#and gosh was it good for stress aaa
berryetto · 10 months
I love that when you get Velvet's cooking level up to 10 after every meal she makes—you notice the tone of her tone is a lot lighter. Especially with the time Phi saved her from despair her tone changes!! It's not necessarily because she slowly becomes herself again but moreso that she's finding her humanity again. Her hope coming back you could say.
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00belle00lovely00 · 4 months
HeadCanons for DogDay x CatNap,
No seriously- PLEASE have mercy on me there are SO MANY COMMISSIONS-
I absolutely adore the Sleepyday ship name.
I think we can all agree on why the fandom took this ship by storm. I mean, come on, it's literally opposites attract. I may not personally like or even come as close to agreeing to the in-game Dogday and Catnap (since it's either fucked up or even more fucked up in every sense) BUT THE CARTOON VERSIONS? OH MY GOSH. CUTIES. ABSOLUTE CUTIES.
Literally extrovert x introvert.
They are like gay without knowing what gay means. They just think that whenever someone brings it up they mean "happy". As in "happy friends".
Call me crazy but I LOVE my headcanon of Catnap knowing ASL either just because of knowledge OR because this man is so quiet people think he is a mute, which for him is good, and saves him a bunch of time. And besides, why talk when you happy go-happy Dogday to come along and talk for you?
They're so boyfriends I LOVE THEM! I'm pretty sure they'd be completely confused if they ever got to hear the myth that "cats and dogs hate each other"
PDA?... EEeeeh.. depends, on whether Catnap is awake at the moment?
I heavily am basing myself off from AO3 fanfic I read and absolutely adore, but CATNAP AS A NOCTORNAL GUY IS THE BEST HEADCANON EVER!!!
They outta have a picnic date someday where Catnap is trying out vanilla cupcakes and Dogday lavender tea.
I'd say that Catnap, on rare occasions, of course, likes to show very subtle and rather gentle affections like holding hands, intertwining fingers, locking arms or wrapping a tail around Dogday's leg. Meanwhile, Dogday is just: "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭😭😭" on the inside.
Dogday when asked if he likes Catnap: "W-what? OOOoooh! OH! Uh-.. that! Heheh, well it DEPENDS you know? I mean... As in, like like or like liking like? BECAUSE- don't get me wrong! I LIKE Catnap! I like ALL of you! But I kind of.. like... like... like-" and that just goes on and on for hours.
Catnap when asked if he likes Dogday: "I love him. Why do you wanna know?" ever so casually. No hesitation.
Ngl the way I worded that last headcanon now sounds like that one line of Jessica Rabbit saying "he makes me laugh" LMAO.
OH MY GOSH. HEAR ME OUT YA'LL. HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE. WOULDN'T CATNAP LOOK ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS IN A DRESS? Okay. Yeah, no, I changed my mind, he would be all sassy throughout it. Yup... but at least Dogday is content.
They adore astrology, wanna know why? Because that's the one thing they commonly love. While everyone else has no idea what they're talking about.
I'm so normal for them. BUT SERIOUSLY I LOVE THEM AH-
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httpiastri · 15 days
some quick notes from your previous reply (i’m sorry i took so long ive been so busy recently but i finally have time now so):
firstly, i hope i never meet a handball player irl, ever. the fact that you just casually know people above 200cm?? i’m sorry but i’d actually feel like a pest around everyone 😓😓 (plus id get really jealous of heights) and id also be terrified to even stand near anyone close to 200 pls
and omg the fact that the guy who got you into coaching recently passed? i hope you’re doing okay 😓🙏 but if it helps— he may not have known how much he changed your life, but through coaching, you’re basically keeping his legacy alive, yeah? i think it matters, personally, that people are remembered and honoured and you’re kinda doing that through coaching, because you’re kinda solidifying (if that’s the right word for it) the fact that he existed, and he did enough good to change the lives of people for the better, and that his time here on earth wasn’t all in vain because he did good and he brought joy to people like you by leading you to being a coach and that his impact lives on even when he’s gone yk? it’s a form of closure, i think— to know that even if someone is gone now, there are pieces of them scattered behind in little things (in your case, in your daily life as a coach), and that not all is lost, just a little harder to find
also oops the fact that i called them girls even though they’re only a barely a few years younger than me 😭😭
and omg pepe would 100% make me feel comfortable meeting him at a race even if he might be stressed and no way you got to go to races at 8?? you had a chance to be one of those cute kids probably decked out in merch (if no merch was involved you probably got to scream happily at everything and good for you😭😭 because thats exactly how races should be experienced)
finding sponsors can’t be that hard… we could infiltrate the space in various ways im sure (my friend’s mum knows someone who works for Marlboro that gets invited to races bc the company was an EX-sponsor so anything’s possible)
on a rather unrelated note— pepe’s been acting very much like a muse for me recently… whatever that might mean… (might even be nothing honestly sometimes i don’t know what i mean either)
anyway! as always, i hope you have a lovely lovely friday, and weekend, and june (pepe’s month!), and that people are kind to you and that the sky looks beautiful and gorgeous all the time ❤️❤️
- 🪷💗
gosh dont apologize :( esp since you know im bad at answering….. its alright 🥺 just glad to hear from you 🥺🥺
shdjdhd it do be scary to meet really tall people!! when im around the men's team i work with sometimes, i almost get neck pains bcs staring up at them is so hard 😵‍💫 and i have this other job where i have to like sit by the court and do things for the match, and when players come over to talk to me and they literally tower over me???? insane 😶 but yes i too get jealous of heights, esp since in handball it's good for girls to be tall too so everyone around me is always tall asf? ive always been considered to be a tall person in school but at 175cm i am nowadays considered short in the team i currently play in 😐😐😐 so yes i feel u aaa (also several of the girls i coach are my height already and just. pls stop growing, you're scaring me. 🥲)
ALSO OMFG i almost forgot to answer this but i had a thought yesterday.... about my favorite volleyball player being 188cm and i thought "hm that's not very far off from pepe" so of course i have now started thinking about volleyball player!pepe 😶 idk if you enjoy volleyball aaaaaaa but i just thought about his height and his big ass hands that would make hitting the ball easier and just..........
thank you, im doing okay but it's still weird to imagine? because i haven't really had anyone close to me (or even semi-close) pass away so it's a very new experience, being in his neighborhood (very close to where i live) and thinking "oh what if i see him in the shop like that day-" before realizing... but god you put it in such a sweet way, im lowkey teary eyed :( i will continue to do my best to keep his legacy alive and honor him through my coaching!!! he created this thing that became so important to me and for that i will be forever thankful. but yes i agree, it means that he brought more meaning to my life and therefor also the girls i coach, and that's such a beautiful thing. it's life, i guess 😭 so hard but also so sweet...
skdjfhdjjf dont worry, i call them "children" to their faces very often even though some are even 16 😁 but to be fair ive known a lot of them since they were nine so to me they're still babies :(( also you being that young and still so smart is so cool and cute aaa
no because i have imagined meeting pepe MANY times and i really really think he would be so sweet about it. very happy that i recognize him and like "aw hey it's okay! no tears please" when i cry 😭 and i think he also would agree to do a silly pose with me for a photo aksjdhfjkdf 😭 i sadly didn't buy a lot of merch BUT (did i mention this already?? then i will be so insanely embarrassed....) we did get me a kimi lotus cap for obvious reasons 🥺 that i still have to this day actually !!! and ofc we took a pic of me next to the lotus truck 🤭 (also realizing now that i wasn't 8, i was 9 or 10 🤣 well well)
oh! then i think we can pretend to be your friend's mum's friend's kids? so we should also be invited?? or maybe we just need to get a job somewhere that has connections and can invite us..... to be fair my dad wrote to dino beganovic's manager or something about sponsoring him just for funsies (idk how u mean to sponsor someone just for fun tho 😶 he was like "what if i get my company's logo on his car and in return we get to come into the paddock once?..."), but then the manager responded with a full deal and stuff and my dad just got scared 😭 but we should keep looking, i'm sure we can find a good sponsor for us 🥰
aaaaa that's so sweet 🥺 i love that 🥺🥺🥺 if you feel like talking further about it, im all ears 🥰
aw dalring i hope you have an even lovelier lovely friday and week and month and year !!! and yes yes pepe's month, i think it will be very good to us all (esp him!!!!!!!) 🥰 i think that maybe the world listened to your ask because the sunset was so gorgeous tonight 🥺 so thank you for that <3<3
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moriiartist · 1 year
ahh yes. school 😭 almost exam time for me (n then finally summer break. thank gosh)
ive been p good! attended some gsa pride events last week, had a great time
tired though. of stressing abt schoolwork. but thriving bc of the weather aaa (except for the super hot days. blech)
it was also my borthday today (prolly yesterday by the time u see this bc its pretty late rn-) so thats p cool :) got to stay home from school n play genshin all day :> (lmao)
I'm glad that you're having fun. I responded to this really late, but Happy Belated Birthday!
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tahdashi · 2 years
IT WAS SO FUN omg we ended up buying 2 pumpkin pies (': and it randomly snowed too so thats fun!
I SAW THAT YOU'RE HOME AAA HOW DOES IT FEEL?? do you have thanksgiving plans? my entire family is coming over tomorrow night and then again on thursday and then we're gonna do black friday shopping tgt lol
ooo got you i didn't realize you were both undergrads that makes sense!! and it's so cool that you're doing like different things you know?? y'all are so cute
vet school apps are stressing me out i kinda have no idea what i'm doing because my advisor has been so busy BUT i'm just gonna pretend that doesn't exist and stuff my face with pie HAHAH
-- sunnie hat nonnie
HI NONNIE omg pumpkin pie is GOOOD and snow !! i’m glad you had a good time <33
it feels. so. good. i don’t have to worry about my roommates or laundry or cooking or dishes i feel v grateful to be home and just relax yk??? sadly i have no thanksgiving plans :,) OOH i hope you have fun i wanna go black friday shopping so bad but i’m bad w crowds so maybe i’ll go online shopping hehe
yup yup we’re almost done w undergrad :,) idk what our plans are gonna be after college but i don’t like thinking too far into the future it stresses me out !!! YEAH i love hearing him talk about his work and research and telling him about what i’m learning about <3
oh gosh you’re applying already?? or just prepping stuff for the next cycle? pls take a break for a few days :(
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trashiny-draws · 5 years
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theaterism · 3 years
hmmm tempted to make a single-muse blog for fox
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
gangs favorite place to kiss that's not on the lips!
Surprising him outta nowhere by just,, gently cupping his cheeks and placing this slow, long kiss to his forehead?? He might get choked up oh wow <33
he makes this sweet little,, half-pout?? He's just genuinely so in love with you he wants to cry <33 he feels so cherished and warm.
even <33 like,, speckling his forehead with kisses after he's had a rough day?? <333 oh my goodness.
there's something so personal about kissing her hands <33 she's pretty protective of them bc,, yknow,, she's working with them all the time - they're essential to her work. It takes a lot of vulnerabilty for her to feel safe enough to let you touch them <333
She doesn't quite flinch - its more of a pause? Like she's confused as to why you would do that??
She blinks a few times and softens out <33 while you kiss her knuckles. She definitely gives this,, faux-annoyed eye roll and bits her lip to stop herself from grinning <333
Specifically his wrists.
Like hands sure fine but wrists?? Feeling you gently raise his hand to your face, cradling it between yours and giving some slow kisses to his WRIST??? he has never been more in love.
Coming up to his desk and snatching his hand, plucking the pen outta his grasp and this long kiss on his wrist?? <3 any of his worries are gone. He can't remember what he was worrying about in the first place
Right in the middle of his chest + collarbones!!!
if he's super stressed?? Just bring him in a big tight hug <33 with some sweet kisses on his collar <33 oh he'll just give this massive sigh of relief. It feels like you're single handedly kissing the weight off his chest.
He'll just <3 lazily drape his arms around you and inhale the smell of your hair <33 probably some tired mumbling/monotone quiet screaming before breaking into these,, happy, tired giggles <33
'thank you <3' while he nuzzles his nose against your forehead <33 waiting for you to tilt your head up to he can give you a proper kiss
her stomach!!!! oh my gosh her face lights up so much when you lay on her stomach and give her kisses <333
'oh stop that <3' but no please keep going she adores it <333
SHES GONNA GIGGLE SO MUCH AND COVER HER FACE <333 she gets so flustered and happy. You just look so cute down there!! Oh my heavens you look like such an angel!! How is she expected not to smile when you're being so cute?
'having fun?' while she cheekily plays with your hair n cups your face <33 moments like this make everything feel worth it
It absolutely knocks him off his rhythm <333
'wuh- what uh.. what're youuuuu..?'
'oh hush' while you gently kiss the petals?? <333 maybe cradling the orb a touch, cuddling up beside him??
'.... yeah <3' he doesn't really have,, expressions?? but like <333 his tentacles all slowly slink around you until he has you nice and close. His orb keeps,, pulsing with this soft light <3 HE IS SO CLEARLY ENJOYING HIMSELF OH GOODNESS
HIS JAW <3333 you'll get this amazing, surprised laugh
'aw sugar <3 what on earth are you doing down there?' he gets stupidly flustered - especially if you give some kisses along his maw?? Like all the way up into One Big Kiss?? AAA HE WOULDN'T ADMIT IT BUT IT MAKES HIM SO STUPIDLY SOFT
He just,, looks down at you with so much love?? <3333 this flustered faux-eyeroll and sigh while he nuzzles into your kisses <333
EEE BACK OF HIS NECK <333 his neck in general, actually. It's super sensitive bc there's a lotta important hardware there!!
Sneaking up behind him, wrap your arms around him while you smooch the back of his neck?? His shoulders jump tf up all surprised and immediately sink back down w/ a huff when he realizes it's you <3
'ghk-!.. well, hello to you too <3' YOU MAY EVEN GET A LITTLE LAUGH <333 while he cranes his neck back to catch a glance of you.
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liyuesbian · 2 years
lol enjoy those two weeks!! I’m so jealous since I just got back to school today and this week is my last leg of college application grinding 😭 the general mood is like anxiousness HDDKJ it’ll be over in a few days tho for better or worse hhh
YEAH 2.4!! I’m pulling for Zhongli because I reallllly want his shield and would love more of the 4*s on his banner haha. I’m so In Love with Yun Jins design and everything about her aaaaa definitely going to choose her for lantern rite. Also good luck with Yae!!! gosh I really want her too… loved her characterization so far and if I’ve got anything left after 2.4 she’s coming home (hopefully)
sorry ik this is a late response haha but i hope life is treating you well !!
tysm! i ended up losing the 50/50 but i finally got mona lmao ayaka is my next goal 👀 did you manage to pull zhongli??
aaa gl with college applications :DD and i hope you get into your first choice! it must've been stressful but well done on making it through :))
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frogtanii · 3 years
It’s wind nonnie... who’s... sad ;w;
Did bad on a test. (60s,,,,,) hahhhhhhhh
Not having a good time overall. (And music? Please, why are you making us write an essay, you’re not an important class aaa)
Next week is my break... I’m just...waiting. Need to collapse. I wanna be able to sleep and eat and get up my weight a bit and lose the stress like;;; wind anon is not having a good time.
But the update and all the asks were really really nice. I like hearing everyone’s thoughts about the characters and what YN should get.
And I really really like how Suga was at the knife store. So cool~ I’m more of a...decorative person? Like, practical knives and such are wonderful and very useful but then I look at all the fancy lace like ones that are definitely more appearance than substance and I am like “!!!” So that’s just me being a dork. (All I’m imagining rn are fancy metal scissors,,, the aesthetics...)
And Omi, with the ring :0!!! My gosh,,, I actually had an entire phase where I focused on gem symbolism and such... I really liked colors, sparkles, meaning— it was just rad. But I think Omi would be more of a...what’s the word...sleek? With his choice. Ah, maybe the word is mature? Elegant. Something in white/black tones— a comfy and simple band, maybe engraving of YN’s name, no jewel? Though I do imagine him liking a black onyx/smoky quartz kind of deal. Meanwhile...Atsumu. A silver chain with a good clasp, probably some kind of wing pendent in white gold. Because y’know, “Angel”. Though maybe the chain is also in gold because gold doesn’t rust? Decisions. In any case, I don’t think it would be too flashy—any one of their gifts.
For one, they are trying to “make up” to YN. And like, I don’t see YN as the type to accept anything that they feel overbearing (like, large gems with jewelry, branded clothing). And those don’t really show consideration, do they?
YN should get things that they (I am trying to start using they for YN to try and include any people who are gender neutral, female, or male reading PF.) are able to use daily and such. Things that they wouldn’t feel guilty for accepting (because I know how low self-esteem works. I’ve felt it. I still experience it. You feel like you don’t deserve anything. Any time you get help or are given something your heart skips a beat to sink into your chest and your limbs feel cold.)
I hope YN really really likes the gifts. Though I hope the squad doesn’t spring it at YN all at once. Just carefully space it out and let YN collect everything at their own pace. I just don’t want them to be like, knocking on the door, shoving a bag of things at YN y’know? Because YN may not be up for that sort of interaction. I’d be okay if they left it outside YN’s door so YN could collect when they are feeling better (though, I wonder if Meiko would be petty enough to take them? I know I regard Meiko a bit higher than I should, but it’s moreso the fact that I don’t necessarily think she would collect anything from YN’s as “hand off goods” if you understand what I’m saying? Meiko has a decently large ego. But Meiko is also very dumb, so, I leave it in the air. Let’s see if she can disappoint me yet again.)
But yeah... I think I should wrap this up quickly. I like how they poked at Meiko’s lack of fashion sense. Admittedly, I myself don’t wear/plan my outfits to be fashionable (collared button down, jeans, hoodie/jacket, is my outfit like, every single day) but it’s true that Meiko’s choices are not... flattering. For her and for anyone’s eyes.
I’ll end it here though. Much thanks for the update. I’m glad you’re taking weekends off! I can’t imagine how much time you invest into making these and replying to asks every day. You’re really amazing, and you very much deserve your weekends free to do work and rest up! Your health and happiness be the priorities. Hope you sleep well! Make sure to eat meals and at least have snacks if you can’t get anything else. And hydrate too!
Love love love you fr0ggy! Fr0ggy supremacy!!
hello n welcome back wind nonnie!! m so sorry u feel sad :( just remember ur grades don’t define u and u are still worth so so so much!!!! i love u regardless of ur scores hehe <33333
i also think it’s super cool ur using they / them pronouns for yn!! i should’ve done that while writing the story ;-; ((pspsps i never asked ur pronouns?? unless i did n forgot cs m stoopid but i’d love to hear them!!))
m excited for ur upcoming break!!! i wish u all the best love <33443
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wychive · 4 years
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𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨
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summary // you found your pile of ‘letters’ to hyunjin that contain thoughts that have never been said and decided to write to him one last time.
pairing(s) // hyunjin x gn!reader, hyunjin x oc, slight minho x reader
genre(s) // angst, letter fic 
warning(s) // mentions of food, themes of being forgotten, vulgar wording, humiliation, overthinking
word count // 2.0k
author's note // happy birthday @noya-sannnn​ !! im sorry this was so late hhh you know how i am irl,, but i hope you enjoy this! i love you so much, jane <3 i apologize for the many grammar mistakes gn. i recommend listening to iu’s ending scene while reading this! btw y/n/n means your nickname.
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[10/01/14, 3:55am]
dear jinnie,
hi there! it's y/n <3 i hope you're doing okay - i mean of course you are pfft anyways, just writing this short letter (more like paragraph)  sort of as a venting mechanism? for things i cant tell you about lol  im not so sure how you would call it, since you're so much better at words than i am. basically were like:
hyunjin: ow a brain freeze!
me: haha brain go brrrr
anyways haha yea <3 it's 4am so like,, ill see you at school!
your loser,
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[15/02/14, 12:34am]
yo heartthrob!
im back with this kinda stuff haha it's been a whole? week? since ive written one of these so like yes..hi! i just wanted to say thanks, for today. you really know how to cheer me up huh? you really outdid yourself by setting up that little picnic for us. congrats on making the strawberry cake so perfectly <3 this day will always stay as a core memory in the back of my brain. you're too caring sometimes,,, istg you'll pay for this [maybe hugs?] >:) 
your partner in crime,
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[30/02/15, 01:29am]
LMAO you hate me calling you that, doesn't change a thing though. hehe,, nways i hope you enjoyed your birthday present :) i got you that really cool skateboard that you wanted. i worked my ass off for that in my mother's garden so like,, you gotta thank me for that a thousand times :D nah jk, its a sincere gift, from me to you. i rarely do this for ANYONE so consider yourself lucky to have a best friend like me -3- also, seungmin is like….kinda the cutest person ever. introduce me to him pls, thank!
<your bestest friend3,
(p.s. you're kinda cute too,,,, ig,,, still stinkee tho)
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[13/04/15, 9:04pm]
hey 'baby' (HAHAHA ihy for this)
i hope your day was okay! i didn't see much of you today (which was sort of a bummer but wtv) so like…. uh yea. you told me you were doing okay over text, which kinda surprised me because like?? we always video call lol this is kinda the first time,, but its okay, i trust you! (i really hope youre doing alright tho, i'll beat anyone up if they make you sad >:( ) you also called me 'sweetheart' today which was like…. omg wtf haha????????? that was so weird to me for some reason… a good kind of weird :D we haven't done those kinds of nicknames in a while so…. happy to know that they're back in session <3 i talked to the new girl today, she's really cool! like she knows the bean song on tiktok so like its a total win heh, ill introduce you to her tomorrow! you'll love her a lot
your 'lover',
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[08/06/16, 10:23pm]
hey howl (hehe go back to that movie night we had)
this spring break sucks so much,, esp because youre not here (you still couldve brought me along :'[ ) but wtv i hope youre enjoying yourself. ive been hanging out with yeonnie lately and i found out she likes conan grey too like pls i love her sm. can we adopt her?? please???? she told me you guys have been video calling too and that makes me so happy!! you two are getting along so well aaa my precious babies </3 
what if you developed a crush on her? haha…..jk unless?? (no jk dont shes all mine, stay away >:) ) anyways, i hope the three of us hang out soon. maybe go to that ice cream parlour where they serve the best cookies and cream?  
your daisy,
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[19/07/15, 01:23am]
peepee poopoo hello
heyheyhey!! (heh, haikyuu thingz) i hope youre doing okay! i mean sure you are, with everything going so well. also i feel like you're not telling me something. maybe it's just me? is it? i hope it is because you tell me everything,, we've been talking less these days but its okay! i know how busy you are, especially with your dad always bugging you,,
also, i think yeonbin likes you :0,, she keeps talking about you whenever we hang out. don't get me wrong, its not bad that she likes you but...something doesn't feel right. i feel like i'm being the third wheeler here and like ugh idk. haha laughs yea i think its just me.. im sorry, i didnt mean to do you like this,, anyways, ill see you soon + her too ofc- yall are inseparable lmao
your moonlight,
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[23/07/15, 01:56am]
greetings, kind sir
lol more like mean sir but like aight KSKSK,, anyways,, how have you been? we haven't really talked in a while,, our convos are always so short with it being one-sided :/ i wish you were online more. yeonnie is ignoring me,, do you know why? i think you do,,, but when i asked you just said you didnt know. did i do something wrong? pls tell me.. 
she blocked my contact the other day and she won't even smile at me when i pass her in the hallways. its,, sad and stressful especially because she was the only one that would genuinely talk to me. i hate to say this,, but i miss you. us, hanging out like the best trio we are, yknow? but i dont think you miss me the same way. sorry, im getting out of hand. i know im just overreacting. im just gonna sleep ig,, good night! sweet dreams,,
your pink lemonade,
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[25/07/15, 03:25am]
hi there
i heard you and her got together?? congrats, jinnie! im so proud of you,, especially because you never had even considered getting a girlfriend a few months earlier lmaO you really woo the ladies huh? anyways,, i hope you've been well since we last talked,, how many days has it been?? i would say nearly a week or so but honestly it feels like a hundred years,, considering you and i used to talk every day. but you have her now to keep you company.
keep this a secret but can you possibly tell me why it hurts when i see her? or when i mention her or even think of her?? is it because she's connected to you? but.. you're my best friend, so why? is it because i miss you? is it because im alone now? is it because you left me with a simple 'i have to go now,, bye y/n/n.'? im not sure either. im being silly, i apologize. ill figure it out sooner or later. sweet dreams, jinnie
your asswipe,
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[25/07/15, 04:30am]
it's because i love you. 
your butterfly,
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[??/08/??, 05:??am]
i miss your lame jokes. i miss your smile. i miss your laughs. i miss your funny faces. i miss the way your eyes twinkle. i miss th way you would make me happy just by doing the bare minimum. i miss the disaster you made when cooking breakfast. i miss the night when you snuck me out just to go to that pretty lantern event. i miss when you would call out my name everytime we met. i miss when we would share earbuds in train rides. dont you get it, hyunjin? i miss you.
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[??/??/15, ??:??am]
please tell me that isn't true, please. you're too kind to do these kinds of things, right? + i was your best friend,, then, why, why did you hurt me like this. i didnt do anything wrong.. you couldve just told me you didnt like me,,, why did she have to tell me? out of all people. 
youre so pathetic for this,, i thought you were brave, bold - but youre just a fucking coward. i loved you, i really did. and i realised too late… im sorry. she,, i shouldn't have talked to her in the first place, right? i bet you knew she humiliated me, in front of everyone. of course you did, you were the only one that knew. you told her. fuck, i hate you so much (yet why do i long for you on a night like this?). you know how much that'll affect me and yet, there you are, laughing about it with her.
fuck off,
you know who i am.
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[31/08/15, 03:41am]
ah, jinnie
please tell me this is just a nightmare. please, please. stop just reading my texts, please answer them. jinnie. i miss you so much. i dont care bout her, please just let me be in your arms. i dont care if you love me back, please just talk to me at least. tell me what i did wrong,, jinnie,, please,,, clear these tear stains on my cheek with kisses.
your fuck-up,
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[15/09/15, 04:59am]
why do i keep crying because of you? its been a few weeks since everything has happened. please, nothing has changed. i still love you the same even with all the hatred i have pent up in this stupid brain of mine. i wish i could just walk back in time, to where it all began.
when i first met you in third grade and you pushed me while playing soccer or maybe when we took those ridiculous prom pictures, remember those? i hope you still have them,, because i do too. i hope the pictures of us on your wall still hang there,, it'll remind you of the happy times. hm,, maybe you don't need them. 
you already have millions of pictures with you and her,, i bet you printed some and replaced those with ours right? sly dog. 
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[04/02/16, 12:57am]
i went to the park today and saw both of you being happy. it's nice to see your smile again. im sorry i didnt go up to you,, i just thought it would be awkward. when i heard that adorable laugh of yours, it made me realise that i lost something special. but it's okay isnt it? as your happiness matters more than mine. 
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[06/01/20, 08:00pm]
dear hyunjin,
im doing fine here. how about you? gosh,, how long has it been? years? since we last talked to each other. i havent heard from you since. i would just like to say i still think of you sometimes, when watering the plants or dancing while making pancakes. sometimes i think you're here with me too, just being the pals we were. 
sometimes i'd see you out, just reading a book in the park or buying pasta sauce at the grocery store. it's nice to see you having a stable life. im not sure if you're still with her or not, but its good to know that you still have that large friend group. also! you're never gonna guess who im dating--
it's minho! do you remember him? the one that i used to hate,, uh yeah. he asked me out the other day- you may wonder how tf,,, i too do not know how tf but he gives the best hugs ever. he gave me the love i wanted from you. he stitched my heart back together after it broke,, i love him so much, jinnie..
it's snowing,, do you remember when we would skate on the frozen lake in front of your house? are your parents well? i wonder if your mother still has those earrings i bought for her birthday. i never told you this but your laugh and hers sound so similar. 
i would just like to say thank you, for everything. you were a big part of my life, up until now. when we see each other after this, we would just be strangers. maybe flash a little smile or give a little wave whenever we greet each other but nothing more. some memories of us would flow in every now and then but it'll just be a short teaser. well, i'll be going now. smile for me, okay?
the one that loved you the most,
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taglist // @/noya-sannnn, @crvgio​ , @neo-shitty​
reply to be in my gen taglist!
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kindleln · 4 years
Ok so I’ve been playing through the Bundle for Racial Equality and Justice on Itch.io and here are my thoughts so far!
I played this one prior and oh my gosh I love this game. It’s one of my all time favorites and made me fear-cry. It’s a story based game that follows a girl named Alex, as she endeavors to keep her brand new step brother Jonas, her stoner friend Ren, Rin’s crush Nona and a girl named Clarissa who was Alex’s late older brother’s girlfriend, alive until morning on an abandoned island haunted very literally by the ghosts of the past.
Night in the Woods
My sister’s favorite game of all time and for me it is definitely up there. Focuses around a girl named Mae who recently dropped out of college and returned to her home town to try to reconnect with her friends and family and deal with her mental health, but there is something lurking in the woods... also all the characters are anthropomorphic animals and it’s adorable.
Harrrrddddd. It’s hard. So hard. But I did it! Celeste is a platformer following a girl named Madeline as she tried to climb Mt. Celeste chased and hindered by her fears and anxieties as she attempts to cope. It’s a very good game but can be very frustrating.
A Short Hike
A short game relatively speaking about a bird girl named Claire who is on an island state park with her aunt and is attempting to get to the peak of the mountain to find cell service for a very important phone call. She can walk, climb and fly in this little open world game and it is very charming. I never got around to catching all the fish cause I have other things to do but maybe one day...
A very stressful game where you die every minute which is definitely not enough time to do everything but luckily all your progress stays each death, you just end up at your little house over and over. Reminds me of top down zelda games and is completely in black and white. I was tense the entire time but beating the game was such a rush of relief.
Wheels of Aurelia
Aaa so many endings! I got 3 so far to be honest. It’s a visual novel driving game following a woman named Lella and a lady she picked up at a dance named Olga as they travel the Aurelia road in Italy on their way to France for their own reasons. I wish you could slow down the car as well as speed up cause I hit so many people when trying to be careful lol.
This game made my computer overheat and shut down! Aaa. Anyway it’s about opening boxes through puzzles and is very neat for what I played before my computer decided to throw a tantrum!
Adorable platform puzzle game playing as a little witch who fell into a ruin and has to find her pet bunnies, get her stuff back and get to the surface. In like every room there’s a eye on the wall that opens when you pass it and it took forevvvveeer to find them all and I’m not even sure what their point was but it was a fun game.
A bejeweled like puzzle game where you find a laptop owned by an apparently infamous user Glitch_Witch who apparently decided to take a break from her internet kingdom and dump it on some rando: you, and left you notes on how to get rid of “hackers” hiding in the puzzle boards. Very fun but the cat levels killed me. So. So hard. It’s a cute game worth a look
Ephemera of Evalynn Cott
I didn’t really “get” this game? It was a little hard to understand but interesting to say the least. I think I finished it and it didn’t take long. It’s about a girl trying to find her missing assignments I think. It’s like Atari graphics which is neat but it was hard for me to tell what was happening, you know, being younger than the Atari and all.
A pixel game where you take photos of bunnies in a garden in a top down fashion. There’s no real point or anything for this game but it’s cute.
2d puzzle platform styled game with a cute minimalist design where you play as a little red oval with legs and eyes called Piku who runs around a cute and quirky little island and kicks the crap out of robots. Rather short but very cute and charming, now only if someone would play co-op with me :/
Death and Taxes
I honestly don’t know how I feel about this game. You play as a grim reaper in an office and the main game play is stamping papers with short info blurbs on humans to decide if they live or die. It’s a weird game that suggests the world is better off if some people die and I don’t know how I feel about that. I really don’t.
Lenna’s Inception
A top down Zelda inspired game where the hero dies in the tutorial and school teacher Lenna must step up and conquer the dungeons to save her students from the glitch that made her school disappear. It apparently has three endings which definitely adds to replay-ability and you can switch between 32 and 64 bit styles. It was really fun and I highly recommend it if you like zelda games.
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gaillol-13 · 3 years
Cartoon encounter.
Part 3 of this (part 2) Swear warning!
*sigh* "it just doesn't make any sense!"
I've been trying to figure out who that guy is for a while now, ever since I got home from the interview today. It just seemed like something out of a horror film, I don't understand. And they sounded so much like...no. I sat down for a moment to look at the pictures I took, and tried to recall what happened in the room with the tv (and the closet).
"Ok, so blood was coming out of the Tv," I spoke "I heard the killer walking towards me, with their arms out to grab me. They're voice sounded static-like, they were humming the Captoon's theme song. And then one of the police officers went in the room, the humming stopped, I looked in the closet but they were gone...they..."
I sighed.
"They sounded so much like Benjamin, like, identical, the only difference is the static. But, he's been dead for almost a year now, it just doesn't make any sense..."
"Beb-beeep, beb-beeeeep!!! Movement detected!!!"
What?! Theres someone trying to get in the house? I immediately check the security cameras but find no one there. The only evidence is the broken steel doors and a note, I zoomed in on it to get a closer look at what it said, I turned pale.
"Bonjournie~ Mr.Melvin :)"
That's what the note said, and the paper had the same static texture as the hammer piece I had.
The same person who killed those criminals is here, and I'm next.
"MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I screamed, "Why? Why me?! Why is this guy targeting me?! Of course, its because I know too much, I should have just kept quiet, I should have just said they committed suicide, that would have made more sense than a cannibalistic cartoon-loving prick by slaughtering them with nooses and a fucking rubber hammer!!! But noooo! I have to open my big mouth and now this fucker's gonna kill me!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!"
I tried my best to calm down, it's not easy to think if I'm going into my dinosaur brain. Okay, everything is going to be fine, he must have a weakness, everybody has one. I have lots of inventions that could be good in the situation I'm in, I just gotta think of a plan. Think Melvin think, if I were a cannibal who loves captoon, what would be my weakness?
Hmm... I looked around my room, I spotted one a bottle of paint thinner, huh. I saw this in a game once, thinner can dissolve paint, which is what cartoon characters are made out of. I thought for a moment.
He likes the Captoon cartoon, and George and Harold made that cartoon. So if I'm gonna get this guy, (I cant believe I'm about to say this) I gotta think like George and harold.
Aww hell with it!
I grabbed the thinner bottle and loaded it in a spray gun, its ridiculous, but it's my best shot. And who knows, maybe some of the robot guards took care of him already.
"OW! @%#$!!!!"
What was that?! I mean, it was obviously a cry out in pain coming from downstairs (the living room to be exact), but AFTER it sounded like a beeping sound butchered by radio static. But that didn't matter now, the fact is that this guy is in my house, I have a plan (sort of), and I'm ready for whatever is down there.
I grabbed my flashlight and slowly made my way downstairs, he could be anywhere. I turned the lights in the hallway on, no one was there though. I looked in the kitchen, as expected, the fridge was open and most of the food in there was gone, and all of the leftover guac had vanished (THAT really caused a shiver to go down my spine). When I got close to the living room, I heard a noise, or more specifically, music.
I went in the living room to find the TV playing the Captoon theme song, huh. Guess I was right about him liking that, I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
T h e m u s i c d i d n ' t s t o p .
Almost paralyzed with fear, I pressed the off button again, still playing, pressed it again, still going. No matter how many times I pressed it, the music kept playing. It only took me one second to realize the music was coming from behind me...along with that same feeling I had back at the abandoned school...
Oh no...
Before I could turn around, I felt something wrap around me, I looked down, I saw an arm.
Yeah, that's right, an arm was wrapping around my torso. How did I know it was an arm, at the end of it there was a gloved hand, gloved...it sorta gave me rubberhose cartoon vibes. Come to think of it, the arm was fully white like a rubberhose, I would have thought about it more I wasn't in peril.
"AAA-MMF!!!" I tried to scream, but the hand covered my mouth in an instant. The arm was fully wrapped around me now, only leaving my head uncovered.
I kicked and squirmed around trying to escape, no dice. The arm slowly turned me around, I soon realized that the arm was waaayyy longer than I previously thought. It stretched all the way to the far side of the hallway where there was nothing but darkness, nothing except...two...eyes...staring at me.
These weren't normal dot eyes, hohooohh nooo! These had the pupils and the sclera!!! And they were huge!! Who was this guy? No, scratch that. WHAT was this guy?! Forgive me for being Captain Obvious here, but there no fucking way this...thing is human!!
He was walking towards me, I squeezed my eyes shut, shit, I'm fucked. I'm going to be food, I could already see the headlines. "Class S Melvin sneedly (aka the smartest and sexiest man alive) becomes human Foie Gras to rubberhose monster". This is my end!!!
Then he (or it, I don't even know anymore) spoke.
"Shhhh, calm down."
What? Calm down?! I opened my eyes, he was still walking towards me, his eyes still the only things I could see. They looked...guilty.
"I know your scared right now." He continued
"Mmff mfm mff!!" I muffled sarcastically, it roughly translated to "NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!!", and he knew it. As he became more and more visible, I froze.
The clothes...
The body figure...
The toupee...
He was a spitting image of Benjamin, except the eyes I mentioned earlier (which now revealed that he had pie-slice pupils). And there was no color, only shades of white (his skin), grey, and black...I was filled with shock...which then shifted to seething anger.
What right does this asshole have to impersonate MY boss?! NONE!! WHAT THE FUCK!!! I kicked at him furiously while delivering muffled screeching. Who the hell does he think he is?!
"Melvin please calm down-OW!"
I bit his gloved hand, he's NOT gonna tell me what to do.
He gave gave me a look that was a combination of surprise, pity, scared, and impressed.
"Gosh," I heard him mutter under his static breath "that last bit kinda rhymed..".
How is this happening, when did I become prisoner of a cartoon monstrosity. Why, how. This doesn't-...then it clicked.
"This is a dream."
It's the only reasonable explanation.
"This isnt real, of course. What was I thinking."
I breathe the sigh of relief, phew.
"Why else would you look like Benjamin, it's obvious my subconscious is missing him, and the reason why your a cartoon is because I've been watching captoon too much. And why are you after me? Because it's just my subconscious being guilty of Benjamin's death, like I felt responsible, like I was supposed to be there with him when it happened. It all makes sense!!"
The behemoth rolled his eyes, but that didn't matter. What matters is that this isnt real, it's just a horrible nightmare. I dont know when I fell asleep (probably when I passed out stress-eating all those croissants at the interview), but either way I'm glad that it will be over---
I felt something sharp jab me in the arm, I looked to see his gloved hand, only a little different. The pointer finger was longer and the tip was pointy, sorta like and overgrown fingernail. Either way, it hurt, and he was still there, this wasn't a dream, it was real life.
"Real enough for ya?" All I could do was nod as I watched the finger retract and return to its proper form and shape, then I heard him sigh.
"Look, they're going to search the abandoned school so I need a place to stay-" I cut him off. "Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't call the authorities."
"Cuz they would never believe you."
I opened my mouth to protest, but then i thought for a moment. He was right, they wouldn't. There was a saying in the book Our Lord Dav, where he quoted "people can be too smart for their own good" which ment if someone was too smart, they would become insane. The police might think just that if I tell them theres a living cartoon in my house.
"Please," I looked back up at him. Seeing his sad, pleading face. "I just need to hide hear for a bit, just a lil bit. I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now, especially after last night. But...*sigh*... I REALLY need your help...just let me stay."
I was speechless, I was starting to doubt that this was the same person that killed those criminals. His expression seemed so...bonafide. Pupils dilated to a sorrow filled manner, lips trembling, it felt like the equivalent of looking at a sad puppy. But...how do I know I should trust him.
"Your not gonna kill me?"
"Of course not!!!" He protested, by now the arm he had wrapped around me was retracted back to him, but I really wasn't paying attention. "I'm not a monster!!!"
Not a monster? My eyes narrowed.
He then rubbed the back of his head, chuckling nervously, "I guess I am if you define a monster as a creature that defies the laws of physics and nature, heh. But I'm talking about one that's heartless, ruthless, and selfish."
His eyes then darted away and his face suddenly became sour. His tone changed completely.
"Like the @*#%$, Theodore..."
Theres only one person I know who could sound and act like that when the subject was Ted murdsly...
I threw myself at him in an embrace, eyes filled with tears...
"You are Benjamin..."
I was both in shock and joy. I couldn't believe my boss was alive...I started sobbing.
"I miss you so much..."
I felt him hug me back.
"Heh, miss ya too Mel. It's been very lonely, even with him around, it's nice to see an old friend again..."
I started crying into his shoulder, I was so relieved. For one, I now know that I'm not gonna be dinner. Two, the others will be thrilled to hear that their favorite grumpy boss is back (especially her. If you catch my drift). But I thought for a moment...
"What do you mean by "even with him around"?"
He then lead me to a chair, "sit down, and let me tell you how I'm alive."
So he told me...and dear dav is it a doozy.
So after Benjamin died, George and harold were starting the Captoon cartoons, they had the help of dressy. But in the making of the first tape reel of season 1, dressy sprinkled some dust on it, making Captoon sentient. Then the boys took it to Benjamin's gravestone, and placed it there. Then lightning struck the tape and it started to melt, along with the world in it.
In major pain, Captoon got out of the tape and into Benjamin's corpse, sort of merging with it. Another lightning struck the same spot again. And since dead people come back to life when they get zapped with electricity in cartoons, thats exactly what happened to Benjamin.
He wakes up, they meet, he tells him how he died (turns out it wasn't an accident), and Captoon gets an idea. Since he needs a physical body to stay in (cuz otherwise he would melt and die), and Benjamin needs Captoon's cartoon physiques to stay alive, they become one. Becoming Krupptoon.
It finally made sense now.
"So now you know." Krupptoon said, then grabbed a nearby glass and drunk from it. Then he noticed my mind-blown expression.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, it's just...alot to take in. Does that mean your dead body is still in you?"
"Uh-huh, wanna see?"
Intrigued, I nodded, after what I saw last night, this wont really effect me. Then his head began to shift, the white static-like skin seemed to dissolve. Revealing a pale, bloody, and very very dead head.
The left side (his left side) of the head had the skull smashed open showing that parts of the brain were missing, and pretty much almost all of the left side (again, his left) of the head looked like it was demolished from impact.
His eye (on his right) looked lifeless, yet it had a distinct green glow, don't know why. Oh yeah, and it smelled, it smelled repulsive.
I felt the urge to puke which he immediately took notice of and grabbed a nearby bucket, then he gave it to me.
5 minutes and 43 seconds of vomiting later... I looked at him for a closer inspection.
"Hmm, it seems only the left side is affected."
He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a magnifying glass and handed it to me. I then used it.
"Your frontal lobe is severely injured, that would explain why you only move in rubberhose, your Broca's Area seems fine. Same with the Sensory area and Parietal lobe. Your Temporal lobe looks pretty damaged..."
I went quiet...
"Whats wrong?" He said that with his decayed mouth barely moving.
It took me a while to try to get the words out.
"T-thats the lobe that contains memories. Benjamin...do you remember anything?"
His face fell, "Oh,". He then put his hand on his chin, "Well, I remember you, and George and harold. Ted (though I wish I didn't), my identity, how I died...". He then plopped down on the ground, his face returning to its cartoony appearance. Trying to recall, then his eyes lit up. "I...remember Edith..."
And boy what happened next was quite a site. His hand dropped to the side, a shade of gray crept up his face, hearts started floating around him, and I swear I could hear a romantic saxophone playing. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing.
"What?" He turned his attention to me, I simply pointed upwards at the hearts floating around. His eyes went wide and he made a noise that can only be defined as a startled dog and immediately started shooing them away with his arms, his face now flashing dark grey and white in embarrassment.
"I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" He yelped in a panicked tone, but I knew otherwise.
"Oh suuuuure~!" I said playfully, "Its not like you visit her in the lunchroom every day,or that you give her extra credit, or that you try to make her food everyday!"
With every example I said, he got grayer and grayer. So I kept going.
"Or that you hide a bunch of gifts around her office, or that you're always happy when she's around 24/7, or that you secretly write about how much you want to be with her forever in your journal!"
"HOW DID YOU GET MY JOURNAL?!?!" He started shrieking and becoming a charcoal grey, sweating, and flustered mess. And it was hilarious! And it lasted a good 5 minutes.
"Joking aside, you REALLY don't remember anything else, like your job?"
"I have a job?" He cocked his head and gave me a confused look.
"Nevermind." I decided it was nothing to worry about now, so I quickly dismissed that subject. Then I heard him sigh again.
"The main reason I came here is for your help, your help to kill crime."
I was confused, "why would you need my help, you have the ability to do it on your own."
He gave me a classic Captoon smile, "Because it's like I said in the cartoons" he stood up and did the pose, "it's more fun to bring justice with friends!". He then pulled me up off the chair and put his gloved hands on my shoulders.
"You, me, George and harold, and the others can stop evil in its tracks! Sure, I could do it alone. But what the heck is living if you don't do it with your chums! Buds! Home slices! Homies! Pals! Bros! ETC!!!"
Honestly, I was very moved. I usually dont get touched, but...I haven't felt like I had friends, at all (I always felt so alone). And the fact that my boss (who's also Captoon himself) considers me as a good friend is enough to make me emotional.
"So Melvin Sneedly!!! Are you gonna join this crazy but exciting ride of adventure and mystery with me?!"
"Y-YES!!!" My voice cracked a bit, but that didn't matter now.
Man, he said that Captoon only moved their body, but THAT moment had to disagree. I sas honestly thrilled to start working with a superhero...but then the moment took a different direction when he gave me a smug look.
"Now what did you mean by you watching that Captoon cartoon too much?"
"Now wait just a minute-"
He then laughed and patted me on the back "ight, see ya tomorrow."
I headed towards upstairs to my room "goodnight."
I didn't know what I was getting into, but whatever it was, for once I'm ready for anything!!!
End of fic
Whooooo! That took a while, but it was worth it. Now with the introductions out of the way, I can finally make some memes!
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13tongues · 4 years
HOLY. SHIT. okay first of all i hope you are okay with this being here, but GOSH. CHAPTER 12. OH MY GOD. I wanna talk about the end but LETS TALK ABOUT THE START FIRST. FIRST. I ADORE that sirius has such a morbid sense of humor tying in with his not so traditional yet completely traditional childhood. It's so on brand of him, i think! Second of all, any scene with remus??? GREAT. WONDERFUL. AMAZING. HES WONDERFUL. I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE ALL THE CHARACTERS. ed slowly realizing theres more to the goblins and him very vaguely describing the gate and everything. GREAT!! AMAZING!! loved that. Madame Pomfrey: Terrifying. that's all. I love drentier so much oh mg od. i love how you write all your characters??? the bit where everyones like "r you sure hthis is the only way??? that is painful and i dont like seeing you in pain" GLORIOUS. the way drentier and ed interact. amazing. did i mention i love how you write all your characters? I DO. SO MUCH. ed poofing the ring!! wonderful!  FRED IS SO DRAMATIC I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! the difference between him and george is really more pronounced especially with it following ed and i adore that so much. i love that you describe how they tease eachother and how they behave its all such a silver lining! LUNA. GOSH. enough said shes wonderful. THE ENTIRE EDSQAUD IS WONDERFUL. THE SCENE WHERE THEY BULLY ED ABOUT THE QUIDDITCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAA??? THE SCENE WITH THE SUNFLOWERS AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE ED AS A STRESS BAKER HOW DO I UPVOTE RETWEET LIKE THE LIL BONDING SCENE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ..and THEN THE BOGGART MOMENT OH MYGOD IM BREAKING MY HEART IS SHATTER AAA YOU DID. SUCH A GOOD JOB ALREADY IM. COMPLETELY THRILLED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!! GOD. "Brother. How could you?" HEART BEEN BROKE PLEASE MY HEART ASMDJASDDASDSHJ You're doing wonderful with this fic, i am beyond thrilled to see what happens next!!! HAVE A GREAT ONE!
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What are some things your f/os like about you? Can be any f/o, or even several.
Let me just go feral for a second and do all of them-Toma: “I can’t name a single flaw! She’s just so cute and perfect, and I love every single thing about her! *smiles innocent*”Trevor: “Hmmm... *scratches his head while blushing* She’s a bit weak, for sure, but somehow that makes her even cuter! Her voice is really soft as well, it’s great to feel asleep to. And she likes my awesome puns!”Dante: “*makes wild hand gestures to show how small I am* You know, this baby is just so small, I have the feeling I always have to protect her. And she looks so cute when she sleeps. I love to see her smile as well, it’s brighter then any light I’ve seen, woah!!”V: “O, my little wanderer... *chuckles softly* She always gets so flustered when I say something, and her size as well as her worrying about me makes her even more cute. Her singing and her drawings are also of high quality. *smiles a bit* and sometimes, when she’s daydreaming, her eyes are glowing like stars~”Aymeric de Borel: “*blushes slightly with a soft expression* I hate to see her destroying herself and her stressing out. But after this, she has those calm, peaceful moments, where she looks like a pure angel wanting to be protected. I wish she could be this peaceful without herself being self destructive. But otherwise, her singing is stunning and her almost black eyes are as magical as the mythical forests.”Noctis: *blushes heavily, while smiling bright* gosh, there’s so much I love about her!! She loves to play games with me and listens to every story of mine like it’s the most epic thing she has ever heard! And she’s so small, I have to help her get things sometimes!! And when she takes care of a chocobo, she’s so wholesome and pure, and then- *the gushing goes on for hours*”Lon’Qu: *looks away while blushing* ...h-her whole personality. She’s sweet. hmpf.”Chrom: “AWWWW my little Choco! *smiles bright, then sits down* She’s my little sunshine, and I love to take care of her! Everything she does is so cute and pure, and I love how determined she is! And I’m so so proud of her she made it to this point, she’s an angel!!”Jakob: “Lady ChocoChan is really a blessing. She’s the cutest lady I’ve ever seen, and she’s just so tiny, I love to protect and serve her as a butler and as a husband Shiro: “O!!! MY CHOCHO!! *gets a bit flustered* I love how tiny and precious she is. She always asks me twice, and I don’t feel so awkward next to her. And when we’re fishing, she sometimes feeds the fish. It was strange at first, but really wholesome now.”Angel: “My Kitten is really a special case. She often puts herself down, even tho she has no need for it! Seriously, I can find an insult for everybody around me, but not for her! She’s so emotional and sensitive, it’s cute! And... *smiles pure* I somehow want to protect this smile!”Kusuriuri: “She’s an interesting mix of boldness and kindess. I have really good conversations with her about myths, dreams and the world...well, when she’s not too tired, that is. *softly chuckles*”2B: “*holds her hand on her lips* O Choco...she showed me what feelings are, and I’m so thankful for this. A-and she sings really really good. Her nose is also really cute and- Sometimes she sticks flowers in my hair, and it calms me down.”A2: “God, this woman... *looks in the distance* She manages to calm me down, and I don’t even know why!! I mean, she’s just a woman... a beautiful woman, who is so soft, yet so determined... *blushes* who showed me how beautiful the world can be...”N: “My Cutie reminds me of my Zorua in some way. She tries to fit in somehow, yet she sometimes shows her true self: A bold, kind and funny woman, who wants to know what happiness is. And I wanna help her with that! *smiles bright*”Raihan: “aaa my little sunshiiiine! *grins* She’s really small, almost a dwarf, and I love to make jokes about her size and helping her with stuff she can’t do! Hugging her is just so satisfying, and her telling me all about her day is really cute. And she has that habit to like all of my selfies, she’s my biggest fan!”Leon: “I love how active and motivated she is. And her acts of kindness are really adorable! But sometimes, she overworks herself...however *thinking face* her being tired is a whole new level of cuteness. Also, she saved me from getting lost in a pokemon center-”Kogami: “She’s the kind of person I want to protect. Sweet, innocent, lovely, bold, yet kind and sometimes selfless. Her size and her determination combined with her weakness are stunning for me... She’s magical.”Link: “*smiles brighter then the sun* My lil’Chocoooo! She’s like a lamb, and I love to do everything with her! She always wants to hear of my adventures, and she listens every time to them, in her view, they never get old! Her singing is extremely good, and I love to see her art! And her trying to protect me is the most wholesome thing I’ve ever seen! *laughs happily*”There we go. I adore the “all f/o” asks, ngl uwu
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “These Boots Aren’t Made For Dancing” [ 1.08 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
CULTURE SWAP – As part of the truce, the performers and techies walk a mile in the others’ shoes – almost literally. Some students are more equipped for the change than others. A technician performance at the end of the week promises plenty of surprises.
50 Minutes (10K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← Black, The Color of Techies Scorned ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ The Miserables → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Better When I’m Dancin’” as performed by Meghan Trainor || Performed by Zay Babineaux (feat. AAA Sophomores)
The new world order is in full swing at AAA – and the students are just beginning to figure out what exactly that means. To launch into the change, ZAY BABINEAUX leads the full class in a loose and upbeat rendition of the light-hearted bop.
Yes, that is the full class. Not only are the performers jamming together, but the techies are getting pulled into the dance and each getting their moment to show off their moves. Zay has a little duet with each of them (except Lucas, naturally), including a true standout moment with JEFF MONROE who actually seems to have a semblance of rhythm in his body.
JADE BEAMON allows Zay to twirl her, before scrambling bashfully back to her desk. DYLAN ORLANDO trips over his feet trying a step Zay attempts to teach him and ASHER GARCIA. DAVE WILLIAMS knocks over a desk and sends NICK YOGI and NIGEL CHEY into hysterics. The dancing isn’t good, but gosh if it isn’t charming as heck!
The parade progresses into the auditorium, much like the last time Zay dragged them all into a dance. Everyone is twirling around and shuffling together, laughing and taking the challenge in stride. It’s a message of encouragement, both to the techies doing something they’re not great at and to Zay’s fellow performers, who are stressed as hell about what this episode might entail for them. It’s cute! It’s endearing!
But why is it necessary?
SHAWN HUNTER and ANGELA MOORE explain it to us, as the class settles into their seats in the front of the auditorium. They stand together on the stage, addressing the class and explaining what the assignment is going to be for the week.
Angela: Considering both sides of the class have now come to a truce –
Charlie, fondly: This school is bananas.
Angela: We want to keep that collaborative spirit and sense of exploration going as we try to navigate how to work together moving forward. This necessitates a better understanding of one another.
Shawn: An exchange of ideas, if you would.
So, to follow this trend and foster a better understanding of one another, they will be swapping sides for the week. Yes, the performers will be working through each of the roles a technician typically puts into a production. Meanwhile, the techies will be preparing their own number, which they will perform at the conclusion of the assignment. Then, all the elements will come together for the full production experience. It’s a culture swap, baby!
Although there are students clearly not enthusiastic about this development – if LUCAS FRIAR’s disdainful expression or FARKLE MINKUS’ nervous twitching are any indication – but there’s also tentative excitement in the air. This could be fun.
Cue opening titles.
The performers are discussing these new changes at lunch, and already the subtle changes in dynamic are already on display. Rather than all sitting in different corners of the room, Farkle, MAYA HART, Zay, and CHARLIE GARDNER are enjoying their lunch together at the same table. Nigel and YINDRA AMINO are also with them.
The reviews about the announcement of this week’s assignment are, decidedly, mixed.
Maya: This is insanity. Absolute anarchy.
Farkle: Look, everyone wanted me to lay down my arms and come to the negotiating table, so I did. This is what happened. I’m not taking any blame, thank you very much.
Charlie: Oh, come on. Maybe it’ll be good for you all to… learn something.
Maya: I’m sorry, when did we promote you to speaking level?
Zay gives Charlie a playful nudge. He almost chokes on his food.
Even more surprising is the arrival of Lucas to their table, floating over and carrying a stack of paper. His mere presence anywhere near the performer tables is unprecedented, so guess that’s the new world order talking. He greets them all stiffly before handing out the papers, a flyer explaining all of the tasks they will be learning over the course of the week.
Zay: Oh, and you’re gonna perform, right?
Maya, mockingly: Ooh, hear that? Huckleberry is gonna perform!
Farkle: You mean embarrass yourself. You’re going to embarrass yourself.
[ Lucas laughs along, taking the moment in stride. In some ways, this is scarier than if he showed anger. ]
Lucas: I’d be careful if I were you, Minkus. To progress through each station, you have to get approval from a senior technician to confirm that your work is of a satisfactory quality. Do you have any guesses who that senior technician might be?
[ Farkle has stopped laughing, mouth hanging open slightly. Charlie speaks for him. ]
Charlie: Is it… you?
Lucas: (: See you all in lab!
At the other end of the cafeteria, RILEY MATTHEWS is seated at the indoor techie table. She is eagerly discussing the assignment with ISADORA DE LA CRUZ, rambling on about how amazing it is that they’ll finally get to perform and already imagining what the number might be like. She can’t wait for the entire class to see how talented Isadora is.
Her rant is interrupted when Lucas rejoins them, sliding into the seat next to Riley and bumping her shoulder in the process. She clears her throat, getting distracted by how close he’s sitting. It’s hard to forget she now knows very well that he and Isadora are nothing more than platonic…
Isadora has no such distractions. She glances over her shoulder at how shaken the performers seem before looking back at the mischievous expression on his face, giving him a look.
Isadora: What did you do to them? Lucas, don’t –
Lucas: What? What, I did nothing! Nothing. I was just… preparing them. (:
Isadora rolls her eyes, already prepping a retort as Lucas smirks to himself. Riley glances at him, unable to hold back a smile. When he locks eyes with her, she bashfully looks down at her food.
Isadora: Don’t cause any more trouble, please. We finally have a school-wide truce, and I wouldn’t mind it if that could stick for a while.
Riley: It does seem like a long time coming.
Isadora: I just want everything to be normal now. That’s it. No changes, no drama, just… normalcy.
At Adams? That’s an impossibility. As if on cue, Yogi runs in, raving about whether or not everyone has “seen it” yet. Their table exchanges exhausted looks, assuming he’s referring to the AAA Confessions page and telling him they don’t wanna hear it. But that’s not what Yogi is talking about.
He slaps down his phone on the tabletop, the assembled brigade of techies leaning over to take a look at it. It’s open to an article from a tabloid, the focus being Isadora and her famous connection to Valerie De La Cruz. She’s officially low-hanging publication fodder. Lucas, Riley, and Isadora look up at the same time, exchanging matching looks of shock with varied degrees of indignation.
So much for normalcy.
Shawn and Angela are together in the theater classroom, enjoying their lunch as a pair. Shawn is seated in the desk chair, looking up at Angela sitting with her legs crossed on the desktop. It’s her desk, after all, so who is gonna tell her not to sit on it?
They’re flipping through the tabloid themselves, getting a sense of what storm might be brewing next. It never ends at the Academy for the Arts, it seems. Angela also drops the news during the conversation that she is eyeing a few auditions in the coming weeks, and she thinks she’s going to go out for them. She’s been putting them off because she wants to be present for as much of the musical casting process as possible – which is coming around the bend in a week or so – but she’s got a few auditions slated for Thursday and Friday. She wants to start trying to get some actual roles and pursue her dream again, crazy as it still seems.
Shawn is obviously a bit uncertain about this development. He makes a cheeky comment about how telling it is that he just got her back and off she goes again with this dream thing, but he’s mostly kidding. She tosses a playful statement back his way, kicking at him lightly with her heel.
He reaches up and pulls her off the desk, pulling her onto his lap instead as she bursts into laughter. They exchange a kiss, obviously in a better place to have this conversation than they were in their early twenties. Hopefully that mojo persists…
The chaos unfolds in Eric’s office, where Riley and Lucas marched Isadora as soon as they saw the article. ERIC MATTHEWS listens calmly while they rail on how ridiculous this all is, not to mention an invasion of privacy. Isadora is also quiet in the chair across the desk, not offering much to say herself.
JACK HUNTER is also present, equally as up and arms about the whole thing. Rather than playing his usual role of diffuser, he feeds off of Riley and Lucas’s frustration, the three of them just riling each other up and backing one another up. It takes Eric a hot minute to get them all to shut up, finally allowing Isadora the floor to speak.
When she does, however, she doesn’t say what any of them were expecting. She states she basically wants to ignore it. Yes, it’s stressful, and yes, it’s freaking her out, but she’s sick of reacting to it already. She just wants to pretend it’s not happening.
Lucas: Dora, are you serious?
Isadora: It’s not like I can make it go away, can I? But it’s just words on paper. It can’t do anything to me. And who actually reads that thing anyway?
Lucas: Yeah, but –
Jack: Are you sure that –
Isadora: I just want to pretend it’s not there, and focus on the assignment. Is that too much to ask?
No, it’s not, really. Lucas and Riley exchange a look, before looking to Jack. He steps forward, assuring Isadora that he will do whatever he can to get to the bottom of this. They’re going to figure out who leaked this information, and they’ll put a stop to it. Isadora is skeptical.
Isadora: Oh, yeah? You can’t even figure out who is running an anonymous Instagram account for a high school of 200 students. You’re really going to deduce the source of a nationally printed tabloid? [ off Jack’s flustered response ] Sure. Give it a try. Otherwise, I really just want to go back to the usual routine.
If that’s what she wants, there’s not much more they can do. Eric assures her that she can come to him at any time, which she already knows. She gets to her feet, leading the way out. As they’re leaving, Jack has one more comment to make towards Lucas.
Jack: You know, I think this is the first time you’ve left one of our offices without saying something inappropriate or knocking something over.
Lucas: [ with a cheeky grin ] Revolution is beautiful, isn’t it?
Eric: Yes, my yet-to-be-broken mugs and I are very happy with this new world order.
After Jack exits as well, Zay pokes his head in. Eric lights up when he sees him, responding in affirmation to Zay’s statement that he asked to see him and eagerly gesturing for him to take a seat. He explains they’re just waiting for one more person, just as Charlie appears in the doorway.
Eric happily greets him, inviting him in to join them. Charlie spots Zay and has a split second of hesitation and what could be described as panic, but he breezes past it and pulls himself back together in a blink. Could’ve just been a trick of the light. But the moment he’s seated, he immediately asks what Eric could’ve called both them in for specifically.
As he explains it, he pulled the two of them in because they’re some of the most universally liked students in the class. They have a reputation for good attitudes and keeping things positive, and given the challenge present this week for many of their classmates, he was hoping that they could work together to actively make sure things stay light and people are feeling good.
There’s a bit of a question of like… isn’t that Eric’s job, but Zay and Charlie exchange a look before agreeing that they’ll do it. Eric is thrilled.
As Zay and Charlie step into the hall, they both agree that they have no idea what exactly they’re supposed to be doing. But hey, Charlie says, they’ll try their best. Together, as Zay reminds him. He pats him on the shoulder, and Charlie glances at his hand before breaking into a grin.
And together, Angela reiterates in class, is how they’re all going to manage this week. It’s going to take collaboration from both sides to get to the end of the assignment successfully. And Shawn agrees. Thus, let’s kick off this exchange of swapping sides…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Strangers Like Me” as performed by Phil Collins || Performed by AAA Sophomores
A montage carries us through the start of this immersion project, chronicling all the ways that they’re beginning to step into one another’s shoes.
The techies attempt to teach confused performers the basic ropes of their usual jobs. Jade leads them through a costuming seminar, Yogi inevitably sticking himself with multiple pins. Nate painstakingly shows Haley, Clarissa, and Darby how to construct a set piece, but they can barely carry the wood by themselves. Isadora runs them through basic stage mechanics, almost knocking Farkle off the stage on accident.
On the lyrics “Every gesture, every move that she makes makes me feel like never before,” the focus is on Charlie and Zay. The latter is helping Isadora and Asher with a bout of choreography, and as Charlie watches it’s evident that he’s clearly… struggling with something. He keeps wiping his palms on his jeans, and swallowing hard like he’s dying of thirst. Maybe he is! It’s a relief when Dylan pulls him away again for more help.
When it comes to “Why do I have this growing need to be beside her,” the moment belongs to Riley and Lucas. He and Dave are teaching her and a group of performers about crewing and moving set pieces during a scene, proper protocol for moving in the dark and where to hold the pieces. Riley evidently says something silly that makes the group of them laugh together. Lucas catches himself smiling at her like an idiot, and then is like. Wait a minute. What am I doing.
Riley, of course, doesn’t notice a thing.
On the flip side, performers are also attempting to give tips to the techies – teaching them dance moves, helping them stand taller with more stage presence, etc. Charlie spends a chunk of time with Dave, Dylan, and Nate, maintaining a positive attitude while showing all of them and their left feet basic dance steps. Maya examines each of them and adjusts their posture. When she gets to Lucas and he just glares at her, she just skips over him. Smart move, miss Hart.
When the bridge arrives and we’re at the slower reprieve (“Come with me now to see my world…”), Lucas brings Riley into the technician’s booth for the first time. She follows him up the steps and then hesitantly into the space, knowing full well how sacred it is. She glances at Lucas for a sense of permission before stepping up to the lighting board and main window, getting a taste of the view.
She’s totally entranced by the view of the stage, but Lucas isn’t looking at that. He can’t stop looking at her.
The rest of the montage progresses with an epic feeling, showing the opposing sides beginning to get the swing of their new stations. Dave does some terrible dance moves, but with confidence! Zay manages to build part of a set piece without killing anyone. The only downbeat is Farkle, who is clearly struggling with every task put in front of him. Poor, poor, little diva…
Angela and Shawn watch all this unfold, exchanging smirks before lightly high-fiving one another. So far, so good.
Riley is still in the booth with Lucas, getting her lesson in lighting from him. He’s showing her how to operate the board, sort of mumbling through it as he’s not the instructor Jeff or Isadora would be. But Riley is being a good student, listening very attentively and asking plenty of follow up questions.
When it’s her turn to set up the correct lighting design, she’s cautious as she places her fingers on the board. Partially because it’s an expensive board and she doesn’t want to like, break it, but also because she doesn’t know what she’s doing and doesn’t want to mess up. Lucas senses her hesitation, leaning closer and helping guide her hands to the right sliders.
Yes, it’s that kind of classic maneuver. Lucas leaning over her shoulder, his hands lightly resting on top of hers. It’s difficult to tell whether the move is intentional on either of their parts, but the moment they realize how close they’re standing it’s clear they weren’t prepared for it.
Riley catches her breath, tilting her head to look at him. She speaks softly, telling him that she thinks she understands why he likes being up here so much. The way it’s sort of removed, has this sense of quiet isolation… but how you can still see everything. The whole world is within your reach, even if you’re safely on the other side.
Riley: There’s something… I don’t know, beautiful, about that. Isn’t there?
Lucas: [ gazing at her, swallowing ] Yeah…
The moment is interrupted when Isadora storms in, wondering if either of them are going to do the hell job they’re in charge of and change the lighting? The two of them jump away from one another in seconds, shaking off the tension.
Isadora pushes past Riley, fixing the board herself. She claims they’ve been shouting up at them for like three minutes, what the hell were they doing up here, playing cards? Lucas can’t even look at them, turned away in the other direction.
Guess Riley’s turn in the lighting booth is over. Whoopsie!
Farkle and Maya are in the prop loft, receiving instructions from Asher about the best way to handle each item. He’s going to detail about the elaborate organizational method he has set up for the place, and how it took his entire freshman year to implement it. He emphasizes how each prop is like a child that must be well cared for, handled delicately and with patience… just as Farkle accidentally knocks over one of the tables and sends a bunch of items scattering all over the floor. Asher lets out half a shriek as Maya scrambles out of the way of the wreckage, Farkle sputtering out an apology.
Asher looks like he might pass out, but he assures him it’s fine. He heads out to get a dustpan in case anything was broken, although the possibility seems to kill him as he speaks it. Maya and Farkle bend down to start gathering the fallen. She jokingly claiming that he’s a natural prop master, but Farkle doesn’t really find it funny. It’s obvious he’s in a mood, so she decides to zip it for now. They continue to clean up in silence.
The techies are assembled on the stage, grouped together to discuss their assignment. Much like their brainstorm in 1.02, they’ve got the rolling whiteboard out and Dylan and Asher are alternating taking notes. Most of the suggestions written so far are nonsensical or silly, demonstrating just how seriously they’re taking this potential performance.
Isadora has a surprising amount of ideas, throwing them out there passionately. Nate points out that it seems she’s been bitten by the performer bug, but she simply states it’s the auteur in her and she doesn’t want them all to embarrass themselves so it may as well be good.
Lucas, conversely, is the grumpiest about the whole thing. He claims they should just not do it. There’s no way they can force them to perform. It’s against their rights – those ones they just fought tooth and nail for. Dylan and Asher exchange a hesitant look, while Jade states that maybe they should just try and approach it optimistically.
Lucas: I would rather cut my feet off with a rusty hacksaw than do this.
Dave: Well, that would hurt. :(
It’s clear this brainstorm isn’t going anywhere productive, especially with Lucas in his current mood. The group disbands, sauntering out until it’s only Isadora remaining. She hangs back and keeps working on the whiteboard, scribbling a couple more ideas. She even starts to storyboard a sequence, muttering some potential lyrics under her breath.
It’s clear – she’s enthused about this performance. Now there’s a cinematic twist…
Shawn and Angela are eating dinner together on Shawn’s cushy couch, discussing how they think the assignment is going. The conversation quickly devolves into kissing, the two of them back in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, until a knock at the door yanks them out of it. Angela asks if he’s expecting anybody, which of course he isn’t, but he gets up to investigate.
When he pulls open the door, Jack is standing there. He’s out of breath, having ran all the way from the nearest subway station. Well, not the nearest, in his haste he jumped off a stop too early, but case in point he made it. Shawn is like great… and why are you here?
Jack invites himself in, settling down next to Angela on the couch after greeting her offhandedly. Angela is a bit embarrassed to be seen in such a situation by her boss, but when she exchanges a look with Shawn he just shrugs.
Jack doesn’t seem at all fazed by it, pulling out his laptop with urgency. He explains that he’s gotten a lead on the tabloid debacle, after spending the past couple of days doing some deep diving and investigating.
Jack: It took some research, and some conferring with online sources, not to mention a lengthy thread of rather persuasive emails –
Shawn: God, you need a hobby. Or a hook-up.
All this aside, Jack was able to retrieve the IP address of the source the tabloid used for the story. He turns his computer to show Angela, Shawn leaning over to take a look as well. She recognizes it first.
Angela: [ with a gasp ] Is that – ?
Jack: The IP address for Adams. Yes, yes it is. [ With gusto ] The source came from inside our school.
So there it is. Someone at AAA is leaking things about Isadora, and now they’re going to get to the bottom of it.
Maya is getting ready for school, KATY HART finishing up dressing in her waitress uniform for work. Bag gathered, she takes a moment to admire her mother, who questions why she’s looking at her with that goofy expression.
Maya makes a point of saying how much respect she has for her, considering she’s been working a fraction as hard as she does for the past couple of days and absolutely hates it.
Maya: I’ve been doing manual labor and things for other people eight hours a day for two days, and I wanna die. You, you do it all the time and don’t even bat an eye. I don’t think I appreciate that enough. I love you.
Katy smiles, wandering over and giving her a kiss on the head. She claims it’s entirely worth it, especially getting to see her follow her dreams. If that means making coffee and serving pie to greasy New Yorkers, then so be it. Oh, and the occasional well-groomed arts student.
Maya accepts the playful jab, claiming that since she’s been getting a taste of her life, Katy deserves a slice of hers. She prompts her mom to pick a song, whatever comes on the radio at work a lot of that she finds herself humming a lot. Katy is hesitant at first, but then she tells Maya to hand her her cell from the coffee table.
The moment she hands it over, Katy already knows exactly what song to play.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “9 to 5” as performed by Dolly Parton|| Performed by Maya Hart & Katy Hart (feat. AAA Sophomores)
The moment the jaunty piano rings through the apartment, Maya already knows the vibe. Katy is like you think you can keep up? And Maya is like it’s not even a question.
Katy takes lead on the first verse. When she sings “pour myself a cup of ambition,” Maya lets out a laugh. And yeah, it’s because it’s a nod to the title of the show. Cue credits!
The mother-daughter duo dance around together for the first chorus, and it is absolutely charming. We can see where Maya gets her love of performing from, even if Katy never got to see that dream realized. But for a moment in that morning, she gets a taste of it.
Maya takes the energy and sentiment back to school with her, leading the rest of the performers along with it as they complete their techie tasks. It’s another number that allows us to feature smaller moments with performers we don’t spend much screen time with, such as CLARISSA CRUZ and HALEY FISHER.
All in all, an endearing fun time through and through. Make the dull work flashy, Maya!
Riley is attempting to tackle set construction again. Dave is trying his best to help her, but she’s not quite getting it. She’s too delicate with the tools, and you have to be a little forceful with them if you want them to get the message. Lucas walks over to check in and Dave explains the situation.
He steps up to help, coming up close to Riley again and showing her how to properly use the staple gun. It’s another classic maneuver in the vein showing someone how to bowl or golf only… staple gun, and once again necessitates more physical contact than either of them have ventured before. He explains that she has to give it a little more pressure, successfully planting a staple while pressing down his hand over hers.
Dave applauds the success, but Riley isn’t even aware of it. She is totally struck, just staring at Lucas over her shoulder and trying to figure out how to use words again.
Isadora stomps over, proclaiming that this job should not be taking so long. She essentially pushes them to the side, taking the staple gun like ugh, just let me do it! She does the full swath in like fifteen seconds, tossing the tool back at Dave. Riley backs off apologetically, claiming it wasn’t Dave’s fault and she’s just slow on the uptake.
Isadora nods her along, before turning her glare to Lucas. Her expression clearly conveys disdain, like, hello? You’re slipping? Please pull it together in the one week we need to be on top of things? Yes, Isa, he is indeed slipping…
Another bulletin has been released about Isadora, discussing how she might be following in Valerie’s star-studded footsteps considering she is opting to perform in class that week. Eric and Jack are both hunched over the tabloid article, deducing that culprit likely isn’t in the sophomore class. All of them know the expectations of the lesson this week and are aware this performance isn’t anything more than a requirement.
HARLEY KEINER shows up, asking if Jack still needs access to the databases. Jack responds emphatically, allowing him to do whatever he needs to his laptop. When Eric questions what is going on, Jack explains that Harley is giving him access to the school online usage database so they can see who has been using the library computers which route to that specific IP address.
Eric: I didn’t realize you tangled with the technical, Harley.
Harley: I, janitor Harley Keiner, am a man of many interests. I am not simply limited to the sanitorial arts.
Well, no arguing with that. The three of them crowd around the computer, watching as Harley enters the database. Hopefully, taking them one step closer to finding their leak.
The class has come back together for specified costuming time, a duo of performers each assigned to design the costumes for a technician.
Zay and Riley have been assigned to work with Lucas, who absolutely refuses to talk about the assignment itself. Zay is fishing for details about what their number might be considering they need it to, well, design costumes, but Lucas doesn’t even want to talk about it.
However, all hope is not lost considering they are at least getting measurements. Yes, it is worth noting that Lucas is perfectly fine letting Riley touch him all over to get statistics with her measuring tape – across the shoulders, around the torso, obediently following her soft-spoken directives and doing whatever she needs. Zay is lowkey raising his eyebrows at this, but Riley isn’t saying a word about it because she does not want to jinx herself. Clever girl.
When Zay tries to step forward to help, Lucas reverts back to his Shawn-dubbed “feral cat” state and hisses at him but, you know, in brooding human form. Zay backs off with his hands raised in surrender, more than happy to let Riley do all the work if it’ll keep him from getting rabies.
Farkle and Maya are working on Isadora, getting much more about the performance out of her than Lucas. Maya is doing the measurements for her, approaching all of the close contact delicately and waiting for cues from Isadora to proceed considering she knows how uncomfortable this might be for her. Behind them, Farkle attempts to piece together scraps of a costume with the sewing machine. Maya asks if the techies are excited about the number, or if they’re all dreading it as much as Lucas clearly is.
Isadora: Is he that obvious?
Farkle: It’s like he’s sweating mediocrity.
Maya: Us performers can smell fear. Especially his; it’s rare.
Farkle also comments that the pressure of the tabloid can’t be helping Isadora’s nerves. Maya shoots him a look to shut up, but Isadora claims it really isn’t bothering her that much. She’s hardly keeping up with it considering how much work she has to put into this week. But so far, she’s kind of enjoying it.
Maya seizes this excitement, stating that Isadora should totally audition for the musical next week. They could certainly use the additional female star power, and what does she have to lose if she actually enjoys it? Isadora seems reluctant, but the more Maya goes on about it the more it seems she may be warming up to it.
Farkle interrupts the train of thought, sticking himself with a pin for the fourteenth time and letting out a resounding “FUCK!”
Maya: It’s costuming, Farkle, not brain surgery.
Farkle: Brain surgery would hurt less.
At lunch that afternoon, the techies are deep into discussing their performance, Isadora leading the charge. They’re running out of time, after all, so they need to get it together.
Lucas is zoned out, his mind elsewhere. Isadora calls him out, snapping him back to reality and expressing disdain that he isn’t paying any attention.
Isadora: God, where is your brain this week?
He doesn’t know, Isa, he doesn’t know! Riley took it and she won’t give it back! He snaps instead, getting defensive about how they shouldn’t be concerned about him considering he doesn’t even want to do it anyway. If Isadora is having such a good time with the whole thing, what does she need him for?
Isadora holds his glare, before pointedly continuing the discussion about the choreography. Lucas rolls his eyes, stabbing at his food. Dylan and Asher share another tacit exchange.
Unfortunately for Farkle, he’s the next person who has to deal with Lucas. He’s still stuck on the costume construction assignment, and Lucas isn’t in a very forgiving mood.
Lucas: Look at that. [ Looking up from the mess of cloth. ] Still sucks!
He tells Farkle to try again, which he’s sick of hearing. Farkle jumps to his feet, throwing the costume down and claiming he’s not doing shit again. Lucas claims he will, that is if he wants to pass. The moment is tense between the two of them.
Farkle: You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Must be so nice to finally wield control over the people who are so frustratingly more talented than you. Does that make you feel better? Less inadequate?
Lucas: I’m not the one who’s been stuck on the same assignment for three days because I can’t figure out how to work a little needle.
For a second, it really seems as though Farkle might pounce. Lucas raises his eyebrows, amused, but the moment is disrupted when Shawn pops in. He summons Lucas to his office, sensing the tension the second he steps in but deciding to just diffuse it rather than comment on it.
Farkle waits for them to leave, before kicking at the ruined costume again in frustration.
Lucas is seated across the desk from Shawn and Angela, who are confronting him on the basis that they’ve heard from his classmates that he isn’t taking the assignment seriously. He scoffs at this, defending himself and pointing out that he’s done nothing but patiently train the performers all week despite their glaring incompetence.
That’s not what they’re referring to, though, and Lucas knows it. Angela goes on to highlight the upcoming techie performance, citing specific things that Lucas has said or done over the course of the week that indicate his lack of compliance. All of the above have concerned his classmates, and made them worry about how their final assignment was going to turn out.
Lucas deflects and focuses on the very notion that his fellow technicians snitched on him, demanding to know who told them these things. Shawn states that he knows damn well they can’t divulge that information, and that shouldn’t be his takeaway from this conversation anyway. When they push him again on the assignment he gets defensive, claiming that they literally can’t force him to do this if he doesn’t want to.
Angela points out that he’s a student of this school and it’s part of the curriculum. So, actually, they absolutely can. Lucas storms out, knocking a stack of papers off the desk on his way out for good measure. Angela is totally shocked by this behavior, but Shawn seems totally unimpressed. Nothing he hasn’t dealt with before. He starts gathering the papers again, unbothered.
She laments that he absolutely shouldn’t tolerate that kind of outburst, but Shawn states it’s hardly different than when Farkle has a diva meltdown and stomps off. He comes further to Lucas’s defense, claiming he used to be the same way in high school. She should remember, shouldn’t she? Besides, he knows how it feels to be so reluctant to perform, certain you can’t do it. It’s difficult when everyone around you is so talented, and you know you’re not.
This parlays back into a discussion about Angela going off to try and get back into the business, only this time the focus is about what it would mean for the two of them. It’s evident that Shawn still has some leftover bitterness from being left behind the first go around. Angela assures him that it’s not going to change anything between them, as they’ve both grown and changed yet came back together anyway.
She also tells him that if he wants to become a better performer, then all he has to do is ask.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Over And Over Again” as performed by Nathan Sykes|| Performed by Angela Moore
Angela pulls Shawn into a slow dance with her, singing the romantic tune to convey that her devotion to him is indeed true. Although he’s a reluctant dance partner at first, he loosens up over the course of the song. Now that’s romance!
Charlie has stepped in to help Farkle, as he’s clearly struggling the most out of all of the performers. Although he has as generous and soft an approach as ever, Farkle is basically foaming at the mouth at this point and is like I’ll kill you, saying some harsh and not very grateful statements to Charlie and what he can do with his plucky positive spin on things.
Zay steps to Charlie’s defense, pulling him away from Farkle and taking over. Only his lecture is far less encouraging and more of a wake up call.
Zay: Look, we’re here to be emotional support, not your personal punching bag. So first, you can apologize to Charlie, and then, you can stop being a royal bitch to everyone who just wants to help you.
Farkle, stunned: … sorry.
Zay: Needs improvement. But you can figure that out on your own.
Farkle is floored. Charlie is floored, watching the exchange with wide eyes. He doesn’t even react when Zay takes his arm and drags him from the room, leaving Farkle alone.
Zay leads them to the costume loft, climbing up the ladder into isolation first while Charlie follows along in a daze. The costume loft is a rather confined hideaway in the realm of the auditorium, a place where students go to chat in private or… confer in other ways. Heaps of costumes make for suitable enough cushions, the rest of the eclectic assortment of clothing hanging from racks.
Zay continues to complain about Farkle’s behavior, flopping onto one of the piles. Charlie catches up to the last few minutes, coming back to reality and claiming that Zay didn’t have to do all that.
Zay: Of course I did. No one should talk to you that way. You let people talk to you like that all the time?
Charlie: I, uh… just never seemed like a big deal. Just trying to keep things polite.
Zay: There’s being polite, and there’s being a pushover. You’re way too good to let people step on you like that.
Charlie blinks, absorbing this sentiment. It’s unusual for someone to stand up for him so pointedly, and it clearly means a lot for him. Whatever he’s starting to feel here, it’s definitely deeper than he thought…
In a quick cut montage, Lucas goes around to each of the techies and interrogates them about who snitched on him. It’s accomplished in a relatively comedic manner, especially for people like Dave who clearly have no idea what’s going on. By the time he gets through a majority of the crew, it begins to become clear exactly who the prime suspects are.
Asher and Dylan show up to the booth, asking if Lucas wanted to see them. He greets them cheerfully, gesturing them in and telling them to get comfortable. He asks if they want anything – snacks, a juice box, whatever – which Dylan definitely takes. Fun times with techie dad!
Or so they thought. Once he’s got them all cozy and secure, Lucas turns the tables on them and methodically questions them about whether or not they ratted him out. They start out resolute at first, adamant that they didn’t do anything, but as Lucas speaks more quickly and with more authority, clearly laying out the logic for how he figured out it was them, Asher cracks first.
Asher: Alright, okay! It was me, okay! We did it!
Dylan: Ash!
Asher: Oh, don’t look at me like that. He’s onto us! He knows! Look, you can see it on his beautiful, withholding face!
Lucas questions why they did it, but it doesn’t take much more to get them to spill all of it. Asher explains that they felt like he was holding back the group, and this week was going to be difficult enough as it is. Once Asher falls it’s not long until Dylan is confessing too, expressing that it took everything in them to turn him in, but they didn’t want the rest of the techies to bear the brunt of the decision. They really believed they were doing what was best for everyone involved.
Both of them apologize profusely, claiming they never intended for it to get back to him this way and they completely understand if he wants to pitch both of them off the catwalk.
Dylan: Just, please, let Asher wear a blindfold. He’s scared of heights. Me, you can just look me right in the eyes when you – [ Gestures a violent shove. ]
Surprisingly, however, Lucas is rather level-headed. He states he’s not mad, which both of them have trouble believing. He starts pacing, trying to figure out how to move forward with this revelation. Dylan rubs Asher’s shoulder reassuringly.
Lucas: … did you really do it because you’re concerned about me? You think I’m holding back the group?
Asher: Not you, specifically. Like, not you or your ability or anything like that.
Dylan: I actually happen to think with a little bit of practice, you could be quite the leading man.
Asher: [ hurriedly, off Lucas’s eyebrow raise ] We just know how much your opinion means to us, and we know it’s true for the rest of the crew. So when you keep shooting down the project, it’s like… it’s hard to get everyone in the right spirit.
Dylan: Yeah. If your attitude was a little more, like, receptive, the crew would totally go into the whole thing with more confidence. That’s all.
Lucas takes this in. It sure demonstrates the impact of his leadership, just like Riley said he had. He releases a sigh, before requesting that the next time they have an issue with him, they just come to him with it instead of going through a third party. They eagerly agree, apologizing again and promising him they will.
It’s evident that despite his demeanor, Lucas does care about his techie crew and the way they perceive him. He doesn’t care about much, sure, but the things he does? He’ll do anything for.
And boy, is he gonna have to do something…
Farkle is tackling the costuming assignment for like the fifth time, well on his way to losing his mind in that claustrophobic black box. Jade is present now, doing her best to talk him through each step. He’s just totally frazzled and basically shutting down, and when Riley walks in to see how things around going Jade is more than happy to pass the responsibility of him to her. She makes a beeline out of there, Riley approaching and settling down across the table from Farkle.
Riley coaxes him into giving the assignment one more try, her calm demeanor and patience alone helpful in its own right. As they’re working through the costume piece by piece, she nudges him into expression why he thinks this assignment is so difficult for him. Farkle opens up a bit – it’s the Riley effect, after all – about how this situation just feels out of his control. Like there’s all these elements that he can’t control, and the less competent he is the more that feeling escalates. It’s a vicious cycle.
Riley empathizes, considering what’s going on with her parents. She states that Farkle can only control what is, well, within his control. And, believe it or not, accomplishing this costuming task is within that sphere. All in all, a key friendship building moment for the two of them.
Isadora gets a notification from a messaging app, startled to discover it’s from her mother. It’s the first correspondence she’s received from her in months, since she went to visit for winter break. Valerie apologizes for the way the tabloids have seemed to jump on her, and promises that she will take care of it.
Isadora ignores the messages, opting not to respond. She’s obviously still hurt by the state in which her relationship with her mother exists.
When she looks back up again, she’s made it back in front of the black box. The audition sheet for the musical is glaring back at her, almost daring her to put her name on it. It goes against everything she’s ever thought about herself and performing in general… and yet, she can’t seem to look away from it.
Clearly, she has some deliberating to do.
Lucas is alone at center stage, trying and failing to teach himself the choreography for the techie performance. It’s partially his fault considering he put it off until the last minute, but the fact that he clearly has no idea what he’s doing regardless certainly doesn’t help. Not to mention the nerves. That never improves a difficult situation.
Riley pushes through the stage doors and wanders into the wings just as he’s starting over from the top, evidently frustrated. She hangs back for a moment to observe, clearly finding the visual wholly endearing. Then, she decides to throw him a life preserver.
Riley: Well, there’s a sight I never thought I’d see.
Lucas brushes off her teasing commentary, explaining that given how important grades are to his crew he figures he should at least put a semblance of effort. Riley nods along, seeing right through his aloof exterior. If he really didn’t care, he wouldn’t be here attempting to rehearse.
Riley volunteers to walk through the steps with him, picking up the choreo sheet and taking a look at it. She observes his approach to a couple of the steps as he walks through it, stating exactly just how stupid he thinks each move is.
After getting a good sense of where he’s at, Riley claims that his main problem is that he’s too stiff. He’s all lost in his head, and there’s no way he’s going to be able to perform the number if he’s so locked up. She claims she can help him, but only if he trusts her and allows her to do so. Can he do that?
After a moment of hesitation, he agrees. He raises his hands in surrender, telling her to do whatever witchcraft it’s going to take to suddenly make him a good dancer.
Amused, Riley pulls out her phone and finds a waltzing track. She explains that it’s important to just get comfortable with movement first, and a waltz is probably one of the most basic forms of dance there is. It’ll at least loosen him up. He seems hesitant, but when Riley holds out her hand, it doesn’t take him long to take it. She adjusts their posture, Lucas allowing her to take the reigns and set them up correctly.
Riley: We’ll use the 3-count – you can count that high, right? [ Off his offended expression ] Just kidding.
Lucas: Ha ha ha. Very funny.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Princess Diaries Waltz” as performed by John Debney || Instrumental
They start off slow, taking the dance one step at a time. As they’re going through the motions, Riley can tell that he’s still stuck on the technicalities of it all. His head is constantly down, focused on what his feet are doing rather than letting them operate on their own.
Riley: That’s your problem. Don’t you see it? You’re overthinking. You keep looking at your feet.
[ Riley reaches out and lifts his chin, putting them back at eye level. Lucas locks eyes with her, speechless. ]
Riley: Just look at me.
From that moment, it’s clear – Lucas has slipped. He is cascading off the mountain top and falling head over heels.
As the music swells, the two of them continue their lesson. The longer they work at it the more they get the hang of it, actually getting comfortable with the whole thing and, dare it be said, having fun. Lucas even ventures a twirl under the arm, Riley breaking into laughter.
Definitely loosened him up, that’s for sure.
As they waltz, Isadora runs in looking for Lucas. She intends to tell him about the message from her mom and ask what he thinks about her potentially auditioning for the musical, but the second she sees them on the stage together she stops. She ducks back into the shadows of the aisle doors, watching them dance together.
She can tell from the look on her best friend’s face that something is different. Something is changing, and she gets the feeling she shouldn’t interrupt. But the notion also spooks her – if they’re changing, what does that mean for her? What else might change in the process?
Isadora backs off, disappearing back through the doors and leaving them alone.
Jack and Eric are both staying late, working together to comb through pages and pages of computer usage records. Eric flips through the documents while Jack cross references using one of the library desktops, the screen washing them both in blue-white computer glare.
As they’re searching, the two of them vaguely discuss the current sophomore class assignment and whether or not they think anything is actually going to change because of it. Eric points out that it’s impressive how quickly things can change under the right circumstances – including their dynamic.
Eric: I mean, at the risk of jinxing it, never before would I have believed you and I would be working together so effectively with such a clear goal.
Jack: Yes, I suppose our priorities tend to be… rather divergent.
But they both care about the students. That’s the obvious unifying motivation for both of them, and perhaps they should default to that train of thought more often. Something to think about.
The somewhat vulnerable conversation screeches to a halt when Jack stumbles upon what he thinks might be exactly what they’re looking for. There’s information about an email exchange with the supposed IP of the tabloid, and the student logged in at the time is a junior named Marly Evans.
Jack and Eric exchange a look. One step closer to answers…
The performers are all seated in the front section of the auditorium, chattering lightly and impatiently waiting for whatever is supposed to happen next. It’s odd for them to be there in the audience rather than getting ready to perform.
Suddenly, music blasts on over the speakers, being operated by Clarissa.
Clarissa leans back, looking rather pleased with herself at having done the maneuver correctly, as well as relieved. CHAI FRESCO, working the lights, gives her a congratulatory pat on the back.
The moment the track begins, it’s clear what performance they’re about to be experiencing. All of the performers in the audience react accordingly, jaws dropping and excited laughter already premeditating the performance.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dancing Queen” as performed by Mamma Mia! Original Movie Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomore Techies
As the first opening chorus kicks off, all eight of the usual techie crew make their way down the center aisles on either side of the center section. They’re going into this ridiculous number full throttle, singing along to the track with fervor and sporting the hilarious and amazing costumes that the performers put together for them over the course of the week.
Coming down the aisles, Lucas and Isadora lead the lines on either side and make their way up to the stage. As they pass through, the techies interact with their classmates in the audience. Nigel and Yindra pat Jeff and Nate on the backs as they sashay their way past. Dave high-fives Yogi and Haley, while Dylan and Asher blow kisses to Riley.
Isadora takes a brunt of the singing – and given the talent level of most of the techies vocally, this is for the the best. However, Dylan does get his claim to fame on the line “you’re a tease and you turn ‘em on, leaving ‘em burning and then you’re gone,” which he delivers with such a flourish. Asher joins in with him on the second half of the line, the two of them standing back to back and just belting that jazz.
In moments where the choreography pairs them off, the duos are Lucas & Isadora, Dave & Jade, Dylan & Asher, and Nate & Jeff. It’s so cute to watch them goof around with each other. They may just pull this heist off yet.
During the midst of each chorus (“having the time of your life, ooh”), Dave gets a mini dance solo. It’s all like, bad dancing – the robot, flossing, moonwalking – but it’s hysterical. Jeff also break dances, which is just legendary.
For each beat of the chorus where they sing “you can dance, you can jive,” the choreography involves pointing out towards the audience before turning to the side whilst Dave takes his solo to finish with a spin on the ooh. During one of these points, Lucas directs his point to Riley and winks. Yes, I did say that right. That idiot actually winks. Riley hides her face in her hands, a la Rachel Berry in Never Been Kissed.
They bring the number home going back to back with their dance partners, Lucas and Isadora at center stage. The moment their part is done and the final music swell takes over Lucas breaks into a relieved smile and pumps his fist in the air, so happy to have the whole thing be done with. But he did it!! Isadora tilts her head back against his shoulders, also relieved they managed to pull it off.
Dylan and Asher are jumping around and hugging. Dave hugs Jade and twirls her around. From the audience, the performers leap up and giving them a resounding standing ovation. I could never convey how truly iconic this whole sequence is, but there you have it. One of the best numbers in the full series of AMBITION.
Given that it’s usually the techies who clean up and strike each performance, now it is up to the performers. Charlie and Zay are cleaning up the stage, cheekily congratulating one another for successfully keeping their class from imploding.
Now that he’s had a couple days to think on it, Charlie makes a point of thanking Zay for standing up for him. Zay tells him he’d do it any time, and admits that he’s actually had a really good time this week goofing around with him. Charlie is all nervous chuckles and flustered waves of dismissal, but it’s clear the sentiment means a lot to him.
As he’s heading out, Zay calls after him.
Zay: Think I might take you up on that offer to hang out sometime. You know, if that offer is still valid.
Charlie: [ with a smile ] Hit me up, and I’m sure we can work something out.
Zay watches him go, unable to hold back that smile that blooms across his face. Then he gets back to work, putting the last of the set pieces back into place.
Maya finds Isadora in the dressing room, having just changed back into her usual clothes. Maya congratulates her on a job well done, and Isadora returns the notion by thanking her for the ridiculous but effective costume.
Maya reiterates her stance that she believes Isadora should seriously consider auditioning for the musical. Even though she did clearly have a lot of fun with “Dancing Queen,” Isadora hesitantly admits that her reluctance doesn’t just stem from the performing aspect of it.
Without saying much else, Maya senses that she’s referring to her mother, and all the baggage that comes with that. So she takes a different persuasive approach.
Maya: I get what you’re feeling. It may seem like I take after my mom, and I guess I do in some ways – especially the vocal ability. But otherwise, I really don’t. She’s sweet, just naturally, and softer than anyone I know. I’m not like that. [ a beat ] I’m more like my dad. And I fought against that part of me a lot, because he’s trash. He left me. He hurt my mom. But… it’s those parts of me that are like me that help me get where I want to go. The determination. The ability to be demanding, when necessary. The stubbornness –
Isadora: Yes, all of your best traits…
Maya: [ with an eye roll ] I know they’re not the most popular, believe me, but they’re a part of me. He’s a part of me, even if I wish he wasn’t. So I embrace it instead. Because I’m pretty effing awesome, and I’m not holding myself back because of him.
Isadora considers this, avoiding her gaze. Maya gives it one last push.
Maya: You’ve got talent, Smack. Don’t let the things your mom has done hold you back or stop you from doing what makes you happy. Don’t give her the power of taking away another good thing from your life.
Hanging on this sentiment, Maya gives her a light touch on the shoulder before heading out. Isadora ruminates on all of this, turning back to face herself in the mirror. She starts to wipe off her stage makeup… before hesitating. Tilting her head, trying to decide if she likes it or not. If this is something she may actually want to investigate…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Bird Set Free (Live for Spotify)” as performed by Sia || Performed by Isadora De La Cruz
Isadora launches into this anthem for self-expression, growing more empowered the further into the song she gets.
She takes the performance into the auditorium and owns the stage, not inhibited by anybody watching her or the pressure of living up to expectations. Just fully leaning into the interest in performing she’s been holding back for so long, potentially opening up the gates to pursuing it.
And boy, will she get to pursue it…
Jack confronts MARLY EVANS (17), the student who has been leaking information about Isadora to the tabloids. She claims that it was just to make a quick buck – she’s trying to pay for college soon, after all – and she never meant to like, hurt anyone. Jack states that her behavior is an intrusion of privacy, and such treatment of another student could warrant expulsion.
Marly points out the hypocrisy that Lucas can literally start a fight and not get expelled, but Jack highlights the glaring differences in both of the situations. Angling for one last plea, Marly claims he might reconsider her sentence after she offers what information she knows about the AAAC. Which is to say – she knows things that he might find interesting.
Jack hesitates… this could be a good lead in an other cold case…
The world seems to have righted itself once again, as Farkle and Maya are back standing at center stage while the techies are seated in the center section. They first commend them on their fun and energetic performance, before going on to explain that although the week was brutal, they learned a lot and are happy to have participated in it.
Farkle: Really, I’m just happy to have passed.
But as the techies should well know, they’re performers, and they can’t get through an entire week without a song of their own. This one, though, they claim is dedicated to their crew.
Maya: We lean on you guys all the time, usually without even realizing it. I think after this week, it’ll be hard to forget how crucially.
Farkle: So this time around, we’re extending the invitation back to you.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Lean On Me” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomores
The rest of the performers take the stage as they hum their way into the number, Zay coming to join the other two divas at the front. He takes the first verse, the class joining in on the chorus.
About halfway through, the performers take to the edge of the stage to gesture the techies up there with them. They help pull them up over the front of the stage, climbing up to share in the performance with them. As the song slows to the bridge, the divas give the solo to Isadora who delivers it with gusto.
The class dances together through the rest of the number, emphasizing some of the new bonds that have been built through the episode or strengthening the old ones. Dylan and Asher each have an arm around Lucas. Dave is jamming with Haley and Nigel. Isadora fits pretty effortlessly in with the core group of performers, bringing the song home with them.
Angela and Shawn watch from the back, swaying together and reveling in the fact that their two sides of the school have finally made peace. She leans her head on his shoulder. Shawn smiles watching the sophomores band together and bring down the house to close us out. Finally coexisting.
For now.
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