#and half a fandom post
Watching something for my historical geology class and started screeching when they mentioned the hedgehog gene. I was like, “wait, I remember researching chicken beaks and reptile snouts, isn’t there a sonic hedgehog gene out there?” And yeah, these guys discovered and named it working with chicken embryos. Apparently Sonic Hedgehog is responsible for most development patterns during embryo development. Specifically for limbs. And apparently if it’s a little too concentrated, you can get extra digits on all your limbs.
What I’m saying is, I think I figured out how Ford has six fingers on each hand. Man was stuck in the multiverse when we put the pieces together, though.
“Why am I so weird?” Sonic hedgehog, bro. Next question.
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snailcubezz · 7 months
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fandom wiki simulator
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
i dont know how to explain it but joining extremely small fandoms with only a few people in them feels like this
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modawg · 2 months
percy would legit be one of the hardest ppl to get over if you had any type of feelings for that man
like swear you’d like be waiting for him to do smth bad or look ugly waiting for that ick and IT WOULD NEVER COMEEEE
like if you look at nico bro is SCRAPING THE BARREL for ANYTHING to dislike abt percy
percy smiles a little too bright nico has to turn away and mentally remind himself that percy was one of the last ppl to see his sister alive
rachel legit can’t like him so she probably just watches from afar and she’s chill anyway
if calypso found out percy planted that little flower she gave him and subsequently learned he liked planting and kept that flower alive in her memory??? ITD BE WRAPSSSSSSS
like percy is legit just such a good person that anytime someone has a crush on him 🙏🏼 thoughts and prayers bc that crush is haunting you for the rest of your life
ik moving to new rome is gonna kick start that too bc i feel like chb everyone’s gotten used to him yk everyone’s like “sigh there’s percy and his beautiful face and nice laugh and good morals and self sacrificing ways sigh annabeth sure is lucky love those two together tbh”
but now they’re being introduced to all these new ppl who have to learn that percy is simply percy and bro is wifed up
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
Something that I think ppl who ship both sukka and zutara don't acknowledge enough is the fact that poor Hakoda met both his kids' future spouses on the same day, in the same place and that place just happened to be prison.
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azatas · 4 months
"we need more complex female characters" you couldn't even handle her
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skellagirl · 4 months
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Gordon/Barney/Alyx is really really funny to me conceptually bc it's like, two hot geniuses in their 20s who look at the 40-something smartass who hangs around and go 'yeah that guy. we both want him carnally'
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full breakdown of the daycare attendant's color scheme & minor design details throughout their apperances
bc im mentally ill abt them lol
warning: this is a very long post and will probably only interest a very specific audience of people
3d model
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their body follows the pattern of having a "primary" color, a "secondary" color, and an "accent" color. this pattern shows up for all of their apperances.
the primary color is the one applied to the crescent moon on their face, the right half of their torso, the upper half of their forearms, the middle "in between" sections of their fingers, and their legs.
the secondary color is the one applied to the other half of their face, and the other half of their torso.
the accent color is applied to their lower forearm, their palm, and their finger tips.
sun's color scheme is a pale tan color(primary), a light orange color(secondary), and a light grey(accent). notably, sun's 3d model's palms are colored with their primary color instead of their secondary.
moon's colors are a pale white, a blueish black, and bright dark blue respectively. also the white of their upper arm fades out into the blue of their lower arm before ending at the elbow, but this doesn't show up on sun's arm. (also also, moon's eyebrow & eyelash are colored in with their secondary color, while sun's isn't colored in at all.)
the buttons on their chest tend to fall more in line with the main colors of their clothes, except for moon's 3d model which is their body's secondary color instead.
nothing major to say about their clothes, so here's a thought about their color schemes: even though moon shares a lot of colors with sun (red, orange, and yellow), sun's design doesn't have any of moon's blue. (though sometimes sun is shown with blue eyes? so who knows.)
their ruffles and ribbons all tend to stay the same color (red), all except for the ruffles on moon's neck which turn blue. this is a consistent detail throughout all of their designs.
their little elf shoes are orange and stay the same color regardless of which form they're in. there's a crescent moon on the inner facing side and a star on the outer side. the crescent moon's two pointy parts(?) are pointed towards their heel.
i will not talk too much about their head/face, but here are some details that are different in other iterations: their eyes do not move, sun's rays cannot rotate and can only move inwards and outwards, and moon's hat goes over their forehead.
also their ribbons have no physics in this game LOL
concept art
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covering this first because the general color scheme and the placement of those colors is nearly identical to their in game model (albeit with brighter, more saturated colors). the overall design is also highly similar, but with a few notable discrepancies:
one major detail that's different in all their drawn iterations is that their torso is one solid piece instead of two separate parts like it is with their 3d models.
moon's arm gradient is still present on their concept art, however sun now has a lighter colored gradient on the end of their arm to match moon's coloration! (this could always be shading but it feels too specific for this to be the case). (also, moon's arms, fingertips, and stars seem to almost glow? which is potentially what their unused emission textures are based off of.)
sun's palms are colored grey! also, the middle sections of moon's fingers are colored dark grey on the concept art (pretty much everything with their primary color is colored like this ((except their face)), but it's probably just due to shading this time since it's not present anywhere else but here.
they seem to have a little circular panel near where their arm bends that isn't present on their 3d model. same with a rectangular panel on their leg.
their clothes, ribbons, and shoes are mostly the same except for a couple small things: moon's pants have faint lines on them to match sun's, their shoes have no symbols on them, and the bit of ribbon on the ends of their pants is colored yellow instead of red. (also moon's shoes are colored darker.)
their face has a lot of notable differences too, but one of the biggest ones is that they have no left cheek! their grin stretches a lot farther up on that side of their face because of this (they have no lips on that side of their face either!). the circular indent on their cheek is colored in on sun's face, their eyes aren't being squished by their cheeks anymore, and they also have a lot more teeth (which don't stretch into the corners of their mouth, and are colored differently than the rest of their face.) lastly, they share the same color for their eyebrow and eyelash!
official art work
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something important to note is that all of the dca's (current) official art will have this color scheme and all of the same details due to them either being drawn by the same artist, or because all other current official artwork of them is based off of this design and/or the concept art. (any and all additional artwork i mention can actually be found on their wiki page, but i'll link to it here if i feel it's important.)
one of the most notable details of their official art is that their accent color has been changed to a light grey color for both of them (albeit slightly warmer or colder to match their respective color schemes). though, interestingly enough, moon's palms (similarly to sun's 3d model) are colored with their primary color instead, despite both designs having this detail in the concept art.
additionally, something that was changed from the sketch for this drawing, is that (like their concept art) their shoes lack the little symbols on them, and the ribbon tied on the end of their pants was colored yellow instead of red. something that wasn't changed though is their lack of a left cheek.
moon's button aren't visible here, but other artworks (such as their claw machine artwork) show them as a blue color to match with sun's red.
sun's arm still has the little circular panel near their elbow that can be found on their concept art.
their face has a lot of similar details to their concept art, while still being stretchy and cartoony. they have a lot more craters spread around their face, and sun has consistently been shown to have a chipped tooth... it's cute.
before i move on, i'd like to talk a little bit about their various eye colors! there are several instances of sun with golden colored eyes (e.g. this drawing here, their in game plush, their claw machine art, their piñata from ruin, their actual design from ruin, and an exclusive design from steelwool's store.), while there are only two instances of sun with blue eyes (the sunnydrop candy poster and their icon on the daycare pass).
moon's eye color (when their eyes aren't just... closed) tends to just be red, but there are still a few instances of them with a blue right eye (their plush and piñata, with their claw machine art's eyes being entirely blue).
there's actually even a few specific instances of their eyes being black (their 3d model, the golden moon plush, and the golden sun plush... however that one is more brown than black.)
there's also that one book cover of moon with the pink spiral eyes but that was more of a one off thing.
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this is where my bitching session starts
very noticeably, their eyes move around in this game. did they finally get the glitter glue out of their eyes after the earthquake or something? does no one care about their dead fish eye swag...
speaking of eyes it's actually kind of lame they have yellow eyes instead of blue. the blue eyes actually have some additional meaning to them when you consider moon, but the yellow eyes are just... well, they're already super yellow. what makes them so special. make moon's eyes yellow for a change.
ok actually relevant: they use a mix of both sun and moon's primary colors, while using exclusively moon's secondary colors... both of their accent colors are used too with sun's on their right and moon's on their left.
suddenly their unused emission textures decide to join the party... this was a weird decision for them to make when those textures weren't even visible before. but ok.
all things considered they're actually not even that damaged. the most major damage is to their outer casing and their leg... like, compared to the others this is pretty good? even compared to the original shattered animatronics this is good??
wait is their hat just sitting on the very top of their head? is that because of the rays? are they holding it up? why was this a thing that was changed.
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ok well the hat is even farther back now. what the hell. why
iirc their eyes don't noticeably move around as much as they do in ruin, but they do still move around sometimes (iirc they spin around after sun's cartwheel?) which i guess is fine. whatever. im the only bitch who would care about this anyway
they nerfed moon's ultra bright high beam eyes in this one... sad!
this is such a non problem but sometimes (especially in sb) when you shine a light on moon their pants have this little purple shaded section on the inner thigh parts and it looks. weird. in this picture it's not visible due to the shaders but it's very noticable in the daycare section of sb when you get a good look at them with the flashlight.
actually you ever realize how their design literally makes no sense whatsoever. how does their casing change color, and why is their coloring so inconsistent between the two without visibly affecting the other? how do their CLOTHES change color like that?? where the hell does the hat come from??? why do specifically and only the neck ruffles change color???? where do their pupils come from????? i will stop talking about this now
jack o' moon
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they do have moon's color patterns, they're just shifted around a little. they even sort of have the lack of a texture on the sun rays that moon's model has! but this time it's actually intentional.
their face has the world's shittiest paint job which i think is really funny. i guess it does sort of look like a pumpkin yeah.
idk how the hell their glowing mouth overlay works but it's certainly a thing they have. the glowing eyes are also pretty cool looking admittedly. and the insides of their eyebrow, eyelash, and craters glow a little bit too.. that's cute.
the ruffles on their neck and waist, and the ribbons around the bottom of their pants are green, while the ribbons around their wrists are purple (but a small part of the ribbon on their right wrist is still red)? their shoes are similarly purple.
potato sack pants ♡ it's a really good part of the whole look actually
basically their design is like if bbw eclipse was stupid. but like in a funny and endearing way WAIT ACTUALLY SPEAKING OF THAT
balloon world eclipse
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bitching session is officially OVER
first off: sun's faces! so the first face very obviously takes inspiration from their in game artwork while still having the general face shape for their regular look. the scattered look of the craters on their face and the color of their eyebrow reflect this as well. sun doesn't have their trademark chipped tooth but overall it's a very nice look and it serves it's purpose very well.
since sun's 2nd face and moon's are the same i'll go over them both here... this look is very much based off of their concept art look! but it's more noticable in the shape of their eyes and the way their teeth are drawn this time, because they actually do have a left cheek... but the corner of their mouth still stretches up the same way it does when they don't have one! also, the base color for moon's eye is a little purple here which is always fun.
now ECLIPSE... brightly lit yellow eyes with red flickering pupils... the light being pushed out between the cracks of their teeth... a menacing color scheme too dark for sun but too bright for moon... the faint color of the illuminated crescent moon hidden inside the darkness of their face... their complete and utter lack of a left cheek because it never got added onto this sprite... this is PEAK eclipse design
also, this isn't about their design but i edited these sprites for something a while back and noticed that some of the pixels were just ever so slightly off color? which leads me to believe this was done in a regular art program not made for pixel art, and that whoever made these isn't super experienced with it.. however that honestly just adds to the charm for me. i really love these sprites.
harvest moon
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oh mmy god look at it
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lurking-loaf · 7 days
Have you ever drawn and hidden little doodles of the DCA while at work?
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Just scribbled one or two during a moment of free time and tucked them someplace?
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There are now 19 of these silly things scattered around a 136 sq. ft (41.45 sq. m) space.
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The thing I'm unsure about is whether I gather them up or leave them for future employees to find when the time comes for me to move on from this job.
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annabeth30 · 2 months
So I think this is one of the most underrated Percabeth scenes ever because In the lightning thief when they go to the underworld Annabeth grabs Percy’s hand on the boat ride to remember that there are other undead people and I just think that is so cute
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What would the seven wear? - Fashion Style analysis ( HOO Girls Ver.)
as a kid I used to want to be a fashion designer so making this post healed my inner child <3 enjoy ~
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HAZEL LEVESQUE - okay okay omgg this girl would have the best fashion sense out of all of them (imo) because she is influenced by SO many fashion aesthetics, like her style would be vintage and modern at the same time! I feel like she would love long flowy dresses because it was the most common clothing women would wear in the 40's, she would love floral patterns sm because they are so cheery and it lightens her mood, this would bring out her "adorable" style more. also. JACKETS. this girl is OBESSED with jackets and cardigans, particularly in the colors brown and black. Overall her style is a mix of cheery, cute but she has that pluto edge to her style aswell with the jackets.
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PIPER MCLEAN- honestly as much as she would hate to admit it, i feel like Piper would LOVE pink, pale pink takes up the majority of her palette. Her style is very youthful and it's a mix of rebel indie kid and soft coquette core. LOVES LOVES LOVES denim shorts, they are like a must in her wardrobe. Also, She loves jewelry, whether it be tassel earrings, beady bracelets and necklaces, rings etc. like she defo cares more about accessorizing than the actual clothing. she wears baggy white shirts a lot for some reason, but it suits her so well. Crop tops are a must, specifically pink or purple ones with a cute image on it, remember she wore a hello kitty crop top? yeah like that. I feel like her style is the most fresh and childlike without it being over the top, it is so cute. i love her style sm.
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ANNABETH CHASE- Annabeth's style is super elegant tbh, she LOVES wearing grey, orange and white imo, also, i feel like she LOVES light blue/dark blue jeans. Ofc Annabeth loves caps, its like super dear to her, she doesn't have a specific "style" she just loves changing it a lot. Annabeth LOVES long dresses especially if they are white/warm brown. Her style is just super chill and modern. Percy is down bad when she wears baggy shirts tho cuz she slays so hard in them Annabeth loves knitted lace jackets because it gives off very homely vibes. Overall her style is super authentic and fresh tbh.
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REYNA AVILA RAMIREZ ARELLANO- i have a feeling that reyna would love dressing up. it brings her comfort, she was the hairdresser in circe's island after all, Reyna is just straight up royal core. she likes wearing corsets, and silk gowns, Her color palette is gold, black, white, violet, and dark maroon tbh. Reyna LOVES large gold earrings that just dangle y'know? it makes her feel and look regal. She also loves circlets that you wear on the head. uggh she has got that roman classiness y'know. Super fancy and enjoys wearing long robes and skirts, i love my fancy shmancy queen <3
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drieddpetals · 3 months
i've already yelled about this once on this site but i genuinely love wylan's line of "maybe you should pray to Ghezen for understanding, father" at the end of soc so much like. i don't think y'all understand. the sass wylan gives him is very important to his character and development but also just so hilarious to me. idk if it's bc i can relate to the religious sarcasm or what but i genuinely think about it a lot and for some reason feel the need to point it out again
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hyperfixation-fix · 1 month
Shout-out to Uncle Rick for including so many queer characters. Like, they're a group of young, neurodivergent, chronically stressed misfits who quite literally have Greek (et al.) mythology running through their veins - of course they're all some flavour of queer
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modawg · 28 days
so does camp half blood have a cemetery bc i was just thinking abt how absolutely horrifically horrible it would be seeing all those graves after the war decorated by (literal children) their siblings and other campers and walking by them everyday when your living your life
or having to go to the mortal parents of those kids and saying “your child died during the war but we have their body do you want it” and the parent either accepting or denying and if accepting SEEING THEIR CHILDS MUTILATED BODY before doing a funeral service that probably doesn’t involve the kids from chb
like selina for example with her dad and his chocolate or whatever having someone from chb come to his house knock on his door and say “i’m sorry but selina died a hero fighting during the great war” then giving him her body after having poison spat right in her face
that or like imagine you haven’t had contact with your kid in a long while then one day you get a knock on the door and it’s not your kid but it’s a different kid telling you their dead ???? you had no idea a war was even going on ?? and now your 10yr old is gone
like i know a lot of kids don’t really talk to their mortal parents so they have a permanent spot at chb but there’s also kids with one foot in and one foot out and that’s so CRAZY like if percy had died he probably would’ve been buried in the mortal world sally would’ve had camp there fs but he wouldn’t have been buried at camp (personally i don’t think he would’ve at least)
how many kids were buried in the mortal world and how many would’ve actually wanted that also like that’s so devastating
especially if those kids were actually close to their mortal parents like parents who are like sally in that way who ask how it happened why it happened who else was hurt how many died like the parents who actually cared :(
i could see selina’s dad asking abt charlie just to find out he’s gone too like that’s so saddd
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anonymouscheeses · 4 days
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They are everything to me.
#hyperixating on THESE two is kinda painful. like wdym half the fandom doesnt like them. they are so awesome??? sickos...#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel charlie#charlie hazbin hotel#hazbin charlie#vaggie#hazbin hotel vaggie#vaggatha#hazbin vaggie#charlie x vaggie#vaggie x charlie#hazbin#chaggie#rainbowmoth#varlie#fallenstar#its always the wlw ships too. like wdym yall d ride mlm??? it be the 12 yr old girls too 😒 /hj#charlie ass? yes pls. also yes i gave charlie a tail. i always give random characters tails if i think they deserve it#i think..... i think im getting better at anatomy guys 😨 (im delulu)#definitely better than my first chaggie posts if yall remember that 😭 oh how i have improved for real... maybe ill make a improvement post#i jst wanted to draw ass bro. i know thats not how psnts work#i want tjem both to be so in love eith eachother that it makes me sick. genuinely please let them be such freaks rhat it makes ne bleed#also can i jst saw how annoying those shoulder pads are?? WHY DO ALL THE MEN + CHARLIE HAVE THEM. MAKE HER DIFFERENG SHES THE MC???#omg i just noticed it looks like shes grinding on her knee. ignore that. but maybe she is who knows?? 😝#dynamic pose test. i think its alroght but i still have stuff to improve... im practing 😈#ugh i just want more charlie being madly in love with Vaggie. not you guys. you guys are doing great mwa mwa /p but i mean the show! like#wheres charlie being lovey to vaggie?? shes literally the embodiment of love why cant she show idk... MORE to vaggie? i 💜 chaggie but... ☹️#gay people make me sick /j#yes. charlie IS lovey to Vaggie.. but.... idk its not to the life sacrificing extent like vaggie does? idk maybe i want fan service like 🤨#OH like charlie going demon mode for vaggie. FINALE DONT COUNT. she already was demon mode. i need vaggie almost DEAD and char swoops in id
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prolibytherium · 5 months
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Beautiful friendship
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