#and gavin meeting freelancer for the first time
free-boundsoul · 1 year
What if being a d(a)emon's charge came with a physical mark on the body?
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aimedis · 2 months
redacted asmr hcs pt. 7 - d.a.m.n crew edition
-ironically, damien can’t handle spicy food (and funnily enough, lasko can)
-damien used to wear huxley’s jacket to his games (afterwards, huxley would always find damien so he could give him the biggest hug ever)
-gavin and freelancer can have conversations without actually saying anything, just by making little faces at each other (not even through telepathy or demon magic, they're just that in tune with each other)
-freelancer has the cutest sneeze and the guys never fail to let them know 
-the d.a.m.n crew all collectively agree that freelancer is just the sweetest person ever (for freelancer's birthday, they all made a 50+ page detailed as fuck slideshow on why they were the best friend/partner ever) ((they cried a lot that day))
-damien hates the rain (not even because of his powers or anything he just genuinely does not like rainy weather)
-gavin quite literally being the embodiment of thinking with his dick 
-freelancer is always in gavin’s lap 
-freelancer and gavin have necklaces with the other’s initial/name on it (they're literally call it what you want by taylor swift)
-whenever lasko makes dirty jokes it’s always unintentional (in a ‘letting the intrusive thoughts win’ way) and he always acts shocked he said what he said afterwards ((he’s subconsciously learned to not have much of a filter around the d.a.m.n squad and it only got worse after being with dear))
-caelum rifts into gavin and freelancer’s bedroom and jumps on top of them to cuddle for a little (he loves falling asleep on freelancer’s chest)
-gavin knew the exact moment damien and huxley got together and was just silently proud of and happy for them 
-lasko and coworker as a hurricane & damien and huxley as a volcano
-gavin and freelancer spoil the other so much 
-the d.a.m.n squad have cuddle piles 
-freelancer is obsessed with mac and cheese (same) 
-coworker tells all their students to just call them by their name without miss/mister because it makes them feel hella old
-gavin and freelancer calling each other “bitch”
-freelancer was the first friend damien had to make him feel truly loved
-whenever lasko’s partner runs their fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly it puts him straight to sleep
-lasko and damien get into political debates (arguments about which of their favourite books/movies is better) ((they also just bicker really often)) 
-damien ruffles freelancer’s hair like an older brother would
-the damn group have pool parties at huxley and damien’s house pretty often (freelancer wears bikini bottoms and gavin spends the whole day trying to flirt with them)
-freelancer gets stomach aches so often to the point where huxley asks them if their stomach hurts today every time they meet up 
-dear has a habit of lying about the most random things for no reason. it's not even believable but they just talk with the straightest face and when you ask "really?" they say "no, wtf?" ("yeah i used to be a gymnast. i won like three national titles" "oh my god really? that's awe-" "no.") ((they think it's the funniest thing in the world))
-huxley wipes stuff (food, dust etc.) off of damien’s face for him. outright refuses to let him do it for himself 
-freelancer refers to the crew as their bitches (they're not wrong)
-dear is the most calming presence anyone has been around (damien falls asleep around/on them so often)
-the first time dear called lasko babe/baby he literally almost passed out from how much blood rushed to his face (huxley may or may not have witnessed it and had to fan his face for several minutes)
-freelancer, lasko and damien have little trio dates
-freelancer moans at random to be funny and damien has actually started fighting them for it
-the crew has karaoke fairly often (they can all sing pretty well but sometimes they just choose to sing terribly)
-because damien and freelancer have the most sibling-like relationship in the group, they fight quite often. the arguments aren't always awful but they get bad occasionally (they went no contact for almost a week until dear decided to play mediator and forced them to talk it out)
-lasko doodles the group in different art styles in his free time (gavin found the drawings and said it was cute before lasko could start panicking)
-the crew has made a habit out of hanging out in lasko and dear's offices during breaks, even if neither of them are inside
-since freelancer was the last to graduate, everyone showed up to their ceremony and they all screamed louder than anyone else in the crowd
-the crew welcomed dear into the group so easily it's like they've always been apart of the family
-however, the moment that officially solidified them as one of them was the first time they cried in front of them all after about a year of meeting (it was the anniversary of their grandfather's death and they couldn't hold it together)
-lasko is a billion times more confident on his private instagram and twitter accounts
-freelancer goes into a food coma whenever they're even slightly full so after every friendsgiving meal, they take a nap on the couch for like half an hour
-dear and damien are the resident chefs of the group (the first time dear cooked around them all, damien swore for half a second he was in love with them)
-dear is the true mom friend of the group
damihux are bokuaka coded whooo said that?????
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Random Redacted Headcanons
Lasko’s Listener is a huge coffee nerd and has a personal vendetta against starbucks 
Sweetheart and Marie meet up for lunch when they have the day off but Milo doesn’t  
Babe has an impressive teacup collection as well as a wide tea selection 
When Sam was first turned he had a mullet 
Sweetheart took Asher to get his first tattoo 
Guy has four different shirts that talk about kissing/fucking mothman 
Angel hates peanut butter 
Tank wore exclusively cropped t-shirts their senior year of high school 
Aaron is currently growing out his hair for the first time and had to be taught by Smartass how to maintain it 
First time Freelancer got sick, Gavin called Damien in tears thinking they were gonna die 
Damien refuses to buy store bought pesto 
David is really good at checkers 
Porter holds Treasure’s hand while they sleep 
Milo has a picture of Sweetheart in his wallet 
Vincent owns 12 pairs of skinny jeans 
Huxley will fight anyone who says white chocolate is real chocolate 
David secretly hates when people are taller than him 
Sweetheart and Gavin can sprint in stilettos 
Aaron refuses to watch sad dog movies 
Freelancer has secretly assigned all of their friends a muppet 
Sam had hot water added to his hose outside so he can help clean Tank off after pack runs without fur getting everywhere
Marie and Tank have a bet going about who will have kids first
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n0r · 8 days
A character analysis
Redacted Audio is a channel full to the brim with interesting and developed characters and events that keep you on the edge of your seat with every post, however, a character that I find left me with one question Gavin, why is he the way he is?
Presented as an arrogant incubus, we meet Gavin at a 7/11 on our way to D.A.M.N. He’s teasing upon our first interaction, a harsh, almost cruel kind of teasing. He immediately labels us as a “voyeur”, and then somewhat when we ask for directions due to it not being on Google Maps, “Maybe you are as simple as you look”.
Despite this, he becomes someone the listener cares for and vice versa. When shit hits the fan with Vega, Gavin starts the audio, ‘The Cost’, his usual flirty self, attempting to watch a movie with Freelancer until Caelum shows up tired and distressed, and he immediately jumps to comfort the daemon. There's also a protectiveness for those he cares about, immediately jumping to be the line of defence when Vega shows up. Even under Vega's threats, Gaven holds his ground, stating, “I’ve been fueled by high octane freelancer energy for days now” instead of Vega, who’s practically exhausted himself chasing after Caelum. His time with the listener isn’t fueled by the need to feed, nor is it transactional; he’s with them because he wants to be.
Gavin is very drawn and motivated by those he loves and cares for, though hesitant to be open even then. He does open up to Freelancer about what aria was like, stating “I want to be a person, my own person,” that being an individual is frowned upon among incubi because he’s “supposed to exist purely for the desires of others because that’s what keeps me alive.” A struggle for identity and wanting to simply live instead of being an object of desire. He wants to love and be loved. “Gavin is the name I chose for myself,” He identifies with this, as this whole new person stating that Vindemiator is “someone else.”
He states himself that he is ‘evasive to the end.” often redirecting topics and conversation to flirting and innuendos galore. When he meets Huxley, Damien, and Lasko with freelancer for mostly the first time, freelancer asks if he’s nervous and observes that he’s tense. He immediately attempts to swerve the conversation to a sexual manner, “tense? Well, you’re welcome to help ease the tension if you’re looking to be fashionably late.”
I don’t believe Gavin is sex driven or that he thinks of it constantly. While he is something who feeds off it and someone who enjoys it, he still treats freelancer as an equal, as someone he loves and respects; as human. He left Aria because he wasn’t treated as a person, but as an object for pleasure, but upon meeting freelancer and the rest of the D.A.M.N crew, hes treated as he longed to be; human.
I think Gavin is the way he is, in all of his suave, teasing, protective, and reliable self because he’s grown used to it. He’s used to deflecting and using innuendos to lure people in because he’s been told lost of his life that that is his purpose, but we see him evolving and growing as a person the more time he spends with his “deviant” and their shared friends. More than that, we see him being treated the way he longs to be, being loved and loving others in every sense of the word love; he loves freelander deeply as both a romantic and sexual partner and a friend, we see him bug Damien (from a place of love and friendship of course), we see him bond with huxley, tease lasko, and love all 3 (4 including laskos partner dear) as both friends and family. He’s built a network of people who love and support him that he can rely on. He’s his own person, an individual now.
Analysis question offered by @breezysuffers
Proofread by @porters-fangs <333
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Audios I need (past)
Audios from early on in the relationships that I think of on a daily basis and desperately need.
Milo first getting Aggro
David telling Angel that he's a shifter.
Asher showing Baaabe his wolf form.
Milo shifting in front of Aggro for the first time.
Vincent and Sam meeting
Will giving Sam his Duke title.
Damein and Huxley's first time saying I love you.
David asking Angel to move in with him.
Aaron meeting smartass for the first time
Caelum, Gavin, and Freelancer hanging out at home.
Vincent letting Lovely ask all the vampire-related questions they want.
Asher meets Angel when they come over to the apartment for the first time.
Lasko and Damien's first meeting
Avior and Starlight's first time getting trapped.
Elliot telling sunshine he's a dream walker.
I have no idea how it would work but I kind of want to know the other instances when Caelum tried to get David and Angel to meet
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Freelancer is Gavins soulmate but Gavin isnt their's.
"but rat! thats not how that works! also Erik doesnt do soul mates in his contect!" shh i know. let me speak my truth. in my opinion, a soulmate is a person who changes you for the better, a person who makes you feel whole. tell me thats not how Gavin feels for freelancer? soulmates are also normaly "love at first sight", you meet this person and your life is instantly changed. look me in my eyes and say thats not what happened to Gavin, becuase he littarly said in his confection vid that he didnt know why he kept going back to them at first, he said he loved them long before he even knew he could feel that way for a person. he has felt this uncontrolable need to be with them for the momment he met them. Tell me, how many random strangers have you talked to made you feel as if you had to find them again? how many have made you need to find them again, just so you can see them again? this isnt a normal thing for him or for anyone! Freelancer is Gavin's soulmate.
but hes not their's. dont get me wrong! they are a perfect match, their relationship is perfect (in my opinion) but it doesnt change the fact freelancer has a few 'non canon' vids where we see them in equaly healthy and loving relationships with each of the DAMN bois! their is a reason the DAMN polycule is so poupular in fics and fanart, Freelancer works well with everyone of the boys. this is one, becuase they are arguably the listner with the least amout of personality (this isnt saying alot since like every listner character has a crap ton of personality to the point if you showed me a drawing of each of them with out a lable i could point out everyone correctly 85% of the time) and two, because they just dont have a soul mate. a soulmate is supposed to be a person who makes you whole, its supposed to be the only person to make you whole. freelancer can have healthy loving relationships with all of the boys, but Gavin would have never become the person he is now without Freelancer.
thank you for comeing to my ted talk
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penncilkid · 2 months
Welcome to the first official installment of my new rarepair tag! I hope you enjoy it.
Pick N Mix Medley
Pairing: Melodic Scars // Camelopardalis/Gavin/Darlin
[Rarepair Headcanons]
-Maia ("Darlin") [She/Her (but doesn't mind/care about others)] // 5'11" // Afro-Indigenous/Maori
-Camelopardalis // 5'1" w/o horns // Asian (To be further specified later)
-Gavin // 6'1" w/o horns // Black
[How We Get There/The Logistics]
-The first time Maia and Cam meet is prior to the issues with Quinn reach a head. She comes in to DUMP trying to file a report about an incident he caused, looking disheveled and frantic. Various DUMP workers dismiss her, eventually trying to outright ask her to leave until Cam notices and offers to take her to his office to speak with her instead. Their meeting doesn't last longer than a few minutes, Maia second guessing herself and panicking about even "snitching" on Quinn after not too long. Before she can leave, though, Cam hands her a card with his contact information: An open offer to reach out again if she needs him.
-Maia leaves Dahlia following the Quinn mess in June 2020. While back in Washington, she discovers Cam's contact card shoved away into the pocket of some bag. After a few days of eyeing where it sat on her nightstand, she gives Cam a call. They begin talking semi-frequently, becoming casual friends but both keeping one another at an arm's length for their own reasons. At least a handful of times, Maia comes back to visit Dahlia solely to see/talk to Cam. There's something about having a space distant enough from the pack that is comforting.
-Gavin and Cam first meet following the events of "The Cost". In this rarepair AU, Gavin and Freelancer are friends rather than ever becoming formal lovers but he's still more than willing to square up with Vega on their and Caelum's behalf. While in DUMP custody after that, he crosses paths with the serenity daemon and is immediately intrigued by him. After his release, he comes back by DUMP, looking for any opportunity to talk to Cam— which Cam initially deflects. Think something to the effect of "I'm far older than you and will not be easily swayed or charmed by your little tricks. You'll have to do better than that if you want my attention." (Which makes the chase all the more thrilling for Gav)
-The first time Gavin and Maia meets, Maia is visiting Cam at a time Gavin happens to be lurking around his office. Gavin gets to see firsthand what Cam is like when his guard is let down more via his interactions with Maia. This catching Gavin's interest, he approaches Maia after they've left— However, she's still a bit skittish, unsure of how to approach this because of how her and Quinn met and ended up.
-Initially, Maia is quite harsh towards Gavin— a wolf that bites back and all that jazz. It's an obvious defensive strategy, doing what she knows how to try and push away this strange incubus who's taken a liking to her. But seeing as Gavin is a being who can clock emotions in humans and such, he sees right through it (which terrifies Maia in a way). There would be a moment where Gavin points this out and Maia asks why he doesn't take advantage of her then. Seeing Gavin's faltered flicker of hurt would be enough to make Maia dial back the hostility and try to get to know him.
-Seeing as they're both d(a)emons, Cam and Gavin are both aware when the attraction is beginning to form between the three of them. For all Cam's hidden smiles and playfully disapproving eyerolls, he's become rather fond of Gavin. And enough visits with Maia in Washington has shown them both that what they mean to one another runs deeper than anticipated.
-When Maia does come back to Dahlia (shortly before or after meeting Sam) is when things become official. It's been months since they've all meshed as a trio and I'd like to imagine it's after one of the times Maia nearly dies fighting a vampire that she calls up them both and is like "I like you— Actually no, I'm in love with you. I am. I know that I am and that's— fucking terrifying but I don't want to pretend like I'm not. So I'm admitting it and we can see what to do next if you two don't mind that." Cut to them both showing up at her place as soon as possible, scolding her for her injuries before kissing her face and tending to them.
-(So loosely speaking, they'd be officially dating mid summer of 2021 give or take)
[Dynamic Headcanons]
-Cam has utilizes a more human form/hides his horns and such during the day (if he's gonna be interacting with humans more) versus at night/when he's alone in his office. For that reason, Maia one night asks Cam if she can see him at his "most comfortable". As she waits in another room, she's reminding him that this isn't about her, it's about his comfort and such and her supporting what that looks like. When he calls her into the room, she's just mesmerized. She imagines this must be what it feels like for someone to see her shifted for the first time because she cannot take her eyes off of him. She asks if she can touch any of him and he says yes, and her fingers are so careful as they graze against his horns and cup his face so she can stare into his eyes fully.
-Playing in a similar space that Domini did in the Cam/Vega fic, I think he does have a home in/on Elegy. But he's very selective about who he allows in. The first time Gavin was invited over, he saw Cam's massive collection of books, trinkets, and so on. At one point, Gavin went to pick something up— only for Cam to grab Gavin's wrist with his (C) tail without looking up, flipping through a book as he added "You should get permission before touching things." (Which Gavin finds incredibly attractive and makes him smirk)
-Maia would introduce her d(a)emons to the pack gradually and one-on-one. The first person would be Asher (don't even get me started on that friendship /pos) and the way he can see how much better she's doing compared to when she was "dating" Quinn is astounding
-Given the difference in size and height, Maia can and has thrown Cam over her shoulder to make him stop working
-Gavin loves to help Maia get dressed for things. With all the chains and spikes she owns, it's easy to adorn his wolf with shiny things
-Cam and Gavin are two sides of a coin when it comes to experiences gained as a d(a)emon. Whether that's connected to Ivan's situation or Inversion and so on, they have a unique understanding of each other for that reason.
-Freelancer is the most excited to meet Maia and yes, it's because she's a werewolf (Maia gets along with Huxley quickest though)
-Gavin has a habit of popping into Cam's office at the later hours of work/when he knows less people are around. If he's being distracting, Cam will kick him out. But sometimes he just enjoys keeping the older daemon company
-Gavin is the only one who doesn't have a procedure for if he's overworking/not relaxing because he's usually the one helping Cam and/or Maia do that to the other
-Both Gavin and Cam love watching Maia sleep because it's when she looks and feels calmest
[Short Rarepair Fic/Scene Under The Cut]
Note: Zabdiel = "Freelancer" // Castor is an OC belonging to @remcyart Cebalrai is an OC belonging to @sincerelywhistler (thank you both!)
The serenity daemon flipped through the reports sat in front of him, exhaling as he tucked his hair back again. "I swear, if I'm assigned to clean up another one of Castor's messes again, I'll drag that Inchoate in front of Chorus myself..." he muttered. He plucked a pen from the cup on his desk as a knock struck his office door.
"Come in...?" The door swung open, Cam tilting his head with a grin when he saw who stood on the other side. "And what brings you to my office, Cebalrai? I thought the Sodality kept you on a tight leash."
The sadism demon shrugged, a wide smile on his face. "I'm here handling business on their behalf actually. But I had a feeling you'd be in given your work ethic, so I thought I'd show my face." It ducked under the doorframe, approaching Cam's desk. "Long night ahead?"
Cam scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "Most likely. I was supposed to be gone nearly an hour ago, but of course I got Castor's mess dumped onto me again."
Ceb laughed, "Go easy on them. I doubt he means to break covert so easily."
"I'll go easy on them when I'm not handed his headaches anymore." The serenity daemon sighed, "Ignore me though. I'll sort it out eventually."
"Of course you will." The sadism demon bent down and flicked Cam's hair back into his face, "Don't stay up too late. I hear you have partners to go home too."
Cam laughed, gently shoving Ceb's hand aside. "So the Sodality is full of gossips?"
"Us demons talk, Camelopardalis~." It walked over to the door, "Come visit me sometime, will you?"
"Will do, Ceb." The demon ducked under the door, closing it behind himself. Cam uncapped his pen, making notes on the report in front of him. Judging by the information presented, he'd have to get creative with the memory wipe— Unfortunate but not surprising in the slightest.
A second knock came as he jotted down a phone number he'd have to call, the door opening without response. "Did you forget something else, Ceb—"
"Doll, I fear you're addressing the wrong demon~." Cam looked up as Gavin walked in, Maia following behind with a yawn.
The serenity daemon fought a smile, capping the pen as he rested his arms against his desk as the incubus sat down. "I see you were careful to not sit on my files this time."
"But of course. No need to earn a scolding while somewhere you can't properly reprimand me," Gavin purred with a smirk as Maia came up behind Cam, leaning down and resting her head on his shoulder.
Cam reached up, scratching the back of her head. "You seem tired."
"No shit. It's nearly 1 am and I'm the only human in here," she shot back with a tired smirk. "Which is why I'm trying to figure out why exactly you're still holed in this office."
"Nah, don't 'Darling' me, Cam." Maia lifted her head off his shoulder, a hand grazing one of his horns. "It's late, and I want to know why you're still here when we're both supposed to be laid in bed right now."
"You have Gavin—"
"Ah ah, nice try, Doll. But believe it or not, I'd also like you home tonight. I spent all evening studying with Lasko and Zabdiel. What better way to end my night than nestled between my two oh so lovely partners?" Gavin leaned closer, the tip of his tail under Cam's chin. "We came all this way, Cam. You wouldn't keep us waiting, would you?"
The serenity daemon sucked his teeth before sighing, biting his lip. The two of them knew exactly how to get to him every single time.
It felt good to be known so well.
"Let me put a few of these reports in my bag so I can deal with them in the morning at least."
Gavin grinned, "Then allow me to move aside." He dragged his tail under Cam's chin and along his shoulder, moving over to Maia. "Let me carry your bag for you, Beautiful."
"This sounds like a ploy to butter me up since I have to drive us home," the shifter pointed out with a tired laugh, handing her bag over to the incubus.
"Well, is it working?"
"It is. But there's certainly more effective strategies you could use."
"Oh, are there?"
"Mhm," Maia hummed with a grin before Gavin kissed her. Cam smiled to himself, tucking away the papers as closing his own bag. He wouldn't trade this for anything.
He walked over to the door, flipping the light off as the two pulled away from one another, quiet panting blending with the steady click of a clock as Gavin pulled his hand from beneath Maia's shirt. "And you two said you wouldn't have handled yourself just fine."
Maia rolled her eyes with a smile, tugging Gavin behind her before kissing Cam's cheek. "Wouldn't be the same without you."
Gavin slipped a kiss onto the daemon's other cheek, "Which is exactly why you're coming home with us."
But in Cam's eyes, home was on either side of him.
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readyandnot · 2 months
{ a ready rambles special! }
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credit to the lovely @milogreer once again this is amazing :)) and Morgan for getting it for me!
1: I am Huxley’s No. 1 Fan
2: I am a certified Huxley Simp 🪪
3: All jokes aside, Huxley has and will continue to remain my favorite out of all the characters in the Redactedverse. From the moment I listened to his first audio (meeting FL) I fell in love IMMEDIATELY. I’ve never seen a himbo so perfectly portrayed in a character as Huxley and he’s made me love them even more (him especially of course).
4: Even with Huxley dating Damien instead of FL, he continues to remain my favorite character because he is so much more to me than a romance option. He is is own person with flaws and perfections. He is so emotionally intelligent, physically and mentally strong (even in the dark moments), and so sweet to everyone. He is also so protective of his friends (saw that in Inversion) and supportive it’s so heartwarming.
5: I also still love him when he’s dating Damien because it’s brought out a new side of him and Dami that I absolutely LOVE. They’re so perfect together it makes me so happy for them both even though they were potential romance options for FL.
6: I payed for the Patreon and the FIRST THING I DID was listen to his BA… (it’s so good like wow)
7: I have written so much about Huxley with my FL, and Morgan can vouch on how often I think of and write Huxley whenever we write our FL’s. He’s the first one I think of with my FL in every single AU we do together.
8: I have made numerous thumbnails involving Huxley and have had thumbnails made for me by the fabulously talented Morgan on multiple occasions with Huxley!
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9: I have posted on numerous occasions (whether my own post or on someone else’s) about my love for Huxley!
10: I have voted for Huxley in every poll that involved him :))
11: For most of the time, I call Huxley by his full name because it’s such a beautiful name and deserves to be said fully (Hux is a cute nickname though don’t get me wrong!)
12: I have a Pinterest board SPECIFICALLY for Huxley 💚
13: Huxley in my opinion is the underrated one of the DAMN group, and he is so sweet it makes me sad sometimes! He is the balance of everyone in the group: The sweet to Dami, the gentle to Lasko, the ease to Freelancer and the fun to Gavin! It makes me smile seeing him interact with everyone and I love him so much with the group because it’s so nice seeing him be himself after so many years of not!
14: The first commission I ever asked and received was one of Huxley and my FL :))
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credit to @sri-rachaa for this beautiful masterpiece you made quite a long while ago!!!
15: I am Huxley’s Sunflower :))
These are fifteen reasons why I believe you should vote for me as Huxley’s biggest fan! Blunt and explained points and it would mean so much to my fictional and irl heart if awarded :))
Even to be nominated is awesome and I sincerely wish the best of luck to the other nominees and the other categories!
Good luck @morgansplace with Lasko, you got my vote :))
@plaqying Thanks for letting me be a nominee!
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aggro-my-beloved · 2 months
📙k q and s for david and gavin please 🙏🙏
Thanks so much for the ask, sorry for the delay in posting!!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
K → David’s kisses are soft and gentle, always. Even in those passionate intimate moments, when Angel gets him riled up like no other, David is still careful with them as they are unempowered and he’s afraid to be too rough with them. He kisses angel on their forehead the most, but becomes a puddle of a man when Angel kissed his hands—it does things to him.
Gavin’s kisses are a little sloppier, but still loving. They aren’t as uniform as David’s, yet he is sure to pour all his love into each one he doses Freelancer with. Freelancer notices Gavin likes to leave kisses on their collarbone and that soft spot under their ear that makes them giggle. They like lining his jaw with soft pecks because it makes him groan in satisfaction.
Q → David can replay his first meeting with Angel like it was yesterday. If they ask, he can probably remember what they were wearing down to the brand of socks. Even the information that would be deemed unimportant, such as the name of her latest Minecraft world or first pets name, David will tuck away in the back of his mind and keep safe like a secret.
Gavin is pretty forgetful at times when it comes to small stuff. Pretty sure he asked Freelancer what their favorite color was three times in the span of a month. But he still dreams about what their first meeting was like, or how things would be different if the meeting never occurred. He daydreams about what he’ll do for their anniversary and counts down the days like Christmas. He also takes mental detailed notes of what freelancer does and doesn’t enjoy in bed, and thinks of how he can improve during their next private session, because he’s made it his duty to let Freelancer enjoy themselves no matter how damned stressed they can get at times.
S → David Shaw owns a literal security business. If anybody were to breath near angel incorrectly he is to their side in an instant—a human/werewolf shield. His mate can recall one morning, as they were sifting through the mail, letting out a small wince of pain from a papercut. This cued David to sprint into the kitchen with the most intimidating stance he could muster while still nude from the previous night’s events. Angel still reminds him of that morning years later, and it brings them to tears whenever they share the memory with the group.
Gavin and Freelancer are both equally protective of one another. Hello? They literally carried each other through the whole inversion. Gavin may be a bit more stubborn to allow Freelancer to dote on them, but they are just as insistent in doing so. And in instances like these they may butt heads, but they both know in the end it’s how they show their affection for one another.
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laylalalal · 2 months
this is just a thought i had but i like to hc that Gavin and Crux were so close like brothers at one point but then they broke off after something. The Cost being the first time they talk after 10-15 years. However when Crux found out that Gavin was in the inversion, he called him and met up for dinner and they catched up. Gavin telling him about Freelancer and Crux wondering how they can deal with him. Both of them reminiscing about the old times and Gavin wanting Crux to meet the freelancer. I LOVE THEM I NEED MORE
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somethin-human · 6 months
Still wish the role reversal was just the listeners and the guys have their roles reversed from the first times they met
The way we were ROBBED from David and Angel meeting- AND GAVIN AND FREELANCER. The ways we were robbed.
Edit: saw someone say that this wouldn’t work out bc something with the listeners having specific traits to them.
Y’all it’s roll reversal lololol
It’s basically what Erik’s already doing (I mean, look at Freelancer and Gavin’s recent AU audio)
It’s definitely possible
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sheawritesstuff · 5 months
Comforting Relatability
[Gavin x Trans Freelancer]
[Hurt/Comfort - Nonspecific Gender Dysphoria Comfort- 1726 words]
[Freelancer is still gender-neutral but is explicitly trans and experiencing gender dysphoria in some way, I tried to keep it as vague as possible. Gavin is also heavily implied to be trans - There is some brief crying involved, but it's far from a major point - Also sorry this took forever,,, life happened. Surgery, a last-minute understudy play production, and a healthy dose of writer's block kind of piled together at the same time,, oops]
Freelancer dropped their school bag as soon as they entered their apartment and kicked their shoes off. They tugged at their clothes in a desperate struggle to make them sit against their body the right way. Their eyebrows scrunched together as they fought against the fabric. Sensing the tangled ball of discomfort, anger, and anxiety, Gavin wandered from his spot on the couch to the front room.
“Freelancer? Are you alright?” The sound of his voice shook them from their focus. They paused, shirt still stretched away from them, and stared at the incubus at the other end of the hallway. They awkwardly readjusted and hastily smoothed out their clothes. 
“Uh… yeah. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” Freelancer hunched over and quickly skittered toward the bedroom door, head down. Gavin followed behind them, leaving a bit of space between them. He stood in the doorway and waited for them to search through the closet and find a new set of clothes they felt comfortable in. Once they were dressed, a little tension faded and they visibly relaxed. 
Gavin sat down on the edge of the bed and waited for his partner to meet him there. After a moment, they did, still avoiding eye contact. They fidgeted with their sleeves and adjusted the fabric slightly before finally glancing up at him. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” His voice was soft and careful without a hint of pressure. They sighed quietly before answering.
“I don’t feel good, Gav,” they admitted. “Everything just feels wrong.” 
“Bad dysphoria day?” Gavin asked. They nodded in response and leaned forward, practically falling face-first against his shoulder. The incubus shifted to pull them into a sort of side hug with their head nestled in the space where his neck met his shoulder. “Is there anything I can do to help? Anything you need?” 
“I just want to sleep. I’m not even, like, physically tired. I just want a break from feeling like shit,” Freelancer groaned against his skin. Gavin brought one hand to the back of their neck and held them close. “I just want to feel better.” Their voice cracked at the end as they struggled to choke back tears. They breathed hard for a minute - deep, shaky breaths as tears welled up in their eyes. 
“Oh, baby. It’s ok, I’ve got you. You can cry. You’re safe, it’s ok,” Gavin cooed, running his fingers through their hair. They gripped the blanket beneath them as they forced themself to breath through their sobs. Gavin held them close, never once trying to stop their crying. “Let it all out, Freelancer. There you go, just breathe.” 
Eventually, the tears stopped and they pulled their head up enough to wipe their eyes. They pulled away their wettened sleeves and took one last deep breath and sighed. “God, I’m sorry. I’m a mess.” Gavin gently swiped a few stray tears with his thumbs and held their face in his hands. 
“You don’t have to apologize, my love. I understand how you feel. I know it hurts and I am so sorry you’re feeling this way. If I knew how to help you I would do it in a heartbeat.” They sat still and silent for a minute before they popped their head up to look at him. 
“Wait, can’t you just fix me? Use body modification or whatever?” Freelancer’s face lit up as a faint bubble of hope floated above the ball of other emotions in their chest. Gavin bit the inside of his cheek. He considered the softest way to approach the matter. 
“I mean, technically, I could,” Gavin started. Sensing the impending “but”, the freelancer deflated. “But it would only be temporary. More importantly, though, I don’t want you to rely on me for your self-image.” He paused to cup the side of their face in his palm. “Your self-confidence should come from you, as you are, not from how I can change you.”
They sighed and leaned into his touch. They let their eyes flutter closed and considered the other possibilities. Their mind wandered to all the different ways they could change themself to be more comfortable in their skin. Eventually they opened their eyes and peered at their partner. “How did you do it? Figure out what you wanna look like, I mean.” 
“From what I’ve read, the process is different for humans than demons, so I make no promises that my information is at all relevant here.” He smiled a little before continuing. “I made my body into a home, a vessel I feel conected to. The process, though, was more trial and error and changing things until I found the traits that made me feel like, well, me.” The demon gently rubbed his thumb across his lover’s cheek. “From what I know, human transitions are slower, more gradual. Maybe you take hormones or get surgery, but you can’t just snap your fingers and look like a whole new person. I could- well, I guess I still can- change my body to meet whatever look I want.” Gavin leaned in and gave them a quick kiss. “You deserve that same freedom, Freelancer, even if your journey is different.” 
“Thanks, Gavin,” Freelancer hummed. The roar of dysphoria ebbed to a thunderous rumble as hints of determination peeked through the cracks. They relaxed back into his side, and pulled themself close enough to wrap their arms around his waist. Gavin tangled his hand in their hair and reveled in the feeling of their bodies pressed together. 
“Do you want to lay down? Even if you don’t fall asleep the relaxation might help.” 
“Yeah, that sounds nice,” they hummed against his neck. “Can we watch a movie?”
“Of course, my love.” He bent his neck to kiss the top of their head. “Go ahead and pick out something to watch, I’ll grab some snacks. Do you want anything in particular?”  Freelancer hopped up to climb onto the bed proper as they thought about the best movie snacks. 
“I wanna try those new chips we got, the ones in the green bag.” They settled down on their side of the bed and picked up the remote to click through their options. “Do you wanna watch a new movie or one of our favorites?” Freelancer glanced over at their partner quickly.
“Hmm… I don’t know. Surprise me with something good.” Gavin disappeared to the kitchen and returned about a minute later with a tray piled high with snacks. Brightly colored bowls filled with chips, pretzels, candy, and - most excitingly - popcorn. He also balanced a variety of drinks ranging from water to their favorite sodas. Freelancer stared at the food with wide eyes, shocked at the speed of its acquisition. 
“How the hell did you make popcorn that fast?” They asked, dumbstruck, as they paused their search for a movie.
“Well usually, you would guide me through the neverending hellscape that is using the mee-crow-wah-vay. But, for the sake of both time and efficiency, I opted for a more magical approach.” Gavin carefully balanced the tray of food as he climbed into bed and settled in next to his lover, settling the array between them. “But I need to make it clear - this is a special occasion. Next time, the microwavable popcorn will be made the right way.” He giggled and kissed their cheek. 
Freelancer roller their eyes and smiled back, turning their head to kiss him properly. Then, they continued their search for the perfect dysphoria-busting movie. Finding one that looked good and seemed to have decent reviews, they clicked it and looked to Gavin for confirmation it was acceptable. He nodded and settled into his spot.
“Wait, hold on,” Freelancer interrupted, tugging on the blanket that covered their lap. “Can you help, I don’t know how to explain it, wrap me up?” They motioned around themself like they were pulling something around their shoulders. “I want to be a warm little human burrito.” Gavin stared at them for a moment in complete awe. Gods, he loved his little weirdo. They pulled one of their blankets up around their shoulders, careful not to disturb the snacks still sitting between them. They looked to him with their best attempt at puppy dog eyes as they struggled to properly burrito-fy themself. 
“Of course, my love. Just sit still for a second and I’ll turn you into the cutest burrito this side of the meridian.” Gavin sat up on his knees and leaned over his partner to properly wrap them in a blanket cocoon. He carefully adjusted the fabric around their arms to make them snug but moveable and draped the top of the blanket over their head like a cloak. Once they were situated, he moved several pillows to prop them up in a cozy sitting position against the headboard. “Comfy?”
“Very.” Freelancer smiled contentedly. Gavin could feel the ball of dysphoria dissipating to a subtle drone beneath the new feelings of comfort and hapiness. It was definitely still there, but it was no longer an overwhelming, suffocating presence in his lover’s mind. This shift in their feelings brought the demon a new lightness of his own. 
“Gav?” Freelancer spoke quietly. 
“Thank you.” 
Gavin smiled and cuddled against their side. “Anything for you, my love.” He propped himself up and kissed their forehead. “You are a beautiful person, inside and out, and I would do anything in my power to help you believe that.” He looked at them and their bundled up form with nothing but absolute adoration in his technically non-existant heart. “I love you, Freelancer.”
“I love you too, Gavin.” They awkwardly tried to pull themself up to close the gap between them and give him a kiss but resigned to simply making kissy faces until he got the hint. Once he pulled away, they turned their attention back to the TV. “Hey, babe? Can you click play for me? I can’t reach the remote…” 
Gavin chuckled and did so, starting the movie with one small movement. He resettled into his spot and set the bowl of requested chips in his partner’s lap. He snuggled against Freelancer’s side, arm swung across their waist. Though the movie did not fix the brewing feelings in their chest, it did distract them from its deep echoes for a couple hours. And for now, that was enough. 
[Requested Tags: @themeridian @everything-redacted-and-others]
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deezbignutz · 4 months
Redacted characters as musical songs because I'm a sucker for musicals :))) + some lyrics cuz why not 🤷‍♀️
Guy abt Honey - "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" From Waitress. He is a simp and he makes sure they know it. Kinda yandere coded, but womp womp ig. (yandere Guy? 😳😏) "Such a stubborn man, you'll likely never meet another." "Oh, I'm gonna love you so." "I though it was hilarious to call a cat a kind of fish."
Damien abt Hux - "When He Sees Me" From Waitress. Damien just overthinking about going out Hux even before knowing him all that much. "I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place I minimize the guessing game. Guess what? (What?). I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings." "What scares me the most. Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?." "Or even worse, he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that?" Also literally the entire song ngl. It's very Damien coded in my opinion.
David & Asher - "For Good" From Wicked. Just wholesome, very platonic love and friendship shared between two friends. (No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. They're just very good friends) "I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn." "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." :')) "You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart."
Young David & Asher - "For Forever" From Dear Evan Hansen. Just two friends. On a perfect day. :'))) "All we see is sky forever. We let the world pass forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, two friends on a perfect day." "He looks around and says to me 'There's nowhere else I'd rather be.' And I say, 'Me too'." "And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me, and everything's okay." witerally the inversion
Imp!Lasko to Imp!Freelancer - "Meant to be Yours" From Heathers. I don't think I need to explain this one, it just speaks for itself. "You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead." "You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart. Can't just leave me to bleed. Veronica, open the, open the door, please. Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please? Can we not fight-" yada yada yada, you know the audio
Freelancer (?) - "The Wizard And I" From Wicked. It's just them being pumped to go to DAMN and to get to learn more abt their weird and foreign powers. "This weird quirk I've tried to suppress or hide, is a talent?" "No father is not proud of you, no sister acts ashamed." 🙂 "And this gift or this curse I have inside. Maybe at last, I'll know why."
Asher + werewolf bois - "I Feel Pretty" From West Side Story. Broski is on cloud 9 after meeting Baaabe, and the others are just there to witness his delulu. "It's alarming how charming I feel. And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real." "Have you met my good friend, Maria (Asher)? The craziest girl on the block." "I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel fizzy, and funny, and fine. And so pretty, Miss America can just resign!"
Gavin - "Noel's Lament" From Ride the Cyclone. Just a gay little guy dreamin up his gay little fantasies during work because workin in 7-Eleven is too boring. 👍 "Good girls call me 'The Town Bicycle'. Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin." "He said, 'I think I am in love with you' I've heard that lie a million times before." "'My chils, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?' 'Oui, tell him that, like him, I coose to burn out rather than fade away!'" get into it, queen.
Avior & Starlight - "What Is This Feeling?" From Wicked. This is how I feel like their first reaction to each other when they're in hell went. "For you see, my roommate is: Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe. Blonde!" "What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes. Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." "Ev'ry little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl."
Caelum to Freelancer - "Popular" From Wicked. Hear me out. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just wants to help Freelancer out in their new, scary school. "And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face. Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed!" "So let's start, 'cause you've got an awfully long way to go..." "Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister and advisor. There's nobody wiser!" he's just way too excited to show the magical world to them
Shaw Pack - "Jet Song" From West Side Story. You could also debate that this is also kinda like the Solaire Clan, but the Shaw Pack suits it better cuz of how laidback and playful the song is. "When you're a Jet, if the spit hits the fan, you got brothers around, you're a family man." "When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing. Little boy, you're a man; Little man, you're a king!" mmmm, Solaire Clan vibes "Someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well!" Quinn? That u?
Any and all immigrants moving to Dahlia - "America" From West Side Story. Two perspective on how livin in Dahlia is like. "Buying on credit is so nice One look at us and they charge twice." ✨racism✨ "Life can be bright in America (Dahlia) If you can fight in America (Dahlia)" "Here you are free and you have pride Long as you stay on your own side."
Marcus - "Cool" From West Side Story. Anxious little technician anxious about being found out and fired. :)))) "Don't get hot, 'cause man, you've got some high times ahead." "Breeze it, buzz it. Easy does it. Turn off the juice boy. Go man, go. But not like a yo-yo schoolboy." idk with this one, it doesn't really have much lyrics anyways :\
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))))
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empydoc · 5 months
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SOUL EATER AU gavin & freelancer
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the fourth post in the series of posts i'll make regarding the individual characters and their listeners! we've got gavin & freelancer on the menu. enjoy!
note: freelancer wields each D.A.M.N. boy at a certain time, so there'll be other posts detailing their relationship with huxley, damien, lasko and kody. this post is about gavin especially, since he is their partner and primary weapon. hope that makes sense!
gavin — soul type: demon weapon weapon type: polearm variants compatible with: freelancer
"demon weapons" are a sort of weapon that have the ability to change forms. every demon that isn't a "monster soul" is a demon weapon, resulting in no demonic meisters. gavin specifically is a demon weapon that can shift into different variants of a polearm- a weapon known for having different ends/blades.
there are no strict differences between demon types, however demon souls themselves are unique. they're much bigger than other souls, encapsuling the demon and often protecting the body from outside influence. with age, a demon's soul grows stronger.
gavin and freelancer's combatibility proved true for almost as long as they've known each other, however they only started out as a weapon/meister duo after they established their relationship. the two see it as an important bond. gavin, for fun, also likes to make joke about his weapon form being 'mostly pole'.
freelancer —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: soul perception - a technique all meisters have, but skilled meisters can see clearer personality or significant traits within souls. compatible with: gavin (primarily), huxley (secondarily), damien (secondarily), lasko (secondarily, co-wield), kody (previously)
considering freelancer is, well, a freelancer, their soul is compatible with other empowered individuals without much strife. and, considering freelancer has such a close bond with their friends and their lover, they're able to wield each of them in different ways.
akin to their understanding of magic, their comprehension of weapon wielding came a little later than expected. that is to say they put their all into research and making sure they knew all the basics before any problems arose, and now they're considered incredibly skilled.
freelancer is a concept i had in my brain from the start. in fact, in my og concept post, it's the one example i give! in a way, they stemmed this whole idea. i think it's interesting to discover ways meisters exist that aren't explored in the show- for example, one meister wielding several weapons.
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
as mentioned before, gavin and freelancer's compatibility shone true throughout their entire time knowing each other. gavin hadn't been wielded before, which was a first for him out of few firsts, and he wanted it to be special- something he didn't realise he'd prioritise as an incubus. freelancer, on a similar hand, hadn't been a meister for anyone before, and upon meeting gavin, didn't recognise that their wavelengths were so compatible until they started 'fooling around' with each other more.
conversations occurred & confessions happened, and soon after the two discussed weapon/meister dynamics. even though freelancer now wields huxley, damien, and lasko, they consider gavin their primary weapon, having the strongest bond with him.
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milogreer · 6 months
❥ my top ten redacted audio speakers !!
i’ve seen a bunch of people doing this so i wanted to join in! i love a bandwagon 😋
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feisty werewolf; milo - i mean, come on. *gestures at my blog* look at me. milo very quickly took top spot, by the time i got to the panic attack audio i was like the rest of y’all can pack it up bc this guy’s got me hooked lmfao it was just so sweet to see a softer side of the guy who, at that point in the timeline, had mostly only been abrasive, cocky, and flirty. that accent also does everything for me. the exact moment i fell in love with him was when he said, “of course i’m not mad. i was worried - scared that you were hurt or something. but never mad.” 🫠💖
nervous air elemental; lasko - lasko… what can i say about lasko. he definitely awoke something in me lmao, initially i didn’t want to get into the elementals because meeting new people felt like a chore at the time but he immediately made me laugh and it was all downhill from there… i love that he’s kinda freaky and he makes me want to bite him in the non-canon audios, but even in prime universe he’s just so sweet and a really good friend. and his relationship with coworker makes me so proud of his development
arrogant incubus; gavin - i’ve said it before but gavin’s the reason i’m here! his hbs 2023 audio was my first audio of the channel, and to go back in time and watch his progression to that point was so heartwarming 🥺 him and freelancer are possibly the best pair in the universe, i just adore everything about them. gavin’s audios are actually the hardest ones for me to listen to because the love he has for freelancer is suffocating to witness in a really bittersweet way 😩
yandere cultist friend; blake - this one is um …. i never expected this HAHA when i first listened to the balance he really skeeved me out (as he should), but then mother mother released ‘explode!’ and for some unfathomable reason it got into my head as a blake song and i couldn’t dissociate it from him. on a second listen of the balance, i definitely appreciate his character more and the juxtaposition of him with elliott and sunshine vs bestie is so so interesting to me. i can’t even be mad at bestie because he’d have me wrapped around his finger too 🥲 rly nervous for his next story update
chaotic boyfriend; guy - BABYGIRL. humor is the biggest thing i look for in relationships both platonic and romantic and no one makes me laugh like guy does. he’s so my type and the way honey acts is literally how i am with guys i like, so guy audios are always so much fun to listen to 💖 and no BA hits quite like that pre-recorded one
i ended up talking more than i thought i would so the other half is under the cut!
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it gets kind of messy in the second half because i think these could get shuffled around depending on my mood but for now these are my thoughts!
seer obscura; morgan - morgan is… captivating. i know he kinda only blew up after ‘time is a song’ but it’s with good reason; the atmosphere is so calming but also, like… there’s a longing to it, ykwim? the two of them being the only know seer obscuras naturally lends a hand to the tension between them. no one else understands their unique struggles - so when his new obscura acquaintance calls him up in the middle of the night asking for help and comfort, of course he isn’t going to say no. it’s such an intimate setting for their third audio together and you can feel the tension building the whole time up to “i want to know you.” it’s just a really good audio. very interested to see where his story goes
sarcastic inchoate demon; avior - THE SNARK. THE QUIET KINDNESS. THE MYSTERY. THE YEARNING. THE TRAGEDY. avior’s got it all. sovereign state had me on the edge of my seat the whole time and still does, honestly. his hbs rewind audio is one of my favorites; the effort and love he put into that little date to give starlight a reprieve from their shared hell… he is such a romantic 💖 there’s nothing quite like falling in love while stuck in an actual hell
unempowered boyfriend; geordi - he’s an interesting one for me bc my love of him is directly tied to cutie + cutie’s telepathy giving us a look into his head (i just melt over his whispered little i love yous and compliments). they have a fascinating and messy story that i live for even when it makes me sick lol i adore that they’re both flawed but that they’re taking steps to better themselves. it’s fun when couples in the redactedverse aren’t perfect but still try to be better out of love
mysterious stranger; hush - THE weird guy. within his first audio i went from being indifferent to charmed. i love a mystery and everything about him is mysterious, but he’s also so clueless sometimes that it’s like. so what if he tied doc to the bed in their first meeting, now he’s asking to hold their hand when he’s nervous. so what if his purpose is to free the sovereigns? he learned how to cook for doc. i can’t NOT love him
unknown yandere caller - i’m a ghostface fan, okay. and i’m a taurus. i like when people are obsessed with me 🤷🏼‍♀️ there’s just something so… like. listen. “you’ll start to expect me. you’ll start to crave me.” from the audio and “i know you’ll find them. and you’ll keep them. because they’re from me.” from his card? the arrogance. it’s bewitching. i need him back ASAP i don’t even care if he doesn’t get a real name, i just miss him. come back please 🙏🏻
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ashturnedtomist · 5 months
Keep it Covert Ch. 7
No, Damien’s Right. It IS weird.
Keep it Covert Masterlist
Previous | Beginning | Next
Summary: In which, Freelancer and Lovely meet, Damien is really frustrated for unrelated reasons.
Based off this post
Read it on Ao3!
Huxley was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement while Damien tiredly sipped on a cup of coffee next to him.
“I don’t understand why you had to wake everyone at 3 am last night to do this.” He mumbles.
Huxley seemed to somehow get brighter. “Because that’s when Lovely called! I had to make sure that everyone knew as soon as possible!”
Damien sighed, seemingly resigned as he took another sip of his coffee.
“…it’s 5 o’clock in the afternoon, how are you still tired?” Damien nearly jumped out of his skin at the voice in his ear.
There stood Freelancer with Gavin just behind. Lasko was rapidly approaching as well.
Damien got his bearings before shaking his head. “You try convincing Huxley to go back to sleep after he gets excited.”
They paused. “Fair enough.”
Lasko finally caught up, seemingly out of breath. “I…sorry…parking…down the street…”
Gavin frowned. “Why didn’t you just park in the parking lot?” Damien narrowed his eyes. “In this part of town? I’d like to keep my tires, thanks.”
Gavin gave him a playful smile. “Don’t be so harsh, Damien.”
Damien’s jaw clenches. “Not in the mood.” Huxley laughs. “C’mon, Dames. We’re here for a good time.”
The main room was generally empty, save for a pair of vampires flitting around the room and 2 men in business attire whispering in a corner.
One of the vampires broke away and dashed to Damien and Huxley. “Damien! Hux! How are you?”
Huxley grinned brightly. “Hey, you! How are you?”
They brightened. “I’m good!” They peeked around the earth elemental. “Who’s with you?”
Damien tiredly introduced each individual. “Lasko, Gavin, and the Freelancer.” Lasko gave a timid wave while Freelancer smiled. “Nice to meet you!” Gavin grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Nice to meet you, indeed.”
As if an alarm went off, another vampire was at their side in an instant. Lovely perked up. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I’m Lovely, and this is my boyfriend, Vincent.”
He waved, his sleeve rolling down to reveal his red bracelet. “Nice to meet you all.”
Freelancer’s eyes widened. “Wait, are you both vampires?”
Vincent shifted uneasily. “Yes…” Freelancer gasped. “Ohmigosh, I’ve never met a real one before! I have so many questions.” Vincent looked at Damien questioningly. “Freelancer is humanborn.”
Vincent smiles. “Oh. Lovely was a latent electro elemental before turning.” Freelancer’s eyes got even bigger. “What?! That’s so rare!”
Lovely’s face reciprocated their excitement. “Wait, you’re new to all this too?” The pair eventually broke off from the group, babbling to each other about being relatively new to empowered life.
Vincent sighed before turning to the remaining four. “Why don’t you check out the bar? Most of the staff doesn’t get here until 6, but Lovely wanted you guys to come early.”
Lasko tilted his head in confusion. “What? B-but we don’t even-”
“I asked them to do that.”
All four of their heads whipped around to see one of the men break away from the intense conversation he was holding with the other. He held out a hand. “Morgan. I own this place.”
Damien shook his hand tentatively. “Damien. And this is Lasko, Gavin, and Huxley.” He said, gesturing to each respective person.
The other man approaches. “I’m James. Morgan’s…associate.” He said, his eyes scanning all four of them. He cleared his throat. “I wanted to speak with a few of you.”
Freelancer was uncomfortable. They didn’t understand why: a.) this random man was pulling them away from a perfectly good conversation, b.) only Gavin and Lasko were allowed to be in his office with them, or c.) why he even wanted to talk to them in the first place.
They glanced over at Gavin and Lasko.
To the left of them sat Gavin. He sat comfortably in his chair, however, they could see that his usual cool demeanor was slightly fractured.
To the right, Lasko was practically vibrating in his seat. His eyes darted around the room while he periodically wiped his palms on the fabric of his pants.
They sighed. “Lasko, it’s probably fine.”
The air elemental bites his lip. “Wh-why would he want to talk to us? What-what is so dif-dif-different about us that-that they had to separate us from-from Damien and-and-and-and- Huxley?”
“Worrying like that isn’t going to help anyone, Lasko.”
“Glad to see you all.”
Lasko practically jolted out of his seat at the sound of James’ voice.
James raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
“What do you want with us?” Gavin questions lowly.
James sighs and sits down across from the three other magic users.
“I have some questions for you three,” he says, pulling a file out of his desk. He tosses it in front of him and the photographs that spill out make Freelancer’s blood run cold.
“…about the Inversion.”
“No, this is weird, Huxley.” Damien says harshly.
The taller man frowns at his boyfriend. “Try not to stress too much, Dames. I don’t think anything will happen. Lovely wouldn’t bring us here to lure us into a trap,” He glances at them out of the corner of his eye. “…right?”
Lovely nods assuredly. “I promise, I didn’t know James was going to ambush them like that.” They place their hand on their chest, ignoring Vincent’s indignant ‘Hey!’ when they say, “I swear on Vincent’s immortal soul. It’ll be fine.”
Huxley turns back to Damien. “See? It’ll be okay.” Damien grumbles something under his breath, still not convinced.
However, his grumbling is interrupted by the front door of the club swinging open.
“God, I need a drink.” Damien flinches at the familiar voice.
His head swivels around to take in the speaker, and yes, there, in all of their glory was, “…Smartass?”
Notes: I am SO sorry it took so long to post y’all, my life is a shitstorm these days.
(I literally have a friend reporting someone in one of my classes for going into intense detail on how he would shoot up the school, I got a boyfriend, and my grandfather almost died 3 times)
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