#and being a solo player i was like 👍
averageskyplayer · 2 years
when you're a solo player but want to take group pics:
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artistnamedlg · 7 months
For context, the garages were a band who wrote songs based off a game called blaseball, mainly rock but not confined directly too it. I am assigning some of their songs to fantasy high characters for the very small subset of people who are interested a.k.a mainly me. Most of these are based off season 1 but there is influence from the others. 👍
-Pyschoacoustics: Very loud but also kinda team based! (The bigger the garage/ the better the sound/ we’re just so glad you came around)
- Vanessa tables, the cheesiest love song ever. I can totally imagine fig singing this.
- ALBUMS: either Underground (its heavy metal) or Short circuit (psychoacoustics esque, it’s so loud!!!)
- CHARACTERS THEY WOULD LOVE? Probably Betsy Trombone or Allison Abbot. Or Jaylen HotdogFingers. Big Garages Fan probably.
- so mediocre, it’s about not being good enough and being told your not good enough. Yeouch.
-Sidelined, same album same reason but this one ends happier cause people do believe in them :)
- the entire Kansas City breath mints team failed the bar exam,
- won’t strike out, it’s about a frog kicking ass. For everyone who doesn’t know blaseball google chorby short right now.
- ALBUMS: either unstable (the first two songs are from it) or, while not a album, The Mike Townsend Trilogy because she would one hundred percent understand the looked down on for not being good enough vibe.
- CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Mike Townsend, Chorby Short, maybe Sebastion Telephone cause underperforming sibling vibes. I can see her being a big Hawaii Fridays fan or more accurately Yellowstone Magics
- And I mean all gods, the first line is “I need to email god because I have some issues”. Kristen would say that, 100%.
- solar eclipse, this one’s a little bit of everyone but it feels especially Kristen because of the direct callouts to god in it. She’d very much understand this one I think.
- ALBUMS weirdly enough, no clue. She would probably like the garages kill gods cause of the title and maybe pathetic/spineless cause repressed rage.
CHARACTERS THEYD LOVE? Most of the like goofy ones I think. She’d see pitching machine (a player who is an actual honest to god pitching machine) and start cheering. She would actually maybe enjoy the monitor who is a god but is also a pushover and eventually anticapitalist. Shed like Randall Marijuana if only cause he’s called “Randy weed” She’d also be a big Fridays person but I can see her being a Hellmouth Fan.
- operation plasma (swing and a miss) it’s a song by the spies about how they want a spy to bring them stuff, riz core.
- beautiful day, I don’t know why I can very much see riz in this, half of it cause shit canonically hits the fan even harder after beautiful day.
- the unremarkable ballad of Derrick Krueger, I can’t explain this one but I think it does have slight riz vibes of like overlooked underdog at the beginning of season 1
- Albums, be my valentine cause some of the songs are very sweet and a decent amount are not even romantic in like partner partner way or percolate or lofi hip-hop brews to kill siesta/kill gods to.
- Players he’d love? Parker McMillan, he’d love the insane complexity of trying to piece them together and like interrogating their socials. He’d be a big Houston Spies fan as well, no surprise, but he’d also be a data witch or something similar on the side, just digging round in the code.
EDIT: he would also love one of my fav players, Evelton mcblase 2, a trans mad scientist who is evil and also occasionally a eel.
- heart full of love mouth full of blood, it’s a little romantic but also about killing to protect your friends
- Mike Townsend is back, I can see him vibing to this, especially with the goofy “I learned how to solo!!!” Part
- hurt people, it’s about desperately not wanting to hurt those around you but being unable to.
- Albums I don’t know! Maybe encore cause some of those are very hard hitting and he’d like that I think but also maybe lofi as well cause chill out vibes. Potentially Immaterial Shores which is a bunch of like sea shanty’s.
-Characters they’d like? Jaylen hotdogfingers as well, he’d understand the tradgedy. Also Theodore Duende. Definitely Nagomi McDaniel because she’s a buff as hell mother , maybe the dad versions of Lenny Marijuana. Generally the strong ones who have hearts of gold. He’d be a Dallas steaks fan (their joke is that they’re all dads or dad adjacent, they do cookouts)
- Top ten Tillman Henderson moments that actually happened, dude I cannot describe it but he would love Tillman, shitheel player who does the silliest shenanigans.
- Rise, I can’t really explain it but the extreme confidence mixed with the knowledge that Jaylen actually deeply regrets her revival and fame feels very Fabian.
- Betsy trombone (+ r - s version) I can’t explain it but specifically this version has Fabian feels.
- Albums. Uhhh maybe just straight up discipline, it’s super long but he’d like it I feel. Something shorter would be Caught in the Reverb I don’t know why but I think he’d like it a bit.
-Favorite Characters? Tillman Henderson, he’d love how much of a shitheel he is. I can see him also liking Nagomi McDaniel and Jessica Telephone. I can also seeing him being part of the Jaylen resurrection efforts and just supporting her girlbossing murder spree. He’d actually care if they’re good at the game, similarly he’d be a crabs fan since they’re pretty consistently good, if not the crabs then the hades tigers cause they’re sick as hell. I can also see him really really enjoying York silk because it’s a 12 year old with a gunblade who’s unironically super strong.
- Well suck forever
- A horrible Mistake we will make again and again
Gilear (special edition!!)
-on fatherhood, im adding this just cause it reminds me of him. If you didn’t know people died in blaseball! That was a key thing! While figs alive this does give that vibe with how much she gets into.
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jorenilee · 8 months
i typed this out quickly and in one take because i was offended by your post about frye consistently losing splatfests. in your tags, your reasoning doesn’t make sense and frankly comes off as racist. i don’t agree that her team is typically the “fiery” or “awesome” team unless this was explicitly said somewhere and i missed it. i don’t get that impression. either way, referring to the entirety of japan as if they’re one collective without diversity of thought or individuals IS racist. you should think twice before making assumptions like that japanese people prefer “logic” and “maturity” over something that’s “cool.” also, blaming japanese people for all the bad things about the game + immediately turning to point fingers at japanese people when your team loses the splatfest is also racist. i am a japanese-american whose favorite character is frye and i want her to win as much as you do, but you need to stop putting racist takes out onto the internet as if they’re facts
yeah this is fair. when solo won, my tl was full of people immediately jumping onto accusations about white ink and rigging, + the year of people dragging shiver and saying frye's choices were "bad" and being venomously racist when japanese playerbases do sway votes, so I tried to find an actual pattern that wasn't just "japan rigging" and made baseless assumptions myself.
I do definitely think now I should've rephrased, especially making sure it wasn't flat statements, saying ALL japanese players thought that, or sound like I'm pointing fingers or was upset. Also really sorry I came across as blaming Japan. I thought the difference between the west/japan's popular votes (going off popularity polls and reported mirror matches) were interesting and it was my fault for assuming the reasons behind them. To emphasize so no one gets the wrong idea from my tags, japanese playerbases contribute hugely to splatfest results just for the simple reason of larger player numbers but it's stupid to label them as "responsible for bad things" or splatfest losts because they are just playing the damn game. No ones being malicious or whatever (+ nessie/aliens and the chocolate fest seem to be very evenly balanced global vote-wise).
Just for clarification (you definitely didn't miss anything), Frye's choices being on the more silly end was just another assumption I did. It's usually kids - who are famously not very skilled - that are into fire types, being with family, doing fist bumps (which was a western fest) or her teams are a bit more geared towards the west (to my knowledge, skeletons don't have quite the cultural significance ghosts do in japan but imo, ghosts are just way more famous Everywhere).
or had the VERY SUBJECTIVE "less mature" choices (strawberry vs vanilla, sweet vs spicy or sour, again fist bump vs handshake or hug, milk vs dark or white, (people said japanese players thought the white ink was cute so it was more popular which ??? that didn't sound true nor important enough to sway the results like that), grub vs gear (gear was literally the logical right choice btw) and fame was just. unfortunate all around)
and I just thought Shiver's personality is more "cold" and "logical" or very very mildly "edgy" (ie team power or money) > her team choices usually are > adults pick them more > win more, but it was my bad for naming japan as a whole instead.
That's also my bad for being too lazy to expand on it in the tags. Thanks for bringing this up 👍 I'll remove the tags so people don't get the same assumptions
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
hi! uh, this may not be your usual request fare, but i'm new to arknights (i started maybe a week before ideal city began) and i'm wondering if you had any opinions you'd like to share on who i should use my two senior operator transfer permits on? totally okay if not! i just only really have a 3-star squad (because ideal city's banner was not kind to me) and i was hoping to see how i'd best get utility out of the two 5 stars i can get
Hello there anon sbsjs 🥰!! I do hope you're well~
Dw at all aaa, you're always v welcome to come by my inbox for other Arknights stuff 👍! Now about your ask sbsjs!!
Welcome to Arknights then, omg aaa 🥳!!!
I do hope you've been enjoying the game so far and that it's been treating you well 🥺💕! (Though aaa no, I'm sorry to hear that the 'Great Axe and Pen Nib' banner was not-so-good for you 😭😭, I'm sending you more luck for future banners sbhzs 🍀!)
Anywho, yes aaa, of course 👍✨!!! I can definitely share some advice on which Operators I think would be best to use your Senior Operator Transfer Permits on 🤔! I'd be happy to be of service asbsjs~
I had to double-check who was included in the selection pool included for the Senior Operator Transfer Permits, and I decided on five Operators that I think would be v v useful and helpful to your Squad 🤔! (Since you mentioned you're rather new to the game, I also hope it's okay that I explain a lil regarding why I choose my choices here abaja!)
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Sbsjs firstly, I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention Executor 😶👉👈!!!
I most certainly bring Executor everywhere I go because he's my ultimate Arknights favourite sbsjs, however I also do so because he's a v v powerful Operator!
His damage output is super high!! During Operations, I find that he can easily manage being a solo damage dealer for me 👍! I often leave him to handle areas of Operation maps by himself (with a melee help to block the incoming enemies sbsjs), and he doesn't have lots of trouble at all!
His Talent also penetrates DEF which is super useful against lots and lots of enemies!
Placing him in an advantageous position is important when using him, but otherwise he doesn't require much to operate well 👍!!
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Secondly, I want to suggest Ptilopsis sbsjs ✨!!
She's been one of my two main Medics since I first began playing 💕!
Mostly, she's super useful because of her Talent sgsush, it causes all of your Operators to regenerate their Skill Points quite a bit faster 🤔!! This is always v v helpful during Operations aaa
I don't believe there's another Operator who does this exactly as she does, so this ability of hers makes her v special and unique 🥺!
Also, her second Skill outputs a good amount of burst healing which can save you lots if you're in trouble sbsjs!!
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Thirdly, I want to suggest Texas!
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, I've realized she's barely left my Squad since she's joined me sbjzha 😮✨!! I've never needed to replace her, she's v special 💕!!
When equipped with her second Skill, she generate Deployment Points, stun, deal Arts Damage, and Crowd Control shsjshs 👍!!! She does lots just with this, on her own!
Her Talent also starts off Operations with an extra Deployment Point or two, which is always helpful even if it's only by a lil sbhzs!
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Fourthly, I want to suggest Elysium!
I want to mention that Elysium does his job the best in a Squad with many Sniper Operators sbsjs 🤔 (which my Squad often has!) so if you prefer using other Operator Classes more, he may not be as useful!
With both his Skills, he generates Deployment Points v quickly and particularly when equipped with his second Skill, he supports the other Operators on the Operation map 👍!
His Talent helps Sniper Operators by lots, reducing their Deployment Cost and increasing their ASPD when his Skills are activated!
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And fifthly, last I want to suggest Lappland!
When I was a newer Arknights player and was still in the earlier phases of the game, I took her with me everywhere lololsbsj!
She offers lots and can do different things sgshs 🤔 She doesn't need much help to do as she needs to either!
Her second Skill converts her damage into Arts Damage for its duration, which enables her to output lots and lots of v large damage amounts ✨!!
Her Talent also gives her the ability to Silence the enemies she attacks, which is super useful and puts the enemies at a v large disadvantage 👍!
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That's all five I wanted to talk about absjsh ✨! I do hope my advice helps you aaa 💞!!!
This is of course simply my opinions 🤔Definitely please keep in mind what your preferences and needs are when making your decisions anon 👍!! And certainly remember to have fun 🥳~
My inbox is always open so please never be worried about sending in any asks sbsjs 🥺! It's always my honour to be able to help 💕~
Anon, tysm for your ask 🥰! I hope you'll stick around and please have a great day 🌸!!!
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(A small update agshsh: I'm still v busy irl, sigh 😭...! However I'm trying my best to work on stuff for the blog and to answer my asks 👉👈! I should have some free time during the next few days, so I'll be getting to my asks, the most recent ones first!)
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persephinae · 2 years
I sometimes see people complaining that Elden Ring is hard and they keep dying
And it's really not?? I've never played s Souls game and I'm really having a blast
Yes, you do die a lot. That's a given. If you can wrap your head around that fact and accept it, you will literally have a much better time
Also if you're REALLY struggling playing the game with one class you CAN just play another
I've been playing Astrologer (which is basically a mage) and I haven't had to summon outside players for help yet, been soloing everything myself
You get spirit ash summons and cool spells 👍
And if you die too many times on a boss then that means it's time to fuck off and go explore so you can grind runes and level up
Like this game bends over backwards for you to help you succeed
Want to be a warrior masochist that enjoys being roflstomped? Great, go do that
Want to be a mage with spells that go zap! while be a dodge gremlin and crying throwing up etc? You can do that too
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gotham--fc · 3 years
Yeah its a cool aesthetic I just don’t like the logo as part of the fabric in the jersey like something related to Toronto as the subtle design would’ve been cooler like the skyline or whatever it’s famous for.
Also tbf Boston is really good and although I didn’t watch the T6 Boston game I saw r some of the goals and they were really good!
Ayy we love a good PK, did T6 give up any shortys? Those are downright painful😂😬.
Oh no😬 that seems like a small barrier to playing ice hockey, a tip that helps me a lot of you ever go over winter or try skating is to bend your knees a lot and have a straight ish back so your center of gravity is good, and also using not hire skates helps cause they usually suck and if you can get any that you can call your own it’ll help a ton cause it’ll be easier to skate in bc it’ll fit your feet better. Get playing that street hockey dude! I really wanna play but I’ll have to wait till summer now :(.
Ooo that’s cool they seem like solid jerseys! Who’s your fave football player?
I thought there was cause whenever I watch Habs games there’s like a jumbled anthem where some sing in all English, others in all French and then the singer is usually bilingual.
That’s really cool I didn’t know you split up the songs and did it that way! Congrats for being boss at it :) solos sound cool we’re they your fave over being in like a team of people in band?
Yeah I get you like I swear if people didn’t know I was friends with my mates they’d think we hated each other cause we call each other stupid names and have banter each other but we know the line. All my mates names in Snapchat are funny cause they’re al things they’ve said that just sound weird or wrong 😂😂.
Ooo that first jays jersey is nice! The old jersey is really cool too! And I’m sorry about Halladay, if you wanna chat about him feel free cause he sound pretty cool (I’ve watched 0 baseball so I’m interested in learning more 😂)
I know the US jerseys are just so bad like they look so fake like one you’d buy from a dodgy website (like sorry Americans you have to have that jersey - at least it’ll look better with a silver/ bronze medal (or quarter final exit )
I completely agree with your jersey rankings I haven’t seen Iceland and Slovenia till now but damn! ( I should’ve seen them cause GB have played them but I want paying attention to the other team rather than hoping they let in tons of goals lol). There’s some teams where the jerseys cool but I dislike them just solely because they stoped GB from getting to the next Olympic qualifiers (stares at Hungary and Korea)😂😂
I’ll send over the Clarky video in a sec 👍😁🏒
Yeah I get what you mean, I think having the Toronto skyline as part of the design would be sick I love seeing the CN tower
I know Boston is really good, they’re unfairly good, tbh I didn’t go into the weekend thinking Toronto would beat them easily or have easy games, I knew they’d be tough to beat and the first game was a lot better than the second but they did kinda collapse defensively in the third that allowed Boston to tie it up but I think they played well, they had great chances, I mean they held Boston off for almost the entire game, but the second game…. I’m not upset they lost both games, it’s the way they lost them. Shootouts suck but they’re just luck and chance but it’s a hard way to lose, and 8-2 is just…. And that’s how they played in the second game they played bad I stopped paying attention because they were just playing bad hockey, like honestly I think Toronto scoring 2 goals was like, like 8-2 was a generous score line for Toronto they weren’t playing well enough to have scored twice and it makes me worry for the rest of the season because we haven’t seen that Toronto yet and now I don’t know how they’ll regroup and if they can’t get it together when they’re not playing well, I worry. But it’s also Boston and they like to beat us embarrassingly so, I’m not making any predictions for the rest of the season this game could’ve just been a fluke
Toronto gave up on pp goal in the Boston game which means they’re 18-1 in penalty kills which is really good, they’re leading rn in penalty kills and in pp goals (4 goals in 16 power plays) so they’re doing really good on power plays both ways
You’ll be excited to know that me and my roommates are planning on going ice skating sometime in January so we’ll see how I skate, will be renting skates though, I can’t justify buying a pair yet and I’m spending a lot of money already for Christmas so
Oh man my favourite footy player…. It’s so hard to pick just one but for like an all time fav it’s gonna be Jessie Fleming I literally saw her at the 2016 Olympics and fell in love and I’ve loved her since then, but right now I’m in an Alexia mood because she just won the ballon dor and I’ve been thinking about her
I love when people aren’t expecting someone to sign the bilingual anthem and start singing the second verse in English and then realize they were wrong and then have to decide if they switch to french or commit to English 😂
I did love being in a band, I have massive stage fright which sucks for being a band kid and a theatre kid so it helps me get over that by playing with the band because I feel less anxious when others are playing with me and then if I mess up which I always do at the beginning of a concert because I’m stressed then no one can hear me and then by the time solos come around I’m not stressed and usually kill it, I like solos because I like showing off 😂 and they’re always more fun to play than the rest of the song but I like playing in a band too because I think when the entire band comes together it sounds really cool, and I like listening to who’s beside me to make sure I’m playing the right part or going the right speed or didn’t somehow go out of tune
My roommates and I we just make fun of each other all the time like an outsider would think we hate each other because I’m like oh my roommate called me a bitch and said the way I eat cherry tomatoes is weird and she doesn’t want me to eat them anymore and everyone is like omg she’s so mean and I’m like what do you mean she’s the nicest person I’ve ever met I love her she’s the best roommate I could’ve asked for 😂 my nickname for one of my friends is a mispronunciation of her last name that our high school religion teacher used to call her she hates it but it’s her name now all my friends nicknames are either mispronunciations of their actual name or mean nicknames kids in high school called them it’s great 😂
Oh man halladay, he was such a good pitcher honestly one of the best, and you just know he loved Toronto and even though he requested a trade like you knew he didn’t want to go, like he just wanted to pitch in the post season and knew it wouldn’t happen with Toronto but you knew deep down if he could stay he would’ve, and I watched him I loved watching him pitch, and even when he went to the Phillies I loved watching him pitch, I tell everyone this his first time back at Rogers center after the trade my family went to the game in halladay jerseys and cheered so loud for him that the guy sitting behind us thought we were Phillies fans but we just loved halladay, and he’s in the hof with no team because his wife said he loved both teams equally and they both meant so much to him and his family that they couldn’t pick one or the other for him to be inducted with, I just love how he loved Toronto even though he had to leave and oh my god what a pitcher, he pitched a perfect game in the World Series like what??? Who does that?? Halladay that’s who, I played baseball growing up and I wanted to be a big league pitcher like halladay, he really was my idol honestly (I know so much about baseball if you really wanna know about it I not only watch it I played it and tbh kinda wanna start playing it again)
OMG THEY DOOOO they look like the fake jerseys people sell to avoid copyright infringement, American I just wanna know what’s up are you okay? They’re so bad 😂
Not you hating Korea 😭 but no yeah dude I get it I hate teams that beat my team no matter who they are it’s why I’ll never like the Boston pride 😂 rip to my dad who’s a bruins fan but I’ll hate the bruins too by association 😂😂
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