#and beaus convo with dairon
Caleb "sheepishly" giving Essek the piece of paper he found at the Steeple, and Essek dispelling the charm and handing it back so smugly. Omg. Hes such a bastard. The look on Matt's face.
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mendokayalways · 4 years
Still thinking about Caleb keeping the crystals as evidence and when everyone asks him “what will you do with that? who’s gonna help?”, he looks at Beau and says “Maybe the Cobalt Soul?” She responds with the most firm “Yes.” because the cobalt soul just made sure her abusers were caught and punished so she’s confident that they’ll do something for her friend. And she can say to him with all the confidence that there is an institution that will help him, that will take his abuse seriously, that will help him take his abusers down like they did hers. 
I think about that every goddamn day. 
And I think about how in this world of magic and fantasy, that for me (and so many others) as a viewer, and Marisha (and probably some of the other members of the cast as well) that IS the fucking fantasy. Someone holding our abusers’ accountable without putting us through any more pain. Of all the things, that is the fantasy.
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chekovsphaser · 3 years
Campaign 2 is truly the campaign of "draw a monster, why is it a monster?"
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the-ipre · 5 years
right now the mighty nein has two moms (dairon and the bright queen) and both are not mad but disappointed
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
prompt: maybe perhaps....a part 2 of jes overhearing nott and beau's convo about beau being in love with her? 👀 or if that's not the vibes: beaujes evil fun times 👀👀
she dresses her in grey, a suit that accentuates the lines of her, the strength of her, that shows her off the way she is, not the way she might want her to be. beau sweeps her into a hug, fills her arms with both jester and caduceus, and the group continues on not knowing (beau would never tell them) that something profound has happened. someone else sees her the way she sees herself, without her having to explain, without her having to beg them to just let her show them that it works. jester has her measurements, body and soul, and all this even after knowing beau loves her.
beau locks the bathroom door and gets on her hands and knees to clean burned clay off the floor. she excavates mosaic tile from under the remnants, adds bits and pieces of the once-beautiful tub to the corner where they are collecting the pieces in case jester has a spare month of free time to repair it. orange-burnt clay dusts her hands, collects under her nails. she works mindlessly at it; she thinks of barrels of sand on her shoulders, buckets of water on her head, days of climbing up and down stairs, useless busy work that never got her out of her head like it was supposed to, and wants to laugh because dairon had figured her out months before—she only works when she’s running from something.
the clay smells like the too-strong incense. the mosaic—ocean waves and the swirl of kelp and currents—returns bit by bit.
marion is too busy being afraid to notice her when she leaves, which is all for the better because beau doesn’t want to talk to her.
she can hear jester’s giggles and the thunk of boot heels against walls as the other girl tosses open her wardrobe to prepare. beau leans in the open doorway; she hasn’t spent much time with jester since their moment in the alleyway, but tonight, now, it’s different. jester is distracted and beau can steal the moment while she’s not watching—can press jester’s breathless excitement, the wonder in her eyes, into the malleable clay of her memory. beau is no wizard and no artist. she isn’t creative, doesn’t imagine breaking twelve laws of the material world before breakfast; she just imagines for a moment that she is brave enough to step through the doorway and catch jester’s hand, join her frantic search for the perfect shoes to go with her dress, strip herself down and redress so jester can see all the parts of her that she must have imagined - maybe drawn - to have the suit made so perfectly for her.
beau slinks away before jester, silk scarf tossed around her horns, can see her.
they make their way across town. the night is warm, sea-salt air stirred by the cry of violin strings and all the important people blowing hot air up each other’s asses.
beau looks handsome but it isn’t enough. jester is enamoured by her own mother, daring enough to have stepped out of her home for the first time in years. beau’s stomach dips; she thinks about jester on the brink, holding her hand out for her mama, her smile as bright as the crescent moon and many times as lovely; she thinks about her father’s doorstep, her own cheek hot; she thinks about hands around her shoulders dragging her out; she thinks about jester sliding her hand into her mama’s hand, and crooning reassurances, and the difference between them has never felt so stark. she should feel closer to her—they are dressed up, they are both powerful and capable, they’re both here and jester knows, they both know how she feels—but every inch that separates them feels insurmountable, a crack that widens and widens with every second, and it is with both hands clenched, no trace of clay left, that she turns to caduceus and begs him to make her useful, give her something that she can do tonight.
it seems some cosmic joke that he lets her see the whole of the space between them, all the hundreds of flitting incandescent creatures, all the ethereal eddies that fill the slip stream between them. beau can see jester through it all but now more than ever she could never reach.
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luckthebard · 4 years
Loving the empire siblings convo. Another angle, or aspect, is that Beau has less fear about the situation because she's not necessarily been manipulated in that way. The third party she joined ended up being fairly morally decent and became a family for her (Dairon at the very least). While Caleb is still reeling from the aftermath of the cult-like manipulation he was forced into as a child. But I think people often miss a key concept about Caleb's motivations... (1)
Trauma plays such a role in all his decision making, as well it should. He gets a lot of shit in this fandom for having the gall to still be affected by this life-shattering thing that happened to him when he was a kid. How dare he. /sarcasm lol But another distinct aspect of that trauma is the role of Astrid and Eo(a)dwulf. Other children. Often what Beau and he end up fighting about is that he doesn't want the M9 to get hurt, while Beau seems to take it as an insult on her capabilities. (2)
ANYWAY my point is that Caleb just doesn't want more of his friends to get yeeted into a manipulative cult hellhole while Beau thinks she could handle that shit and I think they can't understand each other's motivations. They love each other so much that they keep trying, though, and that's what matters. Kinda sucks fandom interprets that frustration at their inability to communicate as hatred, though. (end)
Yeah, that seems pretty spot on. And the reason this works so well as a continual character conflict between them is that it also makes a ton of sense that Beau would have trauma around the idea of potentially being abandoned or told she wasn’t strong or good enough. That was foundational in her life, with her relationship with her mother and father. So while implying that is never Caleb’s intent, that’s what Beau’s hearing, because of her own history. 
It just works as character conflict because they clearly love and care for each other but are often so frustrated by each other because they speak almost opposite trauma languages. Another example of this massive difference in their world-views is that Caleb has trauma that makes him want to control everything so he can’t get hurt, but Beau has trauma that makes her lash out at any form of control or authority (see: their different attitudes toward Calianna).
I think both characters are a great opportunity for anyone who might find one of them more relatable than the other to gain insight into people with different reflexive emotions and coping mechanisms who might be hard to understand.
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catrollsdice · 4 years
I’m at work and literally all I can think of is Dairon and Beau’s convo.
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boylore 12/20 not much to say because yasha has me reeling with worry but i mean it’s the last of the year and this is a feature of the blog so i ought to say something
quiet boy has found his favorite thing ever in an instrument that simulates pained screaming we can unpack that later but
disappointed by the lack of commune but it’s probably a matter of time and we can hope for communes in the new year!
we got to see his troublemaker side again today--he wanted to go to the archive solely to fuck around with the flute. king. travellercon is gonna be LIT.
also want to just note that he and caleb were just sitting in the corners during the whole beaujes convo like. iamlookingaway_cursedemoji.png
beau was on the verge of asking him if he was okay and i was about to lose my mind but. alas.
it was mentioned that he was the one who made the symbol, which i just think is neat and lovely. a crafty fella. a homosexual.
telling your distant cousin, “hey, i would like to use YOUR sacred forge to make this very ornate and beautiful gift for my roommate. i am going to use crystals and i am going to be a huge diva about it. my roommate and i have a professional relationship and i do not have a crush on him at all.”
i was joking about fjord claiming to be “loud and proud” about melora was a gay thing but then it was implied that caduceus has explained melora’s lesbianism to him so asdjakdjsakhdk modern au is literally just a closet case who cad’s trying to help catch up on gay shit wait oh no. oh no. i need to reevaluate some personal things.
“i can make those attacks weaker, but this builds character.” i think he also did this in the asarius barfight with dairon? he is such a dick and i’m obsessed with him
also fascinated by his reaction to yasha’s... fight? can we call it a fight? much meta has been written by others about cad’s tendency for self-neglect (and i will write more if prompted), and he’s the most aware (the only person aware iirc?) of fjord’s game of chicken in the volcano. “did you find what you were looking for?” (paraphrase)d is so different than--say, beau, jester, and fjord’s actively (and nervously) voiced concern. his response is closer to caleb’s, even if, to jester, he expresses concern about yasha’s behavior.
no one in the mighty nein has healthy coping mechanisms! yay! see you guys with more boylore next year!
B  O  N  E  F  L  U  T  E 
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potatoesandsunshine · 4 years
truly incoherent late-night ramblings about the mighty nein and pride under the cut. an unorganized stream of consciousness basically. i’m so tired i have so many Thoughts
cad saying tonight that nobody in the m9 is vain (can’t remember if he said “none of us are vain” or “none of you are vain” but i’m going with the first one bc i can’t watch it again till it goes up on yt) really got me thinking because my immediate reaction was “no? that’s not true?” but i couldn’t figure out why exactly i thought that - so naturally i spent the rest of the episode pondering it.
like... the members of the mighty nein are each in their own way juggling a massive load of insecurity and in some cases just pure self-loathing but they’re still very... they’re not vain, but they are proud to the point of arrogance which is just super interesting from a character perspective (just wanna note here this is not a “and this makes x character A Bad Person” hot take or whatever, characters have character flaws and that’s what makes them interesting to me, please don’t come to my inbox saying i hate fjord or caleb or caduceus or veth or jester or beau or yasha because that’s just not the case) anyway imo yasha is currently the only one who hasn’t shown a big moment of this flaw, everybody else has. yes it’s possible i don’t remember a moment for yasha at this second but tbh she’s spent so much time getting controlled by other forces this campaign like :( give yasha a break challenge :( she gets one from this post
early on beau had her kind of rebel without a cause, too cool for school thing going on - to me that’s a kind of pride? like it came from a feeling of isolation and disconnect from the people around her and the structures her life had operated in and also the idea that “i’m the only one who sees how bullshit everything is” that’s (at least in my own experience) a really common feeling in late teens/early twenties. honestly the first moment that shook her out of it was dairon imo (i know that a lot of beau’s change is attributed to molly’s death but i honestly think it started back with that brawl in the warehouse) and dairon has continued to be a (flawed themselves) check against arrogance for beau which is really interesting to me? anyway continuing
fjord’s whole persona that kinda wasn’t a persona during the pirates arc (i’m talking specifically about the captain pursuing his own ends, not about the accent thing) was very much a character based on knowing more about the world than everybody else did, even though i don’t think fjord himself believed it? honestly for all that you can say about fjord i think he’s lowest on the list in terms of pride (besides yasha!! who isn’t on this list!!) bc he’s very honest about the fact that he often feels like he just does not know what’s going on around him. props to that bc it is hard to do.
veth’s biggest Moment of this (and pride just doesn’t feel like the right word but i don’t know how else to capture the meaning, the idea of Knowing Better than everyone else i guess? you know what i mean) that i can think of is the letter to astrid in zadash that everyone screamed about bc caleb was the current fandom favorite sadboi at the time; it was such a big moment of trying to arrange someone else’s life for them that’s like. like it’s a Big Moment idk how to explain it. i think a lot of the responsibility she feels for yezza and luc also relies on the premise that she Knows Best which again is super interesting because it clearly causes her a lot of guilt that she’s not doing Enough for them in her own eyes when it’s like... like... talk to each other... idk idk i have Feelings about the brenattos. Arranging the lives of other people, no matter your intentions, is imo a thing that comes from thinking you Know Better than they do. 
caleb... i so do not want to re-litigate the disintegrate discourse that was imo truly a waste of time last week but i do agree with the idea that caleb’s got ye olde mythological-level hubris. the man has a goal of turning back time to rewrite his own mistakes and like it’s not just a dream it’s a Goal He’s Working Towards which means that either 1) he believes it’s possible for him to do it or 2) he can’t admit that it isn’t possible and he has to live with ‘his’ mistakes (i can’t get into the caleb stuff rn but uhhh it’s not as much a personal failing as you believe it is caleb). both of these viewpoints are like. so dependent on viewing himself as A Power That Affects The Universe instead of someone who is affected by it which is kind of the sentiment i’m trying to get at idk idk it’s late i’m tired
it’s interesting with jester and caduceus for a couple reasons but the fact that they’re both literally blessed by gods is like... like i can’t say they’re unduly proud (i don’t really think that any of the m9 are like unduly proud) because they’re literally made More Important by the deities of the setting from the moment of introduction but we do still see really interesting stuff from both of them imo
caduceus thinks he knows better than everybody else which is something i think we’ve seen from the beginning as well? that’s part of why he’s kind of set himself up as the Wise Councilor of the group (and if you ask me, why he seems unable to reach out for support of his own - all the instances of someone digging deeper into him were instigated by other people from what i can remember right now) and it’s been neat to see him reconciling things he Knows Are Right from his time in the cemetery with a more complicated reality in the wider world. it’s hard for me to say that cad’s arrogant because he thinks he’s privy to the literal divine plan when he is privy to an actual divine plan thanks to the wildmother but i think it’s interesting to see it in the small moments. we saw it more earlier i think? but like this part of his character isn’t Gone. as long as he’s got himself designated as the group moral compass i think there’s an element of this in play. 
and jester ohh jester i love u i’m so sorry everything has been so hard for so long like aaaa imagine you find out your best friend (who is also your god) has been lying to you for all of your friendship and also lying to all of his followers (because it turns out he’s not a god, technically) that’s so hard anyway. anway. i don’t wanna derail into talking about how much i love jester but i love her ok? ok. anyway jester’s current defense mechanism is retreating into the fact that she’s the best follower of the traveler and he loves her the most, because she’s Special (which again, her god told her this there’s literally nothing i can say against it) but we’re seeing that kind of fracture in an interesting way if you ask me? because the fact of the matter is, whenever jester asks a question about ‘the followers of the traveler’ she is implicitly also asking a question about herself (this is why i was so fascinated by her convo with fjord tonight also). it only works for So Long to keep repeating that you’re special when you’re not sure about it anymore oh jester i am so worried about u ohhh :( i am so sleepy but i have so many thoughts
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disasterhumans · 5 years
Team Human Convo [C2E57 Transcript]
Beau: [yawning] Why’d you get me up so early?
Caleb: Are you awake?
Beau: Yes, what?
Caleb: Keep your voice down.
Beau: Okay, what?
Caleb: [looks at Beau intensely]
Beau: [frowning] You alright?
Caleb: Yes. But I would be better... [hesitates] I need you to trust me. I need you to be my friend. I can’t believe that I am saying those words, but I need you to be my friend. Yeah, I’ve probably said some crazy things to you. I have railed against the elements. But I have also said that I wanted to murder a man, and that falls in line with things that Dairon and you want. I just put everything one the line--my own survival, all of our survival on the line--because I wanted to see you live. And all of our friends live. A week ago--
Beau: [raises eyebrows, nods with searching look] [makes a sound of encouragement]
Caleb: --killing that man seemed impossible to me. And now it does not.
Beau: You don’t have to convince me of anything, Caleb. I’ve been your friend this whole time.
Caleb: Well last night it seemed like I did.
Beau: It’s whether you believe it that’s always been a question mark to me. [gestures broadly] Do you believe I’m your friend? That’s always been the problem, man. I care for you a lot and I’ve told you that on more than one occasion. And i’m not sure. What it’s met with. So do you trust me? Do you trust the rest of us? Or are we just cogs in your overall grand plan?
Caleb: [bows head]
Beau: [leaning in] ‘Cause that would hurt. It would hurt real bad, man. If that was the case.
Caleb: [still looking down] I think that I have spent so long like this that it is hard, maybe, for you to tell, that I...care for you. [beat] And I am sorry for anything I have done in the past that has earned your distrust.
Beau: Hey, look at me.
Caleb: [looks up, stares about Beau intently]
Beau: [nods in acknowledgement] I’ll trust you. You do me a favor. Start trusting yourself? Just a little bit
Caleb: [roughly] Getting there. [beat] Anyway--I respect you greatly. Thank you for your time.
Beau: [laughs] You don’t have to thank me for my time, like your social worker. [pulls Caleb into a hug]
[Marisha pulls Liam into a hug with a big smile on her face, Liam is still wearing his dour!Caleb expression]
Beau: [pulls back, but rests her hand on Caleb’s shoulder]
Caleb: Danke. [lifts his chin to look at Beau more directly]
Beau: [lets hand fall from Caleb’s shoulder] Yeah. You too.
Caleb: [nods] We can do some good. [nods his head to encompass group] All of us. We can do some good.
Beau: I think that’s the best retribution for Caleb Widogast. [smiles] Two pieces of shit like us, doing some good? [holds out hand]
Caleb: [grasps Beau’s hand in his own] Hollaaaaaaaa
Beau: No, don’t, don’t.
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hold-the-fjord · 5 years
it's midnight on a workday and I really shouldn't be watching the newest episode but it started so good with that dairon/beau convo I'm now invested
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flowercoasts · 6 years
GOD i could talk forever about beaujester but like. they have one of the deepest bonds of the mighty nein. after their talk on the ball eater, they’ve only grown more close in their relationship; now, they openly share their deeper feelings/secrets and are in general more open/affectionate with each other. beau’s first instinct when dealing with feelings is to lie/minimize in order to protect herself, which is why she lies to jester when talking about dairon. but the day after, she quickly realizes that it’s jester, the person who she Knows will always have her back and who beau will always back up and support. so she tells jester the truth. and then, later on in the episode, beau asks jester “are you okay?” — this mirrors the “are you okay?” beau asked jester on the ball eater after the happy funtime ball escapades; but, this time, beau doesn’t just take jesters denial for an answer, she pushes a little further, and asks “what’s wrong?” beau now recognizes jesters hidden meanings behind her words and pushes for them, trying to help jester. and jester now, after the convo on the ship, completely defends beau. when nott was bashing on beau outside of yusa’s tower, jester quickly jumped in and defended beau; and even before that, when beau was talking down about herself, jester said “that’s not true.” jester knows a bit more than the others just how vulnerable beau can be and some of her insecurities, and makes sure to validate beau whenever she can. AND THE OPEN PHYSICAL/VERBAL AFFECTION!!! after the hug on the ship and the exchange of “i love yous”??? beau’s wink to jester, jester’s “are you in love with me?” and beau responding “in a way” — they’re being open and honest and loving and supporting each other no matter what because they know that they have each other’s backs and that. is beautiful.
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baboy-senpai · 5 years
Man if there’s ANYTHING I want for the next CR ep, it’s some fucking slowwww time already. I mean dont get me wrong, the hype and emotional rollercoaster that has been the past few eps have been fantastic but Liam mentioned in talks that Caleb wanted to actually TALK to people about things and they just... never got to it... which honestly makes me sad because I would have loved to get more character insights on their situation! Like I get logically that lady Zethris would have a transportation circle in her space, but I kinda really wish Matt had managed to squeeze them in some slow time instead. Travelling isnt THE most exciting, but it would have given the characters a whole lot more time to breath and perhaps idk actually talk about shit? Because aside from ep 55 which was a fucking LOT, there was also business with Beau and Dairon’s convo about trust, Jester and the other Traveller worshiper’s plans, etc etc. There was a lot of shit to talk about honestly but after ep 56 I feel like a lot of that will have to be dropped since everything is just DIFFERENT now. I know there’s still a colossal bag of worms that will be opened due to the events of ep 56 and I’m suuuuper excited for all THOSE convos (tho I’m also scared those may be pushed aside due to the m9 needing to get a quick run down of the sitch from the queen) but I really do wish that the convos that needed to happen from before still happen...
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marchusburchens · 5 years
matryoshka doll conspiracies
Facts of this business
m9 is going to tell the bright queen about a maybe assault from the empire - the king? the cerberus assembly? and maybe trent ikithon was there?
but dairon said that members of the cerberus assembly may be working with the dynasty?
BUT trent ikithon is known to be fervently in support of the empire and would never betray it? AND the cerberus assembly was the one with the beacons/working with Yeza, which the Dynasty did not seem to have any knowledge of until they captured Yeza?
BUt the dens within the dynasty do not seem to be entirely on the same page as each other - Den Theylas seems to be very very invested in the m9, to the point of breaking the Dynasty’s confidence and handing over dunamantic magics
Theory 1: Dairon was wrong/lying-  Dairon is heavily invested (maybe to the point of bias, maybe to the point of lying) in removing the cerberus assembly from power in the empire. As I don’t believe that Dairon is working with the Dynasty, I think the concern is less blind nationalism than it is purely moralistic, i.e. the Cobalt Soul has no allegiance to Empire or Dynasty in one over the other, but is invested in seeing corruption stamped out.
Theory 2: There are colluding/traitorous factions on each side, within the CA and within the Dens. this could be boiled down to sides:
(presumably) for the empire/against the dynasty: trent ikithon, whoever set the rift devices up (bc they seem to want hell in Xhorhas), the king, most empire-dwellers, Dairon/the cobalt soul
(presumably) for the dynasty/against the empire: Den Krynn, Den Olios, most dynasty-dwellers, traitorous members of the CA
Unknown/undecided: the m9, Den Theylas or maybe just Essik (’cause it’s suspicious to give the Empire newcomers a house when even the queen didn’t -meaning they’re currying special favour w the m9 - and it’s SUPER suspicious and maybe even straight up traitorous to hand over the secret magics, and it’s Very Interesting that a powerful den would go to such lengths to procure a favour/debt from these shady people unless they themselves are also shady and anticipate needing allies)
tbh, within this theory, I’m not even sure if everyone in that room that was scried on in e62 was all on the same side - the blond/blue robe guy could well be a double agent, himself spying in that meeting. 
Theory 3: The entirety of the Cerberus Assembly is playing the long game, and is in fact and always has been, trying to gain power for themselves. Not for the Empire, not for the Dynasty, they are trying to take control of everything. It was veiled as “for the Empire” to trainee Scourgers, because it’s not smart to have treason as your selling point to people you want to groom (brainwashing first, target next), E.g. this convo about Ikithon: 
Caleb: Everything was for Empire. We were being trained to serve our Empire above all else. He was a little mad, himself. That is-- he was mad.
Beau: I’m curious as to how much was for the Empire and how much the Empire was a veil for his own personal exploits.
Caleb: He believed that the unwashed masses relied on their base instincts and the highest calling was to rise above the muck and control the cattle for the good of all.
This whole campaign began with an uptick in fiendish behaviour within the Empire - the CA may have been involved in that, as they may be with the rifts in Xhorhas. The notes in the apothecary basement make no mention of the Empire, and talk about how great all the dunamancy findings are for the Assembly. The scry from e62 mentions how the soon-to-be chaos will be a good time to release the scourgers - doing chaotic things, like assassinating both rulers of two warring countries, is best done during times of chaos.
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cobaltsouled · 5 years
god this convo is so good 
i love the way beau is with dairon and some time i’ll talk more in depth about it 
and god beau’s grown so much and the faith she has in the mighty nein is so good........ 
god i love her SO MUCH 
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glossolali · 6 years
c2e48 late liveblog
forgive the length of this but as u know... a lot happened.....
- captain Orly!!! cute cute
- caduceus wanting to make fjord a gift sword (for not ending the world lmao) 😭💕 precious kind big son
- Nott the pink faerie!!! I'm both sad and ❤️
- I already spoiled myself obvis so seeing everyone be cheerful and go shopping and have no idea that some shit is gonna go down is killing me lmao
- uthadurny.... ok werk
- the bow on Beau's bo I'm cryin at her face
- gooooddd jester is so fucking cute I love her everytime she speaks my heart grows 3 sizes
- Caleb's face when Matt mentions that there's a cat at the bookstore... so cute 💕
- He's making FRUMPKIN MAKE CAT FRIENDS IM GONNA CRY... why is caleb so fucking cute
- oh my god nott and jester beat boxing for slam poet caleb I'm.... "wicky wicky scratch" 😂😂😂😂
- bless Matt for keeping the sailor romance novel gender neutral when he's describing it... now I can happily headcanon caleb reading gay romance novels
- caduceus replying to Jester's message even though she won't hear... PRECIOUS BOY
- Nott as a faerie throwing dirt at the kid holy shit i'm 😂😂😂😂
- marrion and jester reunion.... 😭😭😭💕💕
- "are you taking him" lmao
- @siri: "yes and bitch" aaaaaa 😂😂
- caleb petsitting and talking to both of them.. cute cute 😘💕
- Sam Riegel... he makes shit happen.... sure does
- eyyyyyyy they're getting into the mage tower
- fjord brandishing the fish lmaooo
- "i'm starting to sound like caduceus" he looked so pleased 😌
- they're giving up the dodeca and the happy fun ball to yussa??? I'm crying they're disasters who let them out of the house
- jestergard crumb! "don't listen to nott you're beautiful beau.. and very nice" yayayaya
- God beau completely bullshitting Yussa is making me so nerves lol... what are they trying to do?????
- Caleb is reeeeeeally not happy about telling Yussa about all the things, esp the dodeca
- "I have a few slots open in my loyalty bank" 😂😂😂😂😂
- Holy shit he's he's 200!!!!!!!!!!!
- he could kill them all instantly i'm
- "Where did you train" *everyone looks over at Caleb* fuuuuck
- "I wouldn't be where I am today if I didn't believe in the power of others" MATTHEW YOU'RE FUCKING WITH CALEB
- I'm enjoying the caduceus and beau friendship of the week
- agoraphobic mama lavorre loves her little sapphire so much oh. my. god..... 😭 😭 😭
- hooooo murder mommy.... amazing she's an icon
- dairon?????? a roommate????? hmmmm m 👀👀👀👀👀
- disaster gay Beau is so gr8
- aaaaaahhh here we go beau caleb talk
- he's apologizing and opening up???? my boy grown
- Caleb's so so so worried about them :(((
- "I wanted you to understand me better"
- 😭😭😭😭 what are my feelings doing
- this so great though I'm enjoying the shit out of this convo 👌👌👍👌
- "HEY CALEB! WOW!!" fckn icon
- it hurts me that Taliesin can't let Molly go and is still concerned about Gustav.... ugh
- Bryce!!! 💓
- Jester giving Caduceus cookbooks 😭💕💓💜💜💕💓😭 I LOVE MY CLERICS
- ohhhh f u c k Felderwin
- "you recognize both of them" i'm just...
- I know what Sam is up to so I'm dying inside watching him be sneaky with what info he gives
- seeing nott so serious and worried is doing something to my heart
- *extended screaming for the next 30 minutes*
- I'm literally rocking back and forth
- "well fuck him".........
- I was spoiled but I wasn't ready at all
- fuck
- I'm fucked up
- thank GOD for caduceus oh my god
- I can't stop crying she has a son??
- ??? m?l?????
- so was she a halfling and she was cursed???? by Goblins?? by mages??.
- did she meet Luke's mom and get to know her and Yeza?? Luke said he thought she got killed by Goblins????? WHAT DOES IT MEAN
- whatn the fuck is happening
- i'm shaking
- I can't believe I have to literally hold my breath for an entire week I'm going to die
- ow big whiplash
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