#and debated whether or not he knew what it meant and decided to stop watching anyways
cradle-quill · 26 days
Surrender, an ABDL Story by CradleQuill (18+)
Disclaimer: All content is fictional, consensual, and intended only for mature audiences. All characters depicted are adults aged 18+ _
Daniel stopped typing and looked up from his manuscript. His eyes wandered to Isabelle, who sat at the other end of their shared table, supposedly chipping away at her latest work project. Her brow was stuck in a permanently furrowed state, and she was massaging her temples as she stared down at her computer screen. She had been at this for hours now. Every so often, a burst of inspiration would hit, and the sound of her acrylic nails tapping away at her mechanical keys would fill the room. Those bursts would not last, though. Before too long, Daniel would notice that the sound of his girlfriend working would disappear, replaced with a suffocating silence that lingered throughout the air, threatening to choke the life from him if he dared say a word.
It had been over thirty minutes since inspiration had last struck, and Daniel knew Isabelle was hitting her wall. He also knew she would be reluctant to admit as much. He looked back to his writing and saw he had hit his word count for the day, so he leaned back and took a deep breath. Daniel eyed Isabelle as he wondered if she was paying attention to his movements.
“You know, honey,” Daniel said with a hitch in his voice. “Maybe it’s about time for you to take a break. Relax for a bit and see if the solution comes to you.”
Isabelle shut her eyes, looking annoyed. She let out a hefty sigh. “I can’t take a break yet. I’m on the clock for another three hours, and I need to finish this by the end of the day.”
Daniel carefully considered his next words. He knew how she got when there were stakes involved, especially when those stakes involved her boss, Jim. He also knew Isabelle had a penchant for building these things up in her head and assuming the worst. “Do you actually need to finish this one today, or is it more so that you’re going to be mad at yourself if you don’t finish it?”
Isabelle shot two twin daggers for eyes at him, and he immediately got the memo. He leaned forward, and in his mind, he debated whether he wanted to continue speaking. In the end, his gut told him to keep going. “You know, honey,” he began, his voice as gentle and soothing as light rain tapping on a window. “It would probably be easier to get a lot more work done if you gave your mind the chance to rest. You don’t want to overwork yourself and fry those thoughts before they come to fruition.”
“And what would you know about that?” Isabelle snapped back. “It’s not like you work an actual job, anyway. I have deadlines, Daniel. People expect me to finish things by certain times, and I’m already behind as is. So please, lay off and let me handle it.”
By the time she reached the end of her little diatribe, she was nearly out of breath, huffing and puffing out of anger. Her cheeks were bright red, but they faded to a lighter shade of pink once she realized that her temper had gotten the better of her. Daniel just sat there, staring at her. There was no judgment in his eyes, not even pain. Isabelle struggled to read him, but as best she could tell, he was unbothered, though also very serious.
She knew she ought to apologize, and part of her even wanted to. It was the mature thing to do. Even if she had a point, she went about expressing that point in the absolute wrong way. At the same time, she could feel that another side of her, a more stubborn, petty side, had latched onto this little spat and decided it was unwilling to move an inch. While she sat there in her purgatory of mind, Daniel stood up from the table. She watched him close his laptop and wander over to where his coat was hung up next to the door.
“Daniel, wait…” She clambered out of her chair and onto her feet.
“Not another word.” Daniel’s tone was stern, but it held the same underlying gentleness as his earlier words. She knew he meant it. He did not want to hear another word escape from her lips, and as hard as that stubborn side of her tried to fight it, she managed to hold it back and keep her mouth shut. She couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. Instead, all she offered was a nod.
“I’ll be back soon. I won’t be long,” Daniel said before pulling on his coat and leaving through their apartment’s front door. On his way out, she heard the pitters and patters of his boots as he trailed down the stairs to the parking lot.
Minutes passed, and Isabelle had still not returned to her work. Her heart was nearly in her throat. She knew she had messed up, but she hoped it would not be as bad as it seemed. Daniel said he would not be long, and Isabelle would just have to trust that. He wouldn’t just leave her there, all alone, over one fight. If you could even call it a fight. It was more like a temper tantrum. She could hardly call herself a stressed out adult who had been snippy. It was more like she was a spiteful adolescent lashing out at a parent. It reminded her of her teenage years, and for that she felt deep shame.
When another few minutes had passed, and Isabelle still could not get her mind off of things, she forced herself to look back at her computer screen. Sitting there doing nothing would not help. At least if she got some work done, it would be a serviceable distraction until Daniel returned from wherever he had gone off to. He probably just went for a walk to clear his head, Isabelle thought. She hoped it was nothing more than that.
After around another thirty minutes, the familiar sound of Daniel’s boots trudging up the stairs to their apartment rang through the building, and Isabelle let out a sigh of relief she had been holding onto since the moment he left. When he returned through the door, Isabelle noticed something under his arm. Whatever it was, it was double-bagged in two white grocery bags, and she could not make out any signifying labels from beneath the coat of white.
“What’s that?” She asked, but Daniel did not answer.
“Come with me,” was all he said before making his way through the halls and into their bedroom. He had that same tone from earlier, the one that refused to be bargained with, so Isabelle did as she was told. She stood up from the table and followed him into their room, where Daniel was making the bed. He had opened their closet door and pulled out a black leather riding crop, which now sat beside him on the nightstand.
“No, absolutely not-” Isabelle said, but Daniel cut her off.
“You will not take that kind of tone with me. You know better than to speak to me that way, and you know better than to insult me.” He finished making the bed, ensuring it was nice and level for her to sprawl out on. “You also know that I was right about you needing a break. You would never have snapped at me like that if you weren’t so stressed. Now, be an obedient girl for me and lay flat on your stomach.”
Isabelle squirmed where she stood, clenching her legs together and trying not to show how obviously wiggly she was. Deep down, she loved when he got like this. She found him so… irresistible when he took charge. “I-I don’t think now is the t-time…” she trailed off, unable to finish her own thought. Her thoughts seemed to get lost somewhere along the way from her mind to her mouth, disappearing before she could bring them to life through her words.
Daniel simply ignored her. He wore that same unphased demeanor from earlier, and somehow, that made him seem even more threatening. With the crop and sheets all prepped and ready, he bent down and opened his mysterious package, revealing a large bag of disposable diapers, the kinds for little kids who still wet their beds.
“Absolutely not!” Isabelle declared. Her voice was forceful and unwavering. Yet when his eyes met hers, hers darted away. She could not hold his gaze.
“I’m not asking. Lay down on the bed, take your spanking, and then I’m going to put you into something more appropriate for the way you’ve been behaving.”
“I’m not… wearing that.” She folded her arms and gave her best pout.
Daniel turned to face her, not speaking for several seconds. Each subsequent second felt longer than the last, and with each one that passed, Isabelle felt her knees getting weaker, ready to give way. After a full minute of silent stillness, Daniel suddenly approached her. He got right up in her face, forcing her to stand at attention just to avoid him running into her.
Their faces were mere inches apart when he said, “I have seen your BDSMTest results. I know what you’re into. I know how you like to be treated.” He paused just long enough to let her mouth fall open, and for a breathless gasp to flee from her open lips. “You have a safe word. Use it. Or don’t use it, and lay down on the bed right this instant.”
Isabelle could not believe what she was hearing. Even less could she believe her legs started inching their way forward without her permission. Daniel was right. She had a safe word, but she did not utter it. Before she knew it, she was crawling onto the bed, sprawling out over it. Daniel came up from behind her and gave her a forceful push, slamming her stomach onto the bed as she let out a reluctant moan that refused to be held back. A familiar wetness dampened her inner thighs.
As she tried to compose herself, to gather her thoughts which seemed to float around aimlessly in the sea of her mind, there was a sharp sting against one of her butt cheeks, and then the other. The sound of the slaps came first, with the pain settling in whole seconds later. By the time she felt the pain from one, Daniel’s crop was already onto the next. She desperately clung to her physical presence, to keep herself grounded within the moment. She was an adult, a grown woman, someone who was self-sufficient and well adjusted. Except, she wasn’t any of those things.
With each strike of the crop, those illusions, those lies that she told herself, they disappeared bit by bit, until they had faded into nothing more than memories just out of reach. All that was left was herself. Her true self, the one she kept locked away where no one could see. In mere moments, Daniel had beaten it out of her. She could hardly even feel the pain anymore. Instead, it was as if she were floating in the middle of the ocean, with no land anywhere to be found. Or perhaps she was soaring through the air, diving between the clouds, with no rules or expectations hoisted upon her shoulders. She was free. In her bondage, in her submission to him, she was free.
When the spanking was finished, Isabelle’s bottom was bright red and sore. The earlier marks were even beginning to turn purple as her skin bruised. She just laid there, her mouth agape, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Daniel grabbed hold of her and pulled her into his embrace. “There, there, little one. It’s all over. I’ve got you now.” The sternness had left his voice. Now, there was just that same old gentleness, like the first autumn breeze of the year.
She sobbed into his shoulder, and all the while, he held her and cooed at her. He rocked her gently, careful not to exacerbate the pain coursing through her bruised bottom. Once she had settled down and centered herself right there in his presence, in his dominance, he laid her down on the bed. She went limp, ready to let him do whatever he pleased with her. However, Daniel did not take her as she thought he would. No, instead, he ripped open the package of Pull-Ups and slid one over her feet and up her legs. Isabelle’s hands shot up to her face to hide her humiliation, but the childish gesture only served to make her seem more helpless and infantile.
With little effort, Daniel hoisted Isabelle up and pulled the glorified diaper snug into place. She had to admit; it wasn’t so bad. The padding was soft against her princess parts, and the way the garment hugged her hips made her feel swaddled and protected. She was safe. Safe in her Pull-Ups and safe under Daniel’s thumb, right where she belonged. She needed it. She yearned for it.
Daniel wrapped her in his arms once more and laid her head on his chest. He rocked her gently, humming a soft little tune to soothe her. Isabelle closed her eyes and let herself relax, finally. For the first time in longer than she cared to remember, she was at peace. All her worries and concerns had drifted away, and despite her sore bottom and weakened pride, she could not help but smile.
“There’s my girl,” Daniel said. He aimed his own soft smile down at her, and as she looked into his eyes, she did not find disdain or malice there. Instead, she found only wordless comfort and reassurance. “I think someone was extra fussy today and needed an attitude adjustment.” She blushed even more furiously at that.
“D-Daniel…” Isabelle’s meek voice chirped out like a baby bird making its first call.
“Yes, my love?”
“I’m s-sorry… for what I said… and the way I said it.”
“I know you are, sweetie. I know you didn’t mean it. You were stressed, and you lashed out. Little girls do that from time to time.”
“N-no but… I’m serious. I shouldn’t have said those things.”
“Hush, little one. I know you’re sorry, and I know you’re being sincere. I’m telling you it’s alright, that you don’t have to apologize. You don’t have to do or be anything right now. You can just sit here in my arms, and you can just be my little girl, if that’s what you want.” He gave her the kindest smile anyone had ever given her, and in that moment, the last of her reservations gave way. “That is what you want, isn’t it, baby?” All she could do was nod.
That night, she drifted off to sleep in her boyfriend’s arms. Come the next day, she wouldn’t think of him as her boyfriend at all anymore. Instead, she would see him as her Daddy. And by the time she woke the next morning, she would find herself filled with a sense of undeniable bliss, and a new sensation altogether. One of thickness and absorbency between her legs. One that would go on to define the rest of her life to come, and the way her Daddy would look at her as his good little bedwetter.
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animeficsworld · 10 months
The Ending We Deserve
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Seeing him in a wheelchair made you knees weak.
Humanity’s Strongest Soldier, Levi Ackerman.
When you left the Survey Corps, Levi and you parted. After many years of working together.
He always assumed you got married, had children or died during an attack.
But you never did.
You never moved on. You always loved him.
And now that the war has ended and you rushed to find him.
You heard news that he died along with the others, you heard news that he survived but was terribly injured and you also heard that he went insane and was locked away.
He didn’t notice you, he was talking to a man while you watched from afar.
You debated during the last couple of days whether you should find him and now, you debated if you should even go up to him. Maybe that old wound should not be reopened.
You watched as the man left with his son and you knew, now or never. 
“Humanity’s strongest watching the sunset.” you said as you walked over to him, he turned and looked at you with a shocked expression. “Before you ask, no, I’m not a ghost.”
“Y/N… how?”
“Mikasa told me everything.”
You simply nodded before you sat down in front of him on the bench.
“I thought I would never see you. I thought you got married or died.”
“I never got married. It was hard to find another dark midget with a terrible attitude.” he smiled, you knew that you were the only friend of his who was still alive. Actually, more than a friend. “I’m sorry, I got scared and I left. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, idiot. This way at least I didn’t lose you.” you laughed a little.
You looked at the skin as it turned orange and pink.
“I think you know this, but I have always loved you Levi. Ever since I left, every day, I spent worrying about everyone. But I mostly worried about you.”
“They are all gone.”
“Yes, but we are still here. Our lives shouldn’t stop because theirs did. I rent a room closeby, if you want… I can visit tomorrow.”
“Don’t leave. I have a house, stay there with me.” he offered and you could never say no.
Almost a year passed since you decided to go back to Levi.
Almost a year since you two found each other and fell back into the same comfortable partnership that you two had years ago.
And almost a month since you two got married.
The wedding was in a small chapel with no one there. Only you two and a priest.
And it was enough. It was more than enough.
Now, with a simple gold band on both of your fingers, you decided to cook lunch, Levi was outside sitting on the bench, watching as the children of the neighbourhood played. 
You heard him enter the room just as you finished with the food.
“Lunch’s ready.” you said and you felt a pair of arms around you, your back met his chest as he put his head into your neck. You stayed like that, allowing him to have his time.
“I want one.” he said in a low voice, you almost didn’t hear him.
“Lunch? I just made some we can eat-”
“No.” you were confused. What could he mean? You tried to think but you couldn’t realize what he meant.
“W-What do you mean? Tea?” you asked after a few minutes.
“A child.” 
Now, that hit you like a cold shower. No, it was more like hitting a wall while going full speed.
“You what? You want a baby?”
“Yes.” his answer was simple. 
“I didn’t know you would… I couldn’t imagine that you would want a baby.” He pulled back and you turned around, you looked into his eyes.
“Sorry, I didn’t think it through. I guess you don’t want to and its okay.”
“It’s not that.” you said quickly before he could move away from you, you put your hand on his chest, holding him there. “I just never could have imagined that you would want one. B-but I think we can. If you really want to. I would love to have a child with you, Levi.” you smiled at him as he placed his forehead against yours.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” you said.
Who could have thought all those years ago that you would have such a happy ending?
Who could have thought that you will have the ending both of you deserved?
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not-to-me · 8 months
Just Enjoying the View (DW One-Shot)
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(Gif is mine)
Fourth Doctor x AFAB!reader | 18+ NO MINORS | I take requests! Actually, I beg for them!
Summary: The Doctor sees you as you’re picking out clothes after a shower.
Warnings: smut, slightly dubious consent at the very beginning (the Doctor being brash), AFAB reader, but only gender indicators referring to genitalia and breasts (wrote this for me and I’m trans masc), my likely lousy attempt at dirty talk, unprotected sex, not the softest not the roughest, slight degradation at one point, I’m not a native speaker either.
The hot water that cascaded down your body slowed to a stop as you turned off the shower. Walking over to your towel, folded and placed neatly on the counter, you started drying yourself off. You sighed as you became satisfied with your level of dryness, and wrapped the towel around your body.
You exited the steamy bathroom and headed into your room. Now, to find some clothes, you thought. Crossing your room, you headed for your wardrobe, a little walk-in closet. You stood there, sifting through the fabric of your options as you thought about what you wanted to wear. Maybe something that would make the Doctor look at you for an extra second or two… you smiled mischievously at the thought. You fancied him, it was true, but you also knew he was either too uninterested, too daft or too caught up in his own world to notice it. Still, one can try.
You pulled out a cute dress from the rack, one that you always felt sexy in, but then something else caught your eye as well, so you pulled a sleek suit out too and walked over to the mirror to try and see which you’d like most today. You looked at your reflection in the mirror as you held the dress up to your body, then the suit, then switched them back again, musing to yourself. Indecisive, you sighed and closed your eyes momentarily. When you opened them again, however, you made eye contact with a pair of intense blue eyes in the mirror.
The Doctor.
The Doctor was standing behind you, in the doorway. You froze, unsure of what to say as embarrassment flooded your mind at the same speed as thoughts of how long he’d been standing there did. You hadn’t noticed him when you left the bathroom. You opened your mouth to speak as you felt a few seconds of silence too many had passed, but he interrupted you.
“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying the view!” he said, his signature unreadable grin present on his face. He was leaning on the doorframe, hands tucked into his pockets, looking like the epitome of casual. You? Not so much, as you were debating whether to hide away in your bed or chase the tall Time Lord out.
“Doctor… you cant just— why were you just standing there?!” You stuttered out your inquiry, your voice a slightly higher pitch than usual as you turned around to face him. You dropped the hangers with clothes you were holding in favour of clutching your towel tightly and securely to your body.
“Well, my dear, you seemed like you were quite focused on your… choice of attire,” His eyes swept over your body— or were you seeing things— before he continued, “And I thought I’d let you decide, rather than interrupt…” Something told you that was only half the truth as his eyes lingered on your exposed thighs.
“I— I am in a towel!” You exclaimed indignantly, gesturing to your current ‘outfit,’ though you couldn’t help but wonder what those darkening eyes truly meant.
“Yes, I see that…” the Doctor said lowly, beginning to approach slowly, watching for any sign that would tell him to back off, “Do you want to know what I’ve also seen, my dear?”
Your eyes widened at his ominous words. You didn’t know if you truly wanted to know, but you found yourself nodding meekly all the same. The Doctor’s grin grew wider as he closed in on you, and in a move that made your eyes even bigger for an entirely different reason, he reached up and brushed his knuckles against your cheek, caressing you tenderly. Then, his hand moved so the tips of his fingers rested at your temple, not unlike the few times he had helped you sleep using those psychic powers of his. And with that thought, you began connecting the dots. Your face had never been this hot. Yet… some these connections you were making did allude to the idea that the Doctor also wanted you. The very thought made your breath hitch.
“Ah, yes! I probably should have mentioned I’d be able to see some of those little thoughts of yours, before I helped you sleep.” His voice was deepened at the end of his sentence as he gazed at you with a fond expression, his grin having been softened by watching your cute face as you made your realisations.
“Now… the question is,” He trailed his hand down your face, caressing you, and parted your lips with his thumb, “Will you let me reciprocate those desires?”
Your heart was hammering away in your chest, not from fear, but from excitement. Your shaky breath fanned over the Doctor’s thumb when you answered him with a quiet, “Yes.”
The return of his grin was the only warning you got before his hand traversed further down, grabbing your towel and loosening it, taking advantage of your lowered guard, before letting it fall to the floor.
“Doctor!” you exclaimed as you tried to cover yourself, “Haven’t you ever heard of taking things slow?!”
“Hmm, I think not… We’ll have to try it some day!” he said, a teasing tone painting his words as he looked at you like he wanted to take you right then and there. And to be fair, he did. He quickly closed what little distance there was left between you two, grabbing your chin between a finger and a thumb to tilt your head up just enough for him to kiss you.
You felt a surge of desire in your core at his controlling actions, letting yourself melt into the kiss after a quiet, surprised sound. As he moved his slightly chapped lips against yours, his hands both landed on your body, feeling your warm skin under them. Once again, he couldn’t make himself take things slowly, so he deepened the kiss almost immediately, making you gasp by squeezing the soft flesh of your ass. His tongue explored your mouth, and you whined into the kiss, your hands having come up to grip the lapels of his coat. Despite his apparent dominance, you got the feeling he might’ve been out of practice, although he quickly relearned his old tricks.
He began to slowly walk you backwards, toward your twin sized bed. Once the back of your knees hit the mattress, he surprised you by roughly pushing you down, making you fall onto the soft bed. You gasped as you bounced slightly. The Doctor began swiftly taking off his scarf and coat, but made no further move to undress before advancing on you, settling his weight on top of you. He briefly resumed the kiss as he spread your legs with his and found his place between them. Then, he kissed his way down your throat and collarbones, nipping at your skin, until his mouth arrived at the softness of your tits. One big hand came up to squeeze one while his mouth descended on the other, rolling your nipple on his tongue. This turned out to be a good distraction, as he surprised you by running the fingers of his other hand through your wet folds. He groaned.
“Already wet? My, my, have you been neglected?” He mused, mostly to himself, as he continued to mouth at your breasts, leaving hickeys and bites. You only managed to whine in response as he delved a thick finger into your tight hole, working you open. He soon curled his finger, hitting that one special spot, and making you gasp and buck your hips. He started to hone in on that specific spot and all but abused it, wrenching cries and moans from your lips.
Another incarnation of the Doctor would’ve probably taken it one step further and gone down on you, but right then and there, the Doctor knew that he was much too impatient to do so. He would save that for when he wasn’t so ridiculously pent up. So with that thought, he added another finger, stretching you wider yet. His cock twitched in anticipation of your tightness.
The stretch tingled pleasurably and you spread your legs further as he pounded your heat with his fingers. Just when you thought his mere hand couldn’t make you feel any better, his thumb dropped down on your clit. Your hips twitched as you arched your back involuntarily and moaned. You breathing was starting to go quicker and quicker, more irregular, and the Doctor knew you were close to coming from just his hand alone. He grinned and stopped his movements, withdrawing his hand, and leaning back.
You whined at the loss and prepared to make a fuss, but when you opened your eyes, you saw that he had already freed his cock from his pants, which shut you up immediately. He stroked his dick intently as he looked at your wet and swollen cunt.
“Do you want this?” he asked in a low voice, before looking up at your eyes with his own, intense ones. For some reason, his question sent waves of heat throughout your body. Almost as if it solidified the fact that this was happening. So you happily nodded your head.
“Yes! Yes please, Doctor. Please fuck me.” And with that you leant up on your elbows to catch his lips in a chaste, but passionate kiss. He kissed you back, but soon took one of your tits in hand and squeezed, before pushing you down onto the bed once more. You gasped as you felt his cockhead at your entrance before the Doctor began teasing you by thrusting through your wet folds. He groaned at the feeling, but you whined and threw your head back against the pillow, craving more. He chuckled at your impatience. If he was any less impatient himself, he might have teased you further, but he needed to feel your walls around him soon.
Suddenly and without warning, he thrust inside you, giving you little time to get used to his considerable size. You practically cried out at the intrusion, though you quickly welcomed it with a moan. You were thankful he’d taken the time to prepare you, even just a little bit.
He drew in a sharp breath, and couldn’t help but buck his hips, sinking all the way inside your welcoming warmth.
“Ah, fuck… better than I imagined,” he said, pleasure tinting his voice. You could only clench tighter around him as you registered just what his words implied.
“And I can imagine quite a bit, my dear,” he said with a grin.
“Are you thinking about it? Me getting off to your image…” He chuckled breathlessly, then continued, “No, of course you aren’t. Fucked you dumb already, haven’t I?” He punctuated with a harsher thrust than the previous ones, making you squeal as you dug your nails into his back. You proved him right by only moaning and nodding weakly in response to his mostly rhetorical question.
Your moans and whimpers picked up in time with the rhythm of his hips. His thrusts had started out slow and deep, letting you really feel it every time he bottomed out, but then he started growing impatient with his pace.
His hips picked up speed, and soon he was hammering his cock into you, fucking you fast with no mercy. He grunted with the effort, his hands running over your body heavily. You were in ecstasy. You gripped his brown curls, needing something to hold onto during this onslaught.
“Doct—ah!” you moaned his name, not knowing many other words at this point. His name was followed by a series of whines and sobs, making him almost chuckle.
“Ohh… Is it too much? I know it’s a lot, I know,” He said to you in a condescending tone. Instead of giving you a chance to breathe, his hand slid down to your core and he began pleasuring your clit.
“Just keep taking it.”
You were overwhelmed with pleasure. Tears rolled down your cheeks, but still you pleaded with him for more. More of his cock inside you, more stimulation on your clit, more of his voice. You needed him and he provided.
The Doctor’s usually fluffy curls were damp with sweat, but they still bounced in tact with his hip movements. He looked so debauched, even still practically fully dressed. As you looked up at him with a fucked out expression, he admired your features. Your glazed over eyes and your moans and gasps. And your body, that he had dreamt of being underneath his, now tensing up.
You could feel your peak approaching fast. Your hand, still rooted in his hair, tightened its grip in anticipation of your coming high. The Doctor growled in response, quickly snatching your wrist and pinning it over your head, and your other wrist soon followed. He didn’t miss the extra pathetic yelp that escaped you, and his ministrations only increased in their roughness.
“I can tell you’re close… Do you want to cum for me? Yeah?” He asked his hips stuttering, alluding to his own impending high. You could only nod and gabble incoherent words. And had the Doctor been a more patient person, he might have made you wait til you could reply coherently, just for his own personal enjoyment. But his fourth incarnation was impatient more often than not, playing to your favour as you shook with pleasure.
“Cum for me… there you go. Fuck…” He squeezed your wrists tight for a second before letting them go, indicating you were to keep them where they were. You gripped the headboard as it all became too much and your climax washed over you, rendering you completely helpless against the searing ecstasy. Your scream could probably be heard throughout most of the vast TARDIS.
Before you could even begin to think properly, you felt the Doctor’s cock twitch inside your clenching cunt. He groaned as he spilled into your wet heat, and his hips rutted into you shallowly. You happily milked him of his seed. He dipped his head down to kiss your neck before burying his face, riding out his high. Eventually, he stilled his movements with a sigh.
After a few seconds of panting between the two of you, you let your arms fall around him, petting his hair and embracing him. He seemed to like that, nuzzling further into your neck. His weight on top of you was comforting nod you smiled dazedly to yourself. Then the Doctor popped up his head, looking at you with half lidded eyes.
“I bet you’ll need another shower now… and before you ask, yes, I would like to join you.” He grinned that signature grin. You only chuckled at him, but then you agreed nonetheless.
You wouldn’t mind some more intimacy with your Doctor.
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marblemoonstones · 4 months
cravings 🥞
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main masterlist
summary: you and jungkook are just best friends, but that doesn’t stop you from yearning for more.
warnings: f reader, curse words, fluffy!!, not edited well
word count: ~4.2k
a/n: trying to get back into writing, but tbh this is kinda rushed and i’m so sorry for that 😭 jin’s return is so so soon, and ik it’s not a jin one shot, but enjoy this mediocre warm up.
*does mention sweeney todd musical, no spoilers but some characters mentioned*
jungkookie: 🍪: did u get my text
you: ...maybe
jungkookie 🍪: so?
You sigh, mentally debating whether or not you want to go. Tomorrow night is your school's theatre performance that you and Jungkook are going to see together. As much as you were looking forward to it, Jungkook had asked to go out to eat afterwards. which meant that you two would probably end up going with a bunch of others (due to Jungkook's popularity) leading you to do two things that you absolutely hated: staying up late and having to socialize with other people. But, on the other hand, you didn't want to disappoint Jungkook. You know that if you don’t go he wouldn't either, and would end up taking you home instead. While he acted as though he didn’t mind, you knew that he likes to hang out with his friends. And, since he is always with you, you feel guilty if he doesn’t get to hang out with others. So, you decide to suck it up and go, only for Jungkook's sake.
you: okay i'll go out after 
jungkookie 🍪: yay ur the best!!
Seeing Jungkook's enthusiastic response made you sigh. Why did you have to have a crush on your best friend? Those hopeful eyes and gorgeous smile have always made you wistful, hoping that maybe, someday, you could tell him the truth. But, alas, you're stuck with admiring him in your heart.
you: yeah yeah whatever
you: see you tomorrow @6 
jungkookie 🍪: see u tomorrow!
Well, it is what it is. At least you get to spend more time with Jungkook. Sighing, you turn off your phone and resort to your favorite pastime: binge-watching youtube kpop compilations. You know there are a million other things you could be doing (homework being one of them) but who doesn't love to watch a bunch of (hot) idiots goof around? 
The next day, school goes by in a blur of the usual 'pretending to pay attention but actually talking to friends’ ritual. 
Your to do list grows but you manage to ignore it. That's a later problem.
The first problem right now is picking an outfit for the performance tonight. Your closet looks like it threw up on your bed, and it’s definitely going to be a pain in the ass to pick up all these clothes. At this point all you want to do is curl up with a book and forget about going at all.
Your mom pokes her head in and says "Going somewhere special tonight?"
"No," you respond, starfished on the bed, hardly visible with the piles of clothes. “Just the school musical." 
"Oh right, well, enjoy that honey. Are you going out afterwards?" Your mom asks. 
"Yes," you groan, throwing a hand over your face. 
"Okay...well have fun. You’re only a teenager once!" With that, your mom leaves you to your fashion dilemma. 
Eventually you settle on a cute sweater with your favorite pair of jeans. Casual but also dressed up just enough to hopefully impress Jungkook.
After a quick snack (eating afterwards will definitely be a big affair, so no dinner) you head out after getting a text from Jungkook.
jungkookie 🍪: i’m here hurry up 
you: i'm coming. learn to have some patience 
jungkookie 🍪: just get your ass out here 
"Bye mom!" you shout, grabbing your purse and dashing out the door.
"Bye sweetie! Have fun!" 
You get into Jungkook's passenger seat and shut the door.
"You need to learn to wait five seconds," you say, shoving him.
"But what's the fun in that?" Grinning, he pulls out of the driveway. 
You two jam out to the radio on the way to the theatre, you stealing glances at his side profile. His button nose and full lips paint the perfect portrait. How can someone be so heavenly? 
Pulling into a spot, Jungkook asks you, "So what exactly is this musical about?" 
"Jungkook!" you scold, "I told you to look up a synopsis before coming to watch!" 
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't have time. I assume that it's about a man named Sweeney Todd?" (a/n: sweeney todd is underestimated)
You roll your eyes at Jungkook, then grab his arm.
"Let's just go. I hope they have a summary in the program." 
After showing your tickets you two grab a program and go find your seats. You had forced Jungkook to get decently close seats, much to his complaints. 
"But y/nnnn I don't want to be that close to the pit...my ears will literally die!" 
"Suck it up, buttercup. I want to be able to see it up close, you know I love live theatre." 
Jungkook pouts, but secretly loves how much you adore musicals.
"Okay, right here! Row C." You and Jungkook go to the middle and get settled.
"You know I'm only here for you, right?" Jungkook asks, flipping through his program. 
Your heart stutters.
"What about supporting Jimin?" You ask, trying to ignore the question. The theatre nerd is one of Jungkook's close friends, and in the ensemble. 
“Jimin doesn't care whether or not I’m here," Jungkook says, finding the blonde's photo in the program, "Besides, he gets enough attention from all the girls anyways." 
"Ha ha very funny. Did you find the summary?" you ask, reaching over to flip to the front area of the program and pointing to it. "Read. Now."
"Okay, okay, I'll read it." Jungkook starts reading it while acting overly shocked. “Wow…it takes place in London. Does that mean they have to fake a British accent?”
You sneakily snap a photo of him looking like an idiot and add it to your album 'kookie 🐰.' 
After Jungkook finishes reading it, he turns to you.
"Okay, y/n, I read the summary. Happy?" 
You nod. "Yes. Now I hope you can kinda understand what's happening." 
As soon as you finish saying that the lights dim halfway, and you know that it's going to start soon. 
"Did you take a picture of me?" Jungkook whispers as the orchestra starts warming up.
You feel your cheeks warm. Hopefully he can't see it in the dim lighting. 
"No?" you whisper, and it comes out as a question. 
"Why would you take a photo-" 
Before Jungkook can finish his question the music starts and you're thankful you don't have to answer him. 
"Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd...his skin was pale and his eye was odd...he shaved the faces of gentlemen who never thereafter were heard of again..."
A Little Priest finishes and the lights come up for intermission. 
"So, Jungkook, what did you think?" You gush, wanting to discuss all the details and songs.
"I think that Pirelli was a real dickhead, that's what," Jungkook says passionately.
"Shhh! Don't say that so loud. Yes, he was a dick, but he's not a problem anymore!" You look around subtly, hoping that no one heard Jungkook.
"Yeah yeah. I think that Lovett is pretty smart, but she's too infatuated with Sweeney. Like, girl needs to calm down a little."
If only he knew how much you were infatuated with him; you'd put Lovett to shame.
"Yeah...I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back." You hurry out, suddenly sweating, and leaving a confused Jungkook behind.
In the bathroom you shut yourself in a stall to attempt to calm yourself down. Your beating heart does little to help, and you want so badly to tell Jungkook the truth. But you know that he probably doesn't feel the same way. I mean, why would he? He deserves to be with someone as amazing and perfect as him. You have your qualities, but they don’t compare to Jungkook’s. 
Steeling yourself you open the stall to go wash your hands and check yourself in the mirror. Your cheeks aren't tinted as much and after a quick fix of your hair you look normal. 
Taking a deep breath, you walk back to your seat. 
"Sorry, I just really had to go to the bathroom," you sheepishly say to Jungkook, who's looking at you strangely. 
"Mhm...okay. Anyways, what was your favorite song so far?" is the suspicious response. 
You don't think that Jungkook really believes your excuse, but he diverts the subject so you go along with it. 
After talking for the rest of intermission, act two starts. You take your focus off of Jungkook and enjoy the rest of the show.
Amidst the chaos with the lunatics, you leans over to whisper, "Jimin makes a really good crazy person."
Jungkook stifles his laugh, but it's true. Jimin makes the most demented face and has you questioning whether or not he's actually insane.
At the end of the show you and Jungkook give the performers a standing ovation. 
"Woo!" You cheer, seeing the cast grin at each other.
When the house lights come up Jungkook drags you over to say hi to Jimin.
"Hey, great job! Y/n over here thought that your facial expressions were really funny." Jungkook elbows you playfully. 
You just awkwardly smile, as you only know Jimin through Jungkook.
"Well thank you, y/n. I try," Jimin responds, dramatically giving a bow.
You laugh a bit at that, making Jungkook grin.
"Hey, so y/n and I are going to go out to eat and I was wondering if you wanted to join us." There it goes. You knew Jungkook would want to hang out with other people, as he always does.
Little do you know that it's only because Jungkook is too nervous to be with you by himself.
"Sure, just let me put my mic away, change, and take this makeup off of me so I don't look like a clown," Jimin jokes. 
"You already look like one normally," Jungkook snarks, earning a shove and a "Shut the fuck up," from Jimin. 
"Well y/n and I will go get a table because we don't want to wait for your ass," Jungkook says, starting to leave. 
You wave at Jimin and he just winks, gesturing for you to follow Jungkook.
Jungkook pulls out of the parking lot. You turn on the music again, partly because you hate a silent car but mostly because you want to listen to Jungkook's angelic voice.
You then realize you don't even know where you're going to eat.
"Wait Jungkook where are we going?" you ask, but figure it out halfway through your question.
"Ihop of course! I know you crave late night breakfast," is the peppy reply. 
You are so lucky to have someone who knows you so well, but you don't want to force him to go there just because of your cravings. This always happens.
"Oh, well don't feel obligated to go there! We always go there because of me. Why don't we go somewhere for you this time?" you ask, trying to convince Jungkook.
He just stubbornly shakes his head and says "No, it's okay. I know how your cravings get, and I'm always in the mood for pancakes! Besides, I already told Jimin that's where we are going." 
You protest, but his stubbornness keeps you from arguing for long. He always wins.
Eventually you pull into the parking lot and hop out.
"So Jungkook...is it only us and Jimin?" you ask as said man checks his phone. Maybe you won't have to deal with a ton of people?
"No, sorry y/n. I know how you don't like a lot of people. Jimin invited some of the theatre people like Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung. And then they invited their friends, so Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jackson are all coming," Jungkook finishes, giving you a sympathetic look. (a/n, it’s always jackson, isn’t it?)
Ugh. Why did you have to have such a thoughtful best friend? 
"It's fine, Jungkook. Don't worry about it," you say, genuinely meaning it. Giving Jungkook a smile, you hope to ease his worries.
It works, as he grins back and gestures for you to follow him. 
Stepping inside Jungkook gets a table and then you both follow the waitress.
"Table for nine, right here. Would you like to wait for everyone to arrive before you order?" Asks the waitress.
"Yes, please," Jungkook replies.
You thank your waitress and then sit down on the end. Jungkook sits beside you.
"How long do you think it'll take for them to get here?" You ask, checking the time and seeing that it's 10:07. On a regular night you’ be curled up in bed either reading or binge watching a show.
"Soon. And if they don't then we'll just order without them," Jungkook says cheekily. 
Approximately ten minutes later the doors to Ihop burst open and you see the cluster of boys. 
"Well, I guess they're here," you murmer, feeling a little out of place as the only girl. 
"Yeah...hey if you ever feel like it's too much, just text me or let me know because I'll do my best to help you," Jungkook says at the pack comes over to sit down. 
"Hey Kook, how you doing?" A makeup-free Jimin asks, sitting next to him. Taehyung sits across from you and waves, a boxy grin on his face.
You wave shyly back. 
"Good, took you guys a long time to get here, though," Jungkook complains, shoving Jimin lightly. 
"Whatever. You're the one who didn't want us here in our makeup, so deal with the consequences." As Jimin finishes this sentence the waitress comes back over.
"Ready to order drinks?" She asks, notepad and pen at the ready.
"Sure," Jungkook says, then orders a soda. 
Going around the table you're last, and mostly everyone else orders a drink with some kind of caffeine. Will you be lame if you get a water? You don't want to keep yourself up all night. 
"And you miss?" She asks.
"I'll have a water please," you say quietly, causing her to nod.
"Okay, I'll get those out for you!" She bustles back to the kitchen and everyone proceeds to continue talking and laughing in their loud banters. 
You already know what you're ordering, so you place the menu down and look at the odd crew that you're with. 
Across from you Taehyung and Yoongi talk loudly, with Taehyung doing most of the talking. Yoongi just sits, an image of bored, but you can tell from his endeared stare and small upturn of his lips that he's enjoys listening to Taehyung. 
Next to Yoongi sits Namjoon, Jin, and Jackson. They're typically a quieter trio, and they chat amongst themselves calmly...ish (compared to the next group). 
Across from Jackson sits Hoseok, then Jimin, Jungkook, and you. 
Hoseok is talking animatedly with Jimin, using his arms to gesture and you almost laugh when Jimin just barely dodges his arm. 
"So y/n, what are you going to order?" Jungkook asks, drawing your attention away from Hoseok.
"French toast," you say, shrugging, "What about you?" 
Jungkook ignores your question and hums in response, "Oh, it's a french toast night. Are you feeling okay? You only order french toast when you aren't that hungry and can have leftovers later." 
How does Jungkook always know? You aren't hungry despite not having dinner. Sometimes these spells happen where you don’t eat much, and somehow Jungkook always can sense when they are.
You see Jimin lean out behind Jungkook and dart his eyes to Jungkook and back to you, eyebrows raised suggestivly. 
What's that supposed to mean?
Diverting your eyes away from Jimin, you're about to respond but the waitress comes back with the drinks.
Thanking her, you quickly rip the straw wrapping off and promptly shove it in the water, taking a sip to avoid answering the question. 
But Jungkook won't let you off the hook so easily.
"Y/n, answer the question. Or, at least answer this: did you eat dinner? If not, then you should really eat more than one piece of french toast," Jungkook says loudly, ignores the poor waitress who's trying to get his order. 
"Jungkook, order. She's waiting." You gesture to the waitress, and Jungkook quickly orders his combo meal before turning back to you. 
"And for you miss?" The waitress looks concerned as Jungkook gives you an angry look. 
"I'll have the classic french toast, please," you say meekly, feeling Jungkook's glare at you.
The waitress nods before quickly scurrying off, clearly aware of the sudden tension at the table.
"Y/n, you know I only ask because I care about you," Jungkook says, still being louder than you like. 
"I know, Kook," you say, your voice much quieter. Does he understand that he's being too loud? Some people from the tables around you are staring. 
Jungkook takes a look at your face and realizes his mistake and he goes to apologize. 
"Y/n, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have been so loud and-" 
The talking around you suddenly feels louder and it’s all too much. You're feeling anxiety because of the situation, guilt because Jungkook always has to apologize even when it's not needed, and sadness because you wish you could stop being so annoying with these types of outings.
"It's okay," you manage to say, stopping Jungkook's rambling, "I'm okay. I think that I'll just go home now." This is what happens when you go out. What you wouldn’t give to be tucked under your covers with your moonbeam reading light on. 
"Can you cancel my order?" You ask Jungkook, seeing him protest. 
"No, it's fine Jungkook. Really. Stay and enjoy," you manage to get out. Seeing him so sad makes your heart clench but it's for the better. 
You get up from your chair and leave, Jungkook's stare burning into your back.
Half of you hopes that he follows you, but the other half doesn't want that to happen. 
Your stomach aches (Probably from hunger, or nerves. Or both.) and you are yet again thinking that this is another example of why you don’t deserve Jungkook. He’s just too kind. Honestly, doesn’t he ever get tired of taking care of you? As much as you wish you could pull away from him, he still draws you in like a magnet. Curse his amazing personality.
You are afraid of what will happen in the future. Will these feelings go away? Will they go away if you suppress them? Will Jungkook laugh at you if you tell him? Of course he'll laugh. There's no way he feels the same way. Who would ever like you?
All these questions bombard your brain as you lean against the wall. 
You know that you need to text your mom to come pick you up (Jungkook was your ride home) but for now you focus on calming your self-depricating thoughts and suppressing your feelings.
Someone touches your shoulder and you almost jump out of your skin.
"Woah! Sorry, it's just me y/n." There stands Jungkook, looking perfect as always even in the horrible fluorescent lighting. Great.
"Oh, hey Jungkook," you say, "Why are you out here? I told you I'm fine." You should’ve known that it was impossible to trick Jungkook into thinking you’re okay.
"You're clearly not fine. Can you tell me what's wrong? First it's rushing off to the bathroom and now rushing out of here. You've been acting weird all night. So, what's up?" Jungkook crosses his arms and leans against the wall next to you, clearly not planning on leaving until he gets the answer out of you.
"But Jungkook-"
"No, y/n. Just tell me. Please." Jungkook is so desperate to know and it seems as though he's begging for answers for more than just tonight.
How can you tell him? 
Memories flash before your eyes of you and Jungkook.
Middle school, where you both were the most awkward people, still developing their personalities while adjusting to hormones. But after being partnered up for a project you two became friends. 
Walking across the stage for middle school promotion, you in that floral sundress that makes Jungkook go crazy and him in a polka-dotted bow tie.
Starting high school together, your friendship still going strong. Clutching your backpacks as you take the next step into adulthood, all while still being a teenager. 
Going to homecoming and prom together as 'friends' only, despite the looks. His tie always matches your dress, causing you to pretend that he’s yours, if only for one night.
Jungkook being there for you as you cry because of school stress. 
"I-I just can't do it anymore. There's too much. I'll never be able to catch up and then there's always more piling on and it never ends! Why does it never end?!"  
He just wraps his arms around you and pulls you close, his warmth and silence being the best remedy as you sob your heart out, while wrapped in your worn pink blanket that he bought for you.
You being there for him at all his various sporting events. Cross country meets, basketball, swimming. Whenever there was a home meet, you were there, sitting in the bleachers cheering him on. 
During the hot cross country meets, you were the one to give Jungkook a water bottle at the end.
During the basketball games you'd be in the students section with some friends, dressed in whatever the theme was that night. You would always cheer the loudest when Jungkook would score (which was quite a lot, considering how good he was). 
During swim meets you'd be on the bleachers. Even though there were many other attractive shirtless boys, you only ever looked at Jungkook (and his fine muscles...who knew he was hiding abs under his baggy sweatshirts?). 
Staring up at him now makes you realize that even if he doesn't feel the same, it's Jungkook. He wouldn't just destroy your friendship if he didn't like you back. Jungkook would let you down slowly and still keep your friendship. 
"Okay Kook. I'll tell you." Inhaling a big breath you clench your fists and spit it out.
"I like you."
You avoid his eyes, choosing to look at the concrete. You ask yourself why you thought this was a good idea. Surely he thinks you're stupid. God, why are you such a fool-
A note of, hopefulness? Is that really what you hear? Confused you look up to Jungkook...smiling? 
"Why do you have that gleam in your eye?" You ask, still scared but now also suspicious.
Jungkook just takes a step closer, still wearing that stupid goofy grin with a hint of something else.
"Because." Is his helpful response to your question.
Before you say another word Jungkook closes the gap between you two, pressing his lips softly against yours. 
It's better than what you ever imagined and sweeter than anything you've tasted. His lips are like sugary clouds of cotton candy, and you want to taste them forever. If this was a rom-com, the peak of the movie would be this moment right here.
Suddenly the dim lighting and ugly parking lot seems romantic, blossoming with love.
Jungkook pulls away, clearly enjoying the befuddled look on your face.
"W-what?" You ask, semi-breathless, still reeling from what just happened. 
Jungkook just laughs quietly. 
"Isn't it obvious? I like you too y/n," he says, grabbing your hands.
Were you in a rom-com, or did your best friend just confess to you?
"Wait, hold on. You do?" 
Apparently your skepticalness is funny to Jungkook because he just laughs again. 
"Yes, y/n. I just kissed you, doesn't that show my feelings for you?" Jungkook asks, pulling you close. 
You can feel the comforting warmth of Jungkook and ask yourself again if this was real life.
"And, if that doesn't show them, then should I kiss you again?" 
Jungkook is sneaky, that little devil. 
Before you can answer, he leans down to press a kiss to your left cheek. Then your right. And next is your nose.
"Jungkook! Stop!" You giggle, trying to push him away. 
"No! Not until you know I like you!" Jungkook is stubborn, and under the onslaught of kisses you can only be strong for so long.
"Okay okay! I believe you!" You’re must sinking into Jungkook’s hold more.
"Good." He stops kissing you after one more on the top of your head.
You bask in his arms around you for a minute. 
Then, you furrow your brows as another question pops into your head.
"Wait, Jungkook...now what?" You ask the question innocently, making Jungkook laugh once again at all the options he has.
"Now I take you on a proper date, give you hugs and kisses all the time, always be with you, hold your hand constantly-"
"What?" You interrupt, eyes wide at all the things Jungkook is listing. 
"That's right. Now that you're mine, I can do all this and more!" Jungkook cheers, all while hoping he isn't coming on too strong.
"Oh...that sounds kinda nice," you admit shyly, your heart pounding again at the thought of being able to love Jungkook freely.
"I'm glad. Now, let's go finish our first date?" Jungkook gestures to the Ihop building. 
Bashfully you reach out your hand and Jungkook takes it happily. 
a/n: why do i kinda hate this now 😭 i hope the mc didn’t come off as victimizing herself, she’s just insecure. please remember you’re beautiful and strong, and deserve all the love in the world! 🩷🫶🏼
please request if you have one! i often run out of ideas, so any are welcome! (please sfw tho) :)
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nicole-alt-delete · 1 year
Part 3 of Black Bandana! Part One | Part Two | Read on Ao3
Steve hesitates, looking confused for a moment before he enters the trailer and shuts the door behind him. He knew Eddie was freaking out a little about this, but he didn't expect him to be so... distant.
He chews on his lip a little, trying to decide where to start, wishing that Eddie would just come and sit on the couch with him instead of leaning against the wall so defensively. It breaks Steve's heart, but he sits down alone anyway.
"There's no mob, Eds," laughing softly, nerves dancing around the edges of it. "I'm not mad or- weirded out, or whatever it is you're worried about. I- I didn't mean to force you into outing yourself, so I'm sorry, but It's fine that you're gay, y'know?"
He wants to say more, and he almost does, but he looks up at the other boy instead, curious about whether or not it's actually helping any.
To his minor relief, he thinks it is.
Eddie is still leaning against the wall, but he's a little more slumped into it, not so tense now. The hands that were so fiercely gripping his sleeves are now crossed more normally, fingers tapping anxiously. The jittery movement was better, because it meant Eddie was thinking, taking him seriously.
Steve watches as those big brown doe eyes of his dart up to meet him in the eyes, scanning him for traces of a lie, internally debating whether or not Steve means it. Whatever he sees must be enough though, because he sighs and pushes himself off the wall, coming closer to lean on the arm of the couch instead.
"Okay, so- hypothetically," Eddie starts, pointedly avoiding eye contact now that he's closer. "If what I said wasn't a total fucking joke- you'd be okay with that? Really?"
Steve smiles softly but looks up at him seriously. He nods, "Of course, Eds."
Eddie Squints.
The question catches Steve off guard. He blinks, and makes that confused little face he makes when something should be obvious.
"What do you mean, 'why?', because you're one of my best friends-" He shakes his head laughing, but his heart skips a beat as he takes a breath, "And, well, you're not the-"
Eddie cuts him off before he can get anywhere close to his confession, a frantic,  "That's not an answer Steve!" and a finger in his face shutting him up quickly so Eddie can  be dramatic for another moment.
"Plenty of best friends don't put up with that shit, I would know- one minute it's 'let's hang out', and the next it's 'I don't want you spending the night anymore'- not to mention everyone knows Robin is your best friend,"
Steve can't help but roll his eyes at the irony that Eddie misses from that statement, but he doesn't stop him, simply watching as he waves his hands around and whines about all the reasons Steve might change his mind about hanging out with him.
Steve just leans back into the couch and lets him talk, until eventually he can't help but crack a smile and laugh at something he says.
Eddie stops and frowns at him, hands paused in mid-air, "What? What about that is funny Harrington?"
Steve laughs softly again and shakes his head, pushing his hair back, "Nothing- just- Eds, we were literally cuddling last week at movie night, I think I missed my chance to be scared of gay shit by now. And- you think you're the only gay in Hawkins? I mean, reasonable, but... not true,"
He shrugs a bit as he says it, like it should be obvious, but Eddie stares at him like he just explained the Upside Down all over again.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
Steve hums for a second, "I mean... I mean what I said. You're not the only gay guy in town. Or- like, not-straight guy? Not-straight anyone- You- you know what I mean, right?"
He's a little flustered about it now, but the red on his cheeks is only confusing Eddie more. He slides down off the arm and sinks into the couch cushion, leaning towards Steve  as if proximity will suddenly help him understand.
"Steven Harrington, are you telling me you know other gays?"
Steve laughs again, nodding.
"Yes- yeah, man- that's what I'm saying. I mean, I guess technically it's only one- or two? depending on how it counts..."
Eddie leans in more which extremely does not help Steve process his thoughts any better. He's squinting at him the way he glares at the kids during DnD, when he's trying to use his dungeon master charisma to trick them into screwing up.
He swallows.
A small glance down at Eddie's lips.
"What're you saying here?"
Steve squirms for a second, but he just ends up laughing again.
"...That I... wasn't really wrong for wearing your bandana like that earlier?"
Eddie stares at him blankly for a second before his eyes go wide and his face goes bright red. Steve expects him to clarify, or pounce on him, but Eddie ends up laughing and looking mortified, pulling back and slapping a hand to his face.
"NO- nope, no, god, fuck Stevie- don't say that, oh my god,"
Steve frowns. Eddie's still laughing about it, but Steve feels like he missed a joke, and it honestly kind of hurts.
"What? Eds- that's not funny, I just- I'm serious!"
Eddie laughs again but whines apologetically this time, "No- no, I know you are but- god, you really don't mean that-"
"Yes I do! I like Men!"
He looks a bit surprised to hear Steve say it so plainly, but goddamn if he doesn't look pleased about it after everything. It only makes Steve even more lost as to what Eddie's laughing about.
"I'm sure- I mean- I believe you sweetheart- about that at least, you'd have to be an idiot to lie about- but I mean- the bandana Stevie,  it uh. It doesn't...*just* mean that you're... gay,"
Eddie's still giggling, biting his lip now, his usual goofy self back where it belongs. Steve meanwhile, is beyond confused and wondering how his confession has gone so, so wrong so many times in one day.
"It...doesn't? But you said-"
"I know- yeah, well- you wanted an answer and we were in the middle of Family Video for Christ's sake, I couldn't blurt the whole definition, exactly,"
Steve quirks an eyebrow at him and leans in, filling the space left from when Eddie pulled away. He steals another quick glance at the metal head's lips, entirely too aware of how red they are from having been chewed on all day.
When he looks back up into his eyes it's obvious Eddie's embarrassed to say it, and Steve takes note of the way he's dying to hide behind his hair if not for how close their faces are already.
"So, then? What's it mean, Eds?"
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Ayy, finally here with a part 3. Next part will probably get spicy so minors im sorry but you have to leave 🔪
Fun news is that I'm now also posting this on ao3 for all ur bookmarking needs, so please check that out.
Thank you everyone for your support, I'll try to tag as many as I can in the replies but no promises 💜
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afreakingdork · 2 years
Weak Spot - Chapter 2
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Warnings: Aged-up Turtles, Romance, Meet Cute, Villain Donatello, Cussing, Crushes
Synopsis:  When falling in love is the easy part where does the difficulty lie? In a society where we're defined by our job, it's those little details as a relationship goes on that ends up setting a course for whether or not a couple can make it in the long run.
Also available on Ao3
You stare up at the imposing structure of a skyscraper much like the one you work at. If you hadn’t just walked to this one you might have even thought you’d never left work at all. This had been your first perplexing halt. The second came as the building  appeared to have no storefronts around its base. There was just the shiny gleam of a half dozen glass doors and the stark interior of yet another standard lobby. Frowning, you dug through your bag for your device.
You: Hey, it’s Y/N. I’m going to assume you didn’t give multiple people your number and that you do in fact want my name.
It was the text you had sent him after work the day prior. Instead of responding, Donatello had simply applied a check mark emoji to your message and then sent the address for the next shop. Opening the follow through link to a map app, it indeed read that you were in the right place and just needed to scale a multitude of floors to complete your journey.
The only thing was, that simply didn’t make sense.
With the amount of suits funneling through the doors it seemed unlikely that this was a mixed used property. Tapping your phone screen several times, you brought up the shop’s information panel. There wasn’t even a single image or review uploaded along with the notation. Frowning, you wondered how Donatello would handle it if you questioned his accuracy. He seemed like the kind to take particular care in being right. Hovering a thumb over the shop’s entry, you debated.
“Odd, isn’t it?”
You jolted as the voice came directly by your left ear. Swinging with your device as a mock weapon, you watched as Donatello straightened up.
“Yeah, that’s one word for it!” Finding him not to be a threat, you rubbed the side of your head in an attempt to shake off the tingles.  
Instead of evaluating you, he turned and sized up the building. “Their SEO is atrocious.”
“That’s not-!” You started and then stopped along with lowering your limb. He surely knew what you meant and cooing into your ear was probably his odd way of flirting.
Your mind ground to a halt at the thought.
Was that what he was doing?
“Pathetic to be satisfied with nothing more than a trapped clientele.”
You gave him a curious look. It wasn’t the first time he’d said something that was worded a little strange, but you also barely knew him. Since you had been granted an extension on your budding affection, you’d decided to make the most of it. Resisting the urge to text him had been tough enough, but at least the time between stints had been short. “There’s really a restaurant here?”
That wasn’t exactly questioning his authority.
“Word of mouth.” He responded simply and started his trek. You chased after his coat’s swinging edge and admired today’s outfit from the back. It was similar to the previous one in shade, but he now donned a mock necked zipper henley beneath what had to be different piece of luxe outwear. His sleek boots made little noise amongst the rummaging throng of lunchtime workers. 
“That didn’t answer my question!” You called, making a few longer strides to catch up to his side.
He passed you a glance as you both reached the door. With a longer reach, he caught the handle and you watched with wide eyes as he opened it for you. Maybe yesterday you just hadn’t given him a chance to be chivalrous. Passing him an appreciative bob, you slipped inside. The quiet contrast of the lobby sank in. His boots now clicked with purpose and you rolled your eyes as you again had to scamper after him. You couldn’t help but catch the look the receptionist gave you as you passed. The concept had already been strange enough that you hadn’t taken the time to consider that you might not have access to this mysterious place.
“Uh-, Don-”
“At my 9th study, I heard two patrons discuss this location.”
You almost ran into him as he came to an abrupt stop at the elevators. Adjusting yourself, you got caught between smiling at his languid response time and mild embarrassment at your fumble. He seemed disinterested in the latter so you looked ahead to see if he had pressed the button. It was already lit so you craned your neck to see beyond your companion and found an annoyed businessman tapping his toe in wait. The man’s expression was already sour, but something about the way he glared at you for looking his way reminded you of the receptionist. “Are we supposed to be here?”
“What do you mean?” Donatello’s eyes were fixed squarely on the elevator’s display panel which read over 10 floors away.
“I mean…” You tucked yourself closer to Donatello’s side in an attempt to both shield yourself the other man’s annoyed aura and to keep the conversation for interested party’s ears only. “This isn’t like an exclusive dining room, right?”
Catching your little shuffle and hushed tone, Donatello swooped his gaze over you and then to the other man. With his head swiveled away you couldn’t see his expression, but you did watch as the other man suddenly snapped to attention and turned away with a cough. Your lids came down in slight curiosity as Donatello’s attention returned to the elevator panel. You studied his side profile until you saw the exact moment the muscle in his jaw tightened as he was about to speak.
“No security at the door, no keypad access to the elevators, and no check-in with the receptionist.”
You glanced to the front of the building. Everything he said was undeniably true, but something still felt off.
“It’s also publicly listed regardless of how terrible their online presence is.”
You slowly brought your gaze back and thought it over. The elevator arrived before you could come to a conclusion. You started to step forward when you realized Donatello hadn’t moved. You paused your foot’s journey and watched as the door opened. Several people got off and as soon as they were clear, Donatello moved to board. You followed, but just before breaching the threshold you caught a glimpse of the businessman from earlier who this time paled as you caught eyes.
“I-I’ll take the n-next one.” He stuttered out and glued his eyes to the floor.
What had Donatello done to the man?
You immediately swiveled your head to the mutant to find him punching in the number 27 on the panel. He then moved to stand with his hands tucked behind his back in the center of the elevator. You were about to ask when you noticed one of the corners of his mouth upturned slightly. It was the closest thing to happiness you’d seen him display, but your heart was caught in its excitement by what seemed to be the knowledge of its source.
What a menace he was.
The elevator doors closed and you leaned against the wall beside the panel.
You weren’t exactly sure what to think of his oddities, though you were still undoubtedly interested.
“Do you think I’d steer you wrong?”
You didn’t move, but his sudden question jarred you. You hadn’t expected him to lob you one, so you bided your time checking the floor counter before turning your attention to him.
“Well I would hope you wouldn’t kill me in a place this public.”
Though he also didn’t move, there was something in the way he brought his eye to you that felt like you’d surprised him. His mouth had flattened out, but it opened with intrigue.
“Was that a concern?”
You blew out so hard that a minor raspberry rumbled on your lips. “In this city? Heck! In this world? You always have to play that game with new people to make sure they aren’t serial killers!”   
“I’ll keep a better eye on you then.”
You laughed and the elevator chimed its arrival. Before the doors could open, you pushed off the wall and leapt forward. You watched one of Donnie’s brows raise in incremental curiosity as you planted yourself firmly facing him and away from the grand reveal. “For the record…” You trailed off and listened as the metal split behind you. “I don’t think you’d steer me wrong, but that doesn’t mean I won’t still worry!”
With your point made, you did a little hop to see what the 27th floor looked like. There was a small landing and the walls continued the same sterile motif from the lobby. Beyond that there were a set of two clear glass doors that revealed a dining room that disappeared out of sight on the right and an odd test kitchen sort of set-up to the left.
You felt a hand press against your mid back just as the elevator doors began to close due to inactivity. You stepped forward and mourned the loss of touch as you made it onto the landing.
Donatello clicked his tongue and for a moment you thought he could read your thoughts. A defense was on your lips about your fleeting feelings when he spoke something else more to himself. “Asinine waste to not market this.”
You wanted to laugh again, but you bit your bottom lip and scrunched up your face to keep it in. He was really hung up on their e-commerce.
“Is that what you do?”
Since you were a step ahead, you caught a door handle and held it for him.
He eyed you as he passed. “No.”
You gave an interested hum as he evaluated the space. You ignored the actual counter in favor of gawking at the dining room. From the sliver you had seen before, it stretched even further out of sight and presumably all the way around the floor. Various tables, chairs, pergolas, and plants filled out the space, but left the grand view of the blue sky outside stretched unobstructed. For each wooden structure, there was a fan turning on a lazy setting to keep what could have been a greenhouse effect at bay.
With your head coming back from reviewing the display, you found Donatello watching you with his head tipped ever so slightly to the side. You could feel the fondness in your expression grow as you wondered if he had been watching your excitement. He was as nonplussed as ever, but knelt down incrementally and you leaned is as he seemed to want to discuss something.
“There’s a cashier at the far end.” He pointed and you finally took in the kitchen portion of the restaurant. A long stretch of various foods were laid out buffet style with a divider thrown up to separate the open kitchen. There was a single break between the glass panes that seemed to be a place where you could order something that wasn’t readily available on a hot or cold bar presentation. “You get a tray and we’ll meet there.”
From the looks of it, there only seemed to be cold slider style sandwiches laid out in a pallet. “Think we can order our clubs from the window?”
His head turned to you a little bit more and his chin was tipped up. Though you had only seen it once before, you had a feeling it had something to do with appreciation. “If not, we’re wasting our time.”
“This was definitely not a waste.” You threw an arm out to the room in demonstration, but found you couldn’t tear your gaze away from his.
A slow blink passed between you both before he finally moved away. Your racing heart beat only became apparent when he parted though you had a feeling it had started up long ago.
“I’ll see to the order and you scout the other offerings.”
“Sounds good.” You gave a nod and he moved straight for the kitchen window. You glanced over the cashier who was absorbed into a novel she had propped against the register. Gathering a tray, you used it as a sort of partition as you slowly looked over the bars. It had a standard fair of salad building blocks, fresh cut fruit, and grab-and-go lunches. On either side of Donatello sat a few heat lamps with side dishes and a variety of beverages. Suddenly hyper aware that you had no idea what your companion liked, you reminisced on the feeling from the day prior. There was so much to learn. It felt as daunting as the choices laid out.
Sneaking a peek at Donatello, you watched as he conversed with someone on the other side. The tone sounded genial and a satisfied smile graced your lips. You were glad he could continue his conquest, but that didn’t help your task at hand. Shooing the happiness away, you furrowed your brow. Going off what little you knew about the staunch man, you bypassed the fruit as no matter how bright it looked, it was all definitely out of season. Salad seemed like a pass as it felt more like a counterpart as opposed to a companion to sandwiches. Something about that thought sparked something another, thankfully.
Turning, you moved to where some whole fruit and prepackaged snacks that required only ambient temperature were stacked. You stared at a menagerie of chips and felt flicker of pride in your chest. You had a feeling that this was some kind of test. It didn’t feel malicious, but it fell in line with his methodical sandwich choices. It all lie in if you had correctly identified that chin move as appreciation. If that were the case then him allowing you to chose an accompaniment meant he had some sort of value in your culinary decisions.
You were definitely over thinking this.   
Still, it was a fun game. Ignoring the typical name brands, you perused a set of locally made kettle chips. Anything too potent would skew the sandwich evaluation so you knocked those competitors out of the ring. It left only variations of salt which at first glance seemed like the safe choice. Chuckling to yourself you tried to imagine how his computer would process the data. He probably went through whatever you were going through but charged up to some astronomical degree. There was no way a man who was trying his 13th sandwich shop would do any less. Pinching two bags together by their top corners, you hoisted them onto a tray and went to join Donatello.
He was standing off to the side waiting with a slip of paper clutched prominently in one hand. The way his eyes went right to your tray said all you needed to know about how he’d considered the endeavor.
“Sea salt and cracked pepper.”
You waited for his eyes to flick up to yours. You gleaned nothing else until that moment finally happened. When it did you were ready, you said your prepared line. “A little extra seasoning, so to speak.”
He made a clear sound of acceptance before his chin tipped up and then down into a nod.
He then turned into the motion and headed towards the cashier. You were able to keep a lid on your delight until his back was to you and you nearly skipped after his form. It wasn’t conclusive, but whatever it was still sent your heart aflutter. He paid and when you stepped up to the cashier next you watched the woman go back to her novel. Waiting further, you blinked as Donatello headed towards the dining room. The woman didn’t part you a glance.
“He got you.”
“He what?” You wondered aloud and she must have heard the rhetorical note to it because she simply turned the page in response. You frowned and tightened your grip on the tray. “Hey!”
From several lengths away, Donatello was evaluating which table would be best.
Cheeks taunt with irritation, you brushed passed him and plopped down at a table perfectly shaded by a monstrous plant and just outside of the gusty radius of a nearby fan.
“You paid for me.” You ground out as he sat across from you.
“I did.” He responded simply and picked up a bag of chips. “You forgot napkins.” He added before plopping down a few onto the tray in demonstration.
You pouted at them and watched as he turned the package over to read the back. It was clear he’d dropped the conversation and you could have just enjoyed his contribution, but you were seized with obligation. “I’ll get the next one.”
“If you want.” He set the bag down. “They’ll bring out the food when it’s ready.”
You gave a curt nod.
“What flavor do you actually get?”
“What?” You momentarily surfaced from your sulk.
Instead of repeating himself, he gave a single finger tap to the chips.
You stared at the bag with growing wonder before turning an accusatory glare on him.
He cocked his head the slightest degree.
“How’d you know?”
“I didn’t.”
“But you asked.”
“I did.”
You frowned and the corner of his mouth upturned in a tempered version of when he scared the man outside the elevator. Your jerk senses were tingling, but there was an infuriating beguiling quality to it. Probably because he was right; this wasn’t what you would normally choose in normal circumstances.
He certainly was far from average.
“It depends on my mood, but if the sandwich is gonna be more on the plain side then I get a more potent chip.”
He gave a single nod.
“How was my choice?” You absolutely wanted to know.
He opened his mouth, but another voice came out.
“Here we are!”
You startled at the sudden approach of an aproned man, but Donatello simply straightened. The man set down a tray with two sandwiches and Donatello parted the man a thank you as he left. You made room on your tray as your companion placed a plate onto it before setting up his own arrangement. You watched him take the same care as to where to pick his club up from. Shaking your head at his absurdity, you grabbed your sandwich and bit right in. They had added an herbed blend or perfumed their oil. You thought it over in way you might not have if it weren’t for your opposite.
You continued to eat, popping your chip bag open about halfway through and considered the flavors. The calm of the moment swallowed you up until Donatello finally spoke.
“Not bad.”
You looked up to find his finger still pinched from where there was presumably a chip.
“You’re just saying that.”
He gave you a look you couldn’t quite read, but there was an air of disdain to his slightly arched brow.
You suppose he hadn’t minced words before this point.
“The pepper offsets the aromatic quality.” He lifted the bread off the uneaten half of his sandwich in examination
“I couldn’t have known about that…” You responded with a heavier quality to your voice than you hoped. You weren’t actually upset about something as silly as potato chip choices, but you had been betting on a solid win which felt stripped from you.
“Don’t point out a flaw the other party hasn’t caught on to. It shows your hand.”
You brought a questioning gaze to him and found him staring back flatly.
“You think I knew…?”
“No, but you could have made an educated guess.”
You broke eye contact to glance at your surroundings. Though it were smack dab in the middle of a trade building, the ambience had an upscale quality. You almost wished you knew how much the meal cost though you wouldn’t have been able to take it into account as you’d already made your choice by then. Something about the whole thing seemed planned all along. 
“What do you do?” You adjusted how you sat in your chair.
“Freelance.” There wasn’t a single moment of hesitation.
That was unusual.
You gave him another incredulous look that he pointed ignored by popping another chip in his mouth.
“Broad and vague.” You noted, doing the same.
You swore you heard another of those plausive hums, but between chews you couldn’t be sure.
“So serial killer is still on the table.” You crunched down on another chip and heard what you thought was a snort. Your eyes flew to him instantly, but found only composed stoicism there. “Did I just get you?”
He gave you that look again.
He was never going to tell.
Unfortunately for him, that in and of itself was quite telling.
You let out a little bit of laughter and shook your head. “You’re something, you know that?”
“’Broad and vague.’” He quoted with an almost amused air.
Something you’d said so candidly got a positive response. Internally you rode the high, but externally you only showed how pleased you were with a grin. “Actually, it’s a turn a phrase.”
“The intent of which changes upon inflection.”
“How did mine sound?” You put your elbows to the table and placed your chin upon your hands in a show of awaiting his response.
He looked back to his meal and lifted the last bit of his sandwich. “You’re so busy pining that it’s hard to see past that.”
You had the urge to duck against that return shot. He had a certain command for conversation even if he seemed to be in a perpetual state of not wanting to be in one.
“That obvious?” You gave a little wince.
You received that patented look for the third time.
It was unmistakable now.
The epitome crossroads between ‘you already know the answer’ and ‘I’m not going to dignify that with a response.’
At least he was aware of your intentions.
That thought had you faltering in your posing. Head now below your hands you were slow to raise back up.
What were those exactly?
Hadn’t this been a fun little crush accommodation?
Your face felt hot, but you weren’t sure it read blush.
Finally heaving your chin onto your hands, you watched as Donatello tidied up his mess. He’d already finished his meal and you weren’t sure what this whole meeting had really gotten you.
“Did you pacify your boss?”
You were thankful for the perch that allowed you to loll your head. “No way, I just don’t care today.”
“You must not be since you’re already later than yesterday.”
“Am I?” There still was a quality of fear to your voice that couldn’t been quelled. When it hit your ears you gave a synthetic laugh in a pathetic attempt to dispel it.
He opened his mouth to respond, but you cut him off for a fear you couldn’t quite place.
“Do you like eggs?”
His mouth closed and he just openly stared.
You did so back with what you assumed was the same amount of tempered confusion.
The old saying of every step being one in the right direction sure didn’t account for your mouth.
“It depends.” He responded after what seemed like an eternity passed.
At least you’d had time to fill your treacherous mouth enough to finish your meal.
“On what?” You mumbled through a napkin.
“Time of day and mood, I suppose. I’ve never thought about it in exact terms.”
“Are there any egg dishes you like?”
He leaned back in his chair.
With all your trash squared away on a tray, you gave him a sympathetic smile. “It seems odd.”
He gave a single knowing nod of agreement.
“You were so upset by the thought of them being in a club the other day I thought I’d ask.”
His shoulders seized in the smallest way. It was a telltale sign of his displeasure with the matter. “They aren’t a component.”
His tone was so dark you’d think he was talking about something pure evil.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
His displeasure must have continued because he stood to take his tray.
“W-wait, wait!” You got out between chuckles.
He waited beside his seat and looked down his snout at you.
“We can table the egg thing, how was the sandwich?” You hustled to grab your belongings.
 “A solid choice, but not what I’m looking for.”
“It was like real shaved turkey, but the add-ons made it too deluxe!”
He waited until you joined him to move to the designated dump area. “I appreciate how it showcased the ingredients, but they also can speak for themselves.”
“You’re looking for a mom and pop shop kinda meal…” You nodded to yourself as you dumped your trash.
He seemed to be looking elsewhere. You watched him curiously as he was trapped within his thoughts. You reached out unconsciously to rouse him and he flinched away when you got within centimeters of his coat. With your hand still outstretched you gave an apologetic frown. His eyes flicked from your appendage to your face before he moved to the door.
He held it for you, but the atmosphere had changed in a way that words didn’t feel could penetrate. Hearing the door close as he followed you into the lobby, you moved to press the down button. You both stood, staring at the elevator screen as one unit moved down and the other up.
“If inclined I enjoy a plain omelet on occasion.” 
You brought your head up a little higher before turning it on him.
“It’s something I make myself to ensure it’s cooked to my specifications.”
“Are…” You tapered off and watched him to see if a follow-up question were appropriate. Instead of his usual parted gaze, he brought it to you and seemed to wait. Something about the act made your chest tighten. “Are you a good cook?”
“To an extent.” His eyes shot to the corner as he presumably considered his catalog. “I make what I like.”
“I get that.” You stuffed your hands into your coat as an elevator arrived.
“What about you?” He asked only in passing as soon as the doors opened. 
“Am I a good cook or do I like eggs?” You snickered and joined him.
You pressed the ground floor button as he hadn’t yet and when your attention returned to him, your heart nearly stopped. Though it were still tucked under that same stoicism, there was the ajar door quality to the curiosity on his face. You were beyond elated with a torn undercurrent. If he really were letting his real emotions slip through then this was a show you’d be stuck examining for the foreseeable future. It could be anything from interest to goodwill for whatever had happened when you’d gone to touch him. There was also the chance that it was all just a put on. Though if that were the case, you weren’t sure why he’d suddenly try to trick you when he seemed to staunchly only do what he wanted. Paralyzed by the many scenarios, you short circuited as the doors closed.
You could feel his eyes on you, but no matter how hard you tried your body and even your mouth refused to cooperate.
The floors ticked by as silence filed in.
Your heart sank in time with the elevator’s descent.
“I suppose I can handle the suspense until tomorrow.”
“You still want to see me again?” The question jumped off your lips so quickly, your eyes widened.
Why after all that time was that what was easy to say?
“Your phrasing could use work, but I believe our agreement was for this area. We have two more locations to cover.”
The elevator chimed and the air felt too thick to turn to him.
That made sense.
He was meticulous if nothing else. 
You gave an odd laugh. “And here I thought you might have liked me or something!”
The doors opened and it was only when he also didn’t move that you felt some semblance of control.
You clutched the bottom of your coat to ease your nerves.
A flash of movement caught your eye and in your distraction you watched Donatello’s arm shoot out to keep the doors from closing automatically.
Otherwise, he still hadn’t moved.
The doors sensed his presence and opened back up.
Swallowing desperately, you felt the pull of his gaze. Tracing back to him via his still outstretched arm, your muscles tensed as you finally glimpsed his face.
Painted on it for the fourth time was what you now considered his trademarked look.
You knew what it meant.
There was no way.
He let you drink it in for enough for the doors to attempt a second close before he finally moved.
“Donatello?” Your voice sounded so small because you still couldn’t believe what you’d seen.
He, however, was long gone. You scrambled out just as the elevator doors made their third annoyed attempt to close. They bumped your shoulders and caught you. Breaking free, you sprinting out only to find him already reaching for a door handle across the lobby.
“Donatello!” He didn’t stop his trek as he exited the building.
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messagefound · 4 months
ft lilieve by @crashstanding
there are some formatting issues near the end, as some dialogue is supposed to get smaller, but i guess tumblr doesn't do that :(
summary: Adam is worried about his son. He debates whether or not to sacrifice his autonomy in exchange for eternal safety.
         Albatross was dreaming.
         Or was it Adam?
         Or was it Lilieve?
         It had to have been Albatross because he was the only one really sleeping.
         Adam saw him, if only from a distance. He stood on a floor that wasn’t there, for there was nothing there. There was only black. He saw his boy curled up tightly under his coat, eyes shut and body trembling.
         Adam let out a shaky breath as he felt his counterpart’s massive presence wrap itself around him. His eyes remained firmly fixed on his son, even as he reached out to take Lilieve’s taloned hands in his.
         “I didn’t mean to come here,” he said. His voice was barely audible, like the background noise of wind swishing through leaves. “It just happened.”
         “YOU WERE WORRIED.”
         “Yes. I know.”
         Adam fidgeted, grasping at the buttons on his shirt. Albatross’s brother was safe within him. He was probably sleeping too. Curled up with his father’s old bunny plush, while his myriad feathered half-siblings stood watch in the branches above. Back to being the little boy he never was. Safe, warm, as he should be. As he always should be.
         Albatross deserved that too.
         “I fear I wouldn’t be able to stop myself if I got any closer.”
         Adam grew silent. He heaved a heavy sigh.
         “Have you heard that story about the painting they found in a dead artist’s kitchen?”
         “They didn’t quite know what to think of it. Who would create such a gruesome scene and place it in a kitchen? It had no name either. So, they began to think of what to call it.”
         “They decided to name it after a myth they knew. It was the only way they could comprehend the scene before them. They relegated it to the sphere of stories meant to explain and teach and warn. It was meant to comfort themselves. What else could it be, of course, then a titan devouring his godly son, one that was destined to overthrow him regardless? It’ll be okay. The monster will be gone soon.”
         “No one knows. People theorize all they like but it doesn’t change the fact the artist isn’t there to tell them. Perhaps he wouldn’t want to tell them regardless. Perhaps it reflected a deep-seated instinct, a snapshot of what that instinct was before we began to call ourselves civilized beings.”
         He paused.
         “If evolution had anything to do with it at all.”
         “WHY DO YOU SAY THAT?”
         “I remember, a long time ago, before I met you, my family told me a story. I can’t remember their faces, but I often remember the things they told me. They told me once that when humans were first molded by gods, they had trouble having children. They had them, of course, but the problem was that the parents ended up loving them so much they kept eating them to keep them safe. The gods had no choice but to calm the intensity of that love so the children could live and have children in turn.”
         “AH. I SEE.”
         “I think about that sometimes. I don’t think that’s ever left us. Even now, all I want to do is put him back in my ribs where nothing bad would happen to him again.”
         He clutched the rung where Lycoris slept as he said this.
         “Seeing how pained he still is, even after he finally met me, makes me feel hollow. Knowing his work still isn’t over makes me want to wail until my throat bleeds. Inside, nothing bad would happen to him ever again.”
         He hugged himself, shuddering.
         “I know.”
         Adam squeezed his eyes shut.
         “I know.”
         His body seemed to ripple and sharpen. He was the most humanlike out of the two of them, and yet, something always changed whenever his emotions ran high. Looking at him then always seemed to hurt one’s eyes, a phantom imagined pain like an intrusive thought. It wouldn’t hurt you if you didn’t engage with it, but it vividly reminded you of what it would do. He didn’t seem so soft anymore when he was like this. It was natural, yet utterly grotesque, like a massive corpse flower reeking like death on the forest floor.
         Lilieve always thought he would look different had he been buried just a bit too long. One simply doesn’t come out of a sheltered life, of a lonely apocalypse, completely unscathed.
         He felt her clawed hands grip him; a single palm able to grab his entire body as if he were a toy. But her touch was never violent, not once. He couldn’t see her, not clearly (eyes still firmly fixed on his son), but he felt feathers turn to gossamer and scaled hands turn to skin and claws turn to nails.
         He covered his face in his hands, shivering out quiet, echoing sobs in the black. He felt his counterpart (his wife his wife) hold him close, stroking him gently yet carefully as if she were handling the stem of a rose.
         “I just want him to be okay” he uttered; voice as thorny as he felt but barely hiding an unbearable sadness.
         He felt fingers tangle in his hair, lips press softly against the back of his head.
         “I know”
         “I can’t even visit him properly”
         He felt her fingers intertwine with his.
         Her hands tugged his arms, until they were spread outwards, palms facing up.
         “eve?” he asked, voice still barely coming out properly. His eyes were open again.
         “wouldn’t it scare him” he breathed, squeezing her hands tightly. “weren’t we scared of embracing our precious marble for fear of crushing it in our fingers”
         Adam exhaled, and he felt Lilieve kiss his head. He wished he could kiss her back, but…later. After this. After…
         He closed his eyes.
         Albatross felt an immense weight. It wasn’t a weight as if something were on top of him, crushing him, but rather…the air. It was hard to breathe for how heavy it became. He kept his eyes tightly shut; his body tensely curled into a ball beneath his feathery coat.
         Just keep sleeping. The nightmare will go away if you pretend it’s not there. Just focus on how soft the feathers are. Don’t focus on how much you miss your brother. On how you ran out and ignored your daughter’s cries because you were angry and couldn’t handle the truth. On how there was a madwoman out there that rots everything she touches. On how you must be worrying everyone you cared about because you willingly fell into the sea and haven’t returned.
         Just ignore it. Forget it. It’s too much.
         It was still so cold.
         “ti n y cygne t”
         Despite himself, his eyes shot open. It was the “frightened animal” thing to do. You hear a noise; you see what it was. It could be something intended to hurt you, after all.
         He did not know how to react to the sight before him.
         He couldn’t even lift his head enough to know how tall this being was. His eyes hurt trying to figure it out. There was white, with bits of red, with flowing black. He felt surrounded, but he was sure there was only one being here.
         There was warmth beneath him, and he felt a finger (a finger) stroke his hair, his back. Somehow it made his body tremble, not just from how immense the thing was but the sense that the ground(?) was shaking.
         (was it trembling?)
         He stared until he felt like he made some semblance of eye contact. He wasn’t sure if he was even looking in the right place, but it did cause…some sort of reaction. He felt its head(?) lean in towards him, stopping mere centimeters from his body. He could feel its breath on him, blowing his hair up intermittently with its gusts.
         He could glimpse its teeth, its throat. The insides were pitch black, and its teeth were sharp and honed. They could pierce him straight through with just one if it wanted.
         Albatross didn’t know if it wanted.
         He closed his eyes again, covering his face.
         “plea se do no t be afra id ple ase”
         He hadn’t noticed it before, but its voice, booming though it was, felt…disconnected. Not quite in-sync with itself if that was possible. It sounded like it was making a concerted effort not to rupture his ears with its force.
         He peeked out a little.
         This for sure were its eyes, and the four circles trembling in his direction were its pupils. Reaching out, gingerly, cautiously, Albatross could feel what he assumed was the flesh of its palms, the very thing he was sleeping on.
         (the trembling earth was but a hand?)
         “tin y ti n y b aby boy”
         Was it baby-talking to him? What manner of creature was this?
         “Cygn us Cygnu s”
         It…knew his name…? His real name…?
         “Papa?” he whispered. The word still felt almost foreign on his lips, especially in the grown body he had. But who else could it be, then some other manifestation of a lineage that already wasn’t quite human?
         “ye s ye s”
         This time he felt more hands on him, more than any human should ever rightly have. These were coarser, rougher hands, with a texture like wood that sometimes snagged on his hair before loosening. Branches…?
         “Eve is here too…?”
         “yes ye s us bot h o ne to se e you”
         Albatross exhaled, finally relaxing. His body went limb as this large parental being stroked him with fingers as large as entire landmasses. It…made his eyes sting. Somehow. For some reason.
         Did he feel guilty because he had been scared…?
         But whatever tears came drifted away into space, blown away into the void by its breath.
         “shh h h hh shhh”
         Even its sounds of soothing felt disconnected. Were they really trying to keep themselves together as one being…just to comfort him? One so infinitesimally small as him…?
         Yes, it was true he was their son, and yet. And yet.
         (he still didn’t understand why they would do that, why anyone would)
         (he didn’t know why)
         “precio us littl e swa n”
         Papa always likened him to a swan. He was named after one charted in the sky, after all, and his hair was white like one. Swans were beautiful birds, but deadly when threatened. They’re still dinosaurs after all. You don’t come between them and their families.
         He really messed up. He shouldn’t have left her there. Brother was gone. She was here now. He had to take care of her now.
         “sh e has alrea dy forgive n yo u”
         “Has she…? Will she…?”
         “w e prom ise”
         He sniffled despite himself, more tears getting blown away.
         “I wish she could meet you. I wish this were over so I can be a good son and show you my family.”
         “belov ed”
         He felt their jaws getting close, but he didn’t shrink away this time. It was only a kiss, one big enough to envelop his entire body. No hurt. Not ever. Never from them.
         “en dure plea se”
         “It hurts so much.”
         “I t wil l be bette r we pr omise”
         Another kiss. There was care and hesitation in their movements, for they knew they were so much bigger than him in this state. They wanted so badly to cover him with kisses as much as they could when they were components, but not here, not now. Later. After, always.
         “we wil sin g fo r yo u lulla by”
         “Will I be able to see you again?”
         “alwa ys alwa ys always com e for yo u when call”
         “pro mise”
         Another kiss.
         “lov e you lov e you alwa ys”
         Albatross felt the sensations of vines intertwining with his hair, and he could vaguely see the branches sprouting spider lilies. Their blooms whispered incoherently, shakily, but he knew his brother was here too. He couldn’t be with him anymore, but he was still here, and he wanted him to be happy.
         “si ng slee p no w”
         Albatross closed his eyes.
         “yo u ar e ou r sunsh ine
         Ou r onl y sunsh ine
         Yo u mak e us happ y when ski es ar e gra y
         Yo u’ll ne ver kno w dea r
         How mu ch we lov e yo u
         Pleas e do n’t take
         Ou r sun shin e
             Aw ay”
             The universe can sing, did you know that?
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ashplayz · 1 year
Holga x reader
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'She gets down on her knees for you..'
Mentions of death and injury. Argument,
Angst. language
You never minded Holgate going on adventures/missions with the others. You knew very well that she could handle herself. You yourself were never really the adventurer type but nevertheless you still cheered her and the others on from the sidelines always there to run into her arms the moment she returned fretting over every little scrape. But this time was different..
The team was debating on whether or not to go on an extra dangerous mission, finding a way to eliminate all red wizards forever, but this would be an incredibly risky mission they all knew that. And the group decided against doing it.. But Holga was still determined to do it with or without help.. So she left on her own without telling anyone. Upon finding out the others all went after her except for you of course you were the more quiet village life type and obviously you watched over Kira not that you minded though you always had a connection with her.
But now you and Kira were stuck worrying out of your mind's.. Neither of you knew if someone you both cared about was going to wind up dead.. You tried your hardest to stay strong for her but it was crushing you.. You were relieved to find out she was still alive when they got back but you felt so much pain upon seeing the shape she was in.. She nearly died and the resurrection tablet was gone you almost thought you had lost her..
She didn't wake up for quite some time, and in that time you hardly ever left her side.. But all the pain you felt quickly turned to anger upon the next thing that happened.. When she woke up she saw you sitting in a chair across from her looking exhausted and as if you cried yourself to sleep.. She couldn't handle the guilt of knowing she's the one that put you in that situation.. She's never really been one to handle strong emotions well so she did the only thing she knew how to do in that situation.. Leave. or at least try to..
"Woah. Where are you going!?" Simon said, still in shock after seeing her up. "Out." Holga responded, sounding irritated.. "Hey.. No you need to rest you almost died-" Doric said attempting to reason with her.. "And who's gonna stop me?" Holga asked, giving the two a threatening glare. "Me." You said coming out of the bedroom and crossing your arms, your voice tight with emotion.. "Holga, are you seriously upset with them after they saved your life?" You asked her, your voice going unexpectedly loud. "I never asked them to do that." Holga fired back
"Jesus Christ Kilgore, stop acting as if they screwed up a big break for you, there was no way you could have done it on your own no matter how strong you think you are!!" You snapped at her all of your sorrow transitioning into anger.. While you knew she was so much stronger than anyone you'd ever met you knew no one could have done that on their own you knew she would have probably been dead if it wasn't for them you didn't consider that her anger was towards herself and not them.. "And you're the one to talk about being strong- it's not like you'd understand what these quests mean you wouldn't know what it's like to face off against a red wizard." She said, She didn't know why she said it.. She prayed you never would know what that was like..
You took this harder than she had intended.. Did she think you were weak..? "...You're right. I wouldn't know. I'm obviously far too weak to partake in these quests. And you know-" you were about to say more but hesitated at first.. "Maybe I'm far too weak to be with someone like you. Maybe this was a mistake-" you started saying. You were too upset to notice the color drain from her face as she looked at you hurt. Before you could continue you were cut off by Simon "Woah hey she- she doesn't mean that.." He tried to referee this situation.. "Okay.. She meant it.." He said upon seeing the look on your face.. "You know.. There's always been things trying to keep us apart.. Maybe there was a reason for that.." You said.. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out..
"But.. You guys love each other-" Kira said as she came out of her room just waking up to this, panicked at the thought of the two of you splitting.. "Maybe that was a mistake." You said.. Not knowing the panic and heartache your lover was feeling.. "If you want to go, be my guest.." You finally said before walking away.. Holga stood there. Her body started to shake as she felt an intense feeling of panic.. She was scared shitless to think she would be the one to push you away.. She lost someone she loved in the past because she couldn't get over herself and now she was going to lose you too.. The others gave her a look of pity which wasn't helpful. She quickly left not knowing what else to do..
Once a good distance from everyone she sat down, her breathing unsteady as she fought back the tears that threatened to fall..
Upon receiving a pep talk from Kira she knew she couldn't lose you.. Especially not because of herself.. She headed back to the house and got there just in time to catch you before you left.. You felt bad about what you said.. You never really meant it.. You didn't want to lose her.. You were surprised to see how defeated she looked. You noticed her eyes were glossy..
"Holga.." You stated before she gently took your hand in hers, going into her knees as she held onto your hand.. You were in shock.. You never took her as the type to get down on her knees for anyone.. "Y/n I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I put you through hell I'm sorry I lashed out at you..I'm sorry for not being good enough for you.." You were in shock upon hearing this and your eyes grew misty as you were overcome with emotion "Holga.. You.. You've always been good enough for me.." You said but she cut you off "not when I make you feel the way you did.. And for that I am truly sorry.. And I swear on my life I will never make that mistake again." She said.. You smiled at her "I know.." You said gently..
She stood up and almost held you but hesitated almost apologizing again.. You shut her up by wrapping your arms around her neck pulling her into a loving kiss. she let out a sigh of relief as she wrapped her arms around you like she was gonna lose you.. The others let out breaths of relief that that was over with Edgin who was just getting up was very confused..
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avocado-frog · 7 months
Happy STS! What's the most nuanced relationship you've written so far?
Happy STS!
if anyone asks I knew what nuanced meant when i got this..
I debated for a while whether to talk about Dylan and Logan or Leo and Jaxon and I decided on Jax and Leo (and elliot sort of) since the other one is a bit spoilery
i am going to ramble i'm sorry in advance
So aside from the obvious flower symbolism, I use a lot of color symbolism for the characters as well. which I hardly ever talk about. Leo's is red, Jaxon's is blue. So now I have my legally obligated Red Themed Character vs Blue Themed character as well as Elliot's color being purple.
Forget me not is divided into three parts, Leo is part one, Jaxon is part two, and Elliot is part three. So now it's red + blue = purple.
dahlia and rosemary don't have the same sort of symbolism like that lmao. that's mostly because I didn't piece it together until a few weeks ago
While Jaxon's theme color is blue, his canonical favorite color is yellow. Leo's is still red. This makes orange, Sam's color. Jax's flower is a (blue specifically) zinnia, Leo's is a black rose. Blue + black would be a sort of navy blue color, for Ryan
Because the foundation of Jax and Leo's friendship was always Leo's brothers. Leo is looking for them when the two meet, Jaxon finds Elliot, Leo finds Sam and Ryan. Almost all of Jaxon's interactions in part two revolve around the triplets- his first scene in part two is with Elliot, the next chapter is with Sam, and chapters 17 and 18 are with Ryan. The chapters he spends with Ryan he also has a scene with Leo. Every chapter with Leo and one of their brothers, Jaxon is either in it or he's mentioned. So the triplets are important to their relationship together etc etc
I actually didn't realize that they started fighting IN forget me not during the last 5 chapters until I needed to reference something the other day. Jaxon is in charge of Elliot for a few hours and when he loses track of him Elliot runs away Lily finds him Leo gets mad at him. (originally jaxon was trying to lose elliot on purpose, leo was going to guess it, and was going to spend dahlia trying to prove it, which was the original reason for jax pushing her)
When Elliot """dies""" at the end (fakeout death #1) is when they start to Actually fight. Leo's mad at Jaxon for letting Elliot outside in the first place, and because he gets back to normal Very quickly (a lie) Jaxon on the other hand isn't mad at Leo, he mostly wants to give her space to calm down and Stop Yelling at Him tm, except unfortunately they're both very easy to provoke. That's a main personality trait for Leo and it's hinted at to be a character trait for Jaxon (mostly in chapter 17 when he almost breaks a carnival game because the clown makes fun of him and when he yells at the kids who pushed Ryan into the lake, it's also mentioned by Logan that he got in fights on his sibling's behalf often) so when Leo starts an argument, Jaxon Will argue back. I kept most of their early arguments vague to give the big one more impact. Because of how close they were in forget me not, they know exactly how to annoy the other in dahlia
The big fight in question is at the end of chapter two, in which Leo does her whole "idk how to handle this situation so I'm out of here bye idiots" because her fatal flaw is that she's chronically unreliable and Will leave and Jax is obviously like "excuse me wtf you can't just. do that" because HIS fatal flaw is that he's loyal and will Not leave and so they fight in the garden (which is sort of important because that's where dylan and cass met and arranged for the groups to meet in the first place) (and i couldn't have them fight in the library. the librarian would get mad) and Leo has him in terms of physical strength so she leaves at the end of it, with Ryan, who was watching
That was April 2019, they don't meet up again until June 2020, so about a full year and two months later. That part where Dylan kidnaps a comatose child and preforms necromancy on him and then they, Ryan, and Ryan's cat get possessed. In Leo's house where she lives. Leo calls Logan in a very "will you please come pick up your kid they are biting me" manner so the others go back to meet up with Leo who is miraculously not possessed (she would win in a fight between herself and three 12 year olds)
Leo and Jaxon's friendship in that particular arc is "I don't want to get possessed and YOU don't want to get possessed so let's briefly not kill each other" Kai and Marcy peace the fuck out of there very fast, Logan is taken out by Dylan first because, then Lily is gotten by Dylan, and Cass by Elliot (something something dylan only attacked their siblings but that's a post for another day) and so then all that's left is Leo, Jaxon, and Sam
Leo gets cornered by Cass and Lily, and Jaxon. leaves. He takes Sam and runs and then Sam is like "hey asshole maybe DON'T do that???" so Jax feels bad and goes back for Leo and then when he gets back to where he left Sam, Sam is gone.
So NOW Leo's mad because ONE he just left her to get mauled to death and TWO now she lost Sam in a building full of possessed children Out For Blood. Jaxon is still mad about the first fight. They go up to the roof because that's the closest area to where Jaxon left Sam and he might've hidden up there.
Halfway up the stairs, they start arguing again. Jaxon's upset because Leo is talking about the others like they're dead and she's being very dismissive about it, and wasn't what she meant but it was how he took it. Leo gets defensive, and now Jax is Going For the Kill. Physical fight Leo wins because she's just stronger than him and is 17 and he's like 15 but in terms of their magic, Leo isn't as good at long range attacks with fire, but Jaxon is better at long range attacks with electricity, so he wins the second one. heavy quotations there lol. what ACTUALLY wins is the force of gravity. Leo loses the fight with Being Alive
and then there's more in rosemary for them but since I haven't finished writing this i don't know what I'll end up taking out yet
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senditcolton · 2 years
happy happy birthday sweet nicole!!! may i request prompt 18 with one mister ryan graves? love you ❤️
starting off with this one because this is probably the only blurb where i recommend you actually listen to the song it's inspired by. (i was also watching crimson peak while writing this so... just imagine full on gothic romance and you'll be fine [you also get a quote to set the scene even more])
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Woman, Eat Me Whole Ama Asantewa Diaka
The auditorium is nearly empty. The champagne had been drunk, speeches given, and the money given. Donated to whichever charitable cause that the New Jersey Devils organization was supporting tonight.
And you were left wondering why you even bothered to come in the first place.
Jack Hughes, of all people, invited you to attend this gala as his plus one. Just as friends, simply because he was desperate since he was left ‘dateless’ at the last minute. And you took pity on him, letting the young center bring you to the gala even though he managed to leave you as soon as one of the pretty socialites caught his attention.
You didn’t fault him for it. It was an unspoken part of the deal you two shared. You just wished he managed to be a better buffer between you and the person you wished you could forget. Your ex, Ryan.
Instead, here you were, sitting at an abandoned table in the room, fingers gently fidgeting with the edge of your phone case as you finish the last of your drink, debating whether to barter a ride from one of the remaining couples or suck it up and pay for an Uber yourself. You were so lost in your internal dilemma that you didn’t notice the presence come up next to you until an all too familiar voice broke the silence.
“Could I have this dance?”
You glance up and there he is. Looking as heartbreakingly handsome as you recall, the all-black suit highlighting his pale skin, his palm upturned towards you. A silent invitation in addition to the spoken.
“I haven’t seen you out on the dance floor the entire night,” you say, refusing to give a reply. Although as soon as those words were out of your mouth, you see the small twitch at the corner of Ryan’s lips and you realize that you gave yourself away. Told him in not so many words that your eyes had been following him throughout the night.
“I suppose I was waiting for the perfect partner,” he responds. “Would you be mine?”
His hand is still extended to you, empty and waiting. Your eyes flit up to his face, the sharp lines of his cheekbones and jawline highlighted in the flickering ballroom lights, the hazel of his eyes shining even brighter than you remember them.
This wasn’t a good idea. You knew that. Others would wonder what harm could come from a single dance, but you understood that if you allowed him to get close to you again, it would be harder to let him go.
You knew that.
And yet, before you could talk yourself out of it, your hand was reaching towards his. You hesitate for a brief moment, fingers curling back before extending again as you slide your hand into his outstretched palm.
His fingers curl around yours, a bare brush of his thumb across your knuckles as he leads you to the dance floor in the middle of the ballroom.
The beat of your heart is a fluttering mess, a caged bird wanting to fly as you step out onto the hardwood floor, your hand still placed in Ryan’s. He stops, guiding you to gently turn and face him, the hem of your dress gently sweeping across the floor.
Your hand falls from his as you two face each other, the space between you filled with trepidation. It is a moment where either of you could turn back, decide against this and leave the past buried, the way it’s meant to be.
But when Ryan extends his hand to you again, there is no hesitance this time as you place your hand in his. Your hands clasp together as Ryan lifts his arm before taking a small step towards you, his free hand slipping behind you, finding a respectful place on the center of your back.
Your own hand creeps up before you place it delicately on Ryan’s bicep, light as a feather. Your eyes once again jump to his, the lingering concern shown in your irises. However, Ryan dissuades your fears with a soft smile and there is no stopping the small gasp that leaves you as he pulls you closer.
Another breath, another moment before he begins to move. It is slow, perhaps a little stilted at first but soon you relax, falling into the ebb and flow of the music, relinquishing your control and allowing Ryan to guide you across the dance floor.
“You are strangely good at this,” you muse aloud, your own gaze darting around the room, seeing the other couples out on the floor with you simply swaying.
“It’s a gift,” he replies, which is not much of an explanation but it was one you were willing to overlook if it allowed you to remain in this fantasy with him. Ryan guides you into a gentle spin, letting your dress flow out around you before he sweeps you back into his arms.
“You look lovely tonight,” he whispers down to you. You don’t give a verbal reply, just a small duck of your head as you feel the heat threatening to creep up your neck as you and Ryan continue to dance. “You do,” he continues. “Just as beautiful as the day I first met you.”
“Ryan,” you murmur, your head spinning and heart skipping from the feeling of him so close to you again.
“I remember that day,” he continues, his voice soft, almost reverent. “I think about it every time I try and fall asleep. I see you everywhere.” You lean back, eyes once again connecting to his, watching as a soft melancholy smile pulls at his lips.
“You are doing a very good job at haunting me.”
“It was never my intention,” you whisper, acutely aware of the warmth of him palm against yours, the flex of his fingers against your waist.
“I know,” he replies, his voice just as soft as yours. “I don’t mind. It lets me know that I once had you. If only for a moment.”
“Ryan,” you say again, feeling him pull you closer to which you respond in kind, your hand moving from his upper arm to curl around his shoulder, the gravity of him impossible to resist. You feel him lean into you, his face mere inches from yours, your eyes wide and pleading. Pleading for what, you weren’t certain.
“I hate this,” he breathes out. “I hate that I was the one to let this end; that I made it seem like you weren’t enough. I hate that I made you the enemy, that your heart became the casualty.”
His words make your head spin, the tears to well in your eyes as he leans impossibly closer to you, his forehead touching yours.
“But more than anything,” he persists, “I hate that I need you like this… so desperately.”
You can feel the soft heat of his breath fanning across your cheeks, the subtle brush of his thumb against your jawline. The two of you stay there for a moment, the tension between you wound so tightly it could shatter; fragile as the porcelain of Ryan’s skin.
It is Ryan that moves first, your eyes closing, not wanting to wake up from this dream; the dream of him wanting you again. You expect to feel his lips against yours, no matter how much the rational part of your brain was screaming in protest. Instead, the delicate press of his lips falls gently onto skin of your forehead; a mere whisper of a kiss.
Your eyes open, your gaze following him as he takes a miniscule step back, the distance between your bodies widening once more along with the distance in your hearts.
“Why?” you plead, your own voice fracturing with the overflow of emotions pouring from you. It’s a single question, the answer to which was immense. But somehow, Ryan knew what you were asking, just as he always did.
“I refuse to put you though that pain again,” he explains. “Not for my own selfish reasons.”
A single crystal teardrop cascades from your eye, rolling down your cheek. The mournful smile remains on Ryan’s face as he sweeps the droplet off your skin, his touch lingering there, a phantom in its own right.
“I can only hope that in another life, I somehow managed to get it right.”
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cainware · 2 years
"For what it's worth, I never gave up on you" with bruce & jason? 💕
send me a prompt !
It had been weeks since the last time Bruce had seen Jason. For all intents and purposes, he had dropped off the map, no trace to be found.
Bruce knew that was partially his own fault. He'd trained Jason too well, taught him anything and everything he could ever need to know. But it wasn't as if they had parted on the best terms to begin with. Bruce knew that Jason wouldn't be found until he wanted to be, and Bruce would have no choice other than to respect that.
But still, the knowledge he didn't actually know where Jason was kept him up at night. Well, more than his typical nightly outings already did, anyway. Jason was still his son. Despite their arguments, despite their... strained relationship, Bruce would never stop worrying about him. And that wasn't just because the last time he hadn't worried about where he may be, Jason had crawled out of his own grave under Bruce's nose.
The cave was unnaturally quiet this evening. Alfred was still somewhere in the manor, most likely finding some odds and ends work to keep himself busy until he would come check in on Bruce and find him stock-still at the computer like always. Hands clicking across keys, Bruce checked on more time on the whereabouts of all his various allies. This had become sort of a nightly pass-time for him as of late.
Nightwing pinged in Bludhaven, just where he was supposed to be. Oracle was with her father, Batgirl and Spoiler pinging not too far from the Elliot Memorial Hospital. Signal, he knew, was in the manor, sleeping in the spare room that had once been Dick's bedroom. One by one, the little color-coded dots lit up on screen, blinking back out of existence once Bruce was satisfied.
Then a single red dot lit up in the corner of the screen, and Bruce stared at it, unmoving. He set his jaw, debating what this meant. Either Jason was back in town, and letting himself be found, or something was wrong. For a long moment, he debated what to do, watching the red dot glow defiantly just south of the Gotham Cathedral.
"I would think you should investigate, sir." Alfred said, having entered the cave to find Bruce staring at the screen, a single red dot illuminating his features among the blue glow. "Who knows? Perhaps he simply wishes to talk."
"You sound awfully sure of that, Alfred." Bruce stated, looking to Alfred. His eyes carried a silent question, and Alfred nodded slowly.
"Go. I'll monitor things here. Though whether he wishes to see the man or the bat, you'll have to find out for yourself."
Before the dot had the chance to blink out, Bruce departed, leaving Alfred to keep an eye on things in the cave. It took less time than Bruce would admit to reach the cathedral, but as he stepped foot on the arched rooftops, he found exactly what he was looking for.
Jason was sat atop a gargoyle, red helmet reflecting the dull golden glow of the lamps that bathed the cathedral in seemingly never-ending light. He didn't bother with a greeting, but Bruce felt relief wash over him at knowing there wasn't some immediate emergency that had caused him to send out a call. Though knowing Jason, Bruce thought, he'd try to handle it on his own regardless.
"You let me find you." It wasn't a question. Bruce spoke plainly, addressing the situation for what it was over what it could be. He made no move to approach, instead letting Jason decide how close was close enough. It felt a bit like soothing a frightened animal, though Bruce couldn't tell you which was which in this moment. Was it Jason? Or was it himself?
"I want to ask you something." Jason said, face hidden behind the red helmet, just as Bruce's own was hidden firmly behind the cowl. Yet another wall neither had the desire to break tonight. "And don't bullshit me."
"Never." Bruce replied, watching as Jason lifted the helmet off his head, turning brown, tired eyes to look at Bruce. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping, and concern began to worm its way into Bruce's features. Though to anyone other than his allies and children, it would look no different.
"Does it get worse? The... the damn struggle, to try and be good?" Jason asked, and something like exhaustion carried in his voice. Bruce took a deep breath, moved closer as he lifted a hand. The cowl slid back off his head, revealing an equally exhausted Bruce Wayne beneath the mask. Jason stared at him, regarding him closely before Bruce finally spoke.
"It's an uphill battle, every single day." Bruce said, sighing as he sat down on the rooftop beside his second son. "I told you before, it would be easier to slip; that I think about the other side every single day, how crossing my own line would be the easiest thing in the world. So yes, it gets worse."
"Damn, thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess." Jason snorted, rolling his eyes as he looked away. "I totally didn't need reassurance that life gets easier."
"I promised you I wouldn't lie to you. And this is the truth." Bruce said, lifting his head to look at Jason. "It's always going to be worse. Being good, following a code. It gets harder and harder, and I won't lie to you about it. I've almost crossed the line before, and so has everyone else since... well, they've almost done it, too."
Bruce shifted then, reached out and rested a hand against Jason's shoulder. He gave it a firm squeeze, Jason turning his head back to look at the man he considered his father.
"But for what it's worth, Jason? I never gave up on you. Even when you thought I did, I still won't. You've come so far from where you used to be, and well..."
"Don't say it-"
"-I'm so very proud of you, Jaylad."
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Obi-Wan x Reader
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So this is an Obi-Wan fic based during the events of the Kenobi series, there are obviously flashbacks which you’ll love. I wont lie, I sorta just don’t mention Satine so you can decide whether they had a bad breakup or she doesn’t exist. This is mainly Obi-Wan’s POV, it is also a two parter, if anyone is interested.
To think he’d be on a planet that wasn’t dry or course, to be somewhere where it rained, surely it should be enjoyable. But no, he was on a mission, something he hadn’t done for almost eleven years now. He was rusty. The neon lights burnt his eyes in a different way than the sun usually did, the brilliant greens and reds, even the purples, making him pause to take a calming breath.
He’s safe. It’s not as if he could really be hurt any more. His Master, his brother, his friends, his soldiers, his responsibilities. All gone. Despite them winning the war. They defeated Grievous for Makers sake! That was the goal, defeat him and the droids. Stop the Separatists at any cost. A sarcastic huff escaped him as he eyed the propaganda Holos for the ‘NEW EMPIRE’. They were wearing the same armour his troopers wore, why did they attack? Surely there was a reason, surely, they wouldn’t just turn on the Jedi, not Rex, not Cody. He had hoped that Fives was right, that maybe it was programmed into them, but who knows? The Chancellor had banned talk about Fives and Rex wasn’t meant to tell Ahsoka who told Anakin who told him.
Was he wrong to miss the war? Probably.
Obi-Wan shook his head and hurried along, he was on a mission. He must stick to the mission, then get back and continue his observation on the boy. Luke. His name was Luke. And his mission was Leia. Would they every meet? He hoped so. Maybe one day. When its saf-
“Spare any Credits?” Cody? Obi-Wan stopped in surprise. No, but he was wearing 501st armour, he was one of Anakins men. Obi-Wan stared at the familiar face and remembered a time he would be sitting across from it eating, or creating battle plans, or just watching the democratic debates. It was older than Obi-Wan had ever seen, even the ‘reject clones’ never really got this old, or scraggily but he wasn’t one to judge. “Help a veteran get a warm meal?” He held his helmet a bit higher.
Obi-Wan, despite the initial suspicion of being ratted on, threw what he could spare into it. At least this Trooper wasn’t firing at him. Maybe he knew Obi-Wan was no longer a threat, just a tired old man. The Trooper nodded in thanks before his eyes flickered to an imposing Holo behind Obi-Wan’s shoulder. A frown set on his face and he looked away in shame. Obi-Wan turned, eyebrow raised, before sucking in a shaky breath.
There you were on the screen. It was your Jedi Archives portrait. Your eyes bore into his soul, looking dead on; your lips slightly curved into a smile, he could remember being the cause of; and your hair was lime green. He loved the colourful nature of your species, every few months you’d come into the Temple with a new set of armour and hair, he had even compared you to a Mandalorian a few times. Both so expressive and changing in nature. He and you would have long discussions about the meanings behind certain colours and Obi-Wan could tell that you weren’t being completely honest about a few, you were allowed to like the colours for whatever reasons you wanted, you needed no excuse in his eyes.
You had been trained by a Master called Cjuria but she had died at the hands of Ventress, meaning Yoda took over your final years and after that you did help Qui-Gon and himself before Anakin came along. You were basically a co-parent to the boy but he would never admit what that truly meant. Never accept that fact because you and Anakin were gone. You, Anakin, Ahsoka, Padme, Qui-Gon, Rex, Cody, the 212th, Windu, Billaba, Aalya, Fisto, Plo Koon, Quinlan, Yoda, even Jar Jar. There was nothing where he once could feel everyone. An all-consuming nothingness.
“If I were you, I wouldn’t stay here too long.” The Trooper interrupted his wallowing. “Those Inquisitors are nasty.”
Obi-Wan took one last look at this face, the face of his many friends, his men, and now of an unlikely ally. He had wished that all the Clones would live to look like this and now he had seen it he was bitterly disappointed. If Anakin knew a member of the 501st was suffering he’d be livid. If Anakin-
“Thank you.” Kenobi bowed his head before continuing his path to Leia.
“Obi!” You called from the top of the curved stairwell, launching yourself over the banister from the very top to the bottom.
He had been intending to go over strategies with Mace but seeing your wide smile as you bounded up to him halted that. The setting sun peeking through the elongated windows did wonders for your skin, making you almost glow. Your eyes were brighter, but they always got like that when you were excited.
“Are you quite alright?” He chuckled, taking in your bright orange hair. It was the colour of the flora from Lantrien. The very toxic spore producing flowers were a lovely sight once you and he had gotten over the worst of the symptoms.
“Luke.” You whisper, your smile not wavering. “She’s so convinced it’s a boy, she keeps thinking of boys names; that’s the current favourite, though.”
The subject of your mutual friend’s child was taboo amongst most. Obi-Wan wasn’t stupid, nor blind, despite trying to be. Anakin had unashamedly loved the Queen from the moment he met her. He was secretly happy for them, one day he knew it wouldn’t be a secret. He had allowed himself to imagine a scenario where the child called him uncle. He would care for him or her no matter what, Anakin knew it, Padme knew it, you knew it. He would keep their child safe, once the war was over, once he could choose his own path.
‘Jedi weren’t meant to be generals.’ Qui-Gon had spoken, ‘we are peacekeepers’ and that is all Obi-Wan craved. He was getting weary of war, of duty. If only the day could come when the war was just memories.
“And what if it isn’t a boy?” He raised his brow.
“She was thinking Lila.” You shrugged. “Or Leia, I like Leia more. It’s more regal.”
Obi-Wan had to agree with you on that one, despite agreeing with you on practically everything. “A little Prince or Princess.”
“Woul-” You paused before mouthing, “Would he be a king?”
Obi-Wan had no answer to that. How was he to know? Could a Jedi still truly be a Jedi with a wife, and child? If not, he could be king, if so, he could be a king and a Jedi, was that morally correct?
“Kenobi!” Mace’s voice stopped you both as he walked by, “I almost can’t believe you’re not early to our strategy meeting.”
“Sorry, I distracted him.” You pulled a ‘whoopsie’ face, raising your brows and shoulders, your lips pulling inwards .
Mace gave you the very same unimpressed look he gave practically everyone but his eyes were warm with affection. You were friends and had been for years. “Don’t you have a queen to guard?”
“She requested a walk and Skywalker knows the best paths.” You said with such bravado. “I would be useless.”
Were all 10-year-olds this annoying or was it just the Skywalkers? Obi-Wan saw so much of Anakin in this feisty girl. She was forthright and observant when she disregarded his orders and claimed he was her father. But his already fragile heart broke when she apprehensively asked: “Are you my real father?”
“I wish I could say I was.” She bent her head in disappointment, the wind whipping at their hair, he’d say that’s why his eyes were glassy if she asked.
“Sometimes I try to imagine what he was like.” She muttered, eyes actively avoiding him.
Obi-Wan felt that pain himself being a Jedi. “I know that feeling.” She glanced in his direction, “as Jedi we were taken from our families when we were very young. I still have glimpses, flashes really, my mother’s shawl. My father’s hands.” He had only ever told you the next part; whispered on cold bunks, during one of the worst battles you’d endured, hands entwined between the empty space. “I-I remember a baby.”
“A baby?” Leia was now fully turned towards him.
“Yes, I think I had a brother. Though I really don’t remember him. I wish I did.” He felt regret for that. Was it possible to miss a life you didn’t live? To want it, yes, but to miss it? He thought not. He didn’t want for anything really, and he had ‘siblings’ so to say but would it have been an equally great life? Would he have been on the Republics side? Yes, he was sure he would. “But then I joined the Jedi and I had a new family. Just like you.”
She was silent then and he allowed her to take in the information he had given her. “Ben?”
“Yes, Leia?”
“Were they happy?”
That question was one of those where you automatically say ‘yes of course’, but he knew deep down. Anakin and Padme were happy. They were in love and didn’t care by the end who knew. They were destined to be together from the start but despite that. They were friends. They-they were happy. “Yes.”
The truck started to slow down then, drawing both passengers’ attention. Freck had said it wouldn’t take long, just a routine checkpoint but the hair on the back of Obi-Wan’s neck stood up. Leia was calm, she had been surrounded by the bucketheads since birth, she didn’t hold the same fear Kenobi did.
Freck exited the truck and spoke with the Troopers before they started walking around the back. Obi-Wan pulled his hood up keeping his gaze down. Leia did no such thing, scanning the watch tower and the red laser gate.
‘I am one with the force’ was the mantra rattling around his head as the Troopers asked who they were and why they were travelling this way. ‘Master’ he basically pleaded as he was no where near strong enough to use any form of Jedi trick. He wished he could, that would’ve been an easier escape than shooting his and Leia’s way out.
“Guns are so-” He paused in contemplation. “So uncivilised.”
You looked up at him from your spot lying on the meadow. You both had two days before you were to meet the informant. It wasn’t meant to be that late but there were suspicions and you guys were taking the first opportunity to relax; even for a moment. The trees hung low and smelled like home, although you didn’t know what or where that was. You recognised the smell, and the feeling of contentment. You’d told him that and he revealed the sound of waves reminded him of home.
“But you’ll happily cut someone in half?” You gave him a smirk as he rolled his eyes, leaning back next to you. You put on a posh accent, one hand resting on your chest and the other dramatically thrown across your forehead. “My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, I cannot bare the thought of shooting a gun, but I will redirect a laser. Much in the same way a gun shoots.”
He shoved your hand away. “I do not sound like that.”
“I do not sound like that.” You tried and failed not to giggle at his expression.
“Well, I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t stop giving away our position.” His hand twiddled a lock of your half blue hair. “This side isn’t as bad but that one is basically a target.” He brushed a few flyaway strands of red from your temple.
“A girls gotta get you to notice her somehow.” You winked.
He just rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t say that.”
You shrugged, bits of the yellowed grass getting caught on your shoulders.
“The war will be over soon; might as well enjoy the freedom it brings.”
He never quite understood that statement until now. You had meant that once it was over you would be ‘real’ Jedi. No hiding behind the cloak of battle, no missions together because it was needed. You would have to rebuild the galaxy and after that you would have to keep the peace in it. The whole galaxy. There would probably be one Jedi per quadrant.
What you meant by that statement was ‘I know you’re scared; I am too. Why can’t we be scared together?’ You had both had the talk no relationships, no love, love lead to the dark side. But there were Jedi who had wives, who had husbands, who had kids, who had a life outside of the order.
Why couldn’t you?
Tala positioned them in an archway, before going to check everything was in order for them to escape through ‘the Pathway’. He made sure to keep a hand on Leia’s shoulder. If Anakin was anything to go by he’d need to tie himself to her.
Once the coast was clear they made their way to the safehouse.
Inside was a mechanics den, the tables littered with tools and exposed wires. There was a droid who seemed intimidating but Tala reassured them he was friendly. Leia was fascinated and showed him her little L0LA.
Tala reached behind what looked to be an electrical cupboard and the walls parted. A woman was behind them packing a bag, “Tala you said a child too? I only have this; I hope it isn’t too flashy.”
That voice.
Surely not.
Obi-Wan walked towards her as she began to turn to face the group and low and behold. It was you. You-you were alive. Your hair was an ashy brown colour, your skin paler and thinner. The chubbiness had vanished in your cheeks, but your eyes and smile were the same. And they shone.
“Ob-h my maker.” You cut yourself off from saying his name. Unsure if it was wise to reveal you knew each other.
He was the same. He had no idea how to react. So, you both just stood there in awe.
“Raya?” Tala’s head was tilted, a clear sign she wanted to know what was happening.
You spared her your gaze for half a second before it landed back onto him.
“I-I’ve got you some supplies.” You stiffly spoke, awkwardly offering him the bag.
He looked down before taking it, “Thank you. Raya?” You gave a minute nod. “I am Ben.”
You chuckled a little then and he did the same. “Ben? That’s a very unique and unusual name.”
He rolled his eyes. How had he not seen you in 10 years and the first thing you do is tease him? “Thank you.”
There was a shuffling behind him, oh yes, a child. She was watching this whole interaction in the same fashion as Tala. But by the Stars she looked familiar. You couldn’t quite place why as she stood with poise and dignity. Her chin pointed upwards and her hair, only slightly out of place. She looked regal next to Kenobi.
“Is this your daughter?” You felt a little indifferent as you voiced the question. She didn’t particularly look like him but it was possible. He may not even tell you the truth because Tala is standing right there almost gawking at this situation.
Obi-Wan brought her forward, to his surprise with no complaint or noise, placing a hand on her shoulder and patting it with his fingers. “Raya. This is Leia.”
Leia? You weren’t sure if you said it or thought it but a thousand memories flashed the moment that name left his mouth. Of course, she was Leia. She had the same hair and eyes as Padme and the same composure. At your visible shock her eyebrows were drawn slightly in a very Anakin way. She had his chubby youngling cheeks too.  
You knelt to shake her small hand. You were meant to help her; you had been devastated when Padme was buried and like everyone else believed her bump was real. Believed her unborn child had become part of the stars with her. “Leia. It’s very nice to meet you.” A tear oozed it’s way down your cheek.
“It is nice to meet you, too.” Even her small voice held such power. She was made to be a ruler, you wished she was, it was the least she deserved. Kriff she deserved the life of a Princess, the life her parents were going to give her.
“I’m sorry to break up whatever this is but we need to get you and you out of here.” Tala pointed at them. “Maybe you’ll follow them?” She asked hopefully, wishing you some peace finally.
You were about to talk when the sensation of grinding teeth settled in your mouth, a shiver made its way up your spine also and settled on the back of your neck. A cold, dead feeling wrapped around like a shawl.
Ob-Ben met your gaze, his hand finding the sabre you hadn’t noticed on his belt. He was a brave man to be carrying that around. Yours was hidden in the mechanics of NED. Figuring that was the safest place for it, in a droid who couldn’t speak. You guys used to hide stuff in R2 all the time.
Ben was at the window, peaking behind the curtain to see an imposing figure. “Get Leia out of here.” He told you. “Get her to Alderaan. To Bail.”
“Bail?” You said in disbelief. “O-Ben! Who is it? It’s familiar, but twisted.”
His eyes pore into yours. “Darth Vader.”
You had picked up Leia and ran with Tala trying to formulate a plan. How on earth would you get to Alderaan, the pathway doesn’t go to Alderaan. Kriffing Alderaan?! Maker how long are these tunnels?
You felt a wave through your body and suddenly stopped. That wasn’t good. Or was it? Was that? Was Kenobi using the force? WAS KENOBI FIGHTING DARTH VA- of course he was.
“Tala.” You placed Leia down and connected their hands. “Please. I have to go back. Comm Bail Organa. Find a way. I don’t care how, kriff tell him (y/f/n) wants him.”
“You knew the Organa’s?” Her eyes were wide but she nodded. You had told her some of your history but most was secret so you could live.
You scoffed, “I knew the Queen of Naboo.” Your eyes flickered to Leia. “Now please, go.”
“Wait!” Leia called as you ran towards the current that the Force had created. “You knew my mother?!”
You bit your lip as you ran from her and Tala. Both of whom you wished to know more of but were so fearful they would be hurt in the hunt for you.
You sat on the floor of your ship floating adrift in space. Your arms wrapped around your legs as you stared at the body in front of you. Reach. He was your friend, why did he attack you?
You were on your way to help Ahsoka with Maul, despite your orders.
“Ahsoka has asked for help.” You informed Obi-Wan, thinking he was unaware. He was and he told you that he couldn’t let Grievous escape yet again, that you were too close to winning the war. “Obi.. its Maul… It’s Ahsoka.” You took a step back, “I’m going to help her.” He seemed a little take aback by you but nodded.
“Keep safe,” His hand found your wrist. “Only take who you need, this can’t be known. We’ve already given them too many Clones as it is.”
“I’ll take Reach. I think her and I could handle him. At least I’m confident she can.” You tried to joke.
“Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“Only if you say it first.”
“I will be careful.” He vowed.
“I love you, too.” You winked.
You hadn’t made it to Ahsoka. You were halfway to her, before she popped up letting you know she was successful. You were so proud of her, remembering the little scamp she used to be. She may well be the most powerful Jedi, behind the chosen one of course.
“Ahsoka, another message is coming through, I only brought Reach’s Pad to spare resources, uh, send me your coordinates and I’ll be on my way, we’ll meet in the middle.”
She gave you a quick salute before a cloaked figure appeared, you and Reach gave each other a look before he demanded: EXECUTE ORDER 66.
“Order-?” Something hit you so hard in the temple you fell off of your seat. “Kriff!”
You were then being straddled and punched again and again and again. Bringing your arms up to block the attacks, you kicked your legs in the hopes of pushing Reach off balance. It worked and you were able to scramble away, pulling yourself just barely to a standing position. Reach’s face was blank, his hand going to his belt finding it empty.
“You were cleaning it,” You panted, igniting your sabre before he could jump on you again. “Reach, what’s going on?”
“Good soldiers follow orders.” He spoke as though it was obvious.
“Orders? Was that an order?” You tried to piece together, despite your headache. “Who was that?”
He was silent.
“Reach, please.” Your head was pounding now. He took advantage of your dizziness and you didn’t mean to. You didn’t. But he was now laying, bleeding out, still trying to grab at you. You withdrew the sabre before flinging it far from you. You vision was blurred before but now you were crying, kneeling over him. “We don’t have any medical supplies.” There would be a whole hospital wing on Ahsoka’s ship. If only you left earlier.
He muttered something you were too hysterical to hear but he kept repeating it like a mantra. “Kill the Jedi.” His last word was ‘the’.
You had moved so you weren’t kneeling but otherwise you were sitting next to his body. You could tell your head was bleeding, probably turning your purple hair a wet maroon. There wasn’t anything you could do. The comms were down and in the scuffle you had been knocked majorly off course. The stars were almost a good companion in your grief. It wasn’t just you. There were thousands. You felt them. Or actually you ceased feeling them. There was an empty void where previously a small hum had been.
How long had you sat here?
How long until you had to get your shit together?
How did Sidious corrupt the Clones? He must’ve had an inside man.
You sat for quite a while longer in slow contemplation.
But there was a rapping at the air lock. As if someone had knocked. You ignored it until it happened again. Scowling you braced yourself upon the wall before attempting to stand. It wasn’t easy being bruised and numb and stiff and dizzy and just sad. You did it though. You took one step and immediately fell as a myriad of pain shot through your leg like lightning. You hadn’t realised he’d grabbed it in the chaos, but alas you continued leaning heavily on the wall. The airlock had a window and outside floated a small box. Maybe it was a bomb. No, the ship, despite not moving, still worked and it would’ve detected danger. You squinted and could just about make out the symbol of the Republic etched into the metal.
What more could you have to lose? You sealed and opened and resealed and opened the compartment to find an unintimidating box. It was small enough to fit into your palm but had a surprising weight to it as the gravity settled. The top pinged off and you were half expecting a creature to fly out.
Is that? No. A Jedi Beacon was resting in the box. That wasn’t good.
You shakily took the small blue device out and dropped the box as it started playing a message.
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.” He looked his normal, pristine, self. That was good, right? “I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you always.”
You shook your head, tears forming again, “no.” You pressed play again and he appeared again.
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you always.”
“This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi…”
“I’m coming Obi-Wan.”
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yourroyalhoneyness · 1 year
Loving a Flame.
Prompts: “I never knew you liked me”... “Now you do, and correction I love you.”
Megarod from mtmte and lost light. I may have gotten a little lazy towards the end. Still learning.2nd Fic so yeah. May also doing one-shots at the moment. It was originally meant to be 600 words but somehow I got it to over 1000. So yeah.
Megatron / Rodimus
I had no idea on how how I did.
1000+ words so enjoy ;)
After a very long and difficult week of commanding the lost light. The two Captains are very much glad and in need of having the next few cycles off.
The larger silver mech had run into a small disruption. Thoughts that plagued him one too many times. Of the red prime. Both new and old realizations kept him from reaching recharge. However, he couldn't put his thoughts to ease. For him to rest.
After some time debating on whether or not to leave his betha to clear his head. To relieve his processor of the thoughts that keep him from his sleep.
With an exhausted huff. Rising from his beath. He had decided upon taking a stroll around the ship. Instead, of just staring at the wall. Megatron had walked into a small sector to gaze at the space outside of the vessel.
Astonished to see the prime of the ship already gazing towards the other stars outside the ship. But Megatron couldn’t stop his gaze from the star. That resided in the same room as him. A sun that he was so close to, yet so far. He didn't even try to fight the tired grin that appeared on his faceplate.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?”The young prime questioned, with a sly hint of amusement in his tone. Turning helm towards his Co-captain. Along with presenting him with a small tired small of his own.
“Unfortunately, no.” He walked closer toward Rodimus. Now standing side by side. Getting to watch the suns and stars from the safety of the ship.
“You think after the week we had. We’d both be out like a light.”
Megatron chuckled, Aggring with such a statement. They were both drained from such a chaotic week. The lost light's latest antics may seem normal to everyone else that didn’t reside on the ship seem the norm. But those that did know that the last few cycles were more chaotic than normal. The larger mech had seen the chaos starting to overwhelm the smaller mech.
He shifted his gaze from the stars outside to the one that stood beside him.
“What disturbed you from claiming your rest?”
Rodimus shrugged, “I don't know it's just I-I don't know, I’m burnt out enough to probably recharge for the next few days. But I just can't. Guess my processor doesn't want me to sleep. It reminds me of the Earth's saying. What was it's hard for you to sleep cuz you're on someone's mind” Givin sighed. Then turned his tired gaze to meet Megatron. Optics dimed with tiredness darker than Megatron's optics.
“So what about you big guy? Honestly I thought an old bot like yourself would be out by now. What could be keeping you up? This is late at night.”
Even when drained.From the lack of sleep and the mayhem. He still found some energy from somewhere. To poke fun at his co-caption. It was not out of being hateful or antagonizing him. Maybe slightly to test how much patience Ex-tyrant had. Megaton was glad that he could have a championship with him. Compared to the interactions they had when he was first placed on the lost light.
A lot of things have changed compared from when he arrived on the lost light to when they arrived at the new universe. Including his feelings toward the speedster. Along with them having a closer relationship.
“You Rodimus look far more exhausted than I do.”
“And you specifically are keeping me from recharging.”He started plainly, allowing a playful evil smirk to quicken on his lip plate.
Rodimus gives a sarcastic laugh. Before rolling his optics.”Ok one: you look about the same amount tired as I do, and two: How do I keep you awake in the dead at night? What are you plotting against me?”Folding his arms over his chest. Spoilers are slightly raised playfully. Letting his smirk meet Megatron's.
“Yes .”
“Yes what, To be as tired as me, Or to plot something against me, Or both?”Rodimus was even more intriguing; he almost forgot how tired he was. He knew Megatron wouldn’t do anything. But he likes talking and being able to converse with him. Along with not being the only thing about his Co-captain. In general, he likes Megas and also spends time with him.
Even now no matter how tired he was. He realized that he might not just like him. Right now he wants to just be close with the larger mech.
“To some extent, No I do not nearly look as exhausted, And yes I may be plotting something, However, it’s not against you. But it does involve you.”He started in an almost matter-of-fact tone. Megatron understood what he was doing. Although he didn't know if the sleep deprivation led to him.Though he did not quite fight it, how it directed his actions. He also knew Rodimus was more interested in his statement.
Oh, how he was right.
Rodimus was intent on Megatron's statement. Almost becoming wide awake. But not completely though.
“ Oh, so you're the one keeping me up huh? Hmm, Wellnnow how does it exactly involve me? Rodimus said in a mischievous tone. Allowing his smirk to grow. Spoiler lifting higher
“To tell you how I feel about you.”
Rodimus grew concerned and folded his arms tighter into himself. Also, spoilers lowering not to make a difference. Bring his gaze down from Megatron.“And how do you feel about me?”
Megatron got closer to the smaller mech. Grabbing a hold of the red mech's chin to bring his gaze back to him.“I know I don't feel the same as the first time I was placed on this ship. I do see you in a different light. Even if you're the same mech that is a menace to society then again, As well you being the same mech are willing to risk a lot of things for his crew…Captain, you are loud, reckless, infuriating, brave, charismatic, and stubborn. And the feelings I have towards you are not to say professional.”
Rodimus's state shifted.”Yeah, I guess I am pretty awesome.” Grin returned once where it was.
“Yes, you quite are…That is why I love you, Rodimus.”
He felt a servo placed on the side of his helm. Caught off guard immediately after Rodimus pulled his lips against his own.Raping his arms around Megatron's neck to bring him closer to himself. Both tiredly moaning into the kiss. Megatron allowed his arm to catch the primes waist. Moments passed before. They pulled apart. Looking intently into each other.
“ Good cause, I love you too, you nerd.” Letting his body slump forward. Resting his helm against the large mech's chest. Still, fight exhaust.
“I'm glad… Now you and I are both very much tired. Let me take you to my hab to rest My sun.”He knew for a fact Rodimus would not make it to his habsuit. And he's far closer. He took the prime leaning closer as a yes. Picking him up in bridal style and making his way to habsuit.
Allowing his doors to close behind him.As he walked to his betha. To place the sleeping Bot and himself into the bed for rest. Once laid down. Megatron pulled Rodimus back into his embrace again.
Rodimus lazily lifted his helm to look up at Megas.”I never you liked me”
…” Now you do, and correction, I love you.” Placing a kiss on top of Rodimus’s helm.Before continuing
“Now my Sun lets us rest. Shall we”
Rodimus buried his helm into Megatron’s neck.”Alright, Megas night, love you.”
And with that, they rested in each arm. Finally able to rest. With them both starting anew.
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marley-manson · 2 years
abortion and george
Thank you!
Abortion was basically my response to watching What's Up Doc and really wishing Hawkeye suggested an abortion, even though I knew it wouldn't happen. So basically Margaret tests positive and Hawkeye offers to abort it. I didn't get very far, and I believe the idea's been written now so I'm happy to close the book on it, since I don't think I would've finished it anyway. Though one aspect I quite liked was Margaret having a crisis while trying to decide, and letting herself agree to it specifically because Hawkeye suggested it, in a somewhat irrational yet thematically on point "well if Hawkeye's willing to do it then it can't be child-murder," kind of way.
I'm gonna post most of what I have written because it's otherwise never gonna see the light of day lol so might as well:
He couldn’t deny the rush of excitement he felt when he saw the result, but it only took a second for his brain to kick in and sober him up. When he turned to Margaret his smile was gone. “It’s positive,” he said. 
“Oh,” Margaret said. “Oh, I -- I see. Oh God.” She took a clumsy step back, hand moving to cradle her head like a hurricane of a headache had just descended on her.
“I’m sorry,” he offered. The U.S. Army losing a valuable officer wasn’t exactly breaking his heart, but the way this would trap her in her marriage -- she deserved more than Donald Penobscott and his mistresses. He didn’t want her to lose her chance for more. “I-” he began, and stumbled. How should he say this? 
“It’s all right,” she said. “It’ll be fine. I’ll-” and then she burst into the tears she’d been holding back for days. 
Okay, first things first. “Shh,” he said as comfortingly as he knew how, and drew her into his arms. He stood with her and held her for a long time, the chest of his scrubs growing damp with tears and snot. She didn’t have to be mourning her life on him right now, but this was a delicate issue, one he could theoretically lose his license over, or even worse. It wouldn’t hurt to let her get her feelings out before broaching the subject.
Eventually she started to calm down. “Sorry,” she said, face still pressed against him and voice muffled. “I shouldn’t be upset. I’m a woman for god’s sake, I should be happier than you.”
“Hey, look, I get it. I love kids, and if you were ready to have them I’d be throwing you a week long party to celebrate, and two baby showers on top of that. But sometimes it’s just not the right time or place. Or husband.”
“Or all three.” Finally she pulled away. “Well. I suppose I’d better start writing my resignation letter. Will - will you tell Colonel Potter for me? Tell him I’ll discuss it tomorrow?” 
It was now or never. “Wait. Completely hypothetically, and please forget I ever said anything if you say no, what if I told him it was negative? And then we... got rid of it?” 
Shock painted itself over her face and he braced himself for shouting, but what she said next came out in a frantic whisper. “You mean - an abortion?” 
“Yeah. I’ll throw you the party if you want one, but, y’know, you have another option.”
She was speechless for a long, tense moment. Whether she was debating the question or debating whether to slap or punch him, he didn’t know. Her next words were a furious rush. “Where would I get one? Some Korean midwife’s hut? Do you have any herbs in your footlocker I can chew? A knitting needle I can borrow?”
“Margaret, I was offering.”
That stopped her cold. “You can do that?” 
“If you want. I used to make a killing in the alley behind”- her expression warned him away like the colors of a poison frog -"Sorry. I did a couple out of my living room during my residency. For friends.” At this point he didn’t think she was going to turn around and report him, but he still winced internally at the thought. 
"And you weren't worried about the risk?"
"I kept things sterile."
"I meant -"
"Yeah I know.” He shrugged. “It was worth it. I can’t stand to see a girl cry. You know, one of those friends would’ve ended up on the street if she’d had to tell her parents. She was psyching herself up to stab herself with a kitchen skewer and came to me to ask how to minimize the chances of an infection. I got the story out of her and what else could I do? Hand her a bottle of rubbing alcohol and say, ‘good luck?’” 
Margaret was silent for a beat and a half before she said, "That was decent of you."
He grinned, feeling a weight slip off his shoulders. Maybe in other circumstances that revelation would’ve drawn disgust or outrage from her, but politics didn’t seem too important right now. He wanted to help, and Margaret hadn’t slapped his outstretched hand away yet.
George is just a half-baked idea like, what if George returns with another injury during BJ's years, Hawkeye shoos BJ off so he can hang out and shoot the shit with him and BJ gets despondent and goes around trying to find out who George even is and why he's not invited, learns from Radar that George is gay and gets sus. All I have written here is a kind of meh conversation imo - I'd offer an excerpt from BJ's pov but that's written down in a notebook, not in my docs lol.
“How do you do it?”
“Well, you take five parts gin, stirred, not shaken, and drink to honour the vermouth’s memory.” He demonstrated that last with a flourish.
George laughed and shook his head. “I mean, how do you get away with it? I let one ‘he’ slip out while drunk and got my ass kicked. But in the last two days you told a corpsman to meet you in the supply room, you told Harry you’ll ask him to the movies when he can walk there, and you threatened to kiss Major Burns.”
“You should see what I do on my days off.” He drained his glass and sighed. “Look, I’m lucky. I was blessed with an eye for the female figure as well, and the total inability to be serious for more than two sentences at a time. I couldn’t keep my tastes a secret if it would end the war tomorrow, but no one’s taken me seriously yet, unless they’ve got the same tastes. But unless you want to study Groucho Marx until you’re phd certified, I don’t think my tricks will help you much. You’re better off staying sober and subtle.”
George looked at his own drink pointedly, and Hawkeye laughed. “Just us girls tonight, you can let loose a little.”
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this-writers-dream · 1 year
They came on a Thursday. 
I know because Surfside Arcade ran a special "Thrifty Thursday" discount, and we'd been debating about whether to head there right away to avoid the inevitable long lines for GALACTIC RUMBLE, or whether we should make our regular after-school pit stop at Sweet Scoops. I favored the latter. Mrs. Finster never made enough Caramel Crunch to last too far into the evening and I knew if we went to the arcade first, I'd get caught up in the competition and miss my chance to savor that crunchy, gooey deliciousness. 
As it turned out, it was a moot point anyway.
"We need to avoid sticky ice cream hands if we want to dominate on G'lactic," Sophia said, throwing an emphatic fist to show she meant business.
"You know we can always just wash our hands, right?" I retorted, rolling my eyes. She was still sore about losing to Bobby the previous week.
"And waste precious line time? Heck no." Ethan always sided with Sophia. I think he was a bit sweet on her. 
I looked to Emma, hoping to find someone in my corner, but she just shrugged and shook her head. Didn't want to get between us, as usual. I hung my head in disappointment, but I wasn't about to give up. 
I never got the chance to make my rebuttal though because the world ended. The screams interrupted me. 
At the very least, I thought, this meant we didn't have to take that dumb history test on Friday, but it would’ve been nice to know in advance, so we wouldn't've wasted so much time at the optional study guide review after class. That way, I might've been able to get my sweet, sweet scoops before they arrived. One last taste of heavenly bliss before disaster. No such luck.
We'd been making our way through the back streets. Tall, brick buildings on either side offered a comfortable shade that was welcome in the afternoon heat. It did mean we didn't have a clear view of what was going on, though. We heard the frantic yells before a scattered group of people ran into the street ahead of us from the direction of the boardwalk. 
We froze.
There were other things they yelled too, but it's difficult to make out when everyone's shouting at once.
Something big was happening. If not, this many people wouldn't be going crazy. But we didn't know what it was (fire? gunman? terrorists?) or which way to run. Some of the people from the initial group darted past us, others scrambled into the buildings around us, while a few ran toward the beach. One man mumbled nonsense as he half stumbled, half jogged, tears streaking his face, a distinctive wet stain on the front of his pants. It stood out to me because it was the first time I'd seen something like that. Not the strangest thing I'd see that day, though. By a long shot.
"What's happening?" Emma was the first to break free from the spell that locked us in place, watching in shock and fear as grown ass adults freaked out around us.
"They're killing us all!" someone shouted.
If that's not enough to get you moving, you've got something wrong with you. It was enough for us. I'm not sure who decided which way we ran, the direction, or even how long, but we took off. (Cut me some slack, ok? Everything was a blur at this point, it's not every day you go through the end of the world.)
We must've stayed on the back streets because that's where we were ushered to stop. A kind man was leading people who happened by into a large garage (warehouse?) with tall, faded green wooden doors that had been padlocked closed. There was a smaller door built into its side, and it was through there that he directed everyone. Must have seen our panicked group coming and decided to help us, too.
"Stop, stop!" He had to practically run into the middle of the street with his hands outstretched and waving to get our attention. Thing that stood out the most was his incredible windbreaker, one of the kinds I'd always wanted but never got for my birthday. Big, poofy, and vibrant. Shimmered in such a mesmerizing way. Funny, the kinds of things that stick out to you when you're running for your life. "There's a safe place through here," he told us, motioning to the garage. 
We all eyed each other to gauge what we thought about this, but I think 'stranger danger' kind of goes out the window when there's chaos all around you. Unknown things were out there apparently "killing everyone," and we needed a safe place to go.
It was dark inside the garage, but someone stood off to the side, flashlight aimed at an open manhole that people were using a ladder to crawl into. Now, I'm not sure about you, but I wasn't about to enter a random hole somewhere without even knowing what was really going on. This has nothing to do with my fear of the dark, by the way. I just wasn't cool with it. 
Sophia and Ethan were, though. Barely even considered their options before rushing forward. Emma and I hung back, wary of even getting too close to the mysterious passageway. We both ultimately decided we weren't going to risk it. The kind man was fine with our decision, he didn't push us or demand we change our mind, just shrugged and re-opened the door into the back streets for us. We shared a quick goodbye with Sophia and Ethan and before we knew it, the door was closed, and we were out in the chaos again. 
 This next part is going to sound even more disjointed than what came before, so remember what I said about cutting me slack. Emma and I decided to head toward the boardwalk, I'm not sure why. I lost her once we got there. (On the way there?) I don't even know what happened to her, just that when I looked over, she was gone. It's not surprising though, given what we found.
As soon as the ocean was in view, I saw a massive spaceship hanging off in the distance as if gravity was a switch they could easily turn off, or pause, I guess. I can't tell you with any specificity, but the thing was huge. Multiple levels, blinking lights, the whole nine. Looked like something off Star Wars. Made absolutely no sound. At least, nothing I could hear above the screams. You'd think the sight of it alone would have been enough of a deterrent, but by that point I was gripped by this morbid curiosity. I finally understand that saying about cats because I was nearly killed thanks to it.
As I got closer to the boardwalk and the sandy beach came into view, I saw them, a pair of them out by the shore. 
I can't tell you what they looked like. I've tried remembering, but it's like my mind just can't do it. I do know they wore these long robes though, with this shimmering, vibrant fabric. In their hands, they had these sprayers they were using against us. People getting sprayed dropped like flies. (Cockroaches?)
It was like they were exterminating us. The two of them were really happy doing it too. Such glee. As if they were a couple of kids who were eager for their turn with the spray toy and were having the time of their lives getting rid of the pests that had accumulated in their vacation home after an extended absence.
I was like a statue again, watching them. 
Don't know if you've ever felt fear like that. The kind that creeps up over you, rooting you in place. The kind you can feel all the way down to your bones. I can understand why a lot of people didn't run.
I snapped out of it, though. Don't ask me how.
Something kicked into gear when I realized they were getting closer to the boardwalk. I needed to get out of there, so I booked it back to the garage from earlier.
Decided, if we were being treated like roaches, I'd hide like one. Retreat into the dark crevices of the world where they were less likely to look.
I found the garage easily enough and climbed down the manhole. There was a small pocket down there that led to a door. I was expecting tunnels and gray and to just be living like moles or something, but I opened the door to sunlight. Instead of screams and chaos, there were green fields, clear skies, trees, a garden where vegetables were growing, some large farming equipment to cultivate crops. Sophia and Ethan were in the distance. All around us was an enormous metal wall. 
I have no idea where I am, but I feel safe.
At the end of a large, dark room, multiple screens displayed numerous enclosures, flashing in vivid colors. A lone figure sat, observing, while row upon row of metal walls, each equipped with the necessary components to sustain human life, were easily accessible with the click of a button.
A blinking red light turned into a steady blue.
“Containment CA-0432 has reached specimen capacity,” the figure confirmed. “Sealing the enclosure.” 
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briamichellewrites · 2 years
After coming out on Instagram as gender fluid and bisexual, Elliot received support from celebrities. It all started when he posted support for same-sex marriage. Everyone should be able to get married. In his post, he implied he was gay and the media started speculating. Was he trolling or was he simply just trying to gain support for his political beliefs? No, he was coming out. He added information about being gender fluid in his post to educate what it meant.
He was both masculine and feminine and went back and forth between the two. Gender was not just male and female for some people.
elliotryan: Everyone should have the freedom to come out without repercussions to their physical and mental well-being. Nobody chooses to be gay, bisexual, lesbian, or transgender, and being so is not a mental or physical illness. The only choice is intolerance, violence, and discrimination. If you are debating whether to come out, know that nobody can make that choice except you. If nobody has told you they love you today, please know that I do. “All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential.” – Harvey Milk
Everyone who knew him could not be more proud of his post. He was mature and it showed by his character and how he had compassion for others. His voice was being used to spread awareness and reach out to kids who were struggling. Phoenix jokingly texted him to stop growing up!
One minute he was ten years old and playing with Barbies with a curiosity about everything to living his dream of being a producer. How was coming out? He didn’t see it as a big deal because he had spent years becoming comfortable with who he was. Though, he did appreciate and acknowledge the support he was receiving. He did it to clear the air more than just wanting attention. Brad told him how he was so honored to be his father and that it had been a pleasure watching him grow up.
He credited Jason for helping him understand the LGBT community and the differences between gender and sexuality. Having him meet him helped significantly because he was able to see that he was just like him and that being gay was not a big deal. George and Matt also told him how proud they were of him through text messages. Being LGBT was not a choice, coming out was.
Mike read what he posted to the band while they were waiting backstage to perform. They were going to be away from their families, while he was going to be gone from his pregnant girlfriend. She was four months along and he had given her permission to find out the gender without him. They were both anticipating what they were going to have. His parents were going to check on her to make sure she and the baby were okay. They even invited her to stay with them for a weekend.
Brad and Rob were openly talking about wedding planning whilst Chester and Joe were goofing around. While scrolling around on his phone, he came across his post. They were proud of him for coming out and the way he went about it. They knew he was gender fluid and bisexual but they never made it into a big deal. He was who he was.
Because of how open he was, it influenced Brad and Rob to finally realize their feelings for each other. They both remembered when it happened. Brad had invited him over to hang out and he said yes immediately! He met him over at his place and they went into the kitchen to make dinner. While they were talking, they both noticed something between them. Rob was the one who acknowledged it. Without saying anything, Brad kissed him. Rob could not believe that the man he looked up to was kissing him!
Things heated up and they forgot about dinner because they were hungry only for each other. In his bedroom, he closed the door behind them before they started taking their clothes off. Neither of them had been with another man, so it was a little awkward as Brad got on the bed and Rob got on top. They decided to let their bodies and instincts tell them what to do.
They spent the rest of the night taking turns making love with their bodies. The next morning, they woke up with only the bed sheets covering them. It had been the best night of their lives and they both felt a love that was not brotherly but romantic and sexual. This was not going to be a hookup. They couldn’t admit it right away because of the uncertainty of their sexuality. While they took a break to figure things out, Brad hooked up with a woman to test if he felt anything.
While he was with her, all he could think about was Rob. Finally, after a week, they met at Rob’s to talk about what happened. Rob confronted him about being scared and it ended with him admitting that he was. He was terrified! What was he so scared of?
“Losing you! What if I admit I’m in love with you and all I can think about is you? What if you don’t want a relationship and you just want to hook up?”
“Brad, I’m not looking for a hookup. I’m scared too. I’m scared that the guy I’ve looked up to since high school will look past me because I’m not good enough for you. I don’t want anyone else. I want you as my boyfriend.”
I love you. They shared a kiss before Rob asked him to be his boyfriend. Yes, I will. They kissed again before going to his bedroom. That was how it started. They went on dates around LA to vegan restaurants, the beach, art shows, services at each other’s synagogues, and other activities the band would find boring. But they were part of who they were. They also found different things to love about each other.
The drummer and the guitarist. Two years went by so quickly and getting engaged was the next step. Brad had proposed to him because he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with anyone else. Their families loved them together because they made each other so happy. They came up with a routine to spend one holiday with Rob’s family and the other with Brad’s. At home, they split bills and chores. Did they argue and disagree? Of course but they were adult enough to admit when they were wrong.
Sometimes they played music together in their living room. Brad looked over at his fiancé and smiled. He wanted to bring him somewhere private and love his body but they couldn’t. They snuck kisses when they could. Phoenix teased them but not it was not malicious or homophobic, just brotherly. Okay, you two.
They would laugh it off before going their separate ways. Joe asked how old Ellie was. She was twenty-three years old. When did she grow up? They laughed. Mike didn’t know. He blinked and she was sixteen. Rob patted his shoulder to comfort him. Thanks, Bourdie! They laughed again. Did he want a daughter? If she turned out like Ellie? He was okay with not having kids yet.
Ouch. Chester thought they were going to get together. No, he was Brad Delson sexual. Phoenix thanked him for sharing. He was more than welcome. They laughed again.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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