#and bc she's so used to being the genius and doing things she's an expert at and picking up new stuff quickly
airenyah · 9 months
15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas <333
Are you named after anyone?
no. there's a video game character with my name and occasionally people will bring this character up and ask if i was named after her but no, i wasn't. my parents don't play videogames
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly don't remember, i don't actually cry all that much. (so if you see me say things like "i'm crying" in the tags then i'm actually only crying in my heart, i'm not shedding any actually tears dfkfkjdf)
last time i cried was either bc i was really angry or really extremely overwhelmed with life during a period where i hadn't slept much or was on my period or so. orrr what is actually even more likely is that the last time i cried was when i cried from laughter while being with friends. i cry from laughter a lot, actually
3. Do you have kids?
nope. i think i could be a good mother if i had to, but ngl, motherhood and parenting doesn't sound very appealing to me. i am planning on becoming an aunt tho. i'll let my brother provide the grandkids and i'll just borrow them occasionally, spoil them, and then i can always give them back when they get too exhausting or annoying 😂
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i play baseball for fun once a year with old summer camp friends. other than that i'm not very athletic. in elementary school i used to go to schwimmkurse (swimming courses) which was super fun and it's one of the few sports that i'd consider taking up again if i were to do any. i've always liked swimming (but only in places where i can see the ground and where the water isn't too cold. i feel really uneasy when i can't see the ground and i also freeze easily so i'm not a fan of cold water)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? me? neeeeever, not at all 🤭
(^^^this answer is sarcastic, the genuine answer is yes. yes, i do. <- for those struggling to understand sarcasm, esp in written form <3)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh good question, i don't actually know???? maybe their face, idk
7. What's your eye colour?
blue-gray ish. and i have a yellow/green circle around each pupil. i actually really like my eyes, they're my fave part of my appearance 🥰
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings for sure!! i could never get into scary movies, idk
9. Any talents?
languages, i guess. at least i'm known as the language genius in my family and my friend groups. but to be honest, there's still a lot about language that i don't know and i don't feel like i'm all that great (esp when my language learning progress feels slower than the one of others. which is totally fine by me bc everyone should go at their own pace, but i just don't like it when people call me a language genius bc i feel like in reality i'm not really living up to that. i just happen to know a little bit more about language than those around me, but compared with actual experts? yeah no, i in no way compare...)
but yeah out of all the skills that i have, languages is one my best ones. and i'm also really good at organizing (aka keeping a million lists and making sure all the props are at the right spots and with the right actors and there's enough spares of everything etc lol)
10. Where were you born?
austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
(NOT the place with kangaroos just so we're clear dkjgkdjf)
11. What are your hobbies?
(internally) crying over fictional characters, then blorbo-posting about it. sometimes i'll also subject irl-people to my blorbo rants (mainly my mother and some of my friends)
i also take violin lessons and thai classes for fun
12. Do you have any pets?
technically no, but really yes. my mom and my brother share a dog and my parents also have two kitties. i go home a lot bc i don't really like staying in my own flat in the city where i study so they do feel like my own pets as well, esp the kitties <333
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^this is nika (the dog) and coco (boy cat). they're besties <3
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^this is minou (girl cat). she's the youngest and the smallest of them all, so we nicknamed her "die kleine" (the small one (f))
13. How tall are you?
155 cm
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
german, it was the easiest for me
fun fact: the only subject in school that i ever got a frühwarnung in was english lmao. ("frühwarnung" = early warning and it's what you get when you're about to get an f in your report card for a subject. i got an f in english in my report card for semester break, so i had the whole summer semester to get my grade up to a d)
15. What is your dream job?
director!!!! in theater or film, idk, but i just really wanna be a director. and maybe take some minor acting roles on the side, idk. for now i still feel too shy to do any professional acting, despite having gotten acting training for 3 years djkkdjfg
i'm really looking forward to next summer, bc i get to be assistant director at this one theater that i've worked at as an intern for the past two summers. the assistant directors that i've worked with so far at this theater have both sucked and both times i ended up more or less taking on the job myself anyway (to the point where they even paid me for my work despite my position usually being an unpaid one) and so this summer i was like "uhhh guys so what if for next summer's production i just work as an assitant director right away instead of an intern?" and they were like "omg you're hired" 😂
tagging following 15 people:
feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it or tag me in/send me yours if you've already done it, i'd like to read it <3
@newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @lurkingteapot @callipigio @waitmyturtles @sunnenfinster @cornflowershade @celestial-sapphicss @killiru @gaym3bo1 @nongnaos @dimplesandfierceeyes @gillianthecat @ranchthoughts
bonus: @telomeke i know you've already been tagged, so this is just to ask you to tag me when you've thought of all your answers, i wanna read yours too 👀
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
So I watched Oppenheimer ((mostly)) for the first time last night and decided some of the lines were. Really good. By golly they were GREAT.
But the movie itself kinda pissed me off, so I stopped about halfway through. Anyway, have some weird incorrect quote meets snippet looking shit bc I love competent Buggy and he deserves to be a lil mad genius
Crocodile had low expectations went he stepped out of the meeting room. Now largely, this would not come as a surprise. He always lowered expectations when Buggy was involved - it was the best he could do for his nerves. The clown was several ounces of unhinged, in both ways expected and entirely, indubitably, vivaciously NOT.
As it was, the logia user believed he avoided aneurysms by sheer luck in the beginning.
Nowadays things had settled more or less. The Guild was running very well, all things considered, their profit was steadily increasing, and every soul on the island had a job or niche they filled happily. He'd even found a few places where Buggy flourished.
This meeting was regarding one of those niches. Aside from being the front man and face of the operation, the clown was also their most skilled chemist, chief explosives expert, and general all-arounder. While he may not go toe to toe with another Emperor in a 1v1 fight, the clown made his uses elsewhere. He was not the blade, the smoking barrel, the weapon - he was the oil in the mechanics of the crew, the fuel to the fires and the one who, more often than not, made the weapons in their hands.
The most recent weapon was the topic for today.
And Buggy was missing.
Annoyed as he was, the logia user remained outwardly calm as he skirted around town in search of the wayward clown. At first, they thought the other may be helping with the legwork of the lower ranks - wouldn't be the first time, certainly would nit be the last - but none of them had seen hide nor hair of the Chairman in days. Unperturbed, Crocodile sent them back to work and continued the search.
Docks were a bust.
The gardens had no hint of blue beyond the specially bred flowers in the back.
The announcement tent was void of bright hair and red noses.
The circus tent had few humans, none of which had seen their captain.
Luckily, Mohji was quick to recommend the kitchens. It was not nearly yet time for a meal, he admitted, but when Buggy fixates on something interesting, he sometimes seems to forget he had a body, let alone one with needs.
That, too, of course, wound up being a failure.
He'd plowed through three cigars already in the impromptu adventures around the isle, and so he was quite close to losing his temper with the apparent and damning lack of clown. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he tried breathing deeply, carefully, working to dampen the embers of rage and fury from a blaze to something smoldering.
It was, ironically, Alvida and Cabaji, who deigned to metaphorically poke the bear otherwise known as their superior, Galdino bustling about back in the kitchens beyond the counter tops.
"What are you looking for?"
"Fucking Hell," he managed to grit out, shooting a look to the duo before him. Cabaji seemed to cringe back minutely, but Alvida just barely winced. "Don't suppose you've seen the damned clown today?"
"Not yet," Al shrugged with a frown, "but once Gal finishes up his... thing over there-" she gestured over to the candle man still aggressively piling snacks and drinks into a bag, "- we're going to find him."
"Well," the older man barked a mirthless laugh, "I can definitely tell you where he's not. Been looking for his ass since seven."
Alvida grimaced, nodding while her fingers toyed with the end of her mace. "Yikes. Meeting?"
"Captain had a tendency," Cabaji cut in with a rueful expression, "to fixate far too long on something interesting - usually to... rather unpleasant results."
The logia user gave a low growl of a hum, flicking ash from his cigar. "I'll be sure to show him unpleasant once I find him. Bastard missed our meeting and still has yet to show."
The dark haired woman pursed her lips, eyes narrowing. One could nearly see the gears turning in her head. "For the weapons?"
"Somethijg like that," he nodded, "it was initially the firearms he was designing and testing, but it's since expanded to the bombs and other explosives he's been blabbering on about." Glancing down, he paused at the wide eyed look on the other two, shooting a glance over to see Galdino now quietly screaming to himself as he grabbed several first aid kits to throw into the bag. Arching a brow, he turned back. "... am I missing something here?"
"When was the last time you saw him??"
He paused, averted his gaze in consideration. Last glimpse of the clown had been.... what, when they'd gotten the shipment in for Mihawk's eyeliner? Buggy had been picking up something at the docks and had been practically vibrating, in casual clothes as opposed to his onesie suit as he jabbered some poor girl's ear off over a strangely colored box. The emblem had been for a chemical company, he believed, one of the few that Buggy actually trusted to order ores and such from. That had been back on the 23rd. He relayed this to the others.
Alvids winced. Cabaji sighed. Galdino went into the walk in freezer, sealed the door, and muffled screams were heard before he came back out with a tub of ice cream.
"He's probably at his workshop," the wax man stated plainly. "Mohji said he was there on his last shift."
"Buggy wrangling," the woman answered simply. "When that idiot gets too invested, everything else falls away. Short of a crew emergency, he's essentially a hermit. We take shifts to check on him, make sure he eats or hasn't died somehow."
Crocodile vaguely wanted for a different plant in his smoke source if only to mitigate the pounding in his temples, but he simply nodded, gesturing for them to lead the way.
As it turned out, Buggy's general workshop was near his tent.
His experimental workshop was much, much further out.
And there was cackling coming from inside.
When Galdino took point, the other two fell into place at his back. Believing it to be far from necessary for such formations, Crocodile considered barging past them all.
Then the door swung open and a blue blur damn near slammed into the wax user.
Buggy was a veritable mess, smudges on his cheeks, a line pressed across his cheek bones and bridge of his nose, mildly irritated from the red-pink lines. The shadows around his eyes made the blue of his irises seem lighter than usual, especially with the glassy, manic spark to them. His hair was in a bun, mostly, loose strands bouncing with the many pencils, pens and.... beaker(???) tucked in there.
He was sans makeup, only the barest red stain to hip lips, Crocodile noticed, as the giggly man almost squealed.
"Guys! Oh em gee, hiiii~" His arms clung to the taller man, almost clambering up as her shimmied and bounced. "I did a thing," he blabbered excitedly, "and it's SO COOL and I wanna tell Croco-chan and Hawky and everyone and it's gonna be so cool, I promise, so super duper mega ultra cool and- OH HI CROCCY COME SEE!!!!"
As if the natural whirlwind of a clown was not bad enough, it seemed Buggy was running on pure liquid energy. Hands coveted in gloves clenched hard on his hook and bodily dragged him into the workshop as their owner seemed to word vomit in a language all too unknown for the businessman to follow. He caught a few bits and pieces of things here and there, trying to follow the other and rebalance himself - the blue haired man had nearly yanked him straight off his feet - when he caught sight of some chalk boards, cork boards and entirely too many letters, numbers, symbols and a graph, of all things, emblazoned nearly across the entire far wall.
Alvida sighed softly, earning a glance. She gestured back to Buggy.
When he turned, it was to be met with the clown bouncing on his toes, clapping as he looked between the larger man and a decently sized ball on the table.
Uncertain as to what exactly he was looking at and unsure of how exactly to handle this manic man, Crocodile simply blinked. "What... is this, again?"
"It's my prototype," the other squeaked, moving to rub his cheeks roughly with a grin, hands falling to shake roughly at shoulder height as he beamed. "See, I was working on those guns ya know. And so as I was doing the papers, I was thinking to myself, 'ya know buggy ol boy, you haven't checked the Idea Book in a while' and so I was like 'yeah, brain I haven't!!' So I DID and when I did, I saw some old theories on explosives and how Buster Calls work because the Navy is fucking batshit and decided anyone not good enough for them deserves to blow up so then I thought 'oh I wanna make my own buster call but BUGGY STYLE', so I went to my theory section and theory can take you only so far, so THEN I reached out to Emie-chan!!! And she had some AWESOME scientific journals because she works for Sky-Lines, that big big big lab, and I was reading them and it HIT ME, HYDROGEN!!!!" Small but calloused gloved hands caught Croc's hoop again as Buggy turns back to rambling, the former catching a few words here and there between the waterfall of words. Something about neutrons, chain reactions, and heavy hydrogen? He blanked.
"Buggy," a softer voice cut in. The two highest ranking men in the room turned, catching sight of Alvida and Cabaji both frowning, the former leaning into the latter while Galdino tried to hand her an apple. The wax man had spoken, looking to the captain. "I'm sorry to interrupt but 'Vida's been feeling unwell for a while-"
Immediately, the unstoppable hurricane of a clown seemed to practically teleport with the speed he got over there with. "What happened, what's wrong?"
"Cramps," she grimaced, hand moving to her abdomen. "No big deal, Bugs-"
"You haven't eaten," Cabaji cut in with a definite attempt at a worried scowl.
"I don't want to," she grumbled, taking hidden glances at Buggy.
The jester for his part took her hands gently. "You gotta eat, Vida, it should help your body settle."
She put on a show of deliberating, then, in a voice Crocodile had never heard from her before, she struck. "Will you eat with me?"
"Of course," Buggy assured, reaching out to take the apple in hand. A green one was handed to Alvida and they playfully bonked the two fruits together before biting into them.
Buggy hummed. "These are pretty good! Ya know, I don't think I've had this kind of apple before what kind is it?"
"Night night apples."
And then suddenly there was a thump, the other three quickly separating while Galdino pulled out the first aid kit, Alvida grabbing a cloth, and Cabaji checking other over for injuries.
Crocodile stared.
"What the fuck just happened?"
"Sometimes you gotta manipulate a clown into eating a drugged apple," Vida said without hesitation. "Any concussion?"
"Seems fine," Cabaji nodded, glancing to Galdino who quickly confirmed.
Once certain there were no wouldst, Alvida passed over the cloth and went to a filing cabinet, humming softly as she flicked through the folders before pulling out one covered in cutesy duck stickers, labeled 'for croco-baby' on the tab. She handed it over with a smile.
Now possibly far more confused than before, he took the folder and watched as the unicyclist picked up the clown easily and all three trotted out casually. He watched them head back to the tents, carefully avoiding prying eyes, and dip into Buggy's personal tent with no ounce of hesitation.
Fucking hell.
He needed a stiff drink. Or several.
He looked at the folder. A little duck sticker was winking at him, holding a heart.
Make that damned case.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
If Ghost Game had its own Survive arc (bunch of kids all sent to another world), or it started out like Survive did, what characters would be good candidates to be apart of the group, and their digimon partners to-theoretically-be? Of course the trio protagonists are there by default.
Funny enough, I think the main three could constitute a good enough group on their own. Between the levelheaded survival expert, the fearless adventurer, and the cowardly genius, they cover all the bases. However, if we were to have an expanded team...
(Pictures included in case anyone forgot these characters' names and needs to be reminded who tf I'm talking about)
Maybe I'm just biased because I like him so much but I think Yuto would be a good group member, and maybe a possible partner could be Lalamon? 1) because something small and cute suits him and 2) bc they can eventually evolve to Ajatarmon and I have a sick sense of humor. I think the group could benefit from how calm and gentle he is.
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Going off the idea of starting with a "stuck in the digitial world" arc rather than all of gg canon having taken place already, I propose Kayono. I really like her design and wanna see more of her, and I also think she's just a great character to exemplify how humans can negatively affect digimon. I think DemiDevimon could make a fun partner.
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I almost...I almost wanna say Kotaro. Not because he would add anything to the group or because I think he could survive but because you gotta have that comedic relief character who causes problems on accident. I could balance him out with a straight laced partner or I could do the funny thing and give him Neemon.
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Part of me feels like Ruli's friends don't really do enough or have enough personality to be relevant group members...but that didn't stop Tamers from dragging Kazu and Kenta along so...
Maybe they can be the "don't have partners for most of the arc but still help in their own way" characters.
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The only other character who really stood out to me as memorable enough to be a recurring character is probably Emma? She could be a fun addition to the team because she's smart and has an interesting dynamic with Kiyo. I...almost want to give her specifically the Dracmon from gg ep 3 (and 25 but we don't talk about that one) as a partner? I mean her episode involved her being a lowkey stalker and his episode involved cursing people via surveillance and social media so like idk their vibes kinda mesh in my mind. They'd be meeting in a circumstance where he's never seen the real world and she already knows what Kiyo is up to so maybe they'd both be better people?
Or maybe depending on whether they influence each other for better or for worse could be the thing that either makes them reliable allies or terrifying antagonists.
OR it could be a fun yet sad twist that he only partnered with her bc of her smarts and just wanted to use her to cause more problems on purpose and we'd end up having a main character's partner be an endgame boss battle but this time bc of a betrayal instead of a virus which...could be interesting. I accidentally put more thought into this than I meant to. Anyways this one is Emma if anyone forgot:
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narutoheretic · 2 years
you should tell us all about your root ocs 🤠 i have so many as well, yet i still think i need to make more bc of how big and international the org’s supposed to be :O
resurrecting another ask so old I don't remember a ton of concepts, BUT luckily i have the old scraps of danzo-trains-naruto fic (which still lives in my head despite me never being able to write it yet) to go off and find at least a few Root OCs. it was really fun to remember all these guys, so thanks for that!
harumi - an older Root member, was a young woman when Danzo was middle-aged (she pops up in here, beneath my lungs to talk with Kagami). she's weird and socially anxious but in a way that makes her really good at translating people yelling at each other into polite-speak, so she her career for a while was mainly just carrying messages. She began working with Kagami on his diplomatic/ambassador missions shortly before Kagami's death; she was the only survivor of the Iwa attack that killed Kagami and everyone else on that mission, and it cost her a leg and some severe scarring. After a few months of bluescreening, she became essentially an etiquette teacher, training the members of Root that would have to interface with the public; and, notably, teaching Kushina proper behavior and diplomacy when Kushina was first brought to Konoha.
rokuro - another older root member, one who worked closely with Danzo during the Shinobi no Yami years. he's half-Akimichi, and due to the lenient rules on blood relation would have been happily raised as part of the clan, except he uh. was a little weirdo who poisoned a kid for upsetting his cousin when he was like, seven. the Akimichi usually are incredibly harsh on poisoners but are equally soft for kids, so they were stuck not knowing what to do until someone noticed Danzo lurking around doing the beginning of his 'if anyone wants to discard a child just know i am always hiring. children' thing. Danzo was, at least then, viewed pretty favorably by the Akimichi due to his connection thru Torifu, so little Rokuro got packed off to utilize his nascent poisoning genius for the good of the nation. he grew up into a still-weird, still-poison-happy adult, summons carp (which baffles everyone, carp seem extremely boring for How He Is) and has a homoerotic rivalry with an Anbu member.
i cannot remember her goddamn name WHY we used to say it daily. Masako maybe?? - Danzo's second-in-command for a good chunk of Root's early to middle years. from a small wandering Jashin cult, ran into Danzo when they were both teenagers and thought the whole tree cult thing he had going on was sexier than her pain cult, split from her family to join Konoha and manage the mess of orphans Danzo was already accumulating. she's hot and a little unhinged, participated in a lot of his not-war-crimes-yet-but-they're-gonna-be-codified-into-that-postwar stuff during the Shinobi no Yami rep forming years. She also had a girlfriend whose name I cannot remember, just that she worked with gear and clothing. someone had to design those little jackets
eiri - a deaf explosions expert, friendly with Harumi but younger than her by about a decade. she's not as fleshed out, but I vaguely recall that she was supposed to be one of the first kids literally born into Root, with her parents both being Root members.
seji - one of the two heads of what I loosely termed the Manipulation department, members that specified in undercover missions, forming false friendships, honeypot missions, etc. started out as a random orphan with no bloodline, but has grown up to be extremely confident and charismatic to the point people often assume he's a clan discard. unfortunately i never named or characterized the other head lol, I think they were teammates (of the Root buddy system variety) tho
small shoutout to masaki, from the particular canon version of the training fic, who is literally just Uchiha Shisui with different eyes wearing Groucho Marx glasses and a fake beard. no like, literally in this AU shisui worked with danzo to help orchestrate the massacre, because he Was pretty much suicidal and wanted to escape his fate/position in the clan at all costs, and made some very bad decisions thereof. one of them possibly being giving his eyes away because he was sick of their abilities and didn't want his mental and physical health to deteriorate any further, but despite the huge adjustment there and the lingering guilt, he's actually pretty happy with his new life and identity. second-in-command of Root from shortly after Masako's death until canon.
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blackbirdblackbird · 2 years
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
I’m here for the ‘swords not as pets’ agenda. Swords as cars: solid, get you from place to place, potentially dangerous, customizable, something people name. Wwx losing his license taking the fall for a mistake jc made (idk, dui maybe?) and just choosing to mod the hell out of a self-balancing scooter or segway or something so it goes dangerously fast. Alternatively: spending 3 months inventing the first functional actual levitating hoverboard, with an insane top speed. 3 months in the (1/2)
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sawdfert this is delightful!! i saw segway and i immediately started wheezing,, there was no time for laughing i went straight to the wheezing. i think it would make more sense if wwx lost his car and got a motorcycle? like hoverboards and segways are cool but motorcycles have that big reputation of being dangerous and there’s the whole ‘rebellious teen gets a motorcycle and becomes a delinquent’ thing? like motorcycles are fast and if you crash it’s so much worse than if you were in a car and there’s no airbags or anything. but also?? wwx rocking up to school on a segway while playing his flute like the shittiest entrance ever? iconic. but let’s stick with chenqing as a motorcycle/scooter (motorcycle-esque scooter not the ones that try and take out your ankles).
okay so all the major sects are super rich so in a modern au it would make sense for all the sect heirs to get cars. i’m not saying that jc and wwx complain about jzx being stuck-up bc he was given a porsche for his birthday even though they were also given cars for their birthdays,,, but i am. at first it would have been this major point of contention between yzy and jfm bc wwx isn’t even their son so why is he getting a car too but wwx is like ah it’s so i can drive jc and jyl to school! you wouldn’t want their cars being left outside the school all day would you? someone in my maths class had their car get keyed and it was super expensive to fix,, and yzy is like yes wwx may have a car only to protect my children from parking hassles,, also wwx must pay for his own parking. so wwx and jc both get given cars for their bdays.
now wwx gets bored easily,, so you could translate him being a cultivation genius to him being really good at driving. im talking that jc is still getting the hang of switching gears and wwx is out there casually drifting around corners. (this does mean he has to get new tyres really frequently but he’s friends with wen ning, whose family runs the mechanics that wwx likes to go to so he just helps around the shop for a bit and gets a discount (yes its the family discount)). anyway wwx really enjoys driving, also! he just rocks up to wen ning’s place one day and is like dude, i wanna pimp my ride, wanna help and wen ning is like heck yeah. so wwx pays for some upgrades with his own money and he spends hours doing some custom work to make it look cool,,
it’s all going well until wwx and jc go to wen chao’s party one night and jc gets absolutely sloshed,,, like completely hammered. wwx had walked in, grabbed a cup of lemonade or something and was gonna hang with his friends but lwj was there for some reason so he spent the entire night talking to him in the back garden. which means that when jc wanted to leave he saw wwx hanging out with lwj and went ew gross and just decided to drive home himself. he crashes and when wwx comes home the next day jc gets super pissed at him bc he was meant to be the designated driver and if he hadnt been screwing around with lwj jc wouldnt have tried to drive home and now his parents will be super pissed and wwx is like woah chill my grandmother is a mechanic and she can fix this up just give me a couple of days. 
so wwx goes to baoshan sanren mechanics (which is just the back entrance to the wen sibling’s mechanics) and spends the next three days getting rid of all of his customisations and mods so his car looks exactly like jc’s. does he cry when he has to spend like five mins spraying the inside of the car with axe body spray to get the jc stench going on? maybe a little. but he does it and returns the car to jc! and jc is like oh wow my car is fixed, your grandma is a miracle worker and wwx is like haha yeah (:
anyway wwx mysteriously and suddenly discovers a passion for public transport,, it’s a good way to stay humble jiang cheng, he says, also i used all my petrol money buying porn from nhs or whatever. anyway wwx is doing the whole pt to school thing but then one afternoon wen chao and wzh find him and idk maybe the party got too rowdy so the cops came and wc got in trouble with his dad? he assumes wwx called the cops on him so he shoves wwx into his car and drives him out to the middle of no where and dumps him in the burial mounds scrap metal recycling place or whatever. 
the train line isn’t running that day and there’s no phone service either so wwx is stuck there overnight. he gets super bored. so what does he do? he finds an abandoned scooter and starts scavenging for parts. he’s not expecting it to actually work but by the time the sun rises he’s found some actually decent parts and he thinks that he could get it working. tbh he kinda forgets to go back home and just walks into town to buy some food and then goes back and continues fiddling with the scooter. he doesnt live there for the three months but the people in yiling just accept that this random teenager has all but moved into their scrap heap and adopt him anyway. so he goes and visits the burial mounds every day after school so none of his friends or family really see him anymore. 
until! one day he rocks up to school on his scooter. scooters,, are kinda like sad pathetic motorcycles,, but wwx mods his scooter with like a powerful engine and new steering and everything so people see it and go oh! a motorcycle! even though it’s not actually (can you do that with a scooter? idk but suspend your disbelief pls). so lwj is like hnnngg wwx in a leather jacket on a motorcycle but also wei ying, stop riding a motorcycle, *enter statistics about motorcycle crashes here* and wwx is like no! you cant take chenqing away from me. and jc is pissed bc they were meant to be brothers and have matching cars and be able to work on them and give them cool paint jobs together! but now wwx has this bike which has been modded to hell and back and refuses to drive his car bc it’s not as cool as his bike. so we get to have the whole ‘everyone thinks wwx is doing something dumb and dangerous’ bc he has a motorcycle and why isnt he just driving his car anymore? but we also get to keep some of the nuance of the demonic cultivation bc yeah it’s more dangerous than driving in a car but wwx doesnt have a car anymore and scooters are a loottt safer than motorcycles (if my two seconds of research is correct).
so! wwx won’t abandon chenqing and he did most of his work using scrap parts so he goes back to the wens and is like wen ning my best bro check her out and he’s like oooooooh and they start modding chenqing together. wen qing doesnt know why wwx is constantly over at their shop all the time but jc keeps arguing with wwx and wwx grows more distant with his family and friends bc he’s making ~bad decisions~ and a motorcycle is a gateway to idk teen delinquent shenanigans like smoking and doing graffiti so he’s kinda ousted from respectable rich people society and wen qing is like i have two (2) brothers now and they’re adorable not that i’ll ever tell them that. and wwx modding chenqing got him a reputation in yiling like everyone saw him walk in one day and then drive out with this sexy sexy bike so people start coming to him for mods and stuff and wwx earns the title yiling patriarch and wen ning, his trusted best friend and helper, gets called the ghost general bc idk he helps a lot but the customers never meet him. so they become some dynamic duo for car and bike mods!
anyway,, yzy delivers him an ultimatum one day: the car or the bike (or more accurately: the family or the bike) but wwx can’t drive the car anymore so he just gets quietly disowned and drops out of school. (we’ll save jzxuan the suffering in this au he can keep his car). he goes to the wens and theyre like hey whats up? wait no you cant live in a scrap heap,, not even if you buy a tent,,, just live with us please. and then wwx gets adopted by the wens and idk i want them to have a happy ending so wwx and wn go off and do some actual mechanic and modding training with some expert (sqdcfgt imagine if it was the real baoshan sanren who just happened to be in the market for some apprentices and saw wwx and wn’s work and was like them and then later realised it was her grandson). so they get their apprenticeship and they disappear off somewhere for a year or two - when wwx had been disowned he’d deleted everyone’s contacts and was like if they text me i’ll add them back but im not gonna have a contact list cemetery. (no one contacts him). 
eventually the 13 years pass and wwx has been helping the wens raise their little nephew a-yuan who is showing a real aptitude for being a mechanic even though he’s just a kid and just generally enjoying the quiet life of being a mechanic while doing fun mods and lil baby projects. then one day lwj’s car breaks down while he’s driving through the area and he calls up the local mechanic and guess who rocks up? it’s wwx. and then we get to have them dance around each other and wwx being like lwj doesnt trust me, he’s just sitting here and watching me work all day ): and lwj is like dont let him go dont let him go dont let him go,, and eventually they get their romance but this is way too long already so im im gonna end this here
i didnt mean to make this an entire au but i adored your idea so much anon so i kinda had to!!
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qlistening · 4 years
I Fucking Hate Brunch. The world will be a better place if I could convince you to feel the same way.
All you upper middle class Jeep driving girls can go ahead and put your gun back in its holster because I know you’re feeling attacked by this post right off the bat. I want you to read the argument I’m about to present to you with a clear head because if everything goes as planned, I’m about to rock your shit with how valid my opinion is on this subject, and I want you to be in a good headspace to take all of this in.
Ah brunch, a genius concept at first glance. A perfectly plated visual masterpiece, one filter away from landing on your insta story, delivered to you at a time that acknowledges and accepts your constitutional right to suck down a tanker truck full of alcohol the night before. No more pulling up to a greasy diner in your friends sweatpants for some scrambled eggs. Every classy restaurant in town is now opening their doors at 11 AM so you and your friends can get drunk before noon in a place that had the funds to pay an interior designer. 
Well you know what else looked like a genius concept at first glance? Mortgage backed securities baby! And those suckers single handedly butt fucked the entire economy when you were like eight. I’m not saying that is in the cards with brunch, but I’m also not saying it’s not.
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I’m actually an expert on this subject, as I have brunched it up in seven different countries and served this beloved meal at three different restaurants. And yeah, I know chomping down those pancakes in the upper righthand corner of this picture makes me a hypocrite, but the title of this post isn’t “I fucking hate hypocrisy”, is it?  
(you might have to click the title to keep reading. I’m not about to relearn html to fix this)
Diner Perspective
As a diner, I know that the brunch is a classic case of “expectation vs. reality”. You wake up at like noon. Try desperately to make something cute out of your dry skin, smudged eyeliner and greasy hair from the night before. You fail miserably. Then you put on some clothes that typically reside in that rarely touched “darty-wear” section of your closet. When you pull up and sit down at the restaurant, you can’t help but feeling a little bit ridiculous. The waitress is sitting there wearing an apron and nonslip shoes and you are wearing giant star earings. There are like, old people scattered throughout the place as well. Their faces makes it pretty clear that your footwear choice of wedges was in fact, not super appropriate. Once you sit down, you realize how fucking thirsty you are. You start taking down glasses of water at an embarrassing speed and feel kind of bad that your waitress has filled your glass three times before you have even ordered.
Oh yeah ordering. You were so busy rehydrating your kidneys that you have no idea what you want when the waitress comes back to the table the third time so you order something stupid and kinda out of your price range. Either that, or your eyes are way bigger than your stomach and before you know it there are 5 plates and three drinks sitting in front of you. Whoever drank the least the night before whips out the classic “so ladies are we drinking” and now, thanks to that bitch, you have a mimosa on your bill too. 
You eat a solid two-thirds of your food and suck down all of your drinks. You and your friends do a baseline rehash of the night and realize that you have little left to talk about. Because you like, already talked about it last night. Meanwhile, your hangover is hitting its peak and you would really rather go to the bathroom and pull trig than take another bite of eggs benny but shit! You can’t. Because of the judgy old people. You sit there and dream of when you can go the fuck home and lay down after this. 
Oh here comes the best part! The bill! Thirty five fucking dollars you have to be joking. I could buy an eighth for that much. I sure as hell would get more use out of it. And I have to tip this waitress! it’s not like she turned on the ol’ razzle dazzle or anything. She literally just asked what we wanted and brought it to the table. Fuck this shit. “How much are you guys tipping? $5? Cool me too.” 
Server Perspective 
How the fuck is it already 9 AM. I feel like I slept for five minutes. Probably because I want to sleep at 5 AM. I can’t believe I have to work this fucking shift. I literally texted every single other server before I went out last night asking for a cover and no one responded. I worked thirteen hours yesterday with no break. I’m not even sure this is legal. Do I need this job? One of my friends made a lot of money as like a cam girl. Maybe I could do that. I’ve got pretty nice boobs. Wait no people might look me up and see them when I’m applying to grad school. Okay I’m getting up. 
Good thing I’m still wearing my makeup from the night before bc I’m not trying to sit here and beat my face right now. Shit my uniform is literally disgusting from sweating for thirteen hours yesterday. Dryer sheet and a 10 minute run in the dryer and she’ll be good to go. Hair...going in a top knot. Alright lets take some Advil and get this bread.
“You know you’re late, right?” “Yeah I’m really sorry I forgot my apron and had to run home and grab it”. Fuck off idiot. I may be late but at least I graduated high school. Holy shit why has no on done any side work? I’m literally going to be sitting here making coffee, syrups, ketchups, toast, sweet tea, lemons and place settings for the next hour to make all of $2.13.
Oh yes the first customer is here. It’s the boy I made out with at DKE freshman year and his entire extended family. And they’re sitting in my section. Can’t wait for his grandparents and dad to emotionally abuse me while his mom insists on making six to eight substitutions to whatever she orders. The chef is going to literally throw hot grease in my face when I put in this complicated order. If you could even call him a chef. He’s just one of the line cooks that gets screwed into making omelets and microwaving food from the night before every Saturday and Sunday morning, as if it’s some kind of promotion. I need to get these rich people drunk or there is no way they are tipping me shit. Read them the brunch drink specials. Make sure to lock eyes with the women when you are describing our specialty mimosas. Phew they ordered $150 worth of drinks. That’ll be enough money to justify half-assing the rest of this shift until I can go home and smoke a bowl to forget what I just went through. Oh the white girls at table 46 only tipped me $5 a piece? Shocking. Could give a damn.
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If you did not relate to this post whatsoever and are still clinging to your fantasies of brunch being “like the best meal ever invented”, you my friend, are too far gone. There is no way a working class girl like me had any chance of getting through to you in the first place. I sincerely apologize for wasting your time. For the rest of you, I hope we all learned something today. And that the next time the topic of brunch comes up in the group-chat, you will make the noble suggestion that we just cook the cinnamon rolls in the fridge.
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deadwcight · 4 years
[ let it go by idina menzel, chronic backstabbing disorder, cinnamon and mulled wine ]  your world has gone black, time has shifted and halted still. wake up, LOKI ODINSON, you’re in a new world now. you used to be known as THE GOD OF MISCHIEF back on earth, and were 1500+ at the time of your disappearance. now you must adapt at life within the soul stone or accept your fate. survive or disappear. it’s on you now. [ sivan alyra rose, she/they ]
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name: loki odinson / odinsdottir, formerly laufeyson / laufeysdottir.
alias(es)/nickname(s): god(dess) of mischief, god(dess) of lies, god(dess) of stories, agent of asgard, ikol, prince(ss) of asgard, reindeer games (via tony stark), lackey (via valkyrie), liesmith, child of odin, child of laufey, loki of asgard.
age: 1500+.
birthday + zodiac: loki doesn’t really have a birthday by earth standards, but they would likely be a scorpio.
pronouns: she/they.
fc: sivan alyra rose.
powers, if any: frost giant physiology (superhuman strength; durability; speed; agility; stamina; regenerative healing factor; longevity; cold immunity); master sorcerer (illusion manipulation; shapeshifting; mental manipulation; presence concealment; conjuration; telekinesis).
skills, if any: master tactician; genius level intellect; expert combatant; spear mastery; knife mastery; pilot; expert marksman.
languages spoken: loki has allspeak.
mbti: infj.
following the events of avengers:endgame how does your character feel about everything that has happened?
loki’s fuckin’ tired, dude. they want a nap. going from jumping from 2012 with the tesseract to various other points throughout the timeline until they merged with their future self to being imprisoned once again to escaping and ending up in the soul stone... well, it’s a lot, needless to say. but at least they don’t have to wear that ugly grey and orange jumpsuit anymore.
what has your character brought with you into the soul stone?
basically just the clothes on their back and their daggers. they originally appeared in a prison jumpsuit but used their magic to shift into something more comfortable and less... noticeable. 
give us a bit about your character, tell us how you see them.
born to king laufey and his wife farbauti, loki was abandoned as a baby because they were considered to be small and weak for a frost giant
however, they were found by odin and thus adopted by king odin and queen frigga of asgard, raised alongside their adoptive brother thor, believing that they were as much their child as thor was
overall, their childhood was good compared to what it would have been had they either been kept by their birth parents or died on jotunheim, even if they would later tell people otherwise (ex. telling thor they lived in his shadow – feelings of their own insecurity brought out by thanos’ manipulation)
they were taught to wield magic by their mother, frigga, as they lacked interest in fighting, partially due to their smaller stature
loki often played pranks on thor using the magic they were being taught, such as finding different ways to stab him or turn him into different animals, both as a child and into their adulthood
i won’t go into too much more detail about the events of the avengers & the thor movies bc i’m sure most people have seen em and knows all that goes on so ….. yes (plus i’m lazy)
which brings us to infinity war, where thanos kills loki after loki attempted to trick and stab him. loki failed, thanos stopped him, and broke their neck
ofc there’s also endgame loki and the whole thing w/ escaping with the tesseract so lemme... explain where i’m going from w/ that! so, basically, at some point down the line while... time jumping or w/e, loki’s two selves (2012 loki and infinity war loki) merged into one person! my main reason for doing this is that the ragnarok character development is very important to how i write loki!!
as hinted at in the loki previews, they were in time prison or something and what i’m thinking for this is basically that though they managed to escape from time prison, they’ve now found themselves in an entirely new prison lmfao
loki is genderfluid and pansexual! they use she/her or they/them pronouns. they/them is a good base if you’re ever not sure!! but of course she/her is fine too!
i usually hc that there’s a permanent scar around loki’s neck due to their death via thanos, and because of that, they wear a scarf almost all the time to cover it up
loki is very confused about how they got here but yknow what... this is better than time prison so it’s okay
pls love them !!
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bufflessbodney · 5 years
Hi Dr, I was doing some research into vitamins for my sciatica and came across mention of a supplement I used to take up until right before my first manic episode by the name of rhodiola so I checked and found an article that said it can cause mania. Then I looked into two others I was taking, and, same deal: green coffee supplements which I was taking for energy and maca root powder which to be honest I took in abundance at probably three times the recommended dose, as well as the energy drinks ..being as I had never had a manic episode before I had no idea I was setting myself up for anything; I have had severe chronic muscular pain in my entire body since the age of 20, diagnosed as fibromyalgia -but then one Dr said it wasn't but she did not do nearly as elaborate an assessment as the first- and as a single mom I felt very depleted and lethargic much of the time so I was trying to boost my energy levels and it was working. Then I went on a vacation and to look for housing as we were planning to move, and it was the very first time away from my kids (other than the brief interlude between when my sons were stolen and when my daughter was born which was only a matter of months) and at my friend's house where I was staying (___) so I was unable to sleep for the majority of the time, a nap here and there, and things just got weirder cuz it was a house of partiers and I was seeing a guy there too who was very strange and long story short I ended up wandering the streets and slipped into homelessness within which I obviously did not sleep pretty much ever. I went off all my supplements cold turkey (there were a few others but I cannot remember which). Anyway my daughter and I were very close and talked pretty much constantly and I just remember the LACK of conversation filling my mind with this ..uh ..I don't know how to explain it, it was like I was still talking to her in my head but also needed to find a way to fill the lack somehow. And I also felt deeply compelled to do emotional healing work. The very first bonkers thing that happened and my only 'real' so called 'hallucination' that I recall, was when I screamed in an alley for about 10 minutes because I was persistently haunted by the memory of being recently raped, after which, with wonderful immediacy, I saw tiny rainbows surround and float around me for a couple of minutes. So either I cracked something in my brain by screaming or it was God comforting me or some shit. But I don't think in all my life I had ever screamed before and it was pretty intense.
Then my first manic episode was when after not sleeping at all for days and days, not even an hour, or eating in at least 2 days I think (long story) my weird friend kept taking me into restaurants and then out again and I kept thinking he was going to feed me and I was getting progressively more confused and I guess irritated or whatever word works and a guy noticed and offered me a toke off his joint and I hadn't smoked in a while and I took a huge blast and it just sent me (back) into screamland:
So this is why I think we are mainly dealing with PTSD stuff cuz I have been an expert at repressing my whole life, like, really really good at it. And then the subsequent manic episodes were, in my opinion, similarly, like, echoes of the first; occurring out of an impulse toward healing but sort of forced by circumstance (not sleeping, eating, excessive marijuana intake, etc). I also have pretty strong theories with regard to subtler considerations but you may neither be interested in such 'pseudo' scientifickicities or persuaded by them. However, myself having lived in BC for half my life where holistic medicine is considered the norm in many if not most circles, I cannot discount my views or replace them with what I consider to be a less than evolved conception of matters at hand (no offence; 'research' being what it is is still just at whatever stage it is at, and is not in itself a proof of truth or however you wanna phrase that). Such considerations are the effects of pretty much every thing I ingest on 'whatever' level they effect upon. During 'mania' or 'hypomania' it 'feels' like straight up 'vibration nuance variability' but I have such a sensitive disposition and I mean that physically as well that I can back that up with my own, less wacko\esoteric/bonko research and experience. For example I was vegetarian from the age of 18 until days before I went manic the first time (which I believe is another factor) and then felt addicted to meat and couldn't quit until a couple of months ago. Then I was tempted into eating meat again and I literally couldn't stop feeling like I was going to die afterwards. Albeit it was just like a wandering, mild, but still persistent thought, and I was high, but I never feel paranoid or yucky like that and I know it was the meat. Dairy has somewhat similar effects on me, but almost the opposite (I feel emotionally comforted by it but my body physically does not like it). And when manic or hypomanic I am really compelled toward vegetables like I used to be as a vegetarian but sort of lost my zazz for since becoming bipolar for some reason, BUT, I find them a nuisance and too fibrous and find myself sucking the juice out of them. Etc.
Anyway, blah blah blah who cares about the rantings of some lunatic, but I, for myself, think there is something very simple and natural to the process of healing, and that ultimately it would be within God's design to draw us back into harmony with nature at some point. I know I am 'ahead of my time' in many respects, I'm not a genius for nothing, but I feel encouraged by our last meeting and now that you have acknowledged the possibility that I might not be bipolar (and please understand that it is because to me the diagnosis simply does not make sense given what I understand about myself and my life and the nature of reality etc) I feel my time of necessarily challenging what does not make sense or sit right in my mind (for how couldn't I?) is less of a necessity and we can focus on potentialities etc. And don't worry I don't go around spouting my 'wisdom', I just live my life and if people learn anything from me it is only by paying attention.
Sorry about my run on paragraphs, I honestly cannot figure out how to not.
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thegreenestofbeans · 6 years
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Did anyone ask for some concept art? :D (Yes, I am fully committed to this theory now)
I think i might write something for this and possibly share it (if I do manage to gain enough confidence to share my writing). I love this concept and I have SO many ideas that i want to explore in detail that can be only explained through a story (or maybe multiple stories :3)
Also thank you so much to my EMT/medical student older brother for being a super cool genius helping me confirm the validity of how I wrote out the concept for the process of Della amputating the limb and treating the wound in a survival situation. Thanks big bro, you’re a G 💚👌
Design for the prosthetic was inspired partly by @domiinon’s design (go check it out right here, she’s amazing), a tiny bit by Samus Aran’s power suit (and no I’m not joking), and the rest was just thought up with my own very rusty knowledge of very basic robotics and mechanical engineering. Please point out any flaws I made in both the amputee/disability aspect and the prosthetic aspect of it, since I am an expert in neither 😅
(Some rambling and translations for the written text under the cut :P feel free to read if you feel like it or can’t see my terrible handwriting)
By the way, I couldn’t believe all of the support and cool ideas and responses I received on that post! Yes, I know I’m evil for making a post about a Disney character being forced to do that to herself, but remember that being an amputee, in itself, isn’t necessarily a horrible thing. It’s definitely not something you want to happen to you and it’s awful when it does happen, but when you survive and are getting through the experiences and recovering emotionally and physically, you’re still, above it all, a whole human being. Much respect to amputees who may be reading 💚 you guys are awesome
Anyway, I do hope (in a weird, somewhat twisted way because I don’t want Della to be forced to cut off her leg because yikes) that the Ducktales crew decides to go this route, because it would be good representation and showing a character, especially a female character in a kid’s show, go through that kind of experience would be empowering (plus, lets admit it, prosthetics are straight up awesome. I’m considering studying prosthetics so that I can learn more about how they work). If the crew doesn’t decide to do that (which let’s face it, we don’t know for sure that they will at this point bc it’s just a theory), I may or may not make an AU out of it because yes.
Translations for written text:
-   Leg built by Della after she crash-landed on the moon and was forced to amputate the leg with a sharp piece of scrap metal.
-   (WARNING: SLIGHTLY GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION) She then treated the wound by heating a piece of scrap metal with a blowtorch and cauterizing it. Afterwards, she tore off her jacket sleeve and used it as temporary gauze to dress the wound. Later on, when she regained consciousness after passing out from shock, she gained access to a medical kit and properly dressed the wound. 
-   Built by Della from spare parts of the Spear of Selene.
-   Della searched through tools, debris, and spare parts and managed to find screws, bolts, springs, and hinges. She built the foot and the metal casing by welding and bending pieces of scrap metal with a blowtorch and hammer.
-   She continues to upgrade the leg as she learns more about mechanical engineering through rebuilding the ship.
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la-paritalienne · 5 years
Don't know if the anon wanted it but I do want the review for Fine Line 👀
oh yayyyyyy! there it goes! fair warning, i’ve written it upon my first / second listen as i do w all my reviews, bc i feel like that way it manages to include a first impression kind of vibe without it being superficial. i’ve reread and i agree w myself (hehe) and i’ve lifted a few grades bc i’ve been feeling some stuff more lately, but yeah, this was not written now so. just to clarify.
golden: okayyyyy i wasn’t expecting for his voice to sound like this!! like, low and raspy? it sounds more intimate this way, i think? as for the sound, it’s kind of funky and think as an opener, this song really represents the sound he chose for this album… i could be wrong tho, let’s see how it goes on. slightly repetitive but the voice won me over and overall, i really like it.
fave lyrics: i’m out of my head and i know that you’re scared because i’m so open.
watermelon sugar: when this song starts i’m like ok… i like everything about it… but then the chorus comes in and idk, something annoys me about the ‘watermelon sugar high’, i think it’s hyper metric so that doesn’t sit right w my ears, and then worst lyric ever goes to ‘i want your belly’… so overall it’s a meh from me. the breathe me in / out part sounds so lovely thoooo.
fave lyrics: baby you’re the end of june
adore you: this is my fave out of the singles! it’s just boppy and cute, a feel good song. it doesn’t amaze me but i wouldn’t mind listening to it often bc it’s just a happy song and it’s sooo catchy, it’s the only single that truly got stuck in my head. it does sound like a zayn song – like, a lot – in some parts, which isn’t bad per se just… unexpected i guess?
fave lyrics: you don’t have to say you love me, i just wanna tell you something, lately you’ve been on my mind
lights up: at first this song disappointed me very much so idk if i can be completely objective on it, rehearing it i actually really like it… like maybe as a song it’s better than adore you but less catchy so i liked it way less at first? here too, major zayn vibes. it’s growing on me, although there’s still something that i’m not a fan of, idk what it is exactly… maybe the strophe?? i love the ‘shine’ part, not sold on the verse and ‘la da da’, but overall maybe listening to it again i like it better than adore you… it grew on me!
fave lyrics: it’d be so sweet if things just stayed the same
cherry: oh??? i almost didn’t recognise him, there’s a reverberation in the voice or something? i’m no expert so i’m sorry if i’m bullshitting, i’m just trying to describe what i hear. i feel like i like the music more than i like the words (not the words per se, although the songwriting is kind of childish here, tbh, but more like the delivery). i don’t like this… it’s boring and whiny. (also the ‘coucou’ as a background sound kind of irks me) but it’s a good song, maybe just not memorable or not my personal fave. the ending audio doesn’t make much sense to me bc it’s not something you say in like a voicemail, it’s something that requires a response like, as if he’d recorded a conversation and removed his own voice? or just kind of staged? but i like how the final word fades into music.
fave lyrics: i just miss your accent and your friends (let’s be real, the lyrics are so unimpressive, it was hard to pick a line).
falling: oh woooooooooow, i love the way his voice sounds without any effect on it… to me, the lyrics just hit deeper this way, but it’s also that the lyrics here are really something else! and the lyrics……. wow again. i’m loving it! it does that thing where it makes me sick to my stomach in a meaningful, beautiful way. oooh there’s a loooong high note too! nothing to add, this is perfect for me.
fave lyrics: [everything wtf. but especially] what if i’m someone you won’t talk about?
to be so lonely: i wasn’t expecting where this was going when it started, very beatlesy, soothing sound and soothing voice! there’s something dreamy about it, the pre-chorus especially, that makes the chorus surprising. and then it’s insistent and like… gets groovier and groovier. veeeery beatles, definitely. i’m a fan!
fave lyrics: i’m just an arrogant son of a bitch who can’t admit when he’s sorry
she: oh i looove psychedelic rock!!!! my genreeeee! beatles again, and pink floyd of course as the most obvious influences. (i want you / she’s so heavy?? it reminds me of the lacrosse the universe version also). and i feel like pink floyd for something in the sound, but the whole thing like voice + sound is more beatles, the descriptive side to it… it reminds me of eleanor rigby like… the way the song makes me feel, kind of anxious in a way that’s not necessarily bad? it just makes me feel things. flexing w that instrumental!!!!! wow. i mean this is my jam, i also love the lyrics so it’s a big big yes from me, although i mean, not groundbreaking as in – it’s been done a lot over the 60s and 70s especially… which is why it’s not a ten, but still, great song.
fave lyrics: she lives in daydreams with me
sunflower, vol. 6: cute!!! the lyrics, the sound, the light falsetto part, the funkish beat! oooh and there’s some funky instrument that i’m too ignorant to define, but nice! maybe for my taste it’s kind of messy, i guess in a good way but also in a way that it’s not something i want to listen to a lot, i think? the hooting and howling in the end… interesting… not really my thing and the beatles did it in the 60s but like… cute.
fave lyrics: i’ve got your face hung up high in the gallery
canyon moon: this sounds too much like italian masterpiece ‘acqua azzurra, acqua chiara’ for me to take it completely seriously, but per se it’s quite nice to listen to, it feels almost country? i swear every time the guitar comes in i kinda lose it bc it’s just… sooo much alike, so i’m sorry i can’t really say more about it. cool lyrics and it’s a nice song!
fave lyrics: the world’s happy waiting
treat people with kindness: ok this is……… i’m sorry but i’m cringing a bit (a lot). when he comes in it’s not bad, it’s just… the idea of making a song out of a slogan is not genius, to me, like, it’s bound to sound weird and inorganic i think?? i’m sorry, i’m trying to like it but i can’t, like there’s some nice screaming (all together now, just a little bit of kindness) and the gospel chorus per se is amazing but i can’t unhear the lyrics and overall it sounds a bit messy.
fave lyrics: and if we’re here long enough we’ll see it’s all for us and we’ll belong
fine line: i feel like this is a very fine (hehe) stylistic excercise, again, kind of psychedelic, lots going on w the music, lots of falsetto and some powerful lyrics, but somehow i get distracted while listening to it… kind of (very) boring? especially w how long it is, i guess it aims to make a statement but if so idk, i expected some powerful change throughout? a bridge or something? the mind wanders as you listen to it, one of my least faves for sure.
fave lyrics (these are impressive tho!!): put a price on emotion, i’m looking for something to buy, you’ve got my devotion but man, i can hate you sometimes
thank you so much for asking! i do these for myself and like the few friends that care bc i find it interesting and ‘challenging’ to put my thoughts down and grade stuff but also a relaxing pastime at the same time. let me know what you think of course if you want♡
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daughterofthedcmon · 5 years
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✕ — isn’t that talia al ghul wandering the streets of new york? civilians know them as leviathan and see them as an anti-hero. as far as i know, the thirty six year old stands with the league of assassins and are rumoured to be pretty manipulative & ruthless. ( aiysha hart / cisfemale / she/her ) 
hewwo fam !!! gia back at it again bc i ... have no self control. not even an ounce. nada. ANYWAYS. i love talia a lot, despite what gr*nt m*rrison did to her. that being said, there’s a lot of her canon i’ll be choosing to ignore, like her (r*pe mention) drugging and r*ping bruce to have damian, and the fact that damian was raised in a fuckin TUBE ? 
i unfortunately won’t be writing a complete intro to her as piecing together what i want to use of her comic canon would take me a million years and i just Do Not have that time rn dhsjkfdj. instead, i’m basically just gonna word vomit things i feel are necessary to mention however this is my first time playing her so i’m still learning and truly cannot wait to flesh her out a lil more!!! tysm for reading ily angels and pls don’t be shy to come to me for plots <3 for talia or for anyone ok UWU 
for those who don’t know, talia al ghul is daughter of ra’s al ghul and the mother of damian wayne al ghul
from the moment talia could walk, she’d been trained to eventually join the league of assassins. her father was the founder of the league, which was an organization of deadly warriors that he used to achieve his goal of ridding the world of evil. this is where ra’s enemy batman comes in 
talia was raised by her father, and from childhood to adulthood, she traveled the world learning everything she could to help her father and his criminal empire. 
talia has an extended lifespan due to exposure to the lazarus pit, is said to be an expert marksman, and is skilled in hand to hand combat. she possesses a genius intellect and has degrees in both engineering and biology. 
talia, given that she loves bruce, their son and her father, has always been at a crossroads between love and loyalty. though her love isn’t expressed like actual love (give her a break pls) she does have ways of showing it. she’s fiercely protective of damian and bruce, continuing to look after them from a distance even at her father’s side. 
which is another thing, while she had always been loyal to her father, talia is always wavering in her alignment. just really depends on where the pendulum swings lmao 
because on one hand, she remains loyal to her father because she loves him. though literally every other word out of her mouth is like “ugh my dad and his crusade” like she straight up knows he’s a mess but loyalty is more prevalent to her than love so from time to time she aids in his schemes against “evil” but has a loyalty to her son and to bruce. there’s even a point in the resurrection of ra’s al ghul where she knocks damian out so he doesn’t fight ra’s and when bruce is like wtf she said she wanted to protect the legacy of the man she loved .... wrow 
this is really brief but i hope you guys at least get an idea of her... like i said i’m still learning and researching all i can about talia so i can come up with my own concrete portrayal of her so i might end up updating this with a few plot points in her canon i see fit to include but for now these are the BASICS!!!!! 
ps i didn’t forget her stuff with jason but since i also play jason i don’t think i need to write much about it. just that she saw he was meant for more, brought him to the lazarus pit etc. prob still looks after him to this day. and NO they didn’t boink idr who wrote that but i hate men and i hate dc like 99.9% of the time 
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bimbinis · 6 years
Do you have any OCs?
I know @taramacgay sent this just bc we were talking abt this earlier but I realized nothing’s stopping me from talking about my OCs so like… I’m gonna do just that (under the cut obviously bc no one wants to see that)
so like, I got this dorky ass superhero comicbook concept about these demon-human hybrid twins that become superheroes through a series of not-great circumstances and will prove to be quite possibly the worst choice anyone could ever have for the job. Originally it was actually a very jumbled and weird Buffy AU (good fucking luck trying to figure out anything that connects both) but then it got far enough from source material that it didn’t even matter anymore to begin with anyway here’s the characters:
Noah Clarke is a simple man with a simple dream: become a famous actor. This boy was born to be in front of a camera and talk at length about himself but unfortunately it turns out that being visibly non-human means producers aren’t all that desperate to hire you. So when the shadiest woman on the planet proposes he uses his particular abilities to become the city’s hero and most importantly, its newest celebrity, he’s pretty quick to say “hell yeah!”
Taylor Clarke, Noah’s twin who got all the braincells available in the womb, isn’t as easily persuaded. What she is, however, is about to go to jail for a real long time for a crime she very much did commit. So when a lawyer she’s never seen before in her entire life tells her he can get her off the hook if only she’ll take part in his new project of a very strange nature, all she can really say about that is “well, why the hell not?”
Lucas Newton is a man who never asks questions. Ever. For a super computer genius, he’s remarkably uncurious about what’s going on around him. So when his employers decide to transfer him to this new branch of indetermined goal, he doesn’t particularly oppose to it. He never would have imagined it involved making gadgets for a pair of half-demons (he’d never met any personally up until then), and he certainly didn’t expect one of them to be the most stuckup and uncollaborative girl on the planet but hey, every job has its downsides.
Ramona Casey is a former police sargent and a woman of conviction. That conviction being “the system’s fucked and we need to break it all down and start over”. Lucky for her, her old friend Carter has the same convictions and a less-than-orthodox idea for a solution, and he wants her in on it. All she has to do is summon an ungodly amount of patience she doesn’t have in order to give these unruly goblins the guidance and leadership they’ll need to become actual heroes. Piece of cake.
Carter King is a former DA and a man of vision. It’s just that the State didn’t give him enough credit for that. His new investors, however, have complete faith in him and his new plan to use some of these new “anomalous beings” walking around to make the greatest ad campaign in the history of the world. He just hopes he chose the right ones.
Abby Nicholson is a dedicated reporter… or at least she wishes she were. As it turns out, her job’s not being much about upholding the truth as much as it’s being about giving the latest scoop on the most recent teen celebrity out there. But things sure start getting way more interesting when these new masked freaks start fighting crime around the town and Abby sees that as the opportunity for a big break that she’s been waiting for.
Honorable mentions to other OCs I haven’t developed enough so far, such as Audrey, local cryptozoology expert and Lucas’s new much more energetic co-worker; Christopher, your average rich pretty boy that did nothing to deserve his fame and fortune; Warren, the twins’ disgruntled new fighting instructor and Tyler, anomalous street kid and certified #rebel
anyways that was a lot of words put into something that has very little meaning. oh well
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cielospeaks · 5 years
treble fanservice mystery fair au
real event- escape from emperor’s tomb, starring emperor, old li, ect.
and the actual mystery event: its the sort of one w phantom thieves but also a supernatural-ey series of deaths. the cast:
doyle (and/or ranpo and/or akechi)- the detective role. personally im goin w doyle bc hed be so exasperated to see his idiot ocs and all the continuous shenanigans theyve been up to.
mozart- basically regular mozart, a famous musician genius whos invited to the party bc of his celeb status. a party animal, but has bad manners, however is not malicious.
hamlet (avenger class)- the son of the previous owner of the “cursed object”, lets call it say, forbidden pocky. his father presumably died from the curse when he was younger, but with his father’s dying wish to avenge his apparent murder, hamlet accuses the current owners of using the curse to kill his father.
kasuga and matsudaira- the current owners of the forbidden pocky, perhaps several times over from hamlet’s dad. currently negociating displaying it in a museum, as well as avoiding it from being stolen by several/a group of thieves. matsudaira might be the first killed. its the second time hes bleeding out and slowly turning into karuta cards.
himiko (caster?) and/or seimei- a spiritual expert called in to investigate/uncurse/ect the forbidden pocky ceremony thing. their expertise in the field makes them a suspect, due to knowledge of the lore and proceedings.
okki- the museum curator, currently negociating with the current owners for displaying the object. faces trouble from the thieves as well, but also wants the forbidden pocky to be given up to study for its historical value.
son and boy (nobukatsu)- the assistant to the museum curator, seems to be hiding something.
yu chan- kinda similar in role to stehno in the first one, the player’s friend ish? invited to the event through a family connection, perhaps has lost a family member to the curse?
robin hood and the other thieves (arsene lupin and/or goemon)- either several individuals acting on their own or a group/duo of thieves, after failing to steal the forbidden pocky they have currently infiltrated the ceremony in order to try and steal it for realsies. robin is presumably the hot waiter in disguise.
the event kinda like... its at this ceremony in the museum, and during the tense negociations, the first murder happens. behind the scenes it shows some friendship and camaraderie between mozart and doyle (creative creators) and yu and hamlet (both who are resentful of being forced to be there, yu for her chummy role w the player (but her husband enjoys the story so she’s doing it for him), and hamlet out of resentment for his own creator, who he wants to show up this year). possibly seimei and/or himiko is the bartholomew/salazar role in this.
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idealisticrealism · 6 years
Brief thoughts on Blindspot 4x01
So I definitely can’t do the insane reviews that I used to, but apparently I’m incapable of NOT having thoughts about this show, so here’s a few.
So I’ve decided that this is my new format for word-vomiting about this show. Feel free to talk to me about these precious jerks if you want.
Reade: well, looks like your skills in the field aren’t too rusty after your time as AD. But your old skills of being suspicious of everything Jane does probably need to be pulled out of the cupboard and dusted off, buddy, because if you actually look you’re gonna start noticing some shady shit. Also, I’m super sorry about what Tasha did to you. That really sucks.
Zapata: you know I’m still not convinced that my ‘evil clone’ theory wasn’t actually correct for you. You torpedo your best friend’s relationship, sleep with him, then disappear and become a criminal mastermind?? Like I am sure there’s some good and noble reason that you are infiltrating Crawford’s company and Keaton is probably in on it too, but still. Dude. Not cool. (PS glad you didn’t get murdered)
Blake: damn, I was not expecting you to go like that, and honestly I’m a little sorry about it. But ugh, why couldn’t you have just grabbed Roman and sailed off into the sunset to be beautiful together instead of murdering both him and my ship??? Things would have worked out so much better for you. Hindsight’s a bitch like that I guess
Patterson: ugh you are the freaking cutest thing. Speaking Japanese from a guidebook when lbr you’re probably fluent in it bc you’re Patterson and you can do anything. Then having to taste the different alcohols to know which one to use? Amazing. However I am very concerned about how you were holding your hand out as if to catch the drips of the freezing solution you made, despite the fact that that very solution ate through thick metal. Although maybe even if the solution touched you it would just be cancelled out by the warmness of your heart-- bc I mean, that sounds legit to me. Also I am LOVING this little dynamic duo thing you have going with Rich. Getting in on his office pool bc it ‘builds rapport’?? Omg. This is the friendship that dreams are made of and honestly I wish the entire show was about just you two because I would love every damn second of it.
Rich: oh, my beloved. I used to write down your best lines, but that’s impossible these days because everything that comes out of your mouth is literally the best thing in the universe. The one-sided banter with Remi in the restaurant, the fluent Japanese, accidentally revealing your identity because you’re super proud of your skills at a game... all amazing. Also, this is even more proof that you are literally at genius level of intelligence. Everyone realises that about Patterson, but seems to forget it about you. And ugh what about you adorably trying to help Remi during the swordfight, not to mention  your character progression when you were like ‘we’re FBI, we don’t murder people’-- remember back when you straight up murdered someone because you thought they were FBI? Look how far my precious angel has come. Also, I feel like you are almost definitely going to be the first one to realise that Remi is REMI, not Jane. Mostly because of the genius thing, but also I think partly bc Remi’s only knowledge of you is of back when you were the kind of dude who murders FBI agents, so she’s maybe not going to have her guard up quite as much as she does with the others. We’ve already seen it happening. Anyhow I love you and your uniform of patterned shirts and loafers, and I love watching you debriefing your beloved team and running very successful office pools and helping Patterson crack tattoos and data caches like the badass duo you are. Please never ever leave me.
Weller: oh, my son. You look like a ruffled rooster and it’s equal parts adorable and embarrassing. Although I guess it kinda goes with your new puppy-dog personality... remember when you were all grim and closed off and grumpy?? Ah, the early days. I am so happy Jane makes you so happy, and so sad that you are gonna go through even more rough times very soon. But come on, buddy, you HAVE to be seeing that something is up with Jane. You’re a smart boy. And that whole ‘copying the video’ thing had to have set off alarm bells, even if she did cover it well (dang, she sneaky). Anyhow that’s about all I have to say to you bc you were basically just a love interest role in this ep, which is hilarious for the former leader of the team. Good luck, buddy. (PS get a haircut)
Remi: oh, I like you. You’re super messed up and I am so intrigued by it. The old me would have been super worried already because all I wanted was for all you guys to be happy all the time and never go through any hardships, but the show managed to cure me of that, and now I am pretty fine with watching all of you suffer. Except Patterson. Stop hurting Patterson, you bastards. Anyhow, I am really interested in seeing what you do and whether you eventually will find a middle ground between yourself and Jane. Or mostly Jane and a little bit you. Also sorry about your brother, we all miss him too. A lot. But good luck with your scheming, and try to be a little more cautious around Rich. He’s somewhat of an expert in the study of Jane Doe, and also considers her one of his best friends, so I think you’re underestimating how dangerous he is to your cover. PS, try not to kill any of them, okay?
Weitz: man, I have been waiting for WEEKS (since someone may have let something slip to me...) to see the kind of AD you would be, and you did not disappoint. I literally almost wanted to wipe down my screen each time you appeared on it, you’re that damn slimy. I love it and I can’t wait to see how else you make the team’s* lives miserable...
(*except Patterson and Rich)  
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