#and finding a way to navigate the difficulties of long distance
clingylilhoneybee · 2 months
Life finally feels like it’s falling into place 🥰
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ozzgin · 5 months
Santa baby are you really there?!
*hears a voice in my backyard*
- you make Yan skinwalker i’ll do anything to get a skin walker to love me … yes I am 100% mentally stable
I'm not sure if you had something horror-esque in mind, because my immediate idea was Reader accidentally getting cursed and continuing her life completely unaware with a ""dog"" everyone is freaked out by, but she finds it cute. So more like dark comedy vibes. You be the judge. :D
Disclaimer: I have changed the name to Shapeshifter as to not delve into potentially offensive takes on native folklore. Thank you for informing my European ass.
Yandere!Monster x Reader [Shapeshifter]
On your last hiking trip, you've stumbled upon a helpless, lost dog. Or rather, it stalked you down to your cabin and spent the night in front of your window. You didn't have the heart to abandon the poor soul and so you brought it home with you. Strange things have been happening ever since and no one knows how to tell you that the monstrous coyote-like creature might be to blame. You're oblivious to everything.
Content: female reader, dark comedy, monster romance, reader is cursed and proud
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It wasn't your intention to return home with a new pet. Some might say it was written in the stars, this fateful encounter of yours. You had finished packing your supplies for a day-long hike, vehemently refusing to join your group of friends that would be guided around by a native. They’d warned you many areas of the mountainous forest were supposedly cursed or haunted, so you just scribbled the limits on your makeshift map and promised to stay on the main trails. After all, this was your chance to commune with nature. As the sun begun to set, you wondered if going by yourself was indeed a smart idea, given your lack of spatial awareness and difficulty to navigate maps. You flipped the piece of paper several times, deep in contemplation. Could it be that you’ve reached the forbidden lands? You quickly surveyed the area: based on the stuffed rag dolls hanging from old branches, and the animal skulls arranged in patterns among patches of burnt grass, it was very much a possibility. Perhaps the improvised slab that said “Stay away” in dripping crimson letters should’ve been enough of a warning, but you assumed they’d just been creative with trail markers.
You didn’t have the time to panic. Just as you were furrowing your eyebrows in a final attempt to decipher the map (at the time upside-down), your ears picked up a faint shuffle of leaves. Further away stood a dog, its glossy eyes fixated on your form. A lost puppy? It seemed to be on the larger side, but then again some breeds grow rather fast. You lowered yourself and patted your knees, whispering diminutives in an effort to call the animal over. It remained in place, staring quietly. Alright, then. You focused on finding your way back instead. Every now and then you'd turn back and see the dog, motionlessly eyeing you at a constant distance. Oh, dear. Was it lost? Frightening affair.
Back at the cabin you told the others about your discovery, with a hint of worry in your voice. You hoped the little pup had found proper shelter. You'd expected a similar reaction coming from your friends, but one of them suggested: "What if it was some shapeshifting monster? There's many legends and stories from the area." Everyone laughed and you joined hesitantly, mildly annoyed by the lack of empathy. That night you barely slept, twisting and turning under the heavy feeling of being watched. You woke up tired and nervous, dragging your feet towards the window for some fresh air. That's when you saw the same forest creature, fully awake and tall in its glory, positioned before your room. This was no coincidence. You had been plagued by the guilt of abandoning a vulnerable quadruped and you weren't about to continue as a passive observer. You strode out without a word and lifted the large dog with a huff, carrying it back in to figure out the transport logistics.
Thus started the unexpected companionship. To you, it's a lovely tale of two lost souls finding one another. Most people seem to disagree. Can you blame them? The rescued puppy you often speak of is, in the eyes of everyone else, a monstrous beast by all definitions. It resembles a coyote more than a dog, but even this description is too gentle. The fur is always raised threateningly and the protruding clusters of fangs remind one of the anatomical anomalies displayed in museums. The eyes, oh, the worst of all perhaps, bottomless depths that pull you in until you run out of air. The creature stares with the all-knowing gaze of a human. "Don't be rude", you snap at whoever dares to point these details out. "It must be a mixed breed or something."
Their persistence is truly ridiculous. You've even had guests run out in panic, claiming the dog stood on its back legs and whispered in a language unknown. Or that its shadow would morph into a grotesque man with claws and crooked antlers. Or that they've found it hunched over your sleeping form, its spine twisted outwards with jagged peaks breaking through the wild fur. Rubbish, all of it.
Strange things have been happening, no doubt, but your adopted fur-child has no blame to carry. You've been trying to distract yourself, going on dates and occasionally bringing potential suitors over. They all vanish overnight, nonchalantly leaving an empty, ruffled bed for you to wake up to. "Am I just unlucky?" You sigh, running your fingers through the coarse fur of your dog. It lowers itself under your touch, visibly enjoying the affection. For a split second, it glances out the window. By the time you come out of your depressed slump, the birds should've finished feeding on the remains. He made sure to tear and grind everything fine enough to not leave any marks behind.
That's how curses work, after all. He didn't expect, however, that you'd be utterly unaware of it. He has to give you the credit, not many people become stalked by an ancient curse and continue their life in blissful ignorance. Even more, for them to just casually pick up the haunting entity and bring it inside their home willingly...You're, uh, certainly a special one. Hence the change of plans. He was supposed to torment you into an early grave, but he's grown rather attached to your bizarre antics. And you do provide some damn good chin scratches. He's therefore satisfied with causing anguish and destruction to anything and anyone in your immediate vicinity instead. Since you've been complaining about the resulting isolation...
You wake up with a gasp, wiping your drenched forehead and checking the sheets. The dog is curled next to you, although its head is now tilted in your direction. "O-oh. It might be the loneliness talking...but I had the strangest dream." How troubling and embarrassing. Your beloved pet had turned into a deformed, monstrous man instead, pinning you down and hungrily grazing your skin with his sharp teeth. Your fearful protests eventually turned into shameless moans, your frail body at the mercy of the mysterious beast. It unfolded so vividly that your core feels sore. You stretch a sheepish hand towards your pet and abruptly stop halfway, noticing the marks diffused into your wrist, like violet smudges of watercolor. What the hell did you do last night?
The dog buries its head under the sheets and nuzzles its snout into your soft flesh. Heh. How many more disappearing guests will be needed for you to figure out your situation? He does find your obliviousness terribly amusing, as well as your willingness to clutch onto him despite his unsightly appearance. He was feeling particularly cheeky and thought of giving you a little scare, only to be once again taken aback by your neediness. He has to wonder who exactly is trapped in this situation, because your reactions to everything he does are frighteningly tempting. Maybe tonight he'll finally let you know, just as you're about to come undone beneath his heaving body. Something like, hmmm. "By the way, love, this isn't a dream." He could even add a little "woof" to tease you more.
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vivmaek · 2 years
MOON IN THE 1st HOUSE: Observations
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Those who have this placement are ever changing and fluid. These individuals are highly sensitive and attuned to every shift felt within their environment. They are perceptive and watch others from afar in silence. Although their presence is not always recognized, it is felt by everyone. There are periods of time in which those who have the Moon in the first house must hide away. Recharging is very important to these individuals. They have a special connection with water, it soothes their soul. A simple shower can do wonders, this everyday habit cleanses away all the excess energy they pick up from others. They also have a special connection with music, a song playing overhead in a supermarket can change their mood without them even realizing it. On the flip side, there are also times in which a person with this placement wants to show themselves off to the world! They really are quite fun, they get into the type of mischief that reminds me of little kids playing in the dark. They are all giggles and jokes when surrounded by kindred spirits. There is also a naughty side to them that others wouldn't pick up on because they look so innocent. In fact, there are many hidden aspects to those with this placement that will never see the light of day. In ways, these individuals treasure the most private aspects of themselves, but they also carry a lot of shame. From the time they were born, those with Moon in the first house were assigned the role of a caregiver. They have been expected to put others first all throughout their lives. So, in the few instances in which they do something purely for themselves, they often feel conflicted with guilt afterwards. It is easy for others to take advantage of them because of their overly generous nature. Learning how to set healthy boundaries is a hard lesson for those with displacement. They either overly cater to others, or they keep them at a cold distance. They also find it difficult to open up to others, despite the fact that other people open up to them rather easily. However, even with their difficulties in navigating the social sphere, these natives go on to create many deep and meaningful connections throughout their lives. The love and care they give others is life changing and much needed. On an intuitive level, these individuals know what people need. Their delicate nature is soothing and they bring so much comfort into the lives of others. They have huge watery eyes with long eyelashes. Their physical body is defined by many soft features that are pleasing to the eye. They move gracefully and aren’t really prone to pick up on fidgety mannerism. Under periods of stress or discomfort, it is more like their body shuts down into a slump rather than a nervous strain. It is easy to pick up on what they are feeling because they express every emotion readily on their face. They have an inner radiance that reflects their peaceful nature.
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mosscreektarot · 2 years
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Akashic Records Reading
This reading is an in-depth look at what the Akashic records want to bring forward for you at this time. This may contain indications of your soul’s purpose, your traits, past lives, and lessons you need to learn in this lifetime. Please be aware that this is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave the rest behind.  The groups are as follows: Group 1-Upper Left, Group 2- Upper Right, Group 3- Lower Left, Group 4-Lower Right.
Let’s begin!
Group 1
Queen of Cups, The Tower, 4 of Wands, Page of Swords, The Hanged Man  10 of Wands Rx, King of Pentacles, 8 of Cups Rx
You love water, specifically the ocean. Something about the sand between your toes reminds you of how infinite the Universe is. You are highly passionate but don’t know how to control that passion and may feel aimless or directionless. You are VERY introspective, to the point you sometimes can’t see the forest for the trees. You can be described as “brooding” or melancholy, especially at this point in your life. 
You are heavily guarded by “Angels” or light beings, and may sometimes feel like you are being watched because of this. You may have a connection to the Fae. 
There is either currently or close at hand a highly difficult and chaotic event in your life. You may feel that all is lost and have the desire to let darkness consume you. Black cats may be significant in your life or may appear as a warning in times of trouble. 
You may have difficulty keeping close relationships or finding long-term partners. You often come off as quite intense and it is your subconscious way of keeping people at a distance. This goes back into your childhood or past lives, and you may feel like you have never seen or experienced a relationship with a healthy foundation. 
You may be an air sign or an air rising sign. You are linguistically gifted and never fail to come up with a comeback or quip. It seems like you are always ready to fight for yourself and loath the idea of giving up or giving in. Full of ideas and logic, but very little experience planning or following through. 
This life you must learn how to find solace in solitude. Meditation is especially important to your growth as an individual and you have the potential to become enlightened should you pursue this path with discipline. 
You may have been a laborer or “work horse” in a past life and often have unexplained pain or soreness that makes you feel older than your years. You easily gain muscle and have a hard time relaxing. 
Material wealth is something you have lacked in this life or past lives and you have a deep seated insecurity when it comes to money, food, and finding stable living conditions. You HATE wasting anything and do your best to live minimally. You are very frugal and find ways to reduce, re-use, and recycle almost anything. 
Your challenge is “staying”. You will leave anything or anyone behind if you feel the slightest inclination. You find it hard to work on relationships or to continue a chosen path, whether that be career, spiritual, or emotional matter. 
Group 2
9 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 6 of Swords, The Empress, Knight of Cups Rx, The Magician, Knight of Swords Rx, The Tower
You are of the stars. Your past life was from a higher dimension and you have a natural easy grace and charm. You are well-suited to manifestation. Very small (usually timid) animals are attracted to you. 
You may have recently found your person, gotten married, or are VERY close to finding true love (or a life-long friend for those of you who are not romantically inclined ;) ! ). This spring, in particular, will be one of the most memorable and beautiful seasons of your life. There is currently someone in your life who needs help and attention–reach out to them. 
The next 6 weeks will have rough waters, and you will need to make sure you are protected. Your guides will help you navigate the uncertainty you face, and you may feel like your strength is gone. Keep your head held high and look to the future. There will be ease and flow once more. 
You are called to children…You may have a child of your own, or feel the need to help guide young ones in whatever ways you can. You are warm and protective, and your nature feels like springtime after a long winter to little ones. You would do well in healing arts, teaching, forest conservation, and have a knack for growing things. Venus may have a strong influence on your birthchart. 
Self-care is what you lack. You are so busy giving your time, energy, and affection to everyone around you that you forget to dote upon yourself. Simple acts of self love like rose-petal baths, self massage, or solving puzzles (seems very specific for some of you) will do wonders for you. 
Your challenge is self-control. You find it difficult to manage your base emotions or may have a blocked sacral chakra. There is a lot of guilt and shame regarding your physical form, sex, or your gender. You are very delicate and sensitive, and cope with the injustices of the world by doing injustice to yourself. You must connect with all elements in order to be balanced; it’s like you have the recipe for life but lack ingredients. 
Things will start to happen for you very quickly once you start advocating for yourself. Reach for your goals and watch them fly to you. 
A warning: The Tower was on the bottom of the deck for this group. Do not take on too much too fast, and say no! You are primed for burnout and it has made you reckless. Listen to your gut at all times. 
Group 3
Knight of Swords, 3 of Pentacles Rx, 2 of Swords, 7 of Wands, 2 of Pentacles Rx, The High Priestess Rx, Ace of Wands Rx, 5 of Pentacles
You’re an enigma. A desert storm. Dreamlike and full of mirrors. You are the culmination of your past, present, and future…full of boundless untamed energy with a clear focus. (Do you ever sleep??) 
It’s time to share your ideas. Stop ruminating about what others will say or think. You cannot act as though your intelligence is weak or ill-gained. Yes, you are mostly self taught but you know exactly what you are doing and have groundbreaking ideas/techniques. It’s time to take action and stop deliberating. You may feel at a standstill but it is because you haven’t made the choice to move on. There is no wrong way. 
Once you act, you will have an endless list of demands and clients/customers/prospects. Your life will become more hectic than ever and it’s important you learn to ground yourself now, in order to avoid hitting the wall. You need to learn to juggle tasks (focus on one thing for a time, then switch to another), as multi-tasking will cause you to mis-step. 
Your challenge in this life is trusting your intuition. You may often classify it as anxiety or run logical circles in your mind to prevent you from making a clear decision. Start focusing on the lunar cycle and how it can help you manifest/banish. Spend time in the moonlight. Amethyst may be a powerful crystal for you. 
You have so much fear your idea will fail, and this is keeping you from even trying. You cannot bring your dreams/manifestations to fruition if you don’t act! You think too much and it is only harming you. You may be bringing ill-will into your life because you ruminate and cannot just let things go or be as they are. If you catch yourself doing this, say to yourself “I release this idea”, and physically DO something else to change your focus. Realize it is only human to have this tendency/intrusive thoughts and that there is nothing wrong with you (barring extreme anxiety/OCD–if you have suspicions of those disorders please see a doctor--there isn't anything wrong with you either, but you may need some outside assistance :) ). 
You may currently be in need of something and have very little hope that someone will help you. Help is around the bend. Your full desires will come to fruition in 5 years or 5 seasons, but the worst will be over after Yule. 
Group 4 
6 of Swords, The World, 4 of Wands Rx, 3 of Wands Rx, 9 of Swords Rx, Ace of Cups Rx, 9 of Wands, 10 of Wands
You have been carried and guided in past lives or this life so much that you are not sure how to stand on your own two feet. You were VERY famous in a past life, and were a prominent historical figure. Marie Antoinette vibes... However, because of this constant pampering and being followed about by “yes men”, you cannot take criticism or be wholly independent. You need guidance, and that’s okay. 
That being said, you continually seek purpose from others, and it’s time you re-evaluate that habit. You need intrinsic motivation and a sense of self-worth before you can find true and lasting happiness in your interpersonal relationships. Worship yourself before you grant anyone access to your temple. 
You feel the need to travel or may be very “flighty”. Some may think of you as flakey or withdrawn. You are a strong leader but are out of practice. You may have been betrayed by those around you (Et tu, Brute?), which makes it difficult to see yourself in a position of leadership once more. 
It seems you have personal demons that haunt your dreams and make you feel like you were born unlucky. Cleanse your space (especially under your bed!) and protect it with cinnamon, herb sachets, or even something as simple as salt and see if that clears up some of this dark/heavy energy you have been feeling. 
Your challenge in this life is learning to fill your own cup. You cannot rely on compliments or gifts from other people to make you feel worthy. Make space in your schedule to pick up a hobby, read a book, journal, or take quiet walks. There is more to life than validation. 
You have been building a small empire of side projects and ideas and feel quite worn out by the work you’ve put in. They are slowly growing but you feel wary. Take the time to celebrate how far you’ve come and the milestones you’ve reached so far. There is still much work to be done, but your harvest will be bountiful! Make sure you take breaks when needed. 
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withercrown · 8 months
What are your thoughts on Dryden and Maul? 👀 (Also I think you might enjoy the new book called Crimson Climb.)
So Dryden is an interesting one, because Maul has been shown again and again to be highly aggressive when confronted with other men in positions of power (more Sidious trauma lol). And likewise, I think Dryden would very much see Maul as a means to an end, someone to leverage for more power and then potentially betray if the opportunity arose, à la Pre Vizsla.
But Dryden seems to be more of a pragmatist, and obviously he was able to work with Maul for a long time. As long as he was able to stay in his own sphere of influence, he was probably happy enough to keep the peace.
However, that's kind of a boring assessment. So let's imagine that they're put into a position of needing to work together more directly. I think there are elements of Dryden's personality that would grate Maul, namely his Core World affectations and his more... Kenobi-ish traits, for lack of a better word. And likewise, Dryden doesn't like to be in a situation in which he isn't the one exerting the greatest control upon the group. He follows Maul, sure, but at a distance! In his own element, he's king.
I could see the intial difficulties being mostly that Dryden would feel that Maul was disrespecting him in ways that were both humiliating and potentially reputation destroying. Maul, insecure about his own authority (he really is), would probably never miss and opportunity to patronize or threaten Dryden. He would have absolutely no qualms about doing this publicly.
But they're both smart men, and it would be interesting to see ways that they could adapt to each other. Most likely, Dryden would just try to be patient and grit his teeth through their time together. But if that time together was indefinite, he'd find ways to adjust himself to Maul's abrasiveness. He would prioritize making himself indespensible to Maul, assessing Maul's weaknesses and then becoming expert in those things. Dryden would navigate the drama and family politics of the syndicate scene on Maul's behalf, perhaps taking a more advisory/consigliere role. When negotiations were needed, Dryden would be the one doing them.
And I think for them, that could work! I could see Dryden waxing poetic about the intricate details and juicy gossip about the various families while Maul stoically tolerates him, glad that someone knows what's going on (and it isn't him). And Dryden would leverage the reputation he'd gain for being obviously on "friendly terms" with Maul, which would probably make him an asset to just about everyone who might prefer to speak to Maul through a buffer (so... just everyone, then).
Conversely, Dryden's personal involvement would actually do a better job of keeping Maul in the loop than he'd otherwise expect, because Dryden is savvy and clever and good at mixing with people. So ultimately I think they actually could complement each other nicely, albeit after some friction that may or may not end in someone being stabbed (probably Dryden).
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sapphuric-acid · 3 months
Porcelain Heart: An Extended Poem(?)
I’m sorry that I’m so fragile. You have to be careful with me. My heart is temperamentally tender Like a teacup or vase or doll. I don’t like how difficult I am, But I don’t mind how difficult you are. I hope that you love me despite my difficulties, Just as I love you. But I feel as though my difficulties are much worse, Much harder to navigate and overlook.
I’ve always had a porcelain heart. I’ve been kept as decoration for so long.  I imagine I wouldn’t be so fragile If someone taught me how to be careful with it Instead of keeping me on a shelf.
You can’t spend your life avoiding cracks, No matter how hard you try. All the china cabinets and bubble wrap you use Will only help you stay intact; You’ll find yourself only surviving, not living.
I don’t want to survive at a safe distance, For to live is to break and repair. So do forgive me for all the times I crack And all the time and glue I take, And do forgive me for all the things I can’t do Because I don’t know how to not break.
I am not trying to be fragile, If I could help it I wouldn’t break With every new experience or change in plans, With every uncertainty or issue. I’ve been told it makes me difficult, That I’m selfish for all the care I must take. I’ve gotten better at avoiding the cracks But still have a long way to go Before I can confidently travel anywhere Without carrying my bottle of glue. And I worry a little that I’ll never get there, But I know to get there I need to go out.
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notajinn · 6 months
Top Games Played in 2023 - Number 4: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
4. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
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Despite playing quite a few different 2D Legend of Zelda games as a kid, I never stuck with one long enough to finish it. So I decided I should make Link to the Past the first one I finish.
So yes, I played this for the first time in 2023. Only 32 years late!
What I Like
After how disappointed I was by the dungeons in Breath of the Wild, I was so happy with the dungeons in this game. Every one of them was fun to navigate and had something unique going on. Puzzles are also much more decipherable for me in 2D, so I didn’t have to look things up. Going through dungeons has always been my favourite part of any Zelda game, so getting this right already made this one of my favourites in the series.
Most bosses are fun, even though they often don't require the dungeon item. There is at least one exception I’ll mention in the negatives section, but otherwise they were all fun and fairly fast encounters. The final boss in particular is very fun with how tight the time is to land hits. I played this on the SNES Classic, so I had save states from outside the boss rooms to help. I don’t know how bad it was to return from the closest continue point though, so the constant trial-and-error may not have been as fun originally.
The music is stellar, as expected of a first-party game on the SNES.
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The world is fun to explore. I like that it’s small enough that you can get from point A to point B pretty quickly, but it’s so dense in terms of how far you can delve into each screen with the right approach. It’s very refreshing after BOTW was very wide but very empty.
What I Didn't Like
At the beginning of the game, the learning curve of moving around to dodge enemies was really high. Again this is my first 2D Zelda, so I was very bad at moving around with the D-Pad and maintain the right distance to attack enemies without getting hit. I did figure it out around the first dungeon, but it was a frustrating little while.
The shield is practically useless outside of some extremely specific situations.
In the late game, I easily ran out of things to spend Rupees on. Which isn’t a big problem, but it did make it disappointing when I puzzled my way to a treasure chest only to get Rupees I don’t need. And this is considering I found the upgrade fairy and considerably boosted my arrow and bomb capacity.
Some dungeon items are a letdown, like the armor. It’s also weird to get dungeon items that aren’t needed for bosses; 3D Zelda made me assume that’s the main thing they’re for.
Speaking of important items, I find it strange the Silver Arrows are required for the final boss but they're extremely missable! I nearly missed them myself.
Backtracking between World of Light and Dark feels much more complicated than any of the exploring beforehand, so it’s a big difficulty spike. It’s also where I pretty much gave up on getting secrets because there was too much to try with the world-switching.
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I hate that stupid worm boss that pushes you off the platform and makes you start the file over. It's just frustrating. Arguably my least favourite Zelda boss ever.
Final Thoughts
I’m glad I finally got around to playing this. I understand why many people consider it the best Zelda game. It’s not my favourite, but I had a great time with it.
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stewblog · 1 year
The Banshees of Inisherin
As quietly devastating a movie as I've seen in a long time as Martin McDonagh delivers a thoughtful and heartbreaking examination on aging and friendship.
The core conflict is an existential conundrum that I've long contemplated in the age of social media's dominance: How long are friendships meant to last? As platforms like Facebook or Twitter become one of the key ways we (re)connect and communicate with people, it can sometimes be challenging to simply move on. It used to be, you'd meet someone, develop a friendship, and then time and age and even distance would mean that those relationships would simply run their course as you become different people with different goals and priorities. Drifting apart is a natural part of our evolution as humans. Sometimes it's sudden, sometimes it's natural, sometimes it happens over the course of years. But now that anyone from any point in your life can ostensibly hop back into it, how does that affect our natural inclination to let some relationships remain and others fade? Obviously individuals have the ability to block or mute or otherwise ignore people on social media, but (from my experience, at least) there is some modicum of expectation that you be courteous or welcoming to people who are reaching out in a friendly, good faith manner.
It feels harder than ever to simply move on and be a person different from what others want or expect of the person they know. That is the burden shared by both Colm (Brendan Gleeson) and Padraic (Colin Farrel). Colm is weary of his, apparently longstanding, friendship with Padraic. Colm, bogged by the existential angst that he'll be forgotten in the decades to come, wants to write and teach music and leave behind his "boring" friendship with Padraic.
Padraic, however, cannot fathom why his best friend would turn on a dime. The resulting feud is at times hilarious, at times frightening, but always heartbreaking. Gleeson and Farrell are a tremendous pair here, Farrell in particular delivering what may be the most heart-wrenching performance of his career thus far.
McDonagh understands the difficulty in wanting to move on. He groks the necessity of it for some people. But even he feels unable to answer the question of how to navigate this conundrum in a way that leaves all involved without lasting scars. We as humans are meant to connect, to give our laughter and friendship and love to others. What is the point of our existence without these things, but at what cost? What is the cost of that need and how long must we remain in debt to it before society says we're allowed to move on? There is a balance to be found, but that balance is illusive at best, McDonagh says.
My wife expressed relief at having not watched this with me due to its elegiac tone and conclusion. In a way I can't blame her. And yet this movie is a perfect example of the strange sort of comfort I can find in a story of this sort. You ache for these two men whose lives are in varying ways torn asunder, both through their own actions and the reactions of the other. And yet it is an odd comfort to know that others struggle in the same way with relationships, with identity, with unmet desire and the inherent sadness that can often sweep its way through a life. That is what McDonagh expresses so well in this film and for that alone I am grateful for it.
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thenavysealkie · 1 year
What Goes Around || Cass & Marcus
Time: Mid-morning, after the events of Deliverance
Setting: A sea cave off the coast
Participants: @thenavysealkie & @magmahearts
Trigger Warnings: None
The sun was high in the sky as Marcus made his way down Harborside for one of his daily swims. Since regaining some of his strength, he was finally able to enjoy the water more frequently and freely than he had for the past few weeks. He passed a few familiar faces on the way down and greeted them with a smile. Finally, he reached the shore, toed off his shoes and left them behind a large rock where he usually left them when he went for his swims. 
As he entered the water, he decided to go explore a path he wasn’t familiar with. The currents there were stronger and so he hadn’t felt safe exploring this area before, but now curiosity had the better of him. He fondly remembered seeing the hidden gems off the coast of Oregon that were often overlooked by more casual swimmers and divers and wondered if Maine held similar treasures. He moved through the currents with a bit of difficulty still, but he at least was no longer worried about whether or not he could keep afloat. 
He spotted a rocky  formation in the distance and decided to swim over so he could climb on top and take a small rest to look out. Instead, as he came around it, he realized that there was a small opening at the front. Sure enough, there was a beautiful sea cave formation inside. He hadn’t been inside a proper sea cave in years, so he didn’t want to waste the opportunity to explore the inside at all. Slowly he entered the cave, illuminated only by a small bit of sunlight peeking through the entrance.
Most of the time, Cass preferred her explorations to remain within the woods. She felt safer among the trees and the forest, liked the way the ground felt beneath her feet. But she liked caves of all sorts, and Wicked’s Rest had more than a few to offer. There were the ones connected to the mines, like her cave and the Emerald Oasis and others in that network… and then there were the caves like this. Half on land, half in water. Belonging to the Earth in all her parts, in ways that even Cass couldn’t manage. 
The cave felt different than the ones fully on land. Cass ran her hand along the wall as she explored, humming softly to herself. The energy was somehow both foreign and familiar, strange and safe. 
Hearing a noise towards the mouth of the cave, she made her way there quietly, sticking to areas where she could remain out of sight but still find out who — or what — had joined her. When she spotted him, she froze. A familiar face, but not a good one. The last time she’d seen him, she’d felt weak for ages after. Her connection to the Earth had been muted, her true form glowing so much duller than it was supposed to. She hadn’t even been able to manage a proper glamour until something had changed and it had all come back to her at once. And she’d been so young. Too young to work out what was happening, too alone to get help with it. There weren’t a lot of people she was afraid of; the stranger with the funny pelt was one of them. Cass scrambled backwards, trying to get away quickly but forgetting to do it quietly. A rock tumbled down the cave, echoing in its movement… and drawing the stranger’s eyes right to her.
Marcus’s attention quickly refocused on a sound he heard further into the cave. Was there somebody else there? These waters were difficult for a regular human to navigate, and figured it must be some form of sea creature or fae if the noise wasn’t caused by an animal. He silently prayed, to no god in particular, that it wasn’t a siren. He had tangled with other creatures and some properly terrifying humans in his time, but sirens scared him the most. His aquatic advantage was all but completely negated, and they could hunt his scent for miles. He had learned long ago not to leech magic from a siren unless he wanted to lose his life as a result. 
Regardless of what was in there, he was exposed in his position so there was no point in pretending he wasn’t there. “Hello! Is somebody else there? I didn’t mean to interrupt,” he called out cautiously as he moved further into the cave. “If you don’t mind, we can both be here and I won’t bother you much. I also like to head to these places to clear my mind a little bit when… oh hello there!” he had spotted a young looking girl trying to move herself back towards the entrance of the cave. 
A very faint hint of familiarity flashed through Marcus’s mind, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why. He could sense she must have the same feeling of recognition. She seemed… frightened? Why would she seem frightened? 
“It’s okay, I won’t hurt you. I was just checking out this spot, I didn’t even know anybody else was in here. You’re good.”
He wouldn’t hurt her? What a load of shit! For all that Cass feared other fae thanks to the rejection she’d faced from them, at least she could trust that they weren’t liars. But this guy? Claiming he wouldn’t hurt her when he hadn’t hesitated to… do whatever it was he’d done when she was just a kid? She couldn’t trust him at all. She knew she couldn’t trust him. Cass might want to be loved, but that didn’t make her stupid. She knew enough to know better than to trust someone who’d already burned her once.
“You’re a liar,” she snapped without meaning to, glamour flickering as her heartbeat quickened. The cave around them trembled, and she felt a sense of relief at the feeling coursing through her. She still had her magic, even with him here. Whatever he’d done to her those years ago, he hadn’t done it again. 
Not yet, anyway.
Some part of her — the very fae part, the part she usually ignored — said that she should probably just make sure he couldn’t hurt her again. Shake a few rocks loose, let them bury him in rubble. He didn’t look like he’d survive it, but even if he did he wouldn’t dare come for her again. But that wasn’t who Cass wanted to be. She didn’t want to hurt people, even if they were people who had hurt her. She wanted to be good. She really did.
“Why are you here? Why are you in this town? You should leave.”
Things had gone from “awkward interaction” to “actively being threatened” pretty quickly, and Marcus wondered what he had done to deserve such a response. This girl really seemed to know him, and she wasn’t happy about something he had done. Did he steal her man at some point in the past? No, probably not. She looked far too young to be dating men that would be his type. 
He could have sworn he saw something. A flash, a glow of some sort maybe? Just for the briefest of moments. He didn’t have time to dwell on it long, however, as the cave around them began shaking violently, as if it were about to collapse. Then, suddenly, the shaking let up just as Marcus thought he’d never see the daylight come in again. Okay, so she was definitely pissed off, and she had magic powers. 
“That’s a little rude, we just met after all. As for why I came here, it’s kind of a long story. Not really in the mood to get into it right now.” Her expression was still one of extreme disdain. The last thing he needed was a target painted on his back for every magic user in Wicked’s Rest to see. Turning tail and running from her wasn’t exactly the best option here. 
“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” he finally asked the girl. 
He didn’t even remember her? Somehow, that made her heart pound even faster. For someone to do whatever he had done to her, to hurt her? That was one thing. But to do it and apparently find it so mundane that he didn’t even remember it after the fact? It made Cass’s stomach clench and her hair stand on edge. How many other people had he done it to, then? How many nymphs had he hurt? Had he done it so much that they all blurred together, all felt the same? She thought of Debbie and that strange knife she’d had, of the way it hurt more than anything had ever hurt before, of the split second of relief after Nora stabbed her and the guilt at the fact that it had taken a moment for any other emotion to take its place. Was he like Debbie? Someone who wanted to hurt Cass, hurt her friends?
She should do something. She knew she should do something. She was a superhero and he was dangerous. But what could she do? How could she stop him from doing what he’d done to her again without hurting him? And wouldn’t hurting him make her just as bad?
“Don’t come any closer,” she warned, voice firm. At least she could pretend to be brave, even if she wasn’t. “Do you really not remember me? What you did to me? I was a kid.” Lost and afraid and alone for the first time in her life, and he’d… done whatever. She still didn’t understand it; maybe that was the scariest part.
Suddenly it was all coming together. It wasn’t something he was proud of, but survival for a selkie meant doing some… rather unpleasant things to other people. Pelts needed magic to work, and the magic needed to come from somewhere. Marcus was always very careful not to sap away too much, and preferred stealing away bits and pieces of magical ability away at a time. It was a more dangerous method, and hurt more people, but he figured it was better to do it that way than completely rob another being of all of their magic permanently. After all, he couldn’t justify why he needed his magic more than others deserved theirs. 
He did remember a time, a few years ago,he was swimming along the coast back home between deployments when an unexpected riptide had carried him much farther south than he had planned. Even in seal form, he couldn’t swim against the tides, and ended up somewhere in California. When he finally made landfall, he considered it a godsend, he was completely exhausted. Given the amount of time it had been since his last recharge and how much of the pelt’s magic he had used staying alive in the tough current, Marcus soon realized that he didn’t have any way back home. 
It all came flooding back to him. A young girl, still an adolescent, that he could sense was fae. He remembered her seeming more weary and disillusioned than most her age, and he questioned what she was doing out here and so far from any other fae. After all, if she were in an aos si, wouldn’t he be able to sense others nearby? He would have much rather fed off of an adult. They had more magic to spare so he wouldn’t need to completely drain them, and he also felt like it was ten times worse to feed off of a literal child. 
However, it was only her, and he didn’t have a choice. He had no other way back home, and no other way to make sure he could keep using his pelt. 
“California”, was the only word that came out of Marcus’s mouth before a brief pause. “I do remember now. It isn’t like I was preying on children, you have to let me explain myself.”
So he did remember her. She didn’t know if that made it better or worse. Her heart was still pounding, her palms still sweating. He didn’t usually prey on children — was that supposed to make her feel better? Knowing that she’d been the exception to his morality, that he’d broken some rule he had for himself in order to hurt her? All it did was make her feel like there was something inherently wrong with her, something so obvious that he’d been able to tell just by looking at her. 
She shook her head, pressing herself against the wall as if it could stop him, somehow. Like the cave could protect her now in a way she hadn’t been protected before. “Do I? Do I have to let you explain yourself? Do you think it matters what reasons you had? Do you think it makes a difference to me?”
She was upset now, and the cave shifted with her mood. Rocks creaking, ground rumbling. It was muted here in comparison to how it would have been in her cave. While she had full control of her chosen domain, her control in neighboring cave systems was weaker. Still enough to be noticeable, but likely not enough to do any real damage quickly.
Definitely not enough to stop him from doing whatever he’d done before again. He’d probably have even less of a problem doing it now that she was no longer a kid. “Why are you here?” She asked again, a hint of desperation to the words.
Marcus noted the cave itself shaking the angrier the girl in front of him became. If he didn’t calm her down, she was going to get them both killed. 
“It’s a long story. Basically, I came to this town in search of my pelt, which was stolen from me by somebody I was close with. You’ll notice I don’t have it on me right now, so nothing to hurt you with “ he said turning his body in a circle with his arms up so she could see he wasn’t hiding it anywhere. “See? Without it I’m…just some guy. I’m practically defenseless, you wouldn’t hurt someone who can’t defend themselves, right?” Marcus said almost pleading. It was a bit of a heavy handed approach, but in all fairness she seemed really upset. 
“Either we can talk this out, or I can leave. I know that I hurt you in the past and I can’t change what’s already done. But right now, I’d like to just go home in peace. It’s up to you”
“I don’t even know how you hurt me to begin with! Why would I believe you when you say you can’t do it again? Why would I believe anything you say?” He said he was defenseless, and she really didn’t want to hurt anyone who was defenseless. But how did she know he was telling the truth? How did she know this wasn’t a trick, some attempt to get her guard down. 
Part of her wanted to take him up on his offer to just leave, but… She still had questions she wanted answered. She’d been without answers for years now, and it made everything so much scarier. Swallowing, she tried to calm herself down, tried to keep the ground from shaking. It helped, but only a little. “Why?” She asked the question so quietly that it almost couldn’t be heard over the rumbling of the cave. “Why did you — Why me? It wasn’t okay.”
She wasn’t outright murdering Marcus, so he considered that a win. Still, he had done an awful thing to a vulnerable child, and he needed to own up to that. 
“As I’m sure you well know, selkies need magic or else their pelts don’t work. I went out for a swim, got caught in an unbelievably strong current, and ended up over 200 miles away from home with absolutely no magic to help me get back. I was exhausted and desperate. I saw you, and I could smell the magic on you. But you were a kid, and it didn’t feel right. I figured there had to have been more of you, that your Aos si wouldn’t let someone so young venture so far on their own… but you were alone. The way I saw it then, I had no choice. Usually, if I have to siphon magic, I do it little by little from multiple people so the effects are less noticeable. I wouldn’t have done it if there was another way.”
He looked somewhat pleadingly at the girl, hoping she would understand. Of course, had he brought any money or even his cellphone he could have easily gotten back home some other way. But then again, money and cellphones aren’t typically things one brings with them for a swim. 
“Why would I know that?” Maybe other fae did. Maybe it was among the many things that Cass had never been taught, one of the lessons she’d missed out on for being too much for any fae to handle. If someone had told her the dangers of the world before she was removed from her aos si, would it have made a difference? Would she be able to understand this man better now, be able to sympathize with him? She couldn’t imagine it. 
He continued then, explaining that he’d thought she had someone with her, and somehow that hurt more. He’d seen her and thought that maybe someone loved her, and when he realized no one did, he siphoned her magic away. Was his guilt about it supposed to be a salve of some kind? Was it supposed to comfort her? “I was alone,” she confirmed, voice still trembling, “and you hurt me. Do you want me to tell you it was okay? We were in California. Not an abandoned island. There were planes. Buses, trains — there were other ways. You could have — You could have just hitchhiked if you had to!” Wasn’t that what she had done, for years? She’d traveled all around the country with no money to her name. He could have made it 200 miles in less than a month just by walking, couldn’t he? 
“You’re making excuses,” she accused, “and it’s bullshit. It’s all such bullshit.”
Hitchhiked? Marcus had been raised to believe that hitchhiking was always a sure fire way to get killed. And there was no way he could have gotten by without any money for so long either way. There was no way anybody could have, right? He had to admit, he came from a very privileged upbringing. His father came from old money, his grandfather starting a multitude of large oil refineries in the South back in the 1930s. Three generations of Fremonts were essentially born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and none were well equipped to fend for themselves should their funds run out. Marcus considered it a miracle he was able to find good money just tending to a lighthouse in town. 
Then again, that was his upbringing. For a person who has never had the privilege of all basic necessities and more handled for them, for a person whose entire life has been centered on survival, things were a bit different. He remembered people on his old ship who came from the rural south or more impoverished urban areas, and he was shocked at how comfortably they spoke of asking strangers for food, cigarettes, and even a ride. He supposed when there were no other options, fear takes a backseat to survival. 
And now, here he looked at this young woman who was lecturing him about being considerate. About what he could have done instead of preying on a child. She was certainly wise beyond her years, and he figured she had had the rough upbringing to have earned such wisdom. 
“You’re right, of course”. He no longer said it for survival’s sake, he actually meant it now. “Instead of struggling and going out of my way to fix my own problem, instead I made it somebody else’s. I shouldn’t have. I can only hope that you weren’t without your abilities for too long. I know where I’d be without mine, probably at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. But you have every right not to trust me or forgive me. Do whatever you feel you have to”. 
He didn’t expect absolution of any kind. He had gone most of his life not facing consequences for his actions, and he figured that luck would run out eventually. 
 It was strange for Cass to conceptualize his situation. On some level, she knew that. What had seemed like the only option to him seemed cruel and unimaginable to her, but this probably wouldn’t have been the case had her circumstances been different. If she were raised the way other fae were raised, maybe, to cherish and rely on magic, then the idea of being without it might have been terrifying enough to drive her to drain someone else’s if the ability were available to her. Anyone could fall to something like that… but no one could understand it without experiencing it, and Cass never would. To her, no explanation he gave would be sufficient. 
“I was alone,” she said again, voice breaking just a little. “And scared. Any time at all to be without them — to be without a piece of myself — was too much. How could you think it was okay to do that to someone else? That your connection to what you are is — is more important than mine?” 
He told her to do whatever she felt she had to do, but Cass had no idea what that was. Maybe that inherent fae part of her that she hated wanted to bury him in the rocks, but the rest of her? It wanted to understand the incomprehensible. As always, what Cass wanted was impossible for her to have. She ached with the shame of it.
“I want you to go,” she said quietly. “I want you to — to stay away from the caves. All the caves. Don’t come back here, or to any of them. Promise.” 
Her words stung, and a new wave of guilt flushed over Marcus over having to be reminded of the aftermath of his actions. Having been without his pelt for so long and slowly losing himself completely as a result, he knew all too well now what it meant to lose a piece of himself. But she didn’t want to kill him in the way he wanted to kill William. 
She was letting him go, on the one condition that he not return to any caves. He wondered if that only went as far as WIcked’s Rest or to all caves everywhere. Either way, she would have to be remarkably in tune with her abilities to know if he had visited one she wasn’t currently in. He wasn’t much of a caver to begin with, and he certainly wasn’t in any position to bargain, so these terms were more than acceptable. He didn’t fancy being buried in rubble, after all. 
“It may not mean much to you, but you have my word. The caves are yours, and I won’t be coming back to them. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your day in peace, I’ll be going now”. 
With that, he gave a slight nod and turned to exit the cave, daylight warming his face again as he approached the exit.
You have my word. She bound him to it in silent relief, nodding her head. It was bad, she knew, to hold him to a promise like that. She didn’t know what consequences he might face if he broke it, didn’t know what it would do to him. But right now, Cass was afraid in a place where she should have felt safe. She just wanted to combat that, just wanted to stop it. Any way she could.
“Okay,” she nodded. “Okay. You have to do it. You promised, so you have to. Stay away from the caves, and stay away from me, too.” The last bit wasn’t part of the bind, but she hoped he’d listen to it anyway. 
She watched him go, muscles not relaxing until he’d stepped out of the cave entirely and disappeared from sight. The tension all bled from her, and she didn’t realize it had been the only thing keeping her upright until she fell to her knees from the lack of it. He was gone. He was gone, and he wouldn’t be back, and she was safe. 
So why did she still feel like she was drowning?
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
Nothing THAT unhinged but since you have awesome reunion advice, what advice to have for someone who is feeling insane culture shock after a big move (to be with their partner) and just… not sure who they are or how they fit into a new country, culture, and Situation?
So this one I have experienced personally, since I moved from NYC to be with my wife in South Carolina. Not quite as big or definite as moving countries, but there uh... was a definite culture shift there!
Don't try to hide who you are. Don't be disingenuous or betray or compromise yourself. People who are worth knowing like authenticity. Besides, all the little lies and compromises are exhausting to keep up day after day, year after year. Some people will be incredibly shitty to you! Don't make the mistake of taking it personally. It's a reflection of them, not of you.
The first few months to a year will have moments of difficulty at home, especially if you and your partner were long distance for any amount of time. There are some things you're not used to navigating together -- have patience and be kind. Assume something is miscommunicated out of misunderstanding, not malice. Walk things back together until you figure out where the ball was dropped, or the thing that you both thought had a mutually agreed upon definition in fact, does not.
It's also okay to be frustrated that you feel a little bit like you're learning to walk again. It's okay to miss where you came from. It's okay to be frustrated that you've given up a lot for this move -- but don't bottle it up. Talk about it. Express what you're feeling. Give your partner the opportunity to show appreciation for what you've done to make your relationship work. Give them opportunities to show what's fun and cool and beautiful about this place where you are now, through their eyes!
Lastly, get involved. Focus on building a career, or volunteering, or finding some kind of board or club or meet-up. Find ways to get involved in the community. Find new restaurants and museums and parks and other shit to try. The more friends and connections you make, tangible ones, the easier the transition will be long term.
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drarorasclinic1 · 4 months
The Impact of Low Libido on Your Relationship
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Low libido, often referred to as a decreased interest in sexual activity, can significantly impact romantic relationships. Couples facing low libido may experience various challenges, including reduced intimacy, relationship strain, and communication breakdown. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted ways low libido can affect relationships and offer strategies for navigating these challenges to foster a strong and resilient bond.
Decreased Intimacy:
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Low libido can lead to a decrease in physical intimacy between partners, as one or both individuals may have a reduced desire for sexual activity. This lack of intimacy can result in feelings of disconnect and emotional distance, weakening the bond between partners. Couples may find themselves longing for the closeness and connection that intimacy brings yet struggling to find ways to reignite the spark.
Relationship Strain:
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The strain caused by low libido can take a toll on the relationship, leading to feelings of frustration, resentment, and disappointment. Partners may feel disconnected from each other, unsure of how to bridge the gap between their differing levels of sexual desire. This strain can manifest in various ways, from arguments and disagreements to dissatisfaction with the relationship.
Increased Conflict:
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Differences in sexual desire can fuel conflict within the relationship as partners struggle to navigate their differing needs and expectations. Disagreements may arise over the frequency of sexual activity, initiation of intimacy, or feelings of rejection. This increased conflict can further exacerbate tension and frustration, making it challenging for couples to find common ground.
Loss of Connection:
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Low libido can lead to a loss of emotional connection between partners as intimacy and closeness wane. Couples may find themselves drifting apart, unable to connect on a deeper level beyond the physical aspect of the relationship. This loss of connection can be particularly distressing for couples who once felt deeply bonded and in sync with each other.
Self-Esteem Issues:
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Individuals experiencing low libido may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. They may question their attractiveness, desirability, or worthiness as partners, leading to shame and insecurity. These self-esteem issues can impact the individual’s sense of self-worth and confidence within the relationship.
Reduced Relationship Satisfaction:
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Low libido can significantly impact overall relationship satisfaction, as couples may feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied with their intimate connection. Partners may long for the passion and excitement they once shared yet struggle to recapture those feelings amidst the challenges of low libido. This reduced relationship satisfaction can contribute to feelings of disillusionment and unhappiness.
Communication Breakdown:
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Effective communication is crucial for navigating the complexities of low libido within a relationship. However, couples may struggle to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings, desires, and concerns. This communication breakdown can hinder collaborative efforts to address the issue, leaving partners feeling unheard and misunderstood.
Navigating the Impact of Low Libido:
While low libido can pose significant challenges for couples, it is possible to navigate these difficulties and strengthen the relationship. Here are some strategies for coping with the impact of low libido:
Open Communication: Create a safe and supportive environment for discussing feelings and concerns related to low libido. Encourage honest dialogue and active listening to foster understanding and empathy between partners.
Seek Professional Help: Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counsellor who specializes in sexual health and relationship issues. Professional support can provide valuable insights and strategies for addressing low libido and improving relationship dynamics.
Focus on Intimacy: Explore alternative forms of intimacy beyond sexual activity, such as cuddling, kissing, and engaging in shared activities. Cultivate emotional closeness and connection through meaningful interactions and gestures of affection.
Prioritize Self-Care: Take steps to prioritize self-care and overall well-being, both individually and as a couple. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and self-compassion, such as exercise, meditation, and spending quality time together.
Adapt and Adjust: Be willing to adapt and adjust expectations around sexual activity and intimacy based on each partner’s needs and desires. Focus on finding ways to connect and enjoy each other’s company, regardless of whether sexual activity is involved.
Low libido can present significant challenges for couples, impacting intimacy, communication, and overall relationship satisfaction. By acknowledging the impact of low libido and taking proactive steps to address it, couples can strengthen their bond, enhance their intimacy, and navigate the complexities of their relationship with greater resilience and understanding. Through open communication, mutual support, and a willingness to adapt, couples can cultivate a relationship that thrives despite the challenges of low libido.
For more sexual health related Topics:-
1:- Reasons Why Relationships Fail 2:- What Changes in a Woman’s Body After Sex 3:- 7 Most Common Female Sex Problems
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psychologyzonechd · 4 months
Couples Counseling Therapy: Strengthening Relationships and Enhancing Connection
Couples counseling therapy, also known as couples therapy or marriage counseling, is a specialized form of psychotherapy designed to help couples navigate challenges and enhance their relationship. Whether you’re newlyweds, long-term partners, or facing relationship difficulties, couples therapy provides a safe space to explore issues, improve communication, and foster a deeper connection.
What Is Couples Counseling Therapy?
Couple counseling therapy focuses on addressing various aspects of a relationship.
Here are some key components:
Communication Enhancement: Effective communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship. Therapists work with couples to improve their communication patterns, active listening skills, and conflict resolution strategies.
Conflict Resolution: Every relationship encounters conflicts. Couples therapy helps partners learn constructive ways to resolve disagreements, manage differences, and find common ground.
Intimacy and Emotional Connection: Therapists explore emotional intimacy, physical affection, and sexual satisfaction. Couples learn to nurture your bond and create a more fulfilling emotional connection.
Trust and Betrayal: Trust issues can strain relationships. Couple counseling therapy addresses trust-building, forgiveness, and healing after betrayal.
Compatibility and Expectations: Couples explore their values, goals, and expectations. Understanding each other’s needs and aspirations contributes to a stronger partnership.
Why Seek Couple Counseling?
Couples therapy is beneficial at various stages of a relationship:
Pre-Marital Counseling: Couples preparing for marriage can benefit from pre-marital counseling. It helps them understand each other’s expectations, resolve potential conflicts, and build a solid foundation.
Marriage Enrichment: Even healthy relationships can benefit from couples therapy. It provides tools to deepen emotional bonds, maintain intimacy, and prevent future issues.
Relationship Repair: For couples facing challenges, therapy offers a chance to repair and rebuild. Whether it’s infidelity, communication breakdowns, or emotional distance, therapy provides a path toward healing.
Evidence-Based Approaches
At Psychologyzonechd, our qualified and experienced therapists use evidence-based approaches to couples counseling:
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helps couples identify negative thought patterns, improve communication, and change behaviors that contribute to relationship distress.
Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): Focuses on interpersonal dynamics, attachment styles, and emotional expression. It helps couples understand their patterns and create healthier interactions.
Mindfulness-Based Therapy (MBT): Encourages couples to be present, manage stress, and enhance emotional awareness. Mindfulness practices strengthen the relationship.
How It Works :
Assessment: Therapists assess the couple’s relationship, identify strengths, and pinpoint areas for growth.
Collaborative Goals: Couples set goals for therapy, such as improving communication, rebuilding trust, or enhancing intimacy.
Sessions: Regular sessions provide a supportive environment for couples to explore feelings, learn skills, and practice new behaviors.
Homework and Practice: Couples receive practical exercises to apply outside of therapy.
Couple counseling therapy at Psychologyzonechd offers hope, healing, and transformation. Whether you’re seeking to strengthen your relationship or overcome challenges, our compassionate therapists are here to guide you. Remember, investing in your relationship is an investment in your well-being.For more information or to book an appointment, visit Psychology Zone website https://www.psychologyzonechd.co.in
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danieljmkbk · 4 months
Understanding Indian Matchmakers in USA
In today’s interconnected and multicultural world, where lines between cultures are blurred, the pursuit of love knows no geographical bounds. The Indian diaspora living in the United States faces particular difficulties in upholding cultural values while negotiating the complex world of relationships. This is where American indian matchmakers in usa come in handy, providing individualized services that effectively unite cultures and hearts.
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The Significance of Indian Marriage Bureau Services Indian matchmaking is firmly based in custom, family values, and evaluations of compatibility that go beyond appearances. It’s a long-standing custom that combines contemporary goals with cultural norms in an effort to forge enduring ties based on respect and a common history. There’s a clear demand for culturally aware matchmaking services in the USA’s big cities, where the Indian community is thriving. Indian singles seek friendship based on common origins and ideals, whether they are attracted to the innovation hubs of Silicon Valley, the bustling streets of New York, or the chic atmosphere of Chicago. Finding My Way Around: Indian Matchmaker Near Me The phrase “Indian matchmaking near me” speaks to people who are looking for long-distance relationships in their pursuit of love. Matchmaking services close by ensure a more individualized approach, building partnerships on mutual understanding, trust, and shared experiences. Local matchmaking agencies are aware of the subtleties of the Indian diaspora and customize their services to accommodate the tastes and sensibilities of their clientele, from setting up meetups and cultural events to helping with introductions. These matchmakers act as cultural ambassadors, promoting meaningful connections within the community, whether they are organizing conventional arranged weddings or facilitating contemporary dating experiences. The United States’ Use of Indian Matchmakers Indian matchmakers in the United States act as love catalysts, bringing hearts together across continents with their professional knowledge and cultural insights. They are more than just matchmakers; they are confidantes, counselors, and mentors who help people navigate the complex web of relationships with compassion and understanding. Indian matchmakers preserve long-standing traditions while welcoming the complexity of contemporary relationships in a melting pot of cultures where identities collide and change. The Indian diaspora finds great resonance in their ability to maintain a sense of cultural continuity and belonging while navigating the fast-paced world of dating and relationships. Comprehending Cultural Dynamics The key to the success of indian matchmaking services is having a sophisticated awareness of personal goals, family expectations, and cultural dynamics. Indian matchmakers go beyond surface-level tastes and take into account things like family background, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic standing, in contrast to traditional dating apps or websites. Indian matchmakers in the USA create lasting relationships by putting a high priority on compatibility and shared values. Understanding the importance of family approval in Indian culture, they work to build connections that win the approval and support of those closest to them. Accepting Diversity: An Entire Collection of Love Tales Indian matching is beautiful because it celebrates love stories that break down social barriers and cultural borders by embracing diversity. Every love story, whether it’s an interfaith partnership, a cross-cultural romance, or a conventional arranged marriage, is distinct and combines elements of history, modernity, and individual preference. Indian matchmakers in the United States fully embrace this variety, appreciating the rich tapestry of Indian culture while respecting each client’s uniqueness. Their dedication to acceptance and inclusiveness creates a setting where love is unrestricted and surpasses racial, religious, and ethnic boundaries.
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In summary, a tapestry of tradition and love Love and tradition entwine in life’s tapestry, creating a story that captures the complexity of the human experience. This philosophy is embodied by indian matchmaking near me, who uphold custom while welcoming the demands of contemporary partnerships. The importance of matchmakers grows as the Indian diaspora in America expands; they provide a glimmer of optimism amidst the difficulties of contemporary dating. They open the door for love tales that transcend generations, bringing hearts and souls together on a voyage of common history and enduring friendship, with their individualized services and cultural insights.
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dxrkenedheights · 5 months
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Name: Jennifer Zhou
Age & Birthday: 28 years old, December 1st 1996
Gender/Pronouns: cis woman she/her
Birthplace: Lions Bay, BC
Time in Hollow Cove: x
Species: Witch / Fire
Role: Patrol, Watch, Runner
Positives: curious, determined, resilient
Negatives: overzealous, defiant, sensitive
Jennifer was born and raised in a coven of witches in Lions Bay, BC. Immersed with nature and the elements, the coven was home to a host of different magic and Jennifer's arrived in the form of flames. She was always a slight sensitive and curious girl, prone to feeling things intensely or taking them personally. This only meant that her power manifested in the same way, tuned closely to her emotions and betraying the way she tried to internalize everything she was feeling. Kids at school weren't the kindest to her quiet and somewhat quirky demeanor, but Jennifer had to learn quickly how to avoid questions about Becky with the singed hair.
She became hesitant about her fire magic and she avoided how to make it stronger and instead focused on how to control it so she could blend into life seamlessly with humans. Jen always admired her older half sister Jo, who seemed able to handle her power with ease but their relationship wasn't the closest that it could have been. Like many things, Jennifer took their distance as a personal fault, assuming it was because she was the uncool younger sister.
As Jennifer got older, she found her confidence to be exactly who she was. She learned to accept that she was a naturally curious and sensitive person, but not at all as weak as bullies wanted to make her feel. She was defiant in her own way, tackling things in life head on and with a hastiness that was sometimes a blessing or a curse. She had a gift, however, to problem solve and organize and she navigated herself towards a future in architecture with clear goals in place to create sustainable off-grid towns specifically for supernaturals.
But this didn't mean she was any closer to accepting her actual gift of fire. It still betrayed her in moments she wished it never would, almost piping hot from her finger tips when she had to take a snarky comment from a rude barista. And there's been several dates she hates to remember when passion became a little too heated for even her to handle. Her coven was there to support her in learning how to control it, but Jennifer's distrust towards herself and her magic was part of the problem and was the biggest hurdle to overcome.
When the war began in 2020, Jennifer had barely made a dent in the future she planned for herself. Everything was turned on it's head, and the coven moved from their home to find a safetown among other supernaturals with the idea of more protection. They existed here for a year without issue, Jennifer slowly warming to the idea of finally tuning to her fire. But in 2021, their lives were changed again. The wolves turned on the peace, wanting the town as their own and it wasn't long until reinforcements arrived from the military. The entire town was engulfed in flames, Jennifer escaping with only one other person. Her sister, Joanna.
Since then, it's been the two of them and they have managed to bridge a gap that existed between them throughout their lives. Not without difficulty, of course. But with no other choice but to rely on one other, their differences are easy to set aside and Jennifer has come to learn that there weren't very many of them to begin with. Not when they both share the same goal of survival, and the very new one of having each other's backs. Now, Jennifer can't imagine her life without Joanna and grows more and more thankful for the bond they're forming. Not to mention how Jo has been a grounding force for Jennifer's magic. After a lifetime of suppressing the flames, she's accepted that now is the time fire is needed more than ever before. With Jo's help and guidance, Jennifer is learning how to work with her magic rather against it.
In the November of 2023, the safetown they were planning on leaving was attacked and they were subsequently captured after years of evading it. Then they were transported to Thunder River, BC in the December of 2023 and have been there since. Unable to use magic but sticking by one another, with the hope and plan of escape when the best opportunity presents itself.
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goodlives-mitansh · 6 months
Balancing Minds: Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace
Workplace and mental health
Work may have a significant impact on your general well-being. Apart from the monetary advantages, employment may contribute significance, organization, and direction to your life. It may also give you a feeling of self, improve your self-worth, and serve as a vital social outlet.
On the other hand, working in an unfavorable atmosphere might have the opposite impact and negatively impact your mental well-being. Workplace harassment, understaffing, long hours, and a lack of assistance can increase stress and lead to mental health issues like drug misuse, anxiety, and despair. The epidemic and the significant changes in our work patterns over the past few years have only made these issues worse. For example, many of us have spent months getting used to the new pressures of working remotely, only to have to get used to driving to work every day and working onsite once more. We are now tense, depressed, and anxious about the future and our daily activities as a result of it.
For the majority of us, there are still many aspects of our work environment outside our control. Those in high positions above us shape the atmosphere at work, and we frequently feel powerless to speak up for fear of being judged or jeopardizing our employment. However, there are things you can do to look after yourself and safeguard your well-being, regardless of whether your mental health problems are brought on by your job or originate from somewhere else and are impairing your performance there. With these pointers, you’ll be more equipped to discuss mental health with your employer, handle everyday obstacles at work, build resilience, and make a stronger effort to reach your full potential both within and outside of the office.
Risk factors for mental health at work
Typical workplace issues that might be detrimental to your mental health include:
Extended, rigid work hours, a shortage of personnel as a result of layoffs or open positions, or a constantly growing workload.
working from a distance without a distinct boundary between business and personal time.
an unhealthy work environment that encourages abuse, harassment, or bullying.
insufficient supervision or training for the position you’re supposed to have.
Insufficient or imprecise communication from management on assignments, objectives, or choices.
Insufficient assistance, insufficient tools or other resources for the job, or risky working methods.
The telltale signs of a mental health problem at work
Everybody occasionally has terrible days at work when nothing seems to go right. You can find it difficult to concentrate, feel too anxious, agitated, or underappreciated, or lack the drive and stamina to do even the simplest tasks. However, if you experience this every day, it may be a sign that something is off.
Even though the signs and symptoms of mental health issues can differ greatly depending on the illness and the individual, it’s crucial to pay attention to any changes in your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. It could be time to get treatment if you recognize many of these symptoms in yourself or a coworker or employee.
A reduction in your productivity at work. You find it difficult to carry out your regular tasks at work (as well as at home or social life).
difficulty thinking and focusing. You have trouble concentrating, remembering things, thinking clearly, or even speaking consistently.
Ways to look after your mental health while working
Taking time off, whether it be through vacation, sick leave, or personal days, may help you decompress and prevent burnout when you’re feeling overburdened by the rigors of work.
Taking care of your present mental health issues isn’t the only aspect of maintaining your mental health at work. Additionally, it’s about advancing wellbeing. Taking care of your emotional health may help you develop resilience, enhance your performance at work, and provide you with the skills you need to deal with uncertainty and problems in the future, even if you are not currently experiencing a mental health crisis.
The following advice may be useful:
Turn off
Whether you work from home or on-site, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial. This entails turning off your displays at the end of the workday and taking frequent breaks throughout the day. It’s crucial to prioritize your relationships with friends and family and set aside time to unwind, rejuvenate, and have fun rather than being on call and responsive to emails, texts, and business calls around the clock.
Use calming strategies
It takes more than just falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV to unwind and recharge. Your body has a relaxation reaction that you must engage in to lessen the negative impacts of stress and safeguard your mental well-being. This can be achieved by engaging in relaxation techniques including deep breathing, meditation, or rhythmic physical activity.
Attend to your own needs
A good, nutritious diet, frequent exercise, and adequate sleep at night may all have a significant positive impact on your mental health, both at work and outside of it. You have greater influence over these parts of your life than over a lot of things at work. You’ll feel better the more work you put into taking care of yourself.
Discover a purpose and significance for your job. You may still find meaning and purpose in your profession even if you are not passionate about it. Try to concentrate on the positive aspects of your work, such as the connections you have with your coworkers or the vital product or service you offer.
Want to learn about mental health? Visit GoodLives.
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pglasses · 7 months
Embracing Clarity: The Path to Progressive Eyewear Excellence in Under $80
Welcome, eyewear enthusiasts, to a journey that transcends the boundaries of traditional eyeglasses. In a world where vision meets style, progressive eyewear stands as the epitome of innovation, catering to both functionality and fashion. Join us as we delve into the realm of progressive lenses, unlocking the secrets behind their popularity and the transformative experiences they offer.
Understanding the Basics
Let's start with the basics – what exactly are progressive lenses? Often referred to as multifocal lenses, progressives seamlessly blend distance, intermediate, and near prescriptions into a single lens, eliminating the need for multiple pairs of glasses. This technological marvel is a game-changer, providing wearers with a smooth transition between different focal distances.
The Evolution of Progressive Lenses
Progressive lenses have come a long way since their inception. Initially, wearers faced challenges like distorted peripheral vision and difficulty adjusting to the progressive design. However, advancements in lens technology have addressed these concerns, giving rise to modern, digitally surfaced lenses. These lenses offer wider fields of vision, minimal distortions, and smoother transitions, ensuring a comfortable experience for the wearer.
Fashion Meets Function
One of the most significant advantages of progressive eyewear is its seamless integration of fashion and function. Gone are the days when wearing multifocal lenses meant compromising on style. Today, progressive lenses are available in various materials, coatings, and designs, allowing wearers to express their personality while enjoying clear vision.
Choosing the Right Frames
Selecting the right frames is a crucial aspect of the progressive eyewear journey. Opt for frames that complement your face shape and enhance your features. From classic styles to trendy designs, the options are limitless. Additionally, frame materials play a vital role in comfort and durability. Explore lightweight materials like titanium or high-quality acetate for a blend of style and functionality.
Navigating the Adjustment Period
Transitioning to progressive lenses may require a brief adjustment period. It's common for wearers to experience a learning curve as they adapt to the multifocal design. However, patience is key. Give your eyes the time they need to acclimate, and soon you'll find yourself effortlessly shifting focus between distances.
Digital Lenses for a Digital World
In our increasingly digital world, where screens dominate our daily lives, digital progressive lenses have emerged as a savior. These lenses are optimized for prolonged screen use, reducing eye strain and fatigue. Whether you're working on a computer, scrolling through your phone, or binge-watching your favorite shows, digital progressive lenses offer unparalleled comfort.
The Future of Progressive Eyewear
As technology continues to advance, the future of progressive eyewear looks promising. Innovations such as augmented reality integration, smart coatings, and enhanced customization options are on the horizon. Imagine eyewear that not only corrects your vision but also provides real-time information in your line of sight – the possibilities are endless.
Find out more about our Progressive eyewear on https://papaglasses.com/progressive-multifocal-lenses/
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