#and getting 1 video game to feature complete status
sniperct · 5 months
Ah, because I'm a nerd and I find this stuff fascinating, my favorite time of year, when star citizen releases their financials for the previous year (in this case, for 2022)
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Some numbers of interest by the end of 2022
headcount: 860 worldwide
Salaries and related costs excluding the publishing/marketing teams: 56M
Other Game Dev (overheads,studio rentals, travel, etc): 18.4M
Contracted Game Dev ( external services and dev teams): 9.5M
Publishing/community/marketing: 29.9m
Accounting/Admin and legal fees: 1.4 Million
Capital expenditures (hardware/software, fixtures, offices, server upgrades etc): 12.9 million USD
All told they took in 130.7 million and spent 129.5 million or thereabouts.
In other words, they're spending almost as much as they bring in.
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(thank you to @toneinaflat for finding the first two videos!)
0. Beta Testing
i don't know what introduction (if any) was used during beta testing! (beta testing happened from ~march 2010 (closed beta) to september 8, 2010). i think it's probably the introduction shown in #1, but if you have any more info, please let me know!
1. Liza in Jamaa Township (original)
video posted october 1, 2011
started: either beta testing (march 2010-early september 2010) or the official release of the game on september 9, 2010
ended: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
this is the original intro to animal jam! it shows liza around the mira statue in jamaa township, where she explains some background lore of jamaa (about mira especially), and some in game functions: moving, changing animal colors, getting achievements, and checking your gems. it's the earliest version of the lore, where "alphas" are called "shamans".
2. 3d Liza in Jamaa Township (update)
video posted december 14, 2012
started: some time between october 18, 2012 and december 14, 2012 (likely closer to december 14)
ended: february 6, 2014
this is an edited version of the original intro. it uses a new, jarringly 3d looking, model for liza, and has an updated introduction to the lore. liza's beginning explanation of mira is replaced with the "return of the alphas" cutscene also shown in the blue heron intro, and the "shamans" were renamed to "alphas". otherwise, this intro is identical to the previous
3. The Blue Heron
video posted february 6, 2014
started: february 6, 2014 (jamaa journal announcing it released on this date)
ended: january 23, 2015
this is the first major change in introduction! the player spawns in on a ship named the blue heron, that is modeled after mira. liza is piloting the ship, and gives you an introduction to jamaa. she introduces you to some in game functions: moving, changing color, checking your gems, and buying from shops. she also gives the option to "Learn about Jamaa's history", via watching the "return of the alphas" cutscene. at the end, the boat pulls in front of jamaa township.
fun fact: this was the only introduction that you could access without making a new account! when this introduction was released, they added an option in the settings to do this tutorial! (shown in the video, i actually couldn't find a video of this tutorial that started from the create an account screen). this option was removed an unknown amount of time later
4. Peck Intro
video posted january 23, 2015
started: january 23, 2015
ended: never 👍 (this is the current intro)
this intro changes the alpha greeting you from liza to peck. the player spawns into a long, forest-y room, and is greeted by peck. she takes you over a bridge to see a bunch of randomly generated animals that are spamming emotes and bubble chat phrases. she introduces you to some in game features: moving, changing color, using emotes, and checking your gems.
fun fact: from november 2016 to march 30, 2017, completing this tutorial would send you to the welcome party, an edited version of the jam session party that has other new jammers whose accounts were just created (if there were any online then....). this party had a singular clothing shop, the same "Clothing Shop" (literally its name) as the one on the blue heron. the end of peck's dialog in the main room is slightly changed to reference this party
after almost all of these intros, you spawn in jamaa township.
at first, completing the original intro would just spawn you in the middle of jamaa township and open up the jamaa journal and daily spin
but then, sometime before october 18, 2012*, the ending was somewhat changed. now it showed the avatar walking from the mira statue area to the middle of the town, and then the player was given this screen:
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* why this date specifically? because this video of someone being mean to liza during the intro shows this new ending, and was posted on that date
however, i am almost certain that this was actually implemented on march 1, 2012; because that was the date that the loading screens were changed to their new (and current) format (date gotten from the animal jam wiki)
this end screen stayed for a while, but was minorly changed for the blue heron intro, and stayed that way for the first few years of the peck intro— "explore jamaa" was changed to "go on an adventure":
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also, in the blue heron intro you're seen running up from the bottom of jamaa township (from the body of water where the boat dropped you off!). this is kept for the peck intro, although that direction doesn't make as much sense from that one.
when the welcome party existed from november 2016 to march 2017, the peck intro would lead to that party, but then the party had a path leading to jamaa township, in this same fashion. (video of this)
however, once the welcome party left on march 30, 2017, it seems this screen did too. because now, after the tutorial, the player automatically spawns in their den, where peck's den tutorial starts... guess our choice is made for us! (video of this). this date also marked the change in the items that a new jammer has from the get-go: originally new jammers got a sturdy table and a blue rug, but past 3/30/2017, new jammers get a rug, table, small window, chair, couch, lamp, and houseplant
speaking of den tutorials, a brief note:
ever since the peck intro, peck has always done the den tutorial. but i did read somewhere in my research that liza did the den tutorial beforehand— but i haven't found any pictures or videos on it, so you'll just have to take my word on that (if any of you have any pictures or videos of the liza den tutorial, or even a post talking about it, please send it to me!)
this has been information on every animal jam intro, thanks for reading 👍
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rathologic · 7 months
biggest disconnect in pathologic's reception has kind of always been a divide between "patho is driven by mechanics" and "patho is driven by story" camps where opinions only ever come from one of these extremes... around p1's development and release the developers considered it exclusively a survival challenge sim, not a game marketed for its story (despite story representing a huge fraction of the time and thought put into it). In The Society Of Dead Poets goes into so much detail about this. and it WAS a stunning technical work under the circumstances, but the complex story was what gave the franchise cult appeal, or at least enough so for it to get a sequel... reviews from the period tend to go along the lines of "this game looks and plays like shit but it's extremely thought-provoking". there's a little to be said about the mainstream view of a "Gamer" in 2005 and what they would be interested in marketing-wise not tracking with story games yet; anyway, the one-dimensionality here was consistent with the studio's approach to games as a whole (cf BoneHouse.ppt).
so IPL's perception of their work was what informed p2's priorities, which turned out to be A Way Better Survival Challenge at the expense of things like characters having complex motivations (expansion on this has been omitted; iykyk), and they did an incredible job with that & basically perfected what they had been going for mechanically. which created this weird divide where p2 fans think 1 isn't worth playing because it's less engaging as a gaming experience, and p1 fans (me included, to be clear) see 2's story changes as a spit in the face of everything that made the series work. like, neither of these are fundamentally incorrect, but they refer to completely non-overlapping paradigms of engaging with the material. when hopefully it can be agreed that a Video Game is comprised of Both a narrative aspect and an interactive aspect, and that they need to work together to create the player's transformative experience (again, premise of BoneHouse.ppt).
Anyway. that helps explain a lot of hbomb's stance on the franchise, particularly that he can endorse patho2 without comment as an ostensibly leftist youtuber when even the most cursory playthrough is enough to let players in on its gleeful centering of ecofascism... that game's representation of colonial relations as an unfixable divide employing the racist trope of reciprocal violence, its obsession with maintaining status quo, and its completely tasteless approach to MMIW are all elements of Story and thus all secondary to p2's huge improvements on the survival system. in the same vein, his discussion of p1's changeling's route is limited to the constant reputation decrease and the repeated quests because those are the only mechanical features introduced over the previous routes, even while clararoute text is fundamental to understanding most characters... his video isn't like Bad for getting the interactive experience p1 would present to you, but it sucks for engaging with the story because it's not about the story. and unfortunately, on discussion posting websites, we do usually post about story
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emblemxeno · 1 month
Xenoblade 1 DE Main Story/Game Thoughts
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Finished the main story! I didn't go full completion but I got full affinity for all areas and saw every Heart-to-Heart. More detailed thoughts-including spoilers-under the cut!
-For starters, DE is a great update to the original. Many QoL improvements trims the extra menu time down a lot (inventory management, art books, equipment/gems, etc.), especially swapping gems. Also hell yes to including the appearance feature from X, as someone who prefers the default outfits for everyone!
-Same applies to battle stuff and general gameplay. Quest tracking, gauges on things like Break and Topple, clearer status effects, chance arts being highlighted, even something as small as the scroll between Talent Arts/Running/Chain Attacks being more streamlined had many great returns on me not pressing the wrong thing.
-However... why did they not just go all the way with more changes? The two big ones that come to mind are trading and Colony 6 collecting. First, why can you not bulk trade? It is such a time sink having to constantly open the menu again and again. And since trading and skip travelling share a button, I clocked probably over a hundred instances of opening the damn map menu instead of trading since there's a second of cooldown before the option appears for the NPC again! It's an annoyance that is easily ignored once or twice, but absolutely brutal after the tenth time.
-Jumping ahead a bit, but I speak not just criticizing DE but XC1 as a whole. It's probably an unpopular opinion but I don't like the ongoing Colony 6 reconstruction sidequest. The first time I completed it-about half a decade ago I think-was magical! Seeing a ruined home blossom into a lively city due to my hard work was something I'll never forget as an RPG fan. But I don't have that kind of time on my hands anymore (or I simply have better management of time now that I don't stay up til 4 am playing video games anymore lol). Exploring Bionis and Mechonis is an undeniably wondrous and beautiful experience, but only when doing normal quests (well most of the normal quests) and progressing the story. Jogging around places trying to find each item is incredibly unfun and tedious. The big offenders are typically Ice Cabbages (luckily I got all the ones I need by playing through the Valak portion of the story), Rainbow Slugs (I spent an entire hour on the Fallen Arm ugh), and the Black Liver Beans. The last one was the breaking point, I can't stand the Bionis Interior and after an hour in there just trying to find one, I said fuck it and did the Time Attack trials to get them that way. It was just not... good! I don't like it a bit.
-Last thing on DE specifically, I found that the graphics are apparently controversial among fans? I'm understanding of the position, as there's definitely a charm that the original artstyle had, especially being on the Wii. But to me the original has more issues in its visuals than just being a different artstyle. Poor resolution, blocky models, souless faces when not in an important cutscene, absolutely diabolical pop-in. And some say that the original gave its characters more personality during cutscenes, which... I don't get whatsoever. Did we watch the same scenes, cuz it's very hard to distinguish emotion in the original, whereas DE has better mouth, eyebrow, and facial movements. Certain scenes may "look" more emotional in the original, but things get exaggerated all the time to compensate for poor resolution or graphics.
-Now on to the just XC1 in general! Holy fuck the main cast is better than I remember. Shulk, Fiora, and Melia were already my favorites, but honestly... Dunban is probably my absolute favorite out of all of them now. His story is just so succinct and he's just so cool and hot and kind and just ughhhhhh!
-Egil is still best villain in the game, no surprise. Revisiting this game honestly made it really fucking clear why I loved Dimitri from 3H so much cuz the two are so similar (to the point where you can pull line's from the game about Egil and put them in 3H). The others fair less well. Metal Face/Mumkhar is delightfully hammy and an amazing threat for the first half of the game, but is as deep as a puddle. Dickson and Lorithia I found I dislike even more, for the wrong reasons; they lack charisma, and it's noticeable in places where the game gets really anime in its hammy villainy, but they're written and played a bit too straight for it to come off as anything other than lackluster. Though at least Dickson has presence as Shulk's caretaker and the guy who everyone knows and respects; Lorithia though? Throw her away. Honestly if Yumea took her place and retained the bigotry against Homs it'd be much more entertaining IMO.
-Zanza himself is a definitive mixed bag. Were I ignorant to Klaus' entire story from XC2, I'd honestly write him off as a by-the-numbers arrogant (but secretly imperfect and prone to "human" folly) god figure that happens in many, many RPGS. But I can't dislike him because I do know the entire story, and Zanza being an utter dickwad is explained in great detail and makes sense. Honestly, he does work for the story that XC1 is telling without playing XC2 as well, but ehhh. I guess it's just really difficult to be the main villain after Egil does such great things in a limited time.
-Narrative is great, just as it was the first time I played. Highlights for me:
Singlemindedly fighting for revenge is destructive not just to your enemies, but to yourself and your friends. Ignorance and unwillingness to look beyond your own world or history means you may be hurting innocent people without realizing it. Chaining your life to the deaths of others rather than supporting the survivors is unhealthy and can lead you down a path of misery and disaster.
Ether is not just analogy for carbon/other base elements in our world. Philosophically it's analogous to light and fate as well. Shulk unlocks the Monado's powers when he stops treating it as a tool with functions, but rather as an extension of his will. He wills his wishes into his heart, and they are made manifest. He protects Reyn with Shield not cuz the Monado lets him, but because he desired it. Same with Sharla and Speed, and it's how Alvis taught him to unlock Purge. It's how he resists Apocrypha, and later gains Cyclone once the Apocrypha is destroyed. His will is so strong, it becomes resistant to Zanza's influence, hence why he starts suffering the more he learns of Mechonis' history. The truth being brought to light is painful internally and externally, as Zanza physically rejects anything that challenges how he sees the world. Shulk brings himself back to life, begins having visions without Zanza, and gains his own Monado-which looks purely made of ether and light-through pure willpower and the desire to create his own future.
Shulk's duality and inner turmoil when he realizes his yearning for revenge is destructive; Fiora's endless strength of heart when dealing with a machine body and carrying on Meyneth's wishes; Melia going through hell and back trying to find a balance between her sense of self and sense of duty (I imagine Future Connected is gonna touch on that more as well); Dunban grappling with his moniker of being a hero and mentoring the party despite being imperfect and lamenting his disability; Reyn's goal of being a protector developing into being a supporter once he becomes insecure over his strength and character compared to Shulk; Sharla trying to keep hold onto a sense of hope that her love is alive before coming to terms with the fact that she needs to cherish her life and love those within it; Riki just being the fucking best dad and friend in the world.
Having played XC2 and XC3 makes all these things even richer as well.
-Last but not least, gameplay:
-Most quests are good. Most. The generic quests weren't ever fun for me, and they cause significant bloat that could've been trimmed IMO. Especially since lots of quests ask you to kill monsters and collect items anyway.
-The method to get quests started though? Awful. I know that things like Community in Torna and Field Skills in XC2 are hated, but man I can't stand having to change the clock and track the damn NPCs in XC1. Especially since there are many areas separated between towns/villages and "wild" areas (Colony 6 and Bionis Leg, Frontier Village and Makna, Alcamoth and Eryth + Valak), it just makes things so drawn out. Going back and forth, changing time and all that, is a sour point on this game.
-Like I said a few weeks ago, the Xenoblade series as a whole is unmatched in gameplay story telling. Beautiful and large environments make curious exploration a treat, especially as you start getting pieces to puzzles that can get completed later. I payed a lot more attention to the High Entia and Giant related sidequests due to the fascinating lore, for example.
-The fights are great, if a bit centralizing. Shulk, due to Monado arts, is the best character to have in the party and is sorely missed when switched out. I have pretty standard opinions on the rest of the characters, so no need to speak on each individually. I will say though, holy fuck is the AI just as bad as I remember. Shulk wastes his Monado gauge, Sharla is terrible at using arts and always puts herself into cooldown, and Melia for the love of god, stop firing elementals as soon as you summon them you're made of tissue.
Topple locking is deffo the prime strategy, cuz there were fights I wouldn't otherwise have won were it not for it, and thankfully Reyn and Dunban have pretty good AI.
Two major gripes though. Spikes are a terrible mechanic, gross. Second, I hate that the enemy tags affect accuracy, it makes certain quests extremely brutal to complete without grinding. And I just hate having to fight tough/overlevelled enemies as a whole, it becomes routine and simple after a while.
As a whole, I like the gameplay still, but it feels very restrictive going back to it after seeing all the crazy tricks I could do in 2 and 3. And also auto-attack arts > timer arts forever and ever.
-Overall a very great experience getting to replay this game like this. Though more rough points than I remember, and with certain things that have not aged well whatsoever , XC1 is still a good game that I'm glad introduced me to this series. I'm taking a break before playing Future Connected.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 02/01/2024
Bidoof's Big Band
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby
Ripped by Monkeylordz
There's always such a sincere feeling I get when I'm reminded of just how much SiIvaGunner is driven by its community. Sure, it's status may to outsiders look a bit imposing, a monolithic-in-size music arrangement channel with 600K subscribers and a now eight-year history of ripping....yet, it's not ran by executives, not ran by anyone aiming to appease stockholders, not ran with a vision so narrow that it'd exclude anyone from doing what they love whilst contributing. And I feel a huge part of that communal aspect the channel has is the clear respect its creators show toward other creators on YouTube. Put simply, Bidoof's Big Band is nothing short of a four-and-a-half minute loveletter to the music arrangement channel InsaneInTheRain.
If you listen to video game music on YouTube, its damn near impossible to not have stumbled upon InsaneInTheRain's vast library of jazz arrangements. Carlos Eiene has passion for music flowing through every part of his body, and is likely an inspiration for many smaller artists who work closer to the VGM side of music. It should thus perhaps not come as a surprise that he's collaborated with SiIvaGunner a few times in the past, doing jazz arrangements for the channel alongside wolfman1405, such as Countdown for the King for Another Day Tournament. These few instances were but small guest appearances though, a wink and a wave from a fellow creator before going their separate ways.
As it turns out, the SiIvaGunner team would find a very personal way to thank him later on, both for his contributions to the channel and his contributions to music YouTube in general. Akin to rips like Banjostruck and Kirby Joins the Circus!, what we have with Bidoof's Big Band is an incredibly authentic, near 1:1 accurate recreation of InsaneInTheRain's cover of the same source track the rip uses, Route 201 from Pokémon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum. Effectively, its the bouncy, jazzy, lively re-rendition, featuring the original game's distinct set of instruments.
The result is an incredible arrangement in so many ways, yet most important on all, it succeeded at catching InsaneInTheRain completely off-guard. To quote the comment he left on the rip's YouTube upload - "I think this is seriously one of the most incredible honors you can give to a musician… nearly cried while listening to this. Thank you.". Six Seasons into SiIvaGunner, it may have been easy to miss that the team of creators have long since proven they're so much more than just shitposters looking for collaborators, or that they only occasionally put out genuine hits when they need to. Creators like Monkeylordz were never under any obligation, not under any sort of event or commemorative occastion whilst making Bidoof's Big Band, or the other InsaneInTheRain tribute rip he'd done a year prior in Season 5. Because SiivaGunner's rippers are but people like you and me - and I think we as people just like that feeling of making others smile.
Happy 2024, everybody.
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samthecookielord · 6 months
CURRENT LAYTON STATUS: AL chapter 6, got past that huge gate past the fossil room with the minecraft block on it
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That's right, I'm dedicating a post to all the Layton content I've consumed and will consume. Wish me luck gamers. (I'll also add the status of my gameplay videos!) (And a list of layton AUs at the end)
Mainline Trilogies
(note: i call the games by which version i played (UK or US) but i tag by US titles)
(note 2: we only record towards the end of the game because my computer space will CRY and also i do not want to edit all that hope this helps)
CURIOUS VILLAGE: 100% completed
(not recorded)
DIABOLICAL BOX: 100% completed
Chapter 7: (Part 1) - (Part 2) (fun fact: part 2 features the first instance of me using animated sprites for me and my friends!)
LOST FUTURE: 100% completed, all uploaded!
Chapter 9: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: part 1 is the first time i use game sprites to give visuals to our improv bits, as well as generally being the start of me putting a lot more effort into editing and trying new stuff!)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: (Part 1) - (Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) Epilogue: (Part 1) (Part 2)
LAST SPECTRE: 100% completed
Chapter 8: (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3) (fun fact: from this point on, our playthrough group has increased from 3 people to 4!)
Chapter 9 -> 2 parts
Chapter 10 -> 2 parts
Epilogue -> just one
MIRACLE MASK: 100% completed
Chapter 6 -> 6 parts left (HELP)
Chapter 7 -> 6 parts left Chapter 8 -> 1 part left Epilogue -> 2 parts left
AZRAN LEGACY: ch6, started recording
Chapter 5 -> 6 parts left
Chapter 6 -> 3 parts so far
Epilogue -> ???
Spinoffs & Extras
ETERNAL DIVA: Watched :]
Improv Fandub will come out soon. Probably
LB MYSTERY ROOM: completed
(not recorded)
PLVSAA: not started (will play after mainline)
will probably record? perchance?
MYSTERY JOURNEY: not started (will play after plvsaa)
The anime: not started (will watch after mystery journey)
Cheerful Mystery: i saw the lost future one lol ill go check out the rest later probably. I also read up to ch28 of the lbmr manga
Layton AUs
i have a lot of clive aus. here's a slideshow. here's their interaction tag
Puzzles Gone Wrong AU: (belongs to pastel-player) A take on "evil Layton" where we ask what if he wasn't evil evil, but morally dubious. Basically he's a dictator now but he hasn't really done much harm to the city of London. He's making some questionable decisions, but... he's still the polite gentleman Layton who cares about his loved ones. Said loved ones have many conflicting feelings about him. Takes place at least 1 year after main trilogy, unclear when exactly. (Ao3 series)
Pastel wasn't doing anything with Clive in this AU so I picked him up and ran off then came back with a whole new design and stuff. Anything I make with PGW Clive that doesn't involve Timeline Hopper Clive's shenanigans is proobably canon to the AU. Basically I'm the ceo of this one guy within this AU and nothing else <3
(PGW Clive's tag)
Layton Assassin AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy and thia-quiche) Layton but he kills people with swords. And also Luke beats people to death with shovels. And Flora also sword. Yayy!!! Initially inspired by our jokes from playing Curious Village, mainly Luke saying the phrase "this man is being VERY RUDE we should KILL HIM" (Ao3 series)
Assassin AU Variant: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) A variation of the assassin au where Clive is adopted by Layton. Clive picked up a gun and has never been the same since. Guy who loves his 20 guns and is sooo annoying about it <3 Honestly 90% of my assassin au tag is just the variant instead of the actual original au hdtdhdhrfd
(Ao3 series)
(AV!Clive's tag)
Timeline Hopper Clive: (belongs to me, inspired by a-queer-kitkat's post) Post-canon Clive that starts getting tossed across dimensions at random intervals due to an abandoned machine prototype left by one of Dimitri's scientists. Often crosses over with Puzzles Gone Wrong and Assassin AU. He gets worse but then he gets better. Then there's a version where he gets worse again and weird buggified.
Clive Triton AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) what if clark adopted clive. Send post
The BEHUH??? AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) ???? goddamnit timeclive what did you DO (BEHUH??? stands for Butterfly Effect HUH???) (two guys chilling in the river 5 feet apart because get pitted idiot)
CSAU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) clive is adopted by descole. I encourage you all to ask us what CSAU stands for several times.
Little Hershel and the Curious Playground: what if it was all elaborate playground roleplay, and targent is a group of school bullies? (some ideas come from conversations with friends on discord)
Apprentice Nils AU: (belongs to me and snekatiemainy) that random miracle mask npc's parents died so layton yoinks him
Randall Possession AU: (belongs to snekatiemainy) what if he became a ghost and hung out with his best friend Layton forever now
Layton Object AU: based on those silly object show things. They're living objects with limbs and faces etc etc and the only real changes in this au right now is just names, designs, and minor things that come with those design changes. i make this kind of au for almost anything i touch loll
Vampire Layton AU: what it says on the tin. One of my earliest tagged AUs. It didn't really go anywhere but it's fun to think about sometimes. Based on a joke we made while playing Diabolical Box.
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blazehedgehog · 1 year
In one of your earlier posts, you said Sony is being snooty. What did you mean by that?
In the back and forth of the game industry Sony has been many things. There was a period where, hot off the success of the Playstation 1 and Playstation 2, Sony clearly felt invincible.
This lead to one of the most famous E3 press conferences ever, where they announced the Playstation 3. The original pitch for the Playstation 3 was insane.
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Sony's Ken Kutaragi was saying it was going to have something like 7 USB ports and 2 HDMI ports. When they announced the price of $600, they were out there talking about how they wanted the PS3 to be "The Ferrari of Video Games." They wanted it to be a status symbol, something you needed to work two jobs to afford. If you had a lot of money to burn, you had a Playstation 3.
It was a disaster for them, and they were severely humbled for it. Within a year of launch, Ken Kutaragi was out. It took them four or five years total to really recover and finally get the Playstation back in the right direction.
This lead to the opposite direction for the Playstation 4: ironically, all the hubris that damaged the PS3 was passed on to Microsoft, after the success of the 360. Amid swirling leaks that the Xbox One was clamping down on used games, and forcing you to always be online, Sony came out to a roar of applause that the PS4 would be a normal game console. No online limitations, no weird TV or set-top-video features. Just regular video games like you've always known them. And the balance of power shifted again back in their direction, making the Playstation 4 the best-selling game console that did not carry the Nintendo logo.
Now back on top, all the people responsible for making the PS4 into this friendly, welcoming, all-inclusive thing have had their roles reduced or they have left the company entirely. And we're right back to the same Sony that gave us the PS3: The Playstation 5 is a $500 game console with a $550 VR add-on and a $200 "elite" controller. It solidified the trend of $70 being the new normal for game prices.
And those $70 games, what is becoming the "Playstation House Style," are all things that almost seem ashamed to be video games. They'd much rather convince you they're big budget movies or prestige TV shows on a streaming service. Sure, there's equippable gear and stats and quests if you really look at them, but the image they project is something "bigger and more important than just video games."
Playstation is a brand for People Who Can Afford It and are lucky enough that their number comes up during the waiting list lottery. Playstation is a brand that will do the bare minimum to support their back catalog of past-generation titles because they'd much rather you be spending all your money on the newest, full price ($70) products instead of replaying your old PS2 games on the cheap.
And if you really, really, really want to play PS2 games on your Status Symbol console? Well, for the low low price of $120 a year, you can experience their mediocre official emulators and the table scraps of filthy retro games they bother to support. As long as your payment never lapses, of course.
It's kind of gross if you look at the complete picture all at once like this.
Edit: Ironically in the time since writing this post and it getting posted, Sony's Jim Ryan did something legitimately extremely arrogant, furthering the points I make here.
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misterborax · 11 months
My Game of the Week #1 - HUMANITY
My first Game of the Week will be HUMANITY! It's a challenging puzzler where you play as a dog, guiding humans to the light. In this thread, I'll explain some more, and give my thoughts. 1/15
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You may have seen this game before in a PlaySation State of Play. The game is availible on PS4/5, PSVR, amd Steam! Well deserved advertisement for an amazing game. So what's this game all about? 2/15
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So what is this game? Well, you have to create a path for the humans using your commands and the environment. I've heard comparisons to Lemmings, though I'm unfamiliar witht hat series. To me it's more like Mario vs Donkey Kong series with the mini robots. 3/15
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At the start, you have the "Turn" command, which as simple as telling which way the humans should go. Things get more complicated from there, and the game gives even more commands for you. It should be noted, what commands you have access to depends on what the map allows you to have. 4/15
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It's a straightforward puzzle game, but then they throw Goldies into the mix. Think of these as collectibles for 100% completion. On the path you create for the humans, they need to run into the Goldy to "collect" them, and they need to be escorted to the goal. 5/15
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Goldies can unlock bonus things like cosmetics and other features. Some levels may even requiere you to collect a Goldy to unlock the goal. It's a very nice bonus for those wanting do more than what's requiered. 6/15
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This game has an awesome feature that I haven't seen another puzzle game implement yet - Solutuion Videos! Feel like looking up a guide? You can view this video in the pause menu that'll help you complete the level - no guides needed! 7/15
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My favorite part of these videos is that they never reveal how to collect the Goldies (unless requiered). Even if you follow the video 1-to-1, there's still room for you to use your brain! Every puzzle has more than one path to the solution. 8/15
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There's also no punishment for watching the videos, meaning this game is one of the most accessible puzzle games out there. There's a stat counter that shows how may times you watched solution videos, but that's it. 9/15
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Spoliers - Towards the end of the game, they throw combat into the mix! While it's satisfying to watch thousands of guys shoot each other, I feel the puzzle implementation is a bit lacking in the final quarter of the game. 10/15
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Spoliers - You gain a command where the humans will directly follow you. Combined with combat, the puzzles place more emphasis on timing and precision rather than planning. Perhaps a welcome change of pace for some, but it was lacking for me. 11/15
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It's not all bad though! Even if you struggled with the last quarter like me, the solution videos got your back. I was able to complete all puzzles and (almost) collect all Goldies with no YouTube. 12/15
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Don't think a few hard puzzles at the end make the game bad - this is a very satisfying puzzle game that I recommend to all puzzle fans, and especially newcomers to the genre. 13/15
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Almost forgot, the custom stage builder! There's plenty of great puzzles made by the community and staff members, and you can build your own puzzles. I expect to find some hard ones out there! 14/15
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The game is on sale for $23 on Steam, and is free on PSN Plus Extra! Perfect time to jump in and check it out. Fantastic puzzle game for everyone to enjoy. 15/15 (End of thread!)
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1581480/Humanity/
PSN: https://playstation.com/en-us/games/humanity/
Check out the Twitter version of this blog! https://twitter.com/Eman59x/status/1677369555495051271
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cksmart-world · 3 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
March 19, 2024
A total eclipse of the sun is coming in April and it may be a sign the end is near. There are other dark omen hiding in plain sight. That's why the staff here at Smart Bomb teamed up with clairvoyant Helga Olga Helga to enumerate those dire signs for your safety. Here they are:
10- BYU freshman will be required to read LDS Elder Holland's “musket speech,” that says members of the LGBTQ community must be shot with muskets.
9 – A majority of American Christians believe President Joe Biden is directly related to Beelzebub.
8 – South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, who is auditioning to be Trump's VP, posts an infomercial video promoting a cosmetic dentistry and fanny lift practice in Texas.
7 – Salt Lake City will hold the 2034 Winter Olympic Games featuring honorary host and big game hunter Tom Welch riding a camel in the Opening Ceremony.
6 – Sen. Mike Lee calls for dismantling of the TSA, saying Americans deserve less groping at airports.
5 – Alta tells UDOT to stuff the proposed Little Cottonwood Canyon gondola.
4 – Oprah resigns from WeightsWatchers and joins the U.S. Bodybuilding Federation.
3 – Martha Stewart gives the Republican response to Biden's State of the Union address.
2 – House Republicans begin impeachment of First Lady Jill Biden.
And the number 1 sign the end could be near: The Utah Legislature is betting $900,000 of Salt Lake City taxpayer dollars that Major League Baseball is coming to Rose Park.
It will be the best thing since sliced bread. No, wait, it'll be the best thing since... The Statue of Liberty. It's “The Statue of Responsibility” and it's going to be right here in Zion nestled into the billion dollar massive high tech center in Draper to be called The Point. It will be as tall as Lady Liberty in New York Harbor and it's only going to cost $350 million — in private funds (or so they say). No Wilson, we are not making this up. It will be two gigantic arms with hands clasping the other's wrist rising 300 feet into our blue, blue sky. If that doesn't say 'responsibility,' what does. People driving along Interstate 15 at The Point of the Mountain will pass it and say, look at those big arms, maybe it has something to do with the Mormons. They could put up a big sign that says, “This is 'The Statue of Responsibility' that's like The Statue of Liberty only different.” The hope is that it will remind people, including Utah legislators, not be so righteous and try a little kindness. Right. There is an inscription on The Statue of Liberty that says: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” So they could put one on The Statue of Responsibility that says something like: “Give us your techies, land developers, your huddled capitalists yearning to get rich.” Well, maybe not.
Mendacity stinks and where there's stink there's something rotten. In the Georgia voter fraud case against Donald Trump and 18 other defendants the judge smelled a foul odor — one of the foulest smells known to man, the odor of mendacity. Judge Scott McAfee found no conflict of interest as alleged regarding a tryst between Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis and a prosecutor she hired for the voter fraud case — Nathan Wade. Nonetheless, either Willis or Wade had to leave the criminal case, the judge ordered, not because there was damning evidence but because it just didn't smell right. (Wade has resigned from the case.) The mendacity, or prevarication, or straight-up lying had to do with timing — when did Willis and Wade start “dating” and was Willis getting kickbacks from Wade? No Wilson, kickbacks is not in the Kama Sutra. And no, there was no evidence of kickbacks. Still, it was necessary to hold the two-month-long hearing because the allegation was so odiferous. Their relationship in the midst of the criminal case gave the “appearance of impropriety.” And if there's one thing judges hate almost as much as the odor of mendacity, it's the appearance of impropriety. Of course, it all has nothing to do with an organized effort to steal an election, but it was a fun distraction.
Post script — That's it for another rockin' week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of satanic cults so you don't have to. The great patriot and football coach turned U.S. senator from Alabama and instrument of all that can't be understood, Tommy Tuberville, was in Utah to warn of a satanic cult that is taking away our kids. “If we can’t get back to that (The Bible and the Constitution) and let the Democrats continue to push this cult on us and take God away from our country, we’re going to have huge problems,” Tuberville told The Salt Lake Tribune. Of course, Tuberville is an ardent supporter of that Godly former president and four times criminally indicted mastermind, Donald Trump. Bye the bye, Trump said that if he isn't elected president in November there will be a “bloodbath.” Wonder if he's talking about the blood of all those satan-worshiping Democrats. On a lighter note, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox was a featured speaker at a prestigious Washington, D.C. soiree where he told a few jokes, including this one: “It really is such an honor to be at the famed Gridiron dinner. You see, they usually don’t let farm kids like me into rooms like this … unless you count Jan. 6. And even then we had to really push and shove our way in.” BAM! POW! ZING!
Well Wilson, our old friend Satan keeps hanging around even in places he's not wanted. It's funny that people who say they hate Satan keep doing nasty stuff. Tommy Tuberville and his ilk can't just disagree with those damn Democrats, they want to burn them at the stake. So why don't you and the guys in the band play a little something for Tommy and the “Christians” like him:
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul and faith I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game I stuck around St. Petersburg When I saw it was a time for a change Killed the Tzar and his ministers Anastasia screamed in vain I rode a tank Held a general's rank When the blitzkrieg raged And the bodies stank So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste...
(Sympathy For The Devil — The Rolling Stones)
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admatazz · 5 months
Top Linkedin Marketing Tips That You Can Use to Scale Your Brand/business
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LinkedIn is the most professional of the major social media websites, used by over 450 million working professionals throughout the world. It is accountable for more than 80% of a business’s social media leads. It is majorly focussed on B2B connections, LinkedIn should definitely be a large part of your social media strategy.
It's one of the best ways to grow your business, by making connections, generating leads, establishing partnerships, and creating brand awareness. It makes up for an invaluable addition to the digital marketing strategy.
What is LinkedIn mainly used for?
At the core, LinkedIn is a professional social network. It's related to career development, professional connections, industry discussions and other business related activities. It's not like the other social networks where businesses have direct access to consumers by sharing updates.
LinkedIn requires a completely different approach when it comes to getting the results you expect. It is not like other social networks where brand followers are aware that companies use the platform to sell their product or service. This is not the case with LinkedIn because hard selling is a big no no.
All of us often question whether LinkedIn marketing is really effective? Well, the answer is yes! In fact there are some facts which I would like to throw light on: 1. 51% of companies acquired a B2C customer through LinkedIn 2. 93% of the B2B marketers consider LinkedIn to be the most effective site for lead generation 3. LinkedIn generates more B2B leads for companies than Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, etc individually 4. LinkedIn is responsible for 64% of all visits from social media platforms to the websites 5. 50% of LinkedIn members report that they are more likely to buy from a company that they engage on LinkedIn 6. 80% of LinkedIn members wants to connect with companies to enhance their decision making All of the above are a lead generation magnet itself!
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Beef up your LinkedIn profile:
Treat your LinkedIn profile as an interactive resume on steroids. It allows you to enhance your profile with interactive capabilities that showcase your experi ence instead of just listing your work experience and education. You can fill in the following details to improve your LinkedIn profile in 2019 a) Status Updates b) Articles c) Videos and Presentations d) Recommendations e) Projects f) Skills and Expertise h) Publications i) Volunteering and Causes j) Courses, Awards, Certifications
2. Create a Company Page:
A company page will tell your company’s story by showcasing your products and services, share updates with followers, and recruit new employees. The following points can help improve your LinkedIn company page a) Banner Image b) Products and services c) Status updates d) Career opportunities
3. Post actionable content:
Multiple, spread out posts everyday will be of great help to engage and reach with your audience. There are three post types available on LinkedIn and all three should be used effectively! Creating content that will stand out from the crowd and cater to the needs of your audience is the key to winning! LinkedIn themselves claim that it takes ten pieces of content to get one conversion.
4.Use the matched audience feature:
LinkedIn has stepped up their game! They’ve come out with new features that lets you now create custom audiences. They are now part of a well-oiled tool that you can use to put your business in front of a highly selective and very profitable audience. You can design sponsored content, regular text ads, or even send targeted messages with a sponsored InMail. With LinkedIn’s Matched Audience tool, you can now retarget visitors that are already in your sales funnel. According to a study, 98% of your website visitors aren’t going to convert on their first visit. With retargeting, it’s a useful way of reaching those 98%, since LinkedIn’s audience is all professional and they are more likely to buy.
5. Take advantage of LinkedIn community feature and search for individuals:
Apart from company and profile page, LinkedIn provides a number of community features that allows you to communicate and collaborate with other LinkedIn users. Sometimes, all you need is one connection with a company to make inroads that leads to sale. You can communicate via groups or influencers and also connect with an individual.
6. Start your own groups:
Another way of lead generation on LinkedIn is to create groups. If you are unable to find a community for your industry, then creating your own group is a good option for you. Let your group be exclusive and have a invite only community.
7. Use InMail:
There is only one downside to InMail, that it is a paid feature. But, it is definitely worth your money! Once InMail is activated, you can directly contact anyone on LinkedIn. It gives you a leverage to build relationships in a more personal format with individuals you have met through groups. Response of InMail is three times more than that of traditional mailing.
8. Follow the LinkedIn Marketing Blog:
LinkedIn Marketing is a curation of selected articles designed to help you improve your LinkedIn marketing. You can be up to date with their new releases and features. You can implement these ideas for your lead generation and boost your growth!
9. Use the paid LinkedIn Sales solution:
When you’ve got 500 million professionals on your site, it’s only natural that you would eventually create an exhaustive database that makes it easier than ever to connect. This is what LinkedIn has done with their Sales Solutions platform. It allows you to target, research, and engage with new prospects in one seamless motion. When anticipating needs is paramount, it’s hard to undervalue a tool that gives an insight like this. It is flexible enough to accommodate any sized sales team too.
10. Avoid hard selling:
The best way to get attention by users on LinkedIn is by being discovered. Treat this as any other platform and get clued to the latest trends.
11. Enable your best advocates; your employees:
We as humans would trust peoples reaction on anything over what the company/brand will say! So, empower your employees to share your company’s content and updates with their own connections so as to expand reach and increase credibility of the brand.
12. Reshare your top content:
Due to sophisticated social media algorithms, its likely that a very small percentage of audience (2-6%) have seen your posts on LinkedIn feed. If there is a backlog of successful social media content, it is likely that the content will perform well again in the future. In the coming years, LinkedIn will become an integral part of online lead generation strategy as the platform will continue to grow. If you wish to learn more about linkedin marketing and it’s various benefits, contact us
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
It's summer somewhere, and it's also 9PM somewhere.
Kat Stevens: Peggy's continued shameless tactic to lure me in with random snippets from Ibiza Anthems vol 1-4 mixed by Alex P & Brandon Block is absolutely working. [8]
Oliver Maier: Absolute head-empty stuff. Pretty 90s inasmuch as it sounds like "I Like To Move It" for a corporate boat afterparty. In, like, Dubai. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: The kind of big dumb pop hit that feels all the sweeter after a half-decade of sophisticated, fashionable house music from Peggy Gou. Somehow, I feel like this is her true form -- a hook-focused trickster spirit hitting all the dopamine release points as quickly as possible. Everything else -- all the long-form odyssey-like qualities of her earlier work, all the couture and style and glamor -- fades away. In pop music -- and "Nanana" is excellent pop music -- all that is secondary to the sheer sugar-rush joy on display here. [9]
Crystal Leww: Peggy Gou has made something like five songs in like five years, and yet somehow her status in dance music is now enormous -- she regularly sells out massive crowds in at least three continents despite incredible price tags (her last NYC show was on a Wednesday and tickets were one hundred and forty eight American dollars each). Yet, if you've ever seen a video of Peggy Gou DJing, it's all cameras up, with no one seemingly doing any actual dancing except maybe Peggy herself. Her whole schtick is like the culmination of the blurring of lines between DJ and influencer -- it's seemingly just as important to be seen at a Peggy Gou show as it is to actually enjoy a Peggy Gou show. All this being said, all five or so of Peggy's songs sound so incredibly warm and timeless despite the fact that they are perfectly engineered to trend chase after all. "(It Goes Like) Nanana" hops on the trance and eurodance revival that's been percolating the last two years, with an unmissable ATB sample and yet unlike what it's ripping -- corny, goofy, silly -- it's engineered to be so cool, conjuring images of exclusive parties on yachts and perfect bob haircuts that cost $1,000 a pop. "It Goes Like (Nanana)" works because it gives anyone a chance to feel like they could be a part of that exclusivity - it's a song meant to played in rooms with wood paneling and on expensive soundsystems while twirling around in circles with your best friends. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: She used to be good, what the freak happened? Are we all so desperate to run back to 1985 just cause Studio Ghibli was founded that year? They're not shuttered yet! [5]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Peggy Gou never changes, nor does she need to. [7]
Ian Mathers: She just doesn't miss! What's that? Lenny Kravitz? No idea what you're talking about. [8]
Scott Mildenhall: Finally, a song worthy of a one-hour YouTube loop. Peggy Gou's work doesn't feel formulaic so much as geometric -- "Nanana" has the colour and kinetics of a game of Breakout, pinballing predictably, but forever satisfyingly. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: Bliss is the absence of thought. [7]
Alfred Soto: In Peggy Gou's eternal 1998 and 1987, plinkety-plonkety pop house is the lingua franca. I'll admit to confusing "(It Goes Like) Nanana" and Kylie Minogue's "Padam Padam." Who wouldn't? [6]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: nah nah nah [4]
Claire Biddles: The Peggy Gou: The Complete Singles compilation that comes out in 2034 is going to be the greatest dance pop album of all time. [8]
Edward Okulicz: I didn't have "Peggy Gou gets an actual hit single" on my 2023 bingo card, but if you'd told me that it was going to happen last year with a song that steals as much from K-Klass as it does from ATB, I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. The whole song's as slick as the little "9PM" guitar line and if it's too soft to be a real floor filler, that seems like a decision rather than a flaw. [8]
Aaron Bergstrom: Answering the question, "How do you get from 'I Go' to 'featuring Lenny Kravitz" in one step?" [6]
David Moore: I love the small touches in this, especially the chintzy pitch-bend synth guitar, even though this song's massive success after "I Go" kind of feels like when a major director finally gets an Oscar for a merely competent movie after getting snubbed for their masterpiece. I'll take it, though. [7]
Peter Ryan: In the right light a bit of a supercut of Annie's Endless Vacation tracks. I can't complain; Gou's track swells in sync with the lyric's devolution into a heady non-verbal state. She gets it -- don't think, just move. [9]
Brad Shoup: Now this is a Eurodance text: verb choices just a couple degrees away from expected, similar clauses chained together, a big arrow pointing at the universal hook. If ATB could clone his hit i don't see why Gou can't. I dunno if this is a one-off trance dalliance but if not: try "The Lonely One" next. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: A dance song which performs its intended function ably and effectively, and which is committed to becoming a throwback club hit even as it is afraid to commit to representing anything beyond that. Those little bent synth phrases after the chorus sound cool. [6]
Will Adams: A panoply of musical choices designed to hit every pleasure point in my brain -- mindless, wordless hook; house piano chords; organ bass; synthetic guitar straight from an ATB classic -- that its slightness doesn't really matter. [7]
Vikram Joseph: This deserves to be heard under a high sun by a glittering sea so much that, listening to it for the first time right now, I almost want to hold myself back from it so that I can save it for the summer of '24. But to do so would be futile, because there's nothing delayed about the gratification that "(It Goes Like) Nanana" provides. It's so deeply kinetic, decorated with lashings of house piano, sweet pulses of synth and a fleeting quarter-century echo of the motif from "9 PM (Till I Come)"; it might have a big, dumb club-goading chorus but it's also smart enough to under-stay its welcome. Best just to give yourself entirely to it -- I mean, it's summer somewhere. [8]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox ]
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gamecrag · 10 months
Of all the mini golf video games available on virtual reality headsets, Walkabout Mini Golf is by far the best. Over a dozen beautifully hand-crafted maps to play on. Over 100 different balls to add to your collection and some thematic audio to go alongside such great graphics and customization options. Walkabout Mini Golf is a great game to play solo or with friends. Each map is replayable but if you're looking to challenge yourself (or friends) on the best maps, you'll want to consult this list. I'll be detailing the 10 best maps in Walkabout Mini Golf. This list will show you the maps with the most variety of holes to tackle, as well as the best theme and environment interactions. 10) Tethys Station Featuring some of the wackiest and most difficulties holes in the game, Tethys Station is a good choice for more advanced players who love a space aesthetic. Plenty of obstacles appear throughout the map. You'll need to conquer factories, hallways, and asteroids to get to the 18th hole. I definitely recommend you practice though as some of the holes can be really difficult unless you've made the right shots a few times. They do get quite easy once you've completed the shots a few times. Lost balls are moderately difficult to find in Tethys Station. 9) Cherry Blossom One of the more chilled-out maps. Cherry Blossom features a beautiful Asian style aesthetic with most flat holes to get through. Player technique is more important than accuracy or power in this map. A lot of holes require specific directional shots, it's definitely one of the more difficult maps on this list. The only reason it ranks at number 9 is due to it being a bit too chill. Cherry Blossom is good for younger, or less experienced players. Lost balls are easy to find in Cherry Blossom. 8) Seagull Stacks Seagull Stacks forces you to tackle some verticality with an emphasis on hitting your ball with the right amount of power. Succeeding on this map requires a careful hand as you face hills, obstacles, and a stunning view to distract you. Lost balls are easy to find in Seagull Stacks. 7) Bogey's Bonanza This wild west themed map takes you on a journey back to the early 19th century in America. One of the harder courses you can challenge, Bogey's Bonanza features saloons, mines, and even a de-railed train to venture through. Lost balls are moderately difficult to find in Bogey's Bonanza. 6) Arizona Modern Arizona Modern lacks in the aesthetic department but makes up for it in terms of complexity and difficulty. Definitely recommend for experienced mini-golfers only, almost every course is seemingly impossible to complete in 1 or 2 hits. It's one of the most unique maps though, and can be a great challenge against friends. Lost balls are moderately difficult to find in Arizona Modern. 5) Original Gothic One of my personal favorites. This gothic/vampire themed map instructs you to play mini golf while surrounded by creepy gravestones, statues, and skeletons. You start at the top of the great castle before making your way down through the dungeons and eventually into the great hall. This map's difficulty and immersion combine into a great map to play. Lost balls are moderately difficult to find in Original Gothic. 4) Tourist Trap Tourist Trap is a pirate-themed map and is usually the first 18-hole course players encounter when they first open Walkabout Mini Golf. It's the easiest of all courses in the game but don't let that dissuade you, it's the perfect map for any new players, or for a quick and easy game with your friends. Despite being relatively simple, Tourist Trap contains some of the most fun holes in the game. Even new players can get a hole-in-one! Lost balls are easy to find in Tourist Trap. 3) Sweetopia Making the list mostly due to the aesthetics, Sweetopia is a pleasure to play on and one of the best DLCs in Walkabout Mini Golf.
You can encounter cupcake villages, hills made out of marshmallows, chocolate rivers and of course, plenty of candy. No other map is as colorful and vibrant as Sweetopia. In terms of difficulty, it is quite easy to get through. Lost balls are easy to find in Arizona Modern. 2) Quixote Valley Quixote Valley is my favorite for immersion and aesthetics. The map has so much to offer with a pretty countryside view, as well as cute sheep and huge windmills. These windmills aren't limited to the background, they are intertwined with the course. Conquering this map requires a good level of shot timing. Power and technique aren't as necessary here. Players with patience will have a lot of fun on this map. Lost balls are moderately difficult to find in Quixote Valley. 1) Labyrinth Of all maps and DLCs in Walkabout Golf, Labyrinth is certainly at the top in terms of originality, hole courses, and features. As well as an intricately designed map, Labyrinth has animated obstacles and even goblin-looking creatures you can witness (but not interact with). Labyrinth has some of the most difficult courses to face as you need to get past plenty of moving objects over several maps. Getting a hole-in-one is rare on this map. Lost balls are very difficult to find in Labyrinth.
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techacharya · 11 months
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Making money online without paying anything upfront may seem too good to be true, but it is indeed possible. There are several legitimate methods through which you can start earning money online without making any financial investments. Here are a few popular options:
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musicudio · 11 months
Rosario Dawson Net Worth 2023, Bio, Upcoming Movie, Boyfriend, and many more
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Rosario Dawson will earn $18 million in 2023. After acting in popular movies and TV shows, she became famous. She debuted as Ruby in Kids, in 1995. Her initial film’s popularity led to numerous job offers.
Who is Rosario Dawson?
Dawson is an American actor. On May 9, 1979, Dawson was born. Most people desire to know Dawson’s wealth. The search for Dawson’s net worth has begun. Online sources list Rosario Dawson’s net worth. To learn additional information, let’s dive into the details and Read the complete post.
Rosario Dawson’s Net Worth
Monthly Income And Salary$1,60,000 +Yearly Income And Salary$2 Million +
The actress “Dawson” is worth $18 million. Wikipedia, Forbes, and Bloomberg all say that the most well-known American actor, Dawson, is worth $18 million. Dawson has been in a number of movies and TV shows that did well. After she became famous, she got a big contract for movies and TV. Her first movie in 1995 made her famous.
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Rosario Dawson Bio
Source of Wealth: Film and Television
Full Name: Rosario Isabel Dawson
Age: 40
Birth Place: New York, NY, USA
Height: 5′ 7″ (1.70 m)
Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: May 9, 1979
Ethnicity: Puerto Rican, Cuban, and African
Occupation: Actress
Education: Columbia University
Children: 1 (Lola)
Dawson turned 44 on May 9, 2018. She was born in New York. Her full name is Rosario Isabel Dawson, but she goes by  Dawson at work. Her Afro-Cuban and Puerto Rican mother, Isabel Celeste, raised her family there.
Her mother had her when she was 17. Her mother is neither Afro-Cuban nor Puerto Rican. Her mother married Greg Dawson, who worked on building projects. Her family went to the Texas city of Garland. She has become well-known as an actress.
The films Side Streets, He Got Game, and Girls’ Night Out from 1998 all featured her work. She is well-known for her appearances in film and television. She made her film debut in 1999’s music video for Out of Control. In order to gain fame, she has collaborated with well-known individuals. gamers and voice actors.
In the video game Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure by Marc Eck from 2006, she plays Tina.
Her work is also featured in Lego Dimensions, Dishonoured: Death of the Outsider, and Dishonoured 2.
She spent a lot of time working on television.
She made her Punk’d debut in 2003. She has won the American Black Film Festival and the NAACP Image Award.
How Tall is Rosario Dawson?
Famous American actress Dawson is one of them. Dawson receives an excellent salary. Dawson is 54 kilograms and 5’7″ tall.
Rosario Dawson Children and Parents
Rosario Dawson Dating Life
Dawson’s personal life includes the adoption of Lola, a 12-year-old child, in 2014. She dated the actor Jason Lewis from 2004 to 2006, followed by the director Danny Boyle (2012–2013), before starting a relationship with the comedian Eric Andre in 2017. However, it’s thought that she is still legally single at this time. Los Angeles, California, is where she lives. Rosario is renowned for being a Trekkie because she adores “Star Trek” and even knows a few Klingon words.
Rosario Dawson Boyfriend
Dawson confirmed her connection with US Senator Cory Booker in March 2019. Their romance came to an end in February 2022.
Rosario Dawson Appearance
Eye ColourDark BrownHair ColourDark BrownHeight170 cm( 5 feet 7 inches)Weight(119 lbs) 54 kg
Rosario Dawson Education
EducationLee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute
Rosario Dawson Career 
Dawson’s big break came with the controversial movie “Kids,” which came out in 1998. Later, she was in the independent movies “He Got Game,” “Side Streets,” and “Light It Up.”
In 2001, she was in the movie “Josie and the Pussycats.” Dawson was in “Sin City,” “Daredevil,” and “The LEGO Batman Movie.” Dawson was in “The Mandalorian,” “Luke Cage,” and “Jane the Virgin.” She helped start Voto Latino, an organization that urges young Latinos to vote.
Rosario Dawson Upcoming Movies
Haunted Mansion- On July 28, 2023, the English movie Haunted Mansion will come out. Dawson, Winona Ryder, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Jared Leto are all led by Justin Simien. Haunted Mansion added Owen Wilson, Danny DeVito, Lakeith Stanfield, and Tiffany Haddish.
Rosario Dawson Awards and Achievements
Dawson has worked in showbiz since the mid-1990s. Here are some of her most important accomplishments:
⇒“Rent” won her the 2005 Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress.
⇒She won the NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Actress in Motion Picture for her work in “Rent” in 2006.
⇒“Top of the Lake” won her the 2013 Satellite Award for Best Actress in a Dramatic Television Series.
⇒“Top of the Lake” earned her the 2014 Gracie Award for Outstanding Female Actor in a Leading Role in a Drama Series.
⇒“Jane the Virgin” won her the 2019 Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series.
⇒“Luke Cage” helped her win the 2019 NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.
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