#and elias will be taking you out to many dinners
emperiocism · 6 months
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I was thinking about an alpha Elias and beta Jon earlier today. Elias is in an unplanned rut and subvocaling all over the place and Jon is totally out of the loop :'3
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stromer · 7 months
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moments that can be extremely personal about the petey extension
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dancingtotuyo · 3 months
epilogue. the ghosts that we knew
Woman | Joel Miller X Female Reader
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Rating: Mature/Explicit
Tags: Joel Miller X Female Reader. Age Gap (13/14 years). HBO Characters. Mostly cannon compliant for show & game. Timeline is changed.
Chapter Warnings: angst, hurt and comfort, cancer, TLOU II SPOILERS, death, grief, Major Character Death, afterlife?
Notes: So we come to the end of this beautiful journey. Thank you EVERYONE for all your lovely comments and words over these past several month. I hope you don't hate me too much.
Words: 3942
Series Masterlist | Author Masterlist | Playlist
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You walk the trail every night. Sometimes, Ellie joins you or Maria, but never Tommy. Sometimes you walk alone. You talk to Gabe still. You tell him about Carter. You tell him that you’re okay. But most often, you talk to Joel. It’s not that you loved him more, but it is different. Where Gabe drifted further away in death, you still feel Joel nearby like he’s watching over you. You wonder if Gabe saw Joel coming. Maybe he stepped back so you could have someone next to you.
You tell Joel about your day and how the kids are growing. You pull his smile, the feel of his hand in yours, out of the recesses of your mind, so close to the surface, it's almost tangible. You tell him that you miss him. It takes years, but eventually, you tell him that you’re okay. 
Ellie spends more time with you at the house. She walks with you to take Carter and Willa to school. She comes over for dinner most nights. Together, you tell your favorite Joel stories over dinner. Carter chimes in from time to time. Willa listens for every drop she can glean of the fading figure in her young mind. 
The kids are asleep when Ellie has her first panic attack. The clattering of pots falling to the floor does it. You hold her through it. Your hands aren’t able to fix this one. She sleeps next to you on Joel’s side of the bed that night. It still smells like him. 
It’s a month after Joel’s burial when Tommy comes fumbling in late to your weekly family dinners. He has a lead on the girl who did it. Tension seeps through your bones. You don’t have the same taste for revenge. The idea is bitter in your mouth. 
There’s a lot of shouting. Maria tells Tommy no. That part is clear, but you see the guilt seep through him. He knows he’s not responsible for Joel’s death, but he can’t let it go. It’s no surprise when Maria knocks on your door the next morning that Tommy is gone. Ellie and Dina ride out that morning. Jesse follows suit soon after. 
The familiar fog of grief creeps at the corners of your mind. You can’t let it overtake you this time. You have the kids. Tommy and Ellie’s absence makes it harder, but you push through. You want to do more than just survive. You can almost hear Joel cheering you on. 
You throw yourself into motherhood and training your apprentices. At night, you cry yourself to sleep. Maria and Elias spend more time at your house than theirs. You never say it out loud, but both of you start to wonder if your family unit which was once 8 has dwindled to 5. 
A weight lifts off your chest when Ellie bursts into the clinic. You pull her into a suffocating hug and then inspect her for injuries. There are many, but she’s going to be okay. Tommy’s leg is another story. It’s been too long since he sustained the injury. He’ll walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Dina’s shoulder injury is miraculously not infected, but it’s the subtle swell of her abdomen that makes you lose your breath. 
You’re able to find a strong heartbeat with the doppler. Dina and Ellie share a relieved look. You want to ask but restrain yourself. Ellie will tell you when you need to know. 
You don’t ask where Jesse is. 
Your family dinners resume. Your family table is back to 8 since Dina joined with the ever-growing promise of 9. You know Tommy is still searching for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds them. Things between him and Maria aren’t good. Ellie says she’s done seeking her out. 
Ellie spends a lot of her free time riding outside the wall. You don’t ask questions. Joel liked to wander too. Sometimes she shares about the things she saw, but oftentimes she just shares a knowing grin with Dina. There’s a twinge in your heart. You used to do the same with Joel. 
Autumn is in the air when you finally open Joel’s drawers. Maria hasn’t said anything about Joel’s clothes, but you know you need to go through them, distribute what’s wearable to people who need it. It still smells like him. Tears spring in your eyes. It’s been so long that you have started to forget it. Closing your eyes, you can feel him next to you, behind you, in front. He’s all around. His soft voice echoes deep within your brain almost like he’s whispering in your ear. The tears fall in steady streams. 
You save 2 shirts, one for Carter and one for Willa. Ellie has his watch, and you have the kids. The rest of his shirts and jeans go into the box. Then you clean out his sock drawer, checking each for holes, which most of them have. A small smirk crosses your face. You and Sarah used to do the laundry. His socks always had holes then too. Some things never change. You pull two socks apart, and something flashes in the light before hitting the floor with a soft ping. You toss the socks into the box, feeling around for the item. You find it just under the dresser. 
You hold the thin, gold band in your palm. It feels so delicate in your hands. Diamond chips encrust half of the band, shimmering in the light. Your eyes water again. It slips on with just enough resistance that it won’t slip off: a perfect fit. How long did he have this? Was he going to give it to you? 
Yes. It whispers in your bones. 
Not as a proposal, you know that, but a sign of his commitment. You slip it back off. Something doesn’t sit right about wearing it on your finger for the whole world to see. You want to keep this between you and Joel for a little while.
You open up the box on your dresser. It contains your wedding band, untouched since you placed it there years ago, a few pairs of earrings, and the gold chain your dad gave you the day you graduated nursing school. You slide the ring onto the chain. It rests underneath your shirt, near your heart.  
You give Maria the box to distribute. You don’t tell her about the ring. It stays tucked under your shirt.
The night of Joel’s birthday, you reach for the last of the coffee beans pushed in the back of the  cupboard. There’s something therapeutic about the movements- grinding the beans and boiling the water. 
When you open the cupboard, the owl mug sits at the forefront. You freeze. You don’t know how it got there. It’s stayed pushed to the back since his death, but it makes you hold your breath. You despised that thing so much, but now you reach for it, filing it with coffee.
“Make enough for two?” Ellie says.
You spin around to find her sitting at the kitchen table. You smile weakly. “I can make it stretch.”
You know her disdain for it but say nothing, filling a second mug for her. The two of you sit in silence, steaming cups of coffee in front of you until Ellie gives up trying to choke it down. She pours the remainder of her mug into yours. You chuff, smile tipping your lips. 
“I don’t know how that old man drank this shit.”
“Yeah, this isn’t great, but you know Joel.”
“Never saw him turn down a cup of coffee.”
“No, I don’t think he ever did.” You take another sip of coffee, eyes watering with unshed tears.
Ellie invites you to join her on a ride one day. You take her up on the offer. You ride side by side for most of the trek. It’s apparent she’s taking you somewhere. 
“Ever been out this way?”
“Joel used to pull me out of Jackson from time to time. We spent time in the wildflower fields. Bugged the hell out of the council.” You laugh. 
Ellie smiles. “And before?”
“I never got so far past this side of Jackson.”
“Something new to see,” Ellie says, excitedly then hesitates slightly. “Joel took me to a museum once for my birthday. They had a dinosaur and a space exhibit. He tracked down an old tape from one of the rocket launches. It was one of the best days of my life.” 
“I remember when he found the museum. He couldn’t stop talking about how excited he was to show you.” you smile at the memory. “He talked about that day a lot. It was one of his favorites.”
Ellie pulls her horse to a stop and you follow suit. “He was really good at that, making sure there were good days.”
“He was.”
“I’m not sure how many good days are left for me in Jackson.” 
Your heart skips a beat as you push down the panic rising in your chest. You can’t lose another person. “Oh?”
“Dina and I… we’ve been talking about what we want after the baby is born.” 
You try to focus on her words, not the ringing in your ears. “Is that why you brought me out here?”
“I wanted to show you.” Ellie grins, kicking her horse forward.
You furrow your brow following after her. Your questions are answered as you burst into a clearing. An old farmhouse comes into view. It appears to be in relatively good condition. A partial fence circles widely around the property. It’s new. 
You look over at Ellie who wears a look of pride and ownership over the small estate. “You did this?”
Ellie nods. “Dina and I are gonna move after the baby is born. I’ve been working to get the fence finished and the inside livable”
Tears prickle at the back of your eyes. There aren’t words for how you feel. You’re sad that Ellie won’t be across the street anymore, but you’re proud of her for carving out her own space in this world. She’s not far, you remind yourself. There’s something else about it tugging in your soul. Joel would love this place. 
“You and Carter and Willa can come visit us anytime,” Elie says as if she can read your thoughts. 
“Ellie, it’s amazing.” 
She looks relieved. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Now show me inside.”
The sun is setting as the settlement walls fade into view. You two spent too long at The Farm, you know it, but you hadn’t seen Ellie’s eyes light up like that in a long time. She is bouncing off the walls. It’s good to be out from behind the city walls. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“Of course.”
“It’s just... ” Ellie bristles. “You’ve been quiet since we left.” 
“Sorry, I’ve just been thinking.”
You let it settle over the two of you for a while. “Joel always talked about finding a farm nearby. Getting out of the walls.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I did a shitty job of training other people to do my job. I didn’t feel like I could leave.”
Ellie nods. 
“I asked him what kind of farm he wanted.” You smile at the memory. “He always said-”
“Sheep.” Ellie finishes. “Because they’re quiet and do what they’re told.” 
You laugh. “Exactly.” 
You’re back within the walls of Jackson as the sun dips behind the mountains. You walk down the streets side by side in silence. Ellie turns for her house. 
“Ellie, I’m proud of you.” She stops in her tracks and turns around. Lights from the house sparkle off her eyes. “I don’t know if that means a lot coming from me-”
You’re cut off when she collides into your chest, arms squeezing you tight. You squeeze back. “Thank you.” It’s soft on her voice. 
JJ is a few months old when Ellie and Dina move out to The Farm. You go out to visit them occasionally, sometimes with the kids and sometimes not. The first time you go alone, the wildflowers are in bloom. You take a 15-minute pitstop to collect yourself when you first spot them. You leave The Farm early to walk through the same wildflowers Joel used to take you to. 
The breeze plays in your loose hair. You slip off your boots and let your toes curl into the unkempt ground. You see Joel’s smile in the Prairie Fire, hear his laugh in the Columbine. 
Here, the familiar whisper behind your ear says. 
You still wear the ring on your chain. It feels warm under your shirt. Unclasping it, you let the gold band fall into your palm. You slip the ring on your finger for the first time since you found it, and it stays there.
You pick a bouquet of wildflowers. They sit on your kitchen table for a week, and it feels like Joel hand-delivered them. Willa stares at them with her head cocked to the side, chin resting on the table. The tilt of her head reminds you of Joel. She has his soft curls that gather right at the bottom of her neck. The wonderment in her eyes reminds you of Sarah. You can’t help but kiss her head, let your fingers trail through her hair. His rings sparkles on your finger under the sun streaming through the window. You wonder if she feels the same draw toward the flowers that her dad did. 
Willa smiles up at you. “Feels nice, mommy.” His Little Wildflower. She’s growing like a weed.
Carter struggles. He doesn’t talk. He spends most of his days in his bedroom. Joel always found a way to get him to talk, to smile. He may be the spitting image of his father- but it’s clear he got your temperament- your way of handling his feelings. 
You take him to The Farm, just the two of you. He helps in the barn, rolls around with the sheep, and walks the fence line with Ellie for hours. You hear him laugh while you hold JJ on the front porch. Even though they don’t share blood with him, you see bits of Joel in both their mannerisms. They learned how to interact with the world from him. 
Carter is excited when they get back. Ellie is going to teach him how to shoot next time you visit. You swallow back tears. Joel promised to teach him once he turned 10. Carter talks your ear off the whole way home. 
Tommy still looks for leads on Abby. You pray he never finds one. Things between him and Maria are tense. Elias spends a lot of time at your house. Your worst fears are realized when Maria bangs on your front door at 6 am one morning. Tommy’s found a lead. He’s going to talk to Ellie. 
You tear into Tommy in the middle of the street when he gets back that evening. “What the fuck are you thinking!?”
He brushes you off. “I’m not discussing this with you.”
“Like hell you are! How dare you bring Ellie back into this!” You’re a mama bear, fiercely protecting her cub. “You fucking asshole! Do you know how hard she’s worked to be okay?”
“She wants justice just as bad as I do!” You’re sure the whole town is watching from their windows, but you don’t care. 
“This isn’t justice! It’s revenge!” You can’t push back the tears that come. Your family table can’t grow smaller. You can’t lose Tommy too. “Where does it fucking end? With us all in the ground? He wouldn’t have wanted this!”
“How can you say that?” Tommy gets in your face. It’s a scare tactic you’ve seen him use before. You don’t flinch. “That bitch took him from us! She made us slide that knife into his heart. She deserves it- and worse!”
“You will not drag my children into this, Tommy!”
“Did you really love him? Or was it all just-”
Your hand collides with his cheek before he can finish. “How dare you!” You’re shaking with rage. Tommy holds his cheek in his hand. “Joel would’ve wanted you here with your wife and son! He would’ve wanted us to keep having family dinners, and holidays together! He would’ve wanted us to live! Not just survive! I’m trying to live, Tommy! Because going back into survival would kill me! And it’ll do the same to Ellie!”
“If she doesn’t go, I go.” Tommy walks away. 
You ride out to The Farm the next morning. Dina looks relieved when you climb the front porch stairs. Ellie is in her drawing room. She’s added more portraits since you were here last. They’re mostly Dina and JJ, but there’s one of Carter from his last visit, Willa from behind, Joel with his guitar on the porch, playing catch with Carter, dancing with Willa. All as clear as pictures. It hits you how much she observed, took in even when she looked in from a distance. The last one steals your breath for a minute. Two silhouettes dance on a front porch.
You have to swallow back the emotions before you speak. “I know Tommy was here yesterday.” 
And then she cries in your arms. You brush her hair away from her face as she does. You make out limited information. The panic attacks keep coming. She can’t make them stop. She thinks this will make them stop. Your hands, so used to healing, feel useless. 
With her head in your lap, she looks like that 14 year old girl you met years ago. “It’s not your fault, Ellie.”
She looks up at you through bloodshot eyes. “He would’ve never killed that doctor if it wasn’t for me.”
I would do it all again. It comes through so tangible. You repeat it to her. You tell her it’s not her fault. You tell her that Joel learned to live again because of her. You want the same thing for her. Don’t let vengeance overtake her. You want her to live life how it’s meant to be lived, not the violent cycle it’s turned into. Joel wants her to live. 
Ellie stays on the farm with Dina and their son. She comes to see you in Jackson more often. All three of them do. The two of you talk about the day Joel died and what she saw. She finds out what helps her get through the panic attacks. It’s not easy, but they start to come less frequently. 
Tommy goes after Abby. You feel like you lose another piece of Joel as his figure disappears into the tree line. You hold Maria as she cries. No one sees her cry but you. The roles are reversed, but you know how to give her support and comfort. You learned from the best. 
I’m still here, Darlin. You have all of me.
You hear nothing from or of Tommy for months. It turns into years. Maria blames herself. She told him to not come back. Elias is getting into trouble at school. You’re all shocked when Tommy returns two years later. He moves into Joel’s house across the street. He never found her. 
Maria and Tommy coexist. They both join family dinners. They co-parent Elias well, but they don’t reunite. 
Life isn’t always easy, but you make it through, all of you. Most importantly, you experience life. The ups and downs, the twists and the turns, and you do it together because you’re family. 
It’s the morning of Willa’s 16th birthday when you find it. A lump in your breast. Just 1 from what you can tell. You comb your mind for any other signs. None that you can recall. Maybe it’s benign. You push back the memories of your grandmother’s battle with breast cancer, but the tears still emerge. 
I’ve got you. You swear you can almost feel Joel’s arms around you. 
You don’t tell anyone. You spend more time outside the walls. You’ve trained up several people to provide medical care. Morgan can suture better than you. Sharon has steadier hands. Willa is already an expert herbalist, growing and cultivating medicinal herbs and plants. If something happens to you, Jackson will still have good medical care.
Joel seems closer than ever these days, like the veil between worlds is thinning. Sometimes you swear you see a flicker of him like a mirage in the wildflowers, or in the corner when the whole family is together. You were never sure what you thought about higher powers and the afterlife, but you’re sure there’s something there.  
You find another lump two years later. A third shows up soon after. You start to notice other changes in your body. You’re tiring easier.  
You’re more intentional about the time you spend with the kids. You make sure they know the stories they can’t remember. Carter teaches you how to shoot a bow. Willa teaches you about all the herbs in her greenhouse. You spend whole weeks at The Farm. It’s the end of summer when you know you have to start telling people. You tell Ellie while the two of you watch the sunset from the porch swing. She hugs you. There are tears, but there's peace to them. 
You faint while on a walk with Maria at the start of September. You tell her, and then you tell the kids. It’s one of the hardest things you have to do. Even at 21 year old, Carter goes to stone as Willa cries in your arms. 
You’re confined to your bed by Christmas. You sleep most of the day. Everyone comes for Christmas. Carter carries your shrinking frame to the couch. There’s laughter and jokes. You notice Maria’s hand in Tommy’s, but you don’t ask. 
Joel catches your eye from the corner. He looks younger. In his early 40s or so, you think. He smiles at you. He’s never been so clear. He’s waiting for you.
You stop eating after Christmas. Your thoughts start to feel disjointed, words scratch at your throat and you can’t push them out. Breathing takes all your energy. Willa has extracted opium from poppies. It helps. You hear their voices filter in. Willa, Carter, Ellie, Dina, Maria, JJ, and finally Tommy. They talk to you, but you can’t respond. They reminisce. It brings comfort to you as you feel their voices slipping away until you can’t hear them anymore. It’s dark and silent. 
When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by bright clear skies. The wind rustles through the wildflowers around you. A bird chirps in the distance. You stretch out your legs with the delectable sensation only available after a sun soaked nap. 
You close your eyes again, you can see Jackson. Willa and Carter are bickering about something. They walk your evening path. Willa is giving Carter a hard time about his latest romantic encounter. You can see The Farm. Dina and Ellie sit on the front porch. JJ is doing his chores. It all feels so close, but you feel separate. You can see it all happening, walk through it with just a thought, but you can’t interact with the world.
There’s a deep chuckle in your ear. You turn your head. Joel lays next to you, a smile on his face. His hair is less gray than last time you saw him. The creases around his eyes aren’t as deep. 
His hand touches yours. It’s warm. You’ve passed to the other side of the veil. Your heart leaps.
“Hey Sweetheart, I’ve been waiting for you.” 
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Tag List: @pedrotonin@amyispxnk@joeldjarin@ilovepedro@justagalwhowrites
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sapchat · 8 months
The Lord's Daughter
Cassian x Devlon!Reader
Synopsis: You’re Lord Devlon’s daughter, which definitely won’t cause any issues. Right? Fluff and Angst
Warnings: Devlon, misogyny :D, abuse, wing clipping, also you’re somewhat of a housewife because I read to many stories of people that end up with Cassian, Azriel or Rhys where they want to train and be strong. You can be strong and take care of a house, fuck that fighting shit. Also, I use female terminology, but you could read it as a more feminine male, FtM or even MtF if wanted.
Words: 7.6k
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The High Lord was coming to the house for a meeting, and then dinner. Father stated they were to talk about the camp, what the High Lord wanted to change, to talk about the girls training. Father stated it was because ‘that bastard general of his’ has reported once again the girls aren’t training. The other lords of Windhaven have all agreed that the girls can train just after their chores.
The only issue with that is the males of camp have just been giving us more work. So where I used to have time to myself to read, or play piano, I spend most of my day now doing chores and helping the younger girls of camp.
I don’t mind it, truly, it helps them out to do what they want. Train. I just don’t have an interest, and it’s not because my Father believes a female’s place is the house, I just don’t enjoy it. I’ve spent enough time helping patch up the warriors in the infirmary to know I want nothing to do with it.
I’d rather be a ‘housewife’ likely to the High Lord’s displeasure.
It doesn’t help that the General has been pestering all the girls lately to see why none of them are training.
It doesn’t help he pestered me before about it. Just before Rhysand became the High Lord. That thought caused me to look to my father, who had been in the sitting room sipping his whiskey.
“Father, do you know how many will be attending the meeting and meal? So, I might be prepared?” I ask, and the look on his face either turned to anger because I interrupted his thought or because of who will attend.
“The bastard lord, and his two-bastard ilk will attend. Not sure about his whore cousin.” He answered and downed his glass. Yea the anger is from the guests.
I wiped my hands on the apron I wore and untied it to set to the side, “Is there anything you’d specifically want for the meal? I can head to the butcher’s tomorrow when he opens. And I believe that the Huxley’s just finished canning and harvesting some of their vegetables for the season, I can stop and see what they have.”
“Get something from a pig. Just what they need to remind them what they are. No better than anyone else. Just nicer versions of pigs.” He poured himself another glass. Three fingers full this time.
“Pig sounds good, it’s been a little while since I’ve made a pig roast. I get some beans and potatoes to mash with it if that sounds good father.” If I’m to roast an entire pig for dinner, then I’ll have to go to the butchers early. Hopefully Elias can help bring it to the spit for me.
Father just grunted in reply, I’ll have to see what good alcohol I can find on short notice to serve. Possibly a cheap wine for me in order to get through it all.
Father was to spend most of the day showing the High Lord, the General and the Shadowsinger how the troops were, and how the girls’ training were proceeding, whilst I prepped the house for dinner. Turns out a pig roast doesn’t take as long as one would think to cook.
So, I got to spend some of my morning and afternoon outside tending to it and watching the camp show what they’ve learned. What new techniques have been taught from the war, whilst some of the girls stood to the side doing simple maneuvers like breathing or stretching.
It was strangely beautiful seeing the males move how they did. Like it was a dance whilst they were paired off, a dance that turned bloody and violet sure, but a dance nonetheless.
I tried my best to ignore the eyes of the three guests but at some points it couldn’t be avoided, and I’d quickly look away and go back to peeling my potatoes. Like a game of camp and mouse, except each time I’d glance there’d be some type of questioning look in one of their eyes. The General’s.
Whilst one of the three would pop in for a visit to the camps occasionally, I was never around. I’d just hear my father’s complaints later. With the occasional slap if it was a real grueling day. They weren’t the worst punishment you’ve received from the man. By the time it gets to the point he wants to slap he’s had a few glasses full, and he doesn’t have much strength.  
Besides he wanted me to look beautiful so he could still possibly find me a husband. Being the camp lord’s daughter did have its benefits. A pick of husbands, not that I’d get to chose but, and less beatings than some of the other women. Because whilst father would have rather had sons, he only has me. And as cruel as he can be I can say he doesn’t hate me. Detest me for not having a cock, sure.
But I am still his child.
Cauldron, part of me thinks just a little he hates he clipped my wings. He’d done it properly, thankfully. Had the best healer tend to it, so I still have functions in my wings and no real pain. Many of the girls and females in camp can’t say that. I’ve tended to many of them after the fact of how mangled their fathers make them. How they can barley even function.
The High Lord has attempted to ban wing clipping, imposing harsh punishments on those who still do it. It hasn’t stopped many of the fathers from clipping in secret. Which has caused more injuries than needed. It doesn’t help many of the males of camp beat their wives and daughters.
No wonder some many of the fae hate us. No wonder the High Lord and his friends hate coming around. Maybe that’s what the meeting is about. More changes to make to the camp. I’m sure father will love that. Something I’ll have to listen to until the next demand the High Lord makes.
I’d been so busy peeling and cutting up potatoes I didn’t see the massive imposing figure next to me. Red siphons littering his body, stature casting a shadow over my body, wings just posed enough to not be aggressive but catching my attention.
“Why aren’t you training with the other girls?” It was the General, Cassian, who had walked up to question me. And I’m shocked to find him talking with me. I’m trying to remember when the last time it might’ve been, and the only time I can think of it was around the time of their Blood Rite at a bonfire.
The war came not long after that, and then once it ended, I started taking care of the house more. Learning how to be a good wife from my mother, learning from some of the healers how to care for wounds.
“I’m peeling potatoes…” It’s the most obvious thing that I’m doing. He can see the potato in my hand, the others that had been peeled, and the skins on the ground around me.
“The girls of camp are to train just everyone else. So… why aren’t you training yourself?” He asked again, as if it’s the strangest thing in the world to not want to train. To rather cook, clean and care for a home than fight and get bloody and bruised.
“Because I’m prepping for dinner. After the meeting with the High Lord.” It’s a simple answer, one anyone should be able to guess, especially the General.
“Lord Devlon has been instructed that all girls of training age, or those that wish to, train before doing chores.”
“I know the rule Lord Cassian,” He cringes lightly at the title, “My father tells the camp of the rules the High Lord has created and has been enforcing. Believe it or not, I am not of training age nor do I want to train. I am perfectly content doing what I have been.”
The General almost seemed shocked at what I said. And just as he went to add something else, someone called him back to the others. He looked at the voice, then back to me, as if he was going to ignore them. Continue to question me; but he left.
Once he left, I took the food inside, to finish cooking it. The Generals presence reminding me of that bonfire. What the night brought, what rare fun you got to have. Before many of you had responsibilities for the real world….
“If your father finds out I allowed you to go out tonight he’d have both our heads.” My mother had stated glancing hesitantly at me from over the counter.
“Well, father is going to be in meetings with some of the camp lords, and other males of camp. Hence why this party is happening tonight.” I told her, the crunch of an apple piece ending my statement from the fruit she had given me for a snack.
“You’re not going to do anything… reckless are you? Nothing to…-“
I interrupted her, “Mother I’m not going to sleep with anyone. My pureness will be intact when I leave the house and will still be present when I come back. You’ll have no issue marrying me off. Even then, you and father are still able to have children.”
My mother had walked around the counter and pulled me into her chest, kissed my head and stated, “Why would I ever try to mess up perfection?” She had always said I was the best thing she made; no other child would be able to compare.
By the time I had gotten to the party it was in full swing, liquor and ale being passed around in cups, people sneaking off to the shadows to feel or hook up.
I had just planned on seeing some of my friends, only have maybe one or two drinks, I hadn’t expected the heir to the Night Court to be there. Which meant his two shadows would be around him too, both bastard low-born males, one who fought for his place in Windhaven and slid his way to the heir’s side. The other, the one everyone says was kissed by flame and shadow, who was dropped off here by his father’s guards as a favor to whoever his mother was. Just because the Lady of Night was a family friend.
The three of them weren’t much older than I, maybe by a few years, they were nearing the age and power to compete in the Blood Rite, where many Illyrian males aim for the age of 30 to compete. The name is self-explanatory, it’s a rite of passage where lots of blood happens.
I had spotted the long-hair male, I believe his name is Cassius or along the lines, standing by the fire passing a cup of ale to another female. Brushing through the crowds, I made my way over looking at the different drink options feeling hazel eyes looking at me.
Without even looking at the person staring I ask, “Going to give a suggestion or just keep starring?”
“I mean either works for me. Which allows me to stare longer?” Cassius… Cassiel… shit what is his name…
“Hmmm… giving a suggestion allows me to sip something as you stare.” I finally turn to look at him, and realize how much taller he is. He’s standing at least a head over me, if not two heads. Maybe a head and a small head.
“Ale is always a good choice. If you’d like something harder, a whiskey mixes or rum. Something sweet, I saw someone walk by with wine earlier so that’s somewhere… Cassian by the way.” CASSIAN! That’s his name.
“Y/N, and I’m okay with ale. My mixed drinks either varies by too strong and mainly the liquor or not enough and its basically just soda.” He nods his head and takes to pouring me a cup, getting no foam in it before handing it over.
“So, Windhaven native orrrr….?” He asks, and I can’t tell if he expects to end the night in my pants or not. If he actually just wants to get to know me.
“Native, my father is one of the lords sooo. Kinda have to follow the line. Only reason I got to come tonight was the meeting.”
“Yea, that was the main reason for this soiree. Helps that the High Lord is there taking the attention off of us to do it.” My eyes widened just a little, not realizing that the Lord of the Night Court was present.
“I didn’t realize he was coming to that meeting… how do you know that, figured it’d be a bit of a secret.” I watch as he points off to the side, following his direction I see how he knows, the heir, Rhysand is against a tree. Kissing another male with a female between them.
“He’s… committed?” I don’t even know how to describe it, and whilst it wouldn’t be me… I won’t judge others. That’s wrong.
“Oh,” the sharpest grin spreads on Cassian’s face, “He’s a very committed High Lord.”
“I’m sure the Night Court will be in… loving hands?” It’s a questionable laugh, one I hope doesn’t offend him or his friend.
“He will be, he’s got plans. Hopes to make Illyria a better place. But none of that, you’re drinking with one of the next Carynthian!” He’s proud of the statement, as if knowing he’s going to win no matter what.
“Oh, you’re competing this coming spring? Are… are all three of you doing it?” It’s a simple question, one because I know my father has already complained about them signing up together. It’s somewhat nice seeing others give him a headache rather than I.
“You can bet you’re sweet ass.” My eyebrows raise as I blink at what he exclaimed, “We all plan to complete it together. We started as one, we’ll end as one.”
“That’s… sweet. To many Illyrians die during it… To much blood shed just to come out on top just to come out with bragging rights.”
Cassian shrugs as if it isn’t too much of an issue. “Everyone in this camp is out for someone’s blood. The blood rite keeps everyone… sated. It’s a way to get rid of your enemy’s or people you hate without having to deal with a punishment from Lord Dickhead. Illyria is awful anyway with how everyone gets treated, if there weren’t challenges or the blood rite, we’d never be an army. Be to busy fighting each other.”
He's right but the name ‘Lord Dickhead’ throws me off… he’s not talking about…? “Lord Dickhead?”
The biggest grin ever splits across his face, and that’s how I know 1. He’s talking about my father and 2. He doesn’t know I’m his daughter. “Lord Dickhead, Lord Devlon. He’d answer to both I think.”
It had caused me to laugh, Windhaven is a big camp so not everyone realizes that my dad is one of the lords, let alone realize I’m his daughter. We talked more that night, but Cauldron knows I can’t remember. The ale was pretty strong, and I hadn’t drunk much before. But I do remember the night ended with a sloppy kiss.
We had moved to just the outskirts of the party, and he made a comment about going to be the best warrior the camp has seen. His goal was to be a general one day. And I had made a silly little comment about me being the fair maiden and him being the amazing knight.
He told me that the knight always gets a kiss before and after saving the maiden. So, he said he earned a kiss before the Blood Rite. So, I risked it. One of the only times I ever risked my status and the ire of my father.
I pressed my lips against his, hesitantly. He cupped my cheeks in his hands, tilting his head just slightly and pressed his lips against mine a rush of heat flowing through me. My brows furrowed just as he ran his tongue along my lip and in my confusion, I followed instinct and raised my hands to cup his face.
It had been a hot, hungry rushed kiss. My first kiss, something no other male got from then on. The war came after, among a thousand other things. But it always felt like a part of my soul was missing from then on.
I had been so lost in my daydream I had finished the potatoes. The type of ‘blackout’ where you just rely on muscle memory and continue doing whatever you were and come back out after going “Oh I actually cooked those right and didn’t just imagine it right?”
I quickly started setting everything out on the table, laid out the glasses, with a pale of ice cubes if wanted and the slightly expensive whiskey I found set out as well.  
And just as I finished stirring the mashed-up potatoes, I heard my father lead the males in. In walked the High Lord, the Shadowsinger and Cassian. I walked into the doorway of the eating room, watching my father lead them in, the whiskey and glasses already on the table from earlier today.
My father nodded to me, seeing that everything was out for them already. He then turned to the others and nodding in my direction and three sets of eyes lay on me. Each holding different twinkles in their eyes. “I’m not sure if you all remember back from, you’re all’s youth, but this is my daughter. Y/N Devlon.”
The High Lord’s and Shadowsinger’s expressions stayed neutral, but Cassian’s eyes widened just a bit. Either from realizing that I would in fact know the rules because of me being his daughter. Or because he finally remembered who I was. 
Either way I bowed just enough to be respectful, “Hello. Dinner is ready, and I left the option of drink choices. I hope everything is to your guys’ liking.” The Shadowsinger’s gaze glanced over the table, likely trying to see if anything would be poisoned but his gaze stuck on the roasted pig sat out, glistening with juices.
As if realizing what caught the shadowsinger’s attention, the High Lord and Cassian’s attention moves to it as well. Cassian only really seemed to have an issue with it, his teeth clenched and fist slightly clenched.
The High Lord took it in stride however, “Devlon, I’m glad you remembered how much I loved a roasted pig. Did it come from the Collymore family? They still have their butcher shop don’t they?”
My father leaned over his seat, and poured himself a glass, “You are correct Rhysand, the Collymore’s still have their butcher shop, their son has helped take it over. Truly it was them to remember your love for pig. Too many of you boys I raised and sent off to remember it all.” There’s a little eye twitch in his eye at the dig. “Please sit. Let’s not let this meal go to waste.”
I helped pour glass for the males, asked if anything else was needed before being waved away by my father. Walking back into the kitchen for my own dinner, I felt eyes follow me.
My own meal was smaller, consisting of really only the sides, pork wasn’t my favorite choice of meal, especially when it came to having to look at the face of a pig while eating. I spent most of dinner trying to ignore the conversation happening one wall over.
Voices varying in differing heights as disagreements and agreements happened. Why they elected to have a meeting over a meal? I’m not to sure. Doesn’t seem like much eating is actually happening. And as the person who cooked the meal, it kind of upsets me that my work is going to waste.
I could see the little shadow join me in the kitchen as I ate. Giving me some company, granted I’m sure it’s reporting back. As soon as that thought happens, it shoots off and another replaces. At least I think it’s a different one.
I’d been so distracted by the noises from the other room and the little shadows I didn’t see the massive frame entering the kitchen from the back. I jumped a good foot when I heard him speak.
“Why didn’t you say you were Devlons’ daughter?” General Cassian.
“Pardon?” It comes out quickly, just with one breath as I stare at him. His wings flexing with a slight irritation to them.
“You know what I asked.”
“Are you talking about earlier today or when we first met?” It’s a good question. Simple enough that if he doesn’t remember then I don’t have to possibly deal with the fact we drunkenly kissed. Or I can let him have some panic for calling my father ‘Lord Dickhead’. Even if that shoe fits.
“That depends. When do you think we first met?” I just slightly narrow my eyes, then glance in the direction of the dining room and back. What’s his game? And how do I play?
I’ve grown up around these warriors. Whilst I’d rather stay at home, I can bite back. “’Lord Dickhead.”
A saccharine smirk grows across his face, a glistening white canine peaking out. “What would Devlon thing about his daughter kissing an Illyrian bastard?”
“He didn’t know. The only one who did was my mom. Maybe your friends. But I never said a thing. I don’t kiss and tell.”
“That why you don’t train? Because he’s your father and he doesn’t allow you to?” He seems almost pissed as if it’s my father not letting me train.
I finally set my fork down with my plate and glare, “If I wished to train with everyone else. I would. It’s my choice whether I do or not. The High Lord doesn’t require me to train, he just states that the girls that wish to train, do. And I don’t want to.” My wings have started to flare just lightly, likely the only amount of dominance I’ll ever show.
He glances at my wings, eyes narrowing as if now realizing that my wings were clipped. A slight growl coursing through his chest. “So doesn’t allow you to train and clipped your wings. Wonder how Rhys would feel about him breaking both rules he’s imposed.”
I pull my wings back in close and tight to my back almost self-consciously before saying, “My wings are none of your business. It especially doesn’t concern the High Lord. What I do is not any of your business either. If I wanted to train, I would.”
“It matters if the Lord of this camp is breaking the laws that have been imposed by the High Lord. Rhysand has explained in great detail what the punishments are for wing clipping, and for not allowing the girls of camp to train.” I understand they want change. I do. But the punishments he’s talking about is either a beating or death. To “prove a point” they just kill them.
We’re in silence for a few minutes, him waiting for me to bite back likely. And when he seems to think I won’t, he turns to leave. To go back to his precious High Lord, but as he hits the doorway something makes me open my mouth, “They were clipped before I met you. Even before the bonfire.”
It makes him pause, but he continues back to the dining room.
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It’s a week later until I see him again. I had been walking around the farmer market the camp has. And he seemed to be walking around buying some of the food, either for a quick lunch or just to support some of the families of Windhaven.
So, being the peace maker, I try to be, I go up to him, “Hi.” Simple, if he wants, he can ignore me, or he can engage.
“Y/N. How are you?” Okay so not an immediate ‘fuck off’ so that’s good.
“I’m doing great! How about you?”
“Good.” Okay so maybe he’s just being polite.
“…What brought you to the market today.” He just glanced at me, and it’s really making me rethink trying to be nice.
“Have you been over by the Monroe stall since being back at the camps? Cade and his wife Calliope run it now. I think he did the Blood Rite a couple years after you.”
He sighs, “What are you doing?” He just barley looks down at me, an emotion in his eye I can’t pinpoint.
I just shrug, “I don’t know, I figured you’d maybe like the company. I know you’re not the most popular in the camps all considering. Plus, that first time we met we were friends,” I look down at that, “At least I think we became friends. Even if it was just for that short time! I didn’t really see you after…. And I know the second time we met it was tense, but you were eating dinner with my father-“
He cuts me off, “Whilst you were eating the bare minimum in the kitchen. Alone.”
My eyebrows furrow just lightly, “I couldn’t really eat with you guys. You were discussing camp policies. Not really a place for me.”
“Because you’re a female?”
“No, because I don’t know anything about camp policies. It wouldn’t make sense for me to be there. It’d be like if I showed up for a war meeting. No reason for me to be there.” It makes sense in my head so I would think it makes sense in his.
“That’s your home. You prepared the meal; you welcomed us into the home. You should have sat at the table and ate.”
“Can I ask something General Cassian?” It’s something I want to know. But his face makes me smile just a little.
“You can just call me Cassian; but yes.” It’s almost a grumble with how he answers.
“Why does it bother you so much? How I decide to do things with my life?” He pauses in his step as if debating something. Either to answer or to tell me.
“That night. The… night of the ki- of the bonfire.” He rephrases his statement as if remembering we’re around others of camp. As if he realizes if anyone overhears, my virtue will be in question. My reputation in the camps, ruined. “I… I know we’re older. Now. But I thought I felt something… that night. Something deep in my soul. And then you were gone, the Blood Rite happened, then the war.
Just to find out you were under my nose the entire time. Did you know that Rhys didn’t know Devlon had a wife, let alone a child. One so close in age. Let alone one who’s wings had been clipped, doesn’t train with the other girls and females of camp.”
“He doesn’t have a wife anymore. My mother died not long after the war ended. And I told you the other night that my wings were already clipped the first time we met.” I sharply turn in front of him, “Also, I didn’t realize I had to inform you who I was when we met. I don’t usually walk up to people go ‘Hi my names Y/N, my father is Lord Devlon lets go make out!’ When we met, we were nobodies. You didn’t have a title, such an important role, so many responsibilities. So, I stayed out of the way. No matter what I might’ve felt that night.”
It's like a ripple is sent out. Something in the wind has changed. But all we can do is look at one another. Both breathing slightly heavily from what’s been shared.
Cassian looks away for just a second, nostrils flaring. “Is that why you didn’t come around? Because I’m a bastard? A fatherless motherless brute with no standing?”
I scoff at what he’s trying to imply, “Why would your parents matter to me? I didn’t come around because 1. How did I know you wished me to? You were sent to the Blood Rite the night after, then the war came, Rhysand became the High Lord and you left. 2. You forget that even though my father is Lord Devlon, I am a woman, a daughter to a brute that cares more for this camp than I. I have no standing which is something I’ve accepted.”
“So, I just assume I’m supposed to sit here and believe, that even when I was not a general, you would’ve had me? Would’ve let me court you?”
“YES!” I exclaimed, the few people still wondering around the market glancing in our direction. I hold my stuff a little tighter before glancing back at Cassian’s eyes, “Come on, follow me before we get into any more trouble.”
The winged male slowly followed behind, as if he were a child that had gotten in trouble. Luckily, father was to be with the ‘troops’ and wouldn’t be at home until late. So, we would be left in peace for a bit.
“Won’t Devlon get pissed your in here  unchaperoned with a male?” He’s almost hesitant in walking into the house, as if he’ll be run off for just walking in.
“Believe it or not, even though I’d rather stay in the house and raise kids than fight, I am allowed to make my own choices. Much to my father’s anger.” There’s just the smallest smile that graces his face, it lights up as he does.
“Is that why you don’t want to train? Because you would just rather keep house than be a warrior?” It’s as if he’s finally understanding me, finally realizing that everyone wants something different.
“I’m an only child, I always begged for siblings, always played with babydolls, or played house. My mother couldn’t have anymore kids, I never truly knew why I just know she couldn’t. Because of that, I spent most of my time playing ‘mom’ with different things and people. That’s all I wanted to be… Then my mother passed away after the war, that disease that passed through the camps, remember? The dreams of a sibling kind of… shattered, unless father remarries.
Then the High Lord became the High Lord, started changing the rules of the camps, trying to make change. Think what you want about my father, I know how he seems and gets viewed, but he’s always been like that distant in his own way. Cass, I wish I was one of the females of camp that wanted to train, he’d allow it if I truly wanted to, but I don’t. It’s not something I want for me, I want to be in the home taking care of people, raising kids if I get to have them. And if that’s not something you can accept… then I don’t know if there could be an… us.” I glance up towards him, and the most heartbroken look is on his face.
“I couldn’t care less if that’s what you truly want. I only cared because I thought you were being kept from what you wanted to do. I didn’t know you truly didn’t want to train, I thought you were being forced to keep house. That’s why I was pushing for it so much, that’s why I cared.” He still has the look on his face, as if I’ve killed his mate…. Wait….
“Earlier… you said something… about the night we… kissed. That you thought you felt something… What did you mean?” It’s like a white sheet has draped over him, his tan Illyrian skin lighting to an unhealthy look.
“It-it’s nothing. Just I don’t know Y/N we were drunk, but I just feel like-“ He’s twiddling with his fingers as I interrupt him. Something I never picture the general doing, the famed Prince of Bloodshed.
“It felt like something more? Something… in the making, or in the forming?” His hazel eyes make contact with mine, an almost knowing glint in them. Like he’s already thought that’s what it was, although there’s still a look of fear.
“I’m not sure if that’s what it is. The only experience I have with mates is Rhys’ parents’… and they weren’t… the best examples. I just know that night I felt something, and ever since then it felt like something’s been missing. Until we met again, and that feeling came back.” I chew on the corner of my lip, chewing on the skin some.
“So… are we mates?” That beautiful grin is back on his face, the color her lost coming back to the usual tan.
“I think we’re mates.”
Right as he says it, as if talking about it summoned it, that beautiful golden bridge is formed between us.
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It’s been almost a week since the mating bond formed between us. Something that I’ve kept away from my father, which Cass has been in full support of. He has started to buy and give me courting gifts, which I can’t tell if my father noticed and is ignoring or not. Granted I did want to put feelers out at dinner tonight.
“Father?” I hope my tone isn’t as anxious as it sounds, but I fear it might be.
“What would you like Y/N?” He asks still reading the report he has in his right hand as he eats.
“Would....” How do I approach this? “Would it be okay if someone… started to court me?” This makes him pause mid-chew, and it’s then I start to wonder if maybe he is just slightly more male than I thought, than I saw.
“Is there a male in the camps courting you? Because if so, they should be coming to me for permission. Who is it?” Okay yeah maybe I shouldn’t have brought this up.
“I don’t think it’s actual courting, I just think someone has been giv-leaving gifts for me. Just little things that usually get seen as courting gifts. I just wanted your opinion on it father.” Simple, appeasing to his pride.
“I’m not sure which game you’re playing child, but if someone does wish to court you, then the proper way is through talking with me and allowing me to approve it. Are they a respectable male? The one leaving gifts.”
He doesn’t believe he’s respectable, but he’s more respectable than the males in camp. “What if they’re my mate? I know it’s rare, but if The Mother and Cauldron wished it, would you still accept them?”
My father stops chewing once again, as if getting tired of my questions during our usual meals. “You’ve been reading to many of those books again, haven’t you? They still need to speak with me if they wish to court you. Mating bond or not.” Okay so maybe he will accept Cassian then! “But if he is not a male of good standing, then it won’t be happening. I won’t have my child marrying some bastard, mating bond or not.” Shit.
“The books bring me joy father. Something to do once I’m done with my chores.” Entice my father with the sweet words for the females of his time, where we’re happy with doing chores. Which for me I am but still.
It wasn’t until hours later when I go meet Cass that I told him.
“How’d your father take it?” He asks, wrapping me up in his arms holding me close to him. The bond thumping along our chests, even unmated and it thrives with life.
“I chickened out… Don’t look at me like that! I asked how he’d feel if someone started courting me, and he said he wanted them to come to him to ask permission. So, I asked what if they were my mate. But he said if that was the case, even so rare it is, that he’d technically allow it, unless they weren’t in ‘good standing’.” Cass lightly pushes me slightly away from him to look at me.
“So, your father’s definitely not going to allow me to court you. My mate. I knew your father hated bastards but…” He sounds upset about the fact, which is understandable.
I look up and run a finger along the length of his nose, “You could always rescue me, be the amazing knight again and me being the maiden. Take me away to the Moonstone Palace safely tucked away.” He gets some kind of guilty look on his face at the mention of Moonstone Palace.
“Is that what you’d want? For me to take you away from your father, bring you back to my home with me?” he’s sincere in his question, and I know he’d do it in an instant.
“I wanted my father to approve. I wanted him to be okay with our relationship, with our eventual mating. To be happy for me that I was able to find a male that could care for me. Mates aren’t something that happened, let alone happen in these camps. But I’d never forgive him if he tried to keep me away from you.” And I wouldn’t. He’s my father and I’d do almost anything for him, like he’s done for me, but this is a chance at my happiness.
“I’ll see what I can do, speak with Rhys about seeing if there’s anything that can be done. If there’s a loophole.” He’s sweet and doesn’t even have to do what he plans to do. Really, he could just cut his losses and move on.
The issue was we were wrapped up in each other, we never even noticed the male watching from the shadows. So, when I awoke the next day, my bedroom door locked; I didn’t know what was to happen. Was even more shocked when I found my father in the corner of my room waiting.
“Are you fucking him?” It was all he said. Just like that my loving father was replaced with the male Lord of the camp.
“What?” No, seriously, what?
“Are you fucking that bastard?”
“Father what are you talking about? I haven’t been with anyone, you know this.” Really, all me and Cass have done is kiss. Yet that little brush of question down the bond from him makes me wonder if it could be seen as more.
“It’s been reported to me that you have been seen sneaking out. Then meeting that bastard born foot solider. So, I’ll ask you again. Are you. Fucking. That Bastard.” He’s pissed, I’m pissed that someone’s followed me to him. Because this is going to fuck over whatever plans me and Cass made.
The anger on his face makes me pull on the bond and send just the smallest rush of panic down the bond. Hopefully letting him know that somethings wrong, that I might need assistance. “Father, I don’t know what someone claims to have seen but they are wrong. You know I would never do that, compromise us like that. You’ve raised me better than that.” He didn’t necessarily raise me at all, my mother did. He just kept us alive in terms of money.
“So, the male is lying to me and your telling the truth?”
“Father, you have nothing to fear. You know I am waiting for your approval and marriage. It would be unladylike of me to not have my maidenhead before being married.” It’s not a lie, I do still have my maidenhead, but I am kind of sneaking around with Cass.
Speaking of who, responds with my earlier tug, with one of his own, and a questioning feeling down the bond. I tug back almost instantly, sending back reassurance but still a little push of panic. Hopefully getting the point across I need him.
“If that is the case you won’t care for me to go get the male and question him again. See which of you are lying.” He knows something. Either there’s actual evidence of me and Cassian sneaking around, or someone is trying to screw me. I’m not happy about either.
I just shrug in response, “I just planned on cleaning up around the house today. So, I’ll be here if you wish to ask me anymore questions.” I smiled at him kindly.
I need to figure out a way to get out of camp.
My fathers’ eyes just narrow at me, before his lip curls and he leaves the room completely. Not locking the door behind him thankfully.
It was only two hours later I heard a knock on the back door; a sharp tug following after telling me who it was. Picture my surprise when I let Cass in and the High Lord and Shadowsinger follow in behind him.
I start to try and bow but before I can even attempt to Cass pulls me into a hug. “What’s going on?”
I push back lightly, “Someone saw us the other night. When we met and talked about leaving. Someone had followed. Father thinks we’ve…” I stop, and glance at the other two before finishing.
The High Lord leans against the wall, the Shadowsinger joining him, “So he thinks you’ve slept with him and thus are basically worthless in terms of any marriage deals.”
My face rushes to a heated tint, and Cassian growls in response, “Rhys.” It’s a simple command he makes. Don’t speak about my maidenhead so casually.
“Do you know who the male was that reported seeing you guys?” It’s the Shadowsinger that speaks now.
I shake my head, “No, he locked me in my room, waited for me to wake then basically came and interrogated me. Just said someone reported to him that they watched me ‘sneak out’ then followed me and saw me meet up with Cass.”
He shares glances with the Lord and Cass, before Cass asks, “How pissed is he?”
“Well, I can almost guarantee that when he comes back later after questioning that male again it won’t be a happy dinner.”
Cassian runs a quick hand down his face, and it makes me feel bad that I’m putting him through this stress. As if noticing my feelings, the High Lord speaks.
“Devlon would be pissed no matter what. The Cauldron themselves could be your mate and he’d be upset. It does slightly complicate things, but this is an easy issue to solve.”
“Rhys. Don’t insinuate my mate is an issue.”
“Not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Az do you think you’d be able to intercept Devlon before he finds out to much information?” Cass asks, and before I can tell them it’s likely to late, he’s gone. Shadows hiding him away taking him… somewhere.
“Y/N, do you want to stay and see what happens or would you like to pack some stuff to leave?” The High Lord—Rhys, I guess is what I should call him now. Cass has told me enough about him I feel it’d be appropriate.
“Do you think it’s needed?” I don’t want to leave my home. It’s the home I was born and raised in, the home my mother lived and died in. The home I learned my purpose of life in.
Cassian answers instead, “Me and my brothers were talking. The three of us think it may be safer if you come with us. But… I’ll leave you with the option. The choice to see how your father reacts. We just think it’ll be safer if you come with us at the end of the day. We… we don’t know what Devlon will do once finding out we’re mates.”
I must look sad about that because Cass brings me closer, if possible, and his wings just slightly curl towards me. “He wouldn’t hurt me. He might be some type of monster but he’s still my father.”
Rhys answers for Cass, “It’s not that we think he’d intentionally hurt you, but he said it himself, he wouldn’t marry you to your mate if it wasn’t a… good match. But it wouldn’t be a happy life if you stayed. I know it’s a big ask, this is your home, all you’ve known. But I also know Cassian would be a lot happier if you were with him. Safe.”
Closing my eyes, I sigh because I know they’re right. I’d be happier in the long run with him. “I’ll go pack some things. Should I wait or just leave a note?” My voice is solemn.
Cassian and Rhys look at one another, but Cass answers, “I’d leave a note for now. We can always come back if you want to see if he’d like to make amends.”
And so, I do, I leave a simple note apologizing. Telling him that I was in fact still a maiden, even if he thinks I’m not. Tell him that Cass is my mate, and I couldn’t have a higher-ranking male as my husband. If he wishes to speak with me, he can send letters.
Other than that, I take my most prized possessions. Some of my mother’s jewelry, books, a few more odds and in’s I’ve collected in my few hundred years of living.
Then we left. So, I can be happy with my mate, and his family.
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Author's Note:
This was going to be 5.6k words but last night I felt it needed just a little more angst because we all know Devlon would be pissed.
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dividers came from @firefly-graphics
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aoioozora · 3 months
Content: Lt. Elias Walker x Civilian F! Reader, fluff, cuddling, playful banter, confession, takes place in mid-late 90s Note: I've never seen an fanfic for Elias yet so here's a silly-cute one uwu
You were not in your right mind when you called up Elias, you next-door neighbour to say, "I can't sleep. Cuddle with me."
You weren't stoned or drunk; just desperate.
There was a brief, deafening silence on the other end of the line. You gnawed your lip as your nails involuntarily drummed in anxious anticipation against the plastic of your telephone.
"Keep your front door open," he finally answered, voice soft but urgent. The call ended with a click.
You put the handset back onto the landline and let out a sigh. You were never this direct with Elias, ever since he moved to the next apartment a few months ago. He was a pleasant young man, blond, brown-eyed, helpful and kind. The two of you were just friendly neighbours, nothing more. You'd share your dinner or your baked goods with him, have friendly conversations and engage in small talk like a good neighbour would to keep up the good relations, and that was it, until just now, when you decided to be a little too direct with him about your feelings. You almost cursed yourself for it, worrying that you might've shifted the trajectory of your friendly relationship with him to something more but his approval came as a pleasant surprise.
You unlocked the front door as requested and made your way back to your bedroom. As you sunk into your bed and covered yourself with your duvet, your heart pounded loudly in your chest as you waited. Your ears buzzed in the deathly silence of your dark room, until it was disturbed by the toll of the doorbell.
You didn't have to answer, and you soon heard the front door open. Faint thuds in the hallways soon followed, and then the distinct click of the door handle resounded in your silent room.
A tall shadow silently slipped in. "I'm here," came a soft, breathless whisper of an announcement from him as he gently closed the door.
"Hey," you greeted as you turned over under your blanket to acknowledge him. You saw his large silhouette move towards you, broad shouldered; befitting a Lieutenant. "I didn't think you'd actually come," you said, staring at his shadow standing by your bedside.
He motioned his hand to the bed, as if asking for permission, which you graciously granted. He hesitantly sat down at the edge, his back turned to you. "I had to repay your kindness," he answered your comment, ruffling his short buzz as he chuckled, "After all, you've lavished me with food much better than Army chow."
"It's called kindness for a reason, Lieutenant," you said with a cheeky grin, loving to refer to him by his rank, "you don't have to repay it. It's free."
He chuckled; it was a deep, rumbling laugh that you loved to hear. "Okay, but still, I want to repay you," he replied as he shifted in his seat and pulled a part of your duvet from under him.
You smiled as you watched him put his hands on the bed behind him to support himself. "You're going to be deployed tomorrow," you said quietly, bringing your hand out from underneath your duvet and sliding it towards his rugged hand, letting your pinky finger meet his in a featherlight touch, "and yet you still came."
The nerves in Elias' limb buzzed and crackled all the way from his fingers to his shoulder like he had touched a live wire. His jaw clenched and his breathing deepened slightly as his head limply tilted downwards. "Yeah," he said heavily, voice trailing off as his train of thought was thrown off the rails.
He laid down on the empty space on your bed, laying on his back and lacing his fingers together over his stomach as he stared at the ceiling for a moment. You noticed how many times his chest expanded and contracted as he breathed deeply. Was he nervous?
He was nervous. Just being in your vicinity knocked the wind out of him; he wondered if he would even be alive to wake up in the morning. He felt the bed and the sheets shift a little as you moved a tiny bit closer; he wanted to turn to look at you, but his neck felt about as mobile as a rusted hinge.
He finally did, and found you looking at right at him, as if waiting for him to initiate the cuddle session. But he was again rendered breathless by your gaze. His lips pursed and then parted slightly to take in a breath.
"Come on, didn't you want to cuddle?" He managed to croak out hoarsely, trying to sound as calm as possible in contrast to his heavily beating heart as he raised his arm slightly to invite you.
You moved nearer and he slipped his raised arm under your head for you to use as a pillow while he laid on his side to allow you to have full access to his shoulder and his chest. The scent of orange and cloves filled your nostrils, an earthy, citrusy, and spicy scent that instantly warmed your body.
"Comfy?" he asked, respectfully wrapping his other arm between your shoulder blade and your waist.
"Yep," you shamelessly snuggled right against his shoulder to get a whiff of his perfume once again.
He smiled at how comfortable you seemed with him and his arms tightened around you to pull you closer. His chin rested on your head, and he could catch the tropical scent of shampoo from your hair.
"Elias?" you murmured.
"What perfume are you wearing?"
"Oh... it's just this orange and clove perfume my mom gifted me," he chuckled, "I bet I smell like a house on Christmas."
You giggled, and it sent a wave of warmth in his chest, a feeling similar to what a hot drink on a cold rainy day could hope to replicate. "It suits you," you compliment him, "warm, cozy..." you let out a content sigh.
He smiled and then let out a sigh of his own. "I can smell your shampoo," he murmured, hoping he wasn't sounding like a creep, "It smells like a mixed fruit juice."
"You're right, because it is."
He took another inhale of your hair as if to commit it to memory, and pulled you closer. Your hand slid across his waist to return the gesture, an action that left a trail of fire burning under his skin.
"What time do you have to leave tomorrow?" you ask.
He sighed, nuzzling his nose against your hair and mumbling into it, "Four thirty in the morning." With you in his arms, he didn't want to think of deployment.
"That's early. I shouldn't have called you then."
His arms tightened around you slightly. "No. I'm glad you called me," he admitted, "I... I kinda wanted to see you before I left."
"You did?"
He nodded, nuzzling his face into your hair a little further, as if trying to hide. His heart rate picked up speed as he tried to, ironically, come up with a suitable justification that wouldn't involve telling you his feelings outright.
Not knowing that his mind was buzzing, you interrupted his train of thought and said, being encouraged by his openness, "To be honest, I wanted to see you too before you left. That's why I called you." You found yourself gently pressing yourself into his shoulder in response to his nuzzling, feeling a little shy to admit it despite your bravery.
The revelation of feelings left both of your cheeks warm. Elias squeezed you gently and his fingers began to rub soothing circular patterns on your back.
He softly breathed out your name and you raised your head to look up at him. He had such a longing look in his eyes as he stared into yours. "I couldn't sleep either," he admitted. No wonder he answered your call so quickly. "And honestly..." he inhaled deeply, "With you next-door, I can never sleep because I can't stop thinking of you."
You stared at him, slightly wide eyed. His rubbing stopped and his words continued to tumble out against his will, "And it's the same when I'm deployed. You never leave my head."
Your heart couldn't help but flutter at his words. He now looked away, embarrassed, but you smiled. "Honestly, same here. Whether you're near or far, I can't stop thinking of you either."
He was speechless for a moment as he stared at you. He finally blurted out, "Really?" as his heart swelled like a overfilled water balloon. He saw the confirmation in the way you looked at him, eyes filled with adoration and awe, a look that sent butterflies raging in his stomach. He smiled widely, sheepishly, as he feet the heat rise to his cheeks; he was glad it was dark.
You lowered your head and smilingly, nervously whispered the cherry on top to him, "Elias, I really like you."
He was sure his swollen heart exploded at the confession. He was ready to get down on one knee at that instant to ask you to be the mother of his children and to make him the happiest of men but he cleared his throat and stanched the thought.
"I like you too," he answered breathlessly as he gazed at the lovely smile that graced your sweet face. His heart melted and he couldn't help but exclaim, dreamily smiling back, "Woah, that smile's sweeter than all your cakes and pies combined. Better take me to the hospital 'cause I'm diabetic now."
His ears rung with your cute giggles and his smile widened. He was so sure he could hear wedding bells ringing and angels singing. "Oh come on, you're making my diabetes worse. Have mercy on me, sweetheart," he begged with a chuckle, now initiating some playfulness.
Your heart fluttered at the endearment. "Aww, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to," you replied, very intentionally giggling some more.
He let out a poorly acted grunt of pain and he held his chest as if he was shot. "Oh no, you've killed me now," he said in a wail, flashing a toothy grin at you.
You playfully shove his shoulder. "We're supposed to be sleeping right now!" you exclaim, "You have an early day tomorrow."
His cheeks flushed with delight at how concerned you are for him. He shook his head slightly, "Come on, sweetheart, we're having a moment here!" he pouts, "I don't want to think of deployment. And besides, how can I sleep when I know we like each other? I'm way too excited."
You rolled your eyes, chuckling. "I mean… I get it. I'm excited too. But we both have to sleep, you know. You can't be late and I can't be nodding off at work tomorrow." You gingerly raised your hand and cupped his cheek, letting your thumb rub absentmindedly against his stubble.
Elias leaned into your touch and closed his eyes, breathing out a soft, "I know." You continued to do so as you stared at him, at the way his eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks, at his lips, at his nose. His eyes opened, staring into yours, half-lidded, gentle, sleepy. "I can't sleep if you look at me like that, darling."
You smiled again and pulled your hand away to grab the duvet and cover your face with it. "Alright, I'll just hide my face then," you suggested with a chuckle.
He yanked the duvet off your face. "No, no, no, no. That's not allowed," he said in a tone of mock sternness, "You're not hiding behind any damned duvet." He then pulled you back against his chest and wrapped his arms tight around you, giving you a gentle squeeze. "The only acceptable place to hide is in my arms."
Your heart fluttered a hundred times over, and you happily hugged him back, returning the squeeze. He nuzzled his face into your hair, taking another whiff of your tropical hair while you greedily inhaled his Christmas-y pomander scent.
"If I have to hide in your arms, where will you hide then?" you asked.
"In your arms."
"What if you need cover during a mission? Would you hide in my arms then?" you questioned, unable to keep yourself from chuckling at the absurd question.
His chest vibrated against your forehead as he laughed. "That's not anything for you to worry about, darling. I got it covered."
Both of you giggled at the pun he made until he said, now a little more stern, "Alright, alright, seriously now, it's time to sleep."
"Copy that, Lieutenant," you mumbled smilingly against his chest.
"Good rookie," he whispers, lightly pressing his lips against your hair and then mumbling into it, "If you'll be good, I'll come back quickly and we can do this again, ad infinitum."
P.S ad infinitum turns into dating, which turns into marriage, and you eventually become the mother of his two boys and make him the happiest of men hehe ;)
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saradika · 9 months
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this year has been filled with so many beautiful fics, I wanted to make a rec list to share & support everything I read. please check these out and support these creators, they are all incredible! 💖✨
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— Breathe Me In by @moonlight-prose
the jedi fell and darth vader rose to power, but there’s a secret he hides even from his own master.
— When Midnight Calls by @ladyxskywalker
anakin steps into the refresher, noticing how you left the door open for him, the steam filling the room inside from the misty hot water.
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— The Lady and the Merc by @flightlessangelwings
“The pleasure,” the leader took your hand, but instead of shaking it, he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it tenderly, “Is all mine,” he gave you a wink as you felt your skin burn under his touch, “And call me Axe Woves.”
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— Steadfast by @uwingdispatch
He pressed a sweet kiss to your forehead before pulling back to look at you in that way only he could, with those bright eyes. “I think we should stay,” he said.
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— Be With Me by @imarvelatthestars
"It's late," he says.
— Boba Fett is in Love With You by @janghoefett
He’s known for some time now.
— Ex Libris by @daimyosprincess
There's much to be learned from the handsome professor Boba Fett, both about yourself and your pleasure.
— Kinktober Day Five: Virginity by @sinfulsalutations
You’ve never felt this small before.
— No Mercy by @daimyosprincess
Fennec Shand is many things, markswoman, assassin, the daimyo’s right hand, but merciful is not one of them. That's why she's the only one Boba Fett trusts to take care of you when he's away.
— Sound Asleep by @moodymisty
You swore you hadn’t had a nightmare since your childhood years; But even then, you couldn’t remember one like this.
— Small Favors by @daimyosprincess
The day Boba Fett called you a hellion, you were pretty certain it altered your brain chemistry.
— The App by @maybege
The App tells you who your perfect match is. But when Josh, your perfect-match-alpha, introduces you to his boss, you start to realise that the numbers are not always right.
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— Dread by @bits-and-babs
a strange creature visits your dreams, promising to satiate a yearning body he heard call to him across the force. |  incubus!maul
— Serenity by @eloquentmoon
lord maul interrupts your nighttime stroll in the woods
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— Eat Your Young by @imarvelatthestars
It's the way she looks at you that does you in, the blatant hunger that glints in Elia's eyes, the knowledge that she always has you just within reach and that you'll always fall for her time and again. 
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— I Didn't Know The Time by @ladyxskywalker
an unseasonable rain causes an unexpected shift in your new year’s plans, but, as it turns out, both of you wouldn’t have it any other way
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— Amuse Bouche by @bits-and-babs
A state dinner leaves the Grand Admiral wanting far more than was offered.
— Show of Good Faith by @bits-and-babs
grand admiral thrawn has a unconventional way of convincing neighbouring planets to pledge allegiance to the empire.
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— I Want You to Show Me Weak by @tarabyte3
You're pretty sure Kino Loy hates you. He screams at you, grabs you, and shoves you against the wall, and it's becoming a problem because, well...it shouldn't fluster you as much as it does.
— Ownership of Mine by @amywritesthings
The Empire has integrated their prison systems, with you as one of the few women now incarcerated at Narkina 5. The unit manager takes you under his wing – but for reasons you didn’t anticipate.
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— Dust to Dust by @avarkriss
A generous gift bestowed upon a very pretty desert hermit
—Kinktober Day 5: Table Sex by @flightlessangelwings
“You wished to see me, Lord Kenobi?” you asked from the doorway to his office where you stood at attention.
— Serve My Worries Away by @friskynotebook
In which Obi-Wan gets in a fight with a printer and the printer wins.
— Sweetend Craving by @moonlight-prose
“he’d want the last thing he ever heard to be the sound of you tipping over the edge, falling into a bliss you both craved.”
— What’s The Harm? by @obixwan
Quinlan set Obi-Wan up with a friend and now, Obi-Wan can’t help himself.
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— Because You Left by @againstacecilia
“What happened? With us?” / “We just… Grew apart. That’s all.” / “No, I don’t think that’s it. Not entirely.”
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— Better Than The Universe by @sinfulsalutations
Rex enjoys the mindlessly affection-filled morning he deserves
— Kinktober Day 15 by @samspenandsword
Overstimulation with Daddy Rebels!Rex
— Keep In The Heat by @sinfulsalutations
Wrecker is cold. His girl knows a solution
— Return To Sender by @keravnos-kori
halla has been alone for the past three years. as it turns out, relocating to coruscant and attending a prestigious university hasn’t been as glamorous as she originally expected - but when a new opportunity comes along for her to prove the republic’s injustices committed against clone troopers, she might get more than she bargained for when the power structure suddenly collapses and is replaced by something far more sinister…
— Strategies in Fliration by @floral-force
When you take a risk and join your friends for a night out, a handsome stranger sets his eyes on you. You boldly approach him and ask him what war tactics he has in his arsenal. | captain rex
— Sweet Thing by @starrylothcat
Wrecker has a crush on you, a local sweet shop owner. Will he find the courage to ask you out? 
— Some Rex and Relaxation by @daimyosprincess
After a hard week, Rex makes it his mission to see that you forget all about it.
— The Coffee Shop by @samspenandsword
You own a coffee house on Coruscant famed for its especially strong and rare brews. One day, you find yourself meeting the Marshal Commander for the Coruscant Guard.
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if you haven’t read these, you need to! and please support these amazing fics & writers by reading, reblogging & commenting! 💕
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sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss
"This is such bullshit."
"I know," Michael answered, his pleasant smile never budging. Gerry shifted restlessly at his side, glad that he had Michael's arm tucked in his. Otherwise he would have hauled ass hours ago.
It was fine that the person he loved the most in the world was tied to the Archives and the Eye, and he himself was deep in debt to an evil old bitch and thus also roped into the whole mess. He had accepted all of that. The day to day was decent, especially once he and Michael left at the end of the day to spend the night together, which he could easily call the greatest moments of his life. He could handle the field work involving dangerous books or people- he could handle himself, and had a reason to make it back safely. Even the occasional Institute drama that made its way into the Archives, he could deal with it.
But he could not stand being forced into a suit to stand around and please the Institute investors at some stupid fundraiser dinner.
There were so many people in fancy suits and dresses, crowded into the ritzy hotel ballroom Elias had rented for the evening. It was hot, and crowded, and Gerry could feel judging eyes on him, like he was holding a flashing sign saying "I Don't Belong Here". His shoes hurt his feet and his jacket was too tight in the shoulders and the food still hadn't been served. The night was dragging in the worst way, and he hated all of it.
The only relief he had was Michael, somehow looking perfectly at ease in the uncomfortable situation. And gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Unlike Gerry, he fit so well into his dark blue suit, eyes bright and sparkling, hair pulled back so his curls spilled down his back. Gerry wanted to plaster himself to him, press him up against a wall and ravish him, take that sweet bland smile off his face and replace it with wide-eyed pleasure. And the knowledge that he couldn't, not for several hours, was unbearable.
"Ah, here he is." Gerry tensed when Elias pushed through the crowd, approaching them with a horribly delighted smile. A small stuffy-looking man followed him. "Gerard, it's my pleasure to introduce you to a former associate of your mother."
'Fuck you,' Gerry thought as hard and viciously as he could, and caught a slight wince from the Head of the Institute. It seemed that Gertrude's suspicions about her boss were correct, but he didn't have time to think about that. The other man, who's name he didn't bother to catch, was stepping forward with his hand outstretched, and he reluctantly took it, woodenly smiling at his enthusiasm.
"I'm so glad to make your acquaintance," he gushed, hand clammy as he vigorously shook Gerry's. "Your mother's passing left such a hole in the rare book collecting community. Elias tells me you've inherited her stock. Will you be continuing her work?"
"Not...really?" Gerry mumbled, feeling horribly awkward and deeply uncomfortable by the mention of his mum. He knew just from the way Elias was smiling that he'd done this on purpose, setting up this situation just to watch him squirm. Fucking bastard. "Not really interested in collecting them, exactly."
"We've actually discussed liquidating Mary's collection," Michael spoke up smoothly, tugging Gerry closer to his side and out of the grasp of Mary's enthusiastic former client. "If that's something you're interested in, we can certainly discuss the sale at another time."
God fucking bless Michael, Gerry thought in relief, slumping against his side. He was taking control of the conversation, saving Gerry's ass with his confidence, and that was so unspeakably reassuring.
"Oh." The stranger's face fell dramatically. "That's such a shame, Mary worked so hard to compile all those books."
"I'm sure they will be far better off in the hands of someone else," Michael said placatingly with a surreptitious squeeze to Gerry's arm. "Someone who is more suited to care for them than we are."
"Well, in that case..." A nearly lustful look slid onto their conversation partner's face, sending a chill down Gerry's spine. "I'd be more than happy to-"
"Um, Elias?" Rosie appeared at Elias' elbow, distracting him from their conversation he'd been watching like an engrossing tv show. "Gertrude has Peter Lukas cornered again, I think you should intervene."
"Oh, damn," Elias sighed as he turned away to focus on the problem. Gerry felt a hard yank on his arm, and let himself be pulled back by Michael, who dragged him away from the conversation before anyone could notice. Michael towed him to a corner next to the window, where the long curtains shielded them from the rest of the room.
"Come here," Michael whispered urgently, pulling Gerry close and cupping his face. Gerry eagerly shifted up onto his toes to accept his kiss, full of warmth and comfort. "Are you okay?"
"I am," Gerry assured him, sighing against his lips. "I am. Because of you. Thank you for dealing with that asshole, I never know what to say to guys like that."
Michael sighed as well, his breath gusting across Gerry's face as he touched their foreheads together. "I wasn't sure...I know we talked about it, about what to do with your mom's stuff, but-"
"You were perfect," Gerry assured him, stepping closer to wrap his arms around his middle. "I don't want it to go to him-"
"Absolutely not," Michael agreed with a smile, tucking Gerry close in their private little corner. "We're a good team, aren't we?"
"The greatest." Gerry buried his face in Michael's chest, rubbing his cheek against his smooth tie. All of his nerves had melted away, leaving him happy and warm in Michael's embrace. "I think I'll keep you right here for the rest of the night."
Michael laughed. "But we'd miss Gertrude tormenting Elias and Peter Lukas," he protested, even as he leaned down to kiss Gerry again. "She might need us as backup."
"She's fine," Gerry dismissed immediately, sinking his fingers into Michael's hair and pulling him into a deep and very-wanted kiss. He could keep Michael there for the rest of the night, just the two of them, their own private oasis all to themselves, to kiss and bask in each other's presence. That was all that he wanted, and he would take it for as long as he could.
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Home for the Holidays Ch.1
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Summary: Your family didn't take your coming out well....and instead of spending the holiday alone you join your roommate for Christmas dinner. While Aemond wishes you set your sights on his sister Helaena, your tastes skew much older. 
A/N: This is a modern!au milf Alicent x milf lover f!reader. It was supposed to be finished last December lol. It got really long so I broke it into two chapters. It will be smutty, so read with caution if that’s not your thing! Not really smut in part one though. 
A/N pt. 2: In this story two of Alicent’s cousins are her older brothers and Baela is not Helaena’s cousin. Not canon compliant.
You knew the holidays were going to be rough this year but had not anticipated just how hard seeing pictures of your family in St. Barts without you would be. 
They had not taken your coming out well. 
Sure they had promised to keep paying the tuition to your very expensive university until you graduated but that did little to soothe the hurt that their disapproval caused. Your family came from old money, some of the oldest of old in the country, and with that came old ways of thinking. They didn't care that you were gay, plenty of people in your extended family were some form of fruit, but they all stayed in the closet- at least publicly. That was what your family wanted for you as well. Anything to not tarnish their image. 
But you couldn't live that way any longer. You wanted to be free. 
To your surprise, only your estranged cousin Elia had accepted and even celebrated your coming out of the closet. 
Thankfully you had Aemond. The two of you had met in freshman history class. He argued with the professor over every historical inconsistency in his lectures and it drove the professor mad. It made you laugh though. Aemond also came from old money, so the two of you bonded over the pressures that came from families that expected you to be perfect. Sophomore year the two of you moved into an apartment off campus, and your friendship only grew from there. 
Aemond was your best friend, and you could not have asked for a better one. Aemond invited you to spend the holiday with his family. He didn’t love spending time with his family as they could be quite a lot but he always went for his mother’s sake. 
You figured it beat spending Christmas alone in your flat. 
So you got dressed in your very best and sat in the passenger seat of Aemond’s Porsche the whole drive to Oldtown. 
Aemond popped another piece of gum into his mouth. “This will be a great opportunity for you and Helaena to bond,” he said as he chewed. 
You rolled your eyes. “Not this again.” 
Aemond smiled mischievously. “Come on (y/n). You can’t tell me you didn’t feel a connection when she came to visit on my birthday.” 
“I can, and I am. She’s not a lesbian Aemond,” you replied.
Aemond was convinced that his sister Helaena was a lesbian. His evidence was that she never had a boyfriend, attended an all women's university, majored in Women’s studies, and only brought home girl best friends for the holidays. 
“She talked to you that night, which cannot be said for many other people. Helaena is very selective with who she talks to. You even made her laugh (y/n)! I saw the sparks,” Aemond argued. 
You sighed and shook your head. “Even if your sister was by some miracle into women, which I want to firmly state for the record that she is not, she’s simply not my type.” 
The light turned red and Aemond’s car pulled to a smooth stop at the intersection. He turned to you. 
“You don’t have a type. I’ve seen you bring all types of women home (y/n).” 
You smirked. “Ever notice they weren’t at all our age.” 
Aemond furrowed his brows. “So your type is older women?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, like your mom for example.” 
Aemond frowned. “Dude not that again!” 
You laughed. “It’s not my fault your mom is a total milf.” 
The light turned green. Aemond focused on the road once more. His face contorted in disgust. 
“Ugh, yeah you and my mother are not something I’d like to picture.” 
You let out another laugh. “Well I certainly have.” 
This time Aemond let out a small chuckle. “Do you have the hots for my mother (y/n)? Is that why you said yes to joining us for Christmas?” 
You shrugged. “Maybe I do, and maybe it is.” 
Aemond chuckled again. “Well if you can make my white, Anglo-saxon, catholic mother do anything untoward this weekend I’ll spend the first two months of the new year cleaning the bathroom every weekend.”
Another red light. The car came to a stop.
You turned to Aemond and put your hand out. 
Aemond turned to you and shook his head. “I was joking.” 
“I am not," you replied with a cheeky smile.
“Fine, deal,” Aemond said and shook your hand. 
The light turned green. Aemond sped off once more. 
You sat back in your seat thinking of Aemond’s mother, Alicent. You had only met her via Facetime when she called to check in on Aemond. 
She was a certified smokeshow. 
Alicent was beautiful and always held herself with poise. She was dressed impeccably in every photo of her online you could find when you first cyber-stalked her. 
She had lost her husband, Aemond’s father, three years ago. 
Aemond always skirted around the topic of his father. His father, from what you knew, had never really cared for Aemond and his siblings. 
Viserys Targaryen was in his second term as the state's governor when he passed away. The Targaryens were political legends in your state. Many of their family members had been mayors, governors, state senators, and they had even managed to have an ancestor in the oval office. 
Aemond’s father had always favored his only daughter from his first marriage, Rhaenyra. He had poised her to be the city’s mayor but his death led to a falling out within Aemond’s family. According to Aemond, they had never gotten along with Rhaenyra and her family but they had been cordial while Viserys lived. 
When he died, Rhaenyra (who according to Aemond saw his mother as nothing but a gold digging whore) fought Alicent on every asset Viserys owned and vowed to leave Alicent penniless. 
Thankfully Aemond’s mother had her family by her side. The Hightowers of Oldtown were an even older political force to be reckoned with. Their wealth dated back to the very founding of the nation. 
Aemond’s grandfather, Otto Hightower, had squandered his own inheritance as a young man. It was rumored his family had cut him off and left him to his own devices after he gambled his money away. So Aemond’s mother had grown up having to make a lot of things happen on her own as they didn’t have their family’s backing for most of her life. 
It wasn’t until Alicent married Viserys that the Hightowers welcomed Otto, Alicent, and her brothers back into the family fold. 
So when Viserys died Alicent had the army of Hightower family lawyers on her side. Alicent managed to win several of Viserys’ homes and the money the prenup she had signed promised her. 
Aemond never really spoke of his father, and when he did it was without warmth or love. So you often wondered if this was how all his family felt or if it was just him. You figured you would soon find out.
Aemond pulled up in front of the massive estate. 
You got out of the car and marveled at the impressive family home. It wasn’t bigger than the one your family owned but it did look older and felt more imposing. 
The estate was decorated from top to bottom in Christmas decor. It was done tastefully, the lights and decor didn’t look tacky, but it certainly conveyed a love for the holiday not many others shared by the look of the estates Aemond had passed by on the drive up. 
Aemond popped the truck of the car open and took out his overnight bag. Then he took a deep breath and walked towards you. 
“Say the word and we can still go back to the flat,” he joked. 
You raised your brows and gave him a sideways look. “And do what? Eat Chinese take out and get drunk?” 
Aemond smiled. “That sounds class to me.” 
You laughed and shook your head. 
“Aemond," said a voice that sounded as sweet as honey and as light as the morning sun. 
You and Aemond turned your heads towards the estate. 
Aemond’s mother stood at the door. She smiled brightly and waved. 
Gods she’s even more beautiful in person, you thought. 
Aemond put his hand on your shoulder. “Let’s get this over with then.” 
You and Aemond walked up to the door. 
Aemond’s mother turned to you and gave you a hug. 
“It’s lovely to finally see you in person (y/n)," Alicent said as she politely embraced you. 
You were surprised but you quickly recovered and returned the embrace. You noted how warm she felt. 
“It’s a pleasure Mrs. Targaryen.” 
Alicent pulled away and waved her hand dismissively. “Oh none of that. Call me Alicent,” she said with a smile. 
You nodded. “If you insist, Alicent.” 
She let out a polite laugh then turned her attention to Aemond. She wrapped her arms around her son. “I’ve missed you so much my little dragon,” she cooed. 
Aemond blushed as he pulled away from his mother. 
“Mom,” he chided. 
Alicent laughed. “What? I can’t call you my little dragon anymore?” 
You laughed and turned to Aemond. “Little dragon?” 
Alicent turned to you. “He used to love running around pretending he was a dragon when he was a boy.” 
You reached out and pinched Aemond’s now rosy cheek. “How cute, little dragon.” 
Aemond swatted your hand away. “That only happened when I was seven and it’s because the dragon is on our family crest.” 
“If it makes you feel better my nickname used to be baby cabbage in our mother tongue," you revealed, hoping to lessen Aemond's embarrassment. 
Alicent laughed. “Why baby cabbage?” 
You blushed under her gaze. “I was a very chubby baby.” 
“How darling,” Alicent quipped. 
Butterflies fluttered in your chest at the compliment. Out of the corner of your eye you noticed Aemond staring at you. 
He cleared his throat and pulled his mother’s gaze away from you. “Let’s go inside, it’s bitterly cold out.” 
Alicent nodded. “Of course come on in. Aegon is already up in his room. Helaena and her friend should be getting in any minute now.” 
Alicent stepped aside and Aemond walked inside. 
You followed after him and felt the butterflies in your chest multiply when you caught Alicent looking you over from head to toe with a small smile on her face.
Aemond and Aegon decided to smoke a joint before dinner. 
You weren’t against it but didn’t care to partake so you wandered downstairs and figured you’d ask Alicent if she needed any help with dinner. 
You knocked on the wall of the kitchen entryway. 
Alicent was stirring something in the saucepan but looked up when she heard you knock. She smiled. 
Butterflies filled your chest once more. 
“Hi there,” she said. 
You shoved your hands in the pockets of your jeans. Your palms had already started to sweat and you hadn't even spoken yet. 
“Hi...Uh I was wondering if you needed help with anything?” 
Alicent waved you off. “You’re a guest (y/n). I could never ask you to do anything,” Alicent protested. 
You stepped closer and leaned against the counter next to the stove. “Then it’s a great thing I’m asking you. Really, I want to help out,” you insisted. 
Alicent let out a small laugh. “Okay, you can stir this gravy while I check on the roast.” 
You stepped up to the stove and took over the stirring. 
Alicent went to the oven that was inlaid on the side of the stove, and took a look at the roast.   
“Did you decorate or did you hire someone to decorate your home?” 
Alicent stuck a meat thermometer in the roast and turned her head towards you. “Depends, do you think it’s too much?” 
You smiled. “Of course not. It’s beautifully done.” 
Alicent brightened at the compliment. “Then it was all me,” she beamed. 
“Do you always go all out on the holidays?” 
Alicent placed the roast back on its rack and closed the oven door. “Just Christmas. It’s my favorite holiday because I finally have my family all under one roof again." 
She took her oven mitts off. 
You continued to stir the gravy. “Well I hope it’s okay that you have a stray joining you at the table this year." 
Alicent approached the stove once more.“It’s Christmas, the more the merrier.” 
Then Alicent reached out for the spoon. You went to hand it off. 
But then your hand met hers. 
You didn’t move, and neither did Alicent. 
She met your gaze. 
You were too scared to even breathe. It felt as though if you moved even an inch the spell that kept her eyes on you would break. 
But it broke anyway. 
Alicent cleared her throat and looked away. 
You let go of the spoon. 
Alicent grabbed the spoon and resumed stirring. With her free hand she lowered the heat of the flame. “Besides, I’ll have two stays. Helaena is bringing a friend from school," she said, as though your brief moment of intense something had never happened. 
You took a step back and leaned on the counter. “Right, you mentioned that before. Do you know much about her?” 
Alicent continued to stir. She did not meet your gaze. “Not really. Helaena doesn’t share much about her college life with me. All I know is that her name is Baela, and that they’re spending Christmas day with her family.” 
You raised your eyebrows slightly. Was Aemond right about his sister being into women? 
Alicent noticed. “Why’d you make that face?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just something stupid Aemond said," your face suddenly felt warmer. 
Now it was Alicent who raised her eyebrows in intrigue. “What is it?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek, unsure if Aemond would mind you sharing his thoughts with his mother. 
Alicent noted your apprehension. “I won’t tell Aemond you mentioned anything.” 
You looked into Alicent’s eyes. They were a deep and rich brown. They were comforting. You realized that with eyes like that you would tell her anything she wanted. But her gaze was too hot so you swallowed hard and looked away from her when you told her what Aemond had said. 
“He thinks Helaena is gay, and is obsessed with getting her and I together. I’m ninety percent sure that’s the sole reason he invited me over today.” 
Alicent stopped stirring and stared at you.“Gay? Why does he think Helaena is gay?” 
You shrugged. 
Alicent placed a hand on her hip. "I think you do know." 
You dared look up. Alicent's attention was fully focused on you. You felt your stomach in your throat but you spoke anyway.
“According to Aemond, Helaena never expresses interest in men or in dating a man, only talks about women she admires, attends a historically women’s college and majors in women’s studies, and finally that she only ever brings girls home on the holidays.” 
Alicent chuckled and went back to stirring the gravy. “Oh gods. You know I’ve never known why kids today still hang onto outdated stereotypes about sexuality. I was the very same at Helaena’s age, she’ll grow out of it when she meets her future husband. I know I did.” 
You pushed yourself onto the counter and sat down, intrigued at the revelation of Alicent's past. 
“You were a women’s studies major at an all girl college?” 
Alicent tilted her head to the side.“Sort of. I majored in English literature at Vassar, and I only ever brought my girl friends home for the holidays. Until I met my late husband of course.” 
Aemond had never told you that his mother had gone to an all women’s university or that she had a BA in English Lit. It piqued your interest. You needed to know more. 
“How did you meet him?” 
Alicent returned her gaze to the stove and brought the heat of the burner even lower. “My father introduced us. He was Viserys’ chief of staff in his first term.” 
You knew there had been an age difference between them but had not imagined it was that big. 
Alicent didn’t reply but she glanced over at you. 
You hopped off the counter, awkward with the sudden silence. “What else can I help with?” 
Alicent smiled softly. “You really don’t have to (y/n).” 
You shook your head. “I insist. Have you set the table? If not I would be more than happy to do so.” 
Alicent turned the heat off and moved the sauce pot to a different burner. She looked up at you. “I laid everything out but I haven’t set it up.” 
You clapped your hands together. “Consider it done.” 
Then you raised your hand to your forehead and gave Alicent a mock salute. 
Alicent laughed.
You set the table as you had always been taught to. Spoons and knives on the right and forks on the left. 
Then, just as you were almost done setting the table you realized the salad forks were missing. 
You double checked the pile where Alicent had left everything, hoping they were under a napkin and you had simply missed them. But no dice. They weren’t there. 
So you walked back to the kitchen. 
Alicent was now working on the salad she planned to serve. She looked up when you entered the kitchen, a smile on her face. It seemed like she always had a smile ready for you. 
You smiled back, it was instinct around her. “Hey uhm- I’m almost done setting the table but I realized the salad forks are missing. I can’t find them.” 
Alicent furrowed her brow. “Really? I could have sworn I set them out with the rest.” 
She grabbed a nearby paper towel and wiped her hands of any residue. 
Then she exited the kitchen and walked towards her china hutch. 
You watched her from the kitchen entryway. 
While you waited for Alicent to find the forks you looked about the room. When you looked up you realized someone had hung mistletoe over the entryway. 
You smiled. 
Alicent walked to you, forks in hand. She stopped at the entryway. “I’m so sorry I forgot to set them out with the rest.” 
She handed the forks over to you. 
You reached out to take them and for a brief minute your hands met hers, once again. 
Your gaze met hers. “Don’t apologize. I honestly don’t know how you’re doing all the cooking and decorating all on your own. Aemond and I were barely able to put a tree up.” 
Alicent smiled. She didn’t pull away this time. “You’re too sweet (y/n).” 
You returned her smile. Your cheeks were starting to hurt but you wouldn't dare not smile back. “I do have to ask you something," you said, emboldened by the continued contact with Alicent. 
Alicent raised a brow. “Ask me something?” 
You nodded slightly then continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen mistletoe hung in the entryway of a kitchen before.” 
Alicent’s brow furrowed. “Mistletoe?” 
You looked up. Alicent followed your gaze. 
Her eyes widened a bit when she noticed the mistletoe. “Oh I- That Aegon,” she cursed. 
You looked back down at her and laughed. 
Alicent met your gaze once more, blush filled her cheeks. 
Then she pulled her hands away from yours. 
You took the forks and held them against you. “It's quite a funny placement isn't it?" 
Alicent walked past you, back to her salad preparations. 
“Oh yeah? How so,” Alicent replied, busying herself with her salad to avoid looking at you.
 “It reminds me of the old saying, love the meal and kiss the chef." 
Alicent stopped chopping the greens and looked over at you. She let out a small laugh. “Is that a saying? I don't think I've heard it before." 
You shrugged. “I swear I've heard it before, somewhere...Well if it's not it should be." 
Alicent shook her head, the smile still on her face. “Let’s see if you still want to kiss the chef after you’ve had my cooking.” 
Butterflies filled your chest. You stood up a little straighter. “Deal.” 
Alicent turned to you once more, her eyebrows raised. 
You twirled around and walked back to the dining room. You could feel Alicent’s eyes on you as you walked away.
You finished setting the table. 
Then you stepped back and admired your work. 
You hoped Alicent would like it. So you turned to head back to the kitchen but stopped in the hall when you heard the doorbell ring. 
You turned to open it but Aemond beat you to it. 
“Sister,” Aemond said and reached out to hug a familiar blonde.
Alicent walked out of the kitchen and went to the door. 
Helaena let go of Aemond and turned to her mother. Alicent wrapped Helaena in another hug. 
Behind her, a silver haired girl stood awkwardly in the doorway. 
Helaena pulled away from her mom and stepped back to the silver haired girl’s side. She slid her hand in the girl’s. “Mom, Aemond, this is my best friend Baela.” 
Alicent stepped forward and stuck her hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Baela.” 
Baela shook Alicent’s hand. “Thank you for having me over Mrs. Targaryen. Helaena has told me so much about you all.” 
Alicent laughed lightheartedly. “All good things I hope.” 
You took note that she didn’t ask Baela to call her Alicent. 
Aemond gave Baela a polite nod. “Welcome Baela.” 
Baela smiled at him. “Thank you Aemond.” 
Then Aemond noticed you standing in the hall and he waved you over. You approached them with a smile. 
Aemond went to your side and put his arm around your shoulders. “Helaena look who’s joining us tonight.” 
Helaena smiled when she turned to face you. “(y/n), it’s nice to see you again.” She stepped forward and gave you a hug. 
Aemond dropped his arm and stepped away from the both of you. 
You returned Helaena’s hug. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Aemond giving you a knowing smirk. 
Helaena pulled away and held you at arm’s length. “I’m so happy you’re joining us for dinner.” 
“As am I,” you replied. 
Helaena gave your arms a squeeze before she stepped back to Baela’s side. 
You stuck your hand out to Baela. “Nice to meet you. I’m Aemond’s friend (y/n).” 
Baela shook your hand warmly. “Nice to meet you as well.” 
Then Baela stepped back and Helaena looped her arm around Baela’s. 
“We’ll be upstairs in my room. Let us know when dinner is ready,” Helaena said before she and Baela started up the stairs. 
“Okay,” Alicent said as she watched them leave. Then she turned to you and Aemond. 
“Do you need any more help,” you asked Alicent. 
Alicent shook her head. “You’ve been a tremendous help. Please go have fun.” 
Aemond put his arm around your shoulders once more. “Let’s go play some video games on Aegon’s new system.” 
Aemond led you to the stairs. 
You craned your head back to look at Alicent. “If you need any more help just let me know! I’d be more than happy to.”
 Alicent gave you another smile. “I will.” 
Then she walked back into the kitchen and you followed Aemond up the stairs. 
After about an hour of playing mario party with Aemond and Aegon (who you didn’t much care for because he could be crass but he had never been improper towards you so you didn’t mind him much) you heard the doorbell ring. 
“That will be grandfather,” Aemond said with a sigh. 
Aegon slumped down in his gaming chair on the ground. “I don’t want to go down.” 
Aemond clapped a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Sooner we go say hello the sooner we can say goodbye.” 
Aegon groaned. 
You turned to Aemond. “Oh come on, your grandpa can’t be that bad.” 
Aegon looked at you with an incredulous expression. “You have no idea." 
Then you all stood and made your way to the entrance. 
You trailed behind the boys. 
You saw Alicent at the door with an older man who you figured was her father, and three younger men who greeted Alicent with smiles and hugs. You figured they were her brothers. 
Aemond had told you he had three uncles on his mother’s side. He hadn’t mentioned much about them other than they were all still bachelors, which to you spoke volumes about them as two looked older than Alicent and only one looked younger than her. 
The older man turned to Aegon and Aemond, who were now at the door.
 “Boys,“ the man cheered before greeting each one with a hug and heavy pat on the back. 
Aemond returned the hug while Aegon went limp in his grandfather’s arms. Then their uncles greeted each one. 
You noticed that Alicent had straightened her posture and kept a more neutral expression. She greeted her father and sibling politely, with none of the warmth of earlier greetings. 
There was a lot that you didn’t know about Alicent and her family but you figured it was not all rainbows and sunshine by the change in her demeanor.
“You got here just in time father. Dinner is ready and served,” Alicent proclaimed. 
Her father nodded. “Very good timing Alicent.” 
Then Alicent turned to Aemond. “Would you tell the girls it’s dinner time?” 
Aemond nodded. Then he sped back up the stairs. He reached you and started to tell you but you told him you had heard. 
So he left you and went to tell Helaena and Baela. 
You made your way down the staircase and to the dining room. 
Alicent’s father and brothers seated themselves. Her father sat at the head of the table and insisted Aegon sit on the other end. Aegon did not protest. 
Alicent came out of the kitchen with the salad she prepared in her arms. 
You went to her side. “Do you need any help bringing out the food?” 
Alicent gave you a half smile. “It’s alright (y/n). I’ve set it all on the table. You just sit down and enjoy.“ 
You nodded and followed Alicent into the dining room. You sat down on the empty side of the table. You introduced yourself to Alicent’s family as you sat down. They all gave you various levels of appropriate greetings. 
Thankfully Aemond, Helaena and Baela came in and sat down next to you. Aemond sat to your right, beside his grandfather, and Helaena to your left. Baela sat on her left, with Aegon on Baela’s left. Opposite you sat Alicent. To her left sat her brother Gwayne (as he had introduced himself to you), beside his father. To Alicent’s right sat her brothers Lyonel and Martyn. 
You took in the sight of the absolute feast that was before you. “This all looks delicious, Alicent,” you said without thinking. 
Alicent gave you a small smile, blush tinting her cheeks once again. “Thank you (y/n). You’re too kind.” 
Her father, Otto as you now knew him, let out an indifferent huff. “The roast looks a bit overdone. How long did you leave it in for,” he remarked. 
Alicent’s smile fell from her face. She looked down at her hands. “I followed mother’s recipe to the letter father.” 
Otto let out another huff. “We’ll see about that.” 
Alicent frowned. 
Your focus was pulled away from them when Aemond gently ribbed you with his elbow. 
“You’ve got the perfect seat to talk to Helaena,” he whispered. 
You turned your head slightly to get a better look at Helaena. She was too busy chatting with Baela to even notice you. 
You turned back to Aemond. “It’s not happening Aemond.” 
Aemond frowned then turned his attention to his grandfather.
Otto rose from his seat and tapped his wine glass with a fork, calling everyone’s attention. 
“It warms my heart to see the family gathered for another Christmas. A man’s true wealth can be measured by the strength of his family...and the strength of his business. I am pleased to announce that your uncle Ormund has set up a donor fund for Aegon’s first mayoral campaign.”
Alicent’s brothers clapped and cheered for Aegon. Alicent clapped softly and gave Aegon a sympathetic look. 
Aegon’s face turned a sickly pale color. He didn’t meet his grandfather’s gaze. 
You had a feeling this was the first Aegon was hearing of his mayoral candidacy. 
Otto raised his glass. “To Aegon, first stop the mayor of Oldtown, last stop the president’s office.” 
“Huzzah,” Martyn cheered. 
You raised your glass alongside the rest purely out of propriety. Everyone could tell by the look on Aegon’s face this was the last thing he wanted. 
You turned to look at Alicent who had guilt written all over her face. Your heart softened. 
Otto set his glass down after taking a drink. Then he grabbed the carving knife and fork and got to work on the roast. 
The meal was going well. Until of course Alicent’s family set their attention towards you. 
Lyonel, Alicent’s eldest brother, turned towards you. “So (y/n), what’s your family do?” 
Martyn nodded. “Yeah your name sounds familiar.” 
You took a quick sip of your wine before you replied. “My family are mainly philanthropists now but our family used to own the majority of the railways in the country,” you confessed. 
“That’s right, (y/l/n) rail,” Otto chimed in. 
“Yes sir, but my father is focused on tech philanthropy now.” Below the table your palms started to sweat. Talking with Otto Hightower felt a lot like speaking with your grandfather as a child. They both had very imposing auras. 
“A pity,” Martyn responded as he shoveled another piece of roast into his mouth.
Alicent whipped her head towards her brother. “Martyn,” Alicent chided. 
Martyn shrugged. “What? Her family used to be major players in the nation.” 
Lyonel nodded, agreeing with his brother. But he didn’t stop there. “So why aren’t you spending Christmas with them?” 
You dug your fingers into the palms of your hands. You felt like something was stabbing the inside of your throat. 
Thankfully,  Alicent and Aemond came to your aid. “Lyonel,” Alicent reprimanded. 
Then she turned to you. “You don’t have to answer that (y/n). Please forgive my brothers.” 
Aemond nodded. “Yeah (y/n) you don’t have to engage my troublesome uncles.” 
Lyonel and Martyn rolled their eyes. 
Otto was silent but his piercing gaze remained on you. 
You swallowed hard before you put on a polite smile. You looked at Aemond then at Alicent. “It’s alright,” you assured them. 
Then you turned to Alicent’s brothers. 
“I came out to my family a few months ago and it's safe to say they don’t approve of my new ‘lifestyle’ as they call it.” 
Lyonel’s face went red. Martyn looked away. 
Internally, you smiled at the sight of them embarrassed. 
Alicent’s voice pulled you back to the present. “They’ll come around eventually (y/n). The love a parent has for their child is immeasurable.” 
You smiled at her. “I really hope you’re right.” 
Gwayne, who had not said much all dinner, cleared his throat. All eyes turned to him. 
He turned to Aemond. “So Aemond, how’s your fencing coming along?” 
And just like that the pressure was off you and onto Aemond. 
Many minutes later the meal came to a close. 
The men whisked Aegon and Aemond outside to play ball, leaving only the women inside. 
You, Alicent, Helaena, and Baela cleaned up the table. 
Alicent and Baela made their way to the kitchen with the leftover food while you and Helaena stacked up a pile of dirty dishes. 
Helaena looked over at you. “That was very brave of you,” she said. 
You set the plate you had picked up down. “What was brave?” 
Helaena stopped clearing the table. She turned to face you. “Telling everyone your family iced you out after you came out. Coming out to your family is incredibly brave, and you’re even braver for sharing that with practical strangers.” 
You smiled and felt your face warm. You weren’t attracted to Helaena but she had an otherworldly presence that made any attention she gave you feel special. “Thank you Helaena.” 
She reached out and squeezed your shoulder. “If you ever need to talk or need support, I’m here for you.” 
You put your hand on top of hers. “Thank you.” 
Then the two of you finished clearing the table. 
You finished bringing the last of the dirty dishes into the kitchen. 
Helaena trailed in after you and set her stack on the counter. “Mother, Baela and I will be in my room.” 
Alicent nodded, up to her elbows in leftover food that she was trying to shove into various containers. 
Baela and Helaena left the kitchen. 
You turned to Alicent. “Do you need some help with that?” 
Alicent struggled to secure the lid on the container as she had over packed it with food. Alicent shook her head. “I got it.” 
You continued to watch her struggle. “I don’t think you do.” 
Alicent stopped trying and stepped aside. “Okay then tough guy, you give it a go.” 
You smiled and walked up to the counter. You pressed the lid down on all sides until you heard it click. It was secure. 
Alicent clicked her tongue. "Lucky try." 
You turned to her. “Always happy to help.” 
Alicent took the container full of food and stacked it with the others. “You don’t have to hang around here (y/n). You can go see Aemond or Helaena.” 
You furrowed your brows. “Helaena?” 
Alicent turned to the fridge and started the game of stacking the leftovers. “Yes, I saw the two of you talking while you cleared the table. Perhaps Aemond was right after all. I’ve never seen Helaena take to someone new so quickly.” 
“You were watching us," you asked, butterflies forming at the thought of Alicent spying on you. 
“Why do you say it as if I was spying on you? I saw you from the window in the kitchen is all." She said with a lazy smile on her face. 
“Right....We were just talking. Besides,Aemond is out playing sports with your brothers and father and I am not a sports fan. And I would hate to interrupt Helaena and Baela's alone time,” you joked. 
Alicent chuckled. She turned to grab the rest of the leftovers from the counter. 
You stepped forward and grabbed them. You handed them to her, one by one. “Besides, I like being in your company,” you confessed. 
Alicent stopped arranging the leftovers and looked back at you. “Really?” 
You nodded. 
Alicent smiled shyly and returned her attention to the refrigerator. “I wish my own children felt the same. All but Aemond dodge my calls.” 
You shrugged. “If you ever need anyone to talk to, I’m always free.” 
Alicent turned to you and you handed her the final container of leftovers. “Thank you (y/n).” 
Her fingers lingered over yours. Alicent looked down at them. She stared at them for a moment before biting her lip. 
 “What’s your verdict?” 
You furrowed your brows. “I’m sorry?” 
Alicent looked up, and took the container from you. “About my food. Was it good enough to kiss the chef?” 
Your face went hot. “Oh...uhm I-” 
Alicent placed the container in the fridge then closed it. She turned back to you. 
You were still too stunned to say anything. 
So her smile fell and she shook her head. “Forget it, it was stupid.” 
“No it’s not stupid I-," you stammered then cleared your throat. “I was just caught off guard is all.” 
Alicent stared at you, not saying anything. 
So you continued. 
“The roast was cooked perfectly.” 
Her smile returned. “Thank you (y/n).” 
You stepped closer to her. “So I do believe I will kiss the chef after all.” 
Alicent swallowed hard, not taking her gaze off you. “Oh,” she whispered. 
You stood in front of her, and looked down at her lips. “May I?” 
The last thing you wanted was for Alicent to feel uncomfortable or coerced. So you waited for her reply before doing anything else. 
Alicent gave you an almost imperceptible nod. 
You leaned in, at first determined to kiss her lips, but as you neared her skin you thought better of it. 
She was just committing to the bit, you told yourself, she didn't actually want you to kiss her.
So you placed a gentle kiss on Alicent’s cheek, inches away from her lips but still in a chaste enough location. 
You noticed a small frown spread across Alicent’s lips as you pulled away. 
But it was quickly wiped away. 
Alicent blushed furiously. She looked away from you. 
You also felt your face warm. 
You heard footsteps approach the kitchen. So you stepped away from Alicent and leaned on the counter. 
Alicent must have also heard them as she busied herself with wiping down the stove top with a nearby rag. 
Aemond appeared moments later. He looked between you and his mother, slightly suspicious, but then he shook his head and turned to you. “Aegon wants another couple rounds of Deadly Fighter 5. You up for it?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, let’s go.” 
Aemond turned and headed towards the hall. 
You started after him but turned at the entryway of the kitchen. “It was a lovely meal, thank you.” 
Alicent nodded, her cheeks still rosy. “Of course.” 
Then you hurried after Aemond. 
A part of you wished you had been brave enough to kiss Alicent on the lips.
You mashed various button combinations as your chosen fighter threw punches at Aemond’s chosen character on the tv screen. 
He was currently beating you  in the second round. 
Behind you, Aegon took a hit from his bong and blew it out in perfect circles. 
“So let me get this right, you want to fuck our mom,” Aegon repeated. 
You grimaced. “Why must you say it like that?” 
Aemond’s character delivered the killing blow to you. You lost. 
Aemond turned to you. “Aegon’s crudeness aside, he’s not wrong. I’ve seen the way you linger in the kitchen alone with her.” 
You felt your face start to warm. You cleared your throat and tried your best to appear nonchalant. 
“I didn’t want her to think I was a rude guest. No one else was helping her,” you argued. 
Aegon took another hit before he spoke again. “You know, I always thought Mom was a lesbian,” he mused. 
Aemond turned to him. “You did?” 
Aegon nodded. “She never really liked Dad, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard her call a man sexy.” 
Aemond furrowed his brows. “Because Dad was a dick. Mother is a devout Catholic she would never call another man sexy. I don’t even think that word is in her vocabulary.” 
You turned to Aemond. “Your arguments for why Heleana is gay are just as flimsy.” 
Aegon turned to Aemond. “You think Helaena is gay?” 
Aemond shrugged. “What else could she be? She’s definitely not into men.” 
“She’s not into anything. She’s a freak like that,” Aegon said and laughed at his own joke. 
Aemond threw a pillow at Aegon’s head. 
It bumped Aegon’s head and knocked the bong out of his hands. 
“Hey,” Aegon whined. 
You and Aemond laughed. 
An hour later, the time had arrived for you to leave. 
You descended the stairs with Aegon and Aemond in tow. 
At the bottom of the stairs Alicent was already saying goodbye to her father and brothers. She finished giving each a hug goodbye. 
Then she noticed Aemond and Aegon. Alicent asked the boys to say goodbye to their grandfather and uncles. 
Aegon and Aemond did as their mother asked and gave their family a hug goodbye. 
Helaena and Baela came down the stairs and Helaena said goodbye to her grandfather and uncles. 
Once they were gone, Helaena informed her mother it was time for her and Baela to leave. 
Alicent gave Helaena a big hug. “I’ll miss you, my bug, she said as she gave Helaena a kiss on the forehead. 
Then Alicent said goodbye to Baela, another handshake. 
Baela and Helaena made their way out the door. 
You were the last guest there. 
Alicent and the boys looked towards you. 
You dialed your cousin Elia once more. Once again you got the automated message the call could not be connected.
“I’m having some trouble with my cell. Could I use your landline?” You asked. 
Aemond furrowed his brows. He turned to his mom. “Do we even have one?” 
Alicent nodded. “Of course we do.” Then she turned to you. “It’s this way.” 
She led you to a small alcove with the landline and a seat next to it at the end of the hall. 
You thanked her and dialed Elia’s number once more. 
This time you got through. It rang three times before she answered. 
“Elia, it’s (y/n). I’m calling from my friend’s landline. I couldn’t get through on my cell for some reason.” 
You pressed the phone closer to your ear. There was a lot of background noise and you could not hear Elia very well. 
“I tried to call you. I can’t make it out to pick you up. There’s been a freak snowstorm in Sunspear. They closed all the roads and aren’t letting anyone through. I’m so sorry kiddo,” Elia lamented. 
Your heart sank. 
One for the snow storm that was probably wreaking havoc in Sunspear. It was a town that almost never got anything besides sun. 
And secondly because now you had no way to get back to your flat. 
You swallowed hard before answering. “Stay safe Elia. Please call me with updates, okay?” 
“You got it kiddo. Is there anyone else who can take you  home?” 
“I’ll figure it out, Elia. Don’t worry about that,” you said. 
The line started to fade in and out. Elia wished you a safe ride home and a merry Christmas. 
You did the same then hung up. 
Then you walked back to the entryway where Alicent, Aegon and Aemond stood. 
You shoved your hands in your pockets. “Soo...a freak snowstorm hit Sunspear and Elia can’t pick me up.” 
Alicent frowned. “Oh no, is she alright?” 
You nodded. “Yeah she’s doing okay. Uhm, so I’ll try to call my family’s driver to see if he can make it out. It might take him an hour or two to drive from High Garden but I’m sure he won’t mind.” 
Alicent shook her head and approached you. “Nonsense, you’ll stay the night with us and you can leave with Aemond tomorrow evening.” 
She reached for your hands and held them. “Got it?” 
You flushed. “I couldn’t possibly bother you all like that.“ 
“You are no bother (y/n). Now come on, let me show you to the guest bedroom.” 
Then Alicent pulled you along the staircase and to the guest bedroom. 
Aemond trailed behind the two of you. 
Alicent led you to a beautiful room with ample space and a fireplace. She asked Aemond to start a fire as the room could get quite cold at night. 
Aemond did so without protest and soon a fire roared in the hearth. 
Then Alicent asked Aemond to fetch you a pair of his pajamas. 
Again, Aemond did so without protest. 
While Aemond was gone you turned to Alicent. “Are you sure this isn’t an imposition? I can still call the family driver.” 
Alicent waved you off. “You’re staying and that’s final. You got it?” 
You nodded. Her dominant tone ignited a flame of your own. “Thank you,” was all you could say without giving your desire away. 
Aemond returned with a fresh pair of pajamas in hand. He gave them to you. 
You thanked him. 
Alicent clapped her hands together. “Wonderful, we will leave you to get settled. Breakfast is tomorrow at 9am.” 
You nodded. “Got it.” 
Alicent reached out and gave your shoulder a light squeeze. “Sleep well,” she said. 
You smiled. “You as well.” 
Then Alicent turned and left the room. 
Aemond stepped forward. “We’ll try again with Helaena at New Years.” 
You groaned. “Please, no more of that.” 
Aemond chuckled. “We’ll see. Good night (y/n).” 
“Good night Aemond,” you replied as you shook your head. 
Aemond walked out and shut the door behind him. 
Finally, you were alone. 
You changed into the pajamas Aemond gave you and settled into the plush king sized bed. You closed your eyes and hoped sleep would come. You decided to think about Alicent, in hopes you dreamt of her. 
You smiled. 
Unfortunately, sleep did not come for you. You tossed and you turned. 
All you could think of was how much fun your family was probably having without you in St. Barts. 
Then you did the worst possible thing. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and pulled up your mother’s facebook account. 
She had already posted many photos of the family in St. Barts. They were smiling from ear to ear, tanned, and it seemed like no one cared you were not in any of the pictures. 
Your mom made no mention of your absence in the text of the post and none of the comments (mostly your mom’s pta and book club friends) asked about your whereabouts. 
You clicked through the many photos. It wasn’t until you clicked on the last photo that you lost it. 
It was a picture of your whole family (minus you), with a caption that read, “Family time is the best time. So thankful to God for allowing the whole family to join us for this Christmas getaway.” 
Tears welled in your eyes. They had completely erased you out of the family. You threw your phone across the room. 
The tears fell from your eyes and stained your cheeks. You could not stop the sobbing that followed. 
It was stupid. You were stupid. 
You should not have been crying for a family that clearly did not want you. You wiped your tears and tried to calm yourself. 
You struggled to do so but after a few minutes you were finally able to breathe normally again. 
You got out of bed and crossed the room to where you had thrown your phone. Then you picked it up. It was a little busted but nothing cracked. 
So you pocketed it and decided to go downstairs for a glass of water. 
As you started towards the kitchen you noticed lights were on in the study down the opposite hall. 
Aemond had briefly mentioned the study on the initial tour he had given you. 
You wondered who else was up this late as it was well past 2am. 
So you stepped closer. As you neared the study you started to hear small cries and sobs. 
You got closer and tried to peer inside. 
Thankfully the door was ajar enough that you saw who was inside. 
It was Alicent. 
The first thing you noticed was how low cut her nightgown was. 
It was a beautiful sage green, and it hugged her body pretty tightly. Then your gaze traveled back to the low cut top of the nightgown. You knew it was wrong to stare but you wanted to take in just how stunning Alicent was. 
You looked closer and noticed her nipples peeked through the fabric of the nightgown. You swallowed hard. 
“Fuck,” you whispered. 
Then Alicent sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. 
You shook your head. She was clearly upset and there you were ogling her. 
You stepped back and tried to leave. 
But it was too late. 
Alicent stood from her seat. “Who’s there?” She called out. 
You didn’t reply. You were far enough away that you hoped by staying quiet she would drop it and you could leave. 
You didn’t want to intrude on a clearly private moment. 
“Come forward,” Alicent demanded. 
You silently cursed yourself. You had no choice but to enter the study.
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milkteamoon · 2 years
Jon doesn’t think he has a fear of doors — entamaphobia, or whatever you call it (and yes, it’s a thing, he’s done more than a few simple google searches about the subject). It’s not that doors themselves are particularly the issue here. They’re just wood, they’re not a particularly terrifying shape, they’re not going to grow teeth and try to eat people like they did in that one movie he’d watched with Georgie years ago, and he’s not an agoraphobe. Or a claustrophobe. Or any other type of -phobe that is seemingly linked to fear of doors, which he doesn’t have, mind you, because it’s not the door itself.
Georgie had once asked if it had something to do with the uncertainty. Something about “not knowing what’s on the other side”; something with a simple cause and a simple answer. He’d had to explain it to her a bit after she’d found him standing outside of her flat near midnight, just the same as he’d been doing for the past two hours, all because he couldn’t bring himself to raise his goddamn fist and knock like a normal person; of course, that hadn’t been the first time, but he doesn’t tell her that. He doesn’t tell her about sleeping in the hallway as a child after the wind had blown his bedroom door closed when he’d gone for water. About missing so many classes in high school they’d called his grandmother, because his teacher kept closing the door before he’d get there. About having to go buy new clothes because he couldn’t bear to open his fucking closet after he’d accidentally knocked the door shut, and god does he know just how irrational he sounds. It’s stupid that he’s like this. It’s downright ridiculous. And yet... and yet, and yet, and yet —
So: when Jon moves in, he gets his own key to their flat. Mr. Spider’s doors don’t have locks, he tells himself, so Mr. Spider can’t come in. That makes sense, right? If Jon has rules, then so does Mr. Spider. If Jon has a key, then he doesn’t have to knock, and if he doesn’t have to knock, then Mr. Spider can’t come through. Georgie keeps the rest of the doors open — when he’s home, at least — and Jon thinks he must be the only person in the world who feels safer seeing the darkened living room from their bed.
When Jon moves out, he takes his key with him and trades it in for a new studio flat. Less doors, you see, nothing but the bathroom and the closet, both of which he wedges open with a cheap pack of rubber doorstops; it’s easier if he can see in. If he can see into the room before he pulls the door open, then Mr. Spider can’t be hiding inside, right? It makes sense. He knows it does.
He gets a new job and starts waking up at six in the morning just so he can get there when most of the other employees arrive, so he can rush through with them or catch some poor sap’s eye who hangs behind long enough to hold the door for him, just to be polite. Jon acts polite back and tells them thank you. He always waits until he’s seen at least three go inside, because he knows Mr. Spider takes his meals in small portions. It makes sense. It has to. If he was so hungry, then he’d have taken Jon too all those years ago, and not just maybe-Daniel-Michael-Thomas as his lonely guest for dinner. Is he still there, he wonders sometimes, seated at Mr. Spider’s table? Jon doesn’t know. He doesn’t dare to find out.
He likes his job. He likes his coworkers. He likes his desk with no walls, dumped in the middle of a messy bullpen. He likes Mr. Bouchard, he thinks, strange as he is, who keeps his office door open so that Jon doesn’t have to knock when he goes to him for questions. “Open door policy,” he’d mentioned once during Jon’s training, and nodded at him like he Knew some secret between them. Jon knows that Mr. Bouchard doesn’t. That doesn’t stop him from being grateful.
And then...
And then — 
And then Jon gets a promotion.
Jon moves out of research. Jon gets rid of his old desk. Jon gets a new office — a private one, Mr. Bou- er, Elias, ensures him cheerfully — one where he won’t be disturbed during work, because this office comes with a door. An old door. One that creaks something awful when it’s first pushed open, and no amount of rubber stoppers will stop it from closing on its own. How professional, Jon wants to laugh, but he knows it will come out like a sob. How ridiculous that he’s tried so hard, and yet he always seems to end up at square one.
And the thing is? Jon knows it’s just a door.
Of course he does. He’s not stupid. It’s- it’s just a door — just wood and metal and oil for the hinges — there’s nothing special about it, there’s nothing he can’t see on the other side through the little window that displays the rest of the bullpen. He says that he’ll manage. He thanks Elias for the opportunity. He can’t very well turn down a promotion just because his new office has a bloody door on it, no matter how much that childhood instinct screams at him to run away, get away, get far enough away.
The window helps, for the most part, but he still tells his assistants not to knock. Cites something stupid about how it will ruin his recordings if they do. They seem to buy it just fine and get in the habit of simply coming in when they need him — or at least, Tim and Sasha do. Martin, of course, forgets this rule about a week after Jon tells them, and Jon’s certain the panic attack he gives him is justification enough to have the man transferred back to the library. If Jon could report him about it. Could admit that the half hour he spends in the restroom afterwards is because he’s trying not to throw up from terror and not because he just ate something bad, but he realizes who sounds like the irrational one here.
So he manages.
He manages.
It’s simple if he breaks it down. There are steps and rules and lines that he doesn’t cross. That Mr. Spider doesn’t cross. They have an agreement, he thinks, to some extent, because while Jon didn’t invite himself to dinner all those years ago, he still invited someone. That makes sense, doesn’t it? It makes sense. An old favor. Don’t knock. Don’t open the door. Don’t knock. Don’t open. Don’t knock. Don’t — 
Someone’s knocking on his office door.
A crisp, simple knock knock, just like anyone would do before a closed door. A common courtesy. A meaningless gesture. A chance for him to open on his own time, if he’s busy, but that doesn’t stop the jolt of ice from shooting up his spine.
Jon knows it isn’t his assistants. He knows, he can see them, all sitting at their desks shuffling through papers and boxes like he’d told them. No, it’s Elias at his door, with his neatly tailored suit and wristwatch that he checks as he waits. He can’t see Jon, but Jon can see him. Just like Jon can’t see Mr. Spider, but Mr. Spider can see him. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Doesn’t really make much sense.
The knock comes again, two quick raps, and Jon has a choice to make. It’s Elias at the door, not Mr. Spider. He stands up. He walks over. He places his hand on the knob. It’s Elias behind it. He can see this. He knows this.
The thing is, Jon’s never been afraid of the door itself.
The thing is, he thinks Mr. Spider knows this too.
Jon opens the door.
Elias looks up, meets his eyes, and then smiles.
“Ah, Jonathan,” he says pleasantly, “just came to see how you’re settling in.”
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beedreamscape · 2 years
Evandrin laughs increases and so does Zerxus' worry.
His amber eyes follow as he paces their living room. "Is everything alright?"
Evandrin nods, unable to stop his laughing. "Perfect, this is... this is wonderful."
Zerxus takes a deep breath and leans back on the armchair, the invitation pinched between his fingers, allowing his husband the time to settle down. It was one piece of the most luxurious invitation box both had ever seen, parts now layed out over their dinner table.
The nervous laughter settles into a pained sound, deep dimple between his fair brows. "Oh my, I'm a terrible person."
"No, you're not." Zerxus leans forward, elbows to his knees, that look so close to the one he makes when Elias is misbehaving. "What is worrying you?"
"I'm not... worried, per se. I- I'm not ready to let go of Laerryn."
"She'll still be your best friend. She's just getting married, Van, she's not leaving for war. She's not even leaving the neighborhood!"
"That lucky bastard Loquatius. You know how long she and I had to hunt for even the crappiest apartment when we first got here? We almost slept on the streets cause everything was too expensive but we would've done it if it meant staying in Avalir..."
His smile slowly fades as the wave of nostalgia recedes, leaving just the memories on the sand.
Zerxus offers a kind smile. "You never told me that."
"Didn't I? I guess it just never came up before this." He casts his eyes upon the now empty velvet and gold invitation box.
"This is worrying me, you haven't had these doubts about them before."
"Because I didn't comprehend the depths of her feelings for him. I thought he was just a fun pastime, a spice to her life, a trinket of a friend. Yes, they've spent so much time together that even I started to get a little jealous, but I had imagined sooner or later she'd get sick of him. Laerryn is my twin soul but she doesn't talk to me about those big feelings. When she tried to explain it to me last week, when she told me they were getting married, I genuinely thought she was joking."
"Is Loquatius the cause of your worry?"
"No. Well, not exactly. I trust Laerryn's judgment. Even though he's quite the character... not to mention his newspaper thing is growing crazy fast and you know how these people in big media are! It was their own hubris that toppled the Zenith News before him."
"And you think it's a bad thing that he's successful?"
"Of course not. So long as he doesn't let it go to his head! Zerxus, I swear if he steps out of line and hurts Laerryn, I don't know what I'm capable of."
Zerxus gets up, towering over Evandrin by a few good inches, and places those heavy hands of his over his shoulders.
"I don't know Laerryn as much as you do, I never will, but if I know one thing about her is that she's a force to be reckoned with. She's also a really smart woman. It's takes a man of character and courage to claim her heart. Loquatius apparently has both."
"I wonder if he knows what he's getting into. She's a wonderful woman, but she's a challenge. I've told her as much many times before."
"They are quite different people but I don't think that's news to anybody."
Evandrin looks deep into his husband's eyes. "Love makes fools out of us."
Zerxus gives a hearty laugh. "Yes, you married me after all."
After a long laugh, he makes an exasperated sound, throwing his hands up. "Who would've thought!? Laerryn Coramar falling in love! Loving that person enough to get married! And so young..."
"Isn't she 130 something?"
"142. Which is quite young for a high-elf, not immature by any means but with centuries ahead of her. She's a sturdy one, I wouldn't be surprised if she lived well beyond a millennia. Which changelings certainly don't."
"Won't that mean she'll then be free to pursue other people in the future?"
"But she'll carry the grief of his loss with her. If he doesn't decide to whisk her away to the Fey realm, that is. Oh Zerxus, I don't even like thinking about it."
"I think it'd take more than an army to drag Laerryn away from the city she calls hers. I'm glad someone could find home here." Before Evandrin can comment on that, he continues. "I think the best way to put your soul at rest would be to talk to Laerryn herself. No one will be more straightforward about this."
"Maybe later, this is probably already enough pressure over her. Her first replenishment as Architect Arcane and now this, she doesn't need the added weight of me questioning the complex puzzle of her feelings."
Zerxus offers his hand which Evandrin takes readily.
"Do you trust her?"
Evandrin doesn't hesitate, not even for half a second.
"With my life."
"Then you can trust, whatever the either very simple or extremely convoluted explanation to this decision might be, that she knows what she's doing."
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zabala0z · 1 month
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Hi I listened to six episodes of S3 and I’m back. I have nothing to do and school starts on Monday so lemme give my thoughts 🗣️
MAG 81: A Guest For Mr. Spider
Happy that Jon’s safe and in hiding! I remember Georgie was mentioned in Melanie Kings first statement so I guess she counts as a friend. Another spider theme. There’s so many spiders and I’m wondering what entity that could like fall under. I’m curious on “The Eye” because it hasn’t done anything, it just watched. Which makes sense. But Michael mentioned before that Jon being protected by it so is it like…chill????
MAG 82: The Eyewitnesses
Oh I hate Elias that little bitch I swear to god. Also the fact that the recorder didn’t turn off when they tried during Tims statement was interesting. Is The Eye doing that?? I don’t know maybe it’s just going weird.
Feeling bad for Daisy. Like she’s a murderer yeah but I like her ☹️ and I hate Elias. Super curious on his backstory though
MAG 83: Drawing a Blank
Auughhegughf I hate mannequins. Especially in games when you look away and they’re like getting closer. I’m wondering what the hell the deal was with this. Cause sometimes you can kinda gauge a motivation but this mannequin kinda just did a lot of stuff. Although the circus theme kinda reminded me of that one circus mentioned before. Maybe it’s like an element of The Stranger. Cause like mannequins are faceless and kinda take on different identities everytime you dress them y’know?? Lana was found partially skinned. Maybe the mannequin wanted that. Now that I know about these entities, I’m totally gonna search for links with them. I’m a sucker for cool horrors of humanity.
Also Breekon and Hopes deliveries mention!! I’m thinking they replaced the OG mannequin.
MAG 84: Possessive
Kind of another disease/gross shit theme in here? Also chills when they said “Gordie’s Dump” like eugh that got me. I’m still trying to understand what Maggie was doing. Like the boy saw Gordon’s face out of newspaper in the mud but Gordon was also in the house, Maggie smoothing paper over his face. Is she making like clones out of paper. Is she paper machéing clones???? They said whenever Gordon came to school, he had dirt under his fingernails so I’m thinking like every day he’s like replaced or something and then Maggie buried him??? I think.
MAG 85: Upon the Stair
This one was a lil hard because it’s a very strangely narrated statement but I managed! It made me think of Cheating Death where someone will replace the other person in whatever (someone replacing death after beating them in a game-someone replacing the stair figure after calling for them)
Jon did mention this but might as well say it; very Michael-esque. Somehow I don’t think he’s involved though 💀 I don’t know who is sending the statements to Jon. My first thought is Elias since he actually knows where Jon is and who he is with. Or so he says. Also the comment on like people becoming warped creatures is so true now that I think about it. I don’t want Jon to be a warped creature he’s too boring for that guys
Also Georgie is real. Go get that Hungarian dinner girl
MAG 86: Tucked In
Eughhhh it moves when you look. I hate that even more then when it moves when you DONT look 😭Also Tim has some problems he probably needs to work through. I feel like he knows more than he lets on. Like he did say to Martin that something worse is happening to the institute than it being haunted. Also, love Melanie King 🫶 it’s funny she doesn’t know what Og Sasha looked like since she knows she looks different then Not! Sasha. She just doesn’t know how.
Scary ass episode. I’m wondering if the creature in this and the one in A Fathers Love and Exceptional Risk are like…cousins or something because the one in this left behind “a small patch of foul smelling water” and in the other ones, brackish water would come out taps when I think it’s like close I think? Bit a stretch but maybe they belong under the same entity. Like darkness I dunno
Okay that’s everything! So far season 3 is super good. I love hearing the stuff outside the statements, it’s super interesting and I’m excited to see what happens next
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rubykgrant · 4 days
I had this one funny concept for a Magnus Archives AU that basically had Jon just constantly being pulled out of the main-character role, so stuff always STARTS to happen, but then it never actually WORKS, and I just thought of a very funny addition to it, so I'm sharing it again-
-At some point, Jon has a bit of a stress-induced breakdown at university and just drops out. Even though they aren't dating anymore, Georgie offers him a place to stay while he kind of tries to sort himself out, and he just. Stays. It's fine
-As a result, Jon is much less pretentious, but a LOT more blunt. He just doesn't keep any of his weird thoughts to himself, and has no inclination to keep up a "professional" appearance. Thus, Georgie gets gremlin-Jon as her roommate. It's fine
-Georgie eventually meets Melanie, and they collaborate on a few projects regarding various supernatural topics. Because Jon is just THERE, he always winds up heckling Melanie about her "spooky show". While it is annoying to hear them argue, Georgie notices that Jon and Melanie ironically motivate each other when it comes to research
-Melanie invites/dares Jon to come with her on a few investigation trips. Spooky stuff keeps trying to kill Jon, he's like a magnet for this stuff, but also nothing ever manages to kill him. He and Melanie work together more, having this weird antagonistic-rivalry thing going on as they explore creepy areas, and film monsters trying to bite off Jon's head. Then they both go back to Georgie's apartment, where Jon cooks everybody dinner. This is actually sort of nice???
-Georgie and Jon eventually visit the Magnus Institute, for spooky reasons, and learn about the recently missing Archivist, while meeting the "temporary research team"; Martin, Tim, and Sasha. They're all a little unorganized, but willing to help answer questions if they can. Jon has ZERO hesitation or humility, just flat-out telling Elias he's weird, and also telling Martin "You look like the human personification of a classical painting of a sky full of clouds in soft morning light. Where's the bathroom?"
-Elias is silently losing his mind, because this rude little man is practically RADIOACTIVE with fear-marks, but Jon has no interest working here, and even if he did, Jon doesn't have the "qualifications" for being an Archivist (not that it really matters, but for the farce of legality, it would help). Martin is perpetually flustered, because he truly can't tell is Jon is flirting with him or not (to be fair, Jon isn't sure either. he's not gonna stop, though)
-Georgie comes along at some point to see the library, and Elias is BAFFLED by her; she has almost as many marks as Jon, but somehow feels "blank" when he tries to SEE what caused any of these fears (he doesn't understand she is incapable of feeling fear like that). Well, Georgie sure has the qualifications for the Archivist position! Elias offers her enough money for her to take the job, and as a bonus (for Elias... or so he thinks), Jon helps her record/catalogue various statements
-Georgie keeps being a wrench in the works. Nothing bad happens to Sasha. The very first day Martin doesn't come in for work, Georgie asks Jon to go check on him, he sees the worms, tells Georgie, who makes up a more believable lie to get some rescue people over there, and Jane Prentiss is dealt with right away. Martin doesn't get trapped in his apartment for days and days. Georgie saves everybody from the Circus shenanigans. It goes on like that. Occasionally, Elias will call somebody like Peter to try and scare people, but Georgie keeps fixing it, and Jon keeps being a fear-magnet who also won't die (Elias is most sincerely pissed-off)
-Also, because Martin's apartment still got all gross, Georgie and Jon invite him over to stay until he finds a new space. Martin still isn't sure if Jon is flirting with him, but he kinda likes being doted on... (at this point, yes, Jon approaching him with romantic intent. He doesn't change anything about his behavior, so to Martin, there is no difference. It might not be clear until Jon asks what Martin wants to do for their 6 month anniversary)
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ai-luni · 2 years
Another anon who is lowkey (highkey) a whore for Hesh here 🥰
Birthday sex followed by a "oh you can't walk?" Sort of next day?
This is a Hesh whore house, you're very welcome here!
It's His Birthday
David "Hesh" Walker x Fem!Reader
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A/N: This became much longer than I thought it would end up. Please excuse how dramatic I get when I have to write smut. Also why there are so many similes, idk i'm sorry. Mystery for the ages.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smut. Straight up. Overstimulation.
Where it started:
5:00pm, San Diego, Hesh’s birthday. 
You were parked outside of a restaurant with a large dinner reservation for the two of you and the rest of the ghosts. The plan was to meet at 5 but now it was 15 past and you were desperately trying to reapply your lipstick while Hesh spat at the taste of a makeup wipe in the driver's seat. 
“You’re not meant to eat it.” You gave the snarky comment once satisfied with your lipstick, now turning your attention to the boy that was basically sucking on the thing. Snatching the wipe out of his hand, you cleaned the coloured residue lining his lips. Gently, his gaze was fixed, mesmerised by the way your freshly coloured lips parted in concentration. 
You held the cold wipe to his chin as you lifted his head up, allowing himself to close his eyes now that he no longer had a good view of you. Instead enjoy the feeling of your fingers outlined by the rag, over, across, under his chin. Enough to pull an erotic groan from his throat. You couldn’t be any later without raising suspicion but fuck if the way his adam’s apple bobbed didn’t make you want to give up and drive into a alleyway. 
“How’d we manage to get it on your chin?” With a long restrained sigh, he looked back down at you. The silence was so deafening, you had to cough out a giggle to break the tension. The intensity of his gaze didn’t crack though. Instead he gave you that stupid ‘I have you in the palm of my hand’ smirk, eyebrows raised. 
“Let’s do it again and find out.” 
You weren’t going to let him win this one. 
You left him, one foot after the other out of the car. Topped off with a slow spin around to face him once more. Shoulders dipped enough to peak at the boy readjusting his belt. You thought about retorting with some kind of witty comeback but just seeing the man you loved in that suit. That white button up and those navy trousers. It wipes your mind clear. 
“I’m not wearing any panties.” 
Finally you dragged him into the restaurant, all the boys cleaned up real nice. Merrick was still wearing jeans but sometimes you just have to pick your battles. They all stood and made a controllable racket. A soft chorus of “Finally!” “Hey you two!” “Where have you been!” “Took you long enough!” welcomed you as you and Hesh were being guided to the back of the place. 
It was Elias who greeted you two first, giving you a hug and passing you to Logan. When he met Hesh however, he let out a hearty chuckle. You could hear the pat on his back reverberate through him as they both beamed with proud smiles.
“Happy birthday my boy.” 
And down the line until you found your seats. 
To say you had a few drinks would be an understatement, some of you already finishing your third of the night. The waitress for your table seemed a little intimidated by the rows of large men now getting rowdier by the glass, she would approach the table by your side which gave you the perfect opportunity to ask for the cake. She gave you a little nod, taking away as many plates as she could. 
Half of the table was absorbed in a conversation you couldn’t really be bothered to make out but amongst the smiles and cheers, you didn’t really mind. You were certain they were the loudest guests this restaurant would have in a good while. The boys were too hesitant with the flashiness of the place at first but the food was good, the drinks were good, the place was clean and the people were nice. It was all worth the treat. 
You just allowed yourself to sit back and enjoy the ecstasy of the moment. Your left hand subconsciously rests on the back of Hesh’s right tricep, tracing where the bottom star is tattooed on his skin with your pointer finger. His attention squares in on you within a second, phasing out of the conversation and in your bubble with ease. 
“You alright, doll?” He breathes out, dragging the corners of his lips up with it.
“I could get used to seeing you like this. Should take you out more.” 
“You treat me just fine as it is.” With that you cross your leg, skirt riding up in the process. Your nail now trailing over his shoulder blade and he shivered in response, just as you were anticipating. He wanted to retaliate, he wanted to get you back the way you were playing him. You could see it in his eyes as he forced them not to lock on one place too long on you but his mouth went dry. He only licked his lip, considering what he possibly could say from his repertoire of ‘things that wind you up’ that wouldn’t get him in trouble in front of his family and team. 
He was saved by the cake. 
He rolled his eyes as the rest of you raised your drinks to him, all the attention placed on him solely. The waitress reached over your shoulder to place it in front of the man now holding his face from embarrassment. Another waiter pulled out a lighter for the few candles you brought to put on top. The rest of the table was too busy adding fuel to your own fire. 
“Happy birthday to yoOuUuU!” You moved to Logan’s shoulder seeing who could sing the best, most obnoxious riff. Hesh’s eyes - though his face was red - were filled with pure adoration. Adopting the exact proud expression his father makes, like all of his dreams have been fulfilled and preserved on a silver platter. 
“Make a wish, baby!” You yelled once the lot were done singing off key, to which he complied. His smile only grew wider, looking directly into your pupil before blowing out the candles. The waitress took the cake away again to slice it. You finally returned to your seat with a hand immediately resting on your thigh. 
“Thank you, doll.” He gave you a squeeze and your head was sent into a spin. It was the moment you knew you’d made it over the peak of the night and now the thought of him taking you home again was just over the horizon. You couldn’t think of anything else. 
It was another hour of cake and coffee before goodbyes were said. And only one thing dwindled in your thoughts. His hand was on you the rest of the night, under the table, in the car and up to the door of your apartment. 
The warm palm on the small of your back was intoxicating, cologne still strong and suffocating. You could only hold your confidence for so long until the only thing holding your hips up was him holding you up.     
The keys jingled in your grip, you couldn’t control them, your hands were shaking. Somehow you knew the moment that door closed, it’d be the beginning of your ruin. You tried to play the game with him but he was too good, you knew he played you right into his hands. The touches, the looks, the smiles, the smell, the comfortable silence. You were in the eye of the storm and anticipation was never one to calm a heartbeat. 
His hand cupped your hip, moving you over enough to take the key and unlock the door for you. But he didn’t open it, not yet. The sound was enough to wake Riley though, faintly through the door was the sound of scurrying paws across the floor and the thud of his nose to the door.
You felt paralysed as he pushed your back against the door. Hands to hips, the man towered over you, a wicked grin setting across his face, lighting up his eyes. His left hand travelled to your thigh, guiding itself inside the tight fabric to your hip. Confirming there was in fact no strap. He just groaned and dug his nails into you like he teeth did your lower lip. 
Your hands were gripping the growing hair behind his ears. Soft lips over yours like nuzzling your head into a pillow. Neck craning to keep your lips locked longer, just a little longer. A shadow of smoke from the volcano, mixing your warm breaths and the air from your nostrils turns to an eruption, his burning tongue to your upper lip, lapping up the dripping saliva from your teeth to your own tongue. 
A burning metal rod wouldn’t feel as intense as he did to you, hands grasping at the flesh that joins your ass and back. One steadied under and the other over the dress pulling you closer to him. 
You pulled your head back a millimetre and his neck acted on instinct, reconnecting your lips with the clunk of your noses colliding, teeth grazing each other’s for not even a quarter of a second but the nerves on the bottom of your feet could feel it. You needed more, you couldn't stop. A moan partially made it out of your mouth, and the momentum you’ve built endures the more he lifts his head. 
The fingers of his left hand knead your bare skin, the other arm bracing itself on the door. You kissed his chin like it could kissing back, soon dragging your tongue in a straight line down Adam's apple to his collarbone. 
“Shit.” He spat out.  
With your face buried in the crook of his head, his forehead fell forward knocking on the door. Riley’s continuous sniffing under the crack of the door, restless tippy taps reacted quicker than expected, letting out an alarmed bark. The both of you brought back to reality. This was a communal hallway and he almost had you half naked. 
“David, we have to go inside.” Your forehead was now resting on his heaving chest with a clear view of the tent in his pants. He only shook his head, still resting against the door. He slowly dragged his fingertips out of your dress, not bothering to readjust it back down. He brought his own palm to his crotch as you watched. 
He thought about you, his hand petting through the trousers fabric like he has many times before and your name slipped through his lips out of habit. His skin was hot, his skin was burning and any noise he made was more out of impatience than it was from pleasure. 
“It’s my birthday.” Was all he said as he pushed you further into the door. Another knock caused the excited dog on the other side to bark again. 
“Fine.” He sighed, defeated and desperate. 
You pulled away from each other, skin dripping with sin it almost stained the concrete floor you stood on. He couldn’t help it, he glanced at the two other doors on your floor. A smile suggesting they’re in for it just as long as you are. And with a cheeky slap to the ass, he followed you inside. 
“Hey boy.” Hesh greeted Riley, giving his coat a gentle ruffle and a solid pat to the side. The shepherd dog circled him then ran by your side to say hello. Satisfied, he left you two in the kitchen to lay back down in the living room. 
You turned on the kettle. His eyes snapped to you with almost a hint of venom. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, slow tactical steps approaching the island like he was clearing a room. 
“Making a tea.” It took everything within you to keep your composure, your dress barely covered your crotch and was bunched at your waist, your lipstick now a faint haze around your lips. You turn to look at him, arms crossed like he hadn’t just pulled you to bits in the hallway. “You want one?” 
He stood in disbelief, certain he had already won. Certain he had whittled you down to nothing but the prize in the middle of a parcel, yet here you were still playing. In truth, your stomach was completely twisted, you were scared and evaluating what, if anything, you had to do tomorrow and if it would actually be plausible to complete. Even the coloured marks down his stained chin and neck did nothing but make you groan in the back of your throat. 
That was his last straw, he couldn’t stall it anymore.
“You’re fucking ridiculous.” You were over his shoulder, the boiling of the kettle fainter and fainter as you entered the bedroom. You were tossed onto the bed over at least two metres. His footsteps heavy, ripping his shirt off by the button. 
He ate it up, every bit of it. Your big doe eyes, parted lip, dazed eyelids with blown out pupils bound to roll back second. He held your ankle in his hand, undoing the fiddly little strap of your heel. You began on the other foot but he only swatted your hand away.
“I’m a big boy. I can do it.” 
When he was done with one, he threw the shoe over his shoulder and your leg to the side of the bed. Same with the other foot, leaving your legs wide open and dress completely collected on your waist. 
He’d been waiting all day for this, all month. This wasn’t the first time he had you this week but today it just felt different and he had to make sure you felt it.
He held his arms out, gripping your ankles to get a good look at your pantiless pussy. You felt a gust of warm air as he let out a sigh. The man licks his lips, a feral instinctive look in his eye. But he wanted to ease you into it. As much as he wanted it now, he knew it would be so much fun if he took his time. 
What he did want right that second however was that dress off you. Hands now gripping your hips, he yanks you forward off the bed, resting all your weight on him. He was now on his knees as well as he brought you into a searing kiss. A bruising rough.. 
His fingers were clawing at the bottom of your dress, peeling it off until you stopped him at your ribcage. 
“There’s a zipper in the back.” With that you turned on your knees for him. He zipped it without a second thought. 
Just the sight of you stepping out of your dress like it was nothing, like it wasn’t driving him absolutely mad. The sight of you swaying that ass in front of his face.
He needed his pants off. Now.
You hadn’t even turned around to see him before a hand pushed your naked back forward over the bed. With your head now on the bed in front of you, you looked back between your legs to see your boy, unbuckling his belt at rapid speed. He’d just started at the button on his trousers and in anticipation, you swayed your hips a little more in clear view for him. 
“Shit.” He grunted, instantly latching his warm tongue to your thigh. His actions were so impulsive, like it was this or death. Licking a trail of arousal that had been falling down your thigh since you made it into the apartment. Then he dove straight into the layers of your pussy. 
You watched with half lidded eyelids as he pulled his dick out, pants still on and too impatient to yank his boxers down properly. 
“Oh god” you cried out, pussy throbbing against his tongue as it ran across your vulva like sorting through a filing cabinet. The clicking of saliva echoed through the room, moving his tongue at a rapid speed. His breath laced with his vocal chords with every huff and grunt and slurp. Lips enveloping your pussy like a last meal. 
Then his tongue found your clit, his nose nudging your entrance, breathing in your arousal. He circled it, tongue pointed, muscle tensed. 
“Oh my- David!” your hips bucking against him, you needed more.
“Say it again, doll” He shoved his tongue into your vagina, scraping any service he could find. The taste soaking into the layers of his taste buds and you clamped around him. 
You only opened your eyes for a moment to see him jerking himself off with one hand, his other hand was on your ass but you were so enthralled with the pleasure, you couldn’t care to notice. 
The noises were absurd, you were drooling. And yet his name never stayed on the tip of your tongue too long, jumping out whenever it could until you started chanting for more until there wasn’t anything else to ask for. 
“Come on, baby. Come on, doll.” He whispers into your pussy, his breath lighting every nerve like a control board of buttons. You felt him everywhere, the tight rope in your stomach pulling you up and down, tightening and squeezing. Your orgasm coming in as hot as a blowtorch and his kiss broke the creme brulee crust. The sticky, slurping of his folded lips, his tongue lining and carding through you. It was almost a cooling sensation. An anecdote. 
But it kept coming and coming, like a lag in all your pleas for more but each finally being fulfilled one after another. And he drank it all. Any fluid you gave him, he drank it and enjoyed it. Himself almost let go but he pulled his hand off him whenever he felt close to the edge. He didn’t want to slow down so he needed to stay a little more comfortable. 
“David, DAVID” You were clawing at the bed sheets for your dear life. Your spine jerking like a child safety lid turned the wrong way. Cranking to something that had already long happened but kept going. The movement was so involuntary you cried out to him. 
“DaVID I came! I came already!” Your voice was muffled in the sheets, your tears staining the sheets. He only pulled away for a second. 
And he was back at it, one hand still barely working on himself while the other was back on your foot. His thumb deeply massaging into the sole of your foot. 
All you could think of was David, all he could think of was you. 
Your stomach hollowed and you were on the verge of screaming. Your pussy burnt but continued to leak for him. 
He got you again. Your knees buckled and he caught you with both hands keeping you steady. You spasmed and stuttered through your who knows what numbered orgasm, voice desperate to say something, anything, with no breath to do so. 
“Shit baby, almost there.” You could’ve sworn you had squirted on him. Your stomach muscles contracting and releasing by the millisecond, toes flexed. You saw white spots, fluctuating and flashing just for you. 
The soonest moment you physically could, you gasped for air. Climbing onto the bed before the boy could catch you. You were still trembling, hips bucking into nothing, lips wide open and you wouldn’t dare open your eyes yet. 
You only heard him chuckle and felt him fall on the bed next to you.
“You’re done huh?” he asked, voice too amused for his own neglected state. You only nodded your head while trying to catch your breath and regulate the tears falling from your eyes. 
“Sure you don’t have another one in you?” You shook your head with what energy you had left. You knew it was going to happen again tonight anyway but for this moment, you had no capacity to think or speak. He pulled you to his chest, pants still shamelessly riding his thighs. You laid on top of him, fighting against your body curling up on itself. 
He stroked your hair. He kissed the crown of your head and closed his eyes in content. Mouth wet and covered in your arousal. 
You could feel how hot he was, you could feel how hard he was. You were slowly regaining your conscious mind and after all, it was his birthday.
“Just give me a minute.” you sighed out into his chest and joined him in enjoying the satisfaction of the moment. 
There was a gentle clawing at the door. In the grogginess of what you think was just about 4 hours of sleep, Riley woke you up. It’s still pretty early, both you and Hesh being early risers but Hesh still looked completely out cold so you knew you’d have to deal with Riley this morning. 
Your body ached. Sore in places that hadn’t been felt in a good while. You tried to move as slowly as you could, both not to wake David up and because it would be too painful to move too quickly. Your left foot was completely asleep, nerves turned off that it almost made you consider just not getting up at all. But Riley’s whimpers pressured you up anyway. 
One foot at a time you dragged your legs off the mattress. Your hips ached like a raging siren. Any time your panties shifted and grazed you in a certain spot, a gasp left your lips before you could stop it. 
Just take it slow, you’re not that pathetic. 
Holding the bedside table for dear life, you tried to stand up. Right foot taking all your weight. Now take a deep breath. 
Testing the waters, you shift your weight, hoping to balance it out. Tripping over nothing, you are just hobbling into the wall. 
“Ow.” You let out louder than intended. “Shit”
There was a rustling of fabric behind you, you looked over your shoulder cautiously, not daring to make a sound. Your mission failed, Hesh was awake.
“Why’s Riley crying?” His voice was groggy, it was sexy. He didn’t roll over so you felt safe if you kept quiet. 
“He has to go to the bathroom.” You let out, trying not to reveal any of the pain you were feeling. 
“What time is it?” He was sitting up now. You felt so dumb, you knew he would be way too cocky for the rest of the day if he knew just how much he ruined you. He begun to turn around when you didn’t reply, “Hey, are you alri-” 
And there you were, clenching the wall for dear life, legs trembling uncontrollably. Skin hot and red and bruised, hair a mess with residue lipstick colour staining your swollen and bruised lips. 
“Oh.” there was that wicked smirk again. He knew he won the game and took the prize. He made his bed and slept in it. It definitely woke him up though. Who cares if he still had lipstick staining his chin too. 
He got out of the bed, chucking on a shirt and a pair of pants. Passing you with a kiss to the cheek. 
“Stay here, I’ll be right back.” With that he left you holding the wall. You listened as he took Riley outside, took him into the kitchen and then like it was in slow motion, you heard every step he took back to the bedroom. 
You hadn’t moved a muscle, you weren’t sure you could. And he chuckled and it made you mad but you laughed with him. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, doll.” The rest of the morning was spent in his arms. He held you up in the shower, he carried you to the kitchen counter. Whatever you thought you might get done today definitely was going to happen. But a day was never a waste if it was spend with Hesh.
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lostonehero · 6 months
Marius has a bad time or more new mechs and tma au stuff
Marius was rubbing his eyes. The pain was getting worse as they continued deeper into these tunnels. "Mr. Bouchard, I don't mean to sound rude, but how much farther?" He was incredibly uncomfortable, and his hair was threatening to move without his permission from the slick back position.
Elias looks back and smiles. "Not much further now, Marius. Now, the history of these tunnels goes back over 200 years. Created by Robert Smirke himself, now he was quite detail orientated if you knew him."
Marius nods. He doesn't really know how long humans live, but he knows how long Martin should live and that he wanted to expand that. He knew about the other species that his crew was made up of and what that meant. He probably should look more into humans for Martin's sake. "That's very interesting, sir." He barely could register the now open room they were in, let alone the mummified corpse.
"Now I normally don't have the choice in choosing my new body, the Beholder picks for me, and I wake up and move on. However, the situation has changed, and unfortunately, this body is on its last legs." Elias sighs.
Marius felt like his eyes were about to explode from pressure, and he barely registered that he was being spoken too.
"I'm having Peter take over in the meantime since you're so new to the institute. Elias was here for at least 3 years, but I can't be picky. Not when I'm getting so close and you just walked in. I really have to thank you, Marius." Elias hums softly. "Now, don't worry, you won't be left when I take over. I've heard death is quite peaceful."
Marius's vision went black as he collasped on the floor. He could feel a warm sticky liquid drip down his cheeks before sweet unconsciousness took over.
Jonah opened his eyes with a sigh. "Not an enjoyable process being awake, but necessary for the situation." He walked over to the corpse on the floor and fished out his phone. He shudders, finally realizing his new body felt wrong on many different levels. He went to run a hand through his new hair and bit back a surprised yelp.
"Not human." Marius blearily blinked as he floated next to the man possessing his body. "Also, be gentle. My hair is very sensitive."
"You're still alive?" Jonah watches Marius float in front of him.
"Kind of comes with the territory. I wonder if you'll stick around if I get killed well, my body, at least." Marius scratches his chin. "I can't say I've been possessed before, and it's quite an odd feeling."
Jonah stumbles back and hits a wall with a new jolt of nerves he has no experience with. He goes up his spine. "What are you?"
Marius snickers. "Is this how Jonny felt watching me stumble around for the first hundred of years felt? Because if it is, then I get his humor." He smiles as he floats down to sit next to the man possessing his body. "I would take over, but seeing you flail around is way funnier. I'm not human, I'm not even from earth to be fair."
Jonny can feel his tail threaten to break his belt loops on his pants. He was annoyed the sun went down, and he was stuck waiting outside Elias's office waiting for Marius. This was incredibly frustrating. Why did he have to wait for him he's a grown ass man. He can take care of himself, and it's not like he could die.
Jonnys phone buzzed and he took it out to see a message from Martin
Martin: Is Marius out yet? I'm sorry I asked for you to wait. I'm making your favorite when you both get back. I even found some bad alien movies for this weekend for just us to enjoy. I mean, you don't have to. I know you might have other plans, and that's ok.
Jonny can feel his face heat up. Ok, he knows why he's doing it, and homemade dinner sounded amazing. He was never much of a cook unless you counted butchering an animal you kill and cooking it over an open flame proper dinner. Martin spoiled him, and he expected nothing in return it's the least he could do to wait for Marius. He knew Ashes had to drag Ivy out of the library because it's Friday night, and the building was closed for the weekend.
Jonny began to play with his phone before his ears twitched with a new noise in the air that he knew to be Marius laughing. He scowls, shoving his phone in his pocket. "Are you quite done wasting time?" His annoyed scowl dropped to a confused frown as he confronted Marius.
Marius looked disheveled, which he rarely was unless it was early morning or he just left Raphella lab. His tail was swaying lazily behind him, and his hair seemed to be stretching. His pointed ears, Martin like to call elf ears, were blue at the top to match his mood, which was happiness. "Jonny!"
"Please tell me you're drunk." Jonny pinched his brow and sighed. He would much rather prefer a drunk Marius to a sober one. It's much easier to get him to do things.
"I'm possessed!" Marius breaks down in giggles. "I know you can't see him, but his face when I slit my throat was priceless. Also, he stays after I die, which is a little annoying, but he had no idea I wasn't human." He starts to laugh harder. "So so Elias wasn't actually Elias it was this guy Jonah possessing his body, and he picked..." He composes himself the best he could without breaking down laughing again. "He picked me! To possess! I've got his eyes now."
Jonny raised his brow, but the gray eyes were definitely not Marius's, but they were in his head. "So you got a dead guy in you?"
"I have a guy scared to die in me." Marius breaks down laughing again.
Jonny snickers that turns to laughter and is very insane laughter. "Fucking scared to die? That's fucking hilarious. I I.... fuck me I'm texting the group chat."
The less cool mech chat because Martin isn't here
Jonny: guys Marius has a dead guys eyes now
Ashes: like in his hands or...?
Raphella: did he get affected by one of the cursed books? I will run tests.
Tim: You've gotta be specific. TS is asking if it's the same guy who stole their vocal cords.
Jonny: Like in his skull.....
Jonny sends a picture of Marius purple face mid laughter and his eyes are clearly gray and not green anymore. His hair is pointed up straight, and his sharp teeth are on display. There's blood on his white shirt from an earlier slit throat.
Raphella: I would like to remove the eyes
Tim: dude what the fuck
Brian: Is there another doctor?
Jonny: so.....
Jonny puts in a audio message explaining the entire situation as Marius is giggling in the background adding details like the guys name is Jonah and he's nearly 300 years old and how he did this to serve his god.
Ivy: so can he get the keys and I can go to the library?
Ashes: no
Ivy: fuck you
Ashes: Martin wants you to join game night Sunday.
Ivy: that means Raphella cant drag Marius to her lab
Raphella: darling I have wendsday open for that
TS: Honorary Mechanism!
Jonny: mechanism plus one.
Ashes: sorry TS I'm with Jonny
TS: That Is OK We Have A New Friend
Marius: Jonah didn't belive in aliens.
Several people are typing
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iheardarumorthings · 2 years
Hi! I love your works. I read ‘sorry for the inconvenience’ and I wanted to ask what do you think five would be like if the whole kugelblitz didn’t happen and the reader had actually moved away to the city. Would he try and stop her, go with her or just let her go?
hi!! heads up, this is my first crack at fic in a few months so it's gonna be rough!
warnings: poor self-care, persistent five, protective five, alcohol, no swearing this time, peeps, sorry about that
tag list:@mad-elia ; @navs-bhat ; 
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He had not taken a breath of fresh air since the day you left along with the kugelblitz. No, most of the air he had inhaled had been mere breaks from his lips being around yet another bottle. Most of his nights were spent with your name on his lips and tears in his eyes, reaching out for you in his dreams, only to wake up to his fingers twitching and finding nothing but crumpled sheets. 
He remembered the taste of your skin, your lips. He remembered the taste of your laugh hanging in the air, the smile that never failed to be on your face when he broke down in anger. He remembered watching as you pulled your suitcase from the hotel after leaving Klaus with a kiss on the cheek and hugging Viktor.
You left without one single word. You had no idea, but he had stood there at the train station, thinking of ways to get you back. There were so many things he could’ve done–would’ve done, if he had the guts. But he was nothing if not a coward when it came to you. His love. Nothing short of paradise, something that was far too good for him and the blood that stained his hands. 
He could’ve taken your suitcase and wrapped you in a tight embrace, jumping you away from the train and begging you to stay. He could’ve boarded with you and bent down on both knees, telling you how he was nothing without you, his other half.
But you deserved to be happy, so he did not. Instead he watched as you leaned your head against the window, watching as you drove away from the station. 
And him. 
You started your day promptly at eight. Slowly, you rolled out of bed, crisp white sheets shining under the light of the sun. Sometimes you would be holding a pillow tightly to your chest, tears staining it. Other times you would be reaching out for something and finding nothing when you woke.
You told yourself to quit every morning. He was not worth it. He did not love you, therefore you would do your best to do the same. He had not looked at you as you left. He did not even say goodbye. Any affection he’d shown you the last day you were in that god-forsaken hotel was thrown out of the window the second you had stepped over the threshold of the hotel. 
You had not seen Five Hargreeves again after that. No, you had only heard whispers of him around the bustling streets of New York City. Allison was once again prominent in the film industry, Klaus was back with Diego and Lila who were expecting a girl in just two months.
Five was busy running his business. It had become a huge enterprise immediately. You were not shocked at how fast it skyrocketed–he was a Hargreeves, after all. Everyone was expected to take some interest.
But now his name was everywhere.
You did not look at him as the business tycoon that everyone else had seen, however. No. Instead, you saw your love. The one that always told you to go to sleep. The one that told you to take care of yourself and held you when you cried. 
The one that patched your wounds back together with a needle and thread himself when you had a bullet lodged in your stomach.
You ate lunch at twelve. You had never strayed from this routine, though sometimes you disregarded breakfast and dinner. Other times you would take a slice of cake from the freezer and shove it in your mouth if you grew hungry. 
At two you had meetings.
At four you sat on your couch and binge watched crime documentaries until the clock hit nine.
You were not expecting a knock on your door at seven thirty six. Your eyes widened when the knocking persisted. Quickly, you reached for the dagger you hid between the couch cushions. Sometimes, you regret your decision to put it there. You mistook it for the remote more often than not–it had led to some nasty surprises. 
You tied your bathrobe tighter around you. It only reached the very top of your thighs, but you didn’t care. Death did not wait for politeness.
You flung the door open, pressing the blade against the person’s throat, pushing him to the other wall. At his shout, you looked up. 
Green eyes met yours and you had never felt more whole.
Nor more broken.
“Hello, darling,” he said, crossing his arms as you lowered your dagger. His eyes raked over you as you crossed your arms over your own chest. He stared, his eyes growing hard. “Are you expecting someone?”
“No,” you replied, moving back into your apartment. He followed you. “That’s why I almost killed you.”
“You wouldn’t have killed me.”
You hummed in response, putting coffee on. You remembered his favorite brands; you remembered his favorite creamer once you had made him try it. Though he always returned to black coffee. You never minded–it meant the sugary goodness lasted longer.
“What are you doing here, Five?” you asked, putting your hands on your hips.
“I’m here to see you.”
“That much is clear. But why are you here to see me?” Your stomach filled with lead. You scolded yourself.
You would not fall into Five Hargreeves again. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not again.
“Because I’d like to bring you home. Now, preferably.”
“I am home.”
He walked to you, his hands moving for you. When you stepped back, your heart locked tightly away, his face fell, as did his arms. He stood taller than he had before, dressed in a suit and tie, though his shirt was wrinkled and the bags under his eyes made him look much older than he was supposed to be. Or maybe it was more fitting.
“Sweetheart,” he said. You cut him off quickly.
“That’s not my name.”
He moved toward the counter, examining it. The dishes that had been stacked in the sink, the wine glass on the table, the unfinished bowl of cereal from lunch. Or maybe it was the day before.
You didn’t remember.
“You haven’t been taking care of yourself.” He looked at you sharply, quirking a brow, daring you to challenge it.
You did. “I am doing fine, thank you for your concern. And if I were not, it wouldn’t be your concern. Now, if you will not be here to do anything else, I request that you leave.”
“I am here to do something else.” He moved for you, this time gathering you into his arms as the coffee machine began to beep. “I love you. I love you more than life itself and I am here to beg until you agree to come with me. You can yell at me. Hit me. Do something. Feel something toward me. But then we can start over. I–I have always loved you, darling. I swear. Just please, come home. I need you home.”
You needed home, too. More than you would ever care to admit. You missed the mornings where he would kiss your shoulder. Hell, you even missed the nights where you two would bicker about the silliest things before huffing the next day, dancing around one another until you both forgot the start of the argument.
“Leave, Five.”
Five, in fact, did leave. 
For a total of twelve hours. 
When you opened the door the next day, you did not pull out a knife, though your mind immediately traveled to that when you  saw his face. However, when you smelled coffee and donuts you let him in immediately. Who would you be to refuse such a kind gift?
Even if it was from Five.
“You know, Five, this is a disturbance of my routine. I can’t keep doing this with you,” you said after the fifth day he’d shown up. He never showed up during one time. No, he always took care to come at random times. Once he even showed up at three in the morning. You were not very appreciative of that one.
“What time do you want me to come?”
“No time.”
“Fair enough,” he said, mouth full of cereal. “What time are you available tonight? Let me take you to dinner.”
Five, for the past three months, had not spent more than twenty two hours away from you. And Five, for the past three months, had not spent more than twenty hours not begging you to love him once more. He did not know that your heart beat out of its rhythm when his fingers grazed your shoulder.
He did not know that every night you stared at that empty half of the bed, imagining him there. You tried to sleep in the middle, but it made you feel pathetic. Avoidant. 
It made you miss him more.
“Why,” you choked one night, the stench of wine on your breath, “must you continue to do this? Do you not know that you’re weakening me by the day? I can’t let you do that to me again.” Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes as you looked up at him, his parted lips as he swooped down and wiped the tears from your cheeks. “You can’t hurt me like that again.”
“Nothing is allowed to hurt you. Especially not me.”
“But you did.”
“And I hate myself for it every day.”
You had kissed him that night.
You had hated yourself the next day, telling yourself to snap out of it.
But there was nothing to snap out of. Five Hargreeves was lying next to you, your head on his chest and his arms tightly wound around your torso. 
It would not be so bad, you thought, to allow him to hurt you once more. If it meant another while of that, you would take it.
You did not.
He did start coming to the apartment more. He began to leave things there, too.
Once, he had caught you in his shirt. He didn’t let you live it down for a week. You two had begun to fall into a rhythm once more. Most of it contained laughing. Most of it contained whispered promises under white cotton sheets, only Five’s voice filling the air, love thick in his tone.
“I love you, my darling,” he whispered, “and I swear to you, that I will never let you slip again.”
You would not let yourself slip either, you vowed. But that did not matter. He chipped at you every day.
The love you felt for him was undeniable.
Just as his was for you.
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isa-ah · 2 months
may i ask what the major changes you guys decided to make to jackalshide's story are :?
so when jackalshide was first put together we were like. young and suffering. so the town was very grey, very dirty, falling apart and hostile to the kids we were writing with. especially isaiah and hunter.
isaiah was raised by his widower father who was capital c Cruel to him. in most stories, elias would die by isaiahs mid twenties, if not sooner in an "accidental" fire started in his childhood trailer. like pure a child scorned will burn the village down to feel warmth, literally. this wouldnt lead to any real emotional catharsis for isaiah, and his mental health would just be. ass. so bad after.
hunters story was likewise really tragic. a politically motivated attack on his family home killed his mother and nearly killed him, leaving him with thick scarring on his throat and belly. hed go on to become a child star who was heavily groomed and abused by people within the system (as we hear about a lot with child stars) and so hed go on to burn out BADLY. badly. just ugly.
crick (his real name is methias lol) was one of the only younger people to stay in town alone with his mom. he was endeared to the boys as their babysitter with his bestie d.alex (david alexander, one of rikers many older brothers) growing up. after d.alex leaves to go to college he most definitely never looks back and it BREAKS cricks heart, so he just spends his days moping around his cabin and drinking. very much in that 'he never got out so hes going to repeat his parents lives' white trash mentality; alone, unhealing, unchanging, as life goes on around him.
there was likewise a consensus that once the kids all left town, there was no going back. jackalshide itself would be left to waste away as the older generations would get meaner and nastier in the decay and drive off all of the younger people to leave the town dwindling in disrepair and a fading as they died off. (not that thats based at all off of my home town. ofc not.)
well, gradually as we expanded, things began to change.
first came cam. hes the sheriffs son, which puts him in close proximity to isaiah whos father is the sole deputy of jackalshide. cam became a refuge to him outside of his usual friend group, when he ended up in spaces his friends would absolutely not follow (like sunday dinners at the sheriffs house). isaiah is a sleepover enthusiast both for homoerotic and getting away from his dad reasons, and cam was the "easiest" choice. (tho usually hed sleep over at hunters anyway bc they were all but inseparable). hes incredibly stable and level headed, and the kind of autistic where he can simply Keep Chugging no matter what. it was something isaiah sorely needed in his life.
from there, we introduced gideon. gideon was a transplant- truly about the only one at this point- whos moms wanted to own a lesbian ranch and decided on jackalshide. they own a huge swath of land outside of town, so gideon ends up going to school with the boys. oh he and isaiah HATE! each other in school. like just the pettiest nastiest twink on twink verbal violence that only hunter and bette actually clock. gideon is taller, more popular, easily in the closet (& cis) so isaiah is just like. blindly jealous of him. and he has not one but TWO moms? fuck this guy.
gideon ends up meeting crick at the tail end of his career as the local babysitter and is immediately like 9///9 about him but crick is very in the throws of it for d.alex and also enough years older than gideon that he just. doesnt even clock him. not until many many years later, when theyre both adults and a good way into their individual lives when gideon tracks his ass back down to shoot his shot LOL
gideon is VERY driven and hes pivotal in the direction we decided to take jackalshide. instead of running away from how dead and hateful the town is, he decides hes going to roll his sleeves up and do something about it. with hunters dads help (ruben used to be mayor, and then senator, though by now hes retired living in the hills outside of jackalshide), he runs for council and begins building up a cryptid hunting based tourism center in the town square. lots of restoration, murals, statues, shops, stories; he puts that shit on the map for people who are really into visiting places like point pleasant.
crick, inspired by gideons drive to better the town, starts to finally come out of his depressive slump and start working on his own projects. he gets grant money and opens what is ostensibly a food bank, but it looks like a grocery store? so you can come in and do your shopping, he "rings you up" to keep inventory, and then you leave with your food. no payment necessary. it seats him back in the public eye, which is important for his mental health tbh. he spent several years cloistered up in his cabin so talking to people all day really works wonders on him.
as gideon gains public favor, he gets more sway, and uses it to get in with the sheriff. over the course of a few years, they end up dismantling how the jackalshide pd has been running for decades (poorly, evilly, naturally) and cams dad officially steps down. without him covering elias ass and keeping him employed, elias gets fired. hes been hiding behind his badge for so long, not having it anymore suddenly puts him in a VERY vulnerable position.
its around this time isaiah breezes back into town. hes doing well, hes had therapy, his tattoo business is off the ground and hes feeling established as an adult. hes heard rumblings about what gideon is doing and wants to see it firsthand! as adults they have 0 beef at all and act like old friends instead LOL gideon shows him around and explains a lot of what hes been working on over the last decade. he brings up the pd specifically and isaiah snorts like oh good, no one in town would ever hire my shithead dad, hope he rots.
it turns into a fat argument when gideon says hes been working on getting elias into the counseling he needs. isaiahs like no, he doesnt deserve that kind of kindness. and gideons like you cant pick and choose, its everybody or its nobody. and isaiah will not accept that answer and storms out and ends up leaving entirely for another several years.
in the downtime, gideon finally succeeds and elias is put on a never before seen path of redemption.
by the time he and isaiah reconnect, isaiahs come around to what gideon said. more therapy, more reflection, more thinking about how he would have acted if hed been in elias position. (married just out of highschool, starting a family, losing your partner and being stuck alone with a baby so so so young with no money and no prospects). it opens the door for communication and while its rocky and messy and fumbling, slowly they do start to open up to each other. well enough, even, that elias eventually gets to meet his grandkids.
at this point we decided we were going to rework hunters story entirely to suit the more growth-positive outlook we had gotten over the years wed been working on things. while he still loses his mom, he goes into ballet instead of acting (a close call as things were) and works his ass off to perform globally with a few different traveling troupes. he retires in his thirties bc he feels like the fact that he hasnt had an accident yet is a miracle and hes going to take the boone, and he and isaiah end up reconnecting <3
cams story progresses in the meantime, that he goes from being the oldest son that his step mom is always yelling for to co-parent his little half siblings and do chores around the house, to getting into college and pursuing architecture and engineering. hes really successful bc hes got that autistic grindset of i love it and its always on my mind so im constantly innovating. which is fantastic for him, less so for isaiah who goes nuts without constant attention.
cue hunter coming back into the picture. isaiahs always been poly and truly the only people who didnt seem to realize that were cam and isaiah himself, so theres a lot of fumbling around with it, but ultimately cams Starkly Monog preconceptions for his life crumble in the face of 'oh hunter really is really hot'. lol they end up in a triad endgame <3
not a lot to say on the riker and bette front. their story hasnt changed really much at all. they have billie in highschool (oops), bette moves out to cali after to go to a really really good college for animation, jettisons into a lucrative career showrunning and doesnt have a lot of time for all of his loser besties. riker moves way out by himself in the middle of nowhere and has a quiet life making arson money LOL he swings by to see isaiah often enough, they still talk plenty, but hes more of a lone wolf and doesnt really settle down with anyone.
billie herself goes on to be the coolest fuckin older cousin to noah (isaiah and cams baby) and anthony (isaiah* and hunters baby) <3 <3 <3
*in aus where hunter is still a movie star, anthony actually isnt isaiahs. hunters agent is a woman named fiona who is like blonde, red lipstick, fiery as fuck, large and in charge kind of woman who gets romantically entangled with hunter. shes too high energy for him tho he gets worn tf out by her and has to figure out how to untangle their professional and romantic relationships and also they have a kid jesus christ. its messy and fun hehe
**secondarily funny note. fiona is actually one of reggies best friends. reggie is hunters older cousin and its how they first meet. reggie is Not Happy that she is dating his little cousin LMAO (which ties jackalshide into june and reggie stories, which are tied into andres and joaquin, who are tied into seongmin, who is cooper and nickys kid- its all coming together. all of my ocs....)
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