#and cuz Kai never took loss well
spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Concept: Nya and Kai post unseaification. (Too lazy to make into a comic or a fic)
After the ninja broke out of prison.
Kai and Nya hanging out, enjoying being reunited
At some point, Nya quietly says “I’m sorry”
Kai is confused but Nya goes on about how she feels so guilty
That she left him. When she became the sea, she left him and forgot about him and forgot about herself
And she left him just like their parents
And Kai takes her hands and tells her that
She’s always been there for him, every time he’s been low,
every time the loss of their parents made Kai curl up away from the world, Nya was there for him
Every challenge and set back kai has faced, she supported him
And Kai had never dealt well with loss, growing angry and distant but Nya never gave up or pushed him away for it
And so that’s how he got through it when she became the sea
He wouldn’t just fall apart after all her sacrifice
He got better, got a job, kept in touch with the world, because that’s what she wanted for him
Because she was there for him and she never left
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
hey hey— i was wondering if i could potentially get a kai x reader where they're in the middle of a battle and (reader) ends up getting injured. kai nurses them back to health afterwards, although they can't remember what happened too well (i.e. because of memory loss or they passed out after their injury). ty in advance if you decide to do this !! ^^"
Of course! Poor Kai lol. Hopefully you meant like forgetting the whole being a ninja thing and not the incident itself...cuz guess what I wrote about...
Forget Me Not
Where you can't seem to recognize this stranger beside your bed.
You were on a mission with Kai and Lloyd, while Cole was on a separate mission with Zane and Pixal, and Jay and Nya were at home tracking the two groups. Things were going smoothly at first, you were trying to track a few criminals who escaped prison, but you'd be done soon. Or at least, you would've been if they hadn't put up a fight.
You didn't know what was worse, being cornered by two powerful villains, or having the brilliant idea to split up and get it done faster. "Hey, uh, guys?" You ask into your comm, "I could really use some backup..."
"No can do, sib," your little brother addresses you, "I've got two of my own to take care of."
"Don't worry," you can practically hear the smirk in Kai's voice, "I'm coming, babe."
You nodded, and started to battle. Where your little brother inherited his uncle's element of creation, you inherited your father's element of destruction. It didn't blow over well at first, but you never used your powers unless it was an emergency, and it wasn't like you yourself were a bad person, so you were deemed okay by the public eye. Instead, you just used your hand to hand combat.
Blocking the first punch, you react by using your palm to hit his chin, knocking him back before ducking to avoid the second villain's punch.
The first villain talks into a watch he probably either designed or stole. "It's them, we found that Garmadon kid, come bring backup!"
You didn't know what he was talking about, but you didn't care either, you just needed to knock them both out and bring them back to jail. You blocked another punch sent to you by redirecting it into the other one's chest, before they both took a few steps back to try again. "Ugh, don't run, cowards!" You approach them quickly by jumping up and trying to slam your fists down onto one of them, but he grabbed your wrists. You escaped his hold though by sliding under him and flipping him around, forcing him to let go.
Lloyd's voice popped up in your earpiece, "(Y/N), get out of there! They want you, for some reason!"
Just as he finished, two more villains showed up, "uhh, I kinda can't right now-" you grunt as you kick someone away, and back flip to gain some distance between you and two others, "busy fighting off four of them."
"I'm almost there, and by the looks of it, so are a dozen others...you're gonna need to make it quick!" Kai warns.
They're piling in the abandoned warehouse you're at. There are too many for you to take on by yourself, so now you'll have to use your power. "Get 'em, boys!" One of them yells, pointing to you.
Your eyes flash a deep purple as you activate your power, raising and alighting your hand in a destructive purple substance. Before you can throw it, a rope loops around your wrist, and is tugged away from your body, making you lose concentration. You desperately try to rip it off with your free hand, but another rope loops around your neck, and you're pulled in another direction. You let out a scream of frustration, using your extra strength to yank your arm free, sending one of the men flying across the warehouse. Next, you grab the rope that's around your neck and physically melt it, freeing yourself.
You think you're in the clear, but a heavy net drops over your body from above, and you're trapped under it. Trying to wrestle it off you only serves to make you become entangled by it, but you don't want to give up, not yet. These villains wanted you for some unknown reason, and if it was for your power, you were in trouble. You knew what happened to your little brother every time someone wanted his power, and didn't want to end up like that.
They were closing in, and as you saw the flash of bright red outside the building, you knew you had one choice left. "Lloyd, Kai, stay away. I'm going to do it."
"Are you sure it'll work? It hasn't worked before..." Lloyd sounds skeptical. He was right, usually it backfired, and last time you almost took out Zane.
"Lloyd and I are coming, we're almost there, hang on."
"No, Kai, I have to, or I'm going to go miss - get off me!" You hiss as one of them approach you and yank out your earpiece.
"Don't need you telling your buddies where you're going." He crushes the gadget in his hand, and sprinkles the remains over your face.
You were tired of waiting. Your sclera darkened to black and a purple aura surrounded your body as you concentrated all your energy into one significant blow. "Black Hole." A small yet powerful one formed over your head, sucking up the net and along with it a few of the villains sent to capture you. The rest fled in terror just before the black hole collapsed, causing an explosion that took out one of the support beams. The ceiling was coming down, and you were too far from the exit to make it out.
You looked outside at the red and green lights outside the warehouse. They were talking to you, but you couldn't hear them. It was okay. You'd be okay.
"Good morning, Lloyd." You mumble to your baby brother, reaching over to pet his hair soothingly. You didn't have much, but you had each other. It had been like that ever since your mother abandoned you out of fear of your darkness, then him for some prophecy. Who needed a mother, anyway?
There was nothing there though, and you sat up fast. "Ah-" you cringed as your head pulsed with pain, and you slowly laid yourself back down. You were in a new room, not yours, surrounded by strangers and your mother. You snarled at her, "where's Lloyd, where's my brother?!"
"Hey, (Y/N), it's me, I'm right here." The blond beside you reached out and touched your shoulder, but you flinched away from him.
"Don't touch me!" You snapped. "Where's Lloyd?!" The strangers gave each other concerned looks, but that didn't help the situation at all. "Get out! I want to see my brother!" You tried to get out of bed despite the aching in your body, but the blond boy just pushed you back down.
"No, (Y/N), it really is me, Lloyd, your brother. Don't you remember when I got hit with Tomorrow's Tea?"
You snort, "sounds dumb." You cross my arms, "if you're my brother, then what's my favorite color?"
He furrows his brows, "that's a dumb question, you said favorite colors were stupid."
"Hmm," he was right, you were trying to trick him. But what if he was smart? What was an unguessable thing that only your baby brother knew? "Friday July 7th, 9 o'clock." At the sound of him trying to cover his snorts, you knew it was him.
"I don't get it, what's so funny about that specific date and time?" The boy in freckles and dressed in blue asked.
"Shut it, shorty." You snapped. Yes, you had a bad temper when you were upset or confused. This was one of those times.
"(Y/N), my baby, it's okay to feel-" You cut your mother off angrily.
"'My baby'? I'm not your anything!" You snapped, "you left me to die, to rot away because you thought I would grow up to be evil, and on top of that, you leave my brother behind because of some stupid Green Ninja prophecy? It's not even real, prophecies are just made up stupid things to give bad people like you excuses!" The people around you exchange awkward looks, but you don't even notice, instead, you clench your fists. "You're lucky I found him alive, because if he wasn't, nothing in this world would keep me from you."
The boy in black and orange swallowed thickly. "Gee, (Y/N), I didn't think you could get that dark." You whipped around to glare at him, and he squeaked out a small "sorry."
"Mom, I think it would be best if you go..." Lloyd, or rather, teen Lloyd as he'd magically grown in the few hours you were asleep, leads your saddened mother out the door.
You cross your arms, not looking at any of the other people in the room. "What are you looking at?" The question is rhetoric, as you don't feel like talking to strangers, just your well-meaning little brother. Younger brother? He wasn't little anymore.
Lloyd is quick to return, "sorry about that." He sounds sheepish, which is unlike his childish self. Had growing in body also made him grow in mind?
"If they don't remember anything...do they remember me?" The boy with spiked up hair and scars sounds deeply upset, as if he was close to you. Maybe he was, as the way everyone was acting around you made it sound like you lost your memory or were in a coma, but those only happened in stories, right? ...right?
"...Lloyd. What exactly happened to me?" You look around at your bandages as horrible realization occurred to you; maybe you were in an accident.
He bites his lip nervously. "I don't really know where to begin; if you don't even remember meeting the ninja, then that means you've lost years of memory." He fiddles with his hands. "Believe it or not, we live with these people now. They're a part of our family. We're all a team who works to take down villains and evildoers."
"But...that sounds so unlike you. You literally went to Evil's Bad Boy school or whatever it was called, and you wanted so badly to be like dad. Why did that change?"
"Well, you changed too." He smiles weakly at you. "You stopped letting me make the decisions for us, and took charge as my older sibling, and you became a strong fighter, you learned you had dad's power, and you even fell in love."
"Woah," you looked at your hands, "I had dad's power?" He nodded, but you actually began to panic. "I-I, I can't have that! It'll just prove mom right, that evil really is part of me," you're in tears. Not like you wanted to cry in front of partial strangers, who probably already have seen you cry, but still, it was weird for you. Who were you, really?
"No, that's not true." A being of metal comforts you by putting a hand on your arm. It's like he knows exactly how to comfort you, and you relax. "You should know that you were an amazing fighter, and you always tried to battle without your power, as you knew of its destructive properties. You thought about others, and you were kind."
You didn't know this person, but they made you feel calm. "Thank you, uhh..."
"Zane." He smiles.
"Zane." You look around, feeling better now. "Who are the rest of you?"
"I'm Cole," the black and orange dressed guy said.
"I'm Jay, and this is Nya, my Yang." The freckled boy put an arm around the girl next to him.
"Oh, congratulations, you too." You give them a genuine smile.
"Well, Nya's also my sister," the boy with spiked hair spoke up, "and...I'm Kai."
"You're..." you rubbed your eyes, "red..." You blinked a few times, then sighed. "Sorry, it's just, in my dream I saw red and green lights," you laugh it off with a chuckle, "I'm sure it's fine though." You address everyone at once now, "it's nice to meet you all...again...I guess..." you sound unsure of yourself. You hoped you didn't lie to anyone, or that'd be a mess for you. You also hoped no one tried to attack you, because you didn't remember any training you had. Losing your memory was hard, and you hoped you'd never have to go though it again. Unless... "wait, have I lost my memory before and not remembered? Gee, there's so much you can forget..."
Lloyd laughs, "don't worry, (Y/N), this is your first time, and I promise, I'll help you through it. We all will."
"Thank you." You smile to all of them. They trickle out of the room one by one until it's just you and red boy. Or, you meant, Kai.
"Are you feeling okay?" He asks and you nod. He sounds shy and nervous. "That's good. ...You know, I'm the one who carried you here and helped clean you up and heal you."
You smack him across the face, "you looked at me naked?!" You shout.
"I thought it would be okay!" He protests, "you're my partner, my lover, I didn't know you would lose your memory!"
You flushed a dark color as warmth hit your face. "We...you were my boyfriend?"
"I was actually gonna ask you to be my Yang soon...or propose to you, either one." He rubs the sore spot as he sighs, "but I guess that's not an option for me anymore."
You feel bad. Obviously losing your memory was no one's fault, but he clearly loved you a lot; enough to look past your darkness and even feel the need to marry you someday. "I...I didn't say it wasn't an option..." You scratch your cheek awkwardly. "It's just that I'll have to remember you, or learn to love you again."
"That could take a while, and you might not even like me after, but..." he stares into your eyes, "I'm willing to wait." It's quiet for a bit; uncomfortably so. "You...you mentioned seeing red and green lights in your dream."
"Yeah, it's a little fuzzy now, but the last things I remember was falling asleep next to Lloyd in a cave for the night, and then having a dream about these pretty lights, and they were talking to me. I couldn't hear them, but I felt warmth from them." You look into his eyes. "I woke up and my brother was wearing green, and you were wearing red. I'd like to believe that those lights represent the ones I love most." You almost believed what you were saying, as you did feel some warmth looking at your brother and this man in particular, but you didn't remember him, so you weren't sure. He needed the comfort though, so you went along with it.
You groaned, "I just want my memory back, then this whole thing would be much easier. I'd just be like 'hey guys, and boyfriend, I'm hurt, but it's okay'. Now I have to be like 'who are you please tell me what happened...to me...that I should already know'."
"Hey, hey," he speaks softly, "you will get better, one memory at a time. And if you can't get them back, then we still have a lifetime to make new ones."
You smile at him, and he smiles back, "well, let's make some happy ones in the meanwhile. Thank you, Kai."
"Anything for you, (Y/N)." He holds and squeezes your hand as you lie down again for some much needed rest. "You can do this. I love you."
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
Did Kai have any sort of family after losing her foster family and becoming the Demon King? Or did she only have her husband?
Yes actually!!! A lot of Kai’s own story involves her own found family collection (i say collection just. cuz she tends to outlive them)
I’ve briefly mentioned she has a few kids and you see them in one of my sketchbook tours
but she also has a group of friends who she was close to
and the opening chapter of one of her ‘stories’ involves her dealing with the loss of a close friend she considered family (she even tried to go through legal means to see him but when humans turned around and said fuck you she snuck in. I can actually post this writing if people wanna read it?)
She also has some of her adoptive family still alive tho the bloodline is thinner. The Hellsing family she was raised in still exists to a point in her story (before the great catastrophe at least) Her whole ‘became the demon king’ thing happened when her uncle attacked her but she was able to get her sister in law and unborn nephew to escape while she distracted the rest (i have a whole ass animatic planned for this to the song “monster” from frozen’s musical. someday. someday I’ll be able to sit down on it weep)
This nephew was the one who hired Ren to help find “the king of fear” as she was known at that point. Alex is a good boy. His son was the one who went to find his great aunt after Ren’s death and she fully became a fallen god and offered her a place to stay and just. try to relax. She ended up falling into a deep sleep for a while and his family was the ones to build the ‘tomb’ she normally rests in when ever she has these extreme ‘low energy’ periods which can last between 5 years to her longest one was 5000. Typically she’ll rest for between 20-50 years at a time. and there’s a legit reason she does this too. But that’s not about family---
Point is that family is still very fond of their matriarchal demoness and she helped them found “Prometheus” a group to help humans deal with monsters and monsters live in peace. (cuz boy howdy do people have trigger fingers) there are other groups in their world with either similar goals or ones to ‘suppress’ monsters (example: The Order is a group who sees monsters as tools and lesser beings. sometimes Prometheus is forced to work with them and normally they send strong demons or dragons and such so that The Order can’t do anything to their operative. it was on one of these collaborations that Kai kidnapped Booberry from them. she regrets nothing.)
Kai often just refers to the current descendant as just “her nephew” as she’s too lazy to shove the amount of “great” in front of it because she’s old. there’s only one case of a niece and that’s where the bloodline ended (again that’s another story all together)
When Kai woke up after the Great Catastrophe alone she ended up meeting a young man named Leo (who if you look in Kai’s tag on my blog you can see him!) Who she bonded with and she likes hanging out with (and there’s other things but I’m not gonna talk about it)
There’s also her ‘generals’ and a few of them are gonna show in TLC soon (just a brief cameo) A group of 4 who’ve met Kai in a few incarnations and they always tend to get along. Original names were Matt, Trisha, Faith, and Maki is Maki (she’s an elf so she lives longer) Current names are Byron, Tiffny, Jacob and Maki. These four actually form Ren’s party when he’s trying to find his wife at the actual start of “Nightmare’s Dream” and you learn they each have a connection to Kai through the story.
Matt/Branden/Byron; he’s featured in the writing I mentioned up top, he’s kinda similar to Leo in the way he interacts with Kai as an almost human morality pet for Kai. He used to be Kai’s student when she was teaching, and his father was the warden at the jail her friend Sammy was in (this is the friend she lost) Matt can see through her disguise when she’s showcasing nightmares. Kai can cause hallucinations on targets using her ‘fear’ hence her title “king of fear” and normally they are only visible to her and her target. But Matt can see them.
He ends up getting in trouble a few times; once with a tribe of demons who want to turn children into imps, once with the literal Anti christ, once with a haunted house. And each time Kai was there and ends up saving him.
Matt later is in an accident and ends up reincarnating as a winged human named Branden and has all his past memories. So when he starts working at Prometheus as one of their ‘informants’ (aka he goes to gather information in both human and supernatural affairs. he’s referred to often as the angel of trust because of his silver tongue) and he meets her again he shouts something from one of his classes with her causing her to snap back on reflex until she realizes (running joke is Kai loathes Julius Ceaser and if you say his name she always whips around shouting “WAS A SLUT AND A HARLOT” in a very aggressive tone. It makes people laugh when she does and she always gets embarrassed afterwards)
The two of them end up working together for a while and become good friends (and maybe a bit more but they never state really) but then when with his new work partner Trisha (nicknamed angel of death, she works in the sector that deals with cleanup) he ends up betraying Prometheus and Trisha rips his wings off and kills him (this is the context between the ‘redraw’ meme I do every few years of a man with a bleeding back drowning)
Trisha is also someone who grew close to Kai (hence she killed Branden because his folly led to Kai nearly going berserk) but she was killed by a sleeper agent from the order. And this is how Kai lost two of her close friends.
Now backing up to Sammy the inmate one; he was with her when Kai met her first child, the young moon goddess Artemis. Arty is a constant for the demoness ever since she picked her up in the woods (her arc also has one of my favorite kai lines: (which i can’t find the direct line but)
Sam shuddered as he looked around the woods, “Do you ever feel like there’s 100 eyes watching you?”
“Yes but it didn’t work out so we broke up.” The demon responded flatly as she looked around with a deep set scowl.
While she was out with Sammy when he was hunting they ended up finding a little girl who turned out to be a new goddess and her elder sister was kidnapped by the embodiment of Greed in his attempt to become a god. Kai ends up stopping this but also kinda ends up becoming Arty’s mom. While she doesn’t raised Arty fully she does do a lot of teaching and such for her and does refer to her as “her daughter” and Arty calls her mom. when the great catastrophe occurs, Arty is one of the few gods who remained when the rest went to new ‘realms’ or simply vanished and is considered one of the main gods of their world because of this.
And then there’s her son Ganon, an Orc Lord she adopted when his village was ruined. he currently poses as her ‘demon king’ while she pretends to be the chancellor (this is the ruse she uses. normally heroes will fight the ‘king’ and lose but if they actually are a threat or have poor reasoning she kills them from behind. this is also how the story starts as someone found a spell to try and incapacitate her buttt)
There’s also morte and her daughter demeter (I’ve shown them before, a set of necromancers) who she’s very friendly with. Demeter even calls her aunty Kaya and loves to sit on her lap and such during meetings. (i have one snippet when Kai was recruiting someone to their side but hadn’t told her yet she was the REAL demon king and Demeter was sitting on her lap laughing) Morte is thankful to Kai for saving her circus (Morte runs a circus that helps those stuck in limbo pass on but at one point demons of sin over took it in a way to gather souls)
There’s also her friend Ciera, the daughter of the girm reaper. she’s Kai’s best friend for the most part of her life, and is the one who helps Ren when the gods of life and death try to prevent him from reincarnating again (which is like other things a whole other story) (she also briefly shows in Bone Stealer at one point. While visiting bunny’s sick grandmother, Bunny and Steve run into Ciera as she’s leaving. Steve stops Bunny from attacking her) She’s over all chill.
There’s also Nicki. Kai’s ‘twin’ brother. He’s the ‘bad guy’ through the arc that contains Leo and sets up ‘the great Split’ that Kai will cause (this is lore/plot stuff) He originally was raised to hate her by their maternal Uncle who’s a arch mage like Ren however he’s fallen due to his hatred of Kai’s birth. Nicki is not really her brother (in the first life) but a failed clone of the demoness. When Kai is reborn Nicki gets to actually be her brother and the two get along really well and he’s very protective of his sister now that he understands what her actual deal is and not the bs his uncle fed him. Before the rebirth too Nicki helped kai solve some stuff and worked with her until his death (unlike her, he was not immortal)
And then Kai actually has two bio children with Ren! Akito her son takes after her and he’s the one who takes over her role as the true demon king of Tir-Na-Nocht so she’s able to die and try life again, and a daughter, Rei who takes after Ren in looks but... she’s a himbo. pure moron. she got her grandpa’s himbo gene strong. She’s a cat girl who works with her brother and she is the head of the guard.
Aki actually has his own story where he grew up in a ‘mundane’ world but then his entire class got ‘isekaid’ to another. it gets shown that this isn’t truly the case. the great ‘split’ mentioned above was Kai literally broke the world in two realms. She made one primarily humans and high tech and then the other was magic and mostly monsters. there are a mix of both but it cut down heavily on the murder. She raised Aki in the human side for his and Rei’s safety due to them being the children of a fallen god (mama worries) and Aki inherited his mother’s odd ‘status’ “Hero/Demon King”  so he has to not expose his demon nature and also stay below the radar (it turns out the person who summoned them was attempting to break a centuries old treaty) until his mother and father can figure out what happened to him (thankfully he can go to a church and his older sister Arty can act as a messenger but there’s a bit of a time split in the worlds) That world is actually the one “Fae Rules” takes place in o7o.
She also is friends with a dead prince named “Shade” (yes this is who you think it is) as well as her ‘cousin’ Sena (who she loves to give shit to)
And in her second life she obvs has her brother, cousins, her father (her father’s boyfriend/her manny), aunt’s etc!!!
So yes; she had family other than her husband!!!! And she cherishes them all.
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 12/14 NXT 12/16 NXT UK 12/17 Smackdown 12/18 TLC 12/20 + Main Event 12/17
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“This Sunday at tlc, it’s gonna be you and me against Nia and Shayna,” Lana says to Asuka, as a quiet ‘woo’ can be heard in the distance.
Lana facing her fears and fighting Nia Jax makes her the bravest person Asuka knows. Rolling. Fucking Asuka. ASUKA. wwe, stop.
Why isn’t Asuka accompanying Lana to the ring?
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I like Lana’s gear.
Joe just compared Lana to a mosquito, goodbye.
Oh snap look how fast Lana did that headscissors takedown. We’re witnessing her progression, ladies and gents.
You know, I knew Lana would win this match, I knew exactly how she would win this match, but jfc what a treat watching it myself. 
Nia’s face lmfao.
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Shayna wrecking Asuka so she can’t save Lana from her inevitable fate. Still curious on whether or not this beatdown injured her, if she was injured going into the match, or if it was all really just a storyline.
Yikes this is sad.
Man that leg drop onto Lana’s ankle actually looked kinda wicked, ngl.
*distant woo intensifies*
Wow we got real tears from Lana. Points.
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Becky and Charlotte have been gone, Alexa hasn’t been on tv, the Raw women’s championship has become a meaningless prop... what a dead period for this roster.
Hi why is this match happening?
I will never not be impressed by Dana’s entrance.
Is Mandy actually hurt? Why did they take her off tv for so long? Is Shayna the resident kayfabe shelver? “Hey this girl is actually injured, have her written off by Shayna” ?? Cuz I know they’re not splitting Dana and Mandy up, and Dana has been on tv every week since Mandy left. Must be genuine.
These 2 are running roughshod over the entire division at this point.
Lmfao the babyfaces are fucking done with Nia and Shayna. Honestly that’s great, I love it when babyfaces band together to stand up to dominant duos. This has been going on long enough. They took out Mandy, took out Lana, were about to take out Dana. Totally fair.
Highlight: Lana getting a clean win over Nia & being taken out so my queen can return
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It’s a funny thing with Toni and Rhea. Toni says she’s the reason Rhea came to nxt, but she’s also the reason I became such a huge fan of Rhea’s. Heard they were having some big TakeOver match and everyone was always praising Toni. So I checked into Blackpool solely to see what the Toni Storm fuss was about, and I left that ppv solely impressed by Rhea Ripley. Then I took particular notice of Rhea in the Royal Rumble a few weeks later, and I’ve been watching NXT UK for her ever since (til she moved). To see her growth has been tremendous, and she’s so young. Such a bright future.
The music to this is great.
Toni says she isn’t scared of Rhea, as if Rhea’s mere theme music didn’t scare the absolute shit out of Toni the week prior lol.
Toni’s not even a terrible promo, but the timing of her blinks could not be worse. Yes, it matters.
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I can’t stop laughing at how fucking intensely Shotzi started this interview.
She does pissed off interviews well. I can feel her annoyance.
Really don’t want to see a Candice/Shotzi feud tbh but okay, I’ll try.
aaand there’s the howl. Awful.
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Lmfao Rhea called Toni a piece of trash. This is gonna be interesting to see with the alignments reversed.
I don’t remember who won this match, but I’m betting it was Toni. Which is fair tbh. Rhea is probably on the “put some peeps over before moving up to the main roster” path that everyone in the women’s division walks on. They always eat at least one monumental, or a couple meaningful, loss(es).
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Oh man that is fucked up. To not only be forced to continue punching/kicking a human (fun fact: the person on the offense takes quite the damage doing so) but to have the defenseless victim bleed out and beg for you to stop. That’s rough.
This was shot really well. That music holy shit, I’m creeped out. It’s like a horror movie.
I see the point. Numbs him to pain and breaks his will, while numbing her to mercy. Ruthless stuff.
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Oh are we finally done with Indi’s neck brace? Cool.
I can’t believe wwe invested in this upgraded tank. I still don’t think it’d work on the MR, but points to the boss for shelling out the cash.
Wtf was that stumble and “fall” by Indi lmao.
If Candice was a real bully, she’d distract Shotzi by fucking with her tank at ringside.
Indi does need a mentor, she’s a hell of a lot greener than my mutuals have made it sound. oof.
Shotzi looks like she has no idea how to work with Indi, and Indi looks gassed, confused, and slow as hell.
All Indi knows it going from spot to spot while Shotzi waits around for her to get there.
Lol Indi failed at getting a dirty win. I don’t really care if this is a part of her The Way storyline, what a mess.
The only redeeming part of this piss poor segment was Theory shaking the troll’s head at Shotzi.
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I’ll give wwe an extra $9.99 if they let this match have a clean ending.
“[Rhea] was at one point the biggest superstar in the world,” that isn’t even close to being true because Becky Lynch exists, but I’ll let it slide and pretend you said “in nxt”.
Their paths will be so similar to Becky and Charlotte in the future.
Wow what a sequence. That would’ve received an applause on the MR. Traded headlocks for restholds, threw around their strength, then went into a battle of pinfall reversals. Instead of following that with some stalemate, they didn’t take a breath and proceeded to dance with each other and showcase some chemistry before rolling back into a battle of pinfall reversals. The sequence started with a kick by Toni to Rhea’s midsection, and it ends with a kick by Rhea to Toni’s midsection. Peep that match production, good stuff.
My, my, those slaps to Toni’s back. Whew.
Yeah actually it’s really fucking cool that these 2 get to main event nxt together, come to think of it.
They sell well for each other.
Rhea has the best dropkicks, lesbireal.
Holy shit Toni’s headbutts make my own head hurt. God I wish she wouldn’t. Most people put their hands between the heads so no contact can be made, but Toni’s just like “lol fuck it”
This is a great match. This duo works a lot better with these specific alignments. Watching face Toni try to chop down Rhea is not as good as heel Toni being impossibly hard for Rhea to put away.
Women’s matches and never having a clean ending. Name a more iconic duo. Winter of overbooked women’s matches continues.
Like I had guessed Toni was gonna win anyway, but fucking come on.
*Bonus* online exclusive: Toni says playing by the rules got her diddly and squat, but like... she was a champion lol. “It ain’t even Toni time right now, it’s party time.” Alright.
Highlight: Rhea vs Toni minus the ending
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I don’t know why we’re getting Isla Dawn vs KLR but anytime I get to see KLR fight, I’m here for it.
Hell even Isla’s song never kicks it out of first gear. Song has so much potential but it never goes to the next level.
Ahhhh my Scottish queen is here.
No, don’t compare Sasha’s basement meteora to the double knees Isla did. That was pitiful.
Anyway, KLR vs any of the 4hw would be fantastic, take my money. Sasha, Bayley, Charlotte, or the woman KLR wanted to face at TO Dublin, Dublin native Becky Lynch.
That back body drop is horrendous as a finisher. It’s like when Becky won her debut match the exploder suplex. Awful lmao. Imagine if KLR lost to a back body drop ffs.
You don’t get to be this frustrated for not being able to beat the champion when you’ve only been fighting for like 3 mins.
Isla’s pisspoor speed going in the corner, and her pisspoor roll off of KLR’s tornado ddt. Shame.
Such a clean transition from a failed pinfall attempt into a submission by KLR, whew.
This whole match was just a flex by KLR lmao.
There was a time where we had Becky Lynch, Bayley, Rhea Ripley and KLR as our champions. Wow, take me back plz.
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The background music of this stupid recording is so unnecessarily dramatic, wow.
All for the delivery of a chair. Of a fucking chair. Piper... shut up and handle your shit.
For someone so much larger than the little man, Piper is insanely unintimidating.
Highlight: I got to see KLR wrestle
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Bayley does run her mouth a lot. She’s kind of the EST at saying dumb shit that gets her into trouble lmao.
Bianca is so friggin good at interviews and in backstage segments. She hasn’t received much of a chance to do promos in the ring, let alone obviously to a live crowd, but I hope she shines there, too.
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Has Liv reverted back to being a dumb blonde, or is it drugs? Stop letting her speak.
Love Riott Squad’s everchanging gear. Wonder who makes it for them.
Billie Kay claims that she’s a ‘seasoned’ ring announcer, and somehow that would not surprise me.
Tamina “get the fuck out of my face until I get a nap and a vat of coffee” Snuka, everyone.
Lmfaooo Tamina fucking chucked Liv across the damn ring. What a good job by Liv.
Ruby is exceptional at running the ropes. She gets a good spring off of it.
Tamina’s hair is always so beautiful, she gets points there.
Dropkick into a faceplant. Billie Kay gets pinned rofl. She’s so bad at wrestling and yet here I am ridiculously entertained.
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Carmella’s current persona, but man I wish she’d come out in a cut off tank top, camo pants, high tops and a printed hat.
I mean people are at home cuz covid, but go off.
Aye putting over Sasha. Good heel Mella.
Sasha has held the title for like a whopping 2 months and we’re already marking calendars. Sad.
In kf, Sasha is kind of mentally weak, so I’ll give Mella that. I’m not sure what it’s gonna take to shake that perception, either.
“Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the Boss? Who is Sasha Banks if she’s not the best? It’s sad because that’s a question that not even Sasha Banks knows the answer too.” So I get that wwe are trying to help Sasha develop and fight off her past demons, but man these women are ripping her a new one. Sasha’s only 29 so she can grow and develop however she wants, but jeeze. Salt, meet the dagger Bayley stuck in Sasha’s back.
I like Mella cuz she knows how to hype her opponent’s accolades and strengths while cutting an immaculate heel promo where she hits them RIGHT where it hurts. She’s a pro. Heels should take notes.
This music is like the Jazz Vibes playlist I always listen to.
She just called Sasha cheap and frantic lmaoooo
Oh damn Sasha be out here looking like MONEY. That girl has style, even if it doesn’t always hit with me, she got style.
oof the crack of that slap to Reggie.
OOF the crack of the bottle shattering over Sasha’s poor back. rip.
Match at TLC should’ve been a champagne match. That entails whatever your mind comes up with; pouring alcohol on your opponent, dumping their head in a bucket of ice, breaking bottles over spines. It don’t matter.
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“You don’t see me going around here bragging about how damn good I am,” lmao WHAT. Bayley is equal parts delusional and obnoxiously annoying.
One size heel does not fit all, but I think her version suits her beautifully.
If I were her I’d pick your brain too, but I’d also want a match, cuz people leave matches with you looking as good as humanly possible. Equal parts selfless as well.
She didn’t lie, this was absolutely her putting Bianca on the map on the main roster.
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wwe: wants to strap a rocket to Bianca and make her a star. Also fucking wwe: “lol no we’re not gonna show you her full entrance, cry more scrub.” 
Bayley still looks weird without a title.
Bayley mocks Bianca’s entrance and then gets swept onto the apron lmao. Idiot.
Bianca is a lot of flash and showboating, which is great from an entertainment standpoint, but she needs to do a little... less.
Fantastic snap of the hand against the led board. Bayley wrecking Bianca’s arm gonna hinder the flips.
“I’m the ER. I’m BET-TER. haha.” lmao Bayley is such a fucking dork. Got sent into the ring steps for her bravado. Love that there’s always immediate repercussions for Bayley’s arrogance.
Bayley turned midway going down onto Bianca’s knee for that backbreaker, there. Hope she doesn’t have a massive bruise. Looked like it’d leave a massive bruise.
3 things I’ll apparently never get to see again: Bianca’s hair whip, Bianca’s full entrance, and Bianca’s 450 splash. I’m tired.
These stupid fucking squats while Bianca is dangling off the top rope rofl I swear Bayley is something else. Girl knows how to entertain. “Bayley got a bit cute and Bianca made her pay,” story of Bayley’s life.
Beautiful spinebuster by Bianca. At least SOMEONE in the women’s division will use it.
Bit of a miscommunication there it seems. Bayley goes for a B2B, Bianca tries to block it, Bayley drops down to dodge and go for a cradle. She rolls Bianca all the way back, stands up and hesitates before running at Bianca with an elbow - even though Bianca is not in position to receive it - which Bianca counters by rolling Bayley up, but it was super obvious Bianca was just scouting the next spot. Bianca goes to pick her up for a powerbomb but Bayley has to kick out twice to prevent herself from being pinned while Bianca tries to lift her. That entire sequence was super messy.
Then Bianca nearly drops her lifting her all the way up lol. Yikes. Gotta be pretty fluent to pull that off. Not to plug my fav (but I’m totally gonna plug my fav); it’s a move Charlotte does in almost every match against Asuka or Becky, and you gotta be not only built to pull it off, but you need to have impeccable timing to make the transition look smooth. Extra points if you lift them off the mat RIGHT before a 3 (which Charlotte usually does)
Anyway, good match with a messy last 2 sequences. Bayley did what Bayley does best.
Highlight: Bayley vs Bianca
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They really took Eva Marie and Sasha Banks’ characters and meshed them together while keeping Carmella’s obsession for animal print lol.
Really don’t like that gear. That’s a miss, Mikaze.
Beautiful arm drag. Sasha taking the idea of wrestling like a Lucha more seriously? Cuz she should, ain’t nobody else in the MR doing it.
Commentators say the trash talk is continuing, I say Sasha is quietly leading this match with a grimace. Peeped that “hit me”.
Carmella goes to suicide dive through the ropes just for Reggie to catch her, cept she got caught up and started turning in midair. Would’ve hit her neck and shoulder HARD had he not been there. Great catch indeed.
Sasha “rip my back” Banks.
Not to be douchey, but if you have to adjust your gear in the middle of a match and it’s not just to fill time or be used as character work, then you need to redesign your gear.
Sasha’s a great babyface once that bell rings man. I wish she could carry that energy everywhere.
Holy fuck that facebuster. SPIKED her head, oh my god. I have never seen anyone make a facebuster look so impactful. Points if intentional.
Oh the timing of Sasha blocking that superkick from legit connecting. God she’s good.
You know how I know this is a good match? I’m watching some of these near pinfalls and submissions knowing damn well Sasha’s gonna win, yet my anxiety is still spiking thinking Carmella might walk out with the title. I KNOW she doesn’t though lmao. Good sequences, believable offense, great near pinfalls. They work well together (I’m not surprised, Mella and Sasha both work well with almost anyone)
What a fantastic transition into the bank statement. Points.
That match should’ve ended by dq the second Reggie pulled Mella out. 
Sasha could’ve sold that double superkick pinfall attempt a little bit more.
Carmella having a breakdown. What does that mean? That means she’s about to lose this match lmao. There it is, not even 10 seconds later hahaha.
Sasha sells pain so damn well. Good for her. Good defense of her title. Points to Sasha, she’s phenomenal every time she has an actual match. Post-match and she’s already annoyed me though lol. Ugh. Maybe she’ll get it soon enough.
Nice “replay” wwe. Billion dollar company btw.
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Billie, drawing a horizontal line is not how you write ‘clairvoyant’. 
“proficient in Japanese” aw Asuka was so excited for a split second lmao.
Oh no, she made a mask to match Asuka’s with a paper plate. Oh no no no. Travesty. 
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Ugh I’m so excited. I’ve already seen this and yet I’m excited. Here we are, the whole damn reason I started catching up on everything I basically refused to watch since June 22.
SHE LOOKS LIKE MONEY, WHEW. The queen IS back. She’s so fucking beautiful man.
Love how annoyed Nia looks. This is your comeuppance tbh. Could’ve just faced a measly Lana, but no, you had to play too much.
Really Charlotte shouldn’t be in the tag division, and really she shouldn’t give half of a fuck about Asuka, but we’ll get to that more in the future since this is already nearly 2 months old.
Nia’s doing a great job selling Charlotte’s return, and she’s not even active in the match rn. She does good work.
Bad camera angle on Asuka hitting the ring post.
Asuka getting wrecked lol.
I really despise that the Raw women’s championship was tied up in all of these storylines that have nothing to do with the Raw women’s championship. The Lana crap, the Charlotte crap, the tag teaming in general crap.
In hindsight, I now find it curious that Ric Flair was in the back for this match. Very curious. I swear, if the past 2 real time months weren’t a part of some master plan the Flairs came up with together, I will be SHOCKED.
Charlotte’s fucking crazy for doing those moonsaults to the outside though, for real. I know she was a gymnast and an exceptional cheerleader, but MAN you could not pay me to do fucking blind back flips that high up. Crazy.
She should’ve given us a spear in this match. I wanna go rewatch her work just to see some spears.
Good match. They needed to not focus on destroying Asuka for as long as they did, pacing was off for a little bit there.
Love how Charlotte sticks her tongue out when she bridges up into the figure 8. She’s such an asshole lmao.
If I could’ve changed one thing about that finish, I would’ve had Charlotte bounce off the ropes before hitting Natural Selection. Other than that, it was great.
Charlotte looks good with a title, idk *shrug*
The way Charlotte looked over at Asuka though. I really don’t trust her in hindsight lol.
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Like how this Firefly Funhouse is setting the spotlight on Alexa before Bray takes his leave of absence, only wish she hadn’t missed 2-3 wks of tv.
What a fun way of running a video package.
Inferno matches are insane and I’m not sure why anyone would participate in such.
Think it’s smart they’re both leaving their jackets on tbh.
Alright that was cool. The way Fiend called up the flames was fucking cool. It looks amazing aesthetically. They could’ve never done the set quite like this if there had been fans.
WE HAVE STRAPS?! IS FIRE NOT ENOUGH?!? Man. Randy is a fucking trooper.
Guys. Guys excuse me, that strap is on fire, can... can we not, please??
Man is swinging a god damn pick axe at Randy Orton, I--
I hope that wasn’t actually flammable liquid cuz otherwise Randy is now soaked in it, and that’s insanely dangerous. Oh that’s great editing. So it was flammable, but Randy was out of the chair before the fire rushed at him. Also covered the chair in blood. That was cool.
Orton just pull the damn string out of the jacket real quick lol.
Caught Orton’s attempt at an rko with a mandable claw. Points.
Can someone... put him out? Editing trick? Were the flames real? Am I real??
Shouldn’t the bell ring? Match is over, right??
The dummy was kind of obvious ngl. Not to sound like an asshole, but they should’ve made it a bit thicker and more solid lol. Doesn’t really take me out of it though, cuz even though I’m sure it was a stunt double that got lit on fire by the ramp, someone was on fucking fire, and that’s intimidating in itself.
Also the dummy is melting. I’d say they should’ve used pig meat, but I’m sure vegans and animal rights activists would’ve had a field day writing to Snickers about that.
Was a good match, for what it was. I was entertained.
Main Event:
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“Nasty Nikki” lol okay.
“The only reason people even know you exist is because you were Alexa Bliss’ best friend,” ouch. Truth is pain.
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Ahahahah Lacey has hand sanitizer again. 
Love that submission Lacey jumped into through the ropes, plus an eye rake. Fantastic.
That’s curious. Lacey and Peyton are arguing over the hand sanitizer as Lacey wants to squirt it on Nikki, while Peyton is claiming it’ll get her DQd. Now I’m on Peyton’s side in the sense that it should absolutely be illegal, but Lacey’s done it in a match against Nikki before, sooo ???
I like how Nikki fell trying to get back into the ring before the 10 count. Adds credibility.
Haha Nikki gets the pinfall over Lacey because Peyton was being a nuisance on the outside. Lacey big mad. That’s great.
*Smackdown easily shined the brightest in what was a great week of wrestling. Utilized 8 women in 3 different storylines, couldn’t possibly complain about that.
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calpalirwin · 5 years
You’ll Always Have Me
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Summary: Alyssa and Ashton have been best friends ever since Alyssa moved in across the street the summer before second grade. Together, they were tackling the stereotype that boys and girls can’t just be friends. That is, until they almost kissed right before their junior year of high school. Can their friendship survive the jealousy that stems from their newfound feelings? And what happens when they realize these “newfound feelings” really aren’t all that new?
And away, and away we go!
Chapter 9
I did my best to ignore the way Calum hung around Aly’s desk in Anatomy after lunch. I also tried to ignore how angry I felt by whatever was going on between them. They looked a little too cozy in spite of Aly swearing there was nothing serious going on between them. I also couldn’t get the way he said “girlfriend” earlier. But, she didn’t confirm it, I told myself. Yeah, but she didn’t really deny it either. Why do you care? You’re with Kayla. And didn’t you tell Aly you were okay with her being with him? Shut up...
When class got out, I walked with Aly out towards mine and Mike’s car. “Oh, c’mon, Ash,” Aly said, knocking playfully into my shoulder. “You can’t miss Kayla that much.”
“I don’t,” I said shortly.
She held up her hands defensively. “What’s with you?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.”
“Kay’s just getting on my nerves,” I let slip.
“She just gets extra clingy whenever you’re around or I mention you. I like making out with her, but not that much.” It was a half-truth, but I wasn’t going to admit to Aly that Kayla was justified in her clinginess.
“Oh,” Aly nodded. “Well, maybe now that I’m seeing Cal she’ll stop feeling the need to be clingy? Like, she’ll see that there’s nothing to worry about.”
I shrugged. “Hopefully.”
“It wouldn’t hurt if you actually acted like you liked her back, either, Ash.”
“What does that mean?”
Mike cackled loudly behind us. “Juniors,” he muttered sadly to his girlfriend wrapping his arms around her.
“Mikey, that’s not very nice,” Crystal scolded lightly. “He’s having girl trouble. What’s wrong, Ashy?” she asked me.
I cringed at the name. “Girlfriend’s acting a little clingy every time we’re around Aly.”
Mike brought a finger to his lips, acting deep in thought. “Sounds like you gotta lose the deadweight. Sorry, Lys.”
“Ha-ha,” Aly said, flipping her brother off.
“I’m serious. Crys would flip if my best friend was a girl, wouldn’t you?”
“I would now. But, if you had been friends with a girl before we started dating, probably not. Ashton, girls come and go, but you’re always gonna be friends with Lys. Just treat Kayla extra special. Be extra nice.”
“See?” Aly said, nudging me. “Just spend more time with her instead of with me.”
I narrowed my eyes, trying to decide if she was bluffing or not. “Fine,” I finally said.
“But, not like today. We got plans with Lu and Si.”
At the Cliffords’ house, we practiced our song for the talent show until Aly’s mom poked her head in announcing that dinner was ready.
Back at my dad’s, I decided to listen to both Aly and Crystal’s advice about dealing with Kayla. I told myself I’d tried to reassure her of her insecurities of my friendship with Aly, rather than feed into it. Starting now, I was going to be a better boyfriend to Kayla, and hopefully a better friend to Aly as well. I pulled out my phone and opened my messages, but decided that calling her would be better.
“Hey, Ashton!” her voice sounded through the speaker after the first ring.
“Hey, I just got back from practicing with the guys and was wondering if you wanted to come over. Maybe stay for dinner with me and my dad.”
“I’ll be right over.”
I ended the call, and shot my dad a text to let him know Kayla was coming over for dinner. Then, I quickly tidied up my room. I had just finished when Kayla knocked on the door. “Hey,” I greeted, kissing her.
“Hey yourself,” she smiled.
“What? Too much?” I asked, feeling self-conscious.
“No, just… Normally I’m the affectionate one.”
“Oh. Yeah. Sorry, I’ve kind of been a jerk lately.” I took her hands in mine and held her gaze.
“Well, I have been acting a little insecure, so…” Her gaze dropped to stare at our hands.
“And I could be doing better to make you not feel that way,” I told her, cupping her chin in my hand so she’d look at me. “And I’m sorry. I’m used to just being how I am around Aly that I never really stopped and thought about how that must look to you.”
“It’s a little cozy…” she admitted.
“I know. But I’m just friends with her. There’s nothing to be insecure about. I promise.”
She scrunched up her nose, deciding whether or not to believe me. “Alright, Irwin. You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“C’mon, we’re only gonna have the place to ourselves for a bit longer,” I winked, before taking her to my bedroom.
The next morning after soccer practice, I went over to Calum who was crouched over slipping on his shoes. “Oh, hey, Irwin,” he nodded, straightening up.
“Hey, man,” I said back, figuring out how I was going to tell him that he didn’t have to worry about me being a jerk to him anymore.
“I actually wanted to talk to you if that’s cool,” he sputtered out, taking me by surprise.
“Oh? Yeah, sure, what’s up?”
“Are you okay that I’m seeing Lys? Cuz I swear, I thought you guys were just friends. If you… like I’ll back off.”
“Oh, no!” I told him. “Yeah, we’re just friends. I was actually coming over to see if you wanted to hang out with us. Aly’s really excited for your date. She even said if things go well you guys should double date with me and Kay sometime.”
“Yeah, that sounds cool.”
We talked more about soccer and classes as we walked over to where Aly was sitting at our table. She raised an eyebrow when she saw us both. “Since when did you two become all buddy-buddy?”
I shrugged. “Hood and I have been on the same soccer team for years. It was bound to happen sometime.”
“Uh-huh…” she nodded, skeptically.
“Yeah, Irwin was saying how you wanted to go on a double date. Y’know, you and me, him and Kayla. Sounds like fun,” Calum told her, getting her attention.
She raised a finger at him, “He suggested it and I said ‘if’. As in if our date goes well, maybe we’ll double with Ash and Kayla. Maybe.”
“Oh, trust me. You’ll want a second date,” he told her, winking.
She gently shoved his shoulder. “Careful there, Mr. Ego,” she flirted back. “Oh, Ash, am I still coming over later?”
“Uh…” I thought, trying to figure out when we made plans to hang out at my dad’s.
“Your dad’s poker night? I’m coming over with my dad? Should I bring my stuff? Or did you forget and make plans with Kayla?”
“Oh, right! Wednesday! Yeah, bring it.”
“Cool, I wanted to ask if you wanted to do an acoustic song for the talent show. I know Lu didn’t want to, but maybe you and I could do one ourselves?” Her flat tone did little to hide her nerves as she subconsciously picked at her nails.
“Just you and me?” My heart fluttered in my chest. Performing with the band was one thing, but performing with just Aly? Well, that was a tad intimate, wasn’t it?
“Yeah, why not? Lu doesn’t want to, and Si won’t do one without him. And we can play acoustic just fine without them.”
“Uh… sure. Any ideas on which song?”
“A few. We can practice tonight, see which one we like best?”
“Yeah, cool.”
“So, you’re gonna play 2 songs?” Calum asked her.
Aly nodded, “Yeah, why?”
“Nothing, I've just never heard you play.”
She tilted her head back, pretending to be offended. “Are you saying I suck? Cuz, I’ll have you know I’m very talented.”
“I didn’t say that. If you had let me finish, I would have said that now I’m twice as excited for you.”
“Nice save,” she laughed.
It was his turn to pretend to be offended. “You don’t believe me? That hurts.”
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed again. “And if you want to hear me play, all you have to do is stop by my place.”
“I dunno. That sounds like something a boyfriend would do.”
She shoved his shoulder again, rolling her eyes. “Gotta say, you’re not making a very good case for that second date.”
“You know, Irwin,” Calum said, turning his attention to me. “I thought Lys was one of those independent girls.”
“Yeah, I thought so, too,” I said, going along with the teasing, and trying not to look too excited about the fact that they were still figuring out what they were to each other.
“Oh, fuck you both,” Aly laughed.
“I thought you didn’t like labels,” Calum continued to tease.
“I never said I didn’t like labels. I just said it was too early to throw labels around. And you agreed.”
“Well, me coming to see you play is something you unlock when you decide to call me your boyfriend.”
“What happened to being twice as excited to see me play?”
“I said I was excited for you,” he corrected.
She narrowed her eyes. Then, never one to be on the losing side of a conversation, “Your loss, then. Which friend was it that said girl rockstars were hot? Liam? Maybe he’s free Saturday.”
“Oh, he is. But, you won’t be.”
“I dunno. Saturday’s looking pretty free to me.”
They continued this back and forth flirting game of theirs. Yeah, if I was too scared, stubborn, and stupid to make a move, at least Calum wasn’t. Aly needed someone who wasn’t intimidated by her bluster and could give her a run for her money. I still wasn’t okay with seeing it, but I had missed my chance, and that was on me.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Two: Game Console ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
“...hey!” Turning from her locker to look at Sasuke fully, Hinata takes a moment to adjust. It’s still taking some getting used to: him talking to her again. Only this past Summer did they finally break the years-long silence between them that bloomed from the loss of Sasuke parents, Mikoto and Fugaku. The time prior - where the pair of them had been best of friends - had then seemed like a bygone dream.
And now, it feels like she’s dreaming all over again. It’s strange, and yet...in some ways, it’s like they never stopped. But a lingering feeling makes her cautious: like if she makes one wrong move, he’ll just...leave again.
But she tries not to think about that.
“Doing anything tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow? Uh…” A moment to think. “I don’t think so?”
“You wanna come over? I just got a new game I’ve been waiting for in the mail.”
Hinata blinks. “...sure!”
She’s not much of a gamer herself - her father’s mostly against the idea of video games. Thinks they’re a superb waste of time. But he indulged her every so often as a child...mostly to keep her out of his hair. Hinata got a Gameboy for a birthday one year, and a Gamecube several after that. And recently, she saved up and got herself a Switch. Nintendo’s all she’s ever really branched into. Pokémon, Mario, Legend of Zelda...maybe childish in some eyes, but she grew up with them, and just...never really got into anything else.
Something tells her that’s not Sasuke’s style, though.
With the day over, they walk home together...which they’ve done since he started talking to her again. For the most part, they just chat and walk. But every so often, he’ll glance her way, and she suddenly feels shy all over again.
She tells herself she’s just...still adjusting to it. That’s all.
“So, um...what game did you get?”
“It’s a zombie game.”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of zombies, Hyūga.”
Her cheeks puff with a pout - partly at him calling her a scaredy cat, but mostly because he’s still calling her by her surname despite her insistence otherwise. “I’m not scared, they’re just...creepy.”
“Which means you’re scared of them.”
“No I’m not!”
“Then how do you feel about them?”
“I just...don’t like them.”
“Are you sure you still want to come over, then?”
“I won’t be playing it, so...i-it’s fine.”
“You play any games, Hyūga?”
“Let me guess: cutesy ones. Or dating sims.”
“What? No! I...I play, um...retro...games.”
“M...Mario. And Zelda. And...Pokémon…”
She fades into silence, expecting him to poke fun at her.
“Classics. Can’t go wrong with those.”
Or...he’ll like them? “...my dad doesn’t like video games. Says they’re useless. So I don’t really have a lot to play...”
“So are most hobbies. Hobbies are just ways to waste time and keep your brain busy. Show him one of those articles talking about how they help people with Alzheimer's. Maybe he’ll change his tune.”
“They do…?”
“I think so. Something like that. And, there’s people who play games for a living. Streamers, professionals on competitive teams...there’s money in it if you do it right. But, for most of us...it’s just a way to engage our brains and not be totally bored. Like a book...but better.”
That earns a small snort. “Hey, books aren’t bad!”
“No, but games are better.”
“That’s your opinion, Sasuke - not a fact.”
“And some opinions are better than others.”
Hinata just rolls her eyes as they turn onto the proper block. She doesn’t remember him being so...sassy. But then again, he’s a teenager now. The last time they really spoke was when he was seven.
How things change.
Heading into the house, Sasuke kicks off his shoes. “We’re probably here alone. Itachi’s gonna be home for the weekend but I don’t see his car yet. Shisui’s working, and so’s Manami. Staying for dinner?”
“Um...I guess -?”
“Okay, cool - we do takeout most nights cuz she works too late to really cook.”
That earns a frown. “...well, I could make so-”
“You’re a guest, you’re not gonna cook for us.”
“But I’d be happy to! I cook at home a-all the time!”
Pausing at the base of the stairs, he looks back at her. “...well, guess I can’t stop you from digging through all our stuff.”
“T-that’s not what I -!”
“I’m kidding, Hyūga. Do whatever you want.” Something shifts in his gaze. “...you’re home now...remember?”
She stills.
“...come on, let’s go boot up my game.”
Stepping into Sasuke’s room is like opening a time capsule, but...in reverse. It’s completely different from when he was a little boy. Posters litter the walls, and bookshelves are full of games, CDs, movies, and figures of...something. She doesn’t recognize any of it. A high-end PC sits on a desk, case glowing softly as it sleeps. It’s otherwise tidy, and he collapses into a beanbag chair in front of a flat screen TV, complete with a game console, once it’s all powered up.
“So...what one do you have?”
“PS4. Drives Naruto nuts cuz he’s a Microsoft fanboy.”
Hinata blinks. She...has no idea what that means. “Um…?”
“...he has an Xbox. We can’t really play together much.”
“What do you got?”
“Um...a-a Switch. And...I still have my Gamecube.”
“Yeah, retro,” Sasuke replies with a grin as she goes pink. “Well, have a seat.”
Eyeing the beanbag next to him, she asks, “Which one of us is retro again…?”
“Hey, I think they’re comfy.”
Hinata eases into one, immediately feeling like it’s swallowing her up.
“I had it downloading and installing all day while I was at school, so we’re all good to go.” Sasuke boots up the game, navigating his way through the console menu, game startup, and then finally into the game itself. As expected of a zombie title, it’s dark, grim, and immediately spooky.
Hinata sinks a bit more into her seat.
The introductory level isn’t too bad...but it segues with a jumpscare that makes her eep.
“C’mon now Hyūga, we’ve only just started!”
“T-that wasn’t fair! It...it jumped out, and -”
“You wanna play?”
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure! It - it’s too -!”
He just smirks, apparently prideful he got her to admit it. “C’mere.”
“We’ll play together. Come sit with me.”
She’s...not exactly sure what he means. With him? These beanbags aren’t huge, she can’t exactly sit with him on it. Not unless...they…
Seeing his expectant look as the game pauses, she heaves a small sigh before managing to free herself from her own. Standing nearby, she curls a hand at her chest hesitantly. “...um -”
“Here.” Controller in one hand, he uses the other to tug her down to...sit between his knees. Arms around her and holding the device at her front, he says, “You tell me where to go.”
“B-but -?”
“You’ve clearly got better reflexes than me. You jumped a whole second before I even knew that scare happened.”
Another pout. But it’s hard to concentrate of being miffed when she really has no choice but to lean back on him to make room for his grip. Hinata’s heart pounds in her chest, all too aware of just how much of her is currently touching him.
“Where to next?”
Off he goes, watching from over her shoulder as he stares at the screen. No matter how many times Hinata glances to him, his gaze doesn’t waver.
Unlike hers.
They continue like that for a while, Hinata giving directions and Sasuke following. Every time a zombie comes up she can’t help a sound of fright, one so bad she actually turns and buries herself into Sasuke’s shoulder.
Above her, unseen, he grins.
And, of course, it’s right then that Itachi opens the door. “Sasuke, have you heard from -?”
Both teens turn to look at him, and Hinata immediately goes bright pink.
The elder brother blinks, but otherwise doesn’t seem phased. “Have you heard from Manami or Shisui yet tonight?”
“Hm...I’m going to go give them a call. Any preference on dinner orders?”
“I-I can make dinner!”
Both brothers look to Hinata, whose eyes are wide and face pink, but otherwise determined.
“Hinata, that’s not nec-”
“I know! I-I want to!”
Itachi perks a brow. “...well, all right then. Let me see if I can get ahold of them, and...we’ll plan from there.”
He takes his leave, and Sasuke looks down at her.
“...nothing. C’mon, we can do another level before he gets back.”
     OMG I've wanted to continue Day 63 FOREVER and I finally took the opportunity xD I dunno why this prompt jumped out at me to, but it did!      This is a follow-up of the piece where Hinata and Sasuke were childhood friends in a modern-day verse...until he lost his parents and became reclusive. They had a brief reunion at the end of 63, and...I finally continued it! With some fluffy shenanigans to counter the angst of the first part, lol      But yeah, that'll do it for tonight! I had a rather long day including treating a sick moo, so...I'm gonna call it a night. Thanks for reading!
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Beyond saving
Word Count: 5,132 Pairing: Ban x Reader
Warnings: swear words A/N: pls don´t hate, I´m not happy with this either(Banlaine is my otp, still I´ll continue writing Ban x Reader, cuz readerchan deserves love too, kay?)
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700 years ago:
Y/N´s POV:
“You were in the human realm again, weren´t you?” mother scolded me again, I had disappointed her again. “I didn´t mean too...” I tried to excuse myself, but mother´s hard expression wasn´t changing in the least bit. Her eyebrow twitched as her hand stroke my cheek harshly, soon I could feel warm blood dripping like tears. But tears didn´t come these days, I never cried, I knew how much my mother hated it when I cried, or spoke, or called her my mother. “Don´t lie to me, you worm! Always crawling in the dirt, you should be ashamed of yourself. This isn´t how a goddess behaves!” Maybe I don´t wanna be a goddess, I thought, but didn´t dare say a word. “Get out of my sight! You should be lucky I even tolerate you here, if you ever go down to those lowlifes again, it will be the last time I promise you this.” she threatened, I always thought she was weak for not killing me, but in the end, she chose a destiny worse than death for me. I never wanted to be a goddess in the first place, I never believed in race, I just wanted everyone to live together happily. Maybe my fascination for the humans came from my mother all along, she always spoke so lowly of them, I was just curious if they were really that bad.
I looked up at the sky, laying in the grass, letting my thoughts slip. Why did I always think about my mother? Or Zeldris? About all of the things that held me back? I was free now, I could do everything and no one could stop me. I could finally live with the humans, fairies and giants. I should be happy, but then I remembered that my sister and her lover died because of me. All the bad things always happened because of me. If I never caught the two of them, none of this would´ve happened.
“Little sister! Your mother searches for you!” I called for Elizabeth. Mother told me she ran away from me, because I scared her. I never understood why she wanted to drive us apart so badly, my sister and I loved each other dearly. The nighttime wasn´t far and I knew that mother wanted to prevent Elizabeth staying out so late. I found her in a cave with a demon, kissing. To say I was shocked would be far fetched, I just didn´t know what was going on. “Elizabeth?” I asked, standing in the entrance of the cave. Elizabeth and her lover rapidly got away from each other and looked at me. “I´m sorry, I didn´t mean to interrupt you” I wanted to turn on my heel and risk getting beaten by mother for not getting my sister.”Wait, big sis, this is Meliodas, the demon prince. He´s just like us, he also wants us to live together peacefully” she smiled from one ear to another and I swear, I never saw her happier. I smiled back at her, I just had to, her happiness made me happy too, even though I didn´t deserve it, but I was selfish and ignorant, so I took it anyway. I remembered this night so clearly, we three talked since then and I felt like I belonged. But like everything, I had to destroy it.
These past 2,000 years I came around pretty well, I lived with the humans and the giants, I helped build villages and cured illnesses. I watched empires fall and times change, my life didn´t feel like a curse, rather like I finally had the chance to contribute to something bigger than me. I had enough time to atone for my sins, the sin of being born. I lived every day trying to be a better person than I was yesterday. Soon I came upon the fairy king´s forest and stopped for a moment to think about what I had done: I had started the holy war. All the deaths were my fault. And even though it was over and the demons locked away, I felt their energy, they would return, I was sure of it. But when would it happen? And how could I prevent it? My feet subconsciously dragged me into the forest and I was met with the true nature of humans. Or should I say hunters, predators? They chased the fairies and ripped out their wings, the sight was gruesome to put at least. I heard a little girl scream for her brother and ran to her, embracing her. “You need to get away from here, it´s dangerous. The humans have come to haunt you” I explained the situation. “I know! It´s all because Harlequin and Helbram left. They trusted the humans too much, I always told them it was too dangerous, but they wouldn´t listen!” she shouted, tears streaming down her face. I hugged her tighter, before I let go and unsheathed my sword. “I`ll take care of this, you stay hidden until I´m back, okay?” I ran into the forest and slaughtered the humans who came to hurt the fairies. Then I got back to the girl who got threatened by another human I oversaw. “Let go of her!” I yelled, wielding my sword and the next thing I heard was: “We got ourselves a nice pair of wings!”. It was followed by dirty laughter and a warm fluid flowing down my back. I stumbled over and fell to my knees, the pain was like something I never experienced before, it felt like my body was turn inside out and torn apart. I don´t know what was worse: hearing the bones crack or the weight loss. I didn´t notice my scream or anything else, I passed out from the pain. I woke up to the girl crying and laying in her lap. She had bandaged my back and treated the wounds. “Are you hurt…?” I whispered and tried to sit up, but I just fell over on my face. The girl heavily shook her head and I was ready to aid her, but then she helped me up and hugged me again. “How can you think of me in this situation? You almost died!” her voice cracked and she started crying. I chuckled, before patting her head and putting an arm around her shoulder. “I can´t die, my mum made sure of that, so don´t worry about me. Besides, I don´t deserve it...again: are you hurt, little girl?” I cradled her back and she nuzzled against my bandaged chest. She shook her head. I smiled. “Good, what a crazy day, eh? What´s your name?” I asked. “I´m Elaine” she smiled, she was a sweet girl. “Nice to meet you, Elaine, my name´s (Y/N)” I introduced myself. In the next years she nursed me back to health and I got to know her better, one day we talked about her brother. We were stargazing as she suddenly hugged me and said: “I´m so glad you´re here, now I´m not lonely anymore” she smiled and I wondered what she meant by that. “But...there are all the other fairies...” I noticed and she looked glum. “I´m the protector of this fountain, my brother used to be king of this forest. He was by my side all the time, but as the humans came, he vanished. He just left me all alone. But now you´re here, so that´s okay” she told me. “I think I saw a fairy with a giant girl on the way here, after all I lived with the giants for a while...maybe it was him?” I thought out loud. “Why would he be with a giant girl? That´s even more dangerous than the humans!” Elaine exclaimed worriedly. I shook my head. “Not all giants or humans are bad...same goes for all races” I thought about all the good things that have happened to me after mother and the other goddesses vanished. “i can´t picture demons being good people, they´re hardly people after all” I laughed out loud. “The princes of purgatory are actually pretty neat, I´ve only been there for a day, but it was a nice day” I reminisced and then an idea rushed through my head. “How about I search your brother?” I suggested and Elaine looked at me with big eyes. “You would do that?” I nodded and added: “Only for you”. Then I jumped down the tree and walked through the night. It was sunrise when I reached Britannia, the realm dominated by the humans. In the very outskirts I stumbled upon a bar, the boar hat. “You open?” I dashed in and was met with emptiness. “Yup! Might not look like it, but we´re always open!” a merry voice said, something about it sounded familiar. “What can I get you?” Meliodas stepped out of the kitchen and  we both stared at each other for an awkwardly long while. “Where are your wings?” he broke the everlasting silence. “That´s the first thing you´re asking? I thought you were dead all this time! What happened to you?” I almost yelled. “You might want to sit down” he said and we sat down at the counter. Meliodas sighed deeply and frowned, a second ago I could swear he flashed the biggest smile on earth. “All I remember is waking up to Elizabeth´s dead body, it wasn´t until a few years later that I realized we had been cursed. I saw Elizabeth, alive and well, only that she couldn´t remember me or anything else, and when she did, she died three days later in front of my eyes. This has happened 82 times now.” he explained and it took me a while to take all of the information in. I stood up and hugged him tightly. “I´m sorry...” this was all my fault, if I´d never been born, then I wouldn´t have been married off to and didn´t need to be saved by them. “I´m so so sorry, Meliodas, this is all my fault...” I wished I could comfort him better, just do anything. He shook his head. “No, it´s not. If things were different back then, it still would´ve turned out this way. The holy war was inevitable.” he stated and I abruptly pulled away. “I´m gonna make this right!” I vowed and searched for a way to break the curse, consulting the most powerful magic users, but it all seemed useless.
16 years ago
Elaine´s POV:
My brother had left me and now my best friend too. She said she was going to search for my brother, but hasn´t returned in a few hundred years. I was tired of being lonely, left alone and forgotten. I had enough of protecting the forest, nobody would ever find it anyway, let alone steal the fountain of youth. Nobody could be this stupid, except for this boy who tried it since six hours. At one point I grew tired of defending the fountain and let it go, let him get it, what did I care? But what I didn´t expect was that instead of stealing the fountain he was talking to me. I didn´t mind it and added to the conversation. I caught myself talking about (Y/N) and letting my feelings for her run free, I told him how she was the first one I thought of as a friend and how she was always so kind and nice to me. I told him how she lost her wings trying to protect me, I told him how pretty and funny she was, but I didn´t know the story behind her sad eyes. She had only told me about the goddess clan, her sister and her lover, and her marriage, but never about anything that happened after that. She told me everything that happened up to 3,000 years ago, there seemed to be a gap which she didn´t tell me about, but I never dared ask. It felt good to talk to a stranger, I could just talk about all the things I could never tell (Y/N) or Harlequin. I felt relieved and even laughed with Ban. I thought it was funny how despite of his personality as a thief, he didn´t lie. He had the same sadness behind the eyes as (Y/N) did, he reminded me of her in many ways. For example., how he always looked into the distance, trying to search for something long gone. He was funny too, just like her. Maybe this was why I trusted him. He sat down at the edge of the tree and stared off in the distance again and I went to the other side where to my surprise a girl in a dress climbed up. “Shit, this ain´t easy in a dress...I totally underestimated the weight of this...” she mumbled to herself, pulling the hood of her cloak back, which was when I ran to her and storm hugged her. “(Y/N)!” I cried out. “You´re back! Are you okay? What happened? Where have you been?” I rambled. I would´ve never thought she would come back, yet here she was, but something was off. She seemed different, she didn´t hide her sadness behind a smile anymore and she had dark under eye circles, over all she seemed lost and hopeless. I was worried sick,  hoped nothing bad had happened.  “One second, Elaine. I´ll explain everything, but before that, could you help me out of the corset, I can´t breathe” she told me in a straightforward manner. Now that I looked at her closer, I could see that she sweated heavily. I nodded and went behind her, carefully undoing her cloak and revealing the upper half of her body in pulling the upper half of her dress off. Then I undid the laces of the corset until she sighed relieved and put her dress back on. “You´re the best” she stated and smirked. I suddenly remembered that I told Ban that he had to meet (Y/N) and dragged her by the hands behind me. “You need to meet Ban, (Y/N)! He came here today and talked to me, he´s really nice! I bet you´ll love him!” I chirped and (Y/N) suddenly stopped and looked at me sincerely. “Don´t throw around that word like it´s nothing” she coldly stated and I gulped. “Sorry...I forgot...”. She told me how she never knew love and swore herself to never love. “Love is stupid. If you´re loved, you´re cursed, you´re the reason for everything one does, the reason for their hurt and pain. And if you love you´re stupid too, because you´re selfish, you just get hurt all over again. The worst thing that can happen to someone mortal is dying when someone loves them” (Y/N) told me again, we always talked about love and her negative view on it, which apparently has only strengthened in the past decades.
Ban´s POV:
So this was (Y/N), she talked like she´s been through a lot, like her heart had been broken. Whoever did it, I wouldn´t let that bastard live. Elaine didn´t lie, she was a radiant beauty, the way she swayed her hips when she walked, the way she raised an eyebrow when she saw me, completely ignoring me after that. “You let a human get up here? Are you stupid! He could´ve killed you!” she yelled at Elaine, who looked at me apologetically. “He´s nice! I swear!” she defended me, to which I chuckled. It wasn´t so bad up here, until now I´ve lived in the dirty streets of villages which would be forgotten. Elaine and (Y/N) sat down next to me and (Y/N) still mustered me suspiciously, pouting a bit, which looked insanely cute. “Do you wanna tell me where you´ve been?” Elaine asked (Y/N), smiling in high expectations, but (Y/N) declined. “Not now...” she sighed and looked up to the sunset. I suppressed the urge to pull (Y/N) in front of me and rest my chin in her neck, whispering how lucky I was to have her. But I didn´t, then why did I feel like I knew her? Right, because Elaine told me about her, about her story. I wanted her. When the sun set and it got dark, Elaine got sleepy and went to lay down in the soft grass. (Y/N) put her cloak around her, serving as a blanket, I smirked at that action. To my surprise (Y/N) sat down next to me again and pulled her legs against her chest, so she could rest her head on them. “So you´re the goddess without wings, eh?” I asked and she ´tch-ed´. “I can´t believe she told you...” she muttered. “I´m Ban” I tried to start a conversation, but she blocked me off. “Don´t care” she simply said and frowned, staring at the stars. “Ya know, this forest´s pretty cool” I tried again and finally I got a reaction from her. She turned to me and looked as if I just said the earth was flat. “This forest´s build on blood, do you think that´s cool?” she spat. I grinned. “Wanna tell me about it?” I proposed and she sighed. “I´m not here for your fucking education” she said and I chuckled, she´d make a hot teacher. “Then why are you here?” I asked, still smirking. (Y/N) tilted her head. “Could ask you the same thing” she dragged the words in a threatening way. “I like it here, besides I don´t have anywhere to return to...” I casually told her and her expression softened a bit. “Me neither, sorry, you probably don´t care, it´s just...it´s not that bad not belonging anywhere, you know, you´re free, you can do and be whatever you want, you can travel the whole world...and I think that´s awesome...” her eyes glistened, I bet she thought about all the adventures she had. “I don´t believe you don´t belong anywhere, after all you got Elaine...” I told her, trying to cheer her up. She sighed and shook her head. “I´m just holding her back, whatever, I didn´t come to you to talk about Elaine...why did you come here, who told you about this place?” she asked me and I clenched my jaw. “Maybe I´ll tell you someday, but not today...” I brushed her off and she nodded, smiling. Why was she smiling? She fell asleep on my shoulder that night and in this moment I didn´t want her anymore, I needed her.
(Y/N)´s POV:
I woke up in Ban´s arms the next morning, he was still asleep and Elaine was giggling. “It´s not what it looks like!” I shushed her and carefully crawled out of our cuddling position to get to Elaine. “Told ya, you´d like him!” she playfully punched my arm. I rolled my eyes, grinning. “I don´t, more importantly, I can´t...because if I do, it´ll be the worst thing that could happen...” I thought about what kind of feelings Ban had awoken in me yesterday and quickly pushed that thought away. You couldn´t fall in love that quickly, besides it wasn´t even love, was it? I was overthinking again, but it didn´t matter, Elaine had dibs. With that realization my mind could relax, nothing of romantic sort would ever happen between us and it was good this way. “Elaine, I´m going to tell you something I´ve never told anyone before. I´m going to tell you about the holy war and where I was these past decades...”
Elaine´s POV: (Y/N) took a deep breath and then started to tell her story I yearned to know. “I wish it would´ve been different, I wish I never was born, I wish many things and blamed myself for everything bad happening, but in the end, I can do nothing to change what already happened. You already know my little tales of friendship and my travels, but I never told you about the holy war. I´m sure your folk has already told you about the events of the holy war, every child knows it, in every race it´s depicted as something they have won, when in reality it was an unnecessary bloodbath with many innocent deaths, the truth is, nobody won, nobody gained anything from it. It all started with the wicked schemes of my mother” she chuckled and choked back a tear. “She married me off to Zeldris, but told our folk that he had kidnapped me, they attacked purgatory at night, slaughtering even innocent citizens. My sister, her lover and me never wanted the war to happen, while my mother searched for a way for it to happen. My sister and her lover came to get me that night and we came here, to this forest...where we were met with such a chaos, it seemed like every race was fighting each other, and when it was over, all races were separated and lived alone. I remember it clearly, walking through the chaos, trying to find my sister, and when I did, it was already too late. Her lover died too and so my mother bestowed me with a curse. But my sister and her lover were cursed too, so I searched for a solution these past decades, but I couldn´t find anything...they can never rest assured...” (Y/N) broke out in tears and cried loudly against my chest, I could do nothing but hold her, nothing I could say would make her hurt go away. Now I finally understood why she had the view of love she had, why she seemed to hate herself.
Ban´s POV:
“I started a goddamn war, Elaine, and I wasn´t even able to save my sister...and I have to live with that. That is my sin. This ignorance, this violent wish for peace, we should´ve known it was insolent and would bring only pain and death...it´s all my fault….and there´s not a single thing I can do to atone for my sins...” (Y/N) was on her knees, trembling, crying and Elaine frowned, she had a determined look on her face, like she was out to kill everyone who would make (Y/N) cry. (Y/N) shook her head. “It´s nice that you want to cheer me up, it´s just...I can´t do anything to change what happened...there´s nothing I can do anymore, so it´s actually fucking pointless to talk about it, it´s too late anyways...” she sighed and smiled immediately afterwards. “But thanks for caring, I just hate talking about it, you know?” then she wiped her tears away and laughed out loud. “Gross! I haven´t cried in 700 years” Elaine chimed in with the laughter and then pinched (Y/N)´s cheeks. “You´re cute when you cry” she stated. (Y/N) gasped. “You´re the cute one, you cutie!” she tickled Elaine, who then giggled. “Kya! Stop it! I´m regretting telling you my tickle spots!” she laughed and tickled (Y/N) back. “Oh it´s on! Elaine, not there!” (Y/N) burst into laughter as Elaine tickled her hips, she let herself fall onto the grass and couldn´t control her laughter. It sounded like the sweetest song I´ve ever heard. “So, I´m cute, you´re cute, what about Ban?” she cheekily asked, now things were getting interesting. “Nah, Ban´s hot” (Y/N) said casually, I was so gonna get her. Elaine stopped her tickling and chanted: “Ha! I knew it, I knew it!”. (Y/N) clasped her hand on her mouth and then stood up. “Please don´t tell him, Elaine...” she pleaded. “Why not? There´s no shame in being attracted to someone” the girl said. “But, I can´t be with him...he´s mortal...I can´t afford to fall for him” (Y/N) looked into the distance, somehow hearing her say that made me sad. “As if you aren´t already are” Elaine smiled at (Y/N) who blushed and muttered “Shut up...”. I faked a yawn and walked over to the two. “Mornin´ lovelies...” I chirped, winking at (Y/N) who just frowned and looked away. “Good morning, Ban!” Elaine greeted me with her smile. I smiled back at her. “I´m going to town...want anything?” (Y/N) said, leaving us alone. “You heard everything, didn´t you?” Elaine asked and I nodded. “Yup” I popped the p, Elaine squinted her eyes at me. “Don´t play with her, or break her heart...she might not seem like it, but she´s a very loving person. You´ll never know what love means until you were with her” she looked up to the sky and smiled. “What´s that supposed to mean? Besides, I´m not really interested in her that way...” I raised an eyebrow, dragging my words a bit. “She doesn´t love often, suppressing every emotion of that sort, especially towards mortals like you, it´s in her nature, a safety habit formed from her mother´s abuse...but when she does, she gives it her all, I couldn´t stand her having her heart broken...she´s so devoted, she´s not used to receiving, so she gives and gives and gives, she´ll eventually break on it...” Elaine looked sad. “You´re really worried about me breaking her heart, huh?” I put my hand on her shoulder. “She´s my best friend, she´s always been there for me, I couldn´t stand it if her heart were broken, I wouldn´t know what to do...I´d be utterly useless, but maybe I´d understand her better this way...” she thought out loud. “You´re a great friend, Elaine” I smiled at her. In the next few days I kept my distance, I could understand how painful it must´ve been not being able to love, because everyone you´d love would die in the end. But one day, as she went to town again, I couldn´t stand it any longer and went with her. There we sat down and I did something I never did before, I opened up about my past, I let her see a part of me which nobody ever saw before. “I heard about your sister, I had a sister too, ya know? But she died too, guess I just wanna say I´m sorry, kay?” I wasn´t good at comforting people. (Y/N) sighed and looked me in the eyes with an unreadable look. “Why are you telling me this?” she pleaded. “I wanna get to know you better, I never told anyone bout my sister before, but I feel like I could tell you. I dunno what it is about you, but whatever it is, it draws me in, and I can´t escape it...fuck...I know this sounds weird, cause we don´t know each other, but that´s the thing, I hate talking bout myself, but I wanna tell you everything which made me who I am today, I wanna laugh with you and just...enjoy your company I guess...I wanna get to know you like nobody ever knew you before...sorry that was weird...I´m an idiot” I rambled, why the fuck did I do this? (Y/N) stared at me for a while, before taking my hand into her own. “Yes you are...this will never work...you know why” she smiled, a sad smile, but a smile. “I´ll just take the fountain of youth” I said, I don´t know what´s gotten into me, but I didn´t want to have a quick thing with her anymore, I enjoyed the idea of us being together, forever, the last people on earth...”No! No, you won´t. I won´t let you, there´s nothing worse than to live forever, believe me. Don´t burden yourself with eternal life because of a girl who intrigues you” she grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eye. “But I don´t wanna die, besides, no one´s destined to be alone forever” I spilled my secret like it was nothing. (Y/N) rested her head on my shoulder. “Yes, I am destined to be alone together, that´s the sole purpose of the curse, that´s why it´s called a curse. I have to wander alone with my thoughts, knowing just how badly I fucked up...because it´s what I deserve. And I chose to live with that. About the dying thing, there´s no need to worry, death is better than this” she chuckled. We headed back in silence, all words had been spoken.
(Y/N)´s POV: All my life I had done my best to ignore and avoid all feelings of love, and there he comes and just doesn´t care. It´s like a challenge from my mother, fall in love with him, I dare you. And I did, like I never did before, but that was a good thing, because I never felt this feeling before, I could easily tell myself that it wasn´t love. From afar I could see smoke rise up to the sky and the nearer we got to the forest, we could see the gruesome scene of the forest burning. “Demons...” I muttered and got  a hold of my sword as we ran towards the forest. “Shit!” I cursed, the smoke made my eyes burn and it was hard to see. We reached the top of the tree and I saw Elaine laying on the ground, blood leaving her small body. “Noooo! Elaine!” I sprinted towards her and held her fragile figure in my hands, uncontrollably crying over her dead body, I couldn´t believe how this could happen. It was fine in the morning, but now everything was in chaos. I got flashbacks from the holy war and looked around anxiously, but I couldn´t make out any demons. That was until Ban started spitting out blood and a hand was coming out of his chest, leaving a hole. I grabbed my sword, tried to keep my cool and not fall down on my trembling legs and then dashed onto the demon yelling and cut out all his hearts. As I was done, I looked around, I saw a dead Elaine and a dead Ban, and the fountain of youth...without thinking I ran to the fountain, grabbed it and let myself fall onto my knees next to Ban, pulling his body onto my knees, forcing the liquid down his throat. All I did after that was cry, until Ban´s eyes opened and he sat up, wiping away the tears with his fingers. “Thank you...” he whispered and then leaned in to kiss me, my stupid self dove right into the kiss and kissed him back like there was no tomorrow, even though there´d be nothing but tomorrows from now on. I took dominance over the kiss and abruptly pulled away, leaving Ban out of breath. “I´m sorry, I was selfish….I shouldn´t have done this...I took away your choice and dragged you down into my curse...I´m sorry, Elaine, I´m so sorry….what have I done?” I muttered, slowly but surely resolving in a panic attack. “The right thing” Elaine opened her eyes, hugged me and smiled. “You´ve saved me again, but who saves you?” she said. “I´m beyond saving” I told her. There we were, my one arm around Elaine, my other hand in Ban´s, his arm around my shoulder and watching the stars.
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alexandria-selina · 5 years
Into the App
(This is a Mystic Messenger AU thank decided to write. Hope everyone like it!)
"…and after all the hard ships, they all lived happy lives," a woman, Alex, finished typing on her laptop. "I guess that's the end of It, huh? Looks like I can write them all a happy ending, even after giving them hardships to face!"
After figuratively patting herself on the back for writing her Mystic Messenger fanfic, Alex how late it was on her clock and had a protein shake before bed. Making herself comfortable under the covers, Alex closed her eyes and slipped into a dream.
"You think you made yourself a wonderful world inspired by mine? How would you like to live in the world you've created," a smooth, disembodied voice asked. "You might have to give something up for it though…"
"The one where everyone has a happy ending? I don't think I'd mind," Alex answered without hesitation. "Do I get to choose what I have to give up?"
"How about your memories of your life here? But, if you forget who you were to become the woman, Kia, you wrote about in your story, you might have an empty feeling inside of you," the voice warned. "A hole in your heart that will never be truly filled… A happy ending for all but you will never fully be. Are you prepared for that?"
"I'm definitely prepared for that if I get to live in a world where I know there will be a happy ending. I'm prepared to have a hole in my heart and I will make sure it doesn't drive me into sadness. I promise, I will gladly exchange my memories to switch places with Kia."
"So be it… I will give you your wish, but remember that it was your choice."
Alex wakes up to see a notification on her phone from the app at simply said, "We have good news!"
She opens the app to see a note:
Due to your wish to find the best possible ending and even writing about it yourself. The Wizard has granted you the power to make a world in your own image to have these characters. Though there will be a feeling of emptiness in your heart from the loss of your past life's memories, you will have your happiest ending. This honor is only awarded to certain people, so will you seize the opportunity?
And there were two options:
"I would, but I can't leave my life... So, I'm saying no."
"Yes, I will accept the consequences. I'll leave my life behind."
Alex chooses the second answer, having forgotten about her dream, she thought it meant she'd get her own DLC, but as soon as she tapped the option, Alex blacked out.
She woke up to her name being called, by an excited voice:
"Kia, hey! Kia! Rika to my daydreaming friend Kia!"
Snapping out of her thoughts about the photograph in front of her, Kia turns to the bubbly blonde next to her and grabs her by the collar. With venom in her voice, the short haired blonde speaks:
"How dare you address me like we're friends, you crazy, sociopathic bitch?! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Kia, it's me, Rika," the long-haired blonde said while struggling to get out of the grasp. "I was just trying to give you your coffee."
"Oh, shit, I'm so sorry about that, Rika," Kia said immediately releasing her good friend. "I need to stop watching psychological horror before my pistachio-rose latte with 3 shots of espresso," she admits, taking a sip of her drink and turning her attention back to the photo.
"Otherwise, might you might accidentally kill me," Rika added.
"Yeah, that's why... Not cuz I would be arrested and definitely not get into a good school if I committed murder," Kia said with a nonchalant glance away from the photograph in front of her.
"You scare me sometimes..."
"Good, it teaches you to be nicer to me and take me seriously," she said jokingly. "Why don't we get sone lunch?" As Kia finished her question, a man with Turquoise hair walked up to the two women.
"Hello there Miss, I noticed you've staring at this piece for quite a long time. Would you mind if we talk about it further over lunch," he asked in a suave, confident tone.
"Well, I wouldn't mind at all Mr. Kim, but my friend and I are actually-" Kia began to say before turning to find Rika wasn't beside her anymore.
"Wait, where did she go?"
"Where did who go?"
"My friend, she was right here..." As Kia trailed off, her phone chirped and she saw a text from Rika to have fun on her date. "Actually, it looks like I'm free right now. I'd love to take that offer."
"Your phone is set to chirp for notifications, Miss? That's really cute," Mr. Kim complimented with a chuckle.
"Thanks, but you don't have to keep calling me Miss. I'm Kia Barker," she said, giving her hand for him to shake.
"My name is Jihyun Kim, but you already knew that," he introduced as he placed a kiss on the back of her hand.
"Oh, of course, I know what the famous V's real name is. I simply adore your work," she assured with a small blush.
"You seem to love this photograph quite a bit more than the others. What drew you to it?"
"I feel like it's a piece that captures the essence of determination and willingness to brave the harshest of conditions to survive. A bright light shines upon the violet flowers as they stick together through the harsh wind that threatens to blow them apart. Supporting each other against the odds to grow beautifully, with vibrant and healthy color."
"That's quite the analysis. Why don't we continue it once we're seated at the restaurant around the corner?"
"I don't see why not. I'd love to continue this conversation," Kia said, giving V the okay to lead the way to the restaurant.
Kia and V were seated rather quickly, at a nice table for two. The server took thier drink order and brought bread for the table. The pair began dicudssing thier order, V saying that he would pay for everything, so they agreed on a 3 course dinner for two and then went on to dicuss more with each other.
The conversation began with Kia telling V how much she loved his photos and why she enjoyed them so much. Then, they moved on to talking more personal subjects. The usual, 'where are you from', 'how old are you', turned into 'there was this funny thing that happended to me when I was a kid'. By the end of the meal, they were laughing happily with full stomachs and bright smiling faces. V paid for the meal and the two walked out the restaurant holding hands. Kai was the first to speek after they left:
"Wow, it's already 3 o'clock," she noticed looking at her watch. "We sat in there for a good 3 hours."
"We definintely had pleanty to talk to each other about. Especially with those stories of you and your brother," V chuckled as he recalled Kia's childhood stories.
"Your adventures with Jumin were actually rather interesting. I never thought the two of you would get into trouble like that. How cute," Kia commented.
"So, what's the plan now?"
"I'd love to stay and talk somemore, but I should get home so I can read up for my class tomorrow."
"That's right, you're studying to be a councelor and Professor, aren't you?"
"And for that exact reason, I need to make sure I don't fall behind. Maybe we can meet up later, how does that sound?"
"I have a photo shoot this weekend. I don't see why you and your friend couldn't join me on sight. My friend Jumin's going tot be there so I don't see why I can't invite two more. Bringing her might help make up for her leaving so we can enjoy ourselves?"
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Here, let me give you my number and you can text me the location of the shoot. I'm sure my friend Rika won't mind coming with me and properly meeting you and Jumin."
V and Kia exchanged numbers and V offered to walk her home. Kia appreciated the offer, but she had her car to drive and Rika to find and take home. V then offered to walk her to the car and she agreed, and they walked hand in hand to Kia's car. V made sure Kia and Rika were safe and he watched them dirve off, happy to know he'd be seeing Kia again soon.
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(This is Kia)
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jejublr · 7 years
A/N: Hi guys! I’m back with another installment of the Super!Seventeen AU! First of all, I want to thank you so so much for the support and love I’ve been getting from Super!Mingyu :D You don’t know how much I appreciate it!! I’ll continue to try and improve my writing as we go. Second of all, I have something to ask you: was Super!Mingyu too messy? Should I write another Super!Mingyu where he’s part of an actual team of superheroes?? idk but I’m just wondering ^^ Anyways, I hope you’ll enjoy this second one! Love you all!
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So Joshua is the resident healer/doctor in the Heroes Association Headquarters
His touch can heal wounds and his presence can calm patients I mean, how can it not
Empath!Seokmin said that he’s got a healing aura around him that makes people feel assured and comfortable whenever he’s around
His power comes with a price though
If he choose to heal someone’s wound, he would feel the pain of the person suffering the wound and he would feel like he’s experiencing the same pain on his own body
Sometimes, the symptoms would stay with him for a prolonged period, almost as if he absorbed his patient’s illnesses 
Basically it’s too draining for him to do so mentally and physically so he refrain from doing it unless it’s really necessary 
So he stuck with being the regular good ol’ doctor for heroes
Deals with injured heroes and victims of a fight on the daily
Everyone agrees he’s the real hero of the day
His gaze either heals you or sends you into a cardiac arrest
All the nurses, patients heroes and civilians alike are in love with him
Heals wounds but open new ones in his patients’ hearts lmao
Breaks hearts as easily as he heals it
Pretends to be oblivious to others’ attraction towards him because he’s too soft and feels too guilty to reject them
And he thought it wouldn’t be professional to date a patient anyways so
People would usually give up pursuing him after a while and resorts to just admire him from afar
Really soft and gentlemanly man
Genuinely cares about his patients’ well-being not only physically, but mentally too
But nonetheless everybody’s grateful that they got a doctor as caring (and as good looking) as Joshua
Ok so you’re one of the newer heroes on the job
Despite that, you’re quite powerful cuz you’re pretty much impenetrable
Bullets, knives, you name it, can’t hurt you
One day during a simulation, you fell unconscious out of exhaustion
Naturally they brought you to the clinic
When you wake up, Joshua was hovering over you
And with the fluorescent lights above casting a halo around him, he literally looked like an angel
And you’re like, if this is what heaven looks like I’m all in lol
“Are you an angel?? Am I dead??”
lmao he heard that too many times tbh
But he just smiled and said “You’re in the clinic, Y/N. You fell unconscious remember??”
lol how are you supposed to remember when all you can think is how pretty he is?? how is that even possible???
So that’s how your first meeting went, just you starring at him like an ass, completely at loss for words
And it’s kinda amusing to see, really, but he’s concerned because are you ok???
You’re not
Team Leader!Seungcheol suddenly popped his head into the room and was like “Oh goodie, you’re alive. Thanks, Shua.”
But he saw your face and became like “Goddamit, Shua, not one of my kids, this is the third time this month >:(”
Joshua’s like IT’S NOT MY FAULT
Seungcheol figured the only way to snap you out of it is to drag you out of the clinic
But you’re like, Nooo let me stay with the kind doctor :((
Seungcheol ended up having to drag you out of the clinic by the collar
Joshua was left standing in the aftermath like 0_0
o kay
You ended up paying the clinic a lot of visit after that
You literally give zero f***s as you march up to him and complain how sick you’re feeling almost everyday
“Joshua, I feel dizzy I think I need to lie down”
“Joshua, I hit my head earlier, can you check it for me?”
“Joshua, Dino scratched my arm earlier. I think I’m bleeding, please save me.”
“Y/N, you can’t bleed from a scratch.”
“But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt! >:((”
Everyone’s like “Y/N, you should give up now. There’s no point in chasing him, he does not caree”
But you’re like “Nope! I’m gonna win his heart!!!” 
cue everyone sighing 
Apparently your brain is just as impenetrable as your body smh
At this point, you come so frequently that the nurses and staff started to just accept your existence and ignore you
You keep pestering Joshua whenever you got the chance
You keep him updated with the gossips that has been going around the HQ
You know you actions may be the product of infatuation and that he probably won’t reciprocate your feelings
But Joshua made you feel some kind of way and because you’re used to getting what you want, he kinda makes your heart clench a little bit
Sometimes it makes you wonder like,”Oml is this what pain feels like???”
From how cool and controlled he is when handling patients to the genuine kindness that shows in his eyes
You can’t help but be drawn to him like a moth to a light
Basically the relationship is like a pull-pull party with you doing all the pulling lol
Joshua just let you do your antics 99% of the time
One day you were out on a mission when, for the very first time in your life, you got hurt during the fight 
Turns out the enemy had found out a way to immobilize you through poison with a smoke bomb
You’re immediately rushed into the HQ’s emergency unit
Everybody’s shell-shocked because this is Y/N??? How in the world did this happen???!
They just never saw you in the clinic except for that one time and the other times you follow Joshua like a lovesick puppy so you getting hurt is a pretty big deal considering your power
Everyone went scrambling to find Joshua bc they don’t know what to do
“Dr. Hong! We have an emergency!! It’s Y/N!” 
Joshua’s so used to you getting “hurt” and trying to get his attention that he just rolled his eyes in amusement and was like “Alright, alright, I’ll be there in a minute”
But the nurse wasn’t having it and she went “Y/N IS DYING WE GOTTA BLAST”
Joshua literally dropped everything and went to follow the nurse and 
When they got to you, you were so pale and looked so lifeless, and there’s blood everywhere and it literally scared the s*** out of him because he’s not used to seeing you like this
You’re always so bright and so full of life
And here you are, lying on a cot, your life hanging by a thread
Joshua knew that if he doesn’t do anything soon, something’s bound to happen
And he doesn’t want it to
But seeing how badly you were injured and the fact that he doesn’t have the antidote for the unknown poisonous substance in your system, he really doesn’t have any choice but to get down to business
And by business I meant using his power to try and save you
The nurse was like “Dr. Hong, it’s too dangerous! You know the risks! We don’t know how it would affect you!!”
But nothing is too dangerous when it comes to saving his patients, especially when the patient is you
So that night, he sat next to your cot, his hands on yours, trying to neutralize the poison in your body
The curtain was closed for privacy, mostly to keep others from seeing how pained he might look when using his power, and the only thing accompanying him in that small space were you and the gentle beep of the heart rate monitor
You’re unconscious, your chest rising an falling in a gentle rhythm, your hands warm wrapped in his, 
And it’s painful, oh it’s f***ing painful but if that’s what it takes to save you, he would do it all over again
He felt wave after wave of searing hot pain throughout his body as he tried to ease your pain
And through these waves of pain, in this brightly-lit room, he finally looked at you
The clinic feels a little bit lonelier quieter now that you’re not awake to pester him around 
He missed that, to be quite honest
Everyone else that tried to pursue him always does it for all the wrong reasons 
Mostly because they just thought that he’s good looking
They chased him because they thought he could be the one to pick up pieces of them ad put it back together, forgetting the fact that he, too, is a human
But you’re different 
While you try to get his attention all the time that you’re around him, you’ve been looking out for him, too
Like that time he functioned on three hours of sleep
And while he’s used to the strenuous and messed up sleeping schedule that comes with his work, you won’t have it
“Joshua, you should get a shut eye.”
“It’s ok, Y/N, my shift will be over in three”
“You said that an hour ago. At least let me go buy you coffee ok? Americano sounds good, yeah? Ok bye” 
And before he could say anything, you had sauntered off just like that
He couldn’t help but look of with the fondest look
what a cutie
He doesn’t know why but that night, the coffee tasted a bit better than usual 
He realized the irony that while he loves it when people give him their full attention and put up a good chase for him, more than that, he loves it when people actually took care of him instead of the other way around
And you certainly did
It took him hours of cleansing before deciding that you’re stable enough to be able to flush out the rest of the toxin yourself
He can’t stay by your side 24/7 because of his duties but he would spend all of his free time to check up on you and stay by your side
The staff are worried for him because he started going back to his regular routine
He still looks kinda pale and his gait gave out the fact that he’s tired but he’s like “No no no, it’s alright, I have duties to attend to”
They’re like “Dr. Hong.. :(((” and worry that he’ll work himself to the ground 
He won’t tell but he just busies himself with other things just so he could take his mind off you for a bit and not worry too much
Fortunately, a few days later, you woke up
Joshua wasn’t around but the nurses were like”!!!we gotta tell Dr. Hong!!!”
Joshua was having a lunch break with Seungcheol and Chan (after the long, tedious process of trying to coax him to leave you for a minute just to get changed into a fresh set of clothes and get something to eat) when his pager blinked
Joshua literally took a mad dash back to the clinic thinking something happened to you but when he arrived you’re awake and are trying to chat up a recently admitted patient next to you
When you saw him you go “Hey stranger! :D”
And seeing you back into your usual self, although a paler and thinner version of it, it feels like as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders
But you became concerned when you see how tired and pale he was
There are dark circles on his eyes, his face a little gaunt and his hair looked as if he’d ran his hand a thousand times through
I mean, he still looks good, just now well
And you know he hasn’t been sleeping from the looks of it so despite the fact that your body’s screaming for you to stop moving and it still hurts from the residual poison left in your system (and bc you’re not used to the feeling of pain in general)
You scoot over to one side of the bed and pat the space next to you, beckoning him to sit
He’s slowly advancing on you, his steps slow and tentative
Before you know it, he’s right next to you
“How are you?” his voice raspy as he asked you
“I’m ok, I think.”
He gave you a small, and although tired, relieved smile
You wanted to take his hand and palm his cheek and tell him to rest because he looked like he’s barely awake but you also fear that he’ll push you away so you settled on just asking how he’s feeling
And he knows you’ll see right through him anyways se he said “A little tired but it’s ok”
And you realized how sluggish he looked and never before you’ve seen Joshua like this and you just like that you knew
“Joshua, did you use your power on me?”
He just looked at you sheepishly and you’re like JOSHUA HONG
“How can you do that! That’s too dangerous! You should just use it for more important things! I don’t want you to strain yourself like this!”
“But you are important!”
And there was a silence
And you both just looked at each other and he finally sighed
“I realized…a lot of things when you’re..not awake. I realized that I like it when you’re around. I realized that you cared about me. I realized that I care about you. But most importantly, I realized that I want you in my life.”
You don’t know what to do bc you literally would’ve never thought that this moment would actually happen in your lifetime, let alone with someone like Doctor Joshua Freaking Hong
Ever so gently, he took your chin in his hand
“So please, stay a while.”
You don’t know what to do because for once, Joshua’s presence does exactly the opposite of what it’s supposed to do
You feel your cheeks burning, you’re sweating, you feel like your heart’s having an attack and your brain feels frazzled and for a moment you thought “Did he really get all the toxin out of my body lard bc I’m feeling woozy all of the sudden” 
But outside, you’re like “Joshua…”
“Can I..kiss you?” he asked softly
And you’re like asdfghjkl please.
And you’re both leaning for a kiss until you hear the curtain open only to close back in 0.3493255 seconds
“oh my god” you hear a whisper from outside
You+Joshua= O_O wHO In tHe wORLD?
“Have fun playing doctor, kids!” you hear Seungcheol shout from the other side as his footfall rapidly disappears and you’re both like fffffffff
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oh-beyond · 8 years
Saviour AU - Part 4
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He wasn’t rich like the others, he didn’t really fit, but he was part of the group, the rich boys that had investments in one of the biggest companies in the country, they were powerful and handsome and they could get anything the wanted, money had corrupted their every day actions, money that Byun Baekhyun didn’t have, to what extent was he like them?
You were lucky enough to be delivering the coffee every morning, you just wanted to see him, and to see him meant seeing the others too…
You had faith that he was different… just don’t trust him too much he might surprise you, and not in a good way.
Business AU/Angst/Smut in future parts.
Baekhyun x Reader ft. Chanyeol, Chen, Kai & Lay (Mentions of EXO OT12)
Saviour Masterpost
< Part 3 - Part 5 >
Summary: Baekhyun was very confused at his dearest friend’s behaviour, what was Chanyeol trying to prove? He felt protective of you all of a sudden... not even guilty anymore for getting your confession out of you...
“Chanyeol? What are you saying? Guys stop it, this is getting dangerous, Xiumin hyung? Suho hyung please say something” Baekhyun pleaded extremely worried watching Chanyeol’s face expressions and the way his body shook, this wasn’t his friend.
“A bet? What kind of bet? Alright Chanyeol whatever bet you are going to get in with Kai you know you will lose if it’s girls related that is, besides ___? She’s mine” said Xiumin proudly making Chanyeol’s eyes double in side “no don’t look at me like that, I just mean that if getting ___ is the bet I would for sure win, not that I’m interested, Saehyo is more my type” he added touching his lips.
“Hyung~~~!” whined Suho “you are not making things better, stop this nonsense please" Suho scrunching his nose.
“No let him, I will prove you all wrong, she’s different, she will fall for me and only me, do whatever you need to do I am absolutely fine, I am confident of my choice, this is the real deal and I can bet you all that ___ is a decent girl that will fall in love with me” added Chanyeol his voice cracked tears almost falling.
The room went completely silent as the 7 guys watched Chanyeol suppress his tears his hands over his hips looking away.
“Let’s go home Chanyeol” said Baekhyun tapping on his dear friend’s back.
“Wait...” he said looking at them “I mean it, as from now you are all in this bet”
“I am not interested thanks I pass” said D.O coldly going back to his phone.
“Well make an effort hyung, I am going to prove you my point, if you really appreciate me or you give a damn, I am betting you all that no matter what you do or offer ‘my girl’ won’t accept and she will come to me”
“Chanyeol-ah~~~ what makes you think that anyways? I mean yes you might have a valid point, she could be one of those women that actually have self respect, I mean we are always looking in the wrong places, none of us ever thought about a real relationship before, what you are proposing is that you already know she has feelings for you and she won’t cheat on you, are we missing something?” asked Suho trying to reason with Chanyeol.
“No she has zero feelings for me, but she will chose me because I am the only one that is not a fuckboy among us except for Baekhyun and Lay hyung who isn’t here” replied Chanyeol looking at all of them.
“Not a fuckboy? Since when tho hyung, maybe not a fuckboy cuz you can’t get any, but your principles are those of fuckboys, just like anyone of us, and as for Baekhyun hyung... he is not exactly a virgin” said Kai in a serious tone.
Baekhyun felt horrible, he understood exactly what Chanyeol meant, and he also knew that you will never accept him, Baekhyun felt the way you genuinely liked him, he was in the biggest shit hole.
“I still think is not a decent way, Chanyeol forget about all this and get your girl properly” said Suho tapping on his shoulders “she will go to you because she will know it’s real feelings, that you are not trying to toy with her”
“Nah ah ah, I am up for this challenge, she’ll be in my bed... multiple times, I will enjoy that a lot, I’ll make her scream ‘Jongdae’ harder than any girl ever had, decent my ass”
Xiumin punched Chen on his shoulder lightly as Suho shot him a death glare. 
Chanyeol run his hand through his hair and exhaled calming himself down “we’ll see about that” is all he could muster.
Baekhyun drove the car to Chanyeol’s condo, he could hear every annoyed breath his friend took, he rubbed his head and kicked with his feet, Baekhyun couldn’t say anything, he felt just as disgusted, he felt like he should probably tell him about you liking him to end all this ordeal...
“Don’t tell her”
“Hm?” Baekhyun was awoken from his thoughts “tell what? Who?”
“I know you must be thinking I’m filth, but I have a point”
Filth is what Baekhyun felt like at the moment...
“Why are you doing this Chanyeol-ah?”
“I love her”
“No you don’t, you wouldn’t do this to the girl you love”
“I know she’s different”
“What if she likes someone else, someone from the guys? You would be throwing her his way, it wouldn’t mean she’s bad, she would be accepting the dude she likes, didn’t this cross your mind?”
“Then it’s her loss, no one is good enough for her except you Baekhyun or Lay hyung, you are the only decent guys”
Baekhyun choked in his spit when he heard that “me?”
“Yes you, you are not a player, you never played with a girl before”
“So if she falls for me you would be OK with it?”
Chanyeol fell silent for a moment before turning his head to Baekhyun “I would kill you my friend, you wouldn’t go that low would you?”
Baekhyun gulped “no no man! OMG I mean what if she falls for me? I have no interest in my brother’s girl, what the actual fuck Chanyeol? How could you even ask me something like that?”
“I’m sorry man, I’m just... I’m... I don’t know I never experienced this before, I swear if she would of taken me back in high school I’d probably be married to her by now and have a bunch of kids”
“I didn’t know you liked her that much”
“Yes you did”
“I guess I did ha? I am sorry for not acknowledging this before Chanyeol, I will do anything to make her see you the way you see her”
“Nevertheless - I want you to be in the bet too” said Chanyeol with a firm tone not joking around.
That was yet the most outrageous request, was it because as Chanyeol said that he was a decent guy? Was it to prove to himself that even with a guy like Baekhyun you would still want Chanyeol? Why was Chanyeol acting so blundering? All this was a mess, but Baekhyun couldn’t ever refuse anything to Chanyeol, just this once he would... Chanyeol didn’t have to know that Baekhyun wasn’t trying with you because simply you were in love with him and he didn’t need to try anything, he just wished you would open your eyes and give Chanyeol a chance...
But why did that thought sting him a little...?
The rules of the bet were set as each one having a full day to persuade you into getting physical, the moment you gave in for a kiss would be 1 point for the one who kissed you, by the end in day 10 whoever gets a second kiss would be the winner, no one was allowed to try to do anything on a day that didn’t correspond him, just in day 10 it would be the final battle.
No forcing was allowed, the rules also mentioned that as soon as you felt uncomfortable and any word of discomfort was mentioned they would assume defeat and let you go, besides that anything else was allowed, fake promises, all the lies they could muster to make you sway, all the presents and propositions were allowed. 
Suho, D.O and of course Baekhyun were the only ones that didn’t want to play this game, each one for a reason, Suho thought that it was ethically wrong, D.O simply wasn’t into this shit and you didn’t attract him one bit, just the thought of having to kiss you made him want to puke, and Baekhyun... his dear friend... and something else he couldn’t put his finger on yet. Xiumin just wished that you wouldn’t tell Saehyo because he really was into this girl and when Xiumin had a girl in mind not getting her would ruin his mood, not very often he had this kind of hormonal attacks unlike Kai who was basically a man-slut, but when Xiumin set his eyes on something he had to get it.
Day 1: Encounter with Sehun
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“Right bitches look at the kid winning this thing from day 1, I don’t put much effort like Kai, but when I do... poor souls, I’m going to make you all cry”
“Yeah shut up Sehun and go” said Chen with a smirk.
“Just before I go, Chanyeol hyung are you sure you are alright with this? I really don’t want to upset you”
“Fuck off Sehun-ah, I already said I have nothing to fear”
Sehun took the phone and dialled the extension of the cafe.
“Hi ___! Can you please bring me an iced drink to my office in exactly an hour?”
“Yes Oh Sehun-ssi, what falvour would you like, any specific request?”
“Anything of your choice, surprise me, I just like something cold after I work out, you know where is Jongin’s and my office right?”
“Perfect so, see you in an hour”
“Uuuuuuuuuuuuh, exercise! You fucker, gonna show her some skin are you?” teased Kai.
“He knows his forte, still you are too plain pretty boy” added Chen.
“We’ll see how it goes” he said satisfied getting up already unbuttoning his shirt at his wrists.
“Don’t over do it Sehun-ah, be a gentleman, please we don’t want trouble, I still can’t believe I agreed to this” said Suho frowning.
Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who’s nostrils were flaring, he couldn’t hide how annoyed he was, yet he had faith in you, altho Sehun did really have an impressive body...
You knocked on the door to Kai’s and Sehun’s office.
“Come in” you heard Kai saying.
You opened the door and Kai just closed his laptop getting up taking his car keys “he’s inside” he said winking at you.
You kind of were glad that he left because this human being was a born flirt, and man he could, he was a master at it.
You knocked a second door inside the spacious office.
“If you are not ___ leave because I’m busy”
“I am Sehun-ssi”
“Well come in then girl”
You slowly opened the door carefully not to drop the tray with the drink in your other hand, you were met with Sehun in low baggy black shorts and a very sweaty baby blue tank top, his shoulders... ethereal, they were impossibly broad, like you blinked a few times to adjust to them, his collarbones... deep... the view... was he a hologram? 
“Come closer please, what did you get me?”
“It’s Piña Colada smoothie” you said coming closer offering him the drink.
He sat in the bench putting the dumbles on the floor “come sit with me for a moment”
“I really have to get going”
“Just sit for a moment” he pulled at your wrist making you sit next to him, his sweaty knee rubbing on yours.
He placed his lips on the straw and sucked closing his eyes making a satisfied noise as the cold drink went down his throat “it’s very nice, what does it have?”
“The regular, pineapple, orange juice, coconut milk and frozen yogurt”
“I love it” he added flicking his hair to the side, but this guy was gorgeous, a greek sculpture...
“I’m glad Sehun-ssi, I better go” you said standing up heading back to the door.
“Ouch aaaah” you heard him Sehun’s pain pleads, you turned around and saw him rubbing his work of art shoulder “it’s so sore”
“You need help with anything?”
“Could you maybe rub my shoulder?”
“I don’t-”
“Is Jongin still here? If he is ask him to come he will do it”
“No he actually left when I came... what is that you need me to do?”
“Just press here, come I’ll show you how, sit on the bench”
You innocently sat on the bench not expecting Sehun to take off his tank top, he revealed yet what was even better, his body was not real, that much you knew, he wasn’t just a regular built guy with muscles, he was a mix between that and a swimmer’s body, just perfection.
But the assault kept going when he leaned his head on your lap, you gasped in surprise when his warm sweat seeped through your pants and hit your skin.
“Sehun-ssi? I-”
“Here” he said taking your hand placing it on his enormous shoulder “please it’s killing me”
You rubbed him skeptical, this looked horrible, if anyone opened the door right now you would look like shit, what if Baekhyun came in, the thought alarmed you, you stood up in panic.
“Sorry Sehun-ssi, I think you should call someone else, this doesn’t look good”
Sehun stood up also facing you closely, he was very tall and intimidating, his sharp factions and his bare torso made it even more intimidating.
“But I want you to do it, your hands will make me fell better” he took your hands on his and rubbed circles at the back of both.
You pulled them and took the tray shielding yourself from him “I really need to go”
You opened the door but he slammed it close again his face coming at your eye level.
“Would you? Would you leave me in pain? All I’m asking you is to give me a massage, I could shower if the sweat is bothering you babygirl”
Babygirl??? OK this sounded horrible, where is the panic button? You needed to get out of there... NOW.
“I’d like to go back to my work place Sehun-ssi”
“Such a pity, but I guess I can’t force you”
He opened the door for you and watched you sprint out stumbling on Kai who wore a nice teasy smile, you bowed and left the office.
“___ 1 - Sehun 0! Puhahahaha, nice job bro, she’s fucking terrified, them shoulders didn’t work ha?”
“Shut up Kai, she must be lesbian, otherwise explain to me how?”
“Man you have no touch, you are so new to this business”
“I don’t need this business unlike you who works for it, usually girls run after me”
“That’s not always satisfying, working for it also tastes good bro”
“Yeah whatever, we’ll see what you got when it’s your turn” added Sehun taking his phone dialling a number.
“Who are you calling? Arranging a date to pump you ego?” asked Kai.
“Two dates, because I can”
Your breath was audible, your chest heaved heavily, Saehyo brought you a glass of water and asked you to sit, she tried getting out of you what happened but all you wanted was to forget.
You fixed your ponytail and went back behind the counter meeting Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they had already heard the news and Chanyeol was the happiest you’d ever seen him, if you only knew why.
“Are you alright ___?” he asked with a proud smile.
“I am now that I saw you” you blurted out facing both Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
Baekhyun’s heart stung...
A/N: Encounters will happen with each member and she will go through some deep shit...
Thanks for reading, feedback always welcomed ^_^
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eyeofthewolfe · 8 years
Evil Zane Chapter 6
The team returns to the Birchwood Forest as a last resort to save Zane...if they come up empty handed then Zane will have to be destroyed.
Prologue and Chapters 1-5: here
Chapter 6
 The heels of the green ninja sank ever so softly in the snow as the small party approached a birchwood tree that was about twenty times as thick as the others. The bright sun above them reflected off of the snow and the environment was blinding white and still, as if it was anticipating something to happen.
Jay, who was the only one in the party to have been at the tree home before, was looking around the clearing with fear struck in his eyes. “Jay, calm down- what are you afraid of?” Nya asked.
“Tree Horns,” Jay grumbled, and Lloyd could tell that he had bad memories of those creatures. “I don’t see any of them hiding, but that can change. We need to take cover.”
Lloyd glanced back up into the sky where the Bounty sat levitating. With the danger of giant woodland creatures, the forest was not a safe place for a giant flying ship. Cole, Kai and Misako were keeping watch from afar. Lloyd turned to assist his uncle.
“How interesting,” Wu mumbled to his nephew. “I fought in a great battle here, with your father by my side.”
“My father?” Lloyd asked. He always loves hearing Wu tell stories about the great Garmadon.
“Here was a disastrous battle fought during the First Serpentine War.” Sensei began as Nya and Jay slowed their speed to listen in. “We thought we had defeated the Anacondrai army but that was when Chen turned the elemental masters onto each other. After that-“ Sensei was interrupted with a loud clang.
Jay tripped on something and face planted into the snow with a soft crunch. Nya, Lloyd, and Sensei all burst into laughter as Jay spat out snow. “Very funny, guys,” He groaned before checking to see what he tripped on. Brushing away the snow, the team was surprised to see something gold and shiny hidden beneath the snow.
They all bent down and wiped the snow off of the giant object, revealing a huge robot with two shoulder blasters. Jay smiled, recalling his memory. “I remember this guy! Zane must have fought him when he ran ahead.” The blue ninja, with snow still on his face, turned to Lloyd. “This robot’s job is to scare away the Tree Horns. Well, it was, until Zane destroyed his control panel.” Jay pointed at the small rusted box on the back of the robot.
The gold metal was rusted and dull from sitting in the snow for years. Lloyd touched the metal gingerly, and he could feel the chill and lack of life in the steel. Finally, his eyes drifted to a symbol carefully carved on the back of the robot’s head. “That’s the same symbol that is on Zane’s chest door, right?” Lloyd asked, pointing at the marks. The team glanced down at the head, and Nya and Jay nodded.
Lloyd looked again at the robot, but this time he was suddenly blinded with a vision.
Instead of looking at the Tree Horn fighting robot, Lloyd found himself looking at Zane.
Lloyd flinched and gasped, falling backwards into the snow. “Lloyd are you okay?” Nya asked. The team looked at him with confused and worried looks.
Lloyd, panting, looked back at the robot, but Zane had disappeared. The image of Zane was burned into his mind: the dullness of his titanium steel, the rust forming in the cracks, the dents and deformities covering his body, his control panel on his back shattered and destroyed beyond repair, and his eyes that held no light.
Lloyd shook his head, pushing the image of destroyed Zane out of his head. “Nothing, I just thought I saw something move.” Nya helped the green ninja to his feet, and he brushed the snow off of his casts. “We should repair him if possible so he can continue to protect the home.”
Jay nodded in agreement. “I can see what I can do to him in the tree home.” He looked over to Nya and together they lifted the giant robot out of the snow.
A surprised look crossed Nya’s face. “For a giant robot, he’s fairly light,” she noted. Jay laughed. “He’s designed that way so he doesn’t sink into the snow.”
“Smart,” she said. Sensei chuckled as he opened the door to the tree home.
“Whoa…” Lloyd and Nya gasped together as they stared down the winding staircase to a circular bottom.
“Would you look at this place!” Nya exclaimed, her eyes lit up in excitement. Jay chuckled. “That’s what I said when I saw it.” He confessed. Sensei looked down and nodded, as if recalling a past memory. The team began to descend.
With a loud thud, Jay and Nya placed the large robot on the ground as Lloyd reached the bottom stair. The air in the tree was crisp but dusty and it was quite evident that the place had not been touched since the last time the ninja paid a visit. A bed that was perfectly made hid underneath the staircase, with a side table that held a filmy rag and a dust-covered picture frame. Lloyd walked over and lifted the picture up, sliding the dust off with his fingers.
In the frame was Zane with his falcon perched on his arm as he stood with a middle-aged Dr. Julien. Blinking, Lloyd suddenly realized just how old Zane was. “Zane’s been around for….a really long time…hasn’t he?” Lloyd asked, turning to the team. Jay was leaning over the giant robot while Sensei Wu and Nya looked around.
Wu nodded. “It would appear that Zane has existed for much longer than you all, possibly a good number of decades.”
“Decades?” Nya exclaimed as she picked up a wooden frog toy that was covered in dust. “Could he be older than you, Sensei?”
Wu laughed but didn’t respond. Lloyd looked back down at the picture, but his eyes drifted to the name on his casts again. The conversation he had with the young boy reappeared in his mind. Lloyd remembered what he had told Nelson- “Being a ninja isn’t easy because we deal with sacrifices and loss as well as battles and victory. You don’t have to be a ninja to do good things, you just need to do what’s right and to help others.” Looking at the photo, a sudden burst of determination surged through his body. He silently promised Dr. Julien that he would save his son and then sat the picture back down on the bedside table.
“Hey guys, check this out.” Nya called out as she rummaged through some blueprints at the main desk. “There’s blueprints for the giant robot we found…apparently it’s named the Guardian.”
Jay scooted in next to her and lifted another blueprint. “And this is one of the blueprints for Zane!” he exclaimed. Nya carefully inspected it, then gasped. “This is it! This is the software page.”
Lloyd looked over her shoulder. “Wow- there’s a ton of information on this sheet.” Nya nodded, but kept looking. Lloyd looked down at the table where another blue sheet caught his eye. Reaching around the girl, he took the paper and looked it over. “Woah,” he finally said.
“What is it?” Nya asked, looking back.
“This sheet is for the software of the Guardian,” Lloyd started, pointing at the lifeless robot. “But…” he continued, turning the page around. “It’s basically empty.”
Both Jay and Nya stopped and started to think. “That’s weird. That must mean that Zane’s software is more complicated than the Guardians’.” Jay concluded, and Nya’s eyes widened.
“There’s something more to Zane’s software that isn’t on this sheet. There’s a reason why Zane is much more complicated…therefore making him more-“
“More human!” Jay stepped in, and Nya nodded. “You’re so smart,” Jay gawked, and Nya giggled. “C’mon, we need to find more information on Zane.”
The three ninja began to dig through drawers and paper after paper, and Sensei Wu, who had no idea what just transpired between the three, just sat back and watched.
The cold winter wind played with Cole’s mess of black hair as he leaned over the banister and gazed at the forest below. The team had dug up a golden robot and disappeared into the tree about 15 minutes ago. Bored, Cole began to pick at the wooden banister; his mind was too unfocused and lost to think about his current situation.
“You okay?” Kai appeared next to Cole suddenly, causing Cole to flinch so violently he almost broke the banister.
“Kai!” Cole gasped for air. “You came out of nowhere like a-“
“A ninja?” Kai raised his eyebrow. “Haven’t heard that one before.”
The boys shared a laugh as they stared out across the Birchwood Forest. Kai cleared his throat. “I hope that they find an answer down there.” He spoke.
“Yeah,” Cole agreed.
“Cuz if they don’t, we are going to have to destroy Zane.” Kai continued.
“Yeah,” Cole agreed with a growl in his throat.
“And you would have to be the one to do it with your magic super strong fists,” Kai went on.
“Yeah,” Cole finally said after hesitation and a disgusted glance at the red ninja.
Kai nodded, completely oblivious of Cole’s disgust. “I can’t even imagine what you would be going through- knowing that if all else fails Zane would have to be destroyed by your own hands-“
“Okay, I get it!” Cole snapped. “I don’t need other people to tell me what I know.”
Kai fell silent. Cole, feeling guilty, took a deep breath. “Look, you are right. It’s a heavy burden knowing that I have the job of murdering Zane. I’ll never be able to look at myself the same way again, but at the same time if we just let him go then a lot of innocent people could get hurt. It’s not something to look forward to but it’s something that must be done.”
Kai nodded. “I know it’s hard, but you can’t look at it as murdering Zane. Zane has already been destroyed and the overlord has taken his place and stolen his face. You aren’t going to kill a friend, just have revenge on the enemy that killed Zane. Twice.”
Cole nodded, agreeing. “I just wish there was a simpler way, instead of turning him into scraps.”
Cocking his head, Kai went into thought. “Didn’t Jay mention something when he was sobbing his eyes out yesterday?”
Cole shook his head. “I don’t know. I wasn’t in the bridge at that point.”
Kai rolled his eyes. “Good for you. It was a nightmare. I seriously can’t believe Nya dates that guy.”
“Kai, focus.”
“Oh, right.” Kai cleared his throat. “He mentioned something like…’if I had listened to him none of this would have happened.’”
Cole stood up straight. “Wait…do what?” Cole spoke in an excited tone.
Kai rotated his hands while he was thinking. “What was the word Jay used? Deaccelerate…retaliate…wait, no! Deactivate!”
Cole gasped, suddenly remembering that moment in the bedroom when he woke up to Zane begging Jay to turn him off. “Kai, that’s it!” Cole shouted. “We can deactivate him! Zane was going to take off his suit so I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere on his chest or back. All we need to do is to work together to keep him still and we can turn him off without destroying him!”
Kai’s face lit up. “We don’t have to destroy Zane in order to stop him? That’s great news!”
Cole opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the third team member left on board. “We have an unidentified incoming,” Misako called from the bridge. The two boys shared a worried look and then dashed up the stairs to the bridge.
“What do you mean, an incoming?” Cole immediately said as he walked through the doors.
“Is it Tree Horns?” Kai asked, looking at the bridge map.                                     
“No,” Misako replied to Kai pointing at the screen. “Tree Horns move in herds, and this object is moving by itself. But in the sky.”
“In the sky?” Cole repeated, looking at the map. “What could it be?”
“If I may,” PIXAL stepped in, appearing on the map screen. “The unidentified object isn’t…alive.”
Kai frowned. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It’s a piece of technology,” PIXAL continued. “And quite a large piece too.”
Cole and Kai looked at each other. “You don’t think…?” Kai gasped.
Cole narrowed his eyes. “Zane. He found us.” He turned and dashed out of the room, followed by Kai and Misako.
They peered over the deck railing and searched for the flying tech. “There!” Kai pointed to the left. The team followed his arm and were startled to see-
“A dragon?” Cole exclaimed, more fascinated then shocked.
“It’s a robot dragon!” Misako gasped.
“A Techno Dragon!” Kai grinned, naming it. Cole shook his head. “Zane built himself a dragon, but why?”
“And how?” Kai added. “Zane’s never been that talented with engineering even though he is a robot himself.”
Eyeing the new threat, Cole narrowed his eyes. “That’s a problem for another hour. Now, we deal with Zane and his new pet.”
Within fifteen seconds, Cole and Kai devised a plan of attack. Misako took control of the ship and began to turn around as Kai flipped onto the railing and off of the ship.
The elemental dragon of fire roared to life and Kai took off towards the Techno Dragon.
A synthetic roar bellowed from the dragon ahead of him. Kai pulled his mask over his head and gripped the reins tighter. “I’ve got this,” Kai said, but there was a nervous quake in his voice. Kai wasn’t about to enter a fist fight, he was about to enter a dragon fight. Clenching his teeth, Kai yelled a battle cry and his dragon roared as they flew into the first impact.
Kai struck first. Breathing a huge wave of blue fire, the fire dragon aimed for the metal wings and then swooped upwards. Kai, proud of his tactic, glanced down to see the damage but was shocked to see that there was none. The jet black metallic wings seemed unhurt from the fire.
The fire dragon corkscrewed in the air then closed its wings and catapulted towards the metallic dragon. Kai willed his element to take over, and the dragon caught fire, transforming into a fireball missile. Kai narrowed his eyes and prepared for impact.
But to his surprise, the metallic dragon blinked, then vanished.
“What?” Kai exclaimed out loud and then stopped in his path downward. As the fire died down, Kai looked around nervously, but the dragon had vanished.
“That’s unfair!” Kai shouted. “You’re cheat-“
The elemental dragon screamed as a large object slammed into it and grabbed on. Kai, having a connection to the dragon, yelled in pain as well. Slowly, the Techno Dragon became visible again, and Kai felt the blood drain from his face.
The Techno Dragon was about three times the size off his elemental dragon, which he didn’t realize when he was flying at top speeds next to it. The metal was forged from a rare black metal and it had red detailing across its head and body. The eyes were blood red and purple, and the claws were shiny black and speared. The rider laughed, and Kai suddenly saw Zane in a new light.
On top of his titanium body sat a giant chest plate of black metal that matched his dragon. A blue techno screen crossed his eyes and a small headset piece extended from his right ear. A huge uncharacteristic grin was spread across his face and his red eyes glowed with despicable happiness. “Gotcha, Kai.” Zane snarled as his dragon clenched tighter, causing both the dragon and Kai to scream in pain again.
Kai panted hard, trying to ignore the pain. “Not..this…time….Zane!” Kai gasped each word like it was his last.
“And why is that Kai?” Zane asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because…I….have….something…you…don’t!” Kai spat, his vision starting to brighten in pain.
Zane frowned. “What’s that?”
“Allies!” Cole answered as he landed on the dragon behind Zane.
Shocked, Zane spun around. “How-“ Zane started, but was too slow to react. Cole grabbed the robot and chucked him off the dragon.
The dragon released the fire dragon and dropped to catch Zane, but the Bounty (which had snuck up behind the Techno Dragon) shot a missile towards the falling dragon. It hit the wing and the dragon roared as it was damaged. Everything catapulted to the snow below.
Cole was lucky enough to form his dragon as it all fell, but Kai was too much in exhausted pain to recover his dragon. He hit the snow with a thud.
Zane landed a few feet away, shaken but not hurt. The techno dragon landed last in a giant poof of smoke, fire, and snow. The nindroid stood and shook his head before looking over to see the smoking dragon. Zane tightened his fist in anger and through his new mask he activated the self-repair of the dragon on the wing. Steaming with rage, he turned to see Kai trying to stand in the snow a few feet away. Zane activated his ray gun and approached the fallen ninja.
Kai looked up, holding his side in pain. Seeing the threat, he tried to scramble to his feet, but couldn’t. Zane stepped on his chest and aimed for the shot, lining it up perfectly with Kai’s head. Defeated, Kai braced for the end.
In a sudden flash of black and orange, Zane vanished from Kai’s chest. Kai almost screamed in relief, and then fell back in the snow and passed out.
Cole and Zane tumbled in the snow for a few yards from the sudden collision. When they stopped tumbling, Cole tensed his legs and kicked Zane a few feet away before standing.
Zane stood as well and the two ex- friends glared at each other.
“How dare you come back,” Cole growled, his fists glowing.
Zane smiled. “How else am I supposed to enact my revenge if I can’t see you all again? Speaking of which, Cole- you look terrible. You should get some good sleep. Like forever.”
Cole narrowed his eyes. “Sorry Zane, but you can’t doctor me anymore. You lost that privilege when you turned evil.”
The nindroid laughed. “Looks like we have to settle this right now!” he demanded, shifting his body into a fighting stance.
Cole lifted his fists, ready to attack. “Let’s get this over with,” Cole murmured as he swallowed down the fear and dread that was forming in his throat.
The two ninja lunged at each other, each knowing that only one of them was going to leave alive.
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 10/05 NXT 10/07 NXT UK 10/08 Smackdown 10/09 + Main Event 10/08
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“This Asuka reign has been spectacular thus far,” d e b a t a b l e
Is Asuka continuing her feud with Zelina? If so, why? If not, why is this 6 woman match happening? Just spinning your wheels some more?
It’s been an interesting experience watching Dana grow throughout the years. Also nice flip by Nattie off of Dana’s headscissors takedown.
Love to see Dana and Mandy matching colors. Tag teams matching gear is my jam. Next is a theme song/name.
Lovely delayed double suplex by Dandy.
Small mistake in Mandy nearly falling over, but I mostly want to compliment the slide her boots did against the mat lmao. That was probably unintended, but looked super smooth.
I actually like Mandy now that she’s not imitating a stripper, but I’d really appreciate it if she could learn new trash talk that isn’t just, “who do you think you are,” repeated ad nauseam.
I don’t watch Main Event, but they should consider having Mandy and Dana wrestle more on there if they don’t already. Those are 2 that can use the consistent practice.
There’s so many minor things Natalya does to keep matches together with greener women. She deserves more respect.
Man these women work incredibly well together. Asuka, Nattie, Dana, Lana, Mandy... so cohesive. Loved that entire ending sequence from the moment Lana and Asuka tagged in. Lana has really increased her speed as well.
I am here to dole out positive praise for the blondes that nobody gives any credit to. Remembering where Dana was in 2016, Lana was in 2017, or even Mandy was in 2018, and seeing them all now? They get my applause. The midcard on Raw is entertaining, sue me. Fun match.
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pppfffftttttt love how Zelina just slowly slinks outta the ring like, “yeahhhh have fun with that, this ain’t my fight peace.”
Alright ngl, I am now starting to get sad that Lana is getting rekt nearly every week. rip. First match of the night btw and the commentators are losing their desk lmao.
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Does KO have to spell out everything happening in wrestling? Sir I actually pay attention to the stories y’all be telling me. Can I get a condensed version?
“He’s everywhere,” Alexa is creepy and compelling, I’m gonna keep singing her praises til she gives me a reason not to.
I personally just hope Fiend uses new gloves for every new victim, what with covid and all.
“Bury a body together in the woods,” SIR.
I like that Alexa is kept separate from Bray and is solely attached to Fiend. I know that’s going to change, but for now, I like that line being drawn in the sand.
Omg he shed tears. Whew.
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Why y’all allergic to showcasing Bianca against people who I fucking recognize lmao.
Again, I know she’s a college graduate. I know she’s smart on some fucking level. Telling me why the sky is blue (cept not really as it just appears that way) AIN’T IT THOUGH.
Put her in a match, that’s where she needs the most work. Jesus.
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Oh good we get to hear Nia’s music on the way to the ring. She has the superior theme.
Nia body checking Ruby in the corner. I felt that.
I like Shayna’s joint manipulation, I only wish she’d wear down her opponents before she started in on it, cuz it drastically slows down the pacing of the match. There’s a spot for it if you get the momentum of the match going first, but she almost always just jumps straight into this. 
Ruby getting rekt. What Riott Squad need is a good showing. Not to be damn near demolished. I doubt anyone actually expected them to win this match, but come on.
At least Shayna sold the tornado ddt well.
Meh could’ve been a better showing for RS. Kind of disappointing. Liv didn’t even use any offense to break the Kirifuda Clutch, just yelled dramatically af. Tears galore.
Highlight: Seeing Lana/Mandy/Dana improve & work cohesively with veterans in Nattie & Asuka
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Isn’t nxt supposed to be the brand that hides a performer’s weakness? Why does Ember Moon have a mic in the middle of the ring? Have her do a quick interview in the back, or better yet wrestle. Hello??
Don’t thank them, they are your coworkers, and only one of them even said welcome back. sigh.
This is why Ember Moon will never be a champion on the main roster jfc. At least she can get away with being nxt champ if she refrains from speaking.
Well damn I was actually interested in Rhea’s promo, thanks a lot Raquel smh.
Io’s like “...nah, I’m good right here.”
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Io is a woman of few words, but they are always flawlessly spoken and drenched in logic. Still a huge fan of her as champion.
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Storytime. Becky Lynch has named 2 people as potential break out stars that could reach (close to) the heights she has reached. Sonya Deville was one, whom I believe Becky was right on the money with, and Toni Storm was the other. Now I don’t see whatever the hell Becky sees in Toni, but damn it if she was right about Sonya, I want her to be right about Toni as well. So I hope this heel turn actually brings the fire, decent acting, and passable promos from her.
Toni has a swagger you can’t teach; she has an aura and confidence to her. There are just some pieces that have been missing. We’ll see though, I’ll give her a clean slate to win me over.
*The Garganos receive a gift* No.
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I kind of like that there’s an unspoken agreement between Raquel and Dakota that Dakota is the star who should win the title, with no lingering feelings of animosity or resentment between them.
Anyway Dakota you lost to Io, plz lol.
*The Garganos see potential in Indi Hartwell* No.
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I hate Shotzi’s entrance and dialogue so damn much lmao. She’s so annoying, I’m not sorry. I’ll give her props in the ring where I see fit, but her personality is such a turn off to me.
Such a short match that I have nothing to say about it. Good for Shotzi gaining some momentum. Still waiting to see where Xia Li goes with these losses amounting.
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Cool one of the best themes has been changed :/ rip Ember’s og theme.
Sloppy, sloppy attempt at a standing crucifix by Ember. oof.
Ember is short but she can sure jump high, this is true.
Ember plz sell.
Jeeze I nearly forgot how good Ember’s suicide dive is. One of the best, truly.
Great bump onto the floor by Rhea.
Flat landing by Dakota. Bravo. Love how Dakota bumps Rhea’s bench press.
No excuse for Dakota not tagging in when Ember got the tag. Awkward.
Looked more like a modified flatliner rather than a uranage, but sure. 
Love watching Dakota and Rhea work together. They have great chemistry.
LOVE Dakota’s Kairopractor. One of my favorite moves in nxt.
Great save by Raquel, great ddt taken by Raquel.
Sloppy “powerbomb” from Ember to Dakota... that’s a yikes. Ember indeed has ring rust. Eclipse is still a thing of beauty though, so there’s that.
I just want to say, I really like Rhea as a babyface and I hope wwe doesn’t turn her heel when she moves to the MR.
Highlight: Dakota & Rhea working together is always a treat
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Tell me why the beginning of Dani’s theme reminded me of White Wedding by Billy Joel? The lack of lighting in her entrance does her song a disservice.
Really like Nina’s theme... irritating how they cut off Amale’s theme so quickly to introduce her, though.
HAHA Xia tried kipping up out of the leg scissors and she got popped on the midsection.
Lovely escape...? Alright well, fill the dead air with meaningless comments I guess. No, don’t pipe in applause for that.
Twisting her arms in reverse and then forward accomplished nothing.
I appreciate Dani’s underrated strength.
Decent reverse suplex by Nina.
Deadweight suplex by Dani. Nice.
Amale is... abysmally green.
Took a beautiful German suplex, though.
Do not like Xia’s finisher.
This match wasn’t a mistake, but man talk about lower card.
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Much like I did with Toni Storm, all I see when I look at Piper now, is when she cried during the match with KLR lmao. Round of applause for KLR making all of her opponents cry kekekek.
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“[KLR] better watch what she says, or else..” or else what? More of y’all gonna cry in her direction? oof your champ is HEAD AND SHOULDERS above everyone else on that roster, plz.
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Sure she’s held the title for a year cuz of the pandemic, but if we remove all of that time UK spent isolated, she should still hold that title for a year minimum. Whenever someone wants to exhibit possessing the full package she has, they can step up. Even on the mic, KLR is untouchable.
Lol y’all can waltz out pissy all you want. I laugh.
“We've got witches that can't cast spells, Valkyries that can't fly, and these two can't even get along long enough to challenge me. And here she is, the worst of them all, the ultimate letdown... a piper that plays to my tune.” LMFAOOO. This is such a good promo, I can’t.
Knowing NXT, they’ll throw them in a battle royal to decide Kay Lee’s next opponent. Should run a tournament though.
KLR makes that title prestigious, goodbye.
Highlight: Fantastic KLR promo
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Alright real talk, why did Sasha get a title shot here? Why would Bayley give it to her without a struggle when she damn well knows Sasha could easily be the one to take it from her? When was it even accepted by Bayley?
Tbh I kind of hate this feud unless they’re in the same room/arena together. They work magic together, truly, but all of the inbetween stuff was garbage.
Love how Sasha just wants to beat the crap out of Bayley. Solid stuff.
Lol Bayley goes to leave lololol.
These are some clean counters and roll throughs. Always give props to Sasha for her counters.
See, cool, Sasha and Becky’s hiac match was set up with a chair, too... cept they had a great match for 15 mins and then brawled all over the arena. This could’ve all been set up SO much better. Then again tbf, it doesn’t even make sense for Bayley to accept this match with her to begin with, so I get the intentional dq as quickly as possibly on Bayley’s behalf. Would’ve been better if a gm had set this match up instead.
Great acting by Sasha.
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How long til KO just pops Bliss across the face? No I’m kidding, wwe would never do that. Setting fire to someone, on the other hand...
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Nothing about this promo felt genuine to me; the delivery was subpar.
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When does Alexa receive an upgrade from ‘supportive mistress’ to ‘queen that helps fuck up Fiend’s victims’? I do appreciate them taking their time with her arc, it’s rare to see them do such a slow burn and not drop the ball with it.
Highlight: Sasha’s aggression in the ring
Main Event:
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The sheer hatred I have for Peyton’s theme. Awful.
Peyton vs Billie matches reminds me of the type of stuff I used to skip back in the late 2000s.
You watch best friends Sasha/Bayley, and you see some innovative, impactful moves. You watch best friends Becky/Charlotte, and you see 2 people beating the absolute shit out of each other with vitriol. You watch best friends Billie/Peyton, and you see 2 people who are afraid of hurting one another :/
Nice roll through pin by Billie.
Positive: there’s no crowd to boo them.
Just noticed the bottom row of monitors are behind the barricade, and I just want to know why tf they exist lmao.
Oh perfect, the second I began to regret turning this on, it ended. Okay anyway.
*NXT shined the brightest. Love how they utilized their women’s division, even if some of it was a hit or miss. Also love seeing Dakota and Rhea work together.
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