#and THEN a guy at the bar started asking me about my pump and again. didn't want to be rude
crj-200 · 1 year
nightmare low blood sugar situation neutralized
#woke up shaky and low but i didn't have any snacks in the room#so i had to get dressed to go to the lobby to buy some snacks#and i realized i haven't worn a medical alert thing in months because my ex's info was on it#so i grabbed my emergency meds and carried them in my hand while i went downstairs#and as i'm walking down stairs my phone also fucking dies so im like. if i go down rn all that emergency contact info is unavailable#so i'm starting to get more nervous and also. low bg makes you irrational#when i got to the counter they were busy checking a flt crew in#so i was like 'ok they'll come over to me next there's two people working rn right' and. nah#both of them chatted with the pilots for a bit and then while the one went to check the next person in the other went to get something#so i'm standing there for like 5 mins feeling like im gonna pass out but i don't say anything (or just grab a soda and pay after)#because i was like 'oh they don't know i'm having a medical problem rn... i don't wanna be rude'#eventually one of them finished up and checked me out#and THEN a guy at the bar started asking me about my pump and again. didn't want to be rude#so i stood there and answered his questions about how type 1 works for a bit#and when i was explaining i need to take insulin for carbs unless im low he looks at my candy and he's like#'ooh are you having a low rn?' YES#and then the counter lady was like 'youre all checked out... you can go...?'#because i was standing there too long.#im in my room now and slammed most of a coke and a cookie lmao#it's so funny (😐) to me that i have a condition that requires me to make trips to the snack bar sometimes or i might just fucking die??#there was no punchline to this story it was just agonizingly long and annoying.#anyways.#nessie posting#diabetes tag
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ghoastixx · 3 months
Stanley pines x gn!reader where he keeps flirting with them and reader keeps playing coy and acting hard to get? both same age and he meets them at greasies diner? (I love old couples ahh)
Stanley Pines x gn!reader
A nice old couple
Synopsis: You meet the so called "Man of Mystery" that you've heard so much about since entering town.. he's one slyyyyyy dog. Takes place before the portal is opened.
"And that is Stanford Pines, Man of Mystery."
"man of mystery?" You ask lazy Susan suspiciously.
"Yes! He runs the Mystery Shack down in the woods. Real odd place that is." You hummed and went back to your coffee. Someone sat down next to you.
"I'll take one coffee, hold the creamer." He grumbled, he had on a cheap suit and had messy grey hair. Time had gotten to him, looks like stress too. He looked over at you,
"I never seen you here before, you visiting town? If so could I recommend the mys-"
"I just moved down here, I'm not really in the mood for.. tourist traps."
"Moved down here? Usually we don't get people moving down here."
"Well, my grandkids all grew up and stopped visiting, so I thought that small town would be the way to go. Can't move around the city like I used to, and I grew up in a small town."
He "cooly" stuck his hand out,
"names Stanford Pines,"
You shook his hand, "Y/N L/N."
and that was all of that interaction. You two would see each other around. You two didn't talk again til you met these two kids. Twins.
You had been sitting at the counter at Greasies, like you usually did, with the paper. You couldn't get enough of all these strange occurrences. Reminded you of when you were young hanging around John win- that's better left buried. These two kids came up to sit at the counter, the girl ordering a piece of pie as the boy pulled out this book with all these strange pictures. He glanced over at your newspaper and cocked a brow.
"Do you believe that? About that monster?"
You smiled a bit, "You best believe it."
You two had a very engaging conversation. You learned the kids name was "Dipper" which you thought was an odd thing to name your kid, and his sister's name was Mable. They were interested in the supernatural...So you started to tell them stories. One day, you were in the diner when the kids came in with that Pines guy.
"(Preferred title) Y/N?" Mable said, you smiled at her, "This is our Grunkle Stan!"
"Grunkle?" you asked curiously, he seemed a bit surprised that you were the one his kids were talking so fondly of.
"My great niece and nephew-" he said as he ushered the kids to go sit down, sitting next to you at the bar,
"So, you're the one who's been pumping their heads with crazy stories, huh?"
You frowned a bit, "Are they having nightmares. I thought they could handle it Mr.Pines, I apologize."
"No-no- they talk pretty fondly of you. I just- was surprised. Didn't take you as the type to be into all the loony crap."
"Loony?" you chuckled a bit, "From what I've heard, you run the mystery shack." He grumbled a bit and left.
About a week later you stumbled upon a book of myths and legends in one of the boxes you were unpacking. You thought of the Pines twins and wanted them to have it, maybe it would "help" them. You liked humoring their games. So, you got into your truck and headed down to the infamous mystery shack.
It was cute, you thought as you walked around. It made you giggle, that is.
"I didn't expect to see you here-" Stan said, skeptically.
"Ah- found a book I wanted your great niece and nephew to have.. hey how much for the sticker,"
After that, Stan seemed to be down at the diner a lot more, especially the times you'd be there. He would sit down and rant about everything under the sun to you. You would listen, it was charming. He liked your way of talking, you liked things he talked about.
Then one evening you were eating breakfast when he started to stutter around.
"yes Stan?"
"Would you..like to maybe.. have dinner with me? Without the kids.."
"Stanford Pines," You smiled "Are you asking me out on a date?"
"uh- yes."
"You sly dog. sure I will."
So you two started going out a bit more.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Love at first sight
written for @corrodedcoffinfest (Prompt 6: HEARD IT IN A LOVE SONG) and @steddie-week (Day 6, Prompt: Dizzy / drunken confessions) Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: none Words: 997
The music pumps in his ears and Steve might have drunk a little bit too much. Not enough to run to the bathroom but enough that he feels dizzy and happy for no reason, so he slams his glass on the bar counter and moves toward the dance floor.
The people are dancing around him like a human tide and all he wants is to go adrift. Someone grinds against his ass but he doesn’t even turn. Steve needs this, a little bit of human contact, the feeling that he’s wanted even if his parents just sent him their last check with a letter saying that from now on he’s on his own.
He should have told Robin, but she was on a date with the pretty barista she had a crush on since forever so he just crumpled the letter and threw it in his drawer, took his keys, and got to his favorite gay bar and started to drink the last money his parents gave him. No better way to spend it after all.
Someone bumps into him too hard and Steve loses his equilibrium. Trying not to fall on the ground he grabs the first thing he can, which apparently it’s a leather jacket.
Leather jackets mean bikers or metal heads, usually closeted ones that will get really angry.
“I’m sorry…” he slurs, “I tripped and…” Steve starts to apologize, but the man that’s looking at him is the most beautiful man he has ever seen. Long curly dark hair, deep dark eyes, and a mischievous smile painted on his face.
“You ok, sweetheart?” He tells him, holding Steve up, “Too many drinks, huh? It happens to the best of us.”
The man chuckles, making sure Steve is stable enough on his feet before turning toward his group of friends, but Steve’s hand is still holding tight on his leather jacket.
“If you could let go of me we could go back to our friends, sweetness,” the man smiles, prying Steve’s hand open.
“No? Don’t you want to have fun with your friends?”
“No friends.” Steve tries to explain, and the man frowns.
“You here alone?”
Steve nods, but the sudden movement makes him feel dizzy again. Luckily the other man grabs his arm and stabilizes him once more.
“Sorry… my head is spinning.” Steve apologized, hiding his face behind his free hand.
“Why don’t we sit for a moment, huh?”
“Eddie, come on! This round is on you!” Someone yells next to them, and Steve notices at that moment that he’s not in the middle of the dance floor anymore, but close to the bar counter.
The man grabs his wallet from his back pocket, one hand still holding Steve’s arm tight, “Need to get back to the table. Take what you need.”
“But how can I bring all the beers back?”
“I’ll ask Jeff to help you, don’t whine!”
Steve looks at the dark-haired man and asks, “Eddie?”
“Yeah. That’s me. What’s your name, sugar?”
“Nice to meet you, Steve. Why don’t you sit with me and my friends for a moment?” he proposes, dragging him toward the bar's private area, “We’re celebrating. We just signed our first contract with a musica label.” Eddie winks, “What about you? Something to celebrate?”
“My parents officially disowned me. And I’m drinking the last money they sent me.”
Eddie hums with a sad smile, “I know a thing or two about shitty parents. But maybe getting drunk in a bar alone isn’t the best choice to deal with things like that. People could take advantage of your state.”
“Are you going to take advantage of me?” Steve asks innocently, “I would let you if you wanted to.”
Eddie snorts, “Thank you for the offer but I’m the kind of guy who prefers full consent to drunk consent. Hey guys! This is Steve! He’s having a bit of a hard day so he’s staying with us until he feels a little bit better and we can send him home safely.”
“Hi Steve, I’m Jeff. Would you like a glass of water?”
“That’s a great idea. Why don’t you get one for him while helping Gareth with the beers? I gave him my wallet.”
“You gave your wallet to Gar?” another man asks, ginning, “He’s going to spend all your money. I bet twenty dollars he will come back with the most expensive bottle he can find.”
“Not my problem, Freak. You know I don’t really care about money.” Eddie shrugs, sitting next to the tall boy who keeps grinning.
“So you found another stray, Eddie?” Freak asks, scooting over to let them sit.
“I can't tell one from another. Did I find you or you find me?” Eddie replies, turning toward Steve who stares at him in confusion, “It’s a line I heard in a love song, always wanted to use it, never got the occasion. Till now.”
“Maybe wait for him to be sober before hitting on him, huh? Don’t worry. Eddie is dramatic like that, but he’s a good guy.”
“I think I love him,” Steve whispers to Freak way too loudly, and the big man chuckles.
“Look at you, Eddie! You just signed your first contract and already found yourself a groupie!”
Eddie reaches out for the glass of water that Jeff is holding and gives it to Steve, “Drink it all like a good boy.”
“I do.” Steve insists, taking Eddie’s hand and putting it over his chest, “Can’t you feel my love for you? It’s like you said. We were meant to find each other.” 
If Steve wasn’t drunk he would feel ashamed of himself, but what he said it’s true. He never believed in love at first sight, but now he would swear by it.
“Ok. Ok. Now drink your water and if tomorrow morning you’ll feel still in love with me,” Eddie says, fishing a chewed pen and writing a number on a napkin “call me.” 
Now with a second part
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elizabethwritesmen · 8 months
The Devil Wears Lace
chapter 5 : July 4, 2023
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pairing: simon “ghost” riley x reader
summary: it’s 4th of july and your favorite soldier shows up at the firework show. you spend a little time with him and get a little drunk, resulting in some bad decision. everything is ok though, as long as he’s there with you.
warnings: 18+ for eventual smut, pining, no use of y/n, reader is almost forced into a pool, angry simon, possessive simon, fireworks, someone flirts with reader, i think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
series masterlist
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July 4, 2023
A year had passed since my kidnapping.
It was surreal, really. I liked to brush off the experience like it had been nothing but it took a week in the hospital to detox me from all the drugs those guys had pumped in me and two months for my leg to completely heal. It wasn’t the kind of thing you just… forget about. The trauma was gone, though, mostly, but what was left creeped in once I realized it was the anniversary of it.
And then the worst thought crept in. What if they came back? One failed attempt so they try again?
I shrugged off those thoughts, returning to my outfit search. I’d tried on a million options, and upon seeing them on me, decided they were awful and should burn. Because of this what can only be described as character flaw, most of my clothes were strewn across my bed and floor haphazardly after being ripped violently and angrily from my body. I sighed, accepting defeat, and found my safe choice. A cream colored American flag sweater, just thin enough to wear on the beach, and a pair of light wash daisy dukes with rips and exposed pockets. I yanked on my birk style sandals and called it a day.
I rushed out the door with my hair pulled messily into a white claw clip and my makeup done in a rush, mascara just barely smeared and a thin layer of lip balm. I jumped into my car, speeding to the beach where the firework show was to be held.
Normally, I would’ve had to work, but Sabrina’s husband’s family just happened to be the owners of the bar and he decided to close for the night so everybody could enjoy the holiday. This was mostly due to pestering from Sab and I, but that was fine, considering we got what we wanted in the end.
Once I got there, I parked right beside her husband, Dylan’s truck. Once they saw me, they climbed out and we all walked to find a spot together.
“There are a lot of people here already,” I commented as we found a free space at the end of the pier, right in front of the water.
“Probably trying to get good spots like the one we just got,” Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows.
“You know who might be coming?” Dylan asked me with a smirk that made me nervous. I stood, waiting for him to tell me, and he bit, “Connor.”
Connor worked with me when I first started at the bar, but he’d quit after a few months to take a job offer in another city. He was nice, adorable and likable. He was never immune to my charms but he was much more respectful than any of the other men I used them on. We’d hung out and, well, made out a few times before he moved away. I never really cared about him or anything, so his leaving was fine with me, but I did miss having a man around that wasn’t creepy or strange or icky in the slightest. Of course, now I had Ghost, but was he really around? Not much. So what harm could flirting with Connor for the evening do?
“You invited him?” I asked, brows furrowed, “I knew you guys were friends but I didn’t realize you kept in touch.”
“Yeah, he has plans with his family today and came here for them, but he said he’ll probably be done early and head here.”
“Interesting,” Sabrina grinned, “Sounds like a good chance for you to get laid.”
I threw my water bottle at her, “Not everything is about sex, Sab!”
“Well it sure hasn’t been for you lately.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at her.
“You’ve been stuck on Ghost for a year, flirting around with him and waiting for him like an army wife or something. And in that time, have you had sex or even done anything with anyone at all?” I cast my eyes downward, the truth in her words hitting me like ice water. “Exactly. I’m just saying, you need to get out of this rut or you’re gonna be hung up on a man you’ll never have for the rest of your life.”
Sabrina was always one for tough love. She never lied, and she only ever said exactly what she thought a person needed to hear.
“You know, I never really slept around even before I met Ghost,” My contradiction was weak against her words.
“I know. But I also know that’s the only thing that might get him off your mind and turn you back into a man’s worst nightmare.”
“Fine. You’re right. Hopefully Connor will stop by.”
“Atta girl!” She grinned, high fiving me with both hands as we settled into the chairs Dylan had carried out for us.
“Not to, uh, ruin this moment for you ladies or anything, but who is Ghost?” Dylan asked, seeming thoroughly confused.
“The guy I told you about, that always wears the mask. The one who saved her last year.”
“Oh!” recognition flashed on his face, “Somehow I’ve missed him every time he’s been here.”
“Well then you’ve also missed the googly eyes she makes at him.”
“I’m sitting right here!” I huffed, crossing my arms.
We hung out there for a couple hours, chatting and drinking a little more than we really needed to. I was nice and buzzed by the time night fell, and I looked around, surveying all the people there.
What I wasn’t expecting to see was Ghost and his three buddies a little ways away from us. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I didn’t know whether that was a blessing or a curse. Did I have it in me to ignore him and just have a good night with my friends?
Of course I didn’t.
“Sabrina!” I hissed, smacking her on the arm until she paid attention to me. When she finally looked up from whatever she was doing on her phone, I gestured aggressively with my head to the guys in question.
“Fuck, who’d have thought? You gonna go say hi?”
“I don’t know, they haven’t seen me yet. It would be weird for me to just-“
“They see you now,” she raised a brow and gave them a slight finger wave, and I turned to see that they were, in fact, looking at me. Even him.
“Do you think they even want me to walk over there?” I asked.
“Of course they do, stupid, those boys are wrapped around your finger. Go!”
“No,” I sighed, “If he wants to talk to me badly enough he’ll come over here.”
“You and your dumbass hoe rules,” she rolled her eyes at me.
“They’re not dumb and I’m not a hoe!”
“Wait,” Dylan furrowed his brows, “That’s the man? The myth? The legend?” I nodded, giggling. “He’s fucking huge!”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hell no, I’m guy crushing. Now I don’t resent Sabrina for telling me he’s hot.”
“You told your husband you think Ghost is hot?” I snorted at her, and she shrugged.
“He told me he thinks Angelina Jolie is hot. It was only fair.”
“So you guys just… share your gay crushes with each other? Any more you want to tell me about?”
“Well we’ve both agreed we’d have a threesome but only with you-“ Sabrina didn’t finish her statement, but I heard enough and reached my hand up to shut her up.
“I want to forget you told me that.”
“Fuck,” she gasped, “He’s coming over.”
“Really?” my tone was pathetic, too excited for my own good.
“You were right, I was wrong. Your hoe rules are not dumb!”
Before I could respond, he cleared his throat from behind me. I turned slowly, feeling his presence before I even saw him.
“Hey,” I grinned, and almost looked like he did too, under the mask.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said, his voice the same rough melody as always.
“Well… I live here, and basically the entire town showed up, so..”
“That’s true.”
“What’s more weird is you being here. Considering this is a day to celebrate the US ditching England and you’re English.”
He shrugged, “I like American Independence Day. It’s interesting.”
“Interesting how?”
“Right now, the interesting part is you.”
I fought off the butterflies. Really and truly, I did, with everything I had in me.
“If you just came over here to flatter me, you can go ahead and go back to your friends,” I smirked, eyes narrow.
“Actually I came over to see if you’d wanna come say hi to them.”
“Awwww, so they sent you over here? And I thought you came over because you like me.”
Sabrina and Dylan had amused expressions on their faces, but neither said a word as they watched the exchange.
“They were just gonna wave you over but I told them I wanted to come ask you. Does that answer satisfy you?”
“I’m never satisfied,” I clicked my tongue, but I stood from my seat anyway, lightly grabbing his arm and letting him lead me away. “Be right back!” I called as I left, and my two friends waved goodbye to me, laughing.
“There she is!” Soap cheered as I approached, and a grin broke out over my face. “We started to think you didn’t wanna talk to us!”
“Was just waiting for Lieutenant Dan over here to notice me is all,” I hummed jokingly, getting on my tiptoes to pat Ghost on the head.
“Lieutenant… Dan?” he furrowed his brows, staring down at me, confused as ever.
“You’ve never seen Forrest Gump?” I practically shouted, mouth hanging open stupidly, and he shook his head. “That’s it, you guys are coming over to my place one of these days and we’re gonna watch it.”
“Fine with us,” Gaz shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Ghost still looked apprehensive and confused, so I told him in the sweetest voice I could manage, “Lieutenant Dan is super cool. I had a little crush on him the first time I watched the movie.” At that, his features relaxed, but they tensed again when the boys around us whistled.
“I think she’s got a little crush on you, Ghost,” Price laughed, and Ghost glared but I just giggled.
“I never said I didn’t,” I shrugged with a wink and the whistles got worse. “But I never said I did, either.”
We caught up, they told me as much as they could about what they had been up to but it wasn’t a lot at all. I noticed the more I saw them, the comfier they got speaking to me.
Then, I noticed Connor walking up the pier out of the corner of my eye, his own eyes already on me. A bright smile lit up his face and he picked up his pace to get to my side.
“Connor!” I squeaked as he pulled me into a huge hug, spinning me around in a circle and then waiting an extra second to let me go.
“Hey, sweet cheeks,” he winked, “You look good.”
“I look the same,” I scoffed.
“I know,” his voice was coy and I rolled my eyes, stepping back to put a tiny bit of distance between us, hyper aware of Ghost’s eyes burning into me.
“I can’t believe you made it,” I spoke, more tense than I normally would’ve been but I don’t think anyone picked up on it. I felt so awkward. I’d started the day with the intention of flirting with him, and doing anything I could to make him want me, and now I was a puddle for another man I didn’t even expect to see.
“Of course I made it,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You’re here. I’d never miss a chance to see you while I’m in town.”
“I seem to have that affect on men,” I snorted, sparing a glance to Ghost and instantly regretting it. His eyes were hot, and they just about set me on fire, making my whole body feel tense and preyed upon.
“You always have,” Connor looked me up and down then, clearly liking what he saw, “Where are the lovebirds?”
“Over there,” I pointed to the end of the pier and he nodded.
“You gonna come join us anytime soon?” he asked.
“If you stay on your best behavior, I’ll consider it,” I smirked and he laughed all the way down to Dylan and Sabrina.
“You two seemed familiar,” Soap hummed, tone playful but eyes wary.
“He used to work with me but he moved away. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a couple years or so.”
“Guess time didn’t make him like you any less.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Why don’t you guys come down to the end, with us? The view is better, and I don’t wanna leave you but I can’t ditch them.”
“Fine by me,” Price shrugged, and the others agreed. Ghost didn’t want to, but they talked him into it, saying it was either hang out with me or stand there alone.
“Finally decided we were worth your time?” Sabrina jabbed as we approached, and I rolled my eyes.
“You’re always worth my time, baby girl,” I leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, “I was just having a chat.”
“Get a room, you two,” Dylan joked at our girly display of affection.
“Can’t, you married her before I had the chance,” I pouted, and they both laughed. I was straight as they come, but I still liked to joke about being gay for her. She was my best friend. What girl doesn’t do that?
“If anyone is getting a room with this one, it’s gonna be me,” Connor leaned around me to kiss me on the cheek and I all but cringed, shying away from him.
“‘This one’ isn’t getting a room at all, so don’t go getting your hopes up,” I was stern, but tried to be nice and protect the peace. I’d expected him to flirt with me. It’s not his fault I have a very angry looking Ghost watching over me and making me feel dizzy with need, my tummy a little sick from all the butterflies in there flying against my rib cage.
“See your mouth hasn’t changed much,” he just laughed, turning back to the side of the pier and leaning on the railing.
I approached Ghost, opting to root myself by him instead of by Connor. I wanted him to know that he was the one I’d rather have. It was silly, really, I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. I wouldn’t risk doing anything that would make him not want to see me again. I needed him to want to see me again.
This action didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else, their eyebrows raised but they stayed silent. Ghost just grabbed my arm and pulled me half an inch closer, satisfied with my choice, and I half smiled.
“Hey hot stuff,” Sabrina began speaking to me, “After the fireworks we’re going back to mine and hanging out by the pool. You down?”
“Are we all invited?” I gestured to the four men beside me and she nodded.
“Of course! I wouldn’t leave anyone out,” her tone of voice was the same as all the times she joked about Ghost and I.
“Then yeah, that sounds good. You guys wanna come?”
“I’d rather hang out there than some crowded bar,” Gaz shrugged, and the others nodded. Once again, all except Ghost.
“Come on, Ghosty, you’re not gonna let me go all alone are you?” I spoke, only loud enough for him to hear.
“You’ll have Connor with you.” He spat the name out like it disgusted him.
“I don’t want him with me. I want you. Besides, all your boys are coming. Please?” That one word did him in, his eyes meeting mine in a heated gaze.
“I’ll come.”
I smiled victoriously as we all settled in to watch the fireworks that were about to start. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the edge so I’d have a better view, which was shockingly sweet for the gruff man.
An hour or so later, we were all doing our thing by Dylan and Sabrina’s pool. I was laying in a lawn chair, drink in hand, on the border between tipsy and drunk, a giggling mess. At some point, everyone became comfortable with each other. Or at least, everyone but Ghost. He sat right beside me in the other lawn chair, watching over me carefully.
“You’re weird,” I hummed out, reaching out to tap him.
“You’re drunk,” he countered.
“That’s why you’re watching me so close? Cause I’m drunk?”
He cast his eyes downward, “Guess so.”
I let out a laugh, the embarrassing kind that I would inevitably regret the next day, attempting to stand up but wobbling on my legs. I just about fell but he steadied me.
“I’m gonna go get another, you want anything, silly little Ghost?” the sentence came out a slurred string of words, but he understood.
“No thank you, love,” he sounded kind, like he thought it was nice I asked, “Are you sure you need another?”
“One more won’t hurt me,” I shrugged, turning away to stumble over to the cooler and pull out yet another bottle. I found my way back beside him and plopped back down.
I couldn’t manage to get the cap off, and it was making me increasingly angry. Finally, Ghost grabbed it from me with a chuckle and took it off for me.
“So sexy when you do stuff for me,” I hummed, taking it from him and taking a long sip.
“That needs to be your last one,” he ordered and I giggled again.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“If you’d make the right choice on your own, I wouldn’t have to.”
I rolled my eyes, throwing the bottle back again. When I put it back down, Connor was in my line of sight, chuckling about something with Sabrina.
“Hey sweet cheeks, I got a real question for you,” he smirked at me, and I groaned.
“Oh God help me, what is it?”
“Will you jump in the pool with me like old times?” he implored, voice hopeful and I snorted.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Come on, you love bad ideas. You always have. Every time we’ve been here, we’ve jumped in the pool, don’t let this be the first time we don’t!” I still looked hesitant, and I was hesitant. I didn’t want to do it. Especially not with Simon right there, watching my every move, looking for any reason not to want anything to do with me. “Unless you’re scared?” Connor kept going. “You weren’t scared of anything when I knew you. Guess you’ve changed.”
His voice was a challenge and I knew it was a trap, but I fell right into it, indignantly arguing, “I am not scared.”
“Prove it, then. Strip.”
We got locked in a stare down before I huffed, standing from my seat, still wobbly but my determination giving me a boost. Simon helped steady me once again, still looking at me, assessing the situation.
“Fine,” I shrugged as I yanked my sweater over my head then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down, leaving a trail of clothes on my way to the pool. Once I got there, all I had on was my lace bra and underwear, cute and purple. I didn’t even think before going for it, jumping haphazardly into the deep end, the rush of water hitting me like a train. I felt it shift around me and knew he’d jumped in right after me as I fought to get to the surface.
I finally broke through, and took a deep breath in, laughing the loudest I had all night. Sabrina and Dylan cheered for us, mumbling on about how familiar it was to see us in their pool. I risked a glance at Ghost. He was expressionless. Well, from what I could tell.
I made my way to the side of the pool, crossing my arms there and laying my head on them.
“You’re staring,” I hummed.
“You look fucked out. You need to go fix your makeup.”
I blushed, and I knew he saw it because his eyes perked up.
“Help me out, then,” I pleaded, reaching one hand out towards him and he stared at it for a moment before making his way towards me and grabbing it. He used it to tug me up while simultaneously wrapping his other arm around my middle and pulling me out.
“You’re not gonna swim with me?” Connor pouted from the pool, and I shrugged.
“I proved my point. Swim alone.”
Ghost’s glare shut him up after that, and we headed inside to the bathroom. He left the door open behind us but we still had a sense of privacy that had never been there before.
“Here,” he sighed, opening the bag of makeup wipes that Sab had on the counter and retrieving one then using it to wipe my face. “You feel good about what you just did?”
“Well I don’t feel bad about it, if that’s what you’re asking.” He grunted. “Everyone enjoyed it but you, Ghost.”
“Yeah because everyone out there wanted to see you half naked.”
“What, you didn’t? You don’t like what you see or something?”
“I didn’t say that,” his voice was deadly, as if he was chastising me. “That wasn’t smart. You’re drunk.”
“And you’re jealous.”
“I’m telling you that you made a dangerous decision and you’re accusing me of being jealous?”
“It wasn’t dangerous, first of all. I’ve done worse than that while I was drinking. And second of all, yeah. You’re jealous. You can admit it.” He stayed quiet, finishing up my face and going to walk out but I grabbed his wrist, tugging him back. “I’ve been rejecting him in the nicest way possible all night long.”
“Because I was scared if I didn’t, you’d decide I wasn’t worth coming back for again.”
“You can do what you want, it’s none of my business.”
“I know.”
“You can flirt back. You can damn near fuck him right in front of me and I’ll still seek you out the next time I’m here. You don’t have to worry one bit about that.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, and he nodded, hand cupping my cheek. “I don’t wanna flirt with him. It’s pathetic is what it is. He came here tonight for me, thinking he was gonna get in these little lace panties, and the second I saw you he was an afterthought.”
His gaze was hotter than it ever had been, pupils a little wider when I risked those words. His voice was husky, going straight through me, “How rude of you.”
“You like me pathetic, huh? You like that I’m a little desperate?”
“You’re not desperate,” he chuckled.
“I am for you.”
He groaned, his masked face falling into the crook of my neck as his hands ghosted over my hips.
“Come on, let’s get back out there,” he pulled himself away and walked out, and I made no attempt to stop him that time, still trying to catch my breath.
A moment later I managed to compose myself, and I followed outside, laying back in my lawn chair. I was still a bit wet so I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on yet, but I was shivering slightly from the cold.
“Took you long enough,” Ghost mumbled from beside me and I rolled my eyes at him, leaning even further back, my eyes shutting. All the alcohol was getting to me, making me a little sleepy.
“You’re going to sleep?” The voice was Connor’s, and it was close. Before I could even respond, I was being picked up and held tightly in arms that didn’t feel like Ghost’s. My eyes shot open to see Connor carrying me towards the water.
“What’re you doing?” I asked loudly, squirming to get away. He just chuckled, clutching me tighter.
“Waking you up,” his voice was breathless as he laughed and I started struggling harder against him.
“Let me go! Please, let me go, fuck, God-!” I was full on wrestling him now to get away, not wanting to go back in the water. Thinking how wrong it was for him to throw me in there. He always used to do stuff like that when he’d lived close, and I hadn’t minded then, but I was drunk and it was late and-
My thoughts cut off there as he was yanked back from the edge by his shoulder.
“She said she wanted to be let go.” Ghost was standing there, looking as angry as ever.
“Chill, dude, this is our thing. We’ve always done stuff like this together, she’s fine,” Connor huffed incredulously.
“Does she look fine to you?”
They looked down at me, my lip trembling, fully uncomfortable in Connor’s arms.
“Connor, please put me down,” I tried one last time, “I don’t wanna be thrown in the water. I’m cold and drunk and-“
“Give her to me.” Ghost’s tone was not a playing one, sending shivers even down my spine and I could not imagine how Connor wasn’t cracking under that pressure. “Now.”
Connor sighed, nodding, setting me down next to Ghost who pulled me close into his chest, hand stroking my wet hair and wiping my cheeks where I hadn’t realized tears were falling.
“I’m sorry,” Connor looked at me and it sounded like he really meant it. “I just - we used to do shit like this all the time. I didn’t think you would care.”
“It’s ok,” I sniffled, snuggling closer into the broad expanse of man I was leaning against, soaking up the warmth for all it was worth.
“I’m gonna take her home, I think she’s had enough for one night.” I nodded as Ghost spoke, his arms even tighter than they’d been to begin with. “Get your clothes, come on,” he whispered into my hair and I did as asked, grabbing my shirt and shorts and slipping my shoes on. I gave Connor a quick goodbye hug and waved goodbye to the rest of my friends and his, who opted to stay for a while longer. They said they’d come pick Ghost up from wherever he needed, and he nodded as we left for the night.
He opened the passenger side door of my car for me and helped me in, frowning as I shivered against the biting night air. “Put your clothes on, sweetheart,” he suggested and I shook my head.
“Don’t feel - hiccup - like it,” my voice was practically a whine and he nodded, walking over to the driver’s side. On his way, be noticed a blanket in the back seat, and when he was situated in the car, he grabbed it and placed it over me. I cuddled into it, appreciating the gesture.
“Are you okay?” he asked me, as serious as I’d ever seen him.
“‘m fine,” my voice was weak, and I didn’t really understand why I was so upset. I’d been thrown into the water before. I never enjoyed it, but it never made me cry.
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“I don’t know why I’m so bothered,” I shrugged, “Guess with everything that’s happened to me I just felt scared. I don’t like… I don’t like feeling like I can’t get away from someone. Not if I don’t trust them.”
“You said you’ve known him for a long time, you don’t trust him?”
“Not like -“ I paused, wondering if I should say the next part, “Not like I trust you.”
He chuckled darkly, hand falling down to my stretched out knee and rubbing.
“You don’t know me at all,” he pointed out.
“I know you a little better than you think,” I huffed, “You’ve saved me three times now. You wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”
He clicked his tongue, turning the car on and pulling away, following my directions to my house. He was gentle with me the entire time until my tears stopped and I was half asleep in the seat, head slumped and eyes hazy.
He pulled in the driveway, slipping out of the car and picking me up, leaving the blanket and my clothes behind.
Once we got to the door, he took one arm off of me just long enough to unlock it with my key and walked me inside, barely caring to get a look at the place at all as he walked to the hallway in search of my bedroom.
“It’s the one at the end,” I offered and he nodded, finding it and letting himself in, laying me down on my bed.
“I’m sure you wanna get out of your wet…. clothes,” he vaguely gestured to me, “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Don’t leave me here,” I gasped out, reaching desperately for his hand, “Don’t leave me here alone. I’m not ready for you to go yet.”
His eyes widened and he leaned back into me, crowding me and promising, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, just leavin’ the room to give you privacy to clean up.”
“Oh,” I hummed, relief settling in.
“You could say please, though,” his voice had that husk in it again, and I grinned.
“I don’t think I have to, you’re gonna stay either way.”
He tutted, “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear it.”
I thought for a moment. “Fine,” I smirked, then, in the most seductive voice I could manage, I leaned up and drawled, “Please.”
His pupils blew wide and he nodded, his hand exploring my face, cupping my cheek, squeezing my chin and making my lips pucker, and then it drifted into more dangerous territory, resting around my throat. My breath hitched and he chuckled, giving one small squeeze before his touch disappeared. He walked out of the room, laughing all the way.
I rolled my eyes, going to my dresser to get clothes. I was still too sleepy to shower or anything but I at least wanted to wear something that covered me and didn’t smell like chlorine. I pulled on a T shirt and a fresh pair of panties, not bothering with more. Ghost had already seen me in just my undies, why did it matter? Then I went to the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned my face and brushed my damp and stringy hair.
Once I was done, I left my room and searched for him, finding him in the living room, lounged back on the couch like he belonged there. Wordlessly, I sat beside him, and he hummed, pulling me into his side and tucking me there comfortably.
He was so warm, I couldn’t help but sigh, sinking into him. My mind drifted to places it shouldn’t be, imagining sinking into his arms all the time. Imagining having his warmth forever. I pushed that away. Those were not feelings I needed to unpack.
Finally, I glanced up at the TV to see he’d found Forrest Gump and it was ready to play.
“Really?” I asked, the ghost of a smile on my lips.
“Wanted to see what this Lieutenant Dan was all about,” he shrugged, clicking the button and starting it.
I couldn’t pay much attention, I was much too content to just relax into his hold. I checked my phone, seeing a few missed texts from Sabrina asking if I was okay, apologizing for Connor, and of course, some innuendos about Ghost and me.
“You two have an interesting friendship.” I looked up at him as he said it and laughed.
“How so?”
“Doesn’t seem like you like each other very much.”
“That’s just how we are,” I shrugged, “She’s my best friend, we just like being mean to each other.” He grunted in response, prompting me to turn back to the movie. It didn’t take long for me to drift off, snuggled deep into him and feeling more safe and taken care of than I ever had.
I woke up to the feeling of being carried and opened my eyes slowly just as Ghost laid me in bed.
“The team is here to pick me up. I’ve got to go.”
I pouted, not ready to let him go just yet.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“You shouldn’t drink so much, sweetheart, it makes you sappy,” he chuckled, but the look he gave me was pitiful and it only made me want him to stay more.
“I’m not being sappy, I’m being honest. I don’t do that a lot, be grateful for it.”
He sighed, sitting down beside me and stroking my hair. “I’ll be back. I don’t know when but I promise I will.”
I nodded, trying hard not to drift back to sleep, wanting those last few moments with him.
My eyes widened as he lifted his mask to his nose, exposing the stubble on his chin and cheeks. He leaned down, taking my cheeks in his hands and kissing my forehead.
Oh, I was fucked.
His lips felt so good, I was addicted and he hadn’t even kissed me properly. I felt myself getting a little closer to the edge of the cliff I was bound to fall off of.
He pulled away slightly, still close enough for me to feel his warmth, and I sighed, eyes on his lips.
“You gonna give me a real kiss, soldier?”
“Not when you’re all tired and drunk like this,” he shook his head, brushing his thumb across my lips then pulling away.
“Ghost,” I called as he made his way to the door, “Goodbye.”
“Bye, sweetheart. Get some sleep.”
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The Garden: A Story of a Stable Boy And a Princess- Prologue
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Princess! Reader
Summary: Royalty AU. In which a small town stable boy with big dreams falls for the princess of F1 Kingdom. Will the stars align for such an unlikely pair?
Things to know: This is a fantasy/royalty AU so it’s placed in the olden times! The setting of our story is F1 Kingdom; and in replace of F1 racing we have horse racing instead. So it’s the same concept as F1 but on horses rather than cars. Each team (Mclaren, Ferarri, Alpine, Redbull, etc.) represents a different village in the kingdom. And that’s the gist of what you need to know! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Summary: And so, our story begins in an old, rusted tavern.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of alcohol, drinking.
“Pour me another one mate!!” Cheers among the tavern were loud, guests fumbling over their feet and struggling to stay still all at once. The smell of meat and rum was enough to send the average villager into a state of intoxicated shock- but for our regulars, it was simply another Tuesday night. Laughter and shouts just from this bar were sure to be heard all the way to the castle.
Beer after beer after beer. As if it was a routine.
One group in particular, who resided in the darkest corner of the tavern (one that they had nobly claimed as “their corner” in the previous weeks) is where we start our story. A large group of the best horse racers the kingdom had ever seen- known as the prestigious Formula 1 racers.
“Come on Sir Vettel, tell us one of your tales! It would be a grand welcome to our newest guy.” Sir Lewis Hamilton said, flashing a big grin. He was the current world champion for Mercedes Village, unstoppable when he was on a stallion. And when he got alcohol in his system.
The group chimed in, agreeing with Lewis’ statement. Max Verstappen, the newest addition to F1, curiously looked between all of them. He had moved from Redbull kingdom to race for his hometown- such a young racer excited fans and clearly the team as well. Though in moments such as this, he felt particularly clueless. “Tales? As in a story?” He asked, eyeing Sir Vettel with piqued attention. Sebastian couldn’t help but chuckle.
“No, no, I could never bore you all with such things,” He protested. Sebastian Vettel was the eldest of the racers- therefore the wisest. Having served his due diligence to the sport, everyone looked up to him in that way. He was sure to go down as the best in all the kingdom. Who wouldn’t admire such a feat?
Lewis stood up and smacked his glass the table with a bang. “Nonsense!” He laughed, the rum clearly taking over. “Your stories are second to your racing. I’ll be damned if we leave tonight without satisfaction.”
“Here, here!!”
“I can raise a glass to that one!”
The crowd all cheered, fist pumping and jugs in the air. Max had never been in such an environment- he was interested as to why everyone was so adamant about these stories. Nevertheless, he couldn’t deny how much he agreed with them.
Sebastian eyed Max and smirked. “Shall I?” He asked. The man would be lying if he denied how much he loved storytelling. He shrugged. “The people do say I have a rather poetic tongue.”
Max couldn’t help but chuckle at this. “Please, go ahead,” He nodded eagerly. He was only one drink in, but it seemed they would need many more for the night to come. “I must see this.”
Pierre Gasly (a proud Alpine racer) excitedly pat Max on the back at that. “That’s more like it!” He shouted, causing an uproar of rowdiness again.
Sebastian laughed and held his hands up. “As you wish! As you all wish!!” He chuckled, bringing a proud finger to his lips. “Hush now as I begin a tale of love-“
“Love?” Max couldn’t help but interrupt. The racers all eyes him angrily at that, but Max didn’t care. “M-My apologies but you gathered us for a romance story?” Maybe he just was just tipsy, but the last thing on his mind was a sap story.
Sebastian shook his head, seemingly unbothered by the interruption. In fact, it made things all the more exciting for him. “Oh but it is so much more than a romantic story, young Verstappen. It is a story of adventure, heartbreak, horrors, dreams… and how love prevails through all.” He said proudly, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “But, if you do not want to hear then it can wait-“
“No! Continue, continue,” Max urged, his interests getting the better of him. Sebastian smirked once again. “We have all night, do we not?”
The group clinked glasses and a few more “here, here” could be heard amongst them. “Very well,” Vettel chuckled. His eyes met Lewis’ who gave him a knowing grin.
“Our story begins in a royal garden. With a young princess and a stable boy…”
A/N: Ahh sorry this is short but I’m so excited about this one!!
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kteezy997 · 1 year
He’s Out of My League: Part 2 //matt rife
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You had done it.
You had tapped the Matt Rife on the shoulder. Here goes.
“Hey,” you smiled kindly, “I’m so sorry to bother you, it’s just that I saw you and I just wanted to say that I’m a big fan of yours.” you said, trying to speak quickly, while simultaneously trying not to fumble your words.
Matt smiled genuinely, “Thank you, and don’t be sorry. I’m glad you said ‘hey.’”
He spoke so sweetly to you and those damn eyes were so mesmerizing, like you could see directly into his soul.
“I should thank you. I mean, your comedy and vlogs and the TFIL/Overnight channel has really brought me a lot of joy and made me laugh so much when I really didn’t feel like laughing. Your content makes the dark times easier.” Now that you kinda poured your heart out, you wished that you hadn’t. He probably thought you were just a depressed little weirdo trying to come on to him.
But he was listening closely to every syllable that came out of your mouth.
“Wow, um what’s your name?”
“Y/n, I’m so glad to hear all of that. That’s all I could ever hope for. It’s more than I could hope for. That’s why I do what I do. Were you at the show tonight?” He asked, picking up his drink from the counter and taking a sip.
“Oh, no, sadly. I waited in the queue online for a long time for tickets, but they sold out.” You said, disappointment laced into your tone.
Matt sighed, “Ugh, that sucks. I’m sorry. I wish you could have been there. You’ll get to see a show someday though, I promise I’ll be back soon.”
You smiled politely. But the way he was looking at you felt so intimate and his irises became a deeper shade of blue. “I can’t wait to see one of your shows.” You said, needing to fill the space with some words. “Thanks for you time, Matt. It was so nice to meet you.”
You felt kinda awkward and didn’t know what to do with yourself. Waving goodbye would have been odd, you figured. So you put your hand out and gently grazed his hand as you stepped away.
“Bye, y/n. I hope I see you again.” Matt said. You caught the tiny smirk on his lips before you walked away.
Later, you had joined your friends back on the dance floor. It was creeping into the early morning hours, but you didn’t care. Sure you were tired, but you were having fun laughing and dancing. You had told your friends that Matt Rife was there, and you would all take turns spotting him conspicuously in the crowd.
It must have been close to 2 a.m. when you and Matt’s eyes met and you locked gazes. You hadn’t looked him directly in the eyes since you left his side at the bar. He didn’t look away, he didn’t turn his head. He just kept looking at you, the corners of his perfect plump lips turning upwards.
You couldn’t explain it if you had to, the feeling you got as he was looking at from across the club. You were giddy and adrenaline swirled in your stomach. You looked on as Matt broke away for a second to chat with his friend. He laughed, and playfully shoved the person before glancing back over at you, the neon lights dancing over him like this was all a dream.
Part of you couldn’t let this go, the apparent gravitational pull between you and Matt. You began to contemplate going over to him, without even knowing what you would say or do. You knew the music was still booming, but you couldn’t hear it. There was only your blood pumping through your veins.
In the same moment, Matt was moving in your direction. Was he coming over to you? You were not the type of girl that guys crossed rooms for. It didn’t take that long for him to close in on you, and you couldn’t believe it was real.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Your heart started thumping really hard. “What?”
He chuckled, “You wanna get outta here y/n?”
@gatoenlaciudad @meetmyothersouls @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
let's get it on (someday)
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here's my fic for the delightful @roosterforme 's "Love is in the Air" Valentine's Day writing challenge! my story has the song "let's get it on" by marvin gaye in it, though it's only at the end a little. this was so fun! | meet-cute (light tw for being bothered by a random man), fluff, friends on the cusp of something more, 2k
It starts in the grocery store. It's kind of late and you're tired and don't have a lot of patience left and this man old enough to be your father won't leave you alone. He tries to talk to you by the lemons and again by the bread and it doesn't feel the wrong side of friendly but you don't like how he keeps running into you. So you look for someone to talk to in the store, but it's late and your options are limited.
Maybe you should just forego the rest of your list and head home and then you turn into the cereal aisle and see an absolutely massive guy in what you're pretty sure is a Navy uniform. He probably not going to be any worse than the clingy stranger you're avoiding, right? So you take a deep breath and go right up to him. He hears you coming and turns to look.
"Hi," you say softly. "I'm really sorry but can you pretend to know me for a second? Some dude won't leave me alone."
Navy man's eyebrows raise and his eyes narrow down the aisle behind you. "Are you okay? Should we get someone who works here?" he asks. His mustache twitches. "Is it the guy in the polo?"
"Yeah, that's him. And no, we don't need to. He just...won't stop talking to me." Your tight smile and firm dismissals had not been enough.
"Gotcha," he says. "I'm on it." You take a step closer to him and he turns back to the cereal, clearing his throat. "I don't know what you have against fruit loops," he says, much louder than before. "They're clearly the best cereal and I'm sure they'd make you a morning person for once."
You feel your mouth lift at one corner and you huff a laugh. He's studying the cereal boxes like it's his job, so you take the chance to quickly look him over. His basket has only a few things in it -- protein powder, bananas, and cookies. His uniform says BRADSHAW; he's not the first Navy guy you've seen, since the base is close, but he's the first one you've talked to.
You hear the cart wheels behind you slow and then speed up. "Well, they make me feel like I'm gargling sugar," you say. Bradshaw laughs, bright and loud, and the cart fades away.
Your shoulders drop. "I think he's gone. Are you okay?" he asks again, turning to face you. He doesn't move any closer, keeps his posture relaxed. He really is quite big, you realize. Broad shoulders and rather tall.
"Yeah," you tell him. "I was probably overreacting." Bradshaw shakes his head.
"No, trust your gut," he tells you. "I'm sure you know that. You gonna be okay? I could uh, walk with you, or something?"
"I'm about to check out, so I'll be fine." You smile at him and his brows unfurl. "Thank you so much, and I'm sorry again for bothering you."
"No need to apologize," he tells you and grabs Raisin Bran from the shelf. That makes your smile turn into a grin. Not a Fruit Loops guy after all, it seems.
You put the whole episode out of your mind as soon as you get home. Just another day in the life, right? The guy was cute but the whole thing was kind of mortifying so you forget about it.
The next week you go out with your friends to a bar near the base to meet some people they know. The Hard Deck is clearly a Navy bar, based on the sheer amount of uniforms around. You get introduced to a round of aviators with callsigns like Phoenix, Fanboy, Hangman, and Bob. And then --
"Rooster," says the last guy, turning towards you, hand outstretched. "Oh, it's you!" You let out a laugh of surprise as he pumps your hand once, his palm warm and callused. He's not in his uniform this time, instead in a tank and busy looking short-sleeve shirt.
"You guys know each other?" the blonde one, Hangman, asks.
"Kinda," says Rooster, just as you say, "Not really."
"Interesting," says Hangman, sounding very interested indeed.
"We ran into each other at the grocery store last week," you say. Rooster follows your lead and shrugs, not providing any more details. "Bradshaw, right? Or should I call you Rooster?"
"Bradley," he tells you. Everyone seems to lose interest in you two, including the blonde, though you notice he wiggles his eyebrows before going to get a beer. "You can call me Bradley, if you want."
You tell him your name and he smiles. "What are the odds, huh?" he says. "Glad that this time it's under better circumstances."
"You and me both." He sticks a hand in his pocket, running the other through his hair. He looks carefree here, relaxed, and the energy spreads to you.
"Can I get you a drink?" Bradley asks.
You get to chat a little over some beers before you're roped into a game of pool that pulls you from him. It continues to go like that for the next few weeks -- you see him here and there when you go out with your friends as your circles merge. It's enough to admit that you're nursing a small crush on him and his sun-kissed skin, his bright eyes, his warm tone. But you don't spend enough time alone for you to consider yourselves friends, not really.
When the time comes to finally hang out one-on-one, it's just like your first meeting. You're at a bar you haven't been to before waiting for your friends but they're late and unfortunately for you, you run into a guy you went on a few dates with while trying to order a drink.
"Do you want to come sit with me? I'll buy your drink," he says, and you look around desperately for an out.
And then.
Bradley walks through the door. He looks around before sliding up to the bar with his usual confidence, though it's not his usual haunt, on the other side of the room.
"Nice to see you," you tell the guy. Alec, or Aaron, or whatever. "But my boyfriend just got here." You walk off without another word and make a beeline for the only familiar face in the room, trying not to think about how glad you are to see him and the lie you just told.
"Bradley!" you call and he looks up immedietly, a slow grin spreading across his face at the sight of you. You squeeze close to him, closer than you've ever been. "Hi," you say, a little out of breath.
"Hi yourself," he replies, looking a little amused at how in his space you are.
"I just ran into a guy I went out with a few times and he wouldn't stop talking to me--" Bradley's brows furrow, so you rush on, "--not being inappropriate or anything but I told him you were my boyfriend so he'd lay off--"
"Hey, hey, hey," Bradley says. "Slow down." He looks across the bar, eyes narrowed, and it's just like the grocery store. You manage to contain your exasperated laugh. "Is he wearing a salmon shirt? Damn, ugly color."
You nod. "Is he looking?" Bradley nods.
"Well, let's scare him off. I'm going to touch you, okay?" His words make something tighten in your chest but you nod and his arm comes around your shoulders and pulls you even closer, your sides totally pressed together. His lips ghost your hairline and you instinctively wind your arm around his waist.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, your jaw moving against his shoulder.
"Waiting for the crew," he says. "Wait, did Natasha invite you, too?"
Sneaky, sneaky Natasha. She's almost certainly caught on to your crush on Bradley and you suspect she didn't tell you he was coming on purpose. "She did," you laugh a little. His arm squeezes you once.
"Looks like we're waiting for the same bunch." The bartender comes over and Bradley orders a beer. You ask for the same and he opens a tab.
"You don't have to do that," you tell him. He removes his arm from around you to grab his beer and presents his empty hand, palm up.
"Don't worry about it. I think salmon-shirt is gone, so do you want to find a table?" You answer him by lacing your fingers with his and he leads the way through the crowd, finding an empty booth in a corner that you slide into. Bradley lets go of your hand and you sigh at the loss before you know you're doing it.
"Thanks for the help," you tell him. "Again." He scoots a little closer to hear you better and your legs press together.
"You don't have to thank me," he says, shaking his head. "Shouldn't be happening to you in the first place."
"Well, I'm glad to have you around anyway." You lift your glass and Bradley clinks his with yours.
"Am I interrupting something?" A drawl causes you to start, sloshing a bit of your drink onto the table. You look up and see Hangman watching you both with raised eyebrows.
"Hi, Jake," you say. He's kind of a dick, sure, but you think he's funny and he riles Bradley up in a way that you find endlessly amusing. Hangman scoots in to the booth and Bradley's arm drapes a few inches above your shoulders.
It's a nice night out once the rest of your friends get there and you forget how the night had started -- and that Bradley pretended to be your boyfriend as a ruse. It felt good to be close to him at the bar, and still feels good here in the booth. His arm gets closer and closer to being across your shoulders all night, and your legs remain pressed together. He gets you another drink and then water when you both switch to it. It feels like every time he looks at you when he sits back down he's smiling just for you.
When the evening comes to a close, everyone drifting out to their respective rides home, Rooster leans close, his lips to your ear.
"Do you want a ride home?"
"Oh," you say, pulling back from him a little so you can look at his face. You look at the small nicks and scars that dot his skin, the glow he always has, the deepness of his eyes. Even though you've only been around him with other people, Bradley always looks at you full on when he's talking to you, when he's listening to you. "Sure. You okay to drive?"
"Yeah, been on water for at least two rounds." He stands and his hand hovers over your lower back the entire way to his Bronco.
He backs out of the lot, his hand on your headrest. "Did you have fun?" you ask him. He hums and turns the radio on low. The song playing is "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. "Oh, I love this song."
Bradley grins. "Me too," he says. "It was a good night, I'd say. You think so?" He grimaces. "Well, good night after the guy went away, I mean."
You laugh a little. The streetlights bathe Bradley in their glow and your chest pangs at how lovely he looks. "We really need to stop hanging out because some guy is following me," you tease. "I mean, it's only happened twice, but..."
Bradley barks out a laugh as you trail off, startling you. "Sorry," he says, running a hand over his mustache. "I'm not laughing because it's happening to you, I swear." He looks over at you for just a second, seemingly coming to a decision. "It's just funny because I'll hang out, just us, anytime you want."
He's totally blushing. "Yeah?" you say.
He nods. "Yeah," he echoes. "I'd love to."
Marvin's voice fills the cab of the Bronco.
"Okay," you tell him. "Let's."
Let's get it on, let's get it on
Maybe someday, you think. You keep your eyes on Bradley and think about how nice it was to have his arm around you, how safe you feel with him, how his smile makes your stomach swoop. Someday soon.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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“I feel like I know Soda from the way you talk about him”  -Cherry Valance
Me: I should work on one of the half dozen fic prompts sitting in my asks
My Brain: Ok but what if INSTEAD of that you fixated on a throwaway line of dialogue and write a Sodapop character study through the eyes of Cherry Valance
Me: Ok bet
“I feel like I know Soda from the way you talk about him”  -Cherry Valance, The Outsiders
The bell over the door jingles merrily as she steps through the door, though it’s the only thing that could be considered merry in the DX gas station today. Inside the air is suffocating. A dark haired greaser covered in oil gives her a cold once over, jaw tightening, but doesn’t say anything, just goes back to sweeping as she pretends to browse the candy bars. 
She shouldn’t be here. She knows she shouldn’t, and it’s not like she isn’t busy enough what with talking to Randy and trying to help Mrs. Sheldon plan the funeral.
The funeral. Bob’s funeral. Sweet, funny, stupid, reckless Bob. Her boyfriend. Her boyfriend who’d been stabbed, who’d bled out in a park on the east side. Her boyfriend who’d scared a sweet kid into doing it. Her boyfriend who’d beat said kid within an inch of his life three months ago, around the same time he’d been coming by after school to help her take care of her mom. 
God this is so fucked up. She owes Bob’s memory more loyalty than this. She owes those kids something too.
She turns to go, pausing when she catches sight of the boy behind the counter. She’d seen him around school for a while, and he’d pumped her gas a few times, but until Friday night she hadn’t really known much about him. His hair is more blond than red, eyes brown instead of green, and his face has a few sharper angles, but other than that he looks a whole lot like his little brother. Even if Ponyboy hadn’t described him perfectly, after meeting him she could have guessed they were related. 
She swallows heavily, cowardly once again, and feigns interest in the chips this time. The dark haired guy keeps alternating between glaring at her and casting worried glances at where Sodapop Curtis sits slumped behind the counter. She kind of gets why. Handsome as Sodapop is, he looks terrible- eyes red rimmed and gaze vacant as he stares down at the counter with such a forlorn expression Cherry’s heart breaks just looking at it. He looks like a scene is straight out of a sad movie, the kind where the hero is doomed from the start, no matter what they say or do. The kind where they lose everything over and over and end up alone. The kind Cherry used to like before she learned that real tragedy wasn’t as beautiful as it looked on TV. The kind Bob never watched with her anyway, always talking her into watching a comedy or an action film instead.
It’s been three days. Three days since Bob died, which means Sodapop Curtis’ little brother has been missing just as long. She remembers the pure adoration in Ponyboy’s voice when he talked about him, remembers the way he didn’t have a single bad word to say, how she could almost feel how much Soda loved him just from the way he talked, and her stomach clenches. If Sodapop Curtis loves Ponyboy half as much as Ponyboy clearly loves him, this must be killing him. 
Bob’s life is gone, snuffed out, ruined, but maybe he’d ruined a lot of lives too. The proof is right in front of her.
A well of shame that is rapidly becoming familiar swells in her chest. It was wrong of her to come here, wrong of her to want to talk to him. Even if he doesn’t know who she is, it is wrong for her to bear witness to his pain when it was her boyfriend and her friends who started this whole mess. Bob had died for it, yes, but how many others are going to have to suffer for his mistakes? How many innocents are going to be collateral damage?
Even Johnny Cade. Even the boy who’d killed him, had only done it because he had to. Even he didn’t deserve to suffer.
She should leave. She’s been standing here too long already, and the dark haired guy is becoming impatient, his glare more pronounced. Sodapop Curtis isn’t in the right state to notice her staring, but it’s clear his buddy has and doesn’t seem to appreciate it.
Of course. This whole mess started with a soc girl like her talking to a greaser, and after Bob’s death tensions are running high. No wonder this boy is looking at her like a threat. She’s already messed with the Curtis’ brothers lives enough. Of course, this guy doesn’t know that, but the pure hatred in his dark gaze makes her feel as though he does.
She picks up a stick of bubblegum. 
Glancing up through her lashes she watches as Sodapop raises a hand to chew absently on his left thumbnail. 
Her mind flashes back to the movie house, an auburn haired kid sitting beside her, deep into the movie, biting his left thumbnail, seemingly unaware he was doing it.
It’s this memory, the memory of Ponyboy biting his thumb mirrored exactly in his older brother that finally makes her decision for her. 
She grabs a few candy bars at random and a bag of chips for good measure, and makes her way over to the cash.
Sodapop Curtis doesn’t notice her presence until she’s directly in front of him, and even then only once she’s dropped her items on the counter. Gold brown eyes blink up at her suddenly, and she tries not to gasp.
The force of his full attention is not what shocks her- although a face like that is hard to not be stunned by. No, instead it's the absolute tortured look in his eyes that forces her to pause.
Desperation is something you hear about but don’t understand until you really see it in its wild, crazed, bruising true form, Cherry is realizing now. She’s never seen someone so physically present who so obviously isn’t here.
That is, until his gaze sharpens, recognition breaking through the haze of despair.
“You’re that socs girlfriend,” he says. It’s not a question. It’s also not an accusation, but it’s something close, “the one who died. I saw you. In the paper.”
“Yes.” She agrees softly. The dark haired guy has stopped pretending to sweep and is watching his friend with a wary gaze, like he could snap at any moment. He certainly looks like he could, hands nearly crushing the candy bars as he starts to ring her up. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” suddenly he seems dangerous, a far cry from the tortured boy from a minute ago, miles from the happy go lucky big brother Ponyboy had described at the drive in. She’d told Ponyboy she felt like she knew Soda from the way he described him, but she couldn’t have been more wrong. She doesn’t know the boy in front of her, whose jaw is clenched so tight his teeth creak, and whose eyes show such a deep well of hate she can feel herself drowning in it, “none of your kind should be, but especially not you. Your boyfriend is the reason my kid brother is missing.”
She can’t help but flinch.
He is none of the things Ponyboy told her about him, is not happy go lucky or grinning, doesn’t look like a guy who is gentle with horses, and teases people lovingly, or someone who helped hold his family together and looks out for his buddies. He isn’t who he is supposed to be, and he’s right- it’s Bob’s fault. It’s Bob’s fault Ponyboy is missing, Bob’s fault half of Soda’s already fractured family has been ripped away from him, Bob’s fault he doesn’t know where his fourteen year old brother is trying to fend for himself.
And yet… Bob’s sins are not her own. She won’t pretend she had no role in this whole mess, but Bob’s choices are not her own. She has her own issues to atone for, but it is not her job to answer for Bob’s.
She squares her shoulders. 
“I’m sorry about what happened,” Sodapop stiffens immediately, but she ploughs on, “truly I am, and if the police ask me I will tell them it was self defense because I know,” her voice catches, but she forces back the tears. She loves Bob, she does, but he could be cruel and she owes it to those kids to tell the truth, “I know Bob started it, but I didn’t do this and I won’t be treated like I did.”
His dark eyes flash, and for a or a second she thinks he might actually hit her-  then his shoulders slump, all the fight draining out of him to be replaced once again with anguish.
“I-” he can’t seem to bring himself to apologize. Cherry can’t really blame him, “ok.”
He finishes ringing up her items, and she pays, taking the bag of candy she doesn’t want or need and trying to think of a reason to stall. She considers asking about Ponyboy, considers telling Soda about meeting him at the drive in, wonders if he did know anything if he’d actually tell her and concludes that he wouldn’t. Of course he wouldn’t. The girlfriend of the guy his brother skipped town after seeing murdered is probably the last person he’d trust with any news. 
Even still. She can’t bring herself to leave without saying anything. 
“I really hope you find your brother,” she settles on, hoping he can read her sincerity, “Ponyboy is a really special kid.”
The bell rings again as the door closes behind her, but the melancholy mood follows her to her car.
She was wrong on Friday. She doesn’t know anything about Ponyboy’s brother, no matter how well he described him.
Then again, she thinks as she drives away, catching sight of the golden haired boy once again staring vacantly at the counter through the window, maybe the boy she just met wasn’t Ponyboy’s brother Sodapop. Maybe he’s the Sodapop who isn’t.
She thinks of the boy made of sunshine Ponyboy described compared to the tortured prince of darkness she just met, and shudders.
What a terrible thought.
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silentglassbreak · 8 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
I'm so sorry it took me a little longer to update. I've got a gnarly head cold, but I'm in bed, and hoping to get the next part started after this one is posted. We’re getting to the meat of the story here now folks. There’s lots of fluffy cheesy fluff in this chapter, because it’s going to get real heavy later. Remember to let me know if you want to be tagged! 🖤
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery. ++ chapter warning for consensual choking***
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Part 7 — Concrete Jungle
The days were passing slower than molasses. I found myself working overtime nearly every day to give me something to do outside of being at home, AA, or waiting for Noah to call. Being a hermit was much easier when the only person I had to look forward to seeing was my dog.
We were so close to the end of the first leg of the tour, Noah only having two shows left before he came home for nearly three months.
I dreamt of how wonderful those three months would be. We talked about it often. He swore he was coming over the day he got home from Witchita, and we weren’t leaving my house for a solid week. As unrealistic as that was, I still looked forward to it, and scheduled vacation to have that entire week off.
I was soaking in the tub, music pumping through my earbuds when the sound of a familiar ringtone sang through my ears. I smiled and tapped my phone screen, answering the call.
“Hey babe.” I sank back down into the water, inhaling the lavender scent of the epsom salts I had added.
“Hey sweetheart, how was your day?” His voice was relaxed, calm and cool.
“Not the worst. Sam wasn’t there today, so I actually didn’t hate it.”
He chuckled. “That guy’s a real dick, huh?”
I snorted. “The worst.”
“Well, if he ever makes another pass at you, just tell him your big scary boyfriend will kick his ass.”
My eyes were closed, just relaxing at the sound of his voice. “My boyfriend?”
“Is that a problem?”
“I thought I said I didn’t want anything official?”
I could hear the smirk in his voice. “Yeah, well that was before big meathead dudes were hitting on you.”
“Mm,” I pulled my arm out of the water to readjust my towel under my head. “I’ll tell him my big scary boyfriend said so.”
“What is that noise? Are you doing dishes?”
“In the tub.”
He didn’t respond, but I heard my phone’s twinkling ringtone, indicating I was getting a FaceTime call. I snickered and ignored it.
“No way. You gotta wait to see it in person.”
I heard him groan on the other end of the line. “Not fucking fair! You’re all wet and bubbly.”
“No bubbles today.”
“So I can see through the water?!”
The jingling came again and I ignored it, laughing loudly.
“Shouldn’t you be in soundcheck?”
“That ended hours ago. I’m relaxing in my room before the show.” His voice lowered. “I’m so lonely.”
“See if Nick’s around.” I said nonchalantly.
He hissed. “Babe, I’m in a mood here, help me out.”
I giggled. “Say please.”
“You know I don’t fucking ask.” His tone was deadly now. I shivered at the sound, spreading my thighs a little.
“Fine, but no video. Last time I nearly dropped my phone in the tub.”
It was silent for a beat. “You okay?” I looked over to the phone to make sure the call hadn’t disconnected.
“I’ll be better once I know you’re touching yourself.” My stomach dropped, a small moan leaving my mouth. His words were always so maddening, getting me hot so quickly.
I adjusted myself, spreading my thighs and letting my hands fall lazily over my slit, running my fingers gently over my sensitive spot.
“I am.”
“Good girl.” I pressed a little harder against my clit, rubbing slow circles around it. “Now, tell me how bad you miss my cock. How bad do you miss me, baby.”
I moaned louder now, bringing my left hand up to pinch my nipples. My undulations on my core increasing speed by the second.
“Ugh I miss you so much Noah.” I let my head fall back, eyes closed, picturing him in the tub with me.
“That’s right. You miss me touching you, baby?”
My voice was just breaths. “Yes.”
“You miss me eating that sweet pussy? Making you fucking scream?” His breaths were coming quicker now.
“Yes, Noah.” I answered louder, my hips buckling slightly at the thought.
“When I get home, you going to let me fucking destroy you, baby? Fuck you until you can’t even move?”
“Oh, fuck, yes...” I was so fucking close.
“I’m going to come just fucking thinking about it baby. Always thinking about you. That pretty, tight pussy. So fucking wet.” I could hear movement on the other end, I could tell he was as close as I was.
“Noah I need you so bad. Please come home. Please come home and fuck me. I need you so so bad.”
I heard him gasp hard on the other end. “Fuck!” His voice was sharp. He came.
I wasn’t far behind, letting out a small scream.
There was no words exchanged for at least five minutes while we both worked on getting our breathing under control.
After a moment, I heard him make a sound of disapproval. “I made a mess.”
This caused me to burst out laughing, him joining me only a second later.
“Fucking hell, Noah. I can’t wait to see you.”
He sighed heavy. “I know.” I could tell he was thinking, he only got completely silent when he was.
“Fuck it, come to Witchita! Catch a flight tomorrow and you can make the show. Then you can ride home with us.” I paused myself, now toweling off while the water drained from the tub.
“Excuse me?”
“You took the week off, right? I’ll book you a ticket right now.”
“Noah, you aren’t coming home until Thursday. I can’t leave Angel that long. And I can’t bring him on the bus.”
“Can Laura watch him for a few days?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, Noah. I’d miss two days of group.”
He huffed, obviously defeated. “Alright. I’m sorry, it was a dumb idea.”
“No, it wasn’t. I just need more time to plan something like that.”
He had to go, ending the call quickly to shower and head back down to the venue. With a promise of calling me after, we hung up.
I called Laura that night, telling her about Noah’s promise to keep me in bed for a week.
“I’m so fucking jealous of you.” I laughed heartily.
“You’re married!”
“I know! But you’re literally dating a rockstar, Leena. I’m jealous.”
I chewed on my thumb nail.
“He called himself my boyfriend, Laura.”
“Isn’t he?”
I flopped back on my bed. “I don’t know. It feels like it.”
“Is that so bad?”
I contemplated this. “I’m scared, Laura.” My arm covered my eyes. “You know how long it’s been.”
“I know, LeeLee.” Her childhood nickname for me brought me some comfort. “But Noah isn’t him.”
“I know he isn’t.”
“So don’t hold yourself back. Have you even told Noah about him? About any of your trauma?”
“Maybe you should.”
I could feel hot tears brewing. “I’m scared to love him, Lo.” My childhood nickname for her.
“Babes, if you’re scared to, then I think you already do.”
Well, that’s a lot to unpack.
I sniffled hard, wiping my tears. “Ugh.” I sat up. “He also asked me to fly to Kansas tomorrow. Go to the show and ride back with them on the bus.”
“That’s cute as fuck. Are you going to? You know I’ll watch Angel.” I rolled my eyes.
“I know, but that’s insane! I would have to leave in like 12 hours.”
“…and?” I didn’t respond, which told her how I felt. “Leena, you don’t do spontaneous, fun stuff anymore. Did you already tell him no?”
“Thank you for that.” I sighed. “And yeah, told him I couldn’t miss group.”
“Abel can handle group for one week.” I stayed quiet. My mind was actually considering it. “You could surprise him!”
“Yeah! Show up without telling him, and hold up a sign that says LH hearts NS or some shit! He’s sappy, he’d love it!”
“I can’t exactly get in without him knowing. The show is sold out.”
“Can’t you call Nick or Folio?”
With that, my brain kicked into place and the plan all formed in my head.
“Laura, I’ll drop Angel off in the morning.”
She laughed. “See, you love him!”
I hung up without another word.
I dug through my contacts and found Nick’s number. The show should have ended at least an hour ago, so I guessed they were still in the green room, shaking off the energy.
“C’mon, pick up Nick, pick up.”
“Hey!” The voice was loud, a ton of background noise. “Is everything okay? Do you need to talk to Noah!”
“No!” I yelled into the phone. “No, Nick I’m fine, but I need to talk to you privately.”
Having filled Nick in on my plan, he was on board from the moment I said the word ‘surprise’. He thought it was a great idea. He told me Noah had been homesick, and he was sure me coming would perk him right up.
I booked the earliest flight to Witchita that I could, leaving at 5AM. Laura cursed at me when she opened the door to bring Angel inside at 3AM. I dropped a quick kiss on his snout and promised to text Laura the moment I landed.
I then drove to LAX, running through the terminal to my gate, barely making it on the plane in time.
My adrenaline was on high, my backpack filled to the brim with clothes, random toiletries I may need, my wallet, and my phone charger. Everything else would just have to do without.
I understood now why Noah takes a panic day before traveling, because this was anxiety-inducing to do. I hated flying, so my heart raced the entire nearly eight hours.
Once I touched down, I grabbed an Uber to the hotel, the same one I knew they stayed at. I had four hours until the doors opened. I asked Nick for a regular GA ticket, no VIP. I needed to be the first one there so I was in the very front. He needed to see me.
Checked into my room, I slipped in a quick shower to wash the flight off of me, shivering when I got out. I stared down at my bag and realized what I had forgotten.
“Oh shit!”
I picked up my phone and dialed Nick. He answered on the first ring.
“Hey, you here yet?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m in my room. Dude! I have nothing to make a sign out of!”
“Erm…what do you need?”
I ran my hands over my forehead feverishly.
“Poster board and a big sharpie?”
He was quiet for a moment. “Okay, give me 15, let me see what I can find. Text me your room number.”
He hung up and I quickly slipped my clothes on.
My phone rang, Noah’s face flashing.
“Hey you.” I even sounded suspicious, what the fuck? I’m so bad at this.
“Hey gorgeous, you alright?”
My blood ran cold. “Yeah, why?”
“Oh, just because you went to bed early last night and then said you were busy all day. I haven’t heard much from you.”
I laughed, relieved. “Oh yeah, just hung out with Laura all day. I just got home.”
“Ah, okay. I can’t talk long, I’ve got to get ready soon. But I just wanted to check in.”
“Oh, sure! I miss you.” I sat down on the bed.
“I miss you too, baby. Only a couple more days.”
I gritted my teeth. “Yup. Home stretch.”
We said our goodbyes and as I clicked ‘End’, there was a knock at the door.
Nick stood on the other side, 5-pack of poster boards and 3-pack of giant markers in his hands. He was sweating and absolutely out of breath.
“Hi…Leena…” he said in between breaths. “I ran to the corner store and got these. I hope they work.”
I took the items from him, taking note of the color of the posters.
“Neon green?” He nodded, putting his hands on his knees.
“Yeah. Trust me. He can see it way better on stage.”
I smiled brightly. “This is perfect, Nick. Thank you!”
He smiled back. “Anytime. Now look, we take a break between Death of Peace of Mind and Just Pretend where Noah talks to the crowd and gives his little monologue. It gives him time to get his voice ready for the song.”
I listened intently.
“That’s when you hold it up. He’ll have them turn on the lights so he can look at the crowd, and that’s when you hold it up.”
“But what if he sees me before then? Won’t it be obvious if I’m in the front?”
He shook his head. “Don’t let him bullshit you. When the lights are down, we can’t see shit up there.”
I was the second person in line, behind a red-headed girl who looked positively irritated. She was dressed in full Bad Omens merch, reminding me that I should have worn the shirt he gave me. Instead, I wore a black tank top, black jeans, and combat boots.
When the doors opened, I walked up to the rail in front of the stage, my sign tightly wrapped in my hands, and turned my back. I didn’t want to risk him seeing me from the back.
I pulled my phone out and shot him a quick message.
Me: Have a great show tonight, babe!
His response was quick.
Noah: Yep, last one till I’m home with you.
Noah: Call you after.
The show was so long, by the time the guys actually made it on stage, I was wiped. ERRA and Invent Animate had put on great sets, but I was here for Bad Omens.
When I heard the opening chords to Death of Peace of Mind, I felt my heart jump into my throat. I sunk low by the railing, listening to Noah’s enchanting voice sing the melody.
“You come and go in waves. Leaving me in your wake.”
I swallowed hard.
“You come and go in waves. Swallowing everything.”
The guitars and drums pounded out the last verse of the song, leaving the venue dark when the lights went out.
I began unraveling the sign, questioning my entire life. This was so corny. Is this how I really wanted to do this? Make such a strong confession to him? In a fucking sign? Like a prom-posal?!
My gut twisted. I couldn’t do this. But I had to. I came all this way. Nick nearly gave himself an asthma attack getting the supplies.
And there was my guy, sauntering around the stage, monologuing, right on schedule.
He would turn the lights up any second. It’s now or never.
I lifted the sign as high as my 5’1 frame would allow, closing my eyes to the rest of the world, internally cringing at how ridiculous this was.
“Woah, we got a sign over here!” His voice was boisterous. And he saw me, or my sign, rather, as I was hiding my face behind it.
I heard him walk toward where I stood.
“Let’s see what it says.” I peeked around the side for only a second, seeing he was bent over, squinting to read the sign.
“‘I love you Noah S’, awe, thank you, that’s so sweet.” He hadn’t walked away though. “What does that say underneath?”
He was quiet for a second. He was reading my name. ‘Leena R.’
The room fell silent, or for me it did. I heard nothing but the shuffling of the microphone being put on the stand. I lowered the sign to see what was happening just as he fixed his mic on the stage.
“Give me just a second, guys.”
The crowd screamed, and he jogged over to the area of the stage directly above where I stood. With no warning, he jumped down, causing the security guard to scramble over to him. He was unfazed, walking straight up to the railing in front of me.
His eyes were wide, a giant grin nearly breaking his cheekbones.
I was sheepishly smiling back, trying hard to maintain my composure.
“You love me?” I almost couldn’t hear him over the crowd. I just nodded wildly, moisture prickling behind my eyes.
Before anything else could happen, he reached up and hooked my neck, pulling me toward the railing and crashing his lips on mine.
All I felt was vibrations, likely from the crowd exploding. His lips tasted like mint and sweat, his gloved hand rough against the back of my neck.
When he pulled away, he pressed his forehead to mine for a second.
“I fucking love you, Leena.”
I was still shaking, my hands tucked firmly in my jean pockets while the security guard walked me to the green room as instructed by Noah.
I could hear the concert continue, only two songs left. Noah had jumped back onstage and continued as if nothing had happened, able to breeze right past it like the professional he is.
“Okay, you can wait in here. They’ll be back here once they finish up.” I smiled at the security guard and walked past him into the room.
“Hey,” I turned to look at him. “that was a ballsy move out there. Good for you.”
I blushed hard, looking anywhere but at him. “Yeah? It felt kind of insane.”
He laughed. “It was fucking psychotic.” This wasn’t helping. “But to be honest, I never see shit like that happen. It was cool as fuck.”
He left before I could say anything else.
It wasn’t long before Folio burst through the door, obviously still hyper from the performance. Jolly and Nick followed, already chatting.
“I swear to you my rig was out of tune, dude! It kept giving me sour notes during Limits, and then Dethrone was a fucking mess.” Nick’s eyes scanned the room and found me sitting on the couch, waiting patiently. “Leena!”
I jumped up. “Hey!”
“Perfect fucking execution dude! Exactly how I pictured it.”
“Yeah? How embarrassing was it? Be honest.”
Jolly laughed, pulling his long hair back into a low ponytail. “Oh, it was adorable. I loved it.”
“It was fucking cringe, dude!” Folio’s voice called from the table that had snacks on it. He looked over, open water bottle in his hand. “It was rad as fuck!”
I relaxed my shoulders.
Noah came skipping into the room after a moment, pulling the gloves off of his hands.
“Hey!” He bound up to me, his arms coming to grab me by the hips, pulling me down to another kiss.
“I thought you couldn’t make it!”
I smirked. “I changed my mind.”
“So you didn’t spend the entire day with Laura, I gather?”
I shook my head. “Nope. I spent the day traveling.”
He had disbelief on his face. “How did you pull it off?”
“Called Nick. Booked a flight. Easy stuff.”
“I risked my life for that sign, by the way!” Nick hollered from the couch.
“Is that why you ran out of the room earlier?”
Nick just nodded in response. “I came through. Pulled the wool over your eyes.”
Noah lifted his brows at me, his expression was unreadable.
“You both are insufferable, you know that?”
I had brought my things to Noah’s room, not much need for my own. My legs were feeling heavy, so the walk off the elevator and down the hallway with him was my time to find the strength. Noah was a very…active…individual, and I assumed that he was going to be looking for some time together.
When we entered the room, he walked past me, immediately pulling his shirt off and sitting in the bed. Rather than looking at me with his usual hunger, his eyes looked exhausted when they met mine.
It occurred to me, Noah had been on tour for a couple of months. He was playing shows nearly every night while traveling, sometimes without even time to sleep in a hotel room. He needed rest.
“Noah?” He only tipped his chin up in response. “I think I know what you need.”
He raised his brow, the playful expression shadowing his face. “Yeah, and what’s that?”
“A shower.” It took him a second to process, but once he did, his shoulders relaxed forward and he huffed out an amused sigh.
“Yep, you’re right about that.” He ran his hand over the back of his neck.
I stepped over to him, putting my arms around his shoulders and pulling him in close. He pressed the side of his face into my chest in a comforting gesture, wrapping his own arms around my waist.
“Then, you need some sleep. Nick said we leave at 6AM.”
I could only feel him nod. I pulled back so he could look up at me.
“Why don’t we pick up on the fun stuff when we get home? And just work on recovering for now?”
I felt his body go slack.
“Oh thank God.” I shook with laughter. “I’m so fucking tired, Leena. I didn’t want to disappoint you, though.”
“You want to know a secret?”
“I’m fucking dead, dude. I’m so tired I could fall asleep standing up.”
He laughed into my chest, caging me in just a little tighter.
“Didn’t you sleep on the plane?”
“No, I uh…I’m not a great flyer.”
“Me neither, why do you think we still take a tour bus?” His voice was muffled by my shirt and he sighed heavily.
“You, mister, go get in a hot shower. Scrub off all that sweat. I will order us some food, and get a movie on.”
He groaned approvingly. “Today is the best day ever.”
He sounded small, which tugged on my heart. “I’m glad I came.”
“Me too.”
After a solid five hours of sleep, a morning shower (that may have included some touching), and a third cup of coffee, Noah and I were standing at the hotel check-in desk turning in his room key, and my completely useless one as well. We had fallen asleep not twenty-minutes into the horror movie I had put on after devouring a pizza. We fell asleep spooning, but he eventually rolled onto his back, and I woke up half-laying on him, sweat covering both of us.
Noah was always so chipper in the mornings, which was painful for me, as I was a creature of the night. Even after all of the caffeine, I was still wearing sweatpants, one of Noah's sweatshirts, no bra, flip-flops, and my sunglasses. My hair was hanging loose over my shoulders, not brushed out after the shower. I looked absolutely dreadful.
Still, he held my hand as we walked out to the bus, and helped my backpack off of me and let me on first. The bus was about what I expected, large, loungers lining both sides, a table near a somewhat kitchenette with a refrigerator and table. In the 'hallway' area were the bunks, a bathroom that was smaller than the one on the airplane, and in the very back was a couch with two large televisions, a couple of various gaming consoles, and some cabinets that Noah showed me were filled with snacks.
I had set myself up on one of the lounge couches while the rest of the guys loaded onto the bus. I was waving to each of them lazily as they stepped on, dropping things off in their respective bunks. Folio laid on the lounger across from me, immediately letting his eyes fall closed. I felt my own lids get heavy.
"Are we ready? Ron says we aren't stopping for at least six hours." Jolly called from the front of the bus. He received several yelps of approval in the back from Noah and Nick, who were putting their things away in the back cabinets. No response from the now comatose Folio, and just a thumbs up from me.
As the bus began to move, the vibrations had me lulled, pulling me closer to falling back asleep as my eyes watched the sun slowly rising from the window. An arm reached over me, pulling a shade closed and blocking the light, which was lovely.
I heard Noah's voice above me, so I angled my head to look up. "Going to take a nap, love?" The word made me turn my lips up tiredly.
"Mm, it's not even a nap. It's just going back to bed."
He laughed, shaking his head. "You want to lay in my bunk? The pillows smell like me." He winked, making me roll my eyes playfully.
"I'm too claustrophobic for those things." I sunk down into the cushions. "Besides, I'm so comfy."
He walked to the back, returning only a moment later with a large green blanket that was plush and warm, flinging it over me.
He bent down and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "Get some sleep. I'm going to go kick the shit out of Nick at Warzone."
"Fuck you, dude! I'm going to wipe the fucking floor with you." Nick's voice carried through the bus.
Noah was only gone for a moment before my eyes slipped closed and the movement from the bus had me in a nice, deep slumber.
The drive back home was long. Longer than I had exactly anticipated. It was now about 11PM, and Noah and I were snuggled on the couch in the back, watching through The Conjuring 2, under the same blanket I had napped under earlier. I was going to sleep back here tonight, and I had this pulling feeling that Noah was too.
I was laying sideways, pressed against his side and chest as he laid flat, legs crossed and spread long on the couch. He had one arm wrapped around me, and the other folded under his head.
I wasn't so much watching the movie, having seen it many times, but I was mostly studying him. My fingers traced the tattoos on his shirtless chest, taking note of freckles that were barely visible between the lines of ink.
After a while, I glanced up at him, seeing his eyes beginning to flutter closed. I reached my face up, and pressed a kiss to his jaw, catching his attention. His arm tightened around me, and he breathed heavy.
"I'm fighting for my life to stay awake here." His voice was deep and thick, sleepy.
I smiled. "Why not go to bed, babe? This couch is a little small for two of us."
"Cause you're wide awake, and I'm not going to leave you alone."
"I'm a big girl, Noah. I can put on something to watch and lay here until I get drowsy"
He just shook his head and cleared his throat. "I'll be okay."
I shrugged and began sitting up, needing to stretch. He followed suit.
His eyes watched me as I lifted my arms over my head, my crop top pulling and exposing the underside of my breasts. I saw his tongue slide over his bottom lip.
I quirked an eyebrow. "Can I help you?"
He smirked, reaching out to press his palm into my side, making me shiver. His hands were freezing.
"Actually..." He pulled, nearly causing me to topple into his lap.
I let out a squeal, clapping a hand over my mouth. Jolly and Nick were passed out, their snores carrying through the bus. Folio was in his bunk, watching something on his tablet with headphones in. Noah had closed the door to the back of the bus when we first came back here, but I didn't want to be a nuisance, and wake everyone.
He quietly laughed, pulling my legs on either side of him, bringing my face down to his with a hand in my hair.
Our mouths connected softly, his hands coming to rest on my sides.
I pulled back slightly, my eyes glancing over at the door.
"It's locked."
I raised my brows at him, hands resting on his shoulders. "Yeah? Had ideas of how this night was going to go?"
I tried to keep my face even, but I was struggling not to crack a smile.
"I'm not as tired tonight." His voice was low, serious.
He pressed his lips to mine again, steady but not eager. We had time. We were only halfway back to LA, most everyone was asleep, and, most importantly, we were in love.
This moment together just felt different. There was a barrier that had been up, completely fallen now, leaving us bare to each other and vulnerable.
Slowly, he lifted my shirt over my head, drinking in the sight in front of him. His mouth came down on my chest, teeth leaving soft bites as he worked toward my left nipple slowly, painfully. His lips locked onto my nipple, and my head fell back. His hands pulled my hips down, only the fabrics of our sweats between us. The hard bulge ground against my core, making me moan softly.
We stayed this way for a long time, writhing together, his mouth moving from my nipples to my neck, to my mouth. I tugged on his shirt, pulling it over his head. For a second, I stood off of him, and intentionally pulled my pants down as slowly as possible, causing him to groan.
Once I had kicked them off, I reached down and grabbed onto his, only pulling them down enough to let his erection free. I then regained my spot straddling him, sliding myself over him, our mouths hot on each other. When I felt the head of his cock bump my entrance, we both froze for a second. His eyes latched onto me.
We both stared for longer than a moment, trying to decide what we do here. I wasn't on birth control. I knew I was clean. I trusted him to tell me if he wasn't. As stupid as it was, it didn't bother me. Nothing bothered me here. Nothing.
I sunk down, letting him slide into me, and I watched as his mouth fell open, eyes wide. This wasn't just us having sex on the back of a tour bus where someone could hear or see. This was more. This was something else entirely.
I felt every inch of him, all the way to the hilt, and my eyes fluttered closed, my bottom lip caught in my teeth. I was adjusting to the size, having only felt it the one time before, months ago.
"Look at me." His voice was nothing more than a breath.
I opened my eyes, staring at him, tears stinging the corners of my eyes. I couldn't say if it was from the slight pain of the penetration, or the sheer emotion I had for Noah.
His hands held me in place by my sides, keeping me from moving an inch.
"I love you, Leena."
A tear spilled down my face, and I sucked in a hard breath.
"I love you, Noah. So fucking much."
I felt his fingers release me ever so gently, and I bucked my hips, causing the most delicious friction that pulled a moan out of both of us. Again, I clapped a hand over my mouth to keep myself from giving us away, and began a slow rhythm of bouncing up and down, each thrust pushing me toward a finish line I so desperately wanted.
He leaned his head back against the cabinet, his breathing so heavy I thought his chest might burst.
"Jesus Christ, baby. Don't fucking stop." He was too loud, he would have the entire bus knowing what we were doing.
I reached my hand up to cover his mouth too, but he snatched my wrist in his hand, reaching up and grabbing the other from over my mouth. He held both wrists in one hand, and pinned them between us, not letting me free while his hips bucked, pressing him deeper and deeper each time I landed on top of him.
He leaned his head in to whisper in my ear. "Stay quiet baby, wouldn't want anyone to know."
Small squeaks escaped with nearly every thrust, my eyes beginning to roll back. I grit my teeth to keep the sound from escaping.
"That's it. Good job, baby." His eyes were half-masked when he spoke, one hand gripping my wrists in a deadly tight grasp, the other lifting my hips for leverage. "You're trying so hard to keep quiet. So good, princess."
His words were giving me a familiar tingling sensation in my belly, my climax coming closer the more he spoke.
"Look so fucking pretty when you ride my cock. Missed that tight pussy so much."
I let a small whine out and his body stilled instantly. My eyes snapped open, and he narrowed his eyes at me. The irises were black, his expression was serious.
"What did I say? You need to keep quiet."
My eyes widened, but my head nodded frantically. The lack of friction was becoming painful.
"I'm sorry."
He released my wrists, my hands falling lifelessly to my side. Both of his hands snaked up my chest, reaching my shoulders. His right hand reached up, wrapping his fingers gently around my throat and slowly adding pressure until I felt my windpipe compressing ever so slightly.
The sensation was sickeningly delicious and my legs naturally jerked in an attempt to gain sensation.
"You will do as I say, is that understood?" I nodded. He reached a hand around me and grabbed a fist full of skin from my ass, pulling me forward. His hand tightened on my throat.
"Now, ask nicely for me to fuck you."
I gasped, his hand loosening to let air through.
"Please, Noah. Please...fuck me."
His hand released my neck, coming down to grab my ass and began bucking up into me violently. I fell forward against him. His arms then wrapped around my chest as I felt the coil in my body pull tighter and tighter. I pulled back to look him in the eyes, his expression wild.
I leaned down and bit into his neck hard, causing a strangled sound to come from his throat as I felt him slow his thrusts. I used the opportunity to grind myself harder against him, the contact pushing me over the edge, my orgasm tearing out of me.
I rode down onto him hard, slowing with each thrust, until we were both panting against each other.
"Are you okay?" He breathed out after a moment, having calmed to nearly normal.
I only nodded in response.
"I've never done...that before." His voice was entirely different now, sounding nearly nervous.
"What?" I expected him to be referring to the choking. It wasn't my first time, but any other time had been pretty dissatisfying, to say the least.
"Having sex...without a condom."
I pulled back to look at him, my brows raised in disbelief.
He was chewing on his lip. "I trust you. I just..." He trailed off, his mind clearly racing. "I'm clean, I swear I am."
I only chuckled at this, rolling off of him and snatching my pants off of the floor. He pulled his up as well.
"I am, too. However," I slipped my shirt over my head. "I'm not on the pill, so we'll need to grab a Plan B when we get back to civilization."
His eyes widened. "I didn't even fucking think of that."
I stood up, stretching. "Luckily for you, I did."
We turned the movie off, as we had missed most of it already anyway. We sat facing each other, cross-legged on the couch, eating snacks out of our respective bags; I had Cheez-Its and he had Reese's Pieces.
"Are you from LA, originally?"
I shook my head. "No, I was born in Washington, but only lived there until I was about five. When my mom died, my Dad moved us to LA. Him and Mom lives there before I was born, and she was buried in East Los Angeles. He said it only made sense.”
"What does he do?" He popped a candy into his mouth.
"He's has a wood-working business. Builds furniture and does art pieces. He doesn't do much of the actual labor stuff anymore, at his age, but he still loves to carve. He has six stores in LA County, two in San Bernardino, and one up in Alameda."
Noah looked thoroughly impressed. "Fucking nice!"
"Yeah, he's my best friend. Best Dad ever." I smiled thinking about my Dad. I would be calling him the moment I got home to update him on my trip.
I looked up at Noah, my turn to ask questions.
"Why go to an AA group in Orange County when you live all the way in Calabasas?"
He twirled a candy in his fingers, shrugging. "Well, when I google searched AA meetings, I didn't want to risk anyone seeing me, so I didn't want to be too close by. I also didn't want to travel too far so I wouldn't have an excuse not to go. Then I narrowed it down to meeting not associated with any churches or religious groups. That's how I found yours."
"What made you decide it was time for AA?"
He was looking down into his bag, and I saw the expression on his face change. I had hit a nerve somewhere, but I wasn't sure where.
"It's like I said before, I had some downtime and figured it was time."
"I don't believe that."
His head snapped up to look at me. "What?"
"Well, maybe in general that's true, but there's usually something. One thing that leads you to AA. It's rare when you just wake up one day, realize you have a problem, and then walk into a meeting."
His eyes narrowed. "Well, that's what happened to me."
He didn't want to keep talking about this, I could tell, but something was there that he wasn't saying. I elected to let it go. I'm no longer his sponsor, maybe I'm not entitled to that information anymore.
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soholola · 2 months
My first time
I’d had sex with a bunch of women and a few guys as well. With guys, we had only wanked and had oral sex together, but my wildest sex fantasy was to spread my legs and get fucked like a girl. So, one night I have a hotel room in Montreal and decide I am going to find a man to fuck me. I go hang out at a gay bar and end up sitting on a bar stool and chatting with this guy Paul, sitting next to me. A couple of drinks later, I ask if he wants to come to my hotel room, and he readily accepts. As soon as we get through the door, Paul starts kissing me and two minutes later, we are naked on the bed, licking, sucking, kissing, caressing. I am feeling so hot, thinking about getting fucked, my whole body is tingling with excitement, and I am behaving like a real little slut. After a while, I am so excited that I am afraid I will cum before getting Paul’s cock inside me, so I pushed myself away, lay back against the headboard on my elbows, spread my legs and meekly asked “Would you like to fuck me”? Paul caressed my ass and thighs and said quite empahtically “I would love to fuck you”. He climbed on top of me and started kissing and caressing me and grinding his hard cock against my crotch and belly. He went on like this for a long time and I was getting crazy with desire for cock to be inside me. Finally he stopped, took the lubricant I had left on the night table and greased up his cock. I lay on my back, put a pillow under my bum, spread my legs and held my knees by my chest, waiting for Paul to slowly work that big hard cock into my tight little boi cunt. Paul came to me and pressed his rock hard cock against my pussy. Then he grabbed me firmly by the hips and rammed his cock into me. I shrieked as a wicked pain shot through me and I lurched away from him. He had wanted it to hurt me, he wanted to see me squirm with pain when he shoved that big cock into me. I begged him to go slow and be gentle. He said he would, but it took a while before I could relax my pussy enough for him to try again. Then it took a few more minutes with Paul gently prodding my pussy with his hard cock, but he slowly worked it into my tight little ass. I gasped and moaned with pleasure as he shoved it deep inside me. I loved the feel of his cock inside me as he started slowly fucking me with long, deep strokes - absolutley divine! I couldn’t believe how long he fucked me for. Sometimes I would lie with my legs spread, holding my knees by my ears, sometimes I would rest my feet on his chest or drape my legs over his shoulders, and sometimes I would wrap my legs around him, pulling him deep inside me. Paul was always caressing my body, my ass, my legs, hips and feet, and he would passionately kiss me. Sometimes Paul would just hold his cock deep inside me for a while, caressing me and kissing my lips, my cheeks, my neck and shoulders. I don’t know how long he fucked me for – fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, maybe more, until he started thrusting his cock hard and deep into me, finally pumping his cum deep inside my pretty little ass. He lay on top of me for a while longer, his cock still hard inside me, and occasionally grinding it into me again as the last bit of his cum seeped into my cunt. He pulled his cock out of me and started sucking my hard dick. In just seconds, I was squirting my cum into his sweet lips. It was a great fuck, how can I describe it - pure bliss, ecstasy! I loved every stroke of his hard cock in my tight little boi cunt. As we lay together catching our breath, Paul gently rubbed my belly and the first thing he said to me was “After we shower, I want to take you again”.
A true story. Sexy little bitch Lola 💋💋💋
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greazyfloz · 1 year
27 & 29 smut with dylan duke
Smut: 27. "Let’s pump a couple babies into ya” & 29. "I don’t share” w/ Dylan Duke
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Sooner Than You Think
Dylan and I got into a random argument about having children while we were out at dinner with some of his friends from his hometown. One of his friends told us that they were expecting then it became a big joke that I Dylan and I should try for a kid to so they could be best friends.
Dylan started making remarks about having children that started to make me a little upset as the night went on, "imagine they could learn to play hockey together" Marissa, his friends girlfriend exclaimed
"Yeah, maybe your next child" he says laughing and we all laughed along with him, "or maybe the next one after that" he continued. By that point I kinda started to have the feeling that kids weren't really in his ideal future.
"or maybe with your next girlfriend" one of his drunk friends said. I shook it off at first thinking he was just drunk, but Dylan laughed
"Yeah maybe" Dylan says laughing along. Some of the people laughed along until they realized I took offence to that. Everyone at the table became slightly awkward and Dylan looks around at everyone, "What?" he says then finally looks at me.
"fuck. you." I say standing from my seat and grabbing my purse from the chair
"What?" he says looking at me confused, "Where are you going?"
"Leaving so your next girlfriend can have a place to sit"
I then storm out of the restaurant we were in and walked over to the bar next door. I made my way in and went directly to the bar. I took a seat next to a random guy, that ended up being very attractive.
"Hey" he says with a smile, I just nod my head and raise my hand trying to get the bartenders attention, "rough night?"
"Kinda" I say as the bartender makes their way over, "just give me a water" I tell him and he nods then pour me a water
"So, what brings a pretty girl like you into a bar like this, all by herself?" he guy says
"Well that didn't sound creepy at all" I say looking at him weird
"It did didn't it" he laughs, "I swear I'm not going to chop you up" he says making me laugh
"I'm Y/n" I tell him
"What a pretty name, it suits you" he tells me, "I'm Andrew. Typically pretty girls don't come to this bar" he tells me
"Typically, I don't go to bars alone unless I'm here to forget something"
"Something or someone?" Andrew asks
"You're smart" I tell him
"Well, it's going to take more than a glass of water to forget him, what did he do?"
"He doesn't want to have kids... Well with me"
"Is he ugly? maybe he is scared the kid will come out ugly and you will know who to blame" he says making me laugh again
"He isn't ugly" I say as I begin to stop laughing, "He must think I'm ugly"
"You're pretty, but you need some glasses" he says, "and buddy needs a brain for letting you leave him"
"Thank you, but I didn't leave him... yet I guess" I say to him
"Well when you do think about leaving him, here is my number" he says while writing his number on a napkin then sliding it over.
"She won't be needing it" Dylan says then sliding the napkin back over to Andrew.
"You must be the boyfriend" he says to Dylan
"Yeah" he says then looks at me, "Come on, let's go"
"It was nice to meet you" I say to Andrew as I look around Dylan.
"You know where to find me" he says in a reassuring tone as I walk out of the bar with Dylan following close behind me. Dylan looks back and gives Andrew a dirty look before placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me out the door. I step to the side away from his touch and we continue to walk side by side to his car.
The drive back to his place was quiet because no one said a word until we got onto his street.
"Who was that guy?"
"Andrew who?
"How do you know him?"
"I don't"
"Would you talk to me normally?" he says to me and I shake my head looking out the window, "please?"
"Maybe the next girlfriend will communicate better"
"Oh my god" he says as he turns the car into the driveway, "let it go"
I open the door as he puts the car in park, and march into his house. He is quick behind me carrying my purse, I didn't even know that I left behind. I open the door and close it but he catches it walking in behind me.
"I laughed at a joke Y/n!" he says as he follows behind me on the way up the stairs to his room. "Come on, I'd pop a baby in you right now if I could" he says and I turn around and look at him wide eyed, "no one is home"
"You literally said we would have a kid when they had their 3rd!" I said to him, "you know I want kids Dylan so did you say that just to hurt me?!"
"Why would he even joke about a 'next girlfriend'?"
"I don't know!"
"Well, let me know when you figure it out?"
"Okay, why am I all in the wrong here? You are bringing up me and my next girlfriend who doesn't even exist, but I find you all over a guy at the bar?!" he says raising his voice
I stand up and walk you to him and look at him with a tight look on my face, "fuck you" I say to him still staring at him as he licks his lips
"Please" he says leaning down to press his lips on mine. We begin to make out as he back me against the wall and pulls away, "I don't share"
He then reaches down and takes my shirt off, then I reach back and take my bra off as he takes his shirt off too. Once we are both topless he begins making out with me again as we make our way to his bed. "Your mouth is addicting" he says into the kiss.
He tugs my pants and I take the hint to pull them down along with my panties before kneeling down onto my knees. He looks down at me and watches me unbutton his pants then pulling them off before stroking his cock. I don't take anymore time and begin sucking his cock back and forth until his cock is all the way in.
I take him out of my mouth to catch my breath then like up his shaft and begin sucking his cock again. "Your turn" he says to me as I look up at him. I stand up and Dylan pushes me back onto the bed. He crawls on top on me and kisses my lips gently, "You know I love you right?" he asks me
"Yes baby" I say to him as he begins kissing down my stomach
"Good" he says
He reaches my pussy and licks up my slit once. His fingers rub circles around my clit before they move down and he slides two into my pussy. He leans forward and begins sucking on my clit as I reach to the sides of the bed, grabbing onto the sheets, moaning loudly as I feel his fingers begin to curl inside on me, "Yes Dylan!" I moan out.
He then switches his fingers and mouth and begins pumping his tongue in and out of me while sucking my pussy as his fingers rub my clit. "O-oh!" I moan loudly, "Oh my god!". I throw my head back but then he stops.
He makes his way back up to my lips and kisses them gently, then makes his way into my neck. "You want a baby?" he says as he continues sucking on my neck
"Dylan" I say breathlessly
"Tell me" he muffles into my neck
"Okay" he says standing up from the bed
"Dylan?" I question him cautiously, in case that made him mad. He pulls me to the edge of the bed then smiles at me.
"Let's pump a couple babies into ya"
He positions his cock at my entrance and pushes himself deep inside of me, "Dylan!" I moan out as he continues to pump himself hard and fast inside of me, "You feel so good!"
"Tell me what you want" he grunts out as he thrusts inside of me
"I want you to fuck me" I moan out
"Yeah? Tell me more!" he says almost out of breath
"I-I want you to f-fuck me until you fill me up!"
He continues fucking me through my orgasm as I drag my nails down his back. I whimper loudly as I release myself on his cock and he smiles proud at himself at me.
"I'm close" he tells me as he continues pumping himself but becoming sloppier. He grunts as he releases himself inside my pussy. After he cums he lays in the bed beside me and looks at me, "What were we fighting about again?"
We both laugh before he stand up from the bed, "You're just going to leave me here?" I ask him as he opens the bedroom door
"I'm going to the shower if you wanna join, you know the answer is always yes" he winks
I follow behind him after i hear the shower turn on. I open the bathroom door and then slide the shower door open. Before he turns around, I wrap my arms around him.
"Babe?" I ask him
"Do you actually want to have a baby?" I ask him and he turns around in my arms to look at me, "or should I go get the morning after pill tomorrow?"
"I do want a baby" he says but doesn't smile, "I don't know when but I'll be ready when it happens"
I smile at him and he smiles back bringing back in for a hug. I rest my head against his chest before he looks down at me and presses a kiss on my lips
"Can I tell you why dinner made me really upset?" I ask him taking a step back, and he nods, "I'm pregnant"
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max-the-many · 10 months
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Start here:
'body a day' #9: school:
And hell yeah it was waiting, packed with scruffy dudes, the occasional chicks, but I saw muscle over muscle, greeted several guys on the tble and many others my neigbour seemed to know. And not seldom I thought ablut how nice it would be, to try another huy, that blonde from the boys, that daddy at the bar, the asian that was asking me if I'd come.
But on top of that I didn't miss the guy that came to my place, or the place of my neighbour. Daniel was his name, and he couldn't take his eyes of me.
"Having a good time?" I said, lifting my beer with a smile as I joined him at the bar "Sorry again for the naked welcome"
He grinned before he lifted his beer aswell "No problem at all. As if we don't see each other naked at the lockers all the time"
"Thats true. Well, but not with that much of an excitement, I suppose " I stated, looking at him with a cheeky grin, before looking down for a split second. "But you know what. That fucker really needs a piss"
And after looking at him for another moment, I left for the bathroom.
What did I do! Whom was I! I never was like this, not a fraction of it! It just ran out of me! So playful, so cheeky, so free! And so fucking horny! When I ended up infront of the urinal the nice member of my neighbour already pumped quite the size.
And I just stood there, looked down and injoyed the new view, held that thing in hand and felt it's weight, the new sensation before the door opened again.
"Guess the pressure is contagious" I said as Daniel unpacked right besides me. And the second he lifted his head at me I grabbed his neck to pull him in for a greedy kiss. I even heared the splashing on the metal surface and pulled him onto the first stall as soon as he was done.
"Should have done this the moment you entered my flat" I stated before I pushed him down on his knees. And he went for it as if he was starving for month which possibly was pretty true. His look, his rections. He must have lusted over my neighbour for quite a while! And now it was for me to injoy...
We just finished as the asian guy, Noah, entered. I don't think he saw Daniel as I left him at the stall, but I could tell in his eyes, that he had a pretty good feeling of what just happened, answered my smile as I left the bathroom.
I webt for the bar again, took a sip of the beer I left. My neighbours body was awsome! Daniels lust, the possibilities with Noah, and surely several more just in that pib full of musk amd muscle. But I also couldn't stop thinking about having another body. And as my mind wandered, a pulse got stronger in my chest again, a warmth, an energy.
"What up" a voice cought my focus. It was a rather young guy I haven't noticed before. "So Daniel finally got it's load" he shot out blandly.
I froze for a second. This little fucker... But soon a grin arose on my lips.
"You got it all figured out, did you?"
Did my neighbour know him? Did they... had some fun? I couldn't tell. His cheeky smile could mean anything! And those eyes... made me feel so... caught.
"You bet"...
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Angst with a Happy Ending, Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Word Count:  2.5k
Summary: The jackass you wrote off last night seeks you out for an apology. At least you get a baseball game out of it.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: I'm just here for the baseball.
You're coming back from your  morning run, endorphins pumping through your body, when a text notification from an unknown number flashes across the screen of your phone.  
Unknown Number: Hey, it's Jake the Jackass from the bar last night.  Just wanted to apologize again and thank you for the apparently needed ego check.
You: Glad I could provide some much needed grounding.  How did you get my number?
Unknown Number: Lydia ended up back here with Rooster last night.  I asked her when she briefly emerged from their sex den.
You: Ahh sweet traitorous Lydia. Anyway, I accept the apology.  Bye and have a nice life.
Unknown Number: That's abrupt, lol.  Let me try to redeem myself at least.  I've got two home plate tickets to the Padres game today.  Interested in joining me?
You consider the offer, a free ticket to a game and something to do this afternoon.  In an unusual fit of impulse you grab your phone and reply.
You: Sure, why not.  I'll meet you at the entrance opposite the convention center at 12:30.  
Unknown Number: Sounds great, it's a date. See you then.
You: It's not a date, it's amends.  Especially if I buy the beer.
You don't receive a response.  you save his number in your phone as Jackass, Jake in the last name first format.  
Jake the Jackass has such a nice alliteration to it.  Looking at the clock you've got just enough time to clean up, shove some food down your gullet, and catch the ferry from Coronado Island over to the stadium.  
It's a beautiful day that happens more often than not in San Diego when you get off the ferry and walk towards Petco Park.  You can see Jake waiting from a distance, he's easy to pick out with the ramrod military posture, sun lightened blond hair waving gently in the wind, and those ubiquitous aviator sunglasses.  Are they contractually required to wear them all the time?
You're about 50 feet away when he spots you and you can see the smile bloom in his face in recognition as you approach.  He opens his arms for a hug and to your own surprise you reciprocate the gesture.  The warmth of his hand seeps through the light cotton sundress you chose for today and almost sears where your bare skin meets his.  With the sensible sandals you're wearing he's almost a foot taller than you and you feel very small, yet safe in his arms.  Again you get the woodsy smell of his aftershave and think how nice he smells.  He pulls back and says, 
"I wasn't sure you were going to come.  Thought you might want to finish grinding my ego into the ground."
You laugh and reply, 
"I keep my word.  Besides I figure anyone who's enough of a glutton for punishment to try again is probably worth a second chance. That and a tiny soft spot in my heart that decided at least I get out to a Padres game. It's hard to find someone to go with sometimes."
You start walking towards the turnstile to enter the stadium.
"Lydia and Beth, not big sports fans?" He asks.
"Hardly, the funny thing is that I work with a whole lot of dudes who love baseball, but I just can't imagine spending time with them outside of work without them getting the wrong idea."
"What idea would that be?" He asks waggling his eyebrows.  
You point at him,
"That one.  For some reason I can't just hang out with a guy from work without them thinking it's more than just someone to hang with and watch some baseball.  They try to make it more and it gets real awkward at work when I don't reciprocate. I dated one guy from work and it got pretty serious before it went down in spectacular flames." 
You make explosion gestures with your hands. 
"Ended up leaving that job, it got so bad, but that led me to your  job at Lockheed Martin so it works out in the end." 
You take a deep breath, you usually don't reveal that much personal info so early.  You know you have trust issues. Jake's brows have furrowed into what you read as anger when thinking about some long ago asshole. For some reason the thought of him wanting to kick some guys ass for you makes you feel fuzzy, then you can feel your  feminist brain sigh in disappointment. Sensing the mood has shifted too far towards serious, you laugh your nervous laugh, and point over to the concession stand and ask, 
"You got drinks last night so it's your  turn.  What do you want?" 
Jake surprisingly goes along easily with your offer and says, 
"Stone Hazy IPA."
Most guys seem affronted that you want to pay your fair share for a date, another ex had called it emasculating when you bought  dinner or drinks and for the fact that you made more money than him.  You pick a lighter lager from Ballast Point along with a bottle of water. 
You've settled into your seats, drinks in tow just as the pregame announcements start.  The national anthem plays and you see just how ingrained military habits can be when Jake rises automatically to that perfect posture and removes his sunglasses and raises his hand over his heart and sings surprisingly well along with the music.  His voice is mellow and deep and just a charming amount off key in a couple places of the song.  An image of you lying your head on his naked chest and feeling that voice reverberate flashes through your brain.  Quickly, you shake it away to applaud the end of the anthem and the first pitch.  
"These seats are great," you offer to keep the conversation going. You're just far enough down the third base line that we've got a good view of the batter, but still close enough to action that we can hear the catcher trash talking the batters. 
"How'd you score these?"
"One of my buddies has season tickets, but got called out to a new assignment and knew I was going to be in the area so he gifted me the rest of the season since he can't use them."
"Nice friend, if you've got these seats all season, I might be more likely to hang out with you again."
"Aha, so the way into the Ice Queen's heart is through baseball, who knew?"
"I've got a few passions in life, you just have to dig a little deeper to get to know them. So, I've got a question, how are you so well acquainted with Frozen?  You’re not exactly the market demographic for Frozen.  Are you a secret super fan of Disney?"
He laughs, 
"Not a secret super fan of Disney, although the Lion King did break my   little 10 year old heart.  First time I cried at a movie.  I've got two nieces who are eight and five.  Right in that target demographic. I babysit them occasionally when I'm back in Texas."
"So what does the Seresin family situation look like?" you ask. 
"Painfully middle class white, my  parents have been married since the beginning of time, met in college. Had my brother pretty early, and a few years later I came along.  Dad was a doctor, my older brother is too. Mom had a Physics degree from UT but never had a chance to use it as she stayed home with us and didn't work.  Grew up in Austin as the all American family."
"Wow, high achieving family.  Imagine being the disappointment as a fighter pilot."
"Who says I'm the disappointment?  Mike is just a doctor." He says in mock offense.  
"What does the…I don't even know your last name.  I just saved you as Elsa Ice in my phone."
You give him a mock glare, "Matthews, so you can correct that now.  To be fair I saved you as Jake Jackass in my phone.  We'll see how the day goes to see if you upgrade that status. The Matthews family is also painfully bland and white.  My Dad retired from the Navy after his service in Vietnam, came back to Michigan and met my mom at a house party at Michigan State.  Dad's an automotive engineer and Mom taught high school math for many years. Grew up in a Lansing suburb.  I'm the oldest, I have a sister who's 3 years younger than me.  She's a tattoo artist in Chicago."
"That's at least a little bit interesting, do you have any of her work on you?"
A mischievous smirk creeps onto your lips as you respond, 
"Yeah, I've got a few pieces of hers on me.  She's the only one I'd ever let tattoo me.  I'd show you, but that would probably earn me a public indecency ticket." 
You slyly wink at the last sentence and enjoy the way Jake slightly chokes on his beer as the thought registers.
After a slight coughing fit, Jake regains his smooth demeanor.  "As you informed me last night you've got a PhD in aerospace engineering from Stanford, did you go to Michigan State for undergrad?"
"Nope, love my family dearly but I needed some distance so I went to Notre Dame. "
He laughs and you can see those charming laugh lines peeking out from the sides of his aviators.  "I get that, I've got some family legacy in the Air Force and wanted to earn my place on my own merits, not on my last name."
"You go to the Naval Academy  then?" 
He nods in the affirmative, 
"That must have been anarchy when you made that choice."
He chuckles at the memory, 
"Nearly gave my grandfather a heart attack and almost got my ass beat by uncles and cousins.  But I kind of enjoy being the black sheep."
"Yeah, my dad blew a gasket when I got into Notre Dame.  He thought he was going to have to pay for it all, private out-of-state tuition made his mind melt, but luckily I got an athletic scholarship that covered most of it."
"What sport?" 
Before you can reply there is a high foul ball headed towards your seats.  You're seated closer to home plate than Jake and you instinctively stretch your  arms up to try and catch the ball.  It's coming closer and you can see that it's going to sail over your  head.  You, for the millionth time, curse your  shortness.  Suddenly you feel strong hands on your waist and you're being propelled up high enough to catch the ball.  You catch the ball with a satisfying thud and whip your  head around to see how you're presumably flying in the air.  Jake is holding you as high as he can above his head with his long arms. His muscles are rippling but not trembling, the thought of how he could hold you up easily while fucking you against a wall flashes through your brain and a flush of heat rolls down your body and straight to your  pussy.  You almost drop the ball at the thought as he returns you to the ground.
"I didn't expect that, the foul ball or the complimentary flight."
He shrugs, 
"It was all you, I just gave you the boost."
"Well, thank you. I've never caught a ball at a game.  This is going to be an excellent addition to my desk on Monday, it'll inspire so much jealousy among my coworkers."
The game continues on at the easy pace of baseball, plenty of time to talk but not miss the action. The Padres are playing the Milwaukee Brewers so it gives you a chance to talk about your mom's roots in Wisconsin and the family legacy of cheese making.  
"So, you’re telling me that you’re the first person in five generations of your mom's family not to work in a cheese factory.  That is so Wisconsin it hurts." He can't stop laughing maniacally at the thought.  you give him a mock punch on the arm as you roll your eyes.  "I might be changing your name in my phone to Elsa Cheese Queen." He is laughing so hard that he takes his aviators off to wipe at his eyes.
"Oh my god, you’re turning into a lobster.  Did you put any sunscreen on today?"
"No, thought didn't occur to me."
"What is it about guys and sunscreen? Nobody remembers, here I've got some in my purse."
You pull out a small tube of sunscreen and pull his hand over to squeeze some on his fingers.  He attempts to slather it on his face leaving a few big globs along his jawline.  
"Here, let me help you with that."
You reach out and blend the sunscreen along his jawline, your fingers graze over a hint of stubble.  Your apparently overactive and very horny brain sends the thought of feeling that stubble tracing up your  thighs.  You let the thought linger and quickly hand the tube to Jake and stutter out, 
"Now do me." 
You mentally cringe at the innuendo, "My back," you quickly amend and turn in your seat to present your  back to him.  You can feel the cool lotion spread across your  back with calloused hands, he gently moves the thin straps of your sundress to make sure he doesn't miss a spot.  Horny brain is already piecing together scenarios where that is your bra strap and is followed by exploring lips.  Rational brain manages to squeak out a thank you and retrieve the sunscreen from Jake.  You settle back into your  seat and Jake rests his arm on the back of your  seat.  You let it stay.
The game ends with the Padres winning 8-4. You're shuffling out of the game and your stomach growls.  In another one of those moments of impulse you'll attribute to your horny brain you ask, 
"Are you up for a bite to eat? I know a good tapas place a few blocks from here."
Jake is visibly surprised at your invite, he smiles as he replies, 
"Yeah, that sounds great. I must have grown on you if you're wanting to spend more time with me. I half expected you to bolt the minute the game was over."  
He smirks and cracks that toothpaste smile that you immediately rename the panty dropper.  
"Ah yes, like a cute little fungus, you've grown on me.  You’re not so bad, once you drop the smug idiot act."
"Fair, I can work with that…so does this mean you’re asking me on a date?"
You pause and lower your  sunglasses, it's your  turn to be smooth for once in your life.  
"Why yes, Jake Seresin, will you go on a dinner date with me?"
Chapter 3
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sissyndfw · 6 months
Chapter 2 - Allie Confesses
Travis brought me a towel and I cleaned up as much cum as I could. I kissed him again and whispered in his ear, when we get back tonight I'm going to suck your cock, I flicked his ear with my tongue and handed him my panties, I want you to wear these while we're gone. As I walked away I looked back and lifted my skirt, his cum was leaking out of me and running down my legs, look what you did to me I said. I made my way to the master bath and Allie was doing her makeup. I said I was running late so I'm going to shower here, as I pulled off my cum soaked shirt and skirt and tossed them on the floor.
I hope she doesn't see all this cum leaking out of my ass I thought to myself as I stepped into the water and relaxed letting Travis's cum flow out of me. A quick rinse and I was good as new, I dried off and noticed Allie was looking at my dick in the mirror as she did her lips. Do you remember that time in college I asked, Allie blushed and responded, of course Jessica, you little slut. I laughed as I went into the closet to find something sexy to wear. I picked out a cute see through thong and a short teal skirt with some striped stockings that matched.
I touched up my makeup and put my hair back, hurry up bitch, I said to Allie, I'm ready to go. I went out to the living room and found my cock cage. I locked up my little sissy clit and put my flip flops on. I sat on the couch and surfed Tumblr, replying to some hot messages as I waited.
Allie was finally ready and our Uber was waiting. I yelled back at Travis as we walked to the street, you better be good, we're going to get Allie drunk and you know how horny she gets. She slapped my arm as we laughed together. We got to the bar, and guess what, Sarah was already there and it looked like she already had a few shots. We piled into the corner both with her and ordered a round. After a few hours of talking about our boring day to day the topic came up of Sarah's new boyfriend, Derek.
Sarah started telling Allie about what had happened between the three of us and how hot it was watching Derek fuck me. Allie's expression was priceless as Sarah went into great detail about how big her orgasm was and how she squirted pee right into my mouth. You dirty little fucking slut, Allie screamed over the loud room as we all laughed about it. Is his cock really that much bigger Allie asked seriously. Ohhhh my God, both Sarah and I reacted at the same time, yes girl, his cock is fucking huge. Allie's jaw dropped as she looked at us with curiosity. I've never seen a big black cock, she exclaimed as she stared at the two of us across the table.
I have a confession and I will probably regret telling y'all this but fuck it, Allie explained. We all leaned over to table together. She went on, Travis has been saying that he wants to watch me with a black guy. He wants me to fuck a black guy and then lick the cum out of my pussy. Fucking do it girl, Sarah yelled out, he's giving you the okay to fuck a black guy and you haven't done it already? I'm scared, Allie responded, I've never done anything like that before, the craziest thing I've ever done is that night in college with Jessica. Sarah laughed, that's high school stuff Allie, you let Jessica eat your ass, she's one of us even though she has a little sissy cock, aren't you bitch? Sarah reached up my skirt and grabbed my cage, she's got her little clitty all locked up like a good girl. You should hear Derek talk about how this dirty slut took all 12 inches of his big black cock down her throat. The memory of Derek's big cock pumping cum into my tummy caused my little dick to start throbbing.
Come pee with me Allie asked as she got up and grabbed my hand. We scurried off to the bathroom. Allie pulled me into the stall as she squatted and started peeing. I can't belive Sarah is being so mean to you Jessica, she said as she finished and pulled up her panties. We traded places and I started peeing. I'm so jealous of your little cock, it's so easy for you to pee, she said as she reached around me to grab it. Can I hold it while you pee she said into my ear, okay I replied. She took control of my caged dick as she looked over my shoulder and aimed the stream of pee at the toilet. That's so much fun, she exclaimed, as the last few drops dribbled out. I wonder what it would be like using a strap on she said as I turned and faced her, her hand still grasping my cage. She grabbed the back of my head and kissed me deeply. Do you think Travis would like that she asked. Yes, and if he doesn't, you can peg me while he watches, I replied. We kissed again and then straightened up to head back to the booth.
As soon as we got back Sarah started in again, did y'all fuck in there, that took forever, she slurred. Are you jealous, all this talk about big cocks made me horny, Allie replied. Suddenly the lights came on in the bar, last call they announced. We settled up with the waitress and walked Sarah out to the street, as she was pretty wasted. Her Uber pulled up and we helped her into the back. I'm going over to Derek's she said. Tell him I said hi I replied as I motioned like I was sucking a big cock and closed the door.
Our Uber pulled up next and we climbed in the back to head back to Allie's house. She started making out with me and pulled my hand between her legs, I'm so horny she confessed as I rubbed her pussy with my finger gently. Let's save this for Tyler I told her as I circled her clit, we'll be home in a few minutes and I bet he will want to play with us. Allie moaned at the thought of what was about to happen.
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quintinh43 · 5 months
Hi🤍 so I was the one who asked about writing, so here is a little blurb I did and would love your feedback on it 🫶🏻🤍
Jack Hughes wasn’t one to be a jealous person, but when it came to y/n that all changed. He knew she would never do anything to hurt him, but when he seen her ordering another drink from the bar and a guy came up to her and smiled and they had small talk and whatever he said made her laugh , Jack immediately became swarmed with jealousy. He made it to the bar in three quick strides and wrapped his arms around y/n and started kissing on her neck. He whispers in her ear “meet me in the bathroom now”. Y/n was so confused and didn’t understand what had happened and why Jacks demeanor changed, so she got up and went to the bathroom and when she got in there Jack immediately pushed her against the wall and locked the door and placed his lips on hers. Y/n was taken aback and didn’t know what was going on, but before she could ask Jack he starts kissing down her jaw, then to her neck and says “you are mine and I’m going to show you” and continued kissing down her body. Once he gets to his knees he lifts her legs on his shoulders and kisses her covered core and says “this pussy is mine” and he pulls her Lacey thong to the side and starts devouring her. Y/n lets out a scream and grips on to jacks hair because she was not expecting it. He continues he’s assault on her pussy until she’s a shaking mess and cumming undone on his tongue. He stands up and begins to pull down his pants and picks y/n up and puts her against the wall and without warning slams his cock into her bottoming out resulting in y/n screaming so loud at this point she was convinced anyone could hear her . Jack wastes no time and pounds into her with hard and brutal thrust. Y/ns eyes are rolling into the back of her head and she’s gripping onto jacks shoulders for life. One particular thrust hits her g spot and the moans and screams she lets out makes Jack smirk and continuing to pound into her at a rough pace. Y/n starts to clench around jacks cock and he says “cum for me baby, be the good girl you are and make a mess on my cock” and with those words y/n cums so hard seeing stars. Jack doesn’t let up on his pounding into her and she tells him” j-jack s-slow down” but he doesn’t listen and continues fucking her hard and rough. Y/n feels another orgasm coming and cums once again triggering Jacks release and he fills y/n up pumping her full of his cum. When they both come down from their highs Jack says “ you are mine, no other guy should be looking at you”
Sorry I took a bit to respond, life started life-ing.
Anyways, firstly, thank you for sharing. I know sharing your writing can be daunting it means a lot that you would trust me with giving you feedback. So thank you 🫶🏼
As for the blurb, straight up I'm ngl I suck at writing smut, so Idk how valuable my feedback will be. But I'll try my best!
Anyway, I think it's really good! There are a few things I would change in terms of wording. For example, where you wrote "Jack immediately because swarmed with jealousy," I would probably re-write it, so instead of telling the readers what he'd feeling, you pretend the emotions themselves!
So if it were me, I'd probably re write it to something like "something possessive bubbled in Jack's chest. His knuckles drained of color as he gripped his glass tightly."
Something like that! That way it allows you to picture more details amd stuff!
Again, I'm so honored that you trusted me with your writing, and I hope I've helped you at least a little 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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bitchinbarzal · 5 months
Here’s the little blurb. Thank you for taking the time to read it 💕
Jack Hughes wasn’t one to be a jealous person, but when it came to y/n that all changed. He knew she would never do anything to hurt him, but when he seen her ordering another drink from the bar and a guy came up to her and smiled and they had small talk and whatever he said made her laugh , Jack immediately became swarmed with jealousy. He made it to the bar in three quick strides and wrapped his arms around y/n and started kissing on her neck. He whispers in her ear “meet me in the bathroom now”. Y/n was so confused and didn’t understand what had happened and why Jacks demeanor changed, so she got up and went to the bathroom and when she got in there Jack immediately pushed her against the wall and locked the door and placed his lips on hers. Y/n was taken aback and didn’t know what was going on, but before she could ask Jack he starts kissing down her jaw, then to her neck and says “you are mine and I’m going to show you” and continued kissing down her body. Once he gets to his knees he lifts her legs on his shoulders and kisses her covered core and says “this pussy is mine” and he pulls her Lacey thong to the side and starts devouring her. Y/n lets out a scream and grips on to jacks hair because she was not expecting it. He continues he’s assault on her pussy until she’s a shaking mess and cumming undone on his tongue. He stands up and begins to pull down his pants and picks y/n up and puts her against the wall and without warning slams his cock into her bottoming out resulting in y/n screaming so loud at this point she was convinced anyone could hear her . Jack wastes no time and pounds into her with hard and brutal thrust. Y/ns eyes are rolling into the back of her head and she’s gripping onto jacks shoulders for life. One particular thrust hits her g spot and the moans and screams she lets out makes Jack smirk and continuing to pound into her at a rough pace. Y/n starts to clench around jacks cock and he says “cum for me baby, be the good girl you are and make a mess on my cock” and with those words y/n cums so hard seeing stars. Jack doesn’t let up on his pounding into her and she tells him” j-jack s-slow down” but he doesn’t listen and continues fucking her hard and rough. Y/n feels another orgasm coming and cums once again triggering Jacks release and he fills y/n up pumping her full of his cum. When they both come down from their highs Jack says “ you are mine, no other guy should be looking at you”
Hi hi!
It’s under the cut (bc it has smut) and my notes are in red 🩵
This is purely suggestions and my writing style isn’t correct but you asked for my input and this is it!
It’s very good writing love be sure to tag me when you post!
Jack Hughes wasn’t one to be a jealous person, but when it came to y/n that all changed.
He knew she would never do anything to hurt him, but when he saw her ordering another drink from the bar, the guy who approached her, smiled and whatever he said made her laugh.
Jack immediately became swarmed with jealousy.
He made it to the bar in three quick strides to wrap his arms around y/n and started kissing on her neck. He whispers in her ear “meet me in the bathroom now”.
She was confused and didn’t understand what had just happened and why Jacks demeanour had changed, so she did as told, she got up and went to the bathroom where Jack immediately pushed her against the wall, locked the door and placed his lips on hers.
She was taken aback and didn’t know what was going on, but before she could ask Jack started kissing down her jaw, then to her neck and says “you are mine and I’m going to show you” before he continued kissing down her body.
Once he got onto his knees he lifted her legs onto his shoulders and kissed her covered core before mumbling “this pussy is mine”
Put something about her reaction here?
He pulled her Lacey thong to the side and started devouring her. Y/n let out a scream and gripped on to jacks hair because she was not expecting it. He continued his assault on her pussy until she was a shaking mess and coming undone on his tongue. He stood up and began to pull down his pants before picking her up and pushing her against the wall and without warning, pushed his cock into her, bottoming out resulting in her screaming so loud at this point she was convinced anyone could hear her.
Jack wastes no time and pounds into her with hard and brutal thrust. Her eyes are rolling into the back of her head and she’s gripping onto jacks shoulders for life. One particular thrust hits her g spot and the moans and screams she lets out makes Jack smirk and continuing to pound into her at a rough pace. Y/n starts to clench around jacks cock and he says “cum for me baby, be the good girl you are and make a mess on my cock” and with those words y/n cums so hard seeing stars. Jack doesn’t let up on his pounding into her and she tells him” j-jack s-slow down” but he doesn’t listen and continues fucking her hard and rough. Y/n feels another orgasm coming and cums once again triggering Jacks release and he fills y/n up pumping her full of his cum. When they both come down from their highs Jack says “ you are mine, no other guy should be looking at you”
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