#and chewing bricks
halos-little-freak · 2 years
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They kiss and stuff
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liyv · 10 months
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is this what you wanted?
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
Can we take a second to appreciate Zeno Robinson? Like, this entire episode with Hunter was stunning, but the way he exactly adopted Belos’ tone and cadence when he was speaking through Hunter was absolutely spine-chilling.
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wraithdolll · 2 months
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my borderlands era having a rerun after 5-6 years of dormancy is funny
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Waitin for this damn plane to take off
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obiwan · 2 years
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Ewan McGregor + a little ponytail LONG WAY UP
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memoryhallows · 2 months
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banging pots and pans together . these pictures COOK SO HARDDDD
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the-meme-monarch · 7 months
oooouuuaaaagghhhgg strange someone frisk au/theory from the perspective of the undertale universe. their friends are looking for them bc toriel has their number papyrus undyne alphys and sans all of them have frisk's number but they aren't picking up for anyone it's just garbage noise. no one's seen them since they left the mountain and no one knows where they are and they can't get a hold of them on the phone. they don't know if it's worse that frisk has no missing posters until they put them up since frisk disappeared to mount ebott first and for days or that because of that no one else will be looking for them besides them. they said they had places to be. where could they be. where is our friend. where is our child. we just want to know that they're safe.
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usikunox · 10 months
At some point after Imogen going down or getting really messed up or something, I'm just desperately waiting for either Laudna to say she'd break the world for Imogen or for Delilah to whisper that into her mind and I will go absolutely feral ugh
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negrowhat · 9 months
What are your top 5 payurain moments?
WE INTERRUPT YOUR POSSIBLY UNWANTED LONE STAR SPAM TO TALK ABOUT MY LOVES PAYURAIN! In no particular order because I literally can't just choose a number one spot!
PayuRain's first meeting. My gosh it was literal perfection????? Payu being the gentleman he is and stopping to change a complete strangers flat tire! Him being moved that Rain would stand out in the rain and hold an umbrella for him. Like he totally wasn't expecting to meet such a sweet and cute boy while performing a random good deed. Rain being in absolute awe at how GORGEOUS Payu was??? Everything about their first meeting had me well fed. It was love at first sight.
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Rain trying to cheer P'Payu up after his first run-in with Stop Sign. It reminds of how truly sweet Rain is and how he knows exactly what to say to get Payu to smile again. Him playing the 'wifey' because he knows Payu loves it and ultimately not stopping until Payu smiled. Also...we know what happened after that and Rain admitted that he loved to see Payu smile.
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The Daddy Couch scene. I wished and prayed for it and MAME/MeMindY delivered. Rain played Payu right into his hands. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and he knew EXACTLY what he wanted from his man. Idk man it is honestly one of the best love scenes out there, so well choreographed.
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The bathroom stall scene. Gawd Payu really put on the dom hat heavy in the first few eps. He really needed to drive home to Rain that he was the alpha and that stall scene was all about control. Rain didn't know what was happening to him in that tiny stall but it was intoxicating and probably annoying.
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PayuRain's engagement. DUH! I just love seeing Rain be so confident and proud of the man he was. He was no longer questioning if he could stand at Payu's side. He knew the ring was coming. Payu's proposal was beautiful and the way he couldn't take his eyes off Rain even with all the confetti and cheering in the background. It was just a satisfying proposal.
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the-badger-mole · 8 months
The most ooc thing Katara did post-atla is not do ANYTHING about Aangs favoritism with their children. The Katara I know would’ve demanded he spend equal time with all of his children. Imo it shows how much her relationship with Aang made her a quiet, docile housewife and I find that really disturbing.
I'm going to be a bit controversial and say that it's actually not that OOC for her. Even in the main series Katara has a massive blindspot when it comes to Aang's nonsense. After living with Aang through his disappointment of his first two children being non-airbenders, I could see Katara buckling under the pressure and letting Aang do whatever he wanted. She definitely has her moments of OOCness, but I think they tend to be more in the comics in the way that she's content to just be the Avatar's Girlfriend.
For all I harp on Aang (and will continue to do because he's awful), Katara is an unhealthy partner for Aang, too. She held the Avatar on a pedestal, and in doing so ignored and even enabled Aang's worst traits. She certainly never held him accountable. I firmly believe that the only reason she ended up with Aang was because she felt like she owed him. Katara, as she was presented throughout the show, would have told Aang is she liked him. Especially since she knew for certain he liked her. She gave herself to him (after their horrible last few encounters and with no speaking lines on her part) because he was the Avatar and he'd saved the day (not really, but...) and he wanted her. I think that carried over to her children. She owed him his airbenders because of everything he lost. You can't tell me that Katara didn't feel some misplaced guilt about only being able to give Aang one airbending child. So, while I do hope that as a mother she did her best to shield Bumi and Kya from Aang's neglect, I'm equally certain she wouldn't have stood ten-toes down to him to force him to take responsibility for them, and that tracks from how she treated him in ATLA.
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the gravedigger and the nightingale
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la-pheacienne · 23 days
I, a mentally ill person, consciously decided to reread Les Mis because I thought it would help with my mental health. Oh boy
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nanjokaoru · 1 year
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need more sk8 x sanrio content in my life 
twt > cloudyhl don’t repost!!
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seaofashes · 2 months
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I'm trying really hard to get myself to post the more simplistic pieces and doodles that I do so... have a KidKiller piece because I love them dearly
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