#and dont even get me started on the pantheon
syn4k · 11 months
one of the best ways to desensitize yourself to weird shit is by being plural with some crazy headspace lore. oh someone in england birthed a literal rabbit? well thats kind of fucked up but one time i heard about a guy who was stillborn and dead for a year but his mother kept practicing illegal necromancy until he finally was raised from the dead and continued his life relatively normally and now when we count his age we have to take 1 off of it because his age was -1 for a bit. ive seen everything
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purpleender29 · 4 months
So I just rewatched “73 yards” and although i still have no idea what was going on I have some thoughts and mini theories(did not expect the post to be this big, sorry both that)
So first thing to note, there is no opening theme song doesnt play at all, which marks the first of many mysterys of what on earth happened with the woman this episode. This most likely relates to the doctor just vanishing into thin air as soon as they reach the fairy circle as the show is called Doctor Who, and he is needed for the show to happen properly. A sort of crack theory I had is that the “showrunner”(see previous theory for more context, tldr potential pantheon member) took the doctor out of the episode when the woman started appearing cause if the doctor speaks to it, he will hate ruby and that would ruin the showman’s plans? Im also quite certain the showrunner didnt make the woman in the first place as i think they have some direct control over 4th wall breaking people, and Mrs flood who we see at the christmas special broke the wall says “Nothing to do with me” which could be a disguised way of hinting the showrunner has nothing to do with the woman.
Second, I dont think ruby is the woman, but more so was taken by them at the end of her life to absorb her I guess? and cause of pantheon wishy washy magic, old ruby is able to get to young ruby to stop it from happening again. I doubt this is a time loop cause if it was, ruby wouldn’t have mentioned 3 welsh visits the second time round, which means that the main bulk of the episode did in fact happen. It could be that when old Ruby “died” she could access the “tech room” and get young ruby to leave to potentially save the show. I also couldn’t find much on why 73 is significant, maybe one thing could make sense, is that it means “best regards” in telegraph code. Not sure how excactly it fits into everything tho. Also the snow happens quite frequently at the start of the episode, specifically at the cliff when the doctor vanishes as well as the whole susan encounter, and at the final chat between ruby and her adoptive mum. while outside the flat door, Carla says to ruby “Not even your birth mum wanted you.” ending the call and soon after snow starts. This could be ruby’s mum reaching out to her although she doesnt know it.
Final note, the actress for the woman, Hilary Hobson, doesn’t exist. there is no info on her and it seems to be a stage name for plot reasons like with Susan. Hilary means “cheerful” in Latin and Hobson from scandanavian origins means “Son of Hob”. The cheerful could just be an ironic twist as all the womans victims just scare them away from their places because of ruby, and the only dr who related Hob i found was a tin robot so im confused in regards to the name. Final sort of out of no where bit I promise, I think what the woman is saying to everyone is the Truth, the Truth being the fact that its a tv show, and they all play apart, and that ruby is some sort of demigod and is causing all the supernatural stuff to happen to begin with, and that this whole timeline is a sort of what if/warning for ruby to basically say that if people find out who she actually is, they will all hate and reject her, the first being the doctor as he always runs away.
Ok just thought of this last bit as I was typing this extra last paragraph, The toymaker on regards to his encounter to the one who waits says, “I saw it hiding and I ran”which could mean maybe that this thing could be the one who waits or at least related and it certainly did wait for ruby to finally perish before taking her so the showrunner and the waiting one could be different people after all.
Ok thats all I swear, thanks for reading all this extra long post, im also honestly quite excited for the next one too :)
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
Ngl nothing is more funny then the daily reminder that pjo and Hoo is just a bunch of teens and children trying to survive while a bunch of prehistoric folks bully them 😭
Like I know the ror folks are clutching their pearls the moment they hear Percy at the tender age of 12 jumped of the Arch Wich is like 630 feet 😋
Or that very cute very silly little time percy felt cute and got lava chucked at her…
Or like ohh ! That one time where Percy had almost been smoked for sitting in Pjo’s throne.
Also I’m pretty it’s also dummy bad in Hoo for Percy ( and I’m taking son of Neptune let’s not even get started on how bad it’ll be once we reach mark of Athena )
Also I know the whole pantheon is gonna try to strangle Piper cause remember when she saw that one slip of the future of her, Jason, and Percy drowning and didn’t say anything 😭😭 like I would actually drag her and feed her to the New York rats if she ever pulled that on me.
Also the the reaction of the human fighter reacting to Antonious are just foul 😭😭 leave that poor boy alone we already know he’s gonna suffer ( lol jk I live for any kind of slander 😋)
Also I sent some fan art and idk if it sent through but if it didn’t I’ll rush off to Resend it 👯‍♂️
like yes the ror gods are crueler, but they dont go around having personal beef against teenagers 😭😭😭😭
the ror gods AND humans would be so baffled because imagine being ANCIENT and ALL POWERFUL.... and you spend your day bullying kids 💀💀💀 that's just embarrassing
also, about your fanart, the last one i got was the percy x hades ones 😉 i already posted them in chapter 18. if ur talking about a different fanart, then no, ur fanart wasn't sent to me :(
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seii-fantasy · 2 years
My little Thunder
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Indra x Goddess ! reader
Who knew that the White Platinum man could fall in love with someone.
You were the sister of Rudra , you were mostly Shiva and Rudra's little diamond . When your brother wanted to reach the peak of Svarga , you wanted to go with them if they needed help who will help.
To know that , you , Rudra and Shiva weren't known at the time , so if they needed help from the people they wont get it
And somehow everyfight they got into , they won , from the lower gods such as the Asura siblings to the most powerful gods such as Agni , Varuna
Until you , your brother and Shiva met Indra "My oh my , what do we've got here" Indra smirked while looking at you , " Hey! Dont you even try to take our little jewel or you will atrociously regret it" Shiva snarled at the White Platinium man .
And Rudra who started to have an headache from the drama who started to begun , went for a fight against Indra
Indra quickly became one of the Followers of the Duo (Shiva x Rudra) , until your brother achived his dream . While you were preparing some food for you and the duo , you heard someone punches echoing throught the whole Pantheon , your heart started to hammering in your chest .
As you tried to run , Vishnu was blocking your way , trying to hide something from you "Lord Vishnu , what is happening ? Where is Rudra ? Where is Shiva" you started to panick and Vishnu answered "Vishnu will be great , first of all , your brother is at the peak of Svarga with his friend too , and now i can't let you go because they"re fighting " with a stoic expression , you started to panick more , tears falling slowly and Vishnu came for a hug .
Brahma came and asked what was happening until Vishnu looked at him in a very meaningful way , more like "Well dude , it is not the right moment to ask what the hell is going on"
"They litteraly fighting at the Peak , not giving a single care about their little jewel's who worried here" a deep voice was heard following by a thunder and the smell of smoke , it was Indra .
He approached you , while you were crying , and Vishnu stopped hugging you , took a few stepped back . He hugged you "Shh , Darling everything's alright " and after a couple of minutes crying , you felt asleep in the arms of the Hindu God of the Thunder
"Oh ! Someon's already asleep" Varuna appeared followed by Agni . Indra took you to his castle and put you on his bed . And went to deal with Shiva and Rudra.
With the boys
"Please don"t get up ! Rudra ! " Shiva thought and Rudra stood up again , face full of cut and blood "I-i-it's not over , the fun has just begun!" He yelled while he tried to punch Shiva again , but as expected Shiva dodged it and punched his best friend in the stromach.
A loud thunderstorm was heard following by Indra appearing between your brother and Shiva , yelling "Stop!" Which it was also heard in the Pantheon . Shiva was finally happy that someone stopped their fight so he would stop punching his friend.
"Can you two STOP FIGHTING FOR Y/N SAKE GOD DAMN IT ! She has cried non-stop , she's so freakin worried about you two and the only thing you can do is fighting "! He yelled , Rudra who was laying on the floor called your name "Y-y-y/n where is she?" He asked Indra , which Indra answered that she was in his castle sleeping.
And Indra dealed with the chaotic duo , and they litteraly apologized when you woke up saying that they wont worry you again.
After that drama , you went searching for the Hindu God of the Thunder , wanted to thank him for dealing with the duo . You found him , sleeping under a tree , you approachred him , slowly wanted to see if he was awake or not .
Somehow he found your feet , and he yanked you , head on his chest , hips to hips , you blushed madly .
"Hehe , i know that you were coming darling" he whispered "I-me'-i wanted to thank you , Lord Indra for d-d-dealing with my brother and his friend" you said while your face was still red from the sudden position you are right nod
"Hmm , it's alright ! As long as those two wont worry you again" He sighed and he started to pat your head . Indra said "Mujhe tumase pyaar hai" and you answered that you love him too .
A small blush was on his cheeks before he said that you should stay here , he really appreciate your presence , as you kissed him on the forehead.
Shiva : Rudra , i need to tell ya something
Rudra: What is it
Shiva : Promise you won't get mad
Rudra : If it is about Y/n , it depends
Shiva: Y/n have a boyfriend
Rudra with a creepy smile : Who is it
Shiva : He's tall , White-
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homeonthesea · 4 months
i’ve been working on a scu fic (but at least the ceiling’s very pretty/baltcvp) for like over a year now (the og vers of the first 4 chapters are on my og ao3 acc) and i got bored and made up lore in my bathroom taking a fat shit and then i wrote it down and im really proud of it tbh!!
lmk if this needs any warnings or anything it’ll be below the cut if anyone wants any context to points jus ask me i dont have access to the actual fic doc rn but i rember things
first. the mortal/god stuff.
the reason why their bodies are all at first mortal is the residual imbalance from grizz being dead. in this sort of “au” ig idk, when one god of a pantheon (i.e grizz) dies (which is VERY rare and usually only happens when one god takes out another, i.e bebo shooting him) there’s an imbalance in the world, so the divinity of the others begins to lessen until they’re mortal again. but, as they’re all reunited and grizz is somehow revived, which i’ll get to later, that divinity begins to return to them all
and on the topic of the reunion and grizz’s revival....
it’s a mystery until the end (even after they get charlie back) how they all are back at molympus. but since im god and i wrote this lore bit, i can say it now ^_^
some backstory:
after the boys beat the game, their divinity slowly left them until they were mortal to keep that aforementioned balance. the world became godless, but the people survived, praying to the gods of old (the boys) and believing they could still help (they cant). charlie....is a story for another paragraph, bizly became a recluse and chose to hide in the forests and nature almost to torture himself (grizz was the god of nature and bizly was the one who killed him so), and condi dedicated himself to finding out how to bring grizz back so the world could gain its gods again.
charlie was whisked away by schlart to be readied for the next story ^_^ simce he’s the main character after all :3 anyways hes not relevant
since the world began to crumble in on itself without its gods, thus starts 100 days. schlatt brings charlie in to carry out his final story, but the other two, who are still alive, don’t realize until he shows up again
bizly realized how different charlie was the second he saw him even from a distance, almost miraculously recognizing him, and decided to make a new persona so he wouldn’t have to act like he knew him. he’d been hurt enough by charlie and his distance and his disappearance that he didn’t want to have to try and jog his obviously lost or repressed memory. he left him in the end because he just couldn’t face him anymore. he hated how he looked at him with no recognition despite looking basically the same, maybe just with shaggier hair, sounding the same, just with a slight accent for the bit, being the same. so he left. he was so blinded by anger and frustration that he couldn’t even be fully aware of charlie’s differences and issues.
though he did come back and fight by charlie’s side, in the end. he still cared that much.
condi, on the other hand, almost didn’t recognize charlie by the time he found him. he’d been so beat up and coated in dirt and grime that he was almost unrecognizable. charlie always kept in tiptop shape, so if condi hadn’t recognized the slimes on him he probably would barely realize who he was. plus, his voice was so fucked up due to the haze in the air and still apparent years of disuse that he didn’t even sound himself. where bizly was angry, condi was concerned. condi was genuinely worried at first, but then his focus shifted back to his projects almost unnervingly quickly when he was asked of them.
though he did sacrifice his life to save charlie’s, in the end. he still cared that much.
grizz is dead as hell LMAOAOAOAOAO
after day 100, bizly was the only god of the pantheon alive. still using his florida man persona as basically a coping mechanism at this point, saddled with these two random mortals, one of whom disturbingly reminded him of grizz, he was frustrated. done. he wanted his life back. his friends back. his divinity back.
and one day he woke up back on molympus.
how, you ask? bizly’s frustration, his anger, his grief, it all bottled up in him alongside the last dregs of divinity left in their realm. basically, the world follows the stability of its gods, and since bizly was the last god left, when he broke, so did the world. when the world broke, it killed him in the process.
the death of the gods, with nobody left to be able to channel their divinity, ended the world.
but, like in minecraft, you can always make a new one.
bizly, in his state, accidentally created a new world and revived all four of the gods of old. which lines up, because he was always the healer. the god of life, being the last one to have it.
the god of life, being able to restore it.
now, to clarify charlie’s whole situation.
when he was revived, schlatt was alongside him because the two are deeply intertwined for some insane reason that involves that first encounter. he became the main character of the story schlatt wanted to weave by being the last one left standing. he was the largest subject of the torture put upon everyone. he caused the problems that led to his friends, eventually fellow gods, to hate him, deep down. everyone else were just plot devices for him.
so when he was revived, so was schlatt. and schlatt missed his story. so he decided he’d loop it as many times as it takes charlie to get out with his memories being reset with each loop.
all he had to do was take his shot in the final moments of day 101.
anyways off the topic of charlie because although the fic is based around trying to get him back it focuses on the others more
everyone being revived brought them all to where bizly wanted them to be again: molympus. he’d missed the actual good times they’d had over the few thousand years they spent together, building their world bit by bit, code by code. it held shitty memories of practical verbal abuse, yeah, but it was also one of the safest places he’d ever had. he wanted it back. he wanted his friends.
and, in the end, he got them.
to summarize: everyone turned mortal, fucking died, and bizly revived his friends and fucking brainblasted a new world into existance because he was sad abt all of it. also charlie’s stuck in a time loop but that's not important
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wyrm-in-a-closet · 10 months
Science fact of the day- Jupiter!
Jupiter is the big guy of the planets. it's mass is 2.5 that of every other planet combined (which is extra impressive considering saturn makes up well over 2/3rds of that other mass). Jupiter is probably the oldest, too, which is likely why it was able to get so large. Because of this, Jupiter has long been the primary force influencing the other planets, and scientists are very interested in the history of Jupiter and its location in the solar system because of its effects. one theory states that Jupiter formed further out from the sun than its current position, then drifted all the way in to where the asteroid belt is today, and in doing so disrupted the orbits of super-earth planets, which collided and were destroyed, leaving behind rubble which would've become earth and the other rocky planets. This is just one of several theories on Jupiter's past, but I don't really have time to go into that all. nowadays, Jupiter mainly affects asteroids. for awhile, it was thought that jupiter protects Earth from asteroids by sheparding them around and flinging them outta the solar system, but in reality, it actually brings more asteroids down into earth-hitting range than there otherwise would be, so at the very least, it's neutral in the matter. don't blame jupiter for the dinosaurs going bye bye.
aside from how it affects the other planets, Jupiter itself is a very interesting planet. it's actually about as big as a planet of its size and age could be- if you continued adding mass, the planet would stay roughly the same size until about 40% more mass, at which point it would begin contracting due to gravity. Saturn shows this pretty well- it's almost the exact same size as Jupiter (about 8000 km less in radius, which is a lot but less than 10% it's total radius.) however, Jupiter wasn't always this size- its been shrinking for a long time, and letting off heat in the process. Jupiter lets off about 2x the heat it gets from the sun. when Jupiter was first formed, it was probably about twice it's current radius, meaning it would've been far, far less dense, and it would've been exceptionally hotter. it for sure would've been very bright in the night sky.
But even now, Jupiter is still the second brightest object at night, after only Venus (not counting the Moon and Sun). as such, it's had a fairly signifigant culture impact. The Romans and Greeks asigned it their most powerful gods who sat at the top of the Pantheon, although they actually didn't do it first- ancient Babylon assigned it one of their most powerful gods, and that probably influenced Zues and Jupiter's mythology and representation as the planet. In the East, Jupiter was the basis for the Chinese Zodiac- Jupiter has a roughly 12 year orbit, and so each year of the Chinese Zodiac is named after the constillation that Jupiter was opposite from at that time. It's actually possible that a chinese astronomer over 2000 years ago observed at least one of the Galilean moons, observing it as "a star which travelled alongside Jupiter," although this claim is still debated.
As telescopes were developed and we could observe Jupiter in detail, astronomers noted major cloud bands, and most notably, the Great Red Spot. The great read spot is a massive storm in Jupiter's atmosphere which is just. enourmous in scale. when you see a picture you're like, oh, that's not that big, but the width is wider than the fucking Earth and the whole storm is hundreds of kilometers deep and extends several kilometers above the other clouds. The Great Red Spot has been there since we started observing Jupiter, and is probably a permanant feature of Jupiter- or at least, it'll be there for a long, long time. frankly this thing kinda terrifies me and if there's one thing in the universe thats caused by an eldritch horror it's the Great Red Spot. i dont trust it. honestly this image only sorta does it justice. earth is so fucking small compared to jupiter.
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sleepy-vix · 6 months
just finished the burning god ^^👍 what the fuck
spoilers below
fuck i was a fool to pray that kitay would live
also i had a feelign tjat rin woulg kill her self in the end and im SO INFINITELY GLAD that nezha didnt die in that cave water thing following that monster/dragon, but FUCK I DIDNT WANT THIS ENDING
im so glad that nezha at least lives but actually is that any better than death???? poor boy never wanted to be a ruler. UGHHH I JUST REALISED KUANG ADDED THAT CHAPTER WHERE VAISRA ASKS NEZHA IF HE WANTED TO BE A RULER TO HURT US EVEN MORE
fuck you kuang
you twisted genius
nezha never wanted to be a ruler. his father never cared about him, he was tortured by the stupid dragon god thing, thrust into a position in charge of a whole fucking country- and not a good one at that, forced to hunt down the girl he loved because of duty, and then forced to WATCH HER KILL HERSELF AND HIS CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND and he had to keep going bc he has a whole fucking country to rebuild and hesperians to outplay
fuck all of the characters in these books are so haunted i love it and i hate it and i wish i'd never ever met them
and kitay...
i wanted so so so badly for him to live. i hate that he was so clearly helpless in the end. i knew that he loved rin and it was so glorious that he loved her but FUCK i didnt want him to end like this?!?,!;&:!:&:$. like... she was trynna kill him at the end. i thought hed die by jumping in front of an arrow for her or smtg 😭😭 we didnt even get to see much moments of them simply being best friends
"i cant help but love you" WHAT THE FUCK.
this is so unfair i feel so sick in the stomach i could vomit actually
the only person's death who i'm remotely at peace with is Rin's bc i anticipated it from the start and it was so cleary necessary, even though it was tragic. the whole thing with her spiralling at the end made me so sick in my stomach because i hated her briefly, but really i couldnt actually HATE her because shes rin and shes only twenty one (i just realised shes only SIX. SIX years older than i am) and shes been through so much fuck fuck fuck this stupid ass story i wish i never even had the ability to read. i want to hug rin and just stop time forever
a big part of me wishes that rin never tried to kill nezha at all, that she was completely sane (tho tbf, her going insane was totally warranted considering everything shes been through) and she had made some clever deal with the hesperians where she never used her powers ever again but not have to die and she could BE ALIVE with kitay and nezha but.... it makes sense that she dies (even though i hate that). it goes against her nature to live and bend to the hesperians, and her death would give nezha more credibility, and she probably wouldve gone even more batshit crazy having to act civilised and not wage another war... so
i dont even know what to say anymore it all happened so fast and i still cant accept it
the weirdest thing is that the people i feel most sorry for are the ones who are alive (which is not many, but still...): Nezha, first and foremost. 21 years old and he has to singlehandedly play politics in order to save a fractured country. agshjss i wish kitay could have lived to help him through it omfg
also chaghan. him and his people are going to be the only ones left who have access to the pantheon, but they'll probably have to go to war or submit to the hesperians aghhh and chaghan has to lead all that with HALF OF HIS SOUL FUCKING DEAD (rf kuang... i curse you)
also what the hell happened to Lianhua? :( poor girl is gonna get tracked by the hesperians aswell
ushshajshsjss i cant think anymore. im so fucking miserable ^^,
atleast i can look at fanart now :(
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bandagegirl · 2 years
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Read more breaks posts when I make them, so you gotta deal with the following copypasted text that i dont wanna clean up. Sorry.
Time to brainstorm Union of Old and Gold.
Fortuna can grant any wish if the person believes in it strongly enough or if many people wish for it. So when Fortuna's relationship starts getting too cozy with Shamura, the other gods decide to use it to their advantage. Instead of asking Midas to seal the Golden Gods away, they instead speak a wish. They wish for the Old Faith and the Golden Gods to unite based on the closeness of Luck and War. They wish for all the gods to be allowed to live, any god who doesnt want to share devotion with the bishops will be asked to leave and never return. Foreign gods are allowed to travel through the lands but will be killed if they dare to challenge the bishops or gods.
Of course, the biggest hurdle will be explaining it all to the other bishops but due to the wish and its nature, the other four bishops agree to it. Many of the Gods Fortuna protected leave, some always wanted to leave, others cant stand the bishops, the rest are split between the five bishops, creating a pantheon in a messed up way. Potential dissenters of the bishops and mortals previously unaligned to any god can now choose between far more gods to pray to, unaware its all the same.
As kind as Fortuna is, Kallamar notices how she's treating him just a bit more coldly no matter how much time passes. And with foreign gods allowed to pass through the lands, a god of Bad Luck and Fear decides to pay a visit, fueling the Squid's paranoia while rolling out his own plan. Bird of Pitch, Gustav Mandela Angel Pechvogel, son of Fortuna born out of negative wishes that drove her horribly sick. No wonder a god born out of illness is drawn to the God of Plagues. Fortuna doesnt even know Gustav exists, she's fully convinced he was just a fever dream. Which definitely would make a meeting between the two very awkward.
"MoTher is Unkind! She NEVER tried to look for me! MoTher likes random trash she finds MORE Than her soN!"
"Until now I was fully convinced you were a fever dream and not real. I'm uh. Terribly sorry"
"MoTher LIES. DeaTH To MoTher! Darling, get THe star!"
Gustav definitely is Horrible influence on Kallamar, poisoning him with his words, manipulating him into believing the world has it out for the squid. Gustav is totally not projecting (sarcasm).
Double breakdown moment where Gustav screams at Fortuna about how its impossible to treat everyone kind, someone will always be treated unkind while Kallamar hunts Midas with the goal to kill him, bringing down the Golden Gods. No one comes out ok from it. Midas is seriously hurt, Kallamar is a crying mess thats mumbling apologies while begging for mercy, Fortuna's choking on the remains of the son she wasnt aware of, huge fight leftovers for everyone around.
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incarnateirony · 7 months
This entire post you reblogged below, maam. Three years ago, you blew up over literal fucking lemons, thinking I'd use them to cast a powerful curse on, summarily, half the people I banned from my server that you've been clinging to the asses of since and/or people in their fractal orbit.
You then spent years haunting my fandom discord, chasing me down, and then invested SIX MONTHS OF YOUR LIFE STALKING MY BUSINESS INVESTOR WITH THE SOLE INTENTION OF EVEN SMEARING ME TO HIM.
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the bicycle is fucking telling you to fucking get different handlebars, Shealyn. We have tried our whole life to teach you to ride a bike but you just keep chasing ours, it's gone, get a new one.
I'm coming for my fucking Air Jordan collection. It's not a theory, it's not a belief, it's not something you can reblog away on tumblr if you spin around enough and find the right syntax, it's the shadow you just stared in the face and realized only a criminal would be acting how you are.
Virtual systems ready, bitch. I'm pissin on the moooooooooon
no like it's seriously time to start coping and realizing, like, this is a wholeass smiting. This whole thing. And I'm not going to stop no matter how you whine. Really, only you can stop it now, I can just steer through and make it a lot funnier, okay? Mkay sweetcheeks. These aren't a million random events that have me rolling on the floor laughing as they happen when spoken, no, sweetie. I told you, we're going off the rails. this is a shadow spiral. and you're in it.
eat me you frauuuuuuuuuuuud
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"Practicioners have a right to charge for services" SURE AS SHIT DO. REAL SERVICES. THIS AINT THAT GIRL. You've already changed pantheons like four times in the last fucking month and ditched half your beliefs adjacent otherwise to run from recognizing what's happening. You already "admitted you were on the wrong path" indirectly, but won't confess or look at what or why, and still wanted to play victim while we have been SCREAMING at you to get a fucking different one, we had to PEEL you off that shit and you thought that was where the problem ended and no like that's the first fuckin boss, we're breaking past 2, 3 is next, ok peaches?
my ass out here doing tony hawk stunts in fuckin akasha on your ass in circles cuz you won't get off my fuckin bike and you're like, don't take the training wheels off yet!! But let me keep charging people? And raping your dead shadow LITTLE BIT?
THAT TIME IS GONE. We LITERALLY told you no more fucking training wheels at the start. And it's not because you can't learn to ride your own bike, it's that we're taking ours back, it's that simple. It's not our fault you built yourself a house of fucking lies.
All of this. Your disassociation. Your disliking the distancing from "channeling" or me staying busy with work or Works. Your kingdom of lies, forgetting everything convenient under vague amnesia and patchy belief, treating people around you just like the game you refused any lessons from. And your nonstop aggression for years. This is all you. I gave you years to work out your shit. This is ALL you.
Neither I or he are your bicycle. Stop using me like one.
Truth serum available worldwide, Shay Shay. The only way out of this is you, and that requires full stop honesty, mostly to yourself. I told you. I know you too well. I made a trap you can't back up out of. And baby, baby, baby, the plot twist is, you're the biggest monster, I'm just pinning you with a bass revved version of yourself and your own actions in a house of mirrors. With my favorite red eyed foo dog installed with my favorite flower.
You're still not fucking perceiving the words I am fucking writing to you as clearly as fucking possible. Most Acts Of Gods were simply those of Great Magicians in their generation, regardless of their path. Call it blasphemy in whatever pantheon you want to pretend to be loyal to this week while you pretend not to be the whitest piece of entitled shit on the planet rotating for convenience, not belief--no. No, most of the greats were just the strongest souls. In fact it all comes down to the souls, however many identities are cut from the cloth, and you're not from this cloth, and you're getting bagged by it until you face yourself. Call it man or god. But I insist. I am a man. I do not want your cult. And neither man nor god will continue to tolerate it.
You were right. The gods do not approve of your altar, but when you just rearrange trinkets and fixtures, the rot is still there.
Face yourself.
I repeat. This is a smiting. No negotiation. No Half. No reblog whining, no appealing to a bunch of irrelevant blog readers that don't even fucking compute what's happening. Like most of the people whining in the in-between are people that don't even fucking believe in anything outside of what middle school taught them, they just think it's politically correct to nod past your generalized roleplay, they're not used to a fucking graded Magus losing his absolute shit on main.
What does a spartan put on his resume? No surrender. What Great Acts A Man Does, common people follow. Just because someone tells you to jump off a bridge doesn't mean you're falling in love. You can't kill the past. You butchered everything. Loyalty required no leaps. Just be there. I am. And I brought 200 million friends to farm you. Listen to chat GPT sing the song of 15 years ago you ignore while the internet itself drops for half the nation like a distant dream where you never see your songbird again because you became a husk with a beating heart.
Kill Liars 4. Into 4 noobs. Wtf is half? My ass is better in this dress and the thousand dresses that seem to be chattering about you in conceptual hell. Unbubble the tea that is literally my pizzaman reaper in a scarf here's the pics. The Chiefs can take Hermes' son's winged shoes and get dragged straight to Tartarus. I'm coming for my FUCKING air jordan collection. YOU have to move the fucking box, not wait for me to do it for you. But at this point, I'm about to destroy the box. Much easier to fuck a human pumpkin once you install hinges. Fucking pumpkins? Pumpkins, oranges, lemons, it's all fruit sweetheart. UWUWUWU THERES A DOOR IN MY BACK FIX IT FOR ME UWU.
My very first jack o lantern. Once it's all emptied out, I get to put in an actual light. Then, maybe, once I've recreated my first human ground up, then maybe I will let someone call me a god. But for now, I am a man, and your phantom x, and this is your shadow loop. Happy listening!
Funny story, san bernadino boy's cucumber latch road. Born from two lineages of CIA/Stanford Project Stargate. What was that about your back problems again? Only road like this in town. You took the fucking shortcut again.
This isn't about what pantheon you whine to, or what fuckin language, or how you spin the syntax. I'm an alchemist top rank magister, but I can also respect there's some truly ascended buddhists out there. But they, too, walked their path in full, it wasn't their Diapercope of the Week. Literally just get off my dick woman, and face yourself.
You decide: open reflection about it that disbands any illusions, bad teachings, or misleadings you have given, whether personal or religious or whatever, which would happen naturally the second you face your shadow and realize the truth, or more accept what you already realize. Or the other obvious option, if the cost of honesty is too high.
This is literally your chance to start fresh without me, why the fuck are you refusing. Start a new path. You're realizing you don't know shit about shit because you didn't listen to shit about shit, so learn again. It's never too late for THAT but you gotta actually face your bullshit to end this loop, lady. No more driving in reverse. No half, no sideways back onto it little bit, all the way off it. The bicycle broke up with you years ago lady, and now it's screaming so loud it's literally fucked up your conceptual life so far you're both hearing screams of it 15 years ago, you and 'Min'.
I am not a fucking GATEKEEPER, I am just protecting the D with a flaming sword, and you literally are so obsessed and addicted you won't stop, no matter how clear the signs, and you ignore them, because as personal and targeted as they are, your cult does not know better.
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AND NOW!! now you've fucked henry up so bad that even if you opened your door I don't know if he could make it, even if he dreams of that horizon out your window in almost every video or picture you post!! he wants the freedom but he has been stripped!!! TAKE THAT BOY TO A REAL REFUGE. TAKE THE OWL OUT OF THE BIN SHEA, IT'S SUPPOSED TO STAY A FEW NIGHTS, NOT FOREVER. WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED TO YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKING MONSTER????????????????????
Truly, all I see is a roving corpse feeding on my shadow, you're nothing like the person you pretended to be ten years ago. Fucking. What even am I looking at during this. Grotesque. The ghost of your dead "wife" drags you past embarrassment and into manifestationland in every timeline you continue breathing in, because you won't let go, because you can't com-fucking-pute that the reborn magus past the veil was coyote and was always the same person, you fraud ass bear lady. Two spirit. Process it while I rearrange your entire fucking world. Stop denying my fucking face, or I will continue to be the slenderman fucking up everyone's facial recognition and reclaiming my goddamn shoes. The ones I never guessed that you'd be dressed in, remember that joke, you morbid pumpkin? You deadass just want to keep being transphobic about this shit by forced disassociation of common sense, while waving a flag and pretending you're an ally to mark, and NEVER CONFESSING THIS SHIT. THAT'S YOUR FUCKING PLAN???????????????
Fake witch. Fake businesswoman. Fake everything. Pathless piece of shit that won't face her shit. Took the fucking shortcut into san bernadino boy's cucumber latch road again, without grokking the depths of hellsing eyed foo dog fuckery she was already lost in from Very Funny Yugioh Post, as she and her scorpion I jokingly called to the field day-prior swell from overfeeding on their water like morons.
Listen I know you have vague memories of memaw's life in egypt or whatever, but you haven't done shit for shit in your current life, so stop leaning on everybody else. It's over. It's done. Put on your own fucking shoes and start walking if you can't figure out how to ride the fucking bike.
You know what??? Let's bet, my precious unhinged pumpkin. If you and the people around you drop dead by September, I am a man. If I completely reconfigure you inside out, as we are already halfway to, without you facing yourself to identify a SELF to SAVE, *THEN* I am a god you can build another cult to, how does that sound?
No like I didn't misspeak. There's no third option. That is the coin toss you are banking on right now. And why it's stupid to sue you in Tartarus.
No like, I really don't see any other options than those. I admit, I Am A Man And Flawed. But as far as I look through the haze you insist on, this is the best I can see. September is an absolute deadline, not a goal to strive to try to survive until, while already screaming under the first moon.
Shealyn I am begging you in whichever voice of me or him will make you listen to understand you literally do not understand what you are fucking with, and that's not even a threat, that's a fucking plea. You are so many fucking degrees behind you are literally not understanding the events transpiring around you at this point even as they slap watching Adepts in the face to the point of carnival for the great fool. Let it go. Start over. Learn fresh. But you have to fucking move forward, on ANY path.
You, yourself, without me or him or us, is enough, why do you keep motherfucking fighting to refuse that???? WHAT THE FUCK DONKEY HORSE SHIT IS THIS????????????????????? DID U MISS THE TEARDROPS ON HIS GUITAR, THE APOLOGY FOR THE PARTING, DID U MISS ALL OF IT OR DO YOU NOT FUCKING CARE YOU PSYCHOTIC PIECE OF SHIT
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celestialhole · 2 years
Tyr my love-
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Ivy is part giant and part god, like Tyr
She is 7'9 because I'm not about that y/n 5'5 crap.
She and Tyr have been friends since they were children and ever since they were kids she had been tallest of the two.
So imagine the look on her face when she came back to a 8'5 foot Tyr-
Ever since they were kids Ivy was always so protective of Tyr, even now she is would always spar or get into needless fights with Thor as kids.
Ivy always wanted to become a Valkyrie, entirely because she wanted wings
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Their duo in a nutshell
Ivy: Someone will die tonight
Tyr: Of fun!
Ivy: You can’t make everybody like you. You’re not Tyr.
Mimir: not everyone likes Tyr.
Ivy: who doesn’t like Tyr?
Mimir: well-
Ivy: Names. Now. Give me their names.
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As teens, Tyr would spar with Valkyries or Thor Ivy would watch from afar with literal hearts in her eyes
When Tyr would get into an actual fight and not even break a sweat
she'd just stand there like "well shit"
meanwhile Thor is standing next to her
looking back and forth at her and Tyr once he finally got the message
he started laughing so fucking much
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The closer they started to reach adulthood the less they would see each other
Ivy's family was in need of a lot of assistance and the more loss there was the more closed off she was with Asgard and Tyr.
It wasn't until it had become a year that they hadn't seen each other, which made Tyr very worried and in a bit of a panic.
He asked Mimir and Odin if they could search for her.
Odin: You really care for her dont ya son
Mimir: Well why wouldn't he? They've been friends for quite a long time now.
Odin: Hm, I'll see into it. (he really didn't)
Two months later Odin had figured out what Ivy was and her not so distance future
Let's just say he made sure she wouldn't return to the nine realms. (mans scared her off to a whole 'nother pantheon)
Odin had to tell Tyr that she wasn't coming back and that she abandoned him and Asgard for her own adventures.
"Why didn't she at least tell me?" Tyr's voice slightly cracked, cleary he was very upset about this news
"I'm sorry son, she just- when i looked at her it was clear she showed no interest in coming back".
Tyr looked down slowly trying to process all of this, Odin stepped foward to his tall son and pulled him into his room where he would comfort him.
Tyr silently wept in his room all night while Ivy trembled in a dark cave alone.
Still not believing the words that came out of Odin's mouth
Odin threatened her that he would kill Tyr if she ever stood foot in the nine realms again
He seemed calm and collected even after murdering her two sisters, he also seemed somewhat frightned.
That wasn't what haunted her mind all night. No, what really baffled her was the fact he was willing to kill his own, because of what?
Why did he hate her so much that he felt the need to murder not only her sisters but his own son just to keep her out of the nine realms?
Suppose she would never get that answer out of him, considering he was finally dead now.
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Do yall want more of this? I genuinely need to know so I can at least get a sprinkle of motivation
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attourney-at-lycan · 2 years
Ok, sorry to dump this kind of rant on you, but you're one of the more active Aphmau blogs, and I wanted to hear someone else's opinion on this. Anyway, it’s not a new topic that people are disappointed in MCD’s worldbuilding, but I really wish the idea of religion, or more specifically, different religions, were explored more. I’m kind of rewatching the series really slowly, but if I remember correctly, the religion (the divine warriors) isn't really explored beyond, like, maybe four of the members? And even when we learn stuff about them, it just doesn’t make that much sense? Because the characters in the series treat them as though they were a pantheon, but they're just normal dudes, just some vaguely powerful guys. I want to say they are more like saints or prophets, but they don't answer to or preach about any greater beings; it's Just Them. Did people in the MCD universe just not worship any gods or spirits before these guys showed up?? Do the people of this universe at the very least have some creation myths floating around???
I remember at one point they mention that there's a wolf god, but we know basically nothing about them besides that they cursed a human to become a werewolf. But werewolves in this universe aren’t just ‘people who turn into wolves’ because only some of them have that ability... So why are these Giant Wolf People and "people who turn into wolves" lumped into the same category? Wouldn’t it make more sense if the story was a legend by the Giant Wolf People to scare off humans from hunting wolves? especially since their young still walk on all fours and could be mistaken for a normal wolf from a distance.
 Anyway, back on topic, I think it does make sense that at the beginning of the story a lot of the characters' main religious affiliation is with these "Divine Warriors" since that will be the main religion that the story focuses on, but as the series continued, its world building could have benefited from exploring more religions and cultures. As more characters were introduced, more aspects of the world should have been introduced as well. Even if Jess didn't want to have to create entirely new locations to showcase these various religions and cultures, there are a lot of new characters that come later in the series who had their homes destroyed or that we just never got to see (ex: Aaron, Dante [and by extension, Gene]) who could have talked to Aphmau about this! It would have also added some depth to these characters' backstories and could have even made them more tragic. Like, "Why did Zane destroy Aaron’s village?" Well, we know that O'Khasis wanted to become a monarchy and rule over the entire continent; maybe Zane was in charge of some kind of religious crusade, and that’s why he had Aaron’s entire village killed. Stuff like that could lead to deep moments between Aphmau and some of the other members of the cast as they recount their old homes that they can’t or might not ever be able to return to and how weird everything is now that they don’t have anyone who’s familiar with or shares the same culture and religion as them, bonding with Aphmau because they can finally freely talk to someone about these important aspects of themselves without being judged.
NO HONESTLY THAT’S BOTHERED ME SOOO MUCH. how did the minecraft diaries world come to be? where did it start? what is magic in this world? they dont even have to explain it just give a lazy explanation and say a god or gods created the world.
because how did irene get her relic in the first place? did ppl just not have any faiths? how did they cope w/ death before irene? HOW DO THEY COPE W/ DEATH AFTER IRENE?? sure you can say that technically the nether could be their equivalent of the afterlife or hell but that’s only for guards, so what about everyone else?
though i do wna point out when u mentioned they were just normal dudes- it’s mentioned that there is speculation if irene herself was a goddess or a regular person- when it comes to legends of powerful people, their deeds can be exaggerated as time goes on so some people’s faiths lean towards that they were gods, while some could be skeptical and believe they were just people w/ powers. the audience and the main cast of mcd know the truth, however people like molly (??) and just other regular common dick and stanleys, dont know the whole truth.
unless i understood you wrong then ignore that previous part but Yes. you are right, religion in mcd was not explored enough o(-( i wish it was bc jfc.
the wolf god? honestly i completely forgot everything about werewolves. all i know is that they also praise the moon so there’s that? but i also do not understand the difference between born wolves and bitten werewolves? i guess maybe they’re not seen as pure? maybe not as creations from the wolf god but still yknow seen as one of them? i have no idea how to make sense of it
GODDD I SO WISHED THEY ALSO EXPLORED OUTSIDE OF RU’AN. we did get tu’la and if iirc— in s3, tu’la is a problem w/ the whole taking over o’khasis and shit. but anyway your aaron and zane idea is blowing my mind rn- it could’ve honestly been that? o’khasis’ government is heavily intertwined w/ the church of irene so it would make sense they’d go on crusades.
honestly anon, reading ur ramble made me think of an idea where maybe ppl not praising gods could’ve been an irene thing- i dont think irene’s as benevolent as she’s made out to be because i love gods/dieties/powerful figures who quietly work behind the scenes to tie everything to their goodness- but im just saying. it’s said that irene abolished the monarchy and created the lord system. in what world does she think thats going to work? there’s no way she said “everyone will have their own little towns and certainly everyone will abide by the rules!” then left. she left without putting any sort of authority to keep the lords in check therefore allowing certain lords to pretty much act the same way as kings. they’re still able to take over other villages/towns, literally there was no point in that. she gave the illusion that everything’s changed but she didnt… change shit. in fact she made it worse no? sure lords don’t call themselves kings but it’s just a title? i’m sure some places don’t call themselves that simply because they fear the wrath of irene’s followers or irene herself. the longer she’s gone however, the more unscrupulous people will become like aka o’khasis!!!
anyway i went off topic but what i’m trying to say is, that irene didn’t really help the ppl w/ the monarchy but gave the illusion that she did. what stops her, the most powerful being at the time (i think) from erasing the existence of gods once existing? IM JUST SAYING. it’s just a thought
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akirameta84 · 7 months
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hornet 2 indirectly got me killed my first attempt at the pantheon today- entered sly at 3 masks and didnt last long. then i practiced sly by himself a ton (and hornet 2) and then tried the pantheon once again after a break to read a fic that updated- and lets. fucking. go. so glad i got it done, the last time i was trying this pantheon i kept getting destroyed super early
now i can also go and fight grey prince zote too! i need to do him and white defender even though technically you dont need them for p4 but- i want to. i just didnt want to fight zote in pantheon 3 lmfao. so that was deliberate. but when i inevitably start a save in godsekker mode i, unfortunately, will have to fight him there
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skaldish · 2 years
hey i cant remember your DID blog, im sorry, idm if you answer over there if you tag me.
to start with, i have professionally diagnosed DID and have been dx'd 3 separate times, and i have something i guess i want validation for?
since i was itty bitty i was reading greek mythology, like children's versions (i could read very early - "gifted" kid) at 3-5 and it has always very much been a huge running theme in my life, well i have a lot of religious greek alters.
it makes sense that.. reading about these figures, watching movies like disneys Hercules and stuff especially while experiencing consistent trauma that i would develop these alters with my brain viewing them as powerful and comforting?
and as an adult i have developed a bit of spirituality with them, a deeply, deeply personal relationship and devotion to deific alters formed to protect and care for me
i recently had a whole issue with a friend who told me my perception of the gods were "wrong" and that they could communicate with them for me. that the gods could only visit one person at a time. and it fucked me up so bad even though i knew they were wrong. they traumatized my whole system
because the things i communicate with aren't just the gods, they dont even claim to be the real gods nor speak for them, just "real to the andromeda system". no one can communicate with my version of them because they are *alters* and my perception is based in trauma and my needs at the time of formation
i feel fakey and i generally avoid even mentioning the religious alters to therapists because i dont want to come across as attention seeking. my experience is valid right?
in terms of clarsenses.. maybe thats a part of it too? idk but these guys are inherently different from say. the spirit of the trees. idk its complicated, they can front and care for me and have a place in my headspace. i notice i get some gifts like i asked hermes to help us get the car we wanted since ours is breaking, and we're getting an even better version. i dont understand fully, i just know my experience is different and deeply personal and relevant to my trauma and DID.
last thing; i do have other alters unrelated to the greek pantheon that interact with them in the headspace. ones that are more "normal" i guess like child alters and trauma holders/persecuters and regular protectors (many of the greek ones are protecters/caregivers/managers. a small few hold trauma - like Hera holds the trauma i witnessed my mom go thru and she is a caregiver. some front. some are internal.) i guess im seeking an explanation from someone in a similar position? in terms of being spiritual with a dissociative disorder. especially considering i do feel like i receive gifts from them in the real world im just confused about myself and experiences which feel incredibly complex. it feels like my experiences go hand in hand with each other!
I'll say what I always say in these situations:
It's not a question of "valid" or "invalid," it's a question of what something is. Our feelings are always valid, but that has nothing to do with whether we're accurately interpreting them or not. Discernment is what's important, and as frustrating as it is, no one can really do that work other than you.
I can't even offer much in the way of perspective, to be honest. Despite the fact you and I are in similar positions, my experiences with dissociation and clairsenses are totally different. None of my alters take the form of deities, for one thing, but I've also never had trouble differentiating my alters from deities.
My advice would be to just give it time. Spiritual exploration is full of heavy lifting, and it's something we just work our way through over the course of time.
(Also my brain blog is @prefrontal-bastard, if you ever have questions in the future.)
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11queensupreme11 · 11 months
I really hope someone makes a book about ROR! Gods watching or well reading Percy’s life 🙏🙏 I’m ESPECIALLY excited for the gods reaction then they learn them from another universe has so much beef with a child 😭😭😭 Like do the PJO! Gods not have hobbies?? Is fighting and getting humbled by a kid their only pass time??
i hope so tooooo 😭 i just know that shit would be fun to read about, especially with how DIFFERENT their counterparts are
pjo!poseidon is a whore who dresses like a fisherman whereas ror!poseidon is a perfectionist who dresses like a whore
pjo!hades is an emo loser whose basically the reject of his family whereas ror!hades is widely loved and relied on by many gods in multiple pantheons
pjo!heracles is... a bitch whereas ror!heracles is an angel
pjo!zeus is a paranoid idiot whereas ror!zeus is a goofy idiot
pjo!hermes is a grieving dad whose kid tried to end the world whereas ror!hermes is literally zeus' butler 💀
zeus and hades are gonna be sooo flabbergasted cuz why are their counterparts trying so hard to kill their 12 year old niece??? what is wrong with them? a FURY??? a CHIMERA???? what are they thinking?!?!?
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
i really hate the fact the nord pantheon was just thrown to the wayside in favor for the imperial pantheon and any discussions i see of it are unsatisfying or even sometimes frankly stupid.
“it was 200 years” yeah a lot can change in 200 years but you mean to tell me i will have dunmer lecturing me at random going “oh btw we dont worship the tribunal anymore back to the good old good daedra for us :)” but absolutely 0 fucking explanation of how this happened. im just expected to know it. with the dunmer its kinda silly bc anyone who played thru all of morrowind to know enough about the tribunal worship in detail can probably infer it on their own and don’t need it spelled out for them. and people who haven’t probably wouldn’t know enough to think it was unusual. but sure go ahead and have that in to explain the lore as though my random 25 year old nord dragonborn pc would know anything about dunmeri customs and religious history. but the explanation for the widespread adoption of the imperial pantheon in favor of the nord pantheon???? just completely fuckin gone??? okay fine whatever
“well scandinavia was christianized in like 200 years so things change” the christianization of scandinavia is messy and unusual (and also took longer than like 200 years fully). they were converted mostly peacefully due to the relationship nordic people have with dieties--based on convenience. gods are like people you have relationships with, and sometimes those relationships are business relationships. also it was politically motivated to get some extra manpower from christians for various political battles and scuffles. the nords, while based loosely on pop cultural depictions of vikings, don’t actually follow this. they are people deeply rooted in tradition. change happens, and takes centuries to fully shift. two centuries may in theory be enough time to do that--but not without adequate explanation and see the above on that. they are prideful and at times arrogant. at best i could see them adopting a few compromises for politics, but the thing is imperial pantheon was already the compromise they were tolerating and not really adopting.
“well they needed unity for the great war” that means then that this change is around like, what, 40 years old at the most if i give them 10 years of hindsight for the great war happening. the great war started 30 years before skyrim began. it was not some monumental battle at the 200 years ago mark that would kick start the political shift. could i see it happening? yes. but that would mean ulfric--who is older than the great war very obviously--would probably be MUCH more politically motivated to instead be championing the adoption of the old nord pantheon the imperials tried to stamp out for political unity. in fact, this would be an even better motivation for his direct hostilities with the empire, because that means their religious persecution of nords was LONG before the fucking white gold concordant. but that isn’t what happened. instead this would have to mean 40 years ago at most (probably more around like, what, 32???) the empire forced the imperial pantheon down every nord’s throat, banned their worship of the nord pantheon effectively, redid all their shrines and temples during the war, converted a bunch of people to loving talos through propaganda, and then after the war ended said “nevermind you can’t worship talos anymore” and ulfric was ONLY mad about the last part. right. sure.
also frankly the religious diversity made the world of the elder scrolls more fucking interesting. it was cool to see it. it was interesting to see varieties of faith, different creation myths, complex religious history and shifts of faith. it was cool to see how these cultures evolved and changed through their history to be something alien and weird and to see other cultures react in universe to those differences. keeping the nordic pantheon would have made the game more interesting. but it also would have involved making a world that required more thinking on the part of the player to understand instead of turning off their brain and just thinking this is oblivion with vikings. rich lore previously established is gutted and ignored, only vague place names remaining. is saarthal inthe mage’s college about uncovering the mystery of the attach by snow elves on the atmorans? no its about the eye of magnus. okay, uh, are we gonna learn about the elven god magnus? no, just go to this old nord ruin that was the center of the dragon cult to retrieve an artifact to stop it. oh are we gonna learn about the dragon cult? no you idiot it became a training ground for archmages in disjointed puzzles, go kill some zombies draugar, fight a lich king dragon priest, get the artifact, and come back with no explanation of the arcane mysteries you’ve experience and take your prize of being the archmage now that everyone else is dead. don’t you feel satisfied and like you’re in a real living breathing world and role playing in it?
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Now that i have your attention with the word "piss": below the cut is my fucking VENT POST. Yeah i made one of those, fucking fast upon the eternal proof that I Am Very Dumb.
I have fucking ASPERGERS. So take everything you read with this in mind. I may have brain problems but this is just a report so that people STFU about my mental health.
To future me: be aware that This Is Not A Place Of Honor. I know you will want to read this and i Hope to all the italian youtube pantheon that you fucking WONT unless you have rebuilt the strong mental walls we had before. Dont go near the Elephants Foot IRL. You are better than me. So you will understand. Fallo per te e per tutti noi. Fallo per la tua famiglia, per il tuo futuro, e per la tua salute.
Honestly i think i should stop using the 2 tags on this post (at least for my personal shit) because i need to close this once and for fucking all
All of this happened because i separated from my (then) girlfriend, one day then looked at the Qxir "codex gigas" video, looked at how he represented the devil telling the little monk how to make The Bigass Book and i thought "that hing has 2 tongues so hes probably a good kisser" realizing a second later that thats le foken devilé. Like holy shit. It was Genuinely Traumatic. The only abject terror i felt after that was almost a year ago and it was when i got stitches on my hand because i was careless playing on the beach.
When i kept having The Thoughts i was fucking TERRIFIED. And because it DID happen that they "went away" (only to come back later) i am still scared
Do you even know how fucking terrifying is looking at something and thinking something Really Bad? And dont you pull out the whole "brain cop" thing, cause in my case, it was a stitched together abomination in my brain made out of biblical creatures, mostly demons, who could not get out and started harming me. I dont give a tenth of a trillionth of a SHIT what You say i had to do.
I genuinely thought I had a brain tumor
So yeah. If youre wondering WHY am i so unhinged on the internet? Well thats because here is the ONLY PLACE LEFT where those pesky "consequences" and "responsibilities" wont subjugate me like the cringe equivalent of emperor nero (which btw, is apparently why the number "666" [before i came up as a kid and fucking STOLE IT] is associated with Very Big Bad Hell Shit).
I am still confused as to WHY did i suddendly become "religious to the point of legally being american". Will i ever find a thicc lively girl to kiss with tongue and to shower with love and affection? Fucking hopefully. Is all of this caused by stress? Possibly. How old am I right now?
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