#and as i was praying i was also thinking that this was what my dad taught me and how he comforted me
emswritingsstuff · 1 day
How about a Daryl Dixon x male!reader fic where they’re already dating but because of Daryl’s upbringing, he was scared of openly being with the reader and it takes someone else flirting with the reader for Daryl to be like “Fuck off, he’s my man” (with Rick being the most supportive ofc because I support their brotherly bond)
i had so much fun with this. i got a little carried away with this request but i was ITCHING to add relationship lore, so i did. hope you enjoy!!
Charming Man (Daryl Dixon x Male! Reader)
Slight Warnings: Unsupportive family, Daryl's dad mentioned, Homophobia, nothing explicit but it's there!
WC: 3.2K
Your relationship with Daryl Dixon was something that even caught you by surprise. You’ve both known each other since everything started, meeting at the Quarry. If you were being honest with yourself, you’d always had a thing for Daryl. Even if he did seem to be the stereotypical rude and offensive redneck. 
Daryl wasn’t like that though, the exact opposite actually. But Merle DIxon on the other hand? He totally was. You never hid your identity, what was the point of that anymore? There's no harm in it, people have bigger issues than gay people nowadays. But unfortunately, Merle always made sure to get a rude comment in. But it was always met by a big slap or hit from Daryl. Which would then cause Merle to turn the ridicule onto Daryl, which you hated. But he took it like a champ so you didn’t have to, which you admired a lot. Defending someone you barely knew like that? It was oddly attractive to you. But you pushed that down, not wanting to create more unwanted tension within yourself. 
After Merle's disappearance, Daryl seemed to shift. You’d found him getting closer to you, emotionally and physically. It made you happy to see him finally open up, it just sucked that he had to lose his brother to let it happen.  
Just observing him, you had also realized that when he was angry or frustrated with the group he would confine in you. It seemed like you had some sort of spell on him, which you definitely got in your own head about. 
It took the Greene farm falling for you to eventually come to terms with the fact you liked him more than in a platonic sense. You had escaped with Rick and the whole ride to the highway you were scared you weren’t going to see Daryl again. What if he separated from the group? What if he didn’t make it out at all? All the thoughts raced in your head. Then it hit you and you realized that you were in too deep.
You loved him. 
Hearing the familiar sound of the bike filled you with an indescribable feeling, one of joy but also nervousness. You felt your heart flutter when you saw him again. You stood back in the group, letting him greet the others. Getting lost in your head you didn’t even notice the strong figure that put his arms around you, holding you tight for a second before letting go to get a look at you. 
“Happy to see ya, tough guy,” Daryl said with a smirk on his face. Giving you a light pat on your back he walked away, leaving you frozen and a blushing mess. You had prayed no one saw you in that state and it seemed to be luck was on your side with that. 
The feelings only grew and grew, there was no chance they were going to stop anytime soon. 
Once taking the prison, Rick started to assign watch shifts within the group, most of the time you had got night shifts. Which you didn’t mind at all, more peaceful you thought. Though every time you had a moment of peace, Daryl plagued your thoughts. With no doubt you were absolutely whooped for this man. 
During one of your shifts, you had gotten lost in thought again, this time just thinking about the past. Missing the old world, in the sense that you didn’t like fighting for your life every single day. You had gotten snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a jiggling sound approaching you, quickly turning around only to be met with Daryl himself. 
“Hey,” he moved his chin up when he greeted you, crossbow in hand. You did the gesture back and looked out into the distance, trying to act like you were actually watching. But you could never focus when he was around, all you wanted to do was look at him. Look at his strong arms, his face, his shoulders, God you just wanted to look at him all day. 
A soft tap on your shoulder brought you back to the real world, it was Daryl offering you a piece of meat. Probably leftovers from dinner, you happily took a small piece and ate it. “Thanks, appreciate it,” you smiled at him. 
“Don’ mention it, figure ya wanted somethin’. Ya been up here while,” A subtle redness hit your face. You knew he cared, but to come up to you on his own time meant a lot to you. When he stayed there afterward, you decided to at least try and talk, at least have sort of a conversation. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” You looked up at him, he wasn’t even looking at you but he just shrugged in response. “Can’t sleep in a cell, tha’s for sure,” 
“Agreed, too cramped, also cold and gross.” That made him chuckle under his breath, you mentally high fived yourself but quickly got off your high horse and continued the conversation. 
“It reminds me of my old man, hate thinkin’ about his ass all the damn time,” He was messing with his thumb, he probably felt awkward bringing it up. But you listened. 
You had known a little bit about Daryl’s father, nothing super detailed but you knew he wasn’t a good man. You sometimes caught glimpses of the scars his shirt couldn’t cover, so you just put two and two together. 
“Whats yer history? Barely know anythin’ about ya.” He pointed at you and he invited you to speak, but only if you wanted to. Which you appreciated. You took a deep breath and decided to tell him, what's the harm in that? 
“Grew up in Georgia, both my parents were around and I had a sister. Parents worked good jobs, treated us well. Or at least up until I came out to them. Treated me like an outsider ever since. Not the no contact type either, the type where they won’t admit I’m gay and sweep it under the rug,” You said the last portion with a shrug, it hurts to think about sometimes but it's far away in the past now. Daryl shook his head, “Tha’s some bullshit, why the hell they’d care?”
All you could do was shrug again, “Judgment I guess, my parents didn’t want to be the ones with the ‘gay son’. Or whatever. Stopped caring about it after I moved out.” He nodded along and smacked your shoulder playfully. “Good shit.” 
It got silent after that, you had hoped you didn’t make anything awkward. Which you obviously haven’t. The smell of smoke filled your lungs as you looked over to see Daryl nursing a cigarette, you finally let yourself watch him, just absolutely getting lost within him. But quickly turning away as he looked right back at you. 
He’d looked nervous now, which was very unlike him. Once the cigarette was out, he turned to look at you again. “Can I ask ya somethin’, and ya can’t judge,” 
“Never would, whats up,” a nervous pit welled up in your stomach, you hoped he couldn’t see the sweaty palms you had equipped. 
“Is askin’ out a guy the same as a girl?” Okay, maybe you were going to judge a little. You tried to hold back a laugh, but Daryl saw right through you. “C’mon ya said ya wouldn’t judge, answer the damn question.” 
You had calmed down and you were finally able to answer, “Depends on the guy but yes, you just sometimes got to be prepared for the worst case.” He nodded in response. 
“So, If I were to ask ya out right now, I wouldn’t get punched?” The meaning of his words didn’t process in your brain until you started responding. “Well no, I certainly wouldn’t punch-” you cut yourself off and looked at him in the eyes.
“Are you serious?” The butterflies that lived in your stomach were back with a vengeance, making you feel like you're on cloud nine. Daryl nodded a simple yes and you took the opportunity to play into the joke. 
“If you were to ask me out, I would say yes,” and there it is. The start of your relationship with the archer. 
It was casual at first, hanging out one on one in privacy, eating dinner together, going out on runs, all the simple things in an apocalypse context. When you both realized you really wanted this to work, you both had a discussion on the boundaries you both had. Daryl's main one being about being out. 
He had issues with his identity in the past, with his father and Merle, you knew he would be scared to be his authentic self so you understood. And you didn’t want to pressure him especially when all these feelings were so new to him. 
Once the prison fell, you had lost Daryl in the mess. Ending up with Carol and Tyreese, as well as Judith. You were unsure what had happened to the two little girls Carol had started to take care of, but you had known it probably wasn’t anything good. And finding out everyone in your group had been taken to a cannibal farm made your stomach drop. 
Thinking you had lost Daryl was a continuous feeling, he’d run off to do things for everyone and sometimes getting hurt in the process. It made you stressed, but without a doubt he would always come home to you. He kind of reminded you of an outside dog or cat, which you would tell him and he’d just push you off chuckling to himself. 
Seeing his strong figure again after being separated made you emotional, bringing you to tears. He was crying too, but trying not to show it off to everyone else. His arms engulfed you in a massive hug keeping you there for what felt like an eternity, but what was probably a few seconds. The reunion of the group was very short lived, you all needing to get on the road again to fully escape Terminus. 
The months on the road were long and hard, you all were praying for a break. And it seemed to come true when Aaron showed up. Inviting you all to Alexandria, you had felt a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Everyone was of course off put by this offer, but eventually realized they were legit. 
Finally having a place to call home, you had gotten all your belongings settled into the shared house. You were unsure where Daryl was going to go, but you wished he would share a room with you. Sighing, you walked out of the house to see Daryl messing with his crossbow, looking harshly at it when he injured himself. 
His expression softened when he saw you though, and he silently greeted you before going back to the crossbow. You made a spot beside him and sat in front of him, just wanting to have some familiar company in this new place. Suddenly remembering the party Deanna was going to have for you all tonight. You figured Daryl wouldn’t want to go, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask him. 
“You want to go to that party at Deanna’s tonight? It would be nice I think,” He just shrugged in response. “Not my thing,” was his response, not even looking up from his bow. Your head looking away caused him to look up at you, “Ya want me to go?” 
“It would be nice, a good opportunity. But I know you aren't going to have fun socializing,” He just scoffed and smirked at you. “I’ll go for ya, but only for ya,” his hand moved from his bow to point at you with a joking scold. You just softly laughed and squeezed him arm with your hand. “Thanks, love you.” 
“Love ya too,” he smiled up at you as you went to leave. Pausing quickly to get one more word in, “Oh, wear something nice, and shower.” Shooting a smirk directly his way, he leaned his head back and rolled his eyes. 
“First Carol, and now ya?” You simply shrugged and walked away. Leaving him on the porch until the party. 
When you started to get ready you heard a soft knock on your door, creeping the door open to be met with Daryl. Surprisingly already prepared to go, dressed up in a black button up, his vest, and a nice pair of jeans. The whole outfit screamed Daryl. Your eyes looked at him lovingly, and he grinned at you. “Like what ya see?” he said as he let himself into the room. 
“A lot actually,” he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head as you continued to get ready. Throwing on a button up shirt and a pair of khaki pants, clothes you had gotten from the resources at Alexandria. Giving Daryl a spin, you showed him your outfit “Lookin’ handsome.” He winked at you and walked over to give you a quick kiss on the lips before officially heading to the party. 
The walk to Deanna’s was nice, it felt like everything was normal again. It was quiet though, Daryl was clearly thinking about something, chalking it up to him not being sure about Alexandria yet. 
Once there Daryl hesitated to go inside, it took you physically dragging him by the side to even get him to the door. Grumbles left his mouth before you opened the door to let yourselves in, only to be immediately overwhelmed by all the people. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” you mumbled so only Daryl could hear. He patted your back softly and left to grab a beer and probably hide in a corner, which you had debated doing yourself. 
But you ended up chatting with Noah, making nice conversation. Never really getting the opportunity to meet and talk to him before. It was really nice. Until one of the Alexandrian women came up to you both, she obviously had some intentions that you really couldn’t read. 
Whatever, you thought, maybe she just wanted to be friendly? That's what you were hoping at least. You and Noah both exchanged awkward glaces, just looking wide eyed at each other as she kept trying to pull your attention without even saying a word.
Right as you were about to say something, she had beat you to the punch. “You’re quite the sight, pretty boy, what’s your name?” The pet name made you gag, but on the inside as it felt rude to physically do it in front of her. “Oh uh, I’m (Y/N), and this is Noah,” as soon as you finished speaking her hand shot up to shoo you. You were taken aback and looked at Noah again, still wide eyed. 
“I don’t care about him, I just wanna talk to you,” she said, pointing her finger at you and touching your face. Still looking at Noah, you were speechless. You had no clue what to say, genuinely. Mind went totally blank. You had looked behind you to see Daryl standing in the corner of the room eyeing up the situation you were in. A subtle head tilt from you was enough he needed to spring to action. 
Making his why over he stopped right beside you looking between you and the woman. “What’s goin’ on?” he asked, looking right at you. You went to speak but the woman soon spoke up for you, “Just getting to know the new guy,” Daryl nodded his head looking back at you again picking up on your uncomfortable body language. 
She then went to touch your arm, trying to get a feel for you. At this point Daryl officially understood what was actually happening and he shot to grab her arm. “Not gonna happen, don’t touch him,” his voice was deep and stern and getting the attention of everyone surrounding you guys. 
The woman quickly pulled her arm away and scoffed. “Why not? It’s not like he’s here with anyone. I just wanna have some fun,” she said in a sly tone making you want to gag again. You could see on Daryl’s he was fuming, preparing to hear what he was going to say next. 
“Jus’ fuck off, he’s my man,” he said, quite loud in fact. Louder than anything else he had said that night. That was definitely something you were not expecting him to say in front of everyone. And he wasn’t either because as soon as he said it, he walked out with your hand in his. Storming out and slamming the door leaving everyone there in shock. 
“Okay, what the hell was that Dixon?” he was breathing heavily and trying to calm down with his outburst. His hands met his face as he wiped his eyes, finally calming down. “I don’ know, I jus’, had to finally say it.” A smile creeped up to your face and you put your hands on the side of his head. “I’m glad you did,” kissing him on the lips gently. You both made the choice to go home, just to relax for the rest of the night before the interrogations start tomorrow. 
It was the first night Daryl had slept in bed with you since the prison and it felt nice. Though the next morning Daryl was gone early, you had assumed he had gone out hunting so you just ready for the day and left the home. Only to be surprised by Daryl and Rick having a conversation on the porch. Rick noticed you and immediately walked over and engulfed you in a massive hug. Shooting a glance over to Daryl, he had just laughed. 
“Just wanted to tell you both that I was happy for you guys, glad to see Daryl and you are happy together,” you gave Rick a genuine smile and another hug, this one more emotional than the other one. It felt good to be fully supported in your relationship from people so close to you.  The hug separated and he went on to ask you generic questions like how long you both have been together, when it happened, he wanted to know it all. Which was very heartwarming and it made you feel giddy. 
After a while, Rick had left because he had to do work elsewhere. Leaving you and Daryl on the porch by yourselves. You look over at him, “how are you feeling?” 
Looking back at you, he smiled more than he had before, “Fuckin’ great.” He grabbed your head and placed kisses all over your face. He stopped and quickly reached into his pocket, pulling out two chains with rings on them. He held them out to you letting you pick between a silver and a gold one. You picked the one you liked the most and examined it closely. 
“What's this?” gesturing toward the necklace in your hand. “Necklace, was tryin’ to find promise rings but that all I found. Assumed they didn’t fit so put ‘em on chains.” He explained this like it was no big deal, but to you this was the whole world. 
“Promise rings?” you asked, happy tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
“Yeah, wanna marry ya one day. And I wan’ everyone to know yer mine.” After he spoke he pulled you into a sweet kiss. Making you the happiest man ever.
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Wandee Goodday Episode 6
What a rollercoaster ride
We have our 2 adorkable, idiotic love fools who are failing miserably at being fake BF
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They play house together but of course, it's just because it's convenient (and nothing else)
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They pinned/missed each other, but no...the sniff kisses, hugs and travelling 2 hours/or dropping everything the minute you return from boot camp to visit your fake BF is cause that's what friends do
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They go on a family trip together with their surrogate Mom/Dad (and yes, I truly believe YeiCher has adopted Dee to their little family unit), but of course, Dee labelled their relationship as "comfortable" and nothing more!!!
The amount of time I want to reach out and strangle them and say "OPEN YOUR EYES", and kiss on the lips already!!!!
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And then we have our sweet, loving YeiCher - my heart flutter with every scene. I love each moment we have of these two. From their scene being reunited after the boot camp and their first night together after being apart for so long, to the family trip with their adopted son(s) to YeiCher having a wonderful, romantic date by the riverbank.
I adore them. They have my heart and soul
Unfortunately, while YeiCher gives me all the joy, Dr Ter(rible) makes me snarl and hiss at the TV whenever he graces our presence on screen (no seriously, my poor cat jumped in fright when I shout out my frustration when I see this man on screen)
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The audacity of the man to presume Dee will follow his lead and happily spend his precious time exploring Tokyo by delaying their flight back WITHOUT first confirming with Dee (who else hurled insults at Ter when he did this?)
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Or when he caged Dee in the staff's breakroom to try and pressure Dee to change his mind?
And while Dee may think he still has feelings for Ter, his imagination tells me subconsciously he knows Ter is not the right person for him (the cringe when imaginary Dee was waiting for Ter to kiss him!!!)
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On a more positive note, shout out to this episode for making another important PSA re: HPV vaccine!
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Anyway, join me people while we make a circle and pray to the small figurine of GOODDY so that YakDee will finally get the push next episode to KISS ON THE LIPS and Ter(rible) gets his karma. Also, do anyone think Dr Kao will get a love interest?
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puppyeared · 1 month
whenever someone asks me for help or advice i want to beam all my lived experience and advice that helped me through it directly into their mind to try and spare them as much pain and stress as possible, but because i cant actually do that what ends up happening is i dump everything i know related to that topic hoping something helps them like
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vzajemnik · 12 days
what the fuck is my cd collection what was wrong with middle school me.
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aceyanaheim · 2 years
it’s baked into my understanding of kakashi hatake that he has absolutely no clue how children work and thats just part of team 7s dysfunction listen.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 8 months
#sorry i cant shut the fuck up today. i think i just feel worse on the weekends bc i kno i shoulf b relaxing#ppl r telling me to relax. take a break. let me kno how i can help. let me kno if theres a problem. bc my behavior is apparently ya kno like#visibly somethings not right. but how tf am i supposed to relax when i have so much to do#so im stuck spiraling like dont work but also think insistently abt working. but get nothing done. its horrible#mostly rn im stressed abt all the grading i havent done and the work on my masters data i havent done#but its like. something in my head is on fire and it's burning thru all my cognitive energy. i am just trying to keep existing#how tf am i supposed to find the energy to read 45 lab reports? im like illiterate#and idk i just feel bad about coming into a new lab being so sick. i just dont like being a problem#it also does not reflect well on my future career that im being such a flake on things. like sorry if i have to work on my research#assistant data rn i might die ✌️ ugh. itll b fine. i just need to find a way to effectively manage my head#and i keep hearing my dads voice in my head talking abt personal responsibility but like i dont even kno how to employ that. i could suck#it up and double down on productivity but that way leads to burnout and self destruction. do i doubke down on relaxing?#i dont kno how to do that. like u would probably just have to drug me. which is y i do not partake in substances. that way also leads#to self destruction. so what am i do to? cross my fingers and pray for a fluctuation in my general mood?#hope that aliens invade and that an incoming invasion sharpens my focus onto only one single thing?#idk. but my sister is finally working on the fish i askrd her yo draw me. so i gotta think of how i wanna get it tattooed#bc shes not an art person and its an act of indulging chaos to get an imperfect image tattooed onto me#so i might have to do some things to make it make me not insane. i asked for this bc i like causing myself problems. also i was in a#slightly altered state of mind when i asked lol but i stand by it haha. anyway. idk things r just annoying and hard rn as i knew they would#b. and im good at catching myself before things get dangerous but it sucks that i feel like a ticking time bomb of destruction. ugh.#unrelated
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bataranqs · 1 month
10 Happy Things
May 11, 2024
Slept most of the day let's gooo
My bed and clothes are so warm and cozy
Called my mom and apparently she was out with people but she stepped outside to talk to me for a bit before going back to them and just feeling very very loved
My mom called me back and I talked to my sisters for nearly two hours hwjoiegdjkl we're just absolute nerds the lot of us
The Bible Plan I've been doing these past few days is just re-looking at everything from the basis of just get right with God, are you following Jesus and it's been very comforting to have that reminder like it is relational, it is supposed to be a delightful life we're living, there's no stress at all about doing x or y and if you're supposed to, it will not be anything but good
I can't really move my toes individually (except the ones at the ends) and I think it's kinda cute. They're a pack. They're friends. Do Not Separate.
The Tim Horton's White Hot Chocolate is so insanely good
Dungeon Meshi is such a good manga broooo
There are so many joys that I don't think I'll run out of them, and isn't that just the most delightful thing ever?
When I started this list I was feeling a little tired but now I'm quite happy and excited!! I'm so grateful to Katie for getting me into this, and my friends who also do stuff like this
#5 happy things#i don't know why but sometimes i feel a bit silly posting these online bc they're always so personal#like my awesome mom and my weird toes and my religious leanings - i know none of it is very relateable#but i think we're all allowed to be a little selfish in our joy and it's little hurt to see someone else's pleasure i hope#i got my period last night and was as usual quite unwell physically but oh what a delight it was otherwise#i went through the little routine i tend to go through with my mom of like dragging over a chair to lay on while in the bathroom#and setting up the trash can and such nearby#and i missed my mom and thought about calling her and i didn't bc it was like 3am though i did immediately today hehe#but i just thought it was really so incredible to have a mom who i wanted to call when i was ill. who i could call anytime i wanted#how rare is that? how wonderful is that? it touched me so much that all the physical pain felt worth it for the proper knowing of that love#i was thinking about all the good things i've been given - my house and bed and blankets and covers and clothes#and as i was praying i was also thinking that this was what my dad taught me and how he comforted me#and when he prayed for me or tells me he prays for me that's how i know he loves me more than i could know#there are a lot of my joys i think are embarrassing but to be treasured isn't one of them. that one's just pure thankfulness#i know i'm quite spoiled and young and silly in many ways and i'm so thankful for it. i hope i can love others even a fraction as i've been#knowing full well that i'll always be in debt to the goodness of the world and the kindness it unceasingly gives me
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e-vultures · 1 year
had like horrible horrible nausea and stomach pain and vomiting for 8 solid hours last night and for the first 3 of them, leaned alone against my toilet feeling like I was being Punished By God, I had the. like. the disco elysium mural text playing over and over in my head??? I Have Not Played Disco Elysium. my brain was just like [very intently] you there. boy. true love is possible / in the next world / for other people and I was like bhBlehchchh aug h howw doesdthis help .me right now
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
not my mom being a kirk cameron stan
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gaysindistress · 3 months
Things that I feel like would happen when you’re in a relationship with Simon Riley.
Simon Riley masterlist
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1. First off he hates the word ‘boyfriend’.
Maybe it’s because he’s in his mid thirties or something but he can’t stand being called your boyfriend. He’s more than that but also not at the same time. You live together, have access to each other’s bank accounts (which is only because he hates it when you try to fight him about him giving you money), and you’re each others emergency contact. He thinks of himself as your husband. The man wears a silicone ring when he’s home and a necklace with the ring that’s totally not a wedding band when he’s working. Price has seen the chain once or twice and smirks, shooting him a knowing look but never says a word.
Simon cannot stand it when people get nosy and want to know what your relationship status is. You’re together and that’s all that matters. No one needs to know that you’re the beneficiary of his will and life insurance policy or that he’s put you on all of his accounts. No one needs to know that he buys you anything you want but has only ever bought you two rings; a thin gold band with a flower engraved on it and its twin a matching emerald ring. No one needs to know that when he gifted them to you, there were tears and promises of safety, love, and happiness whispered against feverish skin. No one needs to know that he has your name woven into his chest tattoo.
No one needs to know any of that because your relationship is between him and you only.
2. You are not some submissive little house wife. You are a strong independent woman and he prefers it that way.
I know this one goes against what most people say but hear me out on this. Simon has been independent since birth practically. He’s only had himself to count on for years. Even in the military, he’s only been able to rely himself. Sure the others watch out for him but if it came down to it, he’s the only one who’s going to get himself out alive.
The thought of someone else relying on him in that way is terrifying. He can’t even fathom what it would be like to look at another person and fully trust them in that way. Half the time he feels like he can’t even be trusted to take care of himself let alone another human. In theory a sweet docile housewife is great with the meals and clean house but not for him. He needs to know that you can hold your own. He needs to know that you can be independent and carry on without him if something happened while he was working. He needs to know that you will be okay if he doesn’t come back.
You have to be okay without him no matter how much it pains him to think about it.
Like I said before, he’s made you the beneficiary of everything so he knows you’ll be set financially but that’s not enough. He’s made Price promise to keep an eye out for you. He’s made you promise to let Price do that and you agreed because it’s Simon who’s asking but you’d tell anyone else to fuck off.
In addition to all of that, he’s installed the best security system the government has to offer in your house. You have a very expensive and large safe in your shared closet that he’s instructed you to only open if you feel unsafe. While you might not like it, you agree to go shooting with him so he can sleep at night knowing that you could protect yourself if he’s not home. He’s gone as far as to make sure you have all of the licenses and certificates that are needed to legally own firearms in the UK.
He’s not leaving any opportunity for you to be vulnerable or have your ‘safety checks’, as he calls them, taken away.
3. Simon Riley is a godless man…until he meets you.
Now this is entirely my own headcannon with no evidence to support it so bear with me.
Simon had a shitty childhood where his mom would pray to a god who never listened and his dad would shout verses at him when he was drunk. God was a mythical figure that he was told stories off with nothing to show for it. He did believe at one point but then his dad never got better, his mom wore bruises of every shade, and his brother found comfort in drugs.
He found himself praying when he was being tortured by the Mexican cartel. Between the flashbacks of his abusive past, he prayed to a god who had failed him so many times before to help him. He prayed again as he dug himself out of that Texas grave with the major’s jaw bone. He wailed his prayers when he found his family executed after Sparks tried to kill him.
After that he deemed himself a Godless man. Years of praying had passed with nothing. This god had decided that Simon was not worthy of a miracle so why would he continue to worship him?
That was until he met you. He finds himself praying before every mission, every time he has to leave you, every time he’s on his way home, and just about any other time he thinks of you. He doesn’t know what exactly he’s praying for other than for you to be there when he gets back.
He whispers his prayers to an absent god against your skin as he worships your body, soul, and heart. He promises to be devoted to you until his last breath and vows to find you again in whatever afterlife awaits you. He pledges to find solace in you and only you when his haunting nightmares return. He makes an oath to your heart that it will never weather another storm alone again for his will take whatever beating that comes your way. He shows you that he will love you in the same manner as a Hozier song; putting you above all else because you have become his religion, his faith, his beliefs, his life.
You have become all that he is and he thanks the god he once believed in for you. He prays again but to you, his heart, his love, and his beacon through the enteral storm of life.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 1 year
everyone pray that my dad is the most unobservant human on the planet bc he came downstairs unexpectedly and might have seen me in a shirt with 'queer' on it in big rainbow flocked letters
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bth3cowboi · 2 months
snoop the fondness, cs55 x reader
part 2 part 3
pairing: carlos sainz x driver!reader
summary: sometimes family is a boy, a girl and her snoopy plushie. sometimes appendixes and lost cars try to get between that.
format: social meadia au
a/n: the reader’s f1 team is never specified in this! so it is completely open to interpretation.
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ynraces 18h
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 1.234.901 others
carlossainz55 18h
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liked by landonorris, ynraces and 800.456 others
thats my literal baby if u even care
my babyyy my babyyy hes my babyyy say itt to himmm babyyy
our baby
im his papa
liked 16h ago
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liked by f1, charles_leclerc and 2.234.655 others
ynraces P5 in Saudi! some great points were gained, super proud of the team this weekend, now onto Australia🇦🇺 😎.
I wish my lover boy raced 🫶💞 but as you can see he had a fight with some appendix guy(? At least he won that one
tagged carlossainz55;
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user1 omg not the drugged up pics and snoopy😭 shes not serious
user2 haha snoopy was also in carlos post with his dad so no surprised
carlossainz55 Wow I look handsome in that one
ynraces never looked better😘
landonorris Oooooh you had to take the plushie
ynraces yes but i regret it cuz he kept telling the nurses that they NEEDED to meet our baby and then I had to explain that it was actually just snoopy
carlossainz55 No no those are lies
charles_leclerc No way I need the video too yn🙏 I bet he was gonna embarrass himself
ynraces check the gc
carlossainz55 You guys are the worst
user3 carlos getting appendicitis wasnt on my bingo card
user4 them having a bet going on wasnt on mine either lol they must be having a field day in that groupchat
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liked by landonorris, f1 and 1.556.887 others
ynraces in order:
1. Snoopy triying to find my car (is in the sea somewhere idk)
2. Some guy I picked up otw (he only spoke about some surgery he had(? weird)
3. That guy winning his 3rd GP!!! (apparently hes like a driver or something, super cool!! love him and his big brown bambi eyes!!!)
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carlossainz55 Love you too❤️❤️
liked by ynraces and 6087 others
user1 Did Snoopy find it?
ynraces yes and he sent it to Japan already, baby is efficient
user2 I just let out a scream of relief
user3 omg so glad youre gonna race
landonorris Don’t pick weirdos off the street🤮
ynraces ur just jealous it wasn’t you picking him up u ugly
landonorris 💔💔 Carlos say something
carlossainz55 Ay don’t be too mean to Landito
ynraces whatever you say beautiful🫡
user4 I cant wait for Japan and pray for a podium with Carlos and Yn😞 They deserve it
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liked by scuderiaferrari, ynraces and 1.933.298 others
carlossainz55 P1 and a special thanks to the beautiful Yn, can’t imagine what recovery would have looked like without her inconditional support. I’m gutted she couldn’t race this time, but we’re coming stronger next time. Te amo, mi reina❤️
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ynraces Te amo mucho🥹❤️
carlossainz55 yo más guapísima
user1 a single post for yn, this is so cuteee
user2 this man doesnt have a contract for next year so he WILL be simping for his rival on main, ferrari be damned
scuderiaferrari 🫶🏽❤️!
user2 oh hi
charles_leclerc Wow not a single comment about Snoopy, so sad, what would Yn think
ynraces didn’t even notice😞 I let the compliments fool me
charles_leclerc You are the worst parents
carlossainz55 Snoppy got his thanks in the hospital, stop inventing!!!!
a/n: hope you liked this!! I wish I had an explanation for this plot but there is nothing, just vibes and snoopy
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beiasluv · 7 months
grid of in-laws | o. piastri (81)
a/n: im thai, so definitely not self-inserting here 🤭
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liked by oscarpiastri, lilymhe and 86,107 others
yn_albon mum and dad 🤷‍♀️
view all 14,186 comments
lilymhe my baby 😘
yn_albon 🫶🫶
alex_albon remember I always have the pictures
yn_albon 😔 I’m sorry my dearest brother
username hello?? What pictures??
username don’t be shy, tell usss
username Oscar, what are you doing here??
username he’s trying to rizz her up or what?
username im praying that they are dating
username BROTHER what are you high on?
username yall think that if they’re not dating, oscar’s gonna be a creep and like all of her pics for nothing?
username MOST men do that. Oscar’s my pookie tho
username yeah, exactly. dating.
yn_albon’s private story
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alex_albon: don’t you think it’s time for a public story? 🙄
: im going to combust from embarrassment
alex_albon: please, when lily posted me-
: you jumped around the room and kicked your legs. I know 😔
alex_albon: yeah, time to think about it. also, call mum tonight
: mkayy
tokyo, japan
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liked by yn_albon, alex_albon and 127,041 others
lilymhe the albons’ lost in tokyo!!
view 34,617 comments
yn_albon we’re all lost 😔
alex_albon says the one with your own japanses translator
yn_albon yeah, can’t hear you
username EXCUSE ME??
username OSCAR???
yn_albon 🫶🫶
alex_albon back off🤺🤺
lilymhe she’s just my baby 😔
username EXCUSE ME? Who can speak japanse in the gird? Oscar mf piastri
username exactly what I was thinking!!
username yuki rn 🧍‍♂️
username didn’t oscar and lando went out in tokyo today as well???
tokyo, japan
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liked by mclaren, yn_albon and 782,106 others
landonorris lost in japan 👊
view all 185,106 comments
alex_albon copying each other’s pose kings
liked by yn_albon
landonorris tbf, it wasn’t taken by the same person 🤷‍♂️
oscarpiastri i called that pose first
georgerussell63 nice food mate 👊
landonorris nah, they didn’t get me
username THEY WHO? Oscar and who??
username tell me SOMETHING i DONT know
username so we’re all here from lily’s post huh 😭
username yn liked the post 🤷‍♀️
username she’s pretty close with the 2019 rookies ig
chinatown, bangkok
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon and 76,127 others
yn_albon we ate ✌️💅
view all 21,701 comments
alex_albon thanks for copying my pose, be original 👊
yn_albon lily come get yo man please
lilymhe right away 🫡
landonorris good food 🙌
yn_albon still can’t make you try fish 😔
landonorris sorry, it’s never happening 🤷‍♂️
username please tell me yn brought oscar with her 😭
username white boy getting dragged to asian street food by his gf, my favorite trope
username *and traumatizing him
yn_albon I swear I fed him the right food 😔😭
username yn feed my boy pad thai
username naur that’s basic asf 😭
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and 510,418 others
alex_albon back home with my favourite person and some thai local i guess 🤷‍♂️ (jk, love you both)
view all 218,177 comments
yn_albon yeah, love you too 🤺
lilymhe you don’t play mermaids with us 👎
yn_albon right??? I’m sorry for not training him harder 😔✊
alex_albon i apologise 😭
username boooo, alexxxx
username oscar has been real quiet since the bangkok post??
username SO lando went with them which only makes sense if oscar ALSO went with them yk??
username I KNOW what y’all are thinking
phuket, thailand
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 751,168 others
oscarpiastri thanks to a local guide 🇹🇭
view all 386,109 comments
username sad day to be an oscar fan 😔
username GOOD DAY to be an oscaryn shipper
username shut UP is that yn??
username YES‼️ where have you been???
username alex just posted them going to phuket, so 2+2 🤷‍♀️
username i mean he already went out to tokyo with the albons, so what’s the chance
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liked by alex_albon, lilymhe and 282,156 others
yn_albon golfing or we balling‼️
view all 98,716 comments
landonorris Oscar is literally 🧍‍♂️
yn_albon exactly
oscarpiastri I am not a professional golfer 🤷‍♂️
alex_albon who won??
yn_albon you😔
yn_albon only because lily is not playing 🤷‍♀️
username PUT HIM BACK SIS!!
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liked by yn_albon, alex_albon and 96,267 others
lilymhe serious dinner…
view all 17,817 comments
alex_albon very serious indeed…
yn_albon what are y’all on about? 😭
username ‘serious dinner’ my ASS 😭
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liked by georgerussell63, landonorris and 396,691 others
yn_albon race week dump ig 😦
view all 91,178 comments
alex_albon ITS HAPPENING
landonorris WHAT IS HAPPENIF
landonorris OH.
username george, blink if you’re the third wheel
username NAH LOGAN AS WELL 😭
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liked by landonorris, logansargeant and 627,182 others
oscarpiastri guess we did have a dinner..
comments on this post have been limited
yn_albon’s story | oscarpiastri’s story
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alex_albon: THANK GOD
the longest one yet. it took me so long because I keep undoing and editing (perfectionist af)
request is open-ish because I’m done with exams!! jenson dilf incoming?? 😬
anyways, hope y’all enjoyed it. like, reblog, COMMENT, or anything if you liked it. If not, y’all better lock yo door.
today’s a good day to take care of yourself!!
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phantaloon · 6 months
the thing that makes the pjo books so good, and superior in my humble opinion, is how hard it is to stay on the "hero's" side by the end of book 5
and im not saying I would have followed luke and both intentionally and unintentionally kill my fellow halfbloods, im not saying what luke did is right, because it's not, and because in the end it was always kronos manipulating him since the start
but the thing is, luke is so right to be bitter and furious at the gods, he of all people knows what it's like to suffer bc a god simply wanted something, and they wouldn't stop until they did
losing his mom, psychologically speaking, bc it was a god's curse that made it impossible for the oracle to work right, and drove may insane
praying for years for hermes to help with his mom, for anything, and receiving silence in return
losing thalia, the first person he had been able to connect with, because of a hades's need for vengeance (bc zeus killed his lover in the first place)
going on a quest, failing and ending up with a scar and having nothing but pity simply bc hermes, his dad, asked him to go
being left behind by the gods, seeing his cabin fill out by unclaimed kids the gods are leaving behind, kids the gods for one reason or another don't want to claim
seeing how hey, there's kids here whose parents don't have cabins here, and yet the gods want there to be cabins for the twelve olympians only
and just the countless injustices he saw happen along the years, all bc of the gods will
and like i said before, kronos's manipulation didn't help, but it was luke being beyond bitter that made that manipulation work
and yeah, maybe i personally wouldn't have started a civil war between the literal strongest gods that would have ended up destroying the world, and I wouldn't have sent an innocent twelve year old to his doom to tartarus, and i wouldn't have done like a single thing luke did throughout the books, bc he ended up hurting his kind, more than he did the gods themselves
but it's so easy to see where luke is coming from, it's so easy to understand his anger, his desire to see the gods pay in some way, because they don't care about mortals and how the consequences of their actions affect them greatly
it's also easy to see that luke was, after all, simply too angry, too bitter, and that made him vulnerable to the power of those who wanted to overthrow the gods
and it's what makes even percy question everything he thinks he knows about the gods, it's what makes percy take smth from all of luke's ways of thinking, and ask for the gods to be better by the end of the last olympian
and it's what makes percy, even in hoo, think back to luke's motivations and think, huh he wasn't entirely wrong was he?
and god i just fucking love these books thanks for coming to my ted talk
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
We’re having an emergency meeting to discuss Chris Johnson and the whitest name ever
absolutely fitting for our white man now innit
#snap chats#speaking of White People and names tho.. i drove out to barnes and noble because if i stayed at my mom's any longer id go insane#and while i was here i read the entirety of My Brother's Husband. VERY good series it was so good i loved it...#its not in my budget today to buy the whole set but maybe one day.. mike flanagan i love you you're so happy and good..#WAIT IT GOT A LIVE ACTION SERIES ????? I HAVE TO WATCH IT LATER I WAS JUST THINKING IT'D BE GOOD AS A JDRAMA#what i did buy today tho was the second volume of The Yakuza's Bias since i loved the first one so much#and ive been PRAYING the second one'd come out soon#i also got another kirby blind box </3 its supposed to sit on your drinking glass but i didnt see who i got yet..#i hope its not meta knight. i love meta knight but i want some variety...#im hoping its the sleeping kirby one but it was hard to hear the difference so idk#and im not checkin til later so i doont get tempted to return what i got to get a new one like a freak ☠️#SO SAD THO when i was getting my stuff they didnt have any more butterfly bookmarks...#i always get one when i go out and sure i have more than enough bookmarks but now it feels weird...#anyway. im gonna get food i havent eaten all day... tho i did want chicken and soju later didnt i...#maybe ill just get something light here i just came here for the wifi honestly lol#god what else did i do.. OH THERE WAS THIS ONE MANGA.#i forget the full name but it had 'akane' in the title so of course i was like 'lol' and decided to read the blurb#IN THE STORY HER DAD'S NAME IS ARAKAWA ? but all of his teachers also have the surname arakawa but theyre not related#arakawa must be a ral impotrant name in the manga.... point is i lol'd#i almost wanna go back to. stopping this post now to do it LOL HANG ON BRB#AKANE-BANASHI THAT'S WHAT IT WAS CALLED and she wanted to be the best rakugo performer after her father's teacher#also named arakawa. As I Said.#failed everyone for no reason#maybe one day ill check it out.. always thought rakugo was a fine art...#anyway im rambling too much im gonna try to write a fanfic. no way in hell im drawing rgg in public LMAO#actually im gonna get food first.. as i said i havent eaten all day... ok bye#anon im so sorry if you ever read these tags LMAO I JUST LIKE TALKING ABOUT MY DAY
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drvscarlett · 7 days
Alex Albon x Horner!Reader
Summary: Max Verstappen and Sebastian Vettel may be Christian's favorites. But Y/N Horner has her own favorites.
The Tortured Drivers' Department series
A/N: one of my favorite tracks and i hope i could give it justice. let me know what you folks think
Taglist. @tea-bobba @boiohboii @c-losur3 @haikyuen @stelena-klayley @stinkyjax @0710khj @jinimon-tr
I'll tell you something right now you ain't gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
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LittleMissY/N what a fun winter break bonding before the 2019 season starts. aren't we cute #GiveYouButterflyWings
PierreGasly the disrespect, my face is cut off after taking so many photos of you!!!
LittleMissY/N sorry not sorry PierreGasly Seb is also upset that you didn't even include him in that photo. LittleMissY/N tell the man to make an ig first.
MaxVerstappen33 why did the rookie get a solo shot before I did???
LittleMissY/N don't be jealous maxie, atleast you're still in the family mantle MaxVerstappen33 you are not slick Y/N tsk, im telling your dad LittleMissY/N respectfully, fuck off!
Alex_Albon it was nice meeting you Y/N!
LittleMissY/N its so good to meet you too alex :))) PierreGasly suspicious behavior!
User3 enjoy your time out there with the boys!
User5 anyone notices how Y/N is literally teasing everyone and then when it comes to alex she seems shy
User7 I smell a crushhhh User9 be for real, maybe its because alex is a rookie and Y/N didn't bond well with him yet.
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LittleMissY/N dad took me to work and not bad for a rookie!
ChristianHorner I'm not taking you to work again
LittleMissY/N don't you miss me?? i thought you missed me ChristianHorner not anymore LittleMissY/N too bad, im applying for a job in f1
PierreGasly are you even watching the race??
LittleMissY/N yeah, you missed the points lmao! PierreGasly i hate you
Alex_Albon not a really good start for me but I'll try better next time!
LittleMissY/N dont stress, you have plenty more opportunities to do well! I'll see you next GP? Alex_Albon of course, I mean I'm being paid to drive that car hahaha LittleMissY/N you're funny PierreGasly are you seeing this MaxVerstappen33 MaxVerstappen33 im dying out of laughter LittleMissY/N I'm gonna pay your mechanics to miss out a few screws
User5 she is so pretty!!! how come she is christian's daughter?
User7 I met her during FP1 and girlie is so in love with a driver
User8 i think we know why Y/N is coming around the races.
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Alex_Albon happy to get some points for today! My first in my rookie year!
User2 Amazing job today Alex
User3 Alex Albon, you make us all proud!!!
Alex_Albon thanks Y/N, i can hear you shouting from Red Bull to Toro Rosso LittleMissY/N this is amazing news and everyone has to hear it!!!!!
User5 alex and Y/N are so cuteeee!!! Y/N is so excited for Alex's first points
User7 anyone else ships Y/N and Alex??
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F1Fans OOF! Albon suffers a big crash during the practice session in Shanghai. Do we think choosing Albon is the right choice for this season?
User1 nasty crash, too bad that he will be missing qualifying.
User2 c'mon be a little more lenient to the guy, shanghai is a difficult track
User3 should be sacked tbh
User4 why are they allowing albon to drive? he isn't that good.
LittleMissY/N oh get over yourself. i bet you can't even drive an f1 car even if you tried. Drivers crash every now and then, Alex Albon is a fantastic driver that's why Toro Rosso got him. This is just a bad weekend for him but I'm sure he will bounce back for the actual race. User7 my surprise when I realize that its actually Y/N Horner defending Alex Albon's honor User8 we love Y/N in this household.
User9 praying for a better race results for Alex
PierreGasly posted a story...
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LittleMissY/N replied: HOW DARE YOUUU???? WHO IS THAT RAT???
LittleMissY/N but tbh thats a genuine reaction. imagine starting from p20 and ending up into p10??? LittleMissY/N OH PIERRE QUIT IGNORING ME! LittleMissY/N i hate you so much
Alex_Albon replied: oh no, what happened to her??
PierreGasly your biggest fan has a bit of a teary moments. She is currently filling up my DMs with how much of an amazing driver you are Alex_Albon that's really nice of Y/N
MaxVerstappen33 replied: man Y/N is down bad
PierreGasly i knowwww MaxVerstappen33 christian just walked in to ask if Y/N has a crush on Alex PierreGasly its so obvioussss MaxVerstappen33 well except for alex lol
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GeorgeRussell63 with my best mate Alex_Albon !!
LittleMissY/N Well hello there georgie
GeorgeRussell63 hello miss Y/N Horner, what are you doing around here?? LittleMissY/N just saw you tag alex and figured i should say hi to his bestie GeorgeRussell63 im watching you LittleMissY/N ditto :))
Alex_Albon we look good there!
LittleMissY/N you look extremely handsome there Alex MaxVerstappen33 simppppp LittleMissY/N im gonna crash your car
User5 another bestfriends making it to formula 1 together
User7 its so funny how Y/N shows up in any tagged photos of alex, miss maam you are whippedt!!!
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LittleMissY/N I'm off to crash anyone who crashes him in the next race. Mark my words!!!!!!!! Still a great drive from AA, my favorite driver <3
Alex_Albon thanks so much for the support Y/N. No need to crash to anyone
LittleMissY/N okay but my offer will always stand
PierreGasly you are sooooo down bad
LittleMissY/N I'm going to put you down
User6 is Y/N, Alex's girlfriend.
User7 i think she likes him and alex is so oblivious User9 yeah, Y/N likes alex so much LittleMissY/N shut it.
User11 i just love how supportive she is with alex being a rookie and all
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In a recent interview, someone made a mistake of putting Y/N Horner in a bad light. Not to worry because Toro Rosso driver, Alex Albon is there to rescue. The whole thing starts with a simple question of what does Y/N contributes to the team to which Albon answers that Y/N is the social media manager. The interviewer made the mistake of commenting how anyone could do that job. This statement seems to anger the rookie as he defends her by listing down her educational achievements and how her role is important to the team. Albon refused to answer any question with that reporter and Christian Horner has placed an indefinite ban for his drivers to speak with the reporter.
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LittleMissY/N when he defends you:
PierreGasly i would have hit that reporter's face if i was there
LittleMissY/N awww pierre, i knew you always had a soft spot for me. PierreGasly only we (max, seb, danny, and me) can make fun of you MaxVerstappen33 facts! LittleMissY/N good to know
User4 red bull boys lining up to protect their princess
User5 i swear, aren't they together yet???
GeorgeRussell63 when did i consent being posted as a meme???
LittleMissY/N since you became my new bestieeeee GeorgeRussell63 i also don't recall consenting to that LittleMissY/N its only a matter of time before you accept it.
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LittleMissY/N gonna miss you so much pierreeeeeee anw time to transfer to red bull
User4 not the black and white photo
User5 its so weird to swap teammates in the middle of the season
PierreGasly dumbass.
LittleMissY/N I'll continue cheering you on always PierreGasly aren't you the sweetest? LittleMissY/N this is available for a limited time only
Alex_Albon thanks for the welcome again to RB maxverstappen33 LittleMissY/N
PierreGasly hey i gave you my seat, a little thank u would be great Alex_Albon thank you Pierre LittleMissY/N stop fighting alex, he is so kind PierreGasly oh c'mon!!!! MaxVerstappen33 mate, Y/N will always drop us for Alex. Dont forget that LittleMissY/N smartest person as ever Max
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Alex_Albon the car is feeling really good for my first race in Red Bull. Good race from p14 to p5!
User1 i swear Y/N you have notifs on for alex Alex_Albon thank you Y/N!!!
User3 Alex really deserves to be moved up with that RB seat
User4 RB proving themselves to be a big challenge to Mercedes this year
User5 sucks that max dnf this race, just imagine the next race where they can be stronger!!!!
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LittleMissY/N i hate corona so much but im facetiming my bestfriend Alex and life seems a little bit better. Stay safe everyone
PierreGasly my beSTfrIend Alex
LittleMissY/N go to hell Pierre PierreGasly lolololollllll whippedt culture
User5 im pretty sure you miss the races as much as we do
LittleMissY/N for real but we have to make sure that its safe to race again
User5 queen Y/N!
User8 i love their little livestream on twitch every now and then. Its the best thing to pass time
User10 love you queen Y/N
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LittleMissY/N BACK TO RACING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Alex_Albon quite excited to support us again?
LittleMissY/N of course, im red bull's biggest fan! MaxVerstappen33 red bull fan or alex albon fan? LittleMissY/N its good for you to know your place luv
User8 look at them wearing masks, you should all do that too
User9 i cant tell you how much i missed races
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F1Fans ICYMI, Checo Perez is getting that second Red Bull seat in 2021.
User1 wow checo??? congrats man!
User2 what about alex???
User3 im pretty sure a certain Horner is not happy with the decision User4 Im actually waiting for her reaction
LittleMissY/N you broke this family apart ChristianHorner LittleMissY/N BUT WHY???? User7 Y/N is just like us for real
User8 good riddance for albon, max needs a better teammate
User10 the only reason why albon has this seat is because Y/N Horner likes him a lot. LittleMissY/N everything that alex does is based on his pure talent. My dad won't even let me into meetings that's why im just as surprised as everyone regarding this decision. and fyi im gonna send this to my lawyers. User9 don't play with Y/N when it comes to alex.
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LittleMissY/N Grill the grid episode, the one where I made them cook for my birthday
ChristianHorner happy birthday dear
User1 happy birthday to our queen, i hope lando made something edible for you!
User3 look at Y/N's birthday full of red bull current, former, and reserve drivers
PierreGasly sorry I couldn't make it but happy birthday to my soul sister
MaxVerstappen1 hoping for more birthdays for you Y/N
Schecoperez happy birthday hermana!
CarlosSainz55 Happy birthday little miss Y/N
Alex_Albon Happy birthday Y/N, hope you like your birthday!
LittleMissY/N thanks alex <3 User4 everyone been commenting on her post but she only responded to alex User9 girlie u r so whipped!!!
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GeorgeRussell63 I wish you can get a seat next year mate
User5 i know, i think alex is wasting his potential being red bull's reserve driver
User7 right?? checo's chemistry with max is really good and i dont think christian will sacrifice that User8 i just want a decent team for alex
LittleMissY/N Are you cooking something georgie?
GeorgeRussell63 that depends, are you helping? LittleMissY/N for our common friend, absolutely User9 now what does this mean???? User10 anyone wanna tell me what's george and y/n conspiring together???
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F1Fans No news about Albon's contract in 2022 and today we have seen Albon talking with Christian. It doesn't seem like its about contract renewal.
User2 anyone wanna bet that Christian is talking to Alex about Y/N
User3 what is going on, where will Alex be in 2022
User4 if alex switches teams then would Y/N switch too?
User5 i mean she already did it with toro rosso and red bull User6 but this is like the same group. What if Albon goes to Mercedes or McLaren, would Y/N join there too?? User7 blood is thicker than water everyone User5 i dont think yall understand how much of a simp Y/N is that she can go anywhere Alex goes.
User9 i just want alex to be in an f1 seat in 2022.
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LittleMissY/N new hair, new color!
MaxVerstappen1 booooooooo!!! navy blue supremacy
LittleMissY/N i won't be taking any fashion advice from the man who literally wears only Red Bull merch. MaxVerstappen1 hey once upon a time you were always wearing our team merch especially when its no. 23 LittleMissY/N have fun crashing in the next race.
WilliamsRacing we like the color! Suits you!
User1 what is going onnnnn User2 i think alex is transferring to williams RedBullRacing im watching you
RedBullRacing we miss you queen!
LittleMissY/N aww, miss you!
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WilliamsRacing Albon joins Williams for 2022! He will be partnering up with Nicholas Latifi, who retains his seat.
User1 Trying to beat Y/N in commenting and liking first, failed.
User3 so this is what george and Y/N is cooking.
User8 goodluck to alex!!!
User7 hoping that this time around, he can stick around for the long run.
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Alex_Albon seas the day
User3 i think my bestie Y/N is crying somewhere rn
User4 i didn't expect alex has a girlfriend
User5 alex?? what are you doing?? this isn't Y/N
User7 have fun at your vacation alex!!!1
MaxVerstappen1 mate, who is she??
PierreGasly you should have warned us you were softlaunching someone
CarlosSainz55 congrats with the relationship bro!
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Alex_Albon exploring the city with her.
User5 she takes so good photos of alex!
User7 queen Y/N its been 36 days since you last commented
User8 i fear girlie is heartbroken User9 i hope Y/N is okay
User10 alex and his girl are so perfect together
MaxVerstappen1 who is she alex??? cmon answer your phone
PierreGasly I swear were not sent by Christian to ask about this new girl of yours
WilliamsRacing pretty girl for a pretty boy!
Alex_Albon indeed <3
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LittleMissY/N unbothered queen, so sorry for stabbing you GirlInRed
GirlInRed it hurts kind of little but anything for your therapy
User4 not Y/N fake stabbing someone because of Alex's girl
User6 this is so funny, Y/N
User8 so beautiful! you deserve better
MaxVerstappen1 well you know violence isn't always the answer.
LittleMissY/N oh really coming from you? MaxVerstappen1 cmon, I'll pick you up. Tell me where you are and lets talk LittleMissY/N i don't need to talk, im happy where i am
PierreGasly are you sure you're okay?
LittleMissY/N I have answered you a hundred times, im fine!!!!! PierreGasly Im still getting you ice cream LittleMissY/N awww pierre, you didn't have to
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Alex_Albon merry christmas everybody!
MaxVerstappen1 hold up, did i miss a chapter or something???
PierreGasly is this a joke or something???
User4 I thought you have a girlfriend???
User7 all along its Y/N??? IT WAS Y/N ALL ALONG?
User9 lucky lucky lucky
GeorgeRussell63 FINALLY! I have been laughing so much with all the conspiracy online
MaxVerstappen1 you knew and you never even told us??? LandoNorris mate why didn't you even tell me? I thought we are 2019 rookies trio Alex_Albon sorry mates, i just have to keep this a secret a little longer
WilliamsRacing what a happy couple, so can we post your photos now?
RedBullRacing she is still our girl WilliamsRacing i think you should ask her about that
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LittleMissY/N thankful for almost a year and a half with you
User4 what??? A YEAR AND A HALF???
User7 this is probably going on ever since Alex has moved to Williams
User8 my romeo and juliet!
ChristianHorner why am i not informed that it has been this long?
LittleMissY/N but daddy i love him :< ChristianHorner no. LittleMissY/N but what if im carrying his baby? ChristianHorner jesus christ, tell me you are kidding. LittleMissY/N i am but see it could be worse. i mean we just hid our relationship and not an entire family. ChristianHorner fine. invite him over and lets talk LittleMissY/N yay!!!
MaxVerstappen1 who knew you could keep a secret for that long???
PierreGasly Im more surprised that she was able to bag alex, are you sure you are perfectly sane Alex_Albon? Alex_Albon well I really really love her LittleMissY/N alex :< you used the love word Alex_Albon i mean you should have been used to it when you hear it everyday from when you wake up and before you fall asleep MaxVerstappen1 YOU TWO MAKE ME SICKKKKKK!!!!! NOT IN MY COMMENT SECTION
User10 folks i think we should apply to Y/N's school of being down bad and manifesting their dream partner
User15 what a lovely couple they are, goals!!!
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