#and STILL woke up exhausted
echidnana · 3 months
the fatigue is neverending
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danwhobrowses · 1 month
Okay yeah I wasn't ever gonna be contained with just one post so, Callowmoore stuff that's on rotisserie in my brain from ep.94
Long and deep looks at each other and a hug right off the bat!
When asked by Laudna if they were okay in ep. 91, Ashton deflected with 'say that again?' and 'are any of us?', but when Fearne asks they give a genuine answer and then also ask her how she's feeling, because she's been quiet and they care
Ashton, despite hurting when they're touched and exhausted so the chronic pain is as intense as the first time, still wanting to cuddle with Fearne - and feeling at ease when they do
And like, the way they were trying to articulate it implies that they've wanted to ask for quite some time, but the timing has been off or situations have gotten in the way, and they don't want to wait any longer
But also they don't ask if they can cuddle they ask if Fearne wants to; they want to, but they ask Fearne if she doesn't want to sleep alone, because her comfort is as important or more important than their own
Fearne given her past experiences with people of course thinks they mean the other kind of company, which she notes she does want (so that's not off the table) but asks if they could just cuddle - to which Ashton doesn't entirely deny either, but notes that they're tired and in a lot of pain right now so they too was asking for the same
Also the fact that Fearne, who has been in a threesome inside a corrupted haunted wood, will later flirt with a dark echo of herself, and spooned with a ghost pirate captain, got so flustered about asking Ashton that she just wants to cuddle
Despite the awkwardness they still just laugh and joke together through it, they're awkward but it's in a sweet way
All of Ashton's immediate action the second they realised Fearne was missing - similar to how they wanted to find her after the shard incident but this time in a position where they could take action - no nonsense, no pissing contest with Chetney about her scent being on their bed, "Find. Them. Now."
And then still being soft after seeing Fearne again, because all that matters right now is that she's still here. And another post I saw said it better but, Ashton never seeks to change or 'correct' parts of who Fearne is; she can still follow cute animals just next time bring a buddy along (which given how they were in bed together would imply meaning them), they love her for her, fae and all, they just want her to be safe
Not entirely ep. 94 but given how on 91 Ashton pointed out that they needed to sleep and 'figure out who they wanted to be', and then here ask Fearne to be there beside them so they could have someone to wake up to, it to me at least says a lot about what Ashton has already decided; and how despite both of them having dealt with grief and anger and helplessness by bottling it up, hiding away, and shouldering it alone, this time they both wanted to just feel at ease with each other
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pippinscribs · 1 year
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Day 6 - autonomy / abuse
Supernatural is actually just 15 seasons of Sam not belonging to himself
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
idk. fandom is general is bad about it but anime fandoms are. Really Particularly Not Great About Fat People (and especially the ygo fandom?!?! guys cmon what are we doing) and it can be frustrating.... challenge and think about the way you talk about and react to fat character designs. even if it isnt out of malice it can still be rooted in fatphobic stereotypes (as with any type of society-ingrained bigotry). sometimes the guy is just fat. and it's fine. "fat" isn't a bad word lol
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naamahdarling · 5 days
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foreignobjecticus · 2 months
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Beware: contains a cough 1 min in that totally drags you out of it lol
Went to Llandaff Cathedral last night to hear Holst's The Planets suite. I know it's super white bread, but hot damnnnnnnnnnnnnn if this part of Jupiter ain't THE fucking shit. The acoustics weren't as impactful as I was imagining but I was stuck off to the side a bit. Still got some good sound moments tho. This clip above was a physical pleasure to hear thank youuuuu Also gave me a new appreciation of Saturn.
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scarrletmoon · 10 months
i think tumblr is unique because it encourages collaboration
like, twitter is designed to make you angry, filtering the most controversial content to the top. an easy way to gain followers is by dunking on people with shitty takes, no matter how small their account
but on tumblr, it’s easy for anyone to jump in and commit to the bit. and since we’ve established a culture of being absurd and funny and creative, we get collaborative posts involving multiple users. Almost all of the best posts that we remember years later are collab posts. i can’t think of any other social media that turns posts into spaces for collaboration instead of combat zones
it also helps that a lot of the shit-stirring assholes who caused drama on purpose left during the 2018 exodus, but with twitter dying, they might come back. i hope we can hold on to this benevolent collab spirit for a while longer
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semiotomatics · 3 months
who up feelin dissatisfied w life
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thethingything · 3 months
I really don't like our brain's ability to jump from "I'm going to organise all this stuff and catch up with a bunch of tasks" to "it's time to get stuck in an increasingly distressing thought spiral for several hours, accidentally trigger yourself, then feel like shit because you haven't done anything but also haven't managed to rest".
like please can we maybe have like a nice middleground where we do a few things and then rest for a while and don't experience the full range of human emotions over the course of about 3 hours
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homuncvlus · 6 months
Have I been banished to the no sleep realm or something
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nickbutnodick · 1 month
losers this is incredibly fucked up
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clownboy-yeehonk · 2 months
Was anyone gonna tell me that vitamin d supplements can give you insomnia before I unintentionally turned my life into a sleep deprivation study
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rambling-robot · 1 day
hour 14 of being awake was mostly spent crying in my car, hour 15 and I’m feeling totally normal.
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coloursofaparadox · 3 days
i need to sleep for like 4 days
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guinevereslancelot · 8 months
my worst trait is the need to get 12 hours of sleep every night. if i have to get up at 6am well i should be in bed by 6pm. combine this with my natural inclination to stay up really late and you get me waking up past noon because i was up past midnight. if there is no external force like school or a job keeping me on my early bedtime schedule i will revert to sleeping til noon within a few days
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tic-loud-tic-proud · 8 days
Can't tell if I'm having caffeine headaches or caffeine withdrawal headaches 🤔
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