#and Vox wants him so bad ngl
purgatorysanctuary · 4 months
Btw I also made up an Overlord Pentious interpretation.
His name is Lord Pentious, and his alias is ‘The Iron Wyrm.’
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Enough With The Schemes!
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: Ngl I kinda had this in my drafts just because I didn't know how it'd ever fit into the story but I decided to fix it up and post it after @vespers-night-sky's fanart for the "Get Off My Screen" Series- the direct continuation and reader's death is in the works folks, I've just been trying to figure out the pacing ahsojskqjds- I am not gonna be a Hazbin Hotel episode jkjkjk Anyway, thank you thank you THANK YOU ALL for the support with the series and think of these little things as filler episodes before the big reveal. Anyways, as usual- happy reading and I hope you all enjoy! The series in it's entirety can be found on my blog under the #Get Off My Screen Series
You didn't know how much more of Vox's shenanigans you could take.
First it had been the wallpaper war-
Until now you couldn't stop his face from being a permanent fixture to your devices-
But it was fine, he could have that!
You lamented over not having [Favorite Fictional Character Name] in your backgrounds anymore but you know what it was fineeeee-
You honestly couldn't tell if having his glitchy grinning face was an upgrade or cringe central.
Then he figured out how to absolutely lag out your computer at some point.
You seriously wanted to punch his monitor head from frustration because of it.
Especially when he had the nerve to laugh at your irritation-
This asshole-!
Now, he was absolutely blowing up your phone and devices with memes or just anything under the sun.
Not that messing with the notification settings would help-
Because somehow he'd figured out how to completely bypass those too.
If this was why that Alastor guy and Vox had a tiff you could practically relate.
Your phone just continued to buzz and vibrate on the table next to you.
Not that you could be fucked with it at the moment trying to cram a paper your professor assigned last BLOODY MINUTE!
That was of course until the Vox desktop companion grabbed the cursor and just didn't let you have it back.
As much as you tried, the darn thing only emoted angrily and refused to give you back the damn arrow.
Your eye twitched as you tried to maintain your cool, only to get up from the desk and scream obscenities to no one in particular.
The day had been a particularly bad one and you really just couldn't deal with Vox's bullshit right now.
"Helloooooo! HELLOOOOOOO?! Earth to (Y/N)! Pick up your fucking phone!!!"
Oh for the love of god he better not have changed your ringtone too-
You rubbed your face in an attempt to calm down before finally checking your phone.
Honestly you expected it to be something really stupid, but seeing what his messages were about made you feel slightly guilty for ignoring him the whole day.
Vox grew used to the routine you both had, so it was no surprise that your sudden inactivity drove his anxiety up the walls.
Poor guy thought of all the worst possible cases that could've happened to you-
He'd greet you in the morning and you would always reply afterwards while eating breakfast.
Save for the times you'd gotten sick or just felt under the weather.
After all, you had classes in the morning and he had broadcasts to air.
You also hated being tardy, similar to how he saw punctuality as something extremely important.
The two of you would intermittently chat within the day and tell each other if you had work to do so you both could leave each other alone for a designated time.
Vox often didn't adhere to this, but he'd always keep his distractions to a minimum if you asked.
Actually neither did you, sometimes you'd be the one spam sending him anything you could think of just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Then you would wish him a good night's rest and he would eventually reply back with a silly gif or emoji that bode you the same.
He just grew used to it, the familiarity of your companionship in his monotonous day to day.
So whenever something fell apart in the routine you both had, Vox couldn't help but worry that something happened to you.
Whether you'd gotten sick or just anything worse-
It didn't sit well with him when you didn't reply to his morning message like you often did.
Constantly checking his phone for any updates from you to find nothing.
Zilch, none, zero.
The worrying feeling only grew as time ticked onwards.
Even at your busiest you would still shoot him a memo saying that you were.
Which only made this radio silence-
Haha see what I did there-
Worse than it really was.
So what did Vox do?
Absolutely blow up your phone and devices trying to get your attention.
Only when he realized you were doing something on your laptop did he let the desktop companion he made for you interfere.
Not that he even really understood what he'd stuck his hands into.
"What the hell even happened to you today? You didn't even reply to any of my fucking messages! I thought something happened to you!"
"Well SORRY I couldn't reply to your terminally online ass. I was busy dealing with my shitty assignment workload."
The TV overlord quickly picked up that you weren't in a pleasant mood.
The way you typed was just a dead giveaway.
Glancing up at his schedule, Vox notified his secretary to cancel a few of his meetings before he replied to you.
"Anything I can help you with? I'm free for a good few hours."
You were taken aback by his offer, every time Vox would help you he didn't even bother asking.
He just straight up started editing whatever you were working on no matter what you said.
Who was this guy and what did he do with Vox-
"You aren't trying to bullshit me are you? Cuz I'm not in the mood."
"I can tell dollface, let me guess- your shitty professor again?"
You ended up ranting about the abruptly given assignment and just a bunch of other things that slowly ruined your day.
Vox just agreed with you here and there, shooting one word replies or emojis to show he was still listening.
All the while he made the desktop companion let go of your cursor and he looked over your work.
Wow your writing was still absolutely shit-
"So now I've gotta submit this fucking paper before midnight or I'll get a 40% deduction."
"Don't worry about it, we can finish this in an hour. Anything else?"
It was an economics paper you were struggling on and this was Vox you were talking to.
You shouldn't have been surprised that he already knew his way around the topic.
You glanced up from your phone and already saw him editing your essay.
Why didn't you just ask him for help sooner??
"I think I can handle the rest. Thanks anyway, mind if I put on some music while I write?"
"As long as I get to pick some of the songs."
It shouldn't have done anything really.
You shouldn't be having this funny feeling in your gut.
A fuzzy warmth that bloomed because Vox was so quick to drop everything and help you.
Even if it was just something minor like your paper.
Still, you couldn't help but smile as you put on some relaxing tunes and typed away alongside your favorite digital companion.
Just like that, you both melted back into the usual cycle of talking and working.
A casual harmony that you were more than happy to just live in for the moment.
Both you and Vox were just casually chatting by the time his secretary called him away for the scheduled broadcast.
Of course, you wished you could see what he was actually doing but stopped before you could say so.
Instead you just wished Vox well in the broadcast.
"Of course doll, and you know me! I'll be just fine."
Well, his broadcast was going fine-
Until his screen suddenly glitched and randomly played a tune from your playlist.
Had he forgotten to unlink himself from your devices?
It took a few seconds for Vox to compose himself but his show thankfully went on without another hitch.
You on the other hand?
You were just having a personal concert in your room to unwind while waiting for Vox to come back.
So it came as a surprise when the song you played randomly paused and made the Bluetooth disconnect sound.
You didn't connect it to anything-?
Though your questions were eventually answered when Vox blew up your phone again.
This time you couldn't help but laugh.
You were friends with a demonic overlord sure-
But it was hard to fear him when he was such a doofus.
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saturoslurper69 · 4 months
your hazbin ship horoscope-
radiostatic 📻/🖥️
you like to watch vox suffer, an active angst enjoyer. You also may have a crush on Alastor, but know you can't pursue it, so seeing him fuck with vox is your way of being together.
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staticmoth 🖥️/🦋
look at me. look me in the eyes. you smoke too tough. you party too hard. your ship is too bad. theyre gonna kill you.
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radioapple 📻/🍎
you need old man yaoi in your life or you very well may die, you want to see them succeed together or get horribly worse, there is no inbetween.
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guitarapple 🎸/🍎
you agree lucifer needs to go back and finish what he fucking started.
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guitarspear 🎸/🗡️
you just wanna live, you like adam and lute and want to see them happy. that pic of adam's smile before he dies makes you tear your shirt off and start digging through drywall.
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chaggie 🪽/😈
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huskerdust 🐱/🕷️
youre cool!!
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cherrisnake 🍒/🐍
ngl if you main this ship you go harder than any of us here. you have someone you love a whole lot (or at least a defcon 1 situationship) youre matching pfps with right now. there will be a time we call upon you to save us all, be ready.
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charlastor 😈/📻
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okay if i missed any its probably bc i dont see it often or just didnt understand the dynamic byee
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lavouredior · 9 days
Ok so I have had this head canon for a while that the vees have movie nights together, and I’m just wondering if you could write abt them having a movie night and it’s late but the movie isn’t over and bunny is getting really irritated bc she is tired.
But yeah this is just a suggestion.
I hope you doing good and not over working yourself.
OH MY GOD !!!! they so do !!!!
warnings: angry bunny, ari doesn’t know how movies in hell work so she just rolls with it, ari also disses oppenheimer even tho she’s seen it 12 times, this is pretty short ngl, IT IS 12:58 AM WHY AM I WRITING FANFICS RN : YALL BETTER LOVE ME
Thump Goes The Bunny
you loved movie nights, especially when the vees allowed you to choose the movie although usually regretting it after you made them watch some kid movie. ( valentino cries over half of them )
you and vox had a set bed time for you, mostly vox’s idea after he noticed how grumpy you would be when you stayed up too late and you agreed to it
so you had no fucking idea why he was having you stay up watching oppenheimer, which you were practically bored of watching five minutes into it and did not feel like staying up for this movie of all things.
you tried to fall asleep a couple of times but then one of the vees would have a reaction to the movie and it would ruin your chances of sleeping
that’s why you were currently sitting on vox’s lap, faced away from the movie. you let out a frustrated groan which just ended up with vox kissing you on the cheek, which did nothing but frustrate you more.
“wanna sleep!!!!” you practically yelled but it just ended up in the velvette and valentino shushing you not even paying attention to what you said and only to the fact a loud noise came out of you.
that’s when you decided to stand up, causing all three of the vees to immediately pull their attention from the movie screen and to you.
“conejita, you want me to move so you can sit on the couch?” valentino asked, thinking you were gonna complain about how your legs fall asleep from being in the same position for too long.
what they weren’t suspecting was for you to thump three times in response, vox’s eyes widened and he immediately stood up and picked you up. “what the fuck, princess?”
he started walking to the kitchen, trying to let valentino and velvette be able to watch the movie without your current tantrum but by the time he got to the kitchen you had managed to get out of his arms and thump again
he sighed before kneeling down to your height. “what have we talked about?” but you just shook your head, pretty much done with all three of them at this point.
“i did say what’s wrong before thumping! none of you listened tho! vally and vel just shushed me!” your voice came out whinier than you wanted, not trying to sound like a little kid complaining
he sighed again. “what’s wrong, princess?” he opened up his arms which you immediately walked into, him immediately hugging you as your eyes starting to well up a little bit. “i just wanna go sleep.”
he nodded before picking you up again. “it’s only...” he looked at the time before mentally hitting himself. “i’m sorry princess i thought it was earlier, it’s almost 1 AM no wonder you’re in a bad mood right now.”
“just wanna sleep.” vox had gotten the hint that the most important thing right now was getting you to sleep, which is why he immediately went to your guys’ room, planning on texting velvette and valentino about your sleep schedule being messed up once he had gotten you to sleep.
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rubra-wav · 4 months
SFW Vox x Reader head anon request where the reader was his nibling on Earth but he died when they were very little. They ended up very lost and numb due to the death and found the only time they felt anything was in a fight so they became a bouncer, which is actually what led to them dying at 28. Reader doesn't realize who Voc is until they hear him speak.
Vox x Former relative reader headcanons
A/N This is a very hyperspecific request, so I hope you understand I've made it a little more general. 🙏
General plotline and idea is kept tho - bit vaguer, however.
Reader was his favourite relative btw, if this man saw just some random family member come up to him I think he'd just swat them away faster than light ngl.
Cw: Sfw, platonic obv 💀, gn reader
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- When you showed up before Vox, he didn't recognise you at all either. He'd died when you were young, and when demons die they don't exactly come back looking 'normal'.
- So when you show up before him after seeking him to speak for several weeks - sending letters to meet him in person like your life depended upon it, claiming you had something very important to discuss with him, he doesn't recognise the sinner who clearly died while enthralled in extreme violence before him.
- When the people who escort you into the room leave, leaving you two alone at his request, Vox's first instinct is to interrogate you.
- He immediately assumed you had some sort of blackmail on him and were trying to play games to extort money from him or something.
- But, when you're lunging forward at him to wrap your arms around him while calling him an extremely specific nickname he hadn't heard in decades, he's at a complete loss in disbelief.
- When his initial shock wears off and he realises who you were to him, he doesn't know how to react properly and sends you away, saying he needed a bit to think and he'll contact you again.
- The conflict between his past self that he was when he knew you, as compared to the self he is now, has him absolutely reeling.
- It wasn't exactly foreign for him to come across people who knew him from his shows when alive, but not somebody who had actually known him as a family member - much less one who still thought highly of him after everything he'd done to end up there.
- When he finally calms the hell down, he tells you not to tell anybody you two are related for your own safety (and his own image), and that he will help provide whatever you need.
- He'd be distant as all hell from you, but would still want you to be safe. Both of these are due to him having a particular soft spot for you even now.
- Would probably consciously make an effort to try be an asshole to make you not want to see him- then feel kinda bad when you still want to see him and obviously still very much love him. 💀
- Even if you want to spend time around him really bad, he'd probably not give in most times.
- if he does spend time with you though down the line, he's just screaming inside the whole time because he actually gives a fuck in the same way he did back in his life and that's terrifying to him after living in hell. You don't get to his standing with caring about many people.
- Would be super paranoid during the whole thing as well about someone somehow finding out (especially the Vees because he'd never hear the end of it and if Val ever tried to flirt with you he'd probably go apeshit despite his on and off thing with him. )
- If anyone ever saw you were a soft spot to him, that would instantly make you a target. And, because it bruises his ego to know he still gives this much of a fuck about a relative who he hadn't seen in decades.
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Writing this made me realise just how funny Vox would be as one of those bitter adoptive father figures who didnt sign up for this shit but just very begrudgingly love their 'child' and fucking hate themselves over it. 💀
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nyxcharliechaos · 4 months
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so me and @lemonking00 decided to make a tier list...but it's what neurodivergency/mental illness the cast of Hazbin/Helluva have
Explanations/are they medicated?/extra details or thoughts below because this will be a long post if I don't
ADHD- Millie: unmedicated, she just doesn't like it
Vox: medicated but OH BOY DOES HE FORGET, man will go 3 days without it before remembering then he's medicated for 4 days and they he's out of his ADHD medication! and it's ALWAYS when the pharmacy runs out and won't have it in for a few days
Bee: unmedicated she doesn't care she's just having fun
Clara: she's just here because LK said Odette was autistic and we wanted an ADHD/Autism sibling dynamic, I was going to skip them because we don't know much about either, she's properly medicated, Carmilla makes sure she takes her medication
Autism- Vaggie: we're all in agreement on this right?
Alastor: I know he's a sociopath but we've been joking he's autistic for a bit lol
Lucifer: his special interest is clearly ducks, yes he's canonically depressed but the autism is winnning
Sir Pentious: ok so everyone I know agrees with his so, mans got that autistic rizz
Vortex: ...ngl we just wanted him to be the ASD to Bee's ADHD being the ADHD/autism couple dynamic
Millie's dad: as stated by LK "he just seems autistic" and then explained farmers give off autistic energy, LK's the autistic redneck friend so I'll trust him on that
Lute: ...I have no explanation she just seems autistic, and like a homophobic homosexual
Zestial: so initially we put him in the group therapist tier but the autism won so we moved him
Odette: explanation for why she's here above
AuDHD (written as AUDI relating to a series of inside jokes but long story short half our friend group is AuDHD and one of said friends used to have an AUDI)- -Blitz special interest in horses, bad at emotions, he's not medicated, he should be on several medications, he's not on any of them
Charlie: ok hear me out, we all agree on the ADHD yes, but her dads got that tism ok, she would to. she is medicated, and Vaggie reminds her, but it's a gamble whether or not she'll take her medication even with a reminder
Cherri Bomb: ...bombs and just look at here that's my explanation for why she's here, no she's not medicated, there's other drugs, no it's not the same thing she doesn't care
Velvette: she's better about taking her medication than Vox is but she still forgets, always seems to run out around the same time as Vox...when they don't have the medication...being Valentino during that is great/j the two will lock the doors and make him deal with their unmedicated asses till the pharmacy has the medication again
Fizz: I don't think I need to explain why he's here, he's not medicated, he doesn't like the feeling and he likes himself better unmedicated, and Ozzie loves him either way so fuck getting his ADHD medication
Adam: simple explanation, ADHD and Autism is hereditary, so it had to come from somewhere and in the words of LK "it wasn't Eve, idk how but she's neurotypical", Adam doesn't believe people when they tell him he's AuDHD, so no he's not medicated
Emily: I'm not explaining myself, she is medicated and does take her ADHD medication on the daily, Sera will remind her and if she forgets after that Sera will just give her the medication
Depression- (depresso expresso because funny) Stolas: literally cannon, and while also Autistic unlike Lucifer the Autism is not winning
Octavia: I would be too if my family was that much of a mess
Barbie Wire: just fucking, look, no I'm not explaining this
Sera: (just makes gesture like, look at this bitch)
Twamatised- (referencing a joke in Gravity Falls) neither of these need explanations fucking look at the two that are here!
OCD- Moxxie: we actually added this catagory for him, he's just got those vibes
Niffty: I swear I remeber reading something on an old ZP era sketch dump saying she had slight OCD, I might be misremembering, probably, but got those vibes
Group Therapist- (fun fact this was initially a Husk only category but a lot more characters belonged in it then we thought) Husk: (points to episode 4) and yes depresso expresso as well but, I made this category for him so
Razzle & Dazzle, Fat Nuggets, Keekee, and the Egg Bois: all are here for similar reasons they're (basically) pets that bring joy and improve peoples mental states
Ozzie: I don't think I need to explain this one, since it's basically cannon
Rosie: ok so all the overlord are autistic (minus Vox), but they go to the category that takes priority and she's seen being a person you go to for advice so, this is just cannon
Carmilla: quote from LK "mom", that's why she's here, again all overlords are autistic (except Vox)
NDP- (narcissistic personality disorder) Verosika: we actually added this category for her so
Striker: ok this one's debatable but he definitely has a personality disorder of some sort
Valentino (KYS) was added just for Val to tell him to die
BITCH was added for reasons obvious if you look at the characters, no headcannons here we just wanted to call out these characters for being bitches
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nottapossum · 4 months
Ive been loving your Helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel fics, such creative ideas, and you write the characters so fantastically !
I know occasionally in your fics some characters will wear diapers while regressed, I was curious if there’s any characters who wear pull ups/training pants while regressed ?
Feels like it could add an interesting element for a little like praise, rewards chart, stickers, getting to participate in ‘big kid’ activities ect !
Of course!
I love the sticker idea!!!
I'm gonna have to write something with that ngl.
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- Angel and Moxxie are usually very young, but want to be independent anyway.
They'll both insist they don't need to wear diapers, and their caregivers will wisely suggest pull ups or training pants instead as a compromise.
They don't always make it, but their caregivers are there for them and support and comfort them.
Even praise them for doing their absolute best.
Then they tell them how much they are truly loved no matter what ❤️
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-Velvette needs them sometimes depending on how old she is.
Val and Vox (mostly Vox) will ask how old she is, and if she's 2 or younger, they'll ask what she needs, and she's usually pretty self-aware of what she needs and isn't afraid to ask.
Also she has the coolest printed diapers/pull ups ever! 😎
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Charlie hates to be a nuisance to anyone! So she'll often say she doesn't need pull ups, even when she's only 2.
Vaggy will ask her to be sure constantly, but Charlie will insist that she's big enough and doesn't need them!
She'll only agree to wearing them after an accident.
Luckily, she has Vaggie there to comfort her and tell her that everything is okay.
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Lute needs them sometimes. Usually she takes care of herself. (Well, now she does)
So, she needs to determine whenever she needs them herself. And will usually wear them just to be safe.
She's pretty independent, but she likes it that way.
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-Clara is pretty young in headspace. It's rare when she doesn't need at least a pull-up, but no one ever makes her feel bad for that. Even her sister will hype her up and tell her that the pull-ups she has are so pretty (because obviously they'd pick ones with pretty flowers or something on them to make her feel better.)
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-Vaggie always needs to wear something, that is why she was so reluctant to share this side of her to Charlie in the beginning. But then Charlie shared that she needed them sometimes too and she felt a lot better about it.
Charlie bought her some adorable purple diapers and pull-ups to show her just how much she is loved and supported and made her a special sticker chart in her regression journal. (Needed to add that to one of them! Its too cute and very Charlie) 💜
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Blitzø wears them, but doesn't like when Stolas makes a big deal about not needing diapers.
He's gotten used to Stolas babying him and taking care of him, and even changing him. (They have a system in place and now he's used to being changed by him, even if it was difficult in the beginning.)
He's good with all of that now, but he doesn't like when Stolas praises him for making it to the bathroom because he ends up feeling bad when he doesn't. So, he'd rather they just accept whatever it is that happens and be praised by just being honest about his age.
He talked about this with Stolas, and without question Stolas agreed to remain neutral about it and told him he did so good explaining that to him. ❤️He knew it was hard for Blitzø to talk about, and he's so proud of him! ❤️
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There are definitely more little bitty ones who need pull-ups. ❤️But here's a few little ones for ya 💕 (don't want the post getting too long now.)
I honestly love writing about diapers and pull-ups because there's such a stigma around it, and it needs to be accepted more.
It's totally valid and okay to wear them, whether you have to, because they just feel comfortable or if they help you regress. It's valid! and it's Okay! You're valid as fluff! (To anyone who needed to hear that today or just in general 💕💕)
I could literally go on about this forever but I won't.
Love yall! ❤️
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bvnniz · 3 days
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ bunny!reader x vox , bunny!reader & carmilla carmine
𝜗𝜚 warnings: forbidden love, bunny’s soul is owned by carmilla, more fluff then anything, idk how aging works in hell but bunny ages like a normal person does, same thing with carmilla’s daughters
A/N: i feel as though this story could have a part 2 ( which would probably include smut ngl . . . ) so please comment & tell me if that’s something you guys would want !!
flashback, twenty years ago when bunny first appeared in hell
carmilla and her daughters had been on a walk when they heard a couple of sniffles coming from an alleyway, clara immediately let go of her moms hand and went running towards the sound.
“clara!” carmilla yelled before following with odette, that’s when they finally found the source of the sniffles when they saw little five year old you crying in the alleyway.
“bunny!” clara practically yelled while pointing at you. “indeed she is, where are your parents, sweetheart?” that just made your sobbing start again “they aren’t here.”
carmilla had taken pity on you, mostly due to the fact her daughters begged for a bunny sister. so she took you in and made you apart of her family.
twenty years later, four months before next extermination
“vox, valentino. glad to see all of the vee’s finally have decided our overlord meetings aren’t good enough for them.” carmilla spoke, clearly annoyed causing you to try not to let out a laugh
vox wanted to state he was purely only there for you. truth was you and vox met a couple months ago, went on a couple dates and have been dating since. except no one knows, especially carmilla.
she was your mom for the past twenty years and if there’s one thing she hated more than anything it was the vee’s. she didn’t even want you coming to the meeting because she was told all three vee’s were planning on attending.
your mother glared at the three before turning to you signaling for you to make your exit, she knew odette & clara would be fine if something were to happen but you were always very sensitive, crying at the littlest things. she wasn’t making you leave to be mean, she meant it to be so you didn’t get upset over yelling.
you nodded before leaving the board room and heading to your room. vox making some excuse which got him out of staying before he materialized in your room.
“voxxy!” you practically screamed before pulling him into a hug. “hi princess.” he smiled back at you. “how’d you get here without my mother noticing?”
he just shook his head in response “i barely see you anymore you really think i’m gonna let her try to get me from seeing my little bunny less than i already do?” he pulled you into a kiss which lasted about a minute before you pulled away “what if my mother comes in?”
he sighed before sitting on your bed “you know valentino and velvette are gonna make that meeting way longer than it needs to be.” you nodded before sitting on his lap and pulling him into a kiss.
the kiss turned more heated after a while, vox laying down with you still on top of him, you grinding against him.
although it only lasted a little while longer before your mother walked in “sweethe- what the hell?!” you had immediately pushed yourself off vox standing in front of your bed “mom, it’s not what it looks like i swear!”
“really because it looks like this tv head has decided to leave an important meeting to try and fuck my daughter.” you just stared at the ground for a second before replying “okay so it is what it looks like . . . but he’s fine mom! i swear! we’ve been dating for months and he hasn’t even done anything bad! we haven’t even actually had sex yet!”
carmilla took a deep breath before continuing “you two have been dating and you kept this from me? you know how i feel about lies.” you tried to reply but you couldn’t find the words, you just stared at the ground more, trying to keep your tears in
“carmilla. do not take this out on her. i asked her out, i only even came to this stupid meeting so i could see her. i love this little bunny more than any stupid sinner could. i know you don’t like me and i know you don’t like me dating your daughter more but i love her and i’m pretty sure she loves me. so please don’t make her stop talking to me or something.” you looked back at vox, him meeting your gaze with a smile
“do you love him?” you turned to your mom and nodded “more than anything.” she nodded back “i’ll allow it, but you so much as hurt her and you will be unplugged.” with that she left.
you immediately turned back to vox before climbing back on his lap “you got her approval!” you cheered before peppering his screen with kisses causing him to chuckle. “we got the approval, bunny.”
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prince-liest · 3 months
*vibrating in eager but non-pressuring excitement* bad end AU you say 👀 ngl the thought of everybody sticking their noses in in different circumstances is both funny and touching considering those circumstances are alastor being pressured into something he's not actually enjoying! would there be some parallels to his arc in your fic with mimsy? what makes the difference with vox? is it that mimsy has no interest whatsoever having sex with somebody who's not into it, but vox has no such hangups?
(Ask is re: the fact that my original and now deleted outline for the rut fic installment of 666 was a bad end option where Vox's pressure and Alastor's self-gaslighting led them down a path I probably would have had to tag as 'non-con' of some flavor.)
The difference isn't just between Vox and Mimzy, it's also in how I was choosing to write Vox for the rest of 666, too, haha. Which is: As someone who gives more of a shit!
The bad end option would have been an interpretation of his character as more leaning toward "genuinely wanting to get one over Alastor", rather than "wanting to get one over Alastor because he felt rejected, and thus suddenly being un-rejected prompting him to roll back some of the aggro." I think both are valid, but I knew what I preferred.
And there definitely would have been parallels on Alastor's end! It was take that was leaning into an angle of considering Alastor as someone who takes into consideration how he thinks things should be, both in terms of some of his more traditional perspectives, but also as his primary point of reference for relationships. So: Yes, he's uncomfortable. No, he doesn't say 'no' at any point, because he thinks this is appropriate. Yes, it gets much farther along than it would have with Mimzy, because the version of Vox that let this shit happen in the first place is either too busy exalting in what he's getting to do, or outright doesn't much care about (or perhaps simply doesn't understand, in comparison to their previous two encounters) Alastor's genuine discomfort, or both, and is fine being a wheedling asshole about it; and Alastor himself is less inclined to argue his discomfort with someone like Vox than he is with Mimzy.
The main reasons I ended up not going with this was because 1) it was honestly a depressing outline, HAH, and also 2) I had an inkling that I was going to want to continue writing these fics, and it would have been a harder sell to develop both Vox and the relationship the way I wanted to, not to mention justify why the fuck Alastor would want to continue (unless I went with "to prove something to himself," which, uh, wasn't the dead dove angle I wanted to take).
In the end, though, thinking through this route helped a lot with characterizing how I did end up writing the rut fic, which was with a similar function but opposite purpose: Alastor was still uncomfortable and it still propelled him into understanding more about his own discomfort (things that are not a coincidence: that he hasn't gotten his dick involved in any of their shenanigans since then). However, with Vox bending over backwards to try to please Alastor and lure him in with honey instead of vinegar, they ended up with Alastor realizing that Vox is capable of coming through for him, and Vox realizing that Alastor is, like, an actual person, and not just The Object Of His Obsession And Hate And Adoration.
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alice-after-dark · 20 days
what bothers me is though technically Vivzie did want to make Al aroace, she canonically made him just ace. So he is ace in canon yet fans treat it like it's the holy Scripture that he is aroace. Which I feel that yes, great representation, but it feels like it limits his character to be just a dismissive asshole when being shipped with characters like Vox. And it also feels extremely gatekeeping with every picture of Alastor kissing someone, some asshole online is like, 'Uuummmmmm he's aroace actually so this picture is bad.' like first off, no, he is canon ace. And ace people can kiss people, have sex, and relationships. These people who come into comments like this just feel like gatekeeping trolls.
Also I have changed character sexuality from ace to like lesbian or gay, cause I felt like the world still wasn't ready to understand ace characters and I'm still right! They just treat aroace characters as assholes or like babies. Same with ace characters and it drives me up the walls
Ngl, amen. I'm ace, possibly aromantic as well, and the way i see Alastor get treated like he's an infant scared of sex is kind of wtf? Um...being ace doesn't automatically make you scared of sex. Also ace is a spectrum, like you said, and not everyone understands what that means or how it works.
The gatekeeping pisses me off so bad. Like, just let people enjoy what they enjoy? Why is that so hard? Fandom is about getting to explore. There's a difference between "I know this isn't canon, but i enjoy it and want to explore it" and "yeah i think canon is stupid so I'm just going to change it." One is someone enjoying fandom and the other is just a dick, especially if it's about something like representation. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, but gatekeeping is bullshit.
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shuchu · 2 years
first of all, I freaking love your content and I enjoy seeing your pieces in the following section of my tumblr. now this is not a request but just a little brainrot I have that I want to share with you!
I keep thinking about dom!ike except he’s not the “fucking” type of guy but the “making love” kind of guy like ahjrjejfjejdsjjfd and one day his lover asks him if he would like to try out the former and he ends up getting really addicted to it like he keeps saying sorry for enjoying it so much
“I’m sorry.. so sorry… fuck you’re so… pretty like this I can’t stop please forgive me my love…”
ok that’s all i had to let the horny jump out for a sec because now I’m thinking about how good the aftercare would be too and jfc it’s just.. a beautiful sight to see him lose himself in the feeling yk??
nsfw, minors dni
skdjksjdks thank you so much!! i'm glad you enjoy my works ♡
oh my god. that's kinda hot ngl. yeah i agree, in my mind ike is definitely not the "fucking" type, he's definitely more of a "make love" kinda guy
so when you ask him to fuck you he'd be so shy and flustered about it at first. but when you ask him to go faster and harder; seeing your reactions and hearing your pretty moans is so addictive and he wants more. he'd end up going for a while because just looking at you makes his dick hard again
ike would feel so bad for fucking your brains out that he'd give you the best aftercare. running you a warm bath, cleaning you up and then cuddling you under the covers and telling you how much he loves you
anon, this brainrot is going to stay in my brain for the next month, thank you so much for the horny fuel tskr ♡
i would love for ike to fuck me. vox isn't wrong, ike do be husband material
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hazbinhappy · 3 months
My Hazbin OC - Sunnie :)
I really went in on her background and it is very much subject to change but her look is solidified 🫶🏽 look at the pretty princess (and Velv cameo) i promise my handwringing is good it’s just the pen i used 😭
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Here is some of her Hell background! (More like most of it lmao ngl I might just private post headcanons and blurbs of her unless yall wanna see her suffer or have a bit of a fun time)
I need to make it known: I do not condone a single thing Val ever has and will do that man is a bad and deserves to be in Hell. Making this OC a moth was purely based on the fact her and Val represent 2 different things about moths: Val is the symbolic meaning for endings/death and mysteries in night while Sunnie is the literal moth, they are beautiful and cute little creatures! She was going to be an orchid mantis because she was going to originally just be a girl who dated guys and played with their feelings before ghosting them but I liked this route more! But yeah I am not his supporter but I think he’s an interesting character/villain and I want to see him be explored more as long with the other V’s because they need more to their stories! Like Vox and Alastor! More Velvette!! Valentino and Angel backstory??? Anyways my want for more history and every character is for another day! do expect to see her more <3
i think when you wake up in Hell you don't have many memories from your past life (you can start to remember more if you try, but some people don't find any point). when she woke up in Hell she didn't remember much past who her family and friends was and her death
she went to hell for killing a girl who assaulted her friend
she met Velvette while she was trying to find photography work! she saw that Velvette (or at least her assistant) had put out an ad on Voxtagram (is that what it was called?) and immediately applied and sent in her portfolio
she thankfully got hired....but she had to sell her soul which was unfortunate, but hey a job and free housing
after a couple months Velvette mentions how Valentino wants a photoshoot done for Angel Dust
Sunnie vaguely remembers those names in passing and doesn't remember if she's ever seen a photo of them
when she goes to the studio to start taking photos she freezes when she sees Valentino
she knew he'd be Hell of course, he wasn't a good man
but she never thought she'd see her father again
he's talking to her as if she's any assistant until she starts speaking back to him
Angel notices the weird vibes, but he just poses and leaves
Val and Sunnie don't talk, but it's an unspoken thing that no one will nor should know (so not even Vox or Velvette know)
she grew to resent him once he passed so he has this ideal little girl stuck in his mind while she has a father who exposed to a lifestyle she shouldn’t have known
she knows about the hotel and has considered it occasionally because she wonders if her mom is in heaven (she died when she was a little in elementary so when Val died she went to her maternal family)
but she doesn’t because she genuinely cares for Velvette (if Velvette genuinely love for her is up in the air because she owns Sunnie's soul sooooo, but she seems to care about her)
she spends most of her time just taking random photos for Velvette's professional account, but she does have silly photos of other works (even from the other V's)
she tries to avoid Val most of the time, but sometimes it's unavoidable
they don't...really ever have an actual heart to heart about how things are now, but he has reached out and she's never replied unless it's "your late to the shoot" "velvette wants to know what time you're coming"
maybe one day she'll reach out, but it won't be anytime soon cause she hates him so much for the time being
Her Life background!
like i said they're relationship is based off of Marty Hodas and his daughter's relationship! She always seems kind of put off of growing up in that sexual environment and just didn't like it and Marty Hodas was considered like the King of Peep Shows/Porn
i like to think Val only had her as his kid and she was his little princess and he took her everywhere and didn't care as long as she wasn’t directly involved
Anice did stay away from that as she grew up, it became easier when Val died (apparently in the 70s) when she was 13 because she lived with her maternal family who weren’t involved with that
she did have a nice friend group! speaking of friend group they were drunk driving and all 5 of them (2 guys, 2 girls, and her) died in a multiple car wreck in 1985 (yes they stayed friends in Hell!)
she was going to college to be a photographer!
she wasn't necessarily a doormat, but she didn't often speak up about how she feels about things
I know I said she didn’t like her dad once she realized what he did and what she grew up around but she kept validating what he did by saying he was a single dad and had to take care of her and not leave her at home
so in a sense she idolized him, but in a parental way
adolescent psych doing me some good
to expand on the murder thing: her guy best friend (he’s not like a small dude either he’s big) was about to be in a not good situation so anice stabbed the girl. Was she happy about it? No, she felt like a monster. But her and friend stayed friends and covered it up. It was traumatic and it was a secret only for them to carry to their graves. She still hasn’t told anyone and won’t.
she really loves strawberry shortcake and care bears without shame and was a collector of them (she did sob when she realized she wouldn't have any of them when she died)
God I wrote a lot and drew a lot over the past 3 days so I’ll leave it here idk if I’ll revise her and change things up but a 100% is that her mom is in heaven because her mom ACTIVELY stayed away from that part of Val’s life. They only married to avoid people gossiping otherwise they weren’t together in the slightest.
ummmm YEAH so that's Sunnie/Anice and i love her
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revvethasmythh · 11 months
Tary and/or Scanlan for the ask meme. To cover all our bases with Sam PCs, haha
I was wondering if I was going to be able to cover all of Sam's PCs with this lmao! Seeing as I do have a reputation to uphold re: sam's PCs, I will do them both
First impression
Baby. Beloved. Pompous jackass whomst I love the most. True love at first sight and I am not kidding
Impression now
Baby. beloved. Pathetic pompous jackass I adore (I never stopped loving him, I have only grown to love him more)
Favorite moment
It is hard to choose between ALL of his bits in Jugs and Rods or the Grog and Tary shopping adventure in Vasselheim. Critical Role has TONS of funny moments and there is stuff in every campaign that has really gotten to me--but nothing like this. My abs ached the next day, I was fully weeping real fucking tears over this. I am laughing just thinking about it as I am typing. Fucking iconic.
Idea for a story
I have never considered a story with Tary specifically, but you know I'd love a story that explored Tary getting back together with Lawrence and how that aspect of their love story played out! I feel like that could be a very fun romance piece.
Unpopular opinion
Genuinely an incredible character, not as a joke, not for the bit. I mean, Tary is hilarious, yes. But I don't think Sam gets enough credit for how GOOD Tary was beyond the bit. He's a top tier character and deserves more credit from the fandom for it.
Favorite relationship
I'll split this one with Percy and Vex. Tary ends up being such good friends with both of them and his friendship with Vex is something I find particularly endearing (another Sam + Laura dynamic coming through golden) and then you add the layer of Tary's close friendship and unrequited pining for Percy into the mix....that whole dynamic of the three of them is great.
Favorite headcanon
I should really just delete this question because I never have headcanons to add. Idk. I don't really do head canons.
First impression
Thought he was kind of gross and too sexually forward, ngl
Impression now
Probably my favorite of Vox Machina, not counting Tary. I don't know, he really grew on me. I think Scanlan circles around similar themes that all of Sam's PCs do, which is why I tend to gravitate toward them, you know? The eternal struggle of wanting to appear okay for your friends because you can't or won't invite the vulnerability of being honest about how you're struggling, only to hit a breaking point and lose it because no one has noticed your pain (because you have hidden it)? All the inherent complications and contradictions of that sort of thinking? Feels very realistic and relatable, for me, at least.
Favorite moment
It's so easy to choose The Bard's Lament for this. WHAT an incredible dramatic character move. Unparalleled, dramatic, complex, and it added so much to Scanlan's character and the dynamic with the group, forcing VM to sit with some things (and to get angry at him! Because he was unfair too!). I loved that shit, I ate it up.
But also, Scanlan's return to VM and trying to Modify Memory on Vex only to whiff it and her just hugging him. I fucking love that, too.
Idea for a story
You know, the thing is, this question is tickling some kind of memory of mine that I had actually planned to write something about Scanlan/Pikelan and I just cannot remember what on earth it was going to be. I can't even think of anything else, I'm just annoyed I can't remember what I was going to do, now
Unpopular opinion
I don't think Scanlan blowing up at VM and saying unfair things to them makes him a bad person or selfish or [insert whatever other thing here]. I think he was unwell, and had some valid reasons to be upset, and spoke in anger in a very human moment wherein neither party was entirely wrong or right. People apply judgement to that scene a lot, I think because it's very emotionally jarring, it's aggressive and unexpected and it prompts strong feeling because of that, but I don't think there's any judgment to be applied. VM was wrong about some things, Scanlan was wrong about some things. A big bundle of tragically human conflict, honestly, which is why it's fantastic.
Favorite relationship
Probably Grog. I love that whole corner of VM (Grog and his gnomes) and all their dynamics, but you can really feel such a camaraderie and care between these two that I love. Also Vex (that Sam + Laura dynamic always hits, I suppose)
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more of my vox machina bullshit, reaction to the last three episodes edition:
- percy and scanlan’s friendship is my favorite thing (the two of them + vax are my comfort trio of dumbasses),, i loved scanlan pulling percy aside to be like “i love you but you’re fucked up” because.. so true of him <3 also when scanlan tried to flirt with cassandra and percy just immediately went “NO.”,,, idk i just have a besties agenda
- grog is actually an icon and my hero and i love him. king of skinny dipping in acid <3 (his friendship with pike is!! actually the cutest fucking thing ever!!!!!!! they mean everything to me!!!!) but why is his dick named captain winky
- i let out a genuine screech of horror when cassandra’s name appeared on the gun,, like i figured that she was working for the briarwoods but it still HURT (and percy’s reaction was so sad <3 when he just crumpled to the ground and started sobbing i,, 🥺😭😭)
- these last two episodes were rough…… my loves were really going through it,,, what with keyleth fucking dying and scanlan losing his voice which for him is probably literal hell and vex having to fight her brother and percy. y’know. HAVING A FUCKING DEMON INSIDE OF HIM.
- okay but vex being so upset about keyleth when she got wounded/was dying is something that can be so personal……….. like,, she’s always been a bit cold to keyleth because of abandonment issues or whatever but she was so anguished when she thought keyleth was going to die!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭 sapphic behavior
- scanlan using the same spell to silence delilah that she used on him and imitating her little “shhh” is,,,,,,,,,, very hot ngl,,,
- why do i feel kinda bad for the briarwoods though :/ this is why villains shouldn’t be sexy,, it makes me sympathize with them 😩😩
- vax calling scanlan by his last name is so important to me actually <3
- actually vax’s nicknames for everyone are just,, 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so precious 🥺🥺🥺 as well as scanlan calling keyleth “green” :,)
- god there was so much twin angst :,(… possessed!vax fighting vex who just wanted her brother back,, vax being worried about vex when she was fighting orthax!percy,,, they are everything to me…….
- okay…………. it’s time we talk about mr. percy de rolo…. because HOLY FUCKING SHIT. first of all, demon!percy had no goddamn right to be as hot as he was. like,, jesus fucking christ 👀…. but also my GOD the trauma on that boy!! he was already so fucked up he didn’t need to have the freaking demon inside of him make him hurt/try to murder his new family while making him internally relieve his trauma by showing him his old family getting murdered again— and the whole battle was just so intense,, when he pointed the gun at himself i simply wanted to sob,,,, and the fact that the only way he finally got orthax out of him was by shooting his own hand out??!!!!? someone get this bitch some fucking therapy, p l e a s e. or just let me tenderly hold him.
- AHSKRJTHDAKTKTHDHAJTK EXPLICITLY CANON QUEER SCANLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m legit. So Happy about this. like i knew that he and most of the other characters were at least implied queer in the campaign, but i thought the only thing they’d have in the show was vax being bi and i was just,, so excited that they decided to make it undeniably clear that scanlan is into guys !!
- speaking of the queer guys in this show… we knew that vax and gilmore had a thing, but like,, that last scene with the two of them,,,,, oh they FUCKED fucked. (good for them 😌)
- percy’s so nice and sweet and cute and carefree without orthax :,) he was smiling 🥺 and he was being genuinely kind to scanlan too which made me very happy because,, more people should do that actually
- @ these fucking dragon bitches: this is why we can’t have nice things.
sooooo yeah,, i’m in deep, and i would like season two to be here immediately please !!
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rsbry-beret · 2 years
watching vox machina for the first time!!
telling apart vax and vex is gonna SUCK
liam obrian my beloved
they’re so stupid this mean council guy is OBVI a dragon who can shapeshifte,, these fools
the king is a dilf
awwww vax with kids
gnc barkeep nice
this show is rly gross like. barf blood ew
thought fince the dragon was just trying to drive down real estate prices until he mentioned bargaining w gold
TUSK LOVE in gilmore’s shop omg
why is there a troll dick
this sad victorian stage coach??? apparently his name is DESMOND which. yeah.
omg vampire nevromancer power couple?? hate them but also love that for them.
i’ve been told to stop chanting “horsdeourves” (how spell)
oh 1% anime boy has trauma D:
vax ur awesome
yea okay i love percy hes my fav
apparently he needs wooden bullets?
side note would silver work ???? bc ik silver works for “evil” creatures generally like werewolves and steel for “nice” creatures like fey?? so would vampires count hmmm
also btw their fancy outfits are so coooool i love them !!
we’re taking a break and i have many thoughts;
do grogs tattoos have significance??
also cleric struggling w faith hell yea cool side quest tho
vax being disaster bisexual ICONIC of him
surprisingly i am not struggling w vax vs vex names v much :0
your soul is forfeit dude ur so cool
duuuude secret passages!!!
WHY did the guards keep the twins together??? big stupid moment ngl
woa the ever light kinda dark tho. just saying.
keyleth <3 ur so nice 🥰🌸😇
ghosts fuck yes
aw grog not wanting to break piles shrine
ghost grabbed grogs titties lol
why doesn’t ANYONE have the light spell omgggg
He’s my fav
oh my GOD grog’s “what if i need you?” 🥺🥺🥺
“you’re their light now” stfu 😭😭
omg gilmore’s back :0
ok but what the heck IS percys weird shadow smoke thing??? intriguing
oh my god vax is a bisexual disaster wow.
these scenery shots are sooo pretty oh my god
oh my god that’s a massive fuck off dog
woaaa cool omg it’s just a torso that’s metal as fuck
that’s awesome ok
hahah cool blood dogs okie
it’s sorta trottin along aww
percy’s tutor guys is eugh
AWWWW VAX “kiki”
bruh “friend”
wow these guys. suck at not accidentally bringing up percys trauma lol
vex’s abandonment issues popping off okay
this whitestone flashback is GORGEOUS so it’s gonna be in ruins now :/
yea it sucks now 😬 sun tree looking uhhhh
fits the vampire aesthetic a lot more now ngl but i like the pretty version personally
oh damn. the ending of episode 5. damn. augh
percy V pale. vitamin deficiency? very very white boy
why tf are there giants/goliaths here?? does not make sense bestie like is it an ecosystem thing? additional guard force?? i am wondering.
whitestone? more like graystone OOOOO BURN it’s bc the city is dirty.
religious person keeping the peace? BOOOO RISE UP VIVA LA RESISTANCE
Oh nvm she’s in the resistance ! sick. good for her.
aww archie and percy childhood crushes?? adorable
everlight on FIRE?? i guess not dark now but that can’t be good oof
“those were bad ideas and you should all feel bad” so tru bestie
also vax and percy standing like a power couple in that scene polycule rights
that’s a RLY COOL gun scope omg
haha back door team are all bottoms
oh my GOD they can’t open the door jesus
help action unsuccessful yikes scanlan
oh my god archie is nice and i like him <3
WAIT. scanlans piercing is on the gay ear !!!!!
and the NAME melts off the GUN this RULES
Cassandra is alive!!!!! holy shitttt
percy was a NERD in his youth
still is lol
this tutor suuuuuuucks booo
“who’s the sixth barrel for?” THE SHADOW. OH.
awwww archie and percy <3 <3 cute
let. me. be. annoying.
oh this lute music is a VIBE.
scanlans song slaps as well this is great
“he’s a really tall guy” “scanlans just got shrunk” thanks @a-human-pippin-took i’m dumb at moments
this rules.
So dinosaurs are real??? or are they like mythical creatures in this universe ?
i can’t believe this mission was a total success good job scanlan
dick lightning omg nice sam
oh shit. cass. fuck man.
FUCK this tutor guy !
this loser brought a sword to a gun fight. sHit nvm he brought golems
pikes side quest goin Wild rn
oh THATS what it’s supposed to look like. a bit more light-y
oh this possession thing is uhhhhhh Fucked Up
oh my GOD percy is cool. fucked up but cool.
cass is. she has trauma as well! oof moment
oh my god. keyleth and the de rolo crest. that’s cool as fuck 😌😌
this vampire building is cool af and definitely trustable!!
uhhh that’s some. strange looking ceiling mold. 😬
oh FUCK THAT the hanged children have been ununalived now
still torn up about that but holy shit keyleth
aw “kiki” 💚💚💚
that was a V good speech percy!! i miss archie :,(
oh my god “you know i’m in love with you, right?” “NOW?”
“marry me?” “yes right now let’s do it” “really?” “no”
aw fuck still zombos
necromancer lady tattoo is messy as fuck. stick poke?
vax u CANT just free EVERYONE who the briarwoods hate,,
woa percy what did she do tho
oh this credits song!! <3 cute
oh FUCK this doctor lady
egh i rly don’t like anna ripley eghhhh
i agree w scanlan lol the smoke is a Bit fucked up lol lol hmmmm
this is so sus
cass u better be chill and not not chill
OH THATS SO COOL OMG “you’re at the bottom of my list”
taliesin king of one liners and crow noises
i only just realized pike is astral projecting
sick dagger vax 🔥🔥🔥
shit fuck balls i called it
percys crying vex is crying i’m gonna cry
grog why is ur dick named that,,,,,
oh scanlan u genius
percy holding his arm back from shooting cass,,,
oh my god scanlans muted,,,, smart but UGH
PIKE !! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕❤️❤️💕💕💕
ok that fight was EPIC
And cass is more chill again!
aw fucks sake vampire lady pls stop it jeez
the demon is orb
percy nooo ur soul is being overtaken haha
okay i got so wrapped up in the last episode i forgot to write ANYTHING but this show is VERY GOOD i highly recommend
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Your headcanons about Vox were amazing! Ironically the part about where you explain how the relationship would be toxic was what caught my eye the most. I was wondering if you would elaborate on how Vox would be with a s/o who's basically a yes man, like they just want Vox to be proud of them in every way and not tarnish their reputation and stuff. Like legit, never complains and bottles up stuff for his sake, at the same time they wanna make him feel powerful and in control cuz that's how he wants to feel. BUT his s/o actually tries and prones him into not keeping a façade near them, kind of a thing "Use me however you want, I will be silent, obey and not judge you" kinda thing. I'm really curious about how that dynamic would be :3
Absolutely, I can 🙏
TW for abuse
With a submissive, yes-man partner in general: Vox would treat you as a doormat. I do not doubt that for a second. He'd use your willingness to let things slide and not call him out to just violate your boundaries, trust, etc. Even worse over time.
You've gotta threaten this man with some sort of consequences, or he's going to take advantage of and use you in every single way.
He knows how to read people to get what he wants from them, so when you just keep giving him what he wants again and again and again, he's gonna be so used to the dopamine hits he gets from you praising him and being able to exercise complete control and bad behaviour over you that he will just take it further and further because he knows you won't do anything.
And, when he sees that you are trying to make him proud of you and be good for you? He's going to absolutely use that against you to just control you farther. Would manipulate you to do what he wants using your desire for praise.
He'd use you and abuse you until you break down and inevitably snap at him - and considering through your whole relationship you haven't treated his behaviours with any sort of criticism at all and have just been feeding his ego without any directly negative response to him the whole time?
He's gonna be an absolute asshole about it.
He's insecure and extremely reactive to criticism (perceived or actual) at the best of times from a partner who calls his shit out, but you exploding after ages of letting things slide and forgiving his behaviour and building his constant need for positive attention and reinforcement the whole time? It's gonna be such a 180 that he's gonna be absolutely furious about it.
With a combination of being a yes-man and affirming him though provided he does open up to you? I'd say it might actually turn out even worse ngl.
I'm a strong believer that Vox needs love to get better, but also its gotta be tough love with hard consequences for bad behaviour, or he just will not change at all.
He would confide in you, use your willingness and encouragement of a complete lack of judgement. But also he'd use that.
You letting him unfurl all his God awful behaviours and insecurity with no judgement like at all, he's just gonna openly express said shit behaviour and not attempt to remedy it at all.
You show him that he can be absolutely vile and you won't go 'uhhh, actually that's not okay' at all, (or at least not firmly say that) and he'll see the opportunity of a lifetime to very overtly be awful.
He needs a loving partner who will not judge his real self and real concerns (to a degree) and take care of him, treat him properly.
He also needs someone who will not take his shit and someone to hold consequences over him when he's behaving terribly, so he actually does change and mend those abusive/toxic behaviours he's got going on.
Because he will most likely become and stay abusive towards you if otherwise, covertly or overtly.
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