#and boy am I barking to gatekeep
School Of Rock
Orpheus & Sister!Reader, Dream of the Endless & Daughter!Reader + a bit of dream x reader
Summary: "YEAH!" he makes an sheesh face, "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT!" "ORPHEUS QUICK, DREAM'S COMING." "SHIT," he grabs his sister and the guitar, "SCRAM!" "SHIT!" "NO, DON'T SAY THAT!"
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: a smidge of mom!reader x dream, literal baby girl!reader, angsty teen!orpheus, dad's not here so let's go wild 😎 -orpheus, babysitter!matthew, being emo is genetic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: I am currently mourning (update: eternally) orpheus because i finished book 7 and now i dont know what to do with my life. I had an ask for this, and honestly, i regret answering like that cos idk if that nonnie will ever see this T_T COME BACK NONNIE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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"That went well!" I grinned as I turned to Dream, who was vibrating in anger as he watched the 'impudent' boy storm off. He turns over to me with a shocked and hardened expression. He growls, "my son just threatened to curse you. I do not take that lightly." I furrow my brows as I chuckle and pull Dream in for a hug, "nah. That was a bluff. He likes me," I sigh through a smile, "he held back his laughter to my jokey-jokes a couple times." Dream stiffens as my arms go around him. He looks and thinks there was a foolishness to this optimism; it was borderline denial. Still, he says nothing and returns the embrace.
"Who goes there?"
He tilts his head up to the three gatekeepers, "Orpheus," he flares his arms out, making the fringes on the sleeves of his leather jacket wobble with the air, "prince of the Dreaming."
Wyvern brings its face close to the figure clad in black, looking at him for a good few seconds, and finally recognizes him. "So it is. Apologies, your grace. We did not recognize you because of your attire."
Orpheus pushes his shades down and tilts his black cordobes hat back. His distressed black eyeliner made his blue eyes appear even bluer. His black painted lips curve into a grin, "no harm done."
"I must inform you that we were instructed by our master to disallow your entrance if you are to be hostile with the princess child; as she is currently here in the Dreaming," Griffin speaks.
"Do you swear that there shall be no hostility toward your half sister from you?" Hippogriff questions.
Orpheus chuckles dryly and clenches his jaw.
The three gatekeepers ask at once, "do you swear it?"
He sucks in a deep breath then pulls a smile, "I swear to the gods of Olympus, and on my mother, Calliope, I will not be hostile to the girl."
Needless to say, Orpheus was grumbling the whole time he walked down the halls of the Dreaming. His eyes twitched when he heard an echo of girlish giggles from the throne room.
He huffs through his nostrils and crosses his arms when he sees a raven flying low around the room and a little girl chasing after it with an open mouthed smile.
Both creatures freeze when the bard barks out the girl's name viciously.
She squeaks and comes to an abrupt halt, falling on her hands and knees because of this. Her keeper, Matthew the Raven, swoops down next to her in concern. Undeterred, she ignores Matthew and looks to her approaching figure with wide eyes.
"Where is father?" Orpheus asks.
Matthew answers, "he's out doing some errands."
He raises a brow, "and her mother?"
The black bird raises a wing, "I would assume she is the errand."
Orpheus chokes on his spit and begins to cough violently.
"I'm taking care of her for the meantime."
He heaves as he attempts to level himself. He scoffs and points, "you?" He walks over to the child, "insanely irresponsible to leave a child to a bird, isn't it?"
"Hey! I'm a great babysitter," Matthew argues, "and between me and the Pumpkin, I'm wayyyyy better."
Orpheus watches the girl push herself up and look up at him with wary eyes. He notices the way she flinches back and how her hands fidget, and somehow the reaction makes his chest tighten. How... dare she?! His emotions bubble into anger. He imposes upon the tiny thing and leans forward, hands, with painted glittery red polish, coming to his knees. He pushes his shades down and raises a thick brow, "what's wrong, little girl? Scared?"
The girl takes a look at his darkened eyes, and Orpheus is certain she's about to cry.
Yet, instead, he, himself, flinches when the girl breaks into a squeal and jumps into him. Orpheus pulls back in surprise, but she still manages to dart her arms out to his shoulders and very nearly choke him in an embrace.
His hand comes to the girl's back, intent on exaggerating injury for effect and pry her off. But then she rubs her face into his shoulder and shrieks, "Orphy!" She mutters sweetly against him, "missed you."
He glares at Matthew when he coos at the manipulative toddler's words.
Against himself, the hand which meant to yank her away rubs her back gently. He feels a blush creep on his face as he slowly pulls away from the seemingly unwilling child. He adjusts his glasses as he straightens up and looks down upon the beaming little sister he regretfully has and clears his throat, "whatever. I don't care."
Matthew chuckles at that, making Orpheus snap at him, "beat it, bird."
"Hell no," the bird croaks, "I'm her babysitter. My eyes will be on her the entire time, which means now, they'll be on you too."
Orpheus rolls his eyes, "ugly."
If Matthew had eyebrows, he'd raise one of them for the emo child's random insult.
The series of events that play out after was, in Orpheus' eyes, truly indicative of the conniving nature of the girl. Somehow, she managed to make Orpheus allow her to not only redo his makeup (as in wash it off and do it all over again), place stickers on his bare arms (he removed his jacket and was left in his makeshift muscle tee) and put clips and ribbons all over his hair (he may go bald now), but she also made him cook for her (and Matthew) and steal his confiscated electric guitar from the vault (all her idea)! The fact her parents were blind to her evil was astounding.
Orpheus was even encouraged by the raven to continue with the shenanigans, so if anything, it was clear that even Matthew was unsafe to her mind games.
Right now, he had his mint blue guitar plugged to some effects pedals and an amp, and he was intent of blowing the brains of this kid off with his sick guitar riffs.
Unfortunately for the Master of Riffs™, she was most impressed by his rendition of Ba Ba Blacksheep, and not even a rock version with cool distortions and wah effects, just... just babablacksheep.
Matthew croaked in approval as the girl clapped her hands after Orpheus finished singing.
Ever the rock star, the guitarist pushes his instrument back and bows, a few plastic clips falling to the ground as casualty. At the ready, the girl darts up from the floor she was sat and grabs the clips, raising her hands up to put it back on her beloved brother's hair.
Orpheus instinctively gets down on his knees and lowers his head to her. Matthew so very much wanted to tease him in this moment, but he didn't want him to suddenly snap at him and her because of it.
She shakily, as toddlers do, clipped the pink gel accessory back in his dark hair. Orpheus has to readjust it so that it wouldn't fall off. He smirks, his cheeks covered in way too much red power blush and his lips overlined with sparkly lip gloss (he has no idea why this child has makeup to begin with), "thanks kid."
Said kid, eyes lined with matte liner, cheeks drawn with crooked hearts (what? If she can put makeup on him, he could put makeup on her), exclaims, "think yew!"
Orpheus laughs. But then he catches himself when Matthew joins in, so his face falls.
He clears his throat and shifts onto his butt, removing the guitar strap form his body, "c'mere, let me teach you how to play Ba Ba."
"BA BA BLACK SHEEP?!" she excitedly jumps to his lap.
He grunts at the impact but only adjusts her on his thigh and places the electric guitar on her.
She excitedly grabs onto the neck of the instrument and begins to strum with her little fingers.
"Ouch," she gasp, pulling her hand back at the unforeseen snip her soft finger received from the sharp steel strings.
"Shit," Orpheus mutters, taking her hands and inspecting it before handing her the pick in his hand, "here." He places the pick between her fingers and guides her arm into a slow strumming motion.
The girl's jaw drops at the sound she was able to produce. She looks back at her brother and lights up, stars in her baby girl eyes.
Orpheus chuckles instinctively, "yoooo, you did that! Gnarly bruh."
"NARY!" she squeals and makes sudden attempts to stand from his lap.
" 'M ORPHY!" she calls, just as Orphy leans in and adjusts the straps on her, so that she could carry the guitar easier.
Orpheus' stomach drops as the girl struggles to her feet, but with a little help, she gets up and slowly turns to him, smiling from ear to ear as the guitar slowly slipped from her grip.
Once she had a better grasp on the electric instrument, she slowly walks to the pedal board and steps on one of the knobs, just as she saw her older sibling do. The thing was, she was too light to actually turn on the effect, and so Orpheus presses down on it to enable it.
She begins to sing Ba Ba Black Sheep in a high key, and skids the plastic magenta pick back and forth over the pickup. With one hand pressed firmly on the neck, she effectively mutes out most of the sounds she would have produced, and yet, it could not be denied that her performance was stellar.
Orpheus thinks it must run in the family (she gets it from him).
"BRAVA!" Matthew calls from the side, making her turn to him and smile bright.
The way she looks at the raven in delight makes Orpheus scowl at him. This was why he shifted on his knees and clapped his hands, cheering much louder, "BRAVISSIMA!"
Matthew flutters upward, "STUPENDA!"
Orpheus turns to the bird as he flies over the girl, making her squeal in glee. Drats... his Italian was stunted.
So, he rains her with Greek compliments, but she was too busy watching the bird fly around to notice.
Stupid bird.
By the time they're caught, Orpheus had successfully and impressively taught her how to do a C chord, as well as an Em chord. Baby girl tried her best to shift between them to actually play a progression, but her little fingers could barely hang on, so in the end, Orpheus magicked the chords (sat behind her and did the chords himself) as the girl did her darndest to strum, and she gratefully giggled as the two doting on her cheered for her performance.
It was Dream that caught the children playing together. Well, in truth, they weren't really caught, because he knew everything that was going around in his realm. He had felt a disturbance from within the vault and knew it was his son stealing his confiscated object (confiscated precisely because he was nasty to his sister once before) even though he was preoccupied. But since he had better things to do, he let it slide.
Dream took me by the hand and lead me quietly down the hall, intent on showing me something. I was really nervous to see what it was, considering the fact he kept rubbing my knuckles and muttered I should try not to react too much.
Needless to say, I had to bite him on his shoulder to shut myself up.
Dream broke into a smile as he felt me wrap my arms around him from behind. He brushes my arms gently and turns to me from over his shoulder, "they've been together ever since Orpheus arrived. He has been teaching her to play his instrument"
I muffle my mewl and feel my bottom lip quiver at the sight of my beaming little girl, giggling with her older brother.
Dream looks back at them and whispers, "shall we join them?"
"No!" I mutter quickly, "let them-" I choke on my words as I feel myself begin to sob, "let them have their moment."
Orpheus eyes him for that, knowing he was trying to egg him on, but then he melts when the girl giggles. He cannot contain the gasp that leaves him when he hears her say, "I fink Orphy iz- his GREATEST!"
The raven laughs, "hear that?" He turns to tease him, "she th-- ... ... are you crying?"
Dream makes a hmp sound and feels me laugh against him before I start crying even harder.
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Musing Maple
Requested by @birchwood-path some musings on the Maple.
I live in maple syrup country; maples are EVERYWHERE. Sugaring season is a big deal here, not only does it generate revenue but it's very much time for community. If you were to ask around, I think almost everyone would be able to tell of some very fond memories of the sugar-shack, the stories and jokes their friends, family and neighbors shared waiting anxiously to buy syrup. Clouds of sweet-smelling steam filling the air, kids clamoring for maple taffy. The sugarmakers patiently attending the boiling sap, sometimes giving out samples of fresh warm syrup. Maybe some would be able to recant their time collecting the sap, trudging out in knee-deep snow, praying they don't spill a drop. Long before our sugarshacks and [insert state name here] Maple Sundays the native peoples had been making syrup. One story I've been told states that during a time of food scarcity someone noticed a squirrel drinking the tree's sap. they tried it for themselves and found it unpalatable, I can't quite remember how but eventually it decided the sap will be boiled. I've heard it suggested that this or the maple's inner bark was a survival food for first nations peoples. Another story I've seen involves a young boy throwing his tomahawk at a tree, sweet sap flowed out and maple syrup was discovered.
I tend to look to things that were and are important to both the settlers and the first peoples, so as long as said thing is not especially sacred (sweetgrass for example), for aide in learning how to approach this land and rectify my ancestors' mistakes. Thankfully I have native family who I can ask if what I'm doing is appropriate or not. Maple and broadleaf plantain (blog coming soon) I work with in this capacity. Maple, I understand as a tutelary spirit. I approach them almost as would approach the guardian spirit of a place or thing- I see them as a gatekeeper. I ask to be humbled, to be taught a kinder way. To be in right relations with the land and the dead this tree {spirit} has provided for since ages ago. I seek their blessing and tutelage before and while I learn from the spirit of a native plant that I'm unfamiliar with. I see them as the lifeblood of the land, sustaining generation upon generation with their arboreal blood. Great provider, Hail! gifting us saccharine sustenance when all else is barren. In the same way community is built and strengthened around the sugarhouse so too is community, spirit community, built under Their branches.
For the sap to rise we need freezing temps at night and above freezing daytime temps. This, where I am, tends to occur late January-March. Sometimes the start of sugaring season happens to line up quite nicely with St Brigid's Feast; regardless, it's the first sign of winters wane, of the spring to come. I very much see this tree as carrier, emissary or perhaps even embodiment of the "serpent in the land" we are all so familiar with. Recently I have been toying with the idea of invoking said serpent as the "white" or maybe "clear" snake- rather than the red serpent often spoken of, due to the clear sap which herald's springs impending return. Coupled with the fiery orange the leaves turn in fall I am hoping this will work quite nicely. Especially since fire-in-the-water is important to me.
I also find maple syrup a wonderful offering to the land and the dead. In certain instances, (not all, honeyed dairy imo is required sometimes) I have found it more appropriate than honey, I'll sweeten milk or cream with it the same way one would with honey. I think of this as a fitting show of adapting our traditions to the land in a way that acknowledges first peoples and our history while giving a nod to my ancestral european trads/lore.
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dtupdates-archive · 1 year
♡—DREAM was active on DreamFanartAcc! He liked:
hot tea
Patches showing off her Halloween costume :)
he loves football! 🦅🔥🏈
He’s glowing ☺️✨
I think he's a fan
sorry for not posting :[
king of snakes
i don't know anything about football but i know they won ❗❗❗
I painted Dream in my oil painting class! It was super fun and I am once in my life kind of happy with how it turned out!
What's their band name? I'm thinkin… (Thinkin about you).. Dessert Boys! 🥺
bark like you want it 😁(old edit)
im not dead (its a wip)
pumpkin patches in a pumpkin patch 🎃
Clown! drm and patches, bc I’ve been gatekeeping
oh well that’s okay with me 🤷‍♀️💸 (glitch/flash warning!!)
I think bros a fan
here have a WIP
boomer sooner 😼
hes the mincraft god !!!!!
Im late to drawing this hope you guys dont mind haha
today's mood
it's been a while and i'm strugglin to draw in general, but have a doodle of my precious boy <3
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liliansun · 1 year
day 17/365 of haechan appreciation~
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the sunflower urge to gatekeep is strong today (once again)
i'll be honest - i hate writing in anything other than black.
6 questions for a bored/procrastinating sunflower :)... lilac i'm expecting answers btw and i'll share mine below
what are your three favourite hairstyles/hair colours on haechan and tell me why in detail
how would you describe haechan to a friend?
if haechan were a demon, what are the five items (doesn't necessarily have to be 'items' either) you're using in the pentagram to summon him?
6 reasons why you like him? (short answers. bullet points. essays - just give my man some loooove)
if you had haechan as a contact in your phone, what would his contact name be?
what do you think people overlook or may miss about haechan? something you wish he got more credit for? (something like that - 'you may miss at first glance if you're not looking at him the way I am' kinda thing)
fuck. so many options. i want him to do that silver/white hair colour again from superhuman and get appreciated more for it. loved that red on him. purple too...... black. i don't actually know.
i think an actual conversation i've had about him is - *onslaught of photos* he's my baby. what do you think of him? // i approve. he's pretty. // i'm glad you know.
personally - kimchi jjigae, his camera, renjun, bucket hat, anything remotely related to michael jackson.
always wins. incredibly clever and witty. belongs on stage (everywhere) - he just knows where to look/how to act etc. articulate speaker. his smile and laughs. SO RNB ORIENTATED.
here's his options; (1) jjigae (2) beba (3) kiddo (4) baby (5) sunshine sunmine (not really it just came to my head) (6) the reason i'm going to die an early death
he's seriously overworked (not a secret) but i think he thrives from it? like take his hiatus for example - it was like he was restless throughout the whole thing. i think his stage has oddly become his comfort space?
listen, purple is my favourite colour but this just does not feel right.
Listen, having to change my color palette on the app doesn’t make it any better 😭 OKAY OKAY LEMME ANSWER.
1. PURPLE. it’s my favorite color overall so it’s kinda 🤭biased but purple hyuck really has a special place in my heart. Black haired hyuck makes me..feral. Like I literally become another thing I’m not even human atp I might as well be a dog bc I’m barking and howling at the moon for black haired hyuck. Lastly (and I don’t think we’ve gotten this like in actuality but have had a taste of it) I want BLUE HAIRED HYUCK. y’all know Jeno and Nana and even mark ROCK The blue hair,, just let hyuck have it please I’ll literally PAY. 👰‍♀️
2. (This is giving me butterflies just thinking about it) okay how would I describe him to a friend,, I’d probably say he’s the light on the darkest days. His smile instantly brings smiles to everyone around him and he’s funny,,the kind of funny that makes your stomach hurt when you laugh too much. He’s kind and caring and the most considerate person I think I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet and boy is he clingy, but if he wanted me to I’d hold him and never let him go and tell him how much he is appreciated and loved and how deserving he is of all he has and will become.
3. IF HYUCK WAS A DEMON PLEASE LET HIM BE MY DEMON PLEASE EITHER HIM OR RENJUN LETS BE HONEST. Ehm I’ll be setting up my lil pentagram w ofc a steaming hot bowl of kimchi jjigae, the nail ring the dreamies wear, a hoverboard from chewing gum, a Michael Jackson vinyl (thriller ofc) and probably doyoung so hyuck has something to do when I’m at work 🤭
4. Only 6?? Okay,, that’ll be hard but I’ll narrow it down. (1) his dedication to his music and performances makes my heart feel full (2) his laugh, oh boy his laugh really just replays in my head whenever I hear it sometime throughout the day on a video or etc. god I love his laugh. (3) the way he loves and takes care of his younger members in nct but also cherishes and absorbs all the love from the older (specifically 127) members. (4) his teasing of his members and even the fans, he just knows which buttons to push and when to stop and I cannot tell you how bad I’ve laughed w this boy just egging the dreamies (5) his entire fucking existence likee 🤕🫶 (6) his voice,, it literally gives me chills and I cannot describe the serotonin boost I get when I see him on my feed,, also his stage presence?? IMMACULATE. FUCKING. IMMACULATE.
5. POOKIE BEAR is one, hyuck 🫶 is another, the bane of my existence (affectionate) is another one I think of a lot, baby daddy is def a crowd favorite and lastly my sun 🫶
6. Honestly I wish people paid more attention to him when he’s feeling dejected and idk if it’s obvious, but he deals w a lot (I’m not him so idk this factually but I think it’s worse w the dreamies) and kinda keeps to himself when he looks like he’s down in his mood and it’s just sad bc people love him and appreciate him but at the same time walk all over him and it’s just sad,, I just think sometimes some things are taken too far and it hurts him more than we know—so I want people to appreciate the fact that he takes shit w a grain of salt when it comes to some things
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junoscrybeofshadows · 3 years
She had warned him not to wander too far from the glades, but Dagmar had always been far too testy for his own good. Always looking for the new, for the exciting, and for the dangerous. Not that he was ever any good at danger, but he was good at protecting his friends. Maybe that’s why when he woke up in the valley alone, he felt more mortified than anything. No one to protect here other than himself.
Standing and gripping his shorts quietly, the boy began to walk along the grass with his pale bare feet, biting his lip as he stared into the sky full of stars. Not long after this did his eyes traverse to a small path at the side, his ears picking up on the sound of laughter and the chitter of dogs. He had always liked dogs, Dagmar noted as he nearly tripped over himself, walking forwards quietly. His eyes seemed slightly glossy as his heart pounded in his chest, wondering where he was, how he had gotten there.
Approaching the onyx gates to pear between the bars, the silver haired boy let his own sapphire eyes stare at the surrounding areas, clenching his jaw slightly in irritation and anxiety before slowly swallowing and calling out.
“He-… Hello?”
@/scrybeofchance -Haya
The sound of hearty laughter and canine barks grow louder and louder the closer Dagmar steps closer to the gate. The laughter becomes clearer to the ear as he spots the owner of the laugh through the gate's bars. It was a man standing almost as tall as the hedges that lined either side of the gate and cladded in silver and gold armor, his face made of a shadowy matter outlined with red line that make out his features. Despite laughing however he has no mouth to speak of that does little to keep him from laughing as he pets a Hound pup on it's head.
The pup has a bandage wrapped around its left front paw, a bandaged Dagmar remembers wrapping around it before chasing after the dog!
Hearing him call out however the man's laughter slowly comes to a halt, his body turning till his lone crimson eye catches glimpse of boy behind the gate and for a moment one could see his face twist into a confused look as he kneels down to be at eye level with the lad
"Greetings young one," He says his voice rough and semi hoarse most likely caused by his laughter, but he tries his best to sound as friendly as he could as he introduces himself. "I am Bernard the Gatekeeper, a gatekeeper who's surprised that you ended up on that side of the gate..Perhaps Lady Juno gave you one of her transportation marbles Hmm..Might I ask what your name is my boy?"
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sammininoofthelord · 3 years
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Fourth chapter of the 5+1 "5 times Aziraphale shielded Crowley from the rain, and one time he didn't." !
Collab with @zeckarin-blaise
Right after the museum, our boys join the Pride Parade.
Continuation of the previous part!
You can read it on Ao3 by Zeckarin or bellow
Crowley looked around, frowning deeply. Next to him, Aziraphale stood close, holding out his tartan umbrella over the two of them.
Usually, the joyous chaos of the Parade always made Crowley happy, if only because of the annoyed looks of some stupid buggers looking at it with contempt (always a lark to invent a good curse for those), but at the moment the only thought on his mind was to help his friend feeling better.
Aziraphale seemed fine, but Crowley knew him enough to notice the slight differences. The angel’s smile wasn’t as bright as usual, and his whole demeanour was subdued.
“Stop that, I can see your head thinking,” he told him with a pout.
Aziraphale startled, then offered him an apologetic look. “I am fine, Crowley, I assure you.”
“You’re thinking about them, don’t deny it, I know you. You think way too much about what they think of you. So what if you don’t check all their stupid little boxes? They’re just afraid because you’re different.”
“Aha!” cried Aziraphale in triumph, pointing his finger at his friend, “so you do agree that I am weird compared to other angels!”
Crowley spluttered. “Ngk! Wh--nnhyeaa--no! I didn’t say that!”
The angel raised an unimpressed eyebrow. Crowley grimaced. The thing was, Aziraphale was weird, by angels and humans standards. But it was good weird! That was the part Aziraphale always had trouble understanding.
Looking around again at the colourful crowd, Crowley felt the familiar tinge of a demonic idea taking root.
A slow grin made its way on his lips, and he turned to Aziraphale with a judgemental expression.
“There is nothing wrong in being queer, angel!” he said very loudly.
A good dozen of people stopped to stare at them, almost all of them sporting colourful flags.
Aziraphale gasped loudly, eyes widening in horror.
“I did not--I would never--” he stammered, looking from one startled human to the other before turning furiously to Crowley, “This was taken out of context! I never wanted to imply that there was anything wrong with--”
A young girl with pink hair patted his arm. “Don’t worry, Sir, no one would ever believe you to have something against being queer.”
The others nodded in agreement. There were thousands of people in the street, most of them wearing very explicitly queer outfits, and still this man in all his prim and proper layers of clothes looked gayer than them all.
Aziraphale straightened his bow tie with a pleased little smile. “Why, thank you, my dear! This is awfully nice of you to say.”
“I know how you feel. My girlfriend can be a jerk too,” added the girl before heading away with her friends.
Aziraphale sent a sly smile to Crowley, with the look of a cat that not only got the cream, but the whole pantry. “Did you hear the young lady, dear boy? Her girlfriend, apparently, is just like you.”
Crowley barked out a laugh, and shook his head fondly. “Come on, you bastard, let’s celebrate. I know you’re dying to join them.”
“Of course I do! What more proper place for an angel of the Lord than this? Love, acceptance, community, solidarity! I would never miss it for the world.”
Crowley lowered his glasses to Look at him. The angel bit his lip contritely. “Ah, yes. Wrong choice of words, maybe, given the context.”
The demon sniggered, then snapped his fingers to change his outfit in something more fitting to the occasion*.
*Crowley made a point of always being trendy and flashy, and his usual attire would not fit the purpose here.
“Speaking of acceptance, angel, just spotted some gatekeepers. Back soon, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Aziraphale looked up in concern, realised the rain had stopped, and folded his umbrella happily. “Have fun, my dear! I am certain you will find very interesting curses for them, like being asked their ID every time they try to order a drink for the rest of their existence.”
Crowley stopped and stared at him, his eyes huge and fully yellow behind his sunglasses. “This… is actually a very good idea.”
“Let the punishment fit the crime and all this,” answered the angel with a satisfied smile.
Grinning like a shark, Crowley walked away, eyes focussed on his prey. Not for the first time, he thought that it was a very good thing that his best friend was working for the opposition.
Had Aziraphale been a demon, he would have been quite the competition.
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
Chapter 10: Knowledge and new friends
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Hours later the group of Parabatai returned to the institute, their heads hanging low. Izzy was running up to them as they walked in but draw up short as she sees them. Running up next to her came Xander and Ruthie. Seeing their face they all went ghost white.
“What happened?” Ruthie asked?
“We failed…” Angelique sighs. Jace and Mekyle punch the wall they were each standing next to. This made Clary jump a little. Alec walked over and placed his hand on Jace’s shoulder.
“Hurting yourself is not going to do us any good. We need to find the Prince of hell and send him back,” Alec says.
“Or kill him!” Simon snaps
“We will make this right. We are Shadowhunters,” Izzy says, offering them all a warm smile.
“Plus we got a leg up on Sinara now,” Ruthie says with a bright smile.
Jace worlds around and glares at her. This makes Ruthie cringe back, losing her smiles. “A leg up! A leg up! How the hell is letting a prince of hell free into our world a Damn leg up newbie!”
Xander steps in front of Ruthie and right into Jace’s face. “I respect that you're our institute head and I know you could most likely kill me six ways from Sunday but I won’t let any member of my squad be talked to like that!”
Jace’s face goes red and he balls up his fist and starts to swing at the young Shadowhunter when faster than anyone could blink Alec has grabbed Jace by the arms and was halling him back. Jace was fighting Alec the whole way. Xander however did not move from in front of his teammate.
Clary quickly got into Jace’s face and glared at him. “Jace knock it off. They were not there they don’t know what happened plus let’s see what this leg up Ruthie is talking about really is.”
Jace goes limp in Alec’s arms, his face Softening. Clary turns and looks at Xander and Ruthie. “Ok guys, what is this leg up you are talking about?”
Ruthie gives out a little squeak and steps out from behind Xander. “Is he going to yell at me again?”
“No honey it’s ok now,” Clary says with a soft voice.
“We have one of the gatekeeper here.” Ruthie slowly replied.
“What?” Simon spoke up and moved in front of Jace, Alec, and Clary.
“We made a trip to the Shadow Market and Learned. That an old friend of mine is one of the gatekeepers.” Izzy explained.
“You know a really old Shadowhunter?” Mekyle asks, raising an eyebrow.
“No, she is a downworlder.” She replays
“Huh,” the group of Parabatai all looked very dumbfounded.
Izzy leads them to the infirmary with Xander and Ruthie at each side of her. Cassandra was laying in one of the beds, her right arm was wrapped in bandages. She slowly set up her eyes flicking yellow like a dog.
“Guys this is Cassandra Willows she is a warlock,” Izzy says and points to Cass.
“Sup guys great place you got here,” Cass says with a cheerful voice. Ruthie walks over and looks at the bandages and shakes her head and starts unwrapping the bandages and points to Xander then to the cabinet that has the clean new bandages. “Sorry, Doc the wound started itching.”
“You're healing fast and all but I want you to keep this clean and wrapped,” Ruthie orders her as Xander hands her the new bandages. Ruthie starts wrapping Cass’s arm again.
“Push little thing ant she?” Cass says with a giggle.
“You have no idea.” Xander, Mekyle and Angelique say in unison.
Alec walks over to Cass and puts his hand out. “Hello, Cassandra, I am Alec Bane-Lightwood, Console of the Clave.” Cass blinked and shocked his hand with a look of duda I know who you are. “We understand you are one of the Gatekeepers. What gate do you look over and where is it?”
This made Cass go white and her eyes darted around the room mental mapping a way out of the room. Right as she was about to throw the blanket off and head for the exit. Xander lad a hand on her shoulder and smiles at her.
“Trust us Cass, we want to keep all the Gates safe.” He says and ameetly Cass softens and looks back at Alec.
“I guard over the gate of Gluttony.” Cass answers but was cut off by Simon before she could finish
“The Gate of what?” Simon asks
“The Gate of Gluttony you know like the sin,” Cass states coldly looking at Simon. “You do know what the 9 circles of hell are, don’t you?” Everyone turns to Simon and he just stands there looking confused.
“You mean like the Anime?” He asks.
“No you nerd the Book!” Jace snaps.
“It’s the same thing,” Simon mutters.
“The gate here in New York is Limbo. Seeing as New York was the place where other countries came to the U.S. Hersheypark of Pennsylvania sits the Gate of Gluttony.” Cass says, laying one of her hands on top of Xander’s.
“Why there?” Angelique asks
“Most sites of the gates have some ties to what gate is belt there. Gluttony is simple with a theme park.” Cass answers, trying to sit up on the side of the bad. Xander held his hand out to her and she smiled and blushed, taking his hand. “I will take you to the gate. If this Sinara wants to open my gate she has got one hell of a fight on her hands.”
“We can’t all go,” Alec says
“And why not?” Izzy asks.
“We need to keep A group of Shadowhunters here so that New York stays safe” Alec explains
“He is right, we can’t leave New York unprotected,” Clary adds.
As the group tried to decide who was going and who was staying. A ring from the Institute doorbell came. Jace, Alec, Clary, and Angelique break away to go answer the door. Standing at the door when Jace opened it was Bat the local werewolf clans secant in command. Alec gave him a very odd look. “Bat what are you doing here?”
“Is Maia here?” He barks out.
“Huh?” Jace says
“Are all you Shadowhunter stuped or death? Where is Maia” Bat snaps out his eyes glowing yellow.
“Stand down Lykin. Don’t make me put you down!” Jace yells out moving into Bat’s personal space.
“Like to see you try. No one to stop me this time blondy.” Bat growls low in his through.
Before Alec could move in between the two men Angelique was already there pushing them apart. In a very Com and even voice, she speaks to them “ok guys this is not the time and remember we are at peace here. Bat, Maia is not here, she has not been here. Jace, he is only worried about this alpha.”
Bat looks down at the small hand that was on his chest pushing him away from Jace and he starts to chuckle. “Your one brave little girl.”
“She is right though. Bat you have not heard from Maia?” Alec asks.
Bat steps away and ruffles Angelique’s hair. “No she was sent to meet with you and the other members of the Alliance and she never came back.”
“That was weeks ago,” Alec says in shock and a tinge of panic in his voice.
“I know after a few days I thought it was odd but it’s Maia and she does as she wants. After all, she is the Alpha. But after a week it’s not normal.” Bat explains.
“We need to look into this.” Angelique states.
“Ok, I want you to put together a team and look into this Angelique.” Alec orders.
“Me?!?!?” Angelique shouts.
“Yes you, I need to stay here and deal with clave business and the rest will be going with Cass,” Alec says.
“Xander should lead then,” Angelique says.
“There is no way he is not going to go with Cass,” Clay says.
“Oh, you got that too.” Jace chimes in clary smiles and nods.
“This is your mission Angelique as order by your Console.” Alec orders again. This time Angelique just nods. Bat looks at Alec and Angelique. “Bat return to the pack and Angelique will come to you with her team,” Alec adds.
“Ok see you soon Shadowhunter,” Bat says and bonds down the steers.
All the Shadowhunters and Magnus, who had portaled to the institute a few minutes ago now sit around a huge round table in the war room. Alec leads the meeting deciding who is going on what mission and agreeing with the Shadowhunters Angelique picked to take on hers.
Angelique chose Mekyle and Ruthie for her mission Simon and Izzy were picked by Alec to back them up. This leaves Jace, Clary, Xander, and Cass going to the gate.
“We have one more idam we need to deal with,” Alec announces.
“We do?” Simon asks puzzled.
“Yes the names of are Young Shadowhunters,”
“Oh yes, the last name ceremony.” Magnus snickers. Alec shouts him a living eye roll.
“Anyway Xander, Angelique and Mekyle have you chosen your Shadowhunter name?”
Xander stands up. “I have out of respect and honor for my Headmaster and her amazing Daughter. I like to become a Fairchild.” He looks over at Clary and she gives him a small nod.
Alec smiles seeing this. “So be it, welcome Xander Fairchild.” Xander smiles and sits back down. “Angelique, Mekyle, have you?”
“Yes I would like Waterheart.” Angelique says standing up. Mekyle jumps up next to her.
“This was not an easy choice for me but if you would allow. I like to be Mekyle WolfScar.”
Alec gives them a soft smile. “Welcome Angelique WaterHeart and Mekyle WolfScar.”
With the teams assigned they split up and head off to get what gear that they would need and even a little sleep if they could before heading off. This gave the couples some time to be alone leaving the Newbies and Cass to find something to pass their time with if they don’t want to sleep.
Angelique and Ruthie decided they would sleep in the same room for the night so they could talk about the mission and some boys they liked back at the academy. Mekyle was not going to sleep at all so he headed up to the Training Room to punch the bag a little and work on his dagger throws. This left Xander alone with Cass.
Xander leads Cass to the common room where the TV was playing Ghosthunters on the Discovery channel. “I know now that I am a Shadowhunter. I have been rewatching them and the Taps crow came really close a few times to finding a real ghost. I wonder if one of them is related to the Herondales?” Xander says.
“I am a bit shocked to see a TV at all in an Institute,” Cass replies.
“Ya most are still old-fashioned but Clary and Simon need their Anime, is what i got told,” Xander explained.
“Oh man, I love me some Death Note.” Cass giggled.
“You have the cutest laugh, Hold on did you say you like Death Note,” Xander says looking a little flushed. Cass just smiles and winks at him as Xander turns a bright red.
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
To Tell You The Truth Part Four
Fandom: Prospect [2018]
Pairing: Eventual Ezra/Prospector!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: I promise I'm not doing this on purpose...I'll see you guys on Monday. Enjoy!
Tag List: @huliabitch @renegademustelid @wrestlingfae @zombiexbody @sporadic-fics @rzrcrst @lackofhonor @the-feckless-wonder @arrowswithwifi
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains vivid depictions of gore and minor allusions to previous abuse. Stay safe!]
"Well, there's our ride." Ezra observed, sounding relieved. You didn't blame him. The two of you had pushed yourselves hard to get to the camp with enough time to spare for harvesting after your short rest. Night had slowly fallen as you moved, so it had been a blessing to see the large fire from the mercenaries' camp.
"Let's go then, c'mon." You murmured, striding forward. A hand on your sleeve stopped you in your tracks, and you turned back to give him a look of confusion.
His eyes had gone wide, deep brown reflecting the greenish-yellow gleam of the fire. "Damon spoke of Karolclan mercs. He conveniently forgot to mention that they were the Karolclan mercs. The only ones that fucking matter." Ezra hissed, "That's fuckin' Mikken's crew, gentle soul, or I will eat my haul."
You hadn't actually been concerned about the mercenaries until Ezra resorted to dropping 'fucking' every other word. He hadn't cursed this much when you had taken a chunk out of his arm.
"Martyr's malfeasance, we are in the shit." He continued, sounding panicky. "See that woman? Inumon, the fuckin' Krebine defector. The fabled blood-soaked bloodhound from that whole mess with the Second Illumination."
Your stomach knotted nervously despite not even knowing who (or what) the Second Illumination was. "I...maybe I should go in alone?" You suggested. Ezra fixed you with an incredulous look, those heavy brows drawn tight enough to carve furrows in his forehead. "Look, I'm...I'm not threatening, right? If I go in first..."
"You wander into that camp of Fringeling mercs, raw at the end of tour--" He stopped, shaking his head grimly. "Gentle soul, the outcome of that particular negotiation technique has less and less favor as the seconds pass."
You swallowed hard. "They might be more willing to accept our terms if I...if I offer them something first. Damon said I-" You closed your eyes, not wanting to repeat what Damon had said about you and your potential bodily bargaining capabilities. "M-Maybe I could-"
"Damon is dead for a reason, gentle soul. And if that man did anythin' to you regarding something like that, he deserved every slug Number Two and myself placed in his churlish, thieving junkie guts." Ezra snarled. "Did he-?"
"I told you not to ask." You reminded him in a whisper. His fury made you feel warmer even as your stomach dropped out.
"That...you did." He allowed reluctantly. "I apologize. Intrigue will always be the death of my good sense." He pulled himself up a bit, squaring his shoulders. "All the same, no. I am not throwin' you into that lions den alone. You are no Daniel, gentle soul. Stay clear and close and I'll talk us through." Ezra bumped his helmet against your own, his tone serious. "When it comes time to dig, I'll need you sharp. I've never harvested one-handed before. I'm gonna' need some help. But we'll keep it creamy, and it'll all be fine." He assured you with a wan smile.
You did your best to smile back, but you were certain it looked more like a wince. Ezra gripped your arm tight, almost like a hug. 
"Alright, gentle soul. Deep breaths."
The fabled Mikken's reception was...less than warm. As Ezra haggled carefully with him, all easy smiles, bowing and scraping, you watched the man's second in command slink closer in the light of the fire. Something about her eyes set off warning bells in your head; now this was a Krebine. She had the lethal grace, the jammer belt, and on her flank hung a red canvas square with a faded, complex insignia. 
Inumon, Ezra had said. It sounded almost like inhuman.
You weren't particularly surprised when she lunged at you, but that didn't stop you from being scared stiff. Your back hit the ground hard and you felt her body press down on you, the square angles of her helmet skidding against the round dome of your own. Her eyes flicked back and forth, like she was waiting for you to start struggling. Prey, that was all you were to her.
"Inumon here has been lookin' for a way out since touchdown." Mikken remarked calmly to Ezra. "I'd reckon you'd best jump to it if you're tryin' to keep your pay...and your partner."
Inumon was muttering under her breath in Vayok, those eyes watching you as she palmed roughly over the front of your helmet. You didn't make a sound. You weren't sure if you even could have at that point, her weight concentrated on your abdomen all but cutting off your ability to breathe. 
Ezra crouched next to your head, his knee rubbing your shoulder as he fixed Inumon with a fierce gaze through his helmet. "I am the gatekeeper to more wealth than any of us have ever seen." Gone was his easy smile, his words as strategically aimed as thrower shots. "And you've been wastin' in the Green for far too long to let that slip away."
Inumon slid Ezra's confiscated pistol beneath your chin. You cringed, giving Ezra a panicky look.
The prospector seemed unaffected by Inumon's threat, the knee pointedly digging into your shoulder the only indicator that he took note of your fright. "I'm afraid I am the only means to the successful end of your venture." He tipped his eyes up to Mikken. "And I say the terms have changed." Ezra rose to his full height once more, his voice firm. "Thirteen points, plus a ride for me and my partner on your handsome craft, or no deal. Find a way." 
Inumon ground her helmet down against your own and you could feel the thrower pressing up into your gorget gasket. The chiclet of Brism popped free from its tape, landing somewhere behind your head inside your helmet. The side of Ezra's boot rested against your arm and you closed your eyes, attempting to center yourself with the steady pressure. 
"Now, I do not intend to breach my station," Spoke up one of the other mercenaries, his voice humming mechanically. "But perhaps the secondary hydrogen four offers a viable solution to this stalemate." He hesitated, then continued, "one that will keep us all in pay."
"My boy, this is a winner." Ezra agreed, his genial smile back. "I think a little backup thrust is an easy drop under the circumstances. What do you say, boss?"
Mikken waited for what felt like an eternity before growling out, "Fine."
Inumon jerked away from you at the sound of his agreement, spitting more Vayok. It was clear that she was dissatisfied with this arrangement, and she made that lack of satisfaction abundantly clear when she grabbed hold of Ezra's filter and switched it off.
The man began to choke almost immediately, coughing and struggling for breath while Inumon just stared at him impassively through her helmet. You inched your hand towards her ankle. If you pulled, she would at the very least be knocked off balance; she would probably let go of Ezra's filter and then-
Mikken suddenly spoke up in Vayok, barking some sort of order, and Inumon reluctantly released the switch. She hissed something at Ezra that made his back go rigid even as he gulped air, the prospector glaring at her venomously before he seemed to be able to stop himself. 
"Well…" he drawled, his tone dripping with forced joviality as he reached down to help you up from the ground, "gentlemen...and women, let's get rich." Acting like he was assisting you in dusting yourself off, he pressed the side of his helmet to yours and muttered, "too close, sorry about that. Glad you would have helped though." Obviously he had noticed your intent to go after her ankle.
You gripped his good arm tightly, nodding as you kneaded at the exosuit sleeve. You didn't trust your voice, certain that if you opened your mouth you would start crying and wouldn't be able to stop. 
Ezra patted the back of your helmet and then pulled away. "Ready to dig?" He asked brightly.
It was indeed the Queen's Lair, or as close to it as reality could get. Rows upon rows of small mounds dotted the shallow crater, each one promising aurelac pearls that dwarfed whatever you had harvested previously. 
Ezra was as giddy as a child, his exhaustion forgotten as he scampered around the dig site examining everything while you prepared the diffuser and the fazer squeeze bottle. 
One of the hummocks had been pierced, the blood spattered around it serving as a clear indicator of the excavationary skill Mikken's crew possessed. "Somebody already gave her a go?" Ezra queried curiously, tugging free the knife that was still embedded in the hummock.
"We found it diggin' for tie-downs." Mikken tilted his head back towards the fire, indicating the mercenary in the red exosuit. The empty left sleeve of his suit had been knotted and pinned at the shoulder. "Our boy dove in fist first, and it ate his arm." 
Ezra shook his head, ruefully drawling, "That's the price of a dry breach." He seemed a touch too self-assured when he continued, "but my chem will calm the brine." He began using the knife to test the area, carefully tapping the hilt against the hummocks. 
It was important to know how filled with brine each mound was, as the prudent prospector would begin with the least full and work their way up, nullifying and draining the brine as they went to reduce the potential risk. Of course, you had never seen a cluster of this particular magnitude. You were uncertain if there was even a way to safely 'runoff' the no-doubt copious amounts of brine, but you were game to try if Ezra was.
"Hello, sweetheart." Ezra crooned as a hollow noise rang out from beneath the knife's questing grip. The older man flipped the knife around and stabbed into the mounded earth, slicing it open gingerly. He was solely using his left hand, the right hanging limp at his side.
You pressed the square container of diffuser into his hand when he gestured you over, and you could feel him shaking. Whether from excitement or weariness, you couldn't say. 
"You got the cocktail mixed, gentle soul?" He asked idly as steam issued from the hole, the nuller working its magic to render the gear-dissolving brine impotent. 
"Of course." You replied, all business. This was what you knew how to do. "Are we pulling them all and then de-blistering and fazing, or are we fazing as we go?"
Ezra hummed contemplatively, working his jaw. "I'd say a bit of both." He murmured. "Lest our gracious hosts grow impatient with us." He cocked his head surreptitiously over at Mikken, who was looking back towards the campfire. "We'll pull a few, faze, rinse and repeat." 
"How's your hand?" You asked softly.
"It is...not suited for delicate work." Ezra grimaced. "I can feel it again and it is not festerin', mind you, but I know better than to try and use it for anythin' important."
You nodded. "I'll handle the skinning, then."
The two of you worked nearly in silence for a time. You constantly checked your watch, the red indicators at the top blinking to warn you that the second cycle had long since shifted into the third. 
Ezra was slow, almost too slow. The minutes between pulls seemed to be stretching longer and longer as he struggled along left-handed to extract the aurelac sacks, and you noticed Mikken beginning to get antsy. 
"Want to swap?" You offered, climbing down into the crater. "Skin a few, rest." 
"No, n-no no, I'm fine." Ezra waved you off with that easy grin, but his eyes were grave. "I would not be of any particular use for the de-blisterin', my hands...I'm not up to snuff, gentle soul." He sighed. "This is the more prudent option. I am simply weary due to our forced march, you can sympathize."
"Is there a problem?" Mikken asked, his thrower rifle whining as he primed it.
"We're just discussing a switch, maybe taking a short break." You squeaked before Ezra could pipe up. 
Mikken shook his head. "No breaks. You work through to the end or you don't get on the rock jumper. Simple as that." The thrower remained primed, aimed lazily to the side of you.
"Indeed." Ezra replied dryly. "We'll get back to it then." His hand caught your own and he squeezed it, whispering, "I will endure, gentle soul. I have no choice. Salvation beckons."
The hours dragged by, that mercenary with the voice modulator (who apparently went by Jack) wandering over every now and then to collect the extracted pearls and package them up. Your neck and back ached, fingers cramping from how tightly you had to hold the scalpel. But if you wavered you would puncture the blisters of carrom acid that protected the aurelac, ruining the pearls beyond any hope of salvage.
Ezra's breathing was dissolving into hacking coughs yet again. His battered filter had clearly given out. You rose from your spot beside the crater and nearly toppled in, pins and needles flooding your body. 
Mikken leveled the thrower at you and you raised your hands. "I-I'm just going to tether to him! If he can't breathe, he can't harvest." You reasoned frantically, tapping your tether tube and then gesturing down at the wheezing man. "We have enough length that he can still work, I promise. I can always move closer."
Mikken muttered something under his breath, but lowered the gun. 
You stumbled into the pit, moving as fast as your half-sleeping limbs would allow. Ezra didn't even seem to notice your presence until the tube had been hooked up for several seconds, the man starting violently and stepping back from you. "Martyr's malfeasance gentle soul, don't creep up on a man unawares." He said blearily. "Liable to get perforated."
You scooped the large knife off the ground where he had dropped it and gave him a gentle nudge towards the lip of the crater. "I know you don't trust yourself to faze right now, but I'm sure you can at least skin a few. Hop out. I'll extract."
"Gentle soul, I-" Ezra shook his head, extending his left hand to you. His whole arm was trembling and jerking wildly, muscles in spasm from the prolonged toil. "I can assure you that is a poor choice." He said through gritted teeth. 
"You need to rest." You insisted.
"No, I need to get the fuck off this pestilence-ridden Nessus before I lose the last tenuous fragments of my sanity!" He snapped, raising his voice in frustration. You cringed at his volume and Ezra swore again, closing his eyes tightly and taking several deep breaths. "I-I apologize, gentle soul, it's not you that I'm-"
"Hey." Mikken said sharply. "You're here to dig, not have a damn conversation."
"And how much longer do you expect us to do so, praytell?" Ezra queried angrily, attempting to pull himself up out of the shallow crater. "The shadows are growin' heavy. We were hardly a dose away from the freighter pass when we arrived, and it has been--" 
Mikken interrupted him with a shrug. "Don't take more than five minutes to prime the jumper for takeoff. And Jack's been loadin' as you harvest, floater." He spat the term like a curse.
You could pinpoint the exact moment where Ezra entirely lost his composure, the prospector seizing your scalpel and wordlessly sawing it into Mikken's heel. The mercenary toppled into the pit, his thrower going off as he did. Hideously silent aside from his struggling breathing, Ezra caught the back of the man's neck and forced his entire head into one of the many open wounds on the Queen. The brine hissed and sizzled as Mikken thrashed, then everything was still.
You stared at Ezra, who was staring down at the still-twitching body at his feet. "The...the shot will bring the rest of 'em in." He choked out. "Don't say anythin'. I'll do my best to salvage this, alright?" 
You nodded dumbly, setting the knife back down on the ground and instead grabbing the small squeeze bottle of fazer. If worse came to worst, you at least knew you could use the fazer as a distraction.
Ezra launched into a string of profanities under his breath, each one more creative than the last. The man was clearly furious with himself for losing his grip on his temper, but you could hardly blame him. Floater.
You heard the distant clatter of gear approaching, catching sight of Inumon and Jack storming past the campfire. Your heart leaped into your throat as the mercenaries clustered around the crater, throwers aimed at you and Ezra.
"Greedy fool!" Ezra announced, his smooth grin back on his face. "Couldn't help himself. Took a stumble gettin' a closer look." He gestured down at Mikken's remains. "Now, time presses! And I am going to need assistance if we are to-"
Whatever he would have said was drowned out by the deafening music and static from Inumon's jammer belt, the woman circling the pit as the sound overrode the transmission from Ezra's helmet com. Your ears rang at the sudden auditory assault, making you shake your head in a vain attempt to dislodge the noise.
Inumon knelt at the edge of the excavation, her eyes trailing down the length of Mikken's body. You clutched the bottle of fazer tightly and, as you heard the primer on her gun shriek to life, you yanked Ezra's arm and pitched the fazer into the nearest open mound. Ezra grabbed hold of you, pinning you to the side of the pit and shielding you with the bulk of his suit. 
The resulting chemical reaction rocked the ground and kicked up a massive cloud of dust. Ezra snatched Mikken's gun, cradling it in the crook of his bad arm and then grasping your hand to all but fling you in front of him. A thrower shot whizzed past your helmet and Ezra shouted, "go, go!" 
His heavy boots thundered on the ground behind you as the two of you fled into the surrounding woodland. The prospector jerked you down into a bush and you heard the thrower prime as he checked the ammunition. 
"Fuck, how fortuitous." Ezra groaned, "best hope they come in singles." 
As if in response to his comment, that merc named Jack emerged from the dust cloud, yelling, "over here!" when he caught sight of your headlamps. His shot went wide, but Ezra's didn't. 
The older man jettisoned the empty thrower as Inumon came careening forward over Jack's body, her shots not nearly as haphazard as Jack's. Half-blind, you and Ezra ran through the woods while she pursued. 
You finally skidded to a stop behind a large tree, gasping for breath and turning off your headlamp. Ezra began fumbling, like he was looking for something. You heard the whining buzz of the scalpel.
He suddenly said, "If we uncouple, you can run a distraction, opening me up for the backstab." You nodded quickly, already trying to undo the tube. Ezra grabbed your hand, halting you. "Are you sure?" He rasped, the concern in his tone causing your eyes to tear up momentarily. "I know that you are-"
The jamming signal blared through your coms again, making Ezra flinch and stiffen in pain at the ear-shattering volume. You, on the other hand, ripped yourself free and slammed your fingers down on your comm-box, killing the radio in your helmet. You then reached over and muted his channels as well, effectively nullifying the blaring jamming. Ezra seemed to stagger at the silence, grabbing onto the tree to steady himself before he turned back to you.
"I can do it!" You assured him, yelling so he could hear you through your helmet. Without the aid of your com, you had to resort to analog measures. "I can do it."
He looked torn for a moment, then leaned down to shove his helmet against yours. "You run fast, and you don't stop. You keep plenty of trees between you and her. You come straight back here as soon as I make the kill, so we can recouple. Clear?" He demanded, his own voice raised. His eyes met yours fiercely and you nodded, letting him know that you got the message. You switched your filter over into his purifier hurriedly before he could protest or stop you, and then you uncoupled from the tether.
You sprinted off, keeping low as you watched Inumon's headlamps advance through the trees. A shot rang out, but she wasn't aiming at you. It sounded like she was headed for Ezra. 
No time like the present, you decided, and you quickly threw your head forward to locate the lone piece of Brism. A few shakes later and the gum tumbled against your clear dome for you to scoop up with your tongue. The second the smooth coating hit your mouth it was like something exploded behind your eyes. Chewing furiously, you felt energy surge through your body. Despite your weariness, your dwindling oxygen and your fear, the woods around you flared to new and vibrant life. And through it all strode Inumon, her attention focused wholly on where she thought Ezra was.
You bolted forward, keeping the trees between yourself and her for as long as possible, letting her get as close to Ezra as you dared before you finally lunged at her. The clumsy scuffle of your boots in the thick underbrush obviously alerted the woman to your presence, too late to change course now though. Her body swung around to face you as you charged in.
You hadn't realized she had a bayonet on her thrower. The deadly blade pierced your stomach, your own headlong motion aiding the plunge. The Brism cranked the pain bright, sensations dulled and heightened at the same time. You shakily dropped your hands to the barrel of the rifle, about to try and push yourself backwards off the bayonet, but then…
Inumon started cackling at you, more Vayok words you didn't understand laced in with her scornful laughter. It was plain to see that she was mocking you though, mocking your pitiful attempt at stopping her. She probably thought you were useless, a useless little floater--
You're a floater, who the fuck would even care?
The fledgling pride in your timid belly roared to life like a bonfire at her taunting and you leaned into it with every ounce of the Brism burst, slamming your helmet against hers with enough force to stagger the both of you. You didn't recognize your own voice when you screamed, "don't you fucking laugh at me, bitch!" Blood and saliva spattered on the inside of your dome and you gritted your teeth, continuing to bear down on her head with your helmet. 
Her eyes went wide like you had startled her, and she began fighting to free up her thrower from your abdomen. You snapped one arm beneath the barrel, the other above it like you had done a hundred times before to get the rifle away from Damon and you managed to jerk it out of her grip with the superior leverage of the bayonet, staggering back a step.
Ezra loomed out of the darkness behind Inumon as the two of you struggled, the man brandishing the laughably-small scalpel with deadly intent. The blade stabbed into the gasket on Inumon's helmet, whirring wildly through the rubber gorget and then piercing the skin beneath it. 
Her maniac gaze landed on your face inches from her own and she shrieked, clawing frantically at your suit and then at Ezra as he punched the knife home again and again.
You took another step back, sinking to your knees as you tried to maintain your hold on the gun so it didn't end up doing even more damage...
The next thing you knew, you were being eased back against a tree trunk. Ezra was fumbling with your suit, trying to retether the two of you and working around the thrower. 
You pawed weakly at his arm and he jolted, staring wide-eyed through his helmet. "Go." You rasped, shoving the tube back into his violently-trembling hands. "Go…" His jaw worked and he turned his head away, seemingly to look at Inumon's body. Then back at you. "Leave, dammit!" You spat, slamming your fist into his good arm. "Don't let--all of this be f-for nothing!"
That appeared to do the trick. Ezra staggered to his feet, grabbed his confiscated pistol from Inumon's corpse and took off towards the fire of the dig site without so much as a goodbye. 
Tears welled up in your eyes and your vision blurred, your body working harder and harder to pull what little oxygen it could from the air left circulating in your suit. Now that the Brism burst had faded you could feel every inch of the bayonet, and each quivering, shallow breath served as a painful reminder that you hadn't died just yet. Inumon's headlamps were all but blinding, exploding starry across your eyesight every time you blinked back the tears.
You had always assumed, somewhere, deep down, that you would die alone. Being a floater, you had been alone for the majority of your life, and after enduring Damon's noisome company, you had hoped to be solitary for the rest of your days. As you watched Ezra's form dissolve into the haze of your tears, however, you couldn't help but wish that, just this once, you didn't have to be alone.
Part Five
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mybrothershands · 4 years
Would be very interested to read about the spoon incident...If you ever feel like writing it?
as you wish~
(sorry if this posts as one long blurb, I cant quite figure out how to make the Keep Reading tab work for those on the app)
"I'm just afraid he'll hurt someone," they would whisper in the streets. He tried not to let it bother him as he carried his drunken caretaker back from the tavern yet again. Maybe the people thought he could not understand them. Maybe that was it.
"Cairo," asked the boy as he knelt beside the man's doorstep in the dark. His voice was thick with lilt as he formed the question, "Why did you take me in?"
The man stared up at the boy, his head flush as he stumbled backwards onto the ground. He smelled of spirits, and his beard was sticky with mead. Though his eyes still seemed kind, his words flowed too easily, as if the gatekeeper had fallen asleep. "Because you're useful, Ka," Cairo had said. He then left into his house where the boy could not follow.
Even though the words said had been in the kindest tone, sweet as honey wine, they still felt rank as they slipped into the young giant's ears. He remained knelt by the doorway for several moments, eyes distant, before he got up and made his way back to the barn he called home. At least he could be alone there. He rubbed his arm against the cold as chained dogs barked at him. To be alone… yes, that was what he needed.
The boy rolled back the big barn door, revealing a few changes of clothes folded atop old hay, a single plate with one each of fork, spoon, and blunt knife, and a burlap blanket was draped over a stack of hay bales. In the corner lay a few logs, each at various stages of being whittled into crude animal shapes. He was in the process of taking his shoes off when he heard a knock against the wall. In the bay was a man on horseback. The farmer.
"The sun is not up yet, sir," said the giant, as best he could.
The buckskin fidgeted under the saddle, but did not move. The rider had his whip today. "Don't argue with me, boy. If you want to eat tonight, you'll work today. Now get your sorry self up," said the old man as he backed the horse away and started down the road at a canter.
After he had his shoe back on, the boy stood, left the barn, and followed at an easy pace. A few miles later, they came to a field, edged in forests. The two skirted around the edges until they came to the very back, where trees and rocks lay piled up on one side from the day before. Drawing his horse around, the man stopped near a stack of oak logs. "I want two sections cleared off- rocks, roots and all. That brushpile needs burned, too. No excuses."
Ka clenched his jaw, but did not argue. Arguing meant more work, so kept his mouth shut and took up his hatchet. By mid-morning his stomach growled, but after noon it grew quiet- replaced with a dull anger and a muffled ache in his back. A tree felled on his knee, a stone dropped on his toe, a branch jabbed him in the eye, it just seemed he could not focus. When the farmer returned to find him sitting down, he gave him a third task of lopping branches. Though the boy did his best to comply with the nit-picking, it wore on him like a blister.
No sooner had the man left than Ka started mumbling to himself as he hacked at a stubborn root. He worked until dusk, then returned home- throat raw, hands bloody, and body aching to find Cairo waiting for him atop a stack of hay bales with a lamp in his hand. The giant glared at him. "What do you want?"
Cairo shrugged, "To see you. You've been gone all day," he said. With a sigh, Ka took a seat, angled pointedly away from the man, who cocked his head. "What, are you not talking today? What's the matter?"
"You want to guess?" he sneered. his face was hard as he cast a glare back at the man, who blinked in surprise.
"What did I-" He stopped himself, seeming to remember something, and thought for a moment. "Did I… I didn't say something while I was drunk, did I?"
Ka was silent.
Cairo got up, lamp in hand, and walked over the row of hay bales towards him. "Look, I don't know what I said, but-" He sighed, staring up at the back of the boy's head. "Lempkins brought your dinner over."
He glanced over to his plate, piled with oatmeal and a few dozen apples. Horse food, Ka thought. "I'm not hungry."
"Yes, you are, you haven't eaten all day," the man quipped. He watched Ka cross his arms and then slur something in his native tongue. Cairo set his lamp down roughly and stood up straight. "Look, I don't know what happened, but I'm not going to have you acting like this."
"Or what? You'll kick me out?" Ka snapped. "You're not my father. Don't tell me what to do."
Cairo rubbed his face then pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not going to kick you out, Ka," he groaned.
"I know you won't. You won't because I'm useful. Useful for taking you home from the bar at night and saving you every time you get into a fight. Meanwhile I don't even have a proper bed to sleep in- or a blanket for that matter," he said as he grabbed the burlap blanket and pitched it across the room, surprising even himself that he had done it. What was worse was it made him mad that he had not restrained himself. He probably looked like some kid throwing a tantrum right now.
Cario approached the boy, grabbing his sleeve. "Now you quit throwing things and calm down! Tell me who told you that," he demanded. At once the giant turned and swore at him again, ranting in words he did not understand. The human glared up at him even as the voice came in roars, then spread his arms and curled his lip. "What is wrong with you today?"
It was then Ka grabbed the spoon, a metal one with a wooden handle. He pointed it in Cairo's face. "You are what's wrong. All you care about is yourself and your liquor. I thought you were my friend."
The man stared up at him, stunned for once. He brushed the utensil aside. "What did I do? Who told you all this?" Though he tried to mask it, there was a trace of a quiver in his voice. Still, he stood his ground.
"Oh, what, you're afraid too, now? Like everyone else in this stupid town?"
Cairo shook his head, then turned to leave. "No, you're out of control. You won't talk to me, you're throwing things, and you're acting a fool," he growled as he picked up his lamp. "I'll be back tomorrow."
"So you are scared," Ka sneered.
The human wheeled around, spread his arms, and flipped his hands. "You want to fight? Okay, we'll fight!" He bellowed. He took his lamp and pitched it at him, breaking the glass against his shoulder.
Ka let out a yelp. Brushing out the flames, the glass dug deeper into his skin. Even in the dark, he could tell Cairo had not given up his ground, arms still spread in an aggressive stance. They sat there for a moment, neither one moved. Ka gripped the spoon handle tighter. At last Cairo spoke up. "You see? Not afr-"
The next thing Ka knew, the man was folded up on the hay, and he was drawing his hand away with the spoon still in it. Certain it had not been that bad, Ka crossed his arms and looked away. The boy felt something rising in his throat, and swallowed hard. He would not cry. Not over someone who saw him as a tool. It was several good moments before he Cairo make a noise.
"Shut up, I did not hit you that hard," he said under his breath, still looking pointedly away. The barn grew silent, save for the sounds of night creatures as their howls floated in through the open barn door. He brushed some of the glass off his shirt, feeling a wet spot where the oil had gotten on it, and then brushed that off of his hands by running it over his pants. It did not stick into his palms. They had become leathery and rough since he had started clearing land for Lempkins. He glanced over to find Cairo still curled up on the hay.
"Quit being so dramatic and get up," Ka growled, setting the spoon back up on the plate. He took a single apple and popped it in his mouth, determined not to worry. When he could stand it no longer, he turned around. The boy had not really intended to touch him, but picked the man up anyway, holding him in a fist. "I said get u-"
His voice died in his throat as he felt tiny crinkles against his palm where ribs should be. The human tried to cry out, but it ended in a twisted squeak as the pain reached his lungs. Every ounce of anger Ka had had in him was replaced with raw, unadulterated fear as the man kicked and beat feebly against his fingers. Cairo never struggled. Not ever.
Ka brought his other hand up and laid the man out flat in his palms as he stared, not quite understanding. He felt his body grow weak, then start to shake. What have I done?
He got to his feet and bolted out the door, rounded the side of the barn, and pounded up the street. The few who were still about dove out of the way. A toddler screamed for her mother. A dog ran under a henhouse with its tail tucked. Men grabbed their wives and children and ushered them inside. They were right about him; they had been right all along.
At last he fell to his knees beside a two-story home, one with a fire still alight inside. "Doctor Baker?" the boy called inside. His hands were too preoccupied to knock on the door. He called again, "Doctor Baker!" He heard a shuffling inside, a thump, and then a woman's talking voice, shrill with worry.
It was then he felt a shuffling in his palms, and looked down to find the human staring up at him. He did not seem angry nor afraid. In fact it was hard to tell what he was feeling at all.
Ka's hands were beginning to shake now, and he steadied them on his lap. "I'm… I am..." He searched for the word as tears began to well. He shook his head. "Tha mi duilich."
The second story window opened, and a man of about twenty-five stuck his head out, his day clothes still on. Dr. Baker glared up at him at first, about to snap, when he saw the fear on Ka's face. The man paused a moment and then ducked back inside without a word. In a moment, the door opened, but only a head peaked out. "What happened?" he said, not daring to take a step further.
"I hurt him, sir…" he said, his breath shaking as he held out his hands. "I- I hurt him bad."
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fanfic-collection · 5 years
Loki x Reader - A Family Christmas
Don’t think it came out great... umm yea
Post endgame au fixit
Walking arm in arm beside Loki, you worried at your lower lip, 'It really was nice of your mother to send these dresses so I would be prepared and wouldn't stand out when I got there.' You murmured as you finally reached the an empty spot on the grass.
Loki had a forced smile as he looked down at you. As his eyes met yours, the smile became more natural. 'She meant well, she really does look forward to meeting you.' He responded, gazing at you fondly. Loki brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear before gripping your arms tightly once more. 'Are you ready?'
Swallowing hard, you glanced down at the suitcase you had packed. 'Is it safe?'
'Traveling is perfectly safe.'
'Err my things?'
Loki's eyes flickered to your things. 'They should be fine. They can be replaced if not.' He looked back at you and managed another uneasy smile.
You shook your head wearily and wrapped your arms tightly around him, hugging Loki tightly. 'Alright, I really am nervous about meeting your family.'
'It'll be fine, I imagine.' Loki muttered weakly, swallowing hard.
'You didn't even try to lie.'
'It wasn't worth it.' Loki responded, looking up at the sky. 'Heimdall, we're ready. As we'll ever be.' His grip tightened vise-like on your arm, almost painful as a bright beam of light burst from the sky, engulfing the two of you.
Stars blared across your vision and then you were flying, zooming through the galaxies at a million miles per hour, racing through the cosmos. The wind whipped at your face, you were vaguely aware of planets flying by realms existing all around you, lights and worlds racing beyond, the sheer power all around you.
And then you were still.
Loki held you steady as you swayed for a moment, your suitcase tumbling to a stop beside you.
You blinked, looking at the large circular room that had been spinning, and not in your imagination.
A man in gold armor removed a golden sword from its plinth and stepped down from the center of its room, walking over and stared down curiously at your suitcase.
'Welcome back, Loki, I take it this is your wife.'
'Hello Heimdall.' Loki responded, in a not unfriendly tone. He nodded as he introduced you to the gatekeeper.
Heimdall bowed his head in greeting to you, 'A pleasure to meet you, my lady.'
'Hello.' You said, bowing stiffly at the waist as that seemed an appropriate thing to do.
Heimdall chuckled at your actions, 'It is good to have you finally on Asgard. They await you at the palace.'
'Wonderful.' Loki drawled. Stooping down, Loki picked up your suitcase, taking your hand in his other hand and walked you to the door where there was a waiting boatlike skiff, 'Is... everyone there?'
'Your whole family, yes.' Heimdall responded.
Loki grit his teeth, 'Even better.' With no apparent effort he tossed the suitcase into the boat before turning around and lifting you in before climbing in after.
'It's Christmas Loki, everyone knows you have to pretend to like your in-laws, and for you, you have to pretend to like your own family.' You smiled at him, settling into the seat as he began to steer it towards the golden castle. As you turned to look at what he was steering it towards, your mouth fell open, agape at the grandness of Asgard.
Loki chuckled, seeing your expression. He scooted closer to you, gently rubbing your back through the material of the dress Frigga had sent.
'Wow...' you breathed.
'Yes, though it would probably be best if you don't fawn over it around Hela.' Loki murmured, shifting uncomfortably.
You snapped around, spinning to look at him. 'Hela?' You raised an eyebrow.
'Yes...' Loki drew the word out slowly, looking uncomfortable.
'You didn't say anything about Hela.'
'I wasn't aware that she was back either.'
'Well clearly you were aware before me, when were you going to share this with me?' You blinked.
Loki sighed, 'I've been trying to find a good time to tell you.'
'Well sooner would have been better.' You felt your voice going up a few octaves.
Loki sighed, 'I was hoping you would react better.'
'It's Christmas Loki.'
'We do celebrate Yule here but the point stands, a holiday.'
'She tried to kill you.'
'And with the snap, Asgard was returned and many others. She was one of them.'
'So she's fine now, decided that she no longer wants to kill everyone?'
'Mother wishes to give her a second chance, given that it was something of Odin's fault.'
'I see.' You trailed off, staring at Loki.
Loki sat uncomfortably, hands between his legs, knees together as he stared at you, occasionally looking away to pilot the boat. 'Are you mad at me?'
You sighed and moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder, 'I could never be mad at you. She was the one who hurt you. I just... I'm not a fan of homicidal relatives being invited to holiday dinner.'
Loki nodded and smiled weakly at you, 'I guess you'll get to meet her on better terms.'
'We both will.'
You looked up as snow started falling. Flecks of white spiraling down, twirling flitting, landing in Loki's thick black hair and settling on his shoulders before quickly melting. You smiled at him before wrapping your cloak tighter around yourself and huddling against him for warmth, the breeze made all the worse as the boat traveled at a fast speed.
Before too long you had reached the palace, an envoy of guards waiting and a person who you only knew described as the queen herself standing before you. Loki jumped down, helping you first, before rushing to envelope her in a hug, 'Mother!' He greeted her happily, wrapping her tightly, bending down and kissing her forehead.
'My son.' She responded warmly, 'It is good to have you home again.' She smiled up at him, stroking his hair from his face and smiling up at him. She gripped his arms before ushering him to the side that she could see you, 'And this must be the woman that Heimdall has told us about. I wish I could have heard about her through you, but I understand your secrecy this time.'
'Only this time?' You muttered under your breath, loud enough for Loki to hear as you walked over and bumped him with your hip. Though a part of you swore the queen heard you for you saw a trace of a smirk on her face.
'Happy Yule, although for you it is Merry Christmas. So Happy holidays.' She spread her arms wide and brought you in for a hug, 'A pleasure to finally meet the one who could settle my youngest and give him happiness that he has so long sought. He truly deserves this.'
You smiled at her, 'Thank you, he does.'
Loki smiled as he looked between the two of you.
Frigga nodded, 'He does, and I'm glad that you think he does. Now come the snow grows bitter and the night comes fast, even here on Asgard.' She motioned for you, Loki, and the guards to follow in side as the wintry winds picked up. The snow now fell heavier, sticking to the ground and leaving white mounds.
Leading you inside the great double doors, there were great evergreen trees inside, decorated with glittery ornaments, wreaths, and all manner of candles. Candles of all shapes and sizes and colors all over, they seemed to be magically lit though, somehow protected from being a fire hazard by supernatural means. And yet others seemed to be natural fire.
Suddenly a great thundering booming sound rattling the palace came, the sound of something large approaching, it rattled the very structure. Terrified, you clung to Loki.
Loki reached for his dagger uncertainly, looking to Frigga and the guards. The guards looked on edge and Frigga just looked... irritated?
Frigga pursed her lips.
Rounding the corner, claws scrabbling on the floor, a massive dog skittered on the smooth surface, massive tongue lolling out from even larger canines. Its fierce glowing green eyes bore down on your group of soldiers gazing intently at the newcomers, leaning down to sniff intently at you and Loki, its whole mouth capable of swallowing you whole. You froze at the size of the beast.
'Fenris.' Loki hissed, putting his dagger away. 'Where is Hela? Can she not keep her beast under control?'
Frigga sighed, as she stepped forward to pat the dog's nose, really the easiest part of him to reach. 'She can control him, he's quite well trained, he just likes to greet new people.'
Fenris barked, a deafening sound and you covered your ears as a blast of noise echoed through the halls.
'Fenris no barking.' Frigga ordered in a calm even voice.
Fenris bent down, burrowing his nose in between his front paws staring between you and Frigga as he looked back at you then at Loki.
Loki sighed, walking over to reach up and scritch the dog's ear. Fenris began to pant happily, flopping over on his side and effectively blocking the hall. There was a crashing sound and you knew something had been knocked over, probably expensive.
Frigga groaned, 'Fenris.'
Fenris whined, his ear perking up.
'He's just a cute puppy.' You cooed at him.
Loki laughed weakly, 'Yes, I suppose.'
'And you can't leave him outside in this weather.' You walked over to his tummy and began to rub it. Fenris' tail began to thump on the floor, loudly shaking the palace. 'It's not your fault your mommy made you fight family, is it?' You cooed. Fenris kept panting as he looked at you, paws curled up on his chest, legs splayed apart.
'Dear,' Frigga called, 'The dog is blocking our path.'
You stopped scritching Fenris and sighed, 'We need to get through this hallway though, would you move for us?'
Fenris whined for a moment before slowly rolling over and standing up, then sitting down to the side. Loki sighed, shaking his head and walking back to take your hand beside you, 'Love, if we get a pet, I'd prefer a cat.'
'I wouldn't mind a cat.' You waved at Fenris, 'But he's a cute boy.'
Loki guided you back down the hall, following after Frigga and her guard. 'Yes, he is very cute, but I don't think we need a pet that size.'
'But if we get stuck with one who grows up that big, you won't send it away?'
'I will not.' Loki sighed, rolling his eyes.
You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist.
Each person in your party carefully stepped past the up-ended tree, mindful of what had been broken and the magically burning ornaments, grateful that it wasn't a real burning candle.
Finally your party arrived at a grandhall, where you figured the party was effectively in full swing but the tension was palpable.
Odin sat at the head of the table, Frigga's vacant chair empty beside him. Next to Odin sat Thor, staring glumly at his plate of food trying to figure out how to eat or engage in conversation. Beside Thor sat Lady Sif, half attempting to talk to Thor her food also untouched.
Beside her sat the warriors three, Volstagg had heroically managed to eat his food, but even that seemed with great difficulty. Hogunn beside Volstagg, food untouched, and Fandral looking at the waitresses who were giving him a wide berth; Fandral's food was also untouched.
On the other side of the table, seeming to enjoy herself immensely, lounging on three seats sideways and drinking wine, was Hela. Behind her was a large doggy bed, now vacant.
Everyone turned to look at the sound of your party entering the room.
Thor's face lit up immediately upon seeing you and Loki entering the room. 'Brother!' He stood up, pushing back his chair so that it loudly scraped on the floor.
Odin grumbled, hunching further in his seat.
Thor rushed around the table and hurried over to greet Loki in a bear hug. Loki smiled, accepting the hug and patting his back, 'It's good to see you.'
'And you! It's been altogether too quiet without you.'
Hela laughed, straightening up from how she was sitting and looked over before straightening up and coming over to join the hug. 'Look at you two.'
The brothers exchanged and uncomfortable look at Hela.
'No, no. We are not doing this. No odd woman out. I am back and part of this family now, we got a fresh start and I am a Odindottir once more so I am part of this happy bunch.'
Loki raised his eyebrow, gritting his teeth.
Frigga sighed, sitting down beside Odin.
'So this must be your better half?' Hela asked, looking at you.
Loki's eyes darkened, 'This is my wife, yes.'
Sif snickered into her drink.
Loki's eyes flashed as his gaze fell on Sif.
'How about we have dinner?' You offered meekly.
'A peacekeeper?' Hela asked, reaching for her goblet of wine. 'Just like dear old mum, you really are fitting in already.' She turned towards Frigga and raised a toast before taking another drink and winking, 'Here's to a family dinner.'
'I'm going to kill her.' Loki muttered as the two of you stood in the hallway on pretenses of you needing to use the bathroom and asking Loki where to find it.
'Loki it's been five minutes. They're going to think I have an illness if I have to ask for a bathroom break every five minutes.' You were standing outside a bathroom somewhere, anywhere in the Asgardian palaces. It didn't matter where, just some place to be away from that grandhall as Loki leaned against his arm, face red as he carefully breathed in and slowly breathed out.
'Every slight, every jab. Between her and Odin.' Loki grit his teeth, grinding his jaw before slowly trying to relax his muscles.
You rubbed his shoulders, trying to ease out the tension. 'Hey, we're a team, I'm here with you. I don't like hearing it anymore than you do.'
'It's all aimed at you!' Loki snarled.
'Well I already know I'm not good enough for you.' You whispered.
'That's not true and you know it.' Loki turned, rounding to face you, he cupped your cheeks, stroking your face, pressing his forehead to yours, 'That's not true at all. How could you not be good enough for me, a broken man?' He inhaled slowly and breathed out a shaky breath, closing his eyes as he tried to memorize every detail of your face. 'How could I ever be good enough for you...'
You felt a gurgle of a tearful laugh in the back of your throat as tears welled in your eyes. 'Christmas with the inlaws, never thought it'd be this rough.'
'You don't say... At least Thor's friends aren't saying much yet.'
'Would they in front of Thor?'
'I don't even know, but Odin is bad enough, and then Hela insulting you...'
'Odin insulting you.'
Loki closed his eyes and nodded. 'I think I preferred when Hela was outright trying to kill me.'
You gasped, 'Don't say that.'
'At least she was more upfront about her intentions.'
'Fenris is nice.'
Loki chuckled, 'Yes, the dog is nice. We'll keep the dog and get rid of my sister. How does that sound?'
'I know some families and friends, or parties that work that way.'
Loki sighed, a weak laugh breaking free, 'Alright, my temper is managed.'
'I know, you're not one to lose it.'
'Just for you.'
You sighed, taking his hand in yours and began to tug him back towards the grandhall. Loki took the lead when you were uncertain of which way to go, guiding you as you grew lost. As the two of you walked, you smoothed your thumb along his knuckles, squeezing his hand, feeling the weight of his fingers in yours and just enjoying the spaces between your fingers lining up with his.
'I don't want you to lose your temper for me.'
'I endeavor not to.' Loki murmured.
You nodded, leaning your head against his shoulder, 'I do appreciate your passion though.'
'I will always fight for you, but I do reign in my temper, I do not suffer the fiery outbursts my brother does, but I understand what you're saying. And I know what you're about to say, I am not my brother, it does not matter what he does.'
You smirked up at him and he smirked down at you, unable to help yourself you flicked his nose, 'Then you are learning. Good.'
Loki caught your hand and tapped your nose with your own finger. 'I am older, and wiser.' He sighed as you rounded the last corner, 'Shall we continue the abuse?'
'Welcome back, we thought you had gotten lost, almost sent a search party.'
You sank into your seat, you between Loki and Hela, and managed to get Loki beside Frigga.
More food, more insults, more retorts, more heated discussions.
However with Loki moved, Hela seemed more subdued, content to focus on her wine, and Fenris soon returned and she lost interest in the conversation altogether, leaving to sit beside her dog and share her dinner with him.
When Fenris returned, Odin, in disgust, excused himself, and with only a small amount of fuss from Hela, all was soon returned to a calm dinner again.
Thor leaned back in his chair, dinner finally finished. 'Well that was... eventful. Are your Christmas feasts usually like this? I can't say I recall being on Midgard for one like this.'
'Uh, family dinners, Christmas dinners, can be like this yea. But this kinda takes the cake.' You muttered, glancing over your shoulder at Hela dozing on Fenris with an empty goblet of wine, beside the fireplace.
Frigga lowered her voice and placed her hand on yours, 'Thank you for being patient with her.'
'You should thank your son as well.' You responded, glancing at Loki.
Frigga raised her eyebrow then looked at Loki.
Loki sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
'You're right. It's nice to have the family together after so long and I appreciate everyone making an effort, I know it's not easy.' Frigga continued.
'Some making more of an effort than others.' You muttered under your breath.
Loki squeezed your thigh under the table, and you jumped, knee banging the table with a softly uttered curse.
Thor looked at you with concern.
'I'm very grateful to all of you.' Frigga finished, 'Thank you.'
'Of course mother.' Loki murmured.
'Yes, mother.' Thor said with a smile.
After you had said your good night's to everyone and made your way back to Loki's old room, which to his surprise was still in pristine shape.
Frigga smiled, assuring him that she had had it done up as he would have remembered.
Loki stood in the doorway, smiling as he looked around, snow falling heavily outside the balcony, a tree decorated in his room and a fire in the fireplace.
The two of you changed into your nightwear, made ready for bed and crawled into bed, cuddling together.
Laying together, you rested your head on his chest, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart, stroking your fingers over the smoothness of his chest, gazing absently out the window, watching the snow falling outside. Loki had his arm wrapped around your waist, the other arm under his head, he too was looking out the window with you.
'I'm glad we came.' You said quietly. 'Overall.'
'I am too.' Loki responded, 'I'm glad you were able to see my home, and my mother.'
'She's nice.'
'My home is wherever you are though.'
'So we're home right now.'
Loki nodded, looking down at you. 'Yes.'
'We're always home together.'
Loki squeezed you tight, 'Good night, my love.'
'Good night, Loki. Merry Christmas.'
'Happy Yule.'
And together you said, 'Happy Holidays.'
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edgy-fluffball · 5 years
The Shine Of Scales In The Night - Or: Humanity’s Abyss
One of the coolest, most awesome people in the world has finished another run around the hot gas ball in the vast emptiness of space and I felt like taking up an old prompt they gave me ages ago. Without further ado, @tigerthealien HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
No one ever returned from the mouth of the river. It was common knowledge not to walk beyond the griffin head-shaped cliff from which the river tumbled into its bed at the bottom before it continued to flow towards the glistening sea. The swirls and currents the motion created between river and sea made the water salty; not quite salty enough to kill but unbearable enough on human tongues. The spot was not mentioned in the village beyond the cliff and the people were careful to get their water at a safe spot before it tumbled over the edge, mixing with the sea and losing its fresh taste.
It was a spot abandoned by birds and animals, the plants surrounding it were lyme grass and fox flowers that had gradually found its way to the river banks. The flora mirrored the surroundings, taking to the circumstances and adapting accordingly. The emptiness of nature around the pool between the sharp rocks that made up its boundaries emphasised the dead silence that held a tight grasp around it.
Disturbing the peaceful waters, so the villagers believed, conjured an evil spirit, devoted to the protection of the pool. It was the reason for any disappearances, any illnesses that overcame the village, untimely death of children and responsible for any immorality and sin committed in the community. The elders had given the shadow a name and the legend was told in hushed voices, evidence given in dark corners and token of good luck sold to travellers and locals alike.
The few who were not scared off by the stories of sightings of description of the beast, thought again once they had been taken to the rows of tombstones in the graveyard, each one dedicated to one that had tried to seek out the spirit, each one buried after their corpse washed on shore in a bay on the other side of the village. The villagers dedicated a tombstone to them, engraved it with a warning for others and held a mass on their behalf before gathering at the inn to drink on a memory they did not share and listen to more stories of the spirit’s bloodlust, told by the elders.
One morning, just as the gates were opened and the first trader and farmers entered the village to set up their market stalls, the children walked towards the school, and the men unlocked their workshops and stores, a dark horse was seen trotting onto the market place. The rider sat hunched over in the saddle, armour dull and battered, with deep scrapes and kinks in the metal, the indicator of an eventful life. Wives stopped to look at the tall figure and watched as it demounted in front of the tavern. The armour made no sound despite the metal plates and pieces knocking together. The eery silence sounded as a song, lamenting the loss of something the villagers could not understand. They watched as the rider led the horse towards the stables, briefly spoke to the stable boy and gave him a few coins before handing over the reins. He still wore his helmet when he entered the inn.
The gossiping villagers returned to their daily tasks and work eventually, reluctantly as they busied themselves. Every now and then, eyes found the inn’s door and remained there for a moment before they moved on, as if they had been caught doing something forbidden.
The rider left the inn again in the afternoon, helmet covering his face, hands gloved and armour adjusted in place. His sword sat tightly fixed to his hip, causing whispers around the market square. It gleamed in the pale sun light.
He had the stable boy get his saddled horse, mounted it and left the village again. The gatekeeper was the last person to look after him. For a moment, everybody stood rooted to the spot. Then, the mob ran to find the innkeeper to enquire about the new arrival.
All the innkeeper could report, however, was that the knight had demanded a room, food and care for the horse before retreating to his room and coming down mere moments earlier. He had not answered, the eager innkeeper reported, when he asked where he was heading.
The inn was packed that evening; men, women and children stood crowded around the counter, trying to spot whoever entered through the front door. One of the youngest children, a girl hardly older than four years, asked her mother why everybody had gathered and was told that travelling knights never brought any good with them, the newest arrival being no exception.
‘But why?’ the child demanded to know.
‘Because the spirit doesn’t take kindly to intruders,’ the mother answered, squeezing her daughter’s arm, too tight, making the child cry, ‘it will decide to get rid of us, too, if we allow trespassers to go to the forbidden pool.’
The girl hid her face in the mother’s shoulder, sniffling quietly as the tension grew with every passing minute. The Elders sat huddled together at one table, conversing about important things that no other could hear. A few of the young men tried to best each other throwing darts under the watchful eyes of the young women, drinking from tankards taller than their hands. Near the fireplace, a group of musicians played a melody speaking of love and loss, the warmth of home and safety of the fireplace.
A cold gust of wind made the candle flames flicker. The door had been pushed open and the knight stepped over the threshold, hand resting on the pommel of his sword. His helmet covered everything except his eyes and they shone in the dark of the entrance. He moved through the crowds towards the counter and barked an order at the innkeeper. A tankard of ale in his hand, he pushed towards the back off the room, past the Elders, the darts board and flock of young girls.
The wooden bank squeaked as he sat down, the sound being the only thing audible in the room. Heads had turned, eyes followed him and whispered conversations stopped mid-word. A heavy hand dropped on the table, leather squeaked as gloved fingers grabbed the tankard.
Then, one of the Elders pushed his chair back, got up and moved towards him. The villagers reverently moved aside, allowing him to pass through their bulk.
‘Stranger,’ he greeted the knight, ‘welcome in our community. What leads you here?’
The rider tilted his head, dark eyes glistening in their deep sockets in the shade underneath the helmet, ‘Thank you for the warm welcome. My aims and destinations, however, are mine to deal with.’
‘Are you planning on seeking out something specific?’
The knight turned and seemed to look around, ‘Heard a rumour, wanted to follow up on it.’
The Eldest inhaled sharply, ‘I truly have to advise you not to follow up on it. No good ever comes from rumours, that is well-known. We are determined to keep you out of harm’s way.’
‘You can try,’ the knight lifted the tankard, ‘yet I am determined. And you sound like you are threatening me.’
‘No human has ever returned from the pool, we are not going to allow you to –‘
‘Your sword is shiny,’ the small girl had slipped out of her mother’s grip and made her way over until she stood next to the knight, ‘why?’
The knight seemed to stop and halt for a motion, ‘It is sharp. I need to look after it.’
‘Nothing else is shiny.’
A sound escaped the darkness under the helmet, a sound resembling a chuckle, ‘You are a smart one, aren’t you? Armour protects you, no matter the state. A sword needs work and caring to stay sharp. Are you interested in my sword, young lady?’
The girl giggled and nodded, ‘Mum says it’s dangerous.’
‘No, not when you know what you are doing, little lady,’ the knight loosened the strap holding the helmet in place and pushed it up over his face.
Revealing a face that did not match what every single villager had made up to be the expected. The elders jumped up, righteous anger and disgust on their faces. Men spilled their drinks, women gasped and the kids stopped playing under the tables.
‘A woman! A disgrace! Dishonour!’ The cry reverberated from the walls, sniping and cutting, being repeated in every mouth. The knight, hand tight around her sword’s pommel, let it happen. If anything betrayed the collected expression she showed, it was her twitching eye lid as she looked around the room.
The Elders led the parade of angry villagers past her. Spitting into her face and threatening to set the dogs on her seemed not to touch her. Her face remained unchanged, a mask, motionless as if cast in iron. Only, when the kids were pulled away from her and the little girl was treated harshly enough to make her cry again, she got up, took her helmet and left the inn without another word. The villagers followed her, outraged by the audacity to keep her cool and not react to the insults and slurs yelled after her.
‘Get lost!’
‘Drop dead!’
‘Unnatural bitch!’
‘Get yourself killed!’
Some of the younger kids, hiding behind their mothers’ skirts and a few of the young women stared after the rider with something resembling sadness in their eyes. The Elders were quick to usher the people back into the inn, one already beginning the tale of the handsome hunter determined to catch the evil spirit, and how he died. Only the Eldest stayed outside in the onset of a dark night and followed the knight, giving her the exact location to the forbidden pool. His face and eyes betrayed the hatred he wished to conceal but the rider got on her horse and left him in the mud they whirled up as they galloped out the gates.
Despite the warnings and gruesome stories, the first sight of the forbidden pool, long before the long climb down the cliff began, was one to behold. No matter whether sun shine, rain or night time, the pool with its lively surface and wild waters seemed to shine with fallen starlight. Its glimmering waves transported a warm shine towards the sea where it bled into the current.
The horse refused to set a single hoof on the narrow path leading down to the riverbed. The rider dismounted and took the saddle of the trusty steed’s back, smoothing down the fur and whispering a few words in its ears. The mare huffed and began to graze. The rider stayed with it a moment, stroking its neck. Then, she took her sparse belongings from where they had been attached to the saddle, shouldered them and set out to climb down to the moonlit pool.
The rubble under her feet told the story of attempted descends, the sander marks spoke of unsuccessful attempts and the broken branches on the trees lining the path made all too clear where prior fighters had tried to hold on for just a moment, a moment of safety before they plunged to their deaths.
The knight steered clear of the trees, the beaten tracks and loose stones. She made her way down the cliff, sticking to where her own feet guided her instead of following the trail others had made. Her sword dragged over a few smaller stones, upsetting their balance and sending them over the edge. She could hear them hit the ground and rolling into the riverbed with a small splash.
The closer she got the waterfall, the stronger she felt the cool spray on her face. Water, drifting on the wind, caressing her skin and following the hard lines of an expression that did not know a soft touch. She did not wipe it away, let it pool under her eyes until drop after drop slid towards the corners of her mouth, almost like tears.
And then, just as her legs and knees began to tremble with exhaustion and the constant danger of slipping and falling, her feet hit even ground, sandy soil giving way under her boots. She breathed a sigh of release, stumbling a little as her legs gave in. Her hands managed to catch her weight as she collapsed, a mere stone’s throw from the riverbank.
The water gurgled, unaffected by the sunk down figure on its banks. It flowed, unfazed by her shallow breaths, over the cliff and plunged into the pool of shining stars and moon light, rolled and stomped with the force of the feral sea that licked into the freshwater, drawn in by the uncommon movement. It entangled between the mossy rocks that lined the pool, salty sea wedding the fresh, pure water coming from the mountains to the banks. As the swirls mixed and sweet, fresh water turned salty and lost its refreshing taste.
The moon watched as the newly created water as it made its way towards the sea, singing its song of what it had seen and experienced. Drops jumping out of the bed cheered; shattering against the dark soil they betrayed the taciturn waters and let out their tale of the knight at the pool. They did not stay around to see what followed their talkativeness.
Their song and chatter reached the ears of a being, swimming up and down along the coast, waiting for the tides to allow it to swim inland. A single soft splashing of water gave away its position just underneath the surface, a gleaming tail flicking. It watched the river mouth, ready to use the first opportunity to go and see for itself what the twaddling waters had been talking about.
The water’s sad song, unheard through the lapping of the river, nothing more than a whisper was the first thing she heard when she opened her eyes. It was still dark around her with nothing but the moonlight allowing a little clarity. She pushed herself up on her hands, shaking her head to get rid of the fogginess in her brain.
Something had changed, she felt. The pool’s brawl had died down a little, a mere ambient noise, not the roaring waterfall that had dominated her descent.
‘You are alive.’
She groaned and rolled around on the hard floor. A small sound behind her made her look around but the churning surface of the pool was nothing more than that, gleaming water splashing up, licking at the rocks.
‘Who are you?’
It sounded like the gurgling of water, as if the person spoke through a mouthful of liquid. The knight scrambled to her feet, hand around the handle of her sword.
‘Who’s there?’
‘Didn’t they warn you? I am a rumour. A whisper. A bad dream,’ the voice replied, giggling against the water, ‘No one ever comes to see me anymore. It gets so boring and lonely out here and the waves stop talking to me after some time.’
The knight still peered into the pool trying to make out where the voice came from. She pulled the sword out of its sheath, pointing it at the water.
‘This is stupid,’ she pressed through her teeth, ‘what am I doing, fighting water?’
‘It’s shiny,’ the voice came closer, water lapped over a stone, ‘I like shiny things.’
‘You and me both,’ the knight stepped closer to the shore, ‘now show yourself.’
‘I don’t know if I want to. You were lucky the tides pressed out of the stream and I couldn’t get back before. I would have started singing the moment you stepped onto the path. And what a shame it would have been.’
‘Are you checking me out?’ The knight looked around, ‘this is hardly fair.’
‘I’ll give you that,’ the water parted and something peeked up above the bank, ‘hello. Nice to meet you.’
The knight stared. Her mind was wiped clear, the sight in front of her was too much to summarise it in words.
The slender arms leaning on the dark soil shimmered wet and blue in the moon light, hair stuck in tight, dripping strands to a slim neck. For a moment, the knight thought to have seen extravagant jewellery around that neck, then it hit her.
‘You have gills!’ She dropped her sword, knelt in front of the creature and got closer to its face, ‘do you have a tail, too?’
Water hit her face as something splashed behind the shape in the pool, ‘I do. Do you want to see it?’
The knight nodded and sat down properly at the edge, ‘May I? This is truly exciting, if you forgive the honesty. I have never met a cryptid before.’
Gargling laughter was the answer. The knight followed every slow move the creature made until it had swum into the middle of the pool and turned on its back. Its tail flicked from one side to the other, lazily moving as if it was treading water.
‘It looks amazing,’ the knight let her gaze linger on the shining scales.
A blue shimmer radiated from the whole length of the finned tail, a shimmer that followed darker patches on the gleaming surface of the palm sized scales. It looked like there were stripes embedded under the protective layer, stripes in a colour that resembled black more than anything else – and yet, the tail glowed in the dark of the pool. The knight felt a shiver run down her spine.
‘You are beautiful,’ she breathed, ‘thank you for showing me. My mother always told me about your kind – she lived close to the sea and a whole flock of them were always close by. She told me one day I would find them again so I followed the whispers and rumours.’
‘You wittingly found my kind? We kill the humans we find, we sing them a lullaby and drown them,’ the creature returned, pointy ears twitching like an attentive dog’s.
‘You are a cryptid, the humans you catch are the ones that do not respect that you have been around for so much longer than us,’ the knight smiled carefully, ‘why are you here? My mother always made it sound like you were gregarious?’
‘The others are, I got excluded from the pack. I don’t fit.’
‘I know what that feels like,’ the knight sighed, ‘we have that in common.’
‘How do you not fit? You look like a normal biped to me. Maybe a little prettier than the ones that came here before.’
‘Thank you,’ the knight leant back to hide her blush in the darkness of the night, ‘but I am a disgrace to humankind. Wherever I go, I get driven away when they see what I am. I figured, chasing shadows would make more sense than something humans could never give me.’
‘I cannot breathe underwater,’ the creature swam closer to the edge, ‘at least not properly. I need to stay close to the surface and the coast, otherwise I’m at risk of drowning. It breaks my heart every time I try to get out there because I think something changed and I could re-join my family.’
‘I’m sorry,’ the knight started to take off her armour, one piece and pauldron after the other, ‘that must hurt you. Is there anything I can do for you?’
‘You are nice,’ the mellow voice came closer, velvety soft and musical, ‘but you can’t change the fact that my gills and lungs don’t work the way they should. I try to enjoy what little I can when I feel strong enough for a proper swim but I need to return to the pool before the tide locks me out and I have to tread water. I love the way water parts for you, the way it swirls around my tail. I love how my hair moves in the water like its one with the currents and how cool it is against my skin when it is wet. I love how quiet it is under the surface and how violent water can be, but also how gentle…’
The knight finished taking off her armour and crossed her legs, ‘No wonder you sing for the men who try and catch you.’
‘I could still sing for you, if you decided to use the shiny thing,’ the slender arms reappeared on the riverbank, ‘I’ll take that risk.’
The knight smiled, ‘I’m not going to use my sword. I promise. Do you have a name?’
Water hit her in the face, the creature disappeared under the surface and came back up a moment later, gasping for air, ‘I do! But no one ever asks for it because no one cares.’
‘I care,’ the knight lifted her arm, ‘so, what is your name?’
‘Tiger shark,’ a hand was held out the water, ‘I extend you a biped greeting. If you were a merperson, I would insist on a finbump.’
The knight chuckled and shook the hand, ‘My name is Eua. Nice to meet you, Tiger.’
They grinned at each other for a moment before settling back, Eua against the Cliffside, Tiger into the water.
‘What are you planning to do now?’ Tiger asked, blowing bubbles into the rippling waters, ‘Your quadruped is still up there.’
‘It’s fine, I’ll figure something out,’ Eua leant back, ‘for tonight, I would like to stay here – if you allow it.’
Tiger’s dark eyes blinked and her jaw dropped, ‘Of course I will, you can stay for as long as you want and need to.’
‘Thank you,’ Eua smiled, ‘I’m going to be back in a few minutes, just…getting the horse and my things.’
‘Of course,’ Tiger splashed with some water, lighting up the droplets sailing through the air, ‘I promise not to sing!’
‘Thank you,’ Eua grinned back over her shoulder, ‘to a bright future.’
Tiger waved after her with her fin, splashing up a little more water before resting her chin on her forearms. She watched as Eua climbed up the cliff, smiled to herself and started humming a small melody.
Eua perked up, ‘Hey, are you singing?’
‘Please don’t, I already don’t want to take a single step more,’ Eua yelled downhill and turned back around, ‘at least let me get my horse.’
Tiger closed her lips, allowing no further sound to escape. She waited patiently for Eua to return, waited with all the questions she had about biped habits and what they were going to do, two outcasts who found their own place in the world together. They would take on any challenge, sword and fangs ready to defend each other, no questions asked.
They just did not know yet how deep the effects would run.
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cosplaydude637 · 3 years
Chapter 07: Limbo and liberty
A week has passed since the Shadowhunters of the New York institute head Learned about what the 9 gates really were. Every minute was spent trying to find the earthy locations of them. If you were not on patrol, eating or sleeping. You were in the Library reading through book after book. Simon sits behind an old oak desk a surprisingly large computer sits atop it. This is where Simon has been for the last three days. Simon looked like crap. His hair was Messier then normal and he head dark rings under his eyes an energy ruin barind on his right arm. Isabelle walks in and looks at her husband and lets out a heavy hearted sigh.
“Simon why are you still here? You have to sleep!” She barks.
Simon slow looks up at her his eyes red from staring at a computer screen. “Is there word form the other have we learned anything?” He asks. Isabelle shakes her head slowly “Ok then that is why i am still here researching everything I can think of.” He adds. Isabelle sighs and walks out of the library.
Out of one of the back rafters walks Mekyle. Mekyle was one of the newest members of the institute and like Simon he was once a mundane. “You know dude she is right. Some sleep would not hurt you.” he says.
“Look i just put on an energy ruin and with my parabatai getting sleep I am doing just fine!” Simon snaps.
“Wow wow chill man I am not looking for a fight with the great Simon Lovelace.” Mekyle says throwing up his arms.
Simon was a hero to most mundane that went to the academy and became shadowhunters. Before he was even a shadowhunter Simon Lovelace or batter now as back then as Simon Lewis was a mundane. That's what the shadow world called normal humans. Simon was later bitten and became a Vampire and would go on to give up his immortal life to help save the world and his friends. Even with no memory of doing all that he joined the shadowhunter academy and became a full shadowhunter. He was a legend to all that attend the academy.
“Look dude i get it you want to help your friend but man running yourself to the ground is not going to help you need to get out of here for a few hours.” Mekyle says shocked he was being the voice of reason.
Simon slow looks up at him an evil smirk on his face. “Your right meet me at the doors in five and grab your Parabtai. Your going to need her.” Simon says and darts out of the room.
“Oh man what did i just get myself into?” Mekyle asks with a batfuled look on his face.
Forty five minutes later A fully gired up Angelique and Mekyle stand at the main doors. Down the stairs walk Clary and Simon with Jace and Alec.
“Umm what’s going on?” Angelique asks.
“This Mission needs Parabatai only” Simon replays.
“Where are we headed?” Jace asks.
“A lady really needs help” Simon quips. The group all exchanged looks as Simon head out the door. The others follow saute and head out side and down to an all black van.
“Is it me or dose that screen rap van?” Mekyle whispers to Angelique.
“You do know are hearing ruins are on right?”Alec asks. Mekyle drops his head.
“It’s ok, the Van has been marked so no mundanes can see it.” Simon tells them. Everyone gets in the van with Simon driving and Clary in shotgun.
Simon draves them to Ellis island and parks the van. Like Simon side no one saw the Van or them. “The unseen ruin totally freaks me out some time.” Angelique says shily.
“Don’t feel bad for a long time. It did for me two.” Clary says laying her hand on Angelique’s shoulder.
“Simon are we going to the statue of liberty?” Jace inquers. Simon nods and heads on to the ferry. As he does his bow scraps a lady’s scart. She spends around and slaps the man that was standing behind her. “Back off pervert” she snaps. Mekyle and Jace have to stifle a leaph.
Twenty five minutes later the Shadowhunters were stepping on Liberty Island. As the tour group cut off and head into the Statue. Our motley crew of shadowhunters head in to the liberty island sculpture garden. “Why we over here I thought we were going to the Statue of Liberty?” Mekyle inquers. Simon says nothing and starts searching all the statues in the garden. Jace just shrugs
“Just go with it man nerd boy is on a mission it seems”
“Jace Be nice.” Clary retorts “But what are we doing here Simon?” she adds
“Looking for a tree.” Simon says. Everyone looks around the garden was covered in trees.
“Simon we need a bit more to go on there.” Mekyle says.
“What do you all know but the history of this Island.” Simon asks.
“It's the hub of freedom to the world.” Clary says.
“It's on of the must platical monuments there is.” Angelique adds.
“You are not wrong but you need to stop thinking about this Island as the home of the Statue of Liberty. This Island was here long before the Statue.” Simon explanded.
“So then what was it before the Statue was built.” Alec asks. Simon smirks and a gleam comes in to his eyes.
��It was a Shadowhunter strong hold. Jothen Shadowhunter himself made a secret group of Shadowhunters a secret sasidie, Know as the Gatekeepers.” Simon tells them.
“Gatekeeper really…. So is there a keymaster.” Mekyle sneakers. Simon smiles big and laughs as dose Clary and Angelique. Alec and Jace exchange looks of confusion. “Don't tell me you guys don't know about Ghostbusters.” He adds looking at Jace and Alec.
“Ghost what now?” Alec asks.
“Nevermind, The point is that this group of Shadowhunters job was keeping the gates to hell siled. It was later that the Statue of Liberty was added to help battle the dark energy that is threatening the world.” Simon says as he returns to his search.
“Hold on, I thought the Statue of Liberty was a gift to the usa.” Mekyle replies.
“Oh it was but it was the Gatekeepers idea to place it on this island.” Simon says as he runs over to an old old old oak tree. “This is it.” He says pulling out his steela.
“How do you know?” Clary asks.
“The oldest oak of liberty will hold the key to the way to the first gate of Hell.” Simon says in his best old man vice and draws the Angelic rune on the tree. There is a loud cracking sound and then a patch of grass about 3feet by 3feet slide open revealing a stone stairway. Every one exchanged shocked looks.
“Ok Jace you lead the way then Clary,Mekyle,Angelique,Simon And I will bring up the rear.” Alec order. The others nodded and head down the stairway.
As the team made their way down torches flicked to life with some kind of magic. The air was old and stale. But there was one strange Odor that was bugging Jace. He could not place it and he did not like not knowing something, not when so many lives were on the line. “He Si this place got any traps we should know about?” Jace yelled back his eyes peering into the unknow before them.
“Man I don’t know I just found the way in I have no clue what’s down here!” Simon yells back.
Not needing to even see his Parabatai face. Jace could fill Alec’s worry jump at this news. What have they just walked into. The Shadowhunters of old made this place and as all of them know wall they were not a friendly lot. Jace throws his left hand up in a fist. Everyone stops cold. Jace draw out one of his Seraph blades and whispers it’s name “Adriel” the blade shout out and glowed to life with a burning white light. They were not alone and Jace know it.
Alec head his bow out and an arrow notched as soon as Jace throw up the hand sign for stop. Alec could fill Jace trance up. He knows this filling to wall it was the filling anytime he got when his parabatai was ready to attack. The light from Jace blade tampary blinded him as he scanned the room at the end of the stairway.
Jace slow stepped into the large square room. His head was on a swivel ever part of him told him that there was danger in this room. The part of him that had a little common sense told him to get the other out, but that damn part of him that loved the hunt and thrill of a fight won out yet again. As soon as Jace was in the center of the room there was a blinding people light and Jace was surrounded by demon dogs. “Wall shit…” he spat.
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