#and get good luck for your next 3 life cycles
slav-every-day · 2 years
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lilacstro · 1 month
pac: what big thing is coming next for you and when
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on the suggestions of @darkbragance I would be making this post.
choose from 2 piles, idk why 2 and not 3 but yeah, choose as you like :)
paid readings open !
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pile1 pile2
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⭐decks used: spirit speaks tarot, poesis oracle and vessel oracle for energy check
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Pile 1
Energy check:
Did some of you travel to your childhood home or thought about it recently? Seems so. Some of you have been working on finding balance and structure in life I feel. Some of you could be overwhelmed with how tiring your life is, especially at home I feel. Maybe there is a responsibility on you all to always serve and be ready to give, to manage problems and give people structure either at your home or maybe even at your workplace. Some of you could also be tired of being stuck at home, finding work-life balance or wanting to travel somewhere that is not happening. Some of you could also be travelling back in time, thinking about the past a lot, especially childhood nostalgia. Did some of you like collecting stones or crystals as a child? Color green is coming through, an emerald crystal. There seems to be the thought of wanting to go back because the situation currently feels painful. There is a desire to go back in time, to travel somewhere mentally and physically and get out of this exhausting cycle. There is desire to escape and avoid pain. Some of you could be dreaming about your childhood home, children or even past memories, liking very old, as if digging the grave. There is a feeling of loneliness. Good luck babe is constantly playing in my head, maybe it is relevant to someone here? Special focus on "You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling" and this is what I have been feeling in this group. Someone here is distracted and definitely needs a wakeup call.
If this sounds like you, this is your pile<3
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Main messages:
Someone here is definitely feeling isolated, or they have distanced themselves from other people, but they will find meaning in isolation. Someone here could be feeling frustrated, lashing out on small things. Ok so instead of writing a paragraph I would list out all the things I see happening! You may see what resonates with your situation :)
If you were willing to start a project or taking some kind of brave action (even if it is just a simple confession of love for example, or maybe going back to school because too much time has passed etc.) but was afraid of starting for whatever reason, you would get strength to start and take action!
if someone was wanting to travel somewhere, move somewhere, study abroad, travel abroad and if money became a problem, or maybe your father or some authority figure, say visa services became problem, you would be fine and would be able to travel regardless
If someone has been working hard to get some award, achievement or rank, especially globally, it could be happening!
If someone was willing to work with people all over the world, especially in regards to money, maybe working on a worldwide freelancing site or maybe even social media to get foreign customers to get money, that could also be happening :)
If someone felt hopeless about a situation, especially regarding finances, maybe lost money even for some of you, you guys would be able to recover the money and get the money arranged. Someone could be offering you money I feel :)
If someone was wishing to get stability especially in regards to their home and family, or maybe seek approval of a father or authority figure in family for something, they could be getting approval for what they've been wanting.
There is a happy ending to all the situations above :)
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Expected Timeline:
This is happening very very soon, you could also be receiving some kind of communication too, especially. If we talk about particular date, we have November 23 - December 2 or 8 weeks of a time.
I hope it resonated, take care xoxo
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Pile 2
Energy check:
This feels like a rather hopeful, accepting energy, both in a happy and a sad way, as if you are hopeful but at the same time you have accepted the current circumstances. There is not a turbulence like pile 1. I am hearing "its just the way life goes, I push my luck it shows" from Gracie Abram's song I love you, I'm sorry. There is a fresh energy here, a very good chance to grow and evolve, you are growing and changing and I may rather say, blooming. Someone here may like spring or sitting in the sun in winters, it may feel healing. You guys have absolutely not given up, there is a silent rebel kind of energy, you know it is not over and that you will rise back up again, but for now you are not mad and turbulent about it, but rather calm and peaceful and accepting, as if, "what worse can even happen, its fine" There is a lot of wisdom you are gaining currently that would helping you for the fresh start of your journey you would be preparing. I am seeing you would be ready to take a leap and go seek what it is that you want. But for now, it is important to let your emotions out and grieve, even if it means that you will lose your composure. I am constantly seeing the message that says "it gets better". If you were wanting something to happen, know you'd have many choices, either it can be done some other way you do not know yet, or maybe people would help you or you find better things, so many that you can literally choose from them. Keep your heads up:) it would be fine I promise :) Seeking out support with people you love is a good idea for now, and if you are alone, I would suggest joining support groups or maybe creating an account that just follows motivational, uplifting content, but you need to open yourself, there is a possibility to find help between people. If this sounds like you, congrats this is your pile :) Keep your heads up princess by Anson Seabra is playing in my head especially the line,
"Yeah, keep your head up princess, it's a long road And the path leads right to where they won't go I know it hurts right now but you don't got far to go So keep your head up Yeah, keep your head up"
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Main messages:
I feel some of you could be grieving a loss of something falling down, and maybe you just let it fall altogether before picking it back up once again. Maybe you held onto something that you are letting go, releasing for now.
If any of you were stuck onto something in life, especially mentally, you would be able to find your answers, find balance and finally move ahead in life
There is a mental clarity that may come on why did something not work out for you. Someone may also get clearer decision making skills on their current choices, and may also find contentment in their current choices and how to find a way to move on with current options
Some of you could be calming down the chaos by finally being able to get control and authority, either it may be mental conflict or conflict with someone else, especially people who you may work with is one thing I see
If someone was trying to manifest a love offer, to find a new romantic partner that seems to be happening !
if someone was looking to start a new creative project, a passion project that they wanted to start for a long time, that seems to be happening too!
Some of you could be breaking out of cycles of substance abuse or maybe something toxic in your life, breaking free from falling back into some kind of addiction, breaking free from spiraling and that can be any sabotaging habit
One intuitive message I am getting is the ground is fertile, whatever you sow, you would equally gain back, what I mean is whatever is it you are wanting to do right now, putting your efforts into, your fruits and flowers would blossom. It would reap you rewards, whatever it is that you are working for, a relationship, healing, money etc.
Some of you could also be getting out of depression or a depressed mental state after a long time, spring after the winter is what I am hearing
you could also be getting clarity or news about someone or something that troubled you in the past, some truth about why did it not work out
many options would be available to something that stressed you out mentally, a job, college, relationship, you name it, you would be able to chose rather being stuck with a single option. Wait, I think I did something in the energy check as well, interesting!
someone could also be getting into their dream school or travel somewhere for education is one other thing I see.
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Expected Timeline:
As long as you are taking fearless action is one thing I see. Apart from that Fixed sign season (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus), Sagittarius Season/Capricorn Season, November, 1 month from now, 11 weeks from now or quite unexpectedly are the messages that I see, There is definitely an element of divine timing here, and your actions and both of them seem to influence each other. Damn that is a lot of timings.
thank you for reading, have a good day :)
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pinksobg · 4 months
su-su-su-supernova 🌠🎀
What's good is coming next?
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I hope you enjoy the reading! for reflection. thank you 🌠🎀🌌
pile 1: hii pile number 1! all good? a moment of stagnation will be transformed. We see here movement in some area that was previously at a standstill, for your good, for your prosperity in an area. other people can also benefit positively from your prosperity, it could be your family, your friends, your partner, your community; with community work or something like that. We see here a movement towards your own prosperity, to fill your own cup, but it also seems that what comes next will also be very beneficial to others. How intriguing, isn't it? It may be your joy that radiates, because you will return to movement in something that was previously in stagnation, which may even leave you in distress previously, or with internal conflict. This joy that you radiate will be good for you and others around you. Amazing! Another case too, this area that was at a standstill, could actually have something in common with serving others too, it could be about spiritual gifts, working in care, treating people with love and kindness, etc.
In short, something will change, a positive movement in something, a snap, an inspiration, a change perhaps in your well-being, in your energy, which will become more positive. Therefore, you will be able to move something in your situation, in your environment and/or in your life that will be very, very beneficial. both for yourself and for others. Congratulations on this great news, pile number 1! Take good care of yourself, stay hydrated, get a good sleep, ask for help if necessary and you feel like it. thank you! 🌷💌
Cards: I forgot to write them, I apologize my pile number 1.
pile 2 - woah! pile 2! you probably went through a tower moment, something changed internally and/or externally. We see here that it is a positive change. With the Lovers Card and the 7 of Cups, you will have many options that will sharpen your eyes! I think there are a lot of love opportunities here, perhaps you are or will be arousing interest in several people and soon you will be able to choose. 👀 hmm, interesting.
Cards: the tower, the lovers, 7 of cups.
Anything else? Furthermore, your ideas and mind will be sharper during this period. allowing you more clarity and good ideas, good projects and also providing you with willpower, inner inspiration. Cards: page of wands, king of cups.
Advice: 10 of pentacles, wheel of fortune. truly accept past events in your life, past cycles. With the work of acceptance, your personal prosperity will flourish greatly. So, accepting and letting go really isn't easy, it can take time, practice - but it's something that can be learned, isn't it? Don't give up, good luck on your healing journey. Seek help and inspiration whenever you want. thank you! take care of yourself, pile number twoo. ❤🌷
pile 3 - the sun! oh, finally. some weight will be left behind, recentness, hurt, something you've been waiting a long time to release. It's as if things finally fall into place with ease and a weight is lifted from your shoulders.
In the past, you may have had to choose between two things, with the two of pentacles. Your intuition guided you a lot on this path. I wanted to talk more about the positive things, but I was called to attention. Maybe it would be good for you to reflect on something, write about your feelings, your points that led you to the decision you are making/or made at that moment, if it's your case.
The oracle cards tell you:
love surrounds you. The Spirit is there for you.
There is also more advice from oracles, among them, avoid disorganization; If you feel that you are not capable of something or a mindset, improve yourself little by little and believe that part of you is already like that, the way you want to achieve it - and/or "fake it until you make it" kind of thinking if that is healthy for you and do you good in your situation.
Cheers, pile number 3! ☀☀☀ now is the time to feel loved, free, light and supported by the Universe. "Got your back!" ☀🌼🌱
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theladybrownstarot · 9 months
How will be 2024 for you ? 🍷📽
Pick a card reading ~
❥ Here's my masterlist for more !
❥Make sure you like/reblog/follow/Comment to get more pacs like these !
Pile 1. Pile 2. Pile 3.
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Pile 1.
❥🍷 Hi namaste pile 1 ♡ lets being with your reading~
This year will lead you to achieve more with passion and hard-work that you will be showing and doing for same for your goals and dreams . I can see you all rising in your field whether be education , career or home in any context . You going to be highly confident in your strategies and planning . I can see job promotion or achieving any significant authoritative position only after you will show your real self and will take control of your life in your hands .
If you people used to get confused and stucked with your things then you are not going to be anymore now in 2024 . You are really going to dead serious about your goals seeing this year as one last chance and for this you are gonna do everything like you are going to see the very intrinsic things that you struggle within and outside . You are becoming more observative rather than a chatter box . You are going to maintain very strict boundaries for yourself likely we say buildling discipline and silence and leaving your all old habits you had and destroying all the negative and toxic ties with the people .
Some of you could be tarot readers or fortune teller or psychic and if you aren't then you gonna be in the next year . You are literally going to listen your heart and will silence the chattering of your mind . It's a strong saying when you listen to your heart you will never fear anymore . Start listening to your internal self and you will find yourself connecting your original self strongly .
Pile 1 it's your time now ! Just rock with your heart and claim what was meant for you ~
Pile 1 just because you are passionate about it it doesn't mean that it will be effortless you gotta put everything .
Some of you might meet your soulmates or you gonna start to appreciate yourself more if you didn't used to also you gonna enjoy your life more with balancing your work Family life is gonna be good too .
Pile 2 .
❥🍷 Hi namaste pile 2 ♡ lets being with your reading~
This year is gonna end an cycle and will begin the new one . You are going to have some strong transformations overall like from your appearance to mindset to personality to lifestyle like everything . You are overcoming your fears and insecurity . This change is not going to visible to others till you do something that makes them aware like oh is she\he we thought was ?!
You are going to be feel loved and cared about . You are going to meet certain people who are going to give you some valuable lessons. There is someone who secretly loves you and will approach you soon . You are going to show yourself with the kindness and compassion that was never shown to you before . You are going to do alot of good karmas by helping people but don't become so giving too .
Some people might be pregnant and don't worry healthy delivery is to be assured and good sex life too . Overall the year is gonna be very calming and down to earth . For some abundance in terms of money and looks is coming too . You may get more flowers or things to enrich your environment with positivity .
Some of you might get married this year soon like maybe in April or somewhere months around otherwise marriage is on the card so a healthy baby or pregnancy is to be assured . The left projects will give you success too .
The luck is on your side and if you had some certain issues with the people then go again and have a conversation because you may know more and will be able to stop this disturbance now .
Pile 3 .
❥🍷 Hi namaste pile 3 ♡ lets being with your reading~
You may meet your soulmate or you may connect with some old friends of yours in 2024 . I can see you having some good options in terms of career or love . I don't know but you are going to forgive some certain people who hurted you in anyway .
Man literally you are going to show tough love for your goals and you are becoming more analytical and practical with all things . I see literally a wash out of certain things maybe people you are having or maybe you wanna change your environment or companions so you may become particular with it but at same time you are going to maybe study some thing different than usual or may research on things more as a hobby and find something different .
If you used to be judgemental than you aren't going to in fact you will be accepting your flaws and of others too .
You are going to attract more opportunities in term of money or maybe you will change your job for something good . I see slow and steady progress in term of materials and physical needs .
If you wanna take some risk in you career than go for it and don't be afraid because you are going to blessed with best success possible just have faith your dreams and baby steps not fast please for this you need to meditate and contemplate about things too .
Something drastic change for your life is coming from universe so you are begin advised to surrender your life to divine an just do what you have too .
❥ Here the reading ends! Do tell me by comments that how was the reading and did it resonated with you ?
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I finally manifested my dream life: this ask is sent June 1st 2023
This ask wont be long bc I’m ready to experience my dream life 😊but I was the anon who entered the void pretty much everyday but was scared of the void and change. I also felt bad that not everyone knew about the law and it wasn’t fair. I sent a bunch of bloggers asks about overcoming that, but you and @fleurlx gave me the best answer and eased my worries.
I used the yoga nidra mediation and practiced with they bc with my religious and ethnic background (Indian) it was something I used on a weekly basis anyways.
I manifested my entire notes list which I will dot down here 👇
🧿being the beauty standard for Indian people (ex’s great yes we are all beautiful of course
🧿wealth for my family and myself,(we are hectamillionaires) my df and body, desires aura personality vibes and more, dream life in every aspect like my favorite shows and movies, lucky girl syndrome in every part of my life, everyone worshiping me and the ground I walk on, dream sp with a family who loves
🧿open minded family who encourages and loves my spiritual practices and engage with them as well. This one is super dope bc even though we’re still Hindu, we all manifest and know we’re God. Just like the ants on the floor, they are God and loved too. With this we manifest for each other which is fun! My older sister manifested a fairy friend, and I manifested being able to talk and understand trees and plants. Yes they speak and have life too. What makes us more superior or alive than them
🧿quantum immortality and being a master of all spiritual and Neville related practices. I want to elevate myself with all my lives, in my next ones in the next cycle of my life, whether I’m this vessel or not.
🧿being able to see my spirit guide when I call to it. Mine is a PegasusX tree X human hybrid, and it’s always protecting me l, warning me, educating me of all.
🧿telekinesis 3) and more I won’t talk about bc not everything needs to be said out loud. Good luck everyone and we all have access to this wonderful power, our birth right to be precise
I’m so proud of your shared experiences and unlimited beliefs. Actually when I would first imagine my spirit guide I would always get an image of a Pegasus and I’ve found that a lot of people have the shared mental belief which is very connecting and dope. I’m also really glad for your family manifestations ! You deserve to explore your spiritual happily and safely while being encouraged!!!
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mysteria157 · 8 months
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Chapter 1
Word Count: ~ 2.3k
CW: Mentions of pregnancy, profanity
Summary: Your life comes to a startling halt when you realize the abrasive and dismissive man you shared a passionate but drunken night with is now the father of your child.
Notes: Hello! First chapter for you all. Let me know in the comments, chat or messages on what you think. A like or reblog is great too if that’s what you want. <3 I hope you enjoy reading!
Divider: @cafekitsune
Ao3 | Next Chapter
It Had To Be You Masterlist
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You had taken every precaution and painstakingly logged your cycle every single day. An IUD, sex during a low fertile week, and a condom to seal the deal.
And yet.
After five tests with the same result, you held onto the denial for as long as you could. The phone call from the gynecologist to confirm that yes you are pregnant, was enough to seal the earth shattering deal.
This had to be a mistake. Even with your occasional trysts and short lived relationships, you didn’t have one slip up or scare. But a drunken night five weeks ago so blurry that you could barely remember seemed to have been the final straw in your streak of good luck.
The steering wheel suddenly felt incredibly hot as you gripped the leather tighter. You pressed your forehead to wheel, squeezing your eyes tight and forcing a slow breath from your lungs. The morning sun beaming into the car window was too bright, the air conditioning blowing through the vents too cold against your skin, your thoughts too incessant, too anxious, too loud.
 It wasn’t that you were against having children. At twenty-nine years old, you were coasting steady in life. Magna Cum Laude in marketing from one of the best universities in Sendai, an internship that blossomed into a full-time job, and after years of overtime and grasping every opportunity you could, you’re now a Marketing Specialist of one of the best firms in the city. You had a sizeable income from years of working hard and saving, a small but cozy house that you fixed yourself, and the freedom to actually do the things you wanted.
But this was a big step. A step that you wanted to follow a certain way if you could help it. A serious relationship, marriage, and maybe a kid or two.
Now? When you were this close to a promotion, when your mother was finally showing a modicum of pride in you, and you had your vacation planned?
It was too much, everything was too much, too intense, too fucking loud.
The sharp vibration of your cellphone the cup holder jolted you from your thoughts and back into cold, hard reality. Work. You can deal with this later.
Omelia: I got the latte you wanted and its sitting neglected on your desk. Where are you.
You're being dramatic.
Omelia: I wont be dramatic when I say no the next time you ask me for coffee.
I just parked. I’ll be right up. Keep calm until I get there.
Omelia: 🙄 
You shook out another breath, pushing away from the steering wheel and smoothing a hand down your white button up blouse.
“You can do this. It’s going to be just fine.”
By the time the elevator dinged on the thirtieth floor of the skyrise building in the middle of downtown Sendai, your nerves weren’t as frayed. The anxiety still buzzed against your skin as you walked past various cubicles, smiling kindly to your coworkers before hitting the stretch of office doors that led to your own. There were days when you wished you were in a cubicle again. It was easier to meet others and socialize, forming a small family of the same people year after year. But the more you volunteered to stay after hours to assist for projects and the more your boss recommended you for opportunities you had only dreamed of, the less you saw your coworkers. But you tried to stay engage as much as you could, eating lunch with them, going out for dinner and drinks.
But you guess that would have to change soon.
“I used my rage to reheat it for you.”
Omelia’s low and raspy voice was a welcome distraction to the current thoughts in your head as you closed the office door behind you. Perched in an office chair across from your desk, the usual silver-eyed glower from your best friend stared holes into your skin. Even petite in nature, she was the most intimidating but also the most beautiful person you had ever met. You couldn’t be envious of her. Since meeting her in second grade, she was often chased by boys. When they pulled her thick kinky hair as a means of flirting, she responded with a punch to the gut that always ended her in the office and her mother’s usual response was to take her out for ice cream instead because she shouldn’t be punished for stopping boys using violence as a means to show affection. But as you both got older, her violence morphed into carefully calculated sarcasm capable of cutting anyone down before they could do the same to her. But you were never afraid of her mean words, because when you’re the only two black females in your second grade class, you naturally gravitated to each other. And being able to gauge her emotions behind her words always helped you understand her more.
You reached for the cup and hesitated, the anxious thoughts of the effects of caffeine and fetal development flashing through your mind before you ultimately gave up.
Her eyes narrowed, silver orbs laser focused and analyzing body language as you sipped the latte, the usual caramel flavor hitting your tongue.
“Ah yes, I can still feel the rage. Thank you.”
“It’s rare when you’re late and you usually text me if you’re gonna be.”
You shrug, setting your Michael Khors purse on your desk before sagging into the ergonomic chair.
“Forgive me for my transgressions.” She rolled her eyes at your attempt of a joke, crossing elegant skirt clad legs before sighing slowly. “I know you hate mornings Ome, but this level of disappointment is rarely directed at me. What’s wrong?”
She didn’t speak for a moment, opening her mouth and closing repeatedly, full lipgloss covered lips puckering to form words before she shook out another disappointed sigh.
“I’m sorry. Just boyfriend troubles and I’m taking it out on everyone I see. I’m so close to just dumping the fucker.”
“Then do it?”
It was no lie that Ome had more than had it with her three year on again-off again relationship. Years of short lived jobs, lack of interest in her or her family, and the latest cheating stint, she was ready to call it quits. But why she hasn’t, you’ll never know.
Maybe she doesn’t want to be alone. Having stone walls around you for most of your life will do that you imagine.
You hesitated again before taking another sip.
How much caffeine is too much? 50 mg? 200?? Your stomach lurched painfully, the sharp pang of nausea making your mouth water. You’ve been drinking three cups of coffee every day for the past five weeks.
Oh God.
“Y/n.” Ome’s voice rang in you ear, cutting through the loud echo of thoughts. Her gaze was less harsh this time, concern softening her ethereal features. “You good?”
You smiled at her, pushing the coffee away.
“I’m good.”
It turns out that you in fact were not good. Because every little thing seemed to send your mind into a frenzy. You spaced out at every meeting as you thought about just all you needed to prepare for.
College fund. Daycare. Medical care. Baby clothes. Furniture (baby furniture?). Telling your fucking mother.
You couldn’t eat your salad because you were curled over your phone instead, googling every ingredient to make sure nothing was toxic.
You couldn’t look your coworkers in the eye because you could feel the waves of irrationality in your mind as you imagined their disgusted filled stares as they looked at your stomach.
No matter where you went or what you did, everything seemed to set your mind off.
How much do babies even cost?
The thought made you groan softly, your stomach taking what felt like the millionth backflip of the day.
“Are you alright?”
You blinked, face heating instantly in embarrassment as you looked up at your boss. Jin Itadori’s glasses sat perched on his nose as he looked at you curiously, dark brown eyes soft but filled with concern.
“I-I’m. Yes, I’m alright. Sorry it’s been a weird day. I meant no disrespect, Itadori-san.”
He chuckled in reply, hands folding on his desk as he smiled softly at you. Jin was probably the nicest boss ever. He was always soft smiles, an even softer voice, and a demeanor that made others relax instead of stiffening in his presence. But despite his demeanor, he had revamped the entire marketing department fresh out of college, brought in triple the revenue the company had ever seen, and usurped the previous boss’ position in less than three years to become Director of Marketing Operations for the Sendai branch. He was serious about his work and refused to let anyone walk over him or his colleagues. And he was one of the few people who didn’t judge you by how you looked and instead admired your work ethic, your personality, and your goals.
So to zone out in the middle of a one on one with him was completely out of character.
“You’re not disrespecting me. You’re always so formal, please relax. I can tell you have a lot on your mind. Do you need to take a few days off?”
You shook your head. “No sir. Or at least I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know.”
He pursed his lips before looking down at his planner. “Well, what I was saying is that our latest project will be our heaviest yet. It’s going to take a lot of work, a lot of attention to detail and therefore collaboration with others outside of our company. The branch in Tokyo that held the annual summit a few weeks ago has reached out and would like to be included.”
Ice cold water felt like it had been doused down your back, your nerves jolting in shock. Of all the branches, why Tokyo? Niigata’s branch was good. Albeit, not as big and popular and well known as Tokyo, but still good.
“We’ve projected about a year from start to finish. I wanted to visit Tokyo next week to begin initial talks, create a plan, statements of work, you know the whole spiel. I want you there.”
The anxiety washed away for just a second, your heart pumping at yet another opportunity to get your foot in the door.
“Of course. I would be honored to be apart of this sir.”
“Yaga was especially impressed with your work ethic last month and insists on your presence.” He smiled again at you, his kindness radiating off his skin and made your shoulders relax slightly. “You’re a great person on this team and I wouldn’t have anyone else. I’ll have details to you by end of day.”
Your happiness had slowly melted away by the time you made if back to your office and sagged into your chair.
It was a great opportunity. The assistant to the leader of a large multiple branch project? The best thing to come into your lap in a while.
You’ve worked so hard for this. Another step closer.
But the fear of your future, the anxiety of something you had no contingency plan for, the frustration and sadness of having to do this alone was just too palpable to ignore.
Meetings that you would have to reschedule because of OB appointments. Money that you would have to rearrange to plan for a life you didn’t intend to nourish this soon. Disappointment that you would have to swallow from Jin when you told him that you would have to take maternity leave and someone else would have to fill your place.
It was too much. You’re not ready. You’re not fucking ready.
The door to your office opened before you could have another thought.
“Oh my god, if he texts me again I’m going to fucking scream y/n—” Ome paused, her hand on the doorknob as she looked at you softly. “Why are you crying?”
You reached for your face quickly, fingers touching the wetness on your cheeks before you pulled them away to look at the tears on your fingertips. Ome closed the door softly and walked to you, her hand resting on the side of your neck.
“Tell me.”
You should have said something as soon as you walked in the office this morning. You could never go long without telling her your thoughts. But from the moment you hung up the phone with the gynecologist in your car until right now, you’ve been on auto pilot. So much turbulence, but on auto-pilot all the same.
Your vision blurred as you looked up at her, her face distorted through your tears.
“I’m pregnant.”
Finally saying it out loud seemed to be the final nail in the coffin as you hiccupped harshly and broke down in front of her. She knelt down immediately, pulling you into her embrace and pressing your face into her blouse as you sobbed loudly into the soft fabric.
Accidents happen and you can never truly be prepared for a pregnancy. You wouldn’t get rid of it. While you weren’t against that choice, the thought of doing so only made you feel worse. But you thought you would at least be with someone when the surprise came.
But that one drunken night five weeks ago changed everything. His glares during a night out with coworkers were dulled by the many shots of sake you took and started the course of a path you didn’t even want to imagine him being the catalyst of.
Because the first day you met him, he was quick to judge and cut you down with words that made you swear you would never foster a stupid work crush again.
Of all the men it could have been.
It had to be Nanami fucking Kento.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hi Petri <3, I have a request for a Minho x fem!reader where they're still in the glade. It's the middle of the night and everyone's sleeping, Minho and reader are together on his tent (because here they're already dating), she hears a little cry so she goes outside to see what's happening and find Chuck sitting on the ground and crying next to a tree, he's sad cause he thinks he's not good at anything and is just bothering and annoying everyone around, so she talks to him and explains that he's new and its normal to not know what to do or how to help properly, she tells a story about when she wanted to be a runner just to impress someone and prove her worth, even though she was really bad at it, and how she discovered that actually she was really good at something else, gardening. They have one beautiful conversation and hug it out, after that she put him back to sleep and goes back to the tent, just to be surprised by Minho who was awake and heard the whole conversation and begins to tease her about the little crush she had on him, the ending can have a bit of spice if your comfortable with that.
That was it, love you :)
This is an adorable idea and I have been itching to get around to it.
Your ideas are always so good, man. I'm always honoured to write your work.
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SUMMARY: See above. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas, but not by much. Established relationship.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, spice, Chuck being sad, you getting bullied by your boyfriend.
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You've been dating Minho for a while now.
And you couldn't be happier.
You love him. He's your favourite person in the Glade by far, for multiple reasons. Being the only girl is no easy feat, but Minho was always respectful and any flirting was always jovial and friendly.
Unlike some other people.
He always defended you and was sure you were always comfortable, and if he came back from his job and found out someone had upset you - well, good luck to them.
In your eyes, Minho is the perfect man, even if he is a bit too cocky.
And is never fucking there.
The most contentious point in your relationship is definitely Minho's line of work. He's always busy out in the Maze, and whilst a lot of the other Runners work on a cycle so they're not bleeding themselves dry - Minho doesn't get that luxury. Day in, day out, Minho goes out into that Maze. He's Keeper, so he has to.
Which sucks for you because that means the only time you get to see your boyfriend is in the evenings. When he's exhausted. Well, Minho is a stronger man than you, for sure. You doubt you'd have any stamina if you had to do what he does every day. And he still manages to come back to the Glade and not pass out.
So, that's something, at least.
Though, this means the most time you spend with him is at night.
No - not like that.
At least not most of the time.
The man is tired, okay?
The Builders made you a hut the first week you arrived by Alby's orders. Mainly for privacy reasons, but also Gally thought it might get him on your good side.
Gally wasn't very happy when Minho started sleeping in your hut.
So, whilst Minho sleeps through the night, you often spend some time watching him.
Sometimes, it scares you how much you care about him. Especially since he risks his life literally every day.
Every night, you admire him and appreciate that he's still here and that he's asleep; safe and sound - next to you.
Your fingers trace the scars littering his bare back as he faces away from you, the blanket loosely covering his lower half. You and Minho are comfortable enough around each other that you normally just sleep in your underwear.
His soft breaths reminding you how lucky you are to have him, you lay on your back.
You should probably get some sleep, too. Zart will have you doing heavy lifting in the morning, no doubt.
You sigh. Going to grab the blanket, you freeze when you hear what sounds like someone sobbing, and then trying to stop themself. You sit up straight, listening for the sound again.
And after a couple of seconds, it returns.
You swing your legs over the side of your creaky, makeshift bed, grabbing Minho's trademark blue button-up and slipping it on.
Being careful not to wake your boyfriend, you open the door and peer out. It's hard to make out since the Glade is quiet and dim at this hour.
But, with your hut being pretty close to the Deadheads, it doesn't take you long to spot Chuck, sitting in front of a tree. His knees are pulled up to his chest and his face buried in his knees.
Chuck is the latest Greenie - and the youngest Glader here. He's about twelve, definitely no older than thirteen.
You walk the couple of yards away from your hut to the crying boy.
"Chuck?" You ask after a second, standing in front of him. "Are you okay?"
He sniffs, not even bothering to look up from his self-cradling. "Go away."
You sigh.
Looking back at your hut, you almost want to go back and cherish your precious time with your boyfriend. But you can't leave Chuck crying here - you promised you'd look after him when he first got here.
You take a seat in front of him, crossing your legs and adjusting Minho's shirt to make sure it keeps you decent.
"Chuck," you say, your voice low and reassuring, "what's going on? It's me; you know you can talk to me."
He peaks up at you, thinking for a second before shaking his head and returning to his hiding.
"Chuck-" you huff, "I'm not leaving you here."
"I'm not gonna tell you."
"Guess I'm staying here all night then, hm?"
Chuck glares at you, his eyes appearing above his knees, and you grin at him. He rolls his eyes, but moves his legs so he's sitting how you are. Legs crossed, sitting opposite each other, you raise your eyebrows, promoting him to speak.
"It's just... ugh, it's dumb," he rubs his face with his hands, trying to hide any remaining tears.
"I'm sure it's not - if it's upsetting you this much, then that means it's important to you. Come on, what's wrong?"
He hesitates. "I'm just... I'm just sick of being useless."
You furrow your brows. Chuck's been here for two weeks; he can't be sick of anything yet.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm- I'm just bad at everything. And no one likes me. I just piss everyone off and get in the way and everything thinks I'm useless - and what's the point? Why is everyone else so good at it all and I... suck."
"Hey," you shuffle forward, reaching for his hand. "You're not useless at all, Chuck." You rub his hand, offering some comfort. "You're just new, dude. Everyone feels useless and annoying when they're new because you don't know anything yet. We were all the same - we've all gone through the same klunk."
"Yeah, right," he scoffs, clearly not believing you.
You think for a second, recalling your own first couple of months here and smiling to yourself. You let go of Chuck and let your hand fall into your lap.
"It's the truth."
"Uh huh."
"You don't believe me?"
He shakes his head.
"Alright, you wanna hear a story? Something I've never told anyone?" This gets his attention. You smirk. "It's embarrassing."
"Yeah, okay." He crosses his arms. "This better be good."
"Well, did Newt ever tell you that I wanted to be a Runner?"
Chuck tilts his head, his mood already lifting. "No? You wanted to be a Runner?"
"Mhm," you nod, chuckling to yourself. "My first few weeks here, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I tried everything and nothing really fit - and then I suddenly decided I wanted to be a Runner."
"So? What's embarrassing about that?"
"Well, I'm not sure if you've noticed Chuckie-boy; but I am no Runner."
"So, what happened?"
"Well, I uh," you scratch the back of your neck, "I actually wanted to become a Runner because I... well, because I had a crush."
Chuck blinks, and you look away, sheepishly. You've never actually told anyone how long you've had a thing for Minho - but it started way before you started dating, and probably way before he had a thing for you.
"Shuck off," Chuck snorts, "you wanted to be a Runner 'cause you wanted to screw Minho?"
"Ew - don't say it like that!" You warn him, but he simply raises his eyebrows, giving you a knowing look. "Well, yeah - but that's not the point."
You clear your throat before continuing. "Anyway, I didn't really have any other motivation to do a job. So, being a Runner seemed like a good bet. I convinced Alby to get Minho to trail me - and I was shit." You snort, mainly out of embarrassment. "All I did was embarrass myself in front of the hottest guy I'd ever seen. I'm not fast, and I have a klunky memory and no sense of direction. So, I made a complete fool of myself."
"How is this meant to make me feel better?"
"I'm getting there," you snap. "After that, Newt got me a second trail in the Gardens - and because I wasn't so hell bent on being a Runner anymore and accepted that was dumb, I actually tried and ended up being good at it. And now I'm a Track-hoe - and it's great."
"So, you've got a decent job? Congrats." The boy flops backwards, sarcasm lacing his voice.
"Jesus- Chuck," you try to level with him. "It all takes time. It took me months to even trial as a Runner; never mind, shuck it up. You can't expect to be brilliant straight away. It takes a lot of effort and patience, and you've only been here two weeks. And sometimes things don't go how you expect them to, but that's fine. You'll be fine. You're gonna find your place and settle in - you just have to be patient." You pause. "And shuck what everyone else has to say; I know you're capable, and so do you. That's all that matters."
He smiles at you, nodding. "Yeah, okay, you're probably right. I'll be fine."
"Yeah, you will," you shift so you're on your knees, "now, gimme a hug and shuck off to bed, Chuckles."
Chuck sniffs, but grins at you, leaning forward and hugging you. He buries his face in your neck. "You're okay, yeah?" You ask as you rub his back and he nods.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he pulls away, "thanks, (Y/N)."
"Don't worry about it, kid, now - scram. Bed time." You stand up, offering a hand to him and yanking him to his feet before playfully pushing him away.
He laughs when you push him again. "Okay, okay, I'm shuckin' goin'."
You stand there for a moment, watching Chuck vanish off into the Glade and to his hammock. Shaking your head, you scoff, turning around and returning to your hut.
Though, when you open the door, you did not expect to find Minho sitting up straight. His legs hang over the bed, the blankets bundled around his crotch, a grin plastered across his face.
You freeze.
He's meant to be asleep.
"You should wear my shirt more often," he hums, "it suits you."
"Shut up, shank," you roll your eyes, shutting the door behind you.
"Hey, that's no way to talk to your long-term crush, is it?" You pause again.
Oh God.
He's never going to let you live this down.
"You're eavesdropping on my conversations now?" You cross your arms defensively, trying to ignore the heat coming to your face.
"Kinda hard not to when you talk so loud. Ain't my fault the walls are thin," he leans forward, tilting his head slightly and a faint smirk playing on his lips.
He's hard to resist.
"So, how long were you crushing on me for, exactly? 'Cause I don't think we've had that conversation." He's enjoying this new power. You are not.
You sigh, walking towards him and standing in front of him. You touch his hands, which he gladly reciprocates. You look at the floor and his looks at you.
"You're cute when you're flustered."
"Shut up, Minho," you hiss, making him let out a chuckle.
"You became a Runner because you wanted my attention?"
You look at him, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. "Yeah," you say reluctantly.
"How much?"
"How much did you want my attention?"
"Minho, seriously-?"
"And for how long?"
You throw your head back, groaning. "Minho-"
"No, no," he cuts you off, "I wanna hear it."
You hate it when he's like this. Well, no, you don't - but you do. He knows exactly how to get you to talk and how to turn you into putty at his touch.
You huff, dropping your head again. "I... I always wanted your attention." You murmur, the words being barely audible.
"What was that?"
"I always wanted your attention," your eyes meet his as you raise your voice. "From the first time I saw you jogging back into the Glade, gross and sweaty." You fiddle with his fingers, avoiding his gaze once again. "I was never attracted to anyone else." You press your lips together. "I was immediately attracted to you - there."
Your face burns, and your hands are sweaty. It's not like you can't tell Minho everything - it's just that this is going to be a teasing point for the rest of your life, and Minho doesn't need the ego boost.
"Is that so?" His voice is heavy and silky as his hands come to your waist. He slips them under your (his) shirt, resting them on the skin just above your underwear. He draws small circles into your hips.
You look at him, already getting drunk off of his touch. "You gonna show me how much you want me, then?" He mutters, leaning up.
Caving in, you press your lips against his, allowing him to guide you with his hands. He frees one hand and tosses the blankets to the side, leading you to sit on his lap. Your hands come to the back of his neck, brushing against his hair and deepening the kiss.
The thin amount of fabric between your bodies and the energy in the room is enough to get friction going. You hum into his mouth, grinding against him as you feel him harden against you.
Your hands go to the bottom of the shirt, about to lift it over your head when Minho stops you.
You pull away, puzzled and he grins. "Keep it on, it suits you, remember?"
You roll your eyes, kissing him again, your hands coming down his back, digging your nails in as you roll your hips.
"Shit," he mumbles pulling away for a moment, panting into your mouth. He takes your bottom lip between his teeth, pulling gently. "I shucking love you, you know that?"
"I love you, too." You look at him for a second before shoving him back.
"Shuck!" He exclaims just before you kiss him again, you lips trailing down his jaw and littering his neck. You leave deep purple marks on his chest, making the boy hiss and pull on your hair.
You keep going further down, peppering his abs with your affection as Minho's eyes roll back into his head.
"Shit," he repeats, his forearm coming to cover his eyes as his brain completely short-circuits. "What are you doing to me?"
His skin is flushed, his chest rises and falls, his hair is a mess, and you don't have to see his face to know his pupils are blown wide.
Sure, Minho holds a lot of power over you, but it goes both ways. You're the only person that gets to see him like this; dishevelled, whimpering, needy - weak.
You fiddle with the waistband of his boxers, feeling his grip tighten.
You look up at him, admiring him once again before you speak.
"I'm showing you how much I want you."
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Whoop whoop, another Minho piece done.
The Glade pieces are so fun to write, and it's not very often I get to involve Chuck, so this was a nice change.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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zouofzouey · 2 years
Sick of Being Sick | MHA & JJK
Hey, I'm sick right now. Share in my misery, will ya?
Series; MHA and JJK
Characters; Bakubabe, Todobroki, Kiri luvs us all, Shinshino (Shinso), JenniferLawrenceLover666 (AKA Itadori), GoGoGojo, Megumi my love... and I think that's it.
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This man makes you soup. Which, I know soup sounds boring but like, this is some serious gourmet shit
He'd be the type to say stuff like: You got this sick cause of your own stupid actions dipwad...
But then turnaround and tuck you all nice into bed with a story (maybe not that last part but whatever)
He's also the type to stay 10 feet away from you
I mean, keep your germs to yourself ya nasty
No cuddles or kisses or anything that has to do with being in close proximity
Good luck getting even a fist bump (Not that he would normally do that but you know whatever)
He'll give you your meds and your DayQuil or NightQuil but he's gonna be wearin a mask I swear
10/10 on taking care of you
0/10 for smooches :'(
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Being taken care of by this man is pretty sweet
He loves you with all his heart and is willing to run miles just to make you feel better
But honestly, he might mess up here or there
Like he wouldn't heat the soup up properly (Unless you like cold soup)
If you have hot or cold flashes, boom, the instant temperature regulator 3000
Even if it got him sick, he would give you your soft forehead kisses or late-night cuddles
Would 100% get sick right after you get better
Hopefully, this isn't a cycle...
8/10 on taking care of you
10/10 for love <3
Kirishima Eijiro
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Kiri my man my dude my legend mi compadre don muchacho is very good at taking care of you
I mean, c'mon, Kirishima is a lovely manly man who wants nothing more than his partner to be happy and healthy
Moreso, he gonna take care of you like his life depends on it, which is true, your life is his life... or some weird couple saying that I wouldn't know about because I'm single
This man gonna cuddle your sickness away
You're gonna be in a headlock from the next week so get comfortable sweetie
He's going to get all the pillows and blankets he can find to fit on your bed ASAP
Snuggle party y'all
He would absolutely go to the drugstore at 5 in the morning just to get you your DayQuil
An honorable man who is willing to do anything for the love of his life
10/10 on taking care of you
10/10 for smooche smooches and love
Shinso Hitoshi
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Shinso's pretty lazy, not gonna lie
He loves ya, but your medicine is on the other side of the couch, so he just- can't- reach-
You'll be lucky if he'll even make you some decent food
It's probably going to be just microwave dinners :/
Okay, let's be real, Shinso is gonna have you sleeping even before he does
Like I said, he loves you and will show it in his strange Shinso ways
You're getting some good sleep
How does he do it? He has his Shinso magic that can only be used on rare occasions. The magic of ✨prescription drugs✨
Yeah, that'll have you knocked out for sure
What drug you may ask?
Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to
2/10 taking care
5/10 smoochy
Itadori Yuji
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Does he know what he's doing?
Haha, no
But is he trying?
With all his heart <3
He's not great at cooking or finding the right medicines but you know what? A for effort? No, A is for ass. Don't ask questions
Yuji will want to cuddle the last bit of sickness out of you
But he'll come to snuggle up to you when he gets sick and be just like; "You have to take care of me now 👉👈"
He might be a wee bit annoying when it comes to letting you do ANYTHING by yourself, I mean, he's gonna make you stay in bed while he makes you some mediocre soup
Don't get too angry with him though, he just wants to take care of the love of his life
Which is you, not Jennifer Lawrence
6/10 on taking care of you
12/10 on luvs
Gojo Satoru
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Do you think this man's going to stop working? Stop teaching his beloved students? Stay in your house that reeks of sickness? Do all the cooking and cleaning for you while you're stuck on the couch watching his favorite TV show without him?
Maybe not that last part, but he'll mostly do what's said above
Gojo is likely to do nothing with you while you're ill
Just watchin' some sort of stupid romcom you found for free on a random website that may just be a tiny bit sketchy
He's not much of the "taking care of" type. More so, the "I'm going to cuddle the life out of you" type
I mean, you can't be sick if you're dead
He loves you. But your germs be nasty
I imagine he never gets sick, so when he's around someone who is sick, he avoids them like the plague
It just so happens to be that the one who's sick is his s/o
2/10 on taking care of you
7/10 for loving
Fushiguro Megumi
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Megumi is also the type to never get sick
He probably won't treat you like you're gonna kill him every time you cough
Unlike someone, we all know and sometimes love
He's pretty damn good at taking care of you
He makes sure you don't overexert yourself
Gumi gets you food that won't make you feel even worse
He gives the gracious gift of water every hour (or any time you finish your current glass)
Warm blankets straight from the dryer, perfectly fluffed pillows, he's got it all ready
Megumi can't cook that well, but he tries because he loves you <3
He'd also get up in the middle of the night if you run out of medicine
24/7 drug stores exist for a reason
9/10 on taking care of you
10/10 for caring
This was originally going to be a serious headcanon thing, but it later turned into satire and sass. Just like my 10th-grade assignment about Emerson. Good times, good times.
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
starscream x shockwave
I'm imagining this as TFP Shockstar, post war: the whole mess with the predacons and Megatron abandoning them, he does the most logical thing to guarantee their survival: bends Starscream over the nearest flat surface and frags him so full of transfluid there's no way he's not sparked up. The autobots won't execute or even imprison them if they're expectant parents: sparklings without healthy parents don't grow up well, and with any luck the baby will come out with their sire's original alt mode. Shockwave may be a warframe now but his CNA is completely civilian. If their baby is going to have a good life, they'll need to get lucky and inherit his alt.
Starscream knows it's the most accessible failsafe they have: not even Arcee would lay a finger on him so long as he has an innocent newspark nestled close to him . Theyll have access to energon and shelter and the autobots won't be able to protest because they're prioritizing rebuilding the population over everything else. They're an endangered species, after all.
But despite all that, Starscream bitches constantly. He's got monstrous cravings and his fuel tank is a bottomless pit: it's pretty obvious he's eating for more than just two. In true seeker fashion he's got multiple infant sparks orbiting his, 4 of them: assumably 3 seekerlings and an extra civilian. He's sore everywhere, in his pedes and ankle joints, in his wings, even his wings are aching. He's always starving but the bitties pressing on his fuel tank means he throws up if he drinks too fast, for the entirety of the carrying cycle. It's really rough on him, honestly.
Shockwave, just by nature, isn't anywhere near as emotionally available as Starscream needs him to be. But he does his damn best to take good care of him: he may not be able to feel love and joy like he used to, but he has a sense of muted pride and appreciation. Starscream is preserving his future and giving him a legacy all at once. The intense demands on his body are clearly taking a great toll on him. So he tries to make it as comfortable as he can for him, the highest quality energon they can manage and even using his technological know-how to make some comfy fibers for a few wing cushions.
Starscream doesn't know how to show his appreciation because he has -5 points in his Emotional Intelligence stat, so he just grabs Shockwave and demands affection. Usually late at night, creeping into Shockwave's room. The two of them are living together in light of the sparklings, and as time goes on Starscream abandons his room entirely. Moves into Shockwave's space and always worms his way under his arm, demanding him to, "Hold me like I deserve! I'm carrying your spawn, the least you can do is rub my wings."
When the sparklings are born, Shockwave was right: three tiny, scrawny little Vosians with a single civilian ground frame. He struggles to hold them, only having one arm, but tries his best. Starscresm is preening like a peacock because look at how beautiful they are! The first new citizens of New Vos, brought into the world by their Crown Prince! Take that autobots! As soon as he's able to walk again he's strutting around with all 4 of them--even the grounder--and showing off so smugly to everyone. He doesn't trust the bots around them but wants them to know now he's truly invincible for the next several million years. They won't hurt a carrier with dependent children so political immunity, here he comes!
Eventually, I like to imagine that the shadowplay and empurata are reversed or at least treated, alleviating some of the symptoms and allowing for the regaining of further emotional range. When it happens, and Shockwave gets to hold his children for the first time? You'd be hard pressed to find a more radiant smile anywhere on Cybertron, and Starscream is honestly floored at how handsome he is. He's only ever known Shockwave post-empurats: he had no idea he had such a beautiful face! He'd of course seen pictures of Senator Shockwave, of course, but they never did him justice. Shockwave looks so bright and cheerful softly cooing at his babies, poking their cheeks and holding their little servos, bouncing them and making them giggle. Shockwave is too enamored with them to notice him staring, but afterwards when they climb into berth that night, Starscream suggests perhaps giving Shockwave some political immunity too 👀 besides, an aerie isn't an aerie without at least a few dozens sparklings running around, so shouldn't they get to work making more?
They take turns, going forward, on who carries: Shockwave second, Starscream third, Shockwave fourth, etcetera etcetera until they're satisfied 🤭 as it turns out, these two really, really like making and having sparklings, and are a better match than they ever thought possible.
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Everybody Wants You | 6
Everybody Wants You Masterlist
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“Good morning freaks! Who’s ready to play some ball?”
The team cheered as they made their way onto the field, Jake’s grin contagious as they drop their gear into the dugout.
“Hey! Where’s our Foxy Mamas?” Javy questions. “They have the balls.”
“Right here!” Locklyn shouts as she carries two buckets onto the field.
“You miss us that much Machado?” Nat laughs, tossing the glove she was carrying at him. “You forgot this.”
“I only ever miss you Trace.” Javy flirts causing his teammates to whistle.
“Javy’s got a thing for the team manager? Man you’re screwed!” Rueban laughs.
Javy rolls his eyes with a blush, shaking his head. “No, no I don’t.” He mumbles, quickly changing the subject.
“Aww Javy, did someone hurt your feelings?” Nat teases, wiggling her brows playfully. “I wouldn’t worry, I’d probably still want to fuck you, if you were willing.” She whispers with a wink.
Locklyn rolls her eyes, shaking her head at the two. “You guys are disgusting.”  She gags as the team jogs out to warm up on the grass.
“Please, we aren’t that bad.” Nat laughs.
“Until you tell everyone that you guys are together now, its that bad.” Locklyn laughs as she grabs one of the ball buckets.
“Hey, we’ve been dating for almost 3 months, we know how not to act weird.” Nat argues, frowning at her best friend. Nat jogs to catch up with Locklyn who is halfway across the field.
Locklyn just chuckles. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” She says softly, putting the bucket down on a bench next to her. “I don’t mean to tease you guys.”
“I know it's weird now that you and Jake are done but look on the brightside, we still rule the team.”
“Hell yeah we do!” Locklyn laughs, dropping the bucket onto the pitcher's mound.
“Machado, Fitch, Vikander, Lee, Seresin! You guys are batting first. Everyone else is in the field!” Nat shouts to the boys. “Garcia! You’re catcher!”
“Bradshaw!” Locklyn shouts, catching Bradley’s attention. He turns, smiling at her call. “Show off your pitches.”
“Yes ma’am.” Bradley grins, jogging up to her. She tosses a ball at him and laughs as he catches it.
“Don’t be a hot head.” She warns. “Javy and Jake are our best batters so they’ll talk some shit.”
“I can handle them.” Bradley smiles.
“I’m sure you can.” She smiles back. “Good luck.” He nods before running to the plate, crouching down and getting ready to throw.
As Bradley sends his first pitch towards Javy, the girls can hear Mickey call a strike.
“Come on, Machado!” Nat yells from the dugout. “Get that bat out of your ass and make it count!”
Bradley shakes his head as he winds up again, sending the ball straight for Mickey’s glove, this time Javy actually hits the ball, sending it flying toward second base, nearly hitting the baseman.
“Oh thank god!” Nate exclaims as they cycle through each player.
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It was hours later, and a round of freshman batting practice despite Locklyn and Nat’s protests, that they wrapped up practice. Locklyn was still cleaning up the dugout as the last of the boys left. She hummed softly as she picked up some of the trash left behind.
“Hey darling.”
Locklyn freezes in place at the voice. “What do you want, Jacob?”
“I just wanted to see how things were going. It’s been awhile since we’ve talked.” Jake explains, walking over to her.
“Its been 24 hours, Jake.” She frowns.
Jake takes a step closer, taking a hold of her wrist and squeezing gently. “And its been the worst 24 hours of my life, Locks.”
“Leave me alone.” She mutters, trying to pull her hand away.
“Why? Give me one good reason and I’ll walk away.” Jake says softly, moving closer to her. She takes a step back.
“I broke up with you.”
“Doesn’t change how I feel.”  Jake insists, his grip tightening slightly.
Locklyn huffs, looking away, tears forming in her eyes. Her heart aches, longing to be held by the man who loved her once. But she couldn’t, not anymore. “Cause if you don’t walk away now I won’t be able to stop myself.” She says, taking another step back, feeling the brick wall of the dugout at her back.
“Locks,” Jake sighs deeply, taking another step forward, his hands coming up to cup her cheeks. “If you want me to leave, then just say the word.”
Locklyn breathes deeply, willing the words to come out but they don’t, all she hears is herself muttering “Stay,” and Jake presses his lips firmly against hers. She responds immediately, kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Jake’s hands find their way under her shirt, caressing her waist. Their kiss deepens,  tongues meeting, hands pulling at hair and clothing alike.
When they finally break apart Locklyn tries desperately to breathe, her chest rising and falling heavily as she leans back against the wall, clutching tightly at the hem of Jake’s t-shirt.
“Locks.” Jake breathes, leaning forward for a quick peck on the cheek. “We should go home.”
She swallows thickly. “Do we really need to go?”
“What are you suggesting?” Locklyn doesn’t answer but presses her lips to his again. “Locks…”
“Stop talking, Jakey.” She whimpers, pulling him closer, wanting nothing more than to forget about everything for just a few minutes. “Just for tonight. Please.”
“I can’t promise anything.”
“Just for tonight.” She repeats quietly, letting out a soft moan as Jake begins nipping lightly at her neck. 
Jake pulls back slowly, his lips trailing feather-light kisses down her jaw and along her neck as he continues his action. His hands move from her waist to her back, holding her closer to his body
“Jacob.” She moans, biting her lip when he licks at the sensitive skin near her collarbone. He smirks against her neck, his teeth grazing her skin and making her shiver. “Please….”
He stops, looking down at her as she looks up at him, her brown eyes glinting with lust. “You know I can never resist you.” He whispers huskily. Locklyn lets out a shaky breath as he presses a small kiss to her forehead. “Tell me you want this too. Cause once we start, I may not be able to stop.” He admits, leaning down, pressing his lips against her own.
Locklyn melts into his touch. She closes her eyes, kissing him softly. “So much.” She whispers between their lips, pushing against him harder.
Jake groans at her words, tugging her as close as possible. His tongue slips inside, exploring her mouth. She feels him slip his hands underneath her shirt, sliding up under the cup of her bra, palming her breast.
Locklyn gasps, lifting her leg up around his waist and grinding against his semi hard erection. His thumb brushes over her nipple, rubbing it softly. The friction causes her to arch her back into his touch, moaning. Jake smirks against her lips as he pulls away slightly. “Are you sure you wanna do this, Locks?” he asks lowly, his smirk growing wider.
“Damn straight.” She growls, grabbing the front of his shirt in her fist. He smirks again before lowering his lips to hers, kissing her roughly as he tugged her shirt up. As soon as her top hits the ground he removes his hand, removing his tshirt and tossing it aside. Locklyn stares at his naked torso, taking him in completely. “God I missed you.” She gasps as Jake’s hands move down towards her leggings. She drops her leg enough for him to pull off both her leggings and panties.
She stands there, naked except for her sports bra, watching him. After removing them, he moves towards her slowly. He places a gentle hand on her hip, guiding her toward the bench, gently setting her down, spreading her thighs open with his hands. He runs his fingers through her folds causing her to whimper, squirming underneath him. He lowers himself so his knees his face even with her cunt as he gently slips a finger in. She grips the edge of the bench and bites her lip, eyes closing in pleasure.
“Look at me Locks.” She complies and his eyes search hers. “You look beautiful but I bet you still taste amazing.” He praises as he removes his finger only to replace it with his tongue licking from her hole to her clit. Locklyn clenches around nothing at the sensation, her other hand gripping the edge of the bench even tighter. Jake moans at the taste, swirling his tongue around her clit. He slowly slides two fingers in and out of her, adding a third after a few pumps. Locklyn arches her back, letting out a loud moan, nails digging into the wood. She starts to grind against his tongue thats now massaging her clit. “You’re so wet for me, Locks.” He murmurs, his hands sliding further into her pussy, giving her a better angle.
“Fuck, yes, fuck, yes. More, please Jake.” She whines.
He does as she says, thrusting his fingers in and out of her faster. Locklyn throws her head back, letting out a loud moan. “Shit, Jake, please. Don’t stop.” She pleads, her hips bucking against his hand, feeling like she could cum any moment.
Jake grins against her clit, continuing to suck on her and working his fingers in and out of her faster, feeling her walls tighten around him. Locklyn whimpers at the feeling, her orgasm getting closer. She feels his grin against her as he continues, pulling her release from her.
“Oh god!” She screams loudly, reaching her climax. Jake groans as he replaces his fingers with his tongue tasting every drop of her release. Locklyn pants heavily as he withdraws, pausing for a second before picking her up and pinning her against the wall with his body, trying to work his pants off as they kiss.
“Take me…please.” She begs and Jake smirks down at her before slowly entering her, burying himself inside her. She gasps as he slowly moves in and out. She links her ankles together on his back, her nails scratching his back as he thrusts faster, hitting the deepest parts of her soaked cunt.
Locklyn lets out a quiet moan, holding tighter to him. He moves faster, pounding into her, making her cry out in pleasure. They kiss fiercely, the sound of flesh slapping flesh mixing with muffled moans and cries of pleasure filling the air.
“Jake!” Locklyn moans.
“Fuck darling, I love how tight you are for me.” Jake groans, pumping hard. “God you feel amazing.” He adds, pulling out slowly before slamming back in hard. “Cum for me, darling.” He moans loudly, hitting her g spot again. Locklyn throws her head back, crying out loudly.
“JAKE!” She screams, feeling a hot burst fill her, filling her stomach, and exploding within her. She falls limp in Jake’s arms as her orgasm continues flowing, leaving her shaking from the intensity of it. Jake follows shortly after, resting an arm on the wall behind her to keep himself up as he releases inside of her. Locklyn wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders, burying her face in his neck .
“I love you.” Jake mumbles. Locklyn’s breath catches in her throat. The full realization of what just happened hitting her.
“I… I lo—“
“You don’t have to say it, Locks. Let me earn it back, please.” Jake says softly, pulling back to look in her eyes.
“Okay.” She nods, pulling him in for a quick kiss. “We should probably go before someone sees us.”
“Good idea.” Jake smiles, setting her down before gathering their discarded clothes.
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desswright29 · 3 months
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This is a draft of what would’ve been a Shuriri story.
Riri walked home from a late shift at her job. Her body was tired, drained, and weathered. Life was never supposed to be like this. This demanding and taxing. All of that work and nothing to show for it. Here she was a prodigy working for pennies at a fucking gas station in bumble fuck Kansas. She’d bumped shoulders with the likes of the Princess of Wakanda. Studied at M.I.T and created one of the worlds most significant inventions. The invention that ruined everyone’s life. 
Riri dropped her head. Trying to ignore the call, but footsteps approached fast, and as she tried to grab the door to the apartment building she was denied entry as a body slid infront of the door. 
“Mr. Pearson. I know-“
“ No. I know you and your mom better have my rent by the end of the week or your stuff is gonna be on the curb! I don’t want a conversation. I want my money. The two of you have run out of favors with me. Do you understand?”
Riri’s face bawled up angrily as she answered the old man. “Yea. Got it.” She pushed past him, sliding through the door and jogging up the stairs to apartment 3B; where she and her mother had resided for the past 3 years. 
Her mother sat on the couch and it appeared as though today their spirits were aligned. The air was thick with what felt like defeat.
“I don’t know what we’re gonna do, Ri.”  Riri’s mom, Ronnie, overwhelmed with the weight of this realization burst into tears. Riri stood helpless. She had nothing to give. No money. No comforting words. Nothing. She’d seen it all. All of the late nights with her mom falling asleep at the table. The silent weeping while she prayed over the bills. The times where even on her off days, that stubborn and inconsiderate boss of hers STILL managed to make her come in and work overtime with a pay rate that doesn’t even make ends meet in the slightest. 
Riri’s side hustle was  paying most of the bills, tutoring little rich kids in high end neighborhoods and fixing classics for their parents to leave in a garage untouched for another decade. She watched her mom dwindle into a former shell of herself, all because she was burned out. “Mama, this is bullshit!  It’s not fair we livin’ like this! You and pops always told me I’d be great! Do great things! Look where it got us! Look where we at ma!” 
“Baby this isn’t on you. You can’t bare this burden alone. We’re in this together. I’m getting ready to head out to work. I’ll talk to my boss and see if I can get an increase in pay.”
Riri rolled her eyes, throwing her hands up in exasperation. “Good fucking luck with that. We know how that shit is gonna play out.”
She couldn’t take it anymore, your mothers boss acted as if they had no employees other than her mom! Ronnie was over worked and grossly underpaid. It was ridiculous!  “Rianna… now you’re grown, but you’re not that grown! Watch your mouth! This job is what puts food on the ta-“Ronnie was startled by Riri clearing the room and her fist banging against the coffee table in frustration as she stood as tall as she could. “DOES IT?! MAMA DOES IT REALLY?! THIS STUPID ASS BOSS OF YOURS  OFFERED YOU A RAISE AND IT HASNT SEEN THE LIGHT OF DAY IN THREE YEARS!” Riri was right, and Ronnie knew it. 
She had to work somewhere though. She couldn’t just let the apartment go! She saw the moments that her boss took her for granted as opportunities to prove that she was more than capable of those raises that never came. Riri sighs, running her hand over her neatly braided hair. She silently evaluated her tone before speaking again. “They don’t care about you, mom! When dad died, they sent a fruit basket, with the schedule for the next week attached to it! You’re seriously gonna allow this?” It struck a nerve in Ronnie for Riri to spit that truth in her ego’s face like that. If she admitted that what she was saying was right, then that would mean admitting that she’s allowed herself to be in this stressful cycle for far too long. Could she handle telling herself that truth? “I’m going to work…” she said, pushing past Riri and slamming the door on the way out. Riri rolled her eyes, and flopped down on the couch in defeat. 
She drug herself to the bathroom. Preparing to take a shower before she slept preparing for her next shift.
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enchantedmirage · 4 months
New Living Conditions | Katsumi Story 2 (pt.2)
// previous //
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K: (At the end of the day, I ended staying here in Nagi-nii's room anyway.. if I remember, Yuuchan is also his roommate..) (This mirror..) (My hair's grown out a lot since that time huh..?")
K: Speak of the devil…
Y: I was wondering why the Vice Prez was telling me to go back into my room, I was wondering it could be some trap but~ it's just you, Katsumi-kun.
K: Was he trying to pass on a message?
Y: Correct! He said.. "meet me outside"~?
K: It's late now isn't it?
K: Mhm, late. Wait, Nagisa-nii hasn't told you about how I'm bunking here has he?
Y: Ehh~? I don't think Hakaze-senpai would agree to that.
K: Hakaze-san, huh? (glaring to the side) Perhaps it's better he doesn't sleep with me in the same room as him~
Y: Uwaa, how scary. Perhaps the Vice Prez' has rubbed off on you a tad bit much..
K: Choose your next words carefully, Yuuchan.
Y: Ahaha, I'd say it's like mother like daughter yknow?
K: Where did you hear that?
Y: I've been hearing some of his grievances towards your nicknames from Aniki.
K: He's overheard huh?
Y: Wooops, I think I let that one slip..
K: I don't mind, actually, join us.
K: It first started as a joke.. it came from a place of resentment considering the workload put on me in the beginning. .. Eh..? Yuuchan?
Y: Sorry, you just sounded familliar..
K: What do you mean..? You've heard it before?
Y: The part about it coming from a place of resentment, you're.. not too close to your parents are you?
K: What parents? I only know people who forced me into this world.
Y: As I thought.. It reminded of me, actually.
K: (Damn, do any of these idols have actual functional families?) Do you want to talk with me..? (tilts her head)
Y: I'd love to.. but well look at the time~! Maybe next time.. when I'm more ready.
K: Alright, I'll keep it in mind, but I'll always be ready to listen.
K: (I had to let Yuuchan send me out so that security didn't suspect me, I'm glad this is only for a few days.) (Hmm.. Saegusa-kun is waiting on the other side) K: ..yawn.. (His face brightened up when he saw me..)
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I: Good evening, Katsumi-shi! Did I just happen to wake you?
K: I am~ sleepy.
I: You're just in luck then, after pulling some strings, I managed to get you an apartment lease.
K: ..!? So soon?
I: You were rather perturbed at the thought of staying in either the dorms or a hotel, so I looked into some listings near ES for your convenience. Wait for me here, I'll go get the car.
--- later ---
I: Put on your seatbelt.
K: Ah right, sorry.. I keep forgetting.
I: So from where we left off—
K: …-immediately dozes off-
I: -contented sigh- Sleeping so soundly next to a viper like me, you really have no fear, do you?
I: You know, even I'm shocked at this feat of kindness.. All you've done is cause me headaches, and yet. The position for our manager had always been cycled through students from Reimei, a revolving door of new faces. His Highness and Excellency stopped remembering their names— I: Not that I minded, I saw it best to use a tool up to it's most efficient before discarding it away.. The look on their faces, perhaps they thought "is this going to be my life now?" pfft, how shallow. It's blameless, people chase their ideals for happiness. And yet you.. I: His Highness expressed his frustrations at seeing them go, asking to have our own official manager so he wouldn't have to call them to just get Jun to do it himself. The timing of that job listing was quite off, the number of applicants were quite low..
K: -stirring-
I: (Can she hear me, I wonder?) -He slows down the car to a halt, opening her eyes before shining a flashlight at it, Katsumi is dead asleep- I: (sighs) I suppose talking to you helps process these thoughts, where was I..? Right. When you first arrived, you came in a barely ironed shirt and blazer. You were the youngest of the applicants, but to my surprise you already had 3 years of work experience. Illegally, anyway. I: Your interview was rather interesting, countless odd jobs here and there, that comment you made about us idols.. However looking into your background told me the info I needed to hire you. The ability to keep secrets is treasured in this industry after all. I: Well, it was a headache at first— you're awfully rude to any authority figure. Though you managed to gain the favor of the others rather quickly, your earnestness didn't go unnoticed. They started telling me about you.. using your name. I: When Jun brought up your living situation and made /me/ do something about it, I was perplexed. What is it.. about you?
K: -stirring again-.. hmm..? Are we here now?
I: (..) Ah yes, we're almost there. You can continue resting for the meantime.
// next //
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rocks-r-cool · 4 months
hihii!! I have a few rock questions- 1. how often should I bathe my rocks? does the temperature of the water matter? 2. how many rocks can I safely keep? 3. what do rocks eat? 4. where should I keep them? 5. do shells count as rocks? if so, do they need any special care? sorry for asking so many questions im just very curious!!
hi there! thanks for the questions!
how often should I bathe my rocks? does the temperature of the water matter?
While bathing isn't necessary if you keep your rocks clean, its still a good idea to give your rocks a bath every once in a while as a bonding activity!
the temperature depends on the kind of rock you have! generally, most rocks can withstand both boiling and extremely cold temperatures (note that some materials have exceptions so do your research if the rock has a breed, such as crystals and whatnot). if you truly want to make your rock happy, then pick a temperature similar to the place where you found it! a nice warm beach? try warmer waters. found it in a river? keep it cooler!
2. how many rocks can I safely keep?
As many as you can fit into your designated rock space/s! Just kidding. It ultimately depends on how much space and time u have for ur rocks!
Do keep in mind some rocks are more solitary than others (boulders), while others prefer lots of company (think granite and pebbles).
3. what do rocks eat?
technically, rocks eat other rocks. but not in the way that we consume things for energy or to grow. you can think of them more as slime monsters. they merge to form bigger rocks, form new rocks when split, and their life cycle is continuously part of earth.
that being said, us puny humans cannot live long enough to truly "feed" our rocks in such a way. instead, we offer them companionship, protection, and meaning.
4. where should I keep them?
Allow me to answer this question by taking an excerpt from my rock caretaking beginner tips post (link)
Some rocks prefer certain habitats over others. This is largely dependent on where you found them. Some rocks prefer living in aquariums, others prefer sitting in a pot next to a plant, while others, like crystals (or anything sparkly really), prefer sitting on a desk and being admired.
Additionally, I would ensure they have a designated rock space. Designated rock spaces are very important, as they ensure that people know that the rock is in fact a pet, and lets the rock have a safe and comfortable environment in your home. a rock without a designated space is prone to running away or getting lost.
5. do shells count as rocks? if so, do they need any special care?
shells do not count as rocks! they're more like bones.
I'm afraid I'm not an expert enough in shell care taking to answer this question as i only have a masters in Petrophilogy. but i do believe they would have different needs from rocks!
I hope this helps answer your questions. let me know if you have any more and good luck on your rock caretaking journey!
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xiaq · 2 years
This is deeply personal so please feel free not to respond! I just remember you talking in the past about not being able to have sex because of pain, and I’m currently going through the same thing (or, rather, have been my entire adult life). Was there anything that helped you? My gyno just keeps recommending pelvic floor therapy to release tightness, but I’m too scared to have multiple strangers prying me open in hopes I magically get better, and I don’t think mentally I’m able to cope with that yet. It’s scary to think of having to go to an embarrassing doctor for months and months, knowing each session is going to bring me pain (during and for days after!) both physically and mentally. It just sort of sucks to see my gyno once a year, have all these issues bubble up, and then have no support for the next year until we rinse and repeat. Any advice?
Answered below the cut with CW for frank Sex/Anatomy Talk
So for years I mentioned pain when using tampons, and then when I finally had penetrative sex, asked about pain related to sex, and I had 3 diff OBGYNs who basically were like, "eh, you're small, so everything is small, learn to deal." Or I had one who suggested...I can't remember what it was called, but basically, a system of devices that would "stretch" me which would, he said, be painful. The opposite of what I was going for.
I finally found an OBGYN who listened to me which made a huge difference, and we found out I had a few specific issues. 1. That my cervix is low, 2. I have endometriosis, and 3. Because I have an autoimmune disease (and endo), even if I'm managing things well, I still deal with more inflammation than the average person (especially during different times in my cycle). Depending on when and how I was attempting penetrative sex, these issues meant I was anywhere from moderately uncomfortable to dealing with significant pain. My new doctor said the best approach to manage my issues was 1. figure out when the inflammation-related pain gets worse, and either not have sex then or take anti-inflammatories beforehand, and 2. be careful about positions/exuberance for the cervix-related stuff, and finally 3. lots of foreplay because that will only help things. These three things combined mean I have a pretty "normal" sex life, now (not to brag but I'd say it's way better than most folks I know, if I'm being honest). And my partner has been very helpful and patient in determining what does and does not work for us. I have no idea how helpful this is in regard to your situation but the number one thing I recommend is going online and spending a few hours looking up OBGYNs and reading their reviews and finding one who is noted for taking time with patients, who have treated patients with similar issues, etc., and then go see them. Maybe you do need to go invest some time in these exercises, I don't know. But I'd get a second opinion and I'd get it from someone who, according to reviews, knows what they're talking about and are empathetic to your concerns and will help you build a treatment plan going forward rather than just saying "eh, try this thing if you want, see you at your next pap."
Good Luck!
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slutwithagut · 10 months
Post #2
The amount of cigarettes I’m smoking is insane for someone with no income! It’s time to ration. It would be cheaper to roll my own… but I don’t know how to roll. Maybe now is the time to finally learn? I digress. We will worry about that at a later time n date.
I have a close friend who employs me to give him rides home from work. Usually every Monday he needs a ride home from work around 8:10 pm because he goes in at 8 something the next day. Occasionally he asks for rides from the local trolley stop that’s about a 10 minute drive from my house.
I bring this up because my weekly income is about $28 on a good week.
So I need to chill on the tobacco.
Things were easier when I smoked spliff bowls (mole bowls, moke bowls, party bowls, whatever u wanna call them) which is cannabis mixed with tobacco. I’ve purchased a great many bags of bugler tobacco. It’s much more cost effective then buying a pack of cigs. The bugler pouch is roughly good for about 30 cigs versus the 20 you find pre rolled. It costs $7/$8 while a pack of cigs is $10/$11
I had purchased a joint rolling machine and filters earlier this year to roll my own. I found it just didn’t hit the same. I also proceeded to break the joint roller. A common theme in my life. Breaking useful objects due to carelessness and or intoxication. If only y’all knew me when I did XANAX and drank heavily while popping. I broke so many things… three lovely bongs, a babyliss hair straightener, bottles, and endured countless bruises and scratches. I also strained some of my personal relationships as you don’t give a single solitary FUCK when your xanned out.
So moral of the story is I am going to start rationing out my cigarettes.
I might buy a vape but I have to go on the black market for one and it seems like such a hassle.
Smoking cigarettes may seem glamorous and look cool. It feeds my oral fixation. But it makes you stink. I literally need to buy gum, scented hand sanitizer, and a small bottle of body spray so I don’t smell bad.
Wish my luck my loves! It ain’t easy trying to kick my vices.
It’s also 12:19 a.m. while I write this. My brain is tired but my body is on high alert. I do suffer from insomnia and weed helps that a lot.
It’s tough to learn how to live my life with out mind altering substances. I also find myself becoming more irritable. I might need to up the dosage on my medicine. I also kind of want to ask my doctor for sleeping pills… but it seems wrong? Since they have a potential for abuse. It would be nice to actually be able to fall asleep around the same time every night. I’ll probably be up until 2 or 3.
If I fall asleep before that I usually wake between 3 and 4 to pee. Then toss and turn till 6 or 7. Get up, smoke a cigarette and if I’m lucky fall back a sleep for a bit. I awake groggy and feeling worse than when I first woke. But still I nap after waking up. It’s a vicious cycle.
I’m going to start wearing my FitBit smart watch to bed again so I can track my sleep. It lets you know how many times you wake up, how deep your sleep was, etc. and it gives you a sleep score for the night. I want to see if my sleep is truly fucked up enough to constitute medicine. The less pills I’m on the better. But sleep is important and staying up late with my thoughts is not the most pleasant experience.
At least now I have you guys to talk and write to, to pass the time.
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a-d-nox · 9 months
hi! i’m p.p and i would like ❄️! next year i’m excited to continue working on self improvement! my question is how can i get over R and the hurt she caused me? for context i had feelings for her for about 2 years, last year we started getting closer and had a thing for a while until she started pulling away a few months ago, which created this sorta domino effect for a bunch of bad luck in my life. i gave it my best effort to keep the connection alive but she was always distant, which caused a tension between us, i tried to talk to her about it but she gaslit me and said i was overthinking 🙃 about 2 months ago i found out she’s been involved w someone else romantically that she told me nothing about so she could continue receiving attention from me. i have created distance between us to move on, though i feel it hasn’t really done much. i still have to see her almost everyday and i just have a lot of anger, hurt, resentment, and pain in my heart and it’s honestly ruining my life 😭😭 i want to be happy again and move on and have new romantic opportunities in my life but all this baggage is dragging me down. tysm in advance!
gift no. 3
before i read you i do want to make a statement about your perspective of things. i don't think her pulling away is what caused bad luck. i feel like you might have been mourning and are likely still mourning the separation - what happens after her is really not her fault.
i do think that the distance is necessary and i do think if you are actually ready to be done with her (because that is honestly what you have to be certain of because if you aren't you will just end up in the same cycle) then SOLID boundaries are needed and sometimes that boundary is the block button especially if you feel as though she was demanding your attention but secretly involved with someone else.
the thing is too that you can only move on when you are ready to actually be done and cut ties - if seeing her everyday makes you mad you have to ask yourself "why?" and another good exercise might be asking why you are letting this be your baggage.
wheel of fortune: look to the future, stop remaining in the past. know that you can move on from this painful period and into a more harmonious one with a new understanding romance and fate. fate made you run across r so that you could be ready for someone better for you. r was a test - the last portion of this test is letting go and being open to meeting new people and being in new situations.
justice: find balance - my suggestion of doing shadow work doesn't mean you should stay in a passive mindset. reconcile with the past - this was a karmic contract you had. the universe will balance things out; r will get hers and you will get yours, if you continue to be mad and blame her for your bad luck / unhappiness.
6 of wands: you are ready to level up in life - you just have to be ready to take the next step. you are going to be recognized when you close the chapter with r. good news is on the way - perhaps someone new is coming into your life.
shufflemancy: "jingle bell rock" by bobby helms
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