#and both times i didnt feel comfortable with it AT ALL until act 3.
i dont like saying astarion is my least favorite of the companions because it makes me feel like im such a "look at me im so special" guy but he honest to fucking god. is my least favorite. i cannot keep silent on this matter. i think hes a good character, i think neil did a fantastic job with him, but also hes committed the unforgiveable sin of annoying me and for that he gets one thousand years in brain jail
#ramblings#something about him felt so??? pretentious. to me. idk. like he was always looking down upon me#i dont personally resonate with him or his story in the slightest AND several of his conversations made me uncomfortable#and then you can say 'oh well gale is kind of pretentious too and hes your favorite' but like. it feels different?#gale could explain magic to me for hours and id quietly listen even if inalready knew it#i could probably do a whole back & forth of 'that reminds me' 'oh that reminds me' 'well THAT reminds me' with gale#meanwhile astarion speaks and even with literally 3 options for dialogue idk what to say#like theres a lot ab astarion that doesnt resonate with me but ultimately his biggest sin#is just reminding me of being sixteen finally getting a seat at the table with classmates only to constantly feel like a loser#being this already insecure teenager constantly expecting people to be putting me down in ways my autistic brain cant comprehend#i dont like not knowing whether someone is genuine or not. after nearly 400 hours i still cant read astarion#meanwhile gale looks at my sorcerer durge starts explaining some magic and my brain immediately clocks it as autistic infodumping#i did romance astarion btw. i havent completed either of those runs but ive romanced him twice#and both times i didnt feel comfortable with it AT ALL until act 3.#& the impression he left on me is in fact fully subjective. i dont give a shit if i misinterpreted it. because thats just how i felt
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signedkoko · 10 months
I'd like to ask for a Vox x fem!reader in which Vox accidentally forgot their anniversary (I am a Vox enjoyer and i think we need more of him)
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which Vox forgets your anniversary, and begins to panic that he hasn't got anything set up.
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You'd had plenty anniversaries together by now, and he had never forgotten a single one
Having an internal calendar allowed him to be extremely consistent
Even so, with a busier year than ever, his comfort with always remembering seemed to have affected his ability to actually do so
When you wake up and immediately wish him a happy anniversary, he puts on the act of saying it back and going back to 'sleep', but the moment you've left the room he is PANICKING
He thanks the heavens that you weren't the kind to hide it until he did something, and it gave him time to put something together
Though you caught him off guard when you came back holding two pairs of shoes, asking which ones suited your outfit better
" You're going out? "
" No! God no, it's our day! But I was hoping we could go out for brunch? "
Thank god, that crossed the morning scheduling off the table! He was happily slipping into something more romantic business casual and chasing you out the door
He was already ready to call his driver, when you took his hand and started walking
" I hope it's okay, but I think I'd like to walk there today, just us. "
Vox thinks you are just too sweet to say no
He didn't like being out in the streets of pride so much because of all the staring, but on such a nice morning with you all dolled up by his side, it was worth it
You always liked looking around and leading him to new places he'd never spot, much like today
A small corner spot with many glass windows, decorated in growing plants and gold trimmings
A big neon sign was lit atop, reading 'Rockin Johnny's', and when you entered the whole place was decorated in retro vintage diner style
It wasn't exactly the upscale place he had in mind, but you insisted and sat in one of the booths, surrounded mostly by hellborns
For about an hour or so, you both delved into cheap meals that were surprisingly good, talking about things you both enjoyed and sharing memories from the past
Vox couldn't help but feel guilty, seeing you so happy about today when he hadn't done a thing
" Listen, doll, I don't mean to ruin anything but, I completely forgot it was our anniversary today. "
" Well, duh! I wiped it! "
He paused, seeing you hold up a memory card
No one else had ever done that to him before, not for a long time, but you had an opportunity where no one else did, he trusted you
" I promise to give it back! It's just, I wanted to surprise you this year and I couldn't do that without asking or, you know, this. "
You gave it back to him immediately, and the warlords silence finally broke with a hearty laugh
You were too adorable, and admittedly clever
Though, he's especially interested in hearing what you'd done to surprise him
Not that you were bad at them, but he had a lot more resources than you did
" Two tickets to Ozzies! I had to put us on the waitlist like, months ago! "
For a moment, hes surprised you managed to get them, but then, he laughed again
" Ah, and two sinners are going to leave the pride ring? "
" Oh, I got a pardon from Lucifer! "
Absolutely blue screens for a hot second there
How in hell did you get a pardon? From Lucifer?? Not only were they rare, but what you'd have to do to even get one in the first place is unimaginable!
Not sure how he can beat you next year, because dear lord if you pull out all the stops imaginable
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Author's Note - Bet youd didnt expect THAT!! Allow me to surpris ethe reader instead!!!! Thank you for requesting <3
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supermaks · 3 months
Austria obvi been a doozy to process but 1 part of the conversation thats always interesting to me is how people are taking Max and Lando's battle as a textbook example of 'dirty' racing and comparing it wid other battles that are seen as 'clean'. Heres the thing tho, the choices both those drivers made in those laps dont have 'clean' alternatives that wud have benefited them in that moment. It was an inevitable type of confrontation. At least for the most part.
Clean/dirty racing in this generation of very wide cars literally just a matter of is there a significant enough delta to give one of the cars lap advantage or not. If there is, u get something like George and Landos lil dance in Spain. One of the cars has better tire wear, is faster, so its just a matter of waiting for the right time to make a move and build a gap. Its clean because its a waiting game, its not a battle at all. But if the cars are more evenly matched, and more importantly, if the driver defending/attacking is actually willing to defend/attack, thats when it becomes too close for comfort and as racing drivers what ur basically saying is, I am willing to take that risk because I need to gain ((or I need to keep)) advantage.
Something thats also been interesting is how people have perceived each drivers role in this particular 'dirty' battle.
I been reading and watching a lot of analysis of those laps and one of the things that jumps out immediately is that theres this assumption that Max had to get out of the way. He just had to. The fact that he didnt is what made the battle 'dirty' and the onus of 'cleaning' it was on him. When u press that narrative, and u ask the simple question of why wud a racing driver even consider allowing another one to pass him, the argument turns into endangerment. It was dangerous that Max didn't let Lando pass. The tactics Max employed to defend his line were dangerous. Follow up question, why does it matter if they're dangerous when ur literally racing cars 200 miles per hour. Oh, because what Max did specifically is not allowed'. And what is that, specifically. Then the 3 ghosts of under braking past come into ur house to offer Max a chance of redemption. And u think, why are they here. Wheres the telemetry, the wheel input, the driver cam, the stewarding precedence, the actual rule, that allows some hypothetical idea of intentional harm to even enter this conversation. But it doesn't matter anymore, because it has set the tone for how ur gonna deal wid Max's role in a 'dirty' battle vs Lando's. Lando will, inevitably, become a victim of Max, not an active participant in a battle for the lead. Max's tactics are dangerous, while Lando's were necessary.
Ant Davidson starts his analysis on skypad by comparing Max setting up a corner to Baku 2018. Baku happened in a straight, and both drivers were reprimanded for it. I personally think Max shud not have weaved in a straight like that, but thats my opinion, its not reflective of the sporting rules. Late maneuvers are dangerous but they're not necessarily illegal, not just when it comes to defending, but also attacking. What Ant Davidson does in this opening analogy is setting the tone of HIS opinion. And its interesting to me that he finishes the segment, in which at several points he talks of Lando's choices in first person, wid 'I rest my case'. The fact that he had a 'case' at all and feels comfortable admitting it is kind of shocking until u realize that the objective of his 'stewarding' is to turn defending into a punishable act because Max was the one doing it, and Max is 'dirty'. In no instance are Lando's late maneuvers questioned because, we go the back to the original point, Lando was entitled to make them. He was entitled to pass. Max, however, is not entitled to defend.
Johnny herbert who was one of the stewards in Austria, said that they looked at Max's defensive maneuvering and it was 'clever' and made Lando's life difficult but it was not clear it was under braking. He said Max positions his car very well but sometimes goes beyond the drivers 'unwritten code'. Then, regarding specifically the incident in t3, he says some people claim Lando could have moved and yes maybe but he was right not to, because it showed Max he was prepared to 'fight back' and he can 'beat Max at his own game'. Lando did not complete a single overtake in Austria. Not once did he get ahead of Max where he didnt have to fall back again. But because they bumped and Max was penalized, this is a net positive for him. The underlying implication here is that anything that threatens Max's position on track is a net positive for the driver, and for the sport. About how this battle will affect Lando, Johnny says, 'up until Austria Max had always won. Now he is not winning. It will be interesting to see how Lando responds. He will now be in a better place after what has happened. He has realized he knows he has a chance of beating Max at his own game.' Lando finished a race pointless the day after he got fleeced in a sprint. I dont think this was a positive grand prix for him. I think he engaged in a few laps of hard racing wid Max that ended in a puncture for both. Thats not important though. He challenged Max. Johnny seems content wid just that.
The issue is not that Lando isnt a victim because Max is, nor that pundits are not allowed to be biased, or that Max shud not have been penalized. Whats been bugging me about the reaction to Austria is that once something like that happens and it involves Max, its no longer about what actually took place or the dynamic between drivers that allowed it to escalate, its about deciding whether or not the battle was dirty, and how is that dirtiness attributed to a single actor. It takes motor racing and turns it into the weighing of souls. And Max's will always be heavier.
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pawsometoons · 3 months
I know I usually don't post about stuff like this. But I'm spreading this over to Tumblr to make absolutely sure that everyone in the NiGHTS and Balan fandoms here know this information
I was a victim of Elfie's a while back last year. Both me and a close friend were victims.
At the time, neither of us knew things were this bad. But now I'm releived to know this information is out there and that server is gone for good. And hopefully, nobody will fall for her manipulation again.
CaptainElfie is also on tumblr. Make sure your steer clear of her and block her if you can.
I feel like, since I'm sharing this, I should also share me and my friend's part of the story
My friend doesnt have tumblr, but she is on Twitter (vibripple)
This was an incident from last year, but it's affected both of us pretty harshly. Especially Vib. Not to say we hadnt had a few questionable ordeals in the past. But I'm just going to explain what I can remember, since some of the information I've repressed for the sake of my mental stability.
For the small things, there were plenty of times where me and Vib didnt feel comfortable or safe in the server. Especially with us both being sex repulsed asexuals. Some of this behavior would be from other members of the server, which would never be pointed out or taken care of. And some of this behavior, Elfie had shown herself. Of course, she attempted to show that she cared about mine and Vib's boundaries. But she simply wasnt trying hard enough, since some other members still were pretty icky. Even in VRChat meetings too. Another thing being, both me and Vib had noticed, Elfie never acted very mature at all. She rarely ever took responsibility or tried to act civil in problematic situations.
And then theres the incident that was in the nail in the coffin for us both. It was just after the Monay vs. Fame vs. Love SPLATFEST in Splatoon 3. Both me and Vib were present in it, confident that we would win. Up until the end where Team Money won. Both me and Vib were devastated. Especially since we both associated the splatfest with a comfort character. And seeing we lost, it felt like we let said character down. Especially me. And though, of course, we were aware that yes it's a fictional character, but that didn't stop us from being upset. But elfie took things too far when she took an already bad day and made it absolutely worse. Elfie saw our behavior that day and our massive disappointment in the splatfest results and had the audacity to pull us both into a group chat with another member and act "worried" about our behavior. Again, we were just very upset at the loss of a splatfest that we were positive we were gonna win in, and again, associated with a comfort character. End of story. Or at least we wished it was. Then Elfie went even further to accuse both me AND Vib of being parasocial because of our behavior towards not only the splatfest, but our comfort characters too. Now, Vib has this thing, where she really likes Reala. I have this thing where I really like Judgement Boy. I call Judgement Boy my son, she calls Reala her bff. We BOTH are completely aware that they are both fictional characters and arent real, as much as we wish they were. And yet, here was Elfie, "worrying" about us like we're those tiktok teens who believe in quantum jumping or whatever it's called. We are both grown adults with of course one or two mental disabilities at best. But we are not that mentally ill. During this time, me and Vib could barely speak. We were both having straight up panic attacks on call may I mind you. And Elfie has the gall to try and force us onto VRChat to speak to her about this. In which neither of us had the energy or mental capacity to do at the time because, again, we were both having fully blown panic attacks. Both me and Vib have some pretty bad trauma when it comes to being confronted about things that arent true about us or thing we never even did. What makes this worse, is that I can say for almost everybody in that server, that they've had comfort characters aswell. HELL, there was one member who's status said things about being in love with Reala. Now I'm not against fictional crushes, or those who have F/Os and such. But for me and Vib, we had nothing close to that! Or at least not to that extent. Especially since Vib didnt even have a fictional crush on her comfort character. She saw Reala as a best friend. But again, being fully aware that Reala is a fictional character. So it was basically on the same lines, just not in the exact same way. And THAT user never got called out for it! THEY never got put on the spot in a private gc and being told they're parasocial for it! And all while this was happening, one of my partners, bless his soul, went out of his way to speak to Elfie for us. Which is when we found out that Elfie didnt care as much about us as we thought she did. She claimed that she didnt like our behavior despite us being some of the more normal users in that server, and even had the audacity to call some of our other close friends that we even had invited into the VRChat group gatherings as annoying. It was a whole mess that I regret having one of my partners get involved with, but I am forever grateful for him to have gotten that information for us. So after that incident, we began slowly distancing ourselves from the group and the server. Slowly started blocking people, leaving and blocking the vrchat group, and soon after, blocking Elfie and leaving the server for good.
Things didn't stop right away though. We still kept in touch with a few users who remained in the server, but at least accepted our decision to leave. Some have even stated that Elfie and some of the others "missed us" or "hoped we were okay" which neither of us believed for a second. Elfie herself even tried to pull in one of our close friends who she had as I stated prior, called him annoying. As he states, she said something along the lines of not knowing when she called him annoying and wanted him to join her server. In which, yeah, he didn't fall for that either.
Most of the other members of that server probably don't even know what happened that day. But if you're seeing this and remember us from that server.. well.. now you do.
But I do wish for everyone else who was in this situation aswell to heal. Their experiences should have to be heard too and not just mine. So many more people were hurt by Elfie than just me and you all should listen to them too.
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kyleoreillylover · 1 year
Ryan Bergara x Fem!Reader Headcanons
Summary: What’s it like being best friends with Ryan Bergara?
A/N: In my Ryan mood and I can’t resist not writing him anymore! I barely see any Ryan x reader fanfics so I had to write one myself!
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If you were not already a Boogara, he would absolutely do anything to try and convince you to become one.
Sends you videos and calls you at 3 am to share “evidence” that he had.
“Ryan, I am trying to sleep!”
“I’m sorry, I just needed to show this to you before I forgot to!”
You forward the videos to Shane and he always responds either with a “😂” emoji or just full on making fun of Ryan.
It is funny either way.
Shane is your shared best friend.
He likes to tease you and Ryan.
But he loves when you gang up on Ryan with him.
And you both tease him.
Ryan acts like he hates it but he secretly loves that both his best friends get along and are besties 🥹🥹
Shane sees you like an annoying loving sister.
Ryan is definitely the more protective out of the two of you.
You are super chill, and one thing everyone can agree on is that you are one of the sweetest people ever.
But it does lead to you letting people walking over you sometimes.
But you have Ryan!! And he does not let that happen. He doesn’t hesitate to step in and check a bitch if he sees you uncomfortable.
He hates seeing the people he cares about being hurt or treated like crap.
When you are with Ryan you both feed into each other’s recklessness. You might be calm and chill, but when you are with him, it is like all your fears go away and you can let go of responsibilities and common sense!
It also helps that you trust each other with your life, so you know the other would never lead you to getting hurt.
It does lead into both of you doing stupid shit, though that Shane makes fun of you for.
One time you convinced him to do the handcuffed for 24 hour’s challenge for a video, and you both lost the key within an hour 😭
You are also the scriptwriter for Buzzfeed Unsolved/Watcher, so Ryan sometimes will come to your house with the both of you and staying up late until 2 am searching for information about a case/ location and cracking stupid jokes
You once woke up to him laying on top of you, you in his arms and laptops and papers scattered across the desks, and your legs tangled together and him snoring in your ear.
You grabbed your phone, took a picture, posted it on your story maybe knowing the internet would explode, then snuggled into him and went back to sleep.
You are not on camera that much, usually you are behind it with the crew, but Ryan begs you to at least do the Postmortems/Debriefs with him and Shane.
You are hesistant at first, what is the fans don’t like you? Or they think that you are trying to get in between the ghoul boys?
Ryan assures you that they will love you.
And he is right!
They end up loving you and your dynamic with Ryan and Shane!!
Which gives you the confidence to go with them to ghost and crime sites.
Every time Ryan felt anxious and fearful, he would look at you and see you behind the camera and that makes him feel 1000 times better.
And if it got to the point that he was freaking out and panicking(like that ep where Ryan was laying on the floor and Shane was trying to comfort him) you’d get out from behind the cameras and hug and comfort him.
Because you can’t stand to see him like that
“Breathe Ryan, you’re good. You’re safe. Just breathe.”
If you were staying at a haunted hotel, if everyone was sleeping in separate rooms, he’d FaceTime you the whole night
There’s no way in hell he’d sleep through the night, and Shane would make fun of him if he called hum throughout the night
You didnt even have to talk to each other, your presence was enough for him
He’d wake you up randomly though if he thought he heard something in his room 💀
“Y/N! Y/N, Are you awake??”
You groggily woke up, moving your phone away from your ear at Ryan’s screams.
“What?? What happened?”
You let out a sigh at his silence. “It was your shadow, wasn’t it?”
“…..Maybe? But I swear I thought I saw something move!”
You rolled your eyes at the camera. “Go to sleep Ryan.” You ignored his voice as you went back to sleep.
The internet ships you guys a lot
They tend to do that with most male and female friendships online tbh
And it doesn’t help that the both of you can’t help but be naturally affectionate to one another.
Whether it’s wrapping an arm around the others shoulder, jumping on Ryan, scaring him and forcing asking him to give you piggyback rides and him throwing you onto his shoulder as revenge, the fans will eat up every moment.
You guys just find it hilarious 😭 It becomes a game between you guys to try and make the fans go insane 😭😭
You guys are honest with each other all the time and are open books with each other. If you are feeling down, he can tell just tell, no matter how hard you try. If someone is not good for Ryan, you will straight up tell him. He trusts your judgment because he knows it’s coming from a place of love and you rarely steer him in the wrong direction.
You tried to teach him to cook once and he almost burned your house down 😭 So he just randomly comes to your house to eat your food because he swears your cooking is the best.
Makes fun of your height. You're taller than him? It doesn't matter, your still getting attacked lol. You're shorter than even? Even worse for you, you can't make fun of him at all without him calling you a dwarf at least once.
He is a gymhead (He's not Biceps Bergara for nothing) and makes you go with him all the time. He claims you need to get stronger in case someone tries to attack you but you think it's cause he likes to see you suffer.
You take the ugliest pictures of him known to existence. He tries to delete them but you just keep getting more (Shane sends a lot to you but Ryan doesn't need to know that)
Acts like he hates your music taste to annoy you but secretly loves it
He drives you everywhere because you are quite literally the worst driver he has ever seen.
"Slow down, slow down, you almost hit that car!"
"It's not my fault they were in the way!"
"The light turned red and it was their turn!"
You force him to do Tiktok dances with you, and he's surprisingly not that bad at them?!! 😭
Whenever one of you needs comfort, no words are needed. You just wrap each other in your arms, the hugs and comforting presence silencing the outside world for as long as you both want.
All in all, Ryan would be a loving, playful best friend who holds you and your friendship close to his heart. He'd do anything for you to see you happy, he would make fun of you ( he is the only one allowed to do that) but would defend you in that same breath if anyone messed with you. He is truly grateful for you, and even though you guys joke and make fun of each other all the time, he makes sure you know it every single day.
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colbystoes · 1 year
Rumors | Pt2
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Part 1. Part 2 sams ver
colby brock x fem!reader
summary: sam, colby, and you go to a haunted area. During the recording, colby isnt very affectionate towards you. when you all get scared, colby decides to comfort r/n not you. viewers suspect and make rumors about your relationship with colby.
bold text: colby
normal text: sam
italics: y/n
R/N- random girls name.
Next morning was even worse. You had no clue where Colby even was, he just like…disappeared. You spent the morning with sam, since he was there for you all night, taking you food, comforting you, basically being the only one that was there. You loved him for that, he was so sweet even when you had massive fights with colby but colby woul get jealous because of that reason. It always caused fights between you too and sam would just distance himself from you since he didnt want to ruin his friendship.
Later that day, you went shopping with sam just lift up your mood, chitchatting, and laughing with sam until two particular faces came into view. Colby and R/n. Disgust filled your face and soon as R/n tries coming up to you. Sams face filled with worry turns to you making sure you dont act out.
“im fine sam..” you whisper to him, you turn towards her and say hi. “HI Y/N” she screeched excitedly.
“this bitch”
hey guys, sorry we can’t chitchat we have to go byeee!” sam says while he drags me out of there. Colby stares at you with no expression.
“you really need to talk it out with him” “i know”
You’re laying down in your shared bed with colby, when he walks in and slams the door. You jolt up when the loud slam happened. “what the fuck?” you shout. You can tell he had been drinking by the way he was standing, he always got aggressive when he was tipsy.
“what? what kind of fucking problem do you have?” colby shouts. Guessing sam was near, you try to calm him down. “geez colby chill out, no need to scream when you’re the problem.”
“the fuck do you mean?, im the problem? how?, youre the one acting bitchy and ignoring me.”
“I KNOW YOU DONT CARE YOU NEVER CARED…you care more about her than me..” your voice got quiet as the tears slip down, blurring your vision.
“baby, why are you crying? stop it. you know i hate when you cry. tell me whats the problem.” colby comforts you.
“R/N is the problem. Youre too close to her. I hate it! i never liked it, never liked her either. she has no reason to be that close to you, ans you dont even know the rumors that are going around about us right now.” You take a deep breath.
“I’m sorry baby, i didn’t know you felt like that. I’m so sorry, i hope you forgive me..” colby rubs your back, you relax more into his hug and just sob.
“it’s going to take me time but.. i forgive you. im sorry for acting this way.”
“I love you baby” “and i love you more” you both smile when he closes the gap for a kiss. You cringe when you taste the alcohol, and let go of the kiss. “you need to wash your mouth” you say giggling.
lowk feel like this is rushed.. i have no clue how to write fighting scenes😭 and i’ll prob fix this later on and make it longer but i hope you all liked! <3
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oursidae · 8 months
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takes your hands. come on this journey with me. for reference i consider kiryu to be exclusively gay but i feel like a lot of this except one bit also applies when reading him through a bisexual lens also <3 come listen to me talk about the way kiryu touches himself and how it changes throughout his life <3
i think when he was in his 20s he was a hedonist, far less so than nishiki but still, basically a frat boy, a horny 20 yr old. i dont imagine him having any actual sex partners during this time, in fact i think he's a virgin well into his middle age at Least. so he jacked off a lot. usually into his fist. i can see him making a fleshlight with 2 wet sponges and a cup. sometimes he got brave and touched his ass but felt so ashamed of it the days after he would be jumpy around nishiki and any other yakuza. (real yakuza cant like men...camera zooms in on kashiwagi) tldr hes so closeted and has so much internal homophobia it leeches into how he pleasures himself and knowing he might like sex in "unorthodox" ways is frightening in ways he doesnt super understand. ofc over the events of 0 he has bigger things to worry about but 0 is when i think kiryu's attraction to men comes to the forefront, through tachibana. (and also pocket circuit fighter.)
then, he goes to jail for 10 years. i think this period severely stunts him, because we know kiryu loves to just compartmentalize and shove all of the scary feelings down so he can just keep ignoring them, and being an invisible inmate makes that so much easier. any self pleasure he does during and immediately after this time is quick, utilitarian. dry and chafing just getting it over with, you know? any emotion attached to the act is a distant staticky buzz in the back of his mind.
of course im a kazumaji truther so during yakuza 1/kiwami, majima introduces to him a new level of sexual frustration that leads to him exploring pain and masochism by himself. majima doesnt *give* him this fetish, so much as he just opened the locked door to it. he digs his fingers into the cuts and bruises majima leaves on him and turns the shower water up until its scalding because if he didnt do this in the shower he'd pass out after with dried cum on himself. i think his feelings toward majima during this time are frightening spaghetti to him - something im sure irritates majima to no end, majima in my mind is far more assured of himself and who he is and his own sexuality and attraction to other men - and i dont think that kiryu does much in the way of exploration around this time aside from the odd burst of confidence (we were robbed by the banana bar substory.) he might try to touch his ass again here and there but theres still that twist of shame that he cant quite shake. i dont know when exactly i hc him entering a relationship with majima, if at All (i love the angst), but if he is having sex with majima at this time i think that relationship kicks his Growth into overdrive and he overcomes those hurdles a lot easier.
shame, i think, holds kiryu back a lot, because if he is this way, he isnt what is expected of him. if that makes sense. kiryu is supposed to shoulder it all alone and keep the tojo clan from sinking and there isnt room in that power fantasy for taking it up the ass and finding comfort in another mans arms, because this series is rife with toxic masculinity and commentary on it here and there.
on theme with burying his feelings and how peoples expectations of him affect him, kiryu in 2/kiwami 2 is DEEPLY SUICIDAL. like the whole game. if you havent noticed. kiwami 2 is one of my least favorite games of the series so this may color my judgment here a little. i think both kiryu and kaoru were experiencing comphet as their relationship progressed, especially the weird makeout next to her brothers corpse. you do weird things under stress, adrenaline, and trauma, and thats what i chalk this part of the game up to. i dont see him engaging in much, if any, self loving around this time period because of his severe depression, ptsd, and deep desire to end it all. if he does its in the "i might as well" way, or just to make time pass. he might even engage in it in a compulsory way, because he knows he'll feel a little better by the end bc orgasming does that, but its literally just for that purpose, not to Feel Good in a sexual way. just to hurry up and crank one out in the shower so he can get it together enough to get haruka to school.
kiryu has growing to do when he starts raising children and does his best to let go of any predjudices he has, but i think he still struggles with his own attraction to men. he never ever would teach his kids anything but to be kind, even if they find something odd. but he cant afford that kindness to himself. when i was in elementary school, i came home one day and told my mom "today i learned from my friend that gay is when boys like boys and that lesbian is when girls like girls :)" and then...that was that. she was like. "ah. okay... who said that to you? i see. did he say anything else about it?" and she didnt really push me to one conclusion about those facts. thats kind of how i see kiryu navigating some of these conversations. he'd steer them toward the kind option, if they needed it, but sometimes "yeah thats right. gay men are men who like men. lesbians are women who like women." is all you need, the confirmation that its real, and the neutrality that means yeah its fine.
and i think haruka is the most perceptive of kiryu bc of how they have grown together so like She Knows. if anyone puts the pieces together besides majima itd have to be her. and i think the conversation they one day (probably not around 3-era, unsure where i'd place this) have kind of also touches on harukas own bisexuality bc nothing abt what she did w that one girl she was friends with in 5 was hetero. 2 me. i wish I could be more coherent about this scene in my head, but i feel like its a conversation where a lot remains unsaid but is innately understood. they dance around the topic because saying it outright teeters on too much, but they know what theyre talking about. the love between them is unconditional.
anyway he doesnt have much time to masturbate when running the orphanage, but because he's busy with chores and taking care of a bunch of kids who he loves. plus thin walls. but hes gentler with himself when he does. maybe he starts foraying into men strictly in pornography, he's got magazines under the futon or looks up crusty jpegs on his phone or something. he lets go of some of the shame because he's found somewhere else where it feels right for him to be. he is so happy in okinawa it drives me crazy.
skipping over 4 bc he's still in okinawa for the majority of that game until saejima and company wash up on his beach and then he has to go back to kamurocho, during the events of 5 he is NOT touching himself. he hates himself so much in that game. he hardly showers. he lives with a woman and covers up her naked body when she strips in front of him. his boss is pointing out how gay everyone at his job thinks he is but insisting its okay but being clocked like that is a super specific punch to the gut that he wasnt really prepared for and really flusters him. for the most part i dont think his dick exists to him. he's sitting to pee. he hasnt gotten it up in months.
i blocked 6 from my memory for the most part except how kiryu in a baseball uniform makes my dick hard. haruka and yuta i think r bi4bis my girl deserves it.
post 6, he is not Kiryu Kazuma anymore, and despite the pain that comes from forced separation from his family, being a different person is so freeing. he gets to explore things. he gets to let his shoulders drop and relax for the first time since 2005. im playing thru gaiden right now and already dont remember all of the daidoji restrictions on him but by now he's pretty much fully realized himself and embraced his sexuality. he lets himself have his fantasies. he's become a bit of a hedonist like he was in his 20s with far more easy access to gay porn and sex toys. i know my man has a butt plug in his gay ass!!! i love bottom kiryu. have i ever said how much i love bottom kiryu. i think he has nights where he puts on a porn video and treats himself. i think he has some drinks and a cigarette and fingers himself and plays with his balls and teases himself until his orgasm sneaks up on him. and then he takes a shower and goes to sleep in his underwear. is he completely healthy? absolutely not. his self sacrificial streak and need to bear all of the pain by himself is why he's here. he still has unaddressed severe trauma and depression. but he can fingerfuck himself and watch gay porn without his stomach churning over the fact that he actually wants this, so progress is progress.
i need to stress. i started thinking about all this. because i put kiryu in this outfit
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and thought about him putting on dark plum colored lipstick and looking at himself in the mirror and smudging it a little and getting so hard that he gets lightheaded and immediately needing to jack off about it. i would say im going to write that fic but i know i wont.
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beezbeeza · 9 months
JJK men seeing you sleep with a bolster and not them!!
Pillow : here!
Characters : Nanami, Sukuna, Toji, Choso
Warnings : A bit of smut in all of them, finger fucking, pussy eating, degradtion, fucking wife!reader while she is sleeping, third person, nipple sucking, virgin!choso, virgin!nanami, sukuna and toji has already had sex with u, play of breasts, cockwarming
Extra info🌷 : All of them are gonna be husband!character x wife!reader so if you do not feel comfortable with it (and the warnings) please scroll!
Also this is for my asian fans bc in malaysia and indonesia we call bolster ‘guling’ and omfg it was so hard to find the english name for it
Enjoy :)
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Nanami had already texted you that he would be coming back to your arms late today because he had a mission which he predicted would take some time.
You didn’t mind so you took your bolster pillow to bed with you from the guest room to sleep with tonight because you have to hug something when you go to sleep (i relate to this😔)
When nanami already reached home it was 11:30pm on the digital clock on your bedstand. Your husband saw you were hugging something which was covered by the blanket and thought you were cheating on him! He wasted no time pulling the blanket off to realise it was a bolster. Your sleeping body slightly shivered because of the pyjama set you were wearing. Oh how divined you looked your husband thought to himself.
He just wanted to taste your pussy especially when he could see a clear wet spot on your pants. He cautiously removed your pj shorts and your lacy panties to reveal your divine pussy all wet for him. Nanami hesitated for a while until he layed his toungue flat and licked a ling stripe from your clit to your pussy which made you moan softly while turning to the side.
13 mins later…
Nanami has been going at your pussy for nearly 15 mins and goddamn he has made you cum 3 times without waking you up😨 he fell so quickly inlove with your wet clit and the next morning when you awoke from your deep slumber you felt a sticky substance in your panties and didnt think anything of it while nanami was laying on your lap hugging your thigh like his life depended on it (which it did when he has his head between those thick thighs of yours😍)
About a week later he finally admitted what he did to you while sleeping with his face turning red everytime a word escaped his mouth. You chuckled as you calmly said “Silly nanami, I was awake but I didn’t wanna ruin your fun” and that night nanami did not go easy on you when both of you headed to bed.
After that night you were not able to walk for nearly a month and had to have your husband carry you everywhere.
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Sukuna (my husband)
This man might act all that but really, he would get down for you, the queen of curses with just 1 word. Anyways, this man was craving humans like crazy and he was on a human eating ban from you because he was eating too many apparently. It was no suprise when he sneakily sneaked out of his estate to go and find humans to munch on.
It was his 7th village when he realised you had already gone to sleep because you always slept at 9 on weekdays. He quickly rushed back to his palace and asked one of your maids where you were.
There when he reached inside yours and his chamber, he saw you sleeping with something in your hand? It was a bit smaller than you, was it a child? Were you having a secret affair with someone? He showed no mercy tearing your thick warm cozy blanket into shreds just to see you were actually hugging a pillow and not a human. Your sleeping body slightly flinched while sukuna was there wondering why the hell were you hugging a pillow and not him?? He discarded the bolster you were hugging when he saw your hard nipples peaking through the silk sleeping shirt you were wearing.
Sukuna slowly pulled the shirt up to take in one of your hard nipples in his mouth. You moaned softly at the touch of his mouth on your breast while one of his hands played with the other nipple tugging it and massaging it.
Shortly, he fell asleep still with his mouth on your nipple and of course you woke up earlier than him just to see the scene😨 You lightly chuckled before removing his mouth from your breast and ever since then he has been addicted to sucking your nipples before going to sleep.
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Your dear husband had just arrived to your warm house at around 10pm and weirdly he wasn’t greeted by his lovely wife’s arms! Of course he was curious since you would always have tea prepared for him when he arrived late in the night but tonight he was genuinely concerned if you were alright.
As he slowly creeped up the stairs to his and your shared room, he saw your sleeping figure with you hugging something tightly as if you were trying to hide it. He took a piece of the blanket in his hand to pull it off to reveal you in a thin pyjama set that looked sexy in you.
By your husband insticts, he obviously pulled your pants to reveal your wet clit to him. This man usually absolute destroyed your pussy but since you, his pretty little wife was sleeping, he went easy on you.
He slowly let your wet clit engulf his index finger as he slowly pumped in and out letting your juice collect on his finger. He then added a second digit and man he was wondering how you haven’t woken up yet😨
Soon after you cummed just by his fingers and he slurped all of that shit up as if is it was his last meal on death row. He then went to shower after your little show and went to cuddle with his wife!! Until now you still didnt know why there was somethung sticky in your pants when you woke up but honestly, its better to not know.
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Choso had just arrived home when he realised you werent in any of your usual spots when he took out his buns. Obviously he was scared because where were you? Are you okay? Are you injured? All these questions filled up his mind before entering the door to your shared bedroom to only find you dazzed out on the king size bed with you hugging something?
He was curious what you were hugging so his mind guided him infront of the bed and shred the blanket with his own hands to find his cute wife hugging a bolster with the cuttest lacy pyjama set on your little body compared to his.
He got hard for the first time of his life when he saw you and did not know what to do😰 thats when he remembered about you teaching him about cockwarming if whenever he is hard but does not wanna fuck. He was a little scared to do it but he pulled your shorts down to your knees with his poor shaking hands.
Choso slowly took his pants off for his cock to spring to his abdomen which was a little shocking to him. He stroked himself before he slowly entered you. You mosned at him proding into your entrance as he pushed himself in fully. Thankfully you did not wake up somehow and he was proud of hinself.
When you woke up the next morning you saw what your husband had done and it became a daily thing to do now atleast once a week.
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dragon-queen21 · 3 months
hi back again ! sorry for my small absence, my school year just finished and testing is approachin & ive been very stressed ☹️
but this time its gonna be about sanji (like the last two were supposed to) this is actually kind of angsty,, um,,, whoopsie
-i have a hc that during wholecake when sanji was with his family he was actually regressin. i dont think he was fully regressed but definitely wasnt fully big the entire time. please tell me you understand what im gettin at here. the amount of stress he must have been dealin with, unfortunately he needed to cope somehow, kind of angsty i know, but sanji fully regressin the second hes safe and with his crew again, and luffy (and the crew) just being there to help him (they didnt leave his side for hours)
-sanji is the straw hats resident baby like i said in a previous ask i believe that him and luffy regress the youngest, both needin the most care and attention out of everyone else in their straw hats agere universe. hes not as clingy as luffy, but will get fussy if someones not with him
-for some reason i am so diggin usopp watchin lil sanji, I DONT KNOW I FEEL LIKE THEYD HAVE A BLAST
i feel like usopp would be tryin SOOOO hard to helo sanji have a good time considerin usopps not his primary cg
-the girls are the ones who mostly care for sanji when hes little, robin being a little more motherly, and nami bein sweet and spoiling the hell out of him
-sanji called one of the girls “mommy” once and got SO embarrassed. locked himself in the kitchen stress bakin until the one he gave the title too came and talked to him
-once JUST ONCE he called zeff when he was really little and was genuinely tryin his hardest to act big when he was talkin to zeff. i cant imagine how he would react exactly, or if he woukd even understand what was happenin or what agere even was, but he raised this boy he can tell when somethins up. imagine franky, or robin, brook or someone findin him and having to slowwwlllyyy take it away from him and apologize to zeff so he can get back to his job
OKAY IM DONE BECAUSE IM TIRED RAAAH I HOOE YOUR HAVING A GOOD DAY sorry i think this is really difficult from my normal asks/rambles sanji is more personal to me than anyone else on the crew so i think about his highs and lows a lot more than anyone else in the crew! im sorry if its a bit to angsty ☹️
(also sorry i want to drop this,, inosuke agere? real? him regressing and hes just like a nonverbal baby boar. very very energetic kiddo)
(ive also been slightly fixated on ‘metal family’ recently as well. mom the hyperfixations are fightin)
Hi hi! Good to see ya :D please ignore how long it took me to respond, this has been such a busy week for me and my mental health has been a roller coaster. Ooh I get the stress before tests, praying to Jesus for you that all goes well <3 Make sure to study a little, take breaks, and get a good night sleep before and I bet you will do just great! :D
Okay onto headcanons now~
~Sanji kind of teetering between headspaces is so real. Not feeling safe enough to fully regress but also his brain pushing him to be small because he’s upset and usually being small means getting comfort. He would probably crash and burn for days after once it finally hits him that he’s safe. Practically drunk of off familiarity of his crew.
While I am kind of aware of whole cake I’m not up that point in the anime, if I was I would give you a better comment, but alas :<
~The resident baby prince. Ahhh I love him so much. First thing I thought of is Sanji being sat in the corner with a blanket and some toys content to play by himself, but the moment whoever is watching over him leaves it’s instantly tears and crying. Object permanence who? If the baby can’t see his crew they therefor must have disappeared and left him and he is going to be sad about it forever. Never to be consoled agai- oh wait never mind they’re back now. All is right with the world.
~Usopp watching over anyone would have a blast. Let’s be honest- it’s Usopp. Something about him just screams caregiver coded.
~Okay but Sanji calling Robin “mama” promptly realizing what he’s said because Robin is so shocked she’s not responding, he’s not about to stick around and find out what she thinks of the accidental nickname, and going to stress bake for hours <- the best idea ever. It makes me so happy. Bdbjbcjdnjdnsj (Like I haven’t said this a hundred times before, I’m soft for mama Robin can you tell :3 )
~I’ll raise you one. Calling up Zeff but it keeps happening when Sanji is looking after regressors. The phrase “I’m telling!” gives Sanji a near heart attack. The ex pirate has gotten used to getting calls from little straw-hats, so imagine his shock when it’s Sanji regressed and calling.
These weren’t too different I would say. Besides I absolutely adore angst just as much as I love fluff. Like let the baby’s suffer a bit >:3
(Very real. The most real actually. Inosuke never got to experience a normal childhood. Let. Him. Cope. 👏)
“mom the hyperfixations are fightin”
😭😂 love that
I’ve never heard if metal family before. I do however understand the fight between hyperfixations. (Looks towards the 5,000+ word Genshin Impact fic I’ve been writing and essentially ignoring all my other current projects for) It’s tough being in multiple fandoms, the struggle is real my friend
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i have another peter sutherland request <3 friends to lovers style. reader was walking to peters apartment and it starts pouring on her way there so shes basically drenched and freezing. hes surprised to see her at his door bc she didnt tell him she was comin over and he gets her inside and gives her some of his clothes to wear and warms her up and gives her cuddles and he initiates their first kiss and basically just comfort and fluffy goodness
i love you for this request - hope u enjoy this, my lovely
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you were on your way to peter's apartment to surprise him, and it was gorgeous out, even though it looked as if a storm was on it's way. even though the sky was almost tar-black, the sun peeked out through the clouds, still providing a little bit of light.
you looked up, sighing at the sky and smiling gently. you felt the start of a drizzle drip onto your cheeks, and you knew soon you would definitely get drenched. you weren't necessarily mad about it. you loved the rain.
walking a little faster, the rain got a little more intense and you tried to use one hand to cover your forehead, but it was practically useless. you were getting drenched, and the rain came down harder.
you didn't even bring an umbrella, so you were forced to walk in the cold rain until you reached peter's flat.
once inside the lobby, the air conditioner hit you full blast and you started shivering, your short sleeved top doing absolutely nothing to try and keep you warm.
ringing the doorbell to his apartment, you starting wringing your clothes out as best as you could, not wanting to splash water everywhere in peter's house. you knew he wouldn't mind, but you didn't want to give him a bad impression, especially as you were crushing on him real hard. he gave signs that he liked you, but you, being super clueless, didn't know how to act on these feelings.
peter answered the door, craning his neck down to look at you. his eyes widened in surprise, and then he smiled, happy to see you. "hi," he said, grinning.
"hi," you murmured. you both stared at each other until he realised that he was blocking the entrance. you laughed under your breath and stepped inside his apartment. you shivered again, this time more harsh and peter noticed, frowning slightly.
"princess," he sighed. "you walked all the way in the rain?" you loved it when he called you 'princess.' it made you feel warm and tingly in all the best ways.
you nodded. "wanted to come and see you," you mumbled, blushing. you looked at your feet, suddenly unable to look at him. you were warm but so cold at the same time.
peter smiled at your shyness, then spoke. "c'mon, princess. let me get you warm." he guided you into the bathroom, where you stood waiting for him while he went inside his bedroom for a second.
he came back with a shirt and some shorts, most likely his, that looked way too big for you but so comfortable that you couldn't resist. you smiled inside at the idea of you wearing his clothes. peter also grabbed you a fluffy white towel from underneath the sink.
"you wanna take a warm shower?" he asked gently. you nodded in response, already excited with the idea of being warm. "okay. just call me if you need anything." his eyes met yours and you noticed his face softening. he closed the door quietly behind him and left you in his bathroom.
the warm water was soothing, and you felt yourself already beginning to heat up. you loved the sensation. you were happy, until the heater suddenly turned off while you were in the shower, and cold water splashed at your face.
you screamed in shock, the freezing water hitting your body a complete opposite to the warmness you felt earlier. turning the shower off, you stepped out of the stall, grabbing your towel to try and get yourself warm again.
"hey, (y/n/n)-" peter knocked on the door. "did you just scream? are you okay?"
"yeah, sorry!" you called back. "i think your heater just went off."
there was silence, and then peter groaned softly. "aw, princess." you could feel his frown through the door. "i'm sorry."
you laughed under your breath, amused to find that he was blaming himself for a heater going off. "it's not your fault, pete."
he sighed, and you swung the door open, his clothes already on you. his eyes dilated as he saw you wearing his too-big shirt and shorts, then grinned at you. "i love you in my clothes," he murmured.
"mhm?" you questioned, smiling.
"c'mon, sweetheart, come here," he said, pulling you onto his bed. he opened his arms wide for you to crawl into, and you settled happily into them. you fit perfectly in his chest, your head resting above his heart.
his hands wrapped around you tight, one coming up underneath your shirt, giving you a bit of warmth. he was like a heater, and you loved it. the other hand cupped the back of your head, playing with your hair lightly.
you sighed happily, feeling the warmth come back into your body. "hey, pete," you mumbled against his chest.
"yes, princess?"
you move back a little bit, so that you can see his face. he looked at you questioningly. you didn't know how to say it. i mean, how do you tell your best friend of three years that you like him? that you want him to be your boyfriend? it was just too much, and maybe he didn't even like you that way, and maybe he just wanted to-
"hey," he cupped your cheek with one hand, eyes soothing, assuring you that everything was fine. "where'd you go, sweetheart?"
"i love you." you blurted out. peter's eyes widened in shock, but you still continued. "and as in, a more than friends kind of way. and i know you might not feel the same way, so if you just want to stay friends, then, that's okay, i mean, but i just wanted to tell you, y'know, so-"
peter cut you off gently. he tilted your chin up to meet his eyes, and keeping his fingers on your chin, he kissed you.
it was like nothing you'd ever felt in your life. relief rushed through you, happiness that he liked you back, that peter was kissing you. right now, right here. it felt like a dream.
your foreheads touched lightly, and peter smiled against your lips. "yeah," he sighed. "i love you, too, sweetheart. have, for a long time." he added.
"why didn't you say anything, then?" you asked.
"why didn't you say anything?" he countered, grinning.
"fair," you said, smiling back at him. "but i'm so glad you feel the same way, pete."
"of course I do. you're the most beautiful girl i have ever met, and you're glad i feel the same way? sweetheart, i'll always love you. no matter what. you're always gonna be mine, and i'm always gonna be yours." he kissed you once more. "remember that."
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middleschoolfursona · 10 months
literal tears are running down my face as i scroll thru your blog. on it it it feels like im back home.
i just wanna go back man. i just wanna be a kid running around on feralheart and drawing my ocs again and watching silly movies with my friends. it feels like im living a lie every single day of my life since then.
it hurts and fills me with so much shame to say that i feel like a kid, like i stopped mentally aging in like 2012, 2014 at the latest. the dysphoria is strangling. i dont want to describe it but yeah it sucks so bad.
i cant tell anyone in my life this in detail. cus i can feel the callouts. the sneers. the performative disgust. the gleeful hatred. everyone turning on me and making me into a joke. but this experience is so viscerally terrible and real and i cant just get over it and i cant choose to get better. i hate it.
youre the first person ive ever seen who seemed like theyd actually understand and its just overwhelming bcus it felt like i was completely alone. so i just wanted to say thanks for the catharsis of showing me im not beyond understanding. but im sorry if this is all selfish or upsetting. the last thing i wanna do is hurt or upset anyone, so feel free to ignore and delete.
thank you for ur blog and i hope you have a great day/week/month/year/life/forever <3
anon, im so so sorry i didnt answer this one sooner. i kept thinking, "when i get on desktop" but i never ended up back on desktop until i got this new monitor (win!)
i totally feel you, im glad i can bring you (though maybe bittersweet) comfort.
dysphoria and even feelings of 'transness' in places of identity other than gender and sex absolutely exist and are valid, and its really too bad its so stigmatized. you have my <3 and you have my thoughts. its tough, and theres more of us than youd think, hopefully, its an amount that comforts you... and i hope, you can find people who relate to you and you can share trust with and happy memories.
"performative disgust' is a topic i bring up a lot in this kinda discoursing. if i may, its pretty western too.. the need to be combative causes a strange sort of lash-out-culture, where people arent even neccisarily uninformed, its a lack of desire to be informed at all, and instead perform hatred for the acknowledgement of their peers. id know. it was me once. terrible and toxic situation, but its eaten the internet in many spaces....
its tough feeling trapped, unable to move forwards and feeling like youre "wrong". being disabled and growing up disabled makes those kinds of remarks and implications said by some people extra painful to me. and i know lots of us who feel dysphoria surrounding our facets of the self, both gender or non-gender, are neurodivergant as well, and as someone who was in special education, and then my school dropped me by force because i just "wouldnt" do my math, i know how painful it can feel both inside, but then to come forward and have people act like "just move forward" "just understand" "well you can never go back so just be here instead"... its painful.
i hope that between the time you sent this and now, youvbe found someone to be open to... if not, you can send me your discord off anon (wont pub) and we can chat there if you need it... youre certainly not alone anon, just the haters want you to feel that way. dont give in. do your best!
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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After Breakup Jealousy
Third Person Pov:
Sana broke up with you a little over 3 weeks ago because you guys had distanced, which was true but the worst part of it was that you were a member of twice and you're currently on tour, with Sana.
You made solo music as well, kinda of like nayeons solo thing but it's been since the beginning so 2015-2016 ish. You always preformed one song at the end, half of the time twice was on stage with you, the other half of the time they weren't.
In this case, they weren't. Honestly, you blamed yourself for part of you and Sana breaking up, you would say that you didnt give her enough attention or more like, you let her go. And you both just gave up on fighting so you let go.
Which is where a song in your new album came from. It was a heartbreak album, you were already writing it before you and sana broke up, because your concept was always stages in a love story/love life line.
(The song you're performing Be alright by dean lewis the acoustic guitar version, you were singing but also playing the guitar) The song was about cheating but half of it still applied to Sana.
The lyrics were translated from english to korean on the screen back stage where the members were watching, you and sana had a 3 year difference, you were still the maknae.
All of the members cared for you, a lot. they still saw you as a baby, they weren't mad at sana because it wasn't her fault but they couldn't exactly say they were happy with the situation.
The last minute of the song, your voice got a little shaky but you kept yourself together, blinking away a few tears that were in your eyes. all of the members felt bad, it was obvious.
A few were bitting their bottom lips, inside of their cheeks and some even pouting at the sight and the lyrics. You acted as if everything was okay, even the members were shocked, they couldn't see your face when you were singing because you barely looked up.
You didn't look like you were crying. You didn't look heartbroken, you didn't look upset. you just looked like.. you. Once the song ended you went backstage. You could feel everyone's eyes on you.
Tzuyu was very rarely touchy with the members, you were like her. But the thing is you two are the same age and have similar heights, you're taller by a little more than an inch.
You two weren't touchy but you were each other's source of comfort. So tzuyu immediately grabbing your wrist and pulled you into her lap. Tzuyu wrapped her arms around your waist.
Resting her head on your shoulder. "you okay? how're you feeling?" "i'm okay" "you sang moral of the story yesterday and you sang be alright today, i don't think you're okay" Tzuyu mumbled as you sighed.
"i could be better, but i could also be worst." "when was the last time you slept?" "uh, few days ago, i think?" You felt a glare coming your way so you turned your eye and met Sana's eyes.
You looked away, turning back to tzuyu. You were both saying this quietly so none of the members could hear plus they were having a conversation of their own. "up thinking about her?" "mhm"
Tzuyu just nodded with a slightly sigh, she pulled you off her lap, laying down on the sofa, patting the spot beside her, you lied down beside her, tzuyu just held you, rubbing small circles on your back.
Until the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep. "guys.." Mina whispered as she pointed to the two sleeping figures on the couch above them, sana scoffed looking at the two of you.
"you aren't aloud to be jealous, sana. you broke up with her." "i know okay? i know. i broke up with her because we distanced but it does not! it does not mean i don't love her, more than anyone or anything in the world."
"then why break up?" "i dont know. i felt like we would've been better off as friends but you can't be friends with someone you're in love with" "at least you know, but it seems like it's too late, she seems pretty into tzuyu"
"yeah, the only person she was this touching with was you when she liked you and when you were dating" "well don't point it out? i'm talking to her when she wakes up." "don't even try, they seem so into each other."
"no. i'm not losing her" Sana mumbled as jihyo let out a sarcastic chuckle. "you already did." those words made sana's heart sting. She glared at jihyo before just grabbing you and pulling you of tzuyu. Pulling you to the changing room and locking the door.
"sana? i can't do this right now, im still like half asl-" "do you like tzuyu?" sana cut you off as you rubbed your eyes in confusion, "what?" "you and tzuyu, are you guys like- together? do you like her?"
You looked at her with so much confusion causing her to slowly get frustrated, "just tell me, are you and tzuyu a thing? do. you. like. her." "what? no?" "to which one?" "both!" "then why're you so close? you slept on the couch together while cuddling"
"maybe because she was the main person that was there when you broke my heart. You were the one the broke up with me. why are you jealous?" "i'm not jealous?" "still the same as you were, huh? you're always denying that you're jealous when you obviously are"
"i'm not jealous, y/n" "okay then what if i-" you got cut off by sana smashing her lips against yours, "mm?!" you yelled, you couldn't help but melt in her touch, you were so used to it.
It took a few seconds, neither of you dated to pull away but air was a problem and you guys had to split. "i'm sorry" she whispered, you could feel her breath fan against your lips since she was resting her forehead against yours.
"for what?" "breaking up with you and getting jealous of how close you were with tzuyu, and just- everything. i love you, so much, take me back? please?" you just nodded as sana pressed her lips against yours again.
"you better not do that again because next time, i wont take you back as easily" "i'm never doing that again" "promise?" "promise."   
idk i don't like this but wtv
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jazz-kity · 5 months
ignore the fact that these r screenshots from discord <3
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but god. couldnt talk about it earlier because i mightve hit the daily image limit for tumblr that i didnt even know existed until today #oops but. i love taelia. regardless of the fact that clear made kenneth remember it differently i think its very cute that even if her last moments shes comforting kenneth and saying that nothing in her life was a mistake.
looking back on it now i like to think at some point through some magic bullshit/even just in da afterlife with her kenneth gets his Proper memories in order. one so i dont kill myself. and two idkkkk actually its literally just so im not sad. but i feel like itd be a relief to know that after all the two had gone through, they still believed the other was worth it. even in clears little monologue at the end, she was surprised that neither of them left the other after she purposefully made taelia act out more and more violent by the end. and IDKKKKKKKK. even if its in death i feel like the guy more than deserves to know that taelia never blamed him & forgave him & was happy in death because she got to meet hte guy
i just think. it is very cute. how both of them went through hell and back because they consistently chose each other and never once doubted how worthwhile doing so was :'( they love each other a whole lot... taelia would choose kenneth a thousand times over even knowing that it'd kill her someday, and lidally i think kenneth would do the same!!!!!!
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icypenguin · 1 year
☆゚.*・。゚ When is the right time? Pt. 2
this is the continuation of the pt 1! also.. theres gonna be another part after this.. hehe um, enjoy reading! also the reader is fem, sorry i didnt tell!
Pt 1 Pt 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
3 days passed by, and its now friday. kuki told you to go shopping for tomorrow with her after school and you agree to. now you’re both in the clothing store, you, not knowing what to buy. “um- kuki.. what should i wear?” you asked being confused. kuki grabbed a silk dress in your favourite colour. “what about this? i beg heizou will love it~” kuki showed you the dress as she teased you. “um- i mean.. i guess thats okay.. with pearl necklace and pearl purse?” you asked kuki once more. “mhm! there you have it~ an outfit that will make your man drool” kuki teased you with a smirk on his face. your face becomes red and kuki laughed at you. “s-stop teasing! ugh don’t get your expectations all high now” you roll your eyes while your face was still red. you both got what you would like to wear then head home to rest.
the next day morning until afternoon passed quickly. it’s 4pm and you just started to prepare. ofcourse you regret not preparing earlier as you’re now spamming kuki with ‘HELP’ messages. you didn’t know what makeup you should go for and what hairstyle suits with the dress. after 30 minutes of spamming, kuki finally replied ‘you should wear light makeup and uh just let your hair down or whatever’. you weren’t satisfied with kuki’s reply and decided to call her. she picked up the call and you started ranting. “woah hey slow down girl, what’s wrong? you ain’t central cee stop acting like you’re singing his song or sum” kuki chuckled. “THIS ISN’T A JOKE KUKI! WHAT IF HE DOESN’T LIKE MY LOOK!? WHAT IF SOMEONE DRESSES BETTER- WHAT IF HE’S DISSAPOINTED IN MEEEE!?” you lay on ur floor and rolled around with tears almost escaping your eyes. “no girl i know he likes you! just be yourself..” kuki continued to comfort you as your face were covered in tears and snot.
after a 10 minutes drive you finally arrived at heizou’s house. your hands were sweating and you can feel your heart beat faster. “alright girl cmon let’s have some fun!” kuki jumped out the car with full of excitement. but you were still inside the car feeling nervous and anxious. kuki noticed this and confirm you there’s nothing to be afraid of “cmon y/n! i bet your man is waiting for you already”. kuki winked and you finally got out of the car. you both went inside to see that there was already many peoples. well, you both did came 25 minutes late.
you were looking everywhere to spot that maroon haired boy when you saw him. he was at the corner talking to his friends. your face flushed a bit when you see him wearing pretty tight black sleeveless shirt, showing his begginers muscles. you look at kuki and he signal you to go to his direction. you shake your head but kuki insists you to. you look at heizou again and you accidentally caught eye with him. being the friendly person he is, he waved at you while smiling. your heartbeat became faster as kuki walked towards him. you didn’t have a choice but to follow her as you didn’t want to get lost at this party. heizou sees you both and greets you both. “i didn’t expect you both to really come but welcome! make yourselves at home!” heizou smiled widely as he shake hands with kuki. but for you, he took your hand carefully and kiss it. heizou looked at you from up and down, you notice this and begins to sweat more. “why y/n, you look very lovely. i didn’t think i would get to see you as pretty as this. not that my expectations were low.. im just.. shocked.. it really suits you though” heizou complimented and ended it with a wink. you were very flattered, you didn’t expect someone to say that to you! and the fact that it’s heizou too! “t-thanks heizou.. you look very charming as well…” you didn’t know what to say but tried your best.
heizou thanked you and you three decided to get some drink, but kuki decided that she wants to catch up with someone. you knew what she was up to and send her the ‘i will kill you’ eye, now you’re stuck with your crush. “do you drink y/n? have you try it before?” heizou asked. you didn’t want to look lame but decided to tell the truth “i haven’t try it before.. i guess i would like to try it though”. you assured him and he hand you a cup with alcohol in it. “cheers!” “cheers!” you both drink it and he asked you how does it feel. “how is it y/n?” “its not bad… but i know this isn’t good..” you felt a bit guilty but heizou cheered you up. “cmon now! its your first try.. its okay you just tried it for the first time” you nod your head as a reply and stop overthinking it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sorry guys but i swear pt 3 is gonna be the final… thanks for reading pt 1 and 2 i hope you all enjoyed it! advices aee always accepted thankyou!
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lilredghost · 1 year
babyyyy!!! im so sorry i am late, college started so i had to shift to the hostels and its so hectic but also so fun here(its so much like the colleges u see in movies like soty i didnt expect this college to be like that im so glad im here) and there was some issue with the wifi in my room so no ao3 for 3 weeks </3
i am in in LOVE with all the times obikin kiss, its so so soft and sweet, obi's trusting anakin with himself its so cute!!!!!!!
(As much as he loves the scruffing, it’s not exactly conducive to Obi-Wan having a discussion.)
(Or thinking at all, really.)
oh my god me too pls i cant think after reading this u will be the sole reason im not studying before my math quiz
His hope is to extend that feeling to other parts of his life, someday, but for now Obi-Wan will stick to brushing and braiding his husband’s hair with all the care he can muster.
oh he is so oblivious oh god oh please tell me they both know the other person loves them before they separate pls
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.)
(He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
sjdvhvjkdv pls pls red stop killing me im dying over here
(Anakin would deserve it too, is the thing. He'd deserve whatever he asked for.)
baby pls send him to therapy pls i love him but he is unwell™
But the day has been long and fraught, and he would like to believe that he can be happy too.
maybe anakin is the therapy, mandatory sessions for the both of them??? i'll tie them up back to back in a room until they talk
in public interest i would like you to know that u have officially ruined my plans for studying today as this fic will be bouncing around in my head on a pogo stick. i want to distill this fic and use it as an iv
Baby!! I'm glad you're having fun at college and not, like, a giant crisis 🙌 but no ao3 for 3 weeks sounds like hell 😭😭 My sister's wedding was just this last week (and you know big Indian weddings-- I'm exhausted) AND I resume college next week so it's pretty chaotic over here too.
So happy you liked this chapter 🥰🥰 I wanted to get through my whole outline of events instead of cutting the chapter in half (but also it took so long that maybe I should have cut it, lol). Obikin kissed so much that I'm amazed they got anything else done honestly!!
Obi-Wan is sooo brave for taking these leaps of faith, I love him so much. He makes a resolution in the next chapter (though it will be a bit hard for him to act on):
The most important thing is this: Anakin still doesn’t know what he is. The second is this: He cannot be allowed to find out, or Obi-Wan will lose him. Anakin may have married him for reasons Obi-Wan will never know, but being an alpha is surely a nonnegotiable part of that. Unless… Unless Anakin loved him. If Anakin, perhaps, were in love with him, the way Obi-Wan is in love with Anakin, then perhaps he could tell the truth. Perhaps he could be held and kissed and accepted in his entirety, as though he weren’t a failure of an alpha, a failure of an omega—
Baby hasn't even figured out that Anakin is already in love with him, or that Anakin doesn't give a shit that he's not an alpha. It's just so hard for him to detach his designation from his sense of self worth 🥺😔
And yes I made Anakin taste like cinnamon!! I only decided that an omega's slick tastes (mostly) the way their arousal smells like halfway through, so I'm SO GLAD that I gave him a good scent and not like. Something weird, idk. Some things smell good but I do not want them in my mouth. Also I'm not sure if you remember this post but it sure does lend a whole extra layer of meaning to it 😂
The scruffing I'm so absolutely obsessed with and idk why! Obi-Wan's emotions have been so out of control in these last few chapters, and it's such a sweet way for Anakin to lend him comfort, while also being hot as fuck in the right circumstances. I need him to pavlov Obi-Wan into getting horny when he scruffs him.
(Also please study for your math quiz baby, the sex will be there to reread when you finish 🙌)
Isn't he so fucking stupid?!! Anakin will tell him he loves him but I'm not sure yet how much he'll believe it (the outline gets pretty loose post-Tatooine rn).
(And this, Obi-Wan has done before.) (He is, perhaps, an expert in doing things quietly.)
OK this was literally like one of my favourite lines in this whole chapter ❤️❤️ It's so indicative of Obi-Wan's character and also the absolute root of their relationship problems. Obi-Wan is holding himself back from telling the truth, from telling Anakin he loves him, from biting him, all while Anakin is doing the same, because neither of them wants to scare the other away. (It also just hasn't occurred to Anakin that he hasn't said he loves Obi-Wan yet. He's so focused on holding himself back physically that he forgets about the words.)
Obi-Wan needs therapy soooo badly, poor thing. I love him but he is definitely unwell™. I don't want to say he's blowing things out of proportion (these feelings are obviously real and he's struggling with them a lot), but they are absolutely a byproduct of the way he keeps spiralling. He'll be feeling sky high one minute and then he'll crash to the ground again in the next. Some of this is his depression but also his hormones are out of wack because his supressants are failing!! 😬
I've been trying not to fall into that rut of "romantic partner cures depression magically" by having Obi-Wan slowly, like, rebuild his support system (Feemor and his friends), find an identity outside of being an alpha and being emperor (like that same thing from earlier about detaching his sense of self-worth from his designation and his job), indulging/discovering hobbies and interests (anthropology, embroidery, time with his friends), and showing vulnerability to others (Anakin is a big one here, but Karishma was an important milestone too).
On one hand I understand it's imporant to study but on the other hand !!! This fic also bounces around my head on a pogo stick 🤭🤭 I always love to see which things you noticed and which things you liked because it gives me so much motivation to keep writing, thank you!!! 🤗💕💕
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
6 for pre-relationship, 7/8/9 for love, and 4 for domestic life for gwinnie/trahearne and/or louis/pyrs? (whichever you think fits them best, or double up on questions :D)
yeayeawooyeawoowoyea TWO OF THEM!!! tyvm for the ask dot!! <3
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Louis & Pyrs
Louis would be somewhat skeptical I think, but he's a very romantic person, so he'd probably welcome it after thinking it over. (he'd also be excited, he's always been attracted to Sylvari and their culture. )
Pyrs would believe you immediately; he heard Louis' voice in his Dream before waking. He didnt recognize it until he met Louis. His Wyld Hunt was vague and basically just "join the vigil, do stuff."
(Pyrs' Wyld Hunt & relationship to Louis is actually my little excuse to have a Soulmates story goin on :> i love soulmate AUs and fic tropes tbh)
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
Trahearne would not believe you. He's been in "true love" once, dated a bit awhile after, then Dragons Happened. So he both did not have time for it, and didn't want to grapple with the bundle of emotions he had to unpack because of wanting love in such a turbulent time. The general feelings of guilt for wanting some normalcy during a fight for your very own world. It felt selfish. (he would want to believe you though. he was pretty lonely for a long time, before gwyn.)
Maelgwyn would tell you to fuck off- he abandoned any ideas of soulmates a long while ago; when Jasmeen left, despite their parting being amicable. It would just hurt to hear that.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Louis & Pyrs
DEFINITELY cute cafe or library dates. These two just adore being together. Eachother's company is all they really want, so they LOVE dates in places where they can just concentrate on eachother. If they can't go out, they love to just laze about together in bed or the window reading nook Louis adores.
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
Sparring together. (with zero homoerotic undertones) bounty hunting together. (also in a very not gay way swearsies) I'm just obsessed with the idea of these two being "battle boyfriends." They love fighting alongside eachother. They still go out to Gwyn's favorite secret oasis, just to relax together as well.
And, completely sincerely, sex. It's more than just physical satisfaction for the both of them.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Louis & Pyrs
These two are VERY good at comforting eachother, but Louis worries more often, and Pyrs knows exactly what to say or do to help him calm down.
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
Trahearne is. He's very very skilled at reading Gwyn, meaning he can help him calm down even when he's unable to tell Trahearne what's wrong.
9. Who’s more protective?
Louis & Pyrs
Pyrs by a longshot. Louis' version of 'protective' used to be 'if it has to be one of us ill make sure its me' until Trahearne noticed during lws3, telling him to knock it off before he Actually got himself killed because of that habit. (In a much kinder, Trahearne-way.)
Pyrs however is classic protective, much more like "dont hurt yourself," "take care of yourself," "be careful love," kinda way. He acts in a very defensive role when they fight side by side.
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
Maelgwyn. With possessive seasonings. He's threatened more than one syndicate member stupid enough to threaten Trahearne's life to him. In a battle he will not let anyone get a hit in on Trahearne. Gwyn's the kind of protective boyfriend to "vet" people who need to talk to Trahearne (he has an excuse for this because he IS still Trahearne's bodyguard. he's been enabled in that particular setting. Even with trahearne being like "i love u so very much but you Can, in fact, relax for 2 mins babe.")
4. Do they have any pets?
Louis & Pyrs
Two kitties! They've had them since a few months after Primordus and Jormag's fall. They're still with them at Aurene's temple. Sugyn sometimes babysits them when she visits.
Maelgwyn & Trahearne
If you count ranger companions as domestic pets, then with Trahearne's cats they have like. 6 pets. Gwyn's tiger Paola, his griffon Glenn, his raptor Cricket, and Trahearne's cats.
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