#and also pokemon but that's more of a long-term one that comes and goes
wonwooslibrary · 1 year
svt as boyfriends ♡ jeonghan edition
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member: yoon jeonghan genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 668 summary: jeonghan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: none! author's note: i totally forgot to write this oops but heeeey it's done and it's jeonghan's turn! school has been a lot so i'm sorry that I haven't been posting as much </3 I'm trying to write more in my free time so we'll see :O
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I feel like Jeonghan would be the “silent boyfriend”
Jeonghan gives the perfect college boyfriend vibes and I love that for him idk
Quality Time 
Jeonghan slays so hard at quality time
As I said, Jeonghan gives college bf vibes and it’s totally because of his love of quality time! 
When you are doing work, he’d totally agree to sit with you somewhere on campus or in a local cafe to study with you and help you memorize terms for your next exam! 
If you don’t go to school, he’d totally help you with your work projects too!!!
If you don’t have work projects either, he’d just be there for you if you are having a rough day, just as someone to lean on and to listen to you talk <3 
He’s so caring I love him
He would also definitely love to go on night walks with you when it’s late! He would totally find a spot where y’all can see the stars and take you there so you can stargaze and share some snacks 
Words of Affirmation 
Jeonghan is totally a “sweetie” or “baby” kind of guy and you cannot change my mind about it at all 
I can imagine Jeonghan coming home from a long practice or something and finding you in the living room. He’d sit next to you on the couch and lean against you and be all like, “Hi baby, how was your day?” 
(I’d actually scream pls) 
He would always say sweet things to you like “I missed you, baby” or “I love spending time with you” aaaaaa 
Jeonghan is a compliment machine so never think he would keep his thoughts to himself 
“Sweetie, I love the outfit you wore the other day! It looked perfect on you” 
Physical Touch
Jeonghan obsessed with little or light touches 
Loves holding hands when you’re waiting in line for something, or resting his hand on your knee when you’re sitting together on public transport 
And of course don’t forget about the back hugs when you’re doing something like dishes, brushing your teeth or literally just standing and texting your friend back
Head pats !!! Loves just patting your head and combing through your hair slightly
Y’all would be the couple that I strive to be a part of in my dreams 
Just imagine Jeonghan being a cuddly bf :( 
Acts of Service 
Helping you brush and do your hair!!! He definitely knows how to braid so imagine all the cool stuff he could do 
And if you have short hair, don’t fear: he’s got the butterfly clips all prepared just to be silly 
Definitely helps you with chores when you are busy or need to just take a break from existing 
Likes driving you places, even if you are a better driver and also enjoy driving 
He just likes making sure you get places safely and also don’t have to stress yourself out from how bad the traffic can be 
He also just likes letting you be in control of his radio 
Gift Giving 
He would totally go to your favorite cafe or bakery in the morning and get your favorite treat and bring it back while you’re still sleeping so when you wake up, you get something amazing from him !!!
Spoils you all the time but instead of it being jewelry or something expensive, he just gets you small trinkets 
Totally buys you pins for your bag when he goes literally anywhere 
Also loves to get you little decorations for your place: including stuffed animals, one being an extremely soft lamb that you decided to name Mareep, like the Pokemon
Now, for something like holidays and your birthday, he would get something more sentimental, like matching bracelets or something!!! 
He would want to get something for the both of you that he can still wear during practice, photoshoots and when he’s filming literally anything
Even if the audience doesn’t know what it symbolizes, he would know and that's very soft boyfriend of him <3
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tramon81 · 2 years
I've been thinking why the Arven Storyline is so good, and I think it's about pacing and delivery.
Pokémon SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also recalling this from memory so might be some inconsistencies but the spirit is there :) .
There's this mild mystery about this guy at the start, apparently he knows your Legendary Lizard and is responsible of it. He also seems that he'd rather not deal with said lizard, foreshadowing or a more classy term, setup. We also end up realising he is the son of the Professor with very little to go on of what this relationship is.
It is implied in NPC dialog that the Professor has been away from the public from a long time, but being the owner of the lizard that you own now he/she actually shows him/herself to you. He/She calls you by student ID, weird. And requests you sometime travel to Area Zero, the forbidden area, where he/she presumably has taken residence.
When you meet with Arven on the lunchroom he proposes that you embark on a quest for, ... Herbs? Herba Mystica that seem to have some weird healthy properties. It is known that he likes cooking but didn't think he was a healthy foods enthusiast, a healthy lifestyle guru. Anyway you consider it.
Later he gets into a fight with Nemona into who's path you should follow. He seems really aggro on keeping you to his mission. Weird.
First mission, after the fight, you find the Herb, ok seems more than just curative bogus, he cooks ya a sandwitch and Koraidon goes ahead and asks for yours. Arven seems apprehensive but you eventually give it to the bikemon and whoa! It got its powers back. So maybe Arven is helping his parent out? Or was this not planned? Wait "you can come out now"? What pokemon did he send and why was it kept a secret? Weird.
Now, for the first "delivery" on all these "setups" this guy's not just a crazy cook in search for the ultimate ingredients, the setup at the cafeteria has its answer in Mabosstiff, the pokemon he secretly sent out last scene. It is stricken with a weakening health condition and the reason his owner is gathering all these ingredients is to cure him before it's too late. This is great for two reasons: 1. We know there is a ghost dog Pokémon with a similar build to it's preevolution and it can evolve so the dog could indeed die and turn into that. Also we now have a reason why he's been so jumpy, he doesn't want you to help him, he needs you to help him. If you ignored him and went with Nemona or that wacky Hacker, He'd be all on his own, and may not make it.
After some more adventures, smth smth setup for weird futuristic/ancient form of Donphan he recognises. Mabosstiff... Is cured! The relief on his face and the tension of the story is relieved as the dog wears again its toothy grin. This sort of thing is actual good storytelling methinks. Simple but effective. What a great... Wait it's not over.
Apparently it is revealed that you must finally go to Area Zero, together with the other cast, it's exciting because there's been so much build up to it, mystery and weird new pokemon. However it is also revealed that, one of the strongest deliveries in the story, Arven has an absentee parent, which made him be on his own... With only Mabosstiff as his family. This is potent. Of course this makes you want to meet this prick, see what kind of character does such a thing, but more importantly, it gives weight to Mabosstiff's recovery, together you saved not a dog, but the only family left by his side.
After you completed all three routes, he shows you the way to area zero. Which you discover about the place and the Professor, fellow of science, too absorbed in it, made a time machine oh so that was the deal with that donphan, oh cool there's more where it came from. There's also some very cool banter with the three coprotags, specially love the one about parents, this stuff is more direct than even Sun and Moon sometimes.
The Professor is acting odd though. Arven is suspecting something's off but doesn't really like the implication. You get swarmed, paradox pokes at all flanks. Another Lizard. Arven also reveals that he was envious and blamed Mirai/Koraidon for his parent's absence as there seems some unknown trust finally building up between them at the end of the scene. You enter the lab and finally get to meet...
AI Sada/Turo. The professor died in an accident, standing in their place is an imperfect cold and robotic replica of the deadbeat progenitor. This "delivery" if you didn't have it spoiled just, hits way different that all others, the person who you probably hate by now, is long gone, no happy or cathartic reunion, no Arven giving a piece of his mind. If he wasn't by now, your friend is now officially an orphan. This copy seems to garner regret from its actions, its work is too dangerous and wants you to destroy it. The one thing that came over its family, its true passion, it is at least able to do away with it. However, you have to battle it as the defence system overrides its AI with this... well, it's pretty much the part of it you hate, obsessed, distant(literally lol it's like a good story above you up there). You beat it as your friends and Arven come to see the machine terastalize its insides or smth and it blocks your pokeballs and send the aggresive Legendary agaisnt you, completely unarmed you try to do something but your Sandwitch friend the MotoLizard achieves his battle mode. This makes things even, however you tetastalize him into even more of a dragon and oneshot him.
Last scene, AI is defeated, however for the machine to be over, "it" has to be over too. Arven pleads for it to stay, but it decides to go to its paradise, its life work and creation takes it to a different time in a final act both selfish and selfless sacrifice, In front of its son. Finally, "the climax".
You see, this all lead up to this, every setup and every delivery. Arven has finally faced the memory of his Father/Mother and it, in consecuence, has faced him. A bit of a somber note, but hey this is a treasure hunt, what about his treasure. I can't believe I'm saying this but this is one of the best implementations of "The friends we made along the way" trope I've seen. You see Arven has this factor of "afraid of ending all alone" that is implied a bit through the game, he is a bit abrasive but has a good heart. The last scene(Not the Ed Sheeran one) shows him on a understandable horrid mood when suddenly both Penny and Nemona suggest to go to eat, he is hard to get at first but this sense of now, connection to these people, propels him to join (Also Lizard nudge).
This is actually, even if way more contained, a bit on par with explorers of sky for best writing pokemon ever had. At least in my view on the matter what do you think?
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leggerefiore · 7 months
I am in love with your pokehybrid au's
Not exactly a request (I already sent one about pokehybrids and a s/o who reciprocates their courting methods) but I must know more of your thoughts
What pokemon do you headcanon for each character (for any characters you haven't yet covered or characters where you have more possible pokemon you hc for them)
And what behaviours do you believe they exhibit as part of their pokemon nature?
Archie would be a Sharpedo hybrid, obviously. The most unfortunate and obvious behaviour he has is a strong sense of smell for blood. It can prove itself useful as despite the usual nature of Sharpedos, he doesn't like see people or pokemon injured or not as if his mate has certain anatomy, he will freak out thinking they're injured when it's just their period. He also goes catatonic if you flip him on his back.
Giovanni is a character I'm torn on. For legendary au, he's a possible candidate for Mewtwo, which I guess he reflect by being cruel and powerful. But normally, it's hard to pick between Persian and Nidoking. Assuming Nidoking, he certainly has the temper the poison/ground type has, but keeps it controlled to the best of his ability. He also probably has the funny trait of being calmed by a long-term partner (if he can even manage having one).
Cynthia is a Garchomp hybrid, naturally. She can be a bit wild from it – The urge to savagely hunt down prey does always buzz in the back of her mind but she resists – but mostly remains her usual self. She also sometimes has to fight an urge to burrow which is not fun, especially when she has things she needs to do. At least the digging urge comes in handy for excavating at archaeological sites. She is also has the unfortunate dragon trait of being possessive of her mate, but she is careful to monitor it.
Houndoom Cyrus is endlessly tormented by his pack urges and how he unconsciously gets enough food for him and his partner. He also hates the all consuming urge that he should be resting with them when he wants to work. Poor guy ends up cuddling with his partner most nights and hates it (actually, he loves it. He's just frustrated and feels like he's not in control). Also if he ever wags his tail, he wants to simply be consumed by the void (again).
Pyroar Lysandre is the funniest situation imaginable. He seems more unaffected by whatever instincts it draws out. The idea of living in a "pride" is not something he desires at all, but he does have the protective nature granted by his hybrid genetics. Both his partner and Sycamore can attest to him getting terrifyingly aggressive to protect them. This also feeds into his madness about this world being horrible ugly and unsalvageable.
Metagross Steven is a confusing existence. A massive intelligence does not stop one Steven Stone from wanting his rocks. No, rather, it makes it easier for him to know where even more rocks are. His behaviour is barely noticeable, but he does hates to usual urges to pin down things with his limbs. He almost feels like he's a hybrid with a Galvantula or Ariados when that happens. His torment is unending since that does not really mesh with his general personality.
Camerupt Maxie would unfortunately have a similar disposition to his pokemon counterpart. Granted, he stops himself from spewing lava. He would also prefer to live in volcanic crater, but his human needs unfortunately drag him away from that. At least his base has magma in it to remind him of his preferred home. There also is a sense of desiring a pack within in him, which blends quite well with being in with his team.
Zebstrika Elesa ironically does not have tok mant problems with the herd instinct. She likes being with people! She only hates how nervous she gets after being alone for a while. Though, the downside is her temper is unfortunately afflicted with a Zebstrika temperament. At least it makes paparazzi and creepy fans get scared off. There are upsides and downsides to everything she supposes.
Rika would be a Clodsire hybrid and it really does not affect her too much. But, she maybe seems like she enjoys carrying around Poppy more than usual. Perhaps its the urge to tote around Woopers being fulfiled in a different way. Poppy is happy to get a piggy back ride, at least.
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tsel-bas · 19 days
Pretty Little Things: A Pokémon Subsystem
Warning. Headmates may not turn out exactly as described. Anything and everything can be changed to fit your system.
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Name(s): Lopunny, Scarlette, Keisha
Pronouns: She|Her, They|Them, Zey|Zem
Gender Identity: Female, Rixagender, Loveballgender
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Orientationless
Preferred Terms: Feminine, Neutral
Age: 19
Role: Dear, Sub-Host
Type: Willogenic
Source: Pokémon Generation IV (4), @/stel-bas
Description: A bipedal rabbit Pokémon with Normal and Fighting types. In this form, she is a bit more aggressive than her plain Normal type counterpart. Despite the newfound aggression, they are actually very kind and loving. Always up to comforting others and protecting them.
Zey enjoy hopping around in meadows, gardens, and other serene places. She is extremely strong and one kick of her legs or one whip of her ear can be super destructive.
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Name(s): Slurpuff, Cotton, Missy
Pronouns: They|Them, Shy|Hyr, Hy|Hym
Gender Identity: Nonbinary Woman, Ulosagender, Fairytypic
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Lesbian
Preferred Terms: Feminine, Neutral, Occasionally Masculine
Age: 15
Role: Pacific
Type: Willogenic
Source: Pokemon Generation VI, @/stel-bas
Description: A sweet, lovable little cotton candy shaped friend! This adorable furball is very soft to the touch due to the air in their fur. Shy has a sense of smell one hundred times stronger than that of a human. Because of this, hy can sense the physical and|or mental state of someone just by their scent. Slurpuff's goal is to help others. If someone is struggling, they will smell that and begin a goal to help that person feel better. Hyr role as a Pacific goes hand in hand with hys lightness and softness. They allow others to pet them and sink their hands into their cottoncandy-like fur in order to provide some form of comfort.
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Name(s): Ninetails, Lauren, Kayden
Pronouns: Shy|Hyr, Hy|Hym, Zy|Zyr
Gender Identity: Bigender, Clacgender, Antarcticgender
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Lesboy
Preferred Terms: Feminine, Masculine
Age: 220
Role: Succorer, Sub-Co-Host
Type: Willogenic
Source: Pokemon Generation VII, @/stel-bas
A gorgeous, ice type, nine tailed fox who resides in colder areas when fronting. Due to it's habitat in source, it is revered as a divine messenger. Shy provides comfort to those when needed and protects them from any harm that comes their way. Hy aids lost people in distress to keep zyr pack safe from harm but also genuinely wants to help people. This headmate can live for a very long time due to the energy stored in each of hyr tails. However, being inside a system has made hym somewhat immortal and unable to age any higher.
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Name(s): Hatterene, Samantha, Avery
Pronouns: She|Her, Flor|Flora, Bloss|Blossom
Gender Identity: Nonbinary Woman, Florengender, Pastelblossic
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Asexual Lesbian
Preferred Terms: Feminine with a hint of Neutral
Age: 30
Role: Destressor
Type: Willogenic
Source: Pokemon Generation VIII, @/stel-bas
Description: A tall fairy type figure who is usually docile and reclusive, choosing to stay by herself most of the time. However, when provoked, will use Flors psychic powers to gain an advantage. Sometimes using it to make Blossoms headmates feel better, having them believe that everything is alright while she works to actually make things okay. Flor has others partake in destressing activities to help them calm down or cope with things.
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Links to Genders Included:
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Links to Roles Included By Appearance"
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squid-ink-symphony · 8 months
f1sh and chips headcanons?
Nonbinary and kinda indifferent on their gender. Goes by She/They. Doesn't really care if you use other pronouns for them tho.
Aromantic and a lesbian. Is still ok with labeling a relationship as dating even if she doesn't experience romantic love the same way as other people.
Autistic, and doesn't always function super well as an adult on her own. But she's doing her best.
Collects stuffed animals and small toys.
Likes cute things, but some people would label their definition of cute as weird.
Loves bright colors. Crank that saturation up!
Very blunt.
Gets along pretty well with her bandmates. They aren't SUPER close but they are friends.
Knows she is different. Doesn't care. It probably used to bother them more when they were younger, but now she has come to terms with it.
House is very messy.
People are just drawn to her, she doesn't particularly like it.
A lot of people think that because she is blunt and speaks her mind that she doesn't ever lie and take everything she says at face value. He is very capable of lying and will do so for various reasons if needed. Or sometimes just cuz spreading misinformation is funny. Will tell you the sky is bright green with no hesitation and a deadpan expression.
Depressed. Is on medication for it and handles it ok ish...
Video game addict. You can usually find her at home in her pajamas playing some new game surrounded by empty instant ramen cups.
Mostly enjoys creative or cute games like pokemon, animal crossing, or minecraft. Doesn't play them often, but she is the absolute best at fighting games. Could beat anyone blindfolded. Is good at a lot of hard games, but doesn't really like that kind of stuff.
Plays a lot of things as they come out and probably has a blog where she reviews them.
Knows every skip and speedrun strat ever.
Likes platformers, especially 2d ones.
Collects old nintendo consoles/games.
Stims a lot with any object nearby. Likes to play with her bracelets a lot. Will just pick up random things and fidget with them.
Seems to be tired a lot, has bags under her eyes. Stays up late a lot but doesn't mind the lack of energy.
Very clumsy and has poor motor controls for a lot of things. Has to take frequent breaks when playing games or music. Gets hurt a lot bumping into random objects.
Issues with her wrists have been a problem for most of her life due to her hobbies, and she is surprisingly good at taking care of them nowadays. Used to not care but then some serious injuries happened and she realized she couldn't afford to do that.
Bigender! He/She/They probably. Would maybe be open to neos if he found the right ones.
Demiromantic, Bi, and Asexual. Both Acht and Harmony are aspec(not for any reason what no i'm not biased as an aroace person noooo-)
When first getting out of the metro he was VERY malnourished and had a hard time eating food. He has a lot of texture issues and finds most foods unbearable to put in her mouth.
Has since gained her weight back and is looking more healthy.
Is very sensitive to sunlight, and burns very easily even in normal weather with minimal exposure. This is part of the reason she spends so much time alone indoors.
Eyes are also very sensitive to light after being sanitized and living in the deep for so long. This is why he wears sunglasses everywhere.
Is also autistic like harmony. (again, as an autistic person i am in no way biased towards headcanoning characters as autistic ok?) Is sensitive to sounds and wears noise canceling headphones a lot.
Goes nonverbal if overstimulated.
Doesn't talk that much, is more the type to say as few words as possible to get their sentence across.
Likes eating cereal with no milk. It's one of their favorite snacks.
LOVES fruit. They are that meme of the person covered in mango juice.
Just like harmony, his face isn't very expressive. But while harmony always looks like she's daydreaming, Acht often looks angry. This is especially true when she has her glasses on since you can't see her eyes.
Really likes fashion. Likes very femme alternative stuff specifically.
Is already naturally tall, and wears heels everywhere. Towers over most other octolings/inklings.
There are many lasting effects from the sanitization. Including physical and mental symptoms. Acht is slowly recovering tho!
Can play piano, just doesn't. Doesn't remember where they learned to, but it makes them feel slightly sad to play it.
Has amnesia due to the sanitization. Can remember things like skills, but not where they learned them or from who. Doesn't remember much of her past. Doesn't remember much family or friends either. Can picture some blurry faces, but not names or how they knew each other.
Tartar told her about her decision to be sanitized, and she has no choice but to have taken his word for why she decided to due so as she has no memory of it.
Has a hard time adjusting to life on the surface.
Has some trauma surrounding medical equipment, and doesn't like to go to doctors.
I've always Acht having known Marina before coming to the surface, but with Side Order confirming they know each other somehow i will wait to flesh that out until we get more info.
Is confident and somewhat social(especially compared to Harmony) but needs a lot of time to recharge their batteries after being around others.
They both like to make music, and often make silly little songs together. Acht likes to take whatever Harmony hums and turn it into short songs.
Both of them don't sleep much. Harmony doesn't like to because she prefers to spend her time on hobbies n such instead. She also has insomnia, but since she doesn't like sleeping it doesn't really bother her TOO much. Acht on the other hand has issues sleeping due to frequent nightmares. She ends up having terrifying nightmares of her time with tartar or things she can't fully remember from before she was sanitized. Harmony is always there to comfort him when he wakes up sweating and frightened.
Both of them are very picky about food and so their pantries end up being stuffed with lots of their prefered safe foods.
Acht tries to push himself to leave his apartment in splatsville from time to time to avoid being totally disconnected from the world because that's what she did when she first got to the surface and it made her very depressed. On one of those trips Acht ended up visiting Hotlantis because he was just exploring various shops. He really liked the vibes of the shop and the wide variety of items that rotated frequently had him coming back. This is where the two of them first met.
At first Harmony and Acht didn't even notice each other despite Acht becoming a regular to come buy and look at weird little items. But eventually after having to check Acht out so many times she finally started to pay attention to what Acht was buying and noticed they had similar tastes. Then one day Harmony struck up a conversation with Acht and they became friends from there.
I think they are both poly and wouldn't mind if their partner dated someone else. But neither of them have another partner right now.
While they both may struggle with a lot of things they help each other out and manage to get through life ok.
It took a bit for Acht to get back to making music after getting out of the metro.
They like to watch ghibli movies while cuddling for a lot of their dates. They will watch all of them and then just start over with the first one again. I think the movies are comfort media for them. Harmony's favorite movie is Spirited Away and Acht's favorite is Kiki's Delivery Service.
Acht chills with Harmony's fish a lot i think.
Neither of them know how to cook.
Harmony leaves her work spaces very messy, but Acht keeps hers VERY neat.
Acht and Harmony both take surprisingly long to get ready and pick out outfits, but Acht takes much longer than Harmony.
They do a lot of parallel play where they just sit in silence and do their own thing.
Acht hangs out at Hotlantis with Harmony a lot and just keeps their headphones on and chills.
Acht also runs the store when Harmony isn't there.
They both listen to a lot of video game osts and it's probably what Harmony keeps playing in the store as well.
Acht has asked why Harmony doesn't stream playing games, and Harmony just doesn't wanna. She would rather just post reviews.
They swap whos the little spoon depending on the day.
Both of them have terrible sleep schedules.
The first time Acht ever saw a splatfest she was enamored, and now she makes sure to always attend the concerts. Harmony insists on keeping the store open since people are everywhere during splatfests and love to shop. But the floats come through the same streets as the shop, so Acht makes sure to pull her away to watch them at least once. And Harmony loves seeing the music as well.
Neither of them really participate in turf wars. Acht is older than most players and finds it awkward to team up with random teenagers but isn't willing to put together an official team of players her age. But she still likes to take her trusty squiffer out to the practice range to keep her skills sharp. Harmony LOVES to watch her practice.
I was about to go into a whole thing of which team they would pick for each splatfest and why, but i think thats gonna have to be later/if anyone asks for it cuz it may be too long for this post lol
so yeah ill end it there for now. they are my beloveds and i could talk about them forever so feel free to ask questions/send in suggestions/talk about how you view them
here is a goofy doodle i did in 5 mins on my laptop for compensation for reading this far:
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lostlegendaerie · 1 year
Do you have any backstories concocted for Drew?
Oh man. OH MAN. DO I EVER.
I think I talked about this on a @torchickentacos post about the Deoxys movie but let's look at what we know about Drew:
He's from LaRousse City, a movie exclusive location that's super high tech that features it's own battle tournament
He cried when he lost his first Contest (according to Solidad)
Rosalia is his first Pokemon and he gets VERY upset when any of his Pokemon are injured and generally seems to baby them (except in one instance, but we can talk about that another time)
He can put on An Obvious Show of a suave coordinator but he dislikes doing it and will drop the act around friends (Fan With A Plan, Spontaneous Combusken)
For his origin, it's such a weird contrast to have your Grass-Type Coordinator rival come from the all-robots professional battle island city. He was in the perfect environment to do Battle Frontier (is that the name?) or other similar things, but he goes clearly in the opposite direction. However, it's clearly important to him and he needles May about being nervous/gimmicky with her frisbees. Additionally, he challenges Ash to a battle (and wins) specifically to make a point about type match ups not being everything and Coordinating needing battle skills as well. Coordinating is his Pokemon Journey, and he thinks people don't take it seriously enough.
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Drew is very hard on himself, too; Solidad said he cried, but they're clearly on good terms now so he may not have been upset at her so much as upset at himself for letting his Pokemon down. He shows May a similar side by complimenting her Pokemon but reminding her that she needs to work on herself as a coordinator (specifically that her indecision will make her Pokemon confused when she's learning about combinations and that Bulbasaur doesn't listen to her very well in Fan With A Plan and shouldn't be used on stage). He also cites feeling "weak like (May)" as his reason for getting upset at Absol for not doing well. Aside from that specific instance right around a contest loss (I think) he babies his Pokemon and is very often seen treating them with Potions in background shots. He cares deeply about his Pokemon, and pushes himself very hard to do well with them.
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That being said, he dislikes being the center of attention himself. He deflects compliments and avoids signing fan-made merchandise, and is clearly uneasy around the star-struck Brianna. While he always attempts to be graceful in his interactions with fans, he can be pretty scathing when it comes to coordinators like Harley and Jessie who dress up and make themselves part of the show. (He would NEVER have survived Sinnoh Coordination) Even when giving May the roses, he downplays the act and pretends they're for her Beautifly instead for the first one and a half, slowly abandoning the pretense without ever saying it out loud. And if we pretend him never discussing Solidad to May was intentional and not sloppy writing, Drew is someone who keeps people a bit at arms reach and avoids directly being friends with anyone who hasn't fully earned his respect.
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So OVERALL I could absolutely see him having a falling out with a more Battle-focused family and leaving home with no intention of returning except to prove them wrong about Coordinating; very strong artsy son of a business-focused family energy, here, especially with Roselia. He picks a FLOWER, one that is both beautiful and dangerous, to be his partner when he leaves LaRousse. That feels spiteful and deliberate.
So that's why he's probably Ghetsis' long lost son, whose insistence of heading off on a Pokemon Journey that focuses more on peaceful displays of power than strictly combat would have influenced or been influenced by N, but the abandonment caused Ghetsis to crack down every harder on controlling his remaining child so that his company would have an heir and, failing that, fled to Unova to establish power in a different way entirely in a worst scenario Gozaburo Kaiba analogy. :)
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crystalprofessor · 7 months
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headcanon; rewriting an old one I lost in the purge. (It actually does still exist on my headcanon sideblog but it's old and stinky so we're replacing it anyway.) Battling! League Rules, Pokemon Moves, and Street Battling!
All battles fall into one of two categories: League, which is anything officially regulated by the League itself, and Street, what we as players of pokémon would refer to as random trainer encounters. At least, that's the surface level definition of it. In actuality, Street Battling is more of a subculture within pokémon trainers.
"Street Battling" as a term was coined around when the modern Pokémon League and Gym System was first established, but as it encompasses basically all battles prior to that point, it goes without saying that it had existed for about as long as people have been doing competitive pokémon battling. In fact, the League—or at least the Gym and Championship system, which we'll just assume is what I mean when I say 'League' from here on out—was sort of established in response to Street Battling.
As competitive battling became more and more popular among trainers and organized competition began to take off, the League was born out of a necessity to regulate it, mainly to mitigate possible damage and injuries to participants. These standards have changed a lot since the old days, but broadly, what they define are the limits of a battlefield, definitions of what constitutes a "legal" move, restrictions on how many pokémon could battle at a time, what counts as a pokémon being incapable of battle, and so forth. You know, sports stuff. A lot of that is self explanatory, so we're gonna focus on the one that sounds the most confusing: Moves.
"Abby, don't pokémon just Inherently Know Moves?" Well, yeah, sure, but that's abstraction for the sake of a video game. (Pokémon but with Nintendogs rules where you have to reinforce what you mean by "vine whip" by saying it into the crappy little speaker repeatedly and praying your bulbasaur understands would probably get old fast.) In reality, trainers have to... well, train their pokémon. They're all capable of doing those things, obviously, but the exact conditions and circumstances under which they use them are the matter of League regulation. Basically: you can use your bulbasaur's vines to whack the other guy's pokémon, and that's a legal move called Vine Whip, but you can't use them as a tripwire. Using Ice Beam to attack another pokémon directly is fine, but using it to create a slippery surface? Illegal until relatively recently. It also puts some limits on how intense certain moves are allowed to be, such as Earthquake, in the interest of making sure spectators and trainers don't come to any harm. (Fun fact! 'Dig' was not a legal move for a surprisingly long time. It was pretty controversial when it was finally added, but nowadays you wouldn't know as it's basically a staple.)
So, in short, the league defined a number of "legal" moves usable in official battles, mainly defined by the capabilities of pokémon native to whatever region they were regulating, so on and so forth. It was pretty rudimentary in the early days, honestly, and so it didn't really take off much at first. At least not until the League started cracking down a bit more on enforcing these regulations outside of official battles in order to normalize them. Trainers battling outside of League Facilities could be hit with strikes on their trainer cards or even fines and jail time depending on the "severity". You know, like how jaywalking was a made up crime to make cars the norm. There is something to be said for the reduction of injuries after these practices became standard, but most experts nowadays agree it was pretty excessive.
Anyway, moving on, the League Standard would eventually become the accepted norm and very rarely would you see trainers deviating from them. One vs. one battles, with a restricted selection of usable moves, limitations on how much you could alter the battlefield, and predetermined boundaries for battling within. Which, in turn, made the league way more popular, because—duh, everybody already knows the rules! It lowered the barrier to entry and made the Gym Battle a standard challenge.
But you know who hates being told what to do? That's right, punk-ass teens! Well, alright, the trainers who popularized the modern Street Battle format were not, in fact, all teens, but it was associated with that sort of counterculture in the same way skateboarding was for a long time. Trainers who were frustrated with the restrictive and oftentimes repetitive nature of League Battles would host unsanctioned tournaments with looser rules (in varying degrees), oftentimes hosted in "non-standard" battlefields, such as densely forested areas, steep cliffs, back streets, and other areas with more obstacles and challenges than the League Standard open battlefield. This counterculture of "Street Trainers," as they were called, became pretty popular, even as League regulations loosened somewhat with the advancement of research and technology.
Street Battling remains a pretty popular trainer subculture and has been able to make the move to be less "underground" in the years since it originated. While the image associated with it still tends to be reckless teens breaking the rules for fun, the Street Battle scene is actually most popular with very experienced trainers looking to shake the "meta" of what does and doesn't work in League Battles and get to test the limits of their pokémons' abilities and their own skills as a trainer. Formats like double, triple, and rotation battles were officially added to most leagues after being popularized by the Street Battling community, and several facilities, like the Battle Towers, were established by the league in an interest of catering to such trainers.
Now, most Street Battle rules are completely determined by the individuals organizing tournaments, preferences of the trainers involved, the actual limitations of where they are, etc.—but there are two pretty universally accepted rules that the community abides by.
First—don't do anything that'll get you arrested and/or killed, stupid. You'd think it would go without saying, but some people need reminding. Causing any major property damage (that you'll get caught for), trespassing in actively dangerous locations (such as active construction sites), and doing any permanent harm to the other party are all examples of taboos that most seasoned street trainers will give you the boot for. (Trespassing on the whole can be a bit controversial, but most will ignore it as long as the location is confirmed to be safe. Nobody's really going to get mad for hosting your tournament in the empty husk of an old shopping mall or something as long as you keep it subtle enough that nobody's getting caught.)
Second—the only League regulation that is universally abided by is the definition of a "faint," the point at which a pokémon is no longer fit to battle. This is because the League Standard is, 100%, a pretty thoroughly-researched safety regulation. While most pokémon can, in theory, continue battling beyond the point of a faint, they absolutely should not as it risks severe and permanent harm. This is one that, if you break, you will almost certainly immediately be ejected from the group and not welcomed back. Trainers who do this are more or less blacklisted from local Street Battling communities.
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A, W, Y (all together, or just one) for Grimsley - Pokemon? Specific game and place in timeline don't matter. Thank you!
🎉3k celebration 🎉
a - absence, what do they do when your gone? do they get lonely easy? how long does it take for them to start missing you? 
It's about a week into your trip away that your missing presence starts to weigh on Grimsley, who despite calling you as often as he can, thinks it's not the same as you being right there beside him. It's subtle when he first notices your absence, feeling as though something is missing when he walks through the front door and is greeted by silence.
It becomes painfully apparent when he goes out to try his luck, drinks too much and turns to ask you which colour you think he should bet on, and you aren't there. He's never been someone who feels loneliness easily. But as the days away from you start to increase by number, the sensation makes itself known, and he's left longing to hear your voice again, as well as everything else that follows along with it.
w - witchery, a witch casts a spell that forces them to need a kiss from who they love deeply within 24 hours or else they die, but they haven’t even confessed to you yet, what are they going to do?  
Grimsley could just ask you for a kiss, there'd be a fifty-fifty chance of your answer being yes. But if he'd been able to come to terms with those odds then he would've told you how he feels by now. And while he's always enjoyed betting it all on the line for a chance at the euphoric feeling of claiming the winnings, this is pretty extreme.
If he told you he was going to die if you didn't kiss him because there wasn't a single person out there he loved more than you, you'd laugh and think he was joking. He also gets the strangest feeling that it's not that simple, which is why he's standing at your door, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, a date planned out and a silent prayer that lady luck is on his side tonight.
y - yours, what was it like when they realised they were in love? what were they doing? how did they react? 
Grimsley lost every bet that night. Every dime in his pocket reaped by the casino. The only thing he had to show for it, a half drunk glass of whiskey he managed to smuggle on the way out. Of course that wasn't his first drink for the night, and he was hoping if he had played his cards right it wouldn't been the last. These things happen he supposed.
"Grimsley? What are you doing out here?" It was by pure chance that you happened to be on your way past that night. He sat on the curb, drink in hand, that he raised to greet you. You at that point had slowed to a complete stop. "Are you drunk?" Concern dripped from your voice, that he'd originally dismissed.
"This is only my first drink." His words were slurred greater than he anticipated, which allowed you to quickly catch on to the fact that he had just lied. You offered to take him home, only for him to smirk. "I didn't take you for someone bold enough to invite yourself over." Normally his flirting would fluster you, but in that moment it caused you to frown.
"I'm not. But I'm bold enough to care about your safety and make sure you get home safe." A piece of information that at that point he knew. It hadn't been the first time you'd dragged him home, it had been a task of greater difficulty back when you had begun taking him home. But in that moment all it took was the worry on your features to sober him up enough to accept your offer.
It was as you were taking him home, that he thought about all the nights he stumbled around alone trying to make it back on his own, not concerned about his safety in slightest. But there you were, scolding him for being so reckless, his chest swelled with warmth with every worry you shared about him.
It's a strange routine when you drag him home. Where you place him down on the couch because he refuses to go to bed, claiming he'll stay up longer. You roll your eyes, fetch a blanket, leave a glass of water and headache meds on the table next him before telling him goodnight heading on your own way home.
Unlike all other times where he fell asleep instantly, that time he did stay awake. Images of you laughing at his drunken antics, or smiling when he meets up with you the next day to take you out for lunch as thanks for helping him out, the looks of concern, the soft goodnights right after reminding him to call you in the morning, all of them made his heart race. And it dawned on him in that moment, he loved you.
He didn't know how to react, eyes staring up in the ceiling, pounding heart drowning out all thoughts, except those of you. Only coming to a single conclusion, he'll think about it when he's sober.
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sparkykitsune · 10 months
Paldea League explanation time
Might as well go into an explanation ramble about my picks for the Paldean league here! I did on AO3 but gonna mostly crosspost this here cause I feel like it.
Katy - grizzly bear This is a pretty obvious one. Considering she has a bug tera Teddiursa/Ursaring (because bears are often depicted as honey lovers in media), it makes sense why I'd make her a bear. Katy's also like a sweet momma bear in terms of her personality (not unlike another trainer here in Paldea, who is also a momma bear in terms of her personality, but more formidable, in this AU).
Brassius - serval I was just gonna make him an ocelot (because jungle cat) when he was first revealed in the trailer, but I kinda eventually wanted to make him part serval too, because servals have cute ears that I wanted to draw. Then I didn't really think he looked like a ocelot anymore, so I just made him a regular serval (yes, I'm aware servals are from the savannah, not the jungle/rainforest). He also jumped down from a windmill on his feet, hence the saying a cat always lands on its feet.
Iono - ragamuffin calico cat Iono just screams "cat girl" energy to me. Originally drew her as a pale orange and white cat, but I hated the design I did. So I went with a dilute calico to match her two toned hair, with one side of her fur being gray and the other half being pale orange. I also realized I unintentionally made a pun on cation.
Kofu - walrus Was gonna make him a hybrid between a walrus and a sea otter but last second, I just made him a walrus because the ears looked weird. I kinda went a bit half baked on the thought process of this, but I think he'd be a jolly old walrus, even if walruses are pretty territorial in real life. Also, first time I've drawn a walrus.
Larry - gray wolf Furry analysis thing. Wolves are like one of the most (if not the most) common species for a fursona. Larry may be a basic salaryman, but we all love him for that. Gave Larry some rather basic markings (gray fur, light gray markings on the snout, limbs, stomach and ear insides, and a black tipped tail; I know adult wolves don't have blue eyes but it's not uncommon to see wolf fursonas with blue eyes) for an average wolf to go with his theme. Larry's also almost always hungry, so I could say he's hungry like a wolf. Another point I initially forgot to add is that Larry's really popular among Pokemon fans, reminds me of how the furry fandom just goes bonkers whenever the media releases a new wolf character (*looks over at Legoshi, Mr. Wolf, and Death*).
Ryme - red fox So, this is a slight headcanon-ish thing that I've "dropped"/"forgotten about". Fox Ryme still works, cause she has a Houndstone, the fox and the Houndstone. I just think she'd be a fox, it just comes naturally to me (the urge to add a fox every time).
Tulip - leopard Okay so this is a questionable one. When I first saw Tulip's design, she instantly reminded me of Clawroline from Kirby and the Forgotten Land and I can't really shake that off, which is the reason why she looks like Clawroline in my AU. Also, the area around Alfornada is kinda like a savannah, and Tulip does have an Espartha on her team, which is technically an ostrich, another savannah animal.
Grusha - siberian husky Again, a pretty obvious one. All the ice type specialists (that I know of) in this Pokemon AU are all animals that originate from/inhabit places from, yet it took me this long to make an ice type specialist a husky in my AU. Also, those icy blue eyes of his are too hard to pass for a husky.
Rika - egyptian mau/sand cat mix This was a neat design to do. This design was pulled out randomly because I do have this headcanon that she's Falkner's older cousin (Falkner in this AU is an egyptian mau cat). She's also part sand cat to tie in with her being a ground type specialist. She mostly just looks your average spotted tabby though.
Poppy - raccoon When I saw her, I was instantly like "OMG, she's so adorable, she's my favourite character in this game" (no matter what everyone else says). Raccoons are my second favourite animal, but I didn't really think Poppy's design would translate well into a fox, so I went with a raccoon instantly because of her silver clothing and black hair gave off raccoon fur vibes. Raccoons allegedly like shiny objects, and Poppy has a giant key around her neck, so a perfect match. I could really just go on about this design choice, but I'd rather not make it too long or too deep. I didn't initially notice this at first but I found out that Poppy's giant key is actually a purse that she stores candy in, raccoons for sure have a sweet tooth as well.
Hassel - st bernard/golden retriever mix His hair colour reminds of a golden retriever but his face kinda reminds me of a st bernard. I'd definitely imagine a happy Hassel to be a blubbering and slobbering dog (st bernards drool a lot) in my AU, and I'd say both breeds would match him nicely.
Geeta - bobtail tortoiseshell cat I was gonna make her a bombay (black) cat initially, but I chose a tortoiseshell last minute, I'm not sure why, probably just to try and match her design more, I don't know to be honest. I eventually thought of the bobtail since I like the idea of Iono, Rika and Geeta being the three cats of the Paldea league (cause Brassius and Tulip aren't domestic cats), and them having a different vibe to them, with Iono being fluffy with a bushy tail, Rika being sleeker with a sleek tail, and Geeta kinda being inbetween with a cute little bobtail.
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lollitree · 2 years
Your tags under the pokemon poll are SO TRUEE and it hurts how many people dont understand that
I grew up in the change from pixel art to 3D and have nostalgia for bw, xy AND sm. So i think because of that, I can see the good and bad in all the games but don't feel like any of them 'peaked''. They're all different games, so they are really hard to compare.
On a related note tho, its so sad to see so many fans praise one of my childhood games and not the others. And like, I get it because gen 5 is more similar to what they grew up with.....but every time I say I love xy, sm and even swsh i get told they are terrible and usually imply that I shouldnt like them :/
That only happens online, though......irl all the fans ive met, no matter their ages, just say something like 'i didnt like it, but i'm glad you did!'. Growing up in irl fan spaces and having to move online during corona was AN EXPERIENCE omg
Yeah! It's super interesting how much we are affected by nostaglia.
There's usually a pattern you can notice with this stuff too. There are two lines that go up as time goes on. The one everyone talks about as being great and the newer one people hate on, usually to do with nostalgia of the now older original audience of the game.
My full reply got long so putting it under a read more skfjsh
My first Pokemon game was Colosseum, so gen 2/3 pokemon and gen 3 sound effects are pretty nostalgic to me.
Then I grew up mostly playing Diamond/Platinum/PMD2/Ranger2. I LOVED Team Galactic. I restarted the games so many times just so I could play through the story again with Cyrus and the Galactic Grunt theme. (I have also played through pmd2 many many times). I remember in my early teens seeing people on the internet hating on DPPt a lot and it making me sad. I recall someone saying that the gen 4 Pokemon sucked and I remember thinking "aw I guess they're right, some of these pokemon are really boring or annoying" and then I learned later that the pokemon I was thinking of were all gen 1 pokemon sdfkjsh
Gen 5 was hated when it first came out because it wasn't very fun for new players. I bet it also didn't help that the advertising for B2W2 was pretty poor and also came out after the 3DS did. I didn't even know it was a sequel until years later. That's why they went in the complete opposite direction for gen 6, and added gimmicks!
I have heard multiple people call the designs from gen 5 horrible over the years (And they're all wrong). Those comments are nowhere NEAR as frequent now, but they almost always come from people with nostalgia for the ones they grew up with.
I was 13 when BW first came out. I think I've only beaten it once, MAYBE twice. I'm not entirely sure why, because I was still replaying DPPt a lot. I would guess it's because the game is super linear in terms of gameplay and every playthrough will start exactly the same. You don't really get to make decisions on your team and how you play until later. Kid me loved the beginning of the main pokemon games the most because they were the most fun bits to play usually. So I suppose when you've already played it once, the beginning becomes quite boring.
And to compare. I did not like XY when it first came out. I was 16 and very against change and also my fav types at the time were dark and dragon so fairy type was the worst thing ever. I said previously that I really liked Team Galactic, so Team Flare was just a bootleg version of them to me. BUT I did immediately replay the game when I finished it. The character customisation plus the huge dex gives the game a lot of replayability. Because while I didn't like a lot about the game it was still fun to play, and it was the first time online was really accessible to me. I went back to 2013/2014 on my blog and there's SO much positivity about the game it's amazing! Over time people only remembered the bad parts and started hating it. I bet there'll be an influx of nostalgia for it before long. We can even see it in the hope people have for SV having Kalos DLC.
I need to replay sun/moon or play USUM because in my brain currently it sucks. But I'm very aware that that's because I only played it once, it's been years, and I played it when I started to grow out of Pokemon. So I'm excited to play it again now that I can appreciate it better. (Also the Sun/Moon anime is my fav so I have a lot of love for the characters now)
And finally, I loved SWSH! I didn't finish it the first time I tried to play it. Mostly because I spent HOURS trying to get a shiny hatenna before doing the fire gym skdfjhs. But then I SPED through the game with a bug type only run before Legends came out and I really enjoyed the story! One of those things that's more enjoyable if you're only focused on enjoying the story (and playing the game through with a joltik as the lead and trying to make sure they stay strong enough to beat the game with pfft) Also Leon was the first ever Champion I actually thought was cool and enjoyed seeing while playing the game (as ridiculous as his outfit is)
If I were to logically plot out the best for me based on how nostalgia works and taking into consideration that public opinion ABSOLUTELY influences me. I would have said BW was the best and XY(or SM) was the downfall, even though I had way more fun playing XY than BW as a kid
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actualbird · 1 year
Before the actual ask, i have a suggestion: maybe add some general non-tot asks/req rules? bc i'm writing this rn like "this may be uncomfortable but i don't want to make you uncomfortable but i don't know if it will make you uncomfortable but-" 😭😭😭
now um, my ask:
i'm currently getting struck by gender dysphoria at very random moments and i don't like it. thing is, i don't know what my gender might be since it goes both ways and I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind sharing: how did you figure out you're trans?
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hi anon!!! lemme go thru this one by one but first, i wanna preface everything with: dont worry, none of this makes me uncomfortable and you said nothing wrong. theres nothing here that cause for panic on ur end, it's alright, ur alright :D
okay so
on general non-tot asks/req rules:
i do have these rules!! theyre just not as Many as my tot-specific ones, but on my rules page u'll find these in the 2nd section :D
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theyre like, reaaaaally general but the overall rule for all other asks is basically "be nice, i cant read tone well, and dont spam" so no worries, ur all good. i dont wanna make these rules any more specific because everything else seems like a case to case basis yknow
and now to the bulk of my answer
on trans stuff:
short answer on how i found out i was trans: it made me happy. god, it made me so happy and it makes me happy to this day.
long answer: come with me, anon, through my gender journey through the years....JKSDHVFKJSDHVKFSD
ok so for the longest time i knew i wasnt completely woman aligned in the gender department. like, from ages 14-20 i had identified as a bunch of different genders. first i identified as bigender, then i backpedaled and went back to just having "she/her" in my bio because i had a Moment Of Panic wondering "no no the Genders are for people who Really Truly Identify (whatever that means) and i shouldnt co-opt these terms because im not even sure what i am!! im not allowed to identify as bigender until i really figure it out!!*", and then for a while i identified as nonbinary, and then the pandemic happened which i think hilariously due to the lockdowns had the cool side effect of many people figuring out Personal Things and at some point in 2021 i was like ".....hey im a guy, actually. it makes me happy to be a guy"
*sidenote 1: this "but am i allowed to?" worry is a common thing i see a lot from other people also going through their journey of questioning their gender, and i wanna talk about it specifically later on in this response, but bACK ON TOPIC FIRST---
sidenote 2: yes, like a pokemon trainer, i have collected the three starter pronouns. she, they, and he. KJHAVFLASVFALSJK
backtracking through the other genders i had identified as, i'd chosen them all at the time for similar reasons: joy. i identified as bigender because i felt recognized for the first time, an identity where i could be both feminine and masculine. i identified as nonbinary because i adored the comfort of that freedom and that fluidity. i identify as a trans guy now because i realized that i can find joy in being a guy and still enjoy expression of "non-guy" things because guys who like pink and frilly fashion and plushies is still a valid and real type of guy, it's the type of guy i am. and these are more on the positive markers of gender expression, the opposite of gender dysphoria: gender euphoria, the happiness when gender stuff feels just right
btw, you are indeed using the term gender dysphoria correctly. that simply pertains to any kind of distress or upsetness due to gender things Not feeling right. within that definition, theres no requirement for you Already Having To Identify to use it, because otherwise thatd mean anybody who found out they were trans only after experiencing gender dysphoria was using it incorrectly, which seems rather silly. and even if the definition Did have that requirement.......who cares? JKHDFVSKDJHFVKSD i mean that in the most genuine and sincere way ever, because so long as it is harming nobody, who cares what word you use? sure, a Bunch of people care actually, and a bunch of people will pitch a fit policing on being allowed to use certain gender words and whatnot. but in general ive taken to trying to remember that like.....gender stuff is a Personal thing. it is the business of the Person Themselves, as it is our identity. it is up to us to define it, to explore it, to make our own choices on it. and well....generally, people who think your expression is any of their business is, at best, nosy, or at worse, a bigot.
i went on a tangent there sorry VSDFLJBFL, but my point is dont worry, youre using the term right. if youre feeling Not Good because something about The Genders doesnt fit, yeah thats dysphoria. and im so so sorry youre experiencing this, because it sucks
i said before that my main marker for realizing gender stuffs was the presence of a positive emotion, instead of the presence of a negative one. but i also experienced gender dysphoria, it just wasnt as big of a thing in my own journey. for me, it was less of a wrongness and more of a vague...discomfort. like wearing shoes that dont fit. it's fine some days but other days i couldnt stand it but my legs still work and i was much more focused on the times i Did find figurative shoes that fit immensely well.
.....oh something i think that wld be important for me to mention is that i kinda....somehow always knew i was of Another Gender. but i kept hesitating and kept backtracking because, kinda like what you say, it went both ways for me
im a guy. but i also really liked things that are traditionally seen as feminine, i still do. ive got a closet full of lolita fashion dresses, mixed in with the ridiculous amounts of plaid shirts ive got. throughout my life, i was never really regarded as masculine by other people, more often i was seen by others as some kind of manic pixie androgynous being. and these things, they made me hesitate. how can i be a guy if so much of who i am is seen by others as Not-Guy stuff?
well, eventually it's cuz i figured that what others think should have nothing to do with who i am and who i choose to be. relating back to what i said about Genders being a personal thing yknow. why was i so worried about what other people thought of a thing that only concerned me?
yknow one of the most gender affirming experiences ive ever had in my life was back was i was in college. i was just going out and about for a group work thing, and the classmates along with me were rowdy manly cisguys and i was feeling low and it showed, i was all meek and sad and shit. and then this lady came up to me, and i didnt get to know if she was a transwoman or a femme presenting gay man, but she sat with me and chatted with me and eventually she asked
(this convo happened in filipino but roughly translated it went)
her: do you want to be a boy?
me: yes (i answered so instinctively. at the time, i was identifying as nonbinary, but she asked a question and i gave my honest answer. yes. yes i did.)
her: well, youre very handsome! youre more handsome than any of them //gestures at the cisguy classmates
and that stucks with me to this day. another queer person asking Me what I Wanted, and affirming that. didnt matter that i looked like how i looked, that i obviously wasnt as objectively or normatively masculine as the cismen around us. what mattered was what i wanted, and i was handsome for it, and that was that.
after that we just talked about pop music, but i felt so good the rest of the day
now...on the unwritten question here of "how do you (as in, anon, or any other reader out there) know you're trans (or any kind of other gender designation)?" or if you already know you are some other gender, how do you figure it out? who do you ask?:
im sorry for how cheesy or seemingly unhelpful what im going to say next is, but i cannot stress how crucial it is: the only person who can ever answer these is You. ask yourself what makes you happy, what would alleviate your discomfort, what would cause comfort, what youre drawn to, etc.
but if i can give any unsolicited advice on that....itd be to make sure that the person youre asking, the person who is giving the answer, is really You. not the thoughts or opinions of other people, not the rules of what is considered 'norm', not the fears or the worries circling around the question, dont ask those things dont find the answer in those things. the person to give the answers is You.
and btw!! You can change sometimes. and sometimes your answer can change too, and thats okay if ever that happens. all my prior answers to this question changed in through life, and it doesnt mean any of my prior answers were wrong (sans the time i backpedaled, because then i wasnt getting the answer from Me, i was getting the answer from Worries). it just meant that those were the answers for Me when i was at that stage of my life.
tldr: i figured out i was trans because it made me so damn happy to be and also because i stopped giving a shit about what other people thought
i hope this response makes sense and that theres something in here that can help you out. im wishing you the best, anon <3
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It should also be taken into account that, although you do fetch quests for a lot of the villagers, most of them don't actually know you at all. You're out of the village the vast majority of the time, and when you're not a lot of time is spent with the other survey corp members doing your job, so it's not as if you have the option of sitting down with most of them and actually forming bonds. I think the people you give pokemon to are more inclined to trust and like you, just on account of forming at the very least working relationships with pokemon, so you're likely at least moderately less intimidating to them. You also tend to talk to them more, like the people in the field, the lady you give the geodude to, and the wurmple guard dude, so they get a better sense of you. But for most of the villagers, including Kamado? It's a very distant relationship, and that makes it very easy for rumors to spread. And with so few people actually knowing and trusting you, there's not a lot of pushback and what there is isn't very effective.
It's unfair, and the people who know you know that it's unwarranted, but most of the people don't. You're mysterious and kind of scary, and yeah you're helpful, but there are probably rumors that you've been suspiciously helpful, and you're not there enough for long enough to dispel their worries. Which sucks, and it's painful to work so hard and still be met with distrust, especially when they do kind of like you and don't really want you to be hurt but even still don't want you there in case you prove to be dangerous to them. Like they like you, but if it's you or them then it's gonna be them every time, because as it is you're not worth the risk. It's better than outright maliciousness, but I do think that it probably made the betrayal hurt worse than if they had always hated you and treated you badly. Like you know most of your bullies don't like you, but if you think they're your friend before they tell you they never actually liked them nearly as much as you like them, that kind of betrayal cuts so deep.
Which actually makes it kind of strange to me that more people don't hate Volo with the same fervor that they do Kamado, since he actively manipulated you by trying to be your friend, for genuinely malicious purposes. Maybe it's because Kamado made it seem like if you worked hard enough, did what he wanted without complaint, and were well behaved and helpful, that there'd be a home for you, only to sweep the rug out from under you? Which likely speaks to a lot of peoples' parental trauma/issues. Probably also helps that Volo has pretty privilege lol
more seriously though i do think there's something to be said for the way that kamado is like, very stern but also very willing to praise you for the things you do well. he has no problem saying that you're skilled, hard-working, etc etc. when it comes up. so it does feel like you are slowly winning him over, and if you just keep trying you can get into his good graces—aaaand then you get the complete polar opposite instead. which IS probably more of a rug-pull than volo's, bc you were actually working for it, and engaged in it. there's also the fact that kamado's betrayal has material repercussions for the player, and the game goes to lengths to spell that out, while volo's... doesn't so much? it just sort of happens and then you clean it up nigh immediately and then basically never see volo again. which probably also contributes to the disproportionate reactions, since i think ppl react more strongly to the one that is, well, emphasized more.
besides that tho. YEAH YEAH FOR SURE, everything you said abt the ppl in jubilife not knowing the protag very well. i mean ymmv since i think there's a lot of room to hc or imagine that the protag is spending more time in jubilife (and hisui in general) than you necessarily playthrough in the game, but the game is VERY fast-paced in terms of the depicted time that's passing (what, like, 2 weeks, maybe?) so if you take it as written you really don't get hardly any opportunity to get to know people in jubilife outside the survey corps. a big part of it IS probably also "i'll just keep my head down," like the more neutral people just going ahead and agreeing with the more extreme opinions bc it's better safe than sorry, right?
this is tangential but this whole convo really does reinforce that the survey corps IS, like, the protag's closest circle. cyllene, laventon, and the counterpart really are the ones who know you so much better than anyone else. they're essentially the polar opposite of the general jubilife opinion. like there are the clan leaders and wardens, obvi, but they're also partially motivated by believing that you're gonna fix the sky. cyllene i really don't think her primary motivation (or like, a thing that contributed any motivation at all) was her going "ok i'm gonna send you support so you fix the sky faster." like that feels silly even just typing it, no, she went out of her way to help you as soon as she got the chance just bc she was worried about you! and all three of them, their dialogue seeing you off AND when you return makes it clear that they were all fretting over you the whole time you were gone. surveyfam moments
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citytrialost · 9 months
random game superlatives for 2023
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I just wanted a space to talk about the games that were special to me. I'll be updating it now and then, and even when finished will not be removing my Geocities Under Construction gifs.
game of the year - Pizza Tower, and it's not even close. I can't believe we got just a blisteringly fast platformer with this level of animation and such an incredible soundtrack. It is one of the best handling platformers I've ever played and it just lends itself to wanting to master the gameplay like nothing else.
mod of the year - Archipelago! Archipelago hosts cross-game randomizers for you and your friends. Want to play Pokemon Emerald while your friend plays Kingdom Hearts 2? Great! Instead of a gym badge, Norman gives Donald the ability to shoot lightning out of his ass (I don't play KH2) while your Surf HM is in some random treasure chest in their game. It really is incredible being able to play your favorite single player games with the goal of helping your friends progress. The game list is still growing, too, so definitely worth keeping tabs on.
weird game that heals my soul in the way that only something like Katamari could manage of the year - HUMANITY. Not a surprise coming from the devs of Tetris Effect, HUMANITY is just a fun, surreal experience where you play a shiba that tries to guide a crowd of people that at best behave like liquid and have a propensity for running off cliffs. I haven't finished the game yet, but it's been a beautiful experience that I've been saving for whenever life gets too stressful.
genre twist of the year - Your Only Move is Hustle (FKA YOMI Hustle). A turn-based fighting game experience that emulates fighting games so well I still panic at the exact same spots in the neutral whether it is YOMI or a traditional fighter. It's a time consuming and stressful experience, but still very rewarding when you have a good friend to play with. Also a decent Discord scene from what I hear. Also fuck it, YOMI gets fighting game of the year.
Spiritfall gets honorable mention here as a platform fighter roguelike. Honestly feels like a decent blend of floaty platform fighting and Hades. A lot of fun, and the dev team have been both openly communicating and updating the game frequently.
best character of the year - AKI (Street Fighter 6). Fighting games have such little room to add personality, but Capcom stepped their game up with SF6. AKI is just as weird and quirky as FANG (SFV), but a lot more sadistic. The added quirk of idolizing FANG goes a long way to giving her some fun flavor. I'm already biased towards characters with a poison archetype, but AKI is just fun in a "this character is delusional beyond saving" sort of way.
best game released from early access of the year - 30XX. It is a great roguelike that builds on 20XX in just about every way possible. It's improved graphically, in terms of gameplay, challenge, overall design. If 20XX asks "what if Mega Man was a roguelike?" then 30XX confidently tells you "Mega Man works as a roguelike." Fun solo, way better with co-op.
best 7/10 of the year - Exoprimal. Saw this concept trending and I think it's a great way to highlight an overlooked title this year. Among huge Capcom news like SF6 and a newly announced Monster Hunter, "what if Dino Crisis but it's a co-op hero shooter with muddled PvPvE and PvP modes" really doesn't stand out. Maybe it would have as a budget title, given how much it popped off on Game Pass. Regardless, the game was a lot of fun. I finished it's campaign, did a few of the challenge maps, found characters and archetypes I liked, and even had the familiar/classic TF2 "our team has four snipers, would somebody like to play a different class" conundrum. I'm glad I spent as much time on it as I did, and I hope I feel motivated to give it another run while it's still active.
best return to form - Armored Core VI. I honestly never thought we'd get another one of these. Waited a decade, and after the runaway success of the Souls series I never thought I'd get a new one. Some things have changed, but from the first mission I felt like I was a kid with a PS2 playing Silent Line all over again. Honestly got emotional from the nostalgia. Still need to finish the game, but I waited eleven years to play it so the game can wait a few months for me to get through it.
game that refuses to die award - Grim Dawn. Normally this game has a fixed statue of Terraria in its place, but after a huge community patch and the reveal of an entire expansion one or two years after claiming the game was dead, Crate Entertainment have given a seven year old game something new to look forward to.
Runner up goes to Killer Instinct. So happy for the sickos in the community that wouldn't let it stay dead, and even a balance patch is more than I expected. Had so much fun getting to see it at Evo. Fuck Rash lmao
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lackuraphi · 1 year
Angel wings au)Chapter 18:Brothers Fight
The brothers started fighting.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Hisui is modern in this au
Content Warning:violent, blunt weapons, sharp objects, character gets a mentally unstable, character almost committed immorality, offensive words
Brothers can fight a few times in their lives. They can fight because they can't always think alike. Even brothers who are close enough to show perfect cooperation can fight. This is because they can't always think the same. It is perfectly natural for brothers to fight each other like this.
The same goes for brothers who used to be on good terms but have fallen out for various reasons. —————————————
Ingo flew over Unova with a serious look on his face that he would no longer back down, and that he would surely stop his twin brother Emmet, who is on the rampage as a member of Team Plasma, and lead him to the right path
'Oh Dear..! As Volo told me, there are so many black angels all over Unova..!'
Ingo was looking down from the sky for a Emmet who would be behaving like them among the black angels who were breaking things and attacking the angels.
'Where is Emmet… Emmet, where are you… I don't know what he's doing right now… I'm really worried…' "There's a guardian angel!" "Ha! You troublesome guardian angels! They keep appearing!" 'I apologize to the black angels who stand in my way. I have no choice but to attack them…!'
And he calmly attacked the black angels who came to him with Holly weapon, and at the same time thought of the place where Emmet was likely to be.
"…sorry!" "Ahhh!!!!" "Ugh!" "What… What!? That guardian angel! He seems to be spaced out, but he wasn't at all…!" "watch out!" "ugh..! I let my guard down! ahh!"
Ingo, who was flying in the sky, knocking down the black angels like that, finally came up with a possible place for Emmet.
Screams of workers, Depot Agents, Railfans and villagers were echoing in Anville Town. "Help! Black angels attacked us!!!" "Be quiet!" "Ahhhhh!" Black angels also invaded Anville Town. Black angels began to threaten people there as well, and break things, especially trains that had stopped. "AHHHH!! HELP ME!!!!" "Stop!! Please stop it!!!" "Rather attack me than break the trains!" "NO!!! The Wi-Fi Train, a fast long-distance high-speed train with Our engineers' spirits, is on the verge of breaking down..!" "Anyone please help us!!!!!" Even Anville Town, located in a remote location, could not avoid a raid by black angels. Although Anville Town is located in a remote location and has fewer black angels than in other areas, the angels living there, in large or small numbers, were horrified by the black angels. "Please don't break that single train! The train is the oldest one to run here!!!" "Please don't break the new train too! It's the full of the latest technologies that have just been created!!" Still, some angels threw themselves to no avail to defend the trains that were precious next to or more than their own lives. "You can build another train anyway, right?" "Let's turn them into scrap metal!" "STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!" "SILENCE!" "AHHHHH!!" "They risk their lives to protect this kind of train, this village is really only eccentric angels." "Let's ignore the eccentric angels over there and break them down!" "Ah Hahaha! Let's make scrap metal!!" Even in the ruthless danger of these black angels, the angels of Anville Town were hopeful. "You… you guys! If Subway Bosses find out that you are breaking trains, they will scold you!" "Subway Bosses?" "…Although one of them is busy with guardian angels and the other said he would take a break from work, he has not been able to contact me until now.. But! Subway Bosse will come to scold you Team Plasma!" Then they heard familiar voices in the mess.
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"Does that Subway Boss mean me?" "Subway Boss Emmet!?" Emmet was among the crowd in a gray coat, taking off Team Plasma's hat in this mess. And the people of Anville Town, including Depot Agents, who were relieved to see Emmet, asked Emmet for help, provoking the Black Angels. "Emmet! You're here to save us!" "Hahaha! You'd better surrender now! Because Subway Boss Emmet is here!" But Emmet was not here to save the angels. "Wrong. I'm not here to save you." "….What?" "Emmet, what are you saying?" "I am Emmet. I'm here to destroy you disgusting people." Emmet came to attack angels, including Depot Agents, who had openly ignored him when he was working alone without Ingo. "Hey Emmet! let's attack! right now!" "This is a remote village, so even guardian angels wouldn't know!" "Here! Emmet! Here's your weapon!" "Thank you. As soon as I heard the speech, I flew away and couldn't take my weapon." Emmet, who received the train sign Team Plasma Grunt threw at him, began to threaten the terrified angels with a creepy, mad smile. "Emmet…? What are you doing now..?" "I am Emmet. and I am verrrrry Angry." Emmet began swinging wildly at the angels with a sign he was holding.
The conscience that remained deep in Emmet's heart carefully asked Emmet, who was walking to his childhood home.
'Emmet…? You're just going to say hello to your parents, right? Is that right? I hope that's the truth…' 'Yup. I'm just going to say hello to my parents.'
Conscience hoped Emmet would not cross the yellow line.
"Phew… I'm so glad…" 'I'm going to say goodbye to them one last time.' 'What?! No! Please don't!' 'No.'
But Emmet had already crossed the yellow line and stood on the track below the platform.
Emmet knocked on the door of the house with the sign in his hand. And his parents opened the door.
"Emmet…? Is that you?" "Yup. Mom. Dad. It's me, Emmet." "Emmet! oh! Emmet! It's really you…!" "Mom. Dad. I verrrrry missed you." "Emmet…! In the meantime, we were worried because we didn't hear from you…" 'Liars. You didn't worry about me, actually.' "But we're glad you're safe!" 'Liars. You didn't want me to be safe, actually.' "It's dangerous outside. Come inside." "My son..You must have had a hard time.. You really seem to have starved…." 'Liars. It's actually just a formality.'
The moment Emmet tried to strike his parents at the front door, holding up the sign he was hiding behind his back…
Something flew in at high speed from somewhere and pushed Emmet, who was standing outside the front door.
"Emmet! What are you doing now!!!" "Cough! Cough! Gurrrrghh! Disgusting worst hypocrite…!" "Do you know what you're trying to do now???" "Shut up hypocrite! I don't know that!"
It was Ingo who pushed Emmet.
Ingo held his arms hard on top of the fallen Emmet, overpowering Emmet to keep him from attacking. And Ingo's face was full of anger.
"Ahhh!!! It hurts! It hurts!!! Stop it! Please stop it! Owwwgh!!!! My arms! It hurts! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!" "How dare you attack our parents! You really crossed the yellow line this time! Emmet! I cannot forgive you as a twin brother!" "…don't pretend to be my twin brother! I told you! you and I are enemies forever! We're not brothers! We're enemies! Ouch! It hurts!" "Be quiet Emmet! Our brother's relationship cannot be broken easily!" "Ugh…! You mean you're going to help me as a twin brother now? You are so disgusting! You worst hypocrite, Ingo!"
Confused by this sudden situation, the parents called Ingo, who was overpowering Emmet.
"…Ingo?!" "Ingo! What are you doing to Emmet!" "And what do you mean by Emmet trying to attack us! What else do you mean you're a hypocrite!" "Father! Mother! I don't have time to explain to you right now! This is a very dangerous situation! Please close all entrances and evacuate quickly to a safe place like a basement!" "But if we lock all the doors, you and Emmet…" "Don't worry about me, lock all the entrances and exit and evacuate quickly to the basement! Please! Father! Mother!" "Oh… Right! Ingo!"
The parents of the brothers were forced to close the door to Ingo's desperate shout. Emmet used this brief moment to push Ingo, who was pressing his arms, threw off his grey coat and revealed his Team Plasma Grunts outfit. And he put the Grunt hat back on his head, which he had tucked in his pants pocket.
"I warned you one last time. If you come back to Unova. If I see that disgusting image in front of my eyes. And if you interrupt our Team Plasma. I’m gonna kill you!" "I know your warning. Come to think of it, I told you this at that time. I won’t be easily beaten either!”
The brothers began to fight fiercely in earnest. They fought fiercely, wielding their weapons against each other. They fought furiously, to the extent that the black angels who were storming Anville Town became frightened and fled elsewhere. The brothers fought fiercely, flying from place to place in Unova.
Let's change the viewpoint to Virbank City Bianca had a green prop sword, Cheren had a blue one, and Hilda had a red one, so they left the prop room where they had been hiding for days wearing protective gear, including helmets, and confidently tried to fight the black angels. (Nate and Rosa were still hiding in the prop room.)
"Hey! You! Black angels! How dare you cancel Roxie's concert!" "Hilda. It's not important that Roxie's concert was canceled." "But those hard-won tickets have become useless pieces of paper!" "Does the concert matter now? It is more important that the black angels attacked the angels!" "Ah…anyway! Hey! you! black angels! You'd better be careful! We now have weapons like you! And We will fight you back with this!!"
But the swords that the Hilda group had were fake weapons used for filming, so they all broke while blocking blunt weapons wielded by the Black Angels.
"Kikiki! You stupid little angels!" "You are much weaker than us!" "Oh No! our weapons are broken all!" "Ahh!!! What should we do???" "Kel, kel, be prepared to fall down, weak angel kids!" "Don't worry, I'll put you to sleep quickly and comfortably forever." "Knock it off!" "I told you.. There’s no way we can fight the black angels.." "Should I throw a sword handle at least..?!" Oh please Hilda! This situation is not a game!" "Huuuuh….Cheren….." "Shut up kids!" "Aaah! Help me!!!"
At that moment, a black angel woman in a black dress and wide-brimmed black hat overpowered the black angels who were trying to attack Hilda's party with a pink umbrella in the form of Black Tortoise like a spring breeze.
"No way! Black angels attack black angels!" Ah- I haven't swung a Holly Weapon in a really long time and I'm glad my skills aren't rusty." "Who are you..?"
"I was God's Crows, I mean guardian angel Now I'm just Cogita, the head of Hisui's Black Angels."
Her name was Cogita.
Following Cogita, Apprenticeships Rei and Akari followed her, attacking black angels with Holly Weapon. Cogita was a helper with Rei and Akari.
"Wow! Ms. Cogita! You've already knocked them all down at once!" "Thanks to the three brave angels standing there, who let the black angels off guard." "I see! Angels! Thank you for your cooperation!" "Oh..Ehehehehe, heh…."
Hilda and her party were so confused about the situation.
"By the way, what's going on at the moment! A black angel is attacking black angels with an umbrella and a black angel is a guardian angel???" "It's very confusing, isn't it? Don't worry. We're confused, too." "Rei! Black angels are coming from over there again!" "OK Akari! I'll get ready! Oh, you guys need to evacuate to a safe place! It's very dangerous here!"
Hilda and her party went back into the prop room and hid themselves.
And coincidentally, Ingo and Emmet, who were flying around Unova and fighting each other, were also in Virbank City. (Exactly, they just crashed into Virbank City.)
"Ingo?!" "Why are you coming out from there Ingo?" “That man is the guardian angel Volo told me about, named Ingo.” "And that black angel looks like Ingo!" "Is he the doppelganger of Ingo that Melli was talking about?" ""Ingo's doppelganger?" "Melli told me before… Watch out! Rei! There's an enemy behind you!" "Oops! It was a good chance to defeat the traitor… Ouch!" "I wasn't on your side from the beginning! Rather, I was mentally damaged because of you!" "Argh! Arrows are pouring down like rain!!" "Rei… You must have been under a lot of stress…" "The reason I was deported was because of Team Plasma! Ahhhhh! Take this and reflect on yourself!!"
The brothers were busy fighting each other, despite the chaos of Rei firing arrows at Team Plasma Grunts. The brothers couldn't care less about the eyes of the people around them. The brothers their weapons at each other. The brothers even punched each other and occasionally kicked. There was a lot of dust around the brothers. So no one approached the brothers, regardless of whether they were allies or enemies.
"I'll make a mess of that blunt face of yours!" "Try it if you can! Emmet!" "Don't call my name in that disgusting voice!" "No! Emmet!" "Gurrrrghh..! I’m gonna kill you!!!" "I will definitely block you as your twin brother!!!"
Cogita, who watched the brothers fight for a while, felt sorry for the brothers.
"Ah… I'm sorry to hear that.. There must have been a time when the two of them were in harmony." "Is that black angel Ingo's brother?" "Melli says he's Ingo's doppelganger." "He is not a doppelganger. They are unmistakable brothers." "What?! No way!" "How do you know that?" "I can tell right away. I see in their movements that they have no intention of truly killing each other." "oh….."
Even at this moment, the black angels thought Cogita had let her guard down and approached quietly from behind without her knowing, but Cogita easily hit them back with an umbrella-shaped Holly Weapon.
"Akari and Rei. Even now, enemies are coming from all directions. So you must always be prepared for battle." "Right! Ms. Cogita!" "I See!"
Rei and Akari attacked Team Plasma Grunts under Cogita's command.
Meanwhile, the brother's fight never stopped and became more intense.
"You will definitely block me as my twin brother?! I don't have a twin brother!!!! And even if I have a twin brother, it's definitely not you!!! You worst hypocrite!!!" "I once thought I didn't have a twin brother.. But I realized that was wrong! I hate myself so much..! I forgot your existence!" "If you hate yourself you just fall down!!!" "I refuse!!!!!!!" "Ahhhhh!!!!!!!"
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What's a headcanon or lore drop you've desperately wanted to talk about but haven't gotten the chance to?
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((eheheheheheeehehehehe you have awakened the creature
So I've been hinting at this for a while, but every blog I run goes off of the assumption that the events of each game happened on the release date of said game. The events and canons as a whole are a mishmash of events from the original releases, the remakes, a few spinoffs, and a few pick and choose pieces from the anime and manga, but the major events of each game takes place on the date the original was initially released in my brain. Importantly to my Hoennian characters, this means that the Rayquaza Crisis occurred in 2004. Going off of this timeline, Ray actually finished their badge quest and became champion a few years prior to the Rayquaza Crisis. They played a role in setting Aqua/Magma back a few years in terms of progress, but they weren't the protagonist of Emerald.
This also means that when they did their badge quest, there were a few league members who were completely different. Namely, Roxanne, Flannery, Tate and Liza, and the Elite Four's Phoebe would not have been in the positions they were in at the time of Ray's circuit. I'm kind of waffling back and forth on whether Brawly was there either, but I haven't decided one way or the other. The eigth gym also would have been headed up by Juan at the time, since Wallace still would have been training to become the leader himself. They also didn't have the luxury of the Rusturf Tunnel, which wouldn't be constructed until after their circuit, and New Mauville still would have been under construction.
This timeline also impacts Skipp in a notable way since the characters will now be about two decades older and more experienced in their roles. I'm probably not going to have any of the league members be retired since I am a firm believer in old bastards kicking ass, but it does mean that some of them may have vastly different personalities and teams, especially considering that Skipp is also going to be coming at them with non-conventional pokemon for the most part. Some minor characters may be retired or implied dead depending on their age in Emerald.
There's also my Mahogany Town headcanon which is important to Kenneth so I will give it to you too. Two for one autism dump and I already had this one written down.
So between the games and the manga the entire town is pretty much implied to have been a Team Rocket hideout long before before and during the events of GSC/HGSS with corruption running incredibly deep into the town's infrastructure. So, when Rocket was taken down, the entire town was basically gutted. For Manga Reasons that I won't spoil, it was even left without a gym leader for a while. The organized crime was gone, but the Kanto-Johto League and the Johto government both failed to provide any support to help the town get back to a sense of normalcy, instead entrusting that task entirely to the citizens and local government. The majority of these people were either indebted to Rocket, a part of Rocket, or involved in shady shit in their own right. With the majority of the underground resources gone as well as a sizable portion of the population, the town could never properly rebuild, and it became a sort of Orre situation where a lot of the residents wanted something better to become of it, but even when a new gym leader was appointed, no one really wanted to help out a former Rocket Town. So, the local government is unstable at best, law enforcement is mostly civilian vigilantism, and there's a deep sense of distrust for outside authority among the populace.
Because of this, it's sort of become the menacing cryptid town of Johto. Their Ohio or Brazil if you will. When asking online about tips on what to do while visiting Mahogany Town, the answer is usually "don't." That's not to say it's an entirely terrible place, as the citizens that remain are generally well-meant and just want to make the best with the rubble they were left with. They're wary of outsiders, and you're likely to get a cold shoulder if you're just passing through or if you're treating the place like a tourist destination, but they're generally at least tolerant.
However, there's also the fact that Kenneth is the primary reason why both Rocket and the Johto Regional Patrol have failed to set up any operations there since the events of the games. The community is pretty split on his existence, but they've all come to the common consensus that he is a necessity to keep Rocket out and the local government in line. Some people don't mind the brutality, some people do, but nobody in town hates Kenneth more than they hate Rocket.
Anyways. Bows. Enjoy the novella. Chew on it. There is more but I will keep it hush for now.))
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aegislash-logs · 2 years
Alright, introduction post here. Will be updated as time goes on. (Under work)
Hello, name's Riv, native to the Ferrum region. My partner is my Aegislash, Monarch 'Chariot', which this blog is themed after.
As of now I've been applying for a new job and.. I can get a little shy or anxious when it comes to interaction but there'll be times when I'm moreopen. I'm a person who's willing to help with foster or babysit pokemon.
Here's a list of my pokemon so far.
My partner pokemon, Aegislash (Monarch), having lost his shield, he focuses on more rapid attacks until I get him a new one. He's not really that serious and is more on the curious and caring side, but he gets defensive when it's needed. Father of pair of Snorunt and a Honedge.
Ribombee, (Riverside), she's a fighter but also focuses on healing other pokemon with the pollen puffs she makes. She doesn't like loud people.
Lampent, (Lure). Found him wandering by the alleyways of the city I once frequented. He's pretty calm and doesn't seem to be interested in battle.
Bisharp, (Bishop). Really likes to fight a lot but knows his place around the house. Tends to follow Monarch, he's also a little thief.
Corviknight, (Coro). We met a long time ago, he's a pretty big Corviknight who likes to carry pokemon and people on his back for flights.
Armarouge, (Arma) found and raised in Paldea when I was on a trip. He's pretty relaxed and took after me in terms of nursing pokemon.
Aegislash #2, (Knight). Foster that was rescued from a breeding mill, a young Aegislash and is pretty shy but he's opening up. Has a better connection with the ghost types and Monarch so far. Never gets out of Shield form.
Floette (Floetta), one of the pair of pokemon I've taken in from Amaryllis. She is one of the two foster Luvdisc day pokemon that were taken in by me. She's calm and tends to follow others often, likes to hang out at the garden.
Bounsweet (Bouncé). A hyperactive little Bounsweet, likes to jump around and be juggled in the air. Seems to have a good connection with Bishop and follows him around for pranks and mischief, also a little berry thief.
Odd Lurantis. This one seems.. off, but I'm keeping her with me due to the conditions I found her in, haven't given her a name but I'm taking her everywhere I go, same thing I do with Knight.
Dive (Seadra). Mystery Dive Ball I found when running from a harsh storm, currently getting along with her, she's the serious type. She's very protective of my brother's Wurmple.
Reina (Honedge), given to me by an anonymous sender. She seems to be a runt and is smaller than your average Honedge, likes to wrap her arm around mine.
Then there's the Marshadow who I call Vanta. Vanta has been following me around ever since I found them under my bed, I do not claim them as my own and we respect each other's choices.. Though I'm starting to wonder why they stick by my side. We're acquaintances.
(( main is @leaf-storm-40. This is a sideblog. Will do high stakes, sometimes. ))
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