#and at that time we were dating and my friends were super chill and nice and we all talked together and everything
god i fucking hate amanormativity
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AITA for being condescending towards an asexual kid in GSA?
🙃🏳️‍🌈 to find later
Long post so buckle up.
I (17, they/it/he) am one of three co-leaders of my school’s GSA, along with R (18, she/her) and N (17, he/him). All three of us are openly bi, and I’m also openly trans and (most importantly) very loudly aromantic. We’re all in 12th grade now but we were leaders last year (in 11th grade) too. The school/GSA is small enough that all four grades (9–12, so around 13–18 years old) are in the same GSA, there’s no separate upper grade and lower grade groups. We also have two advisors, both cis queer teachers; and some younger queer faculty members also join sometimes for formal events. We take turns running events during club time, such as fun crafts or watching music videos. Sometimes we also do educational stuff or documentaries, including having teachers come in to facilitate discussions.
I’ve been planning (since early December) to run a two part series of discussions about asexuality and aromanticism (separate discussions of each). I really just wanted to do one day about aromanticism, but R said that if I did that, people would derail it and just talk about asexuality anyways, which both N and our advisors also agreed made sense. So, it’s two days, and the asexuality one is first so that the aromanticism one can be closer to Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW).
There’s a girl in GSA, let’s call her A (16, she/her), who’s in 11th grade. She’s very socially awkward and if someone points out that she’s accidentally said something rude or offensive she’ll make a big deal out of not knowing and generally derail the conversation. Also, two years ago A made a ton of “jokes” about me and my little sibling (16MtF) being “secretly dating.” When I asked her (politely at first) to stop, she said she was just joking around, and kept doing it. I asked her again and also asked the theatre teacher and school counselor for help, and eventually she did stop. But A kept following me around and trying to be friends with me, and I was super uncomfortable to the point that I asked the school counselor to facilitate a conversation between A and I so that I could ask her to fucking stop. It somewhat worked. Now she still keeps trying to start conversations with me in the hallways and such, but I just brush her off or ignore her.
The one place I can’t do that is during GSA. Since I’m a leader, I have to be civil to everyone and actually talk to people (R, N, and I set norms at the start of the year during our planning meetings). A is asexual but not aromantic, and today she showed up like 5 minutes into lunch (cafeteria lines are annoying) and loudly asked if she was late. We weren’t doing anything in GSA today, just chilling. At some point during the meeting I announced casually that next week we’d be discussing asexuality, and then the week after that we’d talk about aromanticism, which leads nicely into ASAW during February break. When I said this, A immediately said that she would be extra ace that week [during ASAW]. I was like, “during aromantic spectrum awareness week?!?!” in the same tone of that “during pride month?!?!” meme. She looked like someone had just given her an F on the most important test of the year and said she hadn’t known.
I also made a comment about how there’s way more openly aspec people at our school than at most schools, and N said that maybe the presence of role models is part of that (clear subtext: he was referring to me). I said pretty loudly (more people could hear) that it was kinda funny that I’m the “ace role model” when I’m literally not asexual. A looked super lost and confused at this, and I think she might’ve thought I was ace, even though I’m super open about not being ace, and have told her directly more than once.
Here’s where the potential assholery comes into play. There’s an ad for PrEP that was fairly common on the back covers of theatre playbills in the past year. The ad shows a Black man dressed in ripped leggings with fishnets, shiny knee-length heeled leather boots, and some sort of white leather harness, doing a bridge pose with one leg extended upwards so that the “r” in PrEP is resting on the sole of the boot. The ad has a bright red background and text that says “you cast of PrEP options is changing” along with a small QR code and website link. The pose is somewhat provocative, but not out of place on a playbill for an all-ages show.
During GSA, A was saying that she thought the ad was bad, because of the leather being “fetish gear” and “weird” (basically the same arguments people use to say that gay people shouldn’t be allowed in public). I told A that there’s nothing wrong with someone wearing leather, and she said that “it’s fetish gear and that’s disgusting and degenerate and just bad advertising!”
I explained calmly, like I would to a child (although I probably wouldn’t talk about this topic with a child), that PrEP is a medicine that people take if they anticipate having sex with someone who’s HIV-positive, so it’s okay that the ad is somewhat suggestive. She seemed to accept that, but still said that the leather was weird, and the ad should’ve shown “a diverse group of people getting pills at a pharmacy” instead, because “fetish gear” was too much.
I asked if she thought that all leather clothing was inherently fetishistic, to which A said yes, and then I asked, “do you know that people can’t just choose fetishes?”
She hadn’t known that, but she still said the ad was too sexual. I pointed out that it was a fairly well-targeted advertisement, using theatre references, but maybe A was not part of the target demographic. I also said that sometimes outfits are just hot without there needing to be any fetishes involved, which she didn’t refute, and that even if it was a fetish, that wouldn’t make it inherently “bad” or “degenerate” at all.
A said that she still didn’t like it, and I told her that she was entitled to have whatever feelings she wanted to have, but that doesn’t mean the advertisement itself is a problem.
Another person (17, he/him) called out “[OP], what do you think about kink at pride?” in a sort of nonchalant way, so I walked over while saying “i’m pro–kink at pride.” The conversation eventually moved in other directions, and then club ended and we had to go to our next classes.
TL;DR: given my position of power and responsibility as a GSA leader, AITA for being kinda condescending towards an ace person who’s 2 years younger than me because she was being very sex-negative about an ad for PrEP?
What are these acronyms?
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serafilms · 10 months
song 35! candy (nct dream) + nishimura riki (spotify wrapped event)
honestly, today's the day, i’m gonna break up with you, i’m going to go see you, hope you'll understand
closest to a happy niki fic we’ll get i guess 😢 but happy birthday to the coolest guy on the planet (a year younger than me and still eating up my whole life’s achievements in one fancam) 🥳 requested by @sammm5225
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“I love you.”
Riki freezes. What. Why did I say that? Did I just say that?
He did, in fact, just say that, and his face flushes as yours does too.
Well, he has to commit to it now. “I love you,” he repeats.
Your cheeks redden even further and he can’t help but feel his stomach flutter. “I love you too,” you say, and Riki knows he’s absolutely fucked.
Because there’s no way he just said that, not now, not the day when he was supposed to break up with you.
Nishimura Riki woke up this morning with a warm feeling in his chest. He felt different today. The sun was shining on his face and the air was crisp and he felt light as his feet touched down on the floor. It was a good day, as good a day as any, but something was different about it. He checked his phone and saw a text from you.
Y/N: hii are we still on for today??
Right. Your date at the park today. He felt a twinge of guilt. He totally forgot about that, if he was being honest. He realised now that he’s barely even thought of you the last few days. Was that why you were asking?
Part of him wanted to cancel, because at that moment, Riki just didn’t really want to be around you. Not that he dislikes you, but he thought he’d rather stay home and just chill while watching a movie, or go to the dance studio or play football with his friends.
Riki looked at himself in the mirror in his room. His eyes shifted to the polaroid stuck in the top left corner. It was a photo of the two of you. You’re both smiling and you have a peace sign up next to your face, while his arm is looped around you and his hand is pinching your cheek on the other side.
He smiled at it with some fondness, but even that wasn’t enough to stir his heart. Nishimura Riki is not the type to make impulse decisions. But he does like to base them off of the logistics, and the fact was that he didn’t think he felt anything for you anymore. He still cared about you for sure, and he hoped that you’d still talk sometimes, but the jig was up. The expiration date on your relationship had passed and he thought that today might be the day to throw it away.
He picked up his phone and sent a quick affirmative text. Short and sweet, but not enough to make you think he was super excited for it. Because he was not excited, of course! What kind of psycho would be excited to break up with someone?
“But it is a beautiful day,” he admitted to himself as he walked down the street. The park wasn’t too far from his house, and he wanted to enjoy the time to himself on this lovely walk. Then, as he walked under the shade of a tree, something dropped right in front of him. He looked down and saw a tiny puddle of white and green liquid, right in front of his shoe. Bird poop. Riki stared down in disbelief. Well, thank god it didn’t land on him. They say this is good luck anyway, or something like that.
He stepped over it with a wrinkled nose and continued to walk down the street with his hands in his jacket pockets. By the time he arrived at the park, he could already make out your figure waiting on a bench. You were wearing a parka and your nice jeans, and your hair was neatly styled, and Riki felt a little bad that you put so much effort in. He’d try and let you down easy, he thought.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Riki, hey!” you greeted him with a pretty smile and stand to meet him. When he approached, he felt a jolt of shock when you grab his hand and lean towards him. Before he could stop you, you’d kissed him square on the mouth. Something tickled at his heart and he blinked in surprise before regaining his composure. Okay, this is fine. You’re fine, Riki. Be normal.
“I- uh, do you wanna go get some ice cream?” he asked. Yes, back on track. He’d get a jump on the gun so once he’d broken up with you, you would already be equipped with some dessert to console you. Maybe that’d soften the blow.
“Sure,” you beamed.
Riki led the way to the ice cream truck. He ordered your favourite for you without thinking, and regretted it instantly when you gave his hand a squeeze and leaned into his side.
“Aw, you two make a cute couple,” said the ice cream vendor as he handed you the ice cream.
“Thank you,” you said back.
Yeah, thanks a lot, ice cream guy, Riki thought bitterly. This was not going to be easy. But he knew what he wanted, and he had to stay strong.
As the two of you made your way to a spot under the tree where you usually sit, he steeled himself. He could totally do this.
His ice cream was left untouched as you both sat on the grass and he looked at you happily eating away. Okay, here goes nothing.
“Hey Y/N? I need to talk to you about something.”
You looked a little surprised at his sombre tone but you nodded anyway. Riki’s heart was beating very fast and he’d starting to panic a little bit. Okay, a lot. God, I’m about to go into cardiac arrest. He could see the headlines now. Nishimura Riki dies of heart failure at 18.
He looked out at the park, the grass green, the sun shining above him. The sky was so clear, so beautiful, and his heart seemed to stop for a moment, almost as if being rebooted before it started back up at a mostly normal pace. Something shifted inside him and he wasn’t sure what it was, but he was turning and looking at you and suddenly you looked like the most beautiful person in the world.
Your eyes were wide and glistening like some sort of anime character and your lips looked so pink and kissable, and now his mouth was opening before he’d even realised it.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He’s speechless. You’re blushing and he can feel himself doing the same. Well, he messed that up. But it’s okay. He can work with this. Nishimura Riki swears he will never leave your side again. That’s a promise.
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sliipppy · 2 months
Self Indulgent Young Justice/Teen Titans 2003 Relationship and Sexuality Headcanons
Cassie and Kon convince themselves they like each other in Young Justice because they're both gay and closeted. They do love each other, but not romantically. They confuse that for attraction. Plus, I think Cassie is a lesbian stereotype, and Kon is like a gay man stereotype, so it makes sense that the two would go for each other. When they finally get together, they don't kiss because they tell their friends its cause "they both wanna take things slow". Sometimes they'll hold hands (scandalous)
Meanwhile, Cassie is like madly in love with Cissie but doesn't realize it because that's just how best friends are. Plus, she has the whole 'crush on Kon' thing going. I know everyone and their mom loves TimKon, and don't get me wrong, so do I! But in Young Justice, Tim and Kon are constantly butting heads. I don't think Kon starts liking Tim like that until the end of young justice, and he starts to like REALLY like him during Teen Titans.
Cissie and Anita kissed once at a sleepover but never told anyone. Young Justice for Cissie is like a crush fest. She's a bisexual icon, and she's had a crush on every single member of the team at some point (but her most serious ones were Cassie and Anita). She kissed Tim on the cheek in that one panel. She had a crush on Kon in the beginning, and I like to think she had a small crush in Bart but got over it pretty fast, because I've always saw Bart and Cissie as like brother and sister kinda lol (I always think of the panel where she comforts him about Max during the intergalactic baseball arc.)
Cissie can't decide whether she likes Anita or Cassie more and she also can't really come to terms with the fact that she might like girls.
Anita was basically always solid in the fact that she's bisexual. While the kiss with Cissie definitely awakened something in Cissie, Anita was like, "That was nice, but I think we're better as friends." She dates Slobo but doesn't really like him like him, but she thinks he's endearing, so the two are just a generic silly freshman year couple. Yeah, they won't last, but it's cute while it lasts, and they'll be friends when it ends. Anita's dad is super chill and had some "if you're gay I'll till love you the same." talk with her after he saw her concerning obsession with Diana Ross.
Greta hated Stephanie at first because she had a one-sided crush on Tim and was jealous of Stephanie because of it, but she gets over it and develops a crush on Stephanie. (This is canon, trust me. This is my craziest pair, I think, but trust me on one-sided GretaSteph)
Teen Titans era – later teens, Cassie and Kon are on and off dating. Kon and Tim start to get closer. They like eachother. It's so obvious to everyone else. Kory and Donna think it's cute. Cassie meanwhile, still madly in love with Cissie, beings her toxic doomed yuri arc with Rose Wilson. Rose is her official gay awakening. Her and Rose have the most tragic situationship of all time for like a year.
Okay skip forward to the sadness. Kon dies, leaving Cassie and Tim more confused and sad then ever. Cassie loved Kon, really loved Kon, but not in that way, which makes her feel even more guilty about his death because she felt that she was lying to him while he was alive and she still didn't understand her feelings. Tim on the other hand is going FUCKING crazy. He just lost Steph, then his dad, and now Kon and he's not understand ANYTHINGGG!!! Bro tries to clone Kon and when Cassies like "bro what the hell are you doing?!" It causes like this falling out between the two despite the fact that Cassie and Tim were literally bestie because they both loved Kon so much in such different ways and had all this pent up confusion...and then we get to the infamous panel where they make out while crying. In their shared grief and confusion in their own emotions they kiss. It's weird and both of them literally hate it because they literally are like siblings to eachother also she's a lesbian and Tim just lost like 3 of his actual lovers in the span of a year (Steph, Darla, and Kon) so it was weird and fucked up but they were weird and fucked up.
Skip forward, and Kon comes back to life. Everything's happy! Yay! Kon and Cassie have a heart-to-heart and breakup because they're both gay. Cassie asks Cissie out. Tim comes out as bi and dates Bernard. Kon is like, "omg I have a chance," but it is also sad because like Tim has a boyfriend that isn't him. Stephanie is like "no bro he totally likes you" Eventually, they break up. Idk why bro. (I'm not really a Bernard fan, sorry, remember the self-indulgent in the title?) and Steph convinces Kon to ask him out (I love thar after Urban Legends Stephanie and Kon are like, best friends) and BOOM timkon. Everyone is happy. Happily ever after.
And rip Greta and Anita, we haven't seen you in forever miss you queens 🙏🙏🙏
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mikuni14 · 5 months
Wandee Goodday - Ep 1
The long awaited first episode of Wandee Goodday is finally here, I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had been chanting "save me Wandee Goodday, Wandee Goodday save me" for the past few months lol
What I liked:
lots of humor, especially in the 4/4 part I laughed non-stop, although I must admit that a lot of the laughter was from second-hand embarrassment 🙈
Great and Inn are just beautiful (it's good that Great has loose clothes now, I was always worried about the buttons on his super tight uniform in MoD, fighting for their lives)
Thor and Fluke are also lovely, I really like the fact that their characters are already a couple and are completely in love with each other (and horny for each other 🔥) and so open about it
side characters add a lot to scenes, even if they appear for a moment, like a salesman offering technical advice on sex, or a doctor who sprays water on naughty subordinates, also nurses!
I really like Dee as a doctor, as an employee who doesn't let himself be treated like shit by clients and as a friend. He is nice, strong, confident, reliable and capable. Which is in stark contrast to how hopeless and lame he is in his love and sex life 🙈
I like how Yak and Dee felt an immediate physical attraction to each other, which is fighting against an equally immediate strong dislike lol The natural flow they have in their relationship: from physical attraction, through fights caused by negative circumstances, to the night spent together shows that this kind of relationship can be done, without humiliation bordering on bullying, as it's between Phum and Peem in We Are
I really like Yak who can just… stop when he has any suspicion that his partner is not fully in the moment, not fully sure. It was so cool, no forcing Dee to continue by putting pressure on him, making him feel "guilty", no awkwardness, complete chill. I like it when sex is treated so casually that even if nothing happens, the partners just sit and talk and there is no sense of pressure, everything is just so... normal and chill. I loved it.
Kao as a friend, a sidekick, a "token lgbt friend of the main character" 😄, who has his own life and although he is very funny, he is not a serial clown and comic relief, as is often the case. And he is asexual with credible dating problems. So interesting! Also: Drake 💖
I feel kind of vindictive happy that my most hated trope, wiping food from the mouth of the "love interest", is shown here as messing with Dee and giving him false hope for a relationship (?) The day this trope dies will be the day I win. I plan to get drunk when this happen hehe (vain hopes, of course, this disgusting trope will never die)
What I have a few, teeny-tiny reservations about:
at this point I don't really understand Ter's motivation: was he deliberately seducing Dee, or was he just too chummy with him, which he misinterpreted? Not that it matters tho...
8 years of all this? oh Dee… 🙈 (I love how Kao described this pathetic situation in just a few words)
I also don't really like making Dee a silly kid and a 🤡 when it comes to love and sex, especially since he's shown in other scenes where he's a full adult. He's a grown man with a serious profession, so it felt weird watching him as if he were a 15-year-old kid in a slapstick comedy. I get that there's a comedic element to it and it was funny and I was laughing, but the amount of cringe and second-hand embarrassment was downright overwhelming at some point. What is fine as convention in MSP or Only Boo no longer looks so good in series about adults
the comedy of the sex scene completely stripped away the hotness of these scenes, ngl
the above comments are not complaints, they are just loose observations. It was only the first episode after all 😉
Overall, the series started well, I had a great time watching it, I laughed a lot, the characters are cool and very attractive, Great has the body of a young god 🔥 I can't wait for their first kiss and a truly hot night - with fun, but no comedy. What a wasted opportunity for them not to watch MANNER OF DEATH and the uniform buttons! hanging for dear life! Like seriously, it was right there 😤
The series is very pretty, just look at those aesthetic shots in a public toilet:
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Omg, this guy:
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Me 🤝 Dee about coffee:
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(I shouldn't pick on Dee, if someone brought me coffee just the way I like it, I'd be as stupid as him 😑)
One of my 457,869 screen shots of this man, gosh, he's so fine:
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wowowwild · 7 months
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My totk polycube (more details and revisions below, i'm not remaking the picture, I already id'd it rip)
I also like the idea that Link, Zelda, Mipha, and Urbosa used to have a cube, likely of a different make-up. Big fan of cubes. Also while I don't see Zelda and Sidon being a thing, I could def see Yona and Link being a thing. What kind of thing? *shrugs and gestures vaguely*
Do we want my hcs on their relationships? I already put a read more so it's not like it's hurting anybody... Alright! You've convinced me.
Zelink: By qpr in this case specifically it's like, besties who hold hands, sleep in the same bed, go on dates (usually revolving around one of their special interests, but sometimes just a picnic or trip), and probably kiss sometimes. Hyrule is super excited about their hero and princess being in a relationship, Hyrule doesn't need to know the details. They do have separation anxiety though, especially on Link's end bc Zelda seems to disappear every time they get separated but they're all very understanding about this. Probably could have marked their line as state recognized qpr bc they probably get married for political reasons.
Sidlink: They freak it nasty style but are also big cuddlers and acts of service and quality time type of people. Muzu is the only one outside the cube to clock them for a while and he's a little mad about it, but Yona and Zelda step in to gaslight him so hard so he feels like he can't say anything.
Zelyona: a product of hanging out with sidlink (bc sidlink already knew each other) and realizing 'oh that person is super chill and very nice and also pretty??? Like really pretty??? By the goddess this can't be happening...' but in general an easy relationship, an easy love. They also probably freak it nasty style. I think they do less of the romance stuff (I hc Zelda as aromantic so...)
Sidona: Childhood friends married for political convenience but they were never against it. Like 'omg I get to marry my bestie for the good of the Domain? Pog.' Another easy relationship but whereas I think zelyona would fall, sidona just kind of naturally slipped into love and was content with that.
Yoink (ik that's not their name but I like it): They both just want their partners to be happy and bond well over that. I think they do casual affection in a platonic way but are not against threesomes or foursomes. I guess I could have put them as qpr bbs.
Sidon&Zelda (idk if they even have a name, pls lmk): They are the most platonic out of the group and it takes them a little longer to get comfortable with each other (not that they were UNcomfortable, just that they didn't know each other as well and mostly they were making time for each other to hang out with their partners so they didn't see each other as much until they started going on group dates). Sidon gives Zelda access to historical records and texts and Zelda teaches Sidon about technology that Purah makes. They enjoy making fun of Link together, and on occasion Yona, but let's be honest, Link is nearly feral so there's a lot more to make fun of.
Sidon and Yona have to go to all of the political stuff together they way link and zelda do but it's really funny when both pairs are at the same political thing and every other political figure is like side eyeing their group trying to figure out if cheating is happening or what bc why is Sir Link in Prince Sidon's lap and why is Queen Zelda slow dancing with Lady Yona but the four of them just gaslight everyone. The people who know them know, but anyone who's not close just has to sit there guessing. It's kind of an open secret in their circles, and wouldn't be a problem in general if it weren't for the fact that one of them is a king and another a queen so neither of them or their official partners can technically be consorts of each other or in general really.
Sidon can still talk to Link the way he always has bc he's always been a little homoerotic about it (and they literally put up a statue of Link riding Sidon in town square so I think maybe Zora are just LIKE THAT TM) so they all just mimic how he speaks and blame it on the Zora-Hylian cultural exchange. Pretty much everyone in the Rito village knows, though. Tulin might have let it slip, but they super don't care so it's not a problem.
I may eventually write pieces of this idk.
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nevernonline · 7 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #14; dressing for revenge.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: around 2k
warnings: mentions of drunk driving
masterlist ▸ 013 gut feelings and emotional dealings ▸ 015 leave it to the cullens. (part 1)
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The beeping of your front door pad got you sitting up on the couch to wait for the arrival of your best friend. Seokmin walked through the door alone, which almost shocked you because lately he hasn’t gone many places without his nerd tribe, you were happy for him finding good friends outside of you. 
“Seokminnie, hello gorgeous.” 
“Hey, baby.” 
You both met in the middle of your front entryway, wrapping him in a big hug, grateful you have someone who was always a constant in your life. 
Looking down at his empty hands confused you, you knew he mentioned he was going to be bringing snacks in with him, but they were nowhere to be found.
“Uh, where are these snacks you promised to bring me? Are you getting forgetful? You’re a little too young for that to start happening now, I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not?” 
“Yeah, about that. Uh-” 
“Vernon, Jun, and Wonwoo are here too aren’t they?” 
“Don’t be mad.” 
“Why would I be mad? Where are they?” 
“The hallway. You know before you-” 
Swinging open your door you saw the three other suspects standing in the hallway, covering the body of a fourth person who came alone for the ride, Minghao. 
“What is going on? Is he here to get in another fight or..”
“No, y/n we're here because we need to tell you something important, especially Minghao. I didn’t want to tell you beforehand so here we are. I think you guys should talk, the rest of us will go chill on the balcony for now, okay? And he brought you the snacks so be nice.” 
Crossing your arms in the doorway you make room for the boys to all pass through, without making eye contact with the one you weren’t sure if you should be happy showing up with them or not. 
“Hey, here.” 
Minghao standing in your apartment for a third time, looking as casual as you’ve ever seen him in a full black sweatsuit holding a white plastic bag with bags of chips peeking out the top, waiting for you to take it out of his grasp. Another thing you notice about him is his pink wrapped wrist sticking out from under his sleeve, his cast. 
Grabbing the back and trying very hard to maintain your composure, you turned and placed it on your marble countertop, remembering the time he placed you on top of it to kiss you. 
Shaking it off you placed the frozen pint of half baked ice cream in the freezer and walked over to the couch, not giving him a second look before he sat across from you on the white sofa. 
“So you have something to tell me?” 
“Yeah, it's kind of a lot. So if you’ll just sit back and let me explain first before letting me know how you feel just please at least do me that favor.” 
“Go ahead.” 
Minghao took a deep breath in and eyed your bar cart before starting his conversation. Which you noticed right away and without any words, got up to grab an open bottle of tequila sitting on top, pouring him a glass and watching as he took a shot before you sat down again. 
“Thanks. So, the reason I was really upset last night and came to crash your date with Joshua is because I found out he was one of the people helping Mimi. I had suspicions before, but I was never sure enough to pin him to it until yesterday. I really tried to keep my composure but, when he told me to shut the fuck up and get out I couldn’t do it anymore. He was just acting so casual with you like he had nothing to do with any of it and it pissed me the fuck off. 
I really don’t know how to tell you the entirety of the story or what I know, but I can just start with saying I’m really sorry. I’m sorry if I caused you pain, y/n. I should’ve known from the moment I met you at Wonwoo’s that you weren’t the person Mimi made you out to be.
 A few months ago, when all of this started Mimi reached out to me to get help. She said she knew the girl who hurt my mom and wanted to help me meet her and confront her about it, but there was something I had to do for her first. Which was to help her blackmail you, befriend you so I can break your heart. That’s all she wanted me to do for her when it came to you. I had no idea she was going to go this far to hurt you. 
Joshua was the one who stole your journal for Mimi, which I know is weird and you’re probably wondering why or how he even knew where it was. I found out he got it from Minnie, she told him where it was. Well, I assumed this part for a while without proof, especially since the first post was from your apartment and she had all of those photos of you in her room. I don’t know how or why they were trying to hurt you so much or why she even was helping Mimi. I thought it was weird, but it’s all unconfirmed. I think Mingyu is helping too. There’s obviously a lot more we need to figure out before we can finally confront them. 
I just want you to know I did have a part in it at first, but I stopped the moment after I realized she was full of shit, which was the night you made me dinner and we had sex. I told her I wanted nothing to do with it anymore and that she was full of shit and she’s been threatening me ever since. 
The reason I think Mingyu and Minnie are helping her is because she came to the hospital last night, to threaten me one last time, I overheard her talking on the phone in the hallway, she said Joshua is fine and to act like they had no idea we got in a fight, Seokmin showed me some texts from Minnie and I know she sent a photo of me to your group chat at the bar with her. I never even saw her there. The reason why I was there in the first place was to essentially pretend to pledge my allegiance to her so I could get more information. 
When she went to the bathroom, I took her phone which was locked, but I saw a text from a group chat attached with three other code names, just emojis, but it was enough to assume it was Joshua, Mingyu, and Minnie. It was a Bunny, a Mouse, and a Dog. Am I even making sense? I don’t know anymore, but just know I never had any intention of hurting you once I found out the truth, I just wanted to help somehow and get back to getting to know you. 
I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me anymore, y/n. So if you want me to leave, I can. I’m just really sorry.” 
Sitting in silence for a few minutes, you weren’t sure if you were going to start crying or screaming at the top of your lungs, Minghao watched you take his glass and down the lukewarm tequila to wash away the rage in your gut and feel a different kind of burn. 
“So, you were helping Mimi?” 
“Yeah. For a while.” 
“I’m not sure what to say, I guess.” 
“Oh. Right.” 
“How do I know I can trust everything you’re saying to me right now?” 
“I can show you text messages and proof I tried to get her to quit many times. I voice recorded her in the hospital last night telling me to back off. I can show you, that is if you want.” 
“Yeah, can I see?” 
Minghao opens a folder in his photos app and shows you screenshots of all the information he collected over the past few weeks, ever since the night he first told Mimi to let you off the hook. 
Scrolling through the images made your tears start to hit the brims of your eyes. You looked up for a moment at Minghao sitting and staring your way, watching your heart crush once more into tiny pieces. 
“No, just thanks for being honest with me. Thank you for trying to make it better, even if you fucked up a little bit along the way. Not many people could own up to that. It’s actually impressive to know you’re so honest.” 
“I have no choice. This is the wrong time to say this too, but it might be my last chance. But, over the time I spent with you and the more I got to know you, y/n. I, uh, couldn’t help but start to fall in love with you, you’re incredibly impressive. The night at my gallery I wanted to tell you how I felt, but that didn’t end well for us either. I hope someday you’ll forgive me.” 
Pouring yourself another drink, one big enough to share with the boy across from you, you took a big swig and handed him the glass which he drank his share. 
“Look, Minghao this is probably against my better judgment and I hope it doesn’t end up biting me in the ass, but I was falling for you too and with any chance you still have feelings for me or whatever, I’d like to be friends with you, for real this time and just restart by getting to know each other honestly. And I mean you kind of did break your wrist defending me, so I feel like I cannot say no." 
“Yeah, I know those dorks would never have brought you here if they didn’t think you deserved to tell me all of this yourself. So?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.” 
“Cool, but no spending time alone for now, I’m not sure if I’m ready for that yet. Just friends okay?” 
“Just friends. Should we shake on it or drink on it?” 
“Hug, maybe? That’s a normal friendly thing. Oh, and let me sign your cast.” 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Minghao scooted his body closer to you and wrapped his unbound arm around your shoulders and gave you a half assed hug, which made you giggle. 
“Bitch, what was that?” 
“A hug? What? Bitch?” 
“Hao, if you call that a hug you are a bigger dumb ass than I thought, come on.” 
Turning your body towards him you wrapped your arms tightly under his armpits and pulled him in for a hug that almost felt like a new beginning. 
“Thank you, really, for telling me all of that.” 
“You deserved to know the truth, Swan.” 
“Wow. Now we can finish Twilight.” 
“That would be great.” 
“You know, I just remembered that they’re still sitting outside, should we play a prank on them?” 
“I like your style.” 
“Okay, I’m going to yell at you, very rudely, just get pissed and slam my front door. Got it?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Standing up from the couch you positioned yourself in front of the window, so they can get a good listen through the blinds of your fake reeling into Minghao. 
Giving him a small nod to let him know you were going to begin, he smiled back ready to see your rage. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? You’re a fucking lying piece of shit.” 
“Me? You’re such a bitch, y/n. Now I get why the fuck nobody wants to be around you.” 
“Thats rich, get the fuck out of my apartment.” 
Minghao leapt off the couch and ran to your front door slamming it behind him and stood outside of it to listen to the aftershocks of your fake conversation. 
He heard Seokmin and Jun asking you what happened, assuming Wonwoo and Vernon were standing there not knowing what to do in silence. 
Suddenly the door opened up to reveal Seokmin’s shocked face looking at Minghao standing in the hallway so casually with his arms crossed. 
“You guys fucking suck.” 
“Sorry, Seok. We had to.” 
“Get your stupid ass back inside.” 
Minghao walked back into your apartment with a fresh start on his mind, arm and arm with your best friend and a relief off his chest that you forgave him and he was able to be in your life, maybe not how he exactly wanted but more than he expected. 
Vernon made himself at home on your couch, wrapped up in the furry gray blanket you had thrown over the back. 
Wonwoo was situated pouring drinks into some glasses, while Jun was still giggling to himself on the floor. 
“So you guys are good?” 
You just nodded at the boy wrapped comfortably on the couch, batting his pretty brown eyes your way. 
“Yeah, but now we all have to take down the bad guys.” 
Smiles came from around the room as you grabbed a sharpie and situated yourself back on the couch, surrounded by friends who truly had your back all signing the cast of the boy who defended your honor.
On the way home Minghao couldn't help but think about the words on his cast, that were surrounded by small stars and your named signed below.
 'Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.'
A quote from twilight you remembered him whispering to you before falling asleep. Something to believe in.
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note: hiii we're v much in it now! all the aftermath of y/ns failed date with joshua and finally getting a peak I not who the backstabbers really are. I hope u guys enjoy!! also pls check out my next little snippet of my new smau for after this one, its def slightly more lighthearted but as a fan of drama they'll still be some hehe. ok thank u thank u love u. also unedited prob some typos or something but anyway. 🖤
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bloodyinkandquill · 10 days
Boombox x autistic Reader
update on me reading coraline, i finished it in a day, not even i started it at noon and finished right before midnight, i read it in 12 hours between all my school work and accidentally napping and getting dinner with my sister (the one who ate the brownie) and also making more of the brownies so more like i read it in 2 hours, anyways onto the hcs!
- “Loud party animal and quiet Alone time? Get you a man who can do both” You said bet, let’s do it
- Boombox is a very sweet and friendly guy, especially around you, when you first told him you were autistic so had some difficulty with certain things that day when he got home he researched it and common things about it so that way he could be as accommodating towards you as possible, and that carried over into your relationship
- One of the first things he gave you was a pair of noise canceling headphones, really high quality and super comfortable, if need be even custom made if your horns got in the way, it was the sweetest thing, you use them often, they double as regular headphones so you can listen to music he recommends you at your own volume, you loved him but on occasion his boombox could be a bit too loud and he understood that and was never offended if you wore your headphones or asked him to turn it down
- Since he more so enjoys just chilling with people it made you less worried about dates, you felt like you could unmask and be yourself around him in private, he never judged you for who you were, saying he loved who you were and didn’t want you hiding yourself from him, that made you feel really good
- He already had some fidgets, even if he didn’t know what they were, so you stole like half of them, specifically that one type that’s those slugs that make that really good sound, you shook it once and decided it was yours now, he just laughed and said that was cool
- Boombox understands raves and party can be overstimulating so never makes you go but he still asks if you want to go with him, if you do he gets really happy and packs anything you might need and tells you just let him know if you wanna leave no questions asked, if you say no he doesn’t mind, partying isn’t for everyone, the bright lights, sounds, all the people, while he loved it he could understand why it was too much for others
- He’s a touchy person but always respects your boundaries surrounding you and physical contact, if your someone who enjoys deep pressure* he is all for you resting your entire weight on him, makes him feel happy, more so if you don’t normally enjoy physical affection, he prefers smaller touches but makes an exception for you for those reasons
- He collects the little things you give him, small trinkets or stones, things that remind you of him, he smiles and thanks you even if he doesn’t quite understand how it reminds you of him, they’re special to him so he shows them off in his dresser all lined up, maybe in order of when he got them or their size or color etc, makes you happy that they’re in an order
- He has a visor, you cannot see his eyes, you don’t have to make eye contact, it’s absolutely amazing, and if you do your looking at pixels not real eyes, it’s wonderful
- That chain on his pants makes a nice sounds when he walks so you can hear him coming if your headphones are off (if he doesn’t have his music on) and it’s cold metal so you mess with it to ground yourself if need be, he sometimes doesn’t notice you messing with it, till he says something to you, you don’t respond, and he looks over to you to see you messing with the chain completely focused on it, unaware of anything else, he says your name and you just look up at him with the tbh creature face, it’s really funny
bros just saw bettlejuice bettlejuice so good, really funny, i like the first more but it was a really good sequel, saw it with my best friend so we had a lot of fun
*Deep pressure is a common neurodivergent love language, more commonly seen in autistic people, it is feeling love when laying your entire body pressure, or having the other person lay their entire body pressure, on you/them, makes many neurodivergent people feel safe and loved
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izpira-se-zlato · 6 months
JO Berlin, 12.03.24
Haphazard, incomplete, typed up for friends on discord and yeeting here in case anyone finds it interesting
I arrived at 16:10 and was number 18 for general access. Now I need to figure out how to remove the number before our business event 😂 . There was no one else for like a hour before or after
The queue was super chill. I got rid of a few more Hojans
we had doors at 19:00 for GA and the first opener started at 19:15, which was unexpected but nice
Sector5 were so much fun! And there was one (1) hardcore Fan in the audience 😂
JC Stewart made the same jokes as in Helsinki but I am easily amused so it was a good fit
while waiting for the gig to start, my friend checked her IG and saw that her favorite place to get film developed had posted a pic with Sadie... I forgot her last name again. Sink? Damon's bff. Damon and her left in a cab after the gig
I was Jance side 4/5 row. Pretty nice spot, I think
Katrina opener!! So did they drop SSOL for good?
Bojan came into the crowd to have a friend sing and he was so sweaty and so close
People were so respectful and didn't touch him I think?
their outfits??
I died at Bele sanje, a Jance moment I will post which. Yeah.
there was another moment later where Jan brushed his hand through Nace's hair
Kris came over so Jan and Kris played at Nace and it was hot
Jan sat down at the piano for um and I think he actually played a note or two
no PiJanO otherwise. I don't think he played it for ew either
Bojan is getting better at the ew piano part. He actually lost his lyrics tho when he saw the fan project by the official JO discord
no bluza 😭
Bojan said the actual working title is Behind Those Eyes but for Germany it would stay Schlager (it is not a Schlager)
he was very surprised by how well we knew the lyrics to šta bih ja
we won't understand the majority of the songs on the new album if we don't speak Slovene/Serbian. Everyone cheered like mad
I actually saw Jure several times??
the stage was too small for Racik backdrop
"who's from somewhere else? I guess a lot of Finnish people? No? Polish?"
there were eight people (according to Bojan) from Slovenia and he hoped they already knew them before ESC
I think Bojan checked with Jan/warned him that he would spray him during omamljeno telo
Nace kept smirking at Jan??
no encore because everyone just. Left after the band and left the stage
the boys looked so so happy on stage
Post gig edition:
we talked to Vita and omg she is lovely. Also, I need to stop talking so much. But jfc
I got a selfie with Teya 😊 did not talk too much, also bc she had to get into her Uber that was waiting
Nace and Kris came out for pictures but left before we had a chance to talk to them
Jan came out afterwards and talked to the ten or so people still left
his fucking voice oh my god
Jan's coat is fake fur and not as soft as it looks
I gave Jan a Hojan sticker
I asked Jan if he knew what date it was and he did 😂
according to Jan, Jure doesn't come out after gigs bc he goes straight to sleep
pretty sure Bojan is sick again (still?) He took a group pic with some people to not stay out in the cold for ages, and then just waved at us to "preserve his health for the tour"
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the-record · 1 year
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・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
synopsis: abby’s new to town and you just have to show her around…
pairing: college!abby x reader
warnings: none me thinks
a/n: hi so another smau type bc yall LOVED the last one. im sorry ab not finishing the series, tumblr isn’t the best to write on its been majorly glitchy for me and it would’ve taken me 20 hours to write those
my masterlist
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
you were in college, working part time waiting tables left a small town, never looked back i was a flight risk with a fear of falling wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
“hi, im abby, ill be your server today, can i get you started with some drinks?”
you looked from your friend as your server arrived, seeing a tall blonde girl you’d yet to see here.
“hi, you’re new.” you smiled sweetly before answering. “ill just take a water,” she nodded before looking to ellie. she ordered a coke and abby left with a nod. “shes cute.”
“not my type.” you rolled your eyes at her, leaning back into the booth. “i know, im not stupid, you meant for you.”
you looked over to see if she was near, findinf her not to be, before turning back to ellie. “where do you think shes been hiding all this time, i’ve literally never seen her here before?”
“a water and a coke.” the drinks were placed on your table along with two straws. “are you ready, or would you like some time to look over the menu.”
you shook your head as you unwrapped your straw. “no, we’re all good.” you and ellie both ordered, but before abby left you stopped her. “wait, where are you from? you new?”
she nodded, stepping into a more comfortable position infront of your table. “yea, actually, just moved last week. im from jackson, small town about an hour from here.” you hummed.
“interesting, so you’re here for college then?” ellie kicked you and you scoffed, shaking your head at her. “just trying to get to know the pretty lady a bit, chill.” abby blushed and you smiled. “so, college?”
“yea, closest college, didnt wanna go too far from home.”
“cute. okay, ill leave you be now, nice to meet you though abby, welcome!”
you left your name and number on a napkin.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・
abby: hey, this angel?
angel: sure is babe
abby: hey it’s abby
angel: well hi! was kinda nervous you didnt see the napkin lmao
abby: i was kinda nervous to text you
angel: you’re cute.
angel: anyways i did have a reason for leaving my info
abby: really? i thought u must just give it out to all strangers.
angel: hardy har. good one.
angel: ANYWAYS
angel: wanna go out sometime? i know this super cute restaurant
abby: yea sure why not
angel: cool, ill send you the address. friday at 7 work?
abby: perfect.
ill say “can you believe it?” as we’re lying on the couch the moment i can see it yes, yes i can see it now
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yourinstagram first date, kinda nervy shes a serial killer
tagged: a_anderson
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a_anderson only u could take this pic and make me seem crazy
↳ yourinstagram its my specialty
dina_nolastname oh u found one that ties shoes? look at you go
↳ elliewilliams i tie ur shoes all the time okay
elliewilliams cute ig
jessesucks ill tie ur shoes for u
↳ yourinstagram please dont. you wear velcro shoes
do you remember we were sitting there by the water? you put your arm around me for the first time you made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter you are the best thing that’s ever been mine
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a_anderson @ the random passerby who took this and airdropped it to me, ill name my firstborn after u
tagged: yourinstagram
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yourinstagram we r so cute 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
↳ a_anderson wanna makeout?
mannynotnanny i h8 u
↳ a_anderson manny cannot spell: ✅
owenmoore69 been there 2 weeks and already moved on
jerry_anderson So happy for you Abs. Miss you! ❤️❤️❤️
↳ a_anderson miss you more dad 🤍
elliewilliams gag.
↳ a_anderson go away.
↳ yourinstagram yea, go away.
flash forward and we’re taking on the world together and theres a drawer of my things at your place you learn my secrets, and you figure out why im guarded you say we’ll never make my parents mistakes
abby: i have no hoodies
abby: you have any idea why?
angel: …
abby: angellllllllllllll
abby: so ill buy u some
angel: but theyre yours i dont want new ones i want YOURS
angel: please you cant take them
angel: they’re mine now
abby: babe i need one
angel: you have one tho
abby: okay but it doesn’t go with my outfit
abby: just the grey one for today and ill bring it home tn
angel: promise?
abby: promise.
angel: fine. bring me a slushy
abby: whatever you want babe
abby: omw.
but we got bills to pay we’ve got nothing figured out when it was hard to take yes, yes this is what i thought about
abby: come over
angel: i cant love
abby: fine, ill come over
angel: no i cant come over bc ive got work in 30
abby: nooooooooooo
abby: call out.
abby: please.
angel: i would but i have rent due this weekend and my car payment the next
abby: just move in with me
angel: mhm yes whatever you want love
abby: no, like im serious
abby: move in
angel: isnt that kinda stereotypical
abby: what moving in after 2 months?
angel: yea yk uhaul lesbians??
abby: and? move in
angel: okay i actually really want to but i still have work so i gotta get ready
angel: but ill come over after and we can talk ab this????
abby: yay! see you then, have a good shift, text me if u need me 🤍
do you remember we were sitting there by the water? you put your arm around me for the first time you made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter you are the best thing that’s ever been mine do you remember all the city lights on the water? you saw me start to believe for the first time you made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter you are the best thing thats ever been mine
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yourinstagram best thing to ever be mine 🤍
tagged: a_anderson
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a_anderson come over i miss u
↳ yourinstagram i left an hour ago 😭
↳ a_anderson UR POINT?????
elliewilliams cringe.
dina_nolastname where r u
↳ yourinstagram cali… we got bored
↳ dina_nolastname GIRL
jessesucks y wasnt i invited??!?!
↳ yourinstagram bc ur u?
↳ dina_nolastname you’ll get em next time
↳ elliewilliams HA
and i remember that fight, 2:30 am as everything was slipping right out of our hands i ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street braced myself for the goodbye ‘cause its all ive ever known and you took me by surprise you said, “ill never leave you alone.”
“maybe i shouldnt move in,” you said, testing how far the both of you could go.
abby sighed, throwing her hands in the hair. “maybe you shouldnt!”
you watched the regret make into onto her face as your heart sunk. you headed out the door, grabbing your keys as you went. you almost made it to the car when you heard abby yelling your name.
“angel, please!” you turned to face her, just feet from your car. you heard thunder start as you waited for her to get closer to you. “im so sorry, please i dont mean it and you know it.”
“im never gonna leave you alone.”
you said, “i remember how we felt sitting by the water and every time i look at you, its like the first time i fell in love with a careless mans careful daughter she is the best thing thats ever been mine.”
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a_anderson officially all moved in 🏡
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername i made her vaccum
↳ a_anderson u didnt make me do anything
↳ yourusername hmmm
elliewilliams housewarming party when
↳ a_anderson never.
mannynotnanny happy for you abs
jerry_anderson My girl is so grown up, love you Abs ❤️❤️❤️
↳ a_anderson love you too dad, miss you ❤️
hold on, make it last hold on, never turn back you made a rebel of a careless mans careful daughter you are the best thing thats ever been mine
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yourusername happy 1 year baby. i love you 🤍
tagged: a_anderson
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a_anderson so lucky to love you 🤍
dina_nolastname happy 1 year dorks, love u both sm im so happy for u ur perfect
jessesucks yall r so cute omg
jerry_anderson Abby picked a good one, love you Angel. Happy 1 year to you two! ❤️❤️❤️
↳ yourusername thank you jerry 🤍 love you too, we will be visiting soon promise
elliewilliams photocreds where?!?
↳ yourusername i hate you.
↳ a_anderson up my butt.
↳ elliewilliams ur so immature goodness.
do you believe it? we’re gonna make it now and i can see it i can see it now
344 notes · View notes
fbfh · 3 months
Hi! Would you mind writing Logan Huntzberger with a reader who comes from a family with a bunch of traditions? (Aka me lol) For example, my family has a tradition of Friday night date night for my parents. When we were little, my brother and I would go sleepover at my Papa's house but once he passed when I was 13, my brother and I started having movie nights while my parents are on their date (more often than not they stay at home, but it's still super sweet). Then, on Saturday mornings my Mom and I wake up bright and early to go to the farmers market, my Dad always leaves out twenty bucks along with a note so that my Mom and I can buy ourselves each a bouquet of flowers. When we come back home, we make chocolate chip pancakes and slather peanut butter and nutella all over them. Sundays are lazy days. No friends or visitors allowed. My Mom has a pretty strict no one leaves the house rule; it's family time and relaxing day. We get to sleep in as late as we want and have sugary cereal for breakfast. We usually spend the day watching movies, playing outside, and playing board/card games together. It's just really chill in my house on the weekends, and I think Logan could really benefit from having a girlfriend who is so chill and relaxing. I can just imagine you inviting him home with you, and him being so chill and smiley playing board games and walking around the farmer's market.
Also, Logan would be so down to have weekly date nights. A designated evening for him to spoil you rotten? Sign him up!
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD LOGAN LOVES IT. once he gets real down bad and obsessed with you (which does not take long at all) he makes plans to surprise you with some fancy date or something and you're like "oh shit I can't! that's movie night. so is the friday after that and after that perpetually and indefinitely :/" he's cool with it and trying to mentally juggle things and reshuffle schedules cause you ARE his priority and you're like "but you can join us if you want!"
Logan had no idea you had a brother. he also realizes he came horribly over dressed and has never really experienced a quiet causal family hangout. he loves his family but his parents are usually off at fancy galas or fancy fundraisers or fancy business events and Honor has been obsessed with planning her wedding and making it perfect since before she was even in a relationship. his friends are more let's go get waisted off liqour that could pay off someone's college tuition types. he loves all of them - his friends, his family - but he's never really been in any "let's hang out all quiet and cozy and sober at home" circles. it's so nice, so refreshing to do that with you. your brother laughs at how overdressed he is, and you bring him upstairs to dig around for something comfy for him. one pair of sweatpants and an old summercamp t shirt later, the three of you are curled up in the living room, surrounded convenience store snacks and frozen pizza, half way through your double feature - now a triple feature, since you and your brother insist Logan picks the next movie. he relents as you all disolve into laughter, and pulls you closer to kiss you while your brother fake gags at the sight.
"this is... the best night I've had in a long time." Logan tells you quietly, a vulnerable, intimate tone in his voice, and you understand how much this, this inclusion and acceptance and normalcy means to him.
"good." you reply, smiling, "cause you're staying all weekend. I hope you like mickey mouse pancakes and cleaning while my parents blast cher."
he laughs and agrees.
"I think I can handle that."
you snuggle back into him as the next movie starts.
"just wait till I tell you about date night."
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aita for flirting with my online friend 🌐❓
i (20s, trans man) have been getting closer to my online friend (same as me). we were mutuals for a while in what i can best describe as an online writing community but only started actually talking last year when i approached him to do a project together. we've been pretty strictly platonic for the last year but this year it's ramped up a bit (in part i think due to greater proximity)- we make a lot of sexual jokes at each other. now that's not necessarily a big deal because we do it at other male (and not male in his case) friends of ours, its just sort of how our circle interacts with each other, but it's a bit different for me because i do actually have somewhat of a crush on him. i'm not super sure of how he feels towards me, but i do think he knows at least partially how i feel and is at least humouring our banter.
now here's where i feel like an asshole. i have no intention of dating him at all- even if he does like me back, the reality is that we live on two entirely separate continents and neither of us have the financial means to go see each other. now you could suggest we date long distance or online but i've done that like 4 different times now with 4 different people and i just know it doesn't work for me, for a variety of reasons i won't get into. just trust me when i say it would end poorly. i'm not on speaking terms with any of my exes (nor do i want to be, bar one) and my friend is important enough to me that if we ended up like that then i'd be really upset about it. usually when i break up with someone or am broken up with i'm left with a lot of resentment and bitterness. plus our writing project would be tanked, which i'm not willing to jeopardise because i think it's excellent, he's a great partner.
in addition to that i'm only a few months out of a pretty rough breakup with someone i also had viewed as a close friend (irl, not online). i'm not conflating them here, because they aren't alike whatsoever, but i worry that im using my friend as an emotional rebound to cope with what my ex did to me, even if he doesn't know it. i don't want my ex back and i am honestly still feeling a lot of anger towards him, so it's been nice putting my attention and libido elsewhere. however i know how shitty it feels to be someone else's rebound guy and would hate to do that to my friend. plus i could be stunting my own healing progress?? idk
it initially was just a bit of fun but i've had to privately and seriously talk myself down from getting jealous as fuck when my friend has had other people jokingly (or not jokingly, who knows) flirt with him. i'm a pretty intense person (hi, bpd) so i've been trying to reign myself back and keep things chill and funny between us but i'm getting kind of concerned whether i should stop entirely so my feelings go away or if im fine enjoying giving and being given attention in return, even if it doesn't lead anywhere. even just liking him is kind of breaking three of the rules i'd set for myself after my last few relationship disasters (no more online stuff, no more white boys, let my brain cool down and dont be interested in anyone for at least a year) so i kind of just don't know where i should be taking this if anywhere
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thomotomo · 10 months
Accidental Reveal - Faker x Male Reader
A/N: Once again coming back from the dead to drop you a lil something~ My current hyperfixation is Faker (and T1 and the LCK as a whole too) and I have a few more ideas in stock so maybe I'm gonna drop some more stuff soon! If you wanna request for any League player don't hesitate, I'm absolutely down :D
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You were a rather well-known streamer, mostly known for playing Osu and a variety of games such as sometimes league of legends. You had been dating Lee Sang hyeok, better known as Faker, for the past 3 years. The two of you had recently decided it would be good to start living together and for the past two weeks you had slowly been moving your stuff to his house.
You hadn't been streaming during that time, chilling and hanging out with your boyfriend whilst installing your stuff. You had been lucky it was the off-season so could spend most of your time together.
But today, Sang Hyeok had went out to meet up at T1 Headquarters for some work so you decided it would be nice to stream so you had spent most of the afternoon catching up with your chat, telling them about your move with your partner (obviously omitting with who and where exactly you had been moving).
You had been playing Osu, it had been a while and you had been itching to try out new maps so you were rather happy to be able to do so once again. You were having so much fun that you hadn't noticed your phone going off quietly so you jumped, when, right after you finished a song with a nice grade.
You took off your headset as you saw your boyfriend grinning face. You exhaled loudly before standing up to greet him, giving him a peck, completely forgetting that you were live,so in the meantime, your chat was going wild, even though your camera's angle wasn't super wide, they still had seen Sanghyeok's face.
You were in the midst of telling to him what you were doing when suddenly your face decomposed as you realised that you were live and that people now most likely knew who you had moved in with.
"I was streaming...", Sanghyeok's face froze too and you winced before quickly seating back on your chair.
"Hey everyone thanks for stopping by today, I er... gotta go do something quick so we'll see each other very soon! Bye."
You waved at the camera and ended the stream, keeping an eye on the chat, who was still yelling and typing "FAKER?!?!?!!?", you knew you had fucked up. You shut down everything and turned towards your boyfriend, after all he was the bigger celebrity out of the two of you. You knew that you weren't 1000% in the shit as T1 and the management alongside both of your respective families already knew about your relationship so it wouldn't come off as a surprise to them but to the rest of the world and especially to the whole country, it was another thing.
"Fuck Sanghyeok I'm so sorry. I was happy to see you and I forgot to tell you..."
"No it's okay I should've knocked." He said as he sighed and shook his head. The two of you stood there in silence, you were dreading the panicked phone call that would ensue. You stepped towards your boyfriend, kissing his cheek, trying to soothe him at least a bit.
"Hey, we can't do anything about it at the moment. Do you wanna eat something? We can order."
He nodded quietly, he was still frowning, you could feel that he was stressed by everything that was happening. You took out your phone out and, ignoring the DMs coming from some of your friends, you ordered comfort food for the both of you and waited for your order to arrive.
You could see that he was glued to his phone and you could only guess what he was reading. As if he could read your brain and hear your worry he spoke up.
"Don't worry it's just the groupchat with the guys. They're worried about us."
You couldn't help but let out a quiet breath. At least he wasn't letting shitty comments online get to him. You were itching to take a look at Twitter but you knew it wouldn't be good, looking at the timer for when your food would be delivered, you couldn't help but bite your lip in worry. Sanghyeok chuckled quietly and grabbed your face, peppering it with gentle kisses.
"Stop frowning and worrying we're going to be okay. Even if people don't like it. What do you want to watch?"
You smiled softly at him and both of you checked Netflix to see what show you'd be watching tonight. Soon after you had started the first episode of this show you had been wanting to watch the delivery person called you up. You went to fetch the food and as soon as you came back, the both of you settled and dived into your dinner, opting to enjoy it quietly and ignoring the storm you had created. Once you finished cleaning up the dinner the two of you laid down on the couch, him laying down on you.
Whilst you were really into the show you had turned on, you had moved to replying to your friends and family who had discovered the situation or were worried about you, reassuring them that the two of you would be okay.
Once that was done you turned back your focus on the show and on Sanghyeok, caressing his hair gently. You were just basking in the presence of each other, after all you it was late at night and worrying about what had happened was useless and you would deal with the consequences tomorrow.
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yichuuonvenus · 7 months
The Party- I
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Ethan Landry x Reader
Tainted Love- chapters
Rape/Non-con, Loss of Virginity, Cock Warming, Dacryphilia, Knifeplay, Forced Orgasms, Corruption, Murder, Blood, Nightmares, Stalking, Underage Drinking, Attempted assault, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Forced Relationship, Dacryphilia, Isolation, Attempted assault
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You and Tara got ready, giggling as Quinn was in the other room. Another one of her boy toys was over. You couldn’t remember the names of the men she had in her room. Paul? Was this one’s name? Ryan? You couldn’t care enough to remember. But it’s nice to remember things that have nothing to do with what was going on in your mind at all times. 
 “Tara…” you quietly asked as music played to cover Quinn’s vigorous lovemaking. 
Sza was on, Ghost in the Machine calming the air. 
“Yeah?” She said as she finished her eye makeup. 
“Are you sure we should be going to this party?” You said as your hands fiddled with themselves. Picking at the skin causes your nails to bleed and crack from doing it constantly. Ever since… 
“You sound like Sam,” she said with a laugh. 
“I just- never mind,” you said, throwing yourself on the bed stomach down. 
“Hey hey, it’s going to be okay. It’s just going to be a night of fun. A night of forgetting,” she said as she stared in the mirror before making her way over to you. “Let’s go make bad choices.” 
You both laughed as you exited the room. 
You were dressed like Little Red Riding Hood. It was a cute outfit. A puffy skirt with cute black lace all over the bodice. You had a black ribbon in your hair. The one Sam gave you at the age of 6. You could remember how much you cried from Chad bullying you for still carrying around your stuffed animal. She gave you it along with a few cookies. You could still remember the smile on your face when you saw Chad in time-out. 
You made your way out into the street hailing a taxi with ease from living in the city for a good couple of months now. 
You were thriving in this new environment. You were truly so happy. 
The taxi ride was filled with playful banter. The driver was silent for the whole drive. It should’ve had you on edge but you didn’t want to be untruthful to people and live in constant fear. So you chose to ignore it. When you finally got to the house, what frat house you didn’t know, you jumped out so quickly Tara couldn’t help but follow your movements. 
“Chill out Road Runner, the party is not going anywhere,” she said with a chuckle. 
“Sorry, I’m just so excited.” A lie and you both knew it. 
“Hey, guys!!” Anika shouted in delight. She hugged the both of you. 
“Hi,” you said with a smile. You didn’t know Anika all that well. All you knew was that she was the pretty girlfriend to Mindy.
“So you all ready to partayyy,” Chad said with a hearty laugh. 
“Ugh if it will get you to shut up, yes! Lead the way,” Mindy replied. 
Chad glared at her before making his way towards the front of the group leading the way. 
You were in the back of the group with Ethan. He was dressed in an interesting costume, one you knew of. 
“Murder party huh?” You asked. Your red hood was on the top of your head almost shielding your eyes leading you to pull down the hood. 
“You… are you talking to me?” Ethan said with a gasp. 
“Well yeah who else would be dressed as one of the characters from that movie,” I giggled. 
“Well uh… yeah. You know the movie?”
“Yeah, my dad is a very big fan of scary movies. I only watched a few with him. They freak me out.” You quietly said. 
It was quiet the rest of the walk down. Ethan was nerdy, super very nerdy. You found it a little endearing but you couldn’t help but ignore that growing feeling you’ve hated with a vengeance. 
Ever since Wes, you couldn’t even think about dating again. You couldn’t even look at men the same. Not only because he held no interest in you but for Tara. But the fact he was killed by one of, who you believed was a friend. You’ve grown scared of forming relationships but you knew you had to for the sake of Tara. Of your friends. 
When you guys entered the house everyone immediately scattered leaving you with Chad and Ethan. 
“Looks like only the best people are left,” he said as he raised his hand for a high five. 
You couldn’t help but grimace with a smile and high-five him. 
“That’s what I’m talking about!” 
The party was just like the movies. The combination of drunk college kids and music blasting through the house made it a fun atmosphere. 
You couldn’t help but be alone for most of the night. Nursing a cup as you watch drunk people chug the rest of a keg. You wished you could enjoy this type of life. But you couldn’t. Not with your dark past hanging over you. You almost died last year and all you wanted to do was forget about it and try to move on. 
You kept chugging down drinks. It made you dizzy and a bit nauseous but you kept doing it. Until it caused you to tip over, before you could fall on the floor someone caught you by your elbow. He was tall and with dark green eyes and light blonde hair. He reminded you of a Golden Retriever puppy. 
“You alright?” His voice was so sweet and soft it made you want to cry. 
“I- I’m fine…” you said quietly pulling your arm away from the mystery man. 
His eyes were fixed into a worried position and he frowned a bit. 
“Are you sure?” 
You almost sobbed because you knew you weren’t all right. You held the tears back as well as you could. 
“Hey hey… it’s okay,” he said, helping you sit down on a chair. “Lemme get you some water.” 
He left you for a bit and you sat there with unfocused eyes staring at the world around you. You could faintly see Tara talking to who you knew infamously as Date rape Frankie. 
You couldn’t help but stand back up and go to Tara. 
“Tara… where are you going?” You slurred your words and were stumbling over each other quite a bit. 
“I’m going upstairs with this guy,” she said also in a slurry haze. 
He looked like an asshole from the way he spoke and the way he stared at you. 
“Honestly you can come along too. I've always wanted a three-way,” the man said. 
You wanted to throw up all over him but your eyes remained on Tara. 
“I think- I don’t think you should,” you quietly said. Trying your best to stay upright. 
Tara noticed your state but she was too fucked up to even do anything.
“I’m fine trust me…” she said and that was when they started to go further to the foyer. Anika was swift at pulling Tara. 
“Hey… you wanna call it a night?” Anika said worries flooded her features. 
Tara was hesitant but for some reason, words just fell out of her mouth. 
“I think I’m gonna hang. But you guys don’t have to wait for me.” 
Frankie spoke up before you could try to persuade her. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her. I’m Frankie-” 
“Anddd I’m spectacularly uninterested in knowing anything about you.” You couldn’t stop the small giggle leaving you before you quickly quieted from Frankie’s glare. “You’ve had too much, Tara.” 
“I’m not that bad, I swear. Thanks for checking on me.” 
You watched as they started to get closer to the stairs. Anika huffed and left. You didn’t know where she went. 
“Hey, why did you leave?” the blonde boy from earlier said. He had a cute pleading look that had your heart hammering. 
“My- my friend she…” All you could do was point at them as soon as the boy saw who it was he grimaced. You both watched as Anika showed back up with Chad and Ethan trailing behind them. 
“Heyyy, pal. No private tours for this one, ‘kay?” Chad said covering his anger with his broish tone. 
“Sorry, bro, I didn’t catch that,” Frankie said unamused by the group of people stopping him. 
“Yeah, bro, you did. Tara’s good down here-”
“It’s fine, Chad. I want to,” Tara muttered. 
“See, Chad? She wants to.”
It was quick the way it all happened. Frankie grabbed Tara by the arm but then Chad grabbed Frankie by the shirt before he could land a punch Sam appeared out of nowhere. All you saw then was Sam tasering Frankie. 
“Don’t ever put your hands on my sister!” Sam said. 
“Shit…” you said under your breath. “I have to go.” 
You couldn’t stop to talk to the blonde-haired boy before Mindy had your arm and pulled you out. 
“I didn’t catch your name!” he yelled, shocked by the whole scene in front of him. 
“You’ll probably never will,” Mindy yelled back with a laugh. She eyed you and cocked an eyebrow. You shrugged as she held you upright. 
Tara was already on the road. Embarrassment is written all over her features. 
“Tara!” Sam called.
You already knew how this was going to go, another fight. You stood behind Ethan, you had lost Mindy along the way so you were holding onto him too drunk to even stand on your own. His arm was wrapped around you, protectively. You shut out the screaming but your ears perked up as you were dragged into the conversation. 
“You could’ve got hurt or worse! LOOK AT Y/N, she can barely stand!” Sam screamed. As if everyone suddenly remembered your presence you turned and hid inside Ethan's chest. The cardboard part of his clothes was digging into your skin but you didn’t care, you just wanted all the eyes on you to disappear. 
Chad decided to speak up not wanting Sam to be more upset than she already was, “Sam let's just chill out-”
But before he could finish what he was saying a girl threw a drink at Sam as they shouted murderer. Chad and Tara made sure to hold her back as she screamed at them. You kinda blanked out the rest of the night and when you woke up you were in a bed. One you recognized as Tara's. It was still very dark, the moon was glimmering in the night sky. You stood up, your movements were slow but not in a drunken stupor. 
You heard the TV low and steady no one was talking, not even faint whispering could be heard. The room was deathly silent.
Previous Chapter? Next Chapter?
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Wade Wants to Reminisce
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Pairing: James “Bucky” Buchanon Barnes x Plus size!Super!reader, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson x Super!reader (platonic) Characters: Plus size!Super!reader, Wade “Deadpool” Wilson, James “Bucky” Buchanon Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark Warnings: Wade things, the avengers coming to save the reader, Bucky and the reader share a past, Nat and Wade are trying to get their friends laid, this is totally not inspired by a bunch of Bucky and Soldier Boy fics I read all weekend (don’t judge me), the deadpool gif is literally the reader and wade, this 100% does not make sense, I was bored and wanted some deadpool content, I also may have gone down a Bucky rabbit hole and here we are Word Count: 971
He wouldn't tell you anything about his plans [I didn't want my plans to get ruined]
He'd make sure nothing bad would happen to you (nothing too major at least) [I wouldn't let them murder you or charge you with a B and E, chill]
Reenactment flashback 
You were fine until he set off an alarm [I didn't do that. It was Fabio. *Wade points to the intern* 
The poor guy starts shaking- 
The real reenactment
"Wade," you pinch the bridge of your nose. "Did we break into a building we shouldn't have?" 
"Yo soy no hablo Español." 
"You're hablo-ing Español right now!" 
"Fine! You caught me. I'm trying to help you suppress your kitty urges." 
"What?" He shrugs, eating a chimichango. "You kept whining to me how lonely you are and I know there's a lot of- ow, hot." He licks his fingers before trying to hold his chimichanga. "What was I saying? Oh right, there's a lot of fine men here for you to pounce on." 
"I'm going to kill you."
"You know you can't. I'm just doing my friendly duty."
"You're a problem for society." 
"That hurts." He places his hand over his heart. 
"I hope it fucking does you crackwhore." 
"Woah," he raises his hands. "There's no need to bring Blind AL into this." 
"We both know it's you I'm talking about."
"Uh- hey," Tony waves his hands. "I don't mean to interrupt whatever the hell this is but you two just broke into the Avenger headquarters so we're gonna need to detain you for a couple of hours." 
"Detain him." You point to Wade before raising your hands up in defense. "I had nothing to do with this." 
"You bitch," he replies, extending the words. 
"Old avocado."
"Dick sucker."
"At least my partner is satisfied."
He gasps, placing a hand over his chest. "What'd she tell you?"
"Nothing I didn't already know." 
You spin around with furrowed brows and then your jaw drops. "James?" 
"Wait- you two know each other?!" Tony and Steve shout. 
"She's your coffee date?" Natasha asks him with her hands on her hips. 
"You've been getting laid and I didn't know?" 
You pinch the bridge of your nose again. "I'm going to kill you. I swear on all that is holy Wade. I'm going to grab that hammer and smash you with it." 
"That's not the kind of hammering I planned on doing today." 
You purse your lips and pounce. 
James stepped closer to you just in time. "Hey, hey. Calm down." 
"Not until he's mush." 
"Bucky," you whine. "Just a little?"
"Not a chance." 
"Would you two mind explaining how you met?" Natasha asks. 
"Coffee shop." 
Sam walks into the room, taking a second to see what's going on and then he sees you. "Oh, hey." 
You turn and smile at him. "Sammy." 
"Why does he get such a nice greeting?" Wade whines. 
"He's not you." 
"I take major offense to that." 
"You should." 
"I'm still stuck on the fact that Tinman went to a coffee shop and got a date. He doesn't even like coffee," Tony complains. 
"I like a certain type of coffee." 
"From a cute girl?" 
"Yes. Man, you thought she was cute and bought her coffee," Sam rats James out. 
You spin around in his arms. "You did?" 
Usually he likes to think of himself as someone who doesn't get embarrassed but right now, he's plotting ways to get back at Sam. He doesn't look up at you. "Uh- I- I did."
"Well aren't you sweet," you smile up at him. 
"I need to call Vanessa." 
The smile is wiped from your face. "Go home, Wade!" 
"But then I wouldn't get some memories I can play on repeat with my unicorn or Vanessa later." 
"For fucks sake- Wade, get back here."
James lifts you over his shoulder and walks towards his room, locking the door behind him. "This makes things a lot easier." He sets you down. 
"Yeah, I planned on calling you and asking if you wanted to go out." 
"If I say yes," you trace shapes on his chest, before staring at him through your lashes. "Can we stay here for the rest of the day?" 
"If I say yes, will you stop using those eyes on me? You're killing me, doll. You know I'd say yes without that look." 
You smile up at him and practically bounce as you walk away and aim for his bed. 
A voice can be heard through the airvents. "So, does this mean you'd rather get ducked down than hangout with me?" 
"Cool. Just checking. Text me the details. I want to know how big." 
"I'm curious to see if he's a queen or a king." 
"You've caught me but I already know."
"Go home."
"Bye kids. Use protection, unless you're into that." [And you all know what I'm talking about. Don't act like your Tumblr isn't full of those fics. Yes, I know about them too. Who do you think will write some about me?] 
Wade closes the laptop he stole (from you) and sighs. “This was nice.” 
You throw your boyfriend's alarm clock at him. 
“Go home, Wade. We’re trying to sleep.”
“Doll, what’s tumblr?” 
“Wade you’re dead!” 
Wade’s screaming alerts the rest of the compound. 
“Why is your friend screaming?” Steve asks you. 
“He taught James something he shouldn’t have, and he knows it. GET BACK HERE, WILSON!” 
“I hope you’re proud,” Natasha pats James’ back. 
“Why are you saying it like that?” 
“Your girlfriend brought home a parasite.” 
“It could be worse.” 
“It could be worse!?” Sam screeches.
“It could be so much worse, Sammy.” 
“That’s my nickname for him. You don’t get to steal it.” 
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Good Morning! Super excited for these next set of eps to review.
We’ve reached the iconic and pivotal DOD eps. I’m nervously excited to review these. I want to do them justice. They are momentous for not just Chenford but the entire series. Rosalind Dyer is one of my fav recurring baddies. I loved Annie from Castle as well. Was psyched she would be joining The Rookie. This was a rare one where I got to use all the gifs I wanted to. Yay. Kid in a Chenford candy store haha Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers out there. You are the real MVP's. Let’s get this started :)
2x10 The Dark Side
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We start with Lucy and the guys out for a post work drink. Armstrong is there as well. They’re talking about Jackson dating a celebrity. Asking how that is? Lucy says they’re happy if he’s happy. Nick calls her bluff and says ‘Liar.’ LMAO Lucy cracks and says men suck ha They sure can. That the single men in LA suck. That whenever they find out she’s a cop they freak out. (To touch on not dating a cop bit. It is only a mistake when it’s not Tim. Let’s be real.) Especially while she's still a rookie just not a good idea (cough Nolan cough) He was never a good decision though....not even a little bit. I'll die on that hill haha
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Armstrong joins the convo and comes in with some solid advice. ‘Those aren’t men they’re boys. Real men are not afraid of a strong woman.’ Your real man just isn’t ready yet my dear. Nor are you. I really love this scene though. I enjoyed Nick a lot as a character. Poor Lucy she goes on her 'Sister Officer Lucy Chen' rant ha Classic. Oh the irony of this convo. In S5 she definitely isn't in a nunnery anymore heh. That is quite awhile away from this point though. Have to note how pretty she looks in this scene. Her outfit is simple but she looks stunning.
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Lucy leaves the table to get another round. That’s when Lucy runs into Caleb….really unfortunate that’s his name. That’s my BIL's name haha He seems normal enough with his flirting with Lucy. Both of them being ignored for another drink by the bartender. He's making her laugh and appearing nice and kind. Ugh run Lucy run…Their moment gets interrupted by Lucy noticing a guy stealing tips. She walks away from the convo and apologizes. End ups arresting the thief. The way she takes him down is bad ass I have to say. (Tim would be proud) Says 'Surprise I’m a cop’ haha
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Roll call comes around and they find out about Rosalind Dyer. A rare unicorn in their world. A female serial killer. She’s agreed to show them the 3 bodies that were never found. In exchange she gets life with no parole instead of the death penalty. Everyone’s day is now centered around this. Tim and Lucy discuss her past murders. Lucy telling Tim she was in college when they found the first victims.
That it was all anyone could talk about, wondering how a woman could be so barbaric? Tim shares his own story about it. How he worked a scene for the 4th victim. That he was advised not to look at the body. How he wish he hadn’t… The hindsight of watching this scene unfold right before they run into Caleb. It’s bone chilling to think about. Their convo being framed around this before he shows up.
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Caleb shows up and Tim is immediately suspicious and does not like this guy. His face has me rolling the entire time. Gives Caleb a hard time about the word 'Perp'. His facial expressions I can not LOL Now part of this reaction is his cop gut. I truly believe that. Not trusting whoever this guy is for Lucy. His default is suspicion. The fierce protector coming out to play in this scene.
I think the rest of his reaction is him just not liking this guy being interested in Lucy. Jealously thy name is Timothy Bradford. Its seeping out of him and he can't stop himself. He's completely forgotten he's dating one of her closest friends in this moment. Written all over his face how territorial he’s being right now. I always love me some protective/jealous Tim. This scene and honestly this entire episode is full of that.
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Lucy’s face is screaming ‘chill out’ the entire interaction. She's basically scolding him with her eyes above. They have a mini silent conversation with their eyes before the scene continues. If that isn't the most married look they've had so far. I love it so much. He definitely looks reprimanded in that second gif above. Tim is as transparent as person can be in this scene. Not even trying to hide it a little bit. Caleb has shown up and Tim's guard and protective nature are out in full force. Doesn't like this guy just showing up and sniffing around at all.
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Caleb is clearly nervous around Tim (as he should be..) It's too funny he keeps trying regardless to talk to Lucy. Tim deftly snags the paper out of the air. She didn't have a chance of grabbing it. Caleb has to sense how much Tim doesn't want him here. He could not be less welcoming of this man. Tim reads the paper and he asks if Caleb has a last name LOL He says Wright. The irony of that last name...
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I doubt our boy even knows why he’s reacting this way to Caleb. Only that he is and very strongly at that. All his feelings when it comes to Lucy are muddled and confusing for him. Yet he acts on them anyway. From the moment this guy showed up the green eyed monster was present. Tim continues to grill him. He asks what he does for a living? Says if it’s a screenwriter he’s going in a cell. He really hates screenwriters haha A theme through out the show for him.
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Eric’s facial expressions during this entire scene truly is perfection. Look at the way he looks at Caleb as he leaves. If looks could kill he would be a dead man. Also you can see the mask on Caleb drop when he turns away from them (shudder). The immense distrust written all over Tim's rigid body language. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Both of their faces above are a summary of the entire scene. Lucy is happy to have caught the eye of a 'decent' guy. Tim doesn't trust this guy as far as he can throw him.
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Tim doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong till he turns around and sees her face. Kudos to Melissa for the great reaction. He says 'What?' All innocent like he didn't just drag that guy through the mud. Treat him like a criminal they deal with on the daily. She is so affronted and honestly confused as hell with his reaction. Her face basically saying 'What the hell was that?'
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From the moment Caleb shows up to the moment he leaves Tim is NOT pleased with his presence. Lucy is truly confused as to why he is acting this way. She can’t put together why he was trying to kill that entire interaction. We all know Lucy included (deep down) this was jealously thorough and through. But she chalks it up to him being stressed about how crazy everything is right now. Sure that’s it Lucy…She demands the paper back with just her face and outreached hand. Tim is shocked she wants the number of this doofus. He relents and unwillingly hands it back to her. Almost rolling his eyes as he does so.
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They’re driving in a caravan to the first burial site. Lucy is looking at Calebs online profile in the car. Tim snaps at her to focus. That this is going to be most dangerous day she’s ever going to spend on the job. Oh the weight of that comment when you know these eps….They both have no idea how true that’s going to be. Might seem like he’s mad when really he’s protecting her by getting her to focus. It’s his way of doing it. I also think it's a little frustration bleeding over from the whole Caleb thing. Not that he's going to put that together right now. Hell doesn't even realize how territorial and jealous he just was.
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We rejoin Tim and Lucy once they arrive at the first spot. They're talking about Rosalind during this 'Hike' to find the remaining bodies. Tim asks if she’s less scary in the light of day? Lucy tells him no…but mentions how smart she must be. To have gotten away with this for so long undetected. Lucy smartly mentions there’s a play here they’re not seeing.
Tim tells her it’s just to jerk them around. Oh my love it is far more than that. Lucy is so sharp to observe this hike has to be more than just her deal. She is proven right when they find a fresher body in one of the grave sites with the old one. It’s obvious she has a partner on the outside they just don’t know who…
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Lucy is looking at Caleb’s “profile” again. Watching a video of him with a puppy. Jealous/Protective Tim makes his next appearance. Could not be more obvious if he tried. Not a fan of her being enamored by this guy. He makes a snide remark saying I bet that’s not even his puppy. It’s scary how spot on he was with Caleb the entire time. It’s mainly from jealously and being protective of her, but it’s frightening how dead on his cop gut was. He turned out to right about everything with him.
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Lucy naturally gives him push back and says she just wants to enjoy a cute puppy. That it’s been an awful day. Can't she just do that? Jealous Tim won't agree with her. So he is a little shit and says 'This your first decomp right? ' Watching her face go from happy to grossed out LOL Oh Tim. He knows how bad this smell is going to be for her and is enjoying it haha The way she follows after him is too funny. Melissa is also amazing at expressing so much as well.
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The eerie part of this scene is it’s them being the ones to discover the DOD tattoo… There are so many forewarnings in this episode for her. For them. Literally smacking us in the face with them. That could’ve been her if things had gone wrong... Ugh my heart. They find out the newer victim was suffocated…What an awful way to die. I’m asthmatic and it gives me a pre-asthma attack just thinking about it.
A light hearted part of this scene is once again the lack of personal space. Ah personal space. They don't know her and never will. We're all ok with this notion. Nolan ends up getting Rosalind to lead them to the second site. They find a new body in it with a DOD Tattoo. The freshest one yet. They realize it’s every three months. That 12/09/19 is the the next DOD. John notes it’s 12/08 they have a day to find the next victim.
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Tim and Lucy join Armstrong at the jail to search Rosalind cell once again. Trying to find some connection. A way her and this person have been communicating. Nick asks where her books are and they say they sent them back. He asks for every book she's read in the last 6 months.
They’re searching all the books and of course Lucy is the one to crack the code. I love it. Finds something in the binding. Its a coded piece of paper. She figures out the cypher fairly quickly. You know Tim loves how damn smart she is. He’s impressed. She figures out a name from the code. My girl. Bryan Coleman. Funny that doesn’t sound like Caleb Wright….
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Harper and Nolan end up saving the next girl. They find out he’s been using the old abandoned zoo as his staging ground. What kills me is them saving her condemns Lucy. They stopped him from scratching that sick itch. Grey tells them all to go home and rest. Lucy spins around and tells Tim she’s just going to go home and crash.
Tim tells her that’s a mistake and gives her the advice that will haunt him in the next episode. Hell for quite awhile if I’m being honest. He will carry this moment with him for a long time. Says after a hardcore assignment she needs to blow off some steam. Find a way to decompress. If she doesn’t she’ll never get any sleep.
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Lucy is super cute asking if he's really telling her to go get a drink instead? He tells her yes. Preferably a strong one even with another human being. We all know who that human being is going to be….Side note I adore the fact that he always opens the door for her. Doesn't even realize he's doing that. Just does it out of habit. Her real man standing right in front of her but it is far too early for that hehe
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Literally makes me sick to watch her scene with Caleb. My skin crawls knowing where it’s headed. He took advantage of Lucy with her guard down. Her cop eyes we're retired for the night. Just trying to decompress. We go back to the station where Grey tells John and Nick they found a body at the old zoo. Bryan Coleman. Which can only mean one thing as we go back to Lucy. That Caleb is the apprentice….
She goes from giggly and relaxed to sheer terror in a matter of moments. He drugged her and Lucy is slowly realizing the situation she is now in. He also snags her phone before she can use it. Sadly she is over powered easily due the drug he gave her. Then sticks her in the trunk of his car. The ep ends there.
It’s a crazy stressful two-parter. So damn good though. I remember when this first premiered how hard it was to wait for the next episode. I’m pre emotional just thinking about analyzing the next episode. Can’t wait to do it though.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Wopez good scenes not many but really good. Wes clearing not handling his post traumatic stress well. Mixing his prescription with alcohol. Angela coming home asking if he was trying to kill himself. He says I don’t know… Not a great answer bud.
The whole Rosalind SL. It’s so dark but so good. Getting a deeper look into Nick and seeing some chinks in his armor. What he sacrificed to catch her. It’s very good. I enjoyed his character a lot and getting more depth with him as well.
Thank you as always to those that like/comment/reblog these reviews. It’s means the world to me. I love doing these and they take time to assemble. But they’re so worth doing to enjoy this rewatch together. I’m also enjoying the hell out of analyzing these eps and our beloved couple. I’ll see you all in 2x11 :)
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