#and fuck leafstar tbh
esoteric-terror · 4 months
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new arc lets FREAKING go
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Tbh. I'd kinda like Squirrelflight dying before getting her nine lives if the RiverClan conspiracy expanded to all the clans, and all the leaders and deputies got axed. I know they won't do this but like, wouldn't it be interesting if they kept promoting cats but the position becomes cursed in each clan?
Also it's a way to just clear out everyone in power right now and have a real shitstorm. Kill off a massive chunk of the cast (most of which in power have overstayed their welcome anyways. Hi Leafstar.) and let everyone scurry for a bit trying to get things under control.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Do you have plot point in any of the warriors books that you wished was more developed? And one that doesn’t involve all the normal erin writing flaws? Mine is the dog pack from the first arc
They’re supposed to be this ferocious pack that can easily wipe out thunderclan not to mention the other clans, but then canonically the dogs only kill swiftpaw and then die easily by being pushed over the gorge
Thats always been my pet peeve with warrior rewrites, they never utilize the dog pack they always write it with swift still dying as usual, bright dying instead or both living but the dogs *never* kill anything else, honestly i want to tell people to just rewrite the dogs as bloodclan cats instead to go ahead, introduce the rogues and get rid of the dogs because why have these giant terrifying creatures and not utilize them, honestly the dogs should have killed MORE cats, not have it be only tigerstar doing the most of the murders
I had always wished that someone had rewritten it to be like napoleon from animal farm and his pack of dogs, where tigerstar still helps the dogs and they form a bond with him and listen to him so that they become a threat, the dogs start killing thunderclan cats yes but also involve the other clans too!! The dogs just attack cats on command not seeing a difference in the clan cats, just not tigerstar
It would have more weight to it and have tawnypaw running away to shadowclan feel more real, because who would want to be on the opposite side with the dogs? But then the other clans(maybe windclan only because of the four become two thing and riverclan is already with shadowclan) and windclan joins thunderclan to help them push the dogs into the gorge and helps push the two clans thing and push windclan to help join thunderclan
And then when tigerstar loses the dogs he brings in bloodclan, then scourge is like “tf the dogs” and thats why he didn’t help tigerstar out first and wanted to think about it prompting the whole gut rippin and then continue to the 6th book
Idk i just see a lot of aus with swift and bright living and it makes wish the dogs were more terrifying to make the aus hit harder
Oh that’s so fair. I think the dog pack sort of presents a difficult challenge for some writers: keeping the terror of the original while also trying to keep them from being too undefeatable. I do wish most of the villains in the series got higher kill counts tbh but the dog pack certainly should’ve been higher up.
I do like an AU where the dogs are with BloodClan, might give them more reason to take on the Clans if they’re killed a few of their pooches.
As for plot lines I want more from….like there’s a gazillion but the one that comes to mind right away is Stonefur’s death. It’s like the absolute extreme of how the Clan’s xenophobic half-clan blood purity lead to the execution of a cat and almost three others (two of which were children!). Yet, it’s so rarely utilized thematically and kept relevant in the stories. For fucks sake, A Starless Clan refuses to even acknowledge it in favor of the pointless “this is just like Tigerstar 1” comparisons (crazy how Leafstar, who wasn’t even there, remembers that and not how THEY EXECUTED CATS FOR BEING HALF-CLAN. WHILE INSISTING THEY STAY OUT OF EACH OTHERS BUSINESS- like Firestar “King of Snooping in Other Clan’s Business” would be disappointed.)
It’s barely relevant in Blackstar and Leopardstar’s story going past arc one- which. look Leopardstar should’ve been a villain. She approved the execution of her own deputy, she’s routinely antagonistic and there was zero reason not to lean into her being a villain.
But yeah, Stonepelt’s execution should’ve been more thematically relevant in a series that’s themes should’ve been about changing the status quo.
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
hi im gonna explain my funny lil self indulgent road trip au thing no one asked but i want to talk abt it and holy shit its long i didn’t realize i had so much planned out hello
tw for like... tracking/being followed, some betrayal, a car crash and subsequent hospital scene
the idea was that the leaders decide not to look for the sisters in darkness within, so shadowsight bristlefrost and rootspring plan a whole heist where they steal one of the guilds’ trucks and go looking for the sisters alone. they plan out everything; they start stashing money and non-perishable food they can take, they get a map and plan out where they’re gonna go (the map is incredibly outdated and basically useless but they don’t know that), they do all this stuff to get ready as off-the-radar as they can so no one catches on (stuff like not using phones to plan their route so they can’t be tracked, etc), they get old license plates from rootspring and steal some car tags so no one can identify the stolen car, etc etc etc, and this works really well for the most part! except shadowsight lives in the same space as puddleshine who figures out they’re up to something but he doesn’t know what.
so when they all sneak out and meet up to start everything, puddleshine meets up with alderheart (bc alderpuddle) and they follow them. when they realize these kids are gonna steal a car, they confront them. and puddleshine is about to make them go home, when they alert someone or set off an alarm or something so their cover is completely blown. in a panic, they run to the truck they were after and get in asap, and alderheart and puddleshine follow bc they don’t want them getting hurt. they do a whole chase scene and get out of the territories n stuff!
puddleshine is now very mad about this whole thing and demands to know what they were even thinking; this was such a stupid move, they’ll be in so much trouble... and rootspring and bristlefrost explain they Know they should find the sisters for help and if the leaders wouldn’t do it, they would. and they point out that from the leaders’ perspectives, he and alderheart were now involved and therefore would also get in trouble if they get caught or turn back. puddleshine’s still mad (mostly bc he’s scared tbh) but alderheart agrees with the plan which makes him agree too. the teens explain their plan with the map, and alderheart (the only one of them that’s been off the territories before) points out the map is outdated. soooo the route they had figured out was no longer viable.
also it turns out tree knew what they were doing because rootspring says he told him to start at a specific city. alderheart is surprised bc the city is a few states over and asks why he said to go there. rootspring says tree didn’t tell him, but he trusts him so they decide to listen to his advice.
they get as far as they can before stopping to better prepare, bc two of them don’t have Anything like clothes and the other three didn’t manage to get much. they buy (or steal) thrifted clothes, replace the license plates, figure out a better route, idk they get sorted out better. there’s a bit where alderheart and puddleshine are just like “man what the fuck did we get ourselves into”
they go for a while, trying to find their way to that city. they are also avoiding a patrol that followed them out of the territories and are trying to get them home again.
when they get to the next state they stop in a town briefly and suddenly needleclaw shows up and is excited to see them. she explains she’s been following them but doesn’t say how and she says she wants to help. they do whatever they were doing and when they get into their truck, needleclaw insists on driving... and when they’re all in the truck, she shows them she’s got leafstar on speed dial and reveals she was set up to get them and demands to know what they’re doing and why. rootspring pleads with her not to out them but she’s hurt he left her behind and points out the leaders are furious with the five of them. rootspring admits they’re looking for the sisters and says he knows she thinks the sisters could help them with ashfur and tries to get her to come with them. he manages to convince her, and she gets them away from the patrol she’s with. when the others are hesitant to trust her, she admits tree wants to leave the territories with her, rootspring, and violetshine, and she doesn’t want to go so she’s trying to help fix the problem so he has no reason to leave.
they eventually end up at the city and discover that leaf, a sister that’s become famous since leaving the group, is hosting a party thing there. rootspring calls tree and tree explains he told leaf to expect them for sisters business, so there’s a bit where they attend a fancy party bc i thought it would be fun! alderheart does not want to do it at all
i simply like fancy party scenarios. they have to take on fake identities for it so if the patrol comes looking no one can out them; leaf says bristlefrost is a famous singer and the rest are her entourage like bodyguards and manager and whatever. yes there is a bit where she sings. this is self indulgent don’t forget
they also are not allowed to give away that they’re there on sisters business bc honestly i just thought it would be more fun to write. secret agent party scene commence
leaf tells them where to look, and turns out the sisters are... really, really far away. and with no solid way of contacting them, they can’t tell them to meet them somewhere closer, so their only option is to try and catch up with them.
there’s a lotta filler of traveling and shenanigans and bonding and avoiding that patrol who is Even Bigger now that needleclaw betrayed them. the four teens learn more about the world outside of the territories- they know some, but it’s from an outsider’s perspective because they don’t travel almost at all; kinda like how they go to twolegplaces in the books and have to be helped by kittypets and whatnot- and its just a lot of found family stuff bc i’m a sucker for that
theyyyy eventually get close to where the sisters are supposed to be and are trying to look for them while avoiding that patrol... but while they’re on a section of highway thats in the woods and surrounded by steep cliffs going either up or down... some idiot on the road makes them crash off the side.
they all live and stuff!!! but y’know they’re hurt obviously and rootspring almost dies BUT! guess who finds them! the sisters who were camping out close by!!! they take them in and patch them up as best they can and agree to help them with ashfur, buuuut first they need to see like an actual doctor bc they just like crashed and stuff so they are taken back to where search parties can find them and are picked up and go to like. ✨ the hospital ✨
THAT’S when that patrol that’s been following them catches up and its made up of violetshine and tree, dovewing and (my oc who is in everything now) morningmist, tigerheart, ivypool, and some others who idc enough to specify.
they all get told off and are definitely in trouble but mostly they’re just relieved that none of them like died in the crash. the aforementioned cats are mostly just like “oh thank god” bc their kids were okay n stuff. that’s where this bit i posted a while ago is from!
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tigerheart demands to know what they were doing and they spill everything including how the sisters agreed to help and when they’re all like discharged from the hospital they go home and tbc shenanigans continue hooray!!!!
basically....... its just a very long alternate journey in darkness within
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troutfur · 1 year
I have hard copies of AVoS and if it's after Darktail's death, most of it is really...weird. Raggedstar is ass, Leafstar puts up with so much, Twany really should have gone and got her lives I swear to god. The way the Shadowclanners treated Skyclan and Leafstar is pretty horrible, and especially how one of them poisons Skyclan's preypile with death berries AND THEN Tigerheartstar STILL HONORS THE WARRIOR THAT DID IT BECAUSE THEY DIED SAVING SHADOWKIT, like.. side-eye.
It is after that point aye! I actually dropped pretty early into Tigerheart's Super Edition for the pettiest reason because at that point I had actually not been enjoying AVoS very much (in a way that I think I was being unfair to the text and carrying unfair expectarions tbh) and there was one line of dialogue so clunky I said fuck it and then retreated into mostly consuming Warriors stuff through fic because at least that has better prose. It was something about how Dovewing was describing her prophetic dreams that I really don't remember but it felt very like. This book already has very basic prose which is serviceable to its target audience but this just feels like not caring.
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magewolf-the-artist · 9 months
The Dark Prophet
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"Have you considered that your supposedly infallible ancestors might not be so perfect...?"
Sol's design for an AU I've been cooking up for a long time where Sol, in contrast to the three, is the arbiter of the dark forest.
Here's the basic rundown of the AU: Sol becomes the medicine cat apprentice as opposed to a warrior and is really skilled at connecting to StarClan. So skilled, in fact, that cats believe anything he says so long as he passes it off as a prophecy or omen. Realizing this, he begins to fake prophecies and omens or twisting them in order to abide by his own morals or to get back at certain cats who might have wronged him. Horrified and angry, StarClan refuses to speak with him, but tbh Sol didn't even really need them, as he was so good at faking omens and prophecies that he could easily keep up the ruse.
Eventually though, Echosong realizes what's going on and goes to Leafstar about this. Leafstar is furious but wants to at least give him a chance and tell him to knock it off before jumping to exile. But when she does so, Sol fakes a prophecy about Leafstar being a secret tyrant and calling for her execution. But his own hubris is what destroys him, as cats realize how far of a leap this is and corner him and, caving to the pressure, Sol admits that most his omens and prophecies were faked.
SkyClan kicks him out and Sol is forced to wander the edges of their territory. He is a terrible hunter though and nearly starves to death, until Shredtail, a dark forest cat, visits him. Shredtail offers to teach him how to survive, as long as Sol agrees to do whatever he says. Sol desperately agrees, although he doesn't like it, as he knows Shredtail is manipulating him. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.
Shredtail teaches Sol how to hunt and even how to fight, which he sucks at, but he's at least a decent hunter. Shredtail then tells him what his end of the bargain is; in return for saving Sol, he must agree to become a prophet for the dark forest. Sol was like, "That's it? Yeah, fuck StarClan, no problem dude!" and Shredtail was really surprised by that but he sure as hell wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
So Sol gains the power of illusions, foresight, being able to influence cat's thoughts, and can easily channel dark forest cats and give them physical forms. He acts as a dark mirror to the three and works to make the clans lose faith in StarClan and guides cats into the clutches of the dark forest. The eclipse happens during the dark forest battle and is actually an illusion
That's kinda all for now, but I'll probably add more later.
EDIT: Completely forgot to add, but Sol's backstory is heavily inspired by Tennelleflower's Power of Three rewrite
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lesbiten · 3 years
buying the rest of the fields guides and skyclans destiny because of my compulsive need to have all the books vs. do i really want them
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aerial-jace · 3 years
How does Needletail feel about her StarClan assigned husband? And also, if I’m remembering, abandoning her birth Clan to live with Alderheart? All normal things for other patricians, but…
Alderpaw's lucky she found Needlepaw before they knew she was Echosong's daughter tbh...
I'm imagining her having a bit of a Leafstar moment when the questing cats realize and they explain the concept and she's like. "Damn, this kid is a good friend (for being a bad influence purposes ), but like. Slow down!"
But at the time it's like. Darktail just came to fuck up everything what choice does she really have? So she tolerates it and keeps him at arm's length at least for the time being. Not without her fair share of comments about it.
But at the end of the day like. She's going to be Alderheart's friend! She's going to have a hell of a time trying to corrupt this cinnammon roll of a cat. And he more or less rolls with it because "well, it's bonding time with the wife!"
When SkyClan comes back she's so relieved being among the sane folk again. Like she loves the hubby but fucking hell has she had to put up with some weird shit. And then Alderheart comes to live in SkyClan and impose lake cat ways onto SkyClan. Just lovely.
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vaugarde · 3 years
💥 ⭐️ ✨!
💥A Dangerous Path - Most interesting character in the series
hmmm... call me cliche but i say hollyleaf! i love the whole moral conundrum she goes through when she realizes her very existence is a violation of the values she's strictly held herself to her whole life, and what that drives her to. she's not perfect and she does some super fucked up things, yes, but that's why it's interesting. although i do still think that her not having powers and both the in universe and out of universe reasons are bullshit.
i'd also say onestar! lots of people have said this, but while he's definitely a frustrating character to deal with, i like that he went from a nice character firestar could depend on in the first series, to this sleazy isolationist asshole who wound up fucking himself and everyone else over with his paranoia. that's a lot more investing and easy to get from the whole mudclaw fiasco than if he had just ended up being this perfect nice leader that proved tallstar right. tallstar was WRONG to make onestar leader at the last second, and that's actually interesting
⭐️Starlight - Best leader and worst leader + why
mmmm i dont have very good memory and havent read past the first two books of the sixth series so dont hold me to these, but so far i'd say the worst leader is clear sky. like, he goes into the forest and immediately sets up the bullshit rule that you deserve to be maimed if you steal from "his land", he gets several cats from his group killed over these things and actively leaves several to die if they become disabled and "unfit" for him (including his own family), and it's so clear that he's arrogant and sleazy as a leader. and the worst part is, you can't even say this makes him interesting like it makes onestar interesting, because nothing is done with this. his whole arc is basically "i kill people. ok im not killing people bc i feel bad :( guys my mom and sister are sooooo mean for telling me im a bad person, arent they so mean? dont let them cancel me!" and then they kinda dance around that bc he's gray wing's brother and thunder's deadbeat dad or whatever and he doesnt really change. its uninteresting and he's literally one of the worst villains and thats saying a LOT for this series.
best leader is... idk really. im tempted to say crookedstar but he did some iffy shit in the first series (tho he's probably my favorite leader overall tbh) leafstar is also a good candidate though. she does such a good job for someone with no experience being given a whole group to look after. and her take no shit attitude is nice to see! idk shes not a huge character i guess but what i've seen of her, i like. shes cool :3
✨Path of Stars -  What character needs more love?
fuck everyone in this fandom, heathertail deserved better and i'll die on this goddamn hill!!
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Thoughts on the Silent Thaw
Submitted by: honeybeesickness
Sooooo I finally got to read it and I have to speak.
-How did Brambleghost not see someone take his body?
-Rootpaw ignoring the ghost of a cat begging for help because he doesn’t wanna be like tree? God he’s a stupid boi
-Please let Dewnose kill Fakestar just because he forgot his name
-Jayfeather doesn’t seem like much of a dick in this book as he was in Lost stars thank god.
-The fact that Thriftear and Flipclaw’s warrior ceremony happened between books angers me. They’re LITERALLY the Protagonist’s siblings also Ear and claw make me think of Smallear and Tigerclaw.
-Goddamnit Rootpaw quit drowning.
-Fakestar trying time get Squirrelflight to spend more time with him instead of doing normal deputy duties makes me feel like it’s Ashfur. Also why give Bristlefrost so many duties? She’s young as heck. It’s like Fireheart assigning Patrols in The Rising Storm
-Bristlefrost doesn’t need all this responsibility at such a young age and the way he continues to praise Bristlefrost just feels wrong.
-Thank god Tree had a moment with his son. Please… Let Rootpaw learn to like his dad and not see him as strange.
-Fakestar needs to let Squirrelflight do her thing. We all know if you don’t let Squirrelflight do her thing she will beat your ass.
-leaders eat before the elders? Graystripe please put him in his place or one of the elders Cloudtail Brightheart but like ONE OF THEM CHALLENGE HIM. Not Thornclaw though. He’s too conservative at this point to stand up to Fakestar.
-Banishing Lionblaze? One of the strongest cats in the clan? You do realize if you get in a battle without Lionblaze it’ll make things a lot more difficult than it has to be. The only cats I can think of that are stronger than Lionblaze are Squirrelflight and Bramblestar. Also this makes it seem like Ashfur because we know he has a personal vendetta against the Three. With Hollyleaf dead and Jayfeather in an important position of power Lionblaze is the easiest to get rid of.
-Spotfur not being aloud to speak? God damnit leave her alone. She’s also one of Lionblaze’s kits.
-Cinnamontail and Blazefire’s reactions to their friends death made me almost cry.
-Shadowsight just Shouldn’t listen time his dad. Be rebellious you good boi
-“I’ll check who my parents are before I’m born next time.” Put him in his PLACE Lionblaze
-Personally I think Lionblaze is listed as a code breaker because of his short relationship with Heathertail and killing Russetfur.
-DO FUCKING NOT KILL SPARKPELT WHO YOU JUST GAVE A SHIT TON OF CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. IT WOULD ALL BE WASTED IF SHE DIES. Also if we specify her injuries and they are REALLY bad maybe she could Bond with Brightheart who has also been attacked by dogs.
-The dog trap is giving me Tigerstar flash backs. But also Ashfur’s mom did die because of the scheme so Ashfur is still a possibility
-Finally realizing it didn’t come from Starclan. It took him a whole ass book to realize. I personally like to think Leafpool chased him out of Starclan. Like when people said Bluestar chased THC out of Starclan.
-Rootpaw telling Bramblestar to Shut up will forever be remembered.
-Breezepelt I Hope will convince Crowfeather, Nightcloud and His family about Bramblestar cause they are a FORCE to be reckoned with. And Crowfeather knows Bramblestar like he knows how to catch a rabbit so I completely think Crowfeather would understand Breezepelt.
-Stemleaf can likely get his Siblings on his side cause why else would they still be alive?
-Spotfur can rally up Lionblaze and his other kits along with Cinderheart.
-Sneezecloud can get whatever family he has in Riverclan.
-Tree covering for Rootpaw even though Rootpaw thought he was rude is so nice of Tree. He understands how it feels to be casted out for being different and doesn’t want that for his son and I love it.
-Yes Squirrelflight and Leafstar’s connection hasn’t been forgotten. Please let their friendship help in the final battle.
-Dovewing should have stayed in Twoleg Place and become a Kittypet. I wouldn’t trust any of this shit.
-Bramblestar hushing Shadowsight when he says his visions weren’t from Starclan is quite worrisome to me.
-Tree wanting to leave the clans makes me quite sad but I definitely understand why he would want to.
-BUMBLESTRIPE YOU BITCH. Graystripe didn’t raise you to be like this. Also I’m worried he’ll become an antagonist and insist on Dovewing’s punishment due to her breaking the code instead of being with him cause he’s an incel like that.
-Poor Squirrelflight. She came back to life to be with her kin and now she’s being forced away from them. Ashfur doing that is quite possible. He wouldn’t want her to stay with the family she built with Bramblestar and not him.
-Tigerheartstar listen to Tree goddamnit last time you didn’t listen to a Skyclan cat you ended up Killing Leafpool and Moonlight in a rock slide.
-I hate Scorchfur. Please kill him. If I remember Correctly he agreed that Rowanstar’s Leadership was weak and continued to Question his authority leading to Shadowclan’s destruction. And now he’s going against code breakers even AFTER Shadowsight says his visions weren’t from Starclan?!
-Either we get Berrystar or Berrynose dies brutally there is no inbetween. Personally since Fakestar was showing anger towards Berrynose I’m leaning on the latter.
-“Twigbranch and Finleap continue their punishment of digging up a thornbush, which the new deputy makes harder.” Berrynose makes a lot of things harder tbh.
-There is no goddamn way Shadowsight died. He can’t be dead don’t do this to me.
Overall. It was a good book. Fakestar is a bastard and so is Tigerheartstar. Another Cliffhanger ending to make Readers wait for the next book release.
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matoitech · 4 years
my favorite female character
oh i have so many but i really love ivypool, hollyleaf, bluestar.. LEAFSTAR I LOVE LEAFSTAR SHES MY FAVE ATM... so many lol. feathertail rose pretty high after her graphic novel! and i LOVE mothwing. AND BRIGHTHEART!!!!
my favorite male character
FOXLEAP. is he a minor side character? yes. do i love him very much? YES. foxleap id kin for you.
besides him maybe firestar or tallstar idk. OR SCOURGE. I LOVE THAT EDGY CAT
my favorite book/season/etc
of COURSE into the wild because it started it all! but ive always liked a dangerous path as well, thats probably my fave of that arcs books tbh. i’m liking the broken code arc rn but nothing can beat the intensity of the first arc!
and bluestar and tallstars super editions are my favorites of the SE’s. scourge’s manga is my fave of the mangas (the art.. so good) mothwing’s novella is my fave novella!
my favorite cast member
i do not respect warriors writers <3 
my favorite ship
mothwing and leafpool are in love and i dont care what the books tell me otherwise
a character I’d die defending
hollyleaf. recently saw someone defend millie whilst saying hollyleaf was evil bc she ‘gaslighted her brothers’ which rly proves no one here knows what words mean so. im not gonna tell ppl theyre wrong if they dont like her but dont try to say she was abusive -_- she made bad decisions but she paid a lot more for it all than she shouldve had to honestly compared to how scot-free ashfur got off
a character I just can’t sympathize with
fucking bramblestar i dont care about his problems fuck you bramblestar
a character I grew to love
i didnt used to like dovewing but im proud to say i lovewing dovewing now
my anti otp
ashfur/brambleclaw makes me furious. i hate it. i wont get on my soapbox about it bc no one wants to hear that again but god... GOD
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need1etail · 4 years
Did you finish VOS? I'd love to know all your thoughts on it, and what you would change if you could :) I was a bit bummed about some parts...I would give details, but I don't wanna spoil it if you hadn't finished it yet haha
I did! I enjoyed it? It was okay . . . I didn't love it didn't hate it, it was just good. Tbh better than a lot of AVOS books 😂. Okay get ready cause there's a lot I'd change.
Okay so first of all, I said this before but still, Shadowsight would've been in between conciousness and death through the whole book. He'd be a spirit most of the time, but Dovewing and Tigerstar would know he's alive. This way, he wouldn't have to eat deathberries to help Bramblestar.
Rootspring would have told Bristlefrost about his feelings for her, but Bristlefrost would have told him she doesn't feel the same and let him down easy cause c'mon 1. That could have been a good parallel between them with Stemleaf saying he didn't like Bristlefrost and all and 2. Bristlefrost never showed any emotion toward Root except "Wow the fact that he likes me makes me really uncomfortable." She never fucking showed that she liked him.
The impostor wouldn't be Ashfur
Mistystar would be much more strict on Codebreakers. She's always shown that she's never been happy about being half-Clan, so she begins exiling cats left and right, no matter what. Cats start getting nervous and leaving RiverClan, leaving it a little bare. This would lead up to her going senile and dying at the end of the arc.
Uhh what else . . .
Harestar would've stayed out of it but "Bramblestar" would eventually start sending "signs'" that Harestar needs to take it more seriously, going as far as killing Gorsetail (a codebreaker) and sending a fox after Crowfeather.
Finleap and Tigerstar would be named as Codebreakers as well as their mates and Brambelstar would be pissed that Tigerstar is still leading ShadowClan and exile Finleap as well as Twigbranch.
Dappletuft wouldn't die, instead an older RiverClan warrior would be killed.
Leafstar wouldn't be as annoying . . .
I think that's it? Probably not but that's the main stuff. I don't want to say how I would change the whole series cause I may still do a rewrite, but this is definitely what I would want changed in Veil of Shadows.
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Of course the one time Hawkwing is criticized and held accountable is for a stupid reason (criticizing the guy who sent them on a death mission who he has every reason to believe sent them there intentionally)
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skrs-cats · 5 years
lost stars
obligatory thoughts post TM bc this book was definitely interesting to say the least
under read more to avoid spoilers n avoid this being too lengthy n the like!!
oh and this is in no definite order regarding how the book follows (srry asdhf)
* shadowpaw is a biiit more ok for me now, i just felt really irked when they named him that way, but i want to give this guy a chance
* one thing i noticed is that, cats were actually following the code for once?? they werent being sneaky and THEY WERENT PASSING BORDERS and rootpaw!! actually!! asked for permission!! the madlad!!
* thats a good one bc usually i dont notice what the erins are trying to ‘foreshadow’ until they actually explicitly say it
* was no one gonna tell me that shadowpaw was struck by lightning or
* bristlepaw is so fukin dramatic i love her
* i feel bad for shadowpaw tbh, he’s just trying to help and i think its obvious that whoevers messing w his head is evil and when shit goes down more cats are gonna turn on him
* jayfeather, still a grumpy ass i see
* alderheart being the only one who could stay level w him w/o getting annoyed is amazing
*i love. how the main trio have their own siblings tbh, i think thats a neat thing idk why
*have i mentioned how i love tree
* and his weird son
* violetshine having ptsd w needletail dying broke my heart
* i miss. twigbranch. n lionblaze. RIP 
* i had a visceral reaction to when they were breaking the moonpool that was frozen over, mainly this;
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* wooo codebreakers. god. i am not ready to see my fav characters suffer. honestly, jay, moth, lion, twig??? bro i cannot
* the cats grieving over bramblestar made me sad, alderheart especially :’(
* also is it me or is the cat possessing bramblestar a fucking dumbass
* elders also had me emo, can u BELIEVE they didnt go thru w firestars promise of giving brightheart another apprentice im disappointed
* cats who deserve gold stars in this book: puddleshine, leafstar, tawnypelt for not being afraid to call out tigerstars shit
* i live for rootpaw being so mad tbh he reminds me of his granpaw, honestly hawkwing n rootpaw should interact moreeee
* oh! ‘nother weird thought i had was that. tree reminded me of sol a lot for some reason
* pwease erins give us the goods of rootpaw hanging out with thunderclan’s ghost leader
* thunderclan was being a hypocrite btw, calling out shadowclan for having shadowpaw when they had Plenty of the Bias(tm) of starclans powers before, *coughs* *coughs* jayfeatheryoushouldknowstarclandoesshitlikethisbynow
* i am dreading. the future of these cats. that is all. bye
*why is mistystar still alive
(also erins pls show me lionblaze grieving over leafpool hes the only one in the family who I havent even read getting sad, i liked the bonus, but wheres my boi)
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zeekitties · 5 years
Squirrelflight’s Hope Spoilers:
I didn’t hate it. 
I never really hate any of the warrior books cuz...they’re not made for me? They’re made for kids? Lol
But I liked it.
The scene with Leafpool and Squirrelflight saying goodbye physically made me cry. I was sobbing in my room cuz honestly it reminded me of me and my sister. Leafpool and Squirrelflight have kinda always reminded me of my sister without the lying and her having babies thing lol
Anyway hot take though? I hated the Sisters. I know they were supposed to be some kind of Amazon troop of cool lady cats but I just found them really annoying. Nothing they did made any sense like kidnapping Squirrelflight and Leafstar? Don’t you think that would bring the cats to you? Why did Moonlight fight, did she not care about her babies at all?
This book made me like SkyClan a lot more and idk why
The Bramblestar and Squirrelflight fight was dumb but I get it. He’s older now and he doesn’t want his clan to seem weak and to have his deputy and his mate up in his face? Undermining him? That’s messed up. 
Just on point!? That was so good to see her just not even pay attention to the kits because it’s fucking realistic? Her mate and one of her kits died? Loved that. So sad.
Also the StarClan reunion scene was really cute, I liked it. 
I also like how the BG cats got a little more screentime. 
I don’t really agree anybody was OOC tbh? 
So I guess I liked the book. Not my favorite Super Edition that’s still Crookedstar’s Promise but it was good. 
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846782364278 · 7 years
holy fuck you got warriors banned by having very violent clan wars???
YES!!!! Basically, there were two groups of kids, one of which i was the leader of. ((my name was Leafstar at first but I changed it to Bloodstar because i was an edgy little shit)) There was maybe like, 3 or 4 kids in my clan, and 3 in the other clan, who was lead by a dude named Robbie. We were warrior cats but they were like, dinosaurs or something. We had this big field to play in, and my clan would gather “”herbs”” ((random plants we found)) and put them in a pile, and make these HUGE nests out of grass that we’d live in and guard. The dinosaur clan would clash with us and try to steal our herbs and fuck up our nests, so we’d have all out WARS. We’d fight tooth and nail to keep our territory safe and we were all left with deep scratches and intense scrapes from the fighting and getting thrown to the ground. I was the most into it tbh I’d fight like my life depended on it and fucked up nearly everyone. The worst wound I can remember taking was when I was fighting a dude named Chance that was trying to destroy my nest, and I swung my arm out and clawed him across the arm as he ran by, and my fucking nail was torn straight down the middle. The teachers decided they were done dealing with kids trying to maul each other and after about two weeks of this entirely banned the game. Anyways elementary school was fucking great. 
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