothing but bewildered. Making his way upto me he grabbed my shoulder.
"What. did. you. say?" he said through gritted teeth boring his eyes into the side of my head.
Glaring back at him I pushed his hand off my shoulder. "You care only about yourself," I repeated in the same tone as his. Letting out a laugh of frustration he ruffled his hair.
"Really Y/N? Is that how you think of me?"
Not missing the sudden softness in his voice I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Boy does he have moodswings.
"Hmm? You think I'm selfish? That-that I care only about.. myself?" he held his index finger at his chest.
The change in his nature confused me to the fullest. Never had he ever been like this in front of me. Why is he like this all of a sudden? Maybe he's just trying to trick me and make me accept that he was right. But I couldn't grasp why is the softness in his voice breaking me?
"Y/N?" his voice was becoming a little stern. I tried to avoid his gaze. Something in me couldn't bare to look into his eyes. Placing a hand on my cheek gently, he turned me to face him.
My face began to heat up instantly, due to the close proximity and for the instant skinship.
There came the guilt. The look on his face breaking me. He looked so sad. He was hurt. And I was the reason behind it. A part of me wished I could take back the words I said. The other part of me, questioning why I'm being affected by this when he's treated me like this the entire time.
"Edmund I-"
"You think I don't care??! Well for your information, I care about my siblings, the Narnians, Caspian! Why do you think I even fought in this war, in the first place?! It's because I care! I could just leave, say I want to go home! But no! I care! I care about my parents! I care.. I care about you..." his voice cracked.
He wasn't making this any easier for me.
I was taken back by the switch in his moods, the sudden "I care about you" and I just didn't know what to say.
Not wasting a second Edmund turned around leaving the room. All I could do was watch him leave. I wanted to stop him, but I was afraid I would say something stupid and make things even worse. Sitting down I ran a hand through my hair.
"Well, that was new.."
Switching my gaze from the floor I saw Peter walking in slowly. I sighed looking away.
"You should talk to him.."
"I-I don't know Pete.."
"What do you mean you don't know?" he sat down next to me. I could feel his eyes lingering on my face.
"I don't know how to face him. I-I don't get why he's like this... and funny part is.. I-I think I hurt him," tears began to blur my vision the second I said those words. Peter wrapped an arm around my shoulder, rubbing my arm up and down gently.
"He does care you know.."
I rubbed my eyes furiously turning around to face him, "then why was he always picking on me? It didn't seem like he cared then?"
Peter let out a low breath, "Ed doesn't really tell people how he feels.. not even with us, he refuses to show his emotions. Most of the time he's cold as ice on the outside.. aaand," he dragged. "Is pretty stubborn.. I guess you could say that's how he protects himself.."
"Protects himself?" I tiled my head in confusion.
"From the world. From getting hurt. He pushes people away thinking they would hurt him. And he's always thought less about himself.."
"I would never.." I mumbled under my breath. But Peter heard it loud and clear, nodding his head "I know.."
"But he does care about you.. so much," Peter looked at me, his gaze soft. Nodding my head I let out a sigh.
"Thank you Pete."
He gave me a soft reassuring smile and gestured me to go after Edmund.
I knew what I had to do now. Running out of the room I set a pace through the Palace. Stopping here and there in order to find out if anyone had seen Edmund.
Maybe things were complicating between Edmund and I. I had to cover the hurt I felt, the feelings I had all this time but now... now I needed to clear everything, make things right between us.
Finding myself in the hall I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, eyes darting everywhere. Where had this boy gone off to?
Turning around I saw a familiar figure standing at the balcony. It didn't take me more than a second to recognise that it was him.
Lifting up my gown I ran upto him. His back was facing me, so I cleared my throat to grab his attention. Spinning around almost immediately, my eyes connected with his warm brown ones.
And without a word he turned around once again.
No response.
"Ed," I walked closer to him only for him to step away from me.
"Ed please.. look at me."
He was clearly ignoring me.
"Well I hope you'll listen to what I'm about to say.." I took in a long breath, "look, I'm sorr-"
He turned around instantly cutting me off, "oh so now you're sorry?"
Trying my best not to roll my eyes at his antics I looked down at my hands. "I-I didn't know.."
"Didn't know what? Oh wait I get it! Now you think I'm pathetic huh?"
I looked back at him with disbelief. Was he really doing this? Again? He wants to stir up another argument. Unbelievable. But, I didn't have it in me to get mad at him. I wanted to sort this out, so I shook my head in an attempt to not let his words get to me.
"I didn't say that."
"Hmm.. then what are you trying to say Y/N? Tell me."
Trying my best to avoid his gaze I gulped.
"I don't need your apologies."
"Look I didn't mean what I said back there. I was just mad and stressed with the whole situation.."
He scoffed looking away.
"I just... I don't understand why you hate me so much. What did I do? Where-where did things go wrong?"
This time he looked at me raising his eyebrows. But he said nothing. He just stood there, gaze fixed on the floor with an unreadable expression.
"Ed.." his gaze still fixed on the ground.
I took a step closer to him, but he didn't budge. Just stood there. The silence was just unbearable.
Not sure what to do or say, I stood there watching him. The air surrounding us, a mixture of tension and awkwardness.
Observing his face, I realised how different he was. How tall he had gotten. How the freckles sprayed at the bridge of his nose. How soft his hair looked, my fingers tingling with an urge to brush my hands through it. How his lips were a peachy pink, almost like he had tinted it with gloss.
I hadn't noticed how much he had changed over the years. My face began to heat up for the second time that day, and I averted my gaze.
Glancing at him once again it was like a flame lit inside me. And the next second I did something that I never dreamt of doing.
My body decided to act on it's own. Mindlessly I stepped closer to him, standing on my toes I placed my hand on his face.
"Y/N?" confusion laced in his voice but I was too caught up in the moment to really respond to him.
My gaze flicked from his eyes to his lips and there you have it. I brushed my lips on his momentarily.
His body tensed in my grip, eyes wide open and pupils expanding to the fullest.
Pulling away from him I let out a shaky breath. But when I looked at Edmund and the look on his face, I widened my eyes in realisation. What have I done?! What was I thinking? How could I be such a fool?! All I could think about is how the boy in front of me could be hating me even more now. I just wanted to make things right between us, but I let my feelings take the upper hand. And now.. I expected the worse.
I turned away from him placing my hand on my lips unconsciously. Even though it was just for a second, I missed the feeling of his lips already.
Next thing I know, Edmund grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. I was afraid of what he was going to say, what he was going to do, to meet his gaze. But instead without a word, he pulled me into a hug. Arms wrapped around my waist he pulled me closer sighing.
Something about this made me feel so comfortable in his arms. I wanted to scream. My heart thumping against my chest, I slowly hugged him back.
"I'm sorry.." he sighed.
"I'm sorry for being an idiot. For being a coward."
"You're not a coward," I mumbled.
"But I am.. I'm sorry for being so hard on you all these years. But can I just ask you something? To clarify. So that what I'm going to say next won't leave me having to run away in embarrassment?"
I hummed in response.
"D-do you like me?"
My body stiffened. Wait. Is this heading to where I think it's heading?
"Because I do."
My eyes widened at this. Pulling away from his embrace I looked at him in shock. Is he being serious? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was so unbelievable, to the point that I had to pinch myself just to make sure I was not dreaming.
"You.. you what?"
"I know it's hard to believe. But I do."
"But.. you.. you"
Rubbing the nape of his neck he smiled nervously. Clearing his throat he closed his eyes.
"I didn't like it.. I didn't like you getting involved in all of this.. I didn't want you coming to narnia either, because I didn't want to risk your life. You've always tried to save me. Even when we were kids. And I could never do the same, that leading me to thinking you might consider me a coward. The others were fine with you coming along, even if I said no and I just wanted to stop you. Stop you from coming with us to battle and hurting yourself. And I let that happen."
I looked at him.
He opened his eyes gaze locking with mine he released a shaky breath, "I pushed you away, in order for you to actually give in and stay on the safe side. But that.. that made me nearly lose you.." he took a breath, "and I was scared.. so scared, that you wouldn't feel the same. Specially when you began to avoid me. It was fair of course, after what I put you through. I was afraid I'd end up getting hurt, so I wanted to brush off all feelings and instead treated you badly again."
He took my hands in his, "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm sorry. It was fair that you treated me that way.. but I just want you to know, that.. that.." he struggled. "ASLAN! I LIKE YOU!" he shouted. "I like you.. so so much."
I couldn't help but giggle and look in awe. I was at a loss of words. Not getting a reply from me, he sighed pulling away only for me to hold him back.
"Ed.. of course I forgive you. And I'm sorry for everything I said too. I understand how you feel.."
He smiled at me softly but that was soon replaced by a mixture of emotions, hard to explain. That's when it struck me. All this care. All this blushing and constant glances. The instant comfort I felt being in his arms. It wasn't just me being hurt over him hating on me all these years. I wanted things to be okay between us, I wanted to get closer to him. This side of him, I had never seen it before, but now it explains. What I was craving to see from him. I liked him too.
"I-I.. Ed?"
He hummed in response, eyes exploring my face.
"I like you too.." At once a smile wiped across his face. He came closer to me with our hands still intertwined together.
"Sorry I didn't get that. Could you please repeat it?" he brought his ear closer and wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
Pushing him away and hiding my face in my hands I squealed.
Laughing he took my hands back in his and pulled me towards him. "You like me too?"
I nodded my head shyly. He chuckled moving in closer and brushing his lips against mine. Pulling away just for a second he whispered, "you would not believe how happy I am.." he leaned back in, connecting our lips together.
Wrapping my arms around his torso he cupped my face. Tilting his head Edmund smiled into the kiss. Pulling away once again he leaned his forehead against mine not before pecking my nose. I giggled.
"FINALLY!" Apparently, we had an audience. An audience of one though. "Shouldn't I be getting a little credit here?" Peter smirked. Edmund rolled his eyes. Looking at eachother we broke into a fit of giggles.
Third person's pov
And there they stood; in eachother's embrace, eyes filled with adoration and a love blossoming within them. The war replaced now with that of peace and love.
Well this turned out rather long than expected 😂 I really found this fun to write and I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Love you all, stay safe and happy holidays! ❤️
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 8
Warnings: None
Tag List: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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Your P.O.V
For once, I was actually looking forwards to going to school. Thanks to Kyotani, I've become steadily more confident in my academic skills. It's not a huge step forwards, but, a step forwards none the less. My grades have been getting better as well, which was just a added bonus to my already great mood. I would have to really consider how I'm going to thank him for all his hard work. Maybe I'll take him out to eat somewhere he likes? Or maybe take him and Killer to a dog park? Or we could go to that new guitar shop that just opened up a well ago, he does play bass after all, maybe he'd want to check out what they had.
"Maybe he can teach me how to play too." I chuckle. Geez, this all was starting  to sound like I wanna ask him out in a date. It's not totally untrue. I would like to ask him out but, there's no way I could actually go through with it. I don't even think he likes me like that. "Man...this sucks. Why can't I just-" My words were cut short when I suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. The person I ran into turned to face me, oh....great. "Uh, hey there...you?" I say awkwardly. "You? Really?" The person of, girl, I ran into was an old "enemy" of mine. "I think I've made myself known to you the last time we met." She spat as she placed her hand on her hip.
This was Chiharu Kumiko, also known as, "Oikawa's number one fangirl". She's hated me since the day I became friends with him, always thought we were dating or I had a crush on him. Which was the furthest thing from the true, and yet, she still had it out for me. "Yeah you did. Now if you don't mind, I need to get to class." I say as I try and walk past her. "Sure, "get to class". So you can hoe around with Oikawa-Senpai?" Ignore her, Y/n, ignore her. She's just trying to start a fight, a fight I will finish if she keeps pissing me off. "Bitch I know you hear me!" Kumiko grabs onto my arm and jerks me back. "Let go!" I snap at her, yanking my arm away. The commotion we were causing seem to attract a small group of people. Great, just what I wanted. Kumiko raised her hand to strike me, but before she got the chance, someone grabbed her hand. We both look back at the person who stopped her. "Kyotani?"
"What do you think you're doing?" I could tell Kyotani was furious. His voice was intimidating and his eyes narrowed. I was surprised he wasn't crushing Kumiko's hand right now, he was defiantly holding back. "The hell!? Let go of me you freak!" Kumiko jerks her hand away from Kyotani. Before she left, she turned to me, glaring daggers. "This isn't over, skank." With that, she storms off. I roll my eyes, my attention now back at the crowd, I hid my face in embarrassment. Thanks a lot Kumiko, you attention seeking bitch. "Problem!?" Kyotani snaps at them. The crowd eventually dispersed and continued on their own ways.
"Are you ok? Did she hurt you?" Kyotani asked. I shake my head, a smile retuning to my face. "Thank you Kyotani." I say gratefully. "What's that girl's problem?" He asks. "She has a thing for Oikawa and she thinks I do too."
"Do you?" That question kinda took me by surprise. I didn't know Kyotani would be interested in stuff like that. "No. He's annoying." That made him chuckle. 'Cute...oh right' I suddenly remembered, I still have to thank him. "Um, Kyotani. I wanted to thank you for helping me study. My grades have been getting better because of your help! So, I was thinking...maybe I could take you somewhere as a thank you. If you want to, that is."
"O-oh...sure you can if you want." Kyotani murmurs. "Really? Cool! Let's meet up after school ok?" Kyotani nods, I wave him goodbye before hurrying to class.
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Your P.O.V.
I waited at the school gate for Kyotani, and I just could help but smile like an idiot the entire time. How could I not? I sorta, kinda, maybe just asked my crush out on a date, and he said yes! Now I just have to manage not to mess it up. "Just don't act like a creep. Shouldn't be too hard." I say to no one other than myself. "A creep would talk to themselves though, so I should probably stop." I sigh. I might have been ecstatic about Kyotani and I having a day to ourselves, but I was also super nervous. This would be my first "date" with a boy.
What am I suppose to do? What am I suppose to say? Maybe I should have a waited to go home and change, maybe do something with my hair. I shook my head, reminding myself that this is not a date. I'm just thanking him for helping me study. That's all. I can call it a date for when I actually gain the nerve to ask him out. "Hey." I gasp at the sudden voice. I turned to see Kyotani approaching. "Hi." I wave. "You ready to go?" He nods and walks beside me. "Um, so I was thinking." I began. "Maybe we stop by the new music store and then after we can grab a bite to eat? Anywhere you like."
"Sounds good." Kyotani simply says. The two of us made our way into town, talking the whole way to the music store. It looked like one of the newer ones in town, it has that new shine to everything. As we walked inside, I immediately felt out of place. Everyone inside the store was clearly a professional, and I knew absolutely nothing about instruments. But I had to admit, everything in the store looked amazing. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pick up a music lesson, maybe I'll try the (favorite instrument). "See anything you like?" I asked Kyotani. I could tell he was already invested in the different basses they had. His eyes were glued onto the different colored, slick shinning stringed instruments. "Hmm...I don't really need a new bass. Maybe replace the strings on mine." I walk over to the basses to join him in browsing, when I came across something. Stickers. I pick a few and look them over, there wasn't really any that stuck out in particular, until I found one that couldn't be ignored.
"Oh! Kyotani, look at this!" I showed him a sticker of a Shiba Inu, it was growling and there was some foam in the corners of it's mouth, and a firey background behind the dog, yet it still had that cute appeal to it. I saw Kyotani's eyes light up. "It looks like Killer." He says as I give it to him. "Right? I figured you'd want to put it on your bass." I tell him. He looked over the sticker a few more seconds before nodding. "Yeah. I will." I smile brightly and reach into my school bag. I pulled out my wallet and counted out the right amount to pay for the sticker. "What are you doing?" Kyotani asks. "Buying it. You like it right?"
"I can't let you pay for it." I shake my head. "I don't mind. Besides, I'm treating you today, remember?" I take the sticker and approach the counter. "Just this for today." I tell the cashier man as I slide the money and sticker on the counter. He nods and rings up the sticker before handing it back to me. I turn back to Kyotani and hand him the sticker. "There you go. Now let's go eat, I'm starving." I subconsciously grab his hand and lead him out of the store.
Third P.O.V
Unknowing to Y/n, Kyotani felt his heart flutter and his cheeks warm. He felt like he had made a really good choice befriending her. Kyotani smiled slightly and wrapped his fingers around her hand. "Yeah, me too."
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The two teens made their way to a small restaurant, Kyotani had suggested it, told Y/n that it was his favorite place to go. Curious about the place, Y/n was excited to go as well. The waitress lead them to their table and set menus in front of them .They both ordered and and the waitress held up a pen and notepad. "And would the lady and gentleman like the couple's special? 10% off your order and free desert." The waitress asks. 'Wow, that's one hell of a deal.' Y/n thought to herself. "We're not-" She cut Kyotani. "Gonna refuse that! Thank you so much." She clasps her hands together. Kyotani gives her a surprised look. "Lovely! I'll have that right out!" She took the menus and walked away. "....Y/n?"
"I didn't have that much money and it was a good deal, you have to admit...sorry..." Y/n mutters, looking down at the table. "N-no it's fine just...it was shocking." Kyotani says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah..." Y/n clears her throat awkwardly. "I mean, seriously who would willing admit they're in a relationship with me?" Y/n blinks a few times, did she hear him correctly. She looks up across the table at him. "What do you mean?" She asks.
"Well, I don't get asked out a lot, if you can imagine." Y/n leans her head on her hand. "Really? You'd think girls would love a 'bad boy' like you." She giggles. "But really, you're not that bad Kyotani. People just has to get to know you." Kyotani shrugs. "I just didn't mind it as much before..." He trails off. "Before what?" Y/n asks. "Nothing. Forget it."
Y/n raised an eyebrow then leans back in her seat. 'Ever the secretive type.' She thought with a sigh. "Well, I think you're just fine the way you are. If others can't or won't take the time to actually know you, then that's their loss." She tells him. Once again, Kyotani felt his heart skip a beat. This was getting dangerous. Kyotani hadn't felt something like this, he never had crushes before. But this, it felt like more than just a crush. He hated the thought, but he could possibly love Y/n. Why he hated it was simple. Kyotani wasn't just 'not a ladies man', he wasn't a anyone's man. All his life he had better things to focus on, like volleyball, rather than stupid crushes and relationships that wouldn't last more than a year and a half.
So that's why this was so scary. Kyotani really really liked Y/n, but he couldn't stand the thought of giving up something he loved because of his bad habbits. Wether that something was volleyball, or even Y/n. She wasn't to blame. It was him. Kyotani wasn't the best of people. If he hurt her, in anyway, he would never forgive himself. So, it would be best, if Kyotani ignored these new feelings. For the better, for himself, and for Y/n.
The two were walking home together that night. Kyotani made sure Y/n got to her home saefly before saying goodbye. "Thank's for treating me today, even though you didn't have to." Kyotani tells her. "Aw, it was nothing." Y/n waved it off. "That's what senpai's are for right?" She winks. Kyotani gulped and nods his eyes. "Y-yeah. Anyway, see you later. Thanks again." He turned to leave. "Kyotani, hang on!" Kyotani was about to turn around to ask Y/n what she stopped him for, when suddenly she hugged him tightly. Kyotani's face turned a light shade of red as he felt her arms wrap tightly arounf his waist. Slowly, he raised his arms to hug her bag, but before he could she quickly let go and rushed to her door. "Goodnight!" She squeaks out before hurrying inside her home. Kyotani was left there alone, eyes wide with shock. His agaped mouth closed, and his arms dropped to his sides.
"...Damn it."
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jenstar1992-2 · 3 years
Pairing: Echo X Reader
Warnings: Some language, insinuations of sexual activities (I don’t know if that’s the right wording necessarily, but there it is), mentions of nightmares, loss, and grieving.
Word Count: 3,836
A/N: So, I'm not sure what all devices in the Star Wars universe are called, and in order to not sound completely inept, I decided to just describe the devices' functions instead of naming them and seeing as I've never come across some of these types of devices in Star Wars, I figured this was the best way to go. I hope that makes sense. Also, I have added a lyric video below for reference. I was initially going to just link an already existing lyric video for the song, but then I just decided to make one instead, using some visuals that better fit the content. Which then meant I had to create a Youtube channel just to upload the thing and link it here, because it wouldn’t let me upload directly from my laptop. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So that's there if anyone wants it, and I now have a Youtube channel for my longer edits. 
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It was one of those nice, quiet evenings, the kind you didn't get very often ever since you started working with The Bad Batch. They weren't necessarily the rowdiest bunch of clones you'd met, but they did seem to always find a way to interrupt you and your boyfriend's alone time.
It seemed like every time you and Echo found a quiet moment where it was just the two of you, one, if not the whole lot, of them would come barging in out of nowhere, needing something or another. Although, you were pretty sure Wrecker just did it because he thought it was funny to annoy you, and knowing that fact only annoyed you more, but you'd let it slide, always reassuring yourself that there would be a next time, one that wouldn't be intruded upon. It seemed that tonight was one of those times, seeing as the four commandos were off gathering supplies at the nearby village of the planet you were temporarily taking residence on, and you were planning on making the most of it while you could.
It didn't take you long to locate your boyfriend, despite your first impressions the Havoc Marauder was not that big of a craft, so there were only so many places he could be. You found him in the communal sleeping quarters, sitting on the bunk you two shared, datapad in hand reading something or another, as usual. You had been given your own bunk, but after your first week with the group, you realized that you preferred to just sleep together. You both had a little trouble sleeping and found that sleeping in one another's embrace seemed to keep the nightmares at bay and gave you both a much more restful sleep.
You walked over and sat beside him, sliding your arms around his middle and holding him as you rested your head on his shoulder. He chuckled and wrapped the nearest arm around you, keeping you close as he continued to read.
You smiled and let out a contented sigh. Moments like this were rare alright, which is what made you appreciate them more when they did occur. It was just nice to be able to have a sweet moment with your love without a joke being made, or the always popular, "Get a room" comment.
"Would love to", you'd say, "Only problem is, it just so happens to be everyone's room."
"Damn, doesn't that bite the big one", would come Crosshair's snide remark, as he shook his head, mocking you like the snarky ass he was.
It was a good thing that deep down you really did like these guys, or you would've kicked some asses long ago.
You reveled in this quiet moment for a while longer before peeking at the datapad in his hand and asking, "So, what are you reading this time, anything interesting, or just more boring rule books?"
He laughed and shook his head. "You know, I don't just read reg manuals", he responded, turning his head to give you a smirk.
You shrugged. "I know, but you definitely read them a lot more than anyone else I know. I'm not even sure if some of the boys have ever read them actually."
He laughed again and you smiled at the sound. "Well, I'd like to think I've been branching out more lately with my literary escapades. I'm at least trying to be more fun, wouldn't want your book worm of a boyfriend boring you to death", he said, leaning into you with a light shove before straightening up again.
You chuckled and held him a bit tighter. "Yeah, you're a book worm alright, but you’re my book worm, and you’re not boring love, far from it", you said as you pulled your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze.
His eyes softened as he looked into yours, silently thanking you for the praise. He leaned his face to yours and kissed you lovingly, and with so much softness it almost hurt when he pulled away.
You just gazed into each other's eyes for a minute before you remembered why you'd come to find him in the first place.
You unwrapped your arms from around him. "Speaking of trying to be more fun, I have something fun we could do", you said with a bright smile.
He eyed you curiously. "Oh yeah, what did you have in mind?"
You rose from the bunk to stand in front of him, grabbing the datapad from his flesh hand and tossing it on the pillow beside him, taking the now empty hand and his cybernetic one in yours and pulling him to his feet.
"You are going to indulge your girlfriend, who's been waiting all day for this mind you, with a dance", you replied, smile still taking over your features.
He cocked an eyebrow, as if your response surprised him. "Huh, definitely not what I thought you were going to say", he said.
"And what did you think I was going to say", you asked with a smirk as you went to your original bunk above your shared one and pulled out a small electronic device, typing away on it, searching for something.
"Well, I, um... I thought, uh...", Echo stammered, as he rubbed the back of his neck, still searching for the right words. He cleared his throat before saying, "Uh, nothing, nothing, so a dance, huh?"
You shook your head and chuckled at his nervous behavior, you knew exactly what he thought you'd meant, but you weren't going to embarrass him any further.
"Yes, a dance", you replied, finding the audio file you'd been searching for and pulling it up. You then connected the device to the small amplifying device on the table across the room.
"That sounds nice cyare, but I don't know how to dance", he confessed shyly.
You smiled and looked to him. "Then I'll teach you", you told him, pressing on the file to play it and setting the device back on the bed.
As the soft music filled the room, you walked to your now flustered looking boyfriend, taking him by the hand and then slowly guiding him to take your hips. He didn't hesitate to do so, and as he rested his hands on you, and you placed yours around his neck, a light blush rose on his cheeks. He always got like this when you two did anything even remotely intimate. It baffled you that after this long of being together, and after doing much more than this, that he'd be this worked up over, what you saw as, a simple act. But maybe it wasn't so simple to him, maybe the years of touch deprivation had him craving it more than you realized, and add the emotion behind the action, the love you felt transferring between the two of you in something as small as a glance, and you could understand his reaction. This realization had you thanking whatever powers at be for bringing you two together, allowing you to be that person for him, because it was truly a gift, one you wouldn't take for granted.
You began to slowly sway your body from side to side, coaxing him to follow your movements. As you both found the right pace and swayed in time to the song's slow rhythm, you listened to the words being sung and let your mind wander, the words bringing memories to the surface of your consciousness.
Oh, thinkin' about our younger years,
There was only you and me,
We were young and wild and free.
You remembered when you'd first met Echo, back when he was a new addition to the 501st. A young trooper, who's dream was to one day receive ARC statues. You had become fast friends, and after only a few months it was clear that your friendship had grown into something more. It was obvious you two had feelings for each other, the only people who were blind to this were you and Echo. A problem that was soon remedied by his brother, Fives, who had all but forced Echo to admit how he felt to you, which he did, albeit, with quite a bit of struggle on his part, the poor guy could barely get his words out. Luckily, you had caught on to what he was trying to say, and took pity on him, deciding to take this opportunity to tell him that you felt the same.
You still remember the look of surprise on his face at your confession, he hadn't believed it at first, but when you plucked up the courage to grab him by the chest plate and pull him into a tender kiss, he knew you weren't lying, and this had his heart soaring.
Now nothing can take you away from me.
We've been down that road before,
But that's over now.
You keep me comin' back for more.
After the battle to defend Kamino, Echo had finally gotten what he'd been working so hard to achieve, he had been promoted to ARC Trooper, and you couldn't have been happier for him. You remember him coming into your station of the hangar to tell you the good news.
You'd been working on fixing up some loose wiring on a transport ship when you were suddenly lifted from the ground and the world spun around you. After a moment of disorientation, you found your bearings and stared up at the culprit, only to find your boyfriend beaming down at you.
"Woah, where's the fire", you asked in jest.
"No fire, just have some good news", he responded, still smiling wide.
"Oh, ok then, spill."
"We did it", he said simply.
"Umm, ok, who did what exactly", you asked, furrowing your brows in confusion.
"Fives and I, we're being made ARC Troopers", he said, his chest puffing out a bit with pride.
"What, that's great", you practically shouted, and pulled him into a tight embrace. "I knew you could do it; you've worked so hard, you deserve this. I'm so happy for you, you're finally getting your dream."
He squeezed you tighter. "Thank you, and thank you for always believing in me, even when I didn't", he said quietly.
You pulled back to look at him before speaking. "I'll always believe in you Echo. Always and forever."
That was your thing, the mantra of your relationship, if you will, "I'll love you always and forever". This was because you both believed it to be true. Neither one of you could see yourselves falling for anyone else or loving another the way you did each other.
“Always and forever cyare”, he said, smiling softly at you, “And now I can focus on my other dream.”
You gave him confused look. “Other dream, what’s your other dream”, you asked.
His smile grew as he leaned in to speak low in your ear. “You”, he said, making your stomach do a somersault.
You knew it would be difficult, but you two wanted to plan a future together, and spend whatever time you had left together making a family and living a quiet, happy life. Once this miserable war was over, that's exactly what you were going to do.
Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want them to, and your dreams of a peaceful life with your beloved were shattered when the day came that the 501st returned from their mission on Lola Sayu, minus an ARC Trooper.
Oh, once in your life you'll find someone,
Who will turn your world around,
Pick you up when you're feelin' down.
Now nothing can change what you mean to me.
There's a lot that I could say,
But just hold me now.
Fives had been the one to give you the dreadful news and had stayed to help you through the initial shock and pain of it all. He had been ready for the inevitable tears he knew would come and did they ever. You couldn't remember a time before that, where you had cried with as much vigor or to the extent that you had, when shedding tears for your lost love.
I've been waiting for so long,
For somethin' to arrive,
For love to come along.
Time seemed to pass by agonizingly slow, as you tried to regain some semblance of normalcy in your life. Having both lost the person you held dear, you and Fives had found a new understanding for one another, and subsequently formed a close bond. He was the friend you desperately needed, just as you were for him. So, when you eventually lost him as well, you were beside yourself with grief.
Instead of wallowing in your sorrow, like you wanted to, you decided to throw yourself into your work, trying desperately to keep yourself busy, so as to not give yourself time to think of what you had lost. This worked most of the time, but there were always those times when something would remind you of them, a laugh that was just too close to the one you remembered, or a smile from a kind trooper that hit too close to home. Then there were those nights where you would wake from a nightmare and reach out beside you for a comforting hand, only to find empty space, those times were the hardest. It took everything you had inside you to just keep on going, because you knew that they wouldn't have wanted you to give up, so you carried on, even when it hurt.
Now our dreams are comin' true,
Through the good times and the bad,
I'll be standin' there by you.
It had been a year since the mission on Lola Sayu, a year of you trying to get on with your life, and forget the past, because remembering only caused you more pain. But life has a funny, if not sadistic, way of turning on its head and changing your course when you least expect it, because soon after that year mark, you received the news you never thought you'd get.
"He's alive", Rex said, eyes boring into yours, trying to get you to believe what he was telling you, but you weren't about to give in that easily.
"What you're saying is impossible, both you and Fives told me you saw him die at the citadel, and now you're telling me he miraculously survived. I'm not buying it, and I don't appreciate you trying to get my hopes up, just so they can be ripped back down once you're proven wrong", you said, with more venom in your voice than you had intended.
"I know I'm right on this one, (Y/N). I heard him, it was Echo's voice on that transmission, I'm sure of it", he reiterated, desperate for you to listen, or to at least consider it to be true.
"I'm sorry Rex, but I just can't believe what you're saying. I can't take another blow, I just can't, because if I do, I fear I won't make it out the other side this time" you said as tears began to fill your eyes.
Rex placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "I understand, but I promise you, I'm telling the truth, Echo is alive, and I'm going to bring him home, I'm going to bring him back to you", he said, with so much conviction that you almost believed him, almost.
"Don't make promises you can't keep", you told him despondently.
He looked you in the eye, a determined expression on his face. "I intend to keep this one", he said, and he did.
No more than two days later, the team sent on the rescue mission to Skako Minor returned, with Echo.
You couldn't believe your eyes when Rex took you to see him in the med bay. He was different, that was for sure, but he was still Echo, he was still the man you loved, and you were just glad he was home.
And Baby you're all that I want,
When you're lying here in my arms,
I'm finding it hard to believe,
We're in heaven.
During his first mission, after being back, he had proven to still be the loyal soldier he had always been and had unofficially been dubbed the "Hero of Anaxes" for his brave actions.
After this mission he had also been extended the invitation to join The Bad Batch by their sergeant, which he wanted to accept, but not if it meant leaving you behind. So, Echo convinced the commandos that having a mechanic around wouldn't be such a bad idea, and they agreed.
That's how you ended up here, the mechanic onboard the Havoc Marauder, who was currently being held in the arms of the person she loved most in this galaxy, swaying to the soft music filling the air around them, in total bliss.
Love is all that I need,
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see,
We're in heaven.
Your head had been resting against Echo's chest, as you listened to the steady heartbeat beneath it. You never wanted this moment to end, and by the way he was holding you, without any indication of ever letting go, you were pretty sure he felt the same.
You lifted your head to look up at him, while keeping yourself flush against him, needing the contact to silently remind yourself that he was still here, he was with you. Something you still had a hard time believing from time to time, but it was real, he was here, and you were never letting go.
It had been some time since Anaxes, not a tremendous amount, but enough time where you could see a noticeable change in your boyfriend's appearance. He had filled out more and looked a lot less gaunt than he had initially upon his return. His color had improved as well, not fully, but with enough time, you were sure, he'd regain his copper glow. His hair was the other noticeable change, it had started to grow out again, and while it hadn't gotten to the length it was, there was enough where you could easily run your fingers through it, as you often did, absentmindedly.
This thought caused your hand to move of its own accord and slot itself amongst the short curls adorning his head. He gave a contented sigh as you started mindlessly running your fingers over his scalp, scratching lightly, and he leaned into your touch as his eyes closed, this always relaxed him.
After a moment, he opened his eyes to look at you, a soft smile taking shape over his features, before lowering his head to rest it against yours, both of you shutting your eyes to revel in the moment.
We're in heaven.
The music faded and soon the room fell silent. You both ceased your swaying but continued to stay in the embrace.
After what felt like an eternity, but had only been a few seconds, you broke the silence and said, "I love you Echo."
He smiled and replied, "I love you (Y/N). Always and forever."
You gave a smile of your own, the words bringing you back to those early days of your relationship, when anything was possible, and your future was bright. It could be that way again, now that you were together again, nothing was impossible.
"Always and forever", you echoed back.
With that, he closed the small gap between you and brought you into a passionate kiss.
Everything that had gone unspoken was expressed in this kiss; all the love and adoration that had built between you two over the years, all the pain that you both endured during your separation, all the missed time, and the promise that you would never be parted again, and that you would continue to strive for the future you two had planned so long ago. You were happier than you'd ever been and nothing could ruin this moment.
Suddenly, as if the universe itself wanted to prove you wrong, the door slid open and in walked all four commandos, with Wrecker in the lead.
"See, I told ya we'd find them doin' some sappy stuff", Wrecker said in his booming voice, effectively breaking your quiet moment, and your kiss, which in turn, pissed you off.
You both gave an annoyed sigh before turning to face the men. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave your best scowl in their direction, which only caused Wrecker to laugh. He'd so be getting an ass kicking later.
"Let's just be glad we didn't walk in on something... more intimate", Crosshair said, eyeing the both of you while giving a sly grin.
You let out an annoyed huff. "Yeah, you wish", you retorted, which only earned you a chuckle from the sniper. Okay, add another one to the "people who need an ass kicking" list. "I think you're both just jealous", you said, trying to make it sound snarky.
"Of this guy", Wrecker asked as he walked over, clapping his hand down on Echo's shoulder. "Damn straight, I mean, he’s got a bombshell for a girlfriend, how could we not be, he's one lucky bastard", he said, although you couldn't quite tell if he was being sarcastic or not. Either way it ticked you off, but before you could throw the punch you had geared up for, Echo pulled you to him, holding you securely against him and effectively blocking your way to the giant commando.
"Easy cyare, no need for bloodshed, and besides, he has a point", he said, leaning in and lowering his voice, "I am a very lucky man."
You shook your head at him but couldn't help the grin that formed at his words.
"Okay, that's enough boys, let's give the happy couple some privacy shall we. Besides, Wrecker, it's your turn to make dinner", Hunter interrupted, giving his brother a stern look.
"Oh man, again, I thought I just did that", Wrecker grumbled.
"You did, when it was your turn last week", Tech told him matter-of-factly.
Wrecker made a noise of aggravation before leaving the room, mumbling incoherently in displeasure. The other two followed him out, as you gave Hunter a thankful smile before he nodded and made his exit, letting the door slide shut behind him.
You turned back to Echo, who still had you in his embrace.
"So, where were we", you inquired, a soft smile back on your face.
He feigned ponderment. "Hmm, I believe we were right about...", he began, and suddenly pulled you close enough that your noses were touching, "Here", he finished, his smile widening before bringing you in for another heated kiss. You melted into it and fell into another state of bliss.
You stayed like that for another long moment, as the world faded around you. Wrapped in a loving embrace, engaged in an impassioned kiss, and lost in your own personal heaven.
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stratossphere · 4 years
bodyguard | a. hotchner
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summary: reader needs someone to spend the night with them while an escaped convict is stalking them, and they choose aaron hotchner, thinking he won’t even come.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral (m. recieving), fem! reader, dirty talk, language
a/n: this is my first fic so go easy on me lol
"Okay. This is ridiculous." You scoffed, staring at Morgan. You did not need a bodyguard. You were 25!
"Ridiculous or cautious?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. You silently wondered if he got them plucked and waxed to make them look that good. At your annoyed look, he sighed. "Well, how about this? I'll let you pick who guards you."
"That's stupid." You paused for a moment, mulling it over. "Okay, let me think about it." You sighed. You were on the brink of coming up with a plan, but you needed time to think. The man you had arrested had been released, and had promised in a letter to kidnap and torture you to his best ability. Comforting.
You sat at your desk for a while, mindlessly sorting through case files JJ had dropped on your desk, trying to think of some way to get out of being babysat by someone on the team. At first you were going to pick Derek because you liked his sense of humor, but then rationalized that he would probably make you sit in a corner.
Then you thought Reid, by Morgan would probably also say no. Reid was dealing with issues of his own, and the last time he had been a bodyguard for someone, they had ended up making out in a pool. And that was not happening.
Prentiss was unavailable because of a case in another state she was working with Rossi, and you knew JJ had Henry. Suddenly, it dawned on you. Ask for Hotch, and he would 100% say no. That left Garcia, and Morgan would most likely say no to that because she was unarmed. So you made your decision.
"Morgan!" You walked back up to his desk, a proud look on your face. You may not have been the smartest profiler, but you were definitely the best at getting your way.
"What's up, sweetheart?" He asked, turning in his chair and grinning at you. "You picked me, right?" Ooh, so confident. You shook your head.
"Ooh, nicely played. No way he's going to say yes." He chuckled. "Go up and tell him."
"What? I have to tell him?" You complained, pouting. You didn't want to have to deal with his seemingly never ending temper. But alas, you marched your happy ass up to his office, and knocked on his door. He was on the phone but he motioned you in, telling whoever was on the phone he would need to call them back. He set down his phone, turning his attention to you. He looked exhausted, and if you weren't afraid of him, you would've told him he needed to go home.
"What?" He snapped impatiently, making you want to back out of that office as fast as you could. Hotch in a bad mood wasn’t exactly your favorite thing. You scoffed. Attitude much?
"Well, good evening to you, too."
"What can I do for you? I was kind of busy." He said a little softer, huffing and reaching again for his phone. You chewed on your lip. You hated asking people things. Even more so when they were apparently in a pissy mood.
"Morgan needs you to be my bodyguard for the night." You blurted, staring at your feet and then back up at him. He sighed deeply, staring at you for a second. Heck yeah, he's going to say no. You knew that look, seeing as he literally said no to you at least 5 times a day.
"Uh, okay. I'll get my stuff and take you home." He said, standing up. Your jaw dropped. No fucking way. He raised an eyebrow at your reaction to his words. Shit. Now you had to back your way out.
"What? No! You were supposed to say no!" You whined, throwing your hands in the air. Essentially throwing a fit in his office. In front of your boss. "You're obviously busy. See you later."
"I didn't ask what you wanted me to do, Agent. Get your stuff and we'll head to my car." He reprimanded, heading towards the door. "Let's go. And I don't want to hear any complaining." Well that was unexpected. You understood that he was overworked, but did he really need to yell at you?
"You're already acting like my drill sergeant and we aren't even home yet. Are you going to be this way the whole time?" You ignored his request, moping as you followed him. Morgan gave you a surprised/empathetic look as you passed by, and you pretended to throw up. He turned to look at you, clenching his jaw. You stopped as soon as his eyes met yours, straightening your posture. Force of habit, being around your straight-laced boss all the time.
"I can see you. You're right next to me." He muttered, giving you an annoyed look. You stifled a groan at his stone stature. This was going to be a long ride.
The drive home was silent, the only words spoken were "don't touch that" when you turned on the radio. He let The Beatles play, though, which you found interesting seeing as it was playing off the CD in his car already. Hotch likes Lennon. When you got home, you led him into your apartment, only after he'd cleared it for you. This was all so stupid.
"You should just go home. It's not like I'm going to die." You said as you watched him walk through the house with his shoes on. Who knew what kind of shit he had walked through in his work shoes?! Part of you was too afraid to see what his socks looked like anyways, so you let it go. You collapsed on the couch as you watched him look through stuff, that serious 'boss face' set even deeper than usual. It was exhausting, watching him frown so much. You always tried to make him laugh or smile, but to no avail. He was a stone cold bitch.
"No. You can't just be here by yourself." He said, stopping his pacing in front of you. His frown deepened (if that was even possible) at the amused look on your face, and he crossed his arms, pausing where he was standing in the kitchen. "What?"
"How do you just frown? All day? Like, I don't think I've ever seen you smile. Ever." You asked, giving him a curious look. He chuckled, shaking his head. But he didn't smile. How do you manage to laugh without smiling? Maybe he was soulless. That would make a lot of sense, honestly.
"You should go to bed."
"I'm not tired. You just want to get rid of me." You scoffed, shaking your head. He pinched his nose, sighing heavily. You were starting to seriously annoy him. Personally, you thought it was very funny.
"If I say yes, will you shut up and go to bed?" He asked dryly. You put up your hands in defense, getting up and rolling your eyes. You didn't need that kind of disrespect in your own home.
"You can't be my boss when we're in my house." You pointed out, turning on the living room light. "Hotch. Take off your shoes. Stay a while. Jesus Christ." Him pacing like that was starting to seriously stress you out.
"My job isn't to 'stay awhile.' I'm watching you, not hanging out with you." But he did kick of his shoes, and low and behold, he was wearing plain black. Boring. He could've at least done some colored diamonds. "Why are you staring at my feet."
His voice startled you, and you glanced back up at his face. He had a questioning look on his face, and he looked annoyed. But then again, he always looked annoyed.
"Sorry. I was just noticing how boring your socks are." You mumbled. He really needed to get some fashion tips from Reid and Penelope when it came to socks. He would've yelled at you if you were back at the BAU, but all he did this time was laugh.
There! A smile. A small one, but still a smile.
"Stop profiling me. All my socks are the same." He said curtly, crossing his arms. You faked a disappointed sigh, shaking your head.
"You shouldn't have said that if you didn't want me to profile. You like order." You offered, sitting back down. He looked unfazed by this, and shrugged. Just slightly.
"You already knew that, though. You've spent a lot of time in my office." He pointed out. He took off his jacket, hanging it on your barstool. Okay. Making progress. You nodded, giving him a grim look. Well, he wasn't wrong. That man spent more time reprimanding you than he did actually talking to you.
"You also like yelling." You grumbled, grinding your teeth momentarily to show that it pissed you off.
"And apparently, you like being yelled at." He said with raised eyebrows. You watched him, hiding the small smile on your face behind your palm. He wasn't so scary when he looked like that. Face relaxed.
"You don't want to be here." It was very obvious. He wouldn't sit down, and he was seconds away from starting to pace again. Plus, he kept looking through the open window. He was watching. Waiting. It was making you just as restless as him. Who knew SSA Hotchner was so squirrelly?
"I could be home with my son right now." He admitted, raising an eyebrow at you as if to say and? so what? you chose to come here in the first place.
"Then go home." You stated simply.
"No." Ugh. So stubborn. You decided to make light of his attitude.
"Well, at least I know someone enjoys my company." You joked, patting the space next to you on the couch. "You should really sit down. You can't just stand there all night." You'd think after so much walking and standing at work, he'd want to sit down and relax.
To your surprise, he did sit down, crossing his arms. This was the most calmly dressed you had ever seen him, and yet he was dressed more formal than anyone who had ever taken you on a date. Your eyes lingered on the top button of his shirt. He had unbuttoned it at some point. The way his shirt fit snugly on his arms, his hands...
"Do you know anyone who seems to linger around your apartment too long? Seems to always be there when you leave?" He was trying to divert your attention back to the case, but you didn't feel like talking about it. At least he had stopped your staring. You hoped he hadn't seen it.
"You know, the good thing about this is that you left at a normal time today." You pointed out. When he could get away with it, you weren't sure he even left his office overnight. He was there later than you and always there earlier the next morning, so you couldn't be sure. If he didn't annoy you so much, you'd worry about his wellbeing.
"I don't appreciate you judging my work schedule. What I do after you leave is not under your jurisdiction." He stated tensely, clenching his jaw. You groaned, leaning your head back dramatically. He was starting to give you a headache.
"Hotch. Loosen up. Seriously. You could eat something, watch something on TV, go to bed, get a drink, talk to me without that glare on your face-" you tsked, "-I could go on forever."
"How about you go to bed and I'll watch something? You still have work tomorrow." He said, reaching for the remote. You sighed, getting up and giving up at the same time. He also had to work tomorrow but WHATEVER.
"Fine. But if you're going to watch The Bachelor, don't tell me what happens. I'm recording it." You warned, pointing at him aggressively. He shook his head disapprovingly as you walked away and into your room. It was weird, knowing Aaron Hotchner was sitting in your living room, and you were going to bed. Very weird. But you couldn't erase the stupid smile he had caused from your face.
All jokes aside, once you were in your room (and you could hear the news in the living room, you should've guessed), the reality of the situation was starting to set in. Someone was watching you. Waiting to murder you in any way they could. Most likely torture and mutilation as he had his original victims. And yet, they hadn't had enough evidence to prosecute. You were alone now, and there was no one to distract your stalker.
You checked out the windows a couple of times, hiding behind the curtain. You couldn't tell if it was the dark or your imagination, but you saw people everywhere. Shadows in the alley outside your window, someone standing across the street, you began to feel increasingly jittery. Okay. You gave up. You were not about to be murdered in your sleep when you had your made-of-steel boss basically waiting for your call. You weren't just going to waste your resources.
"Hotch?" You called, unable to hide the quiver in your voice. You heard footsteps, and a second later he was in your doorway, looking panicked. You were already starting to regret your decision. You didn't need him in here. You didn't. You didn't.
"What? What's going on?" He asked, halting to a stop and looking around frantically. You grimaced, shaking your head.  You needed him in here.
"Nothing. Sorry. I was just going to ask you if you could look around one more time. Just to make sure." You said sheepishly, looking at him hopefully. He sighed in relief, relaxing. You had obviously worried him.
"Of course. Stay with me, just in case." He waited for you to follow him before walking out of the room. His demeanor was relaxed, and you could tell he was sure there was nothing to worry about, but he was looking anyway, which was nice. You did a full sweep of the apartment and obviously came up with nothing. You couldn't ignore the fact that you had immediately felt at ease when you had seen his face.
"Clear." He said as he closed your closet door. Part of you wanted to laugh at the obscurity of the situation you had just witnessed. Your boss checking your closet for monsters. Ridiculous. But the other part was focused out the window. Maybe you weren't hallucinating.
"Hotch." You whispered, moving to the side so you weren't in full view. When he looked your way you pointed out the window to the person who actually was standing across the street. So you weren't crazy. Hotch looked out the window from where he was standing and immediately reached for his gun, not taking it out but not taking his hand off of it. He watched for a while, then removed his hand.
"He's walking a dog." He realized, slowly closing the curtain. You sat down on the bed, pulling your knees to your chest. You sighed in relief. You were being so stupid.
"Okay. This is a lot." You mumbled, watching him glance out the window one more time. He turned back to you, a concerned (or something like that) look on his face.
"I can sit in here until you fall asleep." He said quietly, nodding to the chair next to your bed. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, the offer not one you would expect from your boss.
"Uh, yeah. That would be great, actually." You climbed under your covers as you watched him sit down and dial a number. You didn't know how you were supposed to sleep with him talking on the phone, but you went along with it and laid down.
"Hey, Garcia. I know it's late. I need you to arrange tighter security around y/n's apartment. There's only so much I can do from here." He paused for a second, listening to whatever Penelope was saying on the other end. "Thank you. And please, stop calling me that." He hung up, and then dialed another number. You stared at the ceiling as you listened to him talk endlessly with like 6 different people about six different things, and thought: who knew hotch was such a loudmouth?
"What are you, a teenage girl?" You groaned, sitting up. He looked startled, but he stopped dialing.
"Excuse me?" He must've thought you were sleeping.
"I have never met someone who spends so much time on the phone. Do you ever sleep?" You complained, turning your head to look at him. He turned off his phone and set it in his lap, giving you an annoyed look.
"I thought you were sleeping."
"It's impossible to sleep when you're talking." You weren't about to tell him that his voice was comforting. More when he wasn't using his Unit Chief voice. But you had yet to hear much of that.
"Not true. Jack falls asleep every night to Harry Potter." He objected. You rolled your eyes, pulling the covers further up towards your chin.
"I'd rather you read then talk about case files." You muttered.
"I don't have a book." He argued. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so you opened your nightstand drawer and pulled out some stupid mystery book you had never read. You didn't really have a lot of time for reading with your job.
"Profile and solve before the book ends." You suggested. "I'm sure you'll figure it out by the 3rd chapter or so. Probably the butler." For some reason, you were feeling pretty drowsy as soon as he had stopped talking, and it was getting hard to keep your eyes open. He gave you a gentle smile, opening the book and looking it over.
"Butler? It's usually the ex-boyfriend." He countered. You laughed weakly, closing your eyes and humming a small agreement.
"You can read it out loud, if you want." You mumbled. He paused for a second, and then he started reading. The book was about a dead son, and all the family were suspects. His voice has quieted down considerably, and as he turned the pages, his tone was barely audible. You fell asleep before he could get any farther than that.
You jolted out of a bad dream of someone breaking in when you opened your eyes. You were leaning on your arm, but your arm wasn't on your mattress. It was in Hotch's lap. You looked up to see that he was asleep, head leaning back with his mouth slightly open. You got up, stretching your arm seeing as it was asleep. This woke him, and he jolted into awareness. You rubbed your eyes, trying to bring the room into focus.
"Calm down." You mumbled, falling back against your pillows. You tried to calm your heartbeat, but for some reason panic had set in and wouldn't leave.
"You were thrashing in your sleep. I couldn't get you to sit still unless I held you down like that." He said, explaining the way you had woken up. You closed your eyes again, taking deep breaths. "Are you okay?"
"Not at the moment, no." You huffed. You reached out your hand, finding his and squeezing it tightly. "This is kind of scary. What does it tell you about me that I'm an FBI agent scared of an invisible man?"
"Tells me that you're sane. I would be worried if you weren't scared." He held my hand in both of his, giving me a sympathetic look. "You're not even fully awake." His skin on your skin was making you feel a certain way, even if it was just his hands.
"Can you sit with me?" You mumbled, squeezing his hand tighter. His hands on yours were calming the panic a little bit, but not enough. He chuckled.
"I'm already sitting with you. You probably won't even remember this conversation in the morning."
"No, like, in bed with me. Just sit with me. Please?" You begged. You knew he was going to say no, but it never hurt to ask. He sighed.
"Fine. But just this once." He got up and walked over to the other side of your bed, crawling in slowly. You leaned up against his side and wrapped your arms around him, his arm coming to rest on your shoulders. His cologne smelled expensive, and it was comforting. He had taken off his button up shirt at some point, and all he was wearing was the white t-shirt he had been wearing underneath it. It was soft against your fingers, and it smelled of laundry detergent. You could feel his heartbeat with your head on his chest like that.
You fell asleep like that, and part of you wondered if maybe, just maybe, you had a soft spot for Aaron Hotchner. Not long after that, you regretted the thought as he woke you for the millionth time. The man wouldn't sit still. He kept shifting around, shoulder hitting your side or a kick to the leg. Only once did he mutter a gravelly sorry and still for about ten seconds. Finally, you had had enough, and you jolted into sitting position, looking at your alarm clock. 3:28.
"What is wrong with you?" You groaned, turning to look at him, a desperate look on your face. You couldn't sleep if he was going to keep doing that, and you had had enough. You startled him considerably, and his head whipped around to look over at you. He had resorted to a lying down position, his pillow shoved under his arm and his hair tousled. He looked pretty good like that.
"I didn't know you were awake." He muttered, resting his head on his hand. You mimicked his position, quirking an eyebrow at him. You had no idea if he could even see it in the dark. He sighed uncomfortably. "Nothing is wrong with me."
"You sure? Because you've shifted in your sleep more times tonight than I think I have in my entire life." You pointed out, lying back down on your side and keeping your eyes on him. "What's bothering you?"
"Well, it's just..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "I'm in a bed with my coworker, and then I had a nightmare-" Aw, poor baby. Wait what? Split second decisions were made.
"Come here." You said gently, opening your arms to him. He hesitated for a second before letting his head fall to your chest, sighing softly as your fingers found his hair. Yeah, you definitely had a soft spot for your boss. You did that for a while, just running your fingers through the dark strands and making it stick up all over the place. "You want me to help you relax a little bit?" It was a stretch, and there was a chance that he was going to shut down and go sit in the living room, but the haze of waking up in the middle of the night had brought you some welcomed confidence.
"You already did it! What's the harm in continuing to do it?" You pressed another kiss to his lips, inhaling the scent of his cologne. "Plus, I don't kiss and tell." His hands slipped under your shirt, his fingers coming in contact with the warm skin of your back. A low chuckle against your lips and he seemed to be okay with it.
"Oh you don't?" He complied as you started to unbutton his shirt, gasping for breath as he sucked harsh marks on your neck, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. Any bit of hesitation he had been displaying previously was gone, and now all you could see was animalistic hunger in his eyes. His skin against yours was intoxicating, and even though it wasn't physically possible, you wanted to press yourself closer to him. Your fingers found his belt buckle, blindly fumbling with the silver piece.
"You want to know a secret?" He breathed as he broke the kiss, helping you get his belt undone and sliding out of his work pants. You couldn't help but laugh, his words completely unexpected. "What's so funny?"
"A secret? My big bad boss wants to tell me a secret?" You rested your elbows on his shoulders, waiting for his answer. You were secretly curious to know what this secret of his was. He pressed another kiss to your lips before motioning to the black socks he was still wearing.
"These socks are reversible." He whispered. A small smile spread onto your face, your hand reaching down to his feet and peeling back his sock to see if he was bullshitting you. He wasn't. The socks may have been plain, boring black on the side he had chosen to wear outside, but on the inside, they had little Santas all over them. You started giggling again, pulling him back into a kiss.
"I love them, but I wanna see you naked." You sang, your hand slowly trailing its way down his stomach. He sucked in a harsh breath, quickly stopping your hand.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, tipping your chin so that your eyes looked into his. There was worry in his eyes, but at the same time, there was undeniable lust. You nodded eagerly, lips parting slightly in a way you hoped would get him all hot and bothered. He shook his head, sighing.
"I need to hear you say it."
"I want you. I need you, Hotch." You whined, opening your mouth again as his thumb dragged across your lips. He pressed his thumb into your mouth, watching you with hungry eyes.
"You can call me Aaron." He chewed on his lip as he watched you suck on his thumb, looking up at him with faux innocent eyes. Your fingers found the waistband of his boxers again, starting to pull them down slowly. This time he didn't stop you, groaning slightly as your fingers brushed his hard on and pushed his boxers off as he accommodated the movement. He had pulled his socks off after showing you, so now he was completely bare in front of you.
God, you wanted this man to rail you.
You released his finger, instead attatching your lips to his neck and kissing your way down his chest. He was heaving for breath, and you felt a small pang of pride at how worked up you had him without even touching him where you knew he wanted you to. His fingers made their way into your hair, pulling slightly. You wasted no time, and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock. He gasped audibly, pulling a little harder and bucking his lips toward your mouth. You swiped your tongue over the slit, earning a filthy moan from his lips. He pressed deeper into your mouth, and he started to thrust heavily, fucking your face. You hollowed out your cheeks, the moans coming from his lips going straight to your cunt.
"Oh, fuck. J-just like that." He groaned, his nails digging into your scalp. Who knew Aaron Hotchner was so vocal?
You bobbed your head feverishly in turn of his thrusts, groaning as he pulled at your hair. Suddenly, he pulled you off, wiping your lips with his thumb before pulling you back to his lips for a brushing kiss. He started to aggressively pull of the remainder of your clothes, throwing them haphazardly across the room. He pushed you back on the bed, slotting a knee between your legs.
"You know, there's something that I like to think about a lot." He mumbled, his hand drifting down your stomach. The way your body reacted to his touch, back arching and breath quickening, was making him so hard his cock was aching for you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, grinding against him.
"Yeah? What's that?" You asked, gasping as he started running slow, lazy circles over your clit. "God, I need you inside me, Aaron."
"I think about fucking you until you scream. Watching you come on my cock while I pound into you. Feeling your skin against mine. Wondering how you would taste." He whispered into your ear, chuckling as you reached between you to line him up with your entrance.
"You and me both, sweetheart." You bit his lip, trying to push forward to get him inside you. He put a hand on your stomach, keeping you still and at the same time stopping his movements on your clit. He raked his hands through your hair as he slowly pushed into you, pausing to let you get adjusted to his size.
"Don't call me sweetheart." He groaned, pressing his forehead to yours as you jerked your hips up towards his. His cologne had filled your senses and clouded your brain, and you knew that in the future every time you smelled it, you were going to associate it with the feeling of being stuffed with your boss's cock.
"More. Please." You whined, gripping his shoulders and grinding your hips in hope of getting some friction to soothe the unbearable arousal that was begging to be quenched. You needed him. You couldn't handle any more. He chuckled, starting to slowly move his hips, starting a teasing pace that he knew wasn't even close to being enough. You let out a sound that was a mix of a moan and a whine, loving the feeling of him buried to the hilt inside of you.
"So needy, aren't you?" He lifted one of your legs so that it was up against his chest, effectively thrusting into a different position. You cried out as he hit your g-spot, putting your hand over his where it was gripping your breast.
"Fuck! Fuck yeah, right there!" You cried, feeling your orgasm starting to build in your lower stomach. He let out a groan as his thrusts became sloppier, signaling that his climax was close behind. Your moans became more sporadic and his name fell from your lips over and over again as your high approached. "Oh god, m'gonna cum." You were breathless, and barely able to get the words out.
"Don't." He leaned onto you, pulling you so that your chests were pressed together, you in his lap and his hands on your hips pulling you down onto him. You shook your head, gripping his hair and pulling. You couldn't hold it. Every part of your body was on fire, and your walls fluttered around him as you held on with everything you had. Finally, he moaned into your neck, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you.
"Cum. Cum all over my cock." He groaned, kissing you with teeth and tongue as you both came together, the feeling of his cum inside you causing you to moan on top of the euphoria from your orgasm. You both rode out your highs before holding that position, both trying to catch your breath. He then slowly pulled out of you, eliciting a whimper from you as he brushed your sensitive clit. You laid back on your bed, so blissed out you barely felt him lie down next to you.
He pulled you against his chest, his chin resting on your head and his arm wrapped loosely around your waist. After a while, you felt his cum start to leave you, so you got up to go to the bathroom, cleaning yourself up and peeing before going back into the bedroom, admiring the sight in front of you. Aaron, spread out on the bed, sweaty and disheveled. He looked gorgeous. You just stood there for a second, locking the sight into your memory. You had no idea if you would be able to do this again. The thought hadn't even crossed your mind that he might not want to see you again after tonight. He was, in fact, just supposed to be babysitting you. Not fucking you. Maybe he was sitting there thinking about how much he regretted having sex with you.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" His voice interrupted your intrusive thoughts, bringing you back to earth. You sent him a small smile, padding back to the bed and getting in next to him, sliding back under his arm.
"You're just so handsome. I can't believe Aaron Hotchner is naked in my bed." You mused, running your forefinger over the grooves and lines on the palm of his hand. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, his free hand drawing lazy circles on your lower back. The thought of someone stalking you outside your window had definitely escaped your mind, and the anxiety that had plagued you earlier about your situation was no longer a thought as you laid in Aaron's arms.
"Get used to it, sweetheart. I can't imagine being anywhere else." He purred, giving you a chaste kiss. He smelled so good. Everything about him was just so amazing. You wanted him to hold you forever. You haphazardly ran your fingers through his soft dark locks, relishing the reaction you received from him when you did so. Eventually, the both of you drifted off, holding each other like that. That was certainly not how you thought the night was going to end.
Your alarm for work the next morning woke you, and for a second you freaked out. Shit! Someone was in your bed! Then you remembered, and sighed in relief as you sat up. He opened his eyes slowly, groaning and trying to keep you from getting up.
"We have to leave in 30 minutes." You mumbled, getting up and stretching your arms over your head. You knew he was a very routine-oriented person, so you thought it would be fair to at least warn him that you woke up and hour and a half after he did. It was common knowledge that he woke up way before he needed to be at work. Everyone at work poked fun at him for it. He shot up like a bullet, his eyes wide.
"30 minutes? Are you kidding me?" He rushed out of bed, frantically fixing his sex hair in the mirror. You laughed, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his torso.
"Calm down, Agent Hotchner. I'll make sure you get to work on time. You might have to skip the shower though." In all honesty, you had set your alarm for 30 minutes later than usual after last night's endeavors so that you could enjoy him in your bed for a little while longer. He turned around and kissed you, his hands roaming over your still naked body. "Easy, lover. Keep doing that and we will definitely be late for work." You warned. He had put on his boxers at some point, and after he broke the kiss, he was digging around for his clothes. You watched him work, pulling on clothes frantically and at the same time checking texts/emails on his phone. You leisurely got dressed, barely giving the time a thought. You couldn't get yelled at by your boss for being late if your boss was late with you.
"You're something else, you know that?" He huffed, adjusting his watch on his wrist as you sat in his lap while putting on mascara. You ignored him, concentrating on not poking yourself in the eye. Since he had to get ready at your house (which included him using your toothbrush and letting you brush out his hair) he didn't have his hair gel, so his hair fell on his forehead softly, which made him look so cute. You vocalized this thought to him as you got up and led him into the kitchen to grab your shoes.
"I'm not cute." He muttered, grumbling to himself as he tied the laces on his dress shoes. You brushed your thumb over his cheek, grinning.
"Uh huh. Whatever you say." You left after that, and guess what? You weren't even late. As you rode to Quantico, you silently wondered what he did in the two hours before he had to leave for work. Crosswords? The news? Working out? Changing outfits? Well, that last one seemed improbable seeing as he wore the same thing every day, but you never know. You honestly had no idea. When you walked into the bullpen and separated from Hotch, Morgan was immediately in your face, bombarding you with questions.
"So? How was it?"
"Did he sleep there?"
"Does he snore?"
"Did anything interesting happen?"
"Did he say anything about your apartment?"
"Slow down, Morgan. Jesus. It was...interesting." You sighed, sitting down on his desk so that he would sit down in his chair and calm down a little bit. He raised a perfect eyebrow, evidently wanting more.
"Did he sleep there?"
"Well duh, Derek. Unsubs don't just decide they can't stalk at night because it's dark outside and the monsters are going to get them. He had to stay there, according to him." You explained. You were stepping on thin ice, and you were hoping he wouldn't assume what had actually happened.
"Where did he sleep?" He pried, wiggling his eyebrows and giving you a suggestive look. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance with is antics.
"In a chair." You lied. Well, technically you weren't lying, he had fell asleep in the chair next to your bed for a couple of hours. But that wasn't the full truth. And as a knowing look crossed his face, you realized with fear that he seemed to know the same thing.
"You seem to be looking everywhere but me, mama. Come on, tell me the dirty details." He dragged the word way too long, a wide smirk on his face. I glanced up at Aaron's office, only to see him leaning against the railing out of Derek's eyesight, his look mirroring Derek's. You sighed, leaning in closer and sending Aaron an annoyed look.
"This stays between us, understand?" You asked, giving him a serious look. You didn't need him gossiping about your sex life with Garcia. Of course you were going right over to her room after this, but you wanted her to hear the real story, not Derek's no doubt over-dramatized version. He nodded eagerly, leaning in with you. You explained how last night went, and as soon as you got to the part about how you had sex, he couldn't contain himself.
"Oh my god. You did what?"
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
Date night | Takami Keigo (Hawks) X Reader
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Fandom; My hero academia
Pairing: Takami Keigo (Hawks) X GN Reader
Synopsis: Late nights and long mornings, quarantine has made it hard for y/n to see anyone, more or less their boyfriend hawks. Feeling bad for leaving his s/o alone in their empty home, hawks plans a date night for the both of them to relax and enjoy the little time they have together. 
Warnings: A bit of angst at the start, but after that bone rotting fluff. 
Word Count: 4,778
A/N: This lovely fic is apart of quarantine fluff collab that the discord server crackhead sanctuary put together. Thank you Sof @myherowritings​ who hosted this, and I can't wait to read everyones fics!! Also this lovely banner was made by @sanurrwrites​ and I'm very thankful!!! 
It hit us unexpectedly.
The drastic change in how we did everything was overwhelming, and many of us didn’t really think it would be such a big deal at first. It was a silly virus that would be cured within weeks, nothing to really worry about. So everyone continued about their normal lives, happy that the virus wasn’t in their country, happy it wasn’t them. It simply wasn’t our problem right?
Everything flipped and turned upside down when the unknown and mysterious virus finally hit Japan. While earlier we thought it wasn’t our problem, what are we supposed to say now that it's at our front door? Affecting our neighbors, our friends, our students and our heroes who protect society. No one really cares until it's your problem.
The first death the virus caused made everyone realize just how serious this was. This wasn’t some joke, people's lives were actually in danger and things needed to be done to protect the citizens from a virus that was on a killing spree.
That meant no more social gatherings.
Someone might ask- Well that doesn’t sound too bad? What's wrong with not having to see people?
It was a problem to you, and many others.
Laying in bed day after day, letting the loneliness set in and the worry skyrocket about the current situation. You had taken the simple act of seeing someone in person for granted, and realized just how texting and calling wasn’t the same. You missed going out with friends and doing random things that made you happy. You missed going to the ice cream parlor down the street that would sell you ice cream and soothe all your sad and depressive feelings. What you missed the most was your boyfriend.
The sudden thought of him already made your eyes water and your heart clench. ‘’I miss you Keigo’’ You whispered to the darkness, pulling your warm blanket closer to your body for comfort. The bed that was made for two, suddenly felt way bigger than it needed to be without your boyfriend. ‘’I’m just being selfish, he’s keeping us protected’’
Keigo or Hawks as most society knows him, had been quite busy since the virus broke out in Japan. You’d think villains themselves would stay inside once they heard a virus could kill them, but it was quite the opposite. With no one outside to stop them from their wrongdoings, it was easier for them to commit their daily crimes. So that meant heroes never really got the break they thought they’d get.
While they risked their life everyday to protect citizens, the risk factor was now doubled because of the virus. Heros would continue to go out and protect homes, stores and people who needed it, not letting the virus keep them from doing their job.
It made you happy to know that your boyfriend was doing his job, and probably saving many lives with his patrols. It just hurt that you couldn’t really see him anymore. He was gone before you woke up, and back away after you’ve closed your eyes. You had tried multiple times to keep yourself awake, but never seemed to make it.
You missed his laughter, the way he grinned after getting on your nerves and the stupidly cute smile that would make your heart flutter. You missed his bear hugs and his butterfly kisses all over your face. You missed everything about him down to his annoying antics and crazy eating habits. You had taken it all for granted and now all you had was yourself and the little notes he would leave behind.
‘’I love you Keigo, goodnight baby, stay safe’’ You whispered to the darkness, hoping your words would get to him. Closing your eyes, you snuggled into your body pillow and fell asleep within minutes.
A couple hours later, the front door of your home creaked open. A blonde male entered quietly, or what he thought was quiet. His posture was slouched, and the eye bags under his eyes gave a clear giveaway that he was tired. ‘’Shit’’ He glanced at the clock and saw it was around 3 am, meaning you had fallen asleep some time ago. His red wings felt heavier than usual, and the thought of sleeping by the front door so he wouldn’t have to climb the stars to the bedroom, was seeming like a good idea.
Keigo shook that idea out of his head, if anything, he wanted to see you, even if you were already sleeping. He felt filthy, so maybe a shower before he got into bed. Even though he was sprayed with every cleaning spray known to man before coming back to your shared apartment, he still took extra precaution when coming home to you. Constantly checking his temperature, and wearing a mask and goggles to keep you protected. You were his little dole, he’d never get over the regret if he passed a virus on to you.
Slugging upstairs, he yelled in fright when he felt himself falling forward towards the steps. At first he didn’t even fight it, trying to save himself from marks on his face from steps seemed like too much work. However, his wings spread out as much as they could, leaving the males face hovering over the steps he was just about to kiss. ‘’Oh’’ He mumbled, the simple thought to use his wings had flown out of his head. God he was so tired. Standing back up, he carefully treaded up the stairs, trying to be more quiet now that he was getting closer to the bedroom.
Opening the bedroom door as quiet as he could, his yellow eyes found your body first. Walking closer he stared down at your sleeping form, a small smile appearing under his mask. ‘’Hi baby, I’m home’’ he said softly, before he frowned. He noticed the tear lines on your face and his heart suddenly felt heavy. Just the thought of you crying without him here to comfort you was truly heartbreaking. You weren’t the only one who missed their partner, since he was surely feeling the same loneliness as you.
He teared his eyes off of you finally, walking away and into your shared bathroom. Shutting the door behind him, he turned on the light and let gaze find the mirror. His rough appearance made him cringe. His golden blonde hair was matted down poking in every direction, eye bags were prominent and his gorgeous smile was covered by this stupid white mask. Reaching up, he ripped the mask off his face, cringing at the red lines he saw of having to wear it so often.  All of this sucked. Yet if it meant keeping you and others safe, he would wear this mask for eternity.
About an hour later, he’d showered and dressed in the clothes he’d be sleeping in. All today's grime and cleaning products washed off his skin leaving it spotless. As he stood in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth half heartedly, the thought of you crying earlier was still fresh in his mind. While you wouldn’t tell him you were lonely and wanted more, he knew better. He had been with you for some years now, he knew you inside out. He knew that whilst he had it hard, you were equally suffering.
Within the first two weeks of Covid 19, your student Bakugou Katsuki had caught the virus and was hospitalized due to it. You had cried for 4 days straight, and nothing he said made you feel any better. Being a U.A teacher meant you had worried even more for your students, who were still kids and had places to go.
Keigo felt terrible that he was putting extra stress on you since he still had to do his duties, and that everything wasn’t easy on you just because you were home and hopefully safe.
‘’I’ll make it up, we’ll both have some fun soon’’ He said to himself in the mirror, before spitting out the nasty toothpaste and rinsing his mouth out with some cold water. Finally finishing up, he turned the bathroom light off and trudged towards the bed. Climbing in lazily, he wiggled under the comforter you were hogging to yourself. As his head hit the pillow, he had to keep himself from falling asleep on the spot. The soft fluffy pillow almost sent him to heaven. Scooting closer to you, he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you closer to him, his head resting in the crook of your neck. Your hair didn’t even bother him, if anything the smell of your shampoo calmed him.
‘’I love you y/n, goodnight dove, I’m home and safe’’ Keigo whispered to you before finally letting his eyes slip close, knowing in a few hours he’d be gone again. Yet getting to hold you before he went to sleep always made his mornings and days easier.
Sometime before the sun came up, you had felt the bed move, and the warm arms that were keeping you secure left again. You wouldn’t lie, the disappointment you felt hit harder than anything. And when you heard the bedroom lightly shut behind Keigo, you simply wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping to mimic the arms of your lover. Yet his arms and presence were unique, so of course you couldn’t replace his embrace.
You don’t remember falling back asleep, so it confused you when you suddenly felt the bright rays of sun on your face. ‘’Oh, Good morning I guess’’ You mumbled as you sat up, trying to rub the sleepiness out of your eyes.  Shielding your eyes from the sunlight with your right hand, you looked around for the one thing that always made your morning.
‘’There it is!’’ You say happily as you roll out of bed and towards the dresser that was next to the bathroom. On Top of the wooden dresser was a handwritten note covered in chicken stickers, and a red rose next to it. Grinning you grabbed both items and jumped back into bed, excited to see what the dumb bird had wrote for today.
Ever since the pandemic started, and since Keigo had been having long shifts, he’d always left letters for you to read in the morning, and a different coloured rose everyday. It made him leaving easier, and the fact that he spent time writing and putting his feelings into them always sparked joy.
Carefully opening the note, you were met with Keigo’s chicken scratch handwriting. You loved him, but one day you were going to give him writing lessons. You shook your head in amusement, ignoring the bad handwriting, you began reading.
‘Good Morning Chickadee,
I hope you had a good sleep baby, I came home late again but as soon as I had the chance you were in my arms. You cuddled up to me instantly, what if I was some intruder? I guess even in your sleep you recognize me and my godliness.  
Anyways, I apologize for once more coming home late beautiful. Work has been a bit stressful, but I believe we’ve put a dent on the villains plans. Only small time villains are really causing trouble, and were handling it pretty well. I think sooner or later we won’t need so much patrolling anymore. Hopefully soon, I wanna spend time with my lil nugget.
Oh! I have some news.
Someway or another, I will get off early today and spend some very much needed time between the two of us.
Not to be too sappy in this letter, but, I really miss you y/n. Way more than words can describe. It’s lonely patrolling instead of being home with you and having fun, and honestly just the thought of coming home to you at night is the only way I’m getting through my days at work.
I miss you and the weird laughter you let out at my god awful jokes, I miss you and the way your eyes sparkle when you look at something you like, I miss you and the way you love me unconditionally even when i’m being a weird asshole.
I love you y/n, and I’ll see you tonight dove.
-The best boyfriend ever
ps. You mumbled my name in your sleep.. Having some good dreams huh ;)’
‘’I hate him so much’’ You say while grinning and holding the note towards your chest, your heart beating like crazy. It was weird he still had this affect on you despite dating for a few years, but you hoped this feeling never went away. Neatly folding the note back to how it was, you crawled to the edge of the bed and pulled out a container that was hidden under the bed. Popping the lid off, you placed the note from today alongside the other notes you’ve received over the weeks.
‘’I love you Keigo’’ You whisper lovingly before closing the box once more, sliding the box back under your bed. Picking up the rose you abandoned, you smiled at it. The red rose was beautiful, and it seemed your lover had taken the time to cut the thorns off it.
Shaking your head with a smile, you stood up and walked out the bedroom, your feet padding against the cold ground. ‘’God it’s freezing” You mumble out loud shivering physically, before heading into the kitchen. Opening the window above the sink, you see a cast of 7 different colored roses from this week alone. ‘’Here's your new home’’ You say softly to the red rose before placing it in the vase next to the others.
Leaning against the sink, your gaze wandered to the window or more specifically what's outside the window. The beautiful flowers that were blooming outside made your mood feel lighter, and hearing the kids laughter who was next door made your heart clench in joy.
You couldn’t wait to start a family with the love of your life.
Now that you were up, you would start your daily routine of going with the flow and seeing where the day would take you. Hoping that Keigo would keep his promise in the note and come home early so you could shower him with much needed affection
Sighing, you turned off the tv with the remote, eyes getting tired of staring at the same screen for hours. Looking over at the clock, you read it was currently 8pm. While your boyfriend said he’d be home tonight, it was starting to get late and you were questioning if he’d actually show.
Not that it’s his fault or anything, you knew his job could get stressful. Yet that wouldn’t stop the disappointment that started to set in, which was a very valid feeling.
Standing up you begin to head towards the bathroom, planning to simply take a bath before getting comfy in your bed and reading, a hobby you picked up after quarantine.
A voice shouts after forcefully kicking down the door, startling you and making you flinch. None other then Takami fucking Keigo was standing at the door, wings tucked neatly behind his back, huge grin on his face and two grocery bags in both hands.
‘’Keigo, you scared me’’ You say with an angry look before everything set in. ‘’Wait.. Keigo..’’ The light bulb in your head turned on and before your brain could process it anymore, you were flying across the room and jumping into your lovers arm.
Keigo let out a grunt at the sudden attack, but smiled at your innocent gesture. He placed the bags down and wrapped his arms around your body, spinning you around as he bear hugged you. ‘’I’ve missed you too’’ He says, kissing the top of your head. ‘’I told you’d I’d be home tonight, I hope you didn’t lose hope’’ He says as he grins down at your sheepish expression.
‘’No worries though’’ He comments before picking back up the backs he previously dropped. ‘’So, I have a whole plan in mind for tonight, which I am very excited for’’ He says before kicking the door shut and walking into the kitchen. He places the bags on the counter, ‘’So just sit back and relax and I’ll make this a date night you’ll never forget.’’
You tilt your head in curiosity, now wanting to know what this bird brain had planned, but you couldn’t help but get excited along with him. It had been a while since the two of you properly hung out with each other. ‘’So Mister ‘’I have everything planned out already’ what's on the agenda right now?
‘’Well Chickadee, we are gonna make dinner together’’ Keigo says with a bright smile, but cringe when he see’s your deadpanned expression. ‘’Don’t look at me like that dove, I promise it isn’t what you think it is’’
You saw through his desperate attempt to lie. ‘’Kiego did you plan on making chicken again’’ You say while staring him down, and when you see his head hang in shame you laugh. Stepping closer to the male you lift his head back up and press a quick kiss against his lips. ‘’It’s okay, I don’t mind having chicken for the seventh time in the row. Your cooking is actually pretty good’ You comment before stepping away, tying up your hair so you could help as well.
‘’WOO!’’ Keigo winked as he gave you finger guns, ‘’Chicken never gets old babe, thought you knew this’’ When you responded by throwing said bag of chicken at him he screeched before catching it and laughing.
You pull out your phone and play your favourite playlist, so the two of you could bop while cooking. ‘’Oh we can make cookies as dessert! It’s the one thing I can actually bake’’ You say sheepishly, sticking out your tongue when your lover nods in agreement.
With that, the two of you jammed quietly as you began the preparation of dinner.
While you were pouring the cups of flour into the big mixing bowl, you suddenly got the idea to terrorize the male who was singing quietly behind you. Scooping some in your hands, you turn around and innocently call out his name. You wait until the perfect moment. Which is when he turns around fast, a small smile on his face as he quirks his brow. He immediately see’s what you're about to do, but it's too late anyways.
You blow the white powder in your hand right at him, watching as he closes his eyes and screams. ‘’Y/N!! IT'S ON NOW’’
And while you thought this was a good idea at first, when you saw Keigo open his eyes and reveal the determination within them, you mentally cursed. And from there started the flour war, with the two of you giggling while throwing flour at each other.
It ended when you were running to throw some flour at him, but ended up instead eating shit and busting your ass on the wooden floor. Keigo, who was concerned, couldn’t help but start laughing as he helped you off, dusting the flour out of your hair. ‘’Oh gosh, we’ve made a mess of the kitchen’’
Looking around he was right, everywhere you looked there was flour, and now the two of you regretted ever touching the damn powder.
After some cleaning, and a mini dance session to a couple of songs, the food was finally ready and the two of you sat at the table eating together.
‘’Yeah there was this big spider and I was so scared, I yelled for you and then realized I’d have to get rid of it myself’’ You spoke between bites, your eyes lighting up as you continued telling the story of how a huge spider made its way inside your home.
Kiego just stared at you silently, his mind not even processing your words anymore. You were so cute when you started to ramble, he honestly missed the way you would get so into your stories. Sometimes he didn’t think you were real, you were too perfect. But he was glad you were his, because at the end of the day, he was wholeheartedly yours and he was glad you shared the sentiment.
You two continued to chat as you ate, nothing too important just random chatter to fill the silence. The two of you had so much to tell each other that you didn’t even know much time had passed. Two hours had passed by in the blink of the eye, and you didn’t notice until you glanced at the clock behind you. ‘’Wow it’s getting late’’ You comment, putting the dry dish where it was supposed to go, stepping away from the sink.
Keigo nods, ‘’Time sure does pass when you’re having fun’’ He says with a soft smile, before taking your hand in his, ‘’Come on, I have one more activity I wanna do before sleeping’’ He said as he picked up the last bag that was still sitting on the counter.
You nod, trying to get a peek inside the bag only to be met with him pulling it closer to his body. Letting out a pout, you followed as he pulled you upstairs, nearly sliping as your socks slid across the wooden stairs. ‘’Jeez, the stairs are trying to kill me’’ You complain, glad when the two of you reach the bedroom.
Kiego then whips around, ‘’You should go clean up, you know to get the flour out of your hair’’ He says nervously, and while you wanted to ask why he suddenly started acting weird, a voice inside your head told you just to listen. You simply nodded and gave him a grin, ‘’Okay I will, better not run away while I do’’ You say before going inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
Keigo lets out a deep breath, his eyes drifting to the bag in his hand. ‘’Don’t fail me now’’ he whispered  to himself as encouragement.
Finally done with washing your hair, and getting the flour out of random places you stared at the door in front of you. It was obvious he was doing something out there since you heard his hard footsteps running all around the place. Yet you wanted to give him all the time he needed, and the fact that he was trying to surprise you was cute.
Suddenly, you hear music start to play, making your brows furrow. It sounded like that one song..
‘’Dove you can come out now,,’’ You heard the slight panic in his voice, which made you nervous too. Pushing those feelings aside, you open the door and slowly peak out.
‘What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright’
You stand in shock as the lyrics start to reach your ears, which was the song the two of you danced to when he first confessed his love to you. The next thing that almost brought you to tears was the sight in front of you.
Standing in the dim moonlight, your lover was standing proud and tall in the balcony, a nervous smile on his face. Leading up to him were red and pink rose petals, some thrown on the bed as well.
‘’Keigo’’ You whisper as you start walking in his direction, not even caring that the petals stuck to your feet as you walked.
‘My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind’
You finally reach your lover, who in fact still has some flour in his hair. Yet that didn’t matter, because all you could see was his beautiful face, the way his blonde locks flowed in the wind, and how his golden eyes sparkled with an emotion you knew all too well.
‘’Hi my love, I wanted to end the night really special’’ Keigo whispers as his hands find their way to your waist, pulling you in as your arms wrapped around his neck.
’Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you’
The two of you start to sway to the song, your eyes staring into his honey coloured ones. You were caught in a trance, a trance you didn’t really mind at all.
You loved this man more than anything and anyone you knew. Even when he was being a weirdo or saying unfunny jokes, you always found him entertaining. You loved him and all his imperfections. Arguments never tend to last long between you guys as of the unconditional love you had for one another.
As the song started to come to an end, you laid your head on his shoulder, embracing this moment and engraving it in your mind. Tonight was simply perfect, and while the two of you didn’t do much, you still had a blast with your boyfriend.
’I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh’
You pulled your head off his shoulder when he started to sing the final lines of the song, a genuine smile on his face. ‘’Kei-’’ As the song turns off, he suddenly lets go of your waist and bends down onto one knee, his hand reaching inside his pocket.
‘’ Ah, so here I go’’ The male says as a blush covering  his face and running up to his ears. You stand there shocked, your hands coming up to cover your mouth.
‘’Quarantine has been pretty rough haha, but it has taught me a lesson. The world is a scary place, and when this virus pops out of nowhere, I’ve noticed that anything can happen. It’s scary to think that villains aren’t are only problems, but some killer disease could sweep over and take away our happy lives’’
Keigo takes a deep breath, before putting on a nervous smile.
‘’These last few days that I’ve been apart from you made me realize that I never, NEVER, want to be away from you again. I realized that I want to spend all my time that I have left here with you. Y/N, I love you so much’’ He laughs, ‘’I’ve been nothing but happy with you, and you bring out the best in me, and without you I wouldn’t have found myself. I never thought I’d find love, If anything, I just thought I was made to be a hero and nothing more. But I’ve figured out that I can be a hero and also love you.’’
‘’You are my pride and joy, my dove, my chickadee, my beautiful lover...What I’m trying to say is, I love your last name, But I’d prefer if you’d take mine’’
You giggle at his words, tears slipping down your face. You were speechless, and honestly couldn’t even compel yourself to say anything.
‘’Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest bird every and marry me?’’
You can’t help the shit eating grin on your face as you stare down at your lover, your best friend and the best thing that has ever happened to you. ‘’Keigo’’ You say as more tears fall down your face, your voice shaking as your brain processes everything that just happened. ‘’Yes duh! Who would say no to you’’ You yell, your bottom lip trembling as he stands up and slips the gorgeous diamond ring onto your finger, kissing the ring after he placed it.
‘’I love you’’ The two of you whisper at the same time, both of you gazing into each other's eyes. The both of you were crying, and it made it more special to see him showing so much emotion.
Keigo leaned in slowly, ‘’I’ve loved you for many years Y/N, and I’ll continue to love you until my dying days’’ He says softly before pressing his lips against yours, one hand holding your cheek and the other bringing your waist closer to him.
And with that, moonlight shined on the newly engaged couple, who still had their whole life ahead of them.
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eyeless-cunt · 3 years
You want pain? perish <3
~ have some definitely not angst-ridden reader insert ~
TWs for uhhhhh fire, death, and I think that's it
Ever since you met BEN— which was an ordeal in itself, something you wouldn't have made it out of if you cared more about your own mental health —you have found that it's best to pre-screen anything you say. However he was being a particularly pissy bitch one day, messing with your electricity and causing your phone to go on the fritz for some reason you didn't bother asking about because you knew you wouldn't get a straight answer, and it... well, it didn't go well.
"For the love of fuck, stop being a cunt or I'll find you and throw a bucket of water on you." A simple threat, one that would have made anyone else a bit confused and laugh.
But this was different. This was very different. Because you knew something about the dumb gamer boy that had been tormenting you, and it was his severe aversion to water.
Why this was you'd probably never know, but you'd found it out after dropping a glass you'd filled upon him appearing behind you, making him skitter back into your carpeted living room where the puddle wouldn't reach him.
At least your threat worked, but you could tell by the static in the room that you had upset him.
"Oh, stay mad and die about it." You huffed, turning on the couch to put your back to the doorway as you scrolled through your Tumblr dash. He probably wanted you to feel bad, but he was the one that started this and so you would not be apologizing.
It stayed this way for days, though. He'd appear in the corner of your eye, you'd roll your eyes and call out an insult along the lines of "If you have a problem with me, speak up or fuck off." and he'd leave for a while. Till the next day.
Before that you'd occasionally hold a conversation, mostly him trying to scare you and you just... being yourself. "I'm too badass for you to scare me like that. Try harder." Which would spark a discussion, usually about him trying to figure out what would scare you and you trying to figure out the best way to make him mad in an entertaining way.
This was less entertaining, since all he did was act grumpy in the corner and give you a splitting headache. It was getting annoying, and you didn't have the patience to keep dealing with that and everyone you had to talk to outside of that. Plus your friends (friends? Maybe closer to accomplices, you mostly got together and planned crimes you never ended up committing) were starting to get worried about you randomly insulting something they couldn't see. Of course, it wasn't too out of character, but it was still a bit concerning.
So... instead of continuing to be stubborn, which was something you wanted to continue doing much more than what you decided on, the next time he showed up (a Tuesday) you were civil. Mostly. "Fine, since you're gonna keep being a pain in the ass, can we talk? What's got your panties in a twist?"
It was silent for a count of five.
And then you heard his voice. His stupid, static-y, distorted, cute, dumb voice. You hadn't missed it. No way. That wasn't missing talking to him, it was being annoyed with his attitude. Obviously.
"What, tired of dying? So am I. It's not fun to deal with things like that, huh?" He snapped at you, but it was really just a relief that he'd decided to use words instead of cryptic hallucinations.
"No, duh. Obviously I didn't like it, or I'd have just left you to mope instead of apologizing. So are you gonna keep being a pissbaby or can we move the hell on?" You crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, which didn't seem to help the situation.
"... that was an apology? Seriously? You know I could kill you- drive you insane, end your life and move on with mine." He was getting more upset now. You could tell by the outlets starting to spark and smoke.
You decided to ignore it. "Like you have a life. If you did, you'd leave me the hell alone."
His voice raised. You swore you could smell something burning, but you were too busy staring him down. "You think I want to deal with your bitchiness?! You're cruel to everyone! I should have killed you the day I met you, I don't even know why I-" He was cut off by the carpet getting set aflame, but you weren't ready to stop this yet. If you were going to die, you'd do it on your own terms.
"Maybe you should've killed me! Cowardly bitch, won't even do it now! Just fuck off, I'll die how I want to die then." You turned and stormed deeper into the house- more specifically the kitchen. If you wanted you could use water to put it out, or just... be there. Away from the drama.
You winced as you heard a crunch beneath your foot, feeling glass drive its way into your heel. "Shit- fuck! Fuck shit cunt fuck shit-" You cursed the entire time it took you to hobble over to the sink, leaving a wobbly trail of bloody footsteps behind you.
The fire was growing bigger, now. But you couldn't hear any sign of BEN, so he'd probably gone. Left you here to go find someone else to torment. That was fine. It's fine. You're fine.
You lifted your foot up to the sink, propping it up on the metal rim to pick out the glass and wash it off. Not that it would matter in a few minutes, but you'd rather not be in pain the whole time.
Speaking of pain... fire hurt, didn't it? Damn. You hadn't thought that far ahead. The window above the sink didn't open- it hadn't since you bought this house. There might still be a path to the door, but that would take a chance of you admitting you didn't want to die to BEN and you'd rather-
Well. That left you in a bit of a predicament, didn't it? You cursed some more as you got the last of the glass out, turning on the faucet.
A few drops of water, but nothing else. Shit. You'd forgotten that the water company shut that off because of some 'burst line' or something. Assholes.
So instead of the water, you took a kitchen towel and wrapped it around your foot to go hobble somewhere else. The fire was making it a bit hard to breathe in there, anyways.
Shit, there wasn't anywhere else to go, really. Would this be the end? Would you still have to deal with BEN in the afterlife, or would you just fulfill the wishes of all those cunts in high school and go to hell? You didn't know. You didn't really want to know, honestly.
It was really hard to breathe, now. The fire licked at the walls of your kitchen, smoke filling your lungs. It wouldn't be long-
Suddenly you got a splitting headache, one that made you double over and lean heavily against the kitchen counter. Fuck. This would be the end, eh?
Dying in a fire because you fucked with an entity. Seems about right.
You didn't have long to think about it, though, because you blacked out. Probably hit your head on something, too.
Nothing. It was mostly nothing. You were vaguely aware of the fire as it consumed the rest of your home- with you still in it, but you were... already gone. It took a startlingly familiar shout to make you more aware, but you knew by then you were capital D Dead.
Or... were you?
Nope, definitely dead. But BEN wasn't happy about it, surprisingly. Why he wanted you to be alive you'd never know, but it was a little too late for that. Even though it... hurt to see him there, standing in the fire, looking just so... broken without you- you'd hardly known him. It was his own fault for getting attached. It was his own fault for being such a prissy bitch that you had to threaten him to get him to leave you alone. It was his own fault for making you clean up the mess he'd made. It was all his fault. It had to be. You hadn't done anything to make him act like that. Sure, you'd blown him off a couple times, but he'd met you. He couldn't expect you to show up to some dumb meeting in a park, especially when you had a perfectly good house to stay at. He couldn't expect you to want to go out into public, especially not with people around.
It was his fault, of course. It had to be his fault. You hadn't done anything but act exactly how you always acted, and if he couldn't handle it he'd have to deal with the consequences himself. If he didn't want you dead, he should've left you alone. Shouldn't have made you get attached to his dumb face, care about his stupid interests, listen to him talk about his idiotic games...
It was his fault. All his fault. -🎃
pumpkin i KNOW you intended for this to be angsty but i simply ,,,,,,,,,,,, reader deserved to die i dno what to tell you
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