#and he gives her flowers and she's like 'wtf do i do' and player character is like 'idk man i'm just playing matchmaker'
silver-wield · 8 months
A japanese account I'm ff is cracking me up. Saying if the aerith who is smiling at the flower is a back stabbing bish, then her smile in part 1 is psychopathic. And anybody enjoying that "concept" are people who only enjoy cheap daytime dramas. Since her reputation in OG is already questionable, this time it could be worse because they're trying to paint her as this "good friend" to both tifa and cloud whom she knows full well are into eachother. I think it's mostly women who notice that perhaps? A lot didn't remember aerith's toxic personality in OG so they don't understand why some are worried if SE will disrespect the characters even more.. I also don't want tifa to look like a doormat who accepts anything simply because she's too pure and kind. Soldier cloud is also pitiful because I'm sure he doesn't want to be in any other situation other than with tifa. The game will come out very close already, I'll see what's up. But I can concur w/o a doubt, that regardless of what aerith does, she won't be given a good light. She may use soldier cloud as therapy then get back to zack later. Yet that only hurts all the other three. Also make those who "like" her, who self insert themselves in the game, hate her. Devs should clarify in gongaga what's up with her. I also don't want her to make a pact with tifa like they're "friendly rivals" because wtf hell no.
Only thing I can say is, SE, it's obvious you have difficulty dealing with her incomplete character in OG, wanting to expand that. But this isn't a way to do it. Give her her "role", and this ain't it. While the world is dying, why would i care about the love life of a woman who's about to die and has zero to do with the story? Focus on the planet! Even tifa doesn't do that, she's currently only looking after cloud w/o taking advantage of him. Pssh and they call some of us tifa fans sleeping on aerith's story when she should wake up first! 😡.
Srry for the rant. Reading that jp account's thoughts, I really don't want a messy story. Soldier and Real Cloud are both devoted only to Tifa and I want Tifa to have better friends!
Seems like from a man's pov it's not bad to have women being two faced bitches because they're fighting over a man and that strokes his ego, but for all the women players, which is such a bigger amount than SE realises, it's fucking disgusting and we want nothing to do with characters or storylines like that. It doesn't make us sympathetic to Aerith because oh no she sad so she should hug a man who ain't hers, it makes us want to put her in a rocket and blast her into the sun.
SE and the devs need to understand we don't want that shit.
Side note, I'm really looking forward to Aerith dying so I don't have to put up with her annoying whiny voice or fake ass singing voice in part three.
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Wynmar after Noriel tells him that they’re just enemies
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melonisopod · 2 years
See i think Koyama 100% knows how convey character through body language. I think they’re REALLY good at it; i dont think they accidentally made Lancer Scathach that intrinsically infuriating to look at.
Considering i just learned that Lartoria and Lalter’s hentai-level-bad third ascensions were because the artist was explicitly told by Nasu to replace what the artist originally intended with something “just for fanservice”, i think Koyama is another case of a writer stepping in and giving a specific requirement. He was probably explicitly told to make Scathach look like a “delicate flower” or wtf ever and delivered. Summer Assassin, whose whome deal is dropping the bullshit pretenses of Lancer, is still Koyama’s design after all, and that delivered on her in an GOOD way.
Yeah, there are apparently lots of artists who have similar testimonies, where they wanted to do one thing and then Takeuchi told them to make it worse (see: Disgea artist who wanted an older more dignified Wu Zetian and eve said "How do I put sex appeal on a body that has none?" hot Russian military lady Helena Blavatzky concept art, B-suke who wanted a more 'dignified' serious Blackbeard design instead of that crap we got for his FA just to name a few)
Lancer Artorias could have stuck with small boobs (since you know, her whole thing is being able to pass for male because her society would never accept a female king) and in their card art their boobs literally look glued on. Could they have at least made them a foot taller since she's, you know, an older grown-up Artoria who went through puberty? (The only reason I even give big boobs Artoria a pass is because when I see the Royal Icing CE I feel homosexuality upon me)
It's a shame though because Scathach's FA is OOC, I feel like she's held back in general by having to do these awkward 'sexy' poses that dont' fit her character. Compare her to Cu Chulainn whose FA art is dynamic and shows him mid-battle with Gae Bolg overflowing with mana, or even Cu Alter manspreading atop a mountain of bones. Takeuchi really looked at one of the *promotional* Servants for FGO and said "Nah if she's not in the most passive submissive borderline ecchi poses how is she going to sell well? We can't let the players know she fucks!"
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Time for my Ghost of Tsushima Review: Graphics To make it short, the game looks absolutely GORGEOUS. It goes with a realistic style. I didn’t had trouble with the character models, they looked good and unique and the facial expressions were well done. What got me, though, is the scenery. Tsushima is lush with nature and there were trees, flowers, pampas grass. You clearly could see what was a japanese settlement and what was a mongol camp, though I have to argue that they resuded a lot of assets for the buildings, like if you you knew one of them, you knew all of them, but that is nitpicking.  The water looked great, the fire effects looked great, the foxes were cute, the flowers were gorgeous. It was a joy to look at and I made some scenery screenshots which I all forgot to upload, oh well...  The last area was a bit duller though, because it was full of snow, but I like snow and we got footprints in the snow, so I was fine with it ^^ Sound/Music Sadly this game suffers from western Triple A problems... the music is generic and doesn’t stand out. I think I remember one song of the entire OST and that was in Yarikawa, when you unlock the Ghost Stance.  The music is generally played with japanese instruments which was a very nice touch though. It wasn’t there all the time also, leaving you room to listen to the atmosphere, which was nicely done. It never really was quiet in Tsushima, but it made me feel at ease. I am also amazed at the voice acting. The voice acting was really really good, though both me and my husband had one gripe with it... Ok, so I put them on english, but they are still talking japanese with each other, it’s just dubbed for our listening comfort, so why... why did so many VA’s speak with a fake japanese accent?! That didn’t make any sense at all!  It got even more hilarious when I read the names of the credits and Jin, one of the few who doesn’t sport a fake japanese accent was spoken by a japanese man! That was the only gripe I had with the voice acting though.  Gameplay  The game feels like a classic Open World game. I heard a lot of people got tired by it, but they probably have played like a hundred Open World titles already. I only played Breath of the Wild and Death Stranding (and Death Stranding is not a typical Open World title), so it felt all fresh and new enough for me. I am a person who really likes to see progress in games, so it always felt great for me when I found one of the locations in Tsushima that would give me some extra and make my Jin stronger. I loved the exploration part of the game.  The quests of the games? They were a bit generic, at least the optional quests. Lots of the same to do. The story quests were more interesting, for they sometimes forced a certain playstyle on you or gave you certain weapons to use. Like, sinking the ships with the hwacha was really cool and having to sneak out of the shogun’s castle was nerve wracking. I wasn’t bored with them though, for I liked the little stories behind the quests.  The combat was really fluid and played well, though the standoffs at Act 3 got ridiculously hard. I thought it was my problem, but I wasn’t the only one failing the standoffs in Act 3, the game really just made them super hard, apparently to encourage stealth? Yeah, but I don’t want to stealth the mongol patrols...  The boss battles in the game... they kinda felt like a dance. You had to find out what your opponent does and react accordingly and if you did it right, it felt like a beautiful rythm of a sword battle. I was pretty impressed by how fluid it felt when I didn’t mess up. The stealth mechanics were good. I hate stealth in games where you normally don’t do stealth, but here the stealth was a big part of the game. You had a lot of options for stealth, you could hide in grass or behind walls, you could assassinate the foes one by one, you could hide on a roof and shoot them with your bow, you get access to poison later in the game (shooting a brute with hallucination dart was always fun) and and and. It really hammers home that your character took up the practices of a shinobi to save his home.  The early game hell was pretty bad though... you start with not much of course, and that made me almost give up on the game because I did nothing but die... only when I found out that I can run up to archers and hit them with my sword instead of having an archer battle, I had fun again. Like, the game starts you out with low health and resolve and then gets you into missions with five archers shooting at you at once? You are dead before you could even aim!  Overall, I had fun with the gameplay.  Story/Characters Ok, that will be complicated, because I like the story and I dislike the story at the same time... But let’s talk about the characters first. I loved most of them, especially Jin, Yuna, Kenji and Norio. Every main character got their own questline which you could follow and it showed a lot about them, also that none of them a honourable hero or anything, but they all had their flaws and troubles... Especially Lady Masako’s quest made me thinking... for it was extreme that her family got slaughtered like that, but after hearing that she left her sister in an abusive marriage I couldn’t hate Lady Hana for it... she must have tremendously suffered and sadly all her negative energy got channeled at innocent people... Their stories went through the whole game and were a good thing to deepen them, because in the main story they felt a bit side lined in favour of Yuna’s and Jin’s friendship as well as the storyline about Ryuzo and the relationship between Jin and Shimura.  Ok, let’s talk about the story now.  The story is set on the 13th century of the island of Tsushima with the mongol invasion. Because the mongols fight not fair, the honourable Samurai lose the battle... almost all of them. Jito Shimura gets captured and Jin gets dragged away by thief Yuna who nurses him back to health. Of course he makes the decision to save Shimura, who is his uncle, but now he hasn’t an army in his back, he’s only one man. So Yuna teaches him the tactics of stealth and dirty fighting. More and more over the span of the game, Jin takes up the practices of a shinobi, with a lot of Ghost Weapons that get unlocked and a stealth based game play.  Jin, who has been raised as honourable samurai, has trouble with this and can’t accept his new role at first. He tells himself he stops doing it once the mongols are driven out, but...  A legend is getting spun. The Legend of the Ghost. I really like how this happens, for Jin does nothing supernatural to get the mongols down, he simply changes his tactics. But the people hear about it and they rumour and soon after they call him “The Ghost” and everything gets exxegerated a LOT. That is pretty much how legends must have started, so I loved this aspect.  And I loved how we see Jin’s inner struggle and how he thinks about the land first and his honour second and that there is a friendship with Yuna which never turns into romance, which is a plus as well. Act 2 was really epic and I loved the whole Yarikawa moment, when like everything screamed “For the Ghost”, that was POWERFUL. What I dislike is the story since the end of Act 2 and in the start of Act 3.   See, there’s Ryuzo. Ryuzo is Jin’s boyfriend childhood friend and he is a ronin. Jin asked him to join his forces, but Ryuzo betrays him and joins the mongols for his men hunger and the Khan did promise him food.  And during the second act, Ryuzo and his strawhat ronin act like secondary villains... and I was very much hoping for a redemption arc for Ryuzo, but instead the story lets Ryuzo pathetically cry for his life and Jin has to kill him. Um, what was that?! You missed a GREAT opportunity for a redemption arc here and it feels like you didn’t use the potential of Ryuzo at all...  And then Act 3 happened... see in Act 2 there is a mission where Jin gets poison and it is a powerful weapon, most players will probably use it. But there is a scene where Jin uses it without player control and his uncle is like “WTF Jin?”  The issue comes when we enter act 3 and now the mongols use the poison that Jin used on them... And the story turns into a “Oh Jin used poison, how horrible that is! Now the mongols have poison! Why did you use poison, Jin? You are clearly the villain now.” Which I am like... “No? What the fuck? This guy saved thousands of people because he decided that life was more imporant than honour and the narration wants to tell us that poison is bad? What?”  In the end, I liked that Lord Shimura came to help though and the ending tale... had some very powerful lines “You have no honour.” “And you are a slave to it.” Beautifully delivered those lines. My decision in the end was to let Lord Shimura leave, but not for the reason Jin had, for he said he wouldn’t kill family. My reason was the following: “Live! See the pain and suffering of your people and help them. Live with your shame and survive, because that is what Jin does. You don’t get an easy way out, old man.” Yeah, my reason was lot more spite...  Anyway, I wish the story in the later acts would have been better... it started so strong... Overall This isn’t a perfect game of course. But I had my fun with it and I wanted to explore the map and see the end of Jin’s story. Characters were adorable and fun, gameplay is smooth once early game hell is over. I would totally rec this game if you aren’t fatigued of open world titles.
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still-not-over-rei · 4 years
John always chooses black, uses paper bag hat or plague doctor mask and is often the impostor.
He vents in front of other players and/or kills them after. He’s so bad at this wtf
Super sus all the time
Gets angry at the Simon says task
“Stfu red u sus”
Gets ejected first
Chooses yellow or purple. No hat.
Has an impeccable streak of victories both as a crew mate and impostor
Often figures out who the impostor is by the time there is a second victim
As an impostor, she kills first and then sabotages to cover up the murder.
Is incredibly good at lying and finding alibis, even if another crew mate saw her vent.
She chooses any color that paired up with the plant hat makes her look like some kind of fruit/plant. Or pink with the flower hat.
Calls emergency meeting sometimes to say she’s The Impostor bc she doesn’t want to kill her friends
Lets crew mates win by not killing anyone and letting them finish tasks
“Guys how do I go into vents like red did? :))”
She can be ruthless sometimes. Do not underestimate her
Chooses red and the beanie or the gas mask
Kills in plain sight
Closes doors a lot
Sabotages a lot in general
Likes venting in front of others while the doors are closed and then kills them before they can reach the emergency button
Can be found following Remi or near Isen’s body
He doesn’t play much, given that he’s a busy royal but sometimes he’ll give in if Remi insists
Chooses yellow and crown hat
He acts kinda sus but it’s because he’s trying to discover who The Impostor is before they kill someone
He finds it difficult to type in a horizontal keyboard and he can’t defend himself in chat bc of that
Never learns how to do tasks bc he gets ejected before he can learn how to do them
He still tries to have fun tho
Can always be found in medbay
Or teaming up with Arlo
Players refer to her as “doctor” or “Doc”
Chooses cyan and flower hat (which is a super sus color in my opinion)
Doesn’t report dead bodies
Tbh she’s good at teamwork and can get all the crew mates to organize and find out who The Impostor is
Doesn’t know that you can use vents to transport to other places. She just thinks it’s a good place to hide
If there was teal she’d choose that but meanwhile she’s sticking with white. No hat
She likes killing one or two crew mates and the rest of the game is manipulating the ones left into voting each other out
Messes with other crew mates for the fun of it, whether she’s The Impostor or not
Doesn’t kill Remi bc that would make her sus but she obviously wants to,,,
Really good at calculating risks
Doesn’t like venting bc a crew mate might see her
Chooses orange and detective hat
Good at discovering the impostor, bad at being it
Never talks in the chat except to confuse the other players and somehow never gets voted out
Gets killed by Blyke whenever he’s the Impostor
Always has bad timing when he decides to kill a crew mate
He guesses who The Impostor is and is correct 80% of the time
Remi always walks in when he’s venting and he almost never can bring himself to kill her
dies first
She gets brown most of the time bc the other colors were taken. Usually picks flower hat or a lil crewmate to follow her
Really enjoys doing cables tasks
Gets really nervous when she’s The Impostor and doesn’t know what to do first
Thinks that everything she does is sus
Wins when she’s The Impostor bc no one suspects it’s her
She always has a lot of visual tasks to prove her innocence when she’s a crew mate
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justal0wk3yg4mer · 5 years
Things I’ve Said: Thief 2014 (Some Spoilers)
My words                                                                                                                  *Player/My actions*                                                                                                  Character dialogue
Nice title screen. Very dark and foreboding. 
*Reads a tip* Oh goodie, I get to be a peeping tom.
I like Garrett, he’s sassy. And hot damn that voice.
Y’all laying on the eyeshadow thick. Like, raccoon thick.
See Garrett has good morals, if necessary kill, if not necessary don’t kill. Erin WTF is your deal?
Now see, I think that was a bad idea. If she relies on that thing so much you are just gonna screw her over if there is a need for an escape.
Don’t tell her that, she has an inferiority complex.
Thank you! Robes ARE sketchy.
*Gets my rating back* I am a GHOST!!!!!!!!
Wait we like birds? I thought we avoided birds cause they’re snitches.
Oh shit, a year?! I thought maybe a few months, but a year! Damn, their just dragging this place through the mud turtle speed.
Old blind people always know what’s up and are cryptic about it.
You want coffee? No honey, what you need is a good ol’ knockout. Don’t worry, I’ll hook you up. 
This creep is gonna shot you. He’s the bad guy, he’s gonna-...........or maybe not? That’s it? Mentally scar the dude? Not very evil of you-*Thief-Taker General kills the man*-and there it is. Told you he’d shoot you.
*Listens to a conversation* Oh, only the wealthy can get cock rings? Good to know. *Listens for a few more minutes* And somehow this conversation got worse.
Is that a..............! It is! Finally, a plague mask! I was wondering when I would see one of these.
So, either the proportions on that woman are wrong, or she’s got a fatass.
*Meets Orion* Nope. Don’t like you and don’t trust you. I don’t care that you are ‘helping’ people, something is wrong with you.
You want Garrett to steal a book? That is the first thing you have said that actually interests me.
*Me thinking I can jump over a large gap like in Assassin’s Creed*              *Garrett Dies*                                                                                                 Fuck 
Brilliant, blood makes a sound.
Yo, fuck this. I did not sign-up to go to the upside down. And why does Erin sound mad?
*Garrett touches a painting oddly* Huh, guess Garrett is an ass man.
Erin is related to the Baron, calling it. *Chapter 3 memories play* Damn it. But you know what, good for her!
OMG! Is that a drag queen!? Yas bitch, tell his crusty, creepy ass off!  
I knew one of these holes would lead to a sex scene.
Thief-Taker General: Punish me mommy, I’ve been bad.                        Eeewwwwwwwwww. I didn’t need to hear that.
How much freaky cult BS is in this town?
Orion: You can’t just walk in the front doors.                                           No kidding? Damn, how else is a thief going to enter a building without using the front doors?
Why the fuck are people panicking? I haven’t done anything.
*Listens to a conversation* 4 to 5 days? I’m pretty sure the architect is dead. *Enters the architect’s study* Called it.
*Garrett falls and lands in front of several Nightwatchmen*               Garrett: Good Evening.                                                                                That’s kinda funny.
Don’t you do it. Garrett no. We are getting Basso and getting the fuck out of here, you hear me!                                                                                    Garrett: It’s who I am.                                                                                    ITs wHO i aM
You fucker, I knew you were gonna be here. *Referring to the thief-taker general*
Oh great, I’m going from the crazies of the streets to the crazies on a fucking island. (BTW Garrett said almost the exact same thing right after I said this and I screamed. Thanks unreal.)
*Reads a tip* First of all, what the fuck are freaks? And second, freaks do what now?
Please don’t let this be a Victorian style Outlast.
*Door slams shut behind me*                                                                         Fuck.                                                                                                            *Doors are suddenly barracked behind me*                                                  FFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!
Oh fuck, it’s the bonies! (Warms Bodies anyone?)
Orion did what to you? See, that is a red flag for me. I don’t like that, something is up with that guy.
He’s the Baron’s brother? Has to be the youngest, and I stress the young bit, brother. And of course he’s crazy, I knew he was suspicious! 
Why is it, whenever I get out of a major cutscene, 95% of the time I get force pushed? Like, I just watched a memory and now I’m in danger. That is oddly common in Garrett’s life, watch, next someone is going to be waiting for him on the ledge.                                                                          *Enter thief-taker general and his stupid rant*                                              You motherf*cker! I knew that shit was gonna happen, but I didn’t want you!
A hand for a leg, and a leg for a hand. Not how it goes but this game makes it work.
Fuck the graven. Who decided that burning the bridge was a good idea? Yeah, let’s destroy a major bridge that could have brought over supplies or let people come and go as they please. Fucking dumbasses.
BBQ anyone?                                                                                                *Few seconds later a person burning falls over*                                          Like I said, BBQ anyone?
Damn, I can’t swim across this little area? This is gonna be like Altair all over again.
Beggar Queen got more sneak game than Garrett. At least he didn’t jump. *She leaves* Correction, Queen’s sneak game is over 9000.
Ah yes, the final mission. It’s dark, it’s raining, and lighting flashes over a worn-down cathedral. I fucking love it.
Gaming logic. Fires are still burning when it is pouring down rain. And I have to shoot a WATER arrow to put the fires out. Genius.
My dude, you grapple?
These flowers were really pretty at first. Now, they just give me the willies. I’ll probably turn a corner and see a bonie. *Does exactly that* Fuck my life.
What the fu-No wait, why am I surprised? It’s more cult BS.
Oh no, she screamed and force pushed everyone, run away!
*Thief-Taker General enters for a final battle* Fuck off! You are the most stereotypical villain ever.
Well when you say it like that, all you ever wanted to do was murder Garrett. Not see him hang, there is a difference.
FINISH HIM! (If you didn’t read that with the Mortal Kombat voice, you’re wrong)
Garrett: I’m not alone down here.                                                             Yeah no shit. Wanna say that a little louder to let the bonies know as well?
Oh God, Orion has daddy issues.
Erin, WTF? Garrett literally said not two minutes ago that he wanted you. Not the primal.
Erin quit it, you’re scaring me. That ‘secret’ better not be some BS like “BTW you’re my dad.”
Erin: Garrett! I’m slipping!                                                                          Fuck you game, I already went through this.
And the darkness finally leads to dawn. Good job Garrett, you and the city live to see another night.
Ladies and gentlemen this weeks tally was lovingly name after how many time my dumbass said this. I give you:
Oh Pretty!: 168                                                                                
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blodie02 · 4 years
Okay. I saw a lot of people criticizing The Last Of Us 2 because of lgbt contents which " is too much represented on the game" and because Naughty Dog wanted "girl power" because it's "trendy" today.
Hum, wtf????
Fuck you lol.
You pissed of because your boy Joel isn't the main character anymore? Playable characters are only a gay and a trans woman and nobody wants that? (which I don't remember being confirmed, if not that's rude, just because she got muscles? Morons...). No more masculinity? How is it possible? Girls are so weak, they don't deserve to be the center of the game!
Well guess what? We're all equals, so women deserves as much spotlights as men, in real life, in game, in movies, in tv shows.
Women can be soldiers, martial expert, or just strong physically just like men, so don't tell me it's "unrealistic" for one to beat Joel. You're just being sexist here.
Also, lgbt representation is always positive, just like representation of people of color.
Straight white relationships were represented in games for years, so don't tell me lgbt are "too much present".
You considers TLOU like an apocalyptic game were love shouldn't be the main focus, I don't agree : love is the only good left in a world like this. TLOU 1 painted a beautiful daughter/father blossoming relationship between Ellie and Joel, thats a big part of why I love this game so much. Now, they want to focus on a love story, is it that bad? Knowing how graffic and cruel the part2 is going to be thanks to the spoilers, how can you complain about a little love in this brutal world? You're still going to kills many people and many undeads, its not like Naughty Dog planned on making you do dinner, buy flowers and kiss Dinah lol. Its not the gameplay. You're going to torture, to kill and to survive. Thats still the game you're gonna play.
TLOU is a good game mainly because of the relationships and the dialogues, dont forget it.
Now, why I'm more offended of?
Making me play as a woman I don't know and I don't care, while I planned to only play as the only two characters I care about : Ellie and Joel.
Making me play as her, listening to her describing as villains my favorite characters and hunting them down. Me.
Making me watch Ellie actually losing it AND becoming possibly a villain because the stupid story forces her to be one.
Making me KILL THE ONLY CHARACTERS I CARE ABOUT, because of some stupid revenge for a man I don't give a shit (because he was going to KILL Ellie in the par1, remember), because I'm FORCED to play as his daughter who I also DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AND I DONT CARE ABOUT HER REASONS.
I can understand Joel's death in a story point of view even if it angers me.
But Ellie's fate? Bullshit.
I would have felt better if I played her until the end and that she died after a final battle against this Abby. At least I wouldn't be the one killing her....
How much of a sadist Naughty Dog is for letting their players kills their own favorite characters?
"Wait, it will be worth it" do you think we were gonna actually be satisfied and okay with this????
Also the way they apparently treats the staff. They should be ashamed.
THAT is what you should be pissed about.
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puppypaw-wc · 4 years
i just wanted to ramble ‘bout undertale... hhhhhhhh.
aka me just describing the whole plot of the game... this one’s just the ruins tho cuz i don’t think tumblr would let me type out the whole game’s plot in detail.
i understand if y’all don’t wanna see this so it’s under the cut.
soooo uh. the opening “cutscene”/whatever you call it is just a few images with text explaining the events prior to the game.
“long ago, two races ruled over earth: humans and monsters. one day, war broke out between the two races. in the end, the humans were victorious. they sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. many years later . . . mt. ebbot. 201X. legends say those who climb the mountain never return...”
the last frames show a human who you’d at first assume to be the player character climbing the mountain and falling in; however, it is not the player character (frisk), as the human in the intro only has one stripe on their shirt, while frisk’s shirt has two.
anyways after that you get presented with the start menu (it’s track is creatively entitled, you guessed it, start menu!) with instructions on how to play the game. once you start, you get to name the fallen human.
now, this is honestly kinda ingenious. it doesn’t say “name your character”, it doesn’t say “what is your name?”; no, it says “name the fallen human”.
there’s also responses to some specific names.
like if you name yourself “fight” (or something like that) or “mercy”, the response is “that’s a little on the nose, isn’t it?”, though the name’s still allowed to be used.
naming yourself one of the main characters’ names (or however much can fit) also elicits special responses, and most of them aren’t allowed to be used, but there’s a couple instances of them being usable. like papyrus’ name is too long so if you enter “papyru” as your name the response is “I’LL ALLOW IT” and the name’s allowed to be used. the names “blooky” or “napsta” (as in napstablook) are also allowed, with the response being “... (they are powerless to stop you)”. my favorite is either naming yourself “flowey” or “temmie” tho.
the name “flowey” gets the response “i already CHOSE that name” (flowey had the ability to reset/save/etc. before frisk) with it not being allowed, while naming yourself “temmie” gets the response “hOi!!!” as a reference to the species of temmie (temmie is best undertale character /hj) and is allowed. it used to make tem flakes heal more but that was removed for some reason.
ANYWAYS the game starts after you name yourself (the “true name” is chara, which elicits the response “the true name”, so i’ll be referring to “the fallen human” as such). you start out with your armor as the bandage and your weapon as the stick... both of which have 0 of their corresponding stat.
in the next room, you meet a talking flower, who introduces himself.
“howdy! i’m flowey! flowey the flower! hmm, you’re new to the underground, aren’t’cha? golly, you must be so confused! someone oughta teach ya how things work around here. (oop i’m listening to the undertale ost and finale started playing-fitting-) guess lil’ old me will have to do? ready? let’s go!”
you then find yourself in a battle. on the bottom of the screen, there’s two things: your LV, which is 1 at the time, and your hp, which is 20/20. in the middle of the screen is the bullet board, with a red heart inside. flowey’s above the bullet board. oh, and in battles, everything’s black and white other then the heart and some attacks.
“see that heart? that’s your SOUL. the very culmination of your being! your SOUL starts off weak, but grows stronger with LV. what’s LV stand for? why, LOVE, of course! you want some LOVE, don’t you? *he winks* down here, love is spread through little, white... “friendliness pellets”. go on! collect as many as you can!”
now, here, there’s two options: run into the “friendliness pellets” (which makes this part go by faster) or dodge them, which elicits some funny responses from flowey.
“hey buddy. you missed them. let’s try this again, shall we?”
“is this a joke? are you brain dead? RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS friendliness pellets.”
“you know what’s going on here, don’t’cha? you just wanted to see me SUFFER. who would pass up an opportunity like this? DIE.”
running into them elicits basically the same thing as the last response, though he states that “in this world, it’s kill or be killed” first. i also don’t remember what he says if you run into them cuz i always dodge them... cuz it’s funny...
you find your SOUL surrounded with the “friendliness pellets”, and it seems that you’re doomed to death... but when they hit you, instead of harming you, they heal you.
flowey gets a confused look on his face before he’s hit with a fireball and goat mom toriel appears!
“what a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth. do not be afraid, my child. i am toriel, caretaker of the ruins. i pass through here everyday to see if a human has fallen. you are the first to have come here in a very long time.”
she also says some other stuff but i don’t remember it so. :shruggie:
anyways, you follow her into the next room, where you find a four-pointed star; a save point.
“the shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination. (HP fully restored).”
this is your first opportunity to save, which is interestingly enough not just a game mechanic; it’s an in-universe feature as well.
(okay wtf undertale ost on shuffle, it played temmie village and then tem shop immediately after, wtf???)
anyways, toriel guides you through (read: does for you) a few puzzles, before you find yourself in a long hallway, where she says she wants to test your independence by making you walk to the end of the hallway by yourself. 
she’s just hiding behind a pillar at the other end of the hallway.
toriel says that she has a few errands to run, and gives you a cellphone before leaving. you can get some funny calls if you do wait, and at the end of it all her phone gets stolen by a dog. despite this, she still calls you when you leave the room. she does actually have special dialogue, though: “My apologies. A strange dog kidnapped my phone.”
anyways, you travel through the ruins, getting encounters with the enemies (froggit, whimsun, loox, vegetoid, moldsmal, migosp), who you can all spare.
i forgot the dummy battle tutorial, basically toriel has a training dummy as a battle tutorial.
things you can do:
talk to it: this makes the battle end, and makes toriel seem happy with you. it’s technically the right thing to do but the others are funnier.
fight it: this kills the dummy, though it doesn’t give you exp, and thus you can still get a true pacifist route.
flee: you run away from the battle and toriel says that it’s a good strategy... but it’s just a dummy, it can’t hurt you and doesn’t seek revenge.
do nothing: if you do nothing for eight turns (including missing attacks), dummy “tires of your aimless shenanigans” and leaves. toriel is confused by this, but continues on as if nothing happened.
whatever you do elicits a different response in a future mini-boss’ pre-battle dialogue, so. yeah.
the ruins’ mini-boss is napstablook, a ghost who, according to themself, “usually comes to the RUINS because there's nobody around”.
to spare them, you need to cheer three times; this makes them show you their “dapper blook” trick, which is a top hat made of tears. they stop attacking to await your response, and if you flirt or cheer, the encounter ends.
also random fun fact: just like with the dummy, killing napstablook doesn’t give you exp, and thus a true pacifist route doesn’t end.
“FIGHTing Napstablook causes them to remind the protagonist that they are a ghost and therefore unable to be killed; they were only lowering their HP to be nice. They then vanish, and the protagonist suffers a loss of one "experience point" (not the same as EXP). This action does not abort the True Pacifist Route since it does not accrue any EXP.”
oh yeah, did i mention that EXP and LV don’t mean experience points and level?
flowey was actually correct about LV being LOVE. however, it’s an acronym, namely for level of violence. EXP, on the other hand, is an acronym for execution points.
continuing through the ruins and doing some puzzles (one of which includes several holes you must fall through to find a switch, one of which has the faded ribbon, a piece of armor, in it), you can get the toy knife, a weapon, before heading to toriel’s house, where she’s made you a butterscotch-cinnamon pie.
you see, earlier on in the ruins, she asks if you prefer butterscotch or cinnamon (if you’ve reset/loaded a save from after this point, she actually remembers your answer), before asking if you’d turn up your nose at the sight of the other/if you have allergies. there wasn’t enough of both at the store or something along those lines if i remember right.
anyways, you go to sleep in your room (yes, you have your own bedroom and yes, that is pure, and yes, toriel is the best), and she puts a slice of the pie on the floor for you to collect. it’s a healing item that restores all your hp, but i’d recommend saving it honestly.
toriel’s reading in the living room, where you can talk to her and either ask how to leave, or just talk to her. you do have to leave for the game to progress, though.
after asking her how to leave like three or four times, she goes downstairs and talks to you before fighting you, asking you to prove that you’ll be able to survive.
you see...
“Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child... If you leave the RUINS... They... ASGORE... Will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand? ... go to your room.”
the fight with toriel is one that people often mess up on, though the strategy for her fight is actually foreshadowed by an npc froggit earlier on in the ruins.
many people think that you have to weaken her, or just end up killing her because they don’t see how else to do it.
so, what does happen if you kill her? well, it depends.
if you attack her once she stops attacking:
“You... ... at my most vulnerable moment... To think I was worried you wouldn't fit out in there... Eheheheh!!! You really are no different than them! Ha... Ha...”
on a neutral route:
“Urgh... You are stronger than I thought... Listen to me, small one... If you go beyond this door, Keep walking as far as you can. Eventually, you will reach an exit. ... .... ASGORE... Do not let ASGORE take your soul. His plan cannot be allowed to succeed. ....... Be good, won't you? My child.“
on a genocide route:
“Y... you... really hate me that much? Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you there. Not you... But them! Ha... ha...”
fun fact: until today my dumbass though that “them” was referring to chara and only just realized that it’s referring to the monsters further in the underground.
and now, it’s time for flowey (slash indicates a break in the text).
on a pacifist route (where you don’t kill anyone):
“Clever. Verrrryyy clever. / You think you're really smart, don't you? / In this world, it's kill or be killed. / So you were able to play by your own rules. / You spared the life of a single person. / Hee hee hee... / I bet you feel really great. / You didn't kill anybody this time. / But what will you do if you meet a relentless killer? / You'll die and you'll die and you'll die.Until you tire of trying. / What will you do then? / Will you kill out of frustration? / Or will you give up entirely on this world...... / and let ME inherit the power to control it? / I am the prince of this world's future. / Don't worry, my little monarch, my plan isn't regicide. / This is SO much more interesting.”
on a genocide route (where you kill everyone, exhausting the kill counter until the “but nobody came” message appears):
“Hahaha... / You're not really human, are you? / No. You're empty inside. Just like me. In fact... / You're Chara, right? / We're still inseperable, after all these years... / Listen. I have a plan to become all powerful. / Even more powerful than you and your stolen soul. / Let's destroy everything in this wretched world. / Everyone, everything in these worthless memories... / Let's turn 'em all to dust.”
(note that by “chara” i mean “whatever you named the fallen human”)
and that’s it for the ruins.
uh. yeah.
sorry for rambling about undertale so much on main, i love it too much.
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angelicorn · 4 years
FFVII Remake Analysis Chapter 1 (1/2)
My sister was introduced to FFVII via my gameplay and reacted to it with fresh eyes which I’ve written down and posted to tumblr up to chapter 5–which I will continue posting some time in the future (I finished the game, but have looked towards another project in place of the reactions) The past couple weeks, she’s been playing the game while we stop every so often to dissect and analyze the mediums used in this game for story telling purpose. We analyze the music, blank/negative spaces, lighting, camera angles and shots, the introduction of characters, using characters to reveal information/reveal to us the lack of info the players know, etc.
Everyone is free to their own opinions. We just wanted to share our thoughts and understanding of the story and its characters through the use of rhetorical appeals found in the game that push towards a common narrative that all players of this game can agree on—what FFVII’s story is about. We are free to our own interpretations and preferences. The plot devices and rhetoric strategies used in this game are there for specific reasons and this is our (me and my sister’s) take on that. We hope you enjoy this lengthy analysis.
Spoilers, for those who have not yet played the game.
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When you begin the new game, you’re introduced to dry and barren land. The first sign of life we see is a bird flying across the sky and towards a bleak looking city. The scenery is washed out with hues of gray, black, etc.—the city is filled with people in contrast to the rocky terrain we saw prior, but it still seems dry and barren in a different sense. The flowers aren’t even growing. A reflection of a washed out greenish light reflects in the eyes of a child playing at a park and it’s coming out of something steel and man-made. It doesn’t look welcoming—it looks ominous. The brooding music and the way this pale light doesn’t illuminate everything around it, but rather makes everything else in comparison, darker, tells us so.
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The scenes fades to black and we are next shown a mysterious nameless girl who is perched in front of a pipe(?) with the same glow that we saw coming from the reactor in the last scene. She opens her eyes and the camera cuts to a side view of her. We don’t see her expression, but we see the green glow of the pipes flicker almost as if it’s conversing with her. We see a yellow flower and it’s a a call back to the dead flower growing by the curb in the earlier scenes. It makes us question whether the green glow is something that’s alive and not meant to be harvested to an extent that the flowers are dying. She stands up and looks away from the screen into something unknown to the viewers. We’re further intrigued. Maybe she isn’t meant to be near the green glow? We don’t yet know.
She walks out into the street and bumps into someone who doesn’t even apologize or excuse himself. She drops a few of her flowers. A woman glances at her but no one helps this girl. A man even tramples on one of her flowers. We don’t see her face, but she picks it up with two hands—she’s carrying it like it’s something precious to her. Yes—this steel city is empty of greenery similarly to the way most people depicted are empty of compassion towards life (the environment)
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She looks towards the sky and we are left with a lot of questions as to what she is to this story we are embarking on. The camera pans out to a large city enclosed within walls and divided into sections like a pizza—a telltale sign of a society being controlled by a higher power/hierarchy. The sound of drums, wind instruments and the brass instruments gradually become louder and louder until a streak of pale green light shoots across from the upper right corner and strikes the middle of the screen like a meteor. The logo appears to the sound of brass instruments and drums overpowering the score and this crescendo marks the beginning of an epic journey: Final Fantasy VII Remake.
The music gradually quiets down and we pan closer and closer into another section of the city with cuts of a moving train and a mysterious man with a large sword on his back perched on top of this train. We can’t help but wonder why he isn’t inside the train like a normal person and we‘re left to wonder if he’s trying to sneak in undetected. The train slows down to a stop in front of 2 grunts whose faces we can’t see. A closer look at the train—it doesn’t look like it’s meant for people to ride in. It looks like a heavy duty train that’s meant to transport things.
The grunts get their asses handed to them by three characters that are introduced. They’re wearing attire that’s a bit similar to each other so we get the feel that they’re acting as a 3-man unit/team. The camera pans to a big guy with shades and a metal cylinder arm. The guy looks intimidating and to be quite honest, sketchy. Is he supposed to be a good guy or a bad guy? We’ll have to play on to find out.
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The three headbands wait for this big guy to give the signal and when he gives them the ok with a head nod, they nod in understanding and turn around to get to their destination.
“Get down here, merc.” The first line is spoken by this big guy whose name flashes on the screen as Barret.
We see the same man with the big sword riding atop the train from before as he back flips onto the scene and coolly looks up at the viewers in true protagonist/hero fashion and this is where we know without a doubt, we are definitely going to be playing as this mysterious, fellow. The striking eyes and spiky-hair tells us so (lol).
The story begins in the middle of all this action. We don’t know this guy’s name, why we’re working for Barret or what their objective even is yet, which leaves a unique way of storytelling by piecing information together. We rely on characters around us and our interactions with them to figure out just wtf is going on.
I wanted to note that the music is quick paced while the brass carries a low melody which, together, evokes a sense of urgency and covertness. We get an idea that perhaps we will be infiltrating this place. Also, the chapter of the title clues us in on what we’re doing. We’re destroying a reactor—a source of energy—which we can safely assume is that green stuff shooting out of that structure from the intro and that it is supplying this walled city with power/electricity.
The player has control of this character and, as Barret puts it, “you’re up” and made to engage in a battle with the same type of grunts as before, all in tutorial fashion. We learn that this man’s name is Cloud. We learn from the first few battles that Cloud is a cocky little shit swordsman based on his scripted dialogue between himself and the grunts. (The grunts warn him that they’ll shoot if he moves and he challenges them with the line, Go ahead.) Our first level up isn’t level 1, it’s level 7, and he already has a few abilities and a spell, plus different fighting modes, so we know he’s has some kind of fighting experience already. 
Additionally, the fighting modes are called Operator mode and Punisher mode. These are words that evoke a lack of autonomy. Operator suggests that a person must do something to make a tool or system function properly. Cloud is a tool to make another tool work. Punisher suggests that a person is inflicting damage, pain, death, etc.towards people who have committed grave crimes/sins —someone who takes away someone else’s autonomy.
We learn more about our main man through the other characters. Jessie and Biggs’ conversation reveals his full name, Cloud Strife, and that he was a SOLDIER which is stylized in all caps in the subtitles showing us that it may be more than just a title or occupation in this game. Biggs describes him as a professional in comparison to the rest of them. Professional in what specifically? He was trained to fight, what with all the abilities and fighting styles he has at this point. That leaves us with the question: what is a SOLDIER exactly, and why isn’t he a SOLDIER anymore?
His interaction with Wedge tells a lot about his character and gives us insight as to what the situation is and what his relationship to them is. Wedge gives a thumbs up—no words from Wedge—yet Cloud is moved to say this is a one time “gig” emphasizing his role as a mercenary and he reiterates it by saying when the job is done, their connection between himself and their group will also end. From a storytelling standpoint, this interaction leads us to separate ourselves emotionally from the rest of the group. To Cloud—the player—this is just another day at work.
Jessie and Biggs continue to talk about the player character, but you cannot interact with them at this point. As you approach Barret, he pushes you aside to watch over Jessie and Biggs. We get a stronger impression that Barret is a team leader of some sort—one that doesn’t seem to approve of your presence. Does that have anything to do with being a former SOLDIER?
Cloud isn’t interested in what Wedge thinks. Cloud is aloof and kinda fuckin’ rude. We wonder what made him this way?
Barret warns Cloud that he’d better be worth the money. He doesn’t even call him by his name. He calls Cloud merc, which further puts emotional distance between the two.
The fact that the player is left behind to fight the baddies alone while the rest make their way forward creates a distance between them as well. Cloud is working for them—not with them. A job’s a job.
Cloud takes the elevator alone and enters an area where we see Wedge is left behind while the rest of the group tells you to hurry and to pick up the pace.
As the player, I personally was annoyed that they aren’t more appreciative. I can’t keep up with you guys bc I’m left behind doing all the fighting keeping all of you from harm. However—fighting is what’s expected of the player—that’s what we were hired to do, right? I’m just being salty bc my efforts aren’t being noticed the way I want. Here, I feel inferior.
If you choose to interact with Wedge before going further, he tells you he will secure an escape route, asks you to keep his friends safe, and not to worry about him. Cloud may not give two shits yet, but as the player, I’ve begun to form an emotional attachment to Wedge. This guy is so caring! Cloud’s cold personality does not sway him! HOW can I not like Wedge?
We join up with the others and Barret asks him for directions to get to some bridge above mako storage. He then goes on in an increasingly aggravated manner and asks Cloud if he’s still a “loyal little doggy”. We can draw several conclusions from from this dialogue.
1. Cloud was once affiliated with some kind of power/company/force in opposition to Barret & co.
2. We are made to believe that Cloud left this company some time before for reasons we do not yet know.
2. Cloud was hired to help them infiltrate a building belonging to this opposing entity.
3. Barret’s lack of trust in Cloud correlates to his former affiliation with the opposing entity.
4. Mako is a source that this opposing entity has in possession. This building is huge. They must have quite a lot of it.
We are left with several questions about this character we are playing.
1. What is his objective?
2. What are his morals?
3. Where does his loyalty lie?
We lack this information, but we do know that Barret does not fully trust him because he’s a former enemy. So, can we trust Cloud too? Is he credible? Is he speaking the truth? Should we believe what he says? What if he’s a double agent? We have to play on as this character to find out.
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Cloud experiences some kind of headache at the mention of “loyal little doggy” and it feeds us the idea that maybe he’s negatively triggered by it because it reminds him of something traumatic. This may be a clue that explains the reason for his departure from SOLDIER.
Barret calls him a mutt and exclaims “we can do this with you or we can do this without you.”
Cloud recovers from his headache and responds calmly. “Different reactor, different layout, depends when it was built. Never seen one like this, but I’ll manage.”
Barret’s use of “we” and “you” followed by Cloud’s “I” creates more of a separation between them.
Biggs gets the door open, but not for long. Cloud enters first—alone—Barret reaches his hand forward and shouts “wait!” and Cloud is left to fight alone while the others are locked outside of the room. When the fighting is over, Jessie chirps happily as she enters the room and makes a flirtatious comment which Barret tries to quickly shut down (lol).
Jessie gets this new door to open with her knowledge of passcodes through a friend. No one else at command will talk to them, but they must make due.
Now we know that this small team is a part of a bigger force, however, there isn’t a sense of unity as the command won’t socialize with this team specifically. Why though?
Biggs tells Jessie to be careful to which she responds with a smile. Cute moment showing Biggs’ concern and Jessie’s optimism/confidence—traits that may help us to understand their motivations and nature’s little more in the upcoming chapters.
If you talk to Barret, the first thing he tells Cloud is to be ready for the increasing security. “We can’t afford any more mistakes.” And he includes Cloud in this “we” this time around. It’s a subtle way for Barret to say they are a team and they should be working together. It also subtly reveals Barret’s soft and caring side. Classic soft teddy bear in a grizzly bear’s skin. You care, Barret—and the players care about you too, regardless what Cloud says.
Before getting into the elevator, Jessie asks about someone named Tifa and though it isn’t any of her business, she wonders if she and Cloud are close which is italicized to give an important emphasis on their relationship. Here, Jessie separates herself from the relationship between Cloud and Tifa, yet her interest in their relationship plus the flirting and comments on Cloud’s appearance hints that she may be interested in him ins romantic sense.
We hear and see a new name and for new players to the FFVII franchise, it’s common for people to consciously try to connect that name to a character. Tifa...Tifa... who is she? Why is Jessie asking Cloud about her? Wait, was Tifa the one who hired Cloud? Oh, is she the pink girl we saw in the intro?
The flashback sequence is important because it affirms to us that the pink girl from the intro is not Tifa, but an entirely different character. It is also worth noting that before the flashback, Cloud looks away from Jessie and willingly tries to remember Tifa. This flashback juxtaposes the quick flash of memories and migrain he receives when Barret calls him a loyal doggy. Those memories cause him pain when he remembers even bits and parts of it. The memories with Tifa are...well, we don’t quite know what they are to him yet, but there’s a stark contrast between how Cloud reacts towards the two memories.
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The flashback reveals a town that doesn’t look like the city streets of the intro. We are experiencing this flashback through Cloud’s eyes. He looks at this tower hears Tifa call his name, and there we see she is surrounded by other boys. His focus jumps back and forth between her back to her surroundings. He turns away and Tifa asks if he is ignoring her. He focuses on her displeased face again and that is the last thing we see before the flashback ends—everything else in the background gets washed out with a pale green hue except for Tifa’s face. A hue of red is the only vibrant color left, and it’s centered on her face—we cut back to Cloud, and I don’t know if this the lighting effect was intended, but the red color on Cloud’s face is emphasized against a washed out background for a brief moment as well before the pale green hues face back into the regular color scheme. We also here what sounds like a heartbeat within the sharp static sounds? And so what are we left to think about this scene?
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The music, mostly string instruments are played in a minor key that evoke mystery, nostalgia, and a sense of meekness. Tifa is the only one waving to him while the other boys rarely move an inch.
In the English version, he lifts his right hand with his palm open, a gentle gesture, and says “Tifa and I...” before he’s interrupted with the elevator buzzer.
We’re left with a sense that Tifa is someone from his childhood—a cute girl who is evidently popular among the other kids. The flashback initially leads us to think he wasn’t interested in being her friend as a child or that he was too shy/felt too inferior to all the boys hanging around her to accept her invitation...? The focus on Tifa’s face in his flashback, the redness in his face, followed by the subtle heart beat hints at a crush and that perhaps he may have been jealous/inferior to the other boys around her—thus, his hesitation when trying to explain his relationship with Tifa to Jessie.
An interesting fact that I noticed outside of my sister’s play through and discussions, the Japanese version has Cloud saying “oretachi” to refer to himself and Tifa. I looked into it, and basically—he’s trying to make himself seem more masculine and confident while also revealing that the relationship between he and Tifa is informal—implying that they are close.
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It also shows subtle feelings of inferiority. He had to refer to himself like that to establish his masculinity right after a flashback with Tifa being surrounded by other boys. Way to be subtle about his feelings!
The English version, while less obvious, hints at his crush on Tifa in a different sense. The way he says “Tifa and I...” is a little less deep than how he usually speaks. Vocalization, hand gestures, facial expressions, music, and lighting and colorization in this short scene reveal a lot about Cloud’s feelings. His shyness in remembering this flashback reveal something tender in relation to this friend of his.
Just a fun fact that I personally wanted to share. For the sake of this analysis however, I won’t be talking about the Japanese dialogue and will only be referring to the English localization from this point on. Just wanted to share this info as it blatantly points towards Cloud’s characterization so early on in the story.in comparison to the English version.
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Also note: the distance between Jessie and Cloud before the flashback and after. Jessie inches closer to Cloud and is the active participant in trying to close the distance between them, while Cloud stands still—a reflection of Cloud’s characterization and his relationship to others at this point. He’s seems to be socially stunted. While everyone else is trying to get closer to him, he’s emotionally and mentally not ready to make that connection.
There is so much to dissect in every chapter, but I’ve reached the image attachment limit and will continue this another time with screenshots attached as I believe it’s important to examine visual mediums while also providing images that are being examined in an analysis. 
So... to be continued in another post... stay tuned.
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just-kit-ink · 5 years
All the rest of WFRR characters loll
*deep breath*
//Okay let's do this! I'm only doing characters that were created for the movie/those that had the most screentime.
Part 1/2
Lt. Santino
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1: sexuality headcanon: We never really see/hear about a significant other in the film but I'm going to headcanon that he's bisexual but closeted.
2: otp: ? Maybe he has a lover we don't know about who also works at the police station.
3: brotp: Him and Eddie Valiant of course!
4: notp: Him with Jessica or Dolores
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That he's been a friend of Eddie's since his brother was still alive and on the force. That he doesn't have as much of a prejudice towards toons as his detective buddy does.
6: favorite line from this character: "Marvin Acme...the rabbit CACKED him last night!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: He has to look away when Doom dips the shoe.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: That he treats Eddie's drinking problem as an inconvinience instead of an addiction.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Complete cinnamon roll, just a very professional one.
Marvin Acme
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1: sexuality headcanon: He likes the laaaaddiies
2: otp: Don't know? I always assumed he was already married and if not that at least has a string of messy affairs/seperations with both human and toon women.
3: brotp: I'll bet he was at least on speaking terms with RK Maroon before his death.
4: notp: Him and Jessica Rabbit of any sort, even fake for the cameras.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He's pulled the disappearing ink trick with wealthier and scarier people. Some found it amusing, others earned him a black eye.
6: favorite line from this character: "Oh it's a Panic!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I love cartoons and I laugh a lot.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The fact that he keeps on pestering Eddie with his gags even after Eddie has made it clear that he's not in the mood. Also the Patty-Cake pictures, where he's making all those sounds but you can't see what's happening!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: A little bit of both. On one hand, he loves what he does and clearly has a respect for Toons but he also did business with Maroon which eventually lead to his death at the hands of Judge Doom.
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1: sexuality headcanon: Heterosexual and in love/going steady with Eddie Valiant
2: otp: Dolores and Eddie
3: brotp: Also her and Eddie as well as her and Roger but I quite like the idea of her being good friends with Jessica.
4: notp: Her and any of her patrons.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That she and Eddie love Catalina so much because it was where they met. Eddie, Teddy and their father were doing a circus show there and needed a volunteer from the audience. He pulled a bouquet out of thin air and gave it to her and then pretended to saw her in half - it was so romantic!
6: favorite line from this character: Too many! She's such a sass mouth! "Dabbling in watercolours, Eddie?" "Is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" and "Is he always this funny or only on days when he's wanted for murder?"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: That she works hard and is tired all the time.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The scene where she sees Eddie and Jessica together and Eddie's trousers have fallen down while Jessie is talking to him and it looks...bad. Doesn't help tt he bumps his head on her chest as he goes to pull them up.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll that you don't want to mess with!
Baby Herman
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1: sexuality headcanon: He loves human women...and is possibly a little bit gay for some male toons. (But the idea of that is weird to me, because he's literally a baby it's like shipping Stewie Griffen with someone.)
2: otp: Him and his human girlfriend that you see in the movie. I think she's just credited as "Ms Herman."
3: brotp: Baby Herman and Roger Rabbit. Before Roger started being late to rehearsals and messing up his cues, they were best friends.
4: notp: Probably him and Jessica, although he is very envious of Roger.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He plays both male and female baby roles. That everything in his home is baby-themed, right down to the giant cot and mobile. If he needs anything, he calls his mistress via a baby monitor.
6: favorite line from this character: "The whole thing stinks like yesterday's diapers!" and "What da hell was wrong with that take?!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: Looks pure but is actually a foul-mouth.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When he throws a tantrum because he dropped his cigar after Eddie pushed his pram down the hall...and when he darts underneath a woman's skirt...and the fact that he claims to have a "50 year old lust and a 3 year old dinky..." Wtf.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Both. He's a baby who chain smokes and can wrap anyone around his little finger by offering to pay them.
Benny the Cab
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1: sexuality headcanon: Well he's a car, so I don't think gender's an issue. If you're wheels are shined and you got a nice set of headlights, he doesn't mind.
2: otp: I'd pair him with a nice flower-glass Corvette.
3: brotp: Benny and Roger. He is Roger's car after all.
4: notp: Him and any human character.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That he also often appears in Roger Rabbit shorts, as the vehicle for a quick getaway during a chase, or comedic car wash scene.
6: favorite line from this character: "Sister, Mary Francis, what the hell happened in here?" and "I can't believe they locked me up for driving on the sidewalk!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: Likes helping, makes sarcastic quips.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: That he drives straight through the Dip and burns his tires and has to waddle over to Roger when he finds him which is like the equivalent of burning your feet with acid to him. Also, when he tells Roger to be careful using a real gun because "this ain't no cartoon ya know!" ...As he, a car, drives away in his own car.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll unless you're a fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Smartass Weasel
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1: sexuality headcanon: I'm going to go with pansexual. He only cares if you have status and are not human (though that doesn't mean he hasn't had a fling with one or two.)
2: otp: No love interest in the film. Although I'm kind of a sucker for a tough guy character falling for a really sweet and innocent character.
3: brotp: Him and the rest of the Toon Patrol. He does care for them and he only hits them for laughing because he knows they are suscepitable to dying from it. Also, I feel like he would have gotten along better with Eddie Valiant had he not fallen in with Judge Doom because they're both bitter and hate the industry.
4: notp: I would say him and Doom. Or any of his boys.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That he was drawn to be wicked but not a villain. He has multiple other items aside from his suit that are bright pink because he likes to dress flashy...and that the only people exempt from potential target by his patrol are children.
6: favorite line from this character: Honestly, every line of his is terrific. "Step outta line and we'll leave you and your laundry out to dry!" "Say Boss, what do we do with the wallflower?" and "Want us to disresemble the place?"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: Small but feisty.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: That all his team members get cute little toon ghosts when they die but he just...dissolves in Dip.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Problematic fave definetly! But even though he's mean, sneaky and carries a lot of weapons, he's also funny, charming and I can't help but feel a bit sorry for him because he was just tryig to please his boss. Weasels certainly are assigned villain roles in cartoons and maybe he was just fed up with it so he decided to become a real one.
Greasy Weasel
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1: sexuality headcanon: Heterosexual, biromantic...and he's an utter sex-pest.
2: otp: He needs someone who can reign him and his desires in so he can actually focus on whatever he's doing.
3: brotp: Him and the rest of the Toon Patrol, especially Smartass. He admires his boss' attitude.
4: notp: Him and Jessica. Their encounter in the film is cringe-worthy to watch.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: That he has a gentler, romantic side deep down but doesn't want to show it because he has too much bravado.
6: favorite line from this character: "I'll handle this one..." followed closely by a LOT of uncensored Spanish curse words!
7: one way in which I relate to this character: We both get crushes easily.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When he reaches down Jessica's dress. He's so confident until her hidden bear-trap clamps onto his hand. He probably replayed the first three seconds beforehand over and over in his head though.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Problematic fav for sure! Perverted, knife-wielding henchman who reaches into someone's bosom in a canon Disney movie. Yet, he's still weirdly adorable. If he were human, I might say different.
Wheezy Weasel
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1: sexuality headcanon: I'm just going to say it...I headcanon him as gay and asexual.
2: otp: Don't really see him with anyone unless they're another smoker, (or are willing to put up with smoke.)
3: brotp: Definetly him and Stupid! Look at the way they drill through the wall together and laugh at our hero's predicaments towards the end if the film! They're great pals, having a good time!
4: notp: Him and Greasy.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He enjoys Camel cigarettes the best. And he's the best card player in the group.
6: favorite line from this character: It's so funny because he doesn't have many lines in the movie so I'm just going to say his dialogue from the Cartoon Spin ride at Disneyland "But Boss, Benny knows ToonTown, like the back of his tread!" and his laugh.
7: one way that I relate to this character: Chill most days until I see or hear something funny then I lose it.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: The fact that he tries to grab onto his ghost to try and pull it back into his body before it leaves.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Problematic fav. Carries a tommy gun and is not afraid to use it, knows that smoking won't do him any harm since he's a toon and is good at following orders even if they're immoral.
Psycho Weasel
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1: sexuality headcanon: N/A Psycho is like the family dog. A feral one...that was rescued from the streets.
2: otp: None. Unless you like snuggling, just mind the teeth.
3: brotp: Psycho and Stupid as well as him and Wheezy. Wheezy is like a parent looking after him and Stupid is like his sibling.
4: notp: Basically him with any other character.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He doesn't really use his barber-shop razor for anything nefarious, but he likes how threatening he looks with it. Also, when you scratch behind his ear, his leg does the scritch thing where he kicks behind it.
6: favorite line from this character: "Time to kill the raaaabbbit...hee hee!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: We're both a bit mad. He's just toonier. And we laugh like maniacs.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: When Eddie Valiant just straight up kicks him across across the bar when he tries to attack him.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: I'm going to say he's a problematic cinnamon roll. He has no problem doing wicked things but he's too small and cute to really be considered awful. At one point Eddie snatches Marvin Acme's will out of his hands and he looks like a kicked puppy. He bad but he baby.
Stupid Weasel
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1: sexuality headcanon: A hopeless romantic for anyone, but too dumb to realise when someone's flirting with him.
2: otp: I like the idea of him and an equally dim character so they can both be ignorant and happy together.
3: brotp: Stupid and Psycho. They're just the children of the patrol.
4: notp: Him with his boys or human characters.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He once got into a heated argument with another weasel who had broken into their hideout until Smartass informed him he was looking at a mirror.
6: favorite line from this character: Again, he gets hardly any lines. "Boss! Look at the little birdies!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I have my moments where common sense just leaves me.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Him falling backwards into a row of humans at the bar when he is pushed by Eddie. They just...goes right down, like bowling pins or dominos.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Despite being in the Toon Patrol he's a total cinnamon roll. I don't even think he knows what he's doing half the time and that's really sweet.
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So Here are the Spoilers -Volume III
AKA I have not been this mad at Cheritz for ages. Let’s deep dive.
Warning: this post contains spoilers and mentions of abuse and p*dophilia. 
Also Rika.
So much Rika...
I am mad, yo
Not even mad, I am furious.
As I usually do when I give my thoughts like this, here is what I wanted from V after end and Rika DLC
V moving on with his life and having a happy ending with MC
The RFA healing and also moving on
A focus on MC and V!! And their love???? You know?? The point of him having a route in the first place.
An exploration of Rika’s past and Mint Eye, to fill in all the blanks we have so far 
Rika facing justice and seeking redemption.
I’ll be honest.
If you want fluffy V and MC content, go ahead and play the existing ends. The after end is not really about V at all. It’s along the same lines as Secret Ends 02, where your LI isn’t really present and instead dealing with their own emotional turmoil and issues. 
And, you know. To an extent I would have been okay with this in V content. V is the leader of the RFA and it would be weird if the fall out from Rika wasn’t even addressed. My beef about this is that we don’t get a secret end 01 where MC and V are together, repairing problems together. We don’t see V at all for 98% of the story. We get more Rika content than V...which is a whole other issue I’ll get to in a bit. Hell...I’m pretty sure we get more VANDERWOOD than V. (Don’t get me wrong...I like Vanderwood, but wtf??) 
It’s honestly the same complaint I have for both Jumin’s after end and Valentine’s DLC, where he’s not even present for most of it and it feels like a waste of time and hourglasses. (And at 80 hourglasses per chapter, plus another 100 to unlock both endings, it doesn’t come cheap.)
V and MC’s ‘happy ending’ is an afterthought. V’s entire presence in the after end is an ‘oh by the way, remember V? The character whose after end you’re in I guess???’
It was good to see the RFA healing and moving on. I was so heartbroken by Jumin’s inability to cope with what was going on, even as he took extra care to make sure the rest of the RFA were fine. I loved Yoosung’s anger and conflict over this person he’d admired and respected for so long. I loved Seven’s complete breakdown over the potential loss of his brother.
I loved that they got reunited!
What I didn’t like?
The forcedness. 
The after end gives you two choices: Judge or Forgive. I hoped that they would be complimentary to one another, like in Seven’s Valentine DLC, where both were good ends, just different in tone.
Well, boy was I wrong!
From the beginning of the After End, you are pushed towards Forgiveness, with the MC being portrayed as completely unreasonable and borderline hysterical if they show even an ounce of resentment and anger towards Rika. If you go on to unlock the Judgement ending, Cheritz not only spits in your face but every single one of her victims.
There is a short VN sequence called Rika Circus, where you are mocked for essentially enjoying torture porn and wanting Rika to come to a cruel end and suffer a horrible fate. It’s the judgement ending, but you the player are judged instead. 
Just getting these screens made me feel physically sick:
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I don’t know where to begin with this bs. Maybe with the preface that I am an abuse survivor and pushing the idea that victims have to forgive their abusers in any way shape or form and aren’t allowed to hold even a small amount of anger towards them is completely shameful? This ending literally borders on the same gaslighting logic that if a victim stands up to their abuser they are the shitty one and hyper aggressive. I wish I could explain how bad this ending was for my PTSD. 
Actually no. I will explain.
The most important lesson I got from my therapist was how okay it was to be angry, because it was an acknowledgement that I was a victim and my abuser was in the wrong. That I didn’t have to forgive her if I didn’t want to. That it was important for me to feel valid in my emotions.
Maybe what bothered me was the cognitive dissonance (and gaslighting) that an MC wanting Rika to face justice must 100% want her to die or live out the rest of her days being mistreated and even sexually assaulted? Like??? How about no?? Are there no jails in Mysme’s universe? No community service? We know from the Judgement end that she got a life sentence, so it’s not like the MC sentenced her to death.
Maybe it’s because the player is given very valid choices e.g. being suspicious of the cult leader who stabbed their boyfriend and tortured numerous people, but are framed along the same lines as the MC being like KILL HER *knife emoji*. 
Maybe it’s because this ending is the first time the player gets close to knowing Rika’s past and then is made to feel guilty about not knowing it? 
I just
/deep breaths
my hands haven’t stopped shaking for hours haHA fuck my life
I can’t help but feel like this after end undid absolutely all of the highlights of V’s route. V only mentions his love being an obsession in the judgement endings.
Actually, all of the RFA’s reactions in the judgement ending are the same as their reactions to finding out the truth about Rika in V’s route. Jumin wants her to have a life sentence despite his conflict about it. Yoosung is upset and mad. Zen wants nothing to do with her.
And this is the ‘bad’ ending.
The forgiveness ending is pretty Rika centric and incorporates V’s good end. The RFA is back to normal, V comes back fine. It’s strongly implied that he and Rika both spent time in Alaska together before coming to propose to MC. Rika, as far as we know, never faced punishment for her crimes, which is framed as a good thing.
Perhaps the most abhorrent part of the forgiveness ending is that it’s the only one where Rika comes forward and confesses the truth about the twins...which...  I’m not sure why C&R’s fate, the Chois being safe etc et al comes down to MC’s feelings about Rika. It’s a disservice to Rika more than anything, because it seems like she only comes clean because MC was nice to her and not because...you know.. it was the right thing to do.
And this brings me onto the treatment of Rika in the route and DLC and holy shit, it’s a ride.
No, Rika is not redeemed. 
Yes, she is woobified to hell and back and then twice more.
We learn that Rika was adopted by Yoosung’s relatives, who were cruel and devoted to the Catholic church. Later she was verbally abused and assaulted by a priest. She later decided to take power in the fact that people would be afraid of her and thought she was Satan etc.
I’ll be blunt.
Rika’s DLC is just an expensive retcon. It’s seven chapters at 60HG each just to be told that Rika had a sad past and all of her terrible actions came from being treated badly. She does not even get to be held accountable for Mint Eye, because Cheritz gave her a sister who actually was the one to tell her not to trust V or the RFA and poisoned her mind.
Rika does not, nor ever, get a proper redemption because even in her own DLC it’s never admitted that she was in the wrong...which is some bullshit logic because...well..it’s really jarring to have it constantly reinforced that Rika did nothing wrong and should not be judged because of her sad past at the hands of her foster mother with cult-like beliefs... because if we take from it the fact that Rika became essentially the same, by extension shouldn’t we then forgive her abusers because we don’t know their story either? Should we shrug off any notion that the priest should be imprisoned because judging people is bad and we just want him to be tortured and forgiveness is the way to go?
I’m just
I don’t know what I expected but
they still managed to disappoint me
To summarise, the after end is bullshit, V isn’t even there for most of it, Rika gets no redemption arc and is treated like an uwu flower crown victim and it’s all very manipulative and rushed lmao. It’s a waste of hourglasses and time and literally undoes everything good that came before it
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done-dm · 6 years
Talks Machina Summary, Episode 53
First off, my apologies for not updating as soon as I usually do, but life is a thing. As much as I would prefer watching Talks Machina to studying for AP Stats, life comes first. Without further ado, this was the episode:
Sam, Matt, and Brian start off by discussing the success of the Kickstarter campaign.
Comparing the number of whispers between campaign one and two.
Taking a moment to appreciate a beautiful new coffee table.
Matt gives some insight into how he shapes NPCs in player backstories by taking into account both the worldbuilding and the information the players have given him. It’s all about trust between the player and DM, keeping in mind the intent of the player, and coming up with good ways to surprise them with it.
Nott is capable of recognizing beauty (even if not in her species), and “when the minotaur strutted by with, uh, with his, I don’t know, shanks?” she definitely saw it there. Nott feels freed up to “look around” knowing that her man is out there.
As a DM, expect your players to thirst after the NPCs.
Matt is enjoying populating the city of monsters since he can switch up common scenarios with more monstrous races (hence the kobolds in a trench coat; there are five of them, and they all have names).
If anything happened to Caleb, Nott would see Caduceus as the new leader (anybody but Fjord).
Prodding about Fjord’s alignment.
If Beau had won the brawl, Dairon’s true form would have been revealed. She wasn’t planning to get involved in the fight until Beau did.
A description of Matt’s brainstorming process.
Nott has thought about how Yeza might react to her when they find him. She is terrified of it and doesn’t want him to see her the way she is, but desperately wants to see him safe again.
Matt had lots of fun using a monk and spamming stunning strike. The fight was a good way to show the progression of the Cobalt Soul monk subclass.
Matt’s favorite class to play as an NPC is wizard.
Nott still gets the “itch” but hasn’t for some time due to the group’s circumstances. She only tried to get the diamond after the fight because it was shiny and seemed important (she doesn’t necessarily know that it could be used to save on of their lives in the future).
When Beau walked into the Four Corners, she had a “wtf are you doing here?” moment. Dairon thought Beau would get herself killed and felt the need to intervene.
Nott’s opinion on goblins has changed since coming into the city. Meeting Zorth specifically has helped ease some of her biases, but she is still fairly anti-goblin.
Nott puts flowers in other people’s hair because it’s a halfling superstition.
Matt did not practice Madame Musk’s character voice in advance.
Nott just enjoys messing with Fjord. However, deep down, Nott thinks that she and Fjord are not so different from each other, and that bugs her.
Most of the stuff below is about “The Search for Grog.” You have been warned.
Matt misses the camaraderie of Vox Machina. The Mighty Nein is getting there, but there is still a long way to go. He does not miss the level 20 combat.
Every time they describe how gross the campaign one mug was it GETS WORSE.
Matt wanted to throw shade on Vox Machina for giving Grog the deck of many things right when things were ending with the campaign.
“The Search for Bob” stretch goal has been met, so we’ll be getting to that eventually.
Sam enjoyed signing inspirations as Scanlan again.
Matt decided Percy was going to lose his arm during the one shot weeks before it began. Sam thought it was funny because he has never seen Matt do anything like that before.
Matt took Liam and Ashley’s components to introduce a new level of challenge to the party.
Matt had no idea Liam planned to twist the knife of Vax’s death that much with his new character.
Scanlan wiped Grog’s memory at the end to keep the continuity of him not knowing what happened and to mess with him.
Matt did not expect the moment with Trinket to have as much significance in the one shot as he did.
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whatkatetoldme · 7 years
The secret language of modern dating
“Haha yeah honestly you’re the only girl I’m talking to.” -Every Tom, Dick & Harry
It was late summer in a kingdom near the Nile River. The year was 900 B.C. and the setting sun was beating down on the land. Sixteen-year-old Amisi, the village chief’s daughter, was watching the burning ball of fire melt into the landscape. 
She was tending to her younger siblings but her mind was elsewhere; she couldn’t get her mind off Raia, the seventeen-year-old son of one of their villages farmers. Amisi’s name meant “flower” and for 14 sunsets, Raia had left blue lotuses - her favorite flowers - near the entrance of her home. Why hadn’t he left the flowers for the past two sunsets? Was he upset with her? Was it Bahiti, the other chiefs’ daughter? Was she not beautiful enough?
Flash forward through the ages of tight corsets, bad mullet haircuts, and Britney’s ‘09 meltdown, and the unfortunate truth is evident:
nothing. has fucking. changed.
Our hearts go out to Amisi and those freakin’ lotus flowers. WTF Raia? Why the sudden silence? I, for one, am all-too-familiar with this fun little ghosting game boys seem to love. So, rather than bitching and moaning about the cruelty of man (because LOL, we’re not dealing with men here...), I’ve decided to break down the dating game and its players - who’s the player now, boys?
Casper The Unfriendly Ghost (Ghosting)
We’re all familiar with Casper The Friendly Ghost but in the land of dating and dickheads, Casper’s not so friendly. No longer do we fear the ghosts that go “BOO” but the ghosts that call us “boo”. “Casper” will talk you up, take you on a nice date, maybe even leave blue lotuses at your doorstep. But suddenly you get nothing - no text, no explanation - nothing. Casper’s now MIA, there are no more blue lotuses and nice dates, and you’re left wondering if maybe you had spinach in your teeth during the whole date.
Hansel & Gretel (Breadcrumbing)
I don’t know about you, but the story of Hansel & Gretel never sat well with me. Quick synopsis - H & G are abandoned in the woods by their father and evil step mother (boring cliche) but Hansel tries marking the path with breadcrumbs so he and his sister could find their way home.
"Hansel” is your master breadcrumb-er. He’ll throw you a like on Instagram or hit you with a “wyd” or “u up?” text at 12 a.m. on a Tuesday just so he stays within your realm of awareness. Hansel may be leaving you crumbs here and there to occasionally pique your interest but he has no actual intention of having a relationship with you. Yeah, you’re right. It’s pretty...crummy.
Bernie & Phyl (Cushioning) 
There’s nothing quite like flopping on the couch your parents got at Bernie & Phyls after a long, exhausting day. Sinking into those soft cushions is always a good idea - unless you’re the cushion. 
“Bernie” sees you as a cushion. He might take a page out of Hansel’s book and sprinkle some breadcrumbs in your direction - enough breadcrumbs to make you think that maybe he really does want to take you to his lake house over the summer. But Bernie has another plan in mind; he tends to several “cushions” in case the relationship he’s in doesn’t work out. If Bernie’s main bae decides to ditch him, he’ll have plenty of other girls to sweet talk. I don’t know about you, but I ain’t no side cushion.  
Casper’s older brother (Haunting)
If you dislike Casper, wait until you meet his older brother. Casper’s older brother has already mastered the craft of ghosting - now he’s on to haunting. 
Casper’s older brother has a repertoire of lady friends that he’s ghosted over the years. Whether she’s an old fling from study hall or a former co-worker, his iPhone is jam packed with names and numbers. 
Casper’s older brother haunts his ex-lady friends. Perhaps Kelly was a hot romance from summers’ past - Casper’s bro will send her a text after two years of radio silence. “Miss me?” he might say. Maybe Molly and him had something real going between them but he cut it off with no explanation. Why not throw her a like on an Instagram picture from last Christmas? Or what about Shannon, his ride-or-die coworker for a summer - until Football season came around. Casper’s big bro will toss Shannon a “poke” on Facebook, just when she was finally getting over him.
Now, before the streets erupt in protest, I know that not all guys are like this. I understand that there are also female versions of all these characters - Gretel’s no walk in the park, either. But the four types of dudes mentioned above are the kind of guys that ladies deal with on a daily basis - this is coming from a place of frustration and exasperation. 
Google Translate is great when it comes to translating “you’re sexy” into Greek to impress the hot dude from Athens who Super Liked you on Tinder. But unfortunately, the secret language of dating has no translation. We live in a time in which we communicate our mutual attraction for one another by right-swiping them on an app that we use when we’re peeing or trying to kill time. We show our affection by tagging each other in memes (which I LOVE, don’t get me wrong) instead of actually making each other laugh face-to-face. 
This post is in no way an attempt to change the current climate of dating. Mostly because you better believe my ass is mature enough to handle a relationship, so I’m not the issue here (*puts salt shaker away bc I’m already salty enough*). So boys, think of this as a public service announcement:
get your shit together.
And ladies - hang in there, and don’t settle for anything less than a guy who gives you blue lotuses after every sunset. 
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tumblunni · 8 years
Bwoop! Cathedral tower defense ideas! Havent really made much damn progress on this game since I havent got a design for the protagonist yet, but at least now I have designs for two of the party members. (Thanks @summon-daze!) So for now lets just have some rambling ideas for potential sidequests you could have with these two!
BRIEF SUMMARY TIME Amity: Protagonist. A gruff and badass wandering priestess whose homeland was destroyed in the war. Now she’s joined another church in a foreign land and is dertermined to defend it against the demons, and never let that tragedy happen again! But she has to win the trust of these strangers first, and teach them how to survive... Florin: First and only party member you begin with at the start, deuterogonist, cute sidekick of sass and pep. He’s a plant type demon who’s haunting Amity for reasons unknown, and refuses to leave! Now she’s stuck trying to get rid of him, while he insists on being annoyingly helpful yet comically lazy at the same time. Also, as an incidental fact, he suffers from narcolepsy. Malachi: Optional party member, and the only other demon in the cast. An adorable little choir boy who doesn’t seem entirely aware that he’s become a demon. It’d be cruel to judge him the same as the others, we need to keep him safe! He’s quiet and cuddly and comically oblivious. What do you mean humans don’t enjoy eating rocks??
* Multiple different attempts to get rid of Florin, which all inevitably fail and end up causing him and Amity to become closer buddies. TFW you try to exorcise a guy and end up frolicking through the fields of friendship~! * Similarly, it could be fun to have some silly plans to trick him into being less lazy. Predictably the answer is just gonna be ‘when you’re nicer to him, he actually wants to put in the effort’, but that doesnt mean we cant have some fun shenanigans in the process! * Amity sneaking around trying to spy on Florin and find him doing something evil. He’s GOT to be here to pull off some ultimate plot, right?? Lol, 90% of their friendship is just Amity being suspicious as heck and Florin rudely persisting in being harmless. * A plot where somehow they actually do get separated, and Amity begins to realise how helpful her lil demon sidekick has actually become, and how much she genuinely appreciates him as a friend. Could possibly be that instead of being gone, Florin is ill with some sort of demon sickness and you need to go on a grand quest to save him? or maybe he’s been kidnapped by a villain who wants to use his powers for nefarious purposes, and accuses you of doing the same thing because why on earth else would you pretend to care about this monster? (And then when you rescue him you can have the grumpy excuse that of course you only did it because he’d be dangerous as anyone else’s sidekick. No affection was involved at all!!) * Mysterious flowers are appearing around the cathedral, and Amity starts to suspect that Florin is setting up some sort of evil demon plan. But she actually discovers that this is a sign of how much he’s genuinely begun caring about the other npcs, he’s been paying attention to their troubles and secretly giving them the flowers he thinks they’d most like, without wanting to take any credit for it. So you get a sassy friendship scene of Amity blackmailing him by threatening to reveal he’s been being nice! Thus florin gains the bonus skill of opening a little flower store. (And blushing himself to death every time anyone says thank you) * A conflict between Amity and Florin, where she accuses him of just being lazy as always, but this time he really was trying! He started off not caring about anyone, and only working when it benefitted him, but now he’s working his butt off and has become really self-concious about the fact he’s not really able to keep up with the rest of the party. And so he ends up talking about his narcolepsy problem with her, and if they have enough friendship points she starts being more considerate and trying to help him out with it. And maybe unlocks a longer quest chain of improving the home base’s medical facilities? * Florin hibernates in winter, everyone has to cope without him and realises how much they miss him. Like a repeat of the earlier quest where he’s kidnapped, but this is a new perspective on how Amity feels about it now they’ve been close friends for a while. And also how everyone else around the church feels. Maybe a plot of them all deciding to write down letters for him to read when he wakes up? And maybe tensions getting high when some sort of disaster happens, and Amity is like ‘oh god i dont want to have to tell Florin that this place fell apart without him’. (With it being up to player choice whether you include the bad points in the letter, or try and hide it from him.) * A potential bad ending for Florin, and how things continue afterwards. I think he’d be one of the characters who (initially at least) doesnt die when defeated in battle. If he’s taken out, he’s just near-mortally wounded and recovers after a very tense period where he’s in a coma. And then the plot explores everyone’s feelings at almost losing him, and his own feelings of uselessness now he’s too injured to go back to the fight. And because malachi can become like an adoptive brother to florin, they can still have a happy ending together even if florin has been removed from the party like this. He retires to take care of his lil bro full time, and he doesnt worry about feeling useless when he knows he’s got someone who thinks the world of him. And Malachi can inherit some of his skills and equipment since now Florin can devote all his time to tutoring him into taking up his former place in the army. * Oh, and of course Malachi’s recruitment sidequest! You’d first encounter him as a feral rock beast in a dungeon somewhere, and there’s a conflict between Amity and Florin because she believes this thing needs to be destroyed and he insists that they can redeem it. He can sense it’s a demon, and its got to be corrupted if it’s going wild like this! But Amity believes that demons are inherantly evil, so this one’s behaviour isnt unusual like florin thinks. She’s aknowledged that florin isn’t evil, but she still feels he’s an exception amoung demons! But eventually she’s convinced to take a chance on florin’s convictions, because its rare for him to be so un-lazy about something, and to defend something even at the risk of his own life. So they manage to find a way to purify the monster, and find out that it was a very young child, underneath all that scary rock armour. So if they’d slain it without a second thought, they would have committed an unforgiveable sin... * Malachi’s next sidequest would be convincing him to leave the ruins and come home with them, while exploring the dungeon to try and find out what exactly happened to turn such a sweet kid into a demon. (Not to mention the fact he was absolutely crazed with corruption!) I don’t wanna spoil the ending to this, but I have a lot of Sad Ideas for this charrie, hee hee~ * A potential plotline that once Malachi joins the church base, he could have trouble making friends with the normal human children. I Had an idea of a bully character who’d get redeemed and ultimately become accepted as his friend after a big ol sad apology scene, and then they become this misfit buddies duo. And the ostracization from the other kids doesnt hurt as much when he’s got this tough former-bully lady defending him against her former-comrades. * And he also grows closer to Florin as theyre the only two demons, and florin was the one who saved him. Plus they both enjoy sitting buried in the flowerbed and eating dirt! I think the relationship wouldnt start off this close though, Mal would initially be scared of Florin. Since he doesnt know that he himself is a demon, he just thinks florin is the only demon and he has much the same fears as Amity once had when the story began. But it could be more comical, because its inherantly silly when you have this kid with giant horns yelling ‘ITS A DEMON’ and hiding behind the couch XD And eventually he does grow to love florin like a parent, but he’s still comically oblivious. He just decides that florin ISNT a demon, of course! He’s just... a little more green than other people!! * Possibly a plot of everyone holding a funeral for malachi to cheer him up, since he never had one when he died as a human. But since malachi doesnt comprehend the whole concept, he’s just like ‘when normal people get put in the ground they sleep forever, why did i wake up? is it because i never got tucked in like they did?’ And then it could be funny like bender’s fake funeral in futurama, but also a bit bittersweet and sad and heartwarming. * Sudden panic! Malachi accidentally calls florin ‘dad’, and florin FREAKS THE FRICKLE FRACK OUT! ‘I’m not a good influence, amity! aaaaa!!!’ Worries too much about not being good enough, maybe comically tries to change his personality into a generic sitcom father and malachi is like ‘wtf’ * Possibly a plot about malachi and florin bonding as demons, and figuring out what being demons even necessarily means. I’m thinking florin might be a bit scared by seeing how malachi can sometimes hulk out and run on pure instinct. Its such a huge contrast that this sweet kind child can have such bloodthirstiness inside him, he doesnt understand how malachi seems to enjoy fighting. And he doesnt understand how malachi can think he can control it! He gets a bit scared that this means the fighting side of him is the real side, and the childlike side is just a front, just a lie like everyone says demons manipulate everyone. And does this mean that florin himself is the same? Is he just deluding himself that he can be good? So the resolution is florin being able to accept that both parts of malachi are still malachi, and its completely possible to have both sides without being evil. It is indeed in the nature of demons to fight, but they dont enjoy destruction or evil, its not like holding back some horrible monster who’ll murder everyone you love. And florin has always been holding back this side, he’s been afraid of using his powers too much, worrying he only exists to kill. Malachi helps him accept that his powers have equal potential to heal and to harm, and that it IS possible to control them, that the choice between good and evil is indeed his own choice. At the same time this helps malachi accept that he is indeed a demon, and cope with remembering his horrifying backstory. Knowing that he isnt alone, and that demons dont have to be evil, he’ll be able to be okay, and he has this other demon friend who can help him though it. And they’re able to work out the whole Fearsome Demonic Instincts by doing some playfight sparring together like total dorks XD If you’re worried about your sense of control, then never using your powers wont help! Gotta actually practise! * Possibly florin officially adopting malachi as his son, and its possible for the player to expand out and make more bases once you’ve fully upgraded the cathedral. And maybe florin could become the boss of this new place, and turn it into like an orphange for malachi and others? it could be a big sign of his character development that he’s come this far! Also it could just be hilarious to imagine how baffled travellers would be. “Aaaa there’s a demon and he’s... looking after small children??” “We must rescue the small children from that horrible demon and take them to the orphanage!” *knocks on the door and its florin again*
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