#and domestic boys in love
peachsayshi · 6 months
imagine peeking into the living room and finding satoru on the couch with his four year old on his lap. the two of them are both staring with the same blue eyes at the television, watching an animated movie. satoru's chin is resting on his child's head, and you can see their small hands gripping their father's forearms.
it's a touching scene that's playing out on the screen, you can tell by the moving dialogue and music in the background. but you can't help but hide a smile watching your lover and child mirror the same expression.
teary, wide eyes; bottom lip tucked between their teeth; cheeks tinted in pink as they both breathe in sync.
when your baby sniffles you notice satoru squeeze them a little tighter; and it's enough to make your heart burst on the spot.
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kokomini9 · 3 months
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doodles of themmmmm // geppie cute either way and then cute domestic au 🤭💕
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boywifesammy · 1 year
it’s so funny that the pilot episode sets up dean as this Wild, balls to the walls horndog of a guy who’s pestering his neat and straight Stanford law younger bro. then you watch the rest of the show and you realize, oh, it’s the other way. because dean is a fucking DORK. he’s a bleeding heart romantic who likes kids and classic rock and driving with the windows down. sam, on the other hand, is a batshit fucking crazy blood-drunk lunatic who is ready to lay down his humanity, become monstrous and kill innocent people to keep his brother alive. it’s hilarious. they really had us convinced for a second there that sam is very Normal and Well-Adjusted only to rugby tackle us from the back with 15 seasons of fuckery.
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ssaraexposs · 3 months
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They're boys. They're friends. They're BOYFRIENDS.
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stasyalovem · 8 days
it always makes me cry, the fact that Edwin read to Charles in his last hours just to comfort and soothe him and for Charles it was one of the first acts of kindness in a long time. so i think that moment always be in his memory, special moment when he understand that this boy might be the best thing happened in his more already afterlife. and i really like the idea that since then Charles love when Edwin reading to him. it started one day when they preparing for one of their cases and Edwin read to Charles paragraph with information that would help them from one of these many books about paranormal they have. and it remind Charles how calming and nice and soft Edwin's voice can be. so he ask Edwin to read someting else from this book, like they need more useful info and thats not Charles just want to hear Edwin's voice over and over. and after that time it becomes something permanent. sometimes Edwin reads something necessary for cases or something he just finds interesting. sometimes Charles casually asks "what's new?" when Edwin is completely immersed in a new tome. later, Edwin begins to choose fictional books and read his favorite paragraphs to Charles, interested in his opinion about them. and from brief moments it turns into pleasant hours spent reading and occasionally commenting on both of them, and they really enjoy it. and i love to think it became their special little comforting ritual after long day of investigations and danger. and after them both realized their feelings for each other those reading session start felt more intimate as they snuggling closer to each other, Charles resting his head on Edwin's shoulder and Edwin gently stroking Charles' hair and sometimes they pulling away from the book to give each other a sweet little kiss
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mrtequilasunset · 10 months
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I imagine a day off is very precious to an officer of the RCM.
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reunitedinterlude · 25 days
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lofi phantasy: the album
track 20: box boys
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babooshkart · 2 years
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loverboys in starlight (a gift for my darling)
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poisonousquinzel · 6 months
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sometimes a family is just a silly jester, her two carnivorous hyenas and her "Hot Plant Goddess" girlfriend <3
DC's 'Twas the Mite Before Christmas (2023-) #1
"The Princess Switch"
Writer: Rob Levin | Artist/Colorist: Bob Quinn | Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
"It's A Bunkerful Life"
Artist/Colorist: Andrew Drilon
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Fic idea (because I can't get enough of rockstar!Eddie, apparently)
Steve and Eddie try dating, but it quickly goes nowhere as Steve is just too busy. If he's not driving the kids around, he's doing chores for Mrs Henderson, or hanging out with Robin, or at work. And the free time he DOES have never correlates to when Eddie's free. They keep missing each other and Steve finally (gently) breaks up with Eddie because they just never see each other.
A few weeks pass and Steve misses him so much it hurts. Even the hour or so at a time that they used to get would be enough. And it's not forever, maybe soon they could move in together, get their own place and see each other all the time. And the girls are off to college soon, so that's MORE time together. He was an idiot to break up.
He goes to the new Munson house to try and get Eddie back only to find out that he's gone. Wayne tells him that he's going to Cali with Jonathan and Argyle, and that's that.
Steve's devastated.
The next time Nancy goes to see Jonathan he and Robin tag along, but Eddie's not there. Jonathan hasn't seen him in a few days, he's busy with his new band, and they're actually really good. Steve spends the rest of the time in Cali hoping Eddie will show up...but he doesn't. Steve goes home to Hawkins feeling worse than ever.
A few weeks later, Nancy excitedly tells him that Jonathan said that Eddie's band has been signed up, or signed on, or something, and that's a big fucking deal. They're recording an album and they might hear him on the radio, and Eddie might be famous.
It IS a big deal, Steve DOES hear him on the radio, and the band DOES get famous.
It happens too quickly for Steve to deal with, and shuts himself down a little. He still misses Eddie so much, and now there's no chance he'll ever see him again. He's just a dumbass with no future, and Eddie's out there living his best life as making his dreams come true. Robin and Nancy leave for college at the same time this all happens, and Steve's left hating himself for being stuck behind.
He hears the band's debut single all the time, but he tries not to focus on it. Their singer is really good, she's the main focus, but all Steve can hear is Eddie in the backing vocals and guitar and its too much.
Jonathan invites them all back to Cali for one of the band's shows, (they're only the support act but still, it's the support for a really famous rock band), and Steve agrees to go. He stands in the crowd, surrounded by people in black, leather and chic, and hates himself a tiny bit more. This is Eddie's world and he doesn't fit in it, doesn't belong in it.
The show is spectacular, leagues above what corroded coffin used to do, and Steve's eyes don't leave Eddie once. After the band leaves the stage, Jonathan drags them all backstage, though Steve tries to leave, and for the first time in months Steve comes face to face with his ex.
Eddie's bouncing around, on some adrenaline high, laughing his head off until he sees Steve. His smile drops and he looks like the devastated boy that Steve had left broken hearted all those months ago. And if Steve didn't hate himself before, he does now. That's the effect he has on the guy he loves, just the sight of him upsets Eddie. So instead of saying anything...he chickens out and runs.
He doesn't expect Eddie to follow him, but he does, dragging them both into an empty room. Steve can't even get a word out before he just flings himself into Eddie's arms and sobs. He says a lot of things as he cries, trying to explain himself, but none of it makes any sense to his own ears. Eddie clings to him in return, and it's not until Steve's composed himself that he realises that Eddie's crying too.
They just cling to each other until someone comes to tell Eddie that they're leaving for the hotel, and Eddie insists that Steve comes too. They spend the night together, figuring themselves out, and it all comes to a head when Eddie asks if Steve had heard their single. Steve says he has and that he...likes it? Eddie laughs at him softly and cuddles him closer.
It's about Steve, he explains, because of course it is. It's the song that Eddie had written both before and after they'd broken up. It's a song about being completely in love...but then dealing with being broken hearted. And apparently it struck a chord with both the talent scout that had 'discovered' them, and the rest of the world that related to it enough to make it popular.
They agree to try again.
Eddie's band don't warm to him for some time, and neither does Wayne, but Steve's right by Eddie's side as the band goes from a small-time support band to full rockstars in their own right over the next few years. He's not making the same mistake twice, and neither is Eddie. They both let go too easily the first time, and they won't let go again.
Steve and Eddie get 'unlawfully married' on their fifth anniversary in '91, and finally gains Wayne's acceptance. The band have also gotten used to him by this point, and jokingly refer to him as the 'non musical' member of the band.
An injury to both the band's vocalist and drummer brings the band to a natural end in '06. The band's popularity carries on though a very vocal cult fanbase due to a) their singer and rhythm guitarist being two of the few venerated women in their genre and b) Eddie being very open about his sexuality and 'unlawful husband'.
Eddie settles down with Steve in a quiet part of the country, and finds himself at a bit of a loss. It's not until he rediscovers D&D that he finds purpose again, and ends up writing a few campaigns that get published. His fame is good for something after all.
Steve suggests he test them out on the old Hellfire club (because of course Steve's still in contact with most of them), and by 2010 the gang's permanently back together. They sometimes play D&D in person, but most of it's through Skype.
One of the club suggests (after a particularly hilarious session) that they record it for a podcast, and although it starts slow, because of Eddie's fame it soon gets pretty popular. Every member of the club gets their own little fanbase and merch (even Steve, as the long suffering 'normal hubby').
Eddie's happy, Steve's happy, and they get legally married in 2016, on their 30th anniversary.
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llondonfog · 2 months
OK so Baul and Lilias friendship lives in my mind rent free, so I think that a few days after silver gets sick for the first time and mama and papa zigvolt manage to teach lilia the proper way to care for a sick infant after he comes over to their house tembling with poorly restrained panic, Baul goes over with v little persuasion from his daughter to check up on them.
What he sees is a happy and healthy Silver just quietly smiling up at him from Lilias arms while Lilia is passed out in his rocking chair fevered and red from catching baby's first cold.
Baul immediately assigns himself caretaker duties, doesn't even bother trying to move Silver from Lilias arms and instead just picks them both up to deposit them both in Lilias bed for a proper nap before checking the fridge for tomato soup ingredients.
When he first heard from his daughter that Lilia— Lilia Vanrouge, the once General of the Right, feared commander of the fae armies and scourge of humankind— had adopted a human child and had been caring for it for several months now, Baul had roared with laughter so hard that he split a scale wide open on his cheek.
It was certainly a poor excuse for a joke, the very kind of rumor that the castle fae still bitter over Lilia's persistent existence four hundred years later might spread. The very idea that Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge, would debase himself to care for a human child not of his blood, to stoop so low as to toil over its screeching and wailing demands when he had bathed in the screams of its own kind with a mad vengeance after the tragedy of Lady Meleanor . . . not even four hundred years of honeyed peace was enough to sweeten that wound.
Time, it seemed, had forgotten what was so cruelly emblazoned in the very depths of Baul's mind, in Lilia's own memories, and the nightmares of all those surviving fae who stalked the forests during those blood-soaked nights. Those born in kinder years had never known the horror of human avarice, and even his own daughter had taken up residence with one of their kind despite her father's immense displeasure, simpering, soft-hearted fool that her husband was.
At least, to Baul's proud credit, their lineage rippled strong and true through his grandchildren— and with his daughter due any day under the weight of a third, he's only too certain for another healthy, bouncing, scaled Zigvolt.
So when she had simply stared back at him with crossed arms and an arched brow while he had laughed and laughed and laughed, a sinking kind of horror began to creep into his heart— surely . . . she wasn't serious?
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Months— hardly the blink of an eye for faekind, but everything to humans. Months, Lilia had kept a child for several months, and not once had tried to rid himself of it? Not once tried to deposit it upon the stoop of a human village and wipe his hands clean of the responsibility of child-rearing? He had been taking advice from Baul's daughter and her wisp of a husband on how to pacify and coddle it? He had barged into their home, fretful beyond measure with a colicky babe clutched in his arms, and all but demanded them to cure the child?
("Or what?" Baul found himself asking, utterly bewildered and needing to find some kernel of normalcy in the fact that surely Lilia had menaced his daughter's husband some into obeying his whims.
"Or nothing, Father," she said, the taunting ghost of a knowing smile playing about her lips. "In all the years that I've known him, I've never seen him quite so distraught. He stayed by the crib all night, frozen— we had to tell him it was alright to breathe and to hold Silver's hand if he wanted, it was as if he was afraid to hurt him.")
Silver? Lilia, afraid? Holding the hand of some human child?
It simply couldn't be true.
It couldn't be, this had to be some elaborate, poorly executed prank.
He clung to that belief even as his daughter shoved a bundle of medicine, food, and knitted blankets into his arms with the stern instruction to deliver them to Lilia's home (Home! He had never heard the forest cottage to be described in such terms! The place was a hovel, a storage shed for Lilia to dump his treasures before venturing off to the next location, how could it be considered a home?).
He clung to it even as he emerged from the woods to the path that led up to the cottage's door, casting unnerved glances to the strange and new abundance of woodland creatures skulking about the thatched roof and scampering along the thick tree trunk supporting the cottage like a lean-to, soft little animals that would have darted away in fright from Lilia's presence before Baul's own.
He clung to it until he could no more, when he threw open the cottage door with an odd tightness in his chest to see his oldest friend collapsed on a worn and lumpy armchair with a honest-to-goodness human baby snuggled safely within his arms and sucking happily on a stray piece of ruby-stained hair. Beyond them, a soothing glow flickered in the fireplace where a kettle of milk quietly steamed, and the scattered presence of cloth toys littered the living room floor along with (Baul shuddered) well-thumbed pamphlets, their covers illustrated with the cheerful faces of frolicking human children.
What had this child done to Lilia Vanrouge?
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lenateliier · 1 year
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"A family I could truly call my own" what if I ended it all what if chapters 62-65 were my last straw please....
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babygirllinds · 1 year
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The Polaroid Mav took of Ice one early morning as he talked to Slider on the phone. He tucked it in his wallet as soon as it developed fully and stares at it to remind himself of the love he’s come to know. He looks at it on bad days, running his fingers over the wrinkles and memorizes the smile he’s come to fall in love with every day.
He tucks it in plain sight of his plane before every mission and promises to come home to that face for the rest of his life, kissing it before going up in the air and kissing it when he lands. When he comes home each time, Ice is there with that same bright smile and open arms, pulling him in for a sweet kiss and the promise of forever.
click here for Ice’s Polaroid of Mav
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mystery-box-gifs · 2 years
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🪴 Plant Dad 🪴 
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turnabout-soda · 6 months
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best dad. (after phoenix, of course)
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cuckette · 7 months
FYI, I would NEVER .EVER. condone domestic abuse but I actually had this little idea when I was daydreaming myself to sleep. Basically how Leon can beat the shit out of you, out of nowhere too. Like you thought he was the most perfect and loving boyfriend of husband you could have and one day he just snaps. You’ll be like bawling out crying with a bloody nose, red marks on your eyes and cheeks that will grow into nasty bruises and a horrible busted lip. You’ll try your absolutely hardest to fight back (cuz we don’t just soak that shit in and take it, finna do what we can even if it ain’t shit) and he’ll just snap out of it and he kicks into some sick type of mindset. He’ll grab you by neck or hair and force you down on the nearest flat space that he can fuck you, whether it be the counter, table, desk, idk. But he’ll just rip your panties off and go straight at it with you, unlubricated and still having hella adrenaline. He will coo so many fantasies and apologies that don’t seem as if he’ll keep it with the way he’s treating you right now, he fucks like he does when y’all are in bed (rough but loving) and before it felt so nice and now it’s just down tight terrifying. It hurts the way he just slams into you, your clit just seems to ache for some reason too. It’s just horrible. By the time he’s done, you’re still sobbing with your tears and spit mixing in with your blood (busted nose and lip for ya) while he’s cooing at you again gently, rubbing your back and trying to soothe you as if he wasn’t the asshole who did it to you, he’s a domestic abuser in your eyes now and you know that you have to somehow get out now before you’re baby trapped and married with a domestic abuser.
ANON OK SO THIS IS ONE OF MY MOST FAVOURITE THINGS EVER I think of this all the time but haven’t talked ab it here bc of how people react :3 but to me super sweet guy who turns out to be a fucking control freak scumbag? misplaced anger that always comes out towards you? ugh just grabbing you, knocking you around, smacking your head against the wall? and taking you whenever he wants UGDHSJDB don’t get me started it’s my favourite thing ever and the fact that when you flinch if he makes the slightest movement - he finds it funny. jumps just to make you jump bc it makes him keel over laughing :3 just gross man who gets off on your misery
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