#and fully aware that his girlfriend makes bad decisions
ebenelephant · 5 months
rhydian morris really was THE original pathetic white boy simp of my childhood, wasn't he?
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burst-of-iridescent · 7 months
I hate when people say(*writers*) when zuko is an emo bad boy. When zuko acts "emo" and "badboy" as they say it's him reacting to his trauma and abuse as a kid(most of time. Zuko is still badass. But badboy no). Is it an excuse? No. But when zuko is acting that way in canon, his obsession with honor, his yelling, his moodiness, his short temper. That is the product of having his empathy literally beaten/burned out of him by his father(and mocked and emotionally abused by Azula). The reason Zuko is doing this whole thing is because he wants to please his father. Become someone he's not. His struggle of who his father wants to be with who he is. It's because of the abuse of his father and his family. As the series goes on you get more and more flashes of the person Zuko was and the person he can become. By the end of the series it's such a great contrast and Zuko is much more happier because he's with the gaang. His family. He got out of that abusive situation he was in and finally became himself. A dorky, empathetic, caring, skilled swords men, a balanced person. Does he still have moments of anger? Yes. But over all Zuko becomes a fully balanced person.
gasp! but if we don't call zuko a bad boy, however will we make sure people don't get any ideas about shipping him with katara?
jokes aside, you're absolutely right and i roll my eyes so hard when people point to bad things zuko did, or his behaviour pre-redemption as indisputable proof of the kind of person he'd be post-redemption. like you said, a lot of zuko's actions and mannerisms before day of black sun is a direct result of the trauma he suffered, and though that doesn't excuse him - and neither does the show allow it to - discounting it entirely is to erase the abuse zuko endured and how that shaped him.
using the first half of book 3 as evidence of zuko being a supposed bad boy irks me in particular because a) the narrative makes it pretty clear that this is zuko as the worst version of himself, the opposite of everything he actually is and could be, and b) he is stuck in an abusive household at the mercy of his abusers, in an actively life-threatening situation.
zuko knows that he is in a situation where he has no real agency, freedom or control. he knows that aang is alive, that azula has turned him into a scapegoat and that his life will be forfeit if his father finds out the truth. that is an incredibly terrifying and stressful situation to be put in and it's worsened by the fact that he can't even admit it - not just because doing so would mean accepting that he gave up everything that actually mattered in the catacombs to gain nothing in return, but also because no one around him will allow him to do so.
his girlfriend can't understand his experiences or his turmoil and doesn't seem to particularly want to, brushing off his anxieties and encouraging him to stay the course. he is manipulated by his father and gaslighted by his sister, aware deep down that he is entirely under their control and that they have a vested interest in keeping him helpless, yet forced to pretend as though nothing is wrong. he is isolated from the one person who could help - his uncle - physically and emotionally, both because visiting iroh puts zuko in danger, and because zuko's choices have created a rift in their relationship.
all of this compounds the psychological stress zuko is experiencing, forcing him into a constant state of fight-or-flight, and this context is vital to understanding many of the decisions he makes and how he behaves in the first half of book 3.
(this is why i don't agree with the take that hiring combustion man is an ooc moment for zuko because even though i think the idea of combustion man himself is stupid - not to mention disrespectful to the hindu origins it's pulling from - it's a fundamentally desperate move, and zuko at this point is more desperate than he's ever been.)
that's why it's unlikely that zuko post-redemption would behave similarly since many of the factors that contributed to his anger, hostility and moodiness would no longer exist! judging zuko's future behaviour based on a time when he was constantly abused, gaslighted and threatened is just not an accurate or fair means of measurement, especially since we know what he's like at his best. the zuko we see with the gaang still has a bit of a short fuse, sure, but he's also sincere, honest, awkward, shy and far happier than he's ever been. because shocker, people tend not to act the same way in healthy, supportive environments as they do in abusive, traumatic ones. who would've thought?
people who make this argument also usually tend to compare zuko to aang, especially to glorify how aang remains cheerful and peaceful despite his trauma, and... no. just no. first of all, the show barely gives a fuck about developing aang's trauma the way it does zuko's so of course it seems to affect him less, and secondly, there's something to be said about how trauma responses like aang's are a lot more palatable and comfortable for audiences than responses like zuko's, or even katara's in the southern raiders.
anger or moodiness, or wanting to punish the people who hurt you, are not inherently wrong ways to react when you've been wronged and traumatized. praising aang for remaining cheerful and forgiving while calling zuko a bad boy for being angry and moody implies a sense of moral superiority that comes with reacting to trauma in the "right" way, which is both inaccurate and insensitive.
zuko will never be aang, and that's fine. he doesn't have to be. he ends the show reclaiming everything his abusers tried to take from him, having found himself and his destiny, in a place of healing that is all his own. that is an incredibly meaningful and powerful narrative, and the last thing zuko deserves is to have all of his complexity and development stripped just to be reduced to the tired trope of a "bad boy" when he was never one in the first place.
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hotasfahrenheit · 8 months
something i've been thinking about a lot since watching the end of Love For Love's Sake is what and who exactly is real in the universe that Myungha is playing the game in.
what do we know about this world? firstly, it is presented to us and Myungha as being the world of the story that Myungha read, but focused on Yeowoon instead of the main characters from the manuscript who are a happy couple that ends up together. they don't enter the picture at all; we don't know what point in that theoretical timeline Myungha is inserted into, but this implies it's before Yeowoon meets them since they're just not there.
the next step from there tho is... is the manuscript that Myungha read even real? he remembers the mysterious sunbae being the one who gave it to him to read, but if the sunbae is some kind of god or angel of death, did Myungha actually read it after he died, as part of a test to figure out what to do with his soul?
really my ultimate question that this whole line of thought is digging at is if Yeowoon is also someone being given a chance at life and happiness again, and is as real as Myungha is (and if the other boys are thus real too). despite Myungha seeing the game interface that no one else sees and having the system errors affect his existence in the world, the interactions between other characters when Myungha is not there are too deep and too real to be just NPCs. they're experiencing life and making decisions like fully really people, and living it outside of Myungha's scope of knowledge and what he can see. we get multiple scenes of the characters interacting and doing things without Myungha, and not all of them connect directly back to him or things he's doing.
knowing that Myungha's grandmother already passed away fills in her existence easily- she could very well actually be Myungha's grandmother's soul actually brought into this world as well. clearly some people are not there because they're also dead- like his ex girlfriend appearing as the agent, or his mother appearing in the cafe- but they have much simpler functions in this world. but there's little things- Sangwon struggling with his relationship with his mother and talking about how his father used to hit him too, Kyunghoon having a boyfriend that is always far away and he can't see until some point in the future- that hint to me that they might be other lost souls that had bad or sad things happening in their lives too, that might have brought them early deaths as well.
was the story that Myungha read about Yeowoon a story about another real, sad, lonely person who made the same choice Myungha did? was the game not just a set up for Myungha to save himself and learn how to love himself and others but a way to save multiple souls?
one of the main pieces of support behind that idea for me is the fact that Yeowoon breaks through the haze after Myungha disappears and not only remembers Myungha but is able to take control of the game to bring him back. i agree with this great post from @wen-kexing-apologist that Myungha (and his depression) is the one controlling the game he's experiencing in general and causing the system errors, because that makes sense for the things Myungha sees. but the others don't see them, though they do see the physical effects on Myungha when things happen like him falling down the stairs when he's with Sangwon. they see Myungha reacting to screens only he can see, and they do notice that's he's interacting with them and clearly think it's odd even tho they don't really comment on it.
and in the most crucial moment, Yeowoon finds the pen and the notebook. Yeowoon pushes to remember Myungha, pushes to find him, pushes to figure out a way to get him back, and i cannot believe that he's just some kind of NPC in an actual game or a made up person in a constructed reality that Myungha gets to exist in as the only real human soul. he has drive, he makes autonomous decisions, he is cognizant and aware. he needs to learn about how to love and be loved like Myungha does; he needs to learn how to connect to others and not be alone and adrift. he has a reason to be placed in this world like Myungha does even if he's not the one in charge of it until the moment it matters most.
could this be an alternate reality where Myungha just hasn't died yet and that's how everyone is real and there? theoretically maybe, but the fact that he is experiencing everything as a 19 year old in the current time and not in 2012 means despite going from 29 to 19 means that this isn't just another parallel earth where he's taking over the existence of another Myungha. (plus where would that Myungha go??) also his grandmother being there and being fully a real person means that he hasn't just been placed back into the real world, since we know she's already passed away there as well. i don't have a solid theory yet for how their world exists, i just have ideas about how they're existing within it.
i feel like i'm hitting the point when i'm just gonna be talking in circles about this from here out, since i've been thinking about it in circles, so I'm gonna wrap this up and go think about it for the rest of forever.
tldr is that i think at least Yeowoon and the other boys are all real. they're all being given another chance, with Myungha as their ringleader. they need to learn from him as much as he needs to learn from taking care of them; they all learn that they're worthy of love and friendship in ways they hadn't known before.
they all get their second chance.
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positivelybeastly · 9 months
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Uncanny X-Men: The Heroic Age
So, I often see people cite this decision - to leave the X-Men in the wake of finding out about X-Force and being tortured by Osborn - as the moment where they really started to dislike Hank in fandom, and like . . . I can't quite see why?
Hank signed on to be a member of the X-Men when they were all about fostering greater co-operation and understanding between human and mutantkind. He did not sign on to enable kill squads, acts of biological warfare, or to be a pawn in Scott's arsenal - and he was. Let's not beat around the bush, this era of Scott absolutely uses his fellow X-Men, his friends, as pawns.
Because Scott kinda has to. The game has been stacked against him so severely that he cannot work according to the same playbook as when they were kids fighting Magneto. And Hank can't deal with that. That hurts Hank to see. He doesn't like what he sees in Scott. I also think people get confused or forget how this goes, because read that dialogue.
Hank was left to be tortured by Norman Osborn and Dark Beast for days on end, because it suited Scott's tactical calculations. Hank knows that, and understands that. He doesn't like it (how in god's name could he?), but he doesn't bring it up to Scott. Why? Because there's no point. He doesn't want to make Scott feel worse. He's fully aware of what this all is costing Scott. But Scott's willing to keep paying that cost, so he needs to leave.
The way people talk about this decision, you'd think Hank was throwing it in Scott's face non-stop, but he doesn't even mention it on his way out. Hank is legitimately having PTSD flashbacks on the beach of Utopia, and he is just. Not in a good mental place, at this point in his life. He cannot stay here. He's only going to get worse, and at some point, that's going to affect his work. Someone is gonna be out in the field with a gizmo that Hank made to keep them safe, and it's not going to work because he was distracted or wallowing, and they're going to pay the price. You cannot have that happening.
I also have to kind of shake my head and laugh at Scott saying that he needs Hank around to tell him when he's gone too far, because when did that ever work? If anyone can find an example of Scott legitimately hearing Hank tell him, you've gone too far, and actually stopping, I'd love to see it, but as far as I'm aware, it just does not happen. Scott goes as far as Scott wants. The end.
I also feel bad, but also I want to laugh at Scott asking where Hank's going to go, as if Hank doesn't have a billion friends, and a family, and a girlfriend, and six PhDs. Scott's life has become so about the cause, about protecting mutantkind, that he can't even think about a normal life, or doing anything but the X-Men. Hank went up into space and stopped an attempted xenophobic fascist expulsion of every extra-terrestrial on Earth on his first day, Scott, that's what he's going to do.
Is that in any way less worthy than what you're doing?
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maya-matlin · 7 months
(TW tor rape mention)
So I think I saw you talk about this a while back, about how the Sav and Anya having sex was a disturbing since she lied to him about being on birth control. Do you think that it could technically qualify as rape that she did that. Cause Sav made it clear he didn’t think they’d be having sex and he didn’t bring protection so he likely wouldn’t have consented otherwise. I doubt this even crossed the writers minds as they could be very sketchy about male consent especially and they clearly wanted us to sympathize with Anya. I definitely don’t think she’d ever do something like that on purpose, and I guess her consequence was Sav dumping her, but again the writers tried to portray her as sympathetic and wrote it like Sav was the jerk for dumping her after taking her virginity. But that’s like the main reason their relationship never worked, they could never properly communicate or be honest with each other about anything. 95% of their relationship was one of them lying (and honestly…they tried to make it seem like Sav keeping her from his parents was this awful thing and while he may have not been entirely honest about it and it’s understandable that Anya was upset it wasn’t nearly as bad as Anya lying about being on the pill and then lying about being pregnant. Like Sav only didn’t tell his parents cause he knew it’d make their relationship harder. He’s still far from being the best boyfriend but as much as I do like Anya’s character and definitely believe she’s a good person at heart she was honestly worse in that relationship and I don’t think it’s talked about enough. And what makes me sad about it honestly is that this isn’t the last time they writers did something like this, and it was so underwritten and brushed off so easily that I didn’t even view it as disturbing until recently…I always knew it was a bad decision but it’s really so much more than that when you really look at it closely.
Honestly, yes. What Anya did to Sav technically falls under rape by deception. Sav only consented to sleeping with Anya because he was under the impression she was on birth control. Because he was unable to give his full, enthusiastic consent, I do think she violated him. Maybe not intentionally and with the full knowledge of the nuances of sexual consent, but Anya was fully aware that her lie is what allowed her to get Sav into bed that night. Even if we pretend that lying about being on birth control isn't a legal issue, it's a pretty fucked up thing to do to someone you're supposed to be in love with. Or fuck, anyone for that matter. It's a completely selfish and horrific thing to do. Degrassi halfway got this right? Once Sav finds out the truth, he's disturbed, no longer trusts Anya, and no longer wants to be in a relationship with her. His reactions are understandable and sympathetic. It's the least of what she deserved. But at the same time, yeah. We're supposed to sympathize with Anya. Based on how the episode played out with us seeing both Sav's (part 1) and Anya's (part 2) POV, I think the takeaway is supposed to be somewhere in the middle. Sav is sympathetic and understandable because of his parents' expectations. He's not choosing to keep their relationship a secret because he's an asshole and trying to disrespect Anya. He's doing it because the Bhandaris were strict parents who didn't want him to date anyone, especially not when they weren't Muslim. However, the lying to Anya and allowing her to believe his family is aware she's his girlfriend is also a problem. Anya is already pretty insecure and has a low self esteem. She puts so much emphasis on her love life and fully believes Sav is the one. So him constantly refusing to stand up to his parents for her kind of fucks with her head? Then suddenly, his arranged wife makes it clear she wants Sav for herself and is going to do what she can to undermine his relationship with Anya. The decision to sleep with Sav without protection in order to lock down their relationship (whether she was actively thinking about getting pregnant or not) was an impulsive one and definitely not something meant to harm Sav or make him feel violated. The thing is, that's what she did. Just because Anya's motivations leading up to the act were sympathetic doesn't absolve her from raping her boyfriend. In season 10, yeah. Any acknowledgement of what happened that night is completely gone. Sav just dumped Anya after they lost their virginity to each other. Her next act is to literally fake a pregnancy, albeit to help Holly J out. Somehow, Sav is charmed by this. What the actual fuck? It's complicated because the majority of teenage boys aren't brought up to believe that they can be sexually assaulted. Especially by a girl or woman. So for that reason, I have to believe Sav pushed down any conflicted feelings he had about their encounter and simply moved forward. I still don't think Sav being charmed makes any sense, though.
Anyways, yes! I struggle a lot with Anya now. It's taken several years for me to think critically about this story line partially because I didn't want to see it. She was one of my all time favorite characters for a long time. It's easy for me to call out Katie and Declan because their demeanors were very manipulative with both doing clear villainous things. Same with Owen, another character totally ruined for me after recent rewatches. There's very little redeemable there. But with Anya, you look at her and you don't think "rapist". You don't even think "manipulative" or necessarily a bad person. She's just so cute and relatable, right? She makes bad decisions and is kind of a disaster half the time, but she's still lovable. The issue is, she did a pretty unforgivable thing. Overall, Anya is a character that repeatedly has a weird relationship with honesty and does drastic things in the name of holding onto a man. Like somehow, she spends most of her last few weeks of high school dating Owen "#MeToo" Milligan after he sexually harassed Anya herself, forced himself on Alli, and committed hate crimes against Riley and Zane. It's a lot to overlook.
This is only tangentially related, but I can't help but compare Anya's behavior with Sav during those episodes to Zig's with Maya in #YesMeansYes. It's not an exact comparison because there's no birth control deception going on, but in both cases you have two desperate, insecure partners who just want to secure their relationships with their boyfriend/girlfriend and believe sex is the best way to do it. Zig never intended to scare Maya or violate her boundaries, but in trying to "be forceful" so that she'd want to sleep with him it led to the opposite outcome. Thankfully, Zig got the chance to correct this behavior and learned a lesson. Maya was given reassurance that she was safe with Zig and that he understood the importance of consent and how it works. But with Anya and Sav, there was no stopping it. Anya made this choice for both of them, and it was Sav who had to live with it.
Needless to say, it's appalling that Degrassi irresponsibly portrayed so many "grey area" sexual encounters throughout the years. Especially when they were either too uneducated or cowardly to explain exactly what was going on during these moments. Because to some degree, Sav, Holly J and Drew all suffered negative consequences for behavior that wasn't their fault. The fact it wasn't until Next Class that this behavior started to be corrected proves how important a franchise like Degrassi still is. Society is always changing, and we're still learning so much.
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universescreaming · 1 year
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Okay but just to build upon this for my own sake
I think Buck truly did learn a lesson in “In another Life” I think he truly did learn that he is ALLLOWED to love himself and CHOSE himself he’s allowed to Want to live just because he’s him and he deserves to live without having to earn it. But I don’t think he’s learned yet that he deserves other people to love him. It’s like
He’s found a way to accept and love himself for who he is and everything that’s become him, but he has yet to fully believe that ANYONE ELSE COULD. Cause here’s the thing okay, I mean this in a absolutely no hate way but all the love that he experiences with others comes with conditions. Not in a way that they stop loving him or love him less because of something, but because they love him despite of something, and as much as that means they still love him, to HIM it doesn’t feel that way. It feels like walking on eggshells, molding his personality to who he’s around so they still love him.
Hen loves him, but she can’t help but sometimes talk down to him when she’s feels he’s being stupid and reckless, she can’t help but see him as the annoying little brother. She loves him but sometimes she makes him feel small.
Chimney loves him, but he he can’t help but connect him forever to Maddie now, even tho Buck came first. Chim will always feel like he has to chose between the two and he will always chose Maddie, it’s not bad, it’s exactly the same thing for Buck, but Buck knows and is aware of this, that his existence to Chim now he’s been almost downgraded from friend to girlfriend/fiancée/future-wife’s annoying little brother (again that role keeps coming back), the person he can come to to understand her better but sometimes fails to see as his own person outside of her.
Bobby loves him, loves him like a son, loves him more than he’s willing to admit, but it always has set backs and flaws that we have seen from the very beginning. Because Bobby loves him so much that he almost can’t help but put him at arms length sometimes, especially when Buck is being particularly ‘reckless’. Because Bobby can’t lose another kid, and Buck makes that hard by putting himself in positions where he could very well be lost, but that’s not fully bucks fault and it IS his job, but it is a known fact that Bobby treats Buck differently, for better and for worse. So Bobby loves him, but he also worries him, he also protects him to a fault of sometimes revoking Bucks own agency over his life and his decisions.
And Maddie, god Maddie loves him more than life itself, she gave her whole childhood to loving him and raising him, and she carries that on now. But there will ALWAYS be points of contention with them, the secrets that were kept, the leaving and the guilt and the blame, there is always gonna be points where that love hurts a little more than it helps, because she looks at him and feel’s responsibility for who he is and what he feels (again taking some of his own agency away of being his own person) in him she sees all of her mistakes and her parents mistakes and also everything good she’s done and every good he’s done and it’s messy and beautiful and everything that their relationship can be expected to be after all they’ve been through , but it hurts him and makes him feel guilty.
And that’s the thing is Buck feels guilty, for everyone and everything, he takes the weight of the world onto his shoulders and carries it and feels all of the guilt and the pain of everyone he loves and internalizes it as if it was his own, as if he had the ability to change it, to fix it.
And then here’s comes Eddie. Eddie who loves him unconditionally, who forgives him and fights for and with him. Who calls him out when he’s being stupid but still helps him clean up the mess anyways. Who steps into it with him always. Who doesn’t look at him with anything other than fondness, who doesn’t ever expect him to be more than he is, who meets him halfway, who loves him in every version he’s been. Who doesn’t see him as his Buck point O’s, but just as Buck. As the person he trusts more than anyone in the world so much so that it scares them both.
Until he can face that, and see that, see the love and understand that he deserves it, he will keep circling and circling these patterns and keep coping with these same traumas over and over again
Until he can see himself for the whole beautiful and amazing mess that he is and know that someone will still love him anyways (it’s the love me anyways of it all) not in spite of but because of
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madbox91 · 10 months
Today, I caused chaos on Twitter and Mobox and friends didn't like it lol Part 1
It all started when I was just impersonating mobox87 on Twitter again, you know being a goof ball. That's all. Then I found out that Nikolai (aka mobox's friend or girlfriend or whatever he is) had a new Twitter account and so I followed him. After that I made this thread
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I was doing some funny monkey business when I did that. I didn't think much after that and I wasn't expecting anything to happened because I have done this before with Nikolai's other accounts and he didn't respond to me and ignored like he should. The reason why I did this is because to get a reaction, mess with him, mock him, make posts to make fun of him about and if I am lucky get attention. Just be my annoying harassing ass self. I love fucking around with people and annoying them and of course making myself laugh and maybe perhaps make other people laugh by my actions or posts. I've been doing online harassment for years so I know on wtf I'm talking about and fully aware that this shit is so fucking dumb, bad, shit that losers do. I don't care, I'm like a jester bully or something. Anyway another reason why I did it is because I always wanted to have a interaction with him. He has always been my most wanted person to fuck around with. The way he talks and the way he tries to be the bigger person in most situations is something that I always notice and always wanted to challenge him. It's so fucking delusional that he does it even though there's a clear advantage that the other person has. Plus he will get more material on making more posts that I can mock about. Anyways lets get into the juice and commentary.
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Lol he blocked me
when he first messaged me, I didn't understand why he would do this after doing the greatest decision of ignoring me for like a very long time. Then when I was starting to talk to him and I realized this was an attempt to harass me. I'm thinking that my actions I did to mobox got into his skin and decided to get like vengeance for mobox due to his disliking of me going up to the next level or something (if this is true then big win for me). But anyway he really did failed on harassing me since once again, I have been harassing people online for years and I know like a somewhat of a amount of online harassment tactics and so I'm already used to and know how to be immune to it. I know I sound like a fucking scientist or professor when it comes to online harassment but remember I know what I am talking about due to years of being a dick. In fact he's like very similar to me when it comes to harassment and I'm pretty sure he figured that as well. I was so excited during this time, this is something that I've always wanted for a long time and got a chance to do it. I never thought my dumb little actions can get to these guys so easily. Like there's no way he wanted to harass me in order to stop my Twitter that has not that much attraction to begin with. He harass me because of something I have done that he didn't like. At least that's what I figured. I mean both him and mobox have a pretty close relationship and Nikolai has done this before with other people like blossom. I guess you can say that he's pretty sensitive whenever someone says something bad to mobox87 but anyway let's continue
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Right off the bat, the cooler harasser (me) has already made him kinda defensive. I was messing around with him by making this meme reference
I'm not going to explain the whole meme if you don't know about it but the punchline is something sexual and so that's why I called him young for not getting it. I don't care if I said "thang" wrong, the funny thing about this is that this mf tried to correct me that he isn't young due to me saying that he was too young to understand the punchline of this random ass meme reference. "Um actually I'm 21 and that's not young to understand what you mean, you dirty lust☝🤓". I honestly couldn't believe I actually made him vulnerable for the first seconds of talking to him by messing around with him with something that he was ignorant about. It's so goofy that he had to tell me that he totally isn't young and said he isn't a "dirty lust". I'm not sure if this guy was trying to be fucking formal with those words but bro isn't Edgar allan poe with the words "dirty lust" 💀💀. Anyway
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I was meant say "oh really" but I guess "how really" does work as well
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As you can see, he's trying his best to make me think he's unaffected by the words. He's trying to make me feel like he's the bigger person in this conversation. I recognize this and do the same. That's basically what whole the conversation was like and is. Two losers tried their best to harass one another. Basically a waste of time for both sides. I mean I was expecting to just do this and at the same time was so excited because my biggest dream has come true and my expectations have been met. Also don't get me started on the mobox throwing away my account shit 💀. That shit was ass like holy fuck that actually made this harassment attempt fall apart. He even said "or something" to make it up because he knew that this was shit to say. LIKE HOLY SHIT THAT MADE ME SCARED!! MOBOX WAS ABOUT TO DESTROY MY ACCOUNT 😭😭💀💀😱😱🗣🗣🗣 SO SPOOKY. Like bruh, really? Tf she gotta do, call elon musk for this shit? I am absolutely right about how she already failed at throwing my account, bruh. It really is too late to say that you don't give a fuck. This is already damaging. Like I couldn't believe in my eyes when he said that. Bro thought he can scare me with that. How embarrassing
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Bro really tried to get the mobox critique involve like I care. I already know those guys don't liked me so yeah thanks for stating the obvious for someone reason.
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I like how we both have the same motivation at wasting each other's time and getting entertainment out of it. At the end of the day, time wasting is bad in both parties so it really doesn't matter. This is like talking to a less cooler clone of me which is fitting considering he is talking to a clone of mobox87. Also I think I cut him off when was asking "why so obsessed with". I don't know why
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This feels a competition from all the attempts we did at each other.
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unnerving-presence · 3 years
How would Michael, Pyramid Head and Evan's reaction be if one of the survivors (of his choice) were flirting with his reader girlfriend and, of course, the reader doesn't notice the flirting and teasing and just thinks he's being good friends
wasnt really happy with this sorry aaaa
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Michael Myers:
Michael was always somewhat jealous when you were around anybody but him, but he could obviously work around it and push aside his emotions to let you be happy with your friends. He knew you needed the association. Now that another survivor is actually trying to flirt with you? He’s rethinking his decision of letting you stay by the campfire. To him, it’s the worst mistake he’s ever made.
Yes, he will show his displeasure. If you ever meet up with him in Haddonfield, you’ll see him sat on the couch with clenched fists, clearly avoiding eye contact. You get too close, Michael will snatch your wrists and pull you on his lap, his arms wrapping around your body in a protective but restrictive way. It’ll take a lot of begging for Michael to let you go and let you back to the campfire. He knows that you still aren’t fully aware of why he’s not letting you, but you know he’s most likely jealous of someone. A part of Michael thinks it’s cute that you’re so clueless to the survivors intentions, but another part of him has a flame burning inside of him just thinking about how that survivor took advantage of that fact, whether they knew it or not.
If you happen to get in a trial with the survivor that was flirting with you AND Michael somehow, he will be ruthless. It might aswell be a free escape for you and your friends, because Michael will not simply kill the survivor and be done with it. He will torment the poor victim until they realize what they have done wrong. And they’ll sure know after Michael purposefully leaves them in the ground, bloody and beaten. Michael will make them watch as you trot over to him with a smile on your face. He will make them watch as your arms wrap around his waist while you bury your face into his chest. The last thing the survivor will see before their vision goes dark is you getting up on your tippy-toes to give Michael a kiss on his masked lips.
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Pyramid Head:
He doesn’t quite understand either. Why are they saying those things to you? Pyramid Head does not know much on how humans show a liking towards one another, so he is not sure why your friend had been acting so different. He knows affection, but flirting? That’s not something he’s too familiar with. As long as you’re not getting hurt, he doesn’t think it’s all that bad.
Pyramid Head isn’t too worried about it. You have no clue that their “friendliness” is flirting, and neither does he really. All looks good to him. As long as they don’t make you laugh too much, Pyramid Head doesn’t have much of a problem with the other survivor, but if they make you enjoy their presence more than his, he’ll have a bit of a problem. Red feeds on your love for him. If he sees you enjoying your time a little bit too much with someone else, he’ll feel a bit jealous. Only he’s allowed to make you smile like that! Not them!
If they actually lay a hand on you in a suggestive way? Hell no. Pyramid Head never thought their words was too much of a problem as he wasn’t quite sure what they meant. Now that he’s seeing them touch you like that? In a way only he can? Yeah, sorry s/o, but he’s interfering. Only now does he realize the other survivors’ intentions. The hand at your waist that slowly moved down to your hip told him all he needed to know. He’s not sorry for wrapping your friend in barbed wire, but he is sorry for his harsh grip on your wrist as he just about yanks you away from the campfire.
Red will try to tell you that your ‘friend’ is not just being friendly. He does not want you taking interest in someone else, and he will not let you communicate with them. Pyramid Head doesn’t want to restrict you from doing what you want, but he does NOT like your friend. He will make that known so you can understand, whether it be by torturing them outside of a trial or straight up strangling them anytime he sees them near you. If you don’t want your friend suffering, I would suggest not talking with them.
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Evan Macmillan:
Evan is just about as prone to being jealous as Michael. He can sense a survivor messing with you from a mile away. Atleast he thinks they are. The second he hears a word that’s even somewhat suggestive, Evan is already taking you to his realm with a growl.
“Evan, they were just being nice! They don’t like me like that.”
Bullshit. Evan knows things you don’t. He’s been in the realm long enough to know every survivor and how they work. He knows for a fact they aren’t just trying to be nice. He won’t admit it, but he’s pretty damn jealous. Even if you don’t know what’s going on, Evan still isn’t happy with the fact that anybody would even think they have a chance with you. Guess he’ll have to show them who you belong to. Of course Evan will not resort to violence first, but prepare to be throughly confused by Evan’s presence when you haven’t even come back from a trial yet. He’s not too into pda, so he won’t kiss you or anything, but he’ll help you stand up and will take his hand in yours so he can walk you back to the estate. He might even call you babe if you’re lucky. If he’s feeling real jealous that is.
If somehow, someway that idiot doesn’t take the hint that a killer is in a relationship with you, he’ll resort to threats. And violence. Evan knows you don’t have much of an idea of why he’s so irritated at the sight of your friend, so you will already be at the estate when it happens. He’ll tell you he’s going to get some new parts for something he’s making, and he’ll be off to the campfire. By the time the survivors even know of his presence, he’ll already have a hand wrapped around his throat, lifting him up into the air.
“Listen here you worthless maggot. If you ever and I mean EVER come near my girl again, I will make sure to have all of your friends watch as I rip each and every bone out of your body until you’re nothing but a sack of meat! Do you understand me you disgusting wretch?”
Don’t worry about the fact that your friend doesn’t talk to you anymore. If you ask Evan, he’ll just tell you that he gave him a little reminder that he’s not happy with the fact that he’s flirting with you. You may not see it as flirting, but Evan does. The only time you’re really allowed to talk to your friend is in trials. And your friend also says that Evan told him not to talk to you as much. You won’t really know about the whole scene, and Evan prefers to keep it that way. He won’t admit it, but it kind of scares him when you’re mad.
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Laredo, Summer, Age 24: High School Reunion
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'Is there going to be a reunion at this reunion?'
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Smut, Public Sex, Dirty Talk, Javier Peña being a Cocky, Beautiful, Bastard.
A/N: Finally getting back to the main chapters 🥳 Even if this one was an unexpected addition. Enjoying how many times Bug reiterates YES I AM AN ADULT NOW. We've all been there. We're all secretly 6-year-olds in a big trench coat.
Laredo, Summer, Age 24: High School Reunion
Standing at the entrance to your former high school, you redact every positive thing you’ve said about Laredo in the past two years. 
Since getting away, the distance between you and your hometown had allowed for a surprising amount of positive reflection on the place you grew up.
You’d had a bad time, you reviewed empathetically; it was understandable that you’d felt the way you did, for as long as you did. Add puberty, parental abandonment, and teenage heartbreak to the mix, and it’s almost a fully evidenced argument for flying the nest and not looking back.
All it had taken was some breathing space and a bit of room to develop into your own person to be able to look back fondly and realise this place really isn’t so bad. You’d been dramatic, overwhelmed, and too quick to judge. That was childhood: one big adolescent misunderstanding.
You were an adult now, after all. 
But as you loiter in the parking lot finishing the cheeky cigarette that you knew you were going to need in order to get through this evening, you realise, to her credit, that your nineteen-year-old self had got it right. 
Leaving had been a good idea. This place was the worst.
High school reunions were always something you had relegated to the realms of TV dramas and old people - genuinely old people like your Pa and his graduating class of god knows what forgotten era, that would actually appreciate the chance to catch up and find out who was still about and kicking.
Plus, for your generation, you knew the reunions that really mattered were those that happened in another fifteen or twenty years when people had kids and houses and divorce settlements.
That’s when your cynical side could really come out to play; the opportune moment to take quiet revenge on all the people that had mattered so much when you were sixteen, but had since slipped into the quiet obscurity of the glue trap, unable to make it any further than city limits.
Receding hairlines and pot bellies: that would be your curtain call. 
You resolve to be hot and rich by the next time you stand in that school gym. Hotter than the majority, at least. 
In spite of your successful escape, you struggle to remember exactly how you’d ended up back here again.
It was summer break, yes, the start and end of all the best and worst decisions you’d made in your short lifetime. But why you were here specifically, the parking lot of the proverbial hellhole that had held you captive for the best part of five years, you were still struggling with. 
Mel and Petra are the real answer, you know, but even then you’re questioning your better judgement in spite of your closest friends' persistent arm-twisting. Had you really gone so soft that you were here just because they asked? 
You’re well aware you sound like a cynical bastard as you play through your depressing monologue in your head, but you can’t deny that your younger, perhaps more obstinate, self would be distinctly unimpressed to find out that you’d made a break for it, only to find yourself back here by choice at the big age of twenty-four. 
“It will be fun!” they’d implored in unison as they dried the dishes you were washing up, passing them down the production line lovingly to Chucho, who put them back in the cabinet.
He was a sucker for your girlfriends, loved to make a fuss and cook for them and feel his heart soar when they insisted they wash up since he had made dinner. 
“It will be fun, niña,” he had echoed, trying not to laugh at the absolutely mortal look you’d sent his way when he adamantly took their side. 
“Don't you start,” you chided at him, silently loving the way the three of them had continued to work together over the years to force your best interests.
“Has anyone ever had a good time at a high school reunion?” 
“Us!” implored Petra, gathering you into her arms to give you an overzealous squeeze, accidentally slapping you with the damp dish towel in the process.
“We will! We’ll make it fun, I promise.” 
“Plus, you know Javi will be there. Which means he’ll want you there,” chimed in Mel with an evasive look on her face. 
You could hardly call the sentiment a low blow when it had been your calling card for mandatory attendance at almost any event since you were six years old.
‘Javi will be there’ had forced you to weddings, funerals, Sunday services, anniversary celebrations, and any number of other indiscriminately dreadful occasions that otherwise would have had you running for the hills.
The bait of having your best friend in tow to get through whatever social occasion was calling for you was used flagrantly and in excess. And the worst part is, it worked every damn time. 
He was the rest of you, and everyone knew it. Javi, the one thing that always turned your head, especially as of late. 
You’d had a blissful year of it at twenty-three. After Fairfax, everything really had fallen into place.
Once the parameters were set, there had been nothing holding either of you back. In the wake of the promise to avoid the tawdry specifications of commitment, the two of you had accidentally found yourselves permanently involved for the best part of a year, and then some.
‘Together until you said otherwise’ had been the unspoken rule as you left his dorm room, and the two of you had picked up the ball and ran with it. 
In spite of the absence of a verbal commitment to fidelity, you were both entirely aware of what had happened between the two of you; the slip, the gentle transition into something that could easily have been labelled if it had ever seen the light of day or the public eye.
Despite the fact you’d never admitted it, you had been together, in some strange, unconventional way. Whatever ‘together’ really meant. 
It would be difficult to deny that this year had been a shock by comparison. 
As soon as Javi had graduated, things got a little more complex. Since the BNDD had been reincorporated in ‘73, DEA had always been his goal. Funding was way up, recruitment was heavily incentivised, and once he had found his route to the direct training programme, he well and truly had his sights set. 
A year of making it work and the blissful summer that followed had bled into an unusually tearful goodbye in the new year and six degrees of separation ever since.
You went back to college for your post-grad, and Javi moved on-site to Quantico the first week in January. Heaven knows the man’s a trier.
It had been around six months since you’d been in the same place, perhaps the longest you’d ever gone without seeing his face. While the physical distance between you hadn’t changed since you started college, the separation had become more meaningful.
It was hard. Harder than before. There was even more of him to miss in the intermediary. 
Your usual summer reprieve had been well and truly eliminated by his new work schedule, too. No six-week break, no unadulterated stretch of time together like last year and every year before it. No opportunity to play pretend over the long, hot, summer.
The way you’d flitted in and out of one another’s lives throughout college had been more ideal than you’d let on, and the loss of it seemed to stir a strange premonition in your mind.
You always knew it was going to be hard if you gave into it like this, even at twenty-one you had known that. But what you hadn’t foreseen then was the romantic chaos that followed, the reality of just how much you enjoyed sharing his life as well as his bed. 
‘You were an adult now, after all,’ you repeat in your mind. And with adulthood came a whole new plethora of adult problems. You tried not to dwell on it too much. Kicking the can has worked just fine for you so far. 
Despite his busy lifestyle, Chucho was adamant the prodigal son would be making an appearance for the event, even if he apparently hadn’t taken the time to RSVP Lorraine’s multiple committee invitations.
And you’re sure your father is right - Javier Peña was never one to miss a get-together, especially not one that involved all of his ex-girlfriends being in the same place at the same time. It would be his sadistic idea of heaven; getting to be sweet as anything to all those girls, now that the amnesty of time had softened the blow of their residual heartbreaks.
New and exciting, fresh off the press of his first year in training, he’d be a walking babe-magnet, leaving every twenty-something-year-old within a mile radius of his orbit yearning for a glance. 
So here you are, a week on from your kitchen inquisition, ready and waiting, as always, for the golden boy. 
And there he is, you drawl to yourself, as you watch him stride across the parking lot, Mel and Petra in tow, not a minute later.
He must have offered them a lift in your absence, reluctantly accepting your explanation of coming straight to the event after seeing a friend. In reality, you’d just needed some space before this whole thing kicked off. The $10 in cab fare was worth the opportunity to stick your head out of the window for a few moments and take some deep breaths before putting your big girl pants on. 
You stub the cigarette under your sandal, quelling the small voice at the back of your mind that begs you to let it simmer and burn the whole place to the ground. 
This will be good for you, you resolve, throwing your head back and strutting towards the gym. You haven’t worked on yourself for all these years not to show it off to anyone that will pay attention. And they will pay attention. It worked just fine in Ann Arbour, so why not here?
Those bastards wouldn’t know what had hit them. 
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Inside, everything is the same: the tiles, the walls, the smells. And just through those double doors, the people, too. 
You often wonder why stagnation has made you so uncomfortable your entire life. It’s not as if you longed for chaos, if anything having had far too much of it in your life to date. But the idea of staying stationary for too long had always made you feel uneasy.
There were select home comforts that you held very close to your chest, but everything else in between just seemed to make you feel like you had a target on your back that said ‘things going too well: aim here’.
While it didn’t seem to make too much of a difference day to day (you were clearly capable of forming long-term attachments, even proving your ability to commit to things that didn’t even make sense) you generally wrote it off as a utilitarian ability to not expect too much of a good thing. Or any thing for that matter. Another heartfelt gift from your parents.
Plus, the way you feel walking down the familiar hallways reminds you that that survival instinct might not necessarily be a bad one. It’s good to want to move forward, to want to leave behind the places that hurt you, and to recognise a threat when you see one, especially when it's wrapped up in sage green linoleum. 
Pausing at the doors to the gym, you offer yourself a final get-out-of-jail-free card. Namely: the fact you actually are an adult now, or so you keep saying, and can come and go as you damn well please. Just because you had to do what you were told the last time you were here, doesn’t mean the rules still apply. 
But at the very least, Javi is in there. Your Javi. The one thing that, ironically, in spite of innumerable material changes, stayed exactly the same in some indescribable way. And you wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to see him for anything. Wild horses couldn't keep you away.
Mind made up, you hold your breath and open the double doors. 
The girls spot you immediately, giving you a comedic wolf whistle as you make your way across the cavernous space towards them, avoiding all extraneous eye contact as you hurry along.
You feel thankful as they gather you up, tucking you into their circle and stoking your confidence with affectionate pats to your backside and gentle fingers pushing your hair from your face. One of them presses a plastic cup filled with god-knows-what firmly into your palm, and you don’t look to say thank you before you quickly take a long sip and wait for the acrid feeling to hit your stomach. God bless Chucho’s leftovers, the ultimate first step to lining your stomach. 
Mel, Petra, and Maya are surrounded by a number of extraneous people that you can just about recall from one class or another, but you admire the absolute sincerity with which you're unable to recognise maybe 60% of the people present.
The school was big, but did they even go here? It’s amazing how this place felt like the edge of the universe when you were living in it, and now you couldn’t even tell one person you supposedly sat next to in Chemistry from another you were apparently partners with in gym.
You nod and smile in earnest, laughing at the right moments when the conversation dips and nodding along when someone mentions your name, but you find it surprisingly liberating to essentially feel like a stranger passing through.
You recall your earlier observation; time heals all, if not most, wounds. As usual, the idea had been worse than the reality.
You see Javi following the next crowd in a few minutes later, presumably also having snuck off for a quiet smoke at some point before diving in, and clearly having found some friends in the process.
Even from afar, you can see he crosses the room in broad strides that exude authority, smiling boldly and waving confidently as people call his name to say hi.
This place was his bitch back in the day, and it was written all over his face. He may not have played soccer or performed exceptionally in his classes, but he was well-liked, and when it came down to being remembered, that was what really mattered. He'd been gone for less than a year and he was already as close as Laredo got to a local celebrity.
Once he’s finished saying his hellos, shaking hands, and kissing cheeks, you watch him turn to face the room. He’s searching you out, scanning the place for you the moment he’s got himself a drink, but can’t make you out through the crowd of women surrounding you.
It gives you free leave to stand a stare, just a little. You and everyone else, apparently. 
“Javi looks good, you know,” sighs Maya, clearly spotting him from across the room.
“You shouldn’t say that. You’re engaged!” mumbles Petra, scolding her halfheartedly as he tries to cover her laughter with a cough. Five years later and Maya still said everything that was on her mind. You wished everyone was a bit more like her.
“If you’re going to be inappropriate at least be subtle about it.” 
“Well, it’s true!” she quips back, unphased by the reprimand. “Look at him. He’s tasty. And if you disagree, you're lying. Even Bug would agree, and she’s like his sister.”
You baulk at the statement, feeling your eyes pop out of your head just a little.
The outward optics of your relationship with Javi had become a running joke between the two of you since things had kicked off last year, one that he was none too fond of when he spent most of the summer between your legs with his thumbs buried in your skin. It was a cheap jest that only earned you a pinch on the backside and usually another round of proving just how wrong that statement really was, but it made you laugh nonetheless. 
Hearing it from Maya was different though. It made you feel a bit green, but she did have a point; the line probably did look blurry from the outside in. It was a burden of your unconventional situation, and one that often begged a question the two of you went through great lengths to avoid answering: what would people think if they found out? 
Years of sneaking around had left you a practised hand but, as you’d surmised in Fairfax, it’s not like it had ever intentionally been a secret. It had just never crossed your mind to make it collective knowledge, either. Most of the time, it was too fleeting to even warrant putting it in a sentence.
At the very least, Maya’s abrupt suggestion reassured the fact that public opinion was, as usual, none the wiser. For a town that loved to gossip, most people really had no idea what was going on behind closed doors. 
Except for Mel. Mel wasn’t like the others. She paid attention to everything, especially your soft spots. And he was your softest spot of all. You pretend not to notice her sideways glance from your left but, as usual, she lets it slide. If she wanted to comment, she would.
“It’s the training,” you add, trying to match the tone of the discussion. “He said it’s been intense. Lots of… heavy lifting.” 
“Well if I wasn’t otherwise involved, he could lift me any time. Every woman in this room is going to be looking at him twice tonight.”
You school the furrow in your brow yet again. Mel smirks.
Finally spying the line of women essentially checking him out from across the room, Javi, at last, catches your eye. He frowns, points, and shrugs huskily at you, a combination of gestures that depict a frustrated ‘Where have you been?’ You can see from the way he paces across the room that If it was acceptable to run to you, he would. 
“Thank god, there you are,” he husks, scooping you under his arm easily with his broad reach and yanking you aggressively to his side.
The movement is full of energy that he’s trying to dissipate. If the circumstances were different he’d probably be throwing you over his shoulder right now, but instead, you see the way he’s directing it elsewhere, funnelling it into a more socially acceptable greeting. Instead of lifting you from the ground, he tucks you protectively, against him, something resembling a human shield, and presses a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Here I am,” you reply somewhat breathlessly, enjoying his immediate proximity for the first time in a long time. “Long time no see, Peña.”
“Peña? Am I in trouble?” He winks at you, his mood light and jovial, but the way he’s staring at you, into you, is mesmerising. You wish, crudely, that you were alone. 
“I’m not sure yet.” 
“Do I need to get another drink?”
“From the looks of things, you’re going to need one. I think it’s going to be a long evening.” 
“You’re telling me. Talk about leaving me to the dogs, I thought you’d bailed. I actually like most of the people here, but there are only so many times you can say you like the decorations. I had to go outside for a rest. Thankfully all the fun people still hang out by the back door.” 
“I guess some things never change.” 
“Ladies,” he nods at your friends, eventually acknowledging their presence after he’s given you a good look over to check that you’re generally still in one piece. 
His smile is sickly sweet as he waves them hello. You resist the urge to pinch his backside from your concealed position at his side, but can’t hide the face of mock disgust as they all chime ‘Hi Javi’, their voices bordering an octave higher than normal. If they kept it up, you weren’t going to be able to hold your tongue all night. Meanwhile, Javi was beaming like a slick git. 
Dipping in and out of the chatter with the others, the two of you string together a parallel conversation in hushed whispers and lowered tones. 
“You look good,” he husks, pressing another small kiss to your head.
“So do you.”
“Missed your face. And your ass. Is there going to be a reunion at this reunion?” 
You scoff at his blunt appraisal but revel in the openness of his intention. You’re glad six months hasn’t put him off, offered him up something else, something better. 
“You tell me. I’ve always followed your lead.”
He turns to you more obviously now, blocking the others from your conversation entirely. He couldn’t care less for the optics.
“I hardly think that’s true, sweetheart.” 
“Really? You think I’m in control here?”
“I think neither of us is. At this point, I’m relying on manifest destiny.” 
“Interesting,” you whisper back lowly. “I’ll keep that in mind next time I think I’m making a conscious decision about my sex life.” 
“All I’m saying is there are about a hundred different places I’d love to run you ragged about this place. And if you thought I wouldn’t notice exactly which sundress you’re wearing, you’re sorely mistaken.”
You chuckle at his observation. The dress you’d been wearing that night he took you home after your date, the night that changed everything. 
“‘Sorely’,” you repeat back. “I think I like the idea of that.” 
So what if you’re not alone, it still always feels like you are. 
“So Javi, tell us. How are things?” pipes up Mel, drawing the two of you from the bubble you so often find yourselves in and offering you a line back to the real world.
“You’re the talk of the town, as usual.”
He blushes slightly, but in reality, that must be his favourite question right now: ‘How are things at your dream job?’
Hearing him gush outwardly is simultaneously too sweet for words and a tad grating. How many times in one conversation can a man say ‘all in a day's work’? He’s made for the small talk as much as the role itself. But you can’t begrudge him his happiness. This is everything he’s ever wanted. You think.
When the niceties are all used up the conversation drifts. Eyes are caught across the room and the girls dissipate to chat with other people, something you have no desire to take part in. F
inally left to your own devices, Javi ushers you over to the bleachers, and you take a seat next to him, as close as the circumstances allow. Thankfully, the two of you sitting side by side is nothing to warrant a second glance. 
“I’ve missed you. So much,” he huffs, the relief to finally speak freely weighing on his words. 
“Me too. It feels like it’s been forever, even for us,” you breach, choosing your words carefully. 
“We were spoiled last year, I think,” he grumbles in agreement. “It almost felt like… I don’t know.”
“Like we were together,” you fill in easily, wanting to say it. Wanting to acknowledge it, because it’s true. Or it was.
You’re sure to keep your tone registered, non-committal, but you don’t think it has the desired effect. It’s loaded, and he knows it. The interaction was familiar but the circumstances were not. You hadn’t planned what this part was going to feel like; the first time after the last time. 
He seems stumped, but not offensively, as if he knows this isn’t the time to talk about it.
“It was a very good run.” A non-commital reply. 
“Calling it a run implies that it’s over,” you can’t help but add, unable to meet his eye as you say it.
“Let’s not be hasty, I don’t think that’s what we agreed in Michigan.” 
“I have some news, though,” you pipe up, perhaps a tad obvious in your conversational retreat. “I think I’ve found a job I’d like to go for.” 
“Oh? That’s great. What is it?”
“Well, I can’t really say.” 
“What do you mean you can’t say?” he laughs, confused.
“It’s complicated,” you lilt, covering the small smile at the corner of your mouth. “We’ll call it a data protection issue.”
“What does that even mean? Are you going to be an agent or something?”
“Hah,” you breathe, again trying to remedy your tone. “More like PR, client work, that kind of thing. Just don’t get shirty if I start acting vaguely about it all. I think I’m going to go for it.”
“That’s different, for you, no?”
“Yes and no. Have you ever considered that maybe there are some things you don’t know about me?”
The question comes out harder than you mean it to, your tone a bit too harsh to be fair. 
“No, actually,” he replies bluntly, and you hear that same restraint in his voice. “I don’t think I like the idea of it.”
“Well, a lot can change when you don’t see a person for six months.” 
And there it was, slipping loose in a single sentence. The way it always did with him, whether you liked it or not, the person you chose to share nearly everything with.
He sighs quietly when he finally gets the gist of what he’s dealing with. Not only are you frustrated, but you’re talking about it, however unintentionally. Not a traditional combination for you.
“You know it’s not on purpose, sweetheart,” he begins, testing the water.  
“I know it’s not. I never said that.” 
His brows quirk, trying to hide his amusement. “Are you actually grumpy at me, or at the situation?”
You grouse at how directly he calls your bluff. “I’d like to say both, but it’s not true.”
“Well go on, out with it then. You’re sitting on the fence and you know it.” 
Rearing at the challenge, you let it out.
“I think you’re right, about us being spoilt. I was just enjoying it. It was a nice summer. A nice year, or two. I won’t say that I took it for granted, but I will say I was… pleasantly surprised. Maybe I had just assumed it would keep working. More than anything I’m just annoyed at myself for expecting anything different. I thought I knew better, but then I see you and…”
You look across at him apologetically.
“Nothing is simple when I actually see you. All my plans…” 
You hear him hum in some sort of reluctant approval when you can’t find the words, and when he doesn’t know how to respond either you decide to fill the gap with the question that’s been on your mind for months now. 
“Are we still on the same page? I just need to know. I worry sometimes that I’m a few chapters ahead, or that you’ve backpedalled. If there’s someone else-,”
“There is no one else,” he interrupts calmly, offering no room for negotiation.
“It’s the same page. Just different books. In different places.” 
You feel a non-committal tap to your shoulder and find yourself turning your head before you can answer. 
“Lyle?” you blurt out, incapable of hiding the surprise in your tone. Lo and behold, towering over you is your old lab partner, beer in hand, staring down at you sheepishly. 
He nods at you politely, smiles, and offers a hand to Javi at your side.
“Javier,” he states, his voice strong but perhaps a little nervous. 
“Lyle,” he mutters back in response, shaking his hand in return, hard. 
“How are you?” he asks, directing the question to your person but it’s Javi that interjects with the forced pleasantries. 
“Great thanks Lyle. And I can see you’re doing just fine. Long time no see.” 
“I was hoping to have a word, if you don’t mind?” he asks, trying again to direct his attention at you and you alone, this time stepping to your side to lean and catch your arm with his palm. 
“Actually, we were just about to head out for a smoke,” Javi cuts in, yet again.
You flash your eyes at him widely, unable to hide the smirk that breaks your face. If he didn’t have that shit-eating grin plastered on his face, this interaction would be bordering offensive, but his overly-friendly persona is holding everything together by a comedic thread. 
“Right,” replies Lyle, clearly working hard to hide the obvious rejection.
“Well I just wanted to say…” he turns to you entirely, doing whatever he can to cut Javi from the conversation with minimal success, “I wanted to apologise for the last time we saw each other. I think about more than you’d expect. I don’t really know why I acted that way if I’m being totally honest. It’s just what I thought boys were supposed to do, not really give a shit about anything. But I’m really sorry, I was an ass.” 
Both you and Javi gawk from your position on the stadium seating, your eyes wide with sympathetic surprise, Javi's narrowing suspiciously at the scene unfolding before him. The way he’s looming at the edge of the surprisingly heartfelt interaction is bordering comical. 
‘That’s… really kind of you, Lyle. I didn’t expect that from you, or anybody here tonight, actually.” 
“Well, I was young, and stupid. Easy enough to say in retrospect but it’s true. I just wanted you to know... I wouldn’t make that same mistake again.”
You see Javi try his hardest to school his features. He’s holding on to his smirk by a thread. You’re fighting for your life to remain calm and indisposed.
“Thanks, Lyle. I really appreciate it.”
“Not that you seem to need to hear that. You look great, really great. And I think everyone knows it,” he offers jokingly, opening up his stance to gesture to the familiar crowd of boys who are observing the interaction menacingly from the other side of the room.
You try not to audibly gag as you watch them, watching you, but you suppose it was the effect you had been hoping for. They definitely had noticed.
“Well, that’s all," he sighs, clearly disappointed by the inopportune moment. "I’ll let you guys go now, you have a good night.”
“No seriously, Lyle,” calls Javi as the other man strides away. “Thank you.”
Lyle nods back, clearly perplexed, perhaps on the border of understanding. Javi beams back insincerely, lifting his hand to wave, and then turns quickly to exit the room, pulling you in tow.  
“You just love to push your luck, don’t you?” you whisper when you catch him up, falling into step as you make your way toward the exit.
“It was funny. You know it was funny. Do you really think I’m not going to thank the guy? If not for him-,”
You turn quickly to catch him, stopping him cleanly in his path. 
“If not for him then what? Hm?”
He steps into you just as swiftly, filling your space, matching your energy faster than you can describe. 
“If not for him, then I’d never have had the opportunity to show you what a good time is supposed to look like.” 
“Oh 'a good time', is that what that was?”
“Too fucking right it was, fancy another one?” 
You beam up at him, and the way his face cracks into a smile when he stares down into you is enough to make your toes curl.
“You fucking bet I do.” 
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He opens the door of the old truck, offering you a hand to let you perch on the rear passenger seat while he braces his arm against the roof to close the space around you.
You watch the way he pulls the pack of cigarettes from his pocket, fobs the straight into his mouth, and lights it, all in one swift, practised movement. He couldn’t deny he’d picked up the dirty habit, but you’d struggle to say it didn’t make him look handsome. 
Since he’d first walked into the room you could see that everything about him carried a new air of maturity, control. He’d always held space in a casual sense, commanding the room or arranging the conversation easily, but it was something more than that now.
His teenage confidence had transpired into effortless self-possession, and it fit him like a glove. If you were being unkind you’d compare it to when he’d received his hall monitor badge when he was nine, revelling in the recognition of being somebody important, someone to be listened to, however menial it may have been. But really, you couldn’t be happier for him. 
The root of his need to pursue something he deemed as 'worthwhile' would be lost to you still for a while yet, something he kept so closely guarded even you barely got more than a glimpse of it.
You had your secrets, he was allowed his. But the fact that that need, that requirement, to prove himself was being satisfied one way or another was all that really mattered. And it was clearly paying off in other ways. He was thriving.
With his leg propped against the doorframe, humming absentmindedly to himself, he was unapologetically himself, just as he always had been. But, for the first time in a long time, you could see he wasn’t questioning it. The self-imposed weight of expectation was lifted ever so slightly by the knowledge that he was exceeding expectations.
He’d done exactly what everyone thought he would, and with that came a chance to bask in the glory of public approval.  
You reprimand yourself for coveting it: you couldn't wait to know what that felt like.  
As always, you just hoped that his idea of the ‘right thing’ was grounded somewhere secure; more a matter of proving something to himself than to everyone around him. Lamentably, you already knew that wasn’t true. 
He gives you a long look as he puffs away, regarding you, you know, with as much affectionate scrutiny as you’re giving him. The thought of him being able to take you apart in the same detail as you can him makes you feel both nauseous and overwhelmed with fondness. You wish for the hundredth time in your life that you could read his mind. 
“I knew I’d be here, but I didn’t expect you,” he eventually surmises, as if he’s only now thinking about it. “I thought you’d be well over this kind of stuff.”
“I am. There was a bit of arm twisting involved,” you laugh, thinking of the girls standing in the gym behind you.
“If I’m being totally honest, I was banking on the fact you would be here. I’m running out of ways to coincidentally run into you on the basis of things like ‘sharing a home address’ or ‘religious holidays’. You’re an increasingly hard man to reach.” 
“I know,” he replies simply, “I’m sorry. I should have started with that when you brought it up. I knew it was going to be busy but I didn’t expect… It’s been longer than I wanted. If it's any consolation I’m not happy about it either. But I think it’s going to stay like this, at least for a while. But never say never.”
You absorb his upfront sincerity and swallow the urge to reply with something acidic and sarcastic.
“I think you’re probably right. I don’t love it, but it is what it is. It’s just… difficult, after having it so good for so long. But I think you’d be more worried if I was loving your perpetual absence.”
He nods thoughtfully, absorbs your stance, and chuckles at your inevitable quip.
“Is it still hard? Being here?” he presses on. 
“Yes and no. For a while there I wasn’t really that affected. My parents are long gone. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. If anything, I’ve enjoyed the times that I have come home because I’m choosing to do it. But, yes, actual high school might be pushing the limit just a bit.”
You’re amazed at how easily the words leave your own mouth. Only for him.
“And you’re loving this, I assume?” you return. 
He tries to hide the quiet smirk that's drawn from being exposed so directly, but fails quickly. In the late afternoon light you notice the shadow of his stubble has become a permanent feature. It only adds to this new idea of him. 
“Yeah, a bit. I love it here, full stop. But since I’ve been gone I can’t shake the feeling that I’m taking a step away from the person I was here. There’s nothing worse than realising you peaked in high school.” 
“Javi,” you scoff, “you’re the last person I’d pin as having peaked in high school. Have you seen yourself? No one in that room can take their eyes off you. You’re fucking golden balls, just like always.”
“Coming from you,” he returns earnestly. “You really have no idea, do you?”
“What do you mean?” you mumble, flustering a bit as he takes a step closer to you, invading your space even further in the open door.  
“You’re beautiful, Bug. In spite of this place, you come in here and breeze through those doors like you own the place. And you’re not even trying. There’s nothing wrong with coming back here just to blow the doors off the place.” 
“I like the person you are now,” you offer in response to his earlier remark, lost for words at his overwhelming accolades.
“I like the person you are now, too. A lot.” 
“And if it’s any consolation, there’s one thing that will clearly never change. I’m pretty sure you’ve had those jeans since senior year.”
“Different jeans, same cut. Not my fault I got it right the first time. I've never heard you complain before.”
“I never said I was complaining,” you hum back warmly, smiling smugly as he closes the gap between you even further.  
Taking the final step, he leans down, ducking his head under the doorway of the cab to kiss you firmly. You’re living your life strung together by a golden thread of those kisses. You’d give anything for those kisses. 
“I’d like to see the look on Lyle’s face if he came out here right now,” he huffs teasingly. You feel the words against your skin as he pulls his mouth away just for a second to eek them out, unable to resist the opportunity. 
But you’re just as petty. 
“Kid sister?”
He sputters at your words as if he can taste them, pulling away quickly and frowning down at you thoughtfully in spite of your devilish grin.
“You know I hate it,” he grovels, spanking your hip sharply with his fingertips before returning his face to your neck, brushing his stubble up and down the tender skin there. 
“I know. Maya brought it up. It just makes me laugh just how little idea people have of it.”
“Of what?”
“Of the fact we’ve been having incredible sex, at least semi-frequently, since we were twenty-something.” 
You swear he presses against you automatically at the open mention of your sex life. Acknowldgeing it out loud has always been a point of excitement for you both, driven by the lack of opporunuity to talk about it in any conventional sense. It was a flirtation with chance to speak about it frivolously. 
“I’ve been significantly missing that ‘incredible sex’ since I’ve been on base, you know.”
“How ever have you been coping?” you drawl back, batting your lashes at him. 
“Hand over fist. But it’s not the same without you whimpering in my ear,” he husks, pressing his cheek to yours to stream his words directly into you ear so that you can feel the full weight of them.
“I do not whimper.”
“Yes, you do, and it’s just about the best thing I’ve heard in my entire life. I love the way I get to see you turn to jelly, it’s kept me up at night for years.” 
Pressing his lips to yours again, he takes advantage of your position below him and pushes you playfully onto the backseat until you come flush with the worn leather.
Without thought, you pull him with you, and he follows you down willingly, unhurried, adjusting himself gently to spread his board frame over the length of you. You love the size of him against you, the way he can pull you against him so easily with just the palm of his hand against the small of your waist. 
If you’d known this was how the evening was going to go, you wouldn’t have hesitated. What would the people say, you jibe in your own head. Getting caught making out in Javier Peña’s car, with Javier Peña. Now that would give them something to talk about. 
As if mirroring your thoughts, he ruts your body against him harder and brings his teeth down to catch your lower lip between his own.
The biting. You had forgotten about the biting. 
“God I am unbelievably turned on right now, this is definitely some kind of reticent fantasy.” 
You moan against him, resisting the urge to egg him on any further. You didn’t want to give them too much to talk about. The sun hadn’t even set yet.
“We can’t fuck in the school parking lot.”
“Why not? I haven’t been caught before.”
“I don’t even want to know what you’re implying there,” you scoff in partially genuine disgust. Let’s just go somewhere,” you implore, getting surprisingly impatient as you tug and pull at his large frame, encouraging him to cover you entirely, pin you down, hide you away.  
“What? Home? At 9pm? Where Dad is?”
“Ngh,” you moan, stifling the truly libido-killing suggestion.
You weren’t going back to shagging with your face in a pillow. Not when you’d had him exactly how you wanted him. Shoving him off you reluctantly, you push off the bench seat and move to the front passenger side. 
“Just get in and drive, I know a place.” 
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Your recollection of the shrouded dirt path is surprisingly accurate as you direct Javi down a secluded turning off one of the old back roads. Considering you’d never made the journey in daylight, you admire how easily you can recall its location, recognising the abandoned call box and the wonky sign reading ‘private: keep out', still redundant as ever.
“How do you even know about this place?” queries Javi as he parks the truck off the track and looks at you suspiciously. 
“That’s for me to know,” you reply cooly, pretending not to look at him.  
“Tut tut.” 
Instead of rising to his teasing, you reach across the space for the buckle of his belt and tug unceremoniously. If you really were back here, sneaking away down a serupticious back road, you were throwing caution to the wind with absolute enthusiasm. 
“No more questions. Stop talking and help me get your cock out, Peña,” you huff as you crash your lips into his, this time with none of the censored reservations from the parking lot.
You see his arousal flare immediately, unable to do anything but gape at your forward movements. When you continue to fumble hastily, he finally reads how intent you are on undressing him, and begins to help you with the zipper. 
“Undo your shirt,” you breathe as you pull the length of him unabashedly from the tight confines of the taut denim, “I want to see you.” 
“Jesus-,” he huffs, both at your words and your hands, unable to hide the shudder of his breath when you wrap your fingers around him.
He follows suit and begins to undo the buttons, revealing his broad chest inch by inch until you’re greeted with the full view of his tight bare stomach and his hard length pressing against it. 
“Please tell me you’ve been this hard since you kissed me,” you moan, your tone glazed, unapologetic in how lovingly you’re staring down to admire the sight of him, tense and wanting in your small grip. 
It never failed you to amaze you, how lewd the sight of him laid out for you like this would always seem. It was the small part of your brain harrowing back to that first night, when everything was new and absurd and above all else, obscene. The part that says, even now, seeing him like this is so wrong it’s right. You’d never get over the fact you got to have him like this, tender and ripe and yours for the taking. He wanted you badly, in whatever form you came.
“I’ve been this hard since I saw you,” he breathes back, bringing his own hand to join yours around him, and fucking his hips up hard into the hold of your combined grip. 
You moan outright at the sight of it. He has one arm braced against the window, the other wrapped around your own as the two of you coax him intently.
Emboldened by the transparency of your mirrored enthusiasm, you bring your head down to join the fray, taking the ripe head of him in your mouth and feeling him continue to fuck up into you, through your hand and his, and against your tongue.
He groans headily, and you feel his thighs tense under your palm as you steady yourself against him.
You feel no fear with him like this. His arousal is so clear, so plain in the palm of your hand, that you have nothing to question about yourself or him. You were allied in your emotions, in the way your feelings overwhelmed you both so easily, stolen but not lost in the give and take that you'd learned to find in one another. Having someone want you, crave you so desperately that you can only be lured further into that lurid space where lust takes over and nowt else matters is something you could happily chase for the rest of your life.
You longed to always feel this way; to be so sure of yourself that, no matter which way you stepped, you were going to be met with a firm hand and gentle praise.
“That’s it,” you murmur, never letting your lips leave the smooth swell of him as the two of you work together. “That’s it, you good boy.” 
“Fuck. Fuck- Get in the back, in the back,” he orders, flustered by your authority but unwilling to concede to it. When you try to continue with your movements, ignoring his instructions, he slaps your backside, grabs you by your waist, and pushes you through the gap in the central console. 
You gasp as he manhandles you into the back of the vehicle, surprisingly aroused by how easily he manages to put you off your course and place you somewhere else. You turn to sit on the back seat, flustered by the upheaval, to come to face him as he looks towards you from the driver's side. “But I want to-,” 
“I don’t care, you can take your time with me later. Would you just put your legs up so I can get between them, please?”
You eyeball him deeply, equal parts frustration and arousal. But he knows you love it when he talks. And he knows you can’t say no to him when he does. 
“Don’t make me ask again,” he growls.
Using what little restraint you have left to call his bluff, you spread your legs from your position on the back seat, bringing one knee to your chest and the other so that your foot comes to rest on the headrest in front. You see his lips form a tight line, while yours upend into a smug smile. 
“Bug,” he stutters, hands coming to grip the back of the seat as he swallows hard. “Where’s your underwear?”
“In my purse,” you reply coolly. 
“How long have they been in your purse?”
“Since I saw you in the parking lot. Call it… what did you say? Manifesting.” 
“Call it- fuck-,” he breathes, and throws himself over the centre control to the backseat to join you. Pressing you back down to where he had you earlier, your back flush against the bench seat, he brings his knuckles up between your legs to brush harshly against you, totally exposed and waiting for him.
“God, I love-,” he sighs, unable to finish his sentence when he feels the slick touch of you against him. “There’s no way you can tell me you don’t enjoy these run-ins being in weird places. You’re soaked.”
“I never said I didn’t like the weird places,” you groan, cupping him with just as much zeal as he arranges himself against you. 
“No, you’re right. You didn’t have to, the answer’s all over my fingers.” 
The benefit of this being a repeat affair is the familiarity of it all. But with the time apart, you can sense it’s like a game. He’s always loved to show off, loved that he’s the root cause of nearly everything you know about sex and what you like about it. He knows your best and worst spots, your favourite things, the ones that drive you wild. And now, given the chance, he wastes no time in stringing them all together.
As if on queue, he bites down on your throat, and presses his fingers, hard, up and into you. 
And was right, before; you do whimper. 
“'Some things never change',” he breathes smugly into your shoulder as he pushes his fingers into you at a dominating pace. 
You retaliate, tucking your ankles around the back of his waist to draw him closer against you. You know he loves to feel you, loves to be so close against you that there’s not even an inch to spare. 
“You want to play that game?” you raise. 
“We already are,” he returns. 
He pulls you apart with his fingers easily, taking advantage of your worked-up state to bypass your usual anxieities. You’re too far gone to care anyway, too engrossed by having his attentions focused on you in the confines of the tight space, knowing you’re meant to be somewhere else doing something altogether more appropriate.
Revelling in your spaced-out gaze, he sits up between your legs and shrugs the open shirt off his shoulders, his eyes never leaving yours as he does it. The sight of him towering over you, levis around his knees, torso bare and gleaming and golden with the heat of the small space, makes you draw your legs together with a sigh.
“Bend over,” he huffs, balling the shirt and throwing it to the floor.
“Make me.”
The attitude rises, and the two of you smile satisfyingly at one another. 
“Suit yourself.” 
A large palm grips at your thigh, the other at your hip, and Javi flips you onto your front in a surprisingly swift movement. You had joked about the training, but he was strong, noticeably so, and the feeling of him easily arranging you exactly where he wanted you made your head spin.
You could give in to it if you let yourself, let him have you and take you however you wanted. You could go limp and fragile under his touch and surrender, totally. That would be a big step, the final one, even.
Not yet, you resolve.
Instead, you work with him, and as he crowds over you, you bend your knees and manoeuvre yourself into place underneath him. He holds you tightly as you arch your back, steady yourself, and bring your backside up to rest against his hard length.
He pushes the straps of your dress from your shoulders and pulls the slick fabric down over your chest, and up over your ass, leaving you exposed, and him free to finally run himself against you, painstakingly slowly.  
Running his stubble across your bare back to bring his face to your ear, he wraps his arms around you, and asks the final question. “Do you want it?” It’s sultry and tedious, a totally unnecessary mockery as he holds you at the end of a thread. “Tell me you want it, and I’ll give it to you.”
You shift against him, causing him to pull through your folds, and both of you to sigh frustratedly. 
“If you don’t-,” you start to threaten, but before you can even finish the sentence he pushes into you and bottoms out in one easy movement. You feel him in your belly and somehow, despite the heat, still manage to blush.
“Oh fine, you’ve convinced me.” 
He takes you hard and fast and with a devastating precision that can only be admired given the limited surroundings. Using his tight grip on your hips, he thrusts against you viciously, leaving no room to slack once he hears your enthusiastic murmurs. He loved to prove it to himself, even now; loved to know that you loved it. 
"Fuck," you squeal as the skin begins to slap and you find yourself focusing on the sounds around you, wet and crude and immeasurably exciting given the absurd location.
"Fuck, yes," he corrects, forever intolerable, even at the height of passion.
His voice brings you back to him, back to the person you have holding you tightly, tenderly, even as he attempts to break you to pieces. There was nothing like this, nothing as visceral and beautiful as the way he held you close while he took you apart. It was different, he was different, yes, but exquisitely so.
Every time you wish things would stay the same, you eat your words. Every time he offers you something more. You'd be a fool not to take it.
As you start to retaliate, throwing your hips back to meet every one of his hard thrusts, you feel the telltale sign of him gripping the fold of your hips, trying to focus his mind as he gets close. 
“You know,” you tease between your own shaking breaths, “if you come, it’s game over. But I can keep going.”
“Just because I come doesn’t mean I’m finished,” he replies through gritted teeth, deciding to slap his hips into you harder, faster. “It just gives you something to clean up.” 
Caught out as always by the effortless filth that pours from his mouth, you wail, and curse yourself for it. 
“That’s it,” he hisses, entirely too pleased by finally getting you exactly where he wants you, noisy and pliant.
“Take it. Take. It.” His words are punctuated by his thrusts, which in turn are met every time with your own. 
“You looked so good, shame you’re going to go back in there all messy.”
His words are losing their punch as he gets closer and closer to his limit, but the breathy moans that replace his authoritarian tone just make the feeling that much sweeter.  
“Maybe they’ll know. Maybe they’ll know exactly why,” you keen back, desperate to push him over the edge the same way he does with you.
“As they should,” he finally growls, and you feel him bend, break, and pull out sharply to spill over the sight of you. His hand never leaves your side, not even for a second. "As. They. Should.”
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“Tonight. Wait until two, then come and see me. If you can walk that far.” 
That’s what he’d said to you as you both sidled back to the gym as if nothing had happened.
You’d baulked at his audacious words, spoken so freely in the open space, but even then already felt the familiar pull in your belly only moments after getting what you’d wanted.
If you thought you craved him before, this new Javi, the adult one, was something else. The trip in the car was... sultry, grown up. You’d go anywhere he told you to. Not that he needed to know that. 
He breezes past you, glancing calmly over his shoulder as re-enters the main hall. You take a moment, forever academic in your administration, to let him reintegrate into the crowd before you follow, smoothing your crumpled dress over your thighs as you wait.
Once a year, to twice a year, to whenever you could manage it; this arrangement had gone from seemingly neat and tidy to a logistical and emotional rollercoaster.
But when brush your fingers over the tender split in your bottom lip, the place where his teeth had been, you resolve that you had got it right after the storm: it was worth the hassle. Enough to get you out of bed at two in the morning, at least, and have you creeping down the hallway of your own house like a cat burglar. 
Your feelings had never been simpler, plainer, your passion growing unashamedly year-on-year with ever-less to hold you back.
What was getting harder, though, were the choices. For you, at least, the stakes had never been higher.
In the back of your mind, you knew it was eventually going to be him, or you, or neither. A situation didn’t exist where you both got what you needed from yourselves, whilst still getting it from each other.
You’d made him promise not to compromise for that exact reason; you would never be the thing to keep him from what he needs by offering him something that he wants.
Six months was a long time. And he was right, it was only going to get longer. At the end of this year, you were going to have to choose for yourself what you wanted and where to go. And you already knew it couldn’t with be him, not in the way that meant you got both. 
It was doomed from the start, one way or another. You always knew that. But you didn't care. Nothing worth having ever came without a fight. You knew that better than anyone.
For now, there was one more night where you didn’t need to think about it. Where, in quiet serendipity, you could just be exactly what the other needed, one day at a time. 
A/N: The ‘agreement in Michigan’ that Javi refers to and the 'promise not to compromise' that Bug ends with will be explained in the interlude Solicitation.
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honeyatsu · 3 years
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Sugawara x f!Reader
summary: You don't mind your business and Suga is sick of it.
Mdni. Ageless/blank blogs will be blocked!
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(a/n: I missed writing so I wrote something really quick bc I just needed to write something. I miss it so much but school has me on a chokehold rn. Idk how I feel abt it so idk if it's gonna stay up but its here for now!! lol)
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The first ‘movie date’ after months is awkward. You don’t make a sound; you don’t even feel comfortable enough to ask for the popcorn sitting on Suga’s lap. After someone who’s just gone through a breakup, you figure he’s a bit too calm, too smiley, too invested in a cheesy rom-com and dry popcorn, you’d think he hasn’t gone through anything at all.
You’ve been studying him the moment you stepped foot into his apartment, nothing out of the ordinary, you could say he’s been better than he’s usually been. It confuses you; To your knowledge, he and Akane have been doing well since they’ve gotten together. Sugawara was never one for choosing great women for as long as you’ve known him. Always bossy, rude, and extremely jealous. They often wouldn’t like you or your friendship with Sugawara (which you can honestly say you understood, and even agreed to setting firmer boundaries, but he would always say if they didn’t respect your friendship then they just weren’t the one.)
Akane was his most recent girlfriend. You adored her, you could argue you adored her more than he did himself at times. Sugawara met her during a field trip, she worked at the museum he took his students to and she was charmed by him instantly. She was intelligent, kind, and most importantly, completely secure with herself, which resulted in you two getting along instantly – she often praised your relationship with one another, how she loved that her boyfriend had a friend like you in his life.
You always made comments about how much you loved them together, how you couldn’t wait for their wedding day (earning an awkward laugh from both of them). You’d sing praises on how you knew exactly why he fell for her, how you would take her if given the chance, or how they complimented each other well, and it would often earn a small forced grin, and a quick subject change.
Unbeknownst to you or anyone else who was involved in his relationship, it made Suga feel worse. He already felt like a bad guy and knowing he couldn’t be who everyone thought he was made it so much worse. The truth was, he didn’t see what you or anyone else saw. Akane was an amazing woman, he can admit that much. To this day he doesn’t know what he did to deserve a girlfriend who was kind to him, respected him, and loved you almost as much as he did. There was just one problem who would often wish would just go away.
She just wasn’t you.
He knew it wasn’t fair to Akane. He knew what he was doing made him just as bad as the women he’s dated before, or worse because he continued his friendship with you knowing he wanted more. He knew it would be hard to come across a girl like Akane so he tried to settle, he really did, but eventually she caught on, and helped him make the decision he’s been holding back from.
Of course, you didn’t know any of this. Sugawara hasn’t told you anything about the breakup other than the fact he was dumped and he’s okay. Logically, you had a tough time believing that he would be okay after getting broken up with by someone who you could only imagine as his soulmate. He would normally tell you whenever things went south in his life, so it was a bit odd that he avoided this topic. You thought it was because he was too hurt by losing his best relationship.
But this was Sugawara. You of all people knew how handsome, funny, caring, and irresistible he was. You were fully aware Akane knew as well. It was only a matter of time before she would come to her senses, but you decided that it was your job as his best friend to speed up the process.
That’s why when the phone in your bag pings, you pounce off the couch and towards the single sofa where your bag was sitting. You’ve been waiting for what felt like hours, and the message is brief, and too short for your liking: ‘He should be the one to tell you’.
Your eye twitches, thumbs hovering over your screen as you try to process any type of response. It didn’t make sense how none of your questions were being answered and all you wanted to do was help. You think to yourself, fuck it, you don’t need an explanation to save the best relationship Suga would ever be in.
In a matter of seconds you come up with a plan and you were finally able to execute it once Suga fell asleep while watching the movie. You sneakily made your way to him, eyeing his sleeping body up and down, your eyes shifting to his empty pockets. You huff in frustration, feeling like your plan is failing before it even begins, until you see a bright light under his head.
Your shaky hand slowly crept its way to where his phone was, trying your hardest to remove it from it’s spot without waking up Suga. You knew his password by heart – it being the same password he’s used for almost everything since high school.
You begin to scroll through his contacts, finding Akane’s contact information and going straight to the texting option.
It was complicated to figure out exactly how you would go about the plan you came up with out of nowhere. You needed to sound convincing – you needed to find a way to have her back into his arms so your best friend could be in a happy relationship again. It’s complicated to do so when neither one of them is willing to let you know what happened.
And you could mind your business, you really could. But that was never really your thing anyways.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about….”
Erase, erase, erase.
You don’t even know what happened, what could have happened for Suga to be sorry about?
All you know was she left him, and it was up to you to save them.
“I really miss you….” You look to your side, seeing Suga sleeping peacefully. His thick lashes lay across his face, his mouth slightly open with a bit of droll slipping down the corner of his mouth, light snoring exiting his body, his chest rising and falling. You stare down at the sentence you just wrote; conflicted, because he doesn’t look like someone who misses anyone.
“I really miss you…” you continue on anyways, “We’ve been through so much together. I think this is something we should talk more about instead of just throwing away what we’ve had. I love you and don’t want to lose you over anything that can be fixed.”
It took you a few minutes before you hit send, making sure it was not too vague, not too specific, but just right for her to want to reply to him at all. You quickly swipe your finger across the screen, hiding any evidence that there was a message sent that obviously wasn’t from him. After your plan was done you figured you should leave, just in case she decided to call him, you felt like he should use this time for himself
The anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach is hard to ignore. You try to remind yourself what you were doing was coming from a good place. You don’t think about the boundary that was broken, or how it had nothing to do with you, because this was your best friend and his heart, you figured you were helping him. In your own way, you thought you did a good thing.
So when three days go by with no contact from Suga you try not to think too hard about it. You come up with the most reasonable scenario: Akane and Suga made up. They’re spending their days together, trying to fix where they left off, and in no time you three will all be together during a friend date they loved to include you in.
But when you hear loud banging against your apartment door and open it to see a red face, messy haired, and visibly irritated Sugawara; feeling confused is an understatement.
You force a smile, moving to the side as he stomps in after glaring at you for a few seconds after you’ve opened the door. “Hey…” You drag out, your voice a little too high.
“Hey?” His raspy voice echoes back to you, turning on his heel as a twisted smile formed on his face. His chuckle is dry, he brings his hands to his temple, rubbing circles, blinking a few times as he tries to find a way to confront you. “You go behind my back, act like nothing's wrong, and the first thing you have to say to me is hey?”
It bothers you, the tone he’s using with you makes you feel small, as if you’re a child. You frown in response, wrapping your arms around your chest, holding yourself for comfort as you struggle to speak next.
“I didn’t do anything wrong.” You stated – confident and firm.
Suga laughs again, sitting himself on your couch to take in what was just said. He brings his hand to his jaw, holding it before he looks back up at you. “You caused a problem where there wasn’t one.”
You try to hear him out, but you feel insulted, the attempt you made to do him a favor is being thrown right in your face. You did the hard part, all he had to do was try and win her back.
“It’s not my fault you couldn’t get her back. I tried my best!”
He groans your name in annoyance, stepping up and facing you. You look up at him, sharing the same glare as him. “I didn’t want her back. You just made me out to be a liar, manipulator, and a scummy person. Everything was okay, and now I have to deal with her calling me all types of names. You’re lucky I made it sound like you were trying to help.”
“I was trying hmph – !”
Suga’s hand comes up to your face – cupping it and slightly squeezing your cheeks together, causing you to stop talking. You’re not sure why your heart started racing at the action or why your chest is beating at the way he’s looking down at your lips.
He sighs your name before scanning your face, slowly letting it go. “You don’t even know what happened. And you coudn’t just mind your business.”
Shuffling on your feet, you try to think of something to say, but the guilt you’ve been avoiding has slowly crept its way back into you. Sure, you did something a little crazy, but your intention was to help, not make anything worse.
“She came to my place the same day you decided to text her. You know, when you tried to pretend to be me.” Your face burns as he points it out, trying to turn your head to the side so he could avoid your face, but he brings his fingers, holding it in place. He lifts your chin up so you’re staring directly at him, making sure you’re not avoiding anything.
You feel guilty. You feel guilty for breaking his trust. For not minding your business. For realizing how handsome he can be when he’s upset.
“You did a good job,” he chuckled to himself. His grin makes you excited and uneasy all at once. “She thought I sent it. Really, she came in fuming. Saying I was cruel, for playing with her heart like that. Like I wasn’t giving her a chance to actually move on.”
“I don’t…” Suga’s gaze on you was curious – he wanted to hear what you would say next. “She broke up with you. So why….why does she need to move on?”
“Because she found out I didn’t love her.”
It was then you pushed him away, your eyes wide as you looked up at him in shock. You want to scream, how he could have found someone so perfect for him and to just claim something so bold, and something that should sound so wrong, yet made you so excited.
You take a slight step back, your nerves shaking at the tension in the air between the two of you. Both of your chest slowly rise and fall, heavy breathes and deep stares at one another as you both scan your faces, eyes falling at each other's lips everytime.
“How…How did you manage to mess that up, Koshi?”
He rolls his eyes as he takes one step forward, getting closer to you and bringing his hands to your face one more time. This time with tilting your head up towards him, he slowly leans his head down, inches away from yours.
“You’re ruining the moment…” He whispers, his nose now touching yours.
You gulp in response, unaware of how to answer him. Stuttering incoherent words before he cuts you off, “Just tell me to stop.”
You say nothing and he looks into your eyes for confirmation, for any sign of hesitation he can find. When none was found his face slowly leaned closer into yours, breaking the small space you had between you two. Next thing you knew you felt the warmth of his skin overlap yours, butterfly kisses trailing your lips, small, light, and delicate. As if he was trying to not scare you away, the kiss was soft, neither of you wanted to overwhelm the other – the kiss lasted long enough for you two to have inhaled each other's breath and remember the feeling of being brought together at once.
“Uhm…Oh.” Was what you managed to breathe out once you two have parted.
Suga stares at you dumbfounded, eyebrows arched as he mimics back at you, “Oh?”
You’re silent enough for him to laugh at your expression, confused, a loss for words, and flustered. “You know for us to work out, you need to be able to say what's on your mind. Not just assume and overthink…or text my exes.”
A slight gasp escapes your lips as he slowly turns away from you, casually sitting down on your sofa, turning on your tv as if nothing has happened. You feel as if you’ve lived three different lifetimes in the matter of fifteen minutes – and Suga just stares at you, his signature grin and laughter bursting out at your expression. “C’mon! We did the awkward part already. I forgive you for going behind my back. Can we please finally just enjoy each other's company the way we’ve both been wanting to for a while now?”
You slowly make your way to him, sitting beside him and bringing your legs to your chest, holding yourself for comfort. “What made you think I wanted you like that?”
“Well, when you put others happines and what you think they want before yours, people can’t help but think you might feel something for them.” He looks at you to see your reaction, gleeing at your wide eyes when you come to the realization of why you always put his happiness over your own and always went the extra mile for him. You slap your hand over your face, feeling embarrassed when everything hits you at once. He chuckles, bringing his arm over your shoulder and shoving your body into his.
It leaves you breathless, how an act you’ve done together often can feel so different with one shift in your relationship with him.
“Is this okay?” He mutters into your shoulder.
You lift your head to see the side of his face, his bright hazel-brown eyes boring into your own reassuring you that your comfort was priority in this instant.
“Yes” you whisper back – nuzzling your face back into his chest. “This is perfect.”
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queenshelby · 3 years
My Friend’s Father (Part Twelve)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Age Gap, Domestic Violence, Angst
Words: 1,366
Please comment and interact…it’s what keeps this blog going
 When you picked up the intercom, you were surprised to hear the voice of Denise’s mother and, after you let her upstairs through the apartment building, you quickly shoved your intimate toys beneath one of the pillows on Cillian’s bed and shut the door to his bedroom.
‘Hey Y/N’ she said somewhat surprised when you greeted her. ‘I thought Denise is in Manchester, visiting Cillian on set’ she then asked and you nodded nervously.
‘She is’ you confirmed while she made her way inside the apartment.  
‘So, what are you doing here on your own then?’ she asked somewhat confused and you had to think quickly in order to come up with an excuse.
‘Uhm…something happened at home and…uhm…Cillian offered me to stay here while he was not using the apartment while I am sorting out accommodation on campus’ you stammered, barely able to form a full sentence.
‘Right, well that’s nice of him’ she said before informing you that she came by to pick up some of Lucas’s things which he had left at the apartment during his last visit to Galway.
‘I have Lucas’s key but, since I saw the lights on, I didn’t just want to walk inside and I tried to reach Cillian but he didn’t answer his phone’ she explained before grabbing a bag from Lucas’s room, telling you that Lucas was waiting for her in the car and wishing you a pleasant night.  
The following day, you immediately received a call from Denise who was somewhat surprised when she found that you were staying at her father’s apartment in Galway.
‘My parents said that dad had offered you to stay at his apartment in Galway after I told him what happened between you and your father. Did he call you? I didn’t even think he had your number?’ Denise asked somewhat surprised before asking you whether you were alright after the incident.
‘I am fine. I gave your dad my number a while ago, just in case he ever needed it’ you explained and Denise didn’t bother to question you any more about it. Instead, she simply laughed, thinking that you were again trying to hit on her father.
Whilst she was surprised that he had rang you and offered you his place to stay, she knew about what had happened with your sister several years ago and felt as though her father probably just wanted to help you since you were her friend.
‘Anyway, dad isn’t coming home next week and Lucas is in Cork. You should come to Dublin and spend the weekend with me. We would have the house to ourselves’ Denise then suggested.
‘I can’t. I have to work’ you said, unable to tell her the truth, namely that you would be spending the weekend with her father.
‘That’s a shame. Well, I guess you would rather come and visit me in Dublin when dad is home anyway’ she then joked and you couldn’t help but gulp.
‘Yeah, well, he is hot’ you then said somewhat embarrassed but forcing out a laugh nonetheless.
‘You are disgusting’ Denise said before carrying on…‘Also, I am sorry to disappoint you but I think he’s got a girlfriend and it is not Laura Jennings’ Denise then said and you couldn’t help but ask Denise about it.
‘What makes you say that?’ you asked, curious as to how Denise knew about her father seeing someone else.
‘Dad has been glued to his phone all of last night, texting with a woman friend of his. This friend even sent him a nude picture’ Denise laughed, causing you to choke.
‘A nude picture?’ you asked, cheeks blushing red.
‘Yes, a nude picture. The message popped up on his phone in preview and I saw it. I couldn’t see her face though and, luckily, her intimate parts were covered by a James Joyce Novel’ Denise said rather amused and you couldn’t help but feel sick to your stomach knowing that Denise had seen this somewhat inappropriate picture of you.
‘Uhm…well…at least your dad is happy, right?’ you then said nervously.
‘Right. He seems pretty happy actually’ Denise said before having to bring the phone call to an end. ‘Anyway, I better go. Amalie wants to go shopping today’ Denise then said before wishing you a good day and telling you to stay away from her draws, thinking that you were staying in her room at the apartment.
With Denise and her mother being fully aware about where you were staying, it didn’t take long for your mother to find out and, if your mother knew, your father would soon know as well.
Denise’s mother and your mother used to be friends until contact broke between them following some sort of incident just over a year ago.
You never knew what the incident was about and Cillian made clear to you that he wouldn’t get involved in it again and, if you wanted to know about it, you needed to speak to your mother. It wasn’t his place to be unless it involved you directly.
You accepted his decision but, when your mother contacted Cillian’s ex wife to see whether she knew where you were staying after Denise refused to tell her, things had become difficult yet again and you agreed to meet your mother on Friday morning at a nearby café.
When you sat down together, she first handed you a letter from Trinity College in Dublin.
‘Your scholarship has been accepted. I suppose that will solve your problems, right?’ she asked with a warm smile and you couldn’t help but get a little excited. This was all you ever wanted and you knew that you could stay at campus in Dublin for free while attending university and working part time.
‘I am sorry mum, I shouldn’t have taken off so suddenly, but he has gone too far this time’ you said rather upset.
‘I understand and thank you for checking in with me every day via text message’ your mother then said and you nodded before giving her a hug. It was obvious to you that she wasn’t angry with you and supported your decision to leave rather abruptly.
‘I didn’t want dad to know where I am staying because, as far as I am aware, his relationship with Denise’s family is rather bad’ you then said which is also when your mother opened up to you about why this is the case.
‘Denise’s mother and I were good friends, even after she tried to help your sister behind your father’s back when we found out about her pregnancy. I knew about it. In fact, it was me who asked her for help. Your father found out about it later down the track and then he did to me what he did to you the other day. I went to Denise’s parents’ house for help as I was so upset but, in the end, I worked things out with your father through the Church counsellor’ your mother explained before telling you that your father had threatened Cillian and his ex-wife if they wouldn’t stay out of their marriage.
‘Mum, in all honesty, you deserve better than this. Why do you put up with his anger? Just because he repents every week doesn’t make it right’ you said, taking her hand.
‘Because I love him and this happened once. It never happened again’ she said and you simply nodded, having to accept her decision.
‘Okay’ you said before allowing her to change the topic to something more pleasant which is when you began talking about your upcoming birthday before it was time for you to go.
You knew that, in about five hours, Cillian would be at the apartment and, before he got there, you wanted to cook, tidy up, shower, shave and get yourself into some nice lingerie.
 Tag List:
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jiminrings · 3 years
just wanna say: stemkoo + yoongs redemption arc. yoongi finally acknowledging jungkook as a love interest to oc and accepting it and jungkooks kinda confused because what now? is he safe alone with yoongi? are they brothers? and yoongis just "yeah kid you're here now and I see you but I'd still give you a knuckle sandwich anytime if u even breath wrong next to my baby soulmate"
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cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
stem koo has a breakdown over driving alone for the first time, and it just so happens that yoongi's the only one there for him. alternatively, it's koo and yoongs' redemption arc :-)
warnings: mention and descriptions of a panic attack
jungkook will not cry
not right here, in an emergency bay that's just five meters away from a bustling gas station where there's a convenience store and a couple of food chains and cafés he can go to in order to clear his head
not right now, in his brand-new car that his parents excitedly bought for him once they caught the news that he's already obtained his driver's license. he's admittedly already used to a lofty lifestyle, but somehow guilt settled in when he remembers telling his parents at night, and the next morning, his dad's calling him to come out of his dorm to see such a big purchase they didn't think twice in buying
jungkook already drove before. countless of times!!
tried it the first three times in his hometown with his dad on the front seat and his mom at the back, a little amused yet more frantic because this is perhaps the most frustrated state he's put his parents in
he's also took 30 hours in driving lessons during break and the happiest that he's been during the whole time is the part wherein he gets home by foot, relieved that he doesn't have to shared a confined space with his instructor that's far too chatty and intimidating at the same time
most importantly, jungkook drove endlessly and ultimately learned from you, jin, and yoongi!! he remembered mentioning in passing that he doesn't have a driver's license yet and he could distinctly remembering the three of you arguing about who'd teach him first
of course it was you whom he picked first, and it became a driving lesson that racked immense pressure and comfort from him
you taught him how to properly control his gas and brakes and then did jungkook only learn that he's a little too heavy-footed with the pedals, mistakenly thinking that he should press his wHOLE foot instead of just atleast a fourth of it
he learned how to accelerate without making the car jump and brake without making a god-awful screech!! also learned how to pull up the handbrake with ease because his wrist's too tensioned the first time around
seokjin taught him how to turn and park smoothly. how to actually command the wheel without his hands getting wrung and just nailing commando with like tHREE maneuvers max!!! max!!!
also jin taught him (reluctantly) how to reverse while looking back and holding headrest of the front seat bc jungkook read from somewhere that people apparently (read: you) find it attractive
and well... yoongi?
yoongi taught him everything
jungkook was a lil scared when he realized that it was yoongi's turn to teach him, but surprisingly, and uh well nO offense to his parents and instructor and girlfriend and girlfriend's friend,, but yoongi is the best teacher he's ever had
he taught him how to actually drive-drive if that's supposed to explain everything
he taught him how to not grip the steering wheel a little too tight and heavy. to be relaxed enough that he drives his car and not the other way around, but not too relaxed that the car feels too light in his command
yoongi taught him how to overtake and counterflow when necessary and how not to be a push-over and let every car pass even if it's him who has the right of way
jungkook was taught how to not squirm and be shy with honking because it's literally tHERE to be used!! yoongi taught him not to cower when there's a huge 4x4 with the truck horn that's aiming to squeeze in between lanes and just drive like normal
he learned how he shouldn't trust the mirrors at all times because it's not the accurate depiction of how far he is from backing into a tree and instead, open the window to see it for himself
yoongi taught him about the gearbox so eASILY that jungkook almost cried in realization that he finally managed to comprehend it fully without feeling the need to search in between stops
yes, jungkook did drive countless of times.
but this is the first time ever that jungkook drove alone and by himself; no company at all to tell him how he's going a little too fast or a little too near to the vehicle in front of him
he's alone. driving. in his own car. and now he's parked by himself near the gas station and the radio's playing a little too loud.
in second thought?
jungkook will cry
you're not there to console him as soon as you see his bottom lip tremble and his eyes freeze because you're someplace else
you're on a road trip with seokjin because it's his niece's first birthday and his whole extended family would be there and he doesn't know if he can actually handle that by himself ://
his family already knows you anyway and they're awarE of how their own relatives could be so now jin's immediate kim family is relying on you to be also their breather <3
the whole reason that jungkook decided to go onto this mini roadtrip by himself in the first place was to surprise you!!
he heard you over movie night once that you wanted to try these famous donuts from this shop that's an hour and a half drive away, and from your descriptions alone, yoongi and jin aND jungkook decided that they also wanted to try
and kook's just being a loving boyfriend and friend (?) that he made the collective decision that while you and jin were out, while yoongi's in the dorm — he's driving by himself for an hour and a half to get the donuts
but no, he hasn't even reached the donut place yet because he's an hour away still
he suddenly felt that his legs froze and he couldn't move at all because he realized that he's holding a wheel in his hands and the consciousness of it all makes his eyes widen, feeling the smooth leather go heavy within a blink
it was his sudden fear that the car's driving him and he doesn't have any control of it even if he has the means to do so, his mind too far in that he swerves to the right-most lane without his blinkers on and without checking his side mirrors
and even more concerningly, jungkook's still thinking about donuts even if he's in a state in which he's feeling a little dizzy and his chest is tight, having trouble breathing with his tummy aching that he feels he want to throw up
he can't think nor breathe straight and it physically pains him, the only thing registering in his hazy mind being his phone, the lockscreen that's set to you being the first thing that greets him
his fingers tremble as they move on their own and he doesn't realize it, only being jolted when his phone silently rings on his palm because even he doesn't know how nor whom he called
he's already removed his glasses to rub his eyes but they just blearily ache when he tries to see the name on his phone, his eyesight being blurred by the tears he's trying to keep at bay
jungkook's phone stops ringing until it finally connects, pressing his phone to his ear as confused as he is because he can't even remember who he called
"hello? why are you calling me, kid?"
it's yoongi.
jungkook breathes a sigh of relief that of all the people he's accidentally called — it's yoongi
he immediately welcomes the gruff voice, a sob racking through his entire body that he didn't even realize he was holding back
"y-yoongi! oh my god, yoongi! i-it's you!"
yoongi was merely napping when he felt his phone ring beside his pillow, an unfamiliar ringtone reaching his ears that he felt compelled to check it
his tone couldn't have been more abrupt but it's greeted nothing but warmly, the voice from the other side of the line making him focus concentratedly
jungkook greets him so eagerly and panickedly that it worries him, the large gulp of air convincing him that it's not just his airconditioner that's turned all the way up
"what happened to you? are you okay?"
jungkook whimpers at the question, stuttering over words that haven't even formed as he looks frantically left and right to see if his spot at the emergency bay is bothering anyone
there isn't anyone approaching him and-
"h-hazard! i-i need the hazard on."
all the red he's seeing reminds him of his hazard lights, remembering your words to keep them on if you're a potential hazard on the road
yoongi's remaining sleepiness dissipates as his eyebrows knot, overwhelmingly alert as he stands up from bed and find a shirt to put on before he even knows what's going on
"hazard?" he parrots, trying to see if he's slept through some urgent texts from any of you that could make him put the pieces together. "i need you to calm down for me, jungkook."
jungkook's busy eyes snap in one place at the mention of his name, blinking owlishly at the recognition of what yoongi's saying
"i-i forgot how to drive. the wheel — the wheel b-became too heavy on my hands," he stammers, looking at the circle that's in front of him that feels and now looks foreign to him. "i-i drove alone because-"
yoongi's heart pangs at the observation that jungkook's voice is breaking and desperate, turning off his fan before he scurries outside his bedroom and double-checks to turn off everything
"yeah, jungkook? come one, you can do it. you drove alone because?"
he once again affirms jungkook by reminding him of his own name to try and ground him, slipping on his shoes with a vague outline of a plan in his mind
"donuts. i-i heard — y-you all wanted these donuts and the uhm, t-the three of you had a bad day last week, right? i-i think. i'm not over there and you're the only who's home and i-i figured that-" his voice gives out at the end, unable to keep his tears from falling at this point. "help, hyung."
yoongi blinks once, twice, before he finds his voice
"i'm still proud of you, jungkook. good job," he rummages through the bowl of money the three of you drop your change into, dumping the entirety of it as he hopes it's enough to tip the cab driver he's gonna tell to drive as fast as he could. "now can you tell me what you see? can you tell me where you are? where you're parked? hyung will help you."
it takes yoongi a total of fifteen minutes to reach jungkook at the emergency bay by the side of the road.
his car's pristine and intact and it calms him to no end, immediately calling jungkook to tell him he's there so he wouldn't have to startle him with a knock
yoongi enters the driver's seat and his eyes immediately whip to jungkook who's already transferred to the passenger seat, his face teary and blotchy as he shakily grins at him through it all
"hyu — yoongi! h-hi!! oh my god, you're here."
he nods and softly smiles, adjusting the seat to accommodate his preferences that it makes kook put his seatbelt out of reflex
he's beyond happy to have another person in the car with him, enough to make him feel surrounded and reassured that he can't hear his breathing echoing in his vehicle
he's already mostly regained his breath but it picks up when yoongi doesn't drive straightly like what he thought he would — instead, yoongi drives five meters ahead and turns to the gas station, wordlessly finding a parking spot
"... b-but the donuts. y-you guys wanted the donuts, right?"
he purses his lips at the inquiry, shaking his head somberly
he can't even begin to gRASP why after all this, he's still focused on the donuts that he meant to get for the three of you — still beyond desperate to secure what was meant to cheer everyone up despite having gone through a new driver's version of hell
"how about we grab a bite first and then we could get the donuts after? my treat."
jungkook was about to politely say no and apologize for imposing, the words being caught on his mouth when yoongi reverses into a parking spot swiftly and gets out of the car before he can put a word in, already having him opening the door on his side
he looks up at him as if he's seen a ghost, a slow tick of a minute on his mind reminding him that yoongi's here for him
yoongi looks down to see the younger guy that still looks very much like what he's been through just minutes ago, making him spring into action
he wordlessly combs his hand through his hair like he does with you when you have a fever and cannot be bothered to keep up with appearances, pushing it back neatly
he grabs jungkook's glasses that are muddled with dried tears and fingerprints from the console, cleaning it with the end of his shirt before handing it back to him
"bite first, then we'll get donuts. i promise."
oh my god
is he having an out of body experience
jungkook can walk but he doesn't feel like it because now his steps are toO light, feeling as if he's gliding through air with ease
he follows yoongi's shadow and stares at the back of his head, the newly-dyed pink of it gleaming underneath the morning sun that he tries to focus on it instead of his raging thoughts
yoongi walks into a serene café that's only the calming kind of busy; people here and there in their own conversations, blenders humming and silverware clinking
it's not until yoongi tells jungkook to pick a spot as he lines up to order that it trulY hits him what's happening, picking the comfiest spot his eyes laid on
there's no build-up to the moment because unlike their previous interactions where it's only the two of them, there's no score in the background.
there's no tension nor ill intent and the only thing that's there between them is a comfortable silence, one that jungkook's insistent to break this one time
"i-i'm sorry i called you. you were probably busy. i didn't know what i was doing and-"
"no," he cuts him off, sheepishly putting a hand on his nape. "i called you, jungkook."
"huh?" he couldn't hold back the audible surprise that left him, making him backtrack instead of continuing his sentence
yoongi thinks that the truth wouldn't hurt, leaning to his chair as he relaxed to put the guy across him at ease somehow
"you did call me, but you dropped it in less than two seconds," he admits, drumming his fingers on the armrest. "i called you back."
jungkook visibly awes at that, head tilting as the confusion he has in his head doubles over and starts crawling on four limbs
"w-why did you that?"
was that it?
was that why he felt so confused when he could barely see a caller ID? it was ringing out for him to answer and not the other way around
yoongi's the one perplexed this time but he doesn't blame him, answering sincerely
"because i look out for you too."
there's a pregnant pause between them and yoongi could clearly see the way jungkook's shoulders slump, making him lean forward out of instinct because he thought he was gonna break down again
"i'm sorry," he looks up at him with glassy eyes, wide but not threatening to cry out of despair. "i'm sorry, yoongi."
he knows by that tone that jungkook's not talking about the call anymore, making him raise his hand to wave it off lightly
"we don't have to do this right now, kook. the both of us probably haven't even had breakfast yet."
the much-awaited talk between them has been set far enough for the perfect timing but the bulk of everything just points to now, only getting more strengthened when jungkook breaks the silence again. "but i mean it."
"i was so stupid back then and i didn't know how much i hurt you through y/n," he reflects back to how distraught and angry yoongi looked at him, not to mention the fact that seokjin told him how yoongi didn't sleep at all for a week because of how he was kept up just thinking and trying to protect you. "i-i know it must've hurt to see your soulmate hurt because of me and that she forgave me still. a-and made me her boyfriend, even."
his mouth dries because the younger boy recites his previous heartaches almost word per word, taking his time to digest each one
"i did hurt, jungkook."
there's no denying that. no cover-up of jin as he tries to boost everyone up can ever hide that. no lies to how tae, who barely even knows yoongi, felt his chest tighten when he came over one morning to deliver the cookies and see yoongi sitting outside your door with his ear pressed to it — trying to hear if you were crying while holds his own.
there's no denying either the truth that reflects why exactly yoongi made a cab driver break almost every traffic law to man just to get to jungkook faster.
"but y/n's not hurting anymore — i'm not hurting anymore," he enunciates. "i'm not mad at you anymore, jungkook."
the guy in question looks alarmed, sheepish even at the words he's been wanting to hear but couldn't believe now that they're being uttered
"you should be."
yoongi snorts because jungkook reminds him of you so so much, an uncanny resemblance between the guilt you've always tried to live with before trying to acquit
"i'll hold it over your head if it makes you sleep at night or remind you when you decide to act up again," he chuckles but he's met with jungkook's frantic no's, waving him off when he realizes that his egging's truly working. "but i don't have it in me to be mad at you for any longer."
it's the truth. it's the truth that yoongi always tried to refute because for the past weeks, all he's done is try to find the most miniscule flaw to try and make him hate jungkook
he's only thought once in his lifetime that he'd ever forgive jungkook, but now did it become crystal clear
"you've proved yourself enough, even jin said so," he admits humbly. "but i know you're not doing all of this to prove yourself to us or to me, kook."
he looks up at from his hands to train his gaze on his girlfriend's soulmate, listening attentively
"i know you do it from the heart."
he feels like crying but only this time is it for an entirely different and positive reason, a leap on his chest heightening tenfold
"as much as you rely on y/n — you can also rely on me too, jungkook."
the two of them hold eye contact and neither of them shy away from it, a silent fact in the air as they know that it's not only you who's linking them at this point, but rather because they're somewhat brothers at this point
"i forgive you."
"y-you forgive me?"
he feels his ears ringing in happiness as he tries to dodge the waiter who's blocking his view of yoongi with the way he's putting down the meals, frantically looking for confirmation
yoongi finds it cute, laughing as he throws his head back
"you're the one who does the quizbees. why are you making me spell it out?"
then he knows.
"you forgive me," he parrots, repeating it once more to himself
the two of them eat throughout thoughtful conversation, stemming from the inquiry of how yoongi made a thirty-minute drive into only half of it, until it bloomed to how kook claims to be forgetful but remembers a whisper about bread from a week ago
"tell me if you want to try and drive to the donut place," yoongi turns to him as he settles the bill, watching jungkook finish the last of his food as he throws him a sheepish smile — much like how you do
"i'll be watching over you, koo. don't worry."
how r we feeling bffs </3 i'll have to speak into the mic and say that this is perhaps the drabble i hurted the most while writing :O
as always, lmk what you think!! i love answering asks :D what do you want to see from the lunchbox lovers next? send them here <3
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
Bunny (Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader)
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Requested: Yes (And I’m sorry it took me so long, I hope you like it, Anon!!)
Category: Hardcore fluff
Warnings: You have to be able to manage this level of fluffiness
Summary: Matthew just started dating this new girl he can't stop thinking about, and suddenly, all the love clichés are making sense. (Or, why MGG has been calling his girlfriend "Bunny" in all the one-shots I've written) 😬
Word count: 2.8K
A/N: Hello!!! how's everybody doing? life has been a mess in the last few weeks. Grandma is very sick and my mind hasn't been focused on writing. I also moved to a new apartment, which is great news, 'cos we needed more space, but it also means I've been weary and too busy to write 😭. I hope you are all having a good day/night/evening ✨
Matthew stared at his phone and hesitated. He was about to dial but stopped himself at the last second. He had to take a deep breath and count to ten before he actually pressed "dial." And when he did, his stomach fluttered immediately.
- "Hello?"
- "Hey, (Y/N). It's Matthew Gray"-he announced, and his voice shook a little. He was nervous, and there was no way on earth (Y/N) hadn't noticed it.
- "Hello! Yes, I know. Your number is registered in my phone, remember?"- (Y/N) giggled at the other side of the line, and Gubler felt like slapping himself for being such a dork.
- "Right !! I totally forgot about that. So, how are you? "
Calling (Y/N) after their first date wasn't going as smoothly as Matthew imagined. And he had imagined it for the last couple of hours. He had imagined that conversation since he left her at her front door the night before, actually.
Gubler knew he wasn't smooth around girls he liked. He could usually pretend to be cool and mentally use it as an exercise to overcome his well-masked shyness. But deep down at the bottom of his soul, Matthew was fully aware he was awkward and weird. His hands were sweating, and he was not even looking at her. He was alone in his apartment, laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
- "Good, I'm good. What about you? How's your day off? "- (Y/N) giggled and took a look around, walking away from her coworkers and trying her best to find a private spot to talk with Gubler. She didn't want anyone to see her acting like she was thirteen, which was precisely how she was feeling. (Y/N) knew she was blushing and giggling nervously. But how couldn't she? The boy she had a massive crush on was calling her after their first date. There was no way she could be calm.
- "Good, I'm good. What about you? "- Matthew asked and closed his eyes, feeling stupid-" Sorry, I already asked that. What are you doing? am I interrupting something? "
- "No, I'm just working. Trying to work, actually. I was falling asleep on my desk when you called, so thank you for saving me from the embarrassment of crushing my head against the desk "- Matthew chuckled. (Y/N) sighed, remembering his face as he smiled at her the night before.
- "Damn! now I'm torn between being glad I saved you the embarrassment and disappointed I couldn't see you bumping your head against that desk! "
(Y/N) gasped, pretending to be shocked and upset.
- "I can't believe you just said that!"
- "I'm sorry! but let's be honest, that would have been fun!"
- "Not for me!"
- "(Y/N), are you ready for the meeting?"- the unknown voice made Gubler frown. (Y/N) answered something and sighed.
- "I guess you'll have a new chance, 'cos I've got a meeting in a moment, and I'm still so sleepy and tired I might end up smashing my head against the table after all. And it would be your fault, by the way."
- "My fault?!"- Gubler was shocked- "Why?"
- "You promised you would take me home at eleven, and as far as I remember, it was two in the morning when I reached my porch."
- "Hey! you said you were having fun!"- (Y/N) laughed, hearing Matthew's protest, and nodded her head, even when he couldn't see her.
- "I had a lot of fun! just that now I'm half asleep during work time."
- "Not my fault!"- Matthew shouted, and (Y/N) tried not to laugh and stay serious.
- "Technically, it's your fault."
- "Fine, I'll play guilty for your crime, (Y/N). But you owe me."
- "Me? why me?"
- "You sleep-deprived me too!!"
- "Why me, Gubler?"
- "You were the one who said, "one more cup of coffee, Gub." Remember?"- Matthew made his best impression of her, and (Y/N) laughed so hard, half the office turned to look at her.
- "And you never declined, even at one in the morning."
- "How could I!? You found my only weakness!"
- "You can't say no to coffee?"
- "No, I can't say no to you."
The silence in the line was long but not heavy. (Y/N) was blushing, flustered, not knowing what to say. So she just giggled. And Matthew held his breath as he heard her snickering.
- "(Y/N), come on! We are waiting for you,"- someone said, and the girl answered something Gubler couldn't understand.
- "Matthew, I have to go, but... we can talk later."
- "Sure, sure, go. Maybe we can have a coffee later, or dinner. Or maybe dinner and then have a coffee, I don't know. Whatever you pick will be fine with me".
Matthew Gray Gubler was rambling nervously, laying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, hoping she'd say yes.
- "Dinner and coffee sound nice."- (Y/N) whispered and bit her lips, trying not to giggle.
And just like that, finally, Matthew Gray Gubler had gotten himself a second date.
It shouldn't be so hard for him to get a girl. And technically, it wasn't. But Matthew didn't want to date girls for the night and then never hear from them again. He didn't want a fling, not with (Y/N). With her, he wanted the whole deal, and he knew it from the second he saw her talking with her friends across the room from him, at a party at his best friend's, a few weeks earlier.
Gubler wasn't looking for a girlfriend until he saw her. He didn't believe in "love at first sight." For him, that it was bullshit, crap people make up to justify being stupid and making silly decisions. But then came (Y/N). He heard her laughter first, and his eyes looked for her across the room. He felt how his heart stopped for a second when he found her, and he knew he had to meet her.
Yes, it was corny and cheesy, and if Gubler heard his friends talking about something like it, he would have laughed at them for hours. But no, it was happening to him. It was real, and he didn't know what to do or how to act. So he did what he did best: he improvised, hoping for the best.
The night he met her, they talked until six in the morning, and though they never said it out loud, neither of them wanted to end that conversation. (Y/N) was glad he had asked for her phone number, and for the next two weeks, they talked every day and texted most of the day. But Gubler couldn't see her or ask her out, 'cos he was forced to leave town to shoot an episode of Criminal Minds in Vancouver.
It hadn't been a bad thing, though, 'cos they really talked a lot those days he was out of town, and by the time he was back in Los Angeles, the first thing he had done was asking her out. They had coffee and then ice cream. Went to the movies. Had dinner and then more coffee as they walked around, talking like they had known each other their whole lives.
For Matthew, everything made sense. All the movie clichés made perfect sense.
- "Hey!"- (Y/N) smiled and waved at Matthew as she stood in front of him and stared at him, nearly holding her breath. She tried to understand why someone as gorgeous and funny as he was, wanted to go out with her, but she didn't have any logical answer to that.
Matthew smiled and waved, hesitating for a second before he leaned in and pecked her lips. It was their first date. It wasn't their first kiss. But they were both so nervous; they just giggled and smiled for the first couple of seconds.
- "Ready for dinner?"- he asked her and watched her nodding enthusiastically- "Good because I'm starving. I forgot to have lunch."
- "How do you forget to eat?"- but Matthew just shrugged and smiled- "Your stomach doesn't growl?"
- "I was too busy and didn't realize how hungry I was until it was almost time to leave, so I just grabbed a Snickers bar and drove here."
- "Well, then let's have dinner. You need some real food in that skinny body"- (Y/N) smiled and pointed her finger directly to his ribs.
- "I eat a lot."
- "A lot of junk food"- she argued and giggled as the two of them made their way to Matthew's car- "You need more veggies."
- "I eat my greens, thank you very much."
- "Green M&M's do not count as eating greens, Gubler."
- "That's pretty cynical coming from the girl who gave me a tray of home-baked cinnamon rolls last night."
- "How many of those did you eat today?"- Gubler had devoured ¾ of that tray during that morning.
- "Just one at breakfast"- he lied, opening the passenger's door for (Y/N).
- "You are a lousy liar, Gubler"- she chuckled and looked at him as he smiled and moved a little closer to her, landing his hands on her waist, making her shiver at the sensation.
- "Fine, I ate most of the rolls. But that's your fault."
- "Again? Everything is my fault according to you"- (Y/N) pouted, and Matthew twitched his nose as he leaned in and kissed her. It was their second date, and Matthew couldn't stop kissing her already.
- "You look too damn adorable when you do that."- (Y/N) whispered and sighed when the kiss was over.
- "When I do what?"
- "That thing with your nose."
- "It's a tic"- Gubler tucked a flick of her hair behind her ear and pecked her one more time.
- "You look like a bunny."- (Y/N) teased and started mimicking the nose twitch as she smiled, and Gubler laughed. He felt so warm inside his heart that he refused to think it was just their second official date.
- "You are the one forcing me to eat greens. You are the bunny."
- "That makes no sense, Bunny Gubler."- he chuckled and shook his head. He was having trouble keeping himself from kissing her the whole time.
- "You are the bunny, Bunny"- he repeated and twitched his nose again, making her giggle.
- "How come I am the bunny if you are the one with the adorable nose twitch?"
- "I don't know"- Gubler wrapped his arms around her and kissed her nose- "But you are cute like a bunny, and soft"- he whispered and caressed her cheek slowly as he spoke. (Y/N) stared into his eyes and didn't know what to say. So she just bit her lips and made her best not to blush.
- "Did you know a baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe, and a male is called a buck?"- Gubler had no idea where those words had come from. Still, apparently, he couldn't shut up when he was with her, even if that meant rambling about the most random facts he could think of.
- "Matthew, your Reid is showing."- (Y/N) quickly said, frowning, and Gubler burst out laughing right away.
- "Weird fact: when I start sounding like Reid is because I need to eat asap."
- "Let's get you fed before you start profiling me, then"- (Y/N) winked and got into the car. Gubler closed the door for her and jogged to the other side of the vehicle.
- "What do you feel like eating today, Bunny?"- he asked, and (Y/N) looked at him and raised an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
- "No, I'm not letting that one go, Bunny."
- "You are the one with the nose twitch!"- (Y/N) argued, again- "You are the Bunny!"
- "Nop"- Gubler smiled, pleased, and looked at her.
Do you know that feeling of home some people give you? It was the third time he was with her in the same room, and she already felt like home to him.
Matthew knew he couldn't say any of those things to his friends, or they would make fun of him for the rest of his life.
- "Then you are going to be Honey"- (Y/N) sentenced, somehow defeated- "That way we can be team Honey Bunny."
- "Team Honey Bunny?"- Gubler asked, confused- "Why?"
- "I don't know!"- (Y/N) nearly shouted, chuckling- "But I wanted to call you Bunny! I thought about it the whole freaking day! and you just stole it from me!"
That was way too much information. Way more than what (Y/N) wanted to give Matthew on their second date. But it was too late now. She had already snapped.
- "You thought about me the whole day?"
Matthew asked, and his voice was nearly a whisper inside the car. (Y/N) looked over the window for a second. They weren't moving from the parking lot. There wasn't much to see out there, but she felt if she looked at Gubler, she would confess she had a massive crush on him already. That crush was way too big if you consider it was just their second date.
(Y/N) was freaking out, scared of all the things she felt already. That shouldn't happen. She had to keep her head cold because Gubler was an actor, and who knew his true intentions with her? But deep inside, (Y/N) felt she could fall in love with him so fast it was scary. Terrifying, actually, because she couldn't stop her feelings, and each time (Y/N) looked at him, all she could think of was: "Happily ever after."
There was no way she was telling any of that to her friends, 'cos they would all make fun of her. It was corny, and cheesy, and complete nonsense.
Still, it felt real, and she didn't know how to explain it.
- "Maybe"- that was all (Y/N) could answer and bit her lips, still making her best not to look at Matthew.
- "I thought about you the whole day."- he confessed, and his eyes scanned her whole face. She was trying her best not to turn to him but failed. Those words had been too sweet and too sincere to overlook them. (Y/N) just turned to him and smiled.
- "Really?"- the young woman asked, as her cheeks turned all shades of pink.
- "I haven't stopped thinking about you ever since I first saw you at that party."- Gubler confessed- "And I know it's too soon, 'cos we've only known each other for a few weeks now, but would it be ok if I call you my "Bunny" from now on?"
The way Gubler even pouted when he was done talking made (Y/N)'s knees shake unconsciously. And it wasn't just that he wanted to call her Bunny that made her feel that way, but the fact he wanted to call her "his" Bunny.
She knew she wasn't his propriety, but damn, that question made her feel things she had never imagined feeling before.
- "I don't think I have a choice, do I?"- she answered, pretending to be upset- "But if you want me to be your Bunny, you are going to have to be my "honey" then."
The way those words made him feel was so good; Gubler was sure he was screwed. She was going to be the end of him, for better or worst.
- "Then it's settled, Bunny."- he said and stared at her with a goofy smile on his face. She blushed and shook her head, still trying to be the sensible person and failing spectacularly.
The next thing she felt was Matthew's hands on her face, cupping her cheeks sweetly. So gently and carefully, in fact, she felt worshipped by him. He stared into her eyes for a second before rubbing his lips against hers, giving her the most passionate and loving kiss she had ever received. It felt so good she felt embarrassed when a little whimper left her lips when she felt Matthew pulling away from her, slowly.
- "Wanna have dinner now, Bunny?"- Gubler asked her, his voice a whisper as his lips rubbed (Y/N)'s slowly. She just nodded and sighed as he smiled at her and kissed her one more time.
- "Ok, and what do you wanna eat tonight?"
- "It's your time to pick, honey. You are the one who didn't even have lunch today."
(Y/N) whispered and bit her lips. She was staring into his eyes as he spoke, and all she could see was adoration, which was exactly how she felt about him too.
- "Then I pick whatever my Bunny wants to eat."- Matthew murmured and kissed her again.
- "If I'm the Bunny, I'm picking anything with lots of veggies and vitamins for you."
- "On second thoughts, you are right. I should pick. I was thinking maybe some ice cream."
- "No, you need real food."- (Y/N) frowned as Gubler sat straight on his seat and started the car- "And then you can have some ice cream, and maybe some more cinnamon rolls tomorrow!"
- "You can't blackmail me with cinnamon rolls, Bunny"- Gubler turned to her and smiled, as she raised an eyebrow and simply replied.
- "Watch me, honey."
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Taglist: @all-tings-diego​ 
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Haikyuu!! Boys getting stuck places and having to ask you for help
Characters: Akaashi, Washio, Konoha, Kita, Suna, Ushijima, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, Futakuchi, Daishou, Numai and Iizuna
**Today has been pretty bad, but my sister, @foodacoochie gave me this idea and it made me giggle and inspired🥺🥺 thanks dude💙**
Warnings: Drugs in Washio’s but they’re for a surgery and being used responsibly and for pain, just the boys getting stuck and not being able to get out of places/things lol
Akaashi Keiji:
Akaashi had been over at your house, you guys were ‘chilling’ and what not, just wasting the Saturday away.
Your family had recently done some renovations on your house, and one of those renovations was changing all of the door nobs.
Your mom had called you downstairs to come talk to your grandmother on the phone.
You knew that you’d be on the phone for a while, so you told Akaashi to do whatever until you got back. You had been gone for 5 minutes when Akaashi needed to use the bathroom.
Luckily, you had one connected to your room!
He walked in the door, shutting it behind him before he froze at the small ‘click’ he heard.
Whipping around he immediately tried the door nob, only to groan when he realized it was locked.
From the outside.
You see, you had insisted on putting the door nob on yourself, but when you did so, you had managed to put the lock on the wrong side of the door.
And when you showed him what you did, he could distinctly remember you locking the *then open* door.
So as soon as he shut it, it locked.
He sighed as he shook his head. He had also distinctly remembered you telling him it would be at the very least 30 minutes before your grandmother would let you go, so he was going to be here awhile.
He did his business then sat on the edge of the bathtub, sitting and waiting until you came back upstairs.
When you came back up to your bedroom, you were surprised to not see Akaashi sitting on your bed where you had left him. 
You softly called his name before hearing him sigh and a defeated sounding ‘in here’ from your bathroom.
You raised an eyebrow before trying the door nob, slapping a hand over your mouth when you realized you had locked the door.
Unable to hold in your giggles, you unlocked the door, almost snorting at the deadpan look your boyfriend gave you.
Washio Tatsuki: 
**he may seem out of character, but it’s because he just got his wisdom teeth out, and as someone who has recently had that done, I know that for some people their personalities do a 180 switch**
Washio had just had his wisdom teeth removed.
At first his mom was going to take him home, but she had to go into work, so you offered to take care of him and take him home from his surgery.
When they walked Washio out into the waiting room, you hurriedly walked over to him, because as soon as the nurses let him go, he started to go down. Giggling when you struggled to hold him up.
Now, keep in mind, Washio is a big guy. He’s 6′2 with a broad build and lots of muscle, so he’s not exactly light.
Seeing as he had just had a major surgery, he was very doped up on drugs, and seeing Washio drugged up was nothing short of hilarious.
He was very clingy and very giggly, laughing at anything he found remotely amusing. A night and day difference from his usually calm and stoic demeanor. 
After you somehow managed to get him in the car, you began to drive him back to his house.
You got to his house and pulled into the drive way.
Before you could help him out of the car, you had to make sure he had a clear path to the couch where he would be sitting.
You had left the keys in the ignition and the air conditioning on because it was a hot day, and let’s face it, he wasn’t going anywhere.
Walking back out to the car you went to open his door, only for the handle not to budge.
Your brows furrowed as you tried to open it, looking to the inside of the door only to see all of the doors locked.
...uh oh..
You knocked on the glass, gaining the attention of a very drowsy looking Washio who just lazily waved when he saw you.
You, who had no way to actually get to him, started frantically pointing to the unlock button, him looking at you like you had grown 3 heads.
He finally tried the door handle, only to find it didn’t open.
You could faintly make out the words ‘i’m stuck’, when he realized he was ‘stuck in the car’.
You watched as he grew more and more frustrated with the door not opening.
You were pointing to the unlock button, him then pressing every button except for the unlock button.
Thankfully, he pressed the window button, rolling it down so you could reach your hand in and unlock the door, finally being able to help him inside.
Konoha Akinori:
Not everyone knows this about your boyfriend, but he is very competitive.
He just so happens to have a younger sister, who is also very competitive.
On this particular day you had been over at his house, his sister had been in the living room with you guys when a movie about dancing or whatever came on.
Konoha jokingly scoffed when the ballerina did the splits, stating that “I could do that” while you rolled your eyes, but his sister laughed, “Yeah okay boomer.” 
Glaring Konoha turned towards his sister, who simply narrowed her eyes back at him, “What was that?” She stood her ground, you nervously watching from the sidelines.
“Boomer, and I stand by it. You have the flexibility of an 80 year old man.” He narrowed his eyes at her before he laughed, standing up and walking to the middle of the floor.
Without any warning he, albeit slowly, fell into the splits, cringing when he got like 5 inches away, entire body shaking.
“s-see?” His sister was laughing as he stayed there, high pitched sounds of pain escaping him.
He, finding himself unable to stand or move for that matter, continued to suffer, heavily contemplating every decision he had ever made.
“y/N, hELp”
Kita Shinsuke:
Kita was very responsible, so you never had to worry about him getting himself into silly situations he couldn’t get himself out of.
But, everyone has their moments.
You and Kita were spending the day with his grandmother!
You guys had gone through old photo books, and made some desserts, now she wanted to teach you and Kita how to finger knit!
It seemed easy enough, and in no time you had gotten the hang of it and were on your way.
Kita however, was having a little more trouble.
He had gotten how to wrap it around his fingers and how to pull it but...
Somewhere along with way, he messed up.
And he messed up bad.
He didn’t really know how it happened, but before he was aware of it his fingers were caught in a tangled web of yarn, somehow he managed to knot both of his hands together, eye brows furrowed as he looked down to his hands.
You held in your laughter when you saw him, hopelessly caught in strings, as he tried to figure out how to get out of them.
It took 20 minutes and both you and granny to release him from his self-made prison.
He stuck to a different activity after that.
Suna Rintaro:
You had a big project coming up, but your boyfriend did not, and wanted to hang out with you.
You, who also wanted to hang out with him, let him as long as he let you work.
He promised he would cause no such distraction and be like a fly on the wall.
That doesn’t mean you believed him, but it was nice he made an effort.
Anyway, after just under an hour he got bored just scrolling through instagram.
So, he got up from his position on your bed and sauntered over to your vanity where he sat.
You didn’t pay him much mind, he was 16 so it’s not like you had to babysit him.
Er- you shouldn’t have to babysit him.
Fiddling around with the things on your desk, he stumbled across the small dish you kept your rings in.
There was one ring in particular that really stuck out to him.
It had a silver band and a dark blue gem, it was really pretty. He remembered you saying you didn’t wear it often, but he couldn’t remember why so he just shrugged and slipped it on his left middle finger.
He had been holding his hand up, looking at it, cause it really was a pretty ring.
All was fine, all was nice, until he tried to remove the ring. Then, some problems were presented.
The most prevalent of those problems being the ring was stuck, like really stuck.
And the second being he remembered why you didn’t wear the ring a lot, it was a size too small, for you.
So it was much too small for him.
Claiming defeat he called your name, defeatedly holding up his hand, and cringing as you called his name.
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
The team had finished practice and were fooling around in the locker room, making stupid bets and doing stupid things
Underestimating just how competitive (and curious) their captain was, Tendo and Yamagata bet 25 dollars Ushijima couldn’t get into a locker, Kawanishi and Shirabu each bet 35 dollars saying he could, and Reon bet 45 saying he would get stuck.
Being genuinely curious what would happen, and being heavily encouraged by his teammates, Semi found an empty locker, rigging it open before ushering the ace in.
It was quite small, and not a comfortable experience at all, but he was also never one to turn down a challenge.
So after some major manipulation and hitting his head, he got fully into the locker.
Tendo and Yamagata forked over their 25 dollars, imploring Reon to do the same before Reon shook his head.
“Let’s see if he can get out before I pay my money.”
All eyes were back on the ace, whose eye brows were furrowed in...concern.
He was stuck.
Not wanting to face the wrath of the demon coach, they called the next best candidate to deal with this kind of situation, Ushijima’s girlfriend, you.
Your jaw dropped when Semi told you that your boyfriend was stuck in a locker because...hOw?!?!
Reon made a lot of money that day~
Yahaba Shigeru:
He had been over at your house and the two of you were taking a nap in your bed.
You had both since woken up, and were now on your phones.
You, still very sleepy, weren’t paying attention and before you or Yahaba could stop it your phone had slipped down the crack between your bed and the wall.
You groaned as you dragged your hand down your face, Yahaba, being the wonderful boyfriend he is, offered to get it for you.
He laid on his side as you used his phone to shine the flashlight down the side of your bed.
He stuck his arm down, but it was just barely too short.
Without realizing it he had slipped to the very small edge of the bed, inevitably slipping off only to be caught between the wall and your bed.
He groaned as he felt like he had been stuck to a wooden plank, unable to move any parts of his body.
You felt terrible, seeing as he had offered to get your phone for you and had proceeded to get himself stuck.
You grabbed his arm and shifted yourself to the opposite side of your bed, and after lots of tugging and sounds of pain from your boyfriend, you were able to roll him back onto the bed.
You rolled your eyes with a smile as he waved your phone in the air, a dorky smile on his lips as he had, despite being put in a very uncomfortable situation, managed to get your phone.
Iwaizumi Hajime:
Hanamaki had bought this bag of ‘tricks’ from the dollar store, for fun and what not.
One of the things that had been in there was a Chinese finger trap.
He brought a few of the things into his bag, hoping to trick at least one of the members.
But most of all he wanted to trick Iwaizumi, if nothing else he thought it would be funny.
So, when the Seijoh 3rd years met for lunch in the club room, and you, Iwiazumi’s girlfriend had of course joined them, he decided then was the perfect time to try.
“Yo, Iwaizumi! C’mere!” Iwaizumi, recognizing the teasing tone in Hanamaki’s voice, was instantly on guard, expecting something crazy to be suggested.
“What?” Hanamaki smiled, pulling the finger trap out of his bag, Iwaizumi looked at it, raising an eyebrow at the wing spiker.
“I heard no one has ever been able to put two fingers in this at the same time without getting trapped.” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, grabbing the trap from Hanamaki and mindlessly stuck on finger in each end of the trap.
Just a few seconds prior, you had looked over Hanamaki’s shoulder, recognizing the trap, but before you could warn your dear boyfriend, he had already stuck his fingers in the trap, and pulled it, tight.
“Hajime...do you know what that is?” He shook his head, eyebrows furrowing when he tried to pull his fingers out, only to have the trap get tighter. 
“Hajime, it’s a Chinese finger trap!!” Iwaizumi’s eyes widened before he turned his head to glare at Hanamaki, curses ready on his tongue as Hanamaki and Matsukawa just about died of laughter, Kunimi snickering in the background.
It took 4 people and approximately 7 minutes to free him from the trap.
Futakuchi Kenji: **in tribute to my dear sister who locked herself out of her bathroom today🥰**
You and Futakuchi had gone to the beach with your family for the weekend, and the two of you were relaxing on the beach.
The beach had these lounge chairs, the ones that fold?
Well, you and Futakuchi were getting everything set up, he had just finished setting up the umbrella and you had laid out a large towel and set the bags down.
You guys both sat down and enjoyed the warm sun, and relaxed to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
About an hour later, Futakuchi decided he wanted a drink, and after asking what you wanted he left on his way.
Unknown to him, these chairs were really tricky.
They were good chairs and really comfortable, but you had to be careful how you sat in them.
After about 10 minutes he returned with the drinks, setting them down on the small cooler.
He went to sit on the lounge chair, expect that he more like flopped onto it, and before he could react the thing had snapped in two, you sitting up after hearing your boyfriend yelp.
You turned your head to see your boyfriend, squished in half by the lounge chair, with no signs of being freed.
After recruiting the help of your dad and a few kind passerby's, you were eventually able to free him of the lounge chair...
but that was after you took a picture and sent it to Aone.
Daishou Suguru:
You and Daishou had been on a date, nothing too fancy, just strolling around the city and what not.
You were just talking about random things when your eye spotted an empty park nearby.
You smirked as you nodded towards it, dragging your boyfriend towards it, you knew he couldn’t resist you if he tried.
You two were just fooling around, him chasing you around and you evading him like you both were 5 and it was ‘boys vs girls’ tag.
You had ran away from him when you spotted the set of toddler swings, y’know, those ones with the leg holes?
Yeah, those ones~
Anyway, you decided not to get in one because ✨danger✨
But your boyfriend took that as a challenge.
Without warning he grabbed the chains and jumped, sliding his legs through the very small holes and sinking into the seat.
You slapped his arm as you laughed, hand on your hip as you judgmentally looked at him.
“You’re gonna get stuck, there’s no way you’re getting out of that by yourself.”
He rolled his eyes, smirk still present on his face as he started to slowly swing back and forth.
You shook your head, shifting your weight to one leg as your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“Okay then, now try to get out.”
He rolled his eyes at your tone, grabbing the chains as he tried to pull himself up.
Only to bring the seat with him.
Your eyes widened as it set in, his smirk disappearing and his own eyes widening when he realized it as well.
He was stuck.
And at that moment, some of the Nekoma boys volleyball team members just happened to be passing by.
Kuroo’s laugh rang throughout the park as you desperately tried to free your boyfriend.
Numai Kazuma:
You and Numai were hanging out at your house, it was Halloween night and you guys were just gonna chill out and watch some movies and eat candy.
But before that, you guys were going to take your younger brother out trick or treating!
Your little brother decided he wanted to be a cowboy, and his outfit came with a pair of plastic handcuffs.
You were helping your little brother get his costume on while Numai messed around with the handcuffs.
He had latched one side onto the table leg, mindlessly scrolling through his phone as he fiddled with the cuffs.
He doesn’t know what came over him, but without thinking he latched the empty side of the handcuffs onto his wrist, tightly onto his wrist.
He didn’t think much of it, until it sunk in.
Had he really just done that??
You were fixing your brother’s costume when you heard your boyfriend call your name.
“Uh, Y/n?” You hummed, continuing to work on his costume.
“Where’s the key to the handcuffs?” 
“Oh, they got thrown away with the package, that’s why I set them..over...there..Kazuma.”
You turned around to see him nervously smiling while his hand was indeed handcuffed to the coffee table.
You blanched as you remembered the trash had already been taken out, so they key was gone.
Glaring at your boyfriend you sighed, shaking your head before you started to laugh, hiding your mouth as you continued to laugh at his misfortune.
Eventually you did help him.
It took 3 tries and 4 different tools, but with the help of your dad you were able to get his wrist free of the handcuffs.
Iizuna Tsukasa:
Iizuna has 2 sisters.
1 older sister, and 1 younger sister (ayyyee middle children let’s go-)
You just so happened to be very good friends with your boyfriends sisters, and you guys often had a lot of fun together~
One of the wats you guys had fun was messing with your boyfriend.
Todays scheme: Dress Tsukasa up as a girl. Simply because you could.
And seeing as he lost a bet to you the other day, he couldn’t refuse it.
Luckily, his older sister had a dress she accidentally ordered in a size too big, it would still be snug on him, but it would do the job.
His older sister did his make up, you worked on his outfit as the youngest fixed his hair, him sitting through the whole ordeal trying not to take away too much trauma from it.
Leaving the room so he could change, you all patiently waited as he got changed into the dress, laughing at the pained noises he made as he slipped on the dress and shoes.
You couldn’t help the laugh that burst out of you as your boyfriend stumbled out of the room, heels way too small and dress uncomfortably tight.
You all snapped the pictures you needed and he sacrificed what was left of his dignity.
Waving off you three, he hobbled back into his room, kicking off the heels and attempting to pull the dress over his head.
I say attempting because as he tried to move his arms to grab it he made a very disturbing realization.
He couldn’t grab the hem of the dress...
he couldn’t even reach behind him.
He was stuck.
And the only ‘help’ he had was his sisters and his girlfriend. 
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Me and a friend are debating a K-drama character's type, and I'd like to hear your thougts on it. We both agree on xSTP since Ti/Se is pretty obvious. He argues she's ISTP because she's highly critical of other's irrationality, and can detach pretty well from her emotions when making decision's (at one point she brings up her best friend during an investigation-she's a cop- after she notices things that could link him to the crime). I argue she's ESTP because those traits he mentioned are present in both types, and because the character is also critical of other's "bad Fe": she points out how they're awkward, don't know how to present themselves, are unexpressive and therefore boring, don't show enough affection in a couple etc. ISTPs are described as either oblious to these things or at least disdainful, so why would they care about lack of Fe in others? My friend claims the criticism of other's Fe is because when inferior it's rigid, so it criticizes. 
What about the rest of the functions? How good is their foresight and how often do they listen to their 'hunches' and trust them? ISTPs are somewhat aware of Ni and use it fairly well, but they also are fascinated by it. ESTPs listen to Ni far less and trust unconscious hunches a lot less, because Ni is so foreign to them. Do they think before they act, or act before they think? ISTPs filter the world through logic so they make decisions that are calculated, like Indiana Jones choosing to leave his girlfriend tied up in the enemy's tent, knowing that releasing her would reveal his presence in the camp. Thought before action. ESTPs leap into things bodily and are fully present in the moment, assuming they can handle whatever happens, which means they often act before thinking about the consequences (secondary Ti and inferior Ni). What's the whole picture of this character? Look at them entire, Don't get stuck on one or two functions.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Nothing For Me
Part 7
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Main Masterlist
Part 6|Part 8
     You and MJ’s relationship continued to grow as time went on. 
     As she started her first year of high school, you worked on yourself, wanting to be good for her.
     Overtime, you learned how to process and deal with things better. You focused on yourself and your developing relationship with MJ and needless to say, things started to look up. 
     The ‘present but not really present father’ thing didn’t affect you as much as it did, but it was still there. It was one of the only things you hadn’t fully processed and to be honest, you didn’t think you ever could. 
     Your father is there, and has been aware of presence for almost a decade. And not once has he given you any type of consolation or love like a father should. You would think after Pepper was getting more involved in his life and forcing him to clean up (most of) his act, he would open his eyes and realize that a whole human being was living with him, waiting for him to realize that they were supposed to be relying on him; not an AI built in the comfort of their room. 
     But nope. Absolutely nothing changed. If anything, things got worse. 
     He was away more often, focusing on the Avengers. Or he was with Pepper, the new love of his life. 
     You tried not to linger on the situation often, knowing it would only lead to pain in your chest. So you just stuffed it in the back of your mind, hoping one day that the pain would just lessen all together. 
     About two months ago, you and MJ had decided to make things official after going on your first date. At first you talked about how fast the two of you were going, but Michelle simply said ‘we’ll be u-haul lesbians then.’ That was the end of the conversation. 
     Currently, you and your girlfriend were facetiming. You would’ve made the trek to her house but she was about to study and you both knew that you’d distract her. Plus the two of you were due for some time away from each other considering the fact that you’re at her place almost everyday. 
     “Okay, so I found this recipe the other day and I’m just now remembering it.”
     MJ looks at you confused, “Okay?” 
     You roll your eyes playfully.
     “I wanted to try it with you. After my ban from your place has been lifted.” 
     “It’s not a ban,” she chuckled.
     “Well, it sure as hell feels like one ba-”     “Mr. Stark has arrived with a guest,” M.I.A cut you off. 
     “Who is this guest?” 
     “Secretary of State, Thaddues Ross,” the AI replied, pulling up pictures of the man. 
     “Hey M, I’m gonna call you back.”
     “Yeah, yeah,” she nods, looking a little concerned. “Take all the time you need. Let me know if everything’s okay.”
     The two of you give your goodbyes and you ask M.I.A to pull up the live footage from the conference room.
     “Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an un-payable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives… but while a great a=many people see you as heroes, there are some who would prefer the word “vigilantes”, is what you first hear when you start watching. 
     Immediately your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
     “And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha asks.
     “How about ‘dangerous’?” he replies. “What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?”
     The secretary activates a screen behind him which begins to play the previous battles the Avengers and SHIELD have fought in. 
     “New York.” 
     He clicks a button, footage of chitauri, shooting guns, and Hulk smashing plays. 
     “Washington D.C”
     A new video appears, showing the insight helicarriers firing at each other with chaos following. 
     The frame changes, showcasing the terrified citizens that were on the flying piece of land. 
     “That’s enough,” Steve interrupts. 
     Ross nods in response and begins his speech again. 
     “For the past four years, you’ve operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That’s an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.”
     He places a thick document on the table and slides it across to Wanda. As the team slides the book to each other Ross starts talking. 
     “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries… it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they’ll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary.” 
     “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place,” the Captain begins. “I feel we’ve done that.”
     “Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?” There was a momentary pause as the two men’s eyes met. “If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes… you can bet there’d be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me, this is middle ground.”
     At this point, you’re walking out of your room after transfering the feed to your tablet and making your way to the elevator.
     “So, these are contingencies,” Rhodey states. 
     “Three days from now,” Secretary Ross begins. “The UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over.” 
     Natasha speaks up, “And if we don’t come to a decision you don’t like?”
     “Then you retire.” 
     The elevator stops and you look up seeing the Secretary walk in with someone behind him. You give him a subtle disgusted look before turning your attention back to the security footage.
     As the deathtrap descends, you can feel his eyes lingering on you. 
     “Can I help you?” 
     “You’re a little young to be an intern.” 
     “You’re a little old to be looking at me like that,” you shrug, swiping away from the video on your tablet as you feel him looking over your shoulder. 
     Ross gives an awkward chuckle and furrows his eyebrows. When you reach the bottom floor, he gets ready to step out and places a hand on your shoulder. 
     You look at him like he’s lost his mind. 
     “You seem like a good kid. Be sure to make good choices.” 
     Raising an eyebrow, you refrain from saying what you want to say. You lift your hand and gently take his off of you. 
     “Don’t touch me,” 
     Once he exits, you hear the chatting start back up.
     “Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor,” Rhodes told Sam. “Which is one more than you have. 
     “So let’s say we agree to this thing,” Wilson starts. “How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”
     “117 countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you’re just like, ‘No that’s cool. We got it.” 
     “I have an equation,” Vision announces as you get back on the elevator. 
     “Oh this will clear it up,” Sam mutters. 
     “In the eight years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.“
     “Toaster oven’s got a point there,” you mumble, stepping back on the metal deathtrap. 
     Steve asks,“Are you saying it’s our fault?”
     “I’m saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict… breeds catastrophe. Oversight… oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.” 
     “Boom,” Rhodey says.                             
     You see Tony lying on the couch, quite relaxed, contradicting the tense atmosphere. 
     “Tony,” Nat starts. “You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal.”
     “It’s because he’s already made up his mind,” Steve explained. 
     “Boy, you know me so well,” Stark starts, getting up and rubbing the back of his head. “Actually I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache,” he pauses to grab a mug of coffee. “That’s what’s going on, Cap. It’s just pain. It’s discomfort. Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed and breakfast for a biker gang?”
     Tony puts his phone in a basket and taps the screen. An image is projected of a smiling young man. 
     “Oh, that’s Charles Spencer, by the way. He’s a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia.”
     He pauses for a second as the team soaks in the information.
     “He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.
     “There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, if we’re boundary-less, we’re no better than the bad guys.”
     “Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up,” Steve rebuttals.
     “Who said we’re giving up?” 
     “We are if we’re not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.”
     “I’m sorry. Steve,” Rhodey blurted. “That-that is dangerously arrogant. This is the United Nations we’re talking about. It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not SHIELD, it’s not HYDRA.”
      “No, but it’s run by people with agendas, and agendas change.”   
      “That’s good,” Tony starts. “That’s why I’m here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.  
     “Tony, you chose to do that. If we sign this, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go? What if there is somewhere we need to go, and they don’t let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.”
     “If we don’t do this now, it’s gonna be done to us later. That’s a fact. That won’t be pretty.”
     Wanda finally speaks up, “You’re saying they’ll come for me.”
     “We would protect you,” Vision promised. 
     “Maybe Tony’s right,” the redhead speaks. “If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off--”
     “Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam interrupts. 
     “I’m just… I’m reading the terrain. We have made… some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back. 
     “Focus up,” Tony says. “I’m sorry, did I just mishear or did you agree with me?”
     “Oh, I want to take it back now.”
     “No, no, no. You can’t retract it. Thank you. Unprecedented. Okay, case-closed--I win.” 
     From what you see, Steve stands to leave abruptly. 
     You then walk out of the elevator, tablet still in hand with the footage up. The captain walks past you just as you turn the corner and spot the team. 
     “Someone’s upset,” you hum. 
     You walk past everyone towards the fridge and grab a water bottle. 
     “Anyway, that was very childish. And kinda stupid.” 
     Inquisitive looks are thrown your way and you hold up the tablet awkwardly as you plop down on a chair. 
     “I was watching you. I kinda do that a lot. It’s not as creepy as it sounds.” 
     You open the bottle and take a sip. 
     “What are you doing down here kid--”
     “Ahhh,” you interrupt. “Don’t call me a kid. I haven’t been a child for years.”
     “Just answer the question,” Tony snaps. 
     “I like to stay informed. No one tells me anything and while you think that these private meetings only affect you, it doesn’t. It affects me too. You may not remember I’m your child but several people do. And that puts me in danger. So yes, I listen to your conversations to make sure it’s nothing I need to worry about.” 
     An awkward silence washes over as you gulp down more water. 
     “Anyway, I was just riding up and down the elevator waiting for you guys to finish. That Ross dude is kinda creepy by the way. But you’re really considering signing that thing?” 
     “Not you too,” your father mutters. 
      You let out a laugh and everyone looks at you strangely. 
      “Is this funny to you?” Rhodey asks. 
      “Yes,” you stop laughing abruptly. “I find it hilarious that this is the same government that was ready to drop a nuke on the city during the Battle of New York not giving a damn about a single civilian that was still in the area. I find it hilarious that this is the same government that lets thousands of children and women of color go missing and not do a thing about it. It’s funny that this is the same government that let HYDRA, Red Room, AIM; all that shit grow right under their nose. It’s funny because this government is the same one that uses taxpayer money for dumb ass projects and unnecessary military funding instead of using it to fund shit that helps the civilians they claim they care so much about. I mean how can you not find this situation amusing?”
     “Look,” Tony attempts. 
     “I’m not finished,” you challenge, looking him dead in the eyes. “This government don’t give a damn about y’all, especially not the three of us,” you say, gesturing to yourself, Sam, and Rhodey. “We’d be booted out of this country before you could even blink if they ever got the chance and you know that.
     “I don’t know why y’all are so adamant on gaining the government’s trust when they don’t give a flying fuck about you or these goddamn civilians. All they care about is power. They don’t care how many civilians come up missing or die in some tragic accident. It doesn’t matter what happens. When they see someone becoming richer or smarter or more powerful than they are, they will do anything to shut that shit down. 
     “I don’t understand how you can’t see that. And maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just me and my experience,” you pause, catching the gaze of every person in the room with hard eyes. You take a deep breath and try to calm down. “Sign it if you want to. Think about how many lives you’ll lose then.”
     You stand from your spot and walk into the open elevator, ready to get to the comfort of your bed. 
     It had been two days since the initial meeting and you were currently sitting on Michelle’s bed watching her read. 
     “You’re really pretty,” you muttered out of the blue.
     You saw your girlfriend’s cheeks develop a subtle red tint as she mumbled back a ‘thank you, and continued reading. You groan and gently pull the book out of her hands. 
     “Hey,” she quietly protests. 
     “Please,” you pout, holding your arms out as an invitation.
     MJ fondly rolls her eyes before lowering herself onto you. You hummed contently and squeezed her before planting a kiss on her cheek. 
     She surprised you by turning her head and giving you a lingering kiss. That one kiss soon turned into something more. 
     Michelle gently pushed you onto your back and straddled your hips. Bending down she kissed you once again, her lips gliding with yours. 
     This continued for a few minutes, taking small breaks in between to breathe. You don’t think you could ever get enough of her and hoped that she was feeling similarly.
     You kissed until your jaws hurt. The euphoric feeling still lingered as MJ rested her forehead against yours, trying to catch her breath. 
     “We should do that again sometime,” you mumbled. 
     Your girlfriend nodded in response, giving one more chaste kiss to your lips before dropping to your side. 
     “Tomorrow,” she said after glancing at the clock that read 10:47. 
     “Guess I’m spending the night then.” 
     “I have no problem with that.”
     The next day, you were awoken by beeping from your phone. Once you were fully aware of your surroundings you picked up the device and read the notifications that M.I.A sent through. Scanning through them, you sat up with urgency and played the video. 
     “A bomb hidden in a news van ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda’s King T’Chaka. Officials have released a video of a suspect who they have identified as James Buchanan Bares, the Winter Soldier. The infamous HYDRA agent, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations.”
     Carefully removing Michelle’s arm from around your waist, you stand up and move to the corner of the room. You press the contact and hold the phone up to your ear. 
      “Nat what the fuck is going on?”
     You hear the woman sigh on the other side of the phone.     “Look, just… stay wherever you are.”
     “Yeah, okay, whatever. I want answers, Nat.”
     “(Y/n),” she says firmly. “Calm down and go back to whatever you were doing. Right now, this does not concern you and I would like it to stay that way. Do you understand me?”
     There was some silence, before you let out a forced chuckle. 
     “Okay, whatever. Bye.”
     “(Y/n) c’mo--”
     You disconnected the call and gently tossed the phone onto MJ’s desk.     “You sound stressed.” 
     Turning around to face the bed, you see Michelle sat up and leaning against the headboard. You nod slowly and crawl your way up towards her. 
     “I am.”
     You feel her hand take hold of your clenched ones and she rubs them, causing you to relax slightly. 
     “There was a um, bombing at the--the um… signing thing. And no one wants to tell me what’s going on, so,” you end the sentence, shrugging. 
     MJ’s head drops onto your shoulder and you let her cuddle close. 
     “They told me to stay where I was. So hopefully we can get something good out of that.” 
     There was no response and you thought she had fallen back asleep, but you were proven wrong when your girlfriend started getting up. 
     “C’mon,” she instructed, holding her hand out when she saw the look of confusion on your face. 
     Taking her hand, the two of you made your way to the kitchen. 
     She turned around and grabbed your shoulders. 
     “We are going to make some breakfast… or lunch whatever. And then we are going to binge watch until we can binge watch no longer. Alright?”
     You nod your head, chuckling and then got to work. 
     It had been days since you last heard from anyone. No updates from Natasha. M.I.A even told you there hasn’t even been a great deal of movement in the compound. Today you decided you would head back. 
     When you arrived it was quiet. As you walked down the halls you heard distant chatter and followed it. 
     Turning the corner, you were surprised at what you saw. 
     “What the hell happened?”
     The two men turned to look your way, but you were given no answers. 
     Tony had bruises on his face and he looked more tense than usual. Rhodey had some sort of tech on his legs. 
     “You fought them. You fought them all, didn’t you?” 
     Both men looked away and avoided your gaze. 
     “You didn’t even listen to what I said. This is what the government does. I tried to tell you, but you didn’t even fucking listen,” you ranted, your voice slightly raising.
     “Us breaking apart wasn’t the government. Most of this is on some guy th--”
     “Well the government allowed it to happen so I’d say it is their fault!” 
     You turned to your father with pleading eyes. 
     “Where are they, Tony?”
     “Kid, they’re criminals now, I don’t--”
     “Stop calling me that! I’m--I’m not some kid. I’m not your kid,” you let out a frustrated breath. “You--you couldn’t talk it out? Like mature adults? You just had to go assert your dominance somewhere--in what? An--an airport? Some vacant lot? You just had to fight. Do you not know how to communicate?” 
     You looked at the two men, shook your head, and brushed past them. 
     Just when things were alright.
     “What M.I.A?”
     You were currently laying in your bed trying to control the tears that were begging to fall from your eyes due to the amount of overwhelming shit you had been hit with. You talked with MJ for a little while and while it helped a bit, you honestly were still feeling like… well shit.
     “There’s a package for you.” 
     Furrowing your eyebrows, you head down to where the mail is usually placed, get the package with your name on it, and head back to your room. 
     Grabbing a pair of scissors, you cut the tape and open the box. Inside was a letter and a phone. 
     Hey sweetheart.
     It was Natasha’s handwriting.
     I’m sorry. I really am. We all are. I wish things wouldn’t have ended this way, but they did and we can’t really do anything about it now. 
     I listened to what you said. I listened and I tried my best to understand. I don’t think I ever wanted to sign the accords in the first place. The only reason I did so was so that we could stay together. So that I could stay with you. This team is the only family I’ve had in a long time. The fact that that stack of papers could end that scared me. 
     I just kept trying to convince myself that signing the Accords was the right thing to do; anything to keep this team together. Anything to keep everything from falling apart. 
     But the more I thought about it, I realized. You were right. Everything you said. This government doesn’t care. And if the government doesn’t care like they’re supposed to then we need to. People need the government, but they don’t have it. They do have us though. And they always will. 
     I love you. I didn’t say it enough and I don’t know when or if I’ll ever get to tell you that again. You are so precious to me and I’m sorry I couldn’t stay. If you ever need anything, you can always give me a call. 
     You wiped your eyes and gently picked up the phone. You held it in your hands for a moment before setting it down. You folded the letter back up neatly and placed both items in the top drawer of your nightstand. 
     You laid back down on your bed with less tears on your face. 
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@stillmanicc​, @annestine​, @ymzki-haruki​
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