#and a bad year
christinaroseandrews · 3 months
If 2024 would just stop with the fuckery, it'd be nice.
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moonilit · 1 year
I hope your relationship with Genesis Rhapsodos be like mine, going from "if he doesn't shut up I will seriously kill him " to "if he is not in that party im not going"
he is such a drama queen, and such a bitch that I just gotta love the chaos he brings wherever he goes YGAFIEWIO
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mybreadsmybutters · 5 months
when i was a kid i wanted to be a famous youtuber like dan and phil so that people would gay ship me with my irl best friend and we would be sooo weirded out by it and laugh and make videos joking about it but secretly it would make her realize her repressed gay crush on me and i'd help her through her gay crisis and then we would have a sickeningly sweet sappy romance and read fanfiction about ourselves together... anyways just found out she's married to a guy in the mafia now so i probably don't have a chance
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artkaninchenbau · 5 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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alltears · 1 month
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the intrepid heroes reached new levels of Accurate Teenage Friendship tonight (see also)
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lgbtlunaverse · 9 months
Obsessed with characters who portray themselves as worse than they are. Who are lying to everyone including themselves about it. People generally assume if someone's lying about themselves they're trying to look better but sometimes they're trying to look worse. They attribute agency to where they had none, add intent to accidents, try to convince everyone that this is something they did instead of something that happened to them.
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soaked-doors · 1 month
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when it rains, it pours
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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gretashand · 2 months
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the best part about being an artist is making the shit you want for yourself so pls enjoy my poster sketch based on this weeks episode bc i literally cannot stop thinking about it
this is gonna take forever to render but it will be so worth it
| Lineart | Final Version |
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mmhue · 2 months
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So. How about this season so far
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stuckinapril · 6 months
lived my whole life in guilt bc i thought i was responsible for people's feelings. newly realizing that other people are responsible for their feelings and reactions, even if they make it seem like i'm the problem. a lot of the time it really has to do w them and their own emotional regulation. i can't keep thinking i'm not allowed to have space bc of other people's insecurities. like i literally refuse to dim myself. other people are responsible for their feelings just as i'm responsible for mine.
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emiko-matsui · 26 days
what demonstrates the rat grinders vs the bad kids SO perfectly is oisin sending that guess you didn't see the storm coming message being like hehe im gonna put her on a ship in a storm and kill her just the same way the last elven oracle died and adaine is just standing on the deck like ok?? and one-punch killed an ancient dragon
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broh3m3 · 4 months
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"I-It's a matter of life or death!"
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chushanye · 26 days
I love how cunty Riz turn in the heat of battle. he's smoking, he gets Eugenia's vibes he says "good. we need you alert and awake" to a classmate doing meth. he truly released his inhibitions and felt the rain on his skin
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ironinkpen · 19 days
the rat grinders getting whomped because they don't know how actual combat works is exactly what I've been waiting for all season. fabian taking down ivy in one turn bc they have no hp, them grouping up bc they don't know they're not supposed to and getting immediately shit on by adaine, riz's attack of opportunity doing more damage to kipperlilly than her actual attack did to him, gorgug taking down oisin by the end of round 1 bc they didn't protect their wizard, kristen and k2 both bringing all their friends up while keeping themselves strategically hidden bc they know better, riz diving into the lava like it's nothing bc he's a badass, adaine slapping jace's counterspell out of the air, fig tanking that hit from porter and casting that clutch fireball. just. beautiful. iconic. poetic. exactly what the rat grinders deserve after xp grinding for three years instead of actually adventuring. you fucking suck at this game kipperlilly!! you might be high level but you're shit at pvp!!!!!
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bioshzrd · 4 months
this random ass guy who’s entire bit is that he can move like this is the only good wesker fan ever
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