#and deku a shorter one to look a bit taller
beybuniki · 8 months
Found it funny that you had girl Deku wearing a school uniform with ankle-length skirt while girl bakugou had a shorter skirt, because apparently its usually delinquent/rough girls that wear ankle-length skirts in Japan due to their association with the Subekan sub-culture which had girl gangs rebelling against the popularity of mini-skirts by wearing extremely long skirts, so realistically girl Bakugou would be the one wearing them.
I thought about that too, I think I have sketches of bakugo in all skirt lengths lol
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sometimesiwritetoo · 9 months
The Hero Of Peace wears a 36D
Just posting this bc I started and then stopped it and kind of don't know if I'm gonna continue at some point but if ppl find it interesting hopefully it inspires some copycats.
Katsuki found himself contemplating different words for butt. There was darrier or posterior if one wanted to be polite. Butt was straightforward, almost clinical these days. Booty was found in all of the songs that didn't want to be outright crass. It specifically called to image women with a lot of booty. Ones with very prominent booties. But that was not all. There were other mundane words like buttocks, rear, or caboose. Keister if one wanted to get a little foreign with it. Children sometimes said tush or heiny if they were raised properly, Katsuki wasn't so he'd never used those. Cheeks reminded him of Round Cheeks, and Round Cheek's lower cheeks were not on his mind when he came up with the nickname so he didn't particularly like the word. Finally there were words like ass. And while Katsuki may be an ass he did not usually find his mind occupied with them. Unless they were attached to one Keeper of the Peace hero who's arrival back into Japan came with some… transitions.
One year ago people online began to speculate. The uber fans could get quite occupied with their idols. Every appearance was scrutinized in heavy amount of detail, and heroes were no different. No matter the age. They'd all had weird theories about them floated around, but this one ended up being an iceberg problem in so far as it led down to a much deeper topic. Deku's ass had been steadily growing. The ass in question had always been great, but it was widening a noticeable amount for some months before the theory surfaced online. The first major guesses as to the cause was a new diet. Protein and squats sang the gym bros. In reality they were not wrong, Deku did enjoy squats. Not that Katsuki paid that much attention to them. But no, it was not just the exercises. It was not just a sudden influx of protein powder and egg whites. It was hormones. Estrogen to be specific. Prescribed and taken in secret, which over time gave Deku a lovely set of buns - another word for butt. Eight months after these rumors had begun to circulate Deku submitted a letter announcing not only a transition but a sabbatical. Six months out of country to transition and if everyone could please respect their hero's new identity that would be great kthxbye. Needless to say things had gotten interesting at the office. None of them had known, and Deku was long gone by the time the ball dropped and thus could not be questioned. It was genius if Katsuki said so himself, though he couldn't help but blow up a punching bag or two at the news. His poor mood was a mystery. Deku was gone for six months. And when she came back she jumped right in the middle of a villain attack without her gear, luggage at the train stop she'd dashed from. Through a mix of lack of practice and circumstance she'd been knocked, into Katsuki who'd gotten knocked into a nearby wall. A hilarious conga line of misfortune that ended with Deku's ass planted firmly in Katsuki's face. A 2/10 experience he'd have to let Mineta know. "Sorry Kacchan!" The voice said. Deku had always had a higher pitched voice, so even then it was recognizable. She reached down to help him up. She was still just a few centimeters shorter than him, making her a bit taller than most women in Japan. Before leaving her hair had been growing out, now it was cut in a shorter style with the sides faded. She wore little make up except for a very bold, red lip. Her travel clothes were just a green t-shirt and dark, blue jeans. Completely unsuited for battle. "Holy shit it's Midoriya." Shitty hair belted in his stupid, loud voice. "You look hot!" "Thanks Kiri!" She replied, though her eyes were on the gentleman with the tentacle monster quirk. "You don't look half bad yourself!"
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angelplummie · 3 years
mostly fluff, but also nsfw
part 1 part 2 shiratorizawa
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• Denki likes crooked teeth!!!
• he thinks they’re charming and whimsical
• doesn’t fully trust ppl with perfect teeth like.. what are u hiding??
• loves when you wear lip tints with it, thinks ur mouth looks so kissable
• gives u a judgmental look if u talk bad about them, he’s proper like 🤨🤨🤨
• he gets why u might feel bad about them, but like,,,,, he can’t relate
• kisses ur pretty mouth until u forget about it either way
• i’m gonna say what were all thinking.
• Bakugou loves hairy pussy .
• can’t tell me this man doesn’t gobble up bushy vagina like it’s a fucking pudding cup LMAOOOOOOO
• naw but he will whine like a bitch when you shave, he thinks it looks way better with hair
• doesn’t care if u trim it, but like... he needs a little something
• all round katsuki likes his women hairy 👍
• when asked why he’ll just go ‘cuz it’s fuckin hot ok? will u get off my ass?’
• doesn’t know why he likes it, just does
• he thinks it makes u look ‘healthy’... yeah don’t ask me
• if u ever say “we can’t babe i haven’t shaved”... get ready lol
• “good. get on the bed. now.”
• loves the feeling of your pubes against his pubes, just hits the spot
• likes big arms on women
• could b muscle, could be fat, he doesn’t mind
• he likes to see them in those tight little baby tees, something about them is so cute to him
• the way the material pinches them, even if it’s just a tiny bit, the way ur shoulders look, it’s just perfect to him
• they make him wanna grab on to ur arm like a school girl getting taken to prom, it’s really quite cute
• whenever u go shopping with him he always picks out short sleeve shirts, n ull b like “shoto we’re shopping for trousers” but then he’ll be like “but ur arms would look so pretty in this.”
• offers to pay so who r u to deny him?
•Wants the around his neck when he’s rutting into you, loves feeling them press against his skin
• if he’s got u i’m doggy he’ll hold you by ur upper arms and grip the soft flesh so tight his finger prints leave marks
• likes to mark them up so that when u wear the pretty little t-shirt he bought u everyone can see who u belong to <333
•(fyi if i see a SINGLE short person in these comments saying “COULDNT BE ME IM 5’0 😭😭😭😭” i will personally rip your throat out. short girl behaviour is not welcome on my page)
• so he isn’t the tallest guy, he’s not tiny but he’s not huge either, he’s a very average height
• homeboy is OBSESSED with tall women
• istg hes one of those dudes that is like 7 inches shorter than u, craning their neck 90° to chat u up LMAO
• and maybe you laugh at him a little, not because of his height but because of his eagerness, and yet u still hear him out, and you two really click
• thinks ur so majestic and graceful
• pops a STIFFY thinking about ur fucking long ass legs
• he wants to BITE THEM
•Also thinks it’s hot that, even though you’re so much taller than him you still look tiny when your under him getting ur brains fucked out, still complaining about the stretch, still going dummy stupid on his cock
•Even though you’re taller than him, he loves that he’s still bigger than you
•he’ll say stuff like “you look so cute, little girl” and “where’s all your attitude now? thought i didn’t know how to handle you?”
• but no ya if ur tall deku is ur short king END OF DISCUSSION
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hey guys tysm for reading! i hope u enjoyed, lmk if u want more of this series i think it’s a pretty cute one!! reblogs appreciated!! bye love you bye!!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
If Izuku had met the Young Torino?
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I like the idea of Prime Torino being punched into present-day canon (punched by who? Toshinori, of course), and being the only one able to keep up with Deku as Deku scours Japan for AFO. Prime Torino just wants to get back home. He's too young to be a grandfather!
captions, and a starter beneath the 'keep reading' -
Gran Torino: What did you do to my cape?
Izuku: Ah.
Descriptive arrow pointing at the cape lists, 'bloodstained, tattered, singed,' and 'riddled with bullet holes.'
Not too long after Izuku cuts contact with All Might, he finds a cluster of masked people terrorizing a high-rise. Zero hints as to whether or not they’re aligned with All for One. But they’re extorting supplies from the people hiding within, and in any case, when Izuku hears the wail of a child, all bets are off.
Fighting comes easier to him now. Even if the holders disapprove of Izuku’s pace, they lend their expertise, smoothing out the wrinkles in his techniques.
He ducks under a wild swing, lashes out with the Fifth’s Quirk, yanks his opponent towards him and feels One for All flare within his veins as he preps for a punch. Standard. What is not so standard is the First’s urgent voice, saying, “Something’s wrong!”
Izuku has to drive the punch forward. There is nowhere else to redirect the energy.
One for All surges, unfamiliar and wild, and Izuku barely has time to process the foreign emotions: rage-loss-grief--a young voice that screams, “You’re awful! You’re not helping me, you’re just taking your anger out on the closest, most convenient target! I hate you!”
Something tears in the world. It’s different from a Warp Quirk, if only because it wrenches at Izuku’s gut, and also, because an extremely bright and heavy weight is flung into existence and into Midoriya Izuku. Izuku yelps, trying to slow his and the newcomer’s momentum.
They crash into a storefront on the opposite side of the street.
Amidst the shattered wooden boards (no glass? a lucky break, then) and under the stranger’s heavy form, Izuku coughs. His backpack digs uncomfortably against his spine. “Who is he,” he asks the empty air and prods wearily at the now-cheerful flames of One for All.
“Sorahiko,” says the Seventh, Shimura Nana. Her voice is soft, stunned, and terrified.
Izuku blinks. Presumably, Gran Torino stirs. His voice doesn’t sound like it did several months ago, like it’d been run through a blender and mixed with gravel, but the weariness is the same. He murmurs, “Shimura, help…”
“Help him, Ninth,” she snaps, and Izuku sees her spectral form manifest and circle their perimeter. She crouches by them, and as Izuku struggles out from beneath Gran Torino, he sees her fingers brush against the off-white suit. The Seventh twitches back as if stung.
“Did you just--?” Izuku blurts out.
He has his doubts, but the important thing is to roll Gran Torino over so he’s not breathing in dust and splinters. The yellow cape he wears is the brightest, sunniest thing Izuku’s seen all month, and presumably, Gran Torino as he is now is the darkest, meanest he’s ever been in his whole life. Izuku heaves the man face-up and tears his own hood off, in case Gran Torino feels like punching first and talking second.
“Gran Torino?” he tentatively calls.
The Fourth’s Quirk zings, and Izuku dodges the grasping hand just in time.
“Where am I,” snarls Gran Torino, surging to sit upright and immediately looking nauseous. His hand goes to his abdomen, gingerly pressing at some invisible wound.
“Roppongi,” says Izuku. He telegraphs his raised hands, and he bears the cursory, critical once-over with patience. Torino’s grimace softens to a frown; he instinctively lifts a hand to touch the collar of his own cape, as if to make sure it hasn’t been looted.
“Your name?”
Torino registers the title without comment. Instead, he nods, and he says, conversationally, “Excuse me, but I’ve got to go kick my student’s ass. If the little shit thinks he can dump my body in the middle of Tokyo without suffering any consequences, he’s got another thing coming.”
He attempts to rise, and Izuku, struck by the horrifying thought that seeing a Gran Torino in his prime will really cut All Might’s life short, hurries to say, “What year is it?”
Torino pauses. His expression darkens.
“It’s 20XX,” says Izuku, terrified of the missing answer. “Did you--did you just start teaching…?”
“I’m going to kill that boy,” says Torino, apropos of nothing.
Eep! goes Izuku’s heart. He gets to his feet, unnerved, and watches Torino lever himself upright. Gran Torino in his prime is tall, taller than even Endeavor--he thinks the Seventh is only a tad shorter. Before Izuku can witness the sheer presence Gran Torino used to exude, the Fourth draws his attention to the high-rise.
“You’re not allowed to kill All Might,” Izuku declares, too distracted to watch his words. He pulls his hood back up and over his face. “Sorry, um, I have to--”
He bolts to deal with the villains. A loud curse follows his exit, and then Gran Torino chases after him. The fight would have been a minor nuisance for Izuku, but with the added help, it’s a breeze.
Gran Torino in his prime is a nightmare in close combat. Izuku is only done knocking out two when Torino impatiently connects the dots and one-two-three-four-five men and women collapse, knocked out cold. When Torino touches down, he watches Izuku handcuff each villain to the other like a daisy chain.
“Aren’t you a little young to be a pro-hero?”
“I’m licensed.”
A little awkwardly, Izuku activates the Fifth’s Quirk and gathers the cluster of villains. He doesn’t know if the nearest police precinct can hold them; too many people have broken the law in the name of survival. The country is in perpetual triage.
“Sorry,” Izuku says again, “but I need to relocate these guys.”
“Where to?”
“Somewhere else. I can call, um...” Endeavor? Is Endeavor qualified to handle a foulmouthed, time-traveling pro-hero who in his prime, could give Hawks a run for his money as the fastest hero on the registry? If Gran Torino wants to escape surveillance, then nothing can stop him.
“I’m going to follow you,” says Torino intently. “I have a feeling you’re the key to getting me back home.”
“I’m busy.”
“Too bad. I’ve been told I’m difficult to shake off.” Gran Torino pops his neck from side to side. “Thirty-some years in the future, and you know All Might. You know me. Get me up to speed, Deku, or I’ll go to U.A. and start from there.”
Izuku pales beneath his mask. If he sends Gran Torino like this to U.A., then All Might really will have a heart attack! And Izuku has no good news to tell Torino, not about the future in general, and definitely not about Torino’s own fate. “There’s a lot to cover?”
“Then let’s get to a private location.”
(A bit later…)
Gran Torino glances down at Izuku and says, “Is that a scarf?”
Izuku feels insulted on Gran Torino’s behalf. Certainly on Izuku, the cape’s ends are tattered and singed, bloodstained and pockmarked with Lady Nagant’s bullets. But on the old man, it had trailed on the ground, purposely dragging in the dust. “It’s yours. You gave it to me.”
“Well, what the hell did you do to it?”
“Ah… Funny story…”
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nixonio · 4 years
Please stop making assumptions when writing fanfictions
Hi. Yes, Hello. Nice to meet you, the name's Nixon. Normally this wouldn't be something I'd do, but damn does this one thing irritate me. Now, I'm not stupid. I am very aware of the concept of minorities and majorities. But even so, it still mildly irritates me when I have to actively ignore certain parts of a fanfiction when they:
Assume my height
Assume the length of my hair
Assume my breast size
Assume my skin color
Assume my weight
Basically, assume anything about me.
When writing fanfiction, you're not writing about yourself(unless you are, then it's a self insert fanfiction and should be stated as such). It just baffles me how many times I've had to actively tune out the parts of fanfictions where they say "he/her/they bent down to kiss you" or "you leaned up to kiss him/her/them". Like, maybe I'm 6 feet tall.
And it especially confuses me when they do this with characters like Shoyo Hinata and Yuu Nishinoya, who are very short (Shoyo being about 5'3, and Nishinoya being about 5'2). Who knows, maybe I like shorter guys. Maybe I want to be taller than them
About the minority and majority. I understand that in the majority of relationships the boy is taller than the girl. I understand that most times, the girl wants to be protected by the boy. I am aware that alot of the times, girls might have longer hair. But that's what makes fanfiction so great in my opinion. Societal norms have no effect! You can write about anything! So it frustrates me when nothing I'd like to read is available.
I LOVE Deku, but in basically every fanfiction I see of him, he's "becoming a man" or "showing a more dominant side" or "fucking you senseless because you called him cute and he wants to put you in your place" and my dominant ass is over here like: 😰😰🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️🚶🏾‍♀️
I just wish there was more of something me and my dom friends could enjoy.
I just wish fanfiction was more neutral, and less assumptions were made about who the reader is, what they like to do, what they look like, you know?
Sorry for the rant. I just felt like releasing some thoughts I'd had on my brain for a little bit. That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for listening :)
- Nixon
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Just a ot of ideas that you can cobine how you want for AM clothes:
The classic: - AM Hoodie (mayhaps with the hood pulled up and the floppy/standing hair antennas) - Deku Hoodie (or other cosplay) -other hero cosplay (mayhaps aizawa scarf +kitties) - hair ties, hero themed, sparkly gifts from eri, self made ones maybe like something that gets braided into the hair? oh and eri did it - the same with the hoodies but in dress version? oh or maybe just skirts with a nice plain dress shirt - def two coloured todoroki themed boots - mayhaps bunny boots? or hmmm - heels, let him be taller - a nana cosplay (mayhaps all holders?) oh gran!!
The Comfie:
- a winter outfit all packed out and warm, maybe holding a warm drink -> mittens, a little hat (mayhaps cat themed), a fluffy scarf (all come with the hero merch option) for bonus a hug with mido for warmth -a colorfull fall outfit with checkered scarf -> AM in flannel perhaps? - summer dress, let it swing, something light maybe a soft baby blue? cloud themed? or maybe a field with bunnies on the end and clouds at the top? his head is the sun, a sunhat to fit (maybe the wind is blowing a bit so he has to hold it down while the dress fluters around him and a few grass stripes fly past) - a soft and shorter spring dress, light green? with flowers on it, an arm full of friendship braclets with little hero keychans for the person - an oversized hoodie for an already big man, the last time he had a hoodie big enough he could hide into probably was when he was a kid, but not overzised in the way that he had to for his AM form, more comfy and fitting - pyjamas (mayhaps with bunny slippers) - just him in a big fuzzy blanket -maybe a what's it called? big jumper? as a hm bunny? floppy ears let him be a soft white bunny (or another colour if you want or antother animal) -high school jacket/ university pullover
The Stylish: - various form fitting suits that actually look nice -> perhaps even him in a corset - black dress mayhaps heels mayhaps boots, a stylish hat, he looks like a mistresse - a coat similar to tsukauchi but more fitting and mayhaps in black? - these big dresses that could look like a sweater if you cut them? like these wool ones? but also the others not out of wool - something gothic maybe? (maybe he got dared? maybe he likes it) fishnet dark clothes big pants maybe a shirt with long arms and barrely covering his stomach? or maybe not covering at all - cowboy -vampire - puffed out dress/skirt that are all my ideas for now
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cosmic-affinities · 3 years
Intense and Passing Infatuation
Summary: Flirting with your crush who doesn't take it seriously? No harm in that right? Right?
 Well, Izuku does it anyway. Until the day he said he wouldn't anymore.
(A very self-indulgent bkdk fic that has a tiny bit of past krbk, totally not a thing in the fic. A plot device at most!)
Read it on AO3 Here.
Crush: (noun) an intense and usually passing infatuation.
That’s all it was.
Just a crush.
Izuku was sure of it.
Nevermind Uraraka who said her psychology professor had told them a crush can only last about four months, after that it’s considered being ‘in love’ he was sure love was much too strong of a word.
Nevermind the last year which Izuku spent flirting with his Kacchan, something no one else would dare call him, while also never getting the right response.
“Morning love!” Izuku planted a sweet kiss on Katsuki’s cheek, a normal sight for their friends given the fact that they had witnessed it every day for the last nine months.
“Hey Deku, sleep in again?” Katsuki barely reacted to the kiss now, Izuku loved and hated it. He felt it was progress, just not in quite the right way.
“You mean waking up at the same time I do every Tuesday? It stops being ‘sleeping in’ once I’ve done it for months. And what about you Kacchan? Did you wake up early again today?” Katsuki rolled his eyes at the shorter man’s sass, he should’ve known where that was going.
Their friends all sat around them and waited, they knew if they tried to interject before their morning exchange they would simply be ignored.
“Looking good Kacchan seems like that campus gym treats you well.”
“Not too shabby yourself, nerd.” Katsuki quickly supplied, letting his signature smirk fall into place.
Izuku’s heart fluttered and he smiled back. If only the blonde was serious.
Just a crush. That’s all it was.
Finally, their friends could join the conversation they had waited out the morning kiss and compliment, they would now be acknowledged.
They had aptly claimed a table for eight, a seat for each of them, and two empty ones to house their enormous bags that came with life on a college campus. Sero and Kaminari always sat together, being roommates had been great for both of them. Shinsou and Uraraka sat beside them, knowing they might very well be the only sane ones at the entire table. Lastly, Katsuki and Izuku sat next to each other, across the table from Kaminari and Sero.
Their conversation carried on as normal, eventually, Katsuki turned and noticed Izuku looking at him.
Katsuki simply jutted his chin out questioningly, knowing Izuku would understand his unsaid remark.
“Oh, nothing. Just waiting until you’ll see me as your love interest.” Katsuki really should know the drill by now.
Katsuki smirked once again making Izuku weak in the knees, boy was he glad he was sitting.
“Trust me Deku, you’ll know if you’re my love interest. For now, I’m alright.” Izuku knew the drill too, it was rejection every time. Even so, he couldn’t help but deflate ever so slightly.
“Can we not discuss love interests at the breakfast table? I am trying to eat here.”
“Oh you can tune us out Sero, you should be used to it by now.”
“Or, I have an even better idea! Since it’s been nearly a year you could just, ya know, give up.”
Sero’s statement earned him a few dramatic gasps.
“Mutiny!” Uraraka jumped in, unprompted.
“Ugh, they even got you, Kami? I thought Midoriya and Uraraka were the only ones invested in this.” Kaminari shrugged in response, he enjoyed the fun they had.
“Hey, you can’t blame him for trying. You gotta give him that at least.” Shinsou finally spoke up, he could appreciate Izuku’s patience and persistence even if he didn’t know why he used his energy on Katsuki.
“Yes! Exactly thank you Shinsou! I am just going to have to keep trying!”
“I’m not gonna stop you. Who knows I might even fall for ya one day.” Katsuki smirked along with his remark.
“I’ll be waiting.” Izuku winked at him, enjoying the ease of their interaction, even if it was all one-sided.
That’s all it was. Just a silly crush.
“What will it take for you to actually quit?” Sero, it seemed, wasn’t quite finished.
“I’ll quit when Kacchan finds himself falling in love with someone, until then you will all witness my persistence.”
“Deku aren’t you late for your TA spot in critical data analytics?” Katsuki cut in suddenly.
“Ah shit thanks, love! I’ll see you later!”
“No need to thank me sweetheart I only remind you every fucking Tuesday and Thursday.”
Katsuki called Izuku a handful of playful nicknames, the most dangerous of the bunch being ‘sweetheart’. Izuku didn’t know when it started and could only hope for it not to stop.
Katsuki didn’t seem to mind the playful flirting, Izuku would even go as far as to say that he enjoyed it and participated, but he also doesn’t take it seriously. He knew that Katsuki was just playing along.
It was a dangerous game that he couldn’t bring himself to stop playing, after all:
It was just a crush.
“Oh, you’re so sweet but I’m sorry I’m going to have to say no. I’m really not looking for something right now,” Izuku spoke to the taller boy in front of him. Izuku knew he was really sweet and, he can admit when he meets an attractive person but the red and white-haired man had one issue, he wasn’t Katsuki.
The taller man nodded and turned to walk away, leaving Izuku more relieved than he thought he would be.
“He was cute.”
“AH! Kacchan! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Izuku planted a swift peck on Katsuki’s cheek, they hadn’t seen each other all day.
“Whatever, you just get scared too fucking easily. Anyway who was the dude? You totally could’ve gone out with him.” Izuku sighed, he didn’t want to explain that he turned down the critical data analytics hottie, Todoroki, because he was already crushing on someone but what other reason was there.
“Oh, he’s a student in the class that I TA for, I’m sure there’s some kind of rule against that or something. Plus he’s been with, like, at least three people I know, he was probably just looking for a new piece.”
Katsuki shrugged in response, seemingly accepting Izuku’s reasoning. The pair walked towards their meeting spot where they were going to join the rest of their friends for pizza.
“So how’s that crush coming?” Katsuki smirked at Izuku, the only thing that kept his knees from swaying was the sheer disbelief at the question he was asked. He quickly pulled himself together to answer.
“Well, if you must know, he’s been trying to pimp me out. Just recently he tried to get me to go out with someone!”
Katsuki hummed in response, “It’s been around a year I’ve heard. Is that right?”
“I hate to say it but I can’t disagree, a year sounds about right. I’d like to say I’m making progress but he might not be so inclined to agree.”
“I’ve heard through the shitty grapevine gossip central that our school is that progress is different for everyone but he seems to be making some of his own, although I’ve heard he’s still not too sure himself.”
Izuku wanted to gawk at Katsuki’s nonchalance, he held it together though.
“Is that so? Huh, if that's true it might be time I tell him about you, love.”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m sure he’s aware, probably just fucking confused as to why you keep going.”
Izuku stopped their walk, he knew they had just been teasing but he wanted to make sure the part he was serious about came through. Katsuki noticed a few steps later and stopped and made his way back, facing Izuku.
“I’m going to keep trying until you are taken.”
“And when that happens?”
“Then it’s my time to stop.”
Katsuki didn’t respond, he simply looked at Izuku. The fierceness of his gaze made warmth blossom on the back of Izuku’s neck.
“You can’t look at me like that. I’m just gonna kiss that expression right off your face.” Izuku whispered, he was trying to lighten the atmosphere.
“Why don't you.” Katsuki’s expression changed into a smirk, almost as if he knew the effect it had on Izuku. Instinctually, Izuku’s eyes flickered down to Katsuki’s pink lips, almost tempting him to follow through.
“You are one cruel man, Kacchan.” Izuku snapped himself out of his trance and stepped back before turning and continuing their journey to their friends.
It was just a crush, even if everyone knew about it.
The group enjoyed their night together, they all needed it after the month they had been having with school. The end of the night came much too quickly for everyone.
After whatever moment they had on their way to the restaurant, Izuku was ready to lie down. He paid his portion of the bill and planned on sneaking out, knowing he would see everyone in the morning, he had no such luck.
“Where are you sneaking off to sweetheart? You didn’t even say bye to the rest of the shit heads.”
“As if I won’t see everyone in less than twelve hours back on campus! I was just going to get home and grade papers for Tuesday.”
“You could’ve at least come and said bye to me, you’ve barely said a damn thing to me tonight.”
“Well then, bye love I’ll see you tomorrow. Get back safe and don’t forget to water your plants, I know you hate when they start to wilt.”
“Now that’s better, I’ll see you tomorrow, you damn nerd.”
Izuku finally made it out, he let out a long sigh. He was in much too deep with this man.
Honestly, it wasn’t just a crush.
Kirishima Eijiro.
Apparently, that was the name of the guy in Izuku’s seat on Thursday. He had woken up later, as usual, and made his way to the table everyone had breakfast. As he approached though, he noticed his seat was not empty. He was going to go straight to Katsuki for his morning kiss but even from far away, he could see the look on his face.
He brought with him Izuku’s time to stop.
Izuku quickly veered into the nearest bathroom to collect himself, he had no clue what to do. Once he felt better he made his way back towards the table.
“Hey Shinsou, I’m going to move your bag over so I can sit.” Izuku kept his voice low, he didn’t need any extra attention, Uraraka had already shot him a sympathetic look.
Once he was seated his friends greeted him.
“Morning guys.”
“Oh hey! We haven’t met, I’m Kirishima!”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Midoriya.” Izuku felt his phone vibrate, Uraraka had sent him a text. “On and off ex-boyfriend of baku's”
Izuku’s eyes widened and he stilled, he needed to think of something quick there was no way he could stay there. He luckily caught a glimpse of the time.
“Oh shit, I have to go. I don’t want to be late for uh, um... Fuck, critical data analytics, that's what it is. I’ll see you guys later!” Izuku grabbed his stuff and quickly left, that was the first time all semester that he had remembered on his own.
Now, there was no way Katsuki could know that it was anything more than just a crush.
Izuku held strong for two days, for two days he went to the table and saw the clear entrancement written all over Katsuki’s face whenever Kirishima spoke, he never once kissed Katsuki’s cheek in Kirishima’s presence and they were never far behind each other. There was no more sweetheart and love, just the bare pleasantries Izuku could muster.
After his two days he couldn’t handle it, he began going straight to his classes, catching up with his friends in their rooms. It was the first time he and Uraraka had time alone when everything truly went to shit.
“Look, they were best friends in high school and started dating halfway through, they were on and off for months when they went to different schools until they were finally done for good, a little while before you met him. Now that Kirishima is here, I really don’t know what’s going to happen.” Izuku took a calming breath before he responded.
“I always said if he found someone I would stop. I stopped and he doesn’t even care so everything’s fine. Why don't we review for your math exam? I made flashcards for you.”
Uraraka was suspicious, but she went along with him. The pair spent the rest of the night studying and Izuku continued to avoid their table.
He had to figure out how to get it back to just a crush.
Turns out that staying in your dorm gets quite boring. With the amount of extra work Izuku had offered to take on he had better win “TA of the Year” if it was a thing. Nearly two weeks had gone by with Izuku’s new schedule, he never did like change. He finally had his first misstep.
“OI Deku!”
Two weeks of carefully planned avoidance, out the window.
“Oh hey, I didn’t even see you two.” Of course, the first time he interacts with Katsuki after two weeks, Kirishima would be with him.
“Nice to see you again dude!” Of course, he just had to be super nice too.
“Yeah yeah. Listen Kirishima I gotta talk to Deku real quick, go ahead I’ll meet you guys later.”
Izuku’s eyes widened, he wasn’t ready to be with Katsuki alone!
Kirishima nodded and walked away, leaving Izuku and Katsuki standing in the middle of the hallway.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve barely seen you in the last two weeks.”
“Oh um, I’ve just been busy with teaching, Professor Aizawa has me leading classes now.” Izuku held back the urge to keep talking, if he started he probably wouldn’t stop until he said something that he didn’t mean to.
“Tch, that’s never stopped you before, hasn’t the guy been giving you a shit load of work all semester?”
“Well yeah, but he has me writing lesson plans and leading lectures now, even if he takes over most of the time. I’ve just been trying to keep up, doesn’t leave time for much else.” He can only make so much stuff up.
“But you always leave time fo- whatever. When is the guy gonna lay off?”
“Uh not sure, probably closer to finals so I’ll have time to study?” Izuku glanced at his watch and noticed he only had two minutes to make it to critical data analytics. “Ah shit, I’m running late I have to go.” Izuku quickly turned and continued making his way to his class, but he didn’t get too far before he heard the last thing Katsuki had to say.
“I’m supposed to be the one that says you’re running late.”
Izuku fought the urge to turn around, it would only give him hope he couldn’t afford.
Just a crush, just a crush, just a crush. It became a mantra.
Izuku was finally let out of his last class for the day, he really hated Thursdays, they were long and drawn out, and seeing Katsuki hadn’t helped like it normally would.
“Deku wait up!” Speak of the devil.
Izuku watched, frozen, as Katsuki made his way towards him. Completely and utterly alone.
“Kac- um Bak- what's up?” Izuku could barely stutter his way through a greeting, he seriously wasn’t prepared for this.
Katsuki met him with a strange look, before deciding to respond.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“No, I don’t think so? I have my bag…” Of course Izuku wasn’t, he had to keep himself from planting a swift kiss on Katsuki’s cheek every time he saw him, he had to.
“What the hell Deku?! You go MIA for two weeks, and when I finally see you again it’s like everything is different! What the fuck happened?”
“What do you mean? I told you I’ve just been busy.” He knew exactly what Katsuki was talking about, he just couldn’t bring himself to admit it.
“You know exactly what I mean! Two weeks ago you came and had breakfast with me every day. You called me love and Kacchan and every time you saw me you gave me a kiss! Now you will barely even fucking talk to me! So let me ask again, what the fuck happened?”
Izuku felt like he could barely breathe, what was he supposed to do? He wasn't ready for any of this.
He tried to calm himself with a deep breath, he couldn’t just stand there and act dumb no matter how much he wanted to.
“Look, I-”
“I don’t want to hear whatever excuse you’re trying to come up with. The truth Deku.”
“I always told you that, when the time came, I would stop all of that. Well, the time came and I wasn’t ready so I had to do what I had to do.”
“Now you just aren’t making sense. What the fuck do you mean stop? Who said you had to stop?”
“I did. I always said when you find yourself inevitably falling for someone else I would stop. Now you have Kirishima and I stopped.”
“Wha- What the fuck is that supposed to-”
“Kacchan! It doesn’t take a genius to see the way you look at him. It’s, it’s the same way I looked at you when I started to fall in love.”
That came out of his mouth.
That was never supposed to leave his brain.
Now there was no way he could get anyone to believe that it was only a crush.
Katsuki wasn’t faring much better. He seemed frozen, although Izuku couldn’t pinpoint why. Obviously hearing that someone is in love with you will do that but he couldn’t be sure if it was shock, disgust, or something entirely different in its own right.
He didn’t want to find out.
“Uh, I have to go, bye.”
“No! Deku wait!”
That’s all Izuku heard before he took off, he could handle a lot but flat-out rejection was not a part of that list.
Katsuki knew it was never ‘just a crush.’
Izuku simply shut himself away, he was luckily done for the week, having strategically chosen to have a long weekend while making his schedule. He emailed Aizawa the grades for the quiz he administered and decided that was enough. He didn’t want to try and explain himself to anyone or have anyone pity him.
Therefore, when he heard the knock on his dorm room door, he assumed his roommate simply forgot his key.
He was wrong.
He opened the door to see a more composed-looking Katsuki. He could only hope his eyes weren’t rimmed with red.
“What are you doing here?” Izuku’s voice was soft, he was just glad his arm didn’t instinctually slam the door, that would not have gone well.
“What am I doing here? You’re seriously going to ask what the fuck I’m doing here?” Izuku noted that Katsuki seemed more frantic than anything, maybe his composed demeanor was for show.
Izuku took in a breath and moved aside, gesturing for Katsuki to come in, this wasn’t something an unfortunate bystander needed to witness.
Once safely inside his room, the pair waited, they waited for someone to start talking, for some answers.
Katsuki finally snapped.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Right because everything else I have done was specifically to hide the fact.” Izuku hadn’t meant to sound so teasing but he had nothing else.
“You know what I mean!”
“Okay, I didn’t say anything because… well because I didn’t want anything to change! As much as the consistent rejection hurt at least it was lowball, we were still friends! We still hung out! I was still allowed to shamelessly flirt with you! I was actually planning on telling you but then everything with Kirishima, and well I just couldn’t bring myself to ruin tha-”
“What the fuck are you talking about? That's the second time you have thrown him into this, this is between us why are you bringing him up?”
“Come on, Uraraka told me you guys were a thing, and she told me that you guys broke it off because you went to different schools, now that's not an issue anymore! The way you look at him shows how much he means to you.”
“Deku, he was my best friend for years that I hadn’t seen for about two years. I was shocked to see him and I seriously forgot how good it was before we dated!” Katsuki steeled himself with a breath.
“Look Deku, since he’s been here Kirishima has been up my ass about what the fuck was going on with me. He hadn’t seen me for nearly two years and he knew something was up with me. That day we ran into you outside of your class, he told me something. He told me that he was going to ask me out and then didn’t. All because of the way I reacted when we ran into you. He said I was more myself for the minute he saw me with you than I had been for the previous two weeks. Now, what the fuck does that tell you Deku?”
Izuku stood in shock, he really didn’t know what to say. There was a short pause before Izuku began to speak again.
“I don’t kn-”
“Nope. I don’t want to hear any bull shit. It took me way too fucking long to realize all of this and that was after someone told me to my face that I need to figure out my shit with you. Right now I just need to know if… if I’m too late.”
Izuku’s knees came out from under him, he fell backward onto his bed, thankful that he didn’t crack open his skull.
He was having a hard time understanding. There was no way Katsuki meant what Izuku thought he meant. No, that would mean… well, too much for Izuku to think through.
“I’m sorry. I think I’m just having a hard time understanding what you’re telling me.”
Katsuki used all of his remaining restraint to not grab the man in front of him and shake him until everything fell into place.
“Deku, what I’m telling you is that I was fucking wrong. I thought that everything between us was purely friendly and it was just a fun thing we did. I’m telling you that every time I turn someone down the reason in my mind is you. I am telling you that, if you will still consider me after every single shitty thing that has happened, I want to be with you. I am telling you that what I feel for you isn’t just some stupid fucking crush. Even if it took shitty hair telling me that I look at you like you hung the stars for me to realize it.”
Izuku blinked a few tears from his eyes. There was no room for misunderstanding and both of them knew it. Izuku couldn’t even think of a proper response, he simply threw himself forward and wrapped himself tightly around Katsuki.
Katsuki let out a shaky breath and returned the hug, basking in the warmth he had been missing since Izuku had been away.
“You know what nerd? Now it’s my turn.” Katsuki swiftly leaned forward and placed a small kiss on Izuku’s cheek, mirroring the action Izuku had done plenty of times before.
As Katsuki pulled back Izuku faced him properly, letting his gaze slip down to Katsuki’s pink lips, silently asking for permission. Katsuki wasted no time, they had done enough of that already.
It was perfect, their lips fit together better than puzzle pieces. It was instant gratification, a satisfaction so great, they were keen to never stop. Alas, they did need to breathe.
Once they pulled apart Izuku looked Katsuki up and down, in a way that gave him the chills.
“It took over a year of shameless flirting, cute nicknames, and trying to fend off anyone who had eyes but damn are you so worth it.”
Katsuki flushed darkly, something he wasn’t accustomed to doing, and simply stared back.
“To answer your question, of course, I’d still consider you. As long as you’re my ‘love’ I’ll consider you.”
“I will be your ‘love’ as long as you are my ‘sweetheart’ how does that sound?”
“That sounds like the perfect thing for the two most stubborn people on this planet. Does that mean I get to finally say that you’re my boyfriend?”
“Well either you say it or I will, every shitty extra in this place is going to know where they stand, let me tell you it is nowhere near you.”
Izuku smiled, he could get used to this. In response he kissed his new boyfriend, letting out a pleased hum due to how familiar the feeling was starting to become already.
Izuku couldn’t believe he ever thought it was only a crush.
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nonstop-haikyuu · 4 years
A Love Like War
This was a Bakudeku smut from my old blog and it’s finally made its way here! Scheming heroes push Bakugou to make a move on Deku! 
Word Count: 6969
Warnings: anal sex, mxm, choking, Daddy! kink, Bunny! kink (both of those are kinda brief) biting, marking, semi public making out, unsafe sex (wrap it before you tap it), Izuku is a virgin but Bakugou def changes that, anal fingering.  THEY ARE PRO HEROES IN THIS STORY, WHOLE ASS ADULTS
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 It was no secret to anyone in the agency that Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t admit his feelings for anyone. He refuses to come to terms with his emotions. But one emotion that he couldn’t hide from his colleagues was how he felt about a particular Pro-Hero, a long time friend of his, the one and only Midoriya Izuku. 
Some were brave (or stupid, depending on who you asked) enough to try and confront the blond hero with how he truly feels about Midoriya, but red eyes filled with malice would greet them, causing them to retreat almost immediately after. Eventually the heroes quit trying to have Bakugou admit his true feelings outright, but one day, Uraraka decided to come up with another way of approaching things. 
She knocked softly on the conference room door then entered when Iida granted her permission, a mischievous smile stretched across her face. There, standing with Iida, was Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsu, and Momo, the five almost immediately realizing that the young woman had something mischievous brewing in her mind. 
It was a scheduled meeting that all heroes in the company was supposed to attend but Izuku and Bakugou was called away to deal with a villain, which had pushed the meeting back a bit further into the day, something that was common at their company. 
“Uraraka, I’m not sure I like the way you’re grinning. What are you thinking about?” Iida asked, settling in his chair. She claimed an empty chair at the conference table then rushed out, “Okay so we all know how Bakugou is head over heels for Deku but we keep running into the same problem over and over again. That problem?  Getting him to admit it, not only to himself, but also to Deku.” 
“Actually there’s another problem. Do we even know if Midoriya likes him? There’s really no point in trying to get Bakugou to admit his feelings if Izuku doesn’t like him back.” Kirishima pointed out, leaning forward. Katsuki was one of his closest friends and he knew how much Deku meant to the blond man, no matter how much he tried to deny it. Letting his friend get his heart broken was not something that he wanted to happen. 
Uraraka clicked her fingers at the red haired man then replied, “And that’s why I took Deku out a couple days ago and let him get wasted. I kept pouring the drinks in and the secrets just kept pouring out. Turns out, our favorite young hero is head over heels for our hothead.” 
“Okay, so we know that they’re hot for each other but how are we going to get Bakugou to admit it? He’s one of the most stubborn people that I’ve ever met, including Todoroki.” Tsu commented, tapping her fingers on the table. The taller man turned to face her then remarked, “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take that comment.” 
“You’re stubborn. It’s a good and bad trait, take it as you will.” she replied, turning back to Uraraka who went on to explain the rest of the plan she had come up with, “Okay so we can all flirt with Deku when Bakugou is around and he’ll get really jealous, which would lead to him admitting that he has feelings for Izuku!” The five heroes stared at their friend, unsure on how to reply then Momo chirped, “It could work. Katsuki is an extremely jealous person, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this would make him cave.” 
Ochako turned to face Iida who gave a deep sigh then replied, “If this goes bad, Uraraka, this will land on your head.” She nodded enthusiastically in understanding then Kirishima agreed, “Hell yeah, anything to get those two in motion!” Tsu glanced up and muttered, “I might as well do my best, but I have to say, I’m not sure if I’ll be clear enough that I’m flirting.” 
The rest of the heroes turned to Todoroki, who was currently studying out the window, multicolored leaves falling from the large trees that stood tall against the building then he turned his attention back to the conversation, answering, “No. I will not manipulate either of my friends, no matter how well of a couple they would make. They should come to this decision without us pushing them together.”
Uraraka stared at him for a moment then said, “With or without you, this plan is going through, Shouto. Should we start today?”  Nods and agreements sounded throughout the room then the door to the conference room opened, revealing a freshly showered Izuku and Katsuki, the two clearly satisfied with the work they put in today. The six stared at the newly returned heroes then Iida chimed, “Today works fine. Midoriya, I just got the video from the police! Well done apprehending that villain! It seems you’re getting better at wielding your quirk everyday that you’re in the field.” 
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed together then he gave a glance over to Bakugou, who had claimed one of the chairs at the far end of the table, and replied, “Iida, it was Kacchan who caught the villain, not me. I just led him into the alley, that’s all.” Uraraka jumped to her feet and chirped, “Yeah but that’s an amazing strategy, Deku! The villain didn’t have anywhere to run. You’re so smart.” 
“Except that the villain nearly did get away because this nerd backed him into an alleyway without having a fucking backup plan. Lucky for him, I was waiting behind them to blast that piece of shit into the wall.” Bakugou commented, turning in his chair to look at Deku, who flushed at his statement, his head hanging low. 
The meeting went on and the moment that it ended, Momo took her chance to flirt with Izuku. She stepped in stride with both Bakugou and Deku then chirped, “Hey Midoriya, I just wanted to tell you that you look gorgeous today. And that shirt? White was always such a great color on you.” 
Midoriya met her flirting with a sheepish smile as he replied, “Thanks Momo, I was really unsure on if it looked good, so I appreciate you telling me that.” She stared at him for a moment then nodded as she murmured, “Uh, yeah, not a problem. I hope you have a great day.”then walked away. 
“Hmm, that was weird, don’t you think, Kacchan?” Izuku asked, turning to glance up at the blond man who was now glaring at the back of Momo’s head as she retreated from her first attempt. Slowly, Katsuki nodded then walked to his desk, prepared to finish typing up his official report. With a shrug, Midoriya followed behind his partner, eager to finish the report they had to type up. 
Tenya turned to Ochaka then admitted, “This might be harder than we thought it would be. Midoriya is much more oblivious than we considered.” She squared her shoulders then held her head high as she replied, “We’re not done yet. We’re just going to have to be more straightforward with him.” 
“God this is going to end so bad.” Todoroki groaned, allowing his head to hit the table. 
And so the day went on with the heroes trying their best to flirt with Izuku every chance that they got when Katsuki was near, which was every time they passed Deku and Bakugou’s desks, their flirtations growing more and more bold as they tried to push Bakugou in the right direction of admitting his feelings. 
“Izuku, you look amazing today, man! Did you do something new with your hair?” Kirishima asked, ruffling the shorter man’s curls as he passed their desks. Slowly Bakugou’s head lifted from where he was staring at his computer screen then his eyes narrowed at his close friend as Izuku replied, “Nope just my normal ‘run my hands through my hair and hope it doesn’t poof up.’ But thank you! You’re the second person to compliment me today!” 
“Sorry we don’t compliment you more. You’re amazing, Midoriya. So manly.” Kirishima stated, a smile stretching across his face. Izuku’s smile turned a bit confused then Katsuki spat, “Hey you damn nerd, aren’t you supposed to be finishing that report for Iida?” Midoriya’s eyes widened then he rushed out, “O-oh, yeah, right, sorry Kacchan. I’ll finish it and bring it to him in person.” At Izuku’s apologetic tone, Bakugou’s face softened a bit and he muttered, “Yeah, whatever, let’s just finish this fucking thing.” 
The pro heroes fell back into silence, the soft taps of their keyboards echoing throughout their shared office, then glanced upwards at his partner, a small smile stretched across the younger man’s face as he finished typing up his report from this morning, then the blond allowed his glare to fall. 
Only ten minutes later, Ochako approached the two, tapping the green haired man on the shoulder. He turned and flashed his signature smile at one of his oldest friends but before he got the chance to greet her, she stated, “I may not be a photographer, but I can picture us together.” 
Someone in passing snorted at her pick up line but it was enough to make Bakugou spit out the drink of his coffee, the hot liquid thankfully missing his monitor. She stared at Midoriya, waiting for a reaction then he asked, “Are you trying out pick up lines on me to see if you should use them on Tsu? Because I already know that she would love that one.” 
“Ugh!” Ochaka cried out, storming away from the two pro heroes. Midoriya turned to face Katsuki, whose hands were now smoking, trembling as he glared at the young brunette who just exited their office. Izuku placed a soft hand on Katsuki’s shoulder then asked quietly, “Uh, Kacchan, are you okay? Your hands… they’re smoking.” 
The blond’s head snapped up and he wiped the sweat from his palms, smothering the incoming explosions then he muttered, “Just turn in the fuckin’ reports, you damn nerd.” Izuku’s face flooded with his blush and he rushed out, “You got it, Kacchan!” 
It took about three more hours into the day for it to finally dawn on poor Midoriya that everyone was purposely flirting with him but he wouldn’t have noticed it if Katsuki hadn’t pointed it out to him. 
Tenya had stopped by to announce that they would be on patrol the next afternoon then Iida turned to his shorter friend and chirped, “Of course, you won’t have a problem with that, right, Izuku? No villain is dumb enough to mess with your quirk on a Saturday! You’re far too powerful.” 
And with that, Iida took his leave, heading out of their office to catch Momo who just so happened to be walking by as well. Midoriya walked back to his desk but before he claimed his seat, he stated, “I don’t get it. People are trying out pick up lines and saying all kinds of nice things about me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like it, but why today?” Bakugou’s head barely lifted from his desk as he grumbled, “They’re not just being nice, you fuckin’ nerd, they’re flirting with you.” 
“Flirting with me? Why is everyone flirting with me today?” Izuku asked, settling at his desk across from Bakugou, who was now glaring at his screen. Red eyes flickered up to watch the green haired man began to mutter to himself, trying to comprehend what had gotten into his friends then Bakugou huffed, muttering, “Maybe it’s the fall weather. Always put you in a good fucking mood, maybe you’ve infected them with the cheerful bullshit.” 
“Yeah, maybe you’re right, Kacchan!” Izuku chirped, his grin widening. The blond rolled his eyes then muttered, “It was a fucking joke, you nerd.” Deku’s face fell at his friend’s harsh words then the taller man sighed, stating, “Relax. Maybe they just feel like flirting with you today, I don’t know. Just get back to work.” 
While the two heroes returned to their research on the most recent villains that had emerged from the pits of wherever the hell they crawled out of, the five heroes in on Uraraka’s plan snuck back into the conference room that they began in, obviously annoyed that Bakugou wasn’t making a move to admitting his feelings for Deku. Kirishima unfortunately had been sent home for bed rest after he encountered a villain earlier in the day, so it was up to the rest of them to carry out the plan.
“This isn’t working! He’s obviously jealous that we’re flirting with Deku but it’s not enough! We need something more to push him! Someone he can’t stand. That would definitely drive him to tell Deku how he really feels.” Uraraka stated, after the heroes settled into the small conference room once again. They began thinking of who could possibly set Bakugou off enough to put him into motion when everyone began to turn towards Todoroki, who was staring out the window once again. 
He glanced back at his friends then his face fell, beginning to shake his head as he protested, “Our friends are grown men, logical people who knows how to express proper emotions to the ones they love.”  The other four stared at the dual haired man and Uraraka said, “It’s like you don’t even know Bakugou. He couldn’t even admit that he liked the gifts we got him for his birthday last year. He’s too prideful to admit when he likes someone.” 
Agreements went around then Iida pointed out, “You care for Midoriya. You care for Bakugou. You want them to be happy, just like the rest of us do, so nudge Bakugou in the right direction.” The dual quirk user gave a sigh then muttered, “I hate the fact that you people actually make sense. Fine, but if this doesn’t work, why don’t we just-“ 
“Great, go get ‘im, tiger!” Uraraka chirped, shoving him out of the conference room, slamming the door in his face. He stared at the now closed room then sighed before he muttered, “Why don’t we just tell Midoriya that we know Bakugou likes him and have them talk it through like adults instead of treating them like middle schoolers?” 
Silence met his question, but it wasn’t like he was anticipating an actual answer. With a groan, he went in search of Midoriya. When he couldn’t find the young quirk user, he realized that the best way to catch Bakugou’s attention was to ask the blond where he had run off to. 
“Hey, Bakugou, you seen Midoriya lately?” Copper eyes lifted to glare the younger man then demanded, “What’s it to you, Half and Half?” A lazy smirk stretched across Shoto’s face then he replied, “No real reason, just wanted to ask him something.” Katsuki glared at him in return then snapped, “Damn nerd left for his lunch break about an hour ago if you’re so damn insistent.” 
“Todoroki! Hey, what’s up?” Izuku chirped, setting his lunch bag down. Todoroki shared a glance with Bakugou for a few more seconds then turned to Midoriya, saying, “I was actually looking for you. Would you mind taking a small walk with me?” And it was a small walk indeed. Izuku and Shoto walked a meer ten feet then stopped at the window, the two beginning to chat. 
“God the leaves are beautiful this time of year.” Izuku said, awe oozing from his voice as he stared out the window. Todoroki took a deep breath then made sure that Bakugou was paying attention to how close they were and said, “Not as beautiful as you are.” Midoriya turned to look at the taller man who added, “You’re a beautiful person, Izuku, and you deserve someone who is always going to have your back. There’s so many people out there who could be right for you… Ochako, Iida, Kirishima, maybe even Tsu, hell, you could have Momo. But…”
 He paused, glancing over Midoriya’s shoulder to lock his gaze with a now fuming Bakugou, his eyes darkening with his anger. Todoroki turned back to Izuku, who was staring up at the dual quirk user, before he cupped the shorter man’s cheeks, Deku beginning to tremble in Shoto’s grasp as he leaned closer. 
But their lips never touched, oh no. An explosion sounded behind them, Bakugou’s computer now on fire, and the blond was now just a few feet away from them. The four heroes from the conference room emerged from where they were watching the entire scene and the blond hero shouted at him, “You sons of bitches wanted me to fuckin’ admit my feelings right?! So you got Half and Half to push me over the edge, well here we fuckin’ go!” He turned to Deku who’s eyes were wide, brimming with tears, then tangled his fist in the shorter man’s shirt, dragging Izuku into a filthy kiss. 
Gasps surrounded them and a soft whine escaped Izuku as Bakugou pulled him closer to prevent the green haired man from hitting the floor. The blond nipped at his bottom lip and he pulled away, still gripping Midoriya tightly. The explosive hero turned to his colleagues and hissed, “Now if you’re happy, Deku and I are clocking out and I’m gonna bang his brains out.” And with that, the two heroes left the office, Izuku stumbling after Katsuki as he rushed out, “K-Kacchan, please, slow down, don’t you think we should at least talk before you-you, ya know?!” 
For a second, Izuku was afraid that Bakugou wasn’t going to answer him, only for the blond to turn, pushing the green haired man against the waII,stating in a low tone,"Ever since we were younger, you had always been there for me, no matter what. I'm not sure when it dawned on me, but when it did, it wouldn't go away. Every time I saw you, my heart would fucking beat out of my chest and it pissed me off to no end. It finally got me when we got to UA, and you helped Half and Half. All you did was focus on him and not me.” 
Deku stared at his life long friend then he began to laugh, shaking his head at Bakugou's ridiculous jealousy then he replied, "I wish you would've told me the truth instead of acting like you hated me all this time. At times, I really felt like you wanted to kill me!" The blond sighed and tugged Izuku to his car, the two claiming their respective seats,and Katsuki admitted, "I wanted to kill those idiots when I realized what they were doing but it was fuckin’ weird when you didn't seem into Pink Cheeks and when IcyHot pulled you in for a kiss, he winked at me and it hit me."
"You always were the jealous one out of us. I'm sorry that I never told you how I feel. I was just so scared that you would reject me and I don't know if I could handle that." Izuku rushed out, beginning to fidget with his hands, only for Katsuki to lay a hand over his partner's fingers.
"Get out of your head,Deku. I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want you. And when we get back to my apartment, I'm going to fuck you so hard, no one is going to flirt with you ever again. Especially that bastard, Half and Half." The two fell into silence, Bakugou still holding Deku's hand as he drove back to his home. They got halfway to Katsuki’s apartment when Izuku asked in a quiet voice, “What if Kirishima is there?” 
A smirk stretched lazily across the blond’s face as he replied, “Trust me, I’ve already taken care of that.” Kirishima and Bakugou had been roommates for years now and part of Midoriya wondered what Bakugou meant by he had already taken care of his redhead roommate but being drug into a kiss as they pulled into a red light stopped Deku’s mind from running rampant.
Slowly, the blond pulled away, a satisfied grin stretched across his face, only growing larger when Midoriya whined in protest, his fingers tangling in Bakugou’s shirt to drag him closer for another kiss. 
“God, you were always fucking greedy. Can’t wait to have you whining for me to fuck you. Hear you beg for my cock.” Katsuki admitted, granting the green haired man another kiss that made him melt in his seat. A bright blush claimed the majority of Midoriya’s face then he whimpered, “K-Kacchan…” 
“Fuck, you’re so damn pretty, Deku. So goddamn gorgeous. If you’re whining like this just for a kiss, I can’t wait to see what you’re like when you’re begging for my cock.” A honk from the car behind him pushed Bakugou back into reality, pressing on the gas to drive the rest of the way back to his apartment. Deku squirmed in his seat then an idea bloomed in his mind, his hands slipping down to unbuckle his pants. 
The sound of his zipper being undone filled the empty air and Bakugou’s head turned briefly from where he was watching the road, a groan escaping the blond when he noticed that the green haired man had his hand down the front of his jeans, a soft whine escaping the younger hero.
“Deku, please fucking tell me you’re not jerking off right now.” 
“‘Course not, Kacchan.” Deku answered, a smile stretched across his face. The blond groaned when he realized that the green haired man was fucking touching himself in his passenger seat then pressed a bit harder on the gas, eager to cut their drive time down. Deku turned his head and began to study Katsuki’s profile, fondness filling his chest. Kacchan was a pain in Izuku’s ass but he always pushed him to do better, whether it was on tests, in training, or even a fight. 
Midoriya pulled his hand out of his pants then grabbed a napkin out of Bakugou’s glovebox, wiping his fingers off. He glanced out the window and his heart began to race when he realized that they had arrived at Katsuki’s apartment, excitement bubbling over. Kacchan pulled into his designated parking spot then killed the car engine, opening his door. Izuku slid out of the car and began walking behind Katsuki, his nerves finally hitting him. 
He began to mutter to himself, his fingers twisting in the nape of his hair as he began to allow his insecurities to creep in on his mind. The blond man paused in his stride then allowed the green haired man to bump into his back. Bakugou turned to face his partner and tilted his head down at his counterpart, stating, “God, even when you’re about to be fucked, you’re still in your head. Do you really need me drag you out of there, you damn nerd?” 
Midoriya licked his lips at Bakugou’s question and murmured, “Maybe you do.” The blond tangled his fist in the front of Izuku’s shirt, dragging him forward, before he growled, “God, you’re gonna be the death of me. You want me to bring your nerdy ass out of your head, fine. Let’s fucking go.” Katsuki began dragging Izuku in front of him then pushed him forward, snapping, “Go on, walk. I’ll tell you where to go since you’re so fucking busy muttering to yourself that you need me to drag you along to my apartment.” 
“Yes, Kacchan, anything for you.” Midoriya murmured, batting his eyes up at Katsuki. The older hero shook his head then muttered, “You’re fucking ridiculous, you know that? Come on, Deku, let’s go.” 
They entered the apartment building and Bakugou nodded at the person running the front desk then pressed the up button, his foot tapping impatiently as the elevator slid downwards multiple floors. With every time that the number changes, Izuku got a bit more antsy. Katsuki glanced around and wrapped his arms around Deku’s waist, pulling him into his chest, then nuzzled into the crook of his neck. 
“Kacchan, can’t you wait? Everyone can see us…” Midoriya whined, gasping when Bakugou slid his hand up his shirt, nails scraping against his torso. The blond chuckled in his ear and replied, “Isn’t that the thrill of it? Everyone could see your pretty damn face as I push and pull at you until you fucking cry for me to let you come. Wouldn’t that be fucking fun?” The younger man trembled in his grasp and whimpered, “Kacchan, please.” Katsuki scraped his teeth against his neck then backed away as Deku leaned backwards for more, a smirk stretched across his face. 
The elevator doors slid open and they stepped inside, Midoriya immediately going to the far left corner then Bakugou hit the button for his floor. He settled against the side of the elevator then flickered his gaze over to the green haired man who was playing with his fingers. 
This was going to be so much fucking fun. Deku was always so easy to fluster and Bakugou always took advantage of that. Soft chimes alerted the two as they hit another floor and Katsuki usually found the sound annoying, too high pitched for his liking, but today, it was even worse. 
Every chime caused him to tap his foot even faster, Izuku glancing over at him. They were only on the sixth floor, fourteen more to go until they reached their destination. Midoriya licked his lips then inched closer to him before grabbing his hand. Katsuki boxed him in and asked, “Thought you said you wanted to wait til we got up to my fuckin’ place, Deku?”
“No, I said not in front of everyone. There’s a difference when there’s a door between us and whoever might get on the elevator. And considering that there’s two elevators and we’re going up, the chances of us stopping and letting someone on who’s going up is slim to none. So are you going to kiss me or not?” Bakugou growled at his response then tangled his fingers through the green curls, tugging him into a kiss. Izuku moaned into his mouth then Katsuki gripped the inside of his knee, wrapping his leg around his waist as he grinded against Deku. 
The elevator let out a loud chime and Izuku shoved the blond away, a small smile stretched across his face as he walked out of the small space towards Katsuki’s apartment. The older man stared at the green haired man then raced after him, snarling, “Deku, get back here.” The shorter hero let a gleeful laugh and continued his running, eager to urge Kacchan on. The blond skid into the hallway that held his apartment and a wolfish grin overtook his lips as realization hit Izuku: the corridor was a dead end and Kacchan knew it too. 
“Would you look at that: Deku got fucking caught again. You really need to work on having better plans.” Bright green eyes flashed in excitement then the shorter hero chirped, “You ever think about how maybe I want to be caught by you, Kacchan?” The blond clenched his jaw then began stalking towards the green haired man as he snapped, “Come on then, Deku. Get your ass over here.” The younger hero crooked his fingers at his childhood friend and stated, “Come get me.” Bakugou let off a small explosion and had Deku in his grasp seconds later, pressing him tightly against the door as he snarled, “You’re hit now.” 
“Oh fuck, please spank me.” Midoriya gasped, leaning up on his tiptoes in an attempt to kiss the taller hero. The blond laughed and shook his head, stating, “Let’s get in my bedroom before I get you begging for me.” Izuku pouted at the reply then Katsuki pushed his chin upwards with a finger, murmuring, “Don’t fucking pout at me, I haven’t even given you anything to pout about yet, you damn nerd.” Green eyes widened at the underlying promise then Bakugou unlocked the front door to his apartment, leading his partner inside to his bedroom. 
Midoriya glanced over his shoulder to catch Katsuki’s eye then flashed a small grin as he turned on his heel. Tangling his fingers in the hem of his shirt, the shorter man pulled the blond into a kiss, their teeth clashing a bit awkwardly then Bakugou tilted his head to lick into his mouth eagerly. He tangled his fingers tightly in Izuku’s curls and jerked harshly to break the kiss as the younger hero moaned. Red eyes fluttered open then a small smirk stretched across Bakugou’s face and he pulled Izuku’s shirt over his head before he shoved him backwards to the bed. 
Deku scrambled onto his back as his partner crawled over him, long fingers finding the button and zipper of his pants, eager to get him undressed all the way. Izuku slid his hands underneath Katsuki’s shirt and yanked it over his head before pulling him into a kiss, a groan escaping the blond as the younger man tugged at his hair. The two separated and the green haired man began tugging Kacchan’s pants down his thighs, a devilish smile stretching across his face as he shoved his partner onto his pack, crawling into his lap after he finished undressing him. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, you damn nerd?” 
“Sitting in Kacchan’s lap. Is that okay?” Izuku asked, batting his eyes. The blond raised an eyebrow at him then opened his bedside drawer to pull the lube out, waving it in front of Deku’s face before he answered, “As long as you ride me, hell yeah that’s okay with me.” Green eyes widened at his offer then Izuku asked, “Wait, are you sure, Kacchan? I-I’ve never done this before.” Bakugou paused where he was putting lube on his fingers then he asked, “Wait, what? Are you serious, Deku? You’re a virgin?” The younger man ducked his head to press his face into Bakugou’s chest as he mumbled, “Look, I never met anyone besides you that I wanted. So yeah, I’ve never had sex before.” 
Katsuki tangled his fingers through the green curls and yanked, forcing the man in his lap to meet his eyes before he murmured, “Shit, now I really want to fuck you. The fact that no one else has fucked you before. God.” He crushed Deku into a kiss and he gripped his ass with his clean hand, grinding upwards. The green haired hero moaned as their cocks rubbed together then the blond pulled away, panting. Bakugou licked his lips then urged, “Spread yourself for me. Go on, Deku, you can do it.” He nodded in understanding and did as the older man asked, lifting onto his knees to give him more room to work . 
Bakugou slid a finger inside and Izuku’s head tipped forward, gasping as the blond crooked the digit upwards, muttering, “You’re so fucking tight, nerd. God, can’t wait to fuck you.” Midoriya nodded wordlessly then leaned back for more, waiting for a second finger. A small chuckle filled his ears then Katsuki stated, “Greedy fucking nerd. Shoulda known, though. You’re always pushing for more, no matter what it is.” Deku pouted at his statement but the man stated, “Don’t fucking whine at me, you brat. ” He pumped the digit for a minute then pressed a second one inside, Izuku moaning at the stretch that his partner’s fingers offered. 
“Kacchan, please… I need more!” Midoriya mumbled, rocking back as he gripped the sheets below them. Bakugou flashed a grin then asked, “Is that so? Go on then, take it, nerd, you can do it.” The blond began to finger him faster, crooking the digits in search of the spot that was sure to have the green haired man arching into his touch. Izuku cried out as the fingers rubbed against his prostate then a wolfish grin stretched across Katsuki’s face and he pressed harder, eager to hear Deku cry for him. 
“Kacchan, I need you, please! Please fuck me!” Bakugou met the emerald gaze that was glued to his face then replied, “Oh no, not yet, nerd. You’ve gotta take a third finger before I’m fucking you, understand?” Curls bounced as Midoriya nodded eagerly, prepared to take whatever Katsuki was willing to give him. Another finger slid in beside the other two then Bakugou increased his speed, biting his lip in concentration before he paused, glancing up at Izuku as he cried out in protest. His hips began to raise then he sank back down, huffing. If Kacchan wasn’t going to finger him, he’d do it himself. 
“Looks like Deku finally got fed up with me teasing him. You gonna ride my cock too? Make me fuck you, let you do all the work?” Bakugou asked, nipping Midoriya’s jawline. He shook his head and pleaded, “Kacchan, please, it’s not the same! Please… please fuck me right, please, I’m ready, I promise. I just, I need your cock! God, give me your cock already!” Emerald eyes flashed in the moonlight and Katsuki nearly gasped at the hunger, the lust that the irisies held. He pulled the fingers from his ass then reached for a condom, only for Deku to slap it out of his hand. Katsuki frowned at him and Izuku provided his explanation for why he knocked the condom away, “You know I’m clean and I’m pretty sure you’re clean. Aren’t you?” 
“So.. you want me to raw you for your first time?” Midoriya pulled the blond into a kiss, moaning into his mouth, then pulled away, tongue swiping out to catch the spit that threatened to drip from his lips before he murmured, “Fuck me, Kacchan. No condom, just lube.” Bakugou grabbed the lube hurriedly then slicked up his cock before pressing the head to Midoriya’s opening. Ruby eyes watched every muscle tick and spasm as he inched his dick in further, eager to press deeper. 
“Fuck me, you’re so fucking tight, Deku… Just relax, I got you. Okay?” Katsuki asked, pausing enough to get an actual answer from his lover. Izuku’s eyes fluttered open then he whined, pressing his ass down as much as Bakugou would allow, and he asked, “Why’d you stop? Please, I… I need it, please, I can take it!” The blond laced his fingers through his curls and gave a yank, forcing the younger hero to pause then he answered, “Oh, I know you can take my cock, baby, you just gotta fucking relax some so I can get in there without coming the second that I’m in your ass.” 
Izuku nodded in understanding and began to relax, leaning forward to kiss him before Kacchan pushed in more, groaning into the kiss as he did so. His hips jerked when he felt the green haired man rut downwards and he gripped his hips, growling as Midoriya grinded down, pushing for more. He licked his lips, red eyes gleaming, before he snapped his hips against Deku’s, forcing a choked moan out of him, then snapped his teeth, eager to bite, only to hold back. He couldn’t bite him, not Deku, no matter how tempting the freckled skin was to him. 
“Kacchan, please! O-Oh, fuck, please!” Izuku arched his back as he sucked a string of hickeys down his throat and it was almost like he was both chasing and running away from the pleasure beginning to race through his system. He snapped his hips upwards and Midoriya cried out, head flung back then pressed his hands to Katsuki’s chest, nails digging sharply into his chest then tried to lift onto his knees. The blond gripped his hips and pulled him back down, a wolfish grin taking over his expression.
“What’s the matter, Bunny? Why the fuck are you running away, thought you wanted me to fuck you?” Bakugou cooed, cupping his partner’s face. Deku whimpered at the nickname then the blond grinned, chiming, “Oh, I see how fucking it is. Little Bunny can’t take my fat dick even though he’s been thirsting after it for fucking years now. Go on, you damn brat, tell me.” 
“Please Daddy, I need it, need your cock. Need it so bad, please!” Izuku cried out, hips rocking downwards to make Bakugou move, only for the blond to slam him on his back. Katsuki cupped the back of Deku’s knees and bent him in half, then slammed forward, a growl bubbling in his chest as he snarled, “Fuck, I knew you’d be a slut for the whole Daddy shit. You act way too fucking innocent not to.  Come on, you’re always running that damn mouth of yours, so talk!” 
“Daddy! Oh god, please, fuck, I need you to fuck me, fuck me please! I want you to come in me and fuck me until I can’t feel my legs, god, Daddy, please!” he begged, fingers tangling desperately in the sheets below him. Katsuki began to pull out slowly, only to plunge back in mercilessly, forcing Midoriya to whine out, “Kacchan! Oh fuck, Kacchan, please!” Bakugou wrapped his hand around Izuku’s throat and pressed him further into the sheets, choking him as he spat, “Kacchan? What the fuck happened to ‘Daddy’, Bunny? Do you need me to spank you to remind you who I am?” 
“N-No, I’m sorry, Daddy, please! Please Daddy, I’ll be good, please don’t spank me!” Midoriya pleaded, fingers reaching forward to claw at Katsuki’s side to draw him back. A laugh rumbled through the blond’s chest as he sunk into Izuku’s opening, snapping his teeth at the tightness. The green haired man turned his head then mumbled, “Bite me, please, Daddy! Need it, need your mark.” 
Bakugou was tempted to remark that he had marked Izuku already, thanks to the necklace made from hickeys now around his throat, but the hunger to bite him was far too great. He yanked his hand away, allowing Midoriya to take a deep breath, then Katsuki bit his shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. The younger hero jerked in his hold with a shout and the blond pulled away, licking his lips clean. Bakuogu glanced down then groaned when he realized what made Deku scream. His freckled chest and torso was now painted in white, ribs rising and falling rapidly as Izuku gasped for air. 
“Holy shit, you fucking came untouched. Fuck, that’s so damn hot, Bunny. Dammit, now I really want to come.” Emerald eyes flickered open then Midoriya murmured, “Do it, Kacchan. Come in me, want it so bad.” Bakugou began rutting his hips faster, eager to do as his partner wanted, and bit the area where Izuku’s shoulder met his neck, as he came. The two laid there for a few seconds then Katsuki pulled out slowly, easing Deku’s legs to the bed, before he kissed his partner, stating, “Just lay there, I’m gonna go grab a towel and a washcloth. You want some water?” 
The green haired man nodded in agreement then mumbled, “Yes please. Thank you, Kacchan.” Bakugou paused at what Deku stated and raised an eyebrow at the man on his bed before he asked, “Did you seriously just thank me for fucking you stupid?” His freckled nose crinkled at his crude statement then he replied, “No, I thanked you for taking my virginity and not kicking me out of your bed directly after.” Katsuki walked back to his bed and brushed the curls out of his face before he said, “I’m not kicking you out at all, Deku. You’re my boyfriend, not fucking IcyHot or Pink Cheeks or Four Eyes. Mine. So just go to fucking sleep or get comfortable before I decide that you need to be fucked a second time tonight.” 
“Mm, I’m all for a second round.” the green haired man admitted, cuddling closer to the older hero. Bakugou scoffed and pushed off the bed, going to retrieve the items that he needed. When he returned to the bedroom, the shorter man was now asleep and he couldn’t help but laugh. 20 years later and they had gone from childhood friends, to bully and victim, rivals, friends, partners, then finally boyfriends. He could practically hear their families and friends cheering when they would make it official and it made him roll his eyes. 
He cleaned Deku up the best he could since the man had fallen asleep then pulled the covers over the two, tugging his partner into his side. He glanced down at the freckled face that he had become so familiar with then mumbled, “Love you, damn Deku.” 
“Love you too, Kacchan.” Izuku murmured, shifting in his arms to get comfortable. 
“Holy shit, Izubro, you look like you had a hell of a run in with a vampire!” Kirishima laughed as Midoriya tugged off his shirt. The green haired man flushed at the attention that the
 redhead had drug onto him, his fellow heroes and friends turning to examine the bites and hickeys that Katsuki had left last night, then Bakugou turned the corner, snapping, “You better watch your fucking mouth, Shitty Hair, you’ll never know if that damn vampire is lurking.” 
Kirishima jumped away from the blond then continued preparing himself for the day, silence taking over the locker room again. Katsuki walked over to Midoriya and ran a thumb over one of the bites he left then mumbled, “You need to clean those tonight. Don’t want them infected.” Izuku nodded in understanding and the taller hero kissed him before turning to Todoroki. 
“I didn’t fucking leave those just because I wanted to. I did it to warn anyone who decided to try their damn luck with Deku. You try and fucking kiss him again, I’ll fucking kill you, got it, Half and Half? Bakugou asked, narrowing his eyes at the duel quirk user. Shouto only smiled at his threat.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hi there! I really enjoy your BNHA Headcanons, so may I request headcanons of All Might, Eraserhead, and Present Mic having a detective younger sister bring them lunch or sum at the school? She's low-key a delinquent (like Tanaka Ryūnosuke's sister) and super friendly 😗 Thank you for your hard work! 💞
a/n: hi love! awe tysm! of course!!! i havent wrote for these hotties in a minute dskghjkd
headcanon: their deliquent, detective little sister surpsing them at work
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
»»————- ★ ————-««
yagi toshinori / all might
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»»————- ★ ————-««
All Might is super surprised when you show up with a visitor tag on your sweater, happy to surprise him with lunch.
“What are you doin’ here?” He asks, a smile on his own lips, it’d been a while since he’d seen you, the both of you being caught up in work, he was happy to see his little sister again.
“I’m baking a cake.” You frowned, sarcasm laced your tone. All Might froze before you broke out laughing.
“I came to surprise you! With lunch!” You hold up the meal you���d grabbed beforehand and eagerly yanked him to sit down.
Class 1-A observed from their tables at the sight.
You were on the shorter side when it came to standing beside your brother, who resembled a tree, in your opinion.
But they couldn’t help but laugh as you teased him, stole bites of his food, and compared your height to his, using the chairs at the table to finally be taller than him.
You followed him back to class despite him urging you not to. 
“You still don’t listen to me do you?” 
“You don’t look like mom so why should I?” You stuck your tongue out at him. He smiled and ruffled your hair before letting you step into the class.
“Hey, kids! I’m Detective Toshinori, All Might’s super cool younger sister! It’s nice to meet you all!” You hopped up on the podium up at the front of the class and sat on it.
“It’s nice to meet you!” A few voices called out.
“You guys wanna hear some super embarrassing childhood All Might stories?” You smirked deviously, eyeing your older brother who drained of color.
“Yes!” Some people cheered.
“Okay okay, I think-”
“When he was 14, I was 7, so for Halloween that year, he wanted to be a zombie so I asked if I could do his makeup, and our mom being the lovely lady she is, said that he couldn’t take off the makeup I did for him. He walked around that night in sloppy green face paint with pink lipstick.” You pulled out the photo you’d dug up a few nights before and showed it around, earning laughs from most of the students.
“Hey I see now, you’re that detective that’s always causing a stir in those headlines!” A yellow-blonde spoke up.
“Yup! The media hates me!” You laugh. 
“You’re like totally badass! Why didn’t you become a hero?” He asks. 
“I thought about it for a while, but I’m just not the person for it, I’m happy saving lives through investigations, besides, I think the future’s in pretty good hands with you kids on the front lines.”
The class fell silent at your comment. They’d heard it a few times before, but you were so sincere.
You stayed for a while, and you met a bunch of kids, and eventually, you met a certain green-haired kid your brother had told you about.
“It’s nice to meet you, Deku. All Might’s told me a lot about you.” You shake his hand, his eager smile bright enough to give the sun a run for its money.
“You’ve got a long way to go, but you got this, kid. Don’t let him know I gave you this.” You smirked, giving him another embarrassing photo from your brother’s childhood. Deku cherished it.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shota aizawa / eraserhead
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s aware of the presence following him, but he couldn’t be bothered by it. He’s unaware of it being you, he assumed it was just another student.
Until you tackle him when he walks into class.
“Don’t ignore me!” You laugh as you ruffle his hair, the class staring at you in disbelief.
Your resemblance to their teacher is uncanny and they’re confused on who you are.
“Get off of me (Y/n).” Shota grunts, happy to be on the floor, but not happy by you practically laying on him.
“Alright alright. But introduce me to your kids! They look confused.” You stand up and stare at your older brother who’s somewhat thrilled to see you, though he won’t show it.
“This is my younger sister, Detective (Y/n) Aizawa.” The class murmurs among themselves as they look at you, now understanding why you resembled their teacher.
“Woah, you have a sister? She looks just like you!” a pink haired girl smiled at you. You nudged your brother and giggled.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m the older sibling.” You tease.
Deciding to stay for lunch, you’re asked a few questions, which you gladly answer, sharing all the embarrassing childhood stories you could before Shota shut you up.
“So why’d you stop by?” Shota finally asks when he’s given a break from the students.
“I felt like seeing you. It’s been a while, we’re both so busy, it’s nice to see you every now and again.”
“How much trouble do you need me to get you out of?” He sighed, rubbing his temples.
“In my defense, those paparazzi were harassing me, I just shoved them into a garbage can! They didn’t even get hurt.” You huffed, shoving a bite of food in your mouth.
“You never cease to amaze me.” Shota chuckles. You smile at the sound of your brother’s laugh.
It’s been a while since you got to hang out with him, so you thought surprising him at school would be nice, it was your day off, the first in a few weeks.
“Could I stick around and watch your kids?” You ask, finishing the food on your plate.
“As long as you don’t show them any more embarrassing photos.”
Yeah that didn’t go so well, they have plenty of pictures of their teacher acting like a hooligan now.
»»————- ★ ————-««
hizashi yamada / present mic
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You cannot tell me that you, as his little sister, is not loud, if not louder, than him. You are both loud individuals.
He’s super surprised to see you, so much so that Aizawa has to cancel his quirk because he’s excited.
Getting caught up on everything you’ve missed from your time apart is one thing, but you two could talk for ages about anything and everything.
Your big brother is pretty chill, but you on the other hand, you’re a bit of a delinquent.
Hizashi is quick to scold you for some of your reckless behavior but he’s not mad at you.
“You did what?!” He yells, his amber eyes staring at you.
“Hey! He was being a smart ass. Of course now the cruiser smells like garbage.” You were a detective and while on a case a villain had crossed your path and said a few comments that you weren't going to let pass.
So you tossed him in the dumpster nearby and then you had to take him down to the station.
“It’s great to see you again.” He smiles. 
You’re happy to go around and meet everyone, stopping in Class 1-A and 1-B.
Sharing embarrassing childhood stories about Hizashi is always fun, he’s trying to get you to stop but everyone else is excited to see what Mic looked like when he was young. They’re impressed by how much his hair has grown.
Your favorite childhood memory is when he asked for your help the first time he spiked it up.
The two of you sat coated in hair gel and who knows how many other hair products. Hizashi insisted on doing your hair as well which is why your hair is also spiked in the picture.
Having lunch with him is nice, but you’re sad when you have to part.
“I’ll make sure to stop by more!” You smile while hugging your older brother.
“Yeah!” He cheers, hugging you back.
You wave goodbye to everyone and leave, but not before taking a few pictures with everyone to cherish.
»»————- ★ ————-««
376 notes · View notes
azurewoods · 4 years
bnha 304‼️
(so, in summary, I think Todoroki Shoto is the other vestige on OFA. yep, here we go again)
Deku stans, how are we feeling? finally we got to see our favorite boy and, not less important, the two mysterious vestiges (it was just one panel but still. Progress).
This time we got a more detailed appearance of the vestiges, this could be useful to the theories going around about their identifies.
Now, I'm sure we all agree that one of them is an older version of Bakugou since they both have the same hair, same body build and proportions, not to mention his equipment on his wrists that could be an upgraded version of his grenades.
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But in this post I'm going to talk about the second vestige. The most popular theory is that Kirishima is the other vestige, mostly because of the hair and the equipment he's wearing.
The hair itself wasn't really similar but, again, they're presumably an older version in case they are deku's classmates and clearly when you get older you change a lot, including hairstyle. It really isn't enough proof but since the only panels we had of them were literal silhouettes, everything was possible. I even believed it myself, until today.
When I started reading the unofficial translation of the chapter, the moment I saw them, I took a good look at them. Definitely is a more detailed version of them, their hair, clothes, heights.
And that's what make me realize that the second vestige is no other than Todoroki Shoto.
Why? you may ask. Well, let's compare Kirishima with the vestige first.
The most solid proof of being Kirishima was the equipment he wears on his shoulders. But if you take a look at the new panels you can see they're not similar, not even remotely close to an upgraded version.
You can see that Kirishima has his arms far from his body in a "resting instance" since his equipment takes a lot of space between his armpits and his torso that could be seen as an 'uncomfortable position'. It also makes him look buff, if that makes sense lol, but the vestige in the panel doesn't look awkward or very buff.
There's also that mask he uses that covers the back of his head, ears and neck. The fact the he has his chest uncovered, uses black pants and boots. The vestige uses a kind of headband and doesn't use any of the last thing I mentioned. But, again, equipment changes.
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There's also the sleeves, the vestige doesn't wear them but it could be an upgrade since he does have short black sleeves.
Now there's just little detail that doesn't convince me at all. The hair. From the silhouette we could see the similarities if Kirishima wore his hair in a ponytail but in the panel of chp 304...
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It just looks so soft. And not just that, the type of hair and its form is really different from Kirishima's. He [the vestige] has hair that looks smooth and straight. It seems it's white or light hair.
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Meanwhile, Kirishima's hair is red, that looks hard and spiky. And there's the fact that he probably wouldn't change his hairstyle precisely of the reason why he decided to have it that way in the first place. It was a change of image, a new person, new choices and was inspired from his favorite hero Crimson Riot. His characteristic red and spiky hair is something Kirishima would probably not change in a long time.
It is totally razonable since his hero name is very similar to the pro hero, it's fan boy behavior lmao. And that includes Deku since his hero costume has bunny ears resembling All Might's; and Bakugou since, you know, his recently announced hero name Great explosion murder god Dinamight (self explanatory lmfaoo)
Now, it's time to show you why I think is Shoto.
First, his hero costume. He has a belt with first aid equipment, those things over his shoulders and that things in his wrists (sorry, when it comes to describe things my english knowledge is non existent). Meanwhile, the vestige also has a similar costume (in terms of a base and color), has a belt that has pockets attached, that thing around his shoulders that are not massive, they're like mini pockets or decoration that doesn't look heavy and, finally, both have equipment on their wrists.
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He has physical similarities in terms of body shape and height. He doesn't look buff but he sure looks well shaped.
And there's the hair. Shoto's hair is straight but not that straight on the ends, it is also long and smooth. But it is red and white and the vestiges is not, it seems to be white or a bright color, such as blonde or similar. However, I think it's not that crazy if Todoroki changed his hair color or something. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that Shoto didn't want to have Endeavor's hair color.
But, if you paid attention, they only show us the right side of the vestige. There's a possibility that his other side is still red and it's hiding it with his scar. I know the ponytail should be half red half white but who knows, maybe Shoto styles it with the purpose of hiding the red side on the ponytail.
Finally, on the other hand, we can make a guess of the vestiges heights but is not accurate because of the perspective the panel was drawn and stuff. So, Todoroki's height is 1.76 cm (5,9ft I guess?) and Kirishima's 1.70cm (5,6ft). Bakugou's height is 1.72cm (5,7ft), assuming Bakugou is one of the vestiges.
Bakugo is probably going to be tall (I mean, he arleady is), maybe grow a little above average.
Todoroki is tall and still has a lot to grow, and taking into account that Endeavor is big as f!ck, he js probably going to be taller. But if he "grew up all he could" then he's going to be like Bakugou above avererage height, or a bit taller
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For Kirishima, I think he's going to be average. We don't know his parents to help but he seems to be average. I think he might get tall but not that much.
So, it seems that the mystery vestige is taller than "vestige Bakugou". Yeah, he's hunched but it looks that, even if he straightens back, he's still shorter. I can't really tell because the room looks a bit tilted. But having said that, the heights matches more with Todoroki.
There's just so many similarities, I am genuinely convinced Shoto can be the other vestige and it makes sense if we talk about their relationship with Deku and OFA.
I mean, the main reason Bakugou was so rapidly accepted as the vestige, besides the physical similarities, it was of his relationship with Deku (he has history with him, he cares for Deku's wellbeing, he's atoning and most part of the war arc he spend the whole time at his side trying to protect him from Shigaraki/AFO), and his knowledge about OFA, how he thinks of it as a curse more than a blessing based of the repercussions it had on Deku and it's past users.
And Todoroki has been impacted in a positive way by Deku. He learned that his fire is his, to be open to friendship with his classmates, one of his first friends in a long time and, with others of the class, be motivated and do his because of Deku. Not just because is him, but for his action in the past that unchained a lot of good times. And now that OFA has been mention to Shoto and other heroes present in Deku and Shigaraki's fight, he's probably going to be involved in some aspect. If that's the case, they must have turned into vestiges a lot after or maybe it happened between the time skip between the Endeavor agency arc and the war arc (who knows, maybe something happens in the third bnha movie).
[p.s: just noticed that " vestige bakugou's" gauntlets look veeery similar to the ones bakugou is wearing in 'the three musketeers' illustration]
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technicallyr43 · 3 years
Just a Scene
So I made a prompt awhile ago about this, and this is the scene that just keeps rattling my brain. Enjoy?
The world went white. The heroes nearby paused in their struggle to recover as they viewed the blankness that enveloped them. Aizawa looked around frantically while some of class 2-A started helping the others up.
“W-what happened?” Kaminari asked, lifting up Iida.
“The force from All for One and Mic-sensei was so powerful, it must have caused all this,” Yaoyorozu theorized.
Uraraka looked around, “This is so unsettling.”
“Eraserhead-sensei?” Midoriya called, worried for their sensei who looked like he was panicking.
“I don’t see any people, except the ones who were close by to us,” Endeavor observed, “Would Present Mic or All for One even be here?”
The underground hero turned to respond, when suddenly the white world flashed and changed to a jungle. Everyone made a startled noise as they took in their surroundings, and turned when they heard the small voice coming up on them.
“Ace! Luffy!” yelled the young voice, “Where did you go?”
A young blonde boy ran past them, hair cut close to the scalp. He had wide blue eyes and wore a blue suit coat and a black top hat with square goggles attached to it. The kid huffed, annoyed while looking around the trees. He kicked at a rock.
“They’re always getting lost…”
“Hey, kid,” Midoriya started, “Could you answer some questions for us?”
While he asked that, the kid turned quickly, falling into a fighting stance before relaxing. He drank in the sight of them in their hero costumes, turning excited.
“You’re heroes!” He pointed out, smiling widely, “You’re Endeavour, you’re Hawks, and you’re Eraserhead!” He pointed at the respective heroes before stopping at Aizawa, “You’re my favorite!”
“Yeah,” started Hawks, “We’re heroes. Do you mind telling us where we are? And who you are?”
The kid blinked up at them before answering, “This is Goa Island. It's where me and my brothers live. I’m Sabo!”
“Well, hello Sabo,” greets Midoriya, “I’m Deku! I bet you and your brothers have awesome quirks. Can you tell us about them?”
“Quirks?” Sabo looks uncomprehendingly to them, “Ace is made of fire...and Luffy is rubber. And me, I guess I don’t have a quirk.”
Midoriya looks stricken, “You-you don’t have one? Well, that’s ok, I guess your brother can protect you.”
Sabo looks at him disapprovingly, “I don’t need them to protect me! Sure Ace is older by a couple months, but Luffy is way younger than me! How can my baby brother protect me?”
“But if you’re quirkless, things are a lot more dangerous for you,” Sero said, “You’ve gotta be careful.”
“No I don’t!” Sabo’s face scrunched up, “Before quirks, everyone was quirkless! They had to do things as normal people!
“Even now, I don’t need my brothers to protect me! We all have our own dreams, and we can use our own powers to get there! Ace want to surpass his father, and be strong! Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates, and me- well I want to be free! I want to live my life with my brothers and everyone I love, free from everyone who doesn’t want us together.
And it doesn’t matter if I don’t have a quirk or power,” Sabo used this moment to put his hands on his waist, looking right at the group, “I don’t need a quirk to be strong, to fight for what I think is right! I don’t need one to be free! All I need is my bond with my brothers, and the strength I can get from training enough!”
The scene around them flashed and the forest was gone. Now, a wasteland surrounded the group, startling them as they took in the view. 
“And even when I didn’t remember,” said an older voice, still young, “My dream didn’t change. I still wanted to be free, to fight for what’s right. I still wanted to do good for those who couldn't have it.”
Everyone quickly turned to look at an older Sabo. He was wearing the same style of clothes, but his hair was a bit longer, coming in blonde waves framing his face, eyes still wide. Except now, there’s a large burn scar on the left side of his face, over his eye, peeking from below his shirt. He more world weary, still smiling, but dimmer.
“I couldn’t remember who I was, or who I left behind, but I knew that I wanted the world free. Free from oppression, where those with power would enslave everyone. Free from judgement, where the sins of the father didn’t carry over to the child. I didn’t remember why, but that was important.
“And I didn’t need a quirk for it. I fought for my and my friends' right to live with power that I trained from nothing. A quirk is just a tool, something you add onto a power that was given. It doesn’t matter how you were born, where, or if you were born with power. Anyone could become strong.”
A flash again and the world changed, now a war-torn battleground, with walls stacked high and an execution stand in front of a building toting the word “MARINES”. Bloody swords and smoking guns lay on the ground, but no bodies.
“And even when I took power,” started the same voice, older, “I did so, not to be stronger, but as a reminder of what I lost.”
A taller, older Sabo stands before them now. His gaze is sad, but brighter, like what weighed down on him before was less than before.
“I only took my brother’s power because he wasn’t there, because by the time I remembered, it was too late.”
Flames erupted from his shoulder, and two figures appeared by his shoulders. They were blurred out, but a straw hat on the shorter figure and an orange cowboy hat on the taller were distinctive.
“My older brother died, leaving me and my baby brother behind. He wasn’t alive to watch Luffy live out his dream, but at least I could take on his will to carry with us to the end. And that power helped in my achievements, helped in our war for freedom. But it wasn’t something we needed.
“Because quirks are tools, and they’re just an ends to a means. Isn’t that what you taught me, my love?” Sabo looks at Eraserhead, smile soft and eyes full of love. Everyone freezes at that, and Aizawa looks ready to protest. Sabo stops it with his continued speech.
“I don’t need a quirk, or a power to live my dream. I don’t need it to protect my brother, or my friends, or the rest of my family. The bonds I made with them, the people that I love are so great, that I’ll never forget them. The bonds with my brothers that I felt when I didn’t remember are tremendous, that I wholeheartedly believe that I can find them again, no matter what lives we lead. Because bonds like these-”
The world flashes and it changes to UA, to the front of the school. But the heroes don’t notice. They’re attention is on Sabo, as he melts away and is replaced by Yamada Hizashi, the hero they were here to save, dressed in civilian gear. Yellow sweater and jeans, hair down and messy.
“They traverse time, Shouta!” Hizashi continues, smiling wide and eyes bright, “Lives, even dimensions! For the longest time, I thought this hole in my chest was because of some family I missed, even though they abandoned me when I was born. And that you and how much I love you was enough to fill the void. That our kids were too! But now I remember! I remember that what I was missing isn’t a family that abandoned me, but one that I made from a life before. And isn’t that amazing!”
Hizashi laughs as he gestures widely with his arms, “Imagine that, all this time and my heart was filled with love for my family, my friends, and my comrades. And I just didn’t remember. But now I do, and now that I’ve fought All for One with a power that technically shouldn’t exist right now, I’m going to need all hands on deck, so listen up, listeners!”
Silhouettes appear behind him, all shapes and sizes, indistinguishable to them, “I’ve used a lot of power, and went a little too hard. So I may be hurting right now. And because what I did was such a powerful shockwave, well I’m sure everyone else who’s like me is awake now too.”
Hizashi juts his hip out and rests his hand on it, pointing at the group, “I was a revolutionary, so I hung out with thieves, pirates, and thugs. They’re a little rough around the edges, so be on the lookout! Because this will attract the good, the bad, and the downright nasty. So buck up listeners!”
The voice hero grins at his husband, “We’re in for an adventure!”
The surroundings disappear and the heroes are back in a battle-torn city. They see other heroes, and civilians getting up, looking around to see if it’s safe to move. Aizawa jerks out of the group, “Zashi! Where are you!?”
That moves the rest of the group into action, racing to find their lost mentor and friend. They find All for One, dead under a crumbled building. A good 100 ft away, they find Aizawa clutching an injured Hizashi to him, calling for medics to come.
That was just the start.
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sugarandsoft · 4 years
Mother Duck
request: Can I request for a fluffy uraraka x male child reader oneshot ? The reader is a 6 years old homeless orphan who is saved by uravity, and he likes being carried in her arms. She will bring him at ua to take care of him like her little brother and he is clingy to her because she was the first person to ever care for him.
It’s been over a month since I’ve written, I’ve just become busy with school and once I established a routine I realized that I didn’t give myself time to write! This is the first time I’ve ever written for a male reader, so hopefully I can meet your expectations. Please let me know if anything should be changed. Thank you so much for waiting! Feel free to comment, I love getting feedback :) 
 Requester further asked to name the reader, so this is more of an OC oneshot. 
pairing: Uraraka x male!oc
word count: 1.4k
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Hikaru didn’t really remember what happened earlier in the afternoon. He just knew he was trying to find a kind-looking person to spare him some food or change, until suddenly some sort of earthquake hit the town and he was knocked to the ground. There was one thing that was engraved into his mind, however.
Through the pounding pain in the back of his skull (which was probably bleeding, but Hikaru couldn’t bring himself to move any of his limbs), he felt someone pick him up. It was the warmth of someone kind and heroic. As the last of his strength left his fluttering eyelids, Hikaru briefly saw the round, concerned face of a teenage girl.
He woke up in an unfamiliar room, in a white bed with clean sheets. Hikaru immediately sat up, but the throbbing in his head stopped him from moving any further. There was a loud beeping machine next to the bed, and the young boy realized that it’s noises had only increased in speed when he sat up. A man wearing a white coat burst into the room. Hikaru flinched, but then recognized the man’s attire.
A doctor.
The doctor sat in the chair next to the bed and smiled. “Hello, kid. I’m glad to see you’re awake already. We thought you may have had some brain damage, but it appears to only be a concussion.” Most of the vocabulary was medical stuff that Hikaru didn’t understand. How could he? He was a six-year-old boy living on the streets of Mustafu. He’d never had anyone tend to his cuts or bruises, let alone a doctor to give him a physical checkup.
The doctor, who introduced himself as Dr. Yamamoto, continued to ramble on and even prodded Hikaru’s body with some strange looking instruments. He reassured the boy that nothing was going to hurt, but to let him know if anything felt strange. After a few minutes of confusing examination, Dr. Yamamoto left the room. 
A sudden thought flew into Hikaru’s mind. Money. Everything in the world costs money. Food, clothes, school, medicine. Who was going to pay for this? A fear spread throughout his body, and he fought the urge to sprint out of bed and back out into the streets. Then, a small noise caught his attention. It sounded like several people were talking outside of his hospital room. 
From what he could hear, there were two women and one man, probably Dr. Yamamoto. Hikaru couldn’t make out that many words, though. He was only able to grasp bits and pieces. 
“Parents--- him up?”
“No…. street -- ward of..”
“... few nights,”
“Part--- internship..”
Eventually, the voices drifted away into nothing. The door opened again, and this time there were two new people. One of them was a taller blonde woman, with short hair and a strange looking headpiece that covered part of her face. Hikaru’s eyes shifted to the person next to her and gasped. It was the pretty lady who saved her! She was much shorter, with the same round cheeks and short brown hair. Her outfit was mostly pink with some dark accents. They must be heroes, Hikaru deduced. That’s why the chubby cheeks girl had saved him.
“Hey, kid, you feeling alright I’m Ryukyu, what’s your name?” The older woman asked him. She was kind of intimidating, but Hikaru felt safe in her presence. 
“I’m H-Hikaru,” he stuttered out. “When can I leave?”
“Well, since there’s no one listed to contact you, we’re going to have to wait a little longer to make sure no adults come by to claim you first,” she told him.
“I don’t have parents. It’s just me.” 
Ryukyu frowned. “Don’t worry, Hikaru, we’ll be taking care of you for a little while and we’ll find you somewhere to stay.”
As Hikaru suspected, no one came by to ask for him during the rest of the day. As the sun started to set, Ryukyu returned again with the girl who saved him. He learned that her hero name was Uravity. 
“Hikaru, the hospital’s visiting hours are going to end soon. You can stay here if you’d like, but we think it’s probably better for you to be able to walk around and sleep in a more comfortable place. How does that sound?” He nodded, unable to find the words to convey how he was feeling. They were just going to take him in? Just like that? 
As if she could read his mind, Uravity smiled and added, “As heroes, it’s our duty to protect people and take care of them! You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
So it was decided that Uraraka would take care of Hikaru until the weekend, when the city got back on its feet after the damage from the disaster. By then, there’d be a social worker available to take on Hikaru’s case. 
Ryukyu went back to her own office, and Uraraka was dismissed for the day. She picked Hikaru up and carried him during the whole walk to Heights Alliance, the dorms at U.A. Hikaru decided that this felt nice. It’d been forever since he felt warmth and love from somebody. He never would’ve thought that a complete stranger could show him so much kindness.
Upon their arrival U.A, Hikaru started complaining because the chubby-cheeked girl had to put him down. “Urara-nee, pleaaaaase,” he whined. He made grabby fists in attempt to sway her, but Uraraka thought it’d be better for Hikaru to introduce himself to the rest of Class 1-A before she carried him up to her room.
The reaction of the class was pretty even across the board. The girls, of course, gushed over the cute little boy who was in their care for the next few days. They did everything they could to get his attention, but Hikaru only had eyes for his savior. No matter how many snacks they offered or attempts, none of the girls could stop him from hanging onto Uraraka’s legs. 
“Aw, he’s so cute! Like a baby duck following its mom,” gushed Mina. Even when Uraraka had to finish up the classwork she missed for her internship, Hikaru insisted on sitting on her lap. He wrapped his arms around her neck like a monkey, embracing her warmth as if she were his actual mom. 
On the other hand, the boys were pretty nonchalant about it. Bakugou wasn’t impressed at all by the little pipsqueak, and Todoroki simply greeted him before retreating back to his room. Iida first asked Uraraka if it was even okay to have a non-student at their dorm, and was pretty intimidating until she reassured him that it was approved by Ryukyu and principal Nezu. 
Deku was nice to Hikaru as he reminded him a lot of Kota, the boy he had saved during their class’s summer training camp. Luckily, Hikaru didn’t have nearly as big of a rebellious streak as the other little boy. From what Hikaru saw, the way Deku and Uraraka talked to each other reminded him of the couples he saw on TV. When he blurted that out, the girl immediately turned a bright red, stuttering out that it was time for Hikaru to go to bed and say goodbye. 
For a kid who’d just been through hell and back in one day, Hikaru was pretty wiped out. He offered little resistance when Uraraka took him to the bath and gently washed him off. When she washed his hair, Hikaru started nodding off. It was nice, having someone look after him for once. When Uraraka noticed that the little boy’s eyes were now closed, she picked him up, dressed him in some clothes the hospital gave her, and tucked him into her bed. Before she could walk back down to the living area, she felt a tug on her sleeve. It was Hikaru, subconsciously gripping onto the warmth he’d become attached to. It was as if he was saying, please stay with me.
She smiled and tucked herself into bed with him, holding him closely against her body. Even if she couldn’t give him a family, Uraraka knew she wanted to make him remember what the love of one felt like. 
And that’s a wrap! Wow, it was longer than I expected. You might tell that it’s a little rushed from the middle to the end. I really need to improve on that. Once again, please let me know if you want anything changed! I’m still accepting requests. Hope you all have an amazing, spectacular, fantastic day!
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ben-thehorror · 4 years
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Todoroki Shoto X Demon SMR X Izuki Midoriya
Third Person POV
Izuki and Shotolooked at the male below them, they looked at each worriedly "Is he going to be okay?" Izuki asked Shoto, the other male just shrugged, the guilt slowly eating him away as well.
"Damn it M/n, why did you have to do this....I'm sorry" Shoto clenched his fists as he continued to stare at the unconscious male in front of him.
Izuki blushed as he thought of an idea "M-Maybe, we can show him how much we appreciate his effort" he said shyly, they both knew the other had a crush on the taller male.
And they accepted the fact that they couldn't change that and they also both knew M/n wouldn't choose either, he cared too much for them.
"And how will we do that?" Shoto asked raising a brow. Izuki blushed harder and softly touched the tip of both of his fingers together
"W-We can pl-pl-pleasure him" he whispered while his face was burning and red, but it was loud enough for the other male to hear, Todoroki blushed brightly as he looked at the shorter male
"I mean...I guess we can" he cleared his throat and nodded "We can, but we should wait until he wakes up, for the meantime, we should clean up a bit" Izuki nodded in agreement, his blush slowly going away.
After cleaning up, M/N had awakened to a nice smell, He slowly sat up, groaning he went into the kitchen to see both of his cute boyfriends making his favorite dinner, f/d, he smiled "You did this for me? what did I do to deserve you guys" He smiled brightly, as he went to kiss both of them on their cheeks
Izuki and Shoto blushed lightly, "Well you do a lot for us so we decided to pay you back" Izuki smiled, while Shoto nodded "you guys didn't have too, you just being here with me is enough" M/n smiled while his eyes turned a ruby red before going back to their normal e/c
"well dinner is ready, let's eat!" All three males shined brightly as they served the food for each other. They sat down and talked about how M/n should take care of his health more.
After eating and enjoying a little bit of time together, they all went to the bedroom and cuddled. Shoto was on the right while Izuki was on the left, the tv in the room was playing a show that they all enjoyed, M/n was the only one watching while the two shorter males were slowly falling asleep from all the cleaning they did.
M/n watched the show that slowly made a turn into a sex scene, M/n's face turned red but was slowly getting turned on, he bit his lip as his member slowly started to get hard. Izuki moved closer to M/n and moaned softly, his soft breath hit M/n's neck causing M/n to blush even more.
Shoto had his back turned after Izuki had moved closer, M/n slowly moved Izuki, who slowly woke up to see M/n hovering over him, Izuki blushed and started to stutter.
"M-M-M/N what are you doing" Izuki let out after being able to say something, " I'm giving you a reward, for doing a lot" He answered, "What about Shoto" M/n chuckled, "He'll get his reward later, for now, it's only you" He whispered, M/n leaned down and kissed Izuki causing the smaller male to gasp but also kiss his lover back.
Deku wrapped his arms around the h/c male while they kissed, they slowly removed their clothes while also trying not to wake up the icy hot male next to them.
both males were naked, M/n made marks all over the bottoms pale neck, making the male under him make noises, but he tried to not be loud since he didn't want to wake up Shoto, who looked like he needs the sleep since he cleaned most of the house.
M/n kissed down his neck to his chest, stopping at his nipples, M/n's tongue licked one of the pink buds and started to suck on it as well while his other hand pinched and rubbed the other, Izuki moaned quite loudly but quickly covered his mouth, after hearing Shoto move to face them, both males that were awake looked over at him but the dominate male stopped and continued to pleasure Deku.
After sucking on the bud, he gave the same attention to the other side. Deku whimpered and whined from the pleasure he felt, his eyes were shut tightly but slowly opened when M/n stopped pleasuring him.
M/n's hand slowly jerked off Deku while he kissed even lower, and stoped at Deku's member, "M-M-M/n please no more teasing, please" Izuki whimpered. M/n looked up from where his head was placed, Izuki gasps as M/n smirked, his eyes turning into cat-like ones with a ruby red tint, horns started to grow near the temple of his head, his teeth slightly sharpen, his tongue was also a bit longer than a normal one but it seemed to also be a bit point but not a sharp type of point.
"Of course my darling~ anything for you~" M/n cooed out while spreading Izuki's legs and slowly licking his hole, Izuki let out a squeak as he felt his lover's wet tongue in a place that was embarrassing to him. He slowly moaned once the demon's tongue went inside of him, he let a pleasured scream.
that scream caused Shoto to wake up alarmed, " Midoriya are you-" Shoto stopped after seeing Deku in such a way, Shoto's cheeks redden quickly as he saw Izuki's eyes shut tightly while his fingers were tangled in M/n's h/c hair.
M/n pulled away from Izuki's hole once he saw that Shoto awakened, "Moring sweet cheeks" The e/c demon smirked as he motioned for Shoto to take his clothes off and had moved Izuki on his lap while he moved Shoto over his face but facing Deku, "Today both of you will get a reward for helping out okay?~" M/n' deep voice was heard while both bottoms shivered from it, "Izuki will ride me, and Shoto will ride my face and then tomorrow you will switch, okay" M/n said while the others nodded, they weren't given much of a choice, but they both gave consent verbal, which caused M/n to smile.
Izuki sat up a bit and lined his bottom with M/n's member, he had also put a condom and slowly sat down, Izuki groaned at how big his taller demon lover was, while Shoto, took off his boxers and gasps when he felt, the hands of the demon forcefully push him down onto M/n's face, He let out a loud moan when he felt his lovers tongue on his tight hole.
Izuki blushed at the face Shoto made and started bouncing up and down on M/n's member, which caused both the dominant and sub to let out a groan. Shoto started to move his hips while he saw Deku move his, all three males let out pleasurable noises.
They didn't care who heard since the houses were pretty far apart, Deku let out loud moans and soft whimpers, as he bounced while jerking off, Shoto was doing the same, but his moans were soft and airy, it was like his mind couldn't understand the type of pleasure he was going through.
M/n moved his tongue to make sure it hit the exact spot that would make Shoto squirm from too much pleasure, M/n also started to thrust into Deku also trying to find the exact same spot.
After a few thrusts of his hips and ( I guess ) tongue, he found the spot that made both males scream and cum instantly, but since M/n hadn't came yet, he continued to thrust into Deku and also hold Shoto down, " T-T-To much~ AH!" Shoto and Deku said at the same time, while they came a second time and M/n came once.
He softly pushed Shoto to the side making sure he was okay, then slowly moved Deku, he flinched at certain touches, since he was still sensitive.
The H/c hair male went to throw away the condom and also went to go get towels to clean both of the still panting males. After cleaning them up, he gave them water and fixed the bedsheets.
His horns and his eyes slowly went back to normal, as he went to go lay down in the position they were at before all the sexual stuff had happened.
All three fell into a deep sleep and couldn't wait for the next day to show.
╭── ೋ ──╮
❝I hope you like this, cuz its already 2 am,
and this took all day lol,
That you guys enjoyed!
Love YA ❞
╰── ೋ ──╯
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mimi-cee-hq · 5 years
Shorter Than I Thought - Yaku x Reader
Getting together headcanon stories from match-up requests
When you tried to think of a way to start a conversation with Yaku, you shamelessly told him, "You're shorter than I thought." His teammates were shocked to find that he was blushing in response.
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Request from @muffins-puffins:
I'm 4'11 short and always wear my dark brown hair in messy bun. I like foreign languages and translating raw comics for fun. However, I'm bad on literature. Really clumsy and naive, always make people worried of my well-being but I believe that inside I'm actually an iron wall. Still, I had an insecurity for not reaching other's expectations. I'm quite good of being 'shameless' for initiating first conv but then sucked on continuing it. I had social battery too which i don't quite like it. I can't stand with coldness despite of my warm hands. When it comes to sth I like, I'll always be on fire, willing to do anything for it (including trying to learn how to play volleyball which I never knew I enjoy it). Also I'm selectively observant and focused, exclusively for something I really like. Distraction is my number one enemy and I'm really in need of motivation all the time. Thank you!
I didn't write for everything you wrote because of plot reasons. I hope that's okay.
Shorter Than I Thought - Yaku x Reader
The two of you were in the same year, but in different classes. You didn't know each other very well. One day after school, you had to do a chemistry lab by yourself because you were sick when the rest of the class did it.
Yaku came to see the teacher while you were doing the lab. He saw you struggling with it, so he decided to help you. The experiment wasn't meant to be done by one person, so the teacher allowed him to.
But of course, since you were clumsy and accident prone, you almost touched the bit of acid that was spilled on the table.
"Hey, you need to be more careful!" Yaku told you as he swiped your hand from touching it.
"Oh, thanks," you replied. You still didn't know how to carry a conversation with him. You attempted a couple of times, but each topic fell flat. But you had a random thought that he was pretty tall or at least he was a normal height to you. You were 4'11" after all.
One day you saw him at the gym during practice. You were interested in volleyball so you got distracted from what you were supposed to do and walked in.
Kai recognized you because you were in his class and walked up to you to chat. When Yaku came to say hi as well, you wanted to try to start a conversation with him again.
But you shamelessly said the first thing that came to mind. "Oh, you're shorter than I thought!" you told him.
You didn't think that observation was a big deal. He just looked shorter than usual because he was standing next to his taller than average teammates.
The team froze in shock by what you said, waiting to see what his reaction would be. They knew his usual reaction was to kick the person's butt, but that was with his teammates. But they didn't expect this reaction: he blushed!
Kuroo started to tease him about it. Why would he blush after a comment like that? He wondered if he liked you. Yaku said that he didn't and that he barely knew you.
Kuroo decided to have fun with it though. When he, Yaku and Kai were studying together, he called you over because you could help them with their English vocabulary.
When Kuroo found out that you just started playing volleyball, he volunteered Yaku to help you. He was going to say no because he knew that Kuroo was just teasing him. But when he saw how fired up you were, he couldn't refuse.
So he started to help you regularly with the volleyball basics. He thought it was cute how eagerly focused you were when he gave you instructions. After a few weeks, he even started to tease you.
One day, while he was tossing the ball to you as you practised your receives, he threw the ball off to the side. When you just stared back at him, he replied with a smirk, "What? You can get that one."
"I'm sure *you* could have gotten it."
Yaku suddenly started to be awkward around you and blushed a lot. When Kuroo saw this, he knew he had fallen for you. But he remembered your "short" comment to him a while back. "Oh yeah, why did you blush then if you just started to like her." Yaku said he would never tell him.
Before you two had officially met, a classmate had asked if you preferred tall or short guys. Another friend had laughed that it would be funny if you dated a tall guy because you're so short. You had told them you didn't really care about their height. "But if I had to choose, probably a shorter guy," you had told them with a giggle. "Then I could wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him whenever I want."
Yaku had blushed when he had heard that. He had started to imagine you trying that on him but had pushed that thought at the back of his mind. He was actually half a foot taller than you so he was actually too tall for you to do that.
So when you had told him that he was shorter than you thought, he interpreted it as, "It's easier to kiss you."
Yaku did end up telling you the story after he asked you out. So of course you took the opportunity to go on your toes to steal a kiss from him.
Somehow the team finds out about the story anyway. So Lev decided it was okay to comment on his height and call you two the chibi couple. Yaku still kicked him. When Lev asked why, Yaku said that he was still annoying.
I hope you liked it. I don't know how I'm going to think of more stories for the rest of the match-ups. There are 13 left. But I always think that whenever I start a new one. lol.
Here are my other stories.
Taglist: @nagichi-deku, @nxlx96, @muffins-puffins (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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boom-boom-boyx2 · 4 years
Rainy days~
Includes: KamiBaku, DekuXTokoyami & has cussing, warning is BL and theirs a lot of mistakes don’t take it to heart ;p
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“Babe, it’s pouring outside your gonna kill your self.”
“Babyyyy” the blonde actually said his first word all morning, “oh? And it can talk~?” The taller blonde who was actually awake mocked the shorter blonde attached to his waist. “Idiot, get up, we have work-” “no.” The shorter blonde pouted, “I’m not going today. We bOTH need a break and plus, we haven’t had a day by ourselves in a while” he looked at the awoken blonde with pleading eyes. “No. Denki Kaminari, get your cute* ass up right now and get dressed. We can stay home on a rainy day maybe but not today. “
Durring break on Tuesday night
/they both took the night shift thinking they might be partners but ended up on opposite sides of the city/
⚡️dunce face☀️ 💥Katsuki 🥰
Moron, I checked the weather, it said it’ll rain tomorrow night, I meant it when I said we should stay home on a rain day
Babbyyyyy~ I already put in that I’m working tomorrow morning🥺😭
🙄great- call in sick. I fucking. Dare. You.
No, kat. I can’t do that! I’ll get my ass kicked by kiri if I skip another day Bc it’s raining☹️
Babe. If ur sick, and it’s ducking raining. You’ll kill everyone. 😤you knOW THIS!
I’m not that stupid Katsuki!
Hey. Your not fucking stupid. So don’t imply that you are.
Sorry kat...♥️
Sure🖤 now go back to work keep shitty hair busy
You to! Try not to hurt MidoBro to much today☺️
Yeah sure, I’ll ‘try’
“Kachan! We’re partners!!!” Midorya yelled from across the street, “tch, I’m sooo lucky aren’t I?” Bakugou said in a mockingly implied tone. “Aww, Kachin what’s wrong? You seem a little more pissed off then usual..” Izumi kept a worried look in his eyes. “I’m fucking fine nerd, I just want a fucking break with husband for once.” He angry blonde looked at the greenette beside him and sighed, “I shouldn’t even be telling you this..” the greenette look at him with understandment, “ah, one of those days, I get it” he sighed and continued, “my husband and I barely get any time alone either” he let out an uneasy chuckle. The blonde then spoke and continued to walk as they were just doing portals today, “how is the Bird Brain any ways?”
They continued to talk for a bit till they finished patrolling and they went to the station to fill out some paper work then went home
“Babyyyyyy” “what? I’m getting ready to take shower, you should to.” “I’m offended! Do I stink that ba-“ he was cut off by his own groaning, “ew, okay. I’m taking a shower with you!” “Ew, cuck no- get awayyyyyy” he groaned as denki grabbed his waist and ouch him in the shower, with his clothes still on. “Kaminari. I swear to fucking pikachuu. If you turn the fucki-“ he was now soaking in his black tank top in th shower. a mischievous Kaminari outside the shower door with a smile as cocky as wide ran across his face. “Whatcha gonna do about it? Huh?” Kaminari said in between laughs, “your actually a child.” He said sighing then a sleek emerged on his face. “Oh no..” the famous last words before a disaster. “AHH! NO! KAT WAIT!!” Katsuki pulled his husband into the water with him.
- after the shower they both layer in the living room and watched TV till 1am-
“Achoo! Ew,” the blonde looked down at his hunband whose hair he’d been play with sense TBEY got out of the shower, “oh shît! Babe! I’m so sorry!! Are you okay!!” He quickly became scared and jumped up to look at his husband, “ugh, I will NEVER get used to that.” He shook his head hoping that a few brain cells were still working and maybe his vision might just come back to normal. “Kat, are you okay? I’m really sorry! I usually can feel it coming and I didn’t!!” The usually angry blonde was rather quiet and calm, he smiled and looked at his husband, “oh no, I THINK I KILLED HIM!” Kaminari started freaking out till he got interrupted by katsuki’s yelling “WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!? It’s 2 o’clock in the gOD DAMN MORNING. I’m not. Dealing with your shit right now. Sit back down. Play with my FUCKING hair. We can worry about everything tomorrow.” Denki looked at Katsuki with surprise, had it been so late that he didn’t care? Or maybe he zapped him so hard he forgot...No, Katsuki had to have been so tired that he was speaking nonsenses. “Babe. You need to go to sleep, we still have work tomorrow morning! And I think I cried your brain..” “no. Your getting over here and cuddling me and when I come back with blankets you better have fucking popcorn made.” The grumpy Katsuki shot back at Denki. “But- no! We have work tomorrow, or at least I do!” “No, you. Fucking. Don’t.” He came back and hugged his husband around the waist from the back, “your sick. And I have the day off. You can’t go-it’s rainy. And your sick. Deal with it.” “I- baby, you know I can’t do that.. and it was just one sne-“, he was cut off my his own sneeze, “fuck...” Katsuki kissed his husbands neck and turned off the TV. “Hey, Dunce Face. Com’ere .” Katsuki said while walking into their bedroom and turning off al the lights of their appointment, “I wanna go to sleep. And you need it, I’ll make soup in the morning for your cold.” Kaminari came in and sat down on the bed, “baby I can’t just not go tomorrow bc it’s raining and I’m sick, what if they need me-” all of Kaminari s worries stoped for just a moment while Katsuki kissed him. “Babe. Calm down. Theirs plenty of hero’s that can help, and I need you more, you said it yourself, we haven’t had a day to just ourselves... I was talking with Deku the other day and he said him and Tokoyami keep one day every week for a date night/ spending time with eachother in general, we need that... we both over work ourselves so much sometimes I think we both deserve a break, okay? So please, please Kaminari. Stay home with me tomorrow and let me treat you and spoil you with affection.” Kaminari was sure he stoped breathing, was this really* his husband, the one that only called him babe or dunce face sense they were in high school had just called him Kaminari, in a ‘non-threatening’ sense... he also just said he wanted to spoil him with affection...and tbis all came from the man who would barley want a hug in public, I mean sure! He likes to make out in public when he’s jealous but this was just weird. Kaminari could feel his face turning red and he feel down onto the bed. “Babe, are you alive.....babe! Babe- I wanted goodnight kisses. BABE!?” “Oh fuck! I’m okay! Are you okay?” “I’m fucking fine. Now lemme kiss you so we can go to sleep.” Kaminari quickly took his shirt off and layer next to his husband after Bakugou got his kiss. “Baby” the tired blonde turned around and looked at his, still blushing, husband “what’s wrong honey?” “I’m looking forward to the soup tomorrow morning..” they both smiled and kissed one last time, “I love you Denki Kaminari.” “I love you to Katsuki Bakugou.”
⚡️The end Loserz💥
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zenphia · 4 years
Rapper!Bakugou x Fanboy!Midoriya
"Thank you fuckers for coming! Y'all are goin' make me fall deaf before I turn twenty-five!" A tall blond figure shouted into a microphone to a huge crowd of screaming audience. The male let the fans scream their heads off for a couple of extra seconds before he leaned down and picked up a drum stick.
Nodding his head along to the cheers, he swung the drum stick and harshly slammed them against the drum. The crowd quieted down with anticipating of what's to come. The blond nodded to the crowd and tossed the drummer the drum stick (that now had a slight crack in it).
"Thanks for coming and don't drive drunk, you bastards." The male spoke in a low tone, causing his fans to cheer for him. Rolling his eyes, the blond handed to microphone off to someone else and started to head off stage.
"Great work, young Bakugou!" Another tall blond figure appeared besides the other's side.
Bakugou glanced at his manager and huffed, "Is he here yet? He wasn't in the VIP area and he wasn't answering his phone before the show." The male questioned with annoyance seeping through his tone.
The taller male nodded, "He's in the backroom. You have twenty minutes before your meet and greet. Don't be late!" The blond grinned to the other.
"Really Toshinori?" Bakugou raised an eyebrow at the accusation. Toshinori just shrugged and went to gather the VIP's into the meet and greet room.
With a sigh, Bakugou slowly took off his in-ear monitor and handed it to someone before opening the door to the backroom where his number one fan was waiting.
Immediately the blond was attacked by a body who was wrapping themselves around him like an octopus. Bakugou chuckled as he adjusted his grip on the other and buried his face in the fluffy moss of green hair. "Didn't know that my boyfriend had turned into an octopus. I gotta say, not really into tentacles that much."
Laughter came from under him as his boyfriend carefully pulled back and gave him a toothy grin, "Kachan! That's not appropriate to talk about here! Besides," The green haired male gave his boyfriend a glassy look, "I don't think you'll be complaining if you tried it."
Bakugou wrinkled his nose and pushed the other off of him, "Gee Deku, didn't know you were a kinky little shit. Actually, I did. I just choose to ignore it."
Midoriya let out a laugh and handed his boyfriend a cold bottle of water. "Just kidding. How was the show? I'm sorry I missed it, there was a last minute call from work."
Bakugou grunted as he took a large gulp of the water, "If you keep on missing shows like this, Ima think that you aren't really my number one fan anymore. Gotta step up your game if you want to keep your spot."
The green haired male let out a gasp and playfully swatted the other's shoulder, "Take that back Bakugou Katsuki! No one can replace me!"
The blond let out a predatory grin and placed the water bottle down on a nearby table. He carefully pulled the smaller male in closer to his side and titled his head down, "I wouldn't dream of it darling," Bakugou whispered into the other's ear.
Midoriya let out a squeal as the blond suddenly started placing random kissing all around his face and neck. "K-K-Katsuki! Katsuki! That tickles! Stoooop!" The shorter male whined as he struggled to get out of his boyfriends grip.
After awhile Bakugou stopped his kissing attacks and swooped in to steal a heated kiss from his significant other. Midoriya smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the blond's neck, with the other only tighten his grip.
A coughed caused the two to split away from each other, "Excuse me, but I do believe that it's time for your meet and greet, young Bakugou." Toshinori interrupted the two lovers.
Bakugou clicked his tongue as Midoriya started to apologize for taking too much time. The blond took off his 'Ground Zero' hat and placed it onto his boyfriends head. "Wait here for me nerd, I shouldn't take too long."
With that, Bakugou made his way to greet his fans. He could wait a bit longer to spend some quality time with his number one fan.
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