#and bouncy really is the only word for the sound of it. very fun to sing. good for dishwashing
ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: December 24
"By and By" by Caamp
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thalialunacy · 1 month
[for @calaisreno's May prompts challenge, because the idea of writing fun tidbits with no expectations or, you know, plot sounds really great 😅]
1: open (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
'Magic?' John asks, only slightly incredulously, as he puts the shopping down on the kitchen table.
'No,' Sherlock replies, holding up one hand, fist closed, so Rosie, perched on her booster seat, can grab it. 'A study in object permanence.'
'Which she already has.'
'She's keen on the sleight of hand,' Sherlock amends dismissively.
John's mouth quirks up fondly, but he pushes it down. 'She's easily impressed.'
'Nonsense. I am very impressive.' He leans down as if to whisper to her, mouth opening on a theatrical gasp. 'What are the magic words, Rosamund?'
John snorts. 'Abra cadabra?'
Sherlock spares him one glance, then makes his Behold My Genius face at Rosie again. He points to his closed fist with his other hand. 'Open… sesame!'
Rosie's shrieking giggle explodes as several red bouncy balls leap out of Sherlock's hand.
'Open sesame?' John asks, curious. 'Isn't that -- what's the word for profiting off somebody else's culture?'
'Appropriative, I believe is the word you're thinking of.'
'Sure, yeah, that. Isn't it that?'
'Depends on who you ask.'
John rolls his eyes. 'Yes, thank you, history is not for the simple, I know. Are you making excuses because you don't know the answer?'
'Absolutely not,' Sherlock says indignantly. 'As far as we know, the phrase is of western origin, penned by a Frenchman telling the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. He likely made it up.'
'So it's only slightly racist.'
'Quite. In fact--'
He's interrupted by a red ball bonking him on the forehead and a loud 'Yeah!' from one little girl.
'Rosie,' John tries to scold, picking up said ball and holding it out to Sherlock. 'We don't throw things unless invited.' Arguably he's saying it to both of them.
And for good reason. 'Well done, Rosamund,' Sherlock says contradictorily, reaching for what John's holding--
Only to have it disappear into thin air, then reappear from behind Rosie's ear.
Sherlock raises an eyebrow. 'Very good, John.'
John clears his throat, tucks the ball into his pocket, and turns to start on the shopping. 'Yes, well, these hands still have some talents,' he says, hiding his grin.
As you well know, Mr Holmes.
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cacoetheswriting · 1 year
can you do a angst with fluffy ending with eddie x reader on reader birthday (but not that he forgot pls 🙏🏻) you can decide the rest
thank you so much!! 💖💖
gosh i am sooooo sorry for only getting this out to you now! it's been sitting in my drafts, half-finished for far too long! again, super sorry for the delay - and i hope you enjoy 🤍
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 2.3k content warnings: talk of breakups / heartbreak (eddie & reader are exes), adult language, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol consumption, - very much unedited - pls let me know if i missed anything!
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Birthdays weren’t really your thing.
Celebrating getting older stopped being fun when the gifts turned from colourful toys to cards with generic wishes, and when parties went from having bright bouncy castles to drinking cheap wine alone in a messy apartment at the end of an even messier night. From pure, unfiltered joy, to misery and feeling like your life was slipping through your fingers, fast.
There were a few expectations over the last few years — four lucky birthdays to be exact. And these happy memories came into existence thanks to a certain curly-haired, brown-eyed boy.
Eddie first asked you out a few days before your nineteenth birthday and even though the two of you never really talked prior, there was no denying he was really fucking pretty and you had a big fat silent crush on him for quite some time before that faithful afternoon.
He invited you out for burgers, and in the midst of natural conversation, when you let slip that it was your birthday, Eddie also got you ice-cream, asking the waiter to place a single candle in the colourful sundae.
Till this day, it was the most genuine thing anyone has ever done for you. The most romantic too.
And every birthday that followed, every birthday you spent together with the metalhead was beyond special. He made them special.
From balloons and love notes, to heartfelt gifts, various activities during the day and dinners at his trailer or out in town. He even rallied your friends and threw you parties that no longer ended with loneliness. No year was the same. Eddie made them unique and memorable — which you adored him for wholeheartedly.
Unfortunately, the genuine love you shared was not enough and the relationship came to an unforeseen end.
Eddie had big plans of one day becoming a rockstar, practicing guitar in his free time till his fingers bled, and you were studying day and night, working towards your dream degree. Your lives were heading in completely different directions and there came a point where you only saw each other once every fortnight, while your already irregular phone calls were often cut short.
That was three months ago. A breakup as natural as breathing, yet equally as earth shattering.
Even though it was a mutual decision, the pain was ever present and you cried yourself to sleep for weeks after. Eddie took a piece of you when he left and your whole body was in mourning. It didn’t help that everything in what remained of your life reminded you of him. Physical items like the printed t-shirts in your drawer or the mug he branded as his and you never let anyone else use. A Dio song you’d hear randomly or the diner he took you to on your first date. Then there was the emotional side, the soft glimmer in his eyes you remembered when you closed yours and the sound of his laughter you wished you’d hear again.
Things eventually got easier ‘cause it’s not like you saw Eddie often when you were together. Plus studying for an ungodly amount of hours kept you busy, distracted. And after giving yourself an appropriate time to feel everything, there was honestly no more time for heartbreak.
That is until your birthday rolled around.
When you opened your eyes late morning, you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole — which in Hawkins was more than likely to happen. The last four birthdays were nothing short of perfect and now…  
The nausea followed shortly after.
Your plan was to stay in bed all day, and it was going quite well since at six o’clock that evening you were glued to the same spot, until Robin barged into your room, Steve close on her heels, with a glass of water and a poorly decorated cake. Their singing gave you a headache, but you were still grateful for their attempt to make this day end on a better note.
“Now, go get your ass dressed,” Robin orders, glancing at Steve for his rehearsed words of encouragement.
He’s wide-eyed at first, nose buried in icing, but quickly nods at Robin’s words and looks in your direction.
“Y-yes, yes! We have an evening of fun planned!” Steve exclaims after swallowing a mouth full of vanilla cake.
Your roommates, however sweet they were trying to be, failed to realise the one place you really didn’t want to spend your birthday was The Hideout, and that’s exactly where they brought you.
The Hideout, presenting its usual lurking charm from the moment you stepped inside, was the one place in Hawkins you knew guaranteed an awkward bump-in with Eddie. Or maybe a needed interaction? Seeing him in his element could possibly bring some sort of closure after three months of no contact… No. No. Seeing him would only bring back the pain you tried real hard to bury.
A stench of old man sweat mixed with spilled booze hits your senses while you hurry closely behind Robin and Steve. In the dim light, your eyes are focused on the floor below, partially because you’re trying not to slip or trip over your own two feet, but mainly ‘cause you’re fearful of catching a glimpse of a certain head of wild brown locks. You only look up when the three of you approach a table closer to the back, away from most of the noise, and are greeted with hugs from Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle. 
Settling yourself on one of the chairs, you exchange pleasantries with the rest of your friends while Steve orders a round of shots for the group. They all raise a toast to your health, their cheers attracting some attention in the process, but you don’t think anything of it, starting to instead feel glad you agreed to this.
“Birthday girl isn’t allowed to pay for her own drinks, got it?” Robin addresses the group and they all nod in unison. You wanna protest, but she swats at you from across the table before the words escape your lips. Her eyes saying that you need this, your eyes saying that you’re grateful she’s your friend. I know, Robin mouths as Jonathan takes everyone’s drink order.
Every shot you take, you chase with a rum and coke. The liquid burns down your throat. Third, fourth, fifth round down. You’re feeling buzzed, happy. Most importantly, no longer thinking of the boy that would normally also be hanging out with this group — blissfully unaware that he was actually watching your every move from the other side of the bar.
Eddie hadn’t initially planned on going out tonight. After a long day of working at the garage, then band practice right after, he really just wanted to smoke and fall asleep. As he got out of the shower however, instead of jumping into bed, he reached for a clean t-shirt. He couldn’t really explain why. It was stupid to think something inside of him was urging him to come to The Hideout tonight. He was wrecked beyond belief, yet his feet carried him here.
Then he heard it. Your name, followed by a mini-eruption of woohoos.
Head snapping in the direction of the sound, Eddie’s gaze found the source of the noise and then scanned the small group until he reached your relaxed frame. Christ, he thought, palms getting clammy. To say you looked gorgeous would be a vast understatement. And to say he didn’t realise just how much he missed you until this very moment would be nothing short of the truth.
Sure, after the breakup, Eddie found it hard to get through the day-to-day. Constantly distracted, thinking about you and second guessing the decision you both made. But then he reminded himself this was for the best, convinced himself that people can have more than one great love in their life, and things got easier.
There were days he hoped he’d accidentally run into you. At the store, out for coffee, or just wandering the streets of Hawkins. No such luck. When he started working at the shop to save some extra cash, he thought maybe you’d come in with your clunk of shit car since he was always telling you to get it looked at, but again, it never happened. 
Three months passed like nothing.
Eddie would’ve never thought that today, your fucking birthday of all days, would be when he saw you next.
Cold beer in hand, he thought about walking up to the table you sat at with your mutual friends. And he was about to, but then you laughed at something Argyle said and the honey-like sound froze him in place. Clearly, you were having a good time. Eddie didn’t want to ruin that, so he opted for watching you like some fucking creep. 
Four beers later, he’s still in the same spot.
Nancy takes over the jukebox duties. Billy Idol’s White Wedding starts to play as she pulls you to your feet, an excited squeal escaping her lips when you don’t protest. Swaying your hips to the music, you feel elated. Even more so when Robin joins in, singing along as Nancy twirls around the two of you. The boys clap, grinning like idiots, and you know you’re going to remember this moment forever, or at least until you unintentionally go over your drink limit and black out.
A smile tugs at the corners of Eddie’s lips as he continues to shamelessly stare at you. Carefree, is the word he’d use now to describe you and in all honesty, he hasn’t seen you like this in a while. Then his smile falters before it really fully appears ‘cause he finds himself wishing he was the reason for your current mood. Was ending things a mistake?
Mid-song, you spin and as you do, your eyes skim the bar, passing a set of curly hair. The air hitches in your throat as you double back. Just to make sure your drunken gaze wasn’t deceiving you, you tell yourself, but the reality is much different. Please be him, please be him, please be him…
When your eyes do lock with his, your tummy burns.
The copious amount of alcohol trifling through your veins right now gives you that extra push you need to start a short strut towards your ex-boyfriend. Someone’s arm is on you, attempting to pull you back slightly, but you don’t pay attention to it. Then you hear Steve say, “let her go, she needs this.”, and you’re free to continue your journey. 
In a trance, gaze glued to Eddie’s chocolate one, you push through the people until you’re leaning against the bar he was sitting at, observing as his features turn from awe into something you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Eddie greets nonchalantly, as if no time has passed, as if nothing has changed between the two of you.
So you follow in his footsteps, carefully hoisting yourself up on the stool next to his, bare knee brushing against his denim-clad one. 
“Wanna order me a drink?”
Eddie smirks. “Straight to the point, as always.”
“Well, since it is my birthday, Robin said I’m not allowed to pay for my own poison,” you tell him, shrugging lightly, “So if you have a problem with that, you gotta take it up with her.”
He huffs out a laugh. 
“I’d rather not go against Buckley.” And with that he orders a shot of tequila each.
When the small glasses are in front of you, accompanied by a lime wedge, he takes your hand without asking, then licks between your thumb and index finger, doe-eyes never leaving yours. 
A shiver runs down your spine at the sudden contact and you try to play it cool, but in reality your heart is racing. Though Eddie doesn’t give you time to think about what he’s done with no warning, pouring salt in the spot he’s just salivated. He then hastily repeats the action on his own hand and pushes a shot glass in your direction. 
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
The toast is short and sweet. He raises the glass in front of his face as the words escape his lips, licks the salt off his own hand (which you’re a little disappointed in, unsurprisingly already missing the sensation that was his gentle touch), and downs the liquid in one go.
You quickly follow suit, not wanting to seem like he got you all flustered. But as the two of you sit and stare at one another while sucking on the lime wedges for a little longer than normal, you realise he’s just as rattled as you are — good.
“I hate tequila,” Eddie announces, discarding the wedge.
“I don’t mind it,” you say, wiping the corners of your mouth.
His gaze drops slightly, to where your finger presses against your puffy lips, and he bites down on his own rather shamelessly. There is a brief moment of silence in which Eddie thinks back to seconds before, when his tongue caressed your soft skin. He hates himself a little ‘cause he doesn’t wanna mess with your head, but fuck did that feel good. He’d like to do it again, if not more. Is that crazy?
And while you continue to look into his eyes, the butterflies in your stomach are going wild since you know exactly what he’s thinking. The only problem is you don’t know how to tell him because there’s so much else to be said first. Three months of catching up, to be precise, but did exes even do that?
“How about we get out of here?” Eddie offers, voice nothing short of a murmur.
You nod. Of course you nod. You’d go to the end of the world if he’d ask.
Before you know it, Eddie’s hand is on the small of your back, leading you through The Hideout crowd and out the front door. You don’t say goodbye to your friends, you can apologise tomorrow for leaving without a word. Instead, you inhale the fresh air, a wobble in your step as you turn to once again look at your ex-boyfriend.
“Where do you wanna go?”
Eddie throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in as close as he possibly can. He tilts his head to meet your gaze and smiles. A genuine smile.
“There’s this diner not far from here,” he answers simply and your heart swells. Then once again, tenfold, as he places a kiss to your crown before whispering in your ear, “Back to where it all started, pretty girl.”.
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as always, thank you for reading! pls don't hesitate to reblog & tell me what you think - ily!
eddie munson masterlist | main masterlist
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neongreenllama · 9 months
Prompt: Alpha
@wolfstarmicrofic - 645 words
“He’s just so hot. I mean have you seen him? Of course you’ve seen him, what am I asking. His bouncy curls and his pretty eyes, and, oh, his nose is so cute, and his hands. I mean come on, no one should be allowed to have hands like that that’s just unfair …”
Sirius babbled distractedly while James tried hard to look halfway interested and not make fun of his mate for being whipped. He’d listened many a times to James’ own poetics about a certain redhead, and now it was time to return the favor.
“… how is anyone supposed to concentrate when he looks like that? And it’s not just his looks, I mean it’s Moony, you know what I mean. He’s lovely and kind but he’s also so strong and mysterious and …”
James’ eyes drifted over his best mate’s shoulder as a scrawny guy crossed the corner to their hallway, carrying a bunch of books as he weaved through the other students. To James he just looked a bit tired as usual, maybe a bit sickly. But then again, that was also as usual.
“… Merlin, I bet he’s a real animal in bed. He has to be what with the wolf in him. I bet he’s dominating. D’you think he bites? I bet he bites. Ugh, I want him to bite me,” Sirius continued needily as Remus tripped over his own shoelaces, stumbled into a group of girls, and scattered his books everywhere. He immediately started apologizing profusely.
Sirius, who was still unaware of the presence of the object of his desires, sighed dreamily. “He’s such an alpha.”
James watched as a Slytherin kicked one of the books the dangerous alpha werewolf was trying to collect from the floor out of his reach. “Watch where you’re going, Loopy Lupin,” James heard him call. If it wasn’t for the pitiful sight he probably would have laughed at the complete lovesickness of his friend.
“I just –“ Sirius sounded dejected now. “Why doesn’t he want me? What am I doing wrong? D’you think he already has someone? Oh no, he probably shags the whole school except for me,” he groaned. “They’re probably all lining up. Who doesn’t want a piece of Remus Lupin?”
A few other students had now started up the familiar chorus of “Loony Loopy Lupin.” More joined in, and not just Slytherins to James’ absolute chagrin. They’d have to do something about that. He’ll have to talk to Lily.
James tore his attention away from the scene and patted his best friend’s shoulder who had buried his face in his hands, looking very distraught.
“You’re alright mate, I don’t think he has anyone else.”
Sirius’ head at once shot up with big, hopeful eyes. “Really? How do you know?”
“Just a feeling.” He glanced once more at the werewolf who looked more like a beaten puppy or a very tired seventeen-year-old boy lacking important vitamins. “Actually I think he might fancy you back.”
Sirius’ eyes got impossibly bigger and more hopeful. “You think?”
“Yeah, you’ve just got to be patient. Don’t give up yet. You know how it was Lily.”
“Yeah.” Sirius nodded as if to convince himself. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, mate.”
James clapped his shoulder. “Anytime. Now how about you start by helping him carry his books.”
He turned his friend around in the direction of one alpha werewolf Remus Lupin walking with his shoulders hunched over to appear even smaller than before. At the sight of him, Sirius’ posture immediately straightened up, and he put on that lazy smile and sauntered over, only his lovesick eyes betraying his self-assured attitude. As soon as Remus spotted him, his mouth tugged up in a dopey smile and his shoulders visibly relaxed. Which was a mistake because the tower of books lost its balance again and toppled over once more.
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limerence-17 · 2 years
not intended for minors. do NOT read if you are not 18+!
–pairing: !fem reader x steve harrington
–word count: 3.4k words
–summary: after carol and tommy ditch you at steve's house while drunk, steve and you decide to go swimming instead of small talk...
–warnings: NSFW, mutual masturbation (m receiving and f receiving,) p in v sex unprotected (don't do this kids,) fingering, handjobs, kissing/ making out, smoking, drinking, swearing
A/N: this is so shameless, literally just pure filth there's basically no storyline so have fun lmao.
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it wasn't your idea to go to steve's, especially since you couldn't stand the guy and his cockiness and stuck-up attitude. you never admitted it to your friend carol but you were starting to hate her too. ever since she started dating that tool tommy in grade 11 she was starting to become so distant, and you hated to say it but a shitty friend too, always putting you second and talking behind your back.
you didn't know steve very well besides tutoring a couple of times last year, but from what you could tell about the king of hawkins high there was not much to him besides being a douchebag, sleeping around the school and being well known as the high school playboy. carol said that he was good for a party and had a huge house which they could benefit from since his parents were always out of town, and always had extra beers lying around.
it was a friday night, around 11pm and you'd only had one beer as you lounged at the side of his pool. you were sitting, slouching slightly feeling less uptight and awkward with the warmth of the alcohol running through your bloodstream. you crossed your legs tightly, feeling your thighs press together in your light denim short shorts. you were wearing a lavender knit sweater and your hair was down, blowing in the wind slightly from the cool september breeze.
beside you sat tommy and carol, although you wouldn't even call it that because it was basically just carol straddling tommy from the back. they were both obnoxiously cackling and were clearly far more intoxicated than you were and you could feel your social battery starting to drain.
"hey steveee," carol whined in a question-like tone. tommy giggled from behind her and had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. you couldn't help but roll your eyes slightly at the sight of them.
"ok- you know what, if you're gonna beg if you can use my bedroom then god no- you can use the guest one just... clean up your mess... you two are foul sometimes," steve says rolling his eyes and taking another swig from his can of beer.
"i fucking love you man!" tommy shouts, grunting a bit while picking up carol while holding her waist. carol starts giggling as tommy carries her bridal style inside. they're both so loud and carry the conversation so often that you don't even realize how quiet it gets now that you're alone with steve sitting by the pool. there's the distant laughing of carol and tommy in the background as the screen door closes behind them.
it's quiet now. all you can hear is the bubbling from the pool and the sounds of the jets humming softly. there are crickets in the back forest behind the pool, and you feel self-conscious suddenly, shifting your legs so that your thighs are pressed tighter together now.
steve leans over to the white table beside his lawn chair, grabbing the pack of cigarettes that rests there.
"sorry about carol and tommy, they can get like that sometimes- especially when there's drinking involved y'know?" steve says, although it doesn't really feel like a question. he grabs a lighter from his pocket, lighting the cigarette quickly and breathing in a puff of smoke. as he exhales, he turns to make eye contact with you. you're not sure what it is, whether the moonlight or perhaps your nature of being oblivious to these things but steve looked good. more than good, he looked pretty with his dark brown doe-eyes and bouncy hair.
"honestly carol's been like this for a while, being a third wheel is my second nature at this rate," you says, crossing your arms, leaning back a bit onto the chair.
steve sucks in another puff, and on the exhale he speaks up.
"i hope you know that just because they're not hanging with us right now doesn't mean we can't talk or something- i know we don't really hang out much but i don't want you to go to sleep already just because they're a couple of horny kids," steve says.
you can't help but wonder if he hadn't already had two beers and if would he be this talkative.
"really?" you ask, it sounds kind of funny as the words leave your mouth, like a silly joke. steve could barely even remember your name, let alone give you the time of day. you only really spent time with him because of tommy.
"you say that like it's shocking or something," steve says laughing and you realize how perplexed you came across with that question.
"i don't know... sorry, i guess it's just weird- i wouldn't expect you to be nice to me," you say. it's true now that you think about it. steve ignores you majority of the time you're with tommy and carol and ignores you completely when it's just you at school.
"what are you talking about? why wouldn't i be nice to you?" he asks. he seems genuinely confused by this.
"well you're not exactly mr. talkative when we're all hanging out, especially towards me," you say sarcastically, raising your eyebrows.
"look i know we're not super close or anything but i think i just don't know how to talk to you. it's weird i can't explain it that good with words but you're one of the only people who i feel speechless around, it's like you make me nervous or something," he says practically with one breath.
"are you being serious right now?"
"yeah i mean when we were studying and you were helping me out i- i don't know it's like i want us to get along so badly but i need a way for us to talk to each other," he says eagerly, running a hand through his brown locks.
"talk to each other?" you ask.
"it's just- i don't want anything to be weird between us." steve starts, pursing his lips as he focuses on his next words carefully.
"y'know with tommy being my best friend and carol being yours and all, we should be able to hang out by ourselves too. we shouldn't need them here for us to get along," steve admits.
steve sits up now, paying more attentively to you, he places one hand on his thigh, he's got his middle and ring finger drawing circles around his right knee. you can't tell if it's on purpose or not but either way the sight of it gives you butterflies in your stomach.
"oh i don't know steve, i'm not really in the mood for talking right now," you say, meaning it a lot more innocent than it comes across as.
steve's eyes go wide and you can tell he's taken it in a dirty way. the poor boy, so dirty-minded.
"hey! not that way! you're such a teenager steve harrington," you joke laughing softly, avoiding eye contact with him.
"ok good cause i was starting to think i was about to have another tommy and carol situation on my hands," he jokes, taking one last puff from his cigarette and putting it beside him on the table into the ashtray. once the laughter to ease the awkward small-talk dies down, steve jumps in again.
"so i know you don't wanna talk and that's totally cool i get it, but does that mean we can't at least go for a swim?" steve proposes.
you shrug awkwardly, leaning back a bit more onto the lawn chair. "sure but i didn't bring a swimsuit steve," you say, scoffing a bit thinking the conversation is about to die, but to your surprise steve perks up.
"oh fuck swimsuits! who gives a shit? just jump in!" steve exclaims. his nature is calming and charming and you can feel yourself easing into his charisma for the first time in all your months of spending time with him. you shift awkwardly, unsure of what to say to that.
"in my clothes?" you ask, it sounds a little silly.
"oh-yeah! yeah clothes for sure," he says, although he sounds unsure of his answer.
"i'm not swimming in my clothes steve do you know how uncomfortable that would be," you say, the thought making your skin crawl.
"ok yeah that's fine, i just thought it would've been more fun than tal-" steve starts but you cut him off.
"i'll just take them off," you say innocently, your lips pouted slightly almost looking at him for confirmation. steve's eyebrows go higher and his eyes widen. he looks hungry now, and a little turned on.
"y-you're gonna take off your clothes?" he asks, a little dumbfounded, looking at your more intently now.
"only if you do too harrington, this was your idea after all," you say, smirking.
"ah! ah! swimming was my idea, a drunken skinny dip was all you," he says, raising his voice in a joking manner. you stand up, whipping off your sweater without a second thought. you've got a black underwire bra on, perking your nipples up from the cool breeze you feel against your upper body, giving your goosebumps.
steve looks too stunned to say anything, his mouth drops a bit and he's glaring at you with intensity, desperation now. you're clearly teasing him now, pulling your shorts down revealing your lace sage green underwear. you place one arm over the other, feeling slightly self-conscious.
"holy shit you look-" steve starts, but you don't let him finish.
"it's your turn now steve, don't get too excited," you say, gesturing to him and he obliges quickly, standing up flustered unbuckling his pants and pulling them down revealing his boxers. he then pulls his dark long sleeve over his head. your eyes trickle across his body, his toned thighs and puffed-out chest and large arms. you're not sure what's come across you but all you can think about is steve's chest and torso pressed against you.
"you jump in first!" you say, giggling.
"what?! oh screw that it was not my idea to strip, you go!" steve exclaims.
"no way, you!" you fight back, only for steve to roll his eyes and make his way towards you, he picks you up suddenly and now you're kicking between fearful laughs.
"steve, you ass! put me down c'mon!" you say, hitting his arms, but he's too strong.
"i'll meet you in there!" he shouts and throws you into the pool. the water is freezing and wakes you up like a cold shower and you brush your hair back with your hand, sputtering, coughing out water. luckily the pool is within standing distance, so it's not too much of a shock from where you are. steve jumps in following you and comes out of the water, shaking his head in a dog-like way, rubbing his nose with his thumb and pointer finger.
he swims over to you slowly, it's then when you realize he threw you into the pool so hard that the force made your necklace unclip. "shit," you say, grabbing it from the bottom.
"what is it?" steve asks.
"my necklace, it unclipped, shit would you mind?" you ask, giving it to steve and turning around and he obliges, clipping it back on. he hands trace slowly over your back and it's eerily quiet between the two of you.
"steve..." you start, although you're unsure what to say after that, all you know is you can feel his hot breath against the back of your neck and the feeling of the pool mixed with his hands against your back is surreal.
"say it," he says, which throws you off guard. it's almost as if he was thinking the same things you were.
"tell me what you want," he says, clipping your necklace on and you turn around to face him, his eyes meeting yours. you softly put your arms around his neck.
"steve- i want you," you say in a whisper, too embarrassed to be admitting something like that. it was like suddenly your thoughts were speaking out loud because an hour ago you would have never admitted anything like that.
"want me to what? you don't have to always use words, especially if you're not in the mood for talking," he says, making you laugh shyly.
"i want you to kiss me," you say, grasping a bit of his hair from the back of his head for entrance and he obliges, leaning in and kissing you hard. he's not gentle at first, he seems hungry for this- like he's thought about this before, about kissing you, tasting you.
"do you even know how beautiful you are?" steve asks looking at you as if he's dumbfounded by your beauty, his voice deep now which causes your stomach to jump and you feel your cheeks go red, you've never been this vocal but there's just something about steve harrington that calms you down.
he grips his hands on your cheeks and presses in against your lips, moving at a slow pace matching your breaths in between his slow kisses which are longing and you hear him moan as you bite his lip softly as he pulls away.
"steve wait-" you say and he pulls away quickly, removing his hands from your cheeks.
"what is it? what am i hurting you? do you wanna stop?" he asks, reading your eyes and expressions to make sure he's done nothing to make you uncomfortable.
"no no it's not that," you say, wrapping your arms around his neck to meet his eyes once again and you can feel him start to relax again into you.
"i just wanna- i wanna go all the way," you say, feeling awkward putting it in words, but you want him to know your intentions.
"oh," steve says. he looks at you and you've started to bite your lip gently. the site of steve is too much to not drive you wild and you can't lie that you haven't thought about him this way before.
"oh," he says, his eyelids closing a bit in lust as he brushes your hair behind your ear.
"you sure?" he asks and you nod quickly. "i've never been so sure about anything until now." that's all he needs to hear and with that, he picks you up in the pool, and you grip your hands around his waist as he cups your ass. steve's tongue enters your mouth and you gladly accept it with yours.
you two are now on the side of the pool. the moonlight is against the pool and there's a shimmering light of the water in the pool, and there's some fog surrounding the pool.
"do you think tommy h and car- you asks, breathless between kisses and steve has begun to kiss down your neck now, planting his soft lips down your neck and you can barely get words out from the pleasure you're now encompassed with from head to toe.
"i doubt it but who gives a fuck, let them watch if they want i don't care. all i know is i need to feel you," steve says sounding so sure and immersed in your sex. you can't help but blush and try and look down but he puts his finger under your chin and props your head back up to meet his eyes.
he traces his hands across your waist and you tug on his hair, propping your hips slightly against him and you can feel the bulge building in his pants. the two of you are at the side of the pool and he looks down at you with hungry eyes.
you feel his hand move from your waist down onto your panties and you feel his hand grasp your pussy and you grip his hair tighter, your tongues dancing as you let out raspy gasps and exhales between kisses.
"is this ok? how i'm touching you over your panties?" he asks, his voice shaky from the lack of oxygen from how forceful and constant your kisses have remained.
"yes- god, yes just-" you say, unsure of how to even gather your thoughts with how much pleasure you feel at just the feeling of his hand over your sex.
"would it be ok if i moved them over to the side?" he asks and you oblige, feeling his fingers circle and lap at your clit suddenly and you can't help but scratch his neck gently and slowly at the feeling.
he looks at you and you can't but feel your heart flutter. his lust-filled eyes are on you for a split second and you inhale right before you feel his two fingers insert into your slit you let out a moan, but you can't help it.
"oh yeah, baby? you like steve's fingers inside you? you like it when steve fucks you with his fingers?" he asks, his eyes remaining intently on you.
"mm- fuck yes," you croak out.
steve's finger inside you starting to pump slowly drives you fucking insane. feeling needy and in desperate need of support, of anything you reach into his boxers with your right hand. your left hand still scratching his neck for support of his now two fingers pumping into you.
you reach for his cock, pulling it out. god, he's so big, you think. i fucking i knew it, you think again.
you start to pump him up and down slowly, watching his expression now for his reaction. he's letting out grateful moans and is flustered but doesn't stop his pace with his fingers inside you.
the two of you focus intently on each other, reading each other's expressions, moaning loudly and screaming out explicit until eventually the two of you cum. you're both shaking, scratching at each other begging for a come down until you have it.
in between shaky breaths, the two of you pull your hands away and lean in for another kiss. after a moment, steve pulls away and pulls your panties down.
"you too sensitive for me now?" he asks. you nod and he looks down at you, at your tits.
"but i still need you," you beg.
"god you're so fucking sexy when you say shit like that," steve says. "you know i'm not done with you yet baby," he says, grabbing at his dick and spreading your legs apart slightly with his hands.
he hasn't put his dick in you, no not yet that would be too soon. but he's slowly tracing the tip across your slit, slowly and gently and you can already tell you wet you are from cumming before. he's teasing you and it's driving you fucking insane.
"i need you steve."
"no. you're gonna need to you better than that," he says sternly.
"just fucking fuck me already, i need your dick inside me steve please!" you shout, your hands around his neck once more.
"awe you're fucking dripping for me, let me put it in in slowly for you babe," he says, slowly inserting himself into you. you let out soft shrieks and grip tightly onto him and he moans slowly.
"you like how i feel in you? uh-huh?" he says, starting to gradually pick up his pace once he's gotten himself in you on a good angle and you nod. words can't come out of you, not right now when the feeling is too incredible.
steve's pace quickens and your hands find your way onto his back and scratch him up and down, definitely leaving marks. he's starting to move quicker and harder and deeper into you and the sounds the two of you are making are unbelievable.
"god look at how good you're taking me, taking my dick all the way in you. good girl," steve says, thrusting harder and quicker.
after a couple of minutes, you hear him go as quick as he can and the two of you are shouting extremities of fuck and jesus christ and you gonna cum? until eventually steve does, releasing himself into you. and you can't help but grab at his ass as he does.
"ah fuck!" steve says, grunting and groaning as he falls onto your shoulder, exhausted as you feel his hot and heavy breath exhaling against you and you run your hands through his hair as he pulls out of you.
steve laughs slyly to himself, breathing out.
"ah shit," he says, looking back at you smirking. you're looking at the stairs to the pool now and he notices.
"let's go."
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Slug, have you had a chance to listen to the new rhyme anima+ album yet? I’m interested to hear your thoughts on it, even though a fair amount of people think it’s not as good as the first season songs. Personally, I can forgive any and all sacrifices in quality just because the dotsuhon/mtc song might be the single greatest song ever created (and no, I’m not just saying that because they sing the line “Go shawty! Go shawty!”. Although I’m not, not saying that…). As always, dotsuhon never misses.
I finally finished watching it with a friend a couple weeks ago, and I liked most of the songs. Let me do a quick relisten and run down the list...
Also, the "Go shawty! Go shawty!" got to me too haha. Literally dropped everything I was doing to Google "shawty 意味 [definition]" in the hopes of getting some clarity on what they meant. (I was not successful. Presumably, this is another "wow, cool English word!" moment.)
Rise From Dead feels very anime-ish to me, so it's not something I would listen to on its own. But idk, it's fun and bouncy.
Bring it on is fine. BBs continue to be solid rappers. Doesn't do a ton for me in audio only.
Shinogi (Pay Respect) is a fun blend of genres that I normally like, but it's slower than I would like. Feels like the whole is worth less than its parts.
SANITY's instrumentals slap. Solid rhythm. Feels like it'd be good for a workout playlist but probably not something I'd listen to on its own.
New World's instrumentals are where it's at. I would listen to this one on its own. Dancing at my desk as I type this.
Dive in's rapping and instrumentals seem oddly disjointed with one another. (<- knows jack shit about music) Not sure if I'm a fan of this one.
An Idol has a really fun rhythm, and I like the singing. I feel like this will grow on me easily.
We go with the flow is bopping. Ichirou and Kuukou's VAs kill it as always. This would make very good workout music. Dancing at the desk again.
PUMP IT UP bring more of the dance music. And the infamous "Go, shawty! Go, shawty!" ??? out of 10. I think I could enjoy it if I pretend I don't speak English. There's a song I'm enjoying atm where the rapper keeps dropping the word "pussy" in places "pussy" should not be, and I can vibe w/ it so long as I assume I am a newborn babe and all language is indecipherable to me. Same deal here, I feel.
FIGHTER'S ROAD... Oh, this episode was an art form. I like Horsefumi's and Gentarou's sections. Without the absolutely batshit visuals, though, I don't think this is something I would voluntarily seek out.
BATTLE ANIMA+ 01 is blatantly a battle song, and I don't usually listen to them on their own. That being said, I like the rhythm and most of the rapping. The autotuned sections are cool.
BATTLE ANIMA+ 02 falls into the same camp as the previous one. A bit slower, so less up my alley, but I still like the rhythm and autotuned bits.
BATTLE ANIMA +03 sounds like RPG music. I can vibe with it. Would be good for workout playlists.
RELIEVE is...it sure is a song. That sounds like a bad thing, but it's just... I have no opinion about this whatsoever. This is music that exists. Zero idea if I like it or not.
Next Stage is FUN! It's long enough and repetitive enough that I wouldn't listen to it on its own, but it would be a much-loved addition to a workout playlist. I really, really like this one.
Yeah, I can see why some fans might be disappointed. Most of them don't strike me as stellar without their visuals, but it also takes me a while to warm up to (get Stockholm Syndromed into, maybe?) Hypmic songs in general. I'll probably be a big fan once I hear more of them.
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any favorite vocaloid producers (or songs)
Producers, definitely Deco*27 is up there. So bouncy and fun yet also so melancholic and bittersweet. A good range of feels. Great range of songs if a bit melodically similar on certain tracks. Pinnochio-P was my focus for a minute not too long ago, excellent producer! Utsu-P is really good, love the intensity in their work! Vocaloid moshpit type music for sure, has intrigued random people who don't listen to Japanese music in my day-to-day life. Wowaka was one of the very first producers I stumbled upon back in the day before his passing (r.i.p. to a legend💔) and man, those songs, all that raw emotion, the way you don't even need to understand the words to feel that hole shatter through your heart midway through and in that moment the language barrier is totally irrelevant anyways, you suddenly just get it. Giga has a smooth cool hip-hop sound (I've really only listened to them within the last couple years admittedly), same with Syudou. GHOST and Creep-P are great spooky tune makers. But let's not forget to respect one of the forefathers of creepy Halloween-y vocaloid music, Machigerita-P.
I could go on and on for daysss and believe it or not, I'm still not done learning all there is to know! There's sooo many amazing Vocaloid producers that it would take forever to find them all. Obviously the most popular will be an easy search but the smaller more indie producers make some absolute BANGERS!
Favorite songs? Oho boy, strap in, have I got a list for you! You're gonna regret this, I promise you lol now don't worry this will only hurt a little ^o^
(My anthem dedicated to all my friends, new and old, near and far💖)
(It's a bop, Dasu rolls out banger after banger)
(Bad bitch energy on the dancefloor)
(A lot of regular people seem to like this one)
(Can sing this one nearly perfectly, friends fell in love at first sound then felt sad after seeing the lyrics)
(The song that broke my heart)
(The song that broke my heart pt 2 - The Tribute)
(That into s l a p s though)
(Try not to dance, it's impossible)
Oh damn this is gonna be a huuuuge wall on everyone's dash now, SORRY GUYS!! Vocaloid is a long-time passion interest and I consider it a hugely defining part of my lore, I could literally talk about it for hours and hours and hours well into the next day if you give me the chance. If you're curious and want to know more and listen to more songs feel free to message me, I have an entire ever-expanding playlist! I'd love to share what I love with potential new fans!💖
Probably my favorite ask I've gotten so far on Tumblr, this made my entire afternoon! I hope it was half as fun for you, dear anon, as it was for me! Thank you so sweetly!💖💖
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fluttering-lillies · 4 months
Afterparty Chapter 3: Rainbow
Words: 2,606
Pairing: SunDash
Rating: T
Warnings: Talk of excessive drinking, mentions of sex
The rest of breakfast was stilted, quiet, awkward. Pinkie tried her best, but even her bouncy energy and genuine smile weren't enough to restore the groggy but peaceful mood that had filled the dining room when they were all gathered together.
Sunset’s departure had just made things… weird, and Rainbow Dash was already getting tired of her friends shooting her concerned glances. They were trying to be stealthy about it, but they weren’t doing a very good job. She'd started to feel nauseous and unbalanced when Sunset left, and their misplaced concern was just making it worse. At least her head wasn’t pounding anymore.
“Rainbow I-“ Dash cut Twilight’s worried words off with a nonchalant wave.
“It’s cool, girls. I’m good. I just have some sheets to wash and a bed to make. Plus I’m all full up. It was delicious Pinks, thanks.” She grinned at Pinkie, who beamed back and winked.
Rainbow picked up her plate, but she didn’t get far before Twilight tried again. “Are you sure? Because I had this whole plan on how we could do things super efficiently and-“
Pinkie interrupted this time. “That sounds like a great idea Twilight!”
“Yes, but my plan include-“
“It’ll still work fine, silly! Rainbow does need to clean up the upstairs. I told her to!” She leaned in then and as she was walking out of the dining room, Rainbow just caught the whispered words “time to herself” before she rounded the corner and stared up the stairs. She wasn’t particularly surprised Pinkie had seen through her. They almost certainly all had, save for Twilight. That was good though. She knew it meant they wouldn’t follow her.
Rainbow tried not to stomp as she climbed the stairs, but there were dark anchors of emotion tangled around her, so each step was still as heavy as she could manage with just socks. Her friends were used to her clomping around in heavy combat boots at this point though, so they didn’t complain.
Her attitude was all frustration, with some small sprinkles of confusion and anger mixed in. Sunset didn’t have to want her or anything like that. Rainbow was far from desperate, but couldn’t they have at least talked?
She groaned at the thought as she walked into the master bedroom. It would have been a weird conver-
The scent of Sunset Shimmer was so distinct and powerful that she physically flinched as she stepped closer to the tangled, messy bed. She hadn’t taken it in, or simply noticed. No, the smell had hit her like a wall of force. Memories of the night before came rushing up now that she was in less pain. They were hazy and warm like steam, just as oppressive and muggy too. Sunset close to her, grinding into her, kissing her. Rainbow sunk into remembering, into the warmth, until it became… heat.
Her cheeks burned in sympathy.
She shook it off. She had something to take care of. Since Sunset had so kindly left her all the work.
Rainbow grabbed the blankets and was hit with Sunset's scent again. It rocketed an older memory to the forefront of her mind this time. One that wasn’t muted by celebration and liquor.
Sunset's home. Just outside, on her cracked overgrown driveway. Rainbow leaned against the house, drinking a soda, watching Sunset, who sat on the concrete. She twisted bolts and screws, pulling at cords or nozzles or some other thing Rainbow didn't recognize. She had never really gone in on cars. There were just cooler things to get into. Watching Sunset work was fun though. There was a relaxing rhythm to it, like a heavy bass drum, and now she knew why Sunset always smelled a little bit like engine grease.
She smelled it now. Just a hint, but still definitely there and definitely Sunset.
"Focus, RD." She grumbled the words to herself and quickly gathered the large pile of blankets and sheets into her arms. She couldn't see much past the bedding but stomped out of the room and down the stairs nonetheless. Only when she caught a brief glance of pink hair at the bottom did she stop.
"Oh Dashie! So okay, laundry's this way." A pink hand grasped her arm and pulled her to the left, then spun her around. "Right! Now just go all the way down to the last room. Door's already open."
Rainbow nodded, or tried to against the bundle of blankets. "Thanks Pinks."
She heard a satisfied 'your welcome' sort of sound as she moved again, placing her feet carefully until she met resistance. Rainbow tilted herself to the side until she could see the solid metal washer in front of her, then promptly dropped blankets, sheets, and pillowcases onto the ground. They were dirty anyway, what did she care?
With full sight now, she started on her task, reaching down to grab blankets and stuffing the washer full. There would be at least two loads, but that was fine, she had way more to help out with around the house anyway. Right now she just wanted to get away from the tangled, misty memories that kept bubbling up from obscure parts of her mind. None of them were unpleasant, but really that was the problem. Instead of helping Pinkie, she kept glimpsing into those shards of her recollection and making her present more twisted and confused. Last night was past, and held no answers, but she kept catching on the bedding in her arms anyway.
She balled it all up, threw it inside, and shushed it all with one heavy slam of the washer door. Then she took a breath and checked to make sure she actually knew what she was doing. Pinkie’s unit was similar to the one in her home though, so she set to work on the detergent and fabric softener, humming “Awesome as I Wanna Be” as she went. It was her song; from the lyrics to each instrument’s notes, and it was so ingrained into her head that she found herself coming back to it often. That was fine. It always made her feel better, made her feel more... awesome.
"You wish you could be twenty percent cooler." She half mumbled, half sang the words as she hit the start button on the washer and spun around.
"Woah!" She had already started her momentum out the door, but Fluttershy was there, blocking the exit. She stopped herself in time to not run headlong into her, but Shy still winced, bracing for impact. "You totally snuck up on me. Jeez Shy."
"Sorry." Fluttershy murmured. The response seemed automatic. Given how many times this had happened before, maybe it was.
Fluttershy had a weird thing about not interrupting, and often would hover in the background silently until being noticed. Rainbow usually wasn’t caught off guard by Fluttershy just appearing suddenly in her peripheral, but a bad mood always wound her tight with anxious energy, always made her more… jumpy. She would have to go for a run after this, get her mind off of anything that wasn’t the wind rushing through her hair.
With a deep sigh Rainbow asked, "What's up, Flutters? Need help with something?" She thought it was a good guess, but Fluttershy shook her head.
"I thought... you could use my help actually."
She rolled her eyes. “Oh boy. Here we go.” She had expected this sooner honestly, but still wasn’t pleased to see it come. She didn’t need anyone to throw her a pity party. She was only irritated that Sunset had left the work to her, but Fluttershy would expect mushy emotions like sadness or hurt, and Rainbow just didn’t have that in her.
“I know this isn’t really your forte, but it can help in the long run. Not just you, but Sunset too.”
“Then why aren’t you talking to her?” Rainbow knew that sounded bitchy, and she almost took it back, but Fluttershy just smiled like she’d said something endearing.
“Because I haven’t known her since I was five. Because we didn’t grow up together. Because I know you Dash, and can help you more.” Then she shrugged, like all that should have been obvious.
Maybe it should have been. Rainbow slumped against the washing machine, and crossed her arms. She wasn’t going to talk about her feelings or anything like that, but it was only Fluttershy, not the rest of the girls. So maybe she could ask the one question that had been simmering in the back of her mind since she woke up this morning.
She glanced at Fluttershy, who only smiled and gave her a little encouraging nod.
Rainbow sighed. “What do I do now?”
“What do you mean?”
She unfolded herself and groaned, gesturing to emphasize words and exclamations. “I mean! Like! What do I say to her? Or do I just not say anything? Do I just let it go? Forget about this and never bring it up again or what? Should I… should I ask her out?”
“Well, what do you want to do?”
Dash folded up again and grumbled, “You know that isn’t really helpful. That’s why I’m asking you.”
Fluttershy sighed and stepped toward Dash, putting a hand on her tense shoulders when she reached her. “Dashie… look. I can’t tell you what to do. I can’t decide for you. You know that. I can only help you talk it through. Can we try again? What do you want to do? And really think it through this time, okay?”
Rainbow groaned but Fluttershy’s comforting voice and touch convinced her to at least not shut down the question right away. What did she want, really? Sunset was gorgeous, and had a cool, bad girl sense of style with her spiked leather jacket and the sleek motorcycle she rode around in. She played a mean guitar, she could paint, and do sports, and was even smart like Twilight. Rainbow knew what she liked, what she found hot in a girl: talent, confidence, a penchant for a little bit of recklessness. Sunset had it all. She’d honestly suspected these feelings before last night, but their tryst had crystallized them into something clear and tangible. Rainbow wasn’t going to be coy about them now.
It wasn’t that simple though. “I mean… I… want to kiss her again?”
Fluttershy smiled.
“But…” Rainbow let out a loose breath as she watched the smile drop. She could see the frown on Sunset’s face too. Rainbow could imagine it perfectly.
I’m sorry Dash, but last night was a fluke. I don’t feel the same way.
Then she saw Sunset’s sad eyes, paired with a sympathetic smile.
You’re really nice Dash, but I had my eye on someone else.
Then she saw Sunset looking away, trying not to meet her eyes, blush on her face.
Oh stars. Look, Dash. I don’t…. want that at all. Ugh this is so awkward. Maybe we should just not talk for a couple days? So things can go back to normal.
Every new imagining was worse. She didn’t see any reason Sunset would reject her. She was awesome, amazing, just as cool as Sunset, but there was always a chance… and no matter how slim, Rainbow didn’t want this to be a wall between them. If it wasn’t already. She wanted more, but didn’t want to abandon their current friendship to get it. She was… she groaned… scared of what might happen.
“I want… answers I guess? Why did she run away? Was she scared? Upset? Sad? Angry? Does she hate me now?” The thought struck into her chest, into her stomach, painful and heavy. “She doesn’t, does she?” Her voice sounded small and she hated that it did.
“Oh Dashie. I can’t imagine that’s the case.”
“Then why did she leave?”
Fluttershy wrapped her up then. Rainbow didn’t break down, didn’t start crying, but she did hug her best friend back, gripping tightly. “Have you considered that she’s asking the same questions you are?”
“What do you mean? I‘m still here.”
Fluttershy shook her head. Rainbow didn’t see it, but she could feel it against her shoulder. “Not what I meant. I mean… what if she thought you were scared? Or angry? Or sad? Or ashamed? Or all of that together. She probably got… scared of what you might say, how things might turn out. Just like you are, right?”
“I guess.” She said it miserably, because as much as she disliked being afraid, she hated admitting it even more. Especially to Fluttershy. “But I stayed, even if I was freaking out. She should have too. And talked to me. At least then this would be over with and I wouldn’t feel like shit.” She gripped at her shirt, right over her stomach, where she could feel the fear roiling.
Fluttershy pulled back from the hug, keeping her hands on Rainbow’s shoulders. She was smiling. It was a smile that Twilight usually gave her. The smile that said she’d misunderstood something. Rainbow scowled back.
“Sorry.” Fluttershy chuckled. “It’s just. Remember freshman year? When Gilda came over from Cloudsdale and introduced herself to us. She was planning on transferring and you spent like every day after school with her for a full two weeks.”
Rainbow’s frown just got deeper. “I remember her being a total ass and treating Pinks all awful, yeah. I remember nearly chasing her all the way back to Cloudsdale too.”
“Right, but you didn’t see it at first. And afterwards you were totally convinced Pinkie was super mad at you even when she kept saying she wasn’t. You’d only met about six months before, at the start of high school so it made sense you weren’t really that confident in your friendship with her yet.”
Rainbow lifted a brow. “As much as I appreciate the blast from the past. I really don’t see how it matters now. I’m not mad at Sunset and she didn’t even stay long enough to ask me if I was.”
Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Sunset’s only been ‘doing’ friendship for a little over a year. You didn’t leave because you’ve gone through stuff like this before. Gilda and Pinkie fighting, that competitive iron woman challenge with AJ, even Sunset splitting us up. Sunset doesn’t really have a lot of friendship experience, and well…” Fluttershy looked around, then leaned in and whispered. “Don’t tell her or anyone else I said this, but I think her knee jerk response a lot of the time is to run away.”
Given how she’d ended up in their world, Rainbow couldn’t exactly argue that. “So… what? Fight or flight and she chose flight?”
“I could be wrong I guess, but honestly I think if she hadn’t needed to eat, she would have left earlier. She masks it well, but I could tell she was… tense.”
They sat there, not speaking for a little bit. The sound of the washing machine kept going in its regular ka-chunk, ka-chunk, ka-chunk. Rainbow pulled away from Fluttershy’s grip and reclined back against the machine. Then she leaned back further, bending her back until her shoulder blades rested upon cool metal. She groaned. “So what the fuck now? Do I go chasing after her all dramatic like?”
Fluttershy snickered, shook her head, and pulled her phone from her pocket. “Or… you could just call her?”
Rainbow sighed, patting at her pockets. She frowned, double checked, then made a sound that was part hopeless moan, part irate growl. No phone anywhere on her person. Of course she’d lost it during the party
“I’ll call it…” Fluttershy said, and started dialing.
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styrmwb · 7 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXIV - Heavensward)
something something award-winning something something It's the first expansion!!! Heavensward admittedly isn't my favorite out of all of XIV soundtrack-wise, and it really was hard to not just make this Favorite Alexander Music, but like, it still rocks, and the only reason I feel like this is cause the vibes just aren't mine stupid religion elves how dare they hate dragons; it's still amazing. Let's jump (like a dragoon!) right into the list!
5. Voidal Manifest I love the Void Ark music. I love the organ and the melody, and this is my favorite song in the entire raid. The crazed, skittering nature of a lot of the instruments, the choir, and the really cool waltz section: it's all super cool. I also really love the short intermission before the song loops again, where it has the melody play really quickly with like, evil christmas instruments?? It's just a really fun song to listen to.
4. Heavy Rain This is probably the strangest pick I have in this list, and I bet not a lot of people ever paid attention to it. This plays exclusively in the top of the Sea of Clouds, in the very small enemy Vanu Vanu area. It's just, a banger for no reason? Extremely fun rhythm, making the otherwise slower melody really upbeat and bouncy. I love the really strange noises in the backing, as well as the marimba heading the song. Heavy Rain is a really addicting song, and I wish it played in more areas that I was more commonly in so I could hear it more also insert joke about team aqua and kyogre
3. Metal When I was really starting my XIV fever, I would listen to the soundtrack, seeing what might be ahead; Metal was the standout during that time for sure. I was so excited to reach the Alexander raids to listen to this song alone, and GODDAMN do those raids not disappoint! The entire raid is full of bangers!!!! The intro with the anvil striking noises as well as the rhythmic guitar really giving that machine vibe, and Koji Fox's voice sounding like a robot as well??? It's so cool. I love how similar to my previous favorite primal songs, this song sounds like it's sung by the summoners of the primal, in this case the Goblins, being entirely sung in gobbiespeak, these silly little words threatening to break and maim and end you with various machine onomatopoeia being thrown in? It's such a cool song, I love singing along to it. A part I really like that I want to point out to other than like, the rest of the song, is "THE END OHHHH THE END Y E S THE ENNND".
2. Fiend Fiend is something that I would listen to on the radio growing up; this is some fuckin hot topic 2000s edge metal, and I love it (I know the technical genre is nu metal/industrial metal, but I just find it funny calling it hot topic music). This song slaps; it uses a lot of really cool noises, the lyrics are super fun to listen to, especially with that really heavy beating in the background. I absolutely love the chorus, something about how it sounds is addicting to my ears. Lore/meaning wise, it's really cool how this song gives more character to Sephirot, giving him that corrupting nature to create dependence and a power dynamic, like a devil (even though he's the fiend and not the demon). Shoutouts to this song also having Powerman 5000 say "you stole our song" (it does sound similar).
1. Rise As I've pretty much said twice now already; The Alexander raids have the best music in this entire expansion. Hell, if it wasn't for Pandaemonium existing (spoilers for later), it would easily be my favorite raid soundtrack in the entire game. Rise is an absolutely outstanding finale to this amazing raid featuring one of my favorite summons in the entire series. That intro alone: the siren noise as this giant machine shoots a fucking laser at you, and Alexander Prime himself revealing his wings ala FFIX when the lyrics pop in, it's amazing. Absolute props to Koji Fox for his rapping in this song ("Keep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish" in that short time??? holy shit?????). The singing really is my favorite part of this song, especially the chorus with A TO THE L TO THE E-X ANDER it's so fucking cool! The instrumental isn't the main star of the song for sure, but it makes a perfect support to the lyrics. The guitar and drums just give that rock that you can bang your head to. I love in the Primals version where they also interrupt the song midway through with Stasis Loop, just like the fight. It's a final boss song I would have never expected going into this game originally. (SONIC BOOM!)
Honorable mentions go to: Teardrops in the Rain (literally almost made it), Solid, Jewel, The Hand That Gives The Rose, Unbending Steel, Limitless Blue, Woe That Is Madness, Ink Long Dry, Aetherpause; Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son; Locus, Metal - Brute Justice Mode, Exponential Entropy, Moebius (basically the entire Alexander OST), Equilibrium, Penultimania, and Infinity.
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amara-laz · 6 months
Hi I don't want to do my physics assignment so I'm gonna pick my favourite songs from the mechs albums I've listened to so far :p
Ok so in the order I listened to the albums!!
High Noon Over Camelot
Right off the bat, Skin and Bone was my favourite. Like, the vibe?? And also the Saxons singing off of each other like that?? It's so bouncy /pos
Holder of the GRAIL joined like 5 minutes later lmao. I love the story and Captain Mathea is honestly a character I got way too invested in!! Helps that it's very nice sounding to my ear :))
I am now also partial to Blood and Whiskey!! Tbh at first I didn't get the hype but damn is fucking good. Jessica Law, you terrify me /pos my voice actually gives out if I try to sing Guinevere's parts
The Bifrost Incident
Loki immediately was one of my favourites bc of the way the words are sung?? It's just so?? Auditorially pleasing?? Like it??? Just slips on my brain??? God I love it shsjdjr
Ragnarok II is also really good especially the ending ahdjfjf Void is banging and Raphaella as Odin is just so haunting but also creepy but also also also /pos
Losing Track also charmed me eventually, mostly with the chorus :p absolute banging lyrics and the way it fragmented and stuff was so hshjwsjrjrk
Fun fact actually about my TBI experience!! My phone refused to play Red Signal for a good several hours!! I changed devices, turned WiFi off and on, my phone off and on, changed videos, etc, etc!! It took me days to hear Red Signal for a second time!! Oh also I have the Expert Testimony segment memorized now :p I can only recite it with my shitty British accent tho
Once Upon A Time In Space
Rose Red!!! It's a round!! It's pretty!! Is that a viola??? Another immediate favourite!! Oh and also, Jessica Law!!!! Old King Cole is another one, I just think it's neat :))
Honourable mention to Sleeping Beauty bc it gave me actual whiplash the first time I listened lmaooo
Ulysses Dies At Dawn
Riddle of the Sphinx!!! Trial by Song!!!!!!!
Trial of Song (listening to it rn!!) is so melancholy and so beautiful nejdjjffnr (LOOK I AM NORMAL ABOUT JESSICA LAW AND THE SONGS SHE SINGS THAT IVE HEARD OKAY) (Okay I did loop the Mermaid's Revenge for like 3 days and landed it in my top 3 most played songs on Spotify. So what.) and I just jwjeje it's so pretty!!! Sbbsbdbdb
Riddle of the Sphinx is so like?? Catchy?? I love the chorus?? Again, story is good!! Oedipus' rise and fall is so interesting?? And also good vibes 👍
Honourable mention to Ties that Bind!! Ariadne's story is also very interesting and also RAPHAELLA LA COGNIZI??? THAT IS SOME BANGING SINGING LIKE HOLY SHIT!!!
Okay cool now I need to go do my physics
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trixie-troubleby · 1 year
Let’s Talk Music!
okay so Bing Bang is probably the most iconic of the Lazytown songs (maybe tied with the theme song). So let’s talk about the original in Glanni Glæpur i Latibær vs the one in the show!
Obviously both versions are bops and honestly the music is nearly identical. Depending on the version of the Lazytown tv song it may sound a bit sped/pitched up but overall they’re very similar! Both songs are very beat forward and the lyrics in both of them are mostly kinda instructional. The way I see it there are only two main differences that I wanna discuss!
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So the first is that in the version in ggil there’s a riff that goes after the main loop of music! The riff goes F F F G F D and I LOVE it! It’s so bouncy and fun but in the show it’s replaced by a sort of continuation of the main chord progression and it’s fun, but I don’t like it as much as I like the riff in ggil.
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The other thing is that they changed the word, which like in most cases that’s fine because they’re in different languages but… bing bang dingalingaling and bing bang diggariggadong are both funny made up words. Why did they change the made up word? It doesn’t really matter and I don’t really have a preference either way, I’m just curious! I feel like it was probably something about the different sounds of the languages (especially since they didn’t change it for the Icelandic version of the show), but I don’t know enough about linguistics or icelandic to talk about that. I just think it’s interesting!
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bug-crimes · 2 years
Rating Hermitcraft intros based on my synesthesia
aka it's 2am and I'm in hell, this is only gonna include the hermits that have actual Consistent Intros to their hermitcraft videos and also has absolutely nothing to do with how much I actually like their videos or even their voice!! there isn't a single hermit whose voice I don't enjoy in some form but I have opinions about their intros apparently so here we go,
(also I specifically have sound-texture synesthesia, sounds will have different textures associated with them, which aren't always.. real textures? in which case I might get a little abstract with feelings idk I apologize in advance)
cub: solid like. 5/10? smack in the middle pretty much, like super smooth paper, the kind that pen doesn't dry well on
doc: 9/10 his intro is. ough. if you included the goat tapes in his rating?? infinity/10 but this is just about his voice s o. his intro is like. being able to pick up a piece of storm cloud and squeeze it... a lil spark, a lot of rumbling fluff, very very nice to feel
etho: 7/10? I love listening to his voice in General but his intro doesn't have the Best Feelings of his voice, it's like. something almost crunchy that crumbles when you squeeze it
false: 8/10!! it is So Nice!!! a lil bouncy bouncy in your chest kinda like driving on a hilly road!! makes me happy
gem: solid like. 4.5/10?? feels like Too Much Grass. no I don't know what the fuck that means please don't ask (I love her voice in general tho this is purely just the intro sjjfjd)
scar: one that rly surprises me bc I love watching him but scars intro is only like. a 2/10 at best?? esp the hermits and crafting part feels a little like rubbing styrofoam together but it's Fine it's worth it for scar content beloved
grian: 5/10, middle of the road like cub! kinda like a freshly baked sheet of cake c:
hypno: 4/10? it's like. accidentally putting too much honey on crunchy bread in a way that's good when u want honey but not as fun when u don't
jevin: 8/10!!!! love!!!! it's like. you know those gifs of people jiggling gelatin shaped like animals. it's like those, esp if they're shiny
impulse: 6/10, I do enjoy but it is Pretty Average djjfd he's just!! sorta like an old blanket that is pretty worn but feels so familiar and nice anyways, it's Good
iskall: hrmgh. this is a weird one bc objectively I love his intro. but synesthesia disagrees and says it's a 3/10 at Best, like wet carrot peels?? I don't even know man I'm upset at myself for that one
joe: 8/10! it's like house siding! somehow this is a good thing!
keralis: yes/10 he just has a Good Voice it's So Good it's like rabbit fur
pearl: 10/10 brain happy moments,,, it's just smooth water!! like river water I think where it doesn't quite feel Real but it pulls a little and is just the right amount of cool
ren: 6.5/10? it's very fun skfjd he's like what I imagine it would feel like to smash a tiny round lightbulb mixed with bouncy ball vibes
stress: 7/10! first thought was like the handle of a pestle but honestly just any vaguely smooth Holdable Thing would probably work too, big emphasis on Holdable her intro is holdable
tfc: 7.5/10!! it's like. the stone of a firepit still warm from a fire,,, just really good vibes
beef: 9/10!!!! his intro is like a merengue it's so Light and Melts <3
wels: 10/10 makes me wanna cry happy tears sometimes it just hits So Good it's like when u get that itch u couldn't scratch
xb: 9999/10 literally I could just listen to his intro on repeat for hours it's s o good I just want to bury my hands in it
xisuma: 6/10 just full of scrungle. like a floppy ferret. or a frisbee??
zedaph: solid 8/10! a little bit like trying to hold fireworks, it always makes me happy :D
cleo: 9/10! I love the way she says hermitcraft it's just Smooth and Concave and feels like you can slide down her words it's v v good,,
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minwooks-moved · 2 years
bieeeeee what do u think of the golcha cb !!! i'm listening to the album now but i just watched the mv and like. youngtaek hello ... 😵‍💫 sdf jdhbg how are u doing !!!!
eriiiiii i’m genuinely losing my minddddd 😭 they sound & look so so so good … still not fully processed them, tbh — like taek’s confidence … bongjae pink….. donghyun high-note….. just the overall line + screen distribution are u kidding me … and as for the songs !! from aura to miracle ….. going to try to coherently word my thoughts for each song but . will do so under the cut as i have .. a Lot to say JDBDDJ — but before that, i also wanna know your thoughts !! !! your feelings about it (esp about producer taek 👀) !! what song have you claimed as yours ??
aura : < She 3 .. she might honestly b my favesies of all their Intros intros u know … the orchestral instrumentals mixed with the digital ones … and sungyoon + joochan … i lov her … she’s so prettie :( really set the mood for replay + just the other sounds the bsides bring !! !! she !! !! !! !!
replay : her !! lyrics !! are so !! fun !! are u kidding … plus the visuals …. plusplus she reminds me of some of their earlier stuff ( like .. their debut mini? and the wish mini in particular i think ) and that’s so :,) plus her line distribution … and the way they play around with everyone’s vocals for the distribution ?? i’m so … i’m so …. bongjae u know …. i’m on my knees JFBFJF — and jibeom….. baeseung…… donghyun…….. i’m crumbling i tell u ….. and jjuntaekmin….. wajoo………… i lov when golcha u know
knocking on my door : bouncebouncebounce !! !! i haven’t looked up the lyrics yet, but … i can just tell they’re so cute :,) such a fun song to have after replay too !! like .. the instrumentals aren’t similar, but it’s still bouncy enough like replay that it’s not like &;?;&;! after it u know .. and their vocals really popped out in this one !! much like what they do in like .. boto & oasis & lady & milky way & breathe 🥺 esp taek’s ?? like ?? even if auto-tuned … sir 🤲🤲
3! 6! 5! : song of my heart … song of my soul .. the immediate click of ‘i lov u so bad’ i felt w/her … the teen boyband song that i didn’t know i needed to heal my heart until i heard it …. the instrumentals are very much more similar to the type of boyband music i was stuck on in middle/high school …. also i need u all to perceive donghyun & joochan & jibeom in it specifically before u perceive anyone else in it NDBFJF — boyband members of heart … Everyone knew the project but that trio … they Knew it … anyways also jjun & taek raps yeah …. Yeah…….. i need a performance for this song or i’ll cry …. really i Will ( i also have ideas w/How they should perform it & what they should wear but i won’t … i won’t go That far rn )
purpose : really starting to think taek wants to make people cry FJFBF — producing the Only ‘it should be on the playlist you listen to when you need a good cry’ song on the album … and also him opening it … :,) it still somehow matching the rest of the album … wh—and it ALSO being the song that’s been in the vault since 2019/2020(?) …. and him not knowing it was even up to be chosen for the album …… makes u wonder what Else from that time is still in the vault that’s like it u know ☹️ and the lyrics ☹️ and the instrumentals being so so prettie …. when i said it was the Only cry song on the album i Meant it …. like take my heart why don’t u … ( also their vocals for each part :((( i lov them so bad :( really knew what parts to give to who … ☹️💖 )
miracle : the opening …. The Opening …… boyband AND bounce …. also the way it Feels like a 180° from purpose … i haven’t looked up the lyrics for her yet either but .. vibes alone makes u feel like u went from lady to spell … 😵‍💫😵‍💫 but that aside …. have u heard jibeom …. have u heard bongjae …. have u heard sungyoon ….. if not i think u should, tbh … ALSO . once again sounds something similar to the wish mini … which is funny considering this is supposed to be a ‘serious’ cb …. whereas wish/genie was Not .. so .. very much a golcha-esque comeback i guess is what i’m really feeling ?? but u know … it’s a really good song to be the last one on the mini because of that, i think. it’s almost like a reset button to listen to aura again 🫶🫶
to sum everything up : 10/10 absolutely adore the mini & i need everyone + their family/friends to listen to it thank u DJFBFJ — feels very og golcha-esque 🥺 v much miss dae tho :,) jjun brought him up & said they talk to him pretty much everyday to the point he’s surprised he’s not sick of them yet JDBDJDB —
but anyways, thank u for asking eri-beloved !! 💖💘🥺 i’m .. again so sorry the paragraphs but .. i hav big incoherent thoughts … please gimme yours 🤲🤲
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daggerzine · 1 year
Heavenly- Le Jardin de Heavenly (Skep Wax reissue)
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You want some good news? It’s that Amelia and Rob (from Heavenly, of course) are reissuing all of the Heavenly albums on vinyl on their Skep Wax imprint. Not only that, but they are playing some shows these days, too (only in the UK at this point, but hey, we USA folks can hope and dream, right?)
Again, this reissue of Heavenly’s 2nd album is good (ok great) news!  This band was one of the staples of the Sarah Records roster (they released their records on K in the USA) and they were a very influential band on many fronts. Yeah, they got tagged as being “twee,” but I think that was mostly for Amelia Fletcher and Cathy’ Rogers’ vocals (plus to me twee is not a bad word).  Peter Momtchiloff is a master guitarist and the rhythm section of Rob Pursey on bass and the late Matthew Fletcher on drums keep everything grounded. In other words, some of these songs rock. At least rock as hard as anything that, say, Teenage Fanclub did.
“Starshy” is a great opener, but the next cut, the start/stop “Tool,” is even better. Elsewhere “Orange Corduroy Dress” is a smooth, jangly pop song and the marvelous (and just plain fun) “C Is the Heavenly Option” sounds as good today as it did when the record was first released (with vocals from K Records’ Calvin…...also check out the brand new video the band did for this song).
A few other gems on here include the melodically delicious “Sort of Mine” plus the bouncy “Our Love is Heavenly” and the driving, fist-pumping “Wrap My Arms Around Him.”
It’s as evident now as it was then that this band could really write a terrific pop song. I’m glad they’re back, even if it’s just for a short time, and very happy these classics are back in print.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Jimmy Fallon
Tom Holland x Sister!reader
Word Count: 776
Requested By: @unkn0wn2 @peachescream06
heyy not sure if you done this but could you write this pls…. can you do a one shot about a Jimmy Fallon interview where Tom Zendaya and Jacob are being interviewed and they bring up how Tom was seen out with a toddler and many people thought he had a child but he cleared things up and said that he had a little sister that not many people know about. So the next time they had a Jimmy Fallon interview they brought out the little sister.
(There were two requests that were pretty much the same thing so I combined them)
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Tom and the Spider-Man cast’s segment with Jimmy Fallon was almost done for the night. There were many laughs and almost spoilers but Tom managed to stay quiet. His team had prepared him for some of the questions but the last one took them all by surprise.
“Now Tom,” Jimmy started, “There were recently some photos of you and someone special,” he paused and waited until a paparazzi photo of Tom and you, his baby sister popped up, “And some fans went a bit crazy. Lots of them think this is your daughter?”
Tom laughed lightly before he spoke, “That’s actually my baby sister Y/n,” he said, “But you’re right. She is a very special person in my life.”
The crowd awed after hearing Tom gush about you.
“How old is she?” Jimmy asked him.
“Her fifth birthday is in a little less than a month.”
“And how are you guys celebrating it?”
“I’m not really sure. Y/n is at that age where her interests are bouncing all over the place. Right now it's worms. My parents are really hoping he doesn’t want a worm party,” Tom explained, trying not to laugh too hard.
“Worms? Like the bugs that crawl in the ground?” Jacob asked. He and Zendya both knew about you as Tom had taken you to set multiple times but this was the first time either of them had heard about your new interest.
“Yes,” Tom said, shrugging as if to say ‘I was thinking the same thing.’
“Your sister is weird,” Zendaya chimed in, “But she’s adorable so it’s balanced out.”
“And you’ll have to bring her here the next time you’re here,” Jimmy added, “I would love to meet your worm-loving little sister.”
Tom laughed again, “I’ll see what I can do.”
It had been a little over two years since the last time Tom was on Jimmy Fallon and like he said, he was able to get you to come along. Your seventh birthday just passed and he knew after posting about it, Jimmy was sure to bring it up. You being there would make it that much better.
“So Tom,” Jimmy started, “Your little sister recently turned seven.”
“Yes she did,” Tom said.
“And her party looked like a lot of fun. I wish I had a bouncy house like that,” he joked.
Tom laughed, “Me too. I was a bit jealous about it.”
Jimmy pulled up a photo onto the monitor, “Looks like you managed to get in on the fun.”
The photo showed you and Tom in the bounce house together, mid-jump and laughing. The party was only a short while ago but he already missed being home and spending time with you. He was starting a press tour for his next movie and he wouldn’t be home for a while. He was grateful he could at least spend your birthday with you.
“Speaking of Y/n, I actually brought her here today.”
“Really?” Jimmy exclaimed, “Is she able to come out on stage?”
“Sure,” Tom said, he looked over his shoulder to where you were backstage. You didn’t notice him at first so he whisper-shouted to get your attention, making the audience laugh lightly. You looked up and saw your older brother motioning for you to come over to him. You got up from the chair you had been told to stay in and walked onto the stage and quickly walked over to your brother.
The bright lights and the noises from the crowd were starting to scare you so you did your best to crawl onto his lap to try and hide from the sounds. Tom wrapped his arms around you to keep you on his lap and also to hold you closer to him. He figured the sounds and lighting would startle you a bit so he wanted to  make you comfortable.
“Sorry she’s a bit shy,” Tom said, explaining your behavior to everyone.
“No I’m not,” you said in a sassy voice.
“She’s a sassy thing isn’t she?” Jimmy teased.
“You have no idea,” Tom said.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Y/n,” Jimmy said, smiling at you.
You looked at Jimmy and back to your brother, looking up at him confused, “He talks funny.”
Everyone laughed at your comment, Jimmy and Tom included.
“No bubs, he has an American accent,” Tom explained, “He’s not from England like you are.”
“Oh,” you said, looking back to Jimmy
For the rest of the interview, Tom kept you on stage with him while Jimmy asked questions. You provided much needed seven year old thoughts and opinions, giving the interview more humor than before.
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @prentisswrites @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney @jjmybeloved @vxidsti1es @waxingmoonwrites @benbarnesbussy @hallecarey1 @freds-slut  @ssa-uglywhore27 @czlypso (for some reason I can’t tag you) @sweetpeterparker @im-in-love-with-pizza-bites @llpovi @bunnyweasley23 @mrchiipchrome @simpingbutch @graciegoeskrazy @glxwingrxse
@coffeeandbooksaddict @markhyucksmells
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sugar-petals · 3 years
:: playing 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN with bts
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➝ NOTE - for those who don’t know the game. the rules are: couples get randomly drawn/matched up and can do whatever they want in a dark room — but only for 7 minutes.
WORDS. 2k | scenario 
warnings. ⚠️ smut mentions, oral/handjobs, female reader, fluff, making out, vanilla
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⎡seokjin⎦➝ Would agree to participate just to mess with whoever suggested it. Quickly comes up with a plan to humor the boys by making fake noises and all sorts of made-up shenanigans with you inside the chamber. But obviously, completely random ones that can’t be actual moaning. „Woah, wow, oof, ah!“ Jin is the type to not even take it seriously if he has a big crush if it’s something to make everyone go ‚huh — what was that?‘ it’s fun to him. Bumps around in the room with his signature dance, shouts out nonsense, and twerks against the door singing to popular folk chart music just to startle whoever is listening. Uno reverse card incarnate, I’m telling you. His plan is successful, BTS will lose their minds and roll on the ground. Jimin will crawl on a sofa busting his lungs when Jin starts rubbing against the door while yodeling and throwing his ass back.
He also pulls the same idea when other members are in the room with their matched partners, making tapping and scratching noises or blasting innuendo-laden songs with his phone speakers out loud, making the players inside the room completely puzzled (and also less awkward or pressured to do something). Quickly spots when someone doesn’t want to do something and passes on the drawing hat for another couple. Also pretends to manipulate the scraps of paper just to make people beat him up. Teases everybody by the way they walk out after the bell rings. As always: Jin doesn’t need chaos, chaos needs Jin. He truly understands the advanced gist of this game.
⎡namjoon ⎦➝ Only eavesdrops in jest while others are playing, wiggling his brows to make Jimin and Jin laugh, not for real. Meanwhile, has a serious conflict about whether he should take a chance or not. This game could get personal quite easily. Probably dies from nervousness beforehand even if he doesn’t show the physical signs of it. But he’ll say he’s all shook up, and the whole thing evolves into just talking. Feels turned on for sure, but wouldn’t ask for something. Namjoon would stay passive if you touched him even if he liked it, the most he’ll do is lightly embrace you. Shoulder to lean on, an open ear, you can pour your heart out in those minutes. Free Joonie therapy, if you will. Very empathetic and accepting to whatever might happen or whatever you have to say. Might fall in love during the process, or at least realize something when the 6th minute ends.
You’d have to really mean it and Namjoon would have to have a moderate crush on you to start kissing. Would rather prefer some random mutual groping and laughing, but he knows he’d get hard and it’s tricky with consent. Follows what his assigned room partner does in that regard. Bangtan is guaranteed to be the most curious about him and go ‚ohh!‘ when the alarm goes off and the maknaes are ripping the door open. Jungkook will be eternally curious about what went down and interrogate RM jokingly, poking his cheek and his dimples saying ‚hyung, hyung, please, come on‘ like ten times in a row. Will keep things to himself, but will probably walk out the room with a first date or occasion to be completely by yourself as a couple.
⎡jungkook ⎦➝ In charge of sounding the alarm, and absolutely in his element. Has read a lot about the game and gets all fuzzy about even the mere idea. Bouncy on his seat, terribly shaky, tugs at his own shirt, fans himself with whatever is available. Unsure what to do at the moment, discusses back and forth with the maknae line to prepare himself for every possible scenario. But damn, he also wants to keep things to himself, so it’s a bit of a tightrope for him. Freezes completely after sitting down, but loves the idea of making weird meme sounds or working out together in the dark when you suggest it. Doing exercises to mislead the eavesdroppers — genius. Sit-ups, jumping jacks. You might just play patty cakes and lose it. Will copy a lot of Jin’s methods just to imitate him.
Add Jungkook doing some literal heavy duty shadow boxing (of course, at a distance from you, Jesus, he’s not gonna knock you out or something). The heavy breathing and casual laughter will cause quite a shock outside the room and have you walking around zombie-like in the dark. Careful, not to hit your toes or anything. After five minutes or so, Jungkook wouldn’t object to some light kissing, not on the mouth but you peppering his face with it. Exits the room flustered and breathless as hell, prompting all kinds of assumptions. But generally speaking, not much will happen — unless he finds a helium balloon, in which case he will start clowning the hell out of Namjoon with the ‚Rrrrap Monster‘ running gag, causing BTS to collapse outside the door and cursing Jungkook for being able to fool them with his plan.
⎡yoongi ⎦➝ Ask him and he takes no prisoners. None, zero, nada. If he has a crush on you and you like him back (and he can tell), the deal is sealed. Rolls with whatever you ask, will request you to be straightforward. He wants to make the most out of the time. It’s gonna be all making out. If you decline, no problem. He won’t make it awkward because he’s confident. You’ll just sit together giggling and fooling around instead. Shy for sure, he probably melts, but is also to the point: Because Yoongi likes the idea of giving physical affection a frame and chance like that whereas he’d feel cringey in other situations. Romantic or erotic, whatever you wish for. Will even grab your hand to hold while you walk into the room, causing all other participants to gasp out loud. He’s playing to win, my dudes. Yoongi will slut this game up and show them boys who doesn’t falsely brag about making somebody cum. Turning up the heat and making it all 18+ in a brand new HYBE room? Hyeah, screw Bang PD, this is revenge for making him a dancer. The new bighit building is now officially Yoongi’s fuck palace, and you always have his number, a second seven minutes and more always possible.
He’s there to give you everything you got. Down to rub your noses together, down to French kiss, will put his hand on the back of your head and really go in if he feels you’re comfortable. If you want to have a quickie, yes. He has condoms with him. This is gonna escalate fast, say the word and you’re riding him, and cum from all the adrenaline. If you want your boobs sucked, he will do it. If you want him to finger you, he’ll do it. If you want head, he’ll do it. Should you tell him you’re horny, no way he’s gonna leave you hanging. Five seconds and you’ll be banging, clothes on, semi-slow rhythm. You want dick? He has no problems or regrets, and will only smirk and smile but never tell anyone. This is gonna get so steamy. The room will be filled with soft breathing and heated faces after the door opens, while the outside members will have dropped jaws. Best at time management, instinctually stops 30 seconds before the alarm to get rid of the condom. Mysteriously, but he thought about every course of events in advance. This guy is a human clock.
⎡hoseok ⎦➝ Doesn’t understand the rules and asks Namjoon or Jin about them for like five times. Every other minute, he seems to have a new concern. „Um, but what are we supposed to do? What’s the name drawing order? Is it alphabetical? Why is it seven minutes long? What’s up with the alarm?“ Besides his existential crisis, he’s the co-clown in charge with Jin, making all kinds of noises at the door to cause general mayhem. Thanks to him, Jin will put on Chicken Noodle Soup and pound the rhythm against the door while Namjoon is improvising the lyrics to make them spicy. Reaction king as well as a moral compass, telling everyone what is okay and what isn’t while being clueless himself about what his plan is but that’s okay. Yoongi has to give him some pointers, but Hoseok finds Yoongi a bit too sly(therin) and sexy in his advice so he’d rather consult Namjoon who will say something ethical and vague.
Hobi has as much experience with the game as him so they wind up agreeing to just wait and see, and doing nothing. Freaks out several times in a row, jumps up and down whenever something even remotely interesting happens, has a comment for anything, and even falls to the ground when he learns that a member has really, physically made out with someone inside the room. He assumes this is just to do random things in there and only pretend, and acts accordingly. Meeping and squealing and screaming all the way once the lights go out. Almost gets a heart attack when his name is drawn. Might decline at first to first see how the other members are doing. Gets genuinely surprised should you ask him for a kiss, and can’t make up his mind. Epitome of on edge.
⎡ jimin ⎦➝ Pulls the scraps of paper with everyone’s names on them. Arguably looks like a matchmaker indeed! Goddamn, he’s a Libra, of course he has cupid vibes, but wow is Jimin turning to absolute jelly once he suspects someone to have made a move. Yes, he ready his members to filth over this, counts one and one together, he’s like a police investigator. Closely involves himself in any couple that is drawn. Namjoon teases that only two people can get into a room. „Or shall we change the rules, Jiminie?“ To which he will be reduced to a puddle of embarrassed smiles. Deep down, he actually might go in there as three, but only with specific members (read: soulmate Taehyung). Wants to be the lucky one, pouts and stomps, laughs and whines, the full spectrum. Once he pulls your name and his out of the cereal bowl early on in the game, Jimin’s first lovey-dovey tantrum involves hitting everyone who teases with his tiny fists, and man, you’ve not seen a guy blush and get loud like this.
In the room, he will make many a confession, not necessarily about him just shit-talking, and there’s plenty of bickering anyway. Caught in a play of should we, should we not, should we, or maybe not? The push and pull is intense to say the least. After flirting and such, you might end up with a bit of skinship and Jimin already finds that the absolute height of what can happen in this room. Yep, he finds that scandalous already, and so secretive, forbidden, thrilling. Oh my god, our arms touched! So he’s guaranteed to have a crisis when hearing what the other members did in the room during their turns, if he didn’t hear it through the door already. Also: Might sing for you. It’s really sweet. Silently, not loud for the others to really hear, though they kind of do. Will knee anybody who will give him provoking gazes after the game ends, and keeps anything that happened to himself — he’s actually grumpy when the members get all nosy.
⎡taehyung ⎦➝ Might have been the one to suggest the game, so. You know who will enjoy himself. In one way or the other, it really is a wheel of fortune in his case. Master of the stopwatch, too, every second counts, totally kept on his toes by the game. Will definitely turn up, this is pure excitement to Taehyung. The members will tease him for having such a glowy face — is he sweating? His voice is unusually high-pitched when he’s talking, huh. Looks like there’s a hidden recklessness junkie in Bangtan. It’s not just the prospect of him getting his turn, but also seeing how the other couples do. He claps all the time and is delighted at the developments during the evening. „Yes, come on!“ „So cute, so cute!“ „I knew it!“ — all the time, more talkative than ever. Taehyung loves the risk of it although most members don’t opt for something taboo or anything, and mostly just fool around like kids anyway (with Yoongi being the adult exception, cough, which will make Taehyung lose it for the next two days or so).
Might be all flirty and suggestive at first, and walk in there with you all smiling, but will end up in a playfight and tickle war. This just got a cuddly twist and nobody expected it. All the members thought he’d go for something sexy, at least a little bit — when you actually sit down, Taehyung’s confidence dwindles, or rather, gets substituted by a synergy of your mischief lmao! Making out is suddenly a second priority. Jin outside the door is living his best life hearing Taehyung get tickled so viciously. If you’re still curious about what would go down? Depends on how fast you are. He might tease you a little, pinch your cheeks and such, but not go any further. If something happens, it’s gonna be initiated by you. Handjob, the classic. But clothed. Yup, with some grinding and winding, Taehyung biting down on his hand, and one massive hard-on. Gonna be so awkward when he steps out of the room with his pants all jizzed up. Glad he always wears that long and loose clothing. Probably there for a reason.
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