#and he did it in a fucking piers morgan interview
alexi-01 · 1 year
luis rubiales resigned
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teddykaczynski · 11 months
watching an interview marianne williamson did with piers morgan and at one point he literally mansplained the role of president to her like fucking hell
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allycat75 · 2 months
OK, possible unpopular opinion...
But I'm pretty sick and tired of these rich as fuck actors digging in for yet another empty cash grab.
Looking at you RDJ. What, paychecks not big enough after your fucking Oscar you felt you needed to go back to Marvel and the "I'm all out of ideas so let's fuck with the timelines and ruin the good feelings people felt when I did this originally" trope.
And why do you need more money? Preparing to rescue additional degenerate friends?:
And for anyone ready to defend Armie, please check out the documentary about him and his fucked up family (something RDJ knows something about as well):
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog 367: Mon 20th Mar 2023
I watched an interview of Richard Dawkins on Piers Morgan’s show and it really made me ask myself some meaningful questions…questions like “Piers Morgan has a show? Really? What station? Talk TV? I’ve never heard of that before is that definitely a TV station? How is it doing? Really, THAT badly? Up early once again in order to get one final last taxi to work. Since the bike fucked up I have spent nearly £100 just on getting to work purely because I have no confidence in the buses to turn up when they're supposed to. What did I do to all these bus drivers to make them confer and decide that they always need to be at least 10 minutes late every time I need to get a bus somewhere? Did I impregnate the head of the bus company's mother and then blackmail her into getting an abortion or something? This was the last day of my penultimate stretch of workdays before I set off to the States. Luckily I was told that I’d be in stow all day which was a fucking relief. Today really dragged but not as much as it would have if I'd have been on stow. Four fucking shifts left to go before I’m off to the States for WRESTLEMANIA AND THE LA LAKERS!
Thankfully last night the Lakers beat the Orlando Magic thanks solely to Austin Reaves who the fans rightfully chanted MVP at throughout the game. At the half time mark as the Lakers were leaving the court Darvin Hamm walked straight last all the other players, put his hand around Reaves and whispered something to him. I imagine he said “Help me Austin Reaves, you’re my only hope”. He looked like a guy who’d been stranded in the desert for a week and suddenly saw a pizza truck drive past. I'll be honest even though I love basketball (I fucking should do after getting a Lakers logo tattooed on me) I'm still not at the level of super fandom where I will watch every single game and learn all the stats about the players. At the start of the season I still only catch the odd game but when it gets to this time of the year where every win really starts to matter I'm overwrought with anticipation and nerves. Growing up I was never a sports fan but seeing the comradery and passion that sports fans have and the fact that they have a regular routine and something to dedicate themselves to always made me want to start following a sport. Five years ago I saw that the subscription to the NBA app was relatively cheap so based solely on the fact that the Laker's logo looked the most beautiful out of all the other teams I decided to start following them and I've been hooked ever since. On my days off when I know the Lakers have a game scheduled that day I've been feverishly looking at my phone all day to see how much longer I have to wait and I never thought I'd be this excited about sport. I've wanted to get into another sport for a while and have given a few of them a try. Baseball is great but the fact that it can last six hours is too much for my little attention span and I also gave hockey a go, enjoyed it very much but I can't be dealing with those fucking blackout restrictions. I've wanted to give the NFL a try for a while too but it seemed a bit pricey until I found out that the NFL season only lasts five months and now it doesn't seem so expensive so come football season I'm going to start supporting the Denver Broncos, based solely on the fact that the kids from South Park are Broncos fans.
News broke today that Andy Kaufman will be the celebrity inductee of the WWE Hall of Fame this year. One celebrity name that never gets mentioned for Hall of Fame contention is Mickey Rourke but I think if Drew Carey can be in there for his one pay per view appearance where he had a segment backstage with HHH where he told him that he doesn’t watch the show, then later had a minute long segment with Kane in the Rumble match, then I think Rourke is fair game too. Rourke similarly only had one appearance but at least it coincided with a storyline that happened on the show where he knocked out Chris Jericho for disrespecting past superstars.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Can you write a little mix member x avengers cast?? Maybe?
Hello love! Thank you for the request, I apologize for taking so long to work on it! I’ve written this as a headcanon, since I haven’t done any of those in a while. I hope you like it❤️
The Marvel Cast Finds Out You’re In Little Mix
Why is this lowkey a crack fic/headcanon😭💀
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Alrighty so, I feel like they probably wouldn’t know you’re part of a band or who Little Mix is.
Since SADLY, the girls aren’t as big in the States as we’d like them to be:(
The people who definitely might know you are ✨The Brits✨ and Scarlett because she has a young daughter who probably listened to Wings or something—kids find everything on the internet these days.
Working with Marvel was your first acting gig; so none of them knew anything about you or if you’ve been in other films, etc.
Except for Tom Holland, who was lowkey fangirling at the fact he gets to work with one of the Little Mix members.
Side note: he’ll be deeply offended when he figures out the others don’t know about Little Mix or that you can sing.
The rest of the cast (RDJ, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Seb, Lizzie, etc.) had a hunch that you were some kind of writer.
You were always humming to yourself and writing in your notebook or typing down notes in your phone when something came to mind.
Though they didn’t pry at your business because—well, it wasn’t their business.
They could find out about your other job through many ways. Maybe you guys are doing promo and some interviewers mention the band and things about a new album, to which most of them were confused about.
“So (Y/n), I know this is your first time acting. How different was it from performing on stage and acting on camera?”
Everyone’s attention would be on you (this is a panel btw) Mackie’s looking at the back of your head in confusion, Robert fully turns in his seat to look at you, Lizzie is also curious, Evans is looking between you and the reporter—everyone is just confused.
“Performing on stage? Did you do Broadway (y/n/n)?” Evans asked. Tom (Holland) scoffed shaking his head, disgusted to be part of this group of uncultured swines.
You chuckled and shook your head, “No, I’m a singer. I’m part of a girlband.”
The whole cast gasped in shock. Mackie let out a loud “WHAT?!”. Robert leaned even closer to you trying to see if you were lying. Others whispered amongst themselves asking each other if they knew.
Tom (Holland) just sat back watching everyone’s reactions along with you. Amused at the amount of questions that were suddenly being thrown your way.
He’d also be quick to add, “NOT just ANY girlband, but the biggest girlband on the planet.”
For clarification, Tom’s a very proud Mixer.
Scarlett finally recognized you, knowing that she’s seen you somewhere before, but could never put her finger onto it. “Wait you’re from Little Mix!”
“THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME TASTE!” Tom yelled, dramatically turning to Scarlett.
After the initial shock, everyone was very curious. They wanted to hear your music, wanted to know the other members, when your next tour was—they were very ecstatic.
When you guys finally reached London for the press tour, there was a lot of hype for Little Mix because you guys were going to finally reunite after months of being apart.
The girls were allowed to visit set, but since you guys were working on your new album, they were stuck in London. You were relocated to Atlanta, filming an Avengers movie and working on the album via FaceTime/Zoom.
You and the girls reunite the same night you land in London! As tired as you were, the five of you hung out in your hotel room.
You were all excited for the days to come. Not only were you doing promo for the movie but you and the girls were going to be performing again on night time talk shows and were having a Live Lounge session with BBC Radio 1.
The panel of the cast discovering you were part of a band went viral. Many of the fans couldn’t believe they didn’t know about your other job.
There were even edits going around social media of the cast looking clueless and or reacting to your ‘secret’.
Then there were ones like “Tom Holland being a Mixer for 10 minutes and 57 seconds straight”.
Your favorite one was where they zoomed in on everyone’s confused expression while that one Nicki Minaj song played in the background.
It was mentioned in almost every interview after it went viral.
“So none of you had a clue that (y/n) was also a singer? Like at all?”
“I didn’t even know homegirl could sing, matter of fact I never imagined her to be in a girlband.” — Anthony Mackie
“I had a hunch that she was a musician or artist, but no one ever listens to me.” — Chris Evans
“(Y/n)’s in a girlband? Since when?” — Paul Rudd
“After we found out, I listened to all six of their albums on the flight here.” — Elizabeth Olsen
“Of course I knew, my music taste is immaculate compared to the others.” — Tom Holland
“Shut the fuck up, Tom.” — Anthony Mackie
“I really enjoy Black Magic, it reminds me of Wanda.” — Paul Bettany
The cast was so eager to hear you sing and watch you perform with the girls.
They finally got to do that when you invited them to the Live Lounge session. They also got to meet the girls.
You were very happy at that moment; seeing the two groups of people you love meeting each other and getting along meant a lot to you. It gave you a lil warm tingle in your heart.
Since there were no fans in the studio, it was only you and the girls, the band, and a bunch of the Avengers.
While the cameras rolled and you guys were performing, they were crowded together behind the scenes. Some of them were sitting on the carpeted floors or standing against the walls.
They were absolutely stunned when they heard you sing. You had a powerful voice that ranged from high to low, something they never expected of you.
When they heard you and the girls sing or harmonize with each other, it was like they were all in heaven.
“They sound like angels.”
“My ears are tingling, but like in a good way.”
“Seriously, how did we not know she can sing like this?”
“Hear me out—this is a perfect reason as to why we should have an Avengers musical.”
“Chris if we hear you bring up a damn musical one more time I swear.”
“Their voices go so well together, how do they even do that?”
Scarlett would secretly film videos to show her daughter. I have a feeling that Evans, Tom, RDJ, Sebby, and Mark would record some parts as well and would post it onto their Insta stories.
When fans found out they were at the Live Lounge they freaked out.
Ever since they found out you were in a band, they’ve been the biggest fans and supporters of the group.
They’re always promoting your albums on their social media accounts without you even asking.
Privately and publicly praising you guys for performances or achievements.
Your two main groups clashed and now everyone was friends. It was definitely the most weirdest collision— Little Mix and the cast of the Avengers. But it worked out perfectly.
Everyone got along with each other and the girls would always visit you on set.
They’re always playing the band’s song in the background on set.
Most of them won’t admit, but they definitely memorized the lyrics to almost every song.
*cough cough* Mackie and Hemsworth
I feel like Samuel L. Jackson would join in on the action too, one way or another. Somehow he got looped in.
ANOTHER THING OMG, they would definitely stand up for you and the girls whenever Piers Morgan or some asshole hates on you guys or pulls a jab on you all.
Best beileve Evans will be calling him out publicly on Twitter.
“Why are you so worried about a bunch of talented women who are doing their job and bringing happiness to others? They’ve done nothing to you, you’re always the one making jabs at them. Leave them alone you fucking British meatball.”
I feel like Robert helped you and the girls find a better management company after learning about the unfair treatment you all faced under Simon’s care.
In conclusion: The Marvel cast would be ecstatic to learn about you being a singer and they’d become your biggest fans. They truly adore you and the girls for your amazing talent :’)
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mrs-dr-reid · 4 years
(A Criminal Minds Fic)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Summary: The team often misplaces Spencer in a crowd, and the Reader usually has to resort to “drastic measures” to find him so they can get back to work.
Genre: Sooooo fluffy, my guy.
Warnings: A few swears. One F-Bomb.
A/N: Okay, so, I love those tumblr posts where a fictional character can’t find their friend/sidekick/partner in a crowd, and they yell something to make the other person respond, then go, “Found him/her”, so that’s why I wrote this. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,630
Spencer Reid is notorious for getting lost and/or distracted when the team has to enter a large crowd on a case. And funnily enough, Y/N L/N is most known for always being able to find him again so the team can keep working. Albeit through unorthodox means. Here are the top four best instances of how Y/N found Spencer, and one of how Spencer found Y/N.
The team was canvassing the Santa Monica Pier in regards to a series of drownings in the area. Only problem was it was the busiest day of the week, and it was teeming with people. Hotch, Rossi, and JJ were back at the local police station setting up the investigation board, which left Emily, Derek, Spencer, and Y/N on canvas duty.
They spilt into pairs, and Derek and Emily took the left side of the pier while Spencer and Y/N took the right. After about 20 minutes, Derek called Y/N and said, “You’re on speaker, L/N. We’ve got nothing so far, Little Mama. How’s it going for you and Pretty Boy?”, so she replied, “We managed to get a few things that could be helpful. We’ll have to compare them against the case info, but that shouldn’t be too hard once we get back to the sta...tion,” but trailed off when she noticed Spencer was out of her eyeline.
She said, “Hey, Derek? You or Emily got eyes on Spencer?”, so he responded, “Can’t say we do. Why?”, and Y/N said, “I seem to have misplaced him,” while craning her neck to look around.
Emily said, “Should we try his cell?”, so Y/N said, “No. I’ve got this,” hung up, then cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “GEE, I SURE DO WISH SOMEONE COULD TELL ME HOW MANY KERNELS THERE ARE ON THE AVERAGE EAR OF CORN!!!”
A few seconds went by, then she heard Spencer yell from a churro stand, “STATISTICALLY, THERE ARE OVER 800 KERNELS ARRANGED IN 16 SEPARATE ROWS!”, which made Y/N smile and say, “Found him,” before working her way through the crowd to get to Spencer.
He offered her a churro with a smile, so she accepted it and said, “Thank you. Alright, back to the station with you, Churro Boy,” before grabbing his arm and pulling him along with her.
JJ, Hotch, Spencer, and Y/N were checking out the dumpsite for the latest victim in a series of strangulations in Shipshewana, Indiana. The body was found in an alley by a flea market, and while Hotch was talking to the local police on the scene and JJ was questioning the garbage truck driver who discovered the body, Y/N looked up from examining the body and realized that Spencer had wandered off when she wasn’t paying attention, making her whisper, “Goddamnit, not again,” and try to locate Spencer in the sea of heads flowing through the flea market.
Hotch walked over to her and said, “We’re heading back to the station. You know where Reid is?”, so she said, “Not yet, but we both will momentarily,” which made him shoot her a confused look. JJ came over to them, noticed Hotch’s confusion, then said, “You’ll see,” just before Y/N yelled, “I WONDER IF SHERLOCK HOLMES WAS BASED ON A REAL PERSON!!!”
Just before Hotch could ask what that meant, Spencer yelled back, “HE IS!!! SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE MODELED HIM AFTER ONE OF HIS MEDICAL SCHOOL PROFESSORS, DR. JOSEPH BELL!”, which made Y/N smile, say, “There he is,” and pat Hotch’s arm before going to get Spencer. JJ said, “Told you,” and went to get in the SUV.
Y/N found Spencer at a second-hand book stall, and he held up a slightly worn copy of Gone With the Wind and said, “Nearly mint condition for six bucks! Can you believe it?”, so she responded, “Crazy. Let’s get moving, Bookworm,” and grabbed his hand to bring him back over to the SUV.
Rossi, Spencer, and Y/N were retracing an unsub’s footsteps through a farmer’s market in Nashville, Tennesse because Emily had made the connection that all four previous victims and the latest victim in a series of abduction-homicides had made purchases there before they vanished.
Rossi took the north end of the market while Spencer and Y/N took the south. After the two of them had interviewed five stall owners, Y/N noticed the absence of a 6’1” shadow looming over her. She took a quick look around her, let out an annoyed sigh when she couldn’t spot Spencer, then said to the owner of the strawberry stall, “Thank you for the information. Now if you’ll excuse me, I seem to have lost track of my colleague,” before venturing into the crowd.
Y/N called Rossi and said, “Did Spencer make his way over to you?”, which prompted his response of, “He did not. Why? Did he wander off on you again?”, so she said, “Yup. I swear, that man has the attention span of a golden retriever. I’ll find him, one sec,” then hung up and put her phone in her pocket. She yelled, “HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO KNOW THE EXACT NUMBER OF RIVETS THERE ARE IN THE EIFFEL TOWER?!!”, and waited, apologizing to the patrons in her near vicinity for her volume.
Spencer’s voice came from a handful of stalls down with the reply of, “THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 2,500,000!!!”, which made her mutter, “Bingo,” before heading in the direction of his voice. She found him at a homemade donut stand, and he held up a brown paper bag while saying, “She had my favorite! Chocolate frosted with sprinkles! And she had yours too! Homemade bear claws!”, which made her say, “Excellent. Remind me to put a bell on you when we get back to the precinct,” before taking his arm in hers and dragging him off to find Rossi.
Emily, Spencer, and Y/N were tasked with scoping out the latest crime scene in a series of stabbings in Duluth, Minnesota. This particular crime scene happened to be right near a pop-up carnival, and while Emily was talking to the local police, Y/N was interviewing the witnesses, and Spencer was surveying the scene, Y/N turned her head to see that Spencer was no longer by the crime scene.
She whispered, “Son of a bitch,” just as Emily came over to her, which prompted Emily to say, “Reid go AWOL, again?”, and Y/N to respond, “And the man swears he doesn’t have ADHD,” making Emily laugh slightly before saying, “Do your thing, Girlfriend,” and going back to talk to the lead detective.
Y/N yelled, “IF ONLY SOMEONE KNEW HOW LONG PLAYING CARDS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR!!!”, and a few seconds later, Spencer yelled back, “PLAYING CARDS WERE FOUND IN CHINA THAT DATED BACK TO AT LEAST THE TANG DYNASTY, WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN FROM AROUND 618 TO 907 A.D.!!!”, which made her mumble, “Yep. Boy Genius located,” before trotting off to look for him.
She found him at the cotton candy vendor with a bag full of the sugary pink stuff, and when she shot him an exasperated look, he said, “What? I was done looking over the crime scene!”, so she grabbed his hand and said, “One of these days, I’m buying you a backpack leash,” before dragging him back to where Emily was, but not before she snatched a handful of cotton candy from the bag he was holding.
The whole team was out on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana looking to catch an unsub in the act of hunting for their next victim when Y/N got separated from Spencer and Derek. When Spencer noticed, he said, “Hey, Morgan. Did you see where Y/N went?”, which made Derek say, “Nah, man. I thought you two were joined at the hip. Y’all are coming up on three months now,” and wink at Spencer.
He scoffed and said, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she won’t wander off,” before the two men tried looking around in an attempt to spot her. Derek said, “Huh. Normally she’s the one that has to track you down, Pretty Boy. This must be one hell of a role reversal,” and ruffled Spencer’s hair.
Spencer shrugged him off, then said, “Hang on, I want to try something,” and Derek said, “Alright. Get your girl, Lover Boy,” so Spencer rolled his eyes, then cupped his mouth with his hands and yelled, “SPENCER REID IS THE WORST PROFILER IN THE BAU!!!”, and it took less than three seconds for Y/N to yell back, “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!”, from a few yards away.
Derek burst out laughing, and Spencer smiled fondly before saying, “Found her,” and going to look for Y/N. He found her near some street musicians playing a variety of jazz songs, and when they started playing “La Vie en Rose” by Louis Armstrong, Spencer said, “It’s our song, Y/N/N,” which made her jump before saying, “Yeah, it is,” with a wistful smile on her face.
Spencer wrapped an arm around her waist, then led her back to where Derek was waiting while saying, “You’re never going to live that down. You know that, right?”, so she smacked his chest and said, “Yeah, I know. And here I was always teasing you for wandering away from the group,” before smiling and kissing his cheek.
Spencer smiled, then pressed a quick kiss to her lips before they rejoined Derek to keep an eye out for the unsub, but both Spencer and Y/N had a bit more pep in their step.
Tag List: @homoose, @hurricanejjareau , @xgoldentigerlilyx, @therestisconfettis, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @aryaarathornson, @thomasgibsonfan01
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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So it’s the 1DDay anniversary and as someone who wasn’t in the fandom at the time, I’ve had to catch up on it more recently. I also work in tv production and when I tell you that my mind was BLOWN by how poorly produced that whole thing was. I couldn’t believe my eyes — constant technical mistakes (the Dr Who thing with Louis and Niall is a major example), no actual direction, terrible terrible writing. Also, the guestlist could have only been put together by a bunch of old British white men — Jerry Springer, Piers Morgan, Simon cowell, the Guinness record people?! When producing something geared towards teen girls?! Wtf. The boys did their best and their charm really saved the day, as per usual, but the whole thing is just baffling and it really is a major example of how the biggest boy band in the world could be managed so poorly. Like, if they had any actual power or say in those creative choices, you can bet that they would have never ever worked with Ben Winston or any of the other people involved ever again. I think you need to watch just an hour of that hot mess to realize that at that stage, they had no negotiating power with their management. None. Zero.
At least we got a ton of Louis sassing everyone, and Harry serenading him. So there’s that.
you said it, kind anon. it's genuinely baffling. it's so bad i almost want to think it was done that way on purpose. you can tell louis was fuming and i don't think it was just bc of the fucked up production. the guests, as you said... fucking piers morgan interviewing them... louis genuinely hated parts of it, bc of the bts shit and obviously bc he knew it wasn't up to standards to deliver to their fans (despite us loving it anyway ofc) and then they all still did their best to turn on the charm to make it the best day possible, despite the fuck-ups. mm as an album was a huge step in the right direction but yep, they still had such a long way to go and i am not implying they reached their end goal
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
hi jen! so, there was something in harry’s bh&g interview that left me a bit confused and i’d love to hear your thoughts on it. when he talked about feeling ashamed of people knowing he has a sex life and feeling like that was smthn he had to hide or couldn’t talk about, it puzzled me a little. because harry+sex was never something that the media and gp walked on eggshells about, quite the contrary. since the very beginning of the band he was painted as the lothario womanizer that fucked everything that walked, and he hasn’t gone longer than a year without being linked to a woman publicly ever since he became famous. his public image has always been sex-heavy, i mean he’s even talked about how much it used to bother him being viewed as a sex icon. and like, if you don’t believe that public narrative and you’re a larrie for example, that still applies. larries have always talked about harry and louis having sex, i know they claimed “no control” and etc. and if you’re not a larrie/think they’ve an open relationship/think harry is gay and closeted, he’s been linked to plenty other men before who people speculated about him having sex with, like xander and nick. so idk, i feel like it’s never been an aspect that’s been hidden purposefully, at least not when it comes to harry. i feel like niall suffered from that a little bit bc he had to maintain that single easygoing friendly chirpy lad image. but the way harry talked about it seemed like he went through what the jonas brothers or other disney stars have, and i just don’t see it? anyways, i’d love to know your opinion! xx
Well, first off, did you read the article? Because this is what he said, full text here:
Recently Styles began to work through issues related to intimacy, dating, love. "For a long time, it felt like the only thing that was mine was my sex life. I felt so ashamed about it, ashamed at the idea of people even knowing that I was having sex, let alone who with," he said. The life of a boy band member is something of a Ken Doll existence—a smooth nothingness where sex should be. One must be flirtatious (swoon!) without ever being seen to have sex, let alone casual sex. One must project the intrigue of a bad boy without ever doing anything bad; you are an object, an image, onto which people project fantasies, not a person who actually does things, who gets messy. "At the time, there were still the kiss-and-tell things. Working out who I could trust was stressful," Styles said. "But I think I got to a place where I was like, why do I feel ashamed? I'm a 26-year-old man who's single; it's like, yes, I have sex."
Unless I ask him directly, I'll never know (my invasive questions aren't about how/who Harry Styles fucks, I want the breakdowns on some of the specific fallings out, the decisions made on various fronts, etc.), but I would imagine that it must have felt (still feels!!) pretty dehumanizing to have EVERYONE speculating about your sex life, and with very specific opinions about it (from fans on down to randos on the street, Piers Morgan, you name it). I think he has also felt (still feels!) strongly about the core privacy he's had to claw back (this article points out how there are literally zero baby photos of him that aren't currently online), and it's not hard to imagine that your sexuality and all the ways you go about discovering it aren't things you want as an international cultural talking point. But he ALSO also talks about how he felt a lot of pressure to conform to strict guidelines about "cleanliness," being the perfect idol for young kids, having anxiety about not wanting to be the one who screws it up, and I don't think that magically goes away when you're dealing with record contract pressures (same circus, different monkeys). And meanwhile, he wants to fuck! I get it! Where am I going with this? Idk, but trying to reconcile what you want to do privately with the fact that everything about you is up for public consumption all while you're meant to be this easily accessible brand is just one of many fine lines
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 years
i hate piers morgan i want to fucking push him off a cliff but the interview he did w paris bennett was good but i can’t stand watching it bc i hate piers morgan why did it have to be HIM
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d2kvirus · 3 years
Dickheads of the Month: March 2021
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of March 2021 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
It was brainless enough when the Metropolitan Police suggested that Sarah Everard’s death could be blamed on her for walking home alone at night - but when it turned out that it was a police officer who murdered her, who had also been previously let off at least one case of publicly exposing himself entirely because he was a police officer, brainless left the table and instead we found ourselves noticing they were trying to blame the victim while had covered up for the eventual perpetrator
...while we also had the angry men of Twitter respond to Janie Jones’ clearly not serious suggestion that if a 6pm curfew for women were to be introduced then she would call for a 6pm curfew for men with all manner of bile, shouting, finger-pointing, and comments which the police might just so happen to want to look into
...while smirking bully Priti Patel also managed to get her oar in, as various Reclaim The Streets Vigils were shut down by the police (which is a good look, all things considered...) using the legislation that Patel rushed through a few days earlier to combat BLM protests several months after the BLM protests happened
...but then the Metropolitan Police managed to pivot the focus back onto themselves with their heavy-handed tackling of a vigil on Clapham Common that ended up with them handcuffing various women who were there - which they weren’t so keen to do when Kate Middleton was there - before releasing a statement that boiled down to “Look what you made us do” and then rushing to protect a statue of Winston Churchill for no reason whatsoever but making sure to have lots of photos of them protecting their precious statue anyway
...but then the Tory government demanded they get the last word by bulldozing through their boot stamping on a human face forever policing bill that bans all forms of protests due to it causing “annoyance” as if protesting against the ills of society is the same thing as somebody cutting in front of you in the supermarket queue or not holding open a door
...although the Metropolitan Police did try and regain their title as Biggest Dickheads the following week when an anti-lockdown march featuring professional victim Lawrence Fox and fecal enthusiast Gillian McKeith was met by the police letting them walk in a large, huddled mass without a mask between them and didn't lift a single finger
...and there’s nothing sinister about how the BBC failed to broadcast a single item saying the bill had been bulldozed through, while the piece on their website was buried instead of being on the front page
...and then at the buzzer Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services published a report saying that the police acted appropriately at the vigil, in spite of a wealth of evidence and eyewitness testimony saying they absolutely fucking didn’t
Of course we can trust the Tory government when they publish a report stating that racism isn't a systemic issue in the United Kingdom, even when various people cited as experts for this report were very surprised to hear that they were part of it given they were never asked for their input
So it has been found that proven liar Boris Johnson misled parliament over the Covid contracts being doled out by the Tories, which I’m sure will lead to widespread calls in the media for his resignation - or are we to believe that the real reason for the British media calling for Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation is down to something different?
To sum up the British press completely losing their minds about the Meghan Markle interview, we had various royal correspondents responding to some of the more serious allegations with a combination of vicious smears that don’t debunk a single thing she said or outright misrepresenting what she said to try and tip the narrative in the Royals’ favour, while the Press Gazette issued a statement rejected her claims of bigotry in the British media that can easily be disproved in seconds with photos of various front pages of The Sun, the Daily Mail and the Daily Express on whichever subject you wish to choose - which was supported unintentionally by Ian Murray trying to shout down criticism having been presented with examples of such bigotry live on air - and in response to Murray’s hapless showing, the Society of Editors put out a mealy-mouthed nonpology that pretended that nobody ever said anything about bigotry...before suggesting Murray bugger off
...although Piers Moron Morgan picked up the baton for nastiness by first accusing Meghan of making up that she had suicidal thoughts and immediately after the interview aired it was announced that Meghan’s estranged father was lined up for an interview, although it does have to be said he was far from the only person to respond by throwing that at Meghan like a rock - only to then flounce out of the Good Morning Britain studio when called out for his bullshit, shortly before being told to hand in his resignation or else
So after Keir Starmer tore up the ballot for the Liverpool mayoral election last months, you would expect him to name a new list of candidates that was more to his liking - which is cynical enough - right?  Wrong, instead he backed the government's plans to seize control of the city, meaning that Keir Starmer handed over the Labour stronghold of Liverpool to the Tories with no fucking questions asked
Further enhancing public trust in the police was Andy Marsh of Avon and Somerset Police claiming that several of his officers suffered broken bones and one a punctured lung dealing with the protests in Bristol - which turned out to be a complete lie, a lie told by the Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police, as not a single officer was treated for any of those injuries
...and a few days later Avon and Somerset Police apparently had to deal with mindless thugs attacking police batons with their faces and seated protesters holding up their hand throwing themselves into their riot shields.  Oh wait, that isn't what happened, instead they waded in swinging batons and using blading tactics with their shields
Nice to know that the Tory government are so in control of the Covid pandemic that somebody with the Brazilian variant got through the tough measures of testing people on arrival by simply not filling out the form - and it was three weeks before the Tory government admitted this had happened
...and the main response appeared to be Chris Philp posting a lot of tweets pointing the finger at Croydon council for something completely unrelated the same day it emerged the person with the Brazilian variant was in Croydon, which looked like a blatant attempt to game Twitter’s search algorithm
Smirking bully Priti Patel ended up having to pay off Sir Philip Rutnam to make his claims against her go away after an expensive court case with the taxpayer footing the bill, which I’m sure will lead to widespread calls in the media for his resignation - or are we to believe that the real reason for the British media calling for Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation is down to something different?   
Nice guy Rishi Sunak wowed people with his Budget, where he gave NHS staff a 1% pay raise that, in some cases, amounts to £3.50 a week which won’t even cover the fees to park at their place of work, claims that he wouldn’t raise taxes while sneaking in tax hikes, bunging an additional £15bn to Serco for their woeful Test & Trace system, and also pretending that the UK could pursue freeports now that they're out of the EU in spite the UK having seven freeports between 1998-2012 - but we’re supposed to ignore all of that because he paid to have ludicrously self-aggrandising videos of himself made
Smirking bully Priti Patel not only somehow managed to pay £5400 in a single trip to Primark, nearly £7000 in two trips to a restaurant, and £700 on cupcakes,  but also claimed the lot on her expenses - however she most certainly did not spend £77,000 on having her eyebrows done, as that business was wound up  2018, meaning she spend £77,000 somewhere - which of course led to widespread calls in the media that she resign
So nice of proven liar Boris Johnson to say how glad he is to hear that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is being released from prison in Iran.  Yes, that would be the same Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe who was imprisoned in Iranian prison due to proven liar Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who was then Foreign Secretary, not reading his brief and then blurting out of she was guilty of the charges she was being held under which then led to her being given the prison sentence she has just been released from
In response to the Georgia shooting Fox News really read the mood of the nation when the debate was about anti-Asian hate and incel terrorism by doing their damndest to make sure the message told everyone who the real victim was: the shooter, that poor white boy that he is
It was so nice of proven liar Boris Johnson to arrange a charity gala to...hang on, let me check my notes, raise funds so that Carrie Symonds could redecorate her Downing Street flat
According to Andrew Pierce he doesn't see Meghan Markle as black.  Apparently it didn’t occur to Andrew Pierce how that sounds, a.) Really fucking bad, and b.) Like Andrew Pierce has reached the next level of Whitesplaining, which shall henceforth be called Whitekeeping
There’s something definitely sinister about the BBC seeing a clip where Charlie Stayt made a quip about known swindler Robert Jenrick having a huge photo of The Queen and an (upside down) union flag in his office, yet their response was to demand that Naga Munchetty publicly apologise for giggling
As if David Cameron fucking up the country in a failed bid to gain political advantage isn’t enough reason for him to be banned from going within five miles of Westminster, him calling up Rishi Sunak to see if he could get some people in the Treasury make the financial problems that Greensill Capital, who Cameron just so happens to have a stake in, certainly counts as another very good reason
Fish fetishist John Redwood reacted to the US removing trade tariffs on British cheese and British Scottish whisky by proudly crowed from the rooftops that this would not happen if we were still in the EU.  Three hours later the US removed trade tariffs on all EU cheese and alcohol exports
In another bout of Keir Starmer uniting the Labour party he decided that Anneliese Dodds would be removed as Shadow Chancellor for failing to effectively communicate the party’s vision as if it was Dodds’ fault for the poor poll results - only to do a quick 180 and back Dodds when the main response to this reason was “What the hell?”
The only surprise about The Core being exposed as a dodgy grift that was being secretly bankrolled by the deep pockets of Tim Rutherford-Browne is that it actually took so long for somebody to expose this - because it sure as hell wasn’t a surprise that Twitter account for The Core, plus the accounts and sock puppets run by Rutherford-Browne, very quickly vanished
Of course The Daily Mail and The Sun would both devote far more time and column inches to Angela Rayner claiming expenses for her air pods and rile their readership into an all too predictable frenzy than they would ever devote to, say, tens of billions of pounds worth of taxpayer’s money being siphoned off into the pockets of various Tory MPs’ mates no matter how unqualified or ill-equipped those people happen to be to fulfill those contracts
Clag peddler Gilson B Pontes demonstrated how ill-equipped they are to deal with fair criticism of their god-awful games (which Sony somehow keeps allowing on their store) by abusing Youtube’s copyright system to try and get Jim Sterling’s account terminated - and failed, thus drawing far more attention to Pontes trying to abuse the system, and Youtube doing fuck all about it even though this issue has persisted for years by this point
Are we going to hear about how Andrew Beattie is the latest victim of “cancel culture” or are we going to hear that Beattie could have started his message about how inclusive Beattie Communications in a better way than literally saying “At Beattie Communications, we don’t hire blacks, gays or Catholics”?  Gee, let me guess which one...
...and then Burger King make the exact same error by trying to tweet out a message of inclusivity on International Women’s Day, which was doomed when the first tweet of the chain said just five words: “Women belong in the kitchen”
There’s something perverse about Electronic Arts being hit with a scandal involving FUT cards from the FIFA series not because they’re clearly a form of gambling that the company have gotten away with for many years outside of a few countries who call it what it is, but because it turns out an EA employee has been selling the rarest FUT cards on the black market for several hundred pounds per bundle to many willing players who want to cheat the system.  The system of gambling.  Which is what FUT cards are
The Tories reached peak flag shagger when James Wild posed a series of questions about the lack of union flags in the BBC Annual Report, as if that means a goddamn thing
Sleazebag and alleged wrestler Joey Ryan thought he could pull a fast one and just so happen to improve his image for when the next round of SLAPP suits goes before the judge by organising an event called Wrestling For Women’s Charity - only for the entire grift to fall apart due to it being held by the company he owns, the charity itself having more than questionable backing, and the fact that Ryan was dumb enough that he tried to sneak his own face onto the poster and thought nobody would notice.  Coincidentally, once the poster was out, a lot of people noticed and the event was rapidly shut down.  Funny, that...
In the latest attempt by Gab to try and make themselves seem relevant they tweeted out some intense batshittery about preserving our way of life featuring a heavily-armed family (including the dog, which was also packing) around the barbeque.  There was one teeny tiny issue with this image: it was stolen art from the indie game The American Dream which actively satirises America’s obsession with guns, and all gab did was remove the watermarks from the picture (which they took without permission) for their rallying cry of “remember us?  We used to be where all the edgelords hung out before they went to Parler”
Once again Manchester United fans responded to a loss not by suggesting that the opponents played better but with racially abusing one of their players on social media, with Fred bearing the brunt of it this time in the wake of being knocked out of the FA Cup by Leicester
Forgotten 90s comedian Lee Hurst continued to be the face of angry white men on Twitter who think they’re funny by posting a tweet about Greta Thunberg that managed to be creepy, misogynistic, showing a remarkable failure to understand what condoms are made of, and worked out so well for him that Twitter promptly suspended his account 
And finally, irritatingly, we have Donald Trump and his proclamation that he won’t be creating a new political party for the 2024 election as he worries that he’ll split the Republican vote.  But Donald, you told us you were so popular, so surely both Republican and Democrat supporters will flock to your new party?  Or are you worried at losing two elections in a row?
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harry-sussex · 5 years
I am so tired of that sexist, egomaniac Piers Morgan. Remember how Meg and Harry got engaged and he was "happy" for them and even did a interview for a royal wedding special and talking about how sweet Meghan was? But when he didn't get an invite to the wedding, she's suddenly a "social climber" and a "waste of taxpayers money". He's the definition of entitlement....
Oh fuck Piers Morgan.  He’s the worst kind of person - a bottom-feeding egomaniac who takes advantage of anyone and anything that will keep his name in the press.  It was good for him to be on Meghan’s good side while the wedding fever was at its high and he’s switched gears now that it’s more profitable for him to hate on her.  I hope he falls into a sinkhole and never comes out.  He’s the fucking worst.
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yaz-the-spaz · 6 years
Last Month Tonight in Ziam (and Louis) News
…and here’s what you missed on glee ziam/ot3:
(basically for anyone who took a break from fandom, missed any major news, or just for whatever masochistic reasons wants a refresher of all the bullshit ziam/ot3 has had thrown their way over the last month or so, here’s a brief sum-up of what’s happened recently, in mostly chronological order i think?)
so first off in the whirlwind of ridiculous news, we got a story completely out of nowhere about zayn and liam suddenly supposedly being in a fued so bad that zayn wanted to “ban” Liam from the BAFTA afterparty just so zayn himself could attend and not have to be in the same room as liam
then we had liam pictured with both bella and g (and edward enninful and one of the kardashians i think? idk i can’t remember clearly my brain literally could not process the shit i saw and i blacked most of it out lol)
liam flew from london to new york to california then back to london then rome the next day then back to london AGAIN and then hong kong days later and then back to london ONCE A-FUCKING-GAIN...and then to antarctica then mars and then the south pole to see santa and then dug a hole straight through to china and flew back to london for the millionth time and so on and so on
“zayn” (aka zayn’s shitty smm) tweeted g a “love you” tweet apropos of nothing which g of course promptly ignored, making him look like a desperate and pathetic mentally unstable ass once again
the laomi bs continued into early march and then promptly fizzled out and hasn’t (i don’t think?) been mentioned since and seems to have been basically dropped by the press completely?
there was some jawaad-related drama that i’m not even gonna bother re-hashing here cause i’m like 87% sure it’s pure bs and/or fuckery, and even if it’s not it’s not really our business anyway but if you’re really curious you can peep my jawaad tag for more
zayn unfollowed jawaad, and then also unfollowed mykl out of the blue not long after
liam and louis somehow both got roped into twitter promo for the kardashians of all people (though on wildly opposite sides with louis bashing and liam defending, hashtag le sigh) but problematicness of it all aside, liam did gift us with the best new meme response that works for literally everything and is absolute gold all while dragging piers morgan’s dusty ass so i mean at least some good came out of it i guess?
not sure if it was before or after the show but liam got pictured at some point at the global awards looking like the saddest boy to ever sad with red-rimmed puffy eyes and cheeks...could’ve just been exhaustion from all the continued flying back and forth from pointless fashion event to fashion event but my gut tells me otherwise
dan wattpad released another one of his exclusive shit piles ahem i’m sorry “interviews” with louis in which he mentioned pretty much shit-all about his actual music and also used the whole thing as an opportunity to throw zayn under the bus even further by reigniting the flames of the zouis feud and insinuating it had to do with zayn breaking his promise to show up to support louis’ at his x-factor performance shortly after his mom passed, which given that it came from wattpad of all people is probably complete bs and pretty much confirms to me even more than zayn was most likely actually there (esp when considered on top of all the weirdness of not getting any pics of the band or even finding out any of them were there till like a year after the fact and even then i’m pretty sure we only ever got the one single suss ot4 backstage pic, which just begs the question why all the shadiness with who was or wasn’t there? and why bring it back up now of all times? but anyway i digress)
two of us was released and it’s absolutely amazing but it will make you cry so make sure you have tissues on hand and at the ready if you haven’t listened to it yet
i’m assuming pretty much everyone knows the news about fizzy at this point so the only thing i have to say on that is that it’s absolutely awful that fucking wattpad of all ppl was the one who broke the news and i sincerely hope that one day he gets what’s coming to him for all the disgusting shit he’s pulled but anyway just please remember to respect louis and his family rn and give them the privacy they need
anyway the latest drama if anyone missed it or isn’t aware is that the other day (on the 20th) zayn, or “zayn” tweeted about his ‘i’m with you’ rainbow bracelet and basically made it into a z*gi thing by saying it’s his favorite not because it supports a wonderful cause, but simply because g gave it to him 😑😑😑which ofc (righfully so) angered many lgbtq+ fans and doubled as making him look like the most disgusting asshole yet a-fucking-gain, and then to top it all off this morning (the morning of march 23rd for future reference) “he” tweeted and deleted a (rather shit) apology that went something like ‘sorry for being such a shitty person’...
oh and i’m pretty sure liam was supposed to have his dubai concert today for the global teacher appreciation thing but it’s been radio silence on his sm for days (even though we would normally be getting tons of ig stories and lead-up promo pics from him for this sort of thing) and as of 4:30pm EST not even so much as a sound check/rehearsal pic today has been posted and i’m very confused??? did it get cancelled? postponed? is it even still happening? did it ever actually exist??? am i real? is any of this real??
ETA 3/25/19: liam did perform and posted on sm about it only afterwards on twitter and IG, but according to fan reports he also didn’t seem to be his usual cheerful self so :( gotta wonder even more wth was going on…
anyway that’s what you missed on glee in ziam (and louis) news
(and good god sorry this got so long, i had forgotten myself just how much bullshit had happened in the last couple of months till i wrote it all out and seeing it all together like this i just...smdh when the fuck will it enddd)
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
The entire story from Vice, because the entire story tells us everything we need to know, or knew, or suspected anyway. I added the bold print, because those are the obvious indicators of a fucking idiot.
If there was any doubt whether Donald Trump understands how climate change works, he completely erased it on Wednesday.
During his state visit to the U.K., the president sat down with Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, and their meeting reportedly lasted 75 minutes longer than scheduled. The prince was trying to convince Trump that climate change is real. In recounting their exchange, Trump revealed some, um, gaps in his climate change knowledge.
“He is really into climate change, and I think that’s great,” Trump told Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain.” “What he really wants and what he really feels warmly about it is the future. He wants to make sure future generations have climate that is good climate, as opposed to a disaster, and I agree.”
A good climate, and not a bad climate. Noted, Mr. President.
“I did say, ‘Well, the United States right now has among the cleanest climates there are based on all statistics,’” the president added. “And it’s even getting better because I agree with that we want the best water, the cleanest water. It’s crystal clean, has to be crystal clean clear.”
“What people want to hear from you on climate change is that you basically understand that almost every scientist who looks into this believes that climate change is a very real and present danger,” Morgan told Trump during the interview. “Do you accept that?”
Trump blamed a deteriorating climate on other countries, who “don’t do the responsibility,” as he said. “China, India, Russia, many other nations, they have not very good air, not very good water, and the sense of pollution and cleanliness.”
“In terms of a planet, we’re talking about a very small difference between China and the U.S. and other countries,” he added. Indeed, carbon emissions affect the global climate. But air pollution, of the variety that makes it harder to breathe, largely doesn’t.
“Do you personally believe in climate change?” Morgan asked.
“I believe there’s a change in weather, and I think it changes both ways,” he said. “Don’t forget, it used to be called global warming, that wasn’t working, then it was called climate change. Now it’s actually called extreme weather, because with extreme weather you can’t miss.”
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Not only did Trump not bow or curtsy the Queen (which is a personal choice for foreign leaders but it has always been done by past presidents out of respect ) ... He also walked right in front of her and she constantly had to power walk to catch up to him.. Regardless of the fact that she is the Queen & most beloved & respected Royal, maybe some dont care for royalty but Shes an elderly lady and the way he behaved is arrogant and disgusting. Thank god no other member of BRF had to meet the slob
The best part about him leaving her behind for me is that I saw at least 3 articles and a video on Twitter about what he has to do when he meets the Queen and one of them is don’t walk ahead of her, my first thought after watching the video was “yeah, he’s gonna fuck this up"😂😂. The march looked amazing from everything I saw in my TL
I don’t mind him now bowing because I’ve always thought it was weird for a country which annually celebrates independence from the monarchy and the UK to bow to a representative of the British monarchy. But yeah, you don’t leave behind an old lady and walk off without her. But hey, he walks off without his wife all the time so why wait for an old lady? Did you read the interview he did with Piers Morgan? He referred to the Queen as “beautiful” five times- more than any other descriptor- and made sure we knew it was about her outer beauty too. Come on dude, don’t disrespect the Queen of all people! 
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (185): Fri 16th Sep 2022
I saw on the news that people were queuing for up to 14 hours to see the Queens coffin. Jesus Christ I would not have queued for half that to see her when she was alive. One thing I do find crazy is that the Queen is now easier to see in person than a GP. Today was my first day of warehouse training. As much as I hated the Aldi job five years ago the best part was the warehouse work. If they'd have just let me work exclusively in the warehouse instead of making me work on the shop floor then I could have seen myself working there longer than six months without wanting to put a bullet in my skull. First off we had to do a boring fucking quiz about the best way to avoid being crushed to death and then it was onto the dangerous warehouse floor. I never really visualized warehouse work when I volunteered for extra work but since the more kinds of different roles you get trained in the more opportunities for overtime you'll get, I think I might just volunteer to train in every sector for this company. The day didn't fly by in the way it does when you're stowing items but at least it was a day of doing something different. The majority of the day was spent on a cherry picker-type contraption that extended into the back of an open truck allowing us to place items onto a conveyer belt which took them to a different part of the warehouse. The work isn't exactly hard but the one downside (and there's always one) was that they made us do it in teams and they paired me with kind a of a dullard. I didn't even bother to learn the guy's name but needless to say I didn't gravitate towards him. He attempted to engage me in conversation a few times throughout the day but most of his attempts were met with either a nod of the head or an "Mmm hmm", which will hopefully get it into his head that I'm not much of a conversationalist. If it doesn't i'll just tell him that the scar on my throat is actually from an operation on my vocal chords which means I can't talk for long periods of time. Of course this will prove to be a problem if I ever get matched up with a sexy blonde lass and we get on well and then this dullard walks past and sees me talking with her at great length and he'll know that I was lying to him. But then again if this guy fell into one of the machines it would piss me off more than upset me because they'd probably shut down the factory and send everyone home without pay so who the fuck cares if I offend him? Saw that presenter Alex Belfield has been jailed for 5 years for stalking various other radio personalities. I don’t know who this guy is really other than he does a radio show where he rallies against political correctness, snowflakes blah blah blah. He's one of these presenter types who in recent years have decided that since they're not talented enough to make it as mainstream presenter they may as well go the Katie Hopkins, Piers Morgan route of deliberately saying things they know will wind up a lot of people (whether they believe them or not) in order to accrue an audience of people who agree with those statements. I've tried to sit through a few of this wanker's videos but his attempts at humour are enough to put anyone off. At least Jim Davidson is capable of putting his bigotry and misogyny in the form of jokes (awful though they may be but they are technically jokes) unlike this talentless prick who just spouts hate and bile with no attempt to disguise it in the form of humour. The one thing that surprised me about this guy's sentencing is that over ten years ago I listened to a really good interview with Paul Merton which I think is still one of the best interviews Merton has ever done and I found out today it was Belfield who did that interview. In the interview itself Belfield is similarly boring and humorless but does just seem like an typically inoffensive, bland, everyday radio presenter. Looking back now though it's hard to tell if he was just holding back his bigotry or if he like several others decided to adopt the "controversial" presenter gimmick in the face of an underwhelming career. He also conducted the last known interview with Jimmy Savile and on one of his recent streams says that he doesn't believe that Savile was guilty of half the things he was accused of so yeah...fuck the cunt.
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hshouse · 4 years
Why is Piers Morgan still relevant? The fuck was he on about the Harry and Megan interview? Implying Meg practically dragged Harry with her? Misogynistic fucker. I’m not British, nor do I understand much about the monarchy and politics, but ever since I was little I could tell Harry was different from the rest of his family. He was the male version of Di, may she rest in peace, and he just needed the right reason for him to take the decision. Meg was his reason. He chose his wife and kids, not a chair and a hierarchy.
Suck on this 🖕🏼 Piers.
Hi bby,
I truly don’t know. He makes me sick. He is so deeply misogynistic I can’t even read what he says. The way society deeply hates women (and even more black women) is so clear to me, I see it everywhere. I’m so glad Harry took action when he did. He wasn’t gonna let history repeats itself.
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