#and are justifiably frustrated
ilynpilled · 1 year
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idgaf wars champion
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thankstothe · 1 month
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eat him alive <3
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Mxtx, creating a beautiful and well-rounded female character that appears only briefly: Hey, isn’t it fucked up that this character who is so important in the world of this story and to the people that knew her can only be known to you, reader, through flashback memories because the people in power were willing and able to sacrifice her in their never-ending quest for ultimate dominance? Do you feel the constant grief over what could have been had her potential not been killed in its infancy? Do you understand that you as a reader are mourning in the same way that her loved ones she’s left behind are, knowing that the world has been changed for the worse by her premature death? Doesn’t it suck?
(English-speaking) Mdzs fandom the bane of her existence (probably): Killing women in stories can have no other meaning than that you hate women, so this was a misogynistic choice, actually.
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ladystoneboobs · 5 months
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no, but the way, cersei brushes sansa's hair with her fingers after telling her ilyn payne will kill her if stannis wins his battle, so they can all die together. this intimate, almost maternal gesture following a death threat. and then later a similar gesture is used with her actual child, when intimidating the king himself, her youngest, after threatening to have his whipping boy brought in to be beaten before them. just as she scared sansa, she scares tommen, also thought to be meek as sansa was. cersei only knows how to rule through fear but in these certain cases, she can sometimes mix in acts of tenderness too for a particularly unsettling combination.
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ef-1 · 7 months
tapping the "do you even like Lewis or do you just like shipping him with a white man" sign
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hyakunana · 17 days
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The Former Most Miserable Man That Ever Stepped in DGP is found saving the future with a shield and FIVE CHAINSAWS
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redysetdare · 6 months
One thing I've noticed about the erasure of aspec identities is that it's eerily familiar to the erasure of non-binary identities. Often times Aspec identities are viewed as Blank slates to slap other identities on top of - similar to non-binary identities.
A character uses strictly they/them and people will say "Okay but I'm going to use he/him or she/her because x looks like a boy/girl to me" A character strictly states they are not interested in romance and people will say "okay but I'm going to call them a lesbian/gay/any other sexuality because obviously they must be interested in x even though they said they weren't interested at all."
"I can ignore this characters canonical non-binary identity because people can headcanon whatever they want and I headcanon them as cis instead! no this isn't erasure!!! it's fiction it doesn't hurt anyone! pronouns don't equal gender anyways!!!"
"I can ignore this characters canonical aspec identity because people can ship/headcanon whatever they want and I headcanon this character as allo/not aspec instead! no this isn't erasure!!! it's fiction it doesn't hurt anyone! aspecs can still date and have sex anyways!!!"
idk as someone who is both nonbinary and aroace I'm having a sense of déjà vu.
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vivika-ka · 3 days
Some instances that I feel show how some messages in MHA are detrimental, especially on how victims react to their abuser, can be gauged by responses that tend to be highly prevalent in the fandom.
(Definitely not every fan, but a great majority).
Endeavor is a great example. Whenever you post criticizing his approach to atonement (and ultimately criticizing Horikoshi’s writing), you get BOMBARDED by people either belittling you for not liking his character or essentially forcing you to like his character by frantically writing “at least he tried” arguments.
If I have the CHOICE whether to forgive his character or not, especially given he goes through an atonement arc and not a redemption arc, why is any form of criticism about his abusive behavior and essentially his abuse of power practically ignored by the story unacceptable?
The message was detrimental because people operate on the notion that for victims to be good people, they must forgive and even help their abusers. MHA presents people who choose not to forgive him as either a monster (Toya) or inconvenient (Natsuo). And if they are still unforgiving, they must admire the abuser for doing the bare minimum (taking responsibility; this is also about Natsuo).
Essentially, they are considered "imperfect victims" because they weren't merciful in their approach to their abuser.
The majority of the fandom tends to ignore the lack of actual consequences for Endeavor's actions because he vows to talk to Toya every day. Insisting that doing the bare minimum, which is recognizing his son's existence and suffering, became his "hell" is a wildly fucked up message, in my opinion.
It harps on the issue mentioned above that if a victim isn't receptive to forgiveness or doesn't act "demure," they are seen as an inconvenience—which is how the Todoroki family ultimately views Toya.
On a less critical note, I'll vent, so if you don't like this, just ignore it.
I'm so fucking tired of stories depicting imperfect victims as people who deserve death and torture. Plus, having to be on the brunt of so many people acting like you're morally fucked because you're not impressed with how a writer handled abuse. Horikoshi is not the first writer to try to atone a character who is an abuser (and he isn't the first to fail at that, either).
I'm not about to dick-ride every decision every author makes. Especially if the message convinces some audience members that victims are inherently broken if they can't bring themselves to forgive and/or admire someone who hurt them.
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moeblob · 11 days
As an attempt at a polite "going forward" comment...
I do not plan to draw for Three Houses or Hopes for a long while. I know a lot of my followers are from the past four years and I appreciate that you followed me at all! But if you are only interested in the art of those characters I wanted to be clear and say you can unfollow me at any point if what i draw no longer aligns with what you want to see.
I might draw for other FEs (like Heroes or 13/14/17) but I do not want to get involved with 3H any more. I do have other interests and across tumblr, twitter (now inactive), and sometimes on discord I've heard enough "I thought it was (FE3H character)".
This is not one person doing it and it is not simply one character being mistaken. I simply want to distance myself from 3H and have unfollowed a few people that reblog art of it because it just leaves a lingering bad taste in my mouth.
Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can find artists who can provide art for topics you like.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I'm sitting outside. It's slightly windy. Not much. Perfect amount for me. And it gives fresh and clear air. I have music. And my thoughts are circling about moonvale of course. So I just want to leave a couple of spontaneous words. Just letting out what I think and feel at the moment.
I'm sorry, Everbyte. I'm sorry for all the hate. And I'm sorry for the amount of people being disappointed in your work. Because, well, there's still this little sprikle of hope in me. Of hope and disbelief. I'm thinking about Duskwood and what you created with it. I'm thinking about all the love we felt through Duskwood. You could see the effort you put into it. We saw the improvements and amazing ideas. Good plots over and over again. New ideas every single time. The quality was already amazing, in my eyes. Sure, some little bugs here and there, but nothing huge. Nothing bothering.
But all this. All things we saw in Duskwood. It made us believe you care about the fans. It made us feel like you hear us, as you said once. It made us feel so happy because it looked as if you're really doing this game for us.
And this.. My brain refuses to believe you really just want our money. My brain refuses to believe that you did, what you did in Moonvale, on purpose. My brain wants to believe that you never meant to make us feel this way.
My brain wants to believe that it all made sense to you, and that there was nothing wrong with it, that it was harmless in your eyes. In your world.
And because my head wants to believe in the good, my heart hurts to see how much negativity you get. My heart hurts to see the hate. And the critism.
But sadly, even if it hurts, sadly it's necessary at the moment to share constructive feedback about it.
But even that must be incredibly stressful, because there are thousands, tens of thousands of people who are currently pointing their fingers at you. And that must be hard. Even horrible. Awful.
As I said, my brain refuses to believe all this only happened because you didn't care about your community and you only cared about and wanted our money. I still have hopes.
And I want to belive you had the same love for Moonvale as you had for Duskwood. If I imagine.. You let your new baby out into the world with the hope of making people happy... And as answers there's nothing but negativity in any way. I have no idea how this must be. And I'm incredibly sorry for it.
And even if I'm completely wrong. Even if you really just wanted money, even then I still feel bad for you about the amount of people looking at you. Even then, although you would deserve it in this case, even then I would still feel bad for you. Empathy is an interesting thing. And parasocial "relationships" as well.
We see what we want to see. But I'm sure, in Duskwood, during Duskwood, we saw who you really are. Because there was no hint of what we saw in Moonvale. How could you fake what we saw in Duskwood?
I wish it wouldn't be the case. But you deserve critism for it. Normal criticism, of course. No hate or insultings. But feedback is needed. In our eyes.
And I just hope that there will be a solution. I hope the situation will improve. I hope so, so much.
Duskwood saved me in so many ways. And it's the truth. Not just a saying or anything. It did. And it gave me so much.
Maybe we completely got everything wrong. Maybe we understood some things wrong.
I just hope that a lot of criticism will be noticed and reflected and that you will find a solution. Because I simply think.. I'm sure we all want to play Moonvale. We all want another amazing game from you. Because Duskwood was an incredible game. A game we loved. And we also want to love Moonvale.
In my eyes, there's so much potential. And I really hope in the next episodes we will see more of it. And less worrying about money.
Of course it's your game. Do whatever you want. And if that's the path you want to take, go for it.
But I really want to say, you have an amazing Community behind you. And if there will be improvements and some changes, I'm sure we all will still be by your side. And we all will support you. This time, gladly. And not because we had to in order to play.
I'm sad. I'm desperate. I'm confused and overwhelmed. And..
I'm sorry.
For everyone. For Everbyte. And for all of us.
I'm sorry about this situation...
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lokh · 5 months
LISTEN... for all that shuro is frustrated by him he really Gets who laios is. it's because he understands him so well that he felt bad about being frustrated for so long
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wickjump · 3 days
will never understand how people get genuinely angry over people’s views on fictional skeletons (primarily on aspects that don’t matter). cause like. that’s basically just someone’s oc. that oc’s creator has drawn that oc doing what you’re upset other people are drawing them doing. you are defending someone’s oc from something that does not matter. i can bet you a billion bucks if you went to the creator of your blorbo they would not get mad at whatever you’re upset about. they’d go “such is life” and go smoke a cigarette or something. depending on who you’re thinking about there’s a chance they’ve literally said before that they really don’t care. and neither should you
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padfootastic · 1 year
James and Harry for the drabble thing? Please and thank you <3
i. i never realised how less 100 words was???? pls no one count this it was my first attempt. i promise i’ll do better w the next 😭
“Dad, I’ve been flying since I was a year old,” Harry deadpans, hands balled on his hips. “Literally.”
“Yes, well, I didn’t sign up for that, now, did I,” James Potter grumbles. His hair, an unruly mop on a good day, now resembles an electrified raccoon. He doesn’t seem to care as his hands reach up to pull at it again. “I still haven’t forgiven Sirius for it, you know.”
“Baby, you’re only twelve,” his father pleads, hazel eyes beseeching. “It’s not safe for you to be so high up. Trust me, I’d know.”
“Yes, because you were on the team in your second year,” Harry hisses in return. His ears feel warm, and there’s a telltale stinging in his eyes. “It’s not fair.”
With that declaration, he stomps away to his room, realising he was being childish but not being able to help it.
James stares at his son’s retreating back helplessly, hands fluttering in a futile attempt to do something.
“You deserved that, you know.” An amused voice pops up behind him and he shoots a dark glare at his wife leaning against the wall. “Acting all holier-than-thou when all of us know about the stunts you’ve pulled on a broom.”
“Yes, well. Harry’s just a child,” he harrumphs; it’s a familiar refrain. Lily just hums in response.
“And I’d like you to remember what you were doing as a child, at his age,” she says casually before walking off.
James’ face drains of all color at her words. They’d discovered Remus’ secret in second year and after that—
Oh fuck.
Send me a drabble prompt!
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pinkhysteria · 15 days
leah saying she doesn't go around talking behind people's back or throwing their names under the bus or talk about people on a personal level... well. idk about all that!
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my toxic trait is i get really annoyed when ppl make atsushi and akutagawa's relationship about dazai
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disruptivevoib · 9 months
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"Indomitable Fear Response"
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