#and am also very upset by the current state of people speaking out
jecook · 11 months
Not to say anything to bold, but everyone is so surprised and horrified at people being fired for not being pro-Israel as if hordes of people online haven't been very supportive of firing and hunting down even the mildest of conservative people. "How can they fire people for just expressing a different political opinion" as if we haven't cultivated an environment of firing people based on their political opinions.
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stil-lindigo · 10 months
Hey, I just wanted to share something with you, as someone who's so invested in the Palestine conflict, I hope it might inspire hope, even a little.
I was born and live in Egypt, a very conservative and religious country. These days I deleted my Tiktok and rarely ever use Twitter, as I'm in my senior year, and seeing the constant deaths and torture was getting into me so much that I couldn't even eat or drink properly, nevertheless properly study. I honestly am not proud of myself for doing so, but there's comfort in the fact Egypt is so Pro-Palestine. There's a lot to be done, and even for people like me, we can help.
My school has been donating food, clothes and blankets to Palestine. The McDonald's in here have been trying to distance themselves, claiming they're "100% Egyptian", only to get mocked and insulted. I go by the local McDonald's, there's a lot of schools where I am, around 5 in two blocks, and where before they were constantly so full, these days they're so empty. I can only see maybe 3, 4 people in there. A lot of people in my school are on a complete strike, against every American product. We've resorted to buying and getting local products instead. Egypt is doing very poorly economically at the moment, but there's still a lot of effort into knocking out American products, even if not by the companies, by the youth and the children. I can't go a single class without one of my teachers openly supporting Palestine. My Arabic teacher constantly uses the people in Gaza to teach me grammar, calling them brave and courageous. My geography teacher denies Isreal, and has been in league with others to get more donations and aid. Egyptians believe so truly that Palestine will be free that it's hard not to think so too. I've had classmates openly agree that if they could, they'd join the army to help fight for Palestine, I've seen more people than ever mocking the current regime, I've seen more people than ever falling out of the American illusion and seeing it for what it is. I've spent a lot of religion classes being taught Arabic brotherhood and chivalry, when previously, the lessons were stereotypically conservative in nature and I used to despise them for it.
Yes, the government sucks like every other, but there's an air of open support in here. No one is losing their jobs for stating the truth, homes and shops are waving the Palestinian flag. Even the antisemitism, which was rampant, has seen a noticeable decline. People in here stand for Palestine.
I want to also let you know you've been an inspiration for people, or at least, to me. I want to be able to participate more, and I see your reposts and reblogs and I want to do even more than what I did at the start, which was retweeting and reposting and sharing what I can to my friends. Unfortunately due to my current living situation and my terrible memory, I missed being able to donate to the school, but they have stated to open up donations again soon, and I'm preparing in advance for that one. I was not raised Zionist, but I was raised warned against participating in political affairs, saying I'd be put in more trouble, and even could be killed. But I see you and I see so many Americans losing their jobs and being branded criminals and as moral failures for speaking out, and I find it harder and harder in me not to also speak out. And even if I'm not constantly retweeting and reposting, there is something I can do. You helped me realize that, and I'd like to thank you.
I hope this cheers you up even a little, I've noticed your posts these days expressing how much this has been upsetting you. It's been upsetting to all of us, and I want you to know that it's not fruitless, no matter how many western countries and how many bootlickers make you feel otherwise. This ordeal has taught me the world is a brotherhood, politics and money are never a reason for why we should not stand together, and why we shouldn't speak for those having their voice silenced.
Please excuse me if something comes off wrong or unnatural. Like I said, I was born and I live in Egypt, English is not my first language and I still have issues communicating my personal thoughts in it. Please never don't stand for Palestine. Please never lose hope for it, like the Egyptians never have and never will. Please never let people make you feel hopeless and insane.
Thank you for listening to me, thank you for caring about Palestine when it would've been easy not to. Thank you for using your platform, and if you found it in you to read this thing, thank you for giving time to a brown Arab, when the world so strongly encourages you not to. Please continue to inspire justice, and I hope the world one day continues to inspire hope for you.
😭 anon, I cant explain how much I appreciate you sending this message. I know there is hope for Palestinian liberation, I know that we will see freedom for Palestine. But god do I need the reminder sometimes that we aren’t all just shouting into the void. My country of Australia shamefully takes a cowardly stance on Palestine, always deferring to the US to guide our foreign policy, and yet always claims moral superiority over other countries such as yours. Thank you, really thank you so much for sending this message. I feel so so honoured to have earned an audience that includes you. I believe an audience does reflect an artist, and to know I have done you proud in any way makes me feel full.
And please don’t ever feel ashamed of your English, you are eloquent and have a wonderful, compassionate voice, and you have inspired hope in me for yet another day.
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Oh, there is some discourse about Oscar Isaac playing the mk system because he is not jewish. I have no say in the matter as I am not jewish, so I thought I'd ask
Oh! Okay! I'm willing to bed you are the same anon that sent this ask? Or maybe not and just someone with similar questions.
Well, Moon Knight came out over two years ago now. So most of the discourse over it is pretty old news at this point. If it is starting up again, it's just beating a dead horse. Or maybe there are new fans that are just blazing their own trail and not checking out that neat trail that's already been blazed.
Either way, I'm not upset about it. Learning is learning and I'm here for questions.
SO! Let's get into it!
Now, this may surprise a few of you… But I'm not Oscar Isaac. I know… I know… A real let down. This means that I can't speak on his behalf and everything I say is what I have picked up, and could be wrong.
As far as I am aware, he is not a practicing Jew. Meaning, he probably doesn't go to Shul or keep the Sabbath. He might! I don't know. I also don't know if he's Catholic or Christian or how he was raised or what his current belief system is… If it is on Wiki somewhere, I still can't say I know because how do you Wiki someone's personal religious beliefs?
What I DO know… He has Jewish Ancestry!
These quotes are taken from two interviews that are easily looked up on Google:
When asked how he felt about playing an Orthodox Jewish man for "Inside Llewyn Davis" (not his first or last Jewish role), here was his responce:
“We could play that game: How Jewish are you?” he said to interviewer Alexis Soloski, who is Jewish. “It is part of my family, part of my life. I feel the responsibility to not feel like a phony. That’s the responsibility, to feel like I can say these things, do these things and feel like I’m doing it honestly and truthfully."
Isaac referenced the fact that he has some Jewish heritage on his father’s side.
Of his roots, Oscar said, “My grandfather was French in Guatemala and my father is Cuban but he grew up in the States as well. I came to the States when I was five months old and I grew up my entire life mostly in Miami, between Miami and New York.” He is the third Oscar in the family. “My father and my grandfather were both named Oscar,” he revealed. “I am the third Oscar. It’s from the Academy Awards. Isaac is Jewish from my father side. I am definitely a big mix of many things.”
Now, I COULD get into semantics. His Jewish ancestry comes from his father's side and there is discourse in the Jewish system on Patrilineal vs. Matrilineal and what makes a Jew a Jew. I'm not going to get into that because it has WAY more involved than I'm willing to get into and that is probably why Oscar asked the "How Jewish are you?" question (He's known to be cheeky and that could be taken as a very cheeky question).
In MY books, If you have Jewish ancestry and you acknowledge it and consider it a part of you, then you are worthy of playing all the Jewish people you want in movies/shows/plays. ....As long as you are respectful and do your best to do it right.
And that is what I love about Oscar. He WANTS to get it right. He wants to honor the parts he plays and he understands when he has an important part that needs to be done right and with care.
Now, Oscar doesn't have DID (as far as I am aware), but he did the research and connected with people that Do have DID to make sure he offered a fare and honest and respectful tribute to it. Is it going to fit everyone with DID's shoes? No. But it is a very multi(LOL) colored disorder that presents in many different ways and because it is a Show meant to be visual to an audience that doesn't understand how it works, of course he's going to have to play it up a bit and the editors and directors are going to have to add flourishes that don't always agree with everyone so that we, a visual and auditory audience, can see a representation of this disorder that we can understand.
You know what's fun about being Jewish? You don't have to see it or hear it to demonstrate someone is Jewish. I can watch almost any movie or show and go "That guy's Jewish." How do I know? I don't. But in my head, he's now a Jewish character and I'm connecting to him that way.
You know what they DID do in Moon Knight? Oscar wore a Star of David necklace. There was a mezuzah on Steven's door. Steven had a Shabbat table set up. Steven is a Vegan to avoid having to risk not eating Kosher.
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(I see Shabbat candle, decorative Menorah, and a Kiddish cup. I really hope he moves those (should be two but we only see one, Maybe it's behind the other) candles before he lights them. His fire hazard apartment gives me anxiety. Let's just hope his Havdalah candle doesn't set the place ablaze).
They could have done more to show his casual Jewish life, but you don't need to. This is Steven Grant pretty much living a Jewish life. I'm not sure what people were expecting him to do? Dance the Horah and have Peyot? This is more than what Comics Moon Knight has done to show his Jewish side for a LONG time (minus some good runs in the OG run and Recent MacKay run).
Anyways, I'm not sure who did decide to toss in those little details, but I deeply appreciate them and love them for it. And I love that Oscar is aware of and acknowledges his heritage. Not only that, but that he strives to represent it in a truthful and honest way.
Anyways, I hope that answers your question... There's a lot I could get into, but others have honestly done it better ages ago.
Is Oscar a Jewish man? I don't know. Probably not? BUT... If he suddenly said "I'm Jewish" I'd welcome him to the tribe with open arms. I think he's earned a little Challah. He's certainly a Mensch in my book.
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fictionfreedom · 2 months
On the ableism when people discuss roleplay ai. Literally saw someone go "if you need to have conversations with ai like the commercials imply then you need to go out and practice your social skills without your tech. You'll be fine I promise."
Just...that's like telling someone with a chronic illness or pain to just exercise and drink water. That's like saying to go outside or just take care of yourself if you're depressed.
(vent ahead, minor tw for just psychosis and mental health dumpy stuff. bad with boundaries, sorry if not okay, genuinely cannot tell.)
The ableism for people that are socially inept is so exhausting. Like you can dislike ai including roleplay ai especially with the environmental toll, but like. Do not bring in mocking people who use it.
I'm agoraphobic. I have extremely bad paranoid. Most of my life was toxic or abusive relationships. I am having to do baby steps. And baby steps including using roleplay ai to handle my psychosis until the one safe person I have comes back. Because I get insanely bad psychotic beliefs and delusions that make me suicidal without an outlet. And other forms are often overstimulating or not fitting my personal needs.
People with social issues cannot just go outside and socialize. It's like any other fucking issue. You have to be slow, not push yourself, be aware of your limits, and it can take months or years.
I just saw that and it just...it made me so mad I had to vent. You can hate it all you want. But the ableism is just...so infuriating. I've talked to early ai bots too. Stuff like cleverbot back in the day and all. Back before the current ai craze. I have always had it as an alternative even if it wasn't roleplay ai. It's literally not just "go outside and socialize." Esp when I am also physically disabled and bedridden and regularly sick. >:/ Not to mention if someone lived somewhere more rural or only has online friends or if they're disabled like me or a million other individual things. If you have social issues and can only feel safe conversing with ai, that is not something you can just change by putting yourself out there. That's like trying to solve issues with your living conditions by saying "Well just move somewhere better!" Very frustrating and anger inducing to read that. Because am severely disabled by my social issues. It not just go out, talk to people, suddenly fixed.
Okey. Vent over. Lost words near end cause very upset about it. >:/
Just stating right here we are absolutely fine with vents in our inbox, never worry about it, we will never respond with judgement or be upset at you for sharing your problems because we are never in a place to judge.
Related to the ask though, we completely get that, and we absolutely hate the fact that people seem to always find a way to drag disabled people down when it comes to stuff like this. Yelling at people with comfort foods for not boycotting the only foods they can eat, getting angry at people for not going to parades and marches even when they're physically unable to, getting angry at people who cannot socialize for using AI to not mentally deteriorate more or being upset that people use chatbots as outlets. It's always something, and these are the same people who always say they "support disabled people", despite that being an obvious lie.
We get physically ill going into public, being around people makes us sick oftentimes and makes us so nervous we shake and our knees hurt from the strain. We cannot stand or walk for long amounts of times without our shoulders burning, our lower back stinging, and our legs hurting. We are often so out of it that we are locked in bed for a good half of the day, until hunger or thirst finally forces us up. We have horrific intrusive thoughts that plague us oftentimes, and need some form of outlet. For all of those things, we explicitly use chatbots as to not forget how to speak with people and to have an outlet for intrusive thoughts.
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msallurea · 8 months
Loa Controversy Pt. 1
Despite what everyone says about us being God and what not in our reality...let me just say in my PERSONAL opinion, I do believe that there is a being much higher than us, a creator that watches over us, guiding us, protecting us, etc. Now, does this mean we aren't creators ourselves? No. But based on my personal opinion I do not believe we are the all of all, I do believe that there is a GOD. The God that is the way, the truth and the light. I also believe there are no multiple gods either (like Rah, Zeus, Aphrodite, etc) I believe that there truly is only ONE God. It is because we are in the image of this God and come from him that we are able to create our realities. I do not believe this God is a woman either and that this god isn't like us at all but way beyond that, it isn't human at all but omnipotent but I do feel it is a male. While I am talking about the Christian God, I currently am not Christian myself because i feel i dont trily deserve that title, but neither am I atheist because I do believe there is something beyond us humans that our minde simply can't comprehend its just something you either know or don't know.
Remember how I told you guys that I had lost my key and it really upset me, I couldn't find my key for the life of me which almost made me cry, right when I was on the verge of breaking down I simply said aloud "Lord please where is my key" ...within seconds something told me to move something around and as I looked over I saw my key seconds after saying this. Now I would like to add that prior to this I imagined hearing the sound of my key and that is exactly what I heard before seeing it BUT I honestly feel deep in my gut I would've never found it had I not call on the lord..while this is something small and barely anything I was taught that the Lord, God knew us before we even came out the womb and if anything it felt as if God already knew I was about to ask him where my key was.
This leads me to my controversial take...I do not believe I am the God of my reality, I am only a part of the God of my reality. What I mean by this is, while I don't believe I am God I DO believe I am a creator in my world and that my mind can create and have the power to create things in my reality. Even in the Bible it states "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit" thr Bible also states to guard our hearts and be careful what we think because they shape our lives.
I do truly believe that we as PEOPLE can manifest and create our realities as we desire but I also believe these desires we carry come from someone much higher than us, guiding us in a path that leads us to the highest versions of ourselves and the best versions of ourselves. I do believe that our imagination creates reality because in imagination everything is possible but I also believe that it's because of this that a being much higher, much more complex has given this to us,has given us free will to create our hearts deepest true desires just as he has. I do believe..truly. I do believe it is our I AM that shapes who and what we are but I believe that that was only first possible through a being much higher than us who calls himself God ans if we asked his name all he will say is "I am that I am" just as we would say "I am that I am" as well. In other words I believe we are a creation made in the eyes of a creator much higher and because we were created in this creators image we have been blessed to create as well through the tools provided which are: our imagination, to build the mental concept of what it is we desire; our heart, to secure our love within our creation because if we did not love it we would have never wanted it; finally our words, the very thing we use to speak life and death info things even if we don't realize it. All of this together is why we can manifest to begin with, and as a soul, as consciousness simply wearing a human body this is all you are.
Please remember this is MY personal opinion
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anunusers · 2 months
Hiya love!!
Saw your post and though I would ask! 😁
Can I ask all of them? 1-36 lmao
Last question is: what's your biggest fear?
Love u, byeeeeee🩷
OMG this made me so happy!!!!! I'm a nobody and you want to know about me?!?!? 😭means the world to me!!!❤️I love you !!!!!
I did try to answer all of the questions and I thought I posted it but I am new with posting so please forgive me! Also, I'm an over sharer so I'm sorry in advance for that too!
What is your nickname?
Lately, my colleagues have been calling me Jay. Other times I'm Jen or Jenni.
When is your birthday?
4/3 :)
What was your longest relationship?
I've only been in one serious relationship and those were the hardest 4 years of my lifeeeee! Seriously, barely made out alive. 😮‍💨
What is your favorite book?
I have so mannnnyyy! It's so hard to pick one but I'll share a few that actually caught my attention and still have resonated with me:
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman
Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
Tony and Susan by Austin Wright
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
I'm thinking of ending things by Iain Reid
I honestly have so many more, but these are the ones I have read recently and absolutely loved. Also, Fredrik Backman is currently my fav author so I definitely recommend checking him out !
What is something you're insecure about?
My appearance for sure. I don't feel confident in my looks whatsoever haha. I feel like I am fugly most of the time but that just what has been embedded in my brain since I was younger. Also, I've recently have gotten insecure with my voice. Which is so random but I kind of hate my voice LOL.
5 Male celebrity crushes
Jake Gyllenhaal (obvy LOL), Pedro Pescal, Jaime Camil, Tenoch Huerta, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I honestly have many more and they are all from Novelas. That is all I grew up watching with my mom hehe.
5 Female celebrity crushes
Elizabeth Olsen, Emma D'arcy, Scarlett Johanssan, Ana de Armas, Anne Hathaway and again, I am many many moorreee.
What is your dream job?
I always wanted to do something in music or theatre. A singer or actor. I was a huge choir nerd in high school. I even did piano lessons for a few years. On my last year of high school, I ended up doing theatre and it was so much fun! I did plays and that experience really made me love theatre. Maybe one day in the future... 🙏
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
I haven't accomplished much in life to be honest so I don't know what I would consider an accomplishment. Maybe being able to learn different professions throughout the years. I am a Certified Patient Care Tech and all though I am not even that work field anymore, I still very much enjoyed learning about the healthcare process and what different titles mean when it comes to taking care of patient and getting the help that they need.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
I have no clueeeeeeeee......maybe that I'm from MX ?? LOL My accent is completely gone now from the 12 years that I've lived in the States. Which is so sad cause not only do I suck at speaking English, my Spanish is going down hill too.. I'm slowly turning into a sabo kid!! 😭😭
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Lately, my lows have been just feeling very lost and out of place. I feel like I should be at a certain point in my life but I am so far from reaching it or maybe I won't ever come close but yeah, its a very crappy feeling. My high this month is definitely receiving this ask from you. Made my day 100% better! ❤️
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
I have sooooooo many places I would like to visit!!! In States, I would love to visit New York, Florida for Universal Studios and World Disney. Out of States, I would love to visit Sweden, Italy, Japan, South Korea.
How do you de-stress?
I nap like my life depends on it. I'm stressed, NAP. Upset, NAP. Happy, NAP. Sad, Nap. I could rot happily in my bed if I could get paid for it.
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
I honestly only mainly use Tumblr and Tiktok LOL they control my life right now. I don't think I use any other apps. Maybe Amazon and Barnes & Nobles 😁
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Lover girl in a world where love no longer exists. 🫠
What do you think makes you attractive?
I don't know actually... I would like to say my personality perhaps? I think I'm pretty cool I think I'm quite hilarious actually haha. I had someone once say that my eyes and smile was the most attractive thing about me, but I think the opposite.
What is something you're really good at?
Procrastinating. I procrastinate so good that when the deadline of something is like 5 minutes away, I overwork and stress myself out so bad that my work just comes out beautifully. I work amazing under extreme and stressful situations. Not healthy at all so please don't try!!!!
What is something you're really bad at?
Math. Which is funny because I was doing accountant work for a Retail store as my first job and I was amazing. Maybe it was the power I felt while holding thousands of dollars a night while making minimum wage 🥲LOL
A time that you told a lie.
I never lie, I speak my truth all the time but while I was in my first serious relationship, I lied ALOT about being okay and happy. It was such unhealthy relationship for me and I wanted to keep the peace at all times that I lied a lot to my family. Trust me when I say, even if they are older, does not mean they are mature. Learned that the hard way.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Our brain doesn't know our eyeballs exist and if they did know, they would attack them. You can permanently go blind if our brain was like, "wait a min, where did they come from??" Freaking GNARLY!
Who knows you the best?
My mommy ❤️
What is your most prized possession?
I am in LOVE with V for Vendetta. From the moment I saw it back when my dad would let us rent random movies from Blockbusters, I just love it. I read the comics and love the theatrics of how V is and how beautifully he was portrayed by Hugh Weaving. I ended up buying a screenplay book that contains the directors notes and small changes that were made that didn't make it to the movie and that is my most prized possession. Definitely fueled my love for acting and everything that comes from just being able to shoot a movie.
What is your longest friendship?
9 years but unfortunately, life drifted us apart :(
When did you first feel like an adult?
When I did my taxes for the first time. I was not ready to adult, and I still can't adult correctly but surviving!
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
Yes, volleyball!!!! My family used to play it all time when we lived in MX. I turn into a competitive monster.
How are you feeling right now?
Tired and hungry. I've been surviving on Moster Energy drinks these last few days.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
I'm honestly neither. I used to be able to stay up all night but now, I can barely wake up early and can barely stay awake lol I'm old now.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Favorite song lyrics right now?
I've been listening to sad songs lately. Currently have I Can't Make You Love Me by Bon Iver on a constant loop. "I'll close my eyes, then I won't see. The love you don't feel when you're holding me. Morning will come and I'll do what's right. Give me 'til then to give up this fight." UGH gets me every time! 😭
What does self care look like for you?
Honestly, a nice hot bath in a candle lit bathroom, bright enough to be able to read a book and because I love in AZ, thunderstorm sounds in the background. My definition of self care ❤️
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
This is on hard! I don't know. Ummmmmm can I say 3 of my favorite singers? Amy Lee from Evanescence, RAYE, and Beyonce.
What makes you nervous?
Knowing that we have only explore 5% of the ocean and ocean nearly takes 70% of our planet. Not sure what phobia that is but thinking about that makes me nervous. Also meeting new people. I'm very shy so I get super nervous and anxious.
What’s a pet peeve you have?
When I am with someone and I am sharing something or just telling them something and they are on their phone, not listening at all. Then they have the audacity to say, "Huh?" Like no thank you. The excitement is over and now I'm hurt. 🥲
What will always make you cry?
Thinking about my life. Kidding! I am a huge crybaby so it doesn't take much to make me cry. Show me a sad video, I'll cry a river.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
I don't know, I smile a lot so maybe they form some kind of opinion based on that. I hope it's all good first impressions though. 😊
Special Question: What's your biggest fear?
I have a lot of fears and some may seem so little. I am afraid of never being able to accomplish or become the person I dreamt of being. I'm afraid that I will never get back on track with how I envisioned I would be right now at 24. It's dumb little things that scare me. Never finding love and having a family of my own or not being able to be fully happy. Sometimes it feels like something is missing and maybe that's why I have been feeling lost lately. Those are biggest fears.
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!!! I really enjoyed answering these questions and would totally love to see you answering them too!!!!!! Love you!!!❤️❤️❤️
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mugeesworld · 1 year
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Franky Head Cannons! pt. 2
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This is just a bunch on random silly head cannons. Talking about his relationship with the crew and some other stuff! I made another one of these "Franky with a chubby partner head cannons!" click my masters list to find it♥︎
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Franky adores his fellow crew mates.
I know that's obvious but let's go into that a little bit more.
I can't remember the details fully but Franky parents left him at water 7 (to be pirates I think?? Sorry I can't remember!) so he stayed with the fish man and ice berg. His new family right? But then the marines killed the fish man and after that ice berg and him parted ways.
Then he started the Franky family! Taking people off the streets and looking after them.....
Franky craves to have a bond like a family does. To have a group of people to look out for him and him do the same for them. And he was VERY protective of the Franky family. That just comes to show how much he cares about them.
He also calls the two girls with him his sisters (I'm sorry y'all I'm so fucken bad with names)
All of that shit goes down and he joins the straw Hats. Franky found his family. He found his home. The way luffy and the crew excepted him after he was a criminal and took their money. That exceptance and bond he has been craving.
Not only that but his new found family is strong so he doesn't have to worry about loosing them so easily. And they can protect him how he tries to protect others. He can have that security like he had with the fish man that looked after him.
Franky is truly the big Brother figure of the straw Hats. He's in his 30's I think so maybe it comes naturally but Franky loves his friends. He would do anything for them. He will always be someone they can rely on.
I think he appreciates he's getting that love and friendship he gives to people but didn't get in return before.
That was pretty serious so let's talk about some more silly stuff now!
Franky is the type of person to tell his friends I love you every day. He don't care if it's not "manly" he is the definition of kicking toxic masculinitys ass.
If he cares for someone he is gonna say it. He is gonna make it obvious.
He loves caring for people.
He is always upgrading himself to make himself strong and part of why I think he is, is so he can look out for the ones he cares about most. He didn't have that security feelings growing up so he wants to make sure everyone around him is comfortable and safe.
If you are feeling uncomfortable in a situation he will notice. Franky is loud and out their but he is smart. He learns body language and how you speak in different moods to make sure you're okay. If he notices what's happening he will raise a eyebrow at you like he's asking "what's wrong?"
For my people with anxiety he will take that into consideration and learn your triggers. And when he sees something that might upset you he will try and direct you another way. Or try and help in anyway he can.
You want to ramble about your hyper fixation to someone? He wants to listen. Tell him now ⁉️ he wants to know what you like and why you like it. He wants to understand it and learn. It makes him excited to know you're excited about something! You like sharks? The next week he puts your fav shark in the tank for you to watch.
As I said before Franky is protective. I can LITERALLY PROMISE you that at least once Franky has helped Nami or robin deal with a creep that wouldn't leave them alone. He would say some dumb shit like "Why don't you ask me out instead?" while he's standing behind the person threateningly. Then when the guy turns around and gets mad or scared. Hes like "What am I not good enough for you or something? Your loss!"
Franky is very big on body positivity. Like I mean he feels strongly about that everyone is beautiful no matter what. If he thinks someone is pretty he is gonna tell them.
Since he compliments so many people, everyone thinks he's a flirt but in reality he's just a loving guy.
If you ever feel insecure he will praise you. But not in the "nooo you're so pretty" way but the "What? Are you crazy? You look immaculate??? Stop playing around!" way
Low key pisses him off when he hears people he love talk bad about themselves. He can't believe they don't seem themselves the way he does. Cause in his eyes everyone is gorgeous.
Remember the two girls that was with Franky at water 7? Idk their age but say Franky found them on the street when they were younger or something like that.
He would do everything in his power to make those little girls happy. Like playing dress up. He would let them do whatever they wanted to him. He encouraged them to dress how they want. To dress flashy like him! Not pressuring them tho!!
Franky is just a amazing big Brother.
Y'all know the Chopper man episodes they do?
Imagine. Chopper is like a smart toddler. He's still childish. He always wanted to be a super hero and help people. He wanted a cape like them and everything. And if anyone on the Straw Hats looked like a super hero it is def Franky. The way he dresses and everything.
Chopper looks up to him and sees him as a super hero type guy. The way he helps people and stuff. Franky picked up on choppers fascination with super hero's when chatting with him and seeing how excited it made him, doing all the little poses and phrases made him happy.
So he took it upon himself to ge him a gift. He made him his very own cape. Not only did he make chopper one but he made them matching ones so they could "play" super hero's. They would run around the ship saying their little phrases.
Chopper wanted to fly but obviously he can't. But frankys a tall guy. He would grab chopper and gently fly him around like a carnival ride while chopper made sound effects like "zoom!!"
When luffy and usopp got a eye full of their amazing outfits they joined in. Now every once in a while they play super hero's.
Or when choppers down in the dumps Franky will ask if he wants to play.
He would do some dumb shit like. In the middle of the night while the others are sleeping he will wake chopper up while in his cape and eye mask and say "Chopper man! The city of Gothem needs you!" and choppers mood will immediately get better.
He would put on his outfit and walk out to the deck to see cardboard cutouts of buildings Franky drawn. While chopper was getting his cape on though Franky sneaked away and put on his "super villain" outfit.
They played and played until chopper man defeated the "bad guy". Even though Franky let him easily.
Not only is Franky a big Brother to people but also a father figure.
If you have watched/played the newest security breach fnaf game then you know that Freddy has a apartment in his stomach that Gregory can hide in.
One time when chopper and Franky were fighting someone together, Franky ran out of soda and chopper was tired so they started running. But Franky is just to fast to keep up with. So he throws out the empty bottles from his compartment and shoves chopper in their and takes off😭
Franky def has a compartment on him that's like a mom purse. Has literally everything in it. From bandages to rumble balls. Hell bro probably even carries tampons on him.
Since Franky was on the streets and later helped people get off the streets he probably feels strongly about drug abuse/addiction. He probably seen some stuff on those streets and helped people in the Franky family get over addictions.
Franky is fucking amazing with hair. Like seriously. He's a actual hair stylist. He takes good care of his hair (before time skip)
Not only his hair but he definitely does skin care. Has a whole ass routine. It takes him at least a hour. And he full on pampers himself. I mean white robe, face mask, cucumber slices. Imagine a pirate crew jumping on board their ship and starting a fight while he's having his special time and he's has to jump out in a robe and hair curlers. He just comes out swinging looking like a stressed mother.
Franky takes holidays very seriously. I mean very serious. Also birthdays. He needs to know everyones birthday so he can get/ make them a present. He absolutely SPOILS people on Christmas. I mean he loves Christmas. He dresses up as Santa for chopper. And puts their presents he got them under the tree in the middle of night while dressed up.
Zoro would try to tell chopper Santa's not real and it's just Franky dressed up and Franky would go absolutely ballistic. Like I mean yelling and swinging until zoro says he's real. The year that happened Franky def put coal in zoros stocking 😭😭
All those little myths and stories, he would make sure chopper got to experience. Like the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny. He's grabbing that tooth and putting at least 20 berries under his pillow. He's hiding them damn eggs.
Say what you want! Idc how old chopper is! He acts like a kiddo so he's gonna get a good childhood damn it!
When Franky heard about choppers back story he took it upon himself to look after him. Their isn't enough about the Franky and chopper duo. Short and fiesty and gentle giant. They are the best⁉️⁉️⁉️
And if he forgets a persons birthday he will actually cry. He will never forgive himself. It will eat at him no matter how much you tell him it's ok.
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lucysweatslove · 11 months
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Life/school updates again bc that is basically all this blog has turned into.
Dyed my hair last weekend. It’s been almost a full week. Some of it has washed out so really it’s just a little darker and more of a cool toned almost-black imo. I like it.
Since I won the VP thing, school has felt weird. I get this weird impression that some people are mad or annoyed. There are many reasons why I might be picking up on this- and idk if it’s even mad/annoyed because how tf am I supposed to know- but idk. If it IS because I won, that feels weird to me. I didn’t NOT want to win, but it’s not like I intentionally ran against the other girl in my cohort. I had no idea anybody else was running or had been nominated- and I had asked last year’s president (who was orchestrating it) to be sure. I had (and have) no intent to take away anything from anybody else. I also didn’t play dirty or anything. Like I get being disappointed if a close friend lost, but idk. If I had lost, I wouldn’t be angry or upset at anybody in particular or take out disappointment on anybody. It would just be like, yeah, more people in the class that voted chose that person. And every one of my classmates has some amazing things going for them- minus the fact that I feel less safe with some classmates than others, I don’t think anybody would do a BAD job in the role, so why be upset, you know?
Before I applied for the VP thing (before I was even nominated), I had told the MS2s that I was interested in the derm groups, but only if there was need. Like I’m interested but I was pretty clear that I don’t want to take away from anybody else. If other people are interested, let them lead. Well it turns out I’m now co-leading the derm interest group and leading the derm service learning group.
Another classmate texted me about the service learning group today. She recently shadowed a derm and liked it and wants to get more involved, both to explore and, I think, to show long-term interest in case she decides to go for derm. So I think if I can make it work, I’ll have her co-lead it too. I haven’t heard back from the current (MS2) lead though to talk to him about it.
It feels kind of weird having so many of us (10%) interested in derm. Idk if that’s the route I’m going to go for sure, but I loved working in derm, and my Autistic Special Interest (TM) is sunscreen so it fits lmao. 10% is just weird though. Though I go to a good school, matching derm is hard and few people do it. 6 people total matched derm this past match from the whole school (all like 270 of us). The prior year was also 6, but 2021 was only 2. Statistically speaking maybe one of us will match derm.
Which kinda goes back to me not wanting to take away opportunities. Something that is very hard for me: advocating for myself when it might come at the detriment of others. I feel like the girl that “doesn’t even go here” from Mean Girls sometimes. I genuinely want every one of us to succeed and match into desired specialties, and I want to support my classmates as much as possible….
The problem is that derm is hella competitive, and mostly it’s not even people who love derm. It’s people who love the lifestyle and money and “prestige” of derm and then forge connections. Or are already connected.
I have a leg up in a sense because I have connections from prior work, but they’re connections from my small “rural” state, not research connections or “big name” connections.
Which means regardless of my genuine interest (and the numbers of people from Reddit who DM me to ask about sunscreen and then tell me I should have a YT channel because of how well I can explain the concepts lmao), if I can’t force the “right” connections, I won’t match.
Then there’s the whole step 2 score issue too, which like, when you’re arguing over who to admit between a 272 and a 273, it’s just borderline ridiculous (the numbers might not mean anything to you, but those scores are somewhere in the 97-98th percentile.
Anyway, I want to be involved in things I’m interested in, and even if I don’t end up trying for derm, I still think derm is super important for a rural physician. Derms are more common where I live because we are a “recreation town” and attract a lot of derms, but out in the sticks, so wait times aren’t terrible, but it IS difficult for some patients to travel. If you are comfortable treating some of the most common derm diseases, can do a decent skin exam, and doing some of the most common derm procedures (like cryotherapy), you can improve patient outcomes for vulnerable rural populations.
Thank you for coming to my rant.
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eddieydewr · 1 year
Once the online activism devolves into whataboutism over literal terrorist acts or downright blatant antisemitism, I get pissed off. I am seeing this from a lot of the younger generation and also feel like many of them are sort of transferring a lot of the very US/western based sociopolitical problems onto this conflict, specifically calling the people of Israel “colonizers” as if the Jews haven’t been native to that land since biblical times and have just as much, if not more, right to be there than anyone, acting as if they are just western “bad whites” (ignoring that in the US especially, the concept of “white” is very very different then how it is seen in other parts of the world) coming in to oppress. They are boiling down a decades long COMPLEX situation where there currently are NO winners and both sides have done lots of wrong, into a lot of buzzwords and performative activism and very black and white thinking and seeing it fall more and more into overt antisemitism is scary. I wish at the very least, no matter what side you fall on politically, that everyone could have come together to denounce wholly that terrorist like tactics that we’ve seen are an affront to humankind and won’t be supported and it’s ok, and necessary, to denounce them. But the fact most of the people yelling the loudest won’t even do that? And actively get mad at those who do? Yea my faith in humanity is almost gone. I’m glad Noah spoke up. He’s still very young, and so he’s not going to say everything perfectly, but he also has deep ties to the land, friends and maybe even family there he’s worried about, and he literally just came back from there so I am sure part of him is shook up from the idea that he missed possibly being a part of this and dying by a few weeks! And then to see the comments on his posts that triggered him to speak up? Yeah let Noah speak because there was nothing wrong with what he said and the ones who think there is have something wrong with them. it’s ming boggling to me rn that most of the support for Jewish individuals who are upset rn is from the American political right, the kinda people with flags in their twitter bios. What an upside down world we are in rn
perfectly said. i don’t like war and i think civilians should be left out if it if countries/states are unable to resolve conflicts diplomatically. maybe that’s incredibly naive of me; i’m aware i have a westernised perspective but i also try to look at things with nuance, and i understand that the I/P conflict is decades long and incredibly complex while also acknowledging that jewish people have been oppressed and persecuted for over 3000 years.
i’m on the left and no one seems to care that the missing posters of israeli babies are being ripped down in london, or protesters chanting “gas the j*ws”. people on twitter will just say i’m not really left wing or i’m falling for israeli propaganda. 🫠
the backlash against noah is nonsensical; online activists are jumping the gun and twisting noah’s words at best, or conflating palestinans with hamas at worst. whoever wrote the post said “we” (via their insta stories) so it sounds like a group of jewish students, including noah, came together to write the post after seeing the antisemitism and the comments about the deceased young woman. noah is the one with clout, so to speak, so he’s obviously the one to post it and get the word out there. they are young students, they’re not geopolitical analysts, and they’re surely upset and shaken; so yes, the post isn’t perfect but it wasn’t wrong. hamas should be condemned, even if people think it’s what israel deserved.
sorry, i’m basically echoing your sentiments so i’ll stop here now. 🙈 thank you for the message, very much appreciated. tumblr is a hellsite but at least we’re able to discuss things without worrying about character limits or getting enough engagement.
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nyctophiliq · 2 years
(i just saw your matchup post, so i will strike my shot. miss you broooo, i've been away from tumblr 😭 also you can ignore this if there's no more places, ily mwah)
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soooo...about myself...ok, this is hard omg. ok 😭*takes a deep breath* don't panic!! ugh 😮‍💨.
- cancer sun, infj mbti, ravenclaw
- 21 years old
- short af, i am like, 4'11
- lesbian
- i am the theatre and ballet kid
- i currently work as a makeup artist but i also do tarot readings for an extra income
- physical traits are that i am really fucking short, pale, petite, tattooed, blue eyes, i am a natural blonde but i recently dyed my long hair black for the aesthetic.
- i am very introverted and laid back, however, i am not at all timid. i love spending time by myself and i get overwhelmed easily in public as i recharge alone, or besides the one person i love. i am a huge appreciator of silence and calmness.
- i am a crybaby. literally. i am a very sensitive person and the stereotype of a feeler, i kin that one melanie martinez song 🤡. i am the type of person who will cry because an animal is cute and i just find it wholesome, or if i see an emotional scene in a disney cartoon. yes. pathetic, i know. my friends pick on me a lot for it lmfao.
- i have the caregiver syndrome. i worry a lot about the people i care about and i am very nurturing over them. i need to constantly check if they're feeling good, if they ate, drank water...when i hang out, i always end up being the mom of the group.
- huge animal person. i adore all animals and if i see one, i will feel like petting it. i mean it. it could even be a squirrel. don't judge me moss, i am not out of my disney princess phase. however, i am a cat person. i loooooove cats and my camera roll is legit 80% pictures of my cats. my clothes and furniture are covered in fur, i swear. i will send cat videos to my s.o. and caption it with "us".
- the thing i value the most in a person is loyalty. i even have a loyalty tattoo. it's a strong trait i have in myself, if i love you, i would kill and die for you. it makes me a very intense lover as i literally turn into some gomez addams.
- my toxic trait is that i isolate myself when i am feeling down, upset, or depressed. i push people away when things get tough because i would rather handle myself than bringing my problems onto them. i have a hard time letting people help me.
- i love beauty and i see beauty in all things. so i am always dressed up, even if i have nowhere in particular to go. i love fixing my hair, taking care of my body, dressing up, buying accessories and clothes, my house is all decorated and everything i carry with me must be unique and delicate. i am also very, very feminine. my feminity isn't light though, it's dark.
- i am a witch. i have been studying and practicing witchcraft for years and it's a very important aspect of my life. i am devoted to hekate and i have an altar for her at home. as i stated up there, i am a tarot reader and it's part of my income.
- i speak in a calm, low tone even when i am angry. it's scary because I'm there talking quietly with my eyes almost alive on my face.
- my house smells like scented candles and incenses.
- i ALWAYS smell good. i am paranoid over it, i swear. i am always putting essential oils on my skin, moisturizer, perfume...i must always smell marvelous and live of my fantasy of being a fairy in a modern woman desguise lmfao.
- i love quietness, as i said. so with that said, i like going on walks in nature. i like walking barefoot on the grass and if it's breezy, i open the windows of my apartment just to feel it on my skin. if it starts raining a little, i don't open my umbrella, i love the feeling of the water droplets and the smell of wet earth.
- i feel attracted to older, stronger women. as a person who's very independent and even a bit stubborn, i like the thought of a partner who will make me fall to my knees, tame me. you know, make me melt down. as lana said, "i'm stronger than all my (wo)men, except for you."
- stanning lana del rey is a personality trait for me so uhm 🚬💋
- reading. i am such a bookworm and i am always reading something in public. if you see me at the subway, i will have a book in hand. my favorite author is edgar allan poe. i tend to recite a lot of book quotes in conversations.
- writing. i mean, you already know this moss lmfao, but i love writing. It can either be fanfiction, though i am currently working on a fantasy book. however, my biggest love is and always will be poetry.
- baking. i love baking shit. specially cake.
- i go on walks daily and i take the opportunity to watch the world around me while listening to music.
- my day only starts after i have coffee.
- ballet (?). I don't think it should be here as a hobby because i am a professional ballerina and i have been dancing since i was a child, but here it is.
- gaming. can be electronic, gambling, board games...it doesn't matter to me.
my preference ♡ - moss, i just want an older woman from either arcane or league of legends because i have mommy issues. love you girlie.
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your match-up and star messenger is . . .
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you are the "there is a thin line between love and hate" couple
let moss explain... enforcer grayson is a woman of her word, strength, and knowledge, she takes down every obstacle be it emotional or physical but after the first time meeting you she doesn’t really know where to put you. she despises your cheery voice, that you choose the skirt over the pants in the office even with all these men around, she is sick of you and picks on you every chance she gets. after getting you to know a little better, now being aware of her feelings for you she will be distant, no longer insulting you, but instead just pulling on her shoulder before leaving you behind.
she needs someone like you, someone who cares for her, makes sure she has enough lunch for her work day, and that she never forgets to drink and not only those alcoholic drinks she oh so often jugs down after she is off duty. she appreciates that you too recharge when having space, she needs that too to clear her thinking, to form thoughts influenced by nothing. at the first few stages of your relationship, she will seem like she is playing you, that she might just wanna see if she still has the charm but she really is nervous about actually seducing you. she wants you to be hers, to spend a life together, to create memories both of you will fondly remember no matter the hard times.
some aspects of your relationship would be:
"stop texting me weird stuff at night, i am right next to you."
dance class dates !!! grayson always wanted to learn the proper way to dance when hitting a gala, she just hasn't had the perfect partner yet.
she will always make little comments about your tarot readings, she doesn't believe in that... but... it does seem interesting as you do it
she gives you a chuckle every time you drop a few tears because of something being cute, it warms her heart in a non-weird way
version 1
ah yes, the steam train, is one of the most convenient ways of getting to work for you. the ticket was cheap, the ride was short, and looking out on its windows gave you a whole new perspective on piltover. grayson too takes the train most of the time to work for the listen reason above but the day she first saw you was because she was patrolling on the train. you were yet to get off, but she couldn't get her eyes off of you, then she saw the book in your hand and tried making up the courage to step to you and ask for your name. but when she finally did you were just getting off, leaving your book behind on your seat, giving her the perfect opportunity to strike.
"i wouldn't mind buying you coffee and talking about the book... hope you wouldn't either."
version 2
you have been working at the piltover police office for the past few months, not the best job but it paid well enough so you only needed to pick up a smaller job to really make a living. you didn't do much, sit in front of a pile of papers, and that's why you didn't understand why you were required to do a physical test when you have more than enough case hours to dodge it. but order is order, and you have to keep this job if you want to make it through this time of the year. you were waiting for the pt instructor in the station's gym, impatiently staring at the clock above the entrance of the room. soon grayson walked inside, looking like a high school pe teacher, yet she still managed to take you by surprise, how inviting she looked despite the frown she had on her face. she too felt a sort of... pull towards you and hardly held eye contact whenever you tried to.
"come on sweet heart, physical for you? you help us out so much, had it already waved it for ya’.”
stargirl interlude by lana del rey !
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madtomedgar · 2 years
books read in December:
The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race, Jesmyn Ward: Great essays, really liked it, learned a lot. At the same time I am starting to feel like the issue isn’t so much needing to learn new information as much as it is consistently listening and understanding and applying what I do already know, and I do wish there was more about that, if that makes sense.
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Matthew Desmond: I had been putting off reading this for years because it felt like a book I should read and I kind of assumed it would be like a long article or a series of housing white papers. It is the opposite of that. It’s rare you find writing this good in nonfiction. Everyone should read this. I did have to keep taking breaks because it was very upsetting, just the realities of this system which I knew about already from the perspective of working with voucher holders and people trying to get vouchers. But probably the best nonfiction I’ve read since the pandemic.
Chemistry, Weike Wang: I liked the stream-of-consciousness style, almost like reading someone’s diary. I found the main character’s struggle with expectations, with herself, and with coming to terms with both what her parents did to her and and did for her really compelling. It helped me better understand my friends who are or have been in graduate programs. A little hetero for me but nothing’s perfect.
False Bingo, Jac Jemc: So the stories are clever and the author builds suspense well, and the one about the board game couple was a  delightfully scathing portrait of trying to have friends in your 30s. But. They were mostly kind of boring, kind of caught up in their own cleverness, kind of suffused with a certain middle-class midwestern realism that I find dull and off-putting, and occasionally kind of tone-deaf to the point of offensive. There’s one where these women in this town keep getting attacked and the twist is that one woman lied about being attacked to get herself out of a difficult conversation with her boyfriend, and then all the others wanted to feel special and included so they faked it too, and the people honestly upset about the violence against women are chumps who should have known better. And like... sure, fiction should absolutely be able to just go “if there were two guys on the moon and one killed another with a rock would that be fucked up or what!” but. Jac Jemc isn’t Gillian Flynn, who can and does pull this type of subversion off well. And reading it during the current backlash, in the wake of the Amber Heard debacle and while Meghan Thee Stallion was being pilloried for being attacked and daring to say she was, like I said, tone-deaf to the point of offensive.
Last Night in Nuuk, Niviaq Korneliussen, trans. Anna Halagar: Mama Mia wishes its big night was half as wild as the big night in this story. Again, I found the stream of consciousness style enjoyable, though this was more like being tapped into someone’s internal monologue who is very hung over. It’s gay, it’s queer, it’s trans, it’s complicated. I... really wish authors would stop having their queer women characters declare that being with a butch woman is “just like a man without the penis.” And like. How you know they’re Real Lesbians is that they’re into women not ugly bull-dykes. I also wish the trans man’s trans-ness had felt less like it could just have easily been stone butch-ness. But I think that’s more of a me problem where like... I have had enough people treat the state where I exist comfortably as both gross and a pit-stop on the way to inevitable transition (which I don’t want for me) that stories that even unintentionally play into that aren’t enjoyable to me, even as I recognize that they’re transformative and important for others.
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dimitrscu · 1 year
I thought the game was trying to reassure us actually xD In a manner like, "We know we've stated multiple times that Malenia is undefeated. But worry not. You'll be fighting a half-dead version of her! She's defeatable!"
I guess there's always room to argue how intentional the blooms are since it's vague enough. Though, my opinion is… hmm.. Regardless of whether Malenia actively chooses to bloom, I think significant feelings of despair will inevitably be present. Because it's only natural to despair on the brink of death, no? Unless she has zero survival instincts. And it's not as if she can find closure like Millicent. During the first bloom, she fights with purpose. During the second, she's not expecting a fight. In both cases, whyever would she instinctually willingly go down just because she's "not supposed to win"? Anyone else in her position would be resigned to carrying their resentments to the grave. But that doesn't happen for her since she harbours a parasitic time bomb which exploits the human condition. These are my current messy thoughts anyway. But I don't particularly care if she bloomed on purpose.
Maybe Malenia's combo of difficulty + novelty needs time for evaluating or adjusting to. Maybe that's why more people are coming round to her now. She's like an acquired taste in a way? Which also means some people just hold feelings of aversion towards her.
Sorry to give you an awkwardly late response. Sometimes I overthink what to say even when anonymous. Btw, my ask isn't an essay question with a limited word count :P rant if you wish. I enjoy reading your response. Thank you. And I too hope you're well.
Hey anon, so sorry for the late reply I haven’t been on here much this past week 😅
Oh you’re right though it could well be the game trying to reassure us I was mostly joking lol. What Gideon says about her being in the Haligtree, but potentially being dead would give us indication that she may not be in a good state when we get there. Also speaking of Gideon I always find it interesting how he never seems to elaborate much on her. There’s an option to ask about the others but not her or Mohg or Miquella. Mohg I get cause no one knows he’s the Lord of Blood. But I still think it’s funny how the All-Knowing knows nothing about the Haligtree or the twins. And then when we tell him about Miquella he’s like “maybe we should kill him because I do not want to be around if he wakes up”
I agree with what you say about the bloom. Despair seems to be a key factor according to Gowry and while I tend to take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt, he does seem to be on to something there. It certainly seems to be the case with Millicent given the two outcomes of her questline. I don’t doubt it would be the same for Malenia as well. During her fight with Radahn she was physically and mentally exhausted by the end, making it harder to fight off the rot, which we know takes a lot of willpower on her part. Then there’s the possibility of her failing to win the war. You put all that into perspective and it’s easy to see why she acted out of desperation like that. That feeling of despair is bound to set in. This is all just my speculation though as I know it’s a very controversial topic at this point. It’s hard to discuss these things at times as there’s so many people who think the war was over nothing and Malenia just threw a tantrum because she couldn’t beat the Big Man and she just wanted to maintain her undefeated status. It’s so funny I swear, if she didn’t have that line about never knowing defeat people wouldn’t be so upset over this.
"During the first bloom, she fights with purpose. During the second, she's not expecting a fight. In both cases, whyever would she instinctually willingly go down just because she's "not supposed to win"?"
Yeah this is something that’s always confused me with this fandom. Because I am genuinely curious as to how people think Malenia should have responded in either situations. People seem to think she should have let both Radahn and the tarnished win simply because it would have been easier for both us and him, instead of using everything at her disposal to try and take us both out. They act like she should have just lay down and died. I mean god forbid Malenia fights with everything she has. This is like that argument I saw a while ago that was like “why does Malenia attack us on site?” I mean are people really mad at that?? We break into her home and stand in front of her armed to the teeth looking for a fight. It’s hardly surprising she wants to kill us lmao. The amount of bosses that do the same thing and yet no one ever complains when Godfrey opens his fight by launching at us in a similar way.
Sorry this just turned into a rant post. I appreciate the message anon and again I’m sorry I took so long to reply and didn’t really have much to say <3
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fxllen-rxse · 1 year
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//The frustration is so real.... Here comes a work vent... If it's not you're thing, just ignore. I'll delete later, but I'm desperately needing to get this off my chest.
I've never been so utterly frustrated with work.
We have a young clerk that we hired back a little over a year ago. She's 21 now, has a one year old and is dealing with the kid's father, who is younger and cheated on her. So he's not really in the picture, so to speak. She lives with her mom right now.
She worked here when she was in school, but when c/vid hit, the owner "furloughed" her and someone else. Both ended up quitting. She was hired back when we had someone else quit last year since she was already somewhat trained.
Was fine at first, but her attitude towards others, we have learned, isn't the best. We've had mentions that she has been rude and at least 1 customer literally said that she has the personality of a tree. She has also been "written up" once or twice before.
She is currently less than part time so she can keep her state health insurance.
I've given her the benefit of the doubt, of course. Maybe it's just being blown out of proportion, but as time went on, she's become more and more flaky and undependable. Almost every pay period since she's been back she has missed a day a two. Either due to her kid or herself constantly being sick, which I get. It happens, but it's become such a regular thing anymore. Sometimes she'll also say she has some kind of emergency and is very vague about details and when or if she will be at work, which gives us little time to get coverage for her, if any. One time she was supposed to cover for someone on Saturday, but the day of, she was suddenly sick. This has happened on more than one occasion.
When she does mark herself off, she tends to either forget to tell anyone or just assumes it's fine. For example, a couple days prior, she half heartedly mentions that she won't be in on a Monday because it's her son's first birthday and it's special. Mondays are normally busy and she didn't even mark it down.
On top of this, she is supposed to take 30 minute lunch breaks. She marks herself down for such, but spends an additional 20 or so in the restroom afterwards. It might as well be an hour, but it's clearly not marked that way. Let alone the fact that she just randomly disappears in the middle of stuff for the same amount of time without saying anything multiple times per day.
So recently, several of us has voiced our frustrations with her. My husband, who is mostly in charge of the scheduling, talked with the owner, who already isn't fond of her because she has a nose ring, among other things. Supposedly he just wanted to fire her, but they're going with another approach. Getting fazed out, in a way. She will get her hours cut starting next week when school is out and two of our other employees can actually show up and work.
My husband informed her of this last Wednesday, after she somehow suddenly became sick and wanted to leave at 3. Afterwards, she left upset, and later texts him asking if she were to "accept" these new hours, which would be 3-6 m-f (because she doesn't want to work Saturdays, which is just 9-1), if she could get a raise...
When I was told about this, I couldn't wrap my head around it.... So she wanted more money for less work?!! And the fact that she assumed it was a choice?? I'm just.... I don't....
I have worked here for more than ten years and I don't think I've ever dealt with this amount of stress with another clerk. I am also a clerk. I am full time and, anymore, I feel like I'm babysitter when she's here just to make sure she isn't rude with people.
Maybe this is selfish of me. I'm older than she is, obviously. I have no kids and don't plan on having any, but as someone who doesn't and has had to work since I was 18, lost 2 parents at 20, and moved out shortly after to get away from my abusive step mother, I've been fortunate enough to work my way up to this point where my husband and I are stable with money and stuff and still have some luxuries sometimes. It wasn’t easy by any means.
And to some extent, I have some of my mom's leftover life insurance money to thank for a few things, but aside from that, neither of us were never just handed anything. We both have had to work our asses for this.
I will admit, her situation sucks all around. We have at least one tech who is against the idea of cutting her hours. He told my husband that it's "evil" and she's just a kid.
Maybe I am selfish. I have no kids and I don't know what it's like, but it's increasingly difficult for me to feel sorry for someone who's work ethic is almost nonexistent and just thinks she can get away with being paid more for doing as little as possible. Let alone made some poor life choices. I hate that I have think of it this way and I feel terrible, but I'm just frustrated to no end anymore.
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sarcastic-seniorita · 2 years
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DISCLAIMER: I have decided to create this blog as an outlet for my own self preservation. It is not intended to upset anyone or cause hurt feelings. However, true to my own sarcastic nature, if it does, then stop reading it! Although, I welcome any and all comments, I require no validation from anyone nor is this blog a debate platform for me to argue endlessly back and forth with anyone. I find all of that to be extremely exhausting! I truly love life and find that it’s much easier to deal with its little (or big) mishaps, and emotional ups and downs with a healthy dose of sarcastic humor. Although, you may not always agree with me, I hope you get some enjoyment out of the inner workings of my sarcastic mind!
Now with all that being said, a little introduction about myself and my family. See this girl?
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Yea … that’s NOT me.
See this girl?
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Now we’re getting closer …
I am a Christian that believes whole heartedly that Jesus Christ is my savior and died for my sins. However, I cuss a little and have the occasional social drink. I’m sure I let him down daily and pray that he forgives my shortcomings and knows that my faith is unbreakable!
I am a wife to a very handsome bald firefighter who can make me madder than anyone on this earth, and at the same time make me laugh harder than anyone I know. He has a real gift 😏. He truly is my soul mate.
I am mother to two beautiful children, whose ages will remain anonymous as to not reveal my impending doom. One amazing boy who lives close by, and is married to a beautiful girl who truly is too good for all of us in this family, so we must keep her around to make us all look good when needed 😂. I love her like one of my own! One beautiful girl who lives in another state, and definitely dances to her own rhythm. Both have inherited my sarcastic nature in their own way. They are also as different as night and day and rarely speak to each other 🙄. So much for having at least two kids so they won’t go through life alone …
I have two amazing grandchildren, and let’s face it, they can’t do anything wrong most of the time. One handsome grandson that amazes me everyday with his witty humor and quiet nature, and one beautiful granddaughter that was blessed with an extra dose of sarcasm and curiosity. Our granddaughter currently lives with us. Both keep life interesting with their funny antics and at times debatable choices!
I have two fur babies that are my true soul mates! They are far better companions than people. Yes, it’s true! They never complain, criticize, or get mad at me … what else could a woman ask for!
More about all of that later! Buckle up butter cup because I feel like 2023 is going to be great and I can’t wait to share it with you!!!
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P.S. I’m also new to tumblr and several of you seem like pros so sorry if my current posts seem a little emoji-ish and cheesy. I’ll learn.
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fatesealer505 · 6 months
Super uncool serious post 😞‼️‼️
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I don’t know how much I can say before risking being fakeclaimed or something,,, uh this is gonna get personal but realistically speaking I expect nothing and nobody out of this so read as you will if you got nothing to do. I will most likely forget about this is an hour or so anyway.
So what have I done whole I was gone..
Nothing. Absolutely, literally, down-to-my-core nothing. I don’t mean it too literally, but my days have been recurring enough for me to no longer remember that much about my days and how they are spent. I do remember who I am on most days though.
Uh. I don’t know if it’s pure laziness or if I’m currently suffering a big burnout. I haven’t really played anything or talked to anyone and ironically enough I’ve lost sleep as well. Of course (if I said this before I apologize) I’m still keeping up with GGST and now I’m back on Skullgirls.. somewhat. As for Genshin I had to stop playing because of my storage and disinterest, unfortunately. However, I still love the characters I got with all of my heart and believe they clutched when they could.
My social battery’s just gotten so low and it’s like everything annoys me (not y’all though, I think the people I last saw on here are all wonderful), as if I have nothing and don’t like having anything either. I’ve put a lot of thought on this and how it’s ended for me - as I am simply a teenager in the countryside who “knows nothing” and also a big “know-it-all” but that aside, I’ve decided I won’t be trying to improve very much at all as that only puts a bigger risk of a worst relapse than what I am in now. I’ve made peace and accepted my situation for what it is, and I know who’s at fault, including myself.
I will not risk therapy either since my purchases are supervised and I can’t drive yet, followed by living in a very.. right-wing retirement area. It isn’t my best option nor decision, but until my bs catches up with me or I somehow survive, it might as well be the safest. That being said, I can’t confirm nor deny anything, but if someone does read this, please do not slap labels on me or assume a disorder.
I have sunken from a straight-a’s kid to a “if i pass we good” teenager, which could very well be just because of my mental development but it’s working.. I think. I don’t know, educational success isn’t giving me anything considering the state of the country, and I honestly do not think it will. Some may call it upsetting or flame me for it, but that is one of the outcomes I’ve long since accepted.
Before someone reaches out, I’m not that much of a good person. It’s nothing personal, like I said before you all seem like lovely people - I’ve just been carved (and placed by myself) into a more nihilistic mindset. I’ve tried hard but to say I am now would be a lie because as mentioned - nothing’s happened.
So, what will you do mr fatesealer 505 ???
Well, I’m gonna have to grow up. This summer, I was planning on getting a permit since everyone has their license (we’re just sophomores calm down like..) and hopefully a tiny job to keep my hands busy. If I do, this means I get to leave school early. Hip hip hooray.
What does this mean for my uploads?
I’m not sure. I’m trying to relearn digital art the best I can and luckily it seems I haven’t lost my spark in its entirety just yet. Do not assume my life-altering failures will postpone my mediocre hobby.
Despite my utter lack of every fucking thing (bless those who have stayed with me) I would like to try socializing just a teeny bit more just online. Not real-world, there are creeps my age (thank you Texas, I could not ask for better..)
Unless someone spawns and wants to talk or have me expand on my totally untubular experience, you’re free to go ahead.
I will not be changing my avatar. The silly is love and life. And so are all of you for what you have given even if I have never spoken.
Thank you.
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harway · 1 year
Having a huge argument with a friend. Free drama read.
Through Discord text chat. The start of the argument was over if the VTuber, Koseki Bijou, sounded younger than 7 or if she sounded 12. My argument was the former, his was the latter. I am bias against high voices and I am deathly allergic to girls that speak high and cutesy perpetually.
It was a decent length argument going back and forth, and my friend said the VTuber sounded older than 12. He would know because he went to a 12 year old's birthday party.
Meanwhile I recently went on vacation that included children ages 2, 7, 9, and 11. The VTuber sounded younger than 7 pit against them. If you're reading this, you can look the VTuber up and make your own judgements.
Anyway, I made a really dry joke that I was sorry the 12-year-old my friend knew was disabled. (The high voice being the 'disability'.) He got really offended because apparently that's his goddaughter and I shouldn't assume she's disabled because she has a high voice.
Now, being upset I made a mean joke is perfectly reasonable, what's not reasonable is how he handled shutting down the conversation which was strong-armed. Words like: "Stop. No, we're not talking about this." "The conversation is over."
Being treated in such a way triggers me really badly. I don't handle being treated like that very well and it snaps something in my brain. It manifests as anger like a fire that sucks out all my oxygen and my head shifts into a hard "you should not exist in this world" / "I don't want to live in a world with people like you in it." I get heavily suicidal, and go insane. I have enough consciousness to not start destroying things or committing to self harm, but the feeling is there—and this only happens when that type of language is used against me.
Should probably get therapy about that type of reaction—why it is and how to avoid situations like that—but that's not important right now.
Anyway, since I got triggered really hard, I ended the conversation and left for the night; I can feel when my sanity is slipping. I had to extract myself from that conversation because I didn't want to say anything I regret. I considered him a precious friend. I said something along the lines of that I was enraged and that I was getting off for the night.
The reason I used the language of "enraged" is because that's what I felt at the time! The feeling is extremely visceral and can be difficult to explain as a result.
Off the computer I was wailing to my friend about it—screaming—Friend B didn't even take me seriously until I dug my fingers into his sides and shook him as hard as my little arms could. I was very not okay. Sliding off the deep end, but he talked me into calming down until I returned to normal after bitching and crying for several hours about it.
End that event.
Six days later Friend A messaged me. At this point I'm extremely stressed because of my job. My boss was asking me to move across the country for an unreasonable amount of money (45k a year), but the company is a start up. The stress of that, I did not have the emotional capacity to explain to my friend he triggered an extreme mental breakdown. How do you explain that to someone anyway? "I had a mental breakdown and it's your fault"?
I did my best to allude to that it was more than just anger, but also firmly said I couldn't talk about it and didn't have the emotional bandwidth. I would discuss it with him later when I did.
I also went over with him in-depth about the other major stressor in my life in which he gave absolutely no sympathy towards. He moved across a few states for an (apparently) bad wage at a hospital (not a start-up company), and lived with a family member in his current state until he could get a house. (I have no family or friends where I would have been moving aside from my boss who has has a wife and 2 kids; I'm not staying with them.)
Also, something, something, I made some assumption and Friend B says that I need to stop making assumptions. He has a habit of lecturing me about how I should be. How I need to use words around him to dictionary definition to prevent misunderstandings. He needs to be interacted with in a precise way and if I don't, I get a small lecture about how I'm interacting with people wrong.
End second event.
Back to the main point, it takes a lot of time for me to think of a super triggering event like that and not go into a flurry of insanity just at the thought. It was important for me to have space so I could get to a point where I don't get suicidal thinking about the event. So three weeks past and I messaged him today asking if he's going to play Armored Core. I know it's within his special interests and it's a good question to test the waters with.
His answers were really short. Okay, fine, I know things aren't good between us, so I just bluntly ask if we're just not going to talk anymore. His response is exactly, "I'm talking with my parents. Not everything revolves around you."
There was not even a hint that he was busy doing something else, only that he was being short. Last time he was short too, which creates the assumption he's angry. These are normal assumptions, and people make and draw conclusions naturally.
But the "not everything revolves around you" really fucking ticked me off. My assumption was a symptom of a greater issue (us being on bad terms) and I explained that.
And then later he writes back to me the giant thing about how I was taking advantage of him, how I have no self-awareness, and goes on this huge rant about how pretty much he makes so many sacrifices to make our friendship work. So patient and tolerant. He even says he wasn't even mad that I insulted his goddaughter. He was drawing his boundaries and calmly letting me know and tried to move the conversation away. If you've forgotten already how that went, he shut down the conversation hard and refused to talk about pitch and age corelation of high voices. If it didn't make him mad, why did he have such a violent reaction to it?
So then I wrote him a 3 page essay response about what happened during event one, how it made me feel, and that if anything I actually felt betrayed. Not too long ago we were talking about hwo we enjoyed each other's company. There were things we could talk about that we couldn't any other. He was also happy I didn't freak out over alone-together silence and generally I was super grounded.
I have no clue what he was talking about regarding everything else. And so, more context:
Friend A was a very special friend to me because he was one of the first people to treat me like a person and want to do things with me back when no one would talk to me in high school. To me he was like a shining sun and I had a lot of fun, happy memories.
I pay special attention to how I talk to him as a result to preserve who he is and our relationship.
I never want to shame him for his hobbies—like once he was really into painting his nails; I encouraged him to do it if it made him happy. I don't really like that in a guy, but my opinion doesn't matter when it comes to his happiness.
I do my best to listen to him talk about games he's interested in, at the very least keep an open ear even if they aren't my kind of game. He does the same for me. I am admittedly bad at engaging and have bad auditory processing, but I will never tell him to stop talking about them even if I'm not all that interested.
I even talk to him about topics he doesn't feel like he can talk about with others. The appreciation for good doujin or weird web comics. I think they're fun too and it's enjoyable!
I don't really like table top games, but I gave Lancer a try for him. It went really badly for me in particular, but the group and story was just not a very good for introduction for a newbie. I ended up having to withdraw and did my best to explain it wasn't their fault, I'm just not used to TTRPGs enough for it.
During this event Friend A actually got upset for not going to him for help. He is just not someone great to ask for things to be explained to from, and last he tried to help me with Lancer it wasn't a very good learning experience. Also I have a lot of trouble with self learning and focus.
Meanwhile he's great at it! Tried playing Kingdom Death with him. I tried to talk to him while he was reading the rules though once and I get a really terse, "I'm not done reading the rules" in the same tone a parent might tell a child that they're busy and to go away because they're a child. Then while playing the game he insisted we follow the rules to a 'T' rather than focus on making the game fun for us. Friend B was there too and not having a great time.
And another great interaction with Friend A was when we were talking about VTuber rigging. He said that IRYS' first model wasn't expressive enough and that was the fault of the modeler. I said that it was the fault of the rigger and 2D rigging is similar to 3D rigging (my main trade), which is how I know. He insisted that it was the modeler's fault, but we both didn't know enough about Live2D to argue about it. He was going to ask another friend who made and rigged her own model. I didn't bother arguing with him about it, but later he said his VTuber friend said it was the fault of the rigger. OK. I don't even think I rubbed it in that I was right or that it was how I said because I'm not looking to pick arguments.
And then us not being able to play a game together he's complained about, because I used to move games a lot... Well, we had different schedules so I just stopped inviting him to try different games. I wasn't going to make a big deal of it. Says it's my fault, whatever, maybe in the future if there's a game we both really like—shelving the idea.
I'm just griping now honestly. Friend B says I shouldn't be friends with Friend A if he brings no joy to my life. The idea of Friend A is probably where the joy is and we have just such different communication styles we probably should just stop being friends.
In the end though, the start of this whole damn thing could have been avoided if he communicated his boundaries with different phrasing. I don't have a problem with his boundaries, but I also got mine. No one else I talk to treats me like I'm below them, even my boss.
It got worse because I needed to look after my mental health since I could easily become actively suicidal. Maybe I didn't communicate that well when I was overwhelmed and stressed. I'll take that L too; I need to get better at controlling my emotions and handle stress better.
But seriously, how are you supposed to tell a precious friend "Your language towards me caused a serious mental breakdown" when just the thought of it caused insanity to ebb at the edge of the mind?
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