#and a bit of a gay one 👉👈
chaaancewe · 2 years
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A mogus
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theplantbish · 10 months
Shout-out to that tall beautiful woman next to me at the club last night who kept me safe from the insane crowd during the entire gig ily 🥺
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pspspsps v.ivian pspsps
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enden-agolor · 1 month
Got any more Jesskas/mcsm head cannons? :3👉👈
Hmm 🤔 I'm just gonna throw a bunch of random ideas in my head down
For Lukas, I love to think he'd be super into those fishing catch and cook kinds of videos. I watch them all the time and I really think if it were a modern setting, he'd be one of those guys with a youtube channel dedicated to fishing and he travels around in his gay little subaru and does fishing tutorials. How to rig a pole, what times and seasons its best to fish at, etc. He'd be a freshwater fisherman too. Loves going to streams or lakes.
A hc I have for both Jesse and Lukas is that they both do morning jogs and also work out together. Y'know, lift weights to stay fit, while Jesse does most of the heavy lifting, Lukas does some too but not as much.
Lukas also has a big thing with food and staying healthy. Constantly getting on Jesse's ass for eating too many sweets and not enough fruits/veggies. While Lukas does love and adore treating Jesse to sweet snacks, he can tell when Jesse is avoiding a certain food and Lukas is like. "Jesse. You're a grown man. Eat your vegetables." And Jesse's like "Uuughhhh fiiiine.."
Neither of them are super picky eaters. Jesse won't eat pork/bacon or mushrooms (mushrooms remind him of the sunshine institute and pork.. well y'know..) and Lukas I like to think isn't a huge fan of potatoes (im projecting onto him)
Also Lukas has like a really big fear of blood. He hates seeing it and it makes him genuinely nauseous. Jesse can handle it a bit better but he has a horrible fear of throwing up and hates the possibility of having to see others do it (like that scene when radar is about to hurl and jesse looks away)
Uhh. They're both very open with pda. They hold hands, hug, and of course kiss in some public settings like before going to work or dropping each other off somewhere or if its like a date night and they're at a fancy restaurant, they'll hold each others hands over the table. It's like.. when you've faced death countless times, why be ashamed of hiding something you're truly proud to have? So they're very open about their relationship.
When Jesse gets jealous, he's the kind to have that 'hopeless jealousy' where he'll be quiet and hide his feelings, while as for Lukas, he's way more vocal about his distaste in people flirting with or hitting on Jesse and will actively come over and give whoever it is a death glare. Lukas is very protective of Jesse and in no way open to the idea of sharing and Jesse really likes that about him. It feels nice to have someone so dedicated to him and looking out for him for once. And in a way he wouldn't want any other person to do it.
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naivegh0ul · 10 months
ABSOLUTELY SPLENDID (also omg hiii! Pain buddies ♡♡♡)
If its ok could you do Gn!Reader at least? Since im just a gay lil lad. (I'm a guy but I feel a lil rude to ask for masc!Reader 👉👈)
Anyway! Reader with a cane and chronic pain and EDS related issues (like hypermobile joints) and ghost being so kind about it especially since reader is young and "looks healthy"
Always anxious about using their cane because of certain people making comments like that. Like they can walk without it a bit but will be so sad and achy cause their legs and back hurts and so many places just do NOT have enough seating. (Often ends up sitting on the floor even to rest even though its such a hassle to sit down or push themselves up)
Scary dog privilege ghost being such a good emotional support, being so gentle with reader to use their mobility aid while also being so scary to someone if they try to say something or give a look.
Ghost being like a human reminder to take breaks, fix posture (you know with hypermobility and 'knee locking'), take your cane, pain killers for more busy days etc. Cause he just cares so fucking much and wants to make sure reader is in the least amount of pain possible.
Probably would carry reader if they asked
Just!! Need soft ghost comforts cause im such a sad achy boy rn.
(Also a lil unrelated to chronic pain but I need him to lay his full body weight on my small body cause I am the autistic and I crave that pressure and also feel like it would do WONDERS for my back)
how and why are you so relatable!!!! also don't ever feel rude or awkward ab requesting masc reader, pls request whatever you want <333
Ghost understands your chronic pain, after all, he's getting shot at on the daily so he's pretty achey all over. He's always reassuring you whenever you're having one of your bad days, cuddling you close to him when you sniffle and sob into his chest from the pain :(
He's such a sweetheart about it and always carries a spare cane with him wherever he goes. People don't question an older veteran carrying around a cane so you don't have to worry about people giving you weird looks about it.
And if it's one of those days where you're really feeling anxious about using your mobility aids in public, Ghost will just carry you. He doesn't want you sitting on the hard, dirty floor so he'll have you on his back or holding you bridal-style.
He calls you his little backpack when he's carrying you on his back. Sometimes people look at him weird because why is Ghost carrying a full grown man on his back? Ghost just glares at them, gives them a 'don't say anything bad about my partner or I'll kill you' type of look.
He is like a human alarm clock sometimes, pops up behind you and whispers "Have you taken your meds?" in your ear before magically producing them, pulling them out of his pocket. (and an entire water bottle??)
I need him to lay me too, dude. After a long day of you using your cane, he'll feed you and make you take your medication before laying you in bed and putting his entire body weight on top of you.
This man will become a heated, weighted blanket in an instant. He'll have you lay your head on your wedge pillow and will flop on top of you, nuzzling his face into your neck and praising you for how well you did today and how you took all of your meds and used your mobility aid when you needed it instead of trying to push through the pain.
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sugoi-writes · 6 months
Having some Fem!Alastor brain rot... like, how much more ironic would it be if Alastor was femme/a woman?
Imagine: a mighty, BIG overlord, who is... a prey animal? And what many from her time would call of the "fairer sex"? Fem!Alastor arriving to hell after a brief miscalculation, and a shot between the eyes...
Maybe Rosie tries to take a bite of her first? Quickly finds out this doe has TEETH. Sharp ones, at that. Rosie can respect that. She becomes like a mother to her. Fem!Alastor can see parts of her mother in her. They are quick to become friends.
But Fem!Alastor knows how to use her charm, her wit. She comes off ever the docile, delicate woman that would almost make a good house wife. A woman that's a tall glass of wine, full figured, and has refined taste. Fem!Alastor who could out dance you on the floor, drink you under the table, and has an AMAZING poker face. Fem!Alastor has a darling voice, an iron clad wit, a good sense of 'right' and 'wrong'... but dare to cross the Radio Demon? You get the horns.
Ugh... Fem!Alastor... WOOF.
The longer hair. Maybe in a similar cut, but long enough to put in a ponytail? A shag, perhaps? She'd have full frames, instead of a monocle? More practical, maybe???
Pointed, painted nails... all the better to carve your flesh with. Full, full lips, all the better to tempt you... but to never kiss. Not unless you were begging for it.
Alastor with tits??? Alastor with big ole honkers? A real set of BADONKERS???
Lord, forgive me... ☠️❤️🎙
But also: would Fem!Alastor use her looks to get by? A kind stranger offers to carry her bags, only to get gutted in an alleyway? Someone offers her their hand, only to have it snapped like a twig? Would Fem!Alastor be a bit "ahead" of her time? A strong, independent woman? She would be seen as a prude, despite being SO very fucking ace? And gay???
Would Fem!Alastor be offended by other demons giving her unsolicited advice? Does she end up digging her heels in misogynistic demons who once tried to tempt her into a deal? Would she be the one to reveal a royal flush and beat The House? She'd be the type to take her cake and eat it too... she would be so eloquent yet spicy. A demonic, cannibal Mary Poppins...
Would anymore read Fem!Alastor content... 👉👈 she's taken over my mind now
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thedo0zyslider · 29 days
For the writing asks pretty please a Zombiecleo 🥹👉👈
a zombiecleo! Just for you :]
[Writing requests lol]
Cleo hums, quickly throwing her hair into a ponytail. She's alone in the clock tower for now, the boys having gone out to do.....to do God knows what, really. Probably blowing up their neighbors, if she had to guess. But what they do doesn't matter to her. Not right now, because she's not with them!
Though she does fully expect to here TNT going off sometime soon. Maybe within in hour. TNT that could maybe be from her boys, or someone else. She won't know and it won't matter to them, either. Not unless she finds the explosion hole or asks for the story later.
It's nice, having the clock tower all to herself. Quiet, too. Minus the ticking of the towers namesake. But she barely even notices that anymore, after living here for a few now. Or, what has to be a few weeks. Cleo's pretty sure they've been here for a good few weeks. The key words there being pretty sure. Running around every night, all night, and all day will make you lose track of time. It will make the days start to blend together a bit, into one big blur of movement and running and TNT explosions and swordfights.
Kind of ironic of them, really, to lose track of time while living in a clock tower. But some things just can't be helped.
She could ask Scott how long they've been here. He's probably been keeping count, he always does. Says it helps him keep his head straight. Or, well, as straight as one's head can be in a death game. (Insert a classic Scott gay joke here about how he's never been able to keep his head straight.)
Expect she....hasn't really talked to Scott much. Not since the game had first started. Which was definitely weird for them. They'd spoken often in literally every single death game so far, if her decently foggy memories were actually right. So yeah, this was a weird thing for them, and Scott was probably kinda upset about it....
...It's just, well, he teamed up with Martyn. Martyn Littlewood, her ex soulmate, the guy who made her life living hell the last time with that stupid soulbond. She complained so much to Scott about him last time and then he teamed up with the man! She didn't know they did teaming up with ex soulmates was a thing now! Especially the ones you spent several hours a night shit-talking.
Instead of sighing dramatically, like she really wants too, Cleo just hums again. It's some tune Bdubs had made up, once upon a time. Usually it's better at claiming her down. But perhaps it's magic has faded with time. Or something stupid like that.
Scott had teamed with Martyn. Cleo was upset about it. Scott was probably upset she wasn't talking to him, and Marytn probably didn't have a damn clue any of this was going on. Pearl had been rather mercifully, and maybe purposefully, left out of all their bullshit this time. (Though she was teaming with BigB, something she could've and absolutely would do to irritate Cleo. They'd have to look into that later, after the Scott Issue was sorted.
....If it ever got sorted.)
It was a mess of a situation, but it would be fine, Cleo told themselves. It would all blow over. By the next death game they'd all be friends again. They'd all be holding hands and promising not to kill each other while knowing they eventually would. That's how it always went in this place. If you just let the problem blow over, it'll all be fine and you can all go back to being horrible people again. Easy as pie. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy, or however that saying went.
Cleo holds back a sigh for a second time, and hims for a third. She has more pressing things to think about than her possibly ruined relationship with Scott. An explosion just sounded off in the distance, and she was basically a hundred percent sure that was Bdubs screaming. Better of save her boys before they die again.
Cleo opens the door to the clocktower, makes sure her ponytail is secure, then goes to investigate whatever the hellos happening. Maybe this will help her problems blowover. Maybe she'll end up dying forver and never having to think about them again. Who knows, really.
She runs towards what is definitely Bdubs shrieking like a little girl, and starts to think the second option might be better.
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sibswin · 2 months
Okayyy, so, while ive done WAY too much gay stuff way too eagerly to be straight, the usual exception is that i never really find guy's voices sexy. i go crazy for everything else, esp with femboys, just never been gay for voice
.....so uh, until now👉👈
uhh, I may have listening to some rabbit hole covers, looking for some male ones to embody me.
When. I stumbled across this one
Rabbit Hole / Ver.Chogakusei (youtube.com)
I WAS LIKE ...wait am I finding this sexy
AND LIKE THE GUY HAS AN OBJECTIVELY SEXY VOICE BUT I ACTUALLY HAD THAT wait am i attracted a lil bit to this moment lolll
Like damn, that was a moment
idk how to end this just felt the need to share this lil thing. im not gonna overthink it too much btw, i just know it felt, somethin, in that moment
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primaviva · 1 year
(gwen x fem!reader) reader has been the one comforting gwen the day she entered the spidey-society (yk after gwen basically left her universe) reader has been trying to help gwen through her problems even though gwen doesnt want to but reader is patient.
fast forward to miles getting in and so gwen puts all her attention to miles and such, reader feels a bit hurt that gwen just threw her away like that but she understands that miles is a special person to gwen (in a platonic way if you will). but the thing is, gwen basically ignores the readers’ existence but reader still tries to talk to gwen but she just makes up an excuse and leaves reader alone.
(pretend miguel allow miles to go on a mission with them) while on the mission, miles and gwen do something very dangerous and reader scolds them for it saying “do you know how dangerous what you two just did?!” (smth like that) and ig gwen just kinda blew up on reader saying how reader always tries to help her and always trying to talk to her (i guess gwen thought the reader just felt pity on her but reader just has a FAT BIG CRUSH on gwen) and then reader and gwen had a fight while miles and the others are watching in the background like: 🧍
after that mission gwen and reader barely talk to each other anymore but they keep stealing glances at each other (how gay- ill stop) while miles, hobie, pavitri just watching all of this happen like its a tv novella.
wow! another mission! gwen almost gets hit but reader pushes gwen out the way to take the hit and suffers a very very bad injury (dw we wont die) gwen panics and tries to keep reader awake while waiting for help while she apologizes with tears and all while reader’s just trying to stay awake.
timeskip to reader being healed and she sees gwen and apologies and confessions happen (and a kiss scene pls 👉👈)
wow a happy ending! hope this wasnt too complicated :) you can make this as angst as you want (the more the better 😼) dont worry, youll be able to sleep at night after writing this fic 🙀😸 i love all your works and how you write in general! sorry for scaring you with what i wrote in ur ask box 😽 have a good day/night! 😻🥰😍😘
HERE !!! it’s finally come.
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raspberrysmoon · 1 month
okay okay sick OH i saw your omegaverse things and did some research on youtube. can i ask for linda omegaverse hcs pretty please 👉👈
YOUTUBE RESEARCH LMAOOOO yes absolutely you can 🫶🫶 i think abt her.... i might write a fic for medicinal alcohol or something soon. maybe her going to yell at gary and finding him being gay. idk
definitely raised to believe in stereotypes. alphas only get with omegas, omegas as homemakers and nothing more, alphas being inherently better than betas and omegas. becky proves most of these wrong, sheila proves the first one wrong.
rarely remembers to stop using her "alpha voice" (i hate that term but what can you do yk) and ends up scaring a lot of people because of it. she delights in this until its someone she cares about (river, age 4)
biter. bites people to show her dominance. it works. only bit roman once, and was punished so bad for it that she freaks out thinking about it. bites gary for fun
huge fan of putting people she doesnt like in muzzles/on leashes. for fun. she does this to gary frequently to annoy him (it works). also used to do it to gerald in public when they were still married to keep up her image. will not do it to becky, does it to sheila to annoy her (it doesnt work)
smells like some really (REALLY) fancy cheese. this makes more sense with sheila and becky (who are wine and chocolate). also slightly smells like fruity champagne
(under the cut is the stuff that borders on/is sexual but gives ✨ character ✨ imo)
refuses to bottom. ever for any reason. believes it harms her image (trauma induced self esteem issues). still a bit of a pillow princess most of the time
bit too hard once and had to completely stop everything and leave the house to calm down. almost made becky buy a leather collar to stop it from happening again. becky laughed in her face and refused
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punmster · 5 months
Sorry if this ends up overwhelming you and if it does, feel free to ignore them. I’m just bored and curious. 👉👈😅
Which character do you think had the most potential in the Harry Potter series and do you plan on implementing any of your ideas into them?
If DSMSG Draco was locked in a room with Umbridge, Lockhart, and Voldemort and had a gun with two bullets, who would he choose to shoot?(totally not stolen from The Office)
I think you may or may have not mentioned this earlier and feel free to ignore this question if it’s a spoiler, but when does Harry begin having feelings for Draco/act on them?
no worries, i wanted a distraction from my work anyway lol
In terms of potential, I'm not quite sure. My first thought was Draco (Duh) mostly because I wish so badly that they kept the scene in the final movie where he threw his wand to Harry. That alone would probably do so much for his character, and I am very likely going to do something with it in the fic. Plus the whole really weird hug with Voldy thing, kinda seems like Voldy is trying to have a relationship with him that parallels Harry and Dumbledore's. Anyway, Draco's SO uncomfortable all the time in 7th, it makes me very excited to get to it :) I also think Narcissa is pretty interesting since she kinda parallels Lily, and the fact she lied to the Dark Lord TO HIS FACE and protected Harry...I know I make Narcissa out to be just a very overbearing mother (and bad cook) but I hope to make Draco see the other sides to her later on, when he gets his head out of his ass. For now, she's sort of just comic relief, but there are some things set up in the very first years that will come back in the later years.
(also i REALLY need to add neville in some more--thematically he's super important, but he just doesn't get that much screen time yet. I'll have to think more about how to integrate him, but definitely he will appear more in 3rd w/ other characters. Other characters I plan to include are Cedric, Luna, maybe Cho? Marietta, probably, for the whole traitor thing in the 5th book, and ofc Pansy and Zabini, though those two are the flattest in the books so I'm gonna have to make up a lot of stuff lol. gotta add in sirius obvs [he's actually my favorite, which was why he was not-malfoy's fave in the old version], and remus [also we gotta discuss the werewolf in the room, with the whole snape prank thing...])
Draco would probably blackmail Lockhart into taking the gun and shooting Umbridge twice. He isn't stupid enough to try to kill Voldemort with a gun (are the horcruxes around in this hypothetical?also Voldy lived in like. WWII? Although he's ignorant of love magic stuff, he is probably deeply aware of the dangers of Muggle weapons, which maybe relates to his desire to conquer them) but Draco would love Umbridge dead, and he'd want more blackmail on Lockhart lol. The man's main fear is losing his reputation so that's probably a better punishment than death. If it's sixth year Draco he might just shoot himself though
I have mentioned that Draco doesn't want to date as a minor or date minors even if physically the same age due to the weird age gap/time question thing (a really big issue in isekai/transmigration imo, and the bit of this fic that makes me want to just make it platonic--seriously. I read one where this grown man DATED A SEVEN YEAR OLD B/C HE WAS IN A CHILD'S BODY??) but Harry will obviously not be thinking about that since for all he knows, they're both normal kids. You can probably safely assume he starts thinking of romance at the same time as in the books, though obviously his friendship w/ Draco and the whole "it's the nineties and I think I'm gay?!" thing would make him not as proactive about it for a while
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daisychainsandbowties · 8 months
i had nada interest in chess but then i read your chess au and now its currently 4am and i’ve been up all night just watching chess videos on youtube. your power casper is frightening
there’s nothing like getting a little bit gay about a topic to make it one thousand times more interesting 😌🙏
i do think chess is inherently homoerotic though. all those pieces of hard wood 👀🥺👉👈 the damsel-in-distress is a king and he mewls and whines while his absolute bulldozer of a wife (sometimes they’re divorced 😳) spends the whole game ignoring him and fucking (up) other pieces.
the bishops doing that gay little sashay across the board, fianchettoing and forking pieces and getting forked in return 😌💖 this too 💖💖 is yuri 🙏💖💖😌 the knights who are just L’s you, L’s you, L’s you (gets taken by a pawn) and then of course the rooks. fortified motherfuckers who are definitely, 100% i asked god about this, the king’s secret boyfriend (in a transgender way somehow) (see “castling” for more information)
like really truly a more homoerotic game has not been conceived of 🙏 what do you mean you’re getting “taken” by a “knight” what do you mean you get your pawn across the board and he turns into a milf what do you mean you’re “opening” by pushing your pawn into an empty space? 👀😳😳😳😳😳😳 that sounds kind of gay 🧐
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pokemenlovingmen · 2 years
I love your blog!! Can I rq fluff for Arven with a masc reader who loves to dance with him and tell him how much he means to them?
Oh my god you’re so sweet stop!! And of course you can, Arven deserves to have a pretty man tell him how important and loved he is. We (the gays) cherish our boy so much.
Step By Step — Arven x Reader
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🥪 — Arven doesn’t know much about dancing. Arven, uh… doesn’t know much about a lot of things. If it’s not cooking and anything related to it, the Pokemon of Area Zero, or his dog, he really doesn’t know much. But he’s willing to learn, because you love it, and he loves you.
🥪 — When you do dance together, he’s often stumbling over himself like he’s got two left feet, and he’s definitely stepped on your toes plenty of times. But you always laugh it off. The little mistakes he makes are so adorable, and the way he gets all red-faced and huffy after you point them out is even cuter.
🥪 — Arven can’t manage much more than a simple box step, but that’s fine. It’s more than enough for your favorite pastime: slow-dancing in the kitchen at night. You can’t say why it’s the kitchen specifically. Maybe it’s the way the moonlight gleams off the tiles and countertops, maybe there’s something so domestic about dancing together there, or maybe you’re just a bit sadistic and like seeing Arven slip and slide when he’s wearing socks on the tile—maybe a bit of all of the above. Either way, it’s something you do often to decompress before bed.
🥪 — You two always fall into a slow dance, getting closer and closer to each other until one of you has the other held against his chest. And by that point you initiate phase two of your favorite activity and begin talking about him. About the both of you.
🥪 — You’re well aware he didn’t get much attention growing up, and Arven isolated himself from the other students at the academy for the longest time. He’s not used to being spoken to so kindly, so unashamedly adored. You remember one night, Arven interrupted your contented rambling about how much you love him to deliver a line that was absolutely sweet and heartfelt, but also the funniest thing you’d heard him say in weeks.
🥪 — “I used to be really scared about my sexuality. Now? I’m glad I’m gay. Seriously. I can’t even imagine being straight or something, and I’d be living my life never knowing how perfect loving a man like you is.”
🥪 — That was so sweet, a huge “awww” from you for sure, but at the same time you held the “I’m glad I’m gay” and “I can’t even imagine being straight or something” over his head for a long time, because that was so out of pocket and so comically worded and he needs to be reminded of it regularly because he doesn’t realize how hilarious he can be when he doesn’t try.
🥪 — He melts whenever you compliment him. Just melts. He’s so not used to it and you lay it on so thick.
🥪 — He’ll try and compliment you back, but again, he’s really not used to interacting with people like this and his compliments are anything but eloquent. You love him for it anyway, though.
🥪 — Your voice brings him so much comfort, you know? He hears you and everything is suddenly okay.
🥪 — Arven would prefer if the dances between the two of you stay in the privacy of home, both because he’s awkward being a recipient of affection at all, let alone in public, and he just knows he’ll trip and fall even more often than usual if it’s in front of people.
🥪 — He miiiiight want to ask for your kind words from time to time… but he’s too awkward and shy about it, it just comes out as 👉👈🥺
🥪 — All your words hang in his mind so often. Everything you say to him is tucked so lovingly away in his memories for him to smile to himself about later.
🥪 — Since your love language is so specific, he’ll be hitting you with his oddly specific love language. Cooking for you. Cooking for you all day, every day. You can hardly make your own meal in the house if Arven is around to have any say in it. Because he might not be good enough with words to return your compliments, but he’s plenty good in the kitchen to cook all your favorite meals.
🥪 — And even if he knows he’ll never be good at it, know that Arven wants to keep dancing with you for the rest of his life.
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ieatadoptmepets · 2 years
I know cis and predominantly gay men take up the most space in gay bars and clubs and such but couldn't the gay hawthorne wipes episode have more than just cis (and mainly white) men at the pride party? the gay characters that had lines were feminine or drag queens, and that's okay. feminine cis gay guys aren't inherently bad and drag queens are awesome, also having a big part in queer history. but lots of the non queer society treats cis white gay men as the only queer people that are important, whether they're trying to be homophobic or supportive. and I know that in the time the episode was made, there was less visibility for other people in the queer community than there is now but community was very progressive and supportive, they could've done something.
couldn't there have been a moment where pierce did the 👉👈 thing to a gay couple talking to them and one of them said they're trans so it wouldn't work that way
couldn't there be a moment where a scene caught part of some background characters conversation talking about being bi in a gay dominated space?
couldn't there be more women in the background?
couldn't there have been more pride flags floating around than the rainbow one?
couldn't there have been a scene where abed says something about being attracted to or hooking up with a woman who was said to be trans previously, and britta gets all fake activist supportive and babies him, saying she probably wasn't a woman, then jeff gives her a look and some one liner and abed explains transness and how she was definitely a woman and totally casually mentions he's bi though too? and you gotta say, that was totally in character (patting myself on the back for that)
couldn't have there been a side plot with annie or jeff (would've proffered troy but he had his ac/plumber side plot going on but they totally could've made that conversation with abed more gay and it would've worked but jeff and annie need their queer arcs too) where they mistake a trans guy for a woman and are both attracted to them and then there's a "wait, what?" moment between them cause annie said she was attracted to who she thinks is a woman, then when they realize they're a guy and get turned off/on there's another "wait, what?" moment cause now they're both gay and they're now both comically queer questioning?
queer community episodes are all what we need and I really hope there's some bit of queerness in the movie but we probably won't get it and it's sad. it's so queer coded but everyone's ""canonically"" cishet
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harmonytheme · 3 months
You guys have made me feral with that song. All I’ve been thinking about all morning is a Hayray New York au. The teens decide to go for a big holiday for three weeks during the summer holidays but when it came to it one by one people began dropping out. In the end it was going to be a boys trip with Lucas, Dillon and Andre but on the morning of their flight while they’re waiting at the airport Lucas and Dillon get a message from Andre saying he became sick overnight and isn’t going to make it. So Dillon and Lucas go on their own. It’s three weeks of having adventures around the city at night, Central Park, walking around the Guggenheim, room sharing and Dillon definitely drags Lucas to a famous New York gay club before he knows Lucas is gay. Lucas watches him being all social, chatting to people and dancing while he’s stood in the middle of it all being so awkward but he’s interested. As the holiday goes on they get closer and closer and by the time they return home they are no longer single
UMMM HELLOOOOOO this is so???
I love the dragging Lucas along to a gay club bit hahahaha you knowww that boy wouldn’t go willingly so Dillon would have to trick him into it.
you know…….. 👉👈🥺 this would make a really good fic…….. and i would really like to read it…. So if you ever WERE to write it….. please let me know
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 2 months
hi ;) hopefully its not MUCH buuuuut... can you do some chazmint incorrect quotes 👉👈?
-📼 anon
you are SO damn lucky that I had been messing around with the incorrect quotes generator cuz YOU GET A BUNDLE OF THOSE!! 🦈🌿
Papermint: I feel like doing something stupid. Chaz: I’m stupid, do me.
Waiter: What would you like? Chaz: Bring a milkshake with two straws. Papermint: (blushes) Chaz: (puts both straws in his mouth) Watch how fast I can drink this!!
Chaz: I don't know how to tell you this, but… I love you. Papermint: That's great, Chaz. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Papermint: Know why I called you in here? Chaz: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Papermint: (stops pouring two glasses of wine) Accidentally?
Chaz: Goodnight to the love of my life, Papermint, and fuck the rest of y'all.
Papermint: What are you in the mood for? Chaz: World domination. Papermint: That's a bit ambitious. Chaz: You are my world. Papermint: Aww… Chaz: Papermint: Chaz: Papermint: OH.
Chaz: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right? Papermint: Nope, there's 26. Chaz: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T. Papermint: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one. Chaz: You'll get the D later ;).
Papermint: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Chaz! Chaz: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Chaz: Talk dirty to me, baby~ Papermint: The dishes. Chaz: Wh- Papermint: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.
Chaz: Are you sure Papermint's even gay? He barely even looked at me.
Chaz: (Laughs) Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing— Papermint: We’re married.
Papermint: Well, Chaz and I finally did it! Travis, Kitty and Melissa: (gasps, shocked expressions, etc.) Papermint: That's right… We kissed!
Chaz: When I was young, I left a trail of broken hearts like a rockstar. I'm not proud of it. Papermint: You're kind of proud of it. You work it into a lot of conversations.
Chaz, trying to flirt with Papermint: I think both of our families suck.
[I'm not sorry. In fact, I'm obsessive over my OWN handmade and crafted rare/crackpair and idgaf--]
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