#and having someone New experiencing them. ugh.
swordlux · 15 hours
Xiao's Lust | Xiao x Female Reader 18+
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Xiao's had about enough. He wants you. Now.
Warnings: smut, explicit content, please be 18+ to read.
He kissed you. His grip on your thigh told you how much he’d been wanting you, how much he’d been holding himself back. Up until now every kiss of yours had brought him pain. Every kiss of yours unveiled a layer of desire so deep, his centuries of existence felt infinitesimal in comparison. All these sides of himself he’d ignored for so long. You made him remember them all. You made him realize a love within himself that was larger than the universe...
*** Xiao's Longing
Xiao was feeling… restless.
He’d told himself time and time again, that he wasn’t into that human stuff. Emotions like desire, and lust didn’t plague him.
But he had this crazy urge to pin you to the floor and devour you like the sweet treat you were.
Ugh. Such thoughts of you lying underneath him were harassing his day. The more they hounded him, the more he wanted to take it out on you for making him have these thoughts. The next time he saw you, he wasn’t sure what he would do. Plus, you were such a tease. It was almost like you didn’t realize he was still a man underneath all that Yaksha. Sure, he did a good job of putting up a front, but still…
There you were again.
He had gone out for a walk to clear his head and happened to run into you, the very reason he needed to clear his head in the first place. He supposed it was his fault for choosing the streets of Liyue Harbor to settle his thoughts, but he had the feeling he would’ve run into you no matter where he went. You were looking so good, and so oblivious too, which made it worse. Why was he the only one standing here burning up like a forest fire, while you looked so happy-go-lucky as usual? He wanted to rip you away from this crowd and take you right—
Xiao’s gloved hand clenched upon his arm.
“Did you hear what I said, Xiao?”
Oh, it seemed you were talking to him.
“Why do you make me feel this way?” he said, doing his best to speak through gritted teeth. “It’s so—frustrating.”
“Never mind,” he said, relaxing to the moment at last. “What is it?”
“Oh, uhm.. Childe and Zhongli invited us to their place for dinner tonight. Did you want to go..?” A blush had come to your cheeks. It was starting to dawn on you the hidden implications behind Xiao’s random outburst.
Xiao decided to take advantage of the moment and the way he was feeling. “Again? There’s always something. It’s like these people never run out of invitations. When will I get some alone time with you?”
Right. That’s all Xiao really wanted. The reason behind his frustration. Ever since you’d proclaimed your feelings for each other—no—ever since you’ve known each other practically, you’ve always been caught up in something. Always helping someone out or going to the next event. He loved that about you, your social nature (though he didn’t understand it himself) was something he’d come to appreciate. But it was dawning on him now, never had he had any real, honest alone time with you.
No wonder he was going crazy.
“I want you. Tonight. Let me take you out, properly. I mean… I am your man, I should have priority.” He grabbed onto your arm as he said it. The little action was the most he could do to restrain all these feelings he was holding back.
“Oh, of course…” you were surprised by Xiao’s sudden show of dominance. Little to say it thrilled you. Despite his restraint, you could feel his frustration in his grip.
You never had anything against spending alone time with Xiao, of course, it’s just he’d never shown any interest. But this, this was new…
“Good,” he said. “Be ready. I’ll pick you up at 7. Dress nice. Or however you do.”
You loved the vigilant Yakhsa. That much was sure. And he loved you. The connection you experienced was unlike any other. It went deeper than the roots of Teyvat. It transcended all dimensions, all layers of time, all experiences. Your love was a truth that would stand, even if everything around you shattered into illusion.
But there was one thing you were always not so sure about…
“Yakshas. I mean, he’s basically like a god, right? Do they..? Do they have the same pleasures that humans do? I’m not sure. It feels like..”
You were talking with your friend Beidou.The pirate had docked for lunch and you called her over for an emergency meeting before your date with Xiao. As you played over the situation in your head your cheeks flushed, and you rambled on.
The reliable pirate put her steady hands on your shoulders. “Slow down,” she said. “What you’re telling me is that you haven’t done the deed yet? And how long have you been dating now?”
You explained the situation, including how Xiao was acting today.
Beidou let out a boisterous laugh. “Haha! Sounds like he has the hots for sure. So? Are you ready for it?”
“I don’t know… I thought I was, but facing the reality of it... I’m terrified! I feel like a schoolgirl about to lose her virginity!”
She laughed again. “Well let me know how it goes. Even I’m curious to know what’s up with those adepti. That would be an interesting tale to tell at sea for sure.”
Ignoring that, you said goodbye to your friend and proceeded to head back to your lodgings to get ready, your confusion still rumbling in your head. If it were anyone else, any other man, you’d know for sure his words came with the usual implications. But this was Xiao, did he even…
I want you. Tonight.
Did that mean…? Did he mean..?”
No. You couldn’t imagine it. You had, of course, on many occasions, but you couldn’t actually picture the vigilant Yaksha giving into his desires. I mean, he was so… vigilant. You could totally picture him coldly saying, “We don’t need to do that,” not realizing how he would actually hurt you in the process. That was why you’d never made the first move yourself. That type of rejection from Xiao would rip you in two.
Xiao was never intentionally mean or cold, as you learned the more you got to know him, that was just his way of putting up boundaries that no one could cross, so he wouldn’t face the guilt of having something he didn’t believe he deserved. It was different with you. Slowly but surely he was letting you in. But still, there were still some topics you were afraid to touch.
But then… why did he sound so serious when he said it? And why did he look so… frustrated? As if he was holding himself back from doing some very dangerous things. You’d have to find out when the Yaksha came to pick you up for your very overdue alone time.
It was getting worse. With the confirmed date, Xiao was about ready to explode.
Why did he settle on a time? He wanted you this instant. He should’ve just pulled you aside and—
Enough. He had to get serious about this. He wanted to take you out properly like you deserved. But what could he plan at such a last minute? He was never good at this sort of stuff. You were always the one surprising him. Not to mention, he would have to pick someplace where the two of you wouldn’t be bothered. If you went to any of the nice, expected places, you were sure to run into someone who would want to have something to do with you. It’d be best to go to a place with no people. But was there such a place that matched your brilliance?
He finally settled on an idea. It wasn’t spectacular enough, as he realized nothing would when compared to the brightness you’d brought into his life. But at least it would be something. A first step. And then tonight, he could… he could...
His cheeks flushed. His heart drummed against his chest. The vigilant Yaksha was about to do something he hadn’t done in a long time.
You got ready, dressing in a little bit fancier version of your usual traveling clothes, then waited for Xiao at the outskirts of Liyue Harbor, at the rock where you watched fireworks together the year the vigilant Yaksha entered your life. He never specified a location to pick you up, but Xiao had this special way of finding you.
“You’re here.”
Despite your confirmed relationship status, Xiao had this way of sounding surprised every time you followed up on a promise with him.
You turned to the warm sound of his voice, and as usual, your heart surprised you with the amount that it could feel.
Xiao stood there, with an innocent, vulnerable glow in his beautiful amber eyes. The evening all of a sudden felt very warm, the air around you picked up the scent of roses.
Xiao held out his hand. “And you look wonderful. As always.”
You took his hand gladly. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Xiao whisked you away. His efficient Yaksha ways of transport always caught you off guard, and you found yourself dizzy upon landing.
Once your head caught around you found yourself on the top of Mount Aocang.
In the middle of the sunset-lit setting was a table, romantically decorated and set up with the finest display of cuisines.
“I wanted to take you somewhere I was certain we wouldn’t be disturbed. Cloud retainer is looking out for us. She promised not to intrude. I had chef Yanxiao prepare all your favourite meals for you, as well as a few surprises I thought you’d like.”
“It’s… it’s perfect. Thank you, Xiao.” You turned to thank him.
His cheeks flushed. He avoided your direct gaze. “Afterwards, I thought… we could go back to my room at Wangshu. I’m afraid even this isn’t enough alone time for me.” He bravely met your eyes.
Your heart accelerated when you saw the meaning in them.
“S-sure,” you said.
Eating was difficult. You wanted to relax and enjoy the meal but ever since Xiao brought up his room, your heart was pounding like a deranged moth trapped inside a batting cage.
You kept looking at Xiao for more hints of what he planned for the evening, but his usual stoic face was displaying no signs of his earlier frustration.
You decided you were overthinking things and were beginning to relax when Xiao’s gloved hand found your thigh.
“I hope this is enough,” he said with a warm squeeze. “I apologize for the rush. It’s just… I want you to know how I feel about you. More than anything. That’s why tonight is important.” You could see all the loving in his eyes as he gazed at you. You were certain, were it not for that amber gaze holding you in place, you would’ve fallen right off the edge of Mount Aocang.
“Xiao..” you wanted to lean forward and kiss him.
He looked down at your plate, then smirked and sat back. “Eat up. I will exercise my patience while you finish your meal. But after that, I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold myself back anymore.”
There was only one thing he could mean by that.
Your hand trembled as you attempted to finish off the rest of your meal.
When did the Yaksha get so bold?
When you finally got to the inn Xiao stepped inside his room for a moment to set things up.
Outside, the cool of the night was getting inside the sleeves of your blouse, tickling up goosebumps on your skin. You looked out at the hills of Tevyat, breathing in the sweet smell of Silk flowers in the distance. Would tonight mark a significant turning point in your existence?
Xiao opened the door.
You jumped. You were already feeling hot with thoughts of him.
“Sorry about that, I had to fix up a few things. You can come in now.”
Nervous, your heart pounding as fast as a getaway train, you stepped inside.
The room was gorgeous.
Xiao had lit candles all along the lengths of the walls, something you were sure would’ve been a fire hazard, but in the yaksha’s care was nothing to be worried about. There were qingxin petals on the floor, lifting the room with a light sweet scent. But the most intoxicating thing was the smell of Xiao that radiated warmly over everything.
This was where the Yaksha spent his time when he wasn’t slaying demons. It felt so intimate. If you could bet, he’d probably never let anyone in here before.
In the middle of it all was his bed. King-sized, with white sheets that seemed to glow angelically in the muted candle-lit space.
“I meant what I said earlier, about not being able to hold back…” Xiao approached you. Touching you very delicately at first, he found your waist, his other hand tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. “I have a bath prepared for you if it gets too much.”
Your knees squeezed together at his touch. Xiao still hadn’t outright expressed it, but there was no denying what he meant now.
He gazed upon you like a painting in a museum, his eyes not holding back their desire as they trailed up and down your body.
Xiao wanted you.
A smirk came to his lips. He exhaled a breath that you felt on your skin.
“You should know, this is not in my usual repertoire of things. But, well… you’ve awakened some things in me.”
“I don’t know how it will be. For us Adeptus, engaging in these things can get sort of intense. Our power transmutes to the sexual realm of course. If I’m not able to stop myself…”
“Please Xiao, you should know by now. I can handle anything.”
His hand squeezed on your arm. “Can you?” he said, a tease edging into his sincere voice.
He pulled you in close to him. Then he kissed you. Delicately. Gently. Seductively. It was a kiss that promised more. So much more.
You melted into it.
“Ah, I’ve been wanting this for so long…” He gripped the back of your head and kissed you deeper.
You gasped into his lips. Your knees were driving into each other. It was all you could do not to explode with the tension.
His arm slipped behind your waist, locking you against his hard body. His fingers dug into your hip bone, causing you to yelp with the sensation.
When you pulled away your cheeks were flushed. A trail of saliva dripped between you.
It was just one kiss, but it had sent your body on a whirlwind trip through the mountains. You were heating up fast. You both wanted each other so bad.
Xiao saw the look in your eyes and practically dragged you toward the bed.
He threw you onto the covers, his kisses getting more intense, his tongue digging deep into your mouth.
You tangled your tongue with his, gasping as his fingers tickled your neck.
His free hand traveled down your body and pinned your hips to the bed. You gasped again. His lips traveled to your neck and decorated it with deep kisses.
You groaned, your legs clenching, you desired all of him this instant.
“Did I say it?” he said. “How I want to show you how I feel?” His voice was like honey butter. You were so in love with it. It just made you want him even more.
You surrendered into the bed and allowed yourself to be kissed by him.
You couldn’t take it anymore. You reached up and bit his lips.
He hissed, his grip clenching on your hip. You could feel him shaking, an earthquake of desire above you.
“You—you’ll pay for that.” He tore at your clothes.
The fabric ripped easily in his ravenous grip.
Xiao tossed your ripped garments to the side and looked down at you.
A feral noise came from his throat that even he couldn’t control. He took to your neck again, then began traveling down your bare body.
“Ah—god M/C, you’re so beautiful… I could enjoy you all day.” He sucked on your nipple, turning it hard in his mouth, then made his way down to your belly button, leaving wet, sparkling kisses along the way.
He felt outside the fabric of your panties. “You know, I always wondered what you felt like,” he said.
You arched your back as Xiao slipped his fingers inside, feeling your wetness.
He played around with the inside of you, then slipped his fingers up to your clit, where he rubbed a slow, wet circle.
Xiao smirked. “I thought about picking up some lube, but it seems you’re wet enough on your own.”
“Xiao..” you grab at him, fingers clawing into his shoulders, dragging him up. “Do me. Do what you’ve been wanting to do with me.”
“Ah.. are you ready?”
You nodded impatiently and reached down to his crotch.
He was hard against the soft loose fabric of his pants. You tugged at them. With his help, you relieved his body of its entrapments.
You felt the wetness between your legs growing as his naked body leaned above you.
His naked body was like a sculpture. You’d been teased in the past by the way his tight clothing hung to his abs. You’d thought you’d had an idea of how sexy he was, but seeing him up close like this was a whole other level.
You felt down the hard surface of his body, then reached for his exposed fuck device.
His dick was smooth, you ran your fingers up his base, then played with the sensitive surface of his tip. He was already dripping precum. You brought your finger to your mouth and tasted it.
“M/C—” he gasped, losing all control at your touch. Despite how tough he played it, you knew, it had been years, maybe even decades since anyone had touched him down there.
You had him. Even the strongest Yaksha wouldn’t be able to resist the pleasure.
You felt his girth in the palm of your hand.
With a quick intake of breath, Xiao grabbed your hand and pulled it away, pinning it to the bed.
“If you want it—that badly—” He adjusted himself on top of you, then desperately guided his dick toward your entrance. He shifted around, feeling for your opening. “—then I’ll have to show you—how I feel…”
He entered you.
Fireworks flashed before your eyes. You felt your stomach in your throat as his length filled you.
You opened your legs wider for him.
The moans that escaped his mouth were so raw—so natural.
He shifted his hips, entering you deeper, letting out a grunt.
You felt your energies merging, you felt all of him—his depth, his intensity, his karma—his passion that went so deep it threatened to drown you.
You tried to moan his name but the sound came out choked. You were overloaded with the fullness of him.
His hand clenched the bedsheets beside your head, the cords in his arm pulsing. “Is it—okay?” he asked.
“Mm—” you bit your lip, he was flooding you with a fire. You could see him holding back for your sake, you wanted him to know you could handle it. “Yes,” you gasped. Your eyes telling him, you would.
He started slowly. Thrusting into you with a melodic rhythm.
“Oh god…” he moaned. The crease between his brow was trembling, his eyes squeezed in pleasure. “M/C, I…”
He collapsed forward, thrusting into you faster. He rasped into your chest until a rhythm took hold he could no longer control.
He fucked you harder. Deeper. Each thrust sent a hurricane through your body.
You moaned and writhed under him.
“M/C,” his voice was raw, he was on the verge of tears. “You feel so good, it’s not even fair.”
You squeezed him with your legs.
He kissed you. His grip on your thigh told you how much he’d been wanting you, how much he’d been holding himself back. Up until now every kiss of yours had brought him pain. Every kiss of yours unveiled a layer of desire so deep, his centuries of existence felt infinitesimal in comparison. All these sides of himself he’d ignored for so long. You made him remember them all. You made him realize a love within himself that was larger than the universe. If his love for you was this real, this deep, he shouldn’t be allowed to have it. Yet here he was, fucking you—feeling the warm wetness of you around his dick, finding himself wanting more and more of you, finding the back of his head tingling as he indulged the pleasure, wanting to dive even further into his love. If you were really all his and there was nothing he could do about it, he would make damn sure to surpass your expectations.
He devoured every inch of your being as he fucked you even harder. Then with a surge of confidence, he spread your legs apart and hiked your hips off the bed, holding you up with his pure strength. He drove into you, this new angle allowing him to access deeper parts of you.
You moaned. It was so pleasurable for him to hear.
Sweat drenched his body, but he didn’t care. He would show you what it meant to be one of the world’s strongest Yakshas. You said you could handle it, after all.
He pushed himself past his limits of stamina. He flipped you and fucked you from all different angles. Your wild gasps and moans were like signs on a highway he was speeding down. He didn’t care how good you felt, he would make you feel better.
All the while his dick was alive with sensations. Each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through his shaft that was unlike anything he’d experienced. He gripped your thighs tighter. He wanted to throw his head back and cry out.
You felt so fucking good. He didn’t know something so simple, so human could feel this amazing.
You were so warm, so wet, so...
God, he couldn’t fuck you hard enough.
He’d felt his orgasm the minute he entered you but had been holding it off this whole time. Now it pulsed and raged against his dick, begging to be let out.
Fuck… he wanted to…
He gripped your head.
“Xiao—deeper,” you moaned.
Oh, gods that almost made him come. His whole body was trembling as he fought off the orgasm.
S-so… good…
“More—?” he panted. His voice was raw, his throat hoarse.
You whimpered. Giving your answer in the lacerations you clawed into his back.
He bit his tongue and fucked you past his limits.
“Oh god M/C, I’m going to—” He couldn’t hold it any longer.
The milky-sweet orgasm surged up and out of his dick.
He pulled out of you just in time and ejaculated all over your body.
His cum was wet and sticky.
He remained above you for a few moments as the orgasm still took hold of his body.
His brain tingled.
You stroked his softening dick gently. Even that felt good.
“M/C…” he panted. “I’ll clean up. Wait there.”
He went to fetch a towel, and when he came back you were lying there on the bed, cheeks pink and hot, looking at him with red love in your eyes. You were so beautiful. Gosh he was so grateful to have you.
His heart clenched as he cleaned you up.
You reached out and stroked his arm. “Xiao,” you said, “I love you.”
“M/C… I love you too. More than you could ever know.” He leaned forward and kissed you. Then the two of you fell back onto the bed, your cooling bodies quickly finding each other.
As Xiao lay there, he realized the truth of the sentence. There was no way you could know. Nothing on the physical plane of existence would allow him to transmute all these feelings he felt toward you. There would be many more nights of him showing you how he felt before you would begin to grasp the depths of his love for you.
That was alright. He smiled to himself. This was a challenge he was more than willing to take on. Even if it was impossible, he would never stop showing you how much he loved you. Even if it took all of eternity for you to finally understand.
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arundolyn · 3 months
this isn’t apropos of anything but i’m experiencing blazblue again on a whim and i am once again reminded that i want to beat up mori with hammers for nu’s existence
god right. i keep going "ooh i should replay ct i love ct maybe with my boyfriend too" and then i Remember
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meistoshi · 1 year
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holding him like burrito you dont understand
#god it really is the way he only melts into confidence for interviews when the topic of Battling & a League comes up#but even then he's like. Conscious of what he's saying#& it kills me the most in kalos bc the entire way up to the league he's just been Constantly on a pedestal from his friends#& this was the first region where someone came up To Him & saw HIM as a rival To Measure Up To#& we saw from his consecutive losses to shouta & urup that he Feels the pressure to measure up to his own hype#coz citron & eureka Always saw him as amazing & serena idealized him from her own memories + what she saw in news about the miare tower#so unlike in previous regions he didnt have anyone Consistently around to do anything but Encourage his hype#& after a region where he was constantly being put down by a trainer both younger & less experienced yet Insanely strong???#it's both haha me n my big mouth on national television ehehe oops 😜#& just. there are dozens- no hundreds- no Thousands of people that bought my hype & Expect me to own up to it#my friends have been encouraging me this entire time & i have not yet tremendously fucked up their view of me. so i HAVE to win.#i dont want to disappoint them. i Have to win. i said id win. they dont doubt me. so i Have to win.#OOOOOOOOOUUGH kalos kills me#anyway when satoshi learns he can lie to people abt Not being satoshi actually to get out of interviews is the day it's over for journalism#ooc. pkmn is autistic culture.#rewatch.#UGH it feels good to use that tag again#block that tag for a while if u dont wanna see me sporadically yell <3
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
speaking of speaking of Abuse it's like hey it's helpful to remember to not think of it like "whoa. an extreme word broken out to make people feel bad" but rather "an identification of a type of situation where an oppressive system is being continually established / maintained and something needs to be done differently to counteract / dismantle this" Just Like With approaches to other labels created for describing the external manifestations of [there is an oppressive system here] and going "someone is saying so b/c in identifying it it's also recognizing the crucial 'so something Else external needs to manifest to improve this reality' of it all, not just like 'whoa that's a big word for extreme things that we'd all definitely recognize & all definitely even be motivated to acknowledge in the first place rather than being potentially vested in it continuing without it even being a challenge to put any description of it into words to start to communicate about it'"....just like how we all totally know that [autistic people existing] is so Extreme and must be so Abnormal and we'd all Know It when we saw it, and when someone goes "i'm autistic" what matters is that people feel weird and then it's threatened that they might be obligated to do anything differently, so that person's probably exaggerating and trying to disrupt the norm, which is as good as trying to Elevate themself. kind of like when people break out the "abuse" A-word, right....always more important that no one could potentially feel bad via someone directing [and that's bad] language at them rather than asking "but like, Are they doing this thing? Are they having this effect?" which may still be answered with "no." and certainly will be if someone's committed to feeling above other people & positioned to act on it
#not like abuse apologia is New. evergreenly ''reinvented'' & cycling back around; like say; transphobia; All Bigotry; etc....#but really if it's like ''whoa whoa....isn't it a Problem ppl may say 'Abuse' Too Easily Nowadays. what if they could say it. to you'' etc#like that's not a ''correction'' that's just The Norm as it always was. that's just the [there can't be Too Many Victims]#it's just the [but what if ppl who can just Sayyy they've experienced / are experiencing Abuse....are too Empowered] of forever....#and always involves assumptions of someone's Inherent Entitlement to something from other people like#oh no ppl are so sensitive riled up abt Abuse nowadays what if they ghost their friends :(#what if they do??? They're the ones who'll hypothetically end up isolated. & also You Can Just Do That for any or no reason#and it may be unpleasant & it may be unideal but who is Entitled to hold on to a relationship w/someone? who is Entitled to a Guarantee of#communication? how Would that be guaranteed?? if they're not comfortable talking to you / if they choose to stop doing so then like#how amazing was that friendship that was so cruelly ruined by ''ugh i can't believe anyone could think poorly of me? of Interacting w/me?#and if they can do that What's Stopping Them From Calling Me Abusive'' like guess what: Nothing#the way that words work means that anyone can Just Use Them however. you absolutely Can point to anything & use the word Abuse#which is why words also have meanings so that this can be recognized as absurdity / irrelevant Or it can be genuinely considered#which; either can be done regardless of the intention or amount of thought or hypothetical correctness of someone using w/e words#ppl who are abusing others Sure Can & Do use language against their victims which can include; or imply/conflate with; ''abuse''#which then doesn't mean ''guess we give up on Words / it's too easy to say sm shit'' b/c Ppl Can Look At The External Situations#and like you don't Lose by anyone having more material support. like ''ughhh it's so easy to Sayyy you're Disabled / describe NORMAL things#as DISABILITY (weird; extreme; bad; I'd Know It When I Saw It & Instantly Judged Its Legitimacy)'' like okay & then What If accommodation &#support that May Be needed is freely available to any & everyone. ppl who Are in a situation of abuse; even from Just One Person; are#already lacking for support / resources. oh no what if they got those but they were exaggerating. What Then#the real tl;dr here is ''yeah it's Politics w/abuse not just Vibes''#going ''hm well even when there Is abuse i guess third parties can throw up their hands b/c anyone could darvo that shit huh'' like.#that's why there's further Contexts & Patterns & Info that is relevant beyond ''who is literally capable of invoking the word Abuse or sm''#the eternal & instant classic Angle To Consider that is ''whose life is getting smaller''#meanwhile [the feelings of the person abusing other/s] & [the feelings of theoretical third parties] aren't actually what's most important#the goal isn't ''make the abuser Feel Bad'' or ''make someone go 'ok i guess i don't like them anymore then''' the goal is interrupt abuse#the victim needs support in what improves their situation / diminishes their harm; much less what might get them Out of it#(& into a broader world where abuse is super common & ''normal'' & inherent in bigger systems / structures. but still an improvement than#Also happening to have this additional situation of abuse they're now out of...)#& again if Everyone has all the support / resources they could want or need? epic. no problem
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bluetooththereptile · 6 months
Father in law (part two)
(Yandere Bruce wayne x reader)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
This fic is continuation of this one.
Tw: mentions of death, and unsettling images
"Easy now, easy...just focus on taking another step..." Bruce's voice echoed in the silent room, you tried to hold onto the parallel bars, your knuckles hurting from the sheer pressure of gravity pulling on your body, your body trembled, the weak muscles hardly holding on, you didn't want to give in, no, you didn't want to give in and let his large hands grip onto your sides once more. "Easy kid..." you turned your head over your shoulder to look at him, giving him a side eye glare, his damn voice...that damned voice was the only thing that clouded your mind since you were pulled from the darkness you were in. His and Angel's presence didn't leave your side just once.
Speaking of Angel, "Love?" Their voice reached out to you, making you turn to look at them once more "Just a few steps more, see? You already have taken three more than yesterday!" You grimaced at their energetic tone, optimism oozing out of the words. God can't they just shut up? Your mind was irritated, but what was actually scaring you wasn't the fact that you were locked in this apartment complex that you didn't know its location, no, it was the way you were getting used to the parent and his child's presence.
Your legs gave out and your fragile body was once again, held still by Bruce's hands. "Take a deep breath..." he spoke gently, if you were your normal self you'd pull away from those hands, hating the way his thumbs rubbed your flesh to soothe the shaking, but now, you felt...sort of content, that scared you. You didn't know how many days had passed since the moment you pulled yourself out of that horrendous pool of green liquid and gasped for air, your lungs feeling strained, and burning as if you didn't have used them before. You didn't know why you were so putty in their hands, why your mind even though maintaining the memories of your life before your feast with that bottle of Xanax and your inevitable death, was so numb...it felt like you were experiencing things for the first time.
Each meal was a challenge, firstly, you had to convince Angel that you could hold the utensils even if your hand trembled violently, then you'd drop the said utensils and after that Angel would scold you gently for being stubborn and feed you, cooing as you ate your food. Your hunger had peaked, and you ate as if you were eating for the first time, experiencing different tastes like someone who hadn't tasted anything before. You didn't know, but your body's revival had made you very impressionable, every new sensation was new, and it etched into your subconscious as if it was a blank sheet of paper having something written on it for the first time. Hence Jason after his revival in the hands of Joker suffered greatly and its effects never left his soul, haunting him forever.
"Here, I'll let you go, try walking again, just a few steps more, alright, darling?" Why Bruce called you in that tone?! UGH! You put your feet onto the floor once more, your muscle mass was nearly gone and it felt like you hadn't walked before, even if you had the memories and experiences of walking. You didn't know it was because you were nearly decomposed in your casket before they had pulled it out of the dirt and your body was rebuilding itself. Letting out a sharp breath through your teeth, you tried to take another step, your leg gave out slightly making both of them gasp in worry but you surprisingly held yourself steady.
"Such a great learner you are..." Bruce chuckled softly, his chest vibrating behind you, his hands encouraging you to walk further into the open arms of Angel "Just two more steps my love...just a little more" Angel said, beaming. You avoided eye contact with them, those eyes held such a gravitation that you felt like if you looked long enough you'd lose your hold on yourself.
You were unaware of so many things, which was a huge blessing, you didn't know that outside the safe walls of the apartment was chaos unleashed in the media, Bruce had changed the document of your death so you'd be considered still alive, your family taken care of so they wouldn't say anything, and the media now were portraying you as someone that was victim of hackers and personal enemies, you were baptized and portrayed as a Saint, and the public was ashamed in accusing you of those things.
You were also unaware of the fact that Bruce was wrapping you in the bandages of his so-called love, sticking them to your body with the wax of his coaxing words and actions, and soon he'd mummify you in the casket of Angel's arms, gilding your union up with the name of the perfect couple. Bruce already could see the headlines of the paparazzi in his mind, oh it'd be marvelous!
Your death had made something in Bruce snap, the same feeling he had with Angel and the rest of his family, you were his family. Which already meant so much, you were already in the circle of his life, and when you entered that circle, you could never leave. At first, he had despised you for taking his Angel from him but he didn't know Angel's obsession had sipped into the waters of his mind and polluted them slowly. And well, with love, thorns would turn into flowers, wouldn't they?
You took in a sharp breath as you felt your legs getting tired with the weight of your body, and with a final step, you fell into the arms of Angel, letting out a sigh of relief as you escaped from the clutches of the pain as they held you with their surprisingly strong arms. "There there dear, you did well, you did so well..." Angel's perfume filled your nostrils as you buried your head in their shoulder, closing your eyes you were too tired to not melt into their arms, you knew you lied to yourself, you actually didn't want to leave their arms.
Angel helped you to sit down on a chair, and walked away to grab a glass of water for you, Bruce walked towards you and his hands gripped the back of your head firmly but gently, you ignored those hands on the back of your head as you looked towards Angel, humming happily as they walked around, how lucky you were to not see them three months ago, when they had heard the news of your death, how their eyes had lost their light and became lifeless, a dangerous shadow appearing in them as they stared into the oblivion, how they had nearly turned mad, and how hauntingly fast they had switched into normal the moment they held your fragile breathing form, fresh out of the Lazarus Pit.
Your eyes scanned the familiar room full of physiotherapy devices, only for them to settle on the large mirror on the wall, your hallucinations had subsided greatly with the help of the medicine you took but still, the images of what your subconscious perceived were the truth came to you here and there, death had sort of opened your eyes to the other side of creatures, but you only could see those images as the reflections of said creatures, a cat was a walking shadow with two golden eyes or a bird was a ghostly being with a red beak, you could see the familiar dark figure standing behind your chair, Bruce, looking at you in the mirror as his clawed hands affectionately caressed your face, why he looked so much like Batman? You had asked yourself so many times, you didn't know of Bruce's other occupation, and that was why you were so confused by the image of this Batman-like monster looming over you, no one but you saw him, and your mind couldn't comprehend the image of Bruce in his true form, why?
"I was thinking of having a spring wedding what do you say?" You stiffened as Angel spoke, looking at their reflection as they approached you, a fair creature with pale skin, yet their eyes were just like Bruce's, red, and their hand that soon reached out to you and caressed your cheeks had sharp black claws. "What do you say, darling?" Angel purred as you looked at them while they stared at your reflection in the mirror. You knew you had to be afraid yet...those monsters seemed...welcoming. "I'll choose the flowers" you spoke, closing your eyes to not see those sharp fangs in their mouth as they smiled affectionately, you knew you shouldn't give in but...most of you wanted to...and so your head rolled back in Bruce's hands as he chuckled, his deep voice echoing in your mind. With love thorns would turn into flowers...right?
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norman-fucking-reedus · 3 months
Omg please please can you write something about Daryl experiencing accidental stimulation. Like in a situation where he really shouldn’t but something accidentally gets him hard and needy and he’s hoping no one notices but he’s so pent up… UGH🎀
Please ily❤️
Now I wasn’t exactly sure what kind of situation he would be in where he’s getting riled up in the process but call me Carol the way I can make magic happen (if nobody gets this reference I will lose my shit)
If Daryl had a dollar for each time he wished he could feed a walker his brain, he’d be able to buy himself a new one, which he really needed to do.
No amounts of mental or physical begging would shut his thoughts up, not even the group of flesh-eating freaks closing in stopped his thinking.
A familiar heat starts to burn in his stomach, and his fist clench tightly around the handle of his knife, knuckles turning white as he naturally took a few steps back before plunging forward, driving the weapon into a walker’s head and watching it’s body drop. Man, he really wanted that to be him.
He drove his knife into a rotten skull, yanking it out and not bothering to watch it crumble before he stabbed another, and then another.
“Just like that, D”
Blood splattered across his face when his knife dug into a walker’s hollow eye-socket, dragging the blade out and sending it back into it’s head, this time killing the damn thing. Daryl kicked it’s rotting corspe off him with more force than necessary, watching how it flew into yet another staggering body.
He took a few steps back until his back bumped with Aaron’s, who Daryl completely forgot was with him.
“We’ve got this, yeah? Just keep taking ‘em down” Aaron panted heavily, mace on his left arm raised and ready. “Yeah” Daryl mumbled absent-mindedly, as he stared at the walkers in front of him, not thinking about killing them even as he found his hunter’s knife once again driving home to a walkers skull.
“Oh god, yes… yes just like that babyboy”
Someone kill him, now.
Aaron’s voice ripped him back to earth, back down to reality where he had been subconsciously pushing back against the last few walkers snapping their jaws in his face. When did they even get there? He fully shoved them off and sent his knife into each of their heads, silently sliding it back into the holster amd moving to gather his crossbow and bag.
He purposely ignored his rock-hard cock, and how good the fabric of his jeans felt against it when he crouched down to sling the weapon over his shoulder. Aaron, however, wasn’t letting Daryl off that easily.
“What the hell was that about? You alright man?” There was no anger in his voice, just pure confusion. He stared at Daryl with wide eyes as the man continued to walk. No, he was not alright. How could he be when he was walking home with eight inches of pure arousal between his legs? “M’fine. Jus’ tired s’all” He grumbled, lying through the skin of his teeth as he hid his reddening face behind his hair. He felt like a sex-crazed teenager as he felt his cock twitch in his pants, begging his brain to just shut off.
“C’mon sweetheart give me more”
Aaron only furrowed his brows and turned his gaze forward, already not believing a word out of Daryl’s mouth. Tiredness has never seemed to have an effect on the burly man before, so what was the difference now? “You seem real out of it though, like you’ve got something on your mind” Aaron spoke casually, yet observed Daryl from the corner of his eye. He seemed to be breathing a lot quicker, eyes staring only straight ahead as his hand gripping the crossbow fiddled with it, the other uncomfortably fidgeting with his knife at his side. “Nah. S’nothin’, seriously” He shrugged calmly but Aaron still felt something was off.
His eyes flickered over to Daryl, taking in his whole body and studying the language, from his fidgety hands, to the way he chewed his bottom lip. He ran his eyes down his body once, and then twice.
Well, that could definitely be the problem.
Aaron chuckled quietly to himself, and Daryl snapped his head toward the sound.
“Wha’s so funny?”
“I just- Relationship problems?”
Daryl really wanted to hit him.
“No.” He barked, storming away with a laughing Aaron following after him. “Oh come on! The famous Daryl Dixon fighting the dead with a boner? Times must be real tough” Daryl shoved the cackling man, who only laughed at his friend harder, face beginning to shift between tomato red and a blueish purple. Daryl stood biting the inside of his cheek, feeling his own face burn a hot red out of embarrassment.
It took a few minutes for Aaron to compose himself, wiping tears from his eyes as he took a few deep breaths. “Oh man. So, what’s going on, really?” Daryl huffed, keeping his gaze straight and staying on much higher alert. “Jus’ missin’ my woman. Ain’t seen her since we been out here” His voice was soft as he spoke the words into the air, mind starting to wonder off again at the mention of his lover.
“My sweet boy, do you need me to help you cum?”
He could practically feel your soft hands wrapping around his dick, stroking him slowly before bringing your hand up to squeeze around the head of his cock, the added pressure sending shocks flying through him. The thought of how you’d start to edge him by sucking and firmly stroking his tip, until his back is arching and his hips uncontrollably jerk into your hand as his cum lands on your satisfied face, having gotten exactly what you wanted.
Too bad for him he was only imagining that, blinking a few times before realizing he and Aaron were still walking, only they were just practically down the street from Alexandria when only a few steps ago they were nose deep in the forest.
How they got there? some God willed it, Daryl supposes.
For the first time, he didn’t have enough brain capacity to overthink on it. He had other, better things to think about, like the way he was going to practically melt himself into your body. He wanted nothing more than to fill all five of his senses with you, hands already aching to run across your soft skin, knowing how the blisters and callouses on his palms will leave goosebumps in their wake. Oh, how badly he wanted to flatten his tongue over the smooth pane of your stomach, tasting his way all the way down to your soaked panties, practically rubbing his face in between your legs and groaning at the smell of your dripping cunt.
If Daryl had a dollar for each time he wished he could feed a walker his brain, he’d be able to pay you for honoring him with your presence.
When Abraham announced their arrival in his loud commander voice, Rosita pulled back the heavy gates and slammed them shut once the two men were securely inside. Aaron just shrugged when Rosita gave him a questioning look, watching Daryl speed walk away after hastily handing off the rest of the stuff.
He almost wanted to sprint to the house, keeping his head down and loudly hoping in his head that nobody could see the way his cock strained against the already tight fabric of his jeans. Walking past Carol's house and seeing her reading a book on the porch swing, he quickly waved and swiftly increased his pace. She raised a questioning brow at his back, but shrugged as she reimmersed herself in the chapter.
Daryl threw the front door open, heaving slightly as he slammed it shut and cringed at the way the walls of the house trembled. He kicked his shoes off and dropped his crossbow in the middle of the floor, eyes darting around frantically for any sign of you.
You, who was coming down the stairs from how hard the door slamming rattled the house. You were only halfway down when Daryl latched himself onto you, almost knocking the two of you over. "Well hello there, hunterman!" You laughed breathlessly as he squeezed you in his arms, face buried in your neck as he inhaled the smell of your soap. Oh, he missed you so very badly. He lifted you up, waiting for you to wrap your legs around his waist so he could walk up the rest of the stairs.
He kicked the bedroom door shut behind him, dropping down you down onto the bed and downright moaning when his cock bumped your thigh. His mouth was all over you, kissing and licking the exposed skin of your neck. “God, someone’s eager today” You huffed out when Daryl wrapped his arms around you tightly and sucked on your pulse.
Eager was an understatement, Daryl was straight up desperate for you. He felt so full of sexual frustration it was starting to hurt. “Need ya- Need ya ta fuck me, need it so bad” He gasped out when you pressed your knee to his crotch, oh it felt so fucking good.
“Such a bold request, Dar” You whispered into the air, hooking your legs around Daryl and switching your positions, moving to straddle him. He whimpered softly as you sat on his clothed cock. “You’ve been thinking about me all day haven’t you?” Daryl nodded against the pillow but you shook your head. “Use your words big guy”
“Yes! Been thinking about this- you- all fucking day” Daryl’s hips jerked underneath you, his hands moving to grip your hips when you pinned them above his head, a smal sob coming from. “Y/n please”
You leaned down and kissed his forehead, trailing down to the reddened tip of his nose and stop at his lips. “Is please the best you can do?” Daryl groaned against you, “Dammit woman yer gonna kill me” You pecked a small kiss to his lips, standing up on your knees and toying with the hem of your shirt. “I know, and you’re gonna let me”
You lifted the fabric over your head, and Daryl almost came on the spot at the sight of your bouncy tits, hands practically burning with the desire to fondle and squeeze them. However, he kept them right over his head where you had them pinned, even though he could easily overpower you. He needed you to take complete control of his body.
His eyes remained glued to your chest, especially when you brought your free up to one and pinched a nipple, biting your bottom lip.
Your shirt dangled from your arm, so you moved to tie it around Daryl’s wrists, securing the other end to a bed post. Daryl’s heart pounded as anticipation bubbled in his chest, watching as you played with your own. He nibbled on his lip, watching as one of your hands slid down your stomach past the hem of your delicate panties, a small red pair with a black bow.
He desperately jerked his hips up and you cooed at him. “I bet you’re just so worked up aren’t you?” Daryl almost wanted to cry out of frustration, he so badly wanted to be buried in you wet heat, mind fogging from pleasure. “Yes! Y/n please, please I need ya”
You rolled your hips against him and he threw his head back as the short motion sent electricity through him. “Need me how?” God just kill him now. His vision started to blur with traitorous tears, tugging at his restraints. “Everyhow. Just need ta feel ya around me, on me- fuck- just fuck me please mommy” His hips jerked once more, this time Daryl’s face contorted as an orgasm washed over him, doing little to nothing to provide any sexual relief.
As you stared down at his trembling frame, running a hand up his chest and wiping away the tears on his cheek, you couldn’t help but smile at just how pathetic he was for you. It was adorable.
“My poor baby, you really are pent up. Making such a mess of yourself and I haven’t even had my fun yet” You kissed along the underside of his jaw, unbuttoning his shirt and grinding down against him. He whimpered and groaned, eyes fluttering shut as you devilishly moved your hips. His whole body was on fire, it felt like heaven and hell at the same time, and you were something close of an angel ontop of him. He was so ready to hand you his entire soul, little did he know he already has.
You trailed your lips down his newly exposed chest, leaving a firey path as you kissed and sucked skin. Oddly enough, Daryl didn’t have a lot of chest hair, the pale skin bare and red where you suction your lips. You could feel his soft pleasured sounds vibrating his chest under your touch, feeling his quickened breathing as you moved down to his hard abs, dragging your tongue across them.
Daryl practically moaned at the sight and feeling, cock twitching desperately in his pants as your tongue ran down the start of his happy trail, fingers unbuckling his jeans and unbuttoning them. You took the metal zipper between your teeth and pull it down slowly, staring into Daryl’s eyes as you did. His heart pounded erratically when you placed opened mouth kisses over his clothed cock, the wet fabric sticking to your lips. When Daryl’s hips twitched, you figured he had enough teasing and finally hooked your teeth over the hem of his boxers, pulling them down.
His cock sprung free, and the cold air hitting his glistening tip felt better than it should’ve, even more when you gently blew on it. You followed the action by placing a soft kiss, and then another, before wrapping your lips around him. Daryl’s eyes rolled into his skull as you swirled your tongue and suctioned your lips, practically speeding him off the edge. He shamelessly moaned when you hollowed your cheeks and slid further down his cock, taking as much as you could before it bumped the back of your throat.
You gripped him tightly with one hand, stroking him up and down in time with the bobbing of your head, stopping every so often to suck on his swelling tip. Daryl loudly groaning and whimpered above you, pulling at his restraints as you brought him so close, so fucking close to his orgasm, hips twitching upwards as he tumbled over the edge-
You pulled off him suddenly, and Daryl felt like he had been slapped.
“Wha- Why?- Y/n no please” You straddled him once more, pushing your panties to the side. “Calm down babyboy, I’m right here” You whispered, dragging his cock through your wet folds. He needed to be inside your so badly, when you teasingly popped the tip into your entrance, he just couldn’t stop himself from snapping his hips into you, a broken cry coming from him as his sensitive cock buried so deep inside you. “God- Fuck m’so fuckin’ sorry, feels so fuckin’ good- holy shit you feel so fucking good” Daryl couldn’t even understand himself at this point, head thrown back as he choked on his sobs, so lost in the feeling of you tight around him. He was practically drunk.
You dug your nails into his chest as you rapidly bounced against him, his feet firmly planted against the bed. This was the best he had felt in his whole life, and in his head he was screaming “I love you” with every hard and needy thrust of his hip, sending his cock tip right into your soft sweet spot.
“M’gonna cum- fuck m’gonna cum” You leaned down to kiss your poor babbling mess of a man, moaning against him when you felt his hips impossibly speed up, pounding into you from underneath. “Oh fuck babyboy just like that” Daryl pulled at his restraints, pure fire burning through his whole body as he was so, fucking, close. “Please keep takin’ my cock mommy please- God, m’so fucking in love with you” Daryl loudly whimpered the words into the crook of your neck, his body twitching and tensing as his hips fucked him through his orgasm, cumming deep in your guts as he went limp against you.
You both breathed heavily, running a hand through Daryl’s sweaty hair as his body continued buzzing, mind blissfully fuzzy and quiet. When he felt his hands be released, he immediately dropped them down to your tits, kissing and sucking on your neck as he groped the soft flesh, rolling your nipples between his fingers. “I love ya” He whispered as his lips moved along your jawline. You giggled, grabbing a fist full of his hair and tugging his head back to look at you. “I know, you already told me”
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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writing-for-marvel · 1 year
[He’s Hazardous To My Health Series]
Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
< < PART 2 | Series Masterlist | PART 4 > >
Summary: You wait for Bucky to call.
Warnings: strictly 18+ due to the AU, some angst and self doubt, references to sex, references to Bucky having a traumatic past
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: Will he call? Won’t he call? Let’s find out! Banners by @vase-of-lilies
Main Masterlist | Ask me anything! | Taglist | Library
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Bucky stares down at his phone and sighs.
He wants to call you, genuinely, so why is dialling your number so difficult?
Perhaps it’s too soon, is what he tells himself. It hasn’t even been a full day since the end of your date, calling now probably makes him look desperate.
Should he message you? Tell you that he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you all day? Ugh, no… that seems extremely forward for someone he’s only been on a single date with, regardless of if it’s the truth.
There’s never been anyone whom he’s connected with enough to warrant a second date, let alone have him promising to call. He’s completely out of his depth, drowning in a sea of anxiety and no one has taught him how to swim.
Bucky knows he’s overthinking, but you make it hard to think clearly. You have his brain short circuiting, reforming synapses so that all his thoughts are rerouted to the same thing: you.
Turning his phone off, he sets it down beside him. Just because he isn’t calling straight away, doesn’t mean he won’t at all. It’s probably better to wait and not seem super eager.
Or is that counterintuitive? If you enjoy someone’s company, should you let them know so you can see them again as soon as possible?
Fuck, why is this such a daunting task? He’s never had an issue with talking or flirting with anyone before, it seems to come naturally to him. And yet the thought that he’ll say the wrong thing, and fuck up whatever it is between the two of you is making his stomach churn with prickling nerves he’s never experienced before.
Perhaps he’ll find the courage to call tomorrow.
* * *
“You seem distracted, what’s on your mind?” The familiar voice from the driver's seat of the ambulance pulls Bucky from his daydream.
You, is what Bucky thinks. You are constantly on his mind. Him and his best friend Steve are half an hour into their shift and you have not left the forefront of his mind in that entire time.
It’s like he’s in a trance.
“There’s this girl from the hospital…” Bucky trails off, unsure how to articulate exactly how you’ve bewitched him since meeting not even a week ago.
The night before last wasn’t just another hookup. At least, not to him.
“I’m gonna need a little more information than that Buck, there’s been quite a few girls of yours, especially from the hospital.” Steve laughs, but Bucky’s chest tightens at the insinuation that you’re just another fling, even though Steve doesn’t know any better.
“Two nights ago we went on a date, it ended up back at her place.” This is probably not news to Steve - he’s heard many stories about Bucky’s one night stands which would have started exactly like this. But there is one huge difference this time around. “And then I told her I’d call.”
“You’re thinking about a second date with her? She must be something special.” Bucky chuckles under his breath. Yeah, you really are something special. So fucking special.
“She’s beautiful, intelligent, funny, witty. When she was treating that little girl from the train derailment she was so good with her, kind and patient. I don’t know how to describe it, we just click. I don’t think I’ve ever allowed myself to feel more than physical attraction for someone but with her it just happens, I can’t stop myself.”
He doesn’t want to admit it to himself, but Bucky’s already addicted to you. He’s only had one fix, but he’s already showing symptoms of withdrawal. Every second apart feels like an hour, craving your company and the rapture firing in every neuron of his body when you’re in his presence.
“Look at you actually falling for someone.” Steve teases, without even knowing the full extent of how enthralled Bucky is with you. “So when are you seeing her again?”
Silence fills the front seat of the ambulance when Bucky can’t answer the question.
“Bucky, you have to see her again! Listen to how you’re talking about her, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you actually speak about wanting to see someone again. You need to call her.” Steve stops at a red light and looks over to Bucky in the passenger seat. His best friend knows him better than perhaps he knows himself but doesn’t have the same obstacle with letting people in as Bucky does.
“That’s easier said than done.” Bucky can’t mask the dejected tone in his voice, and Steve recognises the crestfallen hang of his head, knowing exactly what he means without voicing it aloud.
“I know you've been through a lot in your life Buck, you’ve built walls up to prevent any more heartbreak…” Steve starts, but Bucky doesn’t need yet another reminder of his tragic backstory.
“Alright Mr I minored in psychology, I get your point. I’m damaged goods and don’t let people get close to me.”
“It’s just a second date, Buck, you aren’t asking for her hand in marriage. Just see where it goes.” Steve makes it sound so easy. Most people wouldn’t get so stressed about something they would consider as minor as a second date, yet Bucky feels like he’s about to expose the most intimate parts of his soul to someone for the first time.
“But I don’t want to hurt her. I know nothing about dating or being in a relationship.” Bucky pauses - the fact that he’s even considering something as substantial as a relationship with you punches him in the gut. He’s never wanted that with someone before. “And I don’t want to get hurt myself.” Because all Bucky has known is relationships breaking down. To him romantic relationships are synonymous with pain and he’s had enough of that for a lifetime.
“You’ll never know if you never try. I know you think letting someone in will lead to heartbreak, but what if it’s the opposite? What if by letting this person into your heart you finally find love and contentment?” Bucky has never allowed himself to imagine a life where that is a possibility - opening himself up to that prospect sounds like a recipe for more suffering. Besides, he’s been damaged goods for a long time, he’s sure there’s no one who would want to put up with him anyway.
“You really are a hopeless romantic.” Bucky comments, trying to avoid the questions Steve is raising, and divert the topic of their conversation.
“I want you to be happy, Buck. You’ve never afforded yourself that courtesy.”
Though his experience screams at him to run in the opposite direction, that this would be a horrible decision leading to further pain, Bucky finds it hard to believe someone as sweet and good-natured as yourself would ever hurt him intentionally. Even if there is only a slim chance that he doesn’t completely fuck this up, given Bucky cannot stop thinking about you, he supposes it’s worth a shot calling you.
“Well, maybe it’s finally time I do.” Bucky mutters under his breath.
* * *
You’ve been checking your phone periodically throughout the day to se if you have any new notifications from Bucky, but each time your phone lights up, a new wave of disappointment floods your chest.
You wonder if the notion of actually calling you, or simply messaging, has even crossed Bucky’s mind once since he left your place about 36 hours ago, or if he already knew it was an empty promise at the time he made it.
“Heard anything yet?” Wanda asks hopefully, but you shake your head in response. The first thing Wanda asked during your next shift together was how your date went with Bucky - between treating patients you described the picnic Bucky set up on the riverbank and (in slightly less detail) the euphoric night you shared when you made it back to your place.
“I’m stupid for actually believing he’s going to call, aren’t I?”
“…No.” Wanda offers after a brief hesitation which tells you more than the single word does. Sensing your regret in asking, she continues on. “Sweetie, only you know the connection you share, I can’t speak to that. If you feel like there’s something special there and he promised to call, then you have every right to believe him.”
Perhaps you’re being foolish, you should know better than to hang your hopes on a man who is notorious for being a fuckboy, but you really thought Bucky was being genuine when he promised to contact you. That the blissful night you shared, and the waves of ecstasy which melded into a flood of pure pleasure, meant more than just a one night stand.
Or at least it did to you.
“Just because he’s never pursued more than a first date with other people in this hospital doesn’t mean he isn’t now, or isn’t with you. Sometimes it just takes the right person, that could be you.” You take some comfort in the sincerity of her tone, but the voice in the back of your mind reminds you of what Wanda alerted you to prior to your date: no one gets a second date with Bucky Barnes.
“You’ve changed from giving me no hope to giving me false hope, Wan.” You joke, trying to brush off the conversation and not reveal just how heartbroken you’ll be if Bucky ghosts you, even with Wanda warning about his ways.
Internally you remind yourself that it’s only been a day and a half and to not be too mad at him, yet. Perhaps he intends to call, but hasn’t gotten around to it, though you’re pretty sure you’re only telling yourself that to stop the perpetual ache in your chest rather than truly believing it.
“He promised he would call, that’s not false hope.” Wanda advises, shooting you a look of encouragement as you both complete paperwork for your respective patients.
At that moment, the doors to the ER swing open and none other than the paramedic you were just speaking about walks in wheeling a patient.
You hate how good he looks, long chestnut hair framing his face and those dazzling blue eyes you’ve dreamed about shine from all the way across the room. He’s unfairly attractive, and he walks into a room like he knows it too.
Him and his partner consult the head nurse of the ER, who, after examining her clipboard for a moment, points towards your direction, making your stomach flip.
Steel blue eyes meet yours and for a moment your entire world stands still. The sounds of the busy ER fade away and even the presence of Wanda beside you dissolves into non-existence when his eyes find you and a smile overtakes his features. That damn cheeky smile which makes your knees weak.
He truly is infuriatingly beautiful.
“Hey.” Is all you can think to say as they approach, a lump in your throat forming which would prevent you from voicing any more words if your brain could think of any other than how strapping and handsome he looks in his uniform.
“Hi.” Bucky responds softly with a dreamy smile, eyes lingering on yours for a long beat before turning away. How could someone who looks at you with such warmth not want to see you again?
You shake the thought from your mind as your focus on the patient, a young man with scared brown eyes. You can’t afford to be distracted right now, even if you desperately want to look back at him and revel in the fondness brimming in his eyes which was so apparent during your date.
After Bucky’s equally tall, broad and handsome paramedic partner gets you up to speed on the patient's history, you get to work on taking his vitals.
“Rogers, Barnes, give us some space to work, please.” Dr Strange requests and without the chance to say another word to each other, both paramedics disappear out the corner of your periphery.
What you don’t notice is Bucky’s soft gaze on you through the glass walls of the patient room as you start your work up, believing that he had simply got back in his ambulance and out into the field.
“That’s her?” Steve asks from beside Bucky. He knows full well it must be you, he’s never seen his best friend look so enamoured with a girl, nor lost for words as when he set eyes on you, but he wants Bucky to admit it aloud.
“Yep, that’s her.” Bucky says with a pride that if Steve didn’t know any better, would suggest that her meant his girl. Bucky answers without taking his eyes off you, the corners of mouth tugging into a smile. His best friend has it bad, and he doesn’t even realise.
Steve suspects if he doesn’t remind Bucky they have a shift to get back to, he’d happily watch you work for the rest of the day.
He allows Bucky a couple more minutes of that luxury before heading back to the ambulance, knowing his best friend well enough to realise before either Bucky or yourself do, just how significant Bucky’s feelings for you are.
* * *
Bucky steps out of the shower, the warm water having rinsed the hard days work off himself.
He knows he needs to call you. Waiting any longer, especially after seeing you today, even if it were only for a brief moment, would surely only indicate disinterest. That’s so far from how he feels about you, so he decides needs to take matters into his own hands and fulfil the promise he made two nights ago.
A fresh swarm of butterflies fills his stomach. He’s actually going to do this.
He just hopes you’re after more than just another hookup. Bucky’s used to being the one only interested in sex, but if the roles are reversed this time, it’ll be his exposed heart being ripped from his chest.
No, he can’t think like that. He’s finally giving himself a chance at happiness.
Bucky reminds himself that you asked him to promise to call after your date. It’s not just him that wants this, you want him to call.
With that thought, he pulls out his phone and quickly presses on your contact, so he doesn’t chicken out, and with a shaky hand holds his phone to his ear. Bucky’s heart beats in his throat as the first ring sounds, and then skips a beat altogether when the click of you answering fills his ears.
“Bucky, you called.” He can hear the smile in your voice through the line, but what makes his heart clench is the trace of surprise he can perceive, as if you truly hadn’t expected him to call.
“I did promise to.” He reminds you, but it doesn’t entirely eliminate the bitter shame bubbling in the pit of his stomach that even though he did in fact promise, you didn’t fully believe him.
“I’m happy you did. I had a really great time the other night.”
“So did I.” Those three simple words don’t sum up just how much Bucky wholeheartedly enjoyed every second he spent with you, regardless of if that were naked in your bed or getting to know you on a picnic blanket as the sun set across the horizon, but in his anxious state he can’t find words more poetic to express it. “And I’d love to do it again if you’re up for it.”
“Hmm, I’m gonna have to think about it.” He can tell by the light tone of your voice you’re joking, but he supposes he deserves waiting for an answer considering he made you wait for his call. “Of course I’d love to go on a second date with you James.”
The combination of your words and the fact that you punctuated the sentence with his true first name sends Bucky straight to heaven. Everything about you makes him completely weak in a way he has never experienced before. All of those walls Steve seems to think Bucky has built around himself don’t appear to exist with you, instead, you’ve come into his life as easily as walking through a front door with a welcome mat out front.
“I guess I’m going to have to outdo a picnic at sunset then.” He chuckles to himself, knowing that he’s never had this problem before, but realising it’s a good problem to have.
You continue to talk well into the night, forgetting what time it is, and that you both have early shifts in the morning. None of that matters when you’re so caught up in each other.
Bucky simply enjoys the sound of your voice, and how it soothes the remaining anxiety which was swirling in his chest before calling you. He certainly isn’t hanging up first, not when talking with you has been the best part of his day.
He’s chasing happiness. And he might just find it with you.
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Part 4 > >
Be added to the series taglist here
He’s Hazardous To My Health [Paramedic!Bucky Barnes] Taglist: @lavenderpenumbra @crazyunsexycool @eralen @buckbuckyoongs @blackwidownat2814 @roschele @crayongirl-linz @ozwriterchick @desert-fern @misshale21 @chalesleclerc164 @rookthorne @janineb86 @emmabarnes @scarletbich @fallenlilangel99 @princezzjasmine @mdrovert @thebuckybarnesvault @doasyoudesireandlive @solitarioslilium @iamfandomwasted @tanyaspartak @netflixxgoddess @pop-rocks-818 @dumdidditydumdoo @missvelvetsstuff @marvelhoeland @thesadcatto-queen @kayden666 @amiimar @razor-blayde @katheryn1 @safew0rd @kentokaze @thewackywriter @lady-loki-barnes-djarin @badasswlthafatass @Vickie5446 @loveoldmenlikelana @00cmh @pointless-girl @honeyglee @nerdxacid @moonymagician @ashhsage @prettylittlepluviophile @otomefromtheheart @sjsmith56 @mandijo17 @lokidokieokie @oceansandblackhearts @rebeccapineapple @soorwellystan @excusememrbarnes @lofaewrites @snapcapquartet @wishingwell-2 @unaxv @aya-fay
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bittersnsweetz · 7 days
ohhh my god i just realised why i love narumitsu so much, despite the obvious (mutual pining, slow burn, one-sided enemies, to friends, to distant friends, to close friends, to lovers all that good stuff)
its BECAUSE they have a shared emotional journey that is so narratively satisfying to me that as im typing this im barely able to contain my stimming
phoenix defends miles, so convinced he can save him and is almost blinded by that fact because he knows edgeworth as so good and so pure and he totally definitely absolutely would never willingly hurt anybody and then he ghosts him for a year which phoenix obviously interprets as yet another person abandoning him, leaving phoenix to pick up the pieces, and that whole time phoenix is beating himself up because wow this is just like when he put all his love on the line for dahlia and it turns out she was just using him this whole time and the absolute mess of emotions that arises when edgeworth comes back, alive, with no apology whatsoever.
and then two years later phoenix loses his job and edegworth is trying so hard to help and be there for him while also juggling his prosecutor job and the challenges that arise from adjusting to a new justice-driven mindset, but phoenix is already closing himself off and refusing to talk about it because hes stingy and secretive and edgeworth has seen the stingy in passing but never to this extent, where he can tell that phoenix NEEDS someone but apparently that someone isnt going to be him. and he's on call with him one night and he hears trucy for the first time and hes mortified because so many complicated emotions and questions arise from that alone: "wright are you sane" "wright are you seeing someone" "wright why didnt you tell me about this so i could help you" and i do think edgeworth gets overwhelmed by all this at once, the secrecy, the daughter, the friend who visits phoenix every now and again, the lack of healthy communication. and suddenly everything that he thought theyve worked so hard to build together has come crashing down and theres nothing phoenix will let him do to help
and its the shared parallel of the initial proposal to help "let me defend you"/"let me be there for you" being completely rejected and the repeated efforts to do so being met with a sudden shift (prosecutor miles edgeworth chooses death/i have a daughter and a new friend who helps me now) and how its so difficult for the both of them to realise at the time that its for their sake that they're doing it, that neither of them are doing this to hurt the other intentionally (although for phoenix i definitely think theres spite involved, but not to the degree to which edgeworth ends up experiencing what he does emotionally), and the idealisation that gets completely shattered by reality
just. UGH. the full circle that is them, after everything is said and done, finding closure in each other again, however non-linear that journey is, and, this is important, CHOOSING to still stay with the other through anything and everything that comes to pass, and truly SEEING the other behind their professional masks. Seeing them entirely and not just the attractive parts. im rabid.
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wondermilka · 1 year
Parallel Lines
Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x FEM! reader
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Sypnosis : You have harbored romantic feelings for your childhood friend Kazuha, even though you know he has feelings for someone else. Despite that, you wanted to confess your love to him. However, an unexpected twist arises when you start experiencing a strange disease, coughing up flower petals.
TW: Hanahaki Disease, angst, unrequited love, rushed ending, not proof read, reader dies(?)
You and Kazuha were inseparable. He was your only best friend, you have known eachother since you were in your diapers. He's the only one who's ever seen real side of you and never judged you for being you.
Your parents trusted him enough to come over and have sleepovers. Hanging out with Kazuha? Sure. Going swimming? No problem. Going to a party? Don't even need to ask as long as Kazuha was with you.
You've had a huge crush on him. You didn't realize it until back on middle school when he comforted you while you were crying because you got bullied.
He was always there for you. He'd be the one to make you laugh when you were crying. He'd be there to cheer you up when life's not going well. He was always there.
You always thought it would be just a harmless crush, not until a new girl came to your school. You saw kazuha's eyes when he first saw her. You never saw those of his whenever you were together.
"What's with that face zuha?" you ask.
"Oh, it's nothing.. There's just this one girl who's been constantly on my mind ever since I saw her," he replied.
His eyes softened and glimmered while he was talking about this girl.
A pain struck your chest, and you felt like you were going to throw up.
"Hmm, let me guess, is it the new girl? I forgot her name though..."
His face turned red as you mentioned the new girl, making it obvious.
"I- Ugh Fine! Yes it's her- just don't tell anyone okay?!" he confessed stuttering.
"Your secret's safe with me" you gave him a playful wink
"Thanks Y/N. You're the best friend ever."
Right. I'm just a friend to him.
Weeks went by and he gained up the courage to approach her. And it went well, he had built up a relationship with the new girl, it hurt to see them together.
You sat alone during lunch, wondering whefe Kazuha is. Of course he was sitting and having lunch with her.
You had no one to talk to during class because his attention was always on her.
How pathetic it was to see yourself like this.
Now you find yourself in the bathroom, experiencing stomach aches and constantly throwing up for weeks. You're well aware that it's the Hanahaki Disease, considering the petals of flowers that accompany your vomiting.
You love Kazuha, but you know you must suppress your feelings for him, or else it will be the cause of your demise.
Were you truly going to die in such a manner?
Another plan canceled with Kazuha. He's prioritizing her over you.
You understand that it's best to keep your distance from him in case he starts noticing your declining health.
You've been avoiding him at school, always attempting to come up with excuses to escape. In fact, you even avoid sitting at the dinner table whenever his family visits, just to avoid seeing him.
"Y/N. We need to talk."
There's no running away now. He has you cornered inside the classroom.
"I'm sorry, Kazuha. I really need to leave."
"Enough with your excuses. Why are you avoiding me, Y/N?"
He can't deny that he has been noticing the way you have been acting; Everytime he glanced at you, you were coughing.
The dark circles beneath your eyes suggest that you haven't been sleeping well. You have also lost weight. Have you not been eating properly?
You remained silent as the silence enveloped both of you, making it unbearable.
The atmosphere felt heavy and... cold. "Y/N, please talk to me. I'm worried about you."
"There is nothing to discuss, Kazuha." Your voice had a serious and chilly tone, yet the pain and cracks was not left unnoticed.
"I know you're not fine. Please, Y/N... Don't push me away. I have always been there for you, haven't I?"
Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to suppress silent sobs.
"I'm inlove with you, okay?!?"
His eyes widened.
"And I understand that you only consider me as your friend, so it doesn't matte-..."
Before you could finish speaking, your legs gave way, and you collapsed to the ground.
Your breathing became constricted. It was painful.
Petals and blood began to escape as you coughed uncontrollably.
"Y/N! Are you alright?" Shock formed in his eyes as he recognized the petals. It was Hanahaki Disease. He was the cause of your illness.
On the verge of losing consciousness, Kazuha swiftly held you in his arms.
"Y/N, please don't leave me!" he shouts while tears stream down his face.
As you fade away, the last sound you heard was his desperate plea for you to stay conscious, accompanied by the comforting sensation of his embrace.
A/N : First post. Thoughts? : )
Similar to parallel lines, our paths were destined to be close but never to intersect.
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F/M Durgetash one-shot I birthed within a single day. Dead Dove: I don't like Gortash (hence the title), but I do find him mysteriously, annoyingly attractive. Couldn't get him out of my head - so I tried, the best way I knew how - by writing a fic xD. I hope you like it, but it's not essential to my wellbeing, I just really needed to get this off my chest. But it's been fun, so hopefully you'll have fun too.
Explicit 18+, F/M, Enver Gortash / The Dark Urge (old name Talas, new name Nara, some half-elf or other, unimportant), rough sex, cunnilingus, p in v, creampie, some emotional trauma, light stabbing/cutting with a dagger, a bit of aftercare in the form of bathing together.
Yes, Gortash bathes in this story. TWICE. He really needs it :P.
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I Don't Like You
01 - Brain worms having a field day.
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The night is slowly creeping in, but I’m in no state of mind to sleep. I pace and I rake my hair and I groan. My friends are watching me with concern in their eyes. I can’t blame them—I must look like a lunatic, more so than usually.
I feel like I’m going insane and for a whole new set of reasons than before.
What were we?
Gortash got into my head and now he’s refusing to leave. Was he just trying to mess with me? Did he notice the unmasked disdain in my face and decide to make my skin crawl in revenge? He must know I only have red fog in my brain where my past should be. And he looks just like the kind of man who would lie about it to make me nauseated. No way I’ve ever let those grubby hands touch me.
I can hardly admit it to myself, but nausea is not the full extent of my reaction. I feel as if my own body knows this man. My memory is still a blank page, but something in me recognizes him. Something primal. Something hungry.
The urges I’ve been having since meeting Gortash have very little to do with Bhaal.
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“Honeymuffin, are you still not ready for bed?”
I hear Halsin’s soothing voice and immediately feel myself relaxing. I turn to him, grateful for the distraction. He’s only dressed in his underpants and the sight of his bushy chest hits a dirty note.
I ignore his question and just press into him, kissing his gentle lips with ferociousness he hasn’t experienced from me yet. He’s responsive and gives in for a few seconds, but then chuckles into my mouth and drags me off of him by the shoulders to inspect me.
“What has gotten into you, my love?”
I groan, freeing myself from his grip. I always appreciate how sensitive he is to my moods and thoughts, but right now, I would die of embarrassment if someone actually found out what’s running through my head.
“I’m just irritated,” I lie through my teeth. “Gortash is one annoying son of a bitch. I hate that we have to pretend to work with him. ‘Notice the way he just kept us there under the threat of violence, to witness his sham of an inauguration? After everything he said about wanting to be partners? Ugh, I could just…” My fists close of their own accord, crushing the imaginary windpipe.
Halsin chuckles again and runs a calloused palm softly along my jaw in a comforting gesture.
“I know, Nara, I know,” he grumbles low, pulling me into a hug. “He irked me, as well. He isn’t worth the stress, though. Let’s sleep. We have another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”
But I can’t sleep. Once Halsin goes into his trance, it’s like he’s not here to hold me together anymore. I toss and turn. I grit my teeth. I grunt and pull on my hair. I try to silence my thoughts with a pillow over my head. It’s no use. I know what I have to do to get some peace of mind.
I get up as quietly as I possibly can. I don’t bother changing—I don’t plan to impress anyone. I just take a small dagger and throw a cloak over my shoulders, so I can hide in the shadows more easily, and sneak out of the inn.
I’m going to make him tell me the truth.
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02 - Urge! But not to kill.
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Getting into the Wyrmrock is laughably easy. I know the guards would just let me pass, but there’s no way in the Nine Hells I would embarrass myself like that. Little ol’ me going to see “Lord” Gortash in my casual clothes in the middle of the night—what a delicious story for the Baldur’s Mouth it would make. So I utilize every last muscle memory from the past I don’t remember, slipping in completely undetected.
He’s in the throne room, but not sitting on the damned thing. The main section is drowning in darkness, but I see a sliver of light coming from behind the door to one of the adjacent rooms. A study, maybe?
I almost trigger one of the traps as I’m sneaking towards him. There are Steel Watch still stationed around the room, but they appear less than attentive this time. Do they have some sort of down time? Or did Gortash put them in do-not-disturb mode?
I’m trying to not get myself executed, so I push down the instinct to grip the dagger I’m hiding under the cloak. If he wanted me dead, he wouldn’t have made such theatrics to gain my cooperation this morning. The question of whether I wanted him dead remains to be answered.
I take a quiet peek into the warmly lit room and suppress a whistle. It’s a study alright, but one Gortash seems to be using as an apartment—a wide, comfortable, richly adorned bed stands next to his desk, draped in red silk. He’s not in it, though—he sits by the desk, bent over a document, clad only in what looks like a bathrobe.
I try to filter myself through the crack in the door, but the stupid hinges creak so loud I gasp and just inelegantly stumble inside.
Gortash jumps off his chair and twirls around, body taut, eyes alert, a quill in his left hand held like a weapon, the other hand ready to shove the metal claws of his fancy gold netherstone-adorned gauntlet into someone’s eye. I grit my teeth and consider pulling out the dagger—but the second his gaze lands on me, he straightens and lets out a half relieved, half amused chortle.
“Sneaking up on me again?” He shakes his shaggy head. “Are Bhaalists simply unable to set up a meeting, like the rest of us?”
I open my mouth, a scathing comeback ready, but as soon as I let the air in the room in, I’m stunned. There’s a distinct fragrance of soap and perfume, a freshness that only comes from thoroughly scrubbing yourself clean, and, among them, the unmistakable scent of him. The musk that speaks directly to the undamaged parts of my brain.
I can’t believe how clean Gortash looks now. He evidently didn’t plan on any public appearances this late at night, so even his hair is not styled into spikes anymore and it’s just messily sticking out in natural directions, still a little damp from the bath. Funny—he didn’t think to wash before his big inauguration, but he washed now, when no one important is scheduled to see him?
He takes my silence as an opportunity to speak more, instead of waiting for an answer. He tilts his head, gaze slowly gliding down my body, and smirks.
“Shouldn’t you be curled on your bed next to the enormous druid, sleeping soundly? Wouldn’t he be oh so hurt if he knew you were seeking another man’s company?”
“What the fuck would you know?” I snap, his tone setting off a charge of anger inside me. “You don’t know him. Hells, you don’t know me! You don’t get to make snarky remarks about my enormous druid.”
Gortash cackles quietly and puts up his hands in a calming gesture.
“Of course I don’t.” His smirk deepens, his eyes studying my face. “But trust me, kitten. No one…” he takes a seductive little step towards me, “knows you like I do.”
“I doubt that,” I rasp barely audibly, a lump forming in my throat. My guts clench, breath shortening in panic. It’s all just an elaborate joke, I’m sure… but it feels so familiar.
“You really don’t remember,” he quips softly, as if to himself, and I can hear a hint of disappointment in his tone.
“What were we, Gortash?” I whisper, voice quivering on the cusp of a mental breakdown.
He stares at me, chewing his cheek, and his answer is a single word: “Enver.”
“What?” I scowl, anger rising again.
“My name,” he reminds me quietly. “You used to call me Enver, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me pet names, Gortash,” I force through my teeth. “Whatever you dreamed was between us, it’s most definitely not there anymore.”
“Alright.” He presses his lips together in annoyance, but steps closer, eyes radiating something close to malice. I gulp, my hand curling into a fist, pressing to the hilt at my hip. “I won’t call you kitten, or love, or sweetheart. Those were all just words I used to tease you with.” Drawling, stretching his words, he hovers above me. “But I have earned the right to call you Talas.”
That makes me pause and I just blink at him blankly for a second. “Who’s that?”
Genuine shock colors his face. He takes a step back, mouth agape. “That you don’t remember my name, I would understand. But how do you not remember your own?”
“Because someone caved my head in, trying to kill me!” I scream, suddenly overflowing with something I haven’t felt for a while: self-pity. I feel tears prickle in my eyes and that just makes me want to yell louder. “Because someone took everything from me. And where the fuck were you when I was bleeding out into the dirt?! If you were such a shitty partner, why in the Hells did I even bother with you?”
Gortash’s features softened, pain and regret gleaming in his eyes.
“I wasn’t your keeper, Talas,” he countered. “You were always an independent force, often off on business I had no say in. But when you didn’t come back one day, I searched for you.” His eyebrows join in a pleading line. “I searched for you with every bit of resources I could spare. Then Orin muscled in on our plot and made me stop under the threat of unraveling the whole thing. I accepted you as a loss… but I mourned for a long time.”
His words eat their way into my chest like acid. I don’t want to believe a single one, but something in me knows it’s the truth.
“Don’t tell me you loved me,” I hiss. “You don’t strike me as a man who allows himself such weaknesses.”
He smirks and I bristle. I knew it. Liar!
“Love is for children,” he chuckles. “We had something much more precious. We made a great team. Your monstrosity and mine were in perfect harmony. No one understood me like you did. No one encouraged my every exploit like you did. You were such a horrible influence on me,” he purrs, his eyes half closed. “Delicious. Deplorable. Delightful.”
I gulp and shiver under the intensity of his gaze. It feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes and I can’t decide how I feel about it. I want to be disgusted, but that knot low in my belly has a different agenda. Without remembering a single minute of knowing him, my body knows it used to crave this man’s attention.
He extends his unclawed hand to me and grazes my skin. It burns and it tickles and it sends powerful signals all over my nervous system. But this is not what I want. It can’t be.
Quick as lightning, I pull my dagger out and press it to his neck in warning.
“Don’t. Touch. Me,” I filter through my teeth.
He catches my wrist quicker than I would’ve given him credit for. Instead of pulling it away, though, he presses the blade closer, almost cutting into himself. I gasp in shock, struggling against his strength. His dead eyes flicker to life, ablaze with desire.
“There she is,” he whispers almost breathlessly, biting his lip. “You seem so different… but I knew my pet monster was somewhere in there.”
“I’m nothing of yours,” I force through my dried throat, my voice failing me.
Suddenly, he moves my hand away from his neck, only to press my white-knuckled fist to his lips in a kiss. My whole body responds, buzzing in approval. “You don’t mean that,” he teases, his hot breath tickling the spot he kissed.
“Don’t do that,” I breathe out, a lump forming in my throat, making my voice sound funny.
He pulls my wrist to his mouth and licks it with a quick flick before his teeth start to nibble on the sensitive skin, sending shockwaves of ecstasy down my arm.
“Stop it,” I beg, the command I meant to utter melting into a pathetic mewl.
I twist and try to get away for a second or two, but he keeps moving lower and lower, licking, sucking, biting, and every last defense I had crumbles into ashes. It doesn’t matter that I’m someone else now. It doesn’t matter that I would never consciously and honestly team up with him again. It doesn’t matter what I think of him or what I believe he deserves.
I never had a chance. My body knows him, my body craves him. He’s like a drug addiction I never quite shook, and at the slightest sweet taste I relapse right back into him.
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03 - A master. A slave.
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He pulls me in, mouth still hungrily devouring my arm inch by inch, while his free hand frantically unties my cloak, revealing my simple shirt and long skirt underneath.
“You used to wear fancier things.” He side-eyes my clothing, not letting it distract him from my skin too much. “And would get mad when I tore them to shreds. This is perfect.”
My sluggish thoughts haven’t even begun to analyze the meaning in his words when he presses me flush to his chest, moving from nibbling on my shoulder to assaulting my mouth. I gasp for the breath he keeps stealing with every touch, but let him surround me and trap me with his body. I feel his desperate need mirroring my own. His taste is surprisingly sweet, with just a hint of hot spice.
“No,” I manage to mumble through our locked lips, grasping at the last straws of control. My hand is finally free—I try stabbing him in the crook of his neck. He yelps and groans, but my muscles are so useless I’ve barely scratched him. A thin streak of blood trickles out of the cut, marring the delicate fabric of his robe.
“You thought that would stop me?” he purrs, pulling the robe off his body. “Your knives left more than one scar on me. It was our thing.”
I stare at his muscly, hairy chest, mute. I see scars on his torso, criss-crossing his skin like a crude carving. That couldn’t be my doing… But the metallic scent of his blood sends a new sort of excitement through me. I know it’s my Urge, I know it’s not really me, but my will is weakened. My hand raises and cuts him again—just a little, but enough to satisfy the craving.
“Your body remembers,” he whispers into my ear, standing my hair on their ends.
His gloved hand caresses my arm and shoulder and closes around my throat. I gasp in panic, or I think I do, but heat pools in my lower regions in response. He presses a touch harder; his gold ornaments are digging into my skin, claws pinching my nape and my head is starting to swim with lack of oxygen. My fingers wrap around his wrist, but for some reason I don’t pull him away.
“Every time you hurt me, I will hurt you back,” he promises in a sweet, sin-filled voice. “Call it our love language.”
He lets go of my neck, hands roughly gripping my waist instead. He twirls us around and sits me on top of his desk. I fumble to find balance and end up sending his documents, ink and quills all over the floor. Instead of complaining, he eagerly swipes the rest of the items off the surface and pushes me down on my back.
The panic it triggers gives me back a chunk of my reason. Instead of letting him, I fight back, clawing at his bare chest with my nails and my dagger, leaving bloody gashes over his skin.
His head lulls back for a moment, which makes me realize I’m not helping at all. He’s enjoying the pain I give him. He takes fistfuls of my shirt and bends down to bite my shoulder—hard. I yelp, reaching into his hair to pull him away, but he’s already ripping clothes off of my torso, baring my skin, spilling my breasts.
“You are even more magnificent than I remember,” he rasps, grazing my curves with his gaze alone. The reverent look on his face sets my loins on fire.
I’m beginning to understand how I could’ve let him so close to me. A young, confused little thing, raised in worship of the Lord of Murder, would have no idea what love looks like. I’m still learning and stumbling, despite Halsin’s best efforts. A man who could make her feel so beautiful, so wanted among all the blood and death… such a man would have had the key to her rotten little heart.
I’m not that girl anymore. But I know that feeling. Its draw is familiar and powerful. My hands let go of his hair and fall next to my head, letting him run his rough palms across my chest and knead the pliant shape of my breasts.
His teeth close around one of my nipples and press just hard enough to shoot a barbed string of ecstasy directly to my sex. I muffle the moan with my hands. I can’t just let him win like that. I’m not doing this because I’m easy. I’m doing it so I don’t go insane.
“I missed this,” Gortash drawls, his lips and tongue making slow circles on my chest. “I missed you.” He bites into my flesh, gently, teasingly, while his hand slowly moves towards my sex. “In all your glory, Talas.”
“Stop calling me that,” I protest weakly, but he just chuckles and continues lower, and lower.
“You may not remember me,” he breathes on my folds, shamefully wet and wanton, “but I remember everything about you.”
And he dives between my thighs like a man who’s been starving and now can finally eat.
I gasp loudly, my hands instinctively grasping for something to hold onto—his hair. My legs twitch and wrap around him. I’m half worried I’m killing him, but he gives no indication of discomfort. His mouth is making the most intimidatingly dirty noises I’ve ever heard and I’m melting on his face.
All it takes him is a few minutes, stretched impossibly long in my damaged mind. I swallow the urge to scream and just grunt, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. He looks up from my lap, slick and gasping for breath, and smirks smugly. He knows I enjoyed it, no use hiding it.
He picks his robe off the floor and wipes his face, still watching me. My brain is too hazy to worry about the way I’m splayed on his desk, eaten out, undone. He props himself above me and studies my face.
“This is your most beautiful look,” he sighs, taking in the flush of my cheeks, the sweat glistening on my brow and the mess I made of my hair. “Precious little Bhaal-babe.”
I’m still coming down from the high when I feel him slip inside me. I distantly realize I should’ve gathered enough wit to stop him, but it’s too late. I squeeze around him in welcome and let out a long and thoroughly embarrassing moan. He matches me, closing his eyes.
“You still fit me like a glove.”
He’s so right. I live for the delicious stretch of Halsin’s gentle, loving thrusts—it’s the only sex I remember having, but I would kill for more—but this… Gortash feels like he was tailored specifically for me. My body knows his shape, just as it knows his touch. It’s like coming home after a long time and finding your old room exactly as you left it.
“Oh gods, I really do,” I groan as he lazily moves inside, savoring each stroke.
I wrap my legs around his waist and just enjoy the sensation, closing my eyes to ignore his intimate gaze for the sake of my sanity. If he’s trying to make me fall for him again, he’s as out of his mind as I am.
Clearly getting bored of the slow pace, he pulls me up and plops me back down on my belly. I’m too weak and needy to issue a protest, I just whine at the unexpected and unwelcome absence of him. He silences my discontent with a firm thrust that makes me gasp and clutch the edges of the desk so hard my knuckles turn white again.
“I know you love this one,” he purrs and presses my legs together with his own. “Sometimes you like to be in control. Other times you like to be controlled. You were the most fun I’ve ever had with anyone.”
I let out a growl at him mentioning his other partners while balls-deep in me. Perhaps he didn’t really want me back. Maybe he just missed the “fun”.
“You’re also the only one who made me consider settling down, Talas,” he continues as if he understood very well why his words upset me. “I wanted to breed you and watch you teach the little runt how to gut people.”
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” I sputter, miraculously finding enough ire to at least issue a warning, while still being happily pinned under him.
He chuckles. “Your response is still the same. Last time it was Daddy dearest… but you changed your mind about doing his bidding. Is Halsin aware you’re not going to give him a litter of cubs one day as he might hope?”
I don’t know how he even learned all these things about me, but I don’t care much. I grab the dagger left forgotten on the desk next to me and jam the blade into his thigh. Not deep enough to cripple, but definitely causing a lot of pain.
Gortash lets out a strangled scream, which mixes with a moan of pleasure not two seconds later. Fuck. I didn’t mean for him to like it.
What he does next pushes all irrelevant thoughts out of my head: he grabs my hair and yanks hard, pulling my head back, making my little cry sound ever more pathetic. His free hand digs fingers into my hip, holding me steady as he begins pounding into me with force.
I just open my mouth mutely, gasping for air, my eyes filling with tears. My brain turns into mush under the intensity of sensations he’s sending through my tortured body. I can’t see, I can’t speak, I can’t think. I hear a high-pitched whine through the mist around me… and I realize it’s mine. I’m screaming, lost in the sweet place between pain and complete ecstasy.
I spasm around his length so hard I can hear him gasp as well. My whole body shakes and curls into itself, a shaking, sweaty, moaning mess writhing on the cool polished wood of the desk. I can feel him swell within me, hot and ready, and I know he’s coming too—still inside me.
But I don’t care. I want it. Whatever he might hope to gain from it, I know I’m safe.
Instead of going slack like a good boy, he pulls out and flips me on my back again. He holds my legs spread, admiring what he did to me. I feel his seed leak out of me and drip to the floor. He smiles contently, dragging a fingertip across my clit, drawing out every last twitch my muscles are willing to give.
“This could be us every day,” he says softly. “Think about it.”
I don’t have an answer he would like, but he doesn’t wait for one. He picks me up in the most unexpectedly gentle way and carries me to the other side of the room. I thought he was putting me on the bed, either to sleep, cuddle or continue blissfully torturing me, but my breath hitches in surprise when he suddenly dips me into warm water. I slip into a roomy bathtub, blinking in confusion.
My brain needs a minute to restart, so I just watch him get inside with me, sitting me in his lap, cradling me. I don’t have the strength to protest. I just watch the little pinkish streaks, as water begins to wash out his wounds.
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04 - This is why we can’t have nice things.
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“How did you have this ready? Do you have invisible servants or something?”
Gortash chuckles and I vibrate along on his chest, making frantic little waves on the surface.
“The miracle of technology, Talas. My desk has a few convenient buttons and this tub fills and warms up automatically. I pressed one before we began.”
Well, that is convenient. I’m not sure if I want to be in this bath with him now, but it sure feels good on my exhausted muscles and aching sex. His arms around me feel nice, too, as much as I hate admitting it. I can hate a person and still enjoy their closeness, right? Right?
His hands caress me under the water and I let them.
“Good to know you bathe with your gauntlets on,” I quip, noticing the distinctive feel of metal against my skin.
He pulls his right hand up and turns it from one side to the other, letting the gold reflect the glimmer of flames in the nearby fireplace. The netherstone pulses with its own light, alive and tempting as the power it holds.
“While I’m more than happy to entertain you, I’m not letting my most prized possession just lie around for you to steal,” he smirks and I turn my head to have a better look at him, honestly impressed. “You changed. Your goals inevitably changed, too. I don’t trust you anymore, Talas.” He runs a soft finger along my jaw, dropping to the line of my neck and to my clavicle. I shiver, even submerged in warmth, too tired to correct the name this time. “If you want it for yourself, you’re going to have to kill me.”
I give him an evaluating once-over; then my eyes move to the dagger I left on the desk. His gaze follows mine and his smirk stretches more.
“Just keep in mind that those Steel Watchers outside will only take about ten seconds to join us. And even you, my dear, don’t have the skill to defeat them all naked and unarmed to get out of here alive.” His fingers trace the shape of my lips. “I would hate it if something happened to you before I had the chance to win you over.”
“You’re so full of shit, Gortash,” I sigh, laying my head in the crook of his neck. I feel too lazy to murder anyone right now, anyway. “You sent me to hunt Orin down and told me to not come back without her stone. You expect me to believe you actually give a fuck about me and care what I think about you? I’m here against your explicit orders, your lordship.”
“You came to see me surrounded by your new friends,” he grumbles and I finally hear discontent in his voice. “In the company of your new lover. What did you think I would do, fall on my knees in front of all my esteemed guests and your openly hostile troupe and beg you to come back to me?”
“Hmm, so your excuse is your pride?” I sneer. “I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth, no matter how trustworthy you somehow manage to sound. I only agreed to your deal because you didn’t give me any better choice. Karlach was furious. She wants you dead oh so very much. She gets really graphic, describing how she wants to kill you. You’re lucky I didn’t bring her along.”
Gortash groans and pinches the root of his nose.
“The company you keep nowadays,” he chides. “No wonder you changed so much. Every one of those bloody soft-hearted idiots putting their own opinions in your emptied mind.”
“When that’s what you wanted to do.” I nod in mock commiseration.
“I want us to be partners,” he scowls, tone wounded. “Equals. Sharing the power over the whole world. The Lord is only a part for me to play in public, while you reign over your own murderous kingdom from the shadows, unobstructed by law, unhindered by so-called heroes trying to stop you. We can have everything we’ve ever wanted. Together.”
I can’t believe how tempting he sounds right now. I close my eyes, letting my Urge surface just enough to enjoy the pure simplicity of the world he describes. I could let go. I could stop fighting for every sliver of free will. I could bathe in blood and have people worship my god through me. The Urge would be sated—I could feel the sweet rush of ecstasy from killing without worrying I might hurt someone close to me.
I would be lying if I said this vision of the future never crossed my mind. It’s an everyday struggle, trying to stay good, trying to do only good. A struggle I’m inevitably going to lose if my Urge grows in intensity for much longer. Killing Halsin. Or Lae’zel. Or Gale. The death of anyone in my camp—by my hand—would break me.
I care too much. Sometimes I imagine what it would feel like if I didn’t care at all.
“You would never tolerate any of my friends by my side, Gortash,” I say flatly. “If you really do want me, you want me all to yourself. Isolated, depending only on you. Malleable. So that if—gods forbid—I disagree with you, you could push all the right buttons and get me to change my mind, with no one to challenge your influence over me.”
I don’t know how, but I know it’s true. It’s what all people drunk on power do. The more powerless they feel without it, the more they enjoy any sliver of it they get and abuse the shit out of it. It’s why Gortash wants control over others in the first place. Inside, there’s a small, scared, unloved little boy, whose parents sold him to a devil.
I blink, my heartbeat spiking, as I realize I’ve just recalled a bit of my past—our past. Something I couldn’t have learned since the nautiloid. Was it Gortash himself, who confided in me, or did I discover this piece of history by myself? It feels like something he would keep very close and tell no one, so it wouldn’t damage the lofty image he’s trying to maintain.
“You’re just being paranoid, kitten,” he brushes me off, but his expression is no longer sporting his typical airy easiness. “When we were together, I was your confidant and your strength against the increasing demands of your Father. But you weren’t some impressionable child. You were determined and unyielding. Sharp as your blades.”
Sharp blades. Bhaal. His demands.
A sinking dread begins to fill my guts and I lift off Gortash’s chest to put some distance between us. My brain is still fuzzy, but bits of memories are beginning to float to the surface of my consciousness.
“Bhaal’s grand design,” I say in a shaking voice, “is for everyone to die for him. I was supposed to kill you, and then myself, as the last mortal alive. Did you know?”
Gortash’s eyes round in horror.
“Of course not! What kind of crazy design is that? How would he get any more murders with no one left to die?”
He’s right, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to try and carry it out, anyway. Just like mad Orin is probably doing now. What a good little Daddy’s lapdog.
“But that wasn’t what you planned for yourself, was it?” I press, my voice steadying with my increasing certainty. “And so I was suddenly in the way. Just what would it take for you to turn on your closest ally? Is her planning your murder enough?”
“What are you trying to say, Talas?” he hisses, but I can see fear in his eyes.
“It was you, wasn’t it?” I growl, sliding away from him, so I can get out of the bathtub without him catching me. “You tried to kill me! Just so I wouldn’t kill you first.”
I jump to my feet, nearly slipping on the smooth wet surface, but holding my balance well enough to scramble out of the water. He tries grabbing my hand, then my leg, but I slip out of his grasp easily. I throw myself towards the desk and retake possession of my only weapon. By the time he’s out of the tub, I’m already pointing it at his throat.
“Listen to me, Talas—” he puts his hands up in a calming gesture, but I’ve had enough of his smooth words for one night.
“You picked up a fucking rock and you beat me and kicked me and tossed me against stone walls!”
I scream and I’m sure my prevalent feelings are pure rage, but out of nowhere I get ambushed by tears and sobs. My memories are still a mess, but the flashes of my body being beaten to a pulp are vivid and terrifying.
“Talas, please—”
“I bled and begged, and you teased and laughed, as if it was the funniest shit you ever got to do! And now that I’m somehow back, you’re trying to get me to believe your sweet lies, just so I won’t remember what you did to me. But I remember! I REMEMBER!”
I know I sound completely unhinged, but my chest is so filled with a mix of the worst feelings I’ve ever experienced, that it threatens to burst.
“IT WASN’T ME!” Gortash’s volume finally matches mine, making me wince and pause just enough for him to get a word in. “I would never hurt you like that! If I really had to kill you, dearest, I would’ve done it quick and clean. Because I love you, you stupid thing!”
His confession feels like a slap to the face. I didn’t see that coming. My first instinct is to pronounce it as another lie, especially in retrospect to the first time he mentioned love tonight, but my mind finally calms enough to actually think.
A man like him wouldn’t say anything like that if he didn’t mean it. It sounded… pathetic. Baring his soul similarly to revealing his most embarrassing childhood memory, knowing his feelings are unrequited. His pride would never allow him to grovel so much. Not anymore, not when he’s got a taste of actually being respected.
“Please, believe me,” he pleads, breath ragged, eyes wide. “I have no reason to hate you. This sounds like someone who had every reason. Who enjoyed your agony and loved seeing you on your knees. I. Would. Never.”
“But you…” I exhale, confused. I’ve almost had it. I’ve almost found the one responsible for my unfortunate fate. “Then who the fuck did this to me?” I whisper and stifle another sob.
“Please put down the dagger, Talas.” Gortash points at the sharp tip still hovering between his clavicles. I reluctantly lower it. I’m honestly pleasantly surprised he let me threaten him for so long without trying to disarm me. It makes me trust him just a smidge more. “And maybe we can figure it out together.”
“Stop calling me that!” I lash out annoyedly. “My name is Nara now. Deal with it.”
“When you stop calling me Gortash,” he smirks in response, his easy charm back.
I groan, rolling my eyes. “Fine. Enver,” I say begrudgingly, but the name feels much better on my tongue than I expected. I must’ve been used to calling him that, just as he said.
I turn to the desk, intent on putting the weapon back, but I freeze mid-step. A mix of stimuli, a flicker of light, a rustle of the fur rug on the floor, perhaps even a smell… and the memory of my attempted murder clears a bit more.
I see a shiny red surface with an opalescent finish. Hear a rustle of a long braid and the pitter-patter of bare feet on stone. I hear laughter again, but this time I’m not just imagining Gortash’s… Enver’s, I clearly recall a woman’s voice having the time of her life.
The name falls flatly from my lips. I feel cold dread seep into my soul at the image of her. I never quite understood why she had this effect on me—until now. Even though my memory was coming up empty, she was triggering a post-traumatic response all the same, just like when my body yielded to Enver.
I turn back, dagger still in my hand. I don’t plan on letting go of it any time soon. Enver watches me warily, with a hint of curiosity in his face.
“It was Orin.”
He frowns at first. Opens his mouth, presumably to defend her. Then closes it again, his features smoothing out.
“It makes sense. She took your place, both in the cult and in the Absolute plot. She wanted you gone. And she really seems to hate you, though I wouldn’t expect her to need any solid reason to kick someone to death. She would happily do it just for fun.”
I close my eyes for a second, but I only need a few gulps of breath to make up my mind. I pick up my torn and discarded clothes off the floor and put them back on, securing them in place as well as possible.
“Where are you going?”
Enver reaches for me and grabs my arm. I toss him a warning glare, but don’t move. He’s still naked and wet from head to toe, he poses virtually no danger to me.
“To hunt,” I answer plainly. “I know a mad bitch that needs killing.”
“Don’t be rash,” he shakes his head, some of the slicked back damp hair falling into his eyes. “You can’t know where she is. Or who she is. She could slaughter your whole camp while you sleep and you’d be left alone to face her. Remember, she is the Slayer now.”
“Well, since we’re counting suspects, she could very well be you,” I give him a wry smile. “But I doubt she would keep going this long, having me all to herself like that, so you’re probably safe.” He doesn’t appreciate my joke, scowling like a jack-o-lantern, concern crumpling his features. “I need to go back to my friends and figure out a way to find her before she does any real damage, Enver. I need to go now.”
He slowly lets go of my arm, letting me finish putting the cloak on.
“No need to sneak through the throne room, by the way,” he notes, watching me hide underneath the wide hood. “The Watch was instructed to let you in. If someone could really just sneak past them like that, I could easily expect Orin in your place. Thankfully, the Watch can spot the difference, with you having a tadpole.”
My eyebrows rise. So that’s why he took that bath? Did he think my unsettled hormones would lead me back to Wyrmrock to see him? I clearly never liked grimy men—and he knows it.
“You were waiting for me?”
“I was hopeful,” he confessed, dropping his gaze for a moment. “I couldn’t risk just inviting you. But at least I made sure you would get in without complications. You always did like to have all the facts.”
I chuckle and shake my head. I still believe at least half of his words are lies and most of the other half are cleverly picked and arranged bits of truth. But now I’m also pretty sure there’s something genuine in him, too. Hidden very deep, surrounded by enemies—but it’s there.
“Be safe, Talas,” he says quietly. “Nara,” he corrects himself, smiling softly. “You have your work cut out for you.”
“I’ll do my best to not disappoint,” I shrug, sheathing my dagger, stepping away.
“And will you at least consider my proposition?” He calls after me when I’m almost out the door. His voice sounds tentative. “That’s all I ask.”
I let my gaze slide down the length of his naked body, weighing my options. Well, consideration really costs me nothing, does it? It’s very unlikely that I will agree to it. I have much better prospects in my scope now—much healthier ones. But the least I can do for him is give it a thought.
“Sure,” I grace him with a little smile. “I will consider it.”
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fatuismooches · 7 months
THE ALTERNATE UNIVERSE POST REMINDED ME OF THOSE CLICHES WHERE THEY MEET AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF THEMSELVES OH MY GOD???? like zandik sees a version of himself where he never met you and he will admit that he honestly has never seen himself so sad before.... like everything he has now? nothing can compare to a zandik who has never felt love before and that FUCKSHGVUHFBJAKM<>SAGDUIJSAK .. I SWEAR I SAW THIS SOMEWHERE I JUST CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE...
and zandik who has never experienced love thinks he's so foolish for allowing such a massive setback to his goals, and he doesn't understand you and your relationship with your zandik. perhaps he's jealous? maybe he wants to study you (in a not so intimate way and rather how he would treat regular subjects)? AND IT JUST MAKES ME SOOOOOO SAD LIKE. YOU'D OBVIOUSLY WANT TO HOLD HIM AND KISS HIM TOO, make him feel loved too BUT you have your own zandik, AND he has never opened his heart to anyone for literally millenias and uGHHGHHH
methinks it makes zandik appreciate your relationship on a whole 'nother level
OH. MY. GOD. THIS IS SOOOO GOOD AND GENIUS UGHHHH I LOVE IT SM! Screams... the idea of Dottore admitting to himself that he looks "sad" is something that he thought was impossible but!! He can't deny that his alternate self looks goddamn miserable!! His counter-self would look "normal" to anyone else, but perhaps because he's connected to him in an odd way, he can just sense his other self's sadness. Eyebags and all, he really looks like he reached the edge of insanity. Which, Dottore has as well, but there's just something about his alternate self that shows it a lot more. And he thinks, could you really have had that much of an impact on him, for his alternate self to be like this? Surely there were other factors that made his alternate self come out this way, perhaps even arguably worse than him? And he's right, there is, being from an alternate universe and all but... still, there was no alternate for you his alternate self. No one to lessen his burden, to help him, to care for him, to love him... he was left to descend into madness all by himself.
Ugh his alternate self would probably be disgusted with him. There are so many things to be done, and instead of focusing on the important stuff he's fooling around with... love? With... you? A person he supposedly... loves? It's disgusting really, how low he's fallen. He should know better than to believe in such things, after the neglect he went through. And you. His other self doesn't like you for being such a distraction. What could possibly be so interesting about you? He doesn't see anything notable about you at all, especially if you're sickly, and yet the twisted part of him wants to know. I mean, you're scared of his alternate self of course, but you can't help but pity him, You want to show him what it means to be loved, how even someone like him can be loved, and how love can actually help him rather than hurt him. You want him to be showered in affection... but you can't. That's not your job... and it would be far too hard for you to do it in such as short him. So you only leave Dottore's counter self with a few words - that you didn't know what happened to your alternate self, whether they were alive or dead... but you hoped that he could meet them one day, and maybe then he would understand.
You're more sad about it than Dottore of course, meanwhile he's more contemplative about it? He thinks about everything his other self said and he can't help but think he's so... wrong. He counters every single point his alternative self made. You've actually helped him with so many breakthroughs in his own research, learn new things he couldn't have understood on his own. You help him regain his energy when he's tired, you help him relax and rest when he constantly pushes past his limits. You... love him, and that's helped him a lot more than he initially realized. And that just makes him more resolved to the fact he can't lose you.
94 notes · View notes
amateurasstrologer · 22 days
Hi babies, what’s up? You thought I forgot about you? 
Well, you’re right, I did. But I’m back, bitches - at least for today - to remind you that astrology is still the shit. So, before I ghost again, let’s talk. This week it’s a Saturn in Pisces special. 
Now, before you’re like, “Are you kidding? This bitch comes back after how long to talk about some random ass placement that doesn’t even apply to me? Ugh.” Just take a breath. Saturn is in Pisces. Right now. In the sky. So even if you’re not getting extra fucked like all the people having their Saturn Return, you’re still experiencing the energy and all the shit I’m about to say still applies to you. 
Alright. First, let’s talk Saturn. Saturn is all about form. It’s foundations, it’s structure, it’s hard, it’s the shit you stand on that you forget you’re standing on (until a transit happens and forces you to look down in ice cold terror). It’s important to remember that Saturn deals with all foundations - which foundation (physical, mental, etc.) depends on which sign you’re working with. When Pisces gets involved, you’re dealing with your psychological, emotional foundation.
Next, Pisces. Pisces is about all dissolution. Pisces is last in line for a reason. All the shit you absorbed during your little life cycle - collective beliefs and ideals, definitions of success, definitions of failure, the shit your parents believed, the shit their parents believed, etc. - someone needs to dissolve all that loud biz (cue Pisces) so you can get back in touch with the real true you (cue Aries). Pisces is on that transcendental shit - it’s here to elevate you, it’s fucking your foundations up in a beautifully painful liquidation process, as in we’re closing everything has got to go this business is over forever goodbye we’re done. 
When you put these two together and you get a fucking shit show. Hardening and dissolving? Opposites. Pisces is like “yes I’m here to love you forget you ever had a structure all of this is meaningless it’s time blend in the timeless space of forgiveness we’ll feel it all and understand the origin of life the mystery of life heart eyes” and Saturn is like “Look at your life! Build something! Be accountable! These are your limits - learn them! Wake up! You dropped your spine! Go pick it up! But also good luck bending over to pick it up because you don’t have a spine! Ha!” 
It doesn’t take eyes to see that Saturn is not comfy in Pisces. And it’s true, Pisces and Saturn do bring very different shit to the party. But relationships are raw materials, babies, it’s what you make with them that matters.
Saturn and Pisces, together, create an opportunity for you to give your psychological, emotional foundation a fucking upgrade. Pisces helps you dissolve the fake ass bull shit persona you’ve been passing off as a self, and Saturn helps you reform into a person who, you know, you’re actually happy to be - a person with a psychological foundation based on inner-truth, not on societal/cultural/ancestral rules and regulations. Bitch, you’re a treasure! You’re a beautiful unique person, not a robot! If you wanted to be all copy paste should have reincarnated as a keyboard smh. Wake up.
Saturn in Pisces is a call to transform yourself on a spiritual level. The deepest level. (Deeper than you Scorpio sorry.) This isn’t some find a new job, find a new hobby bull shit. This is deep unconscious reconditioning. This is scary, triggering shit. You thought Pisces was out here just blending in the gooey goodness of love? Please. Think about what dissolution actually means. You want to be psychologically free? You want to scrub your karma? Get in touch with your essence? Lol. Girl. Get ready. This transformation process is a gnarly, confusing, and, most importantly, it takes time (thanks, Saturn). Just can’t rush it. 
Alright, before you get too scared to continue, let me say it one more time for the people in the back: When Saturn is in Pisces, the unconscious, emotional (Pisces) foundation (Saturn) of your life stops being hidden. Material that was collecting dust (and power) in your unconscious (Pisces) is suddenly visible (Saturn). Surprise, bitch! Time to take a look.
Okay. Now, what happens when you’re confronted with your very own subconscious (Pisces) scaffolding (Saturn)? Well, two options: 
(1) You lose perspective and collapse the transformation process before it has time to do its thing, dissolving your sense of self (Pisces) and hardening around rigid beliefs (Saturn) to bring yourself back to a superficial sense of safety, making your life temporarily more stable and comfy but ten million times harder to confront your psychological foundation at the next opportunity.
(2) You stay focused on the big picture and face your fears, dissolving the toxic beliefs you were unconsciously building your life on (Pisces) and reforming your identity (Saturn) into something real and true, making your life temporarily more lonely and difficult but ten million times easier to relate to yourself and others forever and ever amen.
“Uh wtf who would pick option one?” You, me, anyone allowing themselves to actually feel the crippling existential dread of having to face the unknown (Pisces) or anyone who can’t bear the thought of looking critically at their inherited beliefs (Saturn). It’s not an opportunity for the faint of heart. Or for anyone who doesn’t have, at the very least, one friend. And not some moralizing “forgiveness heals all wounds hang in there” type of friend - I’m talking some real ass, truth staring ass, love you anyways bitch.
So, why did I return from the underworld to tell you this shit now? Because Saturn is only halfway through it’s uncomfortable stay on the Pisces commune. Listen - if you’re starting to feel crazy, like (1) “I swear some shit must be up I just cannot catch a break from feeling like living shit” and (2) “why does the same shit continue to happen to me over and over again like fuck I thought I got over this shit in 1933” it’s because (1) you’re being called to transform and transformation is an active process time to stop being dragged around use you legs and (2) part of this particular transformation process is acknowledging that you did not leave any shit in 1933 and you’ve actually been dragging that ugly shit around in your unconscious and it’s secretly been controlling every decision you’ve made since then. Sorry.
“Ugh, can I just close my eyes and open them when this whack ass transit is over?” Sure. They’re your eyes, babe. But, just between you and me, why would you want to do that? This is a wonderfully unique time to face the truth (Saturn) and give yourself compassion and grace (Pisces), so that you can, oh, I don’t know, turn this car around before you and your unconscious Thelma and Louise yourselves. For a limited time only - the lights are on! There is no better time to look at this shit. The cosmic support is here. Right now. Let these lunar lovelies carry you through. 
The key to navigating this transit successfully (and consciously), is to pay attention to what you’re dissolving, and what you’re hardening around. Be suspicious about the shit you take for granted emotionally - investigate that foundation - ask yourself: Where did this shit even come from? Is this the psychological foundation I want to perpetuate? Don’t keep trying to wrap yourself back up in that shed skin, babies, it’s not a good look. Embrace the rawness.
The energies are active, the pressure is there, but if you open yourself to working with the energy of the times instead of just closing your eyes and hoping for the best, you can completely transform your life over the next 12 months. No joke. No exaggeration.
Until we meet again, bitches, happy charting.
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scorchieart · 11 months
⬥◇◆ Clothes Shopping with the Ikeprinces ◆◇⬥
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With Act 3 and Silvio's route just around the corner, let's slow down, take a step back, and remember how we all ended up in here. Particularly, how we all ended up in these clothes.
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Silvio’s Dubious Preorder ◆◇⬥
*the front door to the clothes shop opens in the middle of the night*
Shopkeeper: Who’s there?
Silvio: Your worst nightmare…
*Silvio drops a heavy bag of coins in the shopkeeper's hands*
Silvio: And your salvation.
Shopkeeper: What?
Silvio: Listen closely, tailor. Tomorrow you will be visited by a pathetic pack of princes with questionable fashion sense. They are in search of new outfits to wear for the upcoming story arc and have chosen your lousy shop as their genius loci. Lucky you.
Shopkeeper: …What?
Silvio: I’ll be in attendance as well, but I’m only interested in an outfit that’ll blow everyone else’s out of the water, so I’ll mostly be observing from the sides. All you gotta do is keep those other guys occupied and catch all the notes I send your way. You’re an experienced man, you’ll know when I’m dropping you a hint. But no one else needs to know about our little deal, capisce? 
*Silvio pats the coin bag and leaves. Shopkeeper puts on glasses and cleans out his ears*
Shopkeeper: WHAT?
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Judge Yves, Round 1 ◆◇⬥
Yves: As members of Rhodolite’s domestic faction, we are the pillars our citizens look towards to represent the values our kingdom instills in art, culture, and conduct. The outfits we select today must not only reflect the propriety expected of the royal family, but also that of our people for generations to follow.
Yves: Jin! Button your shirt all the way up right this moment!
Jin: You can’t cage the collarbones, Yves!
Yves: Leon! Too much detailing will overwhelm your conversation partners! You look like you’re drowning in gold.
Leon: But you’re talking to me just fine now?
Yves: Licht! You look wonderful, of course. But if I had to nitpick, the white on your lapels clashes with your black jacket. Try wearing more color, you don’t want to look like a walking chessboard.
*Sariel slowly backs into the dressing room*
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Nokto Seeing Double ◆◇⬥
Nokto: No, this blue vest doesn’t bring out my eyes quite right.
*hands vest over to Licht. Licht tries it on*
Nokto: Hm… and these tassels make my face look too narrow.
*hands shoulder pads over to Licht. Licht tries them on*
Nokto: And these black gloves clash horribly with my hair, what was I thinking?
*hands gloves over to Licht. Licht tries them on*
Nokto: You look great, Licht. Ugh, nothing in this entire store works for me!
*a bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Tailor! No vests, tassels, or gloves!
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Judge Yves, Round 2 ◆◇⬥
Yves: Ahem! I’m only doing this because you four are an extension of Rhodolite beyond the borders, and I don’t want you messing up our image in front of our neighbors. It’s not like I particularly care how you dress everyday!
Nokto: Aww, Evie, you care~
Yves: Shut it! Ahem! For starters, the white theme you all have is a very nice choice. It’s a good idea to set up a visual indicator to let others know you’re working as a team.
Clavis: Oh, that wasn’t intentional. This humble shop is simply fortunate enough to have had enough pieces for each of us. Otherwise, these poor white coats would have been prematurely stained red! Hahaha!
Yves: Wha—?
Clavis: With strawberry jam, of course! Chev gets particularly pouty when someone wears white instead of him. I wouldn’t put it past him to “accidentally” sully that poor someone’s outfit with his toast.
Luke: That’s why I eat mine with honey instead!
Yves: No, that’s why we eat breakfast before we leave the palace! 
*Yves swipes the toast from Chevalier and Luke*
Yves: Luke! If you’re going to wear white, you can’t carry honeyed toast in your pockets!
Yves: Clavis! If you’re going to wear a coat over a jacket again, at least make them match in style this time!
Yves: Nokto! If you’re not going to button your vest all the way, you have to wear a shirt underneath!
*Chevalier covers his chest and slowly backs into the dressing room*
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Small Talk Sariel ◆◇⬥
*In a quiet corner of the store, Keith looks over himself in the mirror. Sariel notices and joins him*
Sariel: Ah, a modest choice, Prince Keith. Were you to show Prince Yves, I am certain he would impart nothing but praise.
Keith: 🙂
Sariel: Modesty is, of course, cornerstone for a prince to emblem. Although, with our continent so rife with rowdy royals, one would not want to appear too humble, lest he be trampled by his more verbally-inclined peers.
Keith: 😐
Sariel: But too loud a statement piece would have a similar effect of disfavor among colleagues. One would not want to appear too brash in company of those whose opinions matter.
Keith: 😟
Sariel: Finding that sweet spot in the middle is crucial to deduce, and this is the moment to do it. Tell me, Prince Keith, is this the outfit you wish to present to the world in the next act?
Keith: Excuse me, I seem to have misplaced something in the dressing room.
*another bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Make it loud, tailor!
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Multi-talented and Multi-purpose Luke ◆◇⬥
Luke: Hey, Yves! How about this? I keep the lid open just enough to stick a spoon in like this, and my pockets get to stay completely… Hey, you okay?
*Yves blushes in surprise*
Yves: Yes, yes! Why wouldn’t I be?
Luke: Well, you’ve been standing by the hair accessories for a long time now.
Yves: Because there’s no one else here. I need rest from evaluating all your outfits, obviously.
*Luke puts down the honey jar*
Luke: Hey, close your eyes for a bit.
Yves: What for?
Luke: Just trust me. Besides, you said you wanted to rest, right?
*5 minutes later*
Luke: Tada! Whaddya think?
Yves: How did you…?
Luke: My sister used to make me braid her hair all the time. I’d say I’m pretty good at it, eh?
*Yves blushes in joy*
Yves: Thank you. But how did you manage to keep it in place? You didn’t use any clips or anything.
Luke: Oh, that’s ‘cause I packed it tight with honey. It oughta keep its shape all week, plus it’s good for the scalp. Bonus!
*Yves blushes in rage*
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Life Lessons with Big Brother Jin ◆◇⬥
Jin: Hey, Chevalier. Come try this cloak on, it’ll help cover your…
*Chevalier quickly wipes his mouth and hides his hands behind his back*
Jin: …
Chevalier: …
Jin: Chev…
Chevalier: I was merely inspecting them for poisons.
Jin: Come on, big guy. We’ve been through this.
Chevalier: The showoff apprehended my toast. 
Jin: You can’t eat the roses.
Chevalier: …
Jin: …
Chevalier: The yellow ones taste best.
Jin: So you’ve told me.
*yet another bag of coins flies across the store*
Silvio: Bring me the juiciest rose you have! I know you’re keeping it from me!
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Gilbert’s Infinite Hyperspace ◆◇⬥
Gilbert: Are you sure the shopkeeper won’t mind you making alterations to his designs?
Clavis: That wonderful man doesn’t need to worry about a single hair on his rapidly balding head! I won’t be defiling his style because all the additions I’m making will be completely hidden from sight.
Gilbert: How like you to run your dirty work in the shadows. Such fun.
Clavis: I wouldn’t use that particular arrangement of words to describe it, per se. But considering Sariel has egregiously forbidden me from purchasing more than one belt today, I am forced to improvise my carry-on capabilities.
Gilbert: Ah, pockets! How very fun, indeed!
Clavis: Not just any pockets! Secret pockets! And just look at this enormous canvas I have to work with! Only… my hands were full on the way over here carrying Chevalier’s breakfast, so I wasn’t able to bring much of my usual tools to measure. I don’t like leaving the palace without at least a net or two on hand.
Gilbert: You can borrow mine!
*Gilbert produces a large fish net out of thin air*
Clavis: How fortunate, this will work nicely! I do wish I could have brought my trusty shovel with me, though. 
Gilbert: Regular or extra large?
*Gilbert produces two digging shovels out of thin air*
Clavis: Ah... R-regular is fine…
Gilbert: Anything else?
Clavis: You’ve been plenty helpful, I couldn’t impose—
Gilbert: No need to be shy. You still have plenty of space to work with, I see. 
Clavis: …
Gilbert: Try me.
Clavis: …Well, I do like to be armed with more than just my sword—
Gilbert: How about this?
*Gilbert produces a hatchet out of thin air*
Clavis: … Thank you.
Gilbert: What are friends for?
*Gilbert claps his hands, taps his cane twice, and pulls a tiny comb out of the heel of his boot. He combs Clavis’s hair out of his eyes and walks away smiling as the largest bag of coins yet flies across the store*
Silvio: Secret pockets! But don’t tell anyone where they are, you hear? Not even me!
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Doggy See, Doggy Do ◆◇⬥
Leon: Find anything you like, Rio?
Rio: Lots! But I’m just not sure she’d like them, too.
Leon: Why not show me what you got so far? I may not be Yves or Sariel, but I’ll bet I can point out a stinker in the mix.
Rio: Okay then. What do you think of this gilded vest?
Leon: Awesome! The color matches your eyes perfectly. That’s good… I think?
*Coin bag toss #1*
Silvio: Tailor! Look into my eyes and get me a jacket that matches them perfectly! No, not a vest! We said no vests!
Rio: Huh, that was weird. Anyway, what about this broach?
Leon: She’d love it! The looped design brings out the curves of your smile just right. That kind of attention to detail is probably really important.
*Coin bag toss #2*
Silvio: Tailor! Bring me your loopiest jewelry! The more hoops, the better!
Rio: Did you hear something? Ah, nevermind. Do you think I should go with one earring or two?
Leon: Hmm… Yves rocks the one earring look—
*Coin bag toss #3*
Silvio: Tailor! I want your gaudiest single earring in my palm right this second!
Leon: —but earrings are supposed to come in pairs, right? So maybe two would be fine. For symmetry, and all that.
*Coin bag toss #4*
Silvio: Make that two!
Leon: Sorry, I’m not too sure, to be honest.
*Rio knowingly smirks*
Rio: Your advice is great, Prince Leon. Tell me, what do you think of these snow boots?
Leon: Well, it’s not exactly winter. But they’re really a statement piece, and she might appreciate a good conversation starter.
*Coin bag toss #5*
Silvio: I need the furriest boots you’ve got in this place, pronto!
Rio: And this zebra-print cloak?
Leon: Chevalier looks good in tiger stripes. I guess that’s basically the same thing.
*Coin bag toss #6*
Silvio: Where do you keep the darn striped fabrics, old man?
Rio: Great! What’s your opinion on oversized hats?
Leon: Uhh… go big or go home?
*Coin bag toss #7*
Leon: Hey, Rio, do you hear an echo?
Rio: Nope. Just the sound of a nation’s GDP falling.
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I wanted to add a joke about their gloves, but this post is getting way out of hand, even without puns.
Tagging: @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @ladyofcrowsx @otomefoxystar @my-day6
If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message.
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the-fo0l · 1 year
Super fluffy Ethan Winters x reader headcanons
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Notes: this was written in one of my 10 min "i love ethan winters" episodes, more written for me than anyone else, also happy new year
Warnings: established relationship, pure fluff, maybe too much fluff, obsessed bf
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Ethan would like nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with you
Despite the fact that you've been together for a while now he still looks at you like he's experiencing love at first sight over and over again
Celebrates full and half anniversaries of things that aren't even important
"It's the half year anniversary of when you agreed to move in with me!"
".....That's why you got me flowers???"
Loves to see you passionate about things you like
Will listen intently when you talk about literally anything
If you hate someone, he automatically hates them too
Loves doing lovely-dovey, cringey couple things with you
Travelling, cooking and baking together, date night, movie night- just living out his dream romance story with the love of his life
He's an amazing cook i just know it
Makes you breakfast every day
And dinner, if you guys aren't doing out to eat
"How was work today?", you manage to ask before Ethan kisses you hello. "Good, but I couldn't stop thinking about you", he says with a small smile. "Ugh you say that everytime I ask about work...", you say with sarcastic annoyance. "Well it's true" a stupid love-struck grin now creeping onto his face.
His heart just about explodes when ever you do something for him
It could be the smallest thing
Bring him tea or soup when he's sick, tug the blanket up more and kiss his forehead -his body temp gets twice as hot with the way he's blushing
Of course he's very careful driving with you in the car but it is kinda hard to keep his eyes on the road when you're sitting next to him, looking so perfect
Sometimes you catch him casually humming that wedding tune (you know what i mean right)
At least like 70% of the pictures on his phone of you, plus a ton of screenshots of things to buy for you
He could be having a horrible day but seeing you automatically makes him feel better, and any sappy shows of affection from you make his whole week
Cuddling up to you is something he always looks forward to at the end of the each day
Staring into each other's eyes, holding your hand, running his fingers across your face, pressing gentle kisses to your skin and being as close as possible
At this point he has trouble going to sleep without hearing your voice, feeling your touch
Leaves you little notes, informative or just reminders of his love. Sometimes you'll write your response on them and leave them up for him to see later (he totally keeps all the notes you've replied to)
Hugs from behind, giving and receiving
His love for you never stopped growing. At this point it's hard to function without being in some sort of contact with you
He would not be able to handle fighting with you, let alone a break-up (not something you should even joke about, he'll cry)
Loves petnames beginning with "my". Cause that's right, he is yours, completely and utterly.
After one of your friends/acquaintances rather rudely joined the cafe date you and Ethan were on, Ethan's been in an awfully salty mood. Your hand holding his is likely the only thing keeping him from going off on the girl.
All the while she's going on and on about how perfect your relationship is and how unbelievable it is that she "hasn't found the perfect man yet".
"Of course you haven't met the perfect man," you lean in slightly, "I already have him".
Well, that certainly bettered Ethan's mood tenfold. He can only chuckle awkwardly as his face heats up and the corners of his mouth tug upwards. He doesn't say anything as you two continue talking, but you can't help but notice how his grip on your hand tightens, and how his other hand goes to encase it completely, gently toying with your rings with that lovesick look on his face.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
The King, The Bat, and The Runaway Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Not sure why this took me a billion years to complete but alas lol what's odd is I like writing for this three this way...maybe all the angst lol but it kills me to! I've said it before I hate (love) reading stories where couples have spent time apart for one reason another but pinning...ugh. Maybe it's cause I've experienced it with an ex and that hurt sucks lol
I do want to write like an alternate time line where she does go looking for them after like 5 years or something. Or even one where they do get on a plane and follow her to Europe to find her. Or both. Hey... I'm flexible lol
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that implies (I regret nothing!), Smut for sure with angst and feels, they do have a conversation where they show off their scars to each other and talk about what happened within those 10 years, mentions of domestic abuse and shitty relationships (its brief), flashbacks involving Eddie first being in Hawkins so there are mentions of the bruises from his dad :(, um...I think that's it.
Word Count: 4559
You stare into the void of your closet, tuning out your boyfriend as he shouts at you from the bedroom. 
“I don’t understand why you insist on avoiding this question every damn time! I get they are based on people you knew in high school but the way you write them… it feels like you were in love with them!”
Sighing you hang up your dress from that evening and come out in your pajamas. 
“Let it go, Noah. It doesn’t matter. They are kids I used to know. End of story.”
“See, Y/N, it’s not ‘end of story’ because you’re still writing said story!”, he points at the manuscript on your desk. “Why won’t you tell me more?”
“Ugh. I’m done having this argument. I’m going to bed. You can either join me or go home.”
Noah exhales as he places his hands on his hips before sitting on the edge of you bed. “Y/N, baby. I love you so much. I just… You keep this locked up so tight. Should I be worried?”
You softly smile as you sit beside him and kiss his cheek. “Honey, you are the only man in the world for me.”
He smiles as he places a peck on your lips. “I better be. Okay, let me take a shower and then I’ll go to bed with you. Hey, you probably already know this but your favorite band released a new single today. You should listen to it. Tell me if it’s amazing.”
After he shuts the bathroom door, you immediately grab your headphones and search for Corroded Coffins new song. You leaned against your pillow, closing your eyes as Eddie’s voice filled your ears.
You smiled tenderly in their direction, neither one of them making any real move towards you. After making a decision, you take one of Steve’s hands, bringing him to the bed and placing him next to Eddie. Your skirt falls to the floor as you kick it to the side before slowly unbuttoning your blouse and tossing it away as well. 
“I’m, uh, I know I don’t exactly look the same but—”
“Don’t.”, Eddie cuts you off. “Don’t even finish that sentence. You’re still fucking gorgeous.”
“What happened here?” Steve’s fingers gently traced along a scar on your outer thigh. 
“I’m an idiot.”, you laugh. “I went hiking on this remote island off the coast and tripped. They warned us about slick slopes but I’m me so… cut a big gash that bled everywhere.”
“What about this one?” Eddie points to a small but noticeable scratch on your arm. 
“My literary agent and I were coming back from an event and someone hit our car. We were fine but some glass from the window cut me. Here to.” You lift his fingers to graze the much tinier scar on your shoulder. Steve’s eyes linger on a circular scar near your ribs. “Oh, you don’t want to hear about that one.”
“Hey. Yeah, I do.”, he gently tugs on you so your more in front of him. “It looks deep.”
“When I got home from traveling, I met this guy…We weren’t together very long but—”
“He hurt you.” Steve’s voice filled with anger.
You hung your head. “He didn’t mean to. We got into a fight and he meant to throw something behind me but hit me instead. After that, I uh, did what I do best….I ran.” When you finally found the courage to look at them again, they both seemed extremely upset. “See, I told you didn’t want to hear about this.”
“No, hey, no.” Eddie pulled you so you were back in front of him. “We do. We just… hate that you experienced that…especially alone.”
“Because we would have beat his ass.”
“That’s for damn sure.” You grin as they both laugh.
The metalhead brushes your hair away from your face before leaning back to lift off his shirt. Your grin stretches further along your face as the pads of your fingers trace all the new tattoos, hovering over the heart you noticed when you saw him play. 
“I got that one after we signed with our first label. If I had known you were going to refer to me as a vampire, I would have gotten some like Dracula teeth or something.”, he chuckled. 
“What did you say when he got it?”, you asked Steve.
“Pfft. I didn’t even know he got it until over a year later. Mr. Sex Appeal here took off his shirt at the first concert I was finally able to make and I won’t lie, it surprised me. I don’t hate it though. Better than this other bullshit.”
“Wow. Rude.”, Eddie teases. He turns his attention back to you and twists his body so you can see the scar on his back. “We were playing at one of those festivals and I was fucking wasted. I jumped into the crowd and those kids fucking dropped me; landed on some glass on the floor. I kept playing though.”
He lifts his hips as he pushed his pants and boxers to the floor. Steve grabs your hand, tugging you out of Eddie’s way and onto his lap. You leaned your head against his as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
You absorbed all the never-before-seen tattoos on his thighs and calves as he points to a scar on his right leg. “About 5 years ago I was dating this girl who was just off the walls. We got into a bad argument in our hotel and she went full Sid and Nancy literally throwing a fucking knife at me! Jeff drove me to the hospital and I needed like ten stitches.”
“How come I didn’t hear about this?”, Steve asked.
“Probably because our manager kept it out of the papers AND paid her off as long as she agreed to stay away from me.”
“And you didn’t tell me because…?”
“Sir, you’re a lawyer. I aint tellin’ you shit.” You giggled as Eddie laughed. “No, man. I was just a little embarrassed. Everyone warned me about her but… Plus you were doing so well with what’s her name at the time.”
“Ah, yes. What’s her name.” Steve grins sarcastically as he unbuttons his shirt and points to the long scar leading from the top of his belly button to just below his chest. “Yeah, things were going so well, I needed surgery to remove the ulcers she gave me.”
“Steve, oh my god.” You pushed him back as he balanced on his arms so you could get a better look. 
“You told me you were getting your appendix removed, you asshole!”
“I told you that because you were on tour and I didn’t want you to cut that short to come stay with me in the hospital because I know you would have. It’s fine. The doctor said it was a routine type thing.”
“Did your mom or dad come?” You feel yourself start to panic slightly. 
“Of course not. You know my family.” He chuckles but stops when he sees that look in your eyes. “Hey seriously. It wasn’t a big thing.”
“You were all alone in a hospital having surgery. I…I would have been there. I didn’t know. I…”
“Y/N, honey, it’s okay. I know you would have.”, he kisses your cheek. “That’s why I didn’t tell your parents either.” Steve sighs as he turns to Eddie. “I told Michelle—”
“I’m still calling her what’s her name.”
“AND she said I was being overdramatic. When I came back home, she was gone, thank God. That relationship was the worst. She was basically a 5’4 version of my father. I didn’t realize it till after I got sick.”
He taps your back with his fingers and you take the hint, sliding over to sit on Eddie’s lap as he slides off his slacks and underwear. “Do I have any on my legs?”, he mumbles as he looks. “Oh! That case you guys mentioned last night? I didn’t just add money to the settlement but a couple of weekends I went over there to help them with some other things if they needed it. One family had a roof that was leaking and damaging their ceiling. Me and some of the other people were able to help fix it for a cheap price but my dumbass slipped off the ladder. Thankfully, I just cut my knee.” Steve gestures towards the line along his knee. 
“So, nothing has changed in ten years. We’re all still clumsy and we all pick terrible fucking partners.” You and Steve laugh but Eddie just sits there smiling up at you. 
“I think I made a good choice in choosing you that night.” His arms wrap tighter around your waist as he leans his head onto your chest. “Shit, every time I chose you, good things always followed.” Your fingers tangled in his hair as his lips travelled up your skin to your neck. “I missed you so fucking much, Y/N.” His palm gently rested against your cheek as he guided your lips to his. 
“Class! Settle!”, the teacher claps her hands, trying to be heard. “Now I want you all to welcome our new student here. This is Edward Munson.”
“Freak.” Jason Carver pretends to hide his remark behind a cough as you roll your eyes. The teacher scowls at him as she lightly pushes the new boy towards an empty seat. 
He definitely was different than a lot of the people around here; at least visually. The only contact he made with anyone was glaring at Carver as he passed him to his desk. His hair was buzzed to the point that he was almost bald. The black shirt he wore hung off his frame, seemingly two sizes too big but when he leaned over to put his backpack on the floor his sleeve rose and you noticed the bruises on his arm that looked like fingerprints. 
Your heart broke from him as you connected those bruises to the black eye that was prominent on his face. This boy had been through something awful. 
When lunch came around, you found him sitting alone at a table near the window, his arms folded across his chest defensively. 
“Hi. I’m, uh, Y/N. Is it ok if I join you?” Eddie sighed through his nose as his jaw tightened. You slowly descended into the chair in front of him. “I see you didn’t get any food. You can share some of mine if you want. I never finish it anyway.”
You found yourself getting self-conscious as he continued to glare out the window. “So…how do you like it here—”
“Can’t you people just leave me alone?!” His sharp tone made you jump. 
“Well, excuse the fuck out of me.” You get up and move a couple chairs down, away from him. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches you pull a book out of your bag as you pick at your tray. 
The table shuffles as he stands up and you keep your eyes on the pages in front of you as you hear the screeching of the chair being pulled back across from you. 
“Have…have you read that book before?”, he asks. You glance over at him before placing your novel down on the table. 
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers? No but in class they showed us the black and white movie. It was so cool so I begged my mom to buy me the book.” Eddie’s eyes meet yours for a brief moment before he glares down at the floor. “Have you read it?”
Eddie slowly nods his head. “Have you seen the 70s movie they made? It’s actually pretty scary.”
“There’s another movie!? I didn’t know that. You should come over to my house sometime and we can watch it.” His eyes widen in amusement at your excitement making you panic slightly. “I mean you don’t have to, of course. I just…I think you seem cool and I think it would be fun to hang out with you.”
“You think I seem cool?”
“Yeah, and don’t let people like Jason “douchebag” Carver get you down. Don’t let him make you think otherwise, okay?” For the first time since you saw him, a smile gradually paints his lips and you return it with one of your own. “Do you want some of my pretzels, Edward?”
He leans forward taking the snack that you offer him. “Eddie. I prefer Eddie.”
You revel in the taste of him as his tongue invades your mouth and you gently guide him back against the mattress. His hands abruptly grip your hips when he feels you begin to grind against him. 
“Wait. Wait, wait. Shit. I just… I’ve been wanting to taste you again so fucking bad.”
You smirk as you playful squint at him. “Are you not devouring me right now?”
“Not yet.” Eddie winks before lifting you, spinning you around so your hands and knees were on the bed, your ass displayed before him.
As you searched for the other man, Eddie’s tongue licked a long stripe through your sex causing you to close your eyes as you moaned. A strong hand reached for your face, pulling you to a set of lips that tasted like a mixture of mint and whiskey from the previous night. 
You reached for his neck pulling him closer to you as Eddie’s tongue moved in and out of your entrance, whining when you feel him abruptly move away. 
“Shit, Harrington. I’m being selfish. You didn’t get to taste her pussy last time, did you?”
“Not directly. You coated my fingers so I literally only got a taste.”, he chuckles. 
The bed jostles as they switch places and you cry out when you feel a tongue enter your body again. Steve’s technique was much different than Eddie’s. While the metalhead seemed to play with his food, the other man knew exactly what he wanted, hitting every sensitive spot with an aggressive passion that had you seeing stars. 
“F-fuck, Steve. Just like…don’t stop. Ed-Eddie?”
“I’m right here, sweetheart.” He came around towards your end of the bed, stumbling forward as you reached for his cock and wrapped your lips around him. “Jesus! Whoa. Slow down, baby. Mmm-- it’s ok.” Eddie’s hands lifted your hair into a ponytail so he could watch you take him. 
You pulled back, pumping him as your eyes looked up into his. “Don’t—mmm—Don’t want slow. 10 years was—fuck—slow enough.”
He smirked at you. “Did you hear that, Stevie?” The boy didn’t verbally responded but you felt his head shake against you as his lips wrapped around your clit. 
“Show me…show me the men you are now…please. Please, please. Fuck!”
Your body trembled as the coil snapped and you came, your upper half falling flat against the mattress. 
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Steven Harrington.”
You didn’t even glance his way as you continued putting books in your locker. You were supposed to meet Eddie near the front of the school so you two could bike over to the movie theater to see District 9 and you didn’t want to keep your best friend waiting especially for King Steve. 
“I was thinking you and I could go out sometime. Maybe go see a movie or something.”
“Wow. I’m not sure why you would think that. Now fuck off and leave me alone.”
As you shut your locker and start to leave, he loops around you, blocking your path.
“Shit. Look I’m sorry. Believe it or not I’m not very good at this. I just…always see you at lunch with the other kid that makes you laugh and hearing it… I think you’re really beautiful and sweet so I thought I’d shoot my shot, you know?”
As you listened to him speak, you took note of his demeanor and words. What stood out to you most was that he didn’t refer to Eddie as a freak like the other kids did. He seemed so jittery as he bounced on the balls of his feet and as he said that last sentence his eyes shifted nervously to the floor. 
“I’ll, um, leave you alone now. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”
“Steve?”, you called as he started heading down the hall. “Eddie and I were going to go see a movie tonight. Would you want to tag along?”
“Oh. Um…is it ok with him? I don’t want to impose.”
“Naw, he’ll be fine. He may seem scary on the outside but he’s a sweet person. Plus, for some reason, he trusts my judgement. If I trust you than he will to.”
Steve flashes you a big toothy grin. “Ok. Sounds like fun.”
“And just so we are clear, Harrington! This is not a date. I don’t like you like that, okay?”
Steve’s hands roughly grabbed your hips, lifting your ass higher in the air as he guided his cock into your entrance. You both moaned at the feeling before he gradually pulled back until it was just his tip, watching between your bodies as he pushed himself back in. As your eyes rolled back, you clawed at the sheets underneath you, relishing in the feeling of him again. 
He bent over you, placing his chest against your back as his hand came around to grip your jaw. 
Opening your eyes, you were met with Eddie’s face as he kneeled in front of you. 
“Does he feel good?” You nod your head as he moves some hair away from your face. “Tell him, Y/N. I think he’s earned it.”
Steve’s lips kissed your shoulder before he aggressively delivered slow, hard thrusts that pushed him so deep he punched the air from your lungs. 
“Steve! Fuck… feels… amazing.”
He pushed up on to his knees pounding into you as you whimpered, your upper half collapsing flat on the bed, allowing him to take what was his. What was always his and Eddie’s. No matter how many men you had dated or been with, hell even before graduation night, your heart belonged to them.
“Steve, I…fuck… I love you. I love you both.”
His movements stalled as he and the metalhead exchanged a look. The man leaned over you again, his breath warming your ear.
“Do you mean that?”
“Yes. I love you so much. I missed you.”
He slowly began pumping into you once more, his hand sliding under your body and reaching to circle your clit. 
“I love you to, honey. Cum for me, Y/N, please. I’ve waited so long to feel you again.”
With your body pushing back against his, the coil snapped and you mewled into the mattress below you. 
“That’s it, baby. Fuck. Can…can we cum inside you?”
Your arm reached behind you to bring your lips to his. “Please, Steve. I need you to.”
His strong hand held the back of your neck, pressing you into the bed as he chased his high. The sounds of his grunts echoes through the room before his hips sputtered and you felt his spend warm your insides.
“Yes! We are finally free! Ha ha!”, Eddie tosses his graduation cap in the air and away from you three.
“Really, Ed?” Wayne shakes his head as he smiles.
“Oh, I’m so proud of you guys!” Your mom excitedly hugs the three of you. “Steve, sweetie, where’re your parents?”
“Uh, Sweden, I think.”
You wrap your arms around him as he does the same. 
“So…what’s the plan for the night?” Your dad quickly tries to change the subject which the boy appreciates. 
“Well, Mr. Y/L/N, we are going back to my trailer—”
“MY trailer.”, Eddie’s uncle interrupts. 
“And we’re going to sit on the floor, reading the bible and going over college applications.”
You and Steve laugh at the metalhead as your mom rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Just stay safe and don’t do anything stupid. Now get together I want to take a picture.”
Wayne obnoxiously forces his nephew’s graduation cap back on his head before stepping out of frame as Eddie wraps one arm around your back as you do the same. As he holds up the rock and roll symbol with his fingers, you and Steve can’t help but laugh as the camera flashes.
Steve collapses on top of you as you both try to catch your breath. Your hand reaches behind you, your fingers running through his sweaty hair as you gently place your lips on his. He rolls off you and as you turn on to your back, you are met with Eddie’s soft but passion filled kisses. 
“You ok, sweetheart? Do you need anything?”, he whispers.
Grinning, you climb onto your knees and wrap your arms around his neck. “I need you.”
He smiles as he kisses you again, his own fingers running through your messy hair.
“Do you want me to show you how rockstars do it?” Eddie playfully sticks out his tongue when you giggle and nod. “Keep your arms around me, ok?”
His smile grew as he hooked his own tattooed arms under both your knees and lifted you into the air. After adjusting you slightly, he moved his hips, thrusting his cock inside of you. Your jaw went slack as your eyes squeezed shut in pleasure, never feeling anyone this deep inside of you or at this angle. The muscles in his shoulders and chest tensed as he pumped into you.
“Oh…oh my god, Eddie. Please.”
His eyes scanned your face before your forehead fell against his. “Fuck, Y/N. I missed you so much. Mmm-I love you to, baby. I…I never stopped.”
You gripped your arms around him tighter as you lifted your hips to meet his, your pussy fluttering around him as you watch his eyes roll back and close.
Eddie swivels his body around falling flat with you onto the bed, unhooking your limbs from his neck and lifting your leg over his shoulder, holding it for leverage as he pounded into you. 
You whimpered as his thumb abruptly came down to play with your clit.
“Please…please, please, please, Eddie!”, you begged; your body trembling as you came. 
The metalhead hovered over you, his hair lightly brushing against the sides of your face as his beautiful eyes penetrated yours. Your palms reached up to cup his face as his pace quickened nearing his own release.
“Cum for me, baby. Please. I need you to cum inside of me just like Steve did.”
Just as he had on graduation night, his head fell into the nook between your neck and shoulder, his hips faltering before you felt him thrusting his seed deep into your pussy.
You try and cover the hiss that leaves your lips as Eddie pulls out knowing how he’ll react. 
“Fuck, princess. I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt you did I.” He smiles as he watches you laugh. “What?”
“Steve’s right. You’re a big rockstar yet you’re still exactly the same. No, Ed, I’m fine. I’m just sore.”
Steve comes around to the side with a rag in his hand and gently cleans between your legs. “Do you need anything? I’m sure Hugh Heffner here has a pretty awesome shower.”
Eddie narrows his eyes at his friend. “I do actually but I also imagine Elle Woods over there also has an expensive shower so he needs to calm down.”
“Steve. Steve. Jesus fucking Christ, STEVEN!”
Steve rolled over onto his back slowly, trying carefully not to move you too much. “What, Munson? Lower you voice.”
“Y/N’s not here.”
“What? What the fuck are you talking about?” He fully opens his eyes as he reaches for you but to his dismay his friend was right. “Where is she?”
“I don’t know. She’s not in the trailer or outside anywhere but all her stuff is gone.”
The man immediately bounced up from the bed and started reaching for his clothes. “Maybe…maybe she went to go food or something.”
“Without telling us? Or hell even inviting us. That’s not like her.”
“Yeah but neither was last night…”
Eddie grabbed one of his shirts from the floor as he waited for Steve to get dressed. “Did we fuck up?” The other man was silent as he tied his shoes. “Do you regret it?”
He rose to his feet and collected his keys. “No. I mean… she’s our girl, right? I’ve never…cared about anyone the way I do her. She makes me feel—”
“Wanted.”, Eddie finished. “Yeah… I know how you feel. I don’t regret it either.”
Steve pats his back comfortingly. “Come on, dude. Let’s go find her.”
Steve woke up to the sound of thunder crashing against the house.  His head leaned back against the pillow as he listened to the sound of Eddie snoring next to him. A familiar sense of panic washed through him when he reached over and realized you weren’t in the bed with them. 
He hastily tossed back his covers, grabbing his boxers as he flew down the hallway. His hand gripped his chest when he found you in one of Eddie’s band t-shirts, leaning against the backdoor as you watched the rain. 
You smiled when you saw him standing there offering him the cup of coffee in your hand. 
“You phone buzzed a few times. It may be your law firm but they can’t seem to get along without you.”, you giggle until you notice that panicked look in his eyes. “Steve? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m, uh, I just woke up and—”
“And I wasn’t there. Fuck, baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t think. It started to rain and rockstar has a nice view.”
“You know, you two keep making fun of me and my house but I didn’t hear any complaints.” Eddie saunters into the room, coming up behind you as he wraps his arm around you and rests his chin on your head. 
“Your phone kept going off too, Eds. To be fair, we did sleep all day but damn.”
“No one’s bugging you?”
“No one I care about more than you two right now.” You grin as Steve leans down to kiss your lips before Eddie gently pulls your hair to do the same. “I, um, I don’t actually have a permanent address I’m attached to. Before a book launch, they have me on the road. I was thinking, maybe, I could get an apartment or something near your firm.”
“Why don’t you move in with me? You and Eddie…if you guys want to. I mean I’m sure Munson has like 50 mansions but—”
“I’m not Mick fucking Jagger.”, he laughs. “I have this house and a relatively large house near the beach in California with the guys. All I have to do is pack a bag and my guitar.”
They both look at you with earnest, waiting for your answer.
“Let’s do it.”, you smile. “Geez, when word gets out, I guess people are going to finally figure out who The King and The Vampire are based on. Maybe now they’ll stop asking me who The Runaway is in love with.”
“Who IS she in love with?”, Steve grins snarkily in your direction.
You meet his sarcastic smile with one of your own.
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indigos-stardust · 1 month
New Four swords fic- Chapter 1
*I'd appreciate if u read it on a03 because that's where my tag/summary is but if you cant for whatever reason, I have it below this cut* thanks for any boost and comment <3
Roaming packs of monsters, ugh.  Usually, monsters tend to be attracted or even magically appear from places with plenty of darker energy. It could be some cursed and abandoned temple or some pit where someone died horribly. Maybe, there’d just be one huge monster claiming an area and its magical stink would attract a bunch of underlings.
Monsters aren’t exactly pack animals like wolves. They just follow whichever one’s the biggest and act purely based on greed and violence. They’re happy to follow orders as long as they get their cut. Which is usually the promise of fresh flesh. 
The scouts said the monsters were following paths. On a schedule. Almost like they’re planning and guarding. That…isn’t right. Something is definitely up. 
The worst part of it is that a lot of the paths they’re taking seem to be cutting off a random average sized fishing village to the south. Lutelin Village. Yeah, Green can see why they had been specifically called to handle this one.
Whatever they’re going to eventually face, it’ll probably seem like even an experienced knight’s worst nightmare. But they can handle it. After all, they’d handled far more with far less. This time they even have armor! The odds are far more in favor since their… “adventure.” Green can’t help but fidget with his fingers anyways.
He’s probably just out of practice, sure they had helped fight against the general excess of monsters but that was just dealing with monsters sprawled out everywhere. Not a real proper fight with layers to get to the final baddie. His gut flares with a hidden anxiety. 
It’ll be alright though, the others are literally following his back, and as much as it sucks that those villagers are probably having a hard time with travelling due to the monsters- This will be good for them! Well, Green and his uh, other selves, anyways. Besides, why would you possibly want “rest and relaxation” when you can just crush the ugly mug of some monster?
Okay, maybe he is spending too much time with Blue.
Either way they definitely have better odds! They’ll just find each band (two or three?) and take them down, easy peasy. 
Every step is going to take him closer after all, might as well keep his shoulders straight and his eyes on the horizon.  
Soft grass and weeds dance in the foothills, with a chilly autumn air as their partner. As much as the others are way too gripey in the early morning, Green knows getting them up early is definitely the right call! The soft crispness of the morning air energizes him with every breath! Practically music, in his humble opinion. 
Behind him, he can hear another kind of music. A playful punch to the shoulder, a content sigh, and a little laugh. Conversation that starts and pauses, only to start again. In and out, natural and welcoming. They have his back. 
They finally stop at the top of a particularly large hill; this is the spot the scouters said they’d seen the monsters the most. If Green looks to the West, he can see the beginning treeline of a dark and confusing magic-filled Lost Woods. He shudders. From what Vio described about the woods, it definitely doesn’t seem like the ideal spot for a stroll. Compared to their “adventure” and all they’ve experienced, the next few days will be easyyyy. 
They’ve barely settled into their spot when Vio, ever the watchful one, already spots a band of monsters practically marching together. A very large band of very angry looking monsters. Nearly time to fight. A cliffside looms in the distance, with the monsters in between them and it. 
“I’d say, I think we’re dealing with about eight or so stalfoes, two spear moblins, oh you’ve got to be kidding me at least two dozen,” Green squints, “uh, tiny plant things?”
Strange little hobbling plant monsters, with sharp teeth and leaves coming from a single bud supported by two stumpy legs, covered the ground near the other monsters. 
“Tiny plant things?’”
For a place full of nothing but rolling hills, Vio sure is having quite a bit of difficulty finding enough room to fight. It’s ridiculous honestly, he and Green were supposed to take care of the stalfoes by directly fighting against them. Meanwhile, Blue and Red were meant dealing with those pesky small monsters that keep trying to bite their ankles! Or jump into their faces. It’s a bit hard to fight several monsters just taller than you while dealing with a bunch of faces full of teeth trying to lunge at you, afterall.
Not to mention, once they finally get in semi-decent positions the moblins thrust their giant axes right in the middle and scatter everyone all over again! He can hear the annoying squish and splatter of Blue’s hammer smashing into another one. 
Red’s fire rod is great at helping to keep the moblins away, but while you would think it’d be great for its intended purpose of burning those DAMN little plants monsters- All it really does is make all the grass around them catch on fire, not harming the stalfoes, and force them to bolt to a patch of rocks while they’re being chased. Of course, the little abominations climb up the stalfoes to stay safe from the fire. Fighting on the bumpy ground only makes things worse in their favor. He really wishes the darn things would be the ones stumbling and struggling for balance instead of themselves.  
Wait… This is a far rockier area- He can feel the rattling bones hit his shield once more as he grunts to shove it off. They all need to be knocked down. With the bit of distance he looks around, and there . A pile of rocks, leading up to a cliff. The cliff is extremely uneven at the top, but there is just enough clear space for a person at the top! 
Perhaps, possibly, it had been a bit of a.. Risky endeavor. The second there’s the smallest opening, he yells out, “Watch out for a minute!” and bolts to the cliff side. Ignoring Blue’s very p*ssed off , “h-HEY! Where the Hell are you going?!!” and Green’s surprise as he keeps on running. Every thump of his feet pushing off the earth ringing in his ears. Or maybe that’s just his heartbeat.
Just as he’s starting to climb up he can hear the rattling of a stalfoe and feel the bruising pain of those small monsters trying to reach his flesh under the armor. I just need to keep going , he thinks as he finishes pushing himself up and begins scrambling  for a new foothold as he simultaneously tries to shake off the miniature snapping beasts. Good thing his ears are protected by the chainmail underneath his cap. 
The crash and shattering of bones with a string of swears behind him urge him to go even further up. When the battle’s over, Blue is probably going to get him next. He hadn’t sounded particularly pleased about Vio, “DITCHING THEM WITHOUT WARNING LIKE A B****H*SS,” or whatever. Despite his current height bringing him farther from the battle ground, he can practically hear Green shout, “ LANGUAGE!!” in the middle of battle.
Finally, just as he nears the top he manages to shake the last of those damn pests off his leg and let his heaving lungs rest, if only for a second. Right, this needs to be quick. Forcing himself up, still struggling to breathe from the chaotic climb, Vio readies his bow. 
While the experience of fighting various types of monsters, for hours on their own, certainly gave them a lot of skill in adapting to the situation he has to admit—the items they gained, namely his fairy blessed bag of endless arrows, are also a huge plus. Sure, they aren’t as strong as a well crafted bow, but they are endless . In fact, he’d figured out that if he shoots two at once, even if that took a while to master, it’d do the same amount of damage!
He smirks to himself, aiming straight at a stalfoes that is creeping behind Green. With a snap, the stalfoe falls to the ground. The chaos of the battle field, swarming the others with monsters, moving from place to place… it’s familiar; it is a refreshing challenge. Others might’ve balked at the daunting task, but Vio is looking forward to it. It’s time to show off.
With the constant barrage of arrows knocking out stalfoes, allowing Red and Blue more room to work with and giving Green a much needed relief , the numbers begin to thin. He’s even able to start getting hits on the charging moblins, stunning them just long enough for a quick burn or slash on them. There are only a few straggling plant monsters as well. 
It’s wrapping up. Vio observes as the Moblin he shot finally falls to the ground. It is time to regroup. Or it would’ve been. 
He doesn’t know what he feels first. He can’t even think to process it. The tension of every single muscle spasming. Millions of needles endlessly searing into his flesh. From the inside and outside. Little pieces of him, like miniature marbles bursting outward. The shock of the constant repeated force fracturing and fracturing. The burning in his chest, he can’t breathe. 
It’s so, so much, it’s too much. Without a single thought, other than the sensation of indescribable pain, he falls silently down the cliff. Even as his body crashes down onto the unforgiving rocks it still spasms. Red screams before Blue and Green even see what happened.
I can’t! No, no, no, no, no, no!!!! Red can’t panic right now, but by Hylia does he want to scream and selfishly look away-
It was horrible, and he saw every second of it. He had stepped back for just a moment, to chug a magic energizing potion. They still had more monsters to fight, after all, and his magic stores were nearly drained from using the rod so much. But then he saw a spark to his right, all the way up where Vio had gone. A sparkling, bright white yellow light, blasting into Vio’s back. Now, he watches.  
Vio looks like he’s choking, like every single bit of him was choking and dying . His piercing scream is silently cut off, and then he falls . He falls and falls until his back hits the rocks and he goes stumbling down, blood splattering against the rocks. Red doesn’t want to know where it’s all coming from. And then Vio is there, sprawled on the ground, a horrible finale. He’s still screaming. 
No, no Vio isn’t the one who’s screaming. He can see his bloody face against the dirt. Red is. 
Blue grabs his arm, nearly shaking him as he tells him to LOOK before he runs off to Vio. Red’s shaking, then he follows Green’s startled eyes they lead back to the top of the cliff. He can only stare as a hulking Darknut trudges behind a row of stubby moblin archers, and even more stalfoes that have already begun jumping off to attack them. Oh, and a bunch of tektites. Because, well, why not at this point?
 Red usually tries to stay optimistic, because you can’t get anything done if you always have a bad attitude all the time for no reason but- Honestly? He’s pretty sure he hates EVERYTHING right now. It’s, it’s alright though- They, they’ve got him- Well, well they all would if Vio was down. But, it isn’t the time to focus on that, they have to keep them away from Vio and defeat them! 
Just because he’s terrified that Vio could be dying this very second, doesn’t mean he can just start crying when they need him! He will go on, and he will be hopeful! Because Green and Blue need him, and they trust him to at least support them! Red refuses to let them down. Even if he really wants to go cry in a hole right now. 
Green screams at Blue, “ DON’T MOVE HIM! We need to get them away from him, Red get here and create a blast! Cut them off!”
Red’s already sprinting. Blue’s hammer smashes into another stunned skull from Green’s boomerang. They’re working to get the monsters away from Vio. The second he arrives the entire earth THUDS as the colossal Darknut finally joins the battle. It’s beady eyes, under its helmet land on Red. 
“HEYYYY!!!, come here you, uh, you ugly face!!!” The monster trudges forward, away from Vio and towards him. The Colossal Axe glistens, ready to slice into him in seconds. 
“Yeahh!” Red waves his fire rod, sparkling in the burning sunlight, like a shiny fish in front of a starved beast. “Come here!!!”
The axe whizzes through the air with the speed of a bolt of lightning, ready to spear him into two. Red barely dodges. Before the monstrosity can take an even more petrifying swing, Green’s magical boomerang connects. The powerful thing freezes the beast for a valuable 5 seconds. 
Within those 5 seconds a few things happen. A small series of whistles rings throughout the battle field within seconds, a code that only they know.  During their quest, they had learned that just yelling out to each other with their own plans always ended up poorly. Maybe, they were all just too stubborn in their own plans, but it definitely wasn’t helped by the fact they could barely hear each other at times. Sensitive Hylian ears or not, in the midst of battles words become drowned out easily. 
Green’s message, a mix of quick patterns, order: B-G- Core Threats & Close Combat- R- Long Distance Quick. Blue and Green would take care of the strongest enemies and the ones that required close combat. Red would take care of the archers,as fast as possible so he could provide them aid. He could run and prepare ahead just on instinct before he even processed it. It was a mercy, afterall… Every second in a battle is precious, especially with someone left in total vulnerability. 
Red breathes in, the blins are readying their bows.  Then exhales, a small yet vicious blast of fire spirals forward causing at least two of them to shriek as they desperately try to put themselves out. His shield is already out by the time the other three’s arrows have hit his shield. As much as Red would prefer to shoot more and scorch them while going in and out, that just wasn’t an option. The best way to stop them from shooting far out into the others, was to get in the way before they could do that. 
Red forces his way through with his shield to break their line and immediately his sword lunges straight into the throat of one of those wretched things. He has to take care of the other monsters, but Red let’s himself smile a moment at the sign of the bubbling blood. Good . He hoped that was the one that shot Vio. 
He has to dodge back quickly in the next moment though, despite the moblins having nothing but bows and arrows, that didn’t make them useless in the slightest. While the armor would definitely protect him from slashes it certainly wouldn’t protect him from their nasty claws aiming at his throat and eyes. 
He hacks away at another one that leapt out in front of him before he even got the chance to orient himself. Keep it steady, keep the pace and breathe. Red tries to slash at one of the monster’s belly, but he’s off balance by one of the burnt ones slashing at his leg! I really need to do better!! Red mentally slapped himself, how’d that one even get there? He seriously needed to keep track of everything or else he’d be hit in his blind spot again. Next time may not be so lucky. His free foot crushes the bastard's neck as he blocks more scrabbling claws away with his shield. 
Red is skewering the one that he had shoved off when he sees the two remaining unburnt monsters dashing toward him with arrows in their hands. What the hell? Oh, the arrows were sparkling yellow with the same crackling sound as a bomb about to burst. It was familiar. Vio . 
All three are charging and from the looks of it they’re trying to trap him with two heading up to his sides and the first one straight in front of him. Red charges right back at the right one bashing into it’s skull with his sword and spinning around, sword first, to face the others. It’s BURNING-  
His sword clumsily sliced into an arm, but the arrows- Those arrows, the moment of contact of it against his own sword make his arm convulse in pain as he yells out. Red’s sword is on the ground. The monster, reeling from its own pain, slashes back at him. Thankfully his armor prevents it from truly getting him. It’ll definitely bruise though. The pain threatens to bring him down, but gasping for air with teary eyes he forces his wobbly legs up anyways. Like the lightning wizzrobe- This doesn’t make sense- Oh great fairies please-
Red knows the dangers of magical exhaustion, he’d lived through it several times on their quest. Vio’s words echoed in his mind, “ Take care to not overdo it! Potions may provide a great boost and aid in recovery, but your body still needs time. You’re exhausted… Green was right about how dangerous it is, besides-” and then Vio softly grinned, “ If you’re too tired who’s going to keep us going? We need your laughter, alright?”
He can already feel the aching soreness creeping on the edge of his fingers. He grabs the rod anyways, and this time there’s a blast. Red doesn’t know quite how it’s happening, but the strange arrows seem to make the flames stronger. They topple onto the Earth and the last half-dead burnt straggler has finished crawling its way to him. Red’s sword in his uninjured hand stabs into the beast’s guts with a wet sound. It dies slowly, scraping at his feet desperate to fight until it's inevitable death. Then, just like the others it rapidly deteriorates into a puddle of steaming filth on the ground. 
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