layla-keating · 1 year
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THE FLASH 9.13 “A New World, Part Four: The Finale”
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yogadaily · 9 months
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(via Pilates with Nicola Wilkinson in the Dome · Yorkshire Spa Retreat  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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votivecandleholder · 10 months
Tips for Choosing the Best Candle Fragrance Oils
New Post has been published on https://votivecandleholder.com/tips-for-choosing-the-best-candle-fragrance-oils
Tips for Choosing the Best Candle Fragrance Oils
Nothing sets the mood quite like a scented candle. Whether you want to create a cozy, inviting atmosphere or freshen up your home, choosing the perfect scent can make all the difference. Fragrance oils are an excellent way to do just that, but with so many options available, it can be hard to know which one is right for you. If you’re a candle maker, or even just a candle enthusiast, you know how important it is to select the right fragrance oils for your candles.
But with so many different scents available on the market, how can you decide which one is best for you? Here are some tips to help you find your signature scent.
Table of Contents
1 Do Your Research: Find Your Signature Scent
2 Think About Seasonal Scents
3 Choose Fragrances That Match Your Mood
4 Go With Your Instincts
5 Buy Quality Fragrance Oils
6 Burn Test First
7 Think About How The Scent Will Evolve Over Time
8 Storing Your Oils Properly
Do Your Research: Find Your Signature Scent
The first step in finding your signature scent is researching different fragrances. Take some time to browse through different oil options to get an idea of which ones appeal to you most.
You can even take a walk through a local store and sniff out what’s available. As you research, pay attention to notes that stand out and think about what emotions or memories these scents evoke in you. This will help you narrow down your choices until you find the perfect fragrance for your home. Think about what type of mood or atmosphere you’d like your room to have when lit, and also consider any allergies that someone in your household might have. Look up popular scents that people tend to gravitate towards and think about which ones would work best in your home.
For example, lavender is a classic choice that works well in almost any space. Citrus scents are also popular because they offer a refreshing aroma that won’t overpower the other scents in the room. You can also find out which types of oils pair well together by researching various combinations of notes.
Think About Seasonal Scents
When picking out your signature scent, consider the season. Fragrance oils come in all shapes and aromas, so think about what type of scent would best suit a particular season. During colder months, opt for warm fragrances like woodsy notes or consider spicy winter scents like cinnamon or nutmeg; or if you’re trying to bring in spring vibes, go for more floral and citrusy smells like for something more light and airy like lavender or jasmine. And in summer months, lighten things up with lighter scents like mint or eucalyptus.
This can help create an atmosphere that perfectly captures each season’s unique feeling. Having seasonal scents will give your home an extra touch of warmth throughout the year.
Choose Fragrances That Match Your Mood
The power of fragrance is astounding—it can evoke deep emotions without us even realizing it! If you’re looking for something calming and cozy, try lavender or chamomile scented candles. Need something uplifting? Citrusy smells like orange blossom and bergamot will get the job done! And if you want something sweet, try fragrances like vanilla or caramel latte (mmm!).
Go With Your Instincts
Finally, when picking out new fragrance oil, go with your instincts! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different scents until you find one that resonates with you personally or suits the atmosphere of your home perfectly. After all, this is your signature scent – so make sure you love it!
Buy Quality Fragrance Oils
When shopping for fragrance oils, always opt for quality over quantity. Higher-grade oils tend to last longer and produce more intense scents than cheaper options. This will ensure that your candles smell great from start to finish without having to replace them too often. Plus, investing in top-quality oils will help ensure that your candles are safe for use around children and pets as well as those with respiratory issues or allergies! While it can be tempting to buy large quantities of lower quality candles in hopes of saving money, this isn’t always the best route in terms of overall value. Instead, focus on purchasing quality products with natural ingredients that will last longer and burn better than their synthetic counterparts. Natural waxes such as soy or beeswax are great options as they burn evenly, don’t contain any toxic chemicals, and support sustainable farming practices.
Burn Test First
Before making a purchase decision, it’s important to test out each scent before committing to one particular fragrance oil. Light up a sample candle and allow its aroma to fill up the room so that you can determine if this is something that would work in your space on a regular basis. If not, move on until you find something that resonates with both your senses and emotions! Keep in mind that while certain fragrances may smell great when cold (i.e., before lighting), they may not be as pleasant once burned — so always test out first. While online reviews can provide a good starting point, the only way to truly know if the scent is right for you is by testing it out yourself. You may be surprised at how differently smells can come across in person versus from reading descriptions online.
Think About How The Scent Will Evolve Over Time
When buying candle fragrance oils, it’s important to consider how the scent will evolve over time. Some scents may start off strong but quickly fade away while others may take longer to develop their full aroma. Think about how long you want the scent to last and if it’s worth investing in more expensive oils that will last longer than cheaper alternatives.
Storing Your Oils Properly
Once you have chosen an oil (or combination of oils) for your project, it’s important to store them properly until use time arrives. Fragrance oils should always be stored in airtight containers away from heat sources such as direct sunlight or open flames—this helps protect their integrity for longer shelf life and better performance when used in candles. Additionally, never mix different kinds of fragrance oil together as this might result in an unpleasant smell when burning your candles!
Crafting beautiful smelling candles doesn’t need to be difficult! With the right combination of fragrance oils—whether natural or synthetic—you can create a signature scent that’s perfect for any room or occasion. Keep these tips in mind when selecting and storing your oils so that each batch of candles smells exactly how you want it! Whether it’s sweet florals or zesty citrus tones, creating custom scents is an enjoyable way to express yourself through your candle-making projects without breaking the bank. So go ahead—find your signature scent today!
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5reisende · 10 months
Welterbe (auf)gespürt und (er)fahren - D, NL - Grenzen des Römischen Reiches – Der Niedergermanische Limes
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Es ist Herbst geworden, die großen Reisen sind beendet, jetzt kommt die Nacharbeit zu Hause. Ich nutze das schöne Wetter und besuche den Römerpark in Xanten, einen Hauptort des letzten Welterbes, das mir in Deutschland noch fehlt. Der niedergermanische Limes steht seit 2021 auf der UNESCO-Welterbeliste. Er verlief 400 km entlang des linken Flussufers des Niederrheins ab südlich von Bonn bis zur Nordseeküste in den Niederlanden. Er schütze ab dem späten 1. Jahrhundert v. Chr. über mehr als 450 Jahre die römischen Provinz Germania Inferior vor den Germanen und bestand aus militärischen Anlagen, zugehörigen zivilen Bauten und der Infrastruktur. Die noch heute sichtbaren Überreste veranschaulichen die innovativen Leistungen der römischer Militäringenieure in der dynamischen Landschaft eines Tieflandflusses, darunter auch die Anlagen für das erforderliche Wassermanagement. Durch die Feuchtigkeit des Untergrundes blieben Holz und anderen organische Überreste hervorragend erhalten und ermöglichen beispiellose Einblicke in den Militär- und Schiffbau, die Logistik und die Versorgung des römischen Imperiums.
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Karte der Römischen Grenzanlagen am Niedergermanischen Limes Quelle: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niedergermanischer_Limes#/media/Datei:Limes1.png Ich bin nicht mit Dobby unterwegs, sondern fahre mit dem Deutschlandticket wesentlich gemütlicher durch das Ruhrgebiet. Die Landschaft wird immer flacher und Xanten begrüßt mich nordisch backsteingemütlich.
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Am Dom St. Viktor stoße ich bereits auf die Spuren der Römer, denn hier soll sich das Grab des römischen Legionärs, der als christlicher Märtyrer starb, befunden haben. Auch der Jakobsweg führt hier entlang.
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Ein großes Freigelände mit Museum beherbergt die Ruinen der alten Römerstadt. Hier sind Ruinen und Ausgrabungsstätten, wie die Festungsmauer mit den Türmen, ein Amphitheater und der Tempel, aber auch Werkstätten, Wohnhäuser, Wasserversorgung u.v.m. zu sehen. Unterstützt durch die vielen Informationen und Illustrationen an den einzelnen Stationen macht das Erkunden Spaß.
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Im Römerpark befinden sich neben dem große modernen Museum ein Welterbepavillon sowie einige weitere Gebäude und Werkstätten, wie z.B. die Werft und die Bautechnikausstellung. Das Museum bietet anhand der Fundstücke Informationen über die Geschichte und Einblicke das Leben in der Stadt. Hier findet man multimedialen Stoff für mehrere höchst interessante und erbauliche Besuchsstunden.
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Auf dem Freigelände gibt es ausreichend Bänke und auch Spielplätze, um eine Picknickpause einzulegen. Resümee Einen Besuch am Limes in Xanten kann ich unbedingt empfehlen. Hier gibt es am Ort der Ausgrabungsstätte modern präsentierte Informationen über die Geschichte, Technik und Bauwesen, Schifffahrt und Handel sowie das Leben und Arbeiten in der Römerstadt. Der Römerpark lädt zum Verweilen ein und wer genug Neues erfahren hat, kann sich bei einem Bummel durch das hübsche historische Stadtzentrum in einem der Restaurants erholen und die Bilder Revue passieren lassen. Hier gehts zu meinem Welterbe-Projekt. Der Umbau meines Dacia Dokker als Minicamper ist hier detailliert nachzulesen. Die zusammengefassten Länderkarten gibt es hier. Read the full article
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kayshla19 · 1 year
Brillas...♥ Style3213
Brillas...♥ Style3213 by Kay ღ Lush ღ Photographer Via Flickr: thisiskayshla.blogspot.com/2023/08/style3213.html SI TE VAS ¿Qué tú quiere'? She went looking for real love I know you got a man, what you been through? I know you got places you went before I know you got someone you into 'Cause lying is something too immature A little bit It's quite a life, I'm livin' great And even if we touchin' intellect And I know things that I need to say I would hate to let you get away, oh Tell her stay for the night And if it don't work out, mornin' flight And the tequila feel good with sunrise The sun is sexy, perfect light, yeah-yeah-yeah She only get lost when she dance in the mirror Louis bags in back of her black Panamera She don' wanna go back, she came up fast Just pray we don' crash if it's real love Un ratito más quédate, si te vas Yo voy contigo, llévame a donde vayas A to' lo' tiene' tumba'o y tú conmigo es que prendes Sin na' debajo pa' dañarme la mente
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nevver · 2 years
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Korn, Uli Westphal (because)
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389 · 6 months
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nanaluvbug · 1 year
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🧀🥪🌶️🥭 The Ravening War portraits  🧀🥪🌶️🥭
patreon * twitch * shop  
[ID: a series of digitally illustrated portraits showing - top left to bottom right - Bishop Raphaniel Charlock (an old radish man with a big red head and large white eyebrows & a scraggly beard. he wears green and gold robes with symbols of the bulb and he smirks at the viewer) Karna Solara (a skinny young chili pepper woman with wavy green hair, freckled light green skin with red blooms on her cheeks. she wears a chili pepper hood lined with small pepper seeds and stares cagily ahead) Thane Delissandro Katzon (a muscular young beef man with bright pinkish skin with small skin variations to resemble pastrami and dark burgundy hair. he wears a bread headress with a swirl of rye covering his ears and he looks ahead, optimistic and determined) Queen Amangeaux Epicée du Peche (a bright mango woman with orange skin, big red hair adorned with a green laurel, and sparkling green/gold makeup. she wears large gold hoop earrings and a high leafy collar) and Colin Provolone (a scraggly cheese man with waxy yellow skin and dark slicked back hair and patchy dark facial hair. he wears a muted, ratty blue bandana around his neck and raises a scarred brow at the viewer with a smirk) End ID.)
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70sscifiart · 1 year
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One of my favorites by Paul Lehr, used as a 1971 cover to "Earth Abides," by George R. Stewart. It's also in my upcoming art book!
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taizooo · 12 days
映画『きみの色』山田尚子監督×はくいきしろい対談。嫉妬し合うふたりが語る、色と光の表現|Tokyo Art Beat
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layla-keating · 1 year
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XO, KITTY — 1.09 “SNAFU”
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yogadaily · 8 months
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(via Практиките ни | Yoga Vibe   || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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votivecandleholder · 10 months
13 Best Yankee Candle Scents for a Cozy Atmosphere
New Post has been published on https://votivecandleholder.com/yankee-candle-scents
13 Best Yankee Candle Scents for a Cozy Atmosphere
Who doesn’t love a nice, cozy atmosphere? One of the most popular ways to achieve that feeling is with warm, inviting scents. And when it comes to scents, there’s no better source than Yankee Candle. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Yankee Candle scents. From cozy evenings to refreshing mornings, find your perfect fragrance. Elevate your ambiance now!
Table of Contents
1 Best Yankee Candle Scents
2 Vanilla Cupcake
3 Midsummer’s Night
4 Sage & Citrus
5 Kiwi Berries & Peonies
6 Lemon Lavender
7 Sugared Apple
8 Apples & Cinnamon
9 Honey Clementine
10 Cinnamon Stick
11 Provence Lavender
12 Welcome Home
13 Moonlight Woods
14 Autumn Wreath
Best Yankee Candle Scents
So what are the best Yankee Candle scents for creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere? Let’s take a look!
Vanilla Cupcake
This sweet scent of freshly baked cupcakes will bring back childhood memories while filling your home with warmth. Vanilla Cupcake is perfect for anyone who loves the smell of baking and wants to create an inviting atmosphere in their home. This sweet and creamy scent is sure to bring warmth into any room.
It’s perfect for making your living room extra-inviting and creating a cozy, comforting atmosphere while you relax after a long day.
Midsummer’s Night
If you’re looking for something more mysterious and exotic, then Midsummer’s Night might be just the thing for you. This intoxicating blend of herbs and spices is sure to transport you to another world full of adventure and mystery. It’s a great choice if you want to create an atmosphere that is both calming and mysterious at the same time. This soft, woodsy fragrance is perfect for creating an inviting atmosphere in any room. With notes of sandalwood, patchouli, and musk, this scent has a calming effect that will help you relax after a stressful day or just enjoy some quiet time alone. It’s especially great for bedrooms because it helps soothe away stress while providing an ambient glow to set the mood just right.
Sage & Citrus
This unique combination of herbal sage and zesty citrus notes creates a clean and invigorating scent that will fill any room with positivity. Sage & Citrus is ideal if you’re looking for something refreshing yet calming at the same time.
It’s also great if you want to bring some natural energy into your home that won’t be overwhelming or too overpowering.
Kiwi Berries & Peonies
This fruity blend has it all—the sweetness of peonies combined with tart kiwi berries creates an inviting scent that is sure to make you feel right at home. The fragrance is bright yet subtle, so it won’t overpower any room.
The perfect scent for those who love floral notes but don’t want something too overwhelming.
Lemon Lavender
If you’re looking for something on the more calming side, you can’t go wrong with Lemon Lavender. This scent combines tart lemons with soothing lavender to create an aroma that’s both refreshing and relaxing. It’s great for bedrooms or living rooms where you want to set a tranquil mood.
This refreshing blend of lemon and lavender is perfect for freshening up any space quickly and easily! Its bright citrusy aroma will instantly liven up any area while its calming lavender notes provide a sense of peace and tranquility. Use this one in kitchens or entryways to give them an instant uplift!
Sugared Apple
Nothing says cozy quite like the smell of freshly baked apple pie! Sugared Apple captures this classic scent perfectly, combining juicy apples with hints of cinnamon and sugar for a truly comforting aroma. Best yankee candle scents for Christmas! Perfect for kitchens or breakfast nooks!
Apples & Cinnamon
Another great choice for adding warmth to your home is this classic apples & cinnamon scent from Yankee Candle. The spicy aroma is sure to make any space more inviting, making it ideal for use in bedrooms or bathrooms. Not only does this scent smell amazing, but it also helps create an uplifting mood that will last all day long!
Honey Clementine
Sweet and citrusy, this new scent is perfect for those who love bright and fruity smells. It has notes of tangerine, orange blossom, peach, honeydew melon, and white musk that will fill the room with energy and cheerfulness. This is ideal for those days when you need an extra pick-me-up!
Cinnamon Stick
If you prefer more warming scents with a bit of spice, Cinnamon Stick is definitely one to try out! It has hints of clove buds as well as sweet vanilla which makes it incredibly soothing and calming to be around.
Light this up during movie night or when you’re looking for some peace after a long day at work.
Provence Lavender
One of the most popular scents from Yankee Candle is Provence Lavender which combines lavender essential oils with bergamot orange extract and white musk. The result? A light yet calming aroma that helps clear away stress while providing an overall sense of relaxation.
This scent is great if you’re looking to create an inviting environment before bedtime or during yoga sessions!
Welcome Home
This warm, inviting scent captures the feeling of coming home after an adventure with notes of cinnamon, clove, lemon, orange peel, and patchouli. Welcome Home also has hints of vanilla and cedarwood that will fill any room with an upbeat yet calming atmosphere.
Moonlight Woods
For those who love woodsy scents, Moonlight Woods is the perfect choice. This sensual blend combines notes of jasmine petals and heliotrope blossoms with mossy florals and a hint of musk to create an aromatic atmosphere unlike any other.
Whether you’re using it in your living room or bedroom, Moonlight Woods will help create an intimate setting perfect for relaxation or romance.
Autumn Wreath
This scent captures all the nostalgia and joy of fall. Notes of clove, nutmeg, cinnamon, apples, and oranges will fill your home with warm memories.
Enjoy the cozy feeling of being wrapped up in a blanket on a cool autumn day without ever leaving the house!
Whether you’re looking for something sweet, exotic, or refreshingly natural, there’s sure to be a Yankee Candle scent perfect for creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere in your home. All it takes is finding the right one—so why not give these top options a try? They are sure to help turn your house into a warm oasis filled with inviting aromas that will make everyone feel at home!
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lesserknownbots · 6 days
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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nevver · 6 months
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