#and even then i’m aching to sit down again lolll
housecow · 9 months
the bigger i get the more i dont want to move around, the weight is just snowballing at this point
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Pretty Petals 25
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content including rape/noncon, kidnapping, violence, sexual acts (fingering, oral, anal, dp), coercion, bondage, and more tags to be added as the series progresses. PREPARE YOUR PANTIES, HOES.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You go on a self-improvement retreat, but not all is as it seems.
Girls and Flower Name List HERE!
Characters: Ransom Drysdale, Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker, Curtis Everett, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Loki, Andy Barber, Hela, and multiple OFCs
Note: I am like in dread of work so here it is lolll
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all like birds love to appear everytime you are near. Take care. 💖
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Zinnia’s screams haunt your prison. That’s what it is. Not a cabin. Not a house. Not even a fortress. No, you are all trapped here. 
Her first night there is shrill and horrifying and endless. Not just for her but all of you. The rare night spent alone but only knowing that she suffers for it. None of you are so foolish to think these men would show pity for her inexperience.
You hear Azalea through the wall, sobbing. A few times, you find yourself awash in a flow of grief. Swollen eyes succumb to drowsiness and you wade through the night in painful sleep, waking now and again to the throbbing ache behind your brow.
The last time you rouse, you’re not alone. The weight in the bed next to your grumbles and shoves you back down as you try to sit up. Ransom rolls over as you lay flat on your back. He tweaks your nipple through the thin layer of your camisole and pats your chest.
“Good girl, Lily,” he closes his eyes and is just as quickly snoring again.
Is it starting all over again? Back to the basics. You and Ransom. You hate to admit it even in your head but his return is almost comforting. You know what to expect when it’s just the two of you.
You don’t sleep again. You can’t. You just lay staring up at the ceiling, watching the morning slowly spread across the plaster. It’s a startling calm that undermines your reality starkly. A reminder that this tiny corner of the world is forgotten and hopeless in a vast world that keeps turning.
You shift onto your side and hide your face in the pillow. You keep your back to Ransom as you rattle with suppressed sobs. It would be so much easier if you could just stop thinking.
You sniffle and try to tamp down your tears. You miss your apartment. After how long of cursing that cramped box, of wanting to be anywhere else, you would kill just to see your ratty couch again. Just to sleep on your lumpy futon or stare into your scant fridge. 
Freedom isn’t what you thought it was. Freedom is waking up to an alarm every day and going to a job you hate so you can make a few dimes of your own. Freedom is parsing out that measly check in a desperate struggle to survive. Freedom is that sliver of choice you get in doing so. It’s surviving, all the same, but on your own terms. Not on theirs.
You want to give up, so badly. You should. It only hurts to fight but you won’t. You can’t. Dahlia is right. You can still have that freedom, in that you can choose your end.
You wipe clean your face and sigh. You glance over at Ransom and carefully fold back the blanket from over you. You sit up, jostling as little as you can as you shimmy out of your camisole and panties. 
You ease yourself back on your elbow and turn onto your side. Your reach beneath the crumple edge of the duvet and feel around blindly. You wrap your fingers around his dick. He’s soft but not for long as you stroke him slowly, fondling his limpness until he’s hard and groaning.
“Lily pad…” Ransom breathes and pets your temple, “what–”
You hush him as you drag your hand up his stomach. You plant your palm on his chest and lift yourself up. You shove the blanket away from his body and hook your leg over him. You reach beneath yourself and angle his tip along your cunt. You straddle him, inching onto him as you let out a hum.
He’s stunned by his awakening. In that moment, you have power. You have something you can use. You sink to your limit and moan, twitching around him as your nails dig into his firm muscle. His hands crawl up and down your sides as he admires your body.
He shudders and lets out shallow breaths as you rock. You feel the tension knot in his stomach as you trail down. You sense the vulnerability in that moment. You see yourself smashing his jaw in with your fist or bringing your hands to his throat and squeezing until he’s gagging.
You resist that fatal urge and buck fast, the noise of your bodies clapping in the early morning hue. The bed shakes as you huff out your effort, closing your eyes as you cling to the vision of your liberation. The fantasy of violence driving you onward.
Too soon, you know it. Wait, watch, calculate. Don’t strike too soon. Not alone.
“Lily,” Ransom frames your hips as he pulls you down harder and harder, “fuck, what are you–”
“Shhh,” you smother his mouth and fuck him harder, leaning over him as you flick your lashes open, “I missed you.”
He watches you as you hover over him. You poke your fingers between his lips and delve into his mouth. He bites on your knuckles as you keep your hips tilting. He babbles around them as he quakes beneath you. Almost there.
“You going to cum inside me,” you hold back your disgust at the words, “hmm, I want you too–”
He gurgles and his eyes roll back as he spasms. You feel the heat burst inside of you and push yourself up. You lean back and ride out his climax. You stop only as he’s breathless and prone. Then. You could do it then. You could hurt him. You could murder him.
You sit paralysed, horrified at what you’ve done and what you think of doing. They made you a monster too. They’ve filled you with a rage that will never leave you. You will never escape the fractures they’ve rented into you. You can never fix yourself but you don’t care about that. You only want to break them.
The morning brightens through the curtains, rousing Ransom as he sits up with an effort not to disturb you. His caution is uncharacteristic and confounding. You’re already awake but you don’t let him know. You just watch his back as he rubs his eyes and combs his fingers back through his hair.
He yawns and stands, his naked ass greeting you unceremoniously. You squeeze your eyes shut and listen to him move around the room. A low growl in his throat but no words. He dresses in silence and to your surprise, does not try to touch you. He leaves you confounded, hidden beneath your eyelids as you try to figure out what ploy is at hand.
You stay buried in dread, waiting. For his return. For some disturbance from outside; for screams, for thumps, for the eruption of chaos that comes every day. It doesn’t come. You only hear the deliberate movement of bodies trying not to be heard.
You get up and near the door. You grasp the handle and turn it, slowly, easing it around until the mechanism stops. You’re locked in. Fuck. It’s not a surprise but you want to know what’s going on out there.
You lean against the door, cupping your ear with your hand as you try to hear. Who is it? How many? What are they up to? It’s just a shuffle that you can’t make sense of, capped by the final and jarring snap of the front door. You can tell which it is by the weight of it, by the subtle creak of wood beneath several pairs of feet.
You retreat back to bed and sit, thinking. Ransom’s scent lingers along with the dread. They must be plotting something new. Another chase, another game, another humiliation. There’s a new girl so that means you all must suffer. That’s how it works. Their fun is your punishment.
You go into the bathroom and crank on the tub. It’s a small relief amidst the oppression of this place. You ease into the water and recline against the porcelain. There is no sense in letting them taint what little time you’re afforded to yourself. Those tiny moments when you can try to retrieve your sanity.
You think of the night before. You feel weak as the heat of the water seeps into you but there remains that sliver of anger, fueled by the memory of Dahlia’s words. Of the fury laced in her voice. You can’t do this for yourself but when you think of the other girls, you find it hard to admit defeat.
You don’t emerge until the water is cold. You pull the stopper and go through the usual. The routine that’s become second nature. To keep yourself moisturised and pretty for these tormentors. It brings a sardonic chuckle to your throat. You do it nonetheless, there is something soothing in the simple tasks.
You put on a white dress; a simple short baby doll. You go to the window and look out at the back deck, the pool sparkling in the morning light. Leaves sway above reflecting in the water and birds flit from branch to branch.
The soft click of the lock beneath your door handle jolts you. You turn to face the door as it opens and you repress a tide of fury as Hela smiles at you. She’s back in a flowing caftan, patterned with geometrical bands and edged with a crochet scallop. She looks ridiculous.
“Breakfast is served, Lily Flower,” she declares, “won’t you come join us?”
You don’t say a word. You come forward but she doesn’t move from your path. She watches you with a placid smile.
“Lily, do you forget all I’ve taught you already?” She challenges.
“No, Gaia, I am coming,” you assure her flatly. “I remember… I remember it all.”
She looks down at you and her lips curl further. She hums into a laugh, “you are still my favourite. I always knew you were the prettiest of my flowers.”
You try not to show your distaste. She is condescending. You see it now. Those nights you sat at your computer in those nonsense seminars, she was conditioning you, all of you.
She leans in and you fight not to recoil. She tilts your chin up with her long fingers and kisses your lips. You let her and she parts with a sultry breath.
“So sweet,” she whispers and gives a final stroke to your cheek.
She spins, her caftan fluttering and leads you through to the dining room. You take your seat among the several other girls already arranged around the long table. Azalea stares dead ahead, Zinnia’s head hangs low behind her hands, and Violet traces her fingertips over the table as if drawing a picture.
The others are brought in, one by one; Dahlia claims the seat beside you, Marigold emerges with her black hair in tangles, wearing the same outfit as days ago, Daisy enters without expression or reaction, and Rose looks around with an almost cloudy look in her eyes.
Hela floats in and out. She sets a dish of fruit before each of you, along with a cup of greek yogurt, and some yellowish tea with a pungent smell. You all just sit without reaction, glancing at each other in uncertainty.
“Please, dig in, girls, we have a day planned for all of us. We will take yoga on the deck. You recall our first days. And we will have some trust building activities. This is about rejuvenation. As the season comes to an end, we must all welcome new beginnings–”
“What?” Dahlia growls.
Azalea pops her head up, “is it… fall?”
Violet glances out the sliding doors, “the night comes earlier…”
There’s a lull as you all realise it’s been so long since your arrival. So long that you hadn’t noticed the changes all around you. You can smell it in the air, the slow transition is coming, you see it in the sky.
You exhale and peek over at Dahlia. She looks back at you from the corner of her eye as she picks up the bamboo spoon and examines it. A new safeguard. Can’t do much damage with that. She scoops up the yogurt as the other girls languish in their dissonance.
“I can’t believe we’ve come this far,” Dahlia declares.
You grab your spoon and mirror her, the other girls doing the same, going around the table until you’re all choking down the flavourless yogurt in a silent accord. You will play along. The season is not the only change coming.
A day passes, then two. With no hint of the men. It’s strange but ominous. Almost as if knowing the men are around is comforting. Then at least, you know what to expect.
You have another morning yoga session, on your color-coded mats, by the pool. Each of you follow Hela’s direction; making the moves, taking each breath long and low. After, you laze around the pool in a communal daze.
You’re unnerved by the languidity that’s settled over the house. It echoes those early days when this was only a retreat, when it was fun, when it felt like summer camp. When you still wore your own name.
There’s something coming. There has to be. 
Dahlia lays beneath a pair of square sunglasses, as black as her string bikini. Her muscles shine with sweat as the sun kisses her skin. You see the strength corded around her petite frame.
Hela looms not far away, on one of the longers as she has Violet sit near her. They speak in hushed tones. Each of you has your turn, beckoned to ingratiate yourself to the mighty Gaia. You roll over and put your chin in your hand.
Your eyes settle on Zinnia. She sits alone, heading hanging, hugging her knees. You can’t imagine how alone she must feel. The rest of you came here together, you went through each step with a sense of camaraderie, but she was introduced to you all as another set of abusers. Your guilt bubbles over and you stand, leaving Dahlia by herself.
You near Zinnia, almost shyly, and stop before her. She doesn’t look up, she only cowers in your shadow. 
“Can I sit?” You ask.
She doesn’t answer, just shrugs. You lower yourself across from her and cross your legs. You don’t know what to say, you just felt like you had to come over.
“I’m Lily.”
She sniffs and picks her thumbnail. You take a breath and glance over. Hela watches you. You don’t doubt she’ll be curious but what else are you supposed to do? You’re all just sitting around, waiting.
“I know I can’t apologise because what happened happened. I’d hate all of us too. I could point out that we’re just the same but that won’t change how you feel. I’m not trying to absolve myself. I’m just trying to say you’re not alone so… if you ever need anything, I can do my best and I can speak for the rest that they will too.”
She blinks at the ground then slowly raises her head. She meets your eye and you wince. Her cheek ticks and her eyes gleam.
“I remember you,” she murmurs, “in the meetings. We were in the same breakout group.”
Your lips part and you gape at her. She is familiar. Oh, god. She’s just another dupe.
“Corrine,” you remember and she nods, her tears flowing out. “It’s a beautiful name but you can’t use it here.”
She gulps and wipes her cheeks, “I know. He told me—” she turns her head away, “he taught me my name.”
You shake your head and aver your eyes in turn. You don’t know what to do or say. She puts her legs down and leans forward, touching your arm gently, “I’m not mad at any of you. I’m scared.”
“We all are,” you assure her, “and you do need to be mad. At them. The men.”
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Waking up with Levi
Waking up with a possessive Levi oneshot 🙏 If you want more (plus smut lolll), you can read the prequel “The Night Before” here! 
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Usually, Levi woke up early. Like god awful, before the sun has even begun to rise early. He had met your fury on more than one occasion when he tried to kick you out of his room before dawn, insisting that you couldn’t get caught together. 
It made sense: a cadet and a captain? Rumors of favorable treatment and sleeping to the top would hound you, and that was definitely not something you wanted to deal with. But it was still annoying to have to sneak around. 
It wasn’t like you were hiding any sort of real relationship with Levi, since you had both agreed to keep it physically based only. Being a Scout meant the risk of dying constantly, and worrying about another person wasn’t something that we could afford. And although you didn’t know the specifics, you knew that Levi had lost more people than you could imagine; he had no interest in losing another person he loved, so he just tried not to love anyone at all. 
Unfortunately, he made it very difficult for you to not fall for him. You tried, truly. You had the whole “I’m an independent person, I don’t need no men,” talk, and you insisted to yourself that your feelings were purely physical. 
At first, that was probably true. You had been meeting up with Levi secretly for months, and most of the time it was sex and then he left. Just a way to distract each other. But then there were other times when he came to check on you when you were sick, and insisted you rode with his squad, and brought you food to your room after a long day of training. He was blunt and rude most of the time, and he definitely wasn’t the most talkative, but he showed he cared about you in other ways. 
Fuck him and his perfect, stupid face...
...which was now only inches from your own. The early morning sun shone across the room, illuminating his sleeping features as he continued to breathe lightly, his mouth slightly open. A bit of his hair had flopped across his face, and you had the sudden urge to brush it back; except that your hands were pinned by his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 
Which also made you realize that you were completely naked, in Levi’s room, and the sun was up. 
Shit. Shit. SHIT. 
You could hear the sounds of the rest of the Scouts already awake, shouts as people trained and went to the dining hall, and footsteps passing Levi’s room. 
How had this happened???? 
Sure, you both had stayed up very late last night, and you both had been pretty worn out after three consecutive rounds of Levi fucking you into oblivion. You could feel an ache in your muscles already forming, your lower back killing you, and you were sure that Levi had made multiple visible marks all along your neck, collarbone, and breasts. 
“Levi, Leviiii...” you whispered, wriggling in his arms. He sighed, one of the softest and sweetest sounds you had ever heard him make, but his arms only tightened around you. “It’s already morning, we have to get up--” 
You felt your entire body freeze in horror as a knock echoed from his door. 
“Captain Levi! Urgent message from Commander Erwin!” 
You jolted into a seated position as you heard the door open, pulling the sheet up to your chest to try and hide your completely naked body. Was there somewhere to hide? Could you go under the blankets? Should you run for it? Why was the Cadet coming into Levi’s room uninvited anyway???
“Captain--” The young man froze as he entered the room, meeting your wide eyes. There was no hiding what had happened last night: your hair was a complete wreck, the sheets were rumpled, and you were naked in bed with Levi Ackerman. 
“Uh-uh-” The man clearly wasn’t sure how to handle this situation, but before he could figure it out, you felt movement to your right. 
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Levi’s voice was colder than you had ever heard it, and you turned to find him sitting up, his eyes lethal as he glared at the Cadet. 
“E-E-Erwin said to wake you, sir...I didn’t-didn’t realize--” His eyes flickered to you, and Levi immediately stood up and stalked toward him menacingly. Thankfully, he was wearing pants, although he was still shirtless. 
“Don’t fucking look at her,” he snarled, and the Cadet immediately looked straight ahead, trembling even though he was taller than Levi by half a foot. “She’s my bitch. Get out before I beat the shit out of you and personally feed you to the titans.” 
The Cadet whimpered a weak, “Yes Captain,” before literally running from the room. 
You groaned as the door slammed shut, slumping back to the bed and covering your face with your hands. You felt utterly humiliated. How would you ever be able to look the rest of the Scouts in the eye knowing that they now knew your nightly ventures? 
You heard Levi’s footsteps approaching, but you couldn’t look at him. After a long second, he grabbed your wrists and forced your eyes up. 
“What’s wrong?” He murmured, touching your flushed cheeks with the thumb that wasn’t busy holding your arms up.
You turned your face away, groaning. “Now everyone’s going to know.” 
“Tch.” Levi moved back into bed, flicking you hard on the forehead. “If someone says anything to you, I’ll just kill them.” 
“No, there’s no need for that.” You rolled your eyes. “I just thought you didn’t want anyone to know…” You didn’t want him to be upset about whatever we had going on being out in the open now. 
“It’s fine,” he grunted, slumping back down onto the bed and pulling you close again to bury his face in your hair. “I want people to know you’re mine anyway. Now go back to sleep.” 
“What? But it’s already past dawn!” 
“And I’m still tired.” 
“Shut up, Y/n.”
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bellamyblakru · 3 years
omg ok so idk how many im allowed to ask for the otp ask game thingy BUT if this is too many just do the ones you really want:D (SORRY I GOT EXCITED)
merthur & 2, 6, 7, 13, 24, 29, 30
oh my god roya i went ham on these. i apologize in advance 💀i got so excited too siskksksksks thank you so much for this holy shit, it was literally so much fun
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
omg i think it depends on who got the drama arc that day ajclajfefkafn i would say normally merlin is 100% the big spoon LOL he just has that “need to comfort and protect” vibe, you feel?
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
oooo so interesting, like physical features? id wanna say merlin loves arthur’s hands the most. like he can just sit for hours watching arthur signing documents and writing speeches and all that shit, plus arthur is definitely a hands on man (since he was touched starved to the max) so merlin always craves those little moments where arthur’s hand lingers on his own, or on his neck, or on his chest. the first thing to come to my mind for arthur is that he absolutely adores merlin’s hair. like when he forgets to cut it short and it gets a bit longer and more curly, the wildness just fits merlin so nicely. his hair in the morning is just so messy and perfect and the way the light hits it makes merlin feel more ethereal--its in those moments, right before merlin wakes up, where arthur just stares at this magical king and wonders what god he should thank for giving him someone so lovely.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
OH GOD. dude, the first thing that changes for merlin is what he thinks about as he helps arthur dress for the day. now, he notices the subtle way arthur leans into his touch, the way arthur smiles softly when merlin fixes his collar, the way his own hands tremble, ever-so slightly, as he smooths out arthur’s shirt. ARTHUR. man, the first thing that changes for arthur when he realized he has feelings for merlin is EVERYTHING. my mans tries to not change a fucking thing about the routine or day--but he tries way too fucking hard and its painfully noticeable that something is happening in his mind. merlin notices it, of course, but thinks arthur is stressed about something kingly. you know who tells him to fucking stop? LANCELOT. that man walks up to arthur, drags his ass aside, and gently, but not weakly, says “you suck at this” and helps him understand that merlin is already head over heels for him wjsjjsksksks
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
arthur. 100%. touch is his thingggg™️. merlin has probably ached to hold arthur’s hand for years, but arthur does it first. i imagine two different scenarios: one, its fucking chaos out. there is some bad guy or some shit they are fighting, the knights are scattered, they are bloodied, bruised, and tired, but merlin hasn’t left his side for even a moment. the warlock’s back is still straight, his chin is still high, the defiance burning so brightly in those eyes that arthur cant help but reach over and grab the man’s hand to try to gain some of his resilience and passion and strength. two, it could be the laziest fucking day of the year. the knights of the roundtable are laughing and eating in arthur’s chambers, lance and gwen are making doe-eyes at one another, gwaine and percy are stealin little glances, and arthur is just so fucking content. like he looks around to smiles, and laughing, and happiness, and he turns his head to see merlin staring at him in concern. and he cant help it, man, he just reaches over and squeezes his hand. merlin’s eyes widen, but a soft smile grows there. arthur just doesn’t let go though, so merlin leans over and puts his head on arthur’s shoulder being completely beautifully content together.
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
BRUH THIS SCREAMS MERLIN. I'M LAUGHING SO MUCH FKHNNSKNR. dudee. imagine it?? they are seated at a Very Important Dinner™️ with some Very Important People™️ and arthur is just about to make a toast and BAM-merlin whispers something outrageously fucking dirty. ARTHUR SPLUTTERS AND TURNS SO FUCKING RED ASDFGHHJK. merlin just smiles (his most regal smile) and turns away to talk to Very Important Someone™️ and arthur has to wait a few more minutes to compose himself and vows to get back at merlin later (he never does because merlin always beats him to it). OR LIKE DURING AUDIENCES? like this fucking farmer is complaining that he thinks his neighbor stole his chicken named Clucky and merlin just walks up to arthur and Says Something™️ that makes arthur cough...violently...and merlin turns around, solves the farmer’s problem, and goes back to his spot like nothing happened. arthur stares at him for much longer than he is suppose to before leon steps in and taps arthur’s shoulder to continue LOLLL
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
oh lord,,, where to start? im not sure if this is a common headcanon or not, but that merlin actually could have saved arthur. he is the most powerful warlock to ever fucking exist, and he couldn’t save him? i call bullshit. i think he had the power to, and i think deep down he realizes that when its too late (like arthur’s eyes fluttering shut too late) and thats what breaks him. what haunts him for literal centuries. the simple fact that he could have saved him. i think he didn’t know enough about his magic yet, or that he refused to acknowledge that kind of power simmering under his skin, or that he just didn’t believe enough in himself because of how many times shit had hit the fan when merlin did magic near arthur. so..yeah…yikes
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
LOL im full of angsty headcanons so hmmm. during arthur’s reign, they used to stay up late at night in arthur’s chambers. it didn’t matter what they did: whether it was arthur teaching merlin how to play chess as merlin complained the entire time that strategy at midnight was a cruel and unnecessary punishment, or arthur helped merlin clean his chambers as merlin hummed an old song his mother used to sing to him before bed, or just the two of them sitting in front of the fireplace with two glasses of wine talking about everything and nothing all at once. but once the quiet hits, its never, ever, uncomfortable. they can sit in silence for hours and never be bored or scared to break it. they just sit there, side by side, leaning on one another like they do in everything in life.
thank you again😭💖💖 akakakakak i might have gotten too excited?😂
otp ask game
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withasideofeggsy · 7 years
Promises :: Park Jimin :: 4
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Beautiful photo credit to @/gowthared
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Word count: 4.8 K
Warning: ANGST
Happy New Years! I hope everyone had a fantastic start to the year. And thank you everyone for your continual support and love! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
The gloominess from the storm lingered. Without the natural sunlight I didn’t wake up until late afternoon when housekeeping started knocking on the door. Despite paying for the room for the next few days I find myself compelled by the encouraging words from the boys to return home.
Tae Tae: PLEASE come back home ;__;
Tae Tae: We shouldn’t suffer because of Jimin ahh
Kookie :D : Yeah! We don’t deserve to suffer because of idiot hyung!
Namjoonie: We understand how hard it must be for you. That’s the only reason we couldn’t bring ourselves to tell you.
Namjoonie: The least we can do is to support you every step of the way, so please come back home.
Jin ♥ : You shouldn’t be sad alone, let us be there for you. :( 
Jin ♥ : What happened between you and Jimin hurts us too. We don’t want to lose you.
Suga cookie: It’s true.
Suga cookie: We don’t even like her.
Suga cookie: Like at all.
The Sun: Ahhh don’t be so mean Yoongi!
Tae Tae: But he’s not wrong, Soo Young is terrible.
Kookie :D : Some may even call her a BITCHHHH
Jin ♥ : Aish, language!!!!!!
Kookie :D : I’m only repeating what I heard from you guys.
The Sun: LOLLL
The Sun: You’re a bad influence Jin
Suga cookie: You literally called her that yesterday night too lol
The Sun: I covered Jungkook’s ears
Namjoonie: It doesn’t help if you’re so loud that the entire building heard you.
Tae Tae: GUYS
Tae Tae: [Y/N], please just come home!
Kookie :D : Please :( don’t make your bunny sad
I groan tossing around on the lumpy mattress. There was no way I could ignore all their pleas and go back to sleep – at least not peacefully. After moping for a good twenty minutes I drag myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to get presentable to make an important stop before heading for the dorms.
The door whips open before my knuckle could meet the wooden surface for the third time.
“I’m so glad!” Hoseok sighs as he gathers me up in his strong arms.
A little taken aback but nonetheless I quickly wrap my arms around him to reciprocate the embrace. I pull away from Hoseok to only be hugged by the rest of the boys. After giving them each a hug I plop down on the couch preparing myself for the impending bombard of questions where I’m obligated to lie to keep them from worrying.
“Are you feeling okay?” Jin asks first.
I nod with a faintest of smiles, “I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?” Taehyung presses with a small pout.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” I say with a slow nod.
“We want you to stay. But we understand if that’s too much to ask of you,” Namjoon explains.
Yoongi sighs, “Especially with Soo Young coming to visit practically everyday.”
I nod in understanding as I fiddle with the helm of my sweater. I didn’t realize that Jimin and her would be so close already, I really wonder how long they have been seeing each other before Jimin decided to break it off with me. So I asked, even though I knew it wouldn’t do anything but cause the aching in my heart to grow.
“When did they meet?”
They collectively glance at each other to see who was to break the news to me. The gazes all settle onto Namjoon who sighs and takes on his leadership role that he grew so well into over the years.
“About a month ago, I’m sorry.”
‘And none of you thought it was a good idea to tell me?’ Was what I wanted to say but what came out was a meek “I see.” I could’ve blamed them but what good was that. They didn’t have any intention of hurting me and knowing them like they were my own brothers I knew they tried to talk to Jimin. And in the end everything came down to his decision and it came down that they were brothers more so than I was apart of their makeshift family. There shouldn’t be any hard feelings.
I take a deep breath, “Where did they meet?”
I look at Namjoon who squeezes his eyes shut, so I looked over to Yoongi. He holds my gaze for a moment before he answers with a sigh, “She’s a new trainee at Bighit. We were told to welcome them into the company and for some reason they clicked or whatever. She started to ask Jimin to help with dance practice.”
My words catch in my throat causing my voice to waver, “I see.”
Hoseok clicks his tongue and slams his fist against wall where he stood, “Maybe if I’ve been more insistent that I helped her with dance this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Hey, hey, this isn’t your fault,” I coo as I motion for him to come closer, “It was meant to be so it would’ve happened regardless of the situation. Besides, I’m sure you were busy helping out Namjoon with his dance,” I giggle patting Hoseok’s hand.
Namjoon groans causing the others to laugh out loudly where I found myself joining in.
“I honestly have no hard feelings with you guys or Jimin, I love you guys. And Jimin didn’t cheat on me. He broke things off before starting anew so given time I’m sure we will be friends again,” I explain with a genuine smile.
Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief as he throws his head back against the couch’s headrest, “Oh thank god! So you aren’t going to cut us out of your life.”
I laugh at his remark, “I honestly don’t think I could even if I wanted to with you blowing up my phone every minute of the day.”
Taehyung excitedly sits up from his seat beside Jungkook, “Oh! Does that mean you are going to stay with us?”
I dampen my chapped lips with my tongue before announcing the news, “I actually came here to tell everyone that I’m moving out.”
A collective round of gasps and “what” fills the room before I could apologize to them for the sudden and clearly upsetting news.
“(Y/N) noona…”
Jungkook was visibly the most upset. But by the blank expressions plastered on everyone’s faces I knew I hurt them deeply by my selfish decision. But sometimes you just need to care for yourself and let yourself heal before you could help others. That’s what I needed to do. I couldn’t be the dependable anchor I was for them if I couldn’t take care of myself. So my priority was to heal myself first before I could dive back into their world and to be apart of it again. I just need sometime.
“Where are you moving to?” Yoongi finally asks.
I watch his face carefully. The stoic façade he held up faltered when I gave him the answer to his question, “Gwanak.”
“That’s so far from Gangnam,” Namjoon immediately states.
“I’m moving closer to school,” I shrug.
Jungkook dismisses Namjoon’s concern and addresses his own, “You’ll still come to movie night, right?”
I take a quick glance at everyone’s face frozen with anticipation, “Yeah sure,” I shrug in defeat, “Only if you guys help me pack!”
With the help of six pairs of hands we ended up packing all of my belongings in about an hour. I wipe the imaginary dust off my hands on my pants as I watch Jin and Taehyung carry the last cardboard box to the living room. Just in time for the door to swing open by an overly enthusiastic cherry blossom haired Jimin.
“Guys! Guess who’s moving in with us?” He exclaims throwing up his hands in the air.
“Oh yay is it Soo Young?” Yoongi cheers flatly but his blank face says otherwise.
“It’s me!” The said girl giggles, popping through the door to quickly latch onto Jimin’s bicep.
“Oh yay,” Hoseok deadpans. He turns around to flash everyone a ‘yikes’ expression where he pulls his chin close to his neck forming the world’s best triple chin action there was.
“Uhhh…did you ask Bang PD-nim about this?” Namjoon inquires calmly but the fear in his eyes were evident as day.
Jimin blinks and shakes his head, “Nope, but there shouldn’t be an issue seeing that he allowed (Y/N) to stay with us.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes with a loud dramatic sigh, “That’s different because we all knew (Y/N) for years before she moved in. Have you ever thought to ask us if we even want your new girlfriend to move in with us?”
At Jungkook’s valid yet a little harsh reasoning it causes Jimin to grow defensive. His usually soft expression was not present as his eyebrows knit together and a scowl pulls on the corners of his plump lips.
Jimin cocks his head up as if he was challenging the younger male, “Do you have a problem with Soo Young moving in?”
“Yeah actually I do, so what are you going to do now huh?” Jungkook challenges back as he takes a step towards the shorter male.
Jimin takes a step forward but was quickly pulled back by the petite girl who was latched to his arm, “Jiminnie…why does everyone hate me,” she pouts.
Jungkook rolls his eyes as he leans on the backrest of the couch. We all silently watch Jimin console his new girlfriend. She sniffles and snuggles into Jimin’s arms as he flashes us all with a death glare, “Why can’t you guys just be happy for me? I’m finally happy and this is how you treat the love of my life? Seriously.”
Jimin pauses in his splurge of anger when Soo Young leans up to whisper in his ears. That’s when he finally turns his attention to me, “And why are you still here? Didn’t I tell you to move out already? Jeez.”
I blink a few times at the sudden attack, “Oh. Yeah!” I pat for my pockets to locate my phone. Taking out the device I see the new notification on the illuminated screen, “Oh praise the lord the moving truck is right outside. Everyone grab a box and let’s go I gotta get my ass out of here before Jimin loses it!” I joke as I grab the closest box and make a mad dash past Jimin and Soo Young.
Jungkook was hot on my trail with the largest box marked as “(Y/N)’s nerd books” aka my heavy ass school textbooks that worth more than my life. Shortly after the rest of the boys minus Jimin grab a box and follow me outside to where the large moving truck parked. I was honestly having doubts of moving when I saw all the boxes piled up in the living room where once sweet memories were held from the countless movie nights were held – home to all the cuddles and laughs.
I pull my lower lip between my teeth, “I guess this is good bye?” I ask shuffling my weight from foot to foot.
“I think you mean ‘see you soon’ don’t forget your promise to come to movie night on Friday,” Yoongi says with a smug smile.
“Aish, I never promised!” I groan crossing my arms over my chest.
Jin shakes his head clicking his tongue, “You youngsters nowadays, so sneaky. You’re breaking my heart, along with my back because god knows I didn’t just carry your box of nerd books down a flight of stairs for free.”
“Don’t take the credit hyung! I carried her nerd books!” Jungkook interjects slapping the older male, earning him a loud dramatic gasp.
I laugh shaking my head, “I’ll see everyone on Friday, I promise.”
Friday comes faster than I wished.
Kookie :D : Noona you’re still coming yeah?
[Y/N]: Yessir
Tae Tae: YAY! You can pick the movie tonight!
The Sun: WOW
The Sun: Where is the consent? It’s my turn to choose this time!!! TT
[Y/N]: LOL. I was thinking we could watch a horror!
The Sun: Wow
The Sun: You’re actually evil
[Y/N]: Just like the thing that lives under your bed… :)
Tae Tae: LOL!
The Sun: Moving out changed you!!
The Sun: By the way how’s your new place?
[Y/N]: Pretty nice and cozy! Thanks for asking!
[Y/N]: I’m gonna finish unpacking now. See you guys tonight!
Kookie :D : See you noona!
Tae Tae: See ya!
The Sun: See you sooooon
Pretty nice and cozy was an understatement.
The “new” place was actually quite old and “cozy” was more like cramped. My new home was no more than 200 square feet, but I was lucky enough to live here than to be stuck in a goshiwon. The boys have been rather supportive and offered to pay for my living expenses since I was a full time student with a shitty part time job at a small café but they already did so much for me. I never paid rent until now in my life and I feel like I should take full responsibility and be independent. I flop onto the yellow couch with some questionable stains that the old tenant left behind. I absentmindedly pick at the debris of a brownish tint thinking of chocolate before it registered in my brain that this could’ve easily been someone’s bloodily…stuff. I cringed and went to wash my hands under hot water. I felt pretty miserable but I couldn’t allow the boys to worry over me regarding such a petty issue. I guess I wasn’t used to living quietly alone. And I think that bothered me more than the small dirty living conditions – I simply hate being lonely.
So I guess that made me feel more excited to go meet with the boys. However, they never specified if Jimin would be there. But once the door cracks open to their brightly lit dorm it answered all my questions. Yes Jimin was indeed there and of course so was Soo Young because she lives there now. I barely heard Jin’s excited ramblings as he held the door for me to enter their warm home, all I could focus on was Jimin’s dishevelled blush locks and the purple bruises running up along his neck to his exposed shoulder as he confidently sports a lose white t-shirt. I couldn’t help but to grow upset over this, I know I had no reason to be upset because we weren’t together anymore so whatever he does is none of my business, but it still hurts nonetheless. It hurts even more when his gaze meets mine and he gives me a small smile with no lace of hostility present. And I honestly preferred Jimin’s cold shoulder than him acting like his soft usual self because it just reminds me of how much I miss him.
I dig my nails into my aching palms to calm down my racing heart as I stand frozen watching him wrap his arm around Soo Young’s slim shoulders. She laughs at something Taehyung says as she playfully reaches out to slap him gently on his chest.
“Oh [Y/N]’s here!” Jungkook exclaims as he rounds the corner from the kitchen with an enormous bowl of popcorn.
He hastily passes the bowl to Yoongi who walks by conveniently empty handed except for a fluffy pillow between his armpit. Despite the famous Yoongi eye roll he takes Jungkook’s sudden offering and carries it to the coffee table in the living room. The younger brunette runs my way to envelope me in a tight embrace, “I’m so glad that you came!”
I wrap my arms around him equally as tight to bask in his warmth. He refuses to pull away but I didn’t mind. I latch onto his waist as he casually threw an arm around my shoulder as we made our way into the living room like two peas in a pod. I manage a small smile for Soo Young who eyes me quietly with an even expression refusing to return the gesture. I awkwardly advert my attention to Hoseok who happily enters the room, “YAYYY let’s get movie night started!” he screams on the top of his lungs.
I squeeze into the snug spot between Jungkook and Namjoon on the couch. I give Namjoon a genuine grin as he places my favourite drink in my hand, “Thank you Namjoonie.”
“Oh! What’s that? I never tried it before, I want that too Jiminnie oppa,” Soo Young whines as she points a finger at the cold can between my hands. I instinctively held the beverage tighter. Living with seven males does something to you regarding being territorial over food.
“Ah…we usually only buy one of those because only [Y/N] drinks that. Sorry jagi, I’ll get some more next time for you okay?” Jimin coos running a hand through her long silky black locks.
Even with his soft warm hands coaxing her as he explained Soo Young puffs out her cheeks with a pout adorning her plump lips, “Fine…”
Even though my inners were screaming “VICTORY! That’s right I get to keep my drink because it’s rightfully mine! HAHAHA!” I also felt the nagging in my brain that I should be the bigger person and give her the beverage. The sweet ice cold beverage...
I shake my head to rid of the selfish thought. I hold the can out towards Soo Young as I force the corners of my lips to pull upwards without looking constipated with annoyance, “Here, it’s really good you should have it since you’ve never tried it.”
A quiet, “Oh shit [Y/N] is sharing her food” announced amidst the silence. I cock a brow as I shake the drink slightly and without missing a beat Soo Young snatches the can out of my hand, “Thanks,” she mumbles.
She cracks open the can and takes a sip, “Yuck! I don’t like it,” she coughs as she quickly places the can to Jimin, “Can you pass me a coke instead?”
Is she fucking kidding me?
I resist the urge to roll my eyes so I cleared my throat instead to supress the itchy feeling I had in my eye. Jimin notices and sends me an apologetic smile which I return forcibly.
“Anyways,” Hoseok clasps his hands together, “It’s your turn to choose the movie!” he exclaims passing me the controller to surf through Netflix.
“Thanks Hobi.”
I grab the controller and scroll through the enormous selection of movies and shows before finally settling on an animated comedy. Before I could even load the film a meek voice speaks up, “Um…shouldn’t I be the one to pick the movie? After all it’s my first movie night!” Soo Young giggles as she gives me a soft smile.
“Oh that’s true,” Jimin pipes in as he also looks at me.
My voice catches in my throat as my hands suddenly grow clammy around the plastic controller, “I – I…yeah! You’re right, sorry.” I stumble over my words pathetically as I pass the controller over to her. I lean back into the couch and I wished I disappeared between the cushions, when was I ever this timid?
Was it because I felt like I was the intruder among the group and not Soo Young?
I quietly watch the titles of movies fly across the screen as she searches for a movie that fits her taste. She finally settles on a romance film, which was literally the last thing I wanted to watch since I got dumped this week. And not only that, but by the boy sitting adjacent from me with his arm curled around his new boo. I might’ve also been extra salty since she wasted my favourite drink and took my right as movie picker of the week. So this all piled together to create a very unhappy me. And pathetically, I almost burst out in tears at her next few words.
“I think a romantic movie is fitting since me and Jimin are finally together!” She exclaims happily as she pulls Jimin in for a kiss. The figure of ‘exclaim’ was being generous as she was practically bragging about this whole over deal in my face.
I didn’t realize that I zoned out until I jumped a little at the coolness that suddenly manifested in my hands. My eyes drift down to see a can of coke and up to see Jungkook with a soft bunny smile, “We can watch Zootopia together another time, okay?”
“Okay,” I smile with a light giggle.
Jungkook always knew how to make me feel better. He pulls me tightly to his side as he leans back with a bag of chips on his lap. He pulls out a chip and violently shoves it into my closed mouth causing the poor crisp to crumble into billions of pieces. I snorted as I playfully elbowed him in the gut.
Taehyung dims the lights before sitting down beside Jimin, leaving Hoseok to have the honor to sit beside Soo Young. I barely could focus on the illuminated screen as I hear whispers and giggles erupting from Jimin.
“Jagi…not here,” he whines softly, but not soft enough. I glance over to see Hoseok get up from his spot to migrate onto the floor by Yoongi’s feet. Ignoring the curiosity I train my eyes onto the television.
“Jagi~” Jimin moans.
I could feel the rest of the boys shift uncomfortably as they try their best to not give the new couple their attention, because firstly it’s awkward, and second it’s just disrespectful. But I couldn’t find the shits to give as I glance without a shame towards the two of them. I watch Jimin squirm about as he pushes against Soo Young’s hand underneath his shirt. Even though he lamely attempts to stop her curious hands the bashful smile on his face says otherwise. I was taken aback as Soo Young’s eyes suddenly meets mine. A dark glint flashes over her glossy brown hues as she leans into Jimin’s body to press a kiss against the supple skin of his Adam’s apple. I quickly look back onto the magically interesting scene on the television where the man on the screen brews a cup of coffee. I couldn’t help but to feel antsy in my skin so I shift my weight on the couch every few minutes causing a distressing groan to echo from the leather as it makes contact with my butt. I’m not sure if it was the squeaks from my butt, or the intimate sounds that pushed Yoongi over the edge but he finally speaks up.
“Honestly, if you guys are going to do that can you please just excuse yourselves and go to your room?”
I swallow thickly as I watch Yoongi cast his dark eyes over to Jimin and Soo Young where the shy boy in response lowers his head so that his hair covers his eyes from embarrassment. Soo Young stays silent as Jimin stutters out a quick apology where he promises that there won’t be any more funny business for the rest of the night.
He thankfully stays true to his promise and manages to keep Soo Young’s hands to herself as we quietly finish the movie.
I squint as Taeyhyung switches the lights back on. With a yawn and a satisfying stretch I jump up from the couch to help clean up. I glance at the glowing yellow digits on the microwave that read 12:05 AM as I walk into the kitchen with an armful of stacked bowls that rattled with leftover kernels.
“Ah I think I should get going,” I sigh.
Namjoon furrows his brows, “Oh crap, isn’t it going to take you well over an hour to get back home?”
“Yup,” I say popping the ‘p’ at the end, “It’ll give me enough time to get over that shitty ending of the movie. I can’t believe they didn’t end up together,” I laugh.
“I think the last bus just left,” Hoseok explains, “Besides don’t worry about it. Yoongi says he’s going to drop you off anyway.”
I shake my head quickly, “I’ll be fine you guys! Besides it’s late.”
This causes Hoseok to roll his eyes – he’s been spending way too much time with Yoongi, “Which explains why you shouldn’t be bussing home. At night. By yourself.”
“YAHHH,” I laugh, “I’ll be fine jeez!”
“Maybe you should stay the night,” a soft voice suggests.
I turn away from the sink to see Jimin.
“Um,” I lick my lips before politely declining his offer, “Thanks I really appreciate it but that won’t be necessary...” I trail off watching a furious Soo Young storm into the kitchen.
“Did you just offer her to stay the night?” she asks clicking her tongue with crossed arms over her chest, “You still love her, don’t you?”
Her tone of voice suggests it as more of an angry statement than a question but I didn’t dwell on it for long as the situation got more saucy with Jimin’s response.
“No of course not!”
There it was.
“Don’t worry, I only love you Soo Young,” Jimin explains desperately.
Soo Young shakes her head as tears fill her eyes causing Jimin to distress even more than he already was. She sobs loudly causing the rest of the members to crowd into the kitchen, “Then why is she always here? Tell me. I don’t want to be here if she’s here!”
Whether they were crocodile tears or not Jimin was pressed over them and quickly threw out any concerns he had for me two seconds ago out the window. He swallows before speaking quietly, “Sorry [Y/N], I don’t think you should come over anymore.”
Before I could respond with a quick ‘okay’ the boys start to speak over each other to address how ridiculous Soo Young was being. All maturity the group showed towards Jimin’s girlfriend tonight was forgotten as they started calling her out on her dictatorial antics. Which only caused Jimin to grow even more upset as Soo Young started crying even harder.
I catch Jimin’s soft brown orbs as I give him a nod and a soft smile. I turn to quietly leave the chaos of the kitchen but not before quietly mouthing an apology to him, “Sorry.”
Surprisingly amidst the warzone Jimin also manages to shy away from the mess to trail after me. But he stays silent as I shimmy into my coat my boots. I open my palms to him and gesture for him to speak, which he doesn’t and that only grows the frustration I felt for him.
I push out a deep sigh, “What is it Jimin?”
“I…” he stutters before lowering his head towards the ground, “I’m sorry.”
I shrug lowering my head as well, “It’s…okay,” I mumble quietly.
“I hurt you, and that’s not okay! Why don’t you hate me? You haven’t screamed or hit me once – do something! Why don’t you care?” Jimin says raising his voice with each sentence he rambles out.
I blink in confusion, “I – guess I always just expected this to happen sooner or later,” I shrug before continuing, “And I guess it just so happened to be sooner.”
Jimin scrunches up his nose in complete confusion, “What do you mean you expected this to happen?” I could hear the tint of anger laced in his tone, “You really think that lowly of me?”
A soft giggle escapes my lips and I shake my head, “I expected us to end, because look at me. How could someone like you stay with someone like me?”
He groans tugging at his messy pink locks, “What do you mean ‘someone like you and someone like me’?” he cries out in frustration.
“When you asked me to be your girlfriend I was prepared for this to happen. You deserve the best Jimin, you deserve to be with an idol. Not some…I don’t know…Plain Jane like me, okay? I love you, I really do. But I’m not going to fight just to hold you back because you deserve the best Jimin, and I can’t provide that for you.”
Jimin’s jaw goes slack a few times before he musters up a meek reply, “Aren’t you sad?”
I ignore the deep resonation from my chest and put up a smile for him, “Jimin, are you happy?”
He scrunches up his features and cocks his head in confusion at my sudden question, “Yes? I guess…why?”
“My happiness lies with yours,” I truthfully state with an affirmative nod.
No longer being able to hold in his frustration he outwardly groans, “What does that even mean?”
I let out a small dry chuckle, “It means that I just want the best for you,” I explain turning around to face the door, “Good night Jimin.”
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