#and im only excited for her pov tbh
esoteric-terror · 4 months
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new arc lets FREAKING go
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
ok so here are my thoughts on the first three chapters and the prologue of tgg (and like the two other chapters we got before)
don't read if you don't wanna hear criticism on lyra, other characters, and stuff. these are my opinions and you can have your own (obviously)
also, i just want to say that my opinions will definitely change as a i read the book. this is based off of what we know now (which isn't much).
also i counted the amount of chapters for each character. lyra has 31. gigi has 28, and rohan has 24 (25 with the prologue). there's an epilogue called the watcher who i'm pretty sure is eve (and probably sets up book 2)
ok. i'll split this into parts so it makes more sense
lyra: most people here seem to love lyra, but i honestly don't think she's anything special (so far). she seems to be a mix of avery, grayson, and jameson. her inner monologue resembles avery, her coping mechanism (running) is similar to grayson's, and the fact that she showed up at school in pajamas and went to a class she wasn't even enrolled in gives off jameson vibes (the jameson vibes are not as strong as grayson and avery but they're still there). i do find her backstory interesting, and i'd like to learn more about it. i also find her acing a test for a class she didn't attend weird. it was only 10 questions but why? her attachment to numbers isn't weird, but for her to be able to detect a pattern in an test is kind of excessive in my opinion. i get that jlb probably wrote her this way so that she's able to play the game, but, idk, i honestly don't know how to feel about it (all ik is that im a bit iffy about it. avery acing a test made sense. she attended the class and studied really hard for it, but for lyra to just randomly ace an exam for a class she doesn't even attend just seems a bit random). i did like the scene where she throws a ball at her catcaller's face.
she's not a bad character, per se, and we literally know next to nothing about her character so its not that i don't like her, its just that, so far, she seems to be like every single other jlb main character (avery, cassie, etc). this literally goes for the other characters (gigi and rohan). don't get me wrong, avery is my favorite character and if lyra is anything like her, i think i'll like her. i just wish lyra wasn't a copy paste of avery.
oh, and, idk why, but thought her having a little brother was kind of cute (especially if he's really young, i'd like to read about their dynamic). her being a dancer is also nice.
i do hope lyra and avery become good friends. i think they have a lot in common (the hawthornes ruined (or tried to ruin) their lives (tobias giving avery the fortune knowing she might die, using her, skye trying to get her killed, etc), they seem to think similarly, etc) and could really hit it off. avery also needs friends who aren't trying to get her killed (*cough* rebecca and thea *cough*)
its really late, and i have more thoughts on lyra but i can't seem to put them into words so ill make another post someday.
rohan seems very similar to grayson and jameson. in tbh, he seemed to be more like jameson, but, reading from his pov, his inner monologue is clearly more similar to grayson's (at least from what i remember, i read the chapters a while ago). im glad that he's not an exact copy paste of another character and at least a little different. after what we got from tbh, i expected him to be a jameson 2.0.
i'm glad we now know his motives and why he's participating in the game. also, i think its crazy he's been in the devils mercy since he was 5. he probably hasn't been training since he was five, but i still find this interesting. im excited to read more about his childhood. where exactly are his parents?
i don't have many thoughts on him. im still kinda disappointed he's similar to jameson and grayson, but i was sort of expecting it so it wasn't like what i felt with lyra. anyways, i think i'll like his character. i'm especially excited to read more about his childhood.
ik she's similar to xander, but i've liked her ever since i read tbh. im still disappointed (like with lyra and rohan) about her being like xander, but i've come to terms with it. she seems really sweet and kind-hearted (a bit like sloane from the naturals whom i love). she's definitely not my favorite (that title goes to avery), but i do really enjoy her. some people find her character annoying, but i don't think so. i'm really want to read more about her (just like the other characters).
i don't think all of her chapters will be similar to the one we got bc i remember a scene in tbh where grayson said smth like 'maybe she isn't happy all the time' after seeing her a little sad (or maybe she's the one that mentioned not being happy all the time. idk i just remember a scene that mentioned that gigi isn't always happy). i doubt that all of her chapters will be like the one we got bc of this, but i might be wrong. if they are all like that, i dont think itll get too annoying bc we have rohan and lyra chapters in between hers. anways, ik i'll like her in tgg (bc i liked her in tbh even though sometimes she made me cringe)
final thoughts:
i think i'll like tgg (i liked all of the jlb books ive read so far). i'm a bit disappointed that the characters are so similar to some that we already have but i think i'll get over it. i do think that it is safe to say that, bc of this, tgg won't take tig's spot as one of my all time fav contemporary books (i separate contemporary from fantasy and stuff bc it doesn't make sense to me how im supposed to rank books that are completely different) and none of the pov characters will replace avery as my fav (this is confirmed, i see so much of myself in avery and i read her books when i was at my lowest. no one will replace her). i am quite tired so this may not make sense or might be repetitive. i have some other thoughts, but im too tired to write them down.
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readingwiththestars · 4 months
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["whatever our souls are made of hers and mine are the same"]
| ✮ 3.5 stars |
THOUGHTS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers for ihhbwm + some spoliers for ioihth]
ok so lemme tell you i had the BIGGEST reading slump ever just as i started to read this. so this review may be a little choppy at some points because i've just pointblank forgotten some parts and don't wanna go back and re-read finny's pov just yet.
i was so on the fence about reading this because on one hand i really wanted to read finny's pov and on the other, complete and utter heartbreak.... yeah....... so anyway i read it.
when i tell you that this book had me ugly crying in the middle of the night. like seriously finny's pov?? fucking broke me. are you kidding me? the way he speaks about autumn? ugh when am i gonna find a guy like finny fr? but seriously this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions just from the heartbreak knowing whats already gonna happen to finny as he describes how happy he is and how he can't believe autumn loves him back, to the smile i had on my face reading about 'the moms' bickering over baby stuff for autumn.
i will say this now i did expect a little more (hence the rating). i wanted idk more closure at the end there. idk rlly know how to describe it better since its 10 o'clock at night and ive had zero sleep for the past four nights in a row. but yeah i wanted something more. (bitch u wanted finny to be alive)
CHARACTERS ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
finny -
*sobbing noises* i could go on a damn rant abt this boy. holy shit. he's just perfect. if i see one person ONE PERSON coming after him istg- he was such a caring sweet person like the pencil??? and always going to the sketchy gas station (i nearly called it a servo then lmao) to get the candy autumn likes?? and always making sure people were safe when he drives?? *cough* apparently not you though sylvie *cough* just ahhh laura when i get you. cause like why'd you have to make him get out of the car, hmmm? lets just compromise and you give me an alternate universe where finny misses the puddle or better yet where sylvie kept her damn seatbelt on.
jack -
tbh i wasn't all that excited to read about jack. (also to be fair i was still sobbing from finny's pov so that probably didn't help) like i seriously just thought it'd be some jock trying to process finny's death by hooking up with alexis (who by the way can go jump up her own ass and die) but we got the whole other side of him where he was genuinely affected by finny's death and really was his best friend. but the way he didn't like autumn way just- yeah. also i saw him and sylvie coming from a mile away like seriously it wasn't very subtle.
autumn -
*sobbing noises increase* autumn my baby girl. i just wanted to jump through the pages and give her a hug. seriously i feel robbed that we didn't get to see a happy autumn. angie and her's friend ship was so precious tho. and i love love LOVE that they bonded over being moms/soon-to-be-moms. im also just gonna say the way we didn't see an ounce of jamie or sasha this entire book made me so happy! i also lowkey wanted to see more of when she was an actual mom? like what would she name the baby? i wanted to see domestic autumn a little more. but i still love her so much and it was so lovely to see her heal <3
QUOTES ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . [spoilers]
"my love for her is the closest thing i have to religion. but it's okay that she doesn't feel the same. i'm fine. i can handle it" - finny
"my devotion to autumn is engraved on my very being. i am in awe of her. i will sit in the stands and cheer her on in life as her most ardent admirer. i know i'll always love her in the same way i know i'll always need oxygen" - finny
"it's all done. finn's story is over. his whole life. that was it. not even nineteen years, and he'll never, ever do anything else ever again. finn won't go off to college or celebrate his birthday. he won't get another hair cut or get the oiled changed in his car. he won't bite a hangnail on his thumb or buy another CD. finn smith has done everything he will ever do. he won't get to be with autumn." - jack
“this baby isn't what's left over from our love story. this baby is our story's continuation.” - autumn
"if only i'd told her that i loved her years ago, i wouldn't be here now." - finny
all in all laura you can pay for my therapy mkay?
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bookbitchx · 3 months
Hello hello here's a lil rant about SJMs writing of Rhys and it driving me crazy :) (CC3 spoilers, ACOTAR spoilers, minor TOG spoilers)
I agree with your post that questions whether or not SJM was being purposeful when she created the dynamics of the IC and their allies. I personally think in order to determine if SJM is doing this purposefully its important to take all her books into account (especially with the crossover in CC3 😭 And because SJM's only finished series currently is TOG, most of my comparisons will involve that series)
I suspect that the IC's emotional journeys are still very far from over. Especially Rhys and Feyre since they have been arguing off page (which is understandable given it wasnt their POVs) and SJM purposefully included Ember Quinlan defending Nesta in the bonus chapter. Now each of these characters have VERY strong personalities, but Ember in particular comparing rhys to someone who abused her is EXTREMELY important for us as readers to note for future books. And i really hope that its because SJM is finally gonna let him be held accountable for being an ass towards his mate's sister and for meddling so much in their relationship.
Rhysand in particular out of all of the IC has probably the most potential for a good redemption arc. Hes traumatized by his families deaths and UTM in canon and it would be safe to assume his childhood in Windhaven wasn't exactly pleasant. So giving us the Archeron POVs to unpack these centuries old characters is bound to get messy due to their own lack of experience, (but it makes for good fan interaction, i see you sjm).
Rhys definitely has better intentions than the Highlords before him did, but he still has some iffy behavior that stems from needing to have control over his surroundings likely due to traumatic events where he felt powerless to save those he cares for. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he has (accidentally) hurt more people while trying to keep control. He withheld life saving info from his mate bc he didnt want her to worry, he threatened and chased Nesta from the city because she shared the info he was hiding, he stole the book from Tarquin despite the fact that he likely would have helped rhys anyway, he locked his IC in Velaris to protect them (when Amren could've solo'd anyone in UTM 🤫). All of which to me sounds like could be control issues.
Now for who I think is the closest character we have to really compare to Rhys, the MC of TOG also struggled with control issues throughout the series. And her own trauma also mirrors Rhys' to an extent, especially her family life and the fact she was also stuck without fresh air while she was in Endovier. She made bad choices throughout her story, ones that affected the people she loved directly. But when her arc concluded, she was able to make healthier decisions for herself and loved ones despite that.
If SJM truly loves rhys as much as she claims, I don't think she wouldn't give him an opportunity to heal like the one she gave to Aelin. Especially after she hinted in CC3 that things are NOT always all fine and dandy in Feysand's relationship, Feyre herself said she was furious with the IC in acosf, and the two of them have yet to discuss how Rhys' actions utm affected her.
Realistically, I don't the highest hopes for Rhys' character arc unfortunately, but a girl can dream of a better ACOTAR 😂 I wanna believe that it'll be a great series when it concludes but im hesitant in putting my faith into SJM tbh 😔 Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful rest of ur day/ night and im so excited to hear your thoughts!
I hope you're having a good day/night too!
You definitely make some good points.
I can kind of see similarities between Rhysand and Aelin, but at the same time, I don't.
Aelin, for all her faults and mistakes, had at least tried to do the right thing, no matter how misguided it was. She was selfish and reckless and ended up hurting people close to her, but she owned up to it. She was also young. She was, what like 19-20? Not an excuse, but a factor.
Rhysand, on the other hand... God, where do I even start?
It's weird because ACOTAR is so different from TOG in terms of writing, and I'm just talking about first person/third person POVs.
I honestly believe that SJM tried to make the series black and white. Tamlin Bad, Rhysand good. Eris bad, Mor good. Nesta bad, Feyre good... and accidentally ended up with a controversial mess.
I mean good for her. Publicity is publicity no matter if it's positive or negative (here we are talking about it), but yeah.
Rhysand was supposed to be this morally grey character, but she ended up making him a self praising, self-proclaimed king of feminism, most powerful High Lord with nothing to back it up.
○ He gives Feyre 'choices' only when the outcome is in his favor.
○ He claims he's all for women's freedom to choose whatever they want... yet he lets those Illyrian camps keep women as glorified slaves and praises the leaders for giving them 2 hours of training.
○ He's 'the most powerful High Lord' yet he can't control the HC, and the camp leaders barely respond to him.
○ He, Feyre, and the IC feel entitled to information that affects the whole of Prythian... for what I don't know.
○ I'm not even going to get into the acts he commits against his 'family' bc I would be here for a while.
○ He encouraged his mate to take her petty revenge on Tamlin, destroying his entire court in the process, innocent lives and homes, not to mention making Prythian more vulnerable to Hybern.
○ He got mad at Nesta for giving the mask to Bryce... isn't that what he did with the book? Except he stole it and destroyed Summer Court property while Nesta controls the mask.
You're right about his control issues, though, as was seen with Nesta every time she didn't listen to him. I can see how that would relate to the lack of control he felt UTM, but...
Did 50 years UTM getting SA affect him? Obviously. I don't disregard the trauma he went through, but I also don't turn a blind eye to the things he did UTM.
He assaulted his mate with no excuse. He could've easily left her in that cell instead of making her wear a napkin and get drunk against her will. Amarantha didn't even care when he paraded her around and only got mad when she saw them kissing.
The children of the Winter Court that were killed, I don't know why it was brushed off with no consequences because who else would have done it? Daematis are extremely rare, and somehow, there was another one powerful trapped under the mountain, but he doesn't know who? Another Daemati who was working for Amarantha and didn't call out Rhysand on the Claire Beddor lie?
God, this turned into a rant, I know, and I'm sorry, lol.
I personally don't see a redemption arc satisfying enough happening or at all really. I read somewhere that Rhysand was created after SJM's husband Josh... yk where I'm going with this.
Anyway, if you sat through this, thanks!
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sainns · 2 months
romance: untold rankings ! i love enhypen and i'll be honest this is probably my favorite comeback after dark blood (nobody will ever beat her i fear)
paranormal 10000000000/10 this is my song i literally claimed it and im a lover of everything paranormal and sunghoons voice okay lets all die AND HEESEUNG IN THE CHORUS GOODBYE peak vampire romance
your eyes only 10000/10 this is definitely one of my favorite songs enhypen has release ITS SO GOOD i literally claimed it from the start so its mine nobody gets it like i do
brought the heat back 10/10 i need more songs like this from them genuinely it's so fun and exciting it's so jackson wang house party core yayaya <- pov i'm enhypen.
royalty 10/10 ugh again this song is so fun i love it its so summery and summer is my favorite season sooooo but guys idk i love jake and jungwons voice in this one wow i love the chorus also its super catchy
highway 1009 9.5/10 i loveeee slow songs like this it isnt super slow but its more romantic? than the others its like lowkey a ballad and i am CRAZY for ballads
moonstruck 9/10 SO GLAD IT ISN'T AN INTRO SONG it's so good vocals are amazing as usual and they're so right it is just the two of us (me and all of enhypen) (i'm dating all of them) i wish it was longer tho hello
xo (only if you say yes) 9/10, i love it i just do not like the chorus tbh and it's a little short but the music video was so good sunoo is so gorgeous and sunghoons for the streets
hundred broken hearts 8/10, well i liked it obviously but!! i didn't like the auto tune or whatever that was IDK I DIDNT LIKE THE ROBOT VOICE but its good if i ignore that part i also kinda fucked up the last minute
overall thoughts 9/10 album shouldve been longer bring back three minute songs and bridges and the girl sunghoon was with was me AND first carrots comeback tgt if u ignore three of them being dead but thats ok
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thesherrinfordfacility · 10 months
another batshit theory for the ages...
though tbh it's just a summary that interweaves a variety of them. it's long and rambly im sorry
so @booksandmate added this increíble addition to what was honestly meant as a half-hearted shitpost, and then allowed me to pepe-silvia at them in their DMs, but it's been spinning in my head ever since - because if we consider if crowley had managed to reach ten before the lightning strike, and managed to control his temper... well, what would have happened?
but that's not necessarily what im looking at here, specifically. i am however gonna start with ep1 and the lightning strike, because im somewhat dogged by nina's words in ep6 that now suddenly feel like a healthy helping of foreshadowing:
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that everything started with the locked-in-the-coffeeshop-incident, which of course was precipitated by crowley losing his rag, summoning (?) lightning, and it bouncing off the café.
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noting a couple of things: the lightning definitely appears to originate from crowley, right? it may well be calling like-to-like, but either way the lightning starts in him, and we suddenly then have either a) a bolt summoned from the heavens, channeled through him, and hitting the café, or b) two bolts, one of which relays back and forth from the heavens, and a further bolt rebounded on the café.
but what... is the point? im relatively on the team that it could just be building crowley-lore, playing into the "crowley is a very powerful demon 💅" characterisation, and it has the ultimate byproduct of kick-starting the events of the s2 plot; like @booksandmate said, without crowley counting to ten and controlling his anger, we wouldn't have the above, wouldn't have nina and maggie locked in the café, etc etc. but.
this locking-in business could easily, i hubristically presume (albeit less exciting, admittedly), have been written as caused by something else, or not occurred altogether (and maggie would still have shared with aziraphale that she thinks she's in love with nina, gave her the LP etc)... so why specifically did it require crowley, and such a raw display of 'demonic' power?
with that in mind, do we assume it serves a different purpose, or at least has another layer? well, we collectively seem to be surmising the latter, given god's words in the job minisode:
do you know the rules of the heavens? did you set the constellations in the sky? can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you?
obviously the last two now, in retrospect, seem very significant in the context of what we find out about crowley in both s1 and s2; he created nebulae and hung stars and planets, and now can seem to summon lightning. i originally wondered if it were simply a message to crowley or at least the audience that god was still watching, and had not forsaken crowley at all, but i do now ponder if its something more.
the first one is iffy, but actually... well, it definitely seems that crowley has the better measure of heaven than aziraphale or indeed anyone else has - what its motivations and limitations are, to say the least. even his line about the bees; in this respect, he is deeply perceptive of the intragroup dynamic of heaven in a way that the angels are not. and then, if we hypothesise about crowley in a pre- to post-fall context, that he Only Asked Questions, an action that may turn out to have precipitated the Big Bad, then yeah - maybe crowley does in fact know the rules of the heavens, and learnt it the hard way.
and this doesn't even take into account the whole general parallel between job and crowley in receiving undue punishment "and not even to know why". whilst i do still hold that the minisode flashbacks may well be crowley's POV, that is largely irrelevant; we know crowley displaces his emotions surrounding the fall/god onto his plants in modern day, and we are immediately introduced to the minisode with the display of him doing the same to job's goats.
either way, i think that we can be reasonably certain that whilst maybe unintentional at the time, god's words were a direct mirror to events unfolding/character history revealed for crowley at the very least in s2. even if we step outside taking god's action/inaction literally in job, and see it as a parable, it's a lesson that sometimes suffering occurs for no reason, that the universe is not always explainable and certainly not always good, but trust in god and god's power. icky to think about, at least for me, but the same passage (job 41, god's answers) then brings me to my next thought: the matchbox.
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i wrote a follow up to a fab post looking at where i feel the matchbox might come into play (specifically, job 41:19 that is inscribed on the side of it), but here is the précis of sorts:
given that the matchbox features the quote before being dropped in heaven, it was potentially placed there in the pub as a long-standing direction for gabriel 'for when the time came', a mark of omniscience
the passage itself may refer to the leviathan as per job, but imagery-wise refers to the heaven trial in s1, where crowley-as-aziraphale spits out fire at the archangels
it's the last thing gabriel reads before he heads down to earth. he still thinks it's aziraphale (ie. heaven is presumably not aware of the body-swap at that point), and so heads to where he knows aziraphale will be - the bookshop - to seek... protection?
if the message however was put there by god, who is omniscient (and the narrator of s1), they would have been directing gabriel towards crowley, not aziraphale... crowley who is homeless living in his car, but whose own last sanctuary is that same bookshop
and lastly, it seems that it's only crowley that is able to unlock gabriel's memories... we know that crowley definitely has some kind of hypnotic, trance-like power, and this might be key... especially as gabriel then starts recounting memories (and prophecies...?) that he wasn't present for - only god, job, aziraphale and crowley.
(tbh, i then wonder how far the 'signs from the almighty' might extend to buddy holly playing in that bar, for beelzebub to introduce the concept of music to gabriel, 'information in a tuneful way'.)
i also want to pay some attention to the 25-lazarii miracle, because im still obsessed by the idea that the miracle didn't quite work as intended, or at least not in the way crowley ends up describing in ep6. summary:
gabriel took his gabrielness and put it in the fly, and the fly followed him into the bookshop and continued to chill there quite happily for all of s2
michael and shax seem to be able to sense gabriel to varying degrees - michael in ep2, and shax in ep3 - where i think it's possible they're sensing the consciousness of gabriel stored in the fly. in any case, they are all able to perceive and acknowledge jim as a inconsequential human, which in any case goes directly against 'not noticing' him in that form
when aziraphale and crowley do the miracle, they hold hands with jim - where gabriel definitively isn't - and attempt to hide gabriel. but if gabriel isn't in there, and it didn't work on jim, and yet a miracle still registers up in heaven, what did the miracle actually do? did it hide someone else?
if god is somehow channelling themself through jim, as we see in ep2 and ep3, did the boys - in fact - hide god?
but then, now that im thinking about, would a miracle of that magnitude only take 25 lazarii? what if instead it's the son of god, who has the power of words to give eternal life? the power, when he returns, to grant humanity eternal salvation, or eternal punishment? john 6:68 (yes, the verse number struck me dumb for a minute):
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hold that thought (sorry) for a minute though, because the lightning strike came before hiding anything... so, does the lightning serve a different purpose, in the wider narrative? well, let's consult matthew 24 and break it down:
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lighting strike? ✅* (more on this later on)
carcass around which eagles (or vultures depending on the version) gather? im gonna hazard a ✅
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or considering the more metaphorical:
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sun shall be darkened, moon will not give her light? bit of a stretch, but darkness fell pretty quick in ep5, certainly more rapid than would be warranted for 6.30pm, and lasted that way, presumably, until the demons had all been eviscerated... so, tentative ✅ (though given the green lighting... it could have all just been the demons, sure)
stars from heaven, and powers of heaven will be shaken? not too sure on the stars, unless you potentially count it in with the above darkness thing, but the metatron making a surprise appearance would suggest that the powers definitely be shooketh ✅
if we look at verse 30, this suggests that this hasn't happened just yet; that whilst we may be gearing up towards the second coming, it hasn't actually happened*, and this is where we'll lead into s3.
but if we continue matthew 24 (discussed in this post and this post too by @paperbunny):
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days of noah: okay so yeah this could well be a literal flood, and tbh i still think (i wear glasses, so full disclosure ok) that that little snippet behind aziraphale in the first link looks like an optical illusion of a flood, but the chapter continues to clarify a little more about what was happening before the great flood, that humanity will exist in a similar bliss until the second coming arrives... so, a tentative ✅
eating and drinking ✅ there is a lot of eating and drinking imagery in s2, no doubt, but i feel like the coffee and eccles cakes in ep1, before the lightning, play a potentially major part here* (again, more on this later on)
marrying and giving in marriage ✅ if you take into account the whole maggie/nina subplot, gabriel/beelzebub subplot, and then The Big One that is crowley's marriage proposal in ep6
one shall be taken, the other left ✅ 💀 i don't need to explain this surely
two women grinding at the mill, one shall be taken, the other left ✅ ...ish. grinding maybe as a reference to how maggie and nina end up in the café together, working together, then visit crowley and end up Not Getting Together for Good Reason, but where crowley leaves them is that maggie is back in the record store, asleep (and waiting for nina to heal)
but where i come back to the *s is twofold:
nina says eccles cakes would calm someone down. aziraphale seems to consider it, and believe her. he takes the eccles cakes with him, deliberately hands them off to crowley so he can open the door, and the last interior shot before crowley loses his mind is the cakes, untouched, on the table. we know aziraphale seems to have a knack for unconscious miracles/reality manipulation, so what if by believing the eccles cakes would in fact calm crowley down, they actually magically take on the attribute that they would calm him down? im calling this diversion-from-matthew-24 #1
and then the lightning strike itself; crowley fails to rein in his temper, and the lightning shenanigans happen... but matthew describes that it cometh from the east, and shineth unto the west... but in crowley's case, the lightning strikes the bookshop, which lies to the east (going by the compass in aziraphale's bookshop) (actually technically north-east i guess)... diversion-from-matthew-24 #2.
this where im wondering a few things, as a culmination of all of the above...
did god foresee a good portion of all of this, and the events that follow, and warn gabriel ahead of time to seek out aziraphale and crowley via the medium of the matchbox?
does crowley, having not eaten the cakes, summon lighting because he did not Calm Down, constituting as the first sign of the second coming - and was just a wee bit ahead of schedule?
and did he botch it, à la s1 baby swap, by it hitting the coffeeshop instead of the bookshop (going to the east, not the west)? and is the lightning reaching upwards towards the heavens significant?
did crowley's lightning summon jesus, yank his... spirit? soul? out of heaven, and bring it earthside, and it attached itself to jim, currently a vacant vessel?
aziraphale and crowley hide said jesus spirit inadvertently with the 25 lazarii miracle, expecting to hide gabriel?
when jim goes all purple-eyed-mystic-meg, is that jesus speaking? speaking as an omniscient being with his mother's voice, and prophesying the rest of the second coming with "a tempest... great storms"?
and yet, despite this, all the signs of the second coming continue throughout s2, and possibly even kick-start the last judgement, with the various mentions of people going missing? hell being understaffed?
if you've made it this far, kudos
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sirensea14 · 3 months
I hope that Bamban mayor Alice Guo gets arrested soon. Her fingerprints and the alleged Guo Huaping who has the same appearance as the mayor matched. There's also a possible identitiy theft as there was another 'Alice Leal Guo' found with the same damn name, and the same damn birth date, but the face doesnt match. I, along with other tiktok (and possibly reddit users out there, idk) have a theory that she [Mayor Alice] may have killed the other faced Alice Leal Guo, and then took her identity as the mayor is Guo Huaping. This is basically identity theft yet happened years ago. Now, Mayor Alice has nowhere to hide as she is cornered... unless someone protects her. Which i theorize to be former president Rodrigo Duterte. I mean, ther was a picture shown on tv which had Mayor Alice and pres. Duterte! He supports the Chinese and possibly was the one protecting Mayor Alice and her shit for POGO to operate on Tarlac. Then theres these senators in favor of legalizing POGO, along with the fucking Duterte family. I swear, these politicians, senators, government people or whatever they are called, will be the death of the Philippines. They cause nothing but corruption and destruction. There are only few humble ones like Sen. Hontiveros and Sen. Legarda etc. This is a matter of National Security and it is quite alarming to see that there is an influx of chinese people and business here in the Philippines. Im not sure why but I feel like theyre trying to corner us, not only on water, but also on land and politics shit.
And that issue about Cataduanes and the rise of Chinese "students" in Cagayan should be addressed soon after Alice Guo's case. And ive seen some news about chinese vessels patroling on the left [viewer's pov] side of the country, specifically the area of Cataduanes, an island province. It has a pure Chinese mayor and governor and from what i heard, there are lots of business there taken over by chinese. The sheer audacity [for China] to actually invest and spend money to slowly invade shit on us. And now, whats next? A fucking hand salute? A fuckung hymn to sing and shit? Actually no, dont. But the thought of disrespecting and ruining the shit out of them [Chinese] MAKES ME EXCITED tbh. Just the thought of hating on the government alone is exciting. Man i, for sure am getting trouble for posting shit like this. And im going to shout it again
Nakakabaliw eh, ayoko na sanang magpost pa ng ganto, kaso napipilitan ako dahil may kakayanan naman akong magpost at mag-spread awareness. Nakakairita na talaga yung gobyerno eh noh. Or ung mundo in general. Nagkakagulo na lahat, yung tipong iisipin mo nalang na kamatayan ang lunas rito.
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braimrotting · 1 year
My playlist as QSMP
(warning im shit at english lang so my interpretation of songs may be way off... im also ace and often miss romantic implication so.. yeah if a song has lyrics which are like about an s/o and i havent specified i probably dont mean for it to be shipping)
songs included: tongues & teeth (the crane wives), pink in the night (mitski), gb eating gb whilst listening to gb (crywank), going to brighton (fresh)
TONGUES & TEETH - The Crane Wives hideduo fit pov fit as a self serving survivalist from a wasteland experiencing love in this cursed fuckin island • "ive grown a mouth so sharp and cruel its all that i can give to you my dear" habits from 2b2t even little things like his lack of trust, hasnt confided his true intentions to anyone - constant lies by omission - hes flawed and hes recognised it • "if you're fine with that you can be mine like that" theres very much something going on with hideduo but fit is insistent on his baby steps bc he doesnt want to hurt pac. 'are you fine with that?' • "you gotta know that this wont last" this is soooo fit coded bffr. i adored the conversations fit n ramon had but one thing that stuck out to me was that he would always specify that only he and ramon would escape. never mentioned anyone else. selfish in the most understandable way • "i will ruin you, its a habit i cant help it" again 2b2t ingrained habits that never leave. linked w above point, hes selfish and that isnt necessarily a bad thing just not great for a blossoming relationship • "i will love u like the ashes in my cigarette box" hc 2b2t!fit smoked - ramon told him off once but now that the baby's gone hes picked it up again, a headcanon bc i cannot imagine ccfit smoking since hes such a health buff - feels so out of character lmao strong thoughts about qfit no one even try to fight me - his entire character occupies a space in my brain PINK IN THE NIGHT - Mitski phissa missa pov devotion easy • "i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you" • "can i try again and again and again" i dont think i need to say more - tbh this could go for guapoduo too but the "can i try again" made me think of missa + how he wants to live up to phils expectations
GB EATING GB WHILST LISTENING TO GB - Crywank phissa still missa pov
"in a busy room youre all i see" literally THEM sorry during the mexican independence event they were literally all they could see.. them doing the dance together - it may as well have just been the 2 of them + phil jumping in front of missa to take pics of him alone w/o him noticing
"calm down dont let her see how fast your heart is beating" missa saying "im speaking weird so the translator doesnt pick up, i love you" THIS GUYYYYYYYY
"i think about you but i know im not good enough" bffr mr missa "ill come back when im a good enough father" sinfonia
"and I built you up to much, now I can't say what's on my mind in case I go and scare you away" missa doesnt want to burden phil because he feels like hes been such a bad father compared to phils dedication - now that hes back he doesnt want to disappoint him anymore
"and how could i compete with the world at your feet" missa coming back to like 3 men at phils whim LMAO
"i wouldn't want to hurt you by letting you hurt me you don't deserve to feel guilty"
"i just want you in my life"
sorry im so obsessed with their puppy love GOING TO BRIGHTON - Fresh tubbo coded, i mean with the name i had to give it to him in my mind hes talkin to phil • "things i care the most about dont seem to ever get old" his excitement over everything even the simplest things is so refreshing • "i feel the fire inside me trains passing over head" his determination posing a unique threat to the feds and i feel like its such an important part of his character. also he likes trains :) • "there are things i learnt inside my head that they cant ever take away from me" lil bugs and just knowledge of the game make him a great bug tester for the admins lmao. this guy takes any chance to glitch his way through life
"starting over is a sign of strength"
also honorary mention to that one person who said the garden was codebreakerduo coded because you are so right and true and based and i think of that post everytime i listen to that song. being so normal by peach pit was very celltw (is that what pac and cellbit are called?) to me but i didnt really have much reasoning
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blorbologist · 1 year
hello did you say something about a lotr style retelling of campaign one???? if you're willing please do tell
Hi anon - this one likely won't be written for ages yet, I'd be happy to <3
So it's a very amorphous idea (like my Filles du roi AU) because I want to reread the books front to back before touching the project. But the ghist of it is that it'd be a mythological retelling of Campaign 1 with a similar framework to LOTR - a book built from the accounts of a few characters and them getting accounts from their friends / likely flat-out imagining some shit (hard to get a Sauron POV), written in prose of Tolkien's style. Characters will sing beautiful songs mid-battle, the hearts of men and their like are fundamentally good, and etc.
Here's the thing: Scanlan is the primary author, here, so he deliberately exaggerated and switched up a lot for the sake of the story. It might actually follow TLOVM's plot more closely than canon, because it already does a lot of the streamlining he would want to do.
I figure he only publishes this in his old age - when only he, Keyleth and Pike are left - and the girls both think the rest of the party would be delighted by this story so they don't go out of their way to correct it. Also Scanlan clearly worked hard on it with all the prose, illustrations, poetry and songs - it's a love letter to Vox Machina. (Some sections are from Vex when she was still around, with notes she got from Percy's journals. Tbh half the poetry is his, and all the Celestial.) There are also probably contributions (coughcorrectionscough) by Keyleth and Pike.
The main problem would be finding the right balance of LOTR elements and nailing the writing style. But I'm excited!
My thoughts so far include:
Given this is Scanlan writing this story, he and Pike are the main characters, taking up elements of Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Making them get separated and be present for the reclaiming of Whitestone (battle of Pelennor Fields, Merry & Pip) and their bond being pivotal to defeating the dark lord (Frodo and Sam. Pike doing the 'but I can carry you' thing <33)
Percy just... is Aragorn. It's stupid perfect for him: heir to an empire fallen from grace heavily associated with white and trees, hello?? Except all his names are part of his full name, not a host of aliases and titles.
Vex would likely be a combination of Faramir (ranger of Gondor, daddy issues galore) and Éowyn (I AM NO MAN, close friendship to one of the hobbits/gnomes, Trinket could be her horse). Both of them have a close bond with a brother that makes things absolutely heartbreaking. Except given she’s both Faramir and Éowyn she gets to smooch Percy-Aragorn, and their roles in the House of Healing are swapped (true love's crit).
Vax would likewise steal elements from Frodo (tragic bearer of the burden, cannot really go home) and Boromir :)
Keyleth and Grog neatly slot in with Percy as the Three Hunters. Grog and Percy n Kiki and Grog friendship time <33
Scanlan compresses the timeline so multiple great forces of evil act at the same time. Vecna is obviously Sauronlike, with a great evil land of evil. Undecided if the Briarwoods are Saruman (manipulation, sorta serve the great evil for their purposes) or Denethor (stewards of the white city, motivated by despair and in a twisted way love). Conclave could be akin to the Nazgul, or Saruman (Raishan namely, plus Saruman of the Many Colors = Chroma Conclave).
Look getting the balance Right between LOTR and CR and TLOVM is gonna be a bitch is what I'm saying, but taking some elements from LOTR would make it more fun.
Anyways apparently the theatrical edition doesn't include Éomer's cry of agony when he finds Éowyn on the battlefield???? Or Pippin looking for Merry amidst the corpses long after dark? I only ever watch the Extended Edition so im Heartbroken :c
Anyways watch this and think of the Twins (Éomer and Éowyn), Percy (Aragorn), and Pike & Scanlan (Merry & Pip):
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jovenshires · 10 months
thank you for making me feel better abt sending u so many asks🫶
also I acc LOVE the idea of a disgruntled english teacher at lunch that's wild but so accurate
thanks for that shaynse shout out absolutely so giddy now🫡
Also was wondering how u would match up the smoshcast with Taylor albums?
Some of my ideas (more vibes then lyrics):
Red - Amanda (maybe its the scarves)
1989 - Angela
Reputation - Arasha
Folklore - Ian
Evermore - Tommy
Midnights - Courtney
BONUS I think if shaynse were an album they'd be evermore (based off vibe alone, not necessarily lyrics)
EXTRA BONUS if shaynse were an artist they would be cigarettes after sex
(Would love to hear what albums/artists you associate with spommy and any other ships too)
-shaynse anon
absolutely any time!! honestly Thank You for sending so many asks these are always the highlights of my day i hope you all know.
NSDKLNFLKRNKL thank you so much. i feel like i just open my ask box like its my office door and i see six asks lined up in the hallway every morning and sigh and invite the kids in to eat. does this make sense. in no way do i want to be a fandom mom BUT a fandom english teacher all the gay kids think is cool? yeah okay i can get behind that
literally any time im incorporating it into asks now why? bc you're an icon and i love it
OH MY GOD YOUR MIND.... this is god tier thinking. tbh all of your takes are Perfect i couldn't have said it better myself. debut is so kimmy to me (idet i have to explain that one), fearless... fearless is tough... maybe damien??, speak now is jackie (it's My favorite album i get to gift it to one of My favorite cast members), and my hot take is that shayne IS lover. look at that mf. he's so lover coded. and then i agree with ALL of your ops. (folklore ian hits SO hard btw for no reason)
oh i LOVE that. willow.......... cowboy like me........ long story short...... i am seeing the vision here
i have never listened to a cigarettes after sex song but now im gonna have to omg
okay here are my off-the-cuff takes (i put them under the cut bc as always it got away from me):
spommy: 1989. i link them Inextricably with you are in love, style, new romantics, slut... they could be Any of these albums though tbh so this one is hard but yeah i think this one vibes the hardest for them
shaymien: LOVERRRR i will stand by this one forever and ever!! lover, daylight, ITS NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND.... oh my god. OHHHH my god.
amangela: red - they are giving stay, stay, stay, they are giving starlight, they are giving message in a bottle. extremely silly lil guys, very upbeat and high-energy, this album is for them
courtivia: they are midnights bc 1. hot girl bling they are both bejeweled and making the whole world shimmer 2. lavender haze and snow on the beach are them tyvm for coming to my tedtalk
shackie: they can have the honor of speak now. bc i like them <3 KLDFNFN no but also bc 'mine' but like. shayne pov. you made a rebel of a careless man's reckless son!!! enchanted. ours. i can see you. i literally could go on but i won't and save us all some headache LMAO
kimney: soupy said they were early taylor the other day and i SO agree with her. im going debut... smth smth im only me when im with you and our song !!
jamien: fearless... smth about the classic love story vibe that album gives off is SO them. honestly even just love story alone makes this their album. but today was a fairytale, hey stephen... yeah very that
arangela: they get to be my OTHER fave, reputation, and here is why: reputation reads as very Newly but Deeply in love to me, like the feeling is fresh and exciting but still grounding, and that is how they read to me. gorgeous is for them, end game is for them, but dress is REALLY for them.
ianthony: FOLKLORE im feeling ill just thinking about it. seven.... august..... OH MY GOD INVISIBLE STRING? im honestly on the floor about this one. i feel like a woman who was told to go rest in the countryside for her health.
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
Hi Ginns(?)!!
Let me just say na from tues to wed, 4am nako natulog para lang matapos ‘to kasi HINDI KO TALAGA KAYANG MABITIN and now tapos ko na sya and gosh— all these feels— 🥺😭 worth it yung sakit ng ulo ko bago pumasok 🥲 Oh how beautiful it is to grow old together with the same intensity and love u have for each other over the past decades..
I am not into (Wanda) angst stories kasi di ko kaya yung sakit LOL kaya medyo conflicted pa ko nung una to read ILGOSS but I’m glad that I gave it a shot coz it’s really exceptional.
Grabe yung therapy sessions; I can say na isa yon sa mga favorite parts ko sa series na ‘to. How did you come up sa mga dialogues ni Calliope? Did you research about it or are u perhaps a Psych major? Coz tbh her povs are really on point and I have to commend you on that.
Thank you for sharing this masterpiece to us, you are such great writer!!!
I hope there would be more one-shots just because 🥺✊🏻
omg hi!!!! im always excited to read tagalog in my asks hahahha! I mean, it still amazes me gaano tayo karameng pinoy even in a niche fandom like wanda x reader :P
first of all, omg thank you for reading all of ILGOSS (and I guess IFISS rin?). I know it's freaking long for a fanfic, but it had to be written that way cause cheating is nooo joke. it's seriously was a deal breaker for me. you know what, same tayo, i actually like reading complete stories only out of fear na hindi tatapusin ni writer ung series :)
re: therapy sessions - yes, I did a lot of research for this. I asked my friends who've been to therapy how the session usually goes, and I watched a lot of reality show that na about couple going to therapy (yup, they exist!), and then channeled my inner "friend na taga advice" to create Calliope :P No, I'm not a psych major, I'm actually a software engineer :D
I already published one oneshot, but that's Yelena X Reader pre-IFISS/ILGOSS. But YAS! A lot more oneshots centered around Wanda and R will be written :) Especially the time when they first got together in college. So, watch out for that :)
Once again, maraming salamat! I really appreciate it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it even though it's angsty :) Take care!
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celestie0 · 5 months
you putting “message in a bottle” in the kickoff playlist is so spot on bc i was listening to that exact song after i finished chapter 1 LOL. and “gold rush”??? one of the most gojo-coded songs ever.
i just wanted to say how much fun it’s been binge-reading this series. you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
i love that you made their vulnerabilities feel real too. a lot of times characters like gojo who are heavily flawed tend to lack understanding from the audience because we can’t fathom why we should feel sympathy for a character like him, but the way you wrote his backstory made total sense as to why he is the way he is (like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”).
the digimon convo made me laugh LOL IT WAS SO CUTE. idk why but seeing guys be obsessed with a show or movie they loved since childhood is so precious to me 🥹
i cannot wait for the grovelling to continue. as much as i love gojo, he’s gonna have to do the most to show that he’s serious about the reader after everything thats happened 😤 and thE WAY I WAS SCREAMING AT THE RECENT CHAPTER OMG. i was begging the reader to leave and she did better by smacking tf out of that asshole, like YES thank you for having a backbone 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
i hope the reader becomes a super successful director and makes a movie that wins all the awards!!!(bc she does NOT need those gross men who kept belittling her) and thank you for writing, it’s been such a pleasure to read 🫶
my loooove thank you sososo much for this ask omg!! 😭💕 your comments on the series have me cryinnggg it means a lot to me :””) sm serotonin rn aaaaaa im so happy you’re enjoying the series!!!
YES message in a bottle is so glitter pen feel good happy song n i listened to it sm when i started writing kickoff (to me it fits the vibe of the sunny utoykyo practice field scenes where gojo walks her out to the field n stuff lol)
you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
thank you SO much for saying this 😭 i do indeed think a lot about their characteristics LOL more than i do ab writing style or plot or anything else so to hear that it’s coming across to readers makes me so happy :”) BAHHA omg ranting about their actions is so real tbh i take breaks writing to do the same sometimes LOL
like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”
PLS i only realized after i published ch7 how weird it must be for readers who are binging to go from ch6 to ch7 😭 it goes from like horny & angry to just depressing JSKDJDHD but i’m glad it wasnt too much whiplash haha n that you enjoyed the characterization of his backstory :”) tbh that chap was almost gonna be in reader’s pov (w/out gojo backstory) n so when lovely readers like u mention that you appreciated the chap the way it is i really feel as though i made the right decision :””) ty for that
HAHAH i lovedd including the digimon scene it was so silly n cute n its also canon gojo likes digimon so it was just so much fun. AND YES READER SLAPPING TF OUTTA REN N THROWING ALCOHOL IN KAI’s FACE WAS 10/10 MOST SATISFYING THING TO WRITE I FELT THE CATHARTIC RELEASE OF A HUNDRED SUNS FROM THAT
yess 🙌🏼 reader is gonna slay in the film industry fosho, i’m manifesting for her n by manifesting i mean i will write it into existence LOL i’m excited to write some post-grad content for them once the series is over :”) tysm for this ask bb im sorry my response is kinda long LOL but i just had sm fun responding to your words 😭💕 have a wonderful day!!
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canarypost · 9 months
pjo ep2. big day for people annoying ab annabeth chase. her short answers and only telling people exactly what they're asking and nothing else. makes me cry i love her. i love her to death i would love her in every universe. clarisse is a gorgeous bitch. just a beautiful almost ethereal asshole. dior goodjohn the girl that u are. liked the grover pov a lot but would've liked even 2 minutes more on the council of cloven elders bc we got one single wide shot with zero details like how tf are we supposed to know who these bitches are. are we supposed to infer who that dryad was. there is always either too little detail or too much detail being told instead of shown. actually i think that's the source of most this show's problems is the telling instead of showing, it slows everything down and makes us super bored just having to listen to somebody explain greek mythology every 5 fucking minutes. guy playing luke is putting absolutely zero feeling into anything he's doing at all. go girl give us nothing. annabeth is the ONLY mf i can excuse doing that bc it's her entire character and she has arguably the most character growth out of anyone throughout the first book. also going back to clarisse while her scream at getting ares' spear was absolutely fantastic i would like someone to explain that it literally was a gift to her from ares which is why she reacted like that bc otherwise it might come off as just overdramatic plus i like the depth. also right after she does all that she grabs percy's armor by the straps really strong and then only weakly shoves him away. and tbh i'd like for her to be a lot louder and a lot more outwardly dickish instead of mean girl ish bc all her purposeful bumping and giggling w her friends only comes off as very aphrodite cabin (esp drew) otherwise. yeah i think a lot more yelling and giving "ares daughter bully" instead of "mean girl" would do a lot for her. i need to check the cast list again to see who luke's friend who's always hanging around him is bc i've seen ppl say he's both beckendorf and chris and i need to know. he's doing great though i need more of him. going back to percy though...praying to his mom. his fucking mom. he prayed to his mortal mom instead of his god dad like are you fucking srs im sobbing. "i am sally jackson's son" i am going to lose my shit. really a pretty good episode i liked seeing around this version of camp. i also like jason mantzoukas' mr d a lot i think the whole "son :D" thing was funny. is it just me or did he and chiron seem super married bc i haven't seen anyone mention that either. and i really like that stained glass office he just chills out in. im really enjoying seeing j.mant play a partylicious and unserious character like dionysus so. well. serious. i've never seen him act like that and im really liking it it's verrryyy interesting to watch. good episode im excited for the questing next time
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lorelune · 1 year
im too shy to come off anon atm but tysm for the 2nd part after scrap metal. i quite literally screamed (internally, since i was with someone when i saw it) and after reading it, im well fed but just as starved for more OTL
idek where to begin w my thoughts, ugh, you write blade so well. SO WELL. like maybe ppl can write unhinged characters fine, but you. YOU. are so different with that. ill probably find the words in the future to describe what im feeling about this series(??bc it technically can be standalone) but all i can say is that im with the mind to print your writing out and eat it. like, chew it with my molars and swallow it, and then print another one to eat some more, maybe put some slices on my next meal LOLLL. idk, i want to consume it and have it in my veins.
i for real cannot come up with the words to describe this,,,,but i promise im not crazy !! (debatable tbh) i just really like WORDS and WRITING and this just made me just as insane as blade's probably feeling. it's beyond just being giddy bc one of my fav authors wrote for one of my fav charas and it happened to be a reader insert -- there is a fundamental nutrient being provided by your writing and it could have been for any fandom/show, and i probably wouldve had a similar reaction.
your writing has always been wonderful and captivating, but there is smth about the way you wrote blade's pov (brOTHER there is so much ART in the way consciousness was expressed, im frothing at the mouth--) in this and scrap metal that i think really showcased how well you write. like i said, this piece could have been for any other fandom (and i'd still read it bc you wrote it <3) and i know it wouldve hit me like a truck all the same.
this got super long bc it's late where i am but i really wanted to let you know how much i appreciate your work and the talent you have with writing, and this blade series made it so that i couldnt keep these thoughts to myself !!
ik this is only my 2nd ask but since idk when ill come off anon (bc im shyyy) i hope you dont mind me calling myself "slightly feral anon" LOLL (or if you have a better name it's up to you!!)
anon anon ANON (slightly feral anon = sfa anon FOR SHORT!!) thank you for the ask!!! and for reading and enjoying scrap metal and braised!!! 💕✨!!!! i am glad i could provide some fundamental nutrient rich chewable good brain feeling writing 🫡💓
TRULLLY blades pov is fascinating. it's what inspired me to write scrap metal to begin with!! i was thinking abt blade pov in present day game timeline and was like "damn he'd be fucking crazy :3c". i had such immediate brain worms and had to play around with it!!! the whole idea really grabbed me!! the prose hit too so hard like. this guy is not gonna think or feel in a way that is linear and its been SO indulgent and fun to write!!!
not to mention :3c i am excited to write more of these dynamics :3ccccc miss kafka does thing to me on a soul deep level and the relationship between her and blade and her and reader is so twisted and wretched and its so sexy of her. i'm excited for more of the yan olympics
SFA ANON!! thank you for this ask it has brought me much joy 🙏!! thank you once again for the kindness and for reading and sharing your thoughts, your feedback is very appreciated!!!!
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newty · 1 year
dion fic chapter 1 meta thoughts!!!!!!!!!
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i made that meme a few days ago and didnt realize until a few hrs later that the Me penguin was chewing on the other's right arm and then i completely lost it. taking away dions arm feels good/feels right/feels like actualizing his sacrifice with physical, mental, & social consequences that will reshape the way he lives in the new world entirely. there's no past to return to, babey, and he cant accept that yet!
it was a bit odd to actually have him Cry and be Very Vulnerable when he seems to prefer taking careful shots at the things that distress him + occasionally just yell at those things. watching him just completely check out when the hideaway discusses twinside getting wiped out was like. wow i am experiencing a suffering unlike any other. this man is going to to completely lose control of what he thought was himself but in a totally different way than the first time. i think his brain chemistry got ratshaked and thats part of the :) i cant wait to die:) convo w the bros. its also part of why i made him cry. his identity and his control of that identity have changed.
now that kihel isnt on her own in complete survival mode maturity, i wanted to let her act more like a kid. i think she's around 12 (even if dion pings her around 9). it was a lot of fun to give her and terence a comfortable rapport. kids can unlock different attitudes in ppl, so i felt like letting terence be so casual with her was a great way to get him to stretch his legs beyond the Hyper Formality he has to upkeep as a high ranking military officer and servant. i dont doubt, like any person, that he was casual with others in the past, but our limited time w him gave us only one answer abt his personality.
in order not to seize up and feel stuck in the repetitiveness of keeping him only The Loyal Servant Who Speaks Out A Couple Times, i tried my best to think of him as a character that i could give opinions to. letting those opinions take a sharp contrast to dion's was a little scary to do--i think they were scary for him to express as well--but ultimately i really like the scaffold it gives me in the future. apocalypse survival w a random child while all the things you swore to do get forsaken or done by others is Uh, humiliating for a dude w a firm identity & pride in 'service.' im excited for terence pov tbh.
i also enjoyed giving terence a couple shared histories w kihel and dion! it was hard for me to just be like. this is my wheelhouse now and referencing a past that never existed in the game is My Right for the Sake Of Narrative. terence says dion once told him that words stop being useful after a while--an outlook necessary to validate warfare--and i can see it being smth that they had to fall back on to not completely fall to the dissonance of valuing life while just killing for a job.
which anyway square i wanted More ridiculous religion/evil empire/god thinks its rad that we specifically are killing his other children as opposed to them killing us. the nonsense w the cardinals not knowing they were an empire made me a little crazy. greagor seems to exist more as a word to invoke and a flavor in the backseat, so im uh. letting her be relevant. bc i think these boys should have as much propaganda ingrained in their heads as possible. we love flawed justification in this house.
and i figure the dragoons are no more bc dion said he only had a handful of them at ran'dellah. akashic dont leave bodies either, so the pyre terence ordered would have to be for dhalmeks and drgs, making even less of them. i wanted his claim to the throne to be as untenable as possible tbh. he lacks the trust + respect of probably a lot of people bc mad prince, plus hes gonna lose more respect once the ableism starts to kick in. hes depressed and traumatized and fatigued. he has smth like a middle school education (sorry harpocrares). he has no cash on hand. bahamut is gone. aaaaand no more private army! figure it out on ur own, dion.
also im bummed that w no more blessing of light, drgs prob cant jump anymore (i guess??). im absolutely feral over the ideal of terence doing the drg stabby jumpy broody n now he Cant so ty to all the others who fulfill that niche for me. maybe i can 👀 do a flashback.
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part TT 3 TT (HGHJJD i made it accidentally) for the cutie angel! i got back to karekare 'i was so confused why it was called that because tuwalya is towel ??' yes! i searched for it too and was so confused... glad you like it. 'do we even have ox in the ph?' HSHDJFJFJ good question. 'YOU SHOULD HAVE STRING BEANS' yeah yeah we do. i got a bit confused bc i know we have string beans but they dont look just like in your pic. but we do. but i still didnt know pechay.. 'PLS YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS IM SURE' ARE WE PLAYING SOME GUESS A VEGETABLE GAME?? TT 'banana blossoms' i never was good at biology but this... 'NOW WE BOTH LEARNED SOMETHING' are we classmates now? 'every day i get to eat karekare is a special day' awww cute TT idk if i have a special meal. 'i felt way better about them now that ive finished ranting about it' ooh im so glad im able to help you in some way. you can always tell me whatever you want! emotions need to be released. and woah uncle sam? ill remember it thanks... this kitty in the gif TT so vimpare-ish djdjsh. a cutie. im so sorry for your disappeared text. its good you shared this all in the next message, it was interesting to know about dream. 'our grades are so high standard. /: asians' yes... no there are lots of strict and demanding parents too but ig were just much worse as children... 'i love pluto lets talk about pluto' ooh i love astronomy!! plutos such a baby planet TT idk how they call it in english. im so mesmerized by space... its kinda scary but is so fascinating... i remember the first time i saw a constellation from my window i was stunned! amazed! so excited! it was the big dipper btw. violence sucks. 'tell me about your daemon fic now' hmhmhm dont know. i kinda feel like it might be a bit challenging for you? im not saying you cant do it but its kinds not your format. bc ig its rather long? and it requires more of 3rd person pov or daemos pov. i can continue teasing it fhsfh. it includes some angst and an inner conflict. ig its the main point even. but ok, write your sandman fics. 'hope you liked my daemon x niece fic' tbh daemon x niece isnt my thing in general. idk maybe i subconsciously associate it with daemyra. yes daemon x his twin is my guilty pleasure so what. but i still love the idea of making all big and arrogant men feel little and miserable. so yeah. and the ocs who can stand for themselves! yey! hope shell become queen ghjdjf. 'I dont mean to be that person' you have all the right to be this person. anger is ugly but a natural reaction to irritating events. hope you slept well ghdjfh. andand! i was so excited to see smn ask about part 3 of waiting for a lifetime TT noy only bc of your answer but also bc someone is interested! smn waits for it! i feel so proud. people are really sleeping on this masterpiece. hope itll get more love. and it still wont be enough to surpass the amount of love i have for this fic. no but... i was listening to a mockingbird by eminem and had an idea. imagine. daemon coming back home from flea bottom, drunk, hair disheveled and reeking of the cheap feminine perfumes. hes standing at the door and watching his wife stand by the window rocking his child, singing a lullaby about daddy being here and loving them wholeheartedly. and while they dont fight, he sees the betrayal in her scornful eyes. sorry, i couldnt help it. so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care! luv you <з
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HI!!! this me in snow the moment i see snow
i got back to karekare 'i was so confused why it was called that because tuwalya is towel ??' yes! i searched for it too and was so confused... glad you like it.
HAHAHHAAHAH we truly are the same AHHAHAHHAH
'do we even have ox in the ph?' HSHDJFJFJ good question.
AHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA i mean we have carabao so ??? but according to the net its a water buffalo HAAHH
'YOU SHOULD HAVE STRING BEANS' yeah yeah we do. i got a bit confused bc i know we have string beans but they dont look just like in your pic. but we do. but i still didnt know pechay..
ah that makes sense for our veggies to be different. dw i already foresaw you not having pechay HAHAH
'banana blossoms' i never was good at biology but this...
same AHHAHHAH but my grandma's sister who's dead now RIP lola (filipino for grandma) she used to be a science teacher i think she was a biologist and our house (which is the house she and my grandma lives in) has so many specimens like seashells sea horses butterflies lizards lol we threw them all out because well its been in the house for 20+ years T_T im sure some of them are older than me T_T so yeah
'NOW WE BOTH LEARNED SOMETHING' are we classmates now?
classmates in life
'every day i get to eat karekare is a special day' awww cute TT idk if i have a special meal.
nom nom every meal is special! karekare is just ultra mega special to me dammit now im hungry T_T
'i felt way better about them now that ive finished ranting about it' ooh im so glad im able to help you in some way. you can always tell me whatever you want! emotions need to be released.
<3 thank you. youre so right emotions need to be released. here's a kind of embarrassing story. i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher T_T HAHAHAHA he was quite close to our age, he was a fresh graduate and idk T_T its cringey now that i think about it but he had this thing about him and i in fact HATED HIM whereas my classmates were like omg sirs so hot i love him T_T and the more i talked about how i hated him my classmates were like omg hannah you like him and i was like ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? YUCK NO so then ... when i realized i liked him but refused to tell anyone i bottled it up and liked him more and more and i fucking wrote poetry about him because it was the only way i could get it out of my system and the day i admitted i liked him it slowly went away and i was like DAMN I SHUDDA JUST STARTED WITH THAT
end scene
and woah uncle sam? ill remember it thanks...
this kitty in the gif TT so vimpare-ish djdjsh. a cutie.
<3 i love cats <3
im so sorry for your disappeared text. its good you shared this all in the next message, it was interesting to know about dream.
WHY ARE YOU APOLOGIZING ARE YOU TUMBLR /: if you are yuck unfriend HAHAH JK I LOVE TUMBLR <3 and anyway i did this because i love you <3
'our grades are so high standard. /: asians' yes... no there are lots of strict and demanding parents too but ig were just much worse as children...
T_T #breakgenerationaltrauma
'i love pluto lets talk about pluto' ooh i love astronomy!! plutos such a baby planet TT
IM LUV PLUTO T_T T_T #FOREVERMY9THPLANET random thing i remembered. theres this show called blues clues idk if you know it but its my fav show ever T_T and they had this free pc cd game from a cereal box (WHICH THEY DONT DO ANYMORE PLS THAT SO L CEREAL MANUFACTURERS GET BACK IN YOUR GAME) and it was there that i think i started my love for the heavenly bodies because in the game you'd go to a treehouse and talk to like cartoons of planets T_T
and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons msladashlhalhew AND MY POOR MIND WAS BROKEN T_T like on a real level i was so frustrated with this knowledge because i thought well, earth has one moon and we have one night, so since mars had 2 moons... they have two nights T_T AND I WAS TRYING SO HARD TO FIGURED IT OUT I DONT REMEMBER BUT maybe i cried T_T because i couldnt figure it out. im so happy they didnt add the other planets moons or that like jupiter had 9999999999+ moons cos my baby brain would have exploded.
this also reminds me of this time i either was coloring or i read a post which was like you cant think of a color that doesnt exist and then i tried and this i remember vividly crying because T_T I WAS SO FRUSTRATED and then i was like PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER HANNAH #1 UR NOT GOD #2 YOU DONT HAVE TO INVENT A NEW COLOR and then all of a sudden i was fine hallelujah
idk how they call it in english. im so mesmerized by space... its kinda scary but is so fascinating... i remember the first time i saw a constellation from my window i was stunned! amazed! so excited! it was the big dipper btw.
?YOU CAN MAKE OUT THE CONSTELLATIONS!!!?? ?? wow i cannot theyre all just... dots in the sky. i remember i had this dream where i went up to a high building and then i could see the stars eye level and could finally make out the constellations and then when i woke up i was like YAY I FINALLY wait... thats not how that works T_T
violence sucks.
'tell me about your daemon fic now' hmhmhm dont know. i kinda feel like it might be a bit challenging for you? im not saying you cant do it but its kinds not your format. bc ig its rather long? and it requires more of 3rd person pov or daemos pov.
I LOVE A CHALLENGE AHHAHAHAH i dont mind writing in different perspectives
i can continue teasing it fhsfh. it includes some angst and an inner conflict. ig its the main point even. but ok, write your sandman fics.
DAMN YOU WONT TELL ME /: ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is
'hope you liked my daemon x niece fic' tbh daemon x niece isnt my thing in general. idk maybe i subconsciously associate it with daemyra. yes daemon x his twin is my guilty pleasure so what.
T_T HIS TWIN T_T thats fine you can like them or not valid either way it think only cos targaryens
but i still love the idea of making all big and arrogant men feel little and miserable. so yeah. and the ocs who can stand for themselves! yey! hope shell become queen ghjdjf.
i mean she's the younger sister no HOLLUP NOW I GOTTA CHECK well apparently the req never specified if she was younger or older but idk i imaged her to be younger so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
'I dont mean to be that person' you have all the right to be this person. anger is ugly but a natural reaction to irritating events. hope you slept well ghdjfh. andand!
i did sleep well i think. i was mostly tired not so much angry when i typed this
i was so excited to see smn ask about part 3 of waiting for a lifetime TT noy only bc of your answer but also bc someone is interested! smn waits for it! i feel so proud.
AW THANK YOU BABY <3 i was excited to see the ask too!!!
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people are really sleeping on this masterpiece. hope itll get more love. and it still wont be enough to surpass the amount of love i have for this fic.
that means the world <3
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no but... i was listening to a mockingbird by eminem and had an idea. imagine. daemon coming back home from flea bottom, drunk, hair disheveled and reeking of the cheap feminine perfumes. hes standing at the door and watching his wife stand by the window rocking his child, singing a lullaby about daddy being here and loving them wholeheartedly. and while they dont fight, he sees the betrayal in her scornful eyes.
sorry, i couldnt help it.
so! have a nice day/evening/night! take care! luv you <з
im luv u so much my love love love love
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