#and also not smart when it comes to kirby
Ok so this is like, lots of time in the making! Anyone remember the Sexiest Kirby Character Tournament? PFFFF And Meta Knight won?! LMAO I made a reaction doodle of my Meta responding to the outcome at the time (Maybe might redraw it)!
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As you can see, he took it well! Lol And I teased a Ginjinka of DDD! But I never made him because I’m a Meta Simp.
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So this was all of him I had made at the time. But now that changes today! ^^
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Say hello to your Hunk of a King!! I even gave him a fancy name like I did with Meta; Devinus Denintello Dee!
“Dee”vinus “Dee”nintello “Dee”
Some notes of characterization: I grew up with Anime DDD, so he’s got that Southern Accent. He’s silly, loud, proud, and gluttonous, but he cares for his people and wants to prove he is a Great King! So I also mix in what is canon about him in the games!
I feel like DDD has that charm of easily getting people to open up and express themselves. Like, being really honest. He can be just as blunt and even point out some things others may not notice or want to notice. I feel like DDD is smart, not a genius, but he’s able to pilot Mechs and wield crazy contraptions! DDD is definitely naturally funny, so much so he even got Martin to laugh at one point!
When it comes to the King and his Knight, they are very professional with each other, though DDD can be a bit more open about his friendship with the Dark Knight. I’m making some Friendship Content about them and even adding some lore as to how their relationship formed. Just know they are close and mutual in my AU!
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Bonus Bandana Dee Ginjinka! He took in Bandana, who I’ll call Bana, as his little one! This basically makes Bana the Prince, though he doesn’t consider himself such. He wants to fight for the King, stand by his side and repay him for his kindness of not only taking him in, but also taking in his Clan! Of course, he is aware of Meta Knight being King DDD’s Strongest and closest. He would like to challenge Sir Martinez for that position one day.
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Finally here’s the Kirby Krew all together! I have not got to play Return to Dreamland completely, but I do plan to purchase the Deluxe Version for the Switch at some point! Hated how the jumping felt delayed in that one Winter Area, jumping over those Damn f*cking spikes. Made me so mad.
ANYWAY!!! ENJOY!!! I loved designing these two!!
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pluckyredhead · 4 months
Please ship Orion and Lightray with me, thank you
If you've been reading my Fourth World posting, you might have noticed me mentioning Orion and Lightray's relationship. This is because they're in love and I'm obsessed with them. Please join me in grumpy/sunshine-but-they're-alien-demigods hell, with visual references below.
So Orion, as we know, is the son of Darkseid who was raised on New Genesis but has always felt different and monstrous compared to his peers. Lightray is his best friend, who thinks Orion is just the best thing since sliced bread and says so constantly.
This is literally how we're introduced to them, in New Gods #1:
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Lightray: Don't be sad. Hug time! Orion: Hugs are not for one such as me. But you're still my best friend. Lightray: Please let me enter your chambers. Orion: NO THEY ARE TOO DARK. Lightray: D:
This panel, from #6, sums up their whole dynamic really well:
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Lightray doesn't crave battle the way Orion does but he is determined to stay by his side, while Orion doesn't want Lightray to fight beside him because he thinks Lightray is too good and pure to be tainted by violence.
Zero personal space.
So one of the things about Orion is that his real face is sort of brutish and not traditionally handsome (the eyebrows are WILD), but he uses his Mother Box (like a living pocket computer that loves you) to make himself look more like the people of New Genesis. In #8, he gets into a knock-down, drag-out fight with his half-brother Kalibak that nearly kills them both, and Mother Box can't maintain the illusion (and also his face is, like, pulverized). And then this happens:
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New Gods was canceled soon after this, but when Kirby returned a decade later, he went all in on the homoerotic devotion. So Orion goes to Apokolips to kill his dad and rescue his mom, and who do you think follows him?
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That second panel makes me laugh so hard. "Here, honey, you forgot your Scooty Puff Jr!"
My favorite thing about this is that Lightray is playing dumb. He shot at Orion earlier and then said something vague about missing on purpose...but he didn't:
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HE REALLY TRIED TO WOUND ORION ENOUGH TO STOP HIS SUICIDE MISSION. And the way he just shuts his eyes and takes Orion's anger because he doesn't care what happens as long as he saves his friend's life...! (Orion doesn't hurt him, they just touch each other a lot.)
Anyway they argue for multiple pages, with Orion insisting that Lightray go home and Lightray insisting that he stay, until finally:
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This is so intensely romantic and also so unintentionally hilarious that I can't stand it. The homoerotic gazing into one another's eyes and then the stupid mutual thumbs up! Whatever is going on with that closeup of Orion in the second panel! I die!
...And you know who else dies? Orion! Or at least he comes very close (it's unclear), but is rescued by a freedom fighter named Himon and nursed back to health by Himon and his daughter Bekka. We get a little romance between Orion and Bekka, but we also get Lightray coming to visit:
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That is some FULL CONTACT wrestling, boys. Orion pinning Lightray to the ground while telling him it's good to see him is so much, but the fourth panel is even mucher. My goodness.
And then things get serious, because they both believe they are going to die in the upcoming battle (they don't), so they bid each other farewell and Lightray leaves, and then:
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Orion yells after Lightray how smart and funny he is and then collapses in despair because his friend is gone. "HOW LIKE A WANDERING STAR HE SEEMS." Oh my god, Orion.
That's it for Kirby, so I'll move on to other writers and artists, but I want to clear that I'm only sharing the most intense scenes between them. There are so many panels, from Kirby and others, of Lightray faithfully following Orion around, joyously welcoming him back to New Genesis, gently teasing him, and talking about how brave and noble he is. And of Orion only smiling for Lightray, going feral when he gets hurt, and telling him he's too good and pretty for battle. And of the two of them touching each other. A lot.
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Literally just two random examples. THEY DO THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME.
The next really big moment comes in New Gods (1995), where the Source (basically God/Heaven) becomes corrupted and Lightray goes evil and Orion has to beat him up to stop him and I will never ever ever recover from these pages:
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"You want the beast? Do you like it?" on its own is...hoo boy, SOMETHING. But it is eclipsed by the tremulous "Maybe...maybe if I can just hold him" and Orion gathering Lightray up in his arms while telling him he loves him. LIKE. THIS IS SO MUCH. (P.S. Lightray's fine don't worry. And yes, he does want the beast.)
Then we get to Orion (PLEASE read this comic) and the biggest smile Orion has ever smolt:
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Look at how happy he is!!! You need to understand that his mother died in his arms ten minutes ago and he's still like "Lightray! Omg hi!!!" (To be fair, his mother was terrible.) Plus bonus unnecessary touching, Lightray's love language being gifts, and Orion giggling and twirling his hair while going "Omg you're so smart."
(Also, when Lightray mentions his "brief but troubling visit" to Apokolips in the second panel, what's not saying is that he put on a silly disguise and went to see a fortuneteller to try to figure out if Orion's mom was lying about Darkseid not being his real dad (she was; again, she was terrible), and when the fortuneteller is like "You DARE come to Apokolips?!" he goes "I would dare anything for my friend!" I know you would, honey. I know you would.)
The next bit requires some explanation. So, as briefly as possible: Orion kills Darkseid (or so he thinks), takes over Apokolips, and tries very hard to change it for the better. He also accidentally gains possession of the Anti-Life Equation, the formula Darkseid is always searching for that eradicates free will, and gradually is driven to use it to FORCE everyone on Apokolips to be good. And Earth. And New Genesis.
Eventually, Orion is seemingly killed, but actually he's been teleported somewhere unfathomably far away, where he realizes what he's done and sinks into suicidal despair. In the midst of this, he manages to both destroy the Anti-Life Equation AND save all of reality (and nearly die in the process), but he still thinks that because he used the Equation, he's irredeemable and doesn't deserve to exist.
So when he's teleported back to Earth and captured by a human who blinds him and rigs him up to a torture device so that he can drain Orion's life force and use it to be eternally youthful, Orion just...lets it happen. Because he thinks he deserves it. For SEVEN MONTHS.
But eventually he's like "Wait...I deserve this, but probably whatever is being done with my energy is not good and I should stop it." He tries to escape but only manages to let out a single scream.
Luckily, Lightray has been searching for him nonstop for those seven months, despite the face that Orion is supposed to be dead. And then we get this:
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To be clear: this is sweet, gentle Lightray absolutely obliterating the men who kept Orion in the torture device.
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Lightray gives Orion the crushed remnants of his wrist cuffs, and Orion does a magical girl transformation about it:
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For everyone playing along at home, that's the second time Orion has canonically told Lightray that he loves him.
Anyway, Orion goes off to get revenge on the guy who did this to him (it's very satisfying, please read Orion), and then he's depressed some more until he has some brotherly bonding time with Scott and finally feels well enough to go back to New Genesis. His last line of dialogue in the series is "For it is late, and the sunrise and friend Lightray await us in the gleaming city of the gods." OKAY!
Tragically, almost every New Gods appearance after this is complete dogshit, although there is a great moment in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (a Rebirth series) where they need information from Orion but he's comatose so they bring in a telepath and the only word he can get out of Orion's mind is "Lightray." I'LL BET.
IN CONCLUSION: Orion and Lightray love each other so so much and I believe it is honoring Jack Kirby's legacy to think about them smooching. It's what the King would have wanted!
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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Kirbtober 2023 Day 26: Ship
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Magolor surprising Marx with a gentle kiss on the temple, only for Marx - blushing fiercely - to push him away with the end of his hat, cursing incoherently while Magolor laughs. END ID.)
Kirbtober 2023 prompts by @/paintpanic (link to list here)
Started on 10/03/23, finished on 10/04/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 10/26/23.
I spent exactly five seconds considering drawing an actual ship for this prompt. But I was tired, y’all, and, look, sometimes you just gotta make yourself some comfort food instead, okay? Also, I headcanon that Marx can use his both his wings and his hat as a pair of arms depending on whether he has them out or not. Also, idiots (who are actually too smart for their own good but still idiots when it comes to figuring out things like emotions) in love.
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Defending Amber Freeman!!
Hello, fellow "Scream" fans. I would like to take a moment to defend Ghostface #8, Amber Freeman because people in the fandom LOVE to shit on her. They're always finding a reason to say she was a terrible Ghostface (some go as far as saying the worst.) While she does have her flaws (they all do) she is far from the worst and she's actually quite a decent Ghostface, in my opinion.
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So let's start at the beginning. Something that always irritates me in this fandom is when people call Amber stupid for using her own phone to make the Ghostface calls but it's actually so smart on many levels. First of all, she's not using her own phone. She actually cloned her own phone and here's how I know. When Ghostface calls Sam in the hospital it comes from Amber's phone, however, in the next scene after the attack we learn that Amber was at the sheriff's station being questioned. Even if she wasn't being questioned at that very moment she would have had to sneak away from Judy and her friends to make the call, causing suspicion. I feel like that's something Judy would have caught. Therefore, this had to be Richie making the call. So he was just using her phone, right? Not quite. In the same scene we see Judy checking out Amber's phone and hands it back to her. When would Richie have had the time to give it back to her? It's actually a lot better plan when you realize they actually cloned her phone to make it authentic. On top of all that...it works! Maybe not for the know it all viewers but from within the movie, no one suspects she actually made the calls herself. Besides, Roman does a similar thing with his voice changer and no one say a damn thing. When talking to Sarah he uses his own voice and we, as an audience, are suppose to believe in that moment it's a voice changer because there's no way they already revealed Ghostface's identity.
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Next, let's talk about Dewey. People are mad that this tiny little girl could take him out but did you not see the epic fight scene where she very clearly could not overpower him? Even with all his injuries from the past movies and him just being old and tired he still overpowered her, a young and healthy energetic teenager. It wasn't until she played dead possum and attacked him while his guard was down that she could get a stab in.
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And no, she did not lift him off the ground. Please pay attention to detail before you start crying about shit. She pulled the knife up and Dewey's body's first initial response was to go up on his toes with the knifes to try and prevent it from happening as much as possible. In fact, they both had to go on their tippy toes.
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Another reason people love to hate on Amber is because her kills on Tara and Chad failed. Meanwhile Billy failed to kill Dewey, Randy and Gale. Nancy failed to kill Dewey. Roman failed to kill Mark. Charlie failed to kill Kirby. Richie failed to kill Mindy. Quinn failed to kill Gale and Mindy. Ethan and Quinn both failed to kill Chad. Wayne and Ethan both failed to kill Kirby. On top of all that, they all failed to kill Sidney, Sam and Tara in their respective movies. Amber letting a few kills slip is fine. She was still smart and a brutal attacker, especially when she knew she had a stronger opponent and needed to go for a fatal attack. In the end she killed the sheriff, ex-sheriff and a deputy.
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"Amber was so obvious..." as if that's an excuse. You know who was the MOST obvious Ghostface killer to ever exsist? The very first who this whole damn fandom holds up on a pedestal: Billy Loomis. I mean, my Grandmother who can hardly comprehend the movies or simple basic things anymore knew it was him. Mickey was also super obvious. I've watched so many reaction videos and everyone susses Billy and Mickey so fast so please come up with a better excuse if you're going to trash Amber. I had the movie partially ruined for me (I looked away from the spoiler as fast as I could but I knew it was a young girl with long hair so there was few options of who it could be) so I can't really give my full opinion on how obvious she was but quite honestly I didn't see much evidence that led to her.
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Just as a bonus: she has the most epic reveal (fight me.) Even if you suspected her you couldn't have suspected the reveal at that very moment. The way she abruptly pulled out the gun had me shook! "Welcome to act three" = iconic. As much as I love Jill if I see one person say how iconic her reveal was I'll lose it. It might have been shocking and unexpected it was her but her reveal was just her taking off her mask and saying "hello, Sidney. Surprised?" It was just a knock off of Mickey's reveal.
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Now this is another that grinds my gears. When Amber faces off Sidney and Gale in the kitchen she cries, begs and pleads for her life. People take this for weakness and consider it another reason she's a terrible Ghostface because "she's the only one to do so." Here's my take on it: the first time Amber pleads for her life immediately after, she provokes Gale by claiming Dewey "died like a pussy." Now if she was truly scared and begging for her life, why would she fuck it up so quickly? She switched up SO fast. It was clearly a tactic to distract them long enough to figure out her next move and it worked. She tried it a second time but it obviously didn't work but I have no doubt in my mind that if it had she would have just attacked them again. She wasn't sorry and had no intentions of ever backing down. Meanwhile, the same people who complain about this are Stu fans and he cries like a little bitch when Sidney tells him she called the cops because his mommy and daddy are going to find out. 🥺 (I love Stu, by the way. I know that sounded aggressive but it's his toxic fans that really irritate me.)
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On top of all that, she killed everyone in "Scream V." In my opinion, from the way I analyzed the film, she killed everyone and the only people Richie attacked were Sam in the hospital and Mindy in Amber's living room. You can view my first post to go more in depth, if you're interested.
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At the end of the day, if you don't like her then whatever. That's fine. It's your opinion and it's probably not going to change but just say you don't like her and move on. Everything you hate on her for has been done by past Ghostfaces already so go hate on them. Amber was a great Ghostface and Mikey Madison did absolutely amazing in this role. Her going absolutely unhinged at the end is what won me over and made Amber my favorite Ghostface.
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juniperss · 2 months
Howdy! I don't know if you're still taking headcannon ideas (if not feel free to ignore this) BUT if you are could you do some headcannons of the outsiders boys with a partner that's a really picky eater?
picky eaters unite!! i am still taking requests, so thank you for sending one in!
tw/cw: discussions about food, food insecurity gender neutral reader
The Gang with a Picky Eater Headcanons
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My initial reaction was to say that I think a picky eater would bother him but then I thought about it and that doesn’t make any sense. He’s literally the oldest of 3 brothers, one of which canonically eats eggs with grape jelly and washes it down with chocolate milk. Strange relationships with certain foods or a picky eater isn’t going to phase him one bit.
All that to say that Darry doesn’t mind and is probably one of the most accommodating out of the group when it comes to helping you find meals that you like. He makes sure to have a few items/snacks in the fridge for you and scolds any of the guys if they think about eating them. That’s for his partner, not his little brothers. 
Has and will smack anyone upside the head if they make comments about you being a picky eater. He doesn’t want it to bother you and keeps an eye out to make sure the teasing doesn’t get too out of hand. 
In the book Darry is constantly making sure his brothers are eating enough and now that you two are dating that behavior extends to you. 
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This is the boy who eats eggs with grape jelly, he has no room to talk about picky eaters when he eats the way he does! Not that he would anyway. He doesn’t mind that you’re a picky eater and will gladly make sure that you find something that you like to eat when you two are together. 
He’s really good at remembering what you do and don’t like and I chalk that up to him being such a romantic and caring individual. I don’t subscribe to the idea that Sodapop is dumb even if that’s what he claims, because not doing well in school doesn’t mean you’re not smart. He has a good memory when he wants to apply it and you’re worth it to him. 
Might tease you a bit about certain foods you like over others but it’s always gentle teasing and you have plenty of ammunition to use against him regarding his own eating habits. The difference between his teasing and others picking on you is that it’s very obvious that he finds everything about you endearing and that includes you being a picky eater. 
Also keeps snacks in the fridge for you ^_^ But he does eat them so the chances of them being in stock when you visit is 50/50
Two Bit:
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Okay he will tease you about being a picky eater, I’m sorry. It’s just in his nature to poke fun at other people’s quirks. But unlike Dallas (we’ll get to him in a moment) he’ll stop if he finds out it bothers you or if you’re not in the mood for it. 
He will eat anything that he can get his hands on so he doesn’t understand being picky about food. He’s basically Kirby and would inhale a car if it tasted good. 
Definitely eats off your plate regardless if it’s something you want or not. The King of getting rid of the side dishes you don’t want so that you don’t feel embarrassed about leaving it there (is that just something I worry about?). 
He does worry about you getting enough to eat. He may be a loud mouth with a lot to say but Two Bit Matthews is very caring and he loves his partner. 
He’s also an older brother so I wouldn’t be surprised if he has snacks in his car that he pulls out for you to have if he feels you haven’t eaten enough. DEFINITELY swipes stuff from the store too. What can I say, he’s a romantic in his own way
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Dally, Dally, Dally…..look friends….Dallas Winston is an ass to everyone and that includes you. I know we all love him but I can’t erase the fact that he’s mean! Now I can see him being softer, more gentle with his partner but that doesn’t make you immune to his teasing and snark and I’m assuming that if you’re dating him that you’re either patient enough to work with him on that or you can dish it back at him
He teases you relentlessly about being picky because he can’t fathom turning down any food ever. This stems from the obvious fact that Dally has experienced food insecurity. There’s never a guaranteed meal once in his life. Until he started hanging out with the Curtis Gang. He eats every meal as if it’s his last. He simply can’t wrap his head around you not eating food put in front of you. 
Similarly to Two Bit, Dallas will eat off your plate at any time. But unlike Two Bit it’s not necessarily out of a desire to help you out. He’s just hungry and doesn’t like to waste food.
Over time he starts to understand that you’re not being picky just for the sake of being picky. That it’s actually something that you struggle with and (if you’re like me) wish you could change. Knowing this probably curbs some of the teasing or slight resentment on his end. 
When he takes you out for food he makes sure to find a place that he knows you like. On the rare occasions you can’t find something you prefer, he’ll help scavenge together enough from other meals that result in something that will fill you up. 
He still gives you a hard time, but at least you can see a good natured glint in his eyes about it
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nightshade-clown · 9 months
Okay I just want to dump my Magoranza headcanons because of another post I saw, even though I should definitely sleeping right now ( ̄ヘ ̄;)
Okay, so my headcanons are more pre-relationship based but I still want to share them so badly ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Additional note: I repeat a lot "Magolor" and "Taranza" instead of using stuff like "the mage" and "the spider" and other stuff, so yeah, I apologize for the repetitions, I might edit it later to fix that.
☬ I kinda imagine they have a "A fell first and B fell harder" kind of situation lmao.
☬ Magolor first seeing Taranza around, and noticing he always looked miserable in a way (it would happen not long after the events of triple deluxe). So he decides to approach him and go "Hey, wanna hang out ? (^-^)" which Taranza accepts because Magolor gives him an excuse to occupy his mind.
☬ Magolor only asked Taranza to spent time together out of pity for him, but soon come to appreciate his company because not only is Taranza pretty smart and helpful, but he can be pretty mischievous despite his seemingly calm attitude. So obviously Magolor keeps him around because he could always use some help with his shoppe and with his research on the Lor.
☬ And sure, they both share similar interests, and they get along pretty well, and Magolor even allows Taranza to sit on the roof of his shoppe and only him, but that doesn't mean they're close ! And the fact that he is impressed by Taranza's knowledge doesn't mean anything either, and neither the fact that Magolor wants to spend more time with him, or that he thinks it's cute how clumsy Taranza can be, or when he re-do his hair from time to time, and sure, Taranza definitely looks so fine with that new scarf-
☬ And before he knows it, Magolor fell in love with the spider.
☬ His first reaction is to hit his head against the table upon realization. How did that happen ?! WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN ?
☬ After a few minutes, he calms down, and just moves on. It's not the end of the world, right ? No need to act weirdly about it.
☬ Though, after he realizes his feelings, Magolor will act a bit differently with Taranza. No big changes, it's pretty subtle actually. Offers discount at his shoppe and on some days even offer some items "because it wouldn't sell"; taking an interest in some of Taranza's hobbies he didn't share with him previously "because seems interesting"; and even studying some of Floralia's culture "in case one day I want to visit so I can be prepared".
☬ He would sometimes flirt a bit but quickly brush it off as a joke, and with his prankster personality, Taranza just rolls with it.
☬ As for Taranza, he doesn't see Magolor as anything other than a friend for a while. Like I said earlier, he would just see Magolor as a way too think about something other than Sectonia's death. But quickly comes to appreciate Magolor as a friend, despite his tendancies to make off putting jokes and being a bit apathetic.
☬ He sees Magolor as a smart person, not only for all the researches he does, but for his projects too like the attraction park he made for Kirby, and his business with the shoppe. And he's fun too, always knows what to do when they hangs out, which Taranza appreciate a lot. It's like a breath of fresh air compared to the strict ambiance in the castle of Floralia. And he finds fascinating all of the tales Magolor has about other dimensions, or about Halcandra.
☬ For a while, he doesn't really notices Magolor's flirting, mainly because he only sees him as a friend, but also because he still feel like he can't completely moves on from Sectonia. When he thinks of love, the first thing he thinks about is her, his dear Queen.
☬ It's not until someone else points it out (either Susie or Marx) that Magolor acts differently with him compared to everyone else (Marx would probably complains about the free stuff Taranza gets, while Susie would points out how Magolor took a sudden interests on things related to him) that Taranza starts noticing this too. And he also notice how Magolor only "jokingly" flirt only with him.
☬ Boi does that spider gets flustered.
☬ Taranza spends the following few days questioning if Magolor really likes him like that, and how he feels about it.
☬ And for the first time, he start thinking of romantic love without thinking about Sectonia, but about Magolor instead. And he likes it (even if a part of him feels guilty about it).
☬ After a few more days after he realizes that he might be in love with Magolor, Taranza starts making moves on him too, a bit less subtly though.
☬ If he gets the occasion, he buys and gift him all kinds of stuff, be it something Magolor took an interest of while walking in around in the waddle Dee's town, or something related to his interests, or it could even be something related to his research (or something Taranza at least thinks is related to his interests). Most of the time, the gifts are pretty spontaneous.
☬ Magolor would joke about how Taranza is spoiling him, and Taranza would laugh it off, albeit extremely flustered.
☬ He would also do all kinds of favours to Magolor, helping more around the shoppe more than usual, and proposing more help with his researches.
☬ Magolor does notice the sudden change of behavior in Taranza, how he suddenly seems more nervous and flustered easily, and how he seems more clumsy while helping sometimes. He decides not to question it, though. It's kinda endearing to see, after all.
☬ It kinda goes on like that for a while, the two just flirting with each other without much else going on after, and it's this kind of awkward phase between friendship and romance where the both don't know where they stand at this point.
☬ Until one day, Kirby asks them if they are a couple. Magolor starts chuckling while Taranza starts choking on air.
☬ Magolor teasingly asks Taranza "Well, wouldn't we make a cute couple ?" which flusters Taranza A LOT.
☬ After a few seconds of trying to calm down enough to talk, Taranza reply "Maybe we would, don't you think so too ?" which ends up flustering Magolor back.
☬ And all the while Kirby is looking at them like "What the heck is going on ? (◍•ᴗ•◍)"
Anyway, that's also how they ended up together. BYE-
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roselaughs · 7 months
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I had these guys for a long while, because surprise I have Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays OCs. I love Ben 10 and Secret Saturdays and one day I was like "hey why won't I make a sequel to both shows lol". So meet Secret Galaxy, the rag tag team of freelance superheroes consisting of Ben Tennyson's grandson, Zak Saturday's granddaughter, Vilgax's son, and Charmcaster's protege. Feel free to ask questions about them!
Denny Tennyson - Dennis Lee Tennyson is the grandson of the famous Benjamin Kirby Tennyson. Unlike his grandfather when he was his age Denny is a quiet and reserved young boy, prefering to spend time only with himself and a select group of friends due to not trusting people's interest in him. Despite this he's sympathetic and will try to reach out to someone if he sees that they're in trouble or in need of help. Denny is also very creative and artistic, which extends to how he battles as well as him prefering to use his alien forms's powers to their fullest extent rather than just bruteforcing his way through everything. Originally during the summer he graduated elementary school Denny got his very own Omnitrix, which he was initially hesitant about but grew to appreciate and like his Omnitrix.
Sam Saturday - Samantha Saturday is the granddaughter of Zak Saturday. She is a spitting image of her grandfather even having the same cryptid controlling powers he did. Sam's a mischevious and tomboyish young girl that seeks adventure at any moment and likes to mess with people around her. However she does have a more caring side, as she deeply cares for and stands up for her family and friends. This more caring side also extends to her being willing to defend those she sees as in trouble, no matter how dangerous her opponent is. While she has inherited The Claw from her grandfather, on the same summer Denny got his Omnitrix she also found a mystrious Omnitrix-like device that she dubbed the Cryptrix, which allows her to turn into 10 cryptid like forms (and also allows her to channel her cryptid powers easier). Sam and Denny are best friends since childhood and are usually seen hanging out together, though a lot of people including their families say that they two kids sometimes feel like siblings.
Sytrax - Sytrax is the son of the feared conquerer Vilgax. He's a serious, honor bound chimera sui generis (ex) bounty hunter. He acts somewhat self centered and dislikes being underestimated or being looked down upon. However he does have a softer side that he does not like showing, and desires to have a group of people he can trust and feel safe around one day. On top of that his sense of honor makes him more fair in combat towards those he sees as weaker than him. Originally he was trying to find his own footing to carry on Vilgax's legacy, being raised to see his father as a noble but powerful ruler. But after encountering Denny and eventually learning the truth of his father's nature Sytrax started rejecting his father's legacy and went on to try to forge his own identity seperate from Vilgax, such as trying to become a plumber. Despite Ben's and Vilgax's rivalry, Denny and Sytrax end up becoming very close friends and even having a somewhat brotherly dynamic.
Curseslinger - Curseslinger is the (adopted) daughter and apprentice of Charmcaster, the Queen of the Legerdomain. She was chosen by Charmcaster for her reat magical abilities and cunning street smarts. However, Curseslinger feels that she's actually not good enough to be the student of the Queen of the Legerdomain, which results in her frequently performing on the streets and in talent shows to show off her magic powers to people and hopefully win over their approval as a substitute for her own internal approval. Although Curseslinger's very quirky and can come off as creepy to some people, she's friendlier than she appears, and is very loyal to her friends and those she likes even though she may not appear to at first glance. Curseslinger takes an interest in Sam and the Saturdays due to their connection to more mystical elements of the galaxy such as cryptids. Sam does in fact admire Curseslinger and her magical prowess, which gives the witch some confidence in her powers and have even more of a fondness towards Zak's successor. Curseslinger and Sytrax also end up as a couple, and tend to be very affectionate with one another.
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itsquakey · 2 years
Question Time
Time to get some asks outta the way
Questions below
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Whe When the series called Birth of a Wish is actually about the story of the birth of a wish (Marx) (its really smart guys)
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Bro I was literally just looking at your account and art like four hours ago what kinda witchcraft is this. But keep up the good work, I love how you draw Marx.
Also I love to see you and a ton of people find inspiration in me, especially when it comes to them enjoying my version of Marx because guess what. He’s a reflection of me and my experiences irl.
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The realization Castella is a more common word than I thought and I have essentially poisoned at least a hundred if not a thousand minds so that every time they see the word Castella they think of a orb makes me kick my legs and giggle.
But Castella would like cheesecake, I think New-York Style would be her favorite type.
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Nextgen Elfilin is either absolutely terrified of you or sees you as a family figure, there is no in-between
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Nightmare isn’t Metaknight’s creator, but his influence did have a hand in Metaknight’s creation. Nightmare and his overall power was around waiting in the shadows, and a passing nebula gathered the positive energy from Popstar as well as some of Nightmare’s strange negative energy, giving way to Metaknight’s birth on a nearby planet. So Metaknight is a Light matter being with some of Nightmare’s power in him.
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Magolor’s curse tattoos are from the Master Crown which were applied to his body after his initial defeat via Kirby. So the dude literally had to claw his way through Magolor Epilogue with this curse on his body.
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I really liked Magolor Eplilogue, it has a good story to explain how Magolor got back to Dreamland as well as some extra hints of lore we haven’t gotten. I enjoy the challenge and how I actually needed to grind if I wanted to beat the final two bosses. And unlike a lot of people’s opinions I’ve seen , the ending is great. It’s one of those “happy but not in the stereotypical happy ending way as there’s still more to conquer” endings. Sadly there was no Marx though, which I was hoping he’d cameo in the epilogue, so a good 8/10 or 8.5/10 for me.
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When a Dark Matter being reaches a certain amount of power they do grow into beings like Zero, however to me and in the event of Nextgen Zero2 is a Soul form of Zero, similar to Drawica soul or Marx Soul.
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Yep! I’m alive! And I I will continue to be active on this account with Kirby stuff. I may kinda fall off once I graduate from college (which will happen either in 2025 or 2026) considering that’s my jump into real adulthood but that’s a while from now.
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YESSSSS YOU GET IT TOO RIGHT!? Husbando Marx is literal comedy gold.
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desultory-novice · 2 years
Okay, so, the Kirby "Encyclopedia" should really have been called the Kirby "Directory."
I mentioned I would translate it, but there's not much worth translating in here. Most of it is less interesting than your average pause screen lore. Thus, I'm not doing the whole book…
Here are translations for all the ones I found interesting though!
[Mid-Boss, Helper, Ally]
A girl whose hobby is painting. She seems to have come from some place quite far away to study painting. She has the power to bring the creatures and food she paints on her canvas to life.
[Re-appears as a Dream Friend]
Adeleine, who had been on a journey to someplace far away, appears alongside Ribbon to support Kirby.
//Interesting that they imply she was on a journey elsewhere between 64 and Star Allies...
Bandanna Waddle Dee
[Mid-Boss, Helper, Ally]
A Waddle Dee recognizable by their trademark blue bandanna. They were an enemy in the past, in service to King Dedede, but in recent years they've made more appearances as an ally of Kirby's. Can perform a variety of techniques with their spear.
[Boss, Helper]
A mischief-loving jester. Manipulated Kirby in his very first appearance in an attempt to make everyone's home, Popstar, his own. When it's time for a fight, he shows his fangs and spreads his large wings to attack.
Marx Soul
The form that the defeated Marx takes after he is resurrected by the power of the Galactic Nova. Appears at the end of the True Arena after defeating all other bosses.
//I like the phrasing “resurrected by the power of the Galactic Nova :files away in my “Clockwork Marx” theory file:
[Boss, Helper]
The "magician of falsehoods” who came from another world aboard the spaceship called the Lor Starcutter. He meets Kirby and the others after crash landing in Dream Land. In truth, he planned on acquiring the Master Crown Landia was guarding to take control of Halcandra.
//I normally translate “magician of falsehoods” as “lying wizard” based on the English game, but they put it in quotes here, so magician of falsehoods felt more appropriate. Also, Magolor? Did you REALLY want to take over Halcandra? You know that planet's awful, right? (Ticks another box in the "Magolor isn't as smart as he makes himself out to be" checklist.) The rest of the stuff on his page is completely useless, btw. Just saying Kirby et al help gather ship parts and that you can recruit him in KF2 at Rank 39
Magolor Soul
This grotesque being was once Magolor, before he was swallowed up by the limitless power of the Master Crown. He is saved when the crown is destroyed.
[Helper, Ally]
The droll jokester Kine looks identical to an ocean sunfish. His speciality is moving in water. Normally, Kirby can't inhale enemies in water, but with Kine, that's not a problem.
[Helper, Ally]
Flying is his specialty, and he can even fly through strong winds and gales. Grabs Kirby in his claws when he and Kirby unite. Is apparently quite the star in Dream Land.
[Helper, Ally]
A friend who looks just like a hamster. Kirby can hop on top of him to travel across land. Rick doesn't slide on ice, and he can climb sheer cliffs by continually jumping. And he jumps quite high. Has a girlfriend named Pick.
//Found it interesting that they go out of their way to say they resemble these animals but are NOT these animals.
[Helper, Ally]
Kirby's friend. The same species as Dark Matter, but Gooey does not possess a wicked heart. Can catch and swallow enemies using their long tongue, but Gooey can't use inhale.
Nightmare Wizard
Arrived to bring bad dreams to the residents of Dream Land. Takes this form after you defeat Nightmare Power Orb.
//It seemed up in the air as to whether Nightmare was keeping Dream Landers from having dreams, or actually giving them bad dreams. Turns out, he was actually giving them bad dreams.
Dark Matter
A member of the Dark Matter tribe. Starting with Popstar, where Kirby and friends lived, Dark Matter spread a dark fog over the star to turn it into a world of darkness, so it would be more hospitable to their tribe. Dark Matter's name refers to the substance known as dark matter.
//Interesting that Dark Matter was trying to...terraform Popstar? Sounds like Necrodeus, to be honest. That last line about the name is mostly there for Japanese speakers who might not connect the word with the concept, because the concept is written in kanji.
Galacta Knight
The strongest warrior in the galaxy, who, out of fear of their tremendous power, was sealed in crystal long, long ago. Galacta enjoys strife. Summoned by Galactic Nova when Meta Knight made a wish to fight the strongest warrior in the galaxy.
//Interesting about Galacta actually LIKING strife/conflict. Don't know if we'd heard that before.
Four dragons living in the depths of Halcandra, and the last boss you face there. They normally take the shape of a single large dragon with four heads. Attacked Magolor's ship, the Lor. They can fly and spit fire and move about freely at high altitudes.
//So Landia are in fact four dragons that just enjoy chilling as one dragon? That's cool.
The boss of the Skull Gang who plotted to cover the world in darkness. At the beginning of the story, he uses his staff to split Kirby into 10, defeating 9 of them.
Fecto Elfilis
An invasive species from outer space that invaded the forgotten land. Possesses the ability to travel through dimensions. After an accident, they were split into Elfilin and Fecto Forgo. Called "ID-F86"
//I always thought the "Elfilis was an invader" might have been narrator bias from the Forgotten Landers, so it's interesting to have confirmation they were a hostile invader.
Chaos Elfilis
A new life form born when the souls of Soul Forgo, Morpho Knight, and the primeval beasts mixed together.
//...Where is Morpho Knight now, I wonder...? :files in the “multiple Morpho Knights” theory file:
Fecto Forgo
What was left when Fecto Elfilis's benevolent heart split off. Kept in Lab Discovera, they were controlling Leongar.
A magic user riding a broom. Attacks by hitting people with their broom. Followed by their three companions, Sugar, Salt, and Pepper.
The queen of Ripple Star where Ribbon and the other fairies live. She's a bit of a scatterbrain and not always the most reliable.
Shopkeeper Magolor
Magolor, only he runs a shoppe. If you buy all of his equipment, the shoppe gets an upgrade and he dresses like Magolor.
//I translated this because the writing was hilarious. "He dresses like Magolor." Also, the first line could also be read as "A Magolor who runs a shop." I’m just imagining all these different Magolors now…
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blazingstaro · 2 years
DotS: Knights of the Stars file #??? — Dark Meta Knight
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Name: Calls himself "Dusk" Age: 5 yrs (Young Adult • Artificial Dream Puff) Rank: N/A
As if Meta Knight couldn’t get any more enigmatic! This monochromatic lookalike is the creation of Dark Mind, a poor attempt at copying the original with stolen magic from the Mirror World.
After Dark Mind’s defeat 5 years ago —thanks to Meta Knight, Kirby and company— this shadowy knight was freed of his evil shackles and left to wander without purpose.
Dark Meta Knight is a false Mirror counterpart to Meta Knight, unlike Shadow Kirby. Under normal circumstances, anyone who approaches the Amazing Mirror and has their image reflected upon it will create a Mirror counterpart; yet whenever Meta previously tried, nothing ever manifested into being.
He attempted to utilize this to his advantage against Dark Mind, but the foul wizard was cunning. Well, he thought he was, anyhow, and instead created a rather confused, but legitimate enough counterpart for Meta Knight, which would have never come to be otherwise.
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Still, the shadow knight was crafted using the Mirror World’s magic, and so acquired unique properties on top of inheriting some of Meta’s hidden personality. Much to his dismay, he was given Meta’s darkest, most well hidden aspect: his soft and sweet side. Much like his counterpart, he attempts to run away from this; however, unlike Meta, he sucks at hiding it. Absolutely rubbish at hiding anything about himself, as much as he’d like to think otherwise.
As an attempted evil clone of Meta Knight, this gray Puff has a handful of his combat skills. However, he lacks years of experience, and is often easily bested by someone of refined skill. Despite having the form and mental capacity of an adult, he’s only lived for about 5 years, and so has a very limited understanding of how the world works. As a result, he’s ignorant and ironically innocently-minded. His knowledge is greatly lacking, but he does have some decent street smarts and is a quick study.
As one with limited knowledge, his social skills leave much to be desired. He’s blunt to a fault, and speaks his mind openly. He will, without hesitation, sass anyone. He also inherited much of Meta Knight’s vocabulary, including his fluency in the Spanish language. Much of his.... Profane vocabulary to be precise. Both English and Spanish. Though he speaks both languages just fine, he lacks Meta’s restraint, and so does not hold his tongue in either dialect.
This also reveals what exact kind of Spanish Sir Meta Knight truly speaks. It’s pretty ghetto Spanish, which is quite contrary to Meta’s formal and dignified demeanor. Goes to show that the Lone Swordsman hides a lot of himself to upkeep a certain image.
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However, on a strange positive side, he lacks his counterpart’s traumatic background, and so has none of Meta’s insecurities. He’ll freely pry his mask off and show his face to others, and be himself unabashedly. He just hates it when he realizes that something about himself is just like his counterpart.
The only true insecurity he has is his lack of purpose, a deep and sad longing to fit in somewhere. His greatest desire is to fit in someplace, and matter. As a failed copy of someone else, he feels that he lacks personal identity— hence why he gets upset whenever a shared trait with Meta shows itself. He wants to be his own person, to be unique, rather than someone’s shadowy echo. It doesn’t help that he has the likeness of someone quite popular and famous on Popstar.
This identity problem of his once got too out of hand. Some time after Dark Mind’s demise, Dark Meta Knight struggled to find use and purpose for himself. So he fell into the hands of some rather dubious people for a time, performing even more dubious acts in the Mirror World. However, once he started gaining a bit of a wild streak, he was abolished from those criminal syndicates. He often ended up being used by rather evil people, and eventually broke away to try and forge his own path, running away from what he was most familiar with.
He tried being the evil master himself, manipulating innocent people through their vanity mirrors, and sowing chaos for his chromatic counterpart in Dream Land. He even once attempted to conspire with the mage Magolor; however Magolor refused to partake in his schemes, having once already learned his lesson— and a hard one at that. The Halcandran was certain to leave this shadowy knight a dire warning to cease his mischief, lest he be damned to a fate worse than death.
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And no, he didn’t listen. The boy’s about as stubborn as Meta Knight himself!
Eventually he grew so lost, twisted, and frustrated over the fact that he couldn’t faze Meta Knight, he turned to wreaking havoc on several villages. He made himself a proper threat, in which the Lone Swordsman dealt with accordingly.
Accompanied by his brother, Sir Antwan, Sir Meta Knight faced his dark echo in combat. Together, they defeated him and sealed him away in a void mirror. This became his prison for the next 3 years where he remains. That mirror is currently encased in canvas and locked away deep within one of Sir Meta Knight's many Popstar bases. At least, according to last time one of Meta's men checked. That was a few months ago, prior to the Jambastian debacle that happened recently.
3 years is a long time to think about one’s existence. Perhaps now he’s gotten a grip on himself? Maybe even an idea as to who he wants to be, what sort of life to live? Or perhaps he continues to float endlessly in a void, left defeated with a broken spirit.
He also owes Magolor an apology for failing to heed his warning...
Tracking down information on this fellow required a lot of sources, and help from a friend in the Mirror World. This is a year's worth of work and compiling every piece this truth-hunter could find. While this armored identity crisis doesn't serve under the Knights of the Stars, he's worth mentioning because of his association with Meta Knight.
One can't help but wonder, however, if Dark Meta Knight could find someplace that he'd fit in. it's not his fault that he exists, so he shouldn't be condemned to living forever as someone's shadow. Shadow Kirby mentioned that the last he heard him say that he preferred to go by the name "Dusk". Maybe this is the beginning of a change in him? Or some desperate grasp for self-identity?
That's enough rambling! Stay tuned for more in-depth dives into the mysteries and truths behind the Knights of the Stars...
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paper-gold-theories · 2 years
I would call heed someone who is brilliant nut lazy. She has the smarts to pull manipulative plans but doesn't have the talent to do good science.
I agree that Miss Heed is lazy, as well too obsessed with being loved and not creative.
An example of her lack of creativity was her costume was made based on GoldHeart and there is a high chance she might have also tried to mimic his pretentious speech and personality in public events, like a cheap Walmart copy to get people to like her, seeing that it works for GoldHeart. (I headcanon she is like the "Pilot Version" of GoldHeart, before the Villainous Gang will have to face the real thing.)
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She also has an obsession with being loved. (Which might be another reason why she mimics GoldHeart's costume, speeches, and personality thinking that he would see that they were "comparable" seeing how alike they are, but GoldHeart just ignores her, even refusing to accept her friend request on social media.)
Even if she wasn't as good as science and her powers to evaporate liquids are considered not useful, she can ask the P.E.A.C.E. scientists to make her a weapon or suit to complement her abilities seeing as they made a shrink suit to compliment the Cricket's jumping powers and give Omega Nuclear a suit to contain his radioactive powers. She being one of the most popular could easily get the scientist to come up with something for her, like fill her bracelet with different vapors and use it as weapons like a liquid smoke bomb, acid, that she can activate using her powers.
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[Google Translate]
Name: Todd Kirby
Classification: Enemy
Status: In observation
Abilities: Nuclear powers, strength agility, ability to fly, stamina.
Notes: The hero and defender of Atom City. Is highly radioactive, but uses a suit to contain it.
Instead due to her obsession of being loved by everyone, she just relies heavily on Flug's formula to get everyone to love and simp for her then let her simps handle her dirty work.
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Even though due to the formula not being completed there is an obvious flaw where the simps would break out of the mind control if something were to happen that would make them break out of their simping. Which shows her laziness.
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She could have also improve on her fighting skills. It's shown that her action figures have a shield, boxing gloves, and sword and she was seen doing boxing when she posted on her Instagram, but seeing as in real life she just let her followers fight for her and use her formula I think it was all just for show.
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As for her plan, I think she overheard Ghoul going to call BHO for a hero service and just went along with it and claim it as her own idea knowing that she can draw Flug into a trap to help her make her perfume, but one flaw in her plan was that she should have asked a mind-controlled Ghoul to get him to tell the Villainous gang to exterminate another hero under her control, so that she might have gone unscathed, this again showed her lack of creativity (or maybe she would still be caught as collateral).
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Into, Across and Beyond!: Quill Society Logs (Second Findings)
Log 6: Early Progress
"Log 6; early progress. The count of Quill Society members is definitely climbing since my last log. I swear I'm starting to lose track of how many we've got now, heh! Good thing Tekno's got this huge digital register for us to keep track.
Now, I had put The X, formerly known as "Grimbo", on the list of entities that need immediate capture, but, I'll be honest, I wasn't really smart trying to go after him alone. I could've almost gotten killed had Rob O' and the water me not come to my aid to bail me out.
I initially felt that, given my knowledge of three "EXE" entities having invaded my world in the past (Executor, Phaton and Toxinfect), I would've had this stage in the bags. But boy, I was wrong there. Just goes to show that having buddies increases a chance of victory much more than going it solo, huh?
I've witnessed it mere minutes after Cam Malicious had attempted to apprehend Salty and stop him from interfering with one of those... urgh, "canon events". God, I hate people trying to act like negative fate must happen, whether we like it or not, and bars us from doing the right thing for those around us.
As soon as The X has been severely weakened, I'm gonna give it another shot in apprehending him, albeit with backup to ensure he can't slip away again like he did with me. End log."
Log 7: A More Dangerous Pac
"Log 7; a more dangerous Pac. I had been examining Dimension DMG-2020 a bit today, and as it happens, there's a VERY active dimensional traveller there, in the form of that universe's Pac-Man, who seems to be much more malicious than any other Pac-Man I've seen.
After having done stuff in his world in a matter of minutes, he jumped straight to a Mario universe and took over Bowser's Castle once that world's Mario and Luigi were done dealing with Cackletta. He also took Geno for the ride with him, and then hired a Kirby that was causing more mayhem than good, before stealing the Star Rod from a Paper Mario world.
Now, I know what anyone who's reading the log must be thinking. "Oh, this is stuff outside a Sonic universe. It shouldn't be concerning you!" Well, I would agree with you... if it weren't for the most recent case that the evil Pac-Man had done.
Just as a counterpart of me was about to beat Eggman and stop his escape, Pac-Man happened to warp the stolen castle into the shuttle and destroy it, before his Kirby went and claimed the Master Emerald for his boss. Though Sonic tried to defeat the Pac when he used a Power Pellet to become stronger, and trust me, he did a real good job of keeping the twisted Pac on his toes, Pac-Man ultimately emerged victorious when he used the Star Rod to cancel out the Super state and beat Sonic before escaping.
The theft of a Master Emerald is something that seriously warrants attention. Master Emeralds across the multiverse possess practically unlimited power, and in the wrong hands, they can be used as really dangerous tools. Whatever that Pac-Man wants with all the stolen artefacts, I only know one thing for certain; either he wants to conquer that universe with them, or he'll want to destroy and rebuild it in his own image.
As such, I've labelled this Pac-Man as a priority to neutralise and send back to his dimension, with his world-hopping powers to be restricted upon successful capture. However, stopping him isn't going to be easy, considering he can wield the Star Rod to enhance himself or block our powers, so taking back the Star Rod and sending that back to its dimension is our first task. I'll add to this on another log once we've made some big progress. End log."
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icedragonlizard · 11 months
Marx's dynamics with Gooey and the Animal Friends
I've got a lot of thoughts on how Marx interacts with these guys! Basically, I embrace the idea of wave 1 dream friends being close friends with each other, and Gooey technically already has some canonical association with the animal friends. So all I had to do was throw Marx into the mix with them somehow!
I think he actually fits decently well with them! Allow me to share all the headcanons I have of Marx's friendships with these guys.
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Inserting 'Keep reading tag' because it's long.
Marx was gone from Planet Popstar for a very long time after Milky Way Wishes. It's only several months before Star Allies when he makes his grand return to the planet to reconcile with Kirby.
After their reconciliation, Kirby then went to help Marx make new friends. Before Marx's return to Popstar, his only friend was Magolor. Kirby wanted to see how some of his other friends would put up with Marx, and if any of them would be willing to be Marx's friends as well.
That's where Gooey and the animal friends came in. Kirby introduced Marx to these guys before introducing him to anyone else. The reason for this is because Gooey and the animal friends are generally a very forgiving bunch, and they were quick to forgive the entire wave 3 trio after their respective incidents. Kirby remembered this, and so he figured they'd be quick to accept Marx as a friend as well.
And accept him as a friend they did. Once they've spent enough time with him, they think he's the funniest person in existence. They really like him. In return, he likes them a lot, and is delighted that they're often willing to join him into doing some tomfoolery sometimes.
After Magolor and Kirby, these guys are the next friends that Marx has made, and they're rather special to him because of that.
Gooey and the animal friends all like some mischief themselves as they're all rather on the silly side, and they're more level-headed than most of the others in the cast as they don't really get easily pissed off. This is what allows them to take well to Marx and his shenanigans.
They don't mind getting pranked by him, they're entertained by it! Marx can prank them in ways that would be considered 'too far' for many others. Some of the animal friends even choose to mess with him back, much to his delight! He loves it when that happens.
That being said, however, Gooey and the animal friends do have their standards and would stop Marx if they think he's crossing a line. We'll go over more on that later, but let's go over how Marx interacts with each and every one of these guys individually!
Gooey is basically Marx's buddy, lol. Marx really likes Gooey. He thinks Gooey is hilarious, and he's nicer to Gooey than he is to most others. Marx will often bounce on Gooey like he's one of his beach balls. He also has a nickname for the dark matter defect, as he calls him 'Goobert'. Gooey loves Marx and considers him to be fun to hang out with. He constantly laughs at Marx's funny business.
Marx often hypes Gooey up and tries to teach him to pull pranks. Gooey is usually a very nice and well-meaning person, but he's also not very smart and often lets himself be taught by Marx how to prank because he thinks it'll be very fun and entertaining!
There are occasions where Gooey ends up emulating Marx's bad behavior, with perhaps the most notable example being that Marx will come up to random unsuspecting people and say "Hey, hey, hey! I think he wants you to give him a big kiss!" causing Gooey to come up and lick that person. Whenever this kind of thing happens, Gooey does apologize to that person later on and said it was just for fun.
Rick is fairly outgoing and likes to move around a lot, and so he's often glad to join Marx in going around and starting some sillies! There are times where Marx would let Rick balance a beach ball on his nose, and he'd even try to bounce on the beach ball during it.
There are other times where Rick would turn into a big rolling stone (his stone ability in Dream Land 3, as he can use any time since he can use it in Star Allies too) and Marx would then leap on top of him to cause some rolling mischievous madness. When they go rick-rolling around, they may crash onto trees for kicks and giggles.
Marx may also try to mimic Rick's accent, and the hamster of course doesn't mind that. Yes, literally, my headcanon universe's Rick has an Australian accent just like the Rick from the Kirby anime, lol.
Kine is very goofy and is a big joke-teller. He and Marx exchange funny talk a lot. It's enriching for the both of them. They'll make funny faces at each other, too. Marx thinks that Kine is the funniest fish to exist, and when he learned about how the animal friends combined copy abilities with Kirby, he thought that Kine was the one that performed the funniest copy ability combinations out of the bunch. He laughed when he learned that Kine had light bulbs in his mouth, shot fireballs underwater, and stuffed a big rock inside of himself.
There are times where Marx would have Kine stuff a beach ball in his mouth, to then later cannonball out of his mouth to cause mischief. They coordinate doing this on random unsuspecting people.
Coo sometimes enjoys doing aerial tomfoolery with Marx. The two like to fly around to cause some minor mischief. Marx may spit beach balls out of his mouth for Coo to slap with his wings to hit random unsuspecting people. What makes this especially funny for the two of them is that if the balls hit random people from far away because they did high in the air, those people will never know who caused it.
That being said, Coo is also the most serious of the animal friends. Out of them, he's the one that puts the most effort in keeping Marx in check. If Marx crosses a line, Coo is the first animal friend to stop him. Coo himself doesn't mind tomfoolery every now and then, but he quickly knows when to stop if things get out of hand. He'll give Marx the look when he deems it necessary to.
Marx thinks it's funny to sometimes trigger Coo into giving him the look just for the sake of it. He likes Coo quite a lot.
Nago is the laziest and least talkative of the animal friends, and therefore is the one to join Marx in tomfoolery the least often out of the bunch. He still enjoys the jester's company, though. He's easily amused by his antics. There's also this thing that Marx and Nago have going on where Nago will steal Marx's beach ball, causing them to playfight, and Nago just tells Marx to go make another beach ball or go use Gooey as a ball to bounce on.
ChuChu thinks that Marx is hysterically funny, and she's bold enough to even start shit with him. Marx and ChuChu have this thing going on where they're weirdly fixated on stealing each other's bows. One will try to pull a fast one on the other to find an opportunity to steal their bow, with ChuChu using one of her tentacles to yank Marx's small bow off his chest, while he steals her big bow off her head.
Marx also started teasing ChuChu for her liking of Kirby when he first found out about it. This got reactions out of her at first until she eventually started taking well to it and even laughs when he does it.
Pitch is a devious little turd that's also not afraid to start stuff with Marx. These two like to bicker for kicks and giggles, and sometimes it's Pitch that initiates it. They both consider it to be enriching. Pitch is actually Marx's favorite out of the animal friends, because he thinks it's hilarious how much of a troll the little bird can be sometimes.
Pitch and ChuChu enjoy bickering with each other and sometimes metaphorically 'beat each other up'. Marx thinks it's absolutely hilarious when this happens and eggs the both of them on.
All in all, Marx enjoys the company of all these guys. He's got things going on with each and every one of them. He commonly hangs out with them a lot. He's kind of grown a soft spot for them.
Marx was quick to join Rick, Kine, Coo and Gooey when the events of Star Allies began. Nago, ChuChu and Pitch stayed behind because Coo thought that the big intergalactic journey would've been too dangerous for ChuChu and Pitch, as Nago decided to babysit them. Marx, however, was more than welcome to participate.
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During Star Allies, the dream friends often split up into groups by their respective waves, and wave 1 was usually a group together. They had a blast kicking ass and taking names when they fought bad guys together during Star Allies. They fought bad guys in mischievous ways, and commonly laughed as they trolled their way through the Jambastion fortress. When the mage sisters were the enemy before their redemption, wave 1 mocked them after defeating them. Unsurprisingly, Marx was doing the most mocking, as Gooey, Rick, Kine and Coo just enabled him and even joined him in doing it.
There were points in Star Allies however when Marx wanted to join Magolor in beating up Jamba bad guys. Due to his insistency in this, wave 1 and wave 3 were a bit connected as the animal trio found opportunities to let Marx be with Magolor for a bit.
After Star Allies, Marx continues being friends with Gooey and the animal friends, as he reunites with Nago, ChuChu and Pitch after the game's events. They were glad to see him again.
Marx's dynamics with these guys more or less remains this way from now on. They like him, they think he's funny as heck, and they'll sometimes join him into doing some sillies.
However, despite liking mischief themselves, the animal friends do have standards. Marx has a knack for causing eventual chaos, and sometimes that can be too much for the animal friends. ChuChu and Pitch may be rowdy enough to occasionally cause accidental chaos, but they themselves still have some clear standards and they'd know when to stop Marx when he goes too far.
Gooey and the animal friends generally have little problem with Marx causing funny stuff with them. If he becomes chaotic with them, they stop him, although they don't really have hard feelings for him about it for the most part. It's when he messes with other people, however, is when it's far more likely they can end up getting mad at him.
They understand that many other people are more easily ticked off than they are, and so they honor that to try to get Marx to not bother others too much. He can't get away with as much for some other people as he can for Gooey and the animal friends, and they know it.
Marx isn't very well liked by some of the other dream friends. In fact, aside from Gooey, Rick, Kine and Coo, the only other dream friends that Marx is actually friends with are Magolor, Daroach and the mage sisters. The rest don't really like him enough to consider him a friend. Some of them even find him to be rather infuriating to deal with.
The animal friends, especially Coo, will usually get Marx to stop messing with the dream friends that can't stand him. Magolor also does this, and thus the animal friends have even talked with Magolor in making Marx leave certain people alone.
Gooey doesn't really act to stop someone from doing something, but even he can give a sad or disapproving look if he thinks that Marx crosses a particular line. That can actually get Marx to behave.
But despite Marx crossing the line for certain people, Gooey and the animal friends still ultimately like him. They, along with Magolor, are just trying to get him to work on becoming a better person over time while they still do some sillies and funnies with him.
They still think he's hilarious as all heck! They do admit he's not always easy to deal with, though. But ultimately, they like him a lot and they were glad that Kirby introduced him to them. Marx likes them a lot, enough to where he'll actually listen if they really want him to improve on something, as he will try for them.
Admittedly, it does freak these guys out that Marx is capable of splitting himself in half and summoning a black hole. They are, however, easily entertained by all his other Nova powers.
They've learned more about clockwork stars thank to Marx, even if they generally don't bother leaving Popstar for the most part.
Marx is generally 'homeless' as he never has a set place that he sleeps in, as he doesn't always even sleep somewhere in Popstar. But there are times that he might sleep under some random tree that's not far from the Dream Land forests that Gooey and the animal friends consider to be their home. It shows how much he likes them.
That's basically all I have for how I interpret Marx's interactions with these guys. They're his friends! I think he actually fits with them pretty well. I know a lot of people interpret "wave 3 + Marx" friend group but I honestly prefer to have Marx stick with his own wave, even if I still find Magolor to be something of a best friend to him.
I'm aware that the animal friends don't really have a lot of canon personality. I headcanon that they're all pretty silly to various degrees. Silly enough to consider Marx their friend. Gooey on the other hand is probably happy enough to welcome anyone as a friend!
Thanks for reading, I plan to make a big general headcanon post for Marx, but for now you get my interpretation of his dynamics with Gooey and the animal friends. Basically covering all of wave 1, with of course including Nago, ChuChu and Pitch since I'm well aware that they are not actually dream friends.
See you for the next one!
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
okay so i actually know very little about the x men but what roles are u thinking of for the party?
OKAY. you have awakened nerd esme. prepare urself. this will be long. sooooo long.
so for context the x men— created in 1963 by stan lee and jack kirby and fictionally brought together by professor x, a wheelchaired mutant with telepathic abilities, were/are mutants. mutants are a different species than humans and are as such treated terribly by them. they have “mutations” which give them powers and shit. they were basically created as parallels to real life bigotry and are hated by the general public (in the marvel verse everyone irl loves them. or i do. )
anyway, the original five were—
angel aka warren worthington III (yes that is his actual name) who had wings on his back. now they’re metal. it’s complicated but not important. he’s basically the token rich boy, blond hair, blue eyes, yeah. total knockout in canon too apparently. cyclops aka scott summers who had a red laser beam that continuously comes out of his eyes and as such he wears/wore a special visor made out of special ruby glass professor x found for him. quick fun fact he had so low self esteem and was so depressed professor x made him leader out of fear he would fucking kill himself. which is very dark. a bit stoic and pretty much an old man (he canonically watched seinfield). and he’s transmasc to ME. beast aka hank mccoy who is basically a genius and really strong and stuff. eventually he turns into a literal beast but i’m too sleep deprived to remember how that happened lolol marvel girl aka jean grey who was the token Girl™️ of the group and who possessed too many abilities to keep track of, and when she has them. she gets fucked up at some point in the chris claremont x men run (which is truly iconic) and becomes possessed by the phoenix force(specifically in issue #134, the issue will wanted in episode one) and becomes like evil and shit. the phoenix force is a cosmic evil being and she becomes *dark* phoenix and it’s a whole thing. also pour one fucking out for her imagine being surrounded by teenage boys and hormones most of whom have a crush on you and being able to read their minds. jean babe i’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through. and bobby drake aka iceman who has *gasp* ice powers. he’s a bit of the goofball of the group and can turn basically turn himself into ice which is explored more in more recent comics. he’s also been revealed as gay. one small step for mutants i suppose they’re all queer but nobody tell them.
wow that was long! sorry. anyway onto the actual au stuff. my original plan was to make each member of the part correspond to a o5 x men member, but since there are six i thought i’d add one more for max.
mike is cyclops! i think it fits in a special sort of way that i can’t really articulate since they have such different personalities. but just trust me.
el is jean, in the telepathic sense and being surrounded by boys most of the time sense. rip.
dustin is beast. tech savvy, smart, tested different bc of how he looks— it fits. so so well.
again the personalities may not fit on the surface but i think will is iceman. they’re both sort of softer than everyone else, and whole will is quieter it just makes sense to me haha.
uhh so i don’t actually think lucas would be warren… mayhaps i’m still considering… which means i wrote that whole description for basically nothing but i think it’s funny so i’m keeping it there. anyway i think lucas would be… idk. i’m still thinking it over but maybe gambit.
so for max @hellmo suggested rogue who would be great but i’m also still mulling it over. maybe kitty pryde! idk.
technically i think brenner would work as prof x but obviously that’s a no-go so it’s gonna be mr clarke which i like more as concept actually. again, different personalities but i think that’s okay, because the general roles fit. plus i jsut think that dynamic would be fun to explore more.
so sorry this was long and doesn’t really have much au it’s more me seeing x men and going brrr… haha. thanks for the ask tho!!! i enjoyed talking about them :]
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almightyhamslice · 11 months
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Versus Chef Kawasaki! This man found a weird star somewhere in Dreamland and his first idea was to cook it and see what it tasted like. I think he is going to get himself killed if this is just a normal thing for him. Then again, maybe he has an incredibly high poison tolerance that we just dont know about??? Anyways I posted the first image on discord and someone said he looked like Jesus LOL. Like smh not every guy with long brownish hair and a beard is trying to be Jesus!! He just has those cuz I think they suit him! And his hair isn't always the same color. Just generally it's a sorta rusty orange color (like the outside of a ham....) to match his in game sprites. Again I find that I go about coloring these the way Araki might. Nothing's all that consistent but it's fun that way!
I've actually drawn Kawasaki using a similar design to this one before! The only real difference is that he doesn't have crow's feet here, since he's somewhat younger. I'll add them later in the timeline! During Super Star/Ultra I think? He's just a normal human guy who has a passion for cooking, no special abilities or anything. He's just very smart when it comes to food! (though idk maybe not SUPER smart since. he did just pick up a weird star and try to eat it LOL. He is open to experimentation even if it will kill him???) I also think it was interesting how he's cooking but he's outside? I suppose he was camping then since Kirby was! Maybe THATS why I think KSS is set in summer...
Also does this new pen suck or what??? I do NOT like using it its so flimsy. I hope it runs out so I can use something else LOL.
Anyhow, bad news & vent under the cut:
I'm gonna be brief abt this since I dont want to go into detail but essentially I was in a bad accident yesterday n I'm really traumatized about it! No one was hurt but it was just really scary and I'm all sore and have bruises from it now. So I'm doing that thing that fanfic authors sometimes do where I'm posting even though real life is very dire and scary. My car got wrecked though, so I could probably use more commissions right about now... though I don't know if I'll be able to work on them because I'm sore! Maybe I should start commissions in a week or perhaps several. Point is I don't feel good at all but I'm still drawing Kirby because it makes me feel somewhat better.
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yellowhollyhock · 8 months
What do y’all think the turtles favorite kids movies would be (not their favorite movies as kids but their favorite kids movies that they still like as adults. If that makes any sense)?
Leo: Treasure Planet
Because he loves adventure! And it’s literature! (He loves the book itself and the Muppet adaptation as well). And it’s about space! He’s been to space! And the actual reason is the father-son themes. The way Jimbo so desperately needs a dad would 1) remind Leo of himself, not because he lacks that but because it resonates with him how important that relationship is and 2) make him want to adopt this angry teenager trying to save his family and the world by himself not that it reminds him of anyone.
I do think Jimbo would remind him of both himself and Raph. He’s 15 when his adventure starts too. He would love that there are elements that would make him think of each brother (Mikey probably said ‘go Delbert, go Delbert,’ to hype himself up for literally everything for at least a couple days every time they watched it, Donnie would simultaneously love Delbert and find him annoying, wow it’s mostly Delbert huh). Besides let’s be real Captain Amelia is his idol. At 12 he wanted to be just like her when he grows up and he still wants to just like her when he’s 16, 24, 30 etc.
Raph: Brother Bear
This one took me the longest to settle on, but I do think this is Raph’s movie. Coming of age, what masculinity means, sibling bonds, the devastation of losing a family member, being afraid of other people wanting to hurt you and your loved ones only to have to face the monster within yourself. The fact that Denahi blames Kenai for Sitka’s death, I think would cut Raph deep (he’s afraid of failing to protect or maybe even accidentally hurting people he cares about, he’s also afraid of rejection and judgment). Kenai facing up and taking responsibility for his mistakes (which are really the mistakes of his entire people) would hit a chord with him for sure, and overall the themes of forgiveness. He would find Koda soooo annoying and also immediately love him soooo much. The themes of the spirit world would secretly make him think about Hamato Yoshi and the connection he and his brothers have with him.
He would pretend to hate the two moose, but yet he is the one who keeps picking this movie… (squints suspiciously)
Donny: The Iron Giant
This was my initial thought and I tried to dismiss. I said to myself, girrrl that’s so surface level, he wouldn’t just pick the movie with a cool robot, dig a little deeper and find something with jokes he’d laugh at and themes that’d resonate with him.
But the thing is. It’s Iron Giant. Themes of greed vs innocence, war vs peace? Donny always gets those types of side quests, like how close he is with Fugitoid and the aliens him and April found Augie. He’s the dreamer; the possibility of a peaceful world is on his mind and in his motivations. There’s also Hogarth feeling socially isolated because he’s so smart, which you know Don’s situation is pretty different but still, there’s definitely some relatability there. And plus guys, the Iron Giant not understanding where he came from, not knowing if he has a soul or not—super relevant to the turtles, and particularly Don who was the first to recognize the TCRI initials (and therefore in my heart the one who has been most consistently curious about his origins). Interesting thing too—Donny does seem to worry about Splinter and worrying about his mom is definitely an important thing going on with Hogarth. Then there’s Dean, who I think would remind him of Kirby. It’s a movie that invites further research too, it really places itself in history. Don would love both researching and lecturing whoever makes the mistake of watching it with him (poor Angel lol she is not prepared).
And in the end, it’s a cool freaking robot. He would absolutely be obsessing over the design and doodling ideas about making his own.
Mikey: Lilo and Stitch
I think our monster movie connoisseur would love the idea of Stitch. Jumba and Pleakley is his otp of all time. He tells everyone he loves the movie for Pleakley’s head getting eaten and Lilo’s photography and voodoo and Stitch taunting Captain Gantu with his butt against the window, and yeah it is very much his brand of humor. But everyone knows he cries at the ugly duckling scene absolutely without fail, and usually the wishing on a star theme, and definitely the “this is my family.” Found family is something all the turtles would appreciate in art but I think especially Mikey. That and, he loves quoting entire scenes. Especially the tuna fish sandwich scene, Bubble’s first visit, and Jumba’s chase down with Stitch (“oh good, my dog found the chainsaw”).
Also he loves the music. I mean who doesn’t?
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