#and completely in german
summergirl2408 · 1 year
Ya know the english language is generally fine and all but y'all just don't have decent words for some german essentials
For example I will never not hate the english word for Brötchen
I mean I know if I say either bread roll or bun people are gonna generally understand what I mean but neither of those words actually encompass the full range of german Brötchen
To me this is a bread roll:
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And this is a bun:
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But both of those words do not feel correct for any of these things:
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Those are proper Brötchen and calling them bread roll or bun just feels so wrong
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genderkoolaid · 4 months
was talking to my mom about the trend of (cis) (femme) women saying "i'm a feminist but men/butches/mascs should always pay for dinner" stuff and just. if i've said it once i'll say it a million times. feminism is not "being nice to women."
like if someone offers to pay for anything, you are not obligated to deny them For The Sake of Feminism. its a nice thing to do for a date or a partner. but for one, I think we should always be suspicious of treating things popular in patriarchal culture as something secretly feminism, especially when its related to how interactions between men and women should go. and two, putting yourself in a position as a marginalized gender, where you expect to be dependent on a cis man for financial support, is potentially dangerous. its good and healthy to establish financial independence. and three its just nice to have displays of equality and partnership in a relationship. idk man putting that kind of expectation on a partner simply for their gender/gender expression would make me feel gross and mean.
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m-1-l-0 · 1 month
-Konig COD Headcanons-
he DEFINITELY rolls around in his sleep like a fucking alligator
he really loved guns and airsoft when he was a kid, but never went to an airsoft match
surprisingly good at sewing
scares new recruits (sometimes on purpose)
likes to shower in the shower rooms when everyone else is asleep or when the shower rooms are empty
once he fell in front of new recruits and just layed there, afraid to get up (and has never recovered) EDIT: CHECK OUT MY ACCOUNT FOR ROACH HEADCANONS , GHOST HEADCANONS AND SOAP HEADCANONS
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masonjarsmoments · 18 days
Not Jannik saying "I hope we play some more " about Jack in his german interview. This might be Carlitos last straw.
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Baby, I'm standing at the great abyss of love and...and I'm teeterin'!
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german-enthusiast · 7 months
Scary scary German syntax... right?
The following sentence exhibits a typical mistake German-learners make: Heute ich gehe in ein Museum.
It's not conjugation ("ich gehe" is correct!), it's not declension ("ein Museum" is correct too!). The issue is "heute ich gehe". Correct would be: Heute gehe ich in ein Museum (or: Ich gehe heute in ein Museum.)
What's the rule here?
It's unfortunately not simply "there can only be one word before the verb"
German word order is so difficult be cause it is so variable. All following sentences are correct and synoymous (though emphasis shifts):
Der Opa schenkt seiner Enkelin zum Geburtstag ein Buch über Autos.
Seiner Enkelin schenkt der Opa zum Geburtstag ein Buch über Autos.
Ein Buch über Autos schenkt der Opa seiner Enkelin zum Geburtstag.
Zum Geburtstag schenkt der Opa seiner Enkelin ein Buch über Autos. All mean: The grandfather gifts his niece a book about cars for her birthday.
What do they all have in common, syntax-wise? There's only one phrase in front of the finite verb. What does this mean? A phrase is a completed (!) unit that can consist of one or more words (depending on the word class (-> noun, verb, …)) Typical word classes that can be a phrase with just one word are:
Proper nouns, plural nouns, personal pronouns, relative pronous (Lukas kocht. Busse fahren. Ich schreibe. Der Mann, der kocht, …)
Adverbs (Heute, Morgen, Bald, Dort, Darum, …) Most other word classes need additional words to form a full phrase:
adjectives need a noun and article: der blaue Ball, der freundliche Nachbar
nouns need a determiner (= article): der Mann, eine Frau, das Nachbarskind
prepositions need… stuff (often a noun phrase): auf der Mauer, in dem Glas, bei der Statue
A finite verb is the verb that has been changed (=conjugated) according to person, time, … All verbs that are NOT infinitive or participles are finite. ich sagte -> "sagte" is the finite verb ich bin gegangen -> "bin" is the finite verb The infinitive and the participle are called "infinite verbs" and are always pushed towards the end (but not always the very end!) of the sentence: Ich bin schon früher nach Hause gegangen als meine Freunde.
So: Before the verb (that is not the participle or infinitive) there can only be one phrase.
Since "heute" is an adverb (-> forms a full phrase on its own) and "ich" is a personal pronoun (-> forms a full phrase on its own), they can't both be in front of the verb "gehe" You have to push one of them behind the verb: Heute gehe ich in ein Museum Ich gehe heute in ein Museum.
Both of these are main clauses (Ger.: Hauptsätze), which in German exhibit "V-2 Stellung", meaning the finite verb is in the second position (after one phrase).
What happens if we push all phrases behind the finite verb?
Gehe ich heute in ein Museum? (Watch out: Gehe heute ich in ein Museum would be ungrammatical! The subject has to come in the second position)
It's a question now!
In German, question sentences (that do not start with a question word like "Was?", "Wo?", …) start with the finite verb (called "V-1 Stellung").
Questions, main clauses,… what's missing?
Dependent clauses!
The third type of sentence exhibits "V-letzt Stellung" or "V-End Stellung", meaning the finite verb is at the very end of the sentence. Ich bin gestern in ein Museum gegangen, … main clause -> V-2 Stellung … weil es dort eine interessante Ausstellung gab. dependent clause -> V-letzt Stellung If you want to practice this....
... determine if the following German sentences are correct. If not, what would be the right way to say it?
Der Zug war sehr voll.
Gestern ich war in der Schule.
Die Lehrerin mich nicht hat korrigiert.
Gehst du heute zur Arbeit?
Das Buch ich finde nicht sehr interessant.
To practice this further, translate the following sentences into German and focus on the order of words:
The boy gave the ball back to me.
I called my girlfriend because I missed her.
The girl saw her brother at the train station.
The horse, which was standing on the field, was white and black.
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rox-of-iu · 1 year
my old blorbos are back in my brain
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heart pirates my absolute beloved. shame theyre chillin somewhere in the ocean lol (do not mention the pre-time skip hats of penguin and shachi I'm still attached even tho its already been a million years since then)
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anyway every time i remember that Law and Kid are assigned german and Scottish by Oda i gain one hundred years
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ganondoodle · 1 month
was at my sisters house to watch the cats a bit and played some botw again after a long time, spent an hour running around phirone (faron) and checking out all the cool sonau (zonai) stuff and i felt a wave of sadness wash over me, those ruins there feel so ... heavy with story, with sadness of tragedy, with the thrill of the unkown, yet its revealed to be nothing in totk, i honestly dont feel like the sonau of botw and of totk are at all releated tbh, theres like, NO design overlap besides sometimes some dragon-like figures that feel more like they put them into totk just to have some connection at all-
the botw sonau ruins are all full of curves hewn into dark stone with red accents, theres swirls and snakes everywhere, appropriately withered by time and weather- it was already a stupid idea to replace the shiekah tech with literally another ancient highly advanced civilaztion, but then to not even make them look or feel at all connected to the little things that were there?? totk sonau is white stone and gold and green, its all extremely angular and clean cut, together with weird hologram shit that reads, somehow, as both unfittingly techy to everything else while also neither mechnical nor magical
its fucking bonkers, i know they put some totk sonau bullshit into some of the ruins in totk, like the main ones in phirone but like, especially in that case with the direct comparison its so jarring and artificial, and i hate the excuse of "hylians built those different looking buildings as a monument to the sonau", like we needed more shitty excuses for bad writing decisions- the ancient AND current hylian stuff aligns more with totk sonau stuff, why would they adopt a completely different style to built shit around actual sonau stuff that somehow also looks like it was abandoned like, 50 years, 100 years ago, not over TEN THOUSAND years ago, both the botw sonau ruins and the shiekah tech look more ancient than anything totk sonau
and what for??? i imagine more botw sonau style ruins and like, thats entirely possible, why make it sth utterly different and give it a shitty excuse?? its so unnecessary?? like okay make the wheels out of withered stone hanging together like clumps by invisible magic like how the iwaroks (the .. stone enemy) works- i still would like it sicne i dont like the whole building thing in botws world, but at least it would feel like truly magic bs and fit into the design of botw sonau (even though im still not over NOTHING ever hinting that they were one step away from spaceships hologram aliens, the refusal to work with the stuff they themselves have put into their games drives me up a wall, YOU PUT IT THERE! DO SOMETHIGN WITH IT!)
just to put some modern tech into it? was it worth it?? (no)- and there i could even go on about how much i hate the 'tech' design too, its too little mechanical to be called 'tech' but too modern tech like to call it 'magic', (a balance which the shiekah tech did tremendously well imo) i keep being impressed with how conflicting and incoherent design and story can be in this one single overpriced game
(the reason them making it so modern techy looking was so players would immediately know what it was apparently and i just ... doesnt that make it more boring? like instead of the shiekah stone(slate) they just put a flip phone with numbered buttons and all and give it a vaguely stone texture? instead of like, a guardian with its spider legs and strange creepy design, just put a fucking tank there??? (and like, in a way i feel like the fact that they still tried to not make it look too modern by putting that green texture on it and like, a face here and there, makes it WORSE, a bad cover up is worse to me than none at all, like a shitty explanation can make sth worse than no explanation at all *ahem* literally every interview they did >:C )
also i dont know how you could even design a fan so it doesnt look like a fan? you dont need to put in literal car wheels with suspension and all in there to make it clear its a wheel bc how would you even design a wheel so it doesnt read like a wheel???
since when did they get so anxious about players not understanding something?? the whole series was built on puzzles of varying difficulty, whats with the sudden loss in trust in the player?? botw was already pretty easy but in totk the whole game treats you like you cant think or remember sth for more than 30 seconds to the point it gets actively agonizing to play through- the same two sentences of unimportant info repeated and shown to your face over and over, both in story and gameplay- and even with their immediately readable design choices for the sonau 'tech' they made half teh shrines either sloggingly slow tutorials or one puzzle shrines that are dedicated to teach you how the obvious thing works when you really learn it all on the literal tutorial island AND its obvious from the start BECAUSE THEY WANTED IT TO BE OBVIOUS!! its fun to figure things out and try stuff, its no fun to have a step by step guide glued to your forehead at all times especially when its so obvious, yes thanks for teaching me that a literal fire hydrant spits out water!! wow! never thought about that! thanks for telling me it 5 times too!! (even if it annoys me that they can just do that when not connected to the ground .. would have been more fun to make puzzle with if they were,,), its part of why i felt like the game was so condescending or outright laughing at me-
why even try to teach me how a fan works over and over when like, there arent even any creative things you can do with it in a reasonable amount of time and its never needed or incentivised either bc the game just hands you the literal solution or at the very least give you the four parts or what that you need to make what you need, like pulling apart two bricks of baby lego in fornt of a toddler to see if they can put them back together once you hand it to them
and dont come at me with the "its for kids" argument, the old games were too and theres alot of stages of 'kid', they arent stupid either and nintendo should know that they have alot of adult fans too, it doesnt need to be dark souls and its allowed to have easy stuff in there but the fact that it never gets any more challenging is the problem, yes part of the fun in games can be making your own rules and messing around but it really shouldnt be controversial to want a 70 bucks game to offer a fun experience without you having to make it fun all on your own (i for one dont enjoy spending 30 minutes glueing togehter a tank with ear shattering lasers just to inefficiently beat up 3 bokblins i could just swing my sword at for a few seconds instead and are not worth the materials spend anyway)
in the end it would have been less immersion breaking and more fun if they straight up put a honda civic into the game you can summon anywhere at no cost (hmmmm where did they just do it before hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm) and transforms like a batmobile to fly around in rather than the weird sonau nuts and bolts hassle you have to put up with, costs stuff, can waste hours of your time and despawn as soon as you look away from it unless you want to make le funny tiktok videos i guess
its such a waste too bc the mechanic itself IS impressive, but its utterly missplaced in this game, it would have needed its own, truly own, game built around it, placing it in botws world is like dumping a bunch of knock off brand toys into a world that felt believable and meaningful turning it to feel like its really just a game for you to mess around in, never has a game felt more gamey to me and it SUCKS to have that magic pulled away like that, silly me for letting them make me care about it i guess
maybe its petty but as someone how really cares alot about design stuff, both visually and gameplay wise, it makes me furious to think about (as you can tell) .. also hyperfixation go brrrrrrr
(this is obviously my view on it, writing this to get it out, not to argue, i believe i have heard all the arguments already anyway and by this point all that is left is just insulting me directly lol)
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o-craven-canto · 8 days
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-- The History of Louis Pasteur, 1936
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letgomypartypiece · 4 months
dutch is such a funny language cus like wtf do you mean "ik wil wat ik wil en ik doe wat ik doe" means "i want what i want and i do what i do" its basically the same sentence
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determinate-negation · 5 months
are germans the most frustratingly pedantic people in the world or is the internet just exposing me to a particular type of person
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ukulelegodparent · 7 months
Taking the train is so fucking great! I've barely been on it for 30min and I've already seen a bunch of geese and deer and a heron!
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jxmey · 5 months
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actual conversation between me and my bf
convo between me and my bf after i showed him this shitpost
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prussianmemes · 9 months
the glassy eyed 1000 yard western euro stare you get when you tell the people sitting in you and your visibly ill girlfriend's seats that they're in your reserved seats and they go "ach... ja but your reservation is not written here there is no r-"
excuse me you germano-frankish beady eyed cocksucker, we're on a čd train and my čd ticket shows us as having these seats, and your rootless ugly white and black deutschebahn fart app doesn't even have seat reservations because despite your national stereotype you have the same organization and respect for order a gypsy does.
don't give me your "mon dieu et iz not written here" - the train is chronically overcrowded because your third world national rail company can't book properly, you've been sitting for 3 hours from shitggart and have only been looking at your insta stories while pretending to study pierre von shittenlips. i have a visibly ill and weak passenger with me but beyond the former iron curtain, despite your supposed cosmopolitan love for all, you're like the rats in the paradise experiment who actually just viciously serve themselves first above all.
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and the nerve to snicker and chat amongst yourselves once we get off... after very clearly sitting in our seats...: TOTAL WEST EURO CONTINENTAL DEATH.....
i believe now in celto-slavic racial superiority
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masonjarsmoments · 1 month
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That scream was all of Jannik Nation
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demadogs · 11 months
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(2023) Dir. Shawn Levy
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