#and a fan of rizzos and general
kaibaspuppy · 2 years
just finished murder on eridanos!!! aaaaa it was so good :) i am a little dissapointed and im sure in a while ill be criticizing it, but at the moment im feelin good!!
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dragon-giggles · 10 months
Muppet Headcanons
I have so many random, silly Muppet headcanons I need to get out of my system, sooo here we go, bare with me
~Kermit still keeps in touch with the Sesame Street gang ever since he left them. He usually calls Elmo, Grover, or Ernie the most to check up on them and say hi!
~Apart from fish being his favorite animal, Lew Zealand is a big animal lover in general! He has an especially soft spot for all aquatic wildlife, including animals such as turtles and seabirds.
~I don't care what y'all say, Bobo and Uncle Deadly had something with each other in The Muppets (2011).
~Miss Piggy really does have a soft heart, her temper just makes it hard to show. Actually, this better be canon.
~Robin and Rowlf's nephew (from the Jimmy Dean Show) are good friends and love having play dates.
~Big Mean Carl is really emotional, he's just really good at hiding it.
~Fozzie has accidentally set things on fire more than once. Most times have been in the kitchen, he's not exactly the best cook. But it's happened so much somehow, it pretty much seems like he's prone to it.
~Sweetums gets along well with a lot of the tinier Muppets ironically. He's surprisingly really gentle when he needs to be, and is always careful with his smaller friends. Him and Yolanda are besties!
~Walter has more than once weirded out the others by just how much he knows about each of them. (Well that's what happens when your a super fan guys)
~Gonzo has a whole wardrobe that's just dresses.
~This is pretty much canon, but it's agreed Zoot has magical abilities. The guy has probably traveled to other dimensions and not even realized it.
~Also pretty much canon, but Rowlf has a much sassier side to him than he usually let's on. Most people just haven't seen it that often... except for Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean saw it plenty of times lol.
~Fozzie is like the resident tickle monster lol. Usually if someone doesn't laugh at his joke, he'll just be a little twerp and tickle them to make them laugh. He'll also just do it to be silly (Kermit has been a victim to his silliness the most lol).
~Kermit knows every first and middle name of all of his siblings. (which keep in mind he canonically has like over a thousand siblings)
~Beauregard knows a lot of cool random facts actually that he'll just randomly throw out there sometimes.
~Another one about Beau, him and Beaker are good friends. (They canonically usually set up stage props together on The Muppet Show)
~Scooter has so many father figures. Kermit, Dr. Teeth, Fozzie, and Rowlf are all his dads lol... and Janice is his one mom figure.
~Pepe and Rizzo have been together at some point.
~Nigel, more well-known as the band conductor from The Muppet Show, and Kermit are actually good old friends. (He was actually meant to be the host for The Muppet Show before the role was switched to Kermit)
~Lips and Dolores (trumpet girl) are really good friends despite him taking up her role as trumpet player. She'll still sometimes pick up her old trumpet and the two will play together for fun.
~I don't know why this isn't canon but. Walter. Autism. Real.
~Skeeter likes to visit the Muppet theatre every so often to visit Scooter. In the few times she's been there, she's developed pretty good relationships with all the others as well.
~Bunsen and Beaker have pretty much been together since they were literally babies (go watch Muppet Babies for proof)
~This isn't really a headcanon but something I've noticed about Miss Piggy. She seems to have a softer spot for a few of the others, and I don't just mean Kermit.
I've noticed that she genuinely baby talks Rowlf a lot, and calls him Rowlfy. She's never actually tried to karate chop him like she has others either. There's been like once she tried to swing at him, from The Muppet Show, and ended up hitting the piano instead. Personally to me, it seemed like she didn't really try with her hit like she has all other times; it was more like she was annoyingly swatting at him because he was aggravating her (which he was btw, he was teasing her). I just think her and Rowlf are good old pals, and I just think that she knows that he's genuinely sweet and doesn't wanna be mean to someone like that.
Same with Beauregard, she's been really nice to him too. She's even given him a motivational speech before from The Muppet Show (in that same episode, he hugged her and said she was his only friend and I sobbed so mentally hard over that). I think Miss Piggy just knows who generally good folks are and in turn shows her soft side to them.
Okay I've poured out all I can, for now! Here's some silly doodles of some of the headcanons!
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palettepainter · 11 months
Not sure if you're still answering these type of ask. But do you have any Clifford headcanons? 👉👈
Maybe some about what Clifford and Zee's relationship was like???
my askbox is pretty much always open so people can ask for headcannons anytime! A heads up to longtime Clifford fans I've gotten a general idea of his character through watching episodes/clips from Muppets Tonight, so idk if theres other videos of him
-I did a post a while back with some Clifford headcannons so you can read them here: Palettepainter101 — Got any headcanons for Clifford? (tumblr.com)
-As for him and Zee overall they where a pretty normal, but fashionable, couple. From watching Muppets Tonight Clifford strikes me as the type of guy who is just trying to do his job, get paid, and put food on the table. If he's not dealing with some dumb shit backstage then he will be later. I kind of love him for that, he's just trying to run a show, let the man do his job.
-When they met Zee was just a singer and hadn't started her teaching career just yet. Zee sang at different joints more or less as a very passionate hobby, she was paid well but the gigs where far and few, so she wanted to get a fulltime job to make ends meet. She applies for a job at the Muppets Tonight studios for an actor, with her career as a dancer she was used to a stage and working alongside other muppets was a new change of pace that sounded fun to her. Since Zee was already a singer and proved to already have experience on a stage she got hired relatively quickly
-Zee had always preformed alone, so while it took a bit for her to adjust having acting partners she soon made quick friends with some of the other actors on the show. Being one of the oldest cousins to Zoot she's also naturally the mum friend of their group, so isn't afraid of rolling up her sleeves to get stuff down. Her and Clifford where pretty close by this point, since Zee was good at keeping a level head and people seemed to listen to her Clifford trusted her with a lot of other things he didn't have the time for.
In some bloopers for Muppets Tonight there's this one where Clifford gets into a fight with Johnny and his chimp Sal. I think it'd be funny if Zee see's this going down and naturally goes over to see what's wrong, manages to calm Sal down with nothing more then a few calm words and a smile, and the pair go on their way, before she turns to Clifford and probably asks "You good boss?"
-During the time when the two where starting to crush on each other there was a lot of flirting/playful teasing. Zee and Clifford could match each others energy, and their impeccable fashion tastes, but it took them ages to actually start dating. A lot of people on the show assumed they where dating long before they actually where because the back and fourth flirting game went on forever. The day Clifford actually went to ask Zee out stuff kept getting in his way, in typical, comical muppet fashion. Whenever he got round to talking with Zee something else would pop up, or Pepe and Seymour would interrupt him, then Zee would be called over by somebody else and he'd loose his chance. It wasn't until the end of the day when Clifford flops down in his office chair does Zee pop by with a coffee, probably with a "Sheesh, you look rough creampuff" comment (not unkindly). Clifford sighs, saying something about how the day was so hectic and how he looks like a mess. Zee chuckles, saying that he's still got his looks, and then Clifford asks her out
-The two where already flirty before they began dating, so adding dating to the mix felt totally natural for them. With Zee as his girlfriend Zee helped out a lot more with the operations of running the show, the stuff Clifford often handled alone with occasional help from Pepe and Rizzo. Zee's singing career had been pretty popular, but Muppets Tonight was really when it started to take off. Clifford made space for her to sing songs in-between acts to warm up the audience, and Clifford loves to hear her sing. The two where still very flirty even after dating, and might have snuck in a few make out sessions in Clifford's office during commercial breaks.
I want to say they dated for a handful of years, perhaps the two had started to share their own space (perhaps rumours of the two buying a new place together and settling down, only Zee and Clifford know for sure). But Zee was eventually approached by a business man to give her a brand deal with her singing, only issue is Zee would have to move. Clifford and her had a long talk about it, and at first they tried to make long distance work, but in the end neither wanted to hold the other back and decided to remain friends
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thealmightyemprex · 11 months
SO did a Haunted MAnsion double feature
I watched both the 2003 Haunted Mansion and the Muppet Haunted Mansion,because theres a new Haunted Mansion film on the horizon .Gonna give quick thoughts on both
Haunted Mansion 2003 is a nostalgic fave,but I get the complaints by Mansion fans .As a fan of spooky comedies ,I think its a fun spooky family film :The zombie scene is scary ,Jennifer Tilly is pretty funny as Madam Leota , Wallace Shawn is always a plus ,production design and cinematagrophy are beautiful,I think the ballroom scene is the best use of Mansion iconagraphy,and the always amazing Terrance Stamp is PERFECT as the villainous butler Ramsley .as for the big issues,I get what the film is trying to do be a throwback to oldschool horror comedies where ya take a comedian and put him in a spooky setting (Which is a shame they werent able to get Don Knotts as the caretaker ,as I think it wouldve made that clearer ,been perfect casting and a fun call back to the fact he did a spooky comedy,Ghost and Mr Chicken ) but Eddie Murphy while I maintain works half the time with some funny lines,and I think he is mostly good ....Is hit and miss here and I really think hes not great in the sentimental moments .I also think most the Mansion iconagraphy,feels really forced ,and the movie feels like a generic haunted house movie ,and the fanservice scenes feel like just detours.I also dont quite understand the ghost rules but I can usually overlook that .Oh and Mansion fans,while I think the ending works....I get your frustration .So I personally like the movie as a spooky comedy ,but as an adaptation of the ride its not great,but I do think its not bad and is underrated
Muppet Haunted Mansion.....I dont love it at first but it did grow on me and overall enjoyed it .I think the big song is great ,Taraji P Henson and Will Arnet are perfectly cast,Dave Goelz is great as always as Gonzo ,The Old GOnzo puppet is genuinely disturbing (My lil Sibling said "I hoped they burnt that thing "),and while I prefer Gonzo and Rizzo,Pepe grew on me despite not being a Pepe fan .I also think it used Mansion iconography really great .....My issues are the begining is slow ,I dont think the celeb cameos work ,it was made dueing the pandemic so it doesnt look great and....Its a personal gripe....Why in this HALLOWEEN special are none of the guest stars spooky related ?? I did end up liking it ,but I dont love it
@ariel-seagull-wings @filmcityworld1 @the-blue-fairie @angelixgutz @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon @amalthea9 @marquisedemasque @autistic-prince-cinderella @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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gerritcole-coded · 1 year
I am so confused as to why yankees fans seem to go back and forth with Gleyber. I know he makes baserunning mistakes, but so does Rizzo and people generally still seem to like Rizzo, even if he's in a rough patch. The only thing that seems to bother the really annoying fans is that Rizzo has a bad back, but they practically forget about it when he's fine.
I know Gleyber probably isn't the best 2B, but I don't think he's bad either. With Hicks and Gallo gone, Gleyber and Donaldson seem to be the guys the fanbase and j*mboy dunk on the most. I totally agree about Donaldson--even is defense is starting to decline, his offense is awful, and he just isn't likable--but I really don't think Gleyber needs to be benched.
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rebellingisomniac · 2 years
PPG AUs idea
In the spirit of Halloween, I feel that the perfect costume theme for the Powerpuff Girls or general AU plot would be making the PPG and RRB the characters from Grease I mean imagine
Blossom = Sandy
Brick = Danny
I mean how cute would the Reds be with Brick as the leader of the greaser wooing the girl next door Blossom. I think that if somebody does make this that they should make Sandy have more of a backbone since Blossom wouldn't be moaning all the time over a boy the way Sandy can come off as. I think that one moment that Sandy and Blossom combine is when Sandy pushes Danny off her when he tries to have sex with her and she doesn't want to.
Buttercup = Betty Rizo
Butch = Kenickie
The on-and-off kind of relationship of Rizo and Kenickie perfectly fits the Greens. I definitely could see Buttercup belting out "There are Worse Things I Could Do" about Butch and "Look at Me I'm Sandra Dee" about Blossom/Sandy. I feel like Butch bringing up "putting up a fight" makes sense with both of the Greens being fighters. I also think that Butch would be the type to buy a crappy beat-up car and insist he could fix it and want to do a drag race with his rival.
Bubbles = Frenchy
Frenchy is a perfect fit for Bubbles with the beauty queen drop out the number and the bright bubble gum pink hair but instead, she would have cotton candy blue hair. Bubbles like Frenchy would be the one to bring Blossom/Sandy into the fold. I think that Bubbles wouldn't be a part of the Sandra Dee number etc. or peer pressure someone to smoke, drink, or have their ears pierced. I do think she would convince Blossom/Sandy to pierce her ears to be pretty. I also love the idea of Bubbles being into beauty/fashion and going to beauty school.
Boomer = Sony
I think that Boomer would be Sony since he's a bit clueless. I'm pretty sure he and Frenchy end up together so Blues Shippers would be happy.
Princess = Cha Cha
Princess as Cha Cha makes sense since in a lot of fan fics we see her trying to either get with Brick or with all of the brothers. It would make sense for her to go with Butch/Kenickie to the dance in order to make Buttercup/ Rizzo jealous and to take Blossom/Sandy's place as Brick/Danny's partner in the dance competition.
Ace = Leo
I think Ace would be Leo who would have the gang green be the rival of the T-Birds/ RRB group. He would go to Buttercup because he likes her and wants to infuriate Butch. I also think a Princess/ Ace pairing would be interesting
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siciliatv · 22 days
Etna Comics 2024: la lista degli ospiti
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Etna Comics 2024: sono già stati confermati gli ospiti che saranno presenti al Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città di Catania. Etna Comics 2024: il countdown per l’inizio del Festival del Fumetto ospitato dalla città etnea è ormai iniziato. Infatti, mancano ormai poche settimane all’avvio dei giorni di festa per gli amanti del genere, che si riuniranno a Catania per l’Etna Comics. Oltre alle attività previste per l’evento, saranno anche diversi gli ospiti presenti nei giorni del Festival. Etna Comics 2024: le date e il luogo dell’evento Come ormai noto,  la location dell’Etna Comics anche per quest’anno sarà il polo fieristico de “Le Ciminiere” di Catania, che ospiterà l’evento e i numerosi fan che occorreranno. Nello specifico, le date dell’Etna Comics saranno quelle della prima settimana di giugno: infatti, i giorni in cui Le Ciminiere ospiteranno varie persone saranno quelli dal 1° al 4 giugno 2023. Etna Comics 2024: gli ospiti Anche per questa edizione, gli ospiti presenti all’Etna Comics 2024 saranno moltissimi e provenienti da mondi professionali diversi tra loro, offrendo una varietà non indifferente. Di seguito, ecco l’elenco dei nomi degli ospiti confermati fino a questo punto, come riportato sul sito ufficiale dell’evento: Itziar Ituño Julia Loky Genevieve Marie Cosplay Bliss Afk Alis Cosplay Federic NiRo Giampcomic Giacomo Giaquinto Paolo Barbieri Il CIRCO DI GIÒGIÓ Mogik Michele Monteleone Maxem Kizazu Fiore Manni Stefano Mirti Spartaco Albertarelli Emilio Cozzi Nadia Lauricella Nanowar of Steel Loremon Le Ventose Fallimenti critici Paolo Tinnirello Isabella Mazzanti Mattia Surroz Marco Rizzo Francesca Mazzoleni Federica Busa Laura Libera Russo Mion Mario Sturniolo Agnese Innocenti Dario Moccia Francesco Centorame Sedia a 2 gambe ThePruld PlayerInside Kirio1984 Dimitri Tosi PotterStage Fabrizio Corselli Roberto Arduini Sdrumox Poldo Jeff Emdy Giulio Mosca Riccardo Suarez Rossa Caputo Andrea Seth Marino Maurizio Rosenzweig Nina Castiglia Luca Perri Pasquale Ruju Tito Faraci Val Romeo Jordi Bernet Luca Bonora Cristina Fabris Clizia De Rossi Serena Riglietti Florinda Zanetti Luana Belsito (Wally Pain) - Stefano Biglia - Giulio Rincione - Edym - Matteo Curte Cortini Jacopo Schiavo Davide Romanini Alberto Dal Lago Alessandra Valenti TeOoh! (Matteo Boca) Ester Cardella Liang Azha MorgenGabe Marco Gervasio Alessandro Pastrovicchio Paolo Mottura Fabio Celoni Flavio Parenti Andrea Piparo Davide Paratore Riccardo Nunziati Giovanni Timpano Stefano Caselli Pasquale Del Vecchio Gianluigi Gregorini Luigi Siniscalchi Giampiero Casertano Charles Vess Mirka Andolfo Darick W. Robertson Zerocalcare Read the full article
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corruptedforce · 11 months
Name / Alias: Tanya
Are you over 18? Yes / No
Is your muse(s) over 18? Yes / No / Depends on the verse
blog established? I established Anakin on my multi in June 2022, and I think we moved in October of 2022, or so.
– W R I T I N G –
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people) / Private (mutuals only).
I always say, if it's mutuals or not. Sometimes, I'm super busy and can only do mutuals, because of time. Homework consumes most of my time, of late.
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people).
I follow on Anakin for not only Anakin, but my multi @crowsandmurder and my other two sideblogs @aelfred and @louisleroisoleil. I don't really follow personals, but I follow stuff related to any of them, oh and Anthony Rizzo.
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / Not Applicable.
Unless it's something specific, I have with someone like a ship, I am VERY canon based. I despise AU's where Anakin doesn't fall, because it was all supposed to happen and taking the tragedy out of it, is a complete disservice. Is it sad? Sure. But, it's even sadder to do a disservice to it. I do have a shirtless Vader verse, so I will do some canon divergence, but I am picky with AU's. There are ways to have other things that happened not happen, and him still fall. When people expect me to adapt to fix-its, it can make me lose motivation for days at a time. Going on 5 days now.
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella / All of the aforementioned.
Lengthier on Tumblr. I occasionally do one paragraph, but for the most part, I am shorter on Discord and longer on Tumblr.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Yes / Sometimes.
I have tons of icons, I don't mind small to medium gifs. I can go iconless.
Do you write on other platforms? No / Yes
Discord, mutuals are welcomed to ask for it <;3
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted / Open-Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics / All of the aforementioned
I have a huge preference for plotted stuff. Knowing the course of events and my partner’s muse makes things a lot easier for me, and overall it is a lot more enjoyable to me. I am not a big fan of winging things.
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks) / Average (1-2 weeks) / Fast (less than one week) / Very Fast (less than three days)
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance / Fluff / ANGST / Violence / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / All of the aforementioned
I'm fickle about fluff. I don't love it in general, although I have ships on my multi that do have a lot of it. I don't mind it mixed in with an angst thing. But, it's not my favorite.
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Smut / Adventure / Espionage / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No / Yes / Sometimes
I will not write Anakin/Obi-Wan as a ship, no matter what. Also, any AU in which, Vader is the consulate and Padme is the Empress, because it doesn't make sense. Vader would be the Emperor. Just, most flat out AU's.
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged?
Do asshole Yankee fans who don't understand when a player has a slump count?
I don't really have any. I believe we create our own safe environment. Some ships are triggering lol. But, I use the resources tumblr gives us.
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
Family is a up in the air thing. I only accept Luke and Leia as his children. There is one NPC child that he has with someone, but I'm not open to anyone else, and the father thing doesn't work, nor sibling.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / All of the aforementioned
See the answer above. So long as we have managed to come up with something that works well for both muses, it’s all good for me.
Do you have OTPs? No / Chemistry Only / Yes
I do, yes! It becomes pretty evident pretty quickly.
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes
Obikin, Obianidala, anyone who would be abusing Anakin, like Palpatine did.
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual / Heteroflexible / Bisexual / Pansexual / Homoflexible / Homosexual / Demisexual / Sapiosexual / Asexual / Still trying to figure it out / Heterorexual.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic / Heteroflexible / Biromantic / Homoflexible / Homoromantic / Panromantic / Demiromantic / Sapioromantic / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out /
Are you comfortable writing smut? No / Selectively / Yes
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship / During plotting / After a couple IC interactions / Several IC interactions / Slow burn / Chemistry dependent / Never
Man it just happens.
Are you open to toxic ships? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Are you open to problematic ships?
No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
Yes, but what's really problematic, honestly? Is something problematic because X says it is? Decide for yourself. Don't be a sheep.
Are you open to polyshipping? No / Selectively / Yes / I am not sure
It's not me that's not open to it. It's him. He could never handle it. People would die.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never / Sometimes / Yes / I would be open to discuss it
I only have I think one person that I couldn't picture Anakin or more so Vader ever shipping with another version of their character.
Does crack shipping ever happen? Nope / Yes / depends / although they gradually become normal ships
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Notes on the finalé:
Charles and the random band he hangs out with my beloved.
Big fan of Soon-lee assuming the wedding dress is a funeral dress. Also the fact that she'd apparently like to see Max in a dress!!
Someone finally called Francis by first name!
Max has been married in a dress and a suit. That's very gender of him.
Hawkeye breakdown was so !!!!!!!!!!!!
Almost had Trapper 2: Electric Boogaloo but then BJ Came Back! And he said goodbye and he left a note and hugged Hawkeye goodbye!!!!!
Francis just saying random shit when people talked to him in hopes they wouldn't notice he'd damaged his hearing was kinda funny but also, like, Francis, honey, please just let them know. They'll support you.
Rizzo's plan to farm frogs
Kellye saying she loves all of them though !!!!!!
And Charles giving Margaret the book and taking the garbage truck out of there without complaint!!
Max buying Soon-lee her mother's shawl back was so sweet though
Francis suggesting Max name his kids after him. And in, like, the most forward way possible. "Francis John Patrick, in case you wanna name any kids after me." Like, love that, absolute BFF behavior (but why can't they stick to a name order for Francis?)
The guys in the psych ward who were convinced they were MacArthur and that other general guy though. Like, love that for them
Also, the scene with Francis and BJ looking at the ducks!!!! Big fan of ducks
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queenbrittonelite · 1 year
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@officialalbsure #AlBeez 🐝 (Swipe) • Please join me in a massive congratulations 🎊 To my successor and legendary Brother @therealRalphTresvant • A very humble Thank You Queen @iamCathyHughes, #AlfredLiggins Pres/CEO of @radioonelife • @tvonetv & #DavidKantor CEO Urban One’s #ReachMedia Radio Division, All affiliates and PD’s who carried #AlBSure as the #SyndicatedVoiceofNighttimeRadio in their inventory for the honor, opportunity and privilege of a lifetime, introducing the local DC #LoveandRnBRadio brand to a nationally syndicated audience and abroad. #AlBeez🐝, friends, musical family, colleagues & our @NewEditionbet #NEHeartBreak tour fans around the 🌏. As the baton has been passed by the powers that 🐝, please embrace and support my Bro #Rizzo on his new journey ahead, from the evening he 1st opens the mic 🎙️ to deliver his message of gratitude for the two most important art forms to our generations souls “Love and R&B!” 👑 @OfficialAlBSure ••••••••••••••••••••• #RadioFacts • #BreakingNews • #insideradio • #forimmediaterelease • #Radio • #RadioOne • #TVOne • #UrbanOne • @radioonelife • #freepromotion Radio One • #SyndicatedRadio • #FreeAgency • #theNextChapter • #NewJackSexyRadio • #LegacyArtistAdvocates • #TheSyndicatedVoiceofNightimeRadio • The #AlBSureMemoirs • The #AlBSureLifeStory • #inEffectMode 2023 in the Werks • #HealthandWellness • #thisismygenesis https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWK8fLNwWv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vicarfelix · 2 years
Unexpected Revelations
Vicar Max x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Language, Sexual themes.
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I added a few non-canon elements and details in this one. Nothing major :)
“Hey, Captain? What are you wearing exactly?”
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Max let a content sigh fall from his lips as he collapsed back onto the Captain’s pillows. His grip on her waist loosened, allowed her to unstraddle him so she could join him on the mattress. Her naked body piled onto his as he grinned down at her. Their breathings were matching in speed, fast and erratic as they climbed down from their highs. 
“Are you alright, love?” He asked.
It was a simple question that he almost always posed after each time they made love. He loved her immensely, and he never wanted her to tire herself out too much at his expense. She smiled lazily up at Max, pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder.
“Never better.” She replied, pulling the sheets over her bare legs.
He wrapped his left arm around her, and tucked his other one behind his head. A comfortable silence fell over the both of them as they sat in each other’s presence. It was early in the morning, about 1:30 or so. They typically didn’t stay up this late, but the Captain had promised the crew that they could have a late start the next day. So, they had a little room to stay up late. 
Max and the Captain’s relationship was still an under the radar arrangement. Their relationship had happened so casually that they hadn’t officially told the crew. The Captain wasn’t sure how everyone would react to Max having special benefits, or how they’d react to them dating in general. Honestly, it was kind of nice having a little secret and having someone to share a bed with at the end of every day. With this, Max and the Captain had to tiptoe around the rest of the crew. Max would always retreat from his cabin to hers late at night after everyone else had gone to bed. He also had to get up before everyone else to be sure no one caught him sneaking out of her room. 
The Captain’s fingertips trailed along the tattoo he had on his forearm. It was the OSI symbol, and it accented him rather well. She didn’t even see it until they had been together for a while, considering he didn’t wear short sleeves often. It was simple, yet had intricate detailing. He had his nose buried in her hair, taking in the scent of her Rose-ish soap that she always used. He left kisses on her head, his own fingers lightly tickling her skin. 
She turned her attention away from his arm, turning so she was on her side and conformed to his body even more. She eyed over his neck that was littered with four or five marks that had already begun to turn a dark shade of purple. She had discovered over time which spots were most sensitive, and she sometimes left a mark or two in those places. The tops of her breasts had a few marks as well, but he hadn’t left nearly as many as she had.
When he caught her stare, he brought his hand from behind his head to feel across his neck. He noted how tender they were, a soft chuckle bubbling out of his chest.
“It seems as if you got a little carried away, Captain.” He teased.
She frowned, her eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” She asked.
“Not at all,” He replied honestly; “Not that I would’ve minded if you did.”
“Max!” She squealed quietly, smacking his shoulder playfully.
He laughed deeply, endeared by her concern.
“You know what I mean.” 
They laid there for another few minutes, just chatting and enjoying each other’s presence. It was toss ball season in Halcyon, and it seemed that was all Felix and Max ever talked about. Felix was an avid Rizzo’s Rangers fan, so much so that he usually became violent with anyone who threatened his favorite team, which was how she met him in the first place. He had whacked his foreman with a toss ball stick after they had an argument over their opposing teams. Felix took it very seriously.
Max was serious about it too, but he didn’t really have a set favorite team. The Rangers were up there in his top five, but he never really pinned a favorite team. Both of them made an attempt to catch every game of the season, which sometimes was difficult when the crew was on just a busy schedule.
“What time will we be back tonight?” Max asked, thinking about the upcoming.
The Captain giggled, tapping his nose lightly.
“Don’t worry, Max. We’ll be back before the Darlings’ game,” She said; “I wouldn’t dare get in the way of you and Felix’s precious game.”
Max scoffed, not surprised that she knew exactly what he was asking. 
“You say that as if toss ball is the only thing I care about.” He joked.
She shrugged with an expression of amusement.
“There’s more to life than toss ball.” She smiled at him.
He took her chin between his thumb and index finger, bringing her face up to his. 
“Oh, trust me. I know.” He said seductively, kissing her.
He sucked on her bottom lip, to which she giggled and threw her head back so he’d move to nibble on her neck. His hand moved to the side of her face, going back to deepening the kiss on her lips, which caused her to roll her hips against him. They were in an intense make out session when a blood-curdling scream could be heard from upstairs. They both stopped and stared at the door for a moment before another scream echoed out. They both leapt up from the bed, scrambling to get dressed in whatever was close by. 
The Captain threw on Max’s t-shirt and her discarded pair of panties while Max jumped into his boxers, not even bothering to hunt down a shirt. She grabbed her Vermin handgun from her desk, loading it for whatever might be waiting for her upstairs. The two of them busted out of her quarters, another loud shriek sounding out. It was a high-pitched noise, which is why the Captain assumed it was coming from Parvati’s room.
“Parvati?” The Captain called as she and Max scrambled up the stairs. 
“Captain!” She shrieked, appearing from her room.
The Captain was pumped with adrenaline, her chest heaving with every breath she took. Ellie and Nyoka had also appeared from their respective spaces, both had clearly been abruptly woken up. 
“Parvati, why did you scream?” She asked frantically, looking to see if Parvati was hurt anywhere.
She shook her head. The look on her face told the Captain that she wasn’t the one who had made all the commotion. 
“It wasn’t me! It was-”
Another boisterous shrill screeched out, but the Captain realized it was coming from Felix’s room. Everyone scattered to his door, the Captain telling ADA to unlock his door so they could get in. The Captain exploded inside, seeing Felix’s room in a chaotic disarray. He was standing on top of his desk with his toss ball blocker, his hair disheveled and sticking up in five different directions.
“Felix, what the hell is the matter with you?” The Captain demanded.
He was shaking violently, his hand pointing to a blanket in the corner. She looked to see that there was clearly something moving underneath it. The rest of the crew peered around the doorway, watching as the Captain approached the blanket piled in the corner. She raised her gun, ready to shoot in case the mystery creature decided to attack. The Captain took a breath, and quickly threw the blanket back. She eased her finger off of the trigger when she realized that it was nothing more than a scared sprat. 
It was a small sprat at that, no older than a few months. It was visibly terrified, and it had clearly gotten lost on the ship. The Captain let out a sigh of relief that no one was in any real danger. Ellie and Nyoka glared at Felix for making such a huge deal over something so minor. Felix was no longer in his defense position, now just standing dumbly in embarrassment. 
“It’s just a little sprat, Felix.” The Captain said, persuading the sprat into her hand with a soft voice. 
The Captain spotted a ripped open candy bar in the corner where the sprat had holed itself away. It had likely snuck onto the ship when the Captain had returned that day and found Felix’s stash of goods that he kept in his room, and then got locked in when Felix went to bed. It went to make its escape, but couldn’t when Felix woke up in terror. 
“Real nice, Felix. I was just getting to the good part of my dream.” Nyoka scolded him. 
Ellie groaned at the disruption, clearly not pleased with being woken up.
“I’ve got a headache now.” She snarled.
Felix’s face burned red for reacting in such a way. He chuckled nervously, scratching at the back of his head. 
“I, uh...sorry, guys.” He apologized, getting down from the desk.
The team went to disperse back to their rooms in hopes of managing to fall back asleep. However, Parvati posed a question that stopped everyone in their tracks. 
“Hey, Captain? What are you wearing exactly?” She questioned. 
The Captain’s heart skipped a beat, looking down at the shirt that was obviously far too big for her. Even the sprat still in her hand looked up at her with its big eyes as if it were expecting her to answer. The Captain’s mouth fell open but no sounds came out. Nyoka piped up now, much more awake.
“By the Law, Max!” She hissed; “What happened to your neck?”
Everyone’s heads turned to Max, whose ears were now as red as Felix’s cheeks. Everyone ogled at his bruised neck and chest area. He subconsciously brought a hand to cover them up.
“Oh, I...well, I was-”
“And why did you come from downstairs with the Captain? Your room is upstairs...” Ellie pointed out, beginning to put the pieces together. 
The Captain and Max shot each other matching glances that read “we’re screwed”. There really wasn’t any denying this. Nyoka and Ellie had put it together, smirks written across their features.
“Oh, shit! Max is fucking the Captain.” Felix declared, eyes wide but a grin on his face.
“Felix!” The Captain and Max said in unison.
Parvati looked as if she wanted to go crawl in a hole until this conversation passed, despite the amusement in her expression. They were waiting for an answer. The Captain tried to explain.
“It’s not like that! Er, well, it is like that, but it’s more than that.” She said, not really clearing things up.
Max walked to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. The sprat made a squeaking noise as if it wanted this encounter to hurry up.
“What the Captain is trying to say is that we’re together. More than just sleeping together,” He said more plainly than she had; “We’ve been putting off telling you all. We feared your reactions to this.” 
Ellie shrugged.
“I’m fine with it.” She said, still smirking. 
“Me too. As long as I don’t hear you two in the sheets.” Nyoka announced.
“Hey, if it keeps Max from hating me then I’m all for it.” Felix said, setting his toss ball blocker to the side.
“Maybe you two can go on a double date with me and Junlei. Wouldn’t that be fun, Captain?” Parvati said excitedly. 
The Captain laughed at her eagerness, but felt warm at the crew’s acceptance. Suddenly, they all had a million questions of when and how it had happened. They were happy to answer, but it needed to wait until morning...or at least a decent hour of the morning.
“We’ll talk more later. Everyone get back to bed,” The Captain ordered; “I’ve got to get this little guy somewhere safe.” She said, stroking its small head with her fingertip.
The crew finally dispersed, the Captain and Max also leaving Felix’s room. The Captain opened the airlock to let the sprat free onto the docking bay of Groundbreaker where they had been for the night. The Captain returned to her room, Max already back in bed. The Captain joined him once more.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Max said.
The Captain nodded.
“Yeah...but that went about as well as I could’ve hoped.” She admitted.
Max agreed. He smiled at her, she quirked a brow.
“I really am a lucky man, aren’t I?” He asked.
She returned a smile.
“I’m pretty lucky myself. A nice ship, a great crew...a wonderful vicar for a boyfriend.” She said, rising to straddle his hips as she had the first time.
He shimmied down further onto the bed so she could maneuver better. He beamed at her.
“Picking up where we left off?” He queried.
She leaned down, kissing him before removing his shirt from her body.
“You better believe it.”
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palettepainter · 1 year
Who does Caleb get along with other then the band??
I think one of the directors of Muppets Mayhem said that the series wasn’t a follow up to the 2015 series. However I do like a lot of stuff from the 2015 show so a lot of my hc’s for characters outside of the Electric Mayhem for this post are based/inspired by the 2015 series 
Robin, Newphew (Rowlf’s newphew): Caleb is 16-18 years old, I don’t have a set age for him but I want him to be a young adult. Caleb’s often dubbed a backup babysitter for Kermit and Rowlf when both are busy. He babysits for Newphew the most as the band are frequent regulars at the tavern more so than the rest of the muppets. Caleb likes to chill with Newphew and Robin, he’s happy to binge star wars and listen to Robin ramble about the franchise (even if Caleb forgets half of the characters names) 
Piggy: I like the hc of Janice and Piggy being close pals based off that one episode where Janice let Piggy come to her areal contortion class (prolly butchered that spelling). Plus it’s implied in the same show Piggy grew up with a lot of siblings on a farm so I imagine - despite her very five star lifestyle of living - deep down she’s actually pretty unphased by kids and their weirdness. She’s also shown to be super caring of Robin so it’s not much of a stretch to think that if her and Janice are close friends she’s grown fond of Caleb, just a smidge 
In the beginning Piggy probably didn’t plan to get attached to Caleb, mostly cuz she didn’t need a Floyd 2.0 tormenting her when one was more then enough….but hey turns out Caleb doesn’t have a single snarky bone in his body and is a lot like Janice, in the sense he’s very laid back, a little obvious but overall well meaning. Caleb in turn thinks his dear old Auntie Piggy is actually really sweet, to Floyd’s utter horror 
Sam: So. Sam. 
I know there’s a lot of hate against Sam’s crush on Janice in the 2015 show but personally I didn’t have an issue with it. Only thing I didn’t really like was when Janice gave Sam a kiss on the beak, because up until that point Janice showed no interest in him whats so ever (that and she obvs belongs with Floyd the music video Home by the band is literally a Floyd x Janice video-). I think the idea of Sam having a harmless little crush on Janice is interesting, in general Sam having a crush on anybody that’s not a straight laced rule follower like him is interesting to me because I’m a sucker for odd pairings. Janice of course is 120% oblivious to his affections and views Sam as strictly a friend, and Sam is no where near scummy enough to after a women that’s in a relationship (Floyd is suspicious of him but Janice pats his shoulder and reassures him Sam is fine) 
Sam prolly learnt of Caleb’s existence randomly when he bumped into Janice who was holding baby Caleb and went “Oh hiii Sam! I was like, totally just getting some orange juice with my son-“ and Sam squawked “Your WHAT?”. Over the years Sam’s crush probably dwindles into just a very strong sense of care for Janice, sort of like a brother/best friend would, and as such since he cares so much for her he’s probably roped into babysitting. Since Caleb is like the only member of the band who doesn’t cuss and actually tries to follow rules Sam has a bit more patience with him like he does with Janice 
Rowlf - Rowlf is a very close friend of Teeth’s, practically his best friend outside of the band, so he was one of the first muppets to get to see Caleb when he was an itty bitty baby. Since Caleb also babysits Newphew Caleb is very familiar with Uncle Rowlf, he probably did shifts at the tavern when he was a teen washing glasses and dishes. Caleb isn’t a fan of alcohol so he likes to chill with a milkshake or soft drink at the bar along with Newphew when he comes down to the Tavern, overall they’re quite close 
Pepe/Rizzo - I know Pepe at least was the bands road manager in some older series, while I personally like Scooter as their road manager I don’t doubt Pepe and the band have shared drinks together and are good pals. Pepe and Rizzo are the types of Uncles who gave baby Caleb a lemon slice and told him to give it a try, resulting in Caleb bursting out crying at the sour flavour. Caleb…doesn’t like to be mean, but he doesn’t exactly trust Rizzo and Pepe (definitely held a grudge after the lemon slice incident), he keeps the peace with the two out of politeness but is much more cut and dry with them then he is with anyone else in the studio. 
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jennibeultimate · 3 years
Personal recap NHK 2021 - Men
As always personal recap means just this completely personal opinions - bias included! Also this is mainly for myself...if you like it fine, if you don't it's also fine. I don't care.
First I am extremely sad that Yuzu wasn't here and that he has to go again through such pain in an Olympic season. Get well soon Yuzu! ❤️ (I was also looking forward to have Yuzu and Shoma in one competition and it didn't happen which made me sad😔) BUT I will refrain from looking at the comp with Yuzu's absence in mind. Yuzu wasn't there, so we don't know how he would have performed or how he would have placed. I can imagine Yuzu is happy his fellow compatriot won as he always wishes the best to all competitors!
NHK Trophy Champion Shoma Uno! 🥇❤️
Shoma just radiates confidence like he didn't for the past two years. Breaking 100 again in the SP internationally after 3 years drought. He is on fire this season! 🔥
The SP Oboe Concerto is just perfection. It highlights all his strengths, his beautuful lines, his deep edges and how he is the music in this. Also the costume is so gorgeous! 😍 Shame about the 2T instead of 3T but it's ok to not be perfect at this point of the season. The most important part is to show progress and confidence imo.
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I am not a fan of Ravel's Bolero at all, but Shoma's version doesn't sound much like Bolero so I am ok with it. I still prefer DOMO but his Bolero is well constructed and has some really cool unusual moves for him. The first half of the program was nuts 4Lo, 4S and 4T2T all landed beautifully. Maybe he got a bit too confident and loosened up so he made some couple mistakes after, but I don't think that's too bad. Add that 4F points in and he breaks 300+ points. 290 points is still a new personal best under this scoring system. 😄 I am super happy he is where he is now. Thank you Shoma, thank you Stephane! ❤️
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2nd - I am bit devided on this. In the SP I think Vincent Zhou belonged to top 2 but after the free skate I would probably have Junhwan Cha and Vincent reversed. Both of them got calls (which is totally fine imo), but I think Vincent's free program also lost a lot in presentation when mistakes started to add...imo Junhwan Cha is the superior performer on a good and bad day. I see the improvement though that Vincent tries to include more artistry. I think both his programs are actually well constructed. I just think his skating in general is a bit sketchy and not flowing as good.
3rd - Junhwan Cha's SP is a masterpiece. It's sooo good. I loved it so much last week and was so happy he could deliver it again just one week later with jetlag etc. ❤️ Good fight also in the free skate. His ina bauer is to die for! 😍 I think he needs to shorten the time he needs for his big jumps like quads and 3A. Especially the 3A needs a lot of preparation.
I am really happy he got a medal here! 🥉
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4th - Makar Ignatov is uhm..interesting....I dunno his jumps look good. His air position especially good, but his landings seldomly have flow...and the rest of his skating is very slow and laboured. He has no glide at all. His SP suited him music wise, in the free the music was overwhelming him completely. He could a have had any music and his program would have the same connection it did have in the free. He doesn't have the projection to put up with such a gigantic classical music, you need aura for it and he doesn't have any.
5th - Matteo Rizzo does have the projection and performance abilities that Makar is lacking. I liked his SP very much, unusual and fitting to him. His jumps are ok but without more content he won't get further ahead. His free was also lovely. Overall steady performance.
6th - Alexander Samarin - Once he was only jumps. Now he did only quad and a clean program which served him well. I never ever liked his skating at all and the Matrix short may still be ok as I think it suits him, but I totally don't get the free skate at all. It's just weird. But I do think he is a friendly guy and I found his surprised face about his free skate score adorably funny. 😄
As for the rest of the places there were some skaters that spring to mind. Sota Yamamoto had a lovely SP (though that version isn't my favorite), but sadly couldn't deliver the same in the free. Kao Miura is definitely an exciting newcomer. A bit chaotic at this point but I am sure with time he could be a top contender. Tomoki Hiwatashi had a good free skate and I always admire his flexibility.
Nam Nguyen is just kind of a shadow of his old self. Even though he is not so old, it will be his last season and looking at what he delivered here it makes sense and he somehow lost all the fire and looks slow. He can be an entertaining guy, so I hope that he gets to perform in shows after his career. It's again a story of someone that was promoted to glory far too early at 12 years old and couldn't keep up with expectations and also puberty hit him hard.
I really do love Camden Pulkinen's skating, but he makes so many mistakes it's just heartbreaking to watch. I fear he will never get to the heights his beautiful skating would deserve...
Congratulations to all medalists! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 It was an interesting event!
Also I will party hard that Shoma won!
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gogomadu · 2 years
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Giving Back
Botan has always loved giving back, but recently on his Simddit Community, he learned about his hidden heritage. Nicolette Rizzo. She was... infamous.
In the city, laws had been passed to prevent anyone from being able to harass sims like Nicolette had for fame. She was a mean and evil sim that stopped at nothing to ruin lives and get famous doing it. And she was...his great-great grandmother. It's said that her daughter and grandson were also known for being famous, but when her grandson disappeared no one heard from the family again.
Rumor had it that Botan looked pretty similar to Nicolette's granddaughter-in-law, and that's all it took for fans to uncover the truth. All Botan could try to do was... apologize for his family's actions by giving back. Over the generations, his family had become insanely wealthy. He knew his mother gave the majority of her inheritance to her brother, but he was still sitting on over a million simoleans. What if it came from back when his grandmother ruined lives? Then he'd rather just get rid of it all. And what's the best way to spend money? Donations!
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dawnstaley · 3 years
is it strange to say I felt quite surprised when they traded Turner? of all the players to hold onto I felt sure he was one of them. maybe disappointed is a better word than surprised?
I hope Soto stays, I really do. I don't pretend to know how to run a team, but the picture they're starting to paint doesn't make them look so good. I wouldn't mind any of this if it turned out they'd tried and failed to agree on a contract. that happens sometimes, I get that. but lengthy silence is just so disrespectful.
idk idk. it feels hard to think sensibly about this all, bc everybody is upset still. I think fans would have some confidence if they knew the team had a plan but as it stands, do they?
also, your comment about not recognising Adams' name... I went through a similar moment of confusion bc I didn't believe the team had the lead :/
no, it’s not strange! i was also surprised. though it’s possible it would feel less surprising if he went somewhere other than to the dodgers. i mean… they could not have needed a shortstop less. they didn’t need a second baseman or an outfielder either, as far as i can tell. that lineup is already stacked and it feels pointless to shoulder out another good player to get trea in and/or not put trea in to start all the time. idk where else he would’ve been traded to, but if i’d been forced to make a guess before the deadline, the dodgers definitely would not have been it.
i don’t know if the nats truly have a plan. mike rizzo, and by extension davey, seem to want us to think they do. but imo nothing really points to a solid established plan for the future. and right now i don’t think anyone has much confidence in the goal of building a team around soto. like… look how long it took for the angels to get more good players to support mike trout, and even still they’re not quite contenders. i feel like the nats might be headed down a similar path, except they might have a harder time keeping a generational talent around long-term.
it all seems bleak from where i’m standing now but that could just be lingering emotion about losing a third of the team. there’s nothing to do but wait to see how it pans out; hopefully, not for too long.
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moviemunchies · 3 years
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There are so many different adaptations and takes on A Christmas Carol and I kind of hate it? Look, I remember growing up and finding a bajillion specials on television that were different cartoons doing their own version of the story. Whenever a studio announced a major motion picture adaptation, I just didn’t care. I’d already seen the story done a million times, and I got bored of it!
Except for this one. For whatever reason, I can’t remember ever getting tired of The Muppet Christmas Carol.
Mind you, when I was a kid I did get scared of it. I couldn’t watch the “Marley & Marley” scene because the ghosts with chains and moaning--couldn’t do it. And the Ghost of Christmas Future wasn’t great for me either. I’d just kind of… leave or skip or zone out during those segments. But other than that it’s a great film. It’s a surprisingly great adaptation too--if you ever read the play or the novel, there are several lines and narrations lifted straight from the text in this movie.
Just. Y’know. In the mouths of Muppets.
And yes it’s funny. Of course it’s funny. It’s the Muppets. But one thing that I think is always important in telling a story that’s both humorous and dramatic is that one never undermines the other. Yeah there are jokes, but the jokes in the movie aren’t there to mock the drama of the original story. The main story is played fairly seriously. And when we get to the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Gonzo and Rizzo leave the story because they think it’s too creepy for them.
[Probably to make sure they don’t undo the heavy material of the ending.]
Supposedly Michael Caine (yes THAT Michael Caine) found playing Scrooge to be one of his favorite roles and had a lot of fun on this movie. Word on the ‘net is that he just treated his Muppet co-stars like they were all members of the Royal Shakespeare Company instead of, well, puppets. And I think it kind of shows?
I guess what I’m saying is: this very easily could have been a very stupid, annoying movie which just constantly jokes at audience about how silly it is that the Muppets are trying to reenact a piece of classical literature. 
The casting is pretty great? Michael Caine is my favorite Ebeneezer Scrooge, in part because he’s not just crotchety and rude, he’s outright cruel in a way that works for the character. But he’s also someone who can turn around and convincingly portray a person who has learned from the lessons of the story to become a generous and kind person.
Gonzo as Charles Dickens is an odd choice. I don’t know if it makes much sense, or it was just that they wanted Gonzo in the movie and put him in what was left. But it’s not that he did a bad job at all--he does fine. He’s a fun narrator, one that puts a surprising amount of seriousness into the role. And he gets to bounce off of Rizzo (who plays himself) in a way that keeps the story fresh.
Kermit is a fantastic Bob Cratchit in that he’s a nice guy that everyone pushes around. Of course Miss Piggy plays his wife, and although I don’t recall if Mrs. Cratchit is as...willful as Miss Piggy, I think it works for the story. After all, it’s good to see someone stick up for Bob Cratchit when he’s been so put upon.
I think that the man who plays young adult Scrooge is Raymond Coulthard--IMDB has like four performers listed as “Young Scrooge.” They all do fine, but the one who does him as a young adult does the longest. I don’t know if he’s as talented as Michael Caine in portraying a sympathetic Scrooge, but he doesn’t have as much time to do so either, and in his first scene you could easily see how he’s charming.
The Ghost of Christmas Past still holds up remarkably well as far as effects go. Some of the flying doesn’t, but even then it’s like something you’d see now on a cheap TV budget rather than truly bad. But again, for the most part she still looks great. She’s a bit unworldly and uncanny to look at, but that’s the point.
The Ghost of Christmas Present in this film is my favorite rendition of the character, and not just because he’s got a fantastic musical number. To be clear, a lot of his sharper rebukes from the source material are toned down or removed to build him into a warmer character. One who is still just as effective, I think.
[Also, he and Future are Muppets designed specifically for this film.]
Ghost of Christmas Future gave me the willies growing up. Less so now. I don’t know if his weird proportions (his arms are way too long and his legs are too short) adds to the creep factor. But regardless, the huge silent cloaked figure is incredibly creepy and is played masterfully. 
Other highlights:
-Statler and Waldorf as the Marley Brothers (also their names are on a shop front in the set).
-Sam the Eagle as Scrooge’s teacher
-Fozzie as Scrooge’s first boss
-That cat that chases Rizzo
-Fred. Poor Fred, putting up with his uncle’s nonsense.
There is a contingent of fans who believe this is one of the best Muppet movies ever made. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you--I really haven’t seen that many Muppet movies, and the ones I have seen other than this one, I haven’t viewed in years. This film, however, I try to view once a year around Christmas time. If you need another Christmas special to add to your list, I don’t think you’ll regret this one. I don’t know if it will appeal to people who didn’t grow up with it, or the Muppets, but I had fun with it so I can’t help but recommend it.
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