#and any types i forgot
Happy World Diabetes Day. It sucks. Fuck insulin companies.
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Were starving for Barnaby x Howdy father...were starving for it/hj
here is some food child.... you're safe now....
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heartorbit · 7 months
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a mob of emus for an artstyle game on twt! ^_^
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cinimuffin · 8 months
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Merlin and Mordred’s friendship is just grumpy older brother and peppy kid the older brother found one day and decided to adopt. Merlin may hate him, but if anyone else does, they’re done. Like cancelling life subscriptions or forcefully expediting character development, or both depending on the situation. Anyway. Merlin is an older brother/caretaker figure to Mordred and I cannot be convinced otherwise.
Merlin, staring at a camera like in The Office: I can bully him relentlessly but if anyone else even thinks about him funny, imma end their entire bloodline.
Mordred: I know Emrys says he hates me. Did you know he created a more potent medicine when I got sick? He said it was because it’d taste worse, but he added honey so it wasn’t too bad. It was actually nicer than Gaius’. I should get him something to say thank you.
—in the woods or something—
Mordred: Emrys! I found this flower!
Merlin: *snorts* okay?
Mordred: oh… I’ll just… *goes to take it back while looking sad*
Merlin: Piss off. It’s mine now. *magics it so it won’t die and keeps it on his desk*
Mordred: :D
Merlin: He’s stupid. Also this flower is my favourite kind. That’s why I’m keeping it. Not for Mordred. My brother- nemesis is so stupid.
Mordred: Do you think he liked the flower? I couldn’t find any of his favourites but it was in the same family. … he said it was his favourite? … *smiles*
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buwheal · 6 months
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He used to surf the web back in 98'.
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bronzebluemind · 2 months
It’s been 0 weeks since the World Cup finale, 17 weeks to go until sgp and 34 weeks to go until next season.
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nattikay · 3 months
How to use tìftang (the apostrophe thing) when naming your Na'vi OC
The most important thing to note here is that tìftang is not decorative!! It’s not just there to make words/names look cool! It’s a consonant and represents an actual sound (specifically a “glottal stop”, aka that little catch in the back of your throat when you say “uh-oh”). Adding tìftang to your OC’s name will affect the pronunciation of said name.
When using tìftang in your OC’s name, you want to make sure it’s next to at least one vowel (a, ä, i, ì, e, u, o) or diphthong (ay, aw, ey, ew).
✅ Ka'ul ✅ Ka'nul ✅ Kat'ul
It CANNOT go between two consonants—this is a VERY common mistake!!
🚫 Kat'nul This is not pronounceable! It’s like having a character whose name is meant to be pronounced “Bob” or “Jimmy” but for some reason spelling it “Bokb” or “Jimtmy”.
The reason for this is Na'vi syllable structure. Tìftang can start or end a syllable, but it cannot go in the middle of a syllable, because it cannot cluster with other consonants.
For practical examples of what that means, let’s look back at the previous examples:
Ka'ul can break down into either [ka'][ul] or [ka]['ul], so tìftang is either ends the first syllable, or begins second syllable.
Ka'nul breaks down into [ka'][nul]; tìftang ends the first syllable.
Kat'ul breaks down into [kat]['ul]; tìftang begins the second syllable.
So what about Kat'nul? There are a few ways to break it down, and none of them work. [kat'][nul] and [kat]['nul] are both invalid because, while the tìftang is at the end/beginning of the syllable like in the other examples, it’s clustering with t or n. Remember that tìftang cannot cluster with other consonants!
The other way to break it down—and probably the way most people unfamiliar with Na'vi would be thinking—would be [kat]'[nul], with the intended pronounced syllables just being “kat” and “nul” with the tìftang thrown in to look cool and alien. This doesn’t work because again, tìftang is not decorative! It is a letter with a sound (one that’s not even really physically possible to pronounce properly between a t and n even without the syllable rules), not a punctuation! Kat'nul-pronounced-Katnul the Na'vi is just Jimtmy-pronounced-Jimmy the human. Just spell it Katnul!
Speaking of clustering, here’s another mistake I see sometimes (though a little less commonly):
🚫 K'atnul
This is also not pronounceable, because while yes the tìftang is next to a vowel, within its syllable it’s clustering with k. Remember that tìftang can only begin or end a syllable; it can’t go in the middle of one like [k'at]!!
Now, here’s a quick thing to be aware of. Remember earlier on I mentioned that tìftang must go next to a vowel or diphthong? Let’s talk about diphthongs real quick:
A diphthong is what you get when two vowels merge into a single sound. Na'vi has four of them. They are written ay (a+i), aw (a+u), ey (e+i), and ew (e+u). That said, you could have a names like these:
✅ Kaw'nul ✅ Key'nul
…but not like these:
🚫 Kow'nul 🚫 Kuy'nul
Why does the first set work but not the second? Because in the first set, the w and y are not standalone consonants, but rather part of the aw and ey diphthongs. In the second set, however, ow and uy are not diphthongs, so the w and y are regular consonants, which means Kow'nul and Kuy'nul don’t work for the same reason as Kat'nul: tìftang cannot go between two consonants. (changing the spellings to Kou'nul and Kui'nul would work, however!)
tl;dr - to assess whether you are using tìftang correctly in your OC name, ask yourself three questions:
1.) Is it next to at least one vowel (a, ä, i, ì, e, u, o) or diphthong (ay, aw, ey, ew)? ✅ Ka'ul ✅ Ka'nul ✅ Kat'ul ✅ Kaw'nul 🚫 Kat'nul 🚫 Kow'nul
2.) Does it begin/end its syllable? ✅ [ka'][nul] ✅ [kat]['ul] 🚫 [k'a][nul]
3.) Is it clustering with other consonants? 🚫 [kat'][nul] 🚫 [k'at][nul]
If your answers are yes, yes, and no, in that order, then congrats!! You have used tìftang correctly!
If your answer is no to the first two or yes to the third, you can fix it one of three ways:
Move the tìftang to a valid position: 🚫 K'anul -> ✅ Ka'nul
Remove the tìftang completely: 🚫 Kat'nul -> ✅ Katnul
Add a vowel: 🚫 Kat'nul -> ✅ Kate'nul, ✅ Kat'enul 🚫 K'atnul -> ✅ Kì'atnul 🚫 Kow'nul -> ✅ Kowa'nul
Now go forth and tìftang responsibly! :D
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sincerely-sofie · 2 days
For the little gymleader ask game
I think ghost type with a alolan marowak would be verry fitting
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Nightlight the dusknoir is a bit of a nervous wreck, but she hits like a truck when she’s up for a fight! Thankfully, Dickens the marowak is willing to take any battles she’s not in the mood for.
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marlinspirkhall · 3 months
(Inspired by the fact that I hate mocha despite loving both coffee and hot chocolate)
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iguessitsjustme · 2 months
This is off the top of my head of shows that should have had some sort of poly but instead were cowards. (im kidding i love these shows pls don’t shoot me)
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fuck it. Take This And Run
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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mawguai · 2 years
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here are some tinkaton doodles I made
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
Was talking about Star Trek with my parents cuz we’re lame, and I brought up Spirk cuz I’m infinitely more lame, and my nearly seventy-year-old father said “if anyone was *makes vague gesture*, it was Bones and Spock”
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 4 months
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