#on a serious note i do like that they both take note of his nonchalance
ilynpilled · 11 months
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idgaf wars champion
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beomboomboom · 2 months
Falling for you (literally)
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genre: fluff, best friends to lovers, drunken confession
pairing: Soonyoung x reader
summary: You never would've thought that helping a drunk Soonyoung go home would lead to him falling for you both literally and figuratively.
warnings: a little bit of swearing, mentions of drinking and alcohol
note: Drunk Hoshi never fails to make me laugh 😭😂. This fic is part of an ask for drunken confession fics. Enjoy reading <33
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"Come on, let's go home," you sigh when you catch sight of Soonyoung's slumped figure in the bar, his friends nowhere to be seen.
"I don't wanna. I'm tired," Soonyoung wines in response as he leans his body weight on you, his face puffy and flushed a light shade of pink from all the alcohol.
You should've known better than to believe Jeonghan when he called saying that your best friend was feeling sick and needed someone to take him to the hospital.
When you realized Jeonghan lied and called you only because he didn't want to be the one to haul Soonyoung's drunk ass home, to say you felt betrayed would be an understatement.
"I swear to god Jeonghan I will get you back for this," you mutter and curse Jeonghan under your breath as you take Soonyoung's limbs and attempt to haul him out of the bar. "Come on Soonyoung let's get out of here."
"Nooo~," Soonyoung whines as tears begin to escape his eyes, "I never got to beat Jeonghan in his drinking game."
"It's okay, next time you can try to win against Jeonghan," you say as you try to reason with Soonyoung, while knowing very well that with his alcohol tolerance he has about a zero percent chance of ever winning any drinking game whatsoever.
"Your house is close by, so you can walk a little right?" you question as you silently asses Soonyoung's condition. He seems a bit unstable so you wrap his arm around your shoulders and let him lean his weight on you. When you feel his hot skin meet yours you try to brush off the speeding up of your heartbeat, praying desperately that Soonyoung is too drunk to notice.
"Mhmm...I can walk," Soonyoung says with a drunken giggle as he stumbles out the door of the bar and leans his head on your shoulder.
"Careful, there's stairs here," you warn, slowing down so that Soonyoung can gain at least a bit of stability.
"Okayy~" Soonyoung giggles in response before letting out a scream as he trips over his own two feet and tumbles down the stairs.
"SOONYOUNG," you yell, panicked as you quickly run down the stairs. "Are you okay?"
"hehehe~" Soonyoung drunkenly giggles. "I fell for you."
Your mind goes in overdrive the moment you hear his words. On one hand you're concerned for him after just falling down the stairs seconds ago. The blood running down his knee and forehead has you wanting to rush him home so you can quickly take care of him.
But on the other hand, your brain is stuck on his confession that seems way too fake to be real. His confession that, if true, means your feelings might not actually be one-sided after all.
It must be a joke.
After all, Soonyoung makes a ton of jokes when he's drunk.
"No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor," you respond jokingly, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible and ignoring Soonyoung's past comment.
"Nooo~ I'm being serious," Soonyoung whines as tears begin to fall down his cheeks while he clings to your body. "Why can't you believe what I say? I like you."
You swear your heart stops in that moment. Gently, you cup Soonyoung's flushed face with your hand as you let out a fond laugh. "I like you too, but let's talk about this when you're sober."
Soonyoung lets out an excited squeal when he hears your response. "I guess my seducing techniques worked. I purposely wore clothes I knew you would like and-," Soonyoung begins to ramble before being interrupted by your embarrassed scream.
"You were doing that on purpose?!" You let out a embarrassed laugh as you give Sooonyoung a playful shove. "Anyways, we should go to your house. There's blood all over your knee and forehead"
"Can I have a kiss on my scratches? I think it'll help it get better," Soonyoung pouts while looking at you earnestly.
"That's kind of dirty though. There's blood-"
"Fine. But this is only because I like you," you relent as you gently kiss his knee and forehead.
"Okay, now a kiss here," Soonyoung says as he giggles and leans in closer to you to give you a kiss on the lips.
"Not right now. We need to get you cleaned up first," you say while ignoring Soonyoung's cries of protest. "I'll give you as many kisses as you want but only if you can walk with me to your house."
The second Soonyoung hears your words he jumps up and happily stumbles after you as you lead him to his house.
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You let out a fond smile as you tuck in a passed-out Soonyoung.
"I'm falling for you more and more every day," you whisper into his ear as you give a small peck on his forehead, right where a tiger printed band-aid sits (Soonyoung cried until you let him have the tiger band-aid) evidence of where Soonyoung quite literally fell for you.
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winwintea · 2 months
how dreamies would react to bailing you out of jail
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PAIRING ▸ dreamies x reader 
TAGS ▸ none, except jail and chenle being rude at first, and oh karen renjun
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i have never been arrested, i am a lawfully abiding citizen. have a nice day. i am perfectly normal and sane.
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Mark Lee
Mark has never had to deal with the legal system before, so when he receives the phone-call from you, he’s really confused. “You’re… where?” He makes you repeat yourself and how you got in the situation. “What do you mean you can… ‘bail’ yourself out? Don’t you… have to be tried, like in front of a jury?” You have to explain to Mark how bails work, and eventually he begins to understand. “Don’t worry y/n… I’ll get you out, give me a second.” You can hear him leaving his room and running out, “CHENLE ?? CHENLE !! I NEED SOME CASH.” 
Huang Renjun
Renjun is a little annoyed at first when he realizes that it’s the police station calling him and it involves you. “Well, what’d they do?” He asks, carefully, and as he listens to what the officers say, and his temper slowly starts to rise. “And you put them in jail for that?” He’s pissed off now. Not only was his day interrupted, but you got arrested for such a stupid reason. There was absolutely no reason why he needed to be involved either, so if they wanted him involved he would get involved. “You will be hearing from my lawyers…”
Lee Jeno
Jeno, like Mark, would be extremely confused on what exactly was going on. While he listened to you rant about what happened, and how you got put in jail, one thing would be on his mind: Were you a criminal now? He’s still technically trying to process everything that’s going on, nodding and expressing some “Uh-huh”s here and there to let him know you were listening, but his eyes are wide with concern. He really didn’t want you to become a criminal and agreed to buy your bail. (poor jeno)  
Lee Donghyuck
Haechan cannot remain serious for once. He immediately lets out a giant laugh as soon as he hears what happened, “Yo, can you send me the mugshot? I might make some memes with it.” Obviously you aren’t too happy with this at all, and promptly hang up the call, stating that you were going to call someone else. 5 seconds later though, Haechan calls back, apologizing profusely, “SORRY. SORRY. I’LL PAY, I’LL PAY, SORRY”
Na Jaemin
Jaemin is both disappointed in you, but still worried for your wellbeing, so obviously he agrees to come bail you out, “Are you okay? I’m coming… to pick you up, don’t be scared.” When he arrives at the cell, he immediately scolds you, which he deems as appropriate payment for him having to drive over and rescue you. However, Jaemin will absolutely defend you all the way. Once he pays the bail bondsman, he then turns his attention to the officers, “Look at that face officer! Does that look like the face of a criminal to you?” It’s not until you beg him to leave that he finally gives up arguing with them. 
Zhong Chenle
Chenle does not want to help you at all, “I don’t have time sorry.” (okay rude) But Chenle’s biggest mistake was calling you on facetime. You started crying and rambling about how your life was over, and how you were going to get sentenced to jail time, and this did the trick. “Okay. Fine FINE. I’M GOING.” He ends up paying a hefty sum to get your name cleared from the records and so there will be no trial for you! He doesn’t even ask if you did it or not. This is lowkey illegal and corrupt, but Chenle just doesn’t want to see you upset, and who are you to complain?
Park Jisung
Jisung is somehow so calm about the situation? Like, hearing that you got arrested doesn’t even phase him, “Where you at, send me the location, I’ll pick you up.” You’re shocked too, because you expected him to be in panic mode, but he just comes, does the whole bail process like it’s nothing and takes you home. When you’re in the car with him you can’t help but ask why he was so resolute about the whole situation. Jisung just gives you a nonchalant look, “It’s not the first time I’ve done this. Don’t do it again though.” 
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Grocery Shopping.
Ft. Suna Rintarō
Notes: NSFW minors dni, fingering, car sex, afab reader, fluff at beginning, swearing, pet names
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“rin,” you groan, as the crooked wheel of the trolley jams into the back of your heel for the millionth time. “drive the goddamn trolley straight, please.”
there’s a laugh. husky and low, belonging to the man you call your own.
“but, love,” he whines, that familiar drawl in his nonchalant tone as he pushes the trolley a little so you’re walking side by side. “it’s not my fault it’s wonky. you should take that up with someone who works here,”
you can’t help but roll your eyes at his teasing tone and instead decide to aim your focus at the apples that are cheaper than usual. the shine of the skin “a-peeling” as suna comments behind you.
you usually shop together, late at night like this when he doesn’t have training. it’s probably the only time when you’re not drowned in work or your boyfriend is building up his thighs like a god at the gym.
“doll, what else was on the list?” your lover’s voice is serious, as he stares at the aisle numbers in concentration. “why am i thinking of butter? did we even need butter?” your laugh resounds in his ear, as you explain it was bread, not butter. “ohhh, bread. gotcha. be back in a second.” he shoots you an award winning smile, before pushing the trolley to the bread aisle, almost looking too elated to be here with you at the supermarket.
“what’s gotten into him?” you mumble to yourself as you pick up other items on the mental list you made. when ten minutes have passed, and no rintarō has appeared for a suspicious amount of time, you walk down briskly, scanning each aisle.
“rin?” you call, scanning through every area, like a lookout team.
“darling, over here!” an excited voice rings out and you stop in your tracks, walking down the dangerously alluring sweets aisle.
“what are you doing?” you ask with a laugh, seeing wide and excited eyes gracing your boyfriend’s features.
“they have chūpets in stock!” his hands can’t seem to move any faster, as he looks through the different flavours.
“i’ve never seen you more excited, truly,” you say teasingly, as he gives you a pointed look.
“i get excited about plenty of things, hun. i’ve got no idea what you’re saying,”
“yeah? and how much are you willing to bet chūpets are better than sex?” you dare ask, wondering what his reply will be. there’s a beat of silence.
“fuck. that’s a hard question.” he replies, his face grim with indecisiveness. you laugh, playfully hitting his arm.
“you actually have to think about it?” i ask, as he places three packets of chūpets into the trolley. the two of you head to the self check out, scanning your items.
“i mean, both are good. very good,”
“but this is sex i’m talking about. you really believe jelly fruit sticks compare?” your banter is comfortable and flirtatious, as rintarō pushes the trolley to your car. as he unloads the bags, he hums in thought.
“chūpets are gifts from the gods themselves, love. i can’t argue with fact,” his voice clearly pokes fun at you, as he shuts the boot door with a firm hand.
“i’d argue they’re not as satisfying as a good blow job,”
“what? ‘cause of the same sucking motion?” he says, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“suna rintarō!” you cry out, giving him a look of pure unadulterated shock. “you did not just say that!”
he shrugs, but the grin on his face is practically devilish. “did i?” he puts the trolley away with a satisfied look plastered over his features. “why? are you going to prove me wrong, angel?” at this, his voice is lower now; richly suave and so thick with desire, you might as well be bathing in honey.
“you’re a tease. a fucking tease, you know that?”
“mmm, i did, actually.” a gentle hand grasps your hip, as he pulls you in, closing all distance between you.
“we’re in the middle of a car park, rintarō,” you remind him, your lips severely close to his. shit, you want to kiss him so badly.
“it’s almost midnight, doll. nobody’s around to see us,” his lips graze yours, but only for a second. “besides, we gotta test that bet of ours,”
another kiss breaks the surface fleetingly, before you’re dragged into the back seats of the car, the door shutting firmly behind you.
“rin, it’s not more than a fifteen minute drive hom-” you don’t get to finish your sentence as you’re pulled under your boyfriend, his lips crashing against yours.
it takes you a minute to regain your breathing, only to lose it again, his hands in your hair, yours around his neck as he craves for more.
“i want you, darling. right here, right now.”
and you’d be a complete fool to deny him that.
“then take me,” you whisper into his mouth before you’re kissing again, his tongue finding his way into your mouth as his touches grow rougher.
“fuck.” he groans, peppering your neck with kisses as his hands trail down to the buttons of your pants. “let me taste you,” he pleads, untying the string of his sweats. “can i have you, baby? please?”
“yes,” you breathe, watching as his pants and boxers are discarded carelessly, his hands coming back to cup your cheeks. “you can have me, rin,”
he groans, a guttural sound as he lifts your legs over his shoulders in one fluid motion, kissing your inner thighs. “big claim to make, angel. i’m gonna make you feel so fucking good,”
his mouth seems to second that statement, as you whimper from the touch of his lips near your entrance. his tongue comes next, a sword against your shield, digging his way through to you with a muffled moan. “you taste so good, doll. always taste so good for me, don’t you?”
“fuck, rin!” you cry out, as a pale, slim finger penetrates your folds. “oh god, oh fuck-” you choke out, babbling mindlessly as his fingers are practically sucked in and out of your hole.
“not even the real thing yet, baby. already so responsive,” he hums, thrusting another finger inside. your moans only compel him to insert another, his movements gradually getting faster and rougher.
“i want you, rin,” you plead. “just give it to me already. stop teasing me,”
“sweetheart, i haven’t done anything of the kind,” he smiles, pulling out his wet fingers, licking them as he watches you. “but since you’re so insistent sex is better than my beloved chūpets, i guess i’ll give you what you want,”
a ragged gasp of air comes out of you as the tip starts to slowly sink in.
“ahh- rin, shit, you’re so- fuck! you’re big,” you ramble, thoughts simply unable to pass through you. rintarō continues his pursuit, delving in deeper, as he thrusts against your walls in an effort to derail you from coherency.
when he bottoms out, your cries are strangled as crescent moons crease his t-shirt, your grip on him, unrelenting.
“fuck, hun, you’re tight,” he hisses, his base reaching your skin as he begins to move, hard and fast. rintarō’s hips rock into yours, the wild bucking sensation almost too much as you moan wantonly.
“t-the car is shaking-” you manage to choke out, but it’s like your boyfriend doesn’t hear you, his relentless pursuit of breaking down your walls his only mission.
his cock fills you up so deeply, you can barely move as your pleas for more only seem to invigorate him to pound you harder.
each thrust is like a message, one that tells you that there’s no place either of you would rather be, but with each other. rintarō’s cock remains hard and swollen inside of you, his desperate grunts filling the car.
“release for me, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his tone the personification of velvet. “show me how good i make you feel,” each touch sends you ablaze, your whimpers music to rintarō’s ears as his skin dances over yours.
“r-rin!” you all but scream, the pleasure blinding as his cock slams into your walls, a sign of love as you moan. “i’m gonna… fucking hell, i’m gonna cum,”
“that it’s, darling. cum all over this fat dick for me, yeah?” rintarō smiles as his hard member urges to release. but he waits. suna rintarō can be patient when he wants to.
“close, ‘m close!” you sob, hips held in place by suna’s firm grip. “rin- hnngh~ rintarō!”
there’s a low chuckle from your boyfriend as he hits your g-spot more consistently. “go on. let it all out for me, doll. you know i’m good for it,”
you swear loudly, your voice shaky as you announce your climax again. the coil in your stomach tightens, and then releases all at once. “i’m cumming!” you groan, thighs trembling as rintarō pants from the overexertion.
“fuck, that feels so good. your cum feels so warm on my cock.” he whispers, the words so vulgar it makes you moan a little more. “wait, wait. quiet down for me,” he requests, and you bite your lip to hold your silence.
“you hear that, hun?” suna asks, his cum-soaked cock rubbing against your walls. the motion produces a series of audibly lewd noises, the squelch making you tense up on him, all over again.
you can’t handle it anymore, writhing with pleasure as your lover pulls out, his cock covered with your fluids. “where should i cum, baby? tell me where i should, we wouldn’t want it to go to waste.” his tone is sly, like he wanted this all along. you can barely answer as his seed squirts all over your bare stomach, as he kisses you deeply. you press your lips back hungrily, tongues finding their way to meet each other’s as your shared moans echo in the backseats.
“better than sex?” you choke out now, your back limp against the car seat as you both pant heavily. there is a moment of quiet, aside from the jagged breathing before suna quips.
“yeah, maybe,” your boyfriends winks. “i’m playing with you, doll. sex is always better,”
“i fucking told you so,” you groan as he laughs, the sound resonating in your ear as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind it.
“let’s go home. i’m not finished with you yet.” suna says with a cheeky smile.
“i didn’t think you’d be,” you say sarcastically as he sits you up, cleaning the sticky mess with a tissue.
“what can i say, love? i’m a man with very specific needs,”
you can’t help but laugh. “is that right?”
“only the facts,” he replies, meeting his lips with yours for another kiss. “i love you, darling.”
“i love you too, rin.”
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first full smut fic ‼️ i hope this isn’t just a bunch of tomfoolery 😵‍💫
banner credits: @cafekitsune <3
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azrielbrainrot · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet with Azriel
note: since i did the sfw version i thought i'd do this one too! i hope it's not too bad
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Az is definitely the sweetest after sex and he always makes sure you're okay and feel loved. He either helps you clean up or literally carries you to the bath. Also loves seeing you try to take care of him as well.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Wings feels like an easy answer. He's definitely proud that his are the biggest even though he never shows it, as nonchalant as he acts sometimes you know he's cocky as shit under it all. He's probably proud of his physique in general too.
Is saying everything a cop out? I don't see him having a preference as long as it's you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He almost always cums inside you. Loves seeing it dripping out of you too. Loves fucking it back inside you with his cock or fingers or even cleaning it up with his mouth for you, tasting you both together. Likes cumming down your throat too. And he'll probably like seeing you covered in his cum in general. As long as it was you making him cum and it ends up in or on your body he'll be happy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once in a while he'll use his shadows to pleasure himself.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I actually think he was the last of the bat boys to lose his virginity and get any action at all but, even then, of course he has experience. He's 500 years old. He's the type to make sure he knows what he's doing as well so he definitely practiced everything to perfection.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I don't really know positions names but I imagine he'll like to fuck you in every way he can think of. Definitely likes missionary so he can watch every little expression you make but I don't see it being much of an actual preference.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's usually serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I'm sure he keeps it groomed enough.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's very intimate. Even when he's rougher, he'll be sure to throw a softer kiss in there at least at the end.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
By himself I don't think he does it that often, especially after meeting you.
Loves watching you do it. You love putting on a show for him too. Like you know he's almost home and you just decide to start without him, letting him get home to the sounds of you moaning his name. He'd tell you to finish and take a seat so he can keep watching with the best view. Then he'll fuck you and keep telling how you did so good for him, putting on such a beautiful show.
I also think he'd use this as a kind of punishment sometimes. You'd be in bed masturbating, trying to make yourself cum and begging for him because his finger, his mouth, his cock feel so much better. But he'd just watch on and cum after you do, getting up to kiss you on the forehead and tell you "next time I'll take care of you if you behave" and walk to the bathroom leaving both of you not quite satisfied.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Let me pull out a list:
dom/sub dynamics. He definitely likes being in control. I see him as a soft/pleasure dom which also comes with a praise kink (I think he'd also like being praised depending on the mood);
voyeurism, but mostly watching you;
cockwarming. Loves watching you sitting on his cock, begging him to move. Which brings me to the next one;
begging. You just sound so beautiful crying for his cock, how could he not.
orgasm control, edging and overstimulation;
breeding. That special tea means he can pump you full as much as he wants without the consequences and he'd be a fool not to take advantage of it;
blood play. On days where things go a bit wrong and he ends up covered in blood so he just winnows in directly to you and fucks you against the wall, covering you in blood too, watching you get corrupted by him (so also corruption lol). He also likes either biting or cutting you a bit and either licking the blood up or writing his name across your body using it;
knife play, truthteller the mvp;
bondage. I think he likes tying you up but I don't think it would happen that often to be honest. He's very touch starved so he likes when you tear up his back or hold onto him when he's fucking you so well you forget how to breathe. But he also loves tying you up with his shadows and hearing you beg for him, maybe even let his shadows make you cum while he watches.
choking. Loves knowing you trust him enough to literally control how much air you can breathe.
biting, scratching and marking in general. This goes both ways, he loves seeing the marks he leaves on you as much as the ones you leave on him. He definitely likes a bit pain with his pleasure too so he loves when you're tearing his back up with your nails.
a little somnophilia. Loves waking you up by eating you out or being woken up with your mouth or with you straddling his hips;
wing play, almost forgot. He likes it better on softer days or days where you're a bit more in control. When you try teasing him with his wings too much in days where he's feeling rough you always end up with your hands tied up and completely at his mercy.
These are just off the top of my head but I see him being into a lot of things.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom. Az definitely likes privacy and, unless it's a quicker affair, he definitely makes a mess of the two of you so being safe in your room is just preferable for a lot of reasons. But his shadows give him endless possibilities so you two have a list of places longer than most. Also he fucks you in his dungeon sometimes and it's some of the dirtiest and best sex you've ever had.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You. Short answer but I think he doesn't need much to want to fuck you senseless.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think he would do almost anything you asked of him. He'd draw the line at really hurting you. I can see him being into spanking, choking, even knife play, some rougher stuff, but never to the point of actually causing much pain.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He could live the rest of his life happily with you sitting on his face. But of course he loves seeing you with his cock down your throat, struggling to fit everything. I think he's kind of in the middle, leaning more to giving.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on the mood and the day. I think he leans on rough most days but it truly just depends.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
I think he'd always prefer taking his time with you but, especially in the beginning of your relationship, quickies were a regular occurrence. Again, his shadows make things easier here because he can hide the two of you so he doesn't even have to worry about location all that much. I will say quickier always ended with a promise of continuing on later.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, he'll try anything you ask of him at least once. He probably tried everything he could think up before too, especially when he was younger.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
I mean he's a trained warrior so his stamina is probably insane. Let's just say he has definitely fucked you until you were dozing off quite a few times.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I'm not sure toys exist in the acotar world but he totally would. I'm also going to consider his shadows as toys here because he uses them on you all the time in a lot different ways.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's a huge tease. Since he loves both overstimulation and edging and has a filthy mouth, either combination would have you with tears running down your face, considering stealing truthteller to stab him sometimes.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
I don't think he's that loud, maybe more when he's close. He likes hearing you more.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
For every time he fucks you dirty and rough he'll make love to you. Well maybe every two times. He's been waiting for a mate/wife for his whole life and he intends to shower her with as much love as he has to give. Obviously I see him being really kinky and I know dirty probably doesn't even begin to describe the things this man does but I genuinely think he likes soft and intimate sex just as much.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's canonically the biggest since the wingspan keeps being compared to other things. And let's not forget that Nesta couldn't wrap her hand around Cassian's so do with that information as you will.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Really high. I think even worse than Nesta and Cassian all over the House of Wind - he's just not getting caught. Maybe not as much before you but definitely after.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He has trouble falling asleep normally so i don't think he'd fall asleep immediately. Also, like I said, he likes fucking you for hours so you probably knock out a couple minutes after laying down and he'd always fall asleep after you.
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lustnhim · 1 month
დ︎ “too purty..” — elvis x fem! reader დ︎
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note: part two of “can’t sleep?” / warnings: MDNI, p in v sex, no protection,  legal age gap (19 - 42) , elvis calls reader “lil girl”, oral f receiving, elvis takes readers virginity, slight crying during sex, idk what else tbh, mediocre smut, i actually tried having a plot, buildup. / summary: the night before elvis had "taken care"of you in hopes to help you sleep, but he’s not done yet, he wants to take your virginity.
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You couldn't sleep. After tip-toeing back to Lisa-Marie’s room, shamefully checking if she was awake, you laid back down on the makeshift bed, which wasn't any more comfortable than it was before. Your mind was racing, what would the morning be like? Would Elvis pretend it never happened? What if Lisa-Marie found out? You rolled over, and closed your eyes, trying to force yourself to sleep. 
Soon enough, soft rays of sunlight pooled into the room. You could hear Lisa-Marie downstairs, laughing about something. Sleepily raising up you rubbed your eyes then sighed softly. You really should get up, you thought to yourself before doing so. Rummaging through your bag of clothes you pulled out a light blue dress with long mesh sleeves. Quickly changing and fixing your hair you headed downstairs, feeling your heart begin to race as you heard Elvis’s voice. Stopping on the steps you debated going back up in the room. “There you are!” Lisa-Marie exclaimed, causing you to jump. “I was wondering when you’d get up!” She peered from the doorway, nervously you smiled. “I had trouble sleepin–” You explained, fiddling nervously with your hands as you slowly continued down the steps. “Well come eat breakfast!” Lisa-Marie smiled and disappeared back into the kitchen. 
As you walked in you saw Elvis sitting in one of the chairs at the table, cigar in hand, and smiling as Lisa-Marie plated slightly malformed pancakes and slightly burnt bacon. Approaching the table to sit down Elvis’s gaze moved over to you. “Well, good morning sleepin' beauty.” He teased, and you smiled nervously. You sat down across from Elvis, fiddling with your hands still, your gaze lowered to the table. “Here!” Lisa-Marie said, placing plates in front of both you and Elvis. Looking up at her you noticed she was wearing her ‘going out’ dress. “Ain’t you gonna eat?” Elvis asked her, putting out the cigar and picking up his fork. “Oh no! I’m not hungry right now- besides, I gotta run to town.” Lisa said, grabbing her bag off the counter. “What- Why?” You asked quickly. “Ah- well, ya know...I just wanna pick up a few things..” Lisa-Marie said, her face growing red a bit. She was going to meet her little boyfriend, which meant she would be gone for a good while. Elvis nodded as he ate, not even questioning his daughter's obvious lie. You wanted to ask her to stay home, or at least if you could go with her. “Alright Yisa..be safe.” He said and Lisa-Marie smiled, “Thank ya!” She exclaimed heading out the door leaving you and Elvis alone at the breakfast table.
The tension was undeniably thick, taking small glances at Elvis as you took small bites of bacon you couldn’t help but notice his nonchalant nature, as if nothing had happened before. Elvis finished off the last of his pancakes, washing it down with a swig of his coffee. The silence between him and you was palpable. He glanced over at you, a sly smirk forming on his face. “You look mighty nervous this mornin',” he began, leaning back in his chair. "Is there somethin' on your mind, sweetheart?" You bit your lip, hesitating for a moment then finally looked up at him.  "Well...last night- that was my first time ever doing anything like that and I–" The words tumbled out in a rush, your cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.
Elvis chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Well now, darlin', ain’t no reason to be embarrassed.." He smiled at you, his fingers tapping on the table. “Tell me this…did ya like it?” Elvis asked, his tone was oddly serious. Your hands shook, your heart pounding in your ears as you responded quietly, "Well…yeah.." You looked down, heat rushing to your face as you spoke the words aloud. Elvis leaned back in his chair, his smile widening. "That's what I thought," he murmured. "My, my, my...Don’t you just look so purty in that dress." Your eyes widened, the sudden change in conversation shocking you. "You think so..? you whispered, your face beginning to flush. “Course lil’ girl,” Elvis said, smiling, you couldn’t help but notice something lingering in his eyes. Elvis's smile grew wider as he continued, "You know, I've been thinking, darlin'. We got us a whole day ahead, and I reckon we could find some ways to pass the time." Your eyes met his. "Like what?" you asked. He leaned across the table, laughing slightly. "Well, how’s about I show you the Jungle Room?" he asked, tilting his head. Confused, you nodded, pushing your breakfast plate forward the both of you stood up. 
Leading you to the Jungle Room, Elvis walked ahead of you in long strides. You felt timid behind him, like a small mouse. Opening the door you looked around the room. The lush green carpet matched the plants and vines scattered around the room, wooden tables, and brown fur couches and chairs adorned with wooden accents. The room was undeniably beautiful. As if sensing your amazement Elvis chuckled. “Ain’t it nice?” He asked, looking at you smiling. You nodded in response, finding yourself unable to speak. Elvis had already made his way across the room, sitting down on the couch leaving you standing in awe. “C’mere little girl, come sit down,” Elvis called. As you approached him, Elvis patted the seat next to him, a grin playing on his lips. You hesitated for a moment before sitting down, your heart pounding in your chest. The room seemed to grow warmer, and the two of you seemed much closer than before. “Now, tell me…When do ya think Yisa will be home..?” Elvis asked, the question was innocent enough, but something told you it was all but that. “I-I’m not sure...Maybe a couple hours?” You responded, adjusting the hem of your dress. “Well, I spose’ we should find somethin’ to pass the time.” You feel his calloused fingers run along your inner thigh, a small chuckle escaping his lips. “Now, now darlin’ no reason to get all tense...Ain’t the first time.” 
His hand slowly begins to knead your thigh, looking up at him you notice his little smirk. Leaning in as he kisses you, you could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin. His hand continued to massage your thigh, his fingers gently probing deeper. You could feel the familiar tension building within you, a mix of excitement and anxiety. The kiss deepened, his tongue exploring your mouth, the feeling was foreign. You tried to follow in his footsteps, moving your tongue carefully with his. You moaned softly into the kiss, your body trembling. His other hand moved to your waist, pulling you closer to him. You could feel his erection pressing against your thigh, causing you to pull away. “E-Elvis..” You muttered breathlessly. His hand moved from your thigh to your waist, his fingers trailing down your spine. You shivered at the sensation, your body yearning for more. his eyes locked onto yours, "You gonna let me take ya, lil’ girl? " he asked, his voice hoarse. You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. "Yes," you whispered, your voice barely audible. His eyes gleamed with approval, his hands moving up your dress. Lifting it up and taking it off, you heard his tongue click at the sight of your white lacy panties and bra. Elvis's hands rubbed across your folds, feeling your wetness grow. "Mmm, doll..," he whispered, his breath warm against your ear. He began to stroke your clit gently through your panties, his fingers massaging the bundle of nerves. "Feel familiar?" He teased, his voice low. You whimpered in response, your body trembling.  He continued, his fingers darting in and out of you, your wetness coating his digits. "You're so tight, lil’ one. But I’ll stretch you out, ain't that right? " He questioned, his voice dripping with lust. You nodded, your mind hazy with pleasure. He leaned in, whispering, "I'm gonna take these off, baby." His voice was low, husky, and filled with desire. You blushed, nodding, your heart pounding. He finally slid your panties off of you, exposing your swollen cunt. "Mmm," he hummed, admiring the sight before him. His hands roamed your body, rubbing along your sides and finally stopping at your bra. Unbuckling it, he chuckled. “Look at them..” Elvis said, cupping one in his hands. You couldn't help but feel much more vulnerable. After all, you were completely naked while Elvis sat completely clothed, his cock hard against his leg. “E-Elvis..” You muttered, looking at him with slight frustration. “Now, now darlin’ I'm getting to it.” He said, unbuttoning his already slightly unbuttoned shirt. Whimpering at the sight of his body you felt so needy, just the sight of him soaked your thighs. Once in his boxers he loomed over you as you laid down on the couch. You watched him smirk as he studied your face. Pulling down his boxers his cock sprung out, swollen and leaking copious amounts of precum. Elvis must’ve noticed your surprise, letting out a small chuckle. “Think you can take it?” He teased, stroking it a few times in his hand. 
"Don't worry, baby, I'll ease you in." Elvis bent down, facing your puffy cunt, A shiver ran through your body, arching your back into his touch. "You're going to like this, trust me." With that, Elvis leaned in, running his tongue along your slit. You gasped, your hips bucking off the couch. Elvis chuckled, the vibration ringing against your cunt. His tongue darted in and out of your entrance as his fingers continued to work your clit, flicking and rubbing gently. You felt the tension building once again, your body trembling in anticipation. "Oh, Elvis..." you whimpered, your hands grasping onto the couch behind you. He continued to eat you out, his fingers and tongue working in harmony. You could feel your orgasm building, growing ever closer. Just as you felt yourself about to cum, Elvis pulled away, leaving you panting and wanting. "Not yet, baby girl. I want to feel you tighten around my cock." You could hardly hear him over your ragged breathing.  He positioned himself between your legs, rubbing his cock against your slick entrance. You could feel the head of his cock press against you, your breath hitched as you felt him slowly insert it. Groaning with every move Elvis bit his lip focused on the sight of your cunt struggling to take him. “Goddamn darlin’, you gotta ease up. I-It won’t fit if ya don’t..” He stuttered as you tried to relax, feeling his cock inch deeper. Covering your face in embarrassment you felt a sudden pricking feeling, causing you to cry out. “Calm down lil’ girl, it’s in now.” Elvis said, groaning. 
 With a deep breath, Elvis thrust into you, filling you completely. You yelped out, a little bit of tears fell from your eyes as your body tensed around him. He pulled out slightly, before pushing back in, “There you go, hunny.” He said, admiring how you squirmed beneath him. With each thrust becoming deeper than the last, you could feel every inch of him. Your body bouncing up and down as you let out whimpers of pain.  But as he continued to thrust, the discomfort began to fade, replaced by pleasure. "Fuck, you're so tight..." Elvis hissed, his pace increasing. He began to slam into you, your cries of pleasure echoing throughout the room. Each thrust made you feel so full. Blabbering mindlessly, you begged for him not to stop, his hand gripped your breast as he continued pounding into you. The room was filled with the sound of flesh smacking against flesh. "F-fuck Elvis! I'm close!" You cried out, your body writhing beneath him. You could hear him begin to growl as his thrusts became sloppy and more needy, begging for any kind of friction. “I’m gonna cum, lil’ girl,” Elvis said, through a shaky moan. “Gonna fill ya up. Gonna- Gonna..” Elvis stuttered leaning over you, his head resting above yours as warm cum coated the inside of your cunt, causing you to gasp. “E-Elvis..” You whispered breathlessly as he leaned up and pulled out of you. Closing your eyes you took deep breaths, trying to find your composure.
 You felt Elvis get off the couch and heard the rustling of clothes before you turned over and looked at him. He was already almost entirely dressed, now buckling his belt. "That's it, hunny. Just breathe.." He said, his voice gentle and soothing. He grabbed a cover from one of the chairs and handed it to you before reaching a hand out to you, Elvis helped you sit up and pulled your dress back over you, fixing it in place. “You did so, so good darlin,” Elvis said, fixing your dress before admiring you. “I’m assumin’ Yisa will be back soon..” Elvis said, looking up at the door. You looked up at him, fixated on his face. “I love you.” You muttered under your breath as you pulled him into a hug. His arms quickly wrapped around you, holding you as close as possible. “You’re mine now, lil’ one.” He said, stroking your hair and kissing you softly on your forehead. “I love ya. I truly do.” He said, stepping back, his hands resting on your shoulders. 
“My purty girl. All mine.” 
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GUYSSS!!! WE HIT 100 FOLLOWERS MWAHHH! i love you all so so much, this means the world to me <3 i couldn’t thank y’all enough i’m so happy 😭
part one <3
tags: @atleastpleasetelephone @lola-1013 @18lkpeters @indiatuck @eptodaytommorowforever @suspiciousmindsxo @tupelomiss @myradiaz @i-r-i-n-a-a @elvispresley1956 @sisssygirl @your-nanas-house @generousspirit @joyouswonders @callieselvisobsessed @iminlovewithaustinbutler @eapep @auntbee22 @scarlettlight06 @wildhorseinkansas @elvisiana @spookyeagleflower @ladelinee (i think that’s everyone!)
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unreliablesnake · 2 months
Pairing: David “Deacon” Kay x f!reader
Note: I only saw like one season but goddammit... I had a brainrot and wrote a little something.
Warnings: age gap.
“Just wait until you hear the end of the story because it gets crazier, I swear,” you said with a laugh before taking a sip of your wine.
Deacon loved the idea of just sitting there in the small restaurant near the apartment complex you both lived in and listening to you telling him those funny stories from the hospital. During these moments you were full of life and it was obvious you loved your job more than anything, so he always encouraged you to talk to him about your day.
It would have been a lie if he said he wasn't catching feelings. Because he was. And boy, did he wish you were feeling the same. Every time he saw you smile at him he wanted to pull you into a kiss, just a quick nonchalant kiss that would make him forget every problem he had. But you never showed any romantic interest in him, which soon made him realize he was dumb to assume you would ever love a divorced man his age.
He had seen your boyfriends, the young and successful titans who were ready to give you whatever your heart desired. He remembered that surgeon you dated for a while around the time he moved away from his family, the man who always gave you a ride home in his fancy Aston Martin, and the man who once yelled at you in the hallway during a nasty fight. That was the day he checked his license plate to see who he was and if he got into trouble before.
“Okay, I'll shut up now,” you said with your hands held up.
“Please, don't.” But you shook your head and took a bite of your pizza. “What's wrong?”
“You always do this. You know, asking me about my day, then watching me with this weird smile on your face, as if you were listening to the village idiot telling some funny story.”
Deacon let out a laugh while he took the glass of wine from you. “Okay, no more alcohol for you. I watch you with a smile because I love to listen to your stories.”
It was strange how he couldn’t remember when he reached out to take your hand, but when he saw your gaze move down to your hand, he immediately pulled it back with an apologetic look on his face. He could have sworn you were disappointed by the lack of contact, but he dismissed this thought immediately. If anything, you must have been relieved that he decided not to force this.
“There’s something we might need to talk about,” you suddenly said, your voice serious all of a sudden.
He let out a questioning hum to assure you he was listening, but before you could say anything, a man near the entrance began to yell at the couple sitting by the window and even pointed a gun at them. Deacon’s immediate reaction was to pull you down on the floor so you would be out of sight, then he pulled out his own weapon and told the man to drop his gun. Instead of doing that, the man pulled the trigger with shaking hands and the bullet grazed the innocent man’s arm. The woman screamed and Deacon shot the attacker without hesitation.
While he made a call to report the incident and call an ambulance, you slowly stood up and looked over at the two injured men not far from you. Even though he wanted to stop you, you sprung into action and asked the staff if they had a medical kit in the restaurant. Being a doctor meant you were ready to save whoever you could, including the attacker who was slowly bleeding out on the hardwood floor.
“Let me help,” he tried when he stopped behind you.
You turned to him with an angry look on your face before returning your attention back to your patient. “You did enough damage, Deac,” you spat.
With a sigh, he moved over to the other man and helped to bandage the wound until the ambulance arrived. His eyes wandered to you every once in a while, seeing the way you did your best to save him with the help of a waiter. He knew what bothered you. He knew you swore to save people, while his job often came with taking the life of someone. Maybe for you there was no way to get past that, and seeing him actually hurt another human being opened your eyes and made you see this contrast.
The ambulance soon arrived and the paramedics took over, leaving you standing in front of the restaurant and watching the others do their jobs. Deacon bit on his lower lip nervously as he stepped behind you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder to pull you against his chest, his face buried in your hair as he kissed your head. “Are you okay?” he asked you quietly.
You didn’t turn to look at him, you didn’t even respond to his question, but within a matter of seconds you said, “I need to wash the blood off my hands.”
He took the hint and let you go, his eyes not leaving you while you went back to the restaurant. You never returned to his side, instead you stayed inside, sitting by a table to wait for the cops to arrive and take your statement. Since he didn’t want to push you now, he kept his distance, hoping you would change your mind and talk to him about what happened.
But then a week passed and he hadn’t seen you. He briefly considered visiting you at the hospital you worked in, but he was quick to dismiss the idea. So when Hondo told him someone was looking for him, and he found you standing in the hallway, he had no idea what to say. Should he apologize? Was this what you wanted?
To his luck, you knew exactly what you wanted to say. “I just wanted to say that I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away. It’s just… I know you wanted to protect the people there, I know that man shot another before you pulled the trigger, but you need to understand that I’m not comfortable with this. I knew what you do for a living, I heard the stories, but I guess you always tried to shelter me by keeping these parts to yourself,” you told him.
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” was all he said to you.
You took a step closer, your eyes fixed on him as you got ready to speak up again. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about before the shooting.” He nodded, encouraging you to go on. “Maybe I’m seeing more into things than I should and I need you to tell me whether I’m right or wrong. The way you’re looking at me and touching me makes me think that you might see me as more than a simple neighbor. Or friend.”
As he took a deep breath, Deacon carefully considered what to say. He didn’t want to risk losing you over feelings you might not even reciprocate, so he cleared his throat and decided to lie. “Look, I’m much older than you. I want to believe that you’re my friend and I want to make sure you’re safe. I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
He nodded and heard a relieved sigh leave your lips. Or was it a sigh of relief? Because the next moment you muttered something under your breath, maybe an apology, then before he could ask you what you meant by that, you put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him. Your lips were soft as they moved in perfect sync with his, and his hands were resting on your waist when he moved you a little closer to him. Anything to close that almost nonexistent gap between you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, lovebirds, but duty calls,” Hondo said with a laugh when he passed by.
“We will have to talk about this,” he told you, unable to hide his smile. This was exactly what he’d been dying to do ever since that day he had his first proper conversation with you. When you nodded with a shy smile, he gave you a last quick kiss and said, “I’ll call you later, okay?”
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bluehwale · 2 years
mythical beings! ateez as your boyfriend
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pairing. ateez x reader
genre. mdni, crack! (except for yunho bc it's a forbidden love! trope and i take that seriously) fluff? a dash of angst if you squint. smut (for san bc he's an incubus! rawr)
warnings. MYTHICAL BEINGS INFO INACCURACIES (i'm sorry), grammatical errors SMUT! unprotected sex (don't do this), creampie, corruption kink if you squint, overstimulation, the term 'good girl' lmao, yea i think that's it (it's my first time writing smut don't hv high hopes)
word count. almost 4k whoops i got carried away
note. idk what possessed me when i wrote yunho's part so apologies if it's too long and very much plot-y<3 ++ my brain's still muddled from a week of midterms and im still new to writing so pls lower ur expectations before pressing the keep reading button thanks xx (my asks are always open! ++ feedback would be greatly appreciated)
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hongjoong — demon
honestly the coolest demon ever
he'd be so nonchalant about his demon activities that it would unsettle you sometimes
"hey babe, just got home?"
"yeah, had an emergency meeting with the devil about potentially crashing heaven's weekly parties, no biggie. how was your day? :-D"
likes to grumble about how hell is so overpopulated that it feels hotter than it actually is
he's just a demon with a tough exterior but that all comes crashing down when he comes back home to your arms
would do ANYTHING to make you happy
one time you were both cuddling on the sofa just absentmindedly enjoying hongjoong's playlist played throughout the house when you suddenly asked,
"joong, aren't demons supposed to have horns?"
he looked at you and thought for a second, "hm, i'm pretty sure only the devil has horns. i guess that's another myth debunked"
you returned his gaze with mock disapointment, jutting out your bottom lip in a pout. "that's a shame. i think it's really hot."
the next day he shows up with a red devil horn headband on his head
"joong, what is this--," you let out a laugh when he turns to face you with a serious look on his face
the blush on the apples of his cheeks redden when you continue to laugh with the brightest grin that crinkles your eyes
he doesn't mind that he's making a fool out of himself as long as he gets to see you like this
"they were 50% off in the costume shop!"
he feels a smile creep into his face when you laugh a little bit harder
seonghwa — vampire
you first met seonghwa at a random halloween party
he was surprise surprise !! dressed as a vampire, and you were dressed as kim possible (call me beep me if you wanna reach me)
he just suddenly went up to you and complimented your outfit
so you were like, "thanks!! :-D i like your fangs, they look so real!"
and he just went, "hey thanks! they are real :-D"
"what :-D"
anyways!!! you started dating not too long after that <3
he'd just be one of the most dramatic vampires out there
he's the type to dramatically hiss and cover his face when you draw open the curtains in the morning
"gAaAaaGHh the sun!!!!! i'm burning!!!!!!!!"
and you'd just stand there like ...... "seonghwa you have a morning class today"
(yes, vampire! seonghwa goes to uni)
"can you believe this place doesn't have any vampire-friendly mirrors?? it's 2022!!! D-:<"
lives and breathes the twilight saga
one time you were walking home together and you noticed his skin sparkling
and no it's not the sun shining on him or the natural glow you'd get from sweat or oily skin because his skin was particularly BLINDING
he was excitedly talking about how his favorite professor complimented him on his recent project when you interrupted him, "hwa, wait a minute--"
three of your fingers swipe at his nape and actual arts & craft glitter came off his skin
"hwa, did you actually try to edward cullen-ficate yourself???"
pink dusted his cheeks and he could only abashedly scoff while trying his hardest to avoid eye contact with you
"psssshhh, what?! noooo,,, aha... what kinda weirdo would do that ahaha, whaaat? that's so weird.."
and then he used his super speed to run back to your shared appartment leaving you to walk back home ALONE >:-(
but besides that, he's super sweet
would let you leave fingerprint stains on his glass cabinets that encase his virginity corner star wars lego collection
yunho — angel
he doesn't have a visible halo over his head but everyone just knows that he's an angel
sweetest, purest dude out there
but yunho kinda feels... trapped
his angel wings became this constant admonition that he has to be selfless and to always do "good"
i'd just imagine everyone telling yunho to stay away from you (a fellow angel) because you're labelled as this reckless troublemaker
but he just can't help being interested in you
so he made effort to know you and keep you close and in turn, you taught him that he doesn't have to live in fear of stepping out of the line sometimes
that it's okay to put yourself first
you both would sneak away to earth and pose as humans to have fun and abandon your duties for a while
he finds himself cherishing each and every moment he spent with you; exploring things the other angels would frown upon, but it didn't matter
so it didn't surprise him when he realized that he's utterly in love with you
his angel wings fluttered sporadically when you softly mutter your love to him in reciprocation with the beautiful smile he's known to love
when you made love for the first time, it was filled with shy giggles and soft reassurances because you're each other's firsts
you neither yunho cared about the other angels avoiding you and talking shit about you two. you're both happy and in love!!
but of course, heaven has its rules
and fate hits you with the truth, that you both can't be together, when you're held back from running to your lover that has both fear and tears in his eyes as black ink slowly engulf his once pure angel wings
a fallen angel, that's what they call you both. angels banished from heaven with your memories wiped and your wings rendered useless as compensation for falling in love
"i'll find you," he said. his voice remained sure yet frail in the midst of your own sobs and the chaos surrounding you both, but you heard him loud and clear. his watering eyes take in your trembling state and it breaks his heart to see you cry and try to fight against the restraints keeping you away from him because he knows that guilt is eating you alive
he knows that you blame yourself for letting him in, for falling in love with him, and for bringing this inevitable consequence upon him
but he knows that he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, even if it leads to this very same ending
yeosang — fae
a tsundere! fae omg i have the vision i see it
he acts cold and indifferent towards you but all you wanna do is grab his attention!!!!!
as humans and faes don't really get along, your group of friends are different and they kinda disagree with you both interacting
but you don't really care because you mayhaps have a crush on him :3
he's really good with magic
you'd ooh and ahh whenever he does something with his magic and his cheeks would go red while he brushes it off with, "it's nothing" (and you're like no!! it's cool!!! and he would blush harder)
he knows you have a crush on him because a) it's obvious, and b) you've confessed to him multiple times (his replies always start with a "sorry, but.." and you would always reply with "it's okay, i just want to tell you. i'm not asking you to return your feelings:-)"
but lately you're kind of tired with the unreciprocated feelings you have for yeosang because.. well, you just feel pathetic
so one day you made it your mission to stop having feelings for him!!!!!!
yeosang noticed because you would avoid him like the plague
he was walking down the hallway when he saw you and was about to greet you when he saw you run to hide behind a trash can that doesn't even cover your entire figure
he was just like .... ok see you later i guess?
and this continued on for weeks! to the point where he feels down because he doesn't have his favorite human around and maybe because he has a crush on you too
so he dragged his ass to the nearest supermarket for humans and ignored all the weirded stares he got from other shoppers and bought all of your favorite snacks and drinks that are listed at the top of his head
he placed them all nicely in this cute paper bag and left it at the desk you always sit in for one of your shared classes
the happy grin on your face when you peeked at its contents lifted his mood even though you wouldn't know it's from him because he purposely left the sender anonymous in the small note for you
but you immediately know that it's him because you've listed these specific snacks only to him, plus the sweet wording of the note just gave him away (you knew it that he's actually sweet inside, you knew it!!)
anyways,, the reason why yeosang is so hesitant to make a move on you is because relationships between humans and faes are disapproved of:-( he doesn't want you hurt just because you're seen with him
but one day he saw you being circled by a bunch of faes and there's this look on your face that screams 'help!'
he felt his legs move to push his way to get to you before he fully registered on what's going on
one of the faes reached out to shove off yeosang when he put himself in between you and them to protect you. "man, why the fuck are you defending a human?"
"she's my girlfriend."
so yeah all fucks flew out the window that day and you both decided to start dating:-D
he's still into the tsundere act but you like to tease him because this man gets flustered over the tiniest things lmao
you'd like bicker lazily over something and you'd go, "mhm, but you love me don't you?"
and his ears, cheeks, and neck would get so red as if he's got the worst case of asian flush lmao and he'd look around the whole room just to avoid your gaze
"shut up" *still blushing*
san — incubus
you accidentally summoned him when you were trying to sell your soul to the devil in exchange for a 4.0 gpa
he just suddenly appeared on top of your coffee table lying down on his side with his elbow propping up his head
and you just kinda went, "ok great, how do we do this thing? do i have to sign papers or smth???"
he just looks at you all confused like ??? we don't need any of those, we can just fuck
and you're like WHAT! >:-o and he's like ... what do you expect from summoning an incubus? :-|
"A WHAT???"
anyways, the misunderstanding was set straight and san sheepishly asked if he could stay over for just 1 night because he can't go back to hell just yet
(he can actually go back to hell just fine but he just can't bring himself to face incubi! ateez's teasings for being rejected for the first time ever)
and you thought hm why not
he somehow stayed over for more than just that one night and then you guys fell in love!!!
it all started after the first night when you cooked pancakes for breakfast
san groggily woke up from the couch when he smells the strangely appetizing scent of whatever you're making
"oh great, you're awake! good morning!" you greet, while the raven haired boy dazedly blinks at your sight bustling in the kitchen before letting out a raspy 'morning' in return
you hear his feet clad in the thick fuzzy socks you lent him pitter patter against the hardwood floors as he made his way towards you with a yawn, "what are you doing?"
"i'm making us breakfast :-)"
demons don't eat actual food but san would hate to see your smile falter even the tiniest bit at his rejection of this unfamiliar food that you call 'pancakes'
his plate of pancake is cutely decorated with fresh berries and a smiley face drawn with maple syrup on top of the first layer of pancake
(he can't help but smile when you impatiently gesture at him to take a bite while your own plate of pancakes sit in front of you, forgotten)
you show him how to use his cutleries properly and he finally eats a bite of the pancake
"is it good?" you ask nervously, wide eyes waiting to catch his reaction
his eyebrows furrow as he shut his eyes at the pleasant sweetness overcoming his taste buds, "oh my god, i could eat this every day. are you a professional chef or something?"
your eyes sparkle as you grow flustered over his compliment, replying with a timid 'no' and san thinks you just might be sweeter than the maple syrup coating his tongue
he's the sweetest bf ever; would exaggerate his reactions at anything you do because it would elicit a cute giggle that would bring a smile to his face
but yknow
don't forget that he's an incubus
"You're doing so good for me."
San likes it when you're laid out all bare underneath him, hair fanned out prettily on the bed, with your cheeks flushed and your eyes threatening to flutter shut.
"Baby," he taps lightly against your cheek, momentarily distracting you away from the heavenly feeling of him dragging against every inch of your walls as he continues to snap his hips to meet yours. "Hey, eyes on me."
A whine spills out of your lips as you try and fail to force your eyes open, back arching and eyes rolling back instead, earning a tsk from San as he continues to bury his cock deeper by forcing your aching thighs apart and against your chest.
His thumb caresses your swollen clit lightly, your eyes immediately widening as you gasp at the overstimulation from the previous orgasms he's taken just from eating you out. Your body trembles as you wail underneath him, reaching out to grip his arm that prevents your thighs from closing shut. San groans when he feels your pussy clench tightly around him.
"There you are," he lazily smirks, cupping your cheek and giving you a peck on the lips when he finds that your dazed gaze is on him. "Fuck, you look so pretty like this."
"So wet, so tight, so pretty for me," his measured thrusts turns harsh as he fucks up into your dripping cunt with your moans and bouncing tits egging him on.
"I'm- I'm gonna cum!" you cry out as San fondles your clit, reveling in the tight grip of your pussy and the dirty words that come out of your sweet mouth as you gush uncontrollably around his cock.
San groans loudly as his hips sloppily thrusts a few more times before he fills you up with his second load of the day, twitching and spurting his thick warm cum inside you as he holds you while he comes down from his high.
He slips his softening cock out of your battered pussy, cream immediately leaking from your centre and dripping down your ass and inner thighs as you whine at the loss.
"God," San moans as he drags two of his fingers over your weeping cunt, his other hand softly pressing against your lower belly. He slides his fingers over your dripping slit, gathering his cum leaking from your hole to your clit, rubbing and pinching.
With a cry, your thighs shake as tears well up in your eyes at the feeling of another orgasm that washes over you, swollen cunt clenching around nothing that has his cum oozing out of you. You whimper at the overstimulation, batting away his hand that continues to brush over your inner thigh.
San pulls you into a tender kiss as he gently caress your cheek and finally leans back to catch his breath. His eyes glaze over your fucked out state and he smiles at the fond look you give him.
"Such a good girl," he softly praises, carefully cleaning you up with the warm cloth he took from the bathroom. You hum in reply, shutting your eyes with a content smile at your lips. You can't see him, but he grins anyways.
"I'm a lucky man."
mingi — werewolf
i kid you not, this mf would deadass unashamedly howl in public at random
"it's who i am, yn."
are you embarrassed? yes.
will you ever let him know that you feel absolutely mortified whenever strangers stare at you after your boyfriend basically barked?
he might be a big ! absolutely not bad ! werewolf but he's actually so soft >:-( especially for you
gives the best hugs
he's just so big and warm which is why you always look for him to cuddle
gives the funniest reactions like fr,, which is why you LOVE to tease him
"mingi," "mhm?" "...you know that i'm always here for you right? i.. i won't judge if you,,, idk, want to keep your ears and tail in your human form--" "yn, for the last time, I'M NOT A FURRY"
omg you showed him the werewolf ripping shirt meme and he went error 404 because he doesn't know whether he should laugh or cry ("YN IS THIS HOW HUMANS SEE WEREWOLVES???? SOB")
would embody jacob's iconic lines from twilight
"bella ¬‿¬ where the hell have you been loca? ¬‿¬"
but yeah he's such a playful boyfriend but also has his sensitive moments
and he's such a sappy romantic
would randomly bring home a bouquet of flowers for you
"what's this for? i'm pretty sure our anniversary was two months ago"
"just passed by a florist and i thought of you :-)"
"also, our anniversary was three months ago, OH MY GOD YN HOW COULD YOU FORGET" "I'M SORRY, IT WAS JUST A MISCALCULATION!!!"
yeah don't mess with the math genius! werewolf because he will correct you in any chance he gets
(i'm so sorry idk anything about werewolves so i can't really take this seriously T_T)
wooyoung — mermaid
found out he can grow legs whenever his tail dries and that's how he ventured to land!
he's always been interested with humans so when he saw you hanging around in the beach one day, it was love at first sight
he gets so excited over every human activity, it's endearing
"woah, what is that?? :o" "oh, that's a guy riding a bike" "what's a bike?"
endless questions about anything human related but you patiently answer each and every one of them
you're basically his tour guide
you introduced him to movies and his favorite is the little mermaid
he's so serious about it
like literally you have to remind him to blink because he would not let his gaze stray from your tv
"ariel is so me. minus the overprotective dad. and the 6 sisters. and ursula. and probably the talking fish and crab"
"how can the evil sea witch be so EVIL? THIS IS CRUEL"
"hey i want a pet dog like max! :0"
would 100% reenact the fork hair brushing scene
would also 100% tell secrets about the ocean to you
"yeah the bermuda triangle thing? it's a lair to this one mean kraken"
but sometimes he would say the most untrue stuff ever like
"aquaman is real." "no he's not, woo. he's a dc superhero" "no, really, he's real. we've raced against each other once or twice" "mhm, whatever you say"
loves to watch the sunset in the beach with you with his head on your lap, your fingers running through his hair, and his toes curled in the sand
he likes it. a lot.
but he has to make sure that he doesn't touch wet sand because poof his tail would pop out
likes to chill in your bathub with the end of his tail flapping water at you
also likes to swim with you in the ocean late at night, when no one's around, with his arms wrapped around your waist and sneaking in atleast a hundred kisses while you giggle because the scales of his tail tickles your legs
the cutest mermaid! boyfriend ever
jongho — demigod
would bet my left kidney that he'd be the son of apollo or athena
but let's go with apollo because his vocals man goddamn
you're the child of nike, the goddess of victory
jongho sees you around a lot in camp half-blood, you're well known because of your bright and outgoing personality that almost everyone gravitate towards
your peers, jongho included, also admire you for your bravery in battles. although he's never been in one let alone see you fight in an actual life-or-death situation, he sees enough from how you always gracefully win capture the flag with a infectious grin on your face
unlike you, he likes to keep to himself at most times, preferring to spend his time alone to write music or poetry
which is why it's hard for him to muster up the courage to try and be your friend
he didn't dwell on it for too long, accepting that maybe he's just meant to stand at the sides and admire from afar when it comes to you
one night, he was in his usual secret spot; a small clearing near the lake with a hammock tied between two towering trees hidden from sight, when you stumbled into his view with tear stained cheeks
"oh, uh, i'm sorry," you sniffled, rubbing your nose with the paws of your sweater. "i didn't think anyone would be here. i'll go--"
"you can stay. i don't mind."
and that's how you go on to tell him about how battles leave a toll on you and this is your way of taking a break once in a while
he listened to you attentively, actually paying attention to what you have to say and even wiped your tears with the sleeve of his hoodie
that night was then filled with genuine laughter as jongho tried his hardest to cheer you up
"but in all seriousness, i'm here for you. whenever you need me."
it started a whole routine of you both meeting up every single night in that spot to either talk about everything all at once or to just enjoy each other's presence in a comfortable silence
he eventually shares his writings with you and you kinda went, "dang i'm in love with you"
and he's like ★_★ omfg no way
he's the type of bf who doesn't outwardly show his affection for you but makes up for it by caring about you down to the most trivial miniscule detail about you
definitely an act of service guy
would stop by the training grounds where you are when it's raining with an umbrella at hand
"come here, you'll get sick" "i'm the child of the goddess of victory, jongho" "doesn't mean you can't get sick!!!! \(º □ º l|l)/"
you ask him to sing for you all the time because his voice is soothing and he would blush whenever you compliment him hehe
the other kids at camp would stare enviously at you two holding hands while skipping to your designated spot because wow you two are so in love and everyone wants that kind of relationship
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oddshroom · 1 year
𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙻𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍
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Notes: Gojo Satoru truly is a menace not just to you but to Shoko and Geto, infinity is really a curse for others but a blessing for him.
A/N: Reader hates Gojo’s guts
Themes: Fluff, Crack, Love/Hate friendship dynamic, little to no angst, frenemies to lovers
Word(s): 2,037
Character(s): 11,267
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By far Gojo Satoru had been the most insufferable person you had ever met in your entire life – and that wasn't even a stretch considering his personality as well.
It only been a few months since you were introduced to the second year students of Tokyo Jujutsu High, Shoko Ieiri had helped a lot when it came to settling in the girl’s dorms. She came off as a casual and nonchalant person, much different from the two idiots where one was more sufferable then the other. The sufferable one Geto Suguru had been more respectable however the down-side had been that he would go along with Gojo’s idea and even add his own mix into it. Lastly Gojo Satoru, the most intolerable person you’ve ever met. He either was always over your shoulder or doing whatever he wanted. His abilities really did make him the most egotistical person to exist.
You never knew what he might do next – but somehow something always happened whenever he was near you. You weren’t sure whether to thank him for it, curse him out, or try and punch the shit out of him.
Currently you had been walking on the sidewalk side by side with Shoko discussing the next mission as well as the possibility of how Gojo could manage to screw you all over. “What if he tries to eat the curse”, Shoko said trying to be shocked while rubbing her chin, staring off into space as if she really was thinking about him eating a curse of all things.
You let out a soft laugh, “I doubt he’d actually try to eat the curse, if anything he might take it on a walk” You paused and put on a serious face, “hm, although I do consider these option something he might do”.
Shoko giggled a bit and patted your arm in comfort, “That’s true, there are many ways a person might do something like that though”. She gave a thoughtful look before turning towards you again. “Yeah, that person most definitely being him”, You added playfully.
Shoko rolled her eyes with a fond smile at you, “Geto might even encourage it”. “No doubt”, responding back before catching a glimpse of both Geto and Gojo kicking a vending machine.
“Oh god” you said under your breath. Both of them were too engrossed in their fight with a vending to notice you and Shoko. “Someday Yaga Sensei might put them on house arrest”, Shoko said amusingly at the scene in front of her. It was quite an odd sight – Geto had just lost his money to a vending machine and Gojo was just laughing at him, making fun of him as he tried to catch his breath while holding his head in pain. ‘That guy is really something else’, you thought, shaking your head slightly before turning back to Shoko.
You opened up your mouth to continue your conversation with Shoko but the moment you opened your mouth you heard an explosion sound. Your jaw dropped, you looked ahead and saw Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru standing a good distance away. Their faces were completely red in embarrassment, they couldn’t help but stare back at the two of you who had just watched the whole event. “What the hell”, you whispered under your breath. “They just blew up the vending machine that had the good snacks”, Shoko watched in disbelief. Her mouth was agape. “Why didn’t they just leave the stupid machine alone”, she asked herself. “I mean, I know that those idiots don’t care that much about money but…” She trailed off.
You shrugged slightly, not knowing why they blew up the vending machine.
“N/n~”, a high pitch voice sang out. “Look what I found~”, watching as the white haired walked closer to you until his face was right beside yours and you could smell his cologne.
“Ow”, you exclaimed as you jerked away. You rubbed your nose and looked up to see Shoko still staring dumbfounded. “What?”, you asked, giving her a confused look.
She blinked a couple times then looked away, “Sorry, I was just surprised”. “That vending machine took my money”, Geto said as he sulked his way over. Shoko chuckled slightly. “Then maybe you should have thought twice about blowing up a vending machine”. You shook your head slowly in disbelief, “you two are seriously unbelievable”, you commented. “But N/n Shoko don’t be mad at us”, whined Gojo while poking you. “Firstly, quit calling me N/n and two quit poking me”, you said annoyed at his antics.
“Ah come on N/n~”, Gojo pouted. “Let’s not fight. Please~”, he begged. He turned towards Shoko who seemed almost amused at this situation. “Please Shoko, please”, he repeated, putting a hand over his heart. “Tell N/n to not be mad”, he continued.
Shoko smiled, “Poke his eyes out” you conceded looking back at her. You just stared back at her blankly. “You guys are so childish”, she stated plainly. You started walking forwards when someone tapped you on your shoulder. Turning to see, all three of you looked at Geto who’s clothes were burned as he ate the snack that he wanted. “You couldn’t get me one”, Gojo said looking at his best friend exasperated. “You laughed at me”, Geto responded quickly. You watch how Gojo’s figure deflates. “And now look”, he said as he pointed at himself. “See”, he added pointing at his stomach which growled. “Now you owe me”, he finished looking directly at you.
He stuck out his tongue as if to say you were the one who owed him one. You narrowed your eyes, “Why do I owe you?!”, you yelled as you punched his shoulder, well tried since his infinity prevented you from even getting close to him. “Put that barrier of yours down”, you irked . “If you keep that up, I will kick you when you put it down you ass”. “Not funny, you jerk!”, he snapped back, glaring back at you with is cerulean blue eyes with a frown. “I am hungry!” He pointed to his belly.
“Cry about it”, you scoffed
Geto and Shoko could only find the situation hilarious in front of them, both laughing softly at the exchange. This wasn’t the first time they had seen both you and Gojo arguing and bickering in such situations. They had done it since the day they met.
As they continued to watch the pair bicker, Geto heard a notification from his phone. Shoko watched over his shoulder to see the notification. It was a message from their teacher, “No class tomorrow. There was a slight mishap during the last mission that I have to take care of”. Shoko read it aloud. “A small mishap, huh…”, she smirked. “That means we can all hangout in one dorm”. Shoko looked up noticing that you heard the entire thing as a prominent bump was formed on the top of Gojo’s snow colored hair.
“So that means...”, he trailed off, a smirk forming on his face after realising what she meant. “Yes, we can spend the night together at one dorm room”. “Sounds like a plan”, You replied back confidently. “Great! Let’s go then”, Geto said enthusiastically grinning.
The four of you started heading home once more. The sky gradually darkened as the sun began to set behind the horizon. The atmosphere around you became colder. It was starting to get chilly and the temperature had dropped considerably. After all the events of today, most of you were pretty tired out.
Yet that didn’t stop any of the four from setting up the room, preparing the snacks and setting up blankets for sleeping. Once everything was done the group decided to settle in for the evening. Shoko sat to the left you as Gojo sat to the right of you, Geto had been on Gojo’s right in terms of placement. You all look at the TV screen with anticipation of every single movie you had watched.
You yawned, “We’ve watched all the movies today”, you stated quietly.
“Oh really? How many did we watch?”, Shoko asked curiously.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Not that many, just three movies”.
“Three movies”, she repeated. “You sure?”, she asked. You nodded your head in confirmation. She glanced at the clock. “It’s 1:56 am already?”, she asked. “Is it that late”, You wondered.
She grinned, “Yeah, the sun went down a long time ago”. You sighed, glancing at the two to your right you realize they probably knocked out a while ago. Geto had been turned away from Gojo snoring away, his hair had come undone and was all over his face. Gojo had been sleeping on his back with his right leg over Geto, his hair was a disheveled mess. His round sunglasses discarded, feeling shift you notice Shoko laying down to sleep. Following her actions you also layer down, you peaked towards your right. Gojo is really nice to admire when he’s asleep and not talking.
When you first met him, he reminded you of Jack Frost how could you not. Of course that made him offended but you couldn’t have been bothered back then. He was an annoying little asshole who bothered you to no end. Except your own thought made you think otherwise, thinking he was cute- pretty even. A lot of girls your age would fawn over him on the streets, how could they not?
A smile suddenly formed on your lips as you realized just how silly you must sound. But it was true, he is kind of cute. Now that you think about it though, it doesn’t make any sense why he bothers you so much. He annoys you more than he annoys anyone else. Teases you, always wanting to get a reaction out of you. You enjoy messing with him but you actually feel quite happy when you see him or when you finally catch him red handed. Why?
He was right next to you, inches away.
Your breath hitched and you felt your cheeks warm, realizing you had been staring at him. “N/n..?”, a voice mumbled sleepily. You looked up to meet hazy blue eyes, his hair had been covering parts of his face. You gulped, “Gojo, go back to sleep”, you answered hastily as you averted your gaze.
“Eh?”, You heard him whine. Before you knew it you heard him moving beside you. You looked over hesitantly, his expression was completely blank. “Don’t move”, he said blankly before his arm came wrapping around your waist pulling you closer to him. The heat radiating from his body seeped into your cold skin. Your face felt hotter by the minute, not daring to look back at him again. Both bodies had been faced towards each other, his head in the crevice of your neck. He pulled you completely against him and wrapped you in his arms. You felt the warmth from his body radiating into your chest, sending chills through your body. You could feel the tip of his nose brushing against your neck making you shiver slightly. He nuzzled you further. Slowly, you wrapped your arm around him. As your faces brushed each other you couldn’t help but lean into him, the material of his shirt pressing against your hand . Feeling yourself getting lost in his soft, deep voice whispering in your ear; “Good night”.
The two of you slept peacefully in each other’s arms.
You woke up slowly, feeling a pair of arms encircle your torso. You opened your eyes to discover that you were still lying in Gojo’s arms, you were curled up facing him with your head resting on his chest. A shadow glanced over the both of you, looking at the ceiling which was replaced by two figures towering over you. “He’s so annoying”, Geto mimicked smugly. Shoko giving you an eye, indicating you need to talk about where you stand with Gojo.
“We’re just la-“, Suddenly they both tumbled onto the ground, looking slightly shocked before snickering at the fact Gojo had turned on his infinity with only you touching him and no one else. The other two decided to leave not before mentioning to take you out on a date later.
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⋆ 「 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝. 」 ⋆
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toji's tired and doesn't feel like hearing you run your mouth in the passenger's seat of his car. so you find other ways to occupy yourself.
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pairing. — toji fushiguro x f!reader
word count. — 893
content. — nsfw (18+ only), established relationship, daddy kink, toji's a lil mean (duh), pet names (baby, babygirl, little girl), finger sucking, masturbation (f), brief mention of penetrative sex.
notes. — i have toji brainrot so bad rn y'all it's not even funny. so i had to write this while working tonight LMAO i just needed to get it out of my brain. hope you enjoy <3
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It’s late, and the back roads are lit up only by the headlights as the two of you skirt around curves in his expensive car. You’d bet money that you’re going well over the designated speed limit, because Toji, despite being exhausted from a long day, is still fulfilling his habit of being on the brink of reckless driving. The air is cool where he has the driver’s side window down to let the smoke from his cigarette stream out, and he’s silent as you seemingly burst with energy next to him.
You’ve been rambling on for a few minutes now about something you’ve been particularly excited about as of late, chatting your tired boyfriend’s ear off without realizing it. The low hum of the radio hardly even gets to make itself known beneath your continuous jubilant speech.
“And I can’t believe that—”
“Baby,” Toji’s voice is raised just the slightest bit to overpower yours, cutting you off before you can go on. You watch as he inhales and exhales his final breath of smoke, flicking the cigarette butt outside and rolling up the window. “Can you do daddy a favor and shut your fuckin’ mouth for a minute?”
You can finally hear the radio now that silence sweeps over you and you’re able to absorb the nonchalant harshness of his words. It doesn’t affect you too badly, however. He’s always like this. 
But narrowing your eyes into a half-hearted glare, you declare coldly in his direction, “You’re mean.”
The both of you know that you aren’t exactly heartbroken, nor are you entirely serious with your angry pout and juvenile words, so Toji speaks just as apathetically as before, “Yeah, well cry me a river over it, little girl.” He reaches a calloused hand over to roughly squeeze at your knee. It hurts a little, and there’s no smile from him nor a laugh, but you’re fully aware that it’s his way of being somewhat sadistically playful, attempting to dismantle any potential hard feelings.
Toji loosens his grip but leaves his hand there, letting you feel its warmth against your chilled skin. His fingers are so large and picturesque in a rugged sort of way, thumb stroking absentmindedly as his gaze continues to pierce ahead at the road. It’s so quiet that you suddenly feel the urge to be a little impish; maybe there are other things you can do with your mouth besides talk.
Taking him by the wrist and forearm, you guide his hand up to slide two big fingers between your lips, soaking them in the saliva that freshly pools in your mouth. He tastes like salt and nicotine, all too familiar against the flat of your tongue, and it prompts you to start a gentle suck. Toji smirks and huffs at the feeling of your hot mouth around him, muscles flexing but resisting the impulse to fuck his fingers forward until the tips hit the back of your throat. Instead, he lets you occupy yourself with your ability to take full control.
This new sense of quiet is oddly like music to his ears, only interrupted by the occasional suckling noise and the tiny hums you make in between them. “That’s a good girl,” he drawls and praises with a wicked smile on his face, pressing his fingers down against your tongue for only a moment and stealing a glance over at you as he does so. Then he starts to laugh. "Shit, I shoulda had you doin' this ten minutes ago. Shuts you up nice and good, doesn't it?"
You remove his hand long enough to take a breath and reply, perhaps with a hint of defiance, “Yes, daddy.” It makes his cock twitch when you say it like that.
Toji chuckles again. "That was a rhetorical question, babygirl, but I like where your mind’s at." He never intended for you to stop sucking or being quiet, but he’s too delighted to be bothered by it in the least.
After another minute of working until your tongue is almost sore, the heat between your thighs has increased to an intolerable amount, leaving you yearning for more than just the solution to an oral fixation. You weasel a hand down to work through fabric until a fingertip can gather some slick and swirl it around your clit, causing your cunt to clench and throat to moan around Toji’s fingertips. His head turns to look as you do so, jaw slack, and the car swerves a bit after he loses his focus on driving.
“Fuck, baby, you’re gonna run me off the road.” He grits his teeth and pulls his fingers from your mouth, gently gripping you by the jaw as he takes a moment to correct the steering wheel. Once on another straight path, Toji looks back over at you stroking your clit and presses his thumb past your lips and onto your tongue. You look at him with furrowed brows and moan, drool now spilling down your chin. 
“Screw this,” he mutters, deciding he’s finally had enough. Within a second he’s pulling the car off the side of the road without warning, throwing it into park and undoing your seat belt with haste.
It doesn’t take long for him to have you sitting nice and pretty on his cock, and he’s not complaining about the noise this time.
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iliveraee · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS: karasu tabito has always looked out for you. when you meet his best friend, otoya, that fact still does not change.
note: lol sorry guys i felt a little silly
wc ;; 2.5k
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You have known Karasu Tabito since you have been in diapers.
It's always been a known fact. Your mothers met each other at the hospital, became friends, and eventually, you two met. That fateful day, you met Karasu Tabito and your life has never been void of him since.
At age three, you two went out to a waterpark and that was the first time he kissed you.
(It wasn't really a kiss—you accidentally fell on top of him after sliding down a waterslide, he promised he'd catch you, and he did—his mouth just happened to land on yours). You were so disgusted you started to cry—he gagged and ran away.
At age five and a half, you both had your first sleepover. He had a big scary dog that was almost as big as you were and scared you half to death. You were so terrified of the thing you refused to let go of the bottom of his stupid purple Megatron shirt.
You spent the entire night sleeping by his side, and he never once softened his grip on you—it was the only thing that lulled you to sleep. Your mom still had photos of you clinging onto him like it was life or death.
At age twelve, you two entered middle school together. You've never spent a day without him—so it was quite strange when you were forced to enter a strange, new class—and even weirder when your female classmates gave you both googly eyes and always giggled whenever you were around. You never really understood what they meant by this—and to this day, you still don't.
You and Karasu Tabito have known each other since you two were able to walk, and because of this fact, you've never once noticed the way he looks at you.
The soft stares, small smiles (not those stupid, cocky smirks that he holds when he's out on the field—but rather, a grin that curls up on his lips and makes his cheeks grow pink), and the thoughtful, almost unnoticeable actions he takes only for you.
You've never seen it—not now, not never, is what he's hoping. If there is one thing Karasu Tabito shall never do, is tell you what he's done. He'll wait, maybe for a day he will see you stare at him with just as much fondness, or when your touch will linger on his upper arm for a minute too long.
He's always been good at analyzing people—and when he's known you for so long, you've surely become no exception. It was a habit you hated so much, but one he never seemed to be able to get rid of—only able to hide, for the sake of your wellbeing. He's grown soft, he thinks, every single night after he's lying alone in his bed and staring blankly up at the ceiling. He has grown soft for you, his best friend since childhood. But that isn't so much of a bad thing, he thinks again.
He doesn't mind all that much. 
The crow, once wild and rowdy, is content with the preening it receives from its owner—and learns to love its life trapped inside the golden cage. He will wait, patiently, for the day you would fall for him—at least, that is what he was originally planning to do.
At age eighteen, he introduced you to his best friend, Otoya Eita. A notorious football player, playboy, and womanizer. There is a good reason Karasu had waited so long to introduce his two closest friends together, and that is because Otoya had quite a history with all of Karasu's female friends. 
He's told him to quit it, to stop—but it's never been as serious as it is now.
"Seriously man, don't with her." Karasu sits beside his friend with narrowed eyes and a frown. Otoya's expression is nonchalant as ever, except with a singular brow raised in question.
"What's got you so pissed? I didn't even say anything."
"I know you. Don't, dude. She's different, okay? I don't care about whatever happened with the others, but you seriously need to lay off."
Otoya raises his hands in mock defence, half-lidded eyes widening ever-so-slightly. "Alright. Promise. I won't do anything."
Karasu raises a brow, staring at his whistling buddy from the corner of his eye—he couldn't help but doubt him. Still, he was his closest friend from Blue Lock, and he should do well to trust that said friend—even if Karasu Tabito should know better.
He really should've known better.
As soon as Otoya caught sight of you—he slid next to you, ever so casually—with his phone stuck out and a small smile playing on his lips—asking for your number. You were shocked, of course, and Tabito had no shortage of criticism regarding his green-striped friend to speak to you—still, he was pretty cute, and pretty charming, with that grin.
So, despite your better judgement, and to Karasu's horror—you momentarily forget his words and nod—still in shocked silence—and pass him your phone. 
Karasu doesn't think he's ever seen Otoya that happy. Still, you don't look uncomfortable—even with that gross, stupid man pressed right to your side—so Karasu holds his tongue and simply chews down, hard, on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from cursing his friend out.
The crow introduces the both of you together, and it does not take long at all before, he, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table from you two, becomes the so-called third wheel.
Karasu Tabito could only stare in silence as you and Otoya, surprisingly, held a decent conversation.
Tabito nearly socked Eita in the face when he slid his arm around you and winked—a cheesy, stupid action that could make even the most romantic author gag in horror.
Even so, you smile—and Tabito's heart drops to his stomach.
Karasu had mostly forgotten about this moment for a good week—choosing to just enjoy your presence after that. However, after that week of peace, he was rudely reminded just how persistent Otoya could be with girls.
"Otoya... is a nice guy." You point at your phone, showing it to your best friend with a smile. Your cheeks are flushed pink as you type back a response to his message—but it's half-written and unsent when Karasu snatches the device out of your hands.
He's never seen something so disgusting. It's vile. It's horrible. It's so gross.
"What the fuck?" He curses absentmindedly, eyes wide with disgusted shock as he reads over your conversations. At first, it was about Karasu and both your friendships with him—but those conversations soon turned into deeper, personal talks that you'd never shared with anybody but him. 
You try and grab at your device—he pulls that stupid move where he holds it up higher than you can reach—you practically fall into his arms trying to grab the phone, "Tabito!! Give it back!!"
"Are you serious?" He looks down at you with furrowed brows and lips pulled taut downwards. He steadies you with a hand on your shoulder, eyes narrowed sharply. "I told you not to fall for this. Didn't I tell you about what he does to girls? I told you not to talk to him!"
Before this, you've never gotten truly angry at him. Sure, you'd fight—but not even an hour later, either one of you would come back and apologise for whatever petty thing had transpired in the fight. That was just how your friendship was, and he never thought it would change.
Not until now, that is.
You look up at him with a deep frown and an angry stare—not the kittenish one that makes him laugh and ruffle your hair, but a different type of stare—where you are trying to dig knives into his skull and he thinks all the breath has been stolen from his lungs, "Why do you always do this? You always act like this whenever I try and talk to a guy—but this time, you're really acting like a fool! He's your friend, shouldn't you approve more than the past, oh I don't know, seven?!"
His wide-eyed shock is an opening for you to grab your phone back—so you do, and take a good few steps back.
I'm just... trying to look out for you... However, his thoughts go unspoken in his stupor.
Your voice is quieter now—arms folded underneath your chest and clearly avoiding his gaze, "I think you should go... Tabito. I'll talk to you later."
You murmur and walk away—with each step you take, he thinks he hears his heart shatter a little more inside his chest.
He slumps down on his desk with his head in his hands. He doesn't know what to do. He feels so stupid. He hadn't even realised it himself—had he really been so disapproving of all those guys that you'd stopped talking to them completely? And he didn't even know?
He feels more selfish than ever.
He feels sick, actually.
This voice is not one he'd like to hear right now. The source of his problems and pain—Otoya. Karasu groans and doesn't raise his gaze—his chest starts to hurt. "Go away."
He doesn't hear footsteps, so Karasu assumes he does not follow his demand. His thoughts are proven correct when Otoya speaks again, "She told me about whatever happened before."
Karasu clenches his jaw hard to stop himself from speaking. He feels like even more of a piece of shit. He just had to bring it up, didn't he? If he didn't introduce you two, this wouldn't have even happened, anyway. Maybe he should keep his lives separate next time—in whatever life he would live next.
"I know she's your friend and all, and you're super worried about her because of that—but I promise I won't do anything."
Those words make Karasu lift his gaze—tired eyes from the lack of sleep he got last night make his despair abundantly obvious. Still, Otoya's nonchalant expression that he always has plastered on his face does not budge an inch. "I promise you before, too. I won't do anything. I swear. I really like her. Like a lot. I swear, I won't hurt her. If I do, you can beat my ass, and I'll take it. So don't be petty like this, okay?"
The words don't soothe the ache in his chest.
Those words he spoke before, just before Otoya had met you—Karasu was worried about this exact scenario happening. But thinking back on it now—was he even worried about you?
He finds himself doubting it. In fact, it feels so much more natural to say that he was worried about himself. That he'd get hurt like this if this happened.
The lack of response from Karasu gives Otoya the answer he was looking for—the last thing he hears as Otoya walks away is an annoyed sigh.
Karasu is, once again, left alone in his room. 
He really wants to collapse and just never wake up. He hates this.
Karasu Tabito really is a selfish man. He wants you all to himself yet never tells you—he truly is the worst man alive.
I... just want you.
That's all. That's all he knows.
His chest aches even more and he thinks his heart may just go beating out of his chest. He grits his teeth, hard, and clenches his fists over his face. 
The crow in the golden cage is afraid to let go—so in such an act of desperation, it grabs onto its owner's arm—clinging and screeching before they can possibly move away.
He is selfish. You're all his heart has ever known—and you are all he wants. He thought he could wait and everything would turn out fine—but now, he sees that he was so, so wrong.
He'd made up his mind. He couldn't wait any longer. He had to tell you. Otherwise, these feelings would rot away in the back of his mind forever and whatever was left after that—and Karasu would die, simply unfulfilled and empty, lacking the love that is you.
The lingering stares, the small touches a bit too close to be friends, the words whispered into your ears late at night when you come to him in tears—all of that can't be for naught. 
This couldn't all be for nothing.
He has to tell you. It's now, or never. 
He finds himself running down the street in low-hanging pyjama pants and a black tank top—it's cold, really cold on his tanned skin—but he can hardly feel the snow pricking at his skin as his slippers make contact with the damp concrete ground.
He has to tell you.
He has to tell you.
He looks around frantically for the spare key your parents keep outside your house. Underneath the potted plant. Right.
He effortlessly lifts the giant pot of aloe vera, and cracks open your door, silently—the first thing he hears is the loud blasting of corny Christmas music, and the sound of your voice laughing along to a song sung by the Whoville residents.
He has to tell you.
His breathing picks up, and he runs forward—however, Tabito is stopped in his tracks, by another voice.
It is Otoya.
If this is truly what heartbreak feels like, then Karasu Tabito is not sure why humans even bother to fall in love. Maybe it is a primal, instinctual reaction that has no logical explanation or meaning to look into—it is simply a blessing, or curse, of nature that cannot be stopped or ignored.
Love is an unexplainable thing. 
It makes you feel so many strange things. Foreign, unnatural, and most of all—weird. Love is really, really weird.
It makes you wish to cry, then smile as far as you possible can. It makes your stomach twist with butterflies and makes you have the inexplicable urge to press your lips together with another person. An act of love only shown by humans. An act of love that the crow could never have.
Love makes you selfish, soft, and weak.
But love can also make you giving, tough, and strong.
Love makes Karasu Tabito walk away.
Love makes Karasu Tabito leave you, with the words silent and dead in his mouth.
Even as the cold winter air nips at his nose and he feels like his stomach is trying to collapse in on itself, Karasu Tabito still feels love. This sort of love is so inexplicably strong and all-consuming—a love that he has always felt for you.
The kind of love that will set you free.
Perhaps the crow had dug his talons too deep into its owner—and now, it was left, stuck alone in that golden cage with blood shining on its claws and silent.
Now, it must fly away.
Karasu's always looked out for you—this time, he thinks, maybe, this is the best for both of you.
You looked so happy. You've never looked that happy with him. The thought makes his heart ache and his thoughts jumble up. He stands in the snow—his loose, ungelled hair falls down his neck and snowflakes look like glitter in his deep purple hair.
He really does love you, and that's why he lets you go.
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duyxjpg · 3 months
Text messages between you & your f1 besties pt. 4
Summary: Just random dialogues between you & your f1 besties + your crush. Friends in question: Charles Leclerc, Lando Norris & Max Verstappen Note: Eventually the boys will take the matters in their own hands since it hurts physically to watch you (be so chaotic). Part 4 of the non ending saga is ready ofc with more chaotic Y/N content + bonus part.
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Y/N always fake flirting with Charles just to annoy him. It always works..
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Lando receiving his daily dose of headache at 01:34 AM as usual nothing new really..
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Gossip girls are just dirty minded. Nothing wrong with Y/N and Maxie at all?!
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You believe me when I say Charles is sometimes done with Y/N? Unbelievable but true.
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Y/N being Y/N
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What do you mean you see someone Bob? You gotta be more specific about it!!
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Nothing just Y/N flirting with her babygirl Max.
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Tf you mean you don't love Y/N more than Carlos? Is that even possible?
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Next target 👉🏼 Christian Horner ✔️shit happens - check
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Steiner just don't know yet what he is getting himself into. Y/N is not the one to take a hint and get out of trouble. Hard to believe that Y/N is a troublemaker right?
B o n u s :
random short insight into Y/N life with the boys:
„You are not going to do no such thing!” Y/N protested stamping her feet like a toddler, standing in the middle of the gaming hall.
“Why not? You like him, don’t you?” Charles grinned at Y/N widely. Y/N wanted to punch that smug grin off his pretty face. Y/N wanted to escape this very situation she was forced to be in, well sort of, so badly.
“Don’t grin like the cheshire cat and stop talking nonsense. How dare you?!” Y/N smacked Charles arm. Charles rubbed his arm while trying not to burst laughing.  She looked around. Nervosity took over Y/Ns every single cell. Y/N could not believe that her so called friends made plans with the most handsome and perfect f1 driver on the grid at a gaming hall and did not tell her. Out of million places, the gossip girls choose violence and took her to the gaming hall. Y/N was competitive af and hated losing. The last time she went to a gaming hall Y/N had entry ban for three months.
As Y/N wanted to protest again Lando and Max did their entry. Lando was smiling from ear to ear. What a dumb man Y/N thought, trying the urge to roll her eyes. As for Max, he had his nonchalant way of looking. Casually dressed, his hands in his pockets and smiling at Y/N. What a man Y/N thought. Her "I have a crush on Max Verstappen" vibe was visible from the moon. Awkwardly greeting both of the drivers Y/N wanted to run away. She could feel the elephant in her stomach, yes elephants no butterflies, period.
“Y/N please calm down!” Lando laughed at Y/N. Y/N was horrible at racing games and currently she was losing miserably.
“I hate you all, how is this even a fair game? Racing with f1 drivers? What a fugging joke.” Y/N protested for the 100x time in the last five passing minutes.
“Since when do you care about fair play?” Charles mocked Y/N. Since I am terribly losing Y/N thought. She pointed Charles her favourite finger.
“Remember when you cold heartedly with a total serious expression explained me the rules to that one game wrongly so you could win?” Lando questioned with a fake disappointed look in his face.
“You did not!” Max laughed out loud. Laugh again you loser Y/N thought. It sounded like music in Y/N ears. What a beautiful man Y/N thought.
“It’s not my fault, it’s your own stupidity.” Y/N shrug and showed Lando her tongue. Y/N could see from the corner of her eye that Max was smiling while shaking his head. So pretty Y/N thought.
“I knew that Y/N would find a way to get her ass kicked out again!” Charles laughed.
“Disappointed but not surprised…” Lando added shaking his head.
“I still don’t know how she managed to punch a hole into the fucking wall!” Max questioned with a slight surprise in his voice.
"It was an "inchident." Y/N replied. Gaining a burst of laughter from Lando, a death glare from Charles and a grin from Max.
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
Writers note: I didn't want to let you wait for too long + I thought it would be fun to show short parts of Y/Ns life with the boys. What you do you think about it? Would you like it or no?
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kararisa · 8 months
darling, starling
— 5. unwritten rules — ✦ (wc: 0.4k)
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You will never understand how people wake up before 10 a.m. and enjoy it. Scaramouche was your complete opposite in that regard, preferring to start his days egregiously early. But if you could help it, you'd stay in bed and sleep until the early afternoon hours, cuddled up in the warmth of your blankets.
But here you are, not comfortable in bed but instead seated on your sofa and half-heartedly watching some soap opera on the TV while you wait for the man of the hour to discuss a deal that could change both of your careers, for better or for worse.
The huge glass windows let in sunlight from the waking world, bathing the room in natural light. Scaramouche gives you a nod of acknowledgment as he sits down, a cup of way-too-bitter tea in hand. He takes off his reading glasses and leans back to look at you properly.
“You look like shit,” he greets.
You rub your eyes before glaring at him, “I wanted to catch you before you ran off to the nearby cafe to write your book. We need to actually talk about what we’re getting into in this deal.”
You take a breath before starting, “It’s not going to be easy dating me. Fake or not.”
Scaramouche’s words are dripping in sarcasm. “I know your food preferences if that’s what you're worried about.”
“That...” you groan. “That isn’t even what I mean and you know it; I’m being serious. You know how relentless the media can be when it comes to me. Rumors of us dating have been around since we were first spotted going out and about with our friends. And they’ve only gotten worse since you moved in with me.”
“I can take whatever the tabloids throw at me,” he shrugs. “Besides, my aunt works for The Akasha, remember? She has a lot of pull, not just in Sumeru.”
Is he even taking this seriously? His nonchalant air makes you think he doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation you’re getting yourselves into. He consistently interacts with his fans but maintains a respectful distance from them — you know he's capable of handling a life of fame.
But ever since you stepped onto the stage, the tabloids have followed you like a phantom — lurking in every corner and following your every move. Their eyes aren’t only set on you, though, but on every person associated with you. Scaramouche’s privacy has been invaded multiple times throughout your friendship with him, and he’s expressed his distaste for a life that's fully in the public eye in the past.
Why is he so determined to see this through?
“I doubt one editor-in-chief will be enough to influence the press,” you say.
“But she does control what stories get published,” he points out. “And if she approves articles about us being spotted together in public, it’ll be enough to get people talking.”
He has a point. Goddamn it, maybe he actually thought this through and this wasn’t just some half-assed plan he came up with at 2 a.m.
The two of you would have to set some rules, but that could come at a later date.
“Do we have a deal?” Scaramouche sticks out his hand.
“Yeah.” you take his hand and shake it. “We got a deal.”
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✧— previous — masterlist — next —✧
rule number one: don't fall in love.
rule number two: no one can know about the deal.
rule number three: keep physical affection limited to the public eye. no kissing under any circumstances.
rule number four: break up after you release your album.
easy enough to remember. oh, and remember to not break the rules okay?
author's notes:
sorry for being inactive lmao i got depressed for a hot minute
nah cause why is scarayn banter so much fun to write
taglist — currently OPEN:
@aestherin @unsterblich-prinz @yourstrulykore @krnzysh @syriiina @yumiaur @featuredtofu @kodzusmiles @meigalaxy @fangygf @motherscrustytoenailclippings @samyayaya @hiimera @beriiov @e0nssadrift @dazaisboner @nillajhayne @chluuvr @nillajhayne @deffenferofjustice @romyoia @xiaomainlmao @hotgirlshit5 @potabletable @letthewindlead @esuz @toriiee @kclremin @angelkazusstuff @phoenix-eclipses @sakiimeo @mayuumine @ako-ang-mahal-ko @only-cherry-blossom @keiiqq @what-just-happened-huh @n3r0-1417 @haunts-gh0st @layla240 @mamafly @duckyyyx @certified-shrimp @kgogoma @xtobefreex @aeongiies @mechanicalbeat1 @meidnightrain @nordicbananas @feiherp @erzarq
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wishuroses · 1 year
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.⠀ ݁ ⸜⸜ 𓂃 𓇼 such a sure thing, aonung.
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✶ pairings: aonung x sully!reader
✶ warnings: awkward attempt at fluff, apologizing, rivals to friends but there’s something more, reader takes the place of neteyam but is slightly more assertive and even more prone to violence, aonung is a simp in the making and reader is here for a good time not a hard time, uppercase intended!
✶ word count: 1k
✶ na’vi glossary: payoang – fish, skxawng – idiot.
✶ a/n: second fic on this profile! this is a little something i just had rotting in my notes app since like early february, it was more self indulgent at first but since i currently don’t have a single creative bone in my body i’ve decided to feed u guys with whatever this is while i try to rack up more ideas for future fics. happy reading! :-)
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“What is going on here?”
You called out with a panicked lilt to your voice, the sand shifting beneath your feet and between your toes as you hurriedly marched towards the commotion.
You’d heard the stern yet desperate voice of your little sister, Kiri, yelling at someone– or maybe more than one– to ‘leave us alone’.
Your voice and Kiri’s did nothing to stop them, however, as the teens continued to poke and prod at your siblings as nothing but wicked laughter and unabashed insults left their mouths.
With a sharp exhale, you stomped up to Aonung and shoved him as hard as your strength could allow you to, which effectively caught him off guard. The braids that frame your face swayed from side to side dramatically, and almost comically so, beads audibly thudding against each other.
You thought about doing more than just shoving him, thinking that maybe full on linebacking him with the intent to injure would’ve definitely been more satisfactory in your taste, but you knew the numerous consequences that would swarm around your head like the annoying flies your father talked to you about.
Aonung stumbled back a few at the force of your push, resulting in everyone shifting their attention towards you. A look of surprise flashed across his face, but was replaced by a sly smirk as quick as it came, more arrogance emitting from him. Despite his nonchalant demeanor, his ears were tucked back against his head, as if he was embarrassed at getting shoved so hard and nearly falling on his ass. As he should be.
“Back off.. Now,” You stepped closer, digging a strong navy blue finger into his sternum. Both of your faces merely inches apart as your big amber eyes peered courageously back into his baby blue ones, stern gaze never once faltering. Such a shame, you thought, that such beautiful eyes belonged to someone so awful.
“And so help me Eywa, if I ever catch you–” You then turned to the rest of his gang, making sure to lock eyes with every single one of them, “or ANY of you lay a finger on my siblings ever again, you all will be down to 2 on each hand. Then we can discuss who the real freak is.” You say carefully, making sure each and every one of them heard your words.
“That is a promise.”
The irritated look in your eyes and the occasional flare of your nostrils assured him that you were dead serious, he had no doubt in his mind you were. The rough, accented edge to your voice made goosebumps rise from his skin. Aonung locked eyes with you once more, pupils dilating as you both gazed into each other’s eyes.
It was then that time seemed to melt between the both of you. A beautiful baby blue swimming in pools of striking amber.
If you weren’t huffing angrily with adrenaline running through your veins, you probably wouldn’t have missed the light dust of pink that bloomed upon his teal cheeks. After a beat of silence, Aonung relaxed and passively looked off to the side, raising his hands in mock surrender.
“Good choice.”
.⠀ ݁ ⸜⸜ 𓂃 ✿̅
It was nearing eclipse, the pinks and oranges of the sunny horizon reflected back into your wide, yet tired eyes. You were laid snug on your stomach by the shore, the foam of the waves kissing your hands as the grains of sand stuck snug against your tummy. The only thing that filled your senses were the waves crashing against the sand, the soft singing wind, and the odd saltiness and humidity that filled the air– which was something you’d barely gotten used to. Nonetheless, it was still comforting.. in a sense.
That was, until, the hairs on the back of your neck stood. You felt a shift in the atmosphere, almost as if someone else were there with you. Cautiously, you peeled your eyes away from the ocean and looked to your right immediately, only to find Aonung standing a great distance from you, not too far yet not too close either.
But it was still a bit too close for your liking.
His questionable behavior gained a look of confusion from you, as you sat up from your previous position to sit on your haunches. “..Hello? What is it?” You say, concerned at his sudden arrival, yet irritated at your alone time being disturbed by some ocean-dwelling creep who couldn’t keep his comments to himself. “If you say some dumb shit to me Aonung I swear–” At the expense of your words, he shuffled closer to your hunched form, sitting beside you at a pace so slow you were so sure he thought you were going to lunge at him.
And honestly? You wouldn’t trust yourself not to.
Aonung was so close that his arm occasionally grazed yours, making goosebumps arise from your skin at the foreign yet oddly calming contact. To your surprise, it didn’t bother you one bit. In an attempt to distract yourself from the extremely awkward encounter, you tediously wiped off the sand that dug into your stomach and thighs.
“Sorry. I have come to.. apologize?”
His revelation earned him a look of surprise, your eyebrows shot up immediately and your back straightened along with them. Your beads thudded together in unison at how quick you looked at him. “Are you asking me, or are you telling me?” You quipped, almost not believing the words that were said to you.
“I am telling you, skxawng.” He shot back quickly, his eyes trailing from the waves to your big ones; the ones that stared back at him, the ones that held so much emotion– yet he couldn’t figure out what they were. With a sigh, he averted his attention, finding the dangly bits of his loincloth to be much more interesting. “I apologize for acting that way towards you and your siblings. I was confused over everything, the sudden arrival of your family, and–as the future Olo’eyktan–protective of my clan, but I had nowhere else to air my feelings. So I took them out.. on all of you... I am so sorry.”
His voice wavered a little at the end of his statement, alarming you a great amount as you’ve never heard him get to this point before. Whether it was from embarrassment or if he was genuinely about to start bawling, you didn’t have a clue.
After a beat of silence, you shuffled closer and placed a gentle four-fingered hand on his back– hoping that your small gesture spoke enough words so that you didn’t have to. You heard his breath hitch a bit, and you hoped you hadn’t crossed any boundaries and made him uncomfortable. That thought was quickly replaced when he hadn’t made any plans to move away or to slap your hand away from him.
With a sigh, you gave a stiff pat to his back, making him look back at you with an expression you couldn’t read even if you tried. The corners of your lips quirked upwards as you locked eyes with him, only to look back at the beautiful view in front of you both. He never looked away from you, though, tracing your delicate features with his eyes.
He wouldn’t admit it aloud–not yet at least– but he thought you were beautiful. Despite you not looking like the Metkayina he was so used to seeing, and barely even your own, you were still pretty in your own weird way.
You weren’t yet ready to forgive him completely, as insults like those were like stones to your heart; but you were sure that amends could be made, and that people can change for the greater good.
“You’re good, payoang..” Your tone was light and airy when you responded, resulting in something weird happening to his poor, poor heart. He’d never heard your voice in a tone as gentle as this, only hearing your rough shouts, sneers, and the occasional threatening.
Aonung chuckled softly at the odd nickname, yet welcomed it nonetheless. He can admit, it was fair game with how many times he’d call you weird names, but this one seemed a bit more intimate.. had a bit more weight to it. “We’re good... but actions speak louder than words. I need you to respect my brother and my sister.”
“If you disrespect them, you disrespect me.”
Aonung nodded so quick you thought he would get a severe case of whiplash. “Yes, yes, I understand.” He was starting to become hyperaware of his surroundings, the hand that was still placed on his back felt like searing hot coal, but he didn’t dare flinch away.
“You are so, so pretty when you don’t threaten my life.” He said breathlessly, as if he was genuinely in awe of you, your appearance, your everything. It caught you off guard, the sudden confession, but the corners of your mouth quivered upwards into a bashful smile as a soft chuckle bubbled from your throat.
You felt shy under his gaze all of a sudden, dipping your chin downwards to look away from him, to get away from those eyes that held such intense emotion.
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hanniluvi · 6 months
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[ DAY THIRTEEN ] of the advent calendar !
( 🚋 ) SYNOPSIS . . . after a heated argument with K, little did you expect that the last time you’d see him would be at his departure, after leaving you in silence for days.
( — ) PAIRING . . . best-friend!k x gn!reader FT. EJ &TEAM
( 🚋 ) GENRE . . . angst lolz, misunderstandings, friends 2 …?
( — ) WARNINGS . . . INSPIRED BY THE MOVIE “20TH CENTURY GIRL” (sorry guys), k and reader kinda frustrating ..
( 🚋 ) NOTE . . . Hi!! Super late Sorry!! but originally this wasn’t even gonna be angst if i be honest … but train station … 20th century girl … so yes!!! also pretend the pics above give christmassy vibes LMAO it js seemed right to keep it like this and yes i can hear u quivering miles away Ms Sonata 😊
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Once again, and unsurprisingly, K had missed yet another hangout. You really tried waiting and being considerate, but not even him in sight. Seated alone in the cafe with two drinks you bought with your own money, frustration grew. The plans had been made two weeks prior, and despite K's assurances, he was nowhere to be found.
Unable to bear it any longer, you navigated to your contact list and pressed on his icon, hoping for an explanation. Anxiously biting your nails, you waited through two beeps until he answered with a casual, "Hello?" Your scoff was loud enough for him to hear, a response to his nonchalant greeting after ditching another hangout without any warning.
"Huh?" Did he genuinely believe he had the right to question you after what just happened?
"Are you serious right now? You just missed another hangout, K." His mumbled apology reached your ears, sounding like he was cursing himself for even forgetting. "Damn it—I'm so sorry, YN. Can I make it up to you tomorrow?"
"You've got to be kidding me." You couldn’t help the anger slowly rising in you. “I’m here, waiting in the cold for you just to not show up again?” The hot air escaped your mouth as you scoffed. “You know, you shouldn’t suggest ideas for a winter hangout if you’re just going to not appear.”
"It—it just slipped my mind! I'm sorry," K explained, but you weren't buying it. You've let him slide too many times.
“It just ‘slipped out of your mind’? We planned his hangout 2 weeks prior—you even promised to show up today! Do you think I’m really going to buy that bullshit?”
“I know, I shouldn’t have done that but—”
“You say this all the time. What the hell have you been doing?”
“Listen—I just…” You could hear him trail off, as if restraining himself from saying more. What could he be hiding that's so important? “I’ve been busy.”
“And so have I? But I've always spared time to hang out with you and show up to everything you schedule. And suddenly you can't show up to something we both agreed on? K, you're slowly becoming distant with me.”
“It's not like I'm trying to!” He lowered his tone, recognizing his anger taking hold. “I just couldn’t do it today. It’s just—it’s not something I can tell you that easily.”
“I'm your best friend, what the hell do you mean?”
“I—I can't say. Not right now.”
“You really have to be an idiot if you think I'm gonna believe that. This friendship can’t work if you’re like this.” You pushed your hair back in frustration. "I get it, you're busy. But this is a pattern, K. A pattern I can't keep ignoring," you stated firmly.
"I know, YN. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you," K continued apologizing.
"I've heard enough apologies, K. You're not the only one with a busy life," you replied, frustration evident in your voice.
"Please, just give me another chance."
But the more he apologized, the more irritated you became. "I need some space, K. Figure out what's going on with you. We'll talk later."
“But YN—”
“Just leave me alone, will you?” You angrily said, clearly sick of his pleading. “You clearly have no problem doing so, it seems like, anyways.” Without another word, you hung up, leaving K with the dial tone and a realization that he screwed up real bad.
And you’ve made it your goal to make him feel how you felt every time he ditches you.
DAY ONE. K attempted to act as if everything was okay, anticipating that you'd eventually give in and talk to him as you always did. Little did he know, you were determined to make him feel the weight of his actions—even if it felt harsh.
“Hey YN,” he greeted, met with your silent response.
“You need help?” you simply shook your head.
“Wanna go together?” He tried once more, but you walked away without a word.
Undoubtedly, a sense of guilt crept in, but the memory of that night kept replaying in your mind, fueling the anger you harbored toward him. K seemed to notice the shift, creating awkward moments and growing distant—much like that regrettable day.
You didn't care; in your eyes, it was deserved.
DAY THREE. You're enduring the silence longer than you initially thought. Ignoring him, refusing to even cross paths, felt strange considering how inseparable you used to be. School had become a bit dull without him, but you were determined to hold out for a week…right?
“Are you seriously not going to talk to him?” EJ asked, straw twirling between his fingers. “You're really creeping me out.” He says, as if you aren’t supposed to be the one creeped out by him instead for drinking an Iced Americano during the first days of winter.
“What do you mean?” you blew onto your cup, closing the lid back to take a sip of your coffee.
“You never hold grudges like this—what's up with you?”
“Okay...but he messed up.”
“Did you hear him out?” EJ maintained eye contact, sipping his drink. “Not blaming you or anything, just wondering.”
“Well—if he wanted to, he would’ve reached out by now!” you tried defending yourself, but he was already sighing.
“You’re both too stubborn, aren’t you guys?” EJ shook his head, smiling a little. “Give him another chance—oh look, he’s right there,” he pointed, making you whip your head around, only to turn back to EJ when your eyes accidentally met.
“I have to go,” you hurriedly grabbed your bag, saying a quick goodbye. “Thanks, EJ!”
“YN, your drink—” But you were already running off, footsteps following closely behind. You wanted him to reach out, yet here you were, fleeing and feeling like a loser. But facing him seemed unbearable in your current state of embarrassment.
“YN,” a familiar voice called out, a hand on your arm, pulling you toward him. His warmth had such a contrast from the chilling weather today. You turned around, finding K with a serious expression. “Can we please talk?”
You wanted to be petty. For some reason, having K reach out first, you weren't going to make it easy for him. “I don't think there's anything we need to talk about.”
“Can you stop being like that and just talk to me?”
“Like what? Just some lame excuse about why you're missing time with me?”
“It's not useless—” K scoffed, running his free hand through his hair, locking eyes with you. “Do you really think I'm just here to tell you the same stuff I've been saying all the time?”
“So you've been lying?”
“That's not what I'm trying to say—”
“I've heard enough.” You tried to pull away from his grasp, but he held on, disappointment evident in his eyes. “YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?”
You took a deep breath. “Me? How about you, huh? Have you ever listened to me? Do you think you have the right to say that to me with all this shit you’re doing to me?”
“Here’s your answer then. Because I've spent so much time waiting for you to explain, and you only choose to do it now.” You give him a stern look. “I’m tired of hearing your bullshit—your constant, useless reassurances when you clearly don’t keep your word!”
“I'm tired of waiting for you.”
“YN! Please–”
You turned on your heel, determined to walk away and put an end to the conversation. As you took your first steps, a part of you hoped he would chase after you, while another part was tired of hoping for something that seemed uncertain.
K stood there, conflicted. He debated in his mind whether to let you go or chase after you once again. He longed to. He longed to reveal everything to you. Yet, was it the right moment? Were you even in the proper state of mind to even grasp onto his words? Letting out a substantial sigh, K pivoted, reluctant as he was, and proceeded to walk away from you, leaving you both to walk on two different pathways.
DAY FIVE. K hasn't been showing up to class for the past two days. You felt guilty – you didn't know why, but you had this nagging feeling that it was somehow your fault. EJ quickly picked up on your changed demeanor, his face reflecting concern. As you walked home together, he blurted out, "Did you say goodbye to him?"
You turned to him, confusion etched on your face. You had no idea what EJ was getting at, and he wasn't sure if you even understood the gravity of his words. "Say goodbye to who?"
"To K...?" he hesitated, confirming his suspicions when your expression shifted to one of shock; you were completely unaware. EJ wished he could vanish on the spot.
"EJ, that's not funny." You looked at him, not seeing his joking face he’d usually have. “You’re joking…right?”
"Well, I'm being serious. I'm not the type to joke about that."
“Why did I have to say goodbye?”
“He’s leaving today, YN. Did he not tell you?”
“Can we please talk?” You didn’t hear him out.
“YN, what is so hard about sparing a minute of your day? Why is it so hard for you to fucking listen?” He wanted to tell you something important. It was your fault.
“YN! Please–” It was your fault. All yours. No one to blame this time.
“You mean like…right now?” You looked at EJ, hoping you still had time to make things right with K. With glossy eyes, you could see his hurt expression, knowing what you had put yourself through. “Yeah. About to leave at the train station nearby.”
“I have to go.”
“YN! Be careful; you might get hurt–” You didn’t care. You didn’t care if you were going to get scrapes on your legs, you didn’t care if EJ was yelling your name—nothing could hurt more than losing a best friend that you didn’t leave off on good terms.
You ran as fast as you could, disregarding the chill in the air and the sting in your lungs. The train station came into view, and there he was—K, standing with a suitcase, staring into the distance. Your heart raced as you approached him, a mix of relief and fear coursing through your veins.
"K!" you called out, breathless.
He turned to you, surprise and uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "YN? What are you doing here?"
"I... I heard you were leaving," you panted, trying to catch your breath. "I had to see you before you go."
He sighed, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I messed up, YN. I messed up big time, and I'm sorry."
"Let's talk about it," you urged, reaching out to touch his arm.
"I thought it was too late for a conversation," your heart shattered upon hearing those words. "But it was my fault anyway. I should've been truthful with you."
"Quit blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault—it was mine. I should've been more empathetic." Tears threatened to spill over as you maintained intense eye contact with him, your insides twisting with emotion.
“I didn’t mean to avoid you,” K began, his eyes searching yours for understanding.
“I know I messed up too,” you admitted. “I should have listened instead of shutting you out. I should’ve not said those things to you either.”
He nodded, a sad smile playing on his lips. “We both made mistakes, didn't we? But, let’s not worry too much about it—we’ll get over it like we always do. I’m leaving for a while, but I don’t want us to end like this. I care about you—damn, I even like you, YN," he said, causing you to gasp a little. "I’m sorry if this is too sudden—I just don’t know if I’d be able to tell you this any other day."
As you stood there, absorbing his unexpected confession, the reality of the situation sank in. "K, why didn't you tell me earlier?" you questioned, a mix of emotions clouding your mind.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I was scared, afraid it would ruin our friendship. But now, facing the distance, I couldn't hold it back any longer."
“K—” The train's arrival interrupted your conversation, and K looked at you with hopeful eyes. "I'll be back, YN. Let's talk when I return, okay?" he pleaded.
You nodded, and he pulled you into a hug, and for a moment, it felt like everything might be okay. “You should go,” K whispered, releasing you from the embrace.
“Take care, okay?” you said, holding back tears.
“You too, YN. I hope we can figure things out when I come back,” he said, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his eyes.
"You promise to come back?"
"You know me. Who am I to fail to keep my promises—well, besides about the hangouts," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood. You smiled, finding comfort in his smile. "Then can you promise me on this one, and try not to break it?"
"I promise," he extended his pinky finger, waiting for you to interlock with him. Once you did, the warmth of his hand—similar from last time—transferred to yours, making it such a bittersweet moment. He brought his hand closer, kissing the side of your hand. "Hope that wasn't too sudden."
He smiled at your blushing face, releasing your hand. He had noticed how little layers you were wearing—did you really run like this just to see him? Taking the scarf of his neck, he wrapped it around yours, looking at you lovingly. "I'll do something sweeter next time. See you later, yeah?" You nodded, and he finally carried his bags to the train.
As K stepped onto the train, you stood there, gazing into his tear-filled eyes. How badly he didn’t want to cry in front of you. Waving, you declared, "I like you too, K!"
His heart warmed slightly. "I can't hear you," he teased, as he would've done by your side. Smiling, you shouted, "I like you so much!"
The doors closed, and you glimpsed K crying. Witnessing his tears always tugged at your heartstrings, and your own tears flowed uncontrollably. The train started moving, and as K disappeared from view, you stood there with tears streaming down your face. The reality of his departure hit you hard. "Come back soon," you whispered to the wind, as if it could carry your message to him.
Your heart felt heavy, and you couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of loss. As you wiped away your tears, you realized how much K meant to you and how the abrupt end to your argument had turned into a farewell.
Walking away from the train station, you carried the weight of mixed emotions. The confession, the unspoken feelings, and the promise of a future conversation lingered in the air. Most importantly, the emptiness lingered, but the promise of a reunion kept you going. Determined to make things right when he returned, you whispered to yourself,
“I’ll wait for you, K.”
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ADVENT CALENDAR MLIST — @en-dream @i-yeseo @yizhoutv @yuma-is-mine @wtfhyuck @sansfransisco
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seospicybin · 2 years
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Seungmin x reader. (s,f)
Synopsis: Not only you frown on love, you don't date nice guys and Seungmin is both a nice guy and don't want less than love. A proposition is offered to you to see if he can change your mind. (10,2k words)
Author's note: a fluffy smut for a change. Enjoy! :)
Love is patient, love is kind.
Pfft... more like love is slowly losing your mind.
Love makes it okay for people to dumb themselves down for someone else or do silly things in public and everyone would deem it romantic.
You don't do love anymore because it's nothing but a sack of vile and utter nonsense.
What you do is short-lived infatuation, physical attraction, one-night lovers then you're free to move on to the next one without any sort of attachment.
To put it simply, love gives you the stomachache. Love is just... yuck!
Also, it's easier that way, maybe you'll do love when you're old and bored or maybe...
"Let's go on a date!"
You don't expect this from the smartest student in class, Kim Seungmin.
You let out a dry laugh then pick up your bag from your chair, "sure, pick me up at 8?" You respond with a nonchalant shrug.
He doesn't seem to get the joke because he isn't laughing or responding to your words, he's just staring at you with his brown eyes.
Your laugh dies down instantly when you notice the serious face he puts on, "you're being serious?"
"I am," he shortly replies.
You scoff in a perplexed way then hoist your bag strap higher on your shoulder and start walking toward the exit, it's best to get out of this awkward scene.
When you think you're already losing him, you see him walking next to you and ask, "What do you think?"
"Think of what?"
"Going on a date with me?" He asks again.
You laugh again because it's the nicest response you can give to him, he's alright and he probably asked it for a social experiment or something.
"But why?"
He matches his pace to catch up with your half-jogging since you're going to be late for your part-time job at the bookstore.
"Because I like you," he simply answers like it's so obvious.
But you are so oblivious to it, you don't even know he's capable of having this kind of feeling. You always think of him as someone who knows nothing but being the smartest person in the room. You laugh again because you don't know how to properly respond to someone who admits that he likes you out of a blue.
"Seungmin, I can't play along. I'm going to be late for work," you tell him while keeps walking in the direction of the bus stop near campus.
"I can drive you there," he offers, taking the car keys out of his jacket and jiggling them in front of you.
You calculate it in your head, even after you make it to the bus stop, you still have to wait for the bus then there's probably traffic, taking his offer can save you from being late to work.
The only information you have on him is so little that you have no idea he's been driving his car to campus every day. It's neat in there, unlike any other guy's car you've been in that's littered with trash or their stuff. His car smells nice and he drives steadily with one hand on the steering wheel.
"You haven't done that assignment for Professor Park's class, don't you?" He suddenly asks.
Your eyes widen in shock because no one knows except that he was there when you were being scolded by Professor Park in his office.
"How did you know?"
It takes him a few seconds to finally give you an answer, "we met outside his office but I guess you were too upset to notice."
You weren't just upset, you cursed at Professor Park right after closing the door of his office then kicked the potted plant nearby, sending the soil scattered on the floor. You were furious but Seungmin was just being nice by saying you were just 'too upset'.
"I don't see why you still like me after seeing that," you say with an awkward laugh.
"I just do," he says ever so casually like he just didn't admit to having a feeling for you.
Aren't you glad you're not like any other girl? Imagine hearing that and your heart starts to flutter.
"That's why I ask you on a date," he says again.
You take a moment to look at him, observing him and trying to see if he has any ulterior motives. Who knows? It's usually the quiet ones that are unpredictable.
He turns his head at you and stops you from scanning him further, "Let's go on a date!"
You have no problem with him, he's alright. Kim Seungmin is nice and smart, but that's also the problem, you don't date nice guys.
"No," you flatly reject him.
He doesn't seem to mind being rejected, he rather seems like he already expected this answer from you.
"May I know why?" He calmly asks.
And you like how curious he sounded, he probably thinks this whole thing is a mathematical problem that he can't solve and will keep on trying until he does.
"I don't date guys like you," you answer.
"Guys like me?"
"Nice guys," you give him a clearer answer.
"Ah!" He exclaims and calmly makes a turn to the parking lot of the bookstore you're working in.
You take it that he gave up already on his quest to date you but as you unbuckle the safety belt, he stops you from getting out of the car.
"I have a proposition for you," he says.
And you never heard any man saying that to you, a proposition? What does he think it is? A business deal?
"I'll help you work on your assignment for Professor Park," he offers.
You know there's something to that, "but…?"
He smiles at your word and it's the first time that you've ever seen on him, it surprised you that he has another expression apart from the serious and focused ones you always see on him
"But once the assignment is approved, I get to take you on a date," he finishes.
It's confusing already with him suddenly confessing that he fancies you, him of all people. Why would the smartest guy on campus like the most average student who only likes to fool around with guys?
But you must admit that he makes a good proposition, it's very tempting.
"Just a date? One date?" You ask.
He nods, "one date."
One date is not harmful, right? A nice guy like him is most likely to take you out on a dinner and perhaps a walk in the park after, a kiss or two at the end of the night. You can do that without having to involve any feelings whatsoever.
There's this tugging feeling though, maybe it's coming from your experiences with bad guys that always make you suspicious about everything they do.
Also, what if Seungmin is just playing with you?
"Can I answer this later? I'm late for work," you say.
"What time do you clock out?" He asks.
You act nonchalantly to not give him the impression that you will take his proposition that easily, "8 but I have to do some stuff beforehand. Maybe close to 9, I don't know."
He nods but not saying anything to you.
"Thanks for the ride, bye!" You abruptly end the conversation and get out of his car.
You forgot all about it when you have so many tasks waiting for you, there are just too many things to do that half shift of work ended so fast and you take one last lap around the bookstore to return the straying books to their shelves.
You clock out half an hour after eight and push through the back door, you just need to go to the bus stop and a fifteen-minute bus ride later, you'll be back at your small apartment and sleep and...
You hear a car honking at you from across the parking lot, you squint to see the car with the headlights shine right at you.
The car drives and stops right next to you, it's Seungmin.
"Come on, I'll drive you home," he says from his rolled-down window.
You lean down just enough to see him inside and lean closer to him, "Why are you still here?" You ask with pure shock.
"I'm waiting for your answer," he answers in the same deadpan manner.
So, Seungmin is serious about his proposition.
You work on the assignment together after you get off work and Seungmin would already there, waiting in his car for you.
He doesn't mind spending hours in your shoebox of an apartment, squeezing yourselves into the worn-out couch while he patiently guides you as you work on your laptop. He never overstayed and leaves before midnight, despite none of you having a curfew and being of age to do anything.
When you're not working, you do the assignment at a cafe close to your apartment building.
"Do you always do that?"
"Huh?" You turn your head at him.
"Touching your nose," he points at your hand touching one of your ears.
You didn't even know you were scratching your nose until he pointed it out and you have to consciously put your hand down, "it's a habit, I guess."
He sheepishly smiles at you before looking down at the book he's reading, "that's cute."
And you can say the same about him.
Seungmin likes to wait by his car for your last class to end and his face would light up when he sees you.
"How are you?" He would ask, it's a simple question but you like his smile more when he asks that, a smile that somehow resembles a puppy's.
One night, when you had to work overtime at work, he came into the bookstore and brought you food because he knew you'll be skipping dinner.
Seungmin is nice and he's smart, he's great but love is just... yuck.
You are back on your worn-out couch to work on the assignment for the last time.
Seungmin is intently checking your assignment while you quietly do the same to him. These past few days you have spent with him, make you notice things you haven't seen in him before. He used to wear his hair down, but tonight, he pushes his hair back which makes him look more attractive.
And when he's focusing hard like this, his stare is fierce and his jaws are clenched, he looks even more attractive because he's so unaware of it.
He wears a fitted shirt which only accentuates his slim figure and square shoulders.
"Do you play sports?" You blurt out because you're never the type to hold back when you're curious about something and most men like being asked about their physique.
"Baseball," he shorty replies without straying his eyes from the laptop screen.
"Let me guess, pitcher?"
He nods.
That explains the broad shoulders and your eyes lower to see his hands holding the laptops, he has nice hands and long fingers with evident veins on the back of his hands.
It's the first time you realize you have always been sitting in this proximity with him on your worn-out couch in your small apartment.
Tonight, the proximity feels exceptionally palpable and you start to notice the nice smell of his perfume.
Seungmin shifts on his seat to put the laptop down on the table.
"It's good," he says then takes a sip of his canned soda.
"Yeah?" You ask but your eyes watching his Adam's apple bob in his neck as he swallows his drink.
He nods.
"Do you think Professor Park will approve?" You ask but your eyes are looking at nowhere but his lips.
"Yes," he confidently says.
You swallow air and lean in close, a hand holds him by the shoulder as you press a kiss on his lips.
The kiss is fizzy and sweet like the orange soda that he just drank. His lips are soft and warm but you notice that he stiffens against your lips.
You hurriedly let go of the kiss, poor guy isn't ready when you hastily decided to kiss him.
"I'm sorry," you say. As much as you hate saying sorry for everything you do that you're not exactly sorry for, the words have to be said.
He stays quiet for a moment then lifts his hand to reach for your hair, putting it all away and putting it behind your ear.
"Can I kiss you back?" He asks.
You eagerly nod.
He slowly brings his face close to you and your eyes are closing out of reflex, you feel his soft kiss on your cheek. When you think he will stop there, he drags his lips to kiss you on each eyelid and your breath quickens as he continues sliding his lips down your cheek to your lips.
There, he kisses you again.
With his tongue, he cleverly parted your mouth open to deepen the kiss and you gasp as you let him taste you more.
Sensing that he wants this as much as you do, you get on his lap and he immediately sits back on the couch.
He curves his hand under your arm and splayed his hand on your back.
There's no way that Seungmin has never dated before, the way he twirls his tongue and brushes his lips over yours, it's impossible if he's this good at kissing and never dated anyone before.
And he knows his hand placement, he’s touching you in the places that usually make you uncomfortable but still, you like how he holds you in place and keeps you safe.
He's officially good at kissing and you wonder if he's good at other things too.
Keeping his mouth busy, your fingers working open the buttons of his shirt one by one but you ditch the plan altogether and decide to glide your hand down his front until you meet the waistband of his jeans.
He catches your hand before you can proceed and breaks the kiss, "not now," he mutters.
"Why not?" You ask and lean in to kiss him again.
He stops you there and smiles, "I haven't taken you on a date yet."
"Well, we can skip the date and just do it, you know?" You've never been shameless about being upfront about it. You know what they want and you know you have the same interest so what's the point of beating around the bush?
"That's not a part of the proposition," he says and he glances at the clock on your laptop screen, "and it's almost midnight, I have to go."
You scoff and reluctantly get off his lap, "this is why I don't date nice guys," you say with a heavy sigh.
Seungmin gathers his things and put everything back into his bag, he cracks a smile seeing your dissatisfied expression, "don't worry about the assignment, I'm sure it'll be approved," he says.
"Okay," you say with a shrug, feeling a tad bitter for being rejected by him.
He lowly chuckles seeing you pouting at the far end of the couch, "I'm going. See you at campus!" He says, waving his hand at you by the doorway before leaving.
Seungmin is nice and smart, he's great, he's a good kisser and has nice square shoulders but love is just... yuck.
You let out a long sigh of relief once you got out of Professor Park's office, your assignment is approved and you feel like the thing that's been weighing down your chest disappeared into thin air.
Seungmin waits by his car and you come up to him to deliver the good news.
"He approved!" You say with a giddy smile.
"Told you, you don't have to worry so much," he says with such coy.
"Thank you," you sincerely say to him with a smile.
He smiles back and unlocks the car, "Get in! I'll drive you to work!"
Okay, you have to give him that, he looks so cool looking calm and confident like that.
"So, you've done your part in the proposition... when can I do mine?" You ask, trying to make it sound casual but it's unusual for you to get nervous talking about it to him.
He gets quiet and you can't help but think what if he has a second thought about the proposition after spending these past few days with you?
"I'll call you to tell you when," he says.
And his answer only makes you even more nervous because what if he really is just playing a social experiment on you? What if he doesn't like you anymore? What if, what if, what if.
"You're going to be late!" He says with a hand gently squeezing your forearm.
You didn't realize that you have arrived at the parking lot of the bookstore, "Yeah," you stutter and quickly gather your bag.
You push the car door open but not getting out yet, "you don't have to pick me up after work," you tell him.
"Yes, I was about to tell you I can't pick you up. I have something to do tonight," he adds.
"Thanks for the ride!" You say before getting out of the car.
It's kind of boring when you get back to your apartment and have nothing to do when it's usually you and Seungmin working on an assignment together. It's clear that you don't miss the assignment, you miss having Seungmin around and listening to his weird ideas out of his smart mouth.
But you have to be the nice girl and wait for the nice guy to call for the date.
How long would it take though?
You start to think that you're getting karma from making all those men wait for your call and you've been dreading a phone call for a week now.
You still meet him on campus but it looks like he's busy with something or he's just straight up wanting to give you hell.
Kim Seungmin is not a nice guy after all.
If this how's he is going to do it then why don't you shift your attention elsewhere but to the cute guy you met in the library.
You don't know why you like cute guys nowadays, but he has dimples on his cheeks so you guess that's why.
"I'm in my second year," he says.
"Oh?" So that means he's younger than you and not that you have problems with age it's just taken you by surprise, also, that explains why he's so cute.
Your phone rings in the middle of the conversation, you ignore it by shoving it inside your bag but it keeps on ringing.
"I'm sorry but I have to take this," you say to your cute date with an apologetic smile.
"Sure yeah," he replies.
You pick it up without seeing the contact name, "hello?"
"Hey, it's me," he says from the other end of the line.
And you recognize the voice, it's Seungmin.
"Yes?" You try to mimic his nonchalant way of talking.
"Just letting you know that the date is tonight," he says.
"Tonight?" You ask in surprise and almost make your date choke on his coffee.
"Yeah," he confirms.
You clear your voice and clear your throat before speaking, "but that's so sudden," you meekly say.
"So... you can't go?" He asks.
Isn't this what you've been waiting for? Doing your part on the proposition?
"No, let's do it tonight," you calmly answer.
"Okay then, I'll pick you up at 7," he says and hangs up.
You put your phone away and look at it, can't believe that he ends the phone call like that after making you wait for a whole week.
Then you see that it's fifteen past four in the afternoon which means you only have less than 3 hours to get ready. You get up from your chair and take your bag.
"Where are you going?"
For a second, you are forgetting your cute date and shoot him a smile, "I have to go somewhere," you say.
But he just looks at you wide-eyed and confused.
Maybe it's time that you stop fooling around and this cute guy deserves someone better than you. You look at him and smile, "you're really cute and nice, I had a fun time but I really have to go," you admit with a grimace.
No matter how much you hate apologizing but you do owe him an apology for abruptly leaving him on a date.
"I'm sorry," you sincerely say.
"That's okay," he responds with a dimpled smile.
The next thing that gets in the way is the outfits, you have zero ideas about where Seungmin may take you tonight. What would a nice guy do on a date? Where would he take you?
Probably candlelight dinner somewhere romantic, that's pretty much the standard of a nice guy. You decide on a simple black dress because it's always the safest choice. It's not too short, it's appropriate, and it's giving a nice girl look with all of your hair down.
A few spritzes of perfume and off you go.
Seungmin's car is already waiting not far from the entrance of your apartment building, you walk there and get inside without waiting for him to let you in first.
"Have you been waiting long?" You ask, hurriedly looking for the seatbelt to put on.
He looks at you rather wide-eyed, a bit confused.
It makes you suddenly feel so insecure about yourself, "Is there something wrong?"
He gets quiet for a few seconds before shaking his head, "You look nice!" He says.
That reminds you to look at his outfits and he wears something casual, a black shirt with blue jeans and a dark jacket.
Great, you're overdressed!
"Thanks," you meekly say.
You clear your throat while Seungmin turns the key in the ignition, "where are we going?" You ask and try to sound coy about it.
"We're going to see your favorite band!" He replies.
Turns out, Seungmin did his research very thoroughly and found out that your favorite band is busking at the park tonight.
They're still setting up band equipment when you arrived, you choose to sit on the steps facing the stage but you're struggling to cover your legs since you're wearing a dress.
Seungmin is considerate as he always does. He takes off his jacket and put it on your lap, "Here!"
"Chivalry is not dead after all!" You beam and fix his jacket to cover your legs.
The steps start to fill with more people as the time for the show is getting nearer, "How do you know my favorite band?"
Seungmin was rolling the sleeves of his shirt when you ask, "I see your records collection at your apartment," he simply answers like it doesn't take a math formula to know it.
"But I have a lot!" You point out.
"But I see that you have a lot of records of them," he replies.
"But that could also mean I only like the album covers," you hypothetically remark.
He jerks his head with a scrunched face, "that's impossible! You own one of their rare records!"
That caught you off guard, you didn't think that he would do such detailed research to your liking, you're low-key impressed by him.
"You know there's a much simpler way to know everything that I like," you tell him.
You nod and look at him, "you can ask the person yourself," you say with a sly smile.
He sheepishly smiles and places his hand on his knee, "Can I ask you something then?"
"Do you like me now?"
He caught you off guard again but this time you burst out laughing as a reaction, "We're hardly an hour into our date here."
"So?" He asks with a shrug.
It's that hint of nonchalant attitude that makes him stand out from the other guys you met and mingled with, possibly the most interesting nice guy you've ever met and you're aware of how they contradict each other.
"Ask me again at the end of the date," you say with a sneaky smile.
At the end of the show, Seungmin helps you get up from the steps and you put his jacket on since the night is getting cool.
"Where are we going now?" You always hated being so nosy but Seungmin has been keeping you on your toes by not telling you what his plans for the date are. So far, all of your guesses are missed.
"I thought you were hungry," he says.
"I am!"
He holds your hand and leads you to the other side of the park, "I'm hungry too so I'm thinking we should get somewhere to eat."
You start guessing in your head again, maybe this once your guess will land on the mark, that he would take you somewhere romantic like you expected in your head.
He takes you on a stroll and not hesitates to keep holding your hand wherever you go, somehow you don't feel uncomfortable at all.
There are so many couples taking a stroll in the park so you're grateful that you're not alone among all of these lovey-dovey couples.
"The exit out of the park is this way," you tell him as he keeps going straight.
"There are a lot of food trucks by the river," he says while keeps pulling you with him.
You snort behind him since the park is crowded with people taking pictures of the cherry blossom in bloom.
He looks over his shoulder and sees you laughing, "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," you snort again, once again failing on your guess.
Seungmin is truly something.
"What do you want?" He asks as you stop at a food truck to order food.
"I want the cheeseburger but I also kind of want the bacon one," you answer, torn between the two.
"Then we'll order both," he concludes and orders it.
Sitting on the empty bench facing the river with your food in the space between you and him, you can't lie that you're getting hungry just from the sight of it.
"You want to try mine?" He offers.
You don't take the burger from him but take a bite out of it while he holds it, munching it with a grin on your face.
He lets out another smile, one that you like to see on him, the puppy one.
He doesn't wait to take a bite right after you and a dollop of ketchup gets on the corner of his mouth.
"You did that on purpose, don't you?" You say with squinted eyes.
"Huh? What?"
You take a napkin and wipe it clean for him, "there!" You hand the napkin to him after and continue eating your food.
"Did you do that on purpose too?" He suddenly asks.
You look up at him, "what?" You trace your mouth if you got anything on your mouth.
"You do this," he points out at how you always scratch your nose.
"I did?" You ask with eyes widened.
He nods.
Before you can explain, you unconsciously scratch your nose and stop when you're aware of what are you doing.
"I told you it's a habit," you persist and fight the urge to do it again.
"And I told you that it's cute," he says then shoves a few fries into his mouth.
You make another trip to the selections of food trucks and bought ice cream as dessert while taking a stroll back to the parking lot. The night is so warm the ice cream melts in your hand.
You throw the rest of the cone into the garbage bin before getting into the car, Seungmin pulls open the glove box in front of you and takes out a pack of wet wipes.
He pulls two at once and helps you clean your hands with them, he meticulously wipes the spaces between your fingers too. You smile looking at how he cares that much about your hygiene.
"I feel like a surgeon about to go into the operation room," you joke.
But he is unfazed by all of your fun takes on his treatments on you, "I guess we're going home?" he says.
You check the time on your phone screen, "but it's barely 10 pm," you say.
"Then... do you want to go somewhere else?" He asks.
You laugh because once you gave up guessing what he's going to do next, he runs out of plans for the date.
"Are you saying this is the end of the date?" You ask with disbelief.
He innocently nods.
You sit back and keep laughing, he did everything to get on a date with you but the date itself is... you wouldn't say lame, he’s just didn't prepare it well.
"Let's just go somewhere," you say before your laughs start to annoy him.
"Your place?"
"No!" You refuse rather too quickly.
If you went to your place then he would get to use the 'it's midnight time to go home' excuse on you.
"Let's go to your place," you say without looking at him, afraid that he would read your intentions.
He looks at you for a few seconds and you bravely look back at him, using all the force you have in you to remain calm.
"Okay!" He agrees then starts the car engine.
Seungmin lives quite far from the university while you live not very far, it's a mystery how he manages to always get there before you. Or it could be because you're just lazy.
His apartment building has an elevator that works and he lives on the eighth floor, can only imagine what kind of view he gets from his apartment.
"Come in!" He says as he pushes the apartment door open to let you in.
He doesn't have that much furniture in his place, everything is neatly placed and well organized. The door to his bedroom is slightly ajar, you can only take a little peek at what it looks like but you see his bed is made.
"Please, sit down!" He gestures to the long sofa that is unlike the worn-out couch you have at your place.
You sit in the middle and he hands you a blanket from the armrest of the sofa.
"Want to drink something?" He asks.
"Yes, please?"
"Water, juice or soda?"
"I'd like a glass of wine actually," you say in an attempt to tease him.
He turns around and heads to the kitchen, opening the cabinet to pull out a bottle of wine which surprises you that he really has one.
"I only have red wine, is that alright?"
"More than alright!" You reply with a smile.
You wait for him while taking off his jacket, gently placing it on the empty stool next to the sofa then unfolding the blanket to cover your legs with it.
Seungmin returns with the bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other, you take them from him so he can open the bottle.
He carefully pours wine into both glasses and takes one from your hand, clinking your glass together to finally take a sip.
"Can I ask you the question again now?" he asks, putting his wine glass down on the table.
You finish your glass to make him wait for your answer, "but it's not the end of the date yet," you disagree with him.
You put down your glass and turn to face him on the sofa, "and you have to pass the basic interview first!"
"The basic interview?"
You shush him and think of a question to ask him, "first question: since when do you like me?"
He turns his head at you with an intrigued expression on his face, "ever since we took the same class together," he answers.
You trace back to the time you first met him in economy class and it was back to almost a year ago, you didn't know he's been liking you ever since.
"Second question: why do you like me?"
He takes his time to answer and turns at you to deliver it, "because you are smart but I'm obviously smarter," he begins.
"I'll take that as a compliment," you let out a snide comment at him.
"You're very honest in an almost rude way," he adds.
"I'll... also take that as a compliment," you comment.
"I said almost," he reminds you.
You roll your eyes at him in response.
"And you're very genuine, there's nothing fake about you," he concludes.
You raise an eyebrow at him, "maybe I do but you just don't know," you poke fun at him.
"I would have seen it if you had any," he says.
You chuckle at how confident he is of himself and move on to the next question, "What do you like about me then?"
You groan at the typical answer, "how cliché!"
"You want me to name a specific part of you that I like?"
You nod.
"But I don't have any specific part of you that I like, I like every part of you that makes you, you," he explains and you hate to admit it but he did sound so cool when he said it.
Certainly not an answer you had in mind that you don't know how to properly react to that.
"I like you as a whole," he says with his doe eyes staring right at you.
You're not supposed to feel this way, right? But you feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as they start heating. You start to laugh because it's the only proper way you know to react to his words.
"Are you blushing?" He points out.
"No!" You deny his question rather too quickly again.
He chuckles at you and takes the bottle of wine to refill your glass.
"You know you don't have to say all that," you tell him.
"But you're asking," he coyly replies.
"I mean," you take the bottle of wine from him and put it away, taking his hand then taking the front of his shirt, "Just kiss me already!"
You pull him by the shirt you crumple in your hand and bring his face close to you, locking your lips with his, closer and closer until the gap is closing.
This is long overdue, you have zero patience left and Seungmin is a damn good kisser, you can't stop now, you're not letting it go.
You push him back against the sofa then gets on his lap, straddling him with your hands caging him in between, smirking as you're about to sink your mouth into his again.
Seungmin unexpectedly returns the kisses with such enthusiasm with his hands begin to touch you, tracing the curve of your body clothed in skin tight dress.
You keep kissing him, forcing his head to tilt upward, earning you access to deepen the kiss.
He lets out little whimpers every time you tugged his lips between your teeth like a little puppy.
He's probably running out of breath that he gently pushes you away, making a space between your faces yet he stays with his head resting back on the sofa.
His eyes easily find yours and stare at them, then put all of your hair away to take a better look at you.
His hands then trace the frame of your face, eyes, nose, and lips. He touches them so tenderly as if he’s touching flower petals.
It's the way his eyes light up when he looks into your eyes again that gets you, he brushes your hair to the side and softly smiles, then mutters, "you're really pretty."
You don't know how he did that but you believe that he's being genuine, Seungmin has been nothing but honest about what he says and does.
Then you feel something in your stomach, a feeling that was once familiar and only made you sick before. Your heart is beating faster and you start to think he could hear it so you kiss him again.
Seungmin slowly slumps down on his seat and the next thing you know both of your bodies are tangled on the sofa with his body weighing on top of you.
In the heat of the moment, he suddenly breaks the kiss and props his hand next to you.
"Why? What's wrong?" You ask because of how abruptly he stopped kissing you.
"It's getting late," he says.
You glance at the clock on the wall and the time shows it's 10 past midnight, you glare at him in disbelief, "don't tell me that you're going to send me home?" You wildly guess because it seems like the nice guy in him kicks in.
He lowly chuckles at you, "I'm saying we should take it to the bedroom," he says with a sly smile.
That means the nice guy in him is off for the night and that's exactly what you want, you want him bad.
He gets up first and holds out his hand at you which you eagerly take, walking behind him as he leads you to his room.
He turns around once you step into the room and says, "I have to check if you have something on you."
You tip your head to the side in confusion, "Huh?"
He lets go of you to put his hands on your shoulders, "do you carry anything dangerous with you?" He asks, patting the side of your body as if you're going through a security check.
You softly chuckle at him and hum while thinking of an answer, "not that I know of," you cheekily answer.
His hands stop at your waist then he slowly pushes you to the wall, "I have to do a full body check then," he utters to you with his body pins against yours.
He's so hot gleeful and sly like this, you're trapped in his gaze as he looks down on you and put your hands up, pins them above your head.
He presses his forehead on yours to softly kiss the tip of your nose and oh... these butterflies used to make you sick.
He drops your hands onto his shoulders and holds you close, burying his mouth in your neck, drinking in your scent.
Catching him off guard, you turn him around and have him pinned against the wall with your body, "what about you?" You ask with your finger hooks on the opening of his shirt.
"Do you have anything dangerous on you, sir?" You ask again with a loopy grin.
He slumps down just enough to be on the same eye level as you and throws his hands up, surrendering himself to you.
Your hands begin to pat around his body, feeling the firmness of his body against his shirt to eventually meet his stiff member inside its confine.
"Now, that's dangerous!" You lowly murmur to his ear.
Without warning, he wraps his hands around you to unzip your dress.
He doesn't wait to part it open and take it off you, until the piece of clothing pooling around your ankle. He keeps taking steps forward forcing you to walk backward until the back of your legs hit the bed frame.
Slowly, you sit on the edge of the bed and hold his hands before laying down, pulling him with you, sending him toppled on top of you.
With the room staying dimly lit with the only source of light coming from the bedside lamp, Seungmin's jaws appear firmer, prominent and he's just so fucking attractive.
There's no need to confirm how wet you are down there just from having his body on you.
His long fingers trace your jaw before lowering his mouth on you again, so slowly as if he's kissing something so fragile.
With the proximity, your hands work to open his shirt while he keeps your mouth busy with slow, deep kisses.
You impatiently rip his shirt open the second you succeed in opening the last button and Seungmin helps by taking it off of him, then throws it aside. You won't waste another second touching his body with your hands. He's not muscular but his body is firm and lean, and his skin is warm like the morning sun.
The hunger for him grows bigger as your hands go lower to unbutton his jeans open and Seungmin abruptly stops kissing you.
Your mouth is agape, panting and your eyes snap open to find his staring into you. You slightly got panicked thinking that you must've done something he's uncomfortable with, "Wha—"
He buries his head in your neck again even before you can finish your question, kissing you there, tasting your skin with his tongue. You gasp when he softly bites your ear shell and he drags his mouth down your chest.
A shiver goes down your spine as he gently kisses your sternum and leaves a wet mark on the skin, funny that it feels like he just sets your body on fire.
He continues his trail of kisses and not stopping even though his mouth is getting closer to where you wanted him the most.
You mewl the moment his mouth lands on your clothed core, his breath feels heavy and hot between your legs.
He looks at you as his hands start pulling your underwear down your legs and off of you, kissing your inner thighs after.
With his big hands rubbing up and down your thighs, his mouth once again closing into your heating core, he hasn't touched it but you feel the tingle already.
It feels soft and warm that you let out a delightful sigh, his mouth on your delicate flesh and you're taking in all these delights with your eyes closed.
Everything he does with his mouth is so subtle and smooth yet he presses on the right spots rather intensely.
You have nothing to say but let him take you higher and drown you in pleasure.
Then he suddenly stops and lifts his head to look at you, "you're so quiet," he says.
You look down at him, at his head hanging between your legs with disheveled hair.
"You don't like it? Want me to stop?" He asks again.
You look him in the eyes and ask, "Did I tell you to stop?"
You prop an elbow and your other hand reaches for his head, "do you hear me telling you to stop?"
He stays still for a few seconds then places his mouth on you to continue the deed.
"That's what I'm saying," you say as he twirls his tongue on your clit ever so slowly like licking an ice cream and it slowly melts under his tongue.
Your hand tangles in his hair and tug at it every time the pleasure feels too intense, another way to tell him that your silence doesn't mean that you're not enjoying it. It's the opposite, it's too good that you can't find anything to say but enjoy every second of it.
Your moans grow louder as your breath quickens, and the knot inside you comes to the point that you can't hold it in anymore.
Seungmin seems to sense that you're coming close to your high and continues what brings you the most pleasure using his mouth.
Your back is arching as you seek more even though you're on the verge of exploding and when you finally do, you try so hard not to clamp Seungmin's head between your legs.
You pull him by the shoulder to hover above you, "A nice guy who knows how to eat me out, huh?"
With your hand on his neck, you pull him close to kiss him.
"I think that's my new ideal type," you add with your lips grazing his as you speak.
He gets flustered by your words then kisses you again while you use the opportunity to taste yourself on him.
And maybe he senses how needy you are for him that he puts a space between your bodies, slowly pulling away from the kiss.
"Just a second," he says and crawls over to the side, taking something out from a drawer.
You take the time to take off your bra and put it away, sitting on the bed while waiting for Seungmin.
"I can help you with that," you say with a sly grin since he takes quite a long time to put on a condom.
"Are you that impatient?" He asks without looking at you.
You laugh at his remark and find him crawling back at you, crashing his body on top of yours, kissing you ferociously that when he finally lets go, you gasp for air.
He then shifts his focus to enter you, wetting the tip with your essence to slowly push it in.
You spread your legs wider the deeper he goes and draw his body closer, he feels so good inside that you feel like going to climax one more time despite you just had it a few minutes ago.
In the midst of it, he looks at you for any signs of discomfort on you.
"I can take you well," you assure him with a grin.
He lowly chuckles and kisses you again, probably to shut you up from making another playful remark at him.
Seungmin thrusts deep and slow, everything about it so sensual, his hair that falls around his face and the way his jaws clench and unclench.
You usually never cared much about who wants to please or get pleased, tonight exceptionally, you want to do the former. Holding him by the shoulders, you turn him over and have him under you, you take a moment just to look at him, at how gorgeous he looks underneath you.
You place your hands on his chest and start slowly rolling your hips, letting him feel how good it feels being inside you.
Feeling mischievous, you intentionally clench around him and watch how his face contorted in pleasure.
"You like that?" You ask him.
He sighs before answering you, "I'll let you know later," he pokes fun.
You glare and clench around him again, your teeth faintly biting your lower lip.
He groans with his hands gripping each side of your waist, overwhelmed by the pleasure.
Seungmin doesn't want to play along anymore, so he gets up and wraps his hands around you, holding you still without stopping you from moving on top of him.
You manage to break your hands away from his confine and put them around his neck, bringing your mouth close to his ear you say, "cum for me like a nice guy you are," you say with a giggle.
He looks up at you with eyes wide and dark with lust, then without warning, he lowers you down to the space between his legs on the bed.
He has you trapped under and between his arms, he intensely stares into your eyes like there's something so intriguing happening in them.
A hand wraps around your neck to angle your head for a deep kiss, he starts thrusting into you again so slowly but each thrust sends him deeper into you.
He hits you right on the spot repeatedly but you want to play it fair, you want him to cum first before you do.
It seems like he's not going to last long as his movements are getting sloppy, his breathing is ragged and heavy. You clung to him, wrapping your legs around his waist, and let him ram into you, chasing his high.
"That feels so good," you breathlessly mutter into his ear, not letting the pleasure goes unnoticed this time around.
"Seungmin oh..." you mutter with a broken moan.
That seems to work since he starts to pick up the pace, tirelessly moving in and out of you. He rakes your hands from around his shoulders, intertwining his hands with yours and pinning them on each side of you
For a second, you dare to stare back and feel the warmth of his brown eyes.
And this is the closest you've ever seen of him.
"Seungmin..." you unconsciously call for him like you need the assurance that you didn't dream all of this.
He tenderly kisses you in response to your call, summoning the butterflies to start flying around in your stomach.
And these butterflies used to make you sick but now these butterflies make you fly away.
Seungmin lets out a raw groan and stifles a thrust as he finally hits his high. Little did you know that you were cumming as well a moment after him.
He kisses your open mouth for a sloppy kiss then buries his head in the crook of your neck, panting so close to your ear.
Your arms are wrapped around him as you also try to rearrange your breathing.
"So, do you like me now?" Seungmin suddenly asks.
You're too tired to even lift your hand but you can't help but laugh at his question, how he is still able to ask you that question in a moment like this.
You turn your head to the side to look at him, "ask me again when you're not inside me."
You wake up the next day to the smell of coffee wafting through the bedroom door left ajar, you're still too drowsy to put on something so you wrap yourself with a blanket and drag it with you.
Seungmin is brewing coffee in the kitchen, pouring hot water with utmost concentration like he was doing surgery rather than brewing a pot of coffee.
"Morning!" You greet with a sleepy smile and sit on the empty stool facing the kitchen island.
He looks up and there's a faint, wry smile on his face at the sight of you wrapped in his blanket.
"Coffee?" He offers.
"Yes, please!"
He turns around and opens the top cabinet to get a mug, places it in front of you then pours the hot steaming coffee. Even just the smell of it awakens you almost instantly and you inhale more of it before taking a small sip.
"Are you working today?" He asks.
You nod since you're too busy sipping your coffee to provide a verbal answer.
Seungmin pours himself a cup of coffee too and wraps his hands around it, "what time does your shift start?"
You clear your throat and answer, "later in the afternoon. I'm working full shift on the weekend."
He carefully sips his coffee, "want me to drive you there?"
"Just drive me home. I can get to work myself," you kindly refuse his offer and sip your coffee again.
He nods and puts down his mug on the countertop, he looks so calm like last night left no impression on him whatsoever.
Is it normal that you feel a little disappointed with that?
"I need to shower," you blurt out and hastily take a sip of your coffee.
"New toothbrush on the second drawer and clean towels on the top rack," he informs.
"What about you?" You ask while holding the mug close to your lips.
"Don't you need to shower too?"
"I've already showered," he says.
You scoff and sip your coffee for one last time, "of course you are!"
Once you put down your mug, you stop clutching the blanket and let it drop onto the floor. You ignore the goosebumps raised on your skin from being exposed to the cool morning air.
You boldly look at him but he stays unfazed, sipping his coffee while looking back at you.
You scoff in disbelief and get up from the stool, standing in front of him only in your underwear.
"It's your loss!" You say to him before leaving for the bathroom with your attempt to lure him has come to a failure.
There's a knock on the door as you're putting on your dress from last night, "Come in!"
Seungmin comes in through the door and sees you struggling to zip up your dress, "let me help you," he says, coming to stand behind you.
You put all of your hair to the side and let him help you, "thanks!"
Seungmin then sits on the end of the bed, "Come here! I'll help you dry your hair," he pats the space next to him.
Instead of sitting there, you sit on his lap and put your hand around his shoulder.
He sighs and reaches for the towel in your hand, putting them around your head to gently dry your hair with it. His eyes are looking somewhere else, he looks into your eyes then at your lips, and back to your eyes again.
"Don't look at me like that if you're not going kiss me," you say with your fingers lazily scratching the hair on the back of his head.
He pauses and looks at you, "who says I'm not going to kiss you?"
He lowers his hand to the nape of your neck and holds you there as he presses a kiss on your lips, slowly at first but the moment he puts his other hand on your waist, he kisses you harder, deeper.
His slick tongue invades your mouth to taste you more while your hand fisted the collar of his shirt.
If only you didn't need to breathe, you wouldn't have to gently push him away and break the kiss. He smiles when he looks at you and continues drying your hair with the towel like nothing has happened.
Seungmin lends you one of his hoodies for you to put on over your dress, he helps by putting it on you like you don’t know how to put it on yourself.
A grin rises on his face when your head pops through the opening of the hoodie, he is quick to fix your hair for you and put it behind your ear.
Something about it makes your heart pitter-patter, it's so unlike you to melt just from a simple gesture but you get the urge to peck his lips and so you did.
He stops the car by the entrance of your apartment building since you insist that you will get to work yourself.
"Want me to pick you up after work?"
You hate to ask him something and bother him with it but the idea of seeing him again makes it a little hard to resist, "I would love that," you beam.
He nods, "alright then!"
You unbuckle the safety belt and grab your bag, ready to leave.
"I'll see you later then," you say and reach for the lock of the car door.
He grabs you by the sleeve of your hoodie, "so, do you like me now?"
You stop on your track and burst into a laugh, he still won't stop asking you the question even though it's obvious what the answer is. You just know that he's merely curious and not faking it either.
You pull him by the front of his shirt and give him a long peck on the lips as an answer. He didn't expect that, that when you let go, his mouth hangs open.
"Bye!" You say, flashing him a smile before getting out of the car.
You're not supposed to feel this way, right?
Listening to love songs and they start to make sense. Nice weather makes you feel sentimental. You're mad when he keeps calling you on the phone but hates it when he doesn't. He looks at you all mushy and follows you like a puppy, strangely, you enjoy it.
Everything about it is so cute and you wonder how you didn't get sick in the stomach from all of that.
You get off work and Seungmin is waiting in his car, you break into a run like you can't wait to meet him again, at least you know that's a fact.
"How's work?" He asks the moment you sit on the passenger's side.
"Alright, I guess," you answer.
"Famished," you reply with a frown.
He takes something from the backseat of his car, and to your surprise, it's a bouquet of flowers. You can't help but smile, then burst out laughing when you realized that something like this would make you groan in disgust.
In reality, receiving flowers like this is kind of nice and they smell wonderful too.
"What is this?" You fake an annoyed pout at him, "I can't eat this!"
He chuckles and takes something else from the backseat of the car, a bag of food, and put it on your lap.
Your smile grows wider and you impatiently rummage inside to take out the food he bought for you.
"Eat well!" He says and turns the car engine on.
Every day for the past two weeks after the date is spent like this, apart from meeting you at the campus, he picks you up from work and stays over at your place after.
You both huddle on your small worn-out couch which will ultimately lead to a make-out session and time flies fast when you're spending it with someone you really like.
He slowly lets go of the kiss and pecks you on the lips. You take this as a cue that its midnight and he's going to leave soon, you heavily sigh before speaking.
"It's midnight and the nice guy has to go home?" You sneer at him with your hands fixing the collars of his shirt.
He hovers above you and brushes your hair to the side, you like it whenever he do that, you feel somehow admired and taken care of.
"It's midnight..." he pauses to peck your lips, "so it's time for bed."
Your ears perked up like hearing something so exciting, "huh?"
"We should go to bed and you must be tired too, right?"
You hesitate to ask but you need to know if he plans on spending the night with you, "Are you staying?"
"Or you prefer this nice guy to leave?" He asks back, getting back at you for all of your snarky comments about him.
You change into comfortable clothes, smirking when you catch Seungmin has been watching you through the reflection of the bathroom mirror.
You take a stand next to him and brush your teeth together facing the sink, you lend him the biggest t-shirt you have in your closet for him to wear to bed.
It feels nice when you finally lay down on the bed after a long day, it feels exceptionally nice that Seungmin is lying next to you.
Never in a million years, did you like having someone invading your private space like this but in the nicest way possible.
He kisses your forehead and says, "Goodnight!"
You turn to face him on the bed and pout, "We're just going to sleep and do nothing?"
He lowly chuckles with eyes closed, "yes."
You exhale a long breath while looking up at the ceiling, "this is so lame," you grumble.
"I am lame," Seungmin casually says.
"Very, very lame," you say but nuzzle your head into his neck.
As tired as you are, you can't fall asleep because your heart keeps beating fast like you just ran a mile instead of lying on the bed for the past hour.
You watch him sleep with his arm around you and you get to hold him close, smelling his musky scent that you like so much, and stare at his face as much as you want.
Love is some hocus pocus shit, got you completely bewitched.
Then you got reminded of something, you carefully get off the bed without waking Seungmin in the process and tiptoe to the kitchen.
The flower bouquet Seungmin gave to you is still lying on the kitchen counter, you hurriedly fill a pitcher with water and put the flowers in it.
They're so pretty, you touch the delicate petals and admire them, smell the floral scent that relaxes you.
You have a glass of water before returning to the bedroom, standing by the doorway to watch Seungmin sleeping so soundly in your bed and he's wearing your clothes, looking like he belongs there in the first place.
"Stop watching me sleep, creep!" He mutters without opening his eyes.
You giggle for being caught red-handed, rush to him to lie on top of him. He groans when you put all of your weight on him then pulls the duvet and put it over you.
"You know you're more attractive when you're quiet and still," you joke.
He puts your hands around you and holds you tight for a second, he manages to land a kiss on your head with his eyes closed.
"So.... do you like me now?" He asks.
Is that even a question? Here's an answer then.
Seungmin is smart, he's nice, and thoughtful. He can be mean but he's honest. He has a weird sense of humor. He not only has a puppy smile, but he acts like one too. He has nice square shoulders, is a good kisser, and knows how to eat you out. Seungmin is great and likes you so much but love is just...
Fuck! You think this is it. This is love.
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