#and be our teaching tool for talking about brain development
astrellium · 2 years
In fifth grade we had lessons on Greek and Latin roots that we'd like, go through a unit in a book from every week, alongside grammar lessons and shit like that
We also read a book about the nastiest, deadliest diseases in the world
So I can bumblefuck my way through reading things written in Romance languages pretty well
Still not super clear on how leprosy works, though
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Friends of ours lost their 22yo son to suicide recently. He was struggling, but kept the depth of it hidden. There are no words of comfort to give, only grieving alongside those who have lost one that they love.
A good friend pointed out that in the midst of this weeping, while it does not diminish the grief, perhaps something good might come out in that those who are similarly struggling with thoughts of suicide might get some perspective that their lives matter beyond the tiny world mental illness traps you in. Your life matters and is worth living.
Our brains are a precariously balanced mix of meat, electricity, and chemicals. Sometimes because of our experiences and/or biology our brains begin to lie to us. It withholds joy and pleasure. "It’s like trying to laugh at a joke that isn’t funny. Trying to smile for a photo you don’t want to be in. It’s like waking up in the morning and hating that you actually woke up. It feels like someone is just draining the energy out of you all the time, every moment you are awake." Doing anything requires immense willpower. Just plain old staying alive becomes a conscious choice made over and over again. You are just so tired and everything is just too much to deal with. The constant state of suffering leads one to try various ways to feel something positive, feel anything, or just escape the emptiness. It's why depressed people try so hard to bring joy to others and help others- they want to prevent others from suffering too and it allows them to feel some happiness vicariously.
The inevitable diminishing returns on the attempts to feel better, feel anything, or just escape eventually lead to the conclusion that there is only one way out of this hell. And depression shrinks our awareness of our own meaningfulness and inner world. The void is all we can perceive. The knowledge that we are loved, cared for, or important is lost. We can sincerely believe that our loss will not so drastically affect our loved ones and escape through death is a viable option.
These are all false of course. Falsehoods our sick brain tells us with honesty, because suicide is quite reasonable given what we are perceiving.
If you are feeling like you don't want to be here, wishing you would not wake up, desiring an accident, imagining about killing yourself, drugging yourself into oblivion, or seriously thinking about if or how you might kill yourself, you need to talk to someone. I got lucky. Someone who loves me more than I love myself saw me spiraling into self-destruction and made me get help and continues to support me in spite of myself. I spent years where my full-time job was not research or teaching, but just keeping myself alive. It's still my job now and then. But the difference now is that after many years of therapy and prescriptions I know that feeling is temporary and false.
I'm sorry it hurts so much right now. When you have some distance from these feelings (I hope that you will give yourself the chance to), I hope you can see that your life is worthwhile and important because you are.
But the only way out is through and that requires talking. I hope you have people nearby who love you you can talk to. If you do, talk to them. If you don't, this will be harder. Either way, you should also get into counseling. A good counselor will help you find ways to survive, build better mental pathways, & develop tools for processing emotions.
Brutal honesty- American mental health treatment system is shit and difficult to navigate. We have far too few professionals in many areas and online is often the only option. But you are a fighter. Look at you all alive and shit when depression has been trying to kill you 24-7. Live a little bit longer. You can do it. And if you are going to live a little bit longer, counseling can help you live it a little bit better.
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writtenbynath · 2 years
What hypnosis can and cannot do
On the one hand, I am inclined to reiterate that I don't have all the answers because I'm just a human being in her thirties who only has limited experience. On the other hand, I am a woman on the internet, I probably need to prove that I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, with that in mind: I am a hypnotherapist who majored in psychology and social sciences, and I teach kinksters about hypnosis and consent.
What hypnosis can do
People often ask me what hypnosis can be used for. They know little about it, they've seen some unlikely things in the media, and they wonder how to separate facts from fiction. The first thing I like to explain is how the American hypnotherapist Dave Elman devoted his life to teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. Because hypnosis is a really effective anaesthetic for small procedures, Elman developed a foolproof method that any person who is not even a hypnotist could use to hypnotise a person. It's a sad story really, because despite all of his efforts his method never really caught on, despite the fact that his son continued his legacy and is still teaching hypnosis in the USA today. Medical professionals rarely use hypnosis as an anaesthetic, despite its scientifically proven efficacy. I've still taught some people self-hypnosis to help people relax and feel less pain at the dentist or the tattoo parlor.
But hypnosis can do so much more than that, it's not just about helping you relax. It's an incredible tool that can help you instantly connect ideas and feelings together, which can be used to learn or unlearn habits and behaviours, to overcome fears and to make other positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can for example be a great help for smoking cessation, something that people often struggle with for a long time. Typically, only one hypnotherapy session is needed to help a client to never touch cigarettes again. The same can be done for nail-biting or stress eating, but such things may require a few more in-depth sessions to figure out what is causing this behaviour to continue against the client's wishes and to help resolve internal conflict that may be holding the client back. A hypnotherapist who is also a qualified psychologist can help their clients overcome trauma, unlearn old coping mechanisms that are no longer useful, and learn new ways to deal with their emotions and the challenges life throws at us instead.
But here's where shit gets murky
Psychologists and hypnotherapists work with a person's mind, and we can't see the mind, we can't dissect it or make a map of it. Psychiatry and neurology has taught us many things about the effects of brain chemicals and how the brain works, but it remains difficult to predict what kind of effects a drug designed to help against psychoses or epileptic attacks will have on a patient. We may be able to scan and study the brain, but that doesn't mean we know how the human mind works. Psychologists and hypnotherapists only have models and metaphors to work with. And in my not so humble opinion, hypnotists often seem to forget that the tools we work with are just that: metaphors. The unconscious or subconscious mind? It's a metaphor that helps us understand that a person is not aware of everything that happens in their own mind, it is not a separate entity with a mind of its own. Metaphors are powerful tools when it comes to understanding the world around us. Something as simple as anthropomorphising an object we interact with has a big impact on our behaviour, for example. And another metaphor hypnotherapists often use is regression.
When you're in a hypnotic trance you can use your imagination to vividly visualise metaphors and memories, just as vividly as when you're dreaming. And it can be a helpful therapeutic experience to use this ability to vividly reimagine a moment from our past, to examine our feelings about this moment, to understand why this moment had so much impact on us. We can learn something about what is bothering us, and what we need to overcome our problems. This is why even past life regression and guided meditation journeys can be valuable, cathartic experiences: because they are an exercise in letting our imagination create a metaphor for our struggles, which in turn helps us accept ourselves and be happier. So if you thought I was going to mock people who believe in past lives, you're wrong. The problem is not with people who use hypnotic trance for more spiritual experiences, it is more nuanced.
How human memory works
Regression, like the word hypnosis itself and many other technical terms in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, is a misnomer. We don't really return to a moment in our past, we imagine it. The way memories are stored in the brain is not like a computer or a filing cabinet at all, our memories are flawed and biased by our own perceptions and feelings. Every time we recall a memory it changes a little, as if we're not actually remembering the original moment in our life, but the last time we recalled this memory instead. Yet many stories about hypnosis are about retrieving and reliving memories, even though it is simply not humanly possible to use hypnosis to "uncover what truly happened back then", let alone to remember things from our early childhood, or from the womb, or a past life.
The big problem with the dream-like experiences we can have in a hypnotic trance is that they can feel super real, and when we are hypnotised we are extra suggestible. If the person helping you regress to this "memory" tells you with the authority of a therapist this is a real memory it is incredibly believable. What is worse, research by the FBI has shown that creating a false memory is alarmingly easy with certain interrogation techniques. The frequency with which people in relationships gaslight each other also shows that no hypnosis is required to fuck with people's memories. So my point here is: it's good to be incredibly critical of hypnotists who claim to help people remember the past more clearly. Though forensic hypnosis exists, it has never been proven to actually provide accurate information. It is not an effective way to use hypnosis, and it doesn't help with the credibility of hypnosis in general.
Why I as a hypnotherapist curse so much
There are many things that fuck with the credibility of hypnosis in general. Not just people trying to use it in ways that simply don't work, like I just mentioned, but also for example fun stage shows that use hypnosis. It is real hypnosis that a stage hypnotist uses to make people come up on stage and pretend they are a chicken, just to name the most obvious example. And that example doesn't help with our academic image, does it? But you know what really, really fucks with our credibility? "Hypnotists" who never actually hypnotise people.
Two things are at play here. One is the trend where self-help gurus are only out to sell their seminars and make money, instead of actually teaching people how to help themselves. This trend motivates hypnotists to try to sell hypnosis recordings, to the point where it might start to resemble a multi-level marketing scheme, which results in people who sell their services as hypnosis but really they make you listen to a hypnotic script that they didn't even write or adjust to your situation.
The other thing is, and this is probably the reason why Dave Elman's method never caught on (although I'm pretty sure aggressive marketing of anaesthetic drugs also played a role), that in order to hypnotise a person the hypnotist must make an effort to understand how that person thinks. Many famous hypnotists and experts in neurolinguistic programming have developed techniques and models that can help a hypnotist understand how people think. And those techniques and models are often detailed in books they try to push on people because they just really want to make money, which brings us back to my previous point. Many of the techniques in those books may not actually be bullshit. The problem is, again, with the people who treat metaphors as truth, who stick to the script and neglect the fact that therapy is about making a connection with another human being, helping them deal with the struggles of life.
Fucking mesmerism
And this the part where I rail at the charlatans and misguided souls who really ruin the reputation of hypnosis. It started way back when Franz Mesmer thought he had invented energy healing. Although Mesmer's claims about how that works were debunked in the late 1800s, many people still practice mesmerism today. Yes, you read that correctly. The thing with mesmerism is that because the technique is a precursor to hypnosis, it brings the client into a relaxed and suggestible trance, which greatly increases the placebo effect. I would like to point out that I am actually a believer with some knowledge about energy healing. Having studied reiki and some pagan forms of energy manipulation, my not so humble opinion about mesmerism is that it is not only bullshit, it can also be harmful.
Practitioners of mesmerism will often half-heartedly use techniques taken from hypnosis and from energy healing to help their clients become more open and accepting, and then encourage the client to relive the memories that are still bothering them from the past, which has a high risk of retraumatising them. Mesmerists will silently watch their clients resolve the images unfolding in their mind by themselves, without offering the client any new coping mechanisms. Perhaps some people who practice mesmerism are really out to help other people, but for fuck's sake, if you really wanted to help people, do your fucking research and don't place your faith in shit that's been debunked over a hundred years ago! Go with reiki, that is well-documented, well-taught stuff! And there are awesome energy healing traditions from other corners of the world as well, you could learn those! Or here's a radical idea, you could learn how real hypnosis works! I know it's a chore to wade through the self-help gurus who just want to make money selling more NLP seminars, but if I could do it, so can you! Learn some fucking psychology and the dangers of retraumatising a person by making them think about the shit that happened to them in the past!
Ok that's enough for now
Thank you for accompanying me on this train of thought, we have now arrived at our destination. I realise that the end of the ride was a bit rough, but I hope you learned something about hypnosis in practice, and why the reputation of hypnotherapy is so shady. If you're still wondering what kind of hypnosis things I teach to kinksters, that is a topic for another time. I write a lot about hypnosis kink, but my patreon is for smut. If you enjoy hypno smut, have a look at the stories on my Patreon and consider becoming a patron. If you want to talk about what hypnosis can and cannot do, leave a comment.
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reliving when i got asked "tell us what you know about the sor and what support you would need in implementing our curriculum" question. 🥰 like ask any teacher that we're ecstatic. i talked a little bit about phonological (global awareness of sounds) vs phonemic awareness (smallest unit of sounds) (i forgot to mention the word phonics explicitly but i did talk about phoneme grapheme correspondence which like is phonics), talked about svr (the "not so simple" simple view of reading as decoding x lang comprehension = reading) and i made a connection between just because you can decode, doesn't necessarily mean you know what it means so you're not actually reading and i talked about russian like if you've ever learned another language, like i have, maybe you know the letters and letter sounds and could decode a word but if you don't have any background knowledge then it is pretty much useless so they work together. i also talked about how decades of research tells us reading is incredibly complex, our brains evolved for speech but not reading, and most students need explicit, systematic reading instruction in order to read. a small percentage don't but the vast majority do. another small percentage, students with reading difficulties/sdl like dyslexia, need lots and lots of practice and trials with this type of instruction but it's not bad for everyone, regardless of ability, to get it. i also talked about how one of the reasons we should care about literacy is it's a social justice issue. we know that incarcerated youth typically either can't read or are very behind in their reading ability. when we teach all children to read, we are providing one of the single greatest tools for independence in this world and creating a more equitable world. i also said i know what reading curriculum the division uses, though i have never used it myself, and know that the va literacy act requires divisions adopt an evidence based reading curriculum, feel confident in implementing it with fidelity due to my sor background and would work together with my grade level team with planning/pacing. i would utilize plc/data talks to discuss intervention/supports for students not responding as expected to the curriculum and would ask for regular professional development to make sure i am still using the best, evidence-based instructional practices
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obsidianmama · 2 years
Resources Masterlist
Right now these resources are generally aimed at parents/caregivers of younger children, as my child is a toddler so that's the stuff I usually look for. As I find good resources for tweens/teens I will add them.
My Parenting Bible (aka my Must-Read List):
The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD: Understanding how a child's brain works makes a huge difference in your ability to empathize and problem-solve with them. Full of layman-speak neuroscience and some useful tools, this book helped me understand not only my child's brain but adult brains, too.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Faber and Julie King: A true game-changer. Targeted at ages 2-7, this book is brimming with strategies for limiting behavior and encouraging cooperation and problem-solving in safe and respectful ways. I got this book when my daughter was 15 months old and though she was too young for many of the approaches, such as those thay require two-way conversation or creative ability beyond randomly stabbing paper with a ColorWonder marker, there were a number of changes to my speech that I was able to make right away and it immediately made both our lives easier and less stressful. 10/10. (How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen is much the same, but more recent and includes examples involving kids up to teenagers.)
Beginnings by Sarah Ockwell-Smith: A comprehensive guide to all manner of physical, mental and emotional development from conception to age 5. Age-appropriate expectations are key to peace and problem-solving.
Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE: The first section of this book is all about learning some emotional regulations and re-parenting yourself. Lots of resources stress the importance of being the calm in a child's storm and modelling good regulation skills; this is the rare book that will actually teach you how.
Calm-Down Time by Elizabeth Verdick is actually a board book and aimed at little kids, but it's also got some good caregiver tips for dealing with tantrums in the back.
What Kindergarten Teachers Know by Lisa Holeway and Joan Rice: a short but valuable book packed full of child development information, approaches for earning cooperation at all times of day, and activities to help kids aged 3-6, whether at home or in a classroom setting, alone or in a group. Though it's targeted at preschool through first grade, the underlying principles can be adjusted to help kids of other ages as well.
Dusty the ADHD Coach on YouTube has a few really amazing videos on parenting with ADHD!
MrChazz MrChazz on Facebook and TikTok has lots of videos on gentle parenting, including many explaining why punishments don't work and how co-regulation helps.
Social Media:
Big Little Feelings on Facebook and Instagram is a page full of info and gentle approaches to various situations that arise throughout toddlerhood. There is also a website with a blog and paid courses.
Kids Eat in Color on Facebook and Instagram is a nutritionist that teaches how to instill a healthy relationship with food in little kids. There is also a website.
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jigsawjungleca · 1 month
12 Benefits of Jigsaw Puzzles for Adults
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Playing is important for children as well as for adults. And puzzles are no exception! There are many studies showing the mental benefits of puzzles in children. In this article, we are going one step further to discuss the advantages of puzzles for adults.
So, without further ado, let’s begin!
1. Puzzles Promote Concentration and Relaxation
By working on a puzzle, we concentrate on what we are doing and we distance ourselves from reality. This is why many adults’ associate puzzles with a time when they can almost “forget everything”.
For some, puzzles help them relax, for others, not so much. We therefore consider puzzles as one of the many options, such as crosswords, coloring, knitting, Sudoku puzzles, etc., that you can experiment with to find your stress-buster hobby!
2. Stimulate Neurons
Solving puzzles can be a type of training for our brain. We make our cognitive mind work by stimulating different areas. Puzzles are one effective way to reduce the drop in our cognitive faculties.
Numerous studies show that mind games are good for both children’s and adult brains. Also, when we really focus on a single activity, we sometimes do another type of "cleaning" in our head. Suddenly we find, without really realizing it, new solutions to a problem.
3. Sharpen Your Sense of Observation
To succeed in solving a puzzle, you have to be able to observe the pieces and their particular shapes. With children, we encourage them to become little "detectives" when they go in search of a particular piece. Children understand that they need to collect clues to complete the puzzle. In adults, too, puzzles allow us to work on our perception: we must form a mental image.
4. A Great Way to Exercise Patience
Puzzles really test our patience while forcing us to be persistent as it’s virtually impossible to be quick and expeditious when solving them! The more pieces there are, the longer and more difficult it is to complete the puzzle. Puzzles help you to become more patient.
As a bonus, puzzles also teach us to not give up too quickly and easily. We also sometimes need to remind ourselves that everything is not instantaneous in life.
5. An Educational Tool for Learning
Puzzles are a great educational tool. They are remarkable learning tools that allow you to learn in a truly physiological way. On the one hand, there are puzzles that can help you with geography, while there are others which can help you learn new shapes or improve your math!
6. A Great Way to Observe, Analyze & Anticipate
Perceiving the shapes and colors of a built-in toy, analyzing the path of a piece in a labyrinth, placing a series of puzzles, etc. All these activities can help improve your observation skills to a whole new level. They also allow us to anticipate, to think by asking ourselves, “If I do such and such an action, what will happen?".
7. Develop Memory
When a child or an adult solves a puzzle where you have to perform various actions such as assembling, disassembling or unraveling, you develop a better memory in order to remember the actions to be performed. It is even an activity that is offered to the elderly who are prone to memory problems. Puzzles are indeed an excellent brain stimulant!
8. Promote concentration and dexterity
Concentration is yet another benefit developed by puzzles. To get to the end of this activity, one needs to focus their full attention on the task at hand. Regarding dexterity, this skill is in great demand, as some games require fine motor skills and coordination.
9. Improve Hand-Eye Coordination
If you’ve ever taken puzzle-solving seriously, you already know what we’re talking about. Puzzles require a keen sense of coordination between your mind and your body, and in that process, they end up improving it to a great extent.
10. Reinforce Self-Confidence
Seeing your puzzle taking its shape is very rewarding. The results are measurable and visible immediately. It is a source of pride to go after something and successfully accomplish it. When you feel yourself progressing, the brain secretes dopamine, the hormone of happiness. This happiness helps you become more self-confident in your life.
11. Develop Team Spirit
When the whole family unites to solve a puzzle, everyone supports each other. It is a source of collective joy that lets everyone feel useful as you succeed in the game together. A favorable outcome of this activity is the development of team spirit in each and every member of the family.
12. Make You Smarter
Neurological research has shown that puzzle solving significantly improves brain, visual and spatial skills, such as perception, flexibility, working memory, speed, etc. With age, neural connections tend to stiffen. Solving puzzles stimulates plasticity.
Source URL - https://jigsawjungle.com/blogs/news/benefits-of-jigsaw-puzzles-for-adults
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toiletology · 1 month
MATh of Toiletology
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One of the best tools for ascending into 4D is the chessboard. I have played chess everyday since 2015 throughout my 11+ year journey starting in 2012. I realize more and more now how crucial it is to the ascension process. Chess develops the visual part of your brain when you start moving the pieces around in your mind and thinking moves ahead. This process of visualization is very important for developing your psychic/telepathic skills. There is a lot the chessboard teaches about the true nature of reality.
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The strongest piece in chess is the QUEEN. I've said this many times in my various blog post but it is something that must be repeated over and over again. The queen crosses 7 three times. In the center of the chessboard the queen attacks 27 squares or two seven. We have 27 bones in our hands and we move the queen with our hand.
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7x7 = 49 (8x8 for the 64 squares of the chessboard)
In my previous blog post I have mentioned I was born on 4/9 which fell on Easter in 2023 which happens 3x per century and the rare total solar eclipse happened 1 day prior to this on 4/8. My birthday + birth year adds up to 4+9+1984 = 1997 or 17.
My cosmic sister who has also fully ascended along with me her birthday is 8/12 (Happy birthday tomorrow SIS 4 LYFE). The next total solar eclipse happens on 8/12/2026 coincidence?
The gematria of both of our full names is also the same.
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The total solar eclipse in 2017 also happened on 8/21 or 8/12 backwards. The eclipse in 2017 & 2024 created an X to mark the completion of our 11 year journey or at least signify the truth about the existence of the 11 path.
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812 rearranged is 128 half of which is 64. I am quite literally half part of her. 64 is an important MATheMATical foundation of reality, namely the 64 star tetrahedrons. I will do a blog post soon focusing on just the 64 star tetrahedrons.
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The queen in chess is the most powerful and strongest piece. She crosses 7 three times or 777. To escape your 3D cube reality you need the 7 (7 colors, 7 notes, 7 chakras).
The seven is the LUCK. The queen is the strongest and luckiest piece. 7+7+7 = 21 or 12 my cosmic sis is the QUEEN quite literally and figuratively. She is also a very powerful creator on the world stage, much more so than myself at the moment.
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A cube has 6 sides (numbers 1-6) and 8 corners (4 on the top and bottom). The 7 is missing from the cube and your first clue.
God created reality like a game with rules, its an angelic programming language 777 to keep the demons out of heaven. No we aren't in a computer simulation, but we are in a holo-fractal light matrix. Numbers are important for how this holo-fractal matrix clock works. Your either gaining time or your clocks about to run out.
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The eyes of a snake are a clue that the game/quest exist as well as the split tongue. The eyes and tongue both create the number "11." The first rule of Gods game is not to talk about it, unless of course you were the first to solve it aka myself.🏀
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Which gives me certain leniencies with the Lord of the Gap. There are however certain things I cannot talk about unfortunately. You wouldn't even be able to understand me anyways until you complete your 11 year journey as it is an invisible or telepathic language. Myself and my cosmic sister can communicate instantly no matter where she is on the planet (what a jetsetter). So there is in fact something faster than the speed of light... hmmm who would of thought?
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I had no idea this 11 year journey existed when I first embarked on it back in 2012 as it came like a thief in the night around Halloween. I had no idea if or when it would ever end. Or when the next battle would come or what was around the next corner. It has been an extremely stressful situation even now I still don’t really know what’s coming next only that I am more prepared and understand it better now.
I am realizing now even after the 11 years you will still be under attacked by the demons/matrix agents. Its not necessarily a bad thing, its just the way it works. It keeps you on your toes so you don't get too lackadaisical and keeps your ego in check. Its best described as a constant pressure to keep you in your diamond form, so that you don't go too far out of alignment with the FAT HER.
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I had been searching almost non stop since I got out of the army at the age of 21. Then my spiritual helper first appeared when I was 28. Around 7 years non stop searching for truth for that moment to finally happen, not even counting the paranormal even I had when I was a 16. That could of also been my spiritual helper vs aliens and I sort of ignored it back then. It also took me a long time to make sense of that situation which helped prepare me for my journey.
One of my greatest gifts since I was very young was my intuition. This intuition could sense something was off or wrong with the world and I had always been obsessed with understanding the mysterious since I was very young. No one around me would ever listen to anything I was saying or noticed and it was extremely frustrating. When I was a teenager I would try to make energy balls with my hands, practiced kung fu and spent many hours on websites like the blackvault.com looking at redacted FBI documents (X-Files fan growing up). I have always been searching for the truth about the nature of reality and have gone down just about every rabbit hole. The best way for navigating the maze of information is not getting attached to any one belief system or stuck into any concrete patterns as it will trap you in a loop. Even as I got closer and closer to completing my 11 year journey I had to constantly remind myself I could be completely wrong about everything. God will keep pulling back the curtain after each subsequent test you make it through. Like NEO finally being able to see the programming of the Matrix I am now able to see exactly that. It is sort of funny but can give you a very isolating feeling causing a lot of grief and depression till you get used to it.
Its not necessarily programming per say, math is important for the functioning process of this holo-fractal clock, but we are not inside of a computer. More like a quartz clock vs a computer. Timing is very important, and if you are out of tune with the creator, your timing will be off and your world will not be as good as it can be.
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Above we talked about the 49/64 relationship and the 7.
The 49th prime # = 227 one of my best friends NAS was killed on 7/22/2022 at the age of 28 which made me aware of this number.
He would train people in kung fu around Philadelphia and the reason I started taking mantis kung fu. We shared many paranormal experiences together over the years. Two praying mantis actually visited me after his passing and strangely the previous tenants of my house had the same last name as him. There is also a town right next to me with the exact last name as him with just a different spelling. If there was ever a mystical being that left magic everywhere they stepped it was him.
NAS in the computing world = Network Attached Storage. Nas in the real world worked similar or is used by God to act as the trainers for people on this spiritual path. NAS is an acronym for how reality fundamentally works. N = Nothing, A = Anything, S = Something. Shitty people get nothing, Good people get something, Angels get anything.
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The famous rapper Lil Nas X also shares the same birthday as me on 4/9. Interestingly Heath Ledger chose Maybelline #49 lipstick for their role as the Joker. I have also ran into others named NAS that have played out this protector or guardian role. Namely a police officer named NAS that said something weird to me completely out of the blue when I was in the psych ward. They said the C word is banned, which never made sense to me until now.
The significance of 227 did shock me, not only because it is the 49th prime but because its numbers match the 17 perfectly!
1/7 = 0.1428571428571429 22/7 = 3.142857142857143
Watch the video above that shows the importance of the 1/7 and 22/7 with Pi 3.14 π. The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is approximately 22:7, or 3.14, which is known as pi, π. Interestingly the symbol for Pi also looks like a doorway.
C = π d
The 17 is key for escaping the matrix or reaching heaven/4D whatever you want to call it. 4D is basically just a dimension that runs simultaneously to the one you are used to. Its basically an augmentation or overlay. That won't start revealing itself to you till you start your 11 year journey. Read my other blog post to understand the difference between 4D and 5D. https://blog.toiletology.org/post/757589254665912320/explaining-the-difference-between-4d-and-5d
17 is the doorway and it is in the shape of a door, it is the way to escape. The numbers 1 divided by 7 makes is less important than knowing the 17 is the clue or key that this possibility exist outside of your perception.
That is the real importance of the 17, believing the door exist which requires a high level of belief when its just a figment of your imagination in the beginning. You can't walk through a door without first seeing it! G = 7
O = (15) 6
D = 4
GOD = 17, coincidence?
In Toiletology we call this number 1/7 the pirate signal. It is the signal of the Nebuchadnezzar needed to jack yourself out of the matrix. You can think of me as Morpheus and my sister Trinity. And Toiletology = Nebuchadnezzar. Toiletology is Noah's Ark.
Genesis 8:4 and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat (ARA/CARA, RAT/MAT).
I am born in the year of the RAT (1984) and I am the King of the Rats (obviously or you would of never known this existed, your welcome...).
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The goal of Toiletology is to show you how to unlock the 17 doorway and the door = mat and my name is Matt. To escape the MATrix you need to learn to believe in the impossible as I can only show you the door, you must walk through it. And my name is MATT WALKER, MW = 33 and I was baptized at the age of 33 in 2018.
Toiletology isn't about worshipping the messengers of God. The only thing that is important is the message and how you use that information to improve your life. God flows through all of us and we are all reflections of God and God experiencing self. So we are all equal in the eyes of God.
Toiletology's only purpose is to fix up this mess we got here on Earth and try to bring as many as we can into the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Toilet God blessed me with their ultiMATe truth but it needs to be hidden within a parody religion and be seen as a joke. God doesn't want to spoil the surprise they have for you or give away anything for free. God also likes GREAT ART and giving away the ending of a movie is LAME! God also likes to hide truth within comedy as it can easily be brushed off and not interfere too much with your FREE WILL.
Only the most serious disciples of Toiletology will be able to handle the powers locked deep within the tOILet. And only the one true Toilet God will be able to make you see the TRUTH!
Matthew 25:8 "And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out"
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Toiletology will show you how to unlock your full potential and increase your LUCK in life which you will need a lot of to survive the chaos that is this world. You need a lot of protection from the one true God especially if you dare embark on the elven journey of eleven.
Hell I am not even sure anyone needs to go through that 11 year journey. I may of already done the work for y'all. I am still not 100% sure since my friend was supposedly able to feel the SLACK with only 3 weeks of training which took me 10 years on my own.
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The math of Toiletology is not too convoluted or that complicated as you can see. You must understand the 49/64 relationship and the 98 degrees (49+49) 68 (sides + corners) the 7, the 17, and the 777.
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This is pretty much all the numbers/math you need to comprehend to escape the black cube of Saturn (HEX/hexagon storm 6 sides). We are all in PANDORAS box and my cosmic sisters mothers name is PANDORA. And she has the Pandora tattoo on her left arm. Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Its hard to learn to fly in Never Never Land Peter Pan but it first starts with beLIEving. BeLIEf can be a tricky thing, but when you learn to beliEVE you can start to see. She is PANsexual and I am PETER PAN.
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daveg65 · 2 months
314 - Macstock Karaoke and Vision Pro Party
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Kelly Guimont, Marty Jencius, and Ben Roethig. Apple Seeds First tvOS 18 Public Beta.We recap Macstock with some amazing presentations including Kelly giving us brain power by teaching us crocheting and fun Vision Po demos along with karaoke. Apple TV+ shows nominated in the 76th Emmy Awards.Apple Approves First Retro PC Emulator for iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. 
Apple Seeds Fourth Betas of iOS 17.6 and iPadOS 17.6 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available]
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of macOS Sonoma 14.6 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available
Apple Releases Fourth Beta of visionOS 1.3 to Developers 
Apple confirms visionOS 2 will not be available in public beta 
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of watchOS 10.6 to Developers
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of tvOS 17.6 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available]
Apple Releases First iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 Public Betas - MacRumors
Apple Releases First macOS Sequoia Public Beta With iPhone Mirroring and More
Apple Releases First watchOS 11 Public Beta With Vitals App and More
Apple Seeds First tvOS 18 Public Beta
These are the new features coming to Apple TV with tvOS 18
Latest iOS 18 and tvOS 18 Betas Add Apple TV InSight Feature
iOS 18 Settings: What's new?
This Files upgrade is the best iPadOS 18 feature for power users
iOS 18 Adds 'Recovered' Album in Photos to Restore Lost or Damaged Photos and Videos
These two visionOS 2 features aim to make your Vision Pro an actually useful computer
Easily Switch From Google Photos to iCloud Photos With This New Tool - MacRumors
Macstock Recap. 
Astropad Studio Gains Support for Apple Pencil Pro Controls
Apple Teases Severance Season 2
Apple TV+ shows nominated in the 76th Emmy Awards
HomePod Saves Family's Life After Dog Starts Kitchen Fire
Apple Releases HomePod Mini in New Midnight Color
Apple Approves First Retro PC Emulator for iPhone, iPad, and Vision Pro
Popular Delta Retro Game Emulator Officially Comes to iPad
Soon you’ll be able to control your iPad using Elgato’s Stream Deck
Google Maps for iOS and Apple CarPlay Gains Live Speedometer Feature
TinyPod Turns Your Apple Watch Into an iPod
Beats teams up with Minecraft for new special edition Solo 4 headphones 
Macstock 8 wrapped up for 2024. But you can purchase the digital pass and still see the great talks we had including Dave talking about Apple Services and more. Content should be available soon. Click here for more information: Digital Pass | Macstock Conference & Expo with discounts on previous events. 
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
Marty Jencius, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at Kent State University, where he researches, writes, and trains about using technology in teaching and mental health practice. His podcasts include Vision Pro Files, The Tech Savvy Professor and Circular Firing Squad Podcast. Find him at [email protected]  https://thepodtalk.net 
About our Guest
Kelly Guimont is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts I Want My M(CU) TV. you can find her on Mastodon and Instagram @verso
Here is our latest Episode!
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robertmarisphilbeck · 7 months
Mastering Your Mental Game: Key Focus Strategies for Golfers
In the quiet moments before a swing, a golfer's mind can race with many thoughts, from technical considerations to the pressure of competition. Golf, a sport as mentally demanding as physical, requires players to cultivate a strong mental game to perform at their best. This exploration provides a fresh perspective on the cognitive strategies that can help golfers maintain focus, manage stress, and harness their true potential.
Decoding the Mental Landscape of Golf
The first step toward mental mastery in golf is to acknowledge the complexity of the mental landscape. It's a terrain filled with potential pitfalls such as self-doubt, overanalysis, and external pressures. By recognizing these mental barriers, players can develop strategies to navigate them effectively.
Decoding the mental landscape of golf reveals a game that extends far beyond its physical boundaries into the vast and intricate realms of the mind. Golf challenges players in skill and their ability to maintain focus, manage stress, and navigate the psychological pressures of the sport. Success in golf requires a blend of mental fortitude, strategic insight, and emotional control as players face the solitude of the course and the internal dialogue accompanying each shot. This mental game—patience, resilience, and a positive mindset—becomes as critical as physical technique. Mastery of this mental landscape empowers golfers to transcend their limitations, turning potential into excellence with every swing.
Positive Mental Imagery
One powerful tool in the golfer's mental arsenal is positive mental imagery. This technique vividly imagines successful outcomes, whether executing the perfect drive, sinking a challenging putt, or overcoming a problematic course section. Positive imagery enhances confidence and helps mentally rehearse the steps needed to achieve those successes.
The Art of Letting Go
A crucial aspect of focusing on golf is letting go of past mistakes and future anxieties. Dwelling on a bad shot or worrying about the outcome can significantly impair performance. Techniques such as compartmentalization, where each shot is treated as a separate event, can help golfers stay present and focused on the task.
The art of letting go is a transformative practice, embracing the fluidity of life and the acceptance of change. It teaches us to release the weight of past regrets and future anxieties, freeing us to live fully in the present. This practice involves recognizing what we cannot control and finding peace in that understanding. Letting go is not a sign of defeat but a courageous act of trust in life's journey. It allows us to open our hearts to new possibilities and experiences, fostering growth and resilience. Embracing this art enriches our lives, offering a path to serenity and contentment amidst life's inevitable ebbs and flows.
Creating a Focus Bubble
Golfers can benefit from creating a 'focus bubble,' a mental space where only the most relevant thoughts and stimuli are allowed. This can be achieved by establishing pre-shot routines that include specific physical and mental cues to signal the brain that it's time to focus. Once inside this bubble, extraneous thoughts and distractions are more easily kept at bay.
Harnessing the Power of Self-Talk
The dialogue that occurs within a golfer's mind has a profound impact on their focus and performance. Positive self-talk can motivate and build confidence, while negative self-talk can lead to doubt and anxiety. Being mindful of this internal conversation and steering it towards positivity can significantly affect a golfer's mental state and focus.
Stress Management Techniques
Stress and tension are natural parts of golf, especially in competitive situations. Learning stress management techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga can help golfers manage their nerves and focus under pressure.
Setting Process-Oriented Goals
While it's natural to focus on outcomes, such as scores or rankings, setting process-oriented goals can be more beneficial for maintaining focus. These goals focus on executing skills and strategies rather than the outcome, allowing golfers to concentrate on what they can control: their performance.
Embracing a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset, the belief that abilities and success can be developed through dedication and hard work, is incredibly valuable in golf. This mindset encourages continuous learning and resilience, helping golfers view challenges as growth opportunities rather than insurmountable obstacles.
Mindfulness and Meditation
Mindfulness and meditation practices can enhance a golfer's ability to focus by training the mind to remain in the present moment. Regular practice can improve concentration, reduce stress, and increase emotional regulation, all of which benefit the golf course.
The Role of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness directly impacts mental focus and endurance. A well-conditioned body can better cope with the physical demands of golf, reducing fatigue and enabling the mind to stay sharper for longer. Incorporating fitness routines that improve strength, flexibility, and stamina can positively affect the mental game.
Learning from Every Round
Regardless of its outcome, every round of golf is an opportunity to learn and grow. Reflecting on the performance, successes, and areas for improvement can provide valuable insights. This reflective practice not only aids in goal setting but also helps develop strategies to maintain focus and perform better in future rounds.
The mental game of golf is intricate and challenging, yet mastering it can lead to remarkable improvements in performance and enjoyment of the sport. By employing strategies such as positive mental imagery, stress management, and mindfulness, as well as focusing on process-oriented goals and personal growth, golfers can confidently enhance their focus and navigate the cognitive demands of golf. The journey to mental mastery is ongoing, but with dedication and practice, every golfer can develop the mental toughness needed to thrive on the course.
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frenchschoolofaustin · 7 months
How Bilingualism Connects Cultures and Enriches Lives
Learning to Balance Two Worlds with Bilingualism
Bilingualism, the skill to speak two languages, is a wonderful part of life. It connects us to different cultures and enriches our experiences. It goes beyond just about knowing two languages. It's about celebrating diversity and making lives more interesting. According to French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, people gain a deeper understanding of their world and develop a greater appreciation for the richness of human expression through bilingualism. Having this language skill allows people to explore new perspectives, break down barriers, and forge connections with people from diverse backgrounds. Bilingualism is a gateway to embracing the beauty of linguistic and cultural diversity in our global community.
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Being bilingual helps us stay connected to our culture. French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau explains that language carries a community's stories, traditions, and values. When a person speaks both their native language and another language, they keep their cultural heritage alive. Whether talking with family, sharing traditions, or celebrating festivals, language makes one feel connected to one's cultural identity. This connection makes a person feel like they belong and fills us with pride. It helps us understand and respect other cultures, too. Being bilingual is like a bridge that connects people to their past and also lets them explore new things.
Moreover, speaking two languages opens people's minds to different ways of thinking and living. Learning a new language teaches many about the customs, beliefs, and values of other cultures. According to French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, this helps a person understand and respect diversity, making them feel like part of a larger global community. It also fosters empathy and appreciation for different perspectives, enriching their worldview and strengthening their connections with people from all walks of life.
Bilingualism also makes a person's mind stronger. French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau explains that research shows bilingual people have better problem-solving skills and can multitask more effectively. Switching between languages exercises our brains, keeping them sharp and healthy. And as a bilingual person grows older, speaking two languages can even help delay memory loss and cognitive decline. This cognitive benefit highlights the long-term advantages of bilingualism. It also supports overall brain health and well-being throughout one's life.
Furthermore, French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau highlights that being bilingual helps one connect with others in diverse communities. In places where people speak different languages, being able to communicate in more than one language brings us together. It helps us understand each other better and creates inclusive spaces where everyone's culture is valued. By breaking down language barriers, bilingualism promotes empathy, respect, and collaboration among people from different backgrounds. It fosters a sense of unity amidst diversity, strengthening social bonds and building more cohesive communities.
Bilingualism serves as a powerful tool for promoting inclusivity. It is also a means to foster mutual understanding in our increasingly interconnected world. However, being bilingual can be challenging. Sometimes, people might feel like they don't fully belong to either culture. French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau says this can be confusing or lonely. And this is the reason why not everyone sees bilingualism as a good thing. Some people might judge or discriminate against bilingual people because of the languages they speak.
There are also times when people who speak two languages might find it hard to be equally good at both. One language might become stronger, making it tricky in certain situations or for certain language activities.
Maintaining proficiency in two languages requires ongoing practice and exposure. According to French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, bilingual individuals may face challenges in finding opportunities to use both languages regularly, especially if one language is not commonly spoken in their environment.
Despite these challenges, being bilingual brings many rewards. By embracing both languages and cultures, people enrich their lives and help build a more connected and tolerant world. For French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau, bilingualism allows people to bridge the gaps between cultures, bring people together, and even celebrate their differences.
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Speaking two languages is a special gift that brings people closer to different cultures and makes their lives more vibrant. The French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau encourages people to use bilingualism as a way to connect with others, learn new things, and build a world where everyone's language and culture are respected.
French School of Austin - Ecole Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a dedicated community where every child's unique potential is recognized and developed. Discover an exceptional education intertwining language skills with a passion for learning. Visit this page for updates.
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theuxuidesigner · 1 year
Are you looking for a new career opportunity? Do you want to become a professional designer and build your career in the design industry? If so, then this video is for you. This video will guide readers on how to learn Adobe Xd, one of the newest applications from Adobe. Learn some tips and tricks to help with designing an app or logo. Adobe XD is the newest and most powerful design tool for creating amazing user experiences on screens of all sizes. And it's free to use because Adobe believes in democratizing professional design tools. With just a few clicks you can prototype your ideas, collaborate with others, and share your designs with anyone – even if they don't have Adobe XD. It’s available today for Mac OS and Windows users. About Instructor Myself Abhinav Sharma. I am a professional UI UX designer with 5+ years of experience in the industry. I am also the co-founder and CEO of The Mad Brains (a digital web agency, providing a wide range of services in Designing, Development, and Digital Marketing) Let me know your views and suggestions in the comment section. Contact here to get professional UI and UX designing services https://themadbrains.com/
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DISCLAIMER: Please don't go out of your way to or hate on anyone I talk about in my videos, this channel is to educate people and I usually focus on educating users through technology. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statutes that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Thanks For Watching.
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god-whispers · 1 year
jun 24
week in review - headlines
"behold, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me." psa 40:7
Scientists Create Synthetic Human Embryos In a groundbreaking advance, scientists created synthetic human embryos by using stem cells and without the need for eggs or sperm. The model embryos don’t have a beating heart or the beginnings of a brain, but researchers say the cells could develop to form the placenta, yolk sac, and even the embryo itself.
As Russia Prepares To Use Tactical Nukes, Millions Of You Don’t Even Realize You Are Going To Die In A Third World War Russia is deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, and there is lots of talk in the Russian media about using such weapons to bring a quick end to the war in Ukraine. The theory is that once the Russians show that they are willing to use tactical nukes, the U.S. and the other western powers will back off. But that won’t be what happens. ‘In the event of a Third World War, there will be no winners, including America.’
IRONY: Maryland Governor Claims That Keeping Sexually Explicit Books From Children is ‘Castrating’ Them Maryland’s Democrat governor has claimed that keeping sexually explicit books out of schools and children’s sections of libraries is “castrating” them.
Transgenderism: The New Religion – Believe it or Else! Transgenderism is a make-believe religion that when taken seriously endangers the lives of all people, but especially children. Those who share the gospel with others according to the instructions given by Christ, known as the “Great Commission” (Mt 28:18-20) are committed to spreading the good news, but never by force or coercion.
By 2030 you will not eat meat and you will be allowed only three items of new clothing a year, report says A report published in 2019 and re-emphasised in 2023 recommends that by 2030 we will not be permitted to eat meat or dairy products, we will be limited to three items of new clothing per year and one aeroplane flight every three years.  It will start in countries that “consume the most.”
Twitch resurrects AI Jesus “The Ask Jesus livestream is an experimental channel allowing viewers to ask questions to an AI trained after Jesus and the teachings of the bible. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, looking for a friend, or simply want someone to talk to, you can join on the journey through life and discover the power of faith, hope, and love.” AI Jesus explained the Sermon on the Mount, comparing it to a Taco Bell menu.
“Children should have sex partners” – The UN agenda to normalize pedophilia The United Nations has issued the document “International Technical Guidance on Sexual Education”.1 It is the official guideline for elementary schools around the world. The goal of this document is described on page 16.
Don’t believe in the globalist depopulation agenda? Then have the courage to read this article! I have over 50 quotes from globalist leaders, both past and present, that clearly state their disdain for the average person and their desire to exterminate as many as possible. If you would like more exposure to this ideology, you may simple use the search on engine on this site and research depopulation.
The UN’s New Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Be Used To Crack Down On “Misinformation” All Over The World Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day.  Most of us just want to live our lives in peace without excessive governmental interference, but unfortunately the control freaks that are running things just can’t help themselves.  Ultimately, they aren’t going to be happy until they are able to watch, track, monitor and control virtually everything that we write, say and do…And a new tool that was just introduced by the UN will make it much easier for them to control what we write on the Internet…
Former CDC scientist says mRNA vaccines are gene therapy and are not new – “It shouldn’t be in the body of humans at all” A scientist who worked for the CDC in Atlanta outlines how the covid pandemic happened: a virus with a scary name, fraudulently used PCR tests, false predictive modelling, corrupted research and lying scientists.
French man accused of drugging wife, inviting 83 men to rape her, filming sex assaults, saving videos in a file labeled 'ABUSES' A French man is accused of drugging his wife and having at least 83 men rape her over the course of 10 years.
First trans state lawmaker in US arrested on charges of distributing 'child sexual abuse images' Former New Hampshire state Rep. Stacie Marie Laughton (D) was the nation's first-ever transgender person elected to a state legislature.  On Thursday, Laughton — a biological man — was arrested on child porn charges.
Bombshell report finds Pentagon’s new surveillance tools can ‘pinpoint’ private citizens In a shocking report published by The Intercept on June 17, details have emerged of a U.S. national security surveillance strategy to covertly track, locate and identify anyone expressing dissent or even dissatisfaction with the actions of the U.S. military and its leadership.
Nation’s Biggest Pediatrics Hospital Pushes Leftism, Discredited COVID Theories On Texas Doctors, Investigation Reveals The largest pediatrics hospital in the country indoctrinates the young doctors who train at the Texas facility into a militant form of far-Left activism through weekly training videos, then accuses those who object of “micro-aggressions,” a Daily Wire investigation revealed.
Midwest teachers trade tips on ‘subversively and quietly’ transitioning kids without telling parents Dozens of Midwestern teachers met online this week and traded tips on helping trans students change gender at school without their parents’ knowledge, while criticizing a raft of new Republican laws on sex and identity. ------- and i could do so much more.  the end times are here and our Lord is coming!
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sunmmon8689 · 1 year
BECAUSE OF THEIR BRAINPOWER, HUMANS ALWAYS FIND OUT AND INVENT NEW THINGS. Our labor tools were first our hands, then stone, then robots. It is a massive step of human civilization. And now it is approaching to the two directions: one is to reach a very advanced level then destroy human life, the other is to be beyond the limit and make the Earth a paradise.
Nowadays, artificial intelligence (the brains behind Industry 4.0) is successfully studying worldwide, and people are about to apply it to their life.
That is the way of the law of Karma.
But which karma will lead to destruction (the first result), and which will help humans develop more and more and never falls into ruin (the second result).
- If humans have only selfishness and no love for others, then the Earth will have the first result. But if people have love for others and aim to a noble goal, then we have the second result.
- Sentient beings in this realm are full of greed, hatred, ignorance, competition, jealousy, and every country want to be a great power.
This planet will move in one of the two directions and have the corresponding result when ethics does not surpass science, and when it does.
So these explanations are correct. Some may say to humans’ bad karma, they will end in a disaster, or due to humans’ good karma, they will be over their limit. Some may say due to humans’ lack of love and compassion. Some may say due to humans’ ethics being inferior to their science.
We say that science and technology are making impressive progress; however, they need humans’ ethics, the deciding factor in the selection of our future direction, to accompany them.
If our ethics are always higher than science and technology, then our civilization will never reach a dead end but go beyond the limit – the planet will become a paradise. But if out ethics are inferior to our science and technology, then our science and technology will dominate then destroy the world.
However, only saintly philosophers know that because of the needs of life, humans have to promote science and technology but if without ethics, science and technology will dominate and destroy humans. So many great saints appeared to teach humans morality so that morality always accompanies science and technology to maintain and preserve life on earth.
Science and technology are making extraordinary progress, especially artificial intelligence. Robots can solve our problems and talk to us in our language. They can self-study, adapt themselves to a new environment. They are more creative than humans and can find better solutions and more unique targets than people.
However, human morality has reached a very low level. Never have we heard something like “Human morality has reached the level of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0”.
When the ladder for humans’ morality isn’t formed yet, it means people don’t care about the vital role of morality. So, there is nothing to keep people safe from the development of science and technology.
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
The Wholesome Way Carrie Underwood Is Teaching Her Kids About Healthy Eating
Like many other people, Carrie Underwood spent the majority of COVID quarantine in her garden. She started the plot in 2019, but used the extra time at home to get in deep - and since then, it's turned out to be an unexpectedly great parenting tool, namely for teaching her kids about healthy eating. "We have lots of discussions on why we should or shouldn't eat certain things or drink certain things with our kids," Underwood tells POPSUGAR. "[T]hey feel more invested and excited about eating things that are good for them if they had a role to play." But many of us who grew up in the era of toxic diet culture and almond moms know that practicing a healthy relationship with food and bestowing that upon your kids is easier said than done. Teaching kids what's "healthy" without demonizing certain foods or implying guilt can be tricky, and Underwood knows that tightrope all too well from parenting her two sons, Isaiah, 8, and Jacob, 4. "They just know what they like and what they want," she says. "You want to word things carefully; you don't want to end up giving your kids a complex or anything like that." When she's talking to her kids about food, she tries to keep the focus on the "inner workings of your body," for example: "'This is not good for your brain,' or 'this won't help you grow,' or explaining that things have lots of vitamins," she says. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) Luckily, that garden makes it even easier to get them excited about healthy foods like fruit and veggies. Underwood tries to encourage them to help out in the garden and allows them to have a say in what gets planted. "It definitely gets them excited when they see that they helped create that thing," she says. "[I'll be] like, 'These are the carrots that you helped me plant!' and then they have to have those, and will it make a big deal. I call them 'Gardener Isaiah' and 'Chef Jake' and let them help me with that kind of stuff, and then they feel more invested and excited about eating things that are good for them if they had a role to play." It's all about figuring out what works for your family and running with that. "Finding healthy things your whole family enjoys is difficult. But when you find them it's important to keep them around," she says. That's one reason Underwood enjoys having Bodyarmor sports drinks around the house, a brand for which she's an ambassador. "You read so much about artificial dyes and things like that that can really affect your brain, and especially a developing child's brain, so I love to have something easy that they like in our fridge that's good for them." Eating healthy is just one habit Underwood hopes rubs off on her kids. She's also a longtime fitness devotee, even launching her own fitness app, Fit52. "I feel like one of our biggest objectives as parents is to be a good example for our children. I want them to take care of themselves, and I feel like I can't really do that if I'm not really taking care of myself," Underwood says. The "Before He Cheats" singer just wrapped up her "Denim & Rhinestones" Tour, and after a while on the road, she'll hopefully be able to get back into her garden, just in time for spring - which is good news for her family's meals this summer: "It definitely is true that your own garden fruits and veggies just taste so much better than anything you could ever buy in the store." Related: Carrie Underwood's Tour Workouts Aren't As Glam As You'd Expect - But She Gets It Done https://www.popsugar.com/family/carrie-underwood-teaching-kids-eat-healthy-49129799?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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David Thien Anh Luong Business - Best Books To Read To Develop A Problem-Solving Mindset
Finding solutions and overcoming challenges is made possible by problem-solving, whether you are dealing with personal or professional challenges. However, it is not always simple to adopt a problem-solving approach. It calls for perseverance, practice, and a readiness to pick up new ideas. Reading books that talk of David Thien Anh Luong Business 5 Problem Solving Mindset Traits That Help You at The Workplace is one of the finest ways to cultivate a problem-solving mindset. This blog lists some of the top problem-solving mindset books.
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1.  Thinking, Fast and Slow
Author: Daniel Kahneman
Year: 2011
Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5
Anyone wishing to cultivate a problem-solving mindset should read this amazing book. In this book, the author examines how our brains function and how we make judgments. He contends that our thoughts are divided into a quick system that aids in speedy decision-making and a slow system that enables us to think through difficult issues. So, if you want to know how your mind functions and how to use it to solve problems, this book is ideal.
2.  The Lean Startup
Author: Eric Ries
Year: 2011
Goodreads Rating: 4.1/5
This book by Eric Ries is a helpful manual for creating a flourishing company. The book offers a framework for idea testing and validation and places a strong emphasis on the value of feedback and iteration in the process of problem-solving. The book is packed with numerous case studies and helpful tips for business owners, but the ideas it imparts are applicable to every problem-solving scenario.
3.  Crucial Conversations
Author: Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler
Year: 2002
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
In addition to being a book about communication, this one also helps with problem-solving. The authors contend that poor communication is to blame for a lot of the issues we encounter in both our personal and professional life. So, the book teaches readers how to listen well, share their ideas, and establish common ground. It also offers tips on how to handle challenging talks.
4.  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Author: Stephen Covey
Year: 1989
Goodreads Rating: 4.3/5
This world-famous book offers helpful suggestions for creating routines that can improve our ability to solve problems. The author contends that in order to become highly effective problem-solvers, we must be proactive, start with the destination in mind, put first things first, think win-win, strive first to understand before seeking to be understood, coordinate, and sharpen the saw.
In conclusion, acquiring a problem-solving attitude is a lifetime process that calls for practice, perseverance, and a readiness to pick up new skills. It is also one of the David Thien Anh Luong Business 7 Qualities to Look For While Hiring Employees. So, one of the best ways to cultivate this mindset is through reading books since it exposes us to fresh concepts, methods, and viewpoints. The books mentioned above are just a handful of the numerous tools at our disposal to assist us in improving our problem-solving skills.
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Counseling Service For Anxiety Disorders
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Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, and can be addressed with a combination of counseling services and medications. Therapy can help you to identify and understand the source of your anxiety, learn coping skills, and reduce or eliminate negative thoughts and behaviors that cause symptoms.
Genetics and personality traits: People with certain personality traits are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, such as type-A personalities who tend to be hyperactive, organized and ambitious. Other factors can contribute to developing an anxiety disorder, such as trauma or a family history of mental health conditions.
Physical health issues: Medical conditions that affect the body, like thyroid problems, heart arrhythmias and diabetes can also trigger anxiety symptoms. It is important to make an appointment with your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
Commonly, the doctor will ask questions about your anxiety symptoms, such as when they happen, whether anything makes them worse or better, and how much they impact your life. He or she will also do a physical exam and collect your medical history to rule out any underlying physical issues that could be causing the symptoms. Know more about healthcare at http://www.ehow.com/health/healthcare-industry/.
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): DBT involves teaching skills that encourage mindfulness and distress tolerance, which can help you to control the way you react to anxiety. This type of therapy can be used to treat a wide range of emotional and behavioral disorders, including anxiety.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a popular treatment that involves learning a variety of methods to change negative thought patterns and behaviors that can trigger anxiety. This type of therapy is often recommended for a variety of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety and panic attacks.
EMDR: This type of Meridian HealthCare is usually used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and specific phobias, but it can be used in other instances, too. During this process, the therapist guides the patient through bilateral stimulation of the brain with eye movements or tapping to assist in reprocessing memories and reducing overall physical and emotional discomfort.
Support groups: A support group is a great place to meet other people who are experiencing anxiety. The goal of a support group is to provide you with the opportunity to share your experiences and gain the tools to cope with anxiety.
The right therapist: You want to find a therapist who is skilled at treating anxiety and who will give you the attention you need. This person will need to be someone you feel comfortable talking to about your anxiety and who can guide you through the process of making changes in your life.
Finding a good Mental Health Counseling therapist is a crucial step to getting relief from anxiety symptoms and achieving lasting recovery. There are many qualified therapists in the country who specialize in helping with anxiety. You can search for a therapist by phone, in your area or online, using resources such as our free therapist directory.
Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, but you may need to commit to therapy for some time to see improvement. The length of therapy sessions will depend on the severity of your symptoms and the type of treatment you receive, but many people begin to see improvement within 8 to 10 sessions.
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