#and Prosecco is a kind of sparkling wine.
barachiki · 1 year
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Lestrade mulls things over with his cat, Prosecco.
the #Lestrade_with_a_kitten tag where you can learn about cats, Lestrade and other such nonsense!
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luintheworld · 9 months
No editing or fancy designs here, just a little something I worked on as I was very bored at a NYE party. Some soft Frankie to start off your year right!! :)
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Frankie x reader New Year’s Eve party
We aren’t the kind of people to go to parties.
Lest the party of the friend of a friend 40 minutes away, one which required hiring a nanny and braving the New Year’s traffic on the highway.
Yet, here I was in a long blue-and-white striped dress and a full face of makeup, holding a glass of wine and making small talk with people I barely knew.
Pope had convinced Frankie to go to his fiancée’s cousin’s New Year’s Eve party, (of course he did, Pope is the only person whose words mattered as much as mine), but seeing as my husband’s best friend usually only spends two months in the US each year, I agreed.
Granted, the penthouse was stunning. I didn’t know Pope’s fiancée very well, but from what her tía had shared in the hour we’ve been standing in the corner, he was some sort of big real estate guy. The apartment was one of those multi-million, ultra-modern Miami Beach developments with panoramic views of the ocean.
I was promised a fun night to decompress from our hectic year with unlimited top-quality liquor and the usual Pope and Frankie banter.
Instead I was posted on the corner, keeping watch of the drunk tías and screaming children.
At least the wine was good.
Frankie had long since been whisked away by Pope and his gaggle of soon to be in-laws, caught up in their boisterous, beer-stained conversation. I couldn’t even be mad, just looking at him across the room.
The yellow light hit his face just right, illuminating the smile lines and soft wrinkles I so love. It was a different kind of joy on his face when he’s with Pope- boyish and carefree, stupid in the best way. They’ve gone through so much together… it’s a bond I wouldn’t dare interfere with, especially since their meetings are getting rarer.
So I mingled with some other wallflowers and ate three servings of flan, letting Frankie be Frankie. The flip side is that once he starts drinking with Pope, they won’t stop.
Since settling down after his official unofficial retirement and dedicating himself to being a dad, Frankie’s rarely drank and never used. But I know how it goes with Pope, and that’s alright, he deserved that night off more than anyone.
And that means that I was the designated driver. Someone had to get us home safe and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be Frankie. So is the nature of marriage… We've learned the hard way after 9 years.
I put down my glass, but instead of sitting through another hour of Tía Elena and her friend’s many surgeries, I decided to step outside onto the balcony.
The ocean air hit my face in a gentle breeze, carrying with it the salty smell of the sea below. I breathed it all in and there I stood, my arms draped on the glass railing, the loud chatters and upbeat music muffled behind me.
It was peaceful and beautiful, with the city lights below. After everything Frankie and I have been through, I was beyond thankful for that moment of grace. We are fully, completely happy.
We have a house and three kids and a dog. We have each other.
In the darkest moments I was sure I would never see him smile again, yet here I stood at the precipice of a new year with joy on all sides.
“Diez… Nueve…”
The crowd inside started chanting when the music stopped.
I turned around to see Frankie, two glasses of Prosecco in hand.
Tía Elena opened the sliding door for him.
“Seis… Cinco…”
He counts down with a smile on his face, handing me the glass.
I take it and he holds me by the waist with his free hand.
“Tres… Dos…”
We say together in excited anticipation.
“Uno… Happy New Year!”
Screams and whistles erupt from the street and the apartment alike. Neither of us have too much attention to the sparkling wine or the fireworks, instead our lips met through our smiling mouths and let out sweet whispered “I love you”s.
“I’m sorry, amor. This isn’t what I promised,” he said, still holding me with his gruff hands and my gaze in his mahogany eyes.
“Frankie, it’s okay. You have to enjoy Pope while he’s here.”
“I don’t deserve you,”
He sounded surprisingly serious (despite the stench of beer on his breath) as his puppy dog eyes shimmered against the golden fireworks.
“I’m so lucky to have you, Frankie. Happy new year, my love.” I gave him a peck on the cheek.
It was going to be a good year, I thought as my head rested on his chest and we watched the multicolored fireworks color the night.
It was going to be a good year.
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froizetta · 11 months
WIP Wednesday: Brucie's guide to avoiding traffic jams
This week, here's something from the cutting room floor of my ongoing fic (Love) Triangles, presented with minimal context so as to avoid spoilers. This scene was meant to introduce Bruce's/Brucie's POV but it ended up not fitting, which is kinda sad because I liked how it turned out. So here it is, in case I don't manage to work it in somewhere after all!
It was a crisp autumn evening in central Metropolis. The rain that plagued Gotham had miraculously ceased almost the instant he’d crossed over into her sister city, which was both meteorologically improbable and completely unsurprising. Rather than hurrying along under dark coats and umbrellas, the citizens here seemed content to stroll casually along well-lit streets. There were areas of Metropolis that were more subdued, closer to what Bruce was used to. But here in the center of things, everything was bold and new and shiny even at night, gleaming art deco illuminated by sun-yellow streetlights. Glancing around, all Bruce could see was shining chrome and twinkling glass.
He suppressed the urge to grimace. Instead he scanned the sidewalk until he found what he was looking for and plastered on his most charming smile. “Hey there, Mr. Parking Valet? Could you come over here, please?” he called out.
Hearing a faint voice over the hum of background traffic, the man glanced around in confusion for several seconds before his eyes landed on Bruce, halfway out of his car and waving at him enthusiastically. The valet blinked and pointed to himself questioningly. Bruce nodded encouragingly and beckoned him over.
Warily, the valet approached. He was young, younger than Bruce, probably early to mid twenties with a neatly styled mop of mousy brown hair and a skillfully pressed uniform. Worn leather shoes carefully polished until they shone. He probably would struggle to afford a room at the hotel he worked at, but he took his job seriously. He wanted to impress.
He would do.
“Can I help you, sir?” he asked politely.
Bruce beamed. “Why yes, you sure can, um…” He squinted at the man’s nametag. “Jeremy. Sorry for calling you over so rudely like that, I can’t exactly leave the car when it’s running. That would be terribly unsafe, you know.”
Jeremy glanced at the car. Bruce could spot the exact moment the guy twigged the make and model: a rapid blink, the slightest raising of his eyebrows. When he lifted his gaze, his eyes swept across Bruce’s watch and the expensive cut of his tux.
“Ah, yes, sir. I understand,” Jeremy said smoothly.
He’d decided to humor him. Perfect.
“Oh, I’m so glad,” Bruce gushed. “I knew as soon as I saw you across the street that you’d be an understanding fellow.”
He tipped his head politely. “You’re too kind, sir.”
“What can I say? I call it like I see it, Gerald, that’s just how I am.”
Jeremy’s poker face was admirable – not so much as a twitch. He was going to go far in this business.
“But enough about that,” Bruce continued, smiling broadly. “As to the reason I called you here…well, I’m actually in something of a fix! You see, I’m supposed to be at an event at that building over there—” here, he indicated Lexcorp’s ostentatious façade with his right hand and frowned at the watch on his left “—oh, about an hour and a half ago, now. And there comes a point whereby I’m no longer fashionably late but rather I’ve very unfashionably missed all the fun – and, most importantly, the most palatable offerings from the champagne selection. You can relate, I’m sure.”
“Of course, sir,” Jeremy said, nodding soberly.
“Of course,” Bruce agreed, equally soberly. “But as you can see, this terrible traffic is just not budging! By the time I’m unstuck from this jam, the only sparkling wine left at the open bar will probably be prosecco. Prosecco! I mean, can you imagine?”
“No, sir,” Jeremy said.
“No indeed!” he cried. “So you see, I was wondering if you might park my car for me in the parking lot of your fine hotel and save me the aggravation of missing my party. I would of course compensate you for your time, but you’d truly be doing me a wonderful service.”
Jeremy’s expression turned politely apologetic. “Well, sir, I’m afraid the parking lot is reserved for those who have rooms in the hotel. As much as I’d love to help you, I wouldn’t like to get in trouble with my boss.”
Bruce nodded. “That’s understandable, Jermaine. I wouldn’t want for a nice man like yourself to get into any trouble. Although…are you sure we can’t come to some kind of arrangement?” He raised an eyebrow meaningfully. “I’m an extremely generous tipper, you see.”
Jeremy blinked. “Oh. How extremely generous, exactly, if I might ask?”
Bruce said nothing and smiled wider.
Jeremy glanced once more at the watch and swallowed. And then, after a brief moment of consideration, he said with a bright, professional smile, “Very well, sir! I’d be happy to help.”
Bruce gave his shoulder a jovial slap. “There’s a good man! I knew you’d come through for me.”
He pulled out a handful of bills from his wallet and handed them over, along with his car keys and a business card. Jeremy’s eyes went wide. “Take my card. If your bosses give you any trouble over this, just call this number. I’m confident my secretary can work something out with them.”
Jeremy’s eyebrows were at his hairline now. Bruce wasn’t sure whether it was because of the neat stack of hundreds he’d just been handed or the name on the card – but in the end, it didn’t really matter, did it? The end result was the same.
“I— Of course, sir! Thank you for your generosity.”
“No, Geoffrey,” Bruce said emphatically, taking the man by his shoulders and looking him dead in the eye. “Thank you.”
He left a grateful Jeremy with his still-running car and hurried the remaining block over to Lexcorp.
He’d wasted enough time already as it was.
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needtoloveoutloud · 7 days
I know I've got minors following me (I think they are minors?) so if stuff like smoking and alcohol stuff bugs you, feel free to skip this post, sweet summer children (then again, Aizawa smokes in my fanfiction, so... yeah? :D)
I miss smoking so much, damn
And I miss sipping some wine or some sparkling wine/prosecco/crémant or whatever you wanna call it.
And Lillet Wildberry or Grapefruit or Passionfruit or whatever kind of fruity tonic I've got available.
Especially with moving last week (everything is still messy as hell and we've still got unpacked boxes lying around), I would have loved to get some breaks and have a little cigarette as a reward for all the stress.
And at home? While I'm writing on my silly little brainrot that I love so much? I smoked some e-cigarettes every now and then (it doesn't stink, so it can be smoked indoors), it was just something I did casually while writing, and I know it's unhealthy as fuck, but everybody has their vices lol
So, instead of smoking while working/writing, I just keep on snacking and eating a lot? I'm sure I'll gain a lot of weight lol
(Well, I will anyways for very happy reasons but anywaaaays)
I think most of it is because it keeps the hands busy. It's such a habit to have something in your hand and put it towards your mouth every now and then (pls, this is not an 18+ post I just don't know how else to word it lol), and I honestly think it's less about the nicotine and stuff?
idk, internet void, i just don't know
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stormyoceans · 3 months
Honesty Hour. What alcoholic drinks do you prefer? Is there something you want to taste? Your recommendations.
sorry for the late reply anon!!!!!! i completely missed the notification for your message yesterday ;;;;;;;
im not the biggest alcohol consumer or connoisseur tbh, i started to drink a bit more now that im older and it's mostly just me in the alcohol section of a supermarket going 'oh this bottle is so pretty maybe i should try this!!!!' so you know. not exactly what experts do ;;;;;;;;
im still gonna try to do a quick overview of what i usually drink and hopefully it's gonna be even just mildly interesting!!!! OKAY SO
beer: stouts are my least favorite kind but i can drink pretty much everything and i really like trying new ones tbh. i'd say a leffe blonde is usually my go to beer for a relaxing saturday evening, although my ultimate favorite is the grimbergen belgian pale ale. i am IN LOVE with this beer and even my sister who doesn't drink at all likes it THAT'S HOW GOOD THIS IS. unfortunately the only place i can find it it's at a restaurant in my town???? which is probably for the best actually because the consumption levels would become slightly worrying otherwise ;;;;;;;
wine: i personally like white more than red, sparkling more than still, and dry more than sweet, so my go to is usually a prosecco or a pinot grigio. the one red wine i get from time to time is blood of judas because it's sparkling and it's from my region. also justice for rosé!!!!!! they just hate to see a girlboss win.
liqueur: my dad used to love liqueurs so i grew up drinking very small amounts of limoncello and vov and they're still very dear to my heart. also i LOVE any kind of baileys, especially the original irish cream, which is great with coffee or ice cream too.
cocktail: this is where my 'knowledge' (if that's how we can call it ;;;;;;) kinda stops. when im out i usually drink an aperol spritz or a mimosa which are both prosecco based, but i would love to try new stuff tbh. unfortunately i don't have many chances to ;;;;;;;;
that's pretty much it, i think. i do keep a bottle of vodka in the house for cooking (pasta alla vodka is just [chef's kiss]) but i don't really like to drink it straight like that, which is why i would love to try a lemon drop or a cosmopolitan or a white russian to see if i like it more mixed in with other stuff. also one day i will try whisky, i just have to commit to it
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infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
A Charm with Wine
"It is not wine I drink in this glass,
but the blood of the queen of witches all
to pulse through the vines of my body.
I kiss my hand to the moon
and pray that she will watch over
my house, my harvest, and my craft
and bring good fortune to my land."
This one was too hard to resist sharing on New Years Eve! Go ahead and use it for your champagne, prosecco, or other sparkling wine toasts! It is more so meant for rich, deep reds but hey, it works for any kind. Why not make tonight extra special with some spell bling?
Since I'm struggling to link this, it is from the book "The Witch's Art Of Incantation" by Roger J. Horne.
If you haven't checked out one of his books yet, please make it a 2023 goal of yours. They are perfect if you are into folk or traditional witchcraft.
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myowndesertplaces · 2 years
Night at the Bar in Whitestone
VEX: Darling, just try it.
PERCY: Vex'ahlia, it is a waste of a perfectly good sparkling wine, and is an insult to the master winemaker who crafted it. Second, negroni's are well balanced on their own between the bitterness of the campari and the juniper of the gin... though a boulevardier in winter is quite nice. Regardless, adding "with prosecco" is entirely unnecessary.
KEYLETH: Vex! Percy! Have you tried one yet? It's kind of bitter, but the bubbles are really nice. This is my third. Oh my gods, Pike would LOVE this! Where is she?! Pike!!! Tary!!
VEX: Barkeep, I'll have a dry martini.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Prosecco Day 
National Prosecco Day on August 13 is the day to let loose. At a time of year when summer is coming to an end, the season must be taken advantage of. Whether throwing a party with friends or hitting a festival, Prosecco will lighten any mood. Prosecco is a sparkling wine made in Veneto, Italy, and is the most sold sparkler in the United States. But what makes prosecco a show-stopper is its mousse. This is the bubbles which give that extra pizazz, perfect for celebrations. Prosecco’s sweet taste and light aroma makes it a wine known for fun and that’s why National Prosecco Day was created. Join us in celebrating this drink and all the fun facts.
History of National Prosecco Day
National Prosecco Day was founded by none other than Riondo Prosecco. It was chosen to be on August 13 due to the timing of summer, with the intention of  prosecco being fitting to drink sparkles in summer because of the kind of sparkly drink it is.
Riondo Prosecco actually earned the number one Prosecco title in 2010, also winning a Gold Medal for Minner Vinitaly in 2011.  The brand was actually, believe it or not, acquired by Terlato Wines in January of 2016.
Prosecco was named after the Italian village of Prosecco, which is also named after the Prosecco grape. Apart from the sparkling wine we all know and love, it is also made and available in a still wine.
The first known spelling of prosecco was in fact ‘‘Prosecho’’, mentioned by a Englishman named Fynes Moryson who visited the north of Italy. Moryson noted ‘‘Prosecho’’ as among the famous wines in Italy in 1593. Production techniques were altered and improved, and a higher quality wine was produced.
During the millennium, the New York Times reported a sharp spike in global sales of prosecco outside Italy, aided by the fact that the price of this high-quality wine was relatively low. Consumption in the UK ballooned with one quarter of Italian production being exported there by 2010. This was the start of a big change in the wine industry, and prosecco continues being one of the most sold wines in the US today.
National Prosecco Day timeline
1754 Book Note
The word prosecco appears in a book called ‘‘II Roccolo Ditirambo” for the first time.
2000 Cheers to That
Prosecco is introduced into the mainstream US market.
2008 Going Up
The sales of prosecco show an incredible growth trend.
2018 Factory Facts
600 million bottles of prosecco are produced this year alone.
How To Celebrate National Prosecco Day
Drink it
Share your time with it
Throw a Prosecco party
It’s as simple as picking up a couple of bottles of prosecco, inviting some friends over and savoring summer’s end.
Share the sentiment on social media with #NationalProseccoDay.
Enjoy prosecco with friends over crab cakes and scallops on the beach or with goat cheese, prosciutto, and fresh garden tomatoes at your summer table.
5 Interesting Facts About Prosecco
Sold out
So damn bubbly..
Fermenting in the tank
What? No! More!
Only here, ok..
Prosecco has surpassed selling the 4 million case mark.
Spumante is the bubbliest of the proseccos.
The majority of Prosecco is made in the Charmat method, aka with a tank.
In 2016, Prosecco suppliers almost ran out of Prosecco in the UK.
Due to trademark, prosecco can only be produced in certain areas of Italy.
Why We Love National Prosecco Day
The pricetag
The good life
A reminder
Prosecco is known for being cheap and cheerful. Pair a popular wine with a reasonable price tag, and you’ve got a winner! This means prosecco is a cause for celebration during this day. Most people simply love it because of the price as well as the taste.
Prosecco is said to reflect accurately what the Italians call ‘‘La dolce vita,’’ meaning the good life. It reflects an ambiance the creators wanted people to feel due to the drinks light but fruity taste.
Prosecco will forever remind us of summer due to the flavour and notes of pear and apple, no matter what season it is consumed. This day celebrates the versatility of prosecco and its crispness.
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ashtcnirwinx · 2 months
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Le Parisian (Grey goose pear | st germain elderflower | fresh cucumber | fresh lemon juice | simple syrup | soda water )
Lost on Sunset (Blanco tequila | pineapple | lime | el burma tonic | celery bitters)
Paloma (Blanco tequila | grapefruit juice | simple syrup | soda water | fresh lime juice | served over ice)
Camera Ready (Grapefruit vodka | amaro montenegro | cinnamon | frangelico | lemon)
The Picnic (Blanco tequila | watermelon | jalepeno infused-cointreau | st germain | mezcal)
( All drinks available as mocktails as well)
The bar also includes a selection of white wines, sparkling wines, prosecco, beer, and different kinds of whiskey.
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kingjamesroystonpub · 5 months
King James Royston Pub - Happy Hour
With all the stress and worry that comes with daily life, a lot of people need to take some time to rest and relax. People love Happy Hour, which has been going on for a long time and brings people together to talk over food and drinks. We're going to talk about what makes Happy Hour special and what kinds of things are usually served at these events. We shine a light on King James Royston Pub Happy Hour, where the deals are tempting and plentiful.
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Happy Hour, what is it?
People who like to drink can get half-priced alcoholic drinks at many places, like restaurants, clubs, and bars, during what is called "Happy Hour." This idea came from the US in the 1920s. Bars tried to bring in more customers during slow times of the day by having "Happy Hour." It turned into a craze that people all over the world loved as time went on.
Why Happy Hour Is So Important
Happy Hour is more than just cheap drinks; it's a time for people to unwind, meet new people, and forget about their troubles for a while. Happy Hour is a fun time to unwind and hang out with friends, whether you're enjoying a big event or just wanting to hang out.
What Can You Get At Happy Hour?
Any given establishment could have a wide range of drinking drinks available during Happy Hour. What about the other types? To give you an idea of what they are, here is a general outline:
Beers -
A lot of beer fans pick lagers during Happy Hour because they are crisp and cool. Pale lagers, pilsners, and light in colour are some examples.
The different smells and tastes of ales make them enjoyable for many. Certain types of beer are very popular, like amber beers, pale ales, and India pale ales (IPAs).
Stouts and Porters:
These beers are rich and full-bodied, so people who like darker, maltier beers tend to like stouts and porters. A lot of the time, this kind of music sounds like chocolate, coffee, or roasted grains.
Unique Beers: 
In the past few years, craft breweries have become very famous because they make so many unique and creative types of beer. Craft beers, like fruity sour ales and strong double IPAs, are a must-have for Happy Hour options. Try some of the unique Burger and British beer pairings at the King James Royston Pub.
Red Wines:
During Happy Hour, enjoy a glass of a strong red wine. They are full-bodied and rich. Different types of red wine, like Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, give people a wide range of tastes, from sweet to earthy. 
White Wines:
Happy Hours outside are great with white wines because they are crisp and have a light acidity. A few of the most fruity and acidic types of wine are Chardonnay, Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc.
Rosé Wines:
Rosé wines are popular in the summer because they are light pink and have a delicate taste. They are also great for parties outside. Many of these wines, which tend to be on the lighter side, smell like strawberries, lemon, and flowers.
Sparkling Wines:
A classy drink of sparkling wine is the best way to celebrate an important event. Champagne, Prosecco, or Cava are the perfect wines to end a drink party on a high note.
Cocktails -
Classic Cocktails:
Crafting Signature Cocktails like the Martini, Manhattan, and Old Fashioned are always a good choice at Happy Hour. Always in style are cocktails like this one, which are made with fine spirits and taste great.
Tempting Tropical Drinks:
With a Piña Colada, a Mojito, or a Mai Tai, you can escape to a tropical paradise. Enjoy one of these cool drinks in the summer when it's hot outside. They are made with rum, herbs, and tropical fruits.
Artisanal Cocktails:
They push the edges of what's possible in the art form of mixing drinks with each new recipe. During Happy Hour, craft cocktails, like smoked drinks and molecular mixology projects, offer a unique way to drink.
Mocktails: :
Anyone who wants something cool to drink without the booze can try a mocktail instead of an alcoholic cocktail. All of these mocktails, from alcohol-free Margaritas to mojitos without alcohol, are sure to please any taste.
Vodka, with its numerous uses, is an essential ingredient in both traditional and modern drinks. Whether you prefer it neat or in a cocktail, vodka provides a crisp, neutral foundation that brings out the best in other flavours.
Whisky flavours and types range from bourbon to Scotch, so there's sure to be one that suits your taste. Whisky enhances any Happy Hour with its rich flavour and complexity, whether enjoyed plain, on the rocks or mixed with other cocktails.
Many cocktail connoisseurs like rum, a sugarcane-derived liquor that comes in a variety of flavours, including mild, dark, and spiced rum. Rum adds a tropical touch to Happy Hour cocktails like traditional Daiquiris and more adventurous Tiki beverages.
Many people in the mixology community adore gin for its refreshing flavour and herbal scent. A lot of people who frequent Happy Hour bars prefer gin-based drinks, such as the traditional Gin and Tonic or the revitalising Tom Collins.
Smooth tequila:
Celebration and fiesta are inseparable when it comes to tequila-based cocktails, such as Margaritas and Tequila Sunrises. The blue agave plant is the source of tequila, a spirit that will liven up any cocktail party.
Enjoy King James Royston Pub - Happy Hour 
Famous for its welcoming atmosphere, great Happy Hour deals, and attentive service, King James Royston Pub is centrally located in the city. People swarm to the bar every weekday from 3 to 6 in the afternoon to take advantage of the enticing buy-two-get-one-free offer on certain alcoholic beverages.
A Taste of the Best:
Happy Hour at King James Royston Pub is an event to savour, not merely a time to save money on beverages. No matter your taste in beer, wine, or cocktails, you're sure to find something you love. Enjoy a refreshing pint of beer, a glass of wine, or a cocktail made by the skilled bartenders of the pub.
Enhancing the Beverages:
King James Royston Pub has a tempting assortment of food and appetisers to go along with their drinks, so you may nibble on those as you chat with friends. All of the dishes are meticulously prepared using the best ingredients, ranging from traditional pub fare like fish and chips to gourmet snacks like bruschetta and truffle fries.
Making Memories:
The sense of family that develops during Happy Hour at King James Royston Pub is probably the best part. Gathering around tables with friends, telling tales and laughing creates memories that will remain forever. You can have a fantastic Happy Hour at King James Royston Pub, whether you're meeting up with old friends or making new ones.
Last but not least, Happy Hour is more than simply a time for reduced beverages; it's a long-standing custom that unites people in a joyous celebration of mundane joys. Enjoying Happy Hour with friends is a great way to relax, mingle, and make lasting memories, whether you're at your local watering hole or the King James Royston Pub from Monday to Friday, from 3 pm to 6 pm. Apart from Happy Hour, we also entertain our customers with Karaoke Night every alternate Friday and Quiz Night every Monday. Those who are interested in Quiz Night can gather a group of 6 and participate to win great prizes.
If you're ever in need of a break from the monotony of everyday life, why not celebrate Happy Hour with us?
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crystalglassesonline · 7 months
Buy Crystal Glasses Online to Enjoy Your Beverages
When it comes to drinking your favourite beverages, choosing the right type of vessel is very important. These vessels will help you enhance your beverages, ensuring you get the most out of them. Whether you’re sipping red wine or pink lady, the right kind of glass will make it taste better and more enjoyable.
However, you can check out one of the leading drinkware brands, Table Joy, to buy the right kind of glasses for you. They have a wide range of drinkware for different purposes, like shot glasses, beer glasses, wine glasses, and so on. Well, you can buy drinkware online from their store.
But the question is, how do you know which glass is best for you? So, don’t worry; this blog is for you, as we’ll be discussing crystal glasses such as wine and cocktail glasses.
Wine Glass
Wine lovers know the importance of choosing the right glassware to fully enjoy and appreciate the complexities of their favourite varieties. You’ll find different wine glasses’ shapes and sizes that are designed to enhance the characteristics of the wine. For example:
Red Wine Glass: This kind of glass has a large bowl and a wide opening that allows the wine to aerate and release its aromas, while also giving plenty of space to swirl it before you drink it.
White Wine Glass: White wine glasses are narrow and tall. This glass helps preserve the wine’s delicate aromas, maintaining a cooler temperature.
Sparkling Wine Glass (Flute): With their elongated shape, champagne flutes are designed in such a way that they will show bubbles and the effervescence of sparkling wines like Champagne and Prosecco. To enjoy and elevate the flavour of your drinks, you can buy crystal glasses online from the most prominent brands.
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Cocktail Glass
You’ll find different types of cocktail glasses that come in different sizes and shapes to cater to different types of cocktails. From the classic martini glass to the elegant coupe, we’ve listed some of them below:
Martini Glass: It is an iconic and sophisticated type of glass. This glass is characterised by its triangular shape and long stem, which makes it perfect for serving classic cocktails like martinis and cosmopolitans.
Coupes: This kind of glass usually features a shallow, saucer-like bowl at the top of a short stem. This type of glass is ideal for serving desserts, champagne cocktails, daiquiris, and sidecars.
Highball Glass: Tall and slender, highball glasses are ideal for serving mixed drinks like mojitos, gin and tonics, and whiskey highballs, which allow plenty of room for you to garnish and ice your drink. On the contrary, you can buy beer glasses online from one of the leading brands.
Choosing the right kind of glassware will not only help you make your beverages taste better, but it will also help you get the most flavour out of your beverage. Whether you are hosting a party or just looking for the perfect crystal glass for your everyday use, you can always count on Table Joy. It is the best place to buy beer mugs online and other types of glassware.
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thehungrykat1 · 8 months
Sakagura and JETRO Presents The Art of Japanese Liquor
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The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) recently hosted an exquisite Japanese wine and sake pairing dinner called The Art of Japanese Liquor at Sakagura in Bonifacio Global City. Together with industry partners Philippine Wine Merchants, Hightower, and Mitsukoshi Fresh, JETRO introduced its VIP guests to some of the finest sake and shochu cocktails in the country, paired with the freshest seafood and wagyu dishes from Sakagura.
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The exclusive dinner event happened last February 1, 2024 at the new Sakagura izakaya and sake bar located on the second floor of One Bonifacio High Street Mall in Bonifacio Global City. The Hungry Kat was one of the few selected guests invited to this one of a kind sake pairing to promote the unique Japanese liquors available in the country.
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Indulge in the art of Japanese cuisine at Sakagura, which opened its doors to the public only late last year. This new premium sake bar is from The Nikkei Group which also owns and operates popular brands like Nikkei Nama Bar, Sunae Asian Kitchen, and Terraza Martinez, among others. Sakagura offers a selection of premium sakes from renowned Japanese breweries which you won't often find in other Japanese restaurants.
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It was just our first time to visit Sakagura so I was happy to find some familiar faces including the evening's host Gail Sotelo and Nikkei Group marketing manager Monica Modomo.
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Guests were ushered to their seats where a medley of premium Japanese cocktails will be introduced and served throughout the evening, all paired with lovely dishes from Sakagura.
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The Art of Japanese Liquor actually started even before we got to sit down. Guests got a small taste of what was to come with their Welcome Drink, the Aperol Spritz blended with sparkling sake.
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I love drinking Aperol Spritz which is an Italian cocktail, but Sakagura gives it a unique Japanese twist by using sake instead of Prosecco.
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We also got to chat with The Nikkei Group owner Carlo Lorenzana together with JETRO Manila Director Makoto Sudo who works with retailers and restaurant owners to connect them with the best Japanese wine suppliers available.
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Mr. Sudo-san, as he is fondly called, welcomed all the guests to The Art of Japanese Liquor and gave a brief introduction to Japanese wine including the differences between sake and shochu.
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All these premium Japanese liquors are available at Mitsukoshi Fresh BGC, one of our favorites supermarkets where we can always find amazing Japanese products at very reasonable prices. JETRO has worked with Mitsukoshi Fresh to bring these authentic Japanese liquor to the Philippines
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Our table was very excited to explore these colorful Japanese cocktails. Joining us were Ms. Heidi Ng, a journalist who also happens to be a classmate of my husband back in Ateneo; Ms. Jackie Lorenzana, owner of The Nikkei Group; and Attorney Karen Jimeno who we have seen countless times on the news for her cases and advocacies.
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We started our adventure with the Nihon Sidecar which is made with Daiyame Sweet Potato Shochu, lemon juice, cointreau, aperol, and brown sugar. This is a sweet and refreshing cocktail that can be enjoyed any time of the day.
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Our delightful beverages were paired with a sample of the best bar chows you can find courtesy of Sakagura Executive Chef Yonemoto Kazumasa. Chef Yonemoto crafted the evening's dinner from the day's freshest catch.
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I heard that Sakagura flies in their seafood straight from Japan every week, so we knew we were getting the best quality items as if we were eating in Tokyo. The Sakagura Sashimi (P1,680) is a platter featuring the Chef's Choice of the day's best sashimi cuts like Toro Tuna, Salmon and Hamachi sashimi. 
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We can really tell by the color and tenderness of the sashimi that these are really fresh. We got to explore some of the restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka last year and I have to admit that dining at Sakagura is as close as you can get to actually being there in Japan.
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There were several other cocktails to try on the menu. The Yuzu Margarita is also made with Daiyame Sweet Potato Shochu together with Arette Blanco tequilla, lime juice and simple syrup. This is a more powerful combination for those that want a stronger cocktail.
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We had this with the Hamachi Tataki, a harmonious mix of tender hamachi, refreshing cucumber, and smooth avocado, finished with a tangy yuzu mayo and kosho.
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Next up was the Sakagura Martini which brings together Kakushigura Barrel Barley Shochu with Masamune "Malola" Junmai Ginjo Sake, Tanqueray Gin, and Takara Mio Sparking Sake. Now this is a combination that really gives a strong kick.
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The Assorted Sakagura Handrolls (P2,250) is one of the restaurant's unique specialties. This is a culinary mosaic made of the finest ingredients. The handrolls are each made with kani, uni, hamachi, salmon and tuna, all prepared with their own ingredients. The Salmon handroll is the perfect blend of tender trout, creamy avocado, and rich cream cheese rolled to perfection. On the other hand, the Uni Ikura handroll comes with Hokkaido's sea urchin, ikura, and Nikkei sauce.
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To make the evening even more special, the Japanese Wagyu Skewers (P980) was a savory complement to all of the Japanese cocktails. These tender wagyu cubes were grilled perfectly, with each bite bursting with flavors.
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The last drink I tried was the Kagoshima Gimlet which combines Kakushigura Barrel Barley Shochu with lime juice and simple syrup. After having a taste of all four cocktails, I think my personal favorite would be the Sakagura Martini for its rich and strong mix of spirits.
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It seems that they were saving the best for last as Sakagura brought out the highlight of the evening, their signature Miso Bone Marrow (P750).
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This beautiful slab of glistening bone marrow is served on its own individual griller and perfectly paired with uni butter onigiri. This is a dish that speaks volumes of the intricacy of Japanese cuisine. You can eat both items separately, but better yet, slather some bone marrow on top of the hot onigiri for a more indulgent experience.
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For dessert, we had out choice of Hokkaido Mille Crepe Cakes (P380) in both matcha and chocolate flavors. This was topped off with some ice cream for a fantastic finish.
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We would like to thank Sunny Ku of Mastermind Asia Communications Inc. for inviting us to join this special evening filled with delicious Japanese food and drinks. We really love Japanese cuisine so we absolutely enjoyed The Art of Japanese Liquor. Thank you to JETRO and The Nikkei Group for hosting this fabulous event.
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2/F One Bonifacio Mall, 28th Street, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig
(0956) 029-4791
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funkatello · 1 year
Savor the Flavors: A Tour of Sydney's Italian Restaurants
A booming Italian restaurant scene that takes visitors to the very core of Italy's culinary traditions can be found in Sydney, a city renowned for its rich culture and varied gastronomic environment. Sydney's Italian restaurants, from quaint trattorias to sleek newcomers, take diners on a fascinating culinary tour of Italy. Sydney's Italian restaurants provide something for every diner, whether they prefer traditional pasta meals or are curious to try something new.
True Italian Flavours
Italian food is well-known for its straightforward taste and its use of fresh, high-quality ingredients. The Italian restaurants in Sydney adhere to these traditions, using local and international ingredients to produce genuine Italian dishes. Italian restaurant Sydney will provide you the best food. From the robust Tuscan ribollita to the delicate seafood of the Amalfi Coast, diners may enjoy meals that pay respect to regional characteristics.
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Contrast and variation
There is almost as much variety in the Italian restaurants in Sydney as there is in the several regions of Italy. There is a diverse selection of Italian restaurants to choose from in Sydney, each offering its own unique take on Italian cuisine. Stanley street restaurants are preferred by many people. These restaurants provide everything from classic meals like pizza Margherita and carbonara to more modern specialties like caprese salad and even vegan alternatives.
Italian Cuisine and Wine
A well-thought-out wine list is essential for a genuine Italian meal. Sydney's Italian restaurants include extensive wine lists from which patrons may choose the appropriate bottle to complement their meal. Darlinghurst restaurant is indeed the best. The wine list complements the meal and creates a more enjoyable eating experience, whether one chooses a bold red from Tuscany, a crisp white from Veneto, or a sparkling Prosecco.
Invention in the Kitchen
Italian restaurants in Sydney honour both tradition and experimentation in the kitchen. In certain restaurants, classic Italian ingredients are reimagined using cutting-edge methods to create meals that are both nostalgic and forward-thinking.
A Friendly Welcome
Sydney's Italian restaurants passionately uphold the Italian value of hospitality. Guests are greeted with real warmth and kindness the moment they enter the restaurant. Staff members that are clearly passionate about the food they serve help guests feel more invested in the experience as a whole.
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Honour Important Occasions
Sydney's Italian restaurants are the city's finest venues for commemorating important events. These restaurants are perfect for every special occasion, from an anniversary meal for two to a birthday bash for a large group of friends, thanks to their warm atmospheres, delicious menus, and attentive staff.
Sydney Offers a Tasty Bite of Italy
You may experience a little bit of Italy's history, culture, and love of good cuisine at one of Sydney's many Italian restaurants. These restaurants highlight the breadth and complexity of Italian food, from traditional recipes passed down through generations to modern variations that push culinary frontiers. Sydney's Italian restaurants guarantee a memorable gastronomic experience that embodies the spirit of Italy's culinary expertise, whether you're looking for comfort in old flavors or ready to explore new culinary frontiers.
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barbox2 · 1 year
Still Looking Out For The Best Wine Accessories?
We are all aware of cocktails and whiskeys which does have a premium essence in every parties. But wine has its complete different fan base as the world of wine offers a vast array of options, each with its own unique characteristics and flavors. The "best" wine options can vary depending on personal preferences, occasions, and food pairings. However, here are a few popular and highly regarded wine options:
Red Wine: Some popular red wine varieties include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Syrah/Shiraz. These wines often offer rich flavors, ranging from bold and full-bodied to lighter and fruit-forward profiles.
White Wine: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Pinot Grigio are well-known white wine options. They can range from crisp and refreshing to more aromatic and complex styles, offering a wide range of flavors to suit different palates.
Rosé Wine: Rosé wines have gained popularity for their refreshing and versatile characteristics. They are often made from a variety of grapes and can range from bone-dry to slightly sweet, with a wide range of flavors from fruity to floral.
Sparkling Wine: Sparkling wines, such as Champagne, Prosecco, and Cava, are synonymous with celebration and joy. They offer effervescence and can range from dry to sweet, making them suitable for various occasions.
Dessert Wine: For those with a sweet tooth, dessert wines like Port, Sauternes, and Ice Wine provide a luscious and indulgent experience. These wines are often enjoyed in smaller quantities and pair well with desserts or rich cheeses.
It's important to explore and experiment with different wine regions, grape varieties, and styles to find your personal favorites. Consider visiting wineries, attending tastings, or seeking guidance from knowledgeable sommeliers to further enhance your wine experience. Remember, the "best" wine is ultimately the one that brings you joy and complements your preferences and occasions.
Types Of Wine Accessories
Every workstation needs a specific tool kit, in the same way, your bar counter also needs the necessary appliances. And when we mention appliances it is not just the right bar tool kit set that would allow you to make the best cocktails. Below are some of the bar tool kits you would like to know about: 
Crystal Wine Glass
We are all aware of the transparent wine glasses, but there are variations of the same aswell which you can explore. Then it either be gold coated glasses having a glossy touch, or the matt finish wine glass. And when it comes to matt finish there is no better option then Bar Box's matt finished wine glass as it not only embrasses the look of your wine glass, but also makes it look unique. If you are looking out for such bar tools for home india then you can buy these bar tool kit sets at bar kit for bartenders india.
Corkscrew Wine Opener Set
The multifunctional wing corkscrew built-in bottle opener is designed for wine beer and other bottles with caps or corks meet all your needs. Ergonomic curved lines and the anti-slip rubber grip cover contribute to a comfortable gasp and less downward pressure to pull out the cork. The hard sharp zinc alloy screw helps you rotate the corkscrew into the cork quickly. Our sturdy wine bottle opener feels substantial when held in your hand and looks elegant on the table. It is the best wing corkscrew wine opener used at both formal and casual occasions for home, bars, meetings, party or wedding ceremony. If you are looking out for such bar tools for home india then you can buy these bar tool kit sets at bar kit for bartenders india.
Apart from the above bar accessories in india and bar kit for home india, there are many other options like mini bar cabinets. Then Bar Box is a one stop platform where you can come across all kinds of bar accessories including whiskey stones online india and whiskey case online.
To know more: https://www.barbox.in/collections/corkscrew-bottle-openers
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phoenixlandingbar · 2 years
What is the number one wine?
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What is the number one wine?
"Raise your glasses, wine lovers! It's time to settle the age-old debate once and for all: what is the number one wine? Is it a bold cabernet sauvignon, a crisp chardonnay or perhaps a bubbly champagne? Join us as we uncork the facts, taste-test our way through vineyards around the world and uncover the ultimate winner. Get ready to sip, swirl and savor - this is one showdown you won't want to miss!"
The different types of wine
There are many different types of wine, and each one has its own distinct flavor. The most common types of wine are red wine, white wine, and sparkling wine. Red wine is made from red grapes, and it gets its color from the skins of the grapes. White wine is made from white grapes, and it gets its color from the juice of the grapes. Sparkling wine is made by adding carbonation to either red or white wine. The type of grape that is used to make a wine can also affect its flavor. For example, Cabernet Sauvignon is a type of red grape that is used to make full-bodied wines with high tannins. Chardonnay is a type of white grape that is used to make light-bodied wines with fruity flavors. Wines can also be categorized by their region of origin. For example, French wines are typically classified as Bordeaux, Burgundy, or Champagne. Italian wines are classified as Chianti, Pinot Grigio, or Prosecco. Spanish wines are classified as Rioja or Cava.
Read more: which champagnes are sweet? Finally, wines can also be labeled according to how they are made. The two most common methods are natural fermentation and cultured yeast fermentation. Natural fermentation occurs when wild yeast present in the grape juice ferments the sugars into alcohol. Cultured yeast fermentation occurs when commercial yeast is added to the grape juice in order to speed up the
The top 10 wines in the world
1. Château Mouton Rothschild 2. Dom Pérignon 3. Château Margaux 4. Screaming Eagle 5. Romanée-Conti 6. Haut-Brion 7. DRC La Tâche 8. Araujo Eisele Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 9. Peter Michael "Les Pavots" 10. Caymus Special Selection
How to pick the right wine
There are many factors to consider when choosing a wine, including taste preference, budget, and occasion. It can be overwhelming to try to pick the perfect wine, but there are some general tips that can help. First, think about what you enjoy drinking. Do you prefer red or white wine? Dry or sweet? fruity or earthy? Knowing your own taste preferences is a great starting point. Next, consider what kind of event you will be enjoying the wine with. A casual get-together might call for a less expensive bottle, while a formal dinner party might warrant a splurge on a higher quality vintage. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you’re unsure which wine to choose, most liquor stores and restaurants have staff who are happy to give recommendations based on your information. With a little knowledge and guidance, finding the right wine can be easy and enjoyable.
Tips for drinking wine
There are many different types of wine, and it can be hard to know which one to choose. Here are some tips for drinking wine: - Start by choosing a white wine if you are new to drinking wine. White wines are usually lighter in taste and easier to drink. - If you don't like the taste of wine, try adding a splash of fruit juice or soda water to your glass. This will help to make the taste more enjoyable. - Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of wines. There are many different kinds out there, so find one that you enjoy drinking. - When storing wine, make sure to keep it in a cool, dark place. This will help to preserve the quality of the wine.
How to store wine
When it comes to wine, there are a few things you should keep in mind when it comes to storage. First and foremost, wine should be stored in a cool, dark place. This will help to preserve the flavor and quality of the wine. Additionally, wine should be stored upright so that the cork does not dry out and allow air to enter the bottle, which can lead to oxidation. Finally, ensure that your wine is stored away from any strong odors as these can also affect the flavor of the wine.
How about store whisky, read now!
In the end, there is no definitive answer to the question of what is the number one wine. Everyone's tastes and preferences vary and what may be great for one person might not be so great for another. Do some research on different wines, try out some that appeal to you, and find out which ones are your favorite. There may never be a universal consensus when it comes to ranking wines, but that doesn't mean you can't determine your own personal favorites.
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colemanemma739 · 2 years
Unleashing the Flavors: A Guide to Caviar Food Pairings
Caviar is a luxurious delicacy enjoyed for centuries, originating from the Caspian Sea and made from the roe of sturgeon fish. Its unique flavor and texture make it a highly sought-after ingredient for culinary connoisseurs. But how does one properly pair caviar to bring out the best in the food and flavor?
Wine Pairings
Caviar has a rich and salty taste, so caviar food pairings with wine are essential in enhancing the overall experience. A dry and crisp Champagne is a classic pairing, as it perfectly balances the caviar's saltiness. Another option is a sparkling wine with sweetness, like a Prosecco or Moscato. White wines, such as Chardonnay or Pinot Grigio, can also complement the flavor of caviar.
Bread Pairings
Bread is a staple in caviar service, and the right pairing can enhance the flavor of both the caviar and the bread. For a traditional approach, go for a light, airy blini or a crusty baguette. Crème fraîche or sour cream can also be added to balance out the saltiness of the caviar. Try pairing caviar with a crispy, buttery crostini or cracker for a modern twist.
Cheese Pairings
Caviar can be paired with various kinds of cheese, from soft and creamy to sharp and tangy. A mild and creamy cheese like Boursin or Brie can provide a nice contrast to the saltiness of the caviar, while a sharp and tangy blue cheese can add depth and complexity to the pairing. A nutty and creamy cheese like Comté or Gruyère can also be a good choice.
Herb and Spice Pairings
Herbs and spices can add a layer of flavor to the caviar, elevating the overall experience. Fresh herbs like dill, chives, and parsley can add a bright and herbaceous flavor. A squeeze of lemon juice or a sprinkle of lemon zest can also enhance the flavor of the caviar. Try incorporating wasabi, horseradish, or smoked paprika for a bold and spicy pairing.
Fruit Pairings
Fruit pairings can provide a sweet and juicy contrast to the saltiness of the caviar. Fresh berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are a great choice, adding a sweet and bright flavor to the pairing. A touch of honey or a drizzle of balsamic glaze can also be added for a touch of sweetness. Try pairing caviar with sliced mango, pineapple, or papaya for a more tropical twist.
Meat Pairings
Caviar can also be paired with meat, such as salmon, ham, or beef, for a more substantial and filling meal. Smoked salmon is a classic pairing, as the smoky flavor complements the saltiness of the caviar. Try pairing caviar with seared beef or a grilled pork chop for a more elevated approach.
The key is to find a balance between the saltiness of the caviar and the sweetness, acidity, or richness of the food.
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